#thor odinson x son!reader
moonlit-imagines · 27 days
Headcanons for being Thor’s child and longing for a Midgardian
Thor Odinson x child!reader
prompt: anon 🧀: “hi!!! Can I reqs a thor odinson x daughter reader where reader is secretly crushing on a Midgardian girl. and you know how loki can basically read minds he figures it out eventually and everyday her and uncle loki sneak to Midgard to see this girl behind thors back, but funny thing is she's never had a crush before and this one being on a Midgardian girl she's like super confused. and one day thor catches them and she has to explain how she feels abt this girl to him and he's like "....welp i love a Midgardian woman too!" And she's like super relieved and thor goes and meets her(crush) and he's super sweet to her Then thor and uncle loki help her confess to this girl and one day y/n goes to her and just tells her how she feels and by this point they are like best friends so she's super nervous but the girl likes her too and she goes back home and screams to uncle loki abt how amazing she is and what had happened while loki is just laughing at her inexperience with partners.”
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you were quite the rebel, you thought
asgardian royalty with a terrible secret: you’d fallen for a midgardian
and just how were you supposed to make that work, it was laughable
heimdall always made sure to cover for you when you made your “trips”
“be sure to be back by supper, y/n. you know how your father gets” -heimdall
“yes, yes, ‘we must feast, my child!’” -you mocked
“you’d be surprised at how much you and him have in common, young one” -heimdall
“he is my father, after all. i’d hope to be like him, although i fear i’m already quite more brave and strong than he could ever hope to be” -you snarked
“be gone, thorson/dottir, before you make me chuckle” -heimdall
lol ur lil human partner made u chuckle for sure theyre so fragile
oh, and they didn’t exactly know what you were…as in a nordic “god” from the realm of asgard visiting midgard against your better judgement
“your accent is so cute, what is it exactly?” -s/o
“uh, brit—austr—slav—it’s um, well i just grew up around, you know, that area with a bunch of different accents. bit of mutt.” -you
“oh, so like, you’re from new england?” -s/o
“there’s a new england? what was wrong with the old one?” -you
yeah you were not so good at hiding that you clearly weren’t from around there
but you were learning. slowly
meanwhile on asgard
“y/n, you have a strange look upon your face” -loki “might i acquaint it to…love?”
your eyes went wide and loki gave a mischievous smile that would normal shake you a bit, but this love kept you fearless
“oh, dont you give me that look, uncle. are you mad?” -you “ah, what am i saying? ‘course you are”
“oh do i have a look? no, this is just my normal face” -loki, sarcastically
“see, that i’d believe. except you’re truly a menace when someone is happy” -loki
“not to you, oh never!” -loki “so tell me more?”
you rolled your eyes and left it to the imagination, as you weren’t quite ready to let any details go yet
and even thor was starting to get suspicious
“my child, you speak of this love yet i have not seen them! and why do i hear this from loki, am i not your father?” -thor
“yes, you are, but it’s not a big deal. let’s not get lost in the details. just young fascination, might be gone by tomorrow” -you, desperately trying to throw off the trail
he gasps
“you are lying to your own father!” -thor
“am not” -you
“our lineage does not simply become fascinated one day and bored the next, who is this person you do not wish for me to know of?” -thor
you both stare at each other
your lips curl up a bit
his do, as well
“are they of another realm?” -thor
“how did you know?!” -you
“because mine is too!” -thor
“you lie to me?!” -you
“i just forgot to mention it” -thor
“convenient!” -you
“midgardian?” -thor
“…you’re good” -you
“like father, like child” -thor
taglist: @alwaysananglophile // @locke-writes // @sweetheartlizzie07 // @queen-destenie // @johnmurphyisqueer // @captainshazamerica // @ravenmoore14 // @canarypoint // @procrastinatingsapphictrash // @swanimagines // @randomfandomimagine // @petersgroupie // @summersimmerus // @scarthefangirl // @bad4amficideas // @sheridans-dynamos // @simsrecs // @prettysbliss // @skdkdkckfk // @simp-legend // @wild-rose-35 // @nekoannie-chan // @evilcr0ne // @v0idl1nq // @ruvaakke // @thedarkqueenofavalon // @amirahiddleston // @beth-gallagher22 // @brutal-out-here // @rqmanoff // @elenavampire21 // @mymelodymia // @pheonixfire777 // @deanzboyfriend //
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Surprise Visit Pt 2 (Thor X Son!Reader)
Characters: Thor Odinson X Son!Reader
Universe: Marvel, Avengers
Warnings: None
Pt 1
Request: Hi, I'm just finish Poco's udon world, and right of the batch I thought what if Poco is Thor's son, Poco has some of his feature too and I remember your fic Surprise Visit. Can you please do a Part 2 of it?🥺 reader is like Thor but he quite shy and always bring with books that his mother read before bed they bonding by activities together Thor bring him to Asgard to meet his grandparents Loki read them books, tell them stories, show and teach them magic (Harry Potter) with Freyaa and all fluff❤
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The first few days after finally meeting your dad had been awkward to say the least. You were spending almost every waking moment either with him, or your uncle. You had expected that Loki would be a lot more awkward with you- or straight up wouldn’t like you from the get go, but it ended up being kind of the opposite. Thor had been a bit too eager from the get go to play the fatherly role, and you found it unnerving, and when Thor realised that (with help from Clint and Steve pointing it out for him) he backed up and started to just try and get to know you, your interests, your dislikes, and take things a little slower. Loki, on the other hand, was nowhere near as pushy, gave you space, and didn’t force conversation on to you. Eventually though, you ended up finding something to bond with Loki over; Books. 
You had been interested in the books he read, even if you couldn’t read the language, and worked up the courage to ask him about it, and after an explanation, he asked what kind of books you liked, and it was a start of an actual long and meaningful conversation. Loki took that, and hinted that Thor should look into those books. The next day, Thor showed up to your room with a pile of books in his arms and a grin on his face. 
Things since then had got a lot better between you and your dad. Instead of forcing it, or acting the part for the sake of it, Thor had naturally fallen into the father role that made it a comfortable change for you. Thor had little interest in books, but you had the ritual with him now of him buying a book for you, you read it, and after every chapter, you give him a rundown of what happened in detail, and you’d discuss it. You’d opened up a bit with him over the weeks, about what your life was like growing up with mum, holidays, key memories for you, and the rituals you two had- including reading books before bed together, which was where your love for books came from. Thor soon got you some of the books you mentioned, so you could do it with him. You got into a nice rhythm of living with and being around your dad and uncle, to the point where you were expecting it when an advancement was suggested. 
“How do you feel about going to Asgard with Loki and I, tomorrow?” Thor asked, as you were tidying up after another late night discussion about a book you had been reading- this one actually a recommendation from your Uncle Loki. You stopped what you were doing, and looked over at Thor, who waited patiently. 
“Uh… sure. Okay.” You agreed hesitantly, and immediately his face lit up. You had long guessed this conversation would happen, so you had time to prepare for it, though you knew that was actually impossible. What could prepare you for going to the land of gods- where you know you didn’t belong, even if Thor was your father? “Do… Do they know about me?” You asked cautiously. 
“Of course!” He immediately answered. “As soon as I returned to Agard after we met, I told mother and father about you, and my friends! I wanted to tell the entire kingdom, but mother- your grandmother, insisted we wait till you met them all first before telling the rest of Asgard. Freya, your grandmother, is the most eager to meet you.” He gushed to you. You’d heard a lot about your grandparents through both Thor and Loki. Admittedly, Thor was the only one who talked about Odin, and while Loki didn’t talk much about them, when he did, it was always about Freya, about how she was also a bit of a bookworm, and how she taught him magic.
You got up early the next morning, mostly due to struggling to sleep from the anticipation, and you didn’t have to wait for either your dad or uncle to be ready either, though you couldn’t tell if it was due to excitement or nerves, or maybe they were both feeling those things- your dad the excitement, and Loki the nerves. It didn’t help that your dad was a raving optimist, and your uncle was a pessimist, so you couldn’t tell who was feeling the right way, so you just adopted a bit of each of their emotions. Cautiously excited.
You honestly wasn’t sure what to expect when you actually got there, or even the process of getting there in the first place, but as soon as you left the Bifrost, you were in awe. Sure, they had told you all about Asguard- the rainbow path that led to it, the great kingdom, the beauty of it all, but none of that was in comparison to what you were actually seeing. You remained in stunned silence the entire walk up the bridge, actually entering into Asguard, past the several hundred people who came to welcome them back and ask about you, up until your father actually called for you, after seeing you distracted by something else further away. You turned, seeing several people stood with your father and uncle, looking at you smiling. “Y/N, these are my friends, Fandrall, Hogun, Volstagg, and Sif.” Your father introduced you.
“So this is the little prince?” Sif questioned with a smile. 
“Little? Thor, you said he was a boy! Give it a few years and he’ll be ready to be king!” Volstagg laughed, though the mention of such a role made you look at Loki quickly, and then your dad. 
“He is a boy! The very idea of being king is still a long way away- you make it sound like he’ll outlive me.” Thor defended. 
“Speaking of Kings.” Loki spoke up, placing  hand on Thor’s shoulder. 
“Right! Haven’t had the chance to introduce him to the rest of his family. We’ll pick this up later, promise.” Thor told them motioning you over, and guiding you deeper into the kingdom, down several expansive corridors, before you turned a corner, and spotted a group of women talking in the hallway ahead, and your father and uncle stopped. “Loki, stay here with Y/N.” Thor requested, before going towards the group, and you looked up at Loki confused, who patted you on the shoulder. You watched as your father approached the group, made some small talk, before all the women except one left down another hallway, and Thor stepped to the side, motioning the woman towards you and Loki, and you realised who she must be. Freya. Your grandmother. 
As soon as she saw you properly, she smiled warmly, hands clasped and pressed against her chest with excitement, and any fear you had- fear of not being liked, or not meeting their standards, of being a disappointment, being looked down on for being half human- it all faded. You could feel the love and acceptance radiating off the woman as she reached out her hands, and took your own. “Y/N, words cannot describe the absolute joy I feel to finally be in your presence finally after all of Thor’s descriptions.” Freya told you, gently squeezing your hands, and you couldn’t help but smile too. 
“I’ve heard so many wonderful things about you too from dad and uncle Loki.” You told her, and her smile grew, before she pulled you closer and wrapped an arm around you. 
“Thor- Loki, go tell your father that you’re here with Y/N- I’ll give Y/N a tour of the palace- we’ll be in the library when you’re done. We have a lot to talk about.” Freya decided, already walking away with you, and you didn’t fight it, leaving with her. 
Thor and Loki did as ordered, finding their father, letting them know they’d also brought you, and after a bit of back and forth questioning where exactly you were, and Loki explaining their mother had already stolen you away herself, and Odin simply sighed, and got up to follow his sons to head to the Library. 
By the time they met back up with you and Freya, you and her were already getting along like a house on fire- she’d asked about your mother, her health, your childhood, her own expieriences that related when raising Thor and Loki, and when she heard about your little tradition with Thor with books, she picked out a book for you to take home to read, and to keep. You felt comfortable enough with her to ask about Loki and Odin’s relationship, the comment Thor’s friends made about being King one day and how you weren’t big on the idea, and also how according to how your dad and Loki talked about Odin, you were much more worried about meeting him than her. Freya had answers your questions, reassured you of your worries, and promised Odin would be on his best behaviour, and she helped your first meeting with Odin a lot from the get go. 
As soon as Freya saw her husband, she stood first, smiling. “Odin, thank you for joining us. I was just about to ask Y/N if they’d like a private family dinner. What do you think?” Freya asked him, wrapping an arm around you again, and you smiled nervously at your grandfather, who was a lot more intimidating than you had anticipated. Odin didn’t talk at first, stepping a little closer, and you panicked internally, not knowing what to do, if you were supposed to do something- but Freya had kept her arm around you, gently rubbing your arm in reassurance. 
“That can certainly be arranged. It’ll let us get to know our grandson. Thor, will you come with me to make the arrangements?” He asked, of his oldest, who nodded. “See you at dinner, Y/N.” He told you, before making his leave, Thor smiling at you, before following after him. 
“In the meantime.” Freya spoke up once the two were quite a distance away. “Y/N, want to learn some magic?” She asked. 
“Mother, I don’t know about that…” Loki fussed. 
“Just beginning spells, nothing serious… we’ll save that for later. Maybe you could mentor Y/N as well when back on Midgard.” She suggested, and you realised that maybe, just maybe… Loki got some of his mischief from his mother. 
“Am I able to do magic? Since I’m half human?” You questioned. 
“I believe so, it’s worth a try. You coming Loki?” Freya questioned her son, who simply sighed, and followed after, deciding to be apart of his mother’s antics, knowing that Thor might lose his mind when he finds out about this. 
Hope you like it! If you have any questions, please send them in!
*Not my Gif
TAGS: @insanityismysanity12345 @klanceiscannon14 @marvelhoeingismyhobby @bellamyblakemorley @dummiesshort  @freyathehuntress @abbybills22-blog @mutantjediavenger @theoraekensnotsosecretlover @alicedanganh @sleutherclaw @sleepy-coffee-bean @stawwpp @rebellionofthecattle @hello-love-youre-pretty @werosemagic @courtneychicken  @graysonmalfoy @bellero @originalpottervengerlock @supernatural-pan @esoltis280 @lady-of-lies @lenaswritingandstuff @macbetheliza @mandywholock1980 @cdwmtjb8 @caswinchester2000 @determinedpines @huntheimpossible @automaticbakeryfreakshoe
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supercap2319 · 1 year
Thor: *Turns on the Quinjet's computer and places his hand on the handprint scanner as Y/N watches him*
Quinjet Computer: “Welcome. Voice activation required.”
Thor: “Thor.”
Quinjet Computer: “Access denied.”
Thor: “Thor, God of Thunder.”
Quinjet Computer: “Access denied.”
Thor: “Son of Odin.”
Quinjet Computer: “Access denied.”
Thor: “Strongest Avenger.”
Quinjet Computer: “Access denied.”
Thor: “Strongest Avenger!”
Quinjet Computer: “Access denied.”
Y/N: “Here, let me try.” *Places his hand on the Quinjet's handprint scanner*
Quinjet Computer: “Voice activation required.”
Y/N: “Y/N Maximoff.”
Quinjet Computer: “Welcome, Strongest and handsomest Avenger.”
Thor: “WHAT?!”
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fluffyprettykitty · 22 days
Spring Drabble Sleepover!!!
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running from may 14th to may 19th
*time indicates when requests will be accepted, asks will be rolling through according to inspiration and time allowed!
Hello and welcome to me not having written anything since January???? Let's rectify this by celebrating a little as summer might have officially started but true summer doesn't start till late June here!
Onto the main thing now!
What will you do is mix and match a character or several with one or several of the following categories provided. As usual, you know!
⋆ Polyamorous ships are always encouraged. No platonic or daughter! reader though.
⋆ Darker themes are welcomed at my discretion. Check my requests page for what I'm comfortable with.
⋆ Please only use a character from the ones already provided.
⋆ I will either turn them into blurbs or drabbles depending on my inspiration but you can suggest to me what it should be.
