#universe is balancing it out with a really loud party next to my building while i try to study but idc im still riding that high
heshoes · 3 years
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She was his best friend and they shared everything together already anyway. What difference would it make if it were a hat, shampoo, or the same bed sometimes? So what? That's what the Uni Daze were about, having fun, traditions, getting serious, new relationships, friendships, heart ache, break-ups, make ups, secrets, the occasional/casual bajingo here and there, and possibly, just maybe, finding the love of your life and hoping that it all works out.
Warnings: smut, slow burn, angst, mentions of abortion, mentions of verbal abuse
Harry Styles x OC (Face claim Zendaya)
Uni Daze Masterlist
Chapter 2 ( Word Count 6.7K )
My school day was absolutely long but it kept me busy and busy to me is a good thing. It keeps me balanced though I know Chelle would disagree since he keeps telling me as such over the phone.
"The only reason you think that trying to fit 72 hours in a 24 hour day is a balance is because of your parents. Just because they're work driven arseholes doesn't mean that you have to follow in their footsteps.”
"That's impossible to do, I don't work that much. My parent's aren't arsehole's they're just successful. Is that so wrong to want success?”
"It is when its your last year of uni and you're being a kill joy.”
"I said I would go out for drinks, Chelle. How is my compliance to something that I don't want to do being a kill joy?”
"Because you're not doing it with a smile. You've become boring. Your sex life and your regular life has turned about as vanilla as a middle aged man. We never had to beg you to come out last year or over the summer, Harrow. Think of it as a week of extended holidays. No one does anything the first week of classes anyway. It's all rules and instructions on how to prepare. We've been in uni for three years. We should know the jist of it by now.”
"But it's not summer anymore, Chelle and you know some professors like to give assignments in the first few days. We have two papers already in seminar for fucks sake.”
Michelle sighed in annoyance.
"Yeah, but, those aren't due for ages, Haz. Fun is due right now.”
"This is the year to pull your shit together. Everyone can't not study and get perfect marks like you. Sorry.”
"The phrase 'can't not' is a double edged sword.”
"What?" I spun around in my desk at work, handing a first year her keys. Its only the first day and she's already lost her keys and has to use her spare for a fifty pound charge. She looks nervous as well and her face is kind of red. She grins at me and says a shy 'thank you' before walking away, staring back at me and kind of tripping over her own feet on her way to the lift. I tried not to laugh, but honestly it was kind of funny.
"You know, a double edged sword? A double negative?You can't say 'can't not' next to each other in a sentence. It's repetitive of itself. You should be embarrassed. This is primary school stuff Harrow. Mr. “I have to take the UKCAT this year.”"
"Whatever Chelle! See? That's what I mean. I need a balance. I need to be able to be involved in school. I should have taken it more serious when we first started out.”
"You do realize balance means a good amount of your job, school work, AND a social life which includes parties and pubs and going out with your mates without a grumble?”
"I'm going out for drinks tonight! You're starting to piss me off."
"If the truth is anything it's annoying, Harry." I nodded my head and began to swivel around in my chair. I'd just gotten to work and had three and a half more hours to go. I'm glad I have a job and all but this one is fucking boring.
Speaking of truth.
"Do the boys know about your um...your new team?”
"No. Actually they don’t."
"Yeah, um, I was hoping that it was something that we could keep between me and you for now. Just until I can figure things out. I'd love to say that I'm for sure just this one thing. I know I said it this morning, but I'm still not sure, okay?”
"Yeah. Sure, of course." I stopped spinning in my seat and dizzying myself when I heard my manager's voice,"Look I've gotta go. I'm not supposed to be on the phone and my boss is coming.”
"Oh so there is some rebellion left in you? You're living on the edge now, Hazland. Why can't you use your phone? All you do is sit in a chair and answer phones and make people keys when they lock themselves out of their dorm.”
"Bye Michelle!" I quickly hung up the phone and stuck it into my pocket smiling awkwardly at Professor Forrester as he approached the front desk with someone else right next to him. She had on a Cambridge work shirt much like myself letting me know that I more than likely wouldn't be alone for the rest of my shift.
"Rion, this is Harry," Professor Forrester spoke to her before addressing me, "today is her first day here at the university and working. I told her that she would be in good hands if I left her here with you. Show her the ropes and maybe show her around campus when you're not at work? I've got to go," Professor Forrester turned to face the new girl before he nodded back at me, "any questions you have, ask him. He'll know all of the answers.”
She nodded her head up and down slowly before giving a shy grin and we were left alone as Forrester left the building.
"I'm Harry.”
She laughed to herself before nodding her head at me.
"So I was told. Nice to meet you.”
Rion, I think her name was, sat down in her seat next to mine after speaking back to me, lowering her rucksack down to the ground before pulling out a book. It was a good idea really. Maybe I should have brought one? I barely get the chance to read, especially living with Michelle. She always finds a way to interrupt, either that or my ADD kicks in, all the more reason for me to put in more effort at school. I took out my phone once I knew that Forrester was gone, but I really had nothing to do with it. I had no new text messages besides Michelle.
Chelle: Drinksssssss 🍻🍺🍺🍺🍻🍻🍻😉
I grinned before shaking my head and replying back to her, something just as stupid as she sent me.
To Chelle: Tortureeeeeeee😣🔫🍺😒
Chelle: Dramatic!
Ignoring her last text, I took out my earphones and turned up the music on my phone as I placed them in my ears. I suppose it was a bit loud because out of the corner of my eye I could see Rion scrunching her nose while she tried to read.
"Oh, sorry. I didn't mean to disturb you.”
"No disturbance, I was just trying to figure the tune. Runaway?”
She laughed before she pointed to the phone in my hand and repeated herself.
"Is that Runaway by Ed Sheeran?”
I nodded my head, not able to stop the stupid grin that cut across my face.
"You know Ed Sheeran that’s not on top 40?”
"Who doesn't? The man's a musical genius.”
She smiled at me before she turned back to her book, but I couldn't help but to keep talking to her.
"What school did you used to go to? Um, if you don't mind me asking…"
"Nope, don't mind at all. I used to go to Bristol Uni. How about yourself? Have you been at Cambridge all of your university career?”
I nodded my head and she looked impressed, but I'm sure she wouldn't be if she knew that I was a legacy and that I slacked off for the first three and a half years. Good thing that I'm getting my shit together now.
"Yeah, it’s alright here.”
"Just alright?”
"One of the best alrights I guess. Welcome to Cambridge and congratulations.”
"Thank you.”
I smiled at her and the conversation was on the verge of ending, but before I stuck my other ear bud in I paid closer attention to the book that she had in her hand.
"Scott Fitzgerald."
"Pardon?" Rion raised an eyebrow at me.
"That's F. Scott Fitzgerald.”
She raised her book showing me the spine, shocked that I hadn't seen the cover but still got the author right.
"You know F. Scott Fitzgerald?" She smiled at me while relaying my words back to me.
"Who doesn't? The man was a written genius. Not to mention that the book you're reading happens to be one of my favorites.”
She smiled again.
"Usually people only notice Fitzgerald if The Great Gatsby is involved." She turned her chair towards mine giving me a better view of her.
"Gatsby is a classic, but I think that The Curious Case of Benjamin Button has more character.”
We continued to talk and before I knew it the shift was over. No one else needed keys and the phone barely rung. I probably would have stayed beyond the time that I was supposed to get off talking and creating awkward conversation with Rion had it not been for Michelle's reminders:
Chelle: Tonight is gonna be fun 😊
Chelle: You're off work in 1⃣5⃣ min🎉🎊
Chelle: I'm gonna get you so fucked up!😝
Chelle: I'm excited 😬
To Chelle: No 💩. Too excited I reckon 😐
I laughed to myself as I gathered my things to leave the building, not fully believing that I allowed Michelle to talk me into drinking tonight, even though part of me knew that I wouldn't be able to break tradition. Rion put her book away, that she never really got into reading and followed behind me out the door and to the parking lot. She seemed cool from what I got to know about her in the amount of time that I did and since she's new, I figure that it wouldn't hurt to ask.
"Hey, a couple of my friends and I are getting together tonight to The Mill. Its a pub right up the road on Mill lane, if you're not busy, you should, um, you should come.”
"Mill pub? On a Monday?”
"Yeah, it's kind of a tradition that we started when we started here." I rub my shoulder as I wait for her answer. I don't know why I feel nervous about it but I do.
"It sounds like fun, but I shouldn’t, not tonight at least. I wouldn't be able to bear it if I missed class tomorrow because of a hangover, and I kind of also have plans.”
"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make it like you didn't have anything else to do or-”
"No it's fine it's just... I have a date.”
"Right. Sorry again.”
"I'll see you around though I hope?”
"Yeah, I'll see you at work.”
Rion nodded her head while giving me a content smile before she got into her car and as she pulled off, she waved to me. I waved back but as soon as her car was out of sight, I slapped myself in the face with the palm of my hand. Maybe six months is too long to go without any type of real interaction with the opposite sex besides Michelle, but honestly she doesn't count...or maybe she counts for both now?
I cleared my head of my thoughts as I got into my car that I feel like I'm too tall for. Even with the seat pushed down as low as it can go, I still can feel the top of my head brush against the roofing of it. By now I'm sure I've saved up enough to get a new one. A new car could be my mini treat to myself for cutting myself off from a social life. The more that I think about the way that my conversation with Rion just ended the more that I start to agree with Michelle and the more excited I get for the night of boozy tradition.
As soon as eleven thirty-five hit, my phone rang. When I answered it Michelle's voice came through clear as if she were sitting here next to me in the car, even though background noise and music blares in the room around her.
"Everyone is here but you. Are you en route?”
"Everyone?" I ask her with skepticism in my tone. I would be shocked if everyone showed up.
"Yes everyone. Niall, Darragh, and Zayn. Everyone but you. Are you on your way?”
I don't know why I even asked her if everyone would be there. I knew that Louis wouldn't show even though it was him and Darragh who started this tradition..
"Yeah, I'm on my way. This should be fun.”
"That's the spirit I've been looking for Harrow. It sounds like you've had a change of heart since earlier.”
"Yeah, I think I've been looking at my textbooks too long and not at real people. One night won't kill me I suppose.”
"If one night is done right, then yes, yes it will. And what do you mean you don't see real people? I see you everyday.”
"You're not a real person, Michelle. I'm not quite sure what you are yet.”
"I think I might have an idea by now." Michelle said while chuckling on the other end of the line.
"And what would that be?”
"Getting lucky tonight. Get here soon and I can be your wing-lady.”
The pub was in the early stages of being crowded when I got there and I couldn't deny how excited I was to see the boys, Michelle included even though I saw her only just this morning. The last time that we were all together was in the middle of June, but after that we really hadn't had time to hang out. Everyone had gotten busy and into their own things. Besides keeping in touch over the phone occasionally, we haven't really talked that much either.
The first person that I saw when I got in was Niall. He sat next to Darragh with a cigarette hanging from his lips, patting down his jeans in search of a lighter no doubt. When we made eye contact, he stuck his arms out to the side with his fingers spread wide and a smile on his face. Darragh looked at him as if he lost his mind until he followed Niall's line of vision and then quickly stood from his seat.
"Harry! How are you lad? Drinks are on Liam so order the most expensive thing possible.”
I received two claps on the back from each of them when I reached the table and then a smack on my ass that made me jump and then turn around find the guilty culprit. I should have known who it was straight away.
"Chelle! That actually hurt.”
She laughed at my discomfort with some kind of frothy drink in her hand as I grabbed my bum cheek and rubbed it over my jeans.
"Probably because there's barely any meat there to cushion the blow.”
I shook my head at her and squinted my eyes before I responded, "It's not about what's back there, its all about what's in the front. Girls don't date me for my bum.”
“Well, according to you, girls don't date you at all, not recently at least.”
Niall and Darragh started to laugh and a stream of smoke came through Niall's nose reminding me of an angry bull from a cartoon before he took another drag from his cigarette, this time intentionally blowing a ring of smoke before sucking it back in through his nostrils. I probably could have strangled Michelle in that moment, but it was true. My mind goes back to Rion and work and I can feel my cheeks burn with embarrassment.
"Mitch told us about your six month drought.”
"Stop calling me Mitch!”
Niall ignored Michelle's outburst before continuing, "She says you haven't gotten laid since your birthday.”
"Do you know what a penis fly catcher even looks like anymore?" Darragh added to Niall's teasing causing my nose to scrunch.
"Penis fly catcher?”
"Yeah, it's better than what you call it. What do you say again? Bajango?”
"No Darragh," Niall cuts in, "Django was a movie. He says bajingo. It makes sense to me.”
Michelle scrunches her nose in disgust and confusion at our conversation but doesn't say anything. Really though, what more could be added to this?
"It's not that big of a deal guys." I bring the conversation back to where it was before it drifted into a dark place so quickly. It can't be that bad. Can it? Perhaps it is? I don't even know at this point anymore.
"Oi leave him alone," Zayn chimed in as he walked up to the table with Liam with two beers in hand, passing me one before he sat down, "its alright Harry sex isn't everything...but six months is a long ass time. But enough about that. What has everyone been up to?”
It was almost like a show and tell as we went around the table talking about what we'd missed out on over the summer since we hadn't seen each other. Niall and Darragh went to Ibiza for the month of July staying in hostels and partying until all hours of the morning. Apparently Niall is in love with a girl he met there, but he doesn't remember her name so I don't know how accurate that is
Zayn spent a good amount of time in France with his girlfriend, sorry, fiancé. The fucker got engaged in France. Everyone thought that he and Daphne were gonna be a short lived thing since they met at a club and all, but people find love and fall in it in mysterious ways I guess. Michelle would be a prime example of that...but love is not involved with her apparently. A player not to be played anymore. I still have questions to ask her about that but I guess I'll have to wait until later since she doesn't want the guys to know that she's traded outies for innies. I could out her like she did me and my drought, but that's way more personal and I've decided that I'm not that much of an asshole, if I'm one at all that is.
Liam was arrested and his parents flipped out. For what I'm kind of scared to ask, but I'm sure it was something accidental. Sometimes I wonder how Liam even got into Cambridge, but I guess that they don't test for common sense, only book smarts.
When it got to Michelle's turn, she just talked about how she flew back home for a few weeks at the very start of summer to visit family and then came back here, but of course that's not anything that I didn't already know. When she came back was when I noticed all of the girlfriends that she had. It was odd to me because Michelle generally hated girls and hanging out with them, but then again, she obviously doesn't hate them that much.
When I told them that the most exciting part of my summer had been joining a book club for some work that I had to get ready to do for senior class, studying for the UKCAT that's not until the end of the school year, and sometimes coming here to Mill pub with Michelle I realized that what she said was true. My life had become vanilla, but I'm honestly kind of alright with it.
We continued to talk, share, laugh and drink until it was at least half three in the morning. I was waiting to see if Michelle was going to change her mind and let the lads know about her newfound liking but she kept it private between me and her the way that she said she would and it kind of made me smile. That along with the ridiculous amount of beer and shots consumed brought a goofy smile to my face by the end of the night.
By exactly three forty-five I was seeing double and couldn't drive home. Niall and Darragh had left to go back to their apartment that happened to be a few blocks down from ours, and Zayn and Liam stayed behind at the bar to drink deciding that they were too far gone now and might as well finish strong. They also decided that class tomorrow isn't important.
Michelle would have stayed behind with them I'm sure, but she has the tendency to be this odd motherly type when I get beyond the legal limit. I think she just likes to laugh at me because I start to say foolish things when my tongue loosens up in my mouth and my words slur. I tried to get up from the table discreetly so that I could walk home while Mitch, Zayn, and Liam continued to chat, but I knocked over a chair.
“Oh shit. I'm sorry bro." I chuckled to myself like an idiot as I picked up the chair earning the lads attention.
"Where are you going?" Michelle's eyes seemed to widen as she took in the state of me.
"Home. I've got class in the morrow-morning.”
"Do you honestly think that you're going to make it to class? Look at you, you can barely stand. My job is complete.” Michelle grins in triumph and I squint my eyes at her trying to figure out when she was going to tell me that she was a triplet.
"You're a horrible people and I don't know why we're friends." I think I was looking at her when I said it, but it could have very well been one of her sisters.
"Alright, and that's my cue. We'll see you later guys." Michelle spoke to Liam and Zayn as stood from the table, a little wobbly at best bus still in a better condition than I was in.
"You don't have to walk me home, Michelle. I'm not no kid.”
Michelle laughed as I stumbled, almost tripping on a crack in the pavement.
"Since I live there too I'm not technically walking you home. I'm walking home with you.”
I checked to see if my car was locked before we began our walk. The crisp early morning air sobered me up a bit, but I was still highly intoxicated and grinning.
"How was your first day of classes?" Michelle asked me breaking the silence of our trek back to our flat.
"Hmm, was okay. Good actually... I met this…met this girl.”
"You did? You were holding out on us at the pub! Who is it? Do I know who she is?”
"No, I don't think you do," I paused to hiccup hoping that was all that I had to do, "She's new here and you don't like girls. I mean, well, you know what I mean. You wouldn't know her.”
Michelle laughed while shaking her head.
“So it's a first year? I'm ashamed of you! I know you haven't dated in a while but that's sweeping the bottom of the barrel, Harrow.”
“No not a first year," hiccup "She's around my age, just new to Cambridge.”
“Oh," Michelle spoke putting her key in the door before she opened it "Where'd you meet her?”
“Work. I kind of asked her to come to the pub with me, but she said she had a date and I kind of sounded like a blubbering idiot when I asked her. I don't know.”
“Harry! You can't just invite people to come to the pub and we haven't met them yet! What if she was awful? Good thing she didn't come. That tradition is sacred for us. Whatever you said to her was probably fine. She just had other plans... Do you know why I've recently started calling you Harrow Harry?”
“Because it's one of the many odd nicknames you've created for me?”
“No. Harrow as in the adjective, it just so happens to fit with you. Har•row when used in verbal tense, means to cause distress to. You're causing unnecessary distress to yourself when you worry about things like the UKCAT and assignments that aren't due until the end of the year, and whatever you've said to this mystery bird that you've met at work. Fun. You used to be much less tense and more fun. You need to chill out and relax. You need to I don't know, get some maybe.”
I rolled my eyes before running my hand through my hair and walking into the kitchen, opening the cabinet in search of my favorite drunken snack, grabbing it when I found it and heading for my room. Quickly stripping off into my boxers, I fell against my bed before I turned on my television and got under the covers. I ate my snack in peace before Michelle knocked on my door twice and then let herself in.
"I could have been naked! you could at least wait for me to say come in.”
“Yeah well, its not like I've never seen a penis before and they're not really my main thing anymore you know?” Michelle climbed into bed with me, intruding while I tried to hide my snacks.
"What are you eating?”
“Nothing.” I slowed my chewing in hopes that she would lose interest.
"Harry I see them! Are those teddy grahams?”
“They are! They're a snack for a five year old.”
“Teddy grahams don't have an age limit.”
“You should be embarrassed.” Chelle spoke before grabbing the box and taking a handful for herself, moving around too much for my drunken stomach to handle.
"Oohh these are nice. These are new sheets aren't they?”
"Chelle! Stop moving! Why are you in my room? Get out!”
“My room is too hot, so I've decided that we're going to have a sleepover. You get the better ventilation. You should trade with me.”
“I'll sleep on the floor. It really is dreadful in my room.”
I sigh before I grab my pillows and comforter and toss them on the ground leaving Michelle the bed as I make my way to the floor.
“Aww Harry you're the sweetest, but I can really take the floor.”
“No, it's fine. Just don't do anything perverted while you're up there.”
“What like masturbate? I'm not you.”
I chuckled turning to face her from my position on the floor.
“Exactly, but if you do at least that I’m asleep first…Thats just common courtesy. ”
“Sure thing, Harlot. I can do that for you.” Michelle responded without pause causing me to chuckle before my head hit the pillow.
“ My head,” I groaned, waking up on the floor with my covers wrapped around me too tight much like a swaddling cloth. After successfully the blanket away from me in an attempt to escape confinement, I sat up slowly only to make the headache worse than it already was and add a new pain to the mix. “My back.”
I had almost forgotten that I slept on the floor to be nice and allowed Michelle to stay in my bed, but when I turned around to look at it I quickly discovered that she wasn't there. I could hear fumbling around in the kitchen and when I stood to follow the noise, the pounding in my head grew. When I reached the small space that we mostly use to microwave shitty food and store alcohol and juice, I saw that Michelle was fully dressed. I mean, well, if you can call an oversized sweater and tights with ladders down the legs in random places dressed then thats what she was.
“Morning, sunshine. How do you feel.”
“Like my head might explode all over the kitchen and I still have to get ready for class. Today is going to be long as shit,” my words slurred proving that there was still traces of alcohol in my bloodstream and when I swayed back and forth feeling as if I might lose my balance, I knew, “I'm still fucked.”
Michelle laughed at me before she flipped her pancake onto a plate and ran it back and forth below my nose. I snatched it from her and took a bite of the buttery breakfast cake without using the fork that she offered.
“Don't be such a savage, Haz. I'm not going to take the food from you after I've clearly been slaving over the oven for five whole minutes so that you could eat. Slow down, chew your food, and sit like a civilized human being. If you eat like that you're going to require the heimlich maneuver and unfortunately I don't know it. You'll turn blue and die in front of me on a Tuesday afternoon and that would put a slight damper on my day.”
“Afternoon?” I asked her while chewing around the pancake, “Afternoon?”
“Yes, Styles. Thats what I said.”
I put the plate that I was holding down on our small kitchen bench before I walked out into living room to squint at the only other clock that we had besides our cell phones, only to confirm what Chelle had just said. I rubbed my hands over my eyes hoping that it was just an illusion and what I'd seen was wrong because if it was the truth, I'd missed all of my morning classes for the day.
“Three eleven? It can't be three eleven! I had classes from nine until two!”
“And you slept through them like a baby.”
“Fuck! Michelle why didn't you wake me up? What's the point of having an Ultimate Alarm if it's not going to be used?”
“Harry, remember that little chat we had yesterday about distress and the use of your nickname? And in order for me to wake you up, I would have had to been up too. Even if I was, I wouldn't be using the Ultimate Alarm to save you with the splitting hangover that I had,” Michelle shakes her head in clear disgust before she continued, “too loud.”
My eyes widened as I looked at my friend, bewildered, annoyed, and somewhere deep down, somewhat amused. I waved my hand between the two of us before I gave up and ran it over my face exasperatedly. This is not how I intended to start the year off. My hand ascended from my face to sliding through my hair in distress, “Thats the point of the alarm, Michelle. It's supposed to be loud. It's supposed to wake you up.”
“Harry, calm down. When we got to sleep it was like seven in the morning anyway. I don't know how you expected to be up, awake, and alert in class. Don't you have like seven others that you can go to tonight? Over achiever.”
“If I shower now I can make it to my organic chemistry class.”
I looked over to Michelle and frowned before I continued, “ Thanks for throwing me off by the way, making pancakes at three in the afternoon and making me think that it was morning.”
“Whatever time of day that you wake up is morning to me. I was feeling like pancakes, so I made pancakes. You didn't seem to mind them by the way that you were eating them a few minutes ago, arsehole.”
The mention of the food reminded me of how dry my throat was and how alcohol will leave your mouth feeling like you'd guzzled sand if you consume enough of it. I felt like a raisin.
“Do we have anymore orange juice?”
"No. Sorry I finished that all yesterday morning when you almost killed me and Alison with that damn fog horn.”
“Alison?” I smirked at Michelle before I started to tease. "Usually a player doesn't remember a conquests name.”
“You would know," she retorted back while squinting her eyes, “ you used to be one. But don't worry, Harry. I'll get so good at it that you won't ever catch one of them leaving the next morning ever again. I'll be like a black widow or is it a praying mantises that kill all other intimacy as soon as they've finished with them? I'll send them on their way so that I can sleep in my bed alone. It'll be like a switch.”
Michelle grinned as she spoke, silently approving her idea as I thought about how lonely it sounded. It actually saddened me. Michelle isn't the type that can handle being cold hearted and callous enough to kick people out of bed. After being in a monogamous relationship for three years, I could tell that she was the type who craved intimacy. She deserved it. What she just explained to me sounded like eventually it would take its toll on her and she would break down like she did before, substituting my shirt sleeves for tissues.
I keep my opinions to myself, not having enough time before my next class starts to really sit down with her and talk about them. If it's one thing that I cherish about Michelle and I's relationship is that we can literally almost talk about anything, if we had the proper amount of time to do so. I shake my head at her before I head down the hall, calling back to her.
“I never was a player, Mitch. I just wasn't steady in my relationships like you.”
"Whatever you say, Harold. Please go put on trousers…I don't want to see your moose knuckle.”
I'd made it to my chemistry lecture on time, and though I tried my hardest, it was extremely difficult to keep my eyes open. Even though I'd slept past all of my morning classes, I still didn't get the best rest from sleeping on the floor. Michelle was irritatingly right again. The only thing that was really mentioned today since it was still the very beginning of the school year, was instruction and what the professor expected from us as a class, so when my eyes closed momentarily as I sat at the back of the room, I didn't feel so bad. Before I knew it the lecture was over and I was rustled awake my the movement of students as they gathered their bags to leave the room.
"You've got a bit of dribble there." A familiar voice laughed as I stepped out of the classroom I wiped my mouth sheepishly before smiling at her.
“Rion, hi how are you?”
“I'm good. Getting around campus well enough, but how are you? You look pretty worn out and its only the second official day of the school year. Did your tradition get the best of you last night? You've got imprint marks from your sweater on your face.”
My hand went to the side of my face that she pointed out, the imprints from my clothing giving away my previous position before I flashed her a quick grin and responded ,Um, uh yeah kind of. I may or may not have missed all of my classes this morning. Mitch didn't wake me up, bad influence I guess.”
"Oh, um sh- Mitch is just...Mitch is my roommate." I explained in a panic I didn't want to scare her off with the details. I think I might actually have a chance with Rion, if I don't put my foot in my mouth that is.
“Oh I see.”
Rion smiled at me and I didn't even realize that we've been walking and talking this entire time. Conversation flows easily with her even though I stumble over my words. I feel like I'm just remembering how to talk to the opposite sex besides Michelle and feel kind of pathetic, but Rion doesn't seem to mind as she continues to smile laugh and start on new topics of conversation.
“So how long were you out for?”
“I didn't go to sleep until seven this morning and my head was pounding when I woke up. I really have no one to blame but myself. I told my friends that I would only have one drink and ended the night on my ass. I still have to go back to the pub and get my car, because I had to end up walking home. How I got to the right apartment on the first try is a mystery to me.”
Rion giggled in a cute way before tucking a stray piece of hair behind her ear allowing me to see her features more. Her neck was slender and long, connecting to her shoulders delicately. She had a small tattoo that looked to be a ballet flat behind her left ear. Those tattoos placed just there always seemed like they might hurt, like they deserved to be kissed better even though the ache from the needle has been long gone. I could envision my lips on just that spot. I must have glanced at her just a bit longer than I should have causing a rosy hue to make its presence known on her cheeks. It made me smile before I quickly changed the subject this time, not wanting her to think that I was rude or weird for staring.
"How did your date go?"
She took deep breath before deciding if she wanted give a response or not and we ended up in the courtyard right before the student parking lot.
"It came and went, I suppose. Nothing really interesting to report. It sounds like I would have had more fun if I had taken the offer to go out for drinks with you. I'm usually not really big on drinking on the weekdays, but after that date I honestly might have taken a shot or four."
I smiled, selfishly happy that she didn't have a good time. I want to ask her out, but I feel like its too damn soon. I only met her yesterday anyway. Maybe its a good thing that she turned me down. When the time is right to ask her I'm sure I'll know. Hopefully I will.
"I'm sorry it didn't go as planned. Someone should take you out and show you a good time."
"Yeah, hopefully someone will sooner rather than later."
I think the emphasis that she put on the word someone was aimed at me, but I could be wrong. I don't know what else to say so I cap the conversation off with a , "Yeah" and mentally slap myself in the face before I grin awkwardly at her. I look around the parking lot as we come up to a white Toyota and she takes her keys out signaling that the tiny car is hers.
"Oh, well I'll let you go and get on with the rest of your day. Good seeing you."
"Okay, yeah." She responds quietly before she puts the key in the lock to open the door.
This has to be the most awkward I've felt in a while. I radiate awkward and though I don't want to believe it's because of what Michelle and the boys said, I'm kind of starting to think that they might be right myself.
"Wait, Harry?"
"Yes?" I turn my head to look over my shoulder before turning around to face her.
"I can take you to go get your car if you'd like. It looks like it might rain and it would suck if you were to get all wet."
All wet. I blush at her word choice and from that point on I know. Michelle, Niall, and Darragh were right.
"No. No its okay. You don't have to and I mean, don't you have other classes?"
She shakes her head and then opens her other car door, "I'm done for the day. Really I don't have a problem taking you. Get in."
I walk back towards her, thanking her and then giving her directions to the pub from the main campus. When we pull up, sure enough my car is there. Along with a ticket taped to the window for leaving it in the lot overnight. I sigh and rub my hands over my eyes before I get out and thank Rion again. Just as she's about to pull off, I call her name causing her to stop the car and reverse.
"Yes?" She looks at me eagerly with her eyes slightly widened and and traces of a grin on her face. I scratched my head out of embarrassment before I speak while pointing to the passenger side of the car.
"I left my book bag in your car."
"Oh, sorry. Here you go." The grin falls as she unlocks her car door so that I can get my bookbag. This time when she pulls off, I wave an awkward goodbye to her before getting in my car, knocking my head against the steering wheel in defeat causing the horn to honk.
42 notes · View notes
scapegrace74-blog · 4 years
Don’t Call It Love
A/N  With Saorsa done and dusted, it’s time to return to the Metric Universe.  When we last left Jamie and Claire in October 2017, they were sharing comforting silence and attending a Depeche Mode concert together.  Will things fall easily into place now that they have tripped over the line from being roommates to being friends?   Oh, hell no.  What would be the fun in that? 
All other parts of the Metric Universe are available on my AO3 page.
The song by Zero 7 (another guest artist!) that inspired the title is here.
Winter, 2017 - London, England
It happened by accident.  Happenstance.  Serendipity.   Fate.  The words she used to explain the fact that she and Jamie started seeing each other outside of the flat in social circumstances that would typically be characterized as dates varied, but her opinion remained fixed.  They weren’t dates.  Jamie was her roommate, a good friend, a fellow enthusiast of the culturally obscure, and a brilliant pub trivia partner.  They had both agreed that a romantic relationship between them would be disastrous; ergo, there was nothing romantic about their increasingly frequent outings.  If she could memorize the names for the 206 bones in the human skeleton, she could certainly manage to keep her feelings for Jamie inside the tidy box she had built for them.
Non-Date #1
They crossed paths inside the massive Spittalfields Market, both of them with shoulders damp from the chilly November rain.  Jamie was on his way to the fishmonger, while Claire carried a cloth bag filled with late-season vegetables, determined to eat something other than take-out on a rare day off from lectures and the hospital.
“Are ye on yer way back tae the flat, then?” Jamie asked, physically fighting the urge to offer to carry Claire’s wee sack.
“No, I’m off to the charnel house first.”
“The what, now?”  Surely he’d misheard her.
“The charnel house.  Don’t tell me you’ve been living over top of a medieval burial ground all this time without realizing it?” Claire teased.
Intrigued as much by her beguiling smirk as the opportunity to explore a bit of London’s history, Jamie followed Claire to a commercial highrise near the edge of the market.  Descending a non-descript stairwell in Bishop’s Square, they came to a halt in front of a glass wall.  On the other side was an excavated ruin, the crypt of the long-vanished chapel of St. Mary’s Spital hospital, a quick scan of a nearby information plaque informed him.
“They only discovered it was here when construction of the office tower began,” Claire said, a wistful look on her face.  “For centuries, travelers and the victims of London’s many plagues were buried around the hospital, quite literally in the Spital fields.  When the graves overflowed, they brought the excess bones here and stacked them for safe-keeping until the Apocalypse.  Imagine, forgetting something so...fundamental.”
Jamie grunted in acknowledgement, seeing the reflection of Claire’s face superimposed on the glass.  He couldn’t decide if this human tendency towards forgetfulness pleased or disappointed her.
“Tis rather...”
“Macabre?” she suggested with a grin, turning away from the display and climbing back into the cloud-roofed square.
“I was gonna say morbid, but as ye like.”
“We build our present on the bones of our past, my Uncle Lamb used to tell me.  He was referring to archaeology, but I’ve found it to be true of life itself.”
They walked back to the flat, collars raised against the hastening rain.  Jamie had bought enough hake for two, so they shared the narrow worktop, dicing fresh vegetables and letting their shoulders bump together occasionally.
Claire ate at the two-person dining table while scrolling social media on her phone.  Jamie used the coffee table to hold his plate and the gaming magazine he was flipping through.
It wasn’t a date.
Non-Date #4
Her cellphone rang as she was leaving the bathroom, thoughts bouncing between her end-of-semester exams and her non-existent plans for the Christmas holidays.  She accepted the call with one hand while starting the tedious job of separating her soaking curls with the other.  At first there was only static.  She glanced at the screen, recognizing the familiar number.
“Jamie?” she tried.
“...mac na ghalla, Hamish...” followed by muffled noises and masculine jeering.  She switched hands and started to towel off, making certain first that the video call button wasn’t active.
“Hal-lo.  Paging Mr. Fraser.  You have a call on line one.”
“Ach, sorry Claire.  I didna mean tae... That is, the lads were just... How are ye?”
She giggled at his discomposure.  “I’m well, thank you.  And you?”  They had seen each other that morning, as he came off shift and she was leaving for her morning lectures, so she assumed there was more to this call than a polite inquiry into her state of well-being.  She had learned over their months as roommates that sometimes you just needed to wait for Jamie to get to his point.
“Braw, thank ye.  I was... weel, I’m at the park with some o’ the lads, tryin’ tae put t’gether a side, an’ we’re short a winger, an’ I was jus’ thinkin’, ye said ye wanted tae learn tae play an’...”
Another James Fraser quirk was that he rambled in broad Scots when he was nervous.
“Jamie, are you asking me to play rugby with you?”
“Aye.  Aye, I am.  If ye wish, o’ course.”
“I did just step out of the shower...” she mentioned, already peering outside at the threatening sky and mentally assessing her wardrobe for something suitable for a ruck and maul in the rain.  “Hello?” when there was no sound from the other end in some time.
“Aye, I’m here.  Nevermind, Claire.  I dinna consider, ye must be gettin’ ready to study fer yer finals, an’...”
“Where are you?” she interrupted, opening a drawer and pulling out a pair of yoga pants.
“Victoria Park?” Jamie replied, sounding hesitant and hopeful.
“Give me twenty minutes.”
“Splendid!”  She could hear his smile down the line.
“I better not get mud in my hair, Fraser,” she retorted before hanging up, her own smile lingering on her face.
There was nothing romantic about rugby.
Non-Date #7
The flat was strangely forlorn, even with Christmas lights twinkling merrily in the living room windows and a tiny fir tree precariously balancing its five ornaments standing in the corner.  
They had exchanged their gifts on December 23rd, sipping on hot chocolate spiked with Kahlua and grinning shyly at each other.  She’d bought Jamie the next Call of Duty game for his XBox.  Nothing intimate, just something he’d mentioned in passing he was looking forward to trying.  His boyish glee upon unwrapping the package warmed her more than her drink.   Hands shaking slightly, she delicately opened the tastefully wrapped rectangle he presented to her.  Inside was a cashmere scarf, luxuriously soft beneath her fingers as she stroked it.
“Is this?” she asked.
“Aye, tis the Fraser plaid.  Ye ken there’s no’ a clan named Bee-cham, right?”
She was deeply touched, and thanked him was a kiss against his scruffy cheek.
Jamie had left for Scotland the next day, having somehow managed to secure a week’s worth of leave from his uncle over the holiday season.   As was her wont, she’d put down for as many shifts as possible while medical school wasn’t in session, but by some fluke she wasn’t scheduled to work New Year’s Eve for the first time in recent memory.
Some of her classmates from nursing college had invited her along to a “raging party in Shoreditch”, but she’d made up some excuse.  The truth was, she wasn’t in the mood for loud music and over-priced drinks with a group of virtual strangers.  If Geillis had been in town, she would have allowed her friend to coerce her into whatever mayhem she had up her sleeve, but Geillis was still in Columbia and eight months’ pregnant with twins, to everyone’s collective shock.  Especially the mother-to-be.
No, what she really wanted was a quiet evening at home, snuggled under her favourite fleece blanket on their couch, the latest Ferrante novel in her lap and a glass of Pinot Noir at the ready.  Jamie had a turntable and a surprisingly well-curated selection of vinyl in his bedroom, but she didn’t like entering his domain without his permission.
Without giving it a second thought, she rang his cell.  It was only upon hearing the raucous sounds of a party in full swing that it occurred to her that just because she was spending New Year’s Eve alone, it didn’t mean Jamie was as well.
“Claire?” he yelled over something that sounded a lot like live music.  “Are ye all right, lass?”
“Oh!  I’m so sorry, Jamie.  I just wanted to ask... never mind.  It’s not important.  Enjoy your party...”
“Wait!” the background noise mutated, sounding like a riot underwater, and then there was a wooden slam.  Jamie huffed a sigh of relief.
“Mu dheireadh.   Are ye still there, Sassenach?”
“Still here,” she confirmed, suddenly feeling sorry for herself.  She might be the most pathetic thirty-year old in London.
“Did the hospital no’ call ye in for a shift, then?”
She tucked the blanket under her feet, warding off the chill that always seemed to creep in from the wall of windows.  The Christmas lights she’d strung reflected against the glazing in alternating colours: blue, red, green, blue, red, green.
“No. By some miracle of the festive season, I have the night off,” she joked halfheartedly.   “I’m sorry for interrupting your night out.  I wanted to ask if I could borrow your turntable and a few of your albums?”
“O’ course.  Ye didna need tae ask.  An’ I’m no’ out.  I’m at home, at Lallybroch.”  He pronounced the word with a guttural flourish that made Claire think of an exotic kind of pastry or a rare tribal custom.  Any time Jamie spoke of his family’s home in Scotland, he imbued it with an otherworldly quality, like a fortress in a fairy tale, a far away land of warriors and mist.  It was strange to think of him there now, while she sat alone in their flat.
“It sounds like quite the party.”
“Aye.  The Frasers take their Hogmanay celebrations verra seriously.  Ye shoulda come wi’ me.”  Then, as though realizing what he’d said, he added quickly, “We could use a doctor.  Dougal sprained his ankle doin’ a sword dance, and Angus singed his arse somethin’ fierce jumpin’ o’er the bonfire.”
She laughed, her mood suddenly much lighter, and asked for more particulars as to how his cousin’s naked ass came to be in close proximity to open flame.  Without either realizing it, the last minutes of 2017 crept by.
Fireworks erupted outside, followed by the tolling of bells and honking of horns.  On the other end of the call, she could hear cheering and an off-key rendition of Auld Lang Syne.  They were both silent, embarrassed to have been so caught up in their trivial conversation as to have missed the arrival of midnight.
“Happy Hogmanay, Sassenach,” Jamie’s voice came soft and sure over the line.
“Happy New Year, Jamie,” she replied.  “I should really let you get back to your party.   Your family must be wondering where you’ve disappeared to.”
He hummed noncommittally.  It occurred to her that had they been in the same place, they would likely be kissing right now.  It sent a shiver of want down her spine.
“Jamie?”  Her voice sounded thready, like she had just woken from a deep sleep.
“Hmmm?”  Shivers, again.
“What’s a Sassenach?”
He laughed softly, and she had to bite her lip.  What was the matter with her?  “Tis a Scottish word for a foreigner, particularly an English one,” he explained.
“You’ve never called me that before,” Claire remarked.
“I’ve ne’er spoken tae ye while on Scottish soil.  T’wasn’t an accurate description ‘til now.”
There was a long silence.  She could hear the sound of revelry through the door of whatever room at Lallybroch he’d hidden inside.  Outside the flat there were firecrackers.   They reminded her of mortar rounds heard from a distance in Afghanistan.
“You don’t like fireworks, do you?” she guessed.  It didn’t take an advanced degree in psychology to know that bright flashes and sudden pops of sound would trigger his PTSD.  They really were a mess, the pair of them.
“Nay.  Jenny an’ Ian’s bairns love them, an’ I told them no’ tae hold off on my account, but they insisted on a bonfire instead.  It reminds me o’ when I was a lad, a’fore ye could buy fireworks along wi’ yer ham at the local Tesco.”
Jamie launched into a long account of the significance of bonfires in Highland culture, and she let herself drift on the melody of his voice, the turntable long forgotten.
“Tell me about yer most memorable New Year’s,” he prompted after his cultural diatribe wound down.
“Oh, well, they all rather blur together, actually.  Too much drink, too much spent on the cover charge.  You know how it is.”
“Nah, I mean when ye were younger.  Ye must ‘ave celebrated in some remarkable places.”
She thought back to her time spent following Uncle Lamb around the globe.  Truth be told, traditional holidays weren’t something that stood out in her memory.  They felt like a foreign custom, a series of drawings taken from a picture book that showed a mother, father and children crowded around a loaded table while snow piled up outside.  They bore no relation to her reality.  It was no wonder Christmas and New Year’s left her feeling ambivalent.
Still, she didn’t want Jamie to feel sorry for her, so she launched into one of her favourite tales.
“One year, I must have been eleven, Lamb was leading an excavation of a Berber oasis town in northern Mali.  The site closed down for the Christian holidays, but Lamb decided to stay behind rather than travel back to England.  We ended up riding camels through these enormous sand dunes, following a local guide on an ancient caravan route.  On December 31st, just as the sun was setting and we had begun to make camp, the camel Lamb had been riding let out this infernal noise, leapt to its feet, and started to gallop away.  Lamb and the guide set off after it on foot, hollering and waving their keffiyeh in the air.  It was the funniest thing.”
“They left ye all alone in the desert?” Jamie asked, horrified.
“Oh, well, they came back eventually.  The camel had been stung by a scorpion, you see.  Once it got over the fright, they were able to catch it and bring it back to camp.”
“Were ye no’ scared, tae be out there in the dark by yerself?”
“No.  Not as I remember it.  The sunset was glorious, and little by little the sky came alive with a million stars.”
“Ye brave wee thing.”  Jamie sighed.  “I wish I was there wi’ ye.”
She didn’t know if he meant with her on that sand dune, or with her at their flat.  Either way, her answer was the same.
“I wish you were too.”
They finally hung up well past two o’clock.  It didn’t count as a date if the other person was five hundred miles away as you whispered goodnight.
Non-Date #12
The Royal London was expanding its pediatrics wing, and Claire was invited to a fundraising gala held, fittingly, in the Museum of Childhood.  The invitation included a plus one, and she’d been putting off asking Jamie if he could join her all week.  It wasn’t that she doubted his suitability as an escort.  Far from it.  But the gala was taking place on February 14th, of all nights, and the symbolism made her nervous.  Still, the alternative was spending the night being hit on by a drunken internist or hedge fund investor, and that was a headache she could do without.
“So,” she began casually a few nights before the event, “any plans for Valentine’s Day?”  If he said he was working or had, god forbid, a date, she would just have to go stag.
Jamie set down his gaming controller and turned to face her desk.  The pulsing  colours from the screen lit his curls like a neon nimbus in the dim room.
“Nah, nothin’ definite.  An’ ye, Sassenach?” he asked tentatively, as though easing himself out onto a frozen lake, unsure of the depth of the ice.  The nickname he had assigned to her during his holidays in Scotland had stuck.  She didn’t correct the inaccuracy, as she rather liked the idea of having a name that was only his.
“Well, I’ve been summoned to a fundraising gala for the hospital, and I was wondering... not that you need feel obliged... it’s black tie, which is really the height of pretension, if you ask me... anyway, there’s no way to decline gracefully short of an aneurysm, so...”
“Out wi’ it, Sassenach,” he prodded.
“Mightyouconsiderbeingmydate?” she blurted, before taking a large gulp of tepid tea.
“Yer date?” he asked as though he had never heard of such a thing.
She sighed, resigned to the fact he was going to make this difficult.  “Yes.  My date.  My plus one.  My social companion.  And hopefully, my defence against spending the evening being pitied and set up with someone’s second cousin, Nigel, the chartered accountant.”
“Do ye have somethin’ against accountants, then?”  The corner of his lip was twitching with the birth of a grin.
“Oh, very funny, you bloody Scot.  Look, I need a date on Valentine’s Day and you are the only man in the Greater London Area who won’t interpret that as an opportunity for a pity shag.   The offer is on the table.  Take it or leave it.”
Something flashed behind his eyes that she couldn’t interpret.  Then it was gone.
“Ne’er fear, Sassenach.  I’ll protect ye from all the wee Nigels.”
She’d forgotten to ask whether Jamie had suitable attire for a black tie event.   It was too late now, regardless.  They were meeting at the museum, since she was on shift until eight.  Using the nurses on-call room to get changed, she slinked into her burgundy chiffon gown, its gauzy layers wrapping around her like millefeuille.   Her hair was a lost cause, so she slicked it back into a tight bun at the nape of her neck and hoped for the best.  Silver chandelier earrings and a dab of cologne below her jaw, and she was ready to go.  She carried a small beaded clutch and her dress shoes - there was no way she was navigating the Tube in stilettos. 
The museum was a single massive space, conversation and the tympani of glassware echoing against its high-arched ceiling.  She stood in the entryway after checking her coat, spinning in circles and trying to get her bearings.  More than one lascivious glance was directed her way, but she studiously ignored them in favour of looking for Jamie.  With his height and red hair, he shouldn’t be hard to pick out of the crowd.
There was an appreciative murmur from behind her, a gust of fresh air, and then a soft tap against her bare shoulder.  She turned around.
No.  Not hard to pick out from a crowd at all.  Standing before her was James Fraser in full Highland regalia.  He wore his family tartan, a black velvet waistcoat, brilliant white dress shirt and a black bow tie.  When her gaze fell to the floor, she noticed his polished brogues and white socks pulled up to his knees.  She’d never before considered how a man’s knees might be alluring, but there it was.   Jamie had very sexy knees.
“G’d evening, Sassenach.  Ye look... weel, ye look bonnie.”  Jamie’s normally deep voice was gruffer than usual, perhaps on account of the cold night air.  Or maybe his bowtie was tied too tight.
“Good evening, Jamie,” she replied once she found her voice.  “You look, well, if you were a Jacobite, I’d say you looked regal.”
The tops of Jamie’s ears went red, and he ducked his chin, his tamed curls falling briefly forward.  It gave him the look of a bashful child receiving unexpected praise, completely at odds with the strikingly masculine figure he cut.
“No’ a Nigel, then?” he teased.
“No.  Definitely not a Nigel.  Come, let’s get something to drink before all the top-shelf liquor runs out.  You wouldn’t believe how much some of these doctors can put away!”
Jamie was a perfect date.  He stood by her elbow as she mingled and greeted various colleagues and professors, nodding at their tales of medical misfortune and smiling at their awkward jokes.  He spoke confidently about his work and current affairs, and patiently tolerated endless jibes about what a true Scotsman wore beneath his kilt.
When she politely excused them from one such conversation, he leaned over to whisper in her ear as they walked away to fortify themselves with more alcohol.
“I’ve a mind tae lift my plaid an’ moon the entire assembly the next time one o’ yer wee doctor friends asks about my underthings.  Are ye sure they arena raising funds for a new proctology department, Sassenach?”
She snorted in a truly unladylike fashion and turned to meet his unrepentant smirk.  Just then, a figure approaching from the bar caught her eye.
Oh no.  It couldn’t be.  After five years, she’d finally relaxed her vigilance, had ceased anticipating his presence at every turn, and now, here he was.
“Sassenach?” Jamie was watching her with concern.  The blush had drained from her cheeks, leaving her wine-stained lips and sintering eyes the only colour on her face.
“Claire!  Fancy meeting you here!”  Had his voice always been so nasal?  His eyes so glassy and vacant, like portals into nothingness.  He’d obviously been drinking heavily.  A blond woman half his age had her arm linked through his.
“Frank,” she uttered his name.  Jamie stepped into her side, his posture erect, somehow sensing that she needed his protection from this unheralded threat.
“Well, isn’t this a surprise.  I’d heard you’d gone into the army, or some such thing.  Afghanistan, was it?  Well, with your penchant for violence, I suppose that’s fitting.”
She breathed deeply through her nose.  She would not let him get the better of her.  She wasn’t that person anymore.  With a clammy hand, she grabbed onto Jamie’s fingers where they rested around her hip.  He squeezed back.  He was here.   She wasn’t alone.  It was all the strength she needed.
“Yes, that’s right.  I served overseas for a time, but I’m back in London now.  In medical school.   Now, if you’ll excuse us, we were just leaving.”
Focusing on each step, she turned towards the exit, Jamie’s hand now warm upon the small of her back.  Her chin wobbled, but she bit down hard to stave off tears.
“A doctor?” Frank taunted from behind her.  “Wouldn’t a demolition expert be more apropos, darling?”
She froze, spine trembling with anger.  Jamie made a questioning noise, asking without words if she wanted him to intervene.   She didn’t.
Glancing over her shoulder, she dealt her parting blow.
“Give my best to Amelia and the children.”  Without waiting to witness the aftermath of her pronouncement, she made her way out into the chilly night air, Jamie’s bulk a silent sentinel at her side.
It wasn’t a date if it ended on the floor of your bathroom, crying ugly sobs as mascara stained your cheeks, while your partner held your shoulders and made soothing noises with his throat.  
That wasn’t dating, that was survival.
mac na ghalla = son of a bitch
Mu dheireadh = finally
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rwbyremnants · 3 years
NOTE: Car sex, cunnilingus.
WOW, I can't believe after so long between updates it's finally all up! Hope you guys enjoyed the ride and are happy that Ruby and Winter figured it all out. Again, I know sometimes this account goes quiet even though I'm always writing; I just can't always find the time to set aside to edit and update the fics. It won't be right away but I can tell you that the next installment of the White Noise universe is definitely coming someday. Until then, see you in the other fics!
