#you don't have to do it if you don't want to of course
kumzorg · 1 day
All the arguments online about Vivian's trans identity used old japanese version as a reference point, so I wanted to see what japanese community has to say about it, and was suprised to see that it's in fact the game's original text that was rewritten.
Original japanese text:
" "Three Shadow Sisters"? Where did you get that!? You're not even a girl!"
"I'm sorry, sister..."
Rewritten japanese text:
"It's not "Three Shadow Sisters", its "Three Shadows Crew"! I'm always telling you that, damnit!"
"I'm sorry... it's just, in my heart I'm your sister as well..."
And checking the currect remake translation i t is very much exactly the same text, it makes it less as direct hatred for her identity and more like dismissal of her as a part of the family. Compare to Gamecube english version, where she is instead mocked for her looks, but not gender identity. This is so interesting to me, because in modern political scene the most annoying opinion is how "localizers are erasing culture and trying to push their own narative", when in this same game the older english translation erased character's whole identity, opting to instead make it less obvious and in a way going againts the original intent. And seeing that the modern remake is even more progressive even without english intervention makes me so happy, although I do admit it's not AS clear about it as original text. It's not bad of course, later on she directly says that "Even if my body is male, my heart is of a pretty girl." I don't know if you can be any more clear about it than that.
If anything, japanese people are at the worst neutral, and at the best are just as excited that a character that they love gets proper recognition from game's text.
What 90% of comments were more focused on is when naked invisible Peach walks on the ground and you can hear her bare feet slapping sounds, they have different priorities.
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nanaslutt · 3 days
HI NANA ILY spiral anon again i have a request ^.^ reread ur 'stealing ur panties' smau and i'm so obsessed with the nanami one do u think u would ever write perv nanami? like as a coworker or an apartment neighbour stealing ur panties from the laundromat... idk i'm kinda obsessed w the concept n i need it TY <33 -🌀
ʚ cont: fem reader, perv!Nanami, panty stealing, fantasizing, jerking off, masturbation (r!)
ʚ note: my reqests are closed, i just woke up wanting to write a little and found this gem in my inbox
Perv!Nanami has been working so hard over the past year to get close to you, his pretty little neighbor. You have the same impression of him that everybody else shares about the handsome man; kind, gentle, and caring. And that's exactly what he wants you to think about him when he knocks on your door and asks you if you would like to eat with him because he "ordered too much takeout." Or when he so kindly comes to your house each week to take your laundry down to the shared washers and dryers the apartments provide because of, "convenience."
And of course, you say yes, how could you not? Nanami is such a good guy, and you know your clothes will be safe with him, that he'll treat them good and return them to you folded and smelling like poppies. And because NAnami is such a nice man, you never even think twice when he brings your laundry to you hours later and you're missing a pair or two of panties. You don't worry about it, they always show up sooner or later--and the pink pair sitting on top of the pile of freshly cleaned clothes? You could've sworn those have been missing for weeks but maybe they were just buried at the bottom of the pile and you missed them, yeah, that had to be it.
Nanami doesn't want you growing suspicious and he sure as hell doesn't want you spending your precious money on new panties if you think you're missing your old ones. He convinces you that you've been so busy lately and probably misplaced the undergarments after coming home and peeling your clothes off after a long day. You blush at the thought of Nanami seeing you in such a state, and the look on your face and the way you avert your eyes doesn't go unnoticed by the man in front of you, trying to convince you your panties will show up again.
And they always do. Right after Nanami finishes taking real good care of them, just like he'll do to you one day. After Nanami so generously offers to take your clothes down, he sets the basket on top of the already rattling dryer and closes the door so no one walks in and sees what he's about to do. God, he doesn't know what he would do if you walked in on him like this. At first, Nanami was good about taking your panties and hauling them up to his room to worship them, but the urge to have you only grew every day, leading him to now pull his pants down and wrap your panties around his cock almost the moment he steps inside the laundry room.
Nanami hastily digs through your basket, searching for the prettiest pair of panties as his sore cock throbs against his hard zipper, begging for release. He prays you didn't notice the way his cock strained against his pants when he was convincing you you lost your panties after a long day's work, hoping the basket he held over his crotch covered most of his problem. After acquiring his target, Nanami leans back against the door with his full weight and fishes his cock from his pants, hard and dripping between his legs, a little wetness falling and making contact with the floor.
Nanami wastes no time before holding your panties up to his nose and inhaling, his hand already working furiously over his cock, wet noises, and muffled grunts getting drowned out by the rattling dryer in front of him. The 'nice' man paints generous pictures in his head of his pretty little neighbor exhausted after work, barely closing her door before stripping off her clothes in the hall, leading to her room.
He's unable to stop the groan that surfaces as he drops his head against the door and lets his eyes fall shut, wrapping the part of your panties that touches your cunt against his tip, rubbing his own wetness against yours while jerking himself off with his other hand now, legs spreading the longer he goes. He feels himself already so close to the end as he pictures your dripping body in the shower, scrubbing the day off of you. He would spend so much time helping you get clean if he had the chance. He would also make sure to spend plenty of time washing your tits, wondering how long he could get away with groping you there before you figured out he had ulterior motives for cleaning you.
Nanami pulled his lip between his teeth as he imagined your now soaked body walking out of the shower, leaving a trail of water behind you from your poor job of drying off before you plopped down onto your bed, bedroom already dim as you reached a hand between your thighs, finding that ache, that need between them that would finally relax your sore body after such a hard day.
His thrusts speed up as he vividly watches you in his mind as you push a finger between your folds, gasping in relief before you start up a quick pace, your other hand alternating between playing with your clit and rubbing your chest. It usually doesn't take Nanami long once he gets to this point, his body lurching as his bach arches with spasms, his cock kicking against your panties as he dirties the fabric even more, drenching the poor thong in his thick cum that he would much rather give you, inside you.
The guilt of his acts never ceases to go away after he finishes defiling your panties, but he ignores it the best he can, putting the now ruined panties back in the hamper before he fishes out two more to keep for himself this week. Wonder if he would feel better about his deeds if he learned that his jerk-off fantasy wasn't all that wrong and that the person you use in your own fantasies to get off is your kind, gentle, and caring neighbor.
