#the glass makers dragon
jeeyonshim · 5 months
the priest and the demon hunter
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lizardinkart · 1 year
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✨Happy Mighty Nein Reunion everybody!✨
I listened to the Wildemount soundtrack the other day when it was released and my favorite piece by far was Orphanmaker. So I did what any normal person does: I put the song on single loop and banged out a pic of my beloved girl, Yasha, during the Orphanmaker fight vs the rest of the M9
I listened to most of the session last night and man, I really have missed these characters and their dynamic so much. C2 will always have the most specialist place in my heart as the first D&D pod I listened to, and a campaign I learned so much from when I first started playing D&D. It’s great to have the chance to see this story continue, even if just for a little bit :,)
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the-trinket-witch · 1 month
TWST Signature Spell Effects on the Body
Because I'm a wordy, purple-prose kinda bish, I thought about what each Unique Magic might actually feel like on the body (at least the ones that affect other mages when cast). (SPOILERS FOR BOOKS 5 ONWARD)
(CW: Loss of motor function, scopophobia, senses being messed with, forceful sleep)
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Off With Your Head:
The moment it slaps around your neck and shoulders, there's that deafening rush of blood to one's ears. If you and your magic were lightning, the collar just became your glass bottle. Outside of the momentary dulling of senses, one may  have a general difficulty breathing, either from the collar fitting itself or the lack of support without one's magic. Lightheadedness and an internal hollowness make the collar leave you feeling like after a flu.
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Bet the Limit:
His magic literally amplifies and pushes back your magic, but to do that he has to rip control of it from you. Bet the Limit gives one that jerking tug on the shoulders, a jab of pain that burns into your neck almost. Sometimes if one resists or tries to wrench control back, they're left feeling like their shoulders have been dislocated. They haven't of course, but the feeling is still enough to keep one from moving them for a while.
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Doodle Suit:
There's a metallic, fruity Sichuan peppercorn-like numbing on the senses before it's replaced with what he decides. Pretty straightforward.
(Legit tho: I think his is kinda scary in terms of utility. The possibilities o_o )
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King's Roar:
Burning. King's roar doesn't have fire but there's still a dry burn. Rug or rope burn, an allergic reaction, or being splashed with hydrogen peroxide, it all makes the nerves curl away like shriveling plants. Skin on downwards begins flaking like baked mud, falling off into sand like chunks of slate.
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Laugh With Me:
Laugh With Me at first feels like the pinch of nerves. But pulling against the bindings is like hyena teeth biting and yanking your muscle and bones; you're not in control. That tugging hurts much less, more of a firm mouthing on your body in whatever direction he wants.
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It's A Deal:
Much like his flattering words, his magic leaves one feeling glittery. But there's a cold tentacle-like grip on the heart for a quick moment; a reminder of what lies in the undertow. It's not a memorable sensation, but memorable enough to know what happens when it returns upon failing to fulfill your end of a contract. The resulting Anemone doesn't feel like much until one touches it, like a large zit.)
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Shock the Heart:
The sudden wash over you feels like the splash of cold water after getting dumped out of a boat. Pharyngeal jaws scrape and tug on your tongue to reel you in, truth dripping off of you like seawater. 
(Truth is a lot of times subjective so why nerf it further? HC he can use it multiple times but lies cause it works on those unaware)
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Oasis Maker:
Rain that's always the perfect refreshing temperature. Never frigid but never feeling hot. A relaxing shower of jasmine and chai, without the stifling steam
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Snake Whisper:
A burning cobra bite to the skull. It's venom sears every wrinkle in the brain as you feel yourself get pulled along by the collar of proverbial tail coiled around your neck. Resistance feels like hot sand filling your brain cavity. Eventually the oppressive weight of said sand makes one submit. 
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Sleep Kiss:
 Sleep Kiss seems pretty straightforward. It probably feels like sitting in a soundproof glass box, with cold air filtered in. Every chilly inhale acts like anesthesia, or the tug of exhaustion by hypothermia.
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Fae of Maleficence:
His 'Blessing' feels like being laid into a patch of semi-prickly twigs; a dragon's nest or roost. It hurts slightly, but the diligence is paid to lay you gently in so they don't prick. Eventually you can somewhat relax, but adjusting or moving reminds one of the thorny poking all around you. It just becomes preferable to sit still, rather than try waking or even attempt at getting comfortable.
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Meet in a Dream:
Many mistake Silver to have soft hair, but the only downy lightness about him, I think, is Meet in a Dream. Whatever sensations one feels when dreaming of flying, that fills you to buoyancy as he leads you along the Dream Corridor.
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Have you played CHUUBO'S Marvelous Wish-Granting Engine ?
By Jenna Moran
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Chuubo's is a diceless RPG logging the daily lives of a cast of quirky teenagers living in a dimension adjacent to our own, each uniquely touched by errant divinity. Gain experience points through sharing emotional moments between characters and progressing through collaboratively-written plot beats, and then use them to progress through "Quests" that unfold new phases of their lives… and up the intensity of their newfound powers.
Prewritten archetypes in the "Glass-Maker's Dragon" module include the titular Chuubo-- a kind but hapless boy who holds the power of the very stars in his hands -- and company, consisting of an imaginary friend born from a wish, a mad scientist bent on saving the world, a mysterious transfer student from our world, and the Sun (in the sky)… and more!
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yandereaffections · 1 year
Overwatch Masterlist
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Jesse Mccree
Naga Jesse
Scary Movies + Male S/o
Werewolf Jesse
S/o always making him Food for when he returns 
Soft life HC
“Miss Honeys Escape Attempt” BEFORE
Male Dinner worker Teasing Mccree
Curvy S/o trying to lose weigh
“Miss Honey Escape Attempt” AFTER
S/o avoiding Jesse cause he shares the same name as their brother
Stalking a ex-MMA fighter
Animal Tamer S/o threatening Mccree with a Tiger
Attempting to poison Mccree
Stripper S/o
Harpy S/o broke her wing
Cuddly S/o
Tsundere Smol Chubby S/o
S/os got a fat ass
S/o with separation anxiety
Flustered Touch starved S/o
Gender neutral S/o not feeling good about their appearance  
S/o refusing to wear glasses cause they dont want to look at their captor
Sensitive s/o who crys alot
Dealing with S/os stalker
S/o trying to kill themselves with jesses gun when he threatens them
S/o whos good at the Knife game
Happy drunk S/o
Soft headcannons
Threatening jesse with his own gun
Cheering jesse up after a stressful day
Painting his weapon
S/o whos prone to accidents 
S/o screams “dad dont hurt me” when jesse attempts to kidnap them
Overwatch S/o who works with seduction and espionage 
claustrophobic s/o
Asking Jesse out on a date
Mermaid S/o
Confident s/o who gets flustered when they compliment them
Autistic S/o who stimms alot
Genji flirting with Mccrees S/o
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Hanzo Shimada
Finding out S/os Pregnant
Witnessing Genjis Murder
Healer S/o
Punk/Goth S/o
S/o getting a nosebleed from watching Hanzo workout
Too Pure for this world S/o
S/o who can Heal with a kiss
Naga Hanzo
S/o whos Protective of Naga Hanzo
Naga S/o
Someone else taking advantage and leaving S/o to die
Creep trying to look underneath S/os Skirt
‘Stupid’ S/p
Vampire Hanzo with a S/o who faints when bloods taken
S/o with Chaotic Energy
Vampire Hanzo w/ Vampire Hunter S/o
People pleaser S/o ends up hurting themselves
Expressing affection in other ways besides cuddling
Dragon S/o
Finding Drunk S/o in a casino
S/o wearing a Choker with his name on it
Yandere S/o coming up to his door covered in blood
S/o whos fine with Yandere Tendencies 
S/o uncomfortable around her family
S/o begging for Mcdonalds
Dragons HC
Attractive yet Oblivious S/o
Sneaky S/o Surprise hugging him
Comforting S/o after failing a test
S/o terrified from something theyve seen
Sneaky S/o Surprising him, ends up moaning
Stopping from S/os rival sabatoging their Ice Skating Preformance
S/os scared of bugs
S/o caring everyone but themselves 
Expert insulting s/o
S/o threatening to kill the man who stole their dog
Poly Han/Jess with a S/o who threatens those who try to court them 
touch starved hesitant S/o
Naga S/o saying “snakes dont have a gag reflex”
Captive S/o refusing to take medicine for their migraine 
Insomniac S/o having to cuddle hanzo to fall alseep
Goblin S/o
Comforting Hanzo after a bad day
S/o dressing as the opposite gender to trick people
Smol S/o who wants to be crushed by hanzo
S/o getting ready to fight cause they heard genji on the roof
Dragons biting hanzo when he tries to touch S/o
S/o whos pregnant with triplets 
Bodybuilder s/o
After sex cuddles 
S/o who already has a kid
S/o whos hazy with little to no sleep
Homeless S/o who making their living off of street performances 
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Genji Shimada
Scared S/o will get hurt during a mission
Pissed off S/o
Gore + Torture TW
Vampire Genji
Silly S/o who could Surprise gengi
S/o making a book all about their love for him
Crush falling asleep on his lap
Comforting S/o out of their previous relationship
S/os whos dramatic for attention
Sticking a dozen valentines stickers on his metal body
Blind S/o
Yokai S/o
Washed up Mermaid S/o
Curvy Confident S/o 
Getting a weapon maker S/o attention
Cute S/o who attracts bugs and scary animals
Sharpshooter s/o joining overwatch just to spend more time with genji
Unpredictable angry s/o
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Petite S/o
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Clingy S/o
Sick S/o
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Werewolf Reaper
Werewolf + Vampire Hybrid Reaper
House wife S/o
Waitress Crush
Scary movies
Halloween Date
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‘Big Dumbass Energy’ S/o
Werewolf S/o who turns out to transform into a puppy
Medic s/o
Overwatch receptionist S/o
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Advancing towards a Enemy S/o
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Spoiling S/o
Poly mercy/sombra w/ defiant s/o
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S/o that works with Moria
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Poly mercy/sombra w/ defiant s/o 
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Pro gamer crush taking her #1 spot
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Headcannons (female reader)
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Soldier 76
S/o wearing a lolita dress (male reader)
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Ana Amari
“Isn’t this better―you not fighting me for once?”
