lvmbien · 1 year
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It's his birthday, the day is for him!!
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Yuu: My crazy ass could never be a monarch. I'd just instantly go mad with power the second someone put a ring on it.
Malleus: What if I held you gently and we were happy together?
Yuu: ...
Yuu: Hmmm...
Leona: What if I supported your maniacal rise to power and we were evil together?
Yuu: HMMMM...
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Pond date
🦢 ❤️ 👑!!
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ari-shipping-stuff · 4 months
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please help a broke shs student ✨️ soon to be broke college student
(disclaimer i am a traditional artist most of the time but i do not send physical copies of my artwork 🙏 i treat it similarly to my digital work. that being said, let's get the general stuff out of the way first)
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i also do fandom art by the way. just to clarify but i feel like that's a given so i didn't put that on the slideshow
right okay. that's that. any questions can be sent through dms or asks, im not picky ✨️
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crinklecries · 2 years
realized I never posted one of my ficlet requests here, so here u go.
fandom: Twisted Wonderland prompt: anything with azul and jamil’s fucked up friend???ship (aka azuls big fat crush) word count: 852
Jamil didn’t expect the dreams.
He didn’t expect the way they would haunt him— cling to him like ichorous sludge, leaving him gasping for air between silent screaming in the dead of night. Jamil didn’t expect the way it would replay in his head— over and over and over and over again— the euphoric feeling of phenomenal cosmic power at his fingertips, and the hollow, vacuous way he felt once it was stolen back from him.
A week to the day, and Jamil’s dreams are still imprinted with the sin of his overblot.
So he sleeps as little as possible, tossing and turning in a sea of over-stuffed pillows, simply passing the time from day to day.
Pressing the heels of his palms against bloodshot eyes, Jamil offers an exhausted glance outside his bedroom window. The desert sky is still painted with a midnight navy, and he can tell that the sun’s rising is still a few hours off. He sighs. No, it’s still too early to leave his room. An appearance this early in the morning would raise an unneeded concern— and the last thing Jamil needs now is more attention.
The sudden, soft tapping at Jamil’s door ripples through his body like ice water through his veins. He sits up, careful to make as little noise as possible, and waits. It’s too early for Kalim to be awake, and his master has been adamant that none of the other boys in the dorm bother Jamil while he’s resting. A beat passes, and Jamil can hear the distinct noise of the doorknob twisting.
He tenses, like a cornered cobra coiled to strike, but before he can move, the intruder makes himself known.
“Ah, you’re awake.” Azul’s voice drifts in softly from the threshold. “Excellent, I’ve a terrible time sneaking about in the dark— on land, at least.”
“Then perhaps you should take that as a sign to not go sneaking into other people’s rooms.” Jamil deadpans, rolling the building irritation out of his shoulders with a huff. “You could start with leaving mine.”
“Of course, I—” There’s a notable hesitance in Azul’s voice, a hitch that Jamil immediately clocks as the merman shuffles properly into the room, shutting the door tightly behind him. “I only thought you should eat something. Or— drink, if we’re arguing semantics.”
There’s a quiet click of a lamp, and the room floods with a soft glow. Jamil scowls at Azul, who still stands awkwardly pressed against the door. Azul smiles— or, tries to— and holds up his offering against the light.
“A smoothie.” Jamil eyes the bright green liquid with suspicion.
“Yes. A mixture of seaweed, rooibos tea, licorice root, a few other things…it’s one of Jade’s concoctions,” then, as if noticing the way Jamil frowns again and tenses, “ah- but I made this one myself. I can assure you it’s safe.”
“And I’m sure you know exactly how little your assurance means to me.”
The two boys stare at each other in silence for what feels like eons. Azul fidgets, just slightly, but enough for someone as practiced at perfecting body language as Jamil to notice. Ashengrotto’s lips part and he furrows his brows.
