#the last episode of a youtube series i'd been waiting on: :>
astro-inthestars · 11 months
You ever just watch something that hits you so hard you can't do anything else for the rest of the day except think about it
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dovakiinwitcher · 4 months
Batfamily As Interactions With My Own Siblings
- Call and response with quotes or song lyrics. Dick and/or Steph use this most often since most of their siblings are angsty (Jason, Tim, Damian, Cass), so this forces them to acknowledge them. To not respond is of the HIGHEST offense.
- Sometimes Damian, or Cass, will come flying out of nowhere to surprise attack one of their siblings. Frankly, all of them do this, but those two are most common. Poor Duke is always the most caught off guard, in spite of his powers.
- Tim is almost always the last one down for dinner. Sometimes, he doesn’t even come down until after everyone else has eaten. Alfred is always kind enough to leave a plate for him to reheat. One time, he found that plate on the floor beneath a laundry basket that was propped up by a stick, cartoon-trap style. His siblings were hiding around the corner, watching him intently.
- Jason sometimes gets distracted in the bathroom, picking at scabs or old scars on his face in the mirror. His siblings (particularly Damian) get really pissed if they've heard the toilet flush and still have to wait for ten minutes to use the bathroom. (Jason has pointed out that there are other bathrooms. This doesn't prevent him from getting yelled at.)
- Duke has been known to go on fierce literary rants to Jason. Most recently about a certain shitty book he had to read for school.
- Tim started a DnD campaign with Dick, Barbara, and Duke. The party got sidetracked going undercover as an "exterminator" company, and helping a poor milliner jumpstart her hat business (don't ask how those were related). Tim is scared that they may have completely forgotten their original quest.
- Sometimes Steph forgets who she's told something to, and will repeat information to people who've already heard this from her.
- Jason, on the other hand, will forget what he HAS been told by people, and infuriates people with his questions of things he's already "had this conversation about."
- Bruce has repeatedly told Damian that Batcow is not a house pet. Nonetheless, he's found Damian in his room reading a book to his cow several times.
- Dick and Jason have reenacted many YouTube videos on patrols, from quoting back and forth to one another, to performing dangerous parkour stunts.
- Damian once tried to strangle Jason after he won Unstable Unicorns by almost exclusively trolling Damian and preventing him from gaining a final unicorn five times in a row. In one game. Damian has still not forgiven him.
- Jason once offered Tim a hit of his cigarette. Dick later found out and flipped his shit.
- The kitchen is a hazardous place to be. The kids pretend to stab each other a lot.
- Jason communicates primarily through saying either "I'll kill you," or "I'd rather die." Although sometimes, when someone's talking (typically Steph or Dick), he'll randomly interject to say, "you're a [insert obscure twist of their words]."
- For example, Steph was once vacuuming the rug with a very old vacuum and said, "this vacuum would be terrible at cocaine." Jason replied from the couch, not looking up from his book, "you're a terrible cocaine vacuum."
- The siblings binged the Chernobyl HBO series in one night. Right off the bat, Damian went on a rant about how irresponsible the guy committing suicide was for not finding his cat a new home first and just leaving out food. He also had to leave the room during the dog part in later episodes. When Dick was sent to tell him it was over, he was found with his face buried in Titus and/or Ace's fur.
- On a lighter note, Jason commentated over many of the really heavy parts of that documentary, making it way funnier than it was supposed to be. Sometimes he genuinely argued with the TV.
- There is a quote book of obscure things they've said out of context. Here are some excerpts:
"Haha, losers, imagine having parents." - Jason
"And that's why child labor is good and justifiable." - Steph
"They really underestimate my stabbing abilities." - Damian
"This jacket is vegan leather. Which means I skinned a vegan and turned them into a jacket." - Cass
"That's how my brain works; it doesn't." - Tim
"But we're stressful together." - Dick
"As Thomas the Tank Engine once said: chuga chuga choo choo, I'm a sexy dinosaur." - Also Dick
"If you wouldn't have been killed by Nazis, are you even an interesting person?" - Duke
"Alright, shit pisser, let's rumble." - Jason
"Keep your rabid animal away from my crab legs." - Barbara
- Barbara has a tendency to play true crime podcasts while she works. People only ever seem to walk in during the weirdest parts. She doesn't feel the need to explain herself; she finds the looks on their faces hilarious.
- The household Alexa will respond to Dick unprompted, and it genuinely freaks him out. It doesn't do that for anyone else, and he thinks it's out to get him. This is why he has a Google at home in Blüdhaven instead.
- Jason isn't the most hygienic person, which concerns the family sometimes. Dick had learned that when he visits wherever Jason is living at the moment and "oops, forgets" his shampoo or body wash or whatever, Jason will end up using it. Jason has caught on, but will never openly admit that he's grateful for it.
- Dick will ruffle Damian's hair out of affection. Tim will do it to piss him off.
- Tim and Damian often kick each other without any other interaction. Bruce finds it troubling. Dick reminds him that he and Jason used to do the same thing (mainly Jason kicking Dick).
- When Tim and Steph play video games, it's not uncommon for Steph to hijack a car just to try to run Tim over while he tries to do side quests.
- Cass is the Super Smash Bros champion. And the Mario Kart champion. And tends to carry everyone when playing multi-player. Mostly because Steph tries to sabotage them at every corner, and only Cass is able to adapt.
I may do more of these, but I didn't want this to be TOO long.
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💖 >:3
(For the askbox game)
Now I would list off my favorite episode in this particular answer BUT I wanna wait until I have seen ever S2 episode before that because I have a hunch that either one of the last three episodes to go is gonna wind up being my favorite of the entire series because this already-impressive and addictive show has vastly improved since it came back....with that said, I can list off my favorite S1 episode, or at least three contenders for the title.
While the "Whodunnit" plot is a tale as old as time and has been in numerous animated works for decades, I can safely say that "Who Violently Murdered Simon S. Salty?" might be my favorite take on this trope because not only does it avoid playing this plot straight like others, there's a couple of fun twists so the payoff/punchline to the mystery is legitimately hilarious, also I love how the episode showcases Pim and Charlie's dynamic so well here with how they approach the situation and how well they bounce off of each other with Pim being the sensitive and caring one while Charlie is the trying to present himself as the more gruff and business-like of the two while also coming across as a bit of a goofball, also that cute bit at the end satisfied this obvious Charpim shipper. But what happens when you get an episode where it's one without the other and will it work as well as the boys bouncing off of each other? Well...
"A Silly Halloween Episode" is a spooky fun romp where Pim being the wholesome and lighthearted character stars by himself in the dark side of the forest on a dark and stormy night while being targeted by a mysterious force. Why this works so well is that even though Pim is not playing off of Charlie's cynical disposition, instead he is juxtaposed to this uncanny Silent Hill/Blair Witch aesthetic and is clearly terrified while trying to keep it upbeat. I like how it feels like a Courage the Cowardly Dog episode or that Mickey Mouse short with the Mad Scientist. The beginning setting up the episode's ending is also a clever punchline. Now that we covered a SF episode with Pim as the focus and Charlie out of the picture, the last episode of S1 I will cover is the opposite.
"Charlie Dies And Doesn't Come Back" is actually the first episode of this show I watched from beginning to end. Long story short: Believe it or not, there was a time before 2022 where I hated Smiling Friends, because I tried to watch the pilot and initially wasn't impressed for reasons I'll get into when I feel like expressing in another in-depth editorial, another reason for my bias was because at that period I was just more invested in serious adult cartoons like Final Space and Primal. But then I considered giving the show another chance once I saw thumbnails on YouTube of nothing but glowing reviews for this show so I figured I'd give it a second chance in the future...coincidentally I did give it a chance when I was lucky enough to catch the [AS] 2022 April Fools Day broadcast on YouTube and I was not only impressed I was grinning like a fool the entire time and I was still chuckling about it the next day, I just had to bingewatch the rest of the show. What makes this episode work is like the last ep I covered: instead of Pim having a solo episode with a dark tone, Charlie stars in an episode bouncing off a more comedic-toned episode instead of bouncing off of Pim and the episode is even better after seeing the rest of the show because after witnessing Charlie trying to look more stoic than he really is for most of this chaotic show his pokerface is dropped once he makes it clear how freaked out by his unhinged violent environment. The climax-leading-to-the-ending is also incredibly sweet not just for Pim and Charlie's reunion but in retrospect this is because it would turn out to be one of the last voice performances of comedy legend Gilbert Gottfried before his passing in mere days after I saw the episode it made the climax when the character he voices even more of a pleasant surprise, what a way to cap off a carrier...
