#takes place after the boys went out for a motorcycle ride
aii-ki · 3 days
You belong to me — yjw : Biker jw + toxic (?) ✉ wc : 1.2k
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Note: luv jw also this is rushed and bad srry
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Jungwon was always there for you. Crying? He has tissues and ice cream. Stressed? He's calming you down and holding you. Boy treats you badly? He's beating him up the next day.
Granted he thinks you're unaware of him beating boys up for you but when every boy who makes you upset randomly comes into school with a black eye and isn't talking to you, it's not hard to guess who did it.
Anyone who knows him would say he was in love with you and knowing him for so long you just can't see it.
He's flirty and he's protective, but he's never once told you he likes you like that. This is why when he makes you feel the way you feel, it's ten times more agonizing.
"I just don't get why you still want him... have a crush on someone better"
"No one else wants to date me wonie."
"Say's who?"
"Says the fact that no guy beside you talks to me... I mean I'm surprised he even showed interest in me"
Jungwon smirked seeing that text pop up. He knew it was his fault that no one talked to you. Granted he didn't mean to do it, it's not like he threatened every guy in school. It just happened.
The way he lingered over your figure, the way he was wherever you were at all times, the glare he'd give to boys googling you. At this point, the boys gave up. If Jungwon was around they didn't bother talking to you, especially cause a lot of them assumed you were dating anyway. It annoyed Jungwon that this boy didn't think the same as the others.
"mmm date me ;)"
You were too in shock to reply to his boldness so you just waited till the 3 dots popped up again.
"I'm kidding"
You sent a rolling eye emoji back. Not planning on amusing the flirtiness
"Good night wonie"
"nooo you can't leave me baby :("
"It's 10pm... we both need to go to bed"
"mm orrr instead of sleeping.. i pick you up and we go for a drive" Whenever Jungwon offered to drive you around you knew it would end up with you sleeping over at his house, which was his plan, but you didn't need to know that
After contemplating for a while you agreed.
Not too long after you hear the roaring of his motorcycle engine, so you hopped out of bed and raced downstairs, trying not to wake your parents.
When walking to his bike the visor to his helmet was lifted up, you could see him smirking, looking you up and down.
He get's up off the bike and walks over to you, he places the helmet on your head, it was a pale pink helmet he bought specifically for you, perfect contrast to his sheer jet black helmet.
Finally on the freeway, you held on to Jungwon's waist, practically digging your head into his shoulder. You enjoyed riding with Jungwon, the shining city lights, the cool race cars that came out at night, the way Jungwon would take you to whatever store and spoil you. It was fun.
What you didn't expect was for Jungwon to take you to a street race. You knew he went to them but he had never taken you to one before. Jungwon could tell you were confused, he chuckled at your puzzled look. "I wanted to show you off a bit," he says with an attempted wink.
But it only left you more confused, "Show me off?" you take your helmet off
Instead of giving you a proper answer he simply just took your hand and walked you over to a group of guys, they were all rallying around a few expensive racing cars, "Here comes Jungwonie" One of them said in a teasing manner
Jungwon just rolled his eyes before speaking up "Everyone this is name" A few of the boys said hello and were kind enough but one kept silent. He looked you up and down as he leaned on the car behind him, his brows furrowed and his eyes narrowed "What are you doing with a boy like Jungwon?" followed up by a chuckle
Both you and Jungwon were slightly confused but you asked him what he meant. "Oh nothing, nothing I just," he paused for a minute "I don't want you to get hurt that's all" You turned your head slightly at his remark and he smirked as he continued "You're a cute girl you know? This just isn't the safest place" You looked at Jungwon with confusion, and Jungwon was looking at the man with a pissed-off look, tongue in his cheek, he threw his arm around your shoulder and started "Knock it off"
"What? I'm just letting her know she should be careful.. that's all." The boy stated as he started to walk away, ending off with a wink. You weren't sure what he meant by any of it, as it was pretty out of the blue so you asked Jungwon who was still glaring at the boy but he mumbled "Don't worry about it"
After that Jungwon kind of just dragged you around all night, talking to his friends, showing off his motorcycle, etc.
He had his arm wrapped around you practically all night but he let go of you for a split second to talk to some girl, as he did the boy from earlier grabbed your arm.
You yelped in shock as he spun you around to look at him, "Hey cuttieee" he dragged out
You let out a small hi as you kept glancing at Jungwon, hoping he'd come to intervene. "You know, I don't think Jungwon's the right guy for you.." You whipped your head back around to look at him with confusion "What do you mean?" He smiled "He's toxic, doesn't know how to treat a girl properly you know?" You looked at him with even more confusion
"Hmm, why don't I take you to my house? Hm? Show you what a real man is" He put his face close to yours, you could tell he had been drinking from the whiskey on his breath.
Starting to get nervous you politely declined and tried to wiggle out of his grip, just as he gripped your arm harder you heard a familiar voice from behind you "The fuck? Let go of her" When the boy didn't listen Jungwon pushed him off of you, and he tumbled backward bumping into a car "What was that for dude?" The boy questioned
Jungwon and the man started yelling back and forth, luckily the car engines were too loud for anyone to notice the situation.
Giving up Jungwon rolls his eyes, grabs your wrist, and walks off to his bike, thinking the guy gave up as well cause he didn't follow you two.
Eventually, after a while of driving you guys pulled up to your house, Jungwon walked you to the front porch, still holding on to your wrist, before you could open the door he turned you around and placed his hands on your face, slightly tilting your chin up, he kissed you.
He was slightly aggressive but not in a mean way, more so in an "I've been waiting for this" way.
It felt like it lasted forever, his lips were soft and it was sweet.
He finally let go, after a bit of silence he smirked
"Go inside, it's cold out here." Was all he muttered before walking off to his bike and leaving you at your door, blushing and confused.
Later that night, around 1am after you fell asleep, he texted you nothing but an "I love you"
Guess you really have to drop that crush of yours
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@ Aii-ki
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butterhhr · 6 months
" 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚜 𝚊𝚋𝚘𝚞𝚝 𝚍𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚖 "
𝙲haract𝚎r𝚜: 𝙲𝚑𝚒𝚏𝚞𝚢𝚞, 𝙺𝚊𝚣𝚞𝚝𝚘𝚛𝚊, 𝙺𝚎𝚒𝚜𝚞𝚔𝚎, 𝙼𝚊𝚗𝚓𝚒𝚛𝚘𝚞, 𝙳𝚛𝚊𝚔𝚎𝚗, 𝙼𝚒𝚝𝚜𝚞𝚢𝚊, 𝚂𝚘𝚞𝚢𝚊, 𝙽𝚊𝚑𝚘𝚢𝚊, 𝚁𝚒𝚗𝚍𝚘𝚞
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Chifuyu Matsuno:
- Him not admitting jealousy when you spend more time with baji than with him
- Kazutora flirting with you to irritate Fuyu
- He freaks out when you or Baji kidnap Peke J
- When you two fight, he says that Peke J is sad and that you need to talk to each other again
- You watching chifuyu vent with peke j
- Seeing chifuyu sad and disappointed when peke j prefers you over him
- He cries for the slap you gave him after he once again forgot to buy Peke J's food
- One of your dates with him was reading manga at his house. (you two always do this at least once a week)
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Kazutora Hanemiya:
- keisuke flirting with you (revenge for when kazu flirts with baji's girlfriend)
- you helping him with his problems (his free therapist)
- him hitting on a waiter who flirted with you
- him thinking you want to break up when you ignore him ( you were wearing headphones and didn't hear what he said)
- you were avoiding his food (you don't know if that mess is trustworthy)
- him showing up at your house at 3am because he couldn't sleep
- him staring at you for more than 5 minutes straight
- he angry when you go to feed kittens with baji without him
- him getting desperate when he doesn't know where you went
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Keisuke baji:
- He says he hates physical contact, but if you don't give him hugs, he gets sulky with you
- Gossip about him with his mother
- Feed kittens with him and chifuyu
- Being “kidnapped” by him at dawn, to take you on a motorcycle ride
- You helping him study (you just get angry)
- He fights with anyone who flirts with you (the person just asked for information about a place)
- After a fight between the two of you, say that Ryoko invited you to have lunch at his house (which his mother denies and says he was just missing you)
- Once again see kazutora flirting with you
- You two stealing peke j from chifuyu to see him suffering from worry
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- him calling you sweetie
- him taking you to his room (to do dirty things) in a hurry whenever he has time in his schedule (sometimes it happens on the bike)
- him throwing a tantrum when you don't buy the dorayaki he ordered for you buy (he didn't ask)
- you being the biggest spoon at bedtime
- him not letting you hug him when he's mad at you.
-you and Draken leaving him in the cafeteria because you two are annoyed with Mikey.
- You and Emma fighting with Mikey because he left the toilet seat open
- Him hitting on any guy who makes you uncomfortable (or makes him jealous)
- Him supporting you to hit on the girl (or boy) who flirted with him
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- Mikey always getting involved in your dates (Draken hates it when Mikey does that, so he never told Mikey where and when you were going to meet)
- Draken doesn't like you getting involved with anything related to the gang (he only takes you to meetings because Emma says she needs company and loves you, and Mikey also bothers him with that)
- you with jealous of Emma at the beginning of the relationship and he just laughed and gave you a kiss saying he loved you.
- him loving it when you sleep on his chest (especially when you run your hand over his abdomen)
- him stopping by your house before stopping by Mikey's
- him letting Mitsuya pick you up somewhere when he can't
- him buying you candys because knows you love it
- him ignoring Mikey's calls when you guys are on a date
- he loves it when you guys are having sex and you kiss his abs (he gets hornier)
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- Win pieces of clothing made by him for special festivities (your birthday, Valentine's Day, dating anniversary and Christmas)
- His sisters preferring you to him (they already asked if you could take them to your house)
- Mana and Luna making you turn against Mitsuya (just so they have your support whenever they do something wrong)
- When you and his sisters do something stupid, Hakkai helps you hide it so Mitsuya doesn't find out
- He loves having a picnic with you
- Him buying you flowers and chocolates when you are sad
- He loves cooking for you
- He always walks with his hand on your waist or on your shoulders
- He thinks it's cute when you get jealous of the girls at the club (he always sets limits on the girls)
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- Having nahoya threaten you if you hurt souya
- Sleeping holding it, with a bunch of stuffed animals next to it
- Having nahoya trying to meddle in the relationship
- Dates at your house or his (watching movies together)
- He thinks you're mad at him when u takes so long to respond (you were just sleeping)
- When you two fight (a rare thing), the reason for the fight is nahoya
- Nahoya learning to stop interfering in your relationship because you make his brother happy
- You finishing his curls (if you have curly hair he finishes yours)
- Him putting the stuffed animals you give him as gifts on his bed (he only sleeps with his favorites)
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- He loves spanking your ass
- Him making jokes that end up hurting you
- Your dates with him are usually at parties (he doesn't know how to be romantic, it's up to you)
- He always leaves hickeys on your neck
- He sleeps with his hand on your butt (sometimes he uses your butt as a pillow)
- Him wanting to straighten his hair and you two fighting because you don't want to let him straighten it
- Him making you ramen as a show of affection
- He often brings his brother on any date between the two of you (his brother who has to refuse to go out just the two of you)
- You forcing him to massage you after a fight, and him complaining (you hitting him and him shutting up)
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- Language of love being gifts
- He invites you to parties where he will play as a DJ
- Ran flirting with you just to irritate Rin
- You and Ran hiding Rin's glasses and him getting angry
- You dyeing a strand blue to match him and him saying that this is ridiculous (he loved it and Ran confirmed it to you)
- Ran showing you Rindou's baby photos (him being embarrassed)
- Him forcing you to go to parties that Ran forces him to go to - He likes to show that he knows how to play the DJ table
- He doesn't show that he loves you when you praise him
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- Izana is jealous of your relationship with Shini (he accepted it over time)
- You spend most of your day in the S.S. MOTOR with Shini to keep him company
- Mikey when he does something wrong asks for your help, and you taking his side, making Shini give up fighting with Mikey ( he's afraid when you get mad )
- Always get questions from Emma, Mikey and Shini's friends about why you chose him
- Buying things for you, like a candy or a perfume that you like (this makes you happy, so he does it even if he has no money)
- Receive hugs full of grease, because he gets dirty and loves hugging you all day long (and with kisses on the neck as a bonus)
- Mr Sano complaining about Shini with you
- Him trying to cook for you (it went wrong so he asked Emma for help)
- He can only sleep when he's with you (you have a house, but it's useless since you only stay at the sano's house)
N/a: It wasn't that good, but I decided to post it because I had nothing to do
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delulu-sushi · 4 months
Mikey-Kun Wedding/Proposal HC!!!
