#this design cracks me the fuck up tho
gothabillybisexual · 2 years
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i know what you are.
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dizzybizz · 7 months
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😀 i love setting out to draw 1 character multiple times but ending up drawing multiple characters 1 time instead 😀 i love it so much 😀
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sanstropfremir · 1 year
hello again !! idk if u paid any attention to their debut or if u have any interest at all but id love to hear ur thoughts on 8TURN's debut Tic Tac !! theyre FRESH (like less than a week fresh) and i rly loved their debut stage styling with the black white and pink hehe
hi!! i did see their debut! not really a fan of the song but the styling is really good so far! the orange outfits from the mv were my fave, but their stage styling and all the backwards jeans have been very 00s and very fun. not really any comprehensive thoughts so far because they're not really doing anything new or that interesting performance wise, but i'll keep an eye on them.
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dvrk-moon · 4 months
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ENHYPEN OT7 ; 엔하이픈
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requested : no
genre : crack, fluff
pairing : enhypen x reader (can be platonic)
warnings : cursing + the members being menaces
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heeseung ; 희승
absolute sweat
like speed runner esque
nags on you for being too slow and making him have a speed run time of over fifteen minutes
like you’re barely getting an oak log and he’s already in the nether. like u turn away for two seconds and he’s already built the portal
“heeseung where did you go” “i’ve almost killed the wither wait” … “CAN U CHILL OUT WE JUST CREATED THIS WORLD”
so u thought u were gonna have fun hanging out with heeseung on minecraft? NO
because as soon as he finishes his speed run and you finally got your first diamond, he’s decided to build a base
and u thought he was gonna be all cute and make u a room awwww!!! no.
he does make u a room, but the stairway up to ur room is a parkour course
(when the fuck did he have time to even make that?!!?!!)
first and last time playing minecraft with him
jay ; 제이
absolute knight in shining armor
those mobs have nothing on his iron drip
protects u even if u don’t need it
“oh shit there’s a creeper” “ON MY WAY Y/N”
his netherite sword is CRACKED. like perfect enchantments
when he’s not protecting u he becomes ur farmer
the farm is so organized and beautiful jay is literally my husband pls
does in fact laugh when u die tho
like he’ll collect your stuff for you but the second he sees “[your gamertag] fell from a high place” he’s going to laugh for like two minutes straight
also he keeps an extra chest in his room for u
like in case u need something OR u die and he’s not able to collect ur stuff so it despawns
jay is so husband. even in minecraft
jake ; 제이크
he’s played before ok (trust him)
(it was when he was like nine)
like he’s very very. bad
he’s trying tho!!!
keeps dying. like every two minutes you see “jake_awesome2002 was blown up by a creeper”
he does not know how to change his gamertag so ur just stuck playing with jake_awesome2002
he starts getting the hang of it and immediately thinks he’s cracked at the game (he’s not)
so he disappears from you out of nowhere and so you try to help him :
“jake where are you” … “jake” … “jake sim where the fuck are you” …………. “i don’t know”
(cue “jake_awesome2002 fell out of the world”)
he respawns and like sulks for three minutes before leaving and collecting dirt(?) for some reason
coincidentally you keep finding dirt blocks placed throughout your base afterwards! how silly of him!
sunghoon ; 성훈
he was so ready to show u how good he is
he’s not very good. but at least he’s better than jake!
he somehow is always in a cave or some sort of dangerous location
like say u found a village and you’re like “sunghoon come raid this village with me!”
meanwhile he’s trying not to die because of a pillager outpost
somehow he doesn’t?
he’ll go and do stuff like that or spend days in the nether and survive but his weakness is witches
like he doesn’t scream UNLESS there is a witch
and if you’re nearby ? he will 100% sacrifice you to the witch so that he can survive
womp womp
he actually sacrifices you quite a bit because he has like 36 levels
he thinks he’s funny when he does it too
sunoo ; 선우
honestly prefers to play in creative mode (me too sunoo)
but when you were like “let’s play in survival for once” he’s like “fiiiiiiiiinneeeeeuhhhh” (very dramatic about it)
he immediately builds a forever base when you spawn in
makes you do all the mining and stuff
he will tag along! but he won’t do shit
he’s the interior designer. he’s got bigger and better things to do
he only redeems himself when you go into the base and find your minecraft beds right next to each other
besides holding the house down, he also has an extremely high scale and successful farming system
so if you ever check in his chests, 100% you will find like 20 stacks of wood, stacks of wheat, of carrots, of beets, etc.
may be a homebody in minecraft but at least he’s fun to play with !!!! 10/10 would recommend to a friend
jungwon ; 정원
the miner
like you’re trying to get along with your day until jungwon stops and drops into the smallest cave ever
“what are u doing” “wait y/n we might need this copper” “jungwon don’t u already have like three stacks of copper” “yeah but we might need it”
lots of time spent mining
u eat your words tho when he is decked out in diamond armor from almost the get-go
when you guys build a base it HAS to have a little mine under the house (little as in huge)
somehow has like ten dogs?
“this one is maeumi, this one is maeumi’s friend, this once can be gaeul… maybe this one can be layla? oh! and this one is maeumi’s other friend. this one is bisco. this one is yours but you don’t get to name it. i will name it for you.”
they would be cats if it was really up to you but you’ll live
also refuses to elaborate on this thing he does
he makes tons and tons of signs and just places them around the base
some of them make sense and others just don’t at all
has a 2x2 fenced in area and the sign outside of it says “jail”
has anyone ever been sent to jail there? no. but as jungwon says “just in case”
riki ; 니키
possibly the worst yet most fun person to play with
at first you’re like “let’s play together” and he’s like “yeah sure whatever” but little do u know he has every plan in the world to turn the game into warfare
it’s even worse if you are playing on a realm rather than just a server
he abandons you from the get-go and immediately runs away and you can’t catch him so he builds a base far away from you
the base is in fact a dirt house
but it’s minecraft who said he had to be an architect
yes he abandoned you and is regularly attacking you at any given chance but he still keeps his tabs on where you are
walks all over your farm and kills your livestock
leaves signs saying “riki was here” “get rikrolled”
since he keeps tabs on you, u have to be very cautious of what you leave in your chests
he will steal anything. just for fun
threatens to blow up everything because he just wants to
little does he know if he wants warfare ur gonna give him warfare
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a/n : this is random but i played mc like two days ago and i thought this could be a silly idea
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geodraws04 · 2 months
PKMN ScarVio DLC AU ~ Possessed!Kieran
Just finished the page for my contribution to the good ol’ Toxic Chain theory :OOO
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I recently finished the Teal Mask and finishing up the Indigo Disk DLC and while i really did like the fact that Kieran’s actions were all his own and makes him a much more realistic/relatable character, I am feeling a little robbed we didn't get a possessed!kieran + i really did not like the direction they took w/ Mochi Mayhem. I felt like it was WAAAY too silly/comedic for my tastes (if you liked it more power to you tho!), and wish we had more lore/backstory and involvement of Pecharunt and the Loyal 3 respectivally.
so i wanted to try killing two birds with one stone and try to mash ID and MM together somewhat! So heres some sketches and concept stuff ft. My PKMN!Violet sona. And also make this AU ANGSTY AS FUCK-
im not a comedy/crack/silly person when it comes to stories involving manipulation/mind control type of stuff because i just get second hand embarressment for those under doing wierd stuff while not aware so if your looking for a “silly haha!” AU with this type of concept ive got bad news for ya… this AU aint gonna be for you-
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Starting off… my design for when Kieran is fully possessed by Pecharunt!