⋆ I will do female reader for smut prompts and gender-neutral for fluff prompts. All will be written vague and over 21.
⋆ You have to be strictly 18+ to participate.
•❀.•❤•.¸✿¸.•❤•.❀• •❀.•❤•.¸✿¸.•❤•.❀• •❀.•❤•.¸✿¸.•❤•.❀•
Sons of Anarchy: Chibs Telford, Juice Ortiz, Jax Teller
Star Wars: Cassian Andor, Poe Dameron
Marvel: Sam Wilson, Luke Cage, Jessica Jones, Billy Russo, Thor Odinson, Brock Rumlow, Layla El Faouly, Elektra Natchios, Bruce Banner, Marc Spector, Brunnhilde, Tony Stark, Natasha Romanoff, Joaquin Torres, Bucky Barnes
Triple Frontier: Benny Miller, Will Miller, Santiago Garcia
aus: bakery, book store, celebrity, detective, ghost, restaurant, porn star, tutor, maid, mechanic, mermaid, neighbour, stripper, werewolf, vampire.
kinks: breath play, cockwarming, phone sex, gloves, choking, strip tease, uniform/suit, titty fucking, dirty talk, sex toys, accidental stimulation, shower, sensory deprivation, somnophilia, lingerie, object insertion, lap dance, lactation, spanking, exhibitionism, handcuffs, clothes on, moresomes.
date ideas: day trip, road trip, library, museum, restaurant, camping, beach, drinks/bar, concert, walking, sightseeing, boat ride, dancing, spa, errands, shopping spree, cinema, coffee.
domestic situations: trying new recipes, painting nails, reading, cuddling, clothes shopping, packing for a trip, laundry, repairing things, changing bedsheets, ordering takeout, falling asleep, complaining about family, movie nights, doing dishes.
☆ Just combine as many as you want however you see fit! And of course, when it comes to domestic situations and date ideas you can think of other things or be more specific on one situation! ☆
•❀.•❤•.¸✿¸.•❤•.❀• •❀.•❤•.¸✿¸.•❤•.❀• •❀.•❤•.¸✿¸.•❤•.❀•
no pressure tagging: @that-sarcastic-writer @sunflowersteves @jen-with-a-pen @eulalielatibule @moonlight-prose @e-dubbc11 @soulores @targaryenvampireslayer
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Tony’s Birthday (Tony Stark x Reader)
God, the writers block on this one was real, my dudes. I couldn’t come up with anything, and then I finally had a breakthrough and no time to write. And then I wrote like 2k words in a night. So, my brain works in fantastic ways. Now that it’s finally written, please enjoy this shameless sex with plot with Tony Stark.
Warnings: There is smut in this, and I think I’m like legally obligated to warn minors about that. Remember that you choose the content you consume. There’s swearing, I’m sure. I don’t normally get through a paragraph without one. Mentions of lingerie, dresses, alcohol, and hangovers. Tony Stark, always comes with his own warning.
Word Count: 6149
Summary: After weeks of not knowing what to get Tony for his birthday, you finally come up with an idea. Spoiler alert, he loves it.
Tomorrow is your husband, Tony Stark’s, birthday. And you have no idea what to get him. He’s throwing himself a big party, or rather you and Pepper are, and you’re just having Tony foot the bill while you two plan. But what do you get a billionaire for his birthday? He has everything he could ever wish for, as he’s told you multiple times. But seriously, he doesn’t even have something on his Amazon wish list, especially since he bought Amazon a couple years back.
So that, again, begs the question. What do you get Tony; genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist that he is; for his birthday?
Well, what about you? You’ve been married a while, you’ve obviously had sex. But what if you went out and got yourself a new set of lingerie? Give Tony a surprise for his birthday, and maybe put a bow on top. Tony would love that. You thought, grabbing your purse and leaving.
At the store, you looked through many different sets, even finding ones modeled after all of the Avengers. Sets after Sam and Thor here, you and Natasha there, Bucky and Steve, Clint, even Loki! Or was that Bruce? Nope, Loki, his name was written across the ass of the panties. Oh, but there was the set modeled after Bruce, more coverage, that made sense. Oh, and there was one for each of the twins too, wow. Tony would get so jealous he’d just rip it right off of me and- nope, let’s not get too far ahead of ourselves in the middle of the store. Before moving, you saw a set for Peter too and decided not to grab it since Tony might literally kill you. That’s my son, you thought, moving it to the side. Not only has Peter become a son to Tony, he called me Mom by accident last week. You did pick up one of each of the rest though, just thinking about what Tony would do to you seeing you in them lighting a fire within you.
And then you saw the set you were looking for. Red adorned with gold, sheer lace cups with gold accents and crotchless red panties with IRON MAN written on the back in gold. He won’t even have to take it off to fuck me. He might buy this entire store just so he can- your train of thought was cut off by your phone ringing. Tony, of course.
“Hey Tone.” You said, picking up and adding the set to your basket.
“Hello, my beautiful wife.” He replied. “I was looking for you, where are you?”
“I’m just picking up some last minute things for the party tomorrow. Why, do you need me?” You asked, walking over to an open register and placing your basket down.
You could hear the smirk before he even started talking. “You’re late for our weekly lab meeting.” Of course. He means your weekly fucking in the lab while Bruce takes a convienently long lunch break after walking in on the two of you going at it 4 weeks in a row.
“I’m almost done here, and I’m not that far, I’ll be home soon.” You said, hanging up quickly.
The cashier looked at you star-struck and you were confused for a moment before you remembered that you too were an Avenger and you were married to Iron Man. “Can I have your autograph?” She asked softly, holding out a notebook filled with the signatures of the other Avengers.
“Of course, hun.” You said, taking the pen from her and signing in the last available spot. Which ironically, was next to Tony’s. That wasn’t hard, though. The man you chose to marry had a gigantic signature. “You need anybody else’s?” You asked softly.
“No thank you. You’re the last one. Do you need a bag?”
You nodded, internally facepalming at not having brought one. “Yes please. Do you need anything else or just for me to pay?”
“I can’t think of anything ma’am. Did you need anything?”
“Why don’t you and everyone that works here come to Tony’s birthday party tomorrow? Since I’m the last one to sign your little book, I assume everybody else comes in here pretty regularly.”
“Yes ma’am, they do.” She said, handing you the bag. “Mr. Stark is here about every other month.” Well that lines up with when I get surprises. You thought, smiling. “Captain Rogers and Sergeant Barnes always come in together, and they got quite the laugh out of the Avenger’s line of sets last time they were here. Mr. Wilson has come with them a few times, but he normally likes to come by himself. Thor and Loki have come in together more than once, but Thor really prefers to look.” You laughed at that. “Mr. Barton usually comes in alone, as do Ms. Romanoff and Dr. Banner. And the Maximoff twins have come in together before, but they usually prefer separately. It was funny the day one of them was in here and the other came in and saw them.” She told you. 
“Has Peter Parker ever been in here?” You asked, seemingly innocent.
She looked sheepish, “Just once, ma’am, and I guess he must’ve used Mr. Stark’s card since after buying his one item, he got a very angry phone call which sounded like it had something to do with safe sex and why Mr. Parker was spending Mr. Stark’s money at a lingerie shop.”
“Oh, Tony.” You sighed, turning towards the door with your bag. Before you left, you turned back. “Thank you. But I never caught your name, hun.”
“Oh, I’m Rachel Green.” She said, “Pleasure to meet you, Mrs. Stark. Your husband is one of our best customers.”
You nodded, sighing again. “Yeah, I’d believe it. Thank you, Rachel. And don’t forget to come to the party tomorrow.”
“I won’t. Have a great day!”
“You too!” You told her, finally pushing the door open and walking quickly back to Stark Tower so you could hide your shopping from Tony before having your lab “meeting”.
The next day, after a day of Avenging Paperwork (aka, filling in mission reports from the last month and filing them since you were the only one Tony let into the records room, digital or otherwise), you went up to the penthouse that you shared with Tony to find a bright red dress laying on the bed, with gold jewelry laying on your vanity.
“Mr. Stark has requested that you wear this tonight for him, Mrs. Stark.” JARVIS said. You’d been through so much with Tony and JARVIS that him speaking out of quite literally nowhere didn’t even scare you anymore.
“Why am I not even surprised, J? How long has he been picking outfits out for me now, 5 years?”
The AI spoke again, “Ever since your first party as his date, Mrs. Stark, 8 years ago now.”
“God, has it really been that long?” You asked yourself, stripping down and pulling out the Iron Man lingerie. “We’re getting old.”
“At least he let you pick your wedding dress.” JARVIS said, with a hint of humor in his robotic voice.
You laughed out loud while slipping on the dress, noting that it hugged you perfectly, had a much deeper neckline than you anticipated, and a very long slit up your right side up to your hip. “Very true J. And even though he told me that there was no limit, I still didn’t want to go too overboard.”
“He found it funny that he gave you unlimited money and you picked what was essentially the cheapest dress in the store.”
“That sounds like my husband’s sense of humour.” You said, sighing softly as you clasped the necklace behind your neck. When it came to the bracelet, however, you couldn’t get it on. When it was clasped, you couldn’t slip it on around your hand, but unclasped, you couldn’t shut it around your wrist. “Ah, fuck, Tony should know better by now to get me bracelets. I can’t ever get them on by myself.” You slipped on the extra rings Tony had left for you, knowing that you liked to wear lots of them, and put in the dangly earrings that were mini Iron Man suits.
As you were finishing up your makeup, Jarvis spoke again. “Mrs. Stark, would you like me to call someone for you to help you zip up your dress and clasp the bracelet?”
“Would you call Natasha for me, J?” You asked, starting on your hair, since the rest of your outfit was finished and ready for the party.
A moment later, there was a knock on your bedroom door. “Y/N? Are you okay? JARVIS said you needed my help.”
You opened the door. “J, you gotta stop worrying people. I’m fine, Nat. Zipper and bracelet.” You pulled her in and shut the door behind the both of you.
“My dearest apologies, Mrs. Stark. You know I never mean to worry anyone when their assistance is needed.” JARVIS told you both softly, trying to match the volume you both were speaking at, something Tony had thankfully programmed in him a long time ago.
“Okay, turn around, Y/N.” Nat told you, slowly taking in the new dress Tony had bought for you. You did, and she zipped you up. “This dress is lovely. One of Tony’s best choices in a while.”
“I’m sure he thinks it’s his birthday present, getting to spend money on me again.” You said, chuckling as you fidgeted nervously with your rings.
Natasha noticed your change in demeanour immediately. “Why are you nervous? You’re never nervous for one of Tony’s parties.” She said, clasping the bracelet around your non-dominant wrist.
“I just bought Tony’s present yesterday on a whim, and now I’m not as sure if he’ll like it.”
“What did you buy him? Can I see?”
“Um, well.. kind of.. not really.”
“Can you tell me what it is or where you got it from?”
“You know that cute little shop on 43rd that has the clerk with the notepad of Avengers’ signatures?” You asked, not making eye contact with her.
Natasha gasped softly. “You got yourself a new pair of lingerie for Tony’s birthday! Which set? Which set?” She went from shocked to excited in the blink of an eye.
“I mean, there’s that new Avengers line, y’know?” You continued nervously.
“You got the Iron Man ones?” She asked bluntly.
“I got all of them except the Spiderman ones. But I’m currently wearing the Iron Man ones.” Natasha raised an eyebrow. “Bruce isn’t the only one with a raging green monster.” You said, looking at her to gauge her reaction.
She smirked, nodding her head in agreement with your plan. “So not tonight, but at some point, you’re gonna have crazy jealous sex with Tony when he discovers you bought every set from the Avengers line except Spiderman?”
“He’s like a kid to both of us!” You started to defend yourself. “But yeah. Yup. That’s the plan.”
“He’s gonna fuck the shit out of you.” She said, laughing.
You laughed along with her, knowing from your girls nights how much the both of you enjoy having your brains fucked out of you. “And that’s exactly what we want. You ready to go?”
“I am ready if you’re ready, Mrs. Stark.” Natasha said, offering you her arm to walk down the stairs in the stilettos Tony had picked out for you, despite knowing you couldn’t walk in them. You assumed that he did it on purpose at this point, so you’d have to stay near the Avengers the whole night as a form of using him (or one of the other Avengers) for balance.
“My husband is an asshole for doing this to me with every new pair of shoes he picks out for me.” You said, stumbling down the hall even while Nat was holding you up. “And every year for his birthday, he gets me a new sparkly red dress with gold accents. The entire world knows that I belong to him, does he really need to have me in his colours?”
“You’re currently wearing his colours under the dress, on purpose, with his name across the ass of the crotchless panties.” You went to make a smart remark about how would she know when she answered the question you hadn’t yet asked. “You weren’t the only one that’s checked out the new line, hun.”
“Fair enough.” You said, just as the elevator doors opened for the both of you into the party.
Nat wrapped her arm around your waist and led you over to Tony. “Stark, I know you love Y/N, but why do you give her shoes she can’t even walk in every time that you pick them out?” She said, picking you up and placing you on the barstool in between Steve and Bucky but next to Tony.
“I like her staying over here instead of talking to the rich assholes in the room.” He said, passing you your drink of choice.
“I’m married to the richest asshole of them all.” You said, sipping at it. “And if they’re such big assholes, why do you invite them to every party you throw?”
“Because us rich assholes have to stick together, sweetheart. Now, if you’ll excuse me…”
You grabbed his wrist. “I will not, birthday boy. I wasn’t done with you yet.”
“Ooh, are we starting the gifts early?” He asked, rubbing his hands together childishly.
“You’re not getting your present from me if you get yourself drunk tonight, Tone. I love you, but you’re gonna wanna remember this present.”
Tony gave you a kiss on the forehead. “I won’t touch another drop of alcohol, sweetness. If you say that I’m going to remember this, I’m going to memorize every single detail of whatever your surprise may be.” He told you, before squeezing your hand and walking away quickly.
“Loki?” You asked, leaning to see him better.
“Hold on, brother, it’s not quite late enough to be as drunk as you are. Just wait a little, and then you can have it back.” He said, pulling Thor’s flask out of his hand. “Yes, Y/N?” He asked, turning to you. 
You pulled the flask from Loki’s hand and passed it to Steve. “Don’t drink that too fast, super soldiers.” You told them before turning back to Loki. “You know a sobering spell, right?”
“I do. I should hope that I won’t need to use it tonight, but I have a sobering spell should you need it for your husband.”
“Thank you, Loki.” You said, striking up more conversations with the Avengers, even though you had seen them not even two hours ago.
Five hours later, since Tony’s parties always ran late into the night, all of the guests had left, and it was just the Avengers back upstairs in the living room of the penthouse.
“Okay, present time?” Tony said, hopefully. 
“Hasn’t gracing you with our presence all night been enough?” Loki asked sarcastically. “Besides, what do you get the man who can buy himself whatever he wants?”
“Yeah Tony, you don’t even have an Amazon wishlist.” Clint said, spinning a drumstick.
Rhodey passed him a box. “You just have to get him something from the heart.” 
“You’re just saying that because you’ve known him since his drunk MIT days.” Bucky said, also sliding a box in Tony’s direction. 
“Oh, honey bear!” Tony exclaimed. “An AC/DC mixtape!” (“What is this, the 90’s?” was said by Peter in the background) “And their newest album!” (“They’re still releasing music?” Peter continued, more than a little drunk.”)
You stood up, “Okay, Pete. Time for bed, buddy. I’ll call May and let her know you’ll be home in the morning after breakfast.” You told him, taking him down to the room you and Tony had specifically set up for Peter for when you couldn’t pry the two of them from the lab with a Hulk. Trust me, you tried. 
Since you had taken off your stilettos hours ago, preferring to just wander around barefoot since you couldn’t sneak another pair of shoes in, it was only Peter who was stumbling down the hall, clinging onto you. When you got to his room, you realized that the only clothes in the drawers were from when this was your room, before you and Tony got together.
“Peter?” You asked softly.
He rolled his head towards you, slurring his words slightly. “Yeah, Mom?”
You smiled, looking fondly at the drunk boy you had come to see as your son. “We’ve gotta get you out of your fancy clothes, but the only clothes in here are mine. Is it okay if I go get you one of Tony’s shirts and a pair of sweatpants?”
“Of course!” He said excitedly. “I might never bring clothes to keep at the Tower if I get to wear Dad’s!” 
You chuckled softly, knowing that was exactly why he didn’t have any here yet. You’d make sure you picked some up from May when you dropped him off tomorrow. “Can you stay awake until I get back?” You asked, knowing he’d be asleep by the time you got back anyways.
“Sure I can!”
“And can you take off everything but your boxers for me, bud?”
“Mhmm!” Peter said, nodding excitedly in agreement. “I’ll start right now for you, Mom!” He started fumbling through it, but got one shoe off before you left the room, walking back upstairs to get some of Tony’s clothes for the boy to wear.
“How is he?” Natasha asked, noting your return.
You laughed. “Very drunk. And without clothes in the room we set up for him, Tone. I’m gonna steal one of your shirts and a pair of sweats for him, ‘kay?”
“Anything for that kid. Did you get him down that easily?”
“He wasn’t out when I left. But he had started taking his shoes off so I could help him into some sleep clothes.” You called from the bedroom, rummaging around in the drawers. “And I’m gonna make him drink some water, and I’ll leave pain pills on the nightstand for him. Also, how the hell did you get him drunk? He has a faster metabolism than most people, he’s fucking Spiderman!”
“That was me.” Clint said, holding a shot glass. “Spider metabolism takes about 4 shots of tequila to overcome.”
Thor added, “And he was only slightly tipsy after that! He quite enjoyed the Asgardian mead that the Captain, Sergeant, and I were drinking!”
“You gave Peter alien alcohol?!” You and Tony exclaimed at the same time.
“It didn’t affect him all that much until the 3rd shot, and by that point he had had shots of rum and whiskey in his system too.” Loki told you, gauging your reactions.
“You mixed alcohol in my kid?!?” Tony exclaimed.
You closed your eyes, feeling a headache coming on just from the sheer stupidity of the Avengers when they’re tipsy. “I’m gonna send May a text that Peter’s sleeping over. And J?” You asked.
“Yes, Mrs. Stark?”
“Will you remind whoever drops Peter off to pick up clothes for him to keep here when he sleeps over?” You asked, quickly making your way back to Peter, knowing now why he was so drunk.
“Of course, Mrs. Stark.” JARVIS said, his voice following you as you moved through the hallways.
“Mom! You’re back!” Peter said, still slurring his words but in his boxers sitting right where you left him.
You walked over to him and passed him the clothes. “I’m back, bud. And I’m so proud of you for doing what I asked. I know that must’ve been tricky in this state.”
“I couldn’t figure out the buttons on my shirt.” He admitted, throwing Tony’s Led Zeppelin shirt over his head. 
“Hey, that’s okay. It happens when you’re drunk.” You passed him a glass of water once he had the sweatpants on too. “Can you drink this for me?”
He took the glass from you and sipped at it slowly. “Sure I can.” He smiled. “This tastes better than what Mr. Barton and Mr. Thor were giving me.”
“This is better for you.” You told him, rubbing his back.
“Mom, I don’t feel so good.”
“What’s wrong?” You asked, still softly rubbing.
Peter bolted towards the bathroom. “I think I’m gonna puke!” He said, leaning over the toilet.
“J, call Tony please.” You said, kneeling beside him and rubbing his back.
Tony burst into the room, “What’s wrong?!”
“Pete feels very nauseous right now.” You explained calmly and softly, in an attempt to calm your husband.
It worked. “Oh, okay.” You stood as Tony knelt with Peter, rubbing his back and sitting quietly with him. “I know you don’t do so well with puke, sweetheart.”
“Thank you, Tone.” You told him, kissing his forehead and refilling Peter’s glass. “Get him to drink some more water, maybe it’ll flush it out of his system a little.” 
“Can you tilt your head this way for me, bud?” 
Peter lifted his head and turned it towards Tony. “Sure can, Dad.”
“Drink a little of this for me? It should help you feel better.” Tony said, heart warming at being called Dad.
“Yeah. Okay. Can you help?” Peter tilted his head back a little and Tony slowly poured some water into Peter’s mouth.
“Swallow.” He said.
While the two of them were doing that, you were grabbing a bottle of Tylenol to leave on Peter’s bedside as well as a pair of sunglasses, knowing how bright the tower feels when you’re hungover.
After Tony got Peter to brush his teeth, and drink some more water, you refilled his glass and you both tucked him into bed, kissing his forehead. “Goodnight, kiddo.” Tony said, turning off the lights.
“Goodnight, Mom. Goodnight Dad.” Peter said, snuggling deeper into the covers.
“Goodnight, bud.” You told him, shutting the door softly behind both of you.
As you and Tony walked back upstairs, he had a question for you. “So, what’s my present from you, sweetcheeks?”
“Wouldn’t you like to know?”
“I very much would.” He said, pinning you lightly to the wall.
“Back to the penthouse bedroom, Tone.” You panted out softly, his cologne overwhelming your senses after not being able to be near him much today. “Please, c’mon, private gift, Tone.”
After you said that, Tony dragged you upstairs, barely allowing you to take off your jewelry before he was sucking hickies on your neck. “Please tell me the gift is you, sweetheart.” He growled against your pulse point.
“Yeah, Tone, it’s me! The gift is me, but you don’t you dare rip this fucking dress.” You cried, tangling your fingers in his hair. Tony unzipped the back of your dress, telling JARVIS to turn on the “Do Not Disturb” protocols until at least 8AM. You hadn’t had nearly as much to drink as everyone else, so you were going to make everybody hangover breakfast and coffee.
Pulling the dress off of you, Tony threw you on the bed, and you bounced slightly towards the headboard. You turned and crawled up towards it, giving him a full view of your ass, and what was written on the lingerie. “Oh, so this is my present.” Tony said, smirking as he captured your lips in a kiss. “I get to have my name across your ass while I’m fucking you. Is that what you want, sweetheart?”
“Yes!” You yelled as he left hickies down your throat and tits. He slipped two fingers in you while marking up your torso, knowing that if you couldn’t take them yet, he’d have lots of fun opening you up to take his cock. “Oh God, Tony, please don’t stop.”
“I would never, sweetheart.” He said, sucking a mark right below your belly button. As Tony kept fingering you, he swirled his tongue quickly around your clit, working you up to the edge even quicker. Tony loved when you came before he was even inside of you.
“Oh, Tony, please- I- fuck, close, Tone!” Your brain was turning to goo, and from previous experiences, you knew Tony was going to fingerfuck you straight through your first orgasm of the night.
You were right. “Cum for me, my sweet Y/N.” He whispered softly in your ear, rubbing your clit quickly with his thumb while he was still fingering you. “Princess, just let go.”
And that was what did it. All the tension that had been building up released all at once, leading you to one of the best orgasms of your life. And Tony fingerfucked you through it, stimulating you even more and working you up to your next orgasm. When he retracted his fingers, though, you let out a small whimper, which caused Tony to chuckle and you to blink your eyes open, not knowing when you had shut them. You watched as Tony stuck his fingers covered in your cum in his mouth and licked them off.
“You taste so good for me, sweetheart. I could eat you out all goddamn day. But I won’t. You know why?” You shook your head. “I wanna fuck this pretty pussy of yours that you have all dressed up for me for my birthday. How lucky am I to have such a loving wife that knows I have everything I want?” He tapped your hips in a way that you knew meant ‘roll over’ and did so.
“What are you gonna do to me, Tone?” You asked softly. You weren’t nervous or anything, you just really liked hearing all the shit that was gonna come out of his mouth. You liked hearing how he was gonna fuck you, and he knew it. As always, he turned the dial to 11.
Pulling you up onto your knees, Tony twisted your head so you weren’t face down in the pillows. “I’m gonna hold you up like this, even though I know your legs are jelly from that orgasm, and I’m gonna fuck your pretty little pussy while staring at my name on your ass. Because you’re fucking mine, right, sweetheart?” He asked, slowly thrusting into you and burying himself to the hilt.
“Oh, God, yes! I’m all yours Tony! Just don’t stop!”
“That’s right. Nobody else’s name is on that ass of yours. Nobody else sees their name on that ass of yours. Mine.” Tony said, lightly biting the back of your shoulder.
You rested your forehead on your hands. “Don’t wan’ nobody else! Just you! Fuckin’ love you, Tony! Never loved anybody like I love you!” You said, having found enough strength to thrust your hips backwards in time with his thrusts.
“Oh, God, Y/N, sweetheart. Fuck, yes. I’m gonna cum. Can I cum inside of you, sweetheart? Don’t wanna wreck this new set of yours already.”
“Don’t wreck it! Just cum in me, Tone!” You screamed in pleasure as you felt him thrust as deep into you as he could, stopping and pulsating. The feeling of him cumming inside of you triggered your second orgasm. 
What you guessed was a few minutes later, but was actually probably just seconds, you heard Tony say, “Make a sound or move something if you can hear me, sweetheart.” You knew you had screamed your voice out, so you did your best to tap the index finger on your dominant hand. “Okay, I’m gonna pull out now, is that okay?” He asked. You tried to nod in response, but had no idea if you had actually succeeded until you felt Tony pull out. “Oh fuck,” he groaned. “God, it’s just spilling out of you. That’s so fucking hot, sweetheart. I wish you could see this.”
“Take a picture.” You croaked.
“Okay, sweetcheeks.” Tony said softly. “But after, we’re getting you into a bath and out of this lovely fucking set of lingerie. Next time I’m cumming all over your tits.” He told you, taking a picture and picking you up. JARVIS had starting running a bath at the perfect temperature, as he always did after you two had sex, and Tony carefully placed you on the toilet so you could pee, he was not letting you get a UTI.
“Happy birthday, Tone.” You whispered, snuggling back against his chest once the two of you were situated in the bath with some epsom salts.
He kissed the top of your head softly, “Thank you for making it the best birthday, sweetheart. I love you.”
“I love you too,” you responded, drifting off in the tub, not for the first time.
The next morning, you woke up wrapped in Tony’s arms. This was very unusual since Tony was always up in the lab hours before you woke up. You actually weren’t sure if you had woken up next to Tony since your honeymoon. You rolled over and nuzzled further into his chest, wanting to enjoy this for as long as you could.
“Honey? Are you awake?” Tony’s morning voice resonated against the ear you had pressed against his chest.
“If I say yes, does that mean you’re gonna get up?” You mumbled, really just wanting to snuggle with your husband in bed.
He wrapped his arms tighter around you, “Not if you don’t want to. I like cuddling.”
Of course, since the two of you could never have a moment’s peace, JARVIS started speaking. “Mrs. Stark, you said you were going to make “hangover breakfast” for the Avengers. And they’re all in their rooms, with the blackout curtains shut, whimpering about the amount of light.”
“One morning in bed with my husband, is that too much to ask?” You asked, rolling away from Tony and sitting up.
“Apparently.” Tony said, rolling out of bed to grab clothes for you both.
“J, will you start the coffee machine?” You got up and brushed your teeth before getting dressed in the clothes Tony picked out for you and doing the rest of your morning routine. “Tony?”
He poked his head into the bathroom. “Yeah, hon?”
“Can we have tomorrow morning in bed to cuddle?” You asked, pouting slightly.
“Anything you want, sweetheart.” He kissed your cheek and wrapped his arm around your waist as you walked into the penthouse kitchen together. 
You grabbed out everybody’s individualized mugs that Tony had gotten for Christmas last year and set them all out at the table while Tony grabbed the cream and sugar so you could personalize everybody’s coffee for them. Steve took his black, it’s the way he had always drank it, and he wasn’t changing that. Bucky took his with so much cream that you were pretty sure it was actually coffee flavoured cream in the mug. Natasha’s mug had a lid so that nobody could actually see the colour of her coffee, especially since everybody assumed she took it black, but she had the homemade equivalent of a latte in that mug. Clint’s also had a lid because everybody assumed he took his like a latte, but he really drinks it black. He grew up in the circus and has 3 kids. That shit doesn’t need sugar or cream, he’s drinking it to stay alive. Tony and Bruce both drank so much coffee that theirs was essentially black by the end of the day due to refills, but they both start with a decent amount of cream and sugar so that they feel like it lasts them the whole day. Thor has a sweet tooth, that should explain everything about his coffee, sugar but no cream. Loki also has a lid, for while everyone would assume he likes black coffee, there’s a decent amount of cream in there. Wanda and Pietro both take their coffee with a bit of cream and a bit of sugar, no overboard in either direction. Sam didn’t really care, as to him, coffee is coffee, it doesn’t matter what you do to it as long as it still tastes like coffee. And Peter.. you had never seen Peter use his mug for anything but hot chocolate.
“Tone?” You asked, still fixing up Sam’s mug of coffee. “How does Peter take his coffee?”
“Oh, with- J, how does Peter take his coffee?”
“Two cream, one sugar, sir.”
You chuckled, fixing up Peter’s mug in the way JARVIS said he liked. “How did we not know that?”
“I’ve never seen him drink coffee before.” Tony said, wrapping his arms around you while you started frying up some bacon and sausage.
“Me neither. I’ve never seen him use the mug for anything other than those gourmet hot chocolates that he makes here because we can afford your fancy ass caramel.”
Tony hummed in agreement and started swaying while you were still cooking, kissing the back of your head. “Can I have a real kiss, N/N? I haven’t had one all day!” He exclaimed.
“Oh, honey. Did I forget about you this morning?” You asked, teasingly. “Are you gonna die if you don’t get a sufficient number of kisses before breakfast?”
“Yes!” He whined, teasingly. “I’m just wasting away here, can’t you see?”
You chuckled, knowing what would happen if you gave in and gave Tony a real kiss. “You know why I can’t, Tone.”
“No, N/N, you have to either kiss or tell.” He said, kissing just under your ear.
“If I give you a kiss now, you’ll turn it into a full blown make-out session and I’ll burn breakfast.” You deadpanned while flipping bacon. 
“No I won’t! You have no proof!” He said, dramatically.
