#what if Mobius had figured out what was going on and convinced Loki to let him help find a different solution?
We'll Fix It Together
“What the shit are you doing?” “Trust me.” Trust me. Mobius couldn’t believe what he was hearing. Loki was spiraling yet he continued pretending like everything was fine. Mobius knew better. Something was going on that Loki wasn’t telling him and Mobius was going to find out what. Or, a story in which Loki and Mobius work together to find a solution to save the multiverse and everyone in it.
Words: 4,726
Rating: T
Tags: Loki (TV) Season 2 Spoilers, Fix-It, Angst with a Happy Ending, Whump, Loki Needs a Hug (Marvel), Loki Gets a Hug (Marvel), Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Happy Ending, Temporary Character Death, Time Loop, Mobius figures out what's going on, power of friendship saves the day, everyone gets their happily ever after
Mobius M Mobius had learned long ago to expect the unexpected with Loki. He was a god of seemingly never-ending talents but there was one talent Mobius was sure Loki didn’t possess. Loki was not a theoretical physicist. At least he hadn’t been two minutes ago.
“But, Loki,” OB began as they entered the Temporal Loom’s observation deck “Even with Victor’s Throughput Multiplier, the rate of timeline expansion is too-”
“It’s not too expansive,” Loki interjected, answering OB’s question before the technician even had a chance to ask it. “Now that we’ve added the Lorentz device, we’ll be able to match the vacuum expectation values of the Loom, thus lowering the Timelines speed of expansion to near zero.”
“But that’s-”
“Impossible? It’s not. See, the device will allow the Timelines to fluctuate at their lowest energy state, retaining their vibrational motion which– in turn– allows us to stay ahead of the curve, expanding the Loom’s capacity before the expansion rate exceeds the output. It was a brilliant idea, OB, brilliant! Amazing work. It’s going to work this time, I know it.”
This time?
The god continued chattering away, speaking a thousand words a minute and Mobius narrowed his eyes. He’d seen Loki excitable but this was another level. Loki’s shoulders were tense, his breathing quick, and his eyes were bright with what could only be described as manic exhaustion.
Something was off.
“Now, Victor,” Loki exclaimed. “I need you to reroute all the energy from Operations to here, there’s a book of passcodes in the drawer to your right. And- Casey! Casey, what are you doing standing over there? You’re supposed to be next to OB. You know what, doesn’t matter, I need you to-”
Loki was moving too fast. He needed to breathe.
“Loki,” Mobius murmured. He stepped between Loki and Casey, putting a hand on the god’s chest, hoping to still him.
“Casey,” Loki continued, stepping around Mobius and politely shoving aside his hand, “we need to widen the voltage input and invert the temporal decay.”
“What about the ion decoupler?” OB asked.
“It’s fine. We’re gonna route it directly with the primary compartment.”
“Won’t it overheat?”
“No, it's not going to overheat ‘cause we’re going to allow it to interface with Timely’s adaptive exponential computing system. Those upgrades will allow the Loom to scale the capacity to manage the branches. The rings,” Loki made a circle with his hands, “the rings are too small, we’re gonna make them bigger. Let’s go!”
Mobius shook his head in disbelief. When had Loki learned all of this? His knowledge of mechanical engineering was on parr with OB’s now.
“Better watch out OB,” Mobius crooned, “looks like someone’s-”
“Someone’s coming for your job! That’s right. OB, watch your back!” Loki finished mockingly like this wasn’t the first time he’d heard Mobius make that joke. He let out a hysterical chuckle.
What. The. Fuck. Something was off. Something was wrong. And Mobius needed to figure out what.
“Casey,” Loki exclaimed, “get the multiplier down to Timely as fast as you can and-”
Mobius grabbed Loki by the lapel of his jacket and yanked the god around.
“What the shit are you doing?” Mobius seethed.
“Trust me,” Loki quipped.
Trust me. Mobius couldn’t believe what he was hearing. Loki was spiraling. There was something going on that he wasn’t telling him and needed to let Mobius in; he needed to explain what the hell was going on. Mobius kept his hands clutched firmly on Loki’s jacket.
“I know what I’m doing.”
Loki turned back to the computer and entered in a code he definitely hadn’t known earlier that day. A chill crept through Mobius as the pieces started coming together.
“Casey,” Loki suddenly barked into the intercom. “Don’t forget to latch his helmet. Latch. His. Helmet. Okay…” Loki wiped at a bead of sweat on his brow with a trembling hand. “And now we reconfigure the locking mechanism– can’t forget to do that again. Alright. Measurements look good. Dock secure. Yes, here we go. It’s gonna work this time.”
This time. There was that phrase again.
Mobius’ heart plummeted to his shoes with a sickening realization. Suddenly, everything made sense: Loki’s timeslipping, his frantic mood, the eerie way he was able to anticipate everybody’s questions before they had a chance to ask them.
Casey came up from the loading dock. “Mr. Timely’s ready.”
“I know.”
I know.
This wasn’t the first time Loki had lived this moment.
Loki moved back to the keyboard.
“Access denied,” a computerized voice sounded overhead. “Password required.”
The only question was how many times had Loki lived this moment.
Mobius put a hand over Loki’s before the god could finish typing in the password. “Loki.”
“Mobius?” Loki flinched. “What are you-”
Read the rest on AO3
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vveris · 7 months
Loki and Sylvie are the same person. Shipping them is weird. Point blank. I’m going to go on a very long tangent but it’s just because I’ve been very passionate about this since the first season.
Before starting this, I’d like to make something very clear. Loki and Sylvie are distinct people with different life experiences and personalities. I get that. However that does not discredit the idea that they’re variations of the same being.
Ok so, let’s start very simply. How do I know they’re same person? Two things
1. Lamentis-1
Something I find most people overlook when claiming Loki and Sylvie are two different beings is Lamentis. Before this episode, it was established that nexus events are undetectable during world ending events, which is why Sylvie could live at the end of the world. But on Lamentis-1, Loki and Sylvie caused an event so unthinkable that they were able to be found by the TVA. That nexus event was them (or at least one of them) developing feelings for the other. Normally you’d imagine that someone developing feelings for someone else wouldn’t be able to cause a nexus event at the end of the world. But since they’re the same entity, falling in love with a variant of yourself is catastrophic.
“But couldn’t it be that the event happened because they’re just from two different universes?”. I can understand that, but Mobius, a man who’s literal job is to know anything there is to know about variants, literally points out how weird it is that Loki fell in love with himself later in the season. But if that’s still not enough to convince you, think about Miles and Gwen. ATSV clearly shows Miles falling for Gwen, and yet they don’t cause a nexus event. Why is that? Because despite being from different universes, they’re not the same being.
2. Speaking of the spiderverse:
Here’s the fun part where I get to explain the difference between a being, a variant and a destiny.
A lot of people who ship Sylki argue the point that if Loki and Sylvie are the same person, then so are Miles and Gwen. …no lol. See Diagram A for a very important explanation.
The base characters are what the movie characters are based off. The characters that branch off are their variants
As you can see, Miles and Gwen do not come from the same base character, but Loki and Sylvie do. Cool so if two characters originate from the same base character, they’re the same!!
Now, often I hear that what makes Loki a Loki is their role/destiny. And yeah! Part of a Loki variant is their destiny, but, destiny isn’t everything.
See the MCU Miles I put on my diagram? I wanted to prove that destiny isn’t what ties variants together. See, MCU Miles isn’t a hero, he’s just a one off comment Donald Glovers character makes. He is not a hero, not a spider person, just a nephew.
Similarly, ITSV’s Gwen and live action Gwen do not share the same role/destiny in their universes. LA Gwen was just a citizen, who died like a lot of her variants. ITSV’s Gwen is the outlier of her variants, her role isn’t to be a spider person, yet she is one anyways.
I’d just like to point out now that the reason King Pens multiverse machine brought Gwen and Peter and the others to Miles’ universe was not because it was reading Miles true DNA, but the unique mutated genes that the spider(pig, in Porkers case) gave the spider people. Idk if that was obvious to others but it took me a couple rewatches to figure that out (+ it help’s discredit the whole “Miles and Gwen are the same” thing.
Overall, Loki Laufeyson and Sylvie Laufeydottir are variations of the same person, even with different personalities and life experiences (because they wouldn’t be variants if they were carbon copies of eachother).
I had more points to make but I literally forgot since it’s been 5 hours since I’ve first got worked up over this. I will update if I remember :)
Ship Sylki all you want, just please don’t ignore how weird it is (and also how one sided and semi toxic it is in general)
Also, I’m so up for discussion as long as y’all are civil about it. I don’t want to argue with people who are passive aggressive or otherwise 👍
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trashpie420 · 6 months
Lokius: Amnesia AU
After the attack on New York, Loki’s punishment is that he should sent to Earth with no memories and no powers to live as a mortal.
With this he is sent to some middle of nowhere suburban town where he is labeled as an amnesia patient and has no records or identification. As Loki struggles to figure out how to survive without his memories, powers and without any knowledgeable skills that could benefit him in the Midgardian world, he comes across Mobius.
Mobius feeling bad that this handsome fellow has no memories, no family and no job offers him a job and even offers to let Loki live with him until he gets back on his feet.
With adjustments Loki starts to improve his skills and even makes friends along the way. He has created a new identity for himself. This Loki is cheerful, loving, sassy yet considerate, humble and even kind. He even volunteers around his community.
However Loki deep done feels like he had some form of greater purpose/life before his current life. That the life he is living isn’t his and that there was something he wanted but he doesn’t know what.
Over time Loki becomes closer with Mobius and the two even form a romantic relationship. Mobius and his two boys accept Loki as a member of the family and have created a new life of their own. With his new live he has become humble and kind.
Odin however has discovered that Loki has grown increasingly better and has learned his lesson. While originally he had planned for Loki to return, he had decided that overlooking Loki’s life he wasn’t given the opportunity to succeed or even be a better person because of him. So he allows Loki to live his own life as a mortal knowing that he is finally happy and can live in peace.
However, Thor hears news of Loki finally bettering himself and how he has managed to overcome his evil nature and wants him to come back home. Thor believes now that he has lived this mortal life, he can return home as his newer better self. Odin refuses stating Loki would be better on Midgard with his new family and to let Loki go on with his life without his memories.
But Thor disagrees.
Thor against his fathers wishes, goes to Midgard to try to confront Loki and convince him back home. Loki confused doesn’t know who Thor is and why he is saying such nonsense. In rage that Loki won’t listen to him, he forces Loki’s past memories into his mind causing him to go through an identity crisis. Loki can’t forgive himself for what he has done and tries to run away as he is ashamed of himself and fears that Mobius & his kids won’t look at him the same.
While Thor thinks he’s gotten some sense into Loki, he realizes Loki now can not live with what he has done and has been in a depressive state. He realizes that forcing his brother to remember his past and force him home was the worst way to get him back.
Mobius comes into contact with Loki as he begs Thor to talk to him. Loki is afraid Movius will hate him but soon is surprised when he says he loves him regardless of who he was in the past.
Odin gives Loki a choice: come back to Asgard as a prince or live the rest of his life as a mortal.
Loki picks the decision he knows he’ll never regret.
(He picks mobius)
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For the WIP game I'd love to hear about your post s2 scenario and the Binding of Loki! 👀💖
Thanks for the ask, bestie. 😘
Post S2 will see Mobius realise he never got a chance to properly talk ~~and kiss~~ Loki. And while he doesn't want to change the past, he does want to grab some of Loki's time. But it's not going to be easy.
I posted the opening snippet for Post S2 last week. Here's a following bit.
The mud squelched as Mobius stepped out into the little lane in Chicago, 1893. It was dark, as it had been when he and Loki had run through the streets looking for Victor. That moment felt like an eternity away, and despite his attempts to distract them both from the mission with various treats from the era, they hadn’t had time to talk. He had been building up to taking Loki on a hot air balloon, giving them the space to breathe. They never had a chance, not really. His past self was too busy numbing and ignoring what was happening around him. It was just too horrific to look at his life, to know his existence at the TVA was a lie. Now, he knew different. He looked up the lane, recognising the whir of a bicycle passing. It won’t be long now until his past self and Loki separate, chasing after the man they needed to open the blast doors. The folly of it should make Mobius laugh. Instead, he walked a little down the lane until he found a small alcove. It was almost pitch black in this space, but he closed his eyes and listened. Loki was fast. They could run like the wind. He had to make this count. His heart pounded in his chest, distracting him. His palms were sweaty. There was a distant sound of feet scuffling as Victor and Ravonna started running. In his mind, Mobius saw his past self run one way, and Loki coming down this very lane he was standing in. He took a deep breath and braced himself. One, two… Mobius stepped out, his fingers brushing over Loki's jacket. It tingled and scratched at his calloused fingertips, and he stared at them for a second, before sighing at the disappearing figure. He'd held back too long. He needed to go back earlier.
The Binding of Loki is a kind of fix it. I'm a mythology nerd, so I thought of an alternative timeline Mobius/Don getting caught up in a storm in Norway and discovering Loki bound in a cave.
Because he is essentially a Sigyn variant in my head, Mobius will stop the poison dripping down onto Loki, and will cut them loose. Loki will slide off the rock to the ground and Mobius will light a fire and they'll cuddle for warmth.
Then, there be some revelations, Loki talking about how this Mobius looks so like him. Mobius asks where the other him is, and Loki listens and says: "Only a few timelines over."
Mobius continues to care for Loki, convinced Loki might leave him here but he can't do anything else. The god is ill.
But after 24 hours, maybe longer, Loki is strong enough and teleports them both back to where Mobius was staying.
There's a handshake that turns into a hug, and finishes with alt-Mobius telling Loki to go get Mobius.
Then, Loki disappears, and Mobius sighs.
But we switch to Loki’s POV, appearing beside Mobius after he says, "Let time pass."
"With me?" Loki will ask.
And then they start living a life together
I have no snippet for this one yet but hopefully the idea is interesting.
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mimisempai · 1 year
You're the only one who matters
While investigating Kang, Mobius and Loki find themselves in a theater in the early 1900s. Victor Timely is on stage to make a presentation, and that's when Loki recognizes him and can't control the fear that grips him. Mobius realizes that he has to take action.
I just came back from Antman 3 and after having watched the post credit scene that leaked everywhere, I couldn't help but write something of course...
On AO3
Rating 7 - 945 words
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The curtain opened and the first thing he saw was a yellowed tree set, strange contraptions lined up on the stage, and a sign to the left that read, "Victor Timely and his astounding temporal marvel."
The crowd around him was fascinated as the silhouette of a man, whose face they could not immediately make out, was outlined against the light.
His voice rang out from the stage, cold and matter-of-fact: "It shakes our lives, but perhaps we can shake it.
At the end of the sentence, the man on stage was in the light, but Mobius' attention was drawn to a gasp from beside him. Then Loki whispered, "It's him."
Mobius, at first in disbelief, turned his head several times between Loki and the stage and whispered, "You made him sound like that terrifying figure..."
Then his gaze was fixed only on Loki as the God of Mischief whispered, his eyes fixed on the stage, "He is."
At that moment, Mobius had no doubt about the man on the stage. For Mobius had never seen Loki so terrified.
