#stan watches the antique guy
losersclublol · 2 years
“oh but staph why do you insist on making the losers from the uk?”
i- i just idk, is. i’m not sure
i h- i just. i couldn’t say
0 notes
quartings · 2 months
The original Gravity Falls pitches and pilot just dropped!!
(Link for those who want it)
For those who don't wanna look through all of it, here are some highlights I found!
Interesting changes from the pitch (What Alex Hirsch showed Disney to make them greenlight the show):
Stan’s secret was that he’s secretly protecting the townsfolk from weirdness, nothing to do with Ford. No mention of Ford in the pitch at all. Stan also wanted Dipper and Mabel to be his successors in this version.
Mabel used to be the unhygienic one instead of Dipper.
Wendy was brunette and didn’t work as the Mystery Shack cashier, instead selling veggie juice out of her van.
As such, Soos (Jesús in this version) worked the register in addition to his handyman job in this version. He was a bit less of a hard worker here, watching telenovelas on the job sometimes, but still loves his job and is extremely loyal to Stan.
Robbie was almost exactly the same, parents’ backstory and all, but there’s an interesting note that he occasionally clashed with Gideon in this version (which we never got in the final show)
Speaking of which, Gideon’s last name in this version was Garrymore instead of Gleeful.
Gideon used to personally harass and prank Stan, going out of his way to vandalize Stan’s stuff himself.
Manly Dan was always planned to be Wendy’s dad. In this version, he hates the idea that his hipster daughter prefers conserving the environment instead of chopping down forests
(For those who wanted more Wendy episodes, I’m surprised Hirsch didn’t use this as a conflict for one of them- it makes her interesting without costing any of her “coolness”)
Sheriff Blubs was originally Sheriff “Blumps”. Durland has the same name likely because Hirsch said he’s named after a real guy.
With no Ford and no Journal mentioned, episodes were originally very different-
“The President’s Cabinet/Irrational Treasure.” Instead of via the journal, Dipper and Mabel find a record of Quentin Trembley in a box buried in the yard. No Pacifica mentioned here.
“Secret Dungeon” Dipper becomes obsessed with a recalled arcade cabinet. Mabel must try and save him by finding the original high scorer.
“Thtupid Thursday” One of the many ‘Shining Twins’ episode concepts Hirsch wanted to do. Dipper and Mabel learn ‘twin telepathy’ from some creepy twins, and soon regret it.
“Periodic Mabel” Mabel invents her own element for the science fair and Dipper is jealous.
“Only the Clonely/Boyz Crazy” The exact same episode just without Candy and Grenda. Sev’ral Timez is called “ReelBoyzzz” in this version.
“Big Dipper” With surprisingly no tie to Little Dipper, Dipper asks a fortune teller to make him older so he can win Wendy over. But she makes him 22, so he and Mabel have to undo the spell.
“Sweater off Dead” Mabel buys an antique sweater and is possessed by the soul of the granny who last wore it. Stan is terrified by the spirit because she reminds him of his ex-wife Marilyn (Deep Edalyn Clawthorne lore???) so Dipper must “Swexorcize” his sister and save her.
“Teed Off/The Golf War” With no Pacifica, this was originally a Dipper vs Gideon episode- No Lilliputtians, either. Instead, the 13th hole is cursed and traps the cast in a time loop.
Now, changes from the Production Pitch (I’m guessing for when the show was already greenlit and this was a way to brief crew members on what the show would 100% be about)
Stan’s secret (likely the portal) and the journal are now set in stone.
Emphasis on continuity and character development. Nothing gets “reset” by next episode. All plot developments are permanent.
All character names and designs are locked in. Pacifica has now been added, as well as Waddles, Gompers, Lazy Susan, Candy and Grenda, and McGucket (No mention or hint at his past here)
Interesting to note is that there is still zero outright mention of Ford and Bill in this version, even though multiple episodes were seemingly in production at this point.
Manly Dan’s conflict with Wendy from the original pitch is still here. Making it even more mindblowing that we never got it in the show
Blubs and Durland are described as a little more playful instead of mean like in the original pitch.
All episode examples made it into the show with no changes this time. They are Tourist Trapped, Legend of the Gobblewonker, Fight Fighters, Boyz Crazy, and The Land Before Swine.
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angelicyouth · 1 year
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Parallel ; Chapter 3
⇢ pairing: stan marsh x mccormick!reader
⇢ genre: fake dating ; hogwarts AU
⇢ synopsis: ❝Transferring to Hogwarts during your fifth year, you were excited at the prospect of all the new potential eye candy to choose from. That dream gets crushed, however, when your childhood enemy impulsively claims you as his girlfriend.❞
⇢ warning(s): usage of derogatory slurs ; graphic descriptions of violence
⇢ [AO3 link] ; [series masterlist] ; [previous] ; [next]
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“Remember when I was only in the first grade and that one guy kicked us out of the house so he could fuck mom? Even though we were already hidden in the closet? So Kenny stole his wallet before we left?” You fondly reminisce around your green apple-flavored lollipop, your head snuggly nestled atop your brother's lap as your eyes lazily skim over the printed words of your Potions textbook.
Everyone was gathered under the fragrant pear tree that sat in the Clock Tower Courtyard, a soft woolen blanket laid underneath your lounging bodies as the soothing sound of running water from the antique fountain lulled Clyde asleep. A warm breeze caressed everyone’s form upon waking up this morning so it was unanimously decided on a change of scenery, apart from the usual library and its strictness for quiet.
“Pfft, yeah. Remember the amount of junk food and drinks we bought at the convenience store with that asshole’s money before going to the park? We were out until like four in the fucking morning partying with homeless people.” Kenny has a soft note of nostalgia to his voice as he relays the memory out loud, the casual tone causing the other boys to give him strange looks at the otherwise traumatic memory.
Before anyone can respond, one of your scrolls rolls away, causing you to heave a deep sigh at the loss of Butters soothingly running his fingers through your hair as you heave your body upright. Chasing after the parchment paper, its movements forcibly stops when it hits the tip of the dress shoes of an unknown Gryffindor you’ve seