#we all know damn well that they ate this up
heavyhitterheaux · 2 days
Touch Me, Tease Me (NSFW)
First Lady of Private Garden Fic
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AN: Pure filth with a sprinkle of fluff 🥰
Synopsis: One thing that you can always do is help Jack relax and turn his bad mood around
Pairing: Husband!Jack Harlow x Wife!Reader
Do not engage if underage
Please Do Not Repost My Content Anywhere
The time on your phone read 10:26 PM as you heard the front door open letting you know that your husband was back.
Urban had sent you a text about 45 minutes ago telling you that Jack was in a mood, but he couldn't figure out why and as much as he tried to get it out of him he couldn't. So, his next best option was to tell you in the hopes that you could get to the bottom of what was wrong and make him feel better. 
The bedroom door was open and Jack didn't even greet you as he walked in despite you speaking to him first.
“Hey babe.”
Instead, he simply slipped off his New Balances and laid on top of you with you letting out a yelp because you weren't expecting him to do so.
His head was on your chest as you wrapped your arms around him and he hugged you tighter.
“Hmm, smush? You wanna talk about it?” You asked him and he immediately shook his head no.
“Now you know we don't do that around here. We talk about how we're feeling so it doesn't cause a shitstorm later.” You said as you started playing in his hair.
Jack lifted his head to peek at you and you simply kissed his nose while giving him a small smile.
“So spill It.”
“I just missed my wife. I didn't want to do anything today.” He finally confessed as you pinched his cheek.
“You're so cute, but you're back now so you need to relax. Did you eat?”
“Yes. Urban made me.”
You made a note in the back of your mind to text him and thank him because knowing Jack and how busy he tends to get, it wouldn't be unlike him to forget to eat.
“Good and you aren't doing anything tomorrow so you can sleep.”
“Baby, we have six kids. What is sleep?” He asked while raising an eyebrow at you. 
“I… well I'll text Clay to see if he can take them out tomorrow so you can rest.”
“If you ask him he'll say yes. If I ask him, I'll have to go through my mom.”
“Jackman, you are so dramatic. Clay loves spending time with them.”
“Don't you remember last time? He dropped The triplets off 2 hours early.”
“Well yeah because they ate him out of a house and home.”
“They're going to summer camp because they can be fine all school year and the MINUTE that the last damn bell rings on the last day of school they act like we haven't fed them since birth. Talking about ‘daddy, I'm hungry’ when they ate less than 20 minutes ago. Fuck outta here. Need to start paying for groceries if they want to eat so damn much. In THIS economy!?”
You couldn't help but to bust out laughing, but you knew he was completely right.
“We'll worry about that when the time comes, but for now I need you to do something.” You replied as you played with his beard.
“What do you need babe?”
Before you answered him, you leaned forward to kiss him and he eagerly kissed you back.
“Get up, lock the door, and you need to lose your clothes. Now.”
Jack simply smirked before kissing you again and then he got up and made his way over to the door to lock it.
By the time he turned back around, you had lost all of your clothes and he was looking around dumbfounded.
“What the? How?”
“I literally wasn't wearing that much to begin with, now come on.” You laughed as you were now sitting on the edge of the bed and pulled him closer to you by the waistband of his sweatpants.
“Off now.” You told him as you tugged on them, but instead he slowly slipped his shirt off and threw it in the corner.
“You're teasing me and I don't think I like that very much.” 
All he did was smirk, but was caught off guard as you got his sweatpants and boxer briefs down in one swift motion and began stroking him.
“Shit, baby.”
“Do it again and I won't let you cum.”
Hearing this, Jack immediately put a hand around your neck stopping your movements. 
“It's honestly cute how you think you're in charge. You know better than that baby. I run this.”
“Hmm, we'll see.” You softly answered as he let go and you took him in your mouth, but suddenly had an idea.
You stopped and simply slid all the way up in the bed and Jack was looking at you confused.
“My dick isn't going to suck itself. What's going on, baby?” He asked as he was stroking himself and peering down at you.
“Sit in between my legs.”
From that moment forward, you knew he was at your mercy.
Kicking his sweatpants the rest of the way off, he did as he was told and his back was now leaning against your chest.
Your arms went around him as you leaned down to whisper in his ear.
“You always put me to sleep and now it's my turn to return the favor.”
All he did was lean his head back and you lightly kissed him while smirking.
You started kissing down his neck and snaked your hand around to continue stroking him. The precum was now leaking as you massaged the tip of his dick before continuing to move up and down the shaft.
“Oh fuck.” You heard Jack quietly say and he adjusted himself so that you would be able to have a better grip.
By now, he had simply closed his eyes and now had his head resting against your chest. He tried to move to the side to be able to put your pierced nipples in his mouth, but your movements immediately stopped.
“Stop moving, Jackman.”
“Just be patient.”
He did as he was told as you continued pleasuring him because the last thing he wanted for you to do was stop again.
You lost count of how many love bites you left all over his neck, and knew that he wouldn't be complaining when the two of you were finished.
Soft moans and whimpers were leaving Jack's mouth every few seconds and you simply slowed down and quickly heard his protests.
“Baby, come on.”
“Hmm? What's wrong?” You asked, knowing exactly what the problem was.
“You know what you did. I was almost there.” He whined and you simply laughed to yourself.
“Now you know how it feels, huh?”
“Baby, let me fucking cum.” You heard as he tried to increase the pace of him moving in the palm of your hand.
“Or what?” You asked as you stopped completely.
He turned around to look at you and kissed the side of your mouth.
“Don't ask questions to the things you don't want the answer to. Your ass won't be able to walk tomorrow if you keep fucking playing with me.”
“Who said I wanted to walk tomorrow?”
Jack let out a light chuckle before turning back around.
“Famous last words.” He replied as he patted your thigh and knew that it was going to be a long night.
You spit in your hand before reaching back around and sped up the pace of you stroking him.
“Yes, baby. Keep fucking going. Be a good girl and make daddy cum.”
Not even a minute later, he released all over your hand and you kept stroking him as he rode out his high with you kissing him.
Between kisses you heard his moans and the stickiness between your thighs was becoming more evident and could no longer be ignored.
You two sat in silence as Jack got himself together before he flipped over to see you licking his cum off your hand making him get bricked up all over again.
“Mmm, tastes so good. And what were you saying about me not being in charge?” You asked as you looked at him hovering over top of you.
“Don't fucking start with me because we are nowhere near done.” He said as he slowly entered you.
“Oh shit.” You breathed out because you were caught off guard.
“Don't get scared now. Take this dick.” Jack said as he pounded into you and placed his hand around your neck.
“And if you're a good girl, I just might let you cum. Open your mouth.” 
Listening to instructions, you felt warm liquid hit the back of your throat.
“Swallow it.”
As you did, you smirked up at him which made him halt his movements and slide out of you.
“Turn around.”
Now on your knees with your head resting on your arms, you felt Jack's warm tongue as he started to eat you out from the back.
“Fuck, baby. It feels so good.”
A few minutes had passed and without warning, he abruptly stopped and slid into you.
“Arch that back and act like you want this.” You heard him say but not before there was a hard smack to your ass.
You did as you were told and knew that this wasn't stopping any time soon.
About an hour later, Jack was fast asleep on your chest as you played in his hair and you couldn't help but to laugh to yourself.
And as much shit as he talked, you still put his ass to sleep. 
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cryscendo · 1 year
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kurt hummel in every performance
1x15 - The Power of Madonna
Vogue - Sue Sylvester + Kurt Hummel and Mercedes Jones
“I think we can help. Mercedes is black; I’m gay. We make culture.”
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wawek · 1 year
I never liked to travel and i dont have much drive to see new places, like the pictures are ok with me for the most part. But if i had a way to travel id do it for food. Like if i was a dnd character and i had to have a motivation to go adventuring itd be trying different foods... it blows my mind how many ingredients ill never get to try
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Bro I am straight up never never letting my mother tell me any sort of medical information ever again
#this woman said. we have to put the dog down his kidneys are failing#and fun fact! that doesn’t in fact have to happen! dog has a few more months actually!#she comes up to me this morning and goes I didn’t think to read any of the papers from the vet you should really look over them#and the papers r like#dog has an infection. here r some ways of treating it. this will last a few months#the vet had originally suggested keeping him for like a week but it would be around 5000$#so my mother says oh no too expensive let’s just put him down#didn’t even stop for a single second to consider other options. not to mention she wanted to put him down that day like right then#also she’s so so bad about getting him his medicine. so bad. i just came home from work to find out she didn’t give him his antibiotics#she said oh well I put out some food for him with it but he didn’t want it so I put more food in it#like you’ve got to be kidding me. i told the dog it was a treat and he ate it so fast#but it’s late at night!! he was supposed to get that 6 hours ago!#and now she’s like oh you got him to eat it? well he didn’t get his meds today#and it’s like. that’s what was in the bowl!!!!! I’m going to scream!!!#oh and she sent me a video of him trying to jump up on his chair but he couldn’t do it. she sent me a video with a 💔#instead of I don’t know putting something shorter for him to use as stairs like We Have Done Before And The Dog Knows#i have thoughts on all of this and not a single one is kind#i keep a clear head. and it’s a damn good thing I do bc if she made thoughtless decisions my dog would have been unnecessarily put down#soup talks#edit: she split the meds across 3 plates all with a decent amount of food. for the dog with a very low appetite#again. many thoughts. not a single one kind
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deadsetobsessions · 3 months
“DIDJA SEE THAT, DANNY?!” Tim, a scrawny eleven year old now, excitedly smacked Danny’s arm.
“Ow. Yes, yes I did.”
“Oh, gosh, I have to tell Jazz about this!!” The kid waved his arms about wildly, grinning from ear to ear.
“Jaso- I mean, Robin, smiled at me! And said he liked my t-shirt!! Oh my god, he likes literature puns, he even laughed! And then he punched the bad guy in the face! Look! I even saved the tooth!”
“Okayyy, nope!” Danny plucked the tooth and tossed it, ignoring Tim’s betrayed face. “I’ll trade you that for this.”
Danny Held out a piece of paper with Robin’s and Batman’s sigil on it, from when he asked them to sign it after they “saved” the two brothers from the two-bit thugs trying to mug them.
“Oh. My. God. This is like the best day of my life!! I love you, Danny! You’re the best brother ever!! Oh my god! I have to get Nightwing’s signature!!!”
Danny felt a rush of warmth at Tim’s proclamation of affection. Ah, he should probably step in.
“Hey, wait, no, we’re not going to Blüdhaven for you to stalk another vigilante.”
“It’s not just any old vigilante-!” Tim ignored Danny’s dramatic clutching-pearls gesture of mock hurt. “It’s Nightwing. The original Robin! He gave me my first ever hug!”
Danny paused. God dammit.
“I’m gonna be Robin whether you want me to or not!”
-is so damn tired.
“Tim. I’m literally a vigilante ghost. What makes you think I’d be stupid enough to argue with a kid who runs around Gotham at night to take pictures of other vigilantes?”
Tim deflated. “Oh. Honestly, I thought you’d put up more of a fight…”
Jazz laughed and ruffled Tim’s hair. “I definitely couldn’t stop Danny when he went out. He trusted me to support him and I trusted him to come to me if he was injured, though. Can you promise me that, Tim?”
“Yeah… okay, Jazz, I promise.” Tim promised, even if he was still pouty.
Danny chimed in.
“Oh, don’t get me wrong, I’m totally worried and I’m gonna hover like a mother hen when you go out, but again, I know how stubborn and crazy we vigilante types have to be.” Danny paused. “Do you want me to put up a token protest?”
Tim nodded, sulking. “Yes, please. I had a speech planned out.”
Jazz and Danny exchanged amused glances.
“Oh, okay, my bad, kiddo. Here, let’s start from the top.”
“Okay. Ahem,” Tim straightened his back, settling into his previous mulish expression once more. “I’m gonna be Robin whether you want me to or not!”
Danny placed an appropriately disapproving frown on his face. “No, you can’t! It’s dangerous! You could get hurt! You’re just a child!”
Tim launched into his speech. “But I can’t stay still and do nothing when people are getting hurt! Even…!”
They were gonna be here for a while. There was definitely something about Batman going on a spiral because Jason wouldn’t be able to walk again after the Joker got to him. Danny wondered if ectoplasm could help. He might offer, if it actually had a change of getting Tim out of the vigilante business.
But that’s for later, because they had time. Jazz was on Spring Break… and they’re still staying here for free, after all of these years.
“So, how are you going to convince Robin to let you be Robin?” Jazz asked Tim.
Tim froze. “I… hadn’t thought of that yet.”
“Well, you could always remind him of the fact that we saved him from the Joker. He seemed pretty ready to leave the Robin mantle, the last time I saw him as Phantom.”
“I don’t want to blackmail him into it!” Tim whined.
“It’ll just be a suggestion, Tim.” Jazz smiled patiently.
“Besides,” Danny continued, smirking mischievously at his adopted little brother. “If you were actually blackmailing him, you’d pull out the photos where he ate dirt.”
“I guess that’s true…” Tim mumbled. “I know! I’ll have to follow them to see how I can best approach him!”
"I think that's called stalking," Jazz deadpanned.
"Well, it's not any worse than what he's already done." Danny shrugged at his older sister. "Sure, kid. Why not? Do whatever you want."
"I was planning to!" Tim bounced off to grab his photography gear. Jazz stared off after him.
"Should we be encouraging that?"
"More like can we actually stop him?" Danny leaned back, lazily completing his GED assignments. Jazz sighed.
"Guess not. Make sure he doesn't get in trouble."
"Do you even know how hard that is, Jazz?" Danny complained, dodging the whack Jazz sent at the back of his head. She smirked at him.
"Womp, womp, Danny. How does karma taste today?"
Danny flipped her off as he put the last punctuation on the paper. He heard a clatter and groaned.
“I’m gonna go watch Tim stalk Batman for the night. Want anything from the store?”
Jazz hummed. “Get me the specialty strawberry ice cream, from that one place?”
“The one that’s definitely a front for Falcone’s money laundering??”
“Yeah. They make good strawberry ice cream.”
Danny went ghost and flew straight through the walls to catch Tim sneaking out by the scruff of his collar.
“No. Bad Tim.”
“Awww, come on Danny!”
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toppersjeep · 3 months
Landos Girl ~ Lando Norris X Reader
A/N: I got this idea while watching ginge’s and landos new video. so basically you show up to landos when he’s filming with ginge and you join in on the fun. you’ve been dating Lando for a while now. you work with him at McLaren as a pr manger. that’s how you two met!
(a little fluff, mentions of smut but no actual)
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Your POV
I opened the door to Lando’s apartment with my key. I set my bag down and took my shoes off. Knowing I’d be staying for a while.
“Lan” I said. “In the kitchen” Lando said. “Oh hello are you filming” I said. “Yeah a quadrant video I meant to text you” Lando said. “All good I had a major McLaren meeting so” I said. “No way is that the Y/N in the flesh” Ginge said. “Ginge” I said.
“Guys I’m shaking Lando’s girl in person” Ginge said I laughed. “It’s nice to officially meet you” I said shaking his hand. “Don’t worry I won’t try to take your man yet” Ginge said. “Oh you won’t even get a try” I said. “Oh shit she is a bit scary huh” Ginge said.
“So.. I’ll let you guys film then because I am not eating whatever he eats for breakfast” I said. “What she doesn’t have to eat it” Ginge said. “She should” lando said. “No thanks I had a bagel earlier” I said going to sit on the couch.
“Damn and you couldn’t bring us any the hell” Ginge said. “Ooops” I said. “She doesn’t share her food you know” Lando said. “Well that’s rude” Ginge said.
A little while later…
I got up off the couch. I then saw Lando and Ginge working out. I stood in the doorway.
“Have her try the head pull thingy” Ethan said.“I think she does that with Lando off camera” Ginge said. “Oh my god” I said laughing. “Jeez mate” Lando said. “What we know you do” Ginge said.
“What’s next” I said. “Uhh landos turn” Ethan said. “I wanna see you guys pull him I’m intrigued” I said sitting on the floor. “As long as you do it too” Lando said. “Fine” I said. Ginge went first and pulled Lando. “My god he’s not even flinching” Ginge said.
“It feels quite nice” Lando said I laughed. “Really your weird mate” Ginge said. Ethan then did it. “Come on slow and hard” Ginge said. I laughed. “Oh be quiet over there with your dirty mind” Ethan said. “I didn’t say anything yet” I said.
“Keyword is yet” Lando said. Ethan the pulled the bands back. “What the heck so you even feel that” Ethan said. “It just feels nice” Lando said. “Alright your turn” Ethan said I got up. “Come on baby” Lando said. “I have like no muscles” I said. “You got it love” Lando said. I pulled it a little bit.
“No muscles my ass” Ginge said. “That’s good” Lando said. “Okay” I said stopping. “He’s flexing his jaw muscles now” Ethan said. “That’s so hot” Ginge said we all laughed.
We then went to eat some lunch.
“This is like rabbit food” Ginge said. “I just want some pizza” I said. “Don’t start pizza sounds good” Lando said. After we finished eating we went to show Ginge and Ethan around Monaco.
“I’m getting shotgun by the way” I said. “Ughhh fine” Ginge said getting in the backseat with Ethan. “So how long have you two been dating” Ethan asked. As Lando drove.
“Uhhh like a year almost two” I said. “Met her at McLaren well I kinda knew of her before” Lando said. “Oh really” Ginge said. “I worked at Willam’s with George but I wasn’t very social” I said. “Really you not social” Ethan said.
“Ughhh I guess I was just anxious about making friends” I said. “But then I did make friends and got a new job” I said. “I guess I brought out her fun side as she says” Lando said. “That’s nice” Ethan said. “Well you two do seem perfect but I’m still jealous” Ginge said.
“He’s mine Ginge” I said. “You win you win” Ginge said jokingly. “Hope everyone is hungry” Lando said. We all ate dinner and shared stories. I sat beside Lando. “Desert was so good” Ginge said. “You two go out every night or no” Ethan asked.
“Not too often it’s quite expensive” I said. Lando then licked the plate clean. “Oh my god” Ginge said. “Damn I really wish I was that plate right now” I said. Everyone laughed. “Oh my and she says she’s shy” Ethan said. Lando just looked at me all red.
