#yep yep another name essay from me
purplebass · 6 months
Kell the sea warrior: Kay the privateer
I was thinking about Kay Maresh, Kell's privateer identity that he took on after a few years of physical training on the Grey Barron. I wanted to see if the name was another spelling of the name Kai, and it turns out that it is. Depending on the roots, this name means "sea/ocean" or "shell" or even "warrior" and "to rejoice". All these meanings fit Kell's new identity on the ship, out to sea. And the name was chosen deliberately to represent all of his nuances as a character in this new journey. When he's Kay, he conceals his face with a mask, has a new costume and spelled blades, and he is a warrior who uses his body to fight and he also learnt how to be swift and quiet when he moves. Like a ninja or a thief.
Something switches in Kell when he decides to become Kay. He finds hope and confidence in himself for the first time in years after his magic was broken. He understands that if he puts his mind to it and if he believes in himself, he can be anything he wants to be. We see that he still longs for his magic even as Kay, and how he wavers because he is a human being and therefore he's not perfect. Kay was a way to cope with loss and build strength, both physical and mental. Kay was the light at the end of the tunnel. After his magic is fixed, it feels like Kay has served his purpose because Kell the magician his whole again. But Kell decides to still "perform" Kay's identity when he's in private with Lila, because she loves this part of him as well. And Kay is part of Kell by now, another side of himself he didn't know before he got on Lila's ship. After all, the reason Kell took on the Kay identity on the ship was because and thanks to her. Lila couldn't watch him self-sabotage anymore, and she gave him a pep talk which can be summed up in: do you want to keep sinking or do you want to learn how to swim? She knew Kell could very well swim, if only he let someone help him see how there is still much to his life than his magic. His magic didn't define him. And he decided to trust Lila for once.
Kay first appears after a few years of trying to swim and try to keep himself afloat. Lila was the main prompter of Kell's journey to freedom, to Kay himself, so it was only right that he would first show Kay to her. She was his final boss.
Beating her at something she excelled at was a big confidence booster for him, but getting her seal of approval with his new disguise? Lila being proud of him for both? That didn't just boost his confidence, but also his ego, and made his heart lighter. This man is so head over heels for her and I can't imagine how he was excited like a little kid when she was so happy that he had decided to trust himself and his abilities and to envision a new path for himself amid his hopelessness.
Lila was so proud of Kell and also turned on by Kay, because it was the first time in years she had also seen that Kell was finally getting better compared to when they first started their journey together.
The circle opened when he shows Kay to her for the first time and closes after his magic his fixed, after Kay has served his purpose in the story. Both of these moments lead to an intimate situation where Lila wants to see what Kay can do. I think that the intimate response is her way to practically show Kell how much she loves and appreciates him and how happy she is for him. It's her way to say I love you, because she prefers to show rather than tell. We see how Kay also works like this, in fact he leads her to the bed, surprising her. So Kay is Kell's daring side.
The reason why Lila doesn't want to let go of Kay even after Kell is back is because Kay is another side to him. A side to him he only shows privately to her, and that she knows deeply because it's a mix of his hopes and fears as well as his courage to dare and risk. He doesn't need to let Kay go. Kay is a side of him and she loves all the parts of him.
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roseluxxx · 1 year
Miguel O’Hara x Reader
warnings: cursing, hispanics, part 1
word count: 1.1k
summary: sent to a town to finish a report, the ghost he’s living with decides.. maybe he should stay
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“Yes. The last truck is finally ready to move with all the latest equipment needed for this study; it cannot be procrastinated any longer, O’Hara.”
“Ay dios mío.” the scientist ran his fingers through his hair, eyes wide at the news that the “months away” move to a reclusive house in a far away “no-name” town was tomorrow.
This was technically his fault as his reluctance to complete the report on “Gene Growth Combined Experiment 4 (chemical X42): A conclusion on the development of the embryo.” as the full title stated, finally caught up to him.
He had just been busy developing the Spider-Anthropoid’s final stages; an equally important trial study to him, but not so much to Alchemax.
“You have a month at most, I will try to advocate for an extended stay but it’s in your best interest to finish this conclusion report swiftly. Are we clear?”
“Wonderful. Now get out of my office O’Hara, the driver will take you to your place and pick you up nice and early tomorrow. Be ready.”
Miguel fought back his taunting remark and left the cold, heartless office.
His work was important. If successful it would create the first human-spider hybrid combination and create an endless amount of possibilities. Ideally to improve the state of the common person, but he wasn’t naive enough to not think it wouldn’t be used for military advances.
“What time tomorrow?”
“9am sharp. Won’t be me though, my friend Gus will he here.” The driver glacéd in the rear view mirror as he pulled up to the window filled penthouse Miguel had the luxury to live in.
“None of my business, sir, but a word from my eavesdropping on the men who I chauffeured earlier.. apparently your new short term living space comes with a rumored “ghost friend”.”
Miguel scoffed, grabbing his coat and laying a few bucks in the drivers’ outstretched hand as he opened the car door, “If it’s none of your business then stay out of it,” he exited the car, “but thanks, chismoso.”
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The next morning Miguel snatched the suitcases he packed, shut his blinds and locked his door, making his way to the waiting Taxi.
“Be ‘bout a 20 minute drive to the airport, sir, including traffic.”
He grunted in response, looking out the window as he half listened to the clearly extroverted mans’ essay on his new city’s attractions.
“Yep. But I did hear about that ghost in your house. Good luck with that.”
Miguel’s ears perked up. Ghost? All this talk about this damn ghost was getting him annoyed. Even if there’s such a thing as ther paranormal, he won’t be bothering them and subsequently they don’t have to bother him. Easy.
The yellow cab pulled up to the front of the airport, crowded as usual, and the broad man reluctantly gripped his belongings, giving the world another sigh before preparing himself for a 2 hour flight.
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The keys were old, silver, the three individual ones clinging against each other as Miguel pulled them out of the mailbox, a letter falling to the ground.
To Current Renters,
Please note that this property is built on a solid foundation and the doors are properly built into the door frame.
A house is built with consideration to weather events so a very slight creak/sway is expected and not worrying.
It prevents the house from being too stiff and allows for a longer lifespan.
The windows may also be slightly loose within the window frame so feel free to lock them if the draft becomes too much.
No need to report noises either as the walls may run a little thin and animal calls can sound like humans if you are listening through a surface like a wall.
All this to say do not call us to report noises, wind, or creaking in the house.
(for real.. do not contact us with these issues)
The Owner - Stephen Vincent
He opened the door on his second try, figuring the other keys lead to some kind of garage or safe. The door swung open with a small groan, almost apprehensive with his arrival.
The house itself was comfortable. A glass sliding door across the living space connected to large windows showcasing the beauty forests have to offer; a patio sitting beyond the door.
The kitchen was adorned with dark gray marble tops and a gray and white overall aesthetic for the counters and appliances. It was simple, classy, exactly what his boss thought would allow his mind to stay focused on his task.
Speaking of, the office space had been pre-turned into a small research center complete with the necessary chemicals, equipment, and state of the art technology. If he hadn’t known better he would’ve thought he had a whole mother experiment to conduct while he only needed to draw the conclusions in a consiste report.
That would be left for later, though. He entered what seemed to be his room. Comfortable. A light grey and white with a calming blue pop of color in the decor. Good enough.
Once his luggage had been felt with, he returned to the kitchen to find his fridge already stocked. Perfect.
He began a simple meal of blanco arroz con pollo frito when you saw him. Another one. Only one this time though. He should be easy enough.
You moved closer, getting a better look at this intruder. Immediately you noticed he was handsome, worth a second glance at least. He was toned beyond anyone who had set foot here before, a calm, concentrated expression settling on his face as he seasoned his chicken.
Miguel was dealing with the hot stove, his loungewear on that had just enough coverage to keep him warm when he stopped abruptly, feeling a chill run down his arm.
He dismissed it quickly. It was a new house to him and the air outside cooled drastically at night, a soft draft probably crept in. Big deal.
You decided rather quickly to let him stay for a bit. He was charming, exactly your type if you were honest with yourself which, ofcourse, you’d rather not be when said man barged into your home unannounced.
“You hold my interest,” you peaked at a blue ALCHEMAX security card, seeing the name Miguel O’Hara and the same man that was humming softly as he finished frying his dinner smiling up at you, “I’ll be watching, Miguel O’Hara.”
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Thank you for reading! Reposts are extremely appreciated!❣️
A/N: Feel free to send in a request! (taking new ones for a short period of time)
This is part 1 to my new GHOSTIN series! Feel free to comment if you’d like to be added to the tag list!
Like my work? Check out my masterlist!
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Also the warnings were a joke (Hispanics)
dont take it up the ahh🥱
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winniemaywebber · 11 days
Honeysuckle Rose • Part 5
part one part two part three part four
masterlist olive's playlist
taglist: @sagesolsticewrites @ginabaker1666 @hephaestn @manonsmanicmind @derry-rain @bobparkhurst @bloodynereid @archival-hogwash
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“Whatcha readin’?”
John Brady stands a few meters away from where Olive is sat, deep in her crumpled and aged copy of her favorite Shakespeare play. She quickly snaps it shut, expecting to be left alone for a little while longer after tiptoeing out of the Red Cross Hut, rising earlier than she anticipated. The gray morning sky had a tint of yellow to it, the sunrise surprisingly warm on her face. It was a sense of warmth and calm belonging she hadn't felt in years and she wanted to savor the moment. Creeping into the Officer’s Club with her book, curling up in one of the large armchairs on offer, she had hoped for a few more moments of peace before the day began. Sensing Brady was having a similar issue, standing there, packing his pipe, she blinks up at him and smiles. 
“The Tempest. In my opinion, the best Shakespeare ever wrote. You know his work?”
“Boy, do I!” He replies gleefully, lighting the pipe that's now in his mouth and shaking the match to extinguish it. “It's my girl's favorite, too!”
“No way! Get outta here. That's amazing.”
“She sure is,” he puffs at the pipe, his eyes glazing over at the wistful mention of her. “She's a schoolteacher. Teaches English to high school kids and she gets so excited at the time of year when the curriculum allows her to share her love of William.” 
“I like the sound of her already. What's her name?”
He smiles, a plume of smoke leaving his lips. “Jules. Juliet.”
“Juliet?” Olive replies, smiling softly at the  apparent coincidence. “As in ‘of the sun’?” 
“The very same,” he responds as he begins to turn on his heel. 
“You'd better tell her about this in your next letter to her, Brady,” she jokingly scolds. “I need someone to read my Shakespeare essays and reviews. She sounds perfect for the job.”
“Oh, she'd love that,” he laughs. 
“No need to be sarky now, John,” she says sullenly, eyes now back on the page she left off from.
“Never!” He holds up his hands in surrender. “I'm being serious. She'd love that. Give me whatever you want her to read.” 
“I'll pass some good passages on to Dougie, see if he'll give it a try.” 
“John,” she smiles, eyes twinkling. “Please try.”
Tattie rushes in an hour later, her eyes widened with stress as she applies her red lipstick on the move, somehow managing to get the shape perfect without a mirror. “I'm so late,” she moans, walking around the club like a headless chicken. “And so hungover. Olive, be a doll and go start setting up the–”
“Already did, Tat. Coffee hot and ready for our boys.”
“The donuts are in–”
“Yep. Got those too. Sitting pretty on their trays, napkins right next to them. Don't worry, I got it covered.”
“You're a darling. I'll buy you a drink at the club tonight to say thanks.”
Today being a non-mission day did not mean the girls weren't busy. Right as Val and Helen got to the truck, surprised to see Olive so bright eyed and awake - “it'll be the four coffees I've gulped in the past two hours” - the boys came to the truck thick and fast. First was Brady and his crew, M'lle Zig Zig, all wanting their second breakfast of coffee and donuts, Olive and Brady giving one another a knowing nod as she passed him his cup. Next were Bucky and the Mugwump crew, Bucky somehow even more amped for the morning than Olive was, his loud voice booming across base so far that the girls were almost sure the loud noise would have the inhabitants of the local village out of bed thinking it was some type of foghorn pulling them out of their slumber. Not far behind were Buck and Demarco, the crew of Our Baby. 
“Hi, Ol,” Benny says, softly. “Good morning.”
“Benny,” she smiles, handing him a coffee before he's even asked. “And where is the most special guy of all?” A single bark comes from next to Benny, Meatball panting at his side. Olive exits the truck to greet him, knowing that if she invited him up, that would be it for the donuts - nobody was a fan of dog hair sprinkle variety.
