#the moment you start yearning for them in your life is the moment you've decided
prettyiwa · 9 months
stuck on the fact that a big part of having a crush on someone is the desperate desire to be seen by them.
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upsidedownmvnson · 1 year
dungeons and douchebags | eddie munson
where eddie munson kills your dnd character out of spite & you end up in the hospital in the same day. eddie, of course, blames only himself.
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full fic of this blurb :)
AN: i named the third guy keith bc he needed a name, and if his role was pre-established im SORRY but hes a mage. a lot of the dnd stuff im sure is wrong and doesnt work but let me live
also i love this so u should to
also also I KNOW ITS A SHITTY THING FOR A DM TO DO - thats the point
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Eddie’s annoyed with you when you’re not on time for Hellfire.
You know he’s sensitive about starting on time, but still you were running late again, even though this time you promised it would be different, and you would even be early.
And Eddie had foolishly believed you again. It hurt especially, because even though you were just friends, Eddie was so painfully in love with you. All day every day, he was pining, yearning, longing. You were on his mind all the time, and you... you couldn't even bother to be on time for Hellfire.
When he begged you to be on time earlier in the day, he had made sure to mention that it would mean a lot to him if you were on time. And he thinks that if you love him back, you'll definitely care when he communicates something like that.
He knows he shouldn't let himself feel like this, but every Friday he's reminded that he's not special to you. He's not the one person you're always on time for. Eddie thinks, somehow, that if you're on time for Hellfire, well then maybe you like him too. It's silly, but it's what he does. It gets more painful as time goes on and you're still not there.
The mood slowly shifts to something tense as time ticks on. You’re always a couple minutes late but nearly an hour? Eddie is painfully frustrated, and his feelings are hurt. Eddie has overthught himself to a dramatic conclusion that you've decided you're above Hellfire.
While the party chats on totally unaware, barely even recognizing that they still haven't started, Eddie thinks you've looked in the mirror and recognized that you're better than them. That you can, and should, have everything and everyone you want. He thinks you'll want to be with a jock. Or maybe a cheerleader. He thinks you've decided not to love him.
In a fit of self pity and rage, he decides to leave your character behind, so the party left you alone, sleeping in a cave.
"Attention," Eddie says, "the sun is rising. It's time to pack your bags and move on."
Dustin looks confused, "where's y/n?"
"Who knows?" Eddie tries to look unamused to hide his pain, but it slips, and ends up just looking angry.
Eddie rolls a perception check for you to see if you wake up. He rolls an 18. And with your build you would've noticed the group leaving without you. Eddie is still think about you in the arms of a jock. "She fails." Eddie looks at the group with an evil grin. "You leave the camp unnoticed."
As the game goes on, Eddie feels crappy. He's never cheated like that before. Like, sure, he's changed a roll or two to make the plot better, or to not totally kill one of his players because some random NPC got a nat 20. That was his right as DM. But... leaving you like that was less than cool.
But even worse, when they return to the cave later, you're stuck in a bandit situation. Eddie really, truly, genuinely expected the party to save you. Except, one thing led to another, and you were stabbed through stomach, making you bleed out. Normally, this is where you'd roll your life saving throws.
It wasn't really supposed to play out like that. But he didn't expect the party to roll such terrible throws, all of them accidently leaving you defenseless. Eddie kinda feels bad, but you hurt him first.
What he doesn't expect is Steve Harrington bursting into the drama room, looking frenzied, just a few moments later. The party halts. The last thing happening in the game was the party finishing off the last bandit, and running to your aid. But now, they were all just staring at Steve. Eddie approached his friend, worried about the look in Steve’s eyes.
Steve stood up straight, and cleared his throat. Weakly he says, “something terrible happened.”
And then Steve tells them all about your car accident, and Eddie feels sick. His knees buckle, and Steve has to hold him up. He’s totally disoriented by this news. He feels his heartbeat pounding behind his eyes, and his ears ring loudly, barely registering the panicked talking going on around him
“They're alive,” Steve was shouting, but because people weren’t letting him talk, he had to keep shouting it over the hundred questions. They wouldn't be able to handle it. Not again. Not when Max still hasn't woken up. “Eddie? Can you hear me buddy?”
But Eddie was in shock. He was blaming himself. He killed you.
“Can you walk? I'll drive you,” Steve says, as Gareth searches Eddie's pockets for the keys to the van. “Dustin, get over here, help me get Eddie to the car.” Eddie overhears Jeff tell everyone to meet at the van.
As soon as they get moving, the adrenaline starts pumping through Eddie’s body. He was suddenly able to break free of his friends' aid and pick up his pace, and the three of them ran through the school and into the parking lot. The dim light Steve parked by was flickering, putting a weak spotlight on Eddie as he tugged the door handle on the passenger seat
“Let me unlock it,” Steve snapped, fumbling the keys in his hand. He dropped them, the pressure of Eddie’s stare was kinda terrifying. He got the door open and unlocked the others.
When they were in the car, Eddie was finally alert, if anything overaware.
“What the fuck is going on?” he snapped.
No one said anything. There was nothing they could say that would make Eddie feel better, or calm down. Steve sped out of the parking lot, blowing the stop sign. He really shouldn't have, given the whole reason you were in the hospital.
Eddie squeezed his eyes shut. This wasn't happening. He was wrong. He was being petty and he was hurt because he thought you were being a dick but you were - he was gunna throw up - you were somewhere bleeding. While he was busy killing you, you were actually laying on the asphalt after a violent car crash. And he was thinking you're an asshole
“Their character died,” Eddie said, “I've killed them.”
“It's not gunna happen,” Steve said, gripping the steering wheel. It was a statement he couldn't back up.
At the hospital, Eddie barely waited for the car to stop before he was running inside, tripping over his own feet as he rushed to get to you. dustin was hot on his trail and steve was parking the car.
Eddie saw Nancy with Jonathan over by the nurse's station, and when Nancy saw him, she came hustling over, putting her hands on Eddie's arms. Dustin spoke quietly with Jonathan in the background.
“Relax,” she said, “please breath. They’re okay right now, they’re in surgery, and it's going really well, okay?”
“Wheeler?” Eddie asked, eyes filling with tears he had no control over.
“It has to be fine,” Nancy said, “sit with me.” Nancy Wheeler was not going to lose another friend today. Not again.
And with no other options he listened, following Nancy to an uncomfortable plastic chair that squeaked when he sat. Nancy held his hand over the stiff arm rests, but he didn't find any comfort. He didn't think he would until he was with you again.
Jonathan sat beside Nancy, giving her a sad smile and handing her a bitter coffee. He sat quietly, letting Nancy give Eddie her attention. Dustin sat on the other side of Eddie, also opting to stay quiet. What was anyone supposed to say?
Honestly, the only thing Eddie wanted to hear was your voice.
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Nothing changed for the first two days. But on the third day, the only change was in Eddie. He went from sitting quietly by your side to scribbling stuff in a notebook like a crazy person. He would also dip out to go use a library computer, or "check on some things," as he explained to Nancy.
Her and Steve were mutually concerned about Eddie's state. He was constantly babbling about saving you, and how he's figured it out they just have to succeed.
Everyone else got a chance to be worried when they got a call Tuesday saying there was a mandatory Hellfire meeting and anyone not in attendance would be left behind, and unwelcome for the rest of the campaign. He couldn't risk a single missing member. Not with the stakes...
Tuesday evening, Gareth, Jeff, and Keith are the first to arrive. They are curious as to what the hell their bandmate had cooked up, but they were more worried than excited. Eddie hadn't exactly been himself the last couple of days.
They don't expect a set up even more elaborate than usual. The lights are red and blue, making the room feel eerie, and small.
"Welcome to Hell," Eddie said, grinning and holding his arms open wide.
Gareth and Jeff exchanged a look, but were too nervous to speak. Eddie didn't want to explain the objective twice, so he waited for the rest of the party to arrive before he said anything, but the look in his eye feels sinister. His friends suddenly realized how truly fucked Eddie would be if anything happened to you.... like... for keeps.
When the rest of the party is there, they look to Eddie expectantly, but he just continues to smile like a maniac and tells everyone to take their seats. Dustin is confused to see Steve Harrington sneak into the room and lean against the wall.
"I cheated," he says when he has the attention of the flock, "y/n didn't fail the perception check, and therefore their death wasn't fair. However, death is death. So we're going to have to bring them back."
Dustin notices that Steve Harrington's presence is not explained.
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Nancy sits at your bedside like she has for the better part of the last four days. She holds a book in one hand, and the other rests casually beside you, near your hand. She looks at you, and then her hand. She gets a supernatural chill.
She puts her book down, and speaks your name quietly, looking for any sign of life from you. One more day of your glass features and she was going to crumble. Nancy shakes the bizarre feeling from her head, and pats your hand.
She shocked when you're ice cold to the touch. She recoils, pulling away fast. But after the initial shock fades, she touches you again. There was no way that was right, right? You were freezing. What the hell was that about? Nancy starts a search for a blanket to warm you up.
A mage freezes your body. The party scavenges for anything that can help and then leave the cave, your frozen body in tow. Another player can't make life saving throws for you, so they were thinking outside the box. They would take you deep, deep into an ancient necromancer's lair, and steal the resurrection stone from around his neck.
Nancy returns with a simply grey blanket, and a very friendly nurse. They had gotten to talking, and Nancy has simply explained how cold you had been, having not thought too much of it. The nurse, Sophie, had decided to come check it out too.
"Oh my gosh," Sophie says, feeling the ice cold skin. "Oh my gosh, she's like ice!"
And leaves Nancy feeling a little worried as she scurries out of the room. It was like she'd never seen anything like it. Nancy feels uneasy, and makes a quick phone call from your bedside phone. Jonathan picks up, and as soon as he hears the concern in her voice, he's on the way.
Nancy hangs up, picks the phone back up, and calls Steve. He picks up on the first ring.
"Something is like... actually happening over here," she whispers, shocked to even be saying it.
"No shot," he says, nearly laughing at the idea. He whispers the next part so the group doesn't hear anything, "I thought we agreed Eddie was just crazy, and this whole 'saving her character will save her' was just to show him that he didn't cause all this."
"I know we did," she said, "but y/n is cold as ice."
Eddie's voice booms as he narrates the perilous journey. After trap rooms, fighting devil dogs, two gargoyles, and a Molydeus that nearly killed Mike. They had made it into the inner sanctum, but had all failed to roll perception upon entering, and set off a fire trap. One that melted the spell on you, leaving you warm enough to die. "Hurry!" Dustin shouted, "engage the necromancer! Hit 'em with everything we got."
Nancy is already back into her book, Jonathan sitting on the floor beside her, leaning his head against the armrest, while she dangles a dainty arm over his shoulder, letting it lay relaxed on his chest. A single beep draws her attention. She notices something different, but she can't say what. Your cheeks are rosy.
Nancy brings her hand off of Jonathan, drawing his attention too. She puts a cool hand against your forehead, and is again shocked by how you feel. You're burning up. You're fucking hot. Like boiling. Nancy runs to find Sophie again.
The turn is Keith's, his mage more powerful than the others, but instead turns his attention to your character. "I cast flesh to stone on y/n!" the mage shouts. "She'll die if she stays like this." "Roll for it!" "18!" "Pass!" Your body is frozen again, this time encased in stone. Another stall, and Eddie knows the party is running out of time.
"You have to feel her head," Nancy says, speed walking with the bubbly nurse hot on her trail. Sophie complies, and gasps.
"It's not possible," she says quietly, "I'm getting the doctor. There's something strange about your friend."
Nancy looks down at you, and jumps out of her skin when the machines start beeping wildly. All of them making different noises, all of them loud. Sophie rushes back in, with more staff behind her. Nancy and Jonathan are ushered out of the room by a woman who explains that you're in a code blue, which means they have to resuscitate you.
Nancy looks around the white hallway. She's overwhelmed and underpaid.
"Stay here," she tells her boyfriend. "This is crazy!"
But she runs off before she explains anything else. She's after a phone, which she finds with no trouble. She fishes a quarter out of her pocket, and uses it to call Steve again. He picks up as fast as last time, desperate for something other than watching dnd.
"Whatever they're doing, tell them to hurry up!" she's shouting, drawing the attention of patients and staff around her. "Something's happening! She's not breathing!"
The necromancer stands injured. The party cornering him, making him cower. He trembles, and begs for his life. He explains that the party came to his home, killed his people, and now wish to rip off the very thing that keeps him alive. "I stab him through the heart, and I take the necklace." Dustin says. As he looks at Steve, he thinks he understands what's going on. "Roll." "For what?" "Dexterity." Dustin rolls his die. The table is silent. The little D20 lands. the group erupts when they see the Nat 20 he rolled, effectively grabbing the necklace and throwing it around your neck from a metre away like horseshoe. As it lands on you, the ground shifts under the party's feet. Everyone stares in silence, both in the campaign and real life. Your character opens her eyes, coughs, and rises.
The party roars to life at the table, cheering at a job well done and slamming hands on the table in excitement. But the cheers are short lived, silence coats the room but this one is different. It's serious, eery. They can see that Steve looks worried, and he's trying to get Nancy to answer him, but he's getting nothing. looking at Steve expectantly. Apparently, everyone had figured out what the plan was. They all knew they were trying to wake you up. Steve says nothing. Just hangs up the phone, looking up with a disappointed frown.
"The line went dead."
Steve is once again driving Eddie to the hospital. And he's a nervous wreck. You're like schrodinger's cat. Eddie doesn't know if you're alive or not. He chews on the side of his thumb during the entire ride. The rest of the club was waiting patiently in the drama room. Eddie and Steve promised to call as soon as they knew anything.
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Eddie can't fucking breath as he sprints down the hospital hallways, ignoring every sign and person telling him not to. He doesn't care. He has to get to you.
Wheeler is outside your room talking to a doctor, but with her back to him he couldn't see the bright, beautiful smile on her face talking excitedly about your miraculous recovery. Eddie runs right passed her to your room, and uses the doorframe to propel himself in, scaring both you and Jonathan who had been sitting quietly.
You look pale, and there are bags under your eyes. But you're sporting a weak smile, shaky hands holding a cup of lime jello. Eddie can't help but smile. You're awake, sitting up, and smiling at him. He has to laugh at the like, ten empty jello packages. Jonathan slips out the door without a word, and Eddie takes his seat by your bed.
"I was so fuckin' scared," Eddie says, tears falling from his eyes before he could even process it. He hadn't realized.
You hold your hand out for him and whisper, "Eddie," and he looks up, puppy dog eyes glossy with lingering tears, and heartbreaking to see. He takes your hand. "You didn't do this."
And he cries harder, leaning down and holding your hand to his forehead and begging your forgiveness anyway. "I did," he cries, "out of spite and jealousy, I tried to hurt you, and I did. I let them leave you alone. I made them and I cheated-"
"-and you should've seen the party-"
"-Eddie, seriously-"
"-leaving because you totally passed the, ow, hey!"
You had flicked him on the nose, his babbling giving you no other choice, but as usual he was being dramatic, you hadn't actually hurt him at all.
"Eddie, stop, and listen to me," you say, "you didn't do this. You're not actually all powerful, you know that, right?"
"But nothing," you say, smiling. "But Nancy told me that you saved me so no hard feelings."
Eddie smiles back at you, letting you wipe the tears leftover on his flushed cheeks. He leans into your touch and your heart swells. In your mind, you beg him to kiss you. You beg and plead and hope that this will be the time he makes a move.
He knows this is his chance, he leans closer to you, slowly, gauging your reaction. "Is this okay?" he whispers, when he's just an inch from your lips. You feel his breath as he speaks and you can't resist, pushing yourself forward to close the gap. And he kisses you like he's kissed you a hundred times before. Like he already knows everything you will like, even before you do. His lips are so fucking soft against yours, all plush and warm and taking over your senses.
"Well, I guess I can tell the others that you're fine," Steve says, and Eddie pulls away from you. His sudden absence is cold.
"I saved her," Eddie says, grinning. "Nancy said so."
the hair on the back of will's neck having a disco party during this entire fic
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tainsan · 8 months
misfits XI
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⇥ pairing: ot8 ateez x fem! reader
⇥ warnings: mentions of suicide, mentions of therapy, self deprication, mature scene but it's not crazy
⇥ word count: 9.5k
⇥ a/n: okay i know you have all been looking foward to this chapter, it is an intense one and i hope yall finally enjoy some much needed romantic tension ;-;
⇥ this chapter is for my wife @l0vetiny, ilysm!!!
⇢ masterlist ⇠
previous chapter ⇠ ⇢ next chapter
Resting in your room, you stand at the crossroads of your emotions, torn between the familiarity of cherished friendships and the allure of a potential romantic relationship. The idea of taking that leap excites and terrifies you, as it means venturing into uncharted territory with people you've known and admired for years.
Whenever you look at your group of friends, you can't help but feel a tinge of envy towards their popularity. They seem to effortlessly navigate social situations and grab attention wherever they go. Would you be able to handle the spotlight that inevitably comes with being associated with them in a romantic capacity? You know about their jealous fans, and the attention you would most definitely receive upon starting a relationship. Not to mention the rumours and bad words that would be spread once someone finds out you aren’t just in a relationship with one of them, yet all of them.
Trust is the foundation of any relationship, and you know that building it anew on different grounds will be a crucial step. In the depths of your heart, you yearn for something more with them, to explore a connection that goes beyond friendship. Their laughter, the inside jokes you share, and the way they understand you have always made your heart skip a beat. Yet, the fear of jeopardising your bond keeps you hesitating, wondering if you can afford to risk what you already have.
You battle with your own insecurities, questioning whether you're ready for the rollercoaster of emotions that a romantic relationship might bring. Are you enough? Can you handle the weight of their expectations? The prospect of letting them down frightens you, and you're afraid of losing not only a romantic partner but also your close friends.
The truth is, you think you want this relationship, yet you acknowledge that timing is everything. The decision weighs heavily on you, and you need to be certain in your heart before taking the plunge. You owe it to yourself and to them to be genuine, vulnerable, and ready to embrace the changes this choice will bring.
You decide to step away from your bed for a moment, feeling the weight of your emotions overwhelming you. Making your way to the bathroom, you start your nighttime routine, pausing for a few seconds to look at the bottle of moisturiser, bringing a flood of thoughts of Yunho to your head. 
Yunho has changed so much since the day you first saw him in the kitchen. His transformation has been quite remarkable. You can't help but reflect on how he's evolved since your trip to the store for your moisturiser. Initially, he appeared rude, his demeanour shrouded in a kind of icy reserve. It was almost as if he was carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders.
However, as time passed, you noticed the shift in his demeanour. When you went to the furniture store together, it was like the walls he'd built around himself were slowly coming down. Yunho's newfound warmth towards you is reminiscent of the time from your high school days, when you sought refuge from the troubles at home and found peace in the warehouse, where he discovered you alone.
Back then, you were both navigating the challenges of adolescence, and life had already presented you with your fair share of hardships. It was in those moments of solitude, away from the chaos of your respective lives, that you forged a unique connection. Yunho, with his quiet strength and understanding, had become a source of comfort and support during those difficult times.
The memories of those moments still linger, etched in the corners of your mind. Now, as you both find yourselves facing the complexities of adulthood, it's heartening to see that the genuine care and compassion that existed between you during those formative years has resurfaced.
Since the heart-to-heart conversation in the kitchen, where the weight of secrets were finally lifted, Yunho has transformed before your eyes. He's become someone almost unfamiliar to you, but in the most delightful way.
It's as if the depths of your conversation unleashed a new side of him, a side that perhaps he had kept hidden or hadn't fully embraced until now. The Yunho you're getting to know is a true gentleman, a man who takes the time to say sweet things to you, even if his cheeks and ears turn a delightful shade of crimson in the process.
Shaking off the thoughts you look into the mirror, peering at your reflection with a mix of uncertainty and self-doubt. As you gaze at yourself, a flood of insecurities surfaces. You scrutinise every detail, the lines on your face, the curve of your lips, the way your eyes crinkle when you smile. Negative thoughts swirl in your mind like a tempest, questioning whether you're worthy of love from such amazing individuals.