=Chapter 11
Once the newly happy couple entered the conservatory, it became too crowded to talk about their private affairs. Everyone was sat around in the living room, surrounding Weiss who took the middle of the sofa with Yang at her side. Blake and Sun had made it, and they were lingering near Yang. There was still no sign of Qrow, Taiyang or Penny yet. They must have been more held up than they thought. Even if people were still engaged in their own conversations rather than fully focusing on their host, it was still too risky.
But that didn't stop Ruby standing in place by Winter's side, idly brushing their hands by one another. Not holding, but enough to make her presence known.
"Okay, I guess we're ready!" Weiss was announcing as Winter hooked her own pinky around Ruby's. No one would have noticed how nervous she was unless they were close to her - either physically or emotionally. Nervous, yet excited.
"Hang on," Blake said, holding up her phone and aiming the camera at Weiss. "Okay, ready!"
"Open Yang's! It's sappy!" Ruby called across the crowd loudly, knowing it would definitely be heard on the recording.
It was a small haul of presents in comparison to previous years, but no one particularly minded. Both the hosts understood that many of their guests either didn't know what to get or couldn't afford much – and they themselves had insisted nobody break the bank. It made the cards reviewed all the more special, which Weiss had Yang display by the fireplace right away.
Nearly an hour later, everyone had gathered at the dinner table. Weiss put the various presents to one side but insisted on wearing the bracelet. While agreeing it was sappy, she loved it – just as both Ruby and Yang suspected she would. Yang and Weiss were sat at one end, with Fènleng in her high chair at the head of the table. By their side were Sun and Blake, then Neon and Inu, then Winter and Ruby. The rest of the guests were further along, with only a few taking the sofa due to lack of space at the table. Everyone took what they wanted from the buffet of sandwiches and snacks, complimenting Neon and Yang who had put it all together on this occasion.
Ruby sometimes managed to give Winter a shy wave. There was still no sign of Penny just yet. But while things were up in the air with Winter, she assumed that was for the best. They could talk soon.
"You know," Winter said to Neon as she leaned to one side so they could speak more easily, "you two did quite a good job on this spread. If you ever get tired of performing, you could probably try your hand at party planning."
Blowing a loud raspberry, she smirked back toward her. "No way! Any nimrod can spread some mayo on bread’n add some tuna or ham. I just needed to do it a few hundred times!"
"Well, I might think about it! I'm sure as hell still not used to going out and people recognising me on the street, like I’m somebody." Grabbing a few of the cheese sandwiches and some potato chips, Yang looked toward her little sister from across the table. "Don't worry, I put Penny's vegan stuff to the side so she'll have plenty when she gets here. Made it special!"
"Oh, great! She'll really like that!" Ruby grinned straight back, having just put a bratwurst on her plate and adding more chips. "They're still held up, I think… traffic must be bad."
"Sometimes it gets pretty congested," Weiss agreed as she popped a devilled egg into her mouth. "Flying out of Nashville is as miserable as LAX. But you get used to it."
"This tuna is excellent," Blake commented with a smile. "You really went all out."
"Seconded! I'm surprised it hasn’t summoned the real cat yet." Taking a few of the tuna sandwiches for herself, Neon then looked back to Weiss while she prepared her own and some of Fènleng's food. "Hey, where is Xu-Xu anyways?"
But while they had their light, aimless conversations, it seemed Ruby was zoning out for a moment. She had got her food, and simply stared blankly at her plate as she began to eat. Dwelling on Penny being late would do no good for her mood, so eating was a good solution.
And so was something else going on under the table. About a third of the way through her bratwurst, Ruby could feel a sensation sliding up her calf. It was very light, but definitely present; a teasing. As it did so, she could hear Winter answering another question Blake had asked.
"Oh, I'm not much of a pet person. But I might be persuaded to take in a rescue." Her eyes flicked between both her and Ruby. "Perhaps a cat and a dog, if they could play nice with each other."
Swallowing the meat in her mouth, Ruby shuddered with both a mixture of shock and pleasure. She could feel very easily it was Winter's soft foot, teasing her with those pedicured nails. And it began to rise! Then it hit her: Winter's ultimate payback for what happened with her father. She wasn't finished with her just yet, but could balance their debts by winding her up in front of all the guests.
"Really?" Blake was laughing with a wider smile. "Maybe find a cat who wouldn't mind being cat-sat by you until you could adopt one of your own. I could help you with that."
The elder Schnee sister hummed her agreement as the teasing went up to Ruby's knee, tracing tiny circles as it went. "You know, that might be nice. Test if I'm really ready to take on a pet full-time."
Again, her eyes went back to Ruby. Now biting her lip, Ruby waited for what was coming. She had to maintain a mask of calm, not show that she was really flustered. She never considered all these factors when doing it to Winter. No wonder she wanted to get back at her in this way; it would teach her not to underestimate how hard this was to do on the receiving end.
"Ahem!" Sun ejaculated toward Winter in regards to her comments. Assuming they were intended for Blake, he leant forward. "'Ix-nay' on the 'Et stuff-pay', alright? These people are super vanilla!"
Leaning forward herself, Winter's foot disappeared during the action. "Nobody would pick up on what we meant if you weren't drawing more attention to it, Monkey Boy," she hissed. Though she was still smiling; not at all upset, just mildly bemused that Sun had let himself get so easily flustered.
Looking downward got his plate and groaning in annoyance instead, he murmured, "Just shut up and eat your sandwiches."
But Ruby was finally sighing with relief, going back to her sandwich. She assumed that Winter had stopped taunting her, thinking she realised how mean it really was in front of people. That she had enjoyed her revenge.
"Aww, it's okay," Blake was murmuring to Sun very gently, petting his shoulder to soothe him. "But Winter is right in this case; we were just talking about pets. No big deal."
"And a well cared for pet is a happy pet," Winter went on, as her foot resumed its upward progress - this time, starting at the knee and working inward. "Don't worry, I've done a lot of pet-sitting in my time."
"Oh really?” Yang put in. “We'll have to get you to cat-sit Xu-Xu for us, Winter. See, we wanted to take Fènleng to Disneyland sometime soon-"
Yang was immediately cut off by Neon. "Kids her age can barely go on anything!"
"Who said it was just for her?"
But the host's little sister was distracted once more. Forced to release the sandwich which dropped to her plate, she froze up once again. Winter was continuing to wind her up in plain sight. She only hoped that no one was going to notice, somehow.
"Wouldn't mind it a bit," she was saying serenely while pushing her foot further and further between Ruby's thighs, underneath the meager protection her skit offered. "Though Neon does have a point. It might be more fun if you leave Fèn with one of us and just go to Disney yourselves."
"I could never do that!" Weiss gasped out, placing a hand on her daughter's shoulder for emphasis. "My little girl, alone, for days at a time?!"
"Babe, didn't you wanna go back on tour for a couple of months next year, though?" Yang laughed. Looking back to Neon and Winter, she smiled. "For her, it would mainly be for pictures. We wanna build lots of memories and make some scrapbooks and stuff. You know, stuff to embarrass her with in front of her friends, or when she brings a date home."
Once the foot pressed home beneath the skirt, however, there was a harsh thud at the table from where Ruby jumped in surprise, knees impacting with the surface above. Either way, it got quite a bit of attention - the opposite of what she wanted. Already her cheeks were glowing.
It was remarkable how real the look of confusion and concern on Winter's face was as she asked, "Are you alright?" Even as the toes resumed their progress, getting so close to the mark again, she was laying her palms on either side of her plate, as if pretending she was about to stand.
"I-I… U-Uh…" By now, Ruby could feel her right up against her panties, pressing inward and taunting her fragile flesh. How was she supposed to respond to that with everyone looking? She didn't have as much self-control as Winter did!
There was nothing else for it. As much as she didn't want to give up and accept her fate, she found herself having to move her chair back slightly. He blush was completely red, enough to give Winter a big enough hint that her efforts were not fruitless. Once out of the foot's reach, she shot an apologetic look over toward Weiss.
"S-sorry, just need the bathroom. Where, uh, was it again?"
"There's one right here on this floor," Weiss said in some confusion. "And downstairs and upstairs, of course. You've been here before, haven't you?"
"Y-yeah… I… Sorry, I forgot. I'm being dumb. E-excuse me!"
And barely even managing to tuck her skirt back down in time, Ruby dashed away from her chair and straight to the bathroom, leaving their guests very confused. Winter had to play it cool. Even with the guilty thrill that shot into her stomach, she had to at least pretend that she had no idea that anything was wrong with Ruby. However, after a full minute had passed, she withdrew her phone from her bosom and sent a quick message.
R u ok?
"Your sister's kinda crazy, Yang." Neon was heard commenting as she went to grab more tuna sandwiches.
"Yeah, but at least she's in better moods now." Yang admitted, looking toward the eldest Schnee with a bright smile. "We got Winter to thank for that."
But after a short moment, there was a buzz through to Winter's phone. A message back.
Fine! I guess I deserved that. But I knew I was gonna end up moaning so I had to leave quick! D:
"Oh, I just… did what I could," Winter said evasively as she began to type back.
You could have stopped me and said it was too much, I just thought it would be fun ; ) I'll help you moan more later
"My sister's so modest," Weiss said in a voice dripping with sarcasm. But she was smirking. "She's so good at reassuring people. The same sister who once convinced me that if I ate a caterpillar, I would have a literal butterfly in my stomach."
"That was ONE time!" Winter said in exasperation as she laid her phone down to take a drink of water. "And I was five, you can hardly blame me!"
While everyone chuckled, Weiss said, "Can't I?"
"Oh, that's bush league compared to the stuff I did." Yang laughed, holding up the hand with her sandwich to gesture along with her story. "When we had our first dog, Ein, Ruby would always try and run around on all fours like him. I told her if she did absolutely everything a dog does, she would be able to turn into one."
"Oh my God, please tell me she didn't whiz on any fire hydrants!" Sun was already laughing halfway through Yang's story, but then came another vibration from Winter's phone.
Honestly I haven't felt up to doing anything so long it's so tempting just to go to town on myself in here o//o
"Nothing like that!" Yang could be heard continuing. "But I looked away for two minutes, then suddenly both Ein and Ruby are rolling in a pool of mud! Dad was so pissed when we got home!"
With a knowing glint in her eye, Blake said in a deceptively-casual tone, "Wow, maybe you should look after Ruby when you look after Xu-Xu, Winter."
"Oh? Oh, I- perhaps so!" Now Winter could feel her own desires returning, but she was well practiced at maintaining a façade; no one else would know she was turned on. Even as she began to casually type…
Not yet. Please? I want to help more… directly. Tell me where to meet u
Here? Really???
But Yang quickly gave Blake a rather playful glare. She might have been oblivious to what Blake was talking about, but assumed it was something else instead. "What are you saying, my sister's a furry or something? Gross."
Another vibration. Ruby had added to her last reply before Winter could type her own: My car.
"Nothing against furries, but if she likes rolling around in the dirt, might be better to have someone putting her on a leash." Again, Blake glanced at Winter with a smirk.
"Well, I think this conversation is taking a turn for the strange," Weiss observed as she reached for another handful of chips to add to her plate. "My sister walking my sister-in-law like a dog! You're weird, Blake."
"Weird, yeah," Blake was muttering while Winter replied to her texts.
Slip out the back and around the house, I'll excuse myself when I can
"Some people are into that," Neon spoke up with a small smirk. In fact, she looked toward not only Weiss who started the conversation, but also occasionally to the woman sat opposite her. The ever-silent Inu.
"For real? People get off on being treated like a dog?" But the more Yang commented on it, the shorter Inu seemed to become as she sank down in her seat, cheeks reddening. Contrary to what the three people at the table who had prior experience in the Clamp assumed, it seemed there was yet another who shared those sorts of interests among them!
But Winter would have to miss that conversation if it went on. She had just received another message:
I'll text Weiss just to tell her I'll be on the phone. Should buy us enough time. I'm headed to the car now, don't keep me waiting or I'll have to start without you ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Feeling her heart speed up into her throat, Winter let out a long, beleaguered sigh. Then she texted back a simple “Ok, be there soon” before pushing her chair back, finally putting on the shoe she had dislodged to tease her poor sub.
"I am sorry, I have to take this after all; some business can't wait. Don't worry, I'll just nip out front and take care of it. Excuse me."
But Blake's amber eyes were focused entirely on Winter as she stood. "Well, have fun." It was said flippantly, as if she were being sarcastic, but they both knew she was serious.
"Hurry back!" Weiss bade her as she strode from the table and out the front door. "All this food isn't going to eat itself!"
Due to how much closer the front door was to the car than the back door, Winter actually made it outside first. Therefore, she spent the time slipping off her cardigan and draping it over one arm, strolling lazily toward Ruby's car. Her heart was pounding with excitement, but she didn't dare show it. Not when there was a slim chance someone might glance out the foyer window and spot her dancing like a giddy schoolgirl.
Before Ruby was in sight, the car could be heard unlocking as the lights flashed. Then came one more vibration from the phone.
Just getting my shoes. Get in, seats can be lowered and there's a blanket in the back, be two seconds ; )
Winter blinked down at the message, then pulled the door handle, sliding into the passenger's side. As she closed the door, she began to message back - because it had to be asked.
Where were your shoes before??
I took them off when I first came over. She always keeps the garden clean so I never bothered to put them back on!
But finally, Ruby was in sight walking around the building. She had managed to avoid the gaze of the other guests as she made her way to the car. But just before she got there, she sent one last teasing text.
Surprised you didn't notice actually ; )))))
Biting her lip, Winter wrapped her phone in her cardigan and put it in the back seat, then grabbed the blanket to pull over herself. She waited until the driver's side door opened before she spoke.
"I had other worries on my mind. But… now that you mention it, I do seem to remember spotting some cute little piggies dancing along the floor…"
Quickly shutting the door behind her and locking it, Ruby grinned just as giddily when she looked back to Winter. She could barely even contain herself as she lowered her seat, attempting to create a more comfortable area for their activities.
"I wasn't thinking about it! Not till you started teasing me with yours. You total asshole, by the way!"
"Just thought I'd pay you back," she said with a grin, sliding the blanket so that she could throw it over Ruby, as well. "A little. Not really make you too uncomfortable - at least, I hope I didn't."
"No, it didn't," she assured her. It wouldn’t do to wound their barely-established relationship with misunderstandings. Scootching slightly toward Winter, she shuffled off her own jacket, tossing it to one side. Then started to undo one or two buttons to give Winter more of a view. "Like I said… I'm just so pent up you were about to make me lose my cool. So I'd rather you do that here, in private."
Now that she had been reassured, it seemed Winter wasn't above more teasing. As she watched the buttons open, she muttered, "Didn't want to let on to your big sister that you were all hot and bothered? I can imagine…"
It was certainly helping the situation, making her growl with desire as she felt deep heat brewing between her legs. But that need was becoming more of a priority than any small talk. It had been too long; not only had she enjoyed no sexual contact with Penny since that time in the car, but she had felt no motivation to take care of her urges on her own. But now that they were back with a passion, all she could do was look her dead in the eye.
"Quit teasing me and make me scream already."
As Winter's smile slowly began to fade, she reached over and grasped Ruby, pulling her across the space to lay atop her. A shoe clattered to the floor while she ran her hands up and down her sides, over her hindquarters.
"Ruby, I missed you so fucking much," she growled needily, past the point of caring how it sounded. Her hands were already gouging into the backs of the girl's thighs, digging in as they worked their way closer to her centre.
Several shaky gasps fell from from the younger woman’s lips. Still wearing an elated smile, instinct was already starting to take over. No longer did she care about their sub or Dom roles; this time, it was a case of doing whatever each of them wanted, trusting their intuition. Already Ruby felt her hips pushing forward against Winter's needily, desperate to get anything she could of her and push back against those hands in addition. Her arms wrapped around Winter's shoulders, keeping her close as she pressed her forehead against hers.
"I missed you, too." A hand dived into her hair. "I'm so happy you're here."
"I know how we started," Winter began as one hand slid around Ruby's hip to begin hiking up her skirt, to rub against her through the thin material of her underwear. "But now it's so much more than just training you. I… I have thought about you every single day since the last time we saw each other!"
"Nhhh! God, I'm so glad I'm not the only one!" Already she was so warm – and all over! No doubt Winter would be able to feel just how wet she had been, it was soaking her undies already. Looking her dead in he eye, she whispered, "So what are you waiting for? Fuck me." And without hesitating any longer, she crashed her lips up against Winter's.
As she kissed back, harder than ever before, Winter wasted no time. Ordinarily, her hands would have been doing a thousand things, taunting flesh and ghosting up thighs. In this instance, she jerked the crotch of Ruby's soft cotton panties aside and began to rub up and down her dripping folds, fingers moving with practiced ease.
Finally, Ruby could do just as she wanted to in the presence of everyone in that room. And she didn't hold back, moaning contentedly into their kiss as she continued to thrust her hips forward into the slender fingers. Even if she was glad they could do as they wanted, Ruby was able to come up with one downside to their impromptu session: they didn't have an artillery of Winter's wonderful toys to use. If only they had somehow anticipated this reconciliation.
Not that she was complaining. Slender fingers would be able to bring her to just as satisfying a finish. She knew that deep down. And she was so desperate for it she couldn't hold back any of the needy thrusts.
Clearly, the girl was ready for more. Not wanting to be conspicuously gone any longer than they had to be, she plunged her middle finger straight into Ruby, curling in with great relish as her tongue began to do the same with the beautiful mouth atop her own.
What a loud and needy sound that fell into Winter's mouth. Yesss, that’s the spot right there, Ruby thought. She continued to push herself forward against Winter's hand while she worked at that sensitive spot inside, feeling the slender and thin finger buried inside her. But one wasn't enough. Oh no. To be truly satisfied, she needed more than that. Ruby’s hand dove down toward where Winter was working and tapping at one of her other fingers with hers lightly. Just enough to give an undoubtable hint.
But it seemed that even now, Winter couldn't be satisfied with doing this the usual way. Pausing their kiss, she panted, "You want another? Go ahead. Add another." As she said this, she switched from middle to index, pushing the rest of her hand as far out of Ruby's way as she could manage.
Trying to keep her volume down by habit, she looked down at Winter wide eyed. That wasn't something she had heard of before; born of them working together to push her to orgasm. But the way Winter was so casual about it excited her so much! It was worth a try. Holding her hand right beside Winter's, she pushed a finger inside, trusting Winter to follow.
She did, keeping pace with the entry. Of course, it wasn't quite so easy to pull off as only one of them using two fingers, but it turned out to be just doable. Having two hands in such an area forced Ruby's legs further apart, but she was young and flexible; it wasn't impossible.
"Oooh," Winter cooed as she felt a foreign digit sliding over her own, both of them buried deep in the waiting sex. "How does that feel?"
For some reason, this made Ruby shudder even more. It was one thing not to be fully in control, it was another to hand it completely over. But to share? How many times has Winter done this with others, she wondered… "S-so good…" she breathed needily, even pushing herself up against the hands right at her welcoming warmth, trying to welcome them further in.
"Yeah?" Panting heatedly, she began to move her finger at the same time as Ruby's - but she couldn't quite get the rhythm. That seemed to make her partner undulate and buck even more than she would have done under ordinary circumstances. "Mmm, you look like you're losing yourself in it… I hope it's in the best of ways."
"Nnhhhh, yeah, it d-definitely is," she assured her, holding still for a moment as she tried to sync herself up with Winter's hand. Each time it wasn't quite matched, she shuddered a little more, even squealed on top of things on occasion. She could feel her toes beginning to curl in her shoes already. Why didn't she get off inside? It would have made things more of a challenge, at least.
Winter's lips found their way to Ruby's neck as she felt her began to buck atop her, as she tried to curl at the same speed. She was also just able to get her thumb right up against her clit as she did so, hoping the slight friction from their movements would be enough to help send her into the stratosphere sooner rather than later.
Continuing to buck and twitch as her neck was kissed, the moaning was unfortunately increasing in volume. She couldn't help it one bit, it was such a strange sensation! At times when Winter would curl her finger, Ruby would in another direction, which made her feel her inner walls very slightly stretched out. That was more filling than anything. She could feel her heart beginning to race as she grasped Winter's shirt with her spare hand, and felt the few stray quivers that informed her it wouldn’t be long now.
"C-close… I-I'm close already! F-fuck! What are you doing to me?!"
"Let it happen! Oh God, Ruby - you sound so good!" Winter flexed her finger faster than ever, inwardly loving the feeling of Ruby's sliding over hers; it felt so foreign and new, added an intriguing dimension for her. Clearly, it was doing way more than for the smaller woman atop her. "Cum for me! Cum hard for me, Lady!"
God had she missed that petname. Finally, she was pushed over the edge. When Winter curled her finger one more time, and she did too, she felt them hit that sweet spot just right. That in addition to Winter's play with her clit, and she was done for. Shuddering on top of her, “Lady” moaned one more time as loud as she was able, feeling her inner walls clenching around the digits inside her. She felt her fluids getting out of control again, sprinkling Winter's leg and the seat very slightly.
But they had done it. In the car, at WEISS’S BIRTHDAY PARTY.
"Ohhh, wow," Winter breathed, gazing up at hey affectionately. "I wasn't thinking about your ejaculation problem. But… it's so hot…" Drawing away, she left a light kiss on her lips. "You'll never know how much I missed that these past few months."
For a moment, she just lay on top of Winter's front, gasping for breath and smiling with glee as she gradually came down from her high. That was something she missed for a long while. It felt like a relief to regain waht they had lost. But they were still on the clock. After a minute, she was pulling out her own and Winter's finger so she could descend. "Your turn."
"Oh… oh, that isn't necessary, Ruby," she told her earnestly as she watched the girl sink to the floorboard. "I just wanted to follow through on what I promised at the dinner table. You don't have to…"
But already Ruby was crammed into the footwell of the passenger seat. She still made sure the blanket was covering her up, but she began to brush her hands up and down Winter's thighs needily. While Ruby first needed to get off, she needed Winter as well. She needed to be the one to hear her moan again. Hitching up her skirt with each brush, she smirked.
"But I didn't get to eat yet."
While watching her down there, Winter couldn't help but sigh and smile gently at the face between her knees. After a beat, she whispered to her, "You're the most beautiful woman in the entire world."
"Hmm… Nope!" Without elaborating, she made sure to tuck the blanket over them both to keep the area covered. Anything else, Winter would just have to feel. And first thing was first, she would kiss the insides of her thighs, making her way upward toward her underwear rather quickly. While she knew Winter needed the teasing, they had a limited time-window.
And the elder woman didn't waste any time in allowing her eyes to close, to relax into the gentle motions. She was going to enjoy it, of course, but if she fought against the tiny ripples of pleasure, it would take much longer than if she rode them out.
Lady managed to nudge aside her panties with her nose again. She had a feeling it would be preferred by Winter to do so, as a gentle reminder of their play from before. One that, since Yang mentioned the dog story, was starting to make sense why she enjoyed! She at first delivered a single, small kiss before she opened her mouth wider against the folds, and went in for the kill.
If the kiss had made her sigh, the actions that followed made her moan. Winter's legs raised up to drape over Ruby's back as she opened herself up to more stimulation, more attentions from the ravenous tongue of her lover.
Lover… The title sounded accurate now. Justified. Even the strange things they had put each other through, the worries and the uncertainty, hadn't been enough to stop them from being together. All she wanted was to see that through, to become one with the only person she had ever cared about beyond friendship. To see where things led.
And right now, they were leading further and further toward Winter's finish. That tongue hadn't lost its talent, and lapped at Winter's sex readily and needily. In particular, she focused on the clit, kissing it on occasion over and over again. But she knew to add more. And a hint of that was coming as she parted the lips further with her fingers, the other hand still stroking her inner thigh.
"Ohhh, yes," Winter panted obscenely, pushing a hand into the side of Ruby's head as her back arched very slightly. "Ruby, please - more! It feels so good, I can't help it, I n-need…"
Ruby would absolutely deliver more. Keeping the lips apart, she finally gave her what she craved. Aware it would be awkward for Winter to join her down there, she entered her body with two fingers. In unison with her licking, she pumped in and out of her body with them. All the while she was smirking as she listened to the sound of her new lover.
Her other partner in addition to Penny. It was a dream come true.
The fingers instantly had Winter screaming, curling her stomach as her hungry sex tried to clamp down on them, hold them inside. It hadn't been as long for Winter since she orgasmed, but it being Ruby was enough to get her within a hair's breadth very quickly. Her lips stretched wide and her head fell back completely as she let the feeling wash over her, as a few more good thrusts sent her spinning off into an explosion of pleasure unlike any she had enjoyed in months.
Though it wasn't just the swift orgasm that ended their spontaneous session. It was a small, but sharp knock on the car window. One that made Ruby's head jerk up from under the blanket.
What she saw was a freckle-cheeked ginger smiling in at them. No one else was standing outside her car, luckily enough; only Penny, looking pleased as could be to see her girlfriend. She waved, being that the windows were up and it would probably be hard to hear her through them.
"Holy shit Penny!" Eyes snapping wide open, Ruby was quick to remove her fingers from Winter's body and pull her panties back into place. Even if Penny couldn't hear them, she still waved back, talking nervously. "U-Um… Hi! I… I meant to message you about this!"
"What?" Penny called back. "Hi!"
"Oh shit," Winter was whispering, blinking at the redhead. Even though she was clearly in a good mood, she still felt awkward that there had been no time to discuss things with Penny directly… before such an unfortunate moment!
"U-Um… Uh…" There wasn't any way to talk to Penny without yelling aimlessly in the car ,or finding her keys to start the engine and roll the window down. Even if it wasn't the most convenient of moments, she couldn't let things slide without saying a word. Resigning to it, Ruby opened the door very slightly, just enough so Penny could hear her talk. "I'm sorry! I didn't mean for you to… to walk up and… U-Uh…"
But Penny simply flung the door wide, squatted down and embraced her girlfriend, even having to crane around Winter's leg the way she did. The genuine warmth and affection in the action told Ruby that she wasn't doing it merely for show; she had just missed her that much.
"I love my parents, but I love you, too," she breathed into Ruby's sweat-dampened hair. "So good to be back."
"W-Wha?!" More shocked than anything at first, Ruby looked at Winter with a look of confusion for a moment, until she finally embraced Penny right back, locking her arms around Penny's shoulders. Although about to grasp her, she held back with one of the hands. Penny would not appreciate that on her back!
"Awww, I missed you, too! I'm just so sorry I couldn't tackle hug you or something! This is… is awkward."
Once Ruby said that, her partner drew back with a slight pinkness in her cheeks. From experience, she knew it was more that Penny was embarrassed than that she was "turned on," of course. "Right. Well, I saw you while I was walking up to the house. Luckily, Taiyang and Qrow didn't notice, so I told them I wanted to get something my suitcase." At last, she spared Winter a bashful glance. "Hello."
"G-good to see you," she murmured, her own face redder than either of the other two.
"Still, I did want to talk to you." Drawing back from their embrace, Ruby looked toward the emerald eyes she adored so much. And then to Winter, as well. The two women she loved, both in the same place. And oddly without a single hitch. How lucky she truly was to have them both, even if it was an awkward circumstance.
"Penny, I'm sorry I’ve been such a sad sack the past few months," she told her, partially explaining for her and Winter's benefit, especially with the next line. "It was my fault for not trying to solve this sooner and letting myself mope. Honestly, I don't know how either of you put up with me sometimes…"
Both of them moved to hug her, but Winter held back when she noticed Penny was doing the same. The latter said, "Sorry, you can go first if you want."
"No, it's… Penny, I'm sorry we haven't spoken properly about this before now." Her eyes flicked toward Ruby and back. "This is an unusual situation, but not unheard of. But clearly we both care very much about Ruby. So… well, it's her decision in the end, but it seems only honest for me to ask you directly, as well. Are you sure you don’t mind? Since you and she had the pre-existing relationship."
"And please don't make a choice solely because of me," Ruby insisted, making sure Penny was looking at her while she said it. Stroking her arm gently, she went on, "Because I want you to be happy, too. I need you to be happy. I don't want you to agree with this but be hating every moment of it."
"But I'm fine." When Ruby only kept looking at her in concern, she sighed and petted her neck. "Okay… I was upset when you first told me you wanted to start going to the club and trying things with other people. But not with you. I… was more frustrated with myself for not being enough for you. For not being wired the way that most people are and not being able to give you everything."
"But you give me everything I need!" She quickly took her hand – and then in addition, took Winter's. She simply made sure Winter's was the hand they'd been doing things with, just so it didn't disturb Penny. "You both do! I don't need sex at the end of the day. It's just… fun! Like going for a walk, or to a convention, it's not a need, it's… almost a hobby! What I need is what you both give me. Love and care, and good times. And that's what I have from you both. And I love you both for it!"
After a moment, Penny smiled and told her in a gentle voice, "I know. I got over that frustration pretty quickly; it was an emotional knee-jerk response. You being happy is a lot more important, and once I realized that you would be, and it wouldn't 'cost' me anything, the rest was pretty easy to process."
"You really don't mind?" Winter asked her, voice steady despite her obvious fear. "One hundred percent sure?"
"Not at all. You have treated Ruby well; even in the story she told me about your argument, I could tell you were very distressed about what she had done and who she had done it in front of. She never said you hit her, or called her a bad person; you were just upset and trying to handle those new feelings. And other than that one incident, she has never had a bad thing to say about you."
"And I kinda blamed myself more, anyway…" Ruby began to sit upright, adjusting her position for ease of movement for Winter. "Anyway… I guess we better head back inside. They'll be wondering where we are."
"Not just yet," Penny said. "Winter, come here a moment."
Bewildered, the taller woman leaned down, taking the moment to right her seat as she did so. It was going to squeeze Ruby a bit, but she was small enough so that she could still easily extract herself. "Yes? Oh!"
"I love you," Penny told her gently as she embraced her. "I have never hated or resented you. What you can do for Ruby is very important because she's important to me. So I don't want you worrying about me; I know you're going to keep treating her well, so I have no reason to be worried, either."
Smiling gratefully, Ruby looked back and forth between both her girlfriends. This was all she could ask for; her two favourite people being okay with one another's company. It would certainly make things easier. Giggling to herself, she suggested, "Maybe one day we can all have a cuddle pile. We’ll need a bigger bed, of course."
"You're welcome to move in with me," Winter told them easily. "Either to all sleep in the same bed, or I could convert my office. But I'm sure you'd rather have your own apartment."
"That would be preferable to me. Not saying we couldn't sleep over at your place." Penny drew back from the hug so she could lay one of her hands on Ruby's shoulder, even as the other remained on Winter's back. "On evenings when you two don't want to have sex, of course; I wouldn't want you worrying about what I'm going to do with myself while you do."
"Well first we'll need to tell dad." Finally getting out from the small space, Ruby took the blanket to finally clean her hand, passing it over to Winter for her to do the same once Penny had let go. "He'll probably be all weepy that his kids have finally left, but he'll help us move."
"Very true." Then Penny beamed at her, cheeks bunching. "Ohh, I'm so happy - you look so much more like yourself than you have the past months!"
Penny threw both arms around her and went in for a big, affectionate kiss. She kissed back gratefully, allowing a moment to open her mouth a little wider to kiss deeper. "MMM!" She suddenly pulled back before Penny went too far, laughing nervously. "That… uh… that’s not a good idea right now. W-we just…"
But the ginger was already smacking her lips in vague confusion. "Oh… right, now I remember what you were doing before I knocked. Well… I guess that's my fault for forgetting, isn't it?" Her cheeks were getting rosier, but her smile was no less satisfied at their circumstances. "Um… I hope she doesn't mind."
"Me?" Winter asked, smiling herself now. Even though it was odd knowing her essence was on this more-or-less stranger’s tongue now, it wasn’t exactly the first time that had happened. "No, not at all! Why should I mind? I just- well, if you're asexual, I didn't… that wouldn't have been something I wanted to happen. But if you're not upset about it, why should I be?"
"You don't taste that different from Ruby, really. No need to be worried." Then she turned back to Ruby and made an even bigger show of kissing her right on the mouth. "It's who I'm kissing that's important, not where their mouth has been. Unless it’s on someone who has been sick, because I don’t want to catch their germs."
Blushing rather deeply, Ruby smiled back at Penny bashfully. She always was able to leave her a giddy mess, even if it was through flattery.
But worried that they really would be missed if they stayed any longer, she finally made an effort to unfold herself from the car, soon followed by Winter. Penny and Ruby headed inside first to avoid suspicion. At least this way, she had the excuse that she was waiting for her when she left to go to the bathroom. Then a few minutes later came Winter, who had “just finished her business”. Yang slid Penny her diet-specific food, along with a few sandwiches and snacks for Ruby and Winter before Qrow and Taiyang could stuff their faces.
"Goodness, Winter, that took forever," Weiss observed from where she was showing one of the women from Fènleng's daycare a photo album. "Business or pleasure?"
"A little of both," she hedged. "How's the party going? Did you get everything you wanted?"
"I did! Thank you for the music box, I didn't know they sold them with any of my songs."
At that, Winter had to smile. "They don't; it was a custom job." God bless Etsy. When Weiss broke away from the other woman to give her a hug, she laughed and hugged back. "Happy birthday."
Smiling contentedly at them, Ruby mostly stood by Penny or hung back by herself, with the main people she knew all busy talking to other party guests. Still, it was the happiest she had felt in months. As she watched her lovers spending time with friends and family, she relaxed back against the wall with her punch. Everything was copacetic.
Until a hand landed on her shoulder. "Hey there, Red."
Nearly jumping out of her skin, Ruby looked straight around to the source. "U-uncle Qrow! Sorry, I forgot you were coming!"
Her uncle laughed confidently, lowering his hand as he stood to one side of her, also leaning back against the wall. "Yeah, Yang sorta insisted. And I kinda needed the day out. It's nice to see the inside of somewhere other than the same old same-old."
"Yeah. I can imagine…" Unable to help it, Ruby was already growing nervous again. She hadn't even discussed anything with Qrow since finding out his living situation – and more. She was too afraid to in case it made things awkward, and lead to awkward questions. But that wasn't helping here at all when she realised she had nothing to say.
But Qrow beat her to it. "So, you and Snowbird sorted things out yet?" When Ruby blinked up in surprise at him, Qrow cut her off before she could speak. "Yeah, I know. Not only did she talk about it, but I saw a beady li’l eye watch me head to my room. You've never been the sneakiest of kids, Ruby."
"Great," the redhead muttered in embarrassment. While looking down at the floor instead however, she did add, "But yes… we talked it out. A-and… it went really well. Everything’s cool."
"Good to hear." Taking a sip of his drink, he sighed easily. Never was one to have ruffled feathers. "Maybe this means she'll be less gloomy. I mean, I tried to cheer her up, but there was only so much I could do."
"Please don't tell me how." Closing her eyes tightly, she tried to push the mental image of her other girlfriend with her uncle back out of her mind. Nobody needed that in their life. "I-I know it was selfish of me… to get mad over such a dumb reason. I think it's because you're more or less a second dad to me."
"You got that right," he laughed. "But, yeah, I wouldn't wanna imagine my pa doing anything with my girl, either. And I guess that's what first came to mind for ya." Though after a while, he cleared his throat, looking with a contented smile toward her. "I really am happy for you both, though. Winter's a special gal, anyone could tell you that. And I can't think of a better match for her than you."
"Qrow…" Against her will, she could feel her eyes beginning to well up. She had expected the conversation to be awkward with him, especially since he clearly enjoyed Winter's company as well. Managing to hold them back, she nodded. "Thank you… I just hope I can do right by her and Penny. Gonna be interesting figuring it all out."
"Kid, you get two birthdays and two Christmas presents now. But I guess that goes both ways." Giving a small pat on her shoulder, he smirked. "Say bye bye to your money."
"Ah, but Ruby is my sub," Winter muttered as she snuck up behind them, placing a hand on each of their shoulders. "Typically, I'll be buying her the gifts. And Qrow has seen the one you gave me hanging up in my 'special' closet."
"The one I-" Although immediately her eyes opened wide when she realised what that was, Qrow could only laugh at her reaction. “You put that on your wall?! But it was just a doodle!”
He mussed her hair slightly. "Don't look so shocked! When I first saw it, I thought she had it done by a professional. Had no idea it was you, squirt!"
Smiling gently, Winter leaned a little closer to Ruby, but still spoke in a tone they could both hear. "All teasing aside, it’s one of my favourite things. You’re really talented and I hope you keep it up."
Then, so quickly that none of the other guests would spot it, she left a tiny kiss behind Ruby's ear. But of course one did, and rolled his eyes. "God, you two, get a room. I'm gonna hang out with Tai and Jacques, see how they're getting along. Grumpy Old Men sequel over there. Take it easy."
And finally he left them on their own. Probably for the best, seeing as the smaller sub's cheeks were glowing red with their typical embarrassment. A side effect of all the affection she would have to get used to. The moment Qrow was well out of earshot, along with the rest of the party, Winter changed the subject.
"You're mine again. We'll have to think of some new fun things to do with you. How about… next time I take you for a walk at the Clamp, we see about slipping a pair of vibrating panties under your suit? Wouldn't that be fun?"
The blush only intensified even more at that idea. The walk alone was enough to do that! "Maybe…" She swallowed nervously. "It'd certainly be… interesting."
"Maybe we'll both wear a pair." Another furtive glance, and she ghosted a hand over Ruby's hind end. "The car was a preview of… coming attractions. There's a lot more in your future."
And with even more of a red blush, Ruby was beginning to sink further and further down the wall in embarrassment. She would be quite a sight for the rest of the evening, but didn't wish for anything else.
"I hope I can get used to this again…"
"Get used to what?" Penny asked as she walked up to them, sliding her hands around Ruby's waist and kissing her gently on the cheek. The action pushed Ruby's behind into Winter's hand again, which squeezed it very slightly.
Lady couldn't wish for anything more under the stars than surviving the embrace and love of her two favourite women. But clearly, history had proven she wasn't afraid to try.
                = End =
                = Stay Tuned for White Noise: Sister Midnight =
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sxveme-2 · 3 years
blueberry pancakes // bucky barnes
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Description: A single mother. Juggling being a mom, a full time pediatrician, and a difficult ex who believed now would be the best time to finally be a father. A soldier ripped out of time. Ex-assassin turned superhero. Learning how to balance a new domestic life with handling demons of his past, while facing the trials of the future. a love story began over something as simple as chocolate chip pancakes with hidden blueberries.
Disclaimer: I do not own any original Marvel characters! All canon plots and canon characters belong to Marvel Comics and Marvel Studios. This is an original work. You may not publish it anywhere else
Status: Edited
Note: Takes place after endgame. I have elected to ignore Tony's death and Steve's leaving. Did not happen. Quick Reminder! My works are only published here, AO3 and on Wattpad, thank you.
Chapter Eleven: The One With the Man on the Roof
Warnings: N/A
Word Count: 3336
All of her life as a mother, Lily has placed Hunter above herself no matter what. She had a long shift at the hospital but Hunter had the flu? She'd get someone to cover. She had plans to go for dinner with Gen, but Hunter had a project due the next day? She and Gen would eat in and help him. Nothing ever, ever, came between Lily's son and her. He was the center of her universe, and she would drop everything in an instant and come to his rescue. That's what moms did right? Make sure their son is safe and ensure the best in the world for him? That's what Lily did at least. She would go to the ends of the Earth and back for Hunter if she had to. No questions asked.
So whenever he called, especially when he was at Scott's, Lily's anxiety shot through the roof. Not to mention, of all things to say, he asked her to come and pick him up. Now, of course, she would not hesitate to go and get him. It was a no-brainer. The only issue was the fact Lily was half an hour away if there was no traffic, meaning whatever was going on at Scott's would have to continue for a solid thirty minutes minimum.
"What's going on baby why do you need me to come to get you?" Lily asked, green eyes darting over her shoulder to look at the group that was still seemingly having a great time. But she caught Bucky's eye, and they stood there for what felt like an eternity. His diamond blue eyes seemed worried, his eyebrows knitted in concern at the scared look on Lily's face as she spoke to her son on the phone.
"The babysitters asleep on the couch and a man keeps banging on the door asking for Dad," Hunter answered, his voice shaky as he whispered, "I have Leila in bed with me but Mom I'm so scared please come get us."
Her stomach did a flip. It took everything inside of her not to drop the phone and sprint to the car, not wasting any time telling anybody what was happening. Adrenaline pumped through Lily's veins as she covered her mouth. Tears welled up in the tear ducts of the blonde's eyes and she made quick work blinking them away. Her throat went dry and all of the salivae in her mouth seemed to disappear. Her son was in danger. And Scott wasn't home. Of course, he wasn't...Lily wasn't sure what else she expected from him.
"Call 911 right now. I'm on my way. Stay where you are with Leila. Do not get off the phone with police," Lily rambled, stalking back over to the group and grabbing the purse she had brought along with her, "I love you Hunt I'll see you soon."
And with that, the line went dead as her son followed his mother’s instructions. The abrupt actions of Lily had caught the Avenger’s attention as they watched her scurry around to find all of her belongings, muttering curse words and not so meek names towards her ex-husband seemingly. Lily was a kindhearted person, she wouldn't even hurt a fly. Yet the moment, nay, the second, it had been brought to her attention that her son was in danger on her ex's watch because he had decided to go to a party? That was the straw that broke the camel’s back. This would become messy if she didn't lose her temper and kill Scott herself.
"Woah Woah Lil what're you doing?" Rose questioned as she placed a gentle hand on her sister's arm. Immediately, Lily shrugged it off as her head popped up to look at her younger sister with tears rolling down her cheeks. A hush fell over the crowd like a heavily weighted blanket as the lights around the roof lit up the sadness and desperation on Lily's face.
"There's a man at Scott's pounding on the door. That motherfucker went out and left the kids home with a deadbeat babysitter asleep on a couch..." Lily trailed off as the words escaped her lips. Saying it out loud was completely different than hearing her son say it on the phone. It was really happening. Hunter was in danger and his own father wasn't even home.
A part of Lily blamed herself for the events that were unfolding. If she had just listened to Hunter when he asked for her to take full custody over him. To stop sending him to his dad’s where Scott was hardly home. If she had just listened to her heart instead of her head, Hunter would be safe. He wouldn't be in his current predicament. He'd be safe at home, probably asleep in bed with Lily or Joey in his room. She'd be able to keep tabs on him. Make sure he was secure. Healthy. Safe. Out of harm’s way. Whatever you wanted to say. But no, she listened to the doctor inside of her head about the development of children and how a father/son relationship was important. But mostly, she blamed her deadbeat ex that put his children in that situation, to begin with. Not even just Hunter, but Leila. A three-year-old girl who had no business being left alone with a babysitter and her brother. She was a baby, and Scott put his own entertainment ahead of his children.
"That son of a bitch!" Gen exclaimed while jumping to her feet and handing Rose, the only 100% sober one of the trio, the keys to the car, "Thank you for having us but I have a man to murder." The brunette snapped while making a b-line towards the door down from the roof, Rose and Lily following in her tracks.
Rose's hands rested on her older sister's shoulders, rubbing soothing circles. It was something that the two have done for years. Whenever Lily got worked up and her anxiety reached a peak, Rose's soft hands would grip onto her shoulders and run patterns and shapes along the skin. It reminded Lily that she would be okay, that whatever situation that had caused her anxiety to skyrocket, would be over soon and everything would be okay. A reminder that no matter the circumstances, Rose would always be in Lily's corner, rooting for her and cheering her on. And hopefully, this small action would at least help the rapid heartbeat that pounded away in Lily's chest find a steady rhythm. Of course, then the all mighty steve rogers piped up.
"Why don't we give you a ride on the Quinjet? It'll get you there faster." he offered, causing a small tear to roll down Lily's rouged cheeks. Rose, Gen, and her came to a halt and turned back to the group that looked at the mother with worry in her eyes. Before Lily could respond, the Captain spoke once again, "Or at least let one of us come with you...just in case." he finished, nudging his elbow into Bucky's side.
Even when an event like this is going down, steve rogers stays being a little shit.
"Yeah, that may actually be good. We don't know if we'll get there before the police, or if Scott is home," Rose answered, glancing down at her sister, "You know how he is when he drinks, Lil. You can't take him...and much to her dismay, neither can Gen."
Lily's puffy eyes looked up at her best friend who begrudgingly agreed with Rose's statement, prompting the Winter Soldier to jog forward and follow the girls out to the car. Lily took a seat in the back row of the car, holding her arms tightly around her chest as she glanced at her phone, checking the time. Knowing that at any moment, she could get a call telling her the worst. Or worse, getting a call from Scott. Just the idea of his face made anger boil deep within Lily, which resulted in her bundling her hands into fists so tight that the knuckles turned a sickly shade of green. How could he be so irresponsible? They had been divorced for four years. Lily stood up for him. vouched for him to her parents. Convinced her son it's good to visit. To see his dad and spend time with him. But now? God...Lily wished he would just fall off the face of the earth and she would never have to see him again.
Arriving in Brooklyn a solid half an hour later, Lily spotted flashing police lights dancing across brick walls of the apartment complex. The moment that Rose had stopped the car, Lily ran out faster than the flash. She spotted Hunter sitting in the back of an ambulance with Leila and the blonde basically tackled the two children in a tight hug. She held them close, whispering prayers to the good Lord above. Tears streaked her face, causing valleys to open up along her makeup-covered cheek. She didn't want to let go, she wanted to hold her biological child, and one that wasn't even remotely related to her, and keep them out of harm’s way.
"Ma'am is this your apartment building?" a deep voice of a police officer boomed, causing Lily to release the two kids to turn around and see the tall man behind her. His shoulders were broad and his neck seemed to be the same size as Lily's head. Just looking at the stance he held made Lily tense up, her mouth running as dry as the Sahara desert. But it was Hunter’s small hand gripping onto her's, that sent a rush of newfound confidence through her body.
"No, this is my ex-husband’s apartment. I'm this boy’s mother," Lily stated, fumbling through her purse and gripping her wallet. She tugged out her driver’s license for ID purposes, leaning down to kiss the top of Hunter’s head, before returning her worried eyes back to the officer in front of her, "Did you get the person?"
By the tense look on the officer’s face, Lily guessed the answer would be a no. Tears welled up in her green eyes, and Lily dropped down onto the ambulance between the two kids. The mother bear instincts that welled up inside of Lily's stomach were yelling at her to go and find that son of a bitch who scared her little boy. Smack him all the way to next week and make him feel the pain he had caused her and her son. But the rational part of Lily reminded her she would only create more problems if she did that. She would be the one losing custody of her son because they would probably deem her dangerous and arrest her for...you know, assault. For now, she would sit with the two shaken children, and wait for this to blow over and for the police to find the sorry son of a bitch who dared scare Lily Osborne's son. And then take the father of her child to court and receive full custody of Hunter. Because this...this was unacceptable.
But then a small voice perked up. A meek, scared voice of a little girl. shaky. And it came from Lily's left side. Leila. The little girl had spoken, "The roof." This prompted both Lily and the officer's head to shoot to the side, and both spotted a shadowy figure glancing over the edge. Lily gasped and held both children closer to her chest.
The officer called the others to go to the roof. All pulling their guns from their holsters in preparation, just in case the man was as violent and aggressive as the two children had described. As Lily watched, her hands covering her son and Leila's eyes as police stormed in through the front doors. But she spotted someone, what she had believed to be a police officer, climbing up the fire escape. But then the streetlights reflected a silver arm, sending a glare into Lily's eyes. Bucky. He ran up the fire escape with such anger that Lily could sense the aura all the way from the ambulance at the bottom of the apartment building. Whoever decided to attempt a break-in or try some sort of intimidation at Scott's apartment, most likely, had no intention of ending up face to face with the winter soldier.
"Is that Mr. Barnes on the roof?" Hunter asked, surprising Lily. Glancing down, she saw that she had let her hands drop in shock, resulting in both kids becoming witnesses to the scene. Scoffing, Lily covered their eyes once more, ensuring that whatever violence or trauma that would take place would be hidden by her pale and cold hands.
Lily, however, would become witness to the entire scene unfolding. Watching from afar, she spotted Bucky's metal arm gripping the figure’s neck and holding him above his head. A gasp escaped from Lily's plush lips as she squeezed her own eyes shut. She had heard the stories of the Winter Soldier. The assassinations that HYDRA had forced the man to commit. They had made his brain into putty, moulding it to their will so that they could inflict pain and suffering on whoever they deemed deserved it. But Lily also knew that he had been saved. That the chemicals in his mind had been removed by a brilliant scientist whose name became blank in Lily's mind. But seeing him choking the person on the roof, Lily feared he was not better. That he still had those awful things in his head. That he was dangerous. Especially when her child and her son's half-sister clung to her. As well as her best friend and sister watching the scene from the car.
But when Lily forced her eyes open again, she saw Bucky stand to the side of the roof while the police officers handcuffed whoever it was that had committed this crime. A little breath of relief danced past Lily's lips as she watched Bucky retreat down the fire escape, landing on the solid grown with ease. His thick legs carried that gorgeous frame of his towards Lily, and her shoulders tensed out of habit. But the way his facial expressions changed made her realize...he thought she was scared of him now. That whatever he had done on the roof created a new picture of him in her eyes. Sure it did at first, but he corrected it when he stood to the side afterwards.
"They've got him..." his gruff voice stated, steel blue eyes avoiding any contact with the deep greens of Lily's. He became timid, as though any small teasing comment would destroy any shred of confidence in his body. Lily had no idea the effect she had on him. How what she thought of Bucky was a make or break for him. She herself was so reserved. Distant from people. That they were almost two halves of the same whole. But her view of him...he wanted her to see nothing but goodness in him. And a little bit inside of him continued to scream that she only saw the monster that he was.
"Thank you Bucky," Lily smiled, something small and delicate that had the man become weak in the knees. But then she continued, and a small bit of his heart grew even larger and more fond of the blonde mother, "Upstate is a while away...would you like to um...stay in my spare room? Just for the night so Rose doesn't have to do that drive again."
Whether it was the beer that was singing a sweet song in Lily's mind, or the killer adrenaline rush that she was experiencing, her confidence was through the roof. Her fears seemed to disappear in an instant, creating a new side of Lily. Her son was safe and the asshole that scared him was in cuffs. Alcohol plagued a small place in her mind, and Bucky had just shown a new side to him as well. A protective side. One that he seemed to have gained for the Osborne family at the beginning of this story. Whether it was Lily's infectious smile or the way Hunter looked at him like he was the entire world. He had vowed to be there for them. No matter what it was.