You reached over and grabbed some eggs out of the fridge, some more greasy protein wouldn’t hurt a hangover. “Tony, that’s what happened last week.”
“I’m a changed man!” Tony exclaimed, pouting and sitting on the counter next to you.
“I hope you haven’t changed too much from the man who fucked my brain out last night, because I would very much like that to happen again.”
“No fucking in the kitchen, Stevie doesn’t like that language.” Bucky said, sitting in front of where you had placed his mug.
“One time!” Steve exclaimed. “And you weren’t even around when I said it, Buck!”
Bucky laughed, sipping at his coffee before raising it towards you in a silent cheers. “News travels fast, Stevie. Now sit down, drink your coffee, and shut up.”
“Alright, gentlemen, calm down. How do you like your eggs? And what do you like in them?”
As everyone trickled in, sat in front of their coffees, and gave you their breakfast orders, they slowly nursed their headaches while you and Tony shared more banter. Peter was the last one to stumble in, wearing the sunglasses you left for him, though his eyes were shut.
“Here, bud.” You said, sliding the coffee across the counter towards him. “How ya feelin’?”
“Like that time Vulture dropped part of a building on me.” He said softly, sipping the coffee you had made him before adding more cream to it. “Thanks for the coffee, Mom.”
You smiled, turning back to the stove. “No problem, kiddo. How do you like your eggs, and what do you like in them?” Receiving the last breakfast order, you started plating up some bacon and sausage, as well as the first few eggs you cooked. “J, add eggs, bacon, sausage, coffee, cream, and sugar to the grocery list, please.” You said, sliding plates to Bucky and Steve. 
“Of course, Mrs. Stark.” JARVIS said, showing the items on a list on the fridge.
“Can I have my kiss now, sweetheart?” Tony asked, pouting on the counter where you left him. 
“Oh, Tone. One kiss?” You asked.
“One kiss, I promise.”
“And I’m not going to burn breakfast?”
“One kiss, I promise.” He repeated.
You shook your head, chuckling again and sliding more plates down the island. “No kisses until there’s nothing left to burn, Tony.” You handed him a plate. “Sit and eat.”
Tony sighed as you kept passing out breakfast to everybody, not sitting yourself until Peter had his plate. “Thank you for the best birthday ever, sweetheart.” He said, giving you his puppy dog eyes.
“You’re welcome, Tone.” You told him, kissing his cheek.
“All that and I don’t even get a real kiss?” Tony complained, stabbing a sausage with a fork. 
You grabbed his cheeks and tilted them in your direction, so he was facing you, and pulled him in for a kiss. “Every birthday will be better than the last. But if you’re real good today, that wasn’t the only present I got you.”
Tony’s eyes widened with the implication. “There’s more?!”
You smirked, kissing him again. “Only if you’re good, Tone. There’s only more if you’re good.”
“Who else did you get?”
“Fuck around and find out.” You said, finally eating your own food and causing Natasha and Wanda to laugh with the implication. 
I am so sorry that it took so long for me to write this, y’all! But it’s finally done, I hope y’all enjoyed that little FRIENDS reference in there, and yeah, I really just hope you liked it.
189 notes · View notes
rebelwrites · 2 years
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It’s been a while since I did this but here we go.
But the 3 word prompt - 100 word drabbles are still open for:
Jax Teller
Clay Spenser
Thor Odinson
And now
Charles Leclerc
11 notes · View notes
holylulusworld · 8 days
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Summary: Thor doesn’t think you‘re a good friend to his brother.
Pairing: AU!Thor Odinson x fem!Reader, AU!Loki Laufeyson x fem!Reader (platonic/best friends)
Warnings: past addiction, mentions of drug abuse/addiction (Loki), angst, classism, Thor being an ass, BBF trope, mentions of spiked drinks
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Thor doesn’t think you‘re a good friend to his brother and won’t stop telling you, his parents, and Loki so. 
You’re not rich, and don’t come from a wealthy family. You’re just you, and that is not enough in Thor’s eyes.
“How can you believe she wants to be your friend,” Thor’s voice booms through the hallways. You sigh and try to focus on work, not the fact that the brute is yelling at your friend again. “You’re blinded by lust!”
“Y/N and I are only friends. I know you cannot be around a woman without getting between her legs, but I cherish my friendship with Y/N. Stop trying to ruin our bond.”
“Bond,” the blonde snorts when you step out of your office to come to Loki’s aid. “Ah, there she is. The she-devil.”
“What is going on here?” You glare at Thor, not afraid of the tall man. He’s much taller than you and easily towers over you. “People try to work here, Mr. Odinson.”
“He tried to ruin our friendship again,” Loki defensively says. He moves closer to you, seeking your closeness. He’s still not out of the woods, and the confrontations with his brother do him no good.
You straighten your back and try to look taller while glaring at Thor. “I know you cannot understand that people want to be friends, but this doesn’t mean you can argue with your brother about our friendship all the time. This is ridiculous. Why do you hate the fact that Loki is my friend? There is no harm in being friends with me.”
“Says you,” Thor huffs as he eyes you up and down. “I know exactly what you are up to. Loki is just too blind to see who you truly are.”
You gently take Loki’s hand when he starts fidgeting next to you. He needs someone to help him with his insecurities and not fall back into old patterns.
Drug addiction is a dead end. If you don’t find a way back out, you are stuck. Loki is doing well. You’re a big help and the constant he needs to stay clean.
Thor doesn’t get that you are Loki’s anchor when the world gets too much again.
“How about we get you something to eat, darling,” you wrap one arm around Loki’s shoulder to guide him toward your office. “My office is a haven. Don’t worry. You’re safe, and I won’t let anything happen to you.”
Thor watches you guide his brother away from him with angry eyes. One day, he’ll find a way to get rid of you.
He doesn’t care that Loki and his father think highly of you. Thor Odinson swore to himself to remove you from his brother’s life, and he won’t stop until he succeeds.
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“Son, I won’t argue with you again. Y/N is a hard-working woman. She’s smart, eloquent, and always professional. Stop trying to make her a bad person,” Odin warns one last time. Thor tried, once again, to get you fired.
“I do not trust her. Father, she’s not like us. I know there is something wrong with her. Why would she want to be friends with Loki during his darkest times if not to take advantage of him and his vulnerability.”
“I’m right here,” Loki rises from his seat to glare at his brother. “I’ve been clean for almost a year. Y/N was one of the reasons I did not have a relapse. She’s a good person and a kind soul. Stop being a classist!”
“I’m not a classist!”
Loki pants heavily. “YES YOU ARE!” 
“Sons!” Odin slams his fist onto the table. “Thor, stop right there. Do not go any further.” Odin’s features soften seeing Loki’s hand tremble. “Loki, we believe you. Y/N is a good person and she’s always welcome here.”
“Thank you, father,” Loki nods before he turns to leave the room. “Please excuse me. I lost my appetite.”
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“Morning darling,” you try to cheer Loki up. He told you about the scene Thor made during dinner. “I got you breakfast and the tea you like some much.”
“You’re the best,” he grins and takes the offered tea. “I’m sorry for chewing your ear off last night. I know I can be…too much.”
“Loki,” you cup his chin with one hand, “let me stop you right there. We are friends. You’re never too much. If you want to talk, even if it’s two am, come over or give me a call. That’s what friends are good for.”
Thor watches you run your hand up and down Loki’s arm. He squares his jaw and huff.
“Only friends. Who are you trying to kid, woman…”
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Thor feels like he defeated a dragon. He crosses his arms over his wide chest and smirks as he watches your downfall.
Odin didn’t waste time. He’d do anything to protect Loki. Even if it means to fire one of his best and most reliable employees. 
It took one old picture to ruin your life. Thor didn’t let up until he finally found something he could use against you.
A snapshot of you, stoned and barely awake as you hold a drink in your hands. To anyone else, it’s a girl partying during college. To Odin, it’s a picture of a woman bringing drugs and alcohol into his drug-addicted son’s life.
Your ears ring from the yelling you received from Odin. He called you an addict, and a bad influence. You don’t care that you lost your job. The only thing that pains you is that Odin forbids you to see Loki again.
“Are you done?” You coolly reply. “If so, you should know that I do not drink and that I didn’t take drugs. That’s a very old picture taken by someone I didn’t even know.”
“I cannot have someone like you near my son or at my company,” Odin regrets his harsh words, but Loki is more important than an employee.
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You angrily wipe your eyes while Thor watches you clean out your desk. 
This is it. He made it. You not only lost your job, but your friendship with Loki is over too.
His father will not allow you to keep in touch with his son. Not after his golden boy made him believe you’re a bad person. You knew the first time you met Thor Odinson that he would be your downfall.
“I knew you’re a bad influence,” he sneers when you look at him with teary eyes. “You’re tears and pout won’t work on me. I’m not my unstable brother eating out of your hands.”
“Do you think I care?” you choke on your tears. “Did you…” You take a deep breath. “Did you dig a little deeper? Did you find out that the picture was taken after some rich, entitled frat boy spiked my drink to show the poor and shy girl what happens when she turns his advances down?”
Thor blanches at your words. He doesn’t want to believe you, but your eyes give the truth away. “I—” It’s the first time the tall blonde is at a loss of words. He doesn’t have an answer or a comeback. 
What if he just destroyed your career and friendship with Loki over nothing? 
He was so blinded by his ignorance and jealousy that he did more than damage your career. Thor Odinson destroyed you completely. Your reputation and career lie in ruins all thanks to him. Everyone saw the picture you desperately tried to forget.
What’s past is past you told yourself whenever the memories flash back up. You tried to move past what happened back then and you believed, at least for a while, that you succeeded.
“Did you find out that I ended up in hospital, and that I only got lucky because a friend found me before that very same frat boy could finish his plan?”
“Why would he do this to you?” Thor’s tone is softer now. 
“Well, he was just like you. A rich boy who never heard the word no,” you throw the last knick-knack into the box and pick it up. “He believed he can tell me to suck his dick and I’d happily oblige. That guy didn’t get that I’m not the kind of girl seeking attention from guys like him.”
“Wait—if that’s true,” Thor touches your arm, but you shake his hand off. “I talk to Father and explain my mistake. We can figure something out.”
“Save it,” you huff. “He didn’t believe me. I was nothing but loyal to your father and the company. All I ever wanted was to do a good job and be a good friend to Loki. Just you know, I stopped Loki from taking drugs anytime life dragged him down. I hope he finds help soon.” You sniffle. “I’d hate to watch him fall for the poison again only because you made it impossible for me to be there for him.”
Thor swallows thickly when you storm out of your office. You brush past Odin and Frigga who heard every word you threw in Thor’s direction. They feel as guilty as their son when their eyes meet Thor’s blue ones.
“Is that true, son?” Odin questions while you walk away, holding your head high. You didn’t do anything wrong. All you ever did was to support Loki.
“I don’t know yet,” Thor hastily says. “I’ll find out and then…” he trails off watching you walk past your co-workers. None of them even says goodbye, even though, you’ve been there for them whenever someone needed help. “I’ll make amends.”
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A/N: Looking forward to your feedback
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Pairing: Loki x reader
Summary: Your first trip to Asgard
Warnings: Vomiting, fluff, angst
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You land on Asgard, clutching Loki's arm in a death grip. Your nails dig into the black leather of his jacket, knuckles white as you fight to keep down your breakfast.
At Loki's other side, Steve Rogers grasps Thor's shoulder to steady himself. Beside you, Director Fury stands almost entirely still, the only sign of movement a slight flapping of his coat.
"Welcome to..."
"I'm going to be sick," you cut off the gatekeeper, releasing Loki and running to spill the churning contents of your stomach off the bridge.
You look up and see a grand procession approaching from further down, their guilded armor bright in the morning sun. Leading the group are four warriors: a stunning dark-haired woman, a blonde with a charming grin, a stout soldier sporting wild facial hair, and an overly serious crusader.
You wipe your mouth, feeling better but still unsteady on your feet as you return to the circular chamber. "Sorry," you mutter.
"Don't worry about it," Steve says. "I was a mess on my first visit."
"Um, thanks." You don't really believe him.
"I am Heimdall," the golden god continues, unfazed by your interlude. "Gatekeeper of Asgard, protector of the Bifrost, and seer of all things."
At this point, the entourage arrives. "May I present Lady Sif, the Warriors Three and the Einherjar," Thor makes your introductions, noting that Rogers and Fury are already acquainted with the leaders.
Three horses are presented for your journey to the palace. You perch nervously at the front of your saddle, grasping the horn for dear life. Loki swings up gracefully behind you and reaches around to control the reigns.
"It's alright, darling," he coos, wrapping an arm snuggly about your middle. "Nótt is steady and true. He will deliver us safely, I guarantee it."
You take a breath, trying not to shudder or look beyond the bridge. "It's my first time."
"And you're doing splendidly," he hugs you closer and you begin to relax as you watch Steve cling to Thor's waist.
Fury kicks his steed to a trot, joining Hogun at the head of the group.
The five of you gather in an antechamber, preened and swathed in Asgardian finery. Rogers and Fury are called first, leaving to greet the court. After some time, you and Loki are announced.
He takes your hand, placing it around his arm before entering the grand golden hall. You walk side by side down the long aisle to the throne. Loki's steps are assured, his pace steady, honed jaw set in determination. The crowd claps respectfully, their observance subdued, even hesitant.
You reach the stairs below the throne and bend in a nervous curtsy. The prince gives his father a minimal bow; enough to show the necessary respect, but not a hair more.
"My son," Odin addresses Loki. You watch as his lip gives a slight twitch of irritation. "Welcome home."
"Father," comes the strained reply.
He then turns to the stately woman on your left. "Mother," he greets with a warm smile.
The queen comes to bestow a kiss on each of her son's cheeks. "It's so good to have your home." She turns to beam at you. "And you must be the gracious lady my sons speak so highly of!"
Loki provides your name and you exchange pleasantries with his parents before standing beside the queen, opposite Steve and Fury.
"Thor Odinson!" the herald bellows, followed by a roar of cheers and clapping from the crowd. The crown prince swings his hammer around, eliciting further excitement. You give Loki's hand a reassuring squeeze.
"Father! Mother," Thor greets as he approaches, kneeling before the throne. "It has been too long."
"Too long indeed," Odin beams with pride for his first born. "I fear that if it were not for these mandatory check-ins, I we would never see you."
"I was here only a month ago," Thor's brows draw together in confusion before he brightens like a lightbulb. "Loki and I will make a point to visit more often." The dark-haired bother exhales a measured breath beside you. You doubt he plans to follow though with that promise.
While the king reviews his youngest's contributions to Earth's safety, Queen Frigga invites you to tea.
Guiding you along a winding garden path, the matriarch asks how you and Loki are settling into your new space. She listens with interest to the explanation of your minimalist design preferences and methods taken to assimilate his more extravagant leanings.
Eventually you reach a grand birch tree. Beneath it sits a table set for two. A tiered tray boasts bite size sandwiches, petits fours, fruit, and madeleines. Small jars of curd, cream, jam, and honey surrounded it, with a heaping plate of scones and large pot of tea to complete the spread.
"I'm impressed to hear how well you collaborate with my youngest," Frigga comments as she pours your tea. "He's not always the most amiable, but he's unfeigned when it comes to you."
