#these questions are the random things I find myself pondering about my own works
knuckleslove · 2 years
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Happy Fanfic Writers Appreciation Day! This ask game is unconventional because instead of writers posting it, and waiting for the inbox to fill up, I want YOU to send these questions to your favorite fic writers by tagging them on a reblog—because honestly I’ve never met a fic writer who isn’t SOOO excited for the opportunity to speak more about their stories.) To my lovely writers out there... just answer as many questions as you feel comfortable with. And by all means if you—a fic writer—are reading this, and nobody has asked you to do this yet, please consider this ME asking YOU to share about your wonderful stories.)
— How long have you been writing fanfiction?
— Do you have a favorite word? (One that you love. Doesn’t necessarily have to be one you use all the time.)
— Share a favorite run-on sentence that you’ve written.
— Share a bit of a scene that you’ve written that still gives you FEELS.
— What is your favorite kind of character interaction to write? — Do you have a hyper-specific genre?
— Any personal or frequently used tags?
— Share a joke or funny moment that you’ve written that still makes you laugh.
— Best editing tip?
— What drives you to write?
— Share something about your writing that you have wished someone would ask you about. Or alternatively, something that you are just really proud of.
— Where do you draw inspiration?
— What is your immediate reaction when you receive a new comment on a fic?
— What is your biggest challenge in writing?
— 1-2 sentence preview from your current WIP?? (Only if you are willing.)
— What story or scene are you most proud of?
— Please link your profile so we can admire your works!
~~~~~~~~~~ To all my of my personal fic writing friends who mean the world to me, and to many others who's stories I have cherished, and who I admire dearly, and to fic writers everywhere... you are amazing. I love you. Thank you SO much. — @sarilleny aka @knuckleslove
So many of you I do not have tumblrs for but for the ones I know... @speedy-1236 @mcfanely @aaasy @awesomestarfighter @un-pearable @aurorawest @mareebird @izhunny @ryehouses @xxgwenstacyxx @toosicktoocare @cluegrrl @gyzym @qibbyy @iluxia @boleyn13ao3 @doitwritenow @distractedkat @arysteia @nekokoban
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chemicalbrew · 22 days
for the character thing u know i gotta ask zero
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obsessed with how you specified with a sprite. it's gonna look so awkward, I love it.
send me a character and i’ll list:
favorite thing about them
The weirder answer: the specific tone of voice I have developed for him in my head that I can never explain to people, but it just Is. Lately it's been getting more muddy and vague (Gotta go replay!!! Yearning...), but in general, holy shit, it's so good.
The normaler answer: the way his whole character is on the undefinable fringe between right and wrong, life or death, being perfect and just being, etc etc. You get it, it's on the ceiling.
least favorite thing about them
Seriously, though, I don't know... there are plenty of parts to him you're supposed to dislike and question, but at this point I have stewed and pondered on them enough to actually adore how well they fit together.
There's at least some sort of inferable reason to just about everything he does or can do, so it's genuinely hard to find a reason to hate him, despite it all. When the character is complex... bottom text...
favorite line
Off the top of my head, probably "You honestly thought you were in my league." I feel like I talked about that moment plenty (with some people, or maybe with myself), and also not enough, but it really feels like the first (or one of the first) times his core character really shines on its own.
And due to how it's all constructed, in the moment all you can really think about is how much you agree. You just sit there, somewhere between utterly fascinated and deeply... immersed, for lack of a better word, and it's the exact way they want you to feel. They want this to stick, so it does. It's just a good scene.
Shout-out to "You are wise and virtuous." in HERO as well, because that is probably my single favorite bit in the whole thing. Help.
The little girl, obviously :3 + Fifteen, but it's too complicated to just call it that. I'm not in the mood\shape to try explain it exactly, especially since you already know
The receptionist. <3 <3 <3
It's the kinda shit that realistically shouldn't work out, which is why I'd love to see it actually get pulled off in canon, LMFAO. But I'm not too hung up on it, obviously.
Literally everything and everyone else (aside from the two crossover crack ships I now have, but that's entirely out of this ask's scope and I don't want to elaborate), including 150 seen through any other lens than mine, to be honest.
Lea him alone.
random headcanon
He really wants to have a cat, but doesn't act on it for multiple reasons, from stray cats just generally being nasty on top of how The Everything in the district is horrible, to the crushing knowledge of never being able to take care of it perfectly.
unpopular opinion
Probably every single opinion I have. I don't like answering questions like these because I hate knowing what is popular no matter what fandom. The very concept of such a question consistently stumps me, because I am permanently off in the corner, just doing my own thing.
song i associate with them
You've seen my playlist, and I don't like going off about it unless prompted, so I'll simplify and say Overdose. :3
favorite picture of them
[scrolls through 💿 tag and my silly art stash rapidly] uh... I'm gonna pick three... if there's anything KZ fandom always does right, it's the art, ugh.
The second one in this tweet. There's something about the framing and the texture that just gets me so bad...
This post. I keep saying it, but Scary is one of my fav artists in general, and I continue projecting stuff onto this piece specifically, so it just means so much to me, oh my god. That and the song it's coupled with. Help me.
This post. The expression and pose, the colors, literally everything about the linework, and to top it all off, the gem that is the fucking caption. I think about it weekly.
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phaedrus8504 · 2 years
"Hello World"
I am going by the pseudo name Phaedrus for the time being and I am really not sure what I am doing with this blog or if it will be good or if someone will even read it (the internet is a weird place).....
I have had a lot of time to ponder for the last couple of years due to health issues (which for the most part are now fine) and I am not sure if I am in the mist of an existential crisis or if I am more aware now....
When I find myself in this rabbit hole of thought it can become very puzzling.
My thought process for starting this blog (if there is a better site thats free please let me know) is that it will be a good place to channel my thoughts as I embark on my path and maybe find like minded ppl and/or just a place to get things off my mind..... We will see, maybe this is my first and last blogpost or maybe this is a silly idea.
The questions that have taken me into the abyss of thought are as follows: What is the meaning/purpose of life? What will be the my "legacy" if anything once I am gone from this world? How can I best live my life?
How can I best help others?
How can I best live my life with high standards and a good world view?
Sometimes I find myself thinking I know these answers and then I go down another rabbit hole and find myself (at least I think) back to where I started.... In this doctrine of thought from my own world view, I would like to establish that I do not think life is pointless. To me that thought pattern is too simple and too easy. I am also not an atheist, which I think should be noted as well.
But when you look at our entire existence at some point in time we will be forgotten (everyone of us no matter how much we have accomplished in this life) and thus brings me back to square one:
"What is the point?"
"Why do we create?"
"Why do we find meaning in the nothingness of life?" "Why has this one question puzzled mankind since since the dawn of our existence?" Off the top of my head I would like to state this as well, but the further man gets disconnected from the natural world the more harm I think that will cause. I am also referring to our "God Complex" that we have too.
To me there seems to be a great lacking of morals and just living in our current world, maybe I am wrong I am not sure. I would also like to state I want these posts to be organic and natural in the style of Jack Kerouac where you just sit down and write, so saying that I assume there will be typos and misspellings... I am ok with that and look for (if i get any) in the comments section about how bad I am at spelling and how "stoopid" I am (lol).
I am not submitting a paper for a grade for some meaningless piece of paper, I am after logic/truth. I'd rather state that and get that out of the way.
Maybe this is a social experiment I am not sure, I assume with how my mind works some posts may be rather random. Thats been my nature for 30 some years, so assume that to follow.
If you take time to read the ramblings of someone on the interwebs (yay 2022), I appreciate that. Maybe we all find something beautiful in the end.
Be good to each other and keep it between the lines,
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lily-radiance · 2 years
Over and Over Again
Sukuna x Female Reincarnated Reader
It was odd to say the least waking up as someone else, someone who looked just like you, but were a different person altogether. The memories came in flashes, sometimes in dreams, or rather nightmares depending on the subject. Your soul, originally born a thousand or more years ago had changed in the last years. Reborn again at every passing, the same memories always staying, the curse neverending. You had kept your core personality, but certain aspects had changed. The memories terrified you sometimes, filled with conversations and words you didn't understand.
So when you bumped into Yuuji Itadori at a random encounter, it felt like electricity in your veins. Little did you know, a certain demon had the same feeling when his vessel made contact with you.
"Hey, that was my bad! I didn't mean to bump into you like that!"
The boy was speaking quickly, concern lacing his features. Honestly you couldn't pay attention to his apology, not when that hair and those eyes looked so familiar. You had also forgotten about the coffee that was now spilled over the sidewalk, that was until the young man offered you cash,"to pay for another coffee, I'm really sorry!", He had explained.
"No it's fine, really! It wasn't even that good of coffee, and I don't want you wasting your money on it."
He nodded in reply, trying to think of something else.
"I'm Yuuji by the way, Yuuji Itadori. In afraid I have to get going but I'll be sure to pay you back!"
He began to sprint down the sidewalk after taking a glance at his phone. A text from Gojo no doubt.
"Why did he look so familiar?", You wondered as you headed to your home.
Itadori was now dealing with two problems, one simple and easy to do, but the other left him oddly confused.
The first one was to train more with Todo and Nobara, easy enough. Yet the second one involved the King of Curses rambling in the back of his mind. They didn't share all thoughts or anything, but he could hear a train of intrusive thoughts that he knew was not his own.
"Hey Nobara can you help me with something!", Itadori yelled while dodging attacks.
"Why don't you ask Gojo!? I don't know everything about Jujutsu!"
He let out a sigh before continuing. As soon as he explained the problem her face contorted in a mix of rage and disgust.
"There's no way I'm helping you help the worst cursed spirit in the world get a date because you have some weird psychic powers!"
"I told you it wouldn't work fool", the demon in question replied.
"Nobara it's unbearable! And I didn't say anything about a date, you just assumed that! Just help me with this one thing!"
She pondered for a moment before sighing.
"Let me get this straight, you want to find this mystery girl all because Sukuna is complaining that she looks familiar and has a high cursed energy supply? So you want to talk to her to find more info about her? Jeez you boys are so desperate, but I'll help on one condition: You have to help me with anything I ask for a week!"
He knew this favor would cost him something along those lines but anything to fix this problem and make sure his counterpart stayed in line. Of course his counterpart couldn't go on and give the details of why this was so important to him. Just another mystery to be left alone.
How Nobara discovered you and your place of school was another question. But Itadori didn't ask in fear of just how much information Nobara could get on him.
It surprised you to see him again in the same week, but nevertheless you greeted him as class ended.
"Hey Itadori!", You greeted by the front gate."What're you doing out here?"
"Oh, just taking a walk and admiring the uh... building architecture?"
You turned to look back at your school in curiosity.
"Right, well I'm glad you are in the area. Finally get to introduce myself after yesterday's fiasco." You reached a hand out, waiting to shake his."(Y/N), (Y/N) (L/N)."
Another shock of electricity, and a small memory.
"(Y/N), what a name for someone like you. Call me Sukuna."
Once you had snapped back to reality you quickly pushed yourself away from the newly found acquaintance.
It was almost hard to catch your breath, the memory making you feel sick. What was worse was the fact that your heart felt a squeezing sensation at that name.
"I'm sorry I have to go, but I'll be sure to get in touch!"
People turned as you pushed past the group of students rushing out of their classes.
Nobara was quick to hold a gaze of judgement towards Yuuji.
"That's the second time that happened, I felt something strange.", He replied to her expression.
He turned to face her fully, his heart hammering in his chest.
"I felt something like a chill and my heart just felt like it would explode. He couldn't understand this emotion that felt as if he could keel over and lose all the air in his lungs.
Nobara's expression now held one of concern for her friend.
"Yuuji! You're crying...."
True enough one eye was dripping tears down his cheek, but he didn't know what was going on. Why was he in so much pain? All from a girl he barely knew?
"That was her, but she's changed.", Sukuna muttered, shocking both Nobara and Yuuji.
"Wait you know her!? But you're like ancient history!", Nobara tried to understand.
"I know her soul, but not who she's become, not in this life."
He stopped speaking altogether, even his thoughts didn't invade Itadori's mind for the rest of the day. And it truly was odd because he had gotten so used to the snide comments and cruel advice.
When the teen had fallen asleep he soon heard the sound of water and the echo of the wind. He had slipped into his domain for the second time.
Itadori prepared for a fight, eyes glaring at the figure in front of him. Yet the figures eyes held no ill intent, transfixed on the space behind Itadori.
"I didn't pull you here to fight, so lose that stance before I kick you out entirely."
Itadori still tense had an uneasy feeling, a knot in his stomach.
"You saw something didn't you? Back there with her? An image rendered inconsequential to your mortal mind, but very important to me. So I assumed you have questions, and I have no choice but to show you."
He stepped closer to the younger one, red eyes dark and full of a resentful presence.
"The second you become a bother, you'll be dismissed."
He placed a hand to Itadori's forehead, eyes still boring into his.
In a second, the dark and gloomy scene was replaced by a field covered in a mix of flowers and trees. He could see a young woman running, carrying a basket of what he could only assume to be apples from a nearby tree. He now understood Sukuna when he stated you had changed. This you seemed more alive, more like the embodiment of grace and peace than he'd ever seen. It was as though a veil of ecstasy had covered the rolling hills.
The next thing he noticed was the sword attached to your hip, the scabbard a delicate purple with a black sash looping around the hilt.
"She was a jujutsu sorcerer, like you and everyone else you have come to know. But she was pure in the sense that her powers came from a sense of tranquility, her abilities almost a match to my own."
His voice was full of a matter of fact tone, eyes never straying from you.
"But some of the people had placed idiotic and irrational beliefs. That her abilities were coincident with those of an ungodly source. So you can only imagine how the people looked upon such an angel with bonds connected to me."
The scene changed, a storm of obsidian clouds and a vicious thunder and lightning creating a scene if malevolence.
"She knew what people considered me and warned me to leave and not fight." His sharpened nails dug into his shoulder, tearing at the robe around him.
"But I couldn't back away from the place I'd met her. Couldn't leave it behind without a last ditch effort. But it all came to a massacre."
The sound of horses and people yelling against the rain made everything so loud.
"I went back, because I had to see her again. See that she was fine. But I was too late. Some fool was trying to exact revenge that he claimed was her fault. The work of demonic arts, the work of a devilish imposter."
The scene played out, a crowd, a man pulling at the hilt of your blade, trying to wrestle it away from your hip.
Itadori heard a defeated laugh come from the man beside him. Rage so clearly visible on his features. He began to wonder what his full strength was like back in this time.
"She saw me, she saw me and cried out to run but how could I betray her life when her words were easier to ignore. She lost concentration and I lost my sensibility and in the end, she was left impaled by the very blade I'd given her for protection. It seemed meaningless, the people in front of me seemed like disgusting creatures I saw no reason to show mercy on. Not when they started as I picked her up and had to be the one to hear her breath fade away."
The scene was so clear, your body in his arms as the townspeople watched in shock. Had they realized the idiocy they had shared when killing an innocent creature that was saw the good in the worst. The one who devoted everything to people Sukuna would consider scum.
"Why didn't you save her? Like you saved me?", Itadori asked in bewilderment.
"I think it was something outside of my control. I had healed her before, so many times but the moment her heart stopped and I tried it desperately, nothing happened. It was as though the world had deemed her purpose to move through each generation in her family line to do what she always did, save the unlucky even if it made her the unluckiest of all."
Suddenly, they were both back in the cold domain, trying to process everything.
"What happened to her, where did you...?"
Sukuna understood the question immediately, although he was reluctant to answer.
"That tree, and I put a protective barrier around it, so that only others in her family may return to it or others bearing the purest of ideals. But I don't know if that barrier is still there, and I can't sense her like I used to."
"I'll find it, just tell me where to go and what to look for!"
Sukuna had felt a chill, and a sense of worry.
"It's been a thousand years, that tree is probably dead and who knows if those hills have changed either. It's a futile venture unless you searched all of Japan."
An idea clicked in Itadori's mind.
"Wait you said you'd allow her family to visit the site!? What if there's a family shrine there too! It's like you said it's been generations, and I assume she was of some nobility! That means I just have to track down her surname and it'll be easy!"
Sukuna stared at his reflection in the water, a little hope forming in his chest, the only reminder his heart used to beat.
"Then get on with it and let me rest."
Nobara, Megumi, and Gojo had been dragged into this now. Still confused but determined to help their friend with this quest. Their plan was to research the families and try to find any shrines in more urban areas of Japan.
Itadori had run into your present day form multiple times as the days passed, quick conversations in passing.
"Yeah I'm going to be super busy this weekend, my family has this tradition of going to this ancient sacred ground around this time of year. So I won't be in town for a while."
He had to figure out a good way to get as many details as possible.
"Is it like a ancestor or something?"
"Yeah actually it's to remember an ancestor of mine from generations ago who was like a total saint! She went from village to village helping the less fortunate. But the rest of my knowledge of her is based on loose folktales and urban legends. They say she was tempted by a demon or something I don't remember the specifics."
It came like a sudden realization to you, and for a second your expression changed. You two were sitting outside of Jujutsu High, Itadori had invited you to tour his campus.
Maybe it was the lighting or the exhaustion both of you faced during the week but in each other's eyes, it was unmistakable, because you had changed, you were her. And he was that legendary demon that struck fear in so many.
And the marks on the body formed, the black striped and red eyes becoming apparent. It was as though Itadori could not fight it either.
"It's been a while since I've seen those eyes, that expression. I can't stay for long, I'm afraid."
But it was everything he needed, everything he wanted in those minutes.
"Are you really here? The you from back then?"
He didn't need to ask that, and it was undeniable proof it was you the minute he felt that ache in his chest. The minute he felt his body shake when you placed a hand on his shoulder.
"I've always been here, I just couldn't do anything to get you to see it. Plus, tomorrow is the same night, the night you saved my soul. So my energy has been reawakened for a short time."
He didn't know what to say or do, he was trying to remember the oh so important questions he never got to ask. Yet his brain could not begin to process the information presented.
"it was my fault I couldn't.... I couldn't bring you back. And those selfish creatures.."
He would have kept rambling, would have kept talking and apologizing and begging the heavens for forgiveness had you not pulled him into an embrace that made him stop.
"You couldn't have known that would happen, and I chose to sacrifice myself. I didn't want to drag you into the affairs of the consequences of my love. And you brought me to a sanctuary I couldn't have reached without your help. You allowed me to pass over, and I'm truly lucky for that."
The world seemed a million miles away as you both sat in each other's arms. It felt strange but at the same time, just right.
"Do you know where your resting place is, before I lose you again?"
You looked up to see those same tears dripping from those crimson eyes. They were no longer filled with hatred or even guilt, but rather a pleading feeling. The desire for an unending sense of bliss, the desire for the tranquility you used to possess.
"I don't have the name memorized but an orchard, owned and operated by my bloodline. There's a shrine there that honors every version of me and my lineage. I'm sure you'll find it, I'd your vessel truly has as much determination as you used to."
When you went to stand up, the feeling of your original soul fading back into your reincarnated body, he grabbed your wrist. Back to his domain, the place he could control with no doubt with a complete guarantee. His hands found your cheeks, a promise forming in his soul.
"I'll find you again soon, and we'll really talk, but until then consider this a promise between two beings of unspeakable power. I swear on my very soul, I Ryomen Sukuna, will never lose you."
You smiled, placing your own hands on his cheeks.
"I (Y/N) (L/N), on my very soul, and every carnation of me, that I will come back to you and never forget this bond."
A kiss between two beings of power, two beings meant to despise the other, two beings impossible to be separated. Even by death, you would come back together, over and over again.
Side headcanon: 100% believe that when switching souls the reincarnated reader tells the jujutsu sorcerers goofy stories about Sukuna.
"Yeah when he asked for my hand at some ceremony I couldn't tell if he was mad or anxious! He was still pretty grumpy back then..."
Of course every once in a while Sukuna does the same.
"She gave me a bouquet of roses and said she didn't know what to give a demon as a gift. Oh and you should have seen all the servants around the grounds, they couldn't believe their eyes!"
In short, the students could not believe that the two spirits considered as powerful as Gods, were sharing laughs over sandwiches that Nobara had made.
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hoonhrt · 3 years
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: pairing — idol! heeseung x music store worker! reader 
: genre — fluff 
: album recc. — case study 01 by daniel caesar and any of the albums i mentioned throughout the story! 
: a/n — this is a little more on the lengthier side so please know that before reading! (i couldn’t help myself i luv hee too much) 
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it was a slow day at the shop. the dim fairy lights hung around lowly, making the atmosphere feel even slower. you walked around the store pushing a small grey cart that held all the albums, records, and cassette tapes one could ever imagine of, placing everything in their correct spots for future consumers to find. 
the sound of a faint bell was heard from the back of the store. where you were, indicating that someone had came in. you flatten out the front of your sweater and rush to greet the costumer. you are met with a tall man dressed in all black from head to toe, water droplets fell off the shoulder of his jacket and you make a mental note to mop the floor later. 
“hello! welcome to moonshines music. please let me know if you need help with anything, i’ll be happy to assist!” you cheerfully exclaim. you welcome costumers with a joyful energy that even cheers them up, it was your thing. the costumer pulled down the black mask from his face and waited for you to react. he was a slightly astonished when a reaction never came. no gasps, no eyes widening, no realization of who he was. just you with a firm smile on your face waiting for him to walk away and start shopping. he eyes you for a little before nodding his head and makes his way to the direction of the CD albums.
he pondered this feeling for a little. he wasn’t used to not being recognized. i mean, everyone knows him. he was on ever magazine cover and topped all the charts with his music. his face was plastered on every product poster that covered the walls of the busy city. so how could you not? he thinks that maybe you didn’t want to scare him off or bother him with pictures and autographs,  inflating his ego a little bit. but still, why did you not say anything? 
“excuse me! do you mind helping me out?” you could hear his voice from across the store as he shouted for you. jogging from your previous to his still figure. 
“how can i help you?” continuing on your energetic personality. he didn’t have a real reason to ask for help, he was just too intrigued by you and needed a reason to converse with you. he looks around the store frantically for a minuet before looking back behind him to the CD’s he initially walked towards. “can you choose an album for me?” he blurts in your face loudly. 
this wasn’t the first time someone asked for music recommendations but he walked in with confidence so you assumed he was a man who knew his music. “uhh yes um— do you perhaps have favourite genre that you maybe like?” you question him. he just stares at you, his lips folded in with a blank expression on his face. he shakes his head no. you politely nod again, now even more conflicted with what to recommend. you trail your eyes around the store till you see through the window next to the door. the sky is crying, whilst gray clouds surround it. the streetlight emitting an orange hue that reflect the fallen rain drops on the glass and you suddenly remember the small drops of water that trickled down his jacket sleeve when he first entered the store. 
walking behind him you scan for the letter D section and begin to search for the album. letting out a soft ‘hmm’ before pulling out the album and handing it to him. “Case Study 01 by Daniel Caesar. perfect for rainy days when you aren’t lost in your thoughts.” you end with a smile on your face. ‘so they really have no idea to who I am, huh’ he thinks to himself. he looks down at the album in his hands than looking back up at you. a gentle smile reaching his lips. he follows you to the cashier register and pushes the album towards you. “that’ll be $10.15! card or cash?” he whips out his wallet and takes out a credit card. you can’t help but notice it was a black card, a card only the richest of people have. you wonder how this man can be so rich and why he is buying from a tiny music store in the middle of a unknown area. 
you’re pulled away from your thoughts when the sound of the machine goes off,  indicating the purchase has gone through. you delicately place the album into a tiny bag and hand it over to him with glee. “enjoy the album sir! if you ever do comeback, let me know what you thought about it!” you say in a courteous manner. the young man now looks at you with a toothy grin on display for you to awe at. he nods in affirmation before exiting. the atmosphere becoming quiet again. you hoped to see that man again. 
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another week has rolled around. you hum under your breath a silly little tune from a song on one of your many playlists, sending another customer off a new record they seemed to be extremely excited about. your job wasn’t much but seeing people share the same love for music as you was something that never failed to make you love life. wiping down the cashier, you hear the door chime and see the same handsome man from last week. you catch a glimpse of the clear sky and the natural light of the sun from out the door as he enters. 
“i LOVED that album! you described it literally perfectly, it fit the vibes of the weather sooo much but didn’t leave me agonizing about life like how the rain usually makes me feel.” it made you so happy and almost accomplished to have someone come back and praise you for your music choice. you were about to start telling him it was no big deal before he proposes, again, to choose another album for him. you look at him a little unsure, you honestly didn’t know what to give him this time and you were scared he wouldn’t like it this time. he can see the anxiety flush over your face but lets you know he is looking for something this time. “give me your childhood favourite album. like, you know every single lyric for every song on this album.” your eyes go wide as you practically jump towards the shelf. he giggles quietly, thinking how cute you looked. 
you prance towards the shelf knowing exactly where it was. in your hands was the Up All Night by One Direction, you shove the album into his hands with a passionate smile. he looks at you and tries to hide his judgment from you, which doesn’t work as you can see his eyebrow arch up and study the album in slight disgust. “hey! i danced to this album every night before i went to sleep for 3 years as a kid okay? it’s my favourite album!” your bottom lip pushes out, gazing at him with eyes the resemble a cute puppy. he throws his head back lets out a laugh that you think you could listen to for hours on end. 
just as the prior week, he passes you the album to scan through and pulls out his card to pay. he was about to make his way out before you stop him. “can I have your name?” you requested. you took a liking to the kind guy, he had a pretty face and laugh that you particularly enjoyed. he checks his phone and swiftly swipes through the millions of notifications he has, then gazing back up at you. a genuine look plastered on your face. a look that feigned innocence, kept promises, and truly enjoyed life for what it was. “heeseung. my name is heeseung.” 
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you tug the key out of the door lock with a little force. the moon created a source of light and comfort as you made your way away from the shop and towards the subway station. you worked longer than usual and fatigue was the only thing felt within your weak bones. a car pulled up next to you, the window rolled down and revealed the person that has been occupying your thoughts recently, heeseung. 
“on your way home?” you nod. “hop in, i’ll drive you home, we can listen to some music while we’re at it.” now you usually don’t just get into random peoples car, but you trusted him. who else would listen One Direction because someone asked them to? 
his car was black from top to bottom, mirroring his outfits that he always wore. the windows were tinted and it looked intimidating from the outside, but on the inside sat a doe-eyed boy with the prettiest smile to exist. heeseung’s hand reaches out to turn up the volume of the car sound system. the sound of Frank Ocean’s voice fills up the empty sound within his car. it was song you were unfamiliar with. you ask what song this was and he lets out a dramatic gasp, almost looking offended. “you DON’T know this song? I guess pretty people can have flaws huh,” he turns his head to watch you flush a pink shade that can still be seen despite the darkness. a sight he thinks is quiet lovable. 
the car ride to your home lasted much shorter than you wished it did. you two talked about everything under the moon. favourite songs, old childhood friends, past lovers. heeseung enjoyed the fact that you didn’t know his career identity. to the world he was Lee Heeseung, world renowned singer and model, but to you he was just, heeseung. a young boy who loved music and loved the world involved around it. you made him feel like a regular person again. 
as you open the car door to make way into the glass doors of your apartment complex, heeseung grabs your wrist and pulls you back into the car. “how about... i lend you my favourite album this time, and next week on—” he checks the schedule his manager sent him, “saturday at 6 pm, i pick you up and we can talk more about it hm?” he holds his phone towards you with a cheeky smile on his face. you shake your head in disbelief as you bit back a smile of your own that is creeping on to your face. “I’ll see you then, hee.” your heart skipping beats as you walk away from the running vehicle. 
unbeknownst to you, an excited heeseung punches the air rapidly with excitement. he silently screams into the night like a kid. feeling as if he was on cloud 9 to have scored a date with someone who’s a) the most beautiful person he’s ever seen and b) someone who likes him for his truest self. 
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taetaespeaches · 3 years
“When I say I love you forever, that’s what I mean.”
yoongi x reader (oc)
genre: fluff; smut (just barely at the end)
word count: 2.8K
a/n: Hi lovelies! It’s Yoongi day!!!! This is the night Yoongi starts working on People for his mixtape and he and Kid/reader have a long conversation about life, people, and the meaning of everything. Idek if the conversations make full sense but that’s kind of what I like about them, these two are just bullshitting and getting to know each other even more and I think it’s sweet. Anyways, I hope you all enjoy, and thanks for reading! :))
And happy birthday to our favorite honey boy 🍯💛
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Seated on Yoongi’s studio couch, your eyes scanned over the words of the paperback novel in your hands as the sounds of the beats from the man’s computer started and stopped at random, filling the room with evidence of his genius and artistry. As you turned the page, the man sat back against his chair with a small huff, your gaze lifting from the book to your boyfriend.
You waited a moment, seeing if he was going to initiate conversation or if he was simply taking a quick moment to himself. However, when his head turned to peer behind him, sneaking a glance at you, you couldn’t help the upward curve of your lips.
“Hey,” he chuckled lightly, your smile growing.
“What’s up, Honey Boy?”
He appeared bashful, as if he was embarrassed and almost guilty for interrupting your reading. Lowering the book to the cushion next to you, holding your place with your finger, you cocked your head.
“Would you mind giving this a listen real quick?” He asked shyly, your eyes widening in slight surprise. Yoongi asking for your opinion on his music wasn’t new or even rare, but the tentativeness in his demeanor certainly was. The man could be bashful when sharing his work, but rarely hesitant.
Nodding at him, he sat back up and pressed play on the track. It was different than anything he’d ever shown you before, the slow melodic flow of the song, paired with interesting xylophone-type of sound, immediately capturing you. Your eyebrows pulling together as you listened, a focus overtaking you.
It was just the instrumental, but it felt comforting; calming.
“This is from,” he thought out loud, “2016 probably.”
“It’s amazing, Yoon,” you complimented sincerely. “I’m actually kind of offended you’ve had this all this time just hiding in your hard drive,” you teased with a smile, Yoongi chuckling as he spun his chair around to face you.
“You think I should use it for the mixtape?” He asked, already knowing he should, but seeking your opinion anyway.
“Definitely,” you told him as you lifted the book, only to fold the corner of the page down. Dropping the novel onto the couch, you stood and easily approached the man, his gaze following you intently as you neared him. Leaning against his desk, Yoongi spun in his chair so he continued to face you. “It’s really good.”
Giving you a single appreciative nod, he held back a grin. “Thank you,” he whispered, the shyness in his gratitude adorable, making you smile. “I love your smile,” he told you suddenly, a small breathy chuckle escaping your lips.
“Thanks,” you told him quickly, trying to brush over the compliment, feeling bashful under his gaze. You both simply stared at one another, both of your minds trying to decipher each other’s expressions.
“What is it?” Yoongi asked you, clueless as to what was going on in your mind, but knowing there was something weighing on it.
With a small sigh, you flashed him a small smile. “Do you think I’m a good person?” You asked him, the man’s eyebrows pulling together.
“I do,” he replied simply, though his expression remained the same. “Why?”
“I saw an old friend today,” you told him as you lifted yourself onto the desk so you were seated atop it, your feet dangling above the floor.
Yoongi’s eyebrows raised in curiosity, his hands coming to rest on your knees.  
“She’s changed so much, I barely recognized her,” you continued. “We used to be so close in school and now, it’s like I hardly know her,” you told him, the fragility of your voice apparent to your own ears, so you knew Yoongi heard it too. “She has a baby I had no idea about.”
Yoongi stared at you thoughtfully, locking his eyes with yours, a rare occurrence for him. “Why is that making you concerned about your goodness as a person?”
“I just-” you paused thoughtfully. “I let that relationship fade away. You know, I was the one who stopped communicating, I was the one who cancelled plans, I just pulled away and withdrew.”
“That doesn’t make you bad, that makes you human,” he informed you, his thumbs soothing along the insides of your thighs, just above your knee caps. “People change.”
Nodding in understanding, you directed a small tight smile at him. “You know, as happy as I am with my life and the people in it,” you scrunched your nose, poking his hand with your finger to emphasize his important role among those people, Yoongi letting a small smile grace his features, “I feel nostalgic for something,” you finished. Lifting his hand from your leg, he wrapped it around your own hand, holding it comfortingly in his grasp. His palm was as warm as his considerate gaze, and you realized for the hundredth time that Yoongi was warmth embodied. “Does everyone feel like this or is there something wrong with me?” You scoffed lightly at yourself.
“Do you really want me to answer that?” He teased, making a small giggle leave your lips as you softly jerked your knee up to bump his arm in light-hearted complaint. “I can’t speak for everyone, but sometimes I think I miss the person I was before,” he looked around the studio, “you know, all this,” he admitted, referring to his career.
Leaning toward him, you listened intently, your orbs scanning his features as he pondered over the thoughts within his mind.
“Maybe not even the person, but the life,” he elaborated, you humming in understanding.
“Do you find that it was a simpler time?” You asked, intrigued by his words.
“Not so much simpler but just different, I guess,” he thought out loud. “It feels like I sacrificed the ordinary for the extraordinary,” he added, latching his gaze onto your legs as you stared down at him. “And now the ordinary becomes extraordinary,” he said, lowering his chin to your knees as his fingers picked at the fraying around the hole in your jeans.
Your free hand that wasn’t being held by his found its way to his hair, your fingers digging into his soft strands.
“I sound ungrateful,” he chuckled dryly against your legs, you shaking your head despite him not seeing it, his eyes still glued to the hole in your clothing.
“No, just human,” you spoke up. “It’s natural to long for those realities that belong to some but not to us,” you assured him, the man rotating his face so his cheek rested against your leg, his orbs gazing up at you.
“People dream of having my life though,” he mumbled, his lips slightly pouted making him look precious despite the negative thoughts swirling around his head and leaving that adorable pout. “And here I am just wishing I could walk down the street without a care in the world,” he smiled a bit. “Am I even a good person? I feel greedy.”
Brushing your fingers through his hair, you pouted, watching him for a moment before responding. “I’m biased, but I think you are.”
“You sure?” He quipped, a teasing glint in his eyes that made you smile as a breathy chuckle left your lips.  
“You’re a good person, Yoongi, I won’t have you thinking otherwise,” you insisted with a glare, Yoongi’s lips curving into a grin in response.
“My life isn’t any more special than anyone else’s,” he suddenly decided. “Just different.”
Nodding at him, you agreed. “You’re just a person.” Yoongi’s eyebrows raised, preparing to tease you for the lackluster conclusion, your mouth already shaping into a knowing smile. “But my favorite person,” you added. “So that’s something.”
Placing a kiss to your jean adorned knee, he grinned. “It’s everything.”
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“I think it has meaning,” you noted, your and Yoongi’s conversation taking several different paths throughout the past forty-five minutes or so. You were now talking about the meaning of life, and whether there was a meaning at all. “I just don’t know what,” you added with a shy smile.
Yoongi’s gummy grin beamed up at you as he squeezed your thigh playfully. “I go back and forth. Like, we’re here by chance, right? Maybe life is no deeper than that,” he explained, you nodding in understanding. “But also, I found music and BTS, and here I am with you, and all of that feels meaningful,” he added thoughtfully.
“Do you believe in fate?” You questioned curiously.
“Maybe,” he responded, his voice sliding up slightly in pitch.
“I find myself thinking that same thing. Like maybe we don’t have a purpose as living beings except to just, be here, and live. And maybe it’s the people we know and the experiences we have that give it all meaning,” you thought aloud, Yoongi humming as he peered up at you.
“Yeah, I like that,” he settled with a small close-mouthed smile that pushed his fluffy cheeks up adorably. Moving your hand from his hair, you poked his cheek, Yoongi giving you a feigned grimace in reply.
“Ok, so question for you,” you started, Yoongi’s eyes widening in anticipation. “If your life wasn’t so extraordinary, what would you do?”
“Like, without the fame?” He asked.
“Yeah, let’s say for a day, no one knew who Min Yoongi, Suga, Agust D was, what would you do?” You asked with a small smile, feeling giddy to hear his answer.  
“I would take you out on the most normal run of the mill date,” he answered easily.
“That’s what you’d do?!” You asked in disbelief, Yoongi smiling cutely. “What like to the movies?”
“To the movies and to dinner and to get ice cream and we’d walk around Seoul without a care in the world about who could see us,” he grinned.
“We’ve done all those things though,” you pointed out.
“I mean, yeah, we have our spots that feel safe, and we venture out on occasion, but we could go anywhere without the stress of being seen,” he explained. “No worries, just us.”
Flashing him a fond smile, you pushed his hair off his forehead gently. “I didn’t realize you had so much stress when we go out,” you noted, a softness evident in your tone.
“I’m just- hyperaware,” he clarified.
“Would you hold my hand in the street, Honey Boy?” You asked with a wide grin, Yoongi chuckling at you.
“I wouldn’t let go of your hand,” he told you, his thumb running along the side of your hand as he spoke the words. “You know what else I would do?” He asked happily.
“What?” You whispered through your beaming grin.
“I’d kiss you in front of everyone,” he returned your smile. “And I’d post a cheesy photo of us on my pubic instagram to brag about how beautiful my girlfriend is.”
“You’re ridiculous,” you laughed, Yoongi giggling as his chin rested on top of your knee.
“It would be nice,” he hummed thoughtfully, as if he was losing himself in a day dream where he could live so carelessly.
Moving your hand to the side of his face, you pulled his attention back to you as you cocked your head at him and smiled at him. “Wouldn’t it be nice if we were older, and we wouldn’t have to wait so long,” you stared to sing playfully, Yoongi dropping his forehead to your knee as he laughed at you.
Sitting back in his chair, he looked back up to you with his gummy grin, his eyes bright and full of adoration. “I love that song,” he noted, you giggling.
“Me too,” you replied in a whisper.
A pause in the conversation took place as Yoongi’s eyes scanned over your features, yours following the movement of his gaze. When his eyes met yours, he slowly pushed his chair away from the desk and stood in front of you, his hands finding your waist as his face hovered close to yours.
Placing a kiss to the side of your mouth, you breathed out slowly, the intimacy between you both blossoming more stunningly than it ever had before.
“I love you,” he whispered, his lips brushing over yours as your hands found his neck, your fingers greedily but gently exploring the soft skin of his neck and jaw, grazing over his throat.
“I love you too,” you told him. “Forever.”
Pressing your lips to his, he brought his body as close to yours as he could, wanting you as close as possible. As he deepened the kiss, your mouth moving in synchronization with his own, his hands found the bottom of your shirt.
Tugging up, you removed your hands from him to allow him to pull the clothing from your frame. Dropping the shirt onto the desk next to your bodies, his eyes glanced down at your chest to see the flimsy lace bra. As one of his hands moved behind you to feel your back, sliding down to grasp the top of your ass, he dragged the finger of his opposite hand along the edge of your bra cup.
“What does forever mean?” He suddenly asked in a low timbre, just before pressing a lingering peck to your mouth. “You never know what the future holds,” he said realistically, though his tone was still seductive and light.
“I think the intent behind the word is what matters,” you told him, trailing kisses along his neck, Yoongi tilting his head to the side to allow you more access. “What a person feels when they speak the word.”
“So what do you feel? What do you mean when you say forever?” He questioned, your head raising to look him in the eyes.
Scooting off the desk, you stood in front of Yoongi, your gaze locked on his. “When I say forever,” you started, your hands finding the sides of his face as his held your waist. “I mean it literally. For always, evermore, in this lifetime and the next. Maybe even past lifetimes. The future is unpredictable, but when I say I love you forever, that’s what I mean,” you assured him as the man stared at you with a surety you weren’t sure you’d ever seen from him before.
Leaning in to kiss him again, you began pushing him backward, you both stumbling as he bumped into the chair. Your lips curved upward into the kiss, you both chuckling as you continued your clumsy ministrations.
Finding your way to the couch, you dropped onto it, sliding across it so you could recline, Yoongi standing above you watching you intently. As you stared up at him with a smirk, he shed himself of his shirt. Crawling atop you, your hands grabbed onto his hips, your fingers digging underneath the waistband.
He kissed you passionately, pouring his feelings and emotions into the action, causing you to moan, the sound melting against the man’s mouth, making him smirk. Sitting up on his knees, he undid the zipper on his own jeans before reaching for your own. His eyes left your legs for just a moment as he reached for the book shoved against the back of the sofa.
“This any good?” He asked, you quirking your eyebrow.
“It is, want me to read it to you?” You asked, Yoongi scoffing as he tossed it onto the table, you giggled as he went back to pulling your clothes from your body.
As he removed his clothing, you reached for your bag on the floor next to you, pulling a condom out, Yoongi smirking at you.
Once your clothing was removed, giggles flooding the room as you both struggled to wiggle out of your jeans and your bra flung somewhere across the studio, it was a matter of seconds until his skin was against yours, your body caged by his arms. 
He kissed you passionately, a hand on your waist as his other arm supported his weight over you. Slipping inside you, you groaned out at the sensation, Yoongi breathing lowly at the feeling of you. 
As you clasped a leg around his, your hand grasping at his ass, he placed delicate kisses across you face, giving special attention to your cheeks as he began dragging his hips. 
“I love you,” he whispered before pushing his mouth to yours, swallowing your breaths and whimpers. He moved slowly, savoring every moment of being together, wanting this night to last, forever. 
Your hands clutched his back, clinging to him as he moved in and out of you with a passionate force that had you moaning out near his ear. And he reveled in your sounds, knowing he was the cause, knowing you were his. Forever.
Leaving a kiss to his earlobe, you confessed your love for him once more. And then again. And again.
“Forever,” you repeated, the word coated in intention and meaning. You’d be loving him forever.  
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59writes · 3 years
written for the lovely @honeyylin
again, thank u for being my first request, I will love u eternally (:
I might do the other version still, idk yet!!! but I hope this is satisfactory!!!
(also shout out to my phone for autocorrecting “finally” to “fistula” I hate it here lol)
tw: food, injury
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• Homeboy would do his damn best to stay focused on whatever task at hand!!!
• he knows you’re a responsible person and you reassured him on the phone that you’re completely fine, but he’s still got the jitters
• but after he zones out for the third time in a row, Jihoon kicks him out of the studio and tells him to go home
• “you’ll do better there, hyung.”
• “But… the songs-“
• “you’re not exactly contributing right now. go home.”
• and so he does, fidgeting the whole way back
• his anxiety is truly at a peak as he reaches the apartment door, practically chewing through his lip as he fumbles with the keys
• he calls your name the second the door swings open
• “y/n?”
• your head pops up from the couch, tired but grinning wildly. “Cheol!”
• the next thing you know he’s wrapping you in a hug, tension finally leaving him
• “I thought you were at the studio.” You frown when he finally moves away.
• “Jihoon made me leave.” He pouts, sitting down on the floor, eyes even with your leg, which is propped up on a chair. “I was too… out of it?”
• “Aw. I’m really okay, Cheol.” You assure again, reaching down to grab his hand, giving it a squeeze.
• “I know, I know. Just… worried.”
• It’s very clear he’s trying not to make a fuss and ask a million questions about the state of your existence, so you pat the couch next to you.
• “C’mon, we’ve got the day off now. Do you wanna finish the show?”
• His face reluctantly breaks into a grin, hopping up to join you on the couch
• and both of you forget about the pains for a little while as you lose yourself in the screen
• it’s peaceful and warm, and finally, you both get a chance to slow down
• maybe you should get injured more often (/j)
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• he trusts that you’re completely fine, but he does not trust that you won’t somehow hurt yourself again
• he will babyproof the house for the next few days
• “nope, you’re not allowed to chop vegetables. give me the celery.”
• “hey! let me get that, idiot, you’re hurt.”
• “I don’t care. If you want the cat then text me and I’ll get her for you.”
• just generally being a nuisance, you know how it is
• but still, in his babyproofing he does make sure you take your pain meds on time, setting a little alarm on his phone so he can wake you up with a glass of water and your pills
• he also doordashes you your favorite food without announcing like he just says “Steve is on his way with food” and you have to just ponder who Steve is until some guy knocks on your door
• “he paid me extra to say that you’re the love of his life, so…”
• “let’s not and say we did.”
• he always makes sure to order something sweet too (:
• but yeah he’s doing work around the house and forcing you to stay in bed
• tbh it’s like having a very bossy butler lol
• but hey, at least he’s actually doing his own laundry for once!