I know, big shocker I used to hate this show before it came out when it ended up becoming my biggest non-Anime obsession at the moment, but it's not the only shocking opinion I have regarding this show as I have two yellow hearts to answer with a bombshell to reveal for each.
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kolbisneat · 12 days
Hey it's May! Big X-Men month over here but also lots of other great stuff. Here's how I spent the last 31 days!
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Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga (2024) Impossible to live up to my expectations, given how much I love Mad Max: Fury Road. I liked the bits with new characters, I liked the bits that felt like Fury Road, and I surprisingly liked how it tied into the previous film during the credits. It's a different beast and given it succeeds as a prequel, I gotta respect it for what it is.
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Mr. & Mrs. Smith (Episode 1.01 to 1.06) Shockingly violent but it does a good job of setting the tone for the series in the first scenes. Love it when something fantastically (spy life) is used to highlight the mundane (stages of a romantic relationship). Big fan.
Delicious in Dungeon (Episode 1.18 to 1.22) Uuuuugh so close to the end of the season and I'm not looking forward to the wait between now and season 2.
X-Men '97 (Episode 1.08 to 1.10) Hey a really tight season of television! Maybe a little too tight at moments (strangely it feels like it could've benefited from 1 or 2 more eps in the middle there) but I really do prefer a fast pace over a slog. Now I'm gonna go read some X-Men comics.
Succession (Episode 4.03 to 4.10) Somehow avoided having the ending spoiled and it was a perfect culmination of great characters and writing. What I love about this series is how consistently it puts the core trio in the same room, and how the score is practically all just variations of the intro song. Loved it.
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The Spectacular Failure of the Star Wars Hotel by Jenny Nicholson I've been watching Nicholson's videos for years and it's great to see this one break out of its core community for a few reasons: 1. it shows that thoughtful and thorough art can connect and has value and 2. towards the end it becomes a scathing indictment of cynical corporations. Much like blockbuster cinema slowly dying, it confirms that the general public can discern art from content and won't support the latter. The Star Wars Hotel was overpriced content and it failed. VIDEO
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The Farthest Shore by Ursula K. Le Guin (Compelte) I don't know what I was thinking when I read and disliked A Wizard of Earthsea. This and The Tombs of Atuan are so thoroughly fantastic that I feel the need to go back and reread the first book after I finish the series. Such economical and poetic storytelling.
Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency by Douglas Adams (Complete) Big fan of the Hitchhiker's Trilogy but maybe that set the bar too high for this one. It never quite came together and if asked what the book was about, I'd have a hard time landing on something. Maybe that works for some folks and I'm in full support of the journey being the adventure, but it just wasn't for me.
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House of X / Powers of X by Jonathan Hickman, Pepe Larraz, R.B. Silva, and Marte Gracia (Complete) Hey the new show has me in the mood to read some X-Men comics! I appreciated the series more on this reread but still find the pacing of the "reveal" to undersell the gravity of what it's suggesting. I'm keen to get into the rest of the series even though it's a convoluted jumble of multiple titles. Comics!
Dawn of X Volume 1 by Jonathan Hickman and a whole slew of talented folks (Complete) Reading single issues from different teams back-to-back really highlights individual strengths and weaknesses. I really dug some issues and was bored by others but I'm going to keep going with these collected volumes to see what sticks.
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Delicious in Dungeon Vol 7 & 8 by Ryoko Kui (Complete) I really forgot most of these volumes. Izutsumi is such a good foil for the group (especially now that Marcille is barely resistant to eating monsters at this point) but I always have trouble with the moody loner types.
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Hyperdrama by Justice (2024) You know I haven't listened to this since the start of the month. Some standout tracks but the album as a whole didn't leave me with much of an impression.
The Lonely Island and Seth Meyers Podcast (Podcast) The Lonely Island digital shorts were a foundational part of my youth and listening to how they were made, along with behind-the-scenes stuff with SNL, is a great listen.
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OZ: A Fantasy Role-Playing Setting (Andrews McMeel Publishing) Tuesday crew is beginning to see the aftermath of their political assassination (you can read all about it here!) and the Mof1 crew is actively sabotaging a memorial to the lives lost in a catastrophic explosion they caused.
And that's it. See you in June!
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chaifootsteps · 6 months
Anon roll call? Looks like I've gotta come back. Shitcastle anon here, I've been busy but you better bet I'd take the chance to say hi to everyone.
Anyways, I'm 24 and majoring in Anthropology. Used to double major with creative writing, but all my dreams are dead. I still write and draw but not nearly as much as I used to. When it comes to vivzipop, hell. I literally remember getting some kind of ad for Hazbin Hotel before it came out and thought it looked interesting bc I love animation and was in need of a new indie series to watch bc the previous one I was interested in stopped updating indefinitely. I liked it when it first premiered. I was excited for the team when they were picked up by A24. I refused to watch Helluva Boss for awhile because 'it wasn't Hazbin'. But I like Brandon Rogers and have a horrible sense of humor and watched it since episode 2 kept showing up in my recommended. I liked it. Thought it was too fast paced and thought loo loo land should've taken place later in the season and some jokes relied too heavily on the fact that its an adult animation but ehhh heyy what do I know, it's not like the university I'm attending has a stelar arts program or nothing (oh wait it does) flaws exist in all media it's fine farther. I even drew fanart (it was ugly her designs confuse me). Then I introduced my abusive ex to the show and we watched every episode together when it came out. I associate the show with him now. He kins Blitzo (should've been a red flag tbh). So since I was consuming just so much red, I decided to watch youtubers who watch the red and talk about the red. Enter Ayy Lmao. Enter Ken. Here comes the video he made on Ken and my surprised pikachu face at how he responded to it. I never knew about any of the controversies until his abysmal retelling of each and every time Viv even spoke. I went to different social media sites to see so much ass kissing and not enough ass being held accountable. Felt like I was trapped in a room full of flat earthers. But the beloved critical tag existed and I learned so much that I went from happily watching to watching out of wanting to see the story progress to desperately wanting something to be good. The last episode I watched was happy campers I think.
Ok this is too long now and I forgot what else I was supposed to say. Love you What If anon and Taxidermy anon!
It's a delight to get to know the person behind the funniest anon name of the bunch!
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tangledbea · 10 months
Can you rank the 9 40min + episodes( including before ever after and plus et en vouz)
I'm going to rank these based on initial reaction, both my own and the fandom's, and give a bit of a description as to why I put it where I did. Note that this order doesn't necessarily reflect the order in which I find them the most entertaining to watch.
Destines Collide - I feel like, in terms of what people were anticipating by this point in the series (we all knew someone would betray Rapunzel, there was the theory about Eugene being the Dark Prince flying around, we wanted to know what would happen when Rapunzel touched the Moonstone, etc), this episode was the most satisfying to watch.
Queen For a Day - I remember watching this episode with a sense of "Oh, god, I know none of these people are going to die here, but by god, are they giving me a heart attack watching them go through all this!" And then the ending, where Varian goes villain? MWAH! *chef's kiss* Fantastic storytelling.
Rapunzel and the Great Tree - This episode introduced the concept of the Reverse Incantation, as well as really gave us fodder for Cassandra's eventual betrayal. And even though a lot of these major plot points were eventually brushed under the rug, at the time, they were such a huge deal and sparked so much debate in the fandom.
Cassandra's Revenge - While I find this the most satisfying portrayal of Cassandra as a villain, it doesn't change the fact that the whole time I was wishing she'd just stay committed to the bit instead of being wishy-washy. Still, it has the reveal of Eugene's birthday and age, and Rapunzel wanting to propose to Eugene, not to mention that absolutely epic battle, and proof positive that "Enchanted Girl" was indeed Zhan Tiri, in case anyone still had any doubts.
Tangled: Before Ever After - The one that started it all, and the episode I've seen the most times. Did you know I watched it literally eleven times the day after it aired? I watched it live the night before, then just ran it On Demand all day the next day. I do have some complaints with a few things, but overall, it got us going. It gave us a reason (sort of) for the hair to return, and it was just so nice to see my baes (and their animal sidekicks) again.
Beyond the Corona Walls - My dudes, I cannot explain how shook up the New Dream fans were to learn that Eugene had been previously engaged, and for those of us who know Chuck (the series) to have found out that Yvonne Strahovski was going to be playing her. This was the third party interference that so many had been waiting for. Not to mention, Rapunzel was finally getting to see the world, at last! Very important!
Secret of the Sundrop - You would not believe how much Rapunzel forgiving Frederic and never getting to bring up his gross invasion of privacy did to sour my mood for a big chunk of this episode. Also, by the time it aired, I wasn't particularly invested in Varian's arc (due to overexposure). I was, however, extremely interested to see how Rapunzel was standing up for herself and not just letting Frederic keep her locked away. I loved seeing her actually harness the power of the black rocks and control them. I loved the wall breaking, even though she hadn't directly told the rocks to do it. "Ready As I'll Ever Be" became such a phenomenon, it brought a lot of people to the series who hadn't even heard of it because it was suggested on YouTube.