You wonder if they see the same flaws you do, if they'll be disappointed when they look at you more closely, or if they'll realise you're not as perfect as they might have thought. It's a daunting prospect to believe that someone could genuinely care for you, especially when surrounded by a circle of friends who seem to radiate charm and confidence.
The fear of rejection and judgement gnaws at you, threatening to sabotage the happiness you yearn for. You can't help but compare yourself to them, feeling like you're an outsider in their world of popularity and allure. It's as if a little voice inside your head tells you that you'll never truly belong, that you're not good enough to deserve their love and affection.
Tears blur your vision as you try to silence the self-criticism, the lingering doubts that seem to echo through your mind. You question whether you'll ever be ready for a relationship with them, wondering if your insecurities will push them away, destroying the friendship you hold so dear.
Moving yourself from the bathroom, you attempt to find a moment of peace to collect your thoughts. Finding refuge in the comfort of your bedroom, you close the bathroom door behind you and sit down on the floor in the centre of the room, feeling the weight of hesitation settling upon your shoulders.
Taking a deep breath, you're confronted by a flood of thoughts about your mental health issues, trauma, and the complex needs you carry within you. The struggle with anxiety, the lingering effects of past experiences, and the emotional scars that sometimes feel too heavy to bear; they all come rushing back, demanding your attention.
In the midst of this emotional whirlwind, a surge of doubt grips you. You begin to question if the boys you have grown to love, who seem to have it all together, would truly be capable of handling the intricacies of your mental health journey. Would they understand when anxiety creeps in, leaving you paralyzed with fear? Could they be patient and supportive when the shadows of your past cast their long shadows over your present?
It's an agitated storm of self-doubt, wondering if your needs might be too much for them to bear. The fear of burdening them with your struggles gnaws at your heart, and you find yourself grappling with the thought that you might not be deserving of their love and care. You so desperately wish to be happy, and the happiness you feel when you are around the boys is stronger than you have ever felt before. You definitely need to talk to Jisung about this, his advice always seeming to relieve the pressure off your heavy heart.
Today you only expected to confront the eight men about the past, finding out answers and you seem to have got more than you bargained for. One part of you is glad you know their affections towards you, yet one half is torn from having to make the decision.
With your room being shrouded in darkness, the only source of light being the faint moonlight filtering through the curtains, you try to relax on the floor, your knees pulled close to your chest, surrounded by the whirlwind of emotions swirling within. You know you should be getting to bed, sleeping for the next day which holds lectures withholding important information. Time seems to stand still as you replay the heartfelt words spoken by the eight men. 
Amidst the turmoil of your mind, there is a sudden knock on your door. Startled, you glance at the entrance, your heart pounding in your chest. Hesitating to answer, the door slowly creaks open for you, revealing the silhouette of Seonghwa standing there, his expression mirroring the same restlessness that is keeping you awake.
“Can I come in?” Seonghwa quietly asks, scared to be turned down, yet as he sees the gentle smile and nod cover your features, accepting the invitation, the man makes his way in. Stepping into the room and closing the door behind him, his presence brings both comfort and a further storm to your heart, as the confession resurfaces in your mind.
"Mingi and I just got back from managing the bar, but I can't sleep," Seonghwa says softly, his voice tinged with vulnerability.
His honesty only deepens the emotional turbulence inside. You are grappling with the same uncertainty, the same fear of what the future may hold.
“Come sit with me,” you say, hoping he will relax next to you.
As he settles down beside you on the floor, there is a moment of silence, both of you lost in your own thoughts. The room is filled with a mixture of emotions – the lines of friendship blurring before your eyes.
“You don't find it weird do you?” Seonghwa says breaking the heavy tension that suddenly coated the room.
“Find what weird?” You question, not sure as to what Seonghwa is asking.
“Us being together, as nine.”
You realise Seonghwa is inquiring about the group's dynamic and relationship. 
“Not really…” you start, not knowing if you should disclose your worries with Seonghwa, yet when you see the pleading look on his features, you feel your walls breaking, “honestly I'm just worrying whether I'll fit in, you guys are so close. I don't know if I will be able to be good enough for you guys.” You admit, feeling slightly embarrassed to be admitting such information.
“___,” Seonghwa says your name softly, feeling awfully upset you would even think you weren't good enough to be with them. “You are perfect for us, you don't need to worry about anything. There is nothing you could ever do that would make us think you don't belong with us. If anything, we don't deserve you. The kindness you have shown us, despite the rumours, despite everything has shown us enough. Whether it is with us or not, we just want you to be happy, you deserve to be happy.”
Gently, you cast a grateful glance towards Seonghwa, feeling a rush of emotions as his words wash over you. They bring both comfort and solace, embracing you in a tender embrace of understanding and support. It stays silent for a while as you let his words touch your heart. 
“I’m doing better…” Seonghwa says, once again breaking the silence and you wonder as to why he suddenly uttered those specific words.
When you shoot him a perplexed glance, Seonghwa responds with a soft chuckle, sensing your confusion. He then proceeds to clarify his statement with a reassuring tone.
“Back when you found me on the rooftop…” Seonghwa trails off as he sees the way you hold your breath reminiscing the night, he relaxes slightly as you nod at him to continue, ignoring the sudden surge of negative emotions clouding your vision. 
“The boys encouraged me to seek help. I was feeling so lost and overwhelmed, like I was carrying the weight of the world on my shoulders. But I took that first step, and it changed everything. My therapist helped me understand myself on a level I never thought possible,” Seonghwa pauses, trying to gauge your reaction.
“I’m so happy for you Seonghwa, truly. That is amazing.” Seonghwa helping himself, becoming better and finally feeling alive truly brings happiness to your soul. 
“When I heard you were in this school, I was really nervous at first, I was scared you were going to see me as the guy from high school who was constantly bothering you.”
Seonghwa huckles along with you, the shared laughter carries the weight of old memories and newfound understanding. You can't help but reminisce about the times when Seonghwa would follow you around school like a loyal companion, a testament to his friendship, even if it did sometimes border on being a little bothersome.
“I was worried you were going to be a different person completely, but when I saw you again for the first time in years, even though you have changed physically, you were definitely still the same.”
“What do you mean?” You question, not sure what his words mean.
“Your laugh, your voice, your humour, your kindness, your eyes. They are all the same as back then. But your eyes, they are brighter now, happier. You are just as, if not, even more, beautiful.” Seonghwa admits, “I don’t think I can lose you again.”
Silence falls upon the two of you as you let the tender words of the man in front of you sink in. The words of love play with your heartstrings, making your end decision even more daunting.
"I don't know what to do," you finally whisper, your voice breaking and Seonghwa immediately realises you are speaking of the confession and proposition, “I like you, all of you, yet it just seems so fast, so new.”
Seonghwa listens to your confession and when he senses the depth of your reciprocated feelings, a whirlwind of emotions engulfs him. He feels like he's floating on cloud nine, as if he's on the brink of something incredibly special and profound. Your words have touched him in a way that nothing else ever has. It's a feeling of euphoria, knowing that the person he cares about so deeply shares those same sentiments.
However, beneath this elation, he also senses the subtle undercurrent of fear and hesitation in you. It's completely understandable after so many years of being apart. The prospect of starting a new chapter, especially one as significant as a romantic relationship, can indeed be daunting. Seonghwa empathises with your feelings entirely.
Yet, despite the uncertainty and the challenges that lie ahead, he can't help but yearn for your affection and the chance to call you his own. The connection you share, one that has spanned years and endured the test of time, is something he cherishes deeply.
In Seonghwa's chest, his heart beats with a mixture of excitement and patience. He knows that these things take time, and he's willing to take it one step at a time with you, ensuring that you both feel comfortable and secure in whatever path you choose to explore. For now, he's content with the knowledge that the feelings are mutual, and he's looking forward to seeing where this newfound chapter of your connection will lead.
Seonghwa instinctively reaches for your hand, his touch warm and reassuring, yet as you remember the confession once more, the action of affection makes your reaction extreme, your cheeks heating up, your heart racing faster than usual. 
"We don't have to figure it all out right now," he says gently. "Let's take our time. We'll figure it out together."
“It’s just… I’m still trying to process that you guys are still alive, now I have something else to think about, it all seems too much.”
Seonghwa continues to listen to you and he can almost feel the waves of unease radiating from your very being. It's a raw and vulnerable moment, and he wishes deeply that he could find a way to ease the emotional storm surging behind your eyes.
Unconsciously, his fingers begin to play with yours tenderly. It's a small, comforting gesture, a silent reassurance that he's here, he's present, and he's ready to support you in whatever way you need.
At this moment, Seonghwa isn't focused on any hurry or pressure to define your relationship. Instead, he's fully attuned to your emotions, your concerns, and your hesitations. He knows that sometimes, the most valuable thing he can offer is his patient understanding and unwavering support.
“I’m sorry for not finding you sooner.” He finally speaks, his voice starting to break as he feels his throat tighten up, “I was so lost without you.”
The moment Seonghwa utters those words, you can hear the raw emotion in his voice, and you can see the sincerity in his eyes. His admission that he was lost without you hits you deeply, and it's impossible not to feel the depth of his emotions. The warmth of your touch is a silent reassurance, letting him know that you understand that you've also carried your own share of longing and uncertainty.
"I'm here now," you say softly, your voice filled with understanding and compassion. "Sometimes life takes us on different paths, but we find our way back to the people who matter most."
Seonghwa's eyes glisten with unshed tears, and he nods, his thumb caressing the back of your hand. In this moment of shared vulnerability, you both find comfort in each other's presence, knowing that the past is behind you and the future is filled with possibility.
“Seonghwa,” You begin to call the man’s name, recognising the way he is starting to succumb to his emotions.
“There is not a single day that went by without us regretting leaving you. We just had to make sure it was safe for you before we came back.”
His heartfelt words pierce your heart, leaving your mind a mess.
“It’s okay, I’m here now. I won’t leave you, any of you.”
In the hushed stillness of the room, you raise the hand that was resting underneath his, to delicately caress Seonghwa's cheek, cupping it tenderly. Your touch is gentle, like a soothing relief to his heartache. With a soft stroke of your thumb, you wipe away the tears cascading down his beautiful face, a gesture of comfort that speaks volumes.
When you reach your other hand to cup his entire face, the sensation sends shivers down his spine. The tenderness of your touch makes his heart race with a mixture of emotions. It feels like it has been an eternity since he felt the warmth of your hands on his skin, and in this moment, it feels like an unsaid accomplishment, a connection he had yearned for, an action he has only seen in his dreams, finally being a reality brings warmth to his entire soul.
Tears continue to fall from his eyes, but your presence, your touch, makes him feel seen and understood in a way he has never imagined, yet he no longer knows if the tears are from sorrow or pure happiness. It's as if the weight of his emotions can finally be shared, knowing that you are there to offer solace and support. In the quiet intimacy of this moment, he finds himself silently thanking fate for bringing him to your room tonight.
The world seems to fade away as Seonghwa places his hands gently on top of yours, his touch sending a rush of warmth through your entire being. In this tender moment, you become highly aware of the intimate proximity between the two of you. Your faces mere inches apart, and as you lock eyes with him, time seems to stand still.
Despite the urge to move away, your body seems to have a will of its own, keeping you locked in this position. It's as if the universe conspired to bring you together in this moment, and you find yourself unable to resist the magnetic pull drawing you closer to him.
The softness of his gaze, the way his eyes seem to hold a world of unspoken emotions, leaves you captivated. In this delicate embrace, you feel a sense of vulnerability, as if a barrier that once separated you has been lifted, allowing your hearts to commune in a profound and intimate way.
The air around you is charged with unspoken desires and untamed emotions. Your heart races, torn between the familiarity of friendship and the allure of something more. There is a soft tension in the air, like a dance between two souls on the precipice of a love that has been silently blooming.
Continuing to gaze into each other's eyes, the depth of your connection becomes undeniable. It's a moment of reckoning, where you know you must confront the feelings that have been swirling within you both. Yet, in this suspended moment, the fear of the unknown fades, replaced by serene acceptance of the present.
In this captivating scene, you allow yourself to be immersed in the depth of your emotions, knowing that there is also beauty in the uncertainty, in the uncharted territories of the heart. As you share this intimate space with Seonghwa, you feel a sense of wonder, a willingness to explore the unspoken desires that have led you to this enchanting moment.
As the air crackles with unspoken desires, a gentle breeze seems to sweep through the room, carrying an air of anticipation. Neither of you can deny the magnetic pull drawing you closer, and in this intimate moment, you both surrender to the unspoken feelings that have been lingering between you.
“____,” Seonghwa calls your name softly, gazing deeply into your eyes, “I don’t know if I can live without you.”
Staying silent, you aren’t too sure how to respond, the heaviness of the confession making you too flustered to respond.
“You don’t have to say anything, I just needed you to know.”
Seonghwa's hands remain atop yours, his touch a comforting anchor as you lean in ever so slightly.
“Hwa.” You catch the man’s attention with the old nickname, making his heart race even quicker in his chest. Feeling confident, you slowly start to close the gap between your lips, until they are just a breath away from each other. 
“Can I…” Seonghwa begins before taking a deep, nervous breath in, “kiss you?” Seonghwa whispers, centimetres away from your lips. It takes you less than a few seconds to reply, even though your heart is beating out of your chest, you gently accept. 
With a mix of nervousness and excitement, you close your eyes, savouring the tingling anticipation that courses through your veins.In this suspended moment, time ceases to exist as your lips finally meet in a tender kiss. It's a soft and hesitant exploration, as if both of you are testing the waters of this new intimacy. The touch of his lips against yours sends a quake of delight down your spine, igniting a warmth in your heart that you can't quite put into words. His lips are soft as they move slowly against yours, testing the waters, seeing what you are comfortable with.
Instinctively your bodies draw closer, seeking relief in each other's embrace. The world outside fades away as you lose yourselves in the intoxicating taste of his plump lips. Finding yourself getting drunk off of the way his lips feel against yours, you hesitantly pull away, scared that you will fall in too deep, or make Seonghwa uncomfortable with the sudden rush of love and lust that you begin to feel.
Pulling away, your eyes meet once again with Seonghwa’s brown ones, and you are shocked by the sight. His usual round, soft eyes, now blown out and hooded, an indescribable emotion coursing through his veins.
Before you can utter a single word, you find yourself enveloped in Seonghwa's embrace, his strong arms securely wrapping around your waist as he effortlessly lifts you onto his lap. Your legs settle on either side of his body, the soft carpet cushioning your knees as your chest presses flat against his. The closeness of your bodies sends a surge of electricity through you, and yet, there is an overwhelming sense of comfort in this intimate position.
Gazing into Seonghwa's eyes, you see a mix of desire, lust and tenderness reflected in his gaze. He's careful to gauge your reaction, making sure you are comfortable with this new closeness. Without hesitation, you offer him a reassuring smile, your heart pounding with excitement and anticipation.
When his lips find yours once more, and this time the kiss is less gentle, Seonghwa’s tongue poking at the entrance of your mouth, and you feel an unspoken longing and passion. It's a connection that feels natural and familiar, as if your souls have been searching for this closeness all along. The way his warm lips caress yours is powerful, and you find yourself melting into the embrace, savouring the sensation of being so close to him. The kiss becomes messy as you allow his tongue to enter your mouth, dancing together as you press your body closely against his. Instinctively, you wrap your arms around Seonghwa’s neck, tilting your head to further deepen the intense kiss.
Seonghwa's arms encircle you, holding you close as if he never wants to let go. The world around you seems to fade away, and all that matters is the intimacy of this moment and the way his lips fit so perfectly against yours, the way his touch makes you feel cherished, adored, and hot, so hot.
As the kiss deepens, the boundaries between friendship and something more blur, and you realise that this is a connection that goes beyond labels and definitions. It's a love that defies explanation, a bond that has been quietly growing between you for years.
Seonghwa's touch ignites a fire within you, and you find yourself craving more of his affection, his warmth, his love. It's a feeling that is both thrilling and comforting, like coming home to the one person who understands you in a way no one else can.
His arms begin to rub up and down your back, gently passing underneath your night shirt and landing on your bare hips, gently caressing the bare skin. The warmth of his hands causes a small gasp to emit from your throat, jolting you slightly, making your hips rub gently against Seonghwa’s crotch.
“Fuck, angel.” Seonghwa's low groan reverberates through both of you, the sudden nickname sending shivers down your spine, straight to your core. The way he pulls you even closer, wrapping his arms, still underneath your shirt, tightly around your waist, creates an intoxicating sensation that leaves you breathless. Your skin pressed against his feels like a perfect fit, as if you were always meant to be in this embrace. The raw intimacy of the moment leaves both of you feeling lost in a whirlwind of emotions and sensations.
Seonghwa pulls away from your lips, and you are about to protest, yet the complaints die in your throat as his lips trail to the curve of your neck causing your heart to race, your senses heightened by every touch. He peppers small kisses down the curve of your neck, gently nibbling on the flesh.
The world around you fades into the background, and all that exists is you and Seonghwa. His hands explore the contours of your body with a gentleness that contrasts with the intensity of his desires. Every caress and every whisper of his breath against your skin ignites a fire within you, and you find yourself surrendering to the passion that courses through your veins.
“Seonghwa,” you whisper, your voice almost getting caught in your throat.
“Yes, angel?” Seonghwa mutters against the skin of your neck.
Unconsciously, the nickname causes you to move your hips against the males, desperately wanting a reaction from him. The deep groan that reverberates from his throat leaves you both satisfied and craving for more simultaneously.
“___,” Seonghwa stutters out, the sudden boldness of your movements leaving his head spinning, “we should stop,” 
Pulling away slowly, you give him a worried look, hoping dreadfully you haven't crossed a boundary. Seonghwa gently chuckles at the cute look on your face.
Pinching your cheek softly, he speaks again, “we just started, I want to take my time with you.”
Seonghwa's statement washes over you like a gentle wave, stirring up a delightful mix of excitement and nervousness that sends butterflies fluttering in your stomach. Without hesitation, he draws you close once more, enveloping you in a comforting embrace that radiates warmth and affection. As you rest your head in the crook of his neck, you find yourself basking in the tender intimacy of the moment, cherishing the precious connection you share.
“You should get to sleep, we are going shopping early tomorrow.” Seonghwa’s deep voice reverberates in your ear, sending shivers down your spine.
“Are we going shopping?” You question, feeling a sudden rush of sleepiness overcoming your senses. 
Nuzzling your head even closer into the crook of Seonghwa's neck, you sense the gentle thump of his heart escalating, mirroring the accelerated rhythm of your own. Although you can’t see it, Seonghwa’s cheeks are a blazing hot shade of red as he tries to calm himself from going further. He realises that pushing you to do something when you're already confused is not the right option. As much as Seonghwa wishes to take you, claim you right here, like he has been dreaming for years, he waits patiently, not wanting to overwhelm you. The lingering effect of the shared kiss intensifies the moment, making it all the more electrifying and unforgettable.
"Let's get you to bed, angel," Seonghwa whispers tenderly, his hold around your waist tightening as he firmly presses your body against his own, lifting you both effortlessly from the floor. Your legs instinctively coil around his waist, and as he carries you towards the bed, the red blush intensifies on Seonghwa's cheeks, his heart racing with every step. The intimate closeness and the warmth of the moment leave him adorably flustered, but his focus remains on ensuring your comfort and care.
Tucking you in the blankets, he sits by the side of your bed, watching your weary form with a violent blush  and a wide smile covering his entire face. 
