#tony stark has ocd
st7arlight · 7 months
everyone and their mother has said it but Tony Stark has OCD (specifically contamination OCD)
sincerely, the world authority on OCD (i have it and i said so)
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doctorstark · 2 years
omg jarvis calling tony out when he does a compulsion and him getting sooooo mad 😭
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agentbloodlust · 1 month
OKAY---"KIN" LIST (im defining kin as a fictional character i feel i embody in some major way and makes me feel seen by others. Also through which I can see myself as I have a difficult time with that as I have bpd among other things.
DEEP BREATH ...Okay. This might seem "cringe" or stupid but idc. It's a big deal for me to come out and release this list even to strangers.
Fox Mulder✨--The X Files
(Purest and parts of me I most strive to lean into. Also transboy. my crazy puppy dreamer energy to someone's skeptic down to earth anchor. ready to kill god and anyone who'd dare to hurt the ones i love and cant live without)
Tony Stark✨--You know who I am
(Aware of sins and ready to constantly improve and be better. Heroes are self made!! (built) He loathes himself AND loves himself. The cluster b is strong with this one. as well as cptsd and ocd. Specifically Sun armor. Blazing sunshine energy BOTTOMING AND SUB SPACE IS A NEED TO HEAL. DADDY ISSUES)
Will Graham✨ --Hannibal
(Hyper sensitive "empath" who struggles with mental illness and harmful urges. morally grey. morally good. morally bad. confused/hurt/gentle.)
Quentin Compson (male) --The Sound and The Fury✨
(first book character through whom i felt SEEN. he has MASSIVE ocd issues and the writing style for his chapters resonates with my soul. i was watching tokyo ghoul at the same time and "White Silence" the song makes me think of Quentin in a coffin covered in white flowers with white hair and I break down)
Naruto Uzumaki✨--Naruto/Naruto Shippuden
(hero's hero. he grew up with me and we are most alike in sunshine blazing personalities. Feel VERY DEEPLY and have deep trauma. anyone can change for the better--BELIEVE IT! Childish and loud. hyper with FEELINGS that sometimes get out of control and make us go ninetails mode. (intermittent explosive disorder) Which always end up hurting those around us even though we get that way in emotional responses to freak situations. "THERE ARE NO SHORTCUTS TO BECOMING HOKAGE"
Lestat de Lioncourt✨--The Vampire Lestat (book)/ AMC's show Interview With The Vampire
(The villain in me. The wretched creature. The lover. Absolute chaos. cluster B diva. The trauma. Needing to feel SEEN and fucking everything up over and over. Obsession. Self harm. Suicidal and homicidal ideation.)
Nora (with Weiss' trauma) (team JNPR) --RWBY
(Bright eyed. Motormouth. Random and hyper AF but like actually. Living your entire life with/for someone and needing to figure out who you are without them. Hitting things with a massive hammer. A hero. Lightning blaze heart. Will do anything for those she loves. just add in the song "The Path To Isolation" )
Spinell--Steven Universe Movie
(oh god. the villain origin story. worst fears being imagined. the annoying love bombing and wanting NEEDING others approval and constant attention. bpd. the scythe. the HEALING.)
