#which are half for me and half for school. taking care of both my mother and grandmother takes a lot of time away from me to be able to
helioshellion · 3 months
hello helioshelion.. i wonder what ur thoughts are on majima's (absence of) backstory up until age 20 and how u deal with it canon compliant-ically or in aus. i find it frustrating like everyone else but at the same time any kind of explanation people come up with to fill in the gaps doesnt land for me... i am unsure why. maybe becuase theres so little to go off so its basically entirely made up? or maybe because its not in the vein of his character? anyway i think you are the yakuza man so i would like to know what u think happened in that time. snake eyes is kind of narratively satisfying to me because patriarchs being father figure adjacent and imparting traits and shaping their subordinates is the closest thing to kind of. growing up i think?? that majimas story has. so having sagawa and shimanos influence transposed onto his actual developmental years actually feels like the most character accurate backstory to me even if it is removed from canon. (i dontknow very much sorry if i got anything wrong) butyeah anyway love ur models im like OH SHIT!!!! HES FUCKING MAKING!!!!!!!! ok thats it have a good daaaaayyy
I think what's important and vital to this narrative is for Majima to not be the central focus. Of course I believe the most interesting concept for Snake Eyes is Majima's exploration and coming into his own in a way that justifies who he is within what we DO know of his past, aka Y4 and 0. I believe it is within Dead Souls' cabaret where Majima tells the hostess that if he could go back to any time to redo things, it'd be 14, and therefore it's where I landed on a timeframe- the moment Majima meets Shimano. I believe Majima is at his best as a character who is reactive, but not focused on. He is entirely a character who is shaped by the people around him, both within the lore and within the meta itself, he is not the main character. He is swayed and changed by the events around him, with little to no control in changing this, because he is simply an NPC, and that's the small tragedy of Majima. A character who is so strongly tied to the idea of control, of shaping his own future, when really he has no agency, not within the narrative, not within the game. Anyways, that is the central focus on Snake Eyes. What kind of man Shimano Futoshi is, and by extension, what that says about Majima Goro as a boy. Is there any parallels I can make between the men Majima would later on follow in life and the man he swore his name to? I wrote earlier about agency, and that's something I think that's very important to Shimano's character as well. Present day, you wouldn't exactly compare Shimano to Kiryu, or Saejima, but that's what I find to be the most interesting thing to explore- if I can make a case that there are those similarities, what would change so drastically that Shimano would become the man you see in the series. Sagawa is merely a pawn in this exploration, just the same as he is a pawn in 0. I really enjoy connecting narrative within gameplay. Majima's a stone in the tide, I'd say, stuck on the bottom to be shaped over years and years and years.
So yeah! Snake Eyes is about Shimano, and how he changes the people around him, and how that changes him. Uroboros or whatever.
I think what's funny is that despite being the AU guy, I try to keep myself strictly to canon compliancy, and the things I do change I need to justify. Like me making the decision to have Sagawa be Yasuko Saejima's birth father. We knew her dad was an Omi man in Sotenbori, and that he was money focused. It was a loose comparison, but the idea of exploring that was so interesting to me. Yakuza is all about fatherhood sometimes, so why not.
Majima's character in Snake Eyes, again, meant to justify who he is later on, but also I do not want this idea of Majima being wholly good and brought into evil. I do not think it's black and white. There's something in Majima that was probably there long before Shimano, something that brought him to the point that men like him were to be followed. In the right light, even the worst actions can be seen as heroic, justified, admirable, especially to a kid. Kind of like Ichiban, I guess!
Another funny thing is that I tend to steer away from the idea of Majima needing a backstory. I believe how he is is perfectly suitable and fine for who he is. I do not want to see where he grew up, but I do like using implications to paint an idea of how and why he is who he is. It's sort of why I have an OC who exists as Majima's birth father in Snake Eyes, meant to sort of paint this all literally. Discarding this past for the sake of the role you are meant to play. Maybe it's a nihilist perspective, but I believe Snake Eyes is a nihilist's story. It's a perfect parallel for Forever Yours, an optimistic exploration of fatherhood and how that shapes a person.
This was a lot. hope you enjoy to read.
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saetoru · 1 year
tee tee tee i wanna share rich boy gojo thoughts that have been on my mind. imagine him pouting in the corner as you gossip and laugh with his mom in the living room while she shows you his baby pictures!!! i feel like he would be the cutest (and more embarrassing) child ever lollll it would be a good opportunity to tease him a bit
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satoru is pouting—which, truthfully, you don’t think there are all that many moments where he’s not pouting—but he seems to be pouting a little extra right now. maybe you should feel bad, and maybe you should feel a little guilty that he’s sulking because of you…but then his mother flips the page of the baby album in her hands, and you suddenly don’t care as much about your petulant boyfriend anymore. 
“this is satoru after he scraped his knee for the first time,” she giggles, pointing to tiny, red and teary-faced satoru staring up at the camera, making you snort as you lean closer for a better look. 
“he looks ridiculous,” you laugh, and distantly, you can hear satoru gasp at the comment, crossing his arms and sending you a glare from across the living room. 
“i was in pain,” he huffs, “extremely excruciating pain! and my mother stopped to photograph my misfortune. who does that?”
to his dismay, you don’t even spare him a glance, pointing to the next picture of the album and giggling away with his mother, whispering what he’s sure is yet another mean and rude comment making fun of him. what kid doesn’t fall and scrape their knee? and what kid doesn’t cry when they fall and scrape their knee? normal children shed tears in the face of extreme pain, and gojo satoru is not an exception to this fact—in fact, he likes to think he was one of the braver children.
“satoru, you were such a crybaby growing up,” his mother shakes her head, amusement lacing her tone as you chuckle and shoot him a sly grin. 
“so nothing’s changed,” you hum, “he’s still a crybaby now too.”
“am not!” he gasps, “take that back, you liar—”
“—and this is satoru on his first day of school,” his mother hums, cutting him off and pointing to a picture of a young satoru waving at the camera, missing what you’re sure is his entire front row of teeth. you grin, letting out a small chuckle as your eyes soften at the image. 
usually, gojo satoru is a handful. he’s loud and annoying and he talks far too much for his own good. he makes your life increasingly difficult with the stubbornness he wears like a second skin, and he makes you want to crawl into a hole half the time you’re in public for all the scenes he seems to always cause. but sometimes…sometimes gojo satoru is also very cute—like in this photo for example, with chubby cheeks and a bright grin on his face as he stands in his school uniform. 
“aw,” you coo, making him perk up a little at the sound, “how cute.”
“i was a cute kid, wasn’t i?” he grins, and almost as though he was never pouting in the first place, his mood switches at the slightest bit of praise. you roll your eyes, giving him a flat look as you eye him while he walks over to you, flopping onto the space beside you and looking voer your shoulder. 
“you were,” you nod, making a point to eye him up and down and raise a brow, “i wonder what happened.”
he gasps, and the pout from earlier returns once more—and you can’t say you’re surprised. “rude! i’m still super cute,” he grumbles, and because he’s gojo satoru, the most annoying man you’ve ever had the pleasure of encountering on the face of the planet, he pokes your shoulder repeatedly. “admit it, you find me cute,” he whines, “you literally called me cute this morning.”
“that’s cause you were sleeping,” you shrug, “you’re really cute when you shut up.”
“yes, my favorite satoru was always a napping satoru growing up,” his mother adds from the side. 
“wha—mom!” he protests, watching as you and his mother snicker together. satoru wonders how the both of you can claim to love him when you treat him like this—wounding his pride with every insult thrown his way. he crosses his arms, angling his body away from you as you giggle and wrap yourself around him. 
“we’re just kidding, toru,” you grin, reaching to pinch his cheek, chuckling when he swats your hand away with a grunt, “you’re really the cutest. promise!”
“you’re a liar,” he mumbles, shooting you a glare as you fight back an amused smile, “you said you loved me, but clearly you lied to me.”
“i do love you,” you insist, “and i love your baby pictures too.”
usually, satoru feels his heart soften when he watches you and his mother get along—he thinks he falls in love with you just a little harder every time he watches your eyes light up when you see the women who raised him. but sometimes (like right now), he wishes he never introduced you to his mother—he’s not so sure he’s your favorite gojo anymore, and the idea wounds his pride more than a little. he’s also almost certain you prefer spending time with his mother over him, and he’s even more certain his mother wishes you were the one she raised instead. he almost feels like the third wheel half the time he brings you over and his mother’s home—and he can’t help but wonder…who do you even love more, him or his mother? 
he thinks he has his answer though when you lean in and press a gentle kiss to his jaw. no matter how often you two giggle at his expense, you do not kiss his mother on the jaw, and satoru can’t help but shoot a smirk her way as she rolls her eyes and stands.  
“there are more i have to dig up sometime,” mrs. gojo hums, making satoru groan as you nod eagerly, “i’ll leave you two alone for a while.”
“i’m starting to think you come over for my mom instead of me,” satoru huffs as his mother leaves the room, making you roll your eyes as you lean into his side. he wraps an arm around you, pulling you flush against his body, relaxing as your hand finds his chest and rubs slow circles. 
“only you would be jealous of your own mother,” you snort.
“i’m not jealous,” he protests, “i’m simply concerned that you ignore your boyfriend for hours to make fun of him with his mother.” 
if there’s one thing you’ve learned after flipping through page after page of crying baby pictures, it’s that gojo satoru has been dramatic since the day he was born—this fact doesn’t change even in his adult years. but if there’s one other thing you’ve learned—it’s that he’s endearing, just a little too cute for his own good, just a little too dangerously charming whether it’s the camera he’s pouting at or you. you can’t help but shuffle closer, hugging him tightly as you smile softly into his shirt. 
“c’mon,” you hum, pressing a kiss to his chest, “you know you’re my favorite. i do wish i had a baby satoru to cuddle, though.”
“you have me,” he glares, “i’m satoru and i’m your baby and you can cuddle me.”
“it’s not the same,” you tease, “you talk too much.”
“i’ll have you know i got in trouble quite a lot as a child for talking too much. adult satoru is a lot better.” somehow, you’re not surprised—and a small part of you is almost grateful you didn’t know satoru in his young, obnoxious days as a child. an even bigger part of you feels bad for his mother and the strength she must’ve needed to raise the handful of a boyfriend in your arms. “and besides,” he smirks, leaning down to pull you into a brief kiss, “if you want a baby gojo, i can easily give you one—”
“satoru,” you hiss, swatting his shoulder and making him pout as he rubs over the spot you’ve hit, “one of you is more than enough. we don’t need another.”
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queersolarfandompage · 6 months
Hilson Masterlist:
A bunch of fics I’ve read in the last month, month and a half. All works are completed and over 9,000 words per fic.
My Love’s an Arbutus - Rated G
House gets a soulmate, WIlson gets Hanahaki. It ends suprisingly well for both of them.
Handle with Care - Rated G
This is the story of how James Wilson ended up on his best friends doorstep with a baby in a carseat he’d stolen from the maternity ward, and the chaos that followed.
A Thousand Teeth (And Yours Amoung Them) - Rated T
Sometimes, when House gets too overwhelmed by his emotions, he gets a little bitey. This is five times House bites Wilson, and one time Wilson finally bites him back.
Systemic - Rated T
Ever since Wilson moved in, House has presented with some inexplicable symptoms. Fortunately, he has a team of talented doctors to aid him with his diagnosis.
Touch Therapy - Rated T
It’s not that House needs the human contact. It’s just that when you’re sharing an apartment, these things happen sometimes.
I Never Sleep With Married Men - Rated T
House and Wilson are married. It’s not what you think.
Double or Nothing - Rated T
House kisses Wilson’s cheek as part of an ‘act’, it feels too natural to him, so, of course, he has to turn it all into a game, Wilson catches up pretty quickly. The duckings try to not get scarred for life.
The Line of Thought - Rated T
Cameron, Foreman, and Chase keep on trying to get into the little details of House’s love life. House doesn’t like that one bit.
In the Eye of the Storm - Rated T
House does not want Wilson to invite his subordinates over for dinner, and he definitely doesn’t want them to be stuck there due to an unexpected snowstorm. But could the two of them find what they need?
Drew Stars Around my Scars - Rated T
James Wilson loves Gregory House in secret, but perhaps he is closer to knowing than he realizes.
Oreos, a Cane, and a Hell of a Lot of Diapers - Rated T
Hilson AU in which House and Wilson are waiting for the birth of their two babies. Watch them survive their first few weeks of parenthood along with the struggles it takes to be a parent.
Impossible - Rated T
“Wilson, hey-“
“…This is James Wilson. I can’t get to the phone right now, but if you leave a message, I’ll get back to you as soon as I can.”
There was a long, sustained tone, and House cleared his throat.
“Wilson. I’m sorry for what I said to you in January. It was over the line, and I shouldn’t have gone there in the first place. I know you don’t want to talk to me, and… I’ll respect that. I just wanted you to know that I’m…”
He looked down at the flowers.
“I’m sorry.”
House and Wilson both have Hanahaki Disease, and would rather die than give up their feelings.
No Need to Worry (Making Up Your Mind) - Rated T
House makes the mistake of telling his mother he can’t join her for Christmas because of his new boyfriend. Somehow, this becomes Wilson’s problem.
Something to Prove Series - Rated T
Something to Prove
When House suddenly want to initiate a relationship with Wilson, Wilson is overjoyed. The feelings he’d held for years are finally mutual. Or are they?
House and Wilson decide to let the other people in their lives in on the fact that they’re dating. But no, they can’t just sit them down and tell them. Of course not. That would be too boring.
After School - Rated T
Gregory House is incredibly bored with his life when James Wilson is hired to teach Anatomy & Physiology alongside him at Princeton Plainsboro High School. Though he wants to maintain that same monotony he’s grown comfortable with, House quickly finds out that one school year can change a lot.
Life’s Harsh and Sweet Lessons - Rated T
House and Wilson find out that a simple act of kindness can turn into something so much more for all involved. (I love this fic so much. They’re just gay dog dads.)
Losing Balance - Rated T
There’s a new case for House, in which Wilson gets stuck by chance. The relationship between the patiend and his best friend brings up new issues House and Wilson have to deal with. While the first simply chooses to ignore them, the second is forced to face the changes in their friendship and the influence that the people around them have on it.
Gaseous Nebula - Rated T
After a hard day at work, House and Wilson intend to spend their evening watching the Princeton Philharmonic Orchestra. Instead, the building collapses, leaving on of them trapped in peril and the other desperate for answeres. The chaos drives them to revelations about themselves and each other, but it may be too late.
Ship of Fools - Rated M
The Captain’s a tyrant and possibly a madman, but when the crew rebels it’s Wilson who gets caught in the crossfire.
Bait and Switch - Rated M
Wilson tricks House into participating in a bachelor auction to benefit the hospital.
Fool’s Gold - Rated M
Don’t threaten what isn’t yours. (Dragon AU)
Old Machines - Rated M
Wilson said, “So we’re just two friends who want to have sex with each other, who aren’t going to do anything about it.”
Spoken with the increduility of a beautiful person with low impulse control. House shrugged.
“We’ve been that for years. Why mess with success?”
Wilson was looking at his mouth. He sounded strained. “I don’t think what we’re doing qualifies as success.”
Not as Easy as it Looks on TV - Rated M
House and Wilson share an intimate moment. the likes of which Wilson had never seen before in their three year relationship. It drives Wilson to realize he wants to marry House, but of course it’s never that easy, is it?
That’s How Strong My Love Is - Rated M
For once, Wilson doesn’t fall into a relationship, much to House’s irritataion.
Fresh Feeling - Rated M
House is tricked into going on a team-building trip with his colleagues. He does far more bonding with Wilson than anyone else.
Love Is The Drug - Rated M
What happens when two best friends love each other to the point of hating each other? They try to date and sulk about it.
The More It Took Away - Rated E
House has been hiding this little secret of his for years. Too bad it’s coming back to bite him on the ass.
The Escalated Butt Dial - Rated E
He thinks it must be an accident. Because all he hears is shuffling and soft… clapping? He’s about to hang up and laugh because House butt-dialed him while drunk when he hears it.
A very, very obviously sexual grunt. A moan, if more specific. Whatever. Not whatever. He can’t really breath right now, or think; call back laterr.
He wants to hang up. This is an invasion of privacy. This isn’t okay. House butt-dialed him while masurbating, for fuck’s sake. And it’s not like he wants to listen. Right? So. Just hang up.
The One-Eyed King Takes All - Rated E
The classic crew plays strip poker.
You’re the Only One That Never Gets Old Series - Rated E
You’re the Only One That Never Gets Old
An accidental kiss… and a few taht are not so accidental.
Let’s Take A Breath (Before We Go, Go, Go)
House kisses Wilson to piss off an homophobic patient. It might ahve been his best idea yet.
Keep Me Where the Light Is - Rated E
House has his Earth shattering, (good) knee weakening, life changing revelation about Wilson at such an inopporune time, that he’s tempted to laugh. He would have, if he hadn’t been hands deep in his patient’s organs.
Absinthe - Rated E
Wilson wants a new apartment, House is up to no good, and strange metaphors abound.
Experimental Procedures - Rated E
An offhand comment leads Wilson to test out some unusual methods of pain relief for House. (They’re extremely effective.)
Familiarity (Breeds Contempt) - Rated E
House and Wilson stumble into a relationship, but they run into problems before long.
Around We Go Once More - Rated E
Stuck in a small university town out of the country with Wilson, House is up to day 104, of a ‘grounghog day’ style constatly recurring day scenario. Seeing as the day will repeat, he figures it would be safe to try and seduce Wilson; the one he’s always been attracted to, but never acted on it, for fear it would ‘ruin the friendship.’ This is not as easy as he planned, particularly as Wilson refuses to take him seriously.
Stay With Me - Rated E
House has always depended on Wilson’s friendship, but now he finds himself depending on him for his very life - and Wilson realizes that both mean more to him than he ever realized.
I’ll See You In Court - Rated E
Every year, the council chooses ten alphas to participate in the breeding run — this year Wilson has been chosen. He’ll be forced to bond with whichever omega he knocks up whilst he’s in heat. When House hears, he’s forced to take action. There’s only one way to get pulled from the yearly run, and taht’s to file an intent to bond. And in order to file an intent to bond, you need an omega willing to go through with it.
There’s only a week until Wilson’s heat, but luckily, House knows just the omega for the job.
Things That Go Bump - Rated E
Wilson has nightmares. House gets a headache. Everyone tries to diagnose just what’s going on between them.
If He Spends That Dough (Imma Throw Him a Bone) - Rated E
James Wilson loves to feel needed, so who is hOuse to refuse him?
Money, sex, and love is all you need. In that order.
Howler Tone - Rated E
The calls always happen late at night, and they’re extremely sporadic, with weeks, sometimes months bridging between them. They talk on the phone otherwise, of course; about patients, or dinner plans, or carpooling. Typical stuff. But the calls that always end a certain way always start a certain way.
House develops a new vice. Wilson, as always, enables him.
He Won’t Tell You That He Loves You - Rated E
In which Nolan pulls at the Wilson thread, and House can’t stop it all from unraveling. Repression is a hell of a drug.
A Valuable Friend - Rated E
Wilson has been recieving mysterious late night phone calls. He’s rather House kept his nose out of it - but we all know how well that goes.
Baby Mikey - Rated E
House gets a visitor that will change his life, while Wilson struggles to figure out exactly who he is and where he fits into House’s new life.
Buy Some Time, It’s On My Dime - Rated E
The one where House is a phone sex operator.
You’re So Fuckin’ Special (Run) - Rated E
It was full of pictures.
And all of them are of Wilson.
In Every Lie, In Every Truth That You’d Deny - Rated E
Wilson just needs someone to take care of while he recovers from yet another divorce. That’s all this is.
Ath least, that’s what House thinks.
A Patient’s Guide to Living with ICS - Rated E
House and Wilson share a hotel room at a medical conference.
Hooked (On Feeling Low) - Rated E
There are things even House cannot control.
Can Wilson continue picking up the pieces?
A Modest Proposal - Rated E
Tritter’s case agianst House still depends on subpoenaeded testimony from Wilson. To save House from losing everything, the doctors of PPTH decide on an unusal solution, which in turn leads to unexpected consequences. This is a story about the sacrifices we make that turn out not to be such great sacrifices after all.
Silk, Lace, and Satin Bows - Rated E
“What’re those,” House lilted, taking a firmer hold on the blanket and tugging, even as Wilson cluched the blanket to his chest, his eyse impossibly wide as he shook his head.
“It’s nothing,” Wilson gritted out, cheeks flushing hotly. “I just… I borrowed some underwear from Sam. It’s nothing. Just get out, House,” the younger man hissed, clutching the blanket more firmly to his chest.
The Marrying Kind - Rated E
The one where House is a wedding planner and Wilson keeps on getting married.
TGIF - Rated E
House is stuck living the same Friday over and over and over and over again. A Groundhog Day AU with a medical mystery, the pursuit of true love, and egregious references to Bill Murray and Andie MacDowell.
Correlation Does Not Equal Causation - Rated E
“This… this hasn’t happened before.”
“Most people say that in the opposite situation.”
Alternatively titled: Wilson Doesn’t Actually Have Whiskey Dick
Don’t mind me just adding another fic here.
Grin and Bear It - Rated E
In a world where soulmates can feel each other’s pain, Wilson had always grown up wondering if he really had a soulmate. Sure, he could feel the occasional twinge like that of a bruise or cut without actually seeing one, but he had always chalked those up to random aches and pains that everybody got.
Wilson would keep this mindset until both he and House begin feeling agonizing leg pain, and a realization dawning from it causes Wilson’s entire life and well-being to change forever.
I’m always looking for new Fics so if there’s a fic you think is missing from this list, let me know and I’ll check it out!
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chatsukimi · 2 months
STREETRACER!TOJI x WEALTHY!READER ('my mother's blind in one eye and she can drift better than that') ⤷ genre: sfw, fluff ⤷ tropes: reader's bf is a btch, passengerprincess!reader, trustfund!toji, caring!toji, highschool!toji, jealous!toji ⤷ series (jjk men as athletes)
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STREETRACER!TOJI who skips school to street-race. you've had an eye on him ever since testing reaction times in Physical Education class, introducing him to drift back in sophomore year. he was a natural.
STREETRACER!TOJI whose life revolves around the illegal sport, catching on so swiftly soon you buy him his first car. you tell him he gets to keep it if he can win in the races.
you're half convinced he'll call you one day to tell you your baby's on fire... literal fire. but he never does- it seems he respects the trust you put in him. and he wins on your bets, so you don't question it.
STREETRACER!TOJI who's always pawing for your colourful gambling tickets (his name purchased first) and you're always removing them from his sight: beggars can't be choosers.
whatever. he never wanted to befriend the rich kid anyways.
STREETRACER!TOJI who tells you to go away right before the competition when you come to check up on him. 'you're distracting me. where's your prissy prince?' when you look at your boyfriend in the stands, he scoffs.
STREETRACER!TOJI who narrows his eyes as your boyfriend slides into the driver's seat of the car you gave him, the car with which he won the race, and begins to drive around like a little kid. no technique whatsoever. he is suddenly reminded of a scene from the movie Tokyo Drift you once forced him to watch at the beginning of showing him cars: 'my mother's blind in one eye and she can drift better than that.'
well isn’t that the perfect descriptor for your boyfriend.
STREETRACER!TOJI who doesn't speak to you for a week after he notices a scratch on the car. he's in cold disbelief. one, that you would ever let an idiot close to a fine car like that. two, that you would trust that idiot to lead you around in a relationship.
i mean, seriously, how can a guy who parks for fifteen minutes and still crosses the line pick out what you want as a gift? how can a loser ever make you happy? he'll drive you carsick. toji's not sure how you haven't gotten so already.
STREETRACER!TOJI whose heart definitely does not flutter when he sees the dinner you’ve eft beside the vehicle after a race. you've left a note too: i know you're mad about the scratch, but congrats on the win. you drove really well. i've left a share of the cash in the centre console.
when he shows up in class the next day, he doesn't return your smile. instead, he stalks all the way up to your desk, silencing the rest of the class as he drags a chair to sit down next to you.
'i thought you didn't wanna associate with me at school?'
he shrugs. 'changed my mind.'
STREETRACER!TOJI who, when your boyfriend ditches last minute from taking you back to your countryside townhouse, shows up within ten minutes of you calling him up. he arrives. running.
you start to wonder if you should've introduced him to track and field and made a new Olympic gold medallist instead.
STREETRACER!TOJI who observes the v12 aston martin, cocking his head to the side.
you admit quietly, 'i... don't know how to drive' and he sighs, pushes you to the side, enters the driver's seat, then looks at you with an impatient stare.
'what are you waiting for? get in.'
you hastily enter the passenger seat, trying to unglue your gaze from the thickness of his arm around your steering wheel, the ease of his large stature adjusting the seat to fit, exhaling slightly when it works.
'trust fund baby,' you hear him mutter.
'hey!' you speak before you realise it. 'you're also my trust fund baby.'
his eyebrows shoot up, dark stare piercing the side of your face. what did you say? you bite your lip and prays for the seat to swallow you up. why did you say that? you feel him shift in his seat, inching closer until both his hands cage your smaller frame.
'say that again..'
STREETRACER!TOJI who drives you home all night, no breaks. you listen to music and watch the stars above the dark countryside trundling past. as the scene becomes monotonous, your eyelids slowly droops close.
toji notices, immediately speeding down by the side of the highway. he walks around the side of the car, opens the door, removes his leather jacket and gently places it over your sleeping figure. his breath almost hitches when you stir.
a tiny voice in his head yelps, whipped.
it's not even his own jacket. you bought him it as celebration for his first victory and he hasn't gone a week without it since.
STREETRACER!TOJI who carefully withdraws your phone from your pocket at the end of the trip, pressing a couple digits, raising it to his ear to leave a voicemail.
'hey,' he says, 'you're the guy who can't drive, right?' any sane person knows to never insult a guy's driving skills. toji pats the hood of the car as he speaks. guess he’s not so sane then. 'now i gotta say, i'm just looking out for you, yeah? stay away from my girl. she too expensive for you.'
