#the poor florist looks so confused
livwritesstuff · 4 months
Hazel posts a tiktok that starts with her elbowing her way between her dads where they sit on the couch watching the evening news.
“The people want to know how your Valentine’s Day was,” she says, holding her phone out at arms-length so all three of them are in frame.
“We’re boring old guys, Hazy-Jay,” Eddie reminds her, “Go ask Moe or Robbie or some other young person.”
“Okay,” Hazel pauses, thinking, “Alright, what do you think is your most iconic Valentine’s Day.”
“Iconic?” Steve repeats tiredly, “Does it have to be for a good reason?”
“Any reason.”
“Uh, then probably the time a florist accused me of having an affair.”
Hazel’s jaw drops open.
Beside her, Eddie cackles.
“Holy shit – I totally forgot about that!”
“Wait – storytime,” Hazel said gleefully, “Why did a florist accuse you of having an affair?”
“Well, you know how I always get you and Moe and Robbie each your own bouquet of flowers every year?”
“Right, so I went to the florist and–”
“Wait, when was this? Like, what year?”
“Uh, you were probably four or five, so 2011, maybe? Are you gonna interrupt me the whole time?”
“No, just that time,” Hazel shakes her head, “Gotta set the scene, Pop.”
“Sure. Anyways, I went to the florist to place the orders or whatever, and the kid working the register at the time was no older than sixteen, probably, and we got to the part where I add a note to each of the bouquets, and, like, I get it, you know? From her side of this, it was three pretty similar messages to three different girls, and I’m sure they see that kind of thing all the time where it’s actually some idiot buying flowers for their partner and the person they’re cheating on them with, so–”
“Yeah, she’s a real one, honestly,” Hazel giggled, “A little confused, maybe.”
“Right, so this girl starts completely laying into me about how shitty I was, and how could I do that, and don’t I care about people’s feelings, and I think that’s when your dad walked in, and–” he looks at Eddie over Hazel’s head, “Do you remember what you did? You, like, you did something that made it very clear that we were together.”
Eddie laughed, “Yeah, I think I said something like almost done, baby? and stuck my hand in your back pocket.”
Hazel wrinkled her nose, “Ugh, don’t be gross.”
“Well, anyways,” Steve continued, “This poor kid looked so confused, and I remember saying something like, yep, almost done getting the flowers for our daughters – really emphasized the our daughters part. She was mortified.”
“Damn,” Hazel says, “Yeah, that's pretty iconic.”
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azurevi · 1 year
in a crowd of thousands
aka a collection of ideas for my childhood friends to lovers leona au / aka my headcanons of the entire life of leona kingscholar. jeez
note: am i dumping all my ideas for this au here because they’re too disorganised and messy that i can’t work out anything but i don’t want to just let them go to waste? yes i am. this au has been tormenting me for weeks but my brain just can’t figure how to seamlessly plan it so chances are i’m gonna put it away. it’s not like i laid awake in bed till 4am because i was thinking about it last night anyways lololololol
i did actually write a bit for this au, which you can find at the end of all the points, but it is unedited and was done before the tamashina-mina event so it’s definitely not perfect. i would be happy if it was readable-
this idea dump is 5.8k (god bless), and the attached work is around 4k? so yea
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The story starts when Leona is 8, begrudgingly attending Farena’s coming of age ceremony. Everyone is cheering and celebrating the beloved first prince’s birthday, all the while Leona sulks in the carriage, feeling the acidic jealousy rot in his stomach. He’s never received a celebration this grand in his name before, and he’s certainly never worn something some extravagant, even on his own birthday.
Just as he’s fighting his urge not to jump off of the royal carriage, he’s approached by an eager kid who, judging by appearance, can’t be older than him. they’re putting their short legs to use by chasing the carriage, a bouquet of fresh flowers secure in their grip. Leona thinks at first that it’s yet another present for Farena, but they’re calling for him instead, asking that he take the flowers. So he does, reaching all the way out of the carriage to grab the gift, earning surprised and distraught yells from the guards.
By the time he’s seated and looks back again, they’ve already disappeared in the sea of people.
Leona’s never received anything like this before. People only ever compliment and offer gifts to Farena, fuzzing over his bubbly personality and applauding the grace he presents himself with. Even back when they were faced with their mother’s death from a deadly illness, he was still praised for upholding his dignity and composure, while Leona stood at his side, mourning the death of one of the only people who truly cared about him.
So naturally Leona’s curious about the nameless admirer. And what better way to meet them than to order flowers from each and every florist’s shop in Sunset Savannah to see if they’ll show up for the delivery? It’s a long shot, one that depends entirely on the assumption that they even work at a flower shop and didn’t just buy the bouquet somewhere else. But he’s willing to bet on his luck.
So days passed, Leona’s made like twenty or so orders and his room is filled with foliage, from small pots of plants to tall wide leaves. Kifaji is honestly a bit confused by this, and a lot of guards are saying that he’s throwing an unreasonable tantrum. But never-mind them, because he eventually gets what he wants.
So on a fine early afternoon another delivery comes. This time it’s a whole cart filled with blooms of different colors. Sort of looks like a whole bush has been moved onto it. It’s so huge that he can’t see the person rolling the cart, but then he lolls his head to the side and spots those familiar eyes, the ones he’s been wondering about when he’s wide awake at midnight.
And guess what? They’re excited to see him too. So much so that they topple over and cause the entire cart to fall forward. The bush cascades onto him like a waterfall, but luckily the cart doesn’t crash him, but instead fall backward with a loud CRASH. Kifaji almost has a heart attack at that.
At Leona’s command the retainers and chamberlains leave him alone with the kid, and they get to know each other, like where the kid’s from, why they gave him the flowers etc. Turns out they wanted to thank him for the clothes donation he did for the poor kids living near Elephant’s Legacy a while back then.
Leona doesn’t have the heart to tell them that the donation wasn’t his idea, that he only said ‘whatever’ when the tailor suggested that he gave the ill-fitting outfits to kids in need.
Wanting to spend more time with his new ‘admirer’, he ditches class and sneaks them all around the palace, showing them things that have their eye’s sparkling in awe, but especially his personal achievements. They’re amazed by all of it: where people states that his interest in chess is somewhat boring (even though it’s just because he’s not as energetic and sociable as his brother), they think that it’s cool and smart. Even though he doesn’t like painting as his brother and father do, they don’t judge him for it, but instead agree that spending time in the library reading ancient books is more worthwhile.
Then they move on to talk about magic. Leona is obviously proficient, but they on the other hand actually don’t possess it. At least not yet. So they’re like ‘omg you have a unique magic already can you show me’ and that’s when Leona hesitates. He has endless ways to impress them, but his unique magic has always been something that others frown upon. It’s destructive, it’s messy, and it’s not beautiful. But you insist anyways, and young Leona decides, what the hell, screw it.
And to his surprise, they’re not a bit terrified. Quite the contrary, as you goes off on a tangent talking about how it could come in handy in so many situations.
And that’s the start of a precious friendship! Leona decides to order flowers regularly from their shop alone, and they get to know each other a lot better from there onward.
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Years pass and they’re basically besties now. The young florist visits at least once a week, and the second prince is always more cheery and energised when they’re hanging out.
He tells them all about his life, how his mother had been sick for as long as he could remember and how her death took a toll on him. How Kifaji is pretty much the only chamberlain that doesn’t talk behind his back. How the others do it all the time just because Farena shines far brighter than he does.
The florist talks behind their backs as revenge, and it makes him feel just a bit better. And proud too.
It’s great knowing that someone cares and appreciates him. It makes him want to keep trying.
Similarly they let him into their life. They show them where they live, which is somewhere near the border between the bustling city and the neglected neighbourhoods, the poorer villages that fail to catch up with the Sunrise City and other major cities’ developments. Due to the country’s insistence to uphold the ‘coexistence with nature’ mission, little progress is resulted in those areas, and the disparity is beginning to look like a wide canyon.
Having lived in the palace for most of his life, this is the first time Leona learns of the parts of Sunset Savannah that the royals don’t talk about.
And as a result of the slow, almost stagnant growth of these places, infrastructures are nearly unaccessible. Even if people get sick (and they get sick quite a lot) they don’t get much medical support, at least not nearby.
One of the victims is the florist’s mother— and this is entirely the reason why they need to be working at such a young age. She’s been ill for a long time and is bed-ridden for the better part of a day, so they have to support the family. There is little medicine they can get their hands on, and even if they do get something, nothing really works.
With such a important mission on their shoulder, they’ve never really considered what they wanted to be in the future. The immediate goal was to have their mother get better, and to keep the family business going.
Looking at the ghastly lives of the people is sort of a reality check for Leona. And that’s when he begins to feel an ambition grow inside him.
He wants to change things, because no one in the palace seems to care about the people who are suffering so long as they’re out of sight.
The first time he raises the idea with his father, the king does take his words into consideration, but ultimately decides that it’s more important to preserve the country’s culture. Plus the councillors / politicians etc don’t agree with his views anyways, claiming that he’s too young to understand that ‘some sacrifices have to be made’.
Which is absurd, because he’s looking right at one of the sacrifices right now, and it’s their most important friend, who’s forced to provide for their family all on his own.
Leona doesn’t give up. He goes on learning more about the country he lives in, spends a little more time away from the glorious Sunrise City, and comes up with plans to improve Sunset Savanna. They’re not perfect, most of them are not totally feasible, but at least he’s doing something. Even Kifaji gives him his own opinions at times, unlike the other chamberlains who dislike that he’s trying to upend how the country’s always been operated.
All the while the florist gives him all the support he needs. Even when it feels like the majority of the world is against him at times, with them by his side, he feels invincible, like he can really change the world if he wants to.
Them making flower crowns for him as he works on his projects… that’s it. That’s the image.
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Leona is maybe around 14, 15. His father falls ill (why is everyone sick in this story…) and there is a dire need of a new ruler to watch over the country in his hopefully momentary absence.
A king. Leona’s spent his whole life looking at one, and though he’s far from a mature adult, he tries his hand at politics anyways, hoping that he at least has a shot at becoming one in the near future. But everyone has already had their pick, and it’s none other than Farena. Farena, who rejects Leona’s ideals like everyone else.
“It’s simply too complicated”, he says, but Leona doesn’t see how hard it can be to take a new path.
But he’s still trying, at least for his dear friend. His dear friend, who’s been sticking with him through all the doubts and rejections. His dear friend, who’s promised time after time that they’ll never leave him or turn their back to him. His dear friend, who is there for some of the worst nights he has, comforting him as he winds down from nightmares. His dear friends, who always smells like a walking garden. His dear friend, whom he inevitably falls for.
At the same time, a romance is blooming somewhere else in the palace. Farena has fallen in love with Malaika, and after perhaps a few years of dating on the down low, they are ready to get married. And obviously this is good news. People see this as another indication that Farena will be a great king, seeing as he’s already had so much planned before him.
It’s like they don’t even plan to give Leona a chance.
But as always, his friend somehow sees the better side of things as they always do, telling him not to lose all hope yet.
Sometimes it feels like they’re the only person keeping him going. Would be. sad if they were to. Leave him. (clear throat) Anyways.
In the meanwhile, he decides to take advantage of the wedding. Perhaps the passionate atmosphere can assist him in his own romantic endeavours. Though it’s usually unusual and almost unorthodox for a commoner to attend a royal wedding, they get a pass since Kifaji assigns them to help with the decorations.
And it kind of does. He gets to dance with them, though the music is way too quick for him to really soak in the moment. He gets to see up close how there are stars in their eyes as they watch the bride and groom exchange their vows. Eventually, during dinner, he becomes annoyed by the other guests’ heartless questions about his life and sneaks away with his friend. It ends with a few guards hot on their tails, and in a moment of fight or flight, they dart into one of the empty rooms to hide.
Which just so happens to be the throne room. There’s no one around to berate him anyways, so Leona decides to stride towards the throne and take a seat on the gilded surface, overseeing the now vacant room. There seems to be power infused in this simple throne; the power he needs to make a change in the world, to make the ignorant listen to not just him, but also the demands of the people.
As if that’s not enough, they move to his side and jokingly calls him ‘your majesty’ and his heart does a whole somersault. Even though it’s just for a moment, he feels like he has everything he needs in his hand: the person he loves, and the throne that he so deserves.