On Loki's face, he had seen the panic when Loki had told him what he had gone through to find him. He had seen the sadness when he mentioned Frigga or Thor. He had seen the fear when he spoke of Thanos. He had seen the defiance, the anger and all sorts of emotions on Loki's face. 
But this pure, raw fear?
He had never seen it on Loki's face.
At that moment, it didn't matter who was on the stage, what they were investigating, or what their mission was.
Only Loki mattered.
Mobius did not wait to act.
He approached him and placed his hand in the God of Mischief's, squeezing it hard to get his attention. But Loki looked as if he was transfixed, so Mobius moved even closer and whispered in his ear, "Come on, we're leaving right now." Then, seeing that he didn't react, he insisted, "Loki! We're leaving! Now!"
Loki seemed to more or less come to his senses and let himself be dragged towards the exit of the theater. They went unnoticed as the people were captivated by the man on stage who had begun his presentation. Once outside, Mobius pulled Loki into a deserted alleyway next to the theater, summoned a time door and was about to go through when Loki stopped him, "No, Mobius, we have to stay, we have to stop him." 
Mobius stood firm and replied, "We'll be back. That's the advantage of time travel. I don't care about this Victor, Kang and the whole thing. I don't care about the rest of the universe, I care about you. Just you. Come on, let's go home.
The last words seemed to convince Loki, who let himself be pulled through the time door that took them directly home.
Mobius took his hands and helped him to sit on the couch before kneeling down in front of him: "I'm going to call Hunter B-15 and I'll be right back."
Loki heard him make the call but did not try to understand the words. He could not shake the feeling of terror that had filled him when he had seen the man on the stage. Kang. To the end, he had hoped, but when his voice had been heard, even before he had seen him, Loki had known.
Even now, here, safe, he could not shake the terror that gripped his heart.
He put his head in his hands and tried so hard to concentrate on his breathing that he didn't hear the footsteps coming closer.
It was only when two hands rested gently on his shoulders and a familiar voice whispered in his ear that Loki realized Mobius had returned.
He was on his knees in front of him, looking at him with a worried expression. Mobius took Loki's hand and placed it on his own chest, saying, "I am here now, focus and breathe with me.
Loki obeyed, concentrating on the movement of Mobius' chest and his warm voice, which both soothed him and grounded him in reality.
"Yeah, that's good, just keep doing that. You're doing great. Continue."
Mobius didn't move and continued his encouragement over and over again until he was sure Loki had caught his breath and calmed down.
Then he sat down beside Loki and put his arm around Loki's shoulders, pulling him close.
Loki tried to smile but he couldn't and Mobius ran his thumb over his cheek and said quietly, "Don't force yourself, there's no need to pretend with me, you know that."
Loki leaned against Mobius' chest and breathed, "Please don't leave me...".
"I promise I'll stay," Mobius whispered into Loki's hair, tightening his arms around Loki's shoulders.
Loki continued, "Because you're the only one who... who..." 
Mobius kissed Loki's hair and asked quietly, "I'm the only one who what...?"
Loki looked up and continued softly, "The worst part of it when I was thrown out by Sylvie, when I went through all those universes before I found you, the worst part of it was that you weren't there. Because now you are the only one who can chase the pain and fear away from me."
Mobius, moved beyond words, took Loki's face in his hands and, pressing his lips to Loki's, gave him a soft kiss.
Then he whispered, holding him close, "I'm not going to tell you not to be afraid because you can't control it. For you have a right to be afraid. So when you're afraid, remember that I'm here. Just remember that. For all time, always."
Loki nodded and whispered against Mobius' chest, "Yes, always."
Still not beta'd
Still not my native language
Still hoping you'll enjoy this story 🥰
Still thanking you for bearing with me 😝
Lokius masterlist : here
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cha-melodius · 2 years
How do you plot or outline a story?
Im still amazed by the plots and twists in your Lokius bodyguard story!
If you're asking how I physically plot stories out, it's nothing too special tbh. I often put an outline of the major plot points at the beginning of the document, and then I try to break it into what I think will be appropriate length chapters (this part sometimes fails when things get longer than I expect). For instance, the fourth major "beat" of A Good Man is Hard To Find was just listed as: "Ravonna finally lets Loki go on a mission, to NYC. Bea as backup. Lots of warnings. Mission goes smoothly. Bea gives Mobius a hard time about Loki."—This whole thing became chapters 7–9, mostly because the mission did not go as smoothly as I noted here lol. As I write I tend to plot out the actual action in more detail for the next chapter or two, in big runon paragraphs at the beginning of each chapter. This is also how I "outline" short fics in their entirety, if I do it at all. Unfortunately I tend to delete these note paragraphs as I'm writing to kind of check things off my list, so I don't actually have a good one to share with you. What's kinda funny is that I don't think the bodyguard AU had any of that, actually, I think I just wrote it as it came, though the whole twist was absolutely planned in my head at least from the very beginning.
If you're asking how I come up with my plot twists... I'm not sure I have a great answer to that question lol. I turn possible plot lines over in my head while I'm driving places or in the shower or trying to fall asleep until I hit on one that just feels right, one that I can get excited about. Sometimes I have to think about it for a while, and sometimes the twist is actually what kicks off the whole story in my head. I'm pretty sure that the twist for the bodyguard AU came to me immediately after I decided Mobius would be a criminal psychologist. I think, in general, I like to seed echoes of canon into my overarching plots. Not beat-for-beat reworkings, but how characters relate to each other. What kinds of situations those relationships could result in in an alternate universe. Some more about the bodyguard AU under the cut, since you brought it up specifically. LOTS of spoilers ahoy for The Hardest Cut.
I'm pretty sure my thought process for that fic was:
Mobius needs a bodyguard—why? I figured I'd take his canon job investigating particularly dangerous variants and turn it into someone who might be needed to testify for a trial, and thus need protection.
The next two parts—why is Loki his bodyguard, and who does he need protection from—came together IIRC. I needed a big bad who'd serve as a nigh-untouchable mob-like boss, and it occurred to me that Loki could be a plant, supposed deliver Mobius, but who falls in love with him instead. Thanos was the obvious big boss answer here, because even though Mobius has no interaction with him in canon, Loki certainly does.
The first chapter was mostly setup, but I also wanted to end on a fake threat to Mobius that was engineered by Thanos to build his trust in Loki. Hence the gala and Maw's attack. Oh, I almost forgot: I decided that I wanted Mobius to know Loki’s background and decide trust him anyway, because that’s such a central part of his character in the end, so I had Ravonna show up for that purpose.
The jazz club came about because I needed something else for them to do to both build their relationship and delay the big climactic betrayal/car chase/etc. Having Mobius make his drugged confession also served as the trigger to really convince Loki to ignore the threat to his own life in order to save Mobius's.
I always knew I wanted the big car chase, and I always knew I'd have Loki take a bullet for him. As for where to go, Bea was a pretty obvious answer to put in as a LEO Mobius would have interacted with in the past who he could trust.
Putting them both in witsec wasn't part of the original idea, but as I was figuring out how to wrap things up it was just about the only thing that made sense. Plus I got to put Lokius on a beach.
So there you go, that's as best as I recall my thought process on figuring out the twists and turns in that fic. I'm glad you enjoyed it, it was a fun one to write!
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algernongirl · 1 month
New Loki fic up uuhhhh
Here’s a preview :
As the artificial lighting of the TVA hits her eyes, Sylvie rubs at them, finding herself quite ignored.
She hadn’t really wanted to join the TVA. But it was best if she kept an eye on things, knowing what Loki and the others could do. Plus, while McDonalds was fine, she sort of enjoyed the semi chaotic setting of the TVA. So here she was.
However, currently Sylvie was in a situation that left her a bit peeved.
Loki was away at a briefing for the TVA, with several other agents, regarding some sort of event on another planet that they were supervising in order to ensure that there were as few casualties as possible. Though time moved differently at the TVA, his estimated return would be in a week, earth time.
It didn’t really bother Sylvie that he was gone, as he was coming back in no time and she went out on her missions alone anyways. But the one person who was really affected by Loki’s leave was Mobius. B-15, who just went by Bea now, had pulled Sylvie aside to discuss her accompanying Mobius on any missions for the week. She had tried to refuse, but Bea wouldn’t take no for an answer.
“He went by himself all the time before Loki got here. Why do I have to babysit him?” Sylvie sneered.
“It’s not babysitting. Mobius just prefers to have a bit of company now, that’s all.” Bea looks like she’s about to be very stressed out, eyebrows pinched together in a frown. “Plus, between you and me, he’s been kind of moody lately. Just go with him and make sure he doesn’t get himself killed, alright?” Sylvie had agreed in the end, although she wasn’t necessarily happy about it. Though, what could she do, really? If Loki came back and Mobius was dead he would blow the whole place up anyways, so she sort of had to protect the agent in order to keep them all safe, in a weird twisted way.
So at the scheduled mission time, she grabs all her things and clunks down the halls towards the analyst chambers. Mobius, being so high ranking, could easily obtain an apartment out in the city surrounding the TVA, but every time it was brought up he refused.
“I like being close.” He argued, and that was that, not convincing him otherwise.
Basically everyone is at work now. Mobius’s door is the only one beaming the little orange light that indicates that someone is in there.
“Mobius, assignment time.” She knocks on the door. She waits for a minute, but there’s no response. Not even a sound comes from behind the door.
“I know you’re in here, old man.” Sylvie knocked again, this time more insistent. “I’m supposed to be your partner while Loki’s at that meeting, and I swear if we’re late and I get in trouble for it I’ll blow up the pie room.” She meant that to be a serious threat, but it actually sounded quite comedic.
Still, there was no response from behind the door. He had to be in there, and ignoring her was worse than telling her to go away. At this point she was getting pissed. Most people at the TVA ignored her, and if she had to add Mobius of all people to the list of TVA workers that had some sort of issue with her, then Sylvie would lose her mind.
“Alright Mobius. Let’s do this the hard way.” She cracks her knuckles and steps back. Sylvie steadies herself and stands facing the door, focusing on it. Then, she rushes forward and kicks down the door.
It swings on its hinges so hard she’s certain that the whole floor heard it. Still, she walks in, not particularly interested in the current state of the door. The apartment layout in typical; she enters in the living room, the kitchen is to her left, the bathroom to her right, and she can sort of see into the half opened bedroom door. The god notices several empty bottles of water on the desk and floor, and a half empty salad bowl rotting on the coffee table.
Since he isn’t in any of the rooms she can see into, Sylvie figures the agent must be in his bedroom, which is also where she would be if she decided to skip work. So she pushes her way into the room.
She can’t see Mobius, and the whole room is dark, lighted only by a lamp on a bedside table on the side of the bed away from her. At first Sylvie thinks he might be sleeping, but a quick look at the unmade, empty bed shuts down that thought immediately. The small seat next to the windowsill is unoccupied, and the small closet is open and empty save for a few of the brown uniforms and a pair of pajamas.
Sylvie is about to give up when she stumbles over a shoe and almost hits the floor. Luckily she catches herself before she hits the floor. She’s about to look back at the shoe angrily, but then realizes that there’s a grey socked foot poking out around the frame of the bed. The blonde quickly walks around the corner and spots Mobius.
Read here : https://archiveofourown.org/works/55104292
Haven’t had time to draw something for this fic yet so here’s a filler Mobius doodle enjoy
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I Can't Lose You Again - Part Two
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You felt numb as you sunk down, letting your head rest against your knees as your eyes fell shut. The harsh reminder that he wasn’t your Loki, no matter how much you wished he was, stung. Your Loki wouldn’t have ever left you here, especially not with these people.
“Just grab her and let’s go!” You heard somebody snap. You didn’t see Mobius shake his head, glaring as he dismissed the hunter.
A few moments later Mobius knelt down in front of you but stayed silent. He felt sorry for you, he really did. Watching all those months you stayed silent, stayed loyal to Loki’s you didn’t even know just because of the man you knew...he really did sympathise with you.
“I’m sorry.” You whispered before he could say anything.
“Why are you sorry?” Mobius asked, honestly confused. If anything it should’ve been him apologising, he never should’ve taken Loki to you, there was a reason he hadn’t met you in 2012.
“I told you you could trust him.” Was your broken reply. As you looked up at him, Mobius’ frown deepened as he saw the tears in your eyes.
“This isn’t on you.” Mobius told you firmly, “He isn’t the man you know yet, he’s still struggling for control and trying to find his way.” The Loki you knew had years of character development, this Loki, well this Loki hadn’t had a chance yet.
This Loki, for all intents and purposes, was a villain.
“He’s just trying to help.” You told Mobius. You did believe that, you had too, the look on Loki’s face as he had mere seconds to figure out his next move was clear. If he waited for you then he risked Mobius stopping him and then he wouldn’t find out the Variants plan. Logically you knew Loki had made the right move but that didn’t mean it didn’t hurt.
“I know.” Mobius replied honestly. He knew that Loki had grown to care for you, probably more than he wanted to admit, but he wasn’t sure how to deal with that yet. “C’mon we have to go, we’ll figure something out.” Mobius assured you as he stood up holding a hand out for you.
Despite the situation he couldn’t help but smile as you took the offered hand without flinching.
When you walked through the doorway and into the TVA you were greeted with chaos. Which made sense when you thought about it, two Loki’s loose together...it was a recipe for disaster.
“Y/N, I need you back in the holding cell whilst this is dealt with.” Mobius said calmly as he turned to you.
“What?” You scoffed, “you’re just going to lock me up whilst Loki is out there with her?” You spat, you refused to sit idly by twiddling your thumbs whilst Loki could be in danger. He might’ve left you here but you’d be damned if you left him.
“I know, ok, I know you want to help but you're too close to this. If we bring you, we risk you running off with them too. I already lost one variant, I can’t lose another.” Mobius explained and whilst you understood his position you couldn’t just stay here.
Obviously there was no way to convince Mobius to let you come, naturally he was right of course, the first chance you got you’d go with Loki. It was never a hard decision when it came to what side to pick when it came to Loki. So instead you nodded.
“Fine, I’ll go sit in my cell.” You muttered before marching off in the direction of the holding cells.
Mobius watched you go with a frown, he wanted you to come, if anyone could talk Loki down it’d be you even if he didn’t know you too well yet but he couldn’t risk it. He knew he’d be in a world trouble as it was, losing you wasn’t an option.
“All Minutemen to armory. Protect the timeline.” Mobius shook his head as the voice repeated the message and quickly sent everyone on their way.
Tracking any Loki wasn’t hard, all you had to do was follow the trail of dead bodies. Unfortunately as the trail of bodies ended so did any signs of the Loki’s. Minutemen ran past you as you leaned against the wall, resting your head with a sigh.
“Where are you, Loki?” You whispered.
“Variant!” Somebody exclaimed and you looked up to see Judge Renslayer firing up her pruning device.
“Whoa, hey, I was just going back to my holding cell.” You told her carefully, raising your hands to surrender. You saw firsthand what those batons did to people, no way were you going to let yourself be struck by it.
“You’ve been protecting those Loki’s since we first arrested you.” She snarled, walking closer to you. You tried to move but she had you cornered.
Well shit.
“Listen…” You began but she cut you off.