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Poly Mchanzo
Poly Han/Jess with a S/o who threatens those who try to court them 
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Jesse Mccree
Spanking S/o and having them wear lingerie 
S/o whos embarrassed cause theyre quick to cum 
Orgasm control & Mirror Kink w/ Male S/o 
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Getting handsy in a store out of jealousy NS FW-ish
Getting hanzo to wear lingerie 
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Loving her muscles NS FW
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windienine · 9 months
digital directory of jenna moran's ttrpgs and where you can buy them
nobilis, 3rd edition
what is it? (diceless game where you play as a human who's been uplifted to be the demigod of a singular concept [like the moon or baseball or telomeres] by a higher power. you are to keep the world in balance and keep world-ending interlopers at bay.)
how much? ($12.95 for the pdf.)
chuubo's marvelous wish-granting engine
what is it? (diceless game where you play as a resident of a magical island hidden alongside our own world. you are a young god who does not yet know you are a god. explore. experience. discover who you are. the end of the world is coming, so you ought to make some friends first.)
how much? ($19.99 for the pdf. however, i also highly recommend the glass-maker's dragon [a campaign] and by the docks of big lake [a setting guide], both are SUPER worthwhile)
what is it? (diceless game where you play as a human who has suffered a terrible fate. you have died, but you have died wrong, and while this wrongness has granted you terrible power it also imbues you with terrible pain. you once wished to destroy the universe for this injustice. you're over that, but it doesn't make the world any easier to exist in. how do you manage?)
how much? ($32.95 for the pdf)
the flood
what is it? (diced game where you play as a farmer attempting to make enough money to survive an upcoming natural disaster. your crop of choice is poetry. how willing are you to butcher, graft, and genetically engineer your own craft for the money you need to live?)
how much? ($9.99 for the PDF)
[adventures on] the far roofs
what is it? (diced game where you play as a human called to the strange parallel world atop your city's roofs by talking rat-knights. you will be tested not just by the alien environs, by the behemoth monsters that make the rooftops their home.)
how much? (will be for sale soon. you can get a prerelease copy on jenna's patreon if you subscribe, for no extra cost.)
wisher, theurger, fatalist
what is it? (i kid you not, the weirdest little thing you've ever played. design the rules of a game and its world with friends. create, contemplate, veto, and chart alongside one another to find the structure that works best for you. or whatever else you make of this. who is planning to stop you?)
how much? (you cannot put a price tag on WTF)
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delulu-sushi · 4 months
Always By Your Side - Part 3
Previous! -> Next!
TR Spoilers! (Obv ;P)
TW: Cursing! (Middle school cursing lol)
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June 19, 2003
The wind is tickling your ears as you move your hair in front of it in an attempt to warm your ears from the cold breeze. But the moment you let go of his waist, Draken speeds up, prompting you to quickly grasp on his shoulder
"What the fuck Draken?" You scream in his ear, overdramatizing the incident.
"Hold on tight, loser," Draken shouts with a smirk as Mitsuya speeds by.
You watch the others go up as you stay at the bottom of the stars, anticipating Baji and Mikey (the boys know about your obv crush... even pah)
Baji sees your figure and speeds his motorcycle in your direction, hearing the roar of his ride get louder and scarier. "BAJI" You scream
"You know," you push up your fake glasses as you help Baji get the sleeping Mikey off the bike, "You should maybe SLOW DOWN when you're going to park instead of SPEEDING UP YOU DUMBASS" you scream the words intentionally in his face as he starts screaming back at you, "YOU'RE JUST SCARED YOU'RE LITTLE BOYFRIEND IS GONNA FALL OFF"
"OHMAGOSH SHUTUP BAJI" Despite the embarrassment (you knew Mikey couldn't hear anything when he was asleep) a smile embraced your face hearing Baji call Mikey your boyfriend.
The sound of happiness and youthful days
The two of you walk up to the rest of the group, where everyone was waiting,
"It's called being fashionably late, darlings" you say in a preppy voice as a response to the stares, but it only brings more confused looks (except from Mitsuya and maybe Draken). "You don't have to stare at me like that" you whisper in embarrassment, cheeks turning red.
You don't notice it, but he's staring at you. You're just too cute.
"So, what did you want to talk about" Draken asks, completely ignoring your awkward entrance.
You listen intently. His voice. You cherish every moment.
Mikey stands up groggily and clears his voice as he walks to the front, and sits on the wooden rail of the shrine. He looks at you and you walk closer to him, standing right by his side and leaning against the rail.
"It's about the black dragons" His voice is serious, and you understand the meaning of the meeting when you catch Kazutora flinch. Draken says how dangerous they are and Mikey drops the bomb on how Kazutora was attacked by the Black Dragons.
You look at Kazu with concern. When you first met him, he didn't seem to like Manjiro very much, and you guessed it was because of how self-centered Jiro was. You, however, were like an older sister to him, and since you had a twin brother (who was born 10 minutes older), you always wanted a younger sibling. Kazu was all that and more.
"So, you're planning on fighting the Black Dragons?" Draken asks Mikey the question which you knew the answer to. Your eyes don't leave Kazutora. Mikey cares about everyone he is close to, and you love that about him. You just wish Kazutora would understand that.
Baji, the most loyal, stands up declaring his idea, "Let's make a gang." The group didn't say a single word against it. Everyone was for the idea. "ANND I Already know the positions!"
"MIKEY! Who is a better fit to be our president than the most self-centered man in the universe? DRAKEN! Everyone's favorite big bro will handle the gang (and Mikey) as the Vice President! MITSUYA! Our peace maker will be the elite guard? PAH-CHIN! The powerful man will be our flag bearer. And me and Kazu will be SPECIAL ATTACK UNIT!"
You start to cheer but stop when you realize that everyone is staring at you. "And Y/N chan?" Mitsuya asks.
Before anyone can speak, Mikey answers, "As the president," he starts off, flaunting his new role, "I think dor- n/n chan should be the smart person, because she's smart and plan stuff. um, the-" Mikey fumbles on his words as you finish the sentence for him
"Like, the planner? To plan the moves and dates and analytics?" The gang looks at you with a big smile
"YEA" Pah-chin screams, "Without the smart one we'd be a bunch of dummies" he says with a grin
"This is why you always listen to the president," Mikey speaks again, "And I've already thought of the name" Mikey hops off the rail and walks toward the group, "TOKYO MANJIRO GANG" he shouts with enthusiasm.
His enthusiasm, however, was met with the whole group shouting "LAME" and your giggles
"Well then it's settled" Baji continues, "Except for the name," Mitsuya adds with the others nodding along
"Our gang," Baji continues, "Will be one that represents our friendship." Baji looks at you, "All for one-"
"and one for all" you finish with a smile
"LETS GO GET A CHARM" Pah Chin screams as you all run off.
You stop and stare at your friends, as Mikey runs over to you, taking your hand and pulling you along
"Throughout heaven and earth, I alone am the honored one"
November 1, 2005, morning
You hear a faint gasp and a door creak close as you open your eyes, adjusting to the room around you. The weight of your boyfriend, Manjiro Sano, pins you down to the bed, but that's ok. You never want to leave his embrace.
You cuddle closer to him, wrapping your arms around him and playing with his hair. He cuddled on top of you, his messy, golden hair adorning your neck, and your fingers instinctively move there to stroke his head.
"Nng" He groans and groggily open his eyes while you shush him with a kiss on the forehead. His arms wrap tighter around you but your moment is suddenly interrupted by a sky knock on the door.
"Y/N!" Emma calls out to you "Don't you have school today?"
Mikey doesn't let you answer as he annoyedly answers Emma with a sharp "NO", cueing her to leave and start her daily routine of bickering about Emma.
Mikey sits up as you follow his action, resting your head on his shoulder as you savor the moment with him. Mikey reaches for your phone as you get a call, and he answers it.
"HII ONII-CHANNN" Mikey mimics your girly voice when you talk to your brother and you try to snatch the phone while you hear your brother laughing on the other side, "Glad to know you're safe Tenshi" he says as Mikey ends the call.
You give up on Mikey's childish behavior and drop yourself on him. "Manji"
"My sweet dorayaki" you end with a kiss on his neck
"Heh, what is it koibito?"
"Tell me"
"Everything Kanji."
"Ok N/N. Let's go meet Shin"
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deejadabbles · 8 months
Safehaven (Thorn x Reader)
Summary: Who can blame you for falling for your bodyguard? Rating: G (but Minors DNI) A.N: A continuation of this drabble, I tried to keep this one thematic with the first, but it... got away from me and came out much longer than the first. Word Count: 1,405 Warnings: None, besides mentions/explorations of loneliness. Masterlist /// Tag List Sign Up  /// AO3
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You had never felt more alone in all your life, than in the first year of the war. Lost and alone.
Life was never particularly easy, growing up on a planet far from the comforts of the core worlds. That's why you had devoted your life to science, to the betterment of your people. You wanted to help, to pave new ways for your home.
But then, they turned their backs on you.
Your world was now a safe haven for tyranny and pain, your leaders bowing and scraping at the feet of those who would twist your inventions into weapons- into tools used for killing, not healing. It sickened you, sickened you to your core.
So, you had turned to the Republic. The lesser of evils, the safer danger, the only real option if you wanted you and your family to live. And now, now you were lost and alone. Your loved ones smuggled away to some secret hideaway, while you were put to work for the Republics oh so Grand Army.
You made the most of it. Always, you wanted your inventions to help, to better, so you did what you could. Especially since this side of war had real, living, breathing men fighting on it. You did all you could to ensure your contributions could help, could protect.
Then, just when the height of your lost isolation hit, you met him. Commander Thorn.
The bounty placed on your head had hardly phased you. They could come all they wanted, as long as you and your inventions weren't under a separatist thumb. But the Republic wasn't willing to risk losing an investment, so, they gave you a bodyguard done up in red plastoid.
Thorn. He was...so unlike anything you had expected.
You weren't stupid. You knew no one on this godforsaken city planet trusted you. You saw the way your "colleagues" looked at you. The strict rules on your comings and goings. How all your comms were monitored. Coruscant was not your safe haven, it was a glass cage where everyone expected you to turn on them, just as you had turned on your own home. It didn't matter to them why you had done it in the first place.
Except Thorn.
At first, he was professional enough, but even then, you heard the lightness in his voice. The modulator did little to hide the tease in his tone, and that T visor couldn't mask the way his gaze lingered when you offered him a smile.
Commander Thorn treated you as if...as if you were worth protecting. He never made you feel like a burden, or as if you were just another job to him. He talked, and listened and never once regarded you as if you hid a treacherous mind.
But even more, he took the duty of protecting you to heart and it was the first time he touched you that you realized just how much your loneliness had started to ease with him around.
The moment you cried out, skin burnt while working on a prototype, he had swooped in, taking your hand so delicately that it made your breath hitch in your throat. He was so tender and caring, over nothing but a small burn.
And funny. Maker, he was funny.
"You know, it's in my job description, I should totally punch that prototype for endangering you." It was said with a wink as he bandaged your hand, and you hadn't been able to stop the bubble of laughter that took you over.
Before that moment, you couldn't even remember the last time you laughed- and it felt good. It felt so good to laugh again, even if it was over a such a silly joke. It made that hole that had been growing in your heart a little easier to bear.
You loved how humorous he was and, to your surprised delight, that first laugh seemed to make him want more. He seemed to stockpile silly jokes like a dragon horded treasure. They were stupid, and he knew it, but they made you laugh so he said them anyway, day after day.
Slowly, it became easier to smile. Joy came easily now that he was there.
Once, in a more serious moment, he had thanked you for your craftsmanship, thanked you for wanting to keep his brothers safe with armor worthy of them.
"It's nice to know you have our backs. People like you...you help make all the fighting feel worth while." The rare, far away look in his eyes in that moment could have broken your heart, if it wasn't for the fact that Thorn seemed incapable of causing you any amount of pain.