“You mind watching him? I know it's only a practice, but I still don't wanna risk it.”
“Sure, Benny. We'll hang out, terrorize Kenny at some point, get him good and tired.”
“Yeah, Kenny needs that,” Benny smirks. 
“You know what I mean,” shoving him playfully. “Be safe, okay?” 
“Yeah, Ol. Always.” 
Meatball was getting restless as a few stragglers made their way to the hardstand after visiting the Clubmobile. Despite being tied up, he was trying his best to run, his little face all sad when he realized he wasn't able to roam. 
“You got it from here, Val? That dog is chomping at the bit for a run around.”
“Absolutely, Ollie,” she nods, opening her copy of Screen Stories at the page she'd left off from yesterday. “Anything to make sure those donuts stay Meatball hair free.”
“Thanks, chicken. Be right back. Helen?” She turns to Helen, her beautiful dark hair pulled expertly under a headscarf. “You wanna come too?”
The two begin making their own way over to the hardstand, Meatball pulling keenly at the lead to hurry his companions along, seemingly excited for some carefree recreation time. 
“Morning, ladies!” Ev Blakely comes towards them, brown leather jacket and aviators. Olive giggles, knowing exactly how weak at the knees Val was about to be at the sight of her man in his gear. Dragging behind was the man that had the very same effect on Olive, his hair perfectly slicked back, his sheepskin jacket perfectly fitted on his broad shoulders.
“Helen,” he greets. 
“Dougie,” she replies, a slight wink to Olive as she takes her cue to depart. 
Looking around to make sure nobody is watching, he takes Olive in his arms. “Hi, pretty.”
“Hi, Dougie. Good morning.”
“Good morning indeed,” he winks, kissing the corner of her mouth. “You look beautiful as always.” 
“Stop,” she giggles. “You're looking pretty good yourself.”
“Don't we make a fine pair, doll?”
“We sure do, darling.”
A screech interrupts the moment, Meatball taking off like a shot the second he spots Kenny, sending Helen flying through the air. 
“I'd better go rescue my girl, there.”
“But I wanna stay with my girl here,” he murmurs, winking.
“Your girl, huh?” she says, narrowing her eyes at him. “Very presumptuous. You haven't even asked me.”
“D'you want me to?”
The answer burns up in her body, the yes wanting to spill out so fast that it almost makes her nauseous. She isn't one to be so forthright, forcing the agreeable answer down as fast as it tries to escape her lips. 
“Maybe,” she instead teases, looking up at him flirtatiously through her lashes. “Please be safe, Dougie.”
“It's only a practice, doll.”
“Nevertheless,” she murmurs, her hand stroking his cheek. “I need you to come back to me.”
A familiar rumble distracts Meatball, the ball flying past his face as Kenny throws it across the airfield. 
“Meatball!” He yells, trying to get the dog's attention. “Get it, boy!” He stands, stuck to the spot, waiting for Kenny to throw the ball that's already been chucked meters away. 
“I don't got it, dummy! I threw it thatta way. You weren't lookin’!” 
“Aw, leave my pal alone,” Olive pouts, scritching Meatball under the chin. “Here, look,” she says, standing up again. She balls her hand into an almost-fist, an invisible spherical shape in the palm of it. “Go get it,” she yells as she throws the ‘ball’, Meatball taking off like a shot in the direction in which Kenny had thrown the real ball previously.
“Jeez, that darn dog.”
Olive laughs, before turning to the landscape, the sky a cloudless blue with fields rolling along underneath it. The rumble getting louder, Olive shields her eyes with her hand as Meatball brings the ball back to Helen, who instantly screams at the sight miles from them. 
A plane comes hurtling out of the sky, the trees catching fire instantly, a loud BANG heard over the noise of the Land Girls screaming in horror. 
“Holy shit,” Olive gasps, her heart caught in her throat, her body suddenly clammy all over. Helen walks over and grips her hand, her breathing equally as shaky. 
“Get outta here, girls,” Kenny urges, throwing himself into a Jeep.
“No way, Lemmons.”
“I'll come find ya if–” 
“Don't say it.”
“Olive. I'll come find ya, kay?” She simply nods, somehow not able to formulate a coherent thought. With Helen by her side, she feels her hand being tugged on. 
“We'd better get back to the truck,” she says, ushering Olive along. “It'll be okay, doll. Promise. Now, one foot in front of the other please.” Taking Meatball's leash, Olive lets Helen lead her.
Both breaking into a sprint with Meatball running slightly ahead as they approached the Clubmobile, unopened boxes all around it, they manage to catch up with Val and Tattie who had sped back in Tattie’s Jeep. 
“What the hell happened out there?” Olive yells over the sound of the running engine. 
“Baynard, he uh… him and his crew they…”
“Fuck sake! That was them?”
“Yea, it was them.” Val steps out of the jeep, leaning against it with a heavy sigh. Olive begins to walk towards her, gesturing for Meatball to stay put. 
“We just saw them this morning…” Helen remembers, head on the Clubmobile in sadness. 
Val can only nod, not quite able to speak yet due to the shock. A moment of silence is shared between them, Olive trying her best to breathe and calm down. Tears prick at her eyes and threaten to spill out onto her face, and she blinks them back with all her might. “Be a tough girl,” she whispers to herself. “Tough girls don't cry.” 
Helen removes herself from the side of the Clubmobile and walks towards Val, who, still leaning on the Jeep, remains in shock and unblinking until Helen's words bring her back to them. 
“Val? You alright?”
“Yea… just, scared shitless if I’m being honest.”
“Oh honey, I know…”
“Could have been either of them, Helen,” she says sadly, talking of Ev and Curt. "And I’m not keen on being alone.”
“Oh chicken, you’ll never be alone. You’ve got us.” Olive says, joining the two girls, taking Val’s free hand in hers, offering the same comfort as Helen.
“I need to get used to being called chicken as a term of endearment.” Val laughs as her head weakly drops to Olive's shoulder.
“There we go,” she grins. “Feeling better?”
Val nods reluctantly, as she pushes herself up off Jeep to finally stand, walking towards the abandoned boxes. Gesturing for the other girls to give her a hand, she suddenly freezes, that all too familiar scowl appearing between those perfectly outlined eyebrows.
“Meatbal! No!” The three girls look over to where the yell came from and see Tattie, hands on her hips in frustration, the scowl on her face almost rivaling Val’s as Meatball rips into one of the boxes, bouncing on his paws with excitement to try and hold it down as the cardboard escapes from him at every bite.
“I’m gonna kill DeMarco,” Tattie sighs, arms crossed. “Olive, tell your man to train his damn dog!”
“Not my man, Tat,” she replies, feeling Tattie’s pointed look burning into her as her back is turned. 
“Either way,” she sighs, her expression suddenly softer. “Someone needs to tell him.”
After a long day, the girls showered and got ready for an evening at the club. Finally taking some lessons from Val and Helen, Olive had, for the first time, managed to set her hair into soft curls with minimal help. While they had set, the girls had insisted on doing her makeup, transforming her into the soft, pink-cheeked girl she was beginning to fall in love with. Val insisted on filling in Olive’s brows and Helen had taken over the lashes, carefully daubing the ink on them with painstaking concentration, her tongue sticking out as she did so. 
“There,” Helen had sighed, closing the mascara box with a soft snap. “Absolutely perfect.” After getting herself ready first, Helen had arranged to meet her other girls at the club later on, keen to soothe the woes of a long day with Tattie as soon as she possibly could. 
Exiting the hut half an hour after Helen, Val and Olive found themselves surprised to see Curt waiting for them, leaning on the building ever so cooly. He had a playful grin about his face, Val rolling her eyes and groaning the second she saw his expression. Olive giggled as he approached them, Curt giving her a wink.
“Can I walk ya to the club, Val?”
“You can; I’m hard pressed to ask what you want, Curt.”
“Honest to God, I just wanna walk ya.”
“Helen told me you were a bit rattled after today, and I just wanted to make sure you’re alright.”
Val stops walking, and gives her friend a soft smile. Taking Olive’s hand for a second, she gives her the same smile. “Olive, I’ll catch up.”
“Okay,” she nods, still smiling. “I’ll save your seat!”
Olive begins the short walk to the club from where they had been standing, and sees Benny outside with Meatball, beaming as he sees her.
“Good evening,” he says, loosening his grip on Meatball’s leash as she approaches. 
“Hey, Benny,” she replies, bending down to greet Meatball too. “Hi, buddy, what’s up? Ready for a dance? You owe me one for tearing up all those boxes this morning.”
“Oh, shit. He did what?”
“Tore up a whole box of paper cups. Tattie went ballistic and had a sour face for the rest of the day. You should probably buy her a drink to soften her up a little.”
“Y-yeah, probably a good idea,” he responds, holding the door open for her. “After you, Miss Olive.”
“Thanks, doll.” 
As she walks into the warm, welcoming atmosphere of the club, she spots Dougie right away, standing at the bar with Everett. He’s so handsome that it takes her breath away, feeling herself get a little lightheaded as he senses her eyes on him, smiling sweetly at her as he stubs out his cigarette. 
“Uhm, excuse me for a second, Benny,” she says as she begins to make her way towards the direction of the ladies room.
“Sure. What’ll it be this evening?”
“The usual. Thanks, Benny,” she smiles, his kindness causing a pang of guilt to build up in her stomach, her eyes suddenly pricking with tears as she walks away. 
“Get a fucking grip, Ollie,” she says to herself as she hides in a cubicle for a few moments, centering herself the way her drama teacher had taught her. Filling her lungs with air and feeling them deflate, the built up anxiety drifting out of her with each breath. The panic, however, is still there, and the guilt is practically choking her, as two large tears drop onto her lap, taking her by surprise. Benny being such a kind, sweet man, being so genuine - any girl would be lucky to have a man like that. Her thoughts, however, quickly turn back to Dougie; the way the world practically stops turning whenever he looks at her, the way he makes her belly laugh at every opportunity. How he makes her weak at the knees, how he touches her subtly as if it’s their little secret. Realizing she had been in the bathroom a lot longer than anticipated, she washes her hands hurriedly and makes her exit. 
Just outside the door stands Dougie, two glasses in his hand. 
“You sure took your time.”
“God forbid a woman take some time alone,” she giggles, looking down at his hands. “That one for me?” She asks hopefully, the liquid within the glass looking familiar. He nods, handing it to her. 
“It is. Bought it as I came in. And luckily, that wasn’t long before you strolled in with our friend DeMarco.”
“Oh, it’s like that is it?”
“Maybe.” He takes the steps that are separating them and wraps his free arm around her waist. “I really wanna fucking kiss you right now,” he murmurs near her ear. “Can I?” 
Wanting nothing more than to finally feel his mouth on hers, the way she knows it would make her toes curl in delight and give her goosebumps over her entire body, she eyes up their surroundings and shakes her head.
“Not in front of the bathroom, James. Pick a better spot.” He sighs, resting his head on her shoulder. She nuzzles into him, her free hand tickling the back of his neck. “We’d better go,” she whispers sadly, not wanting to let go of him. 
“Don’t wanna,” he purrs into her, nuzzling into her neck now. 
“Dougie,” she pleads, reluctantly moving her shoulder. 
“Fine,” he sighs, his hand now on her face. “You better dance with me later.”
“Deal.” He walks away, leaving her there alone, which she is grateful for. Finding a lone spot right by the bathroom, she downs the drink given to her, the feeling of the alcohol rushing through her veins catching her by surprise. With one more deep breath, she makes her way back to the club where she knows her friends are waiting on her, stopping at the bar to drop off her empty glass.
Stopping is a mistake - within a moment, Olive feels herself accosted by not just Benny and Dougie, but Curt, too. Feeling incredibly overwhelmed, Olive looks around to find her friends gathered around their usual table, Val and Ev gazing into one another’s eyes as if nobody in the room - nor the world - exists. 
It’s Helen that catches Olive’s eye first, Olive’s panicked gaze causing her to stand from her seat suddenly. Murmuring something to Val, she breaks her gaze from her man to stand up, pushing her chair back as she does so. 
“Okay, boys, that’s enough,” she scolds as she pushes through the small crowd to get to Olive’s side. Olive, thankful for the rescue, clings to Val’s hand without a second thought, Val rubbing the back of her friend’s hand in comfort. “I have two very thirsty friends,” she says, referring to Helen and Tattie while staring right at Curt, “waiting on you at the table.”
