#whoah this is like exactly me !!!!
marnikula · 27 days
Hey! I was wondering if you would be able to write a post about a Derek x reader where Derek is in the hospital after getting shot and the reader is just so distraught and bursts into his room, but plot twist, no one knows that they are in a relationship except for Garcia, who let the reader know, and they are all so confused.
Also, I imagined it as a female reader, so if you are comfortable, could you do that?
Hey! Sure, I can do that for you😊
Not my best work, sorry about that, but I hope you enjoy none the less
CW: Injury, female reader, mentions of gun shot, hurt / comfort, talks of deatb
You have never felt your heart drop so quickly and so violently into your shoes before that moment. "He just went into surgery, I don't know how long it's going to take for him to come out, I called as soon as I could."
Derek was shot. He was in surgery. He was shot. Shot. He could be dying. He could be dead.
Shooting out of your seat you grabbed a bag and flung all of your necessities in it, letting Garcia know you were on the way before hanging up the phone. He was in California, 6 hours away by plane and you hadn't even bought tickets yet, you didn't have anywhere to stay. You knew you were being rash rushing to the other side of the country without a plan, but you didn't care. The love of your life was on an operating table and you weren't there.
Hailing a taxi to the airport you finally took the time to book a flight, thanking whatever higher power there was for the fact that the soonest flight out was in less than an hour and praying that you would be able to make it.
Rushing into the hospital, your bag still in hand, you ran up to the front desk.
"I'm looking for Derek Morgan's room, he was shot, can you tell me where he is" even to your own ears your voice sounded frantic, like you were hanging on by a thread. And to be honest you were, you just needed to know that Derek was okay. "What is your relation to the patient?" "I'm his girlfriend"
After getting his room number from the nurse you practically flew up the stairs, not having the patience to wait for an elevator. Seeing his room you moved even faster, breaking into a sprint and almost knocking a tall and lanky man over in the process. Shouting your apologies behind you, you were met with a door, slowing down just in time to not run against it.
You were in such a flurry of relief seeing Derek alive and awake that you didn't even register the rest of the people in the room as you rushed in, dropping your bag at the door and enveloping him in a hug. His good arm reached around you and hugged you back as tightly as he could muster, which was still pretty tight considering he had just woke up from anesthesia.
Kissing the top of your head Derek spoke the first word between the two of you: "Hey princess, what are you doing here?" You shoved yourself out of his embrace, still sitting on the bed and letting the agitation you felt show on your features
"What am I doing here?! Seriously? You got shot and went into emergency surgery and you're asking me what am I doing here?!" "Whoah baby, calm down, I'm fine, doctors said I'll make a full recovery, no lasting damage except for some scarring" your reply followed, with a smack against his good shoulder as well "Don't you ever, and I mean *EVER* do that to me again, do you understand?! I was so scared that I would loose you" "Baby, I'm so sorry that I scared you, but I'm fine now, and I promise to try my best not to get shot again. It ain't exactly fun you know. Now do I get a kiss or what?"
A loud clearing of a voice broke the two of you out of your little world. "Are we perhaps interrupting something?"
"Rossi, man, I respect you and all, but please, get your and everyone else's asses out of my room so I can spend some time with my girl"
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yourmomxx · 7 months
Heyyy omg I saw you looking for criminal minds requests. Would it be possible to request something for derek morgan?? Maybe a protective derek where he's freaking out after hearing that reader is hurt (reader can be bau as well or just regular civillian, it's up to you) and ends up smothering her. Thankyouu so much 🥺💞
a/n: I totally could see Derek Morgan do this, honestly, this is so good. Anon, thank you for your request, I really hope you like how it turned out!
"Derek, seriously, I'm fine!"
"Uh-huh, sure. Tell that to the x-ray the doctor made of your double fractured ankle."
You tried really hard, you did, but at the end, couldn't resist the urge of rolling your eyes.
Derek - your dear, caring, passionate boyfriend, who you loved endlessly (most times) - had acted this way for the past few days. Four, to be exact, four and a half if one counted the day he spent in the hospital with you, not leaving your side even to get coffee.
It had been, a few days ago, that you had broken your ankle.
Fractured, twice.
It happened while you were coming down the stairs, you'd slipped on a patch of the sleek wood and tumbled down the remaining three quarters to the bottom.
It was the most stupid and idiotic way to break a bone, honestly, but it had happened to you either way.
You'd known Derek was out on a case, somewhere in Milwaukee, you honestly didn't remember all the town's names all that exactly, which is why you had satisfied yourself with only sending him a quick text after an ambulance had shuttled you to the nearest hospital.
The doctors had told you that you would be fine, just that they were pretty booked this time of year and your treatment could take longer than usual.
It's why you stayed the night.
When you had woken up the next day, mind still a bit foggy and ankle swollen and hurting more than it would any normal day, you had never expected to actually see your boyfriend earlier than that evening.
But you'd been wrong.
Because there he stood, Derek Morgan, in all his tight-henley, muscular glory, talking with one of the doctors who'd briefed you about your condition the day before, an invested look on his face, just a few feet outside your open hospital room door.
The clinical, white sheets rustled as you straigthened yourself up.
"Derek?" The soft call of his name made your boyfriend look up, just as the doctor stepped away.
A smile played around his lips as he made his way over to you. You were still baffled about his showing-up, when he leaned down and pressed a greeting kiss to your mouth.
"Hey, sweet thing," Derek mumbled.
With a grunt, he sat down in the worn-out, yellow cushion chair and regarded you with deep concern in his dark eyes.
"How are you feeling?"
You tilted your head.
"Like I fell down the stairs and double-broke my ankle not even twelve hours ago."
Derek's mouth left a soft chuckle. You grinned.
"What are you even doing here, I thought you had a case?"
He raised his hands in a defensive manner. "Whoah, now don't be too excited." There was no bite behind his words, or the eyeroll you gave him in response.
"I'm serious, baby," You said. "You didn't have to be here, I'm totally fine."
Derek leaned forward and rested his elbows on his knees. His gaze didn't leave yours.
"We closed the case about two hours after you sent me that text," He explained. "When I read what happened, I pushed everyone to pack their things just a bit faster than normal, we took the jet, and now I'm here." He opened his arms. "End of story."
You cocked an eyebrow. "How much faster?" You asked.
Derek weighed his head. "A lot faster."
You let out a laugh. "God, you are crazy," You breathed out, cheeks pushing your eyes closed with how wide you were smiling.
Derek reached out and took your hand into his, the warm weight laying comfortable in your palm.
"Only for you, mama."
His hand squeezed yours and you smiled.
Turns out that hospitals were the. worst.
At first the willingness with which all staff was tending you with, it felt like a blessing, for once not having to do the most mundane tasks by yourself - because honestly, who wouldn't want that? - but as time passed by, it all seemed to weigh down on you.
You were practically chained to a bed that wasn't yours, and therefore in no possibility as comfortable as the mattress you were used to. The clinical smell of sanitizer started burning in your nostrils, and your eyes felt blinded by the exact same shade of white that covered every wall, surface, and sheet in your sight.
You almost groaned when a white cast was put on your leg to stabilize it. Derek had just grinned at you and promised to bring Penelope over at some point, with a set of acrylics, glue, and rhinestones.
That's when it had started. The Doctor had told you to rest up for a while, don't put too much weight on your left foot where you had broken your ankle, and come in for regular check-ups.
You should've known then, that you were doomed. Because since you had left the hospital that afternoon four - three and a half - days ago, Derek had not once thought about leaving your side.
For anything.
Any. Thing.
He was being so sweet with it, of course, because Derek Morgan didn't know to be anything else, but over time, having this constant worry hung at you for tasks that should have been the simplest of everyday life was draining, and made you grow agitated.
If you needed to compare it, it felt like being sixteen and your parents checking in on you while you were at a friend's birthday party every hour on the clock, all over again.
You were standing in the kitchen right now, spatula in one hand, the other perched warningly at your hip, a pan on the stove ready to be heated up and a disapproving look on your face, staring down Derek Morgan who stood accross from you with his arms crossed and an almost stronger "Don't try me"-attitude than you had.
"Baby," You said, slowly dragging out each syllable. "I understand and do appreciate your concern, but I am fully able to cook lunch."
"The doctor said not to put too much pressure on your foot," Derek shot back. He gestured towards the kitchen island. "Scurrying around for at least half an hour without a break is what I call 'too much pressure'."
The only pressure you were feeling right now was the exasperated groan that you fought back of pushing out your chest.
"I feel alright," You reassured him. "And if I really feel like it's too much, then I'll sit down and take a break."
Derek shook his head. "Will you, though?"
You sighed and put the spatula in an empty space on the kitchen island.
As smoothly as you could, you walked over to your boyfriend, supporting the weight on your unmoving leg by leaning your hand on the kitchenette, as you had discarded your crutch on the other side of the room.
Derek raised his eyebrow at that.
Finally reaching your boyfriend, you put your unoccupied hand on his cheek and let your thumb softly stroke over the stubbled skin.
Derek ever so slightly leaned into the touch.
"I'm just worried 'bout you," Derek murmured quietly.
You nodded slowly. "I know."
You did. And you understood. With all the death and hurt he saw, day by day, night after night, how could he not be?
"But baby, you gotta believe me when I tell you that I can take care of myself. That I know my limits." You gestured around vaguely. "That I can cook lunch for myself and my beautiful, kind boyfriend."
A hushed laugh escaped Derek's chest. His dark eyes found yours and the glimmer in them softened, turned a whirl of worry into a smooth tide.
"You just gotta watch out for you," Derek said. "I know you like to push yourself, don't like admitting defeat."
His hand came to rest on your forearm of the hand that was still tenderly lingering on his cheek. The soft tickle of his thumb drawing absentminded circles seeped through the thin layer of your clothing.
"But taking breaks is okay. There's a difference between being weak and just taking care of yourself."
Derek dipped his knees slightly when he noticed your gaze flashing to the floor, to catch your attention again.
"And I have never, not once in the time I've known you, known you to be weak. Alright, sweetheart?"