I still really liked the fact that Kieran was like. FULLY aware and in his own mind/body during ID; so i want to keep that in this AU too - for the most part.
id like to think that once making a deal with Pecharunt and offering himself to it in order to become stronger, the little peach would slowly feed him mochi that would “numb the pain and guilt if he ever feels doubtful.” At the time of Pecharunt’s debut to the start of ID, pecharunt is extremely weak and thus, its influence isnt as effective or strong. However, when we meet Kieran again, he’s definately beginning to change. throughout the story, we see Kieran’s spiraling descent into madness as he becomes more intimidating and cynical.
i dont have a specific spot where hed have this outfit change, but ill figure it out lol.
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However, i def think it would be a bit after his panic attack/mental break down when we defeat him. Since at this point he couldnt uphold his end of the deal with Pecharunt, it has no choice: he offered his body and mind to it to get stronger, but he couldnt keep it up. So now, he has to pay the price.
(This would be right after the Ex-Champ bit - fuck you Draydon)
however, instead of telling himself to get stronger like in canon… he mumbles something indescernable and unintelligable… and then he starts… laughing?
“Uh… yo, earth to ex-champion… you doin’ alright-?”
Suddenly… he glares at us… no. He glares at you, tears streaming down his face but an animalistic and crazily wide smile is plastered on his face as he stumbles back up, hugging himself while letting out what one would think is the most maniacal, despairing, crazy cackling laughter one could hear.
That's when you see it - his eyes, formally a light yellow, now a bright yet darkly sinister shade of violet-magenta. The scrunchie he was wearing began growing two strings of toxic chains that waved around like tentacles, and lifted him up in the air like stilts, purple smoke filling the area.
what was happening… whats happened to Kieran.
no, whatever that was…
Thats not Kieran.
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The bottom sketch is a small scenario i had in mind!
i want pecharunt to have a larger role so here they are! After returning the teal mask to me and carmine and running off, he stumbles upon an injured and weak Pecharunt, and secretly nurses it back to health. Behind everyone’s backs the two spark a friendship/partnership!
i like to think pecharunt has good intentions and did genuinely want to help kieran get stronger, but i like to think that the toxins it gave to Kieran not only began to mess with Kieran’s mind, but with Pecharunt’s too.
how exactly? No idea just yet lol- ill figure that out later on down the line lol. Along with the loyal 3’s roles in the story as well.
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Heres a few for fun and more funny sketches i made to fill up the empty space lol-
also feat. Moi, yuma and shinigami jykghhfjhfdjhygjuy-
QUICK DISCLAIMER! IM NOT SHIPPING MYSELF W/ KIERAN SINCE HES IMPLIED TO BE A TEEN AND IM A LEGAL ADULT!! the DLC came out when i was 17; almost 18 (released a few days before my bday actually!)
i like to think that when this story and AU respectively take place, Kieran is 14 while im 16 turning 17 that fall in Teal Mask (Carmine being 18 or 19?), then in Indigo Disc Kieran is 16, im 18, and Carmine is 19/20. So me and kieran are 2 years apart, while me and Carmine are 1-2 years apart.
Its mostly because id like to think me and kieran’s dynamic is similar to a close friend i have irl and wanted to write it as such while retaining the canon story too. If that makes sense lol.
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And one more sady drawing when kieran is freed from Pecharunt’s control!
i think i speak for everyone that we needed a scene where we hugged kieran after all the shit he’s been through-
justice for my baby boy kieran. :,,,))
what do yall think :000
any suggestions/ideas, critiques, whatever is on your mind about this AU is appreciated!! Im gonna get back to my remnant designs lol-
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foster-the-moths · 1 year
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adam from the weird tmc dream i had last night. more doodles and also an explanation under the cut
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^these were my notes from last night LMAO. i was really tired. i remembered more as i was drawing. basically i was adam and i went into the vol 2 basement(?) and there was a tv (i think) and it was showing me advertisements for microwave dinners (one of them was fettuccine alfredo w peas) and some sort of news segment about a resident evil fan convention (????). can't remember what the 'evil merchant' was about??? anyways. kept walking and it became a brutalist concrete hallway with a glass ceiling and there was a fucked up creature behind the glass
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^looked like that. its eyes kept following me. at some point the ceiling was concrete again but it was bleeding?? and then my body started splintering apart and it was basically catalyst but worse
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^me (as adam) looking up at the ceiling as i became a creature. blood was dripping down the walls etc. some notes abt what i looked like after i transformed (some of this wasn't actually in the dream but i made shit up based on what my body felt like):
-iris/pupils have stopped bleeding, are now 'cracking' outwards (no clue what my eyes looked like. but there was a LOT of blood/'blood' on my face)
-mouth and teeth fused together, can't open (i couldn't open my mouth in the dream)
-two new mouths run down face from eyes. both have tongues and are fully functional (i remember having the vertical mouths w the tongues. super weird feeling. i licked my eye on accident it was gross)
-mouths on neck are cosmetic, not functional (i added them for fun. in the dream they were just holes i think)
-left shoulder got shifted around so much that it just sticks up like that. arm is broken and can't move much. (very stiff movement, just kind of hung there)
-just has a hole in the middle of chest. ribs are mostly normal but some of them can move/curl up like centipede legs. some ribs were sticking out of my back also (i think. felt like it at least)
-right arm got stretched out and fused to side of body, had to use it to walk (in the dream the hand itself was normal i just wanted to draw a weird hand. the arm rest of the arm was still weird tho)
-left leg was relatively normal, just a bit stretched out and broken.
-right leg was. long. it kept getting longer as i tried to limp away, until i stopped and then it stayed that length. i walked on the 'knee' and dragged the rest of it behind me
-also my bones were just. broken. just stabbing myself accidentally bc they stuck out weird and were VERY sharp. moving sucked
and thats all i remember. i know there was SOMETHING going on like. a plot or whatever but i forgot it :( like there was a REASON there was a beast in the ceiling but i cant remember WHY. oh well i got a sick alt adam design out of it lol. sort of. want to make an au based off of this ngl LMAO
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chaos0pikachu · 6 months
Hi chaos,
So people on other socials are saying playboyy is camp? I don't quite get that vibe so I'm asking do you? Why?