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• oh my god he drops everything when he gets your text
• it’s literally just “hey josh can I get some help? I hurt myself moving some furniture” and this man goes feral
• you know how someone is so anxious that their brain shuts off and they’re scarily calm??? Joshua.
• he’s at your house in like, five minutes
• and tbh you just wanted him to finish moving the bookshelf so you didn’t have to
• but now he’s gently scolding you while wiping dirt and blood from your leg
• it’s not even that big of a cut but he’s treating it like open heart surgery
• like his hands are so gentle…
• of course he moves the bookshelf after a little more scolding before like,,, making soup like this man would definitely make soup
• like it’s just an annoying cut that’s gonna leave a bruise and this man is making some chicken noodle in the next room over like you’re dying of pneumonia
• it’s some good ass soup tho (:
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• he would not know what to do tbh but he would be excellent company while you waited to heal
• he’d definitely be very panicky but would hide it as best he could!! cuz you’re the top priority!!!
• he’d lurk and when you get up he’d be like “do you need anything? aspirin? food?” and you’re just like “Jun I’m good I just need to go to the bathroom”
• he definitely knows exactly what you like, and does his best to do things like keep your favorite show on, or make you tea.
• (even when you assure him that you’re fine)
• his help is very random and antsy but still excellent lol
• and the fact that he’s constantly here to help really proves how much he cares about you and your health (:
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• oh god, this man
• he’d be all over the place
• overreacting and then scolding and then just zoning out and then he falls asleep smh.
• this man would get out a chainsaw and ask which door you stubbed your toe on so he can destroy it lol
• but alas, no chainsaw is around (thank goodness)
• and so Soonyoung just gets to blame everything else while you’re replacing bandages or whatever
• like, he’s going on about how “just because they have safety stickers on ladders doesn’t mean they’re safe!!” and you’ll hold out your hand for gauze and he’d instinctively just grab it and put it in your hand even though he’s on a bit of a rampage
• he also most definitely is the kind to get a stuffed animal for when you’re hurt lol like every time you get sick or injured badly he gets you a bear that says “get well soon” on its stomach or on the heart it holds in its hands and eventually you just have a pile of creatures encouraging you to be healthy
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• this man is just. excellent
• he’s caring without being demeaning, and is just so so so helpful
• he comes home and sees your arm bandaged up and just asks what happened
• and you tell him the story and he tries to hide his smile when he hears about your dumb mistake
• but still he’s patient and willing to help!!
• it’s like he could read your mind on what you needed and would just materialize behind you with a drink or an aspirin or something
• and he’d stay in the room with you whenever he could, reading or texting silently
• it was nice having such a caring presence next to you, even if he didn’t chat much
• I mean, the quiet helped you nap more easily too
• and somehow whenever you woke up, he was still there, keeping an eye on you
• if he had to leave for whatever reason he’d gently wake you up to let you know he was headed out and to call him if you need anything
• he makes the healing process peaceful (:
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• when he hears the news he’s just. suddenly very very quiet
• like this man is out of it.
• he brushes off the others when they ask what happened, and makes it through the day fairly uneventfully
• when he gets home you almost don’t hear him, only noticing when he shuts the door
• “Jihoon?”
• He beelines straight to you before wrapping you in a huge hug. big tight hug.
• definitely swaying back and forth a little <3
• but you’re just like “woah ok bud what’s up with you”
• and one look at his face says everything
• it’s just been so much: the stress of a comeback, dealing with the managers and the other boys, and then his s/o gets hurt on top of that?
• maybe he needs a break too
• and so you both take one
• I hope you like sleeping lol
• basically you guys take the next few days to recover, just ordering food up and watching shows in silence before falling asleep together on the couch or even the floor once (hey the rug is soft!!!)
• and one day you wake up to find your injury no longer aching
• and the bed is empty next to you
• so you get up and peer down the hallway
• and Jihoon is in the kitchen, playing soft classical music while cutting vegetables
• he notices as you approach, silently offering you a carrot stick
• “I see you’re feeling better too?”
• he nods.
• you both spend the rest of the morning waking up again, cleaning the house and making food, Jihoon’s energy and personality slowly coming back too
• maybe your break wasn’t as much of him taking care of you, but you taking care of each other
• almost as if you’re tied together somehow, your ups and downs mutual
• either way, after that you’re both a lot more aware of the balance and way of recovery you two have
• and you can predict things in advance for next time!
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seyaryminamoto · 3 years
As someone, who's favourite character is Zuko, let me just say that your analysis about the Southern Raiders is spot on. Something about that episode (especially the way Zuko acted) always felt a little... off to me. And I could never figure out what it was exactly and considering the fact that discussion about this episode centered around the Kataang vs Zutara, I thought I was the only one who felt that way. So, I guess thanks for putting my thoughts into words.
Oh, I really feel ya, anon. If you actually don't look at the episode from a shipping point of view, which seems to be the focus of most the fandom, a lot of unpleasant things really start sticking out. I'm personally neutral to the Kataang vs. Zutara debate, I see good points and drawbacks to both ships, and no one's going to convince me that this episode proved the superiority of either pairing, especially when the shipping interpretations have never been important to me when analyzing this episode. People can say Aang is right in the end, they can say Zuko understands Katara's plight better (which, considering Aang has lost even more people he loved than Zuko has, he certainly should have understood Katara's suffering quite well too), but focusing on whether Zuko or Aang are the angel or the devil on Katara's shoulders practically blinds everyone to the very glaring and mindboggling flaws in this episode's writing, imo.
In general, the concept of Zuko's life-changing field trips with the three Gaang members he'd wronged the most is fine and fun for most people, but from the first time I watched the show it felt like the production team knew they were pressed for time and needed some veeeery quick and effective solution for Zuko to gain acceptance in the Gaang ASAP despite all the bad blood there. I can imagine a lot of people love these episodes, but admittedly I wouldn't rank any of them among my favorites because, as interesting as some of their concepts could be, if executed right, my immersion certainly wasn't as strong as with the rest of the show due to the nagging feeling that this was all for the sake of redeeming Zuko in the eyes of each Gaang member... and not necessarily in the eyes of the audience.
They get away with it, of course, because by this point in time, the audience is 100% conditioned to love the Gaang and Zuko, and if you see them getting along, you should be rejoicing in their team-up... but if you put some emotional distance between yourself as a viewer and the events of these episodes, their writing leaves a lot to be desired, especially in the concept of giving Zuko a quick whitewashing in the eyes of Aang, Sokka and Katara, one after the other, so they can genuinely accept him as a teammate and friend. If we'd seen similar trips frequently or occasionally in the rest of the show, with two specific members of the team taking off on an adventure by themselves, it might not be so glaringly obvious (and even... artificial? I guess?) that they're trying to quick-redeem him for each of them here, but on top of it happening thrice, it's literally happening one after the other, too. There's no episodes in-between, it's just literally a four-parter arc of "let's help Zuko become friends with these three".
The plotlines to be dealt with in these episodes are basically catered to each Gaang member, tailor-made life-changing field trips based on whatever they'll value the most, all of it conveniently possible and doable in the span of time they have between Zuko's joining of their group and the show's finale. Aang needs to learn firebending, Sokka needs to save his dad, Katara is permanently grieving for her mother's death. And so, Zuko to the rescue! If he helps them with their personal character quests, he gets 50+ approval points! :'D Honestly, I'm absolutely not against the notion of Zuko befriending them, obviously not, but the methods through which they chose to make it happen simply might not be the finest...?
Zuko loses his ability to bend because he "lost his rage", but he's still angry pretty often, the show even spoofs its own writing by showing him losing his patience at Sokka... while at the same time trying to sell that Zuko "isn't angry" anymore? Zuko helps break out random prisoners from the Boiling Rock without taking a single moment to actually learn who they are, why they were locked up, and without pondering if they deserve to be helped or if perhaps they're genuinely dangerous? Zuko gives Katara every possible tool and information she needs to take revenge on Yon Rha, because, loosely quoting his own words, he "cares what she thinks of him"...?
How about if we'd seen Zuko trying to connect with Fire Nation people, to help his fellow Fire Nation citizens, especially the ones who were living in dreadful conditions, like the ones in the Jang Hui river village? How about if we'd seen Zuko saving lives rather than threatening to take them? How about if we'd seen Zuko actually reasoning with his anger, and either working his way out of it, or repurposing it consciously, or making legitimate, personal efforts to find a new source of strength for his firebending through self-reflection, above all else?
We didn't really need sudden one-on-one field trips to teach Aang, Katara and Sokka to trust Zuko: we needed Zuko to prove himself worthy of that trust, to show how much he has changed, to literally contrast his new behavior with the old, to actually see that the guy no longer jumps into violence-mode 24/7, that he's willing to listen to other people's opinions or wisdom, that he wants to learn better when he knows he's misguided or misunderstanding something or another. Would he have become BFFs with any of them in four episodes if this had happened? Well, it definitely would have happened with Aang, the other two would have been trickier, but they definitely would have been more willing to accept him if they actually got to SEE that the changes in Zuko weren't skin-deep. Katara can be as thick-headed and stubborn as she may want to be, but I have no doubts she wouldn't have been able to hate Zuko as much as she used to if she'd seen him helping people, much like she often wants their group to do. But instead, they don't get to see the actual changes and growth... they just get their biggest goals and wishes satisfied, and that's enough to decide Zuko's trustworthy, no matter whatever sketchy behavior he displays in later episodes.
I absolutely appreciate the worldbuilding context we gain for the raids on the Water Tribe through The Southern Raiders, but I don't think this was an organic way to tell the story of how Zuko became friends with the Gaang. If pressed, I'd even say that Zuko's overt desperation to be their friend is OOC, to a degree: if this guy actually knows how dangerous his father's plans are (and he's supposed to :'D), how isn't he focusing on that side of things, when he's always been such a go-getter? It's not like he grew out of this sort of ends-justify-the-means behavior, seeing as he's absolutely obsessed with stopping his father ASAP, by any means possible, in the finale, when there was no such urgency to be found ever since he joined the Gaang. How isn't he more worried about stopping Ozai than about becoming best friends with the Gaang? Immediately sharing everything he's learned about Ozai's intentions of destroying the whole world might not make them friends instantaneously, but it would certainly get someone like Sokka to take his information seriously and immediately begin strategizing how to counter Ozai's plans. Instead, Zuko spent all those weeks, over a month, even, teaching Aang firebending, going on field trips and hanging out with his new friends in Ember Island. Once you have all the cards on deck and you actually look at all of them at once, doesn't it feel like there were so many more ways to achieve what the show was going for, far more effective ways than through the "let's be friends with Zuko" arc?
Ultimately, there's very little display of growth, in my opinion, in this small arc, on Zuko's side, despite the most obvious and reasonable way to earn the trust of the Gaang would be by outright showing them how much he's grown. I won't deny I appreciate that the writers respected his personality and didn't just warp him into the perfect good softboi the way the fandom apparently interprets him, but even if Zuko was going to be cranky and speak one-liners like "I'm never happy", it wasn't impossible to write better situations for him to connect with the Gaang's members and gain their trust. Even if the writers were set on having these episodes happen exactly as they did, they absolutely could have been written in a much better way, to create an explicit and direct contrast between Zuko's early behavior and the new Zuko's behavior when it comes to things that matter (most the parallels I've seen the fandom drawing are things like "oh look he hated tea before but now he brews it for his friends! So much growth!"... would've been nice to see the growth when it came to a lot of other things, too, if the growth really was there? Am I rite...?).
I may just be influenced by other redemption arcs that focus mainly on characters having common goals and working together to achieve them, then becoming friends in the process... but I really don't see how Zuko's character benefited from these episodes. Yes, bridges were built... but they absolutely could have been built in a more organic way that didn't make people like myself (and a few others) question if Zuko had learned or grown at all, considering the way he behaves isn't all that distant from the Zuko we've seen and known throughout the rest of the show. And the fact that he really seems to have learned nothing in The Southern Raiders once you reach the show's finale... you're basically asked to take for granted Zuko did learn a lot of lessons because he says he did, to assume he's going to put them into practice sometime in the future despite he has chances to do it during the show itself but never does, simply because they drop the ball upon every opportunity to show how much he's changed.
I really don't blame his character at all, when it comes to these shortcomings... it's seriously, genuinely, a problem with the writing department. Take a look through the fandom and you'll see thousands of people who claim Zuko's character arc is the most touching, complex and beautiful writing they ever have seen... and why? Because we're in the face of tell-don't-show :'D most people's perception of Zuko's character are based not so much on HOW Zuko displays his growth, it's strongly based on him stating he made progress, even if there's too many instances where the growth simply seems to have fallen to the wayside or gone forgotten for the sake of a plotline or another. Zuko absolutely could have been written far better than this, he could absolutely have the redemption arc his fans are sure he does have, but for me... there's way too many gaps in logic, too many missed opportunities, to truly think his growth was as extraordinary as a lot of people are hung up on saying it was.
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little-mad · 3 years
Downsides of Thievery Pt. 13 (Final)
~ Previous Part ~
Gavin couldn’t stop himself from turning over his shoulder to look at Rael, who apparently had information about his theft from the alteon diplomat. Immediately, Gavin was suspicious. What information could Rael possibly have about something he hadn’t witnessed? Anything he knew that the Emperor wouldn’t already, would have to have come from Gavin himself… “Oh shit, he’s not really talking about that is he?”
What did Rael hope to gain in telling the Emperor that Gavin had been commissioned to steal from the diplomat? Was he just doing his duty as a soldier by divulging everything he knew? Or was there something more to it? When Gavin had first told Rael that he had been hired to steal the ring, he’d seemed surprised, but hadn’t expressed any desire to confess the truth. Then again, Gavin had already proven unable to read Rael.
“Very well, go ahead,” the Emperor prompted, hands folded on the table as he looked at Rael with interest.
Gavin stared back at his former captor, unable to take his eyes off the giant man. “While Gavin Stone chose not to disclose this to the public, in our time together he did reveal to me that he was in fact hired by a third party to burgle Lady Elyth,” Rael explained smoothly. “So while Gavin Stone did perform the actual deed, the idea was not his own.” His voice had the same formal, all business tone it’d had when Gavin first met him, and yet this time there was a vague hint of...was it desperation? No, it couldn’t be. Gavin had to be just imagining things at this point.
The Emperor gave an interested hum. “Intriguing,” he remarked before turning to look at Gavin. “Is this true?” he inquired.
While Gavin hadn’t been planning on explaining the full circumstances of the robbery to the Emperor, he wasn’t about to deny it now that Rael had done so. Lying at this point would only make him look more suspicious than he already did. “Yes, sir,” Gavin replied, hoping the honorific wasn’t an improper term to use with the Emperor.
The giant sovereign gave a nod of understanding. He took a long, thoughtful pause as he considered the new information before focusing back on Gavin. “Is there a reason you didn’t report this?” he asked, a serious look in those yellow eyes of his.
God, it was intimidating enough being stared at by a giant, but being stared at by a giant who ruled over an entire dimension of giants was just something else entirely. And Gavin had thought meeting Orlando Bloom at a music festival when he was seventeen had been daunting. Gavin swallowed. “Keep it together,” he ordered himself. If he wanted the Emperor to treat him like a person, it was possible he would need to earn his respect first.
“Sir, whether I was hired or not doesn’t change the fact that I committed the crime,” Gavin started. “And since I don’t know the real name of the man who hired me, I didn’t see a point in reporting it to authorities.” There was also the fact that Gavin had never really been one to snitch, especially on his fellow criminals, but he wasn’t about to say that part in a room with a soldier and a political leader.
“I see,” the Emperor responded pensively. “Well, I consider taking responsibility for your own actions to be quite noble,” he told Gavin with complete sincerity in his voice. “Truthfully, I never took Ashryn’s suggestion very seriously,” he admitted. “I’ve worked quite hard to develop a peaceful and friendly relationship with humankind, and I am not about to undo that by mistreating my first human convict.”
Gavin’s eyes widened. Did he hear that right? Did the Emperor really just, one after the other, call him noble and say that he wouldn’t lock him up in a display cage? It was hard for Gavin not to let a wave of relief crash over him. The news was great, but he still didn’t know what fate did await him. Not being treated like an animal really was the bare minimum after all.
“Um...so what are you planning to do with me?” Gavin found himself asking. He was sick and tired of the uncertainty, of not knowing what was in store for him. Whatever his sentence might be, he just wanted to know what it was already so he could start figuring out how to cope with it.
The Emperor’s eyebrows lifted slightly. He seemed somewhat taken aback by Gavin’s abrupt question. It was possible the man wasn’t accustomed to being spoken to that way. Gavin hoped he hadn’t done something taboo. He wasn’t intending to be disrespectful, he just really didn’t know how to interact with literal royalty.
Apparently, the Emperor wasn’t too upset, because a small smile had taken form on his face. “Well,” he began, glancing back at Rael. “I find myself quite fascinated by your willingness to speak up in front of me in order to defend this human.”
“Is that what he did?” Gavin asked himself. Had Rael really been standing up for him? Was it really more than him just doing his job?
“You were aware that many important figures have negative opinions of Gavin Stone, and yet you risked your reputation by speaking up for him,” the Emperor went on.
Suddenly everything was beginning to make a lot more sense. The whole scene out in the hallway...it had been all about Rael protecting his reputation. He couldn’t choose a human over an alteon, lest he risk being looked down upon by his peers. Of course, none of that made what he’d done okay, but at least Gavin understood why now. “Does this mean he had some kind of change of heart...is that why he told the Emperor about me being hired…?” he pondered to himself.
The Emperor’s gaze suddenly returned to Gavin. “I believe I have decided what your sentence will be,” he announced firmly, a satisfied smile on his face that Gavin wasn’t sure how to take. “Since the two of you have clearly established the foundations of a relationship, I have decided that, in order to atone for your crime, you will serve under Rael as an assistant for a minimum of one year.”
Gavin’s mouth fell open, but before he could even form a coherent thought, he heard Rael’s stunned voice exclaim from behind him, “What?!”
The word had slipped from Rael’s mouth before he could stop it. He had just been so shocked by the Emperor’s announcement that all thoughts of propriety and manners suddenly flew out the window. “Sorry, your majesty,” he quickly recovered. “I just--I wasn’t expecting that.”
Take a human on as an assistant?! It was completely unheard of--of course it was unheard of, humans were tiny people who lived in another realm, why would one ever serve as an assistant to a common alteon soldier? Rael didn’t even know what to think. The Emperor clearly trusted him enough to put Gavin in his ward, but what the hell was Rael supposed to do with a diminutive person tagging along with him while he worked? Plus there was the matter of he and Gavin’s last encounter. Something told Rael the human didn’t much want to hang around with the person who had threatened him not once, but twice within a few hours.
“I’m aware that it’s unorthodox, but to be frank, this entire situation is unorthodox,” the Emperor stated. “This way, Gavin Stone will be able to serve his punishment while learning about and experiencing our realm.” It seemed the relationship between alteons and humans was even more important to the Emperor than Rael had realized--he was completely breaking away from the norm for the sake of diplomacy.
“Are you sure it won’t be too dangerous?” Rael had to ask. On a regular basis, his job wasn’t typically overly treacherous, but even the mildest thing to him could be potentially life threatening to someone as small as Gavin.
The Emperor offered a gentle smile. “I’m certain Gavin Stone will be quite safe in your hands, Rael.” It was easy for him to say that, he didn’t know what Rael had done just ten minutes prior--if he did, he would probably never let Gavin within a hundred feet of the temper-prone excuse for an Imperial Guard soldier.
“Uh--excuse me, sir,” Gavin piped up nervously. He was facing towards the Emperor, so Rael couldn’t see his facial expression. Honestly, he wasn’t sure if he wanted to see it. “What exactly can someone like me do as an assistant?” the human inquired, voicing the question that Rael had been pondering.
“You will do whatever Rael requests of you,” the Emperor told him simply, then turning to Rael said, “You may utilize him as your assistant how you see fit, so long as he isn’t put in significant danger of course.” Rael couldn’t believe how much faith the Emperor seemingly had in him. Where did it come from? This was by far the longest interaction he’d ever had with the ruler of Iaela, so why did he seem to trust a random soldier so much? “I’ll have some furniture and attire made up to suit a human. You are also free to request any accommodations you think you may need,” the Emperor added, already scrawling down notes on a sheet of parchment.
Rael opened his mouth, but he had nothing to say. He just couldn’t believe this was actually happening. He’d gone from disliking humans to being made the guardian of one in a matter of hours. He still wasn’t sure about his opinion on humanity as a whole, but he couldn’t deny the fact that one particular human had penetrated the tough exterior he had built around himself.
Like it or not, Rael cared about Gavin. He never would have spoken up to the Emperor if he hadn’t. As strange and inexplicable as it may be, he needed to accept the reality of the situation. Gavin would be his ward for at least a year. They would be spending a lot of time with each other. Rael couldn’t keep pretending to be indifferent to the tiny man.
After being dismissed from the meeting with the Emperor, Gavin had been carried off by Rael, taken to what he could only assume was Rael’s quarters. The entire trip there had been silent, because what the hell was Gavin supposed to say? He was so mentally and emotionally confused at this point that he couldn’t even begin to make sense of anything.
Rael’s room was small and simple; it contained only a bed, side table, and little chest of drawers. On the way in, Gavin had noticed the hallway had been filled with doors, which led him to believe this area was entirely made up of the rooms of soldiers. At least Rael had his own space, the last thing Gavin needed at the moment was to be faced with more alteons.
“Gavin,” Rael spoke up, finally breaking the silence that had stretched out between the two of them. “I know you’re probably not pleased with this arrangement.” Gavin stared up at Rael from where he stood on the bedside table. The giant was sitting on his bed, but of course, he was still looming high over the human. “I...I understand why you would feel that way,” Rael’s voice was uncharacteristically hesitant, Gavin could hardly believe this was the same person who had yelled at him earlier.
A long sigh blew out from between Gavin’s lips. “I sure hope you’re leading up to an apology here,” he snipped, folding his arms firmly over his chest. He wasn’t going to put up with some indirect expression of regret, nah--that wasn’t going to fly. If Rael wanted his forgiveness, he would have to make an apology as clear and plain as day.
There was no derision or amusement on Rael’s face, just a solemn frown. “Ashryn wanted me to prove myself by...reigning you in,” the alteon explained in a stormy tone. “I was too afraid of harming my reputation to not take the bait.” Clearly Gavin’s assumptions had been right. “But I was wrong...and weak for not standing up to Ashryn. For that, I am sorry.” It was hard to believe Gavin was hearing those words being directed at him from Rael. A few hours ago it would have seemed impossible.
As good as it was to hear the apology, Gavin still felt like there was something Rael wasn’t entirely grasping. “Listen, I know I look pretty tough, but you’ve gotta realize how--how freaky it is when you use your size against me.” Admitting he was afraid wasn’t really something Gavin loved to do, especially considering he was trying to convince alteons that humans weren’t weak little babies, but Rael needed to know the effect his actions had.
The size disparity between the room’s occupants suddenly became even more strikingly apparent. Gavin was standing and Rael was sitting, and yet Rael still absolutely towered over the human. No matter how equal the two may be intellectually, Rael would always have a huge automatic advantage over Gavin--and that was something they would both have to come to adapt to if they were going to be living and working with each other for the foreseeable future.
“Are you afraid of me?” The sudden question stunned Gavin. He wasn’t sure why, because it had always been something in the back of his mind. Maybe it was just shocking hearing Rael ask it so bluntly.
Gavin paused. How was he supposed to answer this? He had definitely had fear inflicted on him by Rael on multiple occasions, but was he really and truly afraid of the guy? Gavin gave a weak shrug. “I don’t really know...I guess sometimes…” Rael gave a tight nod, as if he had been expecting that response. “But other times you’re just a big, awkward dork,” Gavin quickly added.
A very slight smile pulled at the corner of Rael’s lips. “Alright, I’ll promise not to use my size against you anymore, if you can promise not to call me a ‘dork’ again,” he said the words so seriously, and yet the growing grin on the alteon’s face gave him away.
Gavin chuckled. “Fine, but you gotta promise not to give me any weird assistant jobs, like polishing your scabbard or some shit.” He really didn’t know how much someone of his size could really be of use to a giant, but he supposed this arrangement was better than being thrown into a cage.
Rael raised a single dark eyebrow. “Oh, but you’re probably the only one that could actually reach the inside.”
A grumpy frown took shape on Gavin’s face. “Okay, next rule: no size jokes at my expense!”
A warm, genuine laugh escaped from Rael. In a flash the giant man was reaching forward, and before Gavin could dodge backwards, a massive index finger was ruffling his hair, making the already messy locks even more of a disaster. “No promises.”
Gavin let out a long sigh. Somehow he had gone from being a professional thief to the assistant to a gigantic, elf-eared man from another dimension. “At least it’s more exciting than being a damn doctor.”
I was originally gonna make this two parts but I decided to just make it one big chunky final chapter! This story was kind of like the introductory prologue to Gavin and Rael so there's definitely room for more about them in the future if people are interested. I had a ton of fun writing this and totally appreciate all the nice comments and such that I got!
I've got a busy few weeks ahead of me but feel free to send in prompts/commissions for my ocs. I just may take a little while to actually get to them.
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physicalturian · 3 years
[18+] Words of pleasure - Law x F!Reader - Part 1
Summary : Being overwhelmed with work is exhausting. To release some of that stress, you make your way on a website to talk to strangers. One of them strike your interest and while the conversation flows you find yourself being dommed online. An unusual occurrence you might get a liking to. The thrill of letting someone take the control when too much weight is on your shoulders, no strings attached. Unless...
[No spoilers] [Modern AU - College AU] [She/her pronouns used for the reader, no physical description; Everyone +18] Words : 5034 Archive of our own
Warning : Consensual BDSM / Masturbation / Power play / Dom/sub Dynamics / Cybersex / Stranger / Vaginal fingering... If you feel like I should add more warnings, send me a dm or and ask
. . . . .
Boredom makes you do crazy things. Lack of free time too, mix them together and you end up stumbling on a website, talking to strangers from all across the world.
 With my work done, it was already pretty late, but I deserved some distraction for working so hard. I did not really care how late it was, I wanted to relax and have some fun, no matter the kind of fun.
Arriving on the home page, I stared at it “Clean chat or NSFW chat? Well…” I mumbled to myself, clicking on the NSFW tab, I had to find a name now. It had to be explicit enough so that the person would know what I want right? Yeah, but what do I want? Huffing, I typed down “Entertain me” Before entering and getting matched with a random person.
 They did not stay long, and their names were surprising to say the least. It took me a lot of time to match with someone that did not have a weird name, and did not leave the minute they got matched with me. I almost gave up too. Now, I was not one to kink shame, but neither was I into anthro dogs and role playing as people’s daughter.
 But funny enough, when they had a slightly normal name. They’d be the most boring person ever, I had to laugh every time people who had “dom” in their name, were the least charismatic people I’d ever met. I had to give it a thought and wonder, were they dom or did they just top their whole life?
 Huffing, I pressed the escape key on my keyboard once more to refresh the conversation and leaned back on my pillows. “At this point, I should just go to sleep.” I pondered out loud, my eyes riveted on the loading screen. I had probably skipped everybody on this website, and now they couldn’t give me anything. When I was about to leave, I was matched with someone named “A real doctor”.
 I couldn’t help the chuckled that escaped my lips as I leaned forward and wrote down.
 Entertain me: Now, are you really a doctor? Or do you want to get people to be horny over you?
Entertain me: ah, wait, also, how old are you? I’m 23, she/her.
A real doctor: There is no reason for me to lie, I don’t even need to tell them I’m a doctor to have them horny. People are always horny on this website.
A real doctor: 29, he/him. How long have you been looking to be entertained?
 Laughing I shook my head, I was surprised to meet someone who was 29 when most people I’d met until now were 18 or 19. I skipped them too. But I was definitely relieved, and it showed in my reply.
 Entertain me: thank god you’re 29, I was afraid I was going to catch a case! So many young people here, it’s frightening.
A real doctor: Are you telling me I’m old?
Entertain me: no no no, definitely not, no you’re the perfect age don’t worry. But since you’re asking so kindly, I’ve been here for about two hours and I have not had a single one good conversation.
A real doctor: Good, then I’m here to change that. What kind of entertainment are you looking for?
 I stared at my screen for a second, for some reason I was starting to feel excited. His question was a good one, and valid one too, and now I had to give him an adequate answer. Running my hands over my face, I was going to type back when he sent something.
 A real doctor: I guess, since we’re both on the NSFW chat the question is: what are your kinks? Your limits, perhaps?
 I don’t know why I answered so quickly, but my fingers did the talking.
 Entertain me: Hey maybe I should ask you that, maybe I want to dom you. How about that? You’d be surprised with how versatile I am.
A real doctor: You’re cute, but I don’t recall mentioning domming. Quite the lapsus you did there, I want to play a game with you but to do so you’ll have to tell me your kinks and your limits, dear.
 Why did I blush? A stranger called me dear, and I was feeling funny inside. For the first time tonight, someone was taking the reins and I kind of enjoyed it a lot. With my hands shaking slightly in excitment, I typed,
 Entertain me: I suppose you make a fair point…
A real doctor: Of course, I do, now do tell me.
Entertain me: right away, sir.
 I said half-jokingly, but that did not go through with the text. If anything, it fueled a certain fire, and perhaps I’ll admit I was testing the waters.
 A real doctor: Already catching on I see, good girl.
 Why was that so hot? My breath hitched and I simply looked at those words a few seconds, taking them in. Sighing, I leaned towards the left and open the drawer of my bed table, grabbing my toy. What am I doing… I thought. Putting the vibrator next to me, I took my time to reply.
 Entertain me: first of all, that’s kind of hot and you are definitely entertaining me.
A real doctor: I barely started, good to know you’re already hooked.
Entertain me: oh fuck off, it’s just the charisma. You got the pzazz, that’s all.
A real doctor: Check the attitude, and give me an answer.
 Gulping, I typed back, weighing my words this time.
 Entertain me: Well, avoid degradation because that’s not my cup of tea but… I suppose, while some of those might be hard through a screen… Body worship is cool, very cool… The entire idea of BDSM is lovely, I like praising, spanking, public stuff has some appeal and…
 I didn’t write the last one, feeling like it was too much. Should I say that? It sounds to fucking submissive. Which is my role right now, clearly, so I should just go for it. Sighing, I read his message and groaned, writing back.
 A real doctor: Go ahead. And? I want clear answers and you’re not done yet.
Entertain me: I like to please my partner, is that a kink?
A real doctor: A service sub? How cute. I’ll definitely make good use of that. Any limits?
Entertain me: I’m never showing my face, but pics are okay. I mean, if you’d like some of course. Consent and all that. I’m willing to try other stuff if we take things slow, too!
 Oh god, that sounded desperate. I don’t even know what he looks like and I’m telling him all of my deepest tastes. “Well, that’s the idea, right? I’ll never meet him, but I can have some fun, right? It’s all about having some fun, both of us. We both get off, and then never talk again.” I whispered to myself, looking up at the time. Noticing it was already 2 am, I was going to leave but I couldn’t find the strength to do so and waited for the man’s reply.
 A real doctor: Very well, I love the eagerness. I’ll be taking notes of those, now you’re curious about the game, aren’t you?
Entertain me: Don’t flatter yourself, if it’s some weird shit I’ll just leave. It really all depends on what’s your game. And please, don’t tell me it’s truth or dare.
A real doctor: Give me some credits, I’m not a teenage boy.
A real doctor: You’ll like it.
A real doctor: The game is this, I tell you what to do, and you do it.
Entertain me: okay…
A real doctor: Interested?
Entertain me: I’ll need more details, but I haven’t left, have I?
A real doctor: You haven’t indeed. Good girl, see you want to be ordered around. It’ll be my pleasure.
A real doctor: Your hands off your keyboard, I’ll be guiding you. All you’ll have to do, is read me. Is that alright?
 I took in his words for a moment. Was I really going to let him tell me what to do? My own voice resonated in my head, telling him that was the fun of it, it was hot. It was exciting, and different, nothing bad could happen.
 Entertain me: Would it be interesting to tell you I have a vibrator next to me right now, sir?
 I facepalmed behind my screen, maybe that wasn’t his shit. Maybe he just wanted me to finger myself or something, maybe I fucked it all up and now I was going to go to bed horny and sad. My self-depreciation dissipated when I saw his reply.
 A real doctor: It’s interesting, speeds?
Entertain me: Five, sir.
A real doctor: Hands off the keyboard, lay on your back, let’s start.
 And I did. With the laptop right next to me, I laid on back and waited for his words, following each of his instruction. Each in a separate message, fired like bullets.
 If you’re dressed, I want you to get completely naked. Undress slowly. Feel yourself. Your hands caressing each of your curves. Brushing over your breasts. Stop there. Pinch your nipples, hard and tug. Feel the sting. The warmth that follows. Spread your legs wide. Let one hand travel between them. Slowly start playing with yourself. Your fingers slowly spreading your folds. Rubbing yourself for me. You’re enjoying this, you like being ordered around. You want to be played with, you’re doing exactly as I’m telling you, like a good girl.
 I arched my back, a hand still on my breast while brushing my finger against my clit. I was burning up, my head digging inside the pillow, it felt strange. He was not wrong, and I could feel my arousing growing and growing.
 A real doctor: Want to continue? Are we still good, dear?
 Groaning I turned on the side and wrote with one hand.
 Entertain me: yes, sir.
A real doctor: Good. Back on your back, take your toy.
 Grabbing it, I waited for the next instruction, my hand having left my clit. It was pulsing, I never thought this would have so much effect but I was starting to get angsty.
 Brush it between your folds. Slowly. Get it wet for me. Good, like that. Keep at it a while. Your free hand, I want it caressing your body. Feel every sensation. Feel every touch, every brush.
 I let out a huff and wrote him, while still brushing the tip of my toy between my folds. I was starting to breathe heavily, feeling needy.
 Entertain me: it’s cold here, goosebumps.
A real doctor: Imagine my warm hands traveling your body.
Entertain me: fuck, can I fuck myself? Please sir
A real doctor: Already? No, no. Not just yet, let’s take our time.
 Groaning, I let my head hit the pillow and considered turning on the vibrator but thought against it. He had not told me to yet, I should wait, make it more fun. But fuck, I needed it.
 Let’s start slowly. You asked nicely, like a good girl. And since you’ve been listening until now… Put it in, speed one. But don’t fuck yourself. Leave it there. Legs spread wide. Now that your hands are free, bring them back to your chest. Give yourself firm, hard, gropes. Feel the vibrations inside you. Slide your hands down your torso, to your belly and gently brush your hands on your inner thighs. Feel the texture, your cold fingers on your burning skin. I want you to rub your clit, take a deep breath and start playing with it. Feel the electricity coursing.
 See yourself, enjoying the idea of being commanded. Look at yourself, look down at your hands. See yourself masturbating for me. Feel your toy stretching you, filling you up. Now start pumping in and out. But not too hard. That’s it, good girl. Slowly, very slowly. It’s painfully slow, isn’t it? Keep doing good, and we’ll speed things up.
 I whined and brought a hand to my mouth, muffling the noises escaping it. My roommates were probably sleeping, I had to keep it quiet. I hate how slow paced it was, but I loved how thrilling it was to do this. I bucked my hips to try to meet the toy as I pulled it out to pull it back in, slowly.
 Look at you. Shoving a dildo inside you. Just because I told you so. I blushed and let out a whimper. You’re actually enjoying yourself. You are being entertained, just as you asked. I can almost see the smile on your face. Tell me, is my good girl desperate yet?
 Bringing my hands to my hair, I got the wild strands of hair out of my face and wrote back. My face was on fire, but no one would know. What happened here was between this stranger and I, no one would know how I was being guided to fuck myself by a total stranger.
 Entertain me: sir… can I up the speed?
A real doctor: Very cute, you haven’t answered, dear.
Entertain me: please…
Entertain me: sir.
A real doctor: Alright, dear. You can put it at 2.
A real doctor: But you stop the thrusting, I want you to keep it deep inside you. Close your legs and feel the vibrations, when you think you’re close, you stop. Understood?
Entertain me: yes sir!!
A real doctor: How eager, lovely. Hands off now.
 Huffing, I did as he asked and upped the speed. A giggle escaped my lips before my breath caught in my throat and I could feel everything strongly, with how deep it was. I closed my eyes for a moment, missing some of the messages but opened them again, and read everything while feeling the sensations inside me.
 Angle it right. That’s right. Turn the speed one notch now. It should be at three, if you’ve been following right. See your face, you’re enjoying this. How cute, I can only imagine the sinful sounds leaving that pretty mouth of yours. It can probably do a lot more than moan. It can whimper. As it’s being fucked. As you’re being fucked. Bring your fingers inside your mouth and suck on it. That’s it, suck it. Push the toy deeper inside you. You can speed up the pace. Not too wild.
 “Fuck” I breathed out, my fingers hooked in my mouth as I met each of thrusts. I wanted to go faster, I wanted to do as I pleased and find a quick relief. I knew myself; I knew what to do but there was this thrill in giving the control to this stranger. My walls were clenched around the toy, I could feel it against my walls even more at each thrust. I desperately grabbed my blanket, almost making my laptop tumble off my bed and muffled my voice while biting down the fabric.
 I was surprised when a whine came out of my mouth, I put my hand over my muffled mouth to, hopefully, muffle it better.
 A real doctor: You’ve been good. Such a good girl, haven’t you?
 I sighed and leaned on my side, typing very slowly. My thrusts, slowing down as my focus was on the conversation.
 Entertain me: Yes sir, I’m so good
A real doctor: Good. Then I want you to grab the base of your toy and…
A real doctor: Fuck your brains out, go wild. While you’re at it, speed at 4.
 My arms were screaming for me to stop, it had been so long. But I felt the knot in my stomach grow in excitement and did exactly as he had asked. The pleasure was so good, it was so good. I had been waiting for this since we had started. One hand was gripping the base of the vibrator tight, while the other was rubbing my clit. My eyes rolled back a few times when it touched the right spot, but then I had to thrust more and lost it. I hated it but at the same time, I loved the mix of pain and pleasure of the fast and deep thrusts.
 Here we go. Hard, and fast. I want you to go wild. Let yourself go. Fuck your hole good. Groan, squirm, moan, plead for more. I’m sure you’re sore, but you’re doing so great. Such a good girl, doing exactly as you’re told. Keep going, don’t stop. Feel your toy stretching you out. You’re so wet, you can probably hear it, right? God, such a good girl. Spread your legs wide and keep going, good. Good. Now, read well, dear.
 I want you to go to the last speed, and keep your toy deep like last time. Don’t move it. Cross your legs and keep it there. I’ll count to 20, you’ll keep it there until I’m done. Are we good? Don’t answer, just follow my instruction. Come on, last speed. And here we go. That’s it dear. Good. Let’s start.
 Then he started sending a message for each number starting from 1. I watched the screen with half-lidded eyes, feeling the toy vibrating inside me, my hand starting to go numb from the said vibrations. My thighs were a bit sore, but I ignored it and moved the toy slightly to angle it only to find the right spot, I closed my eyes and focused on the sensation, only peeking to see the count was at 13. Fuck, fuck, fuck. My thighs were closed around my hand so hard, it hurt a bit but I was getting close.
 That’s it, what a view. Fucked out, exhausted. But you’re not done yet. Pick up the pace now, thrust and shove, hold it there. And again. And again. Hit that sweet spot. That’s it. Good girl, so obedient. Feel the soreness between your legs. Feel your clit throbbing. Feel yourself getting closer. Just from being told what to do? Pay attention to the throbbing. Fuck yourself hard a minute again. Then keep it there. That’s it, yes. I’m sure you must be quite the sight. I want you to be noisy. To be loud. Get wild. Buck your hips against the toy. That’s it. So obedient.
 My legs tensed the moment the knot inside my stomach reached its peak. I let out a high-pitched breath inside the blanket and let my head fall back on the pillow. I hadn’t realized I had contracted my whole body, and let out a chuckle at the realization. Slowly, I turned back to the screen, moving my tired arms to type back.
 Entertain me: I am good, exhausted, and I came, sir.
 I laid back on the pillow with another sigh. What time is it? How long did this take? I should probably get up and get cleaned but I’m too lazy right now.
 A real doctor: Good.
 I saw him type but typed my question faster.
 Entertain me: But it’s weird, you didn’t get to get off. Do you need anything? I could send you pictures if you want, I feel kind of bad that you just… helped me out and I did not do anything.
A real doctor: Oh, you did plenty. I get off on knowing you did as I instructed. And you did, didn’t you?
Entertain me: Yes, of course. Yeah, it was hot… And I enjoyed it, yes.
A real doctor: Is that so? Anything else you’d like to share? I’ve never had such obedient girl. You are very interesting.
Entertain me: Come on, it’s just in this setting that I’m like that. I’m very feisty in real life, I was just wondering what it’d feel like to let go of the control for once, I guess.
Entertain me: But if you need more feedbacks… I hated/loved how long you took to up the speed, and I am genuinely physically drained haha. But in a good way! A very good way.
A real doctor: Let’s talk more once you’ve hydrated. Get some water, and if you can, get cleaned up. I’ll be right here, alright?
Entertain me: right, right. Brb.
 Moving the laptop on my pillow while I sat up, I wrapped my toy with the towel that I had set under myself. When my feet met the ground and I balanced myself, I felt my legs wobbling a bit then made my way to the bathroom silently. I turned on the sink and let the water flow until it was warm and cleaned my toy before cleaning myself and getting changed.
 I made a detour by the kitchen to grab a bottle of water and a sandwich before going back to my bed and sitting down, tailor-style, with my laptop in front of me. There were a few new messages from the doctor, so I put down my food and was ready to reply.
 A real doctor: If you’re willing, I would like to see a picture of your body to check if you’re good.
A real doctor: Now this website does not allow it, but if you have any media in mind, I’m all ears.
Entertain me: Yeah, sure, yep. I don’t have any bruises or anything, but if you’re that worried yeah! Maybe Discord? You’re a doctor, I feel like you don’t have discord.
A real doctor: I don’t know if you’re bratty, or if you are being an idiot on purpose.
Entertain me: omg none? I was voicing my train of thought!
A real doctor: Right. HandSurgeon#4766
Entertain me: Funny name, don’t judge mine. It’s my personal discord, so no sexy pic just, well you’ll see.
 Going to the friend list, I pasted the username in the search bar and added him. I was added back very fast and bided him good night on the website once I was sure it was him on discord. I made sure to save the conversation, just in case… Maybe for later use, if I felt bored.
 HandSurgeon: I don’t even know what’s your profile picture, but I’m not going to mention it again.
Edelweiss: It’s a tardigrade, come on. It’s fun, a bit, right?
Edelweiss: Anyway, let me take that nude for you sir 😉
HandSurgeon: Don’t call it that, it’s to check if you didn’t go too crazy.
Edelweiss: That’s what they say, then they ask for more
 I had to strip down naked once more to take the picture before getting dressed back up, it was getting late but I was still buzzing with energy. I probably won’t talk about this with my roommates, but if they asked why I was up so late I’d have to find an excuse. Telling them I was working would probably work, but then I’d get yelled at for not taking care of myself and having the worse sleep schedule.
 Edelweiss: [sent an attachment]
Edelweiss: Here we go. Sorry if I’m not your type, maybe we should have talked about that first. Now I’m self-conscious, but it’s too late haha…
HandSurgeon: You look gorgeous, don’t go thinking you’re not my type. You are very, very hot. I can see you have food next to you, that’s good. You are taking care, good girl.
HandSurgeon: I can also see from your clock that we’re on the same time zone.
HandSurgeon: Which is good and bad, it’s already 3 am and you are not asleep. Why is that?
Edelweiss: living the student life, only the best life. I was working on some project for my master degree, and I thought: hey I’m horny, let’s go on that funny website.
Edelweiss: And here we are.
Edelweiss: Why are you awake? Shouldn’t you be… getting some sleep to be saving lives in the morning or something?
HandSurgeon: I had just finished a 10 hours surgery, I needed something to distract my mind while working on some paperwork. You did very well in being distracting.
 It felt a lot more real when I read his message. It was now sinking in that he was really a doctor, not any kind, a surgeon. I was not going to ask more details, the less I knew the better. But it was slightly intimidating and at the same time interesting to know he was the real deal. My pride was swelling when I read I was able to distract him from his work, he had done his fair share of helping me out too.