The warmth was radiating off his strong body, and infiltrating every single one of your concious senses. Unaware you were doing it, you leaned closer to him. The breeze of his cologne wrapped around you in pure comfort.
"Alright," You said. "Alright, I promise I'll take care."
Derek held your gaze. His fingers pushed a loose strand of hair away from your forehead. "That's all I wanted to hear."
The quick peck you pulled him in for by the neck quickly turned into an open-mouthed kiss, Derek's tongue circling yours for the briefest of moments, before finally gaining dominance.
You attempted to press further into him, but your hard time keeping balance wouldn't allow it.
He pressed one last, small kiss to your nose before backing away.
You smiled at him cheekily, still supporting yourself on the cold stone of the kitchenette, and laboriously turning around to finally get to make the food you'd fought so hard to be able to cook.
"At least let me work the stove."
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moralesmilesanhour · 11 months
first day
summary: you bump into pavitr in the hallway on the first day of school, and make a new friend.
genre: meet-cute, sorta? first meeting.
wc: ~300-400
A/N: this is my first pavitr fic! a bit of a freewrite, just to get a feel for how I want to write his character and how he interacts with people. this was the easiest way to do that lol
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You gripped the handles of your backpack as you weaved between bodies in the crowded hallway, eyes alternating between your schedule and the flurry of white uniforms. Unfortunately, your eyes remain on the folded piece of paper for a moment too long.
Your body crashes into something hard, nearly knocking you over before two strong hands grab your arms to stabilize you. 
“Whoah, careful!”
It was a boy’s chest that you had rammed into. He looks down at you with dark eyes, widened in surprise. You would come to learn that they always looked like that by default. Voluminous, ear-length hair fans out over one side of his face, just barely kept out of his eyes by a blue headband. When he let go of you, you stood stock-still with your shoulders tensed. The boy’s eyes flickered down to the wrinkled schedule you clutched in your hands.
“You look lost,” he said. “Where are you off to?”
Suddenly, you remember you have a voice.
“U-uh, I have Social Sciences, I think.” You hold up the schedule so that he can get a closer look at it, and his eyes light up.
“Oh, you have Mrs. Amma with me! I’ll walk you, c’mon!”
The boy’s hair flips and bounces with him as he spins around, not even checking behind him to see if you were following. You narrowly dodge a few students as you rush to keep up with him.
“I’m Pavitr, by the way,” he turns his head to meet your eyes as you walk to his right, as if he knew exactly where you were going to end up. “Pavitr Prabhakar. Yours?”
“Y/N L/N,” you reply. 
“Cute name, very stylish.”
This pulls a giggle out of you, and the corners of Pavitr’s lips quirk up. He looks proud of himself. 
“Same to you. Alliteration, and all that.”
“Ah, Pavitr, finally! I thought you were going to be late for the first time!” a woman’s voice calls out near you.
The two of you have arrived at the correct room number. A middle-aged woman stands at the front and smiles, jet-black hair with streaks of gray pulled back neatly into a low ponytail.
“Good morning, Mrs. Amma! I would never.” Pavitr beams and gestures towards you to come inside. “Come on, you can sit by me.”
You greet the woman as well before entering the classroom, more than ready to see that smile again every morning.
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anonymous-dentist · 10 months
An excerpt from my Royalty AU:
The knight stands in the middle of the road with his sword drawn and pointed towards them. His helmet is off, and his tiny little idiot baby bear ears twitch annoyedly as Cellbit whoahs the horse to a halt a good couple of meters away.
Subtly, Cellbit leans back and mutters, “Do you know him?”
Roier ponders. He makes a show of it, actually, putting his chin in his hand and frowning, drumming his fingers against his cheek.
“I don’t knoooow,” he muses, just loud enough for the knight to hear. “He looks familiar, but I’m not sure.”
The knight, predictably, scowls. He lowers his sword, but just slightly. But, really, that’s basically a surrender from him.
“Your highness,” the knight slowly says, “do you know how hard it was to find you?”
“‘Your highness’?” Roier exclaims, faux shock playing at his face.
He hooks his chin over Cellbit’s shoulder, looks at him and asks, “Gatinho, are you a prince? Why didn’t you tell me, pendejo!”
He lightly smacks Cellbit’s arm. Cellbit, in turn, gives him half of a glare out of the corner of his eye, but Roier can see the smile teasing at his perfect sexy lips.
“I thought I could keep it a secret…” Cellbit sighs. He hangs his head, leaning into the consoling hand Roier puts on his back. “Desculpe, guapito, I never wanted to lie to you.”
The knight looks between them, not remotely convinced. Roier sticks his tongue out at him. The knight rolls his eyes, used to it.
“Pinche pendejo,” Roier hisses, right into Cellbit’s ear. “Lie better. This guy is good.”
Cellbit’s ear twitches, and that’s all the acknowledgment he gives.
“Roier,” the knight sighs, “get off the horse. Vamos. Do you know how angry Vegetta is right now?”
“How would I know how the king is feeling?” Roier sniffs. “I don’t know him.”
“Oh my God,” the knight groans. He raises his sword again, and Roier has to grab onto both of Cellbit’s arms to keep him from reaching for his daggers. “Just get off of the horse before I have to kill it, too.”
Roier gasps dramatically. He can’t put a hand to his chest, holding Cellbit and all, so he settles for pulling one of Cellbit’s hands backwards and putting it to his chest instead. Cellbit audibly winces and snaps at him to watch it, but Roier knows that he’d never argue against getting to touch Roier’s pecs.
“Why are you even sharing a horse?” the knight asks. “Do you know this guy?”
Roier can’t exactly say that they’re both currently too broke to afford a second horse.
But he doesn’t even get a chance to even try to explain, because Cellbit does it for him, cutting into the conversation with a very proud-sounding, “He is my fiancé, excuse you. And I do not appreciate you talking to him like this.”
Roier could swoon. So he does, sighing forward and slumping against Cellbit’s back. The knight looks positively disgusted, but not because he’s homophobic. It’s the look of a man seeing his childhood best friend in love with an obvious criminal, and it’s hilarious.
Fiancé, Roier dreamily thinks. He just wishes that they got to be boyfriends first.
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redhairedwolfwitch · 1 year
Painted Fires Burn Brightly (3) - Andy Herrera x DeLuca!Sister!Reader - Station 19/Grey's Anatomy
A/n: wow a fic that doesn't involve women's football? i am shocked... but also I want to work on like five football fics at once so it's chaos here in my little corner.
Summary: You have inspiration for the first time since Amelia Shepherd broke your heart and threw you into a wall of artist's block. But who knows if the fire between you and Andy will burn out or become an eternal flame?
Part 1 Part 2 Part 4
Request: hey 💓 could you write a deluca!sister x amelia fic where r is a cheeky italian which puts amelia in gay panic mode x
A/n: this diverts from canon like a curly wurly chocolate bar, also mentions a one night stand, there's no smut but it's alluded to, so, read at your own risk, and don't ask me where this happens in canon, because that will give me another headache:)
A/n: to whoever reads this, you matter.
Opening the door, your eyes widened slightly before you smiled a little, "ciao, fiamma."
Andy Herrera stammered for a moment before smiling, "hi, are you free?"
"Lunch with my baby brother and angioletta of a baby sister was okay, by the way, I know you haven't met them yet."
"What does angioletta mean?" Maya enquired, leaving Andy to pause as she listened for the meaning of the Italian word.
"Little angel." Carina smiled, resting her hands on Maya's hips as she leaned in for a kiss.
"I'd call you some Italian name in response, but I only know fiamma, and angioletta..." Andy admitted as you let her inside, taking a sip of your drink as Andy spoke.
All it took was hearing angioletta for you to spit your drink, covering your face as Andy's eyes widened.
"Whoah, you okay?"
"Sorry, sorry! It's just, my sister calls me angioletta, fiamma." You explained, wiping your face with a piece of kitchen towel before drying where you had spat your drink.
Andy frowned as she processed what you just said, her jaw clenched as she stared at you, eyes glancing over your features.
"Wait, wait, your sister, your sister wouldn't happen to be Doctor Carina DeLuca, who is dating Maya Bishop, a fellow firefighter at Station 19?" Andy asked, her hands on her hips as she quirked a brow, waiting for a response.
"Well, I haven't met Maya yet, but Carina is my older sister. I'm sorry we didn't discuss it, we were a bit busy after leaving the bar, and it's not exactly pillowtalk." You admitted, pulling into yourself as Andy's eyes softened, her fire qwelling as she realised how insecure you were after everything.
"You're the youngest?" Andy toed the line onto another topic, gently stepping forwards to pry your fingers from where they were clawed into your arms.
"Yeah, after what our father did, our mother left with Andrea and myself to America, Carina stayed in Italy with him. I was little, so I barely remembered Italy. I begged and begged my mama to take me when she would go visit papa and Carina, and she did. I stayed and completed my undergrad there, got dual citizenship and came back to America for my master's degree." You explained, staring at your shoes as you spoke, tensing slightly as Andy stepped closer, her hand under your chin to coax you into looking at her.
"What your father did?" Andy gently prodded, feeling you lean into her hand as it cupped your cheek.
"Bipolar disorder. Our father was a renowned surgeon, but he operated during a manic state on seven people, four died. Our father got away with it because of his connections, but mama left him, and took me and Andrea with her, Carina stayed." You explained, glancing away as you took a breath.
"They worry about me. They thought I was developing it at one point, but I'm fine. I saw a doctor and a psychiatrist in case, because they scared me, but I don't have it. Carina worries for my brother now, but she checks up on us both." You brushed away a tear before it could parade down your cheek, mumbling apologies and swear words in Italian before Andy intervened.
"It's okay, they said you're okay, so it's okay. I'm sorry I asked so many questions, I just, I panicked, can you imagine how your sister would react to this? And Maya? She already had this shit-eating grin after I told her I had earth-shattering sex with an Italian girl, what happens when she finds out it was her girlfriend's baby sister?"
The smirk on your face was intolerable as Andy covered your mouth with her hand.
"Please tell me you didn't actually use the word 'earth-shattering' because... now I feel dirty, what if my sister found out you said that?" You grimaced, watching as Andy gently removed her hand from your mouth so you could speak.