And really, he could’ve just told them his feelings there and now, but he’s so caught up in the moment that he decides to postpone it. He’ll have the opportunity to do it in the future anyways. He’s certain that they’ll stay with him till the end of time.
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When the invitation letter from NRC comes, Leona doesn’t bat an eye. There’s nothing the school can teach him that he hasn’t already mastered. Plus he’d rather stay here with his friend than go somewhere else all on his own.
Not to mention he’s busy trying to persuade those in power to agree with his vision about rebranding the country, which has been largely unsuccessful. Farena has been busy attending to other matters, and though Malaika sees where Leona’s coming from, she too is burdened by her share of responsibilities.
Time after time the officials have described his ideas as foolish, irresponsible, unreasonable, as if they still see him as an incapable child. Meanwhile it seems like they go along with everything Farena does, even if it jeopardises the livelihood of those under poverty line. All the while his friend's mother withers away. Watching the impending death looms over them places a knife in his chest. He doesn’t want to see them grief like he did when his mother left.
Leona can’t help but feel frustrated. Years of hard work hasn’t led him anywhere. As a kid he was more often frowned upon than not, but now that he was a teenager he still hasn’t gained the respect he deserves. Projects after projects are banned, to the point where the council members groan every time he shows up to their meetings. His ambition starts to dwindle. It feels like he’s trapped in the same tunnel with no hope of escaping.
Well, except when he’s with the only person who understands him. Even when they’re spending most of their time taking care of their mother now, he still derives strength from the occasional letters exchanged between them. (i loveeeee letters i love epistolary fics)
The pent-up frustration eventually leads him to do something rash: he challenges Farena for the position of Sunset Savanna’s ruler. To anyone else, it sounds like an absurd comedy. Leona— 16 and still growing— is challenging Farena, who not only is a decade older but also has more experiences than he does in managing a country.
I feel like challenges to the throne can go two ways; either they settle this with a physical fight or a peaceful voting. Obviously the former is going to hurt a lot more but I feel like it’ll be more impactful…
So say the rules require them to settle this with a fight. Which now that I think about would be more reasonable because there’s no way Leona will get enough votes anyways. So under a stormy night (for dramatic effects) the two brothers have an inevitable clash, and this isn’t just for the title of king.
It’s also the anguish Leona feels from living in Farena’s shadow all these years. His anger at the unattainable standard he has created for him. His jealousy at all the love that’s been thrown his way, all the attention their father has given him. But also the sadness from having him as a brother, from the lack of connection between them. It’s never really Farena’s fault, more like since the day Leona realized why the guards were more concerned with a paper cut on Farena’s hand than half of his room dissolved into sand, a crack formed in their relationship, and it only grew larger until it’s an impossible canyon.
The ending is written in stone. The guards and Malaika watch on, the spectators sparse and few. They’d rather not have the people know about such dispute within the royal family. The rain washes away the beads of red on the ground, but not the bruises on each of them’s flesh, and certainly not the gaping wounds in their hearts. Even as Leona is pushed to the corner, he doesn’t let himself stay down, his aching legs and sore arms be damned. And with him not admitting defeat, Farena can’t end the fight.
In the end, it is Kifaji who pulls him away before he’s injured beyond recognition, but even then he thrashes and attempts to push him away. “Let go of me”, “I’m not losing”. The words scratch his throat as he yells. Finally, Kifaji lets go of his arm, his face twisted in hurt.
“Tone it down, my prince! You’re being difficult!” It hurts him as much as it does Leona, but he goes on, “There’s no point.”
It feels like yet another inescapable twist. Kifaji, who’s always given him the silent approval. Kifaji, who treats him to sautéed mutton every time he’s faced with defeat. Kifaji, whom he trusts with his life. It turns out that he’s just like everyone else.
That day, it’s not just his relationship with Farena that shatters, but also the bond he shared with Kifaji.
Allowing no one near him, Kifaji has no choice but to visit his only friend. They rush with him back to the palace upon hearing about everything that’s happened, and feels their heart lurch uncomfortably at the sight of Leona’s battered state.
With utmost precision, they clean and bandage his wounds like how they wrap papers around bunches of flowers. The silence stretches, as if the moment it’s broken, the tears welling in their eyes will fall uncontrollably.
And so neither of them speak a word. Once they’re done with throwing away the bloodied towels, Leona lets his head loll onto their shoulder. Even in their presence it feels like his heart is hardening into a rock, one that upon being crushed, will never be recovered again. The night embraces them; two souls beaten down by life, robbed of their hopes and dreams.
Leona will never admit it, but that night, he holds their hand like it’s his only lifeline.
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In the end, the thing that stomps on his aspirations is but a little child.
Cheka is what Malaika and Farena decide to call him. The young, adorable son of the king (in all but name anyways), who is also a promise that Leona shall never get the throne.
It’s… devastating. His steely, cold eyes are fixed unblinkingly on the snoring infant in his arms. Cheka had been crying non-stop in the middle of the night, craving his mother’s embrace, but Malaika is caught up in a meeting. As it turns out, funnily enough, he only goes quiet when he’s shoved into Leona’s arms.
Leona wills himself to feel hatred, to feel spite, but nothing comes out but for a single tear that rolls down his face. The only thing eating him up inside is pity for himself.
He feels lost. For the longest time he’s felt like he’s playing on the losing team, like the game’s rigged, but to think that the definite indication of his defeat is a young child?
The walls of the palace close in on him. Any second now they’ll come crashing down. Would anyone notice if he’s buried under debris? Probably not. The beloathed second prince, the disappointment in everyone’s eyes.
Is there any point in trying?
As hopelessness engulfs him, his only hope is to call for the only person left in his life who would still back him up. After all, they’ve promised time after time that they wouldn’t give up on them both. Hours tick by; he paces in his room, feeling every hair on his skin. There seems to be a predator in the corner of his room, looming over him, waiting to catch him in a moment of weakness.
He waits, and waits some more. When the guard returns empty-handed, he goes there by himself.
When was the last time they met? Right. Last month, when Leona asked the royal healer to gauge the cause of their mother’s illness. Dread overcomes him as he nears the shabby shop. Paired with the crumbling depression he’s been feeling the whole day, he won’t be surprised if the ground under him caves in swallows him whole.
It’s empty. The wooden sign says ‘closed’. There’s no light from the second floor, where they live. The flowers in front of the shop has withered. It looks vacant, deserted. Coincidentally, that’s also how Leona feels.
They’re just … gone. No one has idea where they’ve gone to; all of their neighbours claim that they just disappeared one day, like they were taken by the wind. Leona sends out anyone who’s not caught up in caring for the newborn prince to look for them, but to no avail. He has no idea what has happened to them, or whether they’re even still— alive.
The thought makes him sick to the stomach.
He waits for days. Weeks. Then he realises that he’s truly alone. For the first time in his life, there’s no one left in his life who know him.
Call it impulse, call it his mind playing tricks. He doesn’t have it in him to think about reason anyways. All he knows is that the longer he stays in this cage of a palace, he’ll suffocate.
A fortnight later, he digs out the crumbled, forgotten invitation letter from his drawer, and leaves for the college far away from his homeland.
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Three or four years of school. That’s quite enough to make someone become a bitter, cynical person. That’s where Leona finds himself anyways, lazing his time away at NRC. He doesn’t technically like it here— too many people, too noisy— but it’s better than being stuck in the palace, forced to come face to face with the fact that he’s born with the short end of the stick.
Classes are largely meaningless. He doesn’t have to listen to a single lecture to get full marks in tests and exams. Leading his dorm and the Magift club doesn’t give him as much satisfaction as he initially expected. Most days it feels meaningless to do anything, but it doesn’t kill him. Whatever sadness or problems that come his way can be solved by a nap. If they persist, then two naps. Eventuality they will leave him alone; there isn’t much point in trying anyways.
Why the botanical garden? Well, it’s just a personal choice of his. Maybe it also has something to do with the fact that the mix of flowers and grass reminds him of a softer, better time. Not that he will ever admit it. If anyone asks him why he knows so much about botany, floriculture and all that, he can just brush it off by saying that he’s spent too much time in the garden.
He doesn’t really miss anything. Or anyone. This life he’s leading is not ideal, but, again, it’s just enough to get by.
At least he’s not totally lonely. There’s always someone bothering him, like Ruggie right now, who’s berating him for being late for the preparation of the entrance ceremony.
The corridor is packed with new, curious faces. Most of them seem to recognize the lion beastman and stay out of his way smartly. As he lazily trails behind Ruggie, he hears a bit of commotion coming from just around the corner. Gasps and cusses, and also muttered apologies.
It’s probably nothing, he thinks to himself as he turns— only to come face to face with a stack of books higher than him. It looms over him, threatening to fall directly on his head.
(is this… deja vu?)
Moments before he can feel the impact, Ruggie yells, “Laugh with me!” and manages to balance whoever’s holding the books. “Come on, Leona! We’re already late!”
As he clicks his tongue in annoyance and walks past the faceless student, he hears them mutter a thanks under their breath. It sounds- awfully familiar. Familiar enough to make him swivel around sharply, gaze drilling holes in their back.
Damn it. He shakes the thought away and follows the hyena instead.
The little encounter gets forgotten in the back of his mind as he prepares to welcome a new group of dorm members. The newbies stand in a crooked queue, turning around and talking to the strangers around them. Some of them are adjusting their robes, the others fidgeting nervously. Whispers fly, most of them speculations of whichever dorm the speakers are about to be sorted in.
It doesn’t surprise him that most his new dorm members look to be physically advantaged. He wouldn’t want it other way; it helps raise his chances of victory in the next Magift tournament.
As he’s about to drift off into dreamland, he hears the next name being called. A name that he hasn’t spoken in years, a name that he’s been trying to bury in his memories.
There’s no mishearing it— his eyes are wide open now, landing on the hooded figure in front of the mirror. Their face is obscured, but then they give their own name to the mirror, and that’s when Leona knows for sure that’s it’s them.
He couldn’t put to words what was happening in his head. Happiness? Surprise? Confusion? An amalgamation of emotions blur within him. He holds his breath, waiting for the announcement of the dorm. What’s it gonna be? No, how even are they here? Have they somehow figured out magic? Where have they even been?
“The shape of thy soul belongs to… Savanaclaw."
Well, he'll be damned.
Immediately after hearing that, their head shoots up, eyes landing on the tall and muscled group of students. For some reasons he cannot fathom, he turns his face to the side, concealing himself. Is it because he's unready to confront a face from the past? Is it because he's hung up on the fact that they left him without a word?
No, it feels more like shame. He isn't sure if he wants to be seen by them in this state. Not yet.
He remains quiet during the trip back to the dorm. Ruggie shoots him a confused glance as he's supposed to give a short speech to welcome the first-year students, but he lets it slide.
Even as he's standing in the very front of the queue, he can make out that distinct flowery scent if he tries. Years of memories come crashing on him, so sudden that he finds himself at a loss of words as he leaves Ruggie to assign the rooms.
He knows there's no point in hiding when he's literally the dorm leader, but the thoughts within him are too much of a whirlwind. Even when he's time after time fantasized about meeting them again, this feels way too sudden. He needs time to untangle his feelings. Maybe then he'll have the guts to face them.
This plan goes down the drain in the end. He hates feeling like a coward, but what he hates even more is that they are literally in the same building as him, and he's knocking himself away. Propelled by nothing but a racing heart, he gets out of bed and down the hallways, coming to a stop in front of a room that he hopes is correct.
He knocks.
Seconds pass. No one seems to be answering. Just as he's about to give up and return to his room, the door is swung open, and in the doorway stands the person that's been weaving in and out of his dreams.
Time has been good to them. Their features have become more defined, and they are holding themselves up with more confidence now. Leona freezes right there like an awkward statue, mouth agape. Words fail him. What is he supposed to say anyways, except that he's missed them?
After a beat, recognition dawns on their face. The beam on their lips is so beautiful it could light up the whole building. They all but throw themselves at them, and Leona stumbles backward from the strength.
What is he to do but to wrap his ams around them as well? It feels like he's back in the palace again, only this time without any sourness coating his tongue.