 Edelweiss: I am sorry? Is it… important paperwork? I could let you be, if you want. We could talk another time, when you’re free? My sleeping schedule is fucked up, I don’t know about yours but I am going to be online many late nights haha.
Edelweiss: if you want to, of course. Maybe you don’t want to hear from me again. Actually, I thought I’d be the one to leave the website and not come back, but I kind of enjoyed our session… I wouldn’t mind doing this a bit more if we’re both in the mood of course.
HandSurgeon: You’re so nervous. Don’t be, I’m not going to let you go. What kind of dom would I be if I let such an obedient girl go? Go to sleep, we’ll talk later Edelweiss. Any reason for that name?
Edelweiss: god I didn’t want you to ask, it’s just. It’s a cool flower, it means strength and toughness you know? I’m a tough woman, I deal with shit. I can handle shit, you know?
 I read my message many times, thinking maybe I should have found something funny but thought not. It was just bonding, we were discussing, getting to know one another. It wasn’t half bad. I turned off my computer, and moved to Discord on my phone, to keep talking. When I looked at his picture, it was just a white bear, it looked cute. Funny how he had such a cute picture and he was domming someone on the side, two sides of the same coin I suppose. Come to think of it, maybe he could be an old man, maybe he wasn’t who he said he was…
 HandSurgeon: Interesting, I like it. It’s better than calling you ‘Entertain me’. Not very creative, if you ask me.
Edelweiss: Oh right, because ‘A real doctor’ is better? Maybe you’re not even a doctor. Maybe you’re catfishing me. And I sent you a nude. Oh my god…
HandSurgeon: I am not catfishing you, I can send you a picture. What do you need on it?
Edelweiss: Uh, I don’t know? Write down my name on a paper, and hold it against your chest, then take the picture? With the date! Yeah.
 There wasn’t any reply for a moment, I was starting to panic. Then I received the picture and gasped loudly. Surrounded by the darkness of the room, it was all that could drown my shock. I had to take a double take as I wrote back.
 HandSurgeon: [sent an attachment]
Edelweiss: I mean, … Thank you for... it’s uh. Very. You’re not catfishing me. Nope. I understand why HandSurgeon now, you uh. Yep. Nice gloved hands, very slender. Most people would have held a huge piece of paper between their index finger and their thumb.
Edelweiss: but you opted for middle finger and index. And a smaller paper. Almost as if you were posing really. I do not mind. It’s uh. Enjoyable. Not an old man, no. And the scrubs and all, love it.
HandSurgeon: The scrubs, yes. You believe me, good. You can rest easy now, go to sleep Edelweiss. You probably have work to do tomorrow, and so do I.
HandSurgeon: Sleep well.
Edelweiss: Sweet dreams doc!
 I stared at the screen a bit longer before leaving the app and turning my phone face down on my night stand. What a night. I was so tired, and yet buzzing with excitement. It was strange, it was a strange dynamic but I wanted to discover more. I wanted to know more about this world. What else could this man offer me?
 Closing my eyes, I thought, maybe I could buy a connected sex toy? Sure, they were for couples, but they could definitely be used for other people. It could be fitting if I wanted to give him the control…
 My hands met my face full force and I groaned, I had met this man at best 4 hours ago and I was already desperate to have another session. I was already desperate to let him have the control.
 But it felt nice, so nice to not be in control for once. Yes, I had to hold the toy and read, but he was the one guiding me, it was elating! God, what am I doing? No, it’s alright. I’m an adult, he’s an adult. We’re both consenting adults, having fun. Nothing bad there.
 I’m a sore adult though. Maybe I’d need a few days before letting him have his fun. My eyes closed; I was thinking back on how his undershirt was hugging his form. Was it legal to look like that? I mean, I did not know what he looked like, but the little I saw was enough to make someone dream. His long-sleeved grey shirt was showing off his muscles and it definitely made me weak.
 I scoffed into my pillow, a surgeon. I wonder what else his hands could do. Fortunately, I’ll never meet him in real life, if I met the man I did not know if I’d want to jump him or run away from how intimidating his entire being was.
 It only took me a lot of stupid questions and day dreaming, for my brain to finally shut down and let me sleep. I went to sleep a lot easier than I usually did, perhaps it was because of the nice fucking I gave myself. Or perhaps it was thanks to the energy I spent overthinking the situation. Whichever it was, I was passed out in no time.
 Tomorrow I’ll talk more to the hot doctor and have a bit more fun with him.
[Part 2]
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hogwartsmarvelmommy · 3 years
Next Door Neighbor🔥 (H.H)
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Warnings: Smut. (18+ only)
This was the third time this week that you heard screaming and doors slamming across the hall. You weren't trying to be nosy by any means, but the walls in the building were thin, so even when you weren't listening you could still hear everything.
He had told her at the beginning of the week that he was done, that their relationship was over, but she kept on coming back like nothing had ever happened and that is what caused all the fighting.
You peaked your head out the door and saw her storming down the hallway, cussing under her breath and moping. It was a pathetic sight honestly. The boys that lived across the hall were good people. You knew both of them from brief encounters in the hall and a few parties with some mutual friends, but nothing serious.
The door across the hall opened and Harry stepped out to see if the girl had gone, but saw you standing there.
"Sorry about the noise y/n" he said apologetically. You shook your head.
"Don't be, it seems like you're having a week," you told him, you couldn't help but feel sorry for him.
"Yeah, that's an understatement." He muttered running his fingers through his curly red hair.
"Wanna talk about it? I have coffee, tea, or beer? Little early for beer but you look like you may need it." you offered. He looked to the end of the hall and considered the offer for a few seconds. 
"You know, a cup of tea sounds pretty nice right now" he told you, walking out of his doorway and pulling the door shut behind him. You opened up your door letting him into your cozy apartment, you were a clean freak so there was no clutter or embarrassing mess's you had to rush to clean. Just a tidy, cozy apartment. "Weird," he muttered under his breath as you stood at your stove putting on a kettle.
"What is?" You asked him.
"Oh our apartments have the same layout, yet yours is so much nicer," he laughed.
"Well I live alone, and am a girl. You and your friend are boys, so naturally you're messier," you teased.
"Brother," he corrected.
"Is he?" You asked, you thought they looked similar but didn't want to assume.
"Twin brother actually," he laughed as he ran his fingers through his hair. You noticed he did that a lot.
"That explains the similar features," you laugh as the kettle starts screaming. You go to grab it but your hand slips and you burn the tips of your fingers. "Oh fuck," you mumble pulling your hand away and grabbing your fingers. You feel Harry's hands grasp your shoulders and you look up to see him standing close behind you with a concerned look spread across his face.
"Are you OK?" He asks as he grabs your hand to inspect your fingers.
"Ahh, I'll be OK. You'd be surprised at how often this actually happens," you admit.
"Burn cream?" He asks and you motion your head towards the cupboard you have all the medicine in and quickly realize there is also a box of condoms. Unopened of course but your face still flushes a red hue as he opens the cupboard and fishes around for the cream. You hear a quiet chuckle escape his lips and you're sure he is judging you now. He turns around with the cream in his hand and motions for you to give him your hand. You feel so small in his large hands and your mind starts to wander, you shake your head to try and get the dirty ideas away from your mind. It had been months since you had been with anyone, and even at that, the night had ended horrible and you had sworn you would never sleep with a man again.
"What is it?" He asked you his own curiosity, wanting to know what you were thinking.
"Oh, it's nothing," you giggle. He looks up at your face, your eyes turned down so as not to look him in his eyes and your mouth upturned in a sweet seemingly innocent smile, but he knew you couldn't be all innocent.
"You know Durex changed their packaging about six months ago, think you may want to check the expiration on those rubbers in there," he told you, your eyes shot up to his in shock and horror.
"Oh my god," you laughed, trying to hide your complete embarrassment with humor. "Thanks, if I ever find myself using them I'll make sure to check that," you joked. His mind ran wondering if you meant you preferred sex without or maybe you were just in a dry spout, of course he was to respectful to ask, or that's what he thought, but the words came out of his mouth without a second thought. "Safe sex is good sex, you know?" He bit his check realizing how stupid that had sounded but you just giggled.
"That's why I have them dork," you say, pushing his shoulder with your unburned hand.
"Oh. OH. Sorry, that was an intrusive thing to say," he muttered while still rubbing the cream on your fingers, he could have stopped some time ago, but for some reason he just didn't want to put your hand down.
"Kind of endearing, your concern of my sex life, no matter how non-existent it may be," you laughed. He looked at you with raised eyebrows.
"Non-existent huh?" He wonders aloud finally letting Your finger go from his hands.
"Definitely non-existent," you laugh, feeling a tad sorry for yourself. He turned off the stove and moved the kettle from the burner, making the screeching slowly subside to quietness.
“So what's the story? Bad boyfriend?” He asked you. You considered giving a short answer avoiding the tragedy that had been your love life, but thought to yourself, You know what the hell.
“Last, few have just been selfish and self centered. I tried to make it work with each of them, but a girl has needs you know? I feel guys seem to forget that and once they get what they want they lose interest,” You shrug your shoulders as you walk to another cupboard grabbing two mugs and finding two tea bags. You went to grab the kettle again but harry quickly stepped in giving you a ‘here let me smile,’ before pouring the steaming water himself. 
“Do you mean in the relationship or in bed?” He asks quietly. You giggle feeling a bit odd with how open you were being.
“Both, I guess.” You say grabbing the mug and swirling the bag around the water.
“So they just got themselves off, then dipped?” He asked. He knew you didn't need to provide him with the details, but he was curious.
“Something like that. You know it's sad, I've never had an orgasm that someone else caused,” You laughed and slowly regretted opening your mouth.
“Wait seriously?” Harry was shocked at the words that had just left your mouth.
“I'm not sure why I just told you that, anyway I invited you in to talk about you, not me. So what's with that girl anyway,” you asked him trying hard to get him to forget the words you had just said.
He sighed, “She's crazy, can't take a hint, or a direct order. I broke up with her a month ago believe it or not, but she keeps showing up like nothing ever happened. I'm on the verge of getting a restraining order,” He laughed. You shook your head feeling sorry for him, knowing how crazy some people could be. He told you a bit about why the relationship had turned so toxic and how he had just had enough and had to call it quits. You guys moved from the kitchen to the living room, discussing random things and just enjoying each other's company.
“I'm sorry but I have to know,” He said, interrupting your explanation of why you chose to not have a TV in your living room.
“Huh?” you asked him, unsure of what he was asking.
“So you have never had an orgasm?” he pondered. You feel your cheeks go red but laugh at the question anyway.
“No, I've had orgasms, just by my own hand, if you get what i mean,” You tell him, sure he’ll understand exactly what you mean.
“Damn,” he sighed, rubbing his hands over his eyes, “I'm not going to lie y/n that's sad and hot at the same time,” he laughs.
“Not just sad,” You laughed. You stared at Harry, who now had a wicked grin on his face, but was looking away from you. “I'm going to get a beer,” You announced getting up. You giggled at him, not knowing what to say at this point. This whole conversation had just gone everywhere and anywhere you hadn't expected.
"I bet you I could," he muttered under his breath.
"You could do what?" You asked him, unsure if he had meant for you to hear him.
"Make you orgasm," he said, this time more clearly. You felt your cheeks flush red and your stomach tighten at the thought. Harry was an attractive man. He was hot. He was also your neighbor. Things could get complicated if anything happened. They would get complicated. Was that something you were willing to deal with to please your curiosity.
You didn't have time to answer your own question before Harry was in front of you, looking down at you, standing in your kitchen.
For a second your mind shuts down. You were prepared to tell him no. That it was a terrible idea. You were. So when your hand reached out and touched Harry's cheek before leaning in with him and letting your lips touch, well let's just say your curiosity always seemed to get the best of you.
The kiss was soft and sweet, at first. You hadn't been kissed or touched in far too long and so when he pushed you up against the fridge pulling your body as close to him as possible, you felt excited, and your wet panties could show for it. Your hands were all tangled in his hair pulling him down to your hungry lips. His hands kept moving between your but and your back like he wasn't sure where he should be touching, though I don't think there was a play book for situations like this.
He broke away from your lips and grabbed you by your waist, throwing you over his shoulder.
"Harry!" You exclaimed, erupting in giggles by the motion.
"The kitchen is no place for the things I want to do to you," he smirked. You were shocked by the amount of confidence that was radiated from him, and he was determined to make you orgasm. He needed to, for his own curiosity. Once in your bedroom he placed you on your bed and pushed you down so you were laying on your back. You had on a plain black t-shirt and a pair of black shorts. He climbed into your bed, above you and began to leave soft wet kisses on your neck and down to your exposed collar bone before reaching down to the bottom of your shirt to pull it up. You sat up slightly and pulled the shirt over your head so all that was left on your torso was you see through white lace bralette. His eyes examined your boobs in awe before moving on to kissing and nibbling at them. Once his mouth reached your hardened nipples under the lace of your bra he let his teeth graze over them making a moan slip from your lips. He liked that, he moved on until his lips were at the top of your shorts and he looked at you for permission, to slide them down. You nodded slowly, thinking about how crazy this all was. He hooked his fingers in the hem of your shorts and you raise your hips as he pulls them down your legs. He grabs your knees, and pushes them apart as he lowers himself to your core. You know you're wet, from just the slight kissing and heavy petting that had happened. He runs his finger along the outside of your underwear, and looks up at you, raised eyebrows.
“All this for me princess?” He asks, and all you can do is hum in response.
He pushes your panties to the side and slides his finger between your slits, gathering all the wetness that had been building up just at the thought of him doing anything to you. He found your little bundle of nerves and started drawing little figure eights switching direction every few times, making your back arch as a loud gasp escaped your mouth.
He dipped his head down between your thighs placing small kisses on the insiders of your legs, his curly, unruly hair tickling you slightly, before replacing his fingers with his mouth. He moves his tongue around you like he is a trained expert, hitting every spot and then some. You feel his fingers return to your folds, before gently pushing one inside and curling it upwards. The feeling of having every hot spot stimulated makes you feel like your melting into the mattress, you reach out and your fingers find themselves intertwined in his curly hair, you let out a few moans and a few curses before you feel like all the tension that has built up is about to explode, And harry can tell by the tightening of your walls around his fingers.
“Come for me Y/N” He says, barely lifting his mouth away from you, and maybe that was all you needed, cause with his encouragement you feel the most intense orgasm wash over you. Harry dips his mouth back down and continues his work until you're a quivering mess.
“Dear god,” You gasp. Harry lifts himself back up and joins you on the bed, he gives you a minute to gather your soul to return it to your body before he leans in and whispers in your ear.
“I hope your ready for more, cause were nowhere near done,”
And just like that, your neighbor Harry became something so much more
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bittydragon · 3 years
Emotional Surprises
Notes: Psst, @baka-monarch. I love your headcannons and this story is based off the one with Phil adopting a shapeshifter Wilbur and a tiny Techno. Honestly surprised with myself that I didn’t write dragon dadza, but knowing me it’ll happen eventually. I love what you do and can’t wait for whatever you got coming next! I hope you enjoy this story!
Wilbur was panicking. He was just walking through the woods with his tiny brother tucked safely in his pocket when he heard someone else’s footsteps nearby. In his panic ridden state he had run in the opposite direction, hoping that whoever was there would ignore him.
He didn’t make it far when he felt a telltale tugging inside of him. He quickly dug his hands into his pocket and pulled Techno out. Techno squirmed and smacked Wilbur at the sudden grabbing but Wilbur only gave him a hushed apology as he set his brother in a small crevice at the base of a tree.
Techno stopped his struggling as soon as he realized what was about to happen. He begrudgingly hid himself in the crevice. Techno could only watch as Wilbur’s face scrunched up in slight pain.
Then, Wilbur began to grow. It was always a strange sight to see, especially from Techno’s perspective. Wilbur had very little control over his sizeshifting abilities and would often change size whenever he got a particularly strong emotion. In this case it was fear, which normally results in a growth spurt. And since Techno was only a few inches tall, watching Wilbur grow larger than a human was a terrifying scene. 
Sometimes, Wilbur will have slight control over his abilities and shrink down to properly hang out with Techno. Techno appreciated those moments. Having someone his own size around him was comforting. Having a literal giant around him was scary, but knowing it was Wilbur helped lessen the fear.
Wilbur’s growth spurt was over in around a minute. When they were unintentional they happened relatively quickly, but because of that Wilbur was disoriented for about another minute afterwards. Techno watched sadly as Wilbur rubbed his forehead, knowing he couldn’t help his brother at their current sizes.
Suddenly, the crunching of leaves was heard nearby. Techno froze and ducked into the shadows and he saw a man in green approaching the area. Techno realized in horror that Wilbur was too big to hide and was probably too disoriented still to realize what was happening.
“Hello? I heard someone, are you alri- oh.” Techno could only watch as the man looked at Wilbur in shock. Techno knew from first-hand experience that seeing someone bigger than you was a terrifying experience. And this man did have a slightly terrified look on his face. Techno hoped that meant he would just run away.
Instead of running away however, a strange mix of concern and determination replaced the fear, though it was still showing in the way the man slightly trembled.
“Mate? Are you- are you alright?” The man didn’t move as he asked the question. He did flinch when Wilbur suddenly moved his hand down from his head, finally having a hold of his bearings again. And if the man took a step back when Wilbur’s gaze finally landed on him, neither of them mentioned it.
“Wha- me?” Wilbur moved to point towards himself, confused on why the man was trying to talk to him and not running away. He only received a mute nod in response. 
“Yea, uh, I’m alright. This just happens.” He stared at the man on the ground. Wilbur really didn’t know what he was doing and was terrified that the man would look at the tree Techno was at and find him. Techno did not need that on top of Wilbur’s growth spurt.
“This just happens? What just happens? Getting headaches?” The man looked truly confused at this point. Wilbur was just as confused. The headache was just a small side effect of him growing, which was the bigger issue here-
Oh. This man didn’t see Wilbur grow. He just found a giant, disoriented boy in the woods. Suddenly everything about the situation was clearer in Wilbur’s mind. One glance at the man showed he was still thoroughly confused.
Without thinking, Wilbur reached out for the man. His hand paused mid-reach as the man stumbled backwards, his eyes blown wide and the panic returning tenfold. Wilbur realized his mistake as the man began to breathe heavily in his panic. He could do that with Techno because they knew each other and had years of trust between them. He only just met this man.
The man stumbled backwards again and tripped over his own feet, landing on his bottom. He was still hyperventilating at the fact that Wilbur had almost grabbed him. Wilbur felt extremely guilty and wanted nothing more than to help. He couldn’t at this size though.
Wilbur took a deep breath and focused. He closed his eyes and willed himself to shrink back down. He knew that this didn’t always work but it was worth a shot in this disaster of a situation.
When he opened his eyes, he was surprised to find himself at his normal height. He took a step towards the man before glancing at the tree where his brother was hidden. He pondered for a moment before making up his mind and going over to the tree and kneeling down. His brother quickly came out of the crevice and Wilbur was quick to scoop him up and hide him in his pocket. If something went wrong and he had to run, he wanted Techno to be with him.
Then Wilbur made his way towards the panicking man who now had his head between his knees, still breathing heavily. Wilbur noted that the hat that was previously on the man’s head was now discarded in the grass. He knelt down in front of the man and hovered his hands around him, apprehensive about what he should do next. 
“Can I, um, touch you now?” The man whipped his head up at the voice and was surprised to see Wilbur as the same size as himself. He turned his gaze to see the hovering hands and the look of pure regret on Wilbur’s face. 
He nodded and couldn’t help but smile at the relieved look on Wilbur’s face. Wilbur took the man’s hands into his own and began rubbing small circles on the back of his hands.
Wilbur was startled when the man suddenly let out a bark of laughter, his eyes wide once more. But this time it seemed less from panic and more from realization.
“You can change sizes. That’s what just happens sometimes. Mate, that makes a lot more sense. Well, not really. But it clears this situation up, that’s for sure.” Wilbur smiled at that and let out a small breath of laughter as well.
“You’re right. It doesn’t make sense. And I’m sorry for scaring you like that. I wasn’t thinking when I did that.” The man smiled and unfurled himself a bit more. Wilbur looked at him confused before the man reached out and pulled him into a tight hug. Wilbur was shocked for a moment before adjusting himself so that Techno wouldn’t be squished before tentatively returning the gesture.
“Mate, I probably would have done the same thing. It was super scary and if you grow like that again, I’d like it if you didn’t just grab me. But you’re forgiven, kiddo.” Wilbur pushed away from the hug and held the man at a small distance so he could look him in the eyes.
“You say that like there is going to be a next time.” The man laughed and stood up. He reached a hand out, which a confused Wilbur took, and the man pulled him to his feet.
“Sorry. I got ahead of myself. First things first, my name is Philza, but you can call me Phil. Secondly, do you have a place to go? Or would you like to come live with me? I got a nearby cabin and I just thought-” Phil stopped when Wilbur barreled into him and hugged him once again.
“Yes! Yes please! Anything is better than living in the middle of nowhere!” Phil smiled and pat Wilbur on the head. He jerked his head to the side in a silent ‘follow me.’ Wilbur trailed behind Phil as they began their walk.
“I’m Wilbur, by the way.” Phil smiled at him and they continued on their walk in silence. 
Eventually, they approached a small cabin among the trees. Wilbur gasped in excitement and he could feel Techno shift in anticipation for a new place to explore. Phil smiled fondly at Wilbur and began walking towards the cabin.
He threw his gaze over his shoulder with a soft smile.
“Welcome home, Wilbur.”
As time passed, Wilbur became increasingly comfortable in Phil’s home. It had come to the point where Wilbur had accidentally called him Dad. He remembered Phil freezing in place and staring at him before tears began threatening to fall. Wilbur will never forget the happy smile or the tight hug that followed. And if Wilbur began calling him Dad more often, nobody said anything.
Phil was a caring person and wanted the best for his new son figure (could he call Wilbur son now? Wilbur did call him Dad). He began helping Wilbur get a better grasp on his shifting abilities to the best of his abilities. He himself was no sizeshifter, but it was easy to see how Wilbur’s emotions affected his shifting.