"Oh...I mean if Rose doesn't want to make the drive..." the man stated, his voice cracking halfway through as he glanced over at the other two girls that rushed forward to join in on the conversation, "But isn't she staying with you?"
"Nope. Tonight I'm staying with Gen. Girls night or something. And I don't wanna drive. Hate it. Terrible. You have to stay with Lily it's final." Rose rushed, pushing forward and yanking Hunter into her arms, holding the shaking boy as she kissed the top of his head.
Before Bucky could reply, a car came to a screeching halt at the base of the apartment building’s driveway. A yelling man exploded from the car, along with a crying woman. Scott and Mary. Whatever adrenaline that Lily had leftover, shot through her as she jumped to her feet, standing in front of Hunter and Leila between Scott and them. The taller man was huffing and puffing as his hazel eyes scanned everyone around them.
"Lily, move," he ordered, face beet red as he stared down at the woman he cheated on. The anger inside of her eyes startled him at first. The mother’s instincts she wished to take out on the criminal deflecting on to her son's father. A little body pushed past both as Leila ran into her mother’s arms, and neither Lily nor Scott broke eye contact with each other. All of the pain he had caused her seemed to grow to a head, and everything inside of her kept Lily from reaching up and punching him square in the nose.
"You are a father. Scott. The judge granted you partial custody because I asked her to. Because I believed you would finally step up and care and love Hunter. But instead, you leave a deadbeat babysitter home with two children." Lily began, her voice steady and even as her bottom lip quivered, "A son needs his father. And you have been nothing short of an acquaintance to him. So congratulations. You just fucked yourself over."
Before Scott could even retort the smack-down that Lily just dished out to him, Mary piped up. Her voice shaking and broken, "Scott you told me your mother was watching them. Lily I met him at our friends after work, I hadn't come home." she sobbed, gripping her young daughter tight as she walked forward, an apologetic and terrified look on her face.
Lily nodded slowly and wrapped her arms around Mary, holding her close before letting her go talk to the police with Leila. This left Scott staring down at Lily, who had Gen, Rose, Hunter, and the Winter Soldier standing behind her. it took Scott a moment to process the fact a superhero was now standing with his ex-wife and son. And a pang of jealousy shot through him, or maybe rage. Rage that she had moved on. Gotten over the pain he had caused. Or so he thought.
Instead, the longer she stared at him with a death glare, the more memories rushed back into Lily's minds. The way he would stand over her as though he could hurt her. Then claiming it was fine because he never hit her. or the way he would spit names at her after an argument. The way his fists would ball up. How he would punch holes into the wall that Lily had to fix because he didn't want to pay for them to be fixed. Nor did he want to fix them. The times she would place Hunter back down in his crib and then fall to her knees in tears, remembering how he slammed the door and walked out.
"You are done being a father, Scott. I'm taking full custody."
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we-are-dreamers42 · 3 years
Nightingale: Too Broken Too Fix Part I
Bucky Barnes x OGcharacter
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photo by me.
This is the backstory or prequel of Alexandra Thomas before entering the official world of the Marvel Universe.
Word Count: 1,724
Series List
A rushed plan equals to a rushed execution. It would’ve been okay if her Mystery Man didn’t show up. 
WARNINGS: There are mentions of sexual abuse, violence, death, alcohol, swearing
Chapter 4
I stepped back as far as I could. Then ran forward full sprint. I got to the edge and used all my strength to jump. To my surprise I made it across easily. The problem was I was going too fast. I didn’t get time to catch myself before I slammed into the wall, and started falling.
I caught myself on a windowsill. Looking up I’m now four floors below the penthouse. Shit. I started climbing on the windows and exposed bricks.
 I got to the balcony, and took a quick glance. I only counted one guard outside. He wasn’t looking at me so I threw my knife that embedded into his neck. Pulling myself over the railing. I pulled the guard out of sight, and put the earpiece he had by my ear to listen.
“Check in.”
“Front check.”
“Kitchen check.”
“Office check.”
Then a moment. I looked at the guard I killed. They’re going to come, and check. I took back my knife.
“Kitchen, and office check on balcony.”
“Copy.” Two men said at the same time.
I hide behind a couple potted plants. Two men holding guns came outside. One went right and the other split off towards me. He got close enough that I swept his legs. When his body made a thud the other guard turned around. I threw my knife that landed in the middle of his chest. The next guard I step on his neck while I hold his arm, and twist, breaking his neck.
I slipped into the penthouse. I found the front door. The guard must be on the outside. I looked through the peephole to see exactly where he was. I took out my gun with the silencer already screwed in, and shot the guard through the door.
Quickly going to the office to insert the thumb drive. It needed a few minutes to download. Thankfully I knew exactly where it was. Staring at floor plans for hours had its benefits.
I take the stairs to the master bedroom. “Anyone copy?” Before I turn the corner I hear a guard outside the door. Before he could get his gun up I threw my knife. I run up to catch his body before it hits the ground.
Opening the door to the bedroom. I found a very frantic rich man packing suitcases.
“Going somewhere?” He turned and held up a gun. Before he could aim. I threw my last knife into his hand making him drop his gun.
“Why are you doing this?” He grasped his bleeding hand.
“Well seeing that after you saw me you’re trying to leave. You know exactly why I’m doing this.” I kicked him into a chair near an open window.
“I never touched any of you.”
“You still profited off us. I saw you at every transaction. You're just as bad. Maybe worse.”
“Please.” He tried to beg for his life. I looked behind him at the night sky.
“No chance.” Then I pushed him out the window. His screams were loud. The echo bounced off all the buildings. I couldn’t stand there, and watch him fall. I needed my knives back, and to retrieve the hard drive.
I picked up the last knife, and stabbed it into the wall. There was a bird flapping his wings carved into the blade. My calling card.
After retrieving the drive from the office there was a gunshot. I ducked and cover in the room. I took a peek to see how many I’m dealing with. Before I looked, the screaming started. 
This was the first time it’s happened in years. I almost forgot what it sounded like. Almost. I took a peek. Before I could see anything the frame to the room was shot. Spraying wood into my eyes.
I took my gun, and started shooting wildly down the hallway. I just needed to get back to the balcony, take the jump, then run like hell. He took cover from my shooting, and I ran for it. I got outside when a very cold metal arm grabbed me. Wait, metal arm? He forced me backward, and I fell on my back.
Next to me was a guard with my knife embedded into his chest. I took it and pushed my hands by my head flipping my body up to my feet. The man charged me. I tried, and strike him, but he deflected, and punched me in the chest. I stumbled a bit. Getting my balance I sent a kick to his hips, but alas defected again. I tried, and stab him one more time, but he caught my hand. I dropped the knife with the intent of catching it with my other hand, but he caught it before me.
I felt it before I knew what it was. The burning hot feeling in my stomach. I looked down to see my knife sticking out of me. I looked back at those beautiful cold eyes. He almost seemed vacant. Like he wasn’t fully conscious. He pulled the knife out and was about to stab me again.
Realizing I’m about to die, another boost of adrenaline hit. I punched him in the face with my free hand. His head whipped back, and his metal arm loosened slightly. Just enough for me to get free, and launch myself over the railing. 
I land on the roof with force. Not landing gracefully at all, I began rolling. Once I realized that I wasn’t dead I looked back. He was standing there like he was about to jump after me, but then he turned around. 
I didn’t give myself a second to breathe before running like hell.
I’ve been injured before. Grazed bullets, sprained bones, dislocated shoulders, but never stabbed. The bleeding stopped, and before I was halfway home I was healed. This has happened before. My body healed extraordinarily fast, but it still surprised me. The only proof that it happened was my sore muscles, and hole in my suit.
I got back home in time to get ready before Rox got home. Instead I just stood in the bathroom staring at myself in the mirror. Trying to remember why the fuck that man was so familiar to me. I thought I would remember someone with a metal arm. It’s something that should be hard to forget. Yet here we were.
I just finished getting ready when Rox came through the door. I honestly dread going out right now. I’m tired, and sore. I promised her that I’ll go, and I will. Don’t get me wrong I’m always down for a good party, but after the night I had I just wanted to sleep.
“Before we go. I have something for you.” I handed her the back velvet box. She opened it revealing a designer necklace with Always & Forever engraved onto it.
“Holy shit.” She said,
“I know you have a hard time when I go out. This is a reminder that I’m with you always and forever. No matter what.”
I braced myself for the hug. “I love it, Alex.”
“I knew you would.” 
We stood at the bar while Rox was dancing with a guy. She was having a good time. She always ended up never buying drinks when every guy in the bar sent her one. Only when they are super desperate do they send them to me too. They thought buying the friend with the resting bitch face will get them brownie points. Usually it did.
I nursed a drink that I got from the guy she was dancing with. Alcohol never did anything to me. I did like the taste of some, just not this one. But it’s free so I took a little sip.
“Alex. You look beautiful tonight.” Ashton came up next to me. He was one of the bartenders. Whenever we came out I had to babysit Rox, and he talked to me and kept me company. The only thing was that every time I came here. He had to hit on me.
He meant well. I had no doubt that he would be an amazing boyfriend. It’s me I would never be able to be a partner that he would want. I couldn’t be hugged without wanting to punch someone in the face. Intimacy wasn’t my style.
“Will you let me make you a drink?”
“I wouldn’t want to waste your time making it when I won’t drink it.”
“It would never be a waste of time. I’d be happy to make you something.”
“We're actually not talking about alcohol are we?”
“No.” Yet he still poured some Tequila into a glass, and some soda. Then handed it to me.
“I’m sorry I just don’t want a relationship. I’m not the girlfriend type. What about Roxy? She talks big, but she is very sweet.” 
“Why are you talking about me?” She came back from dancing, and grabbed the drink Ashton made for me.
“Roxy, you're beautiful, but just not my type.”
“It’s fine, I'm intimidating. You could never handle this.” She motioned to her body, and went back to the dance floor. 
“It’s fine. One day Alexandra. One day.” He said. I just smiled and walked off to join my friend.
“You should consider going out with him. He is so smitten with you.” Rox says.
“A relationship sounds horrible, and I'm too busy. Did you just say smitten?”
“Yes I did get over it. You don’t have to be so busy all the time.”
“I won’t stop till it’s over.”
“It’ll never be over. There will always be more.”
Talking about this really soured my mood. “Can we please go home? You’re drunk, and I’m tired.”
“Fine. No one hot here anyways.” 
We walked up the stairs. Well I’m walking, and carrying Rox since she was so drunk that the ground wouldn’t stay still. Her words, not mine. I sat her in front of her bedroom door.
“Need help here too.” I said sarcastically. Even if she said yes she could undress herself. I’m not about to be her caretaker.
“No, I got it.” Walking to my own room she called me back. “Are you happy?”
“What does that mean?” What was she intending?
“Exactly as I said. Are you happy?”
I thought about it for a moment. “I don’t know.” Was the only answer I could think of.
Chapter 5
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cosmic-goddess-leo · 4 years
First Love / Late Spring Pt. 2
Kuroo Tetsuro x Reader
Series Summary: Reader was once a nationally recognized volleyball player until an injury she suffered her last year of high school. She and Kuroo knew each other vaguely through a mutual friend but lost contact after her injury. Now they attend the same University in Tokyo and are beginning to reconnect.
Chapter Summary: Kuroo and (Y/n) find something they have in common. Kuroo attends his first college party.
Word Count: 3263
Author’s Note: Here’s chapter 2! Thanks so much for reading and leaving messages, it means a lot to get positive feedback from everyone! Ps. I swear I don’t hate Bokuto, I just love drama.
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It was only 4 and Kuroo was already exhausted.
He had mentally prepared himself enough energy to get through all his classes for the day, but not to run into (Y/n).
His day peaked when he got her number, now it was all downhill.
Or so he thought.
“This seat taken?”
Kuroo looked up at the owner of the voice, smirking when he realized it was (Y/n).
“First and last class of the day together, huh?” he mused, making room for her to sit beside him.
“Guess so, we have any other gen-eds together?” she asked, flopping onto the empty chair.
Kuroo pulled his planner out of his messenger bag, flipping it open to the page containing his class schedule. Despite what others would think, Kuroo was a very organized person.
(Y/n) leaned closer, tracing her finger over the multiple classes, times and locations. “Looks like we have another two together tomorrow.”
“Stalkerrrr~” Kuroo sang, earning a pinch to his arm.
“You wish.” (Y/n) countered.
“Maybe so.”
Shit. Was that out loud?
Thankfully (Y/n) laughed rather than pepper-spraying him and running away.
“Guess I didn’t need to sharpie my phone number onto your hand then...” she trailed off, clearly embarrassed.
“Your handwriting is nice enough. I figured it was an excuse to hold my very soft, very warm hand,” he shrugged.
“I already had your jacket,” (Y/n) smiled, “Why would I need any other sources of warmth?”
Kuroo tilted his head at her, flashing her another smirk, “Loneliness.”
Before she could reply, their professor entered the room and began the lecture.
At least he was being his usual brand of cool and collected rather than tripping all over himself like some sap.
The two exchanged a couple notes here and there, mostly joking about the professor and the typos they spotted in the syllabus.
Kuroo had to stifle his laughter when (Y/n) highlighted and underlined a section of the syllabus saying there would be no note passing in class. Every time Kuroo would write a new note, she would shoot him a playful glare while pointing at the section.
5:15 finally rolled around and the two darted out of the classroom like bats out of hell.
“God, he talked so slow.” Kuroo groaned.
“He’s an old man,” (Y/n) said, defending the professor, “But also, I know I’m gonna fall asleep in that class sometime this semester.”
Kuroo chuckled and adjusted his messenger bag as they left the building.
The rain had stopped hours ago, shifting into a light mist.
“So what building are you in now?”
“Oh, that was actually my last class of the day, I was just going to head home.” (Y/n) said. She made a move to unzip the jacket, but Kuroo lightly flicked her hand away.
“I’m done for the day too, how about I walk you home?” Too wholesome. “You can continue stealing my jacket until we get there.” Better.
(Y/n) smiled and looked down at her feet, trying to avoid small puddles along the sidewalk. “As long as it’s not too much trouble for you...”
“I can always use the exercise,” he said, “just lead the way.”
As the two walked through campus, they continued talking about their classes and first impressions on their new classmates, as well as what was going on with old classmates. 
Kuroo was in the middle of telling (Y/n) about how Kenma was at a different university in Tokyo when (Y/n) almost fell forward.
“Is this man kidnapping you?!” Bokuto yelled, hugging (Y/n) from behind and causing her to lose her balance. 
Kuroo chuckled awkwardly as (Y/n) wrestled to get Bokuto off of her. A couple students passing by looked on, slightly concerned.
“God, you’re such a spaz! Stop!” She squealed, regaining her balance once Bokuto released her.
“Kuroo’s here too!” Bokuto announced to himself, “It’s really a small world after all!”
“Sure is, buddy...” Kuroo said, allowing Bokuto to give him a quick hug.
“Where are you two headed?” he asked, pulling out of the hug and glancing between the two.
“I was actually just walking (Y/n) home.” Kuroo admitted, watching (Y/n) shift around in place through the corner of his eye.
“Ooooh, I’ll join you! What kind of bestie would I be if I didn’t accompany you two!” Bokuto latched onto (Y/n)’s arm in the blink of an eye, taking hold of her hand and lacing his fingers with hers.
Kuroo opted to remain on the opposite side of (Y/n) for the rest of their walk. If he were on the other side, Bokuto would be sandwiched between the two of them, making Kuroo feel even more awkward.
About halfway through the walk, Kuroo began to recognize the route they were taking to (Y/n)’s apartment. Once they stopped on front of the building, Kuroo felt his stomach do a backflip.
“This is me!” (Y/n) said, motioning to the large complex.
“I guess that means it’s just me and Kuroo now.” Bokuto said, turning towards Kuroo.
“Actually, this is my building too...” Kuroo trailed off, looking from the floor he lived on to (Y/n).
“No way! That’s so crazy!” Bokuto laughed.
(Y/n) smiled before giving Bokuto a quick hug. “I’ll see you tomorrow then!”
“See you tomorrow! Bye Kuroo!” Bokuto allowed (Y/n) to pull out of the hug before waving goodbye to the two and walking off.
They didn’t speak until they entered the complex
“So... you two are still close, huh?” Kuroo asked, following (Y/n) to the elevator.
She nodded, sighing softly as she pressed the elevator button. “Yeah... he was really great when I got injured and all. That’s not really the kind of friend you let go of...”
Kuroo could sense a somber tone to her voice but didn’t want to pry for any details that would be too personal.
Before he was even given the opportunity, the two reached for the same floor button, looking at each other in disbelief once they had pressed it.
“There’s no way we live on the same floor and haven’t seen each other by now...” (Y/n) said, shaking her head.
“When did you move in? I got in about 2 weeks ago.”
“A month ago...” (Y/n) replied.
Once they reached their floor, they walked in the same direction down the hall, stopping at their doors... right beside each other.
Kuroo couldn’t help but laugh at the situation, it was all too bizarre and convenient, like they were living out some drama on tv.
“It really is a small world, huh?” Kuroo snickered.
(Y/n) rolled her eyes at him, unlocking her door and propping it open with her foot. “Lemme put my stuff down so I can give you back your jacket.”
“No no, maybe you should hold onto it.” Kuroo smiled, leaning against his own door. “It suits you...”
The slight tint to (Y/n)’s cheeks made Kuroo smirk and watching her begin to fidget with one of the long sleeves was the cherry on top of the interaction.
“Thank you... you’re really working to get that party invite huh?”
“Maybe so,” he chuckled, “better than just sitting next-door and listening to it.”
“I’ll text you then... See you tomorrow, Kuroo.”
Kuroo watched her retreat into her apartment before entering his own. He went from hardly ever speaking to her to suddenly being her neighbor WITH 4 classes together. AND an invitation to her next party... whenever that would be.
(Y/n)’s party came sooner than expected. After the first week of classes to be exact.
The text she had sent to Kuroo claimed it was to celebrate their first week of “the rest of their lives.”
It sounded cheesy, but it was an excuse to drink.
-Is there a theme?
(Y/n) gave Kuroo a deadpan look after reading the note he had scribbled on her journal before writing back.
-It’s not Halloween or Valentine’s Day...so no
-Tsk Tsk every good party has a theme
-The theme is don't get hungover
Kuroo snickered quietly, lightly nudging (Y/n)’s elbow with his own.
Once class was dismissed, the two began packing their bags.
“Are you going to need any help setting up?” he asked, slinging his messenger bag over his shoulder.
“I think I got it, I got the drinks, I’m gonna order us pizza, and my flat is pretty much all clean. I just need to get my homework done before it starts.”
Kuroo huffed under his breath something about homework being for after the party and during the hangovers.
(Y/n) rolled her eyes playfully, lightly taking hold of the sleeve of Kuroo’s flannel and leading him out of the building.
“If you really wanna help you can come over and help me out with the short essay we just got assigned.” she offered.
“You always brag about how great you are at writing essays, yet here you are! Asking for my help,” he scoffed.
“Hey, I’m only offering since you’re obviously dyyyying for my attention.”
Well, she had him there.
Kuroo masked his embarrassment with another scoff. “Well I’d rather be helping a pretty girl prepare for her party than sit alone in my apartment, WAITING for the pretty girl’s party... but I guess I can settle for helping you with your essay.”
“You sound like Bokuto,” she grumbled, “I can barely handle one of him as it is.”
Kuroo raised an eyebrow at her, “I sound like him because we both think you’re pretty?”
“No, you’re both difficult...” (Y/n) sighed, adjusting her bag. “And I don't think he thinks I’m pretty.”
Kuroo scoffed, combing his fingers through his hair. “He looks like he’s smitten every time he’s around you...”
Kuroo wasn’t sure if he had hit a sore spot or not. He figured he would have to bring up the elephant in the room at some point.
“Men... are unreadable.” was (Y/n)’s only reply.
“Some women like a man who is mysterious.” He smirked down at her, wiggling his eyebrows slightly and earning a giggle from her.
“Mystery is hot and all, but sometimes you need someone straightforward... we’ve been kinda dancing around each other since I moved to Japan with my dad... A game of cat and mouse is fun, but... sometimes the cat AND the mouse just need a break-”
Kuroo suddenly pulled (Y/n)’s body against his. Once her head made contact with his chest, she realized she was about to walk into the middle of the road as traffic whizzed past them.
(Y/n) slowly looked up at him, and it took all of Kuroo’s will power not to look back at her. Instead he watched the traffic until the pedestrian walk sign flashed on.
He reluctantly released his grip on her, finally taking the chance to meet her gaze. (Y/n) gave him a small, grateful smile.
She then took hold of his flannel sleeve and continued walking with him, chatting the whole way home.
Kuroo wasn’t sure why (Y/n) felt the need to change after they finished their work, he sure wasn’t going to. Now that he thought of it, maybe the party was supposed to be nicer than he thought. He looked down at himself; his jeans were nice enough, the flannel was new, and he couldn’t do much about the black t-shirt he was wearing underneath.
Maybe he was overthinking things. Maybe he should brush his hair. Why is this woman making me question my fashion?!
All she changed into was a t-shirt and a skirt, nothing too fancy. Though her thigh high socks did give off a classy/sexy vibe that Kuroo was feeling.
Guests began arriving, making the apartment more and more noisy. (Y/n) said it would only be a small crowd of close friends, but apparently those close friends invited their close friends. 
The only person Kuroo thought to invite was Kenma, and even then, that was one person who did enough speaking for half a person.
(Y/n) was off, being a good host, while Kuroo was left to his own devices. Despite the number of women at the party who approached him, trying to get his attention, he would say something along the lines of ‘looking for (Y/n)’ and that would send them on their way.
He eventually took a seat beside Kenma on the couch, taking the drink Kenma had been watching for him and chugging it down.
He grimaced and set the empty cup aside.
“Why did you offer to help finish off her vodka when you know you’re not a fan?” Kenma sighed, keeping his eyes on the movie (Y/n) had put on for ‘background noise.’
“Because, she looked very distraught when she told me how her mom sent it over but she could never get through it.” Kuroo replied, looking around the crowd.
“Just take it easy and drink water. That looks enough like vodka.” was Kenma’s simple suggestion. “Or maybe you should just grin and bear it.”
“Why do you say that?” Kuroo asked, turning to look at his friend.
“Well,” he pointed into the crowd, “your girlfriend is dancing over there. And we all know you don’t dance... willingly. So, you should get over there before she fades into the crowd again.”
Kuroo rubbed a hand over his face, feeling a small sense of dread flood his brain. He took the drink Kenma had been nursing, took a swig, then handed it back to him before getting up and maneuvering through the crowd. 
He tapped her shoulder, narrowly dodging her body as she whipped around to face him. 
“You’ve been looking for me?” she asked, leaning towards him slightly and resting her hands on his forearms.
He looked at her, clearly confused.
She smiled, pulling him closer, “Like 10 different people told me you were trying to find me.”
Fuck. Of course.
“I just wanted to make sure we didn’t have any party crashers...?” He fibbed, keeping his feet planted firmly on the floor as (Y/n) attempted pulling him into the small group of dancers.
“Oh, I don’t know some of them yeah, but... whatever keeps you occupied right?”
She sounded unsure of herself. What little glances Kuroo caught of her throughout the night was when she was double checking her bedroom door was locked.
“Why don’t you dance with me?” she whined, swinging his arms slightly.
“O-oh, I’m not really a dancer. I prefer to watch.” He coughed.
“I’ll show you then,” she insisted.
Thankfully, her dancing wasn’t anything really provocative. It was a little all over the place, full of spins and twirls, something fun that Kuroo didn’t really have to try too hard with. The best part was getting to pull (Y/n) flush against him after each twirl. The way she’d laugh and place her hands on his chest was intoxicating.
The moment was cut short as (Y/n) pulled her phone out of her skirt pocket. She apologized to Kuroo before leaving to answer the door.
Kuroo returned to the couch beside Kenma, watching as (Y/n) let Akaashi in. He said something to her that made her expression turn sour. She quickly put on a happy face before hugging him and ushering him into the apartment.
Akaashi, like anyone else, joined the few people he knew and accompanied Kuroo and Kenma on the couch.
Their greetings were short, as Kuroo was eager to know what he had said to (Y/n).
“Just that Bokuto was sad he couldn’t make it... Something came up.” Akaashi said, shaking his head slightly as he glanced around at the drink selection on the nearby table.
Kuroo stared off in the direction he last saw (Y/n), chewing on his lip as he thought of what he could say to bring her mood back up.
“She’s in her room. Go.” Kenma ordered, narrowing his eyes at Kuroo.
“I can’t just barge in there and-”
“Yes, you can. I’m sick of that dumb, kicked puppy look you have on your face right now. So get in there and say something sappy before I throw you in there myself.”
Kenma was hardly ever so forward about his frustrations with Kuroo. Even on Nekoma’s team he tended to keep grievances to himself unless he was pushed into doing otherwise.
Kuroo gulped before getting off the couch and rushing to the bedroom. The door was left slightly ajar, allowing Kuroo to hear (Y/n) on the other side.
She was either talking on the phone or in a one-sided argument. Either way, she was upset. Despite the loud music, she kept her voice low for fear of someone overhearing her.
“It’s either we don’t see enough of each other or we see each other too often. What do you want from me... Then you send Akaashi to give me the bad news instead of just texting me or calling me...”
She sighed deeply, hugging herself with her free arm.
“You always say that... you always say the timing is bad. Then you act like everything is fine, like we’re still teenagers making out under the bleachers...”
(Y/n) suddenly picked up her head, the hand holding her phone shaking slightly.
“Well don’t let me stop you from having a good time. Just don’t try calling me when you’re done.”
Kuroo watched the phone get tossed onto the dresser adjacent to the bed. He could hear a loud thump as (Y/n) flopped onto her bed.
He waited a moment before knocking on the door. It took (Y/n) a moment to respond and give him permission to enter.
He peeked inside first, waiting for her to motion fo him to come closer.
Sitting at the edge of her bed, he gently brushed his knuckles over her shoulder, frowning as she practically ignored his touch.
“Everything okay...?”
(Y/n) quickly nodded her head, sniffling softly.
“Are you sure...?”
(Y/n) paused before shaking her head.
“Do you want to be alone-”
“No.” She quickly interjected. She bit her lip, slowly taking Kuroo’s hand off her shoulder and holding it in hers. “I just... I want the strangers out of my flat.”
Kuroo nodded, “I can ask them to leave in a bit... how about we get you some pizza?”
She shook her head once more, “I don’t want pizza... I want the biggest bowl of ramen I could get my hands on...”
He slowly smiled, scooting closer to her and giving her hand a small squeeze.
“I don’t know about the biggest bowl you can get your hands on, but there's a ramen shop close by that’s open late... It can just be us two, or we invite the few people here we know and go in a group... Anything you want.”
(Y/n) rested her head on Kuroo’s shoulder, seeming to relax against him. “That sounds perfect... Especially since I haven’t seen Akaashi in so long...”
It wouldn’t be just the two of them, but the first step to spending time alone with someone was spending time with them in a group setting. Yeah, that was comforting.
“We should go clear out the vagrants then.” he snickered, making a move to get off the bed.
(Y/n) gripped him tighter, lightly pulling him back onto the bed. “Can we stay here just a little longer?”
He silently nodded his head, giving her a comforting smile as he wrapped an arm around her and pulled her closer.
Kuroo had no idea what Bokuto had said to her over the phone, but whatever it was left her in this rough state. He could talk to her about it once they returned from dinner, for now all he could do was ground her and hold her close.
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angeldolanx · 4 years
Chapter 25. /- travel to another state/
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"Come with us, for real" said again Grayson but now he stepped closer and hugged me, probably to make his plead work even better.
" But why? You go to visit your family and spend time with them."
"Yeah we do, but we could still show you so many place where we grew up. Come on, it's gonna be fun to break away from LA and it would make me so happy" he continued to try to convince me.
"For real M, come with us" joined Ethan too, and at this point all I could do is laugh and agree to them. Of course if one of them is not enough to get something, sure enough the other one is gonna join and make your life ten times harder.
So that's how I ended up in New Jersey on friday afternoon with the boys. I was courious as I looked out from our taxi's window to the foreign city. Grayson kept holding my left hand, while he talked with Ethan about something, but I was definitely somewhere else in my thoughts. Traveling was always a big dream for me and I was so happy to see new places. At the same time I felt terrible when I called Veronica for a few days off, even though she was totally fine with it. I didn't want to let her down but at the same time I didn't want to let down myself either. I was excited to see where the boys grew up and what do they mean when they say home. When Grayson said they have a house here somewhere deep down it's reassured me. I wasn't sure if I was ready to meet their mom and get a question about who am I? A friend, love? I guess we never put a label on it.
A few minutes later our taxi stopped in front of a white house. It was a really chill street, we could hear how the kids played in front of their house a few miles away from us. Their laugh reverberated between the houses and I giggled when Grayson caught me looking at them with a big smile on my face and reached for my hand to pull me behind them to the house. I love children, simply everytime I say I am childish I still feel like I would be ready to be a mom, but of course I have time. I still enjoy the parties too. Maybe that's what really strange in our early twenties. There is still in you that you wanna have fun, go to parties, travel, but at the same time there is a picture in you too about the future. Some people in this age are already parents, while others still get drunk every weekend, study in a university or build their career. It is a strange stage in our life's, I would say this is really the time when you feel like you start to really become an adult. One thing is sure, you are exactly where you should be. You are not late, or further. Everyone has their own time.
I really loved the twin's house, it was homie with huge windows and big spaces but it still felt more like a home then every house in LA. They were cool, but I never felt like I would live my entire life in that city.
I was not even surprised when after they showed me the house, the last thing was the balcony with a huge garden in front of it and a little forest next to it. It was a typical house where I pictured them being when they come here. It's really fit their personalities.
"I love this house" I said and looked to the woods. The birds chirping filled the air while the sun's warm shine lit up the forest. It really was a nice view from the balcony.
"It's always refreshing to come here from LA for a while" replied E. " You are the first girl ever who come with us to here."
" Aw really? " I giggled but flinched a little bit when Grayson suddenly came out and pulled me closer to his strong upper body as he hugged my chest from behind.
"Are you ready to go?"
" Where? We just arrived " I asked and looked back at his face.
"To have fun " he shrugged his shoulder and I already knew from their grin to each other that the rest of the day is gonna be eventful.
They only gave me time to change into something more comfortable on top of a swimsuit, so I picked up a black jogger short and a basic white crop shirt over my white bikini and I was ready to see what's the boys plan was.
I felt like our whole day was crazy, and all I did all day is laughing. I laughed loudly when I set behind Grayson on a quad and I needed to bend down to my hair not get filled with leaves from the trees. I laughed too when I stood up on the quad and tried to keep my balance next to Gray's crazy speed and sat down fast when I felt my legs started to slip.
I didn't laugh that much when I stood in a bridge's inner part and tried to overcome my agoraphobia and looked down to the boys, who already jumped down to the water and kept yelling to me to join them. I closed my eyes, pushed myself away and screamed before I landed in the warm water with a huge splash. I laughed loudly again as Grayson hugged me under the water while I gave Ethan a high five for being brave enough to do it. Okay maybe I was not daring enough compared to the boys, when I just watched them keep going up and jumping down again and again. They were like two children and I really saw them in a way like never before. I never seen them being so happy and free and it was just even more surprising how much it made my heart throb from seeing them like this.
" I've never thought you are gonna be this open to try these things" said Grayson while we were on our way home. We sat on their pickup's open trunk. He leaned against the side, while I sat between his legs and my head was pressed against his chest and Ethan drived. My hair was a mess from the wind, but it was a another new thing that I've never thought I should try, but it was worth it.
"Of course I am, I've had so much fun today" I replied honestly, and tried to move more to the side in his arms so I could look at him. The charming smile that was on his face still not faded and the light of the setting sun gleamed in his eyes. I loved the fact that he was the type of men who can be cute and romantic, but he can be crazy too to make me feel like he is my friend, not just my love. Today when we went to these adventures we didn't even think about hugging and kissing. We don't wanna make Ethan feel awkward and we definitely not that cheezy type anyway. Sometimes we could seem like we are kinda cold to each other, but there is definitely a fire between us, that only we could see.
He probably laughed at me for zoning out while I looked into his eyes and thought about him, so all I did was laugh with him and placed my hand on his face and gave him a long kiss on his soft and pumped lips. He looked cute how his sill slightly wet hair was messy because of the wind, but that cute look faded quickly when I looked back down to his face from his hair and saw his beard and strong jawline that made him look more masculine. Either way, he was perfect.
"Why are you looking at me like that?" he frowned his brows.
" I am just.. whatever " I smiled and I was glad he didn't questioned me more and just pulled me closer to his arms. I hid my face in his neck and placed a soft kiss there. I didn't want to tell him that I'm trying to enjoy every small moment, so I can remember them when I am not gonna see him for months, or years or maybe never again. I don't know what's gonna happen in the future, but I am sure I am gonna remember every single moment that I experienced here and I am sure these memories and moments gonna make a smile on my face no matter what.
I spent the night alone in the huge house. The boys went over to their mom's and there was not a chance to convince me to go there with them. For me it's really is a serious thing in a relationship when you meet with the parents, even though I wasn't the biggest expert in relationships. I am sure I was afraid from it because I never experienced a situation like this. There was that bad thought in my head where I stand in front of their sister and mom and they look at me in a weird way because of my complicated relationship with Grayson, or because they think he deserves someone else. Someone prettier, better, anything, just not me. Is it really surprising that I ended up overthinking it? I don't think so.
In the meantime I called my mom to have a little chat with her. Later I looked around in the living room and smiled on their baby pictures and then sat down to look around on my social medias. I took my time picking pictures what Ethan took earlier of me next to the river and I uploaded it to my instagram.
I just stepped out from Grayson's bedroom when I heard the front door's opening and the boys arrived with loud noises. I already took a bath, so all I wore was Grayson's shirt. I smiled when I heard how Grayson started to call my name a few seconds later, so I went down fast on the stairs and jumped on his back with a loud giggle.
"Mom sent you dinner" said Ethan, and placed the bag on the kitchen counter.
" Aw she is so cute" I replied and really made me feel good for her thinking of me. Of course since it was about food I got excited and as soon as I came down from Grayson's back I wanted to go next to Ethan, but Gray got my waist and laughed as he pulled me back to his arms. "Stop, I'm hungry" I giggled, when I felt his lips on my neck. The feeling sent shivers down my spine and it really was a thing that I couldn't got used to now matter how many times I felt his lips on my skin. My body always reacted to him.
"Can you please leave it to the bedroom?" grimaced E, so I moved away from Grayson and shook my head on his dramatic brother and set down to the bar stool with a fork in my hand.
" Do you wanna get cafe or something tomorrow with me and my mom?" looked at me Grayson. The food almost caught on my throat when I heard his question and I stared at my food instead of looking at him.
"And how are you gonna introduce me? Like it's complicated, but I still want you to meet with her, I guess?!" I frowned my brows. Ethan could tell from my voice that Grayson stood on a sensitive topic, so he went out from the kitchen leaving me alone with Gray.
"Babe she is my mother, not a stranger" he said and laid against the counter in front of me. " She already knows everything about you and us. Of course she wanna meet you."
My heart melted from the thought that he talked about me to his mom. I can always think about the worst things and scenarios in my head, and I really should learn by now that Grayson is not someone, who wanna hurt me or take me to a awkward situation. He is probably the first person in my life, besides my family, who I trust one hundred percent.
"We just go somewhere to have breakfast or have a cafe or something. I am sure it's not gonna be that bed" he said and he couldn't hold back that light smile in the end of his sentence.
" I'm sorry, it's just new to me again" I sighed.
" I know" he leaned closer and placed a kiss on my forehead. "And after that maybe you should do some shopping because I wanna bring you somewhere else tomorrow too" he added.
"And why do I need new clothes for that? " I frowned my brows.
"Because I forgot to mention it earlier to bring something nicer" he laughed and made me giggle too.
"Are we going on a date, Dolan?"
"I realized I've never brought you on a proper date and.."
"..and your mom probably made a comment about it" I finished his sentence with a laugh.
"Maybe" he smiled. Our relationship is probably not going like everyone else's. We never really went to dates, never labeled our relationship or anything because we are afraid of the future. We just let our feelings to control. I mean it is worked, but maybe that's why it's surprised me that he wanna introduce me to his mom and even bring me on a date too. I didn't expected it and it came really suddenly. " Jacuzzi?" he asked.
"I already took a bath."
" And? Please" he asked again with a light smile and of course who am I to say no to this man?
After both of us went to the bedroom I closed myself to the bathroom with my swimsuit and I was not even surprised that when I ended up being ready, he was already downstares in the jacuzzi. Instead of the white bikini that I wore today I picked a red one piece, that I wore before already on the boy's pool party thingy. Well on that day I had no clue that one day I am gonna end up in Jersey with him.
Grayson watched me with a light smile as I threw my hoodie to the chair and I went slowly closer to the jacuzzi to join him. I sat down in front of him. Because of the steam I only saw his face faintly, but I felt his touch under the water on the back of my knee and he pulled me to sat on his lap.
"I love this on you " he looked down to my chest and then up to my eyes again.
" I know" I replied with a confident smile. As a light smile spread on his face his lips caught my attention. They looked so soft and pink.
" I don't wanna force anything.." he started to talk but I still concentrated to his lips and I started to place small kisses on it and I basically didn't let him to continue his sentence. " Babe, I'm trying to talk please " he mumbled between my kisses, but I just smiled and kept press soft kisses on his lips, chin, cheeks then lips again when he started to talk because his lips were so sweet and kissable.
"Hey" I pouted when he sat down from his lap to in front of him where I set before.
"Angel, for real."
I already knew from the way his words sounded that it is something serious. I really needed to be in the mood for deep talks. I am not good at it, it's always hard for me to talk about my feelings still and I felt like it's started to be too much for this day since they came back. I kind of enjoyed that not labeled thing between us, but I knew at this point he wants more.
" I just want you to be mine, like officially my girlfriend. My plan was that I'm gonna ask you tomorrow on the "date", but I can't wait more "
I sighed. I saw that he was tense and of course hearing his words I was too. As I looked at him all I felt for him is pure love and all I wanted is to be in his arms without saying anything to him about what he said.
"Gray, I.."
" You know how important you are to me right? Even the thought kills me that you are with someone else. I can't do this anymore. I wanna talk about you, about having a so beautiful and cool girl in my life" he said. I bit my lips while listened to his words. He said so amazing things to me, it's almost felt like some kind of dream what I just watch from the outside and I am not even a part of it.
"It's july. That means only five months left. Grayson, in december I am gonna be hundreds and thousand of miles away " I said and a little I broke my own heart too when I said these things out loud. He just shook his head and looked away from me like it's hurt him hearing it. "We don't know what's gonna happen and I don't wanna hold you back when I leave."
"How could you hold me back?" he snapped. His lips were pressed in a thin line while he looked back at me agan, deep into my eyes.
"I don't want you to be faithful to me, while we barely even gonna see each other, and you could find someone who could make you a lot happier, someone who at least leaves in the same country with you" I replied quietly. It hurted to say out loud these things, and the picture in my head even hurt more, where I saw him with someone else being happy, while I am at home being sad. Without him.
"Bullshit. Just say that you would be happier with someone else at home who is closer to you, but don't say that you hold me back, don't turn this on me. I see things different, if I understand you well."
"Oh yeah, I am probably fancying a boy at home so much, if I was not able to find one there in twenty two years " I rolled my eyes. I didn't even sew the picture that I find someone at home, who makes me feel at least half the same way as Grayson does. I probably put up my standards with him so high that no one ever gonna reach that.
A awkward silence followed this conversation. These sentences hurt both of us. It's easier to just ignore the future in the everydays and concentrate to the moment, act like we can stop the time and not stress.
Exactly that's why I learnt to appreciate every single moment and minute and I didn't wanted this whole thing between me and Grayson to take any longer. I just moved closer to him without saying anything, sat down back to his lap where I was ten minutes ago and crossed my arms around his neck to hug him tightly. As soon as we touched I felt how the tension fading. He crossed his arms around my waist to pull me even closer to his body and after he placed a kiss on my neck I hid my face to his neck and tried to enjoy that I can still be there, in his arms.
" I didn't say those things because I don't wanna be your girlfriend. I just don't want this to hurt even more, when I leave" I mumbled to his skin.
" I know" he whispered and he moved his hands up and down on my back, that sent me shivers, like always, all over my body. "Just please don't push me away."
I closed my eyes and in that moment, I let myself to be weak. There was a knot in my throat the whole time, but these words from him pushed me to the point where I felt how a salty teardrop run down on my cheek. First I hoped there's not gonna be more and he doesn't even gonna notice it, but when a lot more followed that one and I quietly sniffed, Grayson pulled away enough to look at my face. When he saw that I am actually crying his gaze softened and lifted his hand to wipe of the tears from my cheeks.
"Hey, It's okay. We are gonna figure it out, but please don't cry because seeing you like this breaks my heart" he mumbled and looked deep into my eyes. His eyes were a little unclear in front of me because of my tears, but I just nodded to his words and tried to take big and deep breaths to calm myself down. It is really scared me how deep is my love for Grayson and I almost felt like it was too much to handle and came out in tear forms. I never thought that one day i'm gonna love someone as much, as I loved him.
" Can we go up? " I asked. My voice cracked for a moment and I hated how I showed to him that I was still not okay. That's why I wanted to stand up from his lap fast, but he grabbed my waist and pulled me back. He placed his hands on my face, leaned closer and pressed his soft lips on mine. First he just placed a long kiss on my lips, but as soon as I parted my lips to show him I want more he deepened it. His kiss was soft and affectionate, but intensive enough to feel how my body slowly gave in to the kiss and the tension started to fade again, like a few minutes ago when I hugged him. I took a big sigh, run my hand through his hair when I fully added myself to the kiss and fully switched off my mind because of our passionate kiss. In that moment it doesn't matter where we were, how long we are gonna stay there and what's gonna happen in the future. All what mattered was us.
travel to another state√
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aforrestofstuff · 4 years
I’ve been looking at your posts for a while now and I love your Headcanons so much! I only made an acc today just to thank you for making these! Also I’ve also seen your A03 acc and read your fanfics there and I think you’re a great writer! I wrote a huge comment on one of your stories just rambling about how much I like your tumblr and works but I don’t think it sent cause I don’t have an A03 :( today I’m 15 and I was wondering if you’d make Headcanons for how you think S Class heroes would celebrate their birthdays (if that’s alright of course I don’t wanna make you do anything you don’t wanna) and also just a question, why don’t you do PPP headcanons at all? He’s an S Class Hero and I think he’s the only hero you skip out on. Other then that, keep making these headcanons cause they are great and inspire me for my own OPM crack storie book I created (Random One Punch Man Crack Fanfictions on Wattpad i only wrote one story there and only said it if you’re interested)
Thank you thank you thank you so much. I’ve already sent you a dm but I just wanted to say it again because I’m literally vibrating with happiness. Happy birthday <3.
Birthday Headcanons:
Terrible Tornado: Sticks a candle in a store-bought cupcake and calls it a day. She’ll go get her nails and hair done, buy herself a new dress, and just spend the entire time relaxing. Fubuki used to throw her parties when they were kids but she doesn’t really expect that from her anymore.
Silverfang: His disciples used to get together and throw him a surprise party every year. However, ever since the Garou Incident, Charanko will take it upon himself to fill the void somewhat and scrape together enough money to buy a cake (or the ingredients to make one) and a small gift. Silverfang can go both ways: he likes people but he can also be quiet and reflective. So, he has a great time regardless of whether or not he has a party and spends the day enjoying nature, meditating, and being thankful for living as long as he has.
Atomic Samurai: He’s not antisocial by any stretch of the word but he prefers to celebrate this day only with those closest to him. He and his disciples do something new every year and it’s always grounded and casual. Sometimes they’ll all go out to drink, sometimes Okama and Iaian will prepare a feast, sometimes they’ll have lighthearted competitions on who’s the best swordsmaster (with weird contests like who can balance their sheaths on their head the longest and who can catch the hilt of their blade after doing a backflip 3 consecutive times). Good times all around. However, if someone mentions Atomic Samurai’s age, he will sass them to oblivion.
Child Emperor: He doesn’t really plan to do anything out of the ordinary. It’s mostly just business as usual on his birthday. But after meeting Zombieman, however, he practically gets dragged out of the lab and into something special each year. Whether it’s a horror movie marathon, a late-night drive to catch a glittering view of the city, or just chilling and stuffing themselves on sweets, it makes Zombieman a little sad to see wasted youth knowing his life (and age) is as fucked up as it is so he tries to make the kid have at least a little fun the best he can. Child Emperor always has a great time and he now sees the importance of valuing youth and no longer shows shame in pausing his work and enjoying himself every once and a while.
Metal Knight: When he wakes up on his birthday, his alarm clock plays a little tune. That’s about it. He sees no real importance behind age or youth or seniority because as long as he’s at his height of intellect, nothing else matters. Gotta build them robots. It’s business as usual.
King: Holy shit. Shut the blinds. Lock the doors. Silence the phones. It’s game time, baby. Twenty-four hours of blue screen madness. He pigs out on chips, soda, buys himself a cake, and absolutely revels in solitude. He calls his mom each year and they talk for hours on end. She tells him how proud she is of him being a kickass hero and killing monsters and he dies a little inside each time but he loves her nonetheless and keeps up the facade for her sake. She sends him a card with a few coupons and a love-filled note about how much she adores him. He nearly cries each year upon receiving it.
Zombieman: He buys the best cigars he can find, cooks himself a massive T-bone, drinks an entire six-pack of beer, and reclines while watching crime movies. He wears sweatpants, polishes his weaponry, plays Mötley Crüe loud enough for his neighbors to yell at him for it, and just has a great time all by himself. He doesn’t really like parties or get-togethers and even sometimes has to take a break from Child Emperor. This is his day to recharge his social battery and sleep for seventeen hours. This is his day to get absolutely wasted on expensive alcohol and accidentally hotbox his own house. This is his day.
Drive Knight: Pretty much the same as Metal Knight. Whenever the clock strikes midnight on his birthday, a little tune plays in his processing unit and that’s about the end of it.
Pig God: Every restaurant in the damn country has a special on his birthday. He just goes around collecting free food, taking pictures with fans, and eats until he can’t eat anymore (which is a lot). The restaurants he visits have pictures of him eating their food on the walls; he’s become a bit of a indication that if he visits a somewhere to eat, the food’s gotta be bomb as hell. He doesn’t really do anything other than that. He doesn’t really strike up conversation or anything, he just eats in silent contentment and that’s enough for everyone to have a good time.
Superalloy Darkshine: He’s a fan favorite as well. Social media will be blowing up with birthday messages, he’ll be trending on whatever the OPM universe equivalent of Twitter is, and he’ll waste no time going out to meet his fans and spreading birthday happiness. He’ll eat cake, drink with strangers, share laughs and smile without stopping. People will give him little gifts and free food and he accepts it all graciously. Everyone’s invited. Good times all around.
Watchdog Man: This is one of the few days of the year in which he takes the day off from protecting City Q. He’ll just sleep a full twenty-four hours and resume his duty the next day like clockwork each year. Sometimes passerby will leave him little gifts on his podium like meats and dog treats but he doesn’t really take any of it since he’s really particular about what he eats.
Flashy Flash: On this day, he spends time reflecting on how much he’s improved since last year and adopts an extra-vigorous training regimen for the next twenty-four hours. One year, he climbed a mountain in sub-zero temperatures. Another, he ran across a saltwater lake without breaking the surface tension of the water. He spends it alone, occasionally has a drink, and that’s about it. Sometimes he’ll go out to have a nice dinner but that’s only on years he believes he’s deserved it.
Demon Cyborg: He doesn’t really care about his birthday. This makes Doctor Kuseno kind of sad because he believes that Genos is still a kid who deserves to enjoy his birthday like one. So, he does what he can to make the day somewhat special while also pertaining to what Genos could want. This is very hard because Genos never outright says he wishes for anything and that means Kuseno has to do a lot of guesswork. It varies year to year, but the best gift he’s ever given Genos was the sense of taste so the kid could eat birthday cake and enjoy it. Genos isn’t too fond of sweets, he much prefers fruits over cakes, but nevertheless, he was so happy to get one step closer to humanity that something malfunctioned in his head and his hands wouldn’t stop shaking for a whole week.
Metal Bat: Go hard or go home. This fuckin kid pulls an all-nighter with Zenko on the weekend of his birthday to stay inside, build a pillow fort, and play video games. They order pizza, do prank calls, play fighting games, and when the sun comes out they get a couple hours of sleep before riding out again at the height of a sugar high to go to the local carnival (he’s a summer baby) and spend a paycheck’s worth of cash. Once they come home, they collapse in Bad’s bed together, curl up, and fall asleep to some movies.
Tanktop Master: He and the Tanktop Gang have an all-out birthday bash. Everyone and their grandma is invited. There’s food, alcohol, and sports playing on the television in the host’s house (each of them take turns every year). The first few hours of partying, everyone’s having lighthearted fun and watching sports and drinking lightly (Tanktoppers drink responsibly). After that, everyone kind of calms down and they all gather around in the living room and sit on the floor together and just talk about what a great year it is to be alive. They catch up, share stories, eat snacks, and wish Tanktop Master the happiest of birthdays. He absolutely adores spending time with his friends and gives a toast to everyone and their hard work. After that, he goes home and calls his mom before going to bed.
Puri-Puri Prisoner: He and his boyfriend share a slice of birthday cake from the prison cafeteria with a single candle stuck into it. His boyfriend gives him crochet and knitting lessons, they and the other prisoners dance to some music, and the guards give him a pat on the back along with some birthday wishes. That’s about it. There’s only so much he can do in prison, but he makes it work with what he has and has the time of his life nevertheless. Angel Hugs all around.
And to answer your question about PPP, I straight up just forgot he existed akshshshs. I’ll be brainstorming some stuff about him soon. Love you lots 💞💞💞💕
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acefrogmonarch · 5 years
Hi There! one-shot
Not the update you wanted. Maybe I continue one-shots that are similar to my universe, maybe not.
What else is new, we are thriving in this fandom.
When you're late to the Maribat fluff week but you don't really care so
I used this to help me with https://www.talkinfrench.com/how-to-read-a-french-menu/ the dinner scene. Because I'm going to be as accurate as god damn possible! Every single meal I have stated is real and can be eaten. These characters aren't mine!