"God, I have no idea if Maya... she overheard, your sister knows I found an Italian lover who called me fiamma." Andy realised as your eyes widened.
"Yeah, I'm not going to hear the end of this from her, especially after..." You trailed off, looking over at the canvas on the coffee table with sorrow in your eyes.
"Your last heartbreak?"
"Yeah, when Carina told me what was going on, I begged her to get rid of everything, every little piece of inspiration. I found that one behind a bedside table, and called her to get rid of it, like the others. I can't even go have lunch with my siblings at Grey Sloan because she tries to come over and talk to me. It's... ugh, I want to paint my emotions away." You replied, heading towards your studio/the spare room when Andy caught your hand, smiling as you tilted your head in question.
Carina didn't expect to see a voicemail from you after checking her phone. She helped a mother deliver her baby a while ago and was now going to get the resident to update the chart when her phone buzzed.
"Carina, hey, what's going on?"
"Y/n found another of the canvases that remind them of Amelia. I'm going to go see if she is okay, and remove the canvas." Carina explained as Andrew hurried over, spotting Carina grabbing her bag.
"Wait, Y/n dropped one of their paint tubes when she ran at lunch. Here. Uh, I think the cap was a bit loose." Andrew replied, flicking his fingers as the luminous green paint coated his fingertips.
Carina murmured a mix of a thank you and a swear word in Italian under her breath as Andrew passed her the metal tube of paint, holding it daintly until she could wrap it in some tissue, green paint in her bag wasn't something she wanted to clean up.
"This is what you've been working on?" Andy turned her head from where the two of you had been leaning in, closing the distance between the two of you.
"Uh, yeah, since you left this morning. I take my travel bundle with me when I go out too. I have some older stuff if you want to see, before she who we don't talk about by name entered my life?" You offered, heading over to the wardrobe, Andy's eyes following your figure as you began to rummage through the bottom of the wardrobe.
Holding the chosen sketchbook up with pride, your eyes widened and your cheeks heated up as you noticed how Andy was looking at you, that small smirk on her face making your stomach dance with butterflies.
"Before we met, I think maybe, before Maya even met Carina, my best friend from my childhood, he died. He jumped in front of a bullet for me, this kid, Milo, he didn't know the gun was real, he just wanted to play cops and roobers. I threw myself into work." Andy divulged part of her past to you one night, her fingers drawing patterns over your collarbone as your chin rested on the crown of her head, holding each other in the darkness.
Time had passed since you met Andy Herrera in that bar, starting a relationship. Neither of you regretted it, but the two of you were hiding from Maya and Carina.
Your brother knew. He could tell that the light in your eyes had returned, but the light was more like a fire, and your art was beginning a surplus that had you developing more than a portfolio.
When Andy found out her dad's cancer was back, she ran to you. Allowing you to gently hold her in your arms, running your fingers over her skin and listening to her recall story after story about her father, who had maybe six months to live.
"I met him, I think I met him before I met Maya actually. I was looking for Carina at your firehouse, you were all out on a call. He let me take some photos for my artwork. He was kind. Some people don't think art is a worthwhile thing... your father is amazing, fiamma."
"Shall I call in sick?" Andy enquired, leaning into you as your arms wrapped around her waist, pulling you closer.
"You and Sullivan still tense?" you hummed, feeling Andy bury a groan in your shoulder.
"Plus everything else? You are my saving grace, my angioletta." Andy smirked as you made a grumbling noise.
"Do you have to use my family's nickname for me when we're naked in bed together?"
"I talked about you in therapy today." Andy admitted when she got home from shift one day, finding you with charcoal all over your hands and slightly on your face, working on a piece of paper stretched over a board.
"Did it help?"
"You're my saving grace. Even the therapist could tell." Andy replied, pressing a kiss to your cheek before spotting the charcoal smeared on your face.
"We also talked about salsa dancing."
"I would like to see this salsa dancing of yours, y'know. I don't know how to dance but... I'm scared I'll stand on your toes." You confessed, pausing as Andy started to wipe at your face.
"How about, I show you a little after we get this charcoal off your face?"
"Don't you have that hike with Jack Gibson today?" You enquired, gesturing to Andy's phone as she drove you to where she wanted to meet her father for breakfast. With you. She was taking you to meet her father.
"I'll text him, if you still want to go?"
"You sure your dad will even like me?" You paused, hesitant but Andy reached over to stroke your cheek after parking the car.
"I adore you, and it's not like he can tell me not to crap where I eat this time, you only wait outside the firehouse to see me or if Carina's not answering her phone."
"Yeah I've walked in on Maya and Carina enough times to say that if Carina's not answering her phone, she's involved in someone's vagina... Maya's, or a pregnant patient..." You grimaced at what you were saying, but Andy wasn't able to hold back her laughter as the two of you walked into the cafe, not seeing how Pruitt was watching, seeing how you two were holding hands and grinning.
He didn't mention it at the time, but admitted later, the two of you looked at each other like there were stars in your eyes. Like you each hung the moon. He didn't mention though, how you two were a better match in his eyes, than Andy and Sullivan could ever be.
"Wait, so you're related to Carina?" Jack enquired, turning his head to acknowledge you as you hiked behind him and Andy.
"She's my big sister."
"Have you met Maya yet?" Jack asked his next question, glancing between you and Andy in thought.
"Yeah, I walked in on them, then Carina invited me and Andrew, my big brother, over for dinner with her and Maya. She's very competitive, only time my brother and I won any games was when we played an Italian one."
"Andy's never home. She's seeing someone, she wouldn't tell me before but I went on a hike with her and Carina's little sister earlier. Pretty sure it's her."
"I guess both Maya and Andy like Italians?" Miller replied, before his phone buzzed in sync with Jack and Vic's.
A four alarm fire turning into a five alarm.
"Fiamma... it's a beautiful day to save lives." You paused as Andy dropped you off on the street to walk home, away from the five alarm fire she had to attend to. Andy didn't know the reference but she nodded, love in her eyes as she headed away.
Andy didn't know the reference because you knew it from the surgical videos you watched with your brother when he was studying for his residency. He may be going into general surgery, but Derek Shepherd was almost a god in neurosurgery.
You didn't know what had happened at the storage unit fire until Andy was stood on your doorstep, tears running down her face.
Twenty bells were being rang that night, for a fallen firefighter. Andy's father, Pruitt Herrera had died venting a roof to save his team, to save his daughter.
Andy's gasp roused you from your sleep, sitting up immediately to check on her.
"Whatever Warren gave me, it gives me crazy dreams." Andy wiped at her eyes, before shuffling into your arms, resting her head on your chest as you gently ran your fingers through her hair.
"The only thing that's okay about any of this, is that he went out his way. Dixon doesn't get to make that a bad thing." Andy whispered, closing her eyes whilst yours lingered on a box sat across the room.
The cremated remains of Pruitt Herrera.
"Um... Vic wants to talk to you?" Andy passed you the phone, having found you standing over a large board of stretched paper, sketching out something.
"Sure? I've met her once- hi, Vic... yes I have that skill, when do you want me? As soon as possible? Right, okay, give me half an hour." Your eyebrows were nearly in your hairline as Andy managed to muster up enough energy to raise an eyebrow at you.
"Vic needs some help with some stuff, will you be okay if I go out for a bit? There's lunch in the fridge if you're up to eating, fiamma." Kissing Andy's forehead as she nodded. You would be back as soon as you could be.
"What did I just walk in on?" You raised an eyebrow, walking into Station 19 to spot Travis topless, in USA flag shorts, a USA flag top hat and his firefighter boots.
"He's July. For the calendar." Vic explained, holding back a laugh as you blinked several times.
"Isn't that rather objectifying?"
"See! I told you!" Travis gestured to you, reminding him of his comment earlier about feeling like a piece of meat.
"Okay, hold there, then whip your hat off like you're celebrating!" You instructed Travis as you and Vic worked on photographing him hanging onto the fire pole that was located in the station.
You were home before Andy woke up, promising Vic you would come back later when Dixon wasn't roaming around being an asshole.
"What is that arm doing? Where is Baby DeLuca? She's way better at instructing poses than you are!" Travis grumbled as he and Vic tried to photograph Maya for the calendar.
"I'm an orphan... I'm an orphan." Andy muttered to herself, her head lulling side to side before she met your eyes, "I'm an orphan."
"You've got me." You whispered back, offering Andy your hand to take.
"Do you talk to your dad?" Andy enquired, but you hid a grimace at the idea of talking to your father.
"Only Carina does. Andrew did, but he used him to try speed-run a medical experiment thing, so our father went back to Italy angry. I don't really know him, and what I do know... your father will always be a better father than mine."
Your phone buzzed with a message from Vic, asking how you would describe each pose for the remaining months of the calendar. Andy's head rested on your shoulder as she slept, leaving you to type out your message with your free hand, sending Vic enough details so she could formulate a decent fundraising calendar for Pruitt.
"What is that? Oh my god, did you all do one?" Andy raised an eyebrow, looking at the fundraising calendar photo of Maya.
"It was all Hughes' idea!" Travis blurted out, before blurting out the rest, "Vic got Baby DeLuca to help too!"
"Baby DeLuca?" Maya raised an eyebrow, unaware of how well the firehouse knew you, whilst Andy smiled at the calendar, flicking through the pages.
"Where were you going stir crazy? You haven't been home lately..." Jack began, leaving Andy to sigh.
"It's complicated."
"It's usually just an address." Jack chuckled, but Andy sighed again, biting her lip.
"You've met her. We just haven't told Maya... or my girlfriend's older sister, who Maya happens to be dating, that we're dating. I've been staying at her's, she's my saving grace." Andy confessed, not meeting Jack's eyes but he was smiling, glad it was you, and not the other choice he had heard whispers about. Andy had not married her battalion chief after dating him for about a month.
"Hey, cariño. Can you- can i get your opinion on this? I think there's something weird here, with my family after my mum died." Andy asked, finding you in the kitchen trying to sort out the homemade pasta that Carina had made for you and brought over whilst Andy was in the shower.