“No you listen, you’ve been a pain since the beginning. All that loyalty to a man who couldn’t care less about you, I mean, he ran away the first chance he got.” You shook your head, trying not to let the words get to you.
“Yeah, I did, and I’d do it again and again.” You said whilst shooting her a cocky grin, probably not the best course of action but hey, she looked like she was going to kill you either way. “That Loki deserves somebody in his corner, his whole life living in the shadows, never good enough, so yeah I might not know this Loki and he might not know me but I’m going to protect every secret he has and if I die for that,” you said, pausing to chuckle before smiling proudly, “then I’ve done right by him and every other Loki Variant out there who had nobody on their side.”
“Pathetic.” She said before raising the baton. You looked her in the eyes, showed no fear as she came closer and closer to you, just as she was about to touch you-
“Y/N!” Mobius yelled, causing Renslayer to drop the device quickly and turn around just as Mobius rounded the corner. “What the hell?”
“Lost another Variant, Mobius?” Renslayer said as she roughly took a hold of your bicep, nails digging into the skin as she dragged you to Mobius all but throwing you into his arms.
“What happened?” Mobius asked, not dignifying the question with an answer.
“What do you think happened, Mobius?” She snapped, “they left, together, and because the theory of apocalypses was right I don’t know how we’re supposed to find them.”
“I’ll fix it.” Mobius promised before wrapping an arm around your shoulder and leading you away from the judge.
“Champagne?” The attendant asked, causing Loki and Sylvie to look up.
“Ah yes. Thank you very much.” Loki said as he grabbed the glass and drank from it, despite all the odds they were finally headed in the right direction. “To the end of the world.”
“A pity the old woman chose to die, don’t you think?” Loki asked.
“She was in love.” Sylvie answered simply.
“She hated him.” Loki shot back but Sylvie smiled at him.
“Maybe love is hate.” Loki quickly conjured up a quill and paper before jotting the quote down causing Sylvie to roll her eyes, unamused by the god across from her.
“Oh piss off.” Loki couldn’t help the smile that spread across his face, it was a strange feeling to be so free.
“So,” Loki began, “on the subject of love, is there a lucky beau waiting for you at the end of this crusade?”
“Yeah there is actually,” Sylvie said with a serious tone, “Managed to maintain quite a serious long-distance relationship with a postman whilst running across time from one apocalypse to another.”
“And with charm like that, who could resist you?” Loki chuckled.
“Well, people are quite willing in the face of certain doom.” Sylvie smiled.
“I'm sure they are.”
“It was only ever just to keep me going. How about you? You're a prince. Must've been would-be-princesses or perhaps, another prince.”
“A bit of both.” Loki admitted with a smile, “I suspect the same as you. But, nothing ever…” Loki trailed off.
“What is it?” Sylvie asked with a tilt of her head.
“All my life there was nothing ever really real, you know? But when the TVA arrested me I found a woman, a woman who remained loyal to a dead man and Variants of that dead man. A woman who let herself be tortured for however long just because she loves me. I haven’t met her yet, not properly, not how I’m supposed to but I believe what I have with her is, what I will have with her…it’s the most real thing in all the realms.” Loki confessed. He barely knew you but he couldn’t ignore the ache in his chest when he remembered the look on your face as he left you behind.
“Even now you’ve started falling for her, haven’t you?” Sylvie asked with a hint of a smile.
“I do believe I have but I ruined it. I left her there as I followed you.” Loki told her, looking down at his lap with a frown.
“Nah, if she put up with you until you died then I’m sure she’s had to deal with worse than this.” Sylvie told him and he couldn’t help but chuckle bitterly at that.
“I hope my future self treated her better than that but I suspect you’re probably right.”
Mobius took you to the control panel room, everyone had orders to look for anything out of the ordinary, any slight shift to indict the two Variants were together. You had been placed at one of the empty desks, a screen in front of you showing you the timeline.
“Please wait here whilst I talk to Ravonna.” Mobius told you and this time you just nodded, Loki was gone and you had no idea where. There was no point in running.
It had been hours since they’d gone and Mobius had spent most of that time giving orders out whilst biting his lip anxiously. You hadn’t spoken much or left his side, content to let him do the work so long as it resulted in you finding Loki
Mobius gave you a long look before leaving you alone, no doubt warning the hunters to keep an eye on you.
You sighed as you looked at the screen knowing how useless this was. The two Variants knew how to stay hidden, hide out in apocalypses and the TVA can’t find you, why they thought they could find them now was beyond you.
You didn’t know how much time had passed before Mobius was back and tapping your shoulder, gesturing for you to follow him.
“What did the judge say?” You asked when the two of you were alone.
“The time keepers are on our side but I can’t get access to C-20.” He told you. He wanted to tell you that the hunter was dead, he didn’t know why but it didn’t sit right with him. Instead he shook his head.
“Wait, why? She could know something important, she kept saying something was real.” You said, you had seen the woman yourself as the Minutemen hauled her off.
“She’s too far gone.” Was Mobius’ reply.
You didn’t reply but there were so many thoughts flying around your head and you could feel the start of a headache approaching.
Something about the TVA hadn’t seemed right when you were first brought it and it was explained to you and as every minute passed your doubt grew. The Hunter, C-20, was coherent when she was brought in, sure she was in shock but she was aware.
It didn’t make sense.
“So what happens now?” You asked Mobius watching as he collapsed into his chair.
“I don’t know.”
“I remember Asgard.” Sylvie confessed after moments of silence passed as Loki sat next to her, “Not much, but I remember. My home, my people, my life. The universe wants to break free, so it manifests chaos. Like me being born the Goddess of Mischief. And as soon as that created a big enough detour from the Sacred Timeline, the TVA showed up, erased my reality, and took me prisoner. I was just a child. I escaped. Stole a TemPad and I ran for a long, long time, which really sucked. Everywhere and every-when I went, it caused a nexus event.” Loki frowned as Sylvie continued her story. “Sent up a smoke flare. Because I'm not supposed to exist. Until, eventually, I figured out where to hide. And so that's where I grew up, the ends of a thousand worlds and now...that’s where I’ll die.”
Loki had no words, the two of them sat in silence staring ahead as everything fell to pieces around them.
“Not long now.” Sylvie said. “Do you think that what makes a Loki a Loki is the fact we’re destined to lose?” She asked in defeat.
“No.” Loki answered immediately, “We may lose, sometimes painfully, but we don’t die. We survive. I mean, you did. You were just a child when the TVA took you, but you nearly took down the organization that claims to govern the order of time. You did it on your own. You ran rings around them. You're amazing!” Loki praised, smiling as Sylvie smiled.
Loki reached out and took her hand in his.
It wasn’t long before you were back in the control room, looking at a bunch of monitors that had yet to change.
“Alarms should be going off for the magnified nexus threshold if somebody steps on the wrong leaf.” Mobius said as the two of you joined Hunter B-15.
“Wherever they are I’m not sure anything survives.” Was her reply causing your eyes widened, your hand reaching out to grip Mobius’.
Mobius looked at you in concern, seeing the tears in your eyes and the hold on his hand was tight but you didn’t look away from the screen, it was like you thought you could will it into changing if you stared at it hard enough.
“Yeah, don't underestimate them.” Mobius said, watching as you let out a mix of a sob and a laugh.
He turned to Hunter B-15, whispering quietly, “You see anything down at Roxxcart?”
“They’re gone.” She answered, “Leaping across time, plotting their next massacre.”
“We got something.” One of the analysts said breaking the silence and you all looked at the screen he was at.
Mobius laughed, “That’s not someone stepping on the wrong leaf. You ever seen a branch like that?”
“No.” Hunter B-15 answered as they got a lock on the location and it wasn’t long before a team of hunters were ready as Loki and Sylvie stepped through the two orange doorways.
“Y/N.” Mobius warned just before they came through, “go to the holding cell, wait for me there.”
“You’re kidding right-” You began but he interrupted you.
“Y/N!” He yelled before looking to one of the hunters, “take her.”
“Mobius!” You yelled, struggling against the man holding you. Unfortunately it was no use and before you knew it you were being tossed into the holding cell.
“Fuck!” You yelled as you picked yourself up off the floor, kicking one of the chairs as you did.
It was useless to try the door, you knew it was, but it didn’t stop you from walking over and slamming your fists against the metal repeatedly, not stopping even after your knuckles started to bleed.
“Loki.” Loki’s head snapped away from where the doorway had just disappeared to see you stood in a different doorway.
You looked so pretty, your hair was braided as you wore clothes that were definitely from Asgard.
“Y/N, thank goodness you're here.” He said, his face lighting up as you stepped closer to him.
“You really believed I could fall in love with you, didn’t you?” You asked him, letting out a dark laugh as you did.
“Y/N, what have they done to you?” He asked, taking a step towards you only to stop as you slapped him.
“Who could ever love you? You’re nothing but a coward, murdering innocent people to feel powerful, you’re a villain, Loki, you’re always going to be a villain.” You snarled.
This wasn’t you, Loki knew that much.
“Oh a time cell? Using Y/N against me, very clever, except I have no memories with her so you’re making your own up. Well guess what? I won’t fall for it, I know her and this won’t work on me.” Loki yelled at the ceiling. He didn’t know if anyone was watching him but it felt good to shout a bit.
“You hear me? I promise you, I promise everyone working for the TVA will suffer for ever hurting her, for dragging her into this, you’ll suffer.” He promised, fist clenched at his side.
“Always hurting people, you really are a villain.” You said, drawing his attention back to you.
“This isn’t real, Y/N, snap out of it.” Loki pleaded but you just shouldered your way past him and left.
“Well then…” He said, looking around, wondering where to go from here.
It was silent for a few moments before he heard your voice again.
“Loki.” His head snapped up to you. “You really believed I could fall in love with you, didn’t you?”
“Oh god, come on, not a time loop.” Loki groaned, watching as you stepped forward and slapped him.
“Ow, come on, seriously? This is the TVA’s grand punishment?” He asked.
“Who could ever love you? You’re nothing but a coward, murdering innocent people to feel powerful, you’re a villain, Loki, you’re always going to be a villain.” You snarled again. “Always hurting people, you really are a villain.” You repeated.
Loki didn’t know how many times he had heard you repeat the same speech and as much as he hated to admit it, it really was starting to get to him.
“Loki.” You said, causing Loki to sigh.
“Please Y/N, no more, I beg you. I know, I know I’m a horrible person, I know, I get it. I hurt people and I use people because it’s...well you already know why I do it don’t you?” he chuckled though there was no humour in it, “I crave attention. I know I was raised as a prince, I know I shouldn't complain but living in the shadow of Thor with a father who didn’t care for you…” He trailed off not knowing where to go from there.
“I’m afraid of being alone.” He finally admitted.
“You are alone and you always will be.” You said before disappearing through the doorway.
Loki sat down on the stairs with watery eyes, waiting for you to make your entrance.
“Okay, Loki.” Mobius' voice made him look up, raising his eyebrows at the man, “ready to talk?”
Mobius took Loki back into the interrogation room but the conversation that followed got neither of the men anywhere and it wasn’t long before Mobius ended the conversation.
“Give my regards to Y/N.” He said as the doorway appeared.
“What...No. What? No, no, no. Please, not...well, just wait, wait, wait.” Loki pleaded, not ready to go back into that room, not ready to hear those words from you again.
“Of course it was me pulling the strings all along. She came to me on Asgard a long time ago and then she took me to one of her apocalypses and that's where we hatched our plan together.” Loki lied easily.
“Which is?” Mobius asked.
“Coming along very nicely, thank you.” Loki snarked.
“What of the Variant?”
“Doesn’t matter,” Loki said, lying naturally, “she’s nothing more than a pawn and when she’s finished being useful to me, I’ll dispose of her.”
“Oh she’s already been pruned, you can thank Hunter B-15 for that.” Mobius said casually. “So assume I do set you free…”
“Hang on, what did you just say?” Loki interrupted.
“What? Assume I do set you free.” Mobius repeated, suppressing a smirk.
“No, the variant, she’s gone?”
“Yeah, she took out two of ours, B-15 pruned her.
Loki shrugged, trying not to let his eyes water. “Good riddance.” He forced out.
At that, Mobius couldn’t hold back his chuckle any longer.
“What’s so funny?” Loki snapped, his emotions bubbling at the surface.
“Oh come on, look at your eyes. No wonder you have no clue what caused the nexus event.” Mobius chuckled, of course Loki would be oblivious to a connection like that. It may not have been romantic but it was strong, possibly stronger than a romantic connection.
“The two of you, pure chaos. That’s enough to break reality.” Mobius said.
“You finally trusted yourself, you saw the good in yourself. You fell for yourself.” Mobius couldn’t help but smile.
“Her name was Sylvie.” Loki said through gritted teeth.
“Ah, Sylvie, lovely. Is that I-E or just an I?” Mobius grinned.
“Is she alive?” Loki demanded.
“For now.” Was the reply.
“Mobius, listen to me carefully, if what Sylvie has told me about this place is true, it affects us all.” Loki said, cursing as Mobius rolled his eyes.
“Loki, you’ve already told me about fifty lies in the past ten minutes and now I’m supposed to believe you and Sylvie.” He chucked.
“You’re all Variants!” Loki shouted, cutting Mobius off. “Everyone who works at the TVA. The timekeepers, they didn’t create you, they stole you from your timeline and erased your memories. She has access to these memories through enchantment. So before this, before you were an analyst for the TVA, you had a past, you could have had a family, Mobius, a life.” Loki pleaded with the man, begging him to believe him.
For a moment there was nothing but silence and Loki almost thought that Mobius was going to believe him.
“Nice try but this case is closed. Our interests are no longer aligned as you’d say. I have no need for you, your variant or your girlfriend.” Mobius said, tone harsh.
“What of Y/N?” He asked, glaring at the man opposite him.
“Oh, Y/N is no longer a concern. For your or us.” Mobius said, watching the dangerous glint in Loki’s eyes.
“Leave her out of this.” Loki demanded as he stood up but Mobius just rolled his eyes as two hunters came into the room and took him back into the time cell.
Mobius sat there longer than he intended too, thinking of Loki’s words.
“Y/N.” A voice said from the doorway and your head shot up. There was the Hunter B-15. “You have to come with me, now.”
You did as she said, following her out of the room in confusion.
“What’s going on?” You asked but she shook her head.
“No time to explain and even if there was it isn’t safe enough to do so but let’s just say you were right to trust the Loki’s.” She said as the two of you continued on down the hall. “They’re going to need us.”
The two of you entered the armoury and she held out a dagger towards you.
“I’m just assuming you know how to use this.” She said, watching you smile as you gently took it from her.
“I had a good teacher.” You said fondly and she smiled back.
Mobius watched the footage on the stolen tempad and once he was done he quickly hurried back to the interrogation room and opened the doorway into the time cell Loki was being held in.
“Do you care about her?” Mobius asked urgently once he was in the room.
“Who?” Loki asked in confusion.
“Sylvie!” Mobius shot back.
“I’m not sure if care is the right word.” Was the reply he got but Mobius shook his head. “I’m sorry, haven’t we already covered this?”
“Shut up!” Mobius snapped. “Do you really think you deserve to be alone?” When he received no reply he snapped Loki’s name.