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Centaur best friend whose really fuckin horny because the poor man can't get himself off! So, he decides to ask you for help.
Friends help each other out and you're his friend, aren't you?
He swears it won't change anything between the both of you and all you'd have to give him a hand job just this once. But two weeks later, he's crawling back, begging for more, begging for your mouth this time.
He's so needy, don't you care about him?
But the blowjob turns into him needing your pussy. He's just so desperate to breed and he again promises it'll just be a one time thing, so of course you let him.
You don't want him to be in pain, do you?
His cock is fucking massive, and even after an hour of prep its a wonder he even fits, but god be dammed if it doesn't feel amazing. A "one time thing" turns into once a month event, then twice, then every week, until it devolves into him keeping you around as a flesh light for anytime he gets even slightly turned on.
What're friends for if not to help with getting out frustration, right?
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littlespoonevan · 1 day
you ever think that buck to eddie has literally always just been:
you need someone to drive you to pick up christopher? i can take you.
you need someone to drive you to the hospital? let me do it.
you need someone to call cap so you can bring christopher to the firehouse? i'll do it.
you need permanent childcare for christopher? this is carla.
chris wants to figure out how to ride a skateboard? let me help you.
chris is upset with you so he ran to me? don't worry i'll talk to him.
you're in hospital. don't worry. i'm right here. with chris. where you need me to be.
you're falling apart and you want me to pretend i don't see it but i do and i'm here and you don't have to pretend with me.
chris called me and you need me so i'm gonna break the door down and i'm gonna be here. as long as you need me.
you need to fix your walls you destroyed? let me help you put them back together again.
you want me to talk to christopher about dating? of course i will.
you want me here now even though nothing i say can fix this? i'm here, i'm here, i'm here. what can i do?
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fanaticalthings · 2 days
Give me crime lord!Jason who's actually on good terms with the batfam. Not only would it actually be helpful when it comes to missions surrounding underground/illegal operations (Jason would be able to retrieve way more insider knowledge) but also I think having a supervillain family member that you're chill with is just untapped comedic potential that needs to be taken advantage of.
Damian gets into a petty fight with Bruce, and the next day, instead of waiting for Bruce to pick him up from school, he calls Jason, who shows up in full Red Hood regalia and just rides off with Damian.
Of course everyone at school sees that Wayne's son just got snatched by Gotham's most notorious crime lord, so ofc when Bruce gets there, sees Damian missing, and hears a series of panicked whispers about a gun slinging, criminal biker riding off with a prince of Gotham, Bruce immediately knows what's up and just sighs, already anticipating the many publication companies he's gonna have to bribe to stay silent.
Sometimes, they need Jason's help with intercepting certain illegal trades within the underworld of, not just Gotham, but just common areas where shady businesses are most prevalent. And when Bruce requests that Jason brings evidence of said illegal shipments to the cave, Jason will smugly respond with "I can, but it'll cost ya"
And Bruce is all exasperated like, "Jason, please, this mission's been going on for a month, I just want to get it over with."
And Jason's just looking down at the crate of smuggled materials, recognizes that it's highly sought after by many rogues (maybe it's machinery parts or rare chemical substances, etc) and ofc Jason's about to be petty as hell when responding to Bruce:
Jason: I don't think you have any idea how valuable the stuff I have is. If I sold this myself in my part of the underground, I'd make a fortune!
Bruce: Jason
Jason: Butttt, if you're not willing to pay me for this, y'know, despite being a billionaire, I guess I could just auction this off to another willing client
Bruce: Jason
Jason: I hear Lex Luthor's been cookin' up something new for Superman. I wonder if he'd be interested?
Bruce: Son, please.
Jason: I'll give you a family discount.
And it's just a back and forth of this EVERYTIME. And Jason only does it when he's collaborating with Bruce. None of the other bats have to deal with Jason demanding money.
There was one time, during a Wayne gala where practically ALL the kids (except Jason, dude's still legally dead), had to show up. And around halfway through, the Red Hood just crashes through the skylight and then just fucking kidnaps Bruce Wayne, in front of everyone. And of course the gala has to be cut short.
Meanwhile, Bruce, in Jason's custody: I CANNOT believe you, son. WHY of all times would you do this? You are GROUNDED, I don't care if you don't live with me anymore, this is just UNACCEPTABLE-
Jason, completely ignoring him, holding up a tablet with news article headlines about this incident: Bruce, look at this shot they got of me crashing through the ceiling, I look fuckin' badass
And then when the fam (in costume) come to "save" Bruce, in a blink and you'll miss it moment, Bruce catches Cass and Jason whispering something to eachother in the corner and them fist bumping before Jason books it out of there. He can already feel a headache brewing.
And generally speaking, I feel like the batfam could be way more efficient with this arrangement. You got the regular team of bats, investigating from above, as well as being able to infiltrate socialite environments as Waynes. Then you got Jason, who can keep an eye on all the lesser exposed and lucrative activities whilst he keeps the underground businesses under his control. I feel like it would be a win win situation that would be hella interesting to see explored.
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massacredkitty · 2 days
hi honey!!!!! kay so ... how about ... mechanic abby with a mechanically clueless reader n she comes in like once a month and abby is like always giving her a huge discount n stuff idk?? do what you will with that??? lmao
also is 🐚 taken? i want that pls xx
female reader x mechanic abby anderson hcs second part is nsfw
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you stare at her hands, dirty and calloused as they do god knows what under the hood of your car. her thumb and index play around with buttons and screws, and you can't help but notice how she seems to use her middle and ring fingers regularly. maybe its muscle memory. you hope so
you've become a regular now, somehow always having car trouble since your first visit. and of course, abby is always there to help you out, standing out from her fellow mechanics that gawk and whistle when you walk in.
she is such a gentlewoman, always treating you with respect and even cursing herself out when she catches herself staring at you for too long.
you're not much better; completely focused on how her body moves. specifically when she's checking your brakes underneath your car, the bottom half of her body sticking out.
you watch as her shirt rises, revealing her toned abdomen... the way her hips push up to adjust herself— it fogs your brain up too much that when she slides out to question you, you have to take a few seconds to compose yourself.
the sweet nicknames she gives you, rather nonchalantly. you settle on the thought that she calls every girl that, all her clients. what's so special about you? but what you don't know, is that abby pays very little attention to every other client that comes in. you're very special.
and she never lets you pay full price, not even the first time you came in. you don't know how to explain that one— maybe she's just nice?
mechanic!abby who lets you stick around after her shift, when the store is empty and quiet. letting you follow her around, asking about your day and life overall
nsfw ..
helps you clamour onto the hood of your newly fixed car, the combined body weight denting and marking the car. it makes abby cringe internally, hearing cracks and squeaks that she knows a car shouldn't make.
leaves you with marks she hopes you don't cover up, prays you purposefully display them on your skin the next time you come in. and surely enough, you do!
straps you in the backseat of your car, knees pressed against your chest and the windows fogged up. you can do nothing but take it, reaching up to claw at her muscular arms and cry about how good it feels
mechanic!abby who locks the store down a lot earlier now.
