#teacher!bucky fluff
sstan-hoe · 1 year
◇ 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐦 𝐇𝐞 𝐂𝐚𝐥𝐦𝐬 ◇
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𝒑𝒂𝒊𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒈 — teacher!bucky barnes × ceo!fem!reader
𝒔𝒖𝒎𝒎𝒂𝒓𝒚 — with a hot-headed wife like you, Bucky's life was never boring. Add to that, his daughter. Seven years, cute as a button with the temper of her mother.
𝒘𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔 — SMUT (at the end tho), riding, slapping, a bit of choking, allusions to cum eating, sub!bucky (I tried lol), this thing has like 5k words... THERE IS PLOT PEOPLE
𝒏𝒐𝒕𝒆 — I wanted more smut but then decided I will only do more drabble wise, meaning if people want and maybe give ideas I'd be happy to show more of them – especially sex wise, there is so much we can do! reblog, comment / follow!
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A soft nudge against your shoulder pulled you from your deep slumber, when you didn’t move right away you got another nudge, “mommy,” a small voice whispered.
You couldn’t help but smile into the pillow after hearing the voice of your daughter. Slowly you turned to her, “good morning little lady,” you greeted her, and she gave you the most adorable grin one could imagine.
“Daddy said to get you for breakfast,” she told you, rocking back and forth on her soles. Her words caused you to look over to Bucky’s side which was indeed empty. Normally you’d be up before your husband and make breakfast, start working and get Myra ready for elementary school.
Slowly you sat up and grabbed Myra quickly making a sound that matched a lion’s roar, “gotcha!” you started tickling her. High pitched squeals left her mouth, “mommy, mommy stop!” she giggled.
Downstairs the noise of happy laughter made Bucky’s ears pick up, a smile spreading across his lips. Soon his two troublemakers would come down for breakfast.
Meanwhile you picked something out to wear with the help of Myra, she was always excited to choose a shirt or dress pants for you. Never had you met a seven-year-old that had as much fashion sense as your daughter, sometimes she picked better clothes than you.
“Mommy you have to wear the red blouse, it makes daddy’s eyes twinkle,” Myra giggled and pointed at said blouse at the top of your closet.
You got the blouse from the top and slipped into the soft satin fabric. It was cute to see how your little girl was aware of her surroundings and that she knew which clothes Bucky likes the most. You finished the look with jewelry and then walked downstairs with Myra.
Bucky heard your footsteps and instantly turned around, his eyes in fact twinkling when he saw you in the red blouse.
“Good morning moya lyubov',” he whispered against your cheek as you came around the kitchen aisle. “You did not wake me,” you stated, holding your chin high. A low chuckle rumbled through your husband’s chest, “couldn’t, you looked too peaceful to wake,” he pressed his lips to yours.
You couldn’t help the grin that formed on your lips, this man and his sweet tongue. “You are a sweet talker Barnes,” you told him, gently shoving his shoulder, “and you Barnes are falling for it everytime,” Bucky said back with a small smirk.
“Now sit your cute ass down and eat,” he patted your bum before his second whirlwind rushed over to him. Myra jumped into her father’s arms with a big smile, “I helped mommy pick out her outfit!” she told him proudly, “thank god you did,” Bucky whispered into her ear in a teasing tone.
The little comment didn’t go unnoticed by you, cocking an eyebrow at him. Bucky just shrugged, “mommy you needed my help,” your daughter agreed.
“Okay you two, enough. I gotta make your lunch,-” “already done,” “and pack Myra’s bag,-” “done that too,” “okay, mister and have you made your lunch too?” You questioned him, even though your tone was teasing you were more than happy for him and that he had taken the work off of you.
“‘Course I did, moya lyubov',” Bucky promised and presented you with the lunch boxes and then pointed at Myra’s backpack which stood by the door.
“Good boy,” you whispered in his ear, making sure your daughter didn’t hear it. A shiver ran down his spine, before you could tease him any more the doorbell rang and Myra sprinted towards it.
“Stevie’s here,” you said with a slight smirk and went to walk after Myra but Bucky snaked his metal arm around your waist and pulled you back, “don’t think this is over,” he growled lowly.
That’s the thing with you and Bucky, you were both in control. Although no one believed the calm, sweet teacher would have such a dirty mouth and a rude, controlling CEO would easily get told what to do, it was how your life was sometimes.
A second later Steve walked in with his niece - goddaughter - in his arms. “Morning boss, morning jerk,” the blonde greeted you with a smirk, “morning,” you said unison, though Bucky sounded more unwelcoming than you.
Not only did Steve walk in at the wrong moment, he also was like a switch. As soon as he would come in you would be in work mode - save for vacations or weekends.
You took Myra from Steve’s arms and pressed a kiss to her cheek, “have fun in school and give Lilian hell,” the last part you whispered in hopes Bucky didn’t hear them.
Steve tried to hide a chuckle while Bucky faintly heard your words and lifted his head, “what was that?” he questioned. You gave him an innocent smile and sat Myra down who wore the same expression, quickly you left with Steve.
Bucky looked down at his daughter, “we’re not giving Lilian hell,” he said sternly. Myra nodded her head, but both knew if Lilian was being her bratty self then the littlest Barnes wouldn’t hold back. He was proud that his daughter stood up for herself and others, but sometimes she came too much after her mother.
“How are the numbers looking?” you asked Steve as you got into the passenger seat while turning your tablet on.
Suddenly Steve went quiet, he rubbed his neck a little anxiously, “well…you know Fred, he kinda switched something up and-,” “Steve, how are the numbers looking?” you asked again with more enforcement. “We had a little downfall…,” the blond tried to stay calm and not show any sign of nervousness.
“And what does a little mean?” you raised your eyebrows already in motion to open everything. “Like 20 percent,” thankfully you were now in front of the office and your anger would be directed at someone else.
You got out of the car with a glare and instantly walked to the sales department while swiping through said numbers.
“Good morning,” you announced yourself loudly, all heads turned towards you, “I was informed that our numbers had a downfall from 20 percent, can anyone tell me what caused this,” you knew what and who.
Several heads turned to Fred who looked frightened, “it was an accident, really,” he tried to explain. It wasn’t a good answer, accidents like this weren’t supposed to happen, at all.
“You better fix it before I do it and when I fix things, I fix people too. I will come back at 12 AM, it would be better for you if it’s fixed,” you said with a stone cold face.
“Yes, ma’am,” Fred almost whimpered, the fear visible on his face like nothing else. “Start working,” you barked and turned around, walking away. One of Fred’s coworkers leaned towards him and whispered; “wow she was nice,” meaning it with full honesty.
You walked into your office, turned the computer on and sorted through the files on your desk. As you looked through them you noticed that they weren’t properly created and certain information missing.
If you were the one who made those folders then you’d be mad at yourself but you weren’t the one who made them.
Pressing down on the phone at your desk you called the Personnel Management, “hello?” a female voice greeted you. Confused, you sat down on your chair, wasn’t the manager a man?
“Hello, I’d like to speak with Mr. Martin,” you said slowly, waiting for what would happen next. “He’s currently in a meeting with the boss, can I take a message?” This person apparently didn’t know who was calling. You ended the call and instantly went to the fifth floor.
Passing your secretary you told her to make a tea for you in exactly ten minutes, you would need it after what was about to happen.
As you waltzed through the halls all eyes were on you, they all knew someone was going to get fired.
Swinging the door open you saw Mr. Martin sitting at his desk and on his right was a slightly smaller desk with a brunette sitting there. She looked confused while her boss was frightened.
“So, this is your meeting I see…with your boss,” you closed the door behind you before looking at the girl, she wasn’t older than twenty, “and who are you?”
The girl smiled brightly, “I’m Oliv! I’m Mr. Martin's intern, and you are?” An intern? You never said it was allowed and everything like hiring an intern - or anyone - had to go over you first.
“Huh, Oliv do you get paid?” you asked instead to which she shook her head, “no, it’s just an internship.” You actually made a rule that even interns get paid.
It seemed like Mr. Martin was using the poor girl and that’s probably why he left at three o’clock PM everyday. You didn’t care how long your employees worked as long as they got everything done in time and correctly.
“You hired a young girl to do your work while you sit here and do nothing? I just looked into the files which had to be prepared by you and more than half are missing information. It is your job to make them and not give them to someone who has no idea what to do. You’re fired, pack your shit,” you were on the verge of yelling before turning to the girl, “you, with me.”
Oliv followed you quickly, scared she would end up with the same fate. “Wasn’t that quite harsh?” she dared to ask in a small voice, “sweetheart you haven’t seen harsh yet,” you stated and lead her towards Marketing.
You were well aware that the young girl wasn’t at fault which was why you would put her somewhere you knew she would be appreciated.
Opening the glass door you were met with a beautiful woman, tall, red hair and a charming smile. She was talking with the online marketing manager and didn’t even notice you until the manager's eyes widened.
Natasha Romanoff knew that meant you were right behind her, she turned around and instantly handed you papers. “Morning boss, sales are going up and we made three new deals this morning, just need you to look over it and give the okay,” her smile was gentle and calm.
She already heard about the first incident and well given she was on the same floor, meaning she heard you.
“Thank god someone knows how to do their job, I swear too many people here are idiots,” you muttered, quickly glancing over the papers, “I will have it to you after lunch meanwhile…here is your new intern.”
Confusion washed over Natasha’s face, she had interns before but not on this kind of short notice. “Oliv meet Ms. Romanoff, Nat this is Oliv. I’ll have your employment contract sent to you by the morning, if you have questions make an appointment.” With that you rushed back to your office.
You needed to get some of your own work done, fate had a different plan though. A soft knock on your door and Wanda - your assistant - popped her head in, “Stark is on the phone,” she said and quickly vanished.
Groaning you picked up the phone, “hello, Tony what can I do for you?” you tried to sound polite, nice and not annoyed.
For the next hour Tony Stark talked your ear off on new product ideas and how he could technically advance certain products.
Meanwhile you sorted through the files and looked over the deals Natasha gave you. A glance at the clock showed you it was finally lunch time and Tony was still talking. Letting your head fall down on the desk you buzzed for Steve.
“Yeah, Stark let’s have a meeting on this…I’m free on the twelfth September at nine o’clock,” just before you put the phone down you heard him protest and how it was only just May.
A few minutes later Steve strolled in, “please tell me you have good news…,” you begged desperately however got silence in response which gave you an answer.
“You know that fucking idiot Martin just hired a girl who had no idea what to and didn’t even pay, then all these files were wrong which leaves me to do that shit right and I have to fill another position,” you complained as you sunk back into your chair.
“Listen, you're my best friend's wife, I’m the godfather of your daughter and you really like me…maybe you should fire less people?” Steve sounded like a child in your eyes, with raised eyebrows you looked at him.
“Was that a question or a statement? If people knew how to do their fucking job I wouldn’t have to fire them,” you tried to remain calm and not snap at him.
Meanwhile Myra was in school having her lunch break, she played catch with her friends giggling every time she successfully catched someone.
Suddenly one of the older boys came up to her and pushed her, “hey that was mean!” she complained as she landed on her butt. The boy laughed at her, “are you gonna cry now?” he mocked Myra.
“No, I won’t waste my time on bullies,” she stated and stood up from the ground. Bucky always told her to never get involved and be the smarter one.
“I’m not a bully, you’re just weak,” the boy laughed and that was it for Myra.
She took a step forward and roughly pushed him, he was taken back, looking shocked, “little brat,” he snapped at her. Again she pushed him until he fell to the ground and that was when a teacher intervened.
However they only saw Myra pushing him and not the boy starting it, they took Myra to the principal where she had to wait for her parents.
Bucky was the first one they called as he was the closest, given he teached some of the older classes. As soon as he heard he came running, but one thing wouldn’t leave his mind; you would raise hell upon them.
A knock on your door had you lifted your head and saw Wanda walking in with a strained expression, “school called, Myra pushed a boy and said mean words…,” with that she left, not wanting your anger.
“Cancel everything today,” you told her as you rushed past her office and to Steve, opening his door he looked at you puzzled, “Myra has trouble in school, I’ll take the car!”
Before Steve could answer you were back on your way, but he quickly followed you, “but it’s my car! How will I get home?” He stopped when he saw the elevator close.
Steve walked over to Wanda, leaning against her desk with a charming smile, “mind taking me home later, scarlet?” The red-head wasn’t falling for it and instead leaned back in her chair, “she left you huh?”
The blonde let his head fall down in defeat, “yeah.” Wanda nodded with a little smirk and promised to take him home later.
You walked into the school with a heavy glare on your face, when you reached the principal's office you took a deep breath like Bucky taught you.
When you opened the door you already saw your daughter and husband sitting there with the blonde bimbo - seriously she was a bitch. “Ah, Mrs. Barnes! Nice that you could join us, I already told James a bit,” she also refused to call Bucky by his nickname or surname.
One glance at her showed you that she was undressing Bucky with her eyes already, yeah she also had some kind of crush on your husband.
It made you furious, but Bucky promised you he would handle it and you trusted him.
“Yes, I came as soon as I heard,” you told her and sat down on the other side of Myra who held out her hand to you smiling.
“Myra unfortunately pushed a boy from one of the older classes and said some mean words…,” she trailed off trying to sound sincere, she went to add something but interrupted her.
“And what did the boy do?” your tone was calm, “excuse me?” You had to stop yourself from rolling your eyes at her answer.
“My daughter doesn’t just push someone, what did he do?” you repeated yourself and grew tired of the woman claiming your daughter was completely at fault.
As the blonde was about to answer, Myra cut in, “I was playing catch and he came up to me and pushed me, he did! And said I was about to cry and weak,” at the confession of your daughter you raised your brows.
“Love, did anyone ask your side of the story?” the little one shook her head.
“Let me get this straight, you just saw Myra push the boy and didn’t think to ask the little girl for her side? What’s wrong with you, you just assume she started it? What kind of teacher are you,” you were livid and Bucky was unsure if he should let Myra sit outside.
Bucky instinctively put his hand over yours, “Myra why don’t you wait outside?” he gently asked his daughter who followed his request.
She left, but not before giving the principal one last dirty look. Myra was a smart girl and well aware of her mothers temper - after all it was where she got it from. A smile locked on her lips knowing you would give her quite a piece of mind.
As soon as the door closed and Myra was outside you let loose. “How can you even be a teacher huh? You’re obviously favouring students,” at this point you were standing with the chair moving back a little.
“Where are the parents of the boy? I swear to god if I get a call from them or anything related to my daughter where they complain, I will sue you and if I can’t I will raise hell!” your voice got louder with every second.
Bucky placed his metal hand on your waist drawing soft circles while his right hand moved up to your neck. The gesture helped you calm down.
The woman in front of you didn’t know what to say, her mouth hung open causing her to look like a fish. She was taken back, although she knew you had a temper.
“I asked you a question,” you stated, crossing your arms over your chest. “No, I’m not favouring students,” she sighed but didn’t answer your question. “That wasn’t a question, that was a statement,-” “James…,” she rudely cut you off and desperately looked at Bucky.
Bucky just gave her a glare, he didn’t say a word. He didn’t like how the principal cut you off and looked at him, as well as not answering your questions.
“You listen here, if my daughter gets any punishment but the boy doesn't, you won’t have your job for very long anymore,” you threatened her and successfully scared her.