“What? You told me to shut up.”
“Do you believe you deserve to be alone?” He asked again.
“I don’t know,'' he admitted. He knew the nexus event was caused by a breakthrough between himself and Sylvie. He didn’t want to be with her obviously but did he think he deserved you? He really didn’t know.
“You better figure it out quick, because the nexus event the two of you caused, whatever that connection is, can bring this whole place down. So we better understand…” Mobius rushed out but Loki cut him off.
“We?” He asked.
“Do you swear she didn't implant those memories in Hunter C-20?”
“Mobius, no. I believe her.” Loki vouched.
“So, I just have to trust the word of two Lokis?” Loki debated the question for a few seconds.
“How about the word of a friend?” He smiled as Mobius nodded at him
“You were right, about the TVA.” He admitted, “You were right from the beginning. And if you wanna save them, Sylvie and Y/N, you need to trust me. Can we do that?” Mobius asked and Loki didn’t hesitate to agree.
The pair went to leave the room but Mobius stopped to turn around and face Loki, “You could be whoever, whatever you wanna be, even someone good. I mean, just in case anyone ever told you different.” Loki looked shocked at the words before a genuine smile took over his face and the two of them left the cell.
They quickly paused as they had an audience waiting for them as they stepped out, Judge Renslayer in the center.
“I think you have something of mine.” She said.
Mobius was quick on his feet and quickly withdrew the stolen tempad, “Oh yeah, I got all the way down there before I even noticed I picked the wrong one up. What’s the problem, Ravonna?” He asked, seeing the dark look on her face.
He knew what was about to happen, his friend of eons was about to rid of him like some common prisoner. He took a deep breath before talking again.
“You know where I'd go if I could go anywhere? Wherever it is I'm really from. Yeah, wherever I had a life before the TVA came along. Maybe I had a jet ski. That's what I'd like to do. Just riding around on my jet ski.”
Loki watched in horror, tears filling his eyes, as Renslayer had him pruned.
You and Hunter B-15 made your way down into the elevator together. There wasn’t much of a plan honestly but the two of you were going to bring down the TVA, whatever the risk.
“You ready?” She asked you and you grinned at her.
“As I’ll ever be.”
With those words the elevator dinged and the doors opened.
Before anyone had time to move Hunter B-15 had unlocked the collars around Loki and Slyvie’s necks and the other hunters readied their weapons.
“For all time,” Hunter B-15 said,
“Always.” You finished and with that the fighting began.
Hunter B-15 threw Sylvie the blade as you took down one of the hunters, quickly making your way to Loki who pulled you into a rough, desperate hug.
“Y/N.” He sighed, resting his cheek on your head.
“Nice to see you again.” You muttered against his chest.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t want to leave you, I just,” before he could continue you heard Sylvie shout,
“I hate to break up the reunion but we have a situation.” You smiled at Loki before you darted around him and began battling one of the hunters, Loki dealing with one in front of him.
“Here!” Sylvie yelled, throwing her dagger to Loki and picking up a baton. You watched her, from the corner of your eye, go to the judge. Just as you took down another hunter you saw Sylvie pinned down by Renslayer and moved quickly to kick her off before you were fighting somebody else, back to back with Loki.
“We make quite a team.” He tells you with a smile on his face.
“We really do.” You said fondly, remembering all the battles you’d fought together, knowing the others moves even before they did. You were a fierce duo.
It felt good to be fighting with Loki again.
Finally all the hunters were killed and Sylvie was quick to kill one timekeeper, the three of you watched her pick up his head seeing severed wires sparking.
“Fake?” You asked, staring down at the technology.
“Mindless androids.” Sylvie spat, looking at the remaining two.
“It never stops.” Loki said looking defeated. “Then who created the TVA?”
“I thought this was it.” Sylvie admitted, she too looked crushed, she had waited years and years for this moment and this was it.
You watched as Loki looked around clearly thinking of something, someway to get you all out of this.
“Sylvie.” He began but she quickly cut him off.
“Please not another pep talk.” She pleaded, causing you to laugh despite the situation.
“No, I have to tell you something. We’ll figure this out.” He said, moving to stand in front of her and he sounded so convinced you believed him.
“How do you know that?” She asked, clearly losing hope.
“Because, well, back on Lamentis.” He began but cut himself off, looking at you. You smiled at him encouragingly causing him to smile and take a deep breath, “This is new for me,”
“What, what is it?”
Before he could answer, his body started to disappear and in his place stood Renslayer holding the pruning device.
“No!” You yelled moving forward to attack her, you snatched the device from her hands, quickly moving and in seconds you had her pinned down with the device to her neck.
“Start talking.” You spat out, tears falling down your face.
Taglist for ICLYA - @janetsnakehole02, @yaskna, @awkwardwookie, @cloudyskylines, @countryday, @tom-hiddlestons-cum-slut, @prettysbliss, @gigglysokkamcu, @ameliabs-world, @queenofrain, @alluringshawn, @abbygraceasd, @chipster-21,@wondercloud, @vi0lenceandperfume, @damnzelsoul, @mixed-bag-of-tricks, @naniisouth, @miss-goldenweek, @marajade888, @wildxwidow
Loki Taglist - @ca-mics, @buckystrash, @lokigalaxy, @stand-tall-pineapple, @aesthetic-lyss, @wildxwidow, @hankgreenspelicanstrapon, @larsdarspars, @Beefyjamesbarnes, @hollow-sunrise, @banjo-bastard, @londonhasmyheart, @begaycommitarsons, @curlycarley, @mowestruc, @geminiwolves, @parkerlaufeysonbarnes, @countryday, @mercedessfloress, @dirtytissuebox, @book-fic-reader
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gotham · 3 years
Opinion on the first season of Loki?
LMAO well let's get into it bc i've got plenty of them
it started off strong, i could get on board with the premise; loki is a character where you need 6 hours of television to unpack all that crazy so there was a lot of potential of him exploring time and space with mentor figure, mobius who seems at least a little invested in him becoming better. each ep he could find some lost soul variant and see something of himself in them and gain a better understanding of who he is and what he really wants, especially if he was hunting variant lokis! but then the show gave up on that premise almost immediately, became something.... else and loki stopped being an active protagonist.
the main antagonist of the show being a loki variant was, again, such a good set up. what better way for a character as divided and lost as loki to truly gain a better understanding of himself than literally confronting himself? but sylvie as a character, just like the rest of the show, was where wasted potential came to die. the show, in the beginning, asked 'what makes a loki a loki?' well, looking a sylvie literally anything can make a loki bc there was no trace of the characteristics you know from a loki in this person. she was more like thor than anything; brash, hot headed, wanting to use force instead of tricks. i am thoroughly convinced that marvel doesn't know how to write a ""strong female character"" without making them the punchy punchy stoic template. they even show you how easy it is to convey a loki in a small space of time; there are like 5 of them in one episode and they're great!! the mcu is just so narrow minded it cant get past the fact that sylvie is a lady so should be different from every other version of the character. as for loki and sylvie's relationship, the third episode where they supposedly bond is so excruciatingly awkward and badly written that i've blocked most of it from my mind but there after the show simply tells you that they love each other like we're all supposed to just nod along and agree as if there's been any set up for it at all. marvel somehow made selfcest dull and generic, which i guess is an accomplishment.
but the real problem with the show is that it was never about the show they were making. this show was simply to service the 5 or more other projects that the ending provides. see, this is the mcu, nothing can just be contained, nothing can just be about the characters or story you're telling in the moment. i had no idea who the fuck the villain was at the end bc the text i was watching didn't tell me and i refuse to have to read an article to find out. everything the show was leading up to was that loki was going to have to confront something about himself in the final ep for there to be resolution, but nah this is just some random villain we've never seen, who loki's never seen, and loki has no real effect on the out come of his own show. it doesn't matter that it was two lokis walking through that door to confront The One Who Remains, it could have been anybody. in fact, the villain asking two lokis, two agents of chaos, to keep order in the universe was laughable!
the best thing the show did was have all the lokis hanging out and learning from each other, and that's what the whole show should have been. old man loki and alligator loki broke twitter with how much people loved them! imagine if we'd've got more than 10mins with them?? imagine if the journey we'd been on for 6 hours was with a loki i gave a shit about, instead of this watered down, passive character, who forgets his major motivations for his 2 previous films and falls in love with a woman he spends one train ride with.
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bebx · 2 years
Hi, long time fan of your stories and occasional memes. I’ve had this idea in my head since What If Ep. 4 came out but no time to deal with it so I figured I’d share it with you to get a second opinion:
Basically remember when Strange Supreme turned into Christine to try and convince Dr. Strange to (for lack of a better term here) be absorbed for power? Not to that extent but I can see some nebulous, maybe even nefarious, mulitversal being changing into Mobius to taunt or trick Loki.
I like to imagine Loki has been searching for his Mobius across time and space and is just so tired and he misses Mobius so much that given the right circumstances this could break the God if done with enough angst. Or maybe this could lead to a feelings realization? I imagine it would in certain circumstances anyway.
I’d like to hear your take on a situation like this! Big fan again, by the by
Thank you! I can see something similar happen to Loki. Maybe he's only realized Mobius was the one for him when it was too late. Or, he's lost his Mobius somewhere in one of these million realities, million timelines and no matter how hard he tried searching through timeline after timeline for him, he was just nowhere to be found. You know... the Mobiuses he did find weren't his Mobius. And each time he met a Mobius, only to realize it wasn't the Mobius he was looking for, it took something from him; his sanity, his will to keep going. I can see him slowly breaking down until he can no longer live with the reality that's suddenly his own; the one where he's completely alone. Mobius — the only person who truly loves him the way no one else does — is gone, and the worst thing about it, is that Loki was the one letting him go. If he only knew the hug they shared was going to be their last. If he only knew Mobius was the one, he would never have let him walk away.
So it's a possibility that, after every attempt failed, he turns to dark magic, anything to change the past and get his Mobius back. He's fully aware of the danger and the risk his reckless action poses, but he's desperate and there's no other way. I think... Loki would know, if some nefarious being were to pose themself as Mobius to try to trick him, but the thing is, I think Loki might even deliberately let himself be fooled, knowing it's not Mobius standing in front of him but something malicious. But he needs that. He's desperate enough he'll take anything at this point. And we actually saw it happen before; (in a deleted scene from Thor: the Dark World) when Loki tricked himself, using illusion, to make himself Asgard's king who's worthy of Mjolnir and his people's acceptance. In the scene, Frigga said, "Cast enough illusion, and you risk forgetting what is real." Which Loki responded with, "Precisely." So we know Loki has these unhealthy coping mechanisms where he tends to lie to himself in order to escape unpleasant reality. But in the end, he realized he can't keep lying to himself forever. This isn't Mobius. It's not his Mobius, and he's hurting not only himself but other innocent people, as well, by attempting to change the past and fix something he can't. So if he wants to find his Mobius, his only choice is to keep searching, even if he never succeeds, even if it kills him every time he fails. And maybe, maybe one day, the universe will be kind enough to him and give him back the one man he's been searching for.
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lowkeyorloki · 3 years
Pairing: Loki x Mobius
Rating: Teen and up, but nothing more than a couple kisses
A/N: Hiiii sorry I’m never on here anymore I’m a bit busy and I don’t have time to post consistently on tumblr if I want to keep updating my multichapter! I know this isn’t my usual content but I’m posting it on my ao3 so I figured I’d drop it here as well ^.^ it’s funny, I don’t even ship lokius but I saw some fanart on twitter of them hugging and it just... inspired me. If this is your thing, I hope you enjoy <3
It’s just that… Loki knows it will have to be him.
He can’t read Mobius, not like he can every other human he comes across. Or being, even. Mobius has seen every moment of Loki’s life, some of which Loki himself will now never live out or understand. Mobius has watched Loki in his most private moments.
It makes the TVA agent inescapable. He knows Loki, truly knows him, whether Loki likes it or not. 
And so Loki can’t tell with Mobius. The small exhaled laughs or the allowance of Loki to fix his tie. Loki doesn’t know if Mobius does these things because he wants to, or because Loki would like to think the other man wants him to. 
And Mobius is loyal to the TVA, anyway. Even if he were to look past all of Loki’s faults, even if Mobius were to see Loki as anything more than a pain in the ass of a friend, he wouldn’t do anything. It was controversial enough to bring in Loki at all.
Loki should be thankful he has Mobius in any capacity at all. 
And so Loki knows he would have to make the first move. And he can’t do that, because Mobius is possibly the only person who could destroy Loki with a simple rejection. 
Loki keeps quiet, and lives for when his shoulder brushes Mobius’s in the elevator. 
Trying to find the variant is exhausting. Mobius is on his seventh cup of coffee, and his head is starting to buzz. Not the good, productive type of buzz either. The type that makes someone need to lay down. 
Apparently, Loki has already had that idea. Mobius glances at him, asleep across the table and surrounded by books and loose papers. As he drains the last of what’s in his cup, Mobius realizes he hasn’t seen Loki eat or drink a single thing since he got here. If he had to, Mobius would bet money the god hasn’t been sleeping either. 
Mobius stands up, his back cracking when he does. He groans - Mobius is getting old, something he’s noticed more and more lately. He walks around the table until he’s right next to Loki, ready to wake him up. Loki’s breaths are even, hitting the ends of a few pieces of paper. Mobius has never really seen him like this - calm, subdued. He almost looks peaceful. Mobius leans over Loki, hands on his hips as he examines the other man. 
Mobius would never tell Loki, but it is obvious that the dark-haired man is a god. There are just things about his looks that clue Mobius in. 
Loki’s skin, even as it’s gotten dull with his time in the TVA, is technically flawless. He glows, even in his embarrassing or rude moments. His cheekbones are impossibly sharp, and his lips are the reddest Mobius has seen. He would guess they’re soft. 
Loki’s hair was the most dead giveaway. It always looked perfect, loose curls that seemed to suck in any light. It was the opposite of Mobius’s graying blond hair. He’s shiny. Everything about Loki is shiny. 
Loki stirs, and Mobius straightens up, not wanting Loki to see him watching. He was upset enough that Mobius has watched his entire life over. 
Mobius ponders how to wake Loki up when a lock of his black hair falls into his face. Without thinking, Mobius reaches forward and tucks it behind the man’s ear.
Reckless. Loki really does start to wake up then, and Mobius swats him with the corner of the folders in his hand. 
“Come on,” Mobius says. “We’re not even close to done.”
The two of them are so close to making strides. Loki is smart, just like Mobius knew - just like he keeps convincing Ravonna - but he’s being held back. It’s like a single wrong look could make Loki wither away, be absent for the rest of the day. Mobius has no clue how someone who thought so highly of himself could be so affected by the glare of a random agent. Maybe Mobius didn’t know Loki as well as he thought. Only in small ways, though. 
And Mobius still hasn’t seen him eat or drink a damn thing. 
He stands up abruptly, surprising Loki. His head shoots up, perfect curls becoming loose and falling in his face in the process. Mobius almost considers brushing them away. 
“Come on,” he says, gesturing towards the exit. Loki narrows his eyes.
“We haven’t even been here four hours,” he says, which is generous, because they both know they’ve only been there for two. Mobius lets out a harsh sigh. 