“What” I said looking at Lando. “You got him all flustered” Ginge said. “You can be the plate later” Lando said. “Oh lord” Ethan said. “Get these two love birds a room” Ginge said. “Oh I’ll get one later on” Lando said. “Lord” I said.
“You two are perfect honestly with those out of pocket things” Ginge said. “Oh I know” Lando said. After we dropped them off we went back to our apartment. I kicked my shoes off and attempted to lay on the couch.
But Lando grabbed my arm.
“You wanted to be the plate so badly” Lando said. “I still do” I said. “So come on then” Lando said leading me to our room.
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landitolover · 5 months
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𝒈𝒆𝒕𝒂𝒘𝒂𝒚 𝒄𝒂𝒓, in which, if charles didn’t care for you, maybe a specific red bull driver he doesn’t really like, will.. part one here! ౨ৎ max verstappen x famous!reader
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maxverstappen1 replied to your story
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hey, i’m sorry about the break up
charles never deserved you though
haha it’s okay
he didn’t do anything wrong though 😊
it was a mutual break up
ohhh, alright
that’s nice to know 😃
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IMESSAGE , MAX & LANDO January 4th, 2024
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Max 🤔
Rare text, what do you need mate?
by any chance do you have yns number
oh my god do you
finally have the balls to (attempt) to pull her
i’ve always had the balls :/
charles just beat me to it
he was quite charming
he’s a cheater, he isn’t very charming
thats why i said ‘was’
ok but do u have her number
duh? we’re like this🤞🏼
it’s xxx-xxx-xxx
okk thank you very much
of course mate
goodluck you’ll need it
also u will be talked (possibly made fun of)
about in the gc. so be careful..
uhm ok mate
bye….. 😃
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Liked by alex_albon, lilymhe, landonorris, and 122 others
yourprivate new year, new me 💆‍♀️
fuck🖕🏼men 🤮
January 14th, 2024
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alex_albon yk damn well ur the biggest lover girl
→ yourprivate uhmm wdym? i’m not
landonorris i know something u dont 🤫
lilymhe its okay baby 😔
→ yourprivate 😔😔💖💖 ily
georgerussell63 wake up
→ yourprivate get out my private bitch 🤮
→ georgerussell63 cunt
→ yourprivate something u never serve..
danielricciardo wow this post ate 🎀
danielricciardo it would eat even more if u reactivated the main
→ yourprivate i’ll be back in like 9 months
→ yourprivate NO??? WHAT??? WHY WOULD U THINK THAT???
→ landonorris coz u said 9 months and thats like how long it takes to give birth Idk
→ yourprivate u are so slow gn
IMESSAGE , MAX & YOU January 14th, 2024
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are you a rose?
cause i think you’re a catch 😉
oh my god 😂 that was such a sucky
pick up line.. who is this? 😭
your future boyfriend, hopefully
how’d u get my number though
i rlly hope you aren’t a stalker 😭
or i’m gonna contact the police
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it’s max
i’m sorry lol
oh my god 😭
i didn’t see u as the corny pick up line type
you changed this contact to ‘max’
what can i say?
also sorry for freaking you out
i asked lando for your number, i hope you don’t mind
nah its fine 😭
are you okay though?
you deactivated, saw it all over twitter
yeah no, i’m ok
well not rlly but I don’t wanna like .. talk about it
that’s totally fine
but if you ever need someone to talk to
i’m always free
and i have cats so.. free therapy
thats how u get the girl !
charlie should have taken some notes
unsent message
haha i guess i know how to get you now ?
you’re a flirt aren’t you
only for you
i’ll be back in a minute someone messaged me
IMESSAGE , CHARLES & YOU January 14th, 2024
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don’t respond
hi angel, can i come over?
i miss your kisses, cherie
can’t we get back together
no we can’t
charles stop it. i don’t want you
you’re the one who cheated on me
if you were going to miss my kisses so bad, why’d you cheat?
don’t respond
it’s a new year though, new us.
no charles
you need to get over it
i mean, i did
don’t respond
get over it? you deactivated on everything
that isn’t getting over it. you’re avoiding your problems
yeah I’m avoiding you, you’re my biggest one
get a new girlfriend
it obviously isn’t that hard for you..
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Liked by landonorris, alex_albon, lilymhe, and 102 others
yourprivate men suck….. (i think he’s cute)
January 17th, 2024
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lilymhe u better not be talking about ch*rles
→ yourprivate no
landonorris is it ***
→ yourprivate 🤔🤔🤔???
alex_albon i thought u weren’t a lover girl
→ yourprivate i’m not
→ alex_albon caption says otherwise
georgerussell63 yw for the cake
→ yourprivate thanks georgie 😊
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Liked by carlossainz55, pierrepasly, arthur_leclerc, and 1,309,192 others
charles_leclerc overrated
January 23rd, 2024
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user ohh ik yn is laughing at his silly ass
user he’s going dark 🖤⛓️
user he wanna be aesthetic so fuckin bad
user this is not it ‼️ archive this post ‼️
user yeah, ur overrated
→ user we luv a self aware king
user not everyone dragging him in the comments 😭
→ user cause we all love yn 💆‍♀️
lewishamilton be so fr you have no sense of fashion, m8 😂
carlossainz55 🖤
landonorris yeah this post is not ittttt
alex_albon alright mate….
danielricciardo who did not cheer! 😂😭
pierregasly 🔥
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IMESSAGE, MAX & YOU February 14th, 2024
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max <3
hey :)
happy valentines 🤍
hii maxie
happy valentines! 💌
max <3
i bought you a little something
since you love snoopy
and me 😉
you got one thing right
max <3
nevermind then
kidding 🙄🙄
max <3
i’m picking you up
is an hour enough time
see you sooon 😊🤍
max <3
IMESSAGE, “YN FANCLUB 😊” February 15th, 2024
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how much r we betting that he did it
£100 he didn’t
lil 🎀
£100 he did
i’m team he did it
he aint do shit 😂🔥
i’m team he didn’t do it
lil 🎀
is alex holding u gunpoint ???
max isn’t a pussy he def said something at least
hi guyyyyssss
what are you guys talking about
we’re betting on ur little bf
did he ask you out
lil 🎀
ok wow 😭 straight to the point
he did 😊😊😊
lil 🎀
🔥🔥 my ass is not paying
u better pay them
also £100 is crazy???
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look at what he got me 🥹 and he’s such a cutie
lil 🎀
so down bad
🥹🥹 the cutest
i cried 😔 he’s adorable
u guys are so cute
i hope it lasts!!
daniel asked if u bringing back the main
cause like ur happy now
2025 my year
plus u guys are in my priv why does it matter
right lmfao 😭
congrats on the bf though 🥳
hopefully he doesn’t turn out like our
good ol’ friend charlie!!!!
mate sthu
wow that makes it a whole lot better, thanks m8
lil 🎀
how about u both sthu
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Liked by landonorris, charles_leclerc, redbullracing, and 1,220,218 others
maxverstappen1 and here’s to my baby :)
June 3rd, 2024
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user didn’t expect a soft launch from max fuckin verstappen 😨
user HELLO???
user this girl has style.. dressing him up? 😍😍
→ user I noticed the style change, didn’t expect all this tho
user i just know shes hot
user stop soft launching i need to know who it is
danielricciardo lucky man
→ maxverstappen1 i am very lucky
landonorris cutie
→ maxverstappen1 😘
→ alex_albon it’s official: lando is the one getting soft launched
→ landonorris shhh people aren’t supposed to know
lilymhe she’s the loml
georgerussell63 🤮🤮🤮
→ maxverstappen1 get out - the girl
→ georgerussell63 🤓🤓☝️☝️
IMESSAGE, MAX & YOU June 13th, 2024
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max <3
the sunset is in two hours
i’m picking you up
and we’re going to the beach to watch it
😭😭 okay max
see you soon :))
yeah, i love you 🤍
max <3
say that again in person
not over text 🙄
okay max 😭😭
max <3
i love you though
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Liked by lilymhe, landonorris, redbullracing, charles_leclerc, and 103,021 others
maxverstappen1 starry eyes sparking up my darkest nights.
June 13th, 2024
View all 1,001 comments
user why are the captions so romantic… secret artist ? 😨
→ user lol she’s probably writing them for him
user charles gtfo 😭😭
user i love them (idk who she is)
landonorris 4 months tmr cutie 😍
→ maxverstappen1 i love you baby 🥰
→ user 4???? WHAATTT
alex_albon tell her to stop talkin abt u bro 🤦
→ maxverstappen1 no can do buckaroo
redbullracing our driver sure has some pretty good captions
lilymhe my gf 💖💖
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IMESSAGE, CHARLES & YOU August 5th, 2024
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don’t respond
you aren’t smart
don’t respond
you’re dating max?
is this just some petty thing ? cause i don’t like him?
uhm no lmfao 😭
yeah i’m dating him though
don’t respond
is he better than me?
yeah lol
don’t respond
you know, he isn’t really the type to commit
noted ? pretty sure he would’ve left by now
if that were the case lol
don’t respond
You have blocked this person
🎶 let the light in : lana del rey (feat. father john misty)
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Liked by landonorris, redbullracing, alex_albon, and 2,871,292 others
yourusername 🎀
October 1st, 2024
View all 3,202 comments
user OH MY GOD
user the man..
user i fell to my knees
user who is that
user my girl came back better than ever
user FINALLY ????
user she came back and started to soft launch a man gn
lilymhe wowwww 😍😍 i missed ur main acc posts
danielricciardo SERVED CUNT 💋
→ yourusername mwa 😚
danielricciardo i prayed for times like these
maxverstappen1 last slide kinda kinky
→ yourusername u wish, never horny on the main
→ user LMFAOO
landonorris ooooo let the light innnn
georgerussell63 odd post for ur first one back
→ yourusername sthu
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Liked by redbullracing, maxverstappen1, charles_leclerc, and 1,200 others
yourusername redbull is my fav btw
October 8th, 2024
View all 2,292 comments
user her smile ☹️🤍
user my aesthetic queen 🐳
user mystery man u are lucky
user she’s so captivating
user UGHHH 😔😔☹️☹️
charles_leclerc drink company’s don’t suit u
→ maxverstappen1 lol
→ user LMFAOO
→ user embarrassing urself...
redbullracing 💙💙💙
→ yourusername 🩵
landonorris papaya better actually ☝️🤓
→ yourusername errmm 🤓
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Liked by maxverstappen1, redbullracing, landonorris, lilymhe, and 3,110,210 others
yourusername i want to wear his initial on a chain ‘round my neck.
October 10th, 2024
View all 1,209 comments
user m.. suspicious
user is that not max’s new cat
user shes so cutesy
user white men always win her over
landonorris mmmmmmmmmm 3️⃣🏆
→ yourusername sthu😭😭😭
→ user bro tryna give us easter eggs
lilymhe that bagel looks rlly fucking good
→ yourusername IT WAASSS
danielricciardo my bf guys
→ yourusername 😍 -m
redbullracing 🐐🐐🐐
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Liked by maxverstappen1, lilymhe, landonorris, redbullracing and 3,101,119 others
yourusername new ep soon. 6 songs. ‘solo, tiwwchnt, ciwyw, dbm, sdg, and getaway car.” i hope u enjoy it.. out the 12th ! <3
November, 4th 2024
View all 5,110 comments
user i’m in a getaway car too queen
user “and here’s to my real friends” 2019 rookies & lily 🥲
→ yourusername my babies 4eva
user who cried and screamed listening to this album
user i brought a 🔪 to a 🔫 fight
user thank u for yn’s not so mystery man but thank u for this ep ☝️☝️
landonorris used to being the GOAT
→ yourusername 🐐
danielricciardo getaway car on LOOP 🔂
maxverstappen1 but would u run away with me ?
→ yourusername yes!
→ user WHAATT
→ user this confirms everything basically
lilymhe so proud of u wifey 🤍🤍
→ yourusername mwaaa 💋
georgerussell63 i support this
→ yourusername thanks pretty princess
→ georgerussell63 nevermind
alex_albon lily and i will be listening on repeat
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Liked by yourusername, landonorris, lilymhe, and 3,440,292 others
maxverstappen1 you said you love me, i say something back.
November 14th
View all 3,101 comments
user oh my hod. i adore them.
user ugh they’re the most bf gf couple ever
user charles could never LOOL
user these pictures im on the floor
user they’re my endgame
lilymhe she’s so cute in these pics
→ maxverstappen1 she’s always cute
danielricciardo FAVS
landonorris when they solo >
→ maxverstappen1 you’re the reason why i’m with her, thank you 😄
→ landonorris of course mate
christianhorner congratulations! happy for the both of you 🍾
georgerussell63 this is so goat coded
→ maxverstappen1 wow thanks
yourusername happy 9 months baby 💋
→ maxverstappen1 ik houd van je 🤍
→ user NINE. MONTHS.
→ user STOP NINEE…😭😭😭
yourusername wow we’re so adorable
arthur_leclerc thank you for making yn happier than my brother ever did 🙏🏼
→ maxverstappen ofc m8
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౨ৎ finally… i posted… so SO so sorry for not posting in awhile, this took so long to post but 😭😭 here u gooo…. also thank u guys so much for 400 !!! i love u all <333 💋
taglist: @landovilla @moneygramhaas @ch3rryknots @amoosarte @1655clean @dark-night-sky-99 @kortneej81 @he6rtshaker ౨ৎ
2K notes · View notes
2hightocare · 5 months
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“I’m grown, I’m not dipping my dick in the snow to compare dick sizes.”
Synopsis: What was supposed to be a family reunion, ends in comparing dick sizes.
Genre: established relationship! married au!
Pairings: DILF!Jungkook x fem!reader
Warnings: Jungkook being whipped as fuck, Jungkook being a girl dad! (Cute.) a lot of cussing, mentions of sex, mentions of consumption of alcohol, found family.. Jungkook is just such a cutesy dramatic baby!
a/n: hai… I disappeared for a bit but happy new year!! I read “unravel me” and it inspired me to write this super short blurb so enjoy Jungkook being a golden retriever husband. (Ignore all mistakes, wrote this while high) 🤍 Word count: 1.4k
“I’m literally the biggest DILF,” your husband starts again. Jungkook points to himself while Iseul giggles in his arms.
“If you don’t shut the fuc—“ Yoongi irks.
“No cussing!” You and all the wives jump in. A heavy sigh leaves your mouth because this is like the hundredth time you have told all the boys not to cuss when the kids are around. Not since what happened when you decided to babysit Ye joon.
“Jeon, get your ass in here!” You shout from the kitchen, hoping your husband can hear you from upstairs. You stare at the empty cookie jar you had refilled yesterday, and there was only one reason why they were gone.
“What, baby?! What’s wrong?” Jungkook runs down the stairs with Iseul in one hand and Ye joon in the other. The two babies laugh at the bouncing. “Did you eat all the cookies!?” You glare at Jungkook, your hands on your hips as your husband looks everywhere but your eyes.
“Actually… Taehyung stole some when he left Ye joon.” He explains as if that would change anything. Knowing Jungkook for ten years, you know damn well Taehyung maybe took three cookies and the other fifty Jungkook ate them.
“No more cookies.” You announce with a shrug not wasting any time and move closer to your daughter who’s in your husband's arms, who stands there with mouth agape.
“No mowe cookies dada!” Iseul giggles as she makes grabby hands for you to pick her up, wiggling out of Jungkook's arms as you grab her.
“Now what do you mean no more cookies?” Jungkook switches Ye joon to his other arm, mouth hanging open dramatically. “There were like three packs in there, and you ate them in a few hours, so no more cookies.” You dance around the kitchen with Iseul in your arms, her chubby arms wrap around your neck as she laughs non-stop. Contrast from Jungkook on the other side of the white counter.
“What the fuck, baby?” Jungkook literally whines as Ye joon giggles, his little hands in his mouth, drool dripping down his chubby cheeks. “Come here, baby, come with your aunt.” You make your way to Ye joon only to stop in your tracks.
“Fuck!” Ye joon beams, clapping his hands, smiling up at you with all his baby teeth showing, as you stare at him dumbfounded.
“No, no, no, don’t say that.” You quickly interfere as Jungkook is staring at you with wide eyes. “Fuck! Fuck!” Ye joon laughs as Iseul joins in.
“Fuck!” Another giggle.
“This is so your fault!” You point to your husband who is trying so hard not to laugh. “Don’t laugh!” You put a hand over your mouth, trying to hide your amusement.
“I’m not— fuck!” Jungkook slaps a hand over his mouth.
“How the fuck are we going to explain this to Taehyung and Ari?” you sigh with a slight laughter in your tone.
“We couldn’t get Ye joon to stop saying the f word for like two weeks straight; daycare was seriously about to kick him out,” Taehyung sighs dramatically as Yoongi stares at Eunbi, his wife who stares down at her tiny belly. Wondering if that’s going to be his case in the future.
“Let’s pray for the new baby to not come out like this little beast,” Jimin squeezes Ye joon’s cheeks, making him squirm in Taehyung’s arms.
Ye joon, three years old, Taehyung and Ari’s child, the second-born from the group and the most mischievous, he really doesn’t listen to anyone but his parents, besides Jungkook and you. His godparents. Jiho, first-born, Seokjin’s and Lora’s child. He’s about to turn ten in January. Iseul, third-born, Jungkook's and your child, two years old and the only girl at the moment.
Besides Eunbi, who’s three months pregnant, no one else is going to have kids anytime soon, well, that’s what they say.
“It’s cold; let's go inside, girls.” You suggest as you pick up Iseul from her dad's arms, as the girls stand up following your movements inside the house through the glass door.
“Give Ye joon to Ari!” Hoseok hushes as he swats Taehyung on the shoulder. “Babe! Take Ye joon!” Taehyung shouts. Ari laughs at how her husband has Ye joon up in the air like the Lion King waiting to be taken.
“Come with mama.” Ari picks up the boy in a puffer jacket, making him look like a big marshmallow before skipping inside, joining all the girls inside.
“So sad Seokjin and Namjoon couldn’t come... they really decided on that cabin instead of us, crazy.” Jimin whines as he takes a sip of his beer before placing it in the hole he made in the snow before snuggling into his sweater.
“Honestly, I would take being in a cabin with my wife a hundred times more than being here,” Jungkook playfully jokes, “imagine the bomb-ass sex in the woods,” He smirks with the rim of his bottle on his lips, making the rest of the boys roll their eyes.