STREETRACER!TOJI who dreams of a day he spoils you. a day when your bets on him come to fruition, when he can say with full certainty, 'bet on me, baby. put all your trust on me'
(extra: 'did you compare me to a car??' you listen to the voicemail toji sent to your ex. toji winces. 'had to get the point across. he can't be crashing and burning shit he didn't pay insurance for.' you cross your arms. 'and how are you sure you won't drive this thing off a cliff?' 'oh baby, cause i tokyo drift')
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silent-stories · 1 year
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Pairing: Eddie x F!Reader
Summary: Eddie wants to introduce you to his mom, so you go to the graveyard with him.
Warnings: angst, fluff, death of a parent
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It was late evening and the sky was starting to darken when you sat down on the ground, in front of the stone with Mrs. Munson's name engraved on it.
"Hi mom, this is Y/N," Eddie said as he crossed his legs and stared at the faded photo of the smiling woman on the tombstone "my girlfriend."
He had been wanting to take you there for some time, he said that since he knew your family he wanted you to get to "know" his too, only if you wanted too, of course.
"I've talked about her so many times before, I do it every time I come here actually, but I've never brought her here before." He added pulling his hands out of his jacket pockets and playing nervously with the rings on his fingers.
He kept talking without ever meeting your gaze as if he was afraid of what he might read in your eyes.
"She's here because she's really important to me and I wanted to introduce her to you too. Uncle Wayne has already said that she likes her a lot, they're basically best friends, sometimes I think she loves him more than me." He said the last part with a slight laugh but from his expression he didn't look amused.
"You two have a lot in common, you know?" He asked before pausing as if he was really waiting for an answer.
In return you only heard the rustling of the leaves of the trees caused by the wind.
"She's as kind as you were. She always lets me copy her homework even though I should probably start doing it myself if I wanna graduate. Sometimes she brings home-cooked food for me and Wayne, she and her mom make really good chocolate cakes, you would have liked them a lot." He explained, his voice low.
"Sometimes we cook together like I used to do with you. But Y/N and I always end up making a mess or fighting with flour. But it's fun, so we keep doing it even if we have to clean the trailer from top to bottom afterwards." A sad smile appeared on Eddie's face, probably remembering his days spent with his mother when she was with him.
"And she's as funny as you, she can make me smile with a simple joke even though my day has been shit and I just want to sleep for three days straight." He added and your heart squeezed in your chest.
"She's caring. That's another thing you both have in common. Once I didn't go to school because I had a fever and she missed an important test to come and check if I was okay. Actually I wasn't very okay, she had to keep my hair back as I threw up. I told her she could go anyway but she stayed with me until Wayne was back, at night. She stayed there all those hours, making me rest my head on her stomach and running her hands through my hair just like you used to do." At this point you just wanted to cry. You never thought that all those simple gestures that were part of your relationship with Eddie could mean so much to him.
You reached out to him and grabbed his hand which had started to shake slightly and definitely not from the temperature. He fliched at first, then hold it as if his life depended on it.
"She's also a good listener, she never judges when I talk about my problems and always listens when I talk about things I'm interested in . She says she likes to hear me talk about what I like, Dungeons & Dragons, the band and music in general, books. Once I even started reading the Hobbit aloud to her, but she fell asleep after half an hour with her head on my chest. I didn't get mad, she was too pretty. And I could never be mad at her, she makes me happy." If he was talking about being happy, then why did his voice sound so broken?
"When I'm with her I feel good, mom. It doesn't matter if I'm at school, in the trailer or on a bench in the woods, when I'm with her I feel at home. And it feels good. It feels great." He added as a tear rolled down his cheek.
"She's one of the best people I know." He breathed as you reached up to him and wiped it away with your thumb, slowly caressing his cheek.
"You would have loved her, mom." He said finally, before wrapping an arm around your waist and pushing you against him, resting his head on your shoulder and sniffling.
"It's okay." You said rubbing your hand on the fabric of the denim jacket covering his back.
"I love you." He whispered.
"I love you too. And I'm so sorry I didn't get to know your mom. If she was even half as amazing as you are, then she really must have been great." You said leaving a kiss on his forehead.
"She was." He murmured as his arms still held you.
Your lips brushed his temple leaving a light kiss there too, then you turned towards the tombstone.
"Mrs. Munson, I promise I will take good care of your boy."
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thatanimeramenchick · 3 months
I just thought of somethin(I’m sorry if I’m spamming or anything. I’ve got ADHD so my brain is constantly making ideas that I have to share. I do not wish to overwhelm you)
What about a Yandere Lucifer(Hazbin) with a immortal human reader? They were cursed from a young age with immortality because of a mistake there mother made. They can die but don’t really stay dead. Every time they die they get a scar so there covered with them both large and small. They go to university but was supposed to be sacrificed by a cult to Lucifer but obviously survived but now there stuck with Lucifer always being around?
Yandere Lucifer x Human Sacrifice Reader Pt. 1
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You’re fine! Definitely not spamming. I just might take some time before I get to writing it. Lucifer has me in a choke hold, but so does Vox. I also wanted to do this idea justice, as it actually has a lot of potential, so it took me a little while before I finally felt like it sounded kind of decent. Also it was getting long, so going to be a two parter.
Part Two
Trigger Warning: Graphic Violence
Word Count: 2,431
You first realized something was wrong when you were twelve.
It was a warm August afternoon, perfect for a day on the lake. Only a week left before school, your extended family was having a last little hurrah camping trip. Water brushed against your shoulders as you waded through the water, looking for small fish and crawdads. Your cousins were on the shore, half asleep as they rested from swimming.
“Kids! It’s time for lunch!” you heard your Aunt’s voice fill the air.
Eager for food, like any other over-exhausted child, you turn quickly on the slick rocks, ready to run inside.
“Wait for me!” you cry out, taking no care in how fast you were moving.
And down you went. Your slipped right out from under you and sent you crashing beneath the waves. A roar filled your ears as your body ripped through the water and sent your head against the stone ground. Along with the cold water, you felt a hot liquid bubbling from the crown of your head.
Whether from shock or pain, you were unable to swim. You thrashed and attempted to scream, only letting more water into your throat. Surely someone had heard you falling and would come to save you, right? There was no way they hadn’t heard you.
Yet as seconds passed, you started to think that maybe no one had heard you. Every passing moment felt like an eternity as you were unable to hold your breath and water choked down your throat.
You swore that you felt your lungs literally ripping apart, splitting at the seams in a pain that was so intense you felt like you would black out. You suddenly knew what it was like to be the balloons you and your cousins had blown up with a little too much air and watched pop into a million pieces.
The oxygen must finally have evaporated from the combination of fluid filling your lungs and blood leaving your body. This was it.
You were going into the arms of the angels.
To this day, beneath your hair, was the large scar from “the incident” as your family referred to it.
Well, when they referred to it at all, which was almost never.
All you had remember was awakening in the hospital, gasps, tears, and even a scream filling the air as you sat up.
“I-impossible!” your aunt had said, gazing in shock at you, “She was… She had to be….”
“I told you, the doctors had made a mistake,” your mother had said calmly. She had been sitting beside you, squeezing your hand. Though her words were soft and controlled, there were tears on the edges of her eyes.
Your cousins started crying as well, coming forward, looking just as stunned. The only one who had seemed unsurprised was your mother, who held your hand in a death grip.
That day lived in infamy in your mind. Though nothing had ever been explained, small snippets from conversations you hadn’t been meant to overhear had formed an image of what had happened.
Finally, it had been noticed that you were not there, and your eldest cousin had been the horrified witness to your body in the lake, water red from the massive loss of blood. Though they had called the ambulance, it was clear to everyone that you had died before they had even got there.
Or so they had thought.
You had been laid in the hospital, check on, with no pulse or breath in you. Your family had been in the room crowding around you, all saying final goodbyes. All except your mother, who had simply grabbed onto your hand and insisted that you weren’t dead. The doctor had made a mistake, you would be fine. Naturally, your Aunt and Uncle thought that your mother was simply confused after the traumatic experience.
But you had woken up. Suddenly, something had changed. The machines detected life, and you had taken a gasping breath before groggily opening your eyes.
The nurses and doctors had seem just as spooked as your extended family, but once it was determined that somehow you had survived and your lungs were intact, they let you go. Someone must have made some kind of mistake at some point.
There had been no explanation, logical or otherwise for your salvation. Your mother said that you must be under divine protection, and you had accepted the answer, as much as you weren’t really convinced of it. Convinced or not, you were alive, and you supposed that was what mattered.
That had been nine years ago. It was something you rarely thought about anymore, though recently, you had been wondering about it. The whole thing was weird, and your studies in medical school only made it weirder.
You didn’t have time to think about it these days though. You were short on two things, money and time. Which is why you were now looking at the posters hung in the cafeteria for an opportunity to make some quick cash.
You had some cash flow from your repeated donations of plasma and blood cells, as well as the occasional babysitting gig in between studies. You needed more though, and the flier you were looking at was promising a lot of pay if you went to this interview and were accepted as a participant for an experiment that some seniors were doing. So many of you had participated in a couple of experiments for professors and students to earn a buck here and there. You could do it again. You ignored the vague wording, thinking that it was probably some experimentation that involved the subjects being in the dark.
So now, you were sitting on a park bench with the interviewer for the program, being drilled harder than if you had stayed out all night as a teenager.
“Do drugs, smoke, alcohol?” the interviewer asked.
“No,” you said.
“All right,” she said, "And... we'll need to know you're relationship history as well. Any boyfriends, girlfriends?”
“I had one boyfriend in high school,” you said, "Been too busy last few years though.”
“Just one boyfriend... Ok, and any hookups?” she asked.
“Excuse me?”
“Like, you know, bar or party hookups. Casual sex.”
“I-I- Uh... No,” you said.
“So you're a virgin?” she asked.
“I-I’m sorry, I don’t see how this is relevant,” you said, feeling uncomfortable.
“It’s necessary information for dividing the groups in our experiment,” she said, “Your personal name isn’t going to be connected to any of this. But we need to know as much personal information as possible if you want us to consider you for this. We need to know our subjects on a deep level.”
You sigh in irritation, “Fine, whatever. Yes, I am.”
“Ok,” she said, scribbling something down.
After a few more minutes of interrogation, she stood up.
“All right then, I think I have everything I need to know. We will be in touch if you pass all right? If you do, you'll be contacted on the meeting place for the experimentation,” she said.
A week later, you had gotten a call back from the same interviewer, saying you had passed initial testing. They assigned a day for you to show up at the lab. After you had arrived on the appointed day and signed some wavers, they took you aside and gave you some medication, saying they were conducting a test on REM sleep in three sessions. The first two had gone typically, and you had awoken, mind numb and fuzzy after the sessions. But something was different when you woke up the third time. You weren't in the lab.
You awoke, foggy eyed, your mind still grainy. The room was freezing, even more so than the normally cool temperature it was kept at. In a few seconds, you realized you weren't in the lab at all or likely the university. Your surroundings were totally alien as you realized where you were and who you were with.
You were looking up at a circle of men and women in black and red cloaks. A sickening smell of incense fills the air, and you feel something right digging into your wrists and ankles. In moments, you realize you have been tied down to a stone altar, somewhere dark and damp, like a cave or temple. Directly over you stands a middle aged man, holding a knife.
“She’s perfect,” he said, “A beautiful young virgin. Not tainted in any way, in good health. The ideal sacrificial lamb.”
The day of the incident was swarming back into your mind as you now struggled against the rope tying you own, as futile as you had felt slapping against the water. You couldn’t even attempt to scream, a cloth was shoved so far down your throat, the scent of whatever chemical they had dipped in it making it burn. Part of you wondered if you would vomit and repeatedly suffocate before he could even stab you.
“Oh Lucifer, we call upon you to accept this sacrifice,” the man called out, raising the knife, “May you be pleased with this offering, and in exchange bless our work. May we be more prosperous and rich than any others! We bow down to you!”
With his final words, he sliced the knife into your chest, so fast and swift that you didn’t feel it at first. It was as subtle as a breeze rushing past your cheek or hearing a whisper in the hallway. Small as it was though, you couldn’t deny that it was there. Within a split second, as he ripped the knife out, you felt some of that pain materializing. A muffled scream is silenced, and you feel the cloth sink deeper into your throat, choking you. Even if your mouth can not let out a sound, the surrounding flesh is painful enough that it feels like it is screaming in silent agony.
He continues to stab at you. The pain worsens as he tries to push the knife deep into your heart, but manages to instead stab into your ribs multiple times. Each removal of the knife releases a fountain of blood. Warm, fast, sleek streams bathe your skin and clothes as he drives the knife through you over and over again, without mercy. Penetrating, forceful, as if you were being violated in the worst possible way. The physical pain of the experience is nothing compared to the mental anguish of helplessness and terror you feel.
Finally, mercifully a few cuts sink between you ribs and pierce your heart. Within minutes, your world begins fading to black.
This is it. Finally.
At least that was what you hoped. No more pain, only peace.
Hell was real.
You hadn’t died, but you didn’t need to for you to experience a pure torment worse than death. Some twisted miracle, curse, whatever the hell it was, had saved you. You awoke who knows how long after the attack, alone and still strapped to the stone altar. You couldn’t lift your head, it roared with pain. The pure torture of regenerating, something you hadn’t felt in years. Your body burned and itched as it restitched itself back together, slowly. The process of regeneration was in some ways more gruesome than the actual attack had been. Every inch of your chest felt like it was on fire.
The cloth was still stuck deep in your throat, making it impossible to call for help, but part of you knew that even if you could have it probably wouldn’t attract attention from anyone you would want. Your only fear was that it would remain stuck in your throat for ages. The image of it resting there until your spit somehow dissolved it and allowed for you to breathe normally haunted you, as well as the image that you might die from an infection or suffocation like this a couple of times before that happens.
Your mind was so focused on this that you didn’t notice the glowing light walking around you. Sight fuzzy, you winced as the light fully entered your focus and before you stood a man, radiating light from his crimson and white body. Wings on display, emanating from his back. No further details could be caught though, as you were in too much pain to really pay attention. Despite this though, you had no doubt who this was.
You were surprised. Always, your imagination had painted the devil as a creature of darkness. Even if he wasn’t a red horned creature, you had expected a creature that radiated evil and smoke. Yet Lucifer stood before you with an almost ethereal glow about him. While there was a certain flame about him, it burned with a cool, almost glorious light.
Well, you had heard someone once say that the devil portrayed himself as a creature of light. Perhaps the brightness of his form should not surprise you. A mask of goodness over his true evil intent. He leans over you, gazing at your half-alive form.
Finally, the devil reaches over to your face, gazing at you with a look that you decide must be curiosity. There is no way that it contains the pity that your mind at first thinks it glimpses. If this is the devil that the group worshiped, then there was no way any sympathy could be found in his eyes. He lowered his hand to your face, causing you to flinch, the pain exploding at your brief movement. Instead of the expected violence though, he caresses your cheek with tenderness.
“Poor little thing. Humans are such fools,” he murmurs, “The way they treat their own is downright atrocious.”
While you would push his touch away if you could, you find it impossible. The pain is too great to bother defying him. It is nothing compared to the torture your body goes through though when he lifts you into his arms. Chipped bones feel as if they are shifting through your sliced muscle and ripped flesh. You feel more blood flowing out of your body, like the lake sand would flow between the cracks in your fingers as a child. Even though you are unable to scream, you must have at least attempted to make some kind of noise as the demon holding you makes an effort to soothe you.
“Sh… It’s all right now,” you heard, “You’re going to be just fine. There’s no need to be afraid.”
It was the last thing you heard before pain consumed your mind and took you from consciousness.
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youcouldmakealife · 2 months
SOTM: Bryce/Jared, Elaine; Man of the Hour (Day, Week, Month, Year)
For the prompt: One of the articles Bryce mentions. "…like, a profile thing? How it was growing up gay in hockey, that kind of thing… A chance to establish myself as like, I am now,” Bryce says. “Kind of like — not set the record straight, exactly, but like, show I’ve matured and stuff. "
It’s the definition of a typical Vancouver day, drizzly and overcast, when I meet Bryce Marcus. He likely needs no introduction, but I will introduce him anyway: the star centre for the Vancouver Canucks who went from being the enemy while playing for the arch-rival Calgary Flames to becoming possibly the most beloved man in the city: certainly if you you asked the fans streaming out of Rogers Arena after watching the Canucks win the Cup for the third time, or the hundreds of thousands of lining Burrard to cheer on their Canucks at the Stanley Cup Parade on a beautiful sunny day this June.
The weather is anything but glamourous today, however, and at the Marcus Matheson household, the surroundings aren’t either.
Jared Matheson, husband and teammate of Bryce, apologizes as I step over a box in their hallway. “We’re kind of in the middle of a move right now.”
They’re trading their two-bedroom condo for something ‘a little more permanent’. Both have decided that wherever their NHL careers may take them, Vancouver is going to remain home, and they’ve just closed on a house nearby.
“Bryce is weirdly excited about getting to mow the lawn,” Jared tells me as we wait for Bryce to finish getting ready. In light of the hyper-competitive Vancouver real estate market it’s entirely understandable to be excited about lawncare — it means you have a lawn to care for — but one wouldn’t have expected that to extend even to Vancouver’s sports stars.
When Bryce emerges, five minutes after my arrival, he announces himself by swearing as he trips over a box of his own, and then apologising, both for his language and his tardiness.
“He was doing his hair,” Jared says.
“I was not,” Bryce scowls, but doesn’t offer an alternative explanation.
After a quick tour of their condo, which is currently half in boxes, Bryce and I hop into his Audi S8 — naturally courtesy Capilano Audi, whose ads featuring him are inescapable during Canucks games. We drive to Richmond so he can show me his old haunts: elementary, middle, and high school — though he finished high school in Washington while playing for the Spokane Chiefs — his home rink, the Dairy Queen his mother took him after hockey games. He’s a capable, if slightly aggressive driver. I mention this because from the dire warning I received from Jared on the way out the door I genuinely believed I might not survive the drive.
Bryce finally pulls into the driveway of an unassuming but cheerful house on a quiet suburban street. The morning drizzle has faded, and the weather is now just as bright and warm as his childhood home, and the mother who raised him there. Already waiting for us on the porch, his mother Elaine Marcus offers me a glass of lemonade. “Store bought, I’m afraid,” she says with a smile. “I’m not much of homemaker.”
Over lemonade and cookies — “Also store bought,” Elaine admits, “but this bakery is very good!”, and she’s right about that — she shows me an array of childhood and teenage photos while Bryce complains to his mother that she’s ‘embarrassing’ him.
The photos are more inspiring than embarrassing: photo after photo of a beaming little boy in an equally small Canucks jersey, proudly brandishing a plastic mini-stick (Canucks branded, of course). A true example of someone who grew up to live his childhood dream.
Sadly, as he gets a older the smile disappears, as does the man beaming in the background of so many of those happy photos. His father, Ben Marcus, was killed by an impaired driver at the age of 32. It devastated Elaine and Bryce, who was only four at the time.
“It was hard,” Elaine says. “He didn’t understand. I didn’t understand, when it came down to it. It was a hard time. He wanted to play hockey all the time, it was the only thing he wanted. He was really only happy on the ice.”
“I just wanted him to be happy,” she says, smiling tearfully, and as Bryce wraps a protective arm around his mother's shoulders, I offer to give them a moment.
“It was a long time ago,” Elaine says in dismissal, wiping her eyes. “It’s just hard sometimes. Ben loved hockey, loved watching the Canucks with Bryce — he’d have been so proud to see Bryce lift the Cup for them. I am too, of course, but it was always Ben and Bryce’s thing. He would have been so proud.”
I do give them a moment then, and when I return, my lemonade has been refilled and both are all smiles once again, though Bryce's doesn't last. He cringes as we go through photos of his teen years. There’s a sullen look on his face in every picture.
And what was Bryce like as a teenager?
"I'll let him answer that," Elaine says diplomatically.
“I don’t really know,” Bryce says, looking thoughtful. “Angry, I guess. I was an angry kid. And confused.”
About his sexuality?
“Everything was confusing,” Bryce says. “But yeah, definitely that too.”
“Bryce cared so much,” Elaine says. “About everything. He still does. The world’s hardest on the people who care most about it.”
Like so many hockey players who’ve come out since Dan Riley and Marc Lapointe did in 2010, he credits their coming out as a major influence on his journey of coming to terms with his identity as both a gay man and a pro hockey player.
“You don’t really put it together,” Bryce says. He turned sixteen the summer the Leafs won the Stanley Cup, and Riley and Lapointe subsequently came out. “Like, okay, sure, you can be gay and play hockey. Except nobody thought that. I didn’t think that. If you said that, maybe I’d say okay, but I didn’t believe it.”
How, then, did he reconcile being gay and playing hockey?
“That's the thing,” Bryce says. “I didn’t, you know? I was playing hockey, so obviously I wasn’t, right? Because if I was gay, then I wouldn’t be playing, would I?”
“It sounds so ridiculous saying it now,” he reflects. “But that’s what I thought. And I wasn’t the only one.”
But even more than Riley and Lapointe blazing a trail before him, he credits meeting his husband Jared at a hockey skills camp in Calgary. In the year before he met Jared, then twenty year old Bryce was arrested twice, for assault and DWI: the latter in particular shook his mother, considering how his father died.
"I was worried about him," she says. "That's probably an understatement."
“I don’t know where I’d be if I hadn't met Jared,” Bryce says. “I genuinely don’t. I don’t think I’d be out. I know I wouldn’t be happy. You know, everyone says it isn’t like in the movies. Falling in love, I mean. That love at first sight and all that is b******t. But that’s pretty much what it was for me.”
Was it mutual?
Bryce laughs. “You’d have to ask Jared, he tells it better than me,” he says. “But no, not really. I wasn't good enough for him. I'm still not good enough for him, but I try to be."
Another warning I’d received from his husband before my tour around town? That Bryce was an incurable romantic. This warning certainly seems more warranted than the one about Bryce’s driving.
And what does Bryce think about Jared’s warning, and his additional suggestion to take anything Bryce said about him with a healthy grain of salt?
“[Jared]’s just modest,” Bryce says.
“He lights up when Jared’s around,” Elaine says. “It’s just like when he was a little boy — every time he stepped onto the ice, he beamed. It’s the same thing with Jared. He’s so happy. It’s so wonderful to see him like that.”
And how was it, not only getting to play with his husband, but to raise the Stanley Cup together?
“It’s a dream come true,” Bryce says. “Really. I know that’s such a cliche, but so is love at first sight, right? And the hometown boy winning it all for his childhood team. They’re all cliches. But they’re my life.”
“I know just how lucky I am,” Bryce says. “Winning with Jared, with this team — it’s been such a whirlwind of a year.”
I tell him to enjoy it.
“I do,” he says, smiling so widely I have no doubt he’s telling the truth. “I really, really do.”
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anki-of-beleriand · 5 months
Bad Liar ch. 12
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Summary: Life is about lessons, and Wanda has been learning some harsh facts that had define her life and taken her to a place in which she was given a second chance. Then, all of a sudden, she meets you, and she realizes why it's easier to lie to yourself than to accpet what's right in front of her.
Pairing: Wanda Maximoff/ Female!reader - America/Kate - Mentions of past Vision/Wanda - past Natasha/Reader - Some Female!Reader/Carol Danvers
Warnings: Slow burn - slightly Enemies to friends to lovers - Mentions of abusive relationships - Toxic relationships - angst - drama - mentions of abuse - idiots in love - homophobia - more tags as the story progress.
Author's note: Something magical happens, but not all fairytales have a smooth path to happiness.
This chapter is dedicate to the dear Anon that wrote to me recently, hope you and all you guys have amazing and safe Holidays!
As always, English is no my mother tongue, so please forgive the grammar, spelling and funny mistakes!
Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Chapter 5 - Chapter 6 - Chapter 7 - Chapter 8 - Chapter 9 - Chapter 10 - Chapter 11 - Chapter 12 - Chapter 13 - Chapter 14 - Chapter 15 - Chapter 16 - Chapter 17 - Chapter 18
Chapter 12
The silver in the stars
Friday arrived with the winds of change.
The clouds had glided away from the time being, the lower temperatures continue and the school itself was a busy hive with everyone running left and right to finish the pending’s before the Winter break.
That very morning Wanda knew she wouldn’t be able to make it back to school. Billy’s health had not improved at all, if anything the boy was drossy with light fever accompanied by a sore throat, headache, chills and dry cough. In a word, he got the flu and Wanda could not leave him behind even though that night she was hopping to spend it with you.
“That’s okay, Wands.” You smiled to her that very morning, Tommy grabbing your hand while watching the interaction with curious eyes, “Billy’s health is our priority, I’ll take care of this big guy and the party, everything is going to be fine.”
Wanda could see the disappointment in your stare, but you hid it well behind the reassuring gestures and the warmth words. She had hoped for the date that day, to perhaps finally get into the conversation the both of you owed one another and finally left out in the open the half confession neither of you had been able to settle up.
“There will be more chances, Wands, you’re not getting out of that conversation.”
With those parting words, you left Wanda to take care of Billy while taking Tommy and America back to the school almost missing the black car that was driving around the corner of your street.
“There will be more chances,” America giggled when you rolled your eyes hiding way your smile, Tommy giggled too glancing at you lightly.
“Y/N why didn’t you kiss mommy good-bye?” Tommy asked innocently, America laughed when you just blushed profusely sputtering around an answer that made the other boy crunched up his nose.
“Well, Tommy, because Y/N is a dummy and needs a push…” America teased ignoring your mocking glare.
“Mommy likes kisses.” Tommy said shrugging. “And mommy likes Y/N, just like Kate and America.”
Now it was your turn to laugh, and for America to sputter the car drive to the school filled with conversations about the oncoming party and coming holidays. The topic about you and Wanda or Kate and America forgotten for the time being.
It had been a busy day.
You didn’t even have the time to look at your phone, the last arrangements were being done to the auditorium while you managed the rest of the events of the last day of the festival. As always, America and her friends were a great help for you, they were running around with any request you might have, while also getting their gowns and clothes ready for the evening.