His gratitude was sweet, but wholly unnecessary. The mere idea that giving soldiers a fighting chance was something that needed thanks made you scoff. But, given the way you'd seen his brothers treated by some, maybe Thorn was shocked over even that small amount of care.
It gave you a new determination, to show him all the care in this maker-forsaken galaxy. You had discovered that your handsome, funny, charming bodyguard needed little encouragement to bend the rules, and you used it to your full advantage. Making him meals in the small kitchen of your cage that started to feel more like a home. Asking him about his wants, his dreams, even if he had little to say at the start. Begging him to partake in your hobbies, in the hopes that he might find more of his own.
Thorn was a rule bender, but, when it came down to it, he was still damn good at his job.
The danger was almost over before you even had time to register it in your shocked state. The bounty hunter was down with only one shot fired. A shot that had barely grazed you thanks to your loyal protector. Then, when the ringing in your ears stopped, his voice was the first thing you heard.
And it sounded like home.
More like a home than your birth place, and certainly more than this heart of the republic.
It was all you could do to stay in the present and follow his guidance to keep you safe, to ensure your safety. You let him do his job and the danger passes swiftly, with nothing but a grazing burn to your arm for that that bounty's trouble. It was a rather small incident, all things considered, but Thorn was still the picture of concern, even when he guided you back to the safe haven.
Once again, Thorn made you feel like you were someone worth protecting. Not because it was his job, but simply because you were you.
It was possibly one of the purest forms of love you had ever witnessed.
Though, you were wrong about one thing, Thorn could cause you some small prickle of pain, even if it wasn't his fault. Because longing could hurt, and you hadn't realized how much it had been hurting you this whole time. Not until that night, not until you were worn thin from reporting the attack to Fox and sick to death of the medical staff looking you over; not until Thorn took your hand again and firmly told everyone that it was time for him to take you home for privacy and rest.
The longing for your tender protector had been growing for so long that it was almost easy to accept, but not tonight, not when he had shown you so many different kinds of care. Now, having him so close made you feel comfort and heartache in a bizarre tandem.
You almost made it to your front door, before everything was finally just too much.
When the fear, and pain, and bone tiredness of the night finally hit you, Thorn was there. He caught you when your knees gave way and swept you up into his arms with ease. Your bodyguard carried you as if you were a blushing bride, to the place he made feel like a home. Like a true safe haven.
Commander Thorn needed little encouragement to bend the rules, so, when he placed you safely on your bed, you kept holding on, pulling him close. You asked him to stay and he didn't even hesitate. Not because it was his job, but because you were you.
That was all the reason Thorn needed to love you.
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Tag List: @blueink-bluesoul @anxiouspineapple99 @starrylothcat @sinfulsalutations @commander-sunshine @dystopicjumpsuit @wolffegirlsunite @sunshinesdaydream @arcsimper5 @littlemissmanga @wings-and-beskar @clonemedickix @freesia-writes @idontgetanysleep @523rdrebel @moonlightwarriorqueen @briefartnaturewolf @kimiheartblade @littlemissbshine @funeralreunion @chubbyhedgehog-blog
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cjlinton · 3 months
Chuubo's Marvelous Wish-Granting Engine rewired my brain last year so I made my co-players notebooks inspired by versions of their favorite Glass-Maker’s Dragon characters.
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Top Left: @windienine's Leonardo de Montreal, Nightmares' Angel Top Right: @geostatonary's Rinley, the Troublemaker Bottom: @jeeyonshim's Natalia Koutolika, the Prodigy, inspired by this drawing.
The notebook inserts are applique and made with fabric scraps from other projects. I nearly always do cross stitch interiors because I think in grids, so the applique Natalia's spear (jewelry wire) were fun new challenges for me.
The notebooks are bound with coptic stitch, which means they're open spine and lay flat.
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tamlinweek · 3 months
How to Participate in This Event
Character Appreciation Weeks like this one are all about creativity!
If you think you're not a writer or an artist but you still want to participate, consider the following list of ideas!
Fanfiction (it does not have to be long to count as fanfiction!)
AU (Alternate Universe) ideas
Song Lyrics
Quotes (especially when paired with a fan edit; see below)
Fan edits (aka digital photo collages aka moodboards)
Fan trailers (using existing clips of movies and music to make a "movie trailer")
Fancasts (photos of actors you'd like to see in the role)
Playlists (YouTube, Spotify, etc.)
Fanart (both 2-D and 3-D; Digital and Traditional)
Pencil/Colored Pencil
Pen and Ink/Marker
Paint (Watercolor, Acrylic, Oil, etc.)
Canva (with photo resources like Pixabay, Unsplash, etc.)
Cosplay (costumes, hair, makeup, nails)
Miniatures (clay, 3-D printed, etc.)
Customized Dolls (e.g. Funko pops, poseable dolls)
3-D Models (Hero Forge, etc.)
RPG Character Makers (Dragon Age, Baldur's Gate, World of Warcraft etc.)
2-D Models (Azalea's Dolls, Doll Divine, Picrew, etc.)
Book Nooks
Bookmarks/Book Binding/Altered Books
Knitting/Crochet (e.g. Amigurumi)
Stained Glass
and many, many more!
There are so many options that don't rely on the use of AI art (which we will not accept as submissions), so please consider making something yourself! And if you can't or don't have time, consider commissioning an artist to make something for you!
We look forward to seeing everyone's creativity!
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houseofthescrolls · 1 year
Midnight Rain
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Daemon Targaryen x Reyna Targaryen (OC)
You were my midnight rain
- Angst - Slowburn - Fluff
Pt 1 / Pt 2
The ball was in full swing and I could hear music blaring loudly as I walked down the castle halls alone. It was an exhausting discussion, but I forced my father not to assign me a guard. I was weary of who to trust in this dragon’s den and I can protect myself.
My thoughts drifted to my son, wondering if he was having a good time. Viserys requested to go to this event with his cousins Jacerys and Lucerys tonight and I welcomed the bonding even if I felt highly uncomfortable around my sister.
I stopped by the open archway, peering up at the night sky. My growing nerves preventing me from entering the lively ballroom. Last time I was at a ball like this, Daemon had just returned from another victory in battle.
“I have watched you sulk your night away. Why are you not dancing?” Daemon asked as he leant back against the very wall I currently rested upon.
“My father thinks I am old enough find a suitor.” I answered glumly.
“And you are not happy of this news?” His tone was mocking as he took a drink of his wine already knowing the answer to his own question.
“You know very well why I am not, uncle.” I half heartedly glared in his direction.
Daemon nodded, “I was like you once.”
“Once?” I teased turning my body fully towards him now, “Do you forget that you are still are not married?”
“Hush,” He smiled matching my movements, “This is your suitors ball not mine.”
My smile faded at the teasing reminder, “I want to be more than just a wife and child maker.” I sighed.
“Then let me lighten your sorrows with a dance.” He set his glass down and held his hand out towards me patiently.
I smiled softly, the butterflies in my stomach always managing to appear when he is around. I placed my hand in his.
That was the first time he showed any interest in me. An interest that wasn’t the fleeting glances and cordial hello’s as he passed me by to greet his blood. Though no one would dare question my adoption out loud, the feeling of being an outcasted sheep was felt sourly.
But I remember… I remember his warm hands pressed against my waist. I remember our smiles that mirrored one another. I remember that night as if it were yesterday. He stayed with me, refusing to leave my side as he shooed off any suitors with his hard gaze. His hair was shorter then too. I mused.
“Alright.” I spoke to myself as I pushed aside my thoughts, “The past can’t help now and neither can he. I can do this on my own.”
I can entire the dragon’s den as force of my own for I am not a dragon… I am a wolf.
I entered the ballroom with stride, my dress made of ice blue silk and diamonds this time as it glittered from the lights.
“My king! The Queen Of Nox has arrived!” The page announced.
Those nearest to the door greeted me with a bow and a good evening. I smiled in kind before walking towards my father and greeting him with a bow.
“Thank you for joining us my daughter.” The king welcomed me and the party commenced.
“Thank you for inviting me and my son.” I smiled, “Speaking of, I must seek him out.”
“Last I saw he was by the food.” Alicent said and I smiled to her gratefully and went on my way.
I was thankful for the parting crowd as I walked throughout the ballroom and soon found Viserys by a table filled with a variety of food brought out by the butlers and maids. It warmed my heart to see him talking with his cousins, a wide smile on each of their faces.
“Mother!” Viserys waved me over as soon as his gaze landed on me, “Jacerys was just telling me about his time learning our mother tongue.”
“Oh that is quite lovely! I’m happy to know that the language is still taught within these walls.” I smiled towards my nephew, “And how are you finding the language?”
“Difficult.” He chuckled, “I’m not sure the difference between what is attack and what is a potato.”
“Tricky indeed.” I mused with a nod.
“I offered to help him learn while we are here.” Viserys said.
I nodded at the proclamation, “That is a wonderful idea! I am happy to hear the three of you getting along.”
“As am I.” I heard my sister say behind me.
I turned and the smile on my face settled to a plangency as I greeted her and our uncle, “Good evening sister… Uncle.” I greeted them both in kind.
“How are you my sister?” She asked.
I glanced towards her attire, fitted in black and gold, “I am alright, thank you. How are you?”
“Sore.” She humored, “I’ve been on my feet all day.”
I nodded in understanding, “That is understandable.”
“Are you sure you are alright?” She continued, “I haven’t seen you since the night you arrived.”
“Quite.” I stated pressing my lips together in a thin line, “I’ve just been busy. I have been with father, discussing some business between our kingdoms.”
“What kind of business?” Daemon spoke without so much as a hello.
I rolled my eyes refusing to look at him and instead directed my attention to a certain pastry I would like to have later, “Wouldn’t you like to know, prince.” I said pronouncing that word with mockery.
If I were looking at him I would have laughed at the glare he sent me, “I have every right to know, I am your uncle, niece.”
“I am a Queen to you, address me as such or get out of my presence.” I waved my hand towards him and moved to leave.
I could hear my son and nephews chuckling. They were in awe at the guts I had towards the rogue prince, but I don’t fear him. I never had.
“I was hoping we could talk.” Rhaenyra pressed as Daemon scoffed. She wanted to diffuse the tension to keep me longer, “I haven’t seen you in years, let alone heard any word from you.”
“A reason you surely know.” I tried to take a step back to turn once again, but she quickly stepped in my way.
“Please.” She pleaded.
“Viserys.” I looked at him silently telling him to leave.
“Why don’t you tell me how to say sky in old Valeryan.” Viserys guided his cousin away.
I turned to look at my sister sharply, “What is it that you truly want from me sister?”
“A truce.” She said lowly.
“A truce?” I raised an eyebrow at her praying to the gods that I wouldn’t punch the man with the stupid smirk now standing in my peripheral.
He was wearing black attire tonight with silver trims. If he wasn’t such a deceitful, lying, pompous prick I would find it quite handsome on him… if only. If only he wasn’t such an ass.
“Yes. I was hoping we could clear up this pathetic fight about the marriage between Daemon and I.” She stated appearing as regal as ever where as I was on the verge of drowning.
Pathetic? She thinks this is pathetic? Does my heart mean nothing to them?
“Then it is cleared.” I said without a care, “Now if you would excuse me.” I nodded and tried my escape again, but Rhaenyra had different plans.
“Just let me explain, please. I want you to understand that I never wanted to hurt you. You see, we have been on and off for a while.” She began and I couldn’t help but stare blankly at the array of roses just past her head.
The sooner she finishes the better. I don’t want to hear about how I was deceived, hurt, and betrayed. I have already found peace, I can—
“And while it may seem new to most, this attraction started when you began your courting season and so—“
My eyes snapped to her amethyst ones in disbelief, “What?” I could barely get the choked words out, “When did this start?”
“Never mind that—“ Daemon spoke up, but with the fire in my eyes directed toward him, he quickly shut up.
“Your courting season.” She stated again before her rant continued.
I couldn’t understand what she was saying as my world caved in once again. My confused gaze fell onto Daemon wanting him to explain himself, to just say something, anything, but he didn’t far speak a word.
That year was one of the only happy memory of us. I held onto it with my life, every time I tried to imagine what our future could have been. Even if he fell out of love with me when my sister came of age, at least during that season he saw me instead of her… That he chose me… Not her.
My confused look turned to sorrow as I watched his gaze fall from mine. In intimidation or guilt, I do not know, but I looked at him trying to understand his reason behind all of it.
I still remember when he confessed to me. The love he held for me could revel the strongest of seas or so I thought. For the first time since I came to the palace and met Daemon, he seemed so happy. I was so sure that it was going to be him, that he was going to be my forever. I refused any other suitors because of the way he looked at me.
“You are the first woman I have felt this way towards.” He said taking strides towards where I stood.
“Felt what way?” I asked turning to face him.
My room began to feel warm as he pressed his forehead against mine.
“Love, my little flame.” He answered.
His honey words had me reeling. My heart growing ten times bigger as he brought his lips to mine.
I was his first love. That is what he said, but I wasn’t was I?
“You…” Was the only word I could say in the moment, my throat constricting to get anymore words out. He looked back to me, waiting for me to continue, but I couldn’t. I didn’t want to say the truth that was clearly in front of me.
My gaze fell defeated in a twisted understanding that he never loved me, he only used me.
“But, what we have is love.” Rhaenyra stated bringing me back to this moment.
I nodded desperately wanting to get away from here, “You can keep your love. I do not want it nor do I wish to ruin it. Now please excuse-”
She grabbed my arm, “I don’t want to have you as my enemy. This jealousy and resentment will get us nowhere. You know that we are stronger together so please for all of our sakes, can you put this behind you?”
It was that flicker, that spark that ignited the anger inside me as I ripped my arm from her grasp. My shoulders squared back as I used my height to tower over her, even if it was just a few centimeters, my crown made up for the rest.
“Do not.” I started, my voice stronger than before as it took on the role I was meant to be, a queen, “Ever assume that I would stoop so low as to resent either of you for a simple marriage, let alone be jealous of it.” The bile rising in my throat proves my emotions towards this, but I refused to be the sad and pitied Princess who was cast aside all those years ago, “I have a kingdom of my own to rule, a son whom I love deeply, and a life that keeps me content. In no way have I ever been jealous of you, little sister.” No one is going to know how I feel and I refuse to be the newest gossip of the kingdom.
“I did not mean any harm by my words.” She pleaded.
“Oh I know exactly what you mean. Do not worry, I will put this so called petty fight behind me as I fly back to my kingdom in a few days.” I glared at the both of them and turned away, this time I did not try to excuse myself as I left saying, “I’d like to enjoy the rest of my evening with the only friend I have in this godforsaken castle.”
I found Alicent, the only other person who knew of my failed engagement with Daemon though she didn’t not know of Viserys’s birthright. My rage burned hotter than dragon’s fire though I hid it, Alicent seemed to see right through my facade as she looked at me worried from her throne.
“Are you alright?” She asked.
“I don’t understand why these white haired, purple eyed jerks think they are so righteous with whatever they do.” I stated angrily and was happy that my father was not around in this moment.
Her eyes widened at the proclamation, but in she nodded in understanding.
“She implied that I was jealous.” I continued sitting beside her, “Of her marriage to that tantrum throwing teenager. That this feud between us, no. That my feelings towards that humiliating rejection he gave me is petty.”
“I’m sorry.” Alicent reached over to place her hand on mine.
I looked down, “They didn’t even apologize.”
“They are Targaryen. They never apologize.” Alicent stated.
She was able to draw my attention away from the horrid topic for a while with gossip of her own but my gaze always seemed to find them in the crowd. It was getting late when I decided to part from the celebrations.
“Are you sure you want to stay up?” I asked Viserys.
He nodded almost immediately, “Yeah, Aemond has some cool things he wants to show me.”
“Alright.” I nodded before looking at Aemond, “Please keep my son safe brother.” I said the word lightly in case he would be offended.
He seemed caught of guard, but nodded, “Of course.”
“Have a fun night you two and stay safe.” I wished them both farewell before taking my leave.
I took my time getting back to my room, trying to stir off all the unpleasant feelings before I fall asleep. I almost made it… Almost. I could feel his presence behind me like a looming shadow.
“You can stop following me. Ive had enough excitement for today.” I spoke.
“Reyna.” His voice was gentle and my body straightened up a bit. It’s been a while since I heard that tone of his, but in the end I knew deep down I couldn’t fall for anymore of his tricks.
I rolled my eyes wishing that I could be away from his dramatics, “What is it uncle?”
“Do you refuse to say my name?” He asked tensely.
“Why should I? Do you not like uncle? Shall I call you rogue prince instead?” I challenged as I turned around, he was further than I expected, treating me as if I were some wild animal.
It was quiet for some time and I couldn’t help but turn around to see if he disappeared, but no. There he stood with a look on his face that reminded me of a small boy who knew he was in the wrong.
“I…” His voice trailed off and my ears perked up.
Was there a chance he was going to apologize? Say those simple words that held so much meaning? I waited now a bit more relaxed and as patiently as I could.
He cleared his throat and stood up straighter, “How are you doing?”
I sighed knowing that it was too good to be true, “How am I doing?” I stared into the sparkle his eyes possessed, “Our entire love was all just a cruel joke.” I watched his gaze fall as he looked at the wall beside me, “It is clear to me now that you never actually loved me, didn’t really care for me at all really.” I couldn’t help but scoff, catching his attention, “All an act to get closer to the one you truly cared about… Rhaenyra. Well you two can live happily forever without me.”
With that I left the rogue prince to stand there alone as I went back to my room.
I need some sleep.
Stay tuned!
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@shipheart @this-is-a-bad-idea @dragon-in-a-kettle @hadthemapplebottomjeans
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jeeyonshim · 1 year
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“You can also dip people or objects into your vats of blood, working terrible blood magics upon them to purify them and make them… better. You do this by purging the sin from them, creating a more innocent, terrible form.”
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jennamoran · 1 month
Love the fortitude rats from what you’ve shown of The Far Roofs - where else do they appear?
They're probably most central in Fortitude: by the Docks of Big Lake, but also appear in Fortitude: the Glass-Maker's Dragon.
(They're also mentioned in the Chuubo's Marvelous Wish-Granting Engine RPG and its Halloween Special.)
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lairofdragonagelore · 4 months
Dragon Age Iconic Patterns: The Sun
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In this post I will try to extensively gather all the sun-based or sun-like imagery that we find in all the games of Dragon Age. From the most typical ones to those which may seem obscure or with a hidden allegory/design. I will qualify their resemblance with the Sun symbol as Strong, Weak or other.
This post contains the following symbols
Chantry Sunburst
Elvhenan Culture: Sun symbol among the Evanuris
Elvhenan Culture: Asterisk Symbol and Elvhenan Doors
Elvhenan Culture: Golden Ring
Elvhenan Culture: Crappy Sun
Elvhenan Culture: Elgar’nan and Sylaise
Elvhenan Culture: Murals
Tevinter Culture: Green Star
Tevinter Culture: different decorative elements
Dwarven Culture: Fairel and Dwarven art
Ferelden Culture: The Sun Face and the geometrical Sun
Grey Wardens and the Sun
Avvar and the Sun
Qunari, Par Vollen, and the Solium Constellation
DAO design
Free Marches Rural Areas
[This post belongs to the series “Analysis and speculation of Statues”]
[Strong] Chantry Sunburst
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The most typical one that appears in DA series is the Sun or Sunburst with wavy rays, repeated so much along the games that we can identify it immediately. It’s the unequivocally symbol of the Chantry. We found it in many versions, and it represents the “dawn” with the idea of hope and “new beginnings”, but also the fire that “purified” Andraste in her pyre to let her ascend to the Maker’s side. In the posts of Andrastian Art [Andrastian Design: Stained Glasses], we also find that “balls of fire” [which can be interpreted as a Sun in another way] are shown to represent the Maker or the Faith in Him.
Andraste’s single spiked helm seems to be inspired in a single sun ray, at least this is what an illustration in the Chant of Light [book of World Of Thedas] seems to suggest.
In general, most of the representations of the Chantry Sun have 16 rays.
The same sun-like symbol appears in its Tevinter version when we see the Imperial Chantry; the only difference with the Orlesian one is that the Tevinter Sunburst has straight rays.
As a detail, in DAO, we had the typical representation of the wavy sunburst present in some strange devices of Tevinter origin, for example, the ones we found in [Brecilian ruins], while the main Church in Denerim, or in Haven, display spikes that, more than resembling a sun, look like thorns or even a thorny vine. This may be a consequence of an original plan in linking, design-wise, the chantry symbology with the thorny vines that represent the Blight or the Darkspawn [As we explained in the section “Non-mural symbol: Thorny vines” from Murals in DAI: Basics], or merely it was a limitation of the design of the game, as we know DAO suffers from.
We also know that tranquils should display this symbol on their foreheads, burnt with lyrium, but as we saw along DAO, none of them had it. Later we were informed that the devs had problems to add this mark on the npc, therefore, it was never shown until DA2. When it comes to this symbol, it is interesting to see that tranquils carry the metaphor of “a Sun burning their minds and emptying them”, which may or may not be related with Dwarves and their fear to the Sun and potential relatinship of Elgar'nar shoving a fire ball into their underground lands [More details of this concept in Deep Roads [DLC Trespasser]: Lower Walkways in particular with the codex  Torn Notebook in the Deep Roads,].
[Strong] Elvhenan Culture: Sun symbol among the Evanuris
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Strangely close to the Chantry Sunburst symbol, we find the “half” sun symbol [tagged along the blog as Sun-head creature] in what we suspect was one of the ancient primordial dragon symbols that some Evanuris took over when they claimed Divinity [for more context, read Attempt to rebuild Ancient Elvhenan History]. It’s hard to say which Evanuris took control of this symbol, but we know there is a clearly sun-like symbol present in the Crossroads of the DLC [as a statue, check The Crossroads [DLC Trespasser]: Entrance] and in the Shattered Library [as an Eluvian, check  Shattered Library; Entrance and Courtyard]. With the release of the Vinyl, we also discovered and reinforced the hypothesis that this symbol belongs to or was co-opted by an Evanuris [read Speculations about the Vinyl Art for details] thanks to the image of an elf wearing a hat with that shape.