Rapunzel's Return - I spent the majority of my first watch-through of this episode angry. I really, really hate that Gothel is Cassandra's mother, and the fact that they not only made that canon, but made that the focal point of her betrayal really pissed me off and soured my mood for most of the episode. It's good, though, it really is. Varian's redemption was a little rushed, but was still satisfying, and I like that he came to the conclusion on his own that he was in the wrong. I also like that Rapunzel got to tell him what I'd been saying for a year or so (and still am).
Plus Est En Vous - I'm not going to lie; by the time this episode aired, I was very ready for the series to be over. There's a lot - and I mean a lot - that I actively dislike about it. There are also several good points in it for me, though, but most of them are moments at best, rather than entire scenes. The best part is literally the very end. If it hadn't ended on the proposal, I probably wouldn't like this episode. I will always have the fond memory of having watched it with @kelseyfitzherbert, though. She came to visit me just for the finale, but of course we also went to Disneyland the day before and got New Dream hugs, and we got tattoos together later that day (they don't match, but they are both Tangled-related). So the events surrounding this episode, I'm very fond of, while the episode itself, not so much.
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mr-saavik · 1 year
@laevateinn tagged me in "9 people I'd like to know better" thank you Victor!!! :)
Last song: Crosseyed and Painless by Talking Heads. Specifically the live version from Stop Making Sense which has become a comfort album in the past handful of months for me.
Currently watching: god what am I NOT watching. With my sister Sara @colors-changing-hue I am: watching The X Files for the first time in fits and starts. Near the beginning of a Hannibal rewatch. About halfway through a Taskmaster rewatch. Near the end of the youtube series No More Jockeys. We also occasionally watch Doctor Who with a friend who is seeing it for the first time. On my own I'm at The Return portion of my Twin Peaks rewatch. I also tend to watch a lot of movies. Ok I think thats it. WAIT Sara and I are also watching new episodes of Star Trek: Strange New Worlds as they come out.
Currently reading: Destroy All Monsters by Jeff Jackson physically and about to start Scorched Grace by Margot Douaihy on audio because I finished Siren Queen by Nghi Vo on audio last night
Current obsession: oooo interesting I don't know if I have any particularly new obsessions.... Star Trek and Twin Peaks (and David Lynch more broadly) have been constant latent obsessions with Hannibal bubbling more to the surface now that I'm rewatching it, I've also been very consistently into crocheting and am currently working on a cool colorwork project from a vintage pattern I saw on tumblr, but these are all things I've liked for about a year or more. Maybe I could say No More Jockeys is a current obsession but less in a "I think about this all the time and/or engage in fan work" way and more in a "I've been sick and spent a lot of time watching this" sort of way.
I'm going to tag @lesbiancassius @pamplemoube @sofyarostova @solsburyhill1977 @princesskuragina @fifthlydoyoudream @narratorstragedy @suits-of-woe and @jonbinary but only if y'all want to :)
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mephicchi · 9 months
Tagged by @vondieerde thank youuuuu!!!! I did not expect to ever be tagged in such a thing
tag someone you want to know better
favorite color: if we're talking colours then most definitely red or specifically Bordeaux, wine red, but if we're talking shades, well, I almost only wear black so yeah.
last song: does it count if I listened to a song after I already read that I'd need to answer this question? Well, I think the last thing I listened to before I opened Tumblr this morning was "Take me to Church" by Hozier, but the last actual thing I listened to as of the time I am writing this was "Another Love" by Tom Odell
last movie: V for Vendetta, I rewatched it because why the hell not and I can confirm, it is still good. Looking back on it I should have waited until the 5th of November to rewatch it once again but eh.
currently watching: nothing honestly, not for a lack of wanting to watch anything, but for lack of motivation and honestly commitment to starting a show and actually ending it
other stuff i watched this year: this year was a total nostalgia year, I just kind of rewatched a bunch of stuff and thought of what my life was like back when I first watched them (I'm gonna act like I'm not literally 18 and "back then" doesn't mean like a couple of years ago), I did also watch a few things in cinema like Barbie and Oppenheimer.
shows i dropped this year/didn't finish: the third season of The Witcher released but honestly after the second one I'd rather just....not,aside from that though there's a bunch of anime that I watched a single episode of and then just dropped with the same reasoning as I mentioned earlier
currently reading: nothing :( I tell myself I really want to start reading but then I take a book into my hands and stop after a few pages and don't look at it again for a few months... I bough the Witcher book series a few years back and have finished a total 2 out of 7 books... recently I've gotten really interested in Discworld and thought about buying the Death novel series but ahhh I know I wouldn't read them and they'd rot in my bookshelf
currently listening to: anything my YouTube mix gives me, my music taste is incredibly all over the place that I'll be listening to game soundtracks one day, some kind of metal another, then maybe a few love songs and at the end of the week perhaps I'll travel back into the 80s
currently working on: does telling my 3d printer to print something for a project count as working on said project? Aside from the fact that I just press a few funny buttons for it, I'm working on some paint and paint brush holders for all my, well, paints and paint brushes, I'm telling myself that I'll finally start painting all my warhammer miniatures if my hobby table is more organized but I doubt I can convince myself to get motivated even if it is..... Worth a shot though.
current obsession: you know, there's this weird pale elf in some video game called Baldurs Gate 3, he's pretty alright but I wouldn't say I'm obsessed with him, aside from that I've been violently absorbing Warhammer Fantasy lore because it somehow caught me within it's fangs.
tagging: @waza8163 @josephinebrause
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Haven't been able to answer asks recently cause I had "work" (a last minute project) & completely missed Barb's bday🥲 (someone tell me about it?) but I was able to binge tma while doing it and....
@ 🌹 who asked me about my thoughts on it back in June:
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I'm not okay :)
This was literally me finishing #200
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Waited like this "😀" till the entire video and credits played out waiting for the second click of the tape recorder that'd give a more definite answer to the question of "Hey, what the fuck just happened"
It never came.
I'm just
Spoilers for tma and my usual unhinged rambling following;
I don't think a show has ever left me feeling so satisfied??? Like it rewarded the listeners for picking up on or remembering the smallest things from previous seasons? And that leap-up-yell-&-fist-pump feeling when you make a correct connection/theory and they confirm it!!!????? Or the wildly-slamming-your-palm-on-to-the-table-&-screaming-"YOU!!" feeling when they start describing an encounter with a character and you recognise them from a previous statement!!!!????
Don't even get me started on the absolute tragedy that is Jon's character, the feeling of horror and sorrow when you look back and realise that this man never had a chance???? For all he struggled and fought back he was always......I can't think of anything other than "a fly caught in a web" so I'm gonna let that sentence trail off. I mean when the only time within 200 episodes your character gets to have genuinely cute/happy moments is during the actual apocalypse you gotta look back at some point and go "yikes?" And that's not a complaint! I love tragic characters! I genuinely love ambiguous ends that make my brain itch with thoughts for months!! It kills me but I adore every second of it!
Speaking of which do you think they survived? Honestly I think there's enough evidence/pre-established rules that it could go either way. Plus there's always that law of fiction: no body = not dead. And off the top of my head I can't think of two characters who need a happy ending more than Jon&Martin
You know how people who already knew about the ship from tumblr watched Our Flag Means Death, then the homoerotic subtext starts getting stronger & stronger and they go "wow this is a lot" and then Stede&Ed kiss and they go "WAIT!? IT'S GAY GAY!?" that was me with TMA😭😭😭 I'd already seen the ofmd kiss on tumblr so I didn't get that full experience (though it still managed to shock me when I actually watched it??? & I still sobbed during it like an idiot??? Granted it was 3am at the time & my emotions are usually all over the place at around that time but still). I knew that people shipped Jon & Martin, in like a peripheral way? Like I'd occasionally see people reblogging about them and I'd know what show they're from but that's it, the thought of it gone as soon as I scrolled past. I didn't really think of it when I started the show, only remembered it during the heart-to-heart at the end of S1, thought it was the sweetest thing ever and figured the whole ship was built from small moments like that but HOLY SHIT!?????????????? It becoming canon didn't even come out of nowhere, hell there were hints you could trace all the back to the last couple episodes of S1, but even after religiously watching and rewatching ofmd I'm so used to shows no-homoing the deeply homoerotic connection between the two male leads that having it go canon was like getting hit by a semi
Speaking of being utterly fucking gobsmacked
I accidentally spoiled myself during ep 38? One of the youtube comments on ep 38 read something along the lines of how Sasha was said commenter's favourite character and how they hoped nothing happened to her. They had then added an edit to the comment which said something like "edit: I finished the series and I'm sobbing" and I thought "oh no! Sasha's gonna die in S5 :( " AND THEN SHE DIED IN THE VERY NEXT FUCKING EPISODE AMBDYSNBGYJFDJLZJD
Funfact: I picked up tma on a whim while looking for something to watch, I've never listened to a podcast before, I had no fucking idea what it was about. Let me reiterate: I HAD NO FUCKING IDEA IT WAS HORROR. Be me putting on a cute little podcast in the dead of night that could hopefully lull me into a peaceful sleep. Be me 16 minutes & 43 seconds later wide eyed and staring into the darkness in horror wondering what the fuck I just listened to
Anyway I'm now watching Welcome to Night Vale for the first time (about time too considering my Fictif's Last Legacy MC was named "Vale" back in 2020 after "Welcome to Night Vale".) It took me longer to get into it that into tma but I'm hooked now!