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slvttyplum · 7 hours
Yn arguing with the JJK men about her not running from dick, so they record her for “evidence” (Gojo, Geto, Nanami, and Toji pls or you can just pick whoever you think this resonates best with) btw I love your blog🫶🏾🫶🏾🫶🏾
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suguru hated when you lied about the littlest things, because why? you didn't just lie about anything, though; it was about how you were in bed. he had observant eyes; he knew what got you soaking and what had you squirming and whining, so of course he got defensive when you denied every one of those things with a straight face, and even when he told you that no, you were lying, you would still deny it. 
being who he was, he got irritated a little too quickly when it came to this topic, so he did what he had to do, whipping that camera out while he was fucking you. 
he was going to do it sneakingly while he had you in that one position that you were squirming and running from him in. placing you on your stomach and pushing your lower back as you had your ass in the air, making sure his phone was within arm reach, and placing both hands on your ass and sliding himself in.
a sharp gasp as he keeps sliding into you, not expecting to feel all of him at once, your hands balling a handful of the sheet as you keep your hands open and your eyes squeezed shut. he wasn't stopping; he wanted to make sure that you were a crying and moaning mess, and he succeeded. 
you were so fucked out of your mind that you couldn't stop, pushing yourself into him with a wet face as you felt every inch buried deep inside of you, the tip of his dick pressing on your sweet spot, and your walls clinging around him. 
he had to suppress his whimpers due to the intense pleasure he was experiencing. grabbing his phone to record how well you took him, watching through the screen your wetness covering his dick every time you slid off his dick and back on, your pretty crying from the pleasure crashing down on you. 
when it started to get too much, you did what he always claimed you did, grabbing forward and trying to tap out, but that wasn't going to happen. 
he wanted to make sure you took every fucking inch, even when you didn't think you could. he knew how you responded to him, but once you started to get overstimulated and squirmed from his every touch, he knew that's when you had enough, but he didn't.
suguru didn't just stop here, though; he needed evidence, so he made sure to do this multiple times and in multiple positions, his camera roll filled with all the videos of you going crazy on his dick while whining out his name to give you more. 
he almost felt bad at recording his most intimate moments with you, but he just had to remember he was proving a point, until he was purposely fucking you until the early morning, when your eyes were swollen from your crying and he could barely cum anymore. 
a point was made, so he decided to finally test out what you were going to say when he asked you, having all the videos in one folder so he could pull them out when needed.
"you run from dick, and it gets exhausting, baby." teasing you while pulling out his phone, knowing it'd get you riled up. he knew you liked the back of his hand because it did. 
"shut the fuck up, i don't." crossing your arms and your mouth widening while suguru shows you the multiple videos of you getting your shit beat in, embarrassment covering your face as he turns up the volume.
"come on, baby... there we gooo. you take me so well."
he can safely say that you never tried to lie your way out of those accusations; instead, you groan and ignore him.
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woso-dreamzzz · 1 day
Camp II
Magdalena Eriksson x Child!Reader
Part of The Big Adventures Universe
Summary: Your first time staying at Sweden Camp
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Sometimes, when there's an international break, you get to visit Sweden Camp.
You stay at Denmark Camp with Momma usually because you go everywhere with her but you get to go to Sweden Camp sometimes to visit Morsa and the other girls.
At first, it was because it was easier to stay in Denmark with Momma so you could go home to Germany together. When you moved to England and started living with Morsa, you still went with Momma to Denmark because it was what you were used to.
But now, as you touch down in Sweden with Morsa, you're a little confused as to why Momma has not come with you. It's a bit weird that she's getting a different flight to Sweden than you and Morsa but she must still need to finish packing up the stuff from the house in preparation for the big move back to Germany.
That must be it because you can't think of any other reason why she's not with you now.
You stew over it as the car pulls up and Morsa helps you out of the car seat and grabs the bags.
Cameras click as the two of you walk into the training centre, where Morsa gets the keys to the room she's going to share with moster Frido.
It's a bit different to the room she usually gets, you realise when she steps in. Usually, there are two single beds but now there's a double and a single.
That's a little weird but you think it must be because Morsa's used to sleeping in bed with Momma now and needs someone to lay with her until she falls asleep.
It's nice of Frido to go that before she falls asleep but you reckon they could have just put the two beds together to make a double rather than moving in a double just so Frido can help Morsa get to sleep.
"Morsa," You whine, laying back on her bed and kicking your legs," I'm bored."
Magda rolls her eyes, focusing more on unpacking all of your things so you won't have to live out of a suitcase until the flight to Australia. "In a little bit, princesse," She says," I'm just doing something."
"So bored!" You continue, rolling back and forth around the bed to show her just how bored you truly are," Do it later!"
Magda smothers her laughter, folding the last of your clothes and putting it in the dresser. "Alright, I'm done. No need to get grouchy!"
"I'm not grouchy!"
Magda laughs, rolling her eyes at you fondly before grabbing the key card. "Are you coming or not? It's time for lunch."
You're off the bed quickly, nearly falling over in your haste for food. You'd denied having any plane food during the flight because you don't like it so you're practically starving when you get downstairs, barely saying hello to everyone before you dart towards the buffet.
"She seems perky," Frido chuckles as she watches you grab a plate.
"She was very bored as I unpacked," Magda says," She'll run off the energy while we train."
"Morsa!" You call," They've got pasta!" You're trying to spoon spaghetti onto your plate but it keeps slipping back into the bowl. "Help, please!"
Magda's right of course. You end up running off all your energy at training, darting after stray balls and having a little practice session of your own with the other keepers.
That's what gets you to this point, sitting cross-legged on Magda's bed as Frido's in the shower.
You frown as Magda pulls out a towel and your pyjamas.
She's talking as she rummages around looking for something. "We can only have one story tonight," She tells you," Because it's late and it's going to take time to run your bath. Frido takes ages in the shower. I told her to start running it when she gets out, just so we've got a bit of a head start."
You frown deepens, a little crinkle appearing between your brows. "Why've I got to get in the bath?"
Magda smiles fondly at you, affectionately brushing a hand over your hair. "Because you've been running around all day and having fun. You're dirty."
That makes sense, you guess. You don't want to get on the plane with Momma to Denmark all dirty.
But the pyjamas confuse you. You don't want to get on a plane in your pyjamas.
You tell Morsa that too.
It's Magda's turn to frown now. "Why are you getting on a plane, princesse?"
You sigh. Morsa's being weird.
"Because it's too long to get to Denmark if we drive!" You tell her," We always get the plane to Denmark!"
"You're not going to Denmark."
"Yes I am! I always go to Denmark Camp! Always!"
"Well not this time," Magda says, sitting down on the bed next to you," You're staying with me in Sweden and then we're going to Australia for the World Cup."
You frown only gets deeper. "But why? Momma's going to the World Cup too."
"Well, we thought it would be fun if you stayed with me during the World Cup," Magda explains," You'll still see Momma but it just means that you get to come home to me and you can practice with Zećira. Is that alright?"
You think it over for a moment.
It's a little weird to not being going to Denmark with Momma but you think that it's okay because you have the Swedish girls instead like Frido and Zećira.
"It's alright," You say to Morsa," But do I really have to get in the bath?"
It shocks a laugh out of her. "Yes, princesse, you have to get in the bath."
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hiddenlife-manager · 2 days
ok hear me out lando and the reader are kind of like sneaky links and lando gets back to monaco and texts the reader “can i sleep over” and then the reader says yes. And then when lando gets to her house their kind of flirty but the reader is playing hard to get and instead of bringing him to her bedroom she just says the guest rooms clean and then closes her bedroom door on him lol. but then in the middle of the night lando comes into her room and is like “i can’t sleep” and then the reader gives in and they fuckkk
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Lando Norris X Fem Reader
cw… pussy rubbing, teasing, slight plot, not edited, dom lando, hella confident lando, FWB, creampie, emotions, wall sex, quick and hard, etc...
notepad… YALL I love this one def was last minute. I was so busy today. But still I won't be taking request until I finish what I have. So my request will be temporary for some time. I hope ya'll don't mind just trying to finish what I have for everyone.
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You looked at the phone quietly, unsure of how to respond. It has been some time since you saw Lando, and you needed him badly. But you also knew that coming straight up and saying that you needed him would cause him to bully you hard. You two were not in a relationship; you knew that, and he knew that, yet you two constantly fucked with no strings attached.
“Fine.” You found yourself texting back, clearly trying to hide the excitement you held for him to come over. You knew what you two would end up doing; you wanted him to wait; you wanted him to think that you two were friends and nothing more; and your desire for him was truly nonexistent, even if in your head you desired him with all your heart. 
Minutes passed, anxious for his arrival, until finally Lando knocked at your door to your large apartment. You rapidly got up from the couch, ignoring the fact that minutes ago your leg bounced, waiting for his arrival. You walked to the door and smiled, seeing his smirk. He grabbed your waist and pulled you in.
“Hey beautiful.” He whispered to you, leaning down to kiss your lips right as he was about to reach your plush lips. You moved your head, causing him to kiss your collarbone. You smiled; you wanted him to need you desperately. 
“Welcome back to Monaco, Lando.” You walked into your apartment, and he followed suit, still left stunned at your actions. He sat down on your couch, his legs opening while he tapped at his thighs. You sat on his thighs, and he held you close. 
“Now what was that? Hiding something beautiful?” He grabbed your chin, making you look at him, and shrugged innocently.
“What do you mean? I am not hiding anything.” You giggled out, his sigh being heard right next to you. Clearly, he is still unaware of your plans, and you smiled. The entire night, you were on his lap, rubbing his cock, flirting with him, and avoiding his kisses. You were leading him until it was finally time to go to sleep. 
“Your room, like always?” He questioned you, holding your hands tight around your waist. You knew he was hard, and you had to play him like a fiddle. 
“You said you were staying over; take the guest bedroom. I need my bed for myself.” You got off his lap and walked off while he watched you walk off. He groaned his head back, his Adam's apple bobbing and swallowing his saliva. He needed you, and you were playing a stupid game.
You made it to your room, shutting the door and smirking, your body leaning against the door. You were getting what you wanted. You two were friends with benefits; of course you wanted to play with him; he played with you; it was only fair you did the same. You walked through your room, stripping your clothes off to put on your pajamas, until you heard the door opening behind you. You tried to cover yourself with your robes after seeing Lando walk in. 
“Can’t sleep.” He smirked, raising his hands up as if you were holding a gun to him. His eyes scanned your body, which made him fucking insane. 
“Bullshit I just left; I bet you haven’t even stepped foot in my guest bedroom.” He shrugged, walking over to you, his hands laid down on your hips. 
“Guilty as charged.” He looked at you; his hands grabbed your face and forcefully kissed you. Your eyes were left wide in shock. The two of you fell onto your bed. He desired this kiss more than anything. He groaned into the kiss, his hands lowering down to your robes, taking it off your shoulder. "Beautiful, you had your fun; now it is my turn.” 
His hands traveled down to your legs, opening them to see your soaking cunt. He placed his fingers on his lips, sucking them and taking it out of his mouth with a pop. He placed his warm fingers on your clit causing you to react with a quick gasp. His fingers make circular figures slowly on your needy clitoral area. 
“No matter how much you hide it, you want me.” He rubbed your clit slowly and eventually raised the pace. You tried to hold back your moans, not wanting to show him your desire, but your cunt showed a different story. Soaking wet from his kiss and his touch. You were unaware he was going to fuck you. He heard you finally slip moans out, and he stopped, shaking his head.