Sry I haven't posted recently ;(. Requests r open!!! (Feel free to ask for any anime, I'll see what i can do) Future Motorcycle racer Mikey ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Enjoy!~~~~~~~~~~~~
✧ From the moment he saw you, he knew he wanted you to be his, his Sano
✧ After you guys have been together for a good while, he'll definitely start thinking about marriage and having a family
⋄❥ Although tbh, he would talk about it all the time, every year
✧ The first thing he'll do is slowly try to incorporate talks of marriage and family to see your reaction, he wants it to be a surprise
✧ When you answer with a smile, he knows, you're ready
✧ He will go to Mitsuya the next moment to get EVERYTHING ready - the man hasn't even proposed yet. He takes Mitsuya's opinion on color, designs, etc. bc ur Mitsuya's #1 consumer
✧ He will be super fidgety and start internally screaming when it's time to propose, but he knows you won't hurt him
✧ He loves you so much don't reject the baby boi
You make him the happiest man in the universe
❧ He calls all his friends to boast the new "Fiancé" status, and makes sure you're there to see his reaction
❧ He will immediately start planning the whole wedding scene and talk about it with you -> Late night bed talks
❧ He will start calling you "Wife" in his head, and blushes a little every time
❧ Midnight rides to all your favorite places
❧ He wants an extravagant Wedding to make it the most memorable day of your life
❧ He doesn't release the engagement to the public, and doesn't like gathering attention to his personal life. Fans are one thing, media is another.
❧ He will travel the world with you, enjoying your last months before becoming wife and husband
You went from his companion to princess to queen to empress to goddess, you're his everything
❥ The wedding is extravagant, and he makes you feel like a diamond
❥ A lot of white, but some hints of blue and purple
❥ LOTS of dessert, he has a dorayaki on the cake
❥ He looks his most handsome, hair combed how you like it, and a tailor maid outfit by Mitsuya that you absolutely adore. You feel proud that this is your man
❥ The moment you enter, his eyes land on you immediately, and he can't stop staring. The way your dress embodies your heavenly beauty, the way your hair enhances your face, and how the hickey he gave you last night peeks out a bit, despite the make up artists' best efforts to hide it
❥ He never leaves your side. He's not clingy, but he wants to spend every moment with you.
❥ Everyone is happy for you two.
❥ He sheds a tear when you get married and happy cries when you two are alone
❥ He has the first dance with you, in a beautiful garden, under the moonlight, lights shining on the two of you
❥ He records the entire thing and shows it to your kids when they are getting married
He's your world
A/N: Kinda wrote this half-asleep... Would you guys like me to write this as a scenario?
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hanjsquokka · 5 months
Better Than The Books - [ Han Jisung ]
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📚 SYNOPSIS : Growing up, you were a sucker for romance. The thought of finding the one was your dream since you were kid. You were searching for true love in the wrong places because the only one you needed was right next to you.
GENRE : romcom, fake dating, best friends to lovers, idiots in love, college au, fluff, smut, slight angst
PAIRING : han jisung × fem!reader
CONTENT WARNING : will contain swearing, mature content such as drinking, smut (probably?), and a mean minho (but i love him very much so no hate <3)
minors dni. if you click read, you agree to nsfw content
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RULE NO. 1 - make minho jealous : You thought you found love when you dated Lee Minho — the resident bad boy of your college. He dropped you off at your classes on his motorcycle, took you out for late night rides and gave you flowers. But you were just another girl for him. He broke your heart, leaving your one and only best friend Han Jisung to pick up the pieces. You wanted to get back at your ex-boyfriend for playing with you like that. How? You fake date your best friend of course.
TAGLIST : @raeinydays @moon0fthenight @skzstaykatsy @imsiriuslyreal @rockstrhanji @bbokari711 @cupidcures @chans-muffin @adestayskz @hyperpixie
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The neon lights were almost blinding as music vibrated throughout the club. Hot, sweaty people moving to the beats as they danced all around. The air smelled of beer. Your own shot glass of vodka was in your hands as you swayed to the music. The adrenaline still hadn't worn off from the performance that ended a few moments ago. The boys were done, as far as you knew, so he'd be here any second. It was like he did it on purpose, flaunting those dark curls — a hairstyle you mentioned might look good on him. You hadn't expected for him to actually sport it at his band's first performance in a club off campus. Paired with that black shirt and those chains and rings — all train of thought left you as you downed your nth shot of vodka.
Maybe it was because of the alcohol coursing through your system, you thought it was him who was walking towards you with that lustful gaze. Jisung wrapped his hands low around your waist and pulled you closer. “How was I?” His voice was deep and seductive. His fingertips sent sparks of electricity wherever he touched you.
His mere presence sobered you up almost instantly, that faint buzz in your brain going away. “Amazing. As always. I like your hair.” Your hands went up to touch the dark locks. Blurred lines of friendship, but who cared? Maybe the rational part of you did, wondering if this was all a game or not. It was you who started it, but Han Jisung hated losing. He was going to make sure he was victorious and he was going to make sure he enjoyed teasing you along the way.
“Someone mentioned I might look good in them.” A smirk played on his lips as you met his eyes again. You could stare at him for ages and never get bored. His honeyed skin. His big brown eyes. That heart shaped smile. Rules were flying out the window as you felt a magnetic pull from him, drawing you closer. He was like a siren and you were his prey, his alluring voice being the only thing he needed to lure you into his trap. You felt like you were thirteen again, realizing that you have fallen for your own best friend. Even though it's been a decade since then, the feelings were still fresh. And now… all you had to do was close the distance. “Y/n…” He murmured. His lips were so close. “I'm sorry —”
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Two weeks earlier
Of all days, today was the day your alarm decided to betray you. Final exams were coming up and your professor told the class he'd be taking a special lecture to cover everything on the syllabus — but your alarm just chose to not ring and you ended up missing the entire 10AM class.
Okay, maybe it wasn't a good idea to stay up reading romance novels after you finished studying but in your defense, you've had a rough week. You thought you found love when you dated Lee Minho — the resident bad boy of your college. He dropped you off at your classes on his motorcycle, took you out for late night rides and gave you flowers. But you were just another girl for him. He broke your heart exactly three months after he made it official. At the café where you went on your first date with him.
In his words, I'm sorry Y/n but you're just not it for me and I met this other girl I really liked.
Dick move, Lee Minho.
You went through the five stages of depression in the span of three days only to wind up at stage two again — anger. It infuriated you to know that Minho did not, not only to you, but so many other girls. Your friends warned you about him being a player. But your naive self thought you could change him.
The past day and a half, you were only thinking about one thing — how to get back at him. How do you show him that he is just another guy and that you could do so much better. You ended up reading. Reading calmed you down and gave you a peace of mind. At least that's what you told yourself every time you picked up a book. Last night, you read Better Than The Movies at two in the morning, fueled only by Red Bull and the need to know if Liz and Wes kissed or not.
Romance novels were your thing. It was what bonded you and your mother before she passed away. She read fairytales about a princess finding her prince and living happily ever after, away from evil stepmothers and wicked witches because true love triumphed over all right? You've always believed in the concept of love and soulmates. You believe that the one for you was out there, waiting to be found.
You thought it was Minho until he ended up as an asshole.
“Matcha frappuccino for the lady.” Jisung set down a coffee cup with your favorite Starbucks drink, instantly brightening up your mood. You picked it up and gulped down quite a bit of the cold drink. Jisung chuckled, setting down his baseball hat and running his hand through his hair. “I just blew half my wallet on that and you finished it in less than a minute.”
“Very funny. I just love coffee. Especially this very specific coffee.”
“Because it's expensive?”
“Because I only get to have it when someone buys it for me cause I am broke and I cannot afford this.” Jisung rolled his eyes to your response. Your best friend had been unusually kind this week — you figured it was the whole Minho thing. He was well acquainted with your ex-boyfriend because his band mates from 3RACHA were in the same class as him and they were his friends. You've known Jisung for longer than you can remember. It was like you two were destined to be friends. Your parents were friends which ended up in you two becoming friends. You were also, coincidentally, born only a day apart and lived right next door to each other.
He was the one constant thing in your life. He was there when you fell down a slide and scratched you knee. He was there when you first learned how to ride a bike. He was there when your mom died. He was there when your dad married another lady. You didn't hate your stepmother, no, she was actually a nice person. But Jisung was there during every cross road you had in life. You were practically joined at the hip and you knew everything about each other. Your bond ran so much deeper than it seemed.
Of course you had a silly little crush on him when you were twelve but that crush soon died when he go his first girlfriend and then another and as the years went by, that crush dulled out. You were happy with him being your best friend.
“Earth to Y/n?” Jisung waved his hand in front of your face. You blinked out of your little daydream and focused back on him. “This is why you're not supposed to stay up so late studying.”
“Fun fact, I wasn't studying.”
He groaned. “Reading? Really?” He ran his hands through his dark hair. “Which book?”
“Better than the movies.”
“Ah, that one with the romance obsessed girl? What was her name… Linda — no, Liz! Yeah, Liz. I can see why you like it.”
You looked at him quizzically. Han Jisung didn't like romance novels so he certainly didn't read them. At least that's what he told you. Never in your whole life have you seen him read anything other than manga. Half of his ego was because of his abnormally large collection of manga and anime. “How do you know the main character's name?”
“You were literally texting me about the book yesterday.”
“Oh yeah.” You still didn't remember texting him, but then again you probably did and you forgot because lately you seemed to have the memory of a goldfish.
“I think you should dial down on the caffeine.”
“Would you rather me drinking beer?”