A consistent detail of this image is that it’s a half-sun with exactly 7 rays.
[Weak] Elvhenan Culture: Asterisk Symbol and Elvhenan Doors
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If we extend this imagery, and check other symbols that may look similar to a sun, we find the ancient Elvhenan Doors [Elven Ancient Shard-based door], which top displays a pointy sun of 8 rays that may or may not be related to the Asterisk symbols [also related to the Titan’s core, which I talked about in the post of Murals  “The Death of a Titan”]. In the way the door gets illuminated when activated also makes us see a “circle” in it that can be loosely related to the “Golden Ring shape”. More details about this ring will be treated below.
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This strange sun on the ancient door also makes us think in the Asterisk Symbol [made of 8 points], which lays at the centre of the yellow mosaic, which may be related to the core of a Titan [asterisk of 8 points too]. The link is immediate when we see that this asterisk is outlined by a shape that looks like a star or a Sun, inside a big ball with triangular-shape ends. This same symbol appears in the last Trailer of DA4, behind Solas, when he is presented like an Hermit, mysterious, apostate mage. Around this “sun” we can make out several concentric lines that may refer to a “Golden Ring”.
The Asterik symbol also appears in murals such as  “The Creation of the Veil” or “The Death of a Titan”, which allowed us to relate them with the core of a Titan and its immense power of "making real what you imagine"reinforcing the reality", but this symbol also appears in a corner of Solas’ tarot card.
The yellow mosaic also has some shapes at the four corners that may represent eluvians or something related to Mythal. In the mural of “the Temple of Mythal” from  “The actions of the Inquisitor”, we see that Solas draw a particular star of 8 points inside a door frame that resembles this “eluvian outline”, but it’s also the shape of the doors of the Temple of Mythal which represents Mythal herself in her dragon shape. All these symbols seem to reinforce the idea we explored in “The Death of a Titan”: Mythal seems to be related to the core power of a Titan represented by an asterisk that evolves into a golden ring and into a sun.
As I repeated several times in Speculations about the Vinyl Art, at times, we find some hints where stars or balls of fires [also understood as suns] are related to Mythal and Elgar’nan, making us suspect that, maybe, Mythal and Elgar’nan share a nature similar to Falon’Din and Dirthamen’s: apparently, the same creature with two different aspects from them. If this were the case, associating Mythal with the Sun would make sense, and it would also explain why, if Elgar’nan was so central in the Elvhenan culture, there are so few representations and statues of him, while Mythal overwhelms it.
[Weak] Elvhenan Culture: Golden Ring
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During the last trailer of DA4, we see Solas turns into the Black Dread Wolf as a sun in the background becomes a moon [single golden circle] and later, it separates itself into concentric rings, that may or may not be related to the “Golden Ring” so deeply entangled with Elvhenan culture. Thanks to this imagery, we may relate the Sun to the Golden Ring [specially if we consider that the mural presented in Nation Art: Elvhen displays the yellow ring in a position that may be considered “the sun”, but also the "authority/power above"]
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We need to remember that the Golden Ring’s presence is always associated with control, power, and occasionally to Mythal and Dirthamen. In the mural of the “zombie elves”, it’s above all of them, and due to this position, it could be interpreted like a “sun” or moon upon the controlled, zombified elves. But I’m not too convinced in this interpretation, since we already explored in posts such as: Nation Art: Elvhen, Exalted Plains: Ghilan’nain’s Grove and the Dead Hand, DLC: Jaws of Hakkon - Frostback Basin, Elvhen Tomb, Ancient Elven codices; Fen’Harel’s mountain ruins, The Crossroads [DLC Trespasser]: Elven Mountain Ruins; Vine-covered Tower, Murals in DAI: The Death of a Titan, and Speculations about the Vinyl Art that this ring was more related to control, power, or even forced change/shape in some cases. Due to its power or potential knowledge, it's also associated to Dirthamen Owl [which also could be Andruil's owl according some inconsistencies in the same Unreliable Dalish legends].
On the other hand, it’s never clear if this symbol may have morphed into a sun along the ages with the loss of memory that the Elves had throughout generations when they lost their immortality. However, I tend to consider that this Golden Ring may have changed into a Sun when it entered in contact with human groups, in the same way that I see the story of Fen'Harel gave enough context for humans to create the Maker myth based on him, potentially during the time of Halamshiral [for more details, read The Chantry and the Mythology of the Chant of Light]
This ring also appears in the last scene of DAI, when we defeat Corypheus, showing Mythal inside it, as bits of red lyrium sprout around it. This can be related to many speculations done in Speculations about the Vinyl Art, where we can conclude that another fragment/part of Mythal is still trapped in the Black City, corrupted, and contained by an immense power that may have been used before by the rest of the evanuris to control their own people.
The Golden Ring has also been seen enclosing Elven Tree Statues and Elven Orbs, implying its relationship with elvhenan power and/or Mythal’s [after all, we know that Mythal took the power from a Titan from which elvhen orbs were developed, and trees are also her symbol, according her vallaslin]. It's worth noting that the only working orb we saw in the game was Mythal’s, so far.
[Weak] Elvhenan Culture: Crappy Sun
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There is also a strange symbol that I called “crappy sun” in the ancient tablet we find at the entrance and deep into the tomb of Forbidden Oasis: Solasan Temple [along this blog I’ve tagged it as “Stone in Razikale-Ceremony-style”]. It’s hard to say if it represents a sun or a breach. It may be related to a sun similar to the one of the Elven Ancient Shard-based door that, later, Tevinter co-opted to turn into the several versions of pointy suns we see in Tevinter Pre-blight ruins, [let’s remember they were not Andrastian yet, and still they had this symbology in their buildings and elements because it may have been related to ancient dragons, or taken from another elvhen symbology during the time of the Dreamers since there are some proofs, such as the Tevinter Mosaic [Invasion], that may show that Tevinter had a better relationship with elves back then].
Maybe the original symbol was related to Elgar’nan, as we see in his mosaic, where he shoves down the sun into the earth, and its rays are wavy and a bit “crappy”. If this relationship is correct, maybe what Elgar'nan shoved into the Earth to destroy the dwarves/Titans was not a sun but a breach? Again, a very unlikely hypothesis.
This “crappy sun” also has 8 rays.
[Strong] Elvhenan Culture: Elgar’nan and Sylaise
Elgar’nan’s mosaic was interpreted in the post Evanuris, and basically shows an elf shoving down a Sun of wavy rays into the Earth. It’s easy for us to relate this image to the unreliable Dalish legend of Elgar’nan [read Elgar'nan: God of Vengeance]. Elgar’nan is presented here as the son of the Sun itself, who tried to burn all life on the Land out of Jealousy, so Elgar’nan vowed vengeance against his Father’s cruelty, and his rage won against the fire of the Sun. Then, “Elgar'nan threw the sun down from the sky and buried him in a deep abyss created by the land's sorrow.”
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This story can be followed later in the post Emprise du Lion: Pools of the Sun, where we find another unreliable Dalish legend claiming that this place has spring waters because it was here where Elgar’nan shoved the sun into the Earth. I also made a link to Sylaise considering the Elvhenan arenas we can see in this region, the presence of Sylaise’s Shrine, and her thirst for being always competing with someone. These details can make us suspect that this Sun could have been Sylaise [so deeply related to fire, the sun, and also as angry as Elgar’nan according the Song to Sylaise].
It’s very worth noting that these two legends, said by different clans, claim that Elgar’nan pushed the Sun into the Abyss. Another detail we have to assume is that "Abyss", "Beyond the Deep Roads" and "The Void" seem to be one thing related to the places where the Titan sleep [or even inside the Titan themselves] instead of a strange dimensional pocket we never saw before. This links the Elvhenan with the Dwarven in what we speculated in Murals in DAI: The Death of a Titan.
With this relationship, we see again the Sun as a weapon of destruction and control.
[Weak] Elvhenan Culture: Murals
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Murals present a red sphere with rays that may imply a Sun .
In the mural “The Creation of the Veil” [1], we find a red sphere inside a black one, making us suspect it’s the big evil released by the Evanuris that Solas isolated with the creation of the Veil. Around it, there are seven “bubbles” with similar “rays” in grey and golden colours that may imply “gates” that would allow us the access to the central “sun” or red sphere.
In the mural “The Death of a Titan” [2] we talked extensively about the asterisk symbol, its representation of a Titan’s heart and all that power associated with it, as well as with Golden Rings. The codex in here speaks of a red sphere that contains fury, and maybe all of this can be related to a sun, or better said, the other way around: a Sun as a sphere of fire, related to fury, and buried below underground to contain its destruction. This also brings us some similarities with the unreliable Dalish legends about Elgar'nan.
In the mural  “Red Lyrium Idol” [3] we also commented how the image looks as if Solas were walking on a sphere of fire. It may be related to the red lyrium idol too. Here, we keep linking this idea of a “sphere of fire” as a potential Sun.
In the murals of “The actions of the Inquisitor” [4], we see several times that the red sphere associated with the big evil isolated behind the thick, impenetrable barrier of the Black City seems to be positioned in places that may allow a soft interpretation as a “sun”in the sky.
These symbols seem to gather more importance as we analysed the Vinyl Art, where we find the concept of the Eclipse [as an ominous symbol of Fen’Harel that covers and hides the Sun] and a lot of iconography of stars, which can be interpreted as “suns”.
[Weak] Tevinter Culture: Green Star
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Pre-Blight Tevinter art has a “star” symbol that may be interpreted as a sun, specially if we consider that the inside of this green star displays the symbol of the elvhenan Golden Ring in red colour. However, it seems more likely to be a symbol representing the power that one can extract from the Breaches. The green colour helps in this interpretation and puts it a bit farther away from a sun interpretation than other symbols. However, it keeps linking the Golden Ring with the power of creating a Breach.
[Confusing] Tevinter Culture: different decorative elements
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The rest of the symbols in Tevinter objects may have some relationship with the Sun. For example, we find doors, boxes, and columns decorated with an 8-pointed star [1] but we also find another one with 6 points in something that looks like a box [2]. The shape of an “hexagonal” sun of 8-pointy rays can be found as well in objects like the “scrying orb” [4].
Among the outfits, we find a 3-ray comb used by Tevinter women [3], which may be related to the sun-based symbol of an Old God [and potentially related to the corresponding Evanuris associated with it]. This symbol is a lot closer to the "Sun-head creature" we found among Elvhenan objects.
As a curious one, I will always point out the strange, hidden Sun figure that belongs to the Free Marches decoration that can be found at the entrance of the Inner Sanctum in Western Approach: The Still Ruins, Viridis Walk and Inner Sanctum.