“I…had trouble sleeping— after.” Azul’s gaze drops suddenly to the ground and it takes Jamil very little time to realize exactly what ‘after’ Azul is referring to. The housewarden’s voice is timid, almost anxious, but still, he continues.“ Every time I closed my eyes for… weeks, it was all the same. Playing over and over again in my mind. It was exhausting.”
Jamil arches an eyebrow, but doesn’t speak outright. The weight of how own exhaustion settles heavier upon his shoulders, and it’s all he can do to not yawn right there and then.
“Anyway—” Azul clears his throat, and Jamil pretends not to notice the way it cracks as he does so, pretends not to notice the way that glassy eyes gleam behind the spectacles as Azul draws his gaze back up to meet Jamil’s. “This helped. After a while, I was sleeping again and, after even longer the dreams stopped being so bad…I apologize if my presence is as unwanted as you said, I only thought this may be of some use to you as well.”
Azul nods once, setting the drink on the table by Jamil’s door. He inhales deeply, through his nose, and, almost as if trying to compose himself, Azul straightens his already immaculate bowtie and pushes his glasses up further on the bridge of his nose.
“—do you still have them?” Jamil blurts the question before he can stop himself, and Azul looks nearly as stunned as Jamil feels. “The dreams.”
“Sometimes.” His confession is gentle— pained— and almost too quiet for Jamil to make out. “I don’t know that they’ll ever really go away. But… they’re a good reminder.”
“To lean on those around me. On those who would offer up their care, despite everything. It’s…difficult, to say the least.” Azul brings his hand up to not quite cover a deprecating laugh. “But I’m trying. That’s really all we can do, isn't it?”
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they-call-me-veral · 11 months
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Pt. 2
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conspirartist · 4 months
Though I should share some of my silly lil headcanons for Twisted since y'all seemed to like the Genshin ones. Today's victim is Crewel, because I have too many thoughts about that man.
As always don't take any of them too seriously, I do those for fun and that means most of the time I just straight up fabricate stuff with little to no regard for canon.
First headcanon comes from a bit of a misunderstanding from my part and lots of my other headcanons come from it. Point is, for the longest time I though Crewel's pointer/cigarette holder thingie was a walking cane. I only realized that wasn't the case when my gf pointed out that I always draw him with a cane despite the fact he doesn't have one in canon.
So yeah headcanon (that I thought was canon for way too long) number one:
- Crewel always has a cane with him, people chalk it up to being a fashion statement (which it is in part), but he does need it for medical reasons.
Expanding on the cane headcanon:
* There are days he doesn't really need it, but he always has it with him in case of having a flare up (he wounded his leg a few years after graduating from NRC, although it healed all right he still experiences pain from time to time)
* He has several different canes so he can coordinate them with his outfits including a few that were enchanted to change color or to let out sparks whenever they touch the floor
* He uses magic to change the grip of the more fashion like canes so they're more comfortable
* Pratical classes almost always mean he'll have to use his cane, since he'll have to stand and walk around class a lot (least he wants to risk someone inhaling fumes they shouldn't or Seven forbid, blowing up a cauldron).
I'll expand on the topic of his leg injury latter on, but for now some headcanons for his classes/teacher career.