Mariette couldn't wait for tonight! It's been months since she and Adrien got to catch up. Looking through her closet, she couldn't decide between her cardigan and favorite blazer. Both were in the same navy blue that matched well with her outfit.
Placing both jackets on her bed, Marinette compensated which would look best for the white tank top, watermarked with "I survived Gotham." Walked around her old room, Marinette looked back at the tan shorts under the tank top.
Making her way back to bed, Marinette grabbed her phone from the end table. Sending a text to Adrien if they could color coordinate together.
Mari-Bear <3: I don't know what to pick for my outfit, whats your main color?
Adrikins: uhhhhh
Adrikins: I think it's blue???
The last time Adrien questioned what color it was, he wore hot pink shorts to a stakeout. "But Mari, I said it was red!" Marinette didn't trust his wardrobe again. Never again. If he dressed in hot pink shorts with a yellow shirt again, Marinette was going to have words with him. Maybe throw hands. Both.
Mari-Bear <3: Photo.
Adrikins sent a photo.
It was a relatively nice outfit. On the model figure, it complimented all his looks, even brought out the colors of his eyes. "A bluish-green?" Talking out loud, or mumbling help her spin ideas out even if it annoyed Damian to no end. "A mesh, with green and blues."
Marinette kept mumbling to her self, then suddenly an idea hit her. She threw her phone at her bed and went straight to her closet. Pulling out an old jacket full of meshed blues.
Marinette didn't like how it never went with any of her other clothes, often forgetting it in the back of the closet. With the chilly night and perfect color combo, it was the clear winner from her other choices.
Hoping in the shower, she cleaned herself up. Humming lightly to "Ugly heart by G.R.L". That song was still stuck in her head after so many years. It meant so much to both of them. It was the first time since the defeat of Hawkmoth that they enjoyed being teens again.
Granted they were 18, but that didn't put a damper on their mood one bit. After Chloe moved to New York with her mother, she sent the lastest pop songs that circulated the radio. That song immediately caught Adrien's attention. "We should dance to this Mari!"
Marinette was video calling from Gotham, on a visit to spend time with Damian and his family. "What? Why?" Searching up the lyrics to the song, Marinette let Adrien beg. "And before you say 'Let's put it on youtube.' Let me remind you, that last time, I got recognized all over Paris."
The first-ever dance/singing video they did it to was Indila love story. Marinette had a black mesh on with Ladybug inspired shirt that went to her upper thighs. Adrien had a leather jacket and black pants on.
They didn't even notice they were being recorded by Alya. It blew up once people recognized who were dancing, a lot of theories started popping up if it was their love story. Dancing had been an outlet for both of them.
That 1) wasn't dangerous.
2) helped the itch of staying still for too long.
Adrien was the one to answer questions via Instagram live. Saying it was the love story of Ladybug and Chat Noir. True but no one knew that they were the real Ladybug and Chat Noir. Giving back the Miraculous and Kwami's to Master Fu was the hardest decision for either party.
Stepping out of the shower, Marinette dried off her body and patted her hair down. "You're not my sunshine anymore!" Singing off-key and spinning around in a circle, striking a pose. Marinette giggled and wrapped the towel around her body.
Taking her hairbrush with her, she stepped out of the bathroom. Marinette went to her dresser and took out undergarments. Damian shifted in his place on Marinette's bed next to her laid out Clothes.
Marinette looked at her... Well, she didn't know what Damian was to her. At first, he was insufferable to be around, but then he let her in and they've changed since. Her patience growing and his temper lowering.
They started to balance each other out. Marinette hoped that she wouldn't have to be the one to confess first. It was hard enough on Luka and Adrien, but then again. They weren't Damian, not by a landslide.
Checking her phone, Marinette checked the time. "22:30 Perfect timing." Putting it back down, Marinette grabbed her clothes and undergarment and headed back to the bathroom to leave her partner in crime in peace.
Humming the tone of Indila in the bathroom as she dressed. Putting her hair into a messy fishtail braid, Marinette opened the door to find Damian on the other side. Moving out of the way, Marinette noticed how Damian shuffled to the toilet.
"No no no no" Quietly whispering in embarrassment. Quickly closing the door behind her and getting her mind out of the gutter, she quickly found her socks and flats, making her escape. "I'm leaving, bye Damian!"
As she went downstairs, her parents were already in bed. Sneaking out of the bakery she closed the door with her key and checked herself in the mirror. Nodding in satisfaction at her attire, she briskly walked to the designated restaurant. Adrien was outside in a coat, looking at his phone.
"Adrien!" Turning to the familiar sound, Adrien began waving wildly, they hugged each other as they got closer. Adrien squealed a little. "I'm so happy to catch up tonight." Marinette looped her arm around Adrien's. "Me too." Adrien already making his way inside the restaurant.
"I have so much to tell you." Adrien took off his coat as they entered the building. "You always pick the grandest of places, Mon Chaton." Adrien couldn't help but blush slightly, scratching his cheek in embarrassment.
"Ever since I took time off of modeling to get my teaching degree, I rarely treated myself and I thought that since it's been a while since we've last talked, why not do it now." Marinette hummed skeptically at Adrien.
"Or maybe." Marinette stopped in front of the door, effectively stopping Adrien from walking in any further. "Hiding from a couple of someones?" Raising in eyebrow as Adrien looks everywhere except her face. "We gotta work on your 'What are you talking about' face." Marinette snorted at the oblivious man in front of her.
Adrien sighed in relieve at the lack of interrogation by his companion. "Please don't tease me so much Mari, I can only take so much." Marinette laughed and Adrien couldn't help but give a little chuckle.
"Let's enjoy the evening, M'Lady." Adrien slightly bowed and Marinette, in turn, curtsied with her 'dress'. "Of course, silly tomcat." Folding the coat in his hands, Adrien puts it over his arm, letting it hand. While Marinette went and asked for the reservations. "Dupain-Cheng."
As the waiter sizes their outfits, Marinette looks over to Adrien to check his outfit. "That damn coat always gets in the way of your outfit." Adrien chuckles softly. "Well, It was from a thrift store." Marinette patted his arm and laughed.
"From all those years ago?" Adrien nods as the waiter clears his throat. "Right this way Ma'dam." With the waiter in front, Marinette followed with Adrien right on her tail. As they reach a clearing near the middle, Adrien rounded around another table to Marinette's chair.
"Allow me." Bumping the waiter out of the way, Adrien bowed, letting him pull the chair out for Marinette. Marinette let out a snort and curtsied again and sat down. "Oh thank, kind sir." Adrien let out a huge grin and made his way to his chair, hanging his coat on the back of his chair. "But of course madam." They laughed as the waiter set down their menus.
The waiter looked at Marinette. "What is for your Apéritifs and Digestifs?" Looking up, Marinette smiled. "Le pâté de mouton artisanal and Cointreau for me-." Adrien looked up from his carte. Even if they both knew what he would order, he still wanted to act clueless. "Fino and Cognac for me."
Marinette's stomach couldn't help but growl thinking about dinner. "For entrée, we'll get a salad." Marinette started listing off, while Adrien put down the menu. Adding in little things for himself, Marinette took care of the le plat principal.
"I'll have a Boeuf Bourguignon while he'll take Foie gras." Adrien leaned over and stopped Marinette from talking. "With assiette of Fromage." Marinette raised an unimpressive eyebrow and glared at him.
"Really? What else would you like Le dessert." Adrien was practically bouncing in his seat. "Can we!" Marinette's sass is replaced with sorrow, smiling softly. "Yeah. Yeah, we can."
"Two Crème Brûlée for later into the evening." The waiter nodded and took away la carte. "You know." Marinette started as Adrien had taken out his phone, looking up at Marinette. Adrien stared at Marinette.
"You know I can't do the eyebrow thing, Mari, What's up." Putting his phone back down on the table, he brought his hands up to rest on the table. "You know the rules."
Humming, Marinette kept looking at them. The drinks and pâté quickly arriving after a beat of silence between the two. Digging in, Marinette continued. "You better be careful Agreste or you might charm two reptiles." She pointed at him with her spoon.
Adrien blushes at the implication and scrambles to shush her. "I told you in that confidence, Mari!" Marinette couldn't help but laugh at her friend's sudden shyness. "How's everything else." Adrien beamed. "Oh gosh, Mari, I have so much to tell you!"
Getting back in the rhythm of having each other's presence. was one of the most basic things to do. Easier then coping with anxiety, easier than dealing with people, easier than being Ladybug. They still completed each other in every way except romantic. And that was okay.
"I'm getting ready to be a TA. Helping in the classroom and seeing how teachers interact with their students. But I'd rather work at a college level. Not many people enjoy Physics at 16." Marinette smiled at her partner. "I sure didn't."
Adrien grinned and sipped his Cognac. "No, you were horrible." Marinette grabbed her napkin and swatted at him. "Don't let me relive that." Adrien jumped away from the harmless napkin and tittered. "You're gonna get us to kick out of another restaurant again," Adrien warned Marinette. Offended Marinette dug in her Pâté.
"That was you and you know it." Laughing together this time, they hardly noticed the waiter. "Your food, Ma'dam." Moving the finished pâté, the waiter places sliced ficelle in a basket in the middle, time for the next course!
The waiter places their meals in front of them. "Thank you garcon." Digging in, Marinette hummed in delight. Looking at the meat, Marinette couldn't help but feel a little guilty. After discovering that Damian was vegan. She made the time to learn and make homemade vegan meals for Damian.
Marinette asked for Alfred's opinion on what meals Damian liked the most and what she'd seen him eat on the few dates they've had together. Mari spends many nights on perfecting numerous deserts. Damian caught her several times making a dinner menu and tried some.
Marinette just assumed that it was Jason or Dick. Many turned out great, while others... Let's just say she wasn't allowed to make something the boys couldn't stomach.
Marinette turned to her dinner and scarfed it down. Taking a sip of her drink she turns to Adrien. "You know that Kagami and Luka are right behind us." Adrien dropped her head then looked up at her and smirked.
"And Damian is right behind me." Marinette whipped to turn behind her. Lo and behold, there he is. "Dami?" Adrien couldn't help but tease it. "It's not Dove?" Marinette couldn't help but flush red at the nickname she accidentally gave him.
"Adrien!" Marinette swatted at her with her hand. "That wasn't true Dami." Damian turned and smirked. Marinette couldn't help but flush brighter. 'O-oh god. Why do I like you again?" Damian raised an eyebrow. "You like me?" Marinette's eyes widen at her slip. Abruptly standing up, she walked out of the building. "Nope, nope, nope."
Damian followed after her, catching her arm and looking at her eyes. "Dami, let go." Damian didn't. 'Of course, you didn't even listen to me half the time." Damian grinned slightly. "You should watch your mouth, Malak." Groaning, Marinette raised an eyebrow at him. "Really that's what you're addressing right now?"
"If you wanted my opinion on how I feel about you, you could have asked." Marinette stared at him, no smirks, no grins, serious Damian wasn't a Damian she could handle. It was too much! "Ugh, curse your genes." Damian let out a small chuckle. "Whatever you say ya qamar barid**."
Looking away, Mari sighed and noticed his loosened grip on her arm. "我的爱人* you know, there is only so much you can do that doesn't effect me." Damian picked her up and Marinette giggled at the strength her deepest friend had. "And you should know that it's the same for me habi alghali***."
They walked over, leaving Adrien to clean up the mess with Kagami, Luka, and the restaurant bill. "Just one night Mari, why couldn't you enjoy dinner instead of running off with Damian." Picking up her coat, Adrien continued onto Luka's and Kagami's table. "Room for one more?" The hidden meaning saying so much more than anything that night.
"Of course. Hime." Adrien blushed at the nickname. "Just because my preferred pronouns are she/her doesn't mean you can keep doing that Kagami." The blush on Adrien's pale face says otherwise. Luka went in to kiss her cheek, Kagami did the same on the other.
"我的爱人" is my lover.
"Habi Alghali" Is my precious love.
"Ya Qamar Barid" is Oh cold moon.
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scribeofmorpheus · 5 years
Himmeløyne [4/?]
Pairing: Loki Odinson x Reader
Words: 4k | Catch Up Here | Masterlist
Warnings: Mild violence, barely anything worth warning about tbh.
A/N: Despite the slow start, I can guarantee the next three chapters will heat up a bit. Also, I’m really excited to use Sif more narratively. I’m quite excited to see how the dynamic will be in the next chapter given our heroes current predicament at the end. Also, I apologize, this chapter defeated me, it’s not the best, but I had fun writing for Brokkr.
Taglist is open! Reblog, comment or leave a like please ☺
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A row of guards took up defensive positions against you, moving around until you were surrounded in a circle. Loki had been subtly ramping up the difficulty of each sparring match after his defeat. This was simply another one of his stunts.
You dug your heels into the courtyards lawn. Your sparring party advanced like butterflies on a string, when one moved the other adapted, keeping the circle as perfectly formed as possible.
You deflected sword swings, axe thrusts, flinging daggers and shield bashes as deftly and gracefully as you could. You relied more on your light footing and magical abilities than brute force.
Once a soldier knocked you off balance or onto the ground, Sif would bang her sword onto her shield and shout sternly, "Again!"
You'd groan, roll your eyes and storm back into the fray. Each reset made your limbs feel heavy, each knock made your muscles ache and each time Sif banged on her shield you wanted to use your abilities to bang it against her stern face. Seeing her everywhere, cold eyes, grim line across her lips, each day, every day, was driving you slightly insane. And more than a little agitated.
Loki and Frigga were nowhere to be seen this morning. Loki had spent more time doing research since his defeat- he was undoubtedly sulking. For a god, he certainly had a flair for the dramatic. For a prince, his behaviour seemed appropriate.
Suddenly, a shield crashed into your chest and you left you feeling winded, knocking the air out your lungs.
"Ughhh!" You collapsed. The soldier retreated to his original position.
"Again!" Sif banged on her shield.
You rolled your eyes like clockwork.
"I need one damn minute," you tried to catch your breath.
"Your enemy won't give you the privilege of a respite. Again!"
Sif ordered louder than before.
"Gaaah!" You flung your hands from exasperation while still on your knees. What you hadn't intended to happen was cause several soldiers to hurtle backwards from a wave of air.
Sif took cover behind her shield and hunkered on one knee to stay in place. When she stood back up she looked at you with both disbelief and fear hiding behind anger.
"Oops, sorry." You rose your hands up cautiously, biting your lip to keep from laughing. An apologetic look making your eyes flutter wide-eyed. "Water break?"
All the men rose from their fallen positions and groaned in agreement, dropping their weapons onto the grass while they stretched out their joints. Sif stood back up and followed you to the water barrels.
Loki turned the page of the book hovering above the table without the use of his hands, legs crossed at the ankle on the table. His fingers were busy working on an octagonal puzzle piece, eyes fixed on the magic reflective pool that allowed him to keep an eye on Y/N while she sparred in the courtyard.
A pleased smile spread across his face when he saw her fling several soldiers through the air accidentally. The childish face she pulled when Sif scowled at her intrigued him. It was almost adorable.
"Why do you watch her so?" Frigga asked as she walked into the library.
"Curiosity," Loki admitted as he stopped toying with the puzzle, setting it down on the table and stretching from the stiffness that ached at his bent spine.
Frigga smiled, "I've seen you curious, and this isn't the same."
Loki stopped the magic that caused the pages to turn on the book, it slumped loudly onto the surface of the table as lifeless as it was supposed to be.
Loki rolled his eyes, "Is that why you tried to convince Father to let her stay? Why you made me teach her the ropes when we both know you'd be a better teacher? So you could play matchmaker?"
Frigga took a turn about the room, her hand gliding over each books leather-bound spine at shoulder level. "I simply want what's best for you."
Loki scoffed sarcastically, "Because Father would definitely approve."
"Besides, I thought that by giving you something to do you'd stop playing tricks on your poor brother. You know how much he despises your aptitude for… trickery."
"It's not my fault he's a boorish brute, too thick-headed to see through simple guises," Loki snaked.
Frigga used her magic to fling a book at his head, "Don't be so hard on him."
Loki ducked away from the on-coming book and it, in turn, gently placed itself back on the shelf.
Loki laughed, "He makes it too easy."
"One of these days, my son, someone will wipe that smirk from your face," Frigga said.
"Well, until then," Loki jumped off his seat and went to retrieve another book from the shelf. "I'll just have to ensure this handsome face finds reasons to smirk." He pointed at his lips as he flipped through pages, eyes narrowing when he saw something of interest. "If you'll excuse me, Mother, I have a mystery to solve."
"Don't undo the fabric of the universe," Frigga sighed before making her way to her chambers.
Your rest was uneasy, as was par for the course recently. Every time you shut your eyes, you were reminded of all the things you wished you could have forgotten. Smoke serpenting towards the moon; blood-stained snow; giants slashing bodies in half; marked blue skin; demon red eyes; a cold sharp implement serrating through your chest; drowning in blood.
Your mood had begun to suffer ever since you woke up in a strange world surrounded by the god-like beings you once revered.
It helped that most of your days were kept busy by training with Loki or doing research in the libraries, it was your time alone that you dreaded. You had even grown to find comfort in the ever-watchful gaze of your protector, Sif.
You had been tossing and turning all night. It was discomforting how invasive the light in Asgard could get. It may have been mesmerising each morning to awaken to such spectacular, brilliant skies, but it also got annoying when all you wanted to see when you closed your eyes was pitch black. The world here didn't turn to blackness like it did on Earth. There was always a lit lantern, a light shimmering, a star too bright.
Asgard's odd placement and flat surface in the universe meant that the sun didn't rise and fall as it did on earth, and yet the skies would grow darker as though it did. Magic, you assumed. However, its effectiveness was like covering your eyes with lace or a mesh cloth, light still got through the tiny holes.
When you finally conceded to your agitated mood and stopped trying to force yourself to sleep, you put on your long sheer cloak and made your way to a balcony that overlooked the waterfall at just the right angle. No buildings obstructing and a clear line of sight of the statue of Bor.
This was one of the few places where guards were scarce. Sif however, was lingering within the shadows a few paces away. No matter how much time passed, she never failed to watch you like a hawk, making you feel closed in and unwelcome some days.
Your frustration started to bubble to the surface and the leaves budding off the vines entwined around the balcony columns shivered from the outward ripple of your power.
You remembered one of Loki's key teachings and rolled your shoulders until they slumped back and your head was tilted to the star-speckled sky. You closed your eyes and took in several deep, slow breaths.
"Do you ever sleep?" You asked just loud enough for Sif to hear you.
After a beat, you heard her footsteps advance towards you until she was close enough to touch, her body showing signs of fatigue for the first time as she leaned against the balcony railing.
"That's a secret I'll never tell," her tone sounded alarmingly close to being amiable.
You were taken aback by her more approachable demeanour, Sif almost looked at ease. For once you didn't feel like a pariah surrounded by people who only looked at you with caution and fear, anticipating the worst from you. Maybe it was because you were used to Sif being the forbearer of such responses to your actions, it felt freeing to have her so close and not armed to the teeth.
"I barely sleep," you tried to get her to open up a bit more.
Sif kept her eyes locked straight ahead, "I know."
"You must be looking forward to the day Odin and Thor return. You won't have to hover over me through each waking moment."
"I am."
"Oh..." Her bluntness stung a little.
Sif noticed your posture droop, "I worry for them. I'm frustrated they chose not to take me with, but they had no problem taking those three idiots with."
"Hogun, Fandral and Volstagg… and Thor." Her lips flickered.
"Oh, the fabled Warrior's Three. My mother used to tell me tales of their adventures," you said with a bitter-sweet fondness.
"D- do you miss your family?" Sif seemed a little adamant to ask the question.
You swallowed hard, your hand touching the scar on your chest instinctively. You remembered everything with excruciating detail.
"With every breath."
"I can't begin to imagine..."
"Don't," your voice was a cold warning despite its low range.
Feeling the air turn stale with dread, Sif tried to shift the mood, "You should take up weapon practice. Magic, though powerful, has its limitations."
You played with your magic, prompting a bud to bloom under your touch. "What do you suggest?"
Sif thought long and hard, "It will take weeks for your arms to grow accustomed to Asgardian steel. I'm assuming most of your shields were fashioned from wood which means you've got the muscle for lighter materials. Perhaps a weapon with range. Something light and agile that won’t slow you down."
"My mother was an archer in her youth, taught me a thing or two about hunting," you spoke softly, reminiscing about the past.
Sif hummed in agreement, "A bow would be a perfect weapon for you. I believe the Dwarf blacksmith Brokkr is still here. We can speak to him about fashioning you a bow."
Sif pulled her night shawl around her arms, her braces covered by purple fabric.
"He's probably still in the tavern," she mused. "Care for a stroll?"
You were more than elated at the idea, "I have nothing better to do."
The tavern was saturated with the stench of mead and stale bread. In the corner, a bard played his minstrel with numbed fingers, nose and ears red from drink. The tune he played out was off on several notes and more than a little out of rhythm.
The bar-wench was wiping down the tables while men more sober than the patrons wheeled unopened casks of mead into a back room.
Even though you hadn't spent much time in taverns, this particular scene seemed homely to you. A smile crept onto your face. The bar-wench eyeing you suspiciously, but without the usual hints of fear.
"Wait here, I'll go ask Magda if she's seen Brokkr," Sif told you as she left to converse with the bar-wench.
You strolled around, eyeing each drunk burly sized man and woman that were half passed out on the furniture. The fireplace grabbed your attention, the thought of being showered by a million splinters made you shiver. You rubbed your eyes, starting when Sif tapped your elbow.
"She said they're in the back," Sif pointed to a doorway blocked off by some drapes in the back. "Here-" she pulled the hood of your cloak over your head. "Best not stir any suspicious eyes."
"What's back there?" You asked.
"That is where the Game of the Fates is played," she replied.
"Game of the Fates?"
"You'll see," Sif reassured you. "Magda says there's quite a crowd today. Don't wander off, you're still a stranger to most here."
Sif pried the dividing drape to the side, allowing you to slink through the small opening, she followed behind and you waited for her to lead the way.
In a dark corner to the south of the building, a rounded, muscly Dwarf with dreading hair and an unkempt beard running all the way down to his navel, sat on a set of small furnishings. His head in his hands as he burped into an empty clay jug with detailed depictions of Valkyrie's.
"Brokkr?" Sif asked, hunkering down on folded legs to keep the Dwarf's eye level.
"Begone, wench. I have no need for more ale," He waved her away without looking up.
Sif smiled and took his hand in her, applying pressure on his meaty thumb.
"Arrrg!" He reclined backwards.
"Do I look like a tavern-wench?" Sif said with patronising sweetness.
You smiled at her quiet display of brass.
"Lady Sif, forgive me, I didn't see you there." Brokkr snatched his hand away once Sif released it. "What brings you to my humble table?" He sneered, glancing at you with uncertainty.
"We'd like to commission a weapon," Sif said.
"A new sword eh? I see you're without your usual choice of weapons..." Brokkr banged his two metal bracelets together, sparking like firewood, and out of thin air, a sword of pure gold manifested in his open palms. "I call it Wyndel the Crooked, because of the curved edges." He handed it to her.
Sif eyed the magnificent piece of metalwork, the gold gleaming with the fire from the torches. She balanced the hilt and flicked the blade with her nail, a resonating ping spreading outward.
"This is impressive Brokkr, somehow I feel you've been holding out on me," Sif placed the sword on the table. "Gold isn't really my colour, though."
"No, but it's hers," Brokkr's eyebrows wiggled in your direction. His concentration focused on your eyes. "Never in my years have I seen such marvellous eyes. I know of a collector who would die to have them on display."
You gulped and took a small step back.
Brokkr's yellowing teeth flashed in full view as he laughed at your frightened expression, "Relax, lass. He is a far ways from here."
Sif slapped her palm on the table, "Stop terrorising her. Back to the matter at hand."
"Right, what weapon were you thinking?"
"A bow, something fashioned from wood. Light and balanced."
Brokkr stroked his braided beard, "A bow, eh? I haven't sculpted a bow since… Well, it's been too long to remember."
Brokkr reached over into his pocket and pulled out a pair of monocles, he then snatched your hand close, dragging you towards him with impressive strength.
"Hey!" you protested but Sif placed a hand on your elbow and gestured everything was okay.
"Dainty, long, a little bony," Brokkr laughed. "Small palm, unusually long fingernails. Hmmm, yes I can work with these." Brokkr's brows frowned as he pulled your palm closer to his monocles. "These lines-" He ran a fat finger across your palm lines.
"You are haunted by terrible dreams, but some of them aren't dreams. Some haven't come to pass. Loss, pain, anger... death!" His eyes snapped to yours with wiry intensity.
You pulled back and forced your hand out of his, Brokkr stared lifelessly for a moment before turning back to Sif and regaining his relaxed posture from before. "I can have a bow ready in two days."
Feeling unnerved by what just transpired you leaned close to Sif and whispered, "I don't think I can be near him right now, I'm going to look around."
Sif nodded, "Remember not to wander too far, I am going to try and haggle a discount from this prideful fruit-cake."
You left Sif and Brokkr behind, their hushed arguing growing more and more heated the further you walked. Drawn to a gathering crowd, you pushed your way through in an effort to see what all the commotion was about.
You heard the rattle of dice inside a cup as a familiar voice spoke out coyly, "Do you honestly think your Warrior will strike down my Champion?"
A deeper, controlled voice responded, "You bestowed the favour of cunning, but not all know how to wield it as skillfully as you, my prince."
When you made your way through, you recognised Loki, sitting on a stool, fingers tapping on his lips as though he was contemplating something. The darker man beside him seemed familiar, like seeing a reflection in passing, but you couldn't say for sure if you'd ever seen him before. The two-horned helmet resting beside his sword close to his feet gave you some idea of who he might be. His gold eyes shooting in your direction, brow furrowed, jaw clenching.
You felt like you had imposed on something important, his gaze making the hair stand on your neck. You nearly fumbled out of the crowd, but Loki spotted you and rose from his stool with a great smile on his face.
"Ah, if it isn't my favourite student, Y/N," He pulled a chair out from under a spectator using a flush of magical energy, causing the poor man to tumble to the floor. "Please, sit. Join us."
You gulped, afraid to hold contact with those golden eyes, "I don't want to impose."
"Nonsense, Heimdall doesn't mind. Do you?" Loki arched a brow at the man opposite him.
Heimdall let out a huff of air, extending his hand to the chair, "Not at all."
You sat and watched the men play a game that comprised of dice, a board, a large brass bowl with leaves burning in blue flame and several carved statuettes.
"What is this?" You whispered to Loki.
He leaned close and placed his pinkie finger on your knee as he explained in a scheming manner. Heimdall narrowed his eyes disapprovingly, making Loki's smile grow wider.
"It's called the Game of the Fates. Each carved figure is unique to each… err, we'll use the word God for lack of a better term. They represent a being we have seen fit to bestow a blessing on to try and shift the balance of fate in their favour."
Your mouth opened in a small O shape as you tried to keep track.
Loki continued, "The dye is rolled to determine whose turn it is. We each pick a number and the one who chose the number closest to the one shown on the pair of dye takes their turn. Then they stare into the flame and it reveals what has transpired, like a window through space. The one who tilts the balance in their favour the most wins."
"Wins?" You asked, almost hurt. "Sounds like you're playing with the lives of mortals, intervening with the course of action."
Loki chuckled, "Isn't that why mortals pray to us."
You squinted your eyes at Loki but you had to reconcile the fact that he had a good point, "What does the winner get in return?"
"All sorts of things," Loki removed his finger from your knee after Heimdall stared daggers at him. "In this case, we bet a secret. If I win, Heimdall gets to reveal his secret."
"And if you lose?"
This time Heimdall was the one to speak up, "Then I get to set some ground rules."
"Shall we?" Loki asked Heimdall.
Heimdall nodded.
Your eyes absentmindedly wandered to the blue flame. It began to dance and skirt, forming enflamed pictures. Then that horrid blue face with those devoid red eyes screamed at you through the fire and you felt something powerful free itself from your chest.
The sensation was so powerful you started to lean to the side, on the verge of collapsing. Heimdall tried to steady you, but as soon as his skin came in contact with yours, a golden curtain closed over your eyes as burning visions flowed into your synapses.
A smile over pink lips, laurel wreath crowning wild curls, two palms pressed together: one dark the other light. Eyes as blue as yours staring back at you.
"Mother?" You gasped within the waking dream. She didn't hear you or see you.
She was young then, younger than you ever remembered her being. The vision was off, like a memory fallen to age and constantly made to look brighter and seem more colourful.
Then your own memories mixed in and suddenly you were back on the cold ground with a sword in your chest, red eyes looking down at you in disgust.
"It's here, I can almost taste it!" The frost-giant said to someone you couldn't see
You focused on those eyes that reflected your pooling blood at you. It was as though you were willing yourself back to that point, all the anger clawing to be free, to undo the past and kill this giant that stared down at you before he could try and kill you.
Through the rush of rage, you felt your power drawing from another magical source. An older and much darker one. Through the confusion, two more hands braced around you and then you were falling through a spillway of colour.
"Y/N," You felt someone’s fingers lightly tapping against your cheek. "Y/N, wake up."
The cold icy feel of snow seeping through your cloak forced your snipe to shoot upwards, eyelids flying open as you took in the unfamiliar surroundings.
"What? Where?" You tried to get the words out but you were too distraught to think straight.
"You opened a portal and took us with you," Sif relaxed back into the snow, Brokkr's golden sword next to her.
"I should have warned you," Loki walked from one edge of the cliff-face to the next, trying to get his bearings. "Never stare into the flames. They show you what it is you most desire to see. When Heimdall tried to steady you, I think you leeched onto his latent powers. He can open portal-ways, but it takes a tremendous amount of energy."
"I don't think I desired this," you searched the horizon for a landmark. "I don't even know where we are."
"Well, we aren't on Asgard anymore," Sif said.
"Judging by all this mist and how cold and dark everything looks, I think we're on Niflheim," Loki squinted across the landscape of mountains and snow and ice that stretched forever. No sign of life or civilisation.
Sif stood from the snow and shouted to the sky, "Heimdall, if you can hear us, open the bi-frost! Heimdall!"
"He can't see us," Loki said nonchalantly.
"What do you mean he can't see us?" Sif demanded.
"It's because of her," Loki pointed at you. "She bears a mark of Odin. I believe your people call it the Ægishjalmar?"
You nodded, "It's a protective marking, all the women in my family have it."
"That's a half-truth," Loki snorted. "It is a protection spell, just not from harm."
You stood to look him directly in the eye, "Then what is it?"
"What is the one thing a God, as you like to call us, would ever think mortals needed protecting from?" He asked.
"Their own kind," Sif groaned as she swung the sword at a rock in frustration.  "It's a masking spell. That's why Heimdall never saw the attack. And that's why he won't be able to see us!" She kicked the snow next.
"Why would Odin try and mask my existence from your kind?" You asked the two Asgardian's.
"You're a witch and a powerful one. Whatever the source of your power-" Loki moved your cowl over your shoulder so his fingers could grace over the brand on your forearm. A shiver ran across your arm sending tingles of electricity through you. You pulled away and Loki tilted his head to the side, his face confused by the strange electric current that passed through you both. "That is probably the reason."
"Okay, then it's simple," Sif stormed over to you. "You just have to open another portal."
"I don't know how. As I said, I've never been here before," you said with annoyance. "I can barely fight let alone conjure enough power to open a portal through worlds!"
A flash of blue light swept through the snow around you, blowing it away to form a perfect circle around your knees as you crashed to the ground feeling helpless.
"The flames show you what you desire to see," Loki kneeled next to you. "What is it you desire?"
"To see my mother again."
"No, pet," He lifted your chin. "That is what you wish for, not what you truly desire. What is it that drives you each moment of every day?"
Anger flashed through you, a glow reflecting through Loki's calm eyes letting you know your eye colour had turned into a burning azure, bright and fierce.
"I want to kill him," you said through gritted teeth. "I want to feel the life leave his body. I want to destroy them all!"
Wisps of blue smoke snaked around you causing Loki and Sif to lean away from you. The mountain beginning to rumble. You screamed in frustration, another ripple of power bursting through you. The cliff shook and the snow was thrust into the open air to form an artificial snowfall. A stream of blue light burning a hole through the grey clouds, acting like a flame in the dark.
"She probably tracked the essence of the frost giant that tried to kill her," Loki whispered to Sif.
"For once, Loki, I agree with you," Sif brandished the golden sword Wyndel with two hands as she looked down the hill.
Having spotted the miraculous burst of light, the Jotuns had gathered below the cliff-face, weapons in hand, red eyes filled with fear and surprise. They were a scouting party, probably stationed here to ambush someone.
Loki rolled his eyes, "Typical. All I wanted to do was play a harmless game of Fates!"
You walked over to Loki's side, "I suppose this is good a reason as any to put my skills to the test."
Loki sighed and retracted his arms, small daggers falling into his palms from their hiding place up his sleeve.
"Yay," he said dryly. "Let's go fight some giants."
Sif sighed, “The one day I decide to leave my weapons behind.”
Heimdall gasped in shock as he saw Loki, Sif and Y/N disappear right before him into a portal. When he had felt his daughter’s powers leeching from his own, he had urged Sif and Loki to help pry her from him, but in turn, they had been sucked in too.
All the eyes in the tavern were a mixture of drunk confusion, shock and fear.
“Hey, where did you send them?” Brokkr demanded. “That mean warrior took my sword with her!”
Heimdall stood hastily as he made his way to the palace in search of Frigga.
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Chapter Five
Tags: @mejohanssonwrites @tarynkauai @wanderlust-travler @ladybugsfanfics @electroma89 @texmexdarling @fire-in-her-veinz
Permatags: @gruffle1 @thechickvic @notawarriorjustyet @savethehoneeybees  
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harrylovesteas · 5 years
Rose Bush
Hey guys, I’ve never really posted my personal fics on Tumblr before. But, I am giving it a shot. I haven't written in so long, so please let me know if you like it or any type of feedback! You can also find this fic on my wattpad, @harrylovesteas on there I will probably edit it more, but you guys will definitely get more previews. Anyways, I hope you all enjoy this. it has kind of taken serval hours from me over the last week.
warnings: swearing, mentioning of homophobia, fluff? I think that’s it!
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Life is always a mystery. You never know what you’ll get when it comes to life in reality. If you’re lucky, you’ll know exactly what you want to do with your life before life has the chance to royally fuck you up. However, most aren’t that lucky. Most are the indecisive people who just are going through this roller coaster with blindfolds, with no idea what’s coming next. Yet, a roller coaster isn’t the correct this type of life. In more ways, it feels as though life is just a foggy black and white haze until something adds color.
Perhaps that’s why so many people prefer books and stories of fiction, it’s a way to escape the uncertainty of life itself, a way to pretend that everything is actually indeed ‘fine’. At least that’s how Aurora felt about it at least. Her books and music were her safe haven. With a good book in hand and her music playing, the world would just pause, even if it was for only thirty minutes, it was an escape. Perhaps it was the flow of the words that caused the young adult to feel free. Or perhaps it had to do with the fact that each character had a unique story and lesson to share. No matter the reasoning, the brunette nearly always had a book on her. Of course, she couldn’t always carry a physical book on her person, but who needed to when smartphones could give you everything you could ever need.
Although books provide the girl with a blissful escape, it was also those same books that had made her content with the lack of social life since she had moved to the wet nation known as Britain. Being an American, she had very little knowledge of what to expect. After all, most of her knowledge of the country came from the television show Skins along with the Harry Potter series. But, with her very stubborn and rather particular grandmother’s passing, the young twenty-one-year-old had been gifted not only the full inheritance, but her grandmother’s cottage of sorts however to receive both items the girl would have to move to England. Sure, the older woman had adored her granddaughter, however Aurora suspected the will was just a final lesson, that Catherine could give her children on her death bed, what way could she punish money hungry children besides not giving them more than a final word of advice and a dime for the amount of times that they had tried to reach out in her old age. Compared to her bright-eyed granddaughter who tried to call every other week just to speak of schooling or of a novel she was reading. Although, being a college student was not easy by any means yet it was no one’s fault but her own for changing her major twice. Her mess, her responsibility; how could she expect anyone to clean up her mess? Therefore, she had been balancing working part-time with being a full-time student. Her grandmother’s final gift to the young woman was something that Aurora had never anticipated; a chance to start over. With the home and money all put into her name, her family was not thrilled whatsoever, yet Aurora knew that she couldn’t disappoint the one person who listened about the stories she had been reading. So, the girl moved from the small town she was raised in and essentially moved crossed the world. Fully knowing from that moment her family could potentially outcast her.
Holmes Chapel, the town in which the well known Harry Styles grew up. The town isn’t necessarily smaller or bigger than the small town Aurora grew up in back in America, yet there was something about the British people that made this place feel so much more knitted together. At least in the neighborhood, her grandmother had lived in seemed so close to give the illusion that each person in some way or another were like family to one another. It’s no secret back home that if a young university student had moved into a residential neighborhood, some residents would complain and assume their nice quiet neighborhood would be turned into a loud obnoxious party house lowering their property values; yet here not even an hour after her cab had dropped her off at the royal blue medium sized home with the white wrap around porch that the swing next to the dark wooden door, a few neighbors had greeted her an apologized for her loss. It felt bewildering to the girl, who was always taught that it was best to keep some distance between yourself and neighbors. It simply was the way to resume privacy, but in more ways than one it was a form of isolation and nothing more. It was a way that helped build rumors, cliques, and forms judgment precursors that overtime cause unnecessary tensions over a shrub or a little fence. Looking back at the do’s and don’t of the pompous life that her family had created seemed rather ridiculous now. If one were to hide away in a house with no communication with neighbors, your just another robot living the social media life, everything looks perfect on the outside, while behind closed doors everything is falling to pieces with a blood-curdling scream. Besides, if no one is allowed or good enough to be in your life, what’s the point of human contact? Perhaps, that is why so many people are always so miserable, it would be exhausting to constantly be something you weren’t. Aurora knew that all too well for her young age, but as much as she hated to admit it, she almost did not know not how to ‘fake it until she made it’. After all that was a concept that she had learned from such a young age, girls were to smile and to be what was expected of them. Yet, with a sense of the rest button being hit in her life, the brunette finally could be who she had always wanted, and no one could force her to be anything else different.
By the exterior of the home, the house appeared to be well kept and with perfect order. Some of the plants were overgrown and dead, yet with the winter chill and slight dusting coat of snow, the demise of the plants made sense truly. It still appeared to look perfectly in order. Even when you initially enter the home everything looks as if it has a particular order. The walls are coated in what looks to be fresh grey paint and select a few picture frames to decorate the home as though only a few of the innocent moments in deserved to be relived. A black fireplace captured the living room with one swallow, with no television, and all the soft white fabric sofas angling around the fire provided a feeling of close intimacy to those who had been welcomed into the humble abode. Along the entryway of the home remained to be one of the things Aurora had always wanted in a home, a window seat, or as she called it, ‘the most profit spot to read as it rained outside’. As she stood smiling at the cushioned window, the girl could almost already hear the rain pelting against the glass cooling the world around her down as she melted away into a fantasy. Pulling herself out of her daydream, the women tossed her jean jacket on to the rocking chair closest to the black marble fireplace, while her luggage remained by the front door. Although she had sworn to break her bad habits, Aurora knew all too well she probably wouldn’t unpack right away. But, how could she unpack when she still had to explore the large house?
For what felt like hours the five foot and three inches female wandered the home, first she had discovered the kitchen, arguably the most important room of the whole house. It was brighter than the living room, and somewhat expectedly the room was coated in a ray of soft sunshine yellow and the white marble had such a large contrast to the living room that she truly did not know what to expect. She could remember her grandmother telling her that one should not decorate to please people, but decorated from to please soul because if one did this then you’d always feel at home no matter who is around. As she roamed further into the home she had found the half bath, guest bathroom, and guest room which were all various shades of creams to grey. Each room regardless of the paint of the walls had a bright burst of color which shouted at life and yet had something relaxing laced together with it as well.
Her soft white shocks made no noise as she took slow and gentle steps towards the final door, which the girl presumed to be the master bedroom. Taking in a large intake of hair, the girl with the messy brown hair rested her forehead against the white door. Finding some courage, her hand grasped the doorknob before carefully pushing the door into the room. Her caramel brown eyes grew to the size of saucers at the sight before her. This was nothing that she had expected for the room to look like, after all the last time she had FaceTime with her grandmother, this room had been painted a shade of bright red and covered with lace. Now, however, the walls were white as snow. The fan that used to be over the bed was now replaced with a glass chandler. In the corner next to the walking closet was a black chair swing, the walk-in closet had been replaced by full-length mirrors, a lovely black vanity with royal blue fuzzy rug remained near the window. In the center of it all had been a king size bed, with royal blue and black silk bedding, as if her grandmother had remembered exactly what colors had been her favorites. One of the most eye-catching parts of the room at to be the secret draws within the bed frame perfect for storing her books. Along the side of the bed on both sides remained two nightstands with silver lamps to back the glass table decor. Tip-Toeing to the master bathroom, Aurora held her breath fearing that she’d wake up and this would all be a dream.
The master bathroom seemingly matched perfectly to the bedroom’s aesthetic. The walls remained white with black and silver accents along with each piece of furniture, The royal blue was not forgotten as it was the exact shade of the towels and rugs. There was something about the color scheme that gave the women a sense of elegance laced together with relaxation. The cool ceramic flooring cooled the bottom of her feet through her socks as she took in each aspect of the large bathroom. The home was a true dream, and something gave off a feeling she could not quite describe. If she hadn’t known any better, she would have said the home had been completely decorated to meet her preference. However, if this truly was the case, why had she been lead to believe that her grandmother had passed away in a freak accident? There had been so many unknowns regarding the whole situation, for example, why had her grandmother’s medical file been sealed? What type of family secrets was lingering within the family still?
Starring lazily at the empty black bath, the girl vividly recalled the funeral two weeks prior, and how strange everyone had been acting. From the moment that the family had been alerted of Catherine’s death, so many peculiar behaviors started popping up. It all had started with how her parents demanded that she come home while they had to start planning on how to get her from England back to the United States of America. During a family death, perhaps it was normal to have the whole family come home, however that implied that she had a normal family. But, she didn’t, her family were the type of people who would miss birthdays, holidays, and anniversaries. Nothing was sacred and if there was an opportunity to further the depth of one’s pockets, typically that route would have been taken. There were so many times that she could vividly recall family dinners and parties being canceled, due to someone needing to go prep for another surgery or court case. So, having everyone and the same household until the funeral was beyond strange. Perhaps, thinking that they were all grieving of shorts, the brunette packed her bag and drove the five hours along the interstate to come home to the small town that had the house on the hill.
Upon her arrival home, Aurora noted the large rain clouds threatening to unleash the built up rain. The clean air had been a smell that she had missed dearly, seeing as in the city in which she now lived in smelt of car’s exhaust, but at the family manner, the scent of pine trees and the lake filled the atmosphere. With the impending rain clouds, the air slowly started to have a more of a lake scent than normal, which signaled that the storm would be one what would be one of destruction. The large unwelcoming brown door of the castle-like home remained unchanged from what she had remembered. Building up her courage, the college student chewed on her lip, before grabbing her phone and backpack.
Knots formed heavily within her stomach with each step towards the large unwelcoming door frame. Her long brown curly hair blew back in the stormy wind, sending a chill through her spine. Pulling her black cardigan over her black skinny jeans and Aerosmith faded concert t-shirt, the girl pushed the door open fully knowing that she would fully be ridiculed for her choice in clothing regardless of the lack of people in the home. Entering the threshold once again was exactly what Aurora had expected. The home still was uncannily cold and the overpowering scent of the lilacs that undoubtedly decorated every corner of the manor. The old aged rugs remained over the wooden floors as if they truly prevented the original wood floors from harsh bursts of the seasonal weather. Yet, it is nearly impossible to break the family out of its traditional ways. Perhaps that was why Catherine had disappeared off the face of the earth for a full year only to find out she was living a new life across the pond as if the life surrounded by statuses whom only cared about how many green faces lined their Gucci suits. At least, that was what Aurora suspected, and for that, she couldn’t fault her Grandmother. To spend so many years with the heartlessness and cold atmosphere, one still craving life and hope desperately would want to be freed from that prison.
Right on cue, the sounds of bickering filled the long dreary hall. Exhaling her final piece of peace, the girl dropped her bag down next to the long extravagant staircase. Tucking her hair behind her ears Aurora began her way towards the loud voices whining and complaining down the house. By the sound of the voices, she had been able to pick out her father’s and Uncle Jon’s voice, along with Alana, Jon’s gold-digging wife. Although she could not identify any other voices, Aurora knew all too well that this world war three most likely had a few unsettling viewers. Turning the corner, the small crowd came into focus. Mentally, she had patted herself on the back for correctly identifying her uncle, aunt, and father, yet it was seeing the ‘family disappointment ‘ her father’s sister and her small family did confuse her completely. She could have never expected to see her aunt Scarlett, who was nearly blacklisted from every family event due to her decision of leaving the family practice of lawyers and doctors to open up a little cafe with her secret girlfriend and her eighteen-year-old son. Jon and her father swore that Scarlett’s sexuality had nothing to do with the lack of appearances at family functions, yet Scarlett hadn’t come out until midway through the ten years of Catherine’s leave. Suddenly after, her aunt seemingly was removed from any pictures and no longer attended any type of holiday. For a group of Christians and Catholics who claim to believe in God’s love, they sure did like to criticize different people and place themselves above others… It truly made no sense to Aurora, weren’t they suppose to love everyone?
With a relieved smile, the youngest female approached her favorite aunt, “I’ve really missed you,” she whispered while engulfing her into an enduring hug full of honesty. From her aunt to Susan and Brandon, Scarlett’s now wife and adopted son, welcoming them with a warm hug knowing well that Alana was continuing to scoff and make remarks regarding the will.
“Aurora, why are you wearing such hideous clothes? You have a much suitable wardrobe to wear, especially seeing as your grandmother’s lawyer is on the way, perhaps you should change, “ the nasal sounding woman suggested only gaining an eye roll from Susan.
“Alana, I’m so glad I was able to take a microbiology final, and then drive three hours to not only deal with my grandmother’s death but to be graced with your not wanted opinion. This may surprise you, but some people don’t automatically think about a will when they get a phone call of a family member’s death. Some us need time to digest the information and remember the individual, but apparently, most of this family disagrees and thinks that if we wait a week that all the money will be gone,” Aurora commented rather hastily bitterly due to the situation of events. For a second, the girl regretted her harsh words, yet she acted it down with the rest of her emotions. After all, if you showed weakness around a pack of wolves, you wouldn’t see the light of day ever again. It was the situations like this, it always was best to wear defensive comments like armor. It was something that she had hated most about this place, she hated having to walk around on thin ice waiting for an argument. At least at school, one wouldn’t have to worry about appearances as much or being treated as an object rather than a person. Back on campus, Aurora could recall several times seeing students in pajamas, or even professors only wearing jeans and the university sweatshirt. The university campus was judgment-free and she deeply missed it. But, there was nothing she could do about that now, she was officially in the wolves den full of wolves waiting and hoping to take a large chunk of the estates and money. Little did anyone realize, by rushing this reading of the will everyone’s lives were about to be changed.
It was the faint knocking sound that had pulled Aurora out of her trance-like state. Blinking away all the thoughts and memories haunting her large caramel brown eyes, the woman eyes snapped and looked directly into the mirror above the marble sink. She had to admit, she did look fairly rough considering for the last two weeks she had been wearing full face makeup, but that didn’t necessarily mean she looked terrible considering the situation. Her hair was slightly messy from having the windows down the cab, but she had straightened the curly hair before the flight so she wouldn’t look like a complete mess if she fell asleep on the plane, her eyebrows held their natural shape without the colored filler, her eyes had been bloodshot and sad, her olive skin showed it’s imperfections yet it had a healthy glow from being moisturized daily along with being washed. Her black tank top matched with her comfortable Addis joggers, but that was just it, she didn’t stick out. Yes, she did have nice curves, but she wasn’t necessarily anything more than average. She definitely wasn’t beyond beautiful in her book. She wasn’t taller than 5’3, she didn’t have sapphires for eyes, her teeth weren’t perfectly white, and she wasn’t a blonde. She was only Aurora Elizabeth Wilde, she was average and came from old money, that was how she had been described since puberty, but that hadn’t meant that it couldn’t change now that she had moved so far away. Perhaps here she could be an actual person rather than someone who comes from money. Once again, the knocking filled the house. Realizing that she had temporarily forgotten about the door, the girl spun on her heels and quickly sprinted towards the front door knowing that the weather app had called for rain in the evening.
Being as clumsy as she was it didn’t take long for the brunette to accidentally shoulder check the corner wall closet to the front down. “For fuck sake Rori,” she muttered grumpily as a strong shot of pain radiated from her shoulder and seeing as it was her own fault she couldn’t be mad at anyone but herself. Rubbing circles around her potentially bruised flesh. Not bothering to look through the peephole, the girl swung the door open realizing that she probably shouldn’t just open the door so quickly to strangers, but she felt as though she had been shot, therefore logic was not present at the moment. With furrowed brows, she looked at the people before her. One of the ladies looked maybe in her late forties with the kindest smile and eyes she had ever seen with a nice sundress and her hair pulled up. The other woman had similar bright eyes, dark eyes and had been wearing an old concert t-shirt and jeans. By the looks of it, she had a strong feeling that they were, in fact, mother and daughter, but there was. Something about the duo that caused the woman to sense that she had known them from somewhere.
“Hello, I’m Anne and this is my daughter Gemma. We just wanted to introduce ourselves, I live right across the street,” the first woman explained sensing Aurora’s curiosity, “Gem had noticed the master bedroom’s light on and we wanted to finally see the face of whom Catherine often spoke of.”
Not wanting to be rude, Aurora kept eye contact with the older woman as Anne spoke. “It’s nice to meet you both, I’m Aurora,” she responded shaking their hands politely. “If it’s not a bother, do you mind suggesting some places that have good food around here? Earlier when I was exploring the house I was struggling to find food to cook, it was weird, I fully expected to find an unworldly amount of pasta noodles and sauce to make,” she had commented with a soft laugh while rubbing the back of her neck awkwardly.
“Catherine always did put things in strange places if you’d like me to show you? One of the last times I was over here we helped her cook, and just everything was in strange places,” Gemma offered.