Asuka --Evangelion/Rebuild
((MOMMY ISSUES TO THE EXTREME) bpd again. need to be seen by others in order to exist. without praise or what you crave from others you are nothing. you only exist through the eyes of others. self harm/ suicide attempt (bathtub scene) mind rape scene. trauma driving your entire life and still...still wanting happiness for people and yourself. not knowing how to express love. coming off as annoying and loud and weird and narcissistic and then laying there alone in bed crying about how much you hate yourself. and yet STILL being able to grow at the end and save the world)
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phoenixlionme · 11 months
Fictional Characters that Exude Disabilityexcellence
Toph Beifong - Blind
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Teo (ATLA) - Paraplegic; wheelchair user
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Korra (TLOK) - PTSD
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Mirabel Madrigal (Encanto) - wears glasses; her being the giftless one among her family has been compared to that of a disabled child in an able-bodied family
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Bruno Madrigal (Encanto) - confirmed to have OCD
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George Bailey (It’s a Wonderful Life) - partial deafness
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Milo Thatch (Atlantis the Lost Empire) - wears glasses
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Izumi Curtis (FMAB) - chronic illness; missing limbs
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Edward Elric (FMAB) - for most of the series, he was a double amputee (missing an arm and a leg) by the end of the series, he regained his arm but not his leg. As such, he started off as a double amputee but is now a single amputee
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Lan Fan (FMAB) - arm amputee with prosthetic
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Sterling Archer (Archer) - breast cancer (remission); tinnitus; implied to be autistic
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Jack Russell (Bluey) - ADHD
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Barbara Gordon (DC Comics) - paraplegic; wheelchair user
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Victor Stone  (DC Comics) - multiple amputee
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Hiccup Haddock and Toothless (HTTYD franchise) - both are amputees (Hiccup his foot; Toothless his tail) and both use prosthetics
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Chimi the Skull Warrior (Maya and the Three) - albino
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Rico the Rooster Wizard (Maya and the Three - stutter
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Ororo Munroe (Marvel Comics) - claustrophobia
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Professor Charles Xavier (Marvel Comics) - paraplegic; wheelchair user
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Matt Murdock (Marvel Comics) - blind; uses mobility aid
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Adam Evans (DC Comics) - dyslexia
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Natsume (Deca-Dence) - arm amputee; uses prosthetic
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Kitty Softpaws (Shrek/Puss in Boots franchise) - declawed
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Daphne Paloma Vasquez  (Switched at Birth) - deaf
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Garrett (Quest for Camelot) - blind
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Sunny Nwazue (Akata Witch trilogy) - albino
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Charlotte Webber (Marvel Comics) - Ehlers-Danlos syndrome; uses mobility aids (wheelchair and crutches)
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Amaya (The Dragon Prince) - deaf
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Alinta aka Bolt (DC Comics) - double leg amputee; uses prosthetics
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Mia Dearden (DC Comics) - HIV positive
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Tony Stark (Marvel Comics) - heart condition; recovering alcoholic; PTSD, trauma
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Jessica Jones (Marvel Comics) - alcoholism, PTSD, depression
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Alicia Masters (Marvel Comics) - blind
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Irene Adler (Marvel Comics) - blind
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Tim Drake (DC Comics) - asplenia (missing spleen)
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Kate Kane (DC Comics) - PTSD, recovering alcoholic
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Cassandra Cain (DC Comics) - autistic spectrum, mute, dyslexic
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Roy Harper aka Red Arrow (DC Comics) - arm amputee, uses prosthetic; recovering drug addict
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Nick Fury (Marvel Comics) - partial blindness
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Clint Barton (Marvel Comics) - deaf; uses hearing aids
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Maya Lopez (Marvel Comics) - deaf
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Breaking point
https://archiveofourown.org/works/56120893 by mxrveltastic Peter Parker's life has become increasingly chaotic as he struggles to balance his responsibilities as Spider-Man with his everyday life. His OCD behaviors have worsened, affecting his school performance and his relationship with his Aunt May. Concerned for his well-being, May decides that Peter needs a change of environment and more structured support. She arranges for him to stay with Tony Stark, hoping that Tony can provide the guidance and stability Peter needs. Words: 769, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Spider-Man (Tom Holland Movies) Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Characters: Peter Parker, Tony Stark, Michelle Jones (Marvel), Aunt May Parker (Marvel), Pepper Potts, Other Avengers, Original Characters Relationships: Peter Parker & Tony Stark, Peter Parker & Original Character(s), Avengers Team Members & Peter Parker, Michelle Jones/Peter Parker, Aunt May Parker & Peter Parker & Tony Stark, Ned Leeds & Peter Parker Additional Tags: Peter Parker Needs a Hug, Tony Stark Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure, Tony Stark Has A Heart, Hurt Peter Parker, Peter Parker has ADHD, Crying, Fluff and Angst, Humor, Bad Boy Peter Parker, OCD read it on AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/56120893
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captainenjolras · 2 years
My headcanons for marvel characters that I include in my writing that I’m sharing cause I’m trying this new thing where I do what makes me happy regardless about what other people think pt. 1: OG 6 edition!