So they finally get to talk about everything that's happened in the past years. It turns out that one night their mother got dangerously close to the edge of death, and in a moment of bone-chilling fear, they woke up the neighbourhood doctor for help. As usual, he couldn't do anything, but at the sight of their distraught tears, he advised that the two of them go away to this other country, where developments in technology and medicine were more advanced. With no time to waste, he helped them sneak onto the last late night ride out of Sunset Savanna and to the foreign land.
It turned out that there was indeed a possible cure for their mother, but the follow-up treatment was a long, taxing journey. They found a place to stay in, and it took six months for her situation to finally stabalize. By the time they had the time and money to return, Leona was already long gone. All they knew was that he'd gone to a prestigious school for magic users.
With the responsibility to support the family and continue the family business off their back, they could do whatever they want. And, as can be seen, they chose to pick up a few books from the local library and teach themselves magic, all so that they could meet Leona again.
At this, he is once again rendered speechless. All this time they've been giving their all just to get to him, and what has he been doing? Letting time slip through his fingers like sand? Suddenly he feels very, very small standing in front of them.
But as always, they don't push him away even after all this. Because they know the Leona who's buried under all these layesr: the Leona who's unafraid to speak up for his beliefs, the Leona who looks out for those around him, the Leona who never gives up no matter what. They're sure that he can pick himself up again.
And perhaps, with their hand securely in his once more, he can really try again.
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I feel that it's a bit obvious that the ending is a bit rushed, even though it's supposed to be the 'to lovers' part in the 'childhood friends to lovers' equation. The truth is that my ideas only reached as far as the point where Leona goes to NRC, so the rest I just came up with on the spot. Not to mention this is just roughly how I imagine  the au would go, so there may be plot holes. That being said, here are some other ways the ending could go:
They don't get back together right away, but instead they slowly approach each other again, tip-toeing around each other the whole time. Perhaps they meet when his friend is visiting the botanical garden, because of course they would. Leona is distancing himself a bit cause he doesn't want them to see how he's turned out. But they eventually get familiar with each other again.
Similarly they don't confront each other immediately, but this time Leona's overblot does happen and they show up to stop it. I feel like they'd be disappointed at his ourburst and him using underhanded methods to secure victory, but give them a few scenes and they'll work it out together and Leona will see his faults.
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And now onto a little reflection about this au of mine... it's such a precious brainchild of mine I want to cradle it in my arms until it eventually grows up to be an actual fic. But regretfully I have neither the time nor energy to plot everything out, only scattered ideas as you can see. There are quite a lot of things I want to develop in the story:
obviously the relationship between leona and his childhood friend
relationship between leona and kifaji
leona and farena
leona and his parents
leona's backstory, specifically how he became who he is today 
the theme of trying again and again
the theme of mutual support in a relationship
Juggling all of these and attempting to expand them to each their full potential have been a challenge. There are also other things that stand in the way, such as how to portray Leona in a young age. Personally I have almost zero recollection of my childhood so I can't help but struggle with balancing the helplessness he feels and the naive hope every child possesses.
But all of those aside, at least I'm putting this au out in the world. Maybe one day I'll get around to making it a real thing :) I hope y'all have enjoyed this mess of an au as much as I do!
If you're interested in the stuff that I came up with for this au weeks ago, it is linked below. JUST A HEADS UP: it's unedited and written before the recent event, so there could be inaccuracies. I also don't like how I've made Leona too bitter for a 8 year old. But feel free to read it and give me a few feedback!
google docs
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pomegranateboba · 3 months
ArTw boys if they followed us back to Mid Earthium
Based on this undone prompt provided by @sleepytwilight
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Context: one of the gang somehow went to Mid Earthium with us (we dragged one of them there's no escape) now they are stuck with us til who knows when
Tw: Nothing too serious, Sirius being a red flag, its mostly crack I don't know how to write sad stuff
You found him in your kitchen on the ground, confused
"S-Summoner? What...where is this?"
"This is your house..??"
Poor baby was still confused even after you explained to him what happened.
Oh well, it just means he can know more about Mid Earthium culture (and the Summoner)
You both found out that your imprints with each other still work here (Arcturus was knitting at home and you summoned him to the florist to ask him which flowers looked better)
He found the crustiest animal shelter once and was absolutely horrified (You had to give therapy afterwards)
*in tears* "These poor things are sitting in their own waste-WHY IS THAT DOG BEING CRAMPED UP IN SUCH A SMALL CAGE"
You both came back home with your own personal petting zoo after that. (Let's assume our house is big enough)
He takes care of all the plants and animals in the house for you
Now your house is not only a petting zoo, but also a jungle. Yay.
He helps old ladies cross the street.
Literally the best housemate you could ever ask for.
He was amazed when you pointed out that he was an actual star in Mid Earthium.
The star Arcturus literally looks like him IT GLOWS ORANGE AJHSKHDKAKJGH
Very sweet.
*arcky appreciation*
You were in your nearby public library and saw Spica lecturing some kids about yelling in the library.
How Spica of him, you thought.
After bringing him home and explaining the situation to him, he was surprised to say the least.
At least now you would be by his side.
After 1 day your house now smells of coffee
Because he makes you coffee every morning (you drink it out of politeness and your love for Spica, despite the coffee being very bitter and like a 100 degrees Celsius)
Your house is also suddenly 10 times more organised
He has a considerable amount of free time now that he doesn't have to do work for the Guide Committee 25/7, so he can finally catch up on sleep.
And you can also bring him outside more
In which he gets major culture shock, because my dude used to like ballroom music and people articulating themselves in proper English (or whatever language I guess)
"Summoner, what does 'pogchamp' mean?"
Yeah. Time to teach this man about the internet.
I don't know about you, but I feel like Spica would fall for internet scams, because they don't have that stuff in Bound Arlyn (or maybe Spica just never used the internet.)
If you have any work to do, he will be watching very closely over your shoulder.
You try to teach this old man how to play online games and fail.
"...How do I know which team I'm on? How do I crouch?"
I think you should just let him read Mid Earthium books instead.
He is a very considerate housemate, doesn't really bother you unless you go bother him
He feels so weird not doing anything since he is overworked most of the time at Contell, please give him something to do.
Your imprints still worked, you summoned him from the living room to the bathroom because you were too short to fix a lightbulb (admit it you are short because so am I)
You found him on a bench, being questioned by the police whether he was some homeless guy or not.
You manage to bring him home and explain to him what was going on (I mean as if we know what's going on)
I feel like he would either be really surprised, or just not care.
His logic: No Spica nagging = good
He spends most of the time asleep on your couch or somewhere in the house, or maybe the backyard if you have one.
He honestly would not care less, but his mood would be better overall because no Spica, and also no Schedar.
So you may be able to convince him to do stuff (maybe)
Your imprints work pretty much fine, you were trying to figure out how to wake him up from his century long coma on the couch, so you went to your room and summoned him there
It worked yeah, but he just went back to sleep, but on your bed.
Ah well.
He would be more than happy to accompany you around though, because Spica isn't there to show up out of the blue.
He can reach the high shelves for you.
If you are shorter than him (me), he will tease you for being short, because Pollux isn't around.
"Give me back my phone."
"But can you reach it?"
"That's right. You can't. :)"
You hit his face with a pillow
You may have to do your chores on your own though, you could try asking Alpheratz and there is a 50/50 chance he would help you
He helps you get more sleep as well, it is stressful being the Summoner in Bound Arlyn after all.
You found him in a park. On a swing set. He was taped to it.
Somehow, you were not surprised.
Little boy was overjoyed to see you.
You tried to explain what was happening to the best of your ability
He was a little confused, but that was all forgotten when you offered to go out to explore with him.
You took him to 7eleven, where he got a shit ton of snacks, because who's gonna stop him, not you.
He was so excited to stay with you without anyone else.
He also ensured that you had to clean up some stuff because the bad luck be bad lucking.
Anyways, you made the mistake of introducing him to social media
Its too late now he has actual followers now
Ah well.
Get ready to do tens of hundreds of tiktok challenges
It just feels like a very Pollux thing to do
He runs around everywhere, he wants to see everything in Mid Earthium and then compare it to the boundary
"Wow, everything's so...bleak. I mean not you of course, you're really pretty-I MEAN YOU DIDN'T HEAR ANYTHING-"
Someone calm this tsundere down please he's feral
Would attempt to help out in the house, ends up giving up half way through
Your imprints work, you could not find Pollux anywhere in the house so you summoned him. Apparently he was hiding in the closet eating half the candy in the house
Loves dragging you around the place (he's adorable ahgjhgsajhg)
You both went back to Mid Earthium at the same time, together, so you both appeared back in your room
You were very enthusiastic about showing Vega around, BECUASE HE'S TECHNICALLY BACK HOME
Let's say you 2 lived in the same neighbourhood and you still live there now.
Bring on the nostalgia.
You showed him around all the places you used to go (according to Vega, since your memories of your time with Vega as a kid were non-existent)
Some changed, some didn't. Vega was really emotional after that (wait I didn't mean to put in all the feels no I'm not crying you are)
Vega would be either really teary or really happy, or both because he can finally spend some quality time with his beloved best friend <3
You both are inseparable the whole time, and if you have to leave the room, he can and will wait at the door until you are back
and don't take too long or else he will be sad (or he will break the door down and find you himself.)
All the time you both had was extremely wholesome without even trying and Vega was simply overjoyed just to be able to be with you.
Sometimes (read: every time) he would come into your room to cuddle with you because he has been overwhelmed with all The Feels ™
I literally love Vega he's adorable
Your imprint works, not because you needed to summon him (he was always by your side anyways), but because you know there's always this bond between the sorcerers? (amplifier stone type stuff or something)
You guys did build a blanket/pillow fort in your living room and cuddled :)
He is the most normal housemate because he knows how things work, except you would not leave your side for more than 10 minutes.
"Please stay by my side, Summoner."
Very sweet 100% chance of survival.
You did not need to find him. He found you.
He somehow found where you lived and climbed through the window when you woke up in the middle of the night to get a glass of water (He refused to reveal where he spawned in to)
May Ursa Minor, Polaris and heck even Lilith from obey me why not, give us all strength to survive this
This man can and will tease you about the 2 of you living together in the same house
He has definitely suggested that the 2 of you could share the bed, but stopped before you could throw him out.
He has, despite the locked windows and door, came into your room at 3am in the morning in the form of a dog, just to bother you. You know, just because.
Polaris please come pick your kid up. I don't care whether you're dead, in the void, or is an ice monster.
Barks at people as a dog for no reason.
Got used to living in Mid Earthium very quickly.
Has most definitely pretended to be your boyfriend, up to the point where even you are confused. (gaslight gaslight and gaslight even more)
Will find a way to cause chaos.
Still pretty protective of you though, we don't talk about what he said in chapter 13
Will take you out pretty frequently (interpret it however you want)
You can never find him, so you do summon him to your side when he isn't already (he knows where you are he's just being a stalker dw)
Is very happy that he can have you all to himself, without other people questioning his questionable behaviour.
Will either help out in the house, or knock down glasses like a cat and stare at you dead in the eye.
"...Sirius please. It's 2 in the morning."
*Happy barking noises.*
"What do you want?"
"Can I be the little spoon?"
"Get out."
He somehow makes it seem like he lives in Mid Earthium, and not some wanted criminal from Bound Arlyn.
He's a menace, a hot menace, but a menace nonetheless.
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moongoopy · 27 days
hiii could u write abt fluff language barrier with suguru x reader? Ty
walls that break down
c/w: fluffy :33
a/n: so errmmmm i wanted to put a whole apology list for how crap this scenario was BUT i decided against that, i just hope you atleast enjoy this to some extent (rips hair off)
bold is in english btw!
c: teacher!geto x florist!reader
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jujutsu high needed some renovation especially the flowers. the climate in tokyo had been erratic for a few months now and the poor greens had seen better days. he thought it was best to look for the principal's opinion but decided against it.
why not, seek the help of a florist himself?
hm, he wonders what kind of flowers would make the school more welcoming, a symbolic approach would be much greater or should he worry more about colour? flower arrangements can be completely different too, that might be the main issue to this.
he made some quick calls to the gojo and yaga. saying to yaga that he'll take a quick trip to check out the florist whilst with gojo to take care of the first years which he already was doing a good job at (sarcasm intended with how nobara and itadori was screaming in the background). there was no requests from gojo suprisingly since the flower shop was close to the pastry shop.
he slipped his phone into his pocket and spawned his stingray curse and hopped on, making himself comfortable before they flew right over.
he never really stepped into the flower shop before, it was charming but there was no reason to check it out. the place was aesthetically pleasing and the row of flowers decorating the front of the shop wasn't overwhelming and smelled just right.