He pulled your legs to him out of pure instinct; your legs wrapped around his waist when he picked you up. He pressed you against the wall next to your bed. 
“You said you wanted your bed for yourself. So I’ll grant you that wish, beautiful.” With his one hand not holding you, he unzipped his pants. His hard cock coming out was clearly ready to fuck you from your teasing minutes ago. He shoved his cock into your cunt, and immediately grunts could be heard from him. His head is in the nook of your collarbone and neck. Your shock at his entering you made you much tighter. 
“Lan~” You moaned, head back to the wall he was pressing you up against. You felt your body bounce on his cock, moving your ass up and down. You grabbed onto his neck tightly, gently scratching at the top part of his back. The pleasure becomes too much. It seemed to be minutes before his cock slammed into your soaking cunt. Your back against the wall clearly gets a slight burn from the bouncing, so you choose to ignore the pain and focus on the pleasure. His mouth gently bit into your collarbone, fucking you faster. 
His pace quickened, feeling his cock twitch inside your tight pussy. This position and your pussy made him go feral. You asked for it while playing this game. If you let him fuck you the moment he arrived, you two would have been making love, and right now he is simply fucking you as if you were his. With each thrust, he slowly got to the realization that he desired to fuck you every day, not just any time he was back home. He needed you to be around him all day; he wanted to hear your laugh and be the focus of your teasing. 
“Fuck ‘bout to make me cum!” He moaned next to you, pressing you harder against the wall and slamming his cock into your pussy faster than before. You were left moaning, a smile present on your face, holding him tighter than ever. You were clearly winded by him moaning and saying his name loudly. That was until you felt yourself close to climaxing. You moaned out, telling him so, and he smirked, kissing your lips to shut you up. At last, his final thrust came in, and he felt his legs get weak from the feeling. He groaned into the kiss, still thrusting in your spasming pussy cumming from being filled up by him. “Beautiful, how about I stay the night?” He knew what he wanted, and now he wanted you.
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werecreature-addicted · 11 hours
werecat gf and werewolf bf OR I RAISE YOU
a pack of werewolves n there werecat gf🙇
pretty kitty who somehow managed to get adopted into a pack of werewolves. you don't really hunt or pull your own weight but you always get a portion when it's mealtime and all you really have to do is not scratch at the pups and let the pack pet you from time to time.
then of course, when you're in heat all you have to do is spread your legs and let them all take turns knotting you and unloading inside your kitty cunt until your stomach bulges with werewolf cum. sometimes they get impatient waiting to breed your pussy and they'll push their aching cock into your ass or your mouth. wrap your hands around their dicks and hump your hands. poor kitty, already fucked too stupid to even give a hand job properly.
Some of the girl wolves take an interest too. playing with your clit and fingering you, sucking your tits, or kissing you softly. growling and snapping at the other wolves trying to shove dick down your throat. your mouth is so soft and they just want to kiss you and feel your rough tongue.
it's the closest thing you do to actual work, you spoiled little cat.
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dcxdpdabbles · 11 hours
Tim: I know who you are.
Danny, squinting down at him wearing Hello Kitty pjs.: What are you talking about? Who's child is this?
Tim: Batman has gotten too dangerous. He is a threat to himself and others. He needs a Robin to keep him sane. You need to come back to Gotham.
Danny: Kid-
Tim: I have proof! I'll release it all!
Danny sighing: I was just about to have some milk and Oreos. Do you want some?
Later, while Tim is eating his snack, Danny is talking on the phone: No Jazz, of course I'm not Robin! How was I supposed to know that turning off gravity so I could do a crazy hard flip would lead to a literal toddler thinking I was Robin? .....Because apparently, the quadruple somersault can only be done by four people in the world.....I don't know! What am I supposed to do with him? Tim already threatened to become Robin himself! He's so tiny, Jazz! I can't just send him out in the field like that!.........Look, Batman is spiraling. He'll never notice.....yes, I'm sure. How hard can being Robin be? I was already Phantom for a few years.
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ccsainzleclerc5516 · 15 hours
She’s Not So Little Anymore
Pairing: Lewis Hamilton x reader
Warnings: none, dad Lewis yes pls
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“You’re not leaving the house until you change your clothes!”
“But dad-“ Harper stammered in a broken voice and teary eyes.
“There’s no but, I said what I said. You can go out with your friends after you put some clothes on. End of discussion.” Lewis told his daughter sternly before turning and heading towards the living room.
“I hate you!!” Harper growled bursting into tears and slamming the door of her room.
“Don’t slam the door at me!” He said in a raised tone. Sitting on the couch he sighed and rubbed his face feeling awful because of the argument between him and his fifteen-year-old daughter.
It was not natural for Lewis to yell and get into heated arguments with his daughter. The two have always had a special relationship - she was daddy's little girl for whom he would remove the stars from the sky just to make her happy. Harper loved and was just as close to you as she was to Lewis, but still, her daddy has always been her number one.
But since Harper entered her teenage phase, it has become very difficult for Lewis to accept that she is actually growing up, that she is changing, that she is interested in some other things that are actually normal for her age.
He really was having a hard time facing the fact that his little girl is not so little anymore. That’s why often broke out arguments between the two of them when Harper would stay out too late with her friends, when she would come home late or mention that she had a crush on a boy or for example like today when she would wear something that Lewis thought was too revealing.
Lewis did all this because he loves her too much and wants to protect her, but, of course, the teenager thinks that her father is working against her and that he is "purposely ruining her life".
Fortunately, not long after the argument, you came back from grocery shopping and found Lewis sitting on the couch looking at the switched off TV.
“Hi, baby” You greeted him happily, but you felt a strange energy in the air.
“Hey” He muttered not turning to look at you.
“Is everything okay?” You ask suspiciously, leaving the heavy bags on the hallway floor.
“Everything is fine except our daughter just told me she hates me”
You immediately knew what it was about. You were aware of how much it affected Lewis. You weren't always happy with some of your daughter's behaviors either, but you understood that it was just a phase and that it would pass, but you also understood that it was difficult for Lewis to face it.
You sighed walking up closer to the couch to Lewis from behind and bent down to wrap your arms around him.
“And that is why?” You asked pressing a kiss to his cheek.