*cracks neck* okay let's do this; this got wildly long so I'm putting a chunk of it behind a cut b/c unlike some blogs I'm not gonna subject anyone to endless and endless scrolling just b/c I added pictures anyway~~
So people are probably getting this from Den himself:
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I talked about camp an itty bitty bit before, specifically I quoted Susan Sontag who was an American academic, novelist and writer mostly known for her essays. You can read more about her here. Specifically I quoted her essay Notes on Camp:
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I really recommend reading the entire essay, it's a bit dated, but Sontag also makes a point that camp changes with the times as well. This essay was written, after all, in 1964, before Hairspray (1988), Batman (1966), Rocky Horror Picture Show (1975), or Mommie Dearest (1981) which are considered camp classics now. However there's a lot of good stuff to learn in her essay and she also names a lot of prominent either queer creators - Oscar Wilde, Jean Cocteau - or prominent figures that the queer community sorta like, claimed - Bette Davis, Greta Garbo.
Camp is a concept, it's not a hard and fast rule. Not every film or TV show that gets claimed as camp is intended to be camp - Showgirls and Mommie Dearest are sincere in their intentions, they are not trying to be camp at all, but through sheer accidental glory they stumbled right into the camp valley. Similarly with a film I recently learned about via this amazing essay, Valley of the Dolls which was also sincere in it's depiction of drugs, sex, and show business but just ended up...campy (this is part 2 which is my favorite part but part 1 is great too):
I would also recommend this video by Kennie JD on Showgirls and you get a modern idea of how a non-film critic sees the camp in Showgirls even tho it's not intended as camp (Paul Verhoeven is never going for camp in his films he's often going for satire and yet, alas lol):
Okay so this is getting away from me, the question was "Is Playboyy Camp?"
I would argue, yes but definition but it's more classic definition rather than what people probably associate with "camp" in the modern day. Which is "bad" films, or so-bad-they're-good films, or drag queens - would love to see Zouey in full drag actually - but Rocky Horror isn't a "bad" film, heck Showgirls isn't a "bad" film, neither is But I'm a Cheerleader or Jawbreakers, or many other camp classics. Some are "bad" in that they didn't achieve their intentions - again Mommie Dearest is a great, if unfortunate, example of this actually - but films that intentionally try to be camp tend to fail, like Cat and the Hat starring Jim Carrey. They're to fake, they try to hard.
As Sontag said, camp is both sincere and pure and it is also abstract and highlights aesthetic first and foremost.
Showgirls grabbed people in part b/c it's so so so very over the top; from the acting yes but also the costuming and set design. But I'm a Cheerleader had a way smaller budget, but it's very aesthetics focused:
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I've seen people say that Playboyy looks "fake" or "artificial" but so does But I'm a Cheerleader. However artificial is the wrong word, imo, to use here; rather both are camp and surreal. They're going with surrealistic aesthetics to emphasize the emotions of the characters and also, cause gays like color. We love that shit. It stands out. It's fucking fun, it's campy!
I don't think Playboyy is strictly camp but it does take inspiration from camp - it pushes its priorities of the film making to be about the aesthetics rather than emphasizing reality. It's not uninterested in reality - the discussions of sex work in a amoral way (which sidenote I think is a good thing), of sexual desires, the complexities of relationships and boundaries, the acknowledgement of kink etc - but it's uninterested in presenting the world of the show solely through a "realistic" lens visually.
Fantasy is part of the narrative of Playboyy thus that is reflected in the visuals.
BIAC is part satire, which I wouldn't say Playboyy is, since it's not satirizing anything specific - unlike Lovely Writer attempted and didn't accomplish imo doing well from what I watched - it's clear to me that Den is playing a lot with genre. Now how well him and Cheewin the director are accomplishing this, well that's up to individual interpretation.
I can't force people to like Playboyy as much as me - even tho I'm right - b/c I'm not a weirdo and we all like different shit. I do think that Playboyy is using like, actual cinematography however. Like I see that word thrown around a lot and then people provide really like basic examples. Like I'm so sorry but 2Gether's cinematography is basic at best and boring at worst. Two dudes standing in a badly lit room in a mid-shot does not impressive cinematography make - which is fine because a lot of these shows are made on shoestring budgets.
I don't expect Moonlight level cinematography from gmmtv or MeMindY shows. And Playboyy doesn't have that level either it can't it's clearly also made on a small budget.
That said it IS filmed with purpose, and with a specific visual language. Not every shot is great but I do love the sincerity here, it's using color, lighting, and set design with actual thought to enhance the overall aesthetics of the show, enhance the fantasy at play, the camp.
Camp films aren't inherently "bad" films. They make you laugh, scream, and the best ones, actually do say something or spark discussion. Rocky Horror is meaningful to people, But I'm a Cheerleader means something to people, they're both unashamedly queer films that were both kinda bombs - critically and financially - and then slowly gained a cult following b/c they were way ahead of their times.
I get the feeling if camp applies to Playboyy at all it's in that sense, a series that's being pretty harshly maligned and disregarded critically at the moment, but that actually has a ton to say and may end up gaining a following down the line after it's over.
This was like, wildly long and I apologize lol
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aeferkssr · 6 months
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serendipitous encounters. ━ if the stranger never meddled into your personal affairs, archons know where you would be right now.
‎‏‏ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‎i. charas. lyney x gn!reader
ii. an. double uploads!?!!? thats crazy!!?! anyways i kinda rushed the end i hope its still okay tho ><
‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏g ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎iii. cw. su!cide attempt, hum4n trafficin (mentioned vaguely), reader wears a dress, ooc lyney (???), hurt/comfort, angst. please tell me if there are more!
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the air on the balcony was cool, cool enough to calm you from the several interactions.
the breeze danced around the delicate fabrics of your dress, shoes being long disregarded as you stood on the railings. you whisper faint and final farewells to the very stars that keep you company on your lowest nights, the garden that you would hide away in when you needed some time alone, and to the very life that you have been blessed with.
you doubt you'd be able to live as lavishly in your next life, (you doubt you'll even remember this one, much less make a comparison) but you decided to let fate take the lead.
"you can feel the midnight air just fine from down here, i don't think the need for elevation is mandatory."
fate has got to be fucking with you right now. you didn't even look at him. you respond:
"you needn't worry about me, i'll be careful."
"really?" you could hear the skepticism in his tone. he leans over on the railing and looks up to the stars.
out the corner of your eye you could see the top hat atop his head, intricate designs softly illuminated by the light of the gala and the moon's luminescent rays. a black and maroon ribbon covers the base and is tied in an extravagant bow.
you huff as you look back to the sky, closing your eyes and slowly leaning forward.
well, since he was here, clearly he's entertained by your misery. might as well give him a show.
"what bring you to a fatui ball, stranger?"
archons be damned...
slightly annoyed, you look down to be met with violet eyes and a facial expression you couldn't describe. honest, but sly? guarded, yet vulnerable? who exactly was this guy?
without an answer, he continues:
"clearly you have to have some sort of authority, why lose it all here?"
you take a deep breathe, exhaling every ounce of courage you would of have to climb up in the first place. gently, you make your way down with the help of the stranger, or your savior in this matter.
he takes your hand in both of his as you steady yourself on the floor, he looks worried? interested? whoever this guy is, he's definitely hard to read.
he finally asks,
"excuse my prying, but, what would make someone like you give up?"
you sigh, "very trivial matters, i'm afraid. i'm just a coward running away from my problems"
"a matter worth taking your life over isn't trivial to me."
you stare at him, someone you met for the first time is more worried about you than he was. he's been with you all this time, yet you feel more understood by a total stranger.
you try to not meet his eyes as you told your story, holding his hand a little tighter.