With that you left the office, Bucky trailed behind you and after closing the door he cupped your cheeks, “sh, it’s alright, she doesn’t know a thing. I will look after Myra and make sure everything is fair, yeah?” His tone was soft and his movements so gentle.
You nodded and let your head rest on his chest, “office was crazy today and I stole Steve’s car,” you muttered.
He chuckled at your last words, “how’s he gonna get home?” he teased, you shrugged your shoulders in response.
“How about we go home for today mhm? Come on moya lyubov',” he walked you to Myra and told her about the plan, however on the way to the car Bucky remembered he had an appointment with some parents.
Cursing silently he told you to go home with Myra and he would come as soon as possible. What he forgot at that moment was that when you drove with her, she would come home knowing new words.
“All buckled in love?” Myra nodded with a wide grin and was already putting on her music in the car.
Just as you left the car your phone rang and interrupted Myra’s music, rolling your eyes you answered the call. Steve’s voice echoed through the car which had your daughter excited, “hello uncle Stevie! I pushed a boy today because he was mean and then got in trouble but mommy told them off! Oh! Can I sleep with you tonight? Pretty please, with a cherry on top? I promise to cook for you,” she began ranting.
Steve was a good cook, Myra only helped him. Though when she told stories, it was always her who cooked and Steve wouldn’t complain about it.
“Hey, there little troublemaker…didn’t know you’d be in my car with your mom,” his tone was calm and you knew he had a little smirk on his lips when he mentioned you taking his car.
“What do you want, Rogers?” you asked and his mood shifted, you could already feel something happened. “The online shop isn’t working,” he said, almost too quiet to understand, but you understood it perfectly. 
“What!” you yelled, Myra held her hands over her ears at your outburst, “are you fluffing kidding me? Which potato sack did that? Why is that frying thing not working?”
Steve was sweating on the other side of the phone, “there is some technical issue, but Jensen is working on it and we actually didn’t wanna tell you but you’re the boss you gotta know, you know?” he ranted like your daughter when she was excited.
You desperately needed to get some steam off, this day was already chaotic and your blood pressure was too high.
“If you don’t have it fixed within an hour I will ban you from babysitting,” you said, you couldn’t fire Steve as he was one of your best but you could threaten him with Myra. “You wouldn’t,” “No, mommy!” Both said at the same time.
You leaned down to your daughter, “don’t worry nothings gonna happen, you can sleep at Stevies tonight,” you whispered and she nodded with a confused expression.
“You sure I wouldn’t Steve? Wanna test me?” you questioned him monotone to which he sighed in defeat, “I’ll have it done boss,” “good,” you hummed and hung up.
Myra put her music back on and sang along as you continued driving, suddenly a car in front of you harshly stooped, “you horse! Can’t you drive?” you snapped at him. Myra giggled at your words.
Once at home you helped Myra pack her things for later and finish her homework. As you looked over her papers you wondered how they could give the students homework over the weekend.
Thankfully the online shop worked again and your little girl could be with her favourite uncle. You had already called Bucky and updated him about everything.
Steve came around five to collect Myra, you ushered them quickly out of the house knowing Bucky would be home soon. As you waited for him you stripped off your clothes and sat cuddled up with a blanket on the couch watching Dynasty.
As Bucky walked through the door he expected you to welcome him, instead he found you on the couch.
“I see…want me to make you some soup or get you ice cream?” he tone soft as he made his way over to you.
The moment he’s close enough you unwrap the blanket revealing your naked body to him. Bucky stopped in his tracks, taking in your body. Slowly you stood up from the couch and walked towards him, you let your hand roam over his chest.
“I do want some cream though,” you whispered, kissing down his neck while unbuttoning his dress shirt.
His pants felt tighter with every kiss you laid upon him. Resting his hands on your waist he leaned into your touch, a part of him wondered what had gotten you in such a mood but he wasn’t one to complain.
“Mhm, then you should be a good girl and do as I say…,” Bucky trailed off and gripped your waist tighter.
“No, today I’m in charge,” you announced and pushed him towards the bedroom.
Bucky knew what that meant, you needed to cool down and let your anger out. He didn’t mind being the submissive, he liked giving all control away for once.
You directed him to lay on the bed, after he stripped all his clothes. The tip of his cock hit his lower abdomen, leaking with precum.
“Aww look at the effect I have on you,” you smirked as you climbed on top of him, “you have no idea how mad I am,” you whispered against his lips. “I know how mad you are moya lyubov', that’s why I married you,” his big hands cupped your cheeks, drawing you into a fiery kiss.
A moan slipped past his lips as you gently bit his lip, tugging on it. Your tongues fighting over dominance, you clearly winning.
His hands travelled along your skin sending shivers along your spine. Then his colde metal fingers found your sensitive bundle of nerves. “God you’re wet,” he groaned.
“Bucky,” you whined as you felt him take back control, not even intentionally it was you who let it slip away, “I’m in control,” you added.
Your husband growled and moved your hips to hover over his cock, “then take it,” he growled, “if you can’t take it here, how can you take it in the office?” Now he was mocking you, trying to rile you up and it was working.
“You think you can be in control? You’re too weak,” he whispered into your ear, that was it.
“Shut it! You think I can’t control everything, think I can’t be in control? Fuck you,” you snapped and lowered your hips onto his cock.
A pained moan slipped from your tongue, even after years it was still hard to adjust to his size. Bucky groaned at the feeling of your tight cunt. He would never get tired of feeling you stretched around him like this.
Once you had all of him inside you, you stopped needing a moment to breathe. “You will not tell me mock me, tease me or fucking anything. I’m in charge,” you said, determined and began moving your hips.
At first you had a slow pace but as the events of the day replayed in your head, your pace became harsher, faster.
“These fucking idiots, can’t do a thing right. What would they do without me? And that bloody teacher can suck my dick,” you panted heavily.
Bucky held on your hips as you drew moan after moan from him, the sounds only spurring you on in the most sinful way.
You wrapped your hand around his neck, you weren’t able to choke but at least a bit of pressure on his throat.
“That’s why you’re fucking my cock huh? You can’t control every-,” a slap against Bucky's cheek shut him up. The pornographic moan was something different, it felt good, made you feel like you had all the power.
“You like that? Like it when mommy slaps you?” before he could answer you gave him another slap against his other cheek. You never stopped moving your hips which only added to Bucky’s pleasure.
“Yes, I love it mommy,” he cracked, Bucky cracked and was fully pushed into submission.
A knot formed in your stomach at his strained voice, hoarse, needy and desperate for more. You picked up your pace and tightened your hold on his neck, chasing your needed orgasm.
“Fuck I’m gonna come,” you breathed out as you threw your head back, “me too mommy,” just when you heard those words you stilled, “don’t you dare to come, baby,” you threatened him.
Bucky tried his best to hold back his high when you began moving again, “play with mommy's clit,” you instructed. Not hesitating, he pressed his metal fingers over your clit and rubbed tight circles.
You moaned loudly as your orgasm washed over you, “god, fuck, Bucky,” you nearly fell onto Bucky’s chest if it wasn’t for his hands steadying you.
"Mommy please let me come," Bucky begged after your orgasm. His eyes rolled in the back of his head, his cock twitching against your soft walls.
How could you deny him? He looked too pretty begging for you, "then come, come for me like a good boy," you whispered and leaned down, licking a long stripe over his cheek.
Bucky didn't come right away which made you slap his cheek again, "did I not say come?"
Then he groaned, biting his lip and drawing blood as he painted your walls white. You kept riding him, adding to his pleasure. Once you felt like his last cum was inside of you, you slowly stopped.
"Now…I'm not quite done with you…," you smirked. Bucky chuckled, he adored this side of you and was ready for another round, but he needed to eat first.
"Sounds good moya lyubov', but I need to eat first," he meant it honestly, with no dirty mind.
"Oh, I have something you can eat," you wiggled your eyebrows and Bucky knew exactly what you were talking about.
"God, I love you moya lyubov'," he sat up and pressed his lips to yours in a loving kiss, "I love you too, my good boy," you answered, accepting the kiss gladly.
You truly loved Bucky, you couldn't even understand how you deserved a man like him. He was loving, gentle and calm. Without him you would be in a sour mood all the time.
He made you feel whole and didn't act like you were being overdramatic. Yes, you get faster riled up than others but what's bad about it?
Nothing and your husband who gifted you a wonderful and sweet daughter who may have be a little like her mother since forever – seriously she was vocal as a two year old – he knew that and would never make you feel bad about it.
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𝑩𝑶𝒀𝑺 𝑻𝑾𝑶 — @smile1318 @wintasssoldier @xcaptain-winterx @georgiapeach30513 @alina02 @jobean12-blog @broadwaybabe18 @waddlenut @buckymcu12 @witchybabel @daemonslittlebitch @shara-ne
𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓 |I do have a taglist however it has conditions that must be followed — you can follow @sstanhoe-updates for updated without anything
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buckrecs · 1 year
𝙤𝙣𝙚𝙨𝙝𝙤𝙩 𝙛𝙞𝙘 𝙧𝙚𝙘 : 𝘼𝙥𝙧𝙞𝙡
masterlist | monthly fic rec masterlist
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Lessons in Love. by @violentdelightsandviolentends
Too Hot, An Arm Cold by @t-lostinworlds
Out of control! by @pomelo-villano
Jacks and Sunshine by @rookthorne (tattoo artist!bucky)
Do You Need Someone? by @drabbles-mc (soldier!reader)
Grandeur by @navybrat817 (florist!bucky)
plum tarts and red carnations by @golden-barnes (florist!bucky)
Mornings Like This by @majestyeverlasting
What Dreams Are Made Of by @navybrat817 (tattoo artist!bucky x baker!reader)
bucky’s day off by @aescapisms
One Simple Touch by @likeahorribledream
Let’s Stay Inside by @writing-for-marvel (dad!bucky)
Operation milkshake, hospital visits and custody of Mr Bear by @golden-barnes (teacher!bucky)
You Bring Me Home by @real-jane
fitting in by @insomniumstella
shy!bucky by @ro-is-struggling
flustered by @lovelybarnes
Grocery Trip by @/lovelybarnes
Angel by @toastedkiwi (UFC Fighter!Bucky x surgeon!bucky)
find sunshine in the rain by @witchywithwhiskey
no shelf control | don’t overdue it by @buckymorelikefuckme (librarian!reader)
Dentist Visits. by @justkending
Five Sweaters to Make You Love Me by @sebbytrash
Took You Long Enough by @matchamunson
Work It Out by @jobean12-blog
backflips by @venusstorm
Crimson Wave by @invisibleanonymousmonsters
Entrapment by @/invisibleanonymousmonsters (shapeshifter!reader)
Champion by @sgtjbuccky (40s!Boxer!Bucky)
Stay With Me by @/sgtbuccky
A Love That Heals by @ @/sgtbuccky
Ballerina by @softlyspector (ballerina!reader)
She’s Not Mad by @subwaysurf45
Glutton for Punishment by @bucky-bucky-bucky-bucky
The End by @buckychrist
Best Man by @/navybrat817 (soft dark!bucky)
His Everything by @/likeahorribledream
Redamancy by @world-of-aus
Grip by @pellucid-constellations
Pretense by @themorningsunshine
healing broken hearts by @alisonsfics
Marry You Someday by @mickeyhenrys (40s!bucky)
for the best by @classylo (dilf!bucky)
take cover by @royalsweetteaa (dark!bucky)
Anesthesia by @jobean12-blog
borderline by @sergeantxrogers (film maker!bucky)
I Need Him Like Water by @/pellucid-constellations
heartless | 2 by @sinner-as-saint (incubus!bucky)
Occupied by @goodgirlofglory
Ambrosial by @/goodgirlofglory
No One Else Matters by @marvelouslizzie
Slice of Heaven by @softevnstan
Stay The Night by @notroosterbradshaw
attention by @heavysoldat
big question by @ownedbyfictionalwomen
normal routine by @wndalovebot
Aiming to Please by @gayouijaboard
Whatever It Takes by @buckybabesonly (dark!bucky)
Soft Lovin’ by @jamdoughnutmagician (chubby!bucky)
Night Out by @/softlyspector
716 notes · View notes
0blobthefish0 · 2 years
Mr. Barnes
bucky barnes masterlist | main masterlist
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5,255 words P.E Teacher Bucky x Photography Teacher Reader
Bucky's got a crush on you, and everyone knows it, including you, but you've never accepted his advances for dinner until now: when you find yourself stuck in a storm and Bucky arrives just in time to save you, he takes you home.
There was without a doubt, to all the other teachers and to most of your students, that Mr Barnes had a crush on you. He was a handsome man, there was no denying that, but you weren't one to rush into a relationship solely based off of physical attraction. Now this had caused Mr Barnes to pop into your classroom and say hello every time he was on your side of the school:
You were sat at your desk, going through the examples of the photographer your class was looking into, when Mr Barnes slid into your classroom and had taken a seat. You stumbled over your words lightly, not expecting him to sit down.
"Nice of you to join us, Mr Barnes," you smiled politely at him.
"It's a pleasure to be here, Miss Y/l/n," he smirked, and the class snickered as they watched your interaction. You quietened your students down and swiftly moved on with your lesson. You were about to go through the editing method when you realised that the cards had been wiped clean, as it was a new year, and so you needed to take a picture of someone.
"Would anyone like to be the model for today?" You called out the class and watched as everyone sunk into their chairs, not wanting to be picked on. You sighed lightly and then your eyes landed on him, "Mr Barnes?" You asked hopefully.
"Hm?" He said moving to sit up.
"You've got a nice face; how would you like to be my model for today?" You questioned him, drawing no attention to the fact that you had complimented him, and you could have sworn that his cheeks tinged slightly pink. You raised an eyebrow at him awaiting an answer.
"Oh yeah, of course," his words falling out as he stood up and you walked over to guide him to the wall. He gestured to the floor, and you nodded your head.
"Yes, thank you," you mumbled and turned your back to him to face the class. "Now, what can you tell me about his work?" You asked the class, and, to your delight, a boy raised his hand. "Yes, Harry?"
"There's nothing behind the person."
"Yes, well done, how about the people's faces? What are their expressions like?" And a student raised their hand. "Addie."
"They're blank?"
"Very good," you congratulated them, "anything else you could tell me about the face... anyone?" You leaned to the side to look at the board, "Okay, I know that it's kind of hard to see on the board, but only the eyes are in colour the rest of the photo is in black and white."
You walked over to the other side of the class, the room erupting into steady chatter, to grab a camera and slotted in a card as you walked over to Mr Barnes. You looked up to see him watching you and frowned slightly, "Can you crouch a little, you're a bit tall." You mumbled and you heard him chuckle before doing so. You weren't even that short, only a half a head shorter than the man in front of you. "Thank you."
"Dinner tonight?" He whispered as you focused your camera. You rolled your eyes; he knew you were busy.
"No smirking or smiling, Barnes." You reminded him, ignoring his question as you took the picture. "That's good, thanks, now back to your seat." You beamed, a smile on your face because his eyes were perfect for the task at hand.
You had shown your class how to edit in the style of the photographer with the, very handsome, picture of Mr Barnes. His steely-blue eyes shining through at the end of the editing process and then you had told the class to take their pictures and start editing. Mr Barnes had slipped out, unnoticed by you.