The fact that it has so many similar themes to TMA but from the pov of someone who sees it all as run-of-the-mill is fucking hilarious
Cecil's voice whenever he drops the radio announcer voice and gets excited!!!!?????
The FUCKING 2 PART ENDING OF YEAR 2!!? I WAS HYPED! I was supposed to be working while listening to it but I couldn't sit still & was literally doing a bouncing-skipping pace around the room in circles
Carlos' little "hi cecil" !? Just his voice in general❤
How insanely healthy their relationship is!? Setting up boundaries and supporting each other!? "I know two things..." shoot me dead
I just finished "Best of?" in Year 3 and the mystery!?!? The unravelling of the lore!!!!???? The fact that the unravelling of the lore just gives you more questions!!!!????
I'm fine :) Wondering how long I should wait before I binge tma again. If a couple weeks is too soon. If I'll laugh in sadistic delight or sob in stricken horror because this time around I'll know what inevitable fate they're all marching towards despite all their struggles & seeming victories
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quartings · 1 year
All the art and animations I'll be working on in 2023!
Hi, everyone! We're entering a big new year, and I'd like to make a few announcements about all the different projects I'm planning to start and release in the coming year! First of all-
College Adventures will have its final season! Not a big surprise, but I do plan to journal my final semester in college to round out the series- it's been a crazy four years and I can't wait to close them off with you all! I already have several episodes planned! One of which being a REALLY BIG INTERVIEW with an extremely famous animator I managed to land!
Fanart for new releases: JoJo Part 9 will release in February, and hopefully Pokemon Adventures will round up ORAS in their volumes, SwSh in their magazine releases, and hopefully start SV soon! Which of course, means more JoJoMon content! And with more Gen 9 announcements hopefully coming this Feburary with Pokemon Day, I miiiight be able to free up some time and ideas for short voiced animatics too! No promises on that one, though. Do expect a lot more Pokespe content this year, though! Will I make a Pokespe Vines & Memes 3? Hmm... not that soon, but not never!
Pokeani content? Probably not, but who knows? Maybe Riko will surprise me, or maybe she'll also have to suffer 25 years of character assassination * shrugs *
The Guardians of the Galaxy marathon and my final moments with the MCU: I haven't formally announced it, but Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 3 will by the final MCU project I watch, since James Gunn is moving on to DC and I want to end my MCU experience on a guaranteed high note. In honor of this, I plan on marathoning every film or special that the GotG have appeared in (GotG, GotG Vol 2, Infinity War, Endgame, Love and Thunder, and the GotG Holiday Special), and journaling down all my thoughts on every little character moment and easter egg and why I love this particular wing of the MCU so much. On top of that, you know I'll definitely be making tons of fanart for GotG3 when it drops, and I even have plans to make a voiced animatic in the leadup to its release, even if I'll be extremely busy with animation finals at that time- just because I love this series so much.
Wishful Thinking (Animated Short): I'm really sorry for still being so in the dark on this, but even though I'll be finishing up animation on the short before May, due to legal reasons I can't actually put it on Tumblr or Youtube until it finishes making the rounds at film festivals maybe sometime next year. I'll definitely see if I can put together a trailer at least, once I know for sure what the actual release date will be! I really hope everything goes well with this though- It's my biggest project ever and over three times longer than my last animated short, Flo's Cat Chase, so I really hope a lot of people watch it and like it Q_Q
More voice acting content for other people's projects! While these announcements may also take a while to come out, I will say that I have landed several decently-large voice acting roles in other projects, too! I'll definitely post proper announcements for them here when they come out!
The Great Unknown: Since I graduate from college this May, the rest of the year will probably consist of me moving across the country and trying to find a job- no idea how this will impact my content output, but I hope to spend all my time not working or job hunting making more comics, animations, and voice acting bits to expand my portfolio! I'll try my best to expand my YouTube channel during this time, too! Hopefully I can get a bit closer to my dream of becoming an animation showrunner!
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I only started following you because of my salad fingers phase and you had a crossover comic featuring him, but now the lore of dhmis is enticing and I have no clue where to start. Can you- can you pwease explain it to me?
-dysrix anon
ok got it!!! no problem!!!!!
(before i start rambling excessively i just gotta say that's different to hear lol, i think the majority are around for the puppets and just tolerate mr sally's presence)
OK SO. dhmis is a webseries that started in 2011 as a short film made by a couple of college kids who wanted to say something about not imposing rules on how creativity should be expressed, because art school is kinda just Like That. that video was put on youtube and went really super viral and all the Reaction Video People were a "so scawy 😥" whiny baby about it. the creators wanted to make a series but left the idea alone because it was a lot of work and also expensive (puppetry). then in 2014 they were commisioned to make 2, they did, and then tony the talking clock (emphasis on those last three words) became a tumblr sexyman and a bunch of everyone started shipping him with sketchbook (who they called paige) and humanizing them and it was just this whole thing. anyway thanks to them the creators made a kickstarter to fund the rest of the series and it actually worked out, too. so i'd like to thank the clockfuckers we would not be here without you. i hope you fucked your clock. anyway then over the next two years the last four episodes came out and they were epic and gamer and increasingly Kinda Horrifying (three still messes me up a bit but none of the others ever scared me, it's just more weird than anything. in a very good way) and the last one, six, came out june 19th 2016 (which was father's day, and it hasn't been father's day june 19th since yesterday, and it won't be again until 2033), and it was awesome. then september 13th 2018 wakey wakey (thirteen second long trailer) happened and everyone lost their shit and then sundance film festival in january 2019 where they pitched that pilot they made around (and seeing as the pilot as we know it is almost certainly a lost media now, those very low-quality cam leaks on youtube are possibly all that remains). then in july 2020 they started making the show and well you know Plague Was A Thing That Happened so it was pretty quiet for a while and then august 30th 2021 they announced they finished filming and then february 25th there was a clip continuing the pirate joke and saying they were finishing lines and then late may wakey wakey disappeared aND THEN YESTERDAY FLY HAPPENED AND
and the reason i'm finishing that particular tangent very quickly is that i am now realising you were likely asking about the lore of the story itself. and not its process of existence
there sure are a lot of ideas out there!! and i have definitely got my own ideas which i don't really talk about ever because they're honestly a bit too rude to the media theory (which i hate - a lot - but also which a lot a lot a lot of other people really like. so it'd be mean)
ANYWAY THE BASIC SUMMARY OF THE WEBSERIES is there are three puppets and they're yellow guy and red guy and duck and they all live in a house together and every episode some object in their house comes alive and sings to them a lesson about an abstract, basic concept like yknow creativity and time. so it's sort of meant to resemble something like sesame street at first. but these sentient objects (who are usually called "teachers") are kinda Really Fucked Up and the lessons go wrong really fast and usually end in uhhhh murder. also their life is a lie and it's like puppet matrix and roy, yellow guy's dad, really does seem to be the guy pulling the strings behind it all. man it's like thirty minutes total on youtube i don't want to spoil it TOO much in case you ever decide to check it out lol. oh wait. oh wait you asked where to start
well you start there!!!!!!