“Because she thinks it’s normal to leave the house wearing a short ass dress that doesn’t even have any straps God forbid some sleeves” He says visibly upset and you can’t help but chuckle at him. “That’s not funny, y/n?”
“That’s not, but you are” You say making yourself comfortable in his lap. “You’re being too overprotective of her-“
“Of course I’m overprotective of her, she’s my little girl!” He cuts you off trying to justify his actions.
“Would you let me finish, please?”
“I’m sorry..”
“She’s no longer a little girl, Lew. You have to make your peace with that. Sometimes I don't like her clothing choices or her behavior either, but that's why we're here to guide her. But you forbid her too many things and she sees it as you trying to control her.”
“I just..” He sighs leaning his head against your chest. “I just want to protect her.. I miss the time when she was with me non-stop. We used to do so many things together now she only wants to hang out with her friends.”
“Baby, that’s normal. If it were any different, we would have been worried.” You assure him putting your hands on his cheeks. “You’re still her number one, you’ll always be.”
“Youe ability to calm me down amazes me.” He smiles at your soothing and comforting words. “I don’t know what I’d do without you. I love you more than you know.”
“I love you too, baby” You place a soft kiss on his lips. “Now go and talk to her”
Lewis immediately got up and headed towards Harper's room while you decided to sort the groceries you had brought into the house a little while ago.
“My princess?” Lewis said gently knocking on the door. “Can I come in?”
Almost the same second, the door opened revealing crying Harper who was still sobbing. What Lewis didn't expect was for Harper to give him a tight hug and start crying in his arms.
“Baby, what’s wrong? Why are you crying?” Lewis asked a little worried.
“Because you made me say that I hate you. And I don’t hate you, daddy, I’m sorry I didn’t mean it.” She cried. It stung her as much as it stung Lewis because Harper is aware of how special her relationship with her father is.
“Baby, it’s okay. I know you didn’t mean it. I’m sorry too.” He comforted her rubbing her back. “I don’t like when we can’t talk things out and I hate when we argue. We don’t do that, that’s not us.”
“I know we don’t do that. I don’t like it either” She said quietly.
“It’s hard for me to accept that you’re growing up and that you are no longer my little girl.” He lifts up her head to look at her. “I promise to try to be more understanding of your wishes.”
“Daddy, I’m always gonna be your little girl.” Her words warmed Lewis's heart. She knew what she meant by that. The love Harper has for her dad will always be strong and special and nothing can ever replace it. Lewis was grinning like a child thinking how he is the luckiest man in the world to have the two best girls in his life, Harper and you.
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ak1w1i · 3 days
Want to boycott despite having zionist (or willingly non-boycotting) guardians?
Of course. some people are the children of zionists, or their caregivers just don't boycott. Here are ways to boycott despite this.
- If caregivers ask if you want McDonald's, Dominos, etc for a meal, decline if you can and make yourself something else or ask for something else. Even if they still buy from those places, any less money towards genocide is less money towards genocide.
- Offer to help grocery shopping and pick out brands that DON'T support Israel. You can mask it as wanting to try something new or hearing about the brand from a friend.
- If caregivers offer to take you to Starbucks (etc), decline.
- Thrift and shop from independent grocers. Often times, these stores (especially whole food markets and organic grocers) do NOT stock things from large corporations, so if you're with a caregiver, they may not to be tempted to buy from zionist companies, and it works for a good cover for not buying from megacorps.
- If caregivers made plans to go to Disney Land/World and you can't back out, don't buy from the gift shops. Of course you can't not eat while at the parks, but not buying from the gift shop is a good way to not give money to Disney.
This is what I thought of, if you have any ideas or corrections feel free to add them in reblogs!! Your effort in boycotting matters and makes a difference.
Don't stop talking about Palestine.
Don't stop boycotting.
End the genocide.
End the apartheid.
Free Palestine.
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celestialprincesse · 2 days
⋆౨ৎ˚⟡˖ ࣪
"No - Char, we already have cheese at home." You huff exasperatedly, trying to prevent your daughter's little fists from going at the babybel in the supermarket fridge for the third time in the two minutes you've been lingering in the dairy produce aisle.
"Red cheese!" She shrieks in protest, one of her hands clinging to the rumpled fabric of your dress, the other practically clawing at the glass of the fridge for her favourite cheese - cheese which you've got an abundance of at home.
Her little shopping trolley, which she insisted on having, overflows with snacks and the few essentials you'd needed to make dinner tonight, but mostly snacks. You'd only realised this morning that your fridge was almost entirely void of any sort of appropriate, adult dinner ingredients - a realisation you're glad happened this morning and not later, seeing as Simon was coming for dinner this evening for a not date but not not a date. Whatever that means.
You're pretty sure he's just trying his best not to freak you out - to ease you into the feelings blossoming in the space between you like a frightened animal. When you'd invited him for dinner? That had been an attempt at showing him that you wanted him, wanted to see his broad shoulders and messy blond hair in your apartment, as opposed to across the hall from it.
Another petulant little yell forces you from your thoughts, only to realise that Charlotte's petulance is actually excitement, something having caught her attention so much that she goes toddling off as fast as her little legs will carry her. "No - Charlotte!" You plead, trying to scoop her up before two massive, tattooed arms beat you to it.
"Easy, tiger." That deliciously rumbly accent soothes both Charlotte's excitement, and the worry roiling in your stomach. His eyes don't so much as relax you, rather melt you completely, until you're sure to be just a fleshy puddle on the linoleum supermarket floors. "Simon." You state dumbly, voice robotic and slightly detached as you take stock of the past few moments of having been on autopilot.
"Fancy seeing you here." He croons, slinging Charlotte to sit on his hip in such an easy manner - unfairly hot. Although, everything he does is unfairly hot. He's unfairly hot.
You're convinced your brain must've melted and dribbled out of your ears in the few steps from the cheese to the butter section of the fridges, because you're so dumbstruck and stupidly confused by his sudden presence (and how utterly fucking sexy he looks caring for you and your daughter with such instinctive ease) that you can't even seem to find your words.
"Charlotte wanted cheese." Is the first, and obviously the most embarrassing thing that comes out of your mouth, and the wry smirk that pulls at his scarred lips has you kicking yourself. Repeatedly. Hard.