"count blanchett of poisson, he's have many wives in his years. there has been rumors of the women he weds only serving as countess for a few months... until never being seen again."
you sniffle as you try to blink away the upcoming tears, you shouldn't be weak right now, you can't be weak right now.
"...i've told father about the rumors but he tells me i'm being dramatic, that there was nothing to worry about and that his past wives were just incompetent, and to never be like them..."
you can hear his stern voice boom throughout his office:
"all of those women simply went back to their homes. to add, they came back disastrous, unfulfilled, disappointments. that will not be you, understand?"
"the stress of the eldest always goes to the weakest" your voice starts to crack as tears flow down your face. "all of my other siblings are just lap dogs, only there as trophies of his blood..."
you finally look him in the eye,
"why did i have to be the disposable one?"
his mouth hands agape, he didn't know what to say, there was nothing he could say. you pour out your heart and soul through you tears, your hand tries to wipe them away but fail as the sheer amount of sadness that flows out.
he couldn't comfort you, but he could distract you. even if it was for a moment.
he takes your other hand and slowly walks into the grand ballroom. it glows with the warmth of chandeliers casting a soft, golden hue over the polished marble floor. the room is alive with the sounds of a live orchestra playing a mesmerizing waltz.
he brings you to the center of the floor and the music swells. he extends his hand towards you as you sniffle,
"don't be shy. you do know how to dance, right?" he teases as you take his hand with a small smile.
you two begin, moving in perfect harmony to the lilting rhythm of the waltz. the stranger leads with finesse, guiding you across the floor with effortless precision.
your bodies sway in sync, a mesmerizing spectacle of fluidity and grace. with every twirl and dip, you two seem to float on air, lost in the timeless allure of the dance. the world around you fades into a blur, leaving only the two of them in their own enchanting universe.
you can faintly see your silhouette through his eyes as he looks directly into yours.
"you're a good dancer." he speaks, breaking the silence between you both.
"i learnt from the best."
he pulls you closer to him, your chest flush against his as he whispers into your ear:
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ventiswampwater · 8 months
Do you think that what Bo said about him and his brothers ending up in foster care was also a lie? I've seen some who think he wasn't lying about that but I don't think the timing and the codependency him and his brothers have adds up to them being separated for a bit, ya know? Sorry for bombarding you with a question but ugh there's just so much untouched lore potential I wanna screeeeeam
*cracking knuckles* oh baby u just opened the floodgates I am about to be SO fckn annoying
so personally, I very much believe that bo's spinning an ENTIRE crock of shit during that conversation w/carly and wade
something that I think we all need to highlight more is that the baby idiot himself has SUCH a flair for the dramatic. our favorite caveman is a chronic theater kid. like, okay acting 101? okay thespian? okay daytime soap OPERA??? the scene he sets for this fuckmurdermayhem is just...................SO grotesque and dramatic and entirely UNNECESSARY LMAO
he's a weirdo who has sequestered himself in a town full of corpses and u just KNOW the gaps between the wax nonsense are LONG and BORING and he's ANTSY
the whole time he's chasing carly thru town he's just. blissed out. goin hehehehehhehehehehe be vewwy vewwwy quiet!! we're huntin' wabbits!!! elmer fudd-mode FULLY engaged
he GRINS before he's shot by a fckin crossbow?????????? BABY???? WHAT ARE U DOING??????
he is truly on some other shit!! convinced his bargain bin broadway play will go off without a hitch and he will somehow??? be getting a standing ovation for his foolishness????
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sighing DREAMILY
this is the most fun he's had in possibly months, and he's living la vida loca. he's that one tiktok of all the kids performing summer loving in the denny's. this is his golden globes. his bafta (big ass fucking truck absurdity). his academy award winning performance, starring his raging boner & very little foresight!!!!
I think there might be LIL grains of truth to his story, ofc. the best lies have small kernels of truth to them, and bo's lies seem to work the best when he adds those in (mentioning that he's close to the deceased to incur pity/getting nick to agree to follow him to a second location by mentioning that they might have gone up to the house)
but I do believe that most of it is complete bullshit lmao
there is absolutely no way in hell that those boys EVER got separated. to me!!! at least!! nope. they were in that miserable little house together the whole time. vincent and bo's interactions together speak to years of sibling tension and growing resentment. lester's inclusion in all of this w/his role of like. the ferryman to the fckin UNDERWORLD that is ambrose. is so v a marker of his attachment to his older brothers
they're all inextricably linked!!!!!!
bo 100% killed victor tho. u do not mime shooting urself in the head when discussing ur dad's death if u did not shoot him point blank range w/a smile on ur face. u simply do not. not entirely sure if he killed trudy. feel like that might've been vincent/a group job. or. pet theory. she DID just die of natural causes. or. other pet theory. she was actively participating/aware of the first couple murders. we'll never know but. huh
I also REALLY don't buy the "trudy got a cyst in her brain" stuff. I've played around w/it in a couple fics, but I v much think the probablity of it being a complete fabrication? oh 99.9%. most definitely. talking about ur mom getting strapped to the bed & screaming loud enough for the whole town to hear? hsdfjhfdsjhsdf BOY GOODBYE.
like????? that's SUCH a deranged thing to tell someone u just met. and it v much seems like smthn he tossed out to purposefully unnerve them. he didn't have to say that, but he DID. bc he loves the cat and mouse game. that's why he creeps on them @ the campsite. he's so deeply abnormal
it's all this weird sad little story that's designed to make u uncomfortable. also. sidenote......................in this version of the scene that he's set, he's the mourning parishioner sadly recounting a tale of woe that he's notably detached to. who is he in relation to the story he weaves? nobody. just an observer.
if life could be a fckin dream boseph!!!
BTW. he does this in the original script, but it's somehow EVEN weirder.
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he is. and I CANNOT stress this enough. roleplaying as a kid in the neighborhood that trudy liked and would spoil.
babygirl is truly going thru it!!!!!! babygirl this is EMBARRASSING!!!!!! ur MOMMY ISSUES!!!!!!!!!!! BABYGIRL!!!!!!!!! they are SHOWING!!!!! they are STAPLED to ur forehead!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!
he's so ABNORMAL!!!!!!! I need to make out w/him!!!!!!!! RN!!!!!!!!!!!
vincent waiting 2 hear what dumbass alternate reality bo has cooked up for this batch of tourists:
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I always talk about how dumb bo is. and I mean every word of it. I really do. but I do think he's got a couple braincells.
I v much feel like he's v much a creature of habit. he's been doing this shebang for years n years and he knows how it goes. he gets his fuckin n suckin and vincent gets his wax sculptures. bada bing bada boom. showtime baby.
his "plan" is v much as solid as a plastic bag drifting thru the wind, wanting to start again. he is fr hinging this whole thing on a series of events, that, should they not happen, he has no alternative for. and he is so weird and so strange and cannot deviate from his script LEST he get pissymad and ruin everything. he's so dumb. I'm so v in love w/him.