Tony Stark
Sexuality: bi
Gender + pronouns: cis, he/him
Race/heritage: white (Italian)
Mental: OCD, PTSD, anxiety
Physical: asthma
Defining traits (personality): snarky, caring, sarcastic, fun-loving
Defining traits (physical): hooked nose, large eyes
Relationship status: dating Stephen Strange
Best friends: James Rhodes, Pepper Potts, Bruce Banner, Natasha Romanoff, Happy Hogan
Random facts: big nerd, cat person, pierced his nose when he was 16 by himself but passed out while doing so and just decided to give up
Steve Rogers
Sexuality: bi, polyam
Gender + pronouns: trans man, he/him
Race/heritage: white (Irish)
Mental: PTSD, depression, ADHD
Physical: n/a post serum, vitiligo
Defining traits (personality): loyal, comforting, firm, no-nonsense
Defining traits (physical): top surgery scars, buff
Relationship status: dating Bucky Barnes and Sam Wilson
Best friends: Natasha Romanoff, Bucky Barnes, Sam Wilson, Wanda Maximoff
Random facts: Star Wars fan, dog person, he broke his arm 3 times pre-serum
Natasha Romanoff
Sexuality: lesbian
Gender + pronouns: demi-girl, she/they
Race/heritage: white (Russian)
Mental: PTSD, depression, paranoia
Physical: n/a
Defining traits (personality): caring, loyal, dependable, hype-girl
Defining traits (physical): fire red hair, TALL, scars
Relationship status: dating Maria Hill
Best friends: Steve Rogers, Bucky Barnes, Sam Wilson, Bruce Banner, Stephen Strange, Clint Barton
Random facts: still practices ballet, good cook, can’t sing for the life of her
Bruce Banner
Sexuality: bi
Gender + pronouns: trans masculine nonbinary, he/they
Race/heritage: Hispanic (Mexican and Brazilian)
Mental: autism, PTSD, DID, anxiety, depression
Physical: needs glasses unless he’s the Hulk
Defining traits (personality): gentle, dorky, smart, kind
Defining traits (physical): top surgery scars, stretch marks, VERY curly hair, scars, freckles everywhere
Relationship status: dating Thor
Best friends: Thor, Tony Stark, Natasha Romanoff, Loki, Valkyrie, Korg, Stephen Strange
Random facts: giant nerd someone help him, actually has multiple piercings (done pre-Hulk obviously), always cold (that’s why him and Thor work so well)
Clint Barton
Sexuality: aroace
Gender + pronouns: trans masculine demi-boy, he/they
Race/heritage: white (Irish and German)
Mental: autism, PTSD, ADHD
Physical: deaf
Defining traits (personality): fun-loving, kind, dependable, sly
Defining traits (physical): top surgery scars, hearing aids, always has bandages somewhere on them, bright blonde hair
Relationship status: n/a
Best friends: Natasha Romanoff, Scott Lang, Sam Wilson, Thor, Wanda Maximoff
Random facts: double jointed and everyone hates it, can’t cook at all, his favorite series is the Real Housewives shows
Thor Odinson
Sexuality: pan
Gender + pronouns: cis, he/they
Race/heritage: …Norse God
Mental: ADHD, PTSD, depression
Physical: missing an eye
Defining traits (personality): hyper, kind, comforting, brave
Defining traits (physical): fake eye, buff, VERY tall, scars
Relationship status: dating Bruce Banner
Best friends: Loki, Bruce Banner, Valkyrie, Jane Foster, Darcy Lewis, Korg, Rocket, Peter Parker, Steve Rogers
Random facts: surprisingly also a very big nerd, abuses his allspeak and gets into arguments with animals, always warm (that’s why him and Bruce work so well)
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prpfs · 1 year
Yo yo ! Looking for fandom and non fandom things ! 🪩🔮🪩🔮
I just rewatched The Incredible Hulk movie (With Edward Norton) and now I would really love to pair his Hulk Version with any other MALE Marvel person. Slight preference for Tony Stark ! But I would also love a Steve or a Bucky ! Or maybe even Spider-Man ! That's totally up to you, I just wanna use his Version Instead of Mark Ruffalo's.
AND/OR looking for non fandom male OCxOC ! I have a something in mind that could be either mine or yours to write. But im basically looking for a bit of an age gap where a older male takes care of a younger one who sufferes from OCD or has Tourette (both are fine too). But it could also be my older OC who has them and your younger male OC helps him out ? I'm pretty much open to everything though!
Please be 18+ since I do not roleplay without smut ! Also be fine with multi para/ longer replies please.
Interact with this and I will reach out to u.!
Leave a like, and anon will get back to you!