“I was just–”
“Helen and Tattie are waiting,” she reinstates, a furrow fixed on him that makes him look like he’s about to jump out of his skin. It works, of course, as he hurriedly gets the barkeep’s attention, ordering two rum and cokes and a whiskey for himself. 
“You two,” She turns to Douglass and DeMarco, that furrow still fixed between her brows. “If you’d like to talk to Olive, come and sit with us.” Olive feels her hand being squeezed in comfort  as she remains silent, the panic attack still swelling within her chest. 
“Oh, uh…” Dougie stutters, struggling to come up with an excuse.
“The table, Dougie,” she grins, the smile relaxing the furrow and showing her beautiful teeth. “Benny,” she turns to him now, who is bent down, petting Meatball, trying to avoid the confrontation. “You and Meatball are welcome to join us.”
Taking Olive by the arm, Val gets them back to the table in a flash. Olive smiles, shaking her head and finally able to formulate a coherent sentence.
“You could rule the world, Valencia DiRosano.”
“No,” she laughs, her eyes slightly wrinkling at the edges with glee. “But I could certainly whip these fellas into shape.” 
They all crowded around the table, snagging extra chairs from other groups with a pretty smile to make room for them all. Four Red Cross girls, three pilots, a bombardier and a dog, all sat around a small table, looking every part a hodgepodge group. Val had got up from her chair and sat in Ev’s lap as he’d patted his knee with a twinkle in his eye, Meatball instantly jumping into the empty chair the very second she had stood up from it. That got a laugh from the whole group, as he perched on the chair with his paws on the table, quite the distinguished gentleman; the most gentlemanly at the table, Olive thought, as Curt regaled a tale loudly of an event from old times that of course included Val and a blonde that she described as “practically garbage.” Everett holding her in his lap as he laughed, Curt’s voice getting more animated and louder to keep the attention on him.
“I ain’t never seen anything like it,” he reiterates, his arms flopping as he does so. “One minute she’s across the room, and the next, she’s got this girl by the elbow, hauling her out like–”
“Trash, Curt. Because, she was trash,” she sniggers, her words overlapping his in a rushed frenzy. Olive hears Benny chuckling to the right of her. 
“So, we know who to call when we need a quick exit, then, is that it?”
“Call Tattie,” Val laughs, taking a sip of her drink. “She’s just as good as I am!”
“Oh, please!” Tattie replies from across the table. “You’re the muscle. You managed to tame Kidd of that God awful scowl he’s been wearing for weeks.”
“That’s Egan’s fault,” Helen says with a sigh. “Went and got himself demoted,” she says, mostly to Olive who has a confused look on her face. 
“How exactly do you get demoted from Air Exec?” Dougie ponders to Olive’s left as he lights himself another cigarette. Olive stares at him as he does so, the first small breath of smoke leaving his mouth as he talks. Without thinking, Olive reaches over and plucks it from pretty fingers, grinning all the while before placing it in her mouth and taking a drag. “Hey!” he teases, hand going to her lips to grab it back. She hands it back after only one inhale, feeling Benny’s sad eyes on her back as it all takes place. 
“You lot up for a group shot?” A man, stood with a camera around his neck walks up to the gang.
“Absolutely!” Tattie grins, having everyone get into place so they fit. She has Benny place Meatball up front, already doing his best pose with his tongue hanging out in happiness. Val stays put on Blakely’s lap, her arm around his neck and his on her waist. In a swift movement, Dougie pulls Olive onto his lap, looking like the cat that got the cream.
“Hi,” she giggles, trying to sit pretty, his blue eyes following her every movement. Curt had somehow squeezed himself in too, between Helen and Tattie with Benny close by.
“Alright, you guys. On three!”
To Olive’s surprise, Curt holds a hand out to Helen. “Humor a poor sap with a dance?”
Not hearing what else is said, Olive sees Helen take his hand as he guides her from her chair to the dancefloor. Olive sees a nod pass between Val and Tattie as Tattie stands, tugging at Dougie’s hand. “Come on, you. Let’s stretch our legs, hmm?”
“Sure, Tattie…” his eyes quickly glazing over as Benny offers Olive his hand. 
“Shall we?”
“We shall.”
The music swells all around them, Olive and Dougie making eye contact as they dance with their respective partners.
“You know,” she begins, Benny swaying with her gently. “We’re spending this time together and I still know so little about you. Tell me about yourself.”
“Well,” he starts, his expression full of thought. “I lived in Chicago before I enlisted. I decided to enlist in 1940.”
“Wow,” Olive replies, taken aback. “Earlier than a lot of these boys.”
“Yes, ma’am,” he nods. “I was just determined to serve my country. I knew something was coming even before Pearl Harbor, and I wanted to make sure I could be a part of it.”
“That’s very brave, Benny. Stuff like that doesn’t go unnoticed.”
“Just doing my job, Olive,” he says with a shrug. “It’s what we’re all doing.”
At that moment, Olive feels herself being softly pushed into another partner, Tattie signaling Benny to dance with her. 
“Oh, I see what she’s up to.”
“It was my idea.”
“Yeah, no shit, Dougie. Color me surprised.” Nevertheless, she feels herself smile at him, both of their eyes softening as they look at one another. She suddenly realizes what happens between Val and Everett. At this moment, nobody else in this room - nor the world - exists. It’s just her and James, swaying to a slow love song, his hand in hers and the other on her waist. She closes her eyes for a second, a slow breath leaving her pursed lips. 
“You okay?” Dougie asks, his voice etched with concern.
“Yes, doll,” she replies, her hands going around his neck. 
“You’re lookin’ at me like I’ve hung the moon in the sky or somethin’,” he grins.
“Because I think, maybe you have.” She lets her head fall to his shoulder, him planting a gentle kiss on her forehead. 
“Is this a better spot?” he asks, his lips brushing against her nose as he leans his neck down slightly. Coming back up to face him, a worried expression on her face, she shakes her head once again.
“I’d love nothing more than to have you kiss me, Dougie–”
“Then let me.”
“Not in front of Benny, darling. That’s not fair.” 
“Yeah, you’re right,” he says, his eyes downcast. “But you want me to, right?”
“I do. I absolutely do. It’s killing me to have to deny myself that. But I’m not here to hurt people, nor make them upset. Can you understand that?”
“I can,” he smiles, sadly. “You’re so fucking sweet, Ol. Just adorable.”
“Sweet on you,” she replies, her lips pressed to his cheek. 
“Ah, shit,” he murmurs, his eyes focused on something above the door. Benny walks over, patting him on the shoulder. “Gotta go, buddy.”
“Yeah, Benny. Be right there.”
Olive turns and sees the familiar red light beaming over the club, the band finishing suddenly in the middle of their song. 
“I’ll see you in the morning, okay?” She says, her voice suddenly tightening. 
“I know. I can hardly wait.” Clearing his throat, he leans in again and finds her ear. “Goodnight, goodnight. Parting is such sweet sorrow.” Olive pulls away, brows furrowed in amazement and confusion.
“You’ve been talking to Brady, huh?”
“Come on, Ol. He said his girl likes this one, so I thought I’d try it, too. Finish it.” Olive laughs at the sudden seriousness on his face, his blue eyes suddenly resembling Meatball’s. She breathes, trying to compose herself.
“That I shall say goodnight till it be morrow. There. Happy now?”
“See, wasn’t so hard, was it?”
“You’re insufferable, James Douglass.”
“Yeah, I know. It’s why you like me.” 
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faffreux · 9 months
can you tell us about when you fell in love with fawful? :)
Yep. In fact, I'll write a whole mini essay for you so I can add it to the FAQ section of my website coming up shortly LMAO (SINCE I NEED TO FULLY ANSWER THIS QUESTION FOR THERE ANYWAY, RIGHT???) CLICK UNDER THE READ MORE TO SEE IT BECAUSE THIS IS GOING TO BE THE LONGEST THING I'VE EVER POSTED HERE, LMAO.
To preface, I have been a fan of the M&L games going back to the early-mid 2000s when I was a kid. I had no involvement with fandom or anything of the sort back then but I used to hop on my mom's bulky computer and look up fanart and other related content as early as 2004/5 and as a result, ended up captivated by the characters long before I knew who they actually were. (As a result of this, I have the names and art styles of various old M&L fandom creators permanently ingrained in my head and often wonder where they are today since a good deal of them vanished..!) It wasn't until 2006 that I got my first handheld console (DS Lite) and of course, what did I do? Immediately begged my mom to order me a used GBA copy of Superstar Saga. 
When I finally had the game in my hands it was like coming home to a colorful world that I'd been captivated by for so long but never gotten the chance to actually explore until now. The characters felt like old friends and the Beanbean Kingdom as a location felt familiar and comforting to me. (As a side note, Popple quickly became my favorite. Shocker, right?)
I used to sketch various beans in my notebooks as well as on printer paper we had lying around the house. Long story short, I finished Superstar Saga and then a few years later in 2010 I picked up Bowser’s Inside Story and THAT’S WHEN THINGS SHIFTED–
BIS brought Fawful and his personality to life in a way that captivated my imagination like nothing else had prior. He quickly overtook Popple as my favorite character from then on forward… and that’s where it ends! Or.. is it?
Nah, that’s where it gets funky. Life got a little chaotic after that and not only did I stop playing video games altogether for many years, but I also almost completely gave up on art - the one thing I was most passionate about above all and thought I would make a career out of someday. A series of depressing events caused me to lose all hope and motivation for anything I created and the spark I’d kept inside of me for so long all but died out as a result.
We’re going to timeskip again, this time to late 2019. I’d just moved away from home permanently for the first time and had been getting settled in and no matter what I did to make my new apartment a cozy place it always felt like something was missing. My mind would keep wandering to the fact that I never made art anymore despite it having been such a key part of my life when I was younger. I so desperately wanted to change this and over the next few months the frustration only kept growing until on January 1st, 2020, I sat down in the living room with a pencil and paper in my hand and shut my eyes tightly before saying under my breath:
“I do not care what it is, I don’t care how it comes. Just please… PLEASE send me something to bring my art back. Anything… anything at all. I don’t care what I draw, I just want to be drawing again.” And with that, I placed the lead onto the paper and began to sketch…
And from there… a familiar face appeared!
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(Now I could ramble to you about how much I do NOT like this drawing and how off model it is from how Fawful actually looks… but I’ll forgive myself since I hadn’t touched the M&L games in over a decade at this point and had forgotten most of Fawful’s character. And yet?? Here he was.)
How else can I explain it except that in that moment it felt like the pencil in my hand had suddenly become one of these:
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A joy that I hadn’t felt in SO long suddenly filled my entire being and without wasting another second, I immediately went online and ordered both Superstar Saga and Bowser’s Inside Story to replay again. In the time waiting for the games to arrive I had started drawing daily again - sketching out various old characters of mine with dozens of doodles of the bean man stacked in between them all.
There he was… always smiling, always happy to see me, and oftentimes with his arms outstretched as if to give an encouraging hug. When the games arrived I worked through them quicker than I ever had prior - finishing up Superstar Saga in less than a week and subsequently moving onto Bowser’s Inside Story with a LOT of excitement built up for it. 
It was my first day playing and I was having the time of my life! The way Fawful looked in his little grey cloak with that enormous, charming grin of his as he bamboozled Bowser into eating the Vaccuum Shroom had me giggling with joy while words repeated in my brain over and over of: “I need to draw this later, I NEED to draw this later!!!” I WAS EXCITED ABOUT ART AGAIN… AFTER ALL THESE YEARS. I was practically hopping in my seat from the happiness I felt in my heart and chest every time Fawful appeared at this point!
This was how it felt until the moment I arrived at the Fawful Theatre and watched as he began dancing on the stage floor. THIS time.. something different came over me. If you’ve felt it before, then you’ll know what I mean when I say that it was like my entire body turned warm all at once, like some sort of flame had been lit inside. I’d never felt it for anything or anyone prior to then, and that's partly why it hit me as hard as it did. I was practically sweating.
Heck, I was so absorbed in my feelings that I had forgotten there was anyone else in the room with me! That is.. Until my roommate at the time spoke up: 
Her: Are you alright? Me: Uhhh… yeah, why? Her: You’re red as a beet. Are you sure you’re okay?
By this time I had realized what was really going on so I reassured her I was fine, grabbed my 3DS, and ran to my room to finish the playthrough on my own so I wouldn’t embarrass myself any further, hahaha.