ALSO there's a bunch of lost videos and that one puppet interview and a collection of little things around miss becky's instagram or mr joe's twitter that all just weaves together with the main thing to make A Web of Story and it's awesome. i'd be glad to tell you all about that too if you ask!!!! i'm very normal about all this that's why i have lists and notes and a handful of rambly word document essays about this everywhere
ok i'm done thanks for coming to autism hour with creech
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lolexjpg · 4 months
dts s3 e9-10
e9: -bahrain is such a beautiful track btw i love her -damn they just jump straight into it boom explosion -before logan was the sad wet lil meow meow......2020 alex was the ORIGINAL -the way reporters are asking abt checo->red bull before he even won that race, makes me curious how much he was seriously in the conversation for the seat beforehand. anyone who was on tumblr at the time i'd love to hear what the gossip mills were like at the time 👀 -dany's "please tell me he's okay" always GETS me bc i know dany's the car he crashed with and it was 100% a racing incident but i cannot imagine the guilt he was feeling in the moment. i'm so fond of him he definitely deserved better by the red bull machine -gunther talking about how fire is the worst thing you can have in a crash--and thinking about how guanyu said his biggest fear in his silverstone crash was the car catching fire. we're really lucky that his car didnt honestly -the music design on this in INCREDIBLE like they really did an INSANE job here. cacos "thats an act of god" always gets me. really summarizes how improbably lucky he was to survive that. i'm so glad he did -gunther sucks but the way he insists he has to meet the rescue guys to thank them personally 😭😭 -ALBODIUM MY BELOVED (when will she return) -i didnt write anything down for the grosjean post crash self reflection bit. i just wanted to sit and experience it and not think :) -one can say this sakhir crash was the original checo third wheeling lestappen -when ppl ask how to get into f1, i always bring up the inside story series on youtube, and TOP of recommendations is the inside story on this race! it is truly insane what he did here, cant wait to see this race in full -i just think it wouldve been SO iconic if george had won this race. first ever mercedes race win before he even got a mercedes seat? wouldive been ICONIC. ppl talk abt the domino affect of alex's appendicitis but if mercedes didnt fuck up BOTH their drivers pit stops, checo wouldn't have won (probably), would he have been signed then? new butterfly affect to discuss -I THINK. i know the idea of checo leaving the sport soon is being discussed a lot, and even in this episode he discusses that if its the end for him he is proud of what hes accomplished and thankful for as long as he had to drive in f1. his red bull seat really was a lifeline, a second chance, and he has added to his legacy significantly with red bull. if he loses his seat on 2024, no matter what mean things i've said about him in the heat of the moment, he has a LOT to be proud of. if its his time to go, its his time to go
ep 10: -i think AD is a BANGER of a race track. i'm glad its the finale race -ok so lets see daniel gives renault their first podium in 9 years......then gives mclaren their first win in forever as well.....hmmmm.....washed up who? -cyril getting a tattoo youtube video is So Important 2 ME. cyril calling his wife to tell her the details while daniel dies silent laughing is the instant seratonin boost for me -every time zak & lando have a lil clearly staged chat it has the most sugar baby energy ever why do they do this -lando says so many nice things abt daniel here yet the dando antis choose to ignore them and insist lando does nothing but distrespect him 😡 anti-lando daniel girlies r my least favorite -NOT DANIEL HITTING THE BEAM ABOVE HIM IN THE GARAGE TOO the dando agenda continues -damn i hope they give this much dts attention to the battle for 7th last year too -lawrence rly hired seb to mentor his son huh -aston martin colors Do Fuck we all must admit -frothing at the mouth over the 4433 moment here. its mental illness innit -i've always felt. like the lewis racism segment was a bit shoehorned in here. like they went oh fuck we need to include this somewhere lets just slap it on the end of the episode. i think it would've been so much better and more impactful in a fully lewis focused episode. but ya kno? i'd rather they do it this way than not at all, so i suppose i shouldn't complain too much
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purplesurveys · 10 months
Who was the last person you recall dreaming about? Can't keep asking me about my dreams, dude. I always forget them as soon as I wake up haha.
I see. And do your dreams ever have random people in them? They do. I just never ever remember who shows up.
What was the last spicy food you ate? Do you eat a lot of spicy food? I had kimchi with my samgyupsal. Yeah, I have spicy food whenever I can – they're my favorite.
When was the last time you admired some flowers? What kind/color were they? I'm not sure, I'm not really the type to stop and stare at flowers.
What were you doing when 4PM last came around? I was stuck in a meeting that was running way longer than it should have and also fighting the urge to doze off during it.
Do you own anything that is sparkly or has glitter on it? No but I recently saw a belt bag at Adidas that's entirely bedazzled and IN PINK. I want it so bad hahaha. Maybe if I earned a little bit more I wouldn't think twice about splurging on it, but for now I'll be fine staring at it from a distance. It's this one by the way:
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Which streaming services do you use? How long have you been using them for? YouTube (does that count?), Spotify, Netflix, Disney+. I've had Spotify since high school, Netflix since college, and I bought subscriptions to YouTube Premium and Disney+ when I got a job.
Are you in the process of watching or re-watching a series at the moment? I started a Korean drama called DP over the weekend and can't wait to bulldoze my way through the rest of it this coming weekend.
If so, how many seasons does it have? And what season are you currently on? It has two seasons, with the second one having just come out a couple of weeks ago which is why it got thrust back into the spotlight. I'm only on the fourth episode of the first season.
To whom did you last send an email? Do you check your emails daily? Somebody from work. I mean I'm on Gmail for 8 hours straight from Monday to Friday because email = life in my line of work; but as for my personal emails I'd check my inbox at least once a week.
What was the last item of yours that you misplaced? Did you find it? My box of calling cards. I never did find it but I decided not to make a fuss out of it anymore as those cards are super outdated anyway. I'm still titled as an associate on them when I've already been promoted twice since then haha.
What was the last thing you ate, that you considered a treat/luxury? Chinese food. Celeste and I had mapo tofu, fried chicken, fried rice, and xiaolongbao at this nice and fancy-ish Chinese restaurant last Monday; generally speaking, my family and I only occasionally have Chinese spreads because they're typically so grand, and, because it's served family-style, always come out super expensive.
I see. How often do you typically eat such things? With my family, only once or twice a year.
Do you have any idea what you’re going to have for dinner tomorrow evening? Not yet.
What type of cake did you have for your last birthday, if any? I had friends surprise me with a chocolate fudge cake and a black sesame cake during my 25th birthday back in April.
When was the last time you asked for someone’s advice or opinion? Earlier today; I'm constantly asking for a second opinion from my boss at work.
Has anyone you know got a new pet recently? Celeste.
^If so, what kind? And what name did they choose? It's a new dog, but my memory's a bit hazy on the breed and name.
Who was the last person you knew had a baby? How long ago was that? I had two classmates from high school who had babies just like two weeks apart from one another. They gave birth around April or May.
And is anyone you know expecting a baby anytime soon? As far as I know, no.
What was the last fundraising event that you took part in? Can't really remember as I don't join a lot of those.
How old were you 10 years ago? Who were your closest friends at that point? I was 15. In 2013, my best friends were Angela, Carley, and my ex.
^Do you still speak to any of them? Only Angela remains in my life.
Okay, I’ll finish with something positive. Is there anything that you’re looking forward to, in the near future? New opportunities and doors to open. And seeing Se So Neon!!!
0 notes
enhypia · 3 years
JS ; exes
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exes answers questions with the choice of drinking instead of answering
pairings: park jongseong x gn!reader
genre: angst, mild fluff
words: roughly 1.7k
masterlist ⸺ series masterlist
~guides and warnings~
italics - reader speaking
bold - jay speaking
[enclosed] - interviewer speaking
italicized bold - both reader and jay speaking
[enclosed bold or italics] - question (depends on who's speaking)
heavily inspired by: rec.create lie detector games, cut truth or drink
warning: contains and mentions of !!! drinking, swearing, neglect, breaking up
i don't promote underage drinking, save your livers
hello, i'm (y/n)
and i'm jay
we're (awkward eye contact)
uhh we're exes
[you guys were invited here today as exes for a fun little drinking game, you guys were aware of that right?]
*interviewer shuffles awkwardly
sorry it's just, our friends were the ones who signed up for us
yeah, we just found out about it three days ago
[but are you guys still okay with doing this?]
we're okay
just give us a few minutes to get used to environment
*(y/n) chuckles
[okay, for this game, questions will be asked and if you refuse to answer, you drink, it's that simple. are you guys ready? should we start?]
*jay nods
ready as i'll ever be
[how long were you guys together?]
we were together for almost 3 years
[how long have you guys been broken up?]
about a year and a half now
[who broke up with who?]
i did they did
[why did you break up with him?]
so this was all a year and a half ago okay? no coming for jay, he's grown, we've grown
you're welcome
*jay laughs
uhh.. it just really reached a point where i felt neglected in a way? and it was just tiring? i kept thinking 'do i deserve this treatment?' and i hated that i was doubting everything, including his feelings. so i just said let's talk about it and then yeah we split up
*jay drinks and (y/n) laughs
sorry sorry
nah i just needed that
[okay, how about we officially start the q&a portion between the of you now?]