- Although he has quite the reputation for his strictness and temper, Crewel is a student favorite
- He has a soft spot for his puppies, even if he's not open about it; the kind of teacher that will ask you to stay after class to check you're ok
- He's very perceptive about his students and he will try to accommodate for them if he notices they're having a hard time
- He will nag his students into taking better care of themselves
* Coming to class looking disvelished? He'll click his tongue and straighten your tie and ask if you had to rush to class
* Looking too drowsy or sleepy? He will tell you to wash your face and will ask you if you're getting enough sleep
* Feeling faint because of low blood pressure? Your assignment will come back with a small note telling you to remember to eat
- I also think he notices students' efforts a lot, be it related to classes or just in general
* You managed to get your marks up after studying even if it's not by a lot? You get a little message congratulating your hard work
* That one quiet student who always comes to class wearing a beaten up hoodie tried something with their hair? They'll get a quiet compliment when handing in their homework
- His first years teaching were particularly tough
* His personal life was in shambles, Trein kinda of coerced him into applying for a teaching position
* He was on his early twenties, barely out of college, the third years were almost his age - he had to fight for their respect (which is why he developed his more 'aggressive' teaching approach)
* It was also around the time he got his leg injury so he was still navigating getting used to his new limitations
* He had a student who upturned their cauldron over themselves during one of his first pratical classes, he had to rush the kid to the infirmary; he was nearly inconsolable once he made to the teachers' lounge
- Crewel takes lab safety very seriously and will put the fear of God on whoever don't follow safety guidelines (basically everyone's lab wear cards, I can heat this man snapping at them 24/7)
- He buts heads with Crowley a lot, over both curriculum and how to deal with the students, it doesn't bear many fruits and generally ends with he doing stuff himself while Crowley remains blissfully unaware (or pretends to anyway) of his own incompetence
* One of such instances was to take love potions out of the pratical curriculum, because he wasn't about to teach the students how to do what are exencially roofies. Since Crowley kept arguing that he couldn't change the silabus. He ended up teaching how to identify love potions; the symptoms they cause; their main antidotes; the current legislation around them and the ethics involved on the production and use of such potion
Now onto some more general stuff and backstory:
- He was afraid of dogs as a child but got over it with time (and a lil exposition, his childhood friend had a very sweet pup)
- He went to NRC the same year his childhood friend Nico (my twisted version of Anita) both were sorted into Pomefiore
- He doesn't have much of a relationship with his parents but he's very close to a maternal aunt
- He has a tendency to depressive episodes but currently (canon time) his symptoms are on remission
- During High School Crewel did very well in Alchemy, but he was also a very skilled summoner (he had a special affinity to hellhounds, known for being temperamental but extremely loyal)
- It was also during his school years that Crewel met Rose (my twisted version of Roger). At first the pair didn't get along, Crewel feeling like she was stealing his best friend from him, but with time the trio grew very close
- Rose taught him how to play the piano, she used to play a little jingle in it to tease Crewel every chance she got (think of a parody of the Cruella song)
- When Nico and Rose got together Crewel was a little afraid of being left out, but it turned out none of them intended to leave him behind, he was the best man at their wedding. They talked about the future as a weird family of three, unconventional but so very happy
- Rose and Nico got into a car accident, a few months after they got married. They both died in the crash. Crewel was devastated by their loss, suddenly he found himself so very alone
- Rose and Nico had familiars of their own, hellhounds, who always seemed to take a liking to their summoner friend. Moved by grief and a wish to hold onto whatever was left of his friends Crewel tried to summon the beasts, to reach someone who knew the pair as closely as him
* That's how he got his leg injury
- Around that time Trein came across Crewel, a little too thin for comfort and way too quiet. Unwilling to let the brilliant young man who was once his pupil dig himself even deeper he contacted Crowley and all but strong armed the young alchemist to NRC
- Crewel has three dogs (all dalmatian of course) a couple, Prometeus and Pandora, and their pup, Panacea. What people don't know is that the trio are actually summons, Prometeus and Pandora were Rose's and Nico's familiars, they forged a new contract with Crewel after a while.
- He has a foster license, although he never had to use it, he keeps an eye on the students he suspects don't have a good home life.
- He gets a lot of notes and trinkets from his pups, I mean students, on fathers day. And he absolutely melts at them, in private, he gushes to the other teachers, he keeps everything in a box in his room, he just loves his students so much
- People called him dad in class so many times he lost count, he doesn't make a big deal out of it but it warms his heart
- He loves when he gets news from graduated students
- My point is he is a proud father and no one will ever convince me otherwise
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arikot27 · 8 months
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correct me if im wrong, but doesn't "herbivore man" in japanese slang mean like a soft, non-assertive guy with little to no interest in women?
Dude really just calles you a bitchless pussy beta male with no magic
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soulfungai · 18 days
@dailytwsttweets @liviavanrouge @394091238483
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yuuniee · 6 months
...sdroW tsaL reihT
🕊️ “I’m... sorry... mother...”