“Am I the supervisor or are you? Let’s go, Loki.” Loki seems to know Mobius is doing him a favor, and stands up as well. Loki follows him down a new set of hallways, stands next to him in an elevator he hasn’t been on yet. 
“Am I to take it we’re breaking the rules, or…?” Loki trails off in a way that is anything but unsure. 
“It’s for the sake of the cause,” Mobius says. “We don’t need to address it directly.”
Mobius does look over his shoulder when he gets to the door, and locks it as soon as they’re both inside. He flicks on the lights, and Loki looks bored. Mobius lets out an exasperated sigh.
“Don’t say I never did anything for you. Sit down,” he gestures towards the couch. 
“Agent Mobius, are you allowing me in your home?” Loki’s eyes glint. Despite himself, Mobius finds himself relieved to hear Loki making quips again. He already might have more energy. 
“Hey, if we don’t talk about it, my job security looks a lot better,” Mobius sets a bowl down in front of Loki. “Will you please eat something? God or not, I don’t know how you’re still alive after a month.” Loki presses his lips into a thin line.
“Mobius, I appreciate the gesture, but you don’t need to -” Mobius is already prepared, and tosses a piece of food directly into Loki’s mouth as he speaks. He makes a gagging noise, and looks at Mobius furiously, but the other man is already laughing. 
“What… what are these?” He asks after swallowing, seemingly admitting defeat. Mobius laughs again.
“Goldfish. They’re from Earth you know,” Mobius eats a few, and quietly celebrates when Loki does as well. 
“Goldfish. I know of an employee you have that might benefit from these,” Loki tells him. 
“I’m flattered you think I’m anyone’s, especially Casey’s, superior. But really, the only person I’m in charge of is you,” Mobius says. Loki glares. 
“I’m always ten steps ahead of you all. Surely you know that,” he says, but it’s non-committal. Mobius can tell. 
“Yep. You’ve said before, handsome. This is all part of your plan.” Mobius looks to Loki for his next retort, but Loki doesn’t say anything. He stares at Mobius with an unreadable look on his face, and Mobius realizes his slip up. Handsome.
“Hey, don’t let my crackers go to waste. They’re hard to get a hold of around here, you know,” Mobius says, and Loki seems to move.
They stay like that for awhile, Loki sitting as Mobius watches over him. Mobius is just getting comfortable again when Loki gets up.
“It’s been great, but we probably should be heading back now,” he says, walking towards the door. “Wouldn’t want the timekeepers finding out about this, would we?”
Mobius stops him, carefully telling him to wait. Loki does, back facing him.
“I can tell you’re tired, Loki. I get it. You got here just after a war,” Loki tenses, just barely, at the mention of New York. Mobius talks faster to smooth it over. “I think you can take a day off. Better for me anyway. I don’t want to be sticking my neck out for someone who isn’t even helping all that much.” Mobius puts his hand on Loki’s shoulder. 
He’s always shocked by the amount of muscle he can feel through the material of Loki’s shirt. Loki seems so lean, but whenever Mobius touches him, he can feel how solid the other man is. He likes it. It’s soothing.
Loki turns around, looking suspicious. Mobius doesn’t blame Loki, but he does almost feel guilty. 
“You can sleep here. Not just today. I’m sure the cot they have you sleeping in hardly compares to whatever you had on Asgard,” Mobius steps away, letting Loki go and waving his hand. “My couch doesn’t either, but it’s an upgrade for sure. Living room is all yours, buddy.”
“Where are you going?” Loki asks. Mobius looks at him. 
“To my room. I’m tired too,” he says. Loki blinks. 
“Won’t someone notice I’m not where I’m supposed to be?”
“I’ll take care of it,” Mobius says dismissively, even though he has no idea how he’s going to pull this off.
He’s practically made Loki a promise at this point. He’ll figure out how to make it all okay somehow. 
It’s driving Loki insane. 
Before, he could keep it all in because he was scared that Mobius wouldn’t want it. Wouldn’t want him. But now, there are moments that Loki doesn’t care. He doesn’t care that Mobius might push him away, give him that disapproving look if it meant Loki could just…
Kiss him. 
Loki scoffs at himself. He didn’t even get this caught up in the thought of a kiss as a boy. It was pathetic to feel like this in adulthood. 
What’s even worse is the thought that maybe this is how it’s supposed to be. He can recall watching Thor on Earth as he followed around Jane Foster, losing every bit of charm that kept him so popular on Asgard. At the time, Loki didn’t understand it.
But now he does. 
Everything is so high stakes for him - Loki is doomed if he doesn’t do as the TVA wants, and he would have been doomed had he just stayed on Earth like he was supposed to. But he barely even pays attention to those things.
Every waking moment is about Mobius. How he looks in the morning before he showers, hair tousled as he digs around in the fridge. The way his face lights up when he and Loki almost find the variant, and then the inevitable disappointment when they don’t. How every night, without fail, he tells Loki goodnight as the god falls asleep on his couch. 
Loki is starting to think there is something here. Because he’s paranoid, but not stupid. Mobius wouldn’t be letting Loki get this close if he thought the same way as when they first met. 
They enjoy each other. Mobius likes to lead, to rebel in the way he’s been given permission to. And Loki is realizing he doesn’t mind following a man like Mobius. 
Of course, the TVA isn’t so bad either. 
The organization itself, Loki hates. He’s never met the timekeepers, but they sound like kings. That was a group Loki never got along with. 
But the buildings, the center, was growing on him. Even if he wasn’t allowed access to most of the materials, Loki likes the library. He enjoys staying deep in the bookshelves, and bringing a stack out to drop right on the book Mobius is reading. Loki likes the elevators, which seemed to be the few minutes he could simply stand in silence and rest. He likes Casey too, though he tends to leave the poor, sad man alone now. 
Most of all, Loki likes the long hallways that rarely had anyone but him and Mobius. They feel private without being stifling. Sometimes, when the two go back to Mobius’s apartment too early, Loki feels sick. Like it physically hurts to be so close to having what he wants.
“That brown suit is hideous, you know.” Loki tells Mobius as they’re both getting ready. Mobius scowls at Loki.
“It’s uniform. You know, if everything works out, you might get one just like it,” Mobius retorts. Loki scoffs. “Alright then, mr. prince. What would you have me in?”
Loki stops, his eyes trailing over Mobius as he thinks about the question. Loki smirks, turning around as he grabs his belt.
“Anything else. You always look so uptight. No one here knows how to let loose a bit.”
“I’m uptight. That’s a good one,” Mobius says. He’s standing by the door, wanting to leave. “Could you hurry up and put your pants on? We’re late.”
All Loki is doing is tucking his shirt in, but he thinks he can feel Mobius looking. It’s in a way that doesn’t seem strictly observational. 
The nightmares, of course, are an issue. 
Loki hasn’t shared a room since he and Thor were children, so no one knows about the night terrors he gets. Maybe Mobius does, having had a glance at a few as he watched Loki’s life play out on the screen. But Loki doesn’t think so, because Mobius has never said anything. 
But of course, Loki has to ruin that. He wakes up with a shout that echoes off the walls. He slaps a hand over his mouth, then pulls it away, sticky with sweat. He’s pinching the bridge of his nose when Mobius bursts into the living room, slamming his hand over the light switch to turn it on.
“I’m sorry,” Loki says immediately, squinting at the brightness. “I didn’t mean to be so loud. I know you would get in trouble if someone were to find me here.”
“You.. I’d…” Mobius blinks, still half asleep and trying to figure out what’s happening. “Loki, are you alright?”
“I’m fine. Go back to bed, Mobius.” Loki leans more into his palm, cursing himself for letting this happen. If Mobius knows Loki like he claims to, he should just go.
Mobius stays in the doorway, and Loki can practically hear the gears turning in his head. Mobius sighs.
“Look, I’m not gonna ask you what it was, but… why don’t you sleep in here for tonight?” He gestures behind him, presumably towards his bed. Loki raises his head, looking at the other man.
Mobius looks sincere - painfully so. It seems like he doesn’t know what’s going on or what he should do, but he also looks like he just wants Loki to listen. 
Loki gets up, folding the blanket on the couch before he follows Mobius. Loki crawls into the bed after the other man, staying as far away as possible. He expects Mobius to say something else, but he doesn’t. Mobius just sighs and yanks the blanket towards him. 
Loki wakes up feeling amazing. 
He feels rested, warm and heavy as he stirs. The room smells like sleep, and Loki can’t help but raise his arms above his head and stretch. That’s when he feels something on his chest. Loki opens his eyes, peering down. Mobius’s arm is slung over him, the other man still asleep. 
Loki doesn’t move, trying to figure out how asleep Mobius still is. He wonders if they can stay like this for a few more minutes. 
He doesn’t take the chance. Loki gets up, quietly leaving so he can take a shower in the bathroom where his toothbrush sits next to Mobius’s. 
Mobius doesn’t like this shift in his feelings. 
He liked thinking Loki was all bravado with no depth. It was easy to separate everything that way. What was work, and what wasn’t. What mattered and didn’t. 
What was ethical or not. 
Being around Loki so much was making Mobius like him. Even worse, care. He started to dread rewatching certain scenes from his life to look for clues that might tell him where other Lokis are, because Mobius can see the effects of it all now. They’re playing out in front of him, sleeping on his living room couch. 
When Loki wakes up from whatever he was dreaming about, Mobius feels sick. He doesn’t even think about the fact Loki’s cry is loud enough to get caught - literally does not even occur to him. His only thought is, what now? What could possibly catch up to you here?
After Loki lays down in his bed (which was easier to get him to do than Mobius thought), Mobius listens for his breathing to even out. Then he reaches over, resting his arm on Loki’s chest. Mobius falls asleep making sure Loki is still breathing. 
Mobius notices the way Loki looks at him. The realization makes Mobius think about the two of them. What it would mean. 
It hasn’t even occurred to him to look at Loki like that, not seriously. Loki is an asset, so Mobius built up a ton of walls for the sake of professionalism. You know, for his job. Mobius is aware of Loki’s attractiveness because he has to be. It’s part of the reason all these Lokis get away with so much. 
But after that night Mobius begins to look at Loki because he can. And then he realizes he’s been doing that all along. 
“You know,” Mobius tells Loki the next afternoon. They’re in the cafeteria, and Loki is eating everything in his salad but the cherry tomatoes. “It might be better if you stay with me again tonight. Like you said, we wouldn’t want any of my neighbors to pick up on anything.” Loki raises an eyebrow, carefully setting his fork down. Mobius clears his throat.
“No need to be embarrassed, partner. I’m told I have a soothing presence.”
“I absolutely would not say that,” Loki says. “But… if you insist. After all,” Loki’s eyes glint. “You’re in charge.”
Mobius doesn’t know what to say to that, and drinks a cup of water in just one gulp.
And they settle into it. Loki doesn’t sneak out of Mobius’s arms, in fact, he actively seeks them out. Only once everything is quiet and the lights are out, but still. Loki tucks his head under Mobius’s chin, Mobius wraps his arms around Loki’s torso, and they both like it. A lot.
They don’t mention it ever, but it doesn’t seem like something they aren’t allowed to talk about. It’s just part of the routine. Shower, study, search, eat, get in bed. It’s nice. 
At some point, Loki realizes this is the longest he’s stayed in one place for a very long time. 
Just like Loki thought, he’s the first to do it. 
They’re in the elevator, and it’s taking a particularly long time, and Mobius decided to stand closer than he needed to and Loki just… kisses him. 
The best part is, Mobius doesn’t even seem surprised. He opens his mouth when Loki bites down on his lip, and he holds on to the lapels of Loki’s jacket and Loki cradles his face. Everything is so familiar, so natural, and Loki can’t help but smile against Mobius’s stupid mustache. 
And then Loki pulls away. Mobius doesn’t say anything, but he gives Loki a sad smile. Loki feels his blood run cold. 
“What?” He asks, and suddenly, he feels like a child. Like Mobius knows something he doesn’t, and now Loki is going to be chastised. 
“Nothing,” Mobius says, but that’s obviously not true. He sighs. “It’s just… that can't happen again.”
Loki stares at Mobius. “Why?” He demands. “Did you like it?”
“Yes,” Mobius says. His hands are resting on Loki’s waist, but he slides one over Loki's stomach. Mobius’s fingers find their way through the holes that the buttons of Loki’s shirt leave. The feeling of Mobius’s fingers on Loki’s bare skin make Loki dizzy, and confused. 
“Then why can’t we do it again?” He asks, wanting to rip Mobius’s hand off of him, but unable to bring himself to. Mobius grimaces. 
“Loki... Isn’t what we got goin’ enough?” Loki is cool under Mobius’s fingers. No more than anyone else though, even with his frost giant heritage. “C’mon, Loki,” when Mobius glances at Loki, then immediately looks away. The sight of Loki’s disorientated face, combined with his mouth slightly ajar… it’s too much. “You know if it goes any further one of us will screw up. I’ll even say it’ll be me. But someone would notice. It’d be impossible for them not to.”
“But… you’re the one who started this,” Loki protests, and he’s right, because Mobius is the one who brought him into this whole mess. The TVA, his apartment, his bedroom. It’s all been Mobius. Loki never asked for any of that. 
“I know,” Mobius says, and he sounds like he’s sorry. “Listen, I know. I’m sorry. We can’t have it all, but if we keep going the way we have, we can still have some.”
Loki steps away, and Mobius’s face falls. He looks more angry than sad. 
“I think I’d like to go back to my cell now.” Loki says. 
Loki doesn’t actually go back to his cell. But he does sleep on the couch again, and refuses to touch the Goldfish Mobius leaves out.
Mobius feels like a dick, but he’s also sort of pissed. He’s not happy about this either, and if Loki wasn’t always so selfish, he would see that Mobius also isn’t prancing around in happiness. 
“I’m not like you,” Mobius tells Loki the next morning. “Look, I can’t just… rebel. It’s not a luxury I’ve been afforded.”
“I’m glad that after seeing my entire life and death, you’ve settled on the word ‘luxury’ to describe it,” Loki responds angrily, and Mobius just backs off. He knows he won’t get anywhere with Loki, not like this. 
Watching Loki close himself off is… exactly what Mobius would have thought it would be. 
It’s exactly the same as when Loki arrived at the TVA, he’s just less defensive. Loki is just as mad at everyone else, but with Mobius, Loki doesn’t even give him a reaction. He does exactly what’s asked of him, no more and no less. 
Mobius misses him. 
Loki is just across the table, but Mobius misses their rapport. He wants to tease the god again, hassle him as they make their way to the cafeteria. Mobius wants to listen to Loki talk about Asgard, tell him all the little details that can’t be picked up on a screen. He wants his friend back. 
And now Mobius isn’t sleeping, either. He grew used to Loki’s head resting on his chest, the feeling of his hip in his hand. Mobius thinks about the skin of Loki’s stomach, how everything in the elevator felt. 
It was like Mobius lit up. He felt alive again, with free will and all.
But of course, Mobius doesn’t have free will. If he did, he’d pull Loki into the elevator himself, and show Loki just how much wanted this too. 
It hurts because Loki knows Mobius wants this. 