Everything was running perfectly, America and Kate had spent most of the day together talking and laughing, for anyone it looked as just two best friends bantering the way they had done so all their lives, however you could see there was something different in the interaction. You could see your sister trying to get Kate’s attention while Kate’s protective nature came naturally when around America. You noticed the glances, the smiles, the casual brushes of skin. It was as if America had stopped running away from her emotions, and Kate had finally confronted hers.
And, everything would have been just fine if, by the end of the day Kaye announced she would drive with Riri to the Yule Ball, so she wouldn’t be joining the rest of the group in the limo they had rented. It was then America remembered the deal with Riri was still on, and that night she wouldn’t be Kate’s date and that night she would need to suffer while seeing Kate and Riri joining them in the Ball.
“You should stop making face, it looks as if you want to fart or something.” You chuckled when America punched you on the arm. You nodded towards Kate who was talking with Riri, the brunette laughed with her hand falling on Riri’s forearm.
“So, Kate and Riri Williams…”
“It’s nothing.” America grumbled busying herself with the tags with the names of the seniors and junior, and sophomore students that would attend the dance.
“You know? I always thought she was good for you.” You cocked your head gauging America’s reaction, the other woman tensed but said nothing. “You and she have always had this chemistry that’s so hard to come by with.”
“Like you and Wanda?” America asked shooting a daring glance your way.
“Like me and Wanda.” You admitted sitting down, your eyes dropped for a moment before returning your attention to America. “We almost kiss on Wednesday.”
“What? How? Why?” America sat on the other chair frowning deeply shaking her head. “Wait a moment, I thought you were helping her with Billy yesterday!”
“I was helping her, I just wanted her to relax…”
“And you thought, what the hell? Let’s kiss her?” America retorted in a high pitch tone, you rolled your eyes shaking your head.
“No, doofus! Let me finish!” America lifted her hands waiting for you to continue.
“We started watching Friends and then start discussing about the episode, and I just… I don’t know, we were so close we almost…” You sighed making a face while finishing the last group of tags. “I received a call from Hope, and then the moment was broken and today we were supposed to…talk.”
America shifted on her chair, she could see the almost kiss was affecting you and your mind must be on that particular moment since it happened. The young woman perked up hearing you about the conversation, she wondered if perhaps Wanda was ready to tell you everything and if you actually were ready to tell Wanda everything.
“Well, Billy really is not looking well, you know?” America offered a tentative smile. “Christine told us it would be better for him to stay at home, but perhaps I can help.”
You frowned tilting your head, “how can you help?”
America turned to the auditorium and then back at you, she knew that night you and Wanda were supposed to be chaperones, but she could also see you hadn’t been the same since you found out Wanda could not come. You could see her thinking really hard on a solution, you chuckled shrugging.
“Don’t worry, kiddo, I’m sure we can think of something but for now, today is your day, so I hope you at least grow some balls and kiss Kate Bishop or else…”
You laughed enjoying the blush growing in America’s face, you softened slightly watching just how much she had grown in the last year. America started babbling away about her friendship with Kate, and how Kate had every right to date whoever she wanted. She was in the middle of her rant when she trailed off opening her eyes really big, her lips curling into a huge grin.
“America?” You were not overly found of that expression on her, your sister stood up waving her hands before turning around running towards the main building.
“I have an idea! I’ll be right back!!”
You blinked couple of times, your nose crunched up at your sister’s sudden outburst. Yelena came closer to you, she was also confused by this sudden reaction shaking her head.
“What has gotten into her?”
“I’m not really sure, Yelena.” You turned to the younger woman smiling lightly. “What is it?”
“I finished the last envelops, and Loki and Peter are doing the same inside the auditorium.”
“Good then, let’s put this inside and then you guys can go.”
You turned to the place where your sister had run to, before grabbing the tags and making your way back to the auditorium. It didn’t take you too long to finish everything up, you sent America’s friends back to their homes while your eyes drifted to your watch. Before you could grab your phone to call America you saw her coming over, a huge smile on her face.
“Where were you?” You tuned suspicious glances at your sister, the young woman was still wearing a proud smile putting her phone out.
“I was speaking with Casie, you know? We were talking and well Scott and Hope have been dying to have a night out to dance and everything but it hasn’t been possible so… I got you your night out today!�� America was really proud with herself with the plan she had come up with in a matter of seconds.
You frowned shaking your head lightly, “what do you mean?”
“Hope and Scott will cover for you and Wanda, and you can go to her.” America then wiggled her eyebrows. “What’s more, you will be able to attend the Yule ball with her.”
“Now you did lose me, what did you do?” By then, you were trying to hold back your smile but your heart fluttered happily while America merely smiled at you.
“I got you your dance.” America grinned walking backwards. “Come! We need to do this fast!”
“America, wait…” You grabbed her forearm, the frown still in place. “What did you do?”
The young woman sighed facing you, she dropped her smile her eyes gleaming with a spark of seriousness you were familiar with.
“I just think you deserve to be happy, and sometimes you are so deep into your work and being there for me that you forget about yourself.” America shrugged lifting her hand to scratch the back of her head. “This last year you have been running around trying to hold onto your life while managing the business and me. And then, this woman comes in and she gets what Carol fought hard to have.”
You winced, guiltiness showing up in your eyes.
“I know you like Wanda, Y/N.” America stepped closer giving you a long hug. “Let me help you out just this one time, Y/N, I promise you it will be good, and you better kiss the hell out of Professor Maximoff or I’m going to pinch you until your bruise.”
You snorted tightening your hold on America, “you’re crazy, kid. Thank you.”
“Don’t mention it, today the sisters Y/L/N will get the girl!”
You laughed pushing her playfully, America hooked her arm to yours and started explaining her plan to you, by the time you reached the car you knew it was a perfect, solid plan and you would certainly get the girl.
“You look beautiful.” You stated watching your sister wearing a white gown, made of waves and cuts that fit her body and skin. Her hair falling to the side in light brown waves, with a light make up and sandals that made her look mature, yet innocent and young.
Your parents would be so proud of her.
“You think so? I feel foolish.” America made a face, you snorted stepping forward.
“You look beautiful, and what you did for me, Kid, I won’t forget it.”
America grinned widely, she threw her arms around you softening her features while relaxing into your embrace.
“I love you.” You smiled hugging her tightly.
“I love you to, Kid. Now go and claim your girl.” You winked turning around to grab a squared box. “This was something your mother wore on her wedding with dad, I thought you should have it.”
America paled lightly, her hand trembled hovering above the box she glanced at you while you open the lid. Inside was a single collar, made of white gold and a single pendant in the form of a star. America felt her eyes filled with tears, it was the first thing she got directly from her mother, you put the collar out putting the box aside and moving to stand behind your sister.
“You are an amazing woman, America, in just over a year you will need to make serious decisions about your life but for now, enjoy.” You put the collar on circling your sister tilting your head to looked at her. “Now, the look is complete.”
“Thank you.” America put a hand on her collar smiling at you. “Now, you will have most of the night, if she is what you really want…”
“I’ll do it.” You cocked your head pointing to the door. “Now, go they are waiting for you.”
America gave you one last hug before leaving you alone. You stood there for a moment, your body tingling with anticipation, your own gown waiting for you to get change and go to Wanda’s place.
It was a cloudless night. 
The low temperature and the strong winds were a reminder of the winter season. The party back at school had started almost an hour ago, with Hope and Scott attending the event on your behalf. You smiled at the pictures Hope had taken, at the smile on your sister's face and the amazed glint in everyone's eyes when they realised the auditorium had been decorated as a winter palace with an ice-skating rink for everyone to enjoy. 
A pang of guiltiness settled in your heart, your sister was growing right in front of you becoming an amazing woman with a gentle heart and a great mind. You glanced at your reflection, the backyard had been decorated by America and Scott while Hope made sure you got the right clothing for an evening with the woman next door. 
You weren't even sure this should be happening, or that Wanda would want it to happen. Yet here you were, at home watching your sister's dance happening through videos and pictures Hope kept sending your way. 
Are you still at home? 
You could almost hear the reproach in that text, rolling your eyes as you answered, watching as Hope readied her own response to your text. 
Stop being an idiot and go over there, whatever happens tonight, Y/N, you both deserve to be happy. 
You smiled, shaking your head while putting the phone away. Everyone had been telling you the same, putting Hope into what you felt and what, apparently, Wanda had been experiencing with you. For you. 
On the coffee table you spotted the seven blue irises you had bought for that day. Your lower abdomen filled with tingles, as if butterflies were fluttering about while sending electric waves through your body. You lifted your face finding your eyes in the mirror, then wearing a half smile you grabbed the flowers and left your home. 
Wanda let herself fall on her bed, a tired sigh leaving her lips while her eyes fluttered close. She smiled at the soft sensation of her mattress under her back, the lack of sound around her was soothing for her mind. All thoughts and worries dissipated in that brief moment of peacefulness she enjoyed after putting the twins to bed. 
Her eyes fluttered open, observing the white ceiling above her head, she pursed her lips watching the shadows from the streetlamps dancing in her room. At that moment, you were probably overseeing the event with the rest of the school and enjoying the music, the food and the drinks that you two had prepared for the students.
Regret took the form of a shrinking heart, Wanda turned to her side looking for her phone wanting to know how you were doing and if, perhaps by any chance, you were missing her in the dance. The phone had been forgotten on the bedside table, she dropped her head on the mattress and was tempted to just forget about it until the screen turn on with the announcement of a new message.
I need you to do me a favour, I think something was dropped on your threshold and I just need to make sure is there, can you help me out?
Wanda made a face, with her heart dropping in disappointment. She wrote back to you, frowning at how foolish she had been into thinking perhaps you were missing her as much as apparently she was missing you. You were probably having a good time, and perhaps even Carol had decided to join you in this dance.
“I’m an idiot.” Wanda huffed grabbing her phone tightly and pressing her lips together with a single frown adorning her features.
She was just thinking about reading a book in bed or something when she came face to face with you standing on her threshold. Wanda couldn’t help the look of uttered surprise on her face, her hand almost let go of her phone but she tightened her hold on it shaking her head to try and stop her wandering eyes for looking further into your outfit.
It was nothing too fancy, but you had chosen a dress that was according to the theme you two had elected for the dance. You were wearing a navy blue gown, with a pleated v-neckline that led to a softly gathered faux-wrap skirt on a sleeveless satin gown. You didn’t know how to walk with high heels, so you had chosen a pair of strappy dress sandals that didn’t quite fit but were enough to allow you movement.
“I hope I’m not overly dress for our night out.” You cocked your head, showing off a dopey smile.
Wanda blushed deeply glancing at herself, she winced at her sweet pants, and the hoodie she had worn all day. She opened and closed her mouth, but you just chuckled shaking your head, the playful tone in which you spoke sent shivers down Wanda’s back.
“Don’t tell you forgot tonight was going to be our night, Wands.”
“I…No! No but Billy…” Wanda was trying to collect her thoughts, and she certainly was trying really hard to get words out of her mouth but she found it quite difficult to do so at the moment.
In all her wildest dreams she never imagined she would feel attracted to someone like you, not only because you were a woman which was a huge factor in her list of what the hell; but also because you were so different to Vision. You were kind, spontaneous, smart and so infuriating, Wanda found herself craving your company, craving your smile and as of late craving your touch.
Now you were standing right there, wearing a beautiful dress that complement your body and your skin and all that you were and Wanda found herself inadequate.
“Y/N you know Billy is not feeling well, and they are…” Wanda started but her words tangled in her lips when you put a hand from your back, in there she saw seven blue irises flowers neatly tight with a white bow.
“I know he is still sick, Wands.” You then put your other hand from behind and there was a small bag.
“Then, I mean you look and I just…” Wanda blushed again rolling her eyes at her inability to form proper thought and to actually voiced her worries.
You smirked to the woman, your eyes twinkling mischievously as you stepped closer to her.
“I won’t let you miss tonight, Wands. So the flowers are for you, they are blue irises and they…well, they made me think of you.” You shrugged lowering your gaze for a moment, then looking back at Wanda you presented her with the next gift. “And these are baby monitors that may tell us if the twins wake up.”
Wanda grabbed the flowers in her hand, she shivered when your fingers brushed lightly against hers and the sweet aroma of the flowers hit her nose. Then she scrunched up her nose, curiosity gleaming in her green eyes just as she opened the bag to see the baby monitor.
“But, why? I mean…” Wanda was left speechless once more, you lifted a hand to put a stray lock of hair behind her ear.
“I didn’t want to miss the chance to dance with you tonight.” You stated trying to hold Wanda’s stare in yours. “America helped me prepared something for you, for us, if you want to.”
Wanda stiffened when you mentioned your sister, but you were quite distracted with the woman in front of you to notice it completely. You waited patiently, Wanda chewed on her lower lip with her heart tugging painfully in her chest.
“I don’t know what to say.” She finally whispered, tears forming at the corner of her eyes. You leaned forward, two fingers under her chin lifting her face tenderly.
“Say yes and let me show you.” You whispered back, Wanda parted her lips, her eyes going from your eyes to your lips then back again.
Your ginned lit up your whole face, “good then let me put this on Billy and Tommy’s room and we will be out.”
“Out where?” Wanda finally asked following you to the second floor.
“To my backyard, of course.” You replied as if it was the most logical answer.
The moment Wanda stepped into your backyard she let out a shaky gasp.
The night was cold but cloudless, the wind messed around with her hair and the sky above your heads was ignited by a blue moon and a couple of silvery dots twinkling down to the earth. Wanda glanced around the place where a couple of lamps had been positioned in six different poles, a single yard table with chairs were positioned on the left side facing Wanda’s home. The young woman couldn’t believe the detail in the decorations, it was not overly fancy but enough for a simple dinner and some music while the warmers right behind the chairs made the little spot the perfect place to watch the sky and get warm.
You stepped forward, your strides firm and determined until you found the speaker resting on top of the BBQ, you turned it on and soon the music coming from your Spotify playlist filled the backyard with sweet melodies of jazz.
You turned around and Wanda was standing right behind you.
She was looking out of place, with her hands hidden inside the pockets of her hoodie, her eyes gleaming with unshed tears and her lips pressed together you could tell there was something bothering her. You stepped closer but soon stop when the woman took a step back.
“Wanda?” You asked tentatively, Wanda closed her eyes and the tears rolled down her cheeks slowly.
“Why?” She finally asked, her voice trembling and her breathing increasing.
When you two looked at one another, you could see the conflicted thoughts dancing inside her mind. Why were you doing all of this? Why go all the way with such things? Why bring a baby monitor so you could hear Billy and Tommy if they woke up? Why did you stay behind?
You hesitated for a moment, lowering your gaze thinking about the answer to such a simple question. Then, you just snorted, your lips curling into a happy smile.
“Because you are worthy, Wanda.” You let out a sigh lifting your face to the sky. “I’ve been so lost in the last couple of months, I have been feeling my emptiness with relationships and situations that had contributed to my confusion more than anything.”
Wanda knew the feeling, and she wondered briefly if perhaps the blond woman you had been dating had been part of the process and if perhaps what you were showing Wanda was still part of you getting out of your confusion. As if reading her thoughts, you pointed a finger at her.
“Carol didn’t deserve the way I treated her, that’s why I ended things up with her.” You took a step closer to Wanda, your shoulders dropping when the woman stood still. “And then I met you. I thought I was beyond any relationship, or actually beyond any emotions that weren’t focused on my sister, my friends, and the business. Meeting you, Wanda, has taught me that we are not the rulers of our own destiny.”
“I’m not sure…” Wanda grumbled shaking her head before letting go of her hands, she tried to put her hair behind her ears but soon was stopped by your hands holding hers. She lifted her face, finding herself unable to look away from you.
“I have never been in this position before, Y/N.” Wanda finally revealed, she swallowed down her doubts with her heart beating fast inside her chest. “I’m not sure what I am supposed to do or feel and…I’m scared.”
You smiled softly, squeezing her hands tenderly while leaning closer.
“Then, we will go step by step, if you want to.”
Wanda broke into a nervous smile; she knew her cheeks were burning and her heart was beating so fast she was afraid it would leave her chest at any moment. You waited, the music filling the air, and then Wanda leaned in brushing her lips against yours.
Her eyes fluttered close, and you couldn’t help but smile into the kiss.
It was a tentative brushing of skin, Wanda was trembling under your touch her hands positioning themselves on your arms and shoulders while yours wrapped around her waist. She exhaled melting into your touch, your lips moulding around hers not demanding but eager to learn from her, to follow her lead. Your lower abdomen exploded into a myriad of tingles that went around your body making your heart trembled in affection.
At some point, the both of you started swinging with the music.
With your eyes still closed, your forehead against hers your feet directed a simple dance that kept the both of you together. Your hand sneaked under the hoodie, letting out a breathy exhale when your hand touched the warmth skin of Wanda.
“You are freezing.” She mumbled against your lips, frowning with her eyes opening slowly to find herself looking into your eyes.
“It is okay, I like the cold.” You replied tilting your head to contemplate the woman in your arms. “You are trembling.”
Wanda nodded, she opened her mouth then close it again.
“I’m not sure…I have never kissed another woman before.” She revealed, you smiled at her nodding.
“I know.”
Wanda turned her head to the side never once trying to get away from your embrace, you softened your hold on her before asking.
“Does it bother you?”
“No, not really, I’ve been…I’ve been thinking about this for so long.” Wanda finally confessed, the tension around the both of you only growing into the conversation you had been holding onto since the prior weekend. 
“Really? Have you thought about kissing many women before?” Your tone tried to be teasing, but Wanda could notice the hint of uncertainty in your voice.
She realized that you were just as nervous as she was, that perhaps you knowing full well about your sexuality didn’t mean you didn’t experiment the same doubts, or the same fear as the others. Much like Wanda, you were betting for your heart and hers to share the same emotion for one another.
“Only You.” Wanda whispered. “You have me confused ever since that first day we met, you know? And as time passes, as I get to know you and get closer to you I have found myself drawn to your smile, to your words, to your kindness, and I found myself feeling something I have never felt before and I just…”
“I’m afraid.” You finished when Wanda just trailed off, the young woman nodded leaning in to put her face on the crook of your neck. “I’m afraid this would end up in a heartbreak.”
“Yes.” Wanda took a deep breath, and with more courage that she actually felt she broke the dance and step back from you.
“I am afraid of not being what you want, of hurting you and hurting myself in the process.” Wanda tried to smile but it came out as a grimace and all the emotions inside her threatened to break like a dam and overwhelmed her to the point she would not be able to stop it.
“Hey, Wands, you are more than enough, you and Billy, and Tommy and…” You snorted scratching the back of your neck. “I know what you mean, and I’m afraid for the exact same things. I…I just don’t want to let this opportunity go…I don’t want to miss this chance. And, if you let me, we can try.”
It was more than what she expected from you.
Wanda nodded unable to talk, unable to say something else for fear of just messing it up. You stepped closer, your hand cupping her cheek.
“Can I kiss you?” You asked, Wanda let out a breathy laughter before nodding.
“Yes, you can.”
“Good.” And then, you leaned in and you were kissing her again.
This time around, though, when you two kissed you were sure to pour all of your emotions in that single kiss. Your hands bringing over safety, while you let your tongue to tentatively teased the other woman until her surprised moan reached your ears.
“So, was it better than the first one?” You wiggled your eyebrows only to get a playful slap on your arm.
Wanda was breathing hard, her cheeks completely red while she tried to recover from the passion-filled kiss you just gave her. You chuckled leading her to the closest chair, bowing to her you placed a single kiss on her forehead before stepping back.
“Now, my dear lady, let me bring you the food and the drinks and we can enjoy our evening.”
Wanda smiled, and you were pretty sure you had never seen something so beautiful as the woman standing right in front of you at the moment.
“Your sister really outdid herself with this.” Riri Williams stepped into the auditorium glancing around the place that had been changed completely into an ice palace.
The music was resounding through the room, the beat setting up the rhythm everyone was trying to follow on the dance floor. As soon as they set foot inside the place, they were given a tag with their names and directions for their table, America couldn’t help but glance at the icy statues around the place or the ice-skating rink to the far corner of the building.
America could see you and Wanda had really taken the time to fix everything, and America just hoped that you were also enjoying your time back home. The group was speaking animatedly amongst, them, America walking right behind them with her eyes never leaving the form of Kate who was walking side by side with Riri while wearing the most beautiful dress America had seen so far.
“America!” The young woman turned to see Hope strolling towards her with Scott following close behind.
“Hope!” The both of them hugged tightly, the older woman glancing around the room with a hint of pride in her eyes.
“Y/N really outdid herself with this celebration, didn’t she?”
“Well she and Professor Maximoff.” America stated, Hope clicked her tongue never losing her smile.
“Right, I forgot about that.” America narrowed her eyes at her sister’s oldest friend but decided to not say anything for the time being. “So, are you enjoying the party? Where is your date?”
America opened her mouth to speak when Loki walked past her, talking loud enough for them to hear.
“Dancing with somebody else!”
Scott frowned returning his attention to the dance floor, America winced rolling her eyes thought for Hope it was quite evident the comment made by Loki was not too far of the mark. The woman gave a sympathetic smile standing beside America so her line of vision was on the dancefloor.
“Bishop?” Hope whispered, America winced nodding. “She looks beautiful in that purple dress.”
“She does.” America grumbled glancing down at herself then setting her eyes on Riri. “And her date looks amazing as well.”
“They are dating because of the favour we asked Riri, Chavez, stop mopping around.” This time around it was Yelena the one to interrupt the private conversation.
Hope chuckled placing a hand on America’s forearm noticing the similarities between America and Y/N. Both of them were equally stubborn when their heart was involved.
“So, what is it going to be?” Hope finally asked nodding towards the dance floor, “are you going to do something, or are you going to mop?”
“If I may,” Scott offered a tentative smile pointing with his thumb to the pairing that was laughing and dancing, “I will try my luck on the ice-skating rink as soon as the dancing is over, you will find that place has a magic aura on its own that works wonders.”
Hope rolled her eyes, though her cheeks took upon an interesting pinkish colour. America giggled hooking her arm to Hope’s one.
“That’s were Scott propose, isn’t it? Gosh, I can’t hear enough of that story from Y/N, it was the same day all of you got wasted and ended up at the other part of the country.”
Hope and Scott laughed at the memory, Scott lifted his hands waving them away before trying to explain the situation.
“If I may, that was all because Sue and Reed decided to make an experiment by mixing up the alcohol, and…”
“And we didn’t have self-control.” Hope finished trying to salvage the conversation, she then poked America on her side pointing with her eyes to Kate and Riri that were about to make their way back to the table.
“Now, young lady, your sister asked me to make sure you did something foolish and have a good time.”
“Okay, lads, how about a picture and then some snow and skating?” Scott screamed out to the table, everyone cheered and soon America was pushed around until she ended up right beside Kate.
Kate offered a sweet smile that America returned passing her arms around her and posing for the pictures. Loki and Yelena smirked at one another, while Kamala was torn between being helpful and fearful for her friends. Hope took several pictures, before stepping back and pointing to the auditorium.
“Now, guys, go have fun if anything happens let us know.”
Hope and Scott started making the first rounds around the place, America was left alone for a moment before she tried to go back to the part. At first it wasn’t that difficult, there was good music, good drinks, food and nice conversations going on around the table and the dance floor. Merica had gotten the chance to dance with Loki and Peter, and then she gave it a chance to Casey and Kamala, but in all that time Kate was being escorted by Riri at all times, only stopping by to cheer before disappearing on the dance floor.
It had been bad enough with the heavy tones, and electronic mixes but then someone decided it was time for the romance to start. America couldn’t take it when Riri leaned in and Kate wrapped her arms around her, she stood up and walked away before anyone could stop her.
The music had not changed that much, America was glaring the at ice-rink with her chin resting on the palm of her hand. She was so seep into her own thoughts she missed the shadow approaching her spot.
“You look nice.” Kate came from behind holding a pair if ice skates, the young woman had worn her hair down, and the smile she offer America lit up her whole face. She was flustered, the traces of her recent dances with Riri and the effort of having a good conversation with the other woman.
“Thanks, you look beautiful.” America replied with a hint of a smile, she patted the spot beside her shrugging tentatively. “Wanna sit?” 
Kate took her offer with a half-smile, her brown eyes twinkling when they found those of America.
“I look beautiful?” She asked teasingly, though pleased with the use of words from America. “This is the first time I heard you say that.”
“Well, you really do look beautiful.” America sighed turning around to see the others still dancing and sharing drinks. 
“Why are you not with them? Your date must be waiting for you.” There was a trace of bitterness in her voice, and America hated the vulnerability she was showing at the moment. 
The most important thing right now was for Kate to enjoy herself. America could mop alone and no one had to find out. Kate rested her cheek on her hand, she observed the other students skating on the rink the laughter and the general enjoyment that her peers were experimenting. 
“You were looking alone, so I thought I spend some time with my best friend.” Kate grinned but as soon as she said this she could see the flash of hurt crossing America's face. 
“What is it?” She asked but America merely shrugged pointing to the skates Kate was holding. 
“Never mind, want to join me inside the rink?”
Kate was so tempted to press the matter, but something inside her head told her there were better ways to approach the subject. She stood up stretching her hand to America. 
“Well, of course! That's why I brought the skates for you and me, come I was dying to try this out ever since I saw it.”
America took Kate's hand in hers standing up and following the young girl to the rink.
America never thought that taking on that offer would be such a heavy challenge. Of course, the dress she was wearing didn’t make things easier, and skating around soon became a real trial for her while Kate did it almost as naturally as she did all the sports she love. Kate laughed always getting to America on time before she fell over her face or ass, and while America couldn’t help but feel embarrassed, she was also content to have Kate taking her hand and smiling at her while enjoying herself.
“Humph, oh sorry…” America crashed against Kate who was laughing really hard, America grumbled rolling her eyes while trying to stand up. 
“This is not funny!”
“Yes, it is!” Kate put a hand on America's forearm, her eyes were twinkling merrily and she too was wearing a pink colouring on her cheeks. 
“I almost killed myself and half the people I crashed a moment ago.” America hissed though she too was starting to smile. 
“But, you didn't! So kudos for you.” Kate gave America a quick check up before placing her hands on the girls hips. “You really are bad at this, aren't you?”