You stood, shivering, in the cold bite of the wind with a frown on your frozen face. You were on break duty and stupidly hadn't brought in a coat, to be very honest it wasn't your fault it was your damn weather app. This morning you had checked, and it had told you that it was going to be quite warm today, so you hadn't bothered to bring one in. What a dreadful mistake that was. And so, you stood there, extremely bored and extremely cold with your arms hugged around your waist. It would be over soon, you thought to yourself, and then you could finally slink off to the sanctity of your toasty classroom.
Now, Bucky was not on duty, but he was on his way to the P.E department when he saw you trembling from the corridor window. His eyes furrowed, where was your coat? It was freezing outside. There was no way he would allow himself to ignore you, so he took a detour to come and save you.
"Cold?" You jumped slightly from the sudden intrusion. Your ears had been so cold you hadn't heard anyone come up behind you. You gasped loudly and put a hand to your heart. Beside you stood, James Barnes.
"James," you breathed out. "Don't scare me like that." A smile already creeping up to pull at the corners of your lips.
"Sorry, sorry, didn't mean for that to happen." He smiled abashedly and scratched the back of his head. "Where's your coat?" He questioned you with concern and you looked up at him with a thin, awkward smile.
"I don't have one, the damn weather app lied to me this morning." You muttered, feeling betrayed and slightly ashamed by your foolishness. Unconsciously, you had drifted closer to him, so, when he let out a chuckle, you could feel him move beside you. Butterflies flew around your stomach realising just how close the two of you were. You felt him place a warm hand over your upper arm and heat instantly spread to your skin. You hummed quietly.
"Jesus, you're freezing, doll." He murmured, the pet name falling from his lips absentmindedly, and you could feel a blush begin to thaw your cheeks. His other hand rested against your other arm, and both began to rub up and down in attempt to warm you up. If you had no self-respect, your knees would have buckled right there and then.
"Don't worry about me, James, I've only got-" you brought out your wrist to check the time and was left stunned, "Ten minutes?" You cried out. There was no way you could survive out there for another ten minutes. He needed to get to class, or he'll be late.
"Would you like my coat?" He offered and you began to protest as he moved to take it off. "No, no, you're taking the coat, Y/n, you're going to freeze." He told you and hung it around your shoulders, his scent hitting you in the face. "Put your arms in," and when you did, you could already feel yourself begin to relax, the coat already so warm from him wearing it. "Better?"
"Better," you sighed happily as you turned to face him. There wasn't a way that you could have prepared yourself for the look that Bucky Barnes was gazing at you with. There were really no words that you could think of that would perfectly describe his look, except for the fact that he looked content. You smiled up at him, he really was a beautiful man, his steel-blue eyes staring into your own when they caught attention of some girls muttering from afar. And with that, the moment was over. A pink blush covered his cheeks as he played with his hands, dark metal contrasting pale flesh.
"Right, well I've got to go," he started awkwardly, "prepare for class." He patted you on the shoulder and, with haste, left.
Bucky's heart was pounding as he stormed through the corridors, the way in which he always did. You looked so good in his coat, and he knew that he'd think about that interaction for days to come.
Because you were on duty you were slightly late to your own class and when you walked in, you walked into a full class muttering as they chatted to their friends.
"Sorry for being late, class," you apologised as you slid off his coat and hung it on the back of your chair. You fumbled as you tried to quickly start up your laptop.
"Whose coat is that, miss?" A girl teased knowingly from the back of the class. You accidentally dropped the whiteboard cleaner, taken aback by the question.
"No one's." You replied instantly, bending down to pick up what you and dropped. You cursed yourself inwardly, you should have said that it was yours.
It was finally the end of a very, very long week and you were exhausted. So exhausted that you had just nearly fallen asleep while you marking papers at your desk. Your head sore from where it had bashed against the table so aggressively.
You now stood at the bus stop, usually it would have been here around now, but it wasn't. Your car was in for repairs and your friends were all too busy on the other side of town to give you a lift. The week had been unfortunate to you and just as you sighed, just by some miraculous chance, you felt a drop hit your face. You looked up to the dark sky above when it started to get heavier and heavier until it was pouring. You swore as you rummaged through your bag, where the hell was your umbrella? Your efforts stopped abruptly and you scoffed. Your car. Of course your umbrella was in your car, why wouldn't it be?
You leaned, defeated, against the bus shelter, it's roof had been ripped off, not even a week after it had been replaced, by some odd group of teenagers. You checked the time once again, where was that bus? After a few minutes, you gave up on standing and sat down on the bench. It was too dark for your liking. Too dark and too alone for you to feel safe.
You were drenched to the bone when the rain had decided to calm down slightly. A sleek, black car pulled up beside where you were sitting and you bolted upright, fearing the worst, and ready to sprint. The window rolled down to reveal Bucky and you physically relaxed. Bucky was looking at you with concern, your hair sticking to your face and your clothes so wet they were dripping. You were staring at him when you realised that he was talking.
"Pardon?" You questioned as you shuffled closer to hear him.
"Get in!" He shouted so you could hear him over the wind.
"But I'm dripping!" You shouted back. "Your car will get really, really wet!" His eyebrows furrowed at you.
"The bus ain't coming, just get in." He ordered and you quickly walked over to the other side, eager to get out of the pouring rain. You pulled open the door and slid into the passenger seat beside him. The door slammed shut, leaving the row of the wind outside behind you.
"Sorry about your car," you mumbled sheepishly as you turned to face him. He shook his head and chuckled.
"Don't worry about it, doll, I've got a blanket in the back, but you're gonna have to take off that coat of yours if you wanna warm up." He informed and you nodded your head before unbuttoning your coat and slipping it off you with difficulty. Bucky leaned over to grab the blanket from the back seat and, as you buckled your seatbelt, you took a moment to admire his frame and you felt your breath hitch in your throat. Over the months of working with the man you had gained a steadily growing fondness for him, as well as a friendship.
He placed the blanket on your lap, and you wrapped it around your shivering body; you hummed at the feeling of the soft blanket and Bucky shifted into gear and turned out of the bus stop, eyes trained on the road.
"Thanks for saving me, Bucky." You smiled at him from the side, and he turned to meet your eyes for a brief moment.
"If I hadn't you would've been there all night, maybe even the whole weekend." He teased and you grinned and shook your head.
"I'm not that bad." You frowned, your belief in yourself wavering slightly, and Bucky raised an eyebrow at you as if to say 'really?'
"Hey, could you turn up the radio?" He asked politely and the quiet hum of the radio increased as you rolled the dial. The two of you sat quietly as you watched him listen in to the weather.
"Please get home as soon as you can, weather's really going downhill with winds reaching ninety miles per hour, a tornado may be on its way." No wonder it was so bad tonight.
"Do you live close?" He murmured.
"Thirty minutes away, at least," you replied with a shake of the head.
"Sleepover?" He questioned turning to you and you let out a laugh, never in a hundred years would you have thought that you'd hear Bucky put out the idea of a sleepover.
"Yeah sure, I wouldn't mind."
"Great, I can finally make that dinner I've been asking you on," he smirked and turned to face you, his eyes shining.
"Yeah, you can." You smiled and he smiled back before the two of you settled into easy conversation.
By the time you had arrived at his house, you had only just started to warm up. You left the car, still wrapped in his blanket and trudged lightly after him, ears stinging from the cold winds. You watched as he opened his door with ease and familiarity and pushed it open, standing to the side to let you in first, he was always such a gentleman. You smiled as you stepped inside, you heard the door click shut behind you and the light flick on when you felt a hand over your waist, guiding you further into his home. You could feel that all too familiar feeling in your stomach every time he touched you, gods, were you falling for the man. You felt him stop behind you and you stopped with him. You turned around to face him.
Bucky smiled at you and chuckled lightly at your state, hair and clothes drenched and wrapped up in his blanket, all because of the bus. How you've managed to survive on your own, he would never know. You frowned at him as he laughed.
"Oh, come on, Barnes, it's not that funny." You huffed.
"You would've been there all night, doll, drenched and cold, did you even have your phone on you?" He questioned teasingly.
"Yes," you answered him defensively. He grinned and shook his head.
"I'll go grab you a towel and some dry clothes, okay?" You nodded and thanked him. "You can... explore," he added before leaving you alone.
Bucky went straight to his sister's emergency stash of clothes when, as he was rifling through them, an idea formed. He thought back to when he gave you his coat and how much he loved seeing you in it. He felt himself blush lightly just by remembering how you looked; he could give you his clothes to wear, it's not like you'd know that you had another option. He chewed his lip as he thought, before he got up quickly and walked into his own room. He grabbed a t-shirt, a pair of joggers and a clean towel. He was about to go back down stairs when he remembered underwear. He pulled open a draw of his sister's and took them all. He shrugged, you had a selection to choose from.
When he returned, he found you in the same spot as when he left. He smiled and handed you the towel and his clothes.
"My sister only visits in the summer and I thought you'd like something warmer," he pointed out and mentally patted himself on the back for telling you at least half the truth of why he handed you his own clothes. "And umm some underwear," he presented the lot to you and your eyebrows lifted slightly in surprise. You weren't sure what he was expecting you to do, take one or take them all? Your hands were already pretty full so you decided on taking just the one. You picked one out at random and added it to your pile.
"Thank you for the clothes, Bucky, I really appreciate it," you told him genuinely, with a bright smile at how considerate he was.
"There's a bathroom just over there," he pointed behind you and you turned to see, "and a hot chocolate ready for when you come out?"
"Mmm yes please," you grinned, your eyes sparkling with excitement. He nodded and you left to get changed. He couldn't help but smile, goddamn it, you were cute.
Once the door clicked shut behind you, you dropped his clothes onto the toilet seat and began to undress. You felt sticky and gross and quickly dried your skin with the towel and your hair as best as you could before pulling on Bucky's shirt and trousers. You hummed happily, already feeling warmer than you had been. You caught yourself in the mirror and lightly gasped when you saw a slightly raised sore bump; you brought a hand to it and hissed as you were electrified with a sharp pain. You frowned at yourself, you hadn't thought that you had hit the table that hard. You left the bathroom with your bundle of sodden clothing and your feet pattered against the smooth wood as you made your way to the bright kitchen, illuminating against the dark corridors. Just as promised, Bucky stood by the counter, two mugs of hot chocolate steaming wispily on the table. You breathed in the scent of warm chocolate and smiled.
"What do I do with these?" You questioned gesturing to your clothes. Bucky came forward and took them from you.
"I'll put them in the washer, they'll be clean and dry by the morning," you nodded your head and thanked him, "there's socks and a hoodie on the chair if you want," he smiled before walking off.
Bucky's heart was pounding. When he saw you walk out, he swore he stopped breathing, you looked amazing in his clothes. He chewed his lip nervously, he didn't know how he was going to make it through the whole night, all he wanted to do was scoop you up and hold you and keep you close. However, that was probably weird, the two of you were friends, but he didn't want to be friends. He wanted something more, something special and precious. Not that your friendship wasn't, he just really, really, really wanted to kiss you.
As he threw your clothes into the washer a piece missed and fell to the floor and, as he bent down to pick them up, he realised what they were- your underwear. Now, usually Bucky wouldn't have thought anything of it; he would've picked them up without a second's notice and chucked them in with the rest. However, as he registered what they were he also took note of the material; lace. He felt his face heat up, tomato-red, and quickly picked them up and threw them in with the rest before slamming the door shut and turning it on. He took a deep breath and exhaled forcefully, and then his brain betrayed him, an image of you in them flicked past his eyes and his jaw clenched. Jesus fucking Christ. He needed to think about something else. Dinner.
When he came back into the kitchen, you were sat at the counter, feet covered with socks and bouncing to a tune he couldn't hear with his hoodie on and hands cupping a mug. He smiled, he could get used to seeing this, seeing you so comfortable in his home, and in his clothes.
"You look comfy, doll," he smirked as he rounded the counter and stood on the other side.
"I sure am," you smiled and took another sip, eyes watching his own as he stared at you.
"Hungry?" he asked, "cause I'm starting dinner."
"Starving," you replied. "Can I help?"
"Oh no it's okay, sit and watch, I'll put on a good show for you," he winked, and you chuckled. Where was all of this confidence coming from? "Bourbon?" He questioned as he brought up a bottle and gestured toward your drink. You shrugged, why not, and offered your cup to him. You watched as he poured the alcohol into your hot chocolate, and you swirled your mug to mix it in evenly. You took a sip and felt the mixture burn its way down to your stomach, a fire burning and keeping you warm from the inside-out. Bucky took a gulp from his own before replacing it with liquor.
"I've only got pasta, nothing too fancy, sorry, didn't know I'd find you lost tonight." He smiled amusingly.
"I was not lost!" You huffed and shook your head at him. He chuckled and moved over to the cupboard to get a pot and a pan.
Bucky did in fact put on a show, his expert chopping skills and ability to put something together was mesmerising. Conversation was aided with the slight buzz of alcohol, and you were having a terrific time, you could feel your heart pounding in your chest every time he looked at you with his brilliant steel-blue eyes. His hoodie was warm, but you didn't want to take it off, liking the feeling of wearing his clothes and the scent of him. Not long after, Bucky was plating two bowls of pasta and pouring to glasses of red wine. His cooking smelt heavenly.
"Where'd you learn to cook, Bucky?" You asked him as he sat down beside you. A smile stretched out onto his face.
"My ma. Taught me everything I know," he replied proudly and brought his glass to his lips.
"Aww a Mama's boy, one that knows how to cook and a pretty one too. It's a wonder how no one's snatched you up, Buck." You smiled. Bucky didn't know what to say and he felt himself shrug and take another sip of wine, his cheeks warm and his heart clenching almost painfully.
"Shut up and eat your pasta," he blushed, and you let out a laugh before shoveling a forkful into your mouth. You couldn't help the moan that escaped your throat as you took your first bite. Bucky felt his heart hiccup and he turned to watch you. "Thought you were making out with the pasta for a second, doll," he chuckled.
"I would if I could, Bucky, I would if I could," you nodded, you didn't know what you were doing, it was probably the alcohol talking, "but I could settle for the chef." You murmured with a cheeky smirk and returned to eating as if nothing had happened; Bucky didn't know if it had happened or if he was just imagining things. Fantasy or not, it didn't help his blush. You giggled when you saw his face and you brought your glass up to your lips. Bucky stared intently as he watched you lick the dribble of wine off of your bottom lip. He really, really wanted to kiss you.
Nothing else had happened for the remainder of the dinner, and after you helped him clean up. Bucky's sleeves were pushed up to his elbow as he washed the dishes, and you couldn't take your eyes off of his metal arm. Gods, it was sexy. You dried the washed dishes with a towel and put them away, only with slight difficulty as you didn't know where they went. His other arm was also sexy, muscles and veins running up the limb, you wondered what it would feel like to touch or to kiss.
"Bucky," you started, and you heard him hum, "where do the glasses go?" You questioned as you held the two in your hand.
"Up in the top cupboard on the left," he directed and pointed in the direction of the cupboard. You nodded your head before walking over, you opened the cupboard easily and you could see plates neatly stacked on the bottom shelf and glasses on the top. You put one down on the counter and stretched to add the glass to the shelf, however you found yourself not being able to reach. You let out a quiet huff as you relaxed from the stretching before trying again, and again, and again. Now, Bucky knew you wouldn't have been able to reach it from the beginning and he smirked to himself as he watched you try over and over again.