It’s almost worse than if he didn’t - because Mobius liking, wanting, and maybe even needing Loki back, it makes him like everything else in Loki’s life. Loki is so close, he can reach it, even hold it in the palm of his hand. A life with Mobius, at least for the time being, would be exactly as it was before the argument, except more so. Just a bit more. 
Loki can’t take it. He feels like he’s going to vomit every second of the day, because his life is a vicious cycle and coming so far just to be thrown away.  He takes long showers now, the stream of water being the only thing that can drown out his thoughts. Loki almost doesn’t see Mobius as he steps out of the bathroom, drying his hair. 
“Loki,” the other man says, and his tone is so grave that Loki stops. 
“Mobius,” he responds. “Do you need something?”
“I… I wanted to apologize,” Mobius takes a step forward. “For what I said.”
Loki tilts his head. “For which part? I recall quite a few things.” A look of exasperation passes over Mobius’s face. Loki hates to admit it, but the look is relieving. It makes everything seem less serious than it is. 
“What I said about not being like you,” Mobius explains. “Look, I know you’ve felt alone your whole life. And the way I said that, I don’t feel good about it. I’m sorry.”
Loki blinks, then throws his towel in the hamper. 
“It’s fine,” he says. Mobius shakes his head, stepping even closer, and Loki raises his eyes. 
“No, Loki, it’s not,” Mobius reaches up, running his fingers through Loki’s damp hair. “I lied,” he murmurs. “I lied to the God of Lies. I am like you, Loki. I’m your kind. I know Lokis, so I know who you would have been. But this you?” Mobius places his hands over Loki’s hips and pushes, pressing Loki’s back against the wall. “I’m still getting to know who you are now. And I like you, Loki. I really do.” Mobius stares at Loki expectantly. Loki swallows, resting his hands on Mobius’s shoulders. Mobius is softer than Loki is, and it makes Loki’s mouth water. From here, Loki can see every wrinkle and gray hair that Mobius has. He’s painfully human. Loki closes his eyes, leaning forward to press his lips against Mobius’s temple. 
“Do you mean it?” He asks. “Will it stick? Are you going to call it all off?” At this angle, Mobius can reach Loki’s neck, and he begins to suck on the delicate skin there. Loki lets out a moan. 
“I can’t promise we’re gonna get married and be together forever,” Mobius teases Loki lightly. He runs his tongue over Loki’s Adam’s Apple. “But I’m not gonna stop just because of the TVA. You.. you’re worth more than that.” Mobius slides his palms under Loki’s shirt and up his back, and Loki melts into him. “I promise.”
“Okay,” Loki says, because that’s all there is to say. He trusts Mobius, Loki realizes. He wholeheartedly does. 
“Loki,” Mobius says, exhaling. “Can I touch you? Do you want me to touch you?”
Loki straightens, catching Mobius’s eye. 
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anonymousweirdo · 3 years
Beautiful Liar
“He cares about you.”
Loki taking this in tried his best, as he usually does when it comes to people who care about him, not to think about it. People who care about him usually end up getting hurt. Whether it be by him, something, or someone else. Lying to people and never allowing them to get truly close made things easier. Or so he had always managed to convince himself. However he couldn’t ignore the extreme loss and anguish he had felt when he thought Mobius had died nor the extreme joy and relief he felt when he realised he was alive. Still Loki tried his best to ignore all these things.
“It’s cold.” Was all he managed to say. Like me he thought at the very back of his mind.
“Mmhmm.” Came Sylvie’s reply.
Loki conjured up himself a blanket. Something that felt and seemed real in order to mask the feelings he felt that were too real.
“I could conjure one for you, if you like.” He kindly and intentionally offered. Knowing that Sylvie probably handles her emotions in a similar way.
“Tell you what, you could conjure me a new outfit. You have no idea how uncomfortable something like this is.” She said.
Ah a witty joke that carefully avoided help and receiving care.
How like a Loki.
Loki chuckled softly at the madness of it all. Why couldn’t he ever just let himself be loved?
“So... Mobius...”
Oh God here we go. Thought Loki.
“and his um... theory about-“
“Right right!” Interrupted Loki who was not entirely sure whether or not he felt relieved that they were discussing their nexus event instead of Mobius’ genuine care for him or not. “About our nexus event.”
“Total rubbish, right?”
Loki immediately feeling his heart sink, immediately ignoring it sinking, and immediately responding said, “Absolutely. Of course! I mean...”
Sylvie knowing Loki, as she was actually him to some extent, picked up on this and quickly stated, “I don’t mean that it wasn’t you know a nice moment.”
“No it was great. It was really nice it-it-it was great.” Loki faltered. Realising that the very thing he wished to avoid thinking or talking about he was now having to think and talk about. The very thing he tried to ignore from Mobius. Someone genuinely caring for him and he genuinely caring for someone else.
“It just... sounds like another TVA lie.” Said Sylvie. Often feeling that lies were all she knew. Both from herself and from others.
“A hundred percent! I mean t-totally...” Lie. Just like what you’re doing to yourself right now. Just like what you’re doing to her right now. Just like what you do to him. Just like you always bloody do. “yeah....”
He glanced at Sylvie knowing just how much, just how intimately, she lies too.
“I don’t know how to do this.” She admitted. Not a lie.
“I don’t even know what we’re doing.” He admitted. The truth.
She smiled at him knowingly. “I don’t have friends.” Knowing he does the same as her. Knowing he too never allows anyone to get close. “I don’t have... anyone.”
“Well...” that nagging thought he always pushed aside was at its loudest. Open up. Be honest. Tell her everything. How lonely you truly are. How you’re terrified of being alone yet somehow manage to push away every single person who’s every cared about you. He killed it with a lie. Like he’s done thousands of times. Every time. “There are more important things right?”
“Right? Yeah! L-like bringing down the TVA!” She can lie to herself too. Obviously.
“I mean saving the universe when you think about it.”
“Well there’s no need to be dramatic but, yeah, kind of.”
A few moments of silence passed between the two. Loki knew Sylvie was shivering. Knew just how much she was shivering. How unbearably cold and lonely she was too. Unable to stand it any longer he decided to actually act on his genuine care for her. For himself. He made the blanket grow bigger so that Sylvie wouldn’t be cold.
He wondered if she knew why he did this. Just how symbolic it truly was and then with a smile he suddenly realised that of course she did.
“It’s not very snuggly.” She said.
He let forth an amused and exhausted laugh “Okay.”
“Is it a tablecloth?”
“No. It’s a blanket!”
She looked him in the eye. Fully knowing why he did what he just did and just how difficult it is for them, how difficult it always is for a Loki, to love and be loved.
“Thank you.”
Tried of always lying. Tried of always being lonely. Tried of always being Loki. He said “My pleasure.” He meant it.
“How do I know that in the final moments you won’t betray me?” Sylvie asked. Tried as well.
“Listen, Sylvie, I...” Loki sighed deeply. All the thoughts that he hid for years. All the feelings he ignored. Everything about himself he constantly lied to himself about. He let it all out with a simple action. Telling the truth. “I betrayed everyone who ever loved me. I betrayed my father, my brother...” Mobius his mind told him but he wouldn’t admit it. “My home. I know what I did. And I know why I did it. And that’s not who I am anymore... okay? I won’t let you down.” And this time, for once, he actually believed himself.
“You sure?” She asked.
Loki nodded.
“Cause if we make it,” She continued. “And the TVA is gone, there might be a timeline for you to rule.”
Ah yes, ruling, an easy way to secure a false sense of control. To control other people alongside your feelings. To control and manipulate others as easily as you control and manipulate yourself. What fun.
“Ah. And then I’d finally be happy.” Loki said sarcastically.
Sylvie sighed. Back to lying I see she thought for a moment.
“What about you?” Loki asked. “What will you do when this is all over?”
Sylvie who lived her whole life according to one purpose simply replied, “I don’t know.”
“I don’t know either.” Loki responded. The less he lied the more he realised he could tell the truth. The more he could be honest with himself. The more he could let himself care and be cared for. “Maybe... maybe we could figure it out... together.”
She stared at him not fully convinced but not unconvinced either. “Maybe.”
And maybe Loki could really figure it out one day. How he truly felt about Mobius. How he truly felt about Sylvie. How he truly felt about himself.
How he truly felt about being loved. How he truly felt about his own love for others. Maybe. Maybe one day he will stop lying. Just maybe.
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konigsfaerie · 3 years
Chapter One
Summary: Falling in love with two people isn't normal, but after fighting your way out of the TVA, you can't help but develop feelings for both Loki and Mobius. Hiding your emotions has never been your strong suit, and your resolve has been fading with each passing day you spend together at the compound.
Word count: 4,630
Loki looked across the common room to find Mobius rifling through papers, undoubtedly studying another timeline that would need to be fixed. Loki watched his hands turn the crisp pages, watched his index finger travel down to find a specific word.
He decided to break his gaze and clear his throat, shaking himself out of his daze. “Don’t you think we should take a break? We’ve been at this all day.”
Mobius looked up from the folder and raised a single eyebrow. “You mean I have been at this all day. You’ve been sitting there looking pretty while I have been isolating timelines we need to fix without so much as a lunch break.”
If not for his Frost Giant heritage, the blush on his face would be unmistakable. Suddenly words left him, so he decided to stare out of a window, his dark thoughts immediately returning.
He left who he used to be back in New York. The jealous god, the god who was angry at everything and couldn’t love anything simply out of fear. It seemed that all of the sudden there was too much love in his heart, the kind that made him feel the most guilty he had been in a long while.
Loki, Mobius, and you fighting through the TVA was no small feat, and even now there was no time to rest.
“Although I suppose we should check on y/n. She’s been cooped up in her office all day,” Mobius observed, pushing away from the desk and stretching his arms up. Loki noticed his torso as he stretched, the fabric revealing the slight V of his waist. There was that nonexistent blush again, the panging he felt in his chest.
“I’ll get her some food from the kitchen.” As Loki left for the kitchen, it was now your features that plagued his mind. Your soft skin, supple thighs, full cheeks, y/e/c. How could this be possible, to love two people at the same time? Just years before he would have destroyed an entire planet without thinking, and now every action he made, he’d run it over in his head before doing so just to make sure he didn’t say something wrong that could hurt yours or Mobius’ feelings. Although Mobius wasn’t exactly the most sensitive of the bunch, Loki cringed when he thought of all the terrible things he said to both you and Mobius when he first arrived at the TVA.
There were cooks of course, The Avengers Tower was huge with so many people coming in and out, but he wanted to make you food by his hand.
Your feelings for Mobius and Loki were… complicated at best. The passion you felt for Loki made your head dizzy, but the tender love you felt for Mobius made your heart ache. You ran a hand down your face, the guilt gathering up in the pit of your stomach again. How was this even possible? You loved them both, and while they probably didn’t even have a clue, you couldn’t imagine letting either one of them go. And if you lost both of them...
You heard a knock at your door, and you tried steeling your face into indifference again, but ultimately failed. “Come in!” Instead of indifference, you tried to look as happy as can be, providing a smile as bright as the stars.
As soon as you saw both of them come in at the same time, your face immediately fell. You tried to look away from their faces, your eyes pointing downward, pretending to do something you were working on before you were about to have a breakdown. You couldn’t actually be in control of your emotions when Mobius started acting all gentle and kind and Loki started a war of who could use the most sarcasm in one sentence. (Hint: He always won.)
“Is there something the two of you needed?”
Loki sat down in the chair in front of your desk, placing a covered dish in front of you, planting his feet on your desk, which he knew you absolutely hated.
“We can’t visit our favorite girl unannounced?” Mobius spoke, giving that little grin of his.
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Favorite girl. Were you really… their favorite girl?
His excited smile faded. “Unless you’re busy… I don’t want to interrupt you.”
You slid a hand to Loki’s boots, roughly slapping his feet off the table and uncovering the dish. “No, I- Well, I guess I haven’t eaten all day.” Part of your job to create a new task force of Avengers to fix the timelines destroyed accompanied by Doctor Stephen Strange. He usually was in your office with you going over the candidates you thought would make a good addition to the team, but he was currently out convincing them to come back to the compound.
“Sorry. I should’ve brought food up to you a long time ago.”
Loki eyed you as you took your first bite into what had to be your favorite meal of all time. You started to shake your head at his comments, but instead you closed your eyes for a moment, letting a moan sneak past your lips. “This is so good! It tastes much better than what the cooks usually make for us. Who made this?” Usually it was all leafy green salads and juice the color of baby puke (doctor’s orders, and by doctor, you mean an overprotective philanthropist), but thank the gods, it was something actually cooked in oil.
“Loki cooked it for you,” Mobius said with a teasing smirk, but then his lips went into a pout. “While I eat this salad for the twentieth night in a row.”
A blush crept up on your nose and you giggled. “Guess I’m just that special.”
“Yes,” Loki remarked. “You are.” His eyes burned into your own.
The blush deepened into a shade of ruby red. Loki was always one for bluntness and didn’t always understand how humans communicated with each other. Yes, that was all it was. Just him reminding you how much he cared for you as a friend. The sentiment was new to him, after all.
You filled your face with more food, your eyes staring down so that you didn’t have to meet either of their pair of eyes. After finishing your food, you heard a bottle of alcohol thud on your desk. You laughed and gave a little shake of your head. “Don’t you know that the use of alcohol or other substances will hinder our training?” You mocked Tony, his strictness fueled by FRIDAY.
“Well,” Loki laughed. “I am not in training,” he continued, popping the cork off with his mouth. “Because I am already amazing.” He put the bottle to his lips and took two long swigs.
Both you and Mobius groaned, Mobius grabbing the neck of the bottle from him and doing the same. As he passed it to you, you thought that maybe this was a bad idea. You never really got too drunk unless you were “reveling” with Thor, but you were constantly afraid your feelings might slip out. One wrong look, and they might figure it out.
Mobius passed it to you, and you downed four long gulps. Maybe the alcohol would make you momentarily forget your feelings instead of bringing them to the surface. Immediately your head felt lighter as you passed it back to Loki, but instead of the smiles that were there before, two worried glances were presented on their faces.
Loki put the bottle down. “What’s wrong?” The concerned look on both of their faces made your heart thud in your chest. They really, actually cared about you. About what you thought, what you felt, if you ate, if there was too much on your plate. That was more than just being friends, right? When you were with them, you felt different. Lighter, safe, like nothing could really hurt you as long as you three were together.
“Nothing,” you defended, taking another bite of your food as the buzz you had started to ebb and flow. Trying to keep the tears springing from your eyes was no small task, but you couldn’t do this now, in front of them. You hated lying to them and you didn’t even know what excuse you could possibly make if tears started running down your cheeks.
But the truth was that you cried often. Late at night after hours of exhausting work, not only isolating timelines but trying to convince people with abilities to help your cause, usually wielding little to no results. After all that tiresome work, it wasn’t the universe or your collective impending doom you thought about; it was Mobius and Loki. How they take care of you, how it might feel to have Mobius’ lips on yours while Loki wraps his arms around you from behind and kisses your neck...
How long have you been looking at your empty plate without saying anything?
“Y/n? Sweetheart?” Mobius started, reaching for your hand across the desk which made Loki look at the pair of yours. Why did he call you that so often? Ever since coming to the TVA, even when it looked like he wanted to scream at Loki until he was hoarse, even when you joined forces with Loki and he couldn’t understand why in the world you would, he wanted to protect you. Both of them did.