“Crazy how y/n has you wrapped around her finger,” Yoongi chimes in, blowing into his hands as if it would make them non-cold.
“Not even.” Jungkook playfully rolls his eyes.
“Dude, you’re so whipped, like it’s so fucking crazy,” Taehyung joins in, as he laughs when the boys hum in agreement.
“Dude, you tried to wrap her in bubble wrap when she was pregnant because you swore she would fall and hurt herself,” Hoseok recalls two years ago. “She could’ve fallen down the stairs; I needed to take precautions,” Jungkook tries to defend himself but fails miserably.
“What the fuck is that for?” You question your husband who enters the main door with a giant bubble wrap roll.
“This is for your safety, baby, can’t have you falling and hurting yourself, so I’m wrapping the whole house like it’s a Christmas present.”
You stare at your husband who is speaking literally, “Jeon, you are not wrapping anything,” you warn him.
“It’s either wrapping this house up or I’m wrapping you in bubble wrap for nine months... your choice baby,” Jungkook shrugs, looking down at your laying body on the couch, hands rubbing down your two-month pregnant belly.
“Be extremely for real.” Your mouth drops open dramatically.
“Even Iseul in her two years of life has you pining after her; imagine when she gets a boyfriend.” Jimin brings up, almost sending Jungkook into a cardiac attack right there and there.
“Fuck no! No boys till she’s forty!” Jungkook points his finger to Jimin. “Or girls either!” He finishes with a pout, making the boys howl in laughter.
“Excuse the fuck outta me!” Jungkook shoots up from his chair.
Somehow the conversation steered with a lighthearted joke about who was the biggest, and suddenly everyone ganged up on Jungkook, talking about he had the smallest dick of all of them.
“We all know that Taehyung has the biggest dick here, let's be honest,” Jimin shrugs, which only makes Jungkook's jaw drop lower.
“Say less, only one way to find out.” Jungkook reaches for his zipper.
“Ayo, what the fuck! There are children here,” Hoseok rushes out, “we are not about to whip our dicks out to compare sizes,” he finishes.
“Of course not.” Jungkook makes his way to the snow, his back facing the boys as his zipper gets pulled down, and before everyone knows it, he spreads his arms wide, face planting in the white snow.
“Shit, fuck, cold!” He scrambles to his feet, tucking himself in as he shivers from the cold. Then, he chuckles with a grin plastered on his face as he points to the snow angel on the snow… and a perfectly shaped imprint of his cock.
“So who’s next?” Jungkook asks.
“I’m grown, I’m not dipping my dick in the snow to compare dick sizes.” Yoongi shakes his head, crossing his arms.
They all dipped their dicks in the snow to compare dick sizes.
“What the fuck! I swear it shrunk cause it’s cold, I swear,” Taehyung begs to the boys who stare at all the lined imprints.
“Motherfuckers, I told y'all I was the biggest,” Jungkook smiles proudly as he sees he is the biggest out of all of them.
“I can’t believe this, we just boosted his ego more,” Jimin sighs as he stares at his own imprint and then to Jungkook's.
The glass door slides open, making the five men abruptly turn around. Five women come marching towards them, “what are you guys doing?” Ari asks, with a big smile on her face.
“Nothing,” Taehyung answers a little too fast.
You stare at your husband, raising your eyebrow at him, and that makes him fold like a lawn chair. “We were comparing dick sizes in the snow,” Jungkook blurts out, “I won though!” He cheers, pointing to his snow angel happily.
“Fucking shit, y/n how are you upright?” Eunbi gasps as she stares at Jungkook's imprint. “Now we know why you are always so damn happy,” Yoongi chimes in with a grin.
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willowbelle · 6 months
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hi! welcome to my first fic! i enjoyed writing this a bit too much, so this is long, my loves. strap in & enjoy~
A New Routine, A New Man
❤︎ trafalgar law x fem reader ❤︎
༉‧₊˚✧ (nsfw, afab!reader, 18+ only) ༉‧₊˚✧
cw: finger sucking, breast play, fingering, oral (m & f receiving), face-fucking, slight facial, begging, edging, praise, piv sex, unprotected sex (don’t), overstimulation, light spanking, very slight degradation, creampie, fluff at the end.
summary: reader is a member of the heart pirates. Law is mysterious (duh), reader is trying to figure him out (aren’t we all?), Law walks in on reader showering (hehe), Law breaks his strict routine. super nsfw but super fluffy at the end!
word count: ~6,000
𖡼.𖤣𖥧𖡼.𖤣𖥧𖡼.𖤣𖥧𖡼.𖤣𖥧 𖡼.𖤣𖥧𖡼.𖤣𖥧𖡼.𖤣𖥧𖡼.𖤣𖥧 𖡼.𖤣𖥧𖡼.𖤣𖥧𖡼.𖤣𖥧𖡼.𖤣𖥧 𖡼.𖤣𖥧𖡼.𖤣𖥧𖡼.
A New Routine, A New Man
Law’s routine always remained the same, that’s how he liked it, and that’s how you came to know it so well.
At 7am, he’d awaken. He’d shower, brush his teeth, and head to breakfast, book in hand. Law would take a mere ten minutes to eat, the same thing everyday, a cup of black coffee and a bowl of oatmeal, boring. He’d then head to his office to work for hours on end, and treat patients if need be. Law ate lunch in his office. He stayed there as time lulled on, all day, everyday. Until dinner, of course. He’d emerge from his room quietly, gray eyes tired, adorned with deep eyebags to show it. He would sit at the table with everyone and pick at his plate. He never said much. Once he finished cleaning up after himself, he’d wish you all a good night and walk down the hallway to his room to sleep. At least, that was what you had always assumed. He was detached, emotionally distant, that was for damn sure, filling his head with nothing but the words and images from his medical textbooks. But damn, the man was smart, calculated, and precise in everything that he did. From the way in which he prepared his morning coffee, to the medical procedures he conducted, Law was a meticulous man.
Today, Law’s strict routine would change.
You leaned back into your chair, sinking down a bit as you played with your hair, rolling and twisting the strands between your fingertips.
“Something wrong?” Bepo spoke, concerned.
“Yeah, just curious,” you answered, plainly.
The polar bear nudges you with his fuzzy shoulder, nearly knocking you over.
“Oops,” he chuckles, “What about?”
“What do you think he does in there after dinner?” your voice quiets down as you speak, motioning to Law’s room by a tilt of your head.
Bepo takes a bite of his food then shrugs and answers, mouth full, “I don’t know, never really thought about it. Probably reads that same boring book then goes to sleep,” he chuckles and shakes his head, “at least, I hope he does. The man could use some shut eye.”
Bepo continued to speak but you weren't listening anymore, his voice drowning out into the back of your mind. You were thinking about him, your captain of little words, you were thinking about Trafalgar Law.
“Y/n? Y/n!” The increase in volume of Bepo’s voice brought you back to the present, where you were seated at the dining table with your crewmates, fork still in hand.
“Why do you care?”
“I said why do you care, y/n? What captain does?”
“I just-” your voice trails off, your head turning to Law’s room again.
“Jeez, with the way you’re acting, I'm starting to think you’re the one in need of sleep,” Bepo laughs again.
“Shower,” you said, placing your hands on the table and rising to your feet, “I need to shower. That’ll clear my head,” although you were speaking aloud, you really just needed to tell yourself.
“Sounds like a good idea,” Bepo says, placing a paw on your shoulder.
After you gathered your toiletries from your room, you began to make your way to the crew’s shared bathroom. As you walked by Law’s room, you took a moment to stop to listen against the door. Nothing. Quiet. You let out a sigh and continued your journey to the bathroom.
Everyone knew that the lock to the bathroom door had been broken for some time now, so you did your due diligence and knocked a few times before twisting the knob, “Hello?” you inquired, “anyone in there?” nothing but silence, so you pressed on and entered the room. You were pleased to find that it was completely empty, just as you had hoped.
You removed your clothes carefully and placed them on the counter, then tied up your hair in a messy bun before reaching in and twisting the faucet on as hot as it could go, humming softly to yourself as you watched the water fall from the showerhead. As the water warmed up, you retreated to the sink to inspect yourself in the mirror, waiting until steam began to cover it before entering the shower.
Although the shower was meant to clear your head, not fog it, you found your thoughts being consumed by nothing but Law. You sighed softly and ran your fingers through your now damp hair. You had always found your captain attractive. Ever since you joined the crew about a year and a half ago, you wanted him. Wanted to know what it was like to know him, to really know him. To touch his skin, to trace the dark ink that decorated his toned body beneath your fingertips, to taste him on your tongue, to hear his low, gravely voice in your ear each and every night, telling you just how damn good you made him feel. God, your head was spinning.
His stoic, cold demeanor was unchanging, and yet, you felt your everblooming, insatiable appetite for him growing day by day. you wanted to break his facade, crack open and expose his desires for no one but you to see. Would he be as meticulous with how he fucked you? Careful, quiet, sturdy. Or would a beast emerge from within him and rail you like an animal in heat? Messy, loud, uncontrolled.
You would give anything to discover the answer.
The steam in the shower rose like the heat in your stomach, creeping up and into your veins, making your limbs tingle as you envisioned the scene in your head; what it would be like to feel him come undone beneath your fingertips, to ruin his infamous hard-hearted attitude.
You thought nothing would be able to break you away from your daydreaming, not even the boiling water you bathed beneath, but oh, you were wrong.
What finally snapped you out of your trafalgar law-daydreaming-trance was the sound of the bathroom door knob twisting.
Your heart sunk into your stomach at the thought of any of your male crewmates walking in on you showering, especially in the state you were in now, face blushing harshly, heat pooled in your stomach, slick running down your legs as you envisioned your captain in such a lewd way.
You listened as footsteps made their way towards the shower, your heart beating rapidly in your chest. You should’ve yelled out, told whoever it was that the bathroom was occupied, but for some reason, you were frozen, your voice refusing to exit your throat.
“Y/n…” a familiar deep voice began, “I’m so sorry I-”
You turned to face the “intruder”, eyes wide and hands trembling with apprehension as you cleared the steam from the glass shower door.
“Law…” you began shyly, but you couldn't help but giggle to yourself as you noticed his predicament. The tall, tattooed man before you had on nothing but a towel wrapped around his waist, his left hand was up and covering his eyes, his right holding the towel up.
You breath hitched in your throat, and you bit your bottom lip as you noticed the faintest blush on his cheeks and the evidence of his erection beneath his towel. This gave you all the confidence you needed.
You took a deep breath, quietly, before turning off the faucet and stepping out of the shower, your body hot and dripping water onto the bathmat beneath you.
“Law,” you started, reducing your voice to a sultry whisper, “it’s okay…”
You reached for his large tattooed hand, the one covering his eyes, pulling it from his face to expose yourself to him.
You tilted your chin to look up at his face, giving him your best doe eyes.
“How long had you been standing there, Captain?” you inquired, eyes motioning to his erection.
You felt your face heat up as you awaited his response, surprised at your own boldness, you took it a step further.
“Seems like it must've been quite a while,” you continued, eyes darting back up to meet his.
Here it was, the moment you never thought you’d see, your cold, rigid, so-fucking-type-a captain… flustered.
Trafalgar Law’s face was red and bothered, his inked digits gripping his towel even tighter now.
He couldn’t help but stare at you; your wet body, your curves, your breasts, your wet hair, blushing face, it was all too much for him. He hesitantly outstretched his muscular arm, cradling your cheek in his large hand.
You instinctively pressed your face into it, still staring up at him.
“What if I asked you something similar,” he began, stroking your cheek with his tattooed thumb, D. The digit makes its way to your lips, rubbing softly against them, silently asking for permission to enter, Law humming as you comply so obediently, opening your cavern for D to explore, sucking on it like candy.
You continue to suckle on his thumb, lust-blown pupils still staring up at him, awaiting his question.
“I’d like to know how long you've been trying to figure out my daily routine, and this,” he emphasizes the situation by pressing his thumb harder into your tongue as he speaks, “was it out of pattern?” he smirks, smugness decorating his face.
You gulped, his digit still encased within your mouth.
How did he--? You stopped the thought right then and there, for fuck’s sake, it was Law, with his observant nature, of course he has noticed you eyeing his every move. You were impressed, but not surprised, with how he remained so goddamned unbothered.
Your mind was racing, this smug man before you was the same one who had just been so flustered? But then again, this was more in-character for him than that blushing mess of a man.
“Law…” you started, popping his thumb out of your mouth, “do you want--”
But before you could finish, Law had leaned down and collided his lips with yours.
The kiss was nothing like you imagined, fuck, it was far better than you imagined.
You figured Law would go about romantic and sexual interactions the same way he did everything, calm, cool, and collected, but oh, this kiss was anything but that.
This kiss was a flurry of emotions, lips parting and colliding back together as if one pair were oxygen when the other was suffocating.
This kiss was intense, passionate, and lust-filled. It was unlike anything you had ever experienced. His tongue slid across your lips, begging to enter, and you complied, parting your wet lips for him to explore. His hot tongue danced with yours as you moaned into his mouth, begging for more.
Law’s strong hands ravaged your body as he made out with you, trailing up and down your sides, up to your chest to find your breasts, molding them in his big hands, pinching and rolling your hard nipples in between his hardworking, calloused fingertips.
You instinctively threw your head back, breaking this kiss, exposing your neck to him as moans and fluttery breaths escaped your lips while your captain had his way with you.
Law was panting heavily as a result of the passion of your makeout session. He sounded beautiful; low, desperate breaths, and you wish you could capture the noises in your brain to keep forever. Once he caught his breath, he glanced down at you momentarily, gray eyes lidded and ridden with lust and desire. He held the gaze for a moment before leaning forward to attack your neck, suckling and nipping at the soft, untouched skin, making you gasp. Your hands flew up and into his dark, unkempt hair, squeezing and pulling at the strands between your fingers. The action causes Law to groan, and you feel your core tighten at the lewd noises escaping his throat.
Suddenly, he pulls away, making you whine at the loss of contact. Your head is fuzzy and there are stars beneath your eyelids, but you gather yourself enough to look up at him. He backs away slightly, still staring down at you, toned, tattooed chest rising and falling as he breathes heavily.
“Y/n…” he starts, voice low and ridden with arousal, “I’m not a man who begs,” he takes a deep sigh, bringing his hand up and running it through his dark hair, “but i need you, now,” he says, his voice now an almost desperate-sounding whisper.
You bite your bottom lip, heat bubbling within your stomach at his confession.
“Take me, then, Law,”
And with that, your captain doesn’t wait even a second before he takes action.
Law tightens the towel around his waist for good measure, not wanting to reveal himself to you just yet. He groans softly to himself before bending down slightly to sweep you off your feet, his left arm went underneath your knees, and his right held your back, bridal style.
This was so easy for him, and it turned you on immensely. You eye his tattooed biceps unapologetically, cheeks turning pink as you watch them flex as he lifts you.
His lips meet yours again, tongues dancing together as you moan into one another’s mouths. When the kiss breaks and you open your eyes, you’re pleased to see that you’re now in what you can only assume is Law’s bedroom. You knew he had used his power to get you here, and you hum contently to yourself knowing that you didn’t have to walk through the hallway in all of your nudity.
You take a moment to take in the scene as Law carries you to his bed. You had never been in here, but it was just as you had imagined. So clean it was almost sterile, books arranged perfectly in a bookcase against the wall, a perfectly-kept nightstand, the only slightly messy piece of furniture being his desk, which was riddled with scattered papers and textbooks. You snap back to the moment as Law places you gently on his perfectly-made bed, taking no time to climb atop you, passionate lips meeting yours once more.
He goes for your perky breasts once more, squeezing one in each strong hand, causing you to gasp and reward him with a desperate moan.
“Law,” you purred, voice shaky and lust-ridden. You take a moment to run your hand down his tattooed toned chest and abdomen, fingers hooking underneath his towel, your desperate, wide eyes staring up at him, pleading, “Let me see you…”
You don't miss how a faint blush swells into his already sweaty cheeks.
“Anything for you, y/n,” he says, voice still low, gravelly and quiet.
Law takes your smaller, dainty hand in his large, strong one, removing his towel in one swift motion.
Your eyes widen and you gulp dryly when he finally exposes himself to you, his exceptionally long, thick cock springing free and slapping against his stomach. It was tan like the rest of him, with the tip flushed red and leaking precum.
Admittedly, you weren't surprised; your captain was quite literally the tall, skinny, emo-boy long-cock stereotype, but still, you felt heat growing between your legs as you tried to think of how you were going to take it all.
“Satisfied?” he grinned smugly, knowing damn well how well-endowed he was. He just wanted to hear it from your mouth.
“What do you think, captain?” you started, voice quiet and sultry as you leaned back, spreading your legs for him and exposing your slick folds, dripping with your wetness. “do i look satisfied to you?”
“Fuck…” Law cursed, moving a hand forward to trace his long, thin fingers against your slit, “all this…” he smirked, “for me…?”
You threw your head back, moaning loudly at the release of finally being touched.
“Anything for you, Law…” you echoed his statement from earlier.
Law groans to himself and smirks, looking up at you from between your legs for permission,
“May I, y/n?” he asks, gray eyes lust-blown.
“Please, Law” you begged, body trembling beneath his touch.
“Please?” he smirks at your desperate plea, “Good girl,” he praises, before dipping his head down, rewarding you with a long stripe of his tongue against your wet, pulsating slit.
“O-oh, Law-!” you moaned loudly, back arching, fingers digging into the crisp bed sheets.
Law placed his hand on your stomach to settle you as he had his way with you,
“Stay,” he commanded kindly, “let me make you feel good.”
Law continued to assault your cunt with his hot, wet tongue, dipping the fingers from his other hand, A and T, down to circle your opening as he lapped at your swollen clit. “you taste incredible, y/n.”
He pushed his digits in slowly, so as not to hurt you, distracting you a bit by the way he was suckling and swirling his tongue against your clit. With the help of your immense wetness, Law’s long fingers made their way inside your tight walls, and he curled them upwards to meet the spongeness of your sweet spot within you.
“L-Law-!” you choked out, “oh, Law, right there-!” you pleaded for him to continue his work on your clit and g-spot, your hands rushing down to rest in his hair, pulling at the dark strands, forcing his face further into your cunt.
“Don’t you worry, darling,” he purred, face still in your pussy, his voice sending vibrations into your body, “I’m not stopping until you’re shaking and cumming on my tongue.”