In the days, weeks, and months following that moment I became dedicated to drawing the best art of Fawful I could possibly create! What started as a challenge to myself to ‘give back’ to the person who’d given me back the ability to create again turned into someone I genuinely could not stop drawing for how much fun I was having doing it. The desire to make better and better art in order to honor him drove me to improve at a speed I never had prior, and soon thereafter I created Jolligig as a way for me to be in this colorful world with him and to express the deepening affection I was feeling for him with every day that passed by.
By some miracle, my prayer had been answered and here it was in the form of a grinning lima bean.
[End of Part 1. Interested in the rest? Yes… there’s more, I’m sorry. Please let me know in the comments. This took a while to write so I thought splitting it up would be best if folks are interested, LOL.]
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causereyna-artie · 4 months
I listened to Nep's New Album released today, and I loved it! So here's a wolfstar microfic based on her song, Cottontail (also inspired by my very own attack from a hot librarian)
i wish i was a lady like you (so i could look as pretty in december)
If your name were River I'd legally change mine to a nature related term (Like Fern!) So I could be the grasses sittin' by you Remus came to The Allan Room in the NYC public library everyday, to the point the librarian, Ms Pince, assumed he worked there. And everyday, new people came. Stressed, over-worked students. Hyper, grinning students coming to write first essays. Tourists (god, tourists). Librarians coming in for their shift. Other authors came in, glancing at him sceptically from across the room. Recently, Remus had a problem: he couldn't write. The degree, national journaling award, years of Minnie's mentorship down the drain. He liked to blame it on no inspiration; but that was fuck all, he was in New York. Remus knew that, and his editor--the scary angel of Pandora Rosier--knew that. He had two weeks to come up with an idea. "And that's being generous, because I love you, but it can't be more because I fucking love you." she had said. And that was after Remus had set Lily on her. Two motherfucking weeks. And then, they came in. An absolute Adonis of a person, black hair reaching their shoulders, and sea-grey eyes, long arms covered in black ink. Yeah, new people came everyday, but nobody like this. And they was walking to Remus. "Hey," And Remus was still reeling from that one fucking word. "Hi." His voice reaching an impossibly high pitch. The person raised their eyebrow, "Yeah, you need to come with me." "What?" Remus blurted out. He had seen the movies. This is how it starts. They're going to distract him with an angel, and then take him outside, and then he's going to get arrested, and he can't survive in jail---have you seen his glasses and noodle arms? God, his mam was going to kill him- "Uh, your book, The Diary Of Virginia Woolf, is overdue. The one in front of you. You need to pay the fine. I'm the new librarian." Oh god, it was even worse. His wet dream was reprimanding him for an overdue book. Oh lord, it was so much worse. "Yep, yeah. Sure," Remus fumbled with cheque book, "Wait, you take cheques, right?" The man---Remus had caught his badge with his pronouns--hummed, "You won't need to. A dollar." Remus grabbed a note from his wallet, handing it to--Remus tilted his head to read the name-tag--Sirius. How fitting. Shockingly, Sirius stayed there, checking out the book. "Remus Lupin," he read, the name rolling off his tongue, "is that what I should call you?" Shit, shit, pretty boy wanted to call him. "You can, but I prefer Moony." Sirius' lips quirked. "And why is that, Moony?" "Because I'm up there with you, pretty boy. The brightest star." Sirius tongued his cheek for a moment, before grabbing Remus' hand and pen, and scribbling something down. "Call me, Moony." Sirius strutted to another table, presumably to terrorize another innocent, helpless man. Remus flushed at the number, when the cover of Woolf's book caught his eye. Huh. Sirius hadn't taken it. He opened it flipping through the book, and checking the borrow card. The book was due 28th February. Two weeks from now. Remus grinned, looking down at his empty notebook. All of a sudden, he had inspiration.
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What it could have been
Sirius and Remus raised Harry and snuffed out Voldemort earlier fluffy and supportive. Very introverted sub or maybe it’s a big little dynamic idk reader
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I stumbled into the great hall where another study hall was being held. Students of all ages and houses were clustered around the hall. I searched the room looking for my friends. When a familiar voice hummed, “Hey gorgeous, why don’t you come sit with me?”
I rolled my eyes at Potter, “and why would I even consider that?”
Potter flashed a big smile, “Because… because we have a transfiguration essay together.”
I groaned, “We have a month to do that. I rather go study for the charm’s test we have tomorrow with my friends.”
“I can help with that. I’m good at charms and also need a good study buddy.” He continued.
I signed, “Alright, do you have the study guide? I lost mine.” I asked as I sat down with him.
His friend Hermione, handed hers to him, and he gave a triumphant smile, “yes.”
I rolled my eyes again, “Close enough,”  I placed the booklet between the two of us a began to read a loud. “Alright…. So….um the Impervious charm makes an object water repellent. So does that mean that we can use our wands like an umbrella?”
“Yep.” He hummed.
“And for objects is it also like an umbrella or does it just become waterproof like a rain coat?”
“Um… like an umbrella. I don’t think that part will be on the test though.”
“Yeah… I suppose… the anti-Alohomora charm… really on the nose that one…” we continued until we were finally were dismissed.
“(Y/n), I know that I get on your nerves but I was hoping that it’s in a good way cuz I would really like to go on a date with you.” The usually cocky and infamously popular boy stood up fidgeting and nervous.
I raised my eyebrows, “Potter… you have never shown me any kind of interest before. You once glued me to my chair in potions class!”
Harry seemed to some how turned a even deeper shade of red, “Yeah, I’ve done a lot stupid things… glued you to your chair, your shoes to the floor…liked other girls even, but that’s neither here nor there.”
“Well damn Potter, you just giving me whiplash! Dang… I don’t know… can I think about it?”
He nodded quickly, “Yeah, yeah, yeah, of-of course! Yeah! Take your time.”
I sat in bed with my book unable to concentrate. Knowing I had a test tomorrow didn’t help but Potter’s question was more prominent of a distraction. It was going to have to be dealt with now, if there was going to be any hope for sleep or even focusing for the test. So I headed out of my dorm and made my way to the Gryffindor tower. It wasn’t hard to get in the house or locate Harry who was laughing with his friends in his dorm. I know a violation but I was on a one track mindset kind of train so I made myself known, “Harry… I need to talk to you…” I say nervously.
Harry smiled confidently, “Of course darling.” He led me out of the house and to the astronomy tower, “Alright beautiful, what are we doing?”
“Why did you ask me out? Am I some kind of conquest? What is going on! (Pretty girls name) was gorgeous, I got why you dated her. But look at me, I look like a troll compared to her.” I asked clearly beginning to spiral.
Harry took ahold of me firmly, “Look at me, I think you are gorgeous. And you are over thinking this. I like you. We have good banter and I think chemistry too. I know I make you anxious because you will never sit with me the first time I ask. You are quiet until you aren’t and I love when you aren’t. You get really into the topic and you just explore it completely. I want to get to know that person. That’s the point of dating isn’t it?” He chuckles.
“This isn’t some cruel joke?” I asked nervously.
Harry leaned forward until he was a breath away, “Have I ever led a girl on? No will I ever? No. Girl’s hearts is one of the few things I take seriously. Why don’t we move up that date and go snag some sandwiches from the kitchen and come back here.”
I thought for a moment, “Alright… but nothing funny.”
He smirked, “I will be the perfect gentleman. Promise… unless you ask for more.” He wriggled his eye brows.
The date well it was actually good and thus calmed some of my anxiety. So I was able to go back to bed and actually sleep and do well on the test. After the test I waved over Harry, “Library during free period?” I asked.
Harry gave me a cheeky grin, “Sure thing, what are we doing?”
“Our project… what else do we have to get done in the library?” I asked missing his insinuation.
He raised  his eyebrows, “oh, yeah… that… sure. Meet you there.”
After some work, Harry stood up, “You are acting as if last night never happened! You were worried that I would use you but you go on a date with me, laugh and have a good time but now you act as if it wasn’t anything …”
I give him a look, and interrupt him “I was on a date with you during our free time. Potter… you said that you don’t play with girls hearts… well I don’t play with my education. If you want to cut it off here, I understand. But I’m not used to this dating thing, like this is me.”
He sat back down, “look at us here. Anxious messes… but can I get some flirting? Maybe a kiss?”
I rolled my eyes at his pouting but obliged him in a kiss, “There, now can we finish this before the next class?”
He smiled and swooped down to give me a quick peck and then agreed to finish our project for this sit down. We began to date and get to know each other’s kirks. A week before graduation, he asked me to meet his uncles. The ones who raised him and had quite the reputation. I found myself quite overwhelmed with the idea. “Don’t worry love, I’ve already told them that they need to be on their best behavior. So they won’t push you too hard or get too rowdy. It’ll be alright. Nice and quiet.”
Nice and quiet my butt! His uncle Sirius was so very ADHD you could spot it a mile away. He was very invasive and Harry had to remind him to back off. After we graduated we got a place of our own. It wasn’t anything outrageous but it was nice. Harry had quite a bit for him set aside. I sat in what would be our room on the floor holding an array of paint samples. Harry came in and sat on the floor next to me, “What are we looking at?”
“Paint samples. I can’t decide if I want a nice bright, happy color or more of a neutral color that will be easier to play off with the rest of the house. I don’t know… what do you think?”
“Pick the color that makes you feel happy.” He said kissing my cheek.
“Alright… sunrise yellow or sunset pink?”
“Why not an ombré?” He suggested.
“Yeah? I like that… I’m going to go get the paints!” I hummed hopping up and headed out.
Harry was always supportive of my little oddities and he always wanted to help when I was an anxious mess. I sat in bed waiting for Harry to get home from work, I had the day off but unfortunately he didn’t. So I spent the day taking it easy. But an hour before Harry got home I got myself together enough to go make him dinner. He came home and wrapped his arms around me, “Smells great, love.” He hummed.
“Glad you think so… how was your day?” I asked.
“Stressful… Malfoy is a pompous ass who loves to make an ass of himself!”
“Oh? What happened this time?” I hummed as I leaned back into him.
He squeezed me before going to sit down and letting me make him his plate, “You know, the usual bull shit.” He slumped down, “You know how I told you about that trial? … well you see the dick head couldn’t stop interrupting me during my interrogation.”
I chuckled as I set down our plates at the table, “Isn’t that apart of his job?”
He groaned, “Baby! You are supposed to be on my side!”
I giggled, “Oh, I’m sorry baby… let me start over. Hmm… that asshole! Is that better?”
He smiled, “Much. Now how was your day?”
I shrugged, “You weren’t here so I just napped most of the day… just got up to make you dinner really.”
He took a big bite of his food, “that sounds like a good day. Thank you for getting up to make me dinner, it tastes amazing! So I was wondering if you could get the last week of next month off because I was hoping we could go on a cruise with my uncles.”
I gave him a nervous smile shifting uncomfortably, “I’m sorry but I don’t know if that’s a good idea… Remus is lovely but Sirius makes me feel uncomfortable.”
Harry nodded, “I understand… but this cruise ship will be massive if he becomes too much then we can just find another area for a break.”
I raised my eyebrows, “your uncle has no ability to back off. Or boundaries.”
“Remus has promised to help get him to behave and Sirius himself said that pranks on or near you would be off the table as it’ll be an enclosed space and he knows none of us will be talking or socializing with him if he does anything to upset you. So you know… I know he’s a bit much but he won’t hurt you ever. I know he makes you anxious but he raised me and it would mean a lot if you could go on this family outing. Maybe come out of that introverted shell for just a little while. I love you as is but it would be nice if you ventured out every once in awhile.”
“He promised no pranks?” I asked tentatively.
“On you.” He corrected.
“Make it no pranks in general we both know how they go wrong, and it’s a deal.”
“Okay then he’ll have to make sure that you’re with him when he does them cuz he doesn’t know how to behave that much.”
“I will settle for just knowing the details. But okay.”
I sat on our bed with an empty suit case trying to think of what I needed but wasn’t really sure as I had never been on one of those things.
“Babe… oh?” Harry stopped in his tracks holding a few bathing suits in different cuts. “What’s happening here?”
“I don’t know what to pack.” I whispered.
He set down what he had and began to go through my things “Well we should have one jogger set as it’s supposed to be warm but it’s good to have something just in case. Like I said it’s going to be warm so plenty of shorts. Two jeans shorts, four comfy shorts. Some tank tops and t-shirts. Now you just need your toiletries, flip flops, to pick out your bathing suit and maybe some sunglasses. Oh!” He goes back to the dresser and grabs a handful of my underwear and plops them into the bag. “Nearly forgot to pack you some panties. That is probably needed.”
I blushed profusely, “Thanks babe… now what did you come in for?”