“Oh god no. You're a nightmare when you're drunk.” Jisung laughed, which made you laugh too. He had a way of distracting you from whatever you were thinking about — in a good way. He didn't want you to get too into your own head, especially with what happened with Minho.
Your expression fell as soon as you thought about the boy. You just couldn't stop thinking about it. What did you do that made him uninterested? Where did you go wrong? Was it the lame jokes you made? Or how you dropped by his class every now and then so you could go somewhere for lunch?
Minho was a reserved person. To everyone else, he was a cold, yandere-type guy who was a player. To you, well, he was someone you loved dearly. Loved. Past tense. You hated him now. You hated him since the moment you saw him with another girl right in front of you. The same girl he told you not to worry about. So ironic, you mentally scoffed.
Two can play that game.
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“Holy shit, you're actually insane.” That was Han Jisung's first reaction to your crazy idea. He started to pace around his apartment while you sat on the couch. “Don't just sit there and act like you haven't dropped a bomb on me!”
“It's a good idea.” You replied nonchalantly.
“Good idea? Good idea? Y/n, for the love of all things holy- the only way to describe your idea is insane. It's insanity. It's right up there with robbing a bank. Actually, robbing a bank would be easier.” He let out an exasperated sigh. “I need a drink.” He went to his fridge and took out a bottle of tequila and a small glass. After downing the cup, he turned back to you. “Let me get this straight, you want to fake date me — your best friend of the past twenty three years of our existence — just to get back at your ex-boyfriend? To make him jealous?”
“Yes.” You nodded.
“You want me to kiss you and hug you and go on dates with you?”
“Fake dates.” You clarified.
“Oh right, sorry. Fake dates.” He said sarcastically, rolling his eyes as he went back to pacing.
“And no kissing unless absolutely necessary.”
“Of course.” He massaged his temples before he turned around and walked towards where you were sitting. “Y/n. I ask this with pure love.” He crouched down right in front of you with the most concerned expression you've ever seen him in, placing his hands on your cheeks so you could look him straight in the eyes. “Have you lost your shit?”
Only Jisung could say something like that with an expression like that. You stood up from the couch and face him while crossing your arms. Jisung stood up as well, his hands in his hoodie pockets. “You're making this such a big deal. Everything is gonna be the same. It's just the both of us hanging out. We'll go to fun cafés or that amusement park you've been wanting to go to —”
“It's not a big deal for you.” He clenched his jaw and closed his eyes for a second before focusing on you again. You could tell there was so much more than he was letting on. He ran his hands through his hair and squatted to the ground with a loud groan. “You know I can't say no to you. Why are you doing this to me?”
“Two weeks. I promise. Two weeks and this is done and we can go back to being friends.” You said, trying to hide how desperate you were. “Please, Jisung.”
Usually, you could read your best friend like an open book. He was very expressive with his face and could barely hide whatever he was thinking of at that moment. But as the years went by, you could see he'd mastered the art of concealing his true feelings. Even now, you couldn't decipher what he was thinking behind those brown eyes as they became unfocused. “Why me? Why not… someone else you know?”
“Minho is not going to give a shit unless it's you. You're my best friend. You're the one guy I told him he would never have to worry about. Just like how he told me that she was just a friend. Just a friend, my fucking ass.” Your throat burned as you took a sharp inhale. “So are you going to help me or not?”
“I'll help you.” He said after a beat. He placed both his hands on the back of his neck and stared up at the ceiling. “I'll help you get your revenge.” He looked back at you. “But you have to promise me that we're going to be okay. I'm not risking my friendship over some dipshit.”
“We'll be fine. I promise.”
“You're confident.”
“Of course I am. What could go wrong?”
There was a flicker in his eyes and they darkened as he strode towards you, leaning down so you were eye to eye. He was so close, you could smell the cologne you bought him for Christmas. “Promise me you'll still be my friend, no matter what happens. Promise me you'll never hate me. Promise me… that this is all pretend.” You swallowed thickly and nodded. The words were stuck in your throat the second he came into such close proximity to you in such a… sensual way.
This was not the Han Jisung you knew. The shy, playful boy you've hung out with all your life. This was the Han Jisung your friends rave about. The Jisung from 3RACHA, the youngest in their little trio, one of the hottest boys on campus (your friend's words, not yours). You knew he wasn't a virgin by all means. He had his fair share of girlfriends and one night stands. But he was decent about it. You never understood why he kept breaking up with people, but you knew he wasn't someone like Minho. He wasn't dating for the thrill. But now… You didn't know what to think.
“Are you sure you can handle this?” He questioned, not moving a muscle. You were so close, you could feel his breath on your face and the minty smell from the gum he was chewing. Could you handle this? It was like he threw a lit matchstick onto kerosene. An old dull flame sparked inside you. A feeling you'd tucked away into the farthest part of your heart because you knew that Han Jisung was unattainable. He was your best friend. But with this new idea, you weren't sure how far you could blur the lines before friendship turned into something far more dangerous?
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AUTHOR'S NOTE : I was so excited while writing this and I wanted it to be perfect, you know? So I rewrote the scenes multiple times. Let me know what you guys think <3
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©hanjsquokka | copying, translating or republishing my work is strictly prohibited
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solitarydemise · 1 month
I Just Ride
!BikerEddieMunson !FemReader
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Summary:In the hot California summer,you meet a motorcycle gang and one of them is different than anything else for you.
Warnings:Making out,smoking,alcohol,depressed reader,sh scars,+18 Only
While you were thinking about what to buy in front of the cooler at the gas station,you looked at the long-haired boy who was looking at the Jack Daniels bottles from the alcohol shelf next to you. After a few seconds,you a cola from the fridge. While you were waiting to pay when you went to the cash register,you heard a voice behind you "Nice shirt." The long haired boy said that while waiting behind you. You smiled "Nice jacket" he was wearing a leather jacket with patches on it. His bangs were stuck to his forehead because of the heat. You didn't talk at all until you paid. When you came out,you leaned your back against the wall and took out the pack of cigarettes from the back pocket of your jean shorts. Soon,the long-haired boy came out of the shop and placed the alcohol he bought in the bag behind his parked motorcycle. As you watched him from the wall you were leaning on,he turned his gaze to you and looked at you for a few seconds. He closed the bag and raised his hand slightly. You waved back to him with his gesture. He was standing a few feet away from you "I'm Eddie." he said.
“Y/N,” you walked towards him,encouraged by his introduction of himself.He smiled at you "Nice to meet you Y/N". You smiled a little shyly "Your motorcycle is cool" Eddie grinned "I know,right,".His gaze kept wandering over your face and the Iron Maiden t-shirt you were wearing. It wasn't hard to tell that he was impressed by you just from his looks. Eddie turned to you a few seconds later when his friends called him "Care to join?". It didn't make sense to join a motorcycle group with a varying age range that you just met. There were a few girls among the others,but you still weren't sure. But god damn,he was looking at you in such a way that it seemed impossible to refuse. "Because I would like to continue my conversation with you.". you smiled and put your hands in the back pocket of your shorts "Sure, why not?". Eddie was pleased with your answer "Hop on." When he got on his motorcycle,you sat behind him on the bike,supporting from his shoulders.He turned his head slightly back "Hold on tight, I'm not the type who likes to be slow." you giggled and wrapped your arms around Eddie's waist.
After a few minutes,the motorbike journey started to be more fun than you expected. Thanks to the wind,Eddie's hair was blowing towards your face and it was impossible not to admire the beautiful scent of his hair. You were watching the canyons you passed by and you closed your eyes and felt the wind. After a few seconds,you felt more comfortable and pulled your hands back from Eddie's waist. When Eddie saw that you were getting used to it,he grinned and turned his head back again "You loved it,don't you?" You laughed "I fucking loved it!" When Eddie suddenly accelerated,you reflexively let out a little scream and held on tightly to Eddie's waist. Eddie laughed at your fear and spoke without taking his eyes off the road "Don't get too used to it sweetheart,the roads can be cruel."
When Eddie drove faster was ahead of the crew,there were meters between you. When you turned your head back,you saw that the the others were much further away from you. You were going to an unknown place on the motorcycle of a man you did not know and now you were having more fun than ever. You were fucking crazy,but you were free. Soon enough,when you stopped in an area,there were other bikers. When Eddie helped you off the bike,you looked around and everyone was yelling his name. A boy came up to Eddie "Here is my Munson,where have you been?" So that was his last name, Munson. Eddie talked with his friend for a few seconds then pointed at you "This is my friend Y/N. We met about an hour ago or so." he giggled. When he smiled,his eyes narrowed and he looked very cute. He held your hand and tugged you gently as you walked towards the other corner "Don't leave my side,I don't want these cannibals to get close to my girl" he laughed in a cute voice and looked at you. The man who looked tough on the outside was actually as cute as a child.
While you were thinking about how handsome Eddie was,someone put an arm around your shoulder "Cannibal? You're rude,Edward". A woman with tattoos and half of her hair shaved was staring at you. Eddie laughed and looked at you "Y/N, this is my best friend Bob's girlfriend Alex,she's actually pretty useless." You all laughed and Alex looked at the two of you "What is such a beautiful girl doing next to this monster?Did you kidnap her?". Eddie laughed "No, she's not my girlfriend,we just met today." You smiled "Yes,I saw him at the gas station an hour ago and now I'm here." Alex looked at you in surprise "I admire your courage" she turned to Eddie "I like this girl" she clapped Eddie on the shoulder and walked over to the others. Eddie looked after Alex and then turned back to you "Usually,she hates everyone,you are the chosen one" You let out a small laugh and fixed your hair "I'm proud". Eddie continued "By the way, we'll be here until dark,then we'll go to the motel in the evening. Is that okay with you?" You nodded "Yeah, sure."
Eddie leaned his head against the wall next to him "Not much of a talker,huh?” you smiled and you shrugged "I don't know,I spend most of my time alone,I don't get a chance to talk." you giggled.Eddie continued, "I get it...I seriously get it.Do you know what my nickname was in high school? Freak Munson" You giggled and leaned your head against the wall as well, "I think being a freak isn't bad at all." Eddie smiled "Yes, but hanging out with kids that five years younger than you and still can't graduating grom highschool is a bit of being a freak. And I still remember the suppressed loneliness inside me then,you just need to find your people." He was right. Maybe he was really getting what you're trying to say,he understood you in minutes on matters that your family did not understand you for so long.
You and Eddie talked for hours,forgetting about the others. You got to know each other better and he was someone you really felt good with. Fun, clever,charming man. They had lit a big fire and everyone was drinking and chatting around it. Eddie grabbed your hand and pulled you towards the others. You both sat in a corner and you leaned your head on Eddie's shoulder. It wasn't good to get attached and trust someone so quickly,but this was Eddie Munson. He was the one.
After a few minutes, Eddie's best friend Bob stood up and said "Okay,I want to make a speech". "Oh fuck he's drunk again." Eddie said. Everyone started laughing and Bob looked at Eddie "No I'm not,asshole.Okay,okay everyone I love is here, my friends. I want to do this in your presence on this important day, Alex" He took his girlfriend by the hand and stood her up "I have known you for 3 years and I have loved you since that day, I want to take my love for you more seriously in every sense. You are the woman of my life and you will always remain so." With what Bob said, you lifted your head from Eddie's shoulder and began to watch the two of them carefully. "Alex,will you marry me?" Everyone was looking at the two of them in surprise, Bob was on his knees in front of Alex with a ring. This situation made you very emotional because you knew you could never experience a moment like this. You were never the first choice,no one ever looked into your eyes with love. While you were lost in thought,Alex had already accepted Bob's marriage proposal and everyone was clinking their bottles. You sat down silently and started watching people, Eddie noticed you and looked at you "What happened princess?". You looked at Eddie and smiled "Nothing,I guess I'm just a little tired." Eddie nodded "Okay, do you want to go to the motel?".
You arrived at the motel after Eddie notified the others and Eddie was talking with a guy while you looked around the lobby. ""Two single rooms, but it would be better if they were side by side". You looked at Eddie "No need for a different room,I'll stay with you. If that's okay." Eddie looked at you for a few seconds “Yeah,I don't mind.”.
When you entered the room Eddie dropped his backpack on the bed and looked at you "I have a clean t-shirt in my bag if you want" You smiled "Thank you" you took one of the t-shirts from Eddie's bag and went to the bathroom and closed the door. You paused for a few seconds when you saw your reflection in the mirror. You had a strange emotional state, you could explode at the slightest thing. While your day was going pretty normal,everything came crashing down when you saw Alex and Bob. Things like this made you really sad,you were so fragile for everything. You started to cry silently,what were you doing right now?Why were you in a motel miles from home with someone you didn't know? Why was everything hurting you so much?Why were you making dangerous decisions to make your life fun and livable?. You took off your t-shirt and put on Eddie's clean t-shirt as you silently cried and thinked about the things how shitty they are. You took a deep breath while crying unintentionally. Eddie must have heard this because he came to the door a few seconds later "Y/N,are you okay?" You cleared your throat and wiped your tears "Yeah,I'm fine"
A few minutes later you walked out of the bathroom and looked at Eddie sitting on the couch. He rested his hand on his cheek and looked at you, "What's wrong?" You didn't answer him at first and he pointed to side of the couch "Come,come on.".
You sat next to Eddie on the couch and sniffed. “Do you ever...sometimes uhm,sometimes you just feel like crying and wondering why are you even alive. Even when there's nothing there?” Eddie looked at you and watched your face for a few seconds. “Many times.” You looked at Eddie "When will this end?"
"Never" Eddie said "If you don't fix this yourself it will never end, it's your life Y/N you run everything. You chose to come with me today because you wanted to,you wouldn't have done it if you didn't want to,You manage everything,If there are things in your life that are out of your control,so that's not your life anyway. Don't wait for a miracle to fix things,you have to struggle because that's how this fucking life works sweetie". He was right, all these years you were just waiting for things to get better and to feel good and you didn't do anything for it, you were too tired for it but you didn't do it. He understood you really well. Eddie looked at your arm and pointed to his own "I'm not way too older than you,I may not have had more difficulties than you, but I've been there Y/N" he looked into your eyes "I've been there,and promise me everything comes and goes".
"I just always wanted to experience what it was like to be loved by someone" you said and He looked at you "Are you kidding me? You are the most beautiful girl I ever seen,you are a mature and fun person,in fact,sometimes you speak so intelligently that I feel stupid next to you." you laughed,while your tears still making your cheeks wet "Shut up'
"I will but this doesn't change the fact that I'm talking about the truth"
You sniffled and leaned your head back on the couch,looked at him “You are the sweetest boy I know,Eddie.” He was still trying to make you happy so he kept joking "They always say that". You hit his arm and he groaned in pain and laughed “Fuck, sorry!” Likewise, he leaned his head on the couch and looked at you “You are the most sweetest girl I know,Y/N" You were looking at each others eyes.You were both dying to kiss each other but you couldn't,Eddie didn't want to seem like the type of man to use you,but there was nothing stopping you so you kissed him after a few seconds. Eddie responded to your kiss immediately placed his hand on your waist and pulled you closer to him. You both have been waiting for this moment. You've been wanting this since the moment you saw each other at the gas station. After a few seconds,as you continued the kiss,you climbed onto Eddie's lap and continued kissing him hardly. You stopped to kiss him and pulled back slightly to look into his eyes,he was looking at you with his shining eyes. This night wasn't going to end early,never when you want each other this much.
To be continued<3
The next chapter will be smut so I expect a higher number of likes this time,love you!!!<3
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ravennaortiz · 5 months
Sooo..... Ofcourse my man Hap!! 9,12,13,15,25,27,33.. U pick the order
You all are taking this man for rides this week! *pun intended*. Okay so I debated on what journey to take with this request, fluff, angst, smut..... See below the cut for what direction we went. As Always 18+.
Prompts are
9. Will you let me take you out
12. Do you wanna come in
13. I promise
15. Are you gonna kiss me or not
25. Dont act shy now
27. What if someone sees
33. Are you blushing
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Bad Boy
Happy threw the shot of tequila back as he bucked his hips forcing his cock deeper into your throat. Looking up at him with mascara stained cheeks had him smirking and then groaning as your hands massaged his balls. "Good girl" he whimpered as he grabbed your hair tightly before yanking you off him. Gasping for oxygen and rubbing at your aching jaw you looked up at Happy with a soft smile.
To think just the other day it had been a couple simple sentences: "Will you let me take you out to eat" and a nice dinner "Are you gonna kiss me or not which quickly led to Do you want to come in" that had led you to servicing one of your dads men in his clubhouse like a little slut. The chokehold Happy had on you was impressive. You both knew this relationship was forbidden but neither of you were stopping now that clothes had finally come off.
"Want to go to your dorm?" you asked as you looked at the time on the clock above the bar. The rest of the club would be back soon and you were still dripping with need. Happy didn't speak just simply drug you over to the nearest pool table. Forcing you into the position he wanted he dragged his engorged cock head though your slick folds making you moan. "Dont act shy now little girl" grunted Happy as he smacked your ass harshly making you jump. "You were more than willingly to suck my soul out of my body last night and just a bit ago. But hey if you're worried about "What if someone sees" I can find another cunt to bury my dick in tonight" stated Happy harshly as he stepped back from you and made a show of looking for his jeans.
Happys words had your cheeks burning and your body longing for his touch. Gulping you shook your head. "No what?" inquired Happy as he watched you. You were to embarrassed to speak so you simply got back into position on the pool table. Happy walked back to you and yanked you upright and facing him. "Are you blushing?" he inquired with a gruff laugh. "Tell me little girl what you want the big bad biker to do to you. I promise I'll do it" he whispered as his lips ghosted your neck making you weak in the knees. "I want...." you started but your words caught as his fingers dipped into your core.
As your threw your head back and rolled your hips he grinned at the control he had on you. Pulling his fingers from you he shoved them into your mouth. "Clean them" he ordered relishing in the feel of your tongue swirling around his fingers. "Table.... I... want you ... to " you stammered after he pulled his fingers out of your mouth. Happy simply grunted before yanking you to the place where the club met for business.
How fitting he thought to fuck you in the room where your dad had told him two days ago he couldn't pursue you. A crazy side of him kind of wanted your dad and the rest of the club to catch the two of you. For your dad to watch his baby girl impaled and creaming around his cock. "On the table, all fours" stated Happy as he helped you climb up before doing so himself. The wood hurt your knees but the pain was soon forgotten as Happy slammed into you gripping your hips tightly. Curses and his name fell from your lips as he drove you both over the edge within minutes. The two of you had just caught your breath when the sound of motorcycles could be heard.
Want more Happy? Click here
Want to see how to make your own request? Click here
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docwritesshit · 28 days
hihi!!! can I request a traffic light trio x fem!goddess reader please!! (all separate head cannons!!)
Oooo this’ll be fun!
Traffic light trio x Fem!Goddess!Reader
With this one, yall met a celestial event
One look across the room and this one became so curious
You were someone newer, under the wing of Quanyin and still learning the ropes but getting the hang of it quite easily
So you two met, begrudgingly under Quanyins guidance
But Reds was very… nice and polite. Very different from the stories you heard
Then things evolved and here you were dating!
She visits you more often than you visit her, mostly because his father likes to joke they took after him
PIF and DBK both approve of this btw. They would be hypocrites not to.
Gifts and trinkets they made decorate your walls, however they are more mystical in nature
Loves loves loves when you send gifts back. Likes the the little swans you make to actually fly down to him the most
Dates consist of you guys walking the celestial heavens all day any day
Letters travel back and forth between you two a lot because yall are both pretty busy
What you don’t know is that they save all of the letters in order to craft you a swan of your own made up of the love he has for you
Cuddle up to him and watch them combust
Ok he may have flown a bit too high while in his bird form and smacked you in the face-
Instantly transforming back and apologizing profusely
Then he gets stars in his eyes once he really looks at you
“Wow… you might be the goddess of my dreams- SORRY THAT SLIPPED OUT!”
Poor boy, he’s too cute for his own good
Once you start dating, he sends you so many doodles he’s made of you
So. Many. Doodles.
Even makes you a whole ass portrait for your anniversary
Yall both go to Flower Fruit Mountain for dates
Wukong keeps to himself, but gives MK proud smirks so damn often
Loves cuddling you. Snug as a bug in a rug when you hold him with all your robes flowing around
Makes you food. Is very particular on how he makes it cause you’re a goddess-
Loves star gazing with you and hearing all the stories you tell about different constellations
Oh my god he’s so fucking cute I can’t express how endearing it is
Would try and replicate a clay pot he saw and it would come out a muddled mess and you still cherish that thing
You are so protective of him if any other celestial tries to criticize you for dating the pupil of that “menace of a primate”
He has and will faint if you coo over him being cute. Do it, it’ll be funny
Honestly, pure fucking coincidence you two met
You were talking with the her uncle and she decided to crash in for a visit
Took one look at you and went “oh, cute. Imma keep her!”
And so you two are dating now-
Dates take place in Megalopolis mostly, she doesn’t really like the celestial realm and you haven’t seen a lot of the modern world
Likes to take you on motorcycle rides the most. The gleam in your eyes pales to the sun in her mind
Gives you her jacket if you get cold, even if you pint out you can just summon one of your own.
Loves doing your hair. Trying out different hairstyles is so fun.
Gets you a phone. Then sends you songs that remind her of you. You have so many playlists from her
Teaches you hand to hand combat with weapons because you never know when you need it
Loves hanging you off her arm and bragging how she bagged a “goddess”
You wanna know what’ll get her weak as well? Do her own hair. Face will be beat red. Do it.
That’s all :3
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farmerstarter · 3 months
omg please sam + transports for the mundane things ask!
🚗 Transports HCs ───〃★ Sam
a/n: omg hi!! here's some transport HCs about our favorite golden retriever boy Sam. Hope you enjoy! Likes and reblogs are greatly appreciated🫶🌷
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Do they have a driving license, whether it's for a car or bikes?
Sam has a driver's license, but he doesn’t own a car. It was actually his driver’s license that landed him a job at Joja Mart. The only times he gets to drive is if he has to do some deliveries for Morris or if Luis has him run errands around Pelican Town.
Do they have any other kind of driving licenses (planes, ships, buses…)?