“I would really appreciate that, if you don’t mind, of course,” the American commented as she moved over allowing the women into her new home of sorts. In which the girl around her age entered in the house.
“Silly me, I forgot the spare key and plant I was meaning on bringing over here! I’ll be right back ladies, Gemma message me if you need anything from home.” With the final comment from Anne, the older woman turned rather swiftly and made her way a crossed the street to the house Aurora assumed was hers.
Softly the brunette shut the front door and followed Gemma towards the kitchen. “Did you grow up here,” Aurora questioned attempting to create small talk between the two of them.
“Yeah, my mum, my brother and I just about all grew up here. It’s not the biggest town, but I personally love it here. But, I might be a little bias, London is nice as well. I live there now, but nowhere is like home, you know?”
“I’ve never left the states besides this, so I kind of get it. I’m not going to lie, it’s a lot different here compared to there. But, I'm definitely loving Holmes Chapel’s charm. Everyone I’ve met so far is super kind,” Aurora confessed trying not to flat out say she was glad to be away from her spiteful family for good.
Reaching the colorful kitchen, Aurora kept close to Gemma as if she feared that the ingredients were in plain sight, in which she would already appear to be a proper idiot. Crouching down next to the stove, Gemma’s soft brown eyes met Aurora’s and a small smile crept along with the British’s facial features. Opening the cabinet’s door, her eyes remained on Aurora before she giggled and spoke, “who puts bloody pasta noodles by the stove? There should be some jarred pasta sauce on the other side of the stove.”
Moving to the instructed location Aurora’s eyebrows went up quizzically, but opening it nonetheless opened the cabinet door and took a peak in. Sure enough, there was the pasta sauce and random bottles of wine. With a small shake of the head Aurora muttered in a playful tone, “she must have been madder than I remember.” Standing back up with the sauce and a bottle of wine, she sat the items on the countertop. “If you and your mom don’t have dinner plans, you’d be more than welcomed to join me. I haven’t cooked for only myself in what feels like ages, and maybe you can help me find whatever else that crazy American hid.”
“We’d love to just let me tell my mom to bring over the pie as well,” Gemma had responded while pulling out her phone sending a quick little message to her mom. “Now, where do you reckon she put the pots and wine glasses?”
Laughs echoed off of the walls of the living room, where the three women sat drinking their fair share of wine. Although Aurora had genuinely been nervous to really have the company so soon, she was glad she had opened the front door. Dinner had gone so smoothly, that it had seemed as though they had all knew each other for several years, or as if Aurora had been apart of the family for several years.
“I’m just saying Aurora should spend some time in London too, especially if she’s going back to school mum, I didn’t say I was going to kidnap her and never share her with you,” Gemma retorted trying to withhold a laugh.
“You better not even try it, Gemma, she is my new child who just happens to live only a road away. I am not losing all my children to London,” the mother spoke before sending a small wink to both of the girls.
Taking another sip of the white wine, Aurora simply surpassed the smile on her face. “You two are officially my favorite people in the world,” she stated truthfully before speaking again before the others could, “but on a serious note, I think maybe I’ll stay in Holmes Chapel until I’m settled in and comfortable with my surroundings. Then from there I’ll get a flat out in London for school, and come here for breaks and the weekends. I’m not too sure what the plan will be just yet.”
“That does sound like a good plan, love. London is quite big,” Anne had replied softly.
Hearing the supportiveness within Anne’s tone had Aurora feeling slightly envious. Was this the supportiveness she had been missing nearly her whole life? Was this what having a mother figure like? Were all mother’s like this? So many questioned clashed within her head as she processed how genuinely kind these people were.
Out of the corner of her eye, a black shine had caught Aurora’s attention. Slowly climbing off of the plush sofa, the girl sat her wine glass down on the side table before crawling over to what appeared to be a large box next to a record player. “Woah,” she murmured softly as she got close. Sitting in front of the record player the brunette began to pull out the records. “I had no idea my grandmother had all these,” Aurora trailed off feeling the eyes on her back.
“She didn’t,” Gemma had started gaining a small peak over the shoulder from Aurora, who then continued to go through the records in a daze, “they used to be my brother’s. Near the end, Cat knew how bad her medical condition was getting. Since she had known that she had wanted you to have the house, she started getting the house ready for you. She had my brother and I help plan the new color scheme. She wanted you to feel comfortable and happy. Anyways, one day we were talking about music because Cat kept saying that you needed to have a way to listen to music as you read or cooked. I had suggested a wireless speaker, but he went a little deeper with the question, and had asked what type of music you liked,”
“Yeah, I remember her calling me to ask what music I like, she sounded rushed, but I thought she was having a weird grandma moment that she just wanted to know how I was feeling,” Aurora elaborated slightly while looking up from the records.
“By the time I got back with the speaker, Harry had brought over his collection,” Gemma added.
“Tell your brother he has great taste in music, way better than most, but if he wants this all back, my feelings wouldn’t be hurt. I have no idea how he can part from Stevie Nicks, Aerosmith, or the Eagles,” Aurora said referencing some of the albums that she had already pulled out. With a small yawn, the girl slowly removed a vinyl from its case and carefully placed it on to a record player.
“Gem, we should go home, Aurora must be getting tired from her long day, and we are waking her up early tomorrow so we can all go to the bakery in the morning,” Anne commented softly while rising from her spot on the sofa.
Once she had gotten up from her spot, Anne encouragingly helped Gemma off the lazy boy before planting a friendly kiss on American’s forehead, “we’ll see you in the morning, yeah?”
“You’re going to regret saying you wanted to get breakfast when she wakes you up tomorrow, so try to get some rest,” Gemma instructed giving the sitting girl a hug.
By the time that both women had exited the house, Stevie’s legendary voice filled the house. Aurora had managed to force herself off of the floor to the lock the door. It wasn’t until she waved goodnight to her new neighbors that Aurora realized whom she had just spent the evening with. How had it been that she hadn’t made the connection sooner? It hadn’t changed her opinion on the women at all, and yet her younger directioner self was incredibly disappointed that she had met Harry Styles’ family and didn’t realize it. But, in more ways than one, she felt relieved that she hadn’t until their departure if she had then she may have felt the need to act more reserved than normal. At least they had met the real her as she had with them.
Yet, subconsciously she was trying hard to keep her cool, she had Harry Styles’ private vinyl collection. Was this actually real?
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theasstour · 5 years
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0103. Jupiter.
Tuesday, 22 October 2014
NB: explicit language, alcohol
Y/N had made plans with Tiana to meet up after Tiana’s lecture, which ended approximately one hour and 30 minutes after Y/N’s. The two girls would do a Sainsbury’s shop together, even though Y/N was more than capable of doing one alone, having someone there was always a comfort. Besides, Tiana and Y/N had started really getting along. It was the small conversations they had with one another while making dinner, or when they met on their way back from uni, or when Tiana knocked on Y/N’s door and wondered what she was doing; it was those moments that had ultimately ended up making the two girls very close. Y/N looked down at her phone that said she had one hour left of her seminar, another text from Tiana under the time reminding her of their “Sainsbury’s date”. Y/N smiled a little before looking up at Teresa when she started talking.
“I don’t know how I know,” Teresa started, arms crossed and looking straight ahead at the blackboard. “But I failed that essay.”
The Monday before, they had handed in the 1000-word reflective essay for Ensemble I, and, by the way Teresa was acting and talking, Y/N had kind of guessed it hadn’t gone as well as she had hoped.
“It doesn’t even count toward our final grade, but I’m still going to fail.”
Regardless of this fact, Y/N had spent hours in the library in the days following up to the essay. She wanted her lecturers to get a good impression of her, no matter the importance of the assignment, and especially Anthony Goddard, her tutor in Ensemble I. She had a feeling he wasn’t easy to impress, even though he had, according to Finn, liked him very much, thrilling him with his talents. Y/N very much wanted that to be her, and so she thought if she aced this reflective essay about her own skills on her primary instrument – the violin –, how they came to be and how she can improve, Goddard had to like her, right?
The class had a 15-minute break in the middle of the three-hour long seminar, and Y/N and Teresa were just sitting in their usual spot in the middle of the half-circle, talking about everything and nothing. Though Y/N had zoned out of Teresa’s monologue, her brain in a never-ending spiral about how this essay would not be graded, just a paper for Goddard to read and get to know his young new musicians better. Everything was down to the exam: the performance in December. Y/N’s heart started hammering a little to loudly in her ears, her breathing increasing.
Y/N looked at Teresa, a small furrow to her eyebrows as she glanced at her friend.
“You good?”
“Yea, just blacked out for a second.”
Teresa studied Y/N for a second, about to ask why, when Goddard cleared his throat and clapped his hands together at the front of the room. They both looked over at him, watching as he motioned to the girl standing beside him. She was smiling, and something in that smile, her dark skin and the straight black hair, rung a bell somewhere in the back of Y/N’s mind.
“Now that everyone has handed their essay in on Canvas, the next thing you should be thinking about is your exam on December 9th. It might seem far away, but it’s not, because if it’s one thing time does when you’re at uni, it’s fly. So, this is one of my students from last year, Wynter, she’s a second year now.”
Wynter gave a small wave, and Y/N instantly knew where she had seen her before. It was the same girl that had checked her in on the first day of Freshers Week. When their eyes met, Wynter’s smile widened and she gave Y/N a small nod, which Y/N returned.
“Wynter was so kind to come here to talk about your exam and her experience doing it last year. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask them. I will be sitting over here,” Goddard pointed at the desk at the front of the classroom. “Take it away, Wynter.”
As Goddard let Wynter take the stage, Y/N instantly saw the beautiful girl ease into her role as temporary lecturer. Folding her hands together at her front, Wynter looked around the room at everyone and cleared her throat slightly.
“What I think most people do wrong when they choose a piece for their exam, is do a hard one. Please do not do that.” Wynter said, shaking her head. “Don’t pick a song or solo that could ultimately end up being too hard for you. This is after all Ensemble I: The Art of Performing, and you’re here to outdo your previous works, but not to set yourself up for failure, yea?"
Y/N jotted that down into her notebook. Do not set yourself up for failure, pick a doable song.
“My instrument is the oboe, and I did an instrumental cover of Skyfall by Adele. I got a 78%.” She shrugged her shoulder, smiling still. “You don’t have to do it much harder than that. Choose a melody that will fit your performance style, your instrument, and most importantly, you.”
Y/N wrote that down as well, feeling her shoulders tense as she started letting herself think more about the performance. Picking a song to impress Goddard, her class, and yet not fail while performing it, would be challenging. Questions ensued, and though Y/N was listening intently to whatever Wynter had to say, she was also in her own little world. She could not seem to stop thinking about this exam, and about the millions of ways it could go wrong. About how many different mistakes it was possible to make and how little time she had to impress Goddard. Five minutes to get a good mark. 300 seconds with everyone’s eyes on her. Y/N hated herself for thinking about this, for always finding everything that could go wrong before even focusing on the task at hand academically. When Goddard announced the end of the seminar, Y/N blinked herself out of her trance and shot upright. Collecting her stuff, she jumped as she heard a voice from behind her.
“Y/N, right?”
Wynter was smiling at her, the same smile she had given Y/N on that first day weeks ago. Y/N nodded in response.
“I’m Wynter, I signed you in?”
“Yea, I remember you.” Y/N nodded again.
“Good! How’s uni life treating you? Is it as bad as you thought it’d be?” Giggled Wynter.
“It’s great, yea. Been a bit more hectic than I thought it would be, but I’m hanging in there.” Y/N said. “Been a bit overwhelming.”
“Oh, I can imagine.” Wynter hoisted the strap of her bag further up her shoulder. “University is very overwhelming at first, there is a lot going on and not enough time for it all. But you’ll find a balance.” Wynter looked down at her watch, sighing. “Have to run, have a Student Representatives meeting in 10. I’ll see you around, yea?”
But Wynter was off before Y/N could utter another word. Staring wordlessly after her, Teresa stepped into Y/N’s field of vision, eyebrows raised.
“Know her?”
“She checked me in Freshers Week.”
“Ahh!” Teresa started walking and Y/N followed her out of the classroom. “Was starting to wonder if you maybe had a thing going on.”
“What? W-Why?” Y/N recognised that she responded to Teresa’s statement a little too quickly. That the side of her she hadn’t really told anyone about was, for a split second, visible. But Teresa didn’t say anything, like she didn’t hear Y/N, and only snickered as she walked out the door. Y/N clutched hard at the straps of her burgundy Fjällräven rucksack, not really know what to make of Teresa’s comment. Though, as she stepped out into the hallway, students standing outside waiting for their lecture to begin, Y/N tried to make herself forget it. Teresa probably meant nothing by it. She didn’t know. How could she? No. No one but Y/N knew. She was safe. Y/N followed Teresa’s messy blonde hair until they reached the big foyer of the Antonin Artaud Building, the same one she had walked into on her first day, her father by her side. Y/N waved bye to Teresa, watching her leave through the door and into the grey afternoon.
“Y/N.” Finn smiled, walking with a mate beside him… That Y/N instantly recognised. “You remember Harry, yea? From Spoons three weeks ago?”
She did. Very much so. She stopped walking when Finn and Harry did as well. “Yea, I do.” Y/N said, looking over at Harry for a split second before looking away. He was wearing a grey turtleneck tucked into a pair of black trousers, a black coat on him as well as black boots and, Y/N realised to a small shock, a metal chain hanging from the hoops in his trousers. The same kind people used in mid-00’s, though this one was silver and very polished, almost glimmering in the light of the lamps above. She hated how she saw all of this in a mere second.
“Cool, because he’s going to wait around for me till I’m done with Ensemble in two hours. We’re going to the library together to study after this. You’re waiting for Tiana, yea?”
Y/N nodded her head once.
“Not saying you two should hang out, but,” Finn shrugged. “You might as well. See ya both later.”
And then he was off, acting like he hadn’t seen what Harry and Y/N had been like together at Spoons three weeks ago. Y/N hadn’t seen Harry around at uni before today, though she had occasionally heard him hang out with Finn and someone else she didn’t know who was, in his room. They were all unapologetically loud, and Y/N didn’t want to be a party pooper, so she never told them when it got annoying and when they should keep it down. She always let Tiana message the Flat 34 groupchat, seeing as she had the most balls to.
Now, standing in the foyer that was starting to clear out, with Harry right before her. Y/N didn’t really know what to do. So, she looked at him, only to meet his gaze and notice he was wearing a pair of silver aviator glasses, a lock of his curls falling a little awkwardly in front of his right eye. Gracefully, he drew a hand through his hair, eyes fully on Y/N. Clearing her throat, she gave him a small smile.
“Well, I guess we both don’t want this.”
Harry furrowed his brows. “This being what exactly?”
“Us hanging out.”
“Ah.” Harry nodded, shoving his hands into the pockets of his trousers, showing off his lean and tall frame. “I guess we don’t, no.”
“So,” Y/N started, taking a step toward the exit. “Bye.”
Harry didn’t respond, and Y/N turned on her toes and walked straight for the door, opening it to the brisk late-October air. She wore a navy green puffer Y/Net over a mustard ribbed knit jumper, a pair of light denim jeans and her usual black vans. Grey clouds dotted the skies above as Y/N made her way to the nearest Costa for a coffee. The sun would occasionally shine through a slit between two flecks of grey, beams of yellow dancing along London before it disappeared again. The Costa wasn’t far away, and when Y/N saw the burgundy sign, she sighed to herself and walked in, opening her puffer Y/Net.
A part of her still wasn’t used to the loud buzzing of London, to constant sounds around her, but she was trying to get accustomed to it. Though Y/N hated change, she knew that for her life to move forward, for her to grow, she needed change. But she bloody hated it nonetheless. The Costa was full, a small group or a single person sitting and enjoying their coffees on every table, loud laughter and voices all around. Standing in the queue, Y/N glanced up at the menu behind the disk, the people before her waiting for their turn. In Hawkley, she had always enjoyed normal black coffee, liking how the bitterness of it both woke her up and calmed her down at the same time. It stung at the back of her lips, the taste of coffee, but it was a stinging Y/N always welcomed. She loved the taste of it. But she needed to broaden her horizon. So, studying the different kinds of coffees on the board, Y/N bit her bottom lip as she tried to decide on which one she wanted to order.
“Following me, are you?”
Y/N whipped her head to her left only to find a staring Harry beside her, looking very smug. And Y/N hated that.
“Wouldn’t it be the other way around?” She asked. “I arrived before you.”
“And how would you know that?”
Y/N narrowed her eyes. “Because I’m standing before you in the queue?”
Harry shrugged his shoulders. “Might just have arrived before you but gone to the loo.”
“Highly doubt that.”
“Oh?” Harry looked amused as he took his glasses off his nose and placed them at the top of his head instead.
“Yes, I left campus before you!”
“Hm, that’s weird.”
“It’s really not-“
“-Hi, can I take your order?”
Y/N looked at the barista, but not for long, as a broad-shouldered creature wearing a black coat and hair all curly, stepped in front of her. For a second, Y/N was momentarily stunned. He had just stepped before her and totally not cared about the fact that it wasn’t his turn. Y/N’s mouth fell open.
“Two medium expresso macchiatos to go, please.” Harry said, pointing at the board behind the barista.
Too shocked to even step beside Harry and tell the barista that it was her turn and not this… this… this git’s, Y/N just stood there. Harry looked over his shoulder at her, giving her a little smile.
“I took the liberty of ordering for you, if that’s okay.”
Y/N shook her head twice, blinking as she realised what Harry had done. “I-I…” She inhaled sharply. “I didn’t even want an expresso macchiato.”
Harry raised his eyebrows, looking at the board as the barista asked which way he’d like to pay. “What were you going to order, then?”
“A-A black coffee.” Y/N answered, crossing her arms and walking to stand beside Harry.
“Have you tried an expresso macchiato before, Y/N?”
She hated the way he said her name. All soft and delicate, like saying her name was a privilege. When his pink lips formed it and puckered a little, like kissing the air around him… No! What?! Y/N looked away from him and at the barista, who seemed very confused at the situation they were finding themselves in.
Y/N shook her head in response, eyes on the board.
“Two expresso macchiatos still, please. I’ll pay by card if that’s alright.” Harry lightly pushed Y/N aside to get to the card machine, to which she instantly grew annoyed with him again.
“No need to push me, dimwit.”
“I didn’t push you, that was borderline touching.” Harry said while clicking in his credit card number into the machine. “Besides,” he took his card out, putting it in his wallet and smiling that lopsided smile of his right at Y/N. “You were in the way of me paying for you.”
Y/N huffed, walking off to the place where everyone waited for their orders, Harry following her. He coughed into his elbow and looked around the big Costa, trying to spot someone he knew no doubt.
“Thank you.” Y/N said lowly, crossing her arms again. “For the coffee.”
Harry looked down at her, eyebrows raised and about to smile again when he turned his body in her direction. “I simply made it to the cashier before you did. A bit slow in the afternoons, are you?”
Y/N frowned.
“I won.” Harry said, letting his tongue fall slowly from the roof of his mouth and back down again, head cocked as the left side of his mouth tipped up again.
“You… won?” Y/N was lost.
“Yea.” Harry said, tucking his hands into the pockets of his jeans and shifting the weight from his right to his left foot. “I was faster.”
“At paying?”
“In life.” Harry sighed exasperatingly, looking triumphant. “In general. At everything. I am faster.”
Y/N couldn’t help her small smile. She had no idea what Harry was on about, no idea why she found it all so amusing. Pushing away from the wooden fence that separated the walkway of the café from the seating area, Y/N positioned herself before him, her back facing the counter.
“Next time, maybe inform me of this contest of being fastest.”
“Oh, darling, it’s not about being faster.” Harry said, putting his glasses back on his nose as he looked at her. “It’s about winning.”
“So, it doesn’t have to be about being fast?”
“No, just win.”
“Okay, how about this?” Harry said, leaning against the railing himself now, gesturing with his hands as he talked. “It’s all about coming out on top. Doing the most and being the best at it.”
“Hmm.” Y/N hummed, biting her lip. She swore Harry’s eyes fell to them for a slight second before he looked into her eyes again. “Didn’t know you were just as competitive as me, Mr…?”
“Styles.” Harry smiled, showing off a set of perfectly straight and white teeth. “Miss…?”
Harry chuckled, eyes falling to his boots. “Might have to change that name soon.”
“Because you’re going to be better than me?”
“You said it, not me.” Harry looked up at her again, shrugging his broad shoulders.
“You’ll never win at life or anything.”
“I just did.” Harry said, motioning with his chin toward the cashier. “Just now.”
Y/N was about to reply, try to hold the conversation going, but the reason she had positioned herself where she had was suddenly called out: “Two expresso macchiatos to go!�� Whipping around, Y/N walked toward the counter just as Harry pushed away from the railing, but stopped himself as he saw Y/N reaching the coffees first. Holding them both with a huge smile on her face, she handed on to Harry as she reached him and took a slow sip of her own.
“Minx.” Harry muttered. “Nice positioning.”
Y/N smiled. “1 – 1.”
Harry smiled back, sipping the coffee, Y/N did the same. It was very strong, just like her usual black coffee, and for that reason, Y/N found herself enjoying it. She missed the coffee she was able to make at home in the mornings before college and working on the farm during weekends, but this was a close second. It woke her up, all her senses heightened, and all the while, it gave her a taste of peace. Like taking the little boat in her father’s shed, rowing into the middle of the lake on a warm summer’s day and reading a book; that kind of calm. Closing her eyes, she let the familiar feeling of coffee fill her senses, and she let out a content sigh before looking at the cup in her hands.
“You like it?” Harry asked, holding the cup in his right hand while the other rested in his pocket.
Y/N nodded, sipping it again.
“2 – 1 then.” Harry grinned. “I’m in the lead again.”
Y/N blinked, and Harry, who was finding all of this very entertaining it seemed, couldn’t help but laugh again. It was a boyish laugh, not matching the deep timbre of his voice, a contrast Y/N hadn’t seen coming. He had always been so serious the times they had met before, but this version of him – the joking around, competitive, glasses-wearing one – seemed to be quite the opposite of all of that. She did not want to stand around and think more about Harry and all the ways he was different from what she had originally pictured him as. So, instead she motioned with her thumb toward the exit.
“I’m off, I’ll see you at pres or something, I guess.” Y/N started walking away. “Thanks for the coffee again.”
She turned around and started walking up toward Albert Bridge. Sipping her coffee, she tried not to let the few moments she had just shared with Harry get to her. It wasn’t of much significance and no matter how charming he had been, he had also been able to push all the right buttons to aggravate her. So, instead, Y/N looked around as she walked toward the bridge, knowing that 40 minutes she had left till Tiana was done would go by quick if she just strolled around for a bit. She had been to Albert Bridge before, the bridge connecting Battersea to Chelsea, and thought it was a very underappreciated view of London. It wasn’t much; you could see boats driving by, the distant monument hidden away in the fog, and hear someone play the accordion further down the bridge. But for some reason, Y/N liked walking there, just because it wasn’t crowded. London was always a huge buzz, but it seemed to dim down when the wind hit her ears and with less people around as she walked the bridge.
As she reached the bridge, she heard someone clear their throat behind her. And, of course, looking over her shoulder, there was Harry.
“Following me again, ey?”
Y/N stopped walking. “You are the one following me.”
Harry only sipped his coffee, walking past Y/N, not saying a word.
“Hey!” Y/N jogged up to him, making sure not to spill the coffee. “Why are you following me?”
“I’m not.”
“Yes, you are. You’re here, aren’t you? Following me?”
Harry snickered shaking his head. “See that flat building?” He asked, stopping by the railing of the bridge and pointing across the canal to a brown bricked house. Y/N glanced in the direction of his finger, nodding as she saw the fancy building with huge windows, obviously holding wealthy inhabitants. Harry looked down at her, his breath tickling her ear. “My uncle lives there.”
Y/N gulped at the contact Harry’s breath did with her skin, like small puffs of an unexpected tropical wind. She sipper her coffee quickly.
Harry leaned in, mumbling. “On my way to his, if you don’t mind.”
Y/N stepped away, back hitting the railing, and some coffee spilling over her fingers. Harry’s eyes fell to her hand before he smiled up at her, sipping his own coffee.
“Do you?”
“I don’t.”
“Good.” Harry smiled. “See you around, Y/N.”
And he walked off, hair blowing in the wind and steps determined. Quickly, Y/N looked toward the flat building and then at Harry strolling away, and then she turned back to walk to uni. For some reason, walking after Harry on the bridge, seemed to me too much.
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Friday, 31 October 2014
“You sure you want to be a vampire?” Tiana groaned, holding the face paint in her hand as she looked down at Y/N sitting on her bed. “It’s, like, the most basic and boring Halloween costume ever.”
“You’re dressing up as a slutty nurse!”
Tiana didn’t answer to that, and Y/N assumed it was because she was right; they were both being very basic for this Halloween party. Annie stood by Tiana’s sink, putting make-up on, and Becky was sitting by her desk, using a mirror she had brought down from her room. All the girls were getting ready together, chuffed to finally be going to a house party together. No one knew how Finn had been able to get them into the party in Chelsea, but he had told them not to ask questions, so no one had.
“Some things are better left a mystery, boys.” He had said one afternoon, eating his microwaveable Toad in a Hole and grinning from ear to ear.
Y/N had just thrown on a black turtleneck and some black jeans, not really in the mood to go all out with her costume. While both Tiana and Becky had gone shopping for their slutty nurse and slutty cat, and Y/N knew they would both look absolutely amazing. Annie was going to go as Sally from Nightmare Before Christmas, and as far as her make-up went, she was already looking great. With music in the background and their mind set on having a great night together, the girls all did their make-up and psyched each other up for a night of nothing but greatness.
Once everyone was ready, they waited in the kitchen for the boys to be ready, which took surprisingly long. But Ian, Spencer and Finn all came out into the kitchen dressed up as characters from a show on the telly Y/N did not know of and did not care to know the name of either. Together, flat 34 of Westbridge walked toward Chelsea together, a 2 litre Pepsi bottle containing vodka and blackcurrant squash to share between the seven of them. Tiana had an extra bottle of vodka in her purse, so the little squad was all set for the party. Finn didn’t elaborate on how he had gotten everyone a pass into this exclusive house party, but one everyone was starting to feel the effect of the bottle passing between them, no one cared enough to answer. They were all dressed up and ready to party, and besides that and a good time, no one cared for any other news.
Finn knocked on the door and said the supposed password – Y/N was very impressed that a uni party needed a password for entrance – and the guard let everyone in while counting each of them. Finn let out a howl in triumph, clapping his hands above his head and looking at everyone before he exclaimed: “Let’s party, gang!”
And with that, everyone spread out. Y/N followed Becky who needed to go to the loo, and both Tiana and Annie did the same. Locking themselves in there, Becky sat down to pee and let out a huge sigh.
“Can any of you lot tell me when you see Harry Styles tonight?” She asked, adjusting her cat ears.
“Why?” Tiana asked, looking at herself in the mirror to make sure her make-up was fine.
“Because I really want to shag him.” She said, sighing again. “He’s so bloody peng.”
“You wanna have sex with him here? At this party?” Annie raises her eyebrows, clearly a little shocked.
“Why not?” Becky shrugged. “As long as I get the opportunity, yea?”
Tiana giggled. “I loved helping my friends get dick. I’ll tell you the minute I see him.”
“Thanks, Ti.” Becky smiled, flushing the toilet and walking over to wash her hands. “I told you, didn’t I, Y/N? How I delicious I think he is?”
Y/N only nodded, running a hand through her hair.
“I could suck his prick right off.” Becky said, drying her hands and applying some more lipstick. “Anyway, thank you girls, for helping me out.”
“Always a privilege to help a friend in need.” Tiana said smiling, and Becky opened the door for them so they could leave. Annie and Y/N followed, neither really knowing what to say as the situation of helping a friend get laid hadn’t really presented itself to either of them before. Regardless, Y/N quickly forgot about it and everyone walked onto the dancefloor together. The bass shook of Y/N’s heartbeat, and the music was so loud that it was hard to hear anything but one’s own thoughts, and even that proved to be a challenge. But Y/N danced her tipsy little heart out, and suddenly forgot all about everything but the song that was playing, the people she was with, and the feeling of her body moving along to the beat.
Tiana took Y/N’s hand, and the two friends started dancing together like drunk friends do. Y/N threw her head back in euphoria, laughter erupting from her mouth, and Tiana threw an arm around Y/Ni’s shoulders, holding onto her new best friend while she belted out the lyrics to the song that was playing at the top of her lungs. Y/N held onto Tiana and grinned at Annie when she saw her dancing, and within their drunk minds, a world outside this exact moment, didn’t exist.
Y/N suddenly excused herself, saying she wanted some more to drink, and Tiana drew the vodka bottle out of her purse and gave it to her flatmate. Holding it to her chest, Y/N walked toward the kitchen, smiling at people she bumped into on the way and humming along to the song even though she did not have a clue as to what song it was. With her eyes halfway closed and a smile on her face, Y/N entered the kitchen, the light the only ceiling one that was on. She found a plastic cup on the counter and brought it to the kitchen island where everyone had put their drinks away on. The flat hadn’t brought anything to mix the vodka with, which left Y/N with only two possible options: (1) she could steal some from the kitchen island, or (2) water. From Tiana, Y/N had heard horror stories about the taste of vodka and water together, and how badly it had ended for her a couple of times. It was for that reason, and just plainly trusting Tiana’s judgment and stories, that Y/N opened the vodka bottle with the intent to steal something to mix it with from someone else.
Pouring herself something to drink from the bottle, Y/N didn’t notice the figure in the doorway into the kitchen. Tipsy as she was, she would never have done this if she was sober, Y/N reached for a pink lemonade standing in the middle of the kitchen island, and opened it, blending it with the alcohol. She continued to hum to herself, screwing the cork back on the pink lemonade, and tried to take a sip of the drink. Coughing, Y/N opened the pink lemonade again and mixed it some more, frowning to herself when she sipped it a second time, but nodding to herself when it was better than the first try. The figure that had been standing watching her walked into the kitchen, slight paint on his face and an amused smile on his lips. Y/N took another sip when he came into her field of vision, and she froze, gulping down her alcohol as he took her in.
The white vampire teeth painted at the corners of her lip, the blood running down from one side, and the slight eye make-up, made her seem a little deader, but Harry didn’t seem to even acknowledge that she was wearing make-up.
“You lot arrived fucking late.” Harry said, sipping his cup as Y/N put hers on the table.
“Yea, the boys took long to get ready.”
Harry huffed. “Fucking guessed it.” He said. “Finn loves making an entrance, doesn’t he?”
“Yea, I guess he does.” Y/N agreed, looking back into the pit of people dancing to see if she saw any sign of Tiana. Harry took this moment to look at her, a kind of seriousness to his gaze that he hadn’t had before. He walked a bit closer so it’d be easier for them to talk. It was then that Y/N noticed he had come here dressed as a werewolf. Well, not dressed as one, but his face paint clearly exposed him as a werewolf. It was faint paint, not a dominating brown that ran along his cheeks and forehead and nose, but enough so you’d guess his costume from afar.
“You never say it.”
“Say what?”
“Fuck.” Harry said, voice lower as he took another step closer. “I’ve never heard you say it.”
Y/N just looked at him. “And that’s a problem for you?”
The right side of his mouth tipped upward. “Don’t know. You don’t like it?”
Y/N only looked at him, not really knowing what to say.
Harry leaned in, dangerously close, closer than they had ever been before. “Because it’s my favourite word.”
Y/N swallowed, willing herself not to look anywhere but his eyes.
“You can…” His smile grew wider. “Do so much with it.” He said, voice like a caress as he said, letting his bottom lip fall from behind his top teeth all moist and pink, “Fuck.”
Y/N felt her heart pick up speed. “Oh?”
“Yea.” Harry nodded. “A word with so many meanings. So many ways.”
The exhale leaving her lips was audible, making Harry’s lips twitch into a smile.
“You can cuss someone out, or do them-“
Y/N put her hand up, stopping her mid-sentence. Again, she was almost happy she was drunk and had the balls to do stuff she’d never do sober. He was being… way too handsome and way too close to her not to react like this. He couldn’t be this close or she didn’t know what drunk Y/N would do.
“Why is it your favourite word? It’s so vulgar.”
Harry smiled, looking so handsome that Y/N didn’t properly know what to do with herself.
“It’s my favourite verb, darling.”
Y/N was stunned, and she hated herself for melting a little at the sound of ‘darling’ leaving his lips, because the way he said it made her all giggly. She hated that he had this effect on her. Hated it. Because she hated him. Or no, she didn’t hate him, but he was so annoying, especially when he made her want him to kiss her.
“I-I…” She cleared her throat, taking her cup in one hand and the vodka bottle in the other and gave Harry a very awkward smile. “I-I need to go find Tiana.”
Harry cocked his head at her, licking his lip again as he saw her stress in a way that made her a little cute. She seemed distressed, like she didn’t really know what to do with herself, but not because she was uncomfortable, but rather because she didn’t want to be this close to him or something might actually happen. Harry wasn’t going to lie, he found Y/N very attractive, and the more time he spent around her, teasing her and making him work for it, he knew that there was no way he’d ever really be done unless something happened. But it didn’t seem Y/N wanted to. Well, at least not now. She took another step away from him, giving him a tight smile before walking off. He watched her leave, her face when he had said ‘fuck’ etched into his mind, and sipping his drink, he knew it would be a very long while until he forgot about that.
Y/N found her friends again, giving the bottle back to Tiana and sipping her drink. She passed it around the little group of girls, everyone taking a sip, and tried for forget about the incident in the kitchen just now. Swallowing the rest of the vodka, Y/N started smiling and dancing again. She didn’t see Harry the rest of that night. She spent it dancing with her flatmates, holding Tiana’s hair back once they reached heir flat, and humming a song she had been dancing to in bed until she fell asleep.
@swayingnoodlelove @littlestyles @showk1ndness @sydneysuit @hallwayharry @emotionally-imbruised @fuckyeahimahobbit @beksjewels @harryisadogperson @harryrocksagoodsuit @ifiwereaboy2323 @tiostyles @maroonmolly @harrysroguecurl @awomanindeniall @justsaying20 @ot4narrie @miss-nxvxcaine @sunflowersandrockstars @hard-on-harry @emma070900 @shitibitmytonge @my--heroine @rainbowbutterflyboy @shegotthesalt @harrytreatspeoplewithkindnesss @mleestiles @bloodcastle30155 @harryskiwi2
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goodnessgatsby · 5 years
Nightmares Are My Wonderland
((Heavily based on the universe in the movie “Push” with undertones of the anime/manga/game corpse party and my hero academia. TRIGGER WARNING; DOMESTIC ABUSE AND ALCOHOLISM IS HEAVILY IMPLIED WITH UNDERTONES OF SEXUAL ASSUALT AND MENTAL ABUSE))
((Looking for a partner to either ally with my villain and prime her to become something either truly evil or virtuous (meaning you can be a hero that saves her from a dark life if you’d like, I encourage this.) Or you can meet with her a decade after she’s become a villain, being more well-known and feared among the community and either ally her as a villain or fight her as a hero (meaning you would have to fight to defeat her as a hero, saving her soul would no longer be an option unless you’re creative) Please be very clear as to what you quirk is and how you use it))
((If you wish to play a Cannon character than this character is strictly made for a hero/villain environment as long as they belong to the comic book, manga, movie range then you are free to use them))
Sun glistens through the dark murky motel room as Valerie grips her long smooth locks, a soft tan to her skin despite living like a vampire most of her life, as her eyes flutter impatiently about the room. Dad didn't come home again, looks like he'll be home later today. Suddenly the neighbor and his weird cosplay girlfriend begin talking way too fucking loud for 6 a.m. before Valerie pinches the bridge of her nose, whining softly as the hangover settles over her small boxy frame "Fuuuuck! Shut Up!" she screams, throwing a pillow at the wall before sitting up at the edge of the bed. The walls are a dark smoke gray, with brown stains scattered about the room like carefully hung photos and a pitch colored trim between the concrete floor and ceiling “God, could we have picked a cheaper motel…” she huffs as if she hadn’t spent all her savings on a few months in this crappy place, it was easier than trying to find an apartment without a reliable source of income. At this point, she’d only been taking odd jobs in different towns with hopes of someday landing a job and settling down in a real home, but that was entirely impossible with her father’s drunken misdeeds in every town she had attempted to build a nest. Speaking of which, was it possible he sent her a text or tried to call her last night when she was drinking? Like Father, like daughter…Valerie stares at the bottle of 1800 Tequila Silver on the nightstand, it never tasted good but the feeling of floating was something worth chasing “I really ought to let him go drink himself to death far away from me…” but the truth is like the high liquor gives, she continues to chase what her father used to be…before…She dives for the bottle before the thought can bubble to the surface taking a massive swig, filling her mouth entirely before swallowing. She runs her fingers through the length of her hair as the liquor silences any chance of tears before she opens the app on her phone to check for any paying jobs. Please, something that pays more than 35 dollars!!! Browsing the list carefully her eyes flutter over something odd, but for 1,000 dollars…how could she pass this up? Imagine all the food, maybe even a motel upgrade…even for a few weeks would be better than breathing in mold for a day longer. The description reads ‘Social experiment; One-time visit required for payment. We are inviting 7 people to a night of fun and fright!(Each person will receive their own time and date to arrive, only one person will be selected to receive a permanent job and living quarters) You and 6 others will be suited up in gear that will analyze your vitals and brain functions while giving a boost in physical abilities so you can defend against ‘monsters’. This will require all 7 participants in different sessions to work alongside me to complete simulated courses, like a Virtual Reality Video Game! No Danger! No Risk! Just 23 hours of free food, socializing and a whole lot of exercise! Better message quickly or you’ll miss your chance!’ below was an email and phone number with the letters X.O.E signed below. Social experiment, huh? The young maiden smiles nervously at the idea of anything social, but quickly decides the money would clearly be worth it, although it could be a scam…on the off chance it is real “Suppose I just message them and see how it goes…”
Several Days Later; Monday
As the night of the experiment arrives, Valerie finds herself standing outside the most beautiful little house she’d ever seen in her 19-year life, it was white and plain colored with vines covered in tiny blossomed flowers scattered about its length and surrounded by a garden that must’ve come right out of a fairytale. Her brain wept at such beauty, unaware of the man hollowing out her soul with his eyes until the final time his eyes rushed over her, Valerie gasps gripping onto her sides with her arms across her abdomen
“Y-you must be Xavier Everts…” she blurts out, trying not to appear terrified to no avail “I...I’m Valerie Bonna-velt…I’m here for the…social…experiment…” she was beginning to wonder if there was such a thing, now that she stood in his unblinking presence. Had anyone messaged this man? “Excuse me…Could you please tell me what’s going on…I’m really confused” the man moves closer, and without a word takes her wrist dragging the trembling teen through the gate and into a poorly lit kitchen.  
The man’s frail old voice booms “Master Everts!” Valerie stares numbly at the floor, her brain rushing over every possible scenario in which she’d never see the light of day again. Suddenly a warm voice coos back, in the sweetest most soothing manner an anxiety-stricken woman could hope for “Ah yes, back here Ms. Bonna-velt, I’ve awaited your arrival” she eagerly grips onto the velvet sheets draped over the door frame replacing a door, pulling them apart as she stepped into a large open Victorian style living room. She grips her chest as her brows dip and pull together in rhythm with the melting of her soul, the walls were deep pitch with roses painted all over that were framed two-fourths of the way down with a light brown border. This appeared to have an almost red glaze deepening in opacity as it met the floor unlike the lusterless tan trim. This matched the drapes and couches perfectly; Valerie could not help but stand in awe as her honey colored eyes polished the place over. From the floral-patterned wood below her feet to the glowing candle chandelier above her head it was truly a picture taken right from her dreams. A soft chuckle ripples through the air before her eyes meet with the tall thin man with paper white skin and long raven colored hair
“I see you appreciate the beauty in times far before you and I, but I’m afraid we haven’t the time to give you a tour.” His apologetic smile, spreads energy through her body like a surge of electricity as she nods, rushing to close the distance between herself and the much taller employer
“It is alright, really I’m sure we could do that another time”
In response to this he laughs “Confident one, aren’t we?”
His features were strong and well pronounced, it was like talking to a portrait in an art museum only this one was responding. He explained the way that the suits would have small needles placed in various areas to properly study Valerie’s vitals and chemical balances in response to the simulations around her.  Truth be told she didn’t understand half of it, but the way his arms wrapped around her front and hands fumbled with the attachments kept her calm, unable to focus on the suspicious liquids behind each needle or the metallic scent coming from his clothing. The only thing on her mind was the way his lips would part for each breath as if breathing through his nose was not good enough, and the squinted glances he’d gift her with a calm cold grin
“My, you really enjoy being in my presence, don’t you?” Valerie felt her shoulders pull back as her spine straightened and she nodded softly, there was something…about this place, this man that felt too close to her heart…as if plucked right from her mind. She bites her lower lip, leaning into him to take in the rough metal odor as he roughly grips her waist with his right hand and slammed down onto a large orange button with his left
“I hope you continue to feel this way after your first trial.” His voice quickly escaping her mind as 5 needles inject strange liquids into various parts of her body simultaneously. Had her gut instinct been correct? Had no one else messaged this man? Did she sign up to be a lab rat? His fingers squeeze her skin roughly before releasing
“Don’t worry, it’s the power boost you were promised in the post, I hope you did not forget the terms of our agreement dear girl” all her muscles tense in response to the liquids.
This triggers the beginning of the first simulation titled “Of All the Things You Love” the words stretched across a beautiful Japanese garden, cherry blossoms swaying over the bold white words that slowly began to fade as Mr. Everts booms through the headphones covering her ears
“Now, you should be able to move normally about the world, you will need to find a clue in this world to escape. If you perform well enough, we will discuss having you over for the next trial. For now, all you need to know is your brain controls and develops this game as you play, I have zero control of what you see or what the clues are. I can only give you directions on where to find these clues, beyond that it will be up to you whether you escape or not.”
Valerie was stumped by this, her mind trying desperately to find a solution “My brain created this place? From a memory? Or a dream?” she thought, wrapping her arms around herself as always. Nothing felt different, her arms and legs were the same appendages she used every day. Truthfully it had appeared the only difference was a scenery and climate change. She takes in the warmth of the sun’s rays before he speaks again, somehow watching her stretch and twirl in the summer’s heat
“I see you prefer warmer climates, are you ready to begin?” his soft words felt as though they were placed there for a reason, as though they were meant to calm her uneasy state. “The clue is at the center of this garden, but beware, although your mind has created a calming environment that your cognizance can handle, there are still threats guarding each clue.” He sounded quite sure of himself, but the idea that her mind could have created something harmful in a place like this, it felt impossible. Nevertheless, Valerie forced herself forward deeper into the garden, trying to focus on the flowers, the sun and the warm floral smells that were fashioned by the two intertwining
“Are you sure there are fiends in this game? I know I watch a lot of horror movies, but it doesn’t seem like there could be anything like that… here…” even she sounded unsure of her conclusion, worried it was her brain trying to cope with the idea of treading unknown terrain. “What do I do if there is something trying to attack me anyway?” these seemed like questions she should have asked before starting the simulation, but it seemed she was purposefully placed in this place without knowledge of what was to come. This would force her to rely on the help of Mr. Everts or her own reflexes, making this far more challenging than she had first envisioned.
“Onee-chan!!!” A familiar tiny voice calls towards her from somewhere far ahead, followed by soft weak sobs “Onee-Chan!” the voice cries once again causing my feet to move towards it.
“This is such a bad idea, what if it isn’t really a little girl!” Valerie would scream at her body, but it continued to sprint towards a small terrified scream, until that scream had a face. Before her stood a little girl, not much older than 4 years old with soft black hair that framed her warm rosy skin “Hello there…little one…Do you need help?” Valerie whimpers, keeping her distance from this small child as the girl began to appear more and more familiar the longer, she stared.
“Onee-chan” Yuka cried, looking over her shoulder with the one side of her face that still had an eye, immediately being recognized by the Valerie as one of the victims in her favorite anime.
“No. No no no, this is impossible. You’re not real!” she cried, taking a step back from the child before it revealed its entire face. Blood dripping from the hollow socket that used to house Yuka’s eye as the ghoulish kid closed the distance between herself and Valerie. It was like lightspeed one second Yuka was staring at her and the next she was crying to be saved with tiny hands wrapped tightly around her throat.
“You have to fight, if you want to survive you must fight” Everts calls, reminding her this was merely a simulation. Valerie groans loudly, slamming her elbow into the child’s skull and with a loud crack the girl’s skull fragments spray about the smooth dirt path leading to the center. The corpse began to shrivel like a salted snail until there was nothing left of the falsified child. Needing to remind herself this was just a game, despite the years that torture scene had terrorized her memory.
“It’s Okay Bonna-velt, you can do this. You can do this! You need to breathe and remember your goal” this seemed to do the trick, as Valerie got to her feet once more and began on the path to the center of the world which appeared to have a large pine tree more massive than a skyscraper, the point nearly pierced the sky. “Looks as though my awareness was kind enough to give me a marker. Better return the favor and move swiftly” with this the young girl closed the distance between herself and the wooded forest housing her first clue. The wind whistled an alluring tune as she cautiously stepped into the shaded lot, each tree huddled closely together to deny the rays of sunlight any access while below was an unkept brush that slicked over towards the center, all signs pointed forward. What lied behind this damp cloaked brush? Valerie ties back her long brown hair in a loose poorly constructed bun before entering with a nervous whine, as she passed the threshold the world around her began to change. Although the foliage remained trees, the leaves had grown much larger and pronounced than pines with long limbs that stretched out to the similar trees surrounding it. The terrain matching that of a rainforest, with the sounds of life flooding the air.
“What did you do!?” Everts chimes suddenly, making her body jolt and tense. “How did you change your surroundings? None of the other subjects were able to change their environment without finding a clue” his tone sounded agitated, but for what reason? Had she done something wrong?
“I’m not sure, I just thought I was done with that world…Did I do something wrong?” her voice sounding so terribly unsure of her accidental decision to change the world, unaware that was even something she was able to do.
“No, my apologies. I was merely annoyed with myself for having my attention elsewhere…. You are a wonderful specimen Valerie. I’ve never found a human who’s suited my fancy so immensely, please continue” He chirped, suddenly she feels him grip her waist with both hands and squeeze roughly forcing a moan from her trembling lips. It was embarrassing, but he achieved his goal as she decided not to ask any more questions before getting closer to the first clue. All along her path we’re dried and torn snake skins that grew larger the closer she managed to get, as though there was a large snake that had been shedding in this area over the span of its life. This Idea alone was not enough to scare her, but thinking back she remembered one snake that made her skin crawl. Kaa from the jungle book, no beast should have the ability to manipulate living beings’ minds. A shiver ran up her spine
“Oh god Bonna-velt…tell me you didn’t do that to us…tell me you were thinking snakes on a plane or something harmless like that” but there was no undoing what had already been done, hissing suddenly filled the air.
She screamed, running forward frantically, unaware that she was headed towards the snake instead of away from it until her body slams against a large, thick and scaly body before falling onto her behind “No no no no! Close your eyes, close your eyes!” Valerie screams afraid of anything sentient invading her mind as her heels dig into the dirt in front of her, pushing her body away as quickly as her behind will scoot. Woefully she does not scoot fast enough, as soon she can feel that same meaty, scaly body slithering around her and crushing her ribs tighter and snugger by the minute. With her eyes closed the maiden begins shouting at the beast through constricted breaths “I’m not looking into your eyes! You’re not real! And You cannot control me!” it felt like her lungs would pop after this declaration, her eyes threatening to evacuate from her skull as a result of so much pressure. It was not only terrifying to see these characters come to life, but to witness them behaving so different than the characters they represented from shows, movies and books. Memory has a funny way of warping reality, although Yuka was no villain in her stunning debut the memories of her revolve around a nightmare that visited young Valerie from time to time. This made Yuka the perfect first trial according to her brain, and this brainwashing beast was no different.
“There is no need for you to fight me now. You’ve given me all I need” the beastress hisses, as her cold scaly body loosens its grip letting the young girl breathe for a moment. “Open those beautiful eyes, and see for yourself” Her eyes fluttering open to see the snake is no where near her body, and yet it felt as though the thick meaty body began to constrict around her again
“Gah! How are you-…you doing this?” she gasps, unable to breathe the tighter this invisible body squeezes around her small frame. What is going on?! Valerie stares at the serpent as it moves in from the brush
“Why would I waste my time crushing you, when you’ll do it for me?” Kaa smugly hisses towards her, leaving the young girl choking and confused before it eases up allowing her to breathe again “Why waste my time on something as helpless as you? Or Someone so selfish?” the sound of the viper’s harsh words makes each gasped breath that much more painful.
“SHUT UP! YOU DON’T KNOW WHAT YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT!” Valerie cries out, feeling a sharp pinch in her left lung before erupting into a fit of coughs, blood oozing from her chest and out her mouth along with mucus from smoking habitually. Her eyes closed tightly as it pools all over directly below Valerie’s trembling body, it felt like lava was pouring from her lungs and out her throat
“Poor thing, it’s really eating you up inside isn’t it?” the serpent cackles, closing the distance between the young human and herself, quickly jerking the young girls chin upward with the end of it’s tail “You should have spoken out, before you could no longer speak at all”. Suddenly Valerie feels the large scaly body starting to coil around her again “Oh dear, I’d never imagined you’d make yourself suffer so much” The young girl spits the last bit of blood onto the floor before looking up at the temptress and yelling
“Don’t get so smug, thinking you’ve won!” the roar of her voice makes the snake stumble and the hypnosis break, knocking the terrified girl to the ground as her surroundings are returned to that garden from the beginning of the game. Kaa had control of her since the moment she stepped into the forest, warping her surroundings to toy with the scared girl. “What?! Why are we here? What did you do?!” these questions swirl around the thick cold air for seconds before Valerie launches at the small snake, gripping the back of its head and the third fourth of it’s body. ‘You have to kill it, it will take over your mind again if you don’t kill it’ her mind screams as she pulls the beast apart in once swift motion, spraying its blood all over herself and the surrounding trees as her knuckles clack together behind her.