You stared up at the top shelf and sighed before attempting it one last time. The glass was halfway up when another hand wrapped itself around it from behind. Your head turned to the side to see Bucky, stretching over you to put the glass in its rightful place. You turned around, so you were facing him and muttered a thanks. Bucky looked down at you and smiled before taking the other glass, from the counter, and putting it back with the other. His top pulled up as he stretched, revealing a slither of his toned stomach. You couldn't help but blush at the position you had found yourself in. Trapped under Bucky as he loomed over you. Bucky took a very small step back when he was finished and smiled awkwardly as he scratched the back of his head.
"Movie?" He asked you quickly. "If you're not too tired."
"Oh no I'm not tired, a movie sounds great," you smiled and he lead you out into the sitting room. You hadn't seen this room before so you allowed your eyes to wander around the various items displayed. When you looked back to Bucky, you found him sat close to the end of the sofa, and as you moved to find a seat, he patted his lap.
Now, Bucky had no reason to expect you take up the offer, so when you did he wasn't fully prepared.
You chuckled at him when you saw the smirk displayed across his face as he patted his lap, and you shook your head with a smile as you walked over to him.
"Feeling bold today, Bucky?" You questioned as you climbed into his lap, sideways so you could lean against the arm of the sofa. You felt his cool, metal arm slide under your back to support you as you made yourself comfortable. Bucky shrugged to your question, his smirk still present oh his face. "So what're we watching today?" You asked as you looked up at him and you watched as his smirk softened to a smile.
"Not sure, doll," he answered you as he leaned forward, squeezing you with his body as he did. "Pick whatever you want," he told you as he passed you the remote.
"Anything?" You drawled out with a cheeky smile and Bucky furrowed his eyebrows at you. After a few seconds, he nodded his head slowly, unsure of his decision already.
"Yes.. anything," he replied sceptically and you couldn't help the grin that was stretching across your lips. You quickly found yourself scrolling to the Disney section and you heard a quiet grumble before you selected your chosen film. "Really?" Bucky questioned you as it started to play.
"Of course, it's like one of the best animated films ever." You replied frankly and relaxed as your eyes trained on the screen. Bucky looked down at you, comfortable in his arms, and smiled before focusing his attention on the bright colours flashing on the screen.
The two of you hadn't lasted long into the film; a lot more tired than you had thought, you had fallen asleep not even halfway into it and Bucky had drifted off soon after you. Bucky woke with a jolt and scanned the room quickly, his eyes stinging slightly from the bright screen in front of him. He watched as a helicopter flew past the camera, the mechanical whir of the blades causing his heartbeat to pick up. He scrambled for the remote and the tv shut off with a click. Silence. His head fell against the back of the sofa as he let out a shaky sigh, two fingers pinching the bridge of his nose. When his eyes fluttered open, they were already adjusted to the lack of light within the room, and they fell on your sleeping form; he felt his heart flutter and nervous butterflies fluttering in his stomach, crashing clumsily against the walls. He studied you, the rise and fall of your torso; he matched his breathing to yours, slow and steady, and he felt himself relax. 
"You asleep, doll?" He whispered and instantly felt stupid for asking the question, of course you were asleep. You were splayed across his lap, hair out of place, his shirt riding up just short of exposing the smooth skin of your stomach. There was something so normal about the scene Bucky found himself in, something so comforting he couldn't quite place a finger on. He admired you for a little while longer, with a smile on his face, when he realised that if you stayed like that you would most likely have horrible back pain when you woke up. Stiffly, he placed one hand under the back of your knees and the other under your upper back and lifted. 
When you woke up the next morning, you found yourself in a plush bed, the sun dancing patterns on the walls; you had thought it was a dream: you felt strong arms wrap around you and pull you close to his chest, your half-conscious state recognising Bucky and your own arms clung onto him. You felt the sharp intake of his breath and the journey through the house and up the stairs, Bucky pushed open the door to his guest room and carefully placed you on the soft fabric before pulling the duvet over you. His fingers brushed the hair from your face, and he hesitated for a second before pressing a gentle kiss to your forehead. A light hum escaped from your lips, and he looked down at you, his eyes full to the brim with adoration. Bucky turned to leave once he had caught sight of the time, but he felt your hand move to his, your hand curling around his left and he felt his breath hitch.
"Stay with me," you mumbled softly, the sound moving barely past your lips; it was so quiet he hardly heard it, but the constriction of his heart told him that he hadn't imagined your words. He played with your fingers as he weighed his options, but that was the last thing you could remember.
You felt yourself frown at the thought of him turning down your barely conscious offer, however that was short lived because when you turned to your side you saw him. He was facing you, he looked peaceful with his eyes closed and his eyelashes touching his cheek. You turned under the duvet and rested your head against the pillow and closed your eyes. It was too early to wake up on a weekend anyway.
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ramp-it-up · 1 year
Deck the Hallways
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Shield High School FACULTY AU
Pairing: Teacher! Bucky x Teacher! Reader; Sam Wilson and Thor x Reader (platonic)
Word count: 875
Warnings: 18+ Only, Minors DNI, Language, pretty tame otherwise, Christmas decorations, going commando, teasing, tinsel tug of war, chess playing, suggestive language. All errors my own.
A/N: This is a teacher AU. All characters in this are ADULTS, as you should be if you’re reading my fic. Thank you. 😊
This comes right after Quarter Finals and at least one other part (not yet published) chronologically. Please follow @rampitupandread and turn on notifications to learn when I post! 😘
This is in response to the following ask for #DJ’sAllIWant4KChristmas. I missed these characters. Thank you for this ask.
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I Do NOT consent to my work being reposted, translated or presented on any other blog or site other than by myself.
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You were busy decorating the staff lounge Christmas Tree, and Bucky was busy watching you.
That cute barely-within-teacher-dress-code red and green plaid skirt was calling him, and he had visions of what he was going to do to you later.
You looked over your shoulder at him and sashayed over, wrapping a yard of tinsel around his neck as you stood with his knee between your legs. You were alone in the lounge, but someone could walk in any second.
It was exciting.
“Gimme your panties.”
Bucky smiled up at you with that smile that was hard to resist as he slid his palm up your leg.
You shivered.
“Wish I could, James. But… can’t give you what I don’t have.”
Bucky’s eyes got big, and so did his grin. He clenched his hands, cheered, and then put his hand back on your leg, moving higher. He was about to go there as you heard someone clear their throat.
You stepped back and turned to see Sam smirking at you as he came in. He and Steve found out about you two in New York, but you swore them to secrecy. If Principal Fury found out, your jobs were in jeopardy.
Sam cleared his throat. 
“Gotta keep that shit down.”
You’d gone over to the tree and pretended like nothing happened, grinning from ear to ear.
Bucky’s voice was back to the usual monotone.
“Don’t know what you’re talking about, Wilson.”
You peeked back over your shoulder to witness Bucky staring at the chessboard on the table that he’d turned back around to. He looked back at you and winked.
Sam made retching noises as he moved his knight.
“Y’all are gross by the way.”
You giggled as Bucky scowled at Sam.
“Shut the fuck up, Sam. Checkmate.”
“Awwww! Man. Yourname has given you holiday superpowers with that tinsel.”
Bucky looked down at the garland and smiled, flicking it over his shoulder like a scarf. 
“You never used to beat me like this.”
Bucky flipped Sam off as Eric Masterson entered the lounge.
“Ms. Reader is giving out superpowers for the holidays? To Barnes?”
He went over and tried to take the tinsel from around Bucky’s neck. There was a brief tug of war between them until they broke the string and stumbled back. Masterson panted as if it were a great effort. He pointed at Bucky. 
“He is not worthy of Christmas powers. I will play Santa at the Holiday Pageant this year and demonstrate the wonder and majesty of Blitzen, which is Christmas Spirit.”
Masterson stood with his hands raised to the ceiling as if he was expecting something. Sam got up and stood beside him, looking up as well.
“What’s gonna happen? Snow?” 
You turned around to witness this scene. Bucky and your friends made you irrationally happy. You watched Bucky tuck his tinsel in his pocket as he winked at you again.
“And Blitzen is the name of…”
He took in Eric’s blank stare.
“Nevermind. You’d make a really terrible Santa, Eric. Just sayin’” 
“Don’t be mean, James. You should apologize.”
The way you looked at him was too much, he couldn’t say no, although Sam would know he was whipped. He thought about resisting, but then you pouted. Those lips. He thought about them wrapped around his…
“Shit,” Bucky cursed under his breath.
“Sorry Eric, I meant that you should be the MC instead, you know, basically lead the show. You’d be great at that. At the forefront.”
Masterson bowed a bit.
“Thank you for recognizing my talent, Barnes.”
Bucky shook his head at Eric and turned to you.
“And thank you for the holiday superpowers, Ms. Yourname. I would like to discuss that item you’re missing…”
He turned around to see Sam smirking and Eric smiling innocently at you two.
“...In your lesson plans on the Great Depression for your Gatsby unit. I can help get what you need inside… I mean help fill up that hole…in your unit.”
Bucky smiled a wolfish grin as you played along. Sam was gagging again. Eric was pouring himself some coffee, having lost interest in the conversation.
“Sure, Mr. Barnes. We’ll get it in. 4:30? Turner Street Cafe.”
“Deal, Ms. Yourname. It will be an eventful session. See you then.”
“See you then Mr. Barnes.” 
You twirled a little bit as you walked out of the lounge for your next class. Bucky bit his lip.
Sam shook his head and said under his breath, “Isn’t Yourname’s apartment on Turner street?”
Bucky straightened up and frowned at Sam.
“Maybe, maybe not.”
But he could not hide the light in his eyes. Sam just smiled at his friend, happy that he was finally happy. Bucky nodded at Sam and headed out to the soccer field to check the condition after the previous night’s rain.
Eric came up to Sam, sipping from his mug.
“You gotta admire James and Yourname. They are dedicated to banging it out for their profession. They go so hard, I hope they are taking care of themselves.”
“Oh, I’m sure it is hard, but they are dedicated to banging it out.”
“Of course they will, and they probably fuck like rabbits, too.” 
Eric looked down at the chess board, and then back up at Sam.
“Let’s play some chess.”
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Reblog it baby! 😘
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thatmexisaurusrex · 1 year
Just Sam and Bucky, filming a PSA on what to do in case of any alternate universe, time travel, or quantum realm emergencies.
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3twindragons · 5 months
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Gift for the @helmistress for the winterhawk wonderland exchange.
Clint forgets his gloves bucky brings them. Clint is an ice skating teacher. Currently teaching Bucky’s daughter.
Clint is invited over to Bucky’s cabin to spend the Christmas with them. They are in the cabin. Maybe outside when its becoming night but isn't yet dark. And they decorate the outside with fairy lights.
And they spent the holidays very happy.
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nyx22-blogs · 1 year
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To Loathe or To Love
You were a teacher at Winsford Highschool, a science teacher to be exact. You were currently walking to a meeting with your fellow teachers and the schools principal, Principal Coulson. You walked through to crowd of high schoolers going to their classes and made your way through the doors and into the meeting room.
"Hey everyone, is Phil here yet?" You said as you sat down next to Ms. Romanoff and Ms. Maximoff, who you knew as Nat and Wanda.
"No Mr. Hard ass isn't here yet so we can relax for a bit before everyone else gets in." Natasha said as she chuckled at her own name for him.
"Shh, Nat don't call him that out loud he might come in and hear you!" Wanda said, urging her friend to be a bit more cautious of her words.
"Relax Wan, we all know he's usually 4 or 5 minutes late for every meeting he hosts." Nat said rolling her eyes and she spun in her chair.
You giggled and rolled your eyes at your friends antics. Natasha could be so silly at times and Wanda was usually the one who played the mother hen of the group. You definitely wouldn't have it any other way though.
"So Nat..how was the date last night?" You asked her, she had told you and Wanda that she was going out on a date with the art teacher, Steve Rogers, and you hadn't heard anything about the date yet. To say you were curious was an understatement.
"Yeah! Tell us what happened!" Wanda said as you and her scooted your chairs closer to her.
"Ok ok, so basically we had dinner at his loft, which was decorated beautifully may I mention, and it was just so romantic. We talked and ate, and then he turned the lights down low and played some music and we danced and then afterwards when he twirled me he-"
"Hey ladies, Phil here yet cause I was wondering if-"
"NO!" You three said at the same time as the redhead went back to her story.
"And then he kissed me." She whispered and giggled.
"Awwwww how romantic." Wanda said.
"I know ... of course Steve was so romantic he's the freaking art teacher. He probably knew how to set up everything perfectly...like art-!" You said, slightly wishing you had someone doing that for you as well.
"Uhm hi, sorry for interrupting whatever is.. going on here but have any of you ladies seen Phil..or Steve for that matter. I have to ask him something." Said the man you loathed most. James Barnes. A nuisance he was, and idiot, and most importantly..an egotistical know it all, except he knew nothing. Stupid man.
"No, Mr. Barnes. We don't know where Steve or Phil are. Do you think we'd be here talking the period away instead going to them if we did?" You said condescendingly to James.
Nat and Wanda exchanged glances and sat down watching all the drama unfold. Unbeknownst to you your two best friends had been shipping you with the English teacher for quite some time.
But alas, Natasha and Wanda being the foreign languages teachers, you never knew their opinion about you and Bucky due to them always whispering it to each other in Russian or sometimes Sokovian.
"Well sorry y/n, I should've known you wouldn't be able to answer such a simple question in a civil manner." He said in a very irritated tone.
"You know what-" you got up from your seat but before you could continue Natasha put her hand on your shoulder, making you sit back down. You sighed and pulled out your phone so you could message Phil to see where he was. You realized you left your phone on do not disturb so you turned it off and saw you had an email from Phil.
"Guys I got an email from Phil, maybe he changed the meeting location..I'm reading it now..."
Your eyes widened in horror as you read through the message.
Attention all students and staff members, due to the health code violation 1019.1001 -asbestos, which was found in the laboratory, we will all be evacuating the building at approximately 9:50 a.m. Should there be any emergency, please contact school administration immediately. All classes are to be cancelled as well as faculty meetings for the rest of the week. Under no circumstances are any staff members allowed to stay within the premise of the school building. All closed doors and windows will be automatically shut down and locked immediately, and will only be reopened with staff keys.
Mr. Coulson
"Holy shit!" You said as you ran towards the door and tried to open it.
"What's wrong?!" Bucky, Nat and Wanda all said at the same time.
"Oh my god everyone evacuated the school because of some asbestos in the building and now we're stuck in here." You said panicking as you tried to look for another exit in the room.
"WHAT?!" Natasha yelled.
"Oh my god, today was supposed to be the last day until break...we're gonna be stuck in here for a week?!" Wanda said while she shook Natasha's shoulders.
"Wait- wait a minute, why did y/n get the email late and everyone else left already? Even better question..why didn't any of US get the email?!" Bucky yelled.
"I didn't get it late I had my phone on do not disturb so my notifications wouldn't interrupt my lesson. Do you guys have your phone on do not disturb?" You said.
"Shit..I do." Bucky said.
"I do too." Wanda said.
"Same." Said Natasha as she groaned.