No, but that didn’t stop him from convincing Willy to let him steer the boat going to Ginger Island. And because I can't live without the tractor mod, I say that Sam took a liking to using your tractor to get to places in the farm. He got it painted red.
Do they own a car?
He doesn’t, but he and Sebastian often browse car websites when they hang out in Sebastian’s room.
Do they own a bike?
He had a kid's bicycle when he was young, but he never bothered to continue biking after Jodi and Kent got him a toy drum set for his 6th birthday. His bicycle is mostly being used by Jazz and Vincent now. Sam managed to convince Sebastian to teach him how to ride a motorcycle.
Are they the kind of person who thinks of their car as if it were their baby? Perfectly clean, not a scratch, almost overly protective of it?
Sam gave names to both the Joja Mart truck and Luis’ pick-up: Billy and Joel. He thinks he’s clever for coming up with them. He takes good care of them when he’s driving, keeping them clean and smelling fresh. He went into hysteria when he accidentally spilled Joja Cola on the passenger seat of Luis’ truck.
Do they use public transports? If so, do they like using them?
Sam does and he’s indifferent to it. Whenever he has to ride the bus, he always sits in his favorite spot by the window. He likes to look out and pretend he’s in a music video. He picks at the leather seats, much to Pam’s annoyance.
Do they like going on trains?
He’s never had the chance to ride on a train before, but he always runs to the train station whenever a train passes through the valley so he can watch it. When you two got married, you and Sam would sometimes just ride the train going to Zuzu city and back to the valley. He takes complete advantage of the free snacks on board.
Do they like going on boats or ships?
Sam loves them and would always go to Ginger Island if given the chance. Sam and Elliott would sometimes hang out on Elliott's boat and talk about music.
Do they like going on airplanes?
Sam has only been on a plane twice so far, and he loved it. He found out about Harvey’s plane hobby when he had to do his doctor’s visit and saw Harvey’s little plane statue on his table. Harvey ended up showing Sam his plane stuff and gave him one of his many tiny plane memorabilia. Sam and Harvey's friendship blossomed from there.
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thebisexualdogdad · 11 months
Jason Todd x Male!MMA fighter reader headcanons
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*Oliver Stark used as a fancast*
● you're a personal trainer by day and underground mma fighter by night
● meeting Jason at the gym you work at and always checking each other out
● you'll be with one of your clients and smiling at him across the room while he tries to impress you by upping the amount of his weights
● "I noticed you've got a lot of scars, must have a lot of good stories to tell" you say when you finally talk to him for the first time
● "well how about you let me take you out to dinner and tell you some of them"
● while he doesn't exactly lie about how he got his scars he doesn't tell the entire truth about him being a crime fighting vigilante either
● he plays it as he just happens go be at the wrong place at the wrong time a lot
● you guys spend a whole lot of time together at the gym
● competing to see who can lift more
● and run a mile quicker
● sparring until you can't feel your arms anymore
● he's at the gym so much all of your clients know him
● "So how long until I get biceps as big as your boyfriends Y/N?"
● "it takes a lot of dedication to get biceps like these" Jason says flexing proudly
● Jason actually learns a lot of new moves from training with you
● Dick after a fight where they took down twenty bad guys "that was impressive Jason where did you learn that from"
● "Y/N taught me, you should take a few lessons from him maybe you could actually be a good fighter too Grayson"
● "ha ha very funny don't forget who's been doing this longer"
● going on long motorcycle rides with Jason
● you two race throughout Gotham weaving in between cars
● and loser has to pay for dinner
● Jason doesn't do much upkeep of his apartment
● he's got leftovers in his fridge that are so old its created its own ecosystem
● and there's dirty laundry laying all over the floor
● "when was the last time you did a load of laundry?"
● "well considering I haven't worn any underwear in over a week I'm gonna say a while"
● the very first time you went to his place you were surprised by all the books scattered around
● "I didn't take you to be such a bookworm"
● "do I get to keep my bad boy title if I tell you I'm banned from three libraries for not returning books?"
● this leads to a lot of coffee shop dates where you just quietly read next to each other and enjoy one another's company
● Jason goes to all of your fights
● he always gives you a good luck kiss in the locker room, "go out there and kick some ass babe!"
● you win the majority of your matches so there's a lot of celebrating with Jason after at the bar
● but the one time you got the shit beat out of you Jason had to fight the urge to not to murder the guy right there in the ring
● he and your manager carry you back to the locker room and get you cleaned up and Jason is pissed
● "Jay you gotta calm down I've done worse to people in the ring"
● "yeah but those guys aren't my boyfriend"
● your manager "you've got a lot of passion kid you ever think about signing up to fight?"
● "trust me I do enough fighting just not for money"
● your manager "what, are you involved in a gang or something?"
● "something like that"
● Jason thinks you still don't know about his secret identity but you figured it out a long time ago
● you don't say anything because you want him to feel comfortable telling you himself
● whenever that may be
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May I please request headcanons for Hotch, Reid, and Morgan falling for a rough female mechanic who did time in prison for a crime she didn't commit?
Omg omg yaaaaas 😊 hope you like them!
Falling for Fem!Mechanic reader who went to prison for a false crime 🖤
Warning:Minor cussing,mentions of death,murder,and rape,plus emotions
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He was entranced the first time he saw you fixing one of your motorcycles wearing a tank top,jean shorts,toe heeled boots,black bandana wrapped around your head,rag in hand wiping oil off,and tattoos on your body 9 he counted
He talked to you for abit after he realized he was lost you giving him a ride to where he needed to go in your 2005 Honda Civic him thanking you quite a bit and you inviting him to lunch the next day
You met up at a soup kitchen and had lunch going back to your place where you showed him around your home and farm you helped your grandparents with rambling facts every so often making you smile
After keeping in contact with each other for months and meeting in person whenever you both could you moved to Quantico and started dating Spencer
After a couple months of being together he had found out while researching about your parents that you had spent 9 years in jail from the time you were 16 til you were 25 for Assault,Attempted Murder,And Child Endangerment immediately asking you about all of it when you got out of the shower from fixing both your cars and all three of your motorcycles
You told him everything trying to keep all your emotions and thoughts together but halfway through you broke down telling him the truth that you were visiting your sister and niece but while there your violent father broke in killing your sister,taking your niece,and torturing you eventually framing you for all that happened and keeping your niece for months
He had managed to get copies of all the files and paperwork bringing it to the team begging and emotionally asking them to look into what happened to you finding out that the police had done a very bad job investigating the case not taking into the fact the very clear evidence that you had been tortured and couldn't have done anything that you were charged for
The whole team went to the town and station very angered and clearly not backing down til they admit that they botched the investigation exposing alot of corrupt cops making statements about the truth leading to your father getting arrested and sentenced to life without parole and you finally got reunited with your niece who at the time was a year old was now 17 years old looking just like your sister
You hugged him tightly when you found out all he had done for the truth to come out and you to finally live the life you had always wanted
You both loved each other alot moving in with him after being together a year and on your two year anniversary he secretly went and got a tattoo of a book propped up on the chair of a Harley Davidson motorcycle with the quote on the page"You are my today and all of my tomorrows" by Leo Christopher
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He was pretty intrigued not only how well versed and skilled with fixing up and making things you were but also how you always were working on something whether it was fixing your car's engine or the handles on your motorcycle he was starstruck by you
He had a tattoo on his arm but he had never seen that many tattoos that not only fit on someone's body the way all 6 of yours did but how each one fit something different about you
He had met you through a childhood friend of his when he came to the friend's house seeing the lower half of your body working on his car thinking you were just a smaller thin man but boy did it change when he came out to play basketball waiting on his friend when you roll out from under the car covered in oil
You couldn't deny how good looking and attractive he was as he stares at you wiping oil off your hands and little drops that had fallen on your face smiling sweetly at him as you turn the car on smiling bigger when the car worked unlike earlier
He was impressed with how you were able to look and immediately be able to tell what to do but you were still open to doing other things to fix it as well whether it was a car or motorcycle
After getting to know you for awhile you both realized you had feelings for each other taking things slow and him moving in with you 7 months later not only because your place was closer to the BAU but also because you had a open field behind your house making it feel like he was in a story with how much it made him think of fantasy stories
One time when you were asleep he noticed a scar going from your lower chest to just above your belly button making his heart hurt telling him what had happened making his heart and soul shatter at how vulnerable you were "I had gotten hurt when I was...in prison by inmates in my pod and I had to be taken to the hospital because I was bleeding internally and would have died in a couple of minutes had it not been for an inmate fighting them off me and taking me to a guard to be taken to a hospital" he was taken off guard when you mentioned prison but he waited not asking
He found out that you were in prison for 4 years after being charged with drug trafficking when you were actually drugged and kidnapped by drug traffickers originally planning on killing you but then decide to frame you for everything they did leaving you in hell until you finally got out of prison
He went straight to Hotch the next morning after you told him telling him everything and asking if anything could be done at all to have the case officially complete and in the honest way
Hotch immediately agreed bringing in the team and telling them that no other cases would be completed or looked at until yours was done looking every nook and cranny of evidence going down to your hometown and questioning the authorities who handle it and witnesses who found you in an alley
The truth was found out and immediately both people were found and arrested on the charges you were charged for and more being sentenced to life with no parole and the police department issuing a public apology to you for what they had done to you
You woke up turning on the TV immediately seeing the news showing your case and not only finding out the team knew and had found the people who ruined your life but also that the police felt true remorse and guilt for putting you in prison for something that wasn't your fault
As soon as he came home you ran into his arms crying tears of joy leading to not only him just holding you until you weren't crying anymore but also a sweet moment of two people showing in different ways that they loved each other
You both after 5 years of being together you got married in the open field behind the home you shared
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He had never thought that he would have been attracted to someone that had some of your qualities mainly the mechanic part but it never bothered or tiered him away either
You were a friend of Penelope's and you came over to her place to help fix her car that was having problems starting and moving
He had stopped by to tell her that they had the next bit off and to drop off homemade cookies to her that his girlfriend at the time beth had made and thought pen would like
He was talking to her when you came up covered in oil,wearing a tank top,tennis shoes,and jeans,showing most of the tattoos on your upper body and your bob length hair pulled back into a tiny ponytail "Hey pen your car's fixed! Turns out the battery was dying on ya and you gasket was fixing to blow up" she cheers and thanks you by not only a girl's night out the next weekend but also by letting you use her shower and nice smelling washes
He had lost the ability not only to breathe and think but also just exist by not how independent and strong willed you seemed but also how kind and giving you also seemed not knowing what to do if he ever saw you again
You ran into each other at the local coffee shop soon you were together and dating meeting his young jack who adored you always him asking you to help him and teach him to fix his bike
You moved in 8 months of being together even though he wanted you to move in at 3 months you decided to wait much longer not only because you wanted to not only bond with him more but also in order for him to think of having another person living with him in that way wince his wife passed
He had told you about his wife a bit not how she died or anything like that but what type of person and mother she was until later on in your relationship
He told you that she was murdered and how much it changed life for him and jack trying so hard not to just disappear somewhere else where no one knows him
He liked the way all 12 of your tattoos fit your body from your legs,arms,and shoulders to your hips,ribs,and back all of them having a different meaning to each of them but his personal favorite tattoo on you was the one on your back of a phoenix showing you no matter how hurt and scarred you were you still got up and fought back for yourself and the people you loved
But he felt anger and pure agony when you told him that you were not only falsely accused of a crime but sent to prison for years on charges of Evidence tampering, obstruction of justice,and murder not only when you were such a kind hearted person but also because you had lost half your life you can never get back and trying to make up for the time you missed by being in prison
He started looking into your case after working a case a lot similar putting other cases on hold and working all day and night finding that not only did they not have any evidence to charge you but they also contaminated the crime scene by other people still being in the house when they took pictures of the scene
He immediately traveled by himself to your hometown and demanded the case be reopened and thoroughly investigated by a different group of detectives along with the BAU team even threatening to charge all the people who worked the case for practically just putting the most innocent and affected person who had witnessed what happened in prison
You had also told them that it was your best friend who had died being killed by her own father while you hid under the bed and being assaulted by her brother who helped hide the crime with the dad
After a lot of work and fighting with the police letting them know that they would be on their asses for what they did to you
You knew he was in your hometown on a case but not that it was the case of what had happened to you finding out not only when you were watching the news seeing issue a public apology to you and your family but also when you sister and cousin called you telling you how they had met and talked to Aaron which surprised you greatly
You spent your time with jack doing different things when he wasn't at school from making snacks,coloring,and watching TV to playing with him,taking him to the park,letting him sleep with you whenever he had a nightmare while aaron was gone,and just having a great time bonding with the other
The day aaron came home showing you that your record was clean and expunged that you had ever been in prison making your heart grow big with warmth even more hugging him with tears of joy but it was also the same day he started thinking and wanting to marry you and jack ran in hugging his dad calling you mom for the very first time
A couple of years later the two of you got married on a beach and you adopted jack the very same day of your wedding becoming the family you and him both wanted for years finding it in each other as well as a person to spend and love for the rest of your lives
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kentosbabes · 1 year
Hope your day went well, love!