I think it’s clear and safe to say that most of the sun-based symbols present in Tevinter culture [and previous to their conversion to Andrastian religion] may have been originated from the contact with the Elvhenan [during the Dreamer time where we can see less repulsion to Elvhen according the Tevinter Mosaics] or [most likely] with the dragons that may have been related to the Elvhenan, as I made the connection in the comic post The Missing.
[Weak] Dwarven Culture: Fairel and Dwarven art
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The Dwarves, at least the ones in the Fairel’s ruins, may have some link with the Sun as well. In these ruins we find the same exact stone tablet we find in the Ancient Elvhenan tombs [1], which displays the “crappy sun” I commented above. Once again, it could be a sun but also a breach, so there is no much sense to keep focusing on it.
Another symbol to relate the Sun to the Dwarves may or may not be an old “Dwarven stone-paintings” we saw since DAO, which basically shows a dwarf working the stone [3]. Based on symmetry, we could assume that the triangles on the background are stalagmites, but if we stretch-out this interpretation, they could even be seen as a sun with its rays. It’s very unlikely, since it seems to be more a design resource to highlight the scene of the stone-painting, but for completion’s sake I think it’s worthy to keep it commented here.
However, this simple design allows us to interpret it in different ways: the spikes we see can be pieces of rock protruding from the ground and the Dwarf in it is mining them [as its original codex in DAO seems to imply], but also it could be understood as a quarter of a Sun peeking through the corner of the image as a Dwarf works tirelessly.
Later in DAI we are introduced to another piece of art of similar characteristics [2]. The building was never possible to be identified unequivocally, and in posts like “Architecture of Kirkwall : Gallows and Lowtown/Darktown” I related it to representations of Kirkwall or cities that may be similar to Kirkwall where the runecraft mastery of dwarves was used [and probably, it was a source of pride for these clans, who may have kept the achievement immortalised in a piece of art reproduced among the noble dwarven families]. This piece also shows a background very similar to the one in [3] that may be a representation of stalagmites or a sun, if it’s stretched-out enough.
Another strange symbol in the dwarven furniture is the one presented in some stone-seats: an elaborated metal image that shows thorny vines on or over a sun [4]. This symbol appears in many other parts of the game where there are dwarven rooms, but also in Arbor Wilds :Cradle of Sulevin where we can read the Vir Tanadhal, However, in this case, the symbol is not completely the same one than in the Hissing Wastes: Fairel tomb.
It’s hard to suspect if this is a mere reuse of assets, it has a lore-related meaning, or it’s just a reflection that the Dwarves and the Ancient Elvhen had a relationship quite ancient [as it shows the Elvhen tree and its dwarven, more geometrical style, that I’ve been pointing out since DAO in Orzammar]. We have to remember that the Ancient Elvhenan saw the dwarves as soulless creatures, workers of the “pillars of Earth” and worthless. However, I always claimed it was never clear if this was a reference to ancient Dwarves that were linked to the Titan deeply to the point that they became Sha-Brytol after the break of the link, or were related to more independent dwarves as the ones we see now, who have a sense of Stone, but can’t understand the Titan with the exception of some gifted ones [such as Valta].
Finally, the dwarves have an additional aspect related to the Sun in the very unreliable codex called Torn Notebook in the Deep Roads, Section 2. I wrote about this codex in a more integral way in Deep Roads [DLC Trespasser]: Lower Walkways. But basically an ex-Dalish elf [now a Qun converted] relates Elgar’nan’s fire [which another unreliable Dalish legend, Elgar'nan: God of Vengeance, claims he shoved the Sun into the Earth] to the fear to the Sun that Dwarves experience [Read the section Elgar’nan and Sylaise above]. This may have been a Dev’s choice to makes us aware that there exists a relationship between the Sun and the dwarves, even though there is no lore material that can make it clear enough.
[Strong] Ferelden Culture: The Sun Face and the geometrical Sun
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In the Tryptich presented in Andrastian Design: Tapestry and Tryptich, we find three symbols on top of each part of the scene: the six-snakes that represent Tevinter, the golden city above all the image representing the Maker or the Chantry Religion, and over the section of Ferelden/Orlais chantry, a 8-pointed sun which rays look like triangles. Once again, the resemblance of this symbol with the elvhenan sun in the mural “Temple of Mythal” is remarkable [check the Temple of Mythal in “The actions of the Inquisitor”] or the sun shape in the elvhenan yellow mosaic or in the background of Solas in the Trailer of DA:D. This could come from different roots:
1- An Orlesian root, considering how much of the elvhenan influence it had during the time of the Halamshiral and the coexistence of humans and elves in the Dales for some years [to the point where inter-racial families were made, as it was hinted all over the Exalted Plains]. I spoeculated how the idea of the Maker may have been developed during this time in the post The Chantry and the Mythology of the Chant of Light
2- Another potential root is related to the Alamarri root, and therefore, linked to the Avvar: this sun may be a representation of the Lady of the Sky for the same reasons I will explain below in the Section Avvars and the Sun.
We can find similar icon in the book World of Thedas, where they show a unique Ferelden Tryptich [3], which top displays this symbol with a sun that even may have a shape of a Golden Ring within it. In either case, we know that this symbol later was part of the Ferelden Chantry, which sun is very pointy, as DAO showed it [see the first section in this post: Chantry Sunburst].
In DAI, we find in some small towns of Ferelden, a unique strange Sun with a crying face [1]. On it we see a bird and a squirrel. It’s hard to know exactly what this is, [check the post Nation Art: Ferelden], but maybe it can be understood as a representation of Andraste made by Ferelden culture mixed with some local animals and fables created as a mixture of cultures, similar to the tale that related Wyverns to Andraste [check the wyvern section in Dragon Age Iconic Patterns: The single spike].
There is also a fish drawn in the DLC of Hakkon on a fisherman shack [2], which displays a pattern that can be related to the “crappy sun” designs on its skin. Not sure what to make about it. The closest is that the Avvar represented this symbol as a way to reflect what they may have seen in the Isle of the Lady, where a big ancient breach have been there, open, since the time of Telana [read about this in “The Veil and the preservation of the Waking World” from the post Frostback Basin [DLC]: Miscellaneous ].
[Strong] Grey Wardens and the Sun
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The typical symbol of the Grey Wardens involves a chalice that represents the Joining ritual. It always displays a Sun, and not any sun: it’s one with a strong resemblance to the Sunburst of the Chantry. Let’s remember that the Grey Wardens was and is an independent Order that doesn’t respond to the Chantry, and even more so: it was created before the existence of the Chantry, and before Andraste was born. So any quick explanation that this sun is present in this object due to some potential influence from the Chantry seem unlikely.
However, as I showed in Western Approach: The Still Ruins, Main Chamber and Hall of Silence, there are griffons with this same chalice that belonged to pre-Blight Tevinter, maybe remotely associated with Dumat in some ways [since they appear in a hall called “Hall of Silence”, and Dumat=Silence]. We know that the Joining, as a ritual of blood magic, came from the knowledge of Arlathan elves and Tevinter Mages during the desperate times of the First Blight when nothing seemed to stop the darkspawn and even slaying Dumat did not work the first time. Therefore, this Sun may have some relationship with the elvhenan, the Old Gods, or just the blood magic that allowed the creation of the Joining.
[Curious] Avvar and the Sun
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The Avvar have a symbol that I always found very Sun-like due to its design and cultural concept: The Lady of the Sky. It’s not only the concept; the lady of the sky can be any important object in the sky; moons or suns. Since Thedas has two moons, it seems more plausible to think of her as unique as the Sun itself.
In the painting that represents her (found on a wall in the Frostback Mountains) we see a design of an owl which shape looks like a Sun. Even her sculpture in Skyhold displays small spikes around her neck which give her a low-key “sun-like” design, specially if we relate this shape with the “sun” shape we saw in the Ancient Elvhenan Yellow Mosaic or with the star we saw in the “Temple of Mythal” mural [in “The actions of the Inquisitor”] or with the Sun that appears behind Solas in the trailer.
Curiously, her banner displays her eyes in a shape that looks similar to the Golden Ring shape, but in black colour. That the Avvar have an art that may have resemblance with Elvhenan's is not strange for me if we remember that  Tyrdda Bright-Axe Path’s story narrates that her lover was an elf that, as it is hinted, may have been the Lady of the Sky herself. This means that the Avvar always were a culture under the influence of the Elvhenan and the Dwarves [due to the marriages they arranged with the children of the Stone].
[Weak] Flemeth
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Flemeth also had a unique concept art that shows all of her nature in one drawing: her dragon shape, Mythal, as the central part of it over a human figure that may be a petitioner; a bit aside and as if she were in a inner ring of a brown sphere, The Witch of the Wild: Flemeth, with a very particular staff inside a yellow circle that may be interpreted as a Sun. And very hidden in the corner, in the core of this sphere, now black, we see her as an "old, old woman" with a big eye drawn on her apron, at the edge of a cliff [potentially representing the fragment of Mythal that lives inside her]. This kind of eye is very similar to the ones that we see in the concept art armours of Mythal’s temple guardians. I assume it has to do with her omnipresence due to the manipulation of dreams [we know that she presented herself in dreams to an elf and marked him with the Vallaslin of Mythal after awakening, check the video]
Mythal also has bland hints related to Elgar’nan symbology, which is related to the sun, fire, and balls of fire with anger [check all this in the posts Speculations about the Vinyl Art and “The Death of a Titan”]. Flemeth ends up being related to all this since she carries a fragment of Mythal in her.
[Strong] Qunari, Par Vollen, and the Solium Constellation
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The Qunari have little link with the Sun, but not the land they conquered. In the book World of Thedas we are informed about the existence of the Fex, a race we never saw nor had much information beyond the fact that they exist. May they be related to the Sun or a Sun-base proto religion? We don't know.
In the Codex Constellation: Solium, we learn that this constellation [which looks like a Sun/Star, image above, pretty similar to the Chantry Sunburst I may add] may have been a representation of the Sun or the Moon [or both] for the Neomerian [Ancient Tevinters], however, it could also represent Elgar’nan, since unreliable Dalish legends claim him to be the “eldest of the Sun”.
Another Codex, called  The Pyramids of Par Vollen, tells us that the Jungles of this continent have ancient ruins that doesn’t seem to be tombs but places of scientific purposes. The shape of these ruins fits perfectly with the constellation of Solium, making them, in some way or another, related to the Sun. These pyramids are a great mystery in the DA lore, especially for their total lack of information beyond this codex. We know their walls show images of “intricate sea creatures, shipwrights, musicians, archers, and kings. Odd figures are depicted, tall, horned, always in a position of authority and respect.” It seems that there was no resistance when the Qunari came to conquer this place, so we can suspect that this previous civilization embraced the Qun without much resistance, in part, because the Qunari have horns, and that caused respect and authority. Or the civilisation had been gone long ago when they came. Or it was a civilisation that was developed by or under the authority of the Kossith, the ancient Qunari who had no Qun.
The brief description of these ruins also makes me link it, potentially, with the underground ruins we find in  The Horror of Hormak .
[Confusing] DAO design
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This section tries to relate the Sun shape with designs that may make the connection a bit stretched or not truly reasonable, therefore, DAO leads this part, lol.