Your blushing cheeks deepened in color at his lewd words, “L-Law…” you whined shakily.
The man knew what he was doing, that was for damn sure. He knew where all your sweet spots resided, and you could only assume it was thanks to his extensive anatomical knowledge.
As his fingers continued to pump and curl inside your dripping cunt, his tongue never leaving your swollen numb as he suckled and lapped at it, you could feel yourself beginning to come undone to his efforts. You felt the familiar feeling of an upcoming orgasm growing within your core, and Law could tell you were close, too.
“Let it out, baby,” he groaned, “I know you’re close…give me all you’ve got.”
And with that, you felt the band within your stomach snap, legs shaking as you gushed onto his fingers and tongue, moaning louder than ever before as you orgasmed for your captain.
“L-Law-! O-Oh my god, L-Law!” you cried.
As you come down from your high, Law hums happily, satisfied with himself. He removes his now-soaking digits from your hole, tongue leaving your clit as you lay beneath him, trembling and breathing shakily.
After gathering yourself and gaining your composure, you sit upright to look at the beautiful man who had just pleasured you so wonderfully.
You leaned forward, lips now by his ear,
“Your turn, law…” you purred.
Law shivered at the feeling of your hot breath against the shell of his ear.
“I'm all yours, y/n,” he replied, his cheeks tinted a light pink as a result of your boldness.
By the motion of your hand, you gestured for your captain to sit up.
Law pauses a brief moment before complying, positioning himself on his knees, cock standing upright proudly, rock-hard and leaking precum. You gulped quietly at the sheer size of him. What had you gotten yourself into? You didn't know how you'd be able to take all of him into your throat, but you were determined to do so. You began your work slowly and shyly, softly gripping his cock at the base with your delicate hands. You hear Law’s breath hitch in this throat as he stares down at you. You close your eyes and bring your mouth down to his tip, starting with small kitten licks. Even at the small action, you hear Law groan and curse under his breath.
The word comes out slow and elongated,
You feel him twitch beneath your touch, and you know he’s desperate, but Law is kind. He wants to take it slow. As much as he wants to grab your head and force his cock down your throat, he holds back, wanting you to take only what you’re comfortable with.
Rewarding his kindness, you open your mouth and take him in, pressing on until his cock is halfway engulfed within your mouth and throat.
“A-Ahhh, y/n-!” Law groaned, tattooed hands immediately finding themselves in your hair.
You hum softly as he holds your head, hollowing your cheeks around his thick, pulsating cock, earning another moan from Law’s mouth. This one was lower, more of a groan, as if it came from the back of his throat. You place a hand on his thigh and continue to press forward, all the way until your nose is pressed against his pelvis. You feel tears prick at the corners of your eyes at the intense feeling of Law’s large cock being engulfed entirely by your throat, but you wanted to do everything in your power to please him.
“O-Oh my god, y/n,” he groaned louder, “S-Such a good girl, taking my cock so well.”
Hollowing your cheeks again, you began to bob your head, your tongue sliding against the underside of his veiny cock as you blew him. Hands still holding your head, Law began to buck his hips, his cock meeting the back of your throat with each thrust, making you gag slightly. At this, Law pulls back a bit, looking down at you, concerned. You look up at him with your big eyes and give him a nod of reassurance, your face says it all, “I’m okay, keep going.”
You take him down your throat again, feeling satisfied with yourself as you hear another moan escape his lips. As you continue to bob your head and drool around his cock, you feel Law begin to shake, his moans rising in pitch and intensity.
“Y/n,” he began, voice low and shaky, “I-I’m close-” he stumbled on his words.
His head was thrown back, eyes squeezed shut tightly as he thrust into your mouth and gripped your hair tighter between his fingers.
It was hot and messy, drool falling from your mouth and coating Law’s pelvis and balls, lewd, wet sucking noises coming from your mouth as he face-fucked you.
In an instant, he pulled out from your throat, and you instinctively stuck out your wet, pink tongue to meet his seed. Head still thrown back, tattooed chest rising and falling aggressively, Law gave his pulsing cock a few quick pumps before he released onto your mouth. Thick, hot, white ropes of cum shot out from his cock and decorated your tongue and face.
You pulled your tongue back into your mouth and swallowed all of what he had given you.
Your face was bright red and glistening with your sweat and Law’s seed, and you were panting heavily, desperately trying to catch your breath.
Law’s breath shuddered as he, too, tried to catch it.
The two of you wouldn’t have much time to recover, though.
Law stood up, shakily, to retrieve some tissues from his nightstand and clean your face.
He did so gently and silently, just as you imagined he would.
Once he had finished cleaning you up, you glanced up at him, face still red and hot.
“Law…” you began, voice ridden with lust, “I need you inside me, please…”
“Say no more, y/n.” he smirked down at you.
Suddenly, Law leaned down, and your lips met again, in a rough, passionate kiss. Your tongues swirled together with his as he began to gently lay you down in front of him.
The kiss broke again, and your eyes widened as you noticed that Law’s cock was already erect again. You gulped shyly, what had you signed yourself up for?
“Are you ready for me, y/n?” Law questioned genuinely.
“I’m ready for you, Law…” you replied.
Law smirked at you before he spread your legs, positioning his cock at your entrance.
And then, he did something unexpected. Trafalgar Law reached for your hand.
You smiled contently and took it, lacing your fingers with his inked ones.
He grabbed his cock at the base, and began pressing his blunt tip to your wet hole, making you squeak. You were desperate for him, so fucking desperate. You just wanted him to stuff you full. Noticing the look of desperation on your face, Law continued to press on, his cock sinking further into you.
“You’re so fucking tight, y/n….shit-! You’re squeezing me so good.”
Feeling the stretch, you instinctively went to grasp at his muscular back with your free hand, throwing your head back and whining loudly.
“F-Fuck,” you cursed, “Y-You’re so big, C-Captain…” you whimpered.
Law groaned as he felt more of you squeeze around his needy cock, taking the opportunity to distract you from the pain by smashing his lips into yours.
You squealed into his mouth as he continued to press his large cock into you, gasping and whimpering as he finally bottomed out inside you
You were a mess beneath him, shaking and whining, eyes still begging for more.
“Y-You can start moving,” you croaked.
“As you wish, y/n,” Law smirked.
Pulling his hips back, Law began to slowly thrust into you. Tears pricked at the corners of your eyes and stars danced beneath your lids as you felt him stuff you so fully, his blunt tip kissing your cervix with each thrust.
“L-Law-!” you cried, nails digging into his back as he picked up his pace.
Law humps into your cunt deliciously, relishing in the sound of your sweet moans and cries in his ear. The sound of skin slapping together filled the room, as you blushed intensely at the lewd sound.
Even though you could feel his cock in your stomach, you could tell Law was holding back. You wanted to see everything he had to give you.
“Law,” you began shyly, making him slow and eventually stall his movements.
“Yes, y/n?” he inquired, his cock still engulfed within your cunt.
You spoke again, voice trembling, “I don't want you to be gentle.”
At this, you saw Law’s eyes grow dark, his face cold.
“Are you sure?”
“Y-Yes, Law, please, please fuck me rough, like your life depends on it, give me everything you’ve got,” you begged, voice tinted with desperation. “Show me you know how to use that big cock of yours.”
As those words fell from your mouth, you saw something within Law change, as if a switch flipped, a flame ignited. This was the moment your captain’s calm, collected demeanor would crack and break. You gazed up at him and watched as the corners of his lips tugged into a tight smile, his voice remained cold, but you could just make out the faintest hint of arousal and smugness as he spoke,
“Careful what you ask for, y/n.”
The man you once knew as your captain; quiet, reserved, unbothered Law, had retreated, and you watched as a new side of him emerged.
In an instant, he had pulled out of you, and swiveled around in the bed so that he was sitting on the edge of it. He grabbed you and flipped you over his knee, his palm suddenly meeting the fat of your ass with a loud smack.
“A-Ah!” you cried at the sting, looking back, your eyes meeting the red mark his large hand had left on your ass cheek. His other hand finds its way up and into your hair, yanking it back to make you look at him, another slap meeting your flesh.
“Fuck!” you cried, digging your nails into his thigh.
“Good girl,” he praised, smirking down at you, eyes lidded. “Get on your hands and knees for me, y/n,” your captain commanded.
You complied instantly, heat pooling in your core as a result of his actions, and how easily you obeyed him.
You did as you were told, maneuvering yourself onto your hands and knees, your wet, dripping cunt on full display for him. You felt the mattress sink in a bit as he settled himself behind you, the tip of his cock meeting your hole again.
But this time, he didn't go slow. Law plunged his massive cock into you with no warning, immediately bottoming out inside you, making you scream his name.
“L-Law!” you cried, fingers digging into the sheets.
He gave you no time to adjust, immediately beginning to snap his hips against you, pounding his cock into your cunt.
“Goddamn, you’re tight, y/n,” Law groaned through gritted teeth.
“All for y-you, Captain…” you whined, earning a satisfied moan from him.
“Damn right,” he grunted, still pounding into you.
You relished in the feeling of him stuffing you full, crying out each time his thick tip met and battered your cervix. Law’s fingers dug into the flesh of your hips, and you knew they would leave bruises in their wake.
“Are you okay?” Law groans, checking in on you.
Your heart warms at his compassion.
You can tell he isn’t asking just to ask, this man genuinely cares about your well-being, even as he plunges his cock deep into your pussy, his blunt tip kissing your cervix with every thrust.
“M-Mhm,” you nod, telling him all he needed to know.
Law kept up his animalistic pace, and you didn’t think he could go any harder, but boy, were you wrong.
Grounding his knees harder into the mattress, Law began to fuck you harder, one hand still on your hip, the other making its way up to grip the back of your neck.
“O-Oh my god, nngghh, Law!” you screamed, really screamed, tears streaming down your face as the man behind you continued to abuse your tight walls.
Law was quick to shush you, forcing his fingers, E and A, into your mouth to muffle your cries.
“Hush, baby, take it.”
You sucked and drooled on his fingers like your life depended on it, moaning around them as their owner railed you from behind.
His thrusts remained rough and unforgiving as he groans from behind you.
You were shaking beneath him, not even sure if you were still on Earth. Your ears were ringing and tears fell from your cheeks as your captain continued to fuck you roughly.
“Still with me, y/n?” he asked smugly, gripping your hips harder as he continued his rough pace.
“M-Mhm,” you replied meekly.
And just as you thought it couldn’t get any more intense, Law removed his hand from your hip and slipped it beneath you to rub your swollen clit.
“Sh-Shit, Law!” you cried, arms shaking and buckling beneath you, causing your chest to fall to the mattress. You could feel your orgasm rapidly approaching, legs shaking, cunt pulsating around his cock.
“That’s my good girl, y/n, you’re taking this cock so well,” Law praises, groaning.
“Th-that feels s-so good, I-I’m so close, Law -!” you cried out desperately, your voice weak.
“That so?” Law replied smugly, his fingers still rubbing tight circles against your clit, still thrusting his big cock into your tight walls.
“Cum on my cock, y/n.” he commanded.
With his permission, you gave into your orgasm, letting it take you, moaning your captain's name as if it were a prayer and you were begging to be forgiven, “Law, Law, Law, L-Law--!”
You gushed around his cock, your slick coating his shaft and down his balls.
Your body gave out, you felt like putty in his hands, legs buckling beneath you, making you begin to fall into the mattress, but Law catches you and holds you up, fucking you right through your orgasm.
He is relentless, his pace only quickening as he chases his orgasm. With a few more harsh thrusts, you feel him release within you, thick, hot ropes of his cum decorating your tight, pulsating walls. He’s groaning loudly, keeping his cock deep within you as he comes down from his high.
You’re a puddle beneath him, weak and shaking.
He pulls out, leaving you empty, pulsing around nothingness. You blush hard as you feel his hot seed begin to spill from your sore cunt.
He moves next to you, his strong hand sweetly caressing your cheek as he looks down at you, “are you okay?” he inquires, voice tinted with a bit of concern.
You smile softly, eyes closed, “better than okay, captain.”
He hums happily at your response, sliding his hands beneath you to lift you up. Safe in his strong arms, you nuzzle your face into his tattooed chest. When you open your eyes again, the two of you are back in the bathroom. Law sets you down before reaching in and turning on the shower.
You found yourself staring at Law’s muscular back as the two of you waited for the water to heat up. Your head was spinning. Did that really just happen? Was this really the same man you had come to know? Cold, distant, unambiguous? The one who had just pounded you into his mattress and destroyed your insides? Couldn’t be. He was a different man in the bedroom, rough, messy, unforgiving.
Trafalgar Law was precise and controlled with many things in his life, but not in how he fucked you.
You decided to finally speak as you stepped into the shower, pleased to see that Law was joining you beneath the stream of hot water.
“Th-That was…” you began shyly, “a different side of you, captain.”
Law smirked, running his fingers through his now wet hair.
“It’s always been inside me,” he explained, “You’re just the first to discover it,” he turned to look at you, smirking.
“I see,” you giggled, wrapping your arms around his neck and getting on your tiptoes to meet his lips. He ran his wet hands down your body, humming happily.
“Do you want to be mine, y/n?” Law questions, his long fingers running through your hair.
You fell asleep in Law’s arms that night, an arrangement that was out of routine for the both of you.
The next morning, when you awoke, Law wasn’t beside you.
Your heart sunk a little, until you looked at the time, 8am. Of course, Law was up already.
As you made your way into the dining room, you were greeted with your crewmates' cheers.
As soon as you sat down at the table, Bepo rushed towards you happily, a plate of perfectly-prepared pancakes in his paw. He placed the stack in front of you, giggling, “Can you believe it?! Captain made pancakes for us! Not that boring crap he always eats!” The polar bear grins and sits down next to you, diving in on his own plate.
You rose from your seat, making your way to the kitchen to find Law in front of the stove, cooking more pancakes.
You wrapped your arms around his waist from behind, giggling into his back, “No boring oatmeal this morning, captain? What’s the occasion?”
You couldn’t see his face, but you could tell he was smirking as he spoke,
“Just thought of switching it up,” he says, “I recently learned that it’s beneficial to change up your routine once in a while.”
You smile as you feel his hand meet yours, intertwining your fingers.
“More than beneficial,” you replied, giving your captain’s hand a knowing squeeze.
𖡼.𖤣𖥧𖡼.𖤣𖥧𖡼.𖤣𖥧𖡼.𖤣𖥧 𖡼.𖤣𖥧𖡼.𖤣𖥧𖡼.𖤣𖥧𖡼.𖤣𖥧 𖡼.𖤣𖥧𖡼.𖤣𖥧𖡼.𖤣𖥧𖡼.𖤣𖥧 𖡼.𖤣𖥧𖡼.𖤣𖥧𖡼.
ahhh that’s it! i hope you all enjoy-!
as i said, this is my first smut, so i’m nervous but excited for you all to read it!
also, i think it is fitting that Law was my first smut post, since he’s my favorite! and my literal husband
anyway, please tell me what you think! ʚ♡︎ɞ
oh and i’d love suggestions for my next fic!
thank you-! ♡︎ ◡̈
©this work belongs to willowhaze26.
do not repost, modify, plagiarize, translate, or share on other platforms. 
comments, likes, and reblogs appreciated!
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babygorewhore · 13 days
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Staying over
Frat! Rafe Cameron x autistic! Fem reader
Rafe brings you over to his apartment to stay over for the first time. W. C 1.4K
Warnings! Mutual masturbation! Choking! Spitting! Daddy kink! Unprotected sex! Dividers by @xxbimbobunnyxx reader is autistic but it’s not explicitly said!
Your bag was stuffed with pajamas, medication, stuffed animals, and of course a charger for your headphones. It was the first night you were spending the night at Rafe’s apartment off the college campus as his girlfriend. You weren’t necessarily nervous staying with him. It was more about the change in routine being at someone else’s house. Rafe did pretty well in accommodating you and your needs but you were still apprehensive.
He opened the door for you, carrying your bag as you pulled off your headphones. He bought you a really expensive pair two weeks ago, one of the nicest gifts you’d ever received. But you loved giving him gifts too, especially hand crafted. You removed your shoes, matching socks padding the hardwood floor as you looked around. You saw your trinkets you made him on his desk and shelves.
“Aw, you have them up!” You grin and he nods.
“Of course I do, princess. My girls talent is always gonna be shown off.” You blush and look at the floor as you both walk into his bedroom. He sets down your bag and pulls you into a hug.
“You okay, baby? Hungry?” Rafe sets his chin on top of your head.
“No, I ate before you picked me up.” You answer back and he sighs.
“I love you, princess. I’m glad you’re here. I missed you.”
You giggle and bury your face in his chest. “We talked last night. And this morning. And this afternoon-“
“So? I want you with me all the time. You’re my favorite person.” He mumbles, playing with your hair and he pulls back. Rafe’s blue eyes search yours but your gaze roam his face.
“Do you wanna get comfortable? Watch a movie or something?”
You playfully poke his shoulder.
“Is that just an excuse, Mr. Cameron? For you to get me in your bed?” He smirks and leans down.
“I don’t need an excuse for that, baby. But I don’t want to overwhelm you or anything.”
“You’re sweet, you know that, Rafe?” He breathlessly runs a hand through his hair, flustered by your compliment.
“Yeah, only for you though. But damn, babe. How much did you pack for tonight?” He gestures to your backpack. “You gonna change outfits every hour?”
You push him gently with a laugh. “Shut up! I need my things or I’ll lose my mind!”
Rafe sits on the bed, legs spread as he rests his elbows on the mattress. His shirt material bunching. “Easy with the violence, baby girl. Why don’t you get changed? Show me what you brought.”
You unzip your bag, pulling out a cute piece you bought the other day. The material was soft and comfortable. An oversized Ghostface night shirt that would reach your mid thigh with your black pair of shorts.
You quickly changed, his eyes sweeping over you as you stood in front of him. Rafe’s hand settled low on your hips, fingers playing with the material of your shorts. “Mmm, you’re so pretty, princess. You’re my fuckin dream girl.”
You bite your lip, feeling slightly anxious as you notice a change in sound. It must have been a dying battery somewhere but it was making your skin crawl. You wanted your headphones but you also didn’t want to seem like you wanted to tune him out.
“You don’t think I’m…weird, right?” You ask quietly and he frowns.