“It's the dress.” America grumbled suddenly feeling hot, her breathing increasing just as she realized how close the both of them were. At feeling Kate's hands on her
“America…” Kate started lifting her face so her eyes were on America's ones. “Are you going to do it?”
America blinked tilting her head with a frown, “do what?”
Kate snorted shaking her head while letting go of America, she huffed trying to get away from America but the other girl stopped her, the confusion still evident in her features. 
“Wait, Kate…”
“America, really… I can't keep waiting for you, you know? Next year we will be going to college and I just…”
“Oh.” America opened her eyes wide, her mouth forming a perfect O just as she realized what Kate was asking of her. 
Kate was still babbling about leaving for college, getting their lives together and growing up when America leaned in closing the distance between them and kissing her tentatively. 
Kate melted right away tilting her head to the side, her hands twitching at her side while America held her delicately her lips moulding themselves to the form of her mouth sending a tingling down Kate's back to her chest and lower abdomen. 
“I’ve been dying to do that since fifth grade.” America didn't break the distance the moment she stopped the kiss, she could see those brown eyes of Kate gleaming contentedly while her hand lifted up to brush her hair. 
“Fifth grade?” Kate asked teasingly, America snorted looking away with a grin. 
“Me too.” Kate revealed this time around she hugged the other woman. “I've been dying to do that since you gave me your lunch after I fell down with mine. I just never thought…”
“Yeah, me neither.” America lifted her eyes finding her friends standing outside the rink, thumbs up and grinning widely at her. 
Riri stood by their side chuckling while lifting her fist in the air as a sign of victory. America snorted rolling her eyes before stepping back and kissing Kate once more. 
“So, this means we can stop dancing around one another and start dating?”
“My, who said romance was dead?” America rolled her eyes, but couldn't quite wipe the smile on her face. “I think, that yeah… we can start there.”
“Good then, let's join the others and enjoy the dance.” 
Kate grabbed America's hand and dragged her down the rink to the closest exit. America squeezed her hand, her heart soaring with happiness at finally getting the girl in the end. 
You have come to love the sound of Wanda’s laughter. 
Wanda had been so serious when you met her, the few glimpses of a smile had become a treasure you kept in your memory. Then, as you and her started talking and sharing time together her laughter had come as a surprised. It came with a happy melody that was accompanied by her twinkling eyes. It was something you had tried to hear again and again, to see her happy and relaxed the way she was at the moment. 
“I can't believe you guys got lost.” Wanda put a hand on her mouth holding back her giggles. 
“Believe it, it was actually Shuri’s fault.” The memory of your past lover didn't hurt anymore, and her name rolled out of your lips as a memory of a happy past you spent with your friends.
Wanda leaned in, her elbow on the table fluttering her eyes shyly at you. 
“She was supposed to have the map, and we were supposed to follow her.” You snorted rolling your eyes at the memory. “After going back to the same spot for the third time we asked her where we were and her answer was in the middle of the ocean.”
You grinned at Wanda's laugh, the woman shook her head blinking a couple of times. 
“But she was the one guiding all of you.”
“Exactly!” You put a hand on top of Wanda's one, your thumb caressing her skin. “Hope and Sue went to help her but it was Reed, Wade and I the ones that ended up looking for a way out.”
“You guys had a good time, then.” Wanda let her eyes wandered to your joined hands, her heart shrank with emotion at the thought of you being happy at some point with a woman you were supposed to marry. 
Was Wanda really the person for you? She wasn't even sure if she liked women, she only knew she liked you. Only you. As if reading her thoughts, you grabbed your chair, putting it closer to her, without thinking too much, cupped her face and kissed her teasingly on her lips. 
Wanda gave in almost instantly, her body trembled under the tenderness of your lips. She had never been kissed in such a way, so tender and lovingly, as if she was the most precious being in the world. And soon, after enjoying this new emotion she was crying. Her tears rolling down her cheeks, her heart shivering with a deep emotion that almost made her lose her breath. 
“Hey, are you okay? Did I hurt you?”
Wanda snorted shaking her head while leaning in to wrap your lips with hers kissing you needily whimpering as her hands grabbed your arms trying to move past the discomfort the position both of you were in. You were quite shocked, her kisses became sloppy and desperate, something didn't quite add to what was happening so you tried to stop her to guide her lips against yours until she let out a sob and was crying in your arms. 
“Hey, Wands, it’s okay.” You were confused by this reaction, Wanda held onto you and you put the chair back bringing her closer until she was sitting on your lap. Your arms wrapped protectively around her, and the young woman hid her face from you embarrassed and so weak for what just happened. She didn't dare to look back at you, but you made it impossible for her when you started placing sweet kisses on her face, forehead, seeking out to bring comfort to Wanda. 
It was obvious something had bothered her, but you didn't want to push her unless it was completely necessary. 
“I feel like a fool.” She finally said wiping her tears away, she straightened up gazing at the table while putting a distance with you. 
Wanda let out a humourless laugh leaning back on her chair, she kept looking everywhere but at you. She had the story of her life right at the tip of her tongue, she wanted to tell you how all her life she had been told she was not worthy of time or money, that her only worth was defined by the man that would want to take her as a wife. She had grown so much in the last year, that sometimes she thought it impossible how much she hag changed, how much she had gained. 
She became brave, and so independent and strong, but right now, seeing you there with that frown full of concern and tenderness directed at her, Wanda knew she could not break the moment with her ugly story. Someday, but not that day.
“I stopped believing in this.”
“Romance?” You offered a timid smile, Wanda shook her head placing her hands on the table. 
“Of being treated so kindly, so…lovingly.” Her lips trembled, but this time around she held your stare. “I never thought I deserve it or that I will experience it.”
“Your husband was not good at these gestures, eh?”
Wanda scowled shaking her head, her fist tightening on the table. 
“No, our marriage was… Everything was orchestrated by my dad and his and then it just sort of happen.”
You could see the pain of these thoughts crossing through her eyes, the tension around her lips. You reached out to her, tilting your head with a single smile. 
“Let me show you how a woman like you should be treated.”
You stood up holding her hand, pulling lightly until she was standing up and following you to the middle of the yard. Wanda was still weak, her face wet and her mind filled with thoughts of being inadequate invading her mind. 
You went to your mobile selecting a specific song that soon filled the backyard with the sweetest melodies. You wiggled your eyebrows bowing in front of Wanda while stretching out your hand. 
“May I have this dance?”
Wanda snorted taking your hand in hers, a shiver went down her back when you stepped closer pressing your body to hers. 
“Let's be a little cliché, if only to show you that you deserve all the cheesy and cliché romance someone can offer you.” you hesitated before continuing. “All the things I want to offer you, if you let me.”
Your words sent a shiver down Wanda's back, her heart leaped with anticipation while her lower abdomen filled with tingles that made her leaned into your embrace. The guitars and the piano of the song waved around you soothingly, the voice of the singer leading you through the story of long trip and a found love. Wanda broke into an easy smile, her cheeks tinged red and while she tried to roll her eyes at you at the cheesy moment you could see the glint of hope in her eyes. 
The moon was high above the sky, the wind became colder and soon the twinkling stars were being covered by heavy clouds threatening with snow. Wanda lifted her face to the sky, she closed her eyes for a moment before resting her forehead against yours. 
“Do you think we can do this forever?” She whispered, her warm breath caressing your skin. 
“I think sooner or later Billy, Tommy and America will end up joining us.”
Your replied surprised Wanda who leaned back narrowing her eyes at you. Your face didn't change, your smile never lost its softness when Wanda realized you were really talking seriously. 
“What if I can only dance? What if I can't…” Wanda didn't finish the sentence but the meaning behind her question was not hard to miss. 
“Then, we dance.” 
Wanda snorted leaning in to brush her lips against yours, you stood still letting her lead this time. She was brushing her lips against yours tentatively, almost shyly while her hands explore your arms and your neck. Your heart was almost exploding inside your chest, you swallowed down while holding still wanting nothing more than to close the distance between the both of you. Wanda explored your lips and face, her fingertips tickling your skin while your breath caught on your throat just as she tried to use the tip of her tongue to taste more of you. 
You almost whimpered at the lost, when your eyes open Wanda was shocked to see your reaction and her daring nature. She was about to step back but this time around it was your turned to tease. 
“What if we end up being what we need?” You asked sneaking your arm around her waist, your hand finding its way under the hem of her hoodie directly on the warmth skin of her back. 
Wanda gasped almost buckling her knees with her eyes clenching closed at the feeling of your lips nibbling on her earlobe and the skin on her jaw. 
“What if we can be happy together? A family?” 
You smiled into her skin, her hands gripping you tightly feeling the sweet caress of your lips on the outline of her jaw seeking to make her melt in your arms. Your hand tracing circles on her back, and just when Wanda was about to say something your lips found their destination and you kissed her as if she was the most precious creature in the world. 
She was tender to your touch, sweet and almost innocent under your guidance, Wanda kissed you back tentatively exploring with curiosity and ready to learn what you were teaching her. The music had stopped at some point, your hands were caressing the skin on her back and on her sides just as your lips continued a dance that followed the thumping of your hearts. 
You don't know how long it past, was in an hour? Was it two? A minute? A second? It didn't matter, the only thing that matter to you was the huge grin adorning those tender features of Wanda as you finished the kiss and leaned back to breath. 
“So, I take It I'm a good kisser?” You finally broke the silence, Wanda opened her eyes laughing while letting go of you stepping back to put a decent distance from you. 
“I'm not sure…” She started laughing some more at the indignant huff leaving your lips. 
“You were ready to moan right there and then!”
“You whimper.” Wanda retorted trying to hide her blush, you opened your mouth and then closed it again. 
Did you? 
“Well, I am a good kisser so…” your answer only made Wanda shook her head tilting her head coyly, biting on her lower lip tentatively. 
“You are.” Wanda finally admitted, you winked at her offering your hand to hers. 
“Wanda.” Her name left your lips with a serious tone, Wanda furrowed her brows noticing the seriousness of the conversation. “I know you have never been with a woman, and that whatever happened before was not easy. I'm not pretending to be what you want or need but I don't want to wake up next year wondering what would have happen if I have taken my chances with you.”
Wanda knew what you were trying to say, she couldn't hold your stare glancing around before settling her eyes on you. 
“I don't want to wonder the same, either.” Wanda mumbles shrugging. “I don't know how to be a partner or a girlfriend or whatever I just…I'm just finding myself and I don't want to drag anyone into something that may not be what I want.”
Your face fell with your heart breaking painfully in your chest, Wanda was not even looking at your reaction she was still babbling away and her initial words were dancing inside your head. So, she didn't want to? You felt a tug on your hand, you shook away those thoughts only to see Wanda stepping closer putting her other hand on your cheek. 
“Then I meet you and I… I have never felt something like this, and it scares me so much but I just don't seem to want to let go.” Wanda pursed her lips lowering her gaze. “I just don't know if you can be patient enough until I'm ready to give you everything.”
Her confession was followed by a deep silence, you two were looking everywhere but at each other. Her words finally sink in making you dizzy with anticipation and happiness, this was what you wanted and you could be patient. It wasn't as if you were completely ready to jump in a serious relationship but, as you said to her, you didn't want to let go of the chance you might have with Wanda. 
“I understand if you don't… I mean waiting for someone…” Wanda started feeling awkward and rejected until you laughed, a hurt glint passed her face and you were promptly on her leaving a peck on her lips. 
“I'll wait for you, Wanda. We can wait together, Wands, whatever happens, whatever we need, as long as I don't lose you.” You replied honestly, Wanda nodded wrapping her arms around you. 
The hug was like a promise, and you took it with a willing heart and a smile that you wouldn't be able to wipe off of your face for a couple of days. 
It was almost 11 o’clock.
The music was still playing in the background, but the both of you found comfort in soft dances and easy conversation that was soon dying off as Wanda’s eyes threatened to close up. You chuckled picking everything up to take into your kitchen, the night was turning out to be more chilling, and soon dark clouds were approaching announcing an oncoming storm.
Wanda was following you, her arms wrapped around her with a creased on her forehead. You pecked her nose, Wanda wrapped her arms around you letting out a content sigh when you returned the embrace.
“It’s late.” She mumbled, you nodded putting your phone away.
“It seems they are really having fun, and the dance won’t be over for another two hours or so.” You looked down on her, grabbing her hand while leading her to the backyard and then down the road to the garage and the main entrance.
Your hands intertwined, lazy steps leading you down the road with happiness showing on your features. Wanda squeezed your hand tenderly, walking closer to you until the both of you reached her porch. Wanda’s porch light was the only one on in the whole street, and there was only one black car parked at the other end of the street.
You and her were alone.
You leaned in kissing Wanda slowly, a silent promise of what you had offered that day. Wanda relaxed into the kiss, seeking out with her hands to keep the contact with you.
“Tonight was amazing, Y/N.” She whispered with her lips brushing against yours.
“It was.”
She didn’t let go of you, instead of that she grabbed her hand in yours with her eyes fluttering opened and a request shining in her green eyes.
“I don’t want this night to end.” She confessed.
You nodded, swallowing down while letting out a chuckle.
“I don’t want it to end, either,” you caressed her cheek, your fingertips mapping the outline of her jaw, “today was amazing, Wands, and I can stop thinking of how happy you make me, how happy I want to make you.”
“You already do,” Wanda’s replied came as a surprised, the young woman sighed straightened up and taking a deep breath. “Would you…stay?”
“No, I mean…” Wanda trailed off and this time around you did look confused. “Can you stay tonight? With me? I mean…to sleep with me.”
You opened your eyes, your hands tightening around Wanda who soon was blushing and stuttering while organizing her thoughts. Then, as if she just realized what he said, Wanda waved her hands resting them on your shoulders then taking them off and almost falling on her ass. You grabbed her before this happened, smiling tentatively at her while the other woman calmed herself before speaking again.
“I really don’t want this night to end, I understand if you don’t want to but I…I want to sleep with you. Only sleep, just…” Wanda huffed lifting her arms and stepping back in frustration.
“You want to cuddle?” You chuckled when Wanda just lifted her left shoulder nodding.
“I don’t think I’m ready for…” She trailed off again hoping she hadn’t messed up big time with her words and uncertainty.
“I know, Wands, frankly I don’t think you and I are ready for that just yet but…cuddles? I can do cuddles.” You looked down at you then back to your house. “I could go for my PJs or…”
“I can lend you some pants and a t-shirt I just…”
Wanda didn’t know why it was so difficult to express what she needed to say. The night had been so magical, it had filled her with hope and happiness, and with love. And while this scared the shit out of her, she didn’t want to let go of the emotion, she was not ready for sex but she didn’t want to stop feeling you beside her. Reassuring her that you and your words for tonight were real.
“Then, lead the way, Wands,” You took the woman in your arms kissing her tentatively, “we will take it at your own pace, okay, so don’t be afraid to tell me these kinds of things.”
“God, you are…” Wand shook her head grabbing you tightly and kissing you again. When the both of you broke the kiss, Wanda was completely flustered resting her forehead against yours. “You are amazing, you know that, right?”
“Of course I do!”
Wanda snorted grabbing your hand in hers and leading you inside her home.
You looked at your reflection, seeing the changes in you had been easier day by day. No longer you looked tired but so ready to live and to hope and to enjoy what the world brought over to your doorstep. Wanda had been one of those people you never expected to find much less to fall in love with, and yet here you were wearing her clothes, in her bathroom ready to share a bed with her.
“You can do this.” You talked to yourself before leaving the bathroom, Wanda had fixed the bed and she was already on her side of the bed chewing nervously on her lower lip.
“God your bed is amazing.” You stretched out turning on your side, Wanda offered a strained smile nodding.
“It is.”
Tension was quite evident, Wanda thought for a moment perhaps she had made a stupid decision when a hand placed itself on hers. She almost jumped out of the bed, wincing when she realized you retreated your hand almost immediately.
“Wanda, if you want I can go and…”
“No! No, please.” Wanda turned to her side so now she was facing you, you furrowed your brows waiting for her to speak.
“I just don’t want to disappoint you, and me not wanting sex but this…” Wanda stopped you before you could answer. “I know that you’re not asking and that you wait I just—I never expect you to be this amazing.”
You were confused by this, but Wanda soon snuggled closer she hesitated before turning around until you were spooning her. She grabbed your arm placing it around her abdomen intertwining her hand with yours.
“Thank you.” She finally relaxed into your arms.
“Anything for you, Wands.” You retorted kissing her head before fluttering your eyes close easing out your breathing until you feel asleep.
The night was dark, and after midnight snow had started falling.
The man inside the car was trying pretty hard to control his emotions, his eyes falling constantly to the gun he had resting on the floor of the car.
“I told you, Vision dear, she was a whore.”
Vision clenched his jaw closed, his eyes glaring at the house where his wife had gone in with another woman after kissing like harlots in front of anyone to see. He had spent the last couple of months looking for his wife and kids, and she found her spreading her legs to another woman? She left him for another woman?
“I’m going to kill her.” Vision muttered grabbing the wheel tightly, the woman talking to him laughed.
“My dear Vision, I know you have to, but please be careful and smart. You worked in the same place as that woman, don’t you?”
Vision gritted his teeth remembering the other woman, he glanced at his phone seeing the picture of Agatha Harkness in there. The only woman he could confided in.
“Yes, I work with her.” Vision hesitated before turning on his car and leaving.
When Agatha had told him she found his boys and wife, he almost didn’t believe her. But when she offered proof not only of them but also of Wanda’s infidelity, Vision had made it his task to watch over them to ensure he would recover what was his. “I will get my boys back, destroy that fucking whore of Y/N and then…”
“Then my love, I will help you with Wanda…”
“Good, wait for me, I need to vent up my anger.” Vision spoke into the car speeding up down the streets.
A plan to destroy Wanda and get his kids back already taking form in his mind.
Next Chapter: Vision has a plan, America and Reader are living the best moment in their lives. Wanda is getting ready for Christmas and give Reader a nice gift, and the twins are enjoying the new family they have.
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leavesfallensparse · 2 months
Cigarettes & Wine | M. Healy | 1
'I want a photo of you in my bed, to carry with me when I go out west.'
In which Sadie and Matty have a very brief, very awkward, and very anxious encounter, Sadie gets very flustered but quickly finds herself fitting in with the group of rowdy boys and too many feelings are felt for her teenage brain.
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warnings: drug use, implied alcoholism, implied parental neglect, my sweet angel sadie being a sweet angel.
word count: 8.5k
a/n: soo .. hiiii! i am juniper and im begging you guys bear with me i have Never posted on here before. BUUUUTT i am vvvv nervous and excited to be posting this but it's been in the works for tooooo long. begging and screaming to be let out of the word doc its been confined to. so here we are i guess. pls enjoy sadie and matty they are my Children. if the title wasn't hint enough.. this is only part one.
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Sadie has had the most stressful morning of her entire life. Her tie is untied around her neck and the only thing she cares to grab hold of is her camera. Her entire life is on that thing, and although she may be merely 14, her camera is her child. She hears her mother huffing at the bottom of the stairs and straightens up to catch a look of herself in the mirror, a mess, as she suspected. Her shirt is buttoned up wrong, her skirt is half tucked into her tights, she has on one Mary Jane and her backpack’s contents are strewn messily across her bedroom floor. With some swear words muttered along the way she is in the car within five minutes and her mum is chewing her out for being late to her first day of Year 10, which she couldn’t really care less for.
“I’ll see you tonight, mum! Love you!” Sadie slams the car door before she can hear her mums reply and heads into the school she’s grown to know quite well. She’s fallen into a friend group with some girls that she thinks will do for her high school endeavours, but Sadie already knows she’s destined for bigger than the small town of Wilmslow. Somebody else who thinks this way is Matty Healy, the boy who’s just gone into Year 11. Sadie has noticed him before, they both tend to frequent the music department, Sadie finds it visually appealing for her photo collection, whereas Matty finds it appealing to the ears, especially his own guitar strumming. Any time their paths cross Sadie bows her head and pretty much runs in the opposite direction, face as red as the wine her mum drinks when the sky gets dark.
As Sadie enters the front of the school she signs in late at the front and heads to her class, putting her camera in her backpack as she approaches her English class. She sighs and opens the door with stuttered apologies for being late, Sadie might be confident and come across as such but that doesn’t mean her 14 year old brain isn’t scared of high school teachers and their strictness. She stumbles to her seat and sits down, accidentally throwing her bag at her feet once she gets out the book the class are in the middle of silently reading. Even though she doesn’t know why the class is reading on the first day she’s thankful for it because it lets her mind wander, her dreams of being a famous photographer is what her mind favours over ‘A Tale Of Two Cities’, Sadie finds Dickens to be boring. She prefers the Brontë sisters.
When lunchtime finally rolls around Sadie is where she can normally be found, the music department. Her camera is lazily slung around her neck, her backpack having been left with her friends in the library. She favours avoiding the gossip for finding inspiration in the usual practice rooms, the ones she hasn’t found inspiration in for a while now. She spent every day before the Summer holidays begging whoever might be looking down on her for something to take a photo of. Somebody else had been wandering the same corridors as Sadie. Everyone in her year talks about Matty Healy, “the boy in the year above with a natural affinity for the guitar he’s always carrying around the school carried a naturally mysterious air.” Sadie can’t think of a single girl in her year who wasn’t utterly obsessed with every move of Matty Healy. Including herself, even if she’s very hesitant to admit it, an admirer from afar per se. She likes to think of him more in the sense of ‘his appearance is inspiring to her camera’.  Sadie was looking down at her feet, frowning at the scuffed shoes she wore for the entirety of Year 9 when she felt a larger figure bump into her. As she looks up and sees Matty with a guitar case in his hand she can’t help the pink tint that rises on her cheeks.
“Oh! Erm, sorry!” Sadie somehow manages to force the words out of her mouth. She seems to have the same shyness about her when talking to Matty that she does when looking her English teacher in the eye. An interesting discovery. She loses herself in overthinking the tone she just took with Matty when she hears him reply to her, something she wasn’t expecting in the slightest.
“Don’t worry, I wasn’t paying attention, my bad.” He meets her eyes and genuinely seems like he couldn’t care less about her mistake, he seems to take more notice of her camera, his head tilts and his eyes squint in the direction of it hanging limply on her neck. She seems to grow more confident in herself when she realises he’s looking at her camera, she knows she’s good at photography, that’s something she could talk about endlessly. Matty lifts a finger and points to said camera. “You any good?”
Her eyes widen slightly at the question, and she clears her throat at the same time her head begins incessantly nodding, she is acting crazy. She then begins to overthink her nodding. Why is she overthinking so much? Maybe she’s just having an off-day. She decides that she nodded like that because she knows she’s a great photographer, why would she not be overconfident about it? Seems normal enough.
“Cool. Can I see any?” This is when Sadie’s heart rate picks up. She doesn’t know why; she doesn’t want to know why. She also does not want to know why he is asking her this. Matty’s question has sent her brain into full blown panic mode, maybe she does want to know why he’d like to see her photos. What could possibly intrigue him about her? The squint tie around her neck? Her incredibly dirty Mary Janes? In her 14-year-old brain she decides he fancies her. She’d come to find out in many, many years that she was, in fact, right.
“If you want? I’m bringing my hard drive tomorrow for my art class, they’re letting me use my photos this year, meet me at the library?” She says this with a coy smile on her face, in her head she is feeling a lot less coy because of the way Matty is smirking at her. What she doesn’t know is that he is looking down at her with a smirk because her face is so red that he thinks there’s something wrong, maybe it was something he’d said? After a beat of silence, he blinks down at her with a nod, and they bid their goodbyes. Once Sadie is sure Matty has turned the corner she lets out a silent squeal before quickly bolting to the school’s library and sitting down at the table her friends are at, she might not view them in any light, but they do love gossip. She takes a moment to catch her breath before turning to her friend sat beside her, “Matty Healy wants to see my photos. I have no idea why.”
Suffice to say Sadie didn’t sleep a wink that night. She sneaked through to her dad’s office to edit photos on the family computer at midnight when she was sure everyone was sleeping and when she was sure the photos were on her hard drive she went back to bed and tried to sleep. Unsuccessfully. She then had to drag herself to school the next morning, early, to meet Matty before classes. She had no energy to even be nervous, the eyebags on her face spoke for themselves. She all but flopped down on the seat next to the boy who held in his laugh at the sight of her. “Don’t laugh! I had to edit some of these photos before you saw them, and my bloody dad wouldn’t get off the computer last night, so I had to do it after he was sleeping! Anyways, wanna see?” When Matty nods with a smile she rifles through her backpack for her hard drive.
After silently looking through her photos for, like, three whole minutes, Matty turns to Sadie with a single nod. “So, I’m in a band. I think they’d love these. How about you come to our next practice and take some photos of us? See if they like what you do?” Sadie is now a mere puddle in her computer chair. She doesn’t speak in fear of her mouth betraying her, what would she even say? She nods for a while; she doesn’t know how long she nods for, but she knows it’s been a while.
“Yup, sounds good. Yeah, cool. Cool. Where do you guys practice?” Sadie doesn’t know what the fuck is coming out of her mouth. She is word vomiting all over Matty’s shoes. She wants to apologise but she isn’t sure she remembers the English language. Why is she so nervous? Oh, probably just because the guy that every single one of her peers fawns over is currently asking her to make him and his bandmates her next subject of inspiration. Her next muse. What even is her life.
“At my house. I’ll write the address down for you, hang on.” Sadie’s mouth has gone dry. Now she’s truly forgotten the English language. This can’t be real, and this certainly can’t be happening to Sadie. Matty Healy is writing down his home address for her to have. Not to even mention his literal famous mum and dad. She reaches her hand under the computer desk and pinches her thigh over her wool tights, it doesn’t hurt but she’s now sure this is actually happening. Sadie takes the paper from Matty and tries to process the date and time he’s reciting at her. They’re interrupted by the morning bell and when Matty holds the library door open for her she waves goodbye, bows her head and speedwalks away from him.
Sadie really tries to focus in her classes that day but it doesn’t work in the slightest, all she can think about is Matty Healy and she curses him for it. She tries to read some romance novel when she gets home but she starts picturing the characters as her and Matty and has to put it down. He has unknowingly taken over her brain, and she resents him for it. Can’t a girl even read in peace?! She took pride in being the only girl in her year who didn’t have a crush on Matty, now she can’t even hold that above his head.