*both nod and played rock paper and scissors to determine who gets to ask first, jay wins
*he picks up a card and facepalms after seeing the question
should i be scared?
not sure, but you might opt to drink though
[do you blame me for what happened to us?]
oh my god *(y/n) laughs
i know right
so we're unpacking emotions today? okay noted
you can just drink if you're not comfortable with it
i'll drink but i'll still answer, might ease your mind no?
*jay couldn't stop his head from nodding
*(y/n) drinks
i admit that i blamed you at first, but then i got to thinking that it wasn't just you, i was also at fault too since i never really vocalized what i felt? i just let it build up until it reached the point where you couldn't do anything about it anymore, and i couldn't too.
yeah but it's more of my fault since i felt something was wrong but i just brushed it off, i brushed you off.
*jay smiles slightly and both raised their glasses to cheers before drinking
we were both at fault and i don't blame you, jay. i hope you stop blaming yourself
*(y/n) smiles softly then picks up a card to stop any reply they might get from jay
god why are these questions so heavy? it wasn't like this from other episodes
*jay and crew laugh
okay, hit me
[what's your biggest regret about our relationship?]
what the fuck
SEE ?!
*both laugh and jay drinks
okay, next question
no, i'm answering
[we won't stop you but just reminding you both that it's okay not to answer if you drink]
the alcohol releases the unhinged-ness
in other words, this is really just us using the alcohol to actually say what we feel
i think you already the answer, and it's that i didn't do anything about us even if i felt something was wrong. i just kept on focusing on my career that i reached a point where i brushed everything off as nothing. and in the end, while i got the success i wanted, somehow i also feel like i'm on the losing end really.
*(y/n) drinks making jay laugh
what? it's my first time hearing all this !
it was a rough break so
omg is this our closure ???
*jay's eyes widened
and it's filmed ?!?!
*everyone laughs
couple goals *(y/n) does a hashtag
oh wait *(y/n) looks at jay
exes goals *both do a hashtag pose
*they laugh, ignoring the sting in their hearts
okay, okay moving on
*jay laughs again
is it a heavy one again?
[do your friends hate me?]
*(y/n) bursts out laughing
please 😭
we have the same friends
we share a lot of mutual friends
that's why there was like tension for a month in the friend group because no one knew what to do
i'm sorry you had to endure all that friends
remember when they literally made an organized schedule to hang out where we wouldn't see each since the break up was still fresh?
yeah like i got heeseung on tuesdays
and i got him on thursdays
we love them though, they did their best to console us both
thanks guys <33
*(y/n) picks up a card
[do you think we could've actually worked out our problems?]
i think it's unfair that i get a lot of heavy questions
i have the power of god and anime on my side today
i think we could've, if i just had taken the actual time to reflect and sit down and talk, we could've worked it out.
*(y/n) slaps jay's arm
i told you, stop blaming yourself
*(y/n) rolls their eyes
*jay picks up a card and
*he is stuttering guys, he is fidgeting
[do you wish we were still together?]
*both drink
i mean-
*jay has been paralyzed, he did not expect (y/n) to answer
i'm happy where i am right now, maybe there are moments of weakness that the thought crosses my mind but i don't dwell on it too much. i think we're both still learning and growing.
*jay doesn't want to think about the fact that (y/n) never said a clear yes or no
*(y/n) picks up a card and groans
please just drink to this
[what do you think of me now?]
i'm answering
i want to?
right now i'm just really proud of you.
*WORLD PAUSE, (y/n) is malfunctioning
it's a little sad that i didn't get to witness a lot of it but i promise i watched from afar and i'm so proud of you. like it makes me feel lighter in a way? knowing that you're still going and pursuing your dreams. it just made me at ease that -
*(y/n) drinks, looking very much like snow white's apples
are you blushing?
jay i will kick you
*he laughs and pinches (y/n) cheeks making them redder, (y/n) slaps his hands away
i won't hesitate bitch
how about you huh?
[what do you think of me now?]
*jay you should know not to tease too much or else it'll bite you back
i think you're absolutely amazing.
*jay could only blame himself
i am in constant awe and there's this pride that i have in me whenever i see you thriving. it's weird because i thought i'd be bitter about it, but since i knew of your goals and how passionate you were, all i felt was pride. it did hurt a little that i couldn't go "that's my baby!" anymore.
*alert! jay's ears are red and it's spreading to his cheeks and neck
okay next question!
*he quickly picks up a card making (y/n) burst out laughing
everything i said was true though.
hajima. stop. pause. i'm not listening
*(y/n) laughs at flustered jay
this is the last one.
[question for both: if you could tell me anything, what would you say?]
rock paper scissors? loser goes first
*jay wins
*(y/n) drinks
can you turn around for this one, like don't look at me.
*jay followed
i want to say that,,,, that it's not your fault for putting your future first. it kind of stung since you made me feel like i wasn't a part of it but i know that wasn't your intention. i understand your actions and i don't blame you. if i was in your position i probably would've been the same. i'm sorry that i didn't try harder, like you said we could've made it work but i just got so tired, i hope you can forgive me for that as well.
okay i'm turning around as well, your turn
*(y/n)'s eyes are glassy, but jay doesn't need to see that
i want to say that i'm sorry for neglecting you. i feel like you're tired of me saying sorry but that's really all i could do. i forgive you by the way even if i don't get why you're apologizing to me. i also want to say that, it wasn't you. it sounds cliche but you weren't the reason i became like that, it was me. it was never you. so please don't blame yourself for anything. please don't question your worth because you were more than enough.
yah i didn't want to unpack that
well i still know you and i was given the chance to say it now so
*(y/n) turns around wiping tears, jay is sniffling
i need a drink damn
*(y/n) pours a shot and jay as well, both drink after clinking their glasses
[you guys good?]
*both looks at each other and chuckles
we're good
i can't believe we have to thank our friends for setting this up
*jay groans
[care to answer one last question that is in everyone's minds' right now?]
oh god
is it what i think it is
[will we see you guys be featured again? maybe exes to couples again?]
let's drink!
*both take one last shot and waves to the camera
*(y/n) shrugs and jay winks
»————- ♡ ————-«
bonus: youtube comments (peep last one)
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masterlist ⸺ series masterlist
a/n: i was planning to post this sooner but my pharma prof suddenly dropped a 6-page activity lmao rip, im scheduling the timestamps i forgot to post last update sorry sorry. my angst skills are subpar forgive me but i tried my best. i hope you like this one too !! jake's will be uploaded next ! please look forward to it <33
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itsclydebitches · 2 years
I like the cropped screenshots. The narrow aspect ratio makes it cinematic. Thanks, crappy login ads! Seriously, though. Last time I tried to watch RWBY on RT's site it gave me an ad for a movie watchalong that had happened literally days ago, and by the second of such ads I saw I decided I'd rather just buy the volumes digitally than go through the rigamarole of using their site.
Okay, we're going with that from now on. It's 💫 artistic 💫lol.
Seriously though, I've been thinking about the design of RT's website in the wake of the ever-present complaints about "critics." (A nebulous group who, whenever they are defined, I go, "Huh, me and my online friends don't meet any of those standards...") Specifically though, there have been plenty of conversations regarding RWBY's free-to-watch status which, you know, is a really good point. A lot of criticism carries the weight of a commodity behind it — I paid for this and therefore I expect a certain level of quality. It's one of the reasons why we shouldn't critique fanwork in the same way we do a multi-million dollar company — so if we put aside the things you do have to pay for (tie-in novels, manga, comics, games — all things that are theoretically supplemental) fans are right to point out that hey, you're getting this for free. Sure, we can likewise discuss modern day spoiler culture and the difficulty of being a week behind a fandom you want to participate in, but ultimately no one is forcing you to purchase a FIRST account. Block "RWBY" and wait a week. Wait a few months and binge it all in one go. There are options.
Thing is, all this hinges on the material being accessible as well as free. Much like its supplementary works, RWBY exists in this strange space where yes, technically this is possible, but realistically there are a number of snags. Technically you don't need to have kept up with the interviews that discuss Ironwood's semblance, but realistically it sure does change the story to know about it. Technically you're 100% able to watch RWBY for free, but realistically it's not as simple as hopping onto the site and pressing play. How all this is occurring is worth considering even if, yes, technically that primary end-goal is still available.
In the website's case (I'm bypassing their iffy player and ads entirely), things went downhill when RWBY was removed from YouTube, the site most people are familiar with and are comfortable navigating.
"It's their product though. They should be able to host it themselves."
I agree! The splitting of streaming media is a conversation for another day (how many websites do we have to access — how many do we pay for? — in order to watch a diverse collection of material, rather than getting a centralized space like cable?), so for now let's just agree that yeah, RT should be able to have a RT website where they show RT shows, including RWBY. Now what do we have to do to actually watch that free show?