He smiled, “well I got some new bathing suits but I’m not sure what style I want. What do you think?”
I looked over the options, “I like the shorts and the cropped shorts.”
“Great, I will return the others. So excited!”
The day came when we were to head to the cruise and I had on a nice sun dress, a sun hat with sunglasses and white shoes. Harry matched his shirt to my dress and we met his uncles at the boarding area. “(Y/n), it’s good to see you.” Remus smiled as he extended his arms.
“You too… Sirius.” I acknowledge as I give Remus a hug.
“(Y/n)… so we all ready?” Sirius boomed.
We boarded the ship and headed to our conjoining rooms. The room was very nice and I couldn’t say it wasn’t comfortable, which helped my anxiety. I sat on the edge of the bed as Harry placed our clothes in the dresser. “This might be nice.” I hummed.
Harry looked over his shoulder with a smile, “Yeah? I hope so too. I know it’s not easy for you but I’ve been looking forward to this and I know that you get nervous about these things. So you feeling good?”
“Yeah… you know how I get. But right now I feel like I did when we first started dating.”
“Nervous but focused?” He chuckled.
“Yep… you know me well. So now what?”
“In an hour we’ll need to go to orientation and then we’ll have time to explore the ship.”
I nodded, “Okay so we have some time?”
He shrugged as he finished up and came to sit with me, “Yep, do you want to see if Remus and Sirius want to go over the itinerary?”
I nodded quickly and almost on cue his uncles entered the room through the adjoining room door. “You kids decent?” Sirius laughed.
I turned red while Harry simply threw an arm around me and squeezed, “Yeah, just got settled in and were about to go ask you to join us in planning the day.”
Remus nodded, “That’s a good idea, we have orientation today, then we should figure out where things are. Then stop for lunch. After lunch I already signed us up for an art class. Then some free time we could use to finish exploring the ship. Dinner and then we can stop by the theater. Today is mostly just traveling but tomorrow the good stuff will start.”
“Sounds like you already had that planned out.” Harry laughed.
“Of course, though I’m surprised (y/n) hasn’t already planned it.”
“It’s not my trip to plan and luckily Remus is like me in planning.” I chuckled nervously.
Sirius rolled his eyes, “Neither one of you know how to relax.”
“Planning is relaxing.” Remus and I corrected.
Harry laughed and kissed my shoulder, “Well I appreciate it. But I think it’s time to head out.”
The day was easy and actually relaxing. When we got back I started to strip down to get ready for bed. Harry came up behind me and pulled me into his arms. “Come on baby get on the bed, I’m hungry.” I leaned back against him, “No need for clothes.”
I hummed and crawled up the bed and flopped down on the bed as asked with my legs spread for him. He hummed contentedly as he crawled up and laid between my legs. He kissed up my thighs until he reached my core. He dropped a kiss before he licked my slit and then delving into my core. He allowed me to push up my hips and ride his mouth. I let out a loud whine and he hummed contently. He swirled his tongue as he reached up with one hand to take ahold of my breast and played with them as his other hand grasped my thigh and held me close. I wriggled in ecstasy as he worked me enthusiastically, only pulling away once I had reached completion and came down from my high. The orgasms he gives me are always so intense. He crawled up my limp body kissing my skin as he went. He hovers above me and whispers, “princess, may I please use your body? I want to feel good too.”
I simply nodded and spread my legs more for him. He quickly stripped down before returning above me. He kissed me deeply before delving into my already overly sensitive pussy. I whine and he kisses me. “Are you comfortable pretty girl?”
“Yes… just sensitive… I am fine don’t worry.”
Harry nodded before beginning to find a rhythm he liked. He lowered his head beginning to nibble at my neck as he fucked into me. Moaning I try to meet his thrusts and help him chase his high but he pinned down my hips and growled, “Stay still my love, don’t want you to over exert yourself.”
I whimpered in pleasure at his display of dominance and came on his cock. He smirked before throwing his own head back and cumming loudly into me. He collapsed on top of me, remaining inside of me, “That was amazing baby. Always so good baby… want me to go start us a shower?”
I nodded and he rolled off me trotting off to the bathroom to start the shower before popping his head out, “it’s warm and ready love.”
I scurried over and we hopped under the shower of comforting warm water as we held onto each other savoring each moment. But we had to break apart and clean ourselves up before going up to bed to be able to get up in the morning. We really started bonding with his family on this trip.
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i was in tcs class, and he’s pretty lenient on what his students do if they’re done with their work and everything, so tc was helping another student with their essay and i was at my table reading, and these group of girls went up to the whiteboard and started doing a list of what they thought tcs favorite students were and and pretty much it went like this:
“#1 spot is easy to guess,” G said.
“yep, it’s obviously (my name),” M responded.
“woooah there, hold your horses, why do you think i’m (tcs name) favorite?” i lowkey screamed at them, i was so giddy on the inside 😭
“how could we not think that, you guys always spend the first 10 minutes of class bickering with each other, he’s constantly making fun of you, and you guys are constantly talking with each other,” G responded and im pretty sure i died on the inside from how giddy i was.
“how about we just ask (tcs name)?” M asked. (keep in mind pretty much the whole class is listening in at this point) “so (tcs name) is (my name) your favorite?” M asked tc, who was noticeably listening to the conversation at this point.
i looked at tc, who trying to fight back a smile and he looked at me and then at G and M at the front of the classroom, “I’m not allowed to have favorites, so i’m not gonna agree or disagree,” tc said trying to keep a straight face, AHHHHH IM SO IN LOVE WITH THIS MAN BDKSBKSJSNS
“our point taken,” G said and then wrote my name in the #1 spot.
y’all this honestly made my whole week and i couldn’t stop thinking about it for so loooong😭
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idontdohappyendingz · 5 months
When the World Caved In {S.B.}
[Part Two: Fools and Their Woes]
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A/N: Another part?!? Two days in a row?!?
Warnings: Graphic injuries, depression, angst, mental distress.
Word Count: 1814
“You just need to tell him,” laughed Lily from across the table. The library was practically empty except for the two girls working on Slughorn’s brutal potions essay. Anathema shot a glare in the red head’s general direction.
“Easy for you to say, James has been all over you since he first saw you on the train!” Anathema huffed, slouching over her sparsely done essay, “don’t start copying my paper!”
“Oh no, what ever shall I do without your,” Lily glanced down at her friend’s paper, “seven words.”
“Just shoot me,” Anathema groaned as she realized that the only words there were her name and the title.
“Where’s the fun in that?” Lily winked. A loud crash snatched her focus away. Sirius was sitting on the floor, having apparently fallen over, under a massive tome. He noticed Anathema’s lingering gaze and waved as innocently as he could, with his head tilted to the side and everything.
“For fuck’s sake, Sirius. Are you trying to give me an aneurysm?” Anathema scolded. Lily snorted as he painstakingly lifted the book and walked toward the two of them.
“Why darling, I’m offended that you would think such things of me,” Sirius teased. About 0.5 seconds later, the tome slipped out of his hands and slammed down on the table. Anathema nearly jumped out of her skin.
“Sirius. Black. I swear-”
“Sorry dear!” he cringed. Anathema looked away, hoping that he didn’t notice the blush spreading across her face. But it failed to escape Lily’s hawk-like vision.
“Y’know, Ana, Sirius is way better than I am at potions,” Lily said, her intentions poorly hidden.
“Do you need help with the essay for Slughorn?” Sirius piped up with a zealous grin. Anathema playfully kicked Lily’s shin with a straight face.
“Y-Yeah, actually. Lily is no help, to be completely honest,” Anathema stuttered.
“It’s the one on Amortentia, right?”
“Well, good thing this monster of a book is about…” Sirius scanned the spine, “complex charms…” he bit his lip and slid it toward Lily.
“Ah, yes. Exactly the thing I need for my potions essay,” Anathema joked sarcastically. Sirius barked out a laugh as Lily gathered her supplies.
“I’ll see you two [lovebirds] later,” she winked. Anathema felt her face heat up as Sirius slipped into the seat next to her. When Lily had left, Anathema swallowed a lump in her throat. You could cut the tension with a knife.
“So, uh… what have you written down already?” Sirius asked, shifting awkwardly in his chair. Anathema glanced at her barren parchment before cringing internally.
“Well… do you want the bad news or the worse news?” Ana said meekly.
“Merlin’s beard, Nightshade, are you trying to give me a heart attack as revenge?” he teased. Anathema scrunched her nose at the nickname he had given her. Her animagus was a raven, a form she had apparently inherited from a particular ancestor of hers.
“I’m telling you, Padfoot, ‘Nightshade’ isn’t going to catch on. Not while I’m around,” Anathema said, sticking her tongue out at him.
“How about ‘Inkwing’? Hm, or ‘Darkwing’?” Sirius proposed with a wiggle of his eyebrows.
“Sirius!” she blurted suddenly.
“Yeah?” he asked, slightly furrowing his brow and letting the smile slip from his face.
“I want to tell you some-”
“PADFOOOOOOOOOOOT!” bellowed James as he ran past the library door closely followed by none other than Peeves the Poltergeist.
“Prongs…” Sirius groaned. He peered back at Anathema, who was trying her hardest to hide the disappointment on her face.
“Go, Sirius,” she reassured him, “I’ll be here when you get back.” He smiled softly and stumbled over a chair.
“Oh! Before I forget or lose the courage,” he mumbled as he came closer. He swiftly lifted Anathema's chin with his left hand and gently pressed his lips to her forehead. Her eyes fluttered shut automatically.
“Oh le Faaaaaaaaay,” Bellatrix’s shrill voice shredded through Anathema’s peace of mind. She peeled her eyes open and saw Rosier unroll a canvas. Whatever it was, its individual pieces clinked against each other. Anathema tried to summon a witty response, but her mind was too clouded and her mouth refused to move.
“Come on, Annie! No clever words to utter today?” Bellatrix said, jabbing at Anathema’s will. Her body was already battered with old cuts and bruises from the many days that had passed, and she just hoped she would pass out sooner this time.
“How embarrassing,” Bellatrix boasted, as if Anathema had already given in, “Rosier, would you be a dear and hand me the size 11?” He rolled his eyes and grabbed the sharpened scalpel. The pointed steel reflected the bright light hovering above the three of them. Bellatrix had relished the idea that if witches and wizards loved muggles so much, then they definitely wouldn’t mind if they used muggle methods to get their captives to talk. That day seemed to be scalpel day. Rosier sat down in the corner and leaned forward eagerly.
“Wait, wait, Rosier. We must always ask her before we begin,” Bellatrix's wild eyes flashed violently, “Who is the Potters’ secret keeper, Annie?” As much as she would hate to admit it, Anathema hesitated. Bellatrix’s smile became impossibly wide.
“Is she finally ready to talk?” Rosier asked, not even trying to hide his amazement. Bellatrix gently laid the blade on the small nightstand next to her.
“Go on, le Fay. Spit it out,” Rosier chuckled darkly. Bellatrix waved him off.
“S-S-S-” she coughed.
“Get her some water, Rosier!” Bellatrix shouted. He ran out of the room and shouted down the hall. Footsteps shuffled behind her until Rosier reappeared with a glass of water. He begrudgingly raised it to her cracked lips once Bellatrix backed up. Anathema gulped down the water, savoring the refreshing feeling in her throat.
“That’s enough,” Bellatrix clicked her tongue. Anathema almost cried when he pulled the glass back.
“Annie. Who is it?”
“S-” Anathema retched. Bellatrix leered over her, desperate to catch every utterance. Anathema’s eyes hardened with fury.
“See you in Hell,” she managed to whisper with a faint smirk. Anathema heard the slap before she felt the fire burning across her skin.
“You good-for-nothing BLOOD TRAITOR!” Bellatrix hollered. The unhinged witch grabbed the scalpel and thrust it into Anathema’s abdomen. Her screams would have made Voldemort weep. Bellatrix cackled maniacally as she twisted the blade and shoved it deeper.
“Bellatrix!” Rosier shouted, “you can’t just kill her!”
“Shut up, Rosier!” Bellatrix countered, her eyes never leaving Anathema’s, “I’ll let her cling to the edge of death and bring her back over and over again until she begs me to kill her.” Anathema barely registered Bellatrix’s words, her agony all-encompassing. It wasn't long until she lost her grip on consciousness, the only sign of life left was her dull heartbeat.