“Uh oh. I know that look. You want your headphones?” You grimace and nod.
“I’m sorry. I’m trying to tolerate more but-“ Rafe tugs your face to him, cupping your neck.
“Nah, baby. None of that. It’s okay. I know what I signed up for.” You smile gratefully as he brings them to you seconds later, securing them around your ears.
After needed time of quiet, you sat on his bed with your eyes shut as you held your plushie close to you and Rafe tried not to fidget too much. Finally, you removed your barrier and set them down on his side table.
“Can we watch something?”
“Of course, baby doll. Anything you want. Even the scary shit.” You immediately perk up, media being some of your special interests.
“Sinister?” You suggest and he grimaces before catching himself. “What? Is that one too much for my big scary boyfriend?” You tease.
“Fuck no. I wouldn’t be a fuckin dumbass and stay in the house like that dude did.”
“No, you’d offer the demon to snort a line of coke with you.” You dead pan and he laughs. Loudly.
“Jesus, you’re funny.”
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You were hyper focused on the movie as the night went on, informing Rafe facts you’d learned by hours of research on your own time and he listened best he could. But you didn’t notice his hand lingering around his crotch. Not until the movie was over and you had laid flat on your back with him next to you.
You felt him shift and you grew quiet. Your own needs rising as Rafe switched his LED lights on a dimmer setting. His fingers drifted to touch your arm, tracing your skin as he looked at you.
“You’re driving me insane, doll. I feel like I’m gonna fuckin bust in my pants.” You swallow and stare at the ceiling.
“Driving you insane?”
“Yeah. Your body is perfect. Shorts barely covering your ass and tits bouncing. You don’t even have to try. I’ve been thinking about you staying here for days. I jerk off about it.” He admits without an ounce of shame and your face heats up.
“Me too.”
“Yeah? You finger fuck that wet pussy thinking about me?” Rafe asks, his voice growing lower and you nod. Play with that pussy then you’re gonna cream on my dick.”
You suck your fingers, getting them damp before you tug down your shorts and panties. Your cunt clenches as you circle your clit, wetness pulsing as you feel Rafe take his cock in his fist. You slide two fingers in easily, your body accustomed to this as you pump them. You moan as you hear Rafe pant and feel him roll his hips.
“Ah, fuck. Something about you alone in your room, fucking yourself while you think about me.” He strokes harder before he finally breaks and pulls you on top of him.
Your legs straddle his lap, his hands gripping your ass as he pushes you down on his dick, he sits up and you tear off his shirt. Your fingernails lightly dig into his chest. You take him to the hilt, your right hand moving to play with his balls.
“Look at me,” He orders and you bounce on his cock, avoiding his eyes but he refused to let it go. “No. Keep your eyes on me, princess. I wanna see how it good it feels when you cream on my cock,” he growls and you obey him as you grind down.
He massages your tits as he helps you, your movements growing sloppy as you get closer. “Rafe-it feels so good-“ You stammer and he grunts.
“Yeah, babydoll? You like it when daddy fills you up? You like being a greedy little slut for me?” You nod with a whimper and he slaps your ass hard. “Cum for me, princess. And then I’m gonna fucking pound you until you’re screamin.”
You cum all over his dick, whining as you shake and your vision goes white but he’s relentless as he flips you on your back. His hand around your throat. He lifts one leg over his shoulder, getting a deeper angle and thrusts harder.
You shriek from overstimulation but your hands clutch his shoulders. “Open your mouth,” He says and you do. He spits inside, “You’re such a good girl, baby. Taking me like a fucking whore,”
“Mhm, needed this so bad, daddy. I want you to cum in me, want it to spill out and soak the bed.” You beg and he moans, tightening his grip on your neck, keeping your eyes on him.
“That’s it, princess. Proud of you for talking through it,” He huffs before he cums in you, the headboard slamming against the wall and your pussy squelches. He lets go of your throat, hands on either side of your head as he fucks through his climax.
“Fuck, princess. Squeezing me so hard, your cunt feels so good,” He praises and you blink rapidly as he pulls out, pumping his dick and cum drips on your tits. “Messy little slut. I want you to get on all fours. Gonna cum on that pretty tattoo on your back.”
Tagging @marchsfreakshow @drewstarkeyslut @slvt4jamesmarch @redhead1180 @rafesthroatbaby @rafescurtainbangz @rafeinterlude @gri959 @oceandriveab @starkeysprincess
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fuckyeahdindjarin · 1 year
II ║ Threads
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Joel Miller x F!Reader
{ Part I: Seams | Series Masterlist | Main Masterlist }
Rating: M
Summary: When Joel revisits Main Street Outfitters two weeks later, he finds you on your knees. Again.
Warnings: Very spicy thoughts but not explicit, sexual tension, sexual innuendos, some language, shy!reader, reader has a nickname related to her job, soft!Joel, no use of Y/N
Word count: 4.3k
Notes: This crept up on me and happened just as I was finishing up edits. I am so grateful, and I hope Threads is a fitting thank you gift to you all 😘 I’m thinking about doing a sleepover celebration, we shall see!
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Joel and Pin are back ❤️ They're back because you guys have been so generous with your love, sending me so many ideas and hyping me up - I can't thank you all enough! This chapter is all thanks to Singer machine anon who bravely (affectionate 😉) shared their story of getting stuck under a sewing machine table. I hope you enjoy this one!
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A treadle sewing machine is powered mechanically by a foot pedal that is pushed back and forth by the operator's foot. 
If you're not familiar, here is a classic Singer treadle cabinet, which is no way big enough for the purposes of this story, so please exercise your imagination 😉
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Joel hovers outside the Jackson Grocer’s, arms crossed, trying to make himself look as inconspicuous as possible in front of the leafy display of butter lettuce heads.
It’s been a few months since he’s settled in, but sometimes he can’t get over how fucking nuts this place is. Looking at the shelves brimming with fresh fruits and vegetables outside, canned food and home goods inside, he could easily be standing outside the 24/7 mart in his old neighbourhood. There are even shopping baskets, for crying out loud - stacked neatly one on top of the other by the door.
A voice pipes up from his left. ‘Didn’t know you ate greens.’
Joel scowls. ‘I don’t.’
‘Why are you loiterin’, then?’ asks Tommy, picking up a couple of apples and examining them with exaggerated care.
‘I’m not loiterin’,’ he spits out the last word as if he’s above it, turning his gaze to the high street. 
Tommy tosses him a cocky grin, head tilted at a knowing angle. ‘Yeah, you are. And now you’re makin’ eyes at Bob. It’s disturbin’.’
Glancing across the main thoroughfare at the welder’s shop, where the said proprietor is cutting up wooden planks on the porch, Joel grumbles sarcastically, ‘That’s right. Bob is just my type.’
At that very moment, right next to Bob's, the door of Main Street Outfitters creaks open, and Joel recognises Lucy instantly as she sneaks out on tiptoes. She skips down the stairs and wanders up the street in what appears to be another impromptu work break.
Joel’s already taken two steps towards the shop before he remembers that he’s not alone. Braking abruptly and bringing up one hand to scratch the back of his neck, he feels Tommy’s eyes on him.
He half-turns, and snaps, ‘What?’
The younger Miller brother shrugs, pursing his lips thoughtfully. ‘Why are you going to the Outfitters again? Didn’t you just get those new jeans a couple of weeks ago?’
‘Thought I’d get a new shirt for your stupid baby shower.’
‘Joel -’
‘Sorry, sorry.’ He throws his hands up in capitulation. ‘Baby showers are not stupid. Especially in the middle of an apocalypse.’
Taking another two steps forward, a thought stops him dead in his tracks again. He can practically feel Tommy smiling smugly at his back.
For fuck’s sake.
He doesn’t turn around this time, jamming his hands into his pockets and asks, ‘Can I bring someone? To the party?’
‘We know Ellie’s comin’.’
Whipping around, he growls, ‘Tommy -’
He laughs. ‘Well, I’ll be damned. Joel Miller makin’ friends in town? Maria’s right - you’re fittin’ right in, big brother.’
Rolling his eyes, Joel flips him off and stomps his way across the street.
Tommy calls out at his retreating back. ‘Say hello to Pin and tell her we’d love to have her come over on Sunday!’
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When he steps inside, the shop is as empty as it was a fortnight ago. Joel shuts the door firmly, making sure the bell jingles, so his entry doesn’t go unnoticed.
Your voice, though muffled, comes promptly. ‘Lucy! Is that you?’
He heads towards the doorway that leads to the workshop. ‘It’s Joel, actually.’
‘Oh, shit!’
His eyebrows reach for his hairline - you don’t seem to be the type to curse. Concerned, he asks, ‘You alright back there?’
There’s a touch of panic in your reply, ‘Don’t come back here. Did Lucy sneak out again?’
On your instruction, Joel hesitates in the middle of the room, talking to air. ‘Yeah, saw her leave a couple of minutes ago.’
‘Goddamnit, Lucy!’
He shuffles his feet awkwardly. ‘Uh, you sure you’re ok? Should I come back later?’
There’s a resigned sigh, then a pause. ‘Promise you won’t laugh.’
One end of his lips tugs upwards in a smile. ‘Why would I?’
At your insistence, he humours you, ‘Alright, I promise, sweetheart.’
‘Come on back.’
When he steps into the workshop, he doesn’t spot you immediately. The space is seemingly empty, everything standing still and in order. He sweeps his eyes across the room, starting with the shelving unit and the desk along the near wall, then trailing over the large timber work table in the middle, where a stack of folded shirts stands neatly.
His throat isn’t the only thing that tightens when he glances at the rug under the skylight -
Your voice draws his attention to the far corner of the room, where a sewing station is tucked into a little alcove.
Joel doesn’t know much about sewing machines, but he can recognise a vintage Singer anywhere even without the name blazoned across its elegant body. His grandmother had one in her drawing room by a sunny bay window, and he used to watch her work on it when he visited every other weekend. For a disorienting second, he can almost smell homemade cinnamon rolls and black tea.
Little did he know that things were about to get a lot more disorienting than a pleasant childhood memory.
As he steps around the work table, the rest of the sewing station comes into view, fronted by a big window, the light streaming through the glass glancing off the black sewing machine on top of a classic treadle cabinet. What looks like a half-finished dress lies on the wooden work surface, which stands on quintessential wrought metal legs, and between them - his throat constricts with a slow swallow when he realises what - or rather, who - he’s looking at.
The words barely come out, as if his tongue is suddenly too big for his mouth, as he makes his presence known. ‘I’m here, sweetheart.’
To be fair, you’re not making things easy by any means. All he can see is your backside hovering in mid-air, the rest of you out of sight under the desk. It has built-in cabinets on each end, the right side of it backed up against the far wall, and a chair is pushed to the side.
Joel stops two measured paces away, staring down at the curve of your ass and the way your top rides up, baring the small of your back. His eyes linger on the soft skin between the shirt’s hem and the waistband of your very tight jeans.
Jesus Christ. Do you always have to be on your fucking knees in this workshop?
Your small voice jolts him from his daze. ‘Well, at least you’re not laughing.’
He has to bite his tongue to stop himself from scoffing. If only you knew how laughing is the furthest thing on his mind right now. ‘What happened?’
‘A spool rolled off and I went down to get it, but I fell on the treadle accidentally - I think my shirt is snagged in the band wheel. I can’t move at all, and this Singer is an antique - I can't risk breaking it.’
Unfamiliar with what you’re talking about, he probes, ‘And where’s the band wheel?’
‘Under the table, on my right.’
You wriggle your hips, perhaps to help him locate where you’re stuck, unaware that you’re not helping. At all. 
He swallows thickly and implores you, ‘Stay still, sweetheart. I’ll take a look.’
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It’s been two whole weeks since Joel Miller came into the shop. You’ve caught glimpses of him in between - Jackson is tiny, after all. He catches your eye as he ambles down the high street with Ellie, his gruff Southern accent carrying even in the mid-afternoon bustle, too preoccupied arguing with the teenager to notice you on the other side of the road. He’s in the cafeteria a couple of times when you arrive for a late dinner, nodding at you from a few tables over, while you work up the nerve to smile back.
Every time, he’s wearing the jeans you handpicked for him, which makes your chest swell and constrict at the same time with something like - pride.
You picked out the pair for him. You assured him that he looks good. And by the way he’s wearing his confidence on his sleeve, he’s certainly taken your words to heart. 
Whenever you see other women eyeing him as he struts about town - which is entirely too often - it awakens an ugly possessiveness in you, one that twists your insides into grotesque balloon animals.
Fourteen damn days. Even in the privacy of your workshop, you can’t escape that man. The simple touch of denim provokes a visceral reaction from you, heat chases beneath your skin every time you pick up the tailor’s scissors. It doesn’t help that most of your daily tasks are not exactly cerebral, which gives this man all the more leeway to lay claim to your subconscious.
If you believed in magic, you would've thought you summoned him with the sheer energy you’ve spent thinking about him. But what kind of witchcraft conjured him up at the precise moment you get trapped like the bumbling idiot that you are?
One minute you’re reaching for the stupid thread, the next thing you know, you’re stuck, unable to move without the mechanisms of the antique Singer groaning ominously at your attempts to free yourself.
But maybe, it’s still better than Lucy finding you. She’d take a hammer to the sewing machine to get you out, no question - patience is not her strong suit - and she’d be laughing at you for days.
You hear the floorboards give behind you as Joel moves into the space, which isn’t much - when you’re sat down at the treadle cabinet, the wall is barely two steps behind.
The wooden table creaks above you as he braces one hand on the surface, and you startle at what sounds like the vicious crack of a vertebra.
‘Um - you okay?’
Joel grunts. ‘I’ll live.’
So you wait, thinking absent-mindedly how your elbows are starting to get numb. There’s a scruff of boots and what sounds like a brief struggle, before Joel sighs. ‘Back’s too stiff ‘mfraid. Gotta get on the floor to see underneath.’
Before you can squeak out a reply, there’s a boney click of what you presume is his knees as he crouches down, and an unexpected brush of denim on your left ankle surprises you. Forgetting where you are, you jump in reflex, hitting the underside of the table so hard that you screech in pain.
‘Shit!’ Joel cusses behind you, one warm hand landing on the side of your hip to steady you. ‘You ok?’
Up until this point, you’ve been too consumed with embarrassment by your predicament to even think about the position Joel found you in. But once the warm imprint of his palm registers through the denim, it hits you like one of those interstate trucks that you used to see out of your window.
You’re leaning on your forearms, ass in the air, and now - he’s behind you, getting onto his knees. You can’t decide if the back of your head or your pussy is throbbing harder as you stutter, ‘I’m fine, just - get me out, please.’
‘Alright, hang on, sweetheart.’
You swallow the childish urge to stamp your foot. He has no right going around dropping sweethearts all over the place.
There’s a throaty exhale as Joel lowers himself onto the floor, his knees bracketing yours to shift closer to you. You know he feels the shudder that chases down your spine when soft flannel grazes your bare back, heat spilling from his solid frame as he looms over you.
‘You say you’re stuck in the band wheel?’
Somehow, you manage to answer, ‘Yeah, to my right.’
He clears his throat. ‘I - uh - I’ll have to lean down pretty close to you to take a look, is that ok?’
You feel all the air leave your body, which is probably why your reply comes out far breathier than you intend it to. ‘Yes, Joel.’
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And with those two words, Joel has a problem with his jeans. Again.
They’re too tight. Again.
There’s nothing he can do as his mouth goes dry and his cock hardens with a vengeance, his self-control slipping like sand between his fingers.
He was doing so good - well, he was more or less holding it together, as much as he could be expected to while kneeling behind you. And of course, his damn knees hurt, but so does his bottom lip which is caught in his teeth, trying to regulate his breathing when his heart threatens to beat right out of his chest. 
He already has one hand on you, and goddamnit, it’s taking him all he’s got to hold back from gripping you with his other, to grasp the swell of your ass between his palms, to trace your curves up to the dip of your exposed waist, to bow his head and run his tongue along the arc of your spine -
And the jeans you’re wearing - fuck, they’re tight. He wonders idly if you wore them for him. His eyes follow the seam that runs down the cleft of your ass, the way the pockets stretch over your backside has his fingers twitching, thinking about how well you will fill his hands, and how the slow rub of denim will burn his skin.
He wants to hook his thumbs into the belt loops and pull you flush against the zipper of his jeans, where his cock is straining against - rub himself on you, grind on you, his thighs plastered to the back of yours -
He sways as he snaps out of his stupor, dangerously close to knocking into you, light-headed from the lack of blood to his brain. He chokes out, ‘Yeah, I got you, sweetheart.’
Get it together, you dirty bastard.
He’s careful to leave a couple of inches between his front and your ass when he bends his elbows and ducks so he can peer beneath the desk. His chest pressed flat against your lower back, he can see the bunched fabric of your shirt where it’s caught.
‘Yup, you’re right, your shirt is snagged tight in there.’
‘Can you untangle it?’
‘Think so, but I’ll need both hands.’ He pauses. ‘I’d better get on my back under you.’
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You swear you’re going to black out.
‘Pin?’ he prompts when you’ve been quiet a beat too long.
‘I - um, what do you mean by going under me?’
‘If I’m on my back, I can use both my hands, like a mechanic under a car,’ he explains. ‘If you’re uncomfortable, I can find another way -’
‘No!’ you blurt out, wincing at the desperation in your tone. ‘I mean - whatever is easiest for you. You’re the one doing me a favour here.’
‘Alright,’ he says, placated by your reassurance. ‘On your hands and knees then, sweetheart.’
Your eyes nearly roll to the back of your head. Oh, come on. Can he hear himself?
Scraping together your last vestiges of control, you push up on your palms to make space underneath you. You have to consciously lock your elbows - your joints suddenly feel like barely set pudding. 
‘Move as far to your right as possible so I can slide in.’
Shuffling on your hands and knees until you’re pressed up against the band wheel, you hear the brush of fabric on wood - must be his back against the floorboards as he slides in. To say it’s a squeeze is an understatement. His broad shoulders brush the front of your thighs as he inches in, and then, his face appears under yours, head between your hands.
His lips quirk. ‘Hi, sweetheart.’
Your breath hitches at his proximity, your wrists brushing the soft red flannel he’s wearing today. ‘Hi.’
‘You ok?’ he asks.