“Mhhhm, what a good look for you.” He groans, finally releasing her hips from his hands, wait…Was He holding onto her this entire time? No, his hands started at her waist, now they’re on the sides of her hips. Has he been petting her this whole time?! A blush overcomes her face as an item within the world suddenly begins to glow “That is the clue for the next trial Ms. Bonna-velt…Take it and read its contents carefully, for it can only be deciphered by you.”
The small slab was glistening so brightly it’s shape could not be interpreted from this distance, and as the young adventuress closed the distance she had to use her arms to cover her eyes “I always wondered what the highlighted items looked like inside the game, but this is insane” she whimpered in regards to the blinding light emitting off the clay slab, as her hands gripped the bottom end it ceased  floating and glowing, resting in her tiny palms as a normal chiseled slab “What you’ve found is what you fear, but what you seek is gone my dear” the words flowing from her lips like unsteady breaths “What you’ve found is what you fear…Do they mean Yuka and Kaa? But what you seek is gone my dear? Gone? Like disappeared or like dead?” she puzzled over this for a moment before the words became clear. The young maiden held the slab tightly to her chest, it was all so clear. Yuka was mother, begging to be saved by a simple phone call to the police department and Kaa was the guilt crushing her insides for leaving her mother in the hands of her father, she had only wanted to get away from the fighting for a few hours, a day at most, but the family she’d left behind that day was no longer there upon her arrival. As tears rolled down her heated cheeks like water off a melting icicle, she hugged herself tightly and cried out “The Clue is Mother” before the device suddenly releases her from the simulation.
“Welcome back Young Bonna-velt…” Everts cooed, catching her body as gravity gave way to her tired limbs. Despite physically never moving, her body felt heavy and exhausted as though she’d been running marathons all night “Do not worry, the serum will heal all your aches by the morning. As well as reform some of your least performing organ systems to a new undamaged state.” Almost certain he meant her liver and lungs, but would not directly say these as to not pry too deep into her personal life. Suppose he’s seen too much already? Her eyes begin to grow heavy against his warm frame until the world around her fades into darkness.
The Morning of Mourning
The following morning, Valerie wakes to the dark dank hotel she’d left her unconscious father resting in, wait…How did she get here?! She rubs her temples, sitting up at the middle of the same lumpy mattress she’s slept on for nearly a month now. A sharp pain jolts up her spine, followed by the need to vomit with her head spinning like a dreidel as she plops back down across the mattress watching the small warped ceiling fan weakly wobble in a circle. “uhhh” she groans, this was like a hangover, morning sickness and fever chills had a baby leaving it in the young girl’s skull “Small price to pay for a healthy body, right?” wanting to believe that the strange man from the internet was telling her the truth. Should she see a doctor? A better question is…Does she have the money to visit a doctor? Oh right, the thousand dollars. Rolling onto her side, Valerie looks around both sides of the bed to see if her wallet was on the nightstand, but instead of the torn, leather wallet her mother had gifted Valerie…there was a wave of deep crimson covering the night stand, wall and right half of her bed. Her eyes widen ‘Mr. Everts no!’ her mind sobbed as she pushed herself onto her belly, kicking herself forward to find Victor Dean Bonna-velt with the upper half of his skull removed, as though whomever did this cut from the middle of the eye sockets around. She gagged, pushing herself upward in a rush to get away, but her palm slips on the blood covered wood slamming her body forward and into the corpse where her skull would bounce off the concrete a couple times with the weight of her body sliding her under the second bed with ease. The entire front half of her body smothered in hot, sticky blood as her breathing grows heavier “Someone, please help me…” she whispers, before fading out of consciousness
Hours later the young girl stirs from beneath her father’s bed, unaware of her surroundings beyond a foul smell and the suffocating, cramped space she finds herself crammed in.
Buzz Buzz,
Buzz Buzz,
Buzz Buzz!
Valerie’s phone erupts with life, vibrating on the nightstand closest to the door, she scrambles forward kicking at the guts behind her with loud disgusting squishing sounds as she squirms from under the bed’s grip. She whines softly, trying to rub the filth from her face as her eyes adjust to the darkness
“Dad? Can you get that!” she groans, wiping her hands on her shirt before rubbing the sleep from her eyes. The phone once again springs to life and danced about the nightstand, glossing over the bedroom with a bright blue light as Valerie is reminded of the scene that coated her in…blood…This is blood…A soft chuckle leaves her cowering lips as the phone erupts with a call, the letters X.O.E displayed in bold letters on the tiny screen, slowly she inches past the bed as she tries desperately to keep her from seeing her disemboweled parent again “Block it out Valerie, you have to stay focused, try to remember” she whispers softly. This seemed to ease her nerves as she answered the phone with a monotone “Hello.”
“MS. BONNA-VELT! My gracious dove, how are you this fine eve?” He booms, a cheery whimsy to his words as though he was utterly pleased to speak to the young girl once again. She takes a deep breath before trying to speak again, so much had happened, so much that she needed to know about the events leading up to…to…She swallows hard, holding herself loosely with one arm as the other helps her hand hold up the phone
“N-not very good Mr. Everts… I’m having trouble remembering…some things…” to this he responded with a deep sigh that melted into a groan, she could feel his smile fade with her words, but he had needed to know. “Please Mr. Everts, I don’t mean to annoy you, I had only hoped you’d fill in some gaps…” an insecurity to her tone, feeling the tension slowly start to dissolve before he replies again with a soft hearty laugh
“I see young girl; your brain must be suppressing some things in an attempt to protect you. Could I come get you from your motel and take you elsewhere to clear your mind? I’m sure the smell is getting to you” Somehow his words made it sound like he knew her father’s corpse was only feet away from her beginning to pucker and bloat. How long had she been out? How long had the body been there? It had to have been a few days for the smell and appearance to be this bad, right?
“Yes please, please come get me!” she cries, not wanting to think about how old the blood on her body was or how she’d come to be covered in it to begin with. Today was beginning to be much worse than she’d ever planned when suddenly there’s a knocking at the door
“Then come outside my love, daddy’s here” he hums through the phone, making her pause and stare at the door…He…He did this…Is he…Is he going to kill her too? “Don’t be shy my sweet flower, come say hello” he coos once more, trying to lure her from her nest, but Valerie is unable to move despite standing only a few feet from the unlocked door. She watches as the handle turns left all the way “Hello?! Are you alright?!” his tone drowning with worry as the handle twists all the way to the right “Say something” he once again cries, throwing the door open to the vision of his beautiful little girl, the fruit of his labor and the love of his life. Their eyes lock, making him visibly swoon “You look so beautiful all painted up for daddy” He closes the distance between them, taking hold of her sides as his thumbs softly rub her love-handles and he washes her over with his gaze once more “I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone more beautiful” he whispers before his lips press to her jawline, making her body tremble “Valerie, it’s okay. I stayed by your side for these last 4 days, but I didn’t want to scare you…I couldn’t be here when you woke, I’m so terribly sorry…” what had he meant by that? He’s been here with her? What had she done with him on those days and why could she not remember…?
“What are you talking about!” she screams, shoving him to the ground before plopping down onto the bed with an ugly sob “What would you have been doing here for the last four days if I wasn’t awake! Why are you doing this to me!” she wails, slamming her fists into her own stomach a few times “Or am I right to believe I was involved somehow?”
“Involved?” he repeats, as though the word is foreign to him before he erupts with laughter “Such a shame, we’ll have to fix that broken memory of yours right away” with this he pushed himself upward and onto his feet in one swift motion, who the hell is this dude? “But first, I will need you to listen little girl. Come here” he snips, curling his finger in towards himself to direct her.
‘Do I have a choice? What will happen if I don’t? And why didn’t he answer my question’ these were the thoughts that plagued her mind as she obediently hoisted herself upward to her feet and under the arm of the man that obviously murdered her father.
“Atta Girl” He chirps, walking her out the deep green door towards a short maroon 2004 Mercury Marauder with smoky gray leather seats and interior, upon closer inspection she finds the windshield cracked and the radio removed. He let go of her long enough to toss the door open and shove her into the vehicle, but rather than go around the car he scoots along the front of the seats to the driver’s side, pulling the passenger door closed behind him. He starts the car as his eyes lock with hers intently “Please smile little one, you’re going to remember everything soon” somehow, she knew this was meant to calm her, but those words had an effect neither of them could have predicted. As the car backs up, jolting her body forward she grips the car door and the dash as a flash of the days that lead to these events fills her head.
An image of Valerie covered with blood, wearing a crazed grin as a camera films “My, my, such a beautiful girl painted up for daddy…Do you enjoy this? Does it feel good when you remember how it feels to be happy? Such a gorgeous smile you have little one” the man behind it booms, that strange familiar voice. Who is that? It felt as though she was looking through a smudged lens at the world surrounding her “I will be the protector of your memories my love, never again will you feel isolated or trapped. Never again will I allow anything to harm you, my sweet dove. That sick bastard didn’t deserve a daughter as perfect as you, therefore I will take you myself. And through experimentation you will be reborn as my daughter” the camera moves as he draws closer to my face, Everts!!!! He cups her cheek softly, why does his voice sound so melodic right now compared to real life and what does this memory mean? Valerie snaps back to reality as suddenly as she had left it, staring down at the rubber mat place below her feet
“Where are we going?” she mumbles, feeling her palms and hairline begin to sweat “And how much longer? I’m…I’m tired…” a soft tremble to her words, showing that same insecurity that drew him towards her to begin with. He quickly takes her hand in his, resting the two on her thigh as he spoke
“Back to our nest my little dove, it will be quite a while I’m afraid. If you wish to sleep, you can lean on daddy. I promise you’ll be safe” he softly coos, something that once was so comforting felt like a death sentence
“That’s okay…I’ll be alright…daddy” the word felt like vomit leaving her mouth, nothing could be more revolting, but a smile rested comfortably on his face after she had knighted him with his self-proclaimed title “Could you tell me more about our nest?” she hums softly, looking out her window onto the horizon as she buckles herself in the seat more securely not wanting to look towards him.
“It’s out of state I’m afraid, so that beautiful home you wished to tour will be left to collect dust. I have many homes I’ve strategically purchased around the united states and a few in Italy, but we won’t be leaving the country anytime soon. It is in a small town just outside of Bozeman, Montana. It is a very beautiful place, you can see the mountains so that’s a plus, but there’s also a lot of eyes, it is a heavily populated town and for good reason. The home itself is rather cheery and wooden, far from the town for good reason and it overlooks a lake.” The way he spoke made him almost seem normal to her, like he felt panicked for being ‘put on the spot’ and was trying to push past the feeling. Why did he feel so eerie before? She leans closer to the window, feeling the vibration of the car rock her into a deep sleep with an uncertainty towards the days to come.
Sunlight pours in through the windows like an estuary the rays penetrated the glass with ease as it lacked any form of tinting, the light was blinding to sleep covered eyes making life just a little harder for the teen girl “Mhhh!” she groaned, stretching as she sat up off the lap of her captor, it felt so good to sleep after processing so much, but immediately she is reminded of her situation
“Did you sleep well my little dove?” He coos, eyes focused on the road as he awaits her response. It had taken a moment for her to realize, but Valerie remembered falling asleep on the door against the window…Although she had avoided it before her eyes locked on the face that she once found so charming
“Did you…move me?” Irritation tainted each syllable of this question as her eyes burned holes into his soul as she waited for him to confirm what she already knew; it was a way of telling herself she wasn’t crazy.
“Yes, you looked so uncomfortable away from daddy…” he pouted, pushing his lower lip out as though it would influence her response at all. Why did he need to move her onto his lap?! So close to his…Her face turns bright red as she looks away from him, no telling what he could have done to her whilst she slept. Valerie was known to be able to sleep through a hurricane, her mother used to have to carry her sleeping body to the shower and drench her just to get her to school on time because standing her up stopped working after she’d gotten used to it. “I’ve seen that look before; you needn’t worry… I would never taint your purity without permission. I may have my warts, but things of that nature don’t suit my fancy…” meaning he did want her, but is it possible he expects her to want him in time? Rubbing her eyes, the girl yawns softly
“Well good…I don’t think I’d handle something like that very well…” there was truth to her words, but the way she phrased it was incorrect. She was relieved to find out he was not a self-proclaimed rapist, but this brought another question to her attention. He has his warts, but not of that nature…What nature does suit his fancy? She’d hoped it was her paranoia telling her what he fancied was far worse, and turned to her captor sleepily “Just…don’t touch me when I’m sleeping” she huffs, why was this something that needed to be said? It felt like common sense to Valerie, but not all monsters are cut from the same tattered cloth. “How close are we?” her soft quaking voice whispered as the young girl pulled her knees towards her chest and wrapped her slightly muscular arms around them before resting her chin on her knees.
“Only a few miles now. Did you want to stop and get something to eat? Stretch? Use the Bathroom? You know…Normal Human Road-trip activities…”It was clear he felt a little less comfortable with her after being reprimanded “Suppose I can hardly remember what other humans do anymore” he nervously chuckles, slowing the car a bit as his eyes wash Valerie over “I know…I can be a bit much, but I only have your best intentions in mind. I hate to admit I’ve been insensitive…I had time to think on this whilst you slept. I was not sure, but it felt like you were scared of me yesterday…and well, you’ve confirmed that today… with your response to something I’d hoped to be a kind gesture, I will admit I have not had much interaction with other people since college.” He pauses and looks away from her, back to the road, returning to normal speed in one smooth motion. Taking a deep breath Xavier continues in an unsteady tone “What I am hoping to convey is that, I am no threat to you Valerie Amerai Bonna-velt. I may be terrible with social skills and it’s possible my attempts at affection are more…creepy…than…romantic.”
“But?” She hums, leaning back in her chair so her spine is straight as her eyes look expectantly at him. She’d only had him in her life for a few days and already she expected so much of him. Was she starting to care? “But you killed my father?” suddenly the car screeches to a halt skidding towards the side of the road before he turns to face Valerie; the nineteen-year-old Mongolian American whose forehead is resting on the dash thanks to such an abrupt stop.
“I am not the one who killed that man Valerie, you are” the words clap against her ear drums like a gunshot, echoing all the way down her spine as he gripped her wrists “I was hoping to show you the video…but you went and made me spoil the cinematic reveal” he giggles, sounding pleased with himself as Xavier jerks the young girl closer, he was in his late sixties despite not looking a day over twenty-two and much stronger than Valerie despite his nerdy weakling façade “I know this is a lot, and although I love to watch a mind deteriorate…” He pauses, dragging his tongue over his upper lip as though thinking about changing his mind “…I want you to ease into these memories…You had to know the truth, but sometimes these things can be easier if you don’t try to rush it and force my hand. You could have remembered on your own in a few weeks, days or hours, but I wanted to at least wait until you were able to isolate yourself in a room away from me.” What was that? Did his personality start to act up, but he brought it back down to a normal level? What is this guy’s deal? “Suppose now that you know it’s inside the car, I’ll have to ask you to be patience an-”
“That’s okay… I’d rather put off…knowing all the details for now…If what you say is true, then this is probably my last happy day…funny because yesterday was probably one of the worst days of my life…” Valerie forces a laugh, wanting to conceal the shattering pieces leftover from her crumbling sanity. “Food does sound nice…” she whimpers softly, wanting to sway the conversation elsewhere as quickly as possible, to this Xavier swoons letting out a deep hum towards her
“This is why I love you, you really get me” he lets go of her, turning to start the car back up with little trouble “We should learn to focus on the good and a full tummy sounds brilliant!” he coos, pulling away from the shoulder and back onto the highway “What sorts of foods suit your fancy?” he hums, using that phrase again
But things of that nature don’t suit my fancy
What sorts of foods suit your fancy?
“I prefer something salty or savory, sweet things don’t suit my fancy” She hums, being nonspecific as always “I will admit I am being vague because I don’t want to displease you, it’s such a pain to deal with going back and forth over and over….” Her father had a funny way of convincing her to pick whilst rejecting every option she chose until she suggested what he originally wanted to begin with. The entire mess was frustrating for Valerie, she could hardly imagine a person who could stand a situation like that, but she was never a girl of patience.
“Aw how cute, you used my favorite phrasing! Hmmm…Salty or Savory? What a shame you don’t like sweets, there are lots of bakeries on the map. Well what about pizza?” he chimes, trying to cover everything she’s said to him, to prove his willingness to listen “It’s only sweet depending on your toppings and cheese is normally pretty sodium heavy”
“Fantastic idea!” She booms, leaning against the door as she watches him juggle driver and navigating. Something about this struggle was amusing to her, it was in no where near the suffering she’d endured as well as apparently creating it. Her smug grin fades, what an odd thing to find amusing…
The Arrival; Life’s gift
The cabin was a warm sandy tan, the outside looking as though full logs were stacked on top of each other to form the walls despite having such large full windows and crystal doors that slide open like a window laying on it’s side. What a beautiful home! Valerie forces a sweet smile as she rushes to the entrance running her fingers over the smooth glass of the door as her eyes wash over the pitch steel borders that kept the crystal in place. On either side of the door are golden dragons carved into the light wood, she can hardly stop herself from running her fingers over the glistening design “How much does a place like go for anyway?” she slurs, her eyes bouncing from her new shelter to Xavier
“To be perfectly candid, I do not remember. It may have been a gift from one of my admirers or one of the homes purchased by my parents…The décor will most certainly remind me where this cabin came from.” He closes the distance between himself and the young girl before nudging her with his hip “Open the door for me, my sweet dove” the sounds of pleasure rippling in throughout his voice as he watched a shiver jolt up the young girl’s spine.
“What did I tell you? That makes me so uncomfortable…” Valerie groans, sliding the door open for the lengthy man as he stumbled inside holding several boxes and bags, he had clearly prepared for this trip. Had he known they’d need to flee Premont, Texas? She felt deep inside herself that those videos contained a truth beyond that of her father’s demise. Valerie rubs her arms softly before entering the home, inside was dozens of family photos, anchors, and sea shells as if the entire home had been decorated with an ocean side theme “So? Parents? Or lovers?” she calls into the house. Quickly she follows behind her voice deeper into the cabin, where her feet meet the animal skin rugs stacked on top of one another about the room, nearly covering all the cherry-wood that made up the floor. The room was small compared to the rest of the house, with a large “L” shaped couch in the center of the room with many colorful pillows with words like “Live, Laugh, Love” written in cursive “God it’s so cozy I can literally feel the sea of big fluffy blankets and fuzzy socks beginning to smother me” she calls, fake dying as her body plops onto the plush coffee sofa
“Oh, don’t complain, we won’t be staying here long.” He huffs, sitting down near the young maiden’s feet as he leans deep into the couch as a sigh of relief blooms from his pouty lips “You could have assisted me in moving our luggage”
“Assist my kidnapper in moving his luggage and my stolen stuff? Do you ever listen to yourself when you speak?” she snips back quickly, hearing the smile on his face as he sits up, hunching over as his elbows rest on his knees and his finger intertwine
“I hardly kidnapped you, you walked with me to the car with no resistance and you didn’t try to run at Luigi’s Haunted Pizza, so I could very easily disagree with you. The same as any jury would, evidence makes a case young Bonna-velt and I’m afraid the proof is not on your side” Valerie could not stand his smugness, although this was only the case because Xavier was exposing the truth, although her terror served as a mental block she’d shown no sign of trying to escape this man’s clutches. Why was that? Was it the information he had about the four nights escaping her memory? Or the fear of starting over fresh with an unfamiliar face? She’d spent so many years living with her father, with no friends or family members to lean on her father was truly all she had left in this world and the moment he was gone, she latched onto this parasite as though it was a host. “Are you ready for tonight’s examination?” he hums, looking her over with an intense gaze “There’s been no resurface of your abilities during our trip, this leads me to believe you have a specific trigger that allows you to use those gifts” did he mean the body enhancers he injected into me the first night we met?
“Not now…I want to nap first, it’s been a long day of really bad news…I really just want to sleep…” suddenly the couch depresses, like something is crawling over her body, she feels warm thighs pushing her knees into her stomach by raising her thighs. She looks up to see him pressing his manhood to her crotch as he leans over her small frame, beginning to kiss her neck and collar bone as his arm slides under the back of her left shoulder. He cups the nape of her neck, looking deep into her eyes with a burning desire
“Tell me you’ll let me hold you whilst you sleep?” He whimpers, resting his chin on the tops of her breasts “It would be an honor to protect you throughout the night” she felt there was more to this than what he gave away, but whether she wanted to or not he quickly flipped the two so his body was below her on the opposite side of the couch “Cuddle into me and christen me yours forever” these words were so intense, what had he wanted her to say? Gripping onto his shirt, she stares down at him like a deer in the headlights very obviously afraid of such a sudden advance towards her.
“I don’t think so…You really ought to go…” She whispers, climbing of his body with great struggle as he tries to hold her close to him, Valerie disliked this pressure and although she wanted so badly to be held until all her problems could melt into the sound of two hearts beating. “Goodnight Everts…” She hums, wandering off into the home to find a bed to sleep in, when the sound of a vhs tape playing floods the air as a light flickered through a cracked door at the end of the hall. Valerie held her breath as she heard her own voice whine “I don’t wanna do this, I wanna sleep!” it was very clearly her, but it sounded much more intoxicated than she was.
“Val? What are you doing?! Who is this guy?! Val?! VALERIE!”
Daddy! Her eyes swarm with tears as she runs to the room, knocking the door open with such great force that the metal door makes a depression where it met the wall as her eyes meet with a flickering light. When her eyes finally adjust to the monitor’s blinding blue light, Valerie recognizes herself standing next to a liquified blur of reds, pinks, browns and grays, what on earth is that? She leans into the screen trying to take a better look at blob when suddenly it solidifies reforming the man she called father gasping for air, suppose lungs don’t work in liquid form.
“Valerie…Valerie please”
Tears swell in the young girl’s eyes as she watches her father plead with a dead-eyed version of herself, the mindless woman one screen crouches down looking him deep into his eyes “Solid, Gaseous, Liquid…Let us see if we can do all at once” the girl whispers forcing his mouth open as her fingers glow a bright white, making the saliva in his mouth and throat a solid. As her father chokes, trying to pull the brittle saliva from his throat as the beastress cackles
“Such a beautiful girl, are you enjoying your new powers? Show me more, show daddy what you can do” a voice off camera cheers, as Valerie’s father looks at the man behind the voice with terror as the dead eyed Valerie grips his body at a couple different areas and with a flash of light she changes his body into a mess of liquids, colored gases and hardened flesh.
“Just like ice” the girl cries slamming her fist into the upper half of his skull, watching the ice-like matter shatter and scatter about the room like red shards of glass. Valerie looks away from the screen, unable to watch herself rage like a brat being denied of something it wants as she vomits into the hall “h-how could I do this?” she trembles through rough gags, the world around her beginning to twirl like a ballerina. You did it Valerie, you did it without hesitation and you put this on mom. “YOU MONSTER! HOW COULD YOU?” Valerie cries at herself, feeling the ground quake below her, as her brain swells with memories of abuse, years of mental and physical abuse. NO, IT’S NOT HIS FAULT! HE WAS TOO DRUNK TO UNDERSTAND! IT WAS NOT FAIR! NO! He did this! He did this to me… She slams her fists into the sides of her skull as tears stream down her face, why did he do this to her? What has she become? These feelings bring upon an unknown feeling that boils up inside her bringing forward the quirk named Matter Manipulation; the name is suddenly all she can think about, but where had it come from?
“Valerie! Valerie!” Xavier cries, rounding the corner as the world around him suddenly begins to mold and change “Valerie no!” He cries as his body freezes in place, standing frozen like stone as he stared into her eyes. His legs beginning to change color and collapse below him as the blood in his legs solidifies “Please! STOP IT VALERIE! PLEASE I LOVE YOU!” he sobs in terror, but his wails fall upon deaf ears as Valerie closes the distance between the two of them and grip his neck tightly turning it into a floating blur of flesh colored liquids. The sounds of the tape rewinding replacing a theme song, the vhs tape beginning once again as her hands grip his shoulders
“Wait Gorgeous! I have something to tell you, darling. That dress is so snug, it really suits my fancy” Xavier calls through the screen, putting more emphasis on his favorite phrase when it suddenly becomes clear to Valerie. She’d noticed every time he used that phrasing her brain became fuzzy and she felt more inclined to listen to him, it was clear he’d kept her under this state when the effects of his serum were most potent.
“Your ability…what is it?” she snips, reforming his throat to its solid form. He stumbles forward gripping onto her, his head spinning as she watches him gasp and choke on the very air he has been deprived of. How cute! Look at him struggle! A smile plays on her lips as she steps back watching him fall onto his hands and knees
“My sweet dove, please, I’ve done nothing to deserve this treatment and being tortured doesn’t suit my fancy” He whines, trying once again to strain her consciousness to no avail, she pushes her power hard against him once more watching him squirm in agony before gasping for air once again “Fine…It’s called Deception;  it’s the ability to change what a person feels or sees, I can only maintain this ability for 6 days and my strength over a person’s mind varies on the amount of trust I have between myself and that person….the less a person trusts me the harder it is to maintain the false reality… and your power is a chemical mixture of my own ability and several others….those samples were extracted through forcible autopsy…”Forcible autopsy? Does that mean he’s made a name for himself? He’d never been direct with her before, but she knew immediately this was the standard, a form of expectation for future acquaintances.  A smile spreads across her face as she grips his throat from behind pushing him deep into the wood as she twirls planting her behind onto the arch of his back before her palms glow sliding from his neck down his spine liquifying his essence
The Heroes’ Arrival; Save Me
Had either of them thought this through?! Had she even considered repercussions for her actions? Although she’d hardly had time to adapt to these new memories, there was no time to watch the puppeteer draw his last breath. She releases him from her hold, exposing herself for the monster she is as the thick black smoke that makes us her body is wavered by someone busting in the front door, the glass shattering and bouncing off various areas around the entrance.
“Doctor Everts” a strong woman’s voice calls, as the sound of footsteps advancing towards the pair fills the silence. Damn it! Unable to hold him and continuously restructure the liquid formation of his throat as her time limit was 30 seconds without contact, but luckily his throat would likely reform with some sort of mutation as she didn’t maintain it’s shape up until it’s reforming. She leaps up from his body, rushing for a window in the back room behind the stack of screens and vhs players, Valerie tosses the rack holding the monitors down onto the door jamming it shut. She pushes off the toppled metal rack she grips onto the windowsill pulling herself through the window and onto slick dew-covered grass that leads into a forest of some kind, pushing off the ground with her hands she takes off into full sprint, no sense in trying to save energy if she has no idea how to control this stupid ability! She tries snapping her fingers and focusing as she builds the distance between herself and the heroes who would never understand the ever-growing hollowness inside her, she’d become a murder, there was no other path for her.
((This is where the road forks, for those of you who wish to save this pitiful hate-birthed beast then this is where your character will enter as either a hero or villain, either way you must play an ally))
((For those of you who wish to have a more matured/seasoned villain you will continue from here and reply to the end of this post))
 A Decade to Fester; They Do Not Dare Defy Me
Many years have past since the day Matter Manipulation was gifted to young Valerie, a decade to be quite precise and as the temptress neared her thirties a broiling need to be acknowledged by the world grew in its wake. She’d wasted enough time training, scheming, and waiting for a day when the world would be forced to face pain beyond their feeble little dreams.
“Aqua Regia!” Darius booms, entering her chambers with a concerned expression rest on his glowing ocean eyes as they lock onto the voluptuous Valerie, he was her second in command and most trusted ally, the one who saved her from the cruelty of those who held the title of Heroes. Those who would brand her very soul with a bible of law; a law book sewn together by the suffering and consumption of it’s own people, written in the blood of every less than fair pigment or disobedient civilian by sadists and hypocrites. “Val, please we must speak of the mission to come. If either you or I were to misstep we would lose the very foundation of all that we have built, quickly dear girl we mustn’t waste time” with this he waved me towards the door as his soft poetic mannerisms lull her senses into a calm
“Yes, Of course, but please Avalon do not fret, you are the key to my throne and with you I will forge a Camelot that would put Tartarus to shame” Aqua Regia coos, slipping from her solid form into a smoke like cloud to enhance her speed as she moves towards the villain Elusion with the quirk Escape Artist or the ability to find an escape plan for any situation, the back lash is sometimes there really is no escape although he has yet to stumble upon this problem. Valerie is able to return to solid form by keeping hands, heart and lungs solid inside the smoke form otherwise her body would remain gaseous until reaching the limited amount of time. This time gap started at thirty seconds, but after nearly a decade of training she can hold most things in any of the three forms for a whole hour, sadly no human can hold their breath for an hour so the gift has become rather tricky to maneuver without sparing a few insignificant lives. As her body slowly reforms Darius takes this time to go over some of our earlier successes
“Indeed, Queen Arthur” He would start, wanting to begin on her good side “The first two steps of our plan have come to fruition with very minor mishaps, the pot has been stirred as you say. Drug Families are at each other’s throats trying to find the rat amongst them, unaware it was the clients who sold them to the pros. Secondly, all of the bombs went off without a hitch, except the last hospital apparently a hero arrived in time to stop both with seconds to spare.” His face remained calm and hard like a statue, he knew this would make her erupt furious that anyone was able to catch onto her scheme “But we’ve reached the results you hoped for Ms. Regia, the pros have all eyes on you for the show tonight.” Despite the second step having a few misfires everything was going according to plan.
“Well…At least things are still moving forward, are the boys reaching out to the head of each family as we speak?” She groans, clearly annoyed with the lack of security in her strategy, nothing is guaranteed and yet she’d hoped this would as close to guaranteed as physically possible. The two descend the stairs her warm honey eyes scan the crumbling lot for any sign of you, surely you knew she would be here awaiting your arrival, her lower lip presses out in a pout as she looks to her partner “Suppose they didn’t understand the clues that we left with each body?”
“Nonsense Mistress, you were very careful to be as obvious as possible” He assures her as she pauses, lingering at the window from the second floor. She was much taller now due to the various hormones and chemical injected into her body all those years ago, her hair was a long chocolate stream of shiny wavy locks and her once ashen tan skin soon became a warm mocha. Her once boxy frame had smoothed over into a more feminine look, being replaced with an hourglass figure. “Forgive my sentiment, but you’ve come too far Valerie to ever be made a fool of again.” Her heart sang at his sweet words, a smile resting comfortably on her lips.
“Thank you” she whispers, reaching for the illusion of her dear friend when the door flies off it’s hinges into the stairs. It would appear that they’ve arrived and so abruptly. Valerie growls under her breath, trying to maintain her composure as the hero/villain enters “I’m relieved you decided to show your face, this will feel all the sweeter” her palms glowing a golden color as she stands in an offensive position
((Comment Alpha1 if you want to save her as a child and change her fate as a hero or comment Alpha2 if you want to be a villain that assists her as a child. If you wanted to fight older Valerie as a hero comment Beta1 or if you want to be a villain that recruits older Valerie comment Beta2))
Name: Valerie Amerai Bonna-Velt
Villain name; Aqua Regia
Age: 19 or 29
Ability: Matter Manipulation; the ability to change and mold the shape/state of matter for limited amounts of time (Overuse of this ability results in a loss of free will; becoming an obedient zombie)
Appearance; Valerie is a 5’2 tall girl who weighs one-hundred-twenty-five pounds, she has a large behind and C cup breasts with warm thick thighs that meet at a waist that appears to be smaller due to wide hips and broad shoulders. When she was 19 her hair was a raven black, but now it resembles a dark chocolate brown with a healthy shine that she’s most definitely proud of! Her eyes are slanted, narrow and a light honey colored with short lashes that thick around the outer corner of her eyes on the top and bottom. Her eyebrows are thick and well groomed, but sparse with a very high arch. (Very bottom-heavy frame!)
Blood type: O negative
Height; 5’2
Weight; 125 lbs.
Weaknesses; Valerie’s powers cannot break the law of conservation (matter cannot be created or destroyed. Therefore, there must be the same number of atoms of each element on each side of a chemical equation.) She is also unable to hold an object in a state foreign to its nature for longer than her time limit (Starts at 30 seconds and ends with 1 hour) The heart, lungs and hands are exposed in gaseous form. Her circulatory system slowly shuts down in solid form and she runs the risk of losing limbs if she over uses it, not to mention solid form is as fragile as ice. Finally, in liquid form she cannot reform herself and must wait for the time limit to pass (She doesn’t really use it)
11 notes · View notes
Nightmares Are My Wonderland
((Heavily based on the universe in the movie “Push” with undertones of the anime/manga/game corpse party and my hero academia. TRIGGER WARNING; DOMESTIC ABUSE AND ALCOHOLISM IS HEAVILY IMPLIED WITH UNDERTONES OF SEXUAL ASSUALT AND MENTAL ABUSE))
((Looking for a partner to either ally with my villain and prime her to become something either truly evil or virtuous (meaning you can be a hero that saves her from a dark life if you’d like, I encourage this.) Or you can meet with her a decade after she’s become a villain, being more well-known and feared among the community and either ally her as a villain or fight her as a hero (meaning you would have to fight to defeat her as a hero, saving her soul would no longer be an option unless you’re creative) Please be very clear as to what you quirk is and how you use it))
((If you wish to play a Cannon character than this character is strictly made for a hero/villain environment as long as they belong to the comic book, manga, movie range then you are free to use them))
Sun glistens through the dark murky motel room as Valerie grips her long smooth locks, a soft tan to her skin despite living like a vampire most of her life, as her eyes flutter impatiently about the room. Dad didn't come home again, looks like he'll be home later today. Suddenly the neighbor and his weird cosplay girlfriend begin talking way too fucking loud for 6 a.m. before Valerie pinches the bridge of her nose, whining softly as the hangover settles over her small boxy frame "Fuuuuck! Shut Up!" she screams, throwing a pillow at the wall before sitting up at the edge of the bed. The walls are a dark smoke gray, with brown stains scattered about the room like carefully hung photos and a pitch colored trim between the concrete floor and ceiling “God, could we have picked a cheaper motel…” she huffs as if she hadn’t spent all her savings on a few months in this crappy place, it was easier than trying to find an apartment without a reliable source of income. At this point, she’d only been taking odd jobs in different towns with hopes of someday landing a job and settling down in a real home, but that was entirely impossible with her father’s drunken misdeeds in every town she had attempted to build a nest. Speaking of which, was it possible he sent her a text or tried to call her last night when she was drinking? Like Father, like daughter…Valerie stares at the bottle of 1800 Tequila Silver on the nightstand, it never tasted good but the feeling of floating was something worth chasing “I really ought to let him go drink himself to death far away from me…” but the truth is like the high liquor gives, she continues to chase what her father used to be…before…She dives for the bottle before the thought can bubble to the surface taking a massive swig, filling her mouth entirely before swallowing. She runs her fingers through the length of her hair as the liquor silences any chance of tears before she opens the app on her phone to check for any paying jobs. Please, something that pays more than 35 dollars!!! Browsing the list carefully her eyes flutter over something odd, but for 1,000 dollars…how could she pass this up? Imagine all the food, maybe even a motel upgrade…even for a few weeks would be better than breathing in mold for a day longer. The description reads ‘Social experiment; One-time visit required for payment. We are inviting 7 people to a night of fun and fright!(Each person will receive their own time and date to arrive, only one person will be selected to receive a permanent job and living quarters) You and 6 others will be suited up in gear that will analyze your vitals and brain functions while giving a boost in physical abilities so you can defend against ‘monsters’. This will require all 7 participants in different sessions to work alongside me to complete simulated courses, like a Virtual Reality Video Game! No Danger! No Risk! Just 23 hours of free food, socializing and a whole lot of exercise! Better message quickly or you’ll miss your chance!’ below was an email and phone number with the letters X.O.E signed below. Social experiment, huh? The young maiden smiles nervously at the idea of anything social, but quickly decides the money would clearly be worth it, although it could be a scam…on the off chance it is real “Suppose I just message them and see how it goes…”
Several Days Later; Monday
As the night of the experiment arrives, Valerie finds herself standing outside the most beautiful little house she’d ever seen in her 19-year life, it was white and plain colored with vines covered in tiny blossomed flowers scattered about its length and surrounded by a garden that must’ve come right out of a fairytale. Her brain wept at such beauty, unaware of the man hollowing out her soul with his eyes until the final time his eyes rushed over her, Valerie gasps gripping onto her sides with her arms across her abdomen
“Y-you must be Xavier Everts…” she blurts out, trying not to appear terrified to no avail “I...I’m Valerie Bonna-velt…I’m here for the…social…experiment…” she was beginning to wonder if there was such a thing, now that she stood in his unblinking presence. Had anyone messaged this man? “Excuse me…Could you please tell me what’s going on…I’m really confused” the man moves closer, and without a word takes her wrist dragging the trembling teen through the gate and into a poorly lit kitchen.  
The man’s frail old voice booms “Master Everts!” Valerie stares numbly at the floor, her brain rushing over every possible scenario in which she’d never see the light of day again. Suddenly a warm voice coos back, in the sweetest most soothing manner an anxiety-stricken woman could hope for “Ah yes, back here Ms. Bonna-velt, I’ve awaited your arrival” she eagerly grips onto the velvet sheets draped over the door frame replacing a door, pulling them apart as she stepped into a large open Victorian style living room. She grips her chest as her brows dip and pull together in rhythm with the melting of her soul, the walls were deep pitch with roses painted all over that were framed two-fourths of the way down with a light brown border. This appeared to have an almost red glaze deepening in opacity as it met the floor unlike the lusterless tan trim. This matched the drapes and couches perfectly; Valerie could not help but stand in awe as her honey colored eyes polished the place over. From the floral-patterned wood below her feet to the glowing candle chandelier above her head it was truly a picture taken right from her dreams. A soft chuckle ripples through the air before her eyes meet with the tall thin man with paper white skin and long raven colored hair
“I see you appreciate the beauty in times far before you and I, but I’m afraid we haven’t the time to give you a tour.” His apologetic smile, spreads energy through her body like a surge of electricity as she nods, rushing to close the distance between herself and the much taller employer
“It is alright, really I’m sure we could do that another time”
In response to this he laughs “Confident one, aren’t we?”
His features were strong and well pronounced, it was like talking to a portrait in an art museum only this one was responding. He explained the way that the suits would have small needles placed in various areas to properly study Valerie’s vitals and chemical balances in response to the simulations around her.  Truth be told she didn’t understand half of it, but the way his arms wrapped around her front and hands fumbled with the attachments kept her calm, unable to focus on the suspicious liquids behind each needle or the metallic scent coming from his clothing. The only thing on her mind was the way his lips would part for each breath as if breathing through his nose was not good enough, and the squinted glances he’d gift her with a calm cold grin
“My, you really enjoy being in my presence, don’t you?” Valerie felt her shoulders pull back as her spine straightened and she nodded softly, there was something…about this place, this man that felt too close to her heart…as if plucked right from her mind. She bites her lower lip, leaning into him to take in the rough metal odor as he roughly grips her waist with his right hand and slammed down onto a large orange button with his left
“I hope you continue to feel this way after your first trial.” His voice quickly escaping her mind as 5 needles inject strange liquids into various parts of her body simultaneously. Had her gut instinct been correct? Had no one else messaged this man? Did she sign up to be a lab rat? His fingers squeeze her skin roughly before releasing
“Don’t worry, it’s the power boost you were promised in the post, I hope you did not forget the terms of our agreement dear girl” all her muscles tense in response to the liquids.
This triggers the beginning of the first simulation titled “Of All the Things You Love” the words stretched across a beautiful Japanese garden, cherry blossoms swaying over the bold white words that slowly began to fade as Mr. Everts booms through the headphones covering her ears
“Now, you should be able to move normally about the world, you will need to find a clue in this world to escape. If you perform well enough, we will discuss having you over for the next trial. For now, all you need to know is your brain controls and develops this game as you play, I have zero control of what you see or what the clues are. I can only give you directions on where to find these clues, beyond that it will be up to you whether you escape or not.”
Valerie was stumped by this, her mind trying desperately to find a solution “My brain created this place? From a memory? Or a dream?” she thought, wrapping her arms around herself as always. Nothing felt different, her arms and legs were the same appendages she used every day. Truthfully it had appeared the only difference was a scenery and climate change. She takes in the warmth of the sun’s rays before he speaks again, somehow watching her stretch and twirl in the summer’s heat
“I see you prefer warmer climates, are you ready to begin?” his soft words felt as though they were placed there for a reason, as though they were meant to calm her uneasy state. “The clue is at the center of this garden, but beware, although your mind has created a calming environment that your cognizance can handle, there are still threats guarding each clue.” He sounded quite sure of himself, but the idea that her mind could have created something harmful in a place like this, it felt impossible. Nevertheless, Valerie forced herself forward deeper into the garden, trying to focus on the flowers, the sun and the warm floral smells that were fashioned by the two intertwining
“Are you sure there are fiends in this game? I know I watch a lot of horror movies, but it doesn’t seem like there could be anything like that… here…” even she sounded unsure of her conclusion, worried it was her brain trying to cope with the idea of treading unknown terrain. “What do I do if there is something trying to attack me anyway?” these seemed like questions she should have asked before starting the simulation, but it seemed she was purposefully placed in this place without knowledge of what was to come. This would force her to rely on the help of Mr. Everts or her own reflexes, making this far more challenging than she had first envisioned.
“Onee-chan!!!” A familiar tiny voice calls towards her from somewhere far ahead, followed by soft weak sobs “Onee-Chan!” the voice cries once again causing my feet to move towards it.
“This is such a bad idea, what if it isn’t really a little girl!” Valerie would scream at her body, but it continued to sprint towards a small terrified scream, until that scream had a face. Before her stood a little girl, not much older than 4 years old with soft black hair that framed her warm rosy skin “Hello there…little one…Do you need help?” Valerie whimpers, keeping her distance from this small child as the girl began to appear more and more familiar the longer, she stared.
“Onee-chan” Yuka cried, looking over her shoulder with the one side of her face that still had an eye, immediately being recognized by the Valerie as one of the victims in her favorite anime.
“No. No no no, this is impossible. You’re not real!” she cried, taking a step back from the child before it revealed its entire face. Blood dripping from the hollow socket that used to house Yuka’s eye as the ghoulish kid closed the distance between herself and Valerie. It was like lightspeed one second Yuka was staring at her and the next she was crying to be saved with tiny hands wrapped tightly around her throat.
“You have to fight, if you want to survive you must fight�� Everts calls, reminding her this was merely a simulation. Valerie groans loudly, slamming her elbow into the child’s skull and with a loud crack the girl’s skull fragments spray about the smooth dirt path leading to the center. The corpse began to shrivel like a salted snail until there was nothing left of the falsified child. Needing to remind herself this was just a game, despite the years that torture scene had terrorized her memory.
“It’s Okay Bonna-velt, you can do this. You can do this! You need to breathe and remember your goal” this seemed to do the trick, as Valerie got to her feet once more and began on the path to the center of the world which appeared to have a large pine tree more massive than a skyscraper, the point nearly pierced the sky. “Looks as though my awareness was kind enough to give me a marker. Better return the favor and move swiftly” with this the young girl closed the distance between herself and the wooded forest housing her first clue. The wind whistled an alluring tune as she cautiously stepped into the shaded lot, each tree huddled closely together to deny the rays of sunlight any access while below was an unkept brush that slicked over towards the center, all signs pointed forward. What lied behind this damp cloaked brush? Valerie ties back her long brown hair in a loose poorly constructed bun before entering with a nervous whine, as she passed the threshold the world around her began to change. Although the foliage remained trees, the leaves had grown much larger and pronounced than pines with long limbs that stretched out to the similar trees surrounding it. The terrain matching that of a rainforest, with the sounds of life flooding the air.
“What did you do!?” Everts chimes suddenly, making her body jolt and tense. “How did you change your surroundings? None of the other subjects were able to change their environment without finding a clue” his tone sounded agitated, but for what reason? Had she done something wrong?
“I’m not sure, I just thought I was done with that world…Did I do something wrong?” her voice sounding so terribly unsure of her accidental decision to change the world, unaware that was even something she was able to do.
“No, my apologies. I was merely annoyed with myself for having my attention elsewhere…. You are a wonderful specimen Valerie. I’ve never found a human who’s suited my fancy so immensely, please continue” He chirped, suddenly she feels him grip her waist with both hands and squeeze roughly forcing a moan from her trembling lips. It was embarrassing, but he achieved his goal as she decided not to ask any more questions before getting closer to the first clue. All along her path we’re dried and torn snake skins that grew larger the closer she managed to get, as though there was a large snake that had been shedding in this area over the span of its life. This Idea alone was not enough to scare her, but thinking back she remembered one snake that made her skin crawl. Kaa from the jungle book, no beast should have the ability to manipulate living beings’ minds. A shiver ran up her spine
“Oh god Bonna-velt…tell me you didn’t do that to us…tell me you were thinking snakes on a plane or something harmless like that” but there was no undoing what had already been done, hissing suddenly filled the air.
She screamed, running forward frantically, unaware that she was headed towards the snake instead of away from it until her body slams against a large, thick and scaly body before falling onto her behind “No no no no! Close your eyes, close your eyes!” Valerie screams afraid of anything sentient invading her mind as her heels dig into the dirt in front of her, pushing her body away as quickly as her behind will scoot. Woefully she does not scoot fast enough, as soon she can feel that same meaty, scaly body slithering around her and crushing her ribs tighter and snugger by the minute. With her eyes closed the maiden begins shouting at the beast through constricted breaths “I’m not looking into your eyes! You’re not real! And You cannot control me!” it felt like her lungs would pop after this declaration, her eyes threatening to evacuate from her skull as a result of so much pressure. It was not only terrifying to see these characters come to life, but to witness them behaving so different than the characters they represented from shows, movies and books. Memory has a funny way of warping reality, although Yuka was no villain in her stunning debut the memories of her revolve around a nightmare that visited young Valerie from time to time. This made Yuka the perfect first trial according to her brain, and this brainwashing beast was no different.
“There is no need for you to fight me now. You’ve given me all I need” the beastress hisses, as her cold scaly body loosens its grip letting the young girl breathe for a moment. “Open those beautiful eyes, and see for yourself” Her eyes fluttering open to see the snake is no where near her body, and yet it felt as though the thick meaty body began to constrict around her again
“Gah! How are you-…you doing this?” she gasps, unable to breathe the tighter this invisible body squeezes around her small frame. What is going on?! Valerie stares at the serpent as it moves in from the brush
“Why would I waste my time crushing you, when you’ll do it for me?” Kaa smugly hisses towards her, leaving the young girl choking and confused before it eases up allowing her to breathe again “Why waste my time on something as helpless as you? Or Someone so selfish?” the sound of the viper’s harsh words makes each gasped breath that much more painful.
“SHUT UP! YOU DON’T KNOW WHAT YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT!” Valerie cries out, feeling a sharp pinch in her left lung before erupting into a fit of coughs, blood oozing from her chest and out her mouth along with mucus from smoking habitually. Her eyes closed tightly as it pools all over directly below Valerie’s trembling body, it felt like lava was pouring from her lungs and out her throat
“Poor thing, it’s really eating you up inside isn’t it?” the serpent cackles, closing the distance between the young human and herself, quickly jerking the young girls chin upward with the end of it’s tail “You should have spoken out, before you could no longer speak at all”. Suddenly Valerie feels the large scaly body starting to coil around her again “Oh dear, I’d never imagined you’d make yourself suffer so much” The young girl spits the last bit of blood onto the floor before looking up at the temptress and yelling
“Don’t get so smug, thinking you’ve won!” the roar of her voice makes the snake stumble and the hypnosis break, knocking the terrified girl to the ground as her surroundings are returned to that garden from the beginning of the game. Kaa had control of her since the moment she stepped into the forest, warping her surroundings to toy with the scared girl. “What?! Why are we here? What did you do?!” these questions swirl around the thick cold air for seconds before Valerie launches at the small snake, gripping the back of its head and the third fourth of it’s body. ‘You have to kill it, it will take over your mind again if you don’t kill it’ her mind screams as she pulls the beast apart in once swift motion, spraying its blood all over herself and the surrounding trees as her knuckles clack together behind her.
“Mhhhm, what a good look for you.” He groans, finally releasing her hips from his hands, wait…Was He holding onto her this entire time? No, his hands started at her waist, now they’re on the sides of her hips. Has he been petting her this whole time?! A blush overcomes her face as an item within the world suddenly begins to glow “That is the clue for the next trial Ms. Bonna-velt…Take it and read its contents carefully, for it can only be deciphered by you.”
The small slab was glistening so brightly it’s shape could not be interpreted from this distance, and as the young adventuress closed the distance she had to use her arms to cover her eyes “I always wondered what the highlighted items looked like inside the game, but this is insane” she whimpered in regards to the blinding light emitting off the clay slab, as her hands gripped the bottom end it ceased  floating and glowing, resting in her tiny palms as a normal chiseled slab “What you’ve found is what you fear, but what you seek is gone my dear” the words flowing from her lips like unsteady breaths “What you’ve found is what you fear…Do they mean Yuka and Kaa? But what you seek is gone my dear? Gone? Like disappeared or like dead?” she puzzled over this for a moment before the words became clear. The young maiden held the slab tightly to her chest, it was all so clear. Yuka was mother, begging to be saved by a simple phone call to the police department and Kaa was the guilt crushing her insides for leaving her mother in the hands of her father, she had only wanted to get away from the fighting for a few hours, a day at most, but the family she’d left behind that day was no longer there upon her arrival. As tears rolled down her heated cheeks like water off a melting icicle, she hugged herself tightly and cried out “The Clue is Mother” before the device suddenly releases her from the simulation.
“Welcome back Young Bonna-velt…” Everts cooed, catching her body as gravity gave way to her tired limbs. Despite physically never moving, her body felt heavy and exhausted as though she’d been running marathons all night “Do not worry, the serum will heal all your aches by the morning. As well as reform some of your least performing organ systems to a new undamaged state.” Almost certain he meant her liver and lungs, but would not directly say these as to not pry too deep into her personal life. Suppose he’s seen too much already? Her eyes begin to grow heavy against his warm frame until the world around her fades into darkness.
The Morning of Mourning
The following morning, Valerie wakes to the dark dank hotel she’d left her unconscious father resting in, wait…How did she get here?! She rubs her temples, sitting up at the middle of the same lumpy mattress she’s slept on for nearly a month now. A sharp pain jolts up her spine, followed by the need to vomit with her head spinning like a dreidel as she plops back down across the mattress watching the small warped ceiling fan weakly wobble in a circle. “uhhh” she groans, this was like a hangover, morning sickness and fever chills had a baby leaving it in the young girl’s skull “Small price to pay for a healthy body, right?” wanting to believe that the strange man from the internet was telling her the truth. Should she see a doctor? A better question is…Does she have the money to visit a doctor? Oh right, the thousand dollars. Rolling onto her side, Valerie looks around both sides of the bed to see if her wallet was on the nightstand, but instead of the torn, leather wallet her mother had gifted Valerie…there was a wave of deep crimson covering the night stand, wall and right half of her bed. Her eyes widen ‘Mr. Everts no!’ her mind sobbed as she pushed herself onto her belly, kicking herself forward to find Victor Dean Bonna-velt with the upper half of his skull removed, as though whomever did this cut from the middle of the eye sockets around. She gagged, pushing herself upward in a rush to get away, but her palm slips on the blood covered wood slamming her body forward and into the corpse where her skull would bounce off the concrete a couple times with the weight of her body sliding her under the second bed with ease. The entire front half of her body smothered in hot, sticky blood as her breathing grows heavier “Someone, please help me…” she whispers, before fading out of consciousness
Hours later the young girl stirs from beneath her father’s bed, unaware of her surroundings beyond a foul smell and the suffocating, cramped space she finds herself crammed in.
Buzz Buzz,
Buzz Buzz,
Buzz Buzz!
Valerie’s phone erupts with life, vibrating on the nightstand closest to the door, she scrambles forward kicking at the guts behind her with loud disgusting squishing sounds as she squirms from under the bed’s grip. She whines softly, trying to rub the filth from her face as her eyes adjust to the darkness
“Dad? Can you get that!” she groans, wiping her hands on her shirt before rubbing the sleep from her eyes. The phone once again springs to life and danced about the nightstand, glossing over the bedroom with a bright blue light as Valerie is reminded of the scene that coated her in…blood…This is blood…A soft chuckle leaves her cowering lips as the phone erupts with a call, the letters X.O.E displayed in bold letters on the tiny screen, slowly she inches past the bed as she tries desperately to keep her from seeing her disemboweled parent again “Block it out Valerie, you have to stay focused, try to remember” she whispers softly. This seemed to ease her nerves as she answered the phone with a monotone “Hello.”
“MS. BONNA-VELT! My gracious dove, how are you this fine eve?” He booms, a cheery whimsy to his words as though he was utterly pleased to speak to the young girl once again. She takes a deep breath before trying to speak again, so much had happened, so much that she needed to know about the events leading up to…to…She swallows hard, holding herself loosely with one arm as the other helps her hand hold up the phone
“N-not very good Mr. Everts… I’m having trouble remembering…some things…” to this he responded with a deep sigh that melted into a groan, she could feel his smile fade with her words, but he had needed to know. “Please Mr. Everts, I don’t mean to annoy you, I had only hoped you’d fill in some gaps…” an insecurity to her tone, feeling the tension slowly start to dissolve before he replies again with a soft hearty laugh
“I see young girl; your brain must be suppressing some things in an attempt to protect you. Could I come get you from your motel and take you elsewhere to clear your mind? I’m sure the smell is getting to you” Somehow his words made it sound like he knew her father’s corpse was only feet away from her beginning to pucker and bloat. How long had she been out? How long had the body been there? It had to have been a few days for the smell and appearance to be this bad, right?
“Yes please, please come get me!” she cries, not wanting to think about how old the blood on her body was or how she’d come to be covered in it to begin with. Today was beginning to be much worse than she’d ever planned when suddenly there’s a knocking at the door
“Then come outside my love, daddy’s here” he hums through the phone, making her pause and stare at the door…He…He did this…Is he…Is he going to kill her too? “Don’t be shy my sweet flower, come say hello” he coos once more, trying to lure her from her nest, but Valerie is unable to move despite standing only a few feet from the unlocked door. She watches as the handle turns left all the way “Hello?! Are you alright?!” his tone drowning with worry as the handle twists all the way to the right “Say something” he once again cries, throwing the door open to the vision of his beautiful little girl, the fruit of his labor and the love of his life. Their eyes lock, making him visibly swoon “You look so beautiful all painted up for daddy” He closes the distance between them, taking hold of her sides as his thumbs softly rub her love-handles and he washes her over with his gaze once more “I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone more beautiful” he whispers before his lips press to her jawline, making her body tremble “Valerie, it’s okay. I stayed by your side for these last 4 days, but I didn’t want to scare you…I couldn’t be here when you woke, I’m so terribly sorry…” what had he meant by that? He’s been here with her? What had she done with him on those days and why could she not remember…?
“What are you talking about!” she screams, shoving him to the ground before plopping down onto the bed with an ugly sob “What would you have been doing here for the last four days if I wasn’t awake! Why are you doing this to me!” she wails, slamming her fists into her own stomach a few times “Or am I right to believe I was involved somehow?”
“Involved?” he repeats, as though the word is foreign to him before he erupts with laughter “Such a shame, we’ll have to fix that broken memory of yours right away” with this he pushed himself upward and onto his feet in one swift motion, who the hell is this dude? “But first, I will need you to listen little girl. Come here” he snips, curling his finger in towards himself to direct her.
‘Do I have a choice? What will happen if I don’t? And why didn’t he answer my question’ these were the thoughts that plagued her mind as she obediently hoisted herself upward to her feet and under the arm of the man that obviously murdered her father.
“Atta Girl” He chirps, walking her out the deep green door towards a short maroon 2004 Mercury Marauder with smoky gray leather seats and interior, upon closer inspection she finds the windshield cracked and the radio removed. He let go of her long enough to toss the door open and shove her into the vehicle, but rather than go around the car he scoots along the front of the seats to the driver’s side, pulling the passenger door closed behind him. He starts the car as his eyes lock with hers intently “Please smile little one, you’re going to remember everything soon” somehow, she knew this was meant to calm her, but those words had an effect neither of them could have predicted. As the car backs up, jolting her body forward she grips the car door and the dash as a flash of the days that lead to these events fills her head.
An image of Valerie covered with blood, wearing a crazed grin as a camera films “My, my, such a beautiful girl painted up for daddy…Do you enjoy this? Does it feel good when you remember how it feels to be happy? Such a gorgeous smile you have little one” the man behind it booms, that strange familiar voice. Who is that? It felt as though she was looking through a smudged lens at the world surrounding her “I will be the protector of your memories my love, never again will you feel isolated or trapped. Never again will I allow anything to harm you, my sweet dove. That sick bastard didn’t deserve a daughter as perfect as you, therefore I will take you myself. And through experimentation you will be reborn as my daughter” the camera moves as he draws closer to my face, Everts!!!! He cups her cheek softly, why does his voice sound so melodic right now compared to real life and what does this memory mean? Valerie snaps back to reality as suddenly as she had left it, staring down at the rubber mat place below her feet
“Where are we going?” she mumbles, feeling her palms and hairline begin to sweat “And how much longer? I’m…I’m tired…” a soft tremble to her words, showing that same insecurity that drew him towards her to begin with. He quickly takes her hand in his, resting the two on her thigh as he spoke
“Back to our nest my little dove, it will be quite a while I’m afraid. If you wish to sleep, you can lean on daddy. I promise you’ll be safe” he softly coos, something that once was so comforting felt like a death sentence
“That’s okay…I’ll be alright…daddy” the word felt like vomit leaving her mouth, nothing could be more revolting, but a smile rested comfortably on his face after she had knighted him with his self-proclaimed title “Could you tell me more about our nest?” she hums softly, looking out her window onto the horizon as she buckles herself in the seat more securely not wanting to look towards him.
“It’s out of state I’m afraid, so that beautiful home you wished to tour will be left to collect dust. I have many homes I’ve strategically purchased around the united states and a few in Italy, but we won’t be leaving the country anytime soon. It is in a small town just outside of Bozeman, Montana. It is a very beautiful place, you can see the mountains so that’s a plus, but there’s also a lot of eyes, it is a heavily populated town and for good reason. The home itself is rather cheery and wooden, far from the town for good reason and it overlooks a lake.” The way he spoke made him almost seem normal to her, like he felt panicked for being ‘put on the spot’ and was trying to push past the feeling. Why did he feel so eerie before? She leans closer to the window, feeling the vibration of the car rock her into a deep sleep with an uncertainty towards the days to come.
Sunlight pours in through the windows like an estuary the rays penetrated the glass with ease as it lacked any form of tinting, the light was blinding to sleep covered eyes making life just a little harder for the teen girl “Mhhh!” she groaned, stretching as she sat up off the lap of her captor, it felt so good to sleep after processing so much, but immediately she is reminded of her situation
“Did you sleep well my little dove?” He coos, eyes focused on the road as he awaits her response. It had taken a moment for her to realize, but Valerie remembered falling asleep on the door against the window…Although she had avoided it before her eyes locked on the face that she once found so charming
“Did you…move me?” Irritation tainted each syllable of this question as her eyes burned holes into his soul as she waited for him to confirm what she already knew; it was a way of telling herself she wasn’t crazy.
“Yes, you looked so uncomfortable away from daddy…” he pouted, pushing his lower lip out as though it would influence her response at all. Why did he need to move her onto his lap?! So close to his…Her face turns bright red as she looks away from him, no telling what he could have done to her whilst she slept. Valerie was known to be able to sleep through a hurricane, her mother used to have to carry her sleeping body to the shower and drench her just to get her to school on time because standing her up stopped working after she’d gotten used to it. “I’ve seen that look before; you needn’t worry… I would never taint your purity without permission. I may have my warts, but things of that nature don’t suit my fancy…” meaning he did want her, but is it possible he expects her to want him in time? Rubbing her eyes, the girl yawns softly
“Well good…I don’t think I’d handle something like that very well…” there was truth to her words, but the way she phrased it was incorrect. She was relieved to find out he was not a self-proclaimed rapist, but this brought another question to her attention. He has his warts, but not of that nature…What nature does suit his fancy? She’d hoped it was her paranoia telling her what he fancied was far worse, and turned to her captor sleepily “Just…don’t touch me when I’m sleeping” she huffs, why was this something that needed to be said? It felt like common sense to Valerie, but not all monsters are cut from the same tattered cloth. “How close are we?” her soft quaking voice whispered as the young girl pulled her knees towards her chest and wrapped her slightly muscular arms around them before resting her chin on her knees.
“Only a few miles now. Did you want to stop and get something to eat? Stretch? Use the Bathroom? You know…Normal Human Road-trip activities…”It was clear he felt a little less comfortable with her after being reprimanded “Suppose I can hardly remember what other humans do anymore” he nervously chuckles, slowing the car a bit as his eyes wash Valerie over “I know…I can be a bit much, but I only have your best intentions in mind. I hate to admit I’ve been insensitive…I had time to think on this whilst you slept. I was not sure, but it felt like you were scared of me yesterday…and well, you’ve confirmed that today… with your response to something I’d hoped to be a kind gesture, I will admit I have not had much interaction with other people since college.” He pauses and looks away from her, back to the road, returning to normal speed in one smooth motion. Taking a deep breath Xavier continues in an unsteady tone “What I am hoping to convey is that, I am no threat to you Valerie Amerai Bonna-velt. I may be terrible with social skills and it’s possible my attempts at affection are more…creepy…than…romantic.”
“But?” She hums, leaning back in her chair so her spine is straight as her eyes look expectantly at him. She’d only had him in her life for a few days and already she expected so much of him. Was she starting to care? “But you killed my father?” suddenly the car screeches to a halt skidding towards the side of the road before he turns to face Valerie; the nineteen-year-old Mongolian American whose forehead is resting on the dash thanks to such an abrupt stop.
“I am not the one who killed that man Valerie, you are” the words clap against her ear drums like a gunshot, echoing all the way down her spine as he gripped her wrists “I was hoping to show you the video…but you went and made me spoil the cinematic reveal” he giggles, sounding pleased with himself as Xavier jerks the young girl closer, he was in his late sixties despite not looking a day over twenty-two and much stronger than Valerie despite his nerdy weakling façade “I know this is a lot, and although I love to watch a mind deteriorate…” He pauses, dragging his tongue over his upper lip as though thinking about changing his mind “…I want you to ease into these memories…You had to know the truth, but sometimes these things can be easier if you don’t try to rush it and force my hand. You could have remembered on your own in a few weeks, days or hours, but I wanted to at least wait until you were able to isolate yourself in a room away from me.” What was that? Did his personality start to act up, but he brought it back down to a normal level? What is this guy’s deal? “Suppose now that you know it’s inside the car, I’ll have to ask you to be patience an-”
“That’s okay… I’d rather put off…knowing all the details for now…If what you say is true, then this is probably my last happy day…funny because yesterday was probably one of the worst days of my life…” Valerie forces a laugh, wanting to conceal the shattering pieces leftover from her crumbling sanity. “Food does sound nice…” she whimpers softly, wanting to sway the conversation elsewhere as quickly as possible, to this Xavier swoons letting out a deep hum towards her
“This is why I love you, you really get me” he lets go of her, turning to start the car back up with little trouble “We should learn to focus on the good and a full tummy sounds brilliant!” he coos, pulling away from the shoulder and back onto the highway “What sorts of foods suit your fancy?” he hums, using that phrase again
But things of that nature don’t suit my fancy
What sorts of foods suit your fancy?
“I prefer something salty or savory, sweet things don’t suit my fancy” She hums, being nonspecific as always “I will admit I am being vague because I don’t want to displease you, it’s such a pain to deal with going back and forth over and over….” Her father had a funny way of convincing her to pick whilst rejecting every option she chose until she suggested what he originally wanted to begin with. The entire mess was frustrating for Valerie, she could hardly imagine a person who could stand a situation like that, but she was never a girl of patience.
“Aw how cute, you used my favorite phrasing! Hmmm…Salty or Savory? What a shame you don’t like sweets, there are lots of bakeries on the map. Well what about pizza?” he chimes, trying to cover everything she’s said to him, to prove his willingness to listen “It’s only sweet depending on your toppings and cheese is normally pretty sodium heavy”
“Fantastic idea!” She booms, leaning against the door as she watches him juggle driver and navigating. Something about this struggle was amusing to her, it was in no where near the suffering she’d endured as well as apparently creating it. Her smug grin fades, what an odd thing to find amusing…
The Arrival; Life’s gift
The cabin was a warm sandy tan, the outside looking as though full logs were stacked on top of each other to form the walls despite having such large full windows and crystal doors that slide open like a window laying on it’s side. What a beautiful home! Valerie forces a sweet smile as she rushes to the entrance running her fingers over the smooth glass of the door as her eyes wash over the pitch steel borders that kept the crystal in place. On either side of the door are golden dragons carved into the light wood, she can hardly stop herself from running her fingers over the glistening design “How much does a place like go for anyway?” she slurs, her eyes bouncing from her new shelter to Xavier
“To be perfectly candid, I do not remember. It may have been a gift from one of my admirers or one of the homes purchased by my parents…The décor will most certainly remind me where this cabin came from.” He closes the distance between himself and the young girl before nudging her with his hip “Open the door for me, my sweet dove” the sounds of pleasure rippling in throughout his voice as he watched a shiver jolt up the young girl’s spine.
“What did I tell you? That makes me so uncomfortable…” Valerie groans, sliding the door open for the lengthy man as he stumbled inside holding several boxes and bags, he had clearly prepared for this trip. Had he known they’d need to flee Premont, Texas? She felt deep inside herself that those videos contained a truth beyond that of her father’s demise. Valerie rubs her arms softly before entering the home, inside was dozens of family photos, anchors, and sea shells as if the entire home had been decorated with an ocean side theme “So? Parents? Or lovers?” she calls into the house. Quickly she follows behind her voice deeper into the cabin, where her feet meet the animal skin rugs stacked on top of one another about the room, nearly covering all the cherry-wood that made up the floor. The room was small compared to the rest of the house, with a large “L” shaped couch in the center of the room with many colorful pillows with words like “Live, Laugh, Love” written in cursive “God it’s so cozy I can literally feel the sea of big fluffy blankets and fuzzy socks beginning to smother me” she calls, fake dying as her body plops onto the plush coffee sofa
“Oh, don’t complain, we won’t be staying here long.” He huffs, sitting down near the young maiden’s feet as he leans deep into the couch as a sigh of relief blooms from his pouty lips “You could have assisted me in moving our luggage”
“Assist my kidnapper in moving his luggage and my stolen stuff? Do you ever listen to yourself when you speak?” she snips back quickly, hearing the smile on his face as he sits up, hunching over as his elbows rest on his knees and his finger intertwine
“I hardly kidnapped you, you walked with me to the car with no resistance and you didn’t try to run at Luigi’s Haunted Pizza, so I could very easily disagree with you. The same as any jury would, evidence makes a case young Bonna-velt and I’m afraid the proof is not on your side” Valerie could not stand his smugness, although this was only the case because Xavier was exposing the truth, although her terror served as a mental block she’d shown no sign of trying to escape this man’s clutches. Why was that? Was it the information he had about the four nights escaping her memory? Or the fear of starting over fresh with an unfamiliar face? She’d spent so many years living with her father, with no friends or family members to lean on her father was truly all she had left in this world and the moment he was gone, she latched onto this parasite as though it was a host. “Are you ready for tonight’s examination?” he hums, looking her over with an intense gaze “There’s been no resurface of your abilities during our trip, this leads me to believe you have a specific trigger that allows you to use those gifts” did he mean the body enhancers he injected into me the first night we met?
“Not now…I want to nap first, it’s been a long day of really bad news…I really just want to sleep…” suddenly the couch depresses, like something is crawling over her body, she feels warm thighs pushing her knees into her stomach by raising her thighs. She looks up to see him pressing his manhood to her crotch as he leans over her small frame, beginning to kiss her neck and collar bone as his arm slides under the back of her left shoulder. He cups the nape of her neck, looking deep into her eyes with a burning desire
“Tell me you’ll let me hold you whilst you sleep?” He whimpers, resting his chin on the tops of her breasts “It would be an honor to protect you throughout the night” she felt there was more to this than what he gave away, but whether she wanted to or not he quickly flipped the two so his body was below her on the opposite side of the couch “Cuddle into me and christen me yours forever” these words were so intense, what had he wanted her to say? Gripping onto his shirt, she stares down at him like a deer in the headlights very obviously afraid of such a sudden advance towards her.
“I don’t think so…You really ought to go…” She whispers, climbing of his body with great struggle as he tries to hold her close to him, Valerie disliked this pressure and although she wanted so badly to be held until all her problems could melt into the sound of two hearts beating. “Goodnight Everts…” She hums, wandering off into the home to find a bed to sleep in, when the sound of a vhs tape playing floods the air as a light flickered through a cracked door at the end of the hall. Valerie held her breath as she heard her own voice whine “I don’t wanna do this, I wanna sleep!” it was very clearly her, but it sounded much more intoxicated than she was.
“Val? What are you doing?! Who is this guy?! Val?! VALERIE!”
Daddy! Her eyes swarm with tears as she runs to the room, knocking the door open with such great force that the metal door makes a depression where it met the wall as her eyes meet with a flickering light. When her eyes finally adjust to the monitor’s blinding blue light, Valerie recognizes herself standing next to a liquified blur of reds, pinks, browns and grays, what on earth is that? She leans into the screen trying to take a better look at blob when suddenly it solidifies reforming the man she called father gasping for air, suppose lungs don’t work in liquid form.
“Valerie…Valerie please”
Tears swell in the young girl’s eyes as she watches her father plead with a dead-eyed version of herself, the mindless woman one screen crouches down looking him deep into his eyes “Solid, Gaseous, Liquid…Let us see if we can do all at once” the girl whispers forcing his mouth open as her fingers glow a bright white, making the saliva in his mouth and throat a solid. As her father chokes, trying to pull the brittle saliva from his throat as the beastress cackles
“Such a beautiful girl, are you enjoying your new powers? Show me more, show daddy what you can do” a voice off camera cheers, as Valerie’s father looks at the man behind the voice with terror as the dead eyed Valerie grips his body at a couple different areas and with a flash of light she changes his body into a mess of liquids, colored gases and hardened flesh.
“Just like ice” the girl cries slamming her fist into the upper half of his skull, watching the ice-like matter shatter and scatter about the room like red shards of glass. Valerie looks away from the screen, unable to watch herself rage like a brat being denied of something it wants as she vomits into the hall “h-how could I do this?” she trembles through rough gags, the world around her beginning to twirl like a ballerina. You did it Valerie, you did it without hesitation and you put this on mom. “YOU MONSTER! HOW COULD YOU?” Valerie cries at herself, feeling the ground quake below her, as her brain swells with memories of abuse, years of mental and physical abuse. NO, IT’S NOT HIS FAULT! HE WAS TOO DRUNK TO UNDERSTAND! IT WAS NOT FAIR! NO! He did this! He did this to me… She slams her fists into the sides of her skull as tears stream down her face, why did he do this to her? What has she become? These feelings bring upon an unknown feeling that boils up inside her bringing forward the quirk named Matter Manipulation; the name is suddenly all she can think about, but where had it come from?
“Valerie! Valerie!” Xavier cries, rounding the corner as the world around him suddenly begins to mold and change “Valerie no!” He cries as his body freezes in place, standing frozen like stone as he stared into her eyes. His legs beginning to change color and collapse below him as the blood in his legs solidifies “Please! STOP IT VALERIE! PLEASE I LOVE YOU!” he sobs in terror, but his wails fall upon deaf ears as Valerie closes the distance between the two of them and grip his neck tightly turning it into a floating blur of flesh colored liquids. The sounds of the tape rewinding replacing a theme song, the vhs tape beginning once again as her hands grip his shoulders
“Wait Gorgeous! I have something to tell you, darling. That dress is so snug, it really suits my fancy” Xavier calls through the screen, putting more emphasis on his favorite phrase when it suddenly becomes clear to Valerie. She’d noticed every time he used that phrasing her brain became fuzzy and she felt more inclined to listen to him, it was clear he’d kept her under this state when the effects of his serum were most potent.
“Your ability…what is it?” she snips, reforming his throat to its solid form. He stumbles forward gripping onto her, his head spinning as she watches him gasp and choke on the very air he has been deprived of. How cute! Look at him struggle! A smile plays on her lips as she steps back watching him fall onto his hands and knees
“My sweet dove, please, I’ve done nothing to deserve this treatment and being tortured doesn’t suit my fancy” He whines, trying once again to strain her consciousness to no avail, she pushes her power hard against him once more watching him squirm in agony before gasping for air once again “Fine…It’s called Deception;  it’s the ability to change what a person feels or sees, I can only maintain this ability for 6 days and my strength over a person’s mind varies on the amount of trust I have between myself and that person….the less a person trusts me the harder it is to maintain the false reality… and your power is a chemical mixture of my own ability and several others….those samples were extracted through forcible autopsy…”Forcible autopsy? Does that mean he’s made a name for himself? He’d never been direct with her before, but she knew immediately this was the standard, a form of expectation for future acquaintances.  A smile spreads across her face as she grips his throat from behind pushing him deep into the wood as she twirls planting her behind onto the arch of his back before her palms glow sliding from his neck down his spine liquifying his essence
The Heroes’ Arrival; Save Me
Had either of them thought this through?! Had she even considered repercussions for her actions? Although she’d hardly had time to adapt to these new memories, there was no time to watch the puppeteer draw his last breath. She releases him from her hold, exposing herself for the monster she is as the thick black smoke that makes us her body is wavered by someone busting in the front door, the glass shattering and bouncing off various areas around the entrance.
“Doctor Everts” a strong woman’s voice calls, as the sound of footsteps advancing towards the pair fills the silence. Damn it! Unable to hold him and continuously restructure the liquid formation of his throat as her time limit was 30 seconds without contact, but luckily his throat would likely reform with some sort of mutation as she didn’t maintain it’s shape up until it’s reforming. She leaps up from his body, rushing for a window in the back room behind the stack of screens and vhs players, Valerie tosses the rack holding the monitors down onto the door jamming it shut. She pushes off the toppled metal rack she grips onto the windowsill pulling herself through the window and onto slick dew-covered grass that leads into a forest of some kind, pushing off the ground with her hands she takes off into full sprint, no sense in trying to save energy if she has no idea how to control this stupid ability! She tries snapping her fingers and focusing as she builds the distance between herself and the heroes who would never understand the ever-growing hollowness inside her, she’d become a murder, there was no other path for her.
((This is where the road forks, for those of you who wish to save this pitiful hate-birthed beast then this is where your character will enter as either a hero or villain, either way you must play an ally))
((For those of you who wish to have a more matured/seasoned villain you will continue from here and reply to the end of this post))
 A Decade to Fester; They Do Not Dare Defy Me
Many years have past since the day Matter Manipulation was gifted to young Valerie, a decade to be quite precise and as the temptress neared her thirties a broiling need to be acknowledged by the world grew in its wake. She’d wasted enough time training, scheming, and waiting for a day when the world would be forced to face pain beyond their feeble little dreams.
“Aqua Regia!” Darius booms, entering her chambers with a concerned expression rest on his glowing ocean eyes as they lock onto the voluptuous Valerie, he was her second in command and most trusted ally, the one who saved her from the cruelty of those who held the title of Heroes. Those who would brand her very soul with a bible of law; a law book sewn together by the suffering and consumption of it’s own people, written in the blood of every less than fair pigment or disobedient civilian by sadists and hypocrites. “Val, please we must speak of the mission to come. If either you or I were to misstep we would lose the very foundation of all that we have built, quickly dear girl we mustn’t waste time” with this he waved me towards the door as his soft poetic mannerisms lull her senses into a calm
“Yes, Of course, but please Avalon do not fret, you are the key to my throne and with you I will forge a Camelot that would put Tartarus to shame” Aqua Regia coos, slipping from her solid form into a smoke like cloud to enhance her speed as she moves towards the villain Elusion with the quirk Escape Artist or the ability to find an escape plan for any situation, the back lash is sometimes there really is no escape although he has yet to stumble upon this problem. Valerie is able to return to solid form by keeping hands, heart and lungs solid inside the smoke form otherwise her body would remain gaseous until reaching the limited amount of time. This time gap started at thirty seconds, but after nearly a decade of training she can hold most things in any of the three forms for a whole hour, sadly no human can hold their breath for an hour so the gift has become rather tricky to maneuver without sparing a few insignificant lives. As her body slowly reforms Darius takes this time to go over some of our earlier successes
“Indeed, Queen Arthur” He would start, wanting to begin on her good side “The first two steps of our plan have come to fruition with very minor mishaps, the pot has been stirred as you say. Drug Families are at each other’s throats trying to find the rat amongst them, unaware it was the clients who sold them to the pros. Secondly, all of the bombs went off without a hitch, except the last hospital apparently a hero arrived in time to stop both with seconds to spare.” His face remained calm and hard like a statue, he knew this would make her erupt furious that anyone was able to catch onto her scheme “But we’ve reached the results you hoped for Ms. Regia, the pros have all eyes on you for the show tonight.” Despite the second step having a few misfires everything was going according to plan.
“Well…At least things are still moving forward, are the boys reaching out to the head of each family as we speak?” She groans, clearly annoyed with the lack of security in her strategy, nothing is guaranteed and yet she’d hoped this would as close to guaranteed as physically possible. The two descend the stairs her warm honey eyes scan the crumbling lot for any sign of you, surely you knew she would be here awaiting your arrival, her lower lip presses out in a pout as she looks to her partner “Suppose they didn’t understand the clues that we left with each body?”
“Nonsense Mistress, you were very careful to be as obvious as possible” He assures her as she pauses, lingering at the window from the second floor. She was much taller now due to the various hormones and chemical injected into her body all those years ago, her hair was a long chocolate stream of shiny wavy locks and her once ashen tan skin soon became a warm mocha. Her once boxy frame had smoothed over into a more feminine look, being replaced with an hourglass figure. “Forgive my sentiment, but you’ve come too far Valerie to ever be made a fool of again.” Her heart sang at his sweet words, a smile resting comfortably on her lips.
“Thank you” she whispers, reaching for the illusion of her dear friend when the door flies off it’s hinges into the stairs. It would appear that they’ve arrived and so abruptly. Valerie growls under her breath, trying to maintain her composure as the hero/villain enters “I’m relieved you decided to show your face, this will feel all the sweeter” her palms glowing a golden color as she stands in an offensive position
((Comment Alpha1 if you want to save her as a child and change her fate as a hero or comment Alpha2 if you want to be a villain that assists her as a child. If you wanted to fight older Valerie as a hero comment Beta1 or if you want to be a villain that recruits older Valerie comment Beta2))
Name: Valerie Amerai Bonna-Velt
Villain name; Aqua Regia
Age: 19 or 29
Ability: Matter Manipulation; the ability to change and mold the shape/state of matter for limited amounts of time (Overuse of this ability results in a loss of free will; becoming an obedient zombie)
Appearance; Valerie is a 5’2 tall girl who weighs one-hundred-twenty-five pounds, she has a large behind and C cup breasts with warm thick thighs that meet at a waist that appears to be smaller due to wide hips and broad shoulders. When she was 19 her hair was a raven black, but now it resembles a dark chocolate brown with a healthy shine that she’s most definitely proud of! Her eyes are slanted, narrow and a light honey colored with short lashes that thick around the outer corner of her eyes on the top and bottom. Her eyebrows are thick and well groomed, but sparse with a very high arch. (Very bottom-heavy frame!)
Blood type: O negative
Height; 5’2
Weight; 125 lbs.
Weaknesses; Valerie’s powers cannot break the law of conservation (matter cannot be created or destroyed. Therefore, there must be the same number of atoms of each element on each side of a chemical equation.) She is also unable to hold an object in a state foreign to its nature for longer than her time limit (Starts at 30 seconds and ends with 1 hour) The heart, lungs and hands are exposed in gaseous form. Her circulatory system slowly shuts down in solid form and she runs the risk of losing limbs if she over uses it, not to mention solid form is as fragile as ice. Finally, in liquid form she cannot reform herself and must wait for the time limit to pass (She doesn’t really use it)
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just-another-fan17 · 6 years
Like You Never Left
Word count: 12,940 words (geez man)
Pairing(s): Romantic Prinxiety with some small side romantic Logicicality
Warnings: Lots of fluff, lots of angst, but we all love a happy ending (tbh I don’t think there’s any warnings...I guess anxious and or self-depreciating thoughts? Only a little though...don’t you worry) 
Author’s note: WOW OKAY. Hey guys! A little while ago I asked @tinysidestrashcaptain if I could tag them in a story I wrote featuring everyone’s favorite sides and I was really fake because I contacted them FOREVER AGO. I only just now worked up the courage to finish and post it. Oops? I’m sorry I’m doing my best over here. Please be kind to me, this is the first fanfic I’ve ever written.
Just some clarifications below…
 Anything in-between these…
…is a flashback
Anything before or after this…
…is either a break in scenery or a P.O.V. change
 I included that just in case the writing isn’t clear enough, I’m so sorry. I’m a mess. I’ll go now.
Roman’s P.O.V.
“Okay, it’s a straight shot. Whoever gets down there first wins and gets to pick the movie for tonight.”
“Bold of you to assume there’s a chance you could ever beat me.”
The two best friends sat in their wagons preparing to take off down the steep hill, one boy ever more confident than the other. After the shouted count, “3…2…1…,” off they went, laughter echoing in the warm summer air.
Roman pulled into the university’s parking lot with far too much time to spend in the lecture hall than he would have preferred. After a quick text, to make sure his friend was already inside, he begrudgingly hauled his backpack on and walked towards the double doors. He’d already had a terrible start to his morning when, in a rush, his shirt got caught in a loose screw on the battered screen door, pulling the thread of the sleeve, causing a small tear. Everything seemed to go downhill from there. As he trekked down the pathway, he found his thoughts drifting to how little time he had left in this place.
Junior year. Spring of junior year to be exact. Graduation was rapidly approaching for seniors, and it was all anyone seemed to be talking about. He was walking up the steps of the main building and could hear a group of friends tittering about graduation parties and dinners. He eyed them wistfully.
After a rough battle with the zipper, he was finally able to wrench the books he needed out of his backpack for art history. He then promptly threw his bag down with a glare.
“Well, don’t you look lovely this fine Friday morning.”
Roman inwardly smiled at his friend’s obvious sarcasm. His mussed up brown hair hadn’t seen a brush yet and his shirt was wrinkled with a long thread dragging a mile behind him. Truth be told he wasn’t quite feeling like himself. He hadn’t for a while, but today he seemed especially frazzled and he couldn’t for the life of him figure out why. He turned toward his friend sporting an indifferent expression.
“Logan, do me a solid and don’t attempt conversation before 8am,” he deadpanned.
Logan just smirked and raised an eyebrow, occupying the seat next to his friend.
“Is there any particular reason you look like you have not encountered a mirror this morning?” Logan eyed his friend’s out of place appearance.
Roman turned to his friend, hands flailing about, annoyance rolling off of him in waves, as he launched into his rather loud explanation.
“You wouldn’t believe the nonsense I’ve had to endure today! My alarm didn’t go off because my phone was never charging and lost it’s battery so I woke up late. I rushed out of my house only to tear my favorite shirt, suffered through an absolutely ridiculous amount of traffic, and then I didn’t have enough time to stop at Starbucks for my usual,” he finished bitterly.
Logan just smirked at his exasperated friend, barely holding back quiet laughter.
Logan McClure and Roman Prince had been close ever since the two had engaged in a very heated debate in freshman year English. While Logan is far more reserved than Roman, their drastic dynamic differences balance one another out quite seamlessly. Roman will often wax poetry about how it was written in the stars or some other such fated nonsense. Logan likes to think it was how often one was mistaken for the other. Though they only had a few lectures together, teachers always seemed to call them by the wrong name. Both with brown hair, hazel eyes, and a similar tall stature, it was difficult for most to tell them apart before Logan opted for his glasses instead of contacts. Though, in hindsight, their stark personality differences should have done the job.
Both boys waited for their teacher in amicable silence. Logan glanced at Roman out of the corner of his eye frowning. Something was going on with his friend, he could feel it. Logan knows he’s more emotionally inept than most, but if the great Roman Prince is known for one thing, it being obnoxiously loud and ‘looking absolutely fabulous at all times!’ He would be lying if he told himself Roman’s rather subdued expression and unkempt appearance wasn’t quite jarring.
“Hey, Roman-”
Roman’s text tone abruptly stopped him from voicing his thoughts.
Logan saw his face morph into something giddy…and that always spelled trouble.
“Remy’s friend is having a bonfire this Saturday!” Roman’s face lit up at the prospect, while Logan groaned internally.
Roman slowly turned to his friend, a sly expression already in place.
“Hey Lo-”
Logan, in turn, cut him off before he could even begin.
“No. I am not going to subject myself to the nonsense of Remy Marzena on one of my only two days of peace and quiet.”
Logan’s tone brooked no argument, but Roman’s puppy dog eyes had other plans.
“But I can’t go by myself! Besides, you know our dear friend Patton will be there too…” he trailed off enticingly.
“You say that as though it will influence my desire to go.” Logan leveled him with a look, fighting off the blush threatening to spread across his cheeks.
Patton Sanders had puzzled Logan ever since they’d met. He was always cheerful and optimistic at the strangest of times. Logan would forever deny how endearing the literal personification of sunshine could be. Unfortunately for Logan, he and Roman attended Springfield University, while Patton and Remy attended college up town at Pennbrook University. The only reason Logan had ever met Patton was through Roman’s rather unfortunate friendship with Remy. Both had met during the summer of freshman year at the district theater. Logan couldn’t comprehend how one person could be so…extra. Though Roman was quite theatrical himself, Remy, it seemed, was on another level. How he could be related to the sweet, kind, caring, lovable-
“Oh, do excuse me. If it weren’t for me the most socialization you’d ever experience would consist of late nights with your Advanced Methodical Statistics textbook.”
Logan didn’t appreciate the sarcasm, or the spot-on presumption. Roman’s pout was starting to get to him, and Roman did a mental victory dance when he saw the edges of Logan’s eyes soften ever so slightly.
“C’mon Lo, you wouldn’t leave me to fend for myself out there, now would you?”
Logan shifted his gaze to Roman knowing that his answer didn’t matter, seeing as he would be dragged there anyways. Roman’s pout persisted, and Logan winced as he finally felt himself give in.
“Ugh, you make me sick.”
Roman perked up at his friend’s response and texted back that he and Logan would be there. Worked every time. He learned from the best after all.
When the announcements crackled over the loudspeaker he turned and caught a glimpse of his hair in the window’s reflection.
A rat’s nest indeed.
Roman sat with his back against his bedroom door knowing the loud knocking would only continue the longer he remained stubborn.
“Come on Ro, open the door. It can’t be that bad!”
Oh, but it was. Sixth grade started tomorrow, and he had a haircut he only ever saw in his nightmares. Everyone, it seemed, has had their experience with this particular nightmarish milestone and he was devastated to have to suffer through it so soon.
“You’re just gonna laugh at me,” Roman huffed.
“I won’t laugh I promise! C’mon open the door,” he trailed off quietly, but encouragingly.
His friend was met with stubborn silence, until a muffled “fine,” could be heard. The door opened to reveal the same old Roman…except his hair was...different. He was sporting a bowl cut that was rather reminiscent of Justin Bieber. The other boy couldn’t help the huge smile that lit up his face, which he quickly attempted hiding behind his hand but to no avail.
“SEE. I knew you would betray me!” He stomped his foot to emphasize his point. He looked for all the world like an angry kitten.
“Aw c’mon it’s not even that bad. You made it sound like they shaved half of it off and cut the rest while wearing a blindfold or something,” he paused at Roman’s squeak of offence and continued, “Look, I know we have school tomorrow, but I practically begged your mom to let me stay and watch a movie and eat lots of food to make you feel better. So, will you come downstairs with me? It’ll take your mind off of it,” he pleaded with his eyes. Those stupid brown puppy dog eyes. He knew Roman couldn’t say no to those stupid brown puppy dog eyes.
Roman looked him up and down, pretending to ponder the offer already knowing he was going to give in, and brushed past him. “We are watching The Incredibles and I get the purple blanket.”
His friend laughed and followed him down the stairs, “Yeah, yeah, whatever you say, moody.”
He caught a small smile on his face when he snapped back to reality. Almost immediately, his normally cheerful face was downcast, and he stared at his feet. He wouldn’t be thinking about it anymore. As his day wore on, he let his friend’s comments on how tired he seemed today roll off his back, brushing off the concern. He was fine. He just had to convince himself.
His day consisted of the usual monotony plus a lecture on self-representation by multiple teachers. When his last class ended he all but ran to his car. Once he plopped in the front seat he let out a breath he hadn’t realized he’d been holding. After a few minutes of blissful silence, he started the car and let the radio play quietly in the background as he drove. The sun shone through the trees painting the street with a soft afternoon glow.
“Alright listeners, our next set is going to take you back. We’ve got some oldies but goodies right here on 93.7 W.S.T.W…” that was all the warning he got before Dancing Queen followed by Welcome to the Black Parade came on the radio. An odd pairing, but that didn’t stop his squeal of delight as he turned the volume up and rolled the windows down. At stoplights people in neighboring cars and passersby on the street turned to stare. His bitter sweet singing could be heard by all as he turned left down his street.
He was abruptly cut off when he almost hit the back of a large truck.
His car jerked to a stop. He turned the radio down as he tried to collect himself. He stayed frozen at the four-way, long after the truck continued on its way, in an attempt to calm his breathing down. The quiet guitar solo continued in his silence as he stared into space. He found his mind wandering to late nights listening to this album with him, the smile upon hearing his favorite solo, his voice…
Eventually, the laughter of three kids riding their bikes snapped him out of the staring contest he was currently having with his steering wheel. His small smile fell from his face as he watched the kids race each other to the townhouse at the end of the street, carelessly throwing their bikes down by the porch. They looked to be no older than 11 or 12 but Roman couldn’t be sure. Once other people moved into that townhouse he hardly paid attention to that sort of thing anymore. Bottling his emotions had served him well so far. Ignorance is a foolproof system.
His thoughts drifted to the occupants of Brookhaven Ave and how little he knew of them now-a-days. He mentally counted the five families that remained from his childhood. Wait, make that four. The Berkley’s had just moved out a two months ago in October. He hadn’t even bothered to get the name of the new family that lived across the street and neither had anyone else in his family. Roman continued to stare at nothing, his eyes glazed over as he was lost in thought.
A loud honk snapped him back to his senses.
“Oh shi-” the curse was mentally cut off as he hit the gas harder than intended, jerking the car forward.
He pulled up to his porch and ambled inside, with a quick “I’m home!” to announce his presence. Without a word from anyone else, he made it to his room where he released a big sigh that was supposed to release the tension from his shoulders. He flopped on his bed and looked out the window only to see those three kids back on their bikes circling around the corner. He let out a wistful sigh as his gaze caught the rope still attached to his bed. He smiled wryly.
He used all the strength that a lanky, 9th grade emo could possibly muster to tie the rope securely to the bottom of the bedpost.
“There.” He stood up eyeing his work proudly.
“Okay, so what’s the plan exactly? You haven’t told me what you’re doing and honestly I’m starting to wonder if I should be scared,” Roman said teasingly.
He turned back, trying to hide the blush threatening to spread across his cheeks at Roman’s remark. Thank god for foundation. He took a deep breath that was supposed to help compose himself and turned around, smirk in place. “Okay, so, I know you’re not allowed out tomorrow for the Fourth of July-”
“Yeah no thanks to you,” Roman cut in, only slightly miffed.
He scowled the interruption and continued, “-Anyway…your parents know you’re not supposed to be out. Fortunately, mine do not,” he finished proudly.
“Am I supposed to be getting where you’re going with this?” he asked tiredly.
His friend rolled his eyes and exhaled slowly through his nose. “The fireworks start at 9:30pm. You can still hang with me at my house and we can watch them from the roof as planned. All you have to do is throw this out the window and climb down. Easy. Simple.”
Roman wasn’t sure if he was supposed to laugh or scoff, so he settled for a mix of both.
“Y’know, if it were anyone else, I’d tell them I’m not scaling the side of my house to hang out with the person who put me on house arrest,” he finished.
Roman stood and grabbed the rope testing its strength.
“Ah, well, good thing I’m not anyone else,” he countered smugly.
Later that night, Roman’s parents would find his room empty. Too busy wondering how the heck he got out of the house, they missed the dangling rope keeping the window cracked.
The rest of the week continued with nothing more eventful than a pop quiz in art history. It was finally Friday night, and the small group of friends were hanging out in Logan’s basement as per Roman’s begging request. The guys had been informed of the bonfire earlier that week and apparently a good handful of people were going to be there, much to Logan’s distaste. All the sudden this weekend was looking to be pretty miserable. Logan didn’t realize he was scowling until someone was waving their hand in front of his face to get his attention. He looked up to see Patton with a confused look in his eye.
“Hey, you okay? You were…glaring,” he finished with an uncertain smile. Before he could respond, Remy opened his mouth from across the room.
“Astute observation Pat, but he’s been glaring at the corner of the room for the past 20 minutes now,” he said laughingly. Roman just looked on in amusement, at the flustered look on his friend’s face.
“I’m quite alright. I was just thinking about tomorrow and suffering through an entire evening with Remy.” He put his head in his hand and continued, “Maybe I’ll just stay home and tell everyone that I’m dying of a terminal illness,” he trailed off languidly. Logan inwardly grimaced at how utterly dramatic and Roman that statement was, though he quickly brightened up when Patton laughed.
Remy had finally had enough of this blatant disrespect. It was a party.
“God, you too? How many people do I have to bend over backwards to convince to quit being such a stick in the mud?” The frustration was clear on his face as his head flew back in exasperation. “It’ll be fun. Gurl, honestly, you can’t even talk. You always say shit like that and then you finally get there, and you end the night with: ‘That was actually pleasantly surprising,’ or ‘I suppose it was not as unbearable as I expected,’” he said imitating his voice with annoying accuracy.
Roman stayed quiet that night. He tuned out the good-natured bickering of Logan and Remy. The smile slipped off his face as his thoughts consumed him again. He glanced at Patton who was not so subtly staring at Logan, lovestruck expression in place. He sighed bitterly to himself. He was really happy for his pining friends, ecstatic even, but his lovesick heart could only take so much. Roman was suddenly shaken by his own thoughts.
“Oh god…lovesick?”
He was brought back to reality by Patton shouting over Logan and Remy.
“Guys, GUYS!” His dad voice captured the attention of his friends and they silenced immediately. “Enough fighting. You will settle your differences like civilized people.”
Roman looked up to see the Mario Kart loading screen and Patton holding four Wii remotes.
Logan and Remy just looked at each other sly grins in place.
“You better look out Princey, I’m catching up!”
“I don’t think so, you hot topic reject…” Roman threw back a red turtle shell and laughed victoriously when it hit head on.
They were on the last lap of the final race of the circuit and he was not about to give up yet. Roman was too cocky for his own good, and he looked to change that. His gaze hardened with determination, and a sadistic smirk grew on his face, as he gained another power up. A game changing power up. His smile quickly turned even more sinister as they sped closer towards the finish line.
“Hey, Princey.” Roman looked over at him briefly acknowledging his words.
“I’m sorry our friendship had to end this way.” Roman’s eyes flew wide with betrayal as he finally realized what was about to go down.
With no hint of guilt or remorse, the blue turtle shell was sent with a shout of victory.
Roman woke up the next day with not much else to do than wait around and start getting ready.
He was scrolling through the depths of YouTube when he got a text from Remy.
HEY if you don’t start getting ready you’ll never get there and then I’ll have to kill you and I don’t plan on going to jail for manslaughter
A few seconds later…
A laugh bubbled out of him before he could stop it.
How Remy seemed to sense these things was beyond him. He let out an overdramatic sigh and swung his legs over the side of the bed. Damn, it was 5:30pm already? After putting on fabulously subtle makeup, he decided to check the weather and of course it was going to be unreasonably cold. Why did life hate him so?! He ran his fingers through his hair pushing it out of his way and opened his closet.
His eyes locked onto the old, abandoned hoodie before his mind could catch up with him. His grip on the door loosened as his shoulders deflated ever so slightly. Suddenly struck with annoyance he scoffed and reached for the hoodie. He was so over being sad and melancholy all the damn time.
Besides, he was in an edgy mood as of late.
 Virgil’s P.O.V.
He stood in the middle of his room looking at all the packed boxes with his heart in his throat. It felt like the room was slowly suffocating him. He was going back soon, and if that didn’t fill him with enough terror and anxiety for the rest of this life and the next, he didn’t know what would. Worse than that? He was living on the same street. Right across the street. What the fuck was he supposed to do now? Never go outside and hope for the best?
Luckily, his mom knocked on his door frame and cut off his downward spiral.
“Hey V? You doing okay? The moving truck should be here in about 10 minutes…” she cut in gently.
“Yeah I-, yeah.” His gaze never left the pile of boxes as he answered.
His mom sighed and sat on his bed, motioning for him to do the same.
“Honey, I know this move is sudden. I know you’ve already begun school, but I thought you’d be thrilled being able to go back! You were devastated when we left Pennsylvania, and it’s still something I haven’t forgiven myself for but-…” she was rambling.
“Mom.” He cut her off. Her jaw snapped shut at the harsh tone. Something she still hadn’t gotten used to over the years.
“In case you’ve forgotten,” he continued, “I didn’t exactly leave on the best of terms,” he finished, scowl in place.
It was the one thing he would never forgive his father for. No, no he can’t even blame his father.
‘You were the one who kept it from him, remember? Remember how heartbroken he looked? How could he ever have trusted you after that?’
He had to shake himself from his thoughts. His mind consistently antagonizes him with everything he should have done differently, and damn him, for messing everything up. He knew whose fault it was. It was only natural that he’d try to find someone else to pin the blame on.
He knew he had changed over the years. There’s only so much pretending you can do to convince people everything is fine before it wears you down. Eventually, he just stopped trying. His smiles dimmed until they weren’t there anymore, leaving an almost permanent scowl. His broad shoulders hunched in on themselves. Any and all optimism flew out the window, replaced by stone-cold cynicism.
High school wasn’t easy on him. Best years of your life, my ass. He looked back at most of high school with a bitter resentment and longing. Finishing senior year somewhere totally new just seemed to taint what good memories he retained. It was hard enough for a gay, edgy emo to make friends as it was, but when they moved, V didn’t even try. He didn’t want to try anymore. The bullying only cemented that decision. So he kept building his walls higher and higher. No one could be allowed to see past his walls ever again.
“V, honey, it’s been years since I’ve seen you smile. I know that things have been less than ideal. This whole move, transferring all your credits, starting at a new university is scary. It’s okay to be scared.” She looked over only to see her son glaring at the floor, but continued. “Penenbrook is a great school and I just know that you’ll make friends this time around. Your father’s relocation could be good for you. Besides, I know at least one person will probably still be waiting for you when we get back.” She turned gauge his reaction. He could only offer a sad, barely-there smile still aimed at the grey carpet. He could only hope at least.
When he didn’t reply, she got up and grabbed a box. “C’mon. Let’s get some of these downstairs.”
The family packed their belongings in a tense silence. His mom tried to initiate small talk but the two Manson men didn’t feel like talking. It’s a surprise to no one that V and his dad don’t have the best relationship either. Both of his parents have jobs involved with the government that prevent them from sharing certain information with their family. V had to learn to understand that sometimes not one but both of his parents had to go away on the weekend and he wasn’t allowed to know where or why. As he grew older, he couldn’t help the part of his mind that wanted to resent his parents. When they moved away from his childhood home it only worsened.
Once the van was packed up, he slid into the back seat and put on his headphones almost immediately. T-minus 13 hours and 45 minutes. He passed the houses and streets he’d come to know the past three and a half years. He didn’t expect to feel any sadness upon leaving, and he was correct in that assumption.  He couldn’t help the jolt of excitement he felt when the car passed by a sign that said, “Now Leaving Florida, Come Back Real Soon!”  
Maybe things were finally looking up for him.
Things were decidedly not looking up for him.
He and his family were all sitting at the dinner table when his mom dropped the bomb on him. The chit chat immediately stopped when she noticed his expression. He paused with his fork halfway to his mouth.
“…What?” Silence reigned, so he tried again.
His father had finally had enough with his apparent insolence and put down his utensils to stare his son in the eyes.
“Pennbrook is a fine school with top programs and teachers. I will not listen to your complaints simply because you are unable to live on campus,” he said with gruff finality.