"I don't know what I'm looking at... fiamma, why does your mama look so sad in this picture?" You watched what you were saying, before passing the photo you found to Andy, who frowned at how miserable her mother looked, in a family photo.
"Where are you going?" You enquired, but Andy hurriedly kissed your cheek and ran out, grabbing her keys as she shouted, "I need to check something at the firehouse!"
Andy updated you with texts after that, you could tell she was mad, but then your older siblings turned up at your door. Andrew was struggling with his bipolar disorder and adjusting to his meds, and Carina didn't admit it at first, but Maya had cheated on her with Jack.
Andy's texts to you went unread as you left your phone on the coffee table, sitting in the middle of the couch with your older siblings leaning into you, taking the comfort that you gave. You didn't realise the parallels this hug gave at the time, but an old photo of a little you being hugged by a young Andrew and a young Carina became your favourite photo of you and your siblings as time went on.
"What do you want to watch?" You enquired as your brother laid on your couch, but you received no answer as he was fast asleep.
"Wow, okay... movie with headphones it is." You murmured to yourself, picking up your phone as it lit up with a message from Andy.
Fiamma: my mami is alive
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Miguel O’hara x reader|| roomates (pt 1??)
Authors note: wrote this after an experience i had with an ai bot- so yeah its a little stupid but i find it funny
No use of y/n ; you dont know that he is spiderman ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ; fem written in mind but ig it could be whoever? (I think?); NOT proofread.
Miguel o’hara. He is Your roomate and one hell of a man. You guys had been living together for about two years now after you couldnt fully afford an appartment on your own and decided to share one with somebody. And god was it interesting
You were sitting on your bed, laptop open and reading, when Miguel walks to your room and leans on your doorframe. Oh no, not just against your doorframe, but against it, with only shorts on, and wet hair.
“Hey, can I ask you a favor?” He says scratching the back of his head, running his hands through his damp hair.
You look up at him and right back down to your screen to avoid eye-contact. Its like he does this on purpous, its like he sees your face, sees the blush. You almost want to ignore him so a stutter wouldnt fall from your mouth, but you can just ignore him.
“Uhm- yeah, what can i do?” You ask back still wildly embarassed. Its a common occurrence, so you arent sure why it effects you so much.
Wait- wait no. You know exactly why. Its because you are head over heels with him.
Sure you have some other celebrity crushes but him? He beats all of them.
“Could i have one of my shirts back, i let you borrow some and i need to do laundry today-“ he responds.
Oh. Was that it?
“Uh yeah let me get you one really quick” you say standing up and walking to your closet. Before you can grab a shirt for him he makes his way over to your bed and sits down.
“What were you watching?” He asks referencing your laptop as he picks it up.
Okay its time to panic. The thing you were reading? Spiderman fanfiction. He was one of your celebrity crushes and you couldnt let Miguel know, he would tease you for the rest of your life, and not only did you read that stuff? You wrote it.
You drop the shirt and run back reaching fir the lap top, climbing on top of him as he pulls it away from you further. Panicked you reach for it as far as you can, going as far as clawing at him to get it back.
“Whoah whoah whats in here that i cant see?” He teases
“Miguel please dont! Thats uh- just a book!” You reply back still fighting to get that laptop back.
“Well with how you are reacting it isnt just some book hmm?” He laughs back. You can see his eyes scanning the digital characters, word by word his face grows redder. You still attempt to reach for it but it was just too late.
“Tsk- spiderman huh? You like him?” He says smirking. He had to be teasing you right? You swear normally he would have taken a picture of it and show it to you every now and again in the future to embarass you. But he is being so nonchalant.
“D-dont read farther-!“ you warn him. You recognize the page number, as this was one of your works, and ahead was some of the most mind corrupting media you have ever produced.
You see his eyes scan the pages as you lie helpless, still sitting on his lap, Avoiding eye contact with the brown-haired male. He chuckles as his face grows a deeper red. As he reads on the story seems a bit too familiar. The roomate of the ‘reader’ is actually spiderman, they fall in love and have fun. The roomate. Could it be him? Of course its him, you indulge in your deepest fantasies when you read and write.
“Wow- this is some good writing, too bad you dont have a spiderman roomate” he says winking at you. Wait- winking-
“H-huh?” You exclaim
“Oh come on, its obvious who this ‘tall, dark haired, spanish speaker roomate’ is” he says giving you a smirk. He leans in to where you are sitting on his lap and brushes his lips against yours.
“And i could help you re-create this book. Scene. By. Scene” he chuckles darkly.
Thats it- your brain dosnt work anynore. The way his voice darkened and he leaned in made you lose it. You leaned in to close the small soace between you- you finally kissed him. And he kissed back, hard. There was only one way that this could go any better, and that would be if he was spider man… but thats just wishful thinking. Plus. You had a long night ahead.
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applejuicewerewolf · 8 months
"You shouldn't savescum in BG3, it's not something you can do in real DnD games either!" Well yes, but unlike in BG3, i can actually talk to my DM to clarify things, so we're both on the same page.
Like, I've spent the last hour or so trying to break into the Foundry in Act 3. I made my entire team invisible, entered turn-based-mode, and we snuck around the lower floor full of enemies, until we found the giant door. This door is both locked and also requires an INT check for your character to understand that it's rigged. Said check is a whole cutscene, which will turn off turn-based-mode. Also, invisibilty lasts only 10 rounds, of which I had 3-4 left by the time I came to the door.
So if I interact with the door, it both takes me out of stealth and eventually breaks my invisibility. If I had an actual DM here, we could communicate what exactly happens here, how the mechanics work, etc. Instead, the "DM" is like "yeah so as a real-life person you took 18 actual seconds to roll your dice, which is technically 3 rounds of combat, so your spell fades and your team gets discovered. Roll initiative."
As a DM I can tell you: We work together with our Players, not against them. Communication is key. If I had a person like that as my DM, I'd quit the game because they're a pedantic and sadistic asshole.
This is not critique on Larian's design btw. I realize that this game is MASSIVE and I am impressed by the way they managed to code all this small little differences that affect the story. I believe they did the best they could. What I am saying is that a computer programm can not and never will be able to adapt the way a human would. I cannot tell the computer "whoah hold on, you're being kind of a dick right now." A computer does not know about the Rule of Cool.
So I do the second-best thing I can. Reload the save, using the new information my digital DM gave me, and try again according to their rules.
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Miles meeting Danny and wondering why his spidey sense is suddenly on the fritz
It's... chilly, which is strange for mid-july. The heat actually has Miles rethinking the whole black spider-suit thing as he swings through the borough, it's sooo hot. But Spider-Man doesn't take days off. He aims to take a break on the side of a building but it's like bare toes on hot concrete.
"Ay! Hot, hot, hot, hot, hot."
Miles quickly moves to the underside of a bridge on the tips of his toes and fingers.
"Yeesh." He hisses, shaking out his hands.
The shade is nice and cool, a blessing from the baking sun. Miles presses his back to the concrete, ready to just wait until a cloud comes out or something, when his little hiding spot gets suspiciously cooler. Miles is a little confused but not about to complain, until a voice sounds next to his ear.
"Black suits am I right?"
Miles yelps and looses his grip, quickly shooting out a web before he makes an embarrassing fall.
"Whoah, sorry about that." The voice calls, not sounding all that sorry.
Miles clings to his web, swinging his head .
"Who...said that?" He asks.
"Oh, hah, up here." The voice calls and Miles' gaze follows to see a guy with white hair sticking halfway out of the wall.
"Wha-!" Miles startles like he hasn't seen weirder things.
"Hey uh," the guy moves closer, unbothered by the foot of concrete he's passing through or the 15 feet below him.
"You're the new Spider-Man right?"
"Uh, yeah, yes." Miles responds, remembering to deepen his voice. "And you are?"
"Oh, I'm Danny Phantom."
"Never heard of you." Miles deadpans.
"Heh. Yeah, I'm kinda of a 'local legend'." He does the air quotes and everything.
"So," Danny Phantom starts, disappearing from view. "You been doing this long?"
He reappears behind Miles and he jumps again, leaping to the wall.
"Don't do that!" Miles snaps, fake voice forgotten.
Who is this guy and can't Miles sense him?
"Sorry, sorry." Again, not sounding sorry.
Miles is starting to get irritated "What are you like a ghost?" He asks
"A little...kinda...it's complicated." The guy says, waving his hand non-committaly.
"So...New York!" The kind of not ghost says enthusiasticly.
"New York." Miles says, flatly.
"You got any nice spots around here?" The pale boy once again disappears and reappears behind Miles, this time though he doesn't even flinch, just stares hard at him.
"You can call me Danny by the way, or Phantom, whatever you want."
"Uh huh." Miles hopes his mask conveys exactly how unimpressed he is.
Phantom chuckles and flies off, Miles sighs and makes after him. Spider-Man really doesn't get days off.
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take-taker-taken · 3 months
Can I get a ABA!Taker with small reader, (im 5'0 without shoes lol) (male pref) where he works with taker and accidentally injures him during a match and taker takes him in the locker room?
Kinks: daddy kink, dry humping,dumbification, spanking maybe?
Hey, hey, Anon! Here’s your fic! No title I’m afraid because I struggle with those. Also have to give props to Randy Orton for the inspiration of Taker getting hurt. Hope you enjoy!
“Me? You’re sure?”
“That’s what he said. That he likes what he’s seen and thinks you deserve a push.” The exec stands up and so you get to your feet as well before reaching out to shake his hand.
“Thank you, sir. I really appreciate the opportunity.”
You leave the office in a bit of a daze at what’s just taken place. At first you’d been petrified that they were going to fire you and so to be told that none other than the Undertaker wants to work with you… Whoah. Immediately after leaving the room you set about trying to find him so that you can thank him personally - he’s an old school guy and so you know he would consider that the proper way to do things.
After psyching yourself up a bit, you knock on his dressing room door and hear a lazy, “Yeah?”
You open the door a little and peer around it, scanning the large room until you see the man himself sprawled on a couch watching some sports on a TV. He looks around and a slow smile creeps over his face. Not unkind, exactly, but… you can’t quite place it. You stand awkwardly at the door because truth is… well, he’s freakin’ hot.