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TL; DR!!
I wrote this for my peabrain video essay script and it's all the above bullshit nonsense. but more coherent:
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& an unrelated bit. bc it's still my favorite bit of the script & the only part I recorded a voice clip for sfjdhdfjshdfs
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wilchur · 1 month
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How many references of the same damn character can I make before I get bored?
Some design and related rambles below because I'm in A Mood
There's uhh, selfharm mentions in there on top of the typical Durge shit. Just in case anyone needs a heads up.
I keep tweaking his design every time I draw him, but I think I'm decently happy with it now? It's mainly the burn scar that has been annoying me because I both want it to unique but still somewhat fit the game texture..
I wish I knew how to mess with texture maps to make him custom ones so that all the scars in game match The Lore, but ughh learning that is way too much work.
The scar run down so far:
THE BURN SCAR is a souvenir from Cania. It covers almost the entire upper left half of his body, but on his arm it ends abruptly at the elbow because the explosion that caused it took off his whole forearm so the limb is "brand new" and therefore, scarless.
Yes, he can regrow limbs like an axolotl. However here, I think healing magic was involved too. Just because of how extensive the damage was. I'm imagining his forearm blown off and what's left of his arm charred nearly to the bone. Same with his face, his cheek was definitely gone. An absolutely terrifying image and one that's for sure seared into Gortash's brain forever.
THE VIVISECTION SCAR is Kressa's work of course, but its shape is pretty atypical for how most of the fandom does Durge's scars. The arms of the Y incision don't extend towards his shoulders and go underneath his pectorals instead. It's mostly because his organs have fuck all to do with the tadpole Kressa was studying so I headcanon those experiments to have been done purely for sexual gratification, not scientific at all. Which makes cracking open his ribcage feel like too much of a hassle to me, she can still get in there for a rummage through his stomach after all.
THE SMALL STOMACH AND CHEST SCARS are all stab wounds. I like to think they would've healed fully long ago, but Ezra subconsciously keeps that from happening because they're like mementos to him. It was... a religious/masochism thing between him and Helena. A tad messed up, but he liked her a lot okay.
THE THIGH SCARS are self inflicted. Some are cuts, some poor, frenzied attempts at flaying the skin off to maximise the pain. They start to fade and heal post tadpole because he forgot about the habit thanks to the orinbotomy, but he used to pretty much selfharm his emotions away. Sad? Pain. Affectionate? Pain. Guilty? Nothing some more pain can't fix! It started in his youth when selfharm was his only way to get some clarity of mind when the Urge started to muddy his thoughts and it escalated from there to using it for everything.
THE HAND SCAR is also of the self inflicted kind, but that one is really old. He was around 12 when he stabbed his hand out of fear that if he didn't use the knife he was given to hurt himself, he was going to cause harm to someone else. It was pretty soon after killing his foster parents so the panic was understandable, got him banned from the kitchen for years tho. The scar never faded completely because he was really weak and sickly as a kid due to not feeding the Urge, which messed with his healing abilities (amongst other things) making it stick.
THE HEART SCAR is an another old one. It's from the wound he was killed with when he transformed into the Slayer for the first time. It's symbolic and one of those scars that don't heal because he doesn't want them to. It marks the death of the person he was before Bhaal and serves as a reminder of that whole event. The paladin who killed him (a close friend and mentor actually so that's fun) ran him straight through with a sword so there's a matching scar on his back too.
Those have all pretty much always been there and the only change is the lore of the stab wound scars, though. I just felt like talking about them because I like giving those things A Story.
And since I'm already babbling, I also added some stuff!
He didn't use to have his nails painted post nautiloid, but I had the bright idea of Shadowheart seeing the remnants of chipped off nail polish and because of that offering to do them for him at some point. Probably not until act 3 when they finally reach civilization, but still!
I once mentioned in passing that he collects rings and never implemented that into his design, but here it is now! It's mostly a case of him feeling like he should wear a ring out of habit and ending up going a bit ham with it.
Old wedding band mark :) only sticks around for a bit post nautiloid and eventually disappears, but I still included it anyway for the angst. You understand.
One day I'll do a proper colour reference and decent art of his clothing to go with it, but this will do for now. I just love him so much, he can fit so much lore on him and it's driving me a bit crazy. My beloved hairy bastard man.
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minijenn · 6 months
Jen Tortures Herself With Every Dreamworks Animated Movie Ever: Prince of Egypt
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Papa Bless (literally) its time for me to talk about one of my favorite animated movies, nay, one of my favorite MOVIES ever made. Prince of Egypt is a work of art. Hands down, it is one of the most incredible movies I have ever seen. I'm not even religious (I did grow up Christian and am now a Filthy Heathen but that's beside the point). The real point is that this movie is one that I think can be enjoyed by anyone reguardless of religion. At its core, they took a simple biblical story and turned it into something with raw passion and emotion and art. And I simply adore it.
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Every time I watch this movie, its such an experience for me. I always fall in love with new things, from the fantastic character designs, to the insanely lovely animation to the beautiful songs and score to the way the story is told and the emotions the characters go through with it. Everything in this movie feels huge, weighty, and important. It's very respectful to its source material while making changes that make it work better as a film, particularly the brotherly dynamic between Moses and Rameses that adds a whole new layer of drama onto the story.
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As for that story, we all know the Exodus story by now so I'll spare you on that and discuss the things the movie does on its own. That dynamic between Moses and Rameses is at the heart of the movie and it really is just a devestating tragedy to watch them break apart and become enemies because of the huge responsibilities thrust onto both of their shoulders. The fact that tragedy ends on such a heartcrushing note too its just... god. (literally god, get it? cause this is all his fault lol jk ok)
Moses is fantastically written, a great main character to follow who has compelling drama, at first about his true identity and how he struggles to comes to terms with it and then grappling with having to oppose Rameses to set the Hebrews free. Rameses himself may just be one of Dreamworks best villains, you really do feel bad for him but you also know he's bringing so much of this suffering on himself because of his own stubborn pride. The rest of the cast is also fantastic, Tzipporah is lovely and really fun, Miriam is an absolute sweetheart, Aaron is a sassy little loser but I love how he comes around in the end, and well, God is God (the burning bush scene tho, can we talk about that? fucking INSANE)
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The MUSIC man, each song is SO damn good its hard for me to even pick a favorite. Deliver Us is such a strong opening, a wonderful way to set the stage that makes the stakes feel high right from the start. All I Ever Wanted is a great way to show the life Moses always knew cracking from the inside out. Through Heaven's Eyes is just a bop with a lovely message about change and growth. Playing with the Big Boys is delightfully sinister and the Plagues, oh GOD THE PLAGUES???? INSANE MAN SO DRAMATIC AND INTENSE AND THE IMAGERY IS JUST??!?!?! BRUH! When You Believe might be my favorite though, it starts out somber but grows into this hopeful triumph of excitement and relief and its absolutely beautiful.
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This movie is so beautiful to look at too! The composition of some of these shots, the storyboarding, the facial expressions, the set pieces, the movement of the animation, its all so expertly crafted, so entrancing to watch every second of it. Like I said at the start, this movie truly is an utter work of art in every sence of the word.