You’re this close to pouting. What does he think? There’s a telltale stickiness between your legs that you’re frantically trying to push to the back of your mind while you mmhmm noncommittally, hoping that he doesn’t smell your want in the tiny, claustrophobic space you’re now both caught in.
You can only assume that he’s none the wiser, since the next thing that comes of his mouth is - 
‘Climb on top of me so I can slide in closer to the band wheel.’
Someone might as well say your last rites. This is the end.
You’re taken aback when your limbs start to move on autopilot, because your faculties have well and truly abandoned ship. One trembling leg attempts to swing itself over the solid breadth of his body, but it wobbles like jelly, and your knee ends up connecting firmly with his stomach instead of landing clear on his other side.
At his grunted oomph, you panic and bang your head on the underside of the table again, which sends your whole weight sprawling onto his front with a yelp.
Joel cradles the back of your scalp with one hand. ‘Shit, you ok, sweetheart?’
The seams of your lashes sting, your head smarting with the impact, and you blink drily as your gaze focuses on Joel under you. He’s so close that you can see flecks of gold in his brown eyes, his breath hitting your face in warm puffs. Your glance at his lips, and with that one little motion, all goes quiet.
He watches you back, neither of you breathing, and in the stillness you realise that you’re fully straddling him, your palms pressing into the hard floor on either side of his ears. Your tits are crushed up against his ribs, his soft tummy warmly cushioned under you. Lower still, where your hips are nestled into the spread of his thick thighs, something stiff and long and insistent presses into you -
Your jaw goes slack when it dawns on you. 
Oh god.
He’s hard.
‘I’m so sorry,’ Joel breaks the silence, a pained frown on his brow as he shakes his head. ‘This is embarrassin’. Couldn’t fuckin’ help it, seein’ you in those jeans -’
Tongue-tied, you can only stare at him, wishing you were brave enough to say something. Tell him that you pulled extra shifts to buy this particular pair of jeans, knowing that they flatter your figure. That you’ve worn them almost every day these two weeks, hoping that he’d swing by again. 
But you can’t. 
So you pray that he can see what you can’t say by the way you’re looking at him, by the way your heart races wildly in your ribcage against his chest.
His voice cracks. ‘I understand if you want me to go -’
You unstick your tongue from the roof of your mouth and cut in, ‘Don’t.’
His warm eyes widen, something like hopefulness in the way he looks up at you. ‘You don’t want me to go?’
You press your body closer into his, filling in the gaps. ‘No. Please don’t, Joel.’
He leans forward, so close that you can feel the phantom burn of his silvered beard, his palms finding the meat of your legs, blunt nails biting into the denim.
He really should be ashamed of himself, at the way his cock pulses unabashedly, nudged right between your thighs as you stare down at him, lips parted. He’s hard enough that he worries if there’s a wet spot of precum on the front of his jeans - he can feel himself leaking through his boxers. 
The wicked tip of your tongue traces a wet trail on your bottom lip, and he almost chokes on a half-buried groan deep in his chest. He knows that you don’t even know you’re doing it - and in turn, what that does to him.
It would be easy to close the two-inch gap between you. To kiss you, taste you, lick into your sweet mouth. All he needs to do is to cup the back of your head and pull you down, or crane his neck and press his lips to yours -
And Joel is someone who always follows the path of least resistance. 
But - he wants to do right by you. He knows you deserve more than a quick fumble under a table.
Sucking in a shaky breath, Joel steels himself and brushes a chaste thumb over your cheekbone. ‘Let’s get you out of here, and then we can talk, ok?’
It’s almost perverse the way his chest warms at the flicker of disappointment in your eyes as you give a reluctant nod, ‘Ok. Please be careful, the Singer’s really delicate.’
It’s hard to focus - his attention keeps drifting to how snugly you fit into his chest, between his arms, and it’s not a stretch to imagine a soft mattress underneath his back. It's funny how quickly his body has adjusted to creature comforts after months of sleeping on the cold winter ground.
Joel’s mindful that an antique sewing machine will be a pain in the ass to repair without the requisite parts, so he moves carefully, gently coaxing the band wheel back and forth to see how he can extract you. It doesn’t take long to loosen the grip of the metal teeth on your shirt, but he has to reach up and untangle the threads snagged into the mechanisms one by one.
He muses idly that this is not his method. These hands of his, with crooked knuckles that never healed right, where many a dagger, knife, gun, rifle have found a home - they break things, people.
When was the last time someone asked gentleness of him? 
He wants to scoff. That’s not what he’s good for.
Despite himself, his throat rumbles with a hum of satisfaction when the band wheel finally lets go of your shirt, the Singer whirring to life as it spins freely. He gives you a lopsided smile. ‘There you go, sweetheart.’
You smile, but don’t seem to be in a hurry to move, which pleases him. He likes looking at you from this angle, relishing in your weight on him. He takes his time running his eyes over your face, his palms coming to rest on your knees.
You duck your head prettily. ‘Thank you, Joel.'
He gives you a playful shrug. ‘Well, I owed you one for these jeans.’
You roll your eyes in good humour. ‘Actually, I told you specifically that you didn’t.’
Joel basks in the lighthearted turn in the conversation, egging you on, ‘Well, in that case, you owe me one for this instead.’
‘That’s hardly fair -’ you chide him, punching him in the shoulder in a half-hearted rebuke.
Taking the opportunity, he grabs you by the wrist, the contact prompting a bodily shudder from you that he doesn’t miss. He smirks, ‘M’fraid I don’t play fair, sweetheart.’
You glare at him in mock sternness, bold enough to demand, ‘Fine - what do you want then, Joel Miller?’
For a split second, he hesitates, woefully out of practice at whatever it is that he’s about to do. Swallowing his self-doubt, he asks, ‘Tommy and Maria are throwing a baby shower on Sunday at their house - do you want to come?’
Your shoulders stiffen. Now, that you were not expecting. Your social anxiety bubbles between your ribs and looms over you like a spector. You sputter, ‘Um, I -’
You start when his fingers draw soothing circles on the top of your knees, as if seeing straight through the source of your apprehension. He reassures you, ‘Lucy is welcome to join too. The more the merrier.’
Your eyes soften. ‘Ok. I’d love to.’
The endearing way the corners of his eyes crinkle as he smiles has you swaying towards him, his nose just brushing the side of yours - when the doorbell rings, cutting through the loaded silence. 
In your haste to sit up, you knock your head against the table for a third time. 
‘Ow!’ you cry. Even Joel flinches at the hard hit.
Lucy calls out, sounding dangerously close. ‘Pin? You ok, hon?’
‘Shit!’ You start scrambling backwards, bent over awkwardly, convinced that you’re one more blow away from a concussion. You’ve barely scrambled onto your feet when Lucy steps into the workshop, the world tilting on its axis for a moment as blood rushes to your brain. 
She watches in amusement as Joel drags himself from under the sewing station, head cocked to one side. ‘Hi again, stranger. You really like our shop, don’t you?’
His shirt is rumpled from where you sat on him, bits of his curls sticking up. He rubs the back of his neck, as if caught with his hand in the cookie jar. ‘I just swung by to, uh, invite you and Pin to the baby shower. Tommy and Maria’s. This Sunday.’
Lucy crosses her arms, arching an eyebrow. ‘And it’s a tradition where you’re from to talk about weekend plans under a table?’
You narrow your eyes at her. ‘Luce -’
She winks. ‘You know what? I don’t need to know the gory details - but I’m in. See you Sunday, Miller!’
Joel huffs a chuckle as Lucy disappears into the front of the shop, leaving you two alone. You smile, suddenly shy for no reason, twining your fingers to stop from fidgeting. ‘Thanks again, Joel.’
He shrugs it off, a touch of boldness in the way he stands, hands in pockets, hips cocked. ‘Pleasure was all mine, sweetheart.’
Instead of heading in the direction of the door, he takes two long strides towards you, leaning down to murmur in your ear, ‘Wear those jeans for me again on Sunday?’
Stunned, you gape at him as he turns with a crooked grin and walks off, dispatching a two-fingered salute at Lucy as he goes. Pausing by the threshold, Joel gives you one last wink that has your breath stuttering - but you only allow yourself to sag against the wall when the door closes behind him, your knees giving.
Lucy wastes no time skipping back into the workshop, practically bouncing on the balls of her feet in excitement. ‘Alright, time to raid the party clothes rack, girl!’
You laugh - Sunday can’t come fast enough.
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Notes: I had the best time writing this chapter - it was fun to flip the tables on Pin, not that Joel comes out completely unscathed!
I definitely have ✨ideas✨ for these two, but I'm enjoying keeping things loose, so I have no plans to turn this into a full-blown series just yet. I hope you enjoyed this instalment, comments/reblogs/asks are so so appreciated as always ❤️
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sexlapis · 7 months
Ho! I loooooooveeee your actor toji fics! Is it possible to get added to the taglist? Thank you ~
Also an idea: a bts scene of reader getting sick on set(perhaps even collapsing) due to fatigue and toji taking care of them- I feel like that'd be such a hit ship moment irl :D
thank you for liking my fics <3 you can be added to the tag list 🩵.
and omg yeah i love that idea of reader overworking themselves and toji looking after them :’). and yeah i didn’t make it a behind the scenes clip i made a short fic abt it bc i do not know when to stop.. like give me an idea and i will fly away w it like a bird liek..i don’t even think this is what you asked for srsly…i hope you don’t mind (but i’ll add it to my tojiyn headcanons hehe)
cw: actor toji x actress reader, hurt/comfort, angst to fluff, swearing, petnames (‘kid’, ik people don’t like this one but i think it’s so sweet & so toji :)), collapsing, mentions of skipping meals/not eating, poor sleeping habits, feelings of loneliness & inadequacy, crying, toji taking care of reader, i made this way more angsty than you asked sorry :(
wc: 2k+
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you dragged yourself through the doors of the studio, immediately bombarded by directors, stylists, scrip writers and other cast members on your way to the dressing room, only fuelling your fatigue and stress.
sleep was a foreign concept at this point. five hours at most. so were healthy, filling meals - the last time you ate was yesterday at noon, and for breakfast today all you had was a cup of coffee, not helping your nervous, exhausted state.
admittedly, you were not doing very well. you felt that your acting was subpar and you felt lonely and isolated on set. while everyone went with their friends for a break or lunch, you sat by yourself in your dressing room, your only company being the silence.
sure, toji was also on set too, but he played a very minor role, so he wasn’t always there. and even when he was sometimes, he would hang out with the other crew members, which wasn’t a problem of course, but it did sting a little when he chose them over you.
you just felt so lonely, anxious and quite frankly upset at yourself and the circumstances you find yourself in.
there are a few knocks at your dressing room door and you weakly tell them to come in.
toji peeks is head in. “hey, kid. we start in five..” he takes a look at your weary face, dark eye bags prominent even through the makeup the stylists caked on and the frown on your lips and just knows something is wrong.
“are you ‘right?” he asks quietly, like you’re a deer who’s about to run away at the slightest of sounds.
“yes, i’m fine.” you lie, a voice in the back of your mind wishing he’d just ignore you like everyone else on this damn set does.
“‘you sure? ‘cause you don’t look-”
“i said im fine! just get out.” you snap, heart beating and breathing heavily at your own outburst.
fuck. you didn’t mean to say that.
but toji doesn’t look offended. he just nods and walks away footsteps fading as you put your head in your hands and sob.
so there you are, acting in front of the camera with your colleague in a scene where toji appears in too and you just seem off. everyone assumes it’s just not your day today and they’re not exactly wrong. you lines were slightly forced, tired and you were jittery and clearly apprehensive, like you didn’t even want to be here.
“cut!” the director calls out, more than annoyed with your behaviour. it was the sixth take and you’re really trying to make it believable, but it’s futile.
“this is the sixth take _____. this is ridiculous. get your act together. let’s take five.”
you look down at your shoes, face hot and chest thudding with embarrassment due to the director calling you out in front of everybody. tears well up in your eyes and you sigh, blinking them away as everyone starts talking again, walking away leaving you standing there like an idiot.
it all becomes too much for you. your empty stomach, oncoming headache, exhausted body, dry mouth, furrowed eyebrows, sweaty palms-
you let your script fall out of your hand as you stumble off the green screen, trying to get to your room before a hand is grabbing your arm. you turn around and it’s toji again.
“hey..” he leans down slightly to your height, scanning you over once. “you don’t look so good, _____-”
you shrug him off, vision becoming blurred with black static and limbs heavy and shaky. “i-i jus’ need to go. to my..uhm-” you stop, rubbing a hand down your face harshly. “i just-”
and then there is black.
you come to and realise that you are laying on your dressing room couch, staring up at the ceiling. reaching up, you feel a wet, cool cloth on your head. you take it off. still fuzzy and body essentially lethargic, you try to sit up.
“hey, hey, hey.” toji whispers.
oh, toji’s here.
“take it easy.” he helps you sit up on the arm of the couch. he hands you a bottle of water and you drink it like a god.
“wait, what happened?” you ask, still confused and disoriented.
“you fuckin’ fainted that’s what,” he states bluntly. “scared the fuckin’ dogshit outta me.”
toji sits beside you on a chair, looking at you closely. you look down.
“the med team checked you out.” he tells you. “said you fainted, collapsed-whatever the fuck. ‘cos of stress and exhaustion. they even checked your blood sugar and said it was low as fuck.” he pauses. “not dangerously low,” he adds at the sight of your worried expression, “but.. low enough.”
you sigh, falling back on the couch. you think back to how the director shouted at you, how annoyed he was, and how humiliated you felt. tears start to form again and you cover your face with your hands, not wanting to cry in front of toji. you felt like you’ve had enough embarrassment for today.
toji leans forward. “what’s happening with you?”
the way he said it, so soft and concerned, makes the tears fall down and cause sobs to escape your mouth, hiccuped breaths falling from your mouth.
“hey, hey, hey..” toji coos. he reaches to you and makes you sit up again so he can take you into his arms. you let him, sobbing into his shoulder and sucking up all the comfort he gives you. toji’s big hand strokes your hair and the other caresses your back softly.
“shh, sh, sh…” he calms you down a little, you sobs turning into sniffles. he leans back and gives you space but his hands stay planted on your back. “tell toji what’s wrong.”
you hum sadly, looking down and gulping. “i’m..i’m tired. i wanna sleep..”
toji waits for you to continue. he can see you want to say more so he doesn’t hurry you along, he just rubs your back and nods to let you know you’re listening.
“i..” you take a breath, “i dunno what to do..i can’t do this fucking role.. i’m fucking tired half the fucking day and my so called colleagues don’t even like me!” you try to calm yourself down, taking another shaky breath. “and i just feel..lonely all the time..” you cry out the last few words, feeling another sob session coming up and toji pulls you close, letting you ruin his shirt with your tears as he rocks you back and forth in his arms.
“it’s okay, it’s okay..” he coos, resting his face in your hair.
you both stay like that for a few moments, you weeps dying down before toji talks.
“you can play this part, _____. ‘you have any idea how good your are, huh? you can act circles around half ‘these guys.”
you scoff, pulling your lips together. “i dunno about that..”
“‘m serious. _____, you can act, okay? ‘wouldn’t have made it this far if you couldn’t.”
“yeah but..this one’s hard..” you sigh, voice cracking but toji doesn’t let you start again.
“yeah, acting’s hard. but i can help you,” toji cups your wet face with his hands, wiping the tear streaks that paint you face, “we can all help you. the crew, your friends, that bitchass director. i’ll put a gun to everyone’s head to make them fuckin’ help you with this.”
you giggle at his seriousness and he huffs, relieved that you’re relaxing a little.
“they don’t hate you, y’know. everybody on set. the cast. they just think you’re a little shy and quiet. they don’t hate you, okay?” toji reassures you. you nod absentmindedly and he shakes your head from side to side to make you pay attention, making you smile, eyes crinkling even though they’re still tear stricken. “there she is..who the fuck could hate you, huh?”
“ugh, toji.” you roll your eyes, sniffling and rubbing your face. you pull away from him. “ugh..i just want my bed right now.”
“yeah..i know it ain’t my place but told the director that you’re taking a few days off. you need a break, kid.”
you didn’t even argue with him. you couldn’t.
“yeah, i do.” you agree.
suddenly, a loud rumble from your stomach erupts, it was like an earthquake.
toji laughs. “someone’s hungry.”
you groan. “‘m starving. haven’t eaten since yesterday.”
“we’re getting you something to eat.” he states, leaving no room for objections.
toji stands, holding his hand out for you to take. you do, his large, calloused hand dwarfing yours as he helps you stand up. “can you walk?”
“i will if there’s food involved.”
“that’s good.” toji chuckles, “how’s takeout sound?”
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a/n: had to write a whole fic abt this i apologise 🥸 will add the tag list later i just keep forgetting the users </3
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sordidmusings · 8 months
Age Gap (Buggy x Reader)
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A/N: for @soft-mafia since she wanted more age gap Buggy! Mostly bulleted like a headcanon but has two little drabbles sprinkled in cuz I couldn't help myself. I will be posting a continuation of this actually writing out the scene mentioned at the end, but I wanted to get this out now.
Word count: ~2.6 k
Warnings: obviously an age gap but the younger one is mentioned to be in their 20s, fem!reader, NSFW mentioned at the end, alcohol consumption, probably (hopefully) silly humor, the touch starved shows hardcore for a second there, tried my best to get Buggy right but you know how it be especially because he exists as an amalgam of LA and anime Buggy in my brain
Now come get y'all dopamine
I imagine you joined Buggy’s crew largely looking for that found family goodness then found out how much you’d never been taken care of and how much you craved it
One day while going through the different acts you were learning from the crew trying to find what stuck, you took a decent fall. Not the kind that breaks bones, but the kind where you just gotta lay there a sec and recalibrate how you got to this point
After some laughter (I mean come on it is a crew curated by Buggy and they could tell it wasn’t serious), the nearby crew surrounded you to check on you. While you were breathlessly saying you’re fine from your position on the floor, they parted to reveal the Captain coming to your side:
Buggy bent down to loom over you. The shadow he cast over your face was a welcome break from the bright overhead lights. You just wished that the way they haloed him didn’t make it so hard to see the laughter on his face.