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mdccanon · 2 years
I love your breakdowns of “problematic” media because you listen to both sides of an issue and can find good in media, even if there are flaws. My morality-obsessed OCD ass really needs commentary like that lol. (and yes, this is the MCU Wanda fan anon. Thank you for indulging my questions 😁)
No problem. I want to discuss these things. And I especially love talking about problematic characters because they are real people and bring up real issues.
I made a post about how Magneto is right, but that doesn't change that he's a war criminal. Because, news flash, to be a head of state for any number of years will eventually require breaking international laws and either hoping no one catches you or using political/military/economic pressure to make the international community look the other way.
Magneto made a country and stole nukes so that his country could be on the same military level as the First World countries. Xavier said it was wrong because "that will make them more afraid of you." Good. That's the point. Racist people will wipe you out no matter how nice, how smart, how friendly, or how helpful you are. (which they DID in the comics, they committed genocide on the people of Genosha) The Greeks said it best 2,300 years ago: You cannot win a war appealing to the humanity of your aggressors or shaming them to their allies.
So... I love talking about balancing moral, spiritual, and political ethics.
Oh, and PS again on how comics are written and why there is probably so much disconnect between even comic readers and how the MCU operates.... Most people don't really consider how poorly written/disjointed the endings and beginnings of comic stories are.
"The character dies at the end of this first story. Yay, character is resurrected in the second story. Uh oh, turns out that last storyline was a clone who didn't know they were a clone; this third storyline features the real character. Oops, that last storyline was actually a Doombot who didn't know they were a bot, so this fourth story is the real character; and it ends with the character having amnesia, so that the fifth storyline can have a clean slate." That's comics. And if it isn't that, its "It was an alternate dimension."
But we love the stories because we remember the middle of them.
And if the MCU wants to use these storylines but not use these contrivances, the MCU world has to be VERY forgiving and tolerant, starting with the very first movie. Tony Stark WAS a secret identity in the comics. MCU set the tone by Tony being an open superhero that the world just... let's him do it... with no consequences... for his international vigilantism...
So, most complaints audience members have about a character getting off easy in the MCU is because in the comic equivalent:
Steve died at the end of Civil War. When he came back, Tony was the last thing on his mind. (But let's also mention the whole "Steve was frozen in ice/ Bucky is the Winter Soldier" so that every unsuccessful storyline from the 40s-60s can be ret-conned into a Captain America successor and the government rewriting Steve's childhood Bucky into a kid sidekick--the real Bucky was always an adult!)
Ultron erased the Avengers' memories that he ever existed and he came back by brainwashing someone to build him an upgraded body.
Scarlet Witch and Namor get amnesia at the end of half of their major storylines.
Outrageous and mysterious characters can go without backstories for DECADES and then writers plot twist-retcon them to be the future version of some random kid already in the story or a couple that hasn't had a child yet. (Hela, Rachel Summers, Nathan Grey and Nathan Summers--the same person from two alternate futures, Valerie Richards von Doom, Nathaniel Richards)
Reed Richards invents something revolutionary and then loses it because he never makes prototypes, backups or blueprints for his inventions.
Doom gets away by always having a Doombot be the fall-guy.
Loki DOES die repeatedly and that's how he gets away with everything. Thor can't punish a new reincarnation for an old one's crimes.
Black Panther, Namor, and Doom get away with a lot by claiming diplomatic immunity in ways that it DOES NOT work.
If you have a psychic mutant on your team, you are guaranteed to escape without consequences.
So, the next time you feel Wanda got away with kidnapping 3,000 people because she's white, remember that Steve Rogers sunk three helicarriers in the Potomac and outed all of HYDRA and them seeking revenge against him was addressed in the stylish opener to Age of Ultron and never brought up again.
Also, a baby Celestial's entire torso is sticking out of the Pacific Ocean and not only did that somehow not create devastating tsunamis that would have crashed into every shoreline across the Ring of Fire, but according to the official MCU timeline, Far From Home/No Way Home, Multiverse of Madness, Hawkeye, Moon Knight, She-Hulk, and Ms. Marvel have ALL occurred after the plot of Eternals, in that order. With MK/SH/MM happening TWO YEARS after Eternals. And NO ONE has mentioned it. Baby Celestial. Poking out of the ocean. The Celestial's daddy hovered above the entire planet for, like, ten minutes. No one has mentioned it.