With enough time, Wilbur began changing size at his own will more often. He would still have random bursts of change, but they were much less often than before. Those bursts are actually how Phil found out Wilbur could also shrink to a few inches. It was very strange holding Wilbur in his hands.
Techno however, had still not formally met Phil. When they first moved in, he and Wilbur both agreed that Wilbur would try to get to know Phil and determine how trustworthy he was. It would be like it was only Phil and Wilbur in the house, so if Phil had other intentions behind his actions they would appear in due time.
But it had been some time now, about two months to be exact. And Techno was beginning to wonder why they ever had their doubts about this strange man. He treated Wilbur like a son and even did his best to help Wilbur control his shifting. Techno had tried to help years ago, but emotions were not Techno’s strong suit. Phil however, managed to get Wilbur in a better place and helped him control his abilities better.
He had finally decided that he was ready for Wilbur to show him to Phil. He knew this would be strange. He has kind of known Phil for about two months now while Phil knew nothing about him. Going from living undetected in the walls to revealing himself would be a major change. Wilbur was the only other person who even knew Techno existed. Well, there was that one kid but who knows where he’s at now-
He was startled out of thoughts as soon as he heard Phil approach Wilbur. Techno was currently nestled in Wilbur’s hair, the fluffiness being extremely comfortable. But he was as nervous as Wilbur was. This was about to test the trust they had with Phil, this could change everything in Wilbur and Phil’s relationship. Techno knew Wilbur held him over Phil, but he couldn’t help the nagging feeling that Wilbur wouldn’t help him if something went wrong.
Wilbur took a shaky breath and Phil looked at him worriedly. Phil stayed quiet though and waited for Wilbur to say the first words.
“Dad, I, um, have someone I would like you to meet.”
Phil raised an eyebrow at Wilbur’s shaky statement. He was clearly confused and about to voice his confusion when Wilbur reached his hand into his hair and gently grabbed hold of something in there.
His confusion changed to shock as he realized that Wilbur just pulled a tiny boy out of his hair. He watched as the tiny boy situated himself so that he was sitting on Wilbur’s palms and facing Phil.
Techno was terrified. He was now out in the open in Phil’s line of sight. He tried to read Phil’s expression but he couldn’t really tell what was going on in Phil’s mind.
Techno and Wilbur both tensed up when Phil took a deep breath. Wilbur seemed ready to run if anything went wrong and Techno was ready to hide in his pocket once the moment called for it.
“So, there’s two of you?” Techno shot a confused glance towards Wilbur, who seemed just as confused at the response.
“Yea. My twin just doesn’t change size like I do.”
“Well, I guess I have two sons now!” 
Techno couldn’t help the relieved smile that found its way onto his face. He couldn’t believe that he doubted Phil for even a moment. Phil had nothing but happiness painted on his face as well, the prospect of having another son being rather exciting to him.
Phil reached out a finger towards Techno and Techno instantly grasped it with his own hands, noting this to be a handshake right away.
“I’m Phil, but you probably already knew that.” Techno smiled at the man in front of him.
“Name’s Technoblade, but please just call me Techno.”
“Good to meet you, Techno.”
Techno never thought that he would feel safe with anyone but Wilbur and that damn kid from long ago but now he had Phil. He knew he would have to go over some of his boundaries with Phil, but he knew the father figure would understand.
This family was going to be worth it.
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thevampatease · 2 years
On Ms. Leonard’s Death
Did Shan ever give her a fucking name?
This is one of those topics that seems like it would be a big deal, but it’s almost never discussed- both in the books and in the Shandom. I’m guilty of this myself; every time I think about it I go OH YEAH THAT’S LIKE A WHOLE ASS THING and then immediately forget to dive deeper into the issue. So I’d like to dedicate a whole post to pondering this event, and hopefully open a discussion about it.
Buckle up kids; this is going to be long.
Of course, the big question, the most obvious question hanging over all of this is: did Steve kill her?
And I genuinely don’t have a solid answer. I can make arguments for both sides. My instinct is to think that most people assume Steve killed her- because STEVE- but I don’t know that because I haven’t really talked about it with anyone. Certainly no one in the Saga accused him of it, though it seems like an easy accusation. Mostly, it’s glazed right over. Darren, at least, doesn’t give it a second thought. But the more I’ve thought about it, the more ambiguous the matter seems.
The first weird thing I noticed was in Allies. When Steve is “catching up” with Darren, he mentions that he could just go back home if he wanted, that his mom is still alive. “Still alive?” That’s a strange choice of words. He could mention going home and reconciling with her, but specifically saying she’s alive is bringing up a question that no one was asking; Darren would have assumed she was alive unless otherwise stated. Additionally, we know for a fact that she’s dead by now. She died when Steve was 18/19. And honestly, being upfront with his mom dying when he was still a teen would have added to his sob story for Darren, so why would he lie? And after this point, you would think he would BRAG about it when leaning into his “I’m so bad” routine. But he NEVER brings it up again. Not once! Is it a sore spot? Does he regret something? Does he truly not even care to remember it?
The topic of his mom is completely silent until Tommy bring it up in Lord of the Shadows. Tommy doesn’t give us any details into her death, but he says that when she died, Steve came back to town and lived with Allen for a few months. This is also of course when he made Darius. Tommy is squirmy about it, but it’s implied this is because of the Annie thing, not the circumstances of Ms. Leonard’s death.
But guys. How. How did Steve know she died? He was a runaway, possibly even homeless teen working odd jobs in a random city without telling anyone where he went. How would the police or hospital get in contact with him? We know Tommy and Allen didn’t have a number for him- Tommy specifically says Steve would ring him out of the blue and that was their only contact.
There’s only two possibilities here:
1. Someone in the community knew how to get a hold of Steve. (Unlikely)
2. Steve was involved in her death.
I say “involved” rather than “responsible for” because I think there’s some interesting ambiguity here. Mainly, WHY?
No really, I’m serious.
Why would Steve kill her?
Steve is a twisted fucker, but he doesn’t seem to just go around killing random people for the hell of it. He’s methodical and practical. Until the last 2 books, when he’s completely lost his damn mind, he does everything with careful deliberation. He doesn’t risk his plans with big gestures that could get him caught. Sure, he hated his mom, but at that point he was trying to lay low, to gather resources and information. Killing his own mom is pretty damn suspicious and there’s a high chance of him getting caught.
Possibility 1- He’s innocent
Lmao as if. But sure. I think it could be a really interesting story to have him experience a loss like this, and explore the resulting conflict. In fact, I think this is my favorite scenario and would be a good opportunity for a lot of character development. I just can’t get over the fact that someone had to get in contact with him to tell him his mom died. How would they do that? I find it REALLY hard to believe that he left an emergency contact number. And being even more nit picky, this was before the days when everyone had a cell phone and kept their same number for years and years.
Logistically, I think there’s also a strong argument here. Think about things if he’s responsible- he comes to town, kills her, then…leaves town? Or waits around? Either way, he’s not at the scene. He has to convince everyone he was far away, got the news, and came back. Obviously he’s not stupid enough to show his face in town and then have her mysteriously die. And MYSTERIOUS IT IS. No one says HOW she dies! That’s weird as hell to me!
Possibility 2- Money
Tommy says when he came to town for the funeral, he sold off the house and all her belongings. Was it money? She was never described as wealthy, surely if he needed money there were many way less conspicuous and dangerous ways to get it. Besides, they said he was out on his own in the city, working and eeking out enough to get by. I find it really hard to believe that Steve, genius resourceful Steve, would go out on his own, make his own damn life, then say, “oh shit I’m failing. I need cash. Guess I’ll kill mom and sell everything she has.” I dunno; it just seems like a stretch to me.
Possibility 3- Revenge
Did Steve travel home and kill mom just because he hates her guts? Not totally out of character for him to be a homicidal maniac, but for the reasons listed about, I don’t think that’s a risk he would take. I mean, I guess you could make the argument that, since he couldn’t yet enact his revenge against Darren and Crepsley, he wanted to take revenge on…someone? The timing is just…so random. Why would he leave for 2 years and then decide to come back and kill her? I don’t think it’s believable to say he was stewing on his hatred for 2 years and it finally bubbled over and he had to off her. He’s never seemed particularly obsessed/preoccupied with her, unlike the vampy boys. He only mentions her once post book 1, whereas he still brings up Crepsley all the time after killing him. I’m not saying he WOULDN’T kill her out of anger or revenge, just that it doesn’t line up very neatly.
Possibility 3- Baby Time
This isn’t so much a standalone possibility as something that can get tacked on to the others. It’s the big question, one that I hope to explore in its own essay one day- did Steve come to town with the fully-formed plan of making a baby with Annie? Or did he come up with that plan once he was in town and saw her again? So, if he had 100% planned to come to town to make a baby, he…thought he’d off his mom to give him an excuse to put the plan in motion? That’s a bit deranged, even for him. Especially because he would have to come to town, kill her, and then wait an appropriate amount of time to convincingly say, “I was far away and just heard the news!” before showing up to the funeral. I guess you could say that his mom’s funeral would be an appropriately dramatic and sympathy-inducing reason for Annie to feel bad and date him?? But like, c’mon, there’s a thousand things he could that would be way easier and just as effective as this.
Now for the wild speculation part of the dissertation essay:
Wild speculation 1- Dress rehearsal
What if Steve killed her intending to cause a scene that would lure Darren back to their hometown?
Now THIS, we have a precedent for. The first success of Steve’s plans that we see is him luring Crepsley to his hometown by using murder to make headlines. What if he tried this same concept years ago, and discovered he just hadn’t gone big enough to actually get Darren’s attention?
Wild speculation 2- Hazing
I have absolutely no evidence for this; I just thought of it so now you have to as well. We honestly don’t know a ton of details about Vampaneze culture. What if you have to do a bunch of stuff to prove yourself before you can join? And of course Steve would take that to a crazy extreme. Like, if the prompt was, “prove that you can leave your human life behind,” I could see him going, “Kay :D” and this being the result. Or maybe even without prompting- as in, to prove this to himself? That is, if he met the Vampaneze before mom dies (which is ambiguous, but I’m leaning towards it for a couple reasons. Maybe ANOTHER gotdamn essay). Or just, in general, like somehow the Vampaneze or his entry into the Vampaneze clan is at the root of this mess.
I think it could be very possible that he was INVOLVED in her death without directly causing it. Like she got caught in the crossfire of the beginnings of the war. Maybe this is an idea that could be explored along the avenue of some Vampaneze not wanting the Lord to rise and trying to prevent it! As we know from the Kurda disaster, the Vampaneze were far from united before the war began.
Wild speculation 3- The Vampire Lestat
What if he tried to turn her, or somehow she just ended turned. And he had to kill her cause of that. Or fake her death and she’s just straight up part of the Vampaneze. That would be wild.
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buckyownsmylife · 4 years
My Mistakes - Henry Cavill Smut
The one where Henry Cavill was your married professor and he appears on your door one night after his life falls apart.
Warnings: smut, no actual cheating in Henry’s end (althought that’s open for consideration), professor-student relationship (the student’s supposed to be in the process of achieving a PhD), dirty talk (hello, it’s me), sir kink, praise kink, actually quite a lot of fluff because these two are idiots in love
Y/N’s P.O.V.
“Henry? What are you doing here?”
Behind him, the rain poured in what would probably be the last summer storm of the year. Once in a while, loud thunder echoed around my empty house, making me jump every single time. Lord knows how much I hated lightning and thunder. 
His curls stuck to his head, some strands in front of his beautiful eyes that held so much emotion I couldn’t identify, but reacted to it nonetheless, goosebumps traveling across my body and my heart speeding up at the sight of my advisor in front of me, in my apartment, on a Saturday night. Granted, he had been here before, but those days of carefree conversations and shared nights where we’d bond over work to grade had disappeared the minute he said ‘I do’ and hid once more behind the shell I had worked so hard to break when we first met. Sure, I missed him. But I also understood the situation, especially now that he had a kid. He was someone else, he had new roles to fill and he was still getting used to his new responsibilities. I was just glad he still confided in me once in a while, allowing me to catch glances of the Henry that I used to know, the one I considered a friend. 
Still, it was probably for the best. I knew I wouldn’t have been able to continue our relationship as it was without suffering considerably, knowing I could never have him, now that he was married. When it was only dating I could deal with it, deluding myself into believing we could actually have something more, that he felt the same way I did when our hands eventually touched while sharing a bottle of wine. 
And there was that night. God, it seemed like a million years ago. We had managed to bring one of his colleagues to do a guest lecture to our class and the whole research group was in a frenzy, the relaxation after so many months of hard work and organization finally starting to hit us. They had all come here, to my house, even the invited professor and his students, and we drank together and laughed for hours. I couldn’t bring myself to care about the fact that I had an exam first thing in the morning, I was having too much fun. 
And not because of our honorable guest, my friends, or the new people I had the opportunity of meeting, oh no. It was all because of Henry. That night, it seemed like all his walls had completely disappeared, leaving a funny, breezy, touchy man behind. I had seen glimpses of this personality before, the one I assumed was his true personality, the one that he never showed to anyone, not even his wife or his mother. It only appeared when we were alone and he was drunk and something incredibly sentimental had happened, like when we had achieved the publication of one of our papers.
The last two boxes were checked, only this time we weren’t alone. But we might as well have been. He clung to me the whole night, even offering me scotch from his own glass before pulling me to him by my waist and wrapping his arms around me, warming me up from the cold breeze of the early morning on my roof. Daniel softly played something on my old guitar and in that moment I knew I would never love anyone just as much as I loved the broken, lonely, needy man holding me.
But then in the morning, he was back to his usual aloof self. And I was left wondering if I had imagined the whole thing, until suddenly he’d look at me in a certain way and I was right back to that moment, in his arms.
Yep. I had it bad for the guy. Good thing ever since he had become a father, we barely saw each other anymore. Whatever little meetings we had, shared cups of coffee and laughter, had vanished the moment his wife found out she was pregnant. It was cute, even, how dedicated he was to little Frank. But that also meant that whatever complaints about marriage and her, that he used to confide in me during those first months after they tied the knot, had simply vanished. They were suddenly the perfect little family.
And I was happy for him. Of course I was. All I ever wanted was for him to be happy, even if it wasn’t with me. After all, what right did I have over him, when we had never even shared a kiss?
Which is what left the whole situation of him appearing in my house in the middle of the night, during a storm, even more bizarre.
“What are you doing here?” I finally let out, rushing him inside. “Come in, you must be freezing.” He didn’t budge. Still staring intently at me, his eyes, that I used to be able to read so well, now indecipherable. 
“He’s not mine,” he whispered, so quietly I barely heard him over the sounds of the storm around him.
“What? Henry, you’re not making any sense right now. Come in, please, you’re worrying me.” Still, he didn’t budge. His tongue came out to wet his lips and I found myself briefly mesmerized by that sight, wondering not for the first time how it would be like to kiss him.
“Frank,” he spoke, breaking me out of my little fantasy at the name of his child. “He’s not mine… He’s not my kid.”
My heart stopped briefly. I knew my eyes had grown twice their usual size, trying to process that information that was so randomly introduced to me in such a weird situation. 
“What? Wait, are you sure? But…” My breath was coming out in quick, shallow huffs, the weight of what he had just shared threatening to asphyxiate me. “How are you feeling, Henry? Wait, that’s a dumb question… Just… Come in, please, let me help you. Let’s talk.” I reached for him, aching to feel him, needing to check his physical integrity for myself. That kid was all he had thought about for the last four months. I knew this discovery had to be killing him.
He shook his head, one of his hands moving his hair out of the way. For a moment, I thought he was refusing my touch and so I let my arms fall next to my body as I pondered just what the hell he was doing here in the first place. 
“You don’t understand. He’s not mine.” He rubbed his eyes and I felt a wave of anger wash over me. Of course I understood what he had said, I wasn’t stupid. The only thing I didn’t understand was what the hell he was doing at my door at two in the morning with this kind of news. “I have no connection to her anymore. To them,” he finally declared and I blinked twice, confused by what precisely he meant by that. “I’m free,” he proceeded, his eyes never leaving mine, still clouded with emotions I remained unable to understand.
“You were never tied to her, or even to him, Henry. You chose that life. You walked into that marriage with your own two feet,” I reminded him, my voice a bit colder than I intended. 
“True,” he admitted, nodding quickly. “But the minute I said ‘I do’ I realized my mistake. What I had left behind, and thought I would never be able to have anymore. And feeling that way… It was worse than any physical imprisonment, Y/N. ”
I had grown impatient by then, my fingers tapping a random pattern at the wooden door I still held onto.
“And what was that, Henry? What did you leave behind?” I inquired, sighing.
A beat. Outside, the storm roared, announcing its intention to stay for as long as it could. Inside, the tension was so high I started to wonder if lightning was about to fall between us, separating us for good.
“You,” he finally confessed and before I could fully comprehend what he had just spluttered, he had latched himself into me, his lips finding mine and his arms pulling me to his wet body. 
A gasp of surprise must have left me before I responded to the kiss, but the sound had been lost in the rain the minute it left my lips and his joined mine. They were cold, as expected, but softer than I had imagined, and oh, how had I imagined this moment. He kissed me sweetly, patiently, like he was savoring his favorite wine that we had shared once. His fingers trembled against my waist as he held me close and I absentmindedly worried about the possibility of him catching pneumonia when he, at last, broke our kiss to catch a breath, still leaving his forehead close to mine, his eyes closed and I suddenly realized he was nervous.
I shivered, not entirely due to the fact that he was freezing from the weather he had subjected himself to and had left me drenched too. “Henry,” I mumbled, trying to get him to look at me. 
“Shhhh…” He pulled me even closer, our foreheads still touching, his eyes never opening. “Just… Let me have this moment, please,” he all but begged, and I felt my heart breaking into a thousand little pieces. He was hurt, understandably so and he had come here looking for a way to make his wife feel the way she had made him feel. 
Another type of cold filled me as I took a step back from him, forcing Henry to release me. I caught a glimpse of his expression, his eyebrows furrowed as he looked at me just before I turned my back to him, hugging myself and trying to control my thoughts before I started crying. 
“You should leave.” I hated how my voice broke, how weak I felt as I murmured what my mind knew I should say, despite the way my body felt.
I heard the door close behind me after a few seconds and allowed myself to release the breath I was holding as I waited for his reaction, the tears breaking free by then. The first sob had just escaped my chest when I felt arms wrapping around me, a freezing body hugging me from behind.
He waited patiently as I cried, his face hidden in the crook of my neck, his breath tickling me and warming me up as I sobbed. I cried for what felt like hours, the anger of what he was putting me through subsiding and leaving me lamenting for this man who had lost his entire family in a few seconds. 
“You can’t do this to me, Henry,” I wearily breathed out when the tears finally stopped rolling down my cheeks, still not turning around to look at him, who still hugged me. 
“I know,” he confirmed, as he finally raised his head from my neck to rest it on the top of my head. I pursed my lips, wanting to leave him yet again but lacking the strength to do so a second time. “Believe me, I know, darling.”
He finally let me go, walking around me to catch my face in his hands. “You deserve better. So much better than this. So much better than me. You deserve someone who will admit their feelings the minute they lay their eyes on you because you’re intoxicating from the first sight, Y/N.” 
I couldn’t uncross my arms, afraid that if I let at least this last barrier between us go I’d crumble in front of him and let him devour whatever was left of me. 
“You deserve someone who won’t cower in a loveless relationship because they are too afraid to pursue the love of their lives, because they’re scared they’ll disappoint you. I already did. I know.” He sighed, his thumb caressing my cheek with the lightest of touches. 
“You especially deserve someone who doesn’t hide all the time, despite wanting to break free every time you smile or glance my way.” His eyes searched mine, trying to make me see the sincerity in them, but I refused to acknowledge it. This time, I was the one who refused to let him in. 
I broke the connection between our gazes, looking down. I heard his sigh, feeling its echoes on the walls of my heart. 
“I know I lost my opportunity with you,” he whispered, his voice laced with so much pain I had to bite back a whine. “But as soon as I heard the news, as soon as I figured it out… I didn’t even feel angry or sad. I know I should have felt miserable. In a way, I lost a son tonight. But all I could think about was that night I told you I’d be stuck in my office all night grading papers, when in fact I just didn’t want to go home and deal with Olivia, and you appeared with pizza and my favorite bottle of wine, despite the fact that I know that you had Smith’s exam the next day. You stayed with me all night, making idle talk that distracted me to the point I forgot I was engaged and that I had someone waiting for me back home. All I could think about was how that is how it should be. That’s how I should feel every night when I come home. But I only felt it with you. And now that I was given this second chance, this opportunity to go back to a life without the responsibility of being a father, forever connected to a woman I don’t love, I could finally have what I wanted. You.”
My eyes had closed sometime during his remembrance, lost in the flashback too. I had fallen asleep sometime during the early hours of the morning and he took off his jacket to cover me, as I lay on the sofa of his office. The same couch I had found him asleep so many times, as well. I still hugged myself, at last starting to believe he might feel the same way as I did. 
I felt a cold kiss against my forehead, one of his hands gripping my nape tightly to him before letting go. “But I should have known I lost my opportunity. You will find happiness in a relationship sometime soon, with someone good, someone who deserves you and I will be here, wishing you all the best because you deserve it.” I heard his footsteps walking away from me. I wanted to turn around, to open my eyes, to pull him to me and talk about this, talk about how I was feeling about this whole situation, but I felt stuck. And then I heard it.
“Because I love you,” he heaved and suddenly I was not frozen anymore. I was connected to him again, our lips furiously dancing together as I clung to him for dear life. He moaned against my mouth and I felt as if the flames of hell had come to consume me in that precise moment.
His hands slowly traveled down my back until they found my ass. He pulled me to him and I jumped, wrapping my legs around him as I caught onto his signal. My own hands were occupied, one pulling on his hair as I tried to win control over our kiss while the other supported me around his shoulders.
He wobbled a bit, blindly walking backward until his back hit the wall. He turned around then, supporting me against it as he once again disconnected our lips to catch his breath, pressing his forehead to mine once more. “Are you sure about this?” I couldn’t help but to slur, my fingers holding the edge of his button-up shirt tightly. “I can’t be just a revenge plot against your wife, Henry. I honestly don’t think I can take it,” I confessed, inciting the tiniest of smiles on the corner of his lips.