“Good form! I think we could just throw you around to see you flail like that as your act - you’d be our finest comedy routine.” His voice was thick with sarcasm and giggles. However, his detached arms were gentle when they lifted you from the floor. They changed to posing outstretched with his hands on your shoulders and he walked into them to reattach. He looked you up and down before circling around you, all the while his hands were nudging you this way and that for his inspection. Once he was back at your front, he changed to brushing some dirt from your arms and shoulders. You didn’t speak for fear of interrupting this attention you were receiving from him.  He seemed to suddenly snap to clarity anyway.
“RIGHT.” Vocal control? Who is she? Buggy doesn’t know her. “So either get better at what you’re doing or actually fall on purpose. Wouldn’t want you fucking up that money maker.” He was already walking away when one detached hand gave your cheek two brisk pats and he made himself scarce.
It was obvious to you and everyone else how much you ate up his attention. The soft look you were still giving the direction he went in was damn near sickening. It was then you understood your purpose here - becoming Buggy’s spoiled lapdog.
Luckily for you, that was also the moment Buggy realized how his body buzzed when he touched you and how he lit up when you looked up at him with pretty, wide eyes. 
Unluckily, he also decided that being near you would lead down a dangerous route of him needing more and more of you and he was positive that he was just being some old creep over a pretty little thing like you.
This led to a game where Buggy would try to keep you at arm’s length while he battled both his own desire to be around you and your seemingly supernatural ability to just appear next to him at all times.
He wasn’t great at the arms distance thing even when he thought he was nailing it because nailing it to him was being in his natural space as the center of attention and only checking (immediately and desperately) that you were watching and approving of whatever he was doing. The way his head would always snap to you for your reaction was neither subtle nor discouraging to your rapidly growing infatuation.
You decided that orbiting his personal space wasn’t working well enough. Sure, he’d give you a hit of what you wanted with some fleeting touches and mostly disguised compliments but you needed more. Hurting yourself intentionally so that he would take care of you didn’t seem like a sustainable option, so you settled on playing his own game. Time to practice owning a room.
This could be a dangerous game to play. You were certain that blatantly taking the spotlight would just make him upset with you not that you’d mind him taking that out on you. You settled on more subtle things like spreading your attention more through the crew instead of mostly on him, being more focused and daring in your training, participating more in the many games that broke out when the alcohol did, and dressing a bit more intentionally (whether that’s flashier colors, eye-catching accessories, bold makeup, new or intricate hairstyles, etc.) 
The boldest card you played was feeding more into any of the flirting you received.
He has a freak show, yes, but have you ever seen how fine circus performers are?? Full fun costumes are It and also the tasks they have to perform either help them get conventionally attractive bodies and/or the rizz that comes with performing feats (just look at the traction Fryboy has gained with women like damn why he kinda-). Due to that, you’re around attractive people all the time.
While the flirting is for the purpose of pushing Buggy’s buttons, you must admit that it wasn’t a hard habit to keep up and may help inflate your ego.
Your attempts have mixed results. Buggy’s desire to claim you grew but so did his insecurity
In his mind, you look more natural next to one of the younger lookers in his crew while he’s certain the pair of you must look ridiculous together. It’s this very insecurity that’s gonna make it necessary for you to bluntly and shamelessly throw yourself at him both repeatedly and with no room for questions:
You have no clue what else you can do to get through that thick skull of his. You’re on your knees, quite literally at that. You figured that kneeling in front of that circus throne while he’s laid himself all over it would be enough to break the man. Enough to break any man, really, but he’s still finding ways to deflect you.
Buggy nodded his head to a nearby open seat. “You know they made chairs to be comfortable and your dumb ass is on the floor. That drunk already?” he snorted. Maybe choosing to do this during one of the many celebrations (you think this one is for one week of no one pregaming for show runs. ironic.) was a bad idea. You had been banking on some drinks loosening up whatever was holding him back.  It always made you snicker when you entertained the idea of it being from a sense of propriety. Checking in on the situation, you could see how all the chaos going on around you two made it easier for him to keep his eyes off of you and his ears unfocused. Earlier, you had counted it as a plus that working up a buzz would help you bulldoze through his stubbornness. You had forgotten that any alcohol in your system would make for the perfect excuse for him to write you off.
“I’ve barely started my third drink,” you started with a pout, “and I’d be ashamed if that’s enough to get me drunk after all the time spent on your crew.”
“Then you are just being stupid.”
You huffed and rolled your eyes. Okay. Attention didn’t work. Compliments didn’t work. Kneeling didn’t work. Time for some big guns.
You shifted to the side so you’d be sitting towards your left hip with your bent legs beside you. Your drink found its way to your right hand but, most importantly, your chin found its way onto Buggy’s left knee. It brought you so close to where you’d really like to put yourself to work, and, man, was the temptation strong with the way his right leg was slung over the armrest of his seat. How did he expect you to stay away when he was serving himself up on a platter like this?
Buggy was definitely giving you his undivided attention now. His gaze was dark and slightly accusatory. The lighting matched with his makeup made him look more dangerous than usual. The nerves it sent through you might have had you back right off. Instead you held your ground because you saw his pulse hammer against his neck. You saw his throat bob as he swallowed. You saw his pink tongue contrast with red as he licked his lips and gave a shaky exhale.
While you were starting to settle into your bold move, Buggy was becoming more and more antsy. His grip on his glass became white-knuckled under his gloves, and he tried to give himself time to think by taking a huge gulp of his drink. Why did you have to look at him like that? So pleading? The angle from his lap made your lashes darken your eyes and it was impossible for him to keep the image of your hooded gaze about a foot closer to him out of his head. What did you want from him? You’d denied his accusations about money or intel so what the fuck could it be? Was this a game? Get in the pants of the Captain for preferential treatment and go back to whoever else you had in your palm on the crew to laugh about him falling for it?
You noticed his mood turning sour so you decided to interrupt whatever was tumbling around his head. “I think I could get much more comfy right here.” To prove a point, you dragged your chin to his inner thigh, right above his knee, and snuggled your cheek into his leg. His pants weren’t the softest against your skin but he was so addictingly warm through them. Your eyes briefly fluttered shut to enjoy the sensation before you looked back up at him and flirtatiously said, “I’m comfiest next to you.”
His hands itched with the need to grab you by the hair and force your face right where he needed you. Instead he scoffed at you. “Suuuuure. And why’s that, princess?”
“You make me smile,” you admitted immediately. His startled gaze met your lovesick one and you realized what you said and how quickly you said it. Too close to emotionally vulnerable; time to backtrack a touch. You want to get the role as his trophy before you even attempt to approach the title of Love of His Life. “You also said that you take care of your crew and I’m on your crew, right? So you’ll take care of me.”
The cheeky smile you spoke through melted him. An achingly deep sigh left him while his right hand detached from the arm to deposit his drink on the floor next to you. Quickly, it flew back to its limb. Both of your hearts pumped fire through your chests as he reached that hand out towards you. Buggy took his time stroking his fingers from your forehead into your hair. When his palm came down to join the gesture, you were very happy to realize that his hand was just as warm as the thigh still under your cheek. You shuffled closer so your legs squeezed in between his foot and the left leg of his throne. Buggy shuddered when he felt your fingertips graze the back of his calf and spread out like a star so you could grab it. Using your new grip, you snuggled more firmly into his leg and let yourself buzz off of getting this new touch from your Captain.
Ulterior motives be damned, Buggy couldn’t give them any credence when you looked so happy to sit at his feet and receive such a simple touch. He should probably laugh and call you a needy puppy to regain some control over the situation. Instead, he slipped his hand down the side of your head.  He massaged his fingertips into the base of your skull and said, “I’ll take care of you, little star.”
Once he has accepted that you’re serious there will be jokes about the dynamic but do not be fooled - he can only dish it out and WILL spiral if he receives any type of comment about how much older he is (the word geriatric is punishable by death)
Sometimes the joke is him patronizingly treating you like a child (you almost socked him right there at the dinner table when some food came at your face with accompanying airplane noises)
Sometimes it’s calling you a gold digger (“then where’s my allowance, huh?” “OH so my gIFTS AREN’T ENOUGH FOR YOU NOW? YOU were the one ACTUALLY CRYING over me buying you that wonky ass stuffed seal with the lopsided face!!” “HIS NAME IS JERRY AND YOU WILL SHOW HIM SOME RESPECT”)
Sometimes it’s just dumb shit like pointing at the type of girl’s clothing store that has made a contract with God to own all the pinks and pastels the world has to offer before turning to you straight faced and asking if you want to stop in to look. Any way this man can think to goof, he will.
And it’s tooooootally a coping mechanism to process the fact that he’s nearly forty and dating a twenty-something and not at all because joking around with you has become one of his basic survival needs
The dynamic ends up helping both of y’all feel special - you have a hot, boisterous, spotlight-stealing pirate captain pampering (and then making a mess of) you while he gets a beautiful, capable, eye-catching young thing looking at him like he hung the stars in the sky
Nothing goes to Buggy’s head more than when you walk into a room full of people, attractive ones especially, and only see him.
He loves anything that makes it obvious to others that you are his, whether that's him draped over you, you draped over him, red stains on the back of your hands, your shoulders, your cheeks, your forehead, your neck, having his jolly roger on your outfit, having you in his hat or coat
This very much extends to him wanting anyone and everyone to overhear you in the bedroom. Everyone should know you're his and he's the only one who can make you feel so good
Don't worry, they'll also get the message that he's yours from all the moaning and praises
He gives you endless pet names but always comes back to “sweet stuff”, “sweets”, “princess”, “star”, “prima donna” (affectionate), “prima donna” (derogatory), and anything preceded by “little” (“little showstopper”, “little tease”, very rarely “little girl” if he feels especially like exerting power over you)
He prides himself on making you feel cared for and safe. Instead of feeling like a chore he has to do because he’s in the ‘older man’ role, he loves the way you preen under his attention and how you happily return the favor.
When in the Cross Guild Era, Buggy started going to all meetings with you by his side then on his thigh. It was a good defensive strategy because the other two seemed more hesitant to throttle him if you were in the way, but lets be real this man is also clingy and loves showing you off too.
At first he found it offensive that Mihawk and Croc were so disbelieving at the sight of you happily perched on your captain’s lap but then it made him the smuggest motherfucker when he would see their eyes trail over you knowing that they can only look and he can touch however he wants. This leads to him pushing until he hit your boundary at leaving very visible marks on you
One time he fucked you stupid right before a meeting so that you wouldn’t think about the bite mark surrounded by red makeup that kept playing peekaboo with your shirt collar (or the red smears between your thighs that showed whenever you shifted your legs)
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vivwritesfics · 2 months
Hooked On A Feeling
Chapter Twenty-Five - Future Mrs Ricciardo
Daniel is a Formula One driver, but, more importantly, he was a single dad to a wonderful little girl. He wants her to be a normal little girl, to have a normal social life, so he sends her to daycare. That was where she met Milo, her future best friend.
Milo's mother was incredibly stressed. She worked so hard to provide a good life for her son. But then he makes a new friend, a friend who has a hot dad (ofc they fall in love)
Single Dad!Daniel x Single Mum!Reader
warnings: light smut
Series Masterlist
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Daniel spent all of December and January ring shopping. It was just so difficult, trying to decide on the perfect one. He'd seen the dainty rings she wore on her finger. All of them were flat. None of them were the kind of ring with a rock.
Something flat. Daniel knew she would like something flat, something that didn't have any kind of diamond sticking out. But that made finding the perfect one so much harder.
First, Daniel wanted to ask her and Milo to move into his house. By February, he'd decided it was time, decided he wanted to pick up all of her things and move them to his house. He wanted to see her books on the shelves, her blankets on the sofa, her mug beside his in the cupboards.
Fast forward to Valentines day. Olivia was supposed to be at her mothers house, but Kerry-Ann had a date and begged Daniel to take her.
(She watched the entire interaction, watched the way Kerry-Ann stepped closer to Daniel. Her hand touched his chest and she pouted her lips, begging him to take Olivia while she went on her Valentines date. The fact that she thought she needed to beg showed she really didn't know Daniel at all.)
Olivia and Milo spent the night at Olivia's Grand Parent's house. They watched movies, ate dinner in front of the television and filled in their colouring books until they went to bed.
"I'm thinking dinner and a movie," said Daniel as he pulled her towards him, pulling her onto his lap.
She straddled him, wrapping her arms around his neck. "I think I like what you're thinking," she said and kissed him, playing with the hair at the back of his neck. "But I'm also happy with staying here and breaking the couch in."
Daniel couldn't help but frown. "The couch isn't new," he answered, and she bounced in his lap. His eyes widened. "Oh wow," he said. "Wow, yeah, I like that." His hands settled on her hips. "But I do still want to take you out for dinner."
When she pouted, Daniel kissed her and her pout disappeared. "Come on, my love," he said. "It's our first Valentines day together and I want to treat you."
She kissed him again. "Okay. But, instead of a movie, we can come back here and..."
"I love it." He stood up and gently put her on the floor. "Go and get dressed. I wasn't to get you back here as soon as possible." Daniel pointed her in the direction of the bedroom and smacked her ass, as if to get her going.
She got showered and dressed in as quick a time as she could. She dried and brushed her hair, styling it with pins, and did her makeup. If they were going for dinner, she was going to make sure she looked fucking perfect.
When Daniel walked into the bedroom to retrieve a his own clothes, he covered his eyes. "I'm not looking, I swear," he said as he dug through the closet.
He got changed in the living room, folding his clothes and leaving them on the couch. When he was ready, Daniel sat down and called his daughter.
When she walked out of the bedroom and into the living room, Daniel damn near dropped his phone. "Is that my momma?" Milo asked, his face appearing on the screen.
"Yeah, Milo, it is," he said as he strode over to her. He turned the camera around, showing Milo and Olivia just how gorgeous she looked. She did a twirl and took the phone from Daniel, saying hello to the kids as he stood behind her, hands on her hips.
"Well, we'll see you guys tomorrow, yeah?" She said to Milo and Olivia.
"Bye, guys!" Daniel called from behind her.
"Bye!" Milo and Olivia chorused, ending the call.
When Daniel turned her around, she slipped his phone into his pocket. She kissed the underside of his jaw as Daniel gripped her hips. "You know, now I kinda regret insisting that we go to dinner."
She stepped away from him, giving him an unimpressed look as she did so. "I did not get all pretty like this for nothing." She pressed a finger to his chest as she said it. "C'mon, Honey Badger. Take me to dinner."
Dinner was, well, fantastic. It was a small Italian place. Daniel hadn't given his real name when making the reservation, and they damn near shit their pants when he walked in.
They couldn't be more apologetic that they'd sat them in one of the worst seats in the house. But it was Valentines day and it was incredibly busy.
But the food was good, the service was good and the wine went to her head a little bit. Their table was lit by candles. Everything was perfect.
Daniel had his arm wrapped around her as they walked down the street. They didn't head back to the car immediately, instead walking under the stars. "Hang on," he said, stopping to tie his shoelaces.
But his shoelaces were tied already. And, suddenly, he had a little black box in his hand. "Y/N," Daniel called and she turned towards him. "I've got an important question."
Her hands covered her mouth as he pulled open the box. What kind of ring would a man like Daniel choose for her? Whatever it was, she'd wear it with pride.
But the box didn't have a ring inside. No, it had a key. "Will you move in with me?"
She couldn't stop herself from hitting his shoulder. "Asshole, I thought you were going to propose!"
Still, Daniel was on his knee, waiting for an answer. "Yes," she said, taking the key from the box. "Yes, I'll move in with you."
Daniel stood up and kissed her. "Let me take you home, Roomie," he said with a grin, taking her hand and leading her back to the car. "I just gotta know, will you smack me like that when I do propose?"
"Propose and find out," she said with a grin as Daniel pulled open the car door for her.
When the season started a month later, Daniel wanted to take her everywhere with him. He wanted her by his side as he walked through the paddock, wanted her watching him as he drove.
But she was still working and he went alone. But it was okay, it just meant that she'd be at home, watching the race with the kids.
The drivers that had met her, loved her. They asked Daniel about her whenever they got a moment. He loved talking about her. He loved talking about all of his little family and couldn't stop once he'd started.
Only Max knew he was going to propose. Only Max had seen the ring. Only Max knew how Daniel was going to do it. He just needed to give his friend a little reassurance.
It was back in Australia. Daniel had a weekend of no racing and he wanted to get away.
He booked a cabin for the two of them, took her away for just the weekend while Milo and Olivia stayed with his parents. Daniel didn't tell her. He didn't tell her until he was packing their bags (with no idea what to pack for her).
She walked in on him, shoving things into their bags. "Danny," she said softly, placing her hand on his shoulders. "What're you doing?"
He let out a sigh as he stood up. "I... am taking you away for the weekend."
Holy shit, he was going to propose.
Wordlessly, she began putting things into her bag. She grabbed things from her underwear drawer and put them in her bag without letting Daniel see what it was.
Once her bag was zipped up, she turned to him and threw her arms around his shoulders. "Love you," she said as she kissed him.
Daniel could hardly keep himself from telling her as he drove them up to the cabin. He kept his hand on her thigh as he parked up (doing that thing where he drove with one hand, palm against the steering wheel).
Their bags weren't heavy, but Daniel insisted on carrying both of them. The cabin was nice and secluded, the next one a few miles doing the road.
"Have you ever fucked on a porch?" He grinned as he carried the bags into the cabin, flexing like crazy.
They had sex on the porch. They had sex on the rug, sex by the fire. It was damn near impossible to separate them.
Daniel was constantly looking for the right moment to propose. He wanted to, he so badly wanted to. But it wasn't the right moment.
The right moment came on Sunday. They'd spent the night unable to separate, his cock moving through her folds, her body moving on top of his.
In the morning light, with her body wrapped in the white sheets, hair covering the pillow, Daniel found his moment. He wrapped his arms around her mid section and pulled her closer. "Marry me," he said and kissed her bare shoulder.
"Sure," she muttered, fingers tracing his tattoo.
"No, I'm being serious," he said, turning her body to face him. "Marry me."
She grinned and leaned in to kiss him. "Yes, Daniel Ricciardo, I'll marry you."
Suddenly Daniel was out of the bed. He ran to his bag, pulled the ring from its box and slipped it onto her finger. "Future Mrs Ricciardo," he whispered and kissed her, pulling her body against his.
(When they picked up the kids later that evening, Daniel introduced Y/N to his parents as his ex girlfriend. Nobody was impressed by that.)