We find that many places along the game, specially the ones related to puzzles [Honnleath and Enchanter Wilhelm’s basement] or to Tevinter experiments [Ruins of Brecilian Forest] display a platform on the ground with a symbol similar to the Sunburst of the Chantry. I’m not sure why they are there, specially in the Brecilian Forest, since we know this was a fortress probably developed by Tevinter [ which potentially may have co-opted, as usual, an ancient Elvhenan building and claimed it as its own] just to be taken by Dalish and humans later. This Fortress is a mess in terms of design and statues that it displays, so it’s hard, if not impossible, to truly take it seriously. To me it all feels more like a reuse of graphical resources, but just for the sake of completion, I add the present section.
More of these sun-like platforms can be found in the Tower of the Circle of Magi [which could potentially make sense since the tower was made by Avvar and Dwarves, and it may be a representation of the Lady of the Sky, as we saw in the Avvar section of this post] but also in the Temple of Andraste or in Denerim at the Fort Drakon which makes less sense [unless it is taken as a symbol from the Chantry itself]. Again, these inconsistencies make me suspect the reuse of assets in a game that could not afford to have 5 different platforms designs.
[Confusing] Free Marches Rural Areas
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Another place where I found a sun-like symbol was in a very disturbing image of the book World of Thedas associated with a cautionary tale told to Free Marches kids. In it, we see that people/children are punished if they go outside a bubble of darkness with small “sun-like” symbols floating around. Each of these kids have a symbol on their belly or head. Curiously, one of these symbols is a small spiral that I’ve brought the attention upon long ago in the post Hinterlands: Statues, paintings, and structures found in the open where we found the alamarri statue I called Eroded dragon skull which has a “G symbol” on its back, which, at the same time, seems similar to the one present in a reiterative way all over the elvhen artefacts and in some dwarven rug designs.
I don't know how to interpret this image, mostly like the big black bubble that contains these klids seems to protect or shield them from the dangers outside. The kids that "behave badly" are dropped outside of it and are consumed by the dragon fire/jaws of the dangers outside. So in a very stretched way, we can interpret this image that the bubble filled with Suns protects people, or at least, it's the right path to follow not to be eaten by those monsters outside.
To put an end to this post, I would like to bring a short conclusion that we may have reached together along it. The Sun in Thedas is an ancient symbol that mostly every culture took to exploit and use in their own representation of gods/power.
This fact alone is not strange, since in anthropology we can see that severals cultures on Earth have developed religious rites or created Gods out of the Sun itself. The Sun is a symbol related to warmth, light, food, life, and security, so it seems reasonable for DA Lore to take it as the main symbol of Thedas civilisations.
The Sun in current Thedas is immediately associated with the Chantry and Andraste: it is a symbol of hope, of dawn, that provide the idea of new beginnings; it’s also the idea of the Maker itself and the Faith people have in him. It's also the fire that purifies in order to grant ascension [Andraste's case].
When it comes to Elvhenan, the Sun is immediately related to Elgar’nan, who was considered, according to the underaliable Dalish legends, the son of the Sun itself, who in order to save the Land shoved the sun into the ground, potentially causing a great damage to Dwarves and Titans.
There is also a symbol of a half-sun in an Eluvian, a statue, and in a hat worn by an elf, that may suggest that an original god, represented by the sun [potentially an ancient Dragon] was worshipped by the Evanuris. Lately, that symbol may have been co-opted by one of the Evanuris when they took divinity and the identity of the ancient gods they worshiped.
Elvhenan also seem to take the symbol of the asterisk as an oversimplification of the Sun, which across the murals, is also related to the heart of Titans, to power, and to the Golden Ring, which is also associated with control. So, for Elvhenan, we may suggest that the Sun represents immense power, if not, Divinity itself, that may end up being related to the core of Titans. The asterisk is also associated to the orb, a big power object.
Since Elvhenan were the first civilisation we know that started in Thedas [besides the Titans and their children], their symbols of power [asterisk, orb, golden ring] may have evolved along time to reach human groups which developed, later, all the sun symbols that ended up in the Chantry’s.
Thanks to Tevinter, we also can suspect that the Sun may have been a representation of an Old God, since they have a lot of sun-related images in their decoration and objects that belong to ancient times in which they were not Andrastian yet [in fact, so ancient times that Andraste herself was not born yet]. This may mean that the Sun symbol cloud have been taken from the Elvhenan or from the Ancient Dragons. Through Tevinter style, we also realise that the Elvhenan Golden Ring may have been used to create Breaches, which again shows and seems consistent with the idea of relating it to power and control. The symbol of Sun in Tevinter culture may be related originally with Elvhenan or with Ancient Dragons that Tevinter used to worship.
Dwarves have little representation of the sun for obvious reasons, but due to the unreliable legend of Elgar’nan and the war with the Titans, we may establish a relationship in which the dwarves endured the Sun [or the Elvhenan power] at some point in their story.
Thanks to the Grey Warden we can relate a sun with the idea of ancient Blood magic or ancient Dragon blood knowledge, since the Joining is represented by a chalice with a Sun on it.
The Avvar also have a low-key representation of the Sun in their Lady of the Sky, which may be just consequence of their deep relationship with the Elvhenan culture.
Par Vollen may have more answers about the Sun and ancient times, but the lore of DA world is very scarce on this region of the map of Thedas, so we can only speculate.
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lullaebies · 9 months
I’m sure you’re slammed with request, but if you find the time, I was wondering if you had any headcanons about what an argument for the helaegon family would like? And how you think that they would solve their arguments? Sorry if you’ve already gotten this ask!!!💓💓
I have not gotten this ask yet no worries <333 took me a while but got to it!
Helaegon Family in an Argument Headcanons
⇥ first of all, arguments in this family usually occur among three different pairs: Aegon II and Helaena (as the parents and decision makers), Aegon II and Jaehaerys (father and son chewing each other's ankles), and Jaehaerys and Jaehaera (if they have different perspectives about an issue and do not agree they can claaaash)
⇥ With Helaegon arguments, they don't fight in front of the kids, Helaena would death glare him if he even tries to open it by them, but they all know because helaegon fight as siblings do - its very clear when they are upset and even clearer when they start getting petty. The level of side eye is crazy. It could be over serious stuff or really small stuff but no can tell so you can feel the tension. The thing is with them is that they need the right amount of push (usually from Jaehaera who is septa Maegelle reincarnated, Daeron who is kinda like baby no. 1 and family therapist for all of the Greens but is brother, or Maelor who shuts down fights with only pouts), and also need a heart to heart where they can spill everything. Usually Aegon folds first to apologize, when Helaena is angry it's very present and very clear and his guilt creeps up on him, but Helaena would also apologize for any point she hurt him at the end. If she was the one who hurt him first somehow, she probably didn't realize what she said/did was hurtful and it would settle quicker because she would just settle it when she realizes her mistake. In these hcs they are kinda older so they just have understandings and are past having any explosive fights. btw Jaehaerys roots for his mom. Every time.
⇥ With Jaehaerys and Aegon they are the next in the generational family trauma line, so Jaehaerys ends up feeling a lot of what Aegon felt towards Viserys - he feels the neglect sometimes and although Aegon got a bit better as they grew and with Maelor for example its not really the same Jaehaerys still has some anger at him, especially when mom/Jaehaera/Maelor get hurt in the process. These two can end up fist fighting but usually it's petty shit like Jaehaerys bringing Aegon his glass of wine but accidentally dropping it like "oops I lost my grip" with his six fingered hand like 💀 Helaena and Jaehaera can conciliate in these matters, they usually do, but every now and then Aegon has a spark of "I fucked up but I still love you" and comes himself. He would ask Jaehaerys to go on rides with him on their dragons and talk somewhere a bit far away from KL or something like that, and the peace will be restored again. For a while at least!
⇥ And the fights of Jaehaera and Jaehaerys... it does not happen often. the twins usually get along very well, they have established roles in their siblinghood (is this a word? lmao) and they work very well together... but when they disagree, or when Jaehaerys teases Jaehaera too much, or when Jaehaera puts too much stress on Jaehaerys - practically fire in the house. They're younger and they can get into physical squabbles too when upset and namecalling and everything - the twins are usually considered very mature (read: repressed) for teenagers, but when they fight they become their most childish selves and all of their hurts get out. Helaena and Aegon would have to sit with them seperately and try to calm them down, Maelor is like ????? 'why do I gotta choose a side' and generally it's like a very weird split in the house and NOBODY likes it. It can last a while, but is usually broken when one twin sees the other too distraught, about their fight or about something unrelated. I think for Jaehaerys especially it would be hard to stay angry at Jaehaera because I hc him as a wee bit of a protective brother. Generally at the end they would have issues without the presence of the other and solve it - these two are very reliant on each other due to the family dysfunction, and at the end they find their empathy for each other once more.
⇥ Maelor doesn't get into fights. He ends them. When he's young, my guy will pull up a fairytale book saying "you shouldn't be mean to each other" with a cute face and no one can refute him. When he's older it can be the same but with an actual book of laws or philosophy Aemond/Daeron gave him and with actual clauses. He kinda mad they never fight in front of him though. "But mom it was just getting interestingggggg!! I'm not a baby anymore I have an opinionnnnnn I can weigh in on thisssss😭😭" Sorry Maely but you will always be baby.
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riveramorylunar · 1 year
Troublemaker Doing Karate
Karate AU Masterlist
Pairings: Karate Teacher Natasha Romanoff x Troublemaker Reader
Warnings ⚠️: (not many) Punching, Kicking, Mentions of Getting Arrested, Age Difference, Height Difference & Stealing
Pet Names/Nicknames: None
Word Count: 2,720
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Everyone in the town knew Y/N was a trouble maker. Where ever she went chaos would follow her. It was oddly quiet in the town tod-
"Y/N GET BACK HERE" someone shouted. Y/N was running down a hill with a bag of stolen games as she laughed. "NOT GONNA HAPPEN RONALD" Y/N shouted as she almost tripped. She caught herself and went back to running. She saw a building in front of her so she shoved the glass door open and ducked under the glass windows. "Who the hell are you" someone said causing Y/N to bolt up and threw a punch. The person caught Y/N fist before twisting her arm behind her back and slamming her against one of the desks. The bag that Y/N was holding was taken out of her grip and dropped onto the desk. Y/N looked over when the door opened and Ronald was looking at her with a scowl. "Ronald" the person said behind Y/N and the man bowed. "Sensei Romanoff" he said back before standing up straight. "Sensei what the fuck" Y/N huffed out and she was pulled up off the desk and shoved away. She stumbled a bit before catching herself. She turned around and her eyes widened in shock as she froze in place.
The woman was wearing a white Karate outfit with a black belt around it. She was wearing karate fingerless gloves and black feet protectors. You could see just a little bit of her feet tattoos poking out but not much. Four of her nails were black with red designs on them while the other was clear with red tips. She was pretty tall probably around 6 feet tall.