80% of the accountability or continuity you'd think any character or plot point should have, never happens in the comics. Likewise, if you really, really look at the MCU, its the same for their plot points and characters. It would feel a touch hypocritical for ME to complain about it now, when I grew up on a Spider-Man cartoon that I still consider a national treasure and in it, when Peter finally marries Mary-Jane, it's revealed to be a water-clone made by Hyrdoman and he kidnapped Mary Jane weeks ago. In the comics, when Peter finally marries Mary Jane, Peter sells his marriage to the Devil himself to bring his ELDERLY Aunt May back to life -- which is a double-reset.
When I want complex ideas and well-crafted writing, I read literature made for adults. Or, at least stand-all graphic novels.
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ao3feed-drstrange · 8 days
Red X take 3
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/bPI5Eru by livelaughlovenightwing This is another Peter Parker in Gotham fic if you couldn’t tell But twist deathstroke finds Peter first 😮 Will Peter stay with slade or will he go to Batman stay tuned to find out!!! Words: 2129, Chapters: 4/?, Language: English Fandoms: DCU, Marvel Cinematic Universe Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Characters: Bruce Wayne, Slade Wilson, Peter Parker, Tim Drake, Barbara Gordon, Dick Grayson, Duke Thomas, Stephanie Brown, Alfred Pennyworth, Tony Stark, Damian Wayne, dr.strange, Aunt May Parker (Marvel) Relationships: Dick Grayson/Wally West, Tim Drake/Kon-El | Conner Kent Additional Tags: No Smut, Adopted Peter Parker, Good Parent Bruce Wayne, Teen Peter Parker, Peter Parker is a Little Shit, Slade Wilson Being an Asshole, Slade Wilson is Deathstroke, Peter Parker Needs a Hug, Tony Stark Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure, Coffee Lover Tim Drake, Dick Grayson is Nightwing, Dick Grayson is Peter Parker's Biological Parent, Bisexual Peter Parker, Emotional Manipulation, Parent Slade Wilson, Implied Relationships, Peter Parker has PTSD, Dick Grayson Can't Cook, Slade has OCD, I wrote this instead of doing my homework, DONT POST THIS TO ANOTHER SITE PLEASE, Protective Slade Wilson, Peter Parker in Gotham read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/bPI5Eru
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ao3feed-birdflash · 8 days
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ao3feed-petermj · 16 days
Breaking point
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/8TrtZ7G by mxrveltastic Peter Parker's life has become increasingly chaotic as he struggles to balance his responsibilities as Spider-Man with his everyday life. His OCD behaviors have worsened, affecting his school performance and his relationship with his Aunt May. Concerned for his well-being, May decides that Peter needs a change of environment and more structured support. She arranges for him to stay with Tony Stark, hoping that Tony can provide the guidance and stability Peter needs. Words: 769, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Spider-Man (Tom Holland Movies) Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Characters: Peter Parker, Tony Stark, Michelle Jones (Marvel), Aunt May Parker (Marvel), Pepper Potts, Other Avengers, Original Characters Relationships: Peter Parker & Tony Stark, Peter Parker & Original Character(s), Avengers Team Members & Peter Parker, Michelle Jones/Peter Parker, Aunt May Parker & Peter Parker & Tony Stark, Ned Leeds & Peter Parker Additional Tags: Peter Parker Needs a Hug, Tony Stark Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure, Tony Stark Has A Heart, Hurt Peter Parker, Peter Parker has ADHD, Crying, Fluff and Angst, Humor, Bad Boy Peter Parker, OCD read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/8TrtZ7G
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darkcrowprincess · 1 year
I'm following you for Ninja Turtles and I'm staying for Owl House.
Send me more thoughts about the turtles, it gives me serotonin.
Be fair warned for the owl house; I don't like the canon ships. My main two are kinda problematic. But considering your blog I don't think you'll have a problem with that.
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As for the tmnt God do I have so many thoughts. Another fair warning though, I am a big Leo fan.