I wanna see something like brother’s best friend eren w/ y/n
Your writings are my favorite thing to readdd <3
Thank you so much!!!!!
Eren who has been best friends with your brother Jean since pre-school. Your house became his second home, from coming over just to play on Jean's PlayStation to spending over 3 days at your house. Your parents loved him, but his sweet reputation was only held in your house, to everyone else he was bad news. Eren was well known for his house parties and his relations with girls. yet to you, he was still the sweet boy who fought your bullies and played Mario kart with you.
Eren who talked to you more as you got older. He makes sure that you're included in whatever he and Jean are doing. Jean always saw it as Eren just wanting you to not feel excluded, never did he even think it was because his best friend preferred his sister to himself. Eren somehow managed to convince Jean to give him your number, and ever since he's constantly messaging you. He doesn't care what people think about him, but when it comes to you he wants to be that kind caring person who you know him as.
Eren who offered to take you to school one day when Jean was sick. What you didn't expect was him to pull up on a Motorcycle. He waves at you as you stand by your window shaking you head at him. "Bye Jean" you shout as you close the door and begin walking to Eren. He's leaning against the bike with his helmet in hand, his hair is pulled into a messy bun and his lips are pulled into a wide smile. "I'm not getting on that Eren" you state with your hands on you hips.
Eren who doesn't take no for an answer and just places a helmet on your head and helps you onto the bike behind him. "hold on tight baby" he says grabbing your hands and placing them tight around his waist. You can feel the hard muscle underneath his shirt, and you know Eren is smirking so hard as you practically feel him up.
Eren who walks you to your class after the ride. "Eren why are so many people staring at us," you ask peering up at him as you both walk down the corridor with his arm around your shoulder. His frame towers over you and his green eyes pierce into your own. "their just jealous love" he says still looking down mesmerized by your so innocent eyes that make him feel giddy.
Eren who takes you home after school, his excuse being its on his way but realistically he just wants to feel your hands on his skin again. Eren often looks back at you making sure that you’re okay, smiling at how you have nuzzled into his back with your hands tightly wrapped around him.
Eren who mentions the party he’s hosting later that night. He knows you’ll probably say no so when you nod your head his eyes widen and a smile covers his face. “I’ll see you later then Eren, thanks for the ride” you say walking towards your front door. “It’s no problem anytime. I mean it anytime you need call me”
Eren who can barely control himself when he sees you. You’re in a tight dress doing all the right things, your ass practically falling out the bottom. he knows he shouldn’t be thinking the thoughts that come into his mind, but he doesn’t care when he sees guys coming up to you clearly hitting on you.
Eren who’s vision focuses in on you and he strides towards you when he sees some guy throw his hand over your shoulder. His own arm replacing the other guys throwing it to the side with disgust. “hey man I didn’t know” the guy says before walking away. you look up at Eren with a confused expression which quickly turns happy n when you notice it’s him. “Eren” you squeal wrapping your arms around him “ I couldn’t find you I’ve been looking for ages”. “I’m right here ma”.
Eren who finds himself pouring you a drink and watching as you take your first sip. “nice?” he asks. your sour expression says it all “nuh uh I don’t like the taste”. Eren chuckles, your innocence showing only making him more turned on. He looks behind you watching Jean make out with some girl, the perfect chance for him to grab onto your wrist and guide you to his room without your brother knowing a thing.
Eren who stands with his hands on your waist as you look up at him. Your lips glisten in the light, the gloss enhancing your plump lips that beg to be kissed. Eren is going crazy inside, he doesn't know why he brought you up here he just hated the way people looked at you. He wants you to himself. Your eyes look up into his, and the tension becomes too much. You make the first move, going on the tips of your toes to meet his lips to yours.
Eren who's lips are soft and move against yours in perfect synchronicity. His hands stay firmly on your waist as yours tangle in his hair and pull him close by his neck. He bends down slightly moving his lips down your neck and sucking on your skin. "I've wanted to do this for so long you don't understand" he mumbles pulling you closer to him. You can only mumble incoherent words and nod your head in response, the feeling of Eren's lips finally on your skin being too much for you to think of anything else.
Eren who picks you up, your legs wrapping around his waist. His eyes burned into yours. "you wanna keep going baby?" he asks as he begins to kiss up your jaw. "mhm, only if this isn't a one-time thing" you say making sure he understands you won't be one of his playgirls. "don't worry your pretty head about that, I got you,
you've always been mine"
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Little Lover
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Pairing: Dean x Reader Word count: 1,535 Request: Anonymous. hi! i recently stumbled on your blog and I’ve been loving your writing. thank you for sharing 🩷 i was wondering if you can write something with rockstar!dean with the song little lover by ac/dc? i just can’t get that combo out of my head 🤭
Read on AO3
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You were beyond excited for that night. You finally got tickets to see your favorite band. Once you were finally dressed in a little black leather skirt, a black half vest, and knee high boots, you grabbed your keys and wallet. Realizing you had nowhere to put said wallet or keys, you grabbed a little cross body bag that matched your look fairly well. 
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Dean was hyped, as he always was before his shows. This was what he’d wanted to do since he was 10. Here he was, 25, and one of the world's biggest rockstars. However, this show was even better. This was in his hometown. Which meant that he also would get to see his mom the next morning, and she’d be at the show the following evening. 
Before he knew it, it was time for him to get on stage. Where he felt most alive, most like himself, and where he felt his stress just melt away. One thing he loved was seeing the faces of his fans. He was just like them at one point. Jammed into a sweaty building, singing along to the songs of the people he looked up to, and forgetting the world outside for a couple hours. 
No hellos were said. The band went right into the first song of their set, and the crowd went wild. His eyes kept drifting towards one woman, there was something that just kept his attention. She was dancing along, singing, and having a damn good time. 
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All through the show, your energy never wavered. If anything, you got more energetic song after song. Especially since you kept noticing Dean’s eyes on you. Or, you hoped they were on you. 
You were surprised when the show ended and he hopped off the stage. There was about two feet between the stage, and where you were. It gave security a place to walk and keep an eye on things. “Hi, sweetheart.” He grinned at you. “I’m Dean.” 
Of course you knew that, but holy hell. He was talking to you. “I’m Y/N.” You smiled. 
“Have plans after this?” He asked, really hoping you didn’t. 
You shook your head. “No.” You blushed. 
“Do you want to?” He offered you his hand. 
“Sure.” You agreed, taking his hand. You were surprised when he moved to lift you over the hip high fence that was between the pair of you. Once you were set back down, he led you towards the back. You ignored the looks you were getting from other fans, focusing on the feeling of his hand in yours. A couple minutes later, you were led to a room where the rest of the bad was relaxing. 
“Guys, this is Y/N. Y/N these are the guys.” He moved to put his arm around you. 
“Hi.” You gave them a small wave, noting the look of surprise on their faces. You looked at him. “Should I not be here?” 
“It’s not that, sug. Dean here normally doesn’t bring fans backstage.” Benny spoke up. “You must be special.” He gave you a heartstopping smile. 
Dean playfully rolled his eyes. “Anyways, you hungry?” He asked you. 
“A little.” You had been dancing for his entire set, after all. 
“Cool. Don’t wait up, boys!” He led you away, down the hall. “Have you ever been on a motorcycle?” He asked as you neared the door. 
“Yeah, my dad has one.” You loved that bike. “I didn’t know you had one.” 
He grinned. “Easier to ride around when no one knows.” He put a finger over his lips, making you giggle. He loved that sound. “Here she is.” He pulled a cover off his bike. 
“Won’t someone know you have one if we go get something to eat?” You asked, leaning against it. 
Dean licked his lips at you. “Well, how about this…” He moved closer to you, putting his hands on your hips. “We go back to your place, work up a bit more of an appetite, and order take out. I happen to know where to get the best Chinese take out around here.” 
You put your arms around his neck. “Oh, really?” You grinned. “Well, how do you know I live alone?” You teased. “What if I still live with my bike owning dad?” 
He groaned, resting his forehead against yours. “You’re killing me, sweetheart.” He told you. “Please don’t tell me you live with your bike owning dad.” He played along. 
“You’ll be very pleased to know that I don’t.” 
“Oh, thank God.” He moved to kiss you, enjoying how you smiled as you kissed him back. After a moment he pulled back. “Just tell me where to go, and we’ll go.” 
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After you’d given him your address, you climbed on the back of his bike. You didn’t care that your skirt rode up a bit, as you were to his back. That blocked anything anyone might have seen. Dean glanced at your bare leg against his thigh before putting on his helmet, eager to get you home. 
He pulled out, enjoying the feeling of your arms around his waist and your chest pressed to his back. At red lights your thumb would lightly rub his chest, and he was not complaining one little bit. 
It felt like ages before he parked his motorcycle at your apartment complex. You got off, took off your helmet, and offered your hand to him. He took it easily and allowed himself to be led to your apartment door. As soon as the door was shut behind the pair of you, you were leaning against the wall to take off your boots. He chuckled as you let out a sigh and wiggled your toes the moment they were off. You were now two inches shorter, too. “Feel better?” He smirked. 
“Much, but I can think of something else I’d like even better.” You flirted, pulling him close by his shirt. You didn’t care that he was sweaty from the show. “Follow me.” You turned, feeling his eyes on you as you led him towards your room. 