👠 “...Shit... I’m being followed?! ...Shitshitshitshitshit—”
🦊 “It can’t.. end like this..! I.. I haven’t seen my nephew yet...!”
🦉 “...Eileen... Lily... Thanks for everything...”
🌓 “Mom... I’m sorry for being born...”
🎀 “Hahaha..! Oh gosh, I haven’t laughed since forever..! Hey, don’t push—”
🏷️ @thehollowwriter @glowingsleepystarry @pixxlate @hyac1nthus
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It's been a while without Kalim harem headcanon 😶
This is not due to me running out of headcanons, more of it just overflowed and no way for me to release it lol
I'll share some now!
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Kalim would take the lovers to the beach or a large pool area for fun in the water and lots of memories
One time Cheka was over and Kalim spent the whole day with the small cub and even took him on a magic carpet ride like what he did in the anthology manga, and if Leona swears he wasn't in love with Kalim in the first place then he for sure is after seeing this
Study dates and cuddles!!
Dude the budget this sunshine bean have for traveling to see everyone during breaks
Riddle and Rollo are the poly's residences grumpy pouters who everyone agrees is too cute when they're made
Rook writes poetry
Why am I writing this while listening to Riot by Hollywood Undead???
Welp, party headcanons of this ship:
Chenya, Kalim, Lilia, Ace, Epel, and my OC Arie and @gay-salt-amber's OC Esther are the perfect chaos crew for creating a insane party.
Like swinging on chandeliers from Lilia and Chenya
Ace would bring the crowd in pump levels of nuttiness
Epel would kick some holes in the wall and dare everyone to try to make a bigger hole
Kalim, Esther, and Arie would bring the drinks and what else you need for a party
They all would convince everyone to not have heart attacks and have fun and it hasn't not worked yet
Would most likely end with everyone drunk or blown out and possibly have a makeout session or more once everyone leave
The mess after tho-
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lvmbien · 1 year
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I drew these for myself a while back when I was goin thru it ™️ (cycle bad, booo) and needed a little pick me up.
I adore Ortho to bits. He's my brother now, take the L Idia. (jk bestie we can share. OUR brother, communist bugs bunny.jpeg)
Legit though; I don't know how or when exactly it happened but he became a comfort character at some point and I drew up a whole ass 'redesign'/reference sheet for myself MONTH ago.
Also is he capable of actually eating things? Unlikely. Do I care? Also no, he can now because I said so. Let him have icecream!!!!!
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? Yuu, after stealing something from an RSA student: I AM ON SUCH AN ADRENALINE HIGH!
Epel: Yeah!
Epel: YEAH!
Epel: Yeah- wait what.
Malleus, in the distance: yeah!
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ariella-schoenheit · 2 months
I love Vil so much I'd eat his poison apples without hesitation. I might join Rook whenever he starts praising him CUS GOD DAYUM
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meromessy · 1 year
Hnggg idk if there's any spot left but I still want to send an interaction 🫠🫶But I'd like for my oc to interact with coella, their science partners but my oc is is low-key scared of them
Info: they're terrible of science but is only in the club to improve their grades^^
Also congrats on surviving your chem exams🥳🥳 ako naman ang may exams this and next week😭
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“oh, dear, you've no idea how delightful it is to see new faces at the club! we don't get much every year so it's nice to see fresh faces!”
“e-excuse me, are you supposed to put that much?!”
coella is both an asset and a ticking time bomb in the lab. she's pretty excited to meet the new freshmen, though!
iteract with my ocs!
opening 3 more slots because im having a blast with these. bit ill continue tomorrow hehe <33
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crinklecries · 2 years
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The desert heat of the dorm seeps into the open lounge— a scorching, dry, nearly suffocating heat— but Jamil drinks it in as if it were life itself. The setting sun still holds enough fire in its descent to kiss at Jamil’s skin and, with each passing moment, he can feel himself being lulled into a deep slumber.
At least, until Kalim returns.
[Read it here!]
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