When he finally awoke, Sirius struggled to see clearly, for his bleary eyes were still crusted with sleep. His forlorn gaze swept across the wrinkled covers, Anathema’s empty side was glaringly apparent in the afternoon sun. Sirius sighed and slowly forced himself out of bed, his only true motivation being the hope that her name wouldn’t be listed among the mounting list of casualties in the Daily Prophet.
Perhaps that wouldn’t be such a bad thing, Sirius thought reluctantly, at least she won’t be in pain… Sirius cursed aloud. How dare he even entertain such an idea. The solitude must have been getting to him.
By the time his kettle had whistled the anticipation of that wiry owl’s daily delivery had eaten him alive. Sirius took a generous sip from Anathema’s favorite mug and swirled the sweetened tea over his tongue before swallowing, the liquid burning his dry throat. He imagined James sitting down on his sagging gray couch, head in his hands. Lily would most likely be tucked into his side, drifting off to sleep while baby Harry caught some Z’s like tiny golden snitches. Sirius thought about how James had fought Dumbledore when he suggested using the Fidelius Charm and sending them into hiding. James was a fiery spirit, he wanted to fight but he had to protect his growing family. The only thing he could do was wait.
Impatient taps on the kitchen window brought Sirius back to reality. A scrawny barn owl perched upon Anathema’s ledge planter, the soil had been dry and devoid of life since she had disappeared.
“You ruddy owl!” Sirius exclaimed as he swung open the glass pane, “you’re going to shatter the bloody window at that rate!” The owl glared at him, its piercing yellow eyes were only mildly unsettling. Sirius huffed and untied the Daily Prophet from its leg. The owl squawked angrily once Sirius set the paper down on the tile countertop.
“I swear on Merlin’s beard! I’m going to pluck every one of your dodgy feathers and stuff me a pillow,” Sirius threatened.
“Are you yelling at… an owl, Padfoot?” a familiar voice called from behind him. Sirius nearly died at the sound of his old friend.
“Moony, you tosser! Nearly gave me a heart attack,” Sirius grumbled. He absentmindedly assessed Remus as he slipped a sickle into the owl’s leather pouch. Remus was sporting a new collection of newly healed scars across his pale face, though he seemed determined to hide them with his scraggly hair. He leaned against the door frame, heavily favoring his left leg, and strangely opted to keep his rather cumbersome overcoat on despite the obvious perspiration prickling his browline.
“You look like you’ve just seen a ghost, Pads,” Remus commented, his voice quavering. His face betrayed him, Sirius instantly knew that something was wrong.
“What’s happened?” Sirius interrogated as he swallowed a lump in his throat. The mutual distrust was bad enough, but the one thing Sirius would never tolerate was lies by omission, emotions be damned.
“Did Dumbledore not-. Uh, you should really read the paper before-”
“What?” Sirius interrupted, “what’s the paper got to do with…” he trailed off. His blood ran cold as the pieces slowly clicked together. Sirius’ hands trembled as Remus approached him.
“Pads…” he whispered.
“No. NO. It’s not possible,” Sirius argued, biting back a sob. Remus gently lifted the slightly wrinkled newspaper from the counter and flipped through the various stories until he came to the section dreaded reading every day.
“October 17th, 1981-” Remus started.
“The Ministry of Magic has confirmed 17 deaths-”
“Abigail Presley (40), Jonathan Meynard (64)-”
“Please…” Sirius cried softly.
“And… Anathema le Fay (21),” Remus mouthed, the air stolen from his lungs.
“Annie…” Sirius sobbed, “tell me it’s not true, Remus! She-she can’t be gone.” Sirius crumpled against the cupboards, sobs wracking his body. Remus lowered his head in shame, unable to watch his friend suffer as Sirius’ wails of agony echoed through the cold, empty flat
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Thoughts I had during TGCF S1 Ep 7
-Previously on TGCF…
-Xie Lian: I didn’t mean San Lang. Ruoye: Really? Ok! *lets go of him* (Sorry I just love coming up with dialogue for Ruoye, and you’ll see more of this later in Season 2!)
-Oooh the sudden chirping during the Sandstorm music, sounded similar to the noise Gale makes in Frozen 2
-He got him!
-It’s official!  Xie Lian is shorter than San Lang people! 
-It’s like they’re fondly embracing each other…
-Don’t be sorry Xie Lian, you’re doing amazing sweetie
-Hi Fu Yao and Nan Feng!  XD
-Xie Lian: Listen better!  You’re a bad band!  Ruoye: Sorry…
-Time to wrap up this rescue!  Pun count: 7
-There’s that wind chirping noise again
-I’ve heard of a close knit unit but this is just insane!  Eyyy (I’ve been waiting to use this one in another of my fave S1 episodes). Pun count: 8
-He doesn’t have any other options Nan Feng
-A cliff!
-Well it’s good to keep everyone together
-Is that Rock Plateau also similar to the Si Won Rock the Gaang found in the same desert episode? (Another good reference, and I hope there aren’t any buzzard wasps/circle birds and weird gross cave honey)
-I wonder who’s watching out for them anyway?
-Oooh a light spell from The Owl House (It’s official, TGCF has been helping me cope with the end of The Owl House people)
-I love NF and FY’s banter so much
-Aw he was concerned for Xie Lian
-Yeah how does he know so much about the perceptors?
-Oh really…
-It is really dark
-Well that ain’t great
-There’s so many people
-There’s pissed off Nan Feng
-I almost the uncle’s name was Jeong (like Jeong Jeong from the avatar) but it’s actually Jiang
-Diplomacy wins again
-Oooh now San Lang’s skeptic
-Why does the Guide Zhao also have red eyeliner?
-Man the only kid in the caravan
-The Sandstorm hasn’t let up
-He sat on a tombstone!
-The writings in Hanzi and not Arabic
-So savage Fu Yao
-I’m learning Mandarin and even I don’t know what it says
-They’re reading together folks
-And now Tian Sheng’s curious too
-The soldiers look similar to the army in Disney’s Mulan
-Yes that is so complicated right now
-Ooooohhh That poor poor general
-Fu Yao has experience of being on the battlefield
-Aww Tian Sheng
-Tripping on your shoe laces is not how anyone would want to go out oooohhh
-Yep it’s just comical picturing that final moment
-And then they all bow to it to respect the general it’s both funny and endearing!
Yep still can’t read it
-San Lang totally said that to trick them
-Oh and the way Xie Lian called San Lang a ‘Prankster’ *Fangirls like crazy!*
-He caught the tail fwoo!
-That’s an animal that would totally fit in the Last Airbender world (I wasn’t kidding when I said this is for the Adult Last Airbender fans)
-San Lang using the cobra as a jump rope has added at least 10 years or more to my lifespan!  XD
-Thank you Fu Yao and Nan Feng
-The Sandstorm is over
-No the kind merchant uncle!!!
-He got stung!
-Oooh that’s how you stop the venom from spreading
-Oh no and 4’s an unlucky number in China
-That’s good reason alright
-No telepathic communication out in the desert
-Oh no another cobra!
-He saved San Lang!
-Oh no now Xie Lian got stung!
-Oooh San Lang ordered Ruoye to become a bandage
-(Another spell that inspires my TOH AU, including the venom sucking for healing magic!)
-He is sucking the venom out like a G!  Get yourself a man like San Lang people!
-This moment between XL and SL is so freaking sincere
-I could do an essay on why Hualian is the superior ship than Stolitz is right now, but I might end up pissing off fans that watch and defend HB’s problems, so it’ll never happen
-Xie Lian’s so brave during the venom sucking
-You know we’re all thinking what Xie Lian’s thinking about how he’s going to clean San Lang’s bloodied lips (I’ll let you share your answers in the comment section)
-And San Lang makes the snake explode like a boss
-Aw Tian Sheng’s concerned
-He’s so selfless
-And Fu Yao’s stuck with merchant sitting
-Oooh a travel montage
-Really lovely desert travel music!
-And then Fu Yao gets pissed off while the merchants sneak away!  XD
-They made it to the ruins
-Yeah he does know an awful lot
-It’s those women again
-Oooh foreshadowing with that banter
-Uh oh the woman in the black cloak spotted them
-Another cliffhanger people
I know episode 6 in Season 2 came out today, but I’m finishing my reaction compilation of Season 1 before I get to the next season ok?
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chenyann · 2 years
A bat like roommate!!
Lilia vanrouge
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Have you heard the rumor of the bat like roommate?It was said that y/n had lost their old roommate and is looking for another,After posting online that you were looking for a roommate a boy answered your ad,a strange boy moves in y/ns life turns upside-down!Now let's take a peek of what it's like living with a strange boy named Lilia vanrouge!
cw: gn!reader, crack & fluff, sfw, unfinished and lousy editing. F/n= friends name Stay tuned for the next rumor...
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A new message
As you were typing away on your laptop your phone let out a loud ding.
1 new message from f/n
"Heyyyyy y/n I just had a great idea!!"
You groaned as you looked at that message, thinking about what your friend had to say.
[What is it???]
You sat your phone down waiting for a reply,typing away at a post you made on magicam.
Your phone made that annoying ding sound again;god you really need to change that notification sound.
1 new message from f/n
"So you know how you've been looking for a roommate, I think you should make an ad!"
You sighed,sincerely F/n could be really dumb at times making an ad means making alot of strangers have a chance to know your address and possibly stalk or kill you,but you digress.Was it really such a bad idea; I mean nobody is gonna drop from the sky to be my roommate….you pondered what you should do and after taking a sip from your water you came into terms.
You're gonna put up an ad.
You texted your friend as she gave you support and you put up the ad.
Hello,I am looking for a roommate,I  live in a apartment by NRC there is a spare bedroom with a connected 
Bathroom 1090 sq.Ft we have walk-in closets,a small private balcony,dishwasher and internet there is a gym and pool on the apartment complex (which is animal friendly)
Water, internet,electricity and the bill will be split by us, if you want a roommate and like these terms please dm me!
You cringed at your own post and hoped nobody would see it,you let it go as you went out to your friend's house to go give her a whole essay on how her idea was corny.
After being gone for what seemed like hours actually it was just for 40 minutes you had notification in your inbox from 'Muscle red' that's a stupid name you thought as you read his dm.
'Hello, my name is Lilia and I read your ad about a roommate,benefits of living with you seem very decent,I would like to know more about the apartment.'
After talking to him you decided to let him move in.He can't be that bad, what's the worst that can happen!
Another flower
Woken by a knock at the door you grumble to yourself as you walked to the sound opening it to see what looked like an emo 8 year old, oh wait that's Lilia.You snapped back to reality when you heard a snicker from the door,"well look who is prepared, are you really gonna help get my stuff In your pajamas?" 
Yep he is gonna be a problem, from that very moment you knew he was gonna be a weed in your little ecosystem you have in your head.Lilia had this vibe about him,A vibe of a old man hiding in a grunge aesthetic.He made no time to poke and prodder at you,making snide comments to you every-so-often.Every Time you shut his Q&A session down it made him even more determined to 'bother you'.
Lilia didn't make no plans to stop pestering you, infact he has been asking you dozens of questions every ten minutes."so why did you want a roommate?" He had a cheeky grin, a cheeky grin you wanted to wipe off his face.
You remind yourself that its temporary, that his existence in your life will end sooner of later so you should stop the weed before its spreads.That is if you want to keep that ecosystem you have, to keep your garden of life safe from weeds.You spent years making that ecosystem, making the gardens and the animals;Years of your life spent on it, you won't let a random boy ruin those years of work.
"I needed help paying bills" you said honestly
And that is when it stops🧍‍♀️
Also a rant below on why it's unfinished
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I started that post on August 27....And announced it on the 27.....I-i now I know I promised it but um ima just give yall what I have because I know dam well I'm not about to finish this shit💀 and I'm sorry but I just...I haven't felt like making a fic since my last one😭 if I do finish it, then okay yall can have it.But I'm acting like I don't have 4 other fics that I didn't start on soooo Yeah I honestly would maybe go back to this if it was just headcanons but I likely wont💀 I also have 6 drafts 1 of them are a fic I-i don't know anymore,IM TRYING TO GET THEM OUT BUT ITS SO HARD
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cathumanthing2 · 1 year
Roseblings Chatfic AU Chapter 5
(Tw: implied child abuse at the end)
magic bitches
3:44 pm
scary fish lady: hey jimmy that one tango dude just called
scary fish lady: Why'd you leave your phone anyways
pathetic fish man: oh my boyfriend called woo
tech wizard: excusemewhat
tech wizard: THAT thing got a boyfriend?
actual wizard: fWhip, be nice.
pathetic fish man: Heyyy :( 
jungle bitch: jimmy doesnt have rizz he cant have a boyfriend
pathetic fish man: Yep I have a boyfriend, his name is Tango, hes awesome and he lives in hermit city
buff buff farmer: you do realize that that sounds awrully like the old excuse of, "oh they go to another school you wouldnt know them"
pathetic fish man: but I'm not lyinggg 
pathetic fish man: Lizzie help you know im telling the truth
scary fish lady: no :) 
glitter starboy: sorry but it sounds like ur lying ngl
pathetic fish man: guysss i swear im telling the truthhhh
father: Jimmy, I'm sorry to say this, but it does really sound like you're lying
hopeless romantics
3:58 pm
engineer salmon: i want to scream
engineer salmon: this is pain
Shroom: literally me all the time
elsa boi: fWhip…. I just realized who you like and
elsa boi: get a better taste in men. Please
simp for elves: scott you do know that xornoth told me all about your crush on jimmy last year
elsa boi: im gonna kill them-
elsa boi: but seriously fwhip why. Why. i thought you hated him
Shroom: fwhip. why.
simp for elves: fwhip you like HIM????