"Well...how the hell do we get outta here?" You said, kind of scared you all would be trapped in this goddamn school the entire break.
"I think the better question would be what the hell are we supposed to do while we're in here." Natasha said as she got up and walked further into the room.
"Nat? Where are you going?" Wanda said as she watched her friend walk away.
"The bathroom, I've been needing to pee for a while now and I can't do it during my damn classes so might as well now." She said as she opened the door to the bathroom and walked in.
"I didn't know there was a bathroom in the meeting room.." Wanda said as she opened her bag and pulled a snack out, she offered you and Bucky some..you both quickly denied.
"I'm going to see if there are any vents in this room." Bucky said as he got up and started looking around.
"What the hell do you want with a vent?" You said confused as hell.
Was he moronic?
"I see my theories of you living under a rock are correct. Haven't you ever seen a James Bond movie?" He said as he kept looking around.
"What the fuck does James Band have to do with anything?" You said getting irritated.
"Ok first of all, it's James BOND you abomination to fucking society. Second of all, if you've ever seen any of his movies, which I'm now learning you haven't, you'd know that when he was stuck in a room like we are he found a vent and climbed through it, which then led him to the door."
So he was moronic..
"You dumbass, you think the five by four vents in this room are gonna be big enough for one of us to fit in it? Hell, even I couldn't squeeze through one of those, and I'm the smallest out of all of us here." You said.
"Obviously I'm looking for a bigger one you idiot! Every room in this building is required to have a ventilation system that's at least 64 square inches. At least I think the bathrooms do.." he said as he scratched his head.
"Great..so we'll just go to the bathrooms then and-" You looked around the room and realized just how screwed you and Bucky were.
"Wanda and Nat are in the bathroom.."
"So? What's the big deal..let's the ladies relieve themselves.. Jesus." Bucky said chuckling at the odd amount of worriedness in your statement.
"Oh my god you're stupider than I thought, the email said that if the doors are locked then they lock permanently, which will include bathroom doors." You said, enunciating the last five words in your sentence.
This entire day was just turning out to be a shit show..
"Jesus Christ, now they're stuck in there. You think we can maybe break the lock?" Bucky said, worried that Nat and Wanda may be stuck in there for a whole week. He may not have liked you, because he really loved you, but he didn't want them to be stuck there the entire time.
Your phone started ringing and it was Natasha.
"Yeah yeah, before you say anything I know. You're stuck. We're trying to figure out- well I'm trying to figure out how to get you out of there. Idiot over here is just make dumb suggestions."
Bucky glared out you and you chuckled at the little pout on his face. It was cute..as much as you hated to admit it.
"Alright well, just get us outta here..Wanda's getting anxious without her snacks..and I really don't wanna deal with Wanda when she doesn't have snacks."
"Yeah yeah, don't worry we'll find a way to get you out sooner..or later.." you mumbled the last part of that statement and hung up the phone.
"That's heavy duty metal surrounding the door knob, I don't think so. Besides, we have to find another way to get out of here now..seeing as the whole ventilation thing won't work." You said, answering Bucky's previous questions before Natasha had rung you.
You we're contemplating if you should try and hit the lock with the fire extinguisher that was in the corner of the room.
"What do you mean? I thought we were gonna go to the bathroom and get to the ventilation system."
"Wanda and Nat are in the bathroom idiot. And. It's. Locked. Were you not here for like half of our conversation?"
"There's a men's bathroom too dumbass." He said as if it were obvious
"No there isn't, not in the meeting room anyway. It's just one big ass bathroom for every adult." You said
"That's dumb.." he said slightly annoyed that nothing was going right today.
You groaned and took a seat in one of the chairs, your head in your hands. You heard Bucky sigh and he took a seat next to you as well. You felt a large hand on your back, Bucky's hand, he rubbed your back up and down.
"We won't be here forever you know..it'll be ok." He said with a genuine smile..which quickly turned into a smirk as he said his next sentence.
"Besides, you'll get to be with my handsome face for the rest of the week." He said, laughing as you started to not so playfully smacking his arms.
"Hey..can I ask you something?" Bucky said as he took his hand and gently tilted your chin towards him.
"Why don't you like me?"
"Because you don't like me..?" You said confused.
"What-? No, you don't like me." He said.
This entire feud started because of miscommunication didn't it?
"No, you started making snarky comments towards me the first month I started working here."
"Yeah because you were pretty much a jerk to me doll." He said with a pained chuckle.
"What? What do you mean I was a jerk?"
"Well you showed interest in me in the beginning of the month when you worked here, pretty much lead me on, then when I bought you flowers and left em on my desk you threw em out and never even told me why."
"I- you bought me those?!"
"W- yeah, you didn't know?"
"NO! I- I thought they were from Brock.."
"Why would they be from BROCK?!"
"Because he was hitting on me in the staff room..and then told me you didn't like me..." You said, a bit ashamed this got so out of proportion.
"What- doll. God of course I liked you and- wait Brock was hitting on you?"
"Mhm." You said
"Son of a bitch, I should go knock his fuckin teeth out for all the issues we had to go through and-"
You cut him off by giving him a kiss on the lips. It was soft and slow and passionate and all the little things you needed to confess. His hand combed through your hair and the other wrapped around your waist. Both of your hands instantly wrapped around his neck and you both savored the teaste of one another.
"Hey guys there was an emergency key in one of the stalls and- WHAT THE FUCK-?" Natashas eyes popped out of her head as she witnessed the scene unfolding in front of her.
"YES! I knew it would happen eventually!" You heard Wanda say, and you giggled a bit at their antics.
"What was that about an emergency key Nat?" Bucky said, still a bit out of it from the kiss you two shared.
"Well there was an emergency key in a stall and I'm pretty sure it opens all locks."
"Finally! Let's get the hell outta here." You shouted and all of you ran to the door and Natasha unlocked it. You guys proceeded to unlock all doors in your way and you all finally made it outside.
"Well ladies, and man, it's been a pleasure but I should really go now..I gotta see a certain artsy blonde about something." Said Nat as she walked to her car saying her goodbyes and drove off.
"I should probably get going too, my Vis is probably worried sick!" Wanda said as she gave you a quick kiss on the cheek and said bye to Bucky. She got in her car and drove off as well.
"Who's Vis-?"
"Her husband." You said.
"Oh. Well uhm, do you have a ride..or-?"
"Oh no, I came without my car today..a ride would be nice thank you." You said sheepishly.
"Of course doll, c'mon." He said as he wrapped an arm around your waist and you both walked to his car.
"Hey uhm..would you like to come back to my place for some early dinner..? You don't have to say yes or anything I was just-"
"That'd be great Buck, as long as this isn't a one time thing..?"
"Definitely not doll."
"Well let's go!" You said as you gave him a small kiss on the cheek and you both walked to the car.
A/N: this was freaking long 😂 and I liked it..ish.
Please please please show me y'all actually read my crappy writing, like, comment, reblog. Revive me lmfao. It seriously helps with motivation ngl :) ❤️🧡💖
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jewels2876 · 2 years
Pas de Deux
I’m back! Ish. I’ve got a Bingo Card and I REALLY REALLY need to try and complete it this year
Square filled: Dance Teacher AU
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x female reader
Word Count: 502
No warnings - just some kisses and fluff!
Divider by the amazing @firefly-graphics​
Pic below is from my favorite bean @jobean12-blog​
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“I think I’m gonna faint,” you whispered from the wings. Bucky heard you and chuckled.
“You got nothing to worry about, doll, I promise.” He glanced out at the first year students as they pranced around the stage; the music to Mama Mia! blared from the speakers close by.
“But the lift… rehearsals yesterday…” Your hands wrung at the thought of screwing up in front of the large audience. Bucky reached out, grabbing each of your hands before giving them a gentle squeeze.
“Look at me.” You took a deep breath but kept looking ahead. “I said, look at me.” His right hand dropped yours to reach up and touch your chin, gently forcing your gaze on him. Your heart fluttered, taking in his beautiful face. I want to kiss him so bad.
I want to kiss her so badly right now; fuck it. His head lowered, giving you time to say something, anything, to stop him. Instead your eyes closed as his lips brushed over yours softly; you let out a quiet whine and his mouth slanted over yours, deepening the kiss. His left hand was cradling the back of your head; your hands clung to his shoulders, being mindful of the costume. The song ended abruptly and you both pulled back. The first years swarmed around the two of you, oblivious to what had just happened.
“Break a leg you two!” a couple of them said as the music started up again. Bucky took off from the wings with a grande jette, smoothly transitioning into a complicated series of jumps and spins. You raised your fingers to your lips, wanting to keep the memory of that kiss alive for what was about to come. The song was short, but enough to show the audience what an amazing soloist Bucky truly was on stage. You took another deep breath, readying yourself for your queue.
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You and Bucky ran back to the wings, breathless and alive from the thunderous applause. “That was so fun,” you squealed in delight. Bucky grabbed you into a warm embrace, ignoring the first years who were huddled around for their next dance.
“And the lift?” he teased as he pulled back to study your face. He groaned as you bit your lip, raising your gaze up and pretending to think hard before giggling. New music started and the wings were empty once more, save for you and Bucky.
“You were right.” You smiled bemusedly. “It was amazing and I shouldn’t have worried.” 
Bucky’s grin grew. “You might be one of my best partners. You admit when I’m right; you trust me to catch you. You fill out that leotard pretty well too.”
You bit your lip again. “You’re not so bad yourself there, sir.”
Bucky’s eyes darkened slightly at the title as he took a step towards you. “Maybe you could find out how good I am, over dinner let’s say?” He took another step, his head leaning down. You raised up and answered with a kiss.
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Stuff I wrote
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🌸 Slow burn [because I’m a sucker for endless buildup] ⎮ ⚪️ Friends to lovers  ⎮ 🧡 Personal favorite
One Shots
❤︎ Lemon Over Ice + Oh, honey - Bartender!Sy just wants to adore you
❤︎ Power Tool - You think your neighbour is a tool but maybe he can be a useful one.
❤︎ at the corner store - a meet-weird
Multi Chapters
❤︎ Sun Salutations 🌸
Yoga Teacher!Single Dad!Bucky x Veterinarian!Reader
This is a story about Bucky, who is a yoga teacher and single dad, and Y/N, who just started working as a veterinarian and is a complete and utter mess.
❤︎ like a slime monster - overheard at the craft store x Single Dad!Steve
⎮☽ Navigation ☾⎮
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wwilsonbarness · 6 months
my girl
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pairings:  bucky barnes x female!reader 
summary: based on the request below!
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Warnings: smut 18+ only - established relationship, quick mention of reader being a teacher, minorrrr angst (like not at all), mentions of anxiety, fluff fluff fluff, smut (unprotected sex, public sex, creampie, nipple play, spit kink), use of pet names (sweet girl, baby) - let me know if i missed any please :) 
word count: 2842
a/n: not beta read or really edited lol. Also my first time writing in months so this is kinda shit. 
Feedback, likes and reblogs are much appreciated :) 
I do not give permission for my work to be copied, reposted or translated on any other platform. Do not read or interact if you are a minor.
“How do I look?” You ask Bucky as you walk into the kitchen, twirling slightly to show off your outfit. 
“Beautiful as always doll.” He walks towards you and brushes his lips against your forehead. “Don’t be nervous, they’re gonna love you.” 
Bucky always knew how you were feeling, even when you were trying to hide it. 
You take a deep sigh before replying, “I just want to make a good first impression, I know they’re important to you.” 
“Not as important as you are doll.” You feel his smirk against your forehead as he brings himself closer for another kiss. 
“Forever the charmer Buck, I love you.” 
“I love you too,” He grabs your hand and pulls you towards the door, “come on, we don’t wanna be late.” 
You try to stop in front of the mirror to check how you look once more but he stops you, “Stop worrying baby, you look perfect.” 
“I just want them to like me.”
“And they will, I promise” 
Everything about your relationship with Bucky had been amazing so far but the idea of meeting his friends, the people who had been there for him since he became himself again, before you even knew each other, was terrifying. If they didn’t like you, what would that mean? Sure Bucky says you’re the most important person in his life but no matter how hard you tried you couldn’t convince yourself that if his friends didn’t like you then Bucky would dump you. 
“Baby, you have got to stop worrying. They’re gonna love you.”
“You don’t know that Bucky.”
“But I do..” He trails off his words to show you how confident he is about this. Your lips come together in a little pout, which Bucky finds adorable. 
It was only a 15 minute drive to the tower where the rest of the Avengers lived, you were secretly hoping there would be some traffic to hold you up but the roads were nowhere near as busy as they usually were. Bucky could feel the anxiety radiating off you, he wished he could take it away from you, there was really 0 chance that his friends wouldn’t love you, but you were naturally an anxious person and he knew that so he did what he knew comforted you and rubbed circles over your hand on the drive there. You appreciated him for trying to comfort you but your anxiety would not ease up. You’d never felt this nervous before, you must’ve completely zoned out for the rest of the car ride because what felt like only a minute later had actually been 15 and you were pulling up to the tower. 
Bucky had a quick chat with the gate attendant before driving through the gates and parking in his designated spot. 
“You ready doll?” He asks, turning himself towards you with a soft smile on his face.
“Mhmm, let’s go.” You were not ready but you didn’t want to ruin Bucky’s night, it’d been a while since he’d seen everyone with all the missions everyone had recently been on and you knew he was excited. 
He quickly climbed out the car and made his way to your side, always insisting on opening your door for you. When you get out he holds his hand out for you and you immediately grab hold of it. He pulls you closer towards you and plants a gentle kiss on your forehead before whispering to you. “I promise baby, it’s gonna be fine.” You shoot him a quick, almost forced smile, and nod, showing you were ready to go in. 
It only takes a few minutes to get up to the living quarters side of the tower, and now a quick elevator ride was the only thing between you and people Bucky loves. As the elevator started to slow you took a deep breath and readied to walk out. As soon as the doors open you can hear a loud laugh boom through the room followed by a quiet chuckle beside you. It had only been a couple seconds and Bucky was already so happy to be back here. 
As you turned the corner your eyes quickly scanned the room trying to put names to faces of everyone Bucky had told you about. Obviously you knew everyone's superhero names, but to Bucky they were his friends, his family, not superheroes. Suddenly everyone had turned your way and you realise Bucky had made both your presences known. You felt like all eyes were on you and Bucky could tell your nerves had shot up, so he lightly gave your hands a squeeze.”Hey guys.”
“Hey Bucky!” Sam shouted over and began walking towards you. “You must be Y/N? Bucky’s told me a lot about you.” 
You nod towards, who you knew to be Sam, as much as Bucky told you they weren’t best friends, you knew that they were. You smile and hold your hand out to shake his. “That’s me, nice to meet yo-” Before you could finish, Sam pulled you in for a hug. 
“We’re all about hugs here. You’re part of the family now.” You can’t help but laugh and hug him back. You really appreciated him being so welcoming, he was the one person you were most worried about not liking you. From what Bucky told you, he was very protective over the people he cares about. 
“Alright Wilson, don’t scare my girl away.” Sam pulls away and moves to Bucky to give him a hug as well. 
You look at Bucky and smirk, "Your girl, hm?” He looked confused for a split second before the tips of his ears started to turn bright red and his usual smug smirk disappeared when he realised what he’d said. 