"hello, welcome!"
geto smiles to the friendly greeting, greeting them back and stepping to the counter and conversed a bit with you
you caught on to most of his words and it was a bit visible that you looked a bit nervous, he excuses himself, saying that he'll check the flowers first
you were probably a new worker at this shop so he understood, not trying to pressure you too much with questions. he wonders if he was able to tell you what he likes though eventually
meanwhile, you let out a breath you were holding. his japanese was pretty easy to understand up to an extent and your boss wasn't back from her stop at the corner store so you just prayed that his request wasn't that difficult
you did your best to not skimp over the lessons and books you had but you forgot the part where you can get confused and it alarms you when you had stuttered to him. well other than being a newbie at japanese, he was also such a handsome man and quite gentle at that
recognizing the symbol of jujutsu high, he was a sorcerer, you wondered if he was a strong one at that. if so, that added to the list on how attractive he was. you sneaked a few glances at him, he was dissappearing right into the corner of the shop right next to the flower pots
clutching the language book in your hand, you wonder if you should move away from the counter to help him, was that required too? damn, this would've been easier if you asked the boss. you did work behind the shop but never the front!
"excuse me?"
you were immediately snapped out of your thoughts when his soft voice called out for you and you opened the counter board to get to him. oh boy, here goes.
you walked to him with a steady gait and popped right next to him. he was looking between two flowers before he looks at you and smile so prettily that you clutched the side of your apron.
"yes sir?"
his smile reached his eyes as he shifts to one foot to another.
"its okay, dont be nervous."
oh, was it that obvious? you felt your cheeks burn and embarassment flood your system and you try to keep a calm facade. you are so gonna grip your head in your hands after this.
"sorry sir, i'll try my best."
he then waves, hopefully for you to not get too flustered over this and pointed to the flowers and the first thing he asked was which looked better in rows and you nodded, you could do this.
you eased yourself into explaining and was grateful that he understood what you were talking about. you tried to use simpler terms but when it reached the language of these flowers, he chuckled boyishly.
"sorry, i dont understand you.. this part i mean.."
you had him holding his chin and thinking of what to say and you felt another wave of embarassment bubble over. were you too fast? was it too complex, you wanted to scream. you chewed on your bottom lip, looking at him tentatively.
the bell of the shop saved you and it was the sweet old boss that gasped to a face of a customer. she fusses over you a lot, being in a different country from your own is something she understands and it was endearing of her to care.
she had put down her groceries and rushed on over to the man and chirped to him to which he bows politely to her.
you were ushered to take care of the cash register, the old lady winking to you that she could handle it and you sighed.
walking back to the counter, you heard just how talkative your boss was with the man to which he humoured with chatter. inhaling, you swore to yourself to practise more; the book on the counter thrust open and ready for you to read in.
geto was back in his apartment, scrolling through the pictures of the flowers he took today and yawned. he had preferred the blue flowers, the colour and meaning was perfect for the school but the principal preffered the yellow ones more.
he put his phone away, not in the mood to debate flowers right now. he could be lenient and go with yaga's choice but the blue flowers just call out to him.
he drummed his fingers against the table and thought of his day today,
he thought of you.
your sweet smile as he called you over and how you carried yourself. your voice was soothing to his ears and when you started explaining he was hooked onto every word. just how you described these flowers with such adoration is admirable
its just that he felt like the bigger fool when your explanation gets more deeper and he hated to stop you, seeing you pause when he held his hand up made him want to mentally slap himself to stopping you so abrumptly
with the way you bit your lip and scratched the back of your head in embarassment, that makes two of you
he snickered in amusement to himself when he thumbed a book in his hand
the granny had uttered that you would be working at the flower shop daily and in order to communicate with you better, he held an english dictionary
his english had gotten so rusty like a box of nuts and bolts, he remembered shutting away at his dictionaries in his student years for the 'last time' and sighing in exasperation to how he can stop learning such a language
it tickles him how hes now opening a dictionary back up
"what you need that for, you seeing somebody?"
his dictionaries and helping material were all back at his family home in the quiet old village. it was defitenely stored away in the basement, a small box tucked away in a corner
he went and borrowed gojo's one, the one he never stores away just because he doesnt want to clean it up
all gojo got from geto as a response was a grunt as he was waved off
the books were all so clean, that show off probably scanned all the books that he read and called it a day, he was smart after all; annoyingly so.
geto then studied again, feeling the nostalgia of his teen years rushing back to him and spends the night learning the language. his beloved students wondered where geto-sensei was and it was up to gojo and his ridiculous tomfoolery to answer that
the next day, geto went back to the flower shop to see that you weren't near the counter but busy tending with new flower arrivals. he saw you whip your head around as granny greeted him.
he made a beeline towards granny first to idly cht with her first.
"hm, y/n looks like they haven't had that much sleep.."
granny waves her hand before looking back at you who was still so attentive with your work and worries on how you had stayed up to memorize japanese eventhough she herself could help you with that but you had rejected her, telling how you needed to do this yourself.
geto comforts granny that its not out of ill intention, some people are just like that, they dont want to burden people. eventhough that slightly ease the boss of the flowershop, she still couldn't help but be a worrywart for the darling across the flowershop. the brunette then shifted the conversation to the flowers he was supposed to check again and thats where you pop in again.
"granny, geto, may i show you the fresh batches today?" you wiped off some sweat off your brow as you fiddle with the gloves in your hand and glance towards the spot you were working at and they both nodded immediately.
there was a lot of flowers than he presumed and he nodded, tapping his phone to make a few calls. blue it is. he'd mentally prepare himself for an earful from yaga
he'd sign a few papers and in a few days the flowers will soon be arranged at jujutsu high. this was great, the school wont be as bleak as before
granny went to the back to grab a few things and he was now left alone with you, you tried to busy yourself and shoulders so tense from being alone with him
"so why have you decided to work in japan, y/n?"
you look up at him with a sparkle in your eyes and shyly shifting close to him to be polite and chuckle softly. strangely, he was enamoured of your precense and maybe this little interaction blooms into something more than flowers.
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multifandomslxt · 1 year
Pairing: Mafia!Lee Jeno x Florist!Reader
Trope: Grumpy x sunshine
Genre: Dark Mafia Romance
Word count: 1.7k
Lee Jeno is a dangerous man. From going on k!lling sprees for fun to torturing and k!lling his own father. He does it all. In short Lee Jeno is the devil.
Y/N is a florist. She's as pure as they come. Nothing exciting ever happens in her life and she’s okay with that. In short Y/N is an angel.
He was bad and she was good. They were complete opposites.
…Or so they thought
Get your tissues for this one. It's gonna be one hell of a ride
Warnings for this chapter: mentions of blood, torture, bodily harm, scars etc. Jeno is obsessed.
*((((A/N: words in bold are her conscience and words spoken in Korean are in italics ))))*
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FLOWER OF THE DAY: The Tiger lily represents confidence and not arrogance or vanity, and this is why the flower was often associated with nobility in times past. In Buddhism, tiger lilies are symbolic of the virtues of mercy and compassion.
“Miss, it now time for dinner. Master Jeno will not be joining us again this evening” Jieun said as she peeked her head through my bedroom door.
I waved my hand at her in dismissal before looking over at the digital clock on the nightstand.
‘6:00 PM’ it said.
Of course. I had been eating dinner at 6pm for the past three weeks. Without Jeno.
This is his house, but he’s never here. The last time I saw him was when we had our argument in his office.
And he licked your tears.
Which led to me awkwardly running out the door with tears still streaming down my face.
I got lost not even five minutes after that and had to get another maid to help me back to my room.
Ever since then ‘Master Jeno’ was nowhere to be seen.
Sighing I got up off the bed, not bothering to change out of the oversized t-shirt I was given (with no shorts) and made my way downstairs for dinner.
The minute I stepped into the dining room, the smell of Beef practically assaulted my nose causing my mouth to salivate and my stomach rumble.
I made my way to the same chair I’ve been sitting on for these three weeks waiting on Jongup to bring the food.
Jeno not being here allowed me to get to know the staff a little better so we were on good terms. Ironically the only worker here who didn’t warm up to me was Jieun. Although, I kind of got the vibe that she didn’t like me from the get-go.
The dining room was probably the most beautiful place - next to the kitchen of course – in this hell hole.
With marble floors and an oval table surrounded by velvet chairs, I fell in love with it immediately.
The chandelier hanging directly over the table only added to the beauty of the room.
“Y/n, I made wagyu is that okay?” the sweet voice of Jongup spoke behind me.
Turning around, I smiled when I met his wide eyes. The poor guy was traumatized from Jeno’s temper. He was a few years younger than me and recently just graduated high school. He worked here because his family Has been working for Jeno’s for a while.
“That’s fine Jongup. Bring it here and come eat with me.” I spoke. Although it took some serious convincing, he had been eating with me for the past two weeks.
I watched as he walked to wards the table setting the platter of meet down before turning to me with apologetic eyes.
“What’s wrong sweetheart?” I asked concerned.
“I’m afraid I can’t eat with you tonight. Master Jeno will be coming soon, and it would get me in trouble.” He said solemnly.
I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion “I thought Jeno wasn’t joining us today”.
“I changed my mind.” An all too familiar voice spoke.
Judging from the way Jongup stiffed and practically ran away, I knew Jeno was back.
From God knows where.
The sound of his shoes meeting the tiles echoed throughout the room.
Great, now because of him my second favourite room in this house has now been placed on the bottom of the list.
He came to a halt directly behind my chair and leaned down inhaling my scent.
” It’s good manners to greet other when you see them Y/n”. His hot breath touched my ear.
He smelt like cigarettes and aftershave. Ew.
“You saw me in here first, so you are the one who should greet me” I spat out.
He stood up straight and chuckled.
It happened all too quickly.
 One second I was facing the able and the next, I was facing him.
He fucking spun the chair around.
This fucking bitch.
He used his hands to cage me. One arm on each side of the chair.
He peered down at me with a dark look in his eyes “I’ve missed you and your fucking mouth.”
His eyes started to tail down my body before stopping at my legs.
His body jolted as if something shocked him. “Flower, is this how you’ve been coming downstairs foe the past weeks?”
I stared at him in a daze. I finally got a good look at him after these three weeks and he looked the same. Except for the very obvious blood stains on his white button up and black slacks.
Suddenly he grabbed my arms and pulled me up and into him. “Answer the question baby I hate repeating myself I’m only doing this because it’s you. Is this how you’ve been dressing since I left?”
 “Yes” the only word I could get out before I was being dragged up the stairs.
I tried to pull my hands out of his grip but to no avail.
“Jeno let me go”.
“Shut up. How fucking dare, you let anybody else see what I’ve only dreamt about. You’re going to change into proper clothes. Now.” He grumbled out.
When we made it to the top of the stairs, he dropped my hands and continued walking.
Stupidly, I followed him.
Eventually he stopped at a door I didn’t recognize.
“This is my room. Until I have time to take you shopping you will wear my clothes. This is how I’ll mark you. With my clothes my scent and soon my very being.”  He said with his back turned to me.
Not long after he opened the door and we stepped into his room.
It was bare of any pictures and colour.
Just a King-sized bed in the middle. A dresser in the far left pf the room a tv on the wall and two doors one of which must be his bathroom and the other his closet.
“How fitting” I mumbled
He turned to me and raised his eyebrows as if to ask me what I mean.
“You’re a soulless prick. So, it makes sense your room looks like none lives here.” I explained.
He let out a breathy chuckle and then smirked “That mouth of yours is going to get you in serious trouble Flower. Be careful.”
Shaking his head, he walked over to one of the doors I had seen earlier.
He opened it to reveal his closet.
“Go ch-“ before he could finish his sentence his phone started ringing,
He clenched his jaw in annoyance and mumbled “I told these fuckers not to call me”.