You smile, adding cream to cool your steaming china cup. "I think people rely too much on first impressions. Though impulsively acting superior when he feels insecure doesn't exactly help matters."
The queen nearly spills her tea, covering a smile. "That's quite an astute observation."
As your meal comes to a close, Loki appears. "I take it you're becoming better aquainted?"
"We are indeed," Frigga confirms. "I'm so glad you've finally introduced us."
"Mother," Loki smiles, "you know you're always welcome to visit Midgard."
"Maybe we should make a formal invitation?" you suggest.
Your trio walks slowly back to the palace, discussing potential opportunities for the king and queen to visit New York. A pattern forms with Loki suggesting inconsequential dates, and Frigga being forced to "remind" him they're during occasions that require the Alfather's presence onworld.
Tags in comments because I got trigger-happy posting this one 😆
Before you part ways, Loki stops a passing servant and requests they show you to his chambers, noting he requires a moment alone with his mother. You say your goodbyes to the queen until supper and her son assures he'll join you imminently.
Next Chapter
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candy girl 2
Warnings: this fic will include elements, some dark, such as cheating, age gap, noncon/dubcon, and other untagged triggers. Please take this into account before proceeding. It is up to curate your online consumption safely.
Summary: as you’re about to take the next step with your boyfriend, doubts begin to arise. (short!plus!reader)
Characters: Thor (boyfriend’s dad/silverfox)
Author’s Note: Please feel free to leave some feedback, reblog, and jump into my asks. I’m always happy to discuss with you and riff on idea. As always, you are cherished and adored! Stay safe, be kind, and treat yourself. <3
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You sit on Magni’s bed, your back to the wall as the noise of an engine revving comes from the sound bar vibrating under the large television at the other end of the room. He hunches over the controller as he races his digitized foes and you try to see the race around him. You’re dead board and all that grease is making you sleepy. 
You yawn and check the time, looking for some segue to get out of there. He swears at the screen and throws the controller, giving you a start. He’s so wrapped up in that game, he might not even notice if you just left. 
“Woah, Mag, it’s just a game,” you sit forward with a nervous giggle and eyes the screen, “second isn’t too bad.” 
“Second won’t get me the trophy,” he sneers. 
You get on your knees and crawl across the bed, reaching for him. As you touch his shoulder, he stands kicks the rolling chair by his gaming desk. You wince and sit back on your heels. 
“Mag, chill out,” you whine. 
“Don’t tell me to fu--” 
“Getting late,” Mr. Odinson’s voice cuts through his son’s as he pushes the door fully ajar. You made sure to keep it halfway open.  
“Uh, yeah,” you turn and bounce across the bed, thankful for the interruption. When Magni gets like this, he’s scary. And for what? Some Forza? “I should head out.” 
“Mm, driving home in the dark isn’t very safe,” Mr. Odinson comments, “you don’t have to go.” 
You flick your lashes and give a strained smile, glancing over at Magni. You’re definitely not bold enough to stay the night with his father there. You search around and grab your bag from where it hangs from a dresser knob. 
“Really, I should just head out,” you insist, “you two, enjoy the leftovers.” 
“Well, er, I made up the couch in case...” Mr. Odinson begins and shrugs with one arm, “I just thought, well, you’ve worked all day and--” 
“God, dad, you’re lame,” Magni puffs, “she can just stay in here.” 
You yawn and your hips ache. You can feel a day of driving throbbing at the base of your spine. You don’t really want to make the thirty-minute drive home. The couch is a happy medium. 
“Really, thanks, .” you stammer, “if you don’t mind, I will crash on the couch. Gotta be out early though.” 
“Great,” he drops his hand, “you know where everything is.” 
“Dad,” Magni groans, “why are you even here?” 
“Love you too, son,” Mr. Odinson scoffs. 
“Um, I’m tired, so I’ll...” you look around, “I’ll lay down. Night, Mag.” You cross the room to offer him a kiss and he rolls his eyes. He leans down and you peck his cheek, turning back as Mr. Odinson looks conveniently at the floor. “Alright, uh, good night then.” 
You go out into the hall as Magni grumbles and you hear the noise of him exiting the end screen to start another race. He hardly seems to care about anything beyond his X Box. You trod down to the front room and see the couch neatly made up with a sheet across the cushions, two pillows, and a quilt.  
“Wow, thanks,” you say as you put your purse on the end table, “awesome, Mr. Odinson.” 
You pull back the blanket and sit, still in your uniform, and stretch your neck. You look at Mr. Odinson as he watches you and give a sheepish grin. Is he expecting something? 
“Um, right,” he claps his hands, “I was going to offer, if you needed, something to sleep in? I think one of my shirts might fit.” 
You look down at yourself then at him. You shrug. Probably. He is a pretty big guy. 
“If you don’t mind, but I can manage,” you assure him. 
“Not at all,” he assures and trots off. 
You stand as he leaves the room and take off your belt, easing the pressure around your middle. You’re stiff all over. You fish your phone out of your bag and check the time. The battery is about to die. You find your charge and bend over the side of the couch to reach the plug behind the end table. You groan and strain until you manage to hook the prongs into the socket. 
You stand and brace your lower back. As you turn around, Mr. Odinson is right there. You wince and let out a strange hiccup in surprise. 
“Oh, I didn’t hear you,” you trill, “thanks, Mr. Odinson.” 
You take the shirt as he offers it. 
“You know you can call me Thor,” he intones, “you’ve been around long enough.” 
“I know, it’s... habit, I guess,” you clutch the shirt to your stomach.  
“I’ll, er, leave you to it then,” he backs up, “you know where to find me if you need anything.” 
“Sure,” you smile and sit down again, stifling another yawn as you tuck your chin down. 
“Good night, little one,” he drawls and slowly stalks off, his footsteps creaking down the hardwood. 
You wait until you can’t hear him then unfold the shirt. It’s a light weight fabric with a logo on the left side of the chest. Probably one of many. Usually, when you come around, he’s on his way to some gym session or he’s in the basement beating the boxing bag. At his age, he’s a lot more active than you or your peers.  
You peel off your uniform shirt and groan as you unhook your bra. Your chest drops heavy and your massage it for a moment. You pull on the fresh shirt and undo the button of your fly, letting out a sigh. Much better. 
You reach behind you and shut off the lamp, the house growing dark. You lay down and let yourself deflate. Oh, that’s a nice couch. It’s even better than your bed at home. Everything about the Odinsons’ is nicer; quieter, too. 
You jostle onto your side and nestle into the cushions, tucking a hand under the pillows. The stretch in your back muscles feels nice as you bend your legs, one hip popped up as you poke a knee out from under the blanket. 
Your eyes close and you welcome the scratchy fatigue that makes your lashes cling. Sleep always comes easily. You’re usually too tired to think and your dreams unfurl in a surreal repetition of reality. You can hear yourself snoring but don’t rouse at the low rumbling. 
It isn’t until the pressure settles in your bladder that your eyes open. You’re on your back, the weight of your chest throbbing in your spine. Oof, you don’t usually sleep like that. You pull down your shirt as it’s ridden up your stomach and the blanket pools around your feet, messed in your deep slumber. 
You push yourself up and stagger to your feet. You rub your eyes as you come down the hall, the darkness pulsing around you. You look up as you hear the hardwood creak but find the space empty. You near the bathroom and drag your feet inside. 
You close the door and tend to your full bladder. As you come back out, you’re hardly more awake. You hear snoring coming from Magni’s room. It must be pretty late if he’s asleep. 
A light flicks on, nearly blinding you. You blink over at the open archway into the kitchen. Mr. Odinson’s naked back faces you as he pushes a glass against the fridge filter and the water flows out.  
His back is thickly muscled above the waistband of his grey pajamas and a little bit of extra doughiness bulges over the sides. His arms are corded and rounded with strength and his grey hair fans over his broad shoulders. He hardly seems small before the fridge as he leans and drinks the water thirstily. 
You tear your intrusive gaze away and head back to the living room. You pull the quilt up as you recline, your pulse thumping behind your ears. You don’t know why. That moment just felt strange. Like you shouldn’t have seen him. 
You close your eyes and hum, rolling onto your side once more. The floor creaks and you open your eyes. You yelp as a shadow stands in the doorway. The light flicks on in the hall and Thor stands in its sheen, giving a toothy grin. 
“Didn’t mean to frighten,” he still has the glass in hand, “came down to get water and was just checking in.” 
“Mm, okay, thanks,” you utter and hug the blanket around, “just surprised me is all.” 
“Sorry,” he chuckles, “sleep tight, little one.” 
He flips the light off again and you listen to his departure, his feet taking each step decisively. Your adrenaline continues to flow through you. Or maybe you ate too many garlic knots. 
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sweetiecutie · 2 years
Pairing: Loki Odinson x fem! Reader
Warnings: NSFW, size kink (I mean, this man is literally 6’4🙄), tummy bulge, bit of overstim, cumplay if you squint
A/n: sorry for being inactive bubs, my sister got in a bad fight w/ her boyfriend and he left the country and took all their shared money savings with him, refusing to pick up his phone, and it was pretty fun to watch. Hope you enjoy this writing💖
Loki was stressed and tired. Tired of always having to maintain the image of calmness and prudence suitable for a member of a royal family. Of his father always underestimating him, instead preferring the older of his two sons. Of said older son aka his brother Thor, overly confident in himself and his abilities which always leaded to him getting into big troubles, at the same time throwing tantrums at every smallest inconvenience
All he needed was some stress relief and you happened to be more than willing to help him out. That’s how you ended up huddled on his huge bed, body rocking with every brutal thrust of his hips, dick plunged deeply inside of your quivering heat, writhing orgasm after orgasm from your shuddering body
You’re laying on your back with Loki settled comfortably in between your opened wide legs, strong hands firmly pinning you down to the mattress, keeping you in one place. Your skin is shiny with sweat, you can feel Loki’s cum drying on your thighs and chest, bringing a slight shriveling feeling but you couldn’t care less. You run your fingers up his sides lovingly, caressing his soft skin with light touches. Your hands come up to man’s shoulders, resting there, digits play with his silky black hair
- Keep your hands up, - Loki rasps breathily in between deep thrusts, forcing his huge cock inside your squelching pussy, slipping out until only the tip is left inside and then slamming his whole length back in. His grip on your hips is firm, long pale fingers dig into the plushy skin, surely leaving dark marks in their wake
- But I wanna touch you, - you whine weakly, lips jutting out into a little pout as you look pleadingly at your lover
Ferocious rutting of Loki’s hips comes to a halt; tall man crouches over, his face is hovering right above yours intimidatingly, noses almost touching as his dark obsidian eyes glare into yours coldly, his long silky hair frames his thin features, stray locks fall down onto your cheeks and neck, tickling sensitive skin there
- I said keep your hands up, - Loki says quietly, putting heavy emphasis on each word. His voice is low and husky, sternness of his tone almost makes you shrink as long-haired man keeps staring down at you admonishingly, daring you to defy his order
You swallow heavily, doing as you’re being told, putting your hands off your lover’s broad shoulders, obediently resting them on a mattress right above your head. Loki hums in approval, resuming the jutting of his hips, plunging his dick in and out of the snug sheath of your cunny. Delicious drag of his throbbing shaft against your velvety walls makes your back arch up in pleasure, eyes flutter closed at the strong sensation
- Good girl, - black-haired murmurs sweetly, thin lips curl into a mischievous smirk and the quick change of his demeanor makes you mind go fizzy, the bottom of your stomach tingles slightly at the praise
He hooks his hands under your bent knees, yanking you towards himself what causes his dick to nudge deeper into your sopping cunt; thick cockhead hits your cervix just right, stretching you out to your limit. You let out a wail of pleasure, eyes rolling back into your skull
- Fuck, doll, just look at that. You’re so small, barely fit me in. I can see my cock moving inside that pretty pussy of yours, - Loki murmurs softly, airy chuckle leaves his throat. His right hand lets go of your hip, resting on your belly instead, slim fingers trail abstruse patterns on the silky skin, causing goosebumps to break out
You rise your head a little, peering down at where your bodies connect and you finally understand what he is talking about. On your lower stomach, right beneath your navel, there is a distinguishable swelling forming every time Loki ferociously slams his cock in your drooling pussy, his fingers tracing the outline of his dick in your tummy. He notices your intense gaze and buries himself inside you to the hilt, stilling his thrusts and staying motionlessly, allowing you to have a better look at what is going on
You mewl thickly when Loki presses his thumb especially hard against the bulge, your head falls back onto the plushy mattresses and man resumes his movements, slanting his hips into yours deliciously, balls hitting your ass with loud smacking sounds that rock the air of the chambers along with your breathy moans and cries of pleasure
You feel your orgasm quickly approaching as Loki’s dick drags along every sweet spot inside of your pulsing walls; the hand that was previously massaging your tummy slides a bit lower, deft fingers rub and toy with your swollen clit, making you thrash in heavy pleasure underneath himself. You grip on the sheets above your head, still not daring to move your hands from their position, thighs wrap around man’s lean torso, seeking some kind of support
Your stomach tightens as you get nearer and nearer to your release and finally, the dam within you breaks, flooding your whole being with a mind-blowing pleasure. It feels like pure electricity surges through your body and your tired muscles shudder violently, making Loki guffaw in excitement, planting light smack to your left thigh
The sight of you falling apart on his dick along with the hectic clutching of your walls pushes Loki closer to the edge; he keeps pummeling your squelching hole, chasing his own release, overstimulating your sensitive body with wide meaty thrusts, making you tremble underneath his bulky form. He pulls out, finishing himself in a few final strokes, releasing his perky cum all over your pubic and quivering pussy with a low groan
Loki swipes the head of his cock over your puffy glistening folds, smearing and smudging his cum all over them, making you jolt harshly at the contact with the overly sensitive nub of your clit, mean chuckle tumbles through his chest at your pathetic cry, your thighs tremble uncontrollably on each side of his body
He leans down, connecting his lips with yours in a lazy wet kiss, tongue slipping in your mouth easily, tangling with yours in a messy dance. You finally decide to move your hands from their position, resting them on top of Loki’s nape, drawing him in even closer to which he happily complies, almost laying on top of you
He breaks your kiss, a shiny string of your shared saliva connecting your lips. Your body sores from multiple rounds of sex and Loki runs his warm hands down your sides, resting them on the concavity of your waist, fingers softly rub your skin there. Black-haired peers into your eyes lovingly, mischievous smile tugs the corners of his lips upwards and he rasps breathily agains your lips, his words bring blush to your face:
- C’mon sweets, one more time. I know you can give it to me🤍
Likes, reblogs and comments are highly appreciated, they inspire me on creating even more content for you💖
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hunny-beann · 6 months
Desiderium II
Loki Laufeyson x f!Reader
<- Part I
Note: Thank you so much to everyone who left such kind feedback on the first part of this series! <3
Warnings: A little bit of angst, mentions of death/disappearances, a crazy amount of pining
Word Count: 6,170
It had all started well over one thousand years ago, when you and the now so well known god of mischief were but babes at the mercy of the wild world around you.