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I've been gushing about this movie for long enough I think, but I can't help it! It's honestly that good! And its so hard to believe that it came hot off the heels of a trash heap like Antz. Like bruh how were they cooking that shit and the godsend that is Prince of Egypt at the same time??? Insane, utterly insane. This studio is ridiculous.
Anyway, Prince of Egypt is the GOAT and I will fight you if you disagree.
Overall Rating: 10/10
Verdict: Tzipporah marry me pls
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Previous Review (Antz)
Next Review (Road to El Dorado)
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lollytea · 2 years
hc that hunter and willow end up sharing a lot of clothing and because hunter has issues with the texture of certain fabrics, he sews that little W patch to remind himself that this or that belongs to willow. theres ceirtaintly an easier way to remember other than sewing an entire patch, but he enjoys designing patches that match the clothing. anyways look at what uve done to me im thinking up domestic huntlow hcs
I could imagine that during the time spent in Camila's house, mixing up clothes was a frequent occurance. Usually between Luz, Amity and Gus. They're all roughly the same size so they'd pull out a shirt, take one look at it and be like "yeah this is probably mine." Considering they're GFs, Luz and Amity wouldn't mind. But Gus would definitely complain if he saw either of them in one of his dino shirts tho lmao.
Willow and Hunter are also susceptible to this but less so. Hunter accidentally wore one of Willow's T-shirts once and when she was like "Borrowing my shirt, huh? ;)", he was absolutely mortified.
"O-oh! Is this yours? I didn't-- I-I'm so sorry. I mean, looking at it now... obviously it's yours. It's got mushrooms on it. Like, duh, am I right? I'll-I'll take it off immediately lemme just--"
"Now I know you're not about to take the shirt off right now in front of her, right?" Gus quickly adds before he embarrasses himself any further.
Hunter freezes, hands bunched in the hem, seconds before yanking the shirt over his head.
"ObViOusly not!" His voice cracks, face scalding. "That'd be weird. So weird! No I-...I'll wash it for you! I know you don't want my weird smell on it..."
Willow tilts head to the side, cocking an eyebrow "I don't?" She asks innocently.
All Hunter can manage is a confused but horribly flustered squeak. It's amazing the heat didn't melt the skin of his face off.
Gus has to give Willow a stern talking to later that day. ("You WILL kill him if you don't tone it down. Stop the violence, Park!!!")
Anyway, after that happens, Hunter does not throw on just anything. He carefully scrutinises every article of clothing he dons and makes absolute certain that it belongs to him. So yeah I could imagine him sewing in little name tags just to keep Willow's clothes out of his pile.
However, this is the point where Willow starts "accidentally" wearing his clothes in return. She bounces into the kitchen for breakfast in one of his rocko button downs and it makes his galdorstone fucking flatline. Sees his life flash before his eyes as he chokes on his cereal. He cannt TAKE this shit anymore man.
You know his sweater? The soft yellow one? Willow once asked to borrow it. She, Lumity and Vee were heading out for a girls day and she had this cute skirt that she wanted to wear and that sweater would match it perfectly and... 🥺
Anyway when Hunter gets it back, there's a strong scent of perfume on it.
"You'll probably wanna wash that." Willow winks, fully aware that he hasn't a notion of washing it. She leaves Hunter a pile of mush, clutching the sweater to his chest for dear life.
He wears it the next day. There's still traces of Willow's scent on it. He tries to be casual about it but fails miserably. She grins like an idiot all day long.
But yes YES absolutely. In a few years time they are constant clothes sharers. Deliberate this time. Very funny to think about Willow intentionally avoiding textures that Hunter doesn't like when clothes shopping, even when they're for her. Cuz like...they'll end up on him at some point probably. If she owns fabrics that bother Hunter, it's clothes that aren't really his style anyway. But shirts, pants, jackets, hoodies. These are all fair game.
Hunter STILL distinguishes every article of clothing with the personalised little patches but you want to know the biggest reason I think he does this?
He wants people to know. He likes flaunting who he's dating honestly.
Luz: *pointing at the leaf patch on the sleeve of Hunter's jacket* Lemme guess. This is your girlfriend's?
Hunter: *is not a teenager anymore and tries to resist the urge to giggle. Fails anyway* yeah 🥰
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chenyann · 2 years
Cake Bake!!
All boys!!
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Today there is a cake bake!, if you don't know what that means let me explain, all students will have to bake a cake in 2 and a half hours.The best cake wins a date with the lovely prefect of ramshackle!
cw: gn!reader, crack & fluff, not much of my normal but I digress, unedited,based off someone who never play the cooking event💀.
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It looks good
But it's not🥲
It has 3 cups of salt in it
Trey told him it make the sugar sweeter
Plain cake
Plain icing
Plain in general
Yako score:
Was 0/10
+2 points because the flower
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Looks cute(ˊᗜˋ )
strawberries 😍😍😍😍
tastes just right ✅
He probably added real strawberries inside (´-﹏-`)
Could it be better?
yako score:
-2 points because of too much icing
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Looks like red velvet
It's not
It actually paprika
Butter cream icing
It looks like fish food at the top🤢
It's not? I hope
He tried(„• ֊ •„)੭
Yako score:
-8 because of me thinking it was red velvet.
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Let me be like Gordon Ramsay real quick
not only is it ugly
But it's raw
Done eat it babe 😔😔
it's chocolate
Too much chocolate
He probably put salt in it on purpose
Yako score:
He is gonna kill us both prefect 😪
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Ummm(·•᷄‎ࡇ•᷅ )
He tried
It tastes ok....
I think
Was ment to be a marble cake
Too much egg in the icing
it's a plain cake
But with a little chocolate
So In taste wise
It's good
Yako score:
-5 cause it's ugly
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ruggie made it
Told ruggie to write that
Atleast there is a heart
He gonna drag you to nap after the cake bake
Yako score:
-9 points because it's rude
Kept one because ruggie made it
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It's plain
But it's from grandma bucchis cook book
I WOULD EAT IT LIKES ITS A **** I just said tart chill yall
4 layers!!!!!
Butter cream icing 😋
It's a bit original but there is bits of orange in it
That's what makes it a granny bucchi special!
Yako score:
It's a original, it has a twist,the buttercream makes it sweet but the orange makes it pop!
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This was unexpected 🤨
I like it
the sweetness of the berries makes the chocolate more flavourful
I would be better if icing was all around it but it's okay ig
he did his best(˶ᵔᴗᵔ˶)
the icing in the middle is lacking tbh
Yako score:
The aesthetic wasn't there
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He can't bake
Poor boy wants that date tho
So who better to bake than the sea witch
He did Ursula dirty💀💀💀
It would taste good tho
It would taste like berries
Don't ask
But other than the...."lovely" art.
It's okay
Yako score:
-4 cause of the art
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It delightful
Very cute
may or maynot be real mushrooms...😅
Be careful
You dodon'want to be poisoned now do we(˶ᵔᴗᵔ˶)
butter cream flavored ^^
Yako Score:
I don't want him to poison me okay
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Honestly I don't even know wtf this is
Don't eat
Someone put a caution sign on it
I'm so scared
Oh no
God no
I think we are gonna die
I quit
It looks like my cats food
This makes me fr sick
Yako score:......