Taking his phone out his pocket he accepted the call and brought it to his ear.
“Speak.” He said into the phone.
He pointed at me then the closet and stepped out leaving no room for argument.
Signing I stepped into the huge closet (that I’m pretty sure could be used as a bedroom) and started to strip. Not before looking to see if Jeno was watching.
You would want him to.
Shaking my head at my silly thoughts I picked out a random shirt and sweatpants.
All was well until I caught the sight of my bare back in the mirror.
The marks bringing back painful memories I prayed to forget.
I hated looking at them.
They made me feel weak.
Nonetheless, I couldn’t help but stare at them.
They were cigarette burns.
‘You can’t ever leave me Dove; I’ll always find you.’
I sucked in a sharp breath trying to pry my mind away from such memories. I turned away from the mirror trying  to finish the task at hand.
I was about to unclasp my bra when I heard his voice.
“What is that?” Jeno barked out.
My body jolted in shock as he spoke.
Nervously I looked around the room avoiding his eye contact “W-what?”
He grunted and quickly stalked towards me.
He gripped my waist and pulled me into him, he was searching my face for something
“Someone hurt you flower, tell me who.”
I felt his hands running down the middle of my back
I tensed in response to his touch.
Suddenly, he turned me around so I was now facing the mirror and my back was turned to him.
I feel exposed.
I hate it.
I feel vulnerable.
I really, really hate it.
"Who did this to you?" He asked quietly, his eyes scanning my back.
"None of your goddamn business" I fumed. I was embarrassed. He shouldn't have seen that.
"Flower, I'm sure you've gathered by now that I have very little patience." He said sharply.
"Who did this to you?" he continued. His eyes were still scanning my back, now with a dangerous glint.
I shut my eyes tightly contemplating whether or not I should tell him something so painful.
Tell him. He'll protect you...he has to.
I swallowed thickly, still unsure if I was going to do this or not.
"It was..."
I breathed out. I felt nauseous.
“It was my brother”.
Words I never thought would fall out of my mouth eventually did.
His hands had moved from my back and were now gripping my shoulders tightly.
Through the reflection I the mirror I could see that his jaw was clenched, and his eyes were dripping with murderous intent.
“Why?” he asked, with a a slight rasp to his voice.
“I’m not ready to share that” I said shakily.
I felt too open now. It was uncomfortable.
He inhaled deeply and started to caress my shoulder with his thumbs.
“I can kill him for you flower. I don’t know what he has done but he put you in danger and for that ill carve his skin off his body and watch his raw flesh rot. Anything you want I’ll do it for you”.
I sucked in a breath at how dark Jeno sounded. Something n me told me he wasn’t bluffing.
“I don’t think that’s a good idea. That would make me just as bad as him”
Abruptly, he turned me around to face him “Nothing could taint you, baby. I would kill him myself and If I got caught I would take the fall a thousand times over and over. I would kill for you. You deserve that.”
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arcadekitten · 10 months
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Hello Arcadekitten!!! I read the Stellamb wedding post(s) and it got me wondering about how Stella’s wedding dress would look like… I absolutely love Sweet No Death, so I knew I had to make some artwork of it!! And, because I absolutely suck at explaining things through text, here is my interpretation of Stella’s wedding outfit in traditional art! ✨💫🌟
Materials Used: Mixed Media Paper, Ink Fineliner Pens, Alcohol Markers Gel Pens, Paint Pens, Highlighter and Mechanical Pencil
Time Took: 1 week
I don’t know if you’re okay with people sending fanarts and stuff to you, but I absolutely love your work and well, I’m quite proud of this piece (even if I probably shouldn’t be lol) as I worked extremely hard on this and wanted to share it with you! I hope that’s okay ❤️
A little artist “#Deep Dive tm” because I put WAY too much effort into the tiniest details and I am NOT gonna let them get overlooked 😤 /jk
-Stella’s dress is made with her signature colors rather than white, because I felt that with her being a Star Witch and all, a species that mostly has extravagantly colorful clothes (in my humble opinion) she felt that just going with plain white on what is possibly the most important day of her life would feel… well, a bit redundant, so she opted for a more ‘colored’ ballgown, with lacy gloves and a pearled veil and all. The local tailor and dressmaker is a bit confused, but Lambchop is definitely not complaining! ;) 💕💓
-(Well, that, and I also felt that the color blended WAY too much with her skin tone and changed it, but that’s my little secret hehe 👀😉)
-In my mind, Stella can make her hair look like it has a small galaxy within it! With actual moving stars and little twinkling lights. ✨💫✨⭐️🌟I think that she usually saves it for special, grandiose occasions, buuut since she’s not the kind of person who would THROW a grand, special occasion, she never unveiled it before her wedding day! (Poor Lambchop’s heart nearly gave out on the spot right then and there! 😭❤️)
-I didn’t add her usual Star hair clip because she already has like… 10 stars in her design already lmao /lh ⭐️
-As you can see, her bouquet’s… cloth? Fabric? I’m not sure what to call it… thing? The stuff that her flowers are wrapped in are Lambchop’s colors! Thought that it would be a neat visual detail… also, I can totally imagine Stella requesting that specific color scheme from the local florist! 💐🌷🌸
-Speaking of flowers… I decided to color in one of the moon daisies a little bit… differently hehe ;) It’s a small reference to the beginning of the game, where we see Stella change the color of the one rebellious moon daisy, from orange to lavender, except this time… she keeps it and uses it in her bouquet! 💖💗
-I like to think that it symbolizes Lambchop versus the rest of the townspeople… and Stella’s way of acknowledging him as a “real person”, at least compared to the others… one who is different, one who is unique… the one that she’s going to marry 💍🩷
-(it’s so absolutely sappy when she tells him so that he just couldn’t resist kissing her right then and there)
-And finally… (this is the last one I promise) I cut out the entire drawing to make it look like a potion bottle, partially because Stella is a witch, and partially because I had this cute lil idea that she stores all of her happiest memories into a magical bottle and takes it out whenever she feels sad, so that she can ‘experience’ it again and feel happier. Of course, with Lambchop by her side, she never really has to use it!💞🩷💗
-And yes, I also made the bottle have Lambchop colors as well 🐏 Just a nice little thing tying em together more visually… ❤️
…And I am SO SORRY for ranting!!! I worked incredibly hard on this piece (traditional art is NOT my strong suit, lol) but I wanted to make something special for one of my favorite games and one of my favorite game devs! So here it is, and I hope that you like it! 🤞❤️😁
(P.S: Any ideas for Lambchop’s wedding design?)
Oh my goodness this is BEAUTIFUL!! The artwork itself is just stunning!! You took so much time on it and it really shows, especially with all your attention to detail in it(and I LOVE hearing your explanations for some of the choices you made!! They're just so darling!) Everything about this is stellar and I'm in love with it, thank you so much!! ♡ ♡ ♡
Also I TOTALLY AGREE Stella would not wear white for her wedding!! Color all the way!! ♡
As for Lambchop's outfit...I think I've got it envisioned in my head but I haven't quite drawn anything for it yet! Top hat, definitely. I think his suit isn't black. Probably brown! Bowtie on the neck. His pants are more like shorts and are cut juuuuust above the knee! Still wearing long socks with garters. He looks incredibly dapper--as he should!! It's his wedding!
Hopefully he at least looks good for the photos before he decides to get any mysterious red stains on his outfit. (It's fine. Stella could clean them with the snap of her fingers, but still!)
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kpop-stories-21 · 10 days
If You Walk Away, I Know I'll Fade
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Group: TXT
Pairing: Yeonjun x Fem!Reader
Requested by: @anyamaris
Word Count: 2.6k
Rating: 18-21+
Genres + AUs: Non-Idol AU, College AU, Bad Romance, Angst, Lovers to Enemies
Content & Trigger Warnings: Bad boy!Yeonjun, Florist!Reader, strong language, toxic relationship, Yeonjun is mean, Reader is mean at the beginning, bullying, name-calling and use of derogatory words, heartbreak, hurt feelings, regret, rejected apology, breakup, loss of feelings, hate, anger
Summary: You're used to Yeonjun being mean, teasing people and calling them awful names. You just brush it off as harmless fun, calling the ones that get upset wimps who can't take a joke. But when Yeonjun's acidic words get turned on you, you suddenly realise just how toxic your boyfriend really is.
Tags: @kpop---scenarios @stardragongalaxy @jeonrose @skittlez-area512 @mybiasisexo @skeletor-ify @biaswreckingfics @liliesofdreamsskz @pyeonghongrie-main @naturalogre @bxffietheblxxdy TXT tags: @spicyseonghwas @you-make-skz-stay
If you want to be added to my taglist, click here
Network pings: @cultofdionysusnet | @sandsofire
Inspiration: "Gotta Be You" by One Direction (title is from the lyrics)
A/N: If you liked this work and want to request your own oneshot, feel free to send me an ask! This one shot is also my entry for the @cultofdionysusnet spring event "The Language of Flowers"
MDNI banner, divider, and support banner courtesy of @cafekitsune
Event Masterlist | Main Masterlist
"I wish I could give you my pain just for one moment. Not to hurt you, but so that you could finally understand how much you hurt me." - Unknown
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You'd always known Yeonjun was mean sometimes in the way he talked about people, but it had never been aimed at you so you never saw much reason to try and break him of the habit. In fact, you often joined in; the two of you ripping a person’s confidence or self-esteem to shreds with just a few well-worded sentences. If someone else called you or your boyfriend out on your behaviour, labelling you as bullies or some such nonsense, you’d say it was just a joke and that they were wimps if they got so worked up over it.
Needless to say, neither of you gained many friends, but that wasn’t much of a concern. Both of you already had a few friends and felt no compulsion to make more. Most of your friends also liked to participate in your verbal warfare, the whole group sometimes ganging up on one poor soul. One such occasion led your victim to tattle to a faculty member, the end result being that both you and Yeonjun were suspended for two weeks. Your parents had come down for a visit after receiving a call from the college and tried to talk you out of your “immature behaviour”, but their words fell on deaf ears.
Things went on like this for a while, until your junior year, when everything suddenly changed.
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It started out as a normal morning, waking up and getting ready for the day’s classes. Yeonjun picked you up from your apartment as usual and drove to the college, giving you a kiss before you went to your respective classrooms. After sitting down in your usual spot, you turned to greet your friend Jihua. The green-eyed girl leaned towards you, her blonde ponytail falling onto your shoulder.
“How are you handling things?” She asked, a mix of sympathy and curiosity lacing her tone.
You looked at her in confusion, having no idea what she was talking about.
“Huh? What are you talking about?” You asked. Clearly something had happened that you were supposed to know about already.
Jihua pulled out her phone, tapping the screen a few times before passing it to you. On the screen was a post from Yeonjun’s private Instagram, the timestamp showing that it was posted before he picked you up this morning. The post itself was an extremely unflattering picture of you, and under it Yeonjun had added the caption “Who took my pretty little girlfriend and replaced her with this ugly old fat-ass?!”
Tears blurred your vision, heart slowly cracking in two. Suddenly you understood how all those people you’d said similar things to had felt. They hadn’t been wimps at all, they were probably deeply hurt by those words. Regret and loathing pooled in your throat like bitter bile, and in that moment you were no longer blind to how toxic your relationship with Yeonjun truly was.
Jihua wrapped an arm around you and hugged you tight while you worked to compose yourself. When you were a bit calmer she leaned back, clearly about to pose a question. Unfortunately, the professor chose that very moment to enter the room and announce the start of class. Your friend sighed, giving you one more hug before picking up her pen and facing the front. You copied her actions, the dull ache within keeping you from applying your full attention.
That morning’s classes were like hell, your mind far from present. Even a couple of the teachers seemed concerned by your atypical lethargy, but had other obligations that prevented them from offering more than a passing “are you alright?” Your only response was to nod mutely and go on your way.
At lunch you and Jihua sat by yourselves, avoiding Yeonjun and your other friends like the plague. For what was probably the first time ever, you were glad Jihua never liked nor participated in the bullying. It was nice to have someone with you while your whole world crumbled down around you.
At one point Yeonjun looked like he was going to come over and question your behaviour, but the sight of a potential victim distracted him. You knew you would have to confront him eventually, but you just weren’t ready yet. You needed some time away, a bit of separation, before you could even think about calling your boyfriend out for his actions.
The rest of the afternoon was just as tense, some of the students eyeing you with disgust or whispering to their friends as you walked by. It seemed you were the only one who had no access to Yeonjun’s private posts, and your heart sank at the thought of his poisoned words spreading through the college. Would even Jihua turn against you if all the students believed Yeonjun instead of you?
Your thoughts continued to spiral over the next few days, your grades beginning to suffer as you went about each day on autopilot, going through the motions without a single thought behind your actions. If Yeonjun thought something was off before, he knew it for sure now, and tried to talk to you at every possible moment. You continued to avoid him, along with most others. Jihua was the only one who could get through to you, and even then it was often just for minutes at a time.
Then one day, about a week after everything went to shit, you finally felt able to tell Jihua what had sent you spiralling so deeply. Curled up on your bed under a thick blanket, you broke the tense silence.
“He did it on purpose, you know. Posting that where he knew he could get away with it because I wouldn't see it.”
“How did he know you wouldn't see it?” Jihua queried, looking confused.
“He told me once, back when we first started dating, that he rarely ever posted on his private account so there was no need for me to follow it. And like the little fool that I was, I believed him without even questioning a thing.” You took a deep breath and continued your explanation.
“He knew, he fucking knew, that I had past issues with my self-esteem and body image. I told him that when we first got together, and he promised never to do anything that would damage the fragile progress I’d made.
“After you showed me the post he made that day, I made note of the username and looked it up when I got back to my apartment. He's been making fun of me and my looks for years, pretty much from the moment we met. And this whole time I've been glued to his side without a single clue what was going on behind my back.”
Tears filled your eyes and you quickly blinked them back, afraid any interruption might break your resolve.
“I have been such an asshole to everyone around who wasn't deemed a friend, all for a guy who didn't even care about me. God, those poor people…the things I said…I don't even recognize who I am anymore. I thought I liked the person I'd changed into, but now that the blinders are off, I hate who I've become.”
You sat up, gazing at your only true friend out of bloodshot eyes. “What do I do, Jihua? How do I tell him it's over without letting him woo me back in?”
Jihua thought for a moment, then smiled widely as an idea came to her. “You work part time at your mom’s flower shop, right? And you know a lot about which flowers mean what?”
You nodded in response to both questions.
“Well, find some flowers that will say what you want him to know, send them to him, then cut him off and don't look back.”
There was silence for a moment as you mull over Jihua’s plan. You had to admit, it was right down your alley. And this way, you didn't even have to see him; someone else would deliver the flowers for you. The tiniest of smiles bloomed on your face as you said, ”I think that's just what I'll do.”
It took you a couple days’ research to find what you were looking for, but soon you discovered the blossoms you wished to send: orange lilies, for hatred and/or revenge. On the day you found them, you and Jihua headed straight to your mom's flower shop after classes. Luckily, there was a large supply of orange lilies and soon you had a fair sized bouquet of them complete with a short but scathing note informing Yeonjun that the relationship was over.
“Will he pick up on what they mean?” Jihua queried.
You nodded. “He should, he knows I’m really into flower meanings because of working with Mom. And if he doesn’t know directly what they mean, I’m almost certain he’ll look them up.” You let out a deep sigh. “Now all we have to do is wait until he gets them.”
“How will you know when he gets them?”
You grimaced, already envisioning the explosion of texts and calls you would inevitably receive. “Oh, trust me, I’ll know.”
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It took a couple of days for the flowers to reach Yeonjun’s apartment, but as soon as they did he started blowing your phone up. Some of the messages were angry, his temper on full display as he let fly with insults that brought you to tears. Other messages were just straight-up pitiful, you could almost see him down on his knees grovelling and begging just from the way the texts were worded. If it hadn’t been for Jihua staying by your side and helping you sort through your emotions, you might’ve ended up crawling back with your proverbial tail between your legs. As it was, you ended up just powering your phone off to get away from his incessant pursuits.
By the time the weekend passed and you returned to class on Monday, the danger of him winning you back over had passed and you were firm on your decision to distance yourself. Jihua had advised going no contact if he didn’t back off soon, and you kept the thought in the back of your mind as you entered your biology class. Jihua didn’t have this class with you, so you took a seat at the very back where Yeonjun wouldn’t see you since he and the others always sat at the very front.
You kept your head low, working on your project for your drawing class as you waited for your professor to arrive. You heard shuffling at the front of the room and looked up just in time to see Yeonjun and his friends taking their seats in the front row. You see his head start to turn and look down quickly, focusing back in on your drawing. Footsteps move towards you with purpose, and you feel a gentle touch on your shoulder. You look up into Yeonjun’s face, his dark eyes swirling with a mix of unreadable emotions.
“What do you want?” You ask sharply, a tinge of bitterness in your tone.
Yeonjun looks taken aback, but sits down beside you anyway. “Those flowers you sent me…what do they mean? I wanted to look them up, but a part of me was afraid to.”
You take a deep breath and look Yeonjun in the eyes. “Orange lilies symbolise hatred and revenge. You hurt me Yeonjun, and no amount of yelling or pleading will change that. When we first started dating I specifically told you what would hurt me most, and you swore never to do that to me. Then you turn and do that very thing behind my back for years! We are through, Yeonjun, and I honestly regret ever dating you in the first place.”
By this point you are trembling with rage and tears are threatening to stream down your face. You know there’s no way you can pay attention through a class right now, so you quickly gather your things and all but run from the classroom, taking refuge in an empty art room. After calming yourself down, you put in your earbuds and pull out the sketchbook you’d been drawing in earlier. Picking a high-energy playlist to help keep you from falling into the doldrums, you turn to a blank page and start a new drawing, channelling all your emotions into each and every line.
As you drew you reminded yourself that this was not the end. You would move on, and you would be okay. Your happiness did not have to end here, at Yeonjun’s expense. You could be the better person and prove that you could survive without him. Pulling out your phone, you sent a text to Jihua.
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You smiled and pocketed your phone, returning to your drawing.
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Two years later
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A lot had happened since you broke up with Yeonjun, and you honestly couldn't be happier.
Several months afterwards you met a really sweet guy named Yuta, and the two of you hit it off immediately. Yuta was a few years older than you but was almost the complete opposite of Yeonjun, always making sure you knew how beautiful you were and how much he loved you. He made you feel like the most special person in the entire world, and you soaked it all up like a dry sponge.
Not long after the breakup Yeonjun quit showing up at college, and you heard through the gossip grapevine that he was not handling it well at all, going so far as refusing to eat or come out of his dorm room. You couldn't help but feel a little twinge of glee at this, knowing that he now understood how you had often felt. After that you quit paying attention to the rumours, feeling like the chapter had now been closed for good.
One year after you first met Yuta he proposed to you, and you happily said yes. Your life soon became quite busy, between finals, graduation, and wedding planning; but you could honestly say it was the best time of your life. For the first time ever, you felt truly loved and cared for, and it was the best feeling in the whole entire world. With Yuta by your side, you could be wholly and completely okay.
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ddarker-dreams · 2 years
Brotherzoned / Scarlet Ribbons.
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Reader saying “Oh, he’s like a brother to me!“ when asked about the boys.
[Scarlet Ribbons description]
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Abbacchio will be bringing this up for years to come, in fact, he’s so overjoyed by this, that he picks up your tab at Libeccio the following week. Giorno is proficient enough in schooling his expressions that you wouldn’t be able to tell the poor boy’s heart just dropped — he is quickly redirecting the conversation though. Aaaand Abbacchio sent him a “Sorry for your loss” card in the mail. Great. Giorno really thought he was reading your body language well and doing the whole courting thing right, so this comes as a metaphorical slap to the face. Nonetheless, he’s never been the type to cower in the face of adversity. Expect flower bouquets to be delivered to your residence with such frequency, you might be able to quit Passione and become a florist. Giorno nonchalantly asks what your favorite romance movies are and the man starts to study. Analyzing every frame of the lead love interest, trying to discern what it is that caught your eye. He’s committed to winning you over before the other competition digs their hooks in you. (It did reassure him to see Narancia struggle with opening the door for you due to not realizing it was a push, not pull variation). 
No one has the heart to rub it in Bruno’s face, given the crestfallen expression that immediately follows your words (though he covers it up just as fast). This is a shocking revelation for him. Ah... looking back on his actions through this lens... he could see how this misconception occurred. He’s walked you home at night, always inquires about matters relating to your health, and generally tends to dote on you. He sighs a lot for the remainder of the day. On one hand, he’s flattered you feel that close to him, but this is definitely not what he was aiming for all these years. It wouldn’t sit well with him if he dropped his compassionate disposition entirely, the urge to fuss over you is prevalent as ever. Bruno decides to step up his game in light of this harrowing information. For example, the next time you’re in a crowd and he’s worried he’ll lose you, instead of guiding you by your shoulders, he places his hand on your lower back. (Mista is stunned by his Capo’s boldness and takes notes). 
Mista and Narancia are pointing at him while laughing, much to his immense disdain, and your confusion. You didn’t think you said anything funny? Did you pronounce a word wrong? The duo is practically howling while Fugo is chasing the two around the restaurant, while Bruno, muffling his own budding laughter, tells them to cut it out. Fugo is red up to his ears. He’s muttering obscenities the entire walk home, his day ruined. Was viewing him as a romantic prospect so terrible an idea? He swears he’ll never forgive you for this transgression, the next time he sees you, he’ll give you a piece of his mind and— oh you’re jogging up to walk home alongside him. That sweet smile you direct his way is making his heart pound for a reason other than frustration. His grudge is dropped in record time while he listens to your every word intently, nodding along and asking follow-up questions. He’s even opening up his wallet to buy you gelato when he caught you staring at it a second too long. There’s no denying that he’s whipped for you.
High contender for the worst moment in his life. The man actually clutches his chest and falls to his knees, making pained noises while doing so. It doesn’t matter if you’re in public because he’s doing this regardless, zero shame on his part. To further sour things, Pistols start reminding him of this admission whenever he gets haughty or holds out on their snack time. They collectively refer to this as, quote, “The Incident”, end quote. He starts reading some magazines for advice on how to pursue your crush after this with mixed success. The good news is that he’s starting to wear cologne to impress you, the bad news is that the cologne is a little too strong. He’s trying to take it in stride since he’s got an easygoing nature, but it’s got him staying up late at night, staring at his ceiling unblinkingly. Maybe he’ll start flexing his biceps when you’re glancing in his general direction like the column in the magazine suggested...
He’s laughing along, yet do not be fooled by this act. He is but an empty husk of a man for the days that follow. Narancia is whipping out his “sad tunes” mixtape while what feels like a rainy cloud hovers above his head. Bruno takes pity on him and gives an understanding pat on the back. Lamenting over the past, he’ll walk the streets, kicking rocks while he tries to figure out where he went wrong. He knew he shouldn’t have let you ruffle his hair! That isn’t an action where he’s overflowing with machismo so as to impress you! Hmph... it is a minor setback... but he can’t ever stay down in the dumps for long. Narancia will start working even harder to win over your affections. If anything, he’s decided he’s more motivated now than ever. The next time you see him, he’s wearing sunglasses and a black leather jacket, despite it being over ninety degrees out. He tries to take a puff of a cigarette and starts coughing so much you have to get him a glass of water. He’ll get ‘em next time. 
Out of all the roles you could assign him... this is not what he expected. He’s popping open the vintage wine tonight. The next time you ask for his help in opening a jar, expect to be left high and dry. What the hell do you think is brotherly about him? He doesn’t get it. Abbacchio thinks he’d prefer if you had instead pointed at him, and in all seriousness, said you hate his guts. Yeah. That would’ve been better. Not to mention the smug look that bastard Giorno sent him after hearing this... that shithead is beyond infuriating. How quickly he switches to smiling innocently when you glance back over in his direction too! It’s revolting. Abbacchio swears he’s not going to lose to that. No, if this ship is going down, he’s taking everyone else with him. He’ll see if he can put some rumors in your ear about the others to make them less desirable in your eyes. There’s lots of groundwork to lay out and he’s overflowing with ideas. 