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Well, you go to the site and there's no mention of RWBY, despite that it's supposedly their "flag ship." That's fine though. We're all literate Internet users. Just go to the "Series" category.
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Hmm, that's not particularly helpful at first glance, but again, Internet literate. We can use the drop-down menu to sort alphabetically (why the default would be "newest" is beyond me), or filter everything down to the "RWBY Universe."
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If you're a seasoned fan you already know what you're looking for. If you're not... well, you'll probably figure out that the one labeled just "RWBY" is where you want to start. Mousing over doesn't provide any information though, so if you want to know the difference between "RWBY" and "RWBY Complete," you need to start comparing them yourself.
But we've gotten to RWBY! And look, the page is nice and organized here. We start on Volume 1, Episode 1 is listed first, you now know that everything important to RWBY's main story is laid out for you to watch. Oh, provided you ignore all the character shorts listed under "Bonus Content."
Personally, I wouldn't call them bonus when they're the bridge between Volumes. They're not even listed together, with Blake's tucked at the bottom after announcements, trailers, and Volume openings.
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Personally, I wouldn't call them bonus when they're the bridge between Volumes and do much of the character work that's then notably not in the Volume itself... but that's just me. From a design perspective they're not even listed together, with Blake's tucked at the bottom after announcements, trailers, and Volume openings, the stuff that's actually bonus material.
But you know, let's not be disingenuous. At the end of the day finding RWBY isn't hard by any Millennial or Gen Z's standards and so what if there are some missing pieces? Get into the show and you'll likely hear about these videos at some point, or discover them for yourself. The point is you can watch RWBY now, entirely free.
Well... sort of?
Try to watch and a few minutes in this will pop up.
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It covers more than half the screen (as it's intended to), making it pretty impossible to enjoy the episode with it up. "Maybe I can fullscreen?" I thought. Nope. I literally do not have a fullscreen option.
I can only assume that fullscreen abilities will return after I login. I don't know because I couldn't login. Every time I tried I got this message.
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My browser is configured to allow popups, so I can only assume this is the result of my add blockers. Yes, blockers plural. Out of curiosity I tried disabling them all for RT's website — something I probably wouldn't have bothered with if RWBY were a new show I was meh about watching — and I still couldn't login.
The point here is not to fix my particular problem. The point is that the website is designed in such a way to make not having a FIRST account as annoying as possible.
"Register and keep watching with a FREE account - or join FIRST like all smart, attractive, and confident people do."
I do have an account, which I can't get into, which makes the whole "It's free!" aspect kinda useless. Which only leaves me with three options: 1. Buy a FIRST account, 2. Buy RWBY another way like you did, Meltykarasu, or 3. Pirate. Obviously RT is hoping we'll take one of the first two options because in this day and age "free" doesn't mean easy. Or enjoyable. It's the sad, ad-ridden, broken option for those who refuse to cough up some cash.
And yeah, there's another conversation here about artists being paid for their work, but within RWBY's fanbase the point is we can no longer use "They're giving you this amazing show for FREE" as a catch-all push-back against evaluating quality. Sure, technically speaking it's still free, but over the years RT has set up more and more hoops for us to jump through in order enjoy what they're supposedly offering up willingly. Though not at the same level yet, it feels like RWBY is throwing itself headfirst towards comic book territory. Meaning, I can't just tell a friend to, say, get into Doctor Strange because "getting into Doctor Strange" requires compiling a complicated list of various source materials to follow even one major story arc, many of which are no longer available to buy except at exorbitant prices (I know because I've done it). Now, "getting into RWBY" requires compiling a, not as complicated, but complicated-ish list of various source materials, many of which are no longer available as "free" storytelling, or were paid-for from the get-go. That's fine (well, it's normal) — it's the standard for most franchises nowadays — but in RWBY's case it throws a massive wrench in the "How dare you criticize something these writers have given you for free" take. We're in a fandom where the multi-million dollar company doing everything possible to get you to couch up another subscription is above criticism, but the fans actually doing rewrites for free as a hobby are fair game. We've got it backwards.
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lokiondisneyplus · 3 years
Director Kate Herron calls from her childhood bedroom. She's staying at her parents' home in Southeast London for the summer, having spent the past year apart due to the pandemic and directing her latest series, Marvel's Loki. "It's so surreal seeing the show go out," she says over Zoom, "and being in the room that I was last in as a teenager."
Loki's first three episodes have seen the God of Mischief (Tom Hiddleston) team up with Agent Mobius (Owen Wilson) and the all-powerful Time Variance Authority to track down a fugitive Variant of himself: A female Loki that goes by Sylvie (Sophia Di Martino) who's set on blowing up the Sacred Timeline and, with it, the MCU as we know it.
"My dad, bless him, he was never into Marvel before, but now he's obsessed with it," she says. "When I got the job, he started watching his way through the films, and he's got all these different YouTubers that he now watches for theories, and he tries to get spoilers out of me. He's like, 'What does it mean?!' and I'm like, 'Dad, I can't tell you!' It's very sweet, but very funny."
Now, with three episodes left of the season, she's bracing for their first family viewing experience. "I might not be able to, though. I might be like, 'You have to watch it by yourselves and then we can talk!'" she laughs. "Wait to hear the Loki theme and be like, 'Oh, I can go downstairs now.'"
In the meantime, Herron fielded all of ET's midseason questions about making Loki's bisexuality canon in the MCU, flexing more of his magic than ever before and why Sylvie isn't really Lady Loki or the Enchantress.
We are halfway through the season. Outside your parents, how has the reaction felt so far?
It's been amazing. We had these big ideas in it -- like, about free will and good and evil -- and wanting to [know that] if we're going back in with Loki because he's so beloved, that it's going to be a good story for that character, but some fresh terrain. I think the response has been pretty joyous and it's just so fun seeing what people are liking, what people's theories are. I couldn't be more happy, to be honest.
Being someone who appears pretty online and active on social media, how deep are you going into reading what people say and diving into those theories and all that?
I definitely read a lot of them -- I don't comment on them -- but I used to love Lost and Game of Thrones, and I was on Reddit, commenting, like, "Ooh, maybe it means this or means this," and I think that's the fun thing with our show, right? Our fans are so smart and it's fun seeing what they're getting right and what's not right but is very interesting. The Easter eggs they dig up are always amazing to me. Some of them we put in there, and I'm like, "Well, let's see..." and I'm like, "Oh, they found it!" So, it's really fun tracking it online. It's very weird directing something where you know every frame will be [screen]grabbed by some fans because they're looking for stuff.
I loved your tweet about why it was important for you to confirm that Loki is bisexual in the show. Not really reveal -- because he's bisexual in the comics -- but make that canon. Talk to me about having those conversations with Marvel.
I think it was something very important to everyone. And I felt like, OK, how can we acknowledge this? We have aspects of the story that are there, so how do we build this into the story so it feels earned in the moment? I didn't want it to feel like we were just wedging something in, but we had this beautiful scene where these two characters are being really raw and really honest about who they are, and I was like, "Well, it is a part of who he is and who they are." For me, talking with Michael [Waldron] and Bisha [K. Ali], it just felt like it was the right moment for that line. This episode is really beautiful for me, because it's these two characters getting to know each other, so in that sense, it felt like the right place for that conversation to happen. And I thought it was done really beautifully by the writers.
Obviously, like I've said, it's very personal to me, and I said it was a small step in some ways -- because obviously, he's just talking about it -- but in the bigger scale of things, I'm like, oh no, it's massive actually. If I saw that when I was 10, it would be really big for me. It's been really nice getting comments from people online. Some people were like, "It helped me actually talk about how I feel to my family and helped me come out." And I thought, "Well, if it helped one person do that, then it's worth it."
This is the MCU's first lead character who is openly queer. Did you know that? Were you aware of how big a milestone this would be?
Yeah. Well, in some senses, yes, and in some senses you're never sure, right? Because [Marvel is] so secretive about all their other projects. [Laughs] For me, I was like, I'm telling Loki's story, it's a part of who they are and I just want to acknowledge it. It's canon in the comics and if we can make it canon in the films, that would be amazing. When I came on board, I was like, if there's a way to do this, it would mean a lot to me and, I'm sure, a lot of people. But it was very welcomed, and I think we're all very proud of how we did that.
This may be getting into spoiler territory that you aren't able to talk about, but acknowledging one's sexuality is one important part of representation, seeing it play out through relationships is another. Can we expect to see any further exploration of what it means for Loki to be bisexual in this show?
I'm trying to think how to answer your question. [Laughs] I would say in our story, this is how we acknowledge it. But I hope that that paves the way for deeper exploration.