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Jamil done it
But. Kalim wrote a long and surprisingly good description of what he wanted made
Don't get me wrong tho, he wanted to make it
It's good
I don't like the nut tho..IM SORRY!😭😭
yako score:
-3 because of the nuts
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I didn't really try 🤓
He is lying
Wants to 1 up Kamil so bad
Probably sabotaged kalim💀💀💀
if you praise him istg prefect I will wack you
lives off fondant
Vanilla cake:0
It's really plain tbh
Yako score:
-2 because it's plain
And boring
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Custom made(๑•̀ㅁ•́๑)
But very pretty 😍
Can I eat the butterflies?????
If not this is a scam
Half of it is organic icing
1/3 is cake
2/3 is icing and air
Don't ask
The design is kinda everywhere
But it somehow works
I think its the pink
That it
Yako score: 10/10 if I can eat the butterflies
If not then it's 7/10
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It's simple
It's cute
The colors look divine
positive message
I love it
Maybe a plain cake?
I would eat this
He would put a bit of salt too keep you on ur toes😌
Yako score:100/10
I love the vibes he is making
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Don't get me wrong it would taste delightful
I just think he wouldn't know how to decorate it
So he did minions
Rook offered to give tips but epel said no🙂🙂
Should have let him tbh
but i digress
Yalo score:
-6 for the minions
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Let's be honest now
It's gonna be one of these
Yako score:
I'm being honest
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Sweet lil bby♡♡
he is a robot
There is no flaws
Unless he wants one
It is kinda plain
He would have done more
But it's still good
A lil bland
Because he won't eyeball the sugar🙄
But still good
Yako score:
-3 could be better
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Why yes that is a wedding cake
*hint hint wink wink*
He cheated and used magic
But you don't need to know
he would say yall should cut it together
Down bad 😔
If it was me I would say no
Because it's plain
Yako score:
-7 plain and cheated
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And don't even think about eating it
You will get food poisoning
And it won't be pretty
If you wanna sit on the toilet for the next week then be my guest and eat it
Mayo acts as icing
.....the hotdog looks like a penis
Idk what that yellow stuff is😰😰
Yako score:
- ♾/10
We all know why
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Made 3
His animal friend helped
Probably one of the best hand decorator and baker here
He did nice
It's cute
It's fun
Aesthetic was on point
The flavors would clash
the flowers add taste
Yako score:
This one is going places
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Nobody said that
It's okay
Everyone loves you
Sebek is just mad
he will get over it
I like the rainbow tho
Yako score:
I Liked the rainbow(〃⌒⤙⌒)ゞ
That all folks!!
Who do you think should win?
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rainingfishandfrogs · 4 months
Sailor Moon Thoughts - i know i'm 10yrs late but Crystal's not that bad actually
so i recently got back into sailor moon
grew up on the english dub 90s anime (watch the jpn sub in 9th grade)
had only read the manga once in the past and that was in college; however i just recently bought the first 2 volumes of the collector's edition (just finished V2 actually!)
but this is my first time watching Crystal (mostly bc when it was first coming out there was so much backlash and hate and it made me turn away from it)
now that i've read volumes 1&2 and watched S1 i gotta say...when compared to the manga Crystal's honestly not that bad and i'd say overall pretty faithful
Spoilers for Sailor Moon Crystal!
Usagi and Mamoru
first thing's first! mamoru's age is fixed! fucking yay!
in both the manga and crystal he's a 16yr old 2nd year high school kid! not a 1st year college student dating at 14yr old little girl! he and usagi compliment each other and it really shows in crystal imo
90s-SM fleshes out this couple individually more in the first season and i'm in love with that and they have some really sweet moments and i still ship it ofc i do BUT the age difference got so iffy and squeakable for me when watching again as a grown ass adult!
some of usagi's emotional intelligence is downplayed and she sometimes comes off as even younger than she is and that makes the ship feel uneven and i just keep thinking "there he goes off with his child bride 👋🏽" and it really doesn't help that they animated mamoru looking so much older and acting like a mature 20-something (even tho yes, he's closer to 18 but an 18yr old dating a 14yr old is still so squeakable to me)
the manga is where this ship thrives and it's more believable that they fall for each other especially bc they're on more equal footing but crystal adds in a scene in S1 that i personally love that's when sailor moon and tuxedo mask are fighting zoisite toward the middle of the season (before venus shows up)
i'm massively paraphraseing but in this scene usagi doesn't just tell but shows mamoru through her tears and pained expression that she understands he's deeply lonely and that it hurts her, she doesn't want that for him, she wants to do everything in her power to make sure he never feels that way again
and mamoru tells her that SHE is everything he wants and he doesn't need a magical stone to find out who he is and where he belongs not when she's standing beside him bc her strength and kindness are inspiring and he's not afraid or lonely when around her
"i won't let you be alone anymore" / "seeing your strength makes me so happy" couples are my downfall and this scene cracks me right open
and this is BEFORE they regain their memories i'm fucking dead!
English Dub
i vaguely remember ppl shitting on the English dub of Crystal and yes i watched it in Japanese first but the English dub is actually really great?! especially when compared to the 90's English dub!! i love Usagi's VA and i think all the voices match the characters pretty well
The Transformations and Character Designs
okay so those 3D transformations are bad
the animation is really jarring at first and yeah it's not good i don't like it but after a while you just sort of...idk get used to it and it's not a make-or-break thing imo now did the 90s anime do it better? fuck yeah! but by the end of the season i just felt meh about them and barely cared
i remember the character designs getting A. LOT. of hate and yeah i agree that they are too sharp and angular and that the manga was more a cross between the 90s and crystal character designs - but that's another thing you get used to and also doesn't that get fixed later?
plus idk i kind like that both animated versions each take one end of the spectrum with the manga in the middle 🤷🏾‍♀️
The Big One
okay now the big one - the supposed past love between the 4 heavenly kings and the inner planet guardians that wasn't in the manga and definitely not in the 90s version where these guys are handled more interestingly
i think this subby-subplot that's not even really a subplot is stupid and doesn't amount to anything and doesn't actually make a ton of sense if earthlings and...and moonlings being together is forbidden the serenity had to SNEAK AWAY to see her earth prince and it does sort of take away some of the tragedy that is serenity and endymion's doomed love
like i was going "what was the point of that" when the kings all die and the sailor girls are weeping for 2secs before getting back to busniess and i get wanting to expand more on all 8 of these characters, but that's not how you do it - 90s-SM expanded on these characters better because plot points were stretched out and we got to know the characters more slowly over a longer period of time (plus 2 of the kings were lovers! that's cute as hell!!)