"Mm. Course. Gotta get aaall the calcium in to get big and strong, hey Char?" He coos, and you feel as though you might've just died and gone to heaven, because never on earth did you expect, or hope, to see a six foot, semiretired SAS soldier so casually looking after your child as if she were his own.
After a few moments of gawking, and failing to hide said gawking, you reluctantly part ways with Simon, realising that not only do you need to get Charlotte to bed, clean the house, make dinner and get ready - you realise that you need to look good.
And put on fresh bed linen. With absolutely no ulterior motives in mind at all whatsoever. None.
⋆౨ৎ˚⟡˖ ࣪
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mysteryshoptls · 2 days
SSR Vil Schoenheit - Tsumsitter Voice Lines
Due to event restrictions, Groovy related lines are locked until the event has been cleared. I will update once these are unlocked.
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When Summoned: I always give my all and look my best, no matter what. Tsum, are you capable of doing that?
Summon Line: You look like you're dying to say something... But if you even think of saying that this peanut and I are in any way alike, you will regret it.
Groooovy!!: --LOCKED--
Home: Carry yourself with dignity, tsum.
Home Idle 1: As long as you are to stay with us in Pomefiore, make sure to behave properly with grace and poise. I will not be any less strict just because you are a tsum.
Home Idle 2: I'll be heading out on a run with the tsum. Would you like to join? You're more than welcome to refuse if you're happy with having poor physical condition.
Home Idle 3: Idia's tsum has horrendous dark circles under its eyes, and lacks basic skin and hair care... It didn't have to be that similar to the real person.
Home Idle - Login: --LOCKED--
Home Idle - Groovy: --LOCKED--
Home Tap 1: Since they're saying you are my split image, you absolutely should be aiming for the top. Don't you dare let someone else take the top-most position when you are stacking atop each other, either.
Home Tap 2: I saw Ruggie's tsum moving to and fro in the Mystery Shop... It's not actually working there, is it?
Home Tap 3: I saw the tsum Silver is taking care of was sleeping so peacefully. It would be miraculous if the other tsums could be just as calm.
Home Tap 4: I can't believe it. The tsum plastered glitter all over itself and walked the dormitory halls, so the floors are now completely covered in glitter... Does it think that it is actually wearing makeup!?
Home Tap 5: You want to pet the tsum, but it keeps running away? Well, of course it would. It's terrible manners to try and touch someone so suddenly. You should ask them for permission, first.
Home Tap - Groovy: --LOCKED--
Duo: [VIL]: Good choice, Silver. [SILVER]: Vil-senpai, FEVER!
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Requested by Anonymous.
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d-targaryenshoe · 3 days
In The End - Colin Bridgerton
Word Count: 2172
Summary: To be married to a stranger is not what every single lady of the Ton wants, is it not?
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You and Eloise Bridgerton, childhood friends, sat under the spreading branches of an ancient oak tree, the leaves above you rustling in a gentle breeze.
The sunlight streaming through the leaves cast dappled shadows upon your faces, dancing like living things.
"You can't be serious, y/n," Eloise said, her voice tinged with disbelief. "An arranged marriage? You're far too young to be thinking of such things!"
You shrugged, your expression wistful. "I know it's not what I would have chosen for myself," you admitted, "but it is the path my mama has chosen for me."
Eloise reached out to take your hand, your eyes filled with concern. "But what if you don't like this Lord Somerset?" she asked. "What if you don't want to marry him, must that not change things?"
You sighed, looking away from your friend. "My mother says I must marry well, to secure the future of our family," you replied, your voice tinged with resignation. "I fear my opinion does not matter in this matter."
Eloise frowned, her brow furrowing. "But y/n, you're not just a possession to be traded or bargained with! You have feelings, thoughts, desires! You should have a say in who you marry!"
You bit your lip, looking away again. "I know, El. I wish things were different," you sighed. "But my mama has made it clear that this is how it must be."
Eloise's heart ached for you, but she could tell that there was no changing your mind right now. "There must be something we can do?"
You looked up at her, hope flickering in Eloise's eyes before being extinguished. "I don't know, El. I don't want to disobey my mother. She's only trying to secure my future."
"The future you did not choose, must I remind you."
Eloise's tone was gentle, but firm. You looked up at her, surprise flitting across the Bridgerton her features before settling into a pensive frown.
"I know, El. I just... I feel as though I have no say in anything that happens to me."
"But you do, you always have a say."
Eloise's gaze remained fixed on you, her eyes searching for any sign of doubt or hope.
"You could speak with your mother, and explain how you feel. You could try to convince her that you deserve a choice, that you deserve happiness."
You shook your head, your hair swaying gently. "She'd never understand, El. She's always put her desires first. I don't think she'd ever see things from my perspective."
Eloise bit her lip, thinking. "Then maybe it's time you showed her," she said, determination shining in her eyes. "Maybe it's time you stood up for yourself, for your future. You don't have to do this alone."
You looked up at your friend, hope flickering in your eyes. "You'd help me?" you asked, your voice barely above a whisper.
Eloise nodded, her determination growing. "Of course, I would. You know I'd do anything for you. Together, we can find a way to make sure you get the future you deserve."
The two of you sat in silence for a moment, each lost in your thoughts. Your hands were clasped tightly in your lap, your nails digging into your palms.
You looked away from Eloise, out towards the garden where the flowers swayed gently in the breeze.
Eloise watched you with a mixture of sympathy and determination. She could see the turmoil in your eyes, the conflict between your duty and your desires.
It was clear that this decision weighed heavily on you. As if sensing the tension in the air, a figure appeared at the edge of your vision.
Colin Bridgerton, Eloise's brother and your friend, approached you from behind, his stride purposeful.
His dark hair was tousled from the wind, and his blue eyes sparkled with mischief. "Ah, there you are, you two. I've been looking everywhere for you."
Eloise turned to face him, her lips curling into a smile. "Hello, Colin. We were just having a... ladies' moment, if you will."
You looked up at Colin, a small smile tugging at the corners of your mouth. "Hello, Colin. It's nice to see you."
Eloise watched as Colin's eyes flickered between the two of you, clearly sensing the weight of the conversation.
She wondered what he made of your sudden seriousness, but decided not to dwell on it. "Colin, why don't you join us?" Eloise invited, patting the bench beside her.