We're halfway through the season. What were your biggest goals in these first three episodes?
I think the biggest one was obviously, the Loki we're with in this story is on a completely different path, so it was tracking his character in the sense that he basically sees this amazing arc that the other Loki had gone on across the MCU movies, he sees that he reconciles with his brother, but that wasn't him in that moment. He's watching a different version of himself. But seeing that moment and seeing that he has room for growth and change is really interesting with our Loki, because he's in a very different headspace. So, it was tracking, what's familiar about this character from the Loki that we've seen over the last 10 years go from villain to antihero? And what is going to be completely different and completely different sides to this character that we get to now dig our teeth into? That was something really important to me and to Tom and the writing team, and it was really fun unpacking that and what his identity means.
The other challenges, honestly, were just setting up the TVA, because it's outside of time and space and giving that a grounding and a reality and making that feel like a whole new exciting corner of the MCU. That was a big responsibility, and I was really excited by that. And then you have the bigger arc of the story, but you also knowing it's going out weekly on TV. So, how are we going to track this week by week. Where are we leaving the characters and what are we leaving for the audience? Something we always thought about was we knew there'd be discussion week to week, so it was like, "Where are we going to give them certain bits of information across the show?" We wanted to provoke conversation and discussion about even just things like free will, you know?
I will say about the TVA, I'm basically a human Miss Minutes stan account. I think she's the baddest bitch in the MCU. I watch every Miss Minutes fancam that pops up on my Twitter feed.
She's incredible! What I love about it is that she's in our first episode and she actually used to come out of the presentation that Loki watches -- she came out on the screen -- but it was too crazy. We were like, "OK, we can't do that in the first episode. We'll do it in the second episode!" But what I love about her is that we're seeing the TVA through Loki's eyes and it's, like, the status quo, right? And if our status quo is a Southern-talking, Roger Rabbit-style clock, the show is going to probably get quite weird. I think that's what I love about her. And obviously, Tara [Strong] is awesome. Yeah, Miss Minutes is a lot of fun.
You talked about exploring who Loki is and could be. He's always had an arsenal of powers, but in this series, you really get to explore and define what his power set is. What were those conversations like?
That was something else, coming in, I was so excited about. We have six hours of him, let's see some more magic. Because across the comics, he's super powerful, and for example, in the last episode, that's what was so exciting to me about that, the oner at the end of episode 3 was that I've seen a lot of oners but I haven't seen one with magic. So, I was like, let's put loads of magic in there! We get Loki using his telekinesis and his magic blasts and then also Sylvie, as well, and her powers.
For me, it was exciting getting to bring those in in a way that pushed the story forwards. Because I get it, when he first lands in the TVA, they can't use magic, so I know if I was watching, I'd be like, "What? No magic?!" But I think that's the fun thing is, we still have three episodes to go and also it was fun to put him on Lamentis and see him using his powers in different ways. It was definitely something important to me and the team, was to get to show a little bit more of him. But across the films, you can only do so much. Now we have six hours, so it felt like, of course we have to delve into that more.
I don't know if you saw this on Twitter, one of my favorite reactions to episode 3 was someone tweeted a screenshot of Sylvie screaming and her hands glowing and wrote, "she did the meme!!"
[Laughs] That's great!
We've now officially met Sylvie, and we're starting to piece together that this may be sort of a hybrid character of Lady Loki and Sylvie Lushton, the Enchantress. Are you able to confirm that you pulled from both to create your Sylvie? Or is that something that's to be further revealed?
I would say there's more to be delved into. One thing I would say is, like, she's different to the comics. Like, she's a unique character, but obviously, there's things that have been pulled from. I think for her character, she's on the run and she's called Sylvie and she's dyed her hair. The blonde that we associate with Sylvie is played in that sense, but it makes sense for her character within our story. But I would say deeper than that, yeah, there's more to be revealed about her character to comes.
The main thing I would say is: Lady Loki in the comics is a very different character to our character, obviously. I love that character and I think she's got a very different journey. But our Sylvie is a female Loki, in that sense -- because in episode 1 and 2, they know it's a Loki they're tracking -- but I think that's part of the discussion. It's almost like Loki -- as in Tom Loki -- he's like, "Wait, how much of my life have you got? Who are you?" And I think that's the real question is, who is she? So, we will discuss that as the show goes on. Why does she not like being called Loki? What's her past? Where did she come from?
Tom and Sophia have such great chemistry, but how challenging was it for you and Michael and Sophia and the writers to create a character that essentially has to match up with our Loki, who's had however many films to become the fan-favorite character that he is?
It starts in the writing. Because she's a unique creation, and that was exciting and I was intrigued where they were pulling from with the comics. I was like, OK, that's cool. Beyond that, I think it's casting it. Sophia is an incredible actor. I've worked with her before. She has this fire in her and she brings this amazing vulnerability to all her characters, but she's also, like, so funny. It's just, so many of these things she always brings, I was like, they're so Loki. So, I was like, "We've got to get her to read!" And we were just all blown away by her read of it.
She definitely can hold her own. That's the other thing, as well. I know her, and I was like, she will hold her own. I know she will. Because she's going against Tom's Loki and that's such the fun thing about them. Even just on the train, where it's the end of the world and Loki's solution is, "I'm going to have a party and I'm going to have a drink. I'm going to have a lovely time." And her solution is, "I'm not going to have a glass of champagne, thanks. I'm going to focus on the mission of getting off the moon." Those little differences is what's quite fun about them to me. How are they different, and how are they the same?
Was there something you got to do as a director in these first three episodes that you had never done before that you were especially excited or nervous or both to tackle?
I suppose so much of the show, right? Because I've done a lot of drama and a lot of comedy, but they were like, "Here you go! Here's the reins to this massive, genre-driven piece where you have to set up a new corner of the MCU and you're going to have this beloved character." There was a lot to carry. But I'd say in terms of something I was excited about, only because Kevin Feige was teasing me, when we filmed the big oner at the end of episode 3, I was really inspired in the writing, because it sounded like you were really with the characters. I love doing long takes anyway and I remember thinking, "Oh man, this sequence feels like the one that we should do as this oner," because I want the audience to feel like they're with Sylvie and Loki in this moment, and it's also a moment where you finally start to see an apocalypse and it feels more real, because you're seeing the horror and the terror that's going along with that.
For me, that was exciting, but the really cheesy bit that made me so excited is they had these foam rocks that fell on people, but it felt like real movie magic to me. I was so obsessed with the rocks. I was like, "Oh my god. This is like real, big Hollywood filmmaking." And I remember Kevin Feige was like, "You can take a rock home, if you want," and I was like, "Oh my god!" So I have this rock. It's in bubble wrap now, and I'm going to unpack it when I move into my place. But that's probably honestly the most excited I've ever been. [Laughs] I was just so excited by the rocks. Oh, and also, I remember when we were at Roxxcart and Tom gets thrown into those robo dogs, I was obsessed with the robo dogs. He was like, "I think this is the happiest I've ever seen you." So, those are my favorite moments on set. The foam rocks and the robo dogs.
Somebody's going to come into your flat in the future and there's going to be a shelf with just a rock and a robotic dog on it.
Mhmm! And I'll be like, "Yeah, guys, I did something." [Laughs] They'll be like, "What is this...?" But the foam rocks are genuinely amazing, because they look like real, heavy rocks, but they're so light. I was so fascinated with them. I was so excited. I made a lot of low budget stuff before this, so it was a big deal to me.
My favorite part of the first three episodes is the Kate Berlant cameo. How did that come to be?
Basically, I love comedy and my producer, Kevin Wright, does as well, and we were trying to think of people that could be fun. We've got Josh [Fadem] in episode 1, and that was a miracle. I just spoke to her about the part and was like, "This is a very small role, but if you're interested, you're very talented and you're so funny." And she was like, "You know what? That sounds really fun. Renaissance faire? Yeah, I'll come do it." So, it was very kind of her to come down and do that for us. She's so funny, man. She's so funny.
Do you let her riff at all?
We did. We have a lot of alts and a lot of very extended bits of her talking to the Minutemen. I think there's one where she talks about a bird show at the faire. She's so funny. I was very flattered and grateful that she did that for us.
I'm going to start the #ReleaseTheKateBerlantCut campaign. I want a whole episode of her alts. Or she can be the new Stan Lee and cameo in every MCU project. Before I let you go, if you had to choose one word to tease these upcoming three episodes, what is that word?
Hmm. I thought of one word, but then I'm like, it's spoiler-y, so I can't say that. [Laughs] Oh, one word. Exciting? I have to say "exciting," because I can't say the other one I wanted to say!
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