In hindsight, he should have looked into it, but as of late, his mind has been…occupied by other things. Now, however, all he could think about is the lack of privacy he would now be subjected to living at home full time. On some days, he’d argue that it be worse than prison. He and his father were stuck in a glaring match until the boy finally gave up and sat back in his chair allowing an overdramatic sigh to fill the room.
Dinner continued, and he found himself staring out the window at the house across the street. The light was still on in his room.
Monday came sooner than he would have preferred.
He slammed his hand down on his alarm clock and looked over at the time. He blearily processed that it was 6:00am and that he needed to get up in order to ensure the least amount of embarrassment today. He pulled his blankets off and walked towards the door furiously trying to rub the remanence of sleep out of his eyes. A light switch would have been useful but that was all the way on the other side of the room, so he was flying blind. In his sleep induced stupor, he forgot that there were still boxes all over his room and that fate never planned on being kind to him. He barely took three steps before he stubbed his toe and fell forward.
“AH, fucking dammit!” He sat on the floor, his head between his knees, debating on whether he even wanted to stand up. Eventually, he decided he’d rather suffer in class than face his father’s wrath today.
He survived the rest of his morning routine without any other mishaps. He threw on his black skinny jeans, combat boots, and patched up hoodie. He didn’t even want to think about what he would have to endure today. He looked at himself and tried to look at the bright side. At least, there was going to be no picking on him. He learned early on that looking as scary and unapproachable as physically possible could really help you in the long run. He ran his fingers through his hair in an attempt to tame it, but a few stubborn bangs still hung in his vision. His eyes were cold, and he prided himself on his disaffected scowl. If he was lucky he could just sit in the back and blend in. He put light, barely there, black eyeshadow under his eyes just for kicks. He supposed this new school could use an edgy loner. He would gladly fill that position.
He ran his fingers through his hair and walked downstairs. After grabbing his keys, his wallet, his backpack, and an apple on the way out the door, he roughly sat down in his old, beat up Honda Civic and plugged in his phone. An oldies emo playlist should lift his spirits. A loud guitar blasted through the speakers, and he was off down the street sparing a single glance back in the mirror.
His classes didn’t start until 8:00am but he was still surprised he found good parking at 7:15am. He parked his car in the visitor’s spot and walked up to the main entrance. He couldn’t help the scoff at the saying etched into the archway of the building.
“Pennbrook, where excellence is habit? Oh, god.” He shook his head and sighed.
He walked in towards the main office with his backpack slug over one shoulder, already slightly amused at the atmosphere this school was attempting to put forth. As he walked down the hall, he saw posters and signs with various absurd sayings: “Pennbrook University, where forward thinking begins,” “Preparing for life is more than just test scores,” and his favorite, “Be who you are and be it well.” Yeah, okay.
He walked into the main office and was greeted by a too-perky receptionist.
“Hello! What can I do for you, son?” He wore a light brown sweater, a pink tie, and glasses. His desk was covered in various amounts of different cartoon paraphernalia, some he recognized and others he did not. His blinding smile crinkled by his eyes.
“Hi, I’m the new transfer student? I was told to come early today for my official schedule and ID card?” He kept ending his statements as questions, but the man didn’t seem to mind.
“Ah, yes, of course! Manson, Vi-”
“-uh, just V sir. Please.” He was quick to cut him off with a wince, lest anyone else hear.
The man peered up at him through his glasses with an amused glint in his eyes.
“Of course.” He walked back over to his desk to fish around for V’s papers and handed them over with a sugary sweet smile.
“Your first class begins at 7:50am. Here is your schedule as well as your student ID. The school layout is pretty simple. Three ‘L’ shaped buildings, two floors. First floor room numbers begin with one and second floor room numbers begin with two. I’m sure you’ll be able to figure it out. If for some reason you’re having any trouble, I’m sure one of our students or faculty members could help direct you,” he finished his rant looking to see if he caught all that.
“Thank you, Mr…” he trailed off inquiringly.
“…Picani,” he supplied.
“Mr. Picani. I really appreciate it,” he said with a slight smile. That smile immediately fell of his face as he turned to walk out into the hallway.
And with that, he was out in search of his first class. He had enough time to glance through his schedule and walk to all the classrooms he would be forced to suffer in for 50 minutes later that day. It was still only 7:40am, but he begrudgingly walked to his first lecture. The hallways were quite crowded at this point, but it didn’t matter. People parted like the red sea when he turned down the hallway. He was a few inches or so over six feet with dark eyes, an eyebrow piercing and a pointed glare in anyone and everyone’s general direction. His gait held a purpose as he walked swiftly and quietly into his homeroom. A quick scan of the room and he was walking toward the seat all the way in the back by the window. The room quieted ever so slightly as he made his way to his chosen seat. He dropped his bag to the floor and pulled his headset on determined to drown out the noise. Chatter slowly built back up as the clock approached 7:50am.
An older man in his mid to late 40’s walked in and called for silence. V took this time to actually look up and realize that someone had dared to occupy the seat next to him. The boy looked at him and smiled slightly before looking back at their professor.
“Good morning, delinquents,” he said as he set his things down. The class laughed as he prepared to take attendance.
V tensed in his seat because he knew what was undoubtably coming. He just had to appear unaffected and maybe it would pass over painlessly.
“…Jenson, Lombardo, Marzena, Mans,” The man started rattling off names, but stopped as though he wasn’t expecting one of them. No doubt his. God, didn’t they inform teachers of anything anymore?! The professor looked up scanning the room until his gaze landed on V.
“Manson?” he questioned.
V sat unmoving as all heads swiveled in his direction. Using every ounce of strength not to crumble as all eyes were on him, he only offered a two fingered solute as any indication his professor was correct.
“Ah, Mr. Manson, I was informed of your transfer. Might I inquire from which school?” He asked innocently, a tired smile in place.
V sighed but answered, “Sandalwood State in Florida. My family just moved back to PA.”
“Oh wonderful, I do hope you find Pennbrook to be a wonderful school to spend the remainder of your college years,” he said with gusto. He turned back to his attendance sheet, read off the rest of the names, and launched into the syllabus.
V was shocked to say the least. Maybe he could get by without his name being spoken aloud. A futile hope, but hey, he was doing good so far. Maybe this luck would stick with him. The kid next to him chose this moment to turn to him and try to introduce himself.
“Hi, I’m Patton,” he smiled amicably. He had a fairly tall build with brown hair and shinning blue eyes.
V just stared, shocked that anyone would even attempt conversation at this point. C’mon, his resting bitch face should’ve been enough!
“I’m V,” he supplied.
“Just V?”
“Just V.” He turned away trying to cut off anymore interaction.
V was hoping that this horrifying awkward tension would be enough to halt this conversation in its tracks, but then again, he was never that lucky. A kid wearing sunglasses chose this moment to turn around and introduce himself.
“Hey gurl. I’m Remy, the fun one, here for your viewing pleasure,” he spoke around the straw in his Starbucks iced macchiato bullshit. He had short brown hair swept back from his face. V couldn’t help the snort that came from his nose at the boy’s antics. He relaxed slightly in his chair.
“I’m V, the emo one, from your nightmares,” he deadpanned. That line had both Patton and Remy laughing.
Remy eyed the singular eyebrow piercing, eyeshadow and unruly hair.
“Honestly honey, I would’ve pegged you as a mellowing punk kid,” he pondered aloud. V just stared.
“A mellowing punk kid…” V tested the words on his own tongue. “Original. I haven’t heard that one yet,” he let a smirk ease its way onto his face.
The sudden shuffling startled him out of this impossible interaction. It seems the syllabus was all that was going to be covered today. V was at a loss. It was his first day, and he was supposed to be silently brooding in the corner. Patton reached for V’s schedule and scanned over it.
“Oh cool, you’ve got Philosophy with me at 2:30pm!” His eyes scanned over the rest of the sheet. “That means you can join us for lunch!” V tried to object but Patton looked back up and him with hopeful shinning eyes that were rather reminiscent of a small child, and V found his resolve weakening.
“I-…s-sure, whatever,” he mumbled.
With that, they grabbed their stuff as Remy dramatically gestured toward the door.
“Follow me, you tall, misunderstood shadowling!” V looked at him with an eyebrow raised.
“You’ll soon learn that my brother will be the most dramatic and theatrical person you’ve ever met,” Patton supplied helpfully.
Remy just laughed without denying his claims, and the three of them marched on to find food.
Maybe not the most theatrical…but he was pretty darn close.
It was one of his cleverer ideas.
The two friends were lounging on V’s bed when inspiration struck. Roman jumped up jostling V, who had his head hanging over the side of the bed.
“Good sir, I think I have a particularly grand idea,” he declared with a regal stance.
“Thank God. I don’t think I’ve ever been this bored in my life,” V said unmoving.
“We shall construct a grand movie theatre and have an equally grand Disney movie marathon!” Roman shouted a bit loud for V’s taste, but he was intrigued nonetheless.
“How many times are you going to say ‘grand’ before you explain how exactly we will accomplish that?” He said with playful sarcasm.
“Dishonor me again peasant and I will see to it personally that you die a very painful, boring death.”
V fought to keep the smile off his face.
“It’s a drive-in movie!” they chorused. V’s mom felt an amused smile tug at the corners of her mouth.
She had to admit, it was pretty well put together, considering they were only eight. The TV set had been pushed against the open bay window facing the deck with blankets draped around acting as curtains. The two friends had dug out their old, beat up wagons and piled them high with pillows, blankets and popcorn. They were her really expensive throw pillows, but she couldn’t find it in her heart to discipline them.
“Just make sure you kids put everything back where it’s supposed to be when the movie is over,” she said with a smile. The two just offered her cheeky grins and a promise that everything would be cleaned up.
Days turned into weeks, and weeks very quickly turned into a few months. Christmas and New Year’s had come and gone, and spring fever was in the air. V was honestly shocked at how fast time seemed to be going by. School was bearable. He had actually managed to make friends, but even then, he tried to keep his distance. They were constantly trying to get him to go out with them, but he was content with just observing from the side lines. He skipped out on all the hangouts. The only real friend he’d ever had was, it seemed, too far out of his reach. He didn’t need to depress himself further by going out to some party where everyone knew everybody else. That’s what he kept telling himself anyway. It was best not to think about it.
“Hey tall, dark, and emo. How are you this fine morning?”
Welp. The universe just shot that dream straight to hell.
Remy leaned against the door of V’s emptying lecture hall peering at him over his sunglasses with a suggestive smile, awaiting a response. V already knew where this conversation was headed, and honestly, he wasn’t sure how much more of this hounding he could take.
“I’m not going,” he said as he brushed past him avoiding eye contact. Remy hurried after him nonetheless. They both had lunch with Patton, so he wasn’t about to escape that easily.
“Oh, come on, dead girl walking, just come out with us this weekend. You need to get out and experience the people outside this mental asylum,” Remy complained. V smirked a little at his comment before carefully schooling his expression back to careless and uninterested. Despite his efforts, Remy saw it and decided to jump on it while he had the chance.
“Look, it’s a simple gathering with some food, some people, and a bonfire. There isn’t much that could go wrong, so you can give your anxious mind a break.” Remy was aiming for casual conversation, but he couldn’t conceal the whining annoyance in his tone. After being turned down too many times in the past week, there wasn’t much patience he had left to offer.
“My anxious mind is fine. And anyway, I couldn’t go out this weekend even if I wanted to. Both of my parents are away, and I need to watch the house,” V knew it was a weak excuse, but he’d had a long morning and lunch was calling his name. Remy scoffed.
“Where are your parents going that they needed to entrust you to ‘watch the house’? I don’t think your house would spontaneously combust if you left for a few hours.” Remy tried to keep the amusement out of his voice but failed miserably.
“My dad is involved with the government and sometimes his job requires my parents to go away for a few days. I’ve never known what for. He’s never legally been allowed to tell me. All I do know is that they’re both in Washington D.C., or so I’ve been told.” V spoke as if it didn’t really matter, but Remy could sense the underlying irritation.
Remy’s eyebrow quirked up at that. He and Pat had known him ever since a little ways through the first semester and he was quickly adopted by Patton, forming their little group of friends, but the ever-elusive boy was never really forthcoming with any information regarding his past or parents. The more he thought about it, he didn’t really know much about his dark, strange friend. Hell, they didn’t even know his name. Remy sought to change that. He continuously refuses to hang out with anyone outside of school and Remy just can’t fathom why. Who doesn’t want to have fun? Any outing with the fabulous Remy Marzena is surely not an outing to be missed.
“Damn that sounds frustrating. What did you do when you were little, and they had to go away?”
It was an innocent question. V knew that he didn’t mean anything by it.
That didn’t stop the pain in his chest.
It was 2:13am.
“I just don’t understand. I’m their son, right? I feel like I’m supposed to know. I must be obligated to know, right?” V asked anger coursing through his veins.
Roman just sat on his bed and listened to him vent. V was staying with his family for what seemed like the tenth weekend in a row. He could see this eating away at him. V always claimed that he was fine. That it didn’t really bother him. That there was nothing to worry about. He was just about done dealing with his fake smile until V’s careful control all but snapped about ten minutes ago.
“I mean, I know it was last minute, and they said they didn’t want to, but this happens all the time. We were all supposed to hang out this weekend, and last weekend, and the week before. It’s like they plan these things just so they don’t have to spend time with me,” he finished bitterly. His anger was quickly diminishing, a defeated expression overtaking his features. He stopped pacing to stare at the carpet.
He looked at V with sad eyes but didn’t interrupt. There were tears at the corners of his eyes when he finally let out a choked sob.
“Am I really so bad that they’ll take any and every chance to get away from me?” V turned to him, looking for something, anything that could prove him wrong.
Roman quickly stood up, crossed the room and pulled him into a tight embrace. V clung to him like he would disappear if he let go and cried on his shoulder until there were no more tears left. He pulled away, an apology on the tip of his tongue, but Roman cut him off before he could even begin.
“Don’t. Don’t you dare apologize,” he cut in hotly. He saw his friend’s thick tears, broken expression, and smudged eyeshadow and something inside him snapped.
V’s eyes widened, and his jaw snapped shut. He looked taken aback at his forcefulness. A few stubborn tears still rolled down his cheeks. He tugged him over to sit on the bed and forced V to look him in the eyes.
“It burns me up inside to see you apologizing for your emotions so don’t do it again.” V took a minute to absorb his words and nodded mutely, his eyes never straying from the determined, hazel pair staring back.
“I saw how upset your mom was when they left. Her strained smile may have fooled you, but it didn’t fool me,” his eyes softened as he decided to give up on the tough guy act and sit down beside him. He hesitated before taking V’s hand in his own. A blush took over his face but he continued. “I know this is hard for you. I know you wish that they were around more often. I don’t want this making you think that you aren’t worth anything to anyone. Your feelings matter. You matter. You have so many people that care about you. Hell, my parents have practically adopted you and I’m convinced that they like you more than me,” he huffed out a laugh trying to lighten the mood.
He saw the ghost of a smile on V’s face. He let the silence hang over them for a few minutes before continuing, “They do love you, y’know. They might not be so good at showing it, but they love you, so much,” he said desperately. V’s gaze remained resolutely on the floor. He resolutely ignored the part of his mind that thought Roman meant it wasn’t only his parents that loved him so much. His small smile fell into a thin line.
“How do you know?” he mumbled, voice was still strained. His friend perked up dramatically with his signature mega-watt smile.
“Because, I’m your best friend. I know everything,” he said proudly with his hand on his chest. He batted his eyelashes at V until he couldn’t resist a small laugh.
V turned to him and his eyes softened as he tried to think of how he could possibly put into words how much that meant to him. How much he meant to him. So, naturally, he did what any other emotionally insecure 17-year-old boy would have done at a time like this. V’s eyes turned mischievous and Roman looked at him confused by his sudden mood swing. Before he could blink, V snaked his arm around his waist and swung him around onto his back. His friend let out an undignified squeal as V quickly pinned him under his weight. He squirmed to get out of V’s hold, and had this been a few years ago he would have succeeded, but with V’s recent growth spurt his struggle was fruitless. V quickly pinned his hands above his head in victory. Their hysterical laughter dissipated the remaining atmosphere in the room.
However, as their laughter died down, both of them seemed to realize just how close they were. Both boys were panting heavily, sporting a pink blush. Roman was short-circuiting. Holy fucking shit he’s on top of me, he’s on TOP OF ME, HE’S-. V wasn’t doing too well himself, suddenly realizing the compromising position he threw himself into. Neither one dared move.
In the middle of V’s spiraling thoughts about forcing yourself on you best fucking friend for god’s sakes, what are you doing!? What were you thinking?!, Roman’s eyes shifted to V’s lips and back to his piercing stare.
That stopped his train of thought in its tracks, and his breath hitched audibly. V didn’t know what the heck he was doing, but he felt himself slowly leaning in anyway. Their lips were only a hairs breath apart-
A loud car horn snapped them both out of their fervor and V sat up with barely concealed panic. Roman sat up as well and the two of them were decidedly looking everywhere except each other.
Eventually, Roman cleared his throat and V’s gaze snapped back to him.
“Perhaps we should get some rest, yeah?”
V looked at him and nodded in agreement, and they both shared a small smile, silently agreeing to forget about whatever just almost happened. They rolled onto their backs, pulled up the covers, and stared at the ceiling. When V heard the steadying of Roman’s breath, he turned on his side and mumbled out a quiet, sincere “thank you,” into the silence.
“I stayed at a friend’s house,” he said looking away. He was currently thanking whoever was looking out for him up there for his choice of an extra layer of foundation today.
Remy nodded his head and didn’t pry any further accepting his short explanation. They both fell into a comfortable silence as they paid for their food and made their way to a table in the back of the cafeteria. Pat was already there. Remy decided to leave a standing offer if he decided to change his mind.
“Well, if you feel like living dangerously tomorrow, you text me and I’ll pick you up on my way to the party. I can’t stay too long so that means you won’t have to stay too long if you’re really that hesitant.” Remy looked at him awaiting a response. V just sighed and looked over to him tiredly.
“If I consider it, will you let me suffer through the rest of my day in peace?” he huffed. Remy’s whole face practically lit up and Patton let out a tiny squeal in delight.
“I’ll take that as a definite maybe!” he cheered.
V just groaned and glared in the other direction.
 Both P.O.V.
He was not one for social outings. The bonfire started at 7 o’clock and he was no closer to a decision. He’d already received a text from Remy earlier that day asking if he was “ready to live a little.” He stared at his phone debating on whether he really wanted to face people tonight. Somewhere deep down he really did want to go, but his mind was constantly rattling off hinderances: “You’re just going to be sitting alone the whole time. They probably won’t even like you. Remy only offered to be nice.”
He was getting really sick of that voice. He stared down at his phone, the text bar blinking back at him. In a moment of pure impulsiveness, that he would probably regret later, he finally sent a message back:
Fine. But if this all goes to shit, I will never go outside again and you will be forced to live with that on your conscience forever.
He got an instant enthusiastic response:
YES. FINALLY. Fucking took you long enough lol
I’ll come by your house at 6:45pm…shouldn’t take us too long to get there but I will need an address from you 😉
V will never understand this boy’s constant positivity. Patton must be rubbing off on him. He sent his address nonetheless. He trudged up to his room trying to decide if his usual style would scare everyone. If he was being honest his style had really mellowed out over the years. People would laugh if they could see his 14-year-old self now. He shook himself of the thought and settled for ripped black skinny jeans, a distressed purple long sleeve, a black beanie, and his old black combat boots.
Time ticked by quicker than he would have liked. Soon enough he received a text from Remy saying he was waiting outside with Pat. He looked in the mirror and gave himself a mental pep-talk before heading out the door. His hand hesitated at the handle as he gazed through the window. He looked longingly across the street and saw all the downstairs lights on. He prayed no one could see him as he walked out and quickly made his way to the car waiting for him. Pat was driving it looked like and Remy was in the front passenger seat. He made his way into the back seat only to look up and find two pairs of eyes scrutinizing him.
“Uh, can I help you?” he said defensively. Both boys just laughed causing his scowl to grow.
“Relax, we just thought with all the glaring and brooding you do at school your outfit would be a little more emo than this,” Remy replied breezily.
“Weren’t you the one who dubbed me the mellowing punk?” V replied smirking. Remy just laughed and typed in the directions to his friend, Jake’s house.
“Hey kiddo! I love your eye makeup!” Patton looked awed and V was just shocked he’d received a compliment at all. He looked at Pat and smiled shyly.
“Thanks Pat.”
The car fell into an easy silence as they drove. Internally, V was freaking out a bit. He had agreed to go to this thing, but he had absolutely no idea what was in store for him. As if reading his thoughts, Patton piped up from the driver’s seat seemingly sensing his panic.
“We’re almost there, he lives in the next town over so it’s not too far,” he began. V took his chance to grill them for information.
“So…who’s going to be at this party exactly,” he said hesitantly.
“It going to be us and a few of the other guys and gals.” He looked both ways and turned left at the intersection.
“And who are these ‘other guys and girls’ exactly? Where do they go to school?” he asked. He stared at his phone trying to appear less anxious.
“Oh, they all go to Springfield University,” he replied easily. V’s head snapped up.
“Springfield University?” he parroted back, eyes wide.
He must have heard him wrong.
Patton glanced at him in the rear-view mirror in confusion.
“Yeah. Why, do you know someone?” Pat asked out of curiosity.
V took a minute to calm himself down and rationalize that Roman probably didn’t go there. V remembered that Ro had thought about it, but before they finished high school, he was still on the fence about Springfield and the local charter school. Besides…how could he know Remy or Patton anyway…The chances were infinitesimal at best.
“Yeah,” he replied without thinking. “Well, no, I mean I used to know someone who might go there, but I doubt he’d be wherever we’re going tonight.” Remy wasn’t sure if V was trying to reassure them or himself. Remy looked at Patton, then back at V before posing his own question.
“Oh. How’d you know him?”
V took a minute to respond. In that time, a small bitter sweet smile spread on his face.
“We were best friends,” he began. The other two boys thought that was all they were going to get out of him, but he continued after a small huff of laughter, “He lived down the street and we did practically everything together. Ever since we were little we were a neighborhood menace.” He laughed outright at that as he remembered a particular moment with Mrs. Berkley chewing them out for drawing on the side of her house with sidewalk chalk.
The other boys were stunned into silence. They had never seen V so easygoing and animated. He seemed almost wistful. But then his smile became crestfallen. “But-..uh…I haven’t really seen him since senior year of high school when I moved.” His head was in his hand as he looked out the window.
Remy was watching him carefully. If he didn’t know any better, he’d say V looked a little lovesick. Eventually, Patton spoke up and that was enough for V to catch himself and revert back to his usual closed off expression.
“Well, what’s his name?”
V just stared at the back of the driver’s seat. It was a simple question, so why was it so hard to just say it. This wasn’t Harry Potter and he wasn’t Voldemort. For so long, he never spoke his name simply because the memories were too much. Even his family had picked up on it. His mom was always so careful about it, like she was constantly walking on egg shells. Those mannerisms were eventually present in nearly every interaction, but V didn’t like to dwell on it much. He seemed to finally snap out of whatever daze he was in before he realized he hadn’t answered yet.
“Roman. Roman Prince,” he finally choked out.
Patton and Remy both shared a look of disbelief before they carefully schooled their expressions.
“Well hey, maybe one of these guys will know him,” Pat encouraged. V offered a noncommittal shrug before turning his gaze back down to his phone.
“Yeah. Maybe,” V mumbled.
When they pulled up to the house V tried to quell his initial panic upon seeing the ridiculous amount of people. This had to qualify as some sort of public disturbance, right? The sound of Patton and Remy opening their respective car doors shook him from his anxious thoughts. He silently followed them towards the house. Once they got to the end of the driveway, a smiling blonde came walking towards them.
“Hi guys! Glad you could make it. Who’s your friend?” he asked with a welcoming hug and smile.
“Hey kiddo! This is V. He just moved here a few months ago,” Pat answered for him.
“Hi Jake, thanks for having me,” V replied nervously. After some relatively painless small talk, and an explanation as to where everything is, he left the three to their own devices.
There was a huge bonfire out back stocked with anything and everything to make s’mores, along with patio furniture and extra chairs set up on the driveway surrounding a smaller fire pit to accommodate the ridiculous throng of teenagers. Roman and Logan had just roasted some marshmallows, with only a few marshmallow fires to report, and were now sitting on the driveway chatting aimlessly. Roman snuggled deeper into his hoodie as a particularly cold breeze made him shiver.
Patton and Remy quickly surveyed those they could see and lit up when they spotted Roman and Logan. Remy finally spoke up and began to introduce everyone he knew from afar.
“Okay, so you’ve met Jake. Over on the couch is Julia, Maddie, Brandon, Matt, and Anna,” Remy rattled off. He smirked at Pat motioning for him to continue.
“And, over on the other side is Lia, Peyton, Roman, and Logan,” Patton finished. V was nodding his head along before what Pat said had finally caught up with him.
His entire body froze and his breath hitched audibly.
No. No.
His eyes were impossibly wide, and his mouth was opening and closing at a loss for words. He jumped behind Patton and curled his hands into fists, quietly cursing the air blue.
“Are you guys fucking kidding me right now?! Why the fuck didn’t you tell me he was going to be here!? I can’t fucking talk to him, you don’t get it!” He whisper-shouted.
Remy brushed off his panic. V could faintly hear Patton trying to calm him down, but his gaze was focused on the glowing man by the fire. He looked so different, yet the same. His heart leapt into his throat as he heard him laugh particularly loudly at whatever his friend had said. He hadn’t heard that sound in years. His brown hair was perfectly styled he noticed, the fire giving his hazel eyes a urethral quality. He noted the crinkle by his eyes, the gentle curve of his nose, the cupid’s bow of his lips. His blissful moment was broken when he heard Remy call him over here.
“Hey Ro, get over here!” Remy yelled with a laugh. V watched helplessly from behind Pat’s shoulder as he and his friend walked around the firepit in his direction. He couldn’t stop shaking and his eyes were blown impossibly wide. His voice was nowhere to be found and his feet seemed glued to the ground. His protests died on his lips as Roman came over and hugged Remy.
“Took you long enough. You’re the one who forced me to come to this thing and you show up late?” Logan asked playfully.
“Well, we had to make an extra pit stop,” Remy said while he hugged Roman as well. It was then that Roman noticed the dark figure behind Patton. V turned away from him hiding behind his hair as Roman tried to meet his eyes.
“Who’s your friend?” he asked but received no answer. “C’mon I don’t bite…much,” he tried to joke.
V knew he had to face the music. There was no way out of this, God there was no way out of this. He let out a shaky exhale and stepped out from behind Patton. He painfully tore his gaze from the ground and looked at him through his bangs.
“…Hey there Princey,” he tried to smile.
The world stopped.
His confident stance faltered as his phone clattered to the ground. His heart stopped. Tears gathered in his eyes without his permission. His mind was running a mile a minute. Roman wasn’t sure if he was sad, angry, happy…he had been numb for so long, and he only seemed to realize that in this moment. Only one person had ever called him that, and he left years ago, along with whatever genuine happiness he had. He took in two sharp breaths before he attempted to speak.
“…V?” he whispered.
A few tears were flowing freely now. A sob threatening to come out of his throat. Roman looked on to see panic on his face as he began rambling.
“No, no, no, no, no don’t cry!” Patton and Remy watched as V’s carefully constructed walls tumbled down. Gone were his cold eyes and standoffish stance and attitude. His eyes were scared and panicked, as he held his hands up to try to placate the man in front of him. “Please, I knew I shouldn’t have come I’m so sorry I didn’t know you were gonna be here and-” but he was cut off by Roman’s hysterics. His hand was over his mouth trying to calm down before he was all over him.
“Oh, just shut up and get over here,” Ro laughed through tears as he jumped him.
V staggered forward as Roman pulled him into his arms and burried his head into his neck. V hesitantly wrapped his arms around his back and rested his nose on his shoulder, a tear rolled silently down his cheek.
“Where have you been, you emo nightmare?” He laughed, but didn’t move from his current position.
V couldn’t have smiled wider as a loud laugh tore out of his throat. The first genuine laugh he’d allowed himself in a while. They only held one another tighter.
“I was in…it was Florida,” he mumbled quietly.
Roman pulled back to look him in the eyes, a ghost of a smile graced his face. He looked at him like he wasn’t real. His thumb brushed a stray tear from V’s cheek as he studied his face. Gone was the 2007 emo haircut and makeup. His hair was cut and styled a little shorter, hiding under his beanie. A few pieces hung in front of those brown, dough eyes he missed so dearly. His features grew sharper, and he most definitely grew taller. Only an inch or two shorter than Roman himself. V blushed under his scrutiny.
“Look at this hair,” Roman laughed as he ran his hand through it, effectively removing the beanie and mussing it up.
“I like it.” V tried not to melt at the affectionate touch. Roman looked over all his features, and after a beat of silence, Roman spoke up again, “You grew up.”
“Hey, so did you,” V said with a wide smile. “You’re taller than me now, damnit. And look, you finally got a haircut that fits your face,” he finished with a laugh.
“You know me, I couldn’t endure another-”
“-sixth grade bowl-cut disaster,” they finished together laughing.
Their giggles died down and looked at each other, faces turning serious.
“Roman…” V wanted to explain. He wanted to explain what he couldn’t all those years ago.
That’s all there was between them.
A heavy choked silence.
“…you’re moving…?” The way Roman’s voice cracked may as well have broken Virgil.
He wasn’t meant to see the text from his mom about the moving truck. V almost dropped the glass of water he was holding when Roman asked about it. It wasn’t supposed to happen this way. Virgil just needed a little more time.
Virgil tried to speak. He tried to find the right thing to say, to explain himself, but the words wouldn’t come.
“How long have you known about this?” Shock punctuated each word, and again V floundered for what to say.
“I-..it-…a few months.”
A choked scoff was all Virgil got in response.
“Where?” Roman tried to appear indifferent, but his eyes gave him away.
Tears started to gather in V’s eyes. That was the one question he couldn’t answer. He couldn’t, he couldn’t, and that pained him more than anything.
“I-…Roman, I can’t tell you.” V looked at his friend desperate for understanding, but he was met with barely concealed outrage. Roman knew why Virgil couldn’t tell him but that didn’t stop the anger permeating through his entire being. If it weren’t for his  fucking parents. But that didn’t matter in Roman’s head right now. He was just beyond hurt…betrayed that Virgil would keep this from him for so long.
Then suddenly Roman realized something. Virgil was crying. Something he would never normally do, even in front of his best friend. Roman was mad that he was just finding out about this, sure, but Virgil wouldn’t be so panicked if it weren’t a big deal.
“Is it close? Will we still be in school together?” Roman tried to sound hopeful, but he was waiting for the other shoe to drop.
“It’s-…no Ro…it’s out of state.” The dam finally broke and silent tears began to fall.
Roman let out a humorless laugh, and his face turned cold. He felt like he’d just been kicked in the stomach, and Virgil wasn’t much better.
“When.” Roman was desperate for answers. His whole world, it seemed, was being taken away from him. The one person that he cared about the most, the one person who understood him the most, the person he loved the most was about to move away.
Tears were flowing freely down V’s face. He opened his mouth to speak but after a few failed attempts at getting the words out. He took a deep, shaky breath and spoke up in a quiet voice.
“Five days.”
Roman’s eyes flew wide.
“Days?! You’re moving away in five days and you didn’t think to tell me months ago? Why didn’t you tell me sooner? When were you even going to tell me?!”
Angry. He was angry.
Virgil’s tears continued to fall. His hands we balled into tight fists at his sides and his breathing was labored as he stared resolutely at the floor.
“I-I tried to-, I didn’t mean-…” He couldn’t even form a sentence. He was overwhelmed, on the verge of an attack, but he was trying to keep himself together. He had to explain.
“It’s the middle of the school year! We’re supposed to be graduating high school in four months together. We’re supposed to be getting ready for college together. Getting ready for the rest of their lives together. I thought that you and I-…I thought…” Roman’s voice broke and he shook his head.
“V I’m your best friend! At least I thought I was. What possessed you to tell me five days before you had to leave that I’m probably never going to see you again, because I don’t even know where the hell you’re going!?” Roman was borderline hysterical, but his anger was overriding his sadness. Virgil continued to look at the floor, tears blurring his vision.
A beat of silence passed and suddenly everything that had been going on recently made more sense. Why they hadn’t been able to hang out at his house, why V’s mom always gave Virgil looks when Roman talked about what they were planning to do this summer. All of it.
Roman finally broke the silence.
“I have to go.”
Virgil’s head snapped up at his words, but his feet wouldn’t move to stop him.
He wanted to tell him everything.
He wanted to scream at the top of his lungs how he had tried to tell him before but he just couldn’t bring himself to do so because it hurt so damned much. He wanted to tell him how much he wishes to spend as much time together as they can before he has to say goodbye. He wanted to tell him how much he was going to miss him. His laugh, his nicknames, his dramatics, his limitless kindness and wit, his unbelievable ability to calm and reassure him in his darkest moments. His ability to understand. He just wanted to tell him how much he loved him.
It was a lonely five days.
“I’m sorry.”
Virgil’s mouth snapped shut, confused.
“Roman, what in God’s name are you-”
“ -you didn’t deserve my temper tantrum.” He paused taking in V’s face of confusion. “I shouldn’t have shut you out. I should have stayed. I should have talked it out with you. There’s so much I should have done differently. Instead, I let you go without a goodbye,” he trailed off quietly. A rueful smile could be seen on his face.
“Ro, if I had just told you sooner. None of that would’ve happened.” V turned his face away trying to stop the second barrage of tears threatening to fall.
Roman grabbed his chin with one hand and forced Virgil to look at him. Shock replaced his sadness and a bright blush spread across his cheeks.
“V, I don’t blame you for anything, no matter how much you think this is your fault. I’m just-…I’m so glad to have you back,” he finished with a huff of laughter. There were still tears in his eyes and the laugh was strained, but it was something Virgil didn’t know he needed to hear all this time.
Roman’s eyes slid down to his lips before coming back up to meet his eyes. V briefly wondered if he’d imagined that.
He was asking permission and Virgil sure as hell wasn’t going to lose this chance while he had it. He leaned forward, his lips lightly brushing Roman’s, hesitating only a moment longer before Roman captured his lips in a gentle kiss. Roman put his hands on the sides of V’s face while Virgil’s hands tangled themselves in Roman’s hair. The kiss slowly became more passionate as Virgil pulled him even closer. The butterflies in Virgil’s stomach had him dizzy, but he was about to complain. Roman smiled through the kiss absolutely elated. He caressed Virgil’s cheeks like he was something beautiful, trying to make up for the years they lost.
They were breathing heavily when air forced them away from one another. They didn’t break eye contact. They stood shell shocked at what had just happened, both on cloud nine. Then Virgil started laughing.
“You don’t know how long I’ve thought about that,” he eventually got out.
Roman’s smile could have lit up an entire city block.
They hugged each other again, both sporting ridiculous grins before something caught V’s eye. He moved away slightly and ran his hand over the hoodie Roman was wearing.
“Wait, is this…is this my MCR hoodie?” he said with mock outrage.
Roman had the decency to allow a blush to appear on his cheeks as he decided to feign innocence.
“What, this? I haven’t the faintest idea as to what you’re talking about…” Virgil raised an eyebrow in amusement. His smug smile hid the part of him that absolutely melted because it’s been years since they’ve seen each other, and yet Roman is wearing his sweatshirt. He waited about 30 more seconds before Roman gave up the charade, Virgil’s grin never faltering.
“Hey, you’re the one who left it in my room. Finders keepers, my chemically imbalanced romance.” He shot him a sly look and stuck out his tongue for good measure.
V just stared at him. He was smiling so wide he could barely talk.
“God, I missed you.” He spoke with such conviction that Roman could feel the warmth spreading through him at his words.
Roman tugged him forward and they remained in a silent hug. That’s when Remy took his chance.
“Not that this isn’t incredibly adorable or anything,” he waited to continue as the two finally realized that they had an audience.
Virgil quickly stepped away to ease the blush on his face, but Roman yanked him back with a firm pull, tucking him securely against his side with an easy smile. This only caused his blush to worsen.
“I have a clarifying question,” Remy continued.
Virgil looked on in confusion at his inquiry.
“Roman, what did you say his name was?”
And just like that Virgil went from super relaxed to super panicked. Roman looked over at him in confusion before he quickly cut in.
“No, no, no. Don’t. Do not.” He tried to sound menacing, but the fear showed on his face. He was in no place to give orders.
He looked at Virg and then turned back to Remy as realization dawned on his face.
“You mean to tell me you don’t know his actual name?” he said with barely contained amusement.
“He’s a dark, brooding emo! How could you expect us to know such private information?” Remy was going for sarcasm, but there was a hint of underlying exasperation. Roman let out a loud laugh at that.
“Oh please, Virgil is the softest emo I’ve ever encountered in my life, and he’s only gotten softer,” he finished pulling him closer, pecking his cheek. V…no, Virgil groaned while trying to bury his face in his hands.
Remy let out a soft snort. “Vir-gil?” He tested the name on his tongue. Virgil looked at Roman, a pout in place.
“Oh my GOODNESS, I love it,” Patt said cutting in with an adoring squeal. 
Virgil was not amused.
He threw some choice words at his prince charming and just like that the two reunited friends began to bicker back and forth, settling back into their dynamic seamlessly.
“Okay, you sir, are coming with me,” Roman declared.
“Where exactly are you taking me? Looks like some Blair Witch Project woods back there,” V trailed off jokingly. Roman just looked at him with a fond, amused smile.
“There are marshmallows down there with your name on them.” V abruptly stopped walking and stared up into his eyes, looking more serious than he ever has in his life.
“Take me to them.”
Roman laughed and tugged him along. The three people who witnessed this entire exchange decided to hang back to give them some well-deserved catch up time. Just as Logan was about to ask Remy and Patton what the hell was going on, a very loud and very undignified yelp was heard from across the driveway.
“D-did you just taze me?” Virgil sounded shocked and every bit as embarrassed as one could imagine. Roman just stood there with a smug smile. V looked back and saw Remy and Pat looking back at him with barely contained amusement, before turning to Roman with determination.
“You do realize of course now I’m going to have to kill you,” he said matter-of-factly.
Roman ran towards the bonfire with a shout of, “You’ll have to catch me first, Gerrard Way!”
“You are NOT getting away from me this time!” He laughed as Virgil ran after him.
Later that week one would find the two at the top of a hill, sitting in their rusty old wagons. They looked positively ridiculous with their long legs hanging over the sides, but they couldn’t find it in their hearts to care.
“Okay, we’ve got a straight shot. Whoever gets down there first wins and gets to pick the movie for tonight.”
Virgil looked back at Roman, smirk in place.
“Bold of you to assume there’s a chance you’ll beat me, Brendon Urie.”
The two best friends sat in their wagons preparing to take off down the steep hill, both men confident as ever. After the shouted count, “3…2…1…,” off they went, laughter echoing in the crisp spring air.
  And there she is! I just now realized that idk if “taze” is a universal word for poking at someone’s side to tickle them or if that’s something only my friends and I say…but it’s all I got. Also I made them all from Pennsylvania? Yeah. It’s fine, Florida is mentioned in there. 
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed my first attempt at writing these cuties! Perhaps I’ll continue to do so in the future.
Thanks, you muffins!
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ackbang · 6 years
special delivery to my reibert secret santa: @freckledskittles! they asked for college reibert, where annie has two stupid friends that would be perfect for each other and sets them up on a blind date. and wow, if that ain’t my shit too?? this is my first time writing reibert, and in pure isayama fashion, i do nothing but talk about reiner for 2k words. please enjoy, and happy holidays, my dear. <3
mocha latte
Reiner Braun grew up in the small town of Liberio. It was a town nestled within the foothills of the Virginian Adirondacks; the kind of town that the residents lovingly called a village because there was not much there to make it anything more. Once a popular railway town, it fell into being a town of stagnant quiet that rolled along much like the early morning mists in the valleys. The town square was measured in feet and comprised of one general store, a post office that closed at noon, and a library with three rows of books, all that sat along the only road that left in and out of town.
Life was quiet, and Reiner didn’t know it could be anything more than summer nights filled with the sounds of crickets and jars of lightning bugs. He didn’t know the difference of life outside of three feet of snow and neighbors that lived almost a mile away. He didn’t know about a life that didn’t involve a community, where everybody knew everybody else, where restless mothers with sweating brows caused by heated stoves chatted for hours on phones that still had cords. Where murmurs of the boy without a dad and a mother without a crucifix around her neck was the type of boy you were best to stay away from.
Reiner had been to the city once. He was so small then that he had barely remembered much else besides how tall the buildings had been around him. Like giants, he told his mother, his hand squeezing hers. She smiled down at him and nodded. Told him stories about Greek myths and the great beasts that formed the world. They were called titans, she said. Reiner begged her for more--she had so much control over the knowledge of his world, she might as well had been a god to him at that moment. They spent the rest of the day at the art museum, reading thousand year old stories on old terracotta pots. She bought him a book on mythology that sat with a worn spine on his bookshelf.
The kids turned to teenagers, and Reiner began to fill out his shirts with muscle as his voice grew deeper. He did manual labor throughout the year--chopping wood, shoveling driveways, landscaping. He saved his money and bought books. He saved money because he wasn’t going to be like them. He was going to be different. So many of them were stuck in the foothills, their feet sinking into the soil like old trees, building families before even having a chance to grow themselves. The friends he had were in his books. They were in the mythologies.
His mother brought him to the closest town that had a Wal-Mart to pick up a nice pair of clothing for his high school graduation. She took him to the Waffle House and let him get the All-Star Special. “For my All-Star,” she said, an affectionate grin on her face as she sipped at her light coffee. Reiner was the first one in the family to go to college, and was the only one in his class of forty to leave the state for school.
She was proud.
She was so proud and she said it to him so many times as she helped him move his things into his dorm room. “Eight hours.” She kissed his cheek. “I’m only eight hours away. If you need anything at all, I’ll come get you.” She nodded as she looked into his eyes. Six inches shorter than him, and she still looked so tall--for so long she had been his entire world.
He kissed her cheek back and nodded. “I know, ma. You’re just a phone call away.”
Reiner had no idea. He had no idea how watching her pull out of the parking lot would grip something around his heart so strongly it made him ill. Eight hours felt like an ocean at times. It had only been a few days and he couldn’t bring himself to eat anything at all.
His roommate Connie threw a pack of pop-tart at his face the morning before their first class. “You need to eat something, dude.” The pack fell onto the keyboard of the laptop in his lap.
Reiner ran a hand down his face and blinked a few times. He’d been staring at the schedule of his classes for the past hour, only thinking of how in a couple of weeks, the grass would start frosting in the morning back home. “I will… I will.” He picked up the pack and tore it open, taking a mouthful of both pastries and chewing, crumbs falling from the corner of his lips and landing in the crevices of his keys.
“You play any sports?”
Reiner looked over at Connie. He shrugged. “We didn’t have any sports teams back home.”
Connie laughed. His laughter was always loud but genuine. “What the fuck kinda backwoods place do you come from?”
Reiner laughed in response, shoving another mouth full of pastry into his mouth. After he swallowed, he continued. “Yeah. I’ve never played anything outside of touch football.”
“Man, you’d be a beast. You got arms for days.” Connie flexed his muscles and laughed again. Reiner smiled. “There’s open try-outs next week. We should go together.”
Reiner looked back down at his schedule. He had no idea how intense his semester was going to be. He was on course to be a physical therapist eventually--but this semester was full of prerequisites like math and English. Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad. “I guess it wouldn’t hurt to try. It’s not like I’ll ever make it.”
A week later he was Sina University’s football team’s defensive tackle.
Being social didn’t come easy, but people tended to like him. He liked his teammates, and he found himself at parties and tasted cheap beer that never seemed to get him drunk. He kissed his first girl, a short little blonde quiet thing that attached better to the corners of rooms than to people. He followed her outside onto the green lawns that didn’t frost and tried to take her hand. “Let me walk you home,” he said.
He didn’t remember hitting the ground, but it happened and the wind was knocked out of him. He coughed the air back into as she stared down at him. In the night, her eyes looked pale like the moon, and her personality as interesting as a twig. She said her name was Annie, and they became best friends.
Reiner managed well through his first semester. He made good grades while balancing his newly acquired social life. The pain of homesickness was distant at times, but when he went back for winter break, he sat in a pile of snow that made it hard for him to breathe. When he went back inside the house, he watched the steam curl off of his mug of coffee until it ceased. His throat hurt as if he had been talking, and perhaps he had because his mother was smiling bigger than he had ever seen her smile.
“I’m so proud of you, Reiner.”
Reiner finished out his first year on the Dean’s List, and he hugged Connie good bye as they packed up his dorm room to go back home for the summer. “Hopefully we’ll be roomies again, yeah?” Connie stepped back and raised his fist for a fist bump.
Reiner accepted with a nod. “Totally.” He dragged Connie back into a hug before closing the dorm room door behind him.
Summer was lonely, and he found that he missed school like how he missed home. Annie came to visit for a week, and they went hiking and camped at the peak of a mountain in order to watch the sunrise. “This is beautiful.” She said.
“It’s home.” Reiner said softly. He looked down at Annie and he had seen so many movies that plotted like this. He was supposed to reach out and hold her hand. They were supposed to kiss. In this special moment, overlooking the most important place to him, he was supposed to react.
Annie matched his gaze, her eyebrows downcasting. The golden sun caught her pale skin and outlined her in neon. Reiner supposed she was beautiful in all her unique features, but he didn’t feel anything. “What are you looking at?” She said stiffly.
Reiner looked forward, and the sun crept up the sky so immeasurably, it seemed to be stuck in time. “Nothing.” He said.
The next semester started, and Connie was once again his roommate. He juggled through practice and games and studying and classes, and somehow having regular hang-outs with Annie. He told her about the blonde cheerleader that always looked at him. “I think she really likes me.” He said, biting into a mediocre school burger.
“What?” Reiner covered his mouth with a napkin when he realized he was losing pieces of food from his gaping mouth.
“She’s gay.” Annie said, matter of factly.
“No way.” Reiner swallowed. He’d never really known anybody that was gay. “She doesn’t look like she would be.”
“What, does she have to wear a sign around her neck or something?” Annie rolled her eyes and dropped her fork next to her salad. “Listen. I know somebody you should try out.”
“I’m fine.” Reiner sighed. It’s not that he didn’t want to experiment with relationships. Despite being an outcast for so long, college turned him into somebody new. He’d become the big brother to his team, even helped tutor some of them when they needed it. He already had too many social obligations as it was. “I don’t have time for a girlfriend.”
“Just trust me. They’re a mega nerd like you and your weird… Mythology obsession.”
Reiner raised an eyebrow and nodded. With a gentle laugh, he took a gulp of his water before nodding again. “Fine.”
Annie setup the date at the school coffee shop. She had a few instructions: wear the red letterman jacket, get there at 2PM, and don’t try to be a gentleman and take the bill. “Most importantly,” she said, “Be yourself.”
And it was at that time that Reiner forgot how it was even like to be himself. Back home, he had been a recluse. He kept himself busy with carrying logs and sleeping under the stars. He had worlds inside his head with monsters that made storms with their breaths and created mountains with their bodies. At school, he found himself to be whatever people needed him to be. He sat at the metal table picking at a callous on his palm, feeling more homesick than he did when his mother first left him here--a whole ocean away.
He tapped his phone awake. 2:13. His eyes wandered across the cafe, to the entrance, then back at his phone. 2:13. He sighed and hung his head.
Eren and Jean had called him their big brother. Armin helped him drill down the difference between sins and cosines. Connie stayed up late with him watching movies from the early nineties that Reiner had never seen. His friends were part of who he was now, but is that all he was?
2:18. He paused and stared at the tall man sitting at the window--skin that matched the color of his mother’s coffee, hair deep as mocha. Reiner looked back down at his hand and picked at a scab on his index finger.
He was about legends and giants and worlds so large and vast that they couldn’t contain his size. He was going to be greater than anything that came out of that small little town.
2:25. Reiner gasped a little when the tall man matched eyes with him. His eyes were sad, his brow withered in worry, and they darted away as soon as they met. Reiner shook his head, agitated that he had been stood up by this mystery girl, and rose from his seat. The legs of his chair screeched on the concrete floor, and his shoes squeaked as he passed a few tables and stopped in front of the tall man.
“Hey.” Reiner said. He didn’t have to tilt his head too far down to look into the sitting man’s face. He turned his attention to the man’s coffee cup, and saw it to be empty, a dark pool of mocha remaining at the bottom of the mug.
The man startled so abruptly that his chair wailed under him. “H-hey.”
“Looks like my date stood me up.” Reiner said, pulling the chair opposite out and taking a seat. “You look like you could use some company.” Reiner landed his elbow on the table and extended his hand. “Name’s Reiner.”
The man looked at the hand as if it were a cobra, the soft sheen of sweat at his forehead shining under the large lamp above the table. He raised his hand and connected firmly with Reiner’s and shook it once. His palms were sweaty, and it made Reiner smile. “Bertholdt.”
Reiner took back his hand and folded his arms across his chest. “What are you doing here lookin’ so glum?”
Bertholdt shrugged.
Reiner hummed. He looked Bertholdt up and down, studied the size of his nose, the color of his eyes, and found himself focussing oddly on the length of his neck and how the tendon tensed every time he swallowed. The white polo collar that popped out from under the teal sweater set him apart from the jocks he had grown accustomed to hanging out with. He was one pair of glasses away from being a nerd.
“There’s an exhibit going on at the art museum about Irish folklore.”
Bertholdt searched Reiner’s face and a smile cheated across his lips. It reminded Reiner of home somehow. “That sounds nice.”
“Wanna go?” They stared at each other for a few more moments before Reiner added, “I mean, I left today open for a date, and now I’m bored so…” Reiner shook his head, slapping a hand to his forehead. “N-not that it’s a date. Jesus.”
Bertholdt relaxed into his seat and laughed. It reminded Reiner of summer nights with jars full of lightning bugs. “That sounds fun.” He lifted his hand up and fingered the curve of the coffee mug handle. “But I’ve already been to it.” He smiled, and it looked strained but eager to remain on his lips. “How about we go to the natural history museum instead?”
Reiner smiled big, his teeth showing. He thought of books with worn spines, and wondered if Bertholdt had any of his own. “Sure.” He nearly spit it out, the excitement thrumming in his chest. “That sounds great.”
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