“Sorry doll.” You weren’t sure why he was apologising or why he was embarrassed. “I didn’t mean to sa- sorry.” You’d never seen someone's skin turn so red as fast as his had in this moment. 
“Don’t be, I liked it.” You whisper right next to him, hoping no one else heard. Before he could respond to you, more voices filled the space around you. 
“You could’ve just asked for a hug too Bucky, besides if you haven’t scared her off already, I don’t think much will” Sam teases.
“So your girl? Must be serious. I’ll expect my wedding invite any day now. Bucky’s face was only growing redder and he couldn’t look anyone in the eye, forcing his gaze to the floor. His hand was rubbing the back of his neck, something you knew he did when he was embarrassed. You took a small step closer to him and rubbed your hand on his arm, showing you really didn’t mind the nickname, in fact you loved it. A small smile was starting to form on his face but before you could see it grow any more a voice pulled you away.
“Alright Wilson, stop hogging them. The rest of us want to introduce ourselves as well.” You instantly recognise the face as Clint, someone who Bucky truly owed a lot to. He had let Bucky live with him and his family for a bit when he needed some time away from the city. The memories of Steve leaving and his past life got too much to handle and he already felt like he had imposed too much on Sam and his family. He would forever be grateful for Clint and Laura taking him in, he really felt a part of their family, so much so that their kids had started calling him Uncle Bucky. 
Clint put his hand towards yours and introduced himself, “Hi Y/N, I’m Clint. Sorry about him, I promise we’re not all as crazy as him.” You laughed at his joke and shook his hand. It’s lovely to finally meet you Clint, Bucky’s spoken a lot about you.” 
“It’s all lies.” He jokes before moving onto Bucky and giving him a side hug. 
“Laura and the kids here too clint?”
Clint shook his head before moving to stand in front of you both. “Sorry Buck, they had some school things on, but they made me promise to ask you to visit soon, and to bring your girl!” Clint replies with a wink which makes you laugh. Bucky couldn’t stop his huge smirk from reappearing as Clint called you his girl. 
As they continued talking more people made their way over to you and introduced themselves. First there was Joaquin and then Sarah and her boys. The boys completely skipped saying hello to you and ran over to their uncle Bucky before Sarah called them back to apologise. They came back and introduced themselves and with a little nudge from Sarah apologised for rushing past you. “That’s okay, I know you're excited. It was very nice to meet you both boys.” They shook your hand and ran over again to Bucky.
“Sorry about them, I swear they love Bucky more than they love me sometimes.” Sarah smiled at seeing how nicely you fit into the group and gave you a hug, just like how Sam had to show you that you were welcomed. Once all the introductions were done you all sat down in the living room. You were the main topic of the conversation, everyone was interested in knowing how one person had completely changed Bucky’s life. 
“So Y/N,” Wanda started, “Bucky said you’re a teacher?” 
“Yeah that’s right.” You slightly laughed aftwards, not because it was funny but you were slightly panicking being the centre of attention around all these people. Especially since some of them were literal superheroes. “I know it’s not as exciting as you guys but I enjoy it.”
Everyone quickly spoke up and defended you against yourself. Especially Sarah and Clint, with having kids they knew how important teachers were. It felt good knowing that they thought that of you, even though you were still feeling anxious, everyone had been so welcoming to you and you weren't sure why you were so nervous.You didn’t notice but Bucky was looking at you as you spoke, his eyes were a tell tale sign that he was so proud of you. He knew how hard you worked and loved when you got the recognition you deserve. 
“What age do you teach?” Joaquin asked next.
“Oh erm, at the moment I teach second grade but I’m hoping to move up soon.” 
“It must be hard, kids are annoying little creatures.” Sam says, looking at Cass and AJ for their reactions, they both shout “Hey!” before Sam tickles them. 
Another voice starts, you’re not sure who but doesn't get far before Bucky interrupts. “Alright alright, stop grilling my girl.” His girl. “I haven’t seen most of you guys in months, what’s been happening? 
You look at Bucky and smirk when he calls you his girl again and it only takes a few seconds for him to realise what he’s said again and he can’t help but smirk, knowing that you like it. 
The rest of the night went well, you felt like they all really liked you. Before you knew it, it was around midnight and you were working in the morning so had to get home. 
“Again, it was really lovely to meet all of you! Thank you for a great night.” You say as you head for the elevator, Bucky following close behind. 
“Make sure to tell the boy’s I said bye, Sarah!” Bucky shouts, “Clint, let’s plan a trip soon. See you all later!” Bucky shouts through, the elevator doors just cutting him off.
As soon as the doors shut you lead your head against his shoulder. “You okay sweet girl?” 
“I’m good, just tired.”
“You have a good night?”
You nodded against him, “I’m sorry we couldn’t stay longer.” 
“Hey,” He moved slightly and held your head in his hands, bending over slightly to be eye level as he spoke. “We stayed plenty, I know you have work tomorrow, and plus..” He moved closer to your ear to whisper. “.. I couldn’t do this in there.” He lowered one of his hands to your ass and squeezed before pressing you both against the elevator wall. He moved his lips against yours and kissed you, it was a desperate kiss.  “You like being my girl huh?”
You can’t help but giggle when he calls you his girl again. You bite your lip before answering. “I do..” He lowers his hand to the hem of your dress and traces his fingers over your inner thigh 
“Fuck baby, I nee-” The ding of the elevator doors opening interrupts you both. “Fuck!” Bucky curses everything stopping him from touching you right now. He presses the button to close the doors and immediately after presses the alarm button. The elevator makes a clank noise before it goes silent again, the only sound being you trying to catch your breath after that kiss. Bucky goes back to kissing you but starts on your neck and starts going lower and lower. When his teeth graze over your nipple through your dress you push him back slightly.
“Bucky we can’t here..” You whisper, knowing he can hear your heart beating, you needed him just as bad as he needed you. 
“Baby.. I’ll fuck my girl anywhere I want to.” He says before returning to your tits. You bite back a moan which Bucky notices. Your sex life from bucky wasn’t boring by any means but it had never felt as intense as this. The thrill of being in public was sending chills through you. 
“Oh shit.. Bucky please. 
He lifts your dress up and pulls your panties to the side, using his other hand he unties his jeans and pulls them down enough for his already hard cock to fall out. He rubs his hand over it a couple times and looks at you. “Spit on it for me.” His words send flutters through your stomach and down to your pussy, and you do as he says. 
“You ready?” 
You nod as you answer, “Pleasee.”
He lifts you up and rubs the tip of his cock against your pussy, gathering your slick before he pushes in. “Fuck, my girls got such a tight pussy.” He keeps pushing until he’s fully in, hitting that spot that makes you grab onto his shoulders, your nails digging into him, which he likes. “You feel so good baby.”
“Fuck.. Bucky please..” He feels so good but his thrusts are slow and you need more.
“What do you need?” He smirks at you, knowing exactly what you need but waiting until you ask for it. 
“Fuck me..” Your head falls back, Bucky’s hand cups it to stop it hitting the wall. “Please.”
He chuckles at the desperation in your voice, “Anything for you my sweet girl.” His thrusts fasten and you feel yourself racing towards your high. You use your hands to steady yourself as he fucks into you. You bite your lip to stifle your moan but Bucky doesn’t like that. “Don’t do that baby.. Don’t hide your pretty little noises. I wanna hear you. Want the whole tower to hear how you sound when I fuck you.” 
“Fuck.. Bucky you feel so good. I think I’m gonn-”
“I know baby, it’s okay. Let go for me.” He moves his hand from behind your head and wraps it around your neck. The cold from his touch and him speeding up was enough to send you over the edge.
“Fuckkkk.. Bucky I’m cum- I’m cumming.” 
“Oh Fuck.. I’m there too, baby.” He groans, almost whimpers in your ear. “Feel s’good baby.” He slows his thrusts down as you both come down from your highs.
When you don’t respond he looks at you. “You okay?” 
You can’t speak but you nod your head. 
“You all cockdrunk?” 
“Such a good girl for me.” He strokes the side of your face and plants a soft kiss on your lips. “Let’s get you home, sweet girl.” 
He slowly inches out of you and sets you down. You stumble a little and grab onto his shoulder to steady yourself. 
“Thank you Buck.” 
“You don’t need to thank me, come on let’s get you home.” He puts his arm around your waist before reaching over and pressing the alarm button again. 
The doors of the elevator open and Sam is standing there, his eyes bulge open before he laughs. You immediately stand up straight and try make yourself look like you haven’t just been fucked moments before but it was obvious. 
You feel your skin warm at being caught but Bucky just laughs beside you like it was no big deal. “I should’ve known it was you two lovebirds causing trouble. Now I know no ones really stuck, I’ll see you guys later” 
“Bye Sam.” You manage to mumble before Bucky pulls you closer, you look at each other and have to hold in your laughter.  
“See ya Wilson.”
“I love you sweet girl.”
“I love you more.” 
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buckrecs · 1 year
Hey hey! Do you have any professor!Bucky series and one shot recommendations? Thanks in advance 💖
masterlist | req masterlist
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Office Hours by @gogolucky13
Professor Barnes gives you a bad grade and you visit him during his office hours to find out why.
honeybee by @wndalovebot
Redamancy by @world-of-aus
Bucky Barnes had no idea about your feelings for him, except that he did.
Bad Intentions by @seventven
dr barnes, y/n’s psychology professor and final year thesis supervisor is going through a rough patch in his marriage. following a heated argument at the end of class, dr barnes spots y/n at an on-campus bar. he makes a twisted revelation.
Imagine by @metalbuckaroo
“you’ve got a pretty mouth.” & “this could get me fired.”
Mastery by @urvenicebtch
Your history professor, Mr. Barnes asks you to stay after class for extra help which leads to...*ahem*... other things(;
“You are. Every inch. The fantasy.” by @becca-e-barnes
Buttoned Up by @disturbedbydesign
Even though you were one of the top students in his class, Professor Barnes had always been cold to you. You had tolerated his indifference all semester, but when his end-of-term dinner party invites went out and you weren't on the list, you decided it was the last straw—it was time to confront him about it and find out what the hell his problem was. The answer would surprise you.
Tenure Track by @disturbedbydesign
You and Professor Barnes had been at each other's throats from the moment you met, and when a tenure position opens up in your department, the claws come out.
Like Real People Do by @navybrat817
Bucky decides to stop being professional and take what he wants.
Imagine by @saltiestdemonloves
where you sleep on his couch while he works late so he can keep an eye on you
Professor Bucky by @buckycuddlebuddy
masterlist by @bucky-barnes-diaries
Steel Blue by @youlightmeupfinn
When you experience the most intense night of the summer alongside Bucky, who you nickname Steel Blue, you weren't expecting to fall pregnant. When a positive pregnancy test meets your eyes a few days before school starts, you know it belongs to the man who you'd never see again. Until you walk into your Romanian Linguistics class and he's your professor.
ephemeral by @aescapisms
Bucky Barnes fell in love with you, but the universe isn’t all that forgiving.
“sup, professor @/bbarnesjames” by @aescapisms
Bucky Barnes is the “most handsomest man” that you have ever laid your eyes on and oh, would you look at that. He’s your professor.
Show Me Love by @lenavonschweetz
Where sex-on-legs Dr. Barnes is your History professor that makes it impossible to pay attention in class.  Perhaps it’s the danger of it all, but god help you - you can’t stay away.
Busted by @mysterioh
Nat asks you about a certain contact by the name of “Bucky Boo Bear 🐻💖💕💗” and gets the surprise of a lifetime.
+ All Yours by @sinner-as-saint
Student!Bucky x Professor!Reader
One of your students confess their feelings for you and things get interesting...
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imtryingbuck · 1 month
Old As A Dinosaur
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~ gif not mine credit to owner ~
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x fem!Reader
Summary: reader learns something about her boyfriend
Word count: 842
Warnings: fluff. short and sweet.
A/N: this idea came from the wonderful @buckys-wintersoldier❤️
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The giggles coming from the living room greeted you the moment you stepped foot into the house, as you walked in to the room you saw your son Sebastian sitting on the couch tucked in to the side of your boyfriend Bucky.
Bucky didn’t bat an eye when you told him that you had a three year old son. When he met Seb for the first time it seemed that both your son and boyfriend forgot that you were even there. The first night Bucky stayed over Seb asked if Bucky could put him to bed, then when a nightmare involving monkeys that were trying to eat his toes woke him up he begged for Bucky to come and save him.
Six months after Bucky had met Sebastian the rest of the Avengers met him too. His squeals of pure joy had everyone laughing other than Bucky as Sam had Seb in his arms and flew the two around. Your boyfriend actually threatened Sam that he would end him if he dropped the three year old. Said three year old who tried to lift up Thor’s hammer, then was using Captain Americas shield as a sled.
You had actually been pulled aside by Seb’s teacher and was told that Seb had been lying all day by telling everyone he knew the Avengers, you just raised your eyebrow and laughed informing her that he was not lying at all.
“Hi pretty mama” Bucky greeted when he noticed you standing there.
“Hi pwetty mama” Seb repeated making the pair of you laugh.
“Hi my handsome men, what are you two doing?”
“Dinos” pointing at the tv Sebastian sighed happily at seeing his favourite movie for what felt like the thousandth time.
“How was work babe?”
“It was alright, nothing exciting today. I’m going to get dinner started”
“No need pretty girl, me and little man here did it we was just waiting on you. Go and get changed and then we can eat” Bucky says before telling Seb that it was dinner time and promising the three year old that they could carry on watching as soon as they had finished eating. Doing as he says you head upstairs changing into comfier clothes.
“Follow me pwetty mama, dinner time” laughing you take your sons waiting hand letting him lead you into the dinning room as Bucky served the food.
Halfway through the meal Sebastian was trying to whisper to Bucky who kept responding with “I told you it’s a secret”
“But pwease it’s mama”
“Do you think we can trust her?” Bucky’s eyes squinted looking at you suspiciously.
“Yes! Its mama she not tell”
“Okay, but she has to do the secret pinky swear before we tell her” Your eyes moved between the pair with your eyebrow pinched together. “Pretty mama what we’re about to tell you is top secret, you have to pinky swear that you can never tell anyone what you’re about to hear”
“Pwomise mama”
“I promise” both of them hold up their pinky fingers up waiting for you to wrap yours around theirs you waited patiently to hear this top secret news.
“Okay little man, you-you can tell her” Bucky says with a nervous tone lacing his voice.
“Mama… Buck met dinos” Sebastian tells you in the most serious voice the three year old could muster.
“Yep. He was fwends with them and-and had pet T-Rex’s”
Looking at Bucky with your eyebrow raised he nodded solemnly keeping his face void of emotion.
“I-I didn’t know that”
“Top secret mama uncle Stevie don’t know so no telling no one!”
“Buck your secret is safe with me, don’t worry” you tell him earnestly.
“Thank you pretty girl, it honestly feels like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders now that I’ve been able to tell my family the truth” he takes yours and Sebs hands in his and squeezes.
Honestly he deserves an Oscar for his performance.
Seb giggles and promises that he will never ever tell anyone then carries on eating his dinner as if he hadn’t just told you some life changing news about your partner. Bucky looks at you and smiles before doing the same as Seb.