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Florist!Steve Harrington x Reader
wc: 667
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Walking into the flower shop, you’re immediately bombarded with the sweet smells, and the gorgeous colours of flowers. You’d been looking for a florist for a while, trying to find a nice place to get flowers whenever you need to send a thank you or celebrate a birthday. This afternoon in particular you were hoping to find something to give your coworker for her birthday.
“Hey! How can I help you?” The man behind the counter is very cute, smiling brightly as he arranges a bouquet of lilies.
“Oh, hi! I’m just looking to buy a bouquet? Something that says ‘happy birthday’ but for a coworker you know?” You laugh nervously but he seems to get it.
“Of course! Anything in particular you’d like to add?” He’s already grabbing things, pretty colours that you just know she’ll love.
“Not that I can think of. Whatever you think is best.” You wander around the store as he works, silently screaming. Even his side profile is gorgeous! But you push the thoughts out of your mind. There’s no way he’s a single. Cute boy who works at a flower shop? No chance.
“They’re finished!” He calls out and you come over to see them. He’s holding a stunning bouquet of flowers so pretty you almost feel like you can’t take them.
“Woah…you’re really good at this.” That makes him laugh, a sound you don’t think you could ever get tired of.
“It’s kinda my job.” He smiles as he hands the flowers over. You reach for your wallet and he shakes me off.
“Don’t bother. This one is on the house.”
“Yeah. I hope your coworker has a good birthday.” His smile is so kind and genuine for a second you’re convinced he’s some type of angel. You wave goodbye as you leave the store, back into the real world that just seems a little more dull than before.
It’s been a while since you’ve seen the cute florist boy. Mostly because you’ve been too nervous to go in there. Getting attached is the last thing you need right now, no matter how pretty his hair is, or how gorgeous his eyes are.
Yep, you’re going crazy.
But you just got fired so what better way to make yourself feel better than buying incredibly expensive flowers?
“Hey! It’s nice to see you again.” He’s still got that adorable smile, but it falls a little when he sees your expression.
“Everything alright?” He asks.
“Yeah I guess…do you have any bouquets that help people pretend they didn’t just get fired?” You smile weakly after your poor excuse for a joke but he just smiles sadly.
“I’ll put something together for you. Do you wanna talk about it?” Something about this man is so comforting that you end up spilling your guts, telling him all about how your boss never liked you, and how you got fired over your first mistake.
By the time you finish the story, he has assembled the most stunning bouquet, filled with pinks and whites and purples.
“Wow…” You reach out to take it but he pulls it back. You shoot him a confused look and he begins to explain.
“I was thinking that I could give them to you some other time. Maybe…tomorrow night? At Enzo’s?”
“Like a date?”
“Yeah. A date. If-if that’s alright with you?” Happiness fills my chest so quickly I almost forget all of the shitty events of today.
“That sounds perfect. Just one question?” You ask.
“Of course.”
“I never caught your name.” His mouth makes an ‘O’ shape and you can’t help but grin.
“I’m Steve.” Huh, cute name. You introduce yourself too and with an exchange of numbers, you head out the door.
On your way home, you even stop to smell the roses.
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Good morning y’all! Or whenever you find this! I have looked through several of your tags first like outside POV but haven’t found much- I’m ISO stories where Aziraphale and Crowley are together but people just don’t believe them. Or are shocked. Or think that one of them could do better than the other (like based on attractiveness, behavior, clothes, hobbies etc). Canon is slightly better or undercover as nanny and gardener, but AU fine. Or even a search tag I could use is appreciated! What I have found is mostly others wondering why a hot slim Crowley is with an unattractive chubby Aziraphale, but someone must have written other way as well, or other attributes than conventional looks. Thank you for giving this a look! I appreciate any direction!
Hello. This is a difficult one to search for, with no specific tag for it on ao3. We’ve got fics where incorrect assumptions are made about their relationship here and here, so check those out. I’ve got a couple more along similar lines now...
Lillies and Roses by Inkwell1013 (T)
Cameron has been running his family’s flower shop for years now. When a handsome yet peculiar redhead walks in to buy flowers for his boyfriend, he thinks nothing of it. But when that very same boyfriend comes in a week later to buy flowers for his fiancé, Cameron finds that he has a decision to make. Does he tell Crowley that Aziraphale is two timing him with Anthony or does he keep the secret? Or Crowley has two names and confuses a poor, innocent florist.
Never Judge Books By Their...? by WorseOmens (NR)
There's a burglary in Soho, right across the road from AZ Fell & Co's Antique Bookseller's. An angel and a demon are called in for questioning, and the detectives involved start to form opinions...
(OR: Crowley's a flirt, and Aziraphale doesn't do PDA; people start to get the wrong idea)
Snakes and Stones (Never Broke My Bones) by DeerstalkerDeathFrisbee (G)
“How many people don’t believe I exist?” Crowley asks in the doorway. “I’m sure no – ” Aziraphale begins, only to be cut off by Gabriel and a reluctant Newton. “Everyone.”
No one wants to say it, but the residents of Dorm A, floor 3, are collectively convinced Aziraphale Fell’s boyfriend does not exist. This is their story.
A Case of Mistaken Identity by CandyQueenAO3 (T)
William is the newest butler at the Dowling Mansion. While on his first day, he meets the lovely Lilith Ashtoreth Crowley who shows him around and introduces herself as Warlock's nanny. He also meets the gardener, Francis.
When William sees Francis flirting with with the MARRIED Nanny Ashtoreth, then later meets Francis's husband Anthony, the dreadful suspicion that the gardener is a HOMEWRECKER starts to take root in his mind...
- Mod D
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etcrow · 2 years
And Bouquet with Mammon!!<3
1K followers alphabet event
B - Bouquet
Do you forgive me?
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Genre: fluff
Characters: GN!MC x Mammon + Luke
Universe: Obey me
Warnings: none
A/N: Keyword for this post is “Bouquet”. Thanks for requesting, mon chou.
Summary: Mammon did something wrong and you're mad at him. Will he be able to solve the situation?
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Mammon made one of his usual messes, angering you. You caught him trying to steal one of your beloved stuffed animals, as it was valuable, to resell, so you kicked him out of your room and yelled at him never to be seen again.
The demon is now thinking about what he could do to make it up to you, staring at the ceiling as he lies on the couch in the dark. No one saw him come out of his room today, not even you, but you don't care, because you are still angry with him. The demon sighs, tossing and turning on the couch as an idea crosses his mind and he leaps to his feet.
He heads to Purgatory Hall and kidnaps little Luke, dragging him with him to the flower store, where he stops in front of the window. Luke breaks free from the demon's grasp and looks at him, still shaken by the abduction, and asks him what is going on.
"I want you to help me pick out some flowers," he replies, explaining that they are for you.
Luke looks at him strangely, then turns back to the flower store and is silent for a second. "So?"
"So what?"
"Will ya help me yes or no?"
Luke puffs up his cheeks, bringing his arms to his chest and rolls his eyes. First of all, he was taken out of the living room against his will, and second, he doesn't seem to have much choice. Besides, he would do anything for you. The young angel nods, motioning for Mammon to follow him inside the store and he looks around, hoping you are not there and enters with him.
Luke looks at the various flowers in the store and asks the florist if they happen to sell flowers from the human world and they nod, showing them to him. Luke looks carefully at the flowers then, bringing a hand under his chin, turns to Mammon and back to the florist. "We would like an arrangement that contains flowers from all three realms."
They nod and set to work, preparing the flower arrangement for Mammon. He looks at the little angel and curves his head, confused. "Do you think they might like them?"
"Of course they will like them, stupid."
Mammon, red in the face, makes to strangle Luke, but stops when the florist coughs to get their attention, informing them that the bouquet is ready. Both he and Luke look at it, marveling and thanking the florist who delivers it to them.
Once outside the shop, Mammon complains about the price of that bouquet, shocked at how much a couple of flowers can cost. Luke chuckles, telling him he looks like an old man, and Mammon glares at him. "...Thanks for the help, little guy."
"It's not for you that I did it, but you're welcome."
Mammon is about to escort Luke back to PurgatoryHall, but another idea crosses his mind and he takes the young angel by the hand, dragging him toward the House of Lamentation.
You hear a knock at the door and turn around, wondering who it could be. "Mammon if it's you go away, I don't want to see you."
A familiar little voice calls to you from behind the door and you get up, finding Luke standing before you as you open the door. You are surprised to see that he is holding a bouquet of flowers and a sheet of paper in his hands. You are about to ask him what is going on, when the little angel, red in the face, begins to read the note with embarrassment.
"I've been an idiot, I apologize. I would like you to accept these flowers as a token of my deepest apologies. I sent Luke because I knew you would never open the door if I were there to ask you to open it. Remember that I remain and am always your first and will always be there for you. Sorry again, Mammon."
You watch the scene and then burst out laughing, hugging poor Luke who does not know whether to laugh or cry from embarrassment. You thank him for sacrificing himself for you and willingly accept the flowers, telling him if he can please go call Mammon and tell him you have forgiven him.
Luke makes to turn around, but Mammon appears from around the corner and enters the room with a hangdog look on his face.
You take his face in your hands and leave a kiss on his lips, thanking him for the flowers, and Luke coughs, making you turn around. "We thought that since you are a connection between our kingdoms, this flower arrangement was the best," and in saying this he winks at Mammon. You thank them both, hugging them.
Both Mammon and Luke return the hug and you turn to look for a vase to put them in, happy with your gift.
Mammon has been forgiven and can breathe again.
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pendragon-writes · 1 year
Cold Truths
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Chapter 4
Chapter 6
The two men walked with Captain Gregson as he explained the situation. As they stepped further into the house they spotted the small pool of blood and the body of Peter Saldua being rolled out in a body bag. "Watch the blood splatter." The Captain said as he pointed to the blood. He guided them further into the house, pointing towards the ring box. "We found the ring box from Amy Dampier's home, right here." (Y/n) walked a bit closer to inspect it, before the detective from yesterday spoke to him. "Turns out Mantlo and his wife used the florist Saldua worked for." (Y/n) looked at the photos of Amy that were hanging on the wall as he continued to listen to the detective. "They order fresh flowers to the house once a week. Saldia was the guy who delivered them." "Explains why she would have let him in the other night."
"What happened over there?" (Y/n) asked, gesturing with his head towards the fallen washing machine. "Mixed his colors with his whites?" Detective Javier Abreu said. "Who knows, guy was a nut bar." (Y/n) changed his interest to evidence number 3, which was just a phone charger with no phone. "Did you already take his phone?" He asked, turning to the Captain. "It hasn't turned up yet, but it will," Gregson explained, leaving the kitchen to look at other things and perhaps talk to the other detectives, allowing (Y/n) the space he needed to investigate.
The consultant looked at the pantry with slight confusion before turning to the sink and grabbing the pill bottle that rested next to the other medication. The bottle read 'Xanax', with it being 1 mg. Whilst (Y/n) was doing that Steven walked over to the photos of Amy, slightly creeped out at the thought that the poor woman was being stalked. "You wanted to be the one who found him, didn't you?" Steven asked. (Y/n) put the pill bottle back before responding. "I don't do what I do for the credit."
"Then why do you do it?" He asked, turning to look at him as (Y/n) leaned against the sink. (Y/n) didn't respond as he adverted all eye contact and left the kitchen. Steven sighed to himself as he looked at the photos, wondering if he went too far.
"I would like to thank the police, again, for finding the man who killed my wife," Harrow said into a microphone, (Y/n) and Steven were now back at the house as (Y/n) watched the interview, sitting on the floor cushion with his arms resting on his knees. Steven walked in holding a laptop as he went to the table covered in files and papers. "She had her mole removed when she changed her look." (Y/n) said, still looking at the walls of photos, most of which being of Amy. Steven glanced at the photos before turning to the man. "It doesn't make any sense. She loved that mole." Steven sat at the other table as he also looked at the photos. "Before her surgery, she turned her head to feature it, whenever her picture was taken."
"Where'd you get those photographs?" Steven asked, opening up his laptop. "I reached out to Amy's friends via her Facebook page." Steven was about to say something but decided not to. "Harrison Polk was right. She was as beautiful before her surgery as she was after, so… why bother. What was the point?" He said, as he stood up, walking towards Steven, who was currently reading through something. "Another thing. Saldua's phone records indicated he used his call phone constantly." He said, placing the papers with the information next to Steven's laptop.