You, the daughter of a powerful and well sought after witch named Karliah and an experienced healer named Tal, born and raised for eight years within the woods of Asgard until destiny laid herself bare before you and stole you away.
A witchling by blood, and a strong one at that, your parents had brought you up with grace and dignity in mind, each passing day a new lesson, and each moment spent a gift, though one that sadly ended up being in low reserve.
Eight blessed years of life spent with two loving parents, before it was traded for a still well-loved, but slightly more lonely life with your aunt, whose adoration did not make up for your sorrows, but did keep you from going down the wrong path upon your loss.
'Abandoned' they had called you when your dear aunt moved you out of the woods and into the palace to live alongside her, 'Left behind', they'd said.
But deep down, nearly everyone knew the truth of the matter.
Karliah was no weak woman, and Tal no coward. If neither had come for their daughter within the first few days of their sudden absence, then surely something had come for them, something strong enough to harm the most powerful witch in the known realms outside of those found within the royal family.
Most shuddered at the thought of this, and stuck to the tall tales of your improper abandonment instead.
'Poor witchling, left to die, so lucky to have been brought in by the merciful hands of her aunt, the palace teacher, educator of the princes and all other royal manners of children, be them visitors or otherwise.'
Oh, and of course, you.
From eight onward, you had lived within the palace walls, wandering from corridor to corridor and exploring every available nook and cranny until you had all but mapped it out within your mind, branding this once so foreign place as your home with a childlike fondness.
And you had not done such a thing by your lonesome, had you?
No, of course not, for everyone knew of your friendship with the feeblest prince, little Loki Odinson, the magic bearer, the one who used his mother's feminine magic, the seidr, over that which had been deemed stronger by the many men of Asgard.
The boy cared not for his image after all, he was just a child, the second born son of a god, and thus not the one who would have to worry about succeeding the throne himself someday.
No, that duty fell to Thor, more brawn than brains, but oh so sweet, though he notably lacked the vast intelligence of his brother.
It was as if someone had cut the perfect child in twain and created some hilariously different duo to see what the Allfather might do.
And though he loved them both, it was clear that in Odin's eye, the brawn came before the brains nearly every single time.
So, while Thor had his expectations laid out before him upon his birth, Loki had spent his days wandering the halls with you, the little witchling and her trickster prince, bound together by adventure and some childlike wonder found only in the eyes of those who had yet to learn but craved so desperately to do so.
The two of you were as close as close could get, tugging each other along by the hand, whispering secrets into one another's ears, every day a new opportunity to amuse yourselves in spite of the boredom that seemed to surround the palace.
Though, notably, you seemed to be the most interesting character of all, and perhaps that had been what had drawn your trickster prince to you in the first place.
Your mother's daughter to be sure, just as she'd had prophetic visions, ones containing the future in bursts that she often controlled, you had something rather similar, though far less easily grasped.
You, Asgard's little witchling, had prophetic dreams randomly while deep within your slumber, something that you had learned shortly after taking up residence within the palace.
It made you miss your mother tremendously to have her powers, and you resented the lack of control that you had over them, but even so, as each passing dream came true, you found suddenly that you were far more useful to those around you.
You were able to say which one of two dinner options might be best for upcoming guests based upon visions you would see weeks prior to their arrival, and on more than one occasion, you had avoided being caught by straying away from the wrong hallways while on your adventures with your dear friend after having had a particularly useful dream a night or two beforehand
Loki, of course, so heavily fixated on his intense study of magic, was entranced by this naturally inherited power of yours, and would gladly spend hours hearing you talk about your visions, no matter how mundane.
Except after one dark evening, he found that you no longer wished to.
You had woken up pale, a sure sign of a vision the night before, one that the god of mischief, thirteen years old at the time, knew all too well.
He had greeted you enthusiastically, something that was not so uncharacteristic of him at that time, only to find that you did not wish to talk about what you had seen.
Something bad, he'd realized with a start, having never considered before the downside to a power such as yours.
Sure, your mother had been able to control hers in some ways, but yours could appear almost as nightmares to you, uncontrollable and painful, because in the end, waking up offered little relief.
It could still come true after all, more than likely would too.
Not a very fair situation for such a young witch to endure on her own.
So, he decided, you would not have to.
And thus, a promise had been made.
Under the blooming flowers of one of many beautiful trees in the queen's garden, you and the god of mischief locked your pinkies together in fealty.
You would no longer hide your visions, no matter how frightening, from your prince, and in turn, he would never lie to you, at least not on purpose.
It was a childish way to appease one another, but in the end, that promise was what ended up driving you onward far into the future.
In fact, that promise was why you had ended up in the Avenger's Tower in the first place, lying on the floor with an audience of heroes watching as the man who had once been your closest friend rushed toward you, falling to his knees close enough that he could touch you if only he reached out.
You had missed his touch more than that of anyone else throughout your many years of solitude, a fact which gnawed at you slightly when you thought about your aunt and the wonderful hugs she had once given, until the final one, which had oh so sadly been in farewell.
Still, even she could not top the feeling of being held by Loki Laufeyson, though back when he had still done so, he had been Loki Odinson to you, and to everyone that knew him.
It had been Loki Odinson who had danced with you at nearly every social event, Loki Odinson who had mastered the art of sneaking into your room each night, Loki Odinson who had held your hand sweetly since childhood as you'd wandered through paths yet untraveled by your feet, and Loki Odinson who had kissed you beneath that same tree which the two of you had made that binding promise under.
You could only hope, as you looked up at the man before you, that Loki Laufeyson was not so terribly different.
You were unsure if you could take another loss, after all, not after having been alone for so very long, yearning to see the face of the one you once loved, silently praying that he might find you somehow, back in that old cabin where the two of you had carved your names in your youth.
Over your one hundred or so years there, you had all but traced that carving raw, remembering what it had been like to have the god of mischief at your side.
There was no longing like that which you felt for Loki, and of that you were certain.
Even as he stared at you with such a wild expression that you almost wondered if he had gone mad at the sight of you after so many years, perhaps having long since thought you gone from him.
It would not be so strange, after all, that you would have died in the time that passed. As far as your dear Loki knew, you were but a witchling, your immortality fragile and preserved almost entirely by the safe life that you once had led in the palace alongside him until your "disappearance".
You almost shuddered to think about explaining all of that to him now, and wondered briefly in the back of your mind if any part of him blamed you for your sudden absence.
Had his father told him of all that had transpired? Had Thor? Or had your dear prince of Asgard been left to wonder what had become of you, assuming himself abandoned at your hand?
As you gazed up at his still so perfect features, taking in their persistent familiarity, you found that you could not tell.
That is, until he spoke up, voice husky and thick with what almost sounded like grief, or the impending weight of tears.
He repeated as if in disbelief, the familiar name causing you to freeze up instantly.
You stared, unable to move nor speak.
The entire room fell silent as everyone watched on in shock at the scene unfolding before them.
There, on the floor, having just fallen out of some magical hole in the wall, was a woman. The very same woman, in fact, that this small group of avengers had just seen smiling within Loki's hellishly realistic dream as the duo lovingly lived out their life together.
A life that had never existed.
A life that, according to the adopted son of Odin himself, never would.
Except he'd never anticipated this, had he?
No, they could see his surprise in the way he stared down at you, his hands hovering just inches away as if he were afraid you would turn to dust before his very eyes if he even dared touch you.
And maybe you would, it was hard to tell when one did not know, after all.
Hard to tell, indeed.
The silence persisted for several long moments, before finally, you spoke up.
"I-I found you,"
You began, a soft smile gracing your lips, though it notably did not erase the obvious exhaustion from your eyes,
"It worked."
Loki frowned at that, his eyebrows knitting with confusion as he remained on his knees before you, the god of mischief, so besotted and enamored by your presence that he would live upon his knees once more, for however long you so required.
A surprising sight, to be sure, at least for all who bore witness to it from the outskirts.
Though notably, you did not seem to pay it any mind, as if his almost pleading body language was a normal part of speaking with him that you had come to know so well.
Loki reached forward hesitantly, his fingers outstretched as if he were about to place his hand upon glass, and with another tired smile, you did the same, placing your smaller fingertips against his with a sense of ease that had the entire room outside of yourselves wondering what could possibly be going on in front of them.
Who were you? What were you doing here? How had you gotten here? And why was the god of mischief himself looking at you as if he'd seen a ghost?
Whatever answers they were seeking though, they did not find quite yet, not in the still pervasive quiet of that room you all inhabited.
Still, all watched on with immense interest as Loki's eyes widened at your touch, and he withdrew as if stung, expression morphing into one of confusion, pain, and longing all at once, all of these being emotions that few in this room had ever seen him experience before.
"What are you doing here?"
Loki asked cautiously as he lowered his hand back down to his side, watching with sharp eyes as you did the very same with a casualness that nearly made him shiver.
If this was not truly you, then it was a damn good copy, one that rivaled any of his own creation in the history of time itself.
You let out a shaky sigh, your smile somehow growing more exhausted each time that you wore it upon your face.
"I needed to find you. I know that it's been a long time, and that you probably won't have any idea what I'm talking about when I say this, but I made a promise, and I am bound not only by my word, or the title I was given, but also by my care for you to ensure that I keep it, no matter what."
You looked down toward the floor, clearly expecting Loki to overwhelm you with questions, having long since anticipated his reaction to a moment such as this one, especially since it had been so very long since your promise had been made...
But to your surprise, he only had one question to ask, one that had the entire room buzzing with quiet conversation and confusion, and your eyes alight with utter shock.
"You've had a vision?"
He asked gently, tone low and concerned, eyes seeking yours and clearly finding the answer he was looking for there within in instant.
You nodded anyway.
Loki turned immediately to the small crowd standing behind him, though he was most notably looking for Tony, his expression pleading for the very first time since he had been imprisoned within this realm.
"I apologize for the suddenness of my request, Stark, but might you have some available space for her to stay?"
He asked quietly, as if trying to keep their discussion private in spite of the crowd watching on curiously.
"I believe this conversation may take us some time..."
He trailed off, thankfully having his question answered before he had to elaborate any further.
"Uh yeah sure, there's an empty room two doors down from yours, have at it..."
Tony trailed off himself after a few moments, before finally he continued,
"Just uh, keep me updated, okay? I try to make it a habit to actually know the people who are staying on my property."
Loki offered the man a rather firm nod in response to his request, moving into a kneeling position and offering his hand to you, his fingers outstretched and his palm upturned,
"Can you stand, starlight?"
He murmured, and immediately you nodded, grasping onto the god's hand and pulling yourself to your feet just as he did the same, allowing the audience to truly see you for the very first time, though it was your clothing far more than your physical form that garnered their attention.
The cloak around your shoulders was a deep and stunning green adorned with familiar gold accents, though on the inside, it was dark and lined with what somehow looked to be a billion little gold stars lighting up a night sky. It was almost as if they twinkled even as you stood still, wrapping the fabric tighter around your neck as everyone seemed to stare.
"Follow me." Loki said quietly, letting go of your hand after a brief moment of hesitance, and though you nodded, taking a few short steps forward just as the god began to make his way toward the door, you did not make it nearly as far as he, instead having your eyes roll back suddenly before you pitched forward without warning, the sensation of a single strong arm wrapping around your waist from behind as voices sounded from all around you being the last sensation you felt before darkness closed in.
The next thing that you knew, you were waking up in an entirely unfamiliar room, in an equally unfamiliar bed with a soft groan of confusion and pain, your head throbbing and your bones aching in spite of your still relatively young age (as far as Asgardians went, that is).
Immediately, your eyes landed upon the god sitting in a chair beside you, his gaze unwavering yet somehow almost casual as he took in the sight of you once more.
How long had it been since he had seen you last? Over one hundred years at least, that was to be sure.
You gazed back at him, a pained groan leaving you just before you spoke,
"What happened?"
You asked, hearing the god of mischief hum from where he sat before he pushed a glass of water in your direction.
You took it eagerly, beginning to drink it in small and controlled sips.
"You over exerted yourself."
Loki said simply,
"Whatever it is that you did to get here nearly took every ounce of energy that you had."
His tone was disapproving as he spoke, but you chose to ignore it in favor of focusing a little bit too hard on your water in an effort to avoid him.
This was harder to do than you'd thought it would be, seeing him after all this time.
It didn't make it hurt any less, not even in spite of all the years that had passed, and you struggled not to stare at the way his hair still fell the same, and his clothing still looked so similar.
It did not appear as though either of you had changed in the slightest, and yet you knew for a fact that such a thing was not true.
"We both know that you were taught better than to risk your health for something foolish."
Loki said, his tone stern but his voice soft, as if he hadn't yet decided how he was supposed to address you.
You sighed in response, looking away at the subtle reminder of who exactly it had been that had worked so tirelessly to teach you better.
You did not dare allow yourself the opportunity to wonder what had become of her.
"We do."
You replied casually, though your tone betrayed your nerves, as did your fidgety body language.
"But this is far from foolish, I'm afraid."
You all but murmured, watching as your old friend leaned closer, urging you silently to continue,
So, you did.
You trailed off, briefly giving up before finally starting over again.
It was so hard to explain, all of this, all that had happened, but Loki deserved to know the truth, and if no one else would tell him, and you had made a promise, then who were you to deny him the knowledge that was so rightfully his?
You trailed off a second time as you watched the god of mischief flinch at the once familiar nickname, immediately causing you to clear your throat and try again.
"Loki, there is something that I have to tell you, and I want you to know that it was never my decision to keep it from you for this long. When I found out, I searched and searched all over for you, but Odin found me first, and there was nothing that I could do but flee..."
Loki looked down at you, confusion etched into each of his features,
"I do not understand."
He spoke,
"What does Odin have to do with the promise you once made to me? In what manner has he worked his way into this?"
You frowned, unable to meet the gaze of the being who had once been your best friend, and then almost so much more, as you finally spoke.
"Loki, Odin has everything to do with this, because it was he who banished me and made it impossible for me to find you for so long. He saw me as I was searching the palace for you, and could tell from my complexion alone that I'd had a vision..."
You trailed off for a moment, but Loki motioned for you to continue, his body language reminding you of the way that he had once so eagerly listened to the tales of your visions, his eyes always wide and his body always leaned in toward yours, as if he feared that he might miss something if he could not make out every little syllable and each individual pause.
Oh, how you missed those times with him.
Yet even so, instead of lingering upon those thoughts as you so wished to, you carried on.
"He could tell that I'd had a vision, yet when I would not tell him of what, and I insisted that I speak to you instead, he seemed to know immediately what I had witnessed, in spite of how hard I had tried to hide it."
Loki raised a questioning brow at you, his gaze still unwavering,
"So he knew what you saw and did not approve of you telling me?"
You nodded, but it seemed that Loki was not yet finished,
"Alright, that's easy enough to understand, but what does any of that have to do with this promise we made to one another? How did his knowing of your vision stop you from telling me of it for so long? And what could have possibly consumed you to waste so much energy on finding me just to keep your childhood promise after all of these years?"
You flinched slightly at the barrage of questions, but did your best to respond,
"I know this is complicated, but you have to understand, Loki, Odin never wished for you to know, and he was willing to do whatever he needed to in order to ensure that you didn't."