"Goodnight, Seonghwa," you mumble softly, settling into the cosy embrace of your pillow. Witnessing your endearing gesture, Seonghwa feels his heart swell with affection, amazed at how he could fall even deeper for you, a feeling he once thought was impossible. As he watches over you, he can't help but feel grateful for the precious moments shared and the special connection that continues to grow between the two of you. With a gentle smile, he lingers for a moment, savouring the sight of you before finally whispering his own goodnight, his heart full of fondness and admiration. Departing from your bedroom with a satisfied smile on his face, Seonghwa heads straight for his bathroom, desperately needing a cold shower to calm his thoughts of you situated in his lap, looking so pretty. He definitely needs to clear those thoughts before he finds himself running back to your bedroom.
The soft morning light gently filters through the curtains, causing you stir from your slumber, a warm and blissful feeling spreading through your entire being. You can't help but smile as the memory of the tender kiss you shared with Seonghwa last night floods your mind, filling you with a sense of giddiness and butterflies in your stomach. The way his lips touched yours lingers in your thoughts, leaving you feeling loved and cherished.
With a contented sigh, you stretch your limbs beneath the soft sheets and sit up, the room enveloped in a soft glow that seems to match the radiance in your heart. You can't wait to see your roommates, to share the joy of this morning with them and bask in the warmth of their presence.
Getting up from your bed, the floor feels cool against your feet, contrasting with the warmth in your heart. You take your time getting ready, savouring each moment as you brush your hair and wash your face. There's an air of excitement and anticipation building within you, eager to embrace the day ahead and the company of your dear roommates.
Making your way to the kitchen, the aroma of breakfast fills the air, and your senses are treated to a delightful feast. To your delight, all eight of your friends are gathered at the counter, and you can't help but notice that they all look particularly handsome today, their smiles radiant and welcoming. You aren't sure if it is because of their confession yesterday, or if they always look this good, but something has changed. The sight of them all waiting for you warms your heart, and you feel a mix of gratitude and affection for each member of the group. It's a feeling of belonging and togetherness that washes over you, reinforcing the deep bond you share with them.
Unconsciously, you gravitate towards Seonghwa, the events of last night still at the front of your mind, who beams at your approach with that charming smile that has a way of melting your heart. His eyes light up when he sees you, and the affection in his gaze makes you feel like the most cherished person in the world. 
When you get close to him, he wraps an arm around your waist, pulling you into his side, causing a small yelp of surprise to leave your mouth, the action catching you off guard making you feel awfully warm in the face.
What surprises you is that neither of the seven men around you even flinch, though they send a questioning look to Seonghwa who just gently shrugs, an amused, smug expression gracing his features as he holds you close to him, addicted to the way your body feels against him. 
Unbeknownst to you, yesterday night was very difficult for Seonghwa. In the quiet hours after your time together, his thoughts were consumed by an intense longing. The memory of your closeness lingered, and his yearning for the touch of your body against his became almost overwhelming. Throughout the night, a compelling desire took hold of him, urging him to find any possible way to feel your presence once more. 
He found himself on the brink of leaving his own room multiple times, his heart urging him to seek the physical connection he so deeply carved from you. Each time, he would pull back, reminding himself of the boundaries and the need to respect your space. It was a struggle that played out repeatedly throughout the night, a battle between his longing and his determination to be patient and considerate. Yet now you are here, with your consent, he doesn't feel the need to hold back, wanting to touch you in any way possible.
When you take your seat at the counter, you can't help but notice a bowl of your favourite breakfast waiting for you, a thoughtful gesture from Wooyoung that fills you with warmth. The gesture speaks volumes of the care and consideration your friends have for you, and you feel incredibly fortunate to be surrounded by such loving and attentive individuals.
“I hope it tastes nice.” Wooyoung says, a shy tone to his voice that has you surprised, wondering where his usual flirty, playful self is.
"I'm sure it's lovely, Woo," you reply with a playful tone, using the endearing nickname that sends delightful shivers cascading down Wooyoung's spine. The affectionate term fills his chest with pride and joy, revelling in the fact that you chose a cute name to address him. The sweet exchange between the two of you leaves Wooyoung with a heartwarming sense of happiness and admiration for you.
Munching away on the food, you allow yourself to completely relax as the flavours of the food warm and caress your tongue.
"Are you coming to the mall with us today?" Yeosang is situated on the other side of you and asks in a hushed tone, his eyes filled with hope as he awaits your response. Meanwhile, the other seven members are deeply engrossed in a somewhat serious yet lighthearted debate about whether butts are considered as two or one. Despite their lively discussion, Yeosang remains focused on your answer, eager for you to join them on the outing.
"Yes, I think so. I desperately need some new clothes," you reply with a smile, feeling the warmth of Yeosang’s undivided attention as he turns his entire body towards you, clearly focused on your words. The genuine interest he shows in your plans for the day brings a sense of connection, making you even more eager to spend time with the group. Excitement builds as you look forward to the fun outing with your friends, hoping it will be a memorable day spent together.
Yet something suddenly nags at your mind, causing you to feel a little vulnerable. “Aren't you worried about being seen with me in public? I don't think people would be happy with me being around you.”
“We don't care what people think, you are one of us.” he says, his tone soft as he peers at your flustered reaction, a smile graces his face.
You feel a rush of flustered emotions as you notice Yeosang's gaze lingering on your lips before returning to your eyes. The memory of the kiss shared with Seonghwa last night briefly crosses your mind, sparking curiosity about what it might be like to kiss the others. However, you quickly push those thoughts away, not wanting to get carried away and get your hopes up too high.
Yeosang, seemingly pleased with your reaction, gently smirks before turning back to the group. Little does he know, his actions have left you feeling even more flustered. As you watch him, you can't help but wonder how he might flirt with you and what that could lead to. The possibility of such interactions excites you, but you also remind yourself to be cautious and not read too much into it.
In his own silent moment, Yeosang decides to take some pointers from Wooyoung on flirting, hoping to make you smile and blush like this forever. The prospect of seeing your cute flustered face becomes a delightful goal, one he can't wait to achieve.
The late morning sun casts a golden glow on the bustling streets as you and your roommates step out of the white house. Due to the large shopping mall being a short walk away, the nine of you decide to walk there to enjoy the warm sun, the excitement in the air is palpable. You had mentioned that you needed some new clothes, and the eight men were more than eager to join you on this shopping adventure.
Walking to the mall turned out to be quite the amusing experience. As the group strolled along, you found yourself at the back, flanked by Wooyoung and San, who adamantly refused to let anyone else take their spot next to you. Their sweet insistence brought a warm blush to your cheeks, and you couldn't help but feel flattered by their attention.
Seonghwa and Mingi, not ones to back down easily, bickered with Wooyoung and San, each vying for the chance to be by your side during the walk there. The friendly competition for your company added a playful dynamic to the group, and even Hongjoong couldn't resist getting involved, trying to mediate the situation.
In the end, Hongjoong managed to calm the playful dispute, promising Seonghwa, Mingi, and the others that they could take turns to walk with you on the way back home. Although the rest of the group may have been sulking slightly at not being able to be next to you now, they all understood the importance of sharing the time with you and were happy to have their chance later.
Arriving at the grand entrance of the shopping mall, your eyes widen in awe. The place is massive, with countless stores, boutiques, and displays that promise a shopping experience like no other. You are not able to contain your excitement and feel a flutter of anticipation in your chest.
Strolling through the mall, the group seems to split into smaller clusters, each one of your roommates offering to accompany you to different sections based on your fashion preferences. 
“Are you guys sure you don't need anything?” You question for the third time as they refuse to look in any shop that you walk past.
Upon hearing a chorus of playful "no's" filling the air, you can't help but roll your eyes with a mixture of amusement and affection. Their stubbornness to stay by your side, despite knowing it makes your heart race, only serves to make you appreciate their care and attention even more. It's endearing to see how much they value being with you, and while their determination might fluster you, it also warms your heart to know how cherished you are within the group.
When you reach a particular clothing store, which you usually shop at, you are happy to see they have sales on a lot of clothes. Making your way in, you giggle at the way the eight aimlessly follow you in. They disperse slightly, looking at many different clothing racks, searching for something that would suit you, or something they would like to see you wearing.
Wandering through the racks of clothes, you notice Wooyoung seems particularly focused. He keeps scanning the dresses with a determined expression, occasionally pulling one off the rack to examine it closely. It's clear that he's on a mission, and you can't help but wonder what he's up to.
"Hey, Wooyoung, find anything interesting?" you question, curious about his intent.
Wooyoung turns to you with a mischievous grin, his eyes sparkling with excitement. "Oh, just looking for something special," he replies cryptically.
You raise an eyebrow, intrigued by his mysterious response. The boys exchange knowing glances, clearly in on whatever plan Wooyoung has hatched. It seems as if they have a small mission in their minds.
A little while later, Wooyoung finally emerges from the racks of dresses, triumphantly holding one up for you to see. "Look! This would look stunning on you," Wooyoung, exclaims, holding up a beautiful black dress that caught his eye. It definitely isn't your style, so you wonder as to why he would ask you to try it on.
You examine the short, form-fitting dress that Wooyoung kindly offered, you realise it's not your usual style, and you feel hesitant about trying it on, especially since it's on the sexier side and not something you'd typically wear. Before you can politely decline, San appears at your side, expressing his agreement with Wooyoung's suggestion. He wraps an arm around your shoulder in a tender gesture, encouraging you to give it a try while also assuring you that it's entirely your choice.
Touched by their compliments and support, you gently accept the dress, feeling grateful for their thoughtfulness. With a slightly doubtful smile, you make your way to the changing room, and to your surprise, you notice that all of them follow you eagerly, clearly invested in how you'll look in the dress. 
“Guys you don't all need to come.” You exclaim, chuckling at their eagerness, “it’s just a dress.”
“We have never seen you in a dress before,” Mingi replies, an adorable pout on his face, the others agreeing with him. Chuckling again, you turn around to walk into the changing room. Inside the changing room, you slip into the dress, feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness. You realise this must've been their plan and you chuckle to yourself at the thought of them conspiring for this very moment. It gives you a boost of confidence knowing they are eager to see you dressed up nicely.
Standing in the changing room, you find yourself struggling to reach the zipper on the back of the dress, you let out a small groan of frustration. You contemplate taking the dress off and giving up on the idea of trying it on. However, in that moment, a mischievous idea crosses your mind, and a playful smirk appears on your face.
Deciding to have a little fun with the situation, you poke your head out of the changing room, leaving the zipper undone deliberately and you see eight faces waiting patiently. 
You gently call out to the men outside, "Hey, I might need a little help here."
San, Wooyoung, and the others glance your way, and their eyes widen when they notice your insinuations. Instantly, they catch on to your playful game, and a mischievous glint appears in their eyes as well.
Wooyoung quickly volunteers, stepping forward with a grin, "I'll help!"
The others slightly grumble, falling back into their seats as you allow Wooyoung to make his way into the changing room, where you hold up the dress with your arms. Noticing the way Wooyoung's eyes are chasing your form up and down, you feel a surge of confidence rush through your body. Maybe trying on this dress wasn't such a bad idea after all. 
With a teasing smile, you turn around, allowing Wooyoung to reach for the zipper. As his fingers brush against your bare back while he gently pulls up the zipper, a shiver runs down your spine, and you can't help but exchange a knowing look with him through the mirror. When his eyes meet yours, you notice the dark look coating his eyes, making your knees feel weak. 
“How does it look?” You whisper, suddenly feeling a little insecure at how tight the dress is. 
Wooyoung's fingers glide slowly from the zipper of the dress to your hips, where he gently pulls you closer against his body, his chest now pressed against your back. The proximity between you two sends a shiver through your body, and your heart races with a mixture of excitement and anticipation.
His hands gently massage your hips, and Wooyoung can't help but revel in the sensation of your touch against his skin. The way your bodies fit together creates a warm and intimate connection that has him feeling drunk off of your touch. He suddenly feels immensely grateful that you trusted him to come into the dressing room, along with letting him see you in the dress first. 
“It looks amazing,” Wooyoung whispers in your ear, his lips brushing your earlobe, he continues, “You’d look better without it.” His words cause another shiver to ripple through your body, the insinuations of his words has your head spinning.
“Wooyoung, behave.” Hongjoong’s authoritative voice sounds from behind the curtain of the dressing room and you realise that the seven on the other side must have heard what Wooyoung uttered.
Playfully rolling his eyes, Wooyoung reluctantly moves away from your body, grumbling under his breath. Once the curtain opens, you turn around to face the group, playfully twirling in the dress, feeling a newfound confidence and excitement. 
Emerging from the fitting room, you're greeted by a symphony of reactions from your roommates. Mingi and Seonghwa’s expressions border on awe, their mouths hanging slightly agape as they drink in the way the dress contours your figure. Yeosang and Jongho, aware of their own reactions, quickly avert their gaze, trying to avoid any obvious signs of their appreciation for the dress on you.
Yunho and San's widened eyes trace your silhouette, an unspoken admiration evident in their glances. They want you to feel comfortable but can't help conveying how striking you look, their stare piercing you. Hongjoong, known for his unreadable demeanour, studies you intently, his features carefully neutral. When your curious gaze meets his, he raises an eyebrow in a challenge, his lips curling into a smirk as he openly checks you out.
In a playful move, you send a teasing wink his way, a side of you he rarely witnesses. The effect is immediate, causing a noticeable flush to creep up Hongjoong's cheeks. His eyes widen slightly in surprise at your flirtatious gesture, and you can practically see the wheels turning in his mind. Your unexpected action has triggered a shift in his usually composed demeanour, stirring a rush of thoughts and feelings that he's unaccustomed to.
The contrast between your usual innocence and this unexpected flirtation leaves Hongjoong's heart racing and his mind aflutter with indecent notions. Your playfulness has caught him off guard, and it's evident in the way his cheeks continue to heat up. The dynamic between you two has shifted momentarily, and the lingering effects of your flirtatious exchange are bound to make the day even more interesting. 
"You look stunning!" Mingi exclaims, his eyes bright with admiration.
"You were right. This dress is perfect for her," San chimed in, his eyes not leaving the dress hugging your body.
“I’ll go pay for it,” Hongjoong says, getting off the chair he was comfortably resting in. 
“What? No, I'll pay.” You insist, trying to chase after Hongjoong, who just sends you a sweet smile before heading towards the exit of the fitting rooms. 
“Bring it to me when it's off, love.” he says before turning away to walk off, yet he stops and quickly turns around to meet your eyes again, swiftly he looks you up and down, before smiling again, “you look beautiful.” 
Once again, Hongjoong moves to the exit, some of the others following him, not before glancing at you one more time, to make sure the image of you in the dress stays in their minds. You attempt to follow him, not wanting him to pay for something like this. Yet, Wooyoung, who is still in the changing room, swiftly grabs your hand,  gently pulling you back into the cubicle.
“He likes to pay for things, it’s how he shows his affection, amongst other ways…” Woooyoung trails off and you can’t help but wonder what he is implying, “now, do you need help taking it off too?” 
“Wooyoung.” It is San whose voice sounds this time, causing Wooyoung to playfully roll his eyes.
It's just this dress, you tell yourself.
Unbeknownst to you, a pair of eyes diligently observes your every gesture from across the expanse of the clothing store. A faint scowl adorns their features as they take in the scene playing out before them. Arched eyebrows frame their intent gaze, as they persist in their scrutiny, trying to think of where they've encountered you in the past. Curiously, the sight of your seemingly contented presence among the group of eight men evokes an unease within them. Finally they have found Ateez, yet they are extremely unaware as to who you are.
As the day wears on, you notice that your friends seem to be going out of their way to impress you. They help you find the perfect clothes, hold doors open for you, and even sneak in small gestures of affection, like stealing glances or offering gentle touches on your arm. Seonghwa skillfully manoeuvres his arm around your waist as the two of you walk side by side, gently tugging you closer to his side. His touch creates a sense of intimacy. Resting his chin on your shoulder, he conveys a silent closeness, a shared moment of connection that transcends words. The warmth of his body against yours and the weight of his chin on your shoulder create a comforting sensation.
"Wait, this sweater looks so cosy. You have to try it on!" Jongho insisted, handing you a soft, knitted sweater that looked like it would be perfect for chilly evenings.
"And these shoes! They would go perfectly with that dress you tried earlier," Yunho adds, bringing over a pair of elegant black shoes.
Continuing the shopping spree at the large mall, you can’t help but be flattered by their attention and affection. Every time you pause to admire an item for a little too long, one of the eight men would quickly grab it off the rack, insisting on buying it for you. It was both endearing and overwhelming to see their determination to spoil you  with gifts, no matter how hard you try to protest.
Trying on each item, you can't help but marvel at how well your roommates know your style and preferences. Their attention to detail and the effort they put into finding clothes that suit your taste makes your heart swell with gratitude.
The more the shopping bags pile up, the more you protest, telling them that they do not need to buy everything you like. Alas, your roommates are insistent, assuring you that they want to spoil you and show their appreciation for your presence in their lives.
During a quick break at a coffee shop, you find yourself sitting next to Yunho, who has been rather quiet this entire trip, it seems as if there is something on his mind, bothering him. When you look over to him, you notice he is peering at you with a fond expression. He takes a deep breath, as if he is gathering the courage to say something important, the tips of his ears turning a dark shade of red.
"Hey, I just wanted to let you know that... I really care about you," he begins, his voice hushed, soft and earnest , the traces of nervousness evident in his tone. The abrupt confession momentarily leaves you in a state of astonishment, as the unexpected display of affection from him causes your heart to quicken its pace. 
Throughout the day, you've been consistently taken aback by the sudden surge of affection from every man. Normally, the casual slight flirting is something you’ve become accustomed to, but now it has escalated to an intense level, and the realisation that there are deeper emotions beneath their words leaves you feeling light-headed and in a perpetual state of fluster.
"Later, can we talk, one on one, just us two? You deserve an apology and an explanation for my behaviour." Yunho continues.
“I’d love that Yunho.” You smile at the man, who looks exactly like a puppy as his eyes light up with happiness.
His confession leaves your heart pounding in your chest, and before Yunho can respond, Jongho approaches the two of you with a smile on his face. "Don't forget about me," he says playfully, though there is a hint of sincerity in his eyes. "I feel the same way. You're truly special to all of us."
Their sincere words have a profound effect on you, causing a rush of warmth to spread throughout your being. The honesty in their expressions and the depth of their feelings touch you deeply, leaving you unable to hide the telltale signs of your emotions. Your cheeks flush with a gentle heat, the emotions swirling within you.
When the day draws to a close, you leave the mall with bags filled with new clothes and hearts full of cherished memories. Realising that you are indeed fortunate to have such incredible people in your life who love you so deeply.
Making your way home, arms laden with shopping bags, you feel an overwhelming sense of happiness and belonging. The affectionate gestures of your roommates have touched you deeply, and you know that you are truly surrounded by people who care for you. In the end, it wasn't just about the clothes or the gifts; it was about the love and warmth that flowed between you. Settling back into the house, you can’t help but smile as you look around at your roommates, each one beaming with happiness. 
“I am going to put all this stuff away,” you exclaim, announcing your short departure.
"Hey, just so you know, dinner will be ready in about an hour or two," Yunho calls out to you as you busily move the numerous bags into your room. With a quick thumbs-up in his direction, you respond in a light-hearted manner, before disappearing behind your closed bedroom door. Your actions prompt a soft chuckle from him, finding your response quite endearing and cute.
Alone in the quiet of your room, you take a deep breath, attempting to steady the rising tide of anxiety that threatens to engulf you. Today had been a day unlike any other, filled with warmth that had, for a fleeting moment, lifted your spirits. The kindness and affection of the boys had been a balm to your soul, enveloping you in a sense of belonging that you hadn't felt in a while.
Reflecting on the day's events, you're struck by a poignant realisation – it was indeed one of the best days you've had in a long time. Laughter, shared moments, and the genuine care of your roommates were woven together to create memories that you'll treasure. And yet, despite the joy that had enveloped you, a shadow of apprehension had loomed over the day, casting a veil of unease over your experience.
The sensation of being watched, the lingering feeling that someone was trailing your every move, had been a constant presence in the back of your mind. It had woven its way into the fabric of your day, colouring even the happiest moments with a sense of discomfort. The weight of someone's presence, real or imagined, clung to you like a second skin, refusing to be shaken off.