“Darling, you couldn't be more wrong,” he whispered against my lips, quickly kissing them before continuing. “I am the one who wouldn’t be able to live without you for a single minute more. I can’t remember how I lived before you, Y/N. I don’t want to remember it. I’d rather die than cause you pain and make you leave me. I know how lucky I am for getting this second chance.”
I accepted his words, not being able to deal with the separation of our lips another second. We were eager now, trying to make up for all the time we had to keep our desires in check. His hands held my jaw as he possessed my mouth and I clung to his shirt tightly as I tried to deal with the desire burning my lower belly. 
“I have never wanted anyone to fuck me this badly,” I admitted, licking my lips as he chuckled, caressing my cheek as he laid warm open-mouthed kisses against the skin of my neck.
“I have never wanted to fuck anyone this badly,” he confessed, biting in a particular spot in my neck that made my legs feel like jelly. “But tonight I think I will make love to you first.”
His eyes searched mine then, looking for any sign of indecisiveness, but there was none. I knew I wanted him since he first smiled at me, three years before. I kissed his thumb that played with my cheeks, nodding my acceptance to his proposal.
“I love you too,” I finally professed and he rewarded me with the sweetest of smiles.
Henry’s P.O.V.
I captured her lips again, not quite believing this turn of events. I finally had her. She was finally mine. 
We kissed feverishly, our hands never stopping too long in one single place. It was like she felt it too, this need to feel every piece of skin, of guaranteeing the other person was really there, was actually real. Before long, I felt her trembling hands make their way inside my shirt and I sighed, barely believing this was real. She pulled on the fabric and I all but ripped the buttons off of my work shirt before throwing it somewhere behind me and returning my focus on the exploration of the gorgeous woman that was now looking at me with those wide eyes I loved so much.
“Don’t give me that look,” I warned her, only receiving the cheekiest of smiles as a response and a growl rose from under my chest. I pulled her to meet my lips again, this time taking us away from the wall and into the old leather couch just behind us. I laid her carefully on the warm material, pushing away a few rebellious strands of hair that insisted on shielding her eyes from mine.
For a few seconds, we simply stared at one another, our eyes silently communicating what our mouths didn’t seem to be able to speak in the moment. She looked so beautiful, even more than I already thought she did, with her lips red from my assault and a dark bruise already forming in her silky skin from my bite. 
I had to take a few deep breaths to control myself, already feeling my pants tighten as the reality of what was to happen hit me. Y/N licked her lips, her eyes showing every bit the same desire I felt run through my veins. “Like what you see?” she teased me, earning a breathy laugh that let on how nervous I actually felt. 
“You have no idea,” I admitted, leaning down to kiss her forehead sweetly before laying kisses across her face, over her lids, on each side of her cheeks, on the tip of her nose before deciding to nibble on her jaw. She shivered, her hands coming up to my curls once again, holding me to her. 
I inhaled the sweet perfume that often overtook my senses whenever she was near me. It was like an aphrodisiac to me, it never failed to get me hard. Many times I had to abruptly leave her talking by herself to tend to my member in my bathroom, imagining my hands were hers.
“You make me crazy,” I confessed, my voice hoarse as I continued my path across her skin, now licking her neck, trying not to lose my mind over the tremulous moans she let escape every time I discovered a particular spot that seemed to get to her. “I didn’t know you were so sensitive.” Teasingly, I bit right over one of her collarbones, immediately regretting my taunt as her hands found the bulge in my pants and rubbed it. 
“I could say the same thing,” she retaliated, tongue stuck between her teeth as she watched with focused interest as I threw my head back and groaned. 
“Damnit, woman, I’m trying to make this last,” I tried to lecture her, failing spectacularly as she managed to pop my button and reach inside my boxers to find me, bare and hot, pulsing for her. 
“Not interested,” she raised her back off the couch, forcing me to sit back on my heels, as she took control of the situation. “I’ve waited too long for this. If you want to make love to me, as you say, do it quickly, I need you now.” 
It was impossible not to react to her. This sweet, bubbly woman, suddenly dominant and sure of herself and what she wanted. Fuck, if that didn’t make her even sexier to my eyes. 
Still, I managed to control myself, slowly caressing her thighs with my trembling fingers until I reached the edge of her nightgown, raising it up as I continued my path across her body. Her heavy breasts came into view, her nipples hard and begging for attention. I was quick to connect my lips to one, caressing the other with one of my hands.
She moaned then, her hands coming up to pull on my hair once more as she ground down against me and I groaned at the sensation of her wet panties against my member. I had half a mind to pull my jeans all the way down, take her to bed, do this sweetly and romantically like I had planned I would do if I had the opportunity to lay with her at least once, but she was making this too difficult for me. Her tiny whimpers escaped her lips freely as I changed nipples, slightly biting on one, making her throw her head back and whine.
“Stop teasing me so much,” she begged, rubbing herself against me once more, making the decision for me, as I couldn’t stand to feel her heat and not be inside of her any longer.
Y/N’s P.O.V.
I heard him growl before I realized I had finally broken him. In a second, he had thrown himself at me, forcing me to lie down on the couch as I shivered against the cold air as his hands made quick work of my nightgown. When the sounds of his belt coming off at last rang in my ears, I couldn’t help the moan escaping my lips at the realization that this was finally happening.
“I wanted to do this nice and slow, take my time with you, worship your body in the way it deserves to be cherished, but did you allow that?” His voice was so raspy it kept reigniting the goosebumps across my skin, and as his fingers finally pressed my soaking wet panties against that spot that had been throbbing for attention, I felt like I could come right then and there. “Of course not,” he answered himself, his focus directed to where his fingers were now exploring. “Everything has to be done in your time, isn't it, miss Y/L/N?” 
Growing tired of the cotton barrier between us, he finally pulled it aside to softly collect the evidence of what he was doing to me, but didn’t make any movement towards actually relieving me of my needs. “Answer me, darling,” he whispered in my ear as softly as possible, but I knew that tone and it hid danger.
“Y-yes, sir,” I babbled without thinking and by that point, I would do anything to have him inside of me.
“Good girl.” That was all the warning I received before his member pushed its way inside of me, but as it provoked a whole new wave to pour out of me, it wasn’t as difficult as it would have been otherwise. Still, it took me some time to relax and allow his full length to penetrate me, as it was considerably large and thick.
I gasped as the head of his cock bumped my cervix. “There you go, sweetheart.” He smiled down at me, giving a quick peck to my temple. “I knew you’d be able to take it.”
I moaned at his words, incredibly excited about the fact that he apparently knew I had a praise kink. Maybe I wasn’t as cautious as I thought I was being when he complimented my work? There was no way I would dwell on this any longer, however, as he finally started to slowly thrust in and out of me, his little grunts and pants making me all the more horny.
“You’re so tight, baby girl,” he groaned, throwing his head back for a second, his eyes closed, giving me the perfect opportunity to admire his jaw and neck. “I don’t know how I managed to fit inside of you, but let me tell you…” his head had returned to my ear, before finding a nook on my neck and hiding there. “Now that I’m here, I’m never gonna leave,” he whispered against my skin, picking up his thrusts just as I started to need a little more from him.
“Good,” I managed to moan out, to which he chuckled. He continued to fuck me against my couch, permanently ruining my pussy and the fabric underneath us, as our juices slowly dripped onto it. It didn’t take long for him to bring me close to the edge, and I was trembling in his arms after a few seconds of feeling the head of his cock bumping against my sweet spot.
“Feeling needy, baby girl? Do you want to cum?” I struggled to nod, but it seemed to suffice him. “Then come for me, darling. I’m right behind you. Cum for me.” His thumb found my bundle of nerves and just like that, I was falling down the pits of desire. Throwing my head back, I pulled his chest to me, my nails certainly leaving marks across his back for him to remember me later on.
I absentmindedly noticed the sounds I was making, but as my walls throbbed around his cock, I was too far gone to care. Henry kissed the side of my face as I came until I was capable of focusing my gaze on him once more. As I did, I found him looking at him with a particular glint in his eyes, a look so soft that made my heart feel twice the normal size.
“Is it possible to love too much?” He asked, and I opened my mouth to say something, but nothing came. Instead, he simply adjusted to be able to speed up into me, now fucking me into my couch in a way that made it sure I would never be able to sit in it without thinking about him again. I heard his groans of pleasure as he reached his own high, and I felt him spill into me as he did so.
We stayed connected as he calmed down. As we both calmed down, because my heart was still beating as fast as if I had been running a marathon. After a while, he kissed my shoulder and sat up, his cock leaving me. “You’re perfect,” he whispered into the night.
I followed his movements, also sitting up on the couch, enjoying how he immediately pulled me into his lap, like he couldn’t bear the thought of our skins not touching. The rain had almost stopped, I realized. No more lightning or thunder had echoed throughout the house for a long while.
“Do you really love me?” I found myself whispering into the quiet of the night. For a few seconds, he said nothing, but then he was pushing me away from his chest just enough so that he could stare back at me. 
“You ask me like you have given me any other option.” My giggles echoed throughout the house.
“I love you too.” And for once, everything felt right.
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babbysquid · 3 years
Not A Whiskey Drinker Pt. 4
Author’s Note: Okay so I got a bit carried away with this chapter but I couldn’t help myself so it’s about twice as long as previous chapters. This is where things really start to get more plot based so the story will really get moving from here. The way I’ve planned out the plot so far though it’ll be several chapters long so get buckled up!
Warnings: mild cursing, suggestive language, Jack “Whiskey” Daniels needs his own warning
Length: 2,586 words
Not A Whiskey Drinker Masterlist
“She almost broke the man’s arm Champ!” said Whiskey, phone to his ear.
“I don’t care. If you’re exaggerating this skill of hers she’ll be a liability.”
“She won’t be a liability!” Whiskey was seething at this point. Yes it had only been a few days, but somehow he had become protective over you. Seeing you twist the man’s arm back at the bar lit a fire somewhere deep inside his stomach. Whiskey heard a sigh through the phone.
“Fine. You’re training her and she’ll be your responsibility. Don’t fuck it up Whiskey.”
With that Champagne hung up. Whiskey was buzzing with excitement. With the combination of your quick wit and your apparent hand to hand combat skill you were definitely capable of becoming an agent with the Statesmen.
The ding of the elevator stirred Whiskey from his thoughts. Strutting out of his office he quickly caught up to you.
“Mornin’ Y/N. How’s my lovely little lady today?” you rolled your eyes and shook your head, continuing towards your office. Along with your normal bag you had also brought a tote bag that contained some office necessities. After setting your bags down you pulled out an electric tea kettle and made your way towards a shelf to find a spot for it.
“Y/N think fast!” came Whiskey’s voice as he threw the mug that sat on your desk. You quickly spun around and caught the mug before it could smash on the floor.
“You’re the absolute worst.”
“Not a coffee drinker either?” Whiskey said, eyeing the variety of teabags you pulled from your tote.
“Nope. Coffee is a slap in the face. Tea feels like a hug.”
Whiskey gave his standard full body laugh.
“You really are somethin’ darlin’.”
“Out.” you said, ushering him out of your space. “Come back if you need me.”
“Ya know if I didn’t know any better I’d say you’re the boss and I’m the assistant.” Whiskey leaned against the door frame as he said this.
“Whiskey…” you said with a grumble, trying to push him from the door, but the man wasn’t budging. Bending down he whispered in your ear,
“I am a mighty fan of switching up the dynamic every once in a while.” he said and you could almost feel his smirk against your skin.
“Out!” and you shut the door on his face.
‘I swear to god this man will be the death of me.’
The rest of the day was fairly standard. Random errands Whiskey needed, picking up lunch, sorting through notes, etc. The only difference between today and the previous was the fact that Whiskey kept throwing things at you any chance he got.
“So I organized these files and highlight all the—“ Before you could finish your sentence you looked up as a pen, a baseball, and a full bottle of whiskey were flying at you. Quickly you caught them all and managed to keep the files you were holding in your hands as well.
“Whiskey what the fuck?”
Initially it felt like Whiskey’s standard teasing, but at this point it was ridiculous and was getting on your nerves. If you didn’t catch the whiskey bottle it would’ve made a huge mess and you were most likely the one who would have to clean said mess.
“Wouldn’t have thrown ‘em if I knew you weren’t gonna catch ‘em.” said Whiskey from behind his desk, propping his feet up on the wood and stretching his arms behind his head.
You were too focused on the files when you entered his office that you didn’t realize Whiskey had taken off his blazer and tie. He was wearing his standard white dress shirt and some suspenders. He had the sleeves of his shirt rolled up to his elbows and you couldn’t help but stare at his tanned arms. You didn’t realize how much muscle the man had. You shook your head.
“Why do you keep throwing shit at me?”
“Oh darlin’,” Whiskey stood up and pulled the bottle of whiskey and the baseball out of your hands, set them down on his desk and leaned on the wooden table. “just testing your reflexes and reaction time.”
“Ginger was right.”
“Hmm?” said Whiskey, pulling his suspenders off his shoulders and popping open the bottle of whiskey. You stared as he brought the bottle to his lips. His Adam’s apple bobbed up and down as he took a swig. He licked his lips and you felt a shiver run through your body.
“I’m waiting darlin’.” he said with a smirk. He knew you were staring. He had made sure you were staring.
“She said you were a character.”
“I have been called larger than life.”
“Uh, anyways here are the files.” Reaching out to hand the files to your boss, his hand met yours and once again the two of you froze. The only movement coming from the room was the rise and fall of your chests and Whiskey’s thumb making slow circles on the back of you hand.
“Jack I— oh.”
You immediately moved your hand and Whiskey took the files from you at the sound of Ginger’s voice.
“Sorry.” said Ginger, giving you an apologetic look. “Champ gave me some…” Ginger paused, looking for the right word. “updates — classified updates — that you need to hear Jack.”
“Guess that’s my cue.” you said, making your way out of the office.
“Get home safe Y/N.” said Whiskey giving you a smile. Your heart fluttered in response.
‘Stop. You cannot have feelings for your boss. Especially Whiskey.’
It was finally Friday after work and to say you were exhausted was an understatement. The rest of the week had been pretty straightforward minus some odd behavior from Whiskey. He continued to randomly throw things at you or ask seemingly random questions.
‘How quickly can you run a mile?’
‘About 7 and a half minutes.’
‘Ever got in a fist fight?’
‘No, but I’ve prevented some from starting.’
‘How flexible are you?’
That question you decided to ignore. There was one question, however, that kept replaying in your mind over and over again.
‘Have you ever shot a gun?’
When he asked the question you stopped in your tracks. Sure he was from the South so he most definitely had experience with firearms but you? Nope. Frankly, guns scared the shit out of you. Why did he want to know?
‘No. My dad and brother would go to shooting ranges occasionally but never took me. But if they asked I would’ve said no.’
You pondered his reasoning for all these questions as you took a shower. The questions could’ve been an attempt to get to know you better but they were nothing along the lines of ‘where did you grow up?’ ‘do you have any pets?’ or ‘what’s your favorite color?’. You were stirred from your thoughts by a knock at the door.
“One second!” you called, stepping out of the shower and pulling a towel around yourself. You rushed to the door leaving a small trail of wet footprints behind you.
“You really had the audacity to knock while I was—“
“Well aren't you a sight for sore eyes.” came a thick accent. Your eyes widened immediately and you swallowed.
“You gonna let me in darlin’?”
You were too shocked to do anything other than follow his request. Stepping aside to allow him to enter you shut the door behind you.
“Nice place. Nice getup too.” he said with a wink.
You were suddenly hyperaware of the current state of your appearance. Your hair was dripping wet and you were naked other than a much too small towel wrapped around yourself. Your boss (your very attractive boss) was in your apartment and you were essentially naked.
“One second.” you said, and ran back to the bathroom to change into the clean clothes you pulled from your closet before. Throwing on your sleep shorts and a large shirt you stormed out of the bathroom to confront Whiskey.
“Firstly, how the hell did you get my address and secondly, why the fuck are you here?”
“Firstly,” said Whiskey, putting his hands on your shoulders attempting to make you calm down. “I told you we did a background check. And secondly,” he guided the two of you over to your small couch and placed a plastic bag on your coffee table. “I brought dinner.” You narrowed your eyes and glared at him.
“What is it?” your voice still tinged with anger.
After a minute you responded.
“Okay fine you can stay.”
Whiskey took several boxes of sushi out of the bag and all your favorites were there. Your mind was doing flips to figure out much all this costed. Sushi was not cheap, especially from the restaurant he got it from.
“How’d you know sushi is my favorite?”
“Background checks.”
“Okay now I can’t tell if you’re joking or not.” Whiskey just gave you a smile and dug into the food. The two of you ate in silence. While scarfing down your sushi as politely as possible, it had been a long time since you had your favorite food, you observed the man next to you. He still had his black Stetson and black cowboy boots, but his slacks and blazer had been replaced by some tight fitting jeans and a matching denim jacket. The same camel coat he wore when you first met was hanging on the hook on the back of your door.
“Those gears in your head are turning darlin’.”
“Why’d you actually come here? I doubt it was just to buy me dinner.”
“Straight to business sugar? I do have to admit you’re not wrong about my intentions.” Whiskey pulled off his hat and sat it down on the coffee table. A hand went up to smooth his hair down and he turned to face you directly, a serious look on his face.
“As you’ve probably noticed Statesman Brewery is… different. We are a brewery but we’re also something more. First and foremost we are a secret independent intelligence agency.”
You choked and almost inhaled the gulp of water you were swallowing.
“I know it’s bizarre darlin’ but please don’t hurt yourself,” he said, placing a hand on your knee. “even if I wouldn’t mind doing some CPR on a catch such as yourself.” You gave him the standard look you gave him when he said these types of comments. “I wasn’t just throwing shit at you to scare you and those questions I asked? Bit of a verbal test if you will.”
“Okay now tell me the actual truth.”
“I’m serious Y/N.” his eyes darkened slightly. “You have the makings to be an agent.”
“And you think that because I caught some random crap you threw at me and because I can run a mile slightly faster than the average person?” you leaned against the couch, arms crossed. Whiskey seemed serious about what he was saying, but you weren’t fully convinced yet.
“You were at The Parking Lot on Tuesday.”
“Okay what the fuck are you stalking me now? More ‘background check’ stuff?” you said, making air quotes with your fingers.
“That was pure coincidence. Promise on my late mama’s soul.” Whiskey raised a hand and traced an ‘X’ over his heart. “I saw that ungodly man try to have his way. Was close to stopping things myself before I saw you twist his arm around his back. You were faster than a jackrabbit.”
“You saw that?”
“Sugar, the whole bar saw it. But even if the bar didn’t, I still would’ve. The second I saw you and your friend walk in, well, let’s just say I wasn’t interested in watching the football game anymore.”
Whiskey had been watching you. He saw you act fast and save yourself from that dick at the bar. Subconsciously you pulled your shoulders back and your heart swelled with pride.
“You showed him who’s boss.” Whiskey winked, repeating the phrase that seemed to keep coming up.
“Okay okay so let me get this straight. You’re some sort of secret agent, whose coverup is a business man in the alcohol industry.”
“So far so good sugar.”
“And you’re suggesting that I join this secret intelligence agency?”
“Not so much suggesting as I am insisting but other than that you’re right on the money.”
“Did you hire me as your assistant with the intent of offering me a position as an agent?”
“That, darlin’, was all you. You impressed me that night. Spoke to Champ and Ginger about it and convinced them that you’d be a good agent.”
“Champ and Ginger are agents too?” Your eyes widened. “Is Sara the receptionist one too?” Whiskey laughed at this question and your curiosity.
“No Sara is not an agent. Only a handful of people in the New York and California offices are agents. The rest of them are at the Kentucky branch.”
You paused thinking about your next question and looked down at your hands. You couldn’t help but fidget, anxious about how Whiskey would answer the next question.
“And what if I say no?”
“That’s not really an option.”
You swallowed hard and looked back up to meet Whiskey’s eyes. He had a serious look, but that seriousness slowly melted into something softer. Hope? Encouragement? Something else? He shifted on the couch so his knees touched yours.
“I have seen what you can do. You’ve got reflexes like a cat, almost broke a man’s arm.”
“He deserved it.” you grumbled.
“No arguments there darlin’. You have what it takes. Sure you’re gonna need training and whatnot but you’ll get the best of the best at Statesman. Besides, you’ll have the top teacher we have to offer. Me.” There was that million dollar smile again.
“Okay initially I was on board, but after hearing that I’ll have to spend more time with you? Kill me or dispose of me or whatever the ‘not option’ option is.” You jumped at the intense laugh that came out of the man in front of you.
“Darlin’ you’re breaking my heart.”
“And you’re breaking my sanity.” you rolled your eyes and started to put away leftovers from dinner. When you closed the door to the fridge you heard Whiskey’s voice in your ear.
“You haven’t said no.”
You turned around, practically chest to chest with Whiskey.
“Doesn’t really feel like I have a choice cowboy.” giving him a smirk. Whiskey reached around your waist to grab a pen that was on the kitchen counter. It felt like he was cornering you, but something inside you welcomed it. Whiskey scribbled on the notepad that sat next to the pen, ripped the page off, and pressed the paper into your palm.
“Pack your stuff for a week long trip. Meet me at that location on Monday morning at 6am.”
With that Whiskey turned and grabbed his coat and hat, making his way to the door.
“Sweet dreams darlin’.” he said, tipping his hat and closing the door behind him. You glanced down at the paper. His handwriting was much nicer than you were expecting. All that was on the paper was an address located in a really nice part of the city and a phone number. You could only assume it was Whiskey’s cell phone number. The only other thing on the paper was a small heart with a ‘W’ inside it. You didn’t want to acknowledge it, but seeing that doodle made warmth spread across your chest.
taglist:  @absurdthirst @space-daddy-owns-me @agentwhiskeypussyindulgence @littlemissoblivious @agingerindenial @mack4676 @loveforminato @thats-one-tender-foot @xwingsandohs @purplepascal042 @harami-mami @nova646 @lesbianlena @computeringturtle @cassandras-nest
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sly-merlin · 3 years
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pairing : law student!reader + yuta
genre :    angst , mafia au/ arranged marriage au.
warnings of this chapter : cursing, explanatory mention of a pistol!
words :: ~5k
summary : “life’s never fair y/n. realise it as soon as you can . it is the only secret for living a regretless life.”                                  