basically this whole thing was shoved into the story last minute with very minimal build up barely any conclusion and it's really uninteresting
0.3/5🌙 (only bc venus dropping a few hints every few episodes was done well enough-ish but it was still stupid in the end and shouldn't have been included the way it was)
even with that though crystal still isn't that bad - overall it's actually pretty good and i love experiencing the manga coming to animated live
the OST is beautiful! and even tho NOTHING tops the 90s theme song that crystal usamamo love theme is fucking gorgeous 😍 in fact all the music in crystal is top teir imo
i do miss the focus on the female friendship tho and kinda wish crystal took some of that 90s-SM female friendship focus BUT 90s-SM just had so much more time to work with and at the end of the day SM is a romance so i understand why the anime adapting the manga more closely focused on the romance more heavily (and that usamamo scene i talked about above is still so. damn. good!)
anyway if you're like me and didn't bother watching crystal bc the hate and backlash when it first came out i say give it a try
it's still cute and still sailor moon and so far it's getting a 4/5🌙
i'll probably do another one of these when i finish S2 (jon and eng) and the volumes it adapted
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starriri · 3 months
Purple guy from altdrdt and unknown girl from LGI MV are related (starri crack (?) theory #2 ) (i have some actual valid points tho trust me)
while going through the new updated designs for alt drdt, i’ve realized that purple guy and unnamed girl share many similarities. this has led me into believing that they are somehow related.
don’t see it? here is a picture i made highlighting all the similarities between the two.
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this, in my humble opinion, is enough to tell that they are DEFINITELY related.
(UPDATE: Just realized. They do NOT share the yee yee ass haircut. Mystery girl’s other part of hair is cover by her hand sorry :(. In my defense I wrote this right after like collapsing and blanking out for a few seconds because of my iron deficiency so i was NOT in the right state of mind sorry lol)
(actual knowledgeable shit under cut)
ok but like anyway other than that i noticed something that might actually have some sort of validity(finally!!)
look at her.
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something that i just. like. realized was how she was holding a hand. like. a fucking hand. i though she was holding a fucking sack of money idk
Could that be David’s hand? Someone else maybe …
And something else I’m sure we’ve realized is how her eyes are the only thing colored in the image.
They kind of remind me of Xander’s. Maybe she is related to Xander?????? Like many other theorists have said, I think. idk maybe the hand belongs to david chiem and he’s just really interested in the matthews family
You know what. I can’t pull up the MV rn but there was this one part where David monologue d about like ‘if you like (??) something it’ll break and disappear’ which kind of implies that he’s had this kind of stuff happen before Xander. Maybe he fell in love or just was super close to the girl in the picture but she died, like Xander. He knows that anyone that he ends up taking a liking to will probably have something bad happen to them. Waow teruvid parallels frfr
Now, something related to the Literature Girl Insane MV itself.
You know how one of the footnotes go something like ‘_____ _____ does not exist. I was always an only child.’?
Everyone says that the missing name is Diana Chiem and David is the one talking.
But what if the roles were switched and it’s referring to David himself?
Perhaps Diana and David had some sort of fallout and Diana prefers to simply deny David’s existence at all.
Alternatively David is committing identity fraud and David Chiem is not his real name (make that starri crack theory #3!!).
Or vice versa and Diana does exist but David pretends that she isn’t ( please i’m holding on to the small hope that she’s real. diana chiem my baby. )
I’m going to be honest. If David was lying about Diana’s existence, why would he bring her up in the first place and pretend he did have a sister?? I don’t see any way he benefits from it, at least personally.
please leave your thoughts on this in the comments!!
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volivolition · 1 month
throwing the ask back at you
What are your fav skill designs?
TL;DR - Canon Designs: Pain Thresh, Vis Cal+Concept, Authority, EMPATHY!!, Interfacing. Personal Designs: Echem, VOLITION!!!, Half Light, Shivers!
okay so if its for canon designs:
Pain Threshold is sick as hell. guy looks so fucking anguished, i LOVE the expression, stabbed through the ribcage OUGH talk about lung imagery!! emotional and physical pain :3
Visual Calculus? also sick as hell! Vizzy and Conceptualization share a spot actually because i love how they're both similar? both have the billowing smoke and the Square of Creation thing, thats so cool, they're matching! (they're in love for this i think…)
Authority?? the way people draw the pointed laurel wreath on him?? SICK AS HELL. wish i could come up with an adequate design for him i LOVE how he looks hkjfh
I TOTALLY AGREE WITH YOU ON EMPATHY... RAUGH... the somber closed eyes, the branching wisps of his head to connect to others, the glow from his chest, his hands around his shoulders in a hug, I LOVE YOU EMPATHYYYYYY!!!!!
also love how Interfacing's arms are rendered (for all the motorics, the stark yellow on black is SO good, intellects and psyches are very muted, physiques are brighter, but motorics are brightest!! do you think its because the skills become more literal and tangible for physiques and motorics, compared to the thought-based intellect and psyche skills?) oough… so interesting…
if it's for personal design, it may change as i design more of them! but for now:
small thing but i love that my Electrochemistry has 6 upper limbs and 9 lower limbs because haha funny number :] guy who's spaghetti. to me.
Volition… listen. listen. knights are my weakness. protectors? swords? cool armor? motherfucker i LOVE you. this art changed me irrevocably and is also the first thing i ever reblogged on this account. youre telling me this guy made a holy vow to harry and isn't knight-coded?? ough. im not normal about him!!! his armor needs cracks so he can move! if theres no cracks, if volition is too high and too rigid, then you cant do anything!! you'll die in that armor if you don't allow a little room for looseness, to let yourself have some temptation for good things that remind you life is worth living. if volition is too loose though, if you have too many cracks in your armor, if you give into too many vices, you're going to fall apart, you're going to get hurt, you're going to destroy yourself. BALANCE!! i love his morale counter in his throat slowly getting exposed as more cracks appear, it's so interesting, it's like a survival tactic, a cry for help. his eyes are dark hollows in his face, and his glowing eyes!! streets and sodium lights!!!!! did you know his eyebrows are also just cracks in his face? i always make sure to connect them to his eyes or the center crack, you can see in all my art of him. my favorite is when he's surprised, the eyebrow is a crack in the back of his crown so it looks like it's raised hfjkh... also i gave him a sword because he deserves it. ough i have so much to say about him. hes so interesting to me…
i do love my Half Light, i haven't posted her yet tho! I WILL EVENTUALLY. SHE'S INTERESTING I LIKE HER!! he lives up to his name, i feel <3 i will expand on this whenever i finish up her design!
MY SHIVERS DESIGN IS REALLY FUN... her powerlines, i have ALWAYS seen her design as a figure inside her head? i dont know if anyone else has. but i like it for symbolism, she is so small but so big... just one of harry's 24 skills and yet encompasses ALL of revachol. a deity to revere her; a duty to protect her. in the hollow of her head, if you look up you can see all the stars above the skyline, and if you look down into her body you can see the night-lit streets of the city, the glowing lights of apartment windows, the expanse stretching farther than one would expect for the dimensions of her body. she doesn't have limbs attached to her body, though she has glowing arms that emerge from the ground or form from the winds. a hundred thousand luminous arms... shivers my darling...
okay so i have so many more favorites and i think ALL of them are so cool but I WILL STOP MYSELF HERE HKJF <3 thank you for asking lazarus i appreciate youuuuu!!! :D
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