Shroom: …hes gotten to the point where he thinks the patheticness is cute
Shroom: hes too far gone
elsa boi: best to let the sickness run its course hel cometo it eventualkly
simp for elves: still i cant believe you like jimmy
elsa boi: shh, joey, we're all too gay for this you fucking like my sibling
Shroom: fwhip if jimmy does like you back tho itll take like 6 monts for him to realize it and another 6 monts for him to make a move and by then itll have faded so gl
engineer salmon: kill me now
holders of the sacred braincell
4:02 pm
Queen of all Ducks: should we tell the truth or should we let them keep thinking jimmys lying
Water Cat: lets just wait till tango inevitably visits hermit city bcause that'll be funny
Sandman: As one of Tango and the others' "stalkers", as they call us, I can help nudge it along appropriately. Unless you want to, Pearl.
Queen of all Ducks: Yesssss meddling in others' relationshipssss
Magic Nerd: Ooh can I join? 
Magic Nerd: Actually no I have too much work to finish i cant help
Queen of all Ducks: Cmon, whens the last time you had some fun Gem
Queen of all Ducks: Please join?
Magic Nerd: Sorry, but I seriously have too much work to finish to be doing fun things right now
Queen of all Ducks: fine 
Gem set down her phone, eyes watering. It stung to have to turn down an invitation to do something fun with her friends, but she had to.
She glanced at the C she got on an essay she stayed up an entire night to finish, a reminder to work harder and do better work.
She wiped her tears away and began to type. No use in dwelling on past assignments that she failed miserably on.
(Her mind kept drifting to her parents' reaction to the bad grade, and she shuddered. It didn't help her focus at all.)
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salty-seaz · 2 months
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Internet Tales and little rants - Mini Story #1 [May contain topics of politics]
Damien: the one wearing the red cap
Hades: The one with the beads in his locks
_____________ _____________ __________
Damien: “okay so we got the Chris chan documentary, the sharpie pen incident, pretty interesting video essays that I haven’t watched yet… but if you know one yourself then feel free to show me!”
[Hades snickers a little, he hadn’t been this drunk before. Especially with Damien… but he felt weirdly comfortable with him? Typically Damien starts chanting weird shit and acting like Tarzan when he’s drunk but this time he’s chill. But that didn’t matter, what mattered now is that they are both having them together. Even if they probably won’t remember it the next day]
Hades: “Eheh, Ain’t it really funny how there is so much videos of people doing dumb shit?”
Damien: “Yeah, that’s the joy of it. Watching people witness the consequences of their own actions, like don’t act victim if you kept doing it”
Hades: “nah, but imagine their digital footprint?”
[Damien began laughing a little, he knew Hades had a point. But he had another comment to add]
Damien: “Yep, Chris chan for example. For the amount of stuff they done… But yet again, I don’t think it really matters as much people make it out to be.”
Hades: “how come?”
Damien: “because there is actors, celebrities and just people who would say the most racist thing in the book. But yet they’d still have their job. And not only that, they still get their arses wiped for them.”
[Hades nodded, he then suddenly snapped back into remembering that does happen unfortunately]
Hades: “You have a point, this may be off context but Johnny depp for example… During the court case a good majority of it was him being childish as fuck. Like eating candy and doodling in a case about domestic violence?? My guy, if I did that in a court case I would’ve been fucked. But yet people saw it comedic! And what really boiled my blood was when people kept making it about Jack sparrow as if it were a meet and greet.”
Damien: “You absolutely nailed that. When I saw clips of the trial I thought the exact same, though I never really cared. But I don’t think both Heard and Depp are good, like Heard deserves better but she’s a fucking Zionist. So I don’t care about either of them.”
Hades: “Yeah, that’s a fair point. Anyways enough about the whole trial that happened 2 years ago, If we should worry about digital footprint. Bigger names should too.”
Damien: “Exactly.”
[Damien was now just searching for a good tale to read or listen to with Hades…]
Hades: “Damien, I have a video essay I think we’d both like.”
Hey to whoever read this! Thank you for reading. And if you want you can comment what you think and what I should improve! It may not be pirate related in this one or in a lot of the comics but this is only because it’s mainly just comics of the 4 main characters interacting! And you may have noticed but I put a song from Spotify there so you can listen to it while reading so it sets the vibe more!
What is this series?: This is Tragic Blue! A Series I want to keep working on until I can turn it into a big Series one day! And hopefully it going on Adult Swim! But for now I am making little mini-stories and comic type things for now. :-)
The main characters for those who are wondering!:
Mei Xiao
See you soon!!
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gallavichgeek · 2 years
Tagged by the talented @ms-moonlight-inn​ to answer a few questions P.S, I’m sorry it took me so long to reply to this, October has been a hectic month for me but I’m excited to answer. 
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
35 - wow, really? 👀
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
3. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Saving Grace (It means the world to me how much you all love this fic, but yes, it is still hidden. I’m hoping I can share why very, very soon)
His Name was, Slave
South Side Forever
Sex Tape
The Ian to Mickey’s Cal (This is a collaboration piece)
4. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Hell Yes! Every single one. And I try not to let them sit there any longer than 48hrs.  Comments mean the world to me. I love reading my reader's reactions, their thoughts, their predictions. I want to thank them not only for taking the time in reading and leaving a comment but I also want to let them know that I feel the way they feel and try and hint at anything that I can for what’s to come. 
5. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
Two Kisses - I am known for a guaranteed happy ending, but this was something else. Emotions took over my body when I wrote this and I ALMOST didn’t post it, but my readers voted yes to me posting, however, I don’t think they were prepared when I said it was angst heavy. It’s one of my lowest kudos fic and I’m not surprised. It’s so sad. 
6. What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
All of them. Even if the whole story is full of pain and suffering, it will end with a happily ever after. I feel like canon put Gallavich through enough pain that I don’t need to add to it via fics. 
7. Do you write crossovers? If so, what is the craziest one you’ve written?
Once. The Ian to Mickey’s Cal explored gamer Mickey meeting Ian Gallagher, the model behind Cal Kestis from his favourite Star Wars game. It’s probably the only crossover I’ll write and honestly, it was purply because Ian and Cal are both played by Cameron, the opportunity was too great to pass up. 
8. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Yep. And as much as it can suck, it’s kind of a compliment. Fan Fiction is designed to make sure no one reads anything they don’t want to, hello tags/author’s notes. However, I’ll still get a reader that will go forth and read something that they don’t like or that makes them uncomfortable and then write an essay about how terrible it is that I wrote such a fic. It’s my job as an author to push my own limits, see what I can write, and what I can explore. If I try something new, will it get the same love and appreciation as what I’ve written ten times before? I want to know if it’s my writing people enjoy or my genre. Do they read my work because they know what to expect or because I might push some boundaries? I still have my own limits, subjects I won't touch, but still, I’ve received hate, some valid, some just petty. 
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Do I write smut, please, is the grass green and the sky blue? 😏😈 And the only smut I write is Gallavich because that’s the only ship I write. 
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
God, I hope not. Thanks for putting that thought into my head. 
11. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes. I’ve been honoured to have 3 or 4 of my pieces translated into Russian. 
12. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I have. My first experience was with @camnoelgallavich and we wrote The Ian to Mickey’s Cal together.  I am currently co-writing with another wonderful author within this fandom, more to come soon but I know you’re all going to love it. 👀😉🙊
13. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
No ship has ever hit me as hard or stuck with me for as long as Gallavich has. If you want to know who else, we may be here for a while, I mean, how far back are we talking here?😅😜
14. What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
Hmmm, WIP's none. But I have series that I want to add to. I make sure to end each update in a place that could feel as though it’s complete but I have plans to add to them, it’s just other ideas hit me and I want to explore those also.
15. What are your writing strengths?
I’ve been told in my comments that I write as though my readers are watching a movie. I like that thought. Whether it’s the detailing or the way I lay out the scenes, it’s enough to give my readers a visual to get lost in the world I’m creating. 
16. What are your writing weaknesses?
I feel as though I need to write every moment in-between A-Z. If I want to get my characters somewhere I forget that I can jump forward a little or move to a new scene without explaining everything that happened prior. 
17. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
Tried it once for a sentence or two, but I know when I read it in fics and I have to google it or read the end notes to know what it says which therefore involves scrolling up and down, it personally makes me feel disconnected from the story.🙈 
18. What was the first fandom you wrote for?
19. What’s a fandom/ship you haven’t written for yet but want to?
Honestly, if I haven’t written for them yet, it means the bond isn’t strong enough that I want to try and write for them. 🤷🏻‍♀️
20. What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
Besides Saving Grace, I’d say Hope.  That story, which can be read alone or within the series has such a special place in my heart. It was written before s11, kind of my own version of what I hoped the final season would be like because I just wanted to see Ian and Mickey happily married, exploring the world of trying to become parents. It’s wholesome without losing the essence of Ian and Mickey. I had a lot of fun fixing what the show screwed up within that story/series too because we all know those writers made a lot of mistakes, but that’s a whole other story. 
Thank you for reading, hope you like my answers. I’m not sure who hasn’t been tagged so I apologise if I tag you and you’ve already done it. @filorux @takeyourpillsbitchh @camnoelgallavich @shannee10
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strange-ghoul · 2 years
Have a plot but don't have the time or energy to put it into actual words?
Hi! I'm Smile (Charlie Hermes pen name on Fiverr), and I'll write your stories! From fanfiction to your own plots and characters, I'll make sure they are on paper instead of just in your mind.
I also do English HW.
More about all of this under the cut!
Write fanfiction and nsfw by Charleshermes | Fiverr
Do not hesitate to message me any questions!
What do you actually do?
I write! At the top of this is a link which goes to my Fiverr, which has a whole Q&A. I do just about everything and am very open minded to anything. I do SFW and NSFW.
My Fiverr also has some of my works on there for show. They came from my AO3, and I'm currently working on another work that's more recent.
My delivery can take up to 5-6 days but bear with me as I am still doing school right now.
Pricing/Payment Options
$10 is the starting price for 1k words.
It's $5 for every 1k words added, but as projects get bigger that'll change to lower. (All prices are negotiable :) )
For English HW, it can change based on the topic. It'll most likely be $10 per 1k because of academic language and research.
You can pay me on Fiverr. Paypal, or Ko-Fi. If you need another payment option, don't hesitate to ask. (I'd suggest Paypal, as Fiverr takes money from me and still makes you pay like $3 more)
English HW
**For legal reasons, I condone cheating** With that out of the way, yep. I'll do essays on topics for you, just give me the full prompt. I'll come back as fast as I can to let you know if I can do it or not. I'll also just do your standard work if you're not native to English or don't want to deal with it :)
Why you?
Help me save for an apartment so I can get out of the house and actually be able to do things with myself. Plus, helps me get this much closer to transitioning properly (teetus deeltus and peenis keepis ig??)
Plus, I've been writing for nearly 8 years now and I'd say I'm pretty good at writing :)
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lgbtqreads · 2 years
do you know any books with filipino as the mc???? specifically sapphic plssss
Yep, you can always look here to find rep by nationality:
And for specifically Sapphic, I've bolded in the below list taken from that page:
Don’t Tell My Mother by Brigitte Bautista
You, Me, U.S. by Brigitte Bautista
*Dauntless by Elisa A. Bonnin
America is Not the Heart by Elaine Castillo
“Murders at the Rue Apartelle, Boracay” by Rin Chupeco in His Hideous Heart
Wicked As You Wish by Rin Chupeco (MS)
*Silver Under Nightfall by Rin Chupeco
“Whatever She Wants” by Kess Costales in Keep Faith
Flamer by Mike Curato
My Heart Underwater by Laurel Flores Fantauzzo
Another Word For Happy by Agay Llanera
Casual Hex by Taneka Stotts (au.) and Ria Martinez (ill.)