"And yet, three days ago, he just stopped. Didn't make a single call. Didn't send a single text. Why?" He then showcased another paper. "His bank statements meanwhile, there's several checks made out to Dr. Ronald Jessup, Psychologist. He seems worth talking to, no? No?" He asked, his voice slightly faster than before, leaving the question rhetorical as he immediately answered. "No, 'cause he dropped dead of a coronary, in 2010." Steven stood up from his chair to look at the consultant.
"The Amy Dampier case is over. You helped solve it." He said, trying to calm the man. "No." "Something's off. I can feel it." He argued softly, looking at the photos. The noises of the printer caused him to look away. "What's that?" He asked, looking at Steven. "I got us tickets to the opera tonight," Steven responded with a grin. "Celebrate." (Y/n) just looked at him in confusion, slightly biting his lower lip. "When your father hired me, he mentioned something about you liking it, so I thought-"
(Y/n) scoffed in amusement at that, dropping his hands down, and walking past him. "I went to Le Grande Macabre once when I was nine, now I'm a buff." (Y/n) said loudly, walking into the small kitchen, and looking through the pantry for a snack. Steven sighed at this and began to talk. "I'm worried about you." "I think you're making things more complicated than they really are." (Y/n) didn't respond as he grabbed what he was looking for and walked past him again. "and it tells me that you're really struggling."
"No struggle with anything." (Y/n) grumbled out. "Or haven't you been paying attention for the last few days?" "I've been right about everything." "Actually you haven't," Steven said. "The day we met you deduced that I gave up being a surgeon to become a companion because I had lost someone close to me." "The truth is…" (Y/n) interrupted Steven before he could finish, sitting on his chair at the table.
"The truth is that you made a mistake during a surgery that cost a patient his life." He said, turning his head to look up at him. Steven looked away from him as a result. "It takes years of study to become a surgeon, not to mention tremendous ego." He explained, slightly talking with his hands. "Surgeons don't just leave to become addict-sitters. They're forced out. And they're only forced out if they commit the sin of malpractice." Steven looked at him with an unreadable expression as he continued to listen to him. "I knew it would be a sore subject so I made up the bit about your friend to spare your feelings." "That was very big of you," Steven said. "How do you know the patient died?" He asked.
"How do you know I didn't just leave him paralyzed or in a coma?" (Y/n) squeezed his fists on the table slightly, before slamming the table and standing up. "The parking ticket! The one you had in your bag." He walked past him as he said this stopping for a moment and sighing, turning around to face him. "You incurred it two weeks ago near the corner of 86th and Third." "The only thing there is Carver Cemetery. Obviously, you were visiting a grave." "Not a parent's grave, of course. Google indicates that they're both alive and well." "Siblings? No. Carver is a pauper's field. The picture that you keep on your phone of Mum and Dad says that they're well-to-do. No siblings of yours would be interred in a place like that." "The place doesn't even have a proper parking area, hence the ticket. So…" Steven turned to look at him, (Y/n) still continued to talk.
"A surgeon who's no longer a surgeon, a parking violation incurred outside a poor man's cemetery, and two parents who are as moneyed as they are alive. You add it all up. What does it say?" he asked rhetorically. "You were visiting the grave of the man that you let die on your operating table." He finished softly. Steven looked at him, his lips pursed. "It's so incredible, the way that you can… solve people just by looking at them."
"I noticed you don't have any mirrors around here." (Y/n) blinked at this before responding. "And what's that supposed to mean?" "It means you know a lost cause when you see one." He said before walking past him, leaving (Y/n) to his thoughts. "Tomorrow I'll arrange for a new companion, but tonight I got plans." He said, grabbing his laptop and leaving. (Y/n) glanced at him before looking at the wall, swallowing a lump in his throat.
Taglist: @god-complex-12
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craigmorrison91 · 1 year
clip studio paint ex brushes
So, you've gone out and got a new huge fresh bouquet from your favorite florist. You're really pumped up and excited by the time you get them home. You restrict their ends under water, place them in the vase and head to the studio. Do clip studio paint ex Activation Code will need a live first dance? If so, you have to factor in extra 50 for this rock band to learn it. Most bands will be sufficient it without cost if it is the one song, so are you willing invest or attempting to find a free first dance request. A lot of bands have very good choices of 1st dance songs on the repertoires, to be able to play pictures request. What is the most effective video Camera? This is the first commonly asked question when it comes to making video clip studio paint ex. The truth is there is no best video camcorder. Provided you can get your hands on a TV station camera, which is top end quality, however, not trained cord less mouse with it, you still get a poor video. It is also here is go for your simplest, least complicated camcorder absolutely handle. Never let extra buttons hinder you, but practice before you shoot. I'm sure there are regarding places in St. Louis where I live who do this kind of work, however didn't know who had been looking. Since I came to Scott through you, and I'd learned to know and trust you since appearing onto your podcast in 2007, I felt very easily a natural fit. I like to ply their trade relationally.through contacts. Rather soon into the 2-day work session with Scott I felt I could trust him completely with my vision of the actual merchandise I feel we're continuing to create together within editing processes. In other words, next to the trash! clip studio paint ex Crack 2023 are filled with goodies, gadgets, and garbage which we don't might need. These items (typically bought for time saving) end up costing us precious space in our consciousness. By ridding ourselves of these kind of materials that really do not use, effortlessly free up energy otherwise saved because of items. For example, imagine how much energy is tied up in the books we bought 2 years ago? If you aren't going to do it, terminate it. clip studio paint ex Activation Key Free of thumb is that if you haven't used it in a year, you do not need it. However, other artists find holding a palette awkward and confused. So, if you want to keep both hands free, any kind of flat surface will actually do. Plastic and turpentine don't mix, however, so ensure you your palette is not plastic. Are you interested by making changes to your personal home? If you're ready to change things up a bit and more fitting to family members members and your budget, hiring an interior designer could help you save a considerable amount of time and inconvenience. Use these five tips that will help you choose a designer who understands your vision and may possibly help make things happen without emptying your wallet.
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goldsprite · 4 years
Taetae I love you but what the fuck-
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teddy-yandere · 3 years
Please yandere daki with a shy florist female DarIing?
- Florist -
⚠️WARNING⚠️ will contain dark themes
A/N = Feel free to request any characters you want. I write for many different fandoms , all you have to do is scroll to the bottom of this post and pick what fandom and character you want me to write for and send me a request. My inbox is always open so feel free to chat with me!! <3
* .:。✧*゚ ゚・ ✧.。. * * .:。✧*゚ ゚・ ✧.。. * . *.:。✧ *゚ ゚・ ✧.。. *.
• Daki probably first noticed you when she was going around terrorizing the poor humans of the entertainment district. She and her brother were probably doing a nightly sweep of your area , looking for anyone that they can eat. It was probably Gyutaro that pointed you out to Daki. He said something like “ Look how beautiful that girl is “. When Daki looked in your direction, she could not help but feel butterflies in her stomach . Before Daki could agree to his statement, Gyutaro said “ I want to eat her “. Daki could feel pure anger start to boil up inside of her.
• Gyutaro probably noticed how upset his sister looked and backed off. “ Fine you can have her “ Gyutaro mumbled under his breath. Daki did not say anything and simply waved her hand at him , signaling him to go away. “ I will meet with you at ( destination name ).” She whispered. After she was positive that her brother was gone , she slowly made her way to your little flower shop. Because she was a demon , she could smell your wonderful flowers from all the way down the street.
• Daki had never felt so nervous in her life. Before she entered your little flower shop, she made sure to disguise herself as a human , so she will not scare you or make you fear for your life. Once she entered the store she could hear you welcome her in. Instead of looking at the flower’s you offered , the only thing that she could look at , was you. You looked like the sun , she had never seen anyone look so good. You looked like a goddess. This must be a gift , she must have done something to please Muzan , in order to get the privilege of seeing you.
• Daki probably had not noticed the blush on your face when you saw her staring at you continuously. You finally broke the ( awkward ) silence by asking her if she needed help looking for anything . Daki immediately looked to the nearest flower and pointed at it and said “ Darling can you please come tell me about this flower “. You stared at her for a moment longer before smiling sweetly at her and saying “ Of course “ in a very quiet voice. Before you knew it , you were having a conversation with Daki. Finally the topic came up on why you were working so late at night.
• You looked at her with a very confused look in your face “ what do you mean , nothing bad ever happens at night “. That’s when Daki realized , you probably did not believe in demons . How dangerous. Couldn’t you see that any demon could just walk into your flower shop and eat you as a snack. Daki could feel a protective feeling wash over her. She can’t let you get hurt. Before another word could be said , Daki could see the sun slowly start to peak through the curtains. Had she really been here so long?? You were so easy to talk too , she must come back later tonight !!! You noticed the worried look in her face and asked her what was wrong . “ Oh nothing Darling , it is just that I must leave , I will come back tomorrow, you will have to show me those flowers in the back of the store “. After saying that , she waved goodbye and rushed out of the door. Daki could hardly contain her happiness, she was skipping all the way back to the infinity tower.
• As soon as she stepped into the door of the tower , she started going on and on about how pretty and sweet you were . Gyutaro probably thought it was really cute and annoying how In love Daki was with you. When Daki stopped to catch her breath , Kokushibou made a comment saying something like “ You mentioned that she was very shy and timid , there are probably many people who want to take advantage of her mind personality, it would be smart to look after her more “. That was all Kokushibou said before walking into another room. Daki was stunned. She had never realized how vulnerable you were. You need someone strong like her to protect you from those discusting people. That was when Daki came up with a plan.
• Over the next few weeks , Daki would pay your store a visit. As time went on , you began to open up more to her and tell her some person stuff about yourself. Daki was obviously thrilled that you had become more comfortable around her. Every once in a while , Daki would accidentally say stuff that might have coordinated with the fact that she was a demon. Such as the fact that she only came to see you at night. This made you very suspicious. But of course all of this was part of Daki’s amazing plan to make you hers.
• After a while , Daki started to get a little frustrated with you. How could you not see how much Daki loved you. To be honest, the most you have done was give a small kiss on Daki’s cheek , but Daki wanted more. She wanted you to cuddle her and make her feel loved the same way she makes you feel loved and cherish. Eventually Daki just took you.
• She will definitely make sure to keep up with your interests , such as gardening. She knew that your were a florists before she took you , so she makes it her responsibility to Constantly help you when you are gardening. Daki never regrets her decision to take you. You were too good for this horrible, human world. You needed to be somewhere safe with Daki , and Daki only. After all , you will always be Daki’s bright sun
* .:。✧*゚ ゚・ ✧.。. * * .:。✧*゚ ゚・ ✧.。. * . *.:。✧ *゚ ゚・ ✧.。. *.
Thanks for reading Darling !! <3
Feel free to request any character you want. I write for all genders. If you don’t tell me what gender you want then I will just make it gender nuetural. I write for many different fandoms such as:
• Demon Slayer
• Haikyuu
• Attack on Titan
• My Hero Academia
• Death Note
Have a nice Day / Night ~
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the-heart-of-leo · 2 years
Okay so... some of you might be aware that wearing a black ring on the right middle finger is a sign that that person is asexual.
I know that. I use a black ring for that very purpose.
I just found out that wearing a black ring on any other finger of the right hand... is a sign that person is poly/a swinger (how 60s! lol).
And I’m just blown away by the potential for an hilarious misunderstanding.
Like... this ought to be the set up for fics. This should be on par with coffee shop/florist/tattoo artist/bakery/They-were-Roommates AUs. It can be the OT3 Set up for all of these!
This poor asexual just minding their business, looking for nice romantic dates with people that don’t want to jump their bones immediately (Like, they’re open to it but like cuddling is nice too you know. Or their demi and need a bit more than a few dinners and movies. Or hell, they’re sex repulsed and CAN YOU NOT). And this confused Poly who really likes this Ace but feels like they’re trying to lure in a wild bunny rabbit with some lettuce - one wrong move and this adorable creature is GONE.
The Poly’s other half finds all of this hilarious.
Ends with a nice poly ship with a nice cuddly ace in the middle of a horny sandwich.
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