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Y/N snapped out of it when someone yanked on her arm. "Come on Y/N I'm taking you to the police station" Ronald said and Y/N's eyes widened in shock. As the man was about to turn around the woman spoke up. "Wait" the woman said and Ronald stopped. "Can I see that bag" she asked and Ronald handed the bag of video games over. The redhead put the bag down on the table before dumping all the games out. She looked through all the games before looking back up at the two. "I see you like fighting games" the woman said and Y/N clenched her jaw. "Yeah so what" Y/N said and the woman smirked before holding a hand out. "Let me formally introduce myself, I'm Natasha Romanoff Sensei of this dojo" The woman said and Y/N just looked up at her. "How would you like to join my dojo and become a black dragon" she continued causing Y/N's eyes to widen in shock. "Sensei Romanoff you can't be serious she's a troublemaker" Ronald said and Natasha rolled her eyes.
"So what, I need someone like her she's got some guts and bravery" she said and Y/N yanked her arm free before walking up to Natasha. "So what do you say" Natasha said as she looked down at Y/N. "I'm in, I'm Y/N by the way" Y/N said as she grabbed hold of Natasha's hand. "You got to be kidding me she's gonna be even more of a troublemaker now" Ronald huffed out before grabbing the baf of video games and storming out of the dojo. "You better be here tomorrow afternoon" Natasha said before turning around. "Thank you" Y/N said and Natasha stopped. "Don't thank me yet Y/N you got a lot to learn this is the real world not just some video game" she said before walking away.
Y/N walked out of the dojo and she immediately looked at her right hand to see it was shaking slightly. Her face flushed a little as she held onto it. She smiled brightly before dashing off and shouting in excitement like a high school kid who got noticed by their crush.
Y/N ran into the dojo the next day and saw younger kids on the mats. "Glad you could make it Y/N" Natasha said and Y/N looked over to see Natasha standing next to the door. "oh hey Natasha" Y/N stuttered out and Natasha pushed herself off the wall before walking over to the table. She picked up a white outfit and white belt before walking over and holding them out in front of Y/N. "There's a bathroom over there to change in, I'll help put your belt on after" Natasha said and Y/N walked over to the bathroom. Y/N came out and walked back over to Natasha. Natasha smiled before kneeling down in front of Y/N one knee and wrapped the belt around Y/N. "Is it too tight" Natasha said and she didn't get an answer back. "Y/N" she asked before standing up and waving her hand in front of Y/N's face. "Oh uh no it's not too tight" Y/N said as she rubbed the back of her neck. Natasha nodded before heading towards one of the mats. Y/N followed her and Natasha stopped. "Do you know some of the Karate Stances" Natasha asked as she turned around and Y/N nodded her head. "Show me the kokutsu dachi then" she said and Y/N brushed her hair out of the way before looking at Natasha in confusion. Natasha sighed "the backward stance" she said and Y/N smiled sheepishly before getting into the stance.
Natasha walked behind Y/N. "May I" she asked and Y/N nodded. Natasha put her hands on Y/N's hips before turning them slightly. She used her foot to slightly bend Y/N's back leg more and did the same with the front one but only slightly. She let go of Y/N's hips before walking around Y/N and stopping in front of Y/N. She grabbed Y/N's left arm and raised it slightly. "We need to work on your stances some more but we'll get there how about a high kick" Natasha said and Y/N stood up before kicking in the air. Natasha walked back up to Y/N and looked at Y/N for consent. Y/N nodded and Natasha grabbed Y/N's leg before pushing it up farther causing Y/N to wince slightly. The redheaded woman immediately stopped and looked at Y/N. "Are you alright" she asked and Y/N nodded. "Y-yeah I'm fine just hurt a little bit" Y/N said and Natasha nodded. "You just need to keep practicing then and you won't hurt" Natasha said and Y/N nodded. "Now why don't you follow me alright" Natasha said and Y/N nodded.
The others that were in the dojo stopped as they watched Natasha and Y/N start doing different stances in sync. "Wow she's good even though it's her first day" A boy said and the girl standing beside him nudged him. "Well she has the best Sensei teaching her so" the girl said and the boy chuckled before going back to what he was doing. "You're a quick learner Y/N" Natasha said and Y/N smiled softly. "Thanks" Y/N said nervously and Natasha nodded.
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"Afternoon Sensei Romanoff" Y/N shouted as she entered the dojo. "Afternoon Y/N" Natasha said as she was leaning against the table that was against the wall. "What will we be doing today" Y/N asked as she tightened the blue belt that was around her waist. "Breaking boards" Natasha said as she unfolded her arms. Y/N looked down at Natasha's hands to see two tattoos one on each hand. "You have hand tattoos" Y/N asked and Natasha chuckled. "Yeah I do" she said before she greeted the other students. "Come on Y/N no time for distractions" Natasha said causing Y/N to snap out of it. "Uh right sorry" Y/N muttered out before following the others.
"Y/N it's your turn" Natasha said and Y/N stood up before walking up to the wooden board that was between two grey bricks. Y/N breathed in and out before closing her eyes. She opened them back up before slamming her palm down on the board causing it to break in half. She stood back up before turning around to see Natasha looking proudly at her. "Good job Y/N" Natasha said as she stood up and bowed at Y/N. Y/N bowed back after saying thank you.
After a while of breaking wooden boards every one had left. "Hey Y/N wait up" Natasha said and Y/N stopped before turning around to see Natasha rushing up to her. Natasha stood in front of Y/N and smiled down at her. "What can I do for you Sensei" Y/N said and Natasha rubbed the back of her neck. "Well I was wondering if you wanted to grab some noodles with me" Natasha said as her cheeks turned a slight shade of red. "Oh uh sure I guess what time" Y/N said as she blushed too. "How about now" Natasha said and Y/N nodded. "Alright let me close up then I'll meet you outside alright" Natasha said and Y/N nodded before walking out of the dojo.
When Y/N walked out of the dojo she squealed in excitement before she stopped. She realized what had just happened and her face turned bright red as she put her hands over her face. "Are you ready" Natasha said behind Y/N causing her to turn around. "Yeah" Y/N muttered out and the two started walking towards the Chinese fast food restaurant. When they got there Natasha opened the door for Y/N. Y/N walked in and Natasha walked in after her. They walked up to the counter and waited a couple seconds until a Chinese woman walked up to the counter while smiling. "Hello are you ready to order" the woman said and Y/N nodded her head. "Uh yeah I'll have chicken ramen noodles please" Y/N said as she was about to take her wallet out but Natasha stopped her. "Don't it's on me" Natasha said and Y/N nodded before her face flushed slightly. "I'd like the cheesy ramen noodles and some white rice" Natasha said and the woman nodded. "Is that all" she asked and Natasha looked at Y/N who nodded her head. "Yeah that's all" Natasha said and she paid for the food. The two walked off to the side to wait for their food. "Sensei you didn't have to do that" Y/N muttered out and Natasha looked down at her. "You know you don't have to call me Sensei and I wanted to" Natasha said as she smiled down at Y/N.
"Natasha" Someone said and Natasha turned around and thanked the man before grabbing the brown bag. "Alright let's go" Natasha said as she turned around. Y/N walked out of the fast food restaurant as Natasha followed her. "So where are we going" Y/N asked and Natasha looked down at her. "You'll see soon enough" Natasha said as they continued walking. Natasha stopped in front of an old black truck and reached into her back pocket. "This is yours" Y/N asked and Natasha nodded. "Yeah I've had it since I was 16x Natasha said as she unlocked the truck.
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The two hoped into the truck and Natasha placed the bag in between the two. Natasha turned the truck on before driving off. As Natasha was driving she turned the radio on. She turned the volume down a bit before looking over at Y/N. She watched as Y/N quietly sang with the music. She smiled before looking back at the road. She felt her heart beat quicken as her grip on the steering wheel tightened a bit.
After driving for a couple minutes Natasha drove into a meadow before turning the truck off. Natasha got out and rushed over to Y/N's side. She opened the door and helped Y/N out before grabbing the brown bag that had the food in it. The two walked to the back and Natasha helped Y/N up after jumping up. Y/N saw a fluffy black and red blanket laying down on the bed of the truck with a couple pillows scattered around. "When did you get this done" Y/N asked and Natasha chuckled nervously. "Uh right before I went to work" Natasha said as she sat down in the lotus position. Natasha looked up to see Y/N still standing. "Come sit stop standing there" Natasha said before chuckling quietly. Y/N snapped out of it and walked over before sitting down criss-crossed. She watched as Natasha opened the bag before pulling out the containers of noodles. "Here's yours" Natasha said and Y/N carefully grabbed the container making sure not to burn herself since it was still hot. "Oh and here are your chop sticks" Natasha said pulling out some chopsticks wrapped in plastic. "Uh I don't know how to use chopsticks to be honest" Y/N said nervously as she set her food down on the fluffy blanket. "Oh uh well they didn't give us any forks and I don't have any in the truck" Natasha said as she looked at Y/N. "I could show you how to use them if you want me to" Natasha said and Y/N smiled softly. "Yes please" Y/N said and Natasha smiled widely. Natasha took her food and chopsticks out. She took the chopsticks out of the plastic and turned to Y/N to see that she was trying to figure it out. Natasha chuckled causing Y/N to look up at her before blushing slightly. "I wanted to try it out myself first" Y/N said and Natasha smiled softly. "That's completely fine you're actually quite close" Natasha said and showed Y/N how to hold them with hers. Y/N did the same but still couldn't get it. "Can I" Natasha asked as she held a hand out and Y/N nodded. Natasha scooted over and grabbed Y/N's wrist before helping Y/N. Y/N felt a zap jolt through her hand and all the way up her arm when she felt Natasha's hands touch hers. "There" Natasha said before pulling away. Y/N frowned at the loss of contact but shook it off as she opened her noodles and started digging in. She let out a moan as her shoulders relaxed. Her eyes closed as she felt the noodles and chicken invade her taste buds. "It's good isn't it" Natasha asked and Y/N opened her eyes to see Natasha already looking at her. "Yeah it's really good the flavor just melts onto my tongue" Y/N said and Natasha let out a laugh. "It does doesn't it" Natasha said before taking a bite of her own noodles.
After they finished eating they laid down and watched the stars and the moon. As the two were watching a shooting star pass Natasha started moving her hand toward Y/N's. Y/N was doing the same thing and when their hands touched they looked at each other. Natasha cursed in her hand before grabbing Y/N's hand and interlocking their fingers together. Y/N's face flushed brightly as she looked away. Natasha's face heated up as well before she sat up. "Y/N" Natasha said and Y/N looked over at Natasha. "Yeah" Y/N asked and Natasha looked down at their interlocked fingers before looking back up at Y/N's face. "Can I uh kiss you" she said nervously as she rubbed the back of her neck with her free hand. Y/N didn't say anything instead she grabbed Natasha by the collar of her shirt and yanked her down. Their lips connected and Natasha blushed even more. After a couple seconds though she closed her eyes and deepened the kiss slightly. Y/N let go of Natasha's hand and cupped her face. She pulled away and looked up at the older woman before smiling. Natasha smiled back before leaning back down and passionately kissing Y/N.
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