Her face was everywhere and the worst thing is, you feel like you’ve seen it before.
⇢ taglist: @lilactangerine @plutoneu @abby-grace @sunkissed725 @lixiel0ver @acciocriativity @hyukssunflower @sunukissed @khjcoo @stopeatread @meginthebuilding27 @mychickentendou @sunnyhokyu @rxnexxi @croa-yevon @arabelleum @randomness7198 @dysftopia @lucymultistan @sookacc @starillusion13 @daceydeath @theamazinggrace-000 @smilingtokki @hasgalore @pytssamworld @just-a-really-bored-kpop-fan @satsuri3su
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if you asked to be tagged and do not see your name it is because you cannot be tagged. I am not ignoring you/haven't seen your request. I apologise for the inconvience.
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eksvaized · 3 months
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Part One König / Ghost / Reader [ Previous 〡 Next ] ︱AO3 ︱Wattpad ︱ taglist: - (if you want to be added - let me know!)
since I finished editing 'just friends', I decided to rewrite & edit this story, so I hope you'll enjoy the new version! <3
Each morning, you awaken alone. The enormous bed, once filled with warmth, now cold and empty. Today, your morning isn't any different from the countless ones that have come before. As you roll onto your side, your hand stretches out, tracing the cool, empty expanse of the mattress. Your fingers curl around the frosty pillow, its fabric still bearing the faintest scent of him. You draw it closer to you, clutching at it in a futile attempt to fill the void that is left by your boyfriend and his lack of presence.
A sigh, barely audible, escapes your lips as a wave of loneliness engulfs you. Its icy tendrils wrap tightly around your heart, constricting it in a bitter reminder of your solitude. You yearn for a morning where you can flutter open your eyes to find König next to you, his arms securely wrapped around your body, his breath warm against your skin. You long to see him still sleeping, his face relaxed in peaceful slumber, instead of disappearing and getting out of bed as soon as the first rays of sunshine peek through the window. A longing for the soft whispers of "good morning" and the gentle comfort of his embrace fills you, making the emptiness of the bed all the more pathetic.
The first two years of your relationship with König were great. You were happy, genuinely happy, and over the moon because you finally had someone in your life, who truly cared about you, who showered you with attention and affection, and even lavished you with expensive gifts. You felt cherished and valued, and it was a feeling unlike anything you had ever experienced before.
However, as of late, König has transformed into someone unrecognizable. He is still your boyfriend; you love him very much, and he probably loves you even more. Yet, his demeanour, his behaviour, and the manner in which he has started to conduct himself have left you in a state of constant questioning. The love you once never doubted now seems uncertain, as his actions and attitude have begun to paint a different picture—he's not the man you met and fell in love with two years ago.
Sometimes, usually after a couple glasses of wine when you've gathered the courage, you dare to confront him about his nonchalant attitude towards you. In these moments of newfound bravery, you bombard him with questions, desperately seeking to understand if it's something you are doing that causes him to act as if he couldn't care less about you or your feelings. But no matter how earnestly you implore, he never gives you the answers you're looking for. He never provides any concrete explanations or reasons for his indifference.
He has a myriad of excuses for why he doesn't want to engage with you about your concerns. The reasons are countless and they change each time, just like shifting sands, always elusive and never consistent. You've heard a variety of them. For instance, he might dismiss your confrontation because of you being wine drunk, suggesting that you should go to bed. Another time, he might say he's too tired to engage in a deep conversation and promise to talk with you in the morning.
But perhaps the one that stings the most, your least favourite, is when he pretends he didn't hear you. Even when you're standing directly in front of him, looking at him with teary eyes, and pouring out your heart, he chooses to feign ignorance and act as though he didn't hear a single word. This cold dismissal is far worse than any words he could say.
Although he's cold with you, he never never displays any outright cruelty. Still, you can't help but notice the chilly detachment that has creeps into his voice when he talks with you. It's as if a frost has settled over your conversations, making each word feel like a shard of ice. Or the flicker of irritation that now seems to have taken up permanent residence in his eyes whenever he comes home and sees you. It's as if he's looking through you rather than at you, seeing not the person you are but the person he wishes you were.
König has constructed around himself an impenetrable wall. A wall so thick and so high that no matter how much you chip away at it, no matter how hard you try to scale its heights, it remains steadfast. It stands there as a constant reminder of the gulf that has opened up between you two—a gulf that seems to widen with each passing day.
You find yourself continuously attempting to convince your own mind that this is merely a fleeting phase, a temporary hiccup in your relationship. Every relationship, after all, has its own set of struggles and hurdles to overcome. It's normal, you tell yourself, maybe all you need to do is to be patient and wait it out. Time has a way of healing wounds and mending bridges, and perhaps a little more of it could be the magic potion that brings everything back to the way it used to be - normal and simple.
However, despite your best efforts to suppress it, there's a harsh, cruel voice that resides in the deepest recesses of your mind, nagging persistently. It casts a dark shadow of doubt over your thoughts, suggesting with an unsettling certainty that maybe, just maybe, the once deep love that existed between you and him is gradually, and painfully, fading away into oblivion.
You are brewing coffee, desperately hoping that the invigorating aroma and the caffeine would help to dissipate the remnants of sleep that linger stubbornly within you. The quiet solitude of the early morning embraces you, punctuated only by the gentle hum of the brewing machine and the occasional chirping of a bird outside.
But suddenly, the tranquillity of the moment shatters like glass as the front door swings open with a force that rings through the house. This abrupt entrance is quickly followed by the distinct, rhythmic thud of heavy boots making their way down the lengthy corridor. Each footfall sends a reverberation through the floorboards. The sound is so familiar, yet it sends a jolt through your heart. You don't even need to turn around to know - König has returned home.
Over the past few weeks, you've found yourself walking on eggshells around him. It feels as though the surrounding air has become thin and brittle, ready to shatter at the slightest misstep. You've been constantly monitoring your words and actions, choosing them with careful deliberation so as not to accidentally exacerbate his increasingly volatile mood, which has been fluctuating more frequently as days pass. But when he finally appears in the doorway of the kitchen, his face etched with deep lines of exhaustion and his eyes vacant, you find the words tumbling out of your mouth before you can stop them.
"What's wrong?"
His response is curt, delivered with an air of finality that leaves no room for further questions. "Nothing you need to worry about, liebling," he says, attempting to alleviate the palpable tension in the kitchen with a smile. But it's strained, fragile, like a piece of glass that's on the verge of shattering. The corners of his lips quiver slightly, an involuntary reaction betraying his inner turmoil. The frown lines etched deep on his forehead refuse to disappear, stubbornly present even as he tries to mask his emotions.
He closes the distance between you, his footsteps echoing in the silence. He leans in to plant a brief, fleeting kiss on your forehead, his lips colder than you remember, their warmth replaced by a chill that sends a shiver down your spine. As he continues his task, his hand reaches up to retrieve a cup from the cupboard above your head. You can't help but notice the new changes in him. His movements lack their usual grace, his touch feels mechanical, and his caresses are devoid of the genuine affection you've grown accustomed to. It's as if he's simply operating on autopilot, his mind evidently elsewhere.
You yearn for him to confide in you, to share his burdens and let you in on the whirlwind of thoughts that seem to be plaguing him. You wish to be his solace, to help him navigate through his sea of worries. More than anything, you want to help him, to alleviate his worries and bring back the man you know and love. But how can you do that if he refuses to let you in, if he remains so stubbornly silent, his emotions locked up tighter than a fortress?
"I'm leaving tomorrow. Have another mission. It's going to be a short one," König finally says, his gaze piercing you with an intensity that suggests he's expecting you to blow up.
However, you strive to maintain your composure. You have no intention of descending into another fruitless argument; every time he leaves after a fight, you feel awful for the way you acted.
"It's only been a week since you've returned home," you say, your eyes focused on the steaming cup cradled in your hands. The heat radiating from the cup is causing your fingertips to tingle, and the steam is lightly brushing against your skin. Despite the discomfort, you hold on to it with a firm grip. "I thought you were going to stay for at least another week. We had plans, remember? You gave me your word—."
He cuts you off before you can complete your sentence. "Plans have changed."
There have been countless times when you've wanted to confront König, to ask him directly why he finds it so challenging to uphold the promises that he so confidently makes. Yet each time you find yourself holding back, fully aware that such a conversation would be futile and would only result in both of you raising your voices in frustration. It has become painfully clear that he has no intention of discussing work-related matters with you.
König has a habit of offering reassurances that are devoid of any real comfort. He frequently insists that it's silly for you to burden your mind with matters that, in his opinion, do not directly concern you. This line of reasoning, though flawed, he presents as if it were an undeniable truth. And if, despite his attempts to dissuade you, you still muster the courage to press further, he always has a fallback. He always abruptly ends the conversation, leaving you hanging with a parting remark that it would be safer, better for you, if you remained ignorant.
* * *
As dawn breaks, you stir from your slumber only to find yourself enveloped once again by the cold emptiness of the bed beside you. The dreary grey skies outside mirror your inner turmoil. Raindrops pitter-patter gently against the windowpane. König didn't even bother waking you up before leaving. Yet, his absence is punctuated by a hastily scrawled note left carelessly on the nightstand. The message is brief and impersonal, leaving a bitter taste in your mouth: 'had to get up early, didn't want to wake you up. see you soon.'
Was it really so difficult to scribble three more words?
With a soft sigh, you whisper into the stillness of the bedroom, "I love you, too." The words, left unsaid by him, hang heavy in the air. You clutch the note in your hand before crumpling it and aimlessly tossing it onto the mattress.
With a great deal of effort, you pull yourself from the warm embrace of the bed, your feet reluctantly making contact with the icy floor beneath. You pause for a second, collecting your scattered thoughts, allowing the remnants of sleep to fade away as you mentally prepare yourself for yet another day.
Slowly, you venture through the hauntingly silent house, each step echoing through the stillness of the early morning. Each room you pass through seems to reverberate with echoes of a thousand memories that seem to cling to the walls and linger in the air. Yet amidst the symphony of remembrances, there's one memory that stands out from the rest, a memory that refuses to be drowned out by the others. It's that heated argument with König, a fiery exchange of words and emotions that took place just a few months ago.
You vividly recall the sting of his dismissive attitude on that day when you bared your soul to him, accusing him bitterly of not taking your relationship as seriously as you did, accusing him of taking your love, your commitment, for granted as if it were an inconsequential thing.
In the depths of your heart, you wished fervently, desperately even, for him to just be honest with you if his feelings for you were slowly fading away, like the last embers of a once roaring fire. You wanted him to admit it if he no longer felt the same passion, the same affection that once seemed to radiate from him like a comforting warmth.
But instead of providing the honesty you craved, he had merely dismissed your concerns, brushed them aside like dust. He told you that you were imagining things, that it was all just a figment of your overactive imagination, assuring you with words that felt hollow, that nothing between you two had changed.
But by the day's end, he had taken a step that had left you reeling in confusion. He had asked you to move in with him, a grand gesture that he believed would dispel your doubts and insecurities, a gesture that he thought would reassure you of his commitment. But instead of providing the comfort he hoped it would, it merely added another layer of complexity to the turbulent sea of emotions within you.
Initially, there was a glimmer of hope, a faint belief that things were on the verge of improving. You harboured the thought that perhaps the physical distance, the living apart, had been the catalyst that dimmed the once vibrant flame of your relationship. However, as each day bled into the next, and weeks morphed into seemingly interminable months, the solitary confinement within these walls began to weigh heavily on you.
The more time you spent alone in this house, the more you found yourself yearning for the familiar corners of your old apartment, regretting the decision to sell it to relocate here. After all, you pondered, what difference does it make where you live? The four walls of a room are just that, and the absence of König made this house feel no different than your old apartment.
What was the point of moving in together if König was always away, prioritising his work and his duty as a soldier above you?
You shake your head, as if physically trying to dispel the thoughts that have begun to creep into your mind. You can't allow yourself to dwell on them any longer, to let them take root and cast a shadow over your day. After all, the day has only just begun and you don't want to end up sulking on the couch, a prisoner in your own home, wallowing in a sea of regret and loneliness.
You stroll into the kitchen. As you slowly approach the counter, your fingers lightly graze the cool, granite surface, your mind whirling with the endless possibilities of what to make for breakfast. Your gaze wanders aimlessly, eventually settling on the window that provides a picturesque view of the neighbourhood.
You squint against the bright sun, your eyes catching an unusual sight - a man, his face damp with sweat under the morning sun, is engaged in an arduous task of moving boxes from a truck to the house across the street. His movements are slow and meticulous, each box handled with care as if they contain something precious.
A new neighbour.
A sense of intrigue washes over you, an irresistible curiosity that grips your very being. It's a magnetic pull that holds your attention captive, rendering you incapable of tearing your gaze away from the scene unfolding before your eyes.
His house lies across the street, a good distance away, yet his features are strikingly apparent and impossible to ignore even from your secluded vantage point in the cosy confines of your kitchen. His stature is tall and imposing, a figure that commands attention. His shoulders are broad, his hair is a dishevelled mess of rich blond locks.
As the day wears on, you find yourself repeatedly drawn to the kitchen window. Every so often, the man would step outside to retrieve yet another box from his truck, providing you with fleeting glimpses of him.
You remind yourself that you are in a committed relationship. You know that ogling other men is not something you should be doing. It's not something you usually do, and it's certainly not something you want to make a habit of.
However, in the recesses of your mind, a voice tries to justify your actions. It whispers, seeking to ease your guilt. You're just looking. That's not really doing anything wrong, right? It's a feeble attempt at rationalizing, but it works nonetheless.
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witchcraft - demon summoning - suggestive themes
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You've been so lonely for far too long. You're tired to be on your own. The yearning you feel for a loving hand, a passionate embrace is overwhelming and it grows heavier day by day. You've come to a point where you can't go on with your day without breaking down, disheartened by the lack of companionship in your life. You feel pathetic... but you also know you can't go on like this any longer.
People have disappointed you far too many times you'd bear to count. You've lost faith in them; in finding a good lover, a partner for life among men. That's why you eventually decide to rely on the dark arts to fill your loneliness and quench your desire.
You've been meddling with spells for a few months now. You wouldn't call yourself a witch exactly, not yet at least, but you're not a total newbie either. It was quite easy for you to find the spell suited for your not so peculiar situation, and although it requires a level of expertise much higher than what you possess, you decide to give it a try anyway. You need to give it a try. What's the worst thing that could happen? It all might simply misfire and you'll end up all alone again. That's what you dread the most.
You gather all you need for the spell and prepare yourself for the moment that could possibly - hopefully - change your life forever. Sitting cross-legged on the floor of your room, you scatter pictures you've gathered from magazines and the Internet on the ground; they portray all kind of people with physical traits you find beautiful and attractive, traits you'd like your companion to have. Then you add a handful of herbs - cinnamon, dandelions, hibiscus, ginger, lemon balm - and a piece of clay, before you shuffle all the ingredients together. The second step is to chant your purposes. And so you sing at the top of your lungs putting your whole heart into it. Your purposes are sincere and deeply felt. You're sure the spirits will sense that and will grant your wishes. You're sure of it.
The flames from the candles placed all around your room start to tremble, casting elongated shadows along the four walls. You can hear disembodied voices chanting back at you. You can feel them inside you, rising, growing, demanding something. They don't speak your language and yet, you know precisely what they ask of you. To fully bond the companion to you, you must mark it, claim it, make it yours. You need to put your very essence into it. And so, without hesitation, your hand slides under your dress, coming into direct contact with your already dripping wet folds. You came prepared to not waste time. You gather your fluids and then drag your slick fingers all over the pictures. Then you collect saliva in your mouth and spit it out on the clay. Lastly, you grab a pin and draw a drop of blood from the pad of your finger, spilling it on the herbs. Once you've smeared your bodily fluids all over the ingredients, you close your eyes and resume your chanting. It only takes a minute until you hear the voices answer once again. They sound louder this time; booming voices that reverberate through your ribcage making you shudder, but not in fear. A smile blooms on your face, your body tingling all over. It's such a pervasive and elated sensation... almost like an orgasm.
The flames of the candles tremble again, harder than before; you can see them dancing on the walls through your closed eyelids. The air around you grows dense. The room seems to move, as if you're stumbling through the dark, intoxicated and almost blinded. Your chest tightens and you feel like you can't breathe anymore. There's no oxygen in the room. It's like everything is on stand-by, waiting for something to happen. For someone to come. Your body shakes, lungs straining, screaming for air. Your eyes snap open and you watch wide-eyed as the room spins all around you, faster, faster, until it abrutly stops, blowing out the candles and leaving you nauseous and dizzy.
A shuddering and loud gasp falls from your mouth as you find yourself able to breathe again. Your hands collide with the floor before you as you quiver and pant heavily. You're sure you almost got yourself killed. Something must have gone wrong, you must have made a mistake at some point... You don't know! You can't see anything, you can't hear anything. You grope blindly at the mess you made to cast the spell; the clay is still just a piece of clay. It should have changed by now! Moulded into the spitting image of your perfect partner. But instead... everything is as it was. It didn't work... You almost died for nothing. You can feel your thoat clenching, your eyes stinging with upcoming tears... It didn't work.
But then... you see something that makes you freeze. Two glowing eyes staring at you from the darkness. They stand low in a corner of the room just opposite you and almost look feline-like. For a moment you think you might have crafted a pet companion instead and you feel some relief in that notion. But that relief is quickly replaced by horror as you hear a grave warm voice booming from the darkness and turning your blood to ice.
"Is it you? Are you the mortal who summoned me?"
"S-s-summoned?" Your voice is as thin as a sheet of paper as you echo back the word. There was no mention of summoning or anything related to that in your spell. Well, not that you remember of... "I wasn't... I didn't-"
The eyes glow brighter as the voice cracks into a laugh, seemingly amused by your reaction.
"You reek of ignorance and..." You hear sniffling. "Foolishness."
You watch paralysed as the eyes start to ascend, rising higher and higher, until they come to hover at least two meters from the floor. What is that?
The voice laughs again, mockingly. "What's the matter? Why so shocked? You haven't seen anything yet, my dear fool."
So it sees you. Whatever that is, it can see you through the pitch black darkness that has swallowed up your room. You have no words. No words to describe what's happening right in front of your eyes. This isn't what should have happened. This is far from the idyllic ending you prospected. Your beautiful, perfectly crafted lover should be standing before you now, ready to cherish you, adore you, worship you...
"I'm afraid you made one too many mistakes to hope to attach your frivolous fantasies on me."
You're speechless. Frozen in terror. Barely able to breathe.
What have you done?
What have you... summoned?"
You can't see it, but you can feel it. You can feel the energy coming off of it. It's powerful. Way more powerful than you. You can't even compare to it.
The glowing eyes seem to silently appraise you, staring straight at you as they hover by the ceiling. You feel bare under such an intese and probing gaze. It's as if it can read your every thought, your every secret, your every desire. It's like it knows you, everything about you. But you don't know anything about it.
"You did manage to do something right, however." It announces, its tone still laced with the taunting edge it had before. "The hardest thing to accomplish, nonetheless."
You jolt as the eyes seem to come closer, to approach you. If you weren't already sitting down, you're sure you would have dropped on the floor by now.
"You... bonded me to you. Marked me. Claimed me. I am yours!" the voice booms, echoing through the room and sending your heart into a frenzy.
"You can't command me." It adds, its tone less harsh but stomach-churning nonetheless. "However, I will serve you."
You gulp as the eyes move even closer, so close that you have to crane your neck up, unable - even if willing - to tear your wide-eyed gaze away. You're not sure what it's saying. Its words make little to no sense to your fuzzy mind. You can even barely hear past your thundering heartbeat. But you believe you picked up on something; apparently, you didn't completely mess it all up. In your ignorance, your foolishness and hastiness, you managed to bond this... creature to you even though you won't have any control over it like you would have had on a clay dummy brought to life. This is a sentient being who will willingly - as much as a summoned creature might still be able to willingly do anything - serve you.