Finishing your dinner, you tell Bucky that you’ll wash up - he did try and argue that he would do it but Seb begged him to watch the dinos. Walking into the living room once again, your eyebrow rosed for the umpteenth time that night as you watch Bucky with his arms pulled close to his chest, Seb coping him and both bouncing around.
“Look mama we’re dinos!” Seb giggled before roaring like a dinosaur.
“Come on pretty mama, be dinos with us” Bucky winked then roaring and chirping like Sebastian was doing.
If anyone had looked in your front windows that night they would have thought there was something wrong with all three of you.
The three of you were roaring and acting as dinosaurs. And honestly, it was the best way to end a stressful day at work.
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Tags: @imcinnamoons | @pigeonmama | @capsbestgirl77
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ramp-it-up · 1 year
For 4KChristmas! 🎄
#14 and the Shield High Faculty.
Coming right up!
Happy Holidays! 🥰
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navybrat817 · 8 months
Rules and Chaos
Pairing: Tattoo Artist!Bucky Barnes x Baker!Female Reader Summary: Your friends are a bad influence when you and Bucky set up booths for a Fall Festival. Word Count: Over 2.3k Warnings: Implied sex, slight humor, slight fluff, tension, teasing, inner monologue, Bucky Barnes (he's a warning, okay?). Previous Part of AU: Ladies and Gentlemen A/N: Fic #4 for Navy's Trick or Treat Nonsense! Quick visit with Hottie and Sugar and a small mention of Thorn and Rose.❤️ Beta read by the lovely @jobean12-blog (thank you and @whisperlullaby for assuring me this wasn't garbage!), but any and all mistakes are my own. Divider by the talented @firefly-graphics and Bucky edit by the amazing @nixakimbo .Please follow @navybrat817-sideblog for new fics and notifications. Comments, reblogs, feedback are loved and appreciated!
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“You did this on purpose. I know you did.”
With a small laugh, you finished setting up the last sign in front of your table. You wanted the stand to look perfect. “What exactly did I do, Tess?”
She pointed to the booth beside yours where Bucky and Hal were also in the middle of getting their things set up. “You somehow got them to put us right next to the boys.”
You stole a glance at the “Sin On Skin” booth beside yours, the sign tastefully saying “S.O.S. Tattoo Parlor”. Bucky winked at you when he caught your gaze out of the corner of your eye. A goofy smile appeared on your face before you cleared your throat and got back to work. “You do realize I had absolutely no control over where they placed us since I didn't organize this event.”
The nearby elementary school had put on a Fall Festival over the last few years and the woman Steve started seeing was a teacher there. She thought it would be fun for the guys to do face paintings and temporary tattoos for the kids. It was Bucky who suggested that your shop sell baked goods, after running it by you first. Not only was it good for exposure for you and Tess while helping to raise money for the students, it was an excuse to spend the day a few feet away from your boyfriend.
How could you say no to that?
The only downside was that the weather for tomorrow called for rain. To be on the safe side, the booths were going to be in the gym so that the families could still enjoy some of the festivities if it stormed. No matter what happened, it would be a fun day for everyone.
“Then he did it and now I have to watch you two make eyes at each other between customers tomorrow,” Tess accused, but there was no malice behind her words. You didn’t argue since there was a good chance that you would check Bucky out and vice versa. “And aren’t you two hanging out tonight after we finish up?”
“Yeah. We’re doing a movie night,” you replied. You hadn’t had a chance to do a lot of fall activities with Bucky yet, but he promised that he’d take you on a hayride tomorrow before the event was over. And the two of you were watching scary movies tonight. A perfect excuse for you to snuggle against him.
Which will probably end with him inside me, so well worth the jump and scares.
“I still think he’s the reason why we’re next to each other,” Tess said, checking over the order you put together. You made sure there was a range of Autumn and Halloween colors and everything was back at the shop ready for you to set out the following morning. “Though I shouldn’t complain. You two are cute together and he makes you happy.”
“We are a cute couple,” Bucky said, winking at you again. “And she makes me happy, too.”
You had to smile as your heart skipped a beat. It still felt a bit like a dream that the handsome tattoo artist was your boyfriend, but he was yours. It was silly to think that the season was brighter because you had him around, but he was like the unexpected warmth you sometimes experienced on a cool day when the sun came out. If you told him that, you knew he’d argue that it was the other way around. That you were the one who brightened everything around you.
Bringing out the best in each other is what good couples do.
“Get back to work, Hottie. We’re almost done,” you teased when he walked around his table. Clad in one of his signature Henley's, maroon to likely go with the fall theme, you found yourself staring at his chest as he stopped in front of you. Your eyes snapped to his lips when he tapped them with his finger.
“Gimme a kiss first, Sugar,” he said, his voice as warm as your cheeks felt. “One little kiss. That's all I'm asking for.”
“Fine,” you agreed, moving in close. “One kiss.”
He cupped your jaw as he leaned in and deeply kissed you, instantly making you melt against him as you kissed him back. You smiled as you tried to pull away after a second, his lips eagerly seeking yours as he went in for seconds. You discovered after your first date that one kiss was never enough for your boyfriend. He claimed your sugary lips drugged his system with desire and the only cure was for him to have another taste, which made him crave you and your kisses more.
I crave him, too.
He wrapped a hand around your hip and dragged you closer as you mewled, a sound of need that you tried to stamp out. Arousal seized you as his tongue licked along your mouth. It wasn’t fair that his kisses brought such a strong reaction out of you, especially when there was nothing you could do to satisfy it. At least, not right this second.
I’m not going to wiggle my hips and rub my pussy against his cock. I will maintain some sort of self-control.
“Hey!” Hal grinned as you tore your lips away from Bucky’s, shivering at the slight growl he let out at being interrupted. The sound made you want him more. “You two can’t fool around here. Not unless you’re teaching Sex Ed.”
“Yeah,” Tess chimed in, handing you her phone so you could take photos. Bucky still had a hand on your hip, only allowing you to twist a bit. The possessive touch also had safety behind it, telling you that you had nothing to fear when he was close by. “Behave, you two. This is a school.”
Your jaw dropped before you snapped a few pictures, making sure to capture the entire booth. You’d have to get more in the morning once the treats were set out. “We are professionals. We would never fool around here.”
And, thankfully, no children were nearby to witness you and Bucky kissing each other since it was after hours. You couldn’t wait to see him interact with the kids though. They would adore him and his gentle giant demeanor. The kids would love all of them. Jake’s sister even planned to stop by so his niece could get a face painting done.
“So, you're saying if he dragged you off to a nearby classroom… Oh, come on. Like you didn’t think about it the second you asked for a kiss,” Hal said, shrugging when Bucky shot him a glare and set out a bottle of orange paint that matched the shade of his hair. You wondered if he’d keep it orange for November or if he’d go for a shade of red. “Or maybe you two will roll in the hay during that hayride you keep talking about.”
Bucky didn’t look at all embarrassed, swearing that the boys were used to hearing him moan on and on about you. It was a nice feeling. “Like she said, we’re professionals and we wouldn’t do that,” he argued, raising an eyebrow. “And did you just say ‘roll in the hay’? You sound like Jensen.”
“I’m a country boy at heart. I know all about rolling in the hay,” he smirked, looking over at you when your boyfriend pulled you closer. “Hey. Don’t classrooms have locks?”
“Hal, stop encouraging them,” Tess hissed as he chuckled. It was too late. They planted the seed and you knew Bucky was thinking about it, too. “Though he does have a point. Just go into one of the rooms and lock the door. No one will notice.”
“And there’s still time before we have to get out of here,” Hal added as he checked his watch. “Make it a quickie.”
“Hold on,” you said, handing the phone back to Tess when you realized you were still holding it. “You two are actually encouraging us to find a classroom to fool around in? The night before the event?”
Not that it wouldn’t be fun and a good stress reliever, but-
“It’s no different than you two in the kitchen,” your friend said, pointing at Bucky as your cheeks got hot. “Yeah, I had that counter cleaned twice.”
Bucky turned his head toward you, humor in his eyes as you played innocent. “You told her about that?” he asked, brushing a kiss to your temple. You had to tell her. It was technically her kitchen, too. “How I ate you out so good you almost cried?” he added low enough for only you to hear.
You trembled at the memory, the mere thought of his skilled tongue and fingers making your toes curl in your boots. Before you could open your mouth to say something in your defense, Hal laughed. “And it’s no different than the two of you messing around in the break room. Thought Andy was gonna buy a new couch to replace it.”
It was Bucky’s turn to feign innocence as you gazed at him, gently tugging on his bun as tried not to smile. “You told him about that?”
Earlier in the week, you waited around for him to close the parlor. The two of you chatted on the couch when you didn’t want to leave right away, which led to a heated makeout session. It wasn’t long before he had you in his lap, bouncing you up and down on his cock as he growled filthy praises. How well you took him, how beautiful you looked riding him. It was a feat that you could walk out before he took you home.
Where he wrecked you all over again.
“Steve told him, so everyone knows. Punk can’t keep a secret to save his life,” Bucky said, glancing around where a few others were starting to wrap up. “Look. Messing around in our shops is one thing. We own them. Messing around here is something else.”
“He’s right. And even if we wanted to mess around, I’m pretty sure the security guard or administrators will catch on if we suddenly take a stroll down the halls,” you said before your brow furrowed. “Wait a second. Where’s Steve?” you asked. You hadn’t seen him since he dropped off the table banner.
Hal looked behind him and shrugged. “Wasn’t he helping Rose grab decorations for one of the other displays?”
“It shouldn’t take that long, should it?” your boyfriend asked.
As if on cue, Steve rushed into the gym and came to a stop a foot away from the booth. His cheeks were pinker than usual and his hair was a bit of a mess. “Sorry. Rose was showing me around. She’ll be back in a minute.”
Bucky nodded slowly. “Thought you two were getting decorations.”
“Well, yeah. We did. She has them,” he said quickly.
“Check your fly,” Bucky said, nodding to his crotch.
Hal laughed so hard he almost fell over as Steve fixed his pants, you and Tess covering your mouths to not draw more attention as you giggled. “See? If Stevie can have fun in a classroom, so can you.”
The blonde looked slightly offended by the assumption. “We were not in a classroom,” he stated as you all stared in disbelief. It only took a moment for him to smile. “We were in an office. That’s completely different.”
You shared a look with Bucky, practically seeing the lightbulb turn on over his head. “An office?” he repeated.
Steve nodded, pointing to one of the gym doors. “Yeah, the principal's office is that way and the nurse’s office,” he said, smirking when he realized why his best friend was asking. “You’re worse than I am, you know that?”
“Worse than what?” a kind voice rang out, Steve's girlfriend gracefully walking over with a small box in hand. He took it from her hands immediately, like it was too heavy for her.
“Buck was wanting to, um, 'visit' one of the offices,” he replied.
Rose kept a neutral look on her face as she looked at you two. “So he told you,” she said carefully.
The poor guy really can't keep a secret.
“More like his open fly told us,” Hal chuckled, holding up his hands when Steve took a step toward him.
Rose placed a hand on his arm, stopping him in his tracks. “I normally wouldn't encourage this, but since Steve let the cat out of the bag,” she said, smiling when he gave her a lopsided grin. “The teacher's lounge should still be unlocked, but only for a few more minutes and I can't help you if anyone walks in. You're on your own. Got it?”
“Got it,” Bucky chuckled, leaning in close to breathe against your ear. “What do you say, Sugar? Think we can sneak in there? Have a bit of fun before our movie night? Break a few rules?”
The thought had you squeezing your thighs together in anticipation. “Thought you wanted one kiss before you got back to work. Not a quickie.”
“Let’s live dangerously,” he smiled.
Your breath hitched, something in your mind telling you to go along with the crazy idea. It wouldn’t hurt anyone. The two of you would clean up any mess you’d make once you were done. And if Rose, who worked here, had fun with Steve, would it be so wrong for you to do the same?
“You’re a bad influence,” you smiled back as he tugged you by the hand toward the door. “All of you!” you added when Tess laughed and Hal whistled.
But it’s good to be bad now and again, especially with the right partner by my side.
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So, did Bucky fuck you against the door, the vending machine, or on a table? Love and thanks for reading! 🧡
Masterlist ⚓ Bucky Barnes Masterlist ⚓ Ko-Fi
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sergeantbarnessdoll · 2 months
Ice Cream Date » Bucky Barnes/Winter Soldier
Pairings: Boyfriend/Avenger!Bucky Barnes x Mom/Girlfriend!Reader with daughter Mia
Summary: Bucky takes his favorite girls out for ice cream.
Warnings: Fluff, language, nothing but cuteness, Bucky being the best father figure, hugs and kisses, use of nicknames/pet names
Written on my phone. I’m sorry for any mistakes and typos.
Header made by @buckys-wintersoldier
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“Guess who.” Bucky says, wrapping his arms around your waist from behind.
You smiled and turned around. You wrapped your arms around his neck and kissed him passionately. Bucky’s hand found their way to your waist and pulled you against his body. Bucky just got home from a week long mission.
“I missed you so much.” You say against his lips.
“I missed you more.” He says.
“Someone else also missed you.” You tell him.
Bucky knew you were talking about your daughter. Your 4 year old daughter Mia became Bucky’s little light of life. Even though she’s not his biological daughter, he treats her like his own daughter. He loves her with all of his heart. He’d do anything for you and your little girl.
You two went to Mia’s bedroom to see her coloring in one of her many coloring books on the floor. You and Bucky sat on the floor in front of her.
“What are you doing, sweetie?” You asked her.
“Coloring.” Mia says, not looking up from her coloring book.
“Can you look at me please?” You asked.
Mia looks up, her eyes went wide and a canyon fell out of her hand when she seen Bucky.
“Bucky!” She squeals and hugs him, almost tackling him to the floor. “I missed you a lot!” She tells him.
“I missed you too, princess.” Bucky says, kissing the side of her head.
Mia looked up at Bucky and told him about the good things she did while he was on the mission. Bucky listened with the look of adoration on his face. You watched and listened with a smile on your face.
“That’s amazing, princess.” He smiles at her. “I think I should take my girls on an ice cream date. What do you think?” He asks.
Mia nodded her head eagerly. You two smiled at her excitement. Bucky helped her put her shoes and jacket on. You guys went to an ice cream shop that was across the street from the park that Mia loves to play at after school almost everyday which is down the street from the apartment complex you guys live in. Bucky held Mia in his arms so she could get a closer look at the menu.
“What would you like, princess?” Bucky asks her.
Mia studied the menu for a moment and finally found what she wants to get.
“Can I get that one please?” Mia asks curiously, point at the menu while looking at Bucky.
Mia was pointing at a picture of a cup of ice cream with gummy bears, gummy worms, and marshmallows as toppings.
“Yes you can.” He tells her.
Bucky orders for Mia. Then you and Bucky ordered. You guys sat down at a table and Bucky listened to more about the good things Mia did while he was on the mission.
“At daycare, the teachers got new paints and colored paper for painting!” Mia tells Bucky.
“That sounds really cool. You have to paint me something.” Bucky says.
“Can I paint something for uncle Stevie?” She asks.
“Of course you can. I’m sure that he’ll love whatever you paint for him.” He says with a smile.
“I paint something for mommy too!” She says with a smile and looked at you.
“I’m looking forward to it, sweetie.” You say with a smile.
Mia was telling you and Bucky more about the new supplies the daycare got while eating her ice cream.