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By the time Friday rolls around Sadie is already over school, she never tended to like school, but she already knows that Year 10 is going to be dreadful. The one saving grace might come in the form of a boy in the year above. She leaves school and runs home to get changed before she heads to Matty’s address. She has cherished the crumpled piece of paper that held his address since she got it on Tuesday morning, she taped it to her mirror and that is where it will stay. It isn’t like she hasn’t come home every night from school and studied it, she knows exactly where she’s going.
Her shaky hand knocks on the door of said address about an hour later, she biked over from her house and actually enjoyed the ride, the early September sun was shining on her face and lighting up the bumpy country road she took to get here. Her thoughts are interrupted by a lively woman, quite aggressively, swinging the front door open. Sadie smiles up at her with squint eyes because of the sun attacking them, making the blue of her irises look probably insane. “Um, hi? I’m Sadie, Matty invited me to watch his band practice and take some photos of them.” Sadie lazily points to the camera around her neck with an awkward smile. She is coming across very poorly. But alas the woman opens the door wider.
“Oh! He never mentioned, he doesn’t tend to tell me these things though, typical teenager! I’m Matty’s mum, just call me Denise though, sweetheart. They should be in the garage.” Denise walks Sadie to the garage door where she can hear the loud laughter of teenage boys and obnoxious drumbeats. She smirks slightly and thanks Denise, accepting her offer of a can of coke. Once she takes it she enters the garage, and the laughter dies down. “Sadie’s here, boys, she’s very lovely so I don’t want to hear of any teasing or making fun.”
Sadie looks down at her feet as Denise defends her, even though the boys haven’t yet uttered a word. She hears the garage door close behind her and Matty gestures her over to him. He very casually, like it’s nothing, throws an arm over her shoulder and begins introducing her to the three other boys in his garage. She already knows George from a couple of her classes due to them being in the same year, but she lets Matty speak at her anyways. “So, Sades, this is Adam, he plays guitar and he's in the year above me, basically he’s old. That’s Ross, he does the bass, but I think he just pretends to know what he’s doing. And that’s George, obviously he plays the drums, but he just makes a fucking racket.” Sadie flushes at how casually he gestures, how casually his arm is around her, how casually he swears, and how casually he calls her ‘Sades’. That’s a new one.
“Um, hi, I’m Sadie it’s nice to meet you guys. Matty was singing your guys’ praise on Tuesday morning. Been looking forward to this since.” Sadie’s forearm has suddenly become very itchy, and she busies herself in looking around the garage in an attempt to avoid eye contact with any of the aforementioned boys. She notices a few posters on the exposed walls and a couple of guitar cases strewn across the floor, the last thing she notices is a battered leather couch against the wall, facing all of the boys and their many instruments and poor cable management. Sadie leaves Matty’s side and takes a seat on it, placing her coke on the floor and taking the lens cap off her camera.
The practice is well under way and Sadie’s mind has been racing with thoughts of how she’d shoot the band at an actual show. She finally gains the courage to stand up and has failed to notice Matty’s eyes on her the entire time he’s been singing. None of the other boys seem to notice either, Matty doesn’t even realise what he’s doing. When they finish up the last song they wanted to practice (for probably the tenth time), they start chatting about things they should do differently, and Sadie busies herself by looking at her photos on the couch. She gets caught up in them and doesn’t feel the sofa sink next to her, she looks up and sees George looking over her shoulder. “Any good photos of me?”
Sadie can’t help the pink on her face as she nods and turns her camera to him, showing him the few photos she got of him. She found it difficult to get good angles of George considering the size of the garage they were practising in, him being shoved into the back corner. As George was flicking through photos Sadie couldn’t help but study his face, his brows were slightly furrowed as he fiddled with the buttons on her camera, not knowing how to work it. He smirked at a few photos and his eyes scanned over the rest, when he looked up Sadie was suddenly very interested in the opening of her can of coke. She has no idea why she can’t look at any of the boys without her heart rate picking up and her face going bright pink. Maybe because she thinks they’re actually quite cool and she has no idea why she would possibly be sitting in Matty’s garage with them all. But she is.
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The next time she has a run in with the band is a week and a half later when they all spot her in the lunch hall and wildly gesture her over. She had spotted them first and tried to look around to avoid them. She really wishes she knew why her subconscious was forcing her away from the boys. (She’s terrified she’ll embarrass herself. That’s why). She gets herself together and heads over to the table they’re sat at, awkwardly placing her bag at her feet. She murmurs something that could be perceived as a “hi” but honestly it could have been anything. “Have you edited the photos yet? We are highly anticipating them.” Sadie nods her head excitedly, glad that the topic is on her photos, something she actually is passionate about.
“Yeah! Yeah, they’re on a hard drive that you guys can have, I forgot to bring it with me today though. I’ll bring it tomorrow?” Matty nods and falls into conversation with the boys, who also include Sadie, sitting there helpless, unsure if she should get up and go to her friends. She dares to glance in their direction and when she sees them blowing fake kisses because of the curly haired boy she’s sat with she rolls her eyes and turns back around. She reminds herself that they are her surface level friends, they have nothing in common whatsoever, they’re too caught up in gossip. Sadie is too caught up in her camera. They don’t gel.
Sadie manages to fall into a conversation with Ross about English and their mutual enjoyment for the subject, she finds it incredibly random but she’s glad to have something in common with one of the boys. She relished in the conversation not being surface level drama that brought a yawn out of her throat, she also relishes in her slight ranting about her passions actually being listened to. Sadie likes Ross and his listening skills. When the bell rings she finds herself bewildered at the fact she doesn’t want to get up from the table, she’d quite like to stay and timidly laugh at the boys’ jokes and general noisiness. But, alas, she must head to the aforementioned English class, she makes a joke to Ross about how she’d rather go anywhere else. They share a hatred for Sadie’s teacher, him having had her for the previous school year. She finds herself falling into step with George, they’re already five minutes late.
They wave a goodbye to the rest of the boys who all disperse into different classes and walks silently with George. They pass by a few people that make them share glances to each other, grimaces present on their faces. Anytime this happens they both laugh and shove into one another until they reach the fated English hallway and George reaches into his bag and pulls out two sheets of handwritten papers. Sadie’s face basically turns into a question mark. “What? It’s the homework?” Upon seeing Sadie’s heart basically fall to her toes George can’t help but let out a baffled laugh. “Don’t tell me you haven’t done it.”
“Shit, George.”
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The colder the weather gets the more Sadie begins to feel like an integral member of the group. She’s the one to tell the boys to shut up when they’re talking too loudly. She’s the one to shove Matty anytime he makes another member of the group the butt of his jokes. She’s also the one to tell him when his singing sounds shit. Sadie has been quite the talk of the town recently because of this, her old friends are spreading all kinds of rumours due to her gradually dropping them in favour of the boys. Although anytime Ross catches wind of these in the school corridors he’s quick to shut it down, whether it be defending her or physically getting involved… at least he's there!
The band are meeting up for their last practice before Christmas Day and Sadie is beside herself with excitement, she hasn’t seen the boys since the school broke off for the holidays on the 17th. She wakes up that morning already excited but when she opens her curtains and sees snow she swears under her breath, she couldn’t possibly drag her bikes weak tyres through the thick snowfall. So, she slides her panda slippers onto her feet and heads downstairs, finding her mum in the kitchen with a cup of tea and a cigarette in hand. “Morning, mum! Would you be able to give me a lift to Matty’s later? I was gonna bike over, but it must’ve snowed pretty hard last night.” When she hears the sigh escape her mum’s mouth and the slight thud of her palm on the counter she knows she’s not getting a lift.
Denise was expecting Sadie, she’d grown to expect the young girl’s presence around the house at any given time. But what Denise wasn’t expecting was to open up the door to Sadie, bike in hand, tears staining her bright red cheeks, and no hat on her head. This just wouldn’t do. “Oh! Sadie, sweetheart, what happened? Come in, out of the cold now, just dump the bike, that’s fine. Why did you bike here?” Sadie tries to speak but her brain seems to think that letting a sob rack her body is the smarter way to go about this.
“Mum wouldn’t give me a lift, said she had more important things to be seeing to. Had no choice.” Denise immediately puts the kettle on and wraps the girl up in a blanket, rubbing her shoulders after forcing her to take a seat at the kitchen island. Sadie can hear the boys upstairs and is glad of Denise calming her down and talking to her before she has to face them. After Denise gives her a telling off for not, at least, putting on a scarf, she turns to Sadie with an eyebrow raised. She just sighs. “She does this all the time. Feel like a nuisance at that house. Always in the way.”
Upon hearing this Denise circles the kitchen island and crowds her into a hug which she can’t help but accept. After a beat of silence occasionally broken up by Sadie’s sniffles, the two part, Denise keeping her at arm’s length. “You shouldn’t feel like a nuisance. Listen, any time you come here I’m delighted, probably because you balance the testosterone levels a bit, but not just that, you’re the kindest young lady I’ve ever gotten to meet, and it’s always a pleasure to have you at the house, you keep my boys in check. Now, if you ever feel like this again, phone my number from your house phone, and I’ll come pick you up, can’t have you biking in the snow anymore.”
Sadie nods her head at Denise’s words, letting out a slightly weepy laugh anytime she makes a dig at the boys. She feels strangely warm inside, despite the subzero temperatures she was just faced with, and she doesn’t know why. She’s never felt safer than when Denise took her hand on the kitchen island. Matty’s house is now her safe space she’s decided. Speak of the devil, Sadie hears a clatter from the stairs behind her and when she turns she sees Matty’s eyes light up. “Sades! You made it! I thought you weren’t gonna come because of this snow, glad to see you though, George is chatting shit about your English teacher again. Something about holiday homework, help me take some juice up?”
Sadie takes the blanket with her and with a smile in Denise’s direction she waddles over to the fridge. She makes sure to finish her tea before grabbing a can of coke. Another thing she likes about the Healy house is the constantly stocked fridge, anytime she needs a drink there seems to be one on hand. Almost akin to Mary Poppins handbag. She takes one of the cans Matty is juggling with a giggle and bids goodbye to Denise before heading up the stairs. Matty entertains this journey by telling her that his dad had taken Louis, his younger brother, out to build a snowman a half hour ago and Sadie laughs at the image of his rosy cheeks and tiny hands grasping at snowflakes. She dotes on Louis, always having wanted a younger sibling, she treats him like her own brother.
When the door to Matty’s bedroom opens she smiles at the sight, three boys strewn across the room in one big, lazy mess. They all seem to perk up at the sight of Sadie, George especially. “Thank fuck you’re here, need help with this homework, my mum told me to have it finished before Christmas. And Ross, miserable bastard, is refusing to help me. Have you done it?” Sadie sets down Adam’s can of coke on the desk, cracking her own open before sitting criss-cross on the floor beside George. She nods at him over the can, and he can’t help but cheer and push it towards her, struggling on the carpet. “You’re so much better than me at English. Read what I have.” She sets down her can and skims over what George has written.
“Oh dear, I’ll help you after practice.” At this the boys all glance at each other and the room falls silent. Did she say something? I mean, they’re here for practice, right? Right. Sadie has just missed it, her treacherous journey to the Healy house took longer than usual, and she left late. “Have you already practiced?” When faced with four nodding boys, Sadie sighs and nods too. “That’s okay, we can just hang out, then.” Matty looks at her with a sympathetic grimace. He overheard more of her conversation with his mum than he originally let on.
Matty decides that changing the subject entirely is the best thing he can do in this situation, he doesn’t want to force her to talk about why she was crying to his mum. “We liked the most recent photos you took, really cool. Think you left some of your ones for art on the hard drive, there was a random shot of some leaf in the middle of Ross’ closeups.” Sadie shakes her head, feeling her eyes roll involuntarily. “I mean it was a good leaf photo, I just don’t think it’s our vibe.” Her head is thrown back in a giggle as she takes another sip of her coke.
“You should consider yourself lucky, getting to see my leaf photos. They are very close to my heart.” All Matty can do at this is scoff, he is now the one rolling his eyes. Sadie’s attention is diverted by a sheet of paper being waved in her face. She turns to George with a slight glare, and he backs into himself a bit. “Fine. What do you not understand? It’s just English.”
“I just don’t get it. English doesn’t make sense, I think you’ve forgotten that I am a well-travelled man, Sadie. I’ve been all over the place.” Sadie fixes the boy with a sigh, a straight-faced sigh. She lets his sentence linger in the air as she readjusts on the bedroom floor. She lays on her front as she reads what George has written. It’s not bad, but it’s also not great. And so, she tells him such.
“I mean, it’s not bad, but it’s not great. You could maybe, I don’t know, sprinkle in an adjective here or there, don’t think that would hurt.” Is all she manages to get out before a pillow is lobbed, quite forcefully, at her head. In retaliation she throws the paper back at George. “Well, you can do it yourself then, can’t you?”
“No, no, no! Sadie I didn’t mean it! My hand slipped!”
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As the day turned to night the boys gradually left until it was just Matty and Sadie left sitting on his floor, sharing chips that Denise had cooked for them. Sadie put one in her mouth and glanced out the window, noticing it was snowing again, the sigh that came out of her mouth wasn’t meant to sound quite as pathetic as it did. Matty stopped strumming on his guitar and turned to her with furrowed brows, at the sudden silence she met his eyes. “I can’t bike home in this weather.”
“Why did you even bike here in the first place? And why were you crying?” Sadie shakes her head and breaths out a laugh. How does she even answer this? She could be honest, lay her cards on the table, and tell him all about her mum. Or she could be partially honest and tell him that her mum just doesn’t make time for her. Or she could blatantly lie, she’s on her period or something like that. As she weighs up her options she lets out a barely audible hum and Matty cocks his head at her.
“It’s just my mum. She never makes time for me. Refused to give me a lift and I didn’t want to cancel so I biked here. That’s all, I’m okay now, spending time with you guys makes me okay.” Matty’s head falls to rest on Sadie’s shoulder silently. He doesn’t know what to say to her, so he just starts strumming the guitar again. A smile rests on Sadie’s slightly pink cheeks as she hums along to the song Matty is playing, she doesn’t know it to name, but she definitely knows it. “I didn’t think I’d actually make friends in high school.” Matty doesn’t say anything for a minute, processing Sadie’s words.
“Of course you were gonna make friends. I think you’re too good to just be our friend, frankly I’m shocked you put up with our bullshit.” Another beat of silence falls upon the pair. “Just come here if your mum’s being a pain, we’ll cheer you right up.” Sadie smiles at this and feels tears brimming her eyes, and she doesn’t know why. At the sudden sound of the door opening Matty lifts her head and Sadie rubs at her eyes.
“Right, Sadie, I’ve just tried phoning your house phone three times to no answer, so the spare room is set up for you, let me know when you pair decide to sleep.” Sadie doesn’t hear much of what Denise said after hearing that her house was phoned three times, and nobody answered. What if something had happened to her? She sighs and smiles up at Denise from the floor, thanking her before picking at the loose pieces of carpet on the floor. When the door shuts, the tears flow. Matty has never been more panicked in his entire life, he thinks. How the fuck do you comfort your crying best friend?!
“Hey, hey. Come here.” He wraps an arm around her shoulder and all she can do is sigh. She knows if she speaks it’ll end in even more tears, her voice will refuse to work. She gives in and leans into Matty’s touch, the weather outside is a stark contrast to how she feels under his arm. After a few minutes of her silently crying, she dares a glance up at him and sees him staring at the wall across from him with slightly widened eyes, the sight makes her giggle, breaking him from his trance. He looks down at her and joins in the laughter, not knowing why they’re laughing but glad she’s not crying as hard anymore. Yet his eyes widen again when she stops laughing and opens her mouth.
“I want to know why they don’t care about me. I haven’t done anything.” Matty sighs at this, a sick part of his brain wishes he could relate just so he’d know what to say. He looks down at Sadie who is now lying on his floor, upside down from where he sits. He lays down next to her, top and tail, both teenagers looking up at the ceiling, feeling things too big for them to even comprehend, things they shouldn’t have to feel. “Sorry, I feel like the mood is ruined.”
“What mood? You’ve been off all day, making me feel sad. I wish I could make it better.”
“I wish you could, too.”
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Sadie has no desire to celebrate her 15th birthday that following Summer. But she’s been faced with no choice. In George’s words they “had to because you only turn 15 once.” George had turned 15 earlier that year and didn’t seem to share that sentiment on his birthday, all they did was go to Matty’s house after school and sit in his living room for six hours. But he was insistent that the group had to go out for dinner, he’d gotten Denise on his side which ultimately led to Sadie agreeing. Her mother wasn’t best pleased, but she’d grown to not care, and her mothers grown to know she can’t fight her anymore.
She got dressed in rapid speed, desperate to get out of the house and reunite with her best friends. She hadn’t even gotten as much as a card from her parents and that says more to her than any words could have, she isn’t even sure they know her birthday is today. Pulling on her jeans, probably quicker than the speed of light, she grabs her jacket and runs down the stairs, she shouts a bye to anyone who cares and hops on her bike to Matty’s house. They’re all meeting there for some big surprise before they go out to dinner.
The August sun is beaming down on her face, she pauses and squints up at the sky and notices how blue it is, she smiles and looks back down at her bike. She decides that draping her jacket over the handlebars is a better idea, her backpack is half on her back because she was in such a rush. When she bikes the familiar back road she takes note of how the trees have turned from pathetic twigs to bright green scenery, she shuts her eyes for a second and let the Summer air infiltrate her lungs. She is grateful to be alive.
When she biked round the corner at the end of Matty’s road she could see all the boys engaged in a water fight, her urge to turn right back around grows stronger the closer she gets, George’s pathetic screams and Matty’s maniacal laughter grow louder, and she can’t help but laugh to herself. She hears Denise scolding Ross for going too rough and shakes her head as she throws her bike down on the driveway, climbing off and running away from all the boys who immediately turn on her with their water attacks. “Hey!! Stop, it’s my birthday!”
George laughs louder than Sadie had ever heard someone laugh before, probably because the boys weren’t targeting him anymore. She squeals and tries to run into the house, but Adam blocks the door, and she feels more water shooting at the back of her head. She hits his chest and tells him to move at least fifty times, but he doesn’t budge so she runs. She runs round the house to the back garden where she knows Matty keeps the water guns, just as she suspected there’s a pile of them, half-full, on the grass. Sure, they’re the shit ones, but they’ll do the job.
She hears a gasp behind her. “She’s found the pile, run.” She laughs and whips herself around, gun in each hand, to the pathetic squeals of four boys who run back around to the front of the house. There’s a knock on the kitchen window which distracts Sadie for a second, she sees Denise waving wildly at her, she waves back and sees her saying “Happy Birthday!” She laughs and runs round the house to get the boys back.
A half hour later Denise calls out the front door for them to come in. They all race into the house, Matty being shoved by George and Sadie laughing so hard she stops in her tracks. She gets stopped in her tracks even further when she sees the pile of gifts under the TV. She gasps quietly and barely hears everyone wishing her a happy birthday in unison, the tears pricking her eyes are stinging the back of her throat. This is the most anyone’s done for her birthday. George puts an arm round her shoulder and shakes her slightly, then slightly shoves her to the presents. “Save the one with the pink wrapping paper for last.”
Sadie’s bottom lip wobbles and she lets out an exasperated laugh. “Guys, this is too much. I don’t even know what to say.” She moves towards the gifts as if they’re going to jump out and scare her. She sees the three cards on the top and picks them up, sitting down on the floor in front of the TV. The boys, Denise, Tim, and Louis are all scattered across the couches and the floor too, just watching. She opens the one from Denise, Tim, and Louis first and smiles through teary eyes at the kind words written on the page. She has the same reaction to the other two cards, one from all the boys, one from just Matty.
After a while Sadie’s face is wet with tears, she’d laughed at some of the funny gifts, and with her new necklace round her neck she looked at the last gift, the pink one, cautiously. “Is it alive? Am I gonna be scared?” Matty laughs and shakes his head. She lifts it into her lap and looks at the tag, it reads that it’s from the boys. Before she opens it Denise cuts in.
“They all saved up for this on their own. Came up with the idea and everything.” Sadie looks to the group of boys on the other couch who all look very smug, she rolls her eyes at their faces and turns back to the gift. She carefully unwraps it and can’t help the sob that comes out of her mouth. The new Sony camera is sitting in front of her. When she gets hold of herself she opens the box and gasps at the sight of it. “Guys, oh my god. I can’t take this, you’re kidding.”
“Well, none of us know how to use it.” Sadie tackles the four of them into her arms, jumping on top of them all on the couch, muttering a hundred thank yous under her breath. She doesn’t even know how the boys managed to afford it, maybe some of Matty’s odd jobs he was doing helped, or Ross’ job down at the shop. She didn’t know, but she knew she would never forget this. Sadie felt that same feeling again from earlier. She was grateful to be alive.
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By the time Matty’s 18th rolls around, the rest of the group have a plan. They’ve all saved up enough money to buy tickets to Leeds festival, and they’ve all chipped in to get one for Matty’s birthday. Sadie wasn’t allowed to go before, but Denise gave in this year and let her tag along with the group. She makes all of the parental decisions for Sadie now, since she pretty much lives at the Healy’s house. Denise’s reasoning was that it would be after her 17th birthday, deeming her old enough to go. Matty, Ross, Adam and Jamie had gone last year but all they had talked about when they came back to Sadie and George was how excited they were to go next year, the full group.
Ross, George and Sadie were currently sat in Matty’s back garden, waiting for Matty and Adam to get home from work. Sadie and Ross were sharing a cigarette and talking about the lineup for Leeds. More like arguing. George was observing with a cigarette of his own, he’d only spared one to the duo because he’s stingy. “No, Sadie. Nine Inch Nails are more exciting than the fucking Smashing Pumpkins. Think of it, you’re in a muddy field what would you rather listen to.”
Sadie looks at him like he’d grown a second head. “The Smashing Pumpkins.” Ross just groans, George laughs loudly. “What?! I would!”
“You’re actually fucked in the head, Sadie. George, please back me up.” He passes the cig back to Sadie who takes it and looks at George with a raised eyebrow. He takes a sip of his coke and looks away from the pair, whistling at the sky. Sadie laughs and passes the cigarette back to Ross. He tells her to finish it, so she does.
“No, to be fair to both of you, I’d rather be at Paramore. If I had to choose.” Sadie and Ross both share a look and collapse into each other laughing.
“Okay, one, Paramore is on Sunday, we’re talking about Friday. And two, they weren’t even in the equation to begin with.” Ross nods at Sadie’s words and George just sticks his middle finger up at the pair, who laugh at him again. They hear the back door opening and turn to see Matty, they shut up about their prior argument quite quickly. The trio share a look and have to hide their laughs.
“Hello boys. And Sadie.” They nod up at Matty who cracks open his coke and pours it over the ice in his glass. He looks at the three that have gone silent and squints his eyes slightly before taking a sip of his coke and lighting a cig. Sadie looks at the other two who are giving her looks as if to say, “Say something.”
She turns back to Matty, who turns to her. “How was work?” George lets out a barely audible groan and she looks at him incredulously. Matty nods around his glass and then kind of shakes his head.
“It was okay, not busy, boring. I like it there, though.”
“Yeah, you’re welcome for getting you that job. I’ve been there for like a year now. Remember when I walked in one day and George was just standing in the kitchen? That was stupid.” George laughs at her and she turns to him. “No, I was so confused.”
“I was working, where did you want me to stand?”
“It would’ve been nice to know you were working at the fucking place?” George shakes his head.
“Wanted to surprise you.”
“Some surprise that is, George!” He, yet again, sticks his middle finger up at her. This time she does it back. Matty scoffs and leans his head back with a sigh, he stretches his arms and one of them comes to rest on the back of the bench behind Sadie.
She points up at the sky, the sun is setting behind the clouds which cast a pink hue down on the group of four. They stay outside until the sun is probably in the middle of the sky in Australia. Adam arrives not long after Matty and Sadie gives him a subtle nod and thumbs up, trying to tell him that they got the Leeds tickets today. He looks confused at first, but he gets it after a minute. When Matty goes inside the four speak in whispers about how they have to tell Matty, because George is unable to keep it a secret. The back door swings open again and the four sit up straight. “Right, you guys are hiding something from me.” Sadie can’t help herself.
“We’re going to Leeds.”
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Leeds was a fucking nightmare. Everyone fought. Everyone made up. Then they fought again. They all got so high they probably couldn’t see. Ross and Sadie ended up seeing Nine Inch Nails together after losing everyone else, and despite being in the clouds, Sadie remembered to act like she didn’t want to be there. Until she actually started enjoying herself. And George got to see Paramore. Almost. He passed out and Sadie shouted at him in the medical tent after he just came to because she was missing out, she was forced to take him to the medical tent.
Sadie was sick on some girl’s shoes at the Kings of Leon set. It was her, George and Adam having the time of their lives until some older girl started flirting with George, obviously he was loving it, but Sadie was already having a bad high and when she saw the way that girl was looking at George she just couldn’t help it! It all kicked off when George and the girl teamed up and tried to fight her. George was forced to take her to medical and as she was thrown over his shoulder he was yelling about how she’d ruined the weekend.
Safe to say the drive home was silent. Matty had the biggest hangover behind the wheel and Ross was cradling Sadie in the backseat as if she were his child, George was practically hanging out the window on the other side of Sadie. The one memory she has in the car is when they were all sat on the grass, ages away from any music, when Matty turned to the boys and said, “Reckon we’ll be on one of these stages soon?” The question was ringing through Sadie’s mind.
A few days later the group were all sat in Matty’s garden (like usual) with drinks in hand, reminiscing on the festival after they’d all taken some much needed time away from each other. Anytime Matty’s eyes caught hers she felt her heart stop. She isn’t sure he remembers but the day after they got back Sadie jolted awake with a vision of her kissing Matty. She doesn’t know when or if it actually happened, but it seemed too real to be something she conjured up in the middle of the night. Ever since, she’ll wake up in a cold sweat with visions of Matty’s lips on hers. She remembers it being a life-changing kiss, though, so there’s that at least.     
Sadie makes a point to be the last to leave Matty’s house, she’ll probably end up sleeping here tonight, like usual. It’s a rare sight to see Sadie sleeping in her own bed these days, it probably occurs once a month at most. When Adam shuts the door behind him, Sadie feels her heart fall out of her ass, the silence is less than comfortable. If she can feel the shift in energy surely Matty can. He sits down beside her and turns to her. “Do you remember?”
Sadie feels like she’s died in her seat. Her eyes have practically fallen out onto the dining table. She spins her glass on the table awkwardly, thinking of what to say. What would he say if she lied? Would he pretend it never happened? She decides not to lie, because when his face is as close to hers as it is right now, she thinks she’d like to kiss him again. “Yeah… Do you?”
“Wouldn’t be asking if I didn’t, hmm?” Sadie feels like her 14 year old self, meeting him for the first time. Her face is flushed pink, she’s picking at the tracksuit bottoms on her thighs, and she’s avoiding eye contact. She wishes the ground would eat her alive, because one thing about Sadie is she doesn’t know how to flirt. “Hurt me seeing you kiss that other guy the next day.” As he says this his hand has come up to play with the loose strand of hair that had fallen out of the front of her ponytail. She looks up at him through her eyelashes. Her voice is no louder than a mutter.
“Sorry, didn’t know what I was doing, don’t even think I knew where I was.” Matty laughs softly at this and looks down at his lap, but his eyes catch Sadie’s nervously picking at the loose thread on the seam of her tracksuit. He feels his heart skip a beat as he grabs it. This makes her face him, looking into his eyes. The silence around them is suffocating and Sadie feels like she might pass out on the floor. When he makes the move to shuffle slightly closer, she smirks at his face. She doesn’t know where she grew the confidence but when she mutters, “Just do it.” He breaks the distance.
The butterflies in her stomach feel cliché, the way the kiss picks up in pace feels even more so. His lips on hers feels like coming home to your own bed after you’ve been abroad for a week. It feels like the smell of your own house after being away for a while. She knows that when her hand comes up to the back of his neck that it holds an ulterior motive, this is confirmed by his hand on her hip, guiding her closer. She wants to consume him in this moment. When they break away for a breather, Sadie doesn’t open her eyes, she doesn’t want to face this moment, but when she feels a squeeze on her hip she can’t help but open one eye. Matty laughs and leans his forehead to hers.
“Sleep in my room tonight.” That’s all that Sadie has ever wanted to hear.
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The slight fling between Sadie and Matty didn’t really last for very long. The group all moved into a flat together and the flame between them just kind of flickered out. George noticed the change in Sadie’s demeanour ever since. He was the only other person who knew about Matty and Sadie, but because he was the best friend of both he had to be there for both. It was eating him alive. He was laying in Sadie’s bedroom, joint between his lips. They were sharing it.
“He fucks anything with legs. But I can’t move on. What’s with that?” Sadie plucked the joint from George’s mouth, and he rubs his eyes his face with a groan. He watches the smoke leaving Sadie’s lips intensely, staring at the way it clouds up in the air and dissipates into nothingness, this is how Sadie and Matty’s relationship felt. He sits up slightly on the bed with an indignant sigh.
“His way of coping, I suppose. He didn’t exactly get an explanation as to why you stopped sleeping in his room. Now he just needs someone sleeping there to fill that void for him.” It’s Sadie’s turn to sigh now. She knows George is right, but she doesn’t like the answer and she doesn’t want to hear that he’s suffering. He’s being a bitch and he should just come and speak to her. Silence falls over the duo and George stubs out the joint gently before opening his arms for Sadie.
She isn’t feeling very grateful to be alive.
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dellalyra · 8 months
𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗥𝗼𝗮𝗱 𝘁𝗼 𝗛𝗲𝗮𝗹𝗶𝗻𝗴 - ꜰᴀᴍɪʟʏ ꜰᴏʀᴍᴀᴛɪᴏɴꜱ
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pixie says: i am healing and yes - i have written family formations. this is my fix it fic - canon be damned. family formations is happiness only. this fic is what i would like to see as the ending of the final battle of jjk. cw: angsty at the start, but also sweet, bittersweet stuff, canon typical gore, creative liberties and lots of spoilers if you’re not okay w that go away and mdni bc I said so.
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“I won’t ask you not to go.”
“Good. I wouldn’t listen to you anyway.”
“Yaknow, when we were 16 I thought your stubbornness would ease off with age.”
“You’re the one who married me.”
“Best choice I ever made.”
You can’t help but smile at the man laying on the bed beside where you stood. Black and blue bruises fading to green on his usually unmarred skin evidence of the toll the fight took on his body - which he barely escaped with his life. The deep laceration on his stomach only stemmed by the work of your best friend who had cried into your arms several days prior saying she had been terrified she couldn’t save him for you, for the kids.
Yet, she did.
She saved him, and your son.
Your son who spent most of his time asleep, body recovering from weeks of torture and mind melding itself back together with love and care.
Your husband’s cursed energy was burnt out. The usual bottomless pit was drained to bring him back to you and extract your son from his own body. He was injured, his eyes were okay, all six of them and he’s alive and he’s safe and he’s okay.
Then the announcement came.
You all knew it would come.
The final challenge.
Kenjaku’s challenge.
There was no dissuading Yuuji, not ever but especially now he knows the truth of his parentage. Choso too, pain and suffering bottled for 150 years is a powerful motivator. Yuuta - he was going to protect everyone, no matter who he had to face. Inumaki? Was not leaving Yuuta to face this without him. Maki’s rage fuelled a fire within her, the loss of so many people making her ready to ‘bitch slap’ him, as she so delicately put.
To top it all off.
Like hell were you letting these kids go alone. Were you scared? Infinitely. Only a fool would say they weren’t. You knew the risks, a widower, a baby without a mother, weddings you’d never see.
They were risks you had to take.
For Megumi. For Yuuji. Two boys who deserve a love filled future.
For Tsumiki. Your daughter snatched from your hands.
For Nanami. A brother in arms, a best friend, a mentor and a godfather.
For Akio - to grow up safe.
For your ‘Toru. He deserved to not fight anymore. He deserved peace - you both did. He deserved the life you spoke about at night in bed curled in his arms.
For Geto. For the man who was your brother in all but blood. For one half of a whole. For a future ripped apart by trauma and a body desecrated.
Satoru knew you’d go. He held you tight as his wounds would allow and protested his attendance but you and Shoko pointed out to him that his current condition would make him someone to be protected - not vice versa.
He grit his teeth and cursed.
He believed in you. Your strength and courage and immense abilities.
But that didn’t make him any less scared.
He wondered if this was how you felt.
Megumi has been sleeping for going on 24 hours now. You don’t wake him. Neither does Yuuji.
Satoru looks at you.
You sit on the bed beside him.
“Satoru. We both know this might now work in our favour. We both know I might not -” you start, breath shaky but determined.
“Absolutely not. Don’t you dare say it, Princess.” He says, grasping your cheek.
“Satoru. Listen to me. If I don’t come back, I want to go with the knowledge you’ve heard all of this. If I die, take Megumi - go find Akio, bring Shoko and the students. Leave Japan. No more fighting, I want you to live. I want you to see our sons first day of school, Megumi’s graduation, all of it. I want your world filled with love and happiness even if I lose I don’t want to be avenged. Fuck vengeance, just live. Live for our boys, make a shrine for ‘Miki, and Suguru, and Nanamin.” You say, tears flowing.
“Y/N, please - please don’t talk -” Satoru says, head buried in your neck.
“I have to. It’s important to me. You deserve to live, ‘toru. You deserve love, and happiness.”
“How can I have those if you’re not there?” He says.
“Because we have two beautiful boys who adore their daddy very much, and I’d never be gone completely. You - Gojo Satoru - have been the light of my life, the blood in my veins and the air in my lungs since we were 16. I am so, so grateful to have had you in this life, and I know you love me the same.” You say, pressing a kiss to his forehead.
“I’ve loved you since the moment you got mad at me for picking a daisy a ladybug sat on. I can’t imagine an existence without you, and it runs so deep that I think my soul has merged with yours. You have always, always, been everything to me - and every day I’ve loved you more. My, sweet, brave girl.” He chokes.
All you can do is let out a watery laugh as you kiss him, soft and gentle.
“You made me promise to come home. I need you to do the same, princess.” He says, and you stick out a pinky finger which he takes in his own.
“Pinky promise.” You say, because you’re going to do everything to come home to your boys.
You stand, and yelp as a large hand smacks the globe of your asscheek.
“Go kick some cursed booty, Princess.” He says, smiling.
“Aye, aye, captain.” You blow him as kiss and he catches it, pretending to eat it.
The door softly closes behind you.
Seeing Kenjaku again was jarring. Satoru was right, your eyes saw Geto - but your soul knew otherwise. An oppressive power circled him as he teased and taunted before Choso lunged and the battle begun.
Curses swarmed like locusts all around, and you all moved in perfect formation - you fought back a comment that the mornings they grumbled at training were worthwhile after all.
Inumaki brought up the rear, a layer of protection casting an eye over the battlefield.
Maki - wasn’t the Maki you saw the last time you witness her in action. She’s lethal, a hurricane of destruction and terrifying rage as she brutally slaughters all in her path, and you swell with pride.
Yuuji and Yuuta - seamless in tandem with each other as strong fists flung them toward Yuuta’s swinging blade as they cleared a path to the centre.
Choso was engaged directly with Kenjaku - screams of rage and fury built of years of trauma swirled through the air along with shards of pure crimson as father and son clashed.
You were everyone’s back up, flashes of green pulsing around as soon as anyone became too close for your comfort to any of the others, protection second nature in your subconscious as you ripped through enemies with dagger and claws, ripping limb from limb to exorcise the curses and the raw grief in your body.
Out of the corner of your eye, a lethal looking serpentine curse lunged toward Yuuji - currently wrestling another monstrosity and you knew he hadn’t noticed it - you wouldn’t get there in time. Just as you shouted his name as it was inches from his head a whizzing rushed past your ear and toward the curse, which you saw crumble in a heap beside a gaping Itadori.
You move to run to him, but you don’t get far before a voice sounds from behind you.
“Looks like I still need to do everything around here, eh, Itadori?”
That voice.
You both spin on your heels, and behind you, hammer in hand - stood Nobara Kugisaki.
You blinked.
Presumed dead, as Shoko had refused to speak of it - she had done it.
Shoko had healed her too, and black leather eyepatch covered one side of her face but she was smirking, a hand on her hip.
“No fucking way! ‘Bara!” Yuuji says, barrelling toward her - his honorary twin sister.
He scoops her up and she thrashes.
“Put me down you oaf! I nearly died, don’t kill me again!” She shouted.
“You’re really here, Nobara?” You say, tears flooding your eyes.
“As fabulous as ever, Y/N-sensei.” She winked and threw herself into your arms.
“Eh - as much as I love this vibe guys could I have some help please, Itadori?” Comes the voice of Yuuta, snapping you all out of it as Yuuji drops his best friend and runs away to him calling ‘sorry, senpai!’.
Nobara runs to your left - to provide back up for Maki as the frenzy resumes.
Hours pass, but before you can comprehend how many - all that’s left is a smirking Kenjaku surrounded by 7 warriors.
You stride forward, dropping your blades and stopping right in front of him.
“What are you doing?!” Shouts Maki.
The clatter of the daggers is sharp against the silence. Kenjaku’s blank face looks down at you.
“I know you’re in there Nii-chan. I know you can hear me. I’m sorry we couldn’t save you, but we love you. All of us. ‘Toru and I had a baby, you’d love him. I’m also sorry for what I’m about to do.” You say.
In the blink of an eye, you whirl back your fist and drive it straight into his nose. The curse reels as he stumbles - unexpected force from your smaller body fueled by rage.
The momentary distraction works as you begin to pull out your trump card - hoping to weaken him before he can use his.
You hear Inumaki shout ‘shield your eyes’ to all the kids as your body begins to emit a strong, golden light - searing everything in its path as a screech echoes from Kenjaku - the tarmac beneath you bubbling from the energy emitted as you shout: “Cursed Technique - forbidden technique - sunbeam.”
As the screeching ends, and the light fades it’s visible effect is clear as patches of skin have melted from the body leaving bone exposed and the top of the head protecting the brain of Kenjaku is exposed - with you panting on your knees as Kenjaku attempts to regain himself. The fury on his face alerts Yuuji who grabs Choso who immediately understands, running toward you to scoop you up and away. Yuuji barrels toward and everyone begins to scream as you see Kenjaku’s hand making the sign required.
You all brace for impact but the shockwave and death of Yuuji never came. When your eyes all open, a black dome is covering the area both men were. It’s solid surface impenetrable - no matter who you were. Just as you think to summon your domain to override you look - that’s not a domain with traces of Kenjaku.
Those traces…
Yuuji Itadori.
“Stop! Stop! No domains!” You shout to the kids.
“What?!” Maki responds.
“It’s not Kenjaku’s. This domain - its Yuuji’s. This is Yuuji’s domain! He did it!” You say, beaming - pride and astonishment mixed with exhaustion.
“She’s right. This is my brothers energy.�� Choso agrees.
“Holy shit, it is.” Nobara chimes in.
“We can only wait.” Yuuta says, anxiously leaning on his sword.
This battle was between the two in the domain now, having no idea what Yuuji’s domain would be left you all blind.
You were gently sat on the ground, a characteristic you learned was intrinsic to Choso by now - someone who you have grown to count as a very special friend over the last few months.
You wait.
And wait.
And wait.
Nobara curled up beside you, as Maki filled her in on all she’d missed. You didn’t miss the whimper when she was told of Megumi’s imprisonment.
And after 20 minutes, Inumaki’s soft voice jolts you all.
The domain was fading, melting from above.
It lowered like melting ice and the dust within cleared until a backlit figure stood beside a crumpled lump on the ground. The figure was heaving air into their lungs.
The body walked forward.
“YUUJI!” Came 7 voices.
The lump. Kenjaku. Corpse mangled and bloody and a grizzly mass of brain matter was coating the ground as slowly disintegrating into dust.
He did it.
He killed Kenjaku.
“Little brother, you did it! Are you hurt?” Choso grasped his exhausted younger brother and Yuuji shook his head and you saw a weak smile on his bloodied face.
“Y/N?” Itadori rasps.
“Yes, sweet boy?” You smile, hand on his cheek and tears on your face.
“Can we go home now?” He says.
You huff out laughing.
“Let’s go home, sweetheart.”
Yuuta on one side and Choso on the other, helping the exhausted boy - they all began to walk away.
“Are you coming?” Nobara asks, as you crouch down beside the corpse.
You whip out your phone, clicking a contact and pressing the share location button.
“You guys go ahead. I’ll be there soon. Yuuta, help patch up Yuuji.”
They all exchange looks but go ahead anyway.
You sit down. Looking at the body, and fix the top part of the head so it sits where it should.
Before long, you hear footsteps behind you and someone sits beside you.
“He’d go crazy if he saw his hair that messy.” Shoko huffed.
“He’d probably blame Satoru.” You respond and she smirks, lighting a cigarette.
“You hurt?” She asks.
“No. Just… tired.” You say, leaning your head on the shoulder of your best friend.
“Me too.” She leans to close his eyes.
“He would have been so proud of all of us, Koko. He always said you’d look hot in a lab coat.”
“He would have had Akio hanging from him 24/7 too, kids always loved him for some reason.” She mentions and you both laugh. Her head rests on yours.
There’s silence for a few minutes.
“He looks peaceful, doesn’t he? Like how he used to look when he’d sleep on my lap under the tree.” Shoko says, voice thick.
“We can pretend for a moment that he is just asleep.” You say.
“I’m glad Satoru isn’t here.” You confess and she nods.
“Koko?” You whisper.
“Yeah?” She says, squishing her cigarette out.
“We can take him home now. Do it right.” You say, tears forming again.
“Somewhere close, so I can sit and have a smoke with him sometimes.” She agrees.
You stand, holding your hand out - the remnants of your cursed energy forming a floating box of vines around the body, neither of you could carry him so you’d create a way to transport him home.
You turn your hand to her, the vines levitating behind you.
She grabs your hand.
“Let’s go see your husband.” She says, wiping her face as you walk hand in hand back to base.
Walking toward healing, and a safe future.
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bagopucks · 1 year
J. Hughes - Need You Now [Lady A]
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Jack Hughes x Fem!dancer!reader
Word Count: 5.4k
Warning(s); that good ‘ol fluffy madness
This is getting proofread again when I wake up. Again, song in the title is the song of choice for this fic. Not set in stone tho <3
Mondays had become a routine. I got up. I texted Jack. We go to school, we hung out. He goes to hockey, I go to dance. We meet up at the Hughes household after, and spend the rest of the evening together.
When Jack and I first got together, we took note of our busy schedules. He had his own hobbies, and I had mine. That being said, our proximity to one another made dating much easier than first expected. Our relationship worked best because of that proximity. And sure, we may have always been exhausted after attending our own practices and rehearsals, but being exhausted together was better than being exhausted apart.
Ellen made late dinners, considering her boys all got home from hockey at a later hour in the evening, but it was a schedule I’d grown comfortable with on Monday afternoons.
I’d been over at the Hughes household helping Ellen with dinner, but I slipped away at the sound of the front door opening. Luke bounded in first, and I playfully rubbed his hair as we passed each other. He was on the hunt for his mother. As was Quinn, who passed by me shortly after with a quick greeting. I chuckled. Jim stepped inside after Jack, and my smile faltered ever so slightly when I saw the looks on both of their faces.
I hesitated. I knew those looks. Jim gave his son a careful pat on the shoulder before locking the door and walking through the house. Jack’s eyes followed his father before they landed on me. He looked defeated. I wasn’t sure what to make of it.
“Hey?” I greeted in question, and watched as he approached. He dropped his hockey bag on the floor. It didn’t take long for him to wrap his arms around me.
“Practice didn’t go so well?” Jim was a good father, but like most sports dads, he could be a bit hard on his kids. Especially when they had big dreams. Quinn was in the process of being looked at by NHL scouts, and Jack -while spoken of by the league- had gotten a hockey scholarship offer from the university of Michigan. He had plans for the NHL too, but either way, he had to keep his skills sharp for both. Which was what Jimmy was always tough on the boys about.
Of all three, I wouldn’t lie. I’d expect Jack to have a lazy practice here and there. Sometimes he just didn’t feel like it, and unlike his brothers, he never pushed through when he was lacking in motivation. It’s something that’s always frustrated his father. Sometimes Jack just couldn’t be bothered to do things.
“I have a headache,” Jack mumbled into my shoulder. I nodded and stroked the back of his head before pulling away.
“Dinner’s almost ready.” It was the only thing I could think of that was going to cheer him up. I grabbed Jack’s hand before I led him into the kitchen, and I could tell Jim must have gotten on him pretty badly by the way Quinn and Luke both tensed when we entered. Like they were afraid Jack just might implode.
“Hey, sweetie! Since when did we start greeting your girlfriend before me?” Ellen teased softly as Jack found his way over to her. He leaned into her side as she gave him a half hug. She picked up on her middle child’s emotional funk as well, and pressed a gentle kiss to his temple before she patted his back as a signal to step away so she could move a pot full of sauce off the stove.
Ellen was just as liable to get on her kids about laziness and a lack of effort. She was a sports parent too. But nothing was worse than hearing it from your dad. And Ellen knew better than anybody that her husband and Jack got into arguments at times. Jack just wanted to be understood, and Jimmy just wanted Jack to understand. He was the difficult kid. By no means were any of her three boys problematic, but Jack definitely put up the most hassle.
“Quinn, why don’t you set the table for me?” Ellen piped up, and earned a nod from her oldest.
Sometimes I found it a miracle that she and Jimmy had managed to raise such obedient kids. Especially after having three boys.
Once the table was set and the food all laid out, Ellen travelled upstairs to find her husband, and I was seated at the table with the three Hughes brothers. I usually sat down at the opposite end of the table from Jim, closest to Jack. Ellen’s place was across from her oldest boy and diagonal to her husband. At the head of the table I felt I could see and speak to everybody from a good angle. Jimmy agreed with me on that.
“Alrighty.” Ellen eventually stepped into the kitchen with a bright smile, but there was tension behind it. I had no doubt she and Jimmy spoke about Jack. He followed in behind her. He looked slightly more jovial than before. Which I was thankful for, because when I turned around to look back at Luke and Quinn, they seemed to overlook the facades of their parents, and they relaxed.
Food was served and conversation was struck up. What was discussed at school, who was taking what tests, and how grades were looking. I chimed in here and there, but I knew the conversation was more of a ‘catch up’ for the parents and their boys than it was for me.
Still, Ellen made a point to praise me for my own good grades and accomplishments. She always wanted me to feel included and welcome.
“How was dance today?” The conversation shifted, and I found frustrations from earlier in the day dawning on me again. I rested my fork on my plate and sigh. Whichever sets of eyes were on food, had quickly set on me. Concern and curiosity in the faces of the family I’d grown to love.
“It was good. We got paired up for group routines today. The guy I got paired with wasn’t there today, and usually that’s fine, but he called in to say he was in the hospital for a stupid broken foot and now I don’t have a partner.. the class is an uneven number now.” I tried not to sound too tense. I’d hate to ruin the family dinner with my own problems.
Jim leaned forward with a smile, and I couldn’t help but wonder what was about to slip past his lips. I loved Ellen. I loved her with all my heart, but Jim and I had the relationship I always wished I had with my own dad. His jokes could cheer me up on a cloudy day when it’s hailing and pouring all at the same time.
“Can’t imagine you’ll have much issue dancing alone, eh?” I smiled. I knew what he meant. I’d won many competitions in the past. I was one of the most skilled in my studio.
“That’s not the point though,” I chuckled and shook my head. “It’s a group routine where everybody is paired. If I don’t have a partner, I can’t be in the routine.” I playfully sassed, and earned a quiet chuckle from the man across the table, as well as his wife. Quinn smiled, but he was never one to give me the gratification of knowing I made him laugh. So he tried to hide his face in his shoulder.
Jack was eyeing me, but he didn’t say much. I cast him a glance before I moved my foot beneath the table to nudge him.
“Well you’ve got three boys here. How hard is the routine for the boy parts?” Ellen asked, and I heard the clinking of various stainless steel silverware pieces on glass dishes before my head whipped to the three who were staring wide eyed at their mother. Jim coughed on a laugh at his boys.
“It’s not impossible.” I answered and watched as the boys slowly looked at me.
“So? Jack? Why don’t you do it with her?” Ellen’s encouraging words earned an uncertain gaze from her son.
“I don’t know, mom..” Jack looked back down at his plate, and I saw his two brothers visibly relax once they thought they were out of the danger zone.
“I think that’s not a bad idea.” Jim chimed in, and I stiffened when I saw him make eye contact with his son. There was subtext in his words that I didn’t understand. That had to do with whatever they were tense over when they came in the house. I watched Jack as he grew uncomfortable again. He looked away. He looked shameful.
“I just don’t think I’d be very good at it.” His words made me smile and nod. I didn’t want to upset him further by arguing.
“It’s really fine. I wouldn’t mind sitting out on it.” I shrugged as I tried to find the right words to deescalate the conflict that had been slowly rising at the table. I heard Quinn sigh.
“I’ll help if you want me to.”
My brow shot up in surprise. I smirked.
“Quinn Hughes? You’d wear tights? For me?” I teased him, and heard his mother giggling when he glared at me.
“I’m out if tights are involved.” I knew his words held no true threat. Quinn would have worn the girliest leotard in existence if I needed him to. He was always there for me.
“What about me? Maybe I wanna help.” Luke joined in, simply because he felt left out of the conversation. His input surprised everybody. It even managed to earn him a look from Jack. Jack, who was usually quick to make a joke. Especially in a moment when he would have the chance to call his younger brother a ‘little girl.’ Instead it was Quinn doing so.
“Woah bud.. didn’t realize you were so interested in wearing tutus.” Quinn gently patted his brother on the back. Luke rolled his eyes.
“Luke. I love you, but I don’t think you’d last a minute in my dance class.” He looked offended at the fact that I had ganged up on him with his brother.
At that point, Ellen had a hand over her mouth and she was desperate to stop herself from laughing at her kids. Jimmy wasn’t to the point of laughter, but I could see his smile out of the corner of my eyes.
“You guys suck.” Luke mumbled, out of the goodness of his heart, and he stood to take his empty plate to the sink.
“Luke, be nice.” Ellen had quickly scolded, through quiet bouts of laughter.
“Take my plate while you’re at it, Lukey.” Quinn handed his plate over, and eventually everybody had given their plates and silverware over to Luke, except for Jack, who was still picking at his food despite his mood.
“Alright Luke. It’s rematch night.” Quinn spoke excitedly as he left the kitchen dining area, followed by the youngest after the plates were in the sink. I could hear them moving things in the living room, a thud, then a quiet ow.
“Quinn! Let your brother use the player one controller!” Ellen jumped up from the table, going to solve the problem between her boys before it escalated.
I spared a glance at Jimmy, who nodded at me in understanding before he stood and took the empty drink glasses to the sink. He stepped out of the kitchen soon after, going to be the backup his wife needed.
It gave me a moment with Jack.
“Hey, bud.” I leaned forward and rested my pointer and index finger under his chin to tilt his head upwards. He was reluctant to make eye contact with me, but he did so anyway.
“What’s up?” It was a general question, not necessarily asking what was upsetting him, but more so what had been on his mind.
“I don’t want Quinn to dance with you.” I noded and smiled at Jack as I reached for his hand.
“You never answered my question earlier.” Jack huffed and shrugged his shoulders. Frustration was bubbling up.
“No. I didn’t want to be there.” At practice. “And.. I got a bad grade on the stupid algebra test. My dad’s all over me for it.. I just- I don’t get it.” I gently squeezed his hand. He hated math. I knew he did. He hated feeling stupid too.
“I told you I’d help.” I whispered, carefully angling my seat to face his as I leaned forward and rested one of my elbows on my knee.
“I know,” his voice was quieter than mine, and I could tell he was disappointed in himself for not reaching out.
“Ya know what I find helps best when I’m stressed?” I flashed him a playful smile. Jack eyed me.
“Dancing.” I tried to coax him into helping me. As much as I appreciated Quinn’s offer to dance with me, I wouldn’t have as much fun with him as I would with Jack.