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He's my baby. So if you have negative opinions about him, let's just agree to disagree and leave it at(doesn't mean I'm not willing to talk about his flaws with you. I love Leo's flaws). I am a also big fan on the 2012 cartoon, I love all the tmnt in general. But the 2012 one, it's the show I grew up with. It's my tmnt, it has a special place in my heart. So again agree to disagree on that ok. Though I'm willing to talk about any version of tmnt with you. I love the turtles. Ever since I was little. And it's nice to have someone to talk about it too. Also I'm on the autism spectrum, have adhd and some ocd. So it's nice to meet someone who can relate. I draw, I write, and I like to bitch on here too. Sorry if it's too much( I say sorry a lot fair warning). I'm willing to talk about tons of stuff honestly. I just from one thing to another because of my adhd. Overall nice to meet you.
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main things I love to talk about: books, romance, tmnt, tony stark, sailor moon, disney, tmnt, the owl house, one piece, lost and delirious, Romeo and Juliet, true crime, horror movies and art.
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agentbloodlust · 10 months
Here are the FACTS baybeee: Tony Stark is MANY many things. He has OCD (esp morality scrupulously ocd among others) anxiety, PTSD, ADHD, trauma, substance abuse, suicidal ideation, homicidal ideation, self harm tendencies, genius level intellect, a MASSIVE heart/ability to feel things in extremes, inferiority complex, bipolar, Aannndd anxiety attacks. THIS. MAN. IS. FUCKING. DEALING WITH SOO MUCH AND STILL MANAGES TO SAVE THE FUCKING WORLD OVER AND OVER AGAIN!!! He is human. He is the truth about the complexity and resilience of the human heart. He is the god of self improvement. No superpowers, and yet he chooses to fight tooth and nail for what he believes in. He's constantly growing and changing. He's a born leader; stubborn and unwavering. He's flashy, charismatic, has a killer-unique personality. He's sarcastic, charming, bullheaded, self deprecating, egomaniacal, insecure.... and most of all loving. A protector working on upgrading to the best version of himself--not only for himself but for his loved ones, friends, and the world!!
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ad1thi · 5 years
howard spent a fair amount of time in military and then SHIELD so;
headcanon - he picked up a lot of military habits; military corners, drill sergeant mannerisms etc; that he passed onto tony
tony stark keeps his surroundings obsessively compulsively clean and organised, because as a kid, his father couldn’t stand the sight of mess and made damn sure that tony was aware of it
as an adult, this manifested into an anxiety tick for Tony, and he could often be found scrubbing a spotless counter-top at ass o’clock in the morning by various team members
it drove Pepper insane because every morning he would hustle her out of bed so that he could straighten out the sheets and fluff the pillows
sometimes he would snatch up bowls and plates as people were eating on them without truly knowing what he was doing, and start cleaning them
the dishwashers were all routinely tinkered with and upgraded, but scarcely used
on one memorable occasion, Natasha found Tony cleaning his clothing by hand; scrubbing out the bloody spots from a fight that ended hours ago
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Tony Stark as Peter's father figure one-shots for comfort
https://archiveofourown.org/works/54894391 by cosmicdeity NO ANGST really just Tony's gut wrenching reaction hah but then its all comfort trust me Words: 462, Chapters: 1/4, Language: English Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: Tony Stark, Peter Parker Relationships: Peter Parker & Tony Stark Additional Tags: Comfort, Implied Self-Harm, Trichotillomania, Cutting, bfrb, Hugs, Getting comforted by the person you consider your father figure, OCD, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, Tony Stark Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure, Dissociation, Peter Parker has PTSD read it on AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/54894391
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musical-chick-13 · 3 years
If I ever get unfollowed for anything, it’ll probably be this.
We need to have a talk.
This post has been a long time coming, and I really REALLY tried to not just utterly explode from a place of personal suffering, but I guess I finally saw one too many things on my dash.
TW under the cut for references to suicide and ableism-related abuse.
I have frequently been told, implicitly or explicitly, that the only part of me that deserves representation is the part that is visibly queer. As anyone who follows my blog knows, I suffer from really bad depression and OCD. Something I don’t talk about is that I am also diagnosed with tourette’s. It’s not a huge part of my life, and it hasn’t really affected me on a regular basis since I was a child (though if I’m particularly tired or anxious it tends to show up again). But the fact still stands that I am neurodivergent on multiple axes.
This representation is also important. Especially considering that, as I was closeted as a teenager/young adult and literally could not hide my neurodivergence no matter how hard I tried, the brunt of bullying and abuse I received from my peers and even an authority figure came about not from my queerness, but from my brain working “differently.” I was “weird” and “crazy,” and THAT was the thing that prevented me from having a happy childhood.