Loki sighed, dropping his head into his hand,
"And what exactly was it that you saw then, starlight? Do you intend upon enlightening me anytime soon?"
He was growing cross with you now, in that very same way he once had with his teachers when they did not give him the answers to his questions as directly as he wished.
He was still so hungry for knowledge, and you could not help but wonder what trouble that had gotten him into throughout your many years apart.
You placed your hand upon his, palm grazing the back of his hand more out of habit than anything else, though you did not move it even when he tensed, desperately wanting to believe that he still found something soothing within your presence, and that you had not lost him entirely, not when he still owned so very much of your heart and soul.
"I am going to tell you, Loki, why would I come here just to break my promise?"
You reasoned gently, watching as your dear god of mischief simply scoffed lightly before looking toward the ground, never one to admit it when he had overreacted.
"What I saw in my vision was no small revelation, and I want you to know that keeping it from you for so very long was never my intention."
You began, eyes growing desperate as you took both of the god's hands into your own, causing him to look up toward you once more,
"I was banished, Loki, never would I have chosen to betray you so otherwise, and I pray that you know that."
The god sitting before you pulled his hands away from yours at that, eyes growing weary, as if he was no longer certain that he could trust you.
It nearly shattered your heart to feel his touch be ripped away from yours after so very long of being alone, of missing him each and every day, but even still you did not reach back out for him again in that moment.
"Betray me?"
He whispered, his tone gaining a slight edge to it as he spoke,
"What do you speak of, witchling?"
He hissed, and you were quick to respond,
"My prince, you do not understand, what I am saying is that I never would have chosen to betray you by waiting as long as I have to tell you what I am about to. You have always been dear to me, and I have felt guilt eat away at me for all of these years that I have allowed this lie to endure in spite of my knowledge, even if I could not risk helping it until now."
Loki sighed, motioning for you to continue,
"Just get on with it then, I desire not to be kept in such suspense regarding my own life, starlight."
You took a deep breath, nodding as you began, trying your best to maintain eye contact even when it got hard.
"Loki, over one hundred years ago, I had a vision of some event far in the future, wherein you sought out your father's treasures, and learned a most difficult truth."
You watched as the being sitting in front of you stiffened slightly, his gaze widening as he slowly shook his head back and forth.
He whispered, and you watched on in confusion as he continued,
"No, no, it cannot be. You cannot possibly know. My sole comfort throughout all of these years was that you had no way of knowing..."
He carried on, and hesitantly, you reached forward to take his hand once more, and this time, he simply stared down at where you were touching him, as if not entirely believing your touch to be real anymore.
You offered him a look of deep compassion and sympathy, before finally you continued,
"You are not Odin's true son, Loki, but a-"
He cut you off, voice still quiet and body all too still as he stared down at your enjoined hands.
You shook your head,
"No Lo, not a monster, that is not what I-"
"My knowledge of your vision has come far too late, my dear."
Loki said gravely, a deep and humorless chuckle leaving him as he finally looked you in the eyes again, allowing you to see the tears that had built up there in spite of how hard he had tried to hold them at bay.
To the untrained eye perhaps, they may not have been so obvious, but even after all of these years, you knew his eyes far too well to not notice that they were growing wet.
Your brow creased in confusion and concern as you took his other hand in yours once more, squeezing both the way you always had before when he had experienced some great emotional suffering.
"Whatever do you mean, my prince?"
You asked gently, watching as Loki's expression morphed into one of so many emotions that you could scarcely name them all in the brief moment that they flashed upon his face.
Grief, sorrow, anger, longing, disgust, guilt. So many things to feel, and none of them good.
He continued,
"I'm afraid that what you have revealed is a truth long known to me, sweet starlight."
He said quietly, and instantly you understood, your expression falling as sadness overcame you, not only over you being too late to help him avoid further suffering, but over the way that he so clearly felt about himself.
He thought what he was to be a monster, something to be feared and hated as if it meant a thing.
You squeezed his hands again, urging him to look into your eyes, and drawn in by a habit he had once believed to be long since forgotten, he did, seeking out something within you that you were unsure of, but desperately wished to give.
"Loki, I am so very sorry that I was too late to tell you the truth. I studied so long to find some way to get to you, but I could not risk trying anything until I felt more certain of what might work for fear of Odin finding me."
The god before you regarded your words with utter shock, but you simply smiled in response,
"I will explain all when the time comes, sweet prince, but for now, please just know that you are no less Loki to me now than you ever were, nor were you any less Loki when I learned the truth. You are Loki Laufeyson, or even Loki Odinson if you so choose, and you are a crowned prince of Asgard and the god of mischief. No lineage could ever change that or take it away from you. You are no different now than you were back when you did not know."
Loki regarded you with brief confusion, as if he had never anticipated for you to feel such a way, or maybe for anyone to for that matter, and then suddenly, his eyes were squinted, his mind obviously deep in thought.
You had no doubt that this was partially in effort to change the subject to one he was far more readily prepared to discuss, but you did not tell him that you knew this.
He would talk when he was ready, if he ever truly was.
"Hold on a moment,"
He began,
"I understand that you did not explain all, but there is one thing that I cannot ever see making any sense."
He continued, eyes searching yours for the answer to a question that was yet unasked.
You shrugged,
"Lay it on me, Lo, I'm an open book."
Loki bristled a bit at the nickname, but said nothing, likely all too aware of how much of a habit it was for you, even after all of these years.
To hear it fall from your lips so easily though...
He distracted himself with his question immediately to stop that thought where it began.
"I know that you wished to keep your promise to me, that much is clear, but you spoke earlier of you having done so not for your word, and not for your title, but for care."
You nodded, cheeks reddening slightly at the memory, though the god sitting before you was clearly far too deep in thought to consider the connotation of your words as heavily as he otherwise may have.
"Your care is easy to understand, and your word is another worthy mention when it comes to reasons you may have worked so tirelessly to find me, but I do not understand what you mean by your title. What title is a witchling so bound by that would keep her from breaking her fealty to me? Why would you say such a thing at all?"
You looked away, unable to meet your old friend's gaze even as his eyes bore into you,
You murmured, eyes meeting his once more before you quickly looked away again, hoping somehow, that even after all of these years apart that the silence might speak for you the way that it always had with him.
He had been all but capable of reading your mind once, and who was to say that such a thing ever truly went away?
You watched as Loki's eyes widened by a millimeter, a slight inhale alerting you to some subtle realization that had just entered through the back of his mind, one that he had not been at all prepared to consider, but that made far too much sense for his liking, particularly as he considered all that had happened to you further.
His hand found the underside of your jaw, and without warning, he tilted your head upward, forcing you to look him in the eyes, allowing you to see all of the emotions building within his green irises.
Confusion, anger, frustration, but most of all, disbelief, though you could tell that the latter of the four was quickly fading.
"Starlight, did you tell Odin what you saw within your vision that day?"
He asked sternly, and, swallowing thickly, you shook your head, watching as the god of mischief's eyes widened even further.
He said matter of factly, repeating your answer as if it might make it easier for him to process what he was slowly coming to realize,
"You- You never told him what you saw."
His tone was incredulous as he spoke, his expression incredibly hard to read as he stood, using the grip you still had on his hands to tug you up alongside him.
His eyes found yours once more now that you were standing together, his head shaking back and forth almost as if he were in utter disbelief of what you were saying.
"And you know what he did, don't you? What you've become?"
He asked gently, and slowly, hesitantly, you nodded, watching as the prince of Asgard chuckled from above you,
"What a surprise you've been at every step of the way, starlight."
He muttered, leaning his head down against yours like he used to for the briefest of moments before he pulled away, clearing his throat slightly as he did.
"Well, now that we have some of those things clarified, what do you say we give the others a real introduction, hmm?"
You nodded after a moment of contemplation, moving to wrap your cloak around your shoulders once more, just barely missing the way that Loki's eyes shone at the familiar sight of it, his hands briefly reaching out toward you before he stopped himself and walked across the room to open the door for you.
From there, he guided you out into a long hallway, maneuvering the two of you about until finally, you reached a rather large common area, where you suddenly realized with a start that everyone from before was waiting.
Thor smiled at you from where he sat on the couch, the apologetic edge to it very nearly causing your heart to weep.
There were few who deserved to feel guilty over what had happened to you less so than Thor, who had only been doing what he was told.
You would have to speak with him privately soon, to thank him for having caught you when you fell forward earlier on in the day, if nothing else.
Though, you suspected that the two of you would have plenty to talk about beyond that.
The room was silent as you and the god at your side entered quietly, all eyes on the two of you as Loki cleared his throat slightly before finally speaking.
"So, as many of you have likely surmised, this is the witchling that was present in the portion of my dream that I showed earlier."
At that, you shot a glance toward the asgardian beside you, briefly wondering what on earth he could have possibly been referencing, when he brought the topic back to the discussion at hand, successfully distracting you for the time being.
"That said, she is no illusion or dream, nor is she some spirit come back to haunt me."
You watched as the man who had granted you permission to utilize a room earlier groaned at that, slapping a wad of green paper into the hand of a blonde woman who sat next to him, who simply grinned subtly.
Still, Loki paid this no mind, and continued after a brief pause,
"She is very real, and though both of us are rather confused, we are working together to figure out what exactly is going on here."
At that, a multitude of hands shot up, causing Loki to glare at those who had raised them until they begrudgingly lowered them once more.
"We will happily inform you of all that we know in just a few moments,"
He said pointedly, causing a few of the people who had been so eager to ask questions before to roll their eyes at his dramatics, though they appeared to be fairly used to them by now based upon their reactions.
"But before we get to that, I would like to introduce you properly."
Loki sighed deeply, casting you a sidelong glance of what almost appeared to be sympathy before he finally continued,
"Starlight, meet my... coworkers of sorts, the avengers."
He began, and you gave a small wave to the people in the room, smiling the tiniest bit when a few friendly looking faces waved back, some even eagerly.
Still, that almost peaceful atmosphere was clearly not meant to last forever, because after Loki's next sentence, well...
"Avengers, meet starlight, the Aesir goddess of compassion, mercy, and fidelity."
All hell broke loose.
Desiderium Tag List: @princess-ofthe-pages
Loki Tag List: @mischief2sarawr
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missacidburn928 · 5 months
It's a year old but here's some holiday spice for you all while I wait in the urgent care with my autistic son.
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I Really Do Believe In You....
Steve Rogers × Bucky Barnes x Thor Odinson × POC Singer!Reader "Honey"
Let’s see if you believe in me.
The Avengers Holiday party. You are both a guest and part of the musical entertainment. Will you end up on the naughty or nice list?
You spot them as they enter the main ballroom. Your three strapping men, color coordinated and cutting intimidating frames in their suit choices. Thank the goddess you had a good hold on the mic as you waited for your cue to join Sy in singing White Christmas, or you might have literally swooned in front of this mass of party goers.
You start your verse as you watch them make their way over to the bar where the team, plus one Sharon Carter, have gathered. Thankfully tonight’s event is Jane Foster free, so it should be a good night with you, Sy and the Chanti’s house band entertaining Tony’s rich friends and employees before enjoying some much needed time with your men.
You can't help but feel festive in your short red dress, studded red fishnets and nude pumps. You’ve kept your makeup simple with a nude lip and a smokey eye. Your hair down and in its natural state. Sy made a comment when picking you up that you looked like Santa’s little Siren. Seems appropriate if you do say so yourself.
Per usual you notice Sharon being a bit too chummy with your Captain. The woman just can’t help herself. You know all about the “kiss” when they were trying to save your beloved Bucky. But according to Steve the reason it never went further was because there was no spark when their lips touched. And he tried giving her a chance, chalking the lack of spark up to the stress of the situation, but she was way too into his status and power. So he ended things before it made it any further than a couple dates and a subpar makeout session.
What is it with these prude ass women that hang around these strong ass people? Sharon, like Jane, thinks your quad is ridiculous and you don't need that many men. Especially when you added Steve in. 
“He should be upholding traditional values as he’s America's golden boy. Not flaunting such an alternative lifestyle. Hell if he was gay it would be easier than this bullshit. Why on Earth would you want to willingly share a woman with two other men. Not to mention one of those men is a God and the other a murderer.”
Let's not forget what she also stated in that little rant of hers, when she was unaware you could hear her perfectly clear from your spot in the common room. “I just don’t understand what he sees in her. Who stays in a band with someone they used to be fuck buddies with? It’s just tacky and sad. A man that powerful should be with someone who is only devoted to him and can boost his image, not damage it. ” 
I’ll show her tacky. Lord knows I'm certainly not above being petty. I’ve been behaving for far too long. Time to put these Siren skills to use. What good are they to have if you can’t fuck with uppity bitches using them.
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fluffyprettykitty · 2 years
For your sleepover lovely:
Wrath, Seafoam Green, mischievous, rock, THOR-no one ever writes about the love of my life :(
Pairing: Thor Odinson x asgardian female reader (no other speficications)
Word Count: 1158 words
Outline: Thor finds you naked in his private chambers.
A/N: kenz baby, ilysm! this is for you, enjoy <3 set in thor2 at the beginning of the movie! first time writing for thor, too!
warnings: dub-con (but previous mutual pining), female masturbation, breast fucking, male + female ejaculation, swearing, roughness, minors dni!
Main Masterlist ・❥・Sleepover Masterlist
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You feel delirious and completely in a trance.
Your eyelids are getting heavy but there is a heat in your body dancing inside and transforming you. You can feel your fingertips burn as you stumble around the big room, you squint your eyes trying to figure out where you are. Everything is adorned in red and gold colors and the vastness of it could only mean it was the Prince's room. You fall on the bed and get lost inside the velvet sheets, your body reacting to his smell.
You can't help yourself, lust overcoming your brain and you roam your hands all over your body, touching yourself under your gown. His smell was too strong, making your brain into mush. And his smell was overbearing, everything filled you up so wonderfully inside.
After what felt like forever and many orgasms later, you wake up to the sound of Thor's thunderous voice yelling Loki's name. Bewildered, you try to get dressed, accidentally slipping out of the bedding only to rip your dress, leaving you naked for Thor to see. For a moment you both pause staring at one another but you can't help yourself as you slightly rub your legs together trying to gain your balance while looking at him. His smell was so strong it made the same burning ignite tremendously inside you. Your body cried out for him and before you could stop yourself, you fall behind on the bed touching yourself once more.
Thor comes closer to you, his expression is mixed with confusion and anger. He is opening his mouth to speak and he is saying something you can't quite tell, all you can do is moan out his name. It all feels so hazy like something has completely overtaken you. He is saying something between 'this is Loki's tricks' and 'you need to fight it' but it all feels blurry. You need him, you need to beg for him and so do you, touching his chest with your foot and pleading your case.
"I've always wanted you, always cried out for you, please have me, sweet prince." You plead out, your body squirming and Thor's expression remains as angry as ever. That wasn't the response he was expecting but the truth is that you found the Prince very attractive evidenced by your continuous vivid dreams. You can smell beer in his beard and dried blood on his armor from the earlier battlefield. This was the man that needed to be praised for his doings and you were more than happy to serve him. You begin to touch your breasts and arch your back for him hoping for any kind of friction.