Gods. You can't wrap your mind around this intricate mess... You screwed up, that really goes without saying.
"H-How?" You manage to stutter out in a whisper, finding your voice again, even if only a thread of it. Despite your wobbling legs you're able to pull yourself up and stand somewhat still in front of the dark. "The bond... I mean... How did I manage to...?"
The glowing eyes follow your every move, twinkling slightly in... amusement? Scorn? Disdain? Surprise? You wish you knew.
"Your essence." it answers, placidly. Its tone so warm it nearly has you melting in a puddle. "It was too sweet, too delicious. Powerful." Its voice grows agitated as it adds, "I can still taste it on my tongue."
You gulp. Your essence...? Your... bodily fluids. On its tongue. Too sweet? Too delicious?
You can clearly feel it. Yes, rising in your belly. A hot fizzling sensation starting to pool there. It's different than usual. It's a mix. A potent, overwhelming mix of fear and arousal.
You hear that sniffling again and before you have time to react, you find yourself engulfed by darkness, clenched in an unvisible but very tangible grasp. A low rumbling growl vibrates against your chest, reverbereting through your stomach and settling straight in your core.
The glowing eyes are mere inches away from your face now. They bore right through you, sending thrills coursing along your spine. How you're still managing to breathe and mantain your consciousness is beyond you.
The creature sniffles again. Your eyelids flutter and your breathing falters as you feel something akin to a warm breath tingling the side of your neck.
"I am driven by it." It whispers upon your skin, making every hair stand on end. Your knees buckle under you, your body shuddering in ...pleasure? Terror? You can't separate the two anymore. You can only focus on the clench tightening around you as if to support you, and on the wet feeling of something long and forked lapping at your neck, traveling along your collarbones, up your throat, stopping just a breath from your mouth. Your soul has positively left your body.
You're but putty in the darkness' hold.
"I will need to feed on it. Every day. Until your last breath."
Claws settle at the nape of your neck, scraping at your scalp and tangling in your hair while keeping your head still.
The forked tongue trails the outline of your quivering bottom lip, making your breath hitch. The glowing hypnotic eyes seem to brighten even harder, filled with pure hunger as they stare down at you.
"Let's start with now..."
🪷. You can leave me a tip on ko-fi if you want to support me
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maaarshieee · 2 years
Ok, my first time requesting but can I request Scaramouche x gn! Reader where the reader is his lover and is cursed to turn to stone, and he tries to find a cure for it.
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⎯⎯ ୨ With Me Forever Though Breathless ୧ ⎯⎯
ੈ♡˳ Kunikuzushi/Scaramouche/Wanderer x Gn!Reader *ೃ༄
ੈ♡˳ 2.9k words ┊ Fluff to Angst *ೃ༄
ੈ♡˳ Masterlist | Part 2 *ೃ༄
author's note ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚
truthfully i was gonna decline this but i just had a really good fucking idea the moment i was about to delete it. sorry if it was angst my dearest anon, but this is all i can think of! I've always thought there's always beauty in the last stage of grief in a writer sense. anyways, what do you think of my post format now? hehe, ty for reading! have a good day/night!! i decided to scrap "beliefs" pt 2 to make a pt 2 of this one instead! i promise pt 2 is fluff and shorter!!
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ cw: implied character death, kinda? reader is alive but also not, reader is geo user, non canon occurrences, made up concepts, mentions of reader having a mother, injury, 3.3 spoilers (archon quest) & wanderer lore (kinda? its more evident in pt 2 though)
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Kunikuzushi promised himself two things the day he burnt the straw hut his child friend resided in; rid of these hindrances called emotions and never trust a human once again, to never see one as a companion, just as the same mistake he's done too many times.
After his third betrayal, he was sure that he'd learn from the fallacies of human nature, that at the beginning of his wandering, he'd treat mortals similarly. To never form bonds with the vermin that crawled all corners of Teyvat.
Ignoring the humans that tried to approach in a friendly manner, cursing them away, and disregarding their wellbeing, he wandered alone but often used humans as temporary companions if he ever needed directions.
That continued for many years to come, and his bitter resentment grew inexplicably without cease, only to flourish further into deep hatred. Not only to humanity but to the gods they pathetically worship as well.
And yet when he met you, his resolve crumbled to ashes. Kunikuzushi hadn't meant to leave himself bare and vulnerable for you to take advantage of— Though, you never did such things, it was just a ruse for himself to believe.
Of all the traveling companions he's had so far, you've stuck by his side longer and were more competent in the world of outdoor life. Not to mention that everywhere he seemed to go, people knew of you, albeit only a little. You were eccentric to the people of Inazuma, Liyue, Sumeru— everywhere.
You were similar to him, he mused. Like a feather drifting in the wind, catching the attention of many but your presence was brief as if you were never there, leaving a small imprint in people's memories as you vanish nearly without a trace.
Perhaps that was the reason you've stayed with him for so long, tolerating his arrogant behavior and sharp tongue, countering it smoothly with the same level of riposte. You were truly a human like no other.
Especially when he awakes in the middle of the night, the moon still high up in the skies with ragged breathes and tears staining his crystalline eyes. A light sleeper, you were, so you opt to start the fire once more. A kind gesture to warm himself up from his night terrors, and either walk not too far away to allow himself to recollect himself, or sit somewhere close to him, but also far away enough to not be suffocating in his vulnerable moments.
A cool, tingling feeling spreads throughout his body whenever you do, as well as actions and gestures similar to it. A wave of serenity... The same as he felt when he was back at Tatarasuna. And now, it was too late for him before he'd realized that he yearns for you dearly, much more than he desired to.
Just like that, you've become friends, to the puppet's dismay. The only one who could hold him back from starting fights with your kind, cool his temper bit by bit, and... willing to be his friend, though he never made you promise as he did with his child friend.
One day, you spoke to him with the intention to tease, sitting atop a tree branch whilst he finished setting up your camp for the night, for it was his turn.
"You look down on my kind as if we are insects, correct?" Kunikuzushi let out a drawn-out sigh, prepared to ignore all the words that are about to roll off your tongue, for you often bothered him with baseless questions to pass time. "Why is it you look at me a mite differently?"
Kunikuzushi grabbed the piles of sticks you'd collected beforehand, sat himself down on a log, and began to start a fire, rather irate at the question you asked. "You must've been hallucinating to believe such things." He rebuked, putting a pot over the fire.
Loud shuffling of leaves can be only heard for a while, and he was compelled to sneak a glance at you, only to see you hanging off the branch with your legs, a big wide grin on your face as your continued your observation on him. It made him scoff, muttering; "I hope you fall."
"Hmm, how do I say this..." You hummed in thought, fingers rubbing your chin while Kunikuzushi cooked you a meal. No matter how much he says he hates you, he always insists to cook for you due to your poor cooking abilities. This only became more apparent when you ate burnt meat on a whim, saying 'food is food'.
Jumping down the branch, you took a seat across from him as he passed you a wooden bowl of the soup he made, drooling at the delectable aroma. "You see, back when I was a young bird, before I left my mother's nest to spread my wings and explore Teyvat, I was terrified of insects." You reminisce, expression softening whilst you continued to sip on his soup, the fire reflecting in your eyes warmly, dancing in your irises. Kunikuzushi couldn't bring himself to look away, hands clenching into fists.
"A bird afraid of its own prey?" He mocked with a laugh, a brow raised at your faraway figure, shaking his head once he saw the mess you've accumulated around your lips. "When you're going to start spouting metaphors, think before you speak, else it won't make sense." Kunikuzushi wouldn't help but let out a sigh as he wipes your mouth with a clean cloth.
And you let him, leaning close to him and pouting at his comment, brows furrowed. Deciding to ignore his words, you continued, "And my mother would always tell me that I shouldn't be repulsed by insects! They help spread pollen, eat other pests, and many more, yet I always cried the same thing over and over;
Kill it, mother! I hate things that crawl and dirty!
And my dear mother would sigh with a smile on her lips, looking down at the poor insect. But instead of crushing it, she picks it up and chaperones the innocent bug outside of the confinements of our home, safe and sound."
The puppet stayed silent for the whole duration of your storytelling, and would never admit that he had listened to your every word intently. After you had finished speaking, he asked a rather simple question. "Why?"
And, as such, you gave him that same dazzling smile that makes his breath hitch. "I asked the same question whenever she does it, and her answer is the same as always.
Like insects, they have their own significant duties to fulfill in their short span of lives. Though they aren't as exuberant as a human's life, I just think we all are similar, in a way.
After a few more occurrences like that, I've learnt to admire the beauty within an insect! Its role in the ecosystem, anatomy, and pretty patterns— they're just fascinating!"
Kunikuzushi clicked his tongue when he ascertained that everything you've said bared fruitless to quell his curiosity over the purpose of your storytelling. It was solely what it was, a story you've told to waste his time. (Though he dared not to divulge that it did pique his interest.) "Just what is the relevance of this boring story of yours to your claim of me 'looking at your differently'?" He crossed his arms, waiting for a more befitting answer.
You placed your empty bowl down, staring at him straight into his eyes, cheek on your palm. Kunikuzushi found himself uneased by your watchful gaze. "I just think there's a similarity in our experiences." You confidently stated, "When we first met, your general opinion of me was alike with others of my kind: wretched vermin who is not worth your time. But as minutes turns to hours, and hours turn to days of me being with you, ever so persistent to be your traveling companion, you've grown fond of me, haven't you?"
What a bold claim it was, it even made Kunikuzushi rethink how he felt about you and your constant company. Furrowing his brows, he hung his head, face now hidden under his hat. You simply let out an amused huff, "So much so that instead of squishing me to my death, a small insect, you'd either pick me up and put me somewhere where no other could hurt me or admire me."
As expected, the puppet stood up abruptly from where he sat, turning away from you and straying away from camp, not without saying unpleasantries toward you. "Such a foolish imagination you have. You're nothing but a mere ant I would not hesitate to step on. For now, you are kept alive, for you've proved yourself useful."
You only giggled at his retreating form, shaking your head. You were quite used to his mannerisms at this point, knowing him like the back of your hand.
It was also ironic for Kunikuzushi, for a few days after that night, you had become lovers. And ever since, you've always teased him for his declaration and then after that, he asked the locals of Inazuma about love.
But as you all know, this story will always end in a tragedy. It was just how Kunikuzushi's story was written, and fated to end as if it was merely a tragic drama, similar to the ones you've both seen in traditional theaters during your journey toward nowhere.
It was the day when he committed his 1st betrayal.
Both of you could've made out that fight against a group of rogues unscathed. Unlike him, you were a trained sword user, wielding your blade with utter professionalism and confidence. You even taught him how to properly use a blade, adding to his knowledge of the art of swords alike, both how to wield such weapons and to forge them. The only problem though? One of them aimed for your Vision that hung proudly from your belt, timing it perfectly as you swung, attacking your blindspot, and the sword they held pierced right through your Vision.
Now, while Kunikuzushi was never interested in Visions, he knew that those things were indestructible. The residents of Tatarasuna taught him so, as well as you, the first Geo Vision user he's ever seen. So why did yours burst into pieces of shattered glass, golden elemental liquid oozing out of its golden case and burning your skin, carving and merging onto you?
He couldn't understand and neither did you, standing there in shock. He didn't even hear the rouges leave, running away in fear. With a loud cry of pain, Kunikuzushi watched you fall down to your knees, clutching the area where the unknown substance hardened and slowly became part of you.
It was a phenomenon unheard of, even the elders of Inazuman Villages were bemused by your little situation. Doctors were all the same; useless. There were no records of it ever happening before, which meant you were the first. Hell, even Vahumana scholars from the fabled Sumeru Akademiya who were stationed in Inazuma had no knowledge of it. And as the days go by, the element that you now recognized as Cor Lapis spread throughout your body, slowly engulfing your form and hardening your body, and soon, your organs.
First, it devoured your skin mercilessly, and you cried tears every day, clinging onto Kunikuzushi for comfort even though his skin was just as hard as the Cor Lapis spreading throughout, uncontrollably shaking in fear. It hurt, the pain was nigh endless, the Geo mineral taking more and more of you. And now you were growing sickly due to the high elemental exposure.
Kunikuzushi could see it in your eyes. The pain, the fear, the confusion. All of it, and he couldn't bare to see you like this. The lover that was once full of joy and energy, always having a pep on their step and dragging him to wherever they wanted was slowly fading, the visage of it becoming nothing but a memory as it takes the form of the miserable, pained version of it. So, regrettably, he left you by the time your legs were fully taken by the Geo element, asking for the innkeeper to keep an eye on you.
The last thing he heard was your pleas for him to return, to stay with you in your times of peril, and perhaps your last moments of life. But Kunikuzushi turned a blind eye to it all, for the heaviness in his chest, the tears that pricked his eyes— it all became too much to bear, even for him, who have experienced devastation in every step he took.
He should've been more considerate of how you felt. Sure, he was suffering, but yours were far greater than his, especially now the love of your life left you to rot.
Kunikuzushi had betrayed you, his dearest lover. The one who was adamant about staying by his side. The only one he knew, deep inside his hollow body, that you would never betray him like the rest of them did. Leaving you in the time you needed him...? It was as if he spat on your face, disgrading you.
And on the day he returned, a century and a half had already passed. He had joined the Fatui not too long ago. The names Kabukimono and Kunikuzushi disregarded, now known as The Balladeer, or Scaramouche.
The guilt that swallowed him worsened, seeing you at the heart of the village, a body now completely hardened Cor Lapis. Just as when he left you, you sat on your knees, hands neatly folded onto your lap. The only difference is now your face held permanent pain, forever carved on the Geo element that turned you to stone. The tears that once continuously poured down your cheeks crystallized, glimmering against the sunlight.
The village he left you on had immortalized you as their stone deity. All of them were familiar with your dreadful story, passed on from generation to generation. Similar to the Kabukimono, you've earned your own myth that will soon be recorded in history books. And as he solemnly ate Unagi Chazuke, a dish the village offered for him to eat for his long journey, he listened to the village elder told him the tale of a 'geo god' that hailed all the way from Liyue.
"A deity that emanated from Liyue peregrinated all the way to Inazuma, to settle with their lover. But their lover left them, and they cried day and night, imploring the stars for his return. Their tears perpetuated to flood the lands and sank into the dirt, their heart gradually turned into Cor Lapis, the element they once created with their bare hands, and slowly engulfed their entire existence due to the unfathomable grief of their loss."
And the village has kept your stone body in the middle of the village ever since you've turned stone, for you brought prosperity into their land. Cor Lapis, an element that only can be found in Liyue. Though, yours was unlike no other. It made their dirt more fertile, the quality of the crops became impeccable and they prayed to you to feed onto their greed, always asking for more and more. Rumor has it that the gemstone tears that continued to form in your eyes and fall into the ground, infusing themselves within the land were the cause.
It made him sick. You've shed never-ending tears since his abandonment. Did he hurt you that much? And now they're using your pain and suffering for their own benefit? The only reason why you stayed in the village, being taken care of and treated like a tourist attraction was because of your enamoring myth that was partly true? They didn't deserve the blessing that was rooted in your torment.
They deserved years of suffering for taking advantage of your kindness, even in your statued state.
Soon, the village that selfishly kept your body was nothing but reduced to ashes, leaving nothing but the fertile land you had blessed it. Forgotten, wiped from history. Then, the Balladeer hid you somewhere no one would find you, in the deepest depths of Chinju Forest, where you shone faintly in the forever darkness of the mysterious forest.
It was then and there that he finally lamented. Years of longing for your touch, gnashing guilt, hatred toward the gods for choosing you for the fate you don't deserve— the pain of the universe taking you so soon from him and his undeniable betrayal of you, his traitorous actions towards your endless love. It all took the form of tears as he clung to your hard body, his screams of anguish being swallowed by the trees that surrounded you.
How could he do this to you? To leave you to your own despair when you've never left him in his times of need? To let you experience pain all alone when you've always carried his burdens with him? You were nothing but sweet, the sole candle that lit his life where he had known nothing but darkness.
Scaramouche missed you, so much, and he would do anything, everything to bring you back. Even make a deal to that wretched Doctor in the Fatui. Just to hold you in his arms once more, to kiss your soft lips, and hear you call him yours once again. So he could tell you all the words he could never before, to thank you for your loyalty, to apologize for his betrayal, and tell you that he loves you with all his heart— his entire existence.
But there was nothing left of you, only the wound he had inflicted on himself and your body in a form of Cor Lapis hidden away in Chinju Forest.
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yanderegrizzsworld · 9 months
Hi! May I ask for a Yandere Werewolf Wally X Scared Human Fem reader? Basically the reader never liked Wally at all because they felt uncomfortable or uneased by his precence and Wally gets impatient or irritated that the reader won't accept his love and accidentally transforms infront of the reader on a full moon.
Yandere Wally Darling: The Things We Hide (Romantic Drabble)
TW/CW: Blood, scopophobia(?), bones breaking, home invasion & implied stalking
Off. That was the only way you could describe Wally whenever he was around. The others always say that that's just how Wally is, long before you've been here, yet you can't help but feel like his "oddities" seem to be more apparent when you're around, no matter how much you strived to ignore them. His tone & speech pattern so slow in comparison to the fellow neighbors, lacking any form of life whenever he speaks. Though the worst for you was his eyes— not his eyes really— his stare, that stare of his that never failed to make your hands feel clammy & your heart beating to ring violently in your ears, the complete opponent of how you felt when around the others.
You can't recall the last time you spent any time with Wally alone, some pictures hanging showcasing that you have had quality time with the yellow puppet but no recollection of those days come in your head. You wonder if you've ever felt the same unease when around him back then, maybe you didn't & it was recent when they started, or perhaps they were always there & you've somehow managed to ignore them long enough until now, you aren't quite sure. You're pretty sure Wally is aware of this too, considering he's been seeking you out with the wish to be alone with you, only for someone else to tag along on their own or you inviting them over.
Though now he's seemingly stopped, relieving at first, but now building this uncertain dread within you.
You jump slightly at the knocking on your door, the voice on the other side muffled. You curiously eyed the clock, it was late, far too late for anyone to still be up at. The knocking started again, though with more force onto the door, your hands clench, a part of you fearing who it was at the door at this time. You observe the door, waiting to see if whoever it is will knock again.
Your blood ran cold, not when the knocking resumed with enough force to break the door down, but when you heard it... His voice.
"Neighbor... Neighbor, are you home?" You stood there like a mannequin, muscles refusing to move, to hide, or to speak. "Why did I ask that? Of course you're here... This is your home after all...Ha...ha" that god forsaken laugh, you don't know if you utterly detest it or fear it, it's robotic nature standing out far too much. You fingers hoicked slightly, followed by your hand lifting up, unsure if you wanted to let him in or not.
"Neighbor... Please let me in" You eyes widen for a moment, this was the first time you've heard any form of genuine emotion from him. Despite the dread eating you alive from the inside, you take cautious steps towards the door, standing just close enough to wear you can reach the doorknob, & you wait. Wait for him to knock again, wait for him to ask to be let in, wait to see if you have the courage & curiosity to open it.
After what felt like an eternity just standing there you slightly step closer to the door. Kneeling to where you're directly looking at the doorknob, you lean you face & look through the keyhole in the hopes of seeing him there waiting for you... Yet there's nothing. No sign of him could be seen from the limited vision you had, a part of you felt almost relieved he wasn't there, that perhaps he decided to go back to Home & leave you be, yet you yearned to be sure.
You take a peek through the closed curtain binds next to the door, wary to ensure you don't possibly get seen. There was still no sign of him anywhere. You take a few steps back, still staring at the door, as if in belief that he's there, still waiting...