The Groom Will Keep His Name by Matt Ortile (Memoir/Essays)
No Two Ways by Chi Yu Rodriguez
Fairest by Meredith Talusan (Memoir)
Wander This World by G.L. Tomas
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sirisuorionblack · 3 years
Professor Lupin
Professor!Remus Lupin x Professor!Slytherin!Reader
Request: Hey! Could I please request a Professors AU with Remus? I melt over the idea of him reuniting with someone from his school days when they both become professors and potentially a shit ton of pining from our boy Prof. Lupin ☺️ ty lovely!!! Xxx
Warning - none that know of.
A/N I hope you like it @cherrycolakxsses! Had so many doubts to post it but this I finally out. It's quite lengthy and might feel rushed at the end. Sorry!
"(Y/N) (L/N),” Professor McGonagall’s voice tore through the music blasting inside (Y/N)’s office. Does it set a bad example? Definitely. Does she care? Maybe.
“Old habits die hard, Professor,” she said, extinguishing the candlelight on her desk that's been lit since last night when she was going through a few papers. McGonagall chuckled at that.
The two of them walked down the corridor to the great hall for breakfast when Professor McGonagall said something, “Who do you reckon is going to be this year’s Defence Professor?”
“The dementors?” (Y/N) asked, looking genuinely confused.
McGonagall glared at her, “I wish you weren’t a professor, I could have deducted points,”
“Professor Slughorn would have been mad at that,” (Y/N) chuckled.
Professor McGonagall smiled at the fond memories of her past colleague complaining to her about “unfair deduction of house points”.
“But tell me a plausible guess of who might be this year’s Defence professor,” she insisted, a small smile tugging on the corner of her lips.
(Y/N) narrowed her eyes, “What are you planning, Minnie?”
The said person rolled her eyes at the nickname, “Well, I will tell who the Professor is - Its Remus Lupin,”
She could see the young professor straighten, staring at a spot on the ground as her thoughts ran wild, mind flooding with memories of a certain familiar Gryffindor.
“Oh,” was all she could muster.
“He will be joining us tomorrow,” McGonagall said carefully, looking intently at the girl before her.
“What!? Tomorrow?” she said, her eyes blown wide.
“Yes, and I except for him to have a good welcome,”
“You think I would be...mean to him?”
“What are you two still in your fifth year?”
“Oh come on, Minnie! Don't do that!”
“I should give it to the two of you, it was rather hilarious,”
“What is hilarious in watching two fifteen year olds duel!?”
“You will know it,”
That night (Y/N) rolled on the expanse of her bed, wanting nothing but the face of the Gryffindor to just disappear and allow her to sleep but all she could think about was him. She wondered if that same high school crush was turning, she wished not.
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“Welcome, Remus,” Professor Dumbledore greeted him with a wide smile as Remus looked around the Headmaster’s office. He had come here only a handful of times and every single instance was just not the best.
“Hello, Professor,” He said, smiling politely.
After the introductory chat, Dumbledore said, “Well, come on, then, let me introduce you to the rest.” Remus smiled awkwardly as the Professor clapped him on the back.
Remus stopped dead in his tracks as Professor McGonagall and another young woman walked in. He immediately identified her, it was (Y/N) (L/N), his once upon a time arch-nemesis. He clearly remembered her 16 year old self, a bright smile on her face as she spoke to him rationally for once, settling everything, that contrasted the taboo of students with green robes having cold look.
(Y/N)'s smile slipped as she saw him, he was extremely thin and malnourished but he did have a smile on his face that compensated for everything else.
“Hey,” she said, mustering the smile back and outstretching her hand.
Remus coughed as he managed to break out of the trail of memories and shook her hand, “Hello,”
“Ms (L/N), can you please accompany Mr Lupin to his office?” Dumbledore asked.
“Yes, professor,” she said without giving it another thought.
“Do you remember this place?” (Y/N) asked with a smile as they reached a deserted corridor.
Remus barked a loud laugh, “Oh, how can I not! Wasn't this the place where we charmed the water balloons to pop right above your head?”
“Yep, it was the very same place where the epic duel happened, the time I had almost won,”
“But you didn't,”
“And neither did you,”
“I think - what was his name? - Liam Holloway! Yes, he ended up in the hospital wing,”
“That's what you get when you try to get in between a duel,”
Remus chuckled, “One of the reasons that was epic because that's when they saw Hogwarts’ most silent people have a fully-fledged duel,”
"Oh, yes! But honestly, to this day I have no idea how it started,"
Remus chuckled, "It was because the water had drenched your potions and charms essay "
"My potions and charms essay? Remus," (Y/N) dissolved in a fit of giggles, "Oh goodness,"
"What?" Remus asked, a smile spreading its way on his face. He waited for her to calm down.
"Professor Slughorn had looked at me pitifully the next class and then said I didn't have to hand in that essay and Flitwick did too. I hadn't done either of their essays that time. And when they told me that I was so confused as to why they did,"
Remus' jaw dropped as he looked at her incredulously, giggles still escaping her lips, "And I being the nice person I was, I wrote that essay for you and had James put it "discreetly" into your bag. Wait, that green bag was yours, wasn't it?"
"That was you!?" She asked, her eyes wide.
"Yes," he said, nodding.
"Oh, Merlin, I thought it was Snape for some odd reason and I was being good to him!”
“Should I be offended?”
“I dunno, I am sorry,” she wiped the tears that formed in the corner of her eyes with the amount of laughter she did within the few minutes.
Remus watched her as she smiled and looked around, the two of them falling into a comfortable silence.
“This will be your office,” (Y/N) said, opening her arms wide open at the entrance, “the terms start in a couple of days and then-” she grinned at him.
Remus was slightly distracted by the tank that stood at the side of the room, perhaps it was a fish tank; it was empty so he had no idea about the use of the tank and the thought of buying a fish for it ran high.
“No, honestly, the kids are great!” she said proudly, misinterpreting his silence.
“Are they?” Remus asked as he looked around his new office.
“Yes! I mean they are so lovely and sweet and just amazing, unlike some,” she said pointedly.
Remus chuckled, “What are you insinuating, (L/N)?”
“You know exactly what I am insinuating, Lupin,” she said, smirking.
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(Y/N) squeezed Remus’ arm, watching his eyes turn glossy as he looked at the boy seated at the Gryffindor table laughing with his friends, resembling a lot like Remus’ late best friend.
He sighed and looked away. Soon, Professor McGonagall engaged him in a conversation, as though sensing the situation long ago. He spoke to her, a subtle forced smile on his face though all he could think about was his friends at the age of fifteen running along the corridors hollering and howling with laughter as they did so, and (Y/N).
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“Good morning, Professor Lupin,” Remus heard as he walked through the corridors of Hogwarts - his once upon a time home, where he laughed and found friends and people who loved him, people he loved - he turned around to find (Y/N) grinning at him, “You know, I never thought you’d be a Professor,”
“You think I don't have the capability?” Remus asked, his eyebrows scrunched in offence.
“No, I mean you were after all the brain behind those petty pranks,” she said, grinning at him, “Do you think I didn't notice those “secret” whispers?”
“You-how?” Remus asked.
(Y/N) froze, biting her lips to prevent the blush from spilling onto her cheeks, “That doesn't matter. By the way, I must say, that prank on Snape where his hair was neon green for a week-?”
“That was epic and you know it,” he cut in.
“Yes, I know, Lupin, let me finish, will you? The part of the reason why it was because I did something,” she smiled cheekily, looking at him through her lashes and making Remus’ heartbeat cease and he felt as though the air in his lungs were knocked out.
Remus blinked, looked at her and asked, “What?”
(Y/N) chuckled, “Yes. The potion was to turn Snape’s hair a shade of purple, it was quite nice on him I must say but it wasn't - how do I put it, um,” she snapped her fingers in the air trying to find the right word.
“Humiliating?” Remus suggested.
Her eyes widened as she chuckled, “No, more like embarrassing?”
Remus smiled, “Alright,”
“So, I had mixed a neon green solution I had stored for, well...you,”
“For me!?”
“Yes,” she said with a giggle.
Remus blinked, “Why would you do that?”
“Um, good question but remember I hated you at that period of three months,” she said, shrugging.
“Well, now?” Remus asked, tilting his head slightly and staring at her intently.
“What now?” she asked.
Remus looked away from her striking orbs and at the sea of students, “You know, do you still hate me,”
“Nah,” she said and proceeded to mumble incoherently.
“What did you say?”
“Oh, nothing, nothing at all,”
The two of them fell into the depths of awkward silence, struggling to get back. Students who passed the greeted and smiled, giving (Y/N) an opportunity to break the silence.
"What are you planning to do in your first class?" (Y/N) asked.
Remus had brainstormed the past night. He wanted something that would make his first class a good one, an opportunity to teach the students all while taking a place in their heart and getting to know them. Remus believed that a student would like the subject if they liked the teacher.
"I thought of doing some theory part or something like that," Remus shrugged unsurely.
“Theory? On your first day?” She looked at him as though he was an alien, “Wow, Lupin, I thought you were genius,”
Somehow, as she muttered those words Remus felt a blush forming on his face, perhaps because she thought he was a genius (which he was), or it was embarrassment.
"You could do like practical like, I dunno, something cool," she said, waving her hands wildly.
"Um, what is cool?" Remus said, blankly.
(Y/N) stopped, gawked at him and left forward, shaking her head, "Do whatever you want, Lupin!" She yelled.
"Hey, hey, wait! (L/N)! HEY!" He called after her, watching her go without another glance at him, "And there she goes. Great, Remus, scared the girl away,"
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"You did a boggart!?" (Y/N) exclaimed, the evening Remus had come into her office uninvited - definitely startling her - and boasting about what he taught that day.
"Yes," Remus chuckled, "Neville's boggart was Snape, you know,"
(Y/N)'s jaw dropped, "Wait, I, oh my goodness, his worst fear is Snape?"
"Yeah," Remus mumbled. (Y/N) fell silent as her eyes connected with his, both of them drawing deep breaths. She got lost into the depth of his eyes, concentrating on trying to find which colour they adorn - green? brown? amber? - it would take her years to find out.
(Y/N) coughed and looked away, breaking herself from...whatever she was put into.
"Um, uh," Remus shifted on his feet, one hand stuffed into his pocket and the other scratching his neck, "Would you - um, perhaps we could, I mean, if you want to-" Remus stopped his stuttering and took a deep breath, "We could take a walk? Like just down the-"
(Y/N) chuckled, standing up and crossing the desk. She grabbed the jacket that hung on a stand in the corner of her office. The coat was an obnoxiously dark colour of green that made Remus scrunch his face.
"What?" She asked, narrowing her eyes, "You don’t wanna come?"
Remus grinned extremely widely, and snatched his coat, stumbling to join her pace.
The two of them walked down the corridor to the black lake, their surroundings cold, the chill air swishing their cloaks yet the two of them felt warmth seeping into every inch of their body.
"You do know that it's way past curfew, don’t you?" Remus tried to joke. The keyword being - tried. He was bad at that, he was bad at flirting, he was absolutely terrible with girls.
But to his utter surprise, (Y/N) threw her head back, laughing, "You do know that we are Professors, don’t you?"
"Well, it’s my first day," Remus shrugged.
"Oh, now about that again - did you really do a boggart with your students? Really? In the first class you wanted them to show their fears?" She said, glaring at him.
Remus shrugged and looked around, his eyes catching the moon, it was waning gibbous, 7 days due to full moon. He was finally back at Hogwarts for the full moon. 16 years later.
"Remus," (Y/N) laid her hand on his arm. He suddenly whipped his head to look at her, the movement adding to their close proximity.
Remus froze. Her eyes. They were captivating to him. They shined under the moonlight, her eye colours modified into bright, shining ones. He fell into the mysterious depth of her eyes that pulled him closer, quite literally.
Both of them did not know when but soon their lips connected in a messy kiss but it was perfect for them. Their hands manoeuvred until hers were buried into his brown curls and his arms wound around her waist, pulling her closer. Remus tilted his head, deepening the kiss.
Kissing under the moonlight, what a cliche, yet, Remus Lupin wouldn't want it any other way.
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