It felt like your heart was just continually skipping beats. It was absolutely insane that one word was the thing that was finally going to undo you.
Our favorite girl.
Your eyes went back and forth between the two of their faces, your lip starting to wobble. Loki immediately got up from his chair in front of you, moving towards you and crouching down to your eye level. “What is it? What’s the matter, y/n?” His concerned blue eyes searched yours, his eyebrows knitting together in worry.
Mobius was hovering over you at your desk with that same look, waiting for your response.
There were lies you could tell, of course. I’m just tired. I miss my family. I want to piece this god-forsaken universe back together already. It was all true of course, but the real reason you lay awake at night with tears streaming down your face was because you were in love with the both of them and if you did anything about it, you’d lose them. And your heart could absolutely not handle that. They were everything to you.
You could only imagine it, which you did often. Their confused looks which would make you feel like the weirdest person on the planet, the neverending silence as they only talked to you about work. How could you possibly handle them not barging in on your space every night, not making you feel like the luckiest girl on the planet just to have friends like these?
Nevertheless, the tears came and the sobs started racking your body as they both came to your rescue, enveloping you in their arms, which only made you cry harder.
“Y/n-” Mobius started, but was cut short because of… that look you were giving him. The one that said everything, the one that also traveled to Loki. It was unmistakable. With them, you were an open book and your face were the words on the page.
Loki pulled away, but only to put a hand on your waist. Was he… giving you the same look? When you looked back over to Mobius, his hand was at your waist as well, his hand flying up to dry your tears. “Sweetheart,” he breathed.
As soon as your eyes fluttered, Mobius’ mouth was on yours, giving you the most tender kiss you had ever felt. His lips slightly pulled away as Loki’s finger hooked under your chin and his lips flew to yours. Back and forth you played this little game until your knees were threatening to buckle underneath your feet, both of them slightly rubbing your waist.
As you pulled back slightly, their lips finally pressed against each other. The kiss between them was more rough but just as loving.
You couldn’t believe this was happening. No, there was no way they felt the same things you did. Ever since spending time with the both of them in the TVA, the thoughts that plagued your mind were perhaps the darkest you ever felt. Not just because you knew without a shadow of a doubt whatever conclusion you came to you would get hurt, but because you might hurt them in any way. The love you felt for them didn’t seem natural, but it definitely felt it. But this…. They felt it too? Not only that, but they felt things for each other as well? For how long?
Suddenly you didn’t want to be cooped up in this office anymore so you grabbed both of their hands, locking their fingers with yours and started moving to the stairs that led to your room. As soon as you closed the door, Mobius was pushing you against it while Loki ran a finger down the length of your arm.
You didn’t need to say anything for now. Your faces said so much. Words might be necessary later, but now…
Loki nudged him over while his lips explored yours again and Mobius kissed your neck. A moan escaped your lips again, but this one wasn’t because of the pleasure of food, rather the pleasure of the two men controlling your every movement. Mobius’ hands were still pinning you to the door, and you couldn’t help it as your waist moved against Loki’s.
“Please,” you breathed. “I n-need-” God, it was hard for you to talk with Loki’s lips hovering over yours, the heat rising in you as you imagined all the marks Mobius was making on your neck, claiming you as his.
“What do you need, darling?” Loki whispered, moving to the other side of your neck. Mobius shoved his leg in between yours, your hips making quick work of him.
Apparently that was all the answer they needed. Mobius grabbed your waist, moving you to your bed as they both joined you and started on your neck again while Loki began slowly untying your top, testing to see if you were comfortable.
Usually you were shy around them, but you had enough of just fantasizing about them doing this. You would be perfectly happy if they decided to rip your clothes off and spread your legs.
“I’m tired of waiting,” Mobius snapped as if reading your mind, shoving your pants down as Loki threw your top onto the floor. They both beheld you in your matching lacy white bra and panties. They looked… hungry. Like they’d both been waiting for this, only now they realized all three of you wanted it just as much.
You swallowed as they stared into each other's eyes just a moment before taking each other’s shirts off. Even though you needed them to rip off all your underthings, you were nervous. They definitely had more experience than you, and Loki was a literal god who could get whatever or whomever he wanted.
As Mobius placed his lips onto yours again, his tongue teasing your own, you could feel Loki’s hands gripping your panties, sliding them down. He took in a breath, giving himself a moment to take you in. “You’re so beautiful,” he breathed, just before spreading you with two of his fingers.
“Mmm, fuck,” you moaned against Mobius’ lips, moving so that Loki had perfect access. All you wanted was his tongue on you, or even his fingers filling you up.
Okay, that’s not all you wanted, but it was a start. What you really wanted wasn’t just his fingers filling you up, but either - or both of their cock’s inside of you, hitting that one spot you really loved-
“Loki!” you gasped as his mouth connected with your clit, his finger easily sliding into you. You bucked against him, biting your own lip as Mobius slid down near Loki, giving him a kiss before removing his finger and sucking on it, tasting your juices. The look in their eyes when they looked at eachother - it was sending you over the edge already.
“Look at her, Loki,” Mobius observed. “She’s already wanting to cum on your mouth. Should we let her?” Was he teasing us? You were dripping at this point, coating his mouth with your juices, gripping the covers with your fists. The look in Loki’s eyes was feral as his tongue flicked over your clit and then swirled around it. The only answer he provided was a groan of pleasure from having his tongue play with your clit. He was waiting for permission.
“Not yet,” Mobius decided, grabbing a handful of Loki’s hair, pulling him back. Loki’s face was pure disappointment, which he soothed by licking his lips, tasting you again.
Loki moved towards you, his face hovering over yours. “You taste so good,” he whispered. “Do you want to taste yourself?”
You gave a nod, staring up at him and he gave you the most passionate kiss you’ve ever felt, his tongue enveloping yours. You sucked on it, moaning against his tongue as you savored yourself.
As you sucked on his tongue, you realized you were one-hundred percent more wet than you started off, and you couldn’t help but squirm as Mobius spread your legs ever father, his finger moving slowly up and down your clit. This was fucking agonizing. You didn’t want to be teased, you wanted them to take you right here on this bed.
“Good things come to those who wait, y/n.”
You stared at Mobius who was currently sliding a single finger into you excruciatingly slowly, a pleasured smile on his face, most likely because he knew how bad you wanted him, wanted the both of them to be inside of you.
“Please,” you begged as Loki started to unhook your bra, placing his mouth on your nipple. “I-I want-”
Mobius stopped pumping his finger in and out of you, joining Loki in playing with your nipples. “Yes y/n, tell me what you want and I may even give it to you.” Before you could speak, he slid his finger into your mouth which just made you buck your hips even more.
“Oh, is that what you want?” Suddenly, he grabbed Loki and started taking off the remainder of his clothes, finally sliding off his belt and undoing his pants, shoving them down with his underwear and exposing his cock. “Is this what you want? You need to be fucked?” You glanced at Mobius who was currently stroking Loki who tilted his back in pleasure. The sight was fucking angelic, and all you could do was speechlessly nod without abandon.
Loki was rock hard, probably from the moment he saw your glistening pussy. As you rose to your knees, you met his face as you pumped him with your hand, taking over from Mobius, exploring him. “Do you like that?” You wanted to edge him on. You wanted him to lose control, especially because you could see how much he was trying to contain himself. Mobius saw it too, which was part of the reason he was teasing the both of you so much. The other reason was because he wanted to see just how bad you wanted him.
No response, just another groan. You heard Mobius taking his pants off but was utterly focused on pleasuring Loki.
Suddenly you could feel Mobius’ cock against your ass, him coming behind you and feeling on your breasts. “Now tell Daddy exactly what you want.”
“Both of you. Inside of me.” You turned your head to look at him, biting your lip out of embarrassment.
Surprise lit his features. “Are you sure about that? I don’t want it to be too much for you… Yet.”
You nodded quickly. “I want both of you to fill me up.”
Mobius tore you away from Loki, pushing you face forward onto the bed, placing a hand on your stomach to prop your ass up. You took that as a clue to arch your back. “Good girl,” Loki remarked, moving you over momentarily to move under you. Loki started teasing you, placing his cock at your entrance.
“No, no more teasing,” you begged, letting out a little wine. “Please just… Please fuck me!”
“Isn’t she impatient, sweetie?” Mobius pondered, lubing himself up with something you didn’t recognize, then going to his fingers so he could stretch you out. From this angle, Mobius could control everything. He slid a finger into your ass which caused a moan to slip out. Honestly, this wasn’t a normal thing for you, but you had to have both of them. You didn’t want to wait or deny yourself any longer.
You bucked against his finger as he slid another one inside of you. It hurt a little, but in the best way possible. You could feel him stretching you out, taking his time, just as Loki rubbed himself against your clit. Loki’s little pants and quiet moans were only teasing you further, and even Mobius looked like he was losing his resolve to go slowly.
Words wouldn’t, or rather, couldn’t escape your mouth. You already felt so filled up with Mobius’ fingers pumping in and out of you, Loki threatening to slip inside of you. The feeling you felt was best described as… helpless. They were controlling your every move, how fast or slow you went, when or even if you would cum.
Mobius gave a look to Loki, silently giving him permission as he slowly slid his fingers out of you. “Are you ready, sweetheart?” Loki asked, his soft and wanting eyes staring up at you and pushing your hair behind your ear. “Would you like to feel me inside of you?”
“Y-Yes!” You leaned further onto him so that Mobius would have easier access to your ass and so that Loki could easily slip inside of you. His breathing turned ragged as the head of his cock teased your entrance, but you were tired of being teased. All those nights fantasizing about this, fantasizing about the looks they were giving you now. Never in a million years would you think they would want this too, but here they were, one under you and one on top, showing you how much they cared for you.
Even though Mobius wrapped his fingers around your hips, moving Loki’s legs slightly so he could have as much access to you as he needed, you slid onto Loki’s long shaft, sending shocks throughout your body. His grip tightened just as you could feel Mobius’ lubed cock slide into your ass.
Filled up is what you felt. You almost felt overwhelmed with it, but you could take it. You could take both of them as they started pumping in and out of you. You closed your eyes, almost feeling high, feeling like the universe was moving throughout your body.
Mobius couldn’t have possibly known your eyes were closed, but you felt one arm wrap around your waist as his fingers tightened in your hair. “Look at him pumping inside of you, y/n. Watch him fuck you.” His breath was ragged too as you moved between them, your hands tightening around Loki’s shoulders for purchase.
The moans coming out of you were loud, probably loud enough to wake the entire compound, but you didn’t care. They were stretching you out, filling you up entirely. You had never felt more loved than this exact moment. “Please-” you moaned. At this point, you weren’t sure what you were saying. You weren’t sure of anything, and you especially weren’t sure where you ended and Loki and Mobius began. “I don’t know if I can-” you started, pausing to look at Loki’s feral glance. You knew you were dripping with want, with need. You were wet, so wet, and so tight, and you loved the feeling of him inside of you. He was a god, and that almost all-powerful thing inside of him threatened to come out with every thrust, every new moan you made.
“What’s wrong?” Mobius asked, moving his hand from your hair to your chin, making you look at him. His eyes were almost glossed over, and he was still fighting his composure.
You shook your head, moving to buck back against him, which prompted him to move his hand back to your hair, controlling your every move, your every thrust. “I just don’t think I can-” Another shock rang throughout your body as they grew even more in sync with each other, picking up their pace. You felt totally dominated, and your mind was reeling from the fact that the two people you loved so much were fucking you into oblivion. The blush spread to your nose as you bit your lip. “I don’t think I can last long,” you moaned, rolling your head back momentarily as Mobius loosened his grip, kissing your soft lips.
Fuck, you saw stars. You were so close already, and his lips on yours didn’t help, his tongue exploring your own. His moans vibrated against your mouth as he grabbed a handful of your hair again, pushing you down to kiss Loki as he chuckled, some sadistic part of him enjoying seeing you on the edge. While you were usually so in control of everything around you, Mobius liked seeing you completely out of control, at his mercy.
Loki was close too. You could tell, because his grip was tightening even further on your waist, holding you completely in place while he slid in and out of you, his teeth gently pulling on your bottom lip. Through all three of your moans, you could hear the wet slap of his cock as he fucked you. He kept hitting that exact place you wanted him to, which made you cry out in pleasure. You were so glad they were both holding you, otherwise you didn’t think you could hold yourself up anymore.
Mobius’ hand moved from your hair to your throat, his grip tightening around you. Your eyes widened as any control you previously had completely disappeared along with your resolve to hold on. Your eyes squeezed shut for a moment as your pussy tightened around Loki’s cock, causing him to cry out in turn. Your eyes opened again, watching him shoot his cum inside of you. “Y/n!” He cried out your name as he reached for you, his hand tightening around your own.
“Fuck,” Mobius swore. Galaxies exploded inside of you as you gripped Loki’s other hand too, biting your lip as you felt Mobius shoot inside of your ass with a loud groan.
As your orgasm finally calmed, you felt the both of them slide out of you and let out an involuntary whimper. The feeling of being filled up, it was… everything. And now you felt empty. But as soon as they heard it, they came to your rescue, Loki turning over and pressing your face to his chest as Mobius laid down at your side, stroking your back and covering the three of you up.
“Better?” he whispered.
You nodded, moving your head to stare up at him, your lip wobbling a little. You felt completely exhausted, and the world felt like it was spinning around you, but as soon as you felt their arms tighten around you, you came back to Earth. He planted a small kiss on your lips, giving you a smile that made all dark thoughts completely disappear. You could see things in that smile, things that had been left unsaid.
“So much better,” you sighed.
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marveliciousloki · 3 years
I figured it out! Loki's character development consists on being happier for the exchange of his braincells as the MCU progresses
You don't believe me?
Thor (2011):
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This conflicted baby only smiles in deleted scenes or when he goes apeshit, despite personally considering the deleted scenes cannon he never smiles out of them and he's having an identity crisis the whole movie and if Thor hadn't regained Mjolnir he would have gotten away with his plan (and partially did).
Avengers (2012):
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Now he smiles a lot more, even has a couple of jokes like the "I'm listening" and "I'll have that drink now" but he thought working for Thanos would be a good idea and got tricked by Nat (don't blame him, Nat kicks ass).
Thor: Dark World (2014):
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To me this is peak Loki and personally my favorite MCU movie (yes, the allegedly worst movie is my favorite, sue me) despite grieving Frigga he smiles a lot, he's sassy and even jokes around on my beloved hall scene but like, even Thor got to deceive him, he is at peak Mischief on that ending but like... Why didn't you see that you'd be a frozen kebab.
Thor Ragnarok (2017):
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This is a close third favorite of mine and the one that made me laugh the hardest but he isn't as sharp as before, maybe relaxed from calmly reigning as Odin for years made him go soft (I don't freaking know) but he still is reliable in combat and got to play the Grandmaster for a good while, and this whole journey helps him reconnect with Thor and even be a hero to his people which is what he always wanted.
Infinity War (2018):
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Okay he has no happy scenes here but by this point he had found himself and learned how to love his brother in a healthy way (at least since 2011), unfortunately he had to attack Thanos with a butter knife.