His eyes looked around, taking everything in. “Oh, I’m on your wall? What naughty things have I seen in here?” 
You started to undo your vest, turning to him. “Why talk about it, when I can show you?” 
Dean pulled off his shirt quickly. “I like how you think.” The two of you said nothing more, his lips colliding with yours as clothing was quickly removed and tossed all around your room. Even as you moved to lie on your bed, moving towards your pillows, his lips didn’t leave yours. 
“Dean.” You breathed when he started kissing over your jaw. 
“Hm?” He made a noise, hand on your hip. 
“Don’t tease me.” You groaned. 
“Wouldn’t dream of it.” He nipped at your neck. 
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Waking up on your side the next morning, you smiled as you saw Dean looking at you. “Morning.” You said softly. 
“ Little lover, I can't get you off my mind, no
Little lover, oh I tried so hard to find
Someone like you…” He sang softly, a sleepy smile on his lips. 
“I’ve missed you.” You told him, trailing your fingers over his jaw. 
“You could always come with me.” He reminded you. “Then we can play this little games more often. Oh, I could be the pizza man.” He smirked, wiggling his eyebrows. 
Laughing, you playfully pushed his shoulder. “I will have to commend the guys on that performance, though. Especially Benny.” You grinned. “He did excellent.” 
He pulled you close, enjoying the feeling of his hand on your bare skin. “I’m serious. Come with me.” he closed his eyes for a moment. “I hate being away from you for so long, and we can call and all that..it’s just not the same.” 
“Where would I put my things?” You asked, clearly not against the idea this time. 
“My parents would let you use the basement. They love you. Hell, I think they love you more than me half the time.” He joked. 
“That is true.” You agreed with a chuckle. “Your mom comes by a couple times a month for dinner, and sometimes I go eat with your parents. Last time she was gushing about how cute you and Sammy were as babies. I think she’s trying to tell me something.”
He rolled his eyes. “Ignore it. She’ll move on to Sammy.” He told you. 
“I did have to agree that you were a cute kid, though. I couldn’t ignore that.” You told him. “But you’re cuter now.” You said as you rolled him so that you could sit on his thighs. Your hands were on his chest, enjoying the love struck look he had on his face. “My lease is up in six months. How about I stay put until then, get rid of extra junk I don’t need, and then I will fly to wherever you are and play groupie for my handsome boyfriend? That’ll be just in time for our anniversary.” 
“I guess I can wait six whole months.” He half pouted, hands on your thighs. “Can you believe it’ll be 4 years?” 
You beamed. “Four down, forever to go.” 
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sensei-venus · 1 year
Hi there! Could I request the og cobras with Larusso reader? Where they have all taken interest in her, she’s Daniel’s twin and even though all of them hate her brother they love her? Thank again! <33
“Two Timing LaRusso- But Literally Two” (1/2)
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(Unedited) (Cobras being stupid, Cobras being dumb himbo’s, Mentions of cheating? not really.) (Og Cobra Gang/Daniel’s Twin!Reader)
Ever since they got to California the LaRusso twins hated it. Between the heat and sun, the new school, trying to make friends. It was a mess. But what really did it in was all of the karate stuff that ended up happening with the oldest twin.
Daniel decided to get involved with the girl on the beach, her name was Ali.
It all started with that stupid night on the beach. When the Franky kid from the apartment complex told the two of them about the party on the beach. Reader didn't really want to go but Daniel did, so she went along for the ride.
She didn't actually want to go but she didn't want to leave Daniel on his own for the night in a brand-new place. Plus she had to admit she was a bit lonely and didn't want to stay in the new apartment all by herself. When they showed up on the crowded beach it was nice. There where dozens of kids around their age just having fun and dancing, chatting and playing games.
While she hung back on the sidelines and just enjoyed the people-watching, Daniel managed to wheeze his way with the blond-haired girl. They were both laughing and talking while messing with a soccer ball. She just rolled her eyes at the two and kept watching.
When the motorcycles pulled up on the hill her stomach stomach started to flip in a bad way.
Then the fight between a blond boy named “Johnny” started. It was stupid, over the Ail girl. Turns out she was Johnny’s new ex and he didn't like the fact that Daniel was making a move on her.
“Daniel please let's just go!” Reader tried to pull her twin away from the scene. After watching her brother get his ass kicked she just wanted to leave and go home. Daniel had to put up a fight with her. Making a big argument out of the whole thing.
She didn't take notice of how some of the boys in Johnny’s little gang looked at her. Eyeing her up as she tried to pull Daniel away. They gazed at her from the sidelines.
The two twins went home with no clue.
The first few weeks of school were weird to say the least for the two twins. Things escalated between Daniel and the other boys. He could try and hide it from their mom but he couldn’t hide it from his twin. She grew more and more worried by the day. Watching her brother get messed with, when he came home covered in bruises and cuts, bleeding all over their sheared room. She cried and he just told her not to worry.
Time went on and Daniel grew stronger, trained with Mr Myagi and learned karate.
It wasn’t until after the all-valley tournament that things really changed and things got better. Well to a point that is.
“I can’t believe he’s going after Ali when he has THAT all over him all the time.”
“You know I never liked Daniel in the first place but I didn’t see him as the kind of guy to cheat.”
“He does it right in public too. Gross.”
“LaRusso is just a two timing little bastred.”
All five boys glared in the direction of Daniel’s lunch table. It wasn’t even about the stupid tournament anymore. It was the fact that he was a prick who was trying to mess around with two girls at ones, one of them being on their radar for months now.
She was cute, chubby and thick, unlike almost any of the girls at west-valley. She had curves that filled her out in the perfect ways. Pretty eyes and the biggest smile they had ever scene. She even had the most prettiest hands they had ever seen, something Jimmy had pointed out at some point. They looked soft from a distance.
Yes a distance because they had yet to even try and make a move on her because of how close she was to Daniel.
Because with the way they acted, they where definitely in some kind of relationship. It pissed all of them off every time they saw the two together. Both in and out of school. The way she hugged him, laughed at his corny ass jokes, followed him everywhere. She was like a puppy.
Following around a big fat cheater. He openly cheated on the girl with Ali and was getting away with it. She acted like she had no idea from the looks of it.
“She’s cute, it's not fair that Daniel gets to be with a girl like that and get to two time her.” Bobby said as he poked at his food with a fork. Bobby was the first one to admit he was catching feeling for the girl a few months back. Dutch gritted his teeth as he watched Daniel. He tenses up next to Johnny saying “Fucking dick, leave it to a guy like LaRusso to get a hot chick and then treat her like trash.” Johnny rolled his eyes.
Johnny tried to keep it to himself these days about his feeling on LaRusso. He didn’t hold much grudge against him after the tournament, he won, that’s it.
“I think we should say something, to her at least. It’s not right that he’s doing this and for this long at that. It doesn’t even matter that we like her, she should know before he causes her more damage when she finds out.” Jimmy said with confidence. He was trying to think rationally. Tommy laughed as he patted the boy's back.
“After school today, we finally go in for the kill. We tell her what LaRusso has been doing, that he's been playing her for weeks now, and then we ask her out. Perfect timing.” Johnny smirked. He's eyes glazed over as he watches the girl.
The rest of the day went by quickly. All five boys grew more and more anxious though out the rest of the day.
They all meet up outside of the school after the bell rang. All of the stud around their bikes waiting for the girl to come out. They knew she usually we out though the front doors of the school and walked over the Daniel’s stupid yellow car.
The boys talked for a while, they watched as Daniel came jogging out of the front doors to his car, where he met Ali. They huddled close together talking and flirting for a while. Dutch clenched his jaw as he watched, Johnny’s fist’s itched to punch the punk in the face. Suddenly Ali and him parted and went their separate ways, Daniel went and sat in the front seat of his car.
Suddenly the doors of the school opened once again and the girl walked out. Backpack on her back with books in her arms.
Johnny made the first move as he caught her arm with his hand. She gasped and whipped around to face him, her eyes big.
His cheeks felt warm as he finally got a good look at her. She was just as pretty close up.
“Hey, we just want to let you know that Daniel LaRusso, that asshole, is cheating on you.”
Bobby said “Yeah we caught him multiple times getting all close and friendly with Ali.”
“He's been doing it for months now! It's tucked up that he's leading you on like that.”
“Yeah that's messed up man.”
“He doesn't deserve to two-time a pretty girl like you!” Tommy spoke up, his usual grin gone.
Her face was flushed as she pulled her wrist from Johnny’s grip. She huffed, her brows knit together as she looked at them. They couldn't tell if it was from embarrassment or annoyance.
“Your kidding me right!”
“Hey we just wanted to let you know before-“
“He’s my twin brother not my boyfriend! You guys are sick, real sick. Fuck off!”
She stomped away and ran off towards her brothers car. She threw her stuff into the back seat before hoping into the front seat.
All five of the boys paled at the realization.
“She has to be joking with us-“
“Maybe it makes since, kinda-“
“Man there is no way she is actually his twin-“
“My head hurt’s-“
To be continued……….
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Hell Bent For Leather Part 2
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes X Reader, Minor Steve Rogers X Natasha Romanov
Summary: Bucky goes back to the club to have a conversation with Steve. They have some interesting revelations.
Tags/Warnings: Biker AU, Paste Abusive Relationships, Dialogue Heavy
A/N: I did very little research about motorcycle clubs, and most of my knowledge came from other fics. This is definitely inaccurate but we're just going to roll with it. I also make no promises on when I'll update. Also someone asked to be added to the tag list but I forgot who is was.
Chapter 2: Never knowing when he'll appear
There was something about your tone that made him think of Natasha. The way how your voice lowered and was laced was anger when you talked about what your previous club had done to you sounded just like Nat when she had threatened him over something with Hydra–but that is a whole other story. 
The words kidnapping me and killing my sister played on repeat in his head. 
Kidnapping me and killing my sister.
Kidnapping me. 
Killing my sister.
It made him think. 
He thought about Hydra. 
And then Natasha. 
He knew Nat’s brief past with them and she knew his; their time with Hydra only overlapped for about a year before he left. He knew about her adoptive sister when Nat reached out to him while she was stuck with Hydra. The club was all aware of the accident that happened when Natasha left Hydra. 
She had gotten a little too drunk and let a couple of tears slip. Natasha hardly ever cried, and if she was it was not a good sign. The moment Steve asked her what was wrong, she broke down and cried harder. All the details of what had happened with Hydra were told to the club. The things that they made her do. Her sister's relationship with Brock and what had caused her to reach out to him in the first place. The worse part was what had happened the night that they left. 
What happened to Natasha and her sister was nothing like what he and the others endured. 
He had only been able to escape a few years before with Steve and a few other men. They fought their way out after months of planning. They had started their own club and built it from the ground up in a few short but hard worked years. 
Pietro had phoned Steve late a couple of nights before, telling him that someone had rolled into the motel parking lot on their motorcycle. Not specifying if it was a man or a woman. Steve asked him to check it out since he was dealing with other matters. He was happy to, he was itching for a fight and Steve knew it. 
What Bucky was expecting was a burly man, maybe a rival club member, but he was not expecting a woman. Much less a woman with such a temper that could rival his. 