"Fuck it." Thor curses out and climbs on top of you ripping off his shirt and remains of armor crushing his lips against yours. He has been craving you as well but he was far too polite, too occupied to get what he wanted. It's desperate, it feels like your bodies have been craving each other for a long time, and you tug at any fabric he has left trying to set him free. For a moment you can hear him laugh at your desperation, and as your fingers are working on the ropes of his trousers, you feel his hand around your neck pushing you down on the mattress.
"Desperate little girl, is that you or just the power of magic?" He ponders, his free hand setting himself free, allowing you to finally see his cock. Is as big and wondrous as you had hoped for. Your mouth is salivating at the thought of this beast inside you and you try to move your hand to touch him but Thor grabs your wrists with his free hand and pins them behind you.
"No, little one. This would be too much for your desperate little cunt. Do you know the amount of training I had to do with my maids in order to take a little bit of it?" You whimper and cry out, you can't help your luck and the next thing you feel is him leaning on you kissing your neck and leaving love marks. You try to squirm underneath him and touch his cock by any means but his grip is very tight on you.
What are his plans?
"I'm gonna let go of your hands and you are going to hold your breasts for me. Understood? No misbehaving. I won't tolerate it."
You nod your head frantically, begging that you will do an excellent job, and then Thor is resting his knees on the side of your body and places his huge cock in between your breasts. Obediently you open your mouth, knowing you will feel some of his tip and dart out your tongue. Thor then fucks your breasts with such vigor and aggression that has your eyes in tears. He is holding the top of your head in place and moves his hips against your body as if he is trying to drill you into the mattress. Your pussy is clenching ever so desperately, a small pool has now formed. The scene is absolutely obscene at the way Thor is defiling your body. The entrance is still open and you know anyone could walk in and watch you getting cock fucked by the prince of Asgard.
There's nothing you wanted more, you know the more obedient you are the more your chances are for him to fuck you like you want him. So you obey, every single little thing, his roughness, his cock, just to gaze upon his concentrated face, his luscious hair falling on his face with each thrust. His ocean blue eyes never leave yours, wanting to see you as pliant and as serene as he likes.
When Thor cums, he does so with no warning, choosing instead to shoot his load inside your mouth. Watch you desperately trying to swallow and take it all, your face pleading for him. He hasn't touched you at all where you had been craving the most yet, choosing to ruin your upper body and your lungs it seemed. But then is as if he heard you and he places his thumb on your clit turning a bit round.
"You made such a big mess, little girl. Now, where am I supposed to sleep?" He scoffs and you want to apologize but that's when he presses your clit so aggressively rubbing with such a tendency that has you scream so loud, it makes you see stars. The intensity of just his touch like that on you shocks you.
At that moment you lost your vision completely and a couple of hours later you woke up to the sight of Thor's naked body sleeping. The image of his chest rising up and down for air made your pussy clench and all you could do is pray he woke up hungry again. You'd be ready and obedient, just for him.
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for updates please follow @fluffyprettykittylibrary
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holdmytesseract · 1 year
The Beginning 》 The Baby Fever AU
Loki Laufeyson x fem!Reader
Summary: You meet Loki Laufeyson for the first time in your life.
Warnings: uhhmm... none, I think?
Word Count: 1,6k
a/n: Have I ever told you, how my BabyFever!Loki and Y/N met? 🤔 I think not and therefore, I wrote this little fic... ☺️
Tagging: @lokisgoodgirl @lovingchoices14 @evelyn-kingsley @jennyggggrrr @acefeather2002 @lulubelle814 @vbecker10 @theaudacitytowrite @lady-rose-moon @aagn360 @fictive-sl0th @mostclevermiss @linaax @peaches1958 @simping-for-marvel @ijuststareatstuffhereok89 @stupidthoughtsinwriting
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A loud knock sounded against the wooden door of your little office, before one of the secretaries appeared in the door frame. "Agent Y/L/N?" You looked up from your desk. "Yes, Connie?" The brown-haired woman with glasses gave you a small smile. "Sorry for the disturbance, but the prisoner is ready." You nodded. "Alright. I'm coming." Connie nodded in return as well, before she left the office once again. You took a deep breath and stood up, taking the files of the newly taken prisoner with you. Loki Laufeyson. God of Mischief and Prince of Asgard. Adoptive son of Odin Borson and his wife Frigga; brother to Thor Odinson - which was actually a good friend of yours, due to the fact, that he was a Avenger - just like you... Sometimes. He was royalty - and a war criminal. The God had tried to take over New York, just a week ago with an army, called the Chitauri. S.H.I.E.L.D, the Asgardian council (especially Odin) and some other important people had decided what was going to happen with him. What his punishment was going to be, and well... You were the chosen one to be the bearer of the bad news for the Asgardian prince.
Walking down one of the long hallways in the S.H.I.E.L.D headquarters, you felt how slight nervosity swirled around in the pit of your stomach. You had never met this man before in your life. Well, you would've met him during his attack, if you wouldn't have laid knocked out at home in bed after catching the flu... Sure, you could look after yourself and you had actually no reason to be nervous, but after hearing everything he had done, Loki seemed to be quite dangerous. The rain clattered against the big window panes on the 60th floor, as you pushed down the door handle to room number seven. With another deep breath, you stepped inside, past the two security guards. The first man you noticed, was the blonde God of Thunder, who gave you a bright smile, "Lady Y/N..." and a nod. "Hey, Thor." You greeted him back, smiling as well. Then you stepped closer, towards the table in the middle. That was when you saw the Asgardian prince for the first time in your life. He was standing behind his brother, arms crossed over his chest and an annoyed expression on his face. You expected Loki to be a lot - but certainly not an incredibly attractive man. One look at him - and suddenly you couldn't breathe. The first thing which immediately hit you like a truck, were his stunning oceanic blue eyes. They were looking straight at you - almost piercing you. Next thing was his face. Thin, but defined lips, paired with clean shaved porcelain skin, razor sharp cheekbones and a jawline to die for. Framed was his gorgeous face by long raven locks, which curled themselves in gentle waves over his shoulders. You couldn't help yourself, but to let your gaze travel lower. He wore a beautiful green tunic - clearly Asgardian, which left little to imagination how well-built his upper body must be underneath the snuggly fitting piece of clothing. The muscles in his arms bulged from having them crossed over his chest; long fingers wrapped around his biceps. Your eyes wandered further south, landing on the perfectly fitting green trousers. Tight trousers - and... Was that... leather? strong thighs peeked out from underneath the tunic, holding his body upright. Long legs led down to his leather boots clad feet. You blinked and swallowed hard, clearly needing a moment.
Normally, the smug and witty God of Mischief noticed immediately, when a woman was drawn in by his undeniable attractiveness. It happened often to him; and therefore that he had a feeling for the female gender, he could clearly tell when a woman was attracted to him. Not uncommonly sexually. But not today. Not this time. Not with Agent Y/N Y/L/N. Why? Because Loki was completely taken aback by your stunning beauty as well. It felt like he could suddenly think straight for the first time in weeks - months... Norns, he would have never ever imagined, that a partially S.H.I.E.L.D agent, partially Avenger was able to look that stunningly beautiful. Never ever had he seen such beauty before - and he had seen a lot. He could've marvelled you longer, no... He would've loved to marvel you longer, but then his oaf of a brother ruined the moment, caused the bubble to burst and brought the prince back down to earth - just like you.
"Shall we start?" You blinked quickly, redirecting your gaze onto Thor. "Of course, sure." You more or less stammered, before you cleared your throat and stepped over to the table, sitting down on the cushioned chair. "P-Please take a seat, Mr. Laufeyson." Usually, Loki would chide you now, for not calling him properly - prince, god, or even king, but he couldn't. His mouth was like sewn shut, voice stuck in his throat. The silver tongue literally had turned to lead. As if remote-controlled, he sat down on the chair, which was opposite you at the table. Thor remained to stand behind him. "I, uh, I think you know why you are here, Mr. Laufeyson?" Loki couldn't even bring himself to say a single word. He just stared at you. Thor frowned, confused to see his brother speak so little. What was wrong with him?
"Mr. Laufeyson?" You tried again, but the raven-haired god still just stared at you. You swallowed hard, unable to read his expression yet. What you thought was pure ignorance and defiance, was actually pure astonishment and overextension. After all, the god never found himself in a situation like that before. You took a deep breath and opened the file with slightly shaking hands. Better to get this over with, you thought - at least one part of your brain. The other was highly intrigued with the mysterious, dark prince sitting across you at that big table. "The state of New York, the Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division - in short form S.H.I.E.L.D and the high council of Asgard hand down the following punishment for the Asgardian prince and God of Mischief, Loki Laufeyson." You started reading aloud from the paper laying in front of you. "You are not allowed to return to Asgard for an indefinite time - neither to other realms. You are bound to stay on the earth - Midgard. In addition, your punishment is to join the Avengers initiative, in order to make up for the destruction you caused and the lives you destroyed. For the first five months, you will stay under supervision. If there are no complications occurring within those five months, you are allowed to join the Avengers on missions." Your words managed to snap the God out of his trance like rigidity. That he was banished from Asgard was one thing, but that he had to join the Avengers was something entirely different. Loki blinked violently, now looking at you incredulously. "I am forced to join this bunch of clowns and would-be superheroes?" "Brother-" Thor immediately interjected, trying to cool Loki down, but you lifted your hand. "It's okay, Thor. Let's give him time to adjust." You didn't know where those kind words were coming from, but a part inside you could understand Loki. You may not know him 'privately', but you read his files. Abandoned by his biological father as a baby, left on a rock to die. Saved by the Allfather, only to grow up as the 'second best', living in the shadow of his older brother and being lied to his whole life. That man hadn't an easy past.
"This is ridiculous." His loud voice cut through the air. "Would you rather end up in the dungeons in Asgard, brother? Damned to never see the light of the day again?" Loki knew his brother was right, but his pride couldn't accept that. "Well, maybe it would've been for the best! Just lock me away in that rotten cell, so nobody has to worry about me anymore! All I ever was in my whole life was anyway nothing more than a burden for-" "Loki, please don't. I-" Thor said, shaking his head, as the two security guards stepped inside the room, cutting him off. They must've heard the noises. They pulled him rather roughly up from the chair, handcuffed him and gagged him, before they pulled Loki with them. You watched with wide eyes and opened mouth, unable to say or do something. You saw how they dragged him away - such a strong, majestic man suddenly so weak and small. Loki took a last look over his shoulder at you, before he vanished through the door. His eyes so troubled. "Agent Y/L/N, are you alright?" Nick Fury's voice suddenly urged to your ears, ripping you out of your thoughts. You snapped your head up to meet his eye, nodding. "Sure." It was exact in that moment, that you realised, that this man wasn't evil like everybody else stated. Maybe this man was just heavily misunderstood - and one thing was certain... You would get to the bottom of that.
Little did you now at that time, that you just met your soulmate. Your best friend. Your future husband and father of your children.
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mickeyswhore · 7 months
This is my brand new side blog, so please if you enjoy the vibes follow me!
Fandoms I can write for:
Billy Loomis
Stu Macher
Mickey Altieri
Thomas Hewitt
Michael Meyers
Brahms Heelshire
Bo Sinclair
Vincent Sinclair
Asa Emory (The Collector)
Patrick Bateman
Jackson Rippner
Lenny Miller
Michael McCrea
Raymond Leon
Neil Lewis
Robert Fischer
Mike Kiernan
Shivering Soldier (Inception)
Damien O'Donovan
Thomas "Tom" Buckley
Thomas Shelby
Billy Butcher
Soldier Boy
Hughie Campbell
Rick Grimes
Daryl Dixon
Negan Smith
Steve Rogers
Bucky Barnes
Thor Odinson
Tony Stark
Dieter Hellstrom (Inglorious Basterds)
Franz Sauer (Munich - The Edge of War)
Mike Krause (Salt)
Alex de Klerks (The Last Vermeer)
Moritz de Vries (Parfum)
Jam Kremfeld (Furia)
Paul von Hartmann (Munich - The Edge of War)
Karl (Je Suis Karl)
Feyd-Rautha Harkonnen
Paul Atreides
Gurney Halleck
Primo Nizzuto (Trust FX)
Mickey Miranda (A Dangerous Fortune)
Jonas Kahnwald (Dark)
Werner Pfennig (All the Light We Cannot See)
Ulrich Haussmann (Masters of the Air)
Jax Teller
Opie Winston
Chibs Telford
Juice Ortiz
Tig Trager
What I will not write:
Threesomes (I simply suck at it AND not my cup of tea)
Anything involving minors (such as x daughter!Reader)
Complete angst (Please, we need to have some hope even if it's not a happy ending)
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buckets-and-trees · 8 months
Aspen's Enchanted Birthday Festival Announcement
October first marks one hundred days until my birthday! So from now until my birthday on January 9th I'm hosting a writing festival!
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For this fest, I'm interested in seeing some mystical creatures we don't typically see, though you're free to adapt them and their lore however you see fit.
You do not need to follow me to participate (though it's appreciated). Details and guidelines under the keep reading/read more...
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REQUIRED: Feature at least one of the creatures from this list:
The creature could be the reader, the leading man, or a creature they encounter. You can go with strict mythology, or riff off the elements of the base lore.
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REQUIRED: Feature at least one of the characters from this list:
Bucky Barnes
Steve Rogers
Thor Odinson
Joaquin Torres
Nick Fowler
God the Bounty Hunter
Ari Levinson
Curtis Everett
Lloyd Hansen
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OPTIONAL: if you would like some melodic or lyrical inspiration, here are nine songs I'm floating your way:
“A&W” by Lana Del Rey
“Holocene” by Bon Iver
“Never Let Me Go” by Florence + the Machine
“The Lightning Strike” by Snow Patrol
“If I Say” by Mumford & Sons
“Fine Line” by Harry Styles
“Abstract (Psychopomp)” by Hozier
“The Moment I Said It” by Imogen Heap
“Daydreaming” by Rosa Pullman
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Writing must be an x reader story.
Minimum 500 words, maximum 9k words.
If part of an existing series, must be able to read as a stand alone piece.
Must be posted on tumblr between October 1, 2023, and January 9, 2024.
I will only read and reblog works that tag @buckets-and-trees and use the tag #aspensenchantedbday.
Stories MUST use a creature and character from the lists provided, but using song inspiration is optional.
All stories must be inclusive in nature.
No DD/lg dynamics, no pet play, no beastiality (if a monster cannot express consent, it is beastiality), no rpf (real person fiction), no scat play, no underage relations of a romantic or sexual nature.
Make sure to tag content and trigger warning appropriately and use a read more/keep reading cut after 300 words.
If you want to create something for THIS event that also aligns with other challenges or events, you can stack/maximize as long as that other event or challenge allows for it (doesn’t demand exclusivity).
I'm not obligated to read or reblog any works that fail to adhere to the requirements listed above.
If you're familiar with my library, you'll know I write a range of light to dark, fluff to smut, and so entries across the board are welcome as long as they meet the stipulated requirements.
May these creatures haunt your muse in the best way between now and January 9th!
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