Every muscle in you tautens as your mind screams at you to move —to run, though you aren't sure to where, to a room to hide or to investigate. A shadow enlarges on the floor that led to the kitchen, the rapid shattering of glass on the ground echoing & bouncing off the walls in what felt like a never-ending cycle. The most you could move were mere twitches of your fingers as a yellow hand grabbed the edge of the wall, dark blue hair was the first thing you could see before you saw it... the eyes, those god forsaken eyes.
"Neighbor..." A tint of exhaustion — as small as it was — was immense caught alongside his usual monotone voice, he opened his mouth though quickly closed it, as if deciding not to say another word. He takes a few steps closer, the little light in the room allowing you to see him slightly better, though it didn't say much as much of him was still shrouded in darkness. His hair, while maintaining its usual style, had chunks of it sticking out & poking in various directions as if he's forgotten to brush it, his clothes looked disheveled with on part of the bottom of the shirt sticking out almost covering one of the pockets, speckles of paint litter his shirt & pants, colors smeared across each other almost made him look like he was wearing polka dot pants.
You gaze raised to his face when he coughed, his expression exhibited exhaustion & fatigued, that was most noticeable in his eyes, the ones that when not looking at you looked like he was always in a daydreaming-like state, a wonder of the world around him like that of someone traveling on their own for the first time. Yet now he looked like he hasn't rested in hours, his posture seemed sluggish, of which you wouldn't of thought twice about if it was morning & he would have woken up at the moment, but no, he was in your house in the middle of the night, all alone with you.
"Neighbor... Why didn't you let me in?" He said, "I knocked... And asked, yet you didn't open the door and let me in..." You don't know how to respond to him, you don't think you can respond to him. "I...I was asleep...?" You try to not let your own uncertainty be known to the puppet in front of you, his stare stays on you for a moment before swiftly glancing at the door & back at you. "Oh, I'm sorry if I...disturbed you" You take a step back, slightly hugging yourself, "Why are you here Wally?"
You didn't mean to come off so blunt but you couldn't let the fact his in your house slide. Wally's eyes widen for a moment by your tone, a silent laugh escaping him as he strived to scarcely fix his posture. "Well neighbor, uh, I just wanted to know something" you narrow you eyes, arms going to your sides again, "Know what?" "...Why are you avoiding me? Did I do something?" You felt your hands get clammy, as well as you heart speed up, he stared at you waiting for an answer, your answer.
"I...I don't really know how to describe it" "Then try to describe it to me" You swear his voice raised in pitch when he spoke, genuine emotion that he for some reason didn't display when out with his friends. "You don't know how-" "Wally Darling" Wally stares at you in disbelief, the dim light reflecting slightly in his eyes. "You have no reason to essentially break into my house at this hour!" His eyes barely narrow before he shuts them tight, you don't get it, you don't get him at all.
"Wally, please get out-" "I need you to listen to me!" You breath gets caught in your throat, you didn't think it was possible for the yellow puppet to get upset, let alone angry. Wally grasped your arm, his hair getting a bit more disheveled almost covering his right eye. "You don't know how hard it is, how much it... Hurts! You avoiding my on the daily, do you have any clue how it feels to see you chat happily with the others yet you refuse to look in my direction when I'm around"
Wally pulls you closer to him until your faces are a mere inches away from each other. You roughly push away from him, the longer you looked at him, you started to notice something... He seeming slightly... Taller, & did he always have small specks of fur across his arms? "I... I just- I've tried really hard to be patient but you won't-" His breathing grows heavier, a but too heavier to sound like him. "How can I show you my love of you won't let me...!?"
He suddenly let's go of your arm & you attempt to make a run for it, but the sudden sound of what you can imagine are bones breaking has you freeze on the spot. You turn to face Wally & you aren't even sure what to make of what's happening. The sharp popping & crunching & cracking of bones swirl aggressively in your mind like a violent carousel, large lumps of hair form on his body as agonizing whine leaves Wally's mouth & god, you didn't ever think in a million years that skin stretching could make a sound. Sharp canine teeth begin to emerge, blooding dripping down his chin & hitting the floor, his face exhibits nothing but pain & horror— a mix of tears, blood & drool forming a puddle below him, or of what he's becoming.
God you wanted to look away, to run out & scream for help for Wally, but the fear kept you in place, your heart threatening to rip out of your ribcage from how violent & fast it's beating. Wally cries of pain quiets down & for a second, everything is silent. He shakily stands up, barely resembling the neighbor you were far too familiar with. One of the steel-like claws that were much bigger than his head rested on the ground, his snout— like his ears— cringed with a deep whine, drool & tints of blood oozed down his chin like a waterfall as he shrunk into himself.
Your legs move on their own & before you realize anything, you've locked yourself in your room. The placidity within the room alleviates you, almost forgetting of the lurid event moments prior... Keyword almost. Vehement banging brought you back to you situation, each impact on the door threatening to break it into nothing but splinters across your floor. "Neighbor... Open... The door..." Loud, ragged breaths escape Wally's throat, each word uttered from him taking a long pause like each word being chosen carefully.
You turn your head slightly & gaze at the window in your room, contemplating if jumping out was the solution. Though where would you go to if you leave successfully, which neighbor would you wake up to assist you with your situation with Wally? What if because out there there's more room for him to catch you? You head began to hurt, you lift your palms to your head from the growing headache, slightly wincing from its slowly growing pain.
You barely process your knees nearly giving out under you, just as you barely process the door splitting into splinters. A mix of a low grumble & a whine echo into you room as you legs finally give out, resulting with you on your knees. Your head hung low, you merely glance at the... Thing standing there, parts of his clothes ripped completely off with plenty of torns from the transformation, you figure most of the rips are from himself from his changeover.
"Neighbor... Why... Didn't you let... Me in...?" He took seven steps closer towards you, each one for each word he spoke. You seek to lift your head slightly higher, yet such a task was like a chain wrapped around your neck, preventing you from lifting it. It's not until a clawed finger that tries to touch your cheek had you shriek & then attempt to back away, though your attempt to crawl away became instantly futile when he grabbed a hold of your ankle.
Agonizing whines fell from his mouth— Snout, to be more exact. "Neighbor... Please..." Wally could barely speak, whatever words he could manage to spill sounded more like he had sand lodged in his throat whenever he opened his mouth. He tightens his hold on your ankle when you attempt to kick his forearm, his body shaking violently like an earthquake as he let's go when your kicks continue. You instantly strive to stand up & make a run, yet a pull from your wrist & being caged between a blanket-like chest & arms keep you from proceeding, it's velvety texture would've made you relax & succumb to slumber if not for the adrenaline pumping in you.
Wally lays his head on top of yours, jagged gasps & wheezes reaching your ears every three seconds as his claws— unintentionally— dig into your arms just enough to not draw blood. You heart rings far too aggressively in your ears, threatening to bust your eardrums as at this moment, you feel utterly helpless to whatever Wally has become.
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wondernus · 10 months
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˗ˋˏ When We Meet Chapter 4 ˎˊ˗
synopsis: there is only so much forgiving and forgetting you can do when you end up getting stood up by your date over and over again. so when you're stuck between the best friend, the first crush, and their mysterious roommate whose existence seemed like a myth, you can only hope the decision you've been making is the right one.
pairing: kmg x reader
chapter tags: childhood rooms, video calls, confessions
wc: 1.3k
message from nu: hasn't hit me how I wrote "when we meet" like a year ago so much of my writing style has changed since then. thank you for reading "wwm" !!!
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“You know I had a crush on Minghao when we were in college?”
“Minghao? My Hao?”
“Hey.” Rolling your eyes, you bring your phone closer to your face so you can better see Mingyu on the other side of the screen more clearly. “Technically your Hao became my Hao when you left. But thinking about it now, it was probably the manbun.”
“Oh. So you like manbuns?” He leans into the frame with an amused look on his face and reaches upwards to try to bunch his short hair into a ponytail. “What if I grew out a manbun for you?” he teases, pausing in his position to let you weigh your options while strands of short hair gradually fall out of his hands in chunks and clumps.
“Aren’t you trying a little too hard for someone you never met?” You snort while turning to your side, adjusting your blanket so it covers your shoulder.
“It’s because I like you.” He pauses and drops his hands, some pieces of hair still sticking up in various angles. He doesn’t seem to notice his messy hair because he’s too busy staring at your dimly lit face through his phone screen, and he continues with much sincerity in his voice, “I like you a lot.”
The simple confession sparks a yearning you haven’t felt since you fell in love for the first time a few years ago. It’s a simple playground confession, and you stupidly hang onto his words like he’s making a promise he would never break. At that moment, you want nothing more but to spend your nights in bed imagining what your future would be like with Kim Mingyu written into the equation.
“I think I like you too,” you start slowly, a tiny tremor in your voice. “But it’s weird isn’t it?”
“What?” he asks, tilting his head to one side, causing his dark-rimmed glasses to slide down his nose bridge. He instinctively pushes them up – he looks nothing like how his roommates described him, but he’s not so different when it comes to his habits. He can’t even hide the small quirk forming on the corner of his lip, clearly very happy to know that you’re into him.
“We’ve been talking to each other for a while, and I guess we both like each other,” you mutter the last bit, feeling a little embarrassed to almost immediately confirm that you like him, “but we still haven’t met in person.”
“I want to though,” he professes in almost a whisper.
Simply put, Mingyu looks sad.
“I’m sorry for cancelling so much. Are you free next week?” he asks with much remorse in his tone.
It wasn’t like he was cancelling on you on purpose. You get it. Adult life happens. There was a time about a week after Mingyu moved back when the two of you were supposed to meet, but his high school friends decided to drop by without notice, and he couldn’t kick them out even when he tried. Another time a date was cancelled because your department’s emergency meeting turned into you having to work overtime. He offered to pick you up, but you declined, not wanting to keep him waiting for who knew how long you had to stay in the office that night. There was also this one time when he was stuck in traffic for hours because he didn’t know that the route he chose to drive on that day would be the same route to a stadium where a popular girl group was performing. If he was ever given the chance, he would’ve volunteered to drive five times to the airport to pick somebody up during rush hour rather than sit through the traffic he experienced that day. On the plus side, the girl group earned one new fan.
It never occurred to you how weird is his ice-breaker statement. Maybe it was because your mind tunnel-visioned on how strikingly handsome he was even while he was slowly adjusting from the jet lag that you nodded at or agreed with anything that came out of the man’s mouth. “I don’t know if the guys told you, but I do have to warn you that I’m extremely unlucky,” he tells you when you ask him if there’s anything that you should know about him before the two of you meet in person. Of course, you laughed it off. Extreme unluckiness? It sounds like a curse straight from a Disney Channel original movie or special Halloween episode from the early 2000s. But looking at Mingyu now, the only light in your dark bedroom, you wonder whether or not he was joking around. Probably.
This time his parents called him home.
He proves it by calling you from his childhood bedroom – not that you needed any proof (family should come first, and it would be weird if he brought you home to his parents on your first date). Hunched over his tiny desk, he talks to you for hours, not because he wants to make up for cancelling yet another date, but because, quite frankly, he enjoys your company.
In the darkness, his desk lamp shines brightly, washing the white bedroom wall in shadows in shades of grey. Old posters hang on the wall over his twin-sized bed, probably drugstore kiosk prints of various landscapes he captured with one of his old cameras. The bed is made neatly, but the owner is much too big for the bed – opting to sleep on the living room couch for the night. It’s a little boring, but you’d rather take boring than find out that he was the type to have posters of cars and half-naked models hanging on his walls.
And the tiny silver hard shell carry-on suitcase pushed snugly into the little nook between his bed and shelf. It’s his most prized possession. Stickers purchased from every major city are stuck on the exterior in beautiful variants of color and monochrome. It’s like a superstition, he explains. Like how theatre stagehands always leave the ghost light on or how people would wear their lucky undies any time they need a little bit of luck even if that specific pair of underwear is a decade old and is hanging together by a single yellow thread. Sticking a sticker on his suitcase means sticking to plans, the stickiness holding everything metaphorical and literal together.
You learn he’s respectful. A family man. He geeks out over videos of tiny dogs at grooming salons and won’t stop bothering you unless you reply to his text with your favorite scene from the videos. A giant bottle of wholesale Aquaphor sits on his nightstand because he still has to slug it over his cracked heels before bed. He sneezes into his hands, often consecutively, and wipes it on his designer suits almost like it’s in his second nature. And he likes you – the romantic type where he sees a future with you by his side.
And he doesn’t hang up the video call even after you’ve fallen asleep just in case you forgot to set your alarm for work the next morning. He calls you sweetheart with his deep and cracked morning voice when you wake up, and he jokes about the numerous warnings that popped up on his phone screen regarding his phone overheating from being on for that long.
As cheesy as it sounds and feels, you can’t help but fall deeper for a man who doesn’t realize how important he’s becoming in your life with each passing minute and day. Even you can’t fathom how he can become such a significant person in your life when you’ve never met him in person. But there are many things in life that you can’t understand so you stick to what you know. And you know that you want to see him soon.
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Copyright © 2023 Wondernus. All rights reserved.
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sweetsweetjellybean · 2 years
In The Cold November Rain Part 12 *18+ MDNI*
Eddie Munson/FemReader Steve Harrington/FemReader 
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TW: Story runs congruent to events in the show. If you know what happens in season 4, then you'll know how this will end.*Be warned.* 18+ Eventually Smut, Angst, High School Fuckery, Drinking, Drugs Let me know if I miss any.
Can you have two great loves in a lifetime? 
You've had the ideal childhood in Hawkins with your best friend & protector Steve Harrington. When it's ripped away, can you pick up the pieces? Eddie Munson may be able to help. 
A story about the pain of growing up, unrequited love, and loss. 
Part 12/13 Series Masterlist
Sincerest & Eternal Thanks To @loveshotzz, who's given me the great gift of helping me to become a better writter.
To say you were a mess those first few weeks of school would be an understatement. Wandering campus like a ghost, only leaving your room to go to class and calling that a successful day. The dam burst the first time you heard Eddie's voice through the phone receiver. Choking through your tears, you tell him you can't do it and that you want to come home. In a tight, clipped voice, he reassured you that you could before rushing you off the phone. And he was right. After a few more weeks, you had made a few friends that coaxed you out of your dorm. Life changed to something approaching tolerable. He only took a few more of your calls, and then he was never home when you tried to reach him. Family obligations kept you from seeking him out over the three days you were home for Thanksgiving. Steve's parents attended your family's dinner, longing for something familiar, and you were disappointed he wasn't with them.
Marking a red line through the last final listed on your December calendar, you grab your bag and lock your dorm for the last time until you return for second semester in late January. A few of your new friends are driving you home and will stay the night in Hawkins before continuing on to Sesser the next day. They all want to check out the metal band you have not shut up about. As you pass the sign welcoming you to Hawkins, fireworks explode in your chest, and all your thoughts are of him.
"Dolly! You're back!" Lou yells as you and your friends walk through the door of The Hideout. "I sure am, Lou." Smiling, you lean against the bar. "And you brought your friends," he says, eyeing the three girls behind you.
"I had to take them to the best bar in Hawkins."
"Ain't you sweet. I better get you ladies served."
After taking care of your friends, Lou delivers your beer and leans over the bar crooking his finger at you. "Does he know you're here?" He asks in a low voice. "No. I wanted to surprise him." His lips pull in, leaving his mouth a thin line across his face. He throws his dish towel over his shoulder and moves down to the line to help another customer. Deciding to take seats at the bar, your friends talk and laugh while sipping their drinks, waiting for Corroded Coffin to start their set. The neon beer signs bathe everything in a red glow. Setting your beer on the sticky bar top with your shaking hands, you turn to face the stage, yearning for the moment when Eddie's eyes connect with yours. 
As the boys take the stage, your group claps, and whistles. As he looks in your direction, your heart beats faster, and your face lights up in a smile. But he looks right through you, a vacant expression on his face. His eyes move past you to something else, like he doesn't know you and doesn't want to. A sick, painful feeling starts in your stomach and radiates throughout your body. He's all you've dreamed about for months, and his cold eyes are full of apathy. 
"Maybe he didn't see you." Your friends try consoling you, but your face burns with embarrassment as he leaves the stage without a hint of acknowledgment. Lou gives you a sympathetic look as you push back from the bar and go in search of answers. When you find him, Eddie's leaning against the brick wall behind the bar, smoking a cigarette.
"What the fuck, Eddie?" But he just looks away. Something inside you snaps. You slap it out of his hand and start slapping at his chest. "Are you fucking kidding me? You're not even going to speak to me?" You yell, voice cracking, tears prickling behind your eyes. He raises his hands to protect himself. "Okay, Princess, that's enough." His voice snaps you out of it, and you step back, waiting for an explanation.
"You're acting like a spoiled brat," he says, bending to pick up his smoke.
"Me?" you practically stamp your feet which doesn't help your case, but you're way past rational.
"Yes, you. You don't get my attention when you want it and throw a fit. What was your plan here? Were you going to introduce me to your friends?"
"Yes! Yes! That was exactly what I was going to do."
"What were you going to say? Hey, guys, come meet the loser that used to scratch my itch." He mocks you.
"No! I told them you were my best friend, you ass!" You can feel your lips swell as the tears stream down your cheeks. 
"Then what? We fuck, and you leave again? No thanks. One goodbye fuck was enough."
"That's all it meant to you? I don't believe that. I don't fucking believe you!" 
His voice gets a little higher. "Did you really think we were going to have a happy ending? Are you still that fucking naive? That's not how the world works, Sweetheart." He throws down his butt and stomps it under his boot into the wet pavement.
The anguish is overwhelming. Crouching, you cross your arms over your knees, tucking your head inside. Practically curling into a ball while you mourn, crying for what is lost. His hands go around your biceps, pulling you up and into his chest, his cheek presses against the side of your head. He holds you, rocking you slowly like you would a child, and you let him because, despite his words, he's giving you what you need.
"I could have loved you so easily." He says into your ear. You stumble back, feeling like you were slapped. "It's a self-preservation thing." He turns his back to you and glides around as he explains. "You were the only one who didn't realize we had an expiration date. That clock was ticking from the first day we met. If I got too cozy, you would have fucking ruined me." He slaps a hand over his heart. "Total desiccation. I wouldn't have survived it. Couldn't let it happen, Princess. It's the one thing I won't give you."
"I would have done anything to be with you. Anything!" You screamed at him. "I would have stayed if you had asked me."
"I could never have asked you for that. I don't want to see your face the day you start looking at me the same way everyone else does. When you figure out this is all I'll ever be, that I have nothing to offer you."
"It's not-" 
"Stop it-"
"We could at least try‐"
"Fuck. Just stop‐"
"I want to tell you how I feel-"
"Enough! Goddam it! Just fucking stop!" 
Standing quietly in the night air, the noise from the bar a faint background, you try to get yourself under control. There's nothing left. You're hollow. Like a forgotten paper mache art project, someone touching you would poke right through, crumbling you into dust.
"So, what now?" You ask, your voice is steadier, but tears still run down your cheeks.
"Now we part as friends. Like we did before. You go back to school with your shiny new friends and have shiny fucking life. And old Ed will be right here in Hawkins. I'll end up working in some shitty factory that will fill my balls full of tumors before handing me a gold-plated watch. I'll die in that goddam trailer. But don't worry, you can come back and cry at my funeral, Princess."
Wiping your cheeks, you tip your chin up and walk slowly to him. His eyes close as you press a soft kiss to his unresponsive mouth.  
 "I did love you, you coward."
And that was it. It was the last time you saw him and the last thing you said to him. And now you're standing in Family Video eight months later with Steve Harrington, reliving it all.
"Can I talk to you for a minute in private? There are a few things I need to say to you." He says, looking over his shoulder at his co-worker, who quickly picks the magazine up and holds it in front of her face.
"Okay," you nod.
He tells his co-worker he's going on break. She practically breaks her neck, trying to get a look at you as he leads you outside and around the side of the building, close to where your Beetle is parked. The air is crisp but the sun warms your skin through your shirt. A few fallen leaves crackle as they blow around your feet. The highlights in his hair look golden in the afternoon sun.