“You really want me to do that with you?” The middle brother sounded unconvinced.
“You’ll be the most handsome boy out there..” flattery was a tactic I saved for a rainy day with this boy. It didn’t take a lot to convince him of something, but a few compliments never hurt.
“God… you’re so pushy.” His dramatics made me laugh. But they were a telltale sign I had him in the palm of my hand, and that he was feeling a bit better.
“C’mon, Hughes. I’d be your left winger if you ever needed it.” I reasoned and watched him smile.
“I’d never ask you to do that.. you might get hurt.” I rolled my eyes and pulled away to lean back in my chair. I folded my arms across my chest, awaiting his final answer. He could tell I was.
“Fine. But I’m a horrible dancer. Like.. the shittiest dancer you’ll ever meet.” He whispered, not wanting to get caught cursing. It made me laugh.
“Can’t talk your way out of this Hughes. You’re my partner now.”
I don’t know why I asked Jack to do this. It was a risky decision really. I hadn’t seen him dance yet, but just stepping into the studio with him in tow had everybody looking. He was an attractive boy, but he was my boy. It was only worse that Jack thought it best to wear compression pants under his shorts. He looked good. He looked great even. I had always loved the way those pants fit him, but I didn’t anticipate all the other girls loving the way his pants fit him too.
Jack was unbothered by the stares. I showed him where to kick his shoes off and where to leave his things before we stepped into the empty studio. My teacher was upstairs and I wanted a moment to actually stretch him out before he made a fool of himself in front of everybody else. Aside from that, I had a good feeling Dance stretches were not going to benefit him as much as his usual hockey stretches, considering he’d have no clue how to do any of mine. I kicked the door shut and watched him look around.
“The mirrors are- they’re a little much… don’t you think?” I always loved the way Jack’s voice sounded when he was nervous.
“It’s so we can all see each other. I promise you’ll be fine.” I walked around behind him and dragged my hand across his back as I went. I was hopeful some physical contact would help him relax.
“You do some hockey stretches first, yeah? Dance stretching is a little weird.. I don’t think you’ll be any good at it.”
Jack nodded, and joined me on the floor, side by side. We did our own things, but we did them together. He looked so focused that I couldn’t help but giggle every once and I while when I looked at him in the mirror.
“Quinn wouldn’t last a second in here.” Jack finally struck up conversation, and I found his confidence amusing.
“Class hasn’t started, hun. I’d wait before you start talking like that.” I slowly stood up and made my way over while he was doing his own version of what was usually considered a frog stretch. His knees were tucked up beneath his body as opposed to stretched out behind himself. The hockey players always did it that way, and I’m sure they had their own methods to their madness.
“Lean forward?” I rested my hands on his back and pushed down gently while I let Jack do most of the work. He stopped when his face was still a foot from the floor. I rubbed his shoulders and laughed softly at the sigh he let out.
“You have to breathe through it. Doesn’t help if you hold your breath.” He nodded, but he didn’t listen to a word I said. He still held his breath. I assumed if I made him keep the position long enough, he’d learn, but when the door opened, I quickly stood upright. Jack unfolded and leaned back against my legs to catch his breath.
“Mrs. Jenny.” I greeted, the dark haired teacher shot me a wave in return before her eyes trailed down to the boy who fought for his breath and rubbed his legs, leaned back against my own.
“Is this one of Ellen Hughes’ boys?” Her question caught me and Jack off guard.
“Yeah?” Uncertainty laced my tone.
“Oh my god-“ the rest of the class poured in, just as confused as I was. “Are you Jack?” She walked over, and Jack hoisted himself to his feet to shake her hand, nodding to her question.
“I met you when you were like.. four.. Ellen and I used to be so close.” Jenny looked him up and down, bewildered. Like most random people were when they saw a kid they hadn’t seen in a while. And of course, Jack looked as uncomfortable as he could possibly get.
“Then she had Luke and just got so busy. It’s a thrill to have one of her kids here. I always assumed it might be Luke.”
Jack and I both laughed. We saved that information to torture Luke with later.
“You’re gonna be a fun pair to work with.”
And it seemed we were. Jenny got Jack and I on an individual schedule. One that worked around my normal dance classes and one that worked around his hockey practices. She was beaming every time she stepped into the studio and got to work with us, and Jack seemed to love her as much as I always did. Jack admitted to me that the classes were fun, and even helped with the hockey burnout he’d been experiencing. When I spent nights in the Hughes household, I could only assume the classes were helping, seeing as the tension between Jack and his father was practically nonexistent.
I found myself occasionally stumbling over our dance when I looked up into the mirror, only to spot that bright smile on Jack’s lips he gets when he knows he’s got the hang of something. He was so distracting, the way his eyes lit up and his hair bounced. Jenny invited Ellen in one day to watch, but Jack insisted she didn’t see a thing. Ellen tried her best to get her son to give in, but Jack shut her out of the studio and pulled the blinds in the window. He knew his mother well enough to know she’d have videos. And then his brothers would have them.
I had to remind him that he was only prolonging his fate.
Eventually, Jack and I got the hang of not only the dance, but the mental link of communication that came with it. Our rehearsals went from Jenny interrupting every so often or her spending the bulk of her time on Jack, to her sitting back and watching us. Critiquing at the end of each run through, and helping us perfect what we had.
At the end of the week, we were professionals. Jenny got such a kick out of watching us, consistently praising our chemistry and professing her love for instructing a young couple. Jack and I never had responses for that, but it always made us blush.
When the practices ended, and it came up on the eventual public performance, Jack and I were clearing out the living room in the Hughes house to go over everything.
“Jack!” I shouted through laughter. A light tug on my arm caused me to fall into step and twirl into his side. We’d stopped rehearsing close to an hour ago. At this point, we were goofing off to the song that was playing through his phone. He was laughing too, with an arm wrapped around my side while he swayed us back and forth.
“I’m by your side,” he sang horribly in my ear, causing me to pull away and push him.
“God Jack, shut your mouth.” I giggled and allowed him to grab my hand and pull me back in. He rested his other hand on my hip as he continued to ‘serenade’ me. His voice was flat. He was a horrible singer. But in my mind he sounded prettier than the birds.
“Our friends would all make fun of us…” I rolled my eyes at him. If you can’t beat them, join them.
“The world will never ever be the same!” I quickly joined in, and soon we were yelling the lyrics, our motion ceased as we stood and held each other, heads thrown back to deliver the lyrics of the soft song to the ceiling.
Neither of us heard the quiet thudding on the steps, or Quinn’s frustrated grumbling, until he was in the living room doorway, glaring daggers at us. Jack noticed him first, my back was turned to him. When I saw the look on my boyfriend’s face, I quickly moved to get a view of his older brother.
“I’m trying to study, dude.” Quinn sounded exasperated. I pursed my lips and giggled. Jack wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me back into his chest. He rested his chin on my shoulder.
“Study harder,” Jack taunted.
“I can’t when there’s dying animals in my living room.” Quinn’s words were sharp, but I took no offense to them. “Sorry,” he apologized in my direction, but I shrugged.
“Just study outside.” Jack suggested, knowing the best ways to get on his brother’s nerves.
“In the rain, Jack?” Quinn placed his hands on his hips. “Why don’t you go dance in the rain?”
“‘Cause she’ll get sick!” Jack gestured to me.
“But it’s okay if I get sick studying in the rain?” Jack reached for his phone as his brother spoke, and turned up the volume.
“Jack!” Quinn raised his voice in warning. I snickered. “Jack!” He repeated his brother’s name as Jack began to sway with me back and forth. He held instigating eye contact with his brother. Challenging Quinn.
“What?” The middle child called. I winced at the volume of his voice.
At that point, all the noise had attracted Jimmy, who stepped in the room beside Quinn. He looked confused and frustrated. I chuckled when I noticed he and his son wore the same expressions.
Jack quickly reached for his phone to pause the music.
“What’s going on?” Jimmy’s question had me slowly pulling from Jack. To detach from the situation at hand.
“Jack’s being loud.”
“Quinn’s being rude!”
I felt like I’d heard them having this fight before.
Jimmy sighed. Sighed like he’d heard it all one too many times.
“Jack, turn the music down and stop yelling. Quinn, just go back to whatever you were doing.” I heard another set of footsteps down the hall, and I watched Jimmy turn, point a finger, and say ‘no’ to the figure I couldn’t see. It had to be Luke, I had no doubt he wanted to investigate and instigate.
Jimmy ushered Quinn and Luke back up the steps before he made his way to the basement. Jack and I were alone in the living room again.
“I don’t even care if we royally screw this up. I’m gonna have so much fun with you.” I wrapped my arms around Jack’s neck as I spoke. I leaned back as he leaned forward, holding my hips.
“I’m gonna ace it. You just watch.” His excitement made me smile.
“Alright. Don’t laugh.” I stood outside the boys bathroom in the school hallway. It was a Saturday night. Jenny decided to hold the recital at our public school because of the size of the stage. “How do I look?”
As Jack stepped out, I took time to examine his figure. He wore a tight fitting black shirt, and a pair of black pants that resembled sweats, just not as loose. I wasn’t sure what I wasn’t supposed to laugh at until I saw his hair.
“Jack.” it made me nervous. He knew what I was staring at.
“I was wearing a hat all day! I had a bad hair day!”
“Is there anybody else in the bathroom?” My question was answered with a shake of the head, and I was quickly shoving Jack back into the bathroom. Water had to fix it. If it didn’t, I had no other solutions.
“Mom said she was bringing hair gel.” Jack informed me as I ran my hands under the faucet and reached up to smooth down his hair. My prayers were answered when I saw the mess become more tame.
“It’s alright.. I think I got it. Your hair doesn’t look the best gelled anyway.” My words were subconscious, but they made Jack scoff out a playful gasp nonetheless.
We stepped out of the bathroom in time to spot Ellen, and I smiled at her while she approached with a matching grin on her lips.
“Seems like you got that sorted.” She spoke as she inspected her son’s hair. “I’m so excited. Watching my baby do something new… I don’t get that very often any more.” Her words made Jack blush. “Good luck!” She gave her son a tight hug, and I was quick to accept the one she offered me as well, before we made our way backstage.
I was bewildered by Jack’s calm attitude while we watched people from behind the cover of the offstage curtains. He seemed so patient and relaxed. I on the other hand, was fiddling with everything I could. When he noticed, he grabbed my hand, and he didn’t stop holding it, even as the next blackout came and we were stepping out on stage. It worried me when Jack still didn’t let go, even as we were trying to get set. And I realized that he was as nervous as I was. Just more reserved about it. It was gutsy, but I turned to press a kiss to his cheek before I pulled my hand from his own, and reset myself.
I heard an ‘awww.’
I smiled.
I knew it was Ellen.
It was a different world when the lights came up. It was a world I shared with Jack. A more mature world, to a song we two loved but emotionally knew nothing about. Jenny said our chemistry and passion made it look like we did know.
When Jack wrapped his arm around my back and I dropped to hang there -folded backwards like a towel on a rack that was his arm- he walked me across the stage and I couldn’t help but lift my head to look up into his eyes. He could drop me. But I knew he wouldn’t.
And when I got the chance to travel around him and turn his body into mine, I gave him every physical signal I could that he was doing a good job, even as his eyes searched mine for approval. I held his face as he stepped forward, and I, back.
He held my hips. I held his hands. He holds my body. I hold his heart.
Dance is a different type of communication. But there was a type I knew we were better at, and in one song I’d managed to fall deeper in love with him.
When the lights dimmed, and I froze in his arms, we were quietly heaving for breath. He’d learned to stop holding it.
His eyes flickered to my lips. Mine told him, ‘not here.’
He kissed me anyway.
When he pulled away, we were breaking out into huge smiles, and I grabbed his hand to drag him off the stage.
“We did it!” I jumped into Jack’s arms the moment we got behind the curtain, and he held on for dear life.
“I’m never doing this again!” His words caught me off guard, and my brow furrowed in question as he put me down. “I thought I was gonna throw up.”
I realized what he meant, and I chuckled softly.
“You were so pretty out there,” he whispered as we made our way out of the backstage area, stepping back out into the dimly lit hall.
I turned to face Jack and placed my hand at the nape of his neck. I brought his lips in for another short and sweet kiss.
“You’re a trouble maker. You know that?” I whispered.
“My mom’s probably got a million pictures of us,” he tried to change the subject, but my quick wit got us back on track.
“Probably a million of us kissing too.”
“Oh god..” he sounded devastated, but I knew he wasn’t.
“Consequences of your actions, bud.” I gently patted his chest and pulled away. “Very risqué move out there.”
“We’ve had others.” His mischievous smile made me roll my eyes.
We have had others.
“Come on.” I led him back to one of the empty classrooms used as a makeshift waiting from for the rest of the company. We sat there side by side for the rest of the recital, occasionally talking, occasionally scrolling through our phones. Every once and a while, Jack would turn to me and kiss me. It helped pass the time a lot faster.
When the recital was over, Jack and I were slipping on our shoes and gathering our things. Despite this being my event, he seemed more eager to get us out there to see family and friends. He dragged me behind him as we entered the auditorium, searching for his family before we caught sight of Quinn talking to one of his own friends. When Ellen spotted us, she was beaming. And waving.
Jack and I quickly closed the distance between ourselves and his family. Ellen hugged me first this time, and I couldn’t help but laugh at Jack’s gasp.
“Greeting my girlfriend before me,” Jack mumbled, surprise flashing across his face when Jimmy pulled him into his side.
“Proud of you guys.” Jack shared a look with his father, before giving the man an actual hug. Ellen was quick to reach into the seat in front of her, pulling out two bouquets of flowers.
“Quinn thought you both needed flowers.” She explained as Jack pulled away from his father.
“Oh my-“ Jack paused, turning to look for his brother before Ellen tapped his shoulder, turning his attention back to her.
“Not now, Jack.”
We got a few pictures with the flowers, and Ellen got a few of us when we weren’t looking. I congratulated a few of the girls I was friends with on their performances, greeted some friends I knew that had attended, and had a few pictures taken with my mother, who Jack helped me find.
After that, Jack convinced his father to let us take the spare car out for ice cream. Jack argued with Luke for a good ten minutes about not going before Ellen told the youngest to let it go, and Quinn informed Luke that they’d go on their own.
I couldn’t have been bothered to feel bad for the other two boys. Jack spent our evening after the dance in the parking lot of an ice cream shop, giggling and joking back and forth in the car. Sharing another moment, where it was only us in the world.
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lvckyyz · 3 months
Hello, I really like your blog and I am a fan of Rick Riordan's stories, especially everything related to Camp Half-Blood. I was wondering if you could write which weapons handle the best or fit the most in the 20 cabins there are. I hope you could write it. Thank you very much for reading me and for continuing to write on your blog. ;D
power is…magic
how i think cabin 20’s powers and battle skills would be
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i think they’d prefer use daggers instead of normal swords
their powers already give them strong offensive strength so the weapons would be used as a defense if they ever fight against someone stronger than them, or are not able to use their powers
they’d use spells to make their weapons stronger or have an special effect on their enemies
they don’t need/have shields but will carry one to battle just in case they need it
mostly related to witchcraft since their mother is the goddess of magic and witchcraft🤷‍♀️
they’re able to manipulate the mist and use it to create illusions to mortals and monsters
hecate’s kids can create two “clones” of themselves, just like their mother, and control them to do whatever they want
thanks to hecate, cabin 20 is full of witchcraft books so her children can learn more about their own powers
they can manipulate almost every element of nature, especially fire
their powers gets stronger during the night or if they are in contact with nature
some of them can talk to some animals like cats and crows
in battle
children of hecate could be in both offensive or defensive roles in a battle.
they’d rather stay at the back of the field and only attack when they’re requested to
hate being in a leader position
are usually the ones who end fights
cabin 20 gets divided in three groups during battles: offensive , defensive and helpers.
children of hecate in the offensive team are the ones who are the strongest or the ones with the most skills, not necessarily being able to control their power
the ones in the defensive team have more control over their powers and can manage to keep calm under pressure
the helpers are the ones who joins cabin 7 to take care of the injured demigods and heal them quickly
whoever have cabin 20 don’t even need to worry about losing because they are definitely some of the strongest demigods out there.
⤷ author’s note:
heyy, thank you for your request, i thought it was too short so i decided to write some more about their skills, hope you don’t mind!
guys i’m really sorry for taking so long to post again but school has been so stressful🥹 anyway, this is not my best work but i hope is not really horrible!
thank you for 250 followers💞
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writingfool001 · 3 months
What Really Matters
Author's Note: I decided to keep this one and delete the old one later. I like this one better.
 Due to the culture of looking down on half-bloods in the wizarding world, I can picture Newt!MC sympathizing with Sebek about his internalized racism as they had seen multiple Slytherins act the way he does in order to hide the fact that they're either a half-blood or a muggle born. It'll be touching if while Newt!MC is explaining their world to Sebek they touch upon the blood status subject and bring up example of half-bloods being just as exceptional as any regular magician.
Pairing: Newt!MC x Sebek (Platonic or romantic)Warning: Newt!MC is based off of Newt Scamander, mostly dialogue, short.
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You've met many people on your travels, different races, ethnicities, and so on. Compared to your fellow wizards, you would treat everyone you met with decency unless you saw a valid reason not to. Ever since you arrived at NRC, there were few who didn't let anyone doubt their magical abilities due to their background. Yet there was a certain first year, in your flying class, who often called you human and would talk about humans or about Malleus being superior. Overtime, you learned more about his lineage and how he himself was half human himself which made you thought perhaps that is what fed into his usual behavior. 
“Sebek, I didn’t know your dad was a dentist?” You started out as we were studying. 
“Why would that be important as of right now?” he told, looking up from his homework. 
“You always ask me questions; wouldn’t it be fair if I could not do the same to you?” 
He glared a bit as his eyebrow twitched a bit before speaking. 
“...yes, he is.” 
“Such a fascinating job, he must be quite special.” 
“He’s just a magic-less human dentist.” 
"So, what? His magical ability does not change the fact that he is special. I presume your mother holds him in a high regard." 
"She does, though I do not entirely understand why." He grumbled as he wrote out his notes. 
"She likely saw him for who he was rather than the lack of magic." You suggested, only for him to scoff at it.  
"That does not take away from the fact that he does not have magic." 
"That does not make him any less important besides, do you care about having magic that much?" 
"Yes, or else I would be weak, it would've been easier if my father wasn't magicless." 
It was a little surprising to hear Sebek be somewhat open with you considering how he's usually yelling at you and such throughout the day, but it was nice. It also showed some of his insecurities about himself. 
"There have been many extraordinarily talented people I have met. Many of them being half-blooded magicians that have been more exceptional than the sum purebloods magicians." You start "I do not judge on one's magical capability or who they're related to which you should learn to do as well. Each to their own." 
  “You won’t see me differently for my blood?” He asked as you shook head before he let out a hearty loud laugh. “I don’t believe you.”  
“I remember my first friend outside of school was a young man who was very passionate about baking and didn’t have any magical talent. I still hold him dear in my heart as he's passionate about baking. I envied how easy it was for him to talk to others while I struggled with it. He's one of the most extraordinary people I met.” You smiled gently as you recalled your dear friend. 
“He didn’t have any magic?” 
“He had some, but he was considered magicless by most and he was fine with that. It didn’t matter if he had any magical talents or not, it mattered that he was passionate, something I admire.” 
You both sat there for a while before you packed your books and notes up then got up. Before leaving, you turn to him. 
“Don’t let your lineage or magic be how you define yourself. It’s the passion that is what makes someone like you the way you are. You’re Sebek to me. Just remember that.”  
You turned on your way and left. The next couple of days, you noticed a small pep in Sebek’s step and how extra loud he was during flying practice. It's good to see some things don't change. 
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wrenreid · 9 months
Off Limits
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Part Twenty-Seven
My freshman year of high school, I was put into a junior level government class. I was only in there because it was the only class that fit into my schedule other than ag classes I couldn’t have been less interested in. I didn’t talk much in the class because everyone was older than me, and they thought I was a kiss up because i always made good grades. I didn’t particularly love the class, but of course, I still did my work and did it well.
Toward the end of the year, we did a mock trial. We drew for positions within the trial, mr flynn the judge. I drew attorney.
The case was a business lawsuit, I was the lawyer who was going against the business for their supposed cruel acts.
Mr. Flynn told us that we would receive extra credit if we dressed up, so me, a fourteen year old with a desperate need for academic validation, borrowed one of my mother’s pencil skirts and a suit jacket from my dad. I looked like a mini Aaron Hotchner, even my mom said so.
I remember preparing for the trial for at least a week, being a little excited about the project. I wanted to win the case, especially since I was, as I believed, on the right side of the law.
My opposing attorney was Noah Kincaid. He was a smart but cocky kid who also cared about winning the trial.
I remember standing up from my desk when is was my turn to ask questions to the kid under oath. I felt as though I had stepped into myself for the first time. It was just a mock trial that lasted half an hour, but I felt proud and confident. I was good at it.
Mr. Flynn pulled me aside after class and told me I should consider law school in the future. He said, and I quote, “The way you handled yourself was the most confident and concise I’ve ever seen in a student. You surprised me, Hotchner.”
I didn’t take it to offense that he said my skills surprised him. In his defense, he’d only heard me talk when I turned in a paper or answered a question, which the latter was usually rare since I didn’t particularly like to “show off” in front of juniors who already thought I was a kiss ass.
I did, however, take his first sentence as a compliment. I was confident and my statements and questions were concise.
I smiled, nodded, thanked him, then left. A lawyer was not on my top five career choices at the time. I didn’t want people to think I was doing it because of my father. I was definitely not. But after some research and a few binge watches of crime shows, I knew I actually did want to be an attorney. Not because of my father but almost in spite of him.
My dad quit his job as a lawyer and took the job Agent Gideon offered him at the BAU. I resented him for it, still do, but that’s besides the point. He wasn’t around much in my most influential years, and at fourteen, I decided I would be a lawyer, and if I happened to have a family, I wouldn’t take a new job that prevented me from being there for them.
So now, I’m currently four weeks away from grad school and three years away from the BAR. And I’m going to rock the shit out of them both. Because I can and because I’m determined. It’s also way less about my unresolved daddy issues now than it was in high school and even some of college, it’s a dream of mine.
Spencer has made it his mission to make sure I enjoy the last month of summer as much as I can. He’s taken me out on a million dates like picnics, movies, late night drives around the city and out into the country, and more every chance he gets between cases.
At least now we don’t have to sneak around and lie about our relationship. Though I was prepared to keep this from my dad for however long necessary, I’m pretty glad we accidentally outed ourselves at my graduation dinner.
My dad cooked a big meal for me, some family, friends, and we invited the team too. Spencer and I didn’t even sit near each other. We barely talked the whole dinner just to be safe.
But as love-sick, horny couples do, when we saw an opportunity to take a minute alone, we did just that.
Having your father catch you making out with a guy will never not be awkward, but when the guy happens to be his employee, it’s fucking weird.
Though, I will say, the look on his face was priceless. I’ve hardly seen him have that much emotion on his face.
After a very awkward, flushed-face, and stuttered explanation from Spencer and me, we were able to calm my father down. He was a lot more excepting than I expected; I think he finally realized he can’t dictate my life, and he saw how happy we are together.
The rest of that dinner consisted of a lot of teasing from Derek Morgan, my brother being grossed out by me having a boyfriend, and everyone asking about law school.
I’m excited and anxious to start the rest of my life as a law student. I’ve prepared for this for nearly 8 years now, and I’m getting closer and closer to my dream career. It’s terrifyingly exciting. I’m grateful to have my family and Spencer by my side through all of this.
hey, so this is it for this story! this is also most likely it for my fanfiction in general.
and for a little life update: i started college a month ago, and i’m adjusting to my new life which has been interesting and scary and fun. im also in a healthy relationship and have been for a while which has been pretty amazing. i hope all my mutuals/ readers are doing well. thank you guys for sticking around :)
tags: @pauline5525mgg @theintimatewriter @lilibet261 @greysviolets @jazzymariexoxoc @one-sweet-gubler @thatsonezesty13 @necromaniackat @awhoreforspencerreid @sebs-oxygen @scarredelirium @bts-sugaplum @awesomeness1679 @preciousbabypeter @yazzyu @cynbx @r3idsp3ncer @1010lizz @tiredbut-here @skulzombiw @lena-1895 @eevee0722 @shakespear-picaso-lovechild @daydreamingqueen1 @regulus-black-223048 @virginmusicloverr36 @jazzerbelle14 @kylakins88 @f-me-reid @lovejules888 @marimorena06 @daph-421 @idkusername8787
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justmeinadaze · 1 year
Take It Out On Me Part 11 (Steddie X Plus Size Reader)
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A/N: It's about to go down. Ya'll ready?!
Enjoy <3
Warnings: Dom Steddie & Plus Size Sub Y/N and all that implies (I regret nothing!), Smut and ALL the angst. These three confront the parents and as you can imagine it doesn't go well. Steve's dad is a douchebag and Y/N is referred to as a whore a few times. Eddie gets hit *cries*. He in turn gets a little rough with the reader but Steve intervenes. A bit of a cliffhanger ending... I mean I guess lol I think that's everything!
Word Count: 3335
A heavy sigh escapes your lips as you slowly open your front door and enter your house, Eddie and Steve following close behind. 
Both your parents are standing in the living room and to your surprise so are Steve’s. His dad visibly looks a mess, his hair and suit completely disheveled.
“Oh, Steven!”, his mother exclaims as she runs to give him a hug.
“You can leave.” Your dad gestures towards Eddie.
“I could but I’m not. Do I need to call my uncle so we have everyone who needs to be here present?”
“It’s not like you can call his dad.”, Mr. Harrington sasses under his breath as you angrily glare at him. 
“Mr. Munson, you don’t need to be here. I asked for my daughter to come home with Mr. Harrington here—”
“Yeah well, my understanding is you have a problem with me to so…”, Eddie shrugs. Your dad turns to your mom and whispers something to her before she rises to head for the kitchen to use the phone. “He works at the mill up there. He should be in by now.”