“I ate all of my ice cream. Can I play at the park?” Mia asks.
“Yes you can.” You say.
You cleaned the excess ice cream off her face before you and Bucky took her to the park. Excitement took over Mia when you guys got to the park. She immediately ran to the slides. The slides are one of her favorite.
“Mommy! Bucky! Watch me!” Mia says, climbing up the ladder to the slide.
You and Bucky watched as Mia slid down the slide. You two smiled at her excitement when she got to the bottom.
“That was so good, sweetie!” You say.
Mia smiles widely and went down the slide a few more times and then begged Bucky to push her on the swings.
“You ready, princess?” Bucky asks Mia after she got on the swing.
“Yes!” She says excitedly.
Bucky didn’t push her too high cause both of you didn’t want her to get hurt if she fell off the swing somehow. After a while, Mia wanted you to push her on the swing. Another few minutes go by when it started to get dark.
“It’s getting dark, sweetie. It’s time to go home.” You tell Mia.
“No!” Mia whines. “I don’t want to leave yet!” She pouts, crossing her arms over her chest.
“Mia…” Bucky warns her. “Listen to mommy.” He says.
Mia grumbled before getting off the swing and went up to Bucky, reaching her arms up and did grabby hands, wanting him to carry her which he happily did.
“Change into your pajamas and I’ll read you a bedtime story.” Bucky says to Mia.
“Ok, Bucky!” Mia says, running to her bedroom.
Bucky took off his jacket and tossed it on the couch before placing his hands on your waist, pulling you against his body and gave you a kiss. You two smiled against each other’s lips.
“Yucky!” Mia shouts, making you two laugh and pull away from each other. “That’s how you get cooties!” She says.
“How do you know about cooties, little miss?” You asked, raising an eyebrow.
“My friends at daycare said that when a boy and a girl kiss they get cooties.” She explains.
“I’m a Super Soldier, princess. I can’t get cooties.” Bucky says.
“How do you know that you don’t have cooties right now?” She asks.
“I just know, sweetheart.” He picks her up. “Enough about cooties. It’s story time!” He says, carrying her to her bedroom.
While Bucky tucked Mia in bed and read her a bedtime story, you got ready for bed. You then walked down the hallway to Mia’s bedroom and leaned against the doorframe, smiling as you listened to Bucky read Mia her favorite bedtime story.
“And they lived happily ever after.” Bucky shut the book and put it on her nightstand. “Goodnight, princess.” He says softly, kissing the top of her head and adjusted her blankets.
Bucky turned on Mia’s night light before around to see you standing in the doorway with a smile on your face. He put his finger against his lips, telling you to be quiet as he gently backed you out of the doorway and closed the door behind him.
“You’re an amazing father figure to Mia.” You say, wrapping your arms around his neck.
“I’m happy to be that person for her.” Bucky leans down and kissed you passionately. “You know…” He kisses you again. “We should have a baby of our own.” He says.
“Mmm, I was thinking the same thing.” You say, kissing him.
“Let’s get to it then, babydoll.” He says.
Bucky picked you up and threw you over his shoulder, a squeak left your lips. He dropped you on the bed and locked the door. He got on the bed and hovered over you.
“You better be quiet, doll.” He says, leaning down to kiss you hungrily.
-Bucky’s Doll
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buckyscombatboots · 2 years
Monstertober Day 8
Careful what you wish for 🕯
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Pairing: Incubus!Bucky Barnes x Reader
Warnings: Initial Somnophilia, dub con, kind of rape, insults/degrading language, biting, scratching, marking, mentions of blood, womb tattoo/sigil, dumbification, aphrodisiac, vibrator, p in v, overstimulation, cunnilingus, demon summoning, beefy!bucky, condescending!Bucky, dark!bucky, praise, fluff
Nicknames: Angel, Doll, sweetness
Word count: 2.5k
A/N: I’m so sorry this is late, I was extremely busy on Halloween with teacher training and university work. But this concludes Monstertober, I have some exciting things planned for November.
༻𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 𝐓𝐚𝐠 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 𝐌𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐭𝐨𝐛𝐞𝐫༺
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Candles…You look around your floor surrounded by heaps of softly glowing candles, their flames waning and brightening again and again as the flame danced in the draft of your room. “Check.” you murmured, casting your eyes back to the grimoire’s aged pages; squinting in the darkness of your room trying to see the faded ink more clearly “stupidly complicated pentagram that took me multiple attempts and almost two hours to draw. Check.” You huffed glaring down at the pentagram drawn in white chalk on your floor, the edges smudged ever so slightly from where you’d repeatedly rubbed it away, only to redraw it wrong again. “An offering.” The book had not specified the offering that you had to provide for the demon, it simply said offering in intricate calligraphy “,how very helpful.” Grumbling you crouched to your knees, placing the grimoire down and scooping up your pile of “offerings” depositing them at random in a small circle inside your pentagram. Your offerings, if you could even call them that, consisted of a some loose change you’d found under and behind furniture, some candies you had lying around from halloween that the children hadn’t taken, a lock of your hair and a deeply personal item—which was the only clear instruction in the list, and you had chosen your trusty pink vibrator. Looking at the pink vibe on the floor made you want to crawl out of your skin in embarrassment, but it made the most sense since it was very deeply personal.
You picked the book back up and seated yourself in the centre of the summoning circle, you could feel your heart rate spike as you glanced down at the page for the summoning words. Your hands shook, palms growing cold and sweaty as you began “Heed my call, hear my cry may it lead you to me from your realm far away. I command you to my side so that we may make a contract.” You bite down on your finger drawing blood and swipe it across the floor “See me now and let me see you.” You blow out the candles around you and wait. You gulp as you sit cross legged in the dark, waiting. The sound of your breathing and your blood rushing makes the silence unbearable.
Nothing happens.
After sitting there for five minutes, you climb to your feet defeated. Tears on your waterline as you throw the book to the floor and flop into bed. You felt so stupid for even thinking that something like that would work, you feel the full weight of your adrenaline rush crashing to ground as curl under your covers rocking yourself to sleep s you mentally prepare for the rent payment tomorrow.
The blown out candles relight simultaneously as he steps out of the red swirling portal “You called?” He looked down expecting to see the person who summoned him, but he found the chalk pentagram staring back at him. He bends down, picking up the book you’d thrown harshly to the floor with a frown. He dusts off the grimoire, tracing the embossing in the leather cover with his blackened fingers, turning down the heat of his brimstone skin so the book doesn't burn. From the corner of his eye he catches your body shifting under the covers. He sets the grimoire gently on your chest of drawers and pads over to your bed “Wake up my little sleeping Angel.” He whispers in a gravelly tone, forming an ‘o’ with his reddened lips and blowing a stream of cold air against your ear lobe making you stir. He seats himself on the edge of your bed trailing his hand across your sleeping form “You’re wearing too much for my liking. Let me help you with that.” He threw the covers off of you and turned you more on to your back so he could peel your baggy shirt off, moving as quiet as a mouse. You were left only in a pair of panties, your comfortable pair that you wore when you knew no one would be seeing them, Bucky smiled at them thumbing the fabric adoringly. He ran his fingers across the middle of your panties till a soaking crease was visible. “Already so horny for me, naughty little human.” Bucky pulled down your panties, taking them into his hand to see the clear, sticky proof of your arousal. He tossed the panties already able to smell the thick scent of your arousal, he knew he had to taste you. He dipped his head down, running his tongue through your folds, groaning at the taste of you. He decided there and then he was going to claim you as his. He sucked on his fingers, getting them wet, before inserting them inside of you. Your walls drew him in, clamping so tightly around his fingers that he could barely move them. His hardened cock twitched as he imagined sliding into you, pounding you awake watching as your pleasured cries turned into pleas for him to stop. He had to stop a wicked grin from spreading across his lips. “You’ve been neglected for so long, Pet. Bucky’s gonna change that don’t you worry sweetheart. Who would neglect such a pretty pussy, so fucking tight.” His fingers start to glide through your spasming walls as they adjust to the thickness of his fingers. He targets the spongy spot inside you, debaucherous wet sounds filing the sleepy silence of your room. He paused as a soft mewl left your lips, your body shifting and your fisted hands tightening their hold on your pillow. He continued his ministrations even as your eyes fluttered open and you finally came to, your pleasured babbling pausing. You stared, horrified at the man sitting at the edge of your bed. Your eyes travelled up to the black horns on his head that looked like a ram's horns then down his red eyed that even in the darkness stuck out like a sore thumb, they shone like road studs in headlights stealing your attention before he opened his mouth displaying sharp, white teeth “Thanks for summoning me, Angel. I can see why you needed an incubus. You seem to be very pent up, but I can fix that for you.” His deep melodic voice made the initial stress you felt drift far away. You gaze drops downwards following the muscle of his neck down to the imposing bulk of his shoulders and arms, the rise and fall of his burly chest becoming hypnotising as his scent reaches your nostrils a mix of myrrh and musk that has your head swimming making you completely forget what he said. The feel of his rough palm cupping your cheek anchors you “I said, thank you for summoning me, Angel.”
“I didn’t summon an incubus. You- You have the wrong house.”
“No need to be coy. It’s fine to need a bit of help.”
“No, I genuinely didn’t summon an incubus. I wanted to Summon a demon that could help me. I'm working two jobs, I’m exhausted, the cost of everything is rising and I just can’t anymore. I'm running myself into the ground. I must have summoned the wrong type of demon.”
“Ah, that's Ari’s department. I’d contact him, but he’s a bit busy with a few cultists. So I guess you’re stuck with me for the time being, but I can help you in a different way, Doll.” His other hand reaches to the side of him and heat floods your cheeks as your eyes lock on the pink vibrator he has between his fingers. He pops it into his mouth like a hard candy and sucks it a little before spitting it back into his palm, pressing the button to turn it on “Nice and ready for you.” He chides, slipping his fingers out of your tight heat replacing the emptiness with the warmed, whirling vibrator. You feel your stomach constrict in pleasure as he guides the pink bullet in further with his fingers, positioning it right against your sweet spot. Shooting you a knowing smile as you sob your walls fluttering around his fingers as you convulse “Such a good girl for me, coming all over my fingers.” Bucky coos taking the vibe out from inside you bringing it to the head of his weeping cock moaning as he rubs it against his precum leaking slit, pumping his length with his other ashen hand “Time for you to take me sweetness.” You try to scramble away from him but he was much quicker than you, sensing your fear before it had even registered inside your brain. His warm rough palm seized your thigh pulling you back in position.
“It won’t fit! You’re going to tear me in two. Please can you just forget I summoned you.”
“Oh, Doll, that’s not how this works. You summoned me, I have duties to fulfill and in exchange for said duties I get your soul. I’m not leaving, this will not be forgotten. Regardless, you need to breathe; I’m not going to ‘tear you in two’ that sigil on your womb will make sure of it and make it pleasurable whilst I do. So calm down for me, I don’t like it when humans make my job more difficult than it has to be so behave and you’ll be rewarded.” His threats wrapped up in a sweet tone making it seem as if he wasn’t patronising you. Despite this you began to calm down, wrapping your legs around his hips and controlling your breathing. Your eyes drifted down his muscular torso, focusing on the intricate tattoo like patterns on his skin to relax your mind. The tattoos brought you down to the deep ‘v’ line of his pelvis and back to his veiny member which he was prodding to your entrance. You were pulled out of the trace-like state that his prominent veins had put you in, as he bottomed out in you until your walls were stretched taut around his meaty shaft. He stays still until the burn subsides, watching as your eyes gain a hazy, spaced out glaze and your mouth drops open in an inaudible moan. He pulls out and thrusts so hard into you that your bed scoots under the force, the sound of skin slapping skin echos through your small room as Bucky snaps his hips into you pushing himself deeper and deeper each time, his movements are slow yet rough making you feel every inch of him as he fucks into your tight heat. A surge of heat spread all the way from your hips to the sole of your feet and the tips of your fingers, you felt almost drunk on pleasure, every single thrust of his hips renewing the heat. Your whole body tingles as he presses the vibrator to your clit “God!” You scream as your legs wrapped around his waist begin to shake.
“Oh no sweet little Angel, God isn’t here. In this room, right now, I am your God. You worship me. I give you pleasure.” He purrs, swirling the vibe on your pulsing pearl as he angles the tip of his cock to hit your sweet spot over an over, drawing the orgasm building inside of you to the surface making you cum with a whimpering cry.
The sound of your blood rushing in your ears filled your senses as you came down from your high, even as you came back to your senses you felt much more distanced from reality; your body felt as if it was submerged in a warm bath, and slowly but surely you were sinking below the water. Your break was cut short by Bucky continuing his thrusts, his hand pressing the vibrator to your now throbbing clit didn’t budge—he instead pushed down more harshly on your clit making your legs quake uncontrollably “Hnng! Please!” Was all you could force out before your tongue became useless, lolling out of your mouth. You came again with a shout, clawing Bucky’s back with your nails as you threw your head back into the pillow, your back arching even further into the air. You came so hard you forgot how to breathe, a heavy weight crushing your chest, as you slumped back into the mattress trying your hardest to breathe Bucky finally removed the vibe from your raw little nub. His palm flattened against your stomach where the sigil was placed rubbing a slow circle that set your nerves on fire, before he brought his hand up to the bulge in your stomach and pressed harshly with his thumb tearing a whimper from your throat.
“Fuck you can see me inside of you, Angel. I’m all up in your guts rearranging them. Turning you into the perfect little cock sleeve, gonna make sure I ruin you for any other man. Oh wait, you won't be taking any other man after me. Because; You. Belong. To. Me.” Her punctuated every word with a rough thrust, bashing your cervix which would usually hurt but whatever he did gave you a supreme, otherworldly amount of pleasure “the sigil is almost full, one more orgasm and my seed should be enough to fill it. Do you think you can take it?” He questions a small smile gracing his lips as he awaits your answer, but all you can do is mumble “So fucked out that you can’t even form a sentence, your heads probably so empty right now, my little fuck doll. It’s okay, you don’t need to think, Angel, let me do that for you; can’t expect a dumb little human like you who can’t even read the pages of a very clear, simple book correctly.” His hand slithers up your body towards your neck, wrapping around your throat before he starts to apply pressure—observing as your body begins to melt into the mattress. His thrusts continued and paired with the lack of oxygen bright flashes of white flicker across your vision. All your nerves began to thrum as you felt another orgasm coming, your wall clamped around him as you got closer to the edge. You could feel his cock twitching inside you, he released your neck allowing air to flow back into your lungs as he dipped his head down to your shoulder inking his teeth into your skin. The overwhelming sensations of lightheadedness, pleasure and pain threw your senses into orbit as you came your pussy squeezing his cock as you raked your nails across his back hard enough to draw blood. Bucky gave a few more weak, uncoordinated thrusts before he painted your insides with a wanton moan gripping the pillow hard enough for it to tear. You could barely comprehend your surroundings, you felt as if you were made of air and if Bucky let go of you you’d dissipate. Your heart hammered against your rib cage, as you stared up at Bucky’s handsome face; his sweat darkened hair glued to his forehead. He let out a chuckle, his hand caressing the sigil at your womb “Happy Halloween, Angel. This is the last one you’ll ever have to spend alone. The contract has been made and now, you belong to me. Forever.”
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