“It’s the new kid!” He says and waves you over. “Come on in, boy.”
You step in and close the door behind you, trying to ignore the fact that he’s already unintentionally hit on one of your kinks - hearing him call you ‘boy’, and with that accent... You pause for a second as you suppress a shiver and then remind yourself that he’s probably not going to appreciate some timid little newbie hovering in the corner. You need to be polite and respectful, but confident and so you walk over until you’re only a few feet away. Damn, he’s a big guy.
“Sir, I wanted to stop by and say thank you. The office just told me that you asked about us doing a short program together because you thought I deserved a push. Coming from you, that’s a huge compliment sir, and a great opportunity. I really appreciate it, thank you.”
Taker sits up a little bit straighter, his black Harley Davidson t-shirt pulling tight across his chest and he nods. “Respect, that’s good - I like that.”
Like his smile earlier, there’s something in his tone that you can’t place but you do feel yourself blush slightly. Trying to cover it you clear your throat and shrug. “Well, yeah - you’re the locker room leader, so I figured -”
“You figure right.” He says, pointing at you with his first two fingers. “I’m the daddy.”
Oh god. You swallow and start willing your dick not to get hard as you gradually back away. “I’ll uh, I’ll leave you alone now. Thank you again. Sir.”
He gives you a nod. “You got it, kid. We’ll catch up and go over some spots next week some time.”
He turns his attention back to the TV and so that’s you dismissed. You turn and leave the room, unable to shift the image of his shirt stretched tight across his chest and biceps as he gave you that smile. What was that? You decide to head to the gym and get a workout in, but find that his voice calling himself ‘daddy’ echoes around your head all day.
Match day rolls around and you pace nervously in gorilla and then you turn and nearly walk smack into him. You look up - all the way up, because he has nearly two feet of height on you and you know that fear is written all over your face.
“Calm down, kid. We’re gonna go out there and tear it down, OK?” He rests one huge hand briefly on your shoulder and you glance down at it and then back up.
He nods and gives you a nudge towards the curtain as the announcer starts the spiel for you and then your music kicks in and you head on through and down to the ramp. You have a small following and of course you’re going to lose but this is the biggest match of your career so far and so you do you best to get out of your head and play up to the crowd as you reach the ring. The cheers for you die down and then Taker’s music hits and the roof comes off. It’s been decided that the ramp is too short for his bike and so he saunters down to the ring while you wait on him, trying your best not to look as intimidated as you are.
“It’ll be fine,” you tell yourself. “He’s a safe worker. One of the best. He wanted this match.”
He steps in and pulls the audience into continuing their worship as he works his way around the squared circle. Then it’s time. You step up close - you’d be touching chests if it wasn’t for the height difference - and stare up into the deadliest pair of eyes you’ve ever seen. A sneer curls his lip as he stands with his hands on his hips, staring right back down at you. You know that to the watching public it probably looks ridiculous but then the bell goes and it’s game on.
You lock up, so much as that’s possible but he soon sends you sprawling to the floor, which you use as an opportunity to showcase some agility. The match gets into a nice pace and you’re starting to really enjoy yourself, giving Taker the runaround and even getting some low tackles in that slam him to the canvas, just as you’ve agreed. He has you hemmed in the corner as you take turns delivering blows to the head and he calls the big spot that you worked on.
“OK kid, you’re gonna slip under my arm, jump and bash my head on the post here, then get outta the ring and get the chair in here.”
He moves one leg back just a fraction which gives you the wriggle room to duck and with a big leap you deliver the blow to his head before nipping between the ropes. You grab the folding chair from the corner by the announcer’s table and shove it into the ring while Taker staggers about, selling the blow to his head. You pick up the chair and deliver a blow to his back and so he falls down to the canvas and you drop a couple more. As he drags himself up to all fours, you move around so that you’re standing over his head - it’s time for the big one and you raise the chair high and bring it down as he gets to his knees.
He raises his head and you realise with horror what’s about to happen - you’ve not properly factored in distance and BAM! Instead of catching him on top of his head, it glances down his forehead and opens him up. Blood appears in an instant, welling up in the cut before spilling over and trickling down in his face in a bright red curtain. You stare open mouthed at what you’ve done but he doesn’t really acknowledge it, just carries on with a couple more moves on you before grabbing and positioning you for the Last Ride. He lifts you high, high into the air and then you hear the blood rushing in your ears before you hit the canvas with a deafening thud. He covers you, the bell goes and the ref raises his arm as his theme blasts out.
Having celebrated his win he exits the ring and leaves you laying there, staring at a pool of his blood glistening bright red against the canvas. You give him a chance to make his way up the ramp before you slide out and follow dejectedly in his wake. As you walk back through the curtain gorilla is blessedly empty, so you escape the first ass-chewing that you were anticipating. You need to find him and apologise - your first really big match and you blew it. The image of him covered in blood comes to your mind and you wipe a hand over your face and moan. He’s going to kill you.
You ask a couple of crew if they’ve seen him and the second one says that they saw him heading to medical and your heart sinks. You are so finished. You consider going there to see him, but somehow don’t think your presence would be appreciated and so instead you head to the showers figuring to get changed and then catch up to him.
There’s half a dozen guys already in the locker room and they greet you enthusiastically and ask how things went. You recount the absolute disaster and they try to reassure you with all the usual ‘mistakes happen’ stuff. You nod and then grab your gel and head through to the shower while the rest of the guys continue to yell and chat with each other.
You’ve been stood under the water, lost in thought for a few minutes when it suddenly occurs to you that it’s gone quiet. Silent, in fact. Frowning, you shut off the water and grab your towel, rubbing it over your head and body before stepping into a pair of sweats before you walk round the corner to the lockers.
Taker is sat there, waiting for you. Your eyes do a quick sweep of the room and then dart back to him when he speaks.
“Ain’t nobody coming in here, boy. It’s just you and me.”
You take a couple of steps forward. “Taker, I’m sorry - I didn’t mean -”
He holds up a hand and you fall silent. “What’d you call me?”
You curse inwardly. “Sir, I -”
“Try again.”
You swallow as your mind races because there’s no way he wants you to use his given name. If it’s not Taker, and it’s not sir, the only other thing he’s mentioned… Fuck. You chew on your lip for a moment and then whisper, “I’m sorry… daddy?”
He nods slowly. “There ya go.” He beckons you closer and staring at the floor you make your way over. “Look at me, boy.”
You raise your eyes and wince when you see the now closed up cut on his forehead. “I didn’t mean to, daddy.”
“I know that,” he says and you feel relief wash over you until he adds, “but now I need to give you a receipt, don’t I?”
You almost feel like you’re on the outside looking in, because he must know that this is pushing your buttons. Your mind races as you try to think whether you’ve ever said or done anything to give the game away but you turn up a blank. You’ve always had a crush on him but figured you’d kept a lid on it, even to the point of avoiding him. You flash back to that smile he gave you that you had never quite figured out and realise that he must have seen it in you. You don’t know whether to be excited or terrified.
He stands up and you take an involuntary step back but he grabs your wrist before setting one foot up on the bench. You look at the huge boot and then back up to his face but only for a second because he jerks you forward and bends you over his thigh and then holds you in place with a hand on the back of your neck.
“Take those sweats down.” He accompanies his words with a squeeze of his hand.
You reach for your waistband and then sanity interferes. “Wh… what are you going to do?”
“Did I stutter, boy? Get ‘em down!”
With a whimper you comply, pushing the fabric down over your ass and thighs until they reach your knees and drop the rest of the way to pool around your feet.
“That’s better,” his voice is softer now. “I tell you to do something and you jump, boy.”
“Yes, daddy-ee!” Your response turns to a squeak as you feel that big hand stroke over your naked ass.
“OK, it’s receipt time.” His leg shifts slightly as he gets himself comfortable and then he gives you a gentle pat before adding, “Now, you can yell as loud as you want so long as you don’t mind anyone outside figuring out what’s happening to ya.”
With that he draws his hand back and it comes down firmly on your ass, making you gasp. Surprisingly, it’s not as painful as you thought it would be and even when the second and third smacks land it feels like maybe this is just some kind of token thing for him to do to a newbie - like mild hazing or something. By the time it gets to six you’re starting to change your mind and when a particularly hard strike lands you cry out and clutch his leg.
“OK, tha -that’s enough - I -” Suddenly you’re upright, his hand still around the back of your neck and he’s glaring at you. He bends down until his face is inches from your own and you stare at the strawberry blonde goatee as he speaks slowly in a low voice.
“Let’s get something crystal fuckin’ clear, boy. You don’t decide what’s enough - I do. Got it?” You nod and he gives you a shake. “Who does?”
“Y- you do,” you stutter and then when his looks becomes meaner still you hurriedly add, “I mean - you do, daddy.”
“Damn right.” He nods and message delivered, he bends you back over and really begins to wail on you, his palm coming down hard all over your ass and flinging your hands out of the way when you try to protect yourself. You’re shouting in pain and not caring who hears you but it’s clearly no deterrent to him and so you try a different tack.
“Please, daddy! Please stop! I’ll be good, I promise!”
Despite the pain, the embarrassment and the confusion you realise that your dick is getting hard and try desperately to will it from happening, but to no avail. Your feet drum on the floor as he continues to spank you and you’re squeezing his calf again. Eventually he stops and you blink furiously to clear the tears before he drags you upright again.
“That’s your receipt, boy. Next time you fuck up that bad it’ll be my belt, ya hear?”
You swipe a hand across your face and nod, unable to stop your other hand from creeping back to rub at your ass. “Yes, daddy. Can - can I go now?” Even as the words leave your mouth a thought flits through your brain that says, ‘Please don’t end this here…’
He still has a hold on your neck but it’s softened and is more comforting than anything else. You watch his eyes scanning down your body and then he stops and a slow smile crosses his face before he glances back up at you.
“Oh, I don’t think so boy - not yet. Now, what’s this?” His hand slips between your legs and the long, warm fingers wrap around your dick which responds rapidly and you let out a small moan. “Looks like that’s got you all hot and bothered, huh?”
You swallow and consider stuttering out a denial but what would be the point? While he’s holding your dick, his free hand wanders to his own crotch and you watch as he squeezes himself through the denim.