TAGLIST (CLOSED): @biancathecool @rewmuslupin @prettiest-at-the-party @hellowgoodbye @spideybv28 @andydrysdalerogers @landossainz @purplephantomwolf @ggaslyp1 @layazul @phantomxoxo @minseok-smaus @gills-lounge @hollie911 @annispamz @lily-ann-b @cixrosie @amalialeclerc @teamnovalak @tallrock35 @chiliwhore @darleneslane @sava207 @thatsusbitch @formulaal @leptitlu @landosgirlxoxo @msolbesg @cherry-piee @bathedinheat @chanshintien @ilove-tswizzle @woozarts @trouble-sistar @mysticalnightenthusiast @lewisvinga @spilled-coffee-cup @starkeyellow @fxrmuladaydreams @viennakarma @lightdragonrayne @millinorrizz @xemiefx @ellies-world61 @the-depressed-fellow
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gh0stsp1d3r · 3 months
rafe getting so jealous that boys were staring at you at a party he bends you over and fucks you then and there
ℳ𝓎 𝑔𝒾𝓇𝓁
literally blushing 😵‍💫 I made this based on a p0rn link I saw 😽
Warnings: smut, mdni, 18+, oral (fem!receiving), overstimulation, p in v, not proofread
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If he eye-fucked you from afar one more time, Rafe was going to fuck this kid up. He stared at the boy, he was probably no older than 17.
If he went to jail for beating up a minor, so be it.
Rafe was sitting on the couch, his arms spread and so were his legs. He huffed the smoke from his joint out, eyes landing directly back on you.
Barry and Topper were next to him, talking. But Rafe wasn’t listening to them. You looked at him with a smile.
He gave a lazy and small smile back when you looked at him. He then looked around the party some more, seeing the same boy that was checking you out earlier closer now.
Now there seemed to be more guys checking you out, he noticed when he looked closer.
“Rafe? Rafe?” His friends repeated, snapping him out of his trance. He cleared his throat, looking at them now.
“What’s up?”
“We were asking if you know Lance.” Topper said, pointing to a blonde haired boy. Rafe shook his head.
Topper and Barry gave glances to each other. “Why?”
“Cause, he was asking us about your girl.”
He cocked an eyebrow. “What?”
“He’s my neighbor. Asked us if we knew her.”
Rafe sighed, his jaw ticking as he looked back at you, and the men that had their predatory gazes on you as well.
Topper held his hands up in mock defense, and leaned away from Rafe, knowing how he was when he was mad. Taking one last hit, Rafe gave the joint to Barry who furrowed an eyebrow.
Rafe stood up, shoving his way past the dancers and to you. He grabbed your wrist, you whipped around and looked at him, confused.
“What’s wrong?”
He didn’t say anything as he picked you up, making you yelp as your friends laughed. “Rafe.” You whined in his ear when he threw you over his shoulder, he had a smirk on his face when he finally got into the bedroom, glanced back and saw the shocked face of one of the guys, who was whispering to the others.
He shut the door, threw you onto the bed, and locked the door.
“Rafe, what’s wrong?” You asked him, a hand coming up to his chest when he got on the bed and began to kiss you.
“You’re mine.” Was all he mumbled. As if you didn’t know that already.
“Baby-“ you were cut off with a moan when he started to suck the skin on your neck, your hand held the back on his neck as he bit down.
“Saw all those men lookin’ at you, flirting with you.” He grumbled out in between his attack on your neck.
He didn’t answer, just took his lips off your neck, his hands reaching for his shirt, then yours. He unclipped your bra swiftly and easily, throwing it onto the floor.
He let out a quiet groan when he saw your underwear, matching with the bra now thrown onto the floor. You were soaked, he thought when he moved your panties to the side, not wanting to take off your precious skirt.
“Fuck.” He mumbled, running a finger through your folds, the cold metal of his ring making you jolt. He held you down, mumbling a quiet “stay still.”
You tried your best to, but it was hard when he licked a stripe up your cunt, making you let out a moan, he gripped both your thighs, pulling your legs apart and gave you a devilish smirk before he ate your pussy like it was his last meal, his tongue was godly, your hand immediately going to his hair.
It wasn’t long before you were cumming, you came with a cry of his name, but he wanted you to scream it louder, loud enough for the whole damn party to hear.
He came up, his lips covered in your cum. He licked his lips, and you threw your head back onto the pillow. Fuck why was that so hot?
He moved back to your lips, crashing his with yours, you could taste yourself.
He slid his tongue into your mouth, making you let out a quiet moan, he was so unbelievably hard that he had started to lightly hump the bed for any sort of relief.
You noticed and smiled, leaving his lips. Quickly, he took his jeans and boxers off, throwing them as well.
“Face down, ass up.” He said to you, sounding like an order. You listened and did exactly that. He angled his dick to your entrance, and held you as he slowly slid in, his hands on your stomach and his other rubbing your ass, smacking it a few times.
You both cried out, Rafe mumbling out a string of ‘fucks.’ under his breath.
Your hands tried to find his, a small smile made its way onto his face and he held your hand.
He started to move, snapping his hips into yours, you bit your lip to contain your moans, but Rafe noticed. With a free hand, he ran his thumb over your lips.
“Don’t. I want everyone to hear you.” He said to you, his eyes boring into yours, you listened and let out a moan when he smiled at you and his thrusts became faster. He was relentless with it, fucking you like there was no tomorrow.
Your hips bucked and he could tell you were close. You clenched and shouted out his name. “R-Rafe!”
You came on his cock, making him groan as he watched it. But he didn’t stop. He continued to fuck into you, a smirk on his face as he watched you writhe, getting overstimulated.
“Rafe, Rafe, ‘s too much.” You whined out, lightly pushing him, he wasn’t having it.
“Rafe!” You groaned when you felt him cum inside.
“I’m not on the pill!” You scolded him when he stopped, staying still in you, panting and rolling his eyes at you.
“Shoulda told me that before. I’ll get you a morning after later.” He mumbled onto your skin, slowly taking his dick from you.
Someone knocked on the door. Rafe groaned, throwing his clothes on quickly as you hid behind the bed, covering yourself up.
“Rafe, are you seriously having sex on my parents bed?!” Topper said with a groan, your eyes widened as you heard the words.
“So you heard it?” He asked with a cocky smirk on his face. His hair was disheveled and his clothes unbuttoned.
“Everyone in the whole fuckin’ party could!”
“Good. I’ll clean the bed, sorry top.” He replied, putting a hand on toppers shoulder.
“I hope that was the best dick you ever had, because if my parents find out anyone had sex on their bed they will have my head.” He said, looking at you now. You just nodded, your cheeks heating up on your face as you said “Sorry, Topper.”
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clockwayswrites · 3 months
City Pigeons Bleed Green - Part 11
“Robin can’t stay here like that again,” Jason said as he chopped up a cucumber. “If he wants to come back, we need to introduce them properly and Danny needs to be okay with it."
“I know,” Dick sighed. “He’s been getting better but him not listening to B when in cape is a real backslide.”
“That’s not…” Jason made a frustrated noise and put the knife down with a level of care that worried Dick. That worry grew when Jason purposefully stepped back from it to lean against the counter.
“Kid knew that Robin was here,” Jason said, glaring down the faint leftover ring from a cup of last night’s hot chocolate. “Wing, Danny knew, and he was terrified.”
Dick stilled. He had just thought it was fear or someone else being in the apartment. “How?”
“Smelled him, apparently,” Jason said with a casual shrug that Dick didn’t believe for a moment. “Said that Robin reeked of death.”
“Well, fuck,” Dick said. “The Lazarus Pits?”
“Best as I can figure.”
Best as Jason could figure, but Jason was still bothered by something— something that wasn’t how Damian smelled to Danny.
Dick reached out to still Jason’s hand from where it was picking at the dried ring of coco. “Little wing… what did Danny say?”
It said a lot that Jason didn’t pull away.
“He was terrified because Robin smelled like death but hadn’t died.” Jason looked up to meet Dick’s eyes. A ring of green circled the blue. “He hadn’t died, not like us.”
“Oh fuck.”
“Oh fuck,” Dick said again. That was the sort of statement that deserved more cussing. He got up and started to pace. “Did you…?”
Jason shook his head. “No. Wasn’t the time, Danny was too freaked out about Robin’s presence. But fuck, Wing, the way he said it… like I should have already known that about him.”
“Like he knows it about you.”
“Yeah. Since he can smell it or sense it or whatever,” Jason said. He ran his hands through his hair, spreading the streak of white throughout the dark locks.
Dick’s eyes stuck on the movement.
“You’re hair.”
“Who cares if I mess it up—”
“No, J— little wing, your white hair. Danny…” Dick swallowed around the taste of bile. “We know he should have black hair, but it’s all white. Jay, how many times did he die? How many times did they kill him?”
Jason pressed the back of his hand to his mouth, looking ill. “Fuck. Fuck!”
“Okay, it’s okay,” Dick said, immediately regretting upsetting Jason like that. He hated hurting his little brother, but Dick did need someone else on the same page as him. He needed someone else watching out for things. “We’ll get the story when Danny is ready. What matters right now is that he’s here and we’ll keep him safe.”
“We sure as fuck will,” Jason said, a growl rumbling under his voice.
“But we have to wait until he’s ready.”
“Yeah, got you.” Jason leaned back against the wall. His head thumped against it with a sound that made Dick wince.
“But I do think you’ll be the one he talks to,” Dick soothed.
Jason snorted. “Cause the dead stick together.”
“You’re not dead, Jaybird, and neither is Danny.”
“And we’ll keep him safe,” Jason echoed with a sigh.
Dick didn’t have any illusions that Jason’s version of keeping Danny safe wouldn’t include murder if it came to it, but Dick was sure he could play distraction for Bruce, Cass, and Duke if need be. Damian should be kept away too, he had been doing better. Dick groaned and gave in to laying his head down on the counter.
“What horrible thing did you realize now?” Jason asked.
“Just that I’ll need to go see the baby bat. We need to talk about last night and I should just spend more time with him and the other kids.”
“Yeah, that might be good. You should get some damn sleep too before you start trying to subsist on sugar. Don’t think I didn’t see that cereal you had B.B. buy,” Jason chastised.
“I thought Danny might like it!”
“Danny would have a sugar high for three days if he ate a spoonful,” Jason said and went back to chopping up the very healthy cucumber he had.
“Fine, then what are you making?”
“A quick pickle. We’ll have it with feta cheese and couscous. It will be good protein for Danny since we don’t have him eating meat yet,” Jason said.
Dick smiled back. “You know, if you ever get tired of stabbing people with knives, you could just become a personal chef.”
“Why, looking to hire one and solve your horrible eating habits? You should get a maid while you’re at it.”
“Little wing,” Dick whined, clutching at his chest. “That’s so mean! My place is looking great! You’d know that if you ever visited me.”
Jason glanced past Dick and smirked. “Kid, tell Wing he’s a liar.”
“Wing, you’re a liar,” Danny mumbled, the words broken up by a large yawn.
“It’s no fair using Danny against me while he’s still half asleep!” Dick turned away from Jason with a pout and held his arms open.
Looking far from awake, Danny basically stumbled into Dick’s arm. He rested his head against Dick’s shoulder and seemed half ready to fall back asleep right there. Dick didn’t even try to hold back a coo.
Jason snorted. “Yeah, you’re really suffering over there.”
Dick stuck his tongue at Jason before deciding to focus on his littler, cuter brother. He ran his hands through Danny’s hair, trying hard not to think about the color. “Did you have a good nap?”
Danny shrugged. “Mostly.”
“Yeah? And what does mostly mean in this case?” Dick asked.
“Just… I don’t know. Didn’t dream, not really, but sorta felt like I was close to dreaming.”
“I guess you don’t want to dream?”
“Don’t think they’ll be good,” Danny admitted, softly.
“Well, Dandelion,” Dick said, putting as much cheer into his words as he could, “if that happens you come find me or Hood or whoever’s here. Cuddling is always a good cure for nightmares and if that doesn’t work, hot chocolate is even better.”
When Danny didn’t respond, even nonverbally, Dick gave him a little poke in the side which made Danny squeak and squirm a little.
“Tell me what you’ve got rattling around in that brain of yours,” Dick prompted.
Danny heaved a sigh as he pulled away and sat on the stool next to Dick. He kept his eyes downcast, focused on the rather frayed cuff of the hoodie he had taken to almost constantly wearing. “I don’t want wake anyone else up if they’re sleeping. I know you guys haven’t been getting enough rest because of me…”
“Less than we’d like, maybe,” Jason said casually and Dick shot him a glare. They were supposed to be reassuring Danny!
“But,” Jason continued, “we’re fine with that if it means helping you get well. Besides, we’ll get B.B. over here maybe tomorrow and the big blue bird here can go check on the rest of his life for a bit.”
“But only if you’re okay with her being here,” Dick added.
“I don’t want to… you all have done so much for me already. Of course you can go deal with other things. It’s… you don’t have to pay attention to me.”
“Hey, Danny.” Dick reached out, clearly telegraphing his motions so that Danny could pull away if he wanted. When Danny didn’t even twitch, Dick rested his hand over Danny’s. “We want to. I promise you, we want to make sure you’re well and that you heal. We’ll be here the whole time until you’re ready to talk to Bruce.”
“Hell, we’ll be here after,” Jason said. “Gotham is our city, we’re not going anywhere. We’ll still be around if you need us, even if it’s just to be around us.”
Danny glanced up at at Jason with such blatant hope showing through from where it was shuttered behind hard learned lessons and a horrible life. Dick’s heart just about broke.
“Really?” It wasn’t more than a whisper that Danny asked, but it carried so much weight.
“Really,” Jason said with a shrug and that devil may care confidence that only he could manage.
“Really,” Dick added, trying to put as much care and love that he already felt for his new little brother into the word.
Danny glanced down again, but instead of going back to picking at the hem, he twisted his hand to wrap his fingers up with Dick’s.
“I… thank you. That’s… I don’t know why you all care so much when—” Danny cut himself off sharply, biting his lip so hard that Dick was worried that it would bleed.
Dick just squeezed his hand.
“Anyways,” Danny continued after a few shuddering breaths, “it means a lot, thank you.”
“Always,” Dick swore. This was their brother.
Damian’s brother was being annoying again.
This was hardly unusual.
“Grayson, do stop lurking like that. It is unbecoming.”
“I wasn’t lurking baby bat!” Grayson said, bouncing forward like some sort of overly cheerful ungulate.
“I wasn’t! I was being polite and waiting for you to be done with your kata,” Grayson protested with a pout. “If I was being rude I would have just swept in and scooped you up.”
Damian took a step back. “Grayson, no.”
“No what?” he asked, his eyes impossibly wide and innocent.
It was best to leave, Damian decided.
Unfortunately Grayson was actually far more wolf that sheep and he pursued Damian. They tore around the Cave. Damian attempted to use his smaller stature to be able to slip through spots that should be impossible for Grayson to follow him through, but that hardly stopped his brother. What little speed Damian might have gained from his pathing was well made up for Grayson being larger and, as reluctant as Damian was to admit it, better at free running.
“There’s my baby bat!” Grayson cooed as he held Damian close after catching him.
Damian let his arms and legs dangle listlessly. He had learned that Grayson was annoying resistant to nerve strikes and that it was sometimes better to simple accept the… cuddling.
“My bitty bat! Baby bat! Bladed bloody bat!”
Damian sighed.
“We are going to go out!” Grayson said, hauling Damian towards the lift. “I found a shelter that needs some help socializing a whole bunch of cats taken from a hording situation so we’ll pick up a big food donation and head over. Afterwards, we can get falafel from that place on 8th and ice cream from a new place right down the street!”
That… didn’t sound too poor of a day, really.
“I suppose that the cats will have a better chance to be adopted if socialized quickly,” Damian said, haughtily. He couldn’t simply let Grayson know how appealing the idea was.
“Right? And you’re the best person I know for it,” Grayson said. Thankfully he set Damian down once they were in the lift and moving up towards the manor.
Damian stared at the rock on the the other side of the cage. “And… you do not need to go back to the safe house today?”
“Nope!” Grayson chirped. “I’m even going to stay at the manor tonight.”
“That is acceptable. You have informed Pennyworth?”
“Of course baby bat.”
“Very good,” Damian said. They fell into silence as they moved fully into the manor. Damian made his way for the stairs to go up and shower, but paused at the bottom. “Grayson?”
“Yeah, Dami?”
“He was afraid of me.”
Damian was thankful Grayson was astute enough not to ask who.
“He could sense you, it seems,” Grayson said. He walked over and leaned against the railing of the stairs. “Think of it from his point of view. He was asleep in what he had been told was a secure location and woke up to someone else being there. He didn’t know who, or what, you were. I’m sure you’d go on the offensive right away to find out who it was. Danny though… we know he’s been through a lot and I don’t think fighting back was an option for him.”
Damian thought back to the scars that had covered the other’s body in the first pictures. He frowned down at the steps. “Yes.”
“Right, so for him, he needed to find out who you were, just like you would, but he was scared instead of aggressive.”
“Which is why he hid behind Todd.” Damian had barely been able to catch sight of this ‘Danny’.
“Yep. Jason was one of the people who got him somewhere safe, so he trusts Jason to at least try to keep him safe. I’m sure Jay reassured him that was likely you before they came to check.”
Damian snorted.
“Hey, give Jason some credit, he knows his security stuff. He only pretends to still be bad at cellphones so he has a reason not to call.”
“Don’t worry, baby bat, I’ll talk to Danny about having you come over again when everyone knows to expect you,” Grayson said with a gentleness that annoyed Damian.
“I never said I wished to go back over.”
“No. But,” Damian said, stressing the next part, “if it is something everyone in the family is doing, then I will put up with the chore.”
“Thank you, Dami,” Grayson said. “Babs is next and then we’ll see about you! Now go change so that we can get to the shelter.”
“What exactly do you think I was doing,” Damian snapped and headed up the stairs with his head held high and a flutter of worry in his chest that he was pretending didn’t exist.
AN: Aaaah it was good to get back to writing this! This was my first time writing Damian's POV and he was an unexpected delight to write! His part got done very quickly. We'll have Babs up soon and Steph will need to bully her way in I'm sure. Bruce is pouting in front of the Batcomputer I'm sure, waiting for his turn to meet his son.
Anyways, stay delightful darlings!
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