"That thing's still running." He says with an easy smile tilting his head towards your car.
"She still purrs like a kitten." It's impossible to not fall back into the easy camaraderie of two people that have known each their whole lives.
"Look, I want you to know I really regret what happened in high school. I know I ruined things between us. You were right. All that stuff about being cool and being popular, it was all bullshit. I should have apologized to you a long time ago."
His arms are crossed over his chest, and he looks down at his feet. "You're not the only one with regrets. Everyone screws up in high school. You were a good friend to me for a long time, Steve."
"Was I? I don't think so." He says, rubbing the back of his neck. "I think I put you on this shelf and just thought you'd just stay there frozen in time until I decided to take you down and play with you. And then, when that thing with Eddie happened. Oof! I went into full dickhead mode."
 "I think we both had some pretty fucked up expectations of each other. I put a lot of pressure on you to clear the path for me and make sure I never got hurt. I wasn't your responsibility."
"You weren't some sort of burden for me. I wanted to look after you. I just did a shitty job of it."
"Maybe we can agree to let each other off the hook? I think we're probably stuck knowing each other for life. We've got time to figure out how to be friends again. If that's what you want?" He lets out a deep breath. "Of course I want that," He says with a smile, placing his hand on your head to ruffle your hair. 
"Hey, you're going to mess it up," you tease, lightly pushing him away. He seemed to relax after getting what he needed off his chest.
"I'm really sorry about Eddie. He was a really good guy." He says, squeezing your shoulder.
"What are you talking about?" A sick feeling rises up in your stomach.
"Oh shit, I thought you knew. No one told you?" His eyes are wide.
"Told me what, Steve?" Dread fills your chest. The shocked expression on his face tells you that you don't want to hear what's coming next.
"I don't know how to tell you this, but Eddie…died…in the earthquake."
"That's sick. That's the lowest…." Raising your arm, you knock his hand off your shoulder. "You're a fucking liar." His face is full of sympathy as his hands move your biceps holding you in place.
"I'm not lying. He's gone. I'm so sorry."
A high-pitched tone rings in your ears. His touch makes you feel boxed in, you need to leave now. There's no air here. Putting both hands on his chest, you push him as hard as you can and run toward your car. After tugging on the locked door, your shaking hands fumble with your keys, dropping them on the pavement. Steve is there beside you, scooping them up before you can get to them. 
"No. You can't drive. You're in shock."
Your legs give out. They just can't hold you anymore. Steve catches you before you fall. His words sink in, and you cry. You cry loud and hysterically, out of breath and hiccupping like a little kid. He holds you through it. Your tears and nose soak his shirt and keep coming. People walk by the two of you on the sidewalk and stop to stare, you're making a scene, but he doesn't let go. This time, he doesn't leave you. Once you've cried yourself out, numbness sets in. He can feel that you are holding your own weight and releases his grip. 
He puts your keys in his back pocket. "I'm going to drive you home. Just let me tell Robin. Can you be on your own for a minute?" Shaking your head yes, you lean against the Beetle. He dashes back inside. There is a fogginess in your head, and your eyes won't focus. All you see is Eddie, you feel him all around you, like a ghost reminding you of the love you wasted. 
Part 13
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Tag List @boomhauer @onlyangel-444 @breehumbles @myobmaya @arsenicred @kiki17483 @stolen-in-moonlight @sometimesamysometimesjo @ladybug0095 @sammararaven @tlclick73 @totally-bogus-timelady @katelyndestini95 @munsonswhore86 @kelsietilley-blog
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artsycrapfromsai · 10 months
What's been your favorite character arc for Amaryllis while you've played her?
Hmm... That's a toughie. its hard to choose!
💕 one of them is about her and this Inquisition, who are all anti magic and magical creatures. They tend to just go and kill anything touched by it, including Brightmaids like Amy.
And that kinda traumatizes her a little, because she grew up learning that these people exist, and even having them hunt her down as a child, but the way these people kill those like her without any remorse and take horns and such as trophies - they don't see her as a person.
And it kinda eats at her for a while, and makes her depressed at some moments, because of that feeling of being looked at as just an inhuman thing to destroy just because she exists
But after some time, battles won, and experience, she gains more confidence and self righteous anger and is able to push past those feelings and fight/kill the man mainly responsible for them (alongside her compsnions, who experienced similar)
So that was really satisfying, bc Amy spent so much of her life hidden from this threat and becoming strong enough to defend herself, and then truly faced that uncaring evil for the first time, and like. Nothing can really prepare you for that, even when you try. But she got past it and came out the other end satisfied with herself and her actions and her own abilities
💕 another favorite of mine is Amy in regards to Percy. Because she and him were growing closer and closer- they initially started out antagonist at worst, neutral at best. But then they become friends, and maybe something more
And that's when Percival betrays the group, and sends them into the void (something he deeply regrets, which is something he never does. It wasn't a plan for them, but someone else, and he knew the risk, but went through with it anyway, and ended up with the deepest regret of his life)
And for Amy and co., Time is passing, years go by, and when they finally return to Percy and the others, time hasn't passed there.
So it's basically still right after that betrayal
And Amy spends a lot of those years away thinking about it, why it happened (it was pre- determined because the world would end otherwise), how it happened, if she should still trust him, why she still cared about him, why it hurt so much- thinking through all these scenarios about it, and agonizing about it, because she's the only person who actually got to know Percy as a person, because he hid himself from everyone else
In the end, she couldn't gain any sort of conclusion until she returned. And she wouldn't even know if the Percival she returned to would the same one she got to know and get close to, because another Percival from another timeline (Percy B) asked her to give his memories to this Percival (Percy A), because they explain all about the way his life has been manipulated and for what purpose and why.
But those memories would also change him into someone else with both sets of memories (Percy C), and there was a very real chance that her friend might have just vanished into a completely different person, and she was terrified about that
It was all a really complicated situation, with so many conflicting emotions (sadness, betrayal, regret, affection, yearning, fear...), where Amy was hurt by a man she cared about, but she finds out it wasn't entirely his decision, but she might not even have a chance to talk with him before she lost him again
That was her first real experience with betrayal and complicated feelings like that, and it was really fun to play with and explore those emotions.
In the end, Amy decided that while she loved Percy, it's his choice to choose who he'll become, and she'll respect that, bc everything else in his life has been someone else's choice.
But she still needed a genuine apology from him for what he did, because she wasn't just going to accept and forgive and move on. She deserved an apology and proof he regretted his actions and that he meant it- and he gave her that by sacrificing his hand to save her from being killed. No hesitation, it was her life or his hand, and it was an easy choice to make. And he further proved it by saying that he doesn't mourn losing the hand that hurt her so badly.
Them getting together was a really long and complicated character arc for both, and it was really fun to play with those deep and painful emotions - but I'm just glad they're together now and they can have fun, silly relationship stuff now lol
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whaleofatjme1920 · 2 years
Red string of fate event
Lynx (ill be writing as Quill, i feel like thats obvious), SCP, she/her, in my twenties
To whomever this may concern
Wait no that's too professional, i dont really have any correction tapes with me at the moment and i dont wanna scribble over the letter so whoops
I dont really know what to write? Dr. Tjme told me to write a letter to a chinese deity and i think thats neat but without a person to write too its kinda confusing
Forgive me if you think i talk too much, i drank a 5 hour energy and i haven't slept for 24. Besides that im sure who ever you are, you'll be great! If this letter is even real...
I just hope who ever my soulmate is can handle me... Idk ive just had lovers in the past and one of the prominent things ive found out about them is that they cant keep up with me, saying im too annoying or im too loud, i totally get it but yeesh man yknow? But i just want someone to hold me and tell me im loved (ew, lol)
Frankly this whole thing has me confused, i just hope this works! And if this is an office prank, well then screw you! You made me spill out my heart and love life secrecy onto this letter
- Dr. Quill
Along with the letter, Quill decided to leave an assortment of fruit along side as the offering
[Disclaimer: The Red String of Fate event is a special event I'm running from August 12th, to whenever I feel it necessary to end - right now, I'm giving it to the first week of September! Check out rules HERE]
Long are the nights of wistfully yearning for someone. Long are the mornings wishing for someone to hold you in their arms. As you twist and turn through a restless night, a god sleepily reads over your letter. He smiles as the moonlight clouds around your words and the offerings you've left him. He's especially pleased by the oranges. As he snacks upon the fruits and checks over the people in your immediate life, and those who exist within your circle but are yet to come into contact with you, his cat moves around in his dwelling. He knows you want someone patient, some one kind and understanding but who still can push you to greater heights.
The sound of soft, subtle purrs bring to his attention a man that is also resting, or at least trying to. The sweet old feline hums away, pouncing softly on the floor before bringing back the God's favorite spool of red thread, dripping with crimson zircons and rubies. He takes a piece and ties it to your pinky, the right, and then looks to your soul mate. He chuckles as the thread winds through the streets, over the tops of trees and curls around the earthly clouds themselves.
Yes, Yue Lao thinks as he ties the thread over the man's left pinky, this will be a very auspicious match. And just like that, the God tethers the two of you together, his lips curled into a tired smile before he allows his cat to cut the thread binding soul mates from the spool. He places it down gently, calls his cat to his side, and rests.
In the morning, the man rises. His dark hair curls over his eyes before he tiredly brushes his back. He's unaware of the thread that's placed along his pinky, too tired to even recognize it's tug. His eyes are not yet opened to it like yours are. He goes about his morning before heading off to work, still unaware of its pull.
You wake with a start, feeling the warmth, like a hug, of the red string along your pinky. You gawk at it, amazed that the thread is so bright and glows with every movement from who you assume is your soul mate. You try not to think of it too deeply as you move about your home and get ready for work, following the string alongside your routine. You're vaguely amused that it seems to be leading to a coworker.
Mornings at the Foundation are odd, sometimes busy, but other times quiet. Depending on the task forces being sent out, if there were any breeches, the state of the place, the mornings can be quiet, and almost peaceful. You barely greet the ladies at the front desk as you sign in, flashing your researcher status to them as you follow the twisting string.
The closer you get to him, the more your heart flutters. You realize you're reaching a string of offices. These are some of the higher ups, aren't they? You feel heat rise to your cheeks as the thread glows brighter, a brilliant shade of passion as you draw nearer and nearer. Your right hand is held in front of you as a guide.
And you see it, the office of the man that's your soulmate. Your stomach fills with butterflies as you read the name, barely able to contain the excitement and odd bout of anxiety that's sprouted within you. This is who Yue Lao thought would be your soulmate?
You use your right hand to knock on the door and pull it open when a gruff voice allows you entrance. As you pull it open, you're greeted to his slightly surprised expression that his left hand has been jerked forwards. His emerald like eyes widen as he finally takes notice of the thread. He sees you bathed in a rosy color, unsure of what the hell was going on but the butterflies have come alive in himself as well.
"Good morning, Dr. Kondraki," you breathe, waving your right hand at him.
He waves back with his left. "Dr." He mirrors in an unsure tone. He invites you to sit in front of him, and hesitantly you do so. The two of you stare at the thread linking your pinkies together, then back up at each other, small, almost knowing smiles gracing your lips.
You've never really spoken to Dr. Kondraki before, but there's better time to start than now.
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plantwithoutplot · 9 months
I saw you reblogged a post the other day about wanting to receive more asks so here's mine. Sorry if it is too specific, you don't have answer it.
As a fanfic writer, what advice would you give too someone that's just starting?
Hi Anon!!! Thank you for noticing and for sending an ask, that's so so sweet of you 🥺🙏💕
Oooooh great question!! Uhhhhh.... Σ٩(๑º ロ º๑)۶
I'm going to separate this into two different advices, because I'm not sure if you wanna hear something general or more specific, and as someone who studied fan fiction in University + has been writing fanfics for +15years, I would have tons to say if I don't restrict myself 🤔
1. Know what you want to write
If you're like me and have a thousand ideas a minute and lots and lots of motivation until you're a few chapters in, having an outline really, really is the best!
For example, as yourself a few questions:
Will this be a one shot? Multichapter series? A series of one shots? This will allow you to wither condense/fill your writing to focus on what you want!
What kind of narrator do you need? You can find many, many lists on internet about narrative voices, their cons/pros, and how they affect your story. Sometimes, writer block happens because you HAVE a story, but you're looking to tell it from the wrong POV
What would that character actually do if put in this situation? Quite often you want to write fanfictions to fullfil a need to see a certain trope/situation/what if, and then found yourself in a pitch mid-chapter because?? Something feels off?? And in the case of fanfiction, it could be because there is a problem of balance between what you want to see the character do versus how they would react in canon. This is a REALLY tricky one, because you have to adapt your writing/the dynamics/tropes you may usually rely on so that it can fit the character you're writing instead.
Okay that was for the specific-ish answer on writing!
If you have anything else you want details on, or just wanna talk about, feek free to ask in a reblog/comment/DM too! I'm always happy to talk about writing (*´▽`*)❀
Now, here is the more general, but best advice I could think of when it comes to writing fan fiction:
H A V E F U N ━!!
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Does it sound obvious and silly? Yes ― and?
Fan fiction comes from a place of love for a piece of media. It can be a reaction going along with or against canon, but in both case, it is the love and deep entertainment you've experienced that makes you want to keep it going.
You start writing a story to have fun with it ― for some it means giving their favorite characters more sfreentime, others will want to shower them in love and fluff, and wuite a number of us make their life even worse to put them through hell before giving them a meaningful, happy ending (or not).
Plus, you are never alone. From the moment you thing of creating fan content, you become a beacon to the rest of your fan community. We're all in this together, even if we disagree on ships or characterization or plot points ― you're never alone. You will find people experiencing the same brainrot as you do. They will find you and want to share headcanons with you as well. You will both encourage each other to keep loving the media you're connected by, whether you decide to create or not, whether you're satisfied with the quality of your craft.
The point is: this isn't a chore.
This isn't homework. This is soemthing you yearn for ao bad you decide that you will try your best to bring it to life yourself if you have to.
Which means that it's okay to give up too.
It's okay if this isn't the best work of the century, or even oje of your best works! You're free to write the cringiest shit, just like you have full reign to take ten years to write a fic so meaningful, so well told, that it ought to be studied in class like any other work of art that is oraised by classicists.
You're free.
Have Fun.
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evamoere · 6 months
A confession - after years
hey ovra, how you doing lately? havent heard from you for long and im sure im missing out a lottt
i think weve talked about our past a lot right bhahah and everytime we done that i felt extremely warmth so today tonight let me enjoy that for a moment, i wanted to get back to the past for just a bit more :)
we meet on a random quite night at engrp that time, i clearly remember i was just get into this world and trying to fit in badly i started sending bio a couple times and somehow somewhat i cant recall the memories about who reach one of us frist but im sure the thing that we talked about was music all the time. things were going smoothly we getting close we glued to each other so bad we goin thru downhill for years but here we are, we make it. even though it isnt that easy even though at the end we were nothing, just kind of accept each other the way we are.
but today perhaps id break your heart in the most painful way. all these time i wonder will i ever find a language to speak of the things that haunt me the most..now i have, i have found it. you remember when we decided to exchange each others real life identity? at that time i was really really excited and scared. im happy that id finally got to know you more and yeah im scared worried and anxious. idek what should i say to you about me, i clearly know that lying was not a good solution to make you stay but what can i do? im to scared to lose you im afraid id lose everything just because im trying to be my self. so then i decided to told you that yes i am the man that u wanted all along.
not a single word can explain my heart without yours. i go to bed and fall asleep wishing you were here all the time. yet i know u can only appear in my dreams. we’re happy in them. we can dance in the kitchen as much as we can we can read book together in the floor we can watch the show together we can stare to eachother’s eyes as much as we wanted too. my heart physically aches without your soul and my mind is full of the words i never got to say. the words i wish i can kiss onto your lips and engrave into your skin. i love you more than my body can take, for everytime i hear your name my heart breaks all over again. i think of you hundred and hundred times in a day. I suffer in my loving i hope you understand.
"My greatest pain is that you never got to know me and never wanted to know me."
what is done out of love always takes place beyond good and evil. i feel miserable ever since it takes me a while to gave you my ‘own’ picture, name and things cause i think about it more and more and yeah i told you that i was the boy from jogja who happened to live with her grand mother. i mean its all true the lies is that i was a boy and i ride a big big motorcycle daily. honestly i only use it a couple times cause it was my bff’s thing. remember the boy who i send it picture to you? it also was my bestfriend. the same damned person. cause you know i had no idea of who other person i should be.
pretending to be a guy was never easy for me, i feel like i was hurting my own pride and it breaks my heart in many ways cause man i swore i to you i wanted to be free free to tell you how my days really went thru how my friendships was really like i want you to know all of me but theres a wall that i made it self wich prevent me to be myself. i loved you like no other so i dont know where i went wrong my heart still yearns for you, the place that i belong.
for a long time i wanted you to know about me, and today the day has come.. i dont know how to feel about it. but the only thing i surely feel is relived. to be free is often to be lonely, this haunted me all the time.
i may not be that expressive, but i want to thank u for being my comfort person. you've been there for me when no one else was. you became more than everything that I've ever asked for, there is no one better than you because you bring the best in me, you became my home, my rest, my solace. you've helped me get through some tough times without u knowing it. you've been there listening to my rants and struggles without you invalidating my feelings. I really value and appreciate you more than u'll ever know. and if at some point, I'm gonna lose you, i will still be grateful.
because once upon a time, i had u by my side. and that's all that matters.
letting you ‘go’ was probably the hardest decision i ever made knowing well how much I still love you and how much i want "us" to work.
i know that i am ruined and that im ruining others.…. i am i am a bad person. please hate me i would like that more than being left in silent.
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sunnyanddumb98 · 6 months
Dear Haruki Murakami,
Hi, I'm Karla Muñoz, and I'm writing this letter to express my appreciation for all that you have done for me.
For context, I study animation in college and have worked on 3D sculptures for some really low-budget shooter video games. Even though I don't play video games and don't particularly care for them, I've also worked as a background painter for animation. I've been struggling to find passion in my work, even though I do have a fondness for cartoons. Thanks to you, I'm now writing a book about a girl who, after a breakup, metaphorically releases butterflies from her stomach and embarks on a trip to Europe with a friend, despite having no money or resources. It's about that moment when everything feels numb, and one yearns to go deeper.
You're probably wondering how you fit into this picture. The truth is, you've entered my thoughts several times during this journey. As I write this letter in the common room of a hostel, there's a Mexican guy nearby who keeps trying to make contact with me, using the doorframe to stretch his arm towards me, even though there's plenty of space and no one else around. Even when I moved inside from the terrace, he followed and tried to strike up a conversation. It's not his fault that I'm more engrossed in talking to the image of a seventy-something-year-old Japanese guy that I've constructed in my mind, pieced together from your books and interviews.
I'm a bit of a bullshitter at heart. At a young age, I realized that you don't have to know everything to get good grades or appear knowledgeable. I learned to just echo their questions with affirmation and speak mostly in statements, using descriptive adjectives but avoiding adverbs. You just have to sound like you know your stuff and be convincing. As a result, I never really learned how to communicate my true thoughts and feelings. That's why I chose communication as my major. I went in and out of it quickly, feeling detached. I started working in corporate video games and quickly burned out.
I took a gap year and started therapy because I was crying every day and night, becoming dehydrated from it all. My therapist told me I had feelings, and though I initially found it amusing, I decided to go along with this "feelings" theory in a desperate attempt to stop crying. I learned to recognize and name them, but I had to be acutely aware of my inner and outer self, which, for a twenty-year-old, was at best erratic. Still, I could only put names to them in a language that was foreign to me.
And then you appeared as a grainy fifteen-second video with a quote. At that time, it may or may not have been true. You wrote it in Japanese, then I translated it back and forth. My goodness, bless you. This technique opened up so much for me. Who would have thought that rewriting whatever comes to mind three or four times would make so much sense? Of course, the credit isn't solely yours. Taylor Swift, the woman I skipped in my teens to read about social constructs and our obligations to each other, pretending that I had any inkling of understanding and also pretending that I was the only person with internet access at my school.