“You want to give it up for daddy? Got a few kinks you want me to work out, that it?”
Your head snaps up. Is he really saying what you think he’s saying? There’s that smirk again but he shocks you by abruptly letting go of your dick and pulling up your sweats. You stand there, a deep blush on your cheeks and heart pounding as it pokes out, tenting the material.
Taker picks up his gear bag, a typical black holdall, and tosses it on to the floor in front of you. You glance down at it and then back up at him but he’s already got his back turned as he walks to retrieve a chair from the far end of the room. He saunters back over and sets it down about four feet from the gear bag, which you’re standing just behind. He takes a seat as you stand there hot, bothered and horny, wondering what’s going on. He leans back, knees falling wide apart and looks up at you.
“Guess you’re hoping I’m gonna fuck you.” It’s a statement and you find yourself nodding before hurriedly stopping yourself as he chuckles. “Yeah, I thought so. But here’s the thing.” He brushes some imaginary dust from his thigh and says, “You gotta earn that.” He sits up a little straighter and folds his arms. “What d’you think about that?”
“I…” You swallow and try to focus enough to answer as you stand before your ultimate crush, aware that a damp patch is probably spreading on your pale grey sweats. “I can do that, daddy.”
He nods, strokes over his goatee and says, “Let’s find out, shall we? Get on all fours, boy.”
As though pulled by invisible strings, you drop to your hands and knees, which puts you about six inches from his gear bag. You look up, eager to pass whatever test he has in mind for you and then it’s as though your brain just short circuits. If he looked alpha male to you before, being down on all fours and looking up just wipes you out. He beckons to you, urging you forwards, but his bag is in the way… isn’t it?
“C’mon, boy… that’s it. Just get the bag underneath yourself… bit further… stop right there.”
You freeze in place when he tells you to stop and in that moment realise that your dick is just above one edge of the holdall. Your eyes are still fixed on him and that predatory smile is back on his face. Your hips drop slightly and your dick makes contact with the bag through your sweats and you gasp, lifting them up again.
“Go on, boy… rut on it.”
Somehow you’d known this was his plan when he made you crawl over the bag. You don’t think you could stop yourself even if you wanted to and so you begin to move, your swollen dick inside your pants repeatedly catching on the edge of his gear bag. The friction is delicious and you moan, head dropping down. You should be embarrassed - maybe you are - but you just don’t care and straight away begin to pick up speed.
Taker looks pleased and palms himself through his jeans again. “Feels good, don’t it? Look at you… you’re fuck drunk already, boy.” He leans forward, bracing his forearms on his thighs and the movement makes you lift your head again.
“Please… please, daddy!”
“Please what?” He shrugs and then shakes his head. “You don’t even know, do you? You’re too busy fucking yourself stupid.”
“Please daddy…” You want to say more but you just can’t form words and he laughs this time - a low, rumbling sound.
“Poor, dumb little fuckslut. Can’t even form a sentence, can you boy? You just keep going until you make a mess in your pants.”
You give up trying to speak and just nod, knowing that you’re really not far off from…
“Fuck - daddy - please!” You cry out as you start to come, the material of your light grey sweats darkening in patches with your release.
Seemingly unmoved Taker reaches forward and slides his bag out from under you, presumably to prevent it from being soiled and then to your eternal surprise he leans over and kisses you on the forehead.
“There ya go. Next time you can try it on my leg, how ‘bout that?”
You’re still on all fours and just nod dumbly. “Yes please, daddy.”
He stands up and picks up his bag, hefting it on to his shoulder. “You might wanna get up boy, before anyone comes in here and wants to know why you’re on the floor with cum stains on your pants. Just a thought.”
With that, he heads for the door and walks out, leaving you alone still staring dazedly at the chair and wondering how long it’ll be until he calls on you again.
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khaleesiofalicante · 6 months
“You know when you do something wrong but you don’t know what you did wrong but you just know you did something wrong?”
“Uh,” Jace said. 
“What did you do?” Izzy asked. 
“That’s the thing! I don’t know,” Alec sighed. “But I know I must have done something wrong.”
“Yeah, but how do you know you did something wrong?” Izzy demanded. 
“I dunno,” Alec sighed again. “Magnus has been acting weird.”
“Weirder than usual?” Jace raised an eyebrow. 
“I think I hurt his feelings,” Alec frowned. 
“What did you do?” Izzy hissed, hitting his side with her purse.
“Ow! Nothing!”
“Well, you must have said something mean.”
“I didn’t say anything mean. I just-I just told him to cheer up.”
“You told him to...cheer up.”
“Well, not exactly,” Alec scratched his beard. “I asked him if he can at least pretend to be happy while y’all are all here.”
“Alec,” Izzy groaned loudly. 
“What?” Alec groaned back. 
“That’s not a sensitive thing to tell someone with depression, bro,” Jace tutted and shook his head. 
Alec winced at that. 
In retrospect, Magnus did shut down after Alec’s odd - and apparently insensitive - request. 
“I would kill a man if he talked to me like that,” Izzy muttered darkly. 
“I was trying to help!” Alec said helplessly. “It’s all your fault! You guys are the ones who made a big deal out of this!”
“Whoah, bro, don’t blame the downfall of your marriage on us,” Jace put up his hands. 
“It’s barely a marriage at all,” Alec mumbled. “Excuse me.”
He went downstairs to find Magnus in the kitchen, doing the dishes and listening to music.
“Magnus,” Alec cleared his throat, and then was suddenly wasn’t sure what to say. “I can do the dishes.”
“It’s alright,” Magnus said over his shoulder. 
“I like doing it,” Alec explained. “It’s part of my routine.”
Magnus put down the dishes carefully and nodded as he wiped his hands. “Alright.”
“I…I understand that not speaking to other people is part of your routine,” Alec said a little awkwardly. “I’m sorry I pushed you. It was insensitive of me.”
Magnus raised an eyebrow. “Isabelle?”
“Jace, actually.”
“Huh,” Magnus said and nodded. “I accept your apology. Goodnight.”
“I only did it because I wanted to help,” Alec said quickly. “My family can be prying assholes sometimes. If they saw you…If they didn’t see you…I told you to pretend to be happy because I didn’t want them to bother you about it.”
“I see,” Magnus said. “Thank you for the explanation.”
“I was forced to invite them, because they were all in the city at the same time,” Alec went on. “I won’t invite them again.”
“This is your home too,” Magnus pointed out. “You are allowed to invite your family over any time.”
“Right” Alec cleared throat. 
“Your family is lovely,” Magnus told him. “Besides, I think The Chairman enjoyed all the attention.”
“He really did,” Alec chuckled and rubbed his face awkwardly.  “Are we good though? No hard feelings?”
“Alec, you put up with my father for a decade. The least I can do is get through dinner with your family.”
“Yeah but my family can be intense.”
“And my father is not?”
“Not really.”
Magnus chuckled and shook his head. “Goodnight.”
- From the Arranged Marriage AU
@tu-vieja-steve - thanks for all the love and malec feels. This is for you.
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annaberunoyume · 3 months
Human!TTTE au: A Drunken Confession and an Old Iron's Song
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James (drunk out of his boiler): (After Thomas and Percy helped him walk back towards Tidmouth Dormitories. He wobbles towards Edward, who is trying to get him in his (James's) bed.)
(Rather loud yawn) E-Eddie...I'm sleepy...(hugging a blushing Edward) And cold...(He just slams right onto his bed, taking Edward down with him)
Edward: Whoah!
(Thomas and Percy holds back their laughs as best as they can)
Thomas: Looks like you have a new bunk mate...
Edward: Very funny, now help me, please. (Thomas tries to pull James off, but he holds on like a vice, whimpering)
James (slurred): Nnnooo...Stay...'Love you...Eddie.
(Thomas, Percy and Edward gasps in time)
(Edward is stunned...looking down at James...Who huddles into his neck)
Edward: Bust...my...buffers...
Thomas (whispering): Maybe he didn't mean it, Edward...He drank a lot, tonight after all.
Edward: (frowning in uncertainty) Maybe you two should go...I'll take care of him...😳
Percy: Okay. (Places a trashcan close to the bed, just in case. He and Thomas tiptoes out of the bedroom.)
(A moment passes, then James stirrs.)
James: Eddie?
Edward: Sssh...Go back to sleep, James. You're safe.
James: Hmmm...I can't sleep...Can ya sing? 'Might help...
Edward: 😳 Me? Sing? But..but what?
James: 'Nything...I love ya voice...Please (sighs and peeks at him with miserable, sleepy eyes)
Edward: Alright...(He fixes James's jacket to act as a blanket. Then...he ponders for a song. He finds it.) We, three kings of Orient are, bearing gifts, we travelled so far...(humming a part) Following Yonder's star...
James (Looks in awe, then sighs in bliss, kissing Edward's chest (just a peck) as a thank-you)).
Edward: (Gasps then looks down at him, just as he huddles into him, almost cooing...He looks like a happy child...Despite the strange situation, Edward cannot help but smile warmly and keeps on holding him, getting more comfortable and stroking James's back.) Born, a king on Bethlehem's plain, gold, I bring to crown him again. King forever, ceasing never over us all to reign...Ooh, star of wonder, star of night. Star with royal beauty bright, westward leading, still proceeding... (He slows his song to an halt...He realizes that his major crush is right there in his arms...and that maybe he will never get that chance, again. He slowly kisses James's forehead. The latter humms and sighs, leaning in...)
Guide us to thy perfect light...
Good night...Splendid.
(Edward sighs and allows the heavy weight of James to trap him on the bed...But it is not exactly a burden...In fact...The warmth of him pressed against him and his even breathing begins to lull him into stillness as well... His eyes saddens as he wonders if James did mean what he said, tonight...Does not matter...He will not hear him.)
I...I love you, too.
(He curls around the red-coated, taller engineer and almost sniffs from sadness...But he pushes it away to enjoy this proximity and this serenity...Just for tonight, for sure...A splendor does not need an old iron...Right? Soon...Edward sighs and relaxes completely...Bathed in James's comforting hold...And the sounds of nature about Tidmouth...)