Endgame (2019):
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Loki appeared for like 5 minutes merely mocking Steve like a 5 year old brat and reacting to things but he was considerably brighter than his old 2012 counterpart let on (he didn't do anything dumb per se but he was a little shit).
Loki (2021):
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This is, controversially again, my second favorite source of Loki content because there's so much of it and he's so happy (once past episode one) and bright and bubbly, and... I just love him. But "what if I was a robot", his silly metaphors, getting drunk on a dying planet, poking Mobius with a stick when he was in trouble, trying to stab Alioth, running towards Alioth with just a fire dagger... Baby pls. It's not the best but I still love it, and he had his good moments: he tricked Mobius and the TVA several times, figured out Sylvie's plan and the TVA's security bridge not as an accident (which I'm convinced is what happened to Sylvie) and tricked Sylvie a lot too in Lamentis, plus had the little intelectual kerfufffle with He Who Remains at the end of the season.
What if...? (2021) episode 3:
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Getting interrupted, "Lady Trouble", almost getting too extra too soon on Fury, revealing himself to Hank Pym a little too quickly, "Helloooo, Trickster God, hi." Beside having no real motivation to be after Earth without Thor and therefore being out of character, he was merely a comic relief character despite being the one to take down the villain and becoming the catastrophic ending (which only happened because he jad it Asgardian troupes rather than him being some actual villainous chaotic force).
What if...? (2021) episode 7:
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If I thought the last one was the goofiest he could get... episode 7 proved me wrong, very wrong, this was possibly the silliest, goofiest, and even the cringiest Loki version I've ever seen, and I would die for him. The whole episode he shares one dying braincell with Thor and half 99% of his dialogues made me cringe because there was 0 wit at all (like, even TVA!Loki has his moments):
"AAAAAHHH!😃" ...baby please
Loki talking like a normal 21st century dude, but I appreciated the wink to the phrase of "brother from another mother", like that was 100% Tom's doing
Brothers foreveeer, what was that
The whole "boom" exchange was painful on a physical level
The shooting star exchange was adorable and gave me so much life but are you 3?
Loki being smitten over a stranger??? AND LOOKING FOR A DOUBLE DATE IN LIKE 30 SECONDS THAT CALL LASTED???? WHAT???
His butter fingers dropping the phone (when did Thor get a phone anyway?)
Saint Louie, universe's biggest slingshot... lol okay that's a thing apparently
Every time he said bro I died a little bit inside (I think it's like 2 times but keep in mind I watched his in two languages)
This is not stupid but hearing him saying Frigga was not his mom hurt me too much
"Duty??? cLeAn?!??! UGH! You sound like Odin." Yeah and you sound like a toddler and how do you know that in this universe, Odin didn't raise you.
Also personaly complaint but, honey put some clothes on... please
Okay I got off rail this wasn't a rant post... ANYWAY! Despite all that I complained he smiled and was happy throughout the whole thing and I melted, like it took me 10 years to see the first non-scarcastic laugh from my boy, and despite maybe being my least favorite Loki (I'm really on a roll with this against the current opionions, huh?) I still adore him with my entire being.
In conclusion, I believe Loki will continue to lose brain cells in exchange of some of that happy juice and... I have really mixed feelings, like... please let him do both. Preferably Dark World level but Ragnarok level will suffice.
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Adopted By Frostiron
Inspiration From This Gorgeous Fanart:
Since so many people asked me to write this, here it is, the very first part! A Frostiron Story of Loki and Tony adopting little Sylvie ❤
⚠️Warnings: Light Angst⚠️
Enjoy 💚❤
(Please Check The Pinned Post On My Tumblr Page To See If There Are More Parts To This Story)
Loki was going to stab someone any minute now.
He had no clue how long he had been stuck at this 'TVA' for but it had seemed like far too long for his liking. He wanted to go back to Midgard, back to Tony who would surely be worrying by now, back to their son who would be missing him even though he had been adopted only three days before Loki had been taken away by the TVA.
Loki was so close to getting out of here. If he wasn't being watched every minute then he would have left a long time ago with the Tempad Mobius thought he had 'lost'.
The only real problem was, well, he wasn't entirely sure how to use the Tempad. Just trying to navigate it was so frustrating that Loki was tempted to throw the Tempad against the wall but he always calmed himself at the last moment, telling himself the Tempad was the only way to get out of here and back to Anthony and their son.
So he took his time working it out, not wanting to get it wrong and end up in Muspelheim or something equally horrible. It would be worth the wait to see his family again.
In the end, it turned out that it was a good thing he had waited and taken the time to figure the Tempad out.
That good thing came in the form of a little girl Loki would come to care for and love.
It was another drag of a day, Loki clicking furiously at the Tempad. He was surprised the battery hadn't yet died on it.
He sighed, pressing in a destination and blinked when his timeline came up. He knew it was his as he had checked the files in the library when the annoying librarian hadn't been looking.
He stared at the little screen, hope blooming in his chest. This was it. This was his ticket out of here!
Loki grinned to himself but it faded quickly when he heard yelling coming from outside the room he was hiding in, away from Mobius and all the other pestering TVA Agent's.
Fear gripped him, wondering if the TVA Agent's had found out he had stolen the Tempad and was trying to make a getaway.
Loki stepped back when the door opened and a little girl raced in, quickly shutting and locking the door behind her. Long black hair slipped past her shoulders as she pressed an ear to the door and even Loki heard the hurried footsteps pass by, a voice speaking. "Find her. We can't let this Variant get away."
Loki rolled his eyes at Ravonna's voice as it faded away, the little girl taking a relieved breath as turned. She froze when she spotted Loki looking at her, like a deer caught in headlights.
"Hello," Loki said, voice soft as he was afraid he might frighten her.
She definitely looked frightened, a slight tremor going through her body as she pressed her back to the door, slowly slipping down it until she was sat on the floor, legs drawn up to her chest.
Tears welled up in her green eyes, much like Loki's own and his heart clenched at the sight. "Please, I d-don't know where I a-am. I don't k-know why I-I'm here—"
"Sh, sh," Loki hushed her gently, shaking his head as he stepped towards her but stopped when he saw her tense. "It's alright, Sweetheart. No need to be afraid of me."
She didn't look convinced, shaking her head furiously as tears fell. "I d-don't trust you. I don't know who you a-are."
She made a good point. She had no real reason to trust Loki at all. For all she knew, he could be another TVA Agent. Likely, that is what she thought.
"I'm not one of them," Loki assured her though that still gave her no reason to believe him. "I am much like you. A Variant. Do you know what that is?"
She slowly shook her head.
"It means that I am the same as someone else, though slightly different. There are many different types of me. Like you, Sweetheart. You're like me," Loki said softly. "I'm even willing to bet your name is Loki too, isn't it?"
Her eyes widened slightly though she nodded. "I-I am. Y-you're me?"
"I'm a Variant of you," Loki agreed. "The TVA took me from my timeline too. I'm trying to get back home to my family."
He held up the Tempad to her to prove his point, unsure if she even knew what it was though by the way she stared at it, he assumed she did.
"I could take you back to your timeline, if you wish me to," Loki assured her. "I need to get back to my own timeline first however. My husband is much better at this sort of technology than I am. He will be able to find your timeline without those dusty, old files the TVA keeps."
She nodded again, even more slowly though she looked rather hopeful at the statement.
Loki slowly drew closer, confidence growing when she didn't flinch away. He crouched down, holding out a hand to her. "I'll take you somewhere safe, away from here. Would you like that?"
He smiled softly, reassuringly and after a long moment of hesitation, and she gave a small teary smile back as she reached out to take it.
They both jumped when voices shouted outside the door, footsteps drawing nearer before the door handle jiggled.
The little girl gasped in fear but Loki was already scooping her up in his arms, holding her close as he backed away from the door that was suddenly pounded on as if someone was trying to kick it in.
Loki held her in one arm against his hip while trying to activate the Tempad one handed. He dearly hoped this would work otherwise chaos would erupt.
He clicked one last button on the screen and instantly the square portal appeared just as the door burst open, TVA Agent's flooding in, including Mobius who stared wide eyed at the two Loki Variants. "Loki, wait—!"
Loki didn't give him the chance to finish, turning and racing through the portal which closed behind them the moment he stepped through.
@murdermuffinloki I enjoyed writing this more than I thought I would XD There is going to be more to this. Think of this as the first chapter ❤❤❤
Tagging @mashumaru @kymera219 @just-inside-her because ya'll convinced me to write this fic. I'll tag you in the next one's as well unless you tell me otherwise ❤
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tickle-bugs · 3 years
One of a Kind
@amazingmsme I didn't want to post the thing you sent just because of the minor minor spoilers (I hate that we've lost a grip on spoiler culture on the internet so I am overcorrecting to keep my blog safe!) but what you sent was too goddamn cute. Have an unedited thing I wrote in one go. This takes place in the nebulous, non-existent gap between episode 5 and 6! I still haven't see the finale so....this is canon-adjacent-adjacent I guess. Enjoy!
Spoilers for the Loki series under the cut!
Cataloguing variants had always been time-consuming, but somehow Loki was making it take longer. Mobius knew that Loki should’ve gone through his stack already, especially with his reading speed, but he was just staring at one particular file and huffing at increasing volumes.
Alright, I’ll bite.
“I’d ask what you’re thinking about, but I know you’re gonna tell me.” Mobius thumbed through his file on another Loki, one who’d defected from Thanos in 2012 to join the Avengers. They’d pruned him pretty early. Mobius still regretted not being able to pick his brain for a little while longer.
“These other variants are incredible,” Loki scoffed.
“I agree.”
“I don’t understand it.” He stared at Mobius, brow furrowed, and alright, they clearly weren’t getting any more work done.
“Lokis tend to be extraordinary. It’s kinda a thing with you guys.” Mobius slid his files aside.
“Right, but in comparison, I am at the lower end of the bunch.” Loki frowned, gesturing as if this was a matter of grave importance.
“Okay, you lost me.” He folded his hands on the table and squinted at Loki.
“We have an alligator, an illusionist whose powers dwarfed my own, a child who killed Thor, a President--though I can’t fathom wanting to be a part of the American political system--and an enchantress. Those are the variants that we know about. So why am I here helping you?”
“You’re the best of the bunch.” The simplest and truest answer. Loki didn’t seem to buy it.
Mobius dragged his chair around the table and put it in front of Loki, effectively pinning him against the table--well, he could just stand up and walk away, but Mobius knew he wouldn’t. It was part of their thing.
“What are you doing?”
“Just gettin’ closer.” Mobius slotted his knees between Loki’s and pulled his chair as far in as it could go.
“I can see that. Why?”
“I just wanna be close to you, that’s all.” He gave his best convincing grin. Loki visibly softened.
“Loki, you are a genius with a good heart. You’re here because you are, at least in my book, a hero.” Mobius gave his knee a steady pat. Loki puffed with pride.
“Go on.”
“Wow, you are on a perfect swinging scale of narcissism. From self-deprecating to king of the world in no time flat.” Mobius laughed.
“Thank you.” Loki adjusted his tie, missing or ignoring everything but the word ‘perfect’. Mobius bit his lip on a chuckle--he really shouldn’t inflate an already dangerously-large ego, but Loki needed it, he thought. His confidence was all air, after all--smug posturing designed to fill the void of something genuine. Loki could use genuine, for a change.
He looked Loki up and down slowly, deliberately, and an absurd little idea took root in the back of his mind. It had worked in the Time Cell, so maybe...
“Why are you looking at me like that? Wh--Mobius. Mobius. Stop it.” Loki leaned back as much as he could. Mobius grinned and hovered his fingers just over Loki’s torso, dangerously close. Loki sucked in his stomach, looking frantically between Mobius’s hands and his face.
“This r-really isn’t necessary.” The wobbly smile on Loki’s lips told Mobius the exact opposite.
“Nervous giggler, huh?” Mobius twitched his fingers and Loki jumped.
“Perfect! Then you’ll hear what I have to say.” Mobius set his fingers adrift, passing languidly over Loki’s spots but never landing anywhere.
“Sylvie’s my favorite because she’s wild and unpredictable. I can never quite figure out what’s goin’ on in that head of hers, regardless of her being a Loki, and it fascinates me. You know I love my puzzles, and cracking open her head like a walnut has been a real highlight of my career.” Mobius’s fingers over Loki’s knee got the first giggles to bubble out, sweet and fluttery, and it took all of his strength not to chase them down.
“But you? You’re incredible. Quick wit, a quicker knife hand, and a will to survive that I haven’t seen in--” Mobius whistled lowly-- “I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything like it. Plus, you’re pretty cute. Or, so I’ve heard.”
“You had me wrapped around your finger when we brought you in. I mean, you could talk a desert into bloomin’.” It was the first time in a few thousand Loki’s that he’d genuinely almost been fooled--something about this one, his Loki, just got to him in a way that the others never could.
“I still have you around my finger.” Loki’s smile and rosy cheeks ignited a gentle warmth in Mobius’s chest. Gentle, rolling chuckles flowed steadily from him, walls completely broken down, and if Mobius could keep one memory forever, it would be this.
“Oh, and that laugh. I’m almost jealous. Literal music to my ears. Y’know, the other Loki’s never laughed like this? It was always this fake, snooty chuckle that used to make my skin crawl.
“But not you. You’ve got this damn beautiful giggle. It’s like the old saying goes: every time a Loki laughs, a puppy is born. Or angels get their wings. A little bit of both.” Mobius let his fingers drift upwards to Loki’s ribs and he whined, pitching forward until his forehead hit Mobius’s chest.
“T-That’s not a thing.” The color on Loki’s face had matured into a wonderful shade of cherry, his voice pinching from the sheer volume of emotion--Mobius could actually see him working through it in real time. Another favorite thing that he could never express aloud--how earnestly and easily Loki wore his emotions.
“He speaks!” Mobius swooped his hands in, never touching but threatening, and Loki yelped around some more giggles.
“Stop it.” Loki swiped at his hands, but even at close range, he couldn’t coordinate enough to catch Mobius.
“You’re right, my bad. It’s rude to keep you waiting.”
“Wh--no, nonono, that’s definitely not what I meant--”
“You make it so easy for me,” Mobius sighed wistfully, seeking out Loki’s trick rib as easy as breathing. Loki shrieked, crumpling in Mobius’s arms, and Mobius held him as he deftly took him apart.
“You are a Loki, alright? There’s no doubt about that. But you’re you, and I like ya. Stop worryin’ about the others.” He wormed his fingers under Loki’s arms, then spidered across the backs of his ribs and up towards his shoulders.
“Excellent point. You also have me. That’s a pretty big deal--I’m one of a kind, y’know. Limited edition. So there’s that.” His hands found solace beneath Loki's jaw, pulling forth jumpy squeaks between...purrs? Huh. He made a note of it as he scribbled his fingers up Loki’s thigh, dodging swatting hands like a stubborn bug. Loki pulled his knee up to his chest, head tilted back in open-mouthed laughter, and Mobius followed him.
“Who’s got an ego now?” Loki smirked, eyes crinkled, and Mobius summoned his best dramatic gasp.
“You take that back!”
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