“  curiousity got the cat hitched”
taglist :: @kpop-choco​ @moon-yuta​ @kawaiiayasan​ @btm-taeyong​ @exfolitae​ @lanadreamie​ @cheersskznct​ @hyuckiesgf​ @theworld-accordingtocasey​  @yiyi4657​ @sorrywonwoo​ @sillywinnergladiator​ @suhweo @minejungwoo​ @leesalts​  @mal-nakamoto23​ @ro2424​ @itlittlefangirl​​ @nctzens-world​​ @bl--ankhaeji​​ @simplybree​​
 networks :: @kafenetwork​ @neowritingsnet​  @nct-writers​
K.M masterlist
K.M 10     next
a/n :: header was made with detailed instructions from lovely @cirrus-lily​ (thank you so much for your patience).
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Previous night , taeyong’s office.
The thick, heavy unnatural silence was breached by the phone call. Taeil’s muffled words didn’t reach anyone’s ears but taeyong’s reaction was enough for an estimate!
“what did taeil say?”
Taeyong glanced at yuta’s hopeful yet helpless face. Taeil's order was far from what yuta's eyes sought. The past ten minutes were spent listening to the unsynchronized ticking of the clocks and some random whispering of the younger ones from the living room. And now, several pairs of eyes were asking for the answers.
“you will be stationed in nice, f-for two months.”
Yuta’s face hardened at his words. He gulped and opened his mouth to say something but stopped. The words stuck on his tongue would not be able to convey what he wanted to, he thought.
“with johnny?" Jaehyun uttered.
“no yuta is replacing him" taeyong mumbled, hiding his face in his hands.
Yuta snickered , “ as expected.” as much as he didnt want to sound bitter, his senses were not cooperating with him too much.
“this is not about you or johnny. It’s better if you both stay away fr-
“did taeil tell her the truth?” yuta coldly cut him off.
“i don't know about that!"
“then I'll have to do it myself." Yuta stood up, alerting everyone.
“do not stretch this yuta. This can end right here. Your absence woul-
“you got it wrong taeyong!” yuta cackled , “I'm dying to leave this place but don't you think she deserves to know that she's wrong here.”
“please yuta. For last time. trust taeil. this is the last thing I’m asking from you. You’d get the chance to explain. Ju-just not yet.” Yuta scowled at taeyong’s hollow pleading.
He inched forward slamming his palms on the table , “ since when did you start playing with wrong players taeyong? you are supposed to be the smarter one here. Who are you fooling here? you think I don’t know why she’s here or jaemin, jeno, jungwoo, chenle, jisung, mark, they don’t have a hint?” taeyong eyes danced around the room avoiding any contact as yuta continued, “Don't stretch this taeyong. this can end right here. without hurting another one and right before they can get attached. I hope when i come back , you would have sorted this mess out or you won’t have time to regret this time”
Scoffing at taeyong’s hunched figure, he smacked the table once before leaving the room.
Doyoung  followed soon , leaving Jaehyun and Taeyong alone.
Panic engulfed jaehyun’s entire being as he pondered over yuta’s words.
“he’s right. You saw her today. She’s getting worked up over a stupid misunderstanding and you saw the way taeil is acting! This was never the plan. She’s not timid. You cannot possibly make her agree to anything at all. Taeil would never let that happen. Heck! Yuta’s getting weirder these days. Let her go. We can wait unt-
“We. Can’t .wait. I know my limits, Jaehyun and two months are enough..” Taeyong whisper yelled “ I care about her more than you’d ever do so get the fuck out of here. You don't get to tell me what I should be doing.”
Jaehyun leered at the older man, muscles in his jaw twitching at his words  “you have lost it taeyong. if we fail this time, you’d be the one to blame.”
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Perfectly ironed shirts were wrinkled as yuta threw them into the case. doyoung was ready to accompany but he refused all the assistance proposed to him. He left nothing. from t-shirts and pants to jumpers, he packed as if he was going for a one way trip to france.
He groaned , jumping on the suitcase, trying to bury the clothes deeper into the case so he could zip it. Once finished,he pushed the cases out of the room and into the hall. locking the door, his running and hurried eyes fell on the opposite room. It was bare of any presence. This was his first time peeking into your room. He was merely looking from afar but the very next second he found himself going through the album resting on the bed covers. a perfect normal photo album was calming enough to subside his inner turmoil.  
yuta scrunched his nose at the small girl who was either frowning or crying in most of the pictures. the family of three looked quite happy. But the girl didn't seem to resemble any of the adults. He almost let out a laugh at your wailing form in every other photo. Just looking at the pictures, anyone with two eyes could tell that you were a spoiled kid. No wonder you were full of attitude and ego, he thought.
closing it, he glanced at the room, simple and plain. Not that his own wasn’t but he couldn’t find anything that had prompted you to lock your door for the whole day. He left the room to lock his own but when he pocketed his keys, they met with something at the end of his pants pocket.
A grunt left his throat at the sight of the screws. He had placed them in his pocket to follow your fuming body, the reason of which he didn’t know back then. He was about to throw them on the bed when the album caught his eyes again. He cursed at himself for being so indecisive. Pacing back and forth , he noticed how composed he had suddenly become. He wasn’t feeling anger, just some traces of irritation for the whole drama that had unfolded.
Before he could convince himself otherwise, he took a paper from your desk, scribbled with a trembling hand and left it on the counter.
All while hoping taeil was actually being reasonable , just this once.
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12:30 p.m
Looking through the power window, you stared at taeil’s arriving form, hands full with brown food bags. He hit the car door with his one knee prompting you to open the door from inside.
“when I say you are no better than others ,I really mean you are NO better than them!” taeil chortled as he shoved a bag into your lap.
“what did I do this time?” you rolled your eyes as you anticipated another moral lecture from him.
“nothing. you are making an old man to get food for you!”
“and I had suggested the said old man to enter the drive thru!”
“and drive thru is no fun, duh! The vintage the better!”
“just like someone I know! you exclaimed chewing the burger.
“very funny. You know highway stops are all about breathing in fresh air while stretching your arms, yawning so widely that you have to hide your face in your stretched arm to save yourself from the embarrassment. The first step out of the car after hours of driving feels like restoration of something that was denied to you for such a long time. and the second phase of happiness comes at the engine purring, the feeling is like no other, I’m telling you. but someone lost their chance to experience it .”
“you sound poetic taeil but you lack facts. The fresh air you just inhaled is what we consider a polluted one.I’ll prefer to sit inside and miss all that instead of going out and dying. So let go of the  fancy peace thoughts and develop your perceptions according to the changing world. The sound of this vintage engine is a source of headache and not happiness.Now lemme eat. IN PEACE”
“we’ll see whose perception changes” taeil mumbled munching on the fries.
You both ate in silence for 20 minutes. As the drive continued ,the stilled milieu took you back to the uncertainties you were trying so hard to suppress. When taeil had knocked at the door in the morning, which was beyond expectation at first, he gave you the liberty to question his actions but you had passed that opportunity, precisely to show that you weren’t that greedy. But you were! The endless queries were now making you anxious. Why did taeil come with you? what was the reason behind his pleasant behaviour, how could yuta agree to go like that? sure he liked your presence not more than you did but was he the kind to bow down so easily! Or was he designing something under the colour of acceptance. taken together ,you ended up being the ruthless one here. But the leading one was why did yesterday happen! Multiple stolen glances at Taeil were fairly noticeable; you were waiting for him to just start something. And he perhaps was waiting for you to initiate. Dilemma remained unsolved and you arrived in seoul just like you had left it, but visiting your parents had lessened the encumbrances weighing you down.
You were about to retreat after thanking him when he finally spoke up,
“b.n at 6! No exemption. And instead of racking your brain, just ask. it’s simpler than you make it to be y/n.”
Slamming the door shut , you dragged your feet for the apartment, shaking your head at the man.
Of course he knows everything! And maybe could ask him someday to get your own answers.
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10 days later
The gun went off with a bang which if it hadn’t been for the ear protectors and the noiseless sheets, would have deafen your ears. Fingers pointed at the target, eyes coloured with impatience, jungwoo didn’t move. After he was done with his dramatic action, the glass shield slid and he entered inside.
“this is target A. this one is B” he asked for a confirmation with his wide eyes which you nodded at.
“right. so!” he walked circling the dry grass to stand between two targets, “so when I say hit at A, you should be firing at A, precisely aiming anywhere in this space.” he explained again, hand moving in front of the said space.
“I hit at the center jungwoo! The fucking center! For the first time in two weeks.”
“yes. You did hit the core but of the wrong target.”
“how does it matter? It's a perfect shoot”
Jungwoo blinked multiple times focusing on your puzzled face. He wasn’t sure if you were purposely trying to annoy him or you seriously lacked a few braincells to understand where you were wrong!
“at the wrong target.” he pressed.
“but I still hit-
“Ok. listen to me carefully now. Lets assume A is taeil hyung and B is a killer. If i shout to you that kill B and you mistakenly shoot A instead then you’d end up killing taeil hyung instead of the killer and then you’d be a killer yourself and even if the shot was perfect it was targeted wrongly thats why when i say hit A, hit A and when i say B, hit B. understood now?” dumbfounded, you stared at him bobbing your head a few times to indicate you understood. But you really hadn’t.
“You are not lying right?”
“Dont accuse me of lying!”
“Oh! So you still don-
“hey beautiful!”
Your heads jerked towards the owner of the voice who had just interrupted the bickering.
“johnny” you whispered.
“I meant jungwoo y/n.” jungwoo sticked his tongue out at you as he jumped forward to hug johnny.
“When did you come back?”
“just now. I flew directly to Japan from nice. didn’t he inform you all? And why is nobody at home?”
a small smile graced your face while jungwoo started explaining to him about some business event. You felt like jungwoo won’t shut up anytime soon so you turned around from the scene and made yourself busy with the magazine. As you were counting the rubber bullets to fill the magazine, a pair of arms touched your both shoulders.
“how are you y/n.”
“you done talking to your prince.”
Jungwoo groaned approaching you with a stern look.
“you’ll have plenty of time to chatter. Focus on your job instead!”
“ugh. You are so annoying. I’m done for the day.” You announced handing the pistol to him.
“wait! what am I missing here.” Johnny's eyes shifted , not knowing what was going on in his absence.
“yuta hyu-
“I know all that. I’m asking about the bullets!”
“Taeil told me to learn some basics to defend myself and jungwoo is my assigned teacher who don’t seem to appreciate my skills at all”
“liar!” Jungwoo screeched and continued, “she’s poor at shooting, hits anywhere but the point I’m indicating at an-and she never listens to me.”
Snorting dramatically at the end, he glares at you. you welcomed his complaining speech with a toothy grin which seemed to annoy him more. One thing you had learnt in the past two weeks had been that jungwoo was frustrating when he was hungry and during the time he was supposed to teach you, no food was allowed in the basement, making him a hunger monster.. Johnny watched the exchange with an amused smile, just like you were doing a few minutes ago.
“alright. You both need to chill. Jungwoo, she's not a professional so go easy on her and you! you should listen to him. or if you want I can be your tutor instead!”
“don’t hijack here. she's my student and I was chosen because I am the softest and the sweeter one her-
“who is a second away from having a breakdown!”
“no go out. You are not invited anymore. nobody is allowed here from 6 to 7:30 .” Jungwoo announced as he started pushing Johnny out the door.
‘”yaa! Jungwoo. I’m go- don’t push me you rascal. I am going. Bye y/n. I’ll be waiting upstairs.” He shouted and waved in the air which you, for no reason, found yourself returning even if he wasn't going to see it.
As johnny was gone, jungwoo pressed the switch again to close the partition. Coming behind you, his arms embraced you and he placed the gun in your hand as he ducked himself to reach your height with another try to improve the hand-eye coordination. Occupied with each other, you both missed the pair of eyes watching you both  in a very unpleasant manner.  
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“how’s your research going?” johnny asked with a mouthful of meatballs.
“it’s meh! The library is under construction so I can't properly look through books and besides minjun is too whiny to let me do anything. I can’t leave that kid alone so we're always hanging out after 1. I’ve some resources saved so I’m fine for now” you replied.
“seems like that minjun guy makes you very happy. Is he the one?” jaehyun took your attention as he pinched his neck. You narrowed your eyes at his unnecessary remark.
“my happy pill is not minjun but you jaehyun dear. I haven’t seen you in like 5 days i guess? So that eliminated all the reasons for my unhappiness. Your absence is my elixir jae. ” You grinned. Jaheyun pointed his chopstick at you but before he could utter anything, taeyong spoke up.
“woah. Don’t you two start now.” he cried.
“he’s the one that starts everything! I just continue his shit for it-
“well I won't initiate if its not for that stinky tongue o-
“Shut up before I lock both of you in a room.”
Hearing several snickers, it seemed like taeyong was the only one getting annoyed, everyone else seemed to be enjoying it.
Just when you were about to pour more juice, everything else finished and left the table. it seemed strange as how fast they were done with their dinner.
“how can you all eat so quickly?” doyoung seemed to be more perplexed as he asked taeyong.
“don’t you both know?” you settled your chopsticks on the plate as taeyong proceeded, “the last two to finish cleans the dishes.”
You instantly scanned the whole dining table and the instant regret of eating like a sloth washed over your face. There were only three left and next second there were only two. Jungwoo shot up from seat with his stuffed mouth, waved and left. Taeyong didn’t waste any time before he also scurried away.
“this was a conspiracy y/n.” doyoung murmured.
“I know right. they knew it. w-we have to wash for 14 people.”
“look at the brighter side, we don’t have to hurry now.”
You shrugged at his words, filling your glass with juice again.
“you should not be drinking juice at nighttime.” He lectured
“then why is it on the table?”
“aish! You are impossible.”
“so are you.”
You continued bickering with doyoung until both of you were finished. Like everyone else, you too had started to find joy while annoying doyoung. The responses from him were always a treat. He was also awfully similar to you. the nit-picking in almost everything, forever sceptical body language and lastly the  identical frown you both wore all the time. but you were not the one that detected the similarities, it was doyoung himself.
It was not just doyoung! With exception of jaehyun, it seemed like everyone was trying to make you a part of their daily lives. The day after the incident, you had hesitated to knock the door, scared of their reactions towards you but the dark cloud of worry had floated away with the warmest hug jungwoo had welcomed you with. You detected no rejection, no unpleasant remarks, instead you were strictly instructed to not to leave the premises without having dinner. And that one day became two and two a routine. You were confused as you were the reason someone dear to them was somewhere he wasn't meant to be at the moment and yet they treated you like you were their own! For first few days you were at edge, the affection not digestible. Feeding your suspicions , you tried to choke something out of mark who was also your designated driver but all he unveiled was his endless jokes and contagious giggles weaved with the various stories. Each day he recited a new one, sowing the seeds of intimacy with his family which, you couldn’t deny, were sprouting into something unprecedented. However vague it was, you liked it. You liked this unsought acceptance, being included like a family, taking you back in the time. But you never had the luxury of an easy life. Was this worth trusting? Were you ready to return their affection by placing them on the pedestal as same as jungkook and yugyeom. But this house wasn no more reeking of any resentment and you were more than fine with that for now.
"Stack the glasses, I'll pick up the plates"
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"This is so tiring" you complained while scraping the sauce on the plates.
"You'll get used to it." Doyoung deadpanned.
"Tell me why i agreed to this!"
"You know the rules. And don’t you remember because of you, I washed for 20 people that day! You deserve the suffering woman!”
You chuckled at the memory. A few days ago, You, doyoung and hyuck were the last ones remaining.  And you had won the rock paper scissors. Though the last two were the supposed cleaners, hyuck had ditched the poor boy, leaving him with extra load.
"You carry some heavy dark clouds on your head man. I don't know how you manage to end up with dirty utensils!every fucking single time" Doyoung glared at your remark and you both continued washing and wiping the dishes side by side.
"Where are the spoons?"
"On the table. Wait , I'll be back in 2 minutes!"
Carrying the cutlery you made your way back to the kitchen but chanting of a familiar name froze you in your steps.
"He's acting like a child johnny! Had he called you after you left?" It was taeyong speaking in a hushed manner, but he was not doing a very good job in whispering.
"Nope. He just took names and contacts of all the whistleblowers and that's it. But i can’t understand the need for that taeyong! I had everything in control. What do you wanna achieve with your stupidity!”
"Jaemin, hyuck and jisung are in constant contact  with him but only to receive the codes he's sending. He's just unreachable and I'm not just talking about his cell network johnny. I'm losing him. He- taeil thought it’s for the best. They won’t see each others face for sometime an-
“And everything would be fine? Right? Sounds very legit. Goodluck with daydreaming princess.”
Hearing some shuffling, you trudged for the kitchen, not wanting them to be aware of your eavesdropping.
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Stretching the hem of your knee length skirt with your hands, you kicked your feet in the air to get the non existing elasticity to work. chances were not less but anybody could see you so while cursing at chelin for the tight skirt you made your way inside the office. Your bag made contact with your right hip as you walked into the office corridors. You entered the security doors through the pass that was generated online for first day entry.You never wanted to enter this side of the famous company but with minimum options available you had no choice but to associate yourself with this branch, infamous for saving culprits of money laundering, false accusations and what not.
“ms. y/n?” a receptionist shifted your attention to her tall frame. You affirmed with a nod and she extended her hand asking for the documents.
“I’ll place your original documents in our custody room. No need to worry, this is a mere formality as we don’t make interns sign confidentiality papers. As you already know , you can end your internship with a three weeks prior notice and when we receive that application, your document would be handed back. And in case, you become an associate, and that would depend on your performance, you’ll get them at the promotion.”
You followed her steps as she stopped at a desk and gave you the papers back.
“change the folder to a chois file. And sign this receipt. I’ll give you a copy and don’t lose it if you want your degree back.” You blinked drinking each and every word she said. You again nodded like  a lost child and completed the formalities. After a few minutes you were shown to your small desk that was decorated with a pyramid of legal files.
“do I have to work on these” you voiced your fear. Even if it was a stipend based internship, nobody would take up that work load.
“oh no! actually I forgot that you were joining but I’ll get it cleaned in the evening so you can adjust for today right?” before you could respond the sound of her heels faded away in the distance.
“Welcome to the great chois y/n” you mumbled to yourself, picking up a random file to pass the time until further orders.
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A week later
To keep your mind off the distasteful look painted all over mr. kwang’s face, you chose to look at his new assistant. The clicking or rather banging of the keys of the computer combined with the occasional scratch of her nails was highly uncomfortable but not more than the man sitting beside her. Your professor didn’t find it amusing that his favourite free fund student was asking for her permitted leave.
“how much have you progressed with the thesis?” he scoffed, respectfully dumping the application  on the table.
“I’ll be working half day. I’m not supposed to accompany them to the hearings so I’ll be back in the university in the late afternoon to research on that.”
He sighed, clearly not satisfied by the answer, “you want to skip lectures for an assistant job!”
“I would be promoted shortly so it’s acceptable sir.” A lie slipped out before you could stop yourself.
“what about getting distinction in thesis?”
“I’ll be surrounded with experts so it’s not a big deal sir.  I’m getting late. I’ll see you in Friday’s lecture.” In sync with his eyeballs, he rolled his chair to face the other way. Picking up the paper you bowed to his back and left the staffroom , a grin of content bedazzling your face.
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"He did what?" Johnny tried hard to control his laughter but the scenario you were narrating was too humorous for him to keep his hands stable on the wheel.
"I'm not kidding John. Yugyeom seriously forgot kook  at Busan. But he did go back to get him though but I won't blame gyeom for this error!"
"Oh yeah! Just because jungkook slept in the gym doesn't justify his mistake girl. The driver should count the passengers before taking the wheel. Look at me, i never forget anyone no matter what!"
"Stop blowing your own trumpet. Don't forget you are driving a stolen car!"
Johnny rolled his eyes at the comment , "no, borrowed from mark so I can spend more time with you. stop lawyering and tell me what you did in the break. Apart from flirting with jungwoo of course."  
You shook your head at him as he repeated the same you-flirt-with-jungwoo mantra again but this time decided to follow the lead , "so what if we flirt! He's teaching me to save myself from predators , abductors and he’s very gentle with me. Have you seen his eyes! I want to drown myself in the depth of those brown sea-
"Oh my god I'm so sorry! I'm never mentioning that again but please stop. You are awful with words." His laughed again, you joining him soon. " Now seriously tell me how were your holidays"
"Umm nothing new except that everyone was on university funded trips leaving me with minjun , his camera and the plants. We explored botanies and flower shops an-
He had lied. You were not sounding awful but he just hated how quickly his heart beat at someone else's mention from your lips. He consumed each and every word like he could be tested on the said information later on. His eyes were glued to the road and his ears to your voice. He wanted nothing more than to be the only one you’d see. He wanted nothing more than to be subject of your talking but the voice in the back of his mind said fuck it johnny, you are already asking for too much. He hated how he lost control over his senses whenever you were near him but he was slowly getting used to the dilemma. But the trance he was trapped in quickly broke down when you mentioned something. Abruptly stopping the car by the trees, he faced you to confirm.
"You are doing what?"
"I'm interning. Don't look at me like I stole your candy John. I need money." You innocently replied not aware of the reason behind his sudden dumbfounded expression.
"Shouldn't you be focusing on masters!n yuta is supposed to pay for you so why do y-
" I can work for my money johnny." Frustration made its way to your face as you continued,"drop me home johnny!" You weren't sure whether it was for his mention or him questioning your ability to feed yourself but you were offended.
"Yeah I'm sorry. I won't mention that again" a hollow apology and the car sailed again.
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Hiding himself in his car seat, Johnny's fingers hovered over various contacts. Taeyong, taeil, Yuta, jaehyun! He wasn't sure what he wanted to do or whose side he wanted to take. He just wanted to be with you and no one else! but he couldnt do that !
Kicking harshly at the brakes, he screamed. The voice reaching no one’s ears but his own.
Was he asking for too much?
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i wanted to add more to this chapter but i dont find enough time to write due to some commitments! but i’ll update one more chapter before this beautiful year ends. and all the smut chapters would be uploaded again sans the adult stuff for the minor readers! and there are few more chapters left. masterlist says 12 chapters bcs i’m lazy( ̄︶ ̄)↗ 
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