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sharkgirldick · 8 months
Hi I literally just stumbled across u randomly and um whoah. How do I become exactly like u? Whoah pretty lady in my feed or something
Aww, thank you!
The steps the be like me are as follows:
1) Be an incorrigible flirt.
2) Have an incessant need to be funny.
3) Never be afraid to be horny.
4) Cherish the people you love and be sure to tell them you love them regularly.
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songmingisthighs · 1 year
introduction pt. i | pt. ii | pt. iii
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ch. lxviii - hearing
hybrid!san × human!reader
buy me coffee ?
everyone wants to belong, it's basic human need to connect with people around them. what happens when you're responsible for someone who belongs to two worlds but at the same time belongs to neither ? worst part is, what happens when it's your ex ?
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Seconds felt like hours, minutes felt like days, and hours felt like weeks.
You sat in front of your laptop with so much anxiety and uncertainty. It had probably been only a couple hours but it fely like forever and it didn't felt good at all. It didn't help that you couldn't sleep much the other day not just because of the damn email looming in your mind but also because of your stupid ankle that decided it wanted to have a big fucking rave with all the pulsing and the heat that caused the area to twitch. So you were anxiety riddled and in pain and to be quite honest, a lot pissed that neither San nor your work friends were answering your text. You wanted to ask about what happened the other day and also if any one of them knew what the email was about but of course you didn't get any answer. It was like being kept in the dark about something major that was affecting everything and everyone.
The email was so sudden and you were worried if it had anything to do with what was happening at High Breed. Who would've guessed that the day you took a day off from dealing with your ankle, some major shit happened to the office and then you suddenly got a hearing from HR. All you could do at that moment was simply to convince yourself that you would be okay and that it was just protocol. Nothing big, nothing to worry about.
As soon as the clock chimed 9, you saw that the Head of HR and the General Manager got into the meeting room with their camera on and San in attendance with his camera off. Your heart beats harshly against your chest in worry, noticing how the meeting was attended by high ranking staffs so there was a chance that the issue at hand that somehow involved you was an absolute big one. But despite your gut screaming that something was wrong, you sucked the anxiety in and just think positive thoughts. Maybe they wanted to tell you that you passed your probation early and the reason it involved high ranking officials are because you worked directly with the CEO's son so they took things seriously.
Here's to wishful thinking.
"Good morning, everybody," you greeted, smiling brightly to mask the nerves bubbling in the pit of your stomach. Unfortunately your greeting was met with silence, not even a single sound of acknowledgement. Chills ran down your spine from dread and embarrassment, the situation just became much much worse just from that exchange and your confidence almost slipped completely away. Luckily, the Head of HR spoke up but in a very uninterested tone, "Good morning ladies and gentlemen, we will begin our disciplinary hearing momentarily," the words she said made your eyebrows furrow in utter confusion, "Excuse me, disciplinary hearing for what exactly?" You cut her off which was completely ignored as she kept rambling on about who was present in the meeting. Next to speak was the General Manager who cleared his throat and tipped his glasses down slightly, "If you had been more patient, miss, we would've explained that we conducted this meeting to inform you that as of today, you are put on a temporary unpaid administrative leave until the issue you have caused be resolved."
If your eyebrows were furrowed before, now they're knitted so tight a sweater had formed. "Whoah, I don't understand, what issue did I cause??" You asked, obviously not knowing what they were talking about. "Okay, we'll bite," the General Manager said which you took notice of and didn't feel great about because the mannerism indicated that they didn't believe you about something. "It has come to our attention that you have been sharing personal information about Mr. Choi San to the media which is a complete breach of your contract as Mr. Choi San's personal assistant," he said. You waved your hands in front of the camera to stop the guy from talking more because the confusion wasn't resolved, it doubled. "Okay, I really don't know what you're talking about because I've never talked to the media before, I never shared my boss's personal information, not even with my friends," after the words left your mouth, you realized how flimsy of an excuse that was and those people could've easily misunderstood you as making up excuses or just simply disregard you. Then again, they could take your explanation masked as a flimsy excuse as suspicious behaviour despite you only telling the truth.
"As crude as it sounds, we do not care about what you talk about with your friends outside the office but this particular action has affected the company negatively especially since it affected Mr. Choi San," then the Head of HR clicked on something from her screen and presented some pictures, "Now, miss, do you recognize these?" Your eyes barely scanned through the file but you immediately took notice of it. "It's my company database account," you answered, still not understanding what their point was. "What about this?" She then showed the next picture and you saw your account information at the top and a bunch of numbers and letters listed under it and next to them are other numbers that look like specific dates. "My account and random numbers? I'm not sure," by now you have a bit of an attitude and it's mostly because of the fact that you had just been accused of something and you didn't appreciate it.
With a raise of his eyebrows, the General Manager leaned forward in his seat and sighed, "This, Miss (y/l/n), is proof that your account has been accessing important data and files from the company database that detailed Mr. Choi's private information including his medical report which if it turns out to be true, is a direct violation of the privacy law and you can be penalized," he stated firmly. "Wait," you tried to interject, wanting a moment to take the revelation in and made sense of the situation. Unfortunately, the General Manager kept going on about what you supposedly did and which files you accessed. Words thrown at you floated in your brain and none of them stuck, you couldn't process the explanation as your brain was trying to remember when and why you opened those files. Sure, some of the files that were on the list you actually accessed yourself but you remembered that it was under the direction of other superior officers. Files like San's most recent medical record that San himself requested to be sent to his family physician, or files like the company's pharmaceutical records that include sales, testing, production dates and locations, issue report, etc. that was sent to you by the lab supervisor for you to compile so San won't have a hard time looking them over. But other things like employee attendance, employee login timestamps and information, company finance report, patents, MFDS clearance, legal reports, and much more files that were under the record list, you couldn't remember ever accessing nor do you even know how and where to access them. Despite the defence bubbling in your head, your were frozen, you couldn't say the words you wanted to say because at that moment, you were being bombarded by two people while San was watching.
Why wasn't he saying anything?
"...That being said and with the evidence stacked against you, the company has decided, as we said earlier, to put you in unpaid administrative leave until the issue is resolved," the Head of HR said. As it seemed like they were about to conclude the meeting, your body reacted as quickly as it could and you called out to them. "Hey, wait!" thankfully, it seemed like it managed to catch their attention momentarily, "Don't I get to defend myself first? This is a lot to take in and you can't just make a decision for yourselves," it was hard for you to keep your voice stable because all you want to do was scream at them for accusing you of doing something so ridiculous but you knew full well that if you let your emotions get the best of you, they wouldn't take you seriously. The General Manager sighed before answering you, "Yes, in a less dire situation, we would've let you defend yourself, but as this issue has become public and seemingly uncontrollable, we have to take immediate action to prevent further issues from arising." To make matters worse, the Head of HR just HAD to comment in her faux low voice that you were pretty sure she wanted you to hear. "You should have thought of that before doing something so reckless," and before you could've said something, she called out to San, "Is there anything you wish to add, Mr. Choi?"
Almost embarrassingly quickly, your eyes flit to San's account and you saw him opening his mic. Seconds pass awfully slow as you waited, hoping for him to defend you, telling both people who seemingly had it against you that the company shouldn't be rash, that they should take a moment to assess the situation better before putting you on leave and treating you like a criminal. You believed that he would come to your aid because he knew you wouldn't have done that to him. After all, you have been covering for his ass and you have done nothing but a good job in the office as his assistant. Not to mention the fact that you let him fuck you whenever he wants which shouldn't be the main reason but it kinda felt like it should. So why would he assume that you even wanted to hurt him?
But all hopes you had were lost when your screen suddenly returned to your browser, showing that the meeting has ended without any more addition. Without San saying anything to defend you.
"He... Ended the meeting..." you muttered to yourself in disbelief. He didn't even say anything, he didn't even have the decency to say something to you, something comforting or just something that acknowledge the fact that you were in that situation and it was such a shit situation. He just dismissed you like that.
Your chest tightened and your hands shook. Emotions mix together, emotions you can't even discern, and emotions you've never felt before.
Standing up from your desk, the first thing you thought of was to get a glass of water to calm yourself down. Your injured ankle forced you to limp to the kitchen and you suddenly chuckle to yourself, thinking about how ridiculous your luck was for giving you an injury and putting you in such a difficult and absurd situation. You try to make sense of things but at the same time you didn't want to think about it just yet, you didn't want to have to deal with the issue as quickly but how could you not when it affects you greatly? Does this mean you can't go to work for the foreseeable future? Does this mean you're replaced? You accepted the job in the first place because you wanted something to do and now you were being denied of your own decision. With this happening, do you want to stay? Can you stay? You're willing to be everyone else knows about this issue so it's safe to assume that even if you did come back to work, say you were proven not guilty which was the truth in the first place, you will be a pariah. Those who knew about the details and believed that you were the kind of human being who would do such a thing would not treat you nicely. And apparently, one of those people is the boss who you've been fucking. Working for him would be different after this issue no matter the truth. It was too much for you to handle alone and you didn't want to have to handle it alone. But what could you have done? Contact your friends just because you're in a shit position? Is that how you want to treat your friends?
The water you poured for yourself felt heavy like lead down your throat and your body couldn't help but want to expel it. You coughed and coughed the liquid out and while doing so, you accidentally knocked your glass over and it shattered. In between fits of coughs and blurry vision, you saw the mess you just made and suddenly the pain in your chest doubled.
What are you going to do now?
taglist :
@90s-belladonna @kodzukein @phenomenalgirl9 @miaatiny @shinotani @jayb17 @dreamlesswonder86 @mayonnaisehoeshit @bbymatz @yunhorights @tinybinnie @blaaiissee @yunhobug @kwanisms @yoongiigolden @kpopnightingale @maddiebabyxoxo @dea-nimus @meowmeowminnie @x-bluee @itsbeeble @gxlden-bxbyy @charreddonuts @x-woozi @jwnghyuns @marvelous-imagines-for-all @baguette-atiny @jessi-outdated @dogsongy @kirooz @ateezourstars @memorymonster @yoonguurt @atinytinaa @naiify @cecedrake2217 @spooo00oky @flamingi @thesolarplanetarysystem @hijeongguk @hongjoong-lovebot @linhyyboo12 @leeknowsnothing @knucklesdeepmingi @doom-fics @yesv01
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ellena-asg · 1 year
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In 1x18 Matthew is telling a story from his and Danny's childhood, he is telling it for Steve and, gosh, it still touches me. It touches me that Matt chose exactly that one story, that one about being a cop.