Yet every time I bring up the need for more neurodivergent representation, I am tossed to the side. Why should I care about that when I’m a queer woman, part of another underrepresented group? Why should I care about the large number of mentally ill/neurodivergent characters who are killed off or painted as dangerous (despite those harmful stereotypes also applying to characters who are part of the LGBT+ community)? Does that kind of representation really matter in the face of creating more gay characters? Only one part of me deserves representation, and it’s not the part that I struggle with or am ashamed of.
When Tony Stark, who suffers from PTSD, was killed off in Endgame, I saw comparatively little Discourse™ about what it meant that he was never allowed to be okay with himself and his life. There were endless discussions about how problematic of a character he was, despite fandom never having a problem with overlooking the flaws of slightly asshole-ish cishet white men before. When Lexa was killed off in The 100, there was a focus on what that meant for the gay community, yes, but you know what other Discourse™ there was? I saw a bunch of comments saying how Jasper Jordan (another Problematic Cishet White Guy™ immune to fandom’s demographic preferences in characters), a canonically suicidal character, should have been killed off instead because “Well, he actually wanted to die, why not give it to him” (which, surprise, surprise, the writers later on actually did). I was expected to let this slide because the wlw watching the show were traumatized by Lexa’s death, despite such comments traumatizing me (also a wlw), and throwing every depressed person under the bus. And while I’d love to believe these two characters’ hatedoms had nothing to do with the fact that they suffered from mental illness...I can’t be quite sure that that’s really the case.
When Hannibal was airing (and years after it ended), I saw post after post about how it was actually a gay romantic comedy, and when the writers confirmed Will/Hannibal as canon, it was celebrated as a triumph for the gay community, despite the ship’s canon status coming at the expense of the sanity and moral compass of an extremely mentally ill man who had been abused by his psychiatrist (and still I have people talking up this show to me, asking me to give it another chance, as if that would ever be something I’d want to sit through seeing again). When Ratched aired on Netflix, all I heard about were the two alive lesbians, despite the fact that Nurse Ratched is the quintessential literary symbol of abuse and villainization of the mentally ill who literally exists in One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest as a distillation of evil whose purpose is SOLELY to shine a light on how terribly we treat neurodivergent people. Even characters who were frequently interpreted as being neurodivergent or mentally ill by fandom segments belonging to those groups, but never confirmed to be so weren’t safe (see: Rip Hunter, Theon Greyjoy (though, lbr poor guy probably does legit have PTSD), Mary Morstan, Natasha Romanoff). Bury Your Mentally Ill is also a trope, but I have never seen anywhere remotely near the discussion of its harmfulness (or even of its existence) as Bury Your Gays. And when I finally, finally found Crazy Ex-Girlfriend, a show that dedicated itself to dismantling all of the stigmas around discussions of mental illness (and also...had...canon queer characters...who didn’t die........), nobody was willing to give it a chance, and it barely stayed on the air long enough to reach a conclusive ending. (And yet 13 Reasons Why, a show that frequently came under fire for poor representation of mental illness and that followed literally zero professional guidelines in representing suicide onscreen, had no such problem).
Not that I’ll ever have a problem with people shipping problematic ships or liking problematic things. But the fact that I never saw even one discussion of this trend is...troubling. As long as I’ve turned to fiction for comfort, I’ve watched people sacrifice canon (or even the theoretical potential for canon) authentic, helpful mental illness and neurodivergence representation in the name of (usually cis, white) gays. And I can’t even begin to explain how much that can utterly fuck someone up. I belong to both of those groups. To be told that one part of me deserves good, beneficial representation and that the other (which is just as big a part of my life) doesn’t matter, doesn’t deserve visibility or debunking of harmful stereotypes, isn’t nearly as important or revolutionary, it makes everything so much worse. It serves to make me feel even more alone, ashamed, and disconnected from humanity.
When you prioritize one underrepresented part of my life experience over the other, you are sending a message to me that my recovery doesn’t matter. That seeing myself reflected in a hopeful way isn’t worth writing if it’s not 1000% explicitly gay in a way that satisfies you. When you ignore my cries for mental illness or neurodivergence representation because those life experiences by themselves are not inherently gay, you are sending a message that you do not care about me or any of the other millions of people living that experience.
And I am so very, very tired.
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