I started writing little songs about what I had seen and experienced. Making them rhyme turned it into a game, and translating them made everything come together, although it also brought pain and forced me to confront many things at once. For that, I will always be grateful.
The next time you entered my life, I was 24 and had just experienced a disastrous falling out with my male best friend. Long story short, we became involved romantically, it continued, feelings got messy, and he developed feelings for someone else. I distanced myself and was truly saddened, acknowledging it this time.
It was a sunny spring day when I had my left wisdom tooth removed. I'm terribly afraid of dentists, and like the spoiled brat I can be, my mom bought me a book as a treat. Books are quite pricey in Chile and come with higher taxes than regular goods. I asked for something funny, sarcastic, First person singular, That was the first time I laughed heartily with a book.
More books followed, and I began jotting things down. Writing short stories were the only things keeping me going. It was like talking to a friend I no longer had. The stories weren't directed at him, but I mimicked in those early tales how I used to ramble and mumble to him for hours. Then came a month-long trip to London, staying in an Airbnb room. Irritable bowel syndrome and returning to my hometown. Freelance work, a big corporate job, the dead of a dear friend. The dead of a friendship.
With my college girlfriends, we have a group chat. We all fell into astrology at the same time, not knowing much about it, so we sought answers in the stars. Quite the reliable information source, you know. One of them was in love but didn't feel the butterflies, so I advised her to eliminate them and choose. We debated the best ways to do so, and in the end, I found myself in my room, in front of my screen, laughing and giggling.
I took a Eurotrip to validate the book or the time to write the book. However, travelling on a budget is exhausting, and I eventually stop giggling in front of the screen. Instead, I found myself wandering aimlessly in the streets for hours on end. Don't get me wrong, I love eating bread every day, navigating winding cobblestone streets without a map, and sharing a room with twelve rather unhygienic Europeans. Essentially, I'm living out every dream I had when I was twelve, but also facing every fear.
I'm in Porto and haven't written a thing in a month. At first, it was due to exhaustion, then I grew weary of avoiding admitting how poorly my body felt. Finally, a spirited Spanish woman, around 60 years old, complained loudly about the lack of Spanish books in the hostel. There was only one copy of "Norwegian Wood". After devouring a hundred pages, I began writing again.
It's true that I've only read three of your many books: "Novelist as Vocation," "First Person Singular," and "Norwegian Wood." However, each time you entered my life, it was uninvited, and yet somehow, immensely helpful. I no longer think about how my friend would phrase things or react when I write. Will he find this funny? Is this pun good? Instead, I think of you. When I'm tired, I listen to "Novelist as Vocation" because you are as chaotic as it gets, and it makes me feel secure.
Intentional or not, you have become my mentor and have taken care of me on numerous occasions. Thank you so much. Please continue to do so, as I have no one else I look up to in quite the same way. Don't leave us just yet. I promise to read the rest of your books, but it's like savoring an incredible meal. One of them sustains me for a long time, and I don't want to indulge in gluttony.
Sending a very awkward and uncomfortable hug along with my best wishes to you,
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spacieboi · 2 years
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𝑺𝒕𝒖𝒅𝒚 𝑩𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒌
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𝙏𝙮𝙥𝙚. 𝖲𝗆𝗎𝗍
𝙋𝙖𝙞𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙜. 𝖬𝖾𝗀𝗎𝗆𝗂 𝖥���𝗌𝗁𝗂𝗀𝗎𝗋𝗈 𝗑 𝖥𝖾𝗆𝖺𝗅𝖾 𝗋𝖾𝖺𝖽𝖾𝗋
𝘾𝙬. 𝖲𝗈𝗆𝗇𝗈𝗉𝗁𝗂𝗅𝗂𝖺 (𝖼𝗈𝗇𝗌𝖾𝗇𝗍𝖾𝖽 𝖻𝖾𝖿𝗈𝗋𝖾𝗁𝖺𝗇𝖽), 𝗈𝗋𝖺𝗅, 𝗎𝗇𝗉𝗋𝗈𝗍𝖾𝖼𝗍𝖾𝖽 𝗌𝖾𝗑
𝙒𝙤𝙧𝙙 𝙘𝙤𝙪𝙣𝙩. 1.5𝗄
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Finals were coming up and Megumi has been glued to his desk for the past four weeks.
You haven't had any "quality time" with him in awhile if you know what I mean.
Don't get him wrong, he loved you and would do anything for you, but partners come and go and grades were something that effected how you get along in life so in a way you understood where he was coming from.
Still, that didn't dismiss your body yearning for him. If you could help yourself you would but ever since that first night y'all spent together, nothing you do could ever satisfy you the way he did.
You just got back from work and knocked on his dorm room door.
A faint "come in" allowed you entry. You sigh as he couldn't even bring himself to stop for a moment to let you inside.
"Hey baby" you come over to wrap your arms around his neck.
"Hey Sweetheart, how are you" he didn't even look up from his textbook
You start kissing at his neck hoping he would at least look up at you.
"Fine I guess"
"Mhm." Was his only response. You grunt as you stomp away from him.
"Can we fuck now?" You flop over on his bed. You were so desperate that you've come to the point of bluntly asking.
At first you tried to leave hints and when he wasn't picking them up, you decided to tease him. That led you to realize that he was just straight up ignoring you.
"Not yet" he turned the page.
"But your exam is literally tomorrow can't you take a break?"
"All the reason I should study harder" was his nonchalant reply.
You groan as you chuck a pillow at his head.
"You suck ass" You mumble.
"Only yours"
"I wish. I'm taking a shower" you grab the tank top and shorts that you brought with you and made your way to his bathroom.
As you ran the hot water you couldn't help but think about the couple of times you two have spent in the shower.
The heat builds up as your mind wanders down south.
Soon enough Megumi heard your moans seep through the open door.
He groans as his growing erection pressed against his sweats. He couldn't Ignore you for much longer.
It wasn't the first time this week or today that you had masturbated in front of him. If he heard you cum one more time without seeing that adorable face as your eyes forced closed whining his name as you shook under him he would go fuck you himself.
But at last, he kept at his work. You could wait. He could wait, maybe.
Finally the shower shut off and you came out to annoy him once again.
"Had fun?" He teases.
"No, I need you" you whine
"Not yet" you huff and drag yourself over to his bed.
"We'll come fuck me when you're done."
That was the last he'd heard from you in awhile.
His heavy eyes glanced at the time on his phone. 12am.
All this studying wouldn't be any good if he wasn't wake to take the exam.
He pulled away from his desk and looked over at his bed.
You were fast asleep, covers kicked off as it was probably one of the hottest nights you've had this summer.
You even removed your pj shorts revealing your cute underwear being eaten up between your ass cheeks.
If that wasn't a beautiful sight he didn't know what was.
He removed his shirt and pants before crawling next to you.
Your sweet face overcome of such serenity as you slept so peacefully. He almost felt bad to ruin it, but he knew the look of your fucked out face suited you better.
I mean it would be awful for him to ignore you after you've begged him so nicely for so long.
His hands caress over your waist and down to your thighs.
He looks at your undisturbed face. Always hated you were such a heavy sleeper.
His lips place a small kiss on your tummy as he raises your legs to sit on top of his shoulders. His kisses travel down to the heat between your legs and leaves a long hard lick over your clothed pussy.
"Mmm~" you stir in your sleep. Your eye lids are forced together as your legs tighten around Megumi's neck In an attempt to close them.
He chuckles at you. "Don't worry, Sweetness." A gently caress of his fingers dance across your cheeks. "I'm finally here to take care of you."
Obviously he didn't gain a response but your underwear was soaking fast. He took them down your legs then buried his nose and lips in your soaking cunt.
Licking your folds nice and clean before entering his tongue in the dark wet cavern between your legs.
Another whine left your mouth as your hips cave into the glorious feeling, craving more of it as the sensation went on.
Your ass now raised in the air as Fushiguro took his tongue as far inside you as he could.
A free hand reaches up to pinch your harden nipples as another rubs addicting circles around your clit.
You remain asleep despite your mouth ajar spilling quiet moans into the pillo𝗐.
Your legs shook and your sticky slit was smeared across Megumi's face.
A grunt leaves his mouth as your thighs squeeze around him nearly crushing his head.
Your body jolts as the creamy liquid spills from your folds and down Megumi's lips. He watches as your wet lips quiver failing to hold back your whines.
Your figure moved in waves as Megumi carefully cleaned your mess.
"Such a sweet girl you are, Baby" his face close to yours as he covers your warm cheeks in kisses.
His hands bring your knees up to your chest as he makes room for himself in between your legs.
His head is thrown back as the feeling of his erection pressed against your warm cunt.
"I promise to never leave you this long again" he strokes his cock as his eyes are fixed on your pretty pussy throbbing and squeezing around air as if it was begging for him.
Soon he succumb to your gorgeous body that he admired so much. He lines himself up as he begins to push into your entrance.
"Gah" his eyes close at the lovely feeling of being closed in around you. He pushes in further and you let out a shaky breath.
Once a satisfied amount of his length has penetrated you he starts to slowly move his hips against you.
His breath becomes heavy as he tries to hold back the sweet sounds of pleasure you were irking from him.
His pace picks up and he pushes more into you once he notices how easy you're able to take him.
A light almost unnoticeable grip crept around his arm.
He opens his eyes to follow your hand to your sleepy half opened eyes trying to make out the scene before you.
"Me..gumi, mm" your head falls back as you start to comprehend the situation you're in.
"Hey, Sweetheart sleep well?" His soft voice greets you as his lips bring comfort to your neck and down to your collar bone.
"You're done? About d-damn time" you struggled to even tease him as your arms wrapped around his neck pulling him into you.
He lifts one of your legs to twist your body to the side and get a better angle. You moan as he starts to stimulate a more pleasurable area on your gummy walls.
"Yes, Baby you have all my attention." He leans down to kiss your lips, thrust were barely breaking away from your hips.
"Ahh~ I missed this." You mutter into his lips. His heavy figure held you down to the bed. Your body hot and steamy as sweat tried it’s best to cool you both off.
“I know, sweetie, I know. But I’m here now, I’ll make sure you feel so good.” His pelvis rolls against yours as he grinds against your clitoris.
Your fingers start to claw at his back as you feel the pleasure starting to build up.
“Megumi, I’m close”
“Go ahead, you deserve it” he pounds into you faster helping you reach your orgasm.
You release a gasp as you spasm under him. Your head thrown back and nails gripping his shoulders tight.
“Fuck, Y/N” he grunts. Thrusts slow down as he rides his orgasm along with you.
His lips crash into yours as a tired and breathy “I love you” trace your lips.
“I love you too, Megumi” your eyes fall heavy and within a second you fall back into your slumber. Knocked out and show no sign of waking up anytime soon.
Fushiguro smiles at you as he watches your chest move up and down.
He gets a wash cloth from his bathroom to clean you up and then decides to jump in the shower himself.
He joins you in the bed once done and wraps his arms around your waist as he spoons you. Finally you were satisfied and happy to have your boyfriend’s attention once again.
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angelamajiki · 3 years
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PARINGS: Brother! Tamaki Amajiki x Female! Sister! Reader
CW: yandere, incest, stealthing, con to noncon, quirk play, riding, manipulation, possessiveness, slight angst, implied kidnapping
AN: thank you to @suzuki-violin-school for beta reading!! @sightoru @bonesoftheimpala come get y’all juice
You always had a strange relationship with your big brother, seeming to be just a touch close for your parent’s liking. But the pair of you never paid too much mind to it. Something about it just felt natural and right. You were thick as thieves, always confiding and comforting each other when no-one else seemed well enough to do the job.
When you ran to your brother’s house the second your first boyfriend broke up with you for a completely arbitrary reason, leaving you to cry on your nii-san’s shoulder to deal with your heartache.
“I told you he was no good for you, bunny. I knew from the start that something was wrong with him. There’s no one that’s good enough for my baby sister.”
Then it happened again. And again. And again, until it seemed like every partner you’ve ever had lost interest after the first few months of your relationship. It was devastating to feel unloved and unwanted, but at least you had your big brother to make everything better. Tamaki always reminded you how much he loved you, how smart and intelligent you were, how anyone would be lucky to have you, and the people who have dumped you were complete fools to not see what a gem you were.
And anyone would be lucky to have your big brother; you reminded him as well. The number seven pro hero who had finally blossomed into a confident, top-tier hero with a heart of gold. He was so strong, not to mention a heartthrob. Maybe it felt wrong to be jealous of the attention he gets from the media for his work along with his looks. Still, maybe it was because you knew better than anyone else that one day, the devotion he showed towards you would be the devotion he showed towards his own partner.
Not that you ever planned to tell him you didn’t want his undivided attention to be cast elsewhere, but just like everything else about your relationship, it flowed out naturally when you were crying about your recent first date that had ghosted you after dinner.
“Tama-nii, I’m never going to find someone! Why does no one want me?”
You sobbed into his chest, clinging to him like you did when you were a child, searching for the lost innocence of your youth in his arms. His strong hands embraced you without question, without judgment, as he kissed the top of your head tenderly while shushing you gently.
“Oh, bunny. That’s not true at all-”
What could he know about your struggle? The media treats him like the very man who hung the stars in the sky, and how could you blame them? He was the moon, the very embodiment of tenderness that waxes and wanes with a gentle, shimmering brilliance that you can’t help but hide in the shadows of.
“Yes, it is! What could you possibly know of not being wanted when you’re just going to end up leaving me like everyone else does?” His silence spoke louder than your own sobbing. “One day, you’ll find someone and leave me to be alone again because no one wants me!”
His hand, that touch you’ve become so familiar with, gently strokes your lower back.
“Who said I don't want you? You're making assumptions, little bunny.”
His words tickled your ear, got your heart racing as he quelled your cries of anguish. “Because I certainly do.”
Nimble fingers tilted your chin up to meet his soft gaze, lust clouding his eye like the calm before the storm.
“B-But not like that-”
“Exactly like that.”
His words lit a fire in your core, but forced ice to run through your veins. Your brother could never have you in the way you wanted him to, the way you needed him to.
“It's not that simple.” You choked out, straining to contain yourself from your fleeting desires. This fleeting feeling of weakness can't let you risk your relationship with your brother, or worse, let him be your everything for just a moment and watch him walk away when he's done. “We can't.”
“And why is that? Isn't it obvious that I'm not going anywhere unless I'm with you?”
His face inched closer to yours, a blush splattering his pale skin up to his ears.
“It’s wrong-”
Your eyes flicked to his lips for a brief moment as you found yourself frozen.
“Not if I love you.”
Plush lips sealed over yours, enveloping you in the tenderness you'd had always envied him for. The love, the obsession he had for you had come crashing down in waves over you as you kissed him back, eager to feed off his affection and attention.
Teeth and tongue clashed together in a messy display of the taboo; hips pushed flush against each other as you whined into his mouth, sobbing in the relief of finally feeling yearned for.
The question of whether or not it was right wasn't plaguing you anymore, not like it did you when you scorned yourself for the infectious desires that coiled in your core late at night. His love cleansed you, cured you of your ailment as his tongue and lips made their way to your neck.
Sweet nothings tickled your ear as he nibbled and kissed along your tender flesh, leaving bright pink spots in his loving wake. The tears from your eyes dripped onto his hair, but neither of you seemed to care.
“Don't cry, my love.”
His words were like a symphony, enthralling you with the melody that he carried in his voice and the song he sung to soothe your overwhelmed state. “Let your big brother take care of you, okay?”
Clothes were discarded in a flurry, tossed somewhere beyond the couch the two of you were grinding on. His hands were so strong, yet so gentle as you were carried like a princess, his princess, to his bed where he no doubt intended to indulge in every one of your desires.
Your knight in shining armor kissed you breathless under the moonlight that trickled through the window, casting his shadow over you. Even now, he stole the limelight but you couldn't find it in yourself to care this time, not when he touched you so lovingly.
Nimble fingers kneaded and pulled at your plump flesh, making their ways down to the wetness between your legs. Shame flushed your face as he throatily chuckled. “Wet for me already, imouto? You're flattering your nii-san.”
The pad of his thumb circled your clit gently, sharp eyes watching as your body jolted and twitched at the sensation. “You’re acting as though you've never been touched before.”
You hear the smile in his voice without even seeing it. It only served to flush your shame even further, avoiding the eyes that were fucking you with everything they had.
“Don’t take those pretty eyes off of me.”
His middle finger prodded gently at your hole, teasing the twitching thing with circles of his forefingers. Shyly, your eyes turned to him, begging, pleading for him to stop teasing already!
And how could he deny such an unspoken request from the love of his life? Tamaki already knew what you wanted before you even did, he always did. He’s been able to read you like a book, already knowing what would be on the next page before it was written.
Still, he liked to tease, or more so needed to. It would fuel him like no other to finally hear you beg for him, beg for the love only he knew how to give you. Not that he would be so selfish to deny you of all that you wanted, he was more than prepared to spoil his lovely princess.
But, the man couldn't deny the inklings of his insecurities coming back to bite him. There was a chance that you could regret this later, that you would run far from his reach the second the realization that you slept with your brother donned on you. Tamaki wouldn't have it, now or ever.
Your moans drew him back to the present as his finger pumped in and out of you, dragging along your spongy, wet walls that gripped him oh so nicely. He could hardly handle the anticipation of getting to feel you around his cock.
“N-Nii-san! I can't wait, want you inside!”
Your broken cry sent a shudder down his spine and a jump to his cock. Such a desperate little thing you were, but you were his desperate little thing.
Maneuvering the both of you, he sat you in his lap while holding your ass flush to his hips.
“You know what to do, pretty girl.”
Swallowing thickly, you pulled his cock out of his boxers and positioned yourself to sink down on it.
“Y-You’ll pull out, right?”
“Of course, imouto.”
That was all you needed. Determined to please him, you pushed just the tip in before sitting all the way down on it. A choked gasp filled the space as you felt the fullness of your brother’s cock inside of you.
“S-So full, nii-san!” He stretched you perfectly, letting any pain fade comfortably into pleasure.
It was then that Tamaki decided he would ruin you, not only for himself but for anyone else who dared to think they would be able to please you.
As you ground your hips down into his, you couldn't help but start to feel him grow inside you. Was this normal for sex?
“Ah! Hold on, it's really starting to hurt nii-san.”
Your hips lifted off of his, only to be slammed back down by those strong hands you've come to love.
“Just relax, princess. I'm doing this because I love you.”
Admittedly, this was his first time to try to manifest this part of his body, but he had to try for you, didn't he? Your future with him depended on it. The kiss he pressed to your temple was to soothe himself more than you, focusing on the horse meat he had eaten early that day just after you called him.
He shushed your struggles, hugging you close and stroking the ever-growing bulge in your stomach as he completed his manifestation.
“There we go.” He kissed your cries of the pain away. “It’s okay, you’re okay, princess.”
You had to understand that he was doing this for both of you. He’d ruin that cunt of yours, make it so no man other than Tamaki and his quirk could ever satisfy you.
“You were made to my cock, and mine alone, princess. I'll make you see that.”
The pain was nearly unbearable as he began to thrust up into you, hitting your cervix with the strange cock head he had produced. His hand stayed flush to the bulge on your stomach, stroking it gently as he pounded into you from below.
Your cries and moans meshed together in a perfect melody, one that was always destined to be sung by the both of you, together as one.
Neither of you were going to last long, not with his quirk in play.
“Oh God, I'm gonna cum, princess!” His thrusts became erratic, pounding into you with a new vigor.
“Y-You promised to pull out!” You cried in frustration, feeling his cum fill you up to the brim and dripping out of even with his cock still inside. Tamaki thumbed at your clit to help push you over the edge as he shrunk his cock back down, feeling you cum around him with a cry and shaky legs.
He pulled out, looking at the bulge his cum inside you left behind as he pushed on it gently, watching it gush out of you.
“Now no one else will ever want you.”
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