Matt (to Danny): You handcuffed me to the monkey cages. Danny: Hey, I... I was doing my job. Matt: Danny, you were nine! What are you talking about? Danny: They were plastic handcuffs. Just so you know. Steve: So you were a cop back then?
When I rewatch this scene I can't stop thinking about Steve. About his past. About episode 1x02 and that scene when he was listening to his father's recorded confessions. About John's words:
When he was five years old, I asked my son Steve what he wanted to be when he grew up. He said, “I want to be a cop, dad, like you.” I told him to be anything but that.
Our boys share so much, they have so much in common and here, here my heart melts, here I see soulmates. They are soulmates, I know. But this scene shows me that... they were soulmates all those years ago. Before meeting each other.
Kill me and my romantic heart but gosh, I see them. I'm seeing them now: two little boys from different/not that different stories. Two little boys about the same age, living in the same world in the same time. Having the same dream: to be a cop. Yes, sure, many boys, many kids have dreams like this. It's just my cursed brain believing that there's something special about Danny and Steve. I guess that my brain sees these two stories as some mystical McDanno connection ;) But I love their connection. I love to imagine little Stevie and little Danny, I love to imagine two boys living so far from each other, not knowing each other but looking at the same sky, same stars and whispering "I wanna be a cop", sharing the wish.
These boys wanted the same. They dreamt about justice, about helping people, about being needed. They both felt that being a cop would be best for them. That it's their destiny.
And one day they met each other.
They both are cops. The best ones. They're partners. Best friends ever. They're loves of their lives. And now they're sitting there together when Matt is telling the story. One word: destiny.
It touches me, touches me deeply when Danny says "I was doing my job" and Steve smiles - cause he knows. He understands so well. And he laughs cause 9 y.o. Danny sounded totally like... his Danny. Danny has always been a sweet sarcastic dorky guardian angel and when Steve is listening to Matt's story he can feel like he has always known Danny Williams.
It touches me when Matt asks "What are you talking about?", when he doesn't get Danny's behaviour in the past whereas Steve is that one who understands all. Yes, Danny was nine. Danny was nine and "ready" for this job. Steve knows. Oh, he knows well. Whoah, Steve was FIVE when he was "ready".
It touches me when Steve says to Danny "So you were a cop back then?". Cause it's like "Danny... You... You too? Wow!". It's like "So we both... You wanted what I wanted".
And it touches me that Steve is smiling all the time. He's looking at Danny with all his love, adoration, respect. He's happy. He's happy that Danny is a cop. That Danny has always been a cop. Steve, Steve's dreams were ruined once. His own dad said "No, I don't want you to be a cop". His own dad sent him away, sent him to sad and dark Navy world. John chose a life for Steve. A life that was far away from Steve's dreams. But Steve is never jealous. He doesn't envy Danny. He's happy that Danny had a better past (oh, he knows that Danny isn't a Golden Boy, that Danny is hurt too, but still - Danny at least had his family), that Danny could attend the police academy and that Danny's dream came true.
(I wrote more about John's "nope" here: https://ellena-asg.tumblr.com/post/701190347277139968/when-he-was-five-years-old-i-asked-my-son-steve)
Steve is happy that he met Danny. That he can be his partner. His everything. That life finally gave him, after all those years, a chance. Steve is now a cop. He's in Five-0. Five-0 is Ohana. Five-0 is love. And Steve is needed. It's also his dream that came true. So he's double happy.
And Danny... Danny knows. Danny is grabbing Steve's arm, it's like "We feel it, huh? Only we feel it, only you feel me, only I feel you...". It's like "We did it. We are here, in Hawaii, together. Two cops. Two damn cops. Geez, so good I didn't choose to be firefighter like Pop". And he is looking at Steve. And he has for Steve all what Steve has for him: greatest friendship, greatest love, greatest respect. They're looking at each other and they're one.
This gathering, it looks like there are two worlds and a table. The world of Danny and Steve. Table. And then there are Grace, Matt and Rachel. Grace and Matt are close cause they love and respect our boys and their job. Rachel... It's so meaningful that she's there, listening to Matt's story about little Danny wanting to be a cop. What an irony. She's like a big contrast to everyone and especially to Steve. She is laughing with them all but please - it's a fake laughter. Or confused one. Cause she never understood and will never understand Danny's wish. Danny's job. She never tried to understand. To be close. She hates Danny's job, his passion. She used/still uses it against Danny and Grace. Steve would never. Steve... Steve understands all. Not only because he's a cop too. He just tries. He cares. And Rachel... In this story she's like John.
Rachel and John were "I don't wanna you to be a cop" ones. She and John were both not fair. John was a cop himself and though he had a right to be worried about Steve his "I find this job dangerous and dirty so it is dangerous and dirty, should be from Steve's pov too" wasn't fair. Rachel met Danny - he was a cop. She knew it. She still dated him. She married a cop. She married a cop and behaved like "I hate that you're a cop, why do you have to be a cop, oh I hate this, Grace should hate this too" (so good that Grace has her own mind and doesn't listen to Rachel). Rachel and John hated somebody's dreams. Dreams of people who were their family. Because of Rachel and John Danny's and Steve's past was painful (it was painful in many other ways too, they both ruined our boys in many ways, it's not only a cop issue). Rachel and John... They didn't understand. But well... In some way it's thanks to them that Steve and Danny could met in Hawaii and fell in love. That they could find what they needed.
Dreams came true. And I'm so happy that boys... that after all what they suffered in the past they still can believe in good things, still can have dreams. Together.
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brunhielda · 2 years
New TMNT crossover head cannon:
When I saw this I had a sudden flash-
Rottmnt Raph looks HAPPIEST when hauling his brothers around, especially if it’s just a casual thing around the lair.
I think any other version of Raph who sees this happening would immediately want to try it with his own bros. Deep down it would be because he sees how happy Rise Raph is, and how open, and wants him some of that. Plus hauling them around would make him feel very strong and protective and useful. He would probably rationalize it as “If they’re on my shoulder, I will know EXACTLY where they are, and they can’t be off doing dumb suicidal shit.” Or even a way to brag- “Look how much I can lift!”
Original comic would slip it in as a new fighting technique. “We should be able to haul each other out of the fight if need be.” The others would not even notice that he wanted to do it for any other reason and by the end, they would all be able to haul the other 3 in a pinch. Raph is… ok with this.
1987 probably wouldn’t have to say much. “Mickey, wanna try a turtle tower?” Thumbs at Rise Raph and Miguel. Immediate acceptance. Don and Leo want turns too.
1990- I feel like he’d just haul Donnie over his shoulder and call it a new work out regiment? Don would complain. Mikey would call dibs on next turn. Raph would do it to Leo next to annoy both of them. It eventually just turns into a thing he does, and most of the time, they even like it.
2003- Would wait until Mickey did something bone-headed and then rather than smacking him would haul him up on his shoulders so he was sitting on the top of his shell, and be like “There. Now you can’t get into anything else.” Long pause. “How you like the view up there?” M- “I kinda like it!” R- “Me too. … I mean it’s good to know we can do this if we need to… You think I could get strong enough to get Don and Leo up there?” M- “No offense bro, but even if you could actually lift us without being turtle pancakes, I just don’t think there’s room. You’re not a WIDE as big guy over there.” R-“Well, it was a thought.” M- “Can I still ride?!” R- “Sure Mike. Sure.” Pats leg.
2007- Would probably also try to convince Leo it was an advantage in a fight, and get him to try it first. Or maybe April, her being the lightest and working his way up.
2012- “Hey Mikey, come here. I wanna try something.” M- “It’s not a wet Willy again, is it?” R- “Just get over here!” M- “yeah, ok.” R- “You laugh at this, I’ll beat the green off you…!” M- “No problems bro, this is a judgement free zone.” R- (smaller voice) “Get up on my shoulders.” “Really?!” “Do it before I change my mind!” Climbs up. R- “It’s cool, right?” M- “Whoah…” Then they proceed to show off, and Raph tries to show how tough he is by getting all of them piled up there despite literally being the smallest Raphtm.
BayTmnt- Would convince Mikey it was a cool new move. Most likely out of all the Ralphs to manage to get all his brothers up there. Most likely to end up just casually carrying Mikey or Don around after the Rise bros. Would randomly start hauling Leo off his feet and over a shoulder when he thinks Leo’s been training too hard just to piss him off.
All the Rise boys think this is the most adorable thing they have ever seen. Only Leo comments on it.
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girl4music · 6 months
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One line that really haunts me looking back isn’t from ‘Restless’ but ‘Something Blue’.
When she said “If I had any real power I could have made Oz stay with me.”
Now we likely thought, at the time, that this was just Willow dumping on herself. That she never really meant anything she was saying. She was just sad and grieving her loss and so her entire exuberant personality was deflated and she was just saying stuff like that because she was in pain.
But now we know that if she really did have that kind of power back then that that’s exactly what she would have done because she does it to Tara. Makes her stay with her via the power of magic.
And you watch that episode back again and you’re like “Whoah!” all of a sudden because you’ve seen the trajectory of the arc now. Where it will go.
The red flags were right there in front of us.
That might not have been her intention back then but it certainly was her mindset. It’s something her mind went to instinctually. She never had the power then but imagine if she did. What would she have done to Oz? Mind-raped him too? Scary.
And I do remember that the initial manifesto for Season 4 - the original intention - was to give us the Initiative and the Dark Willow storylines all in one. Does that mean that the human Willow went after instead was Professor Walsh? What if Oz never made it out of that Initiative underground base? What if he had died because of the meddlings of Walsh and her corrupt schemes?
What if the twist then was SHE was the faux Big Bad that triggered the real one? Triggered Dark Willow? Imagine how insane that would have been.
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