You three sit on the couch as you try to keep your emotions in check. The way everyone is staring at you guys terrifies you but you were also extremely angry, knowing how this conversation was going to play out. No matter what they said, you loved Eddie and Steve. You weren’t leaving them. 
“Wayne said he would be here in 15 minutes.”, your mother notified the room. 
“Good. He can take his nephew when he gets here. Now while we wait, Steven, I’m just going to say this out right, stay away from my daughter. This thing you two have is over.”
“And as for you, you disobeyed us. We told you to stay away from him especially since he’s associated with this one here.”, he points to Eddie. 
“Which ends today to. I don’t want you spending any more time with this freak.”, his dad adds.
“Well, what does it matter, dad? According to you, I’ve already tarnished our name by not making into college, right? I’m too fucking stupid and lazy. Isn’t that what you said?”
“You’re goddamn right! We raised you to be better than this.”
“You didn’t raise him at all!”, you defended. “He’s spent half of high school alone in that big house.”
“Y/N!”, your mother scolds and you immediately fold back into yourself. 
The boys glance your way before looking back down at the floor. “I guess we see now why she was so meek and scared before.”, Eddie softly smiles as he reaches for your hand. 
“Hey! Don’t touch my daughter.”
“I love your daughter! No one has ever cared about me or made me feel the way she does.”
“Wait…”, Steve’s dad rubs his palm over his eyes. “I’m confused. Steve, you told me you were dating Y/N.”
“I am and I love her to.”
“But he just…”
Your eyes meet your mother’s before hers drift towards the ceiling. “Jesus fucking Christ.”
A knock on the door brings everything to a halt and your dad quickly answers it to allow Eddie’s uncle entry. “Get your nephew and get out of my house.”
“Wait. What is happening?”
“You to, Bill! Get your son and leave. It’s obvious we need to have a long talk with our child.”
“We can talk as long as you want, dad, but that’s not going to change how I feel. I love them to and after we graduate, we’re moving in together.”
“Huh…well that explains some things.”, Wayne smirks as he looks at all the other adults in the room. “I mean I had a feeling but didn’t want to assume.”
“You’re ok with this?!”, your mom shrieks. 
“Yeah, I mean… they aren’t doing anything wrong. They aren’t a gang or something. They’re three people in love. It’s nice and rare at such a young age.”
“Exactly! ‘Young age’! You three are way too young to understand what you are feeling!”
“ENOUGH!”, your dad booms as all conversation ceases. “This is over.”, he points his index finger towards you. “End it now. As long as you are under my roof, you will follow my rules. You are not allowed to see either of these boys again.”
“You can’t keep us from her.”, Eddie responds as he grips your hand tighter. 
“I sure fucking can! I’ll call the cops! I’ll send her to live with family in other states! I’ll—”
“You’ll call the cops and tell them what? Your daughter is spending time us? And you can send her anywhere you want, no matter what, we would follow her.”, Steve interrupts reaching for your hand as well. 
“Steven Harrington, you think about this now. If you insist on staying with this…whore…I will cut you off—”
“Hey now.”, Wayne cuts in. “No need to be rude or disrespectful. If you say something like that again, I’m ending this and taking all three of them back to my home.”
As Eddie’s uncle spoke, your eyes scanned your parents. Their angry eyes were staring into a void they seemed to stuck in. What killed you most was while Wayne defended you, your mom and dad remained silent, seemingly agreeing with Steve’s father. To them…you were a whore.
“Cut me off, dad. I don’t care. I’ve spent my whole life trying to impress you and be what you wanted me to be. Now I just want to figure out who I am and I want to do it with this woman here. I may not be the best student, man, or even fucking son but I am good at taking care of baby girl here.”
“Do you agree with his dad?”, you blurted your question as you addressed your family. “Do you two think I’m a slut?”
“What-what are we supposed to think, Y/N?”, your mother stutters. 
“It’s not like I’m-I’m opening my legs for all of Hawkins! I’m in a relationship with these two. I—”
“Stop it, Y/N.”, your dad warns.
“No!”, you suddenly rise to your feet. “I’ve never done anything wrong or given you two any reason to worry before. You both always said I was smart and knew how to make my own choices! Why is this ONE suddenly wrong?”
“Sit. Down. Y/N.”
“Sweetheart…” Eddie tries to pull at your hand to get your attention, getting to his feet as well. He recognizes that look and tone from your father; he’s seen it before on his own. 
“Dad, they are both so good to me. If you just got to know them—”
As your dad’s arm rears back, the metalhead slides between you two, taking the slap that was meant for you. Wayne moves forward as Steve stands, tugging you behind him. 
“We’re done here. I’m taking them to my trailer until Steve and Y/N feel safe coming home if at all.”, Wayne growls.
“You can’t do that.”
“Oh, I assure you I can. Unless you want to call Hopper down here so we can explain to him how you just assaulted my nephew.” His uncle reaches for Eddie’s arm and guides him towards the front door. “You kids get a head start. I’ll be right behind you.”
Without speaking, the three of you exit the house and quickly move to Eddie’s van. 
“Do you want me to drive?”, Steve asks.
The metalhead shakes his head, opening the passenger door for you before slamming it shut. As he begins the drive back to the trailer, you start replaying everything in your head. You knew your parents weren’t going to approve of this relationship but you never expected them to be this angry to the point where your dad would react the way that he did. 
 Eddie got hurt, Steve was cut off, you and he didn’t have a home anymore. Then everything that happened last night… this is all my fault… 
You tried to hide the tears that flowed as you curled into the window. After a while, the trailer came into view but even after the man parked no one moved. You glanced over at the driver, suddenly realizing his chest was rising and falling rapidly. 
“Eddie… are you okay?”
Steve followed your eye line as he shifted to the other side of the van. “Munson. It’s okay, man. You’re okay.”
Eddie’s eyes shut as his mouth opened to release a loud scream as he repeatedly hit at his steering wheel. His hair blocked his face as his head hung to his chest. The driver’s side door gradually opened as Wayne leaned against it, reaching for his nephew’s arm. 
“Come on, son. You’re okay.”
Gently, he tugged his nephew out and the rest of you followed suit. As you entered the trailer, you and Steve sat on the couch while Eddie’s uncle looked him over. 
“He got you pretty good but…it would have probably done way more damage to her. That was a brave thing you did, Eddie.” The metalhead’s shoulders deflate as he exhales. “You two are welcome to stay here as long as you need to. Y/N, I can give you some cash and after school tomorrow you and the boys can go into town so you can buy some essentials.”
“I’m sorry…”
Wayne came over and bent down on his heels beside you. “You have no reason to be sorry, honey. You are not a whore; you’ve done nothing wrong. Okay?” He smiles when you nod. “Ed, I have to get back to work. Are you three going to be alright?”
“Yeah, we’ll be fine.”
As his uncle straightens up, he reaches over to pat Steve’s shoulder. Once he leaves, Eddie abruptly turns and heads for his room. You two trail after him, finding him in a chair with a cigarette dangling from his lips as he tries to light it. 
“Fucking…piece of shit…lighter…”, he growls before angrily throwing it to the floor. 
Slowly, you place yourself in front of him, extending your hand out to run your fingers through his hair. Eddie sighs again as he leans forward and rests his forehead on your stomach. 
“I’m…thank you…” The tears start flow again as you hug him to you. His hands glide up to your lower back as his lips press against your tummy. The metalhead’s eyes glance up to meet yours for the first time since you left your parents house and the pain you found within them killed you. It was like the man now was fighting with the scared little boy he was back then, trying to remind himself that he was in control. You lean down to kiss his lips before nodding you head, whispering against them. “Use me.”
With incredible strength, Eddie lifted you under your arms and all but threw you onto his bed. He tore off your clothes, rapidly trying to do the same with his own. After opening your legs, he spit into cunt, gripping the base of his cock and guiding himself roughly into your body. His hips pounded aggressively into yours as he remained pushed up on his palms, long hair blocking his face from your view. As you reached up to move it out of the way, his hand flew to your wrist, pinning it flat to the mattress. 
You winced at the feeling of each hard thrust; he had never been this rough with you before. He began muttering things under his breath you could barely hear as you caught every other word. 
“Fucking…asshole…I could…knock him…out.”
“S-sir?”, you whimpered as Steve knelt by the bed, scanning your face.
“Color, honey?”
“Yellow, Da-daddy.”
“Eddie, she needs a minute.”
“They think…tell me…what to do…no. I’m…in control.” Your eyes widen as his hand suddenly flies to your throat, gripping it hard between his fingers.
“Eddie! Stop!” Steve quickly shoves him back and he tumbles off you, releasing you from his hold. “Y/N, are you ok?”
You cough as you try to catch your breath. 
“Fuck. F-fuck, Y/N. Sweetheart, I’m so fucking sorry. I didn’t even hear you. I…fuck!”, he shouts as he hits the trailer wall with his fist. 
You glance over at him before looking up Steve, assuring him you were alright. “Take these off, Daddy.” You tug at his shirt collar and he nods, rising to his feet.
“Don’t. Don’t touch me. I don’t want to hurt you again.”, Eddie’s voice shakes as you turn and place your hand on his chest. 
“Do you trust me?”, you whisper.
“Yeah, I just…don’t trust myself.”
Leaning forward, you tenderly kiss his lips as you push him carefully on to his back and straddle his waist. “I do, Master.”
A moan escapes his beautiful lips at the title, his palms coming to rest on your thighs as you carefully slide his cock into your entrance. Balancing above him on your hands, you grind your hips as you tilt your upper half closer to his chest.
“You’re always so protective of me. I feel so safe with you and Daddy.”
Steve climbs on to the bed behind you as you crane you neck to watch him spit in his hand and stroke it along his length. His eyebrows raise as if to ask if you’re ready and you subtly nod, allowing him to grab your waist and push himself into your ass. 
Once again, you felt so full by both of them immediately, moaning at the delicious stretch of them inside of you. Steve’s arms came into your field of view as his chest pressed against your back and his hands rest near yours against the mattress. 
Your eyes rolled as he began rolling his hips into yours, panting against your skin. 
“You both feel so good. Oh my god… Please, Sir. I NEED you to move.”
“You need me, princess?”
Eddie licks his lips as his hips thrust upwards eliciting a loud moan from you both. Steve leans back onto to his knees, guiding your movements with his palms as he glances between your bodies.
“F-fuck, baby. You take us both so well.”
The metalhead nods underneath you, agreeing with his friend. “Such a good girl.”
“Mmm—use me. Fill me up, please. I need you to. I need to—mmm-- feel you cum inside me.”
Eddie’s fingers reach up to caress your face before gripping the back on your neck, bringing your lips to his. 
“I love you, Y/N. You are safe with us. I’d never—God—I’d never let anyone hurt you like that.” His glassy, blown out eyes lock with yours as he pumps into you harder. Steve tries to match his pace, slamming his hips into yours. 
“Oh fuck, fuck, fuck.” Your pussy clenches around him as you cum. Eddie grunts below you at the feeling, clinging to your waist as he follows you.
The other boy holds you against his chest as he chases his high, his arms holding you tightly as he thrusts his spend into your body. 
Without a word, they each gradually pull out of you making you hiss and wince at the slight sting. The metalhead gently takes your hand and walks you towards his shower. After cleaning you and making sure you were comfortable, he places you back on the mattress in front of Steve who casually begins brushing your hair. 
“Wayne doesn’t need to give you too much cash. I, um, I bought some stuff and have them here for when you spend the night like that brush.”, Eddie gestures towards Steve. “We just need to find you some clothes more than anything. In a couple days, maybe my uncle can talk your parents into letting you swing by to get your stuff. You may have to wait till we find an apartment to bring everything… Trailer is kind of small.”, he smiles. 
You fingers reach out to move some of his hair back so you can see his face. 
“I’m really fucking sorry, princess. I didn’t mean to… Your dad hit me and I just felt like a boy again, you know? I got lost in my brain.”
“It’s okay. I understand. I genuinely do. I’m sorry he hit you.”
“I’m sorry for my dad to…talking down to both of you like that.”, Steve sighs. “You’re not a whore, Y/N. That goes without saying but…”, he chuckles. “I know you like to be called that in bed—”
“By you two. But even then, when you say it, I know you don’t mean it like they do.”
They nod at your statement, each man leaning in to kiss your lips. The rest of the night, they kept an extra close eye on you; making sure you were fed and comfortable before falling asleep in their arms. While Eddie leaned out his bedroom window smoking a cigarette, you shot up in bed, grabbing your heart as you panted. 
“Hey! Whoa, sweetheart. It’s ok, you’re ok. It was just a nightmare.”
Silently, your head feel back against the pillow as you sobbed. He tossed the end of his smoke out into the yard, closing the window, and enveloping you in his arms. The metalhead tenderly kissed your forehead as you rolled over, pressing your face into his bare chest. 
“I know, baby. It’s ok. I’ve got you. Master’s here for you.”
That following morning, Eddie gave you a shirt to wear so you could at least have on something different than yesterday. All eyes felt like they were on you as you three climbed out of his van and headed for the campus. 
“Is it just me or are there more eyes on us than normal?”
“Well, King Steve did just show up with the freak so I imagine there’s a lot of gossip there.”
You squinted towards the metalhead, pursing your lips. “I hate when you call yourself that. You aren’t a freak.”
“Y/N?”, Masie called as she waved you to her locker. 
“We’ll see you in class, alright? Everything is okay.”, Steve soothes as he tenderly pets your head. 
“Hey Maze. What’s going on?”
“I was going to ask you that.” Your best friend takes a few steps closer to you as she lowers her voice. “Is it true that you’re fucking Steve Harrington AND Eddie Munson?”
“I—what—I mean—where did you hear that?”, you ask as you stumble over your words. 
“Y/N, Mr. Harrington went to the bar last night talking about how you ‘corrupted his son’ and how delusional the three of you are. The whole town knows about it. Is-is it true? I mean I know you spend a lot of time with them but I thought they were just friends.”
“I…um… what if I was in a relationship with them both? Would that be so wrong?”
Masie’s eyes widen as she takes a step back from you. “I-I-I don’t know what to say.”
Your eyes begin to water as you slowly back away. “No. I completely understand. Um, take your time and I’m just, um, going to go to class.”
“Y/N, WAIT!”, she screams after you as you run away from her down the hallway. You don’t stop till you’re outside your first classroom which is currently being blocked by students.
“Move! Everyone out of my way!”, Mr. C pushes through the crowd and you follow close behind. 
A couple of boys were on the floor wrestling with Steve and Eddie. The desks were pushed out of the way and blood had already began staining the linoleum. A few other teachers with campus security ran in pulling everyone apart. 
“What is going on?!”, your teacher shrieked. “Mr. Munson? Mr. Harrington? Care to enlighten me?”
They were furious, you could see it reflecting in their beautiful eyes even as they tried to avoid your gaze. Another student finally piped up and pointed towards the blackboard where you and Mr. C quickly turned to look. 
In big bold letters, written in yellow chalk read the words, “Y/N Y/L/N. CLASS SLUT OF 1984.”
@manda-panda-monium @sherrylyn628 @needylilgal022
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@wroteclassicaly @fireeyes-on-teller-dixon-grimes
@siriuslysmoking @raptorbait529 @miarosso
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endereies · 2 months
Fuck it - Matt Sturniolo - Part 7
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Spotify playlist:
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Summary: Fem!oc x Matt Sturniolo
Growing up with parents who make her feel isolated, what happens when she meets Matt. A person who introduces her to new people, new experiences and new feelings.
Authors notes:
This chapter was so hard to write and for why :,)
Warnings: swearing, isn't proofread, so sorry for any mistakes
Word count: 2489
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6
“Is this something we are meant to do?”
“Fuck it.”
Alyia pov:
I groaned, burying myself under the warm covers, hiding myself from the rays of lights that had started to creep through my curtains. My arms rested above my head, finger-combing my hair gently trying to find a small way to pass the time. Another morning of pure silence wasn’t one I was willing to opt for. I sigh and reach my arm over to grab my headphones, and take them out of the case. My phone lay next to them and I connect my headphones to my phone as I scroll through Spotify. One of my old playlists grabs my attention and I put it on to shuffle.
Softcore – The Neighbourhood
I make sure that the volume is high enough that I can’t hear anything else around me clearly. The music distracts me from any other silence in my house, but this time it isn’t necessary. I walk down stairs drowsily while rubbing my eyes somewhat. Once I get to the bottom of the stairs, I notice my parents both sat down on the sofa, my father preparing some eggs in a bowl and my mother applying some makeup. I look around and notice bags of suitcases around the sofa and I know they must have only arrived this morning.
“Ally! There you are. I was beginning to think you had forgotten about school.” I can barely make out my father’s words, still having my headphones in my ear. I take them out, however, so that I could talk to him.
“Father…When did you two get home...?” I walk towards him, giving him a side hug while he pours the eggs into a pan.
“Only about an hour ago, but due to time zones, we slept on the plane.” He tries to focus on his words but he quiets himself to focus on the food. I simply change my attention over to my mother.
“Did you have a good trip, mother.” I speak more bluntly towards her, adapting a cold attitude which she instantly matches.
“Not now Alyia. I’m busy” Yet her version of busy obviously only meant her eyeliner and I roll my eyes.
“Scarlett, we have been gone a week, at least greet our daughter.” My face scrunches up whilst a sour expression grows on my mother’s face.
“Hello, Alyia. The trip was fine and the contract went well” She places her make up on the counter, still limiting her eyesight to the products sprawled over the table.
“Yes, the contract, I told you I ha-“
“No, mother. I wasn’t aware…” I mumble quietly but it’s enough her to drop her brush harshly and she finally turns to face me.
“What have I said about interrupting me, Alyia.” Her tone is angered and makes me break eye-contact with her.
I only go silent and face the ground under my feet. I blinked repeatedly, trying to get rid of the tears that pricked at my eyes.
This was pathetic that such a small sentence could affect me so much.
“So now you have nothing to say to me? Just go and get ready for school alright.” I normally would try and argue back but I simply wasn’t in the mood to fight today.
I had tried to distract myself with designing an outfit for school but considering half of it was mother’s brand, that grew hard quick. A simple white shirt is covered by a bold red tie that hung loosely around my neck, barely remaining under my collar. Then, it’s tucked into a tartan plaid skirt with a black belt tightening it to my waist. The sharp red complimented my brunette hair which I had put into a ponytail with my curtain bangs subsided, behind my ears. I grab an old pair of doc martins and slip my feet into them, no longer caring about the leather creasing whenever I step on the heel.
I just grab my headphones and place them back in my ears. I change over my school books and throw some main products like my keys in the front pocket and run back downstairs, slamming the door as I leave the house.
The day had barely started and I was in a sour mood. My parents were gone for a week and the most I get from my mother is a petty argument. At least my father had the decency to look at me when he spoke. Music wasn’t helping my mood as much since Mitski has started to play through.
The bus was late again but that wasn’t a surprise, they were always unreliable. I could easily get my license; I practically already have a car…or two. But the bus makes me feel more natural. My parents run fashion designs, but I don’t want to flaunt any money around like everything is expendable. I picked out what I wanted within reason and anything else of mine went into savings and my friends, mostly Jenny.
Thankfully the hallways were reasonably empty, I wasn’t in the mood to talk to anyone. I simply make my way to the music room as quick as I could. All I wanted to do was play music and focus on anything other than mother’s words, but getting to my locker was first.
For once I was grateful for my parent’s money as it allowed me to keep my guitar in my locker with the added space inside, even if I had to constantly rearrange it around my books and other equipment. It takes me a moment but I manage to shift around all my belongings so I can remove my guitar. Once I do I lean it against the locker door next to me to free my hand and pick up a few makeup products from the floor. However, when I bend down to pick it up the guitar’s weight starts to shift and slams on the tiles below, echoing a light strum from the force. I grimace and close my eyes as an exasperated sigh leaves my lips. The case slides across the floor when I pull it closer and I slam my locker door shut.
It slings over my shoulder and I’m finally on track to the music room.
I take my seat down on the leather sofa and lean back with my head against the wall and finally exhale deeply. My hands quickly find the cable for my guitar and fidget with it between my fingers trying to untie it.
The door opens beside me and I don’t even bother to check who it is and I just plug my cable into my guitar.
“Good morning, Alyia” Matt’s voice is immediately bright and fills the room around me.
“Mhm…” I simply hum in response, still not looking up to him. I wasn’t in the mood to appease him after the rough morning I have been having.
“Alyia?” His body tilts down to face me more directly.
“Yeah?” I finally look up to face him and try to avoid looking pissed off so that I can change the subject.
“You alright?” I only nod at him, knowing my attitude would stem through my words.
He doesn’t push anything any further and sits on the stool behind the drums and takes his drumsticks out of his back pocket. His hand grips the bottom of the stool and drags it across the flooring, immediately proceeding to tap the skin on the drums lightly.
“You wanna play Dark Red again or…Rise?” Matt’s voice drags on as he simultaneously tries to decide on a song.
I take a deep sigh and just strum on my guitar, tuning one of the strings as soon as it doesn’t match within my chord. I lack any response to Matt, spending my time on tuning instead. The silence is awkward but at this point, I wasn’t bothered. Those seconds drag on internally and I try to relax myself in to the melody of my guitar. Rise is decided quickly in my head as I begin to pick at the strings to produce a chord.
Matt quickly catches on to the song but is still caught of guard by the time he is meant to start drumming and he speeds up in order to catch up.
“O-okay Rise it is…”
As the song progresses, I gradually speed up my pace to the song, subconsciously playing faster counts of eight in my head. Initially, Matt doesn’t notice the increase in pace. But, the more he plays, he starts to miss one or two beats and looks up towards me occasionally, trying to read my expressions.
I don’t even get to the end of the song before I give up with it, holding my guitar tight in my left arm but letting my right one drop to the side of my leg.
“Okay, what is up with you today.” Matt’s voice is sterner towards me and I do my best not to link it to my mother’s.
“Nothing, Matt. I’m fine.”
“Oh? Are we doing this again. Firstly, you have been cold towards me, barely speaking any full sentences. Then, you speed up the song and don’t even finish it before you stop in frustration. And finally you seem so much more shut off, just like when you stayed over my house.” He pauses and walks towards me, leaning down to face me.
“So, Alyia. I’ll ask again. What is up with you?.”
As much as I didn’t want to tell Matt, when he brought up the night in his kitchen, all I could think about was what he said to me.
“I want to know you.”
I practically freeze in my spot and he rubs his neck softly and drags his palm up and down his arm lightly.
“You do?”
“You doubted that?”
“Don’t act like you didn’t know that, I stay to practise with you when I can, I make extra meetings for the English project simply because they typically end with us hanging out over a movie or something.” He starts to walk closer. “I want to be your friend Alyia. Besides you are one of the only friends I have that Nick hasn’t shit talked right away and that Chris feels comfortable being himself around.”
“I am?”
“You are. And frankly you are fucking awesome at guitar, don’t think those mornings are gonna stop any time soon.”
“I want to be your friend Alyia.” He gives me a genuine smile but I give him a tight-lipped weak one back.
“If you don’t want to talk, I get it, but you don’t have to restrict yourself, okay?” I can only nod in response but he only repeats himself. “Okay?”
“Fine…” I lay my guitar at my feet and look down from Matt.
“Are you going to tell me, for real?” He takes a seat down next to me and looks at my face, reading my body language.
“I might as well, I have known you several months and you haven’t given me any reason to not trust you. It might also be better to have a new perspective than just Jenny.” I lean back into my chair as an attempt to calm my body down.
“Well, thank you...That does mean a lot.” He speaks through a breathy laugh and faces away from me and towards the drum kit he just left.
“Okay, uh shit how do I start…” I take a deep breath and internally analyse my situation, figuring out the best ‘script’ in my had that allows me to express the most.
“You know how whenever we go around to my house and do anything, my parents are never home and things are so bare apart from my own material?” I scan Matt’s face but he is hard to read in comparison to me so he nods in acknowledgement. “Well…they are never home because they are at meeting or business trips that take them across the world. My mother is a fashion designer and my father arranges all of the meetings and background things.”
“I guess that makes sense. Do they call you with updates or anything” I can only shake my head in response.
“Not really, my dad tries to but with so many calls from management to models and stuff, it only ends in voicemails. You would think when they get back they would think to update you on, y’know…their life. But no. My father wants to sit down with me and talk about the trips and the small details that you would never normally care about, yet my mother interrupts or gives him things to do.” My sentences start to ramble and I breath in quickly once I finish.
“It was just so different this morning, normally I can handle the shit my mother gives me but it felt like she hated me this morning. She fucking shut me down and told me to stop interrupting her as if that wasn’t all she ever did herself. She hadn’t seen me in a week and yet her eyeliner was far too important to trade…It feels so pathetic that she feels so low of me.”
Matt falls silent next to me and continues to face away from me.
“Alyia…I’m so sorry” His arm snakes around and lingers on my shoulder but once I flinch slightly, he jolts his hand back and places it back on his lap.
“It isn’t your fault Matt; in fact you have helped me.”
“I have? How?”
“By actually being there, after you leave my house, it actually feels like the place was lived in and not a decoration to flaunt.” I start to admit things to Matt that I wasn’t planning on telling him for months but it simply felt like I wasn’t restricted. He was right, I didn’t have to be.
“Alyia…I’m only being your friend”
“I don’t exactly have many of those, I fucking lack in social skills.” I try and lighten the mood but I’m only met with a tight-lipped smile back.
“You can always stay at my place whenever you need company?” He shrugs next to me and I can easily pick up on the sincerity in his voice. I look up at him, not even realising the smile that automatically grows on my face.
“And I don’t want to hear that ‘I don’t want to bother you’ shit because that’s the last thing you do.” His words halt as he processes his words.
“Thanks Matt. Really, other than Jenny I don’t exactly have anyone.”
His palm finds its way to my knee and rubs my leg slightly, his head nodding at me softly and we stay in silence for a moment.
“We should probably start to play music again...” I perk up and he snaps out from zoning out and immediately removes his hand and stands up.
“Right! Right. Yeah, you want to try Rise again.?”
@melliflws @axolotllover225 @yuhayeee @st7rnioioss @sturn-bugz @sturniolosmind @worldlxvlys @patscorner @breeloveschris @y0urm4m @bernardsbendystraws @junnniiieee07 @mayhem-72
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