He hesitated for a moment, glancing at you, before sitting down beside Eloise. "What were you saying about standing up for yourself, y/n?" he asked, his voice gentle.
"I know you've always been good at doing what's expected of you, but sometimes I think it's important to follow your heart, too."
You looked at him gratefully. "It's just... my mother has always been so strict. I feel like I can never live up to her." you sighed, running a hand through your hair. "I want so much more for myself, but I don't know how to make her understand."
Colin nodded in understanding. "I can see that. It must be tough, feeling like you're always walking a tightrope." He glanced over at Eloise, who was watching the two of you intently.
"But you know, sometimes all it takes is someone on the sidelines to give you the courage to step out of line, to take a chance on yourself."
You looked at him, hope flickering in your eyes once more. "Do you think... do you think she'd ever understand?" you asked softly.
Eloise took your hand in hers, squeezing it gently. "I believe she can if you give her the chance. You just have to find the right way to explain how you feel, and why this means so much to you." She glanced over at Colin, who nodded in agreement. "But I- I have to join mama to the modiste."
You looked up at your friend, a mixture of gratitude and determination in your eyes. "Thank you, Eloise. I'll think about what you've said."
Eloise hesitated for a moment before standing up, her dress rustling softly against her legs before she turned around and walked away.
Colin studied your profile as you watched your friend disappear into the crowd, a quiet strength emanating from you. "You know," he began, "it's not always easy to stand up to our parents, but I believe you're brave enough to do it."
You turned to face him, a spark of determination lighting your eyes. "Do you think so?"
"Yes, I do," he replied with conviction. "You have so much to offer the world, and I think your mother just needs some time to see that."
You let out a small sigh, your shoulders slumping slightly. "It's not that easy, though. She's always been so focused on me marrying well, and living a comfortable life. She doesn't understand that I want more than that."
Colin nodded, his expression sympathetic. "I know it's difficult, but you have to believe that she can change her perspective. You just have to find a way to help her see things from your point of view." He reached out, taking your hand in his. "And I promise you, I'll be here for you every step of the way."
You looked into his eyes, the sincerity in his words giving you strength. You could feel the warmth of his hand on yours, and for a moment, you forgot about everything else.
"Thank you, Colin," you whispered. "You don't know what that means to me."
He smiled, and you noticed how his dimple dented his cheek. "I think I do, actually," he said softly.
At your surprised expression, he continued, "I've been in love with you since the moment I saw you in the garden that day. You're beautiful, intelligent, and brave. You're everything I could ever hope for in a woman."
Your heart fluttered in your chest as you listened to his words. You had never expected to hear anything like this from him.
"But... we're just friends," you stammered, your voice barely audible above the laughter and chatter of the people around you.
Colin smiled gently, his eyes never leaving yours. "We are friends, yes. But I think there's something more between us. Something deeper, more intense. And I want to explore that." He reached up, cupping your cheek in his hand, and you couldn't help but lean into his touch.
"I want to get to know you better, y/n. Not just as a friend, but as a woman. As my woman."
Your heart raced as his words washed over you, and you felt a shiver run down your spine. You knew you should pull away, but the look in his eyes held you captive.
"Colin," you breathed, your voice barely above a whisper.
He leaned forward, his lips mere inches from yours. "I know this is sudden, and perhaps I shouldn't have said anything tonight, but I couldn't help myself. I've felt this way for so long, and I needed you to know."
Your heart raced as his words sank in. You could feel the warmth of his breath on your skin, and you could hardly breathe. You knew you should say something, but the words seemed to stick in your throat.
You could only stare into his eyes, lost in the moment.
Slowly, almost tenderly, Colin leaned forward and brushed his lips against yours.
At first, it was gentle, a mere flutter of sensation, but then he deepened the kiss, his tongue dancing with yours. You gasped, your hands finding their way up to his shoulders, your fingers digging into his skin.
You felt as if you were floating, your body alive with the heat of the moment.
The world around you seemed to fade away, and it was as if there was nothing but the two of you, your hearts racing, your breath mingling together.
You could feel the warmth of his body against yours, the hardness of his chest, the strength in his arms as he held you close.
When at last you broke apart, you found it difficult to focus on anything but the look in his eyes.
They were filled with desire and tenderness, and you knew that he meant every word he had said.
You could feel the blush creeping up your neck and into your cheeks, and you couldn't help but smile shyly.
"I-I don't know what to say," you managed to stammer.
Colin smiled back, his fingers gently caressing your cheek. "You don't have to say anything right now. Just know that I meant every word I said and that I want to explore this with you." He paused for a moment, searching your eyes for any sign of hesitation, before continuing.
"I want us to be together. I want to protect you and cherish you, and show you the love that you deserve."
You felt your heart skip a beat at his words. You had never imagined feeling this way about anyone, and the thought of being with Colin filled you with a warmth you hadn't known was possible.
You looked up into his eyes, your shining with tears of happiness, and nodded slowly. "I want that too," you whispered. "So much."
He smiled down at you, his thumb brushing away a stray tear from your cheek. "I know it's fast, and I don't want you to feel pressured, but...I want to start making plans with you. I want to take you away from here, show you the world. I want to build a life with you."
The words sent a shiver down your spine. You knew you should pull away, but the look in his eyes held you captive.
"Colin," you breathed, your voice barely above a whisper.
He leaned in closer, his lips mere inches from yours once more. "I love you, y/n," he said, his voice firm and resolute. "And I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Marry me?"
Your heart skipped a beat as you stared into his eyes. You could feel the truth of his words resonating deep within you. You wanted nothing more than to spend the rest of your life by his side, explore the world with him, and build a future together.
You knew that you could trust him and that he would always protect you.
With trembling hands, you reached up and cupped his face, tenderly brushing your thumbs across his cheeks.
"Yes," you whispered, your voice barely audible. "Yes, I'll marry you."
The weight of your words settled between you, and you both paused for a moment, taking in the gravity of your decision.
It was as if the world around you faded away, leaving you alone in your little bubble, suspended in time and space.
Colin leaned in closer, his lips finding yours once more, his tongue tracing the outline of your mouth.
His kiss deepened, his hands exploring the contours of your body, and you melted into him, returning his affections with equal fervor.
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