He had forgotten to ask your name during the encounter. He was too angry and distracted by the fact that someone in the town next to their territory was riding around on a motorcycle. 
He was just maybe also distracted by you and the way you talked back to him. 
Okay, he was distracted by you. But it was not a problem. 
Maybe he did have a problem. 
Okay, maybe a few. 
Bucky was well aware of Steve’s eyes on him the moment he stepped into the bar. He knew he was waiting for a report on who was in town. 
Instead, Bucky went behind the bar and filled up a glass, threw it back, and filled it up again. 
“Uh, Mr. Barnes?” 
Bucky turned. Peter, one of the club’s bartenders, had been standing behind the bar beside him. 
Peter was a timid boy and too smart for his own good. He had fallen into the possession of a motorcycle when his uncle had died, along with the duty of taking care of his aunt. He was a good kid and too awfully young to be messing around with the club. 
But Peter had debts to pay–another thing passed on from his uncle–so the club kept him around. 
“What, Kid?” 
“I- uh,” Peter made eye contact with him for a second and then looked away. “Mr. Rogers would like to speak to you, sir.” 
Bucky took another sip as he rolled his eyes. He planned on ignoring Steve for a little bit longer but the Kid just had to be a goody-two-shoes. 
Fucking kiss ass. 
He made his way over to Steve and brought his glass along with him. He pulled up a chair to where he was and sat down without saying a word. He was not going to lose to Steve. 
Steve gave him a look. He was going to lose to Steve. 
“I’m gonna say somethin’ crazy, but you gotta hear me out.” Bucky started. 
Steve remained silent. He put the glass that Bucky had brought over to his lips and took a long drink and he waited for Bucky to go on. 
“I think the girl is Nat’s sister.” 
That had got a reaction out of him. He spat out the drink and slammed the glass on the table. He sputtered for a moment. “What? Wait, wait, wait. Backtrack will ya?”
“It was a woman. I went down to the motel and Wanda told me that they were workin’ down at the diner on the other side of the line. Didn’t tell me it was a woman who came in.” Bucky leaned back in his seat and looked at his now empty glass. “So when I went to the diner, I went in there expecting a man. I asked whose bike was outside and she said it was hers.”
“So what does that have to do with ya thinkin’ she’s related to Nat?” Steve counters. 
Bucky sighs, “I’m gettin’ there. I started asking her questions and I ask her if she was part of a club. She told me ‘not anymore’ so I asked her why’s that and she said that they kidnapped her and killed her sister.” 
He debated on telling Steve that it was her anger that reminded him of Nat. But it was not the best thing they could go off of. Natasha never told anyone in the club her sister's name. It made him wonder if it was on purpose or if it just never came up.
“Did she say it was Hydra?” Steve huffed. 
“No, but who the fuck else would it be, man? Where else would she come from?” 
Bucky placed his hands on the table and mapped out lines with his fingers. “If you take the road that the Maximoffs are on and keep going you’ll end up in Hydra territory in…” He took a moment to think back to when they left, “About a day.”
Steve brought a hand up to his chin and rubbed the light scruff that was starting to grow out again. He sighed, “Did she say anything else about her old club?” 
“No, but think about it. Nat said that Rumlow shot at them a couple of times before they swerved. When she woke up she was gone and there was blood stained on the road. If Hydra took her back they most likely would have told her that Nat was dead so that she wouldn't try to run away.” Bucky winced as he brought up Natasha’s past. 
Everyone at the club hated bringing up bad memories. Especially Hydra related ones. No one had a good memory that pertained to that place. The clubhouse was always a mess, the men there lived and acted like pigs. The women were treated like shit and he had witnessed it firsthand too many times. 
Steve stared up at the ceiling, something that he would do when he was not sure what to do in a situation. “Shit. What was her name? We gotta ask Nat her sister’s name.” 
Bucky stayed quiet. He did not know her name and Steve was going to have his ass for it. The said man lowered his head down to make eye contact with Bucky who tried to look everywhere minus Steve. 
“You didn’t get her fucking name?!” Steve stood up from his chair and started to walk to the back room. Bucky got up and followed behind him. 
“I was distracted by the fact that it was a woman!”
That probably was not the best thing to say. 
“Wow, Bucky.” Steve said exasperated. 
He stared at himself in the mirror. His chestnut hair was still wet on his shoulders, curling up on the ends as it dried. 
He stared at his arm. 
The scars. 
The scars were the only thing that was left behind from Hydra. Hydra was great at covering up their tracks, no matter what it was. They could torture a person to near death without leaving a visible mark. 
But not this time. 
They left their mark on Bucky to remind him that he belonged to them. 
But he did not belong to them. He belonged to Howling Commandos. With Steve Rogers, Timothy “Dum Dum” Dugan, Jim Morita, James Falsworth, and the others. 
He was not Hydra's. 
He stared at his arm again, but this time he looked at the ink that swirled around his scars. 
Bucky had been so thankful when Tony had joined the club. His talent with a tattoo gun was unmatched by anyone else who had put ink on his body. 
The geometric designs and the mandalas hid his scars well, but some areas were impossible to cover. And those were the scars that he hated the most. The scars that Hydra had given him when he first disobeyed them. A warning to never disobey again. 
Tony’s parents were also victims of Hydra. 
Bucky sighed and forced himself to look away. 
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fandomwriterlover · 2 years
Uh- If you ever have the time, could you do a headcannon of Sun Wukong, Macaque, Red son, Mei and Mk having a s/o who can control the earth? so basically like an earthbender?
Dating an EarthBender
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Sun Wukong
Meeting an actual earthbender sure it catched his attention. He's been interested in you since day one. He'll follow you around watching you how you practice, till he ask if you would like to train in Fruit Mountain. It is a great place to practice.
He'll ask you once for a while to help MK to training; nothing to much, just thtowing rocks, greating lil fisures...
... And after the training, you two would practice too. He wasn't very fond with rocks since he was trapped under a mountain for 500 years; so, please go easy on him.
He likes when you do SandBending in the beach. It's such a relaxing and gently sight of you doing it. So, yes you guessed right, he'll ask for sand beds.
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He found you cute when you tried to knock him out with a huge boulder, that he dodge easily; when he was attacking your friends.
When you literally rumbled the ground and throw him part of a mountain...! Ok, NOW he is impressed! The power you show when you are angry... Just WOW!
He's becoming more interesting on you. He'll show up when you are alone to talk... About how would you like to make an alliance with him. He'll try to sweet talk to you, in a tone that it is really tempting.
BUT you trapped him in a quicksand as a negative. That just made him likes you even more.
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Red Son
You came to the Demon Bull Demon Family's palace as a trainee to develop you earthbending skills. It was arranged by your father and DBK. Red Son weren't so welcoming tho; he considerated earth bending ultery inferior to the power of control fire.
He sure was the little (annoying) push you needed to take serious your training. He just kept porclaining that fire it's more destrutive and powerfull in comparation to 'moving some rocks and dirt' and stuff. Oh ho ho, but he would flip out when you finally dominates...
LAVABENDING! Yes, you finally dominated this tecnique. You wrecked the training room and melted all the robot bulls with orbs of magma and hot rocks. His parents were impressed by you, and Red Son? Girl, you also melted his heart.
"I'm so in love with him/her right now...😳" "What did you say, son?" "NOTHING!"
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Your families knew eachother, but you didn't. The reunion on the Dragon garden was nothing but dull conversations and politics; Mei was in a brick to went into a comatose boredom... Until, she noticies your hand spining and how a few peebles were moving at you guidance.
She directly asked you how are you doing it, and you explained that you're an earthbender. You two fastly clicked and talk to eachother about this and more thing that you found out you have in common.
The other day Mei found you in the city while she was on her motorcycle, and encouraged you to hop on to take a ride. You two had a blast! ... Until you missed the 'Brigde Under Construction' signal and Mei couldn't hit the break on time.
You use your power to bend the road, creating a loop to go up and turn. Landing in the wheels. That was a frighten situation. "...that... was... AMAZING!!" Now the dragon girl would never let you go; you're a lovely adrenaline fuel source to her.
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"How are you doing this?!" The boy startled you, while you were levitating millions of rocks in the beach, dropping all of them in the process. It's a miracle that you missed him!
MK has never seen earthbending before and he was amazed how you can do it, even tho you're a trainee. You humbly said that it wasn't a big deal, but he was still impressed by you.
Since both of you were in training he suggested to practice together. Don't try to take down your offer, he would insist... And his puppy eyes would melt you.
You had fun times together. You improves levitating the rocks while he practice his balance and jumpkicks using them. And ocasionally brings some noodles from the shop he works on. You tease that the training sesions seems more like dates. "😳Wh-What? Uh, huh.. WHAT? Come on, it's just training... Us Training together. I a I just... brought some food because...It's good to eat and... Is it getting hot in here?"
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forgetmenots0250 · 2 years
Platonic Big brother Reader x Finney Blake HCs
You met Finney when he first went to middle school and Finney had been caught in the rain and you walked Finney home with your umbrella 
You buy Finney grape soda every Wednesday
You pick up Finney sometimes
Finney tells his dad he’s sleeping over at a friends house when he’s really sleeping over at your house
While sleeping over you and Finney playstation, eats snacks, and having fun with Finney
Once you picked up Finney on your motorcycle and he felt like the coolest kid in school and everyone surrounded them as they left, students asked who you were but you only said you were picking someone up and then Finney came out and they walked over and handed him a helmet and he had stars in his eyes as he felt so cool going on the motorcycle and riding away
He asked you to pick him up on Friday
You always buy flowers on his mother’s death anniversary but they’re always different arrangements and you always use flower language to give silent letters to Finney every year, he eventually finds out and buys a flower language book
You and Finney met on the anniversary of his mother’s death
You gave Finney a music box that was his favorite song and he listens to it every night
He calls you by your/a nickname or big brother (Name)
Finney takes your jackets a lot and you don’t mind
You work at a fancy restaurant and you take the food that is sent back from karens and takes it to the lounge where you and Finney eat it 
Finney is really touchy and likes to sit with your jacket around him as you have the jacket on and watching movies with hot cocoa
You sometimes hold Finney like a baby while on the couch 
Has no problem drop kicking a kid
You’ve had at some point meet Finney’s dad and it was more you sitting there and zoning out and complying to what he said and probably breaking it afterwards
Finney kept you a secret for a long time even Gwen didn’t know for months
Finney sneaks in your room because he has a lot of nightmares even before the incident 
When Robin met you he thought it was odd that someone as old as you were hanging out with a 14 year old boy, then he saw how close you guys were and he warmed up to you
Finney likes to just talk to you about nerdy stuff like space and shit and you’ll listen and even make mental notes for future gifts, you guys usually do it in your bed when it’s a birds nest and having some music as background noise 
You dropped kicked Moose once before. And you’d do it again
You had to spend a few hours in the slammer but Finney’s dad picked you up after a crying Finney came back from school
You bring Finney to a lot of places to hang out but your favorite place his a science museum especially the space section and he just info dumps and you buy him merch and snacks to his hearts delight 
You got Finney a key chain where it had a rocket ship with his name engraved on the back and your house key
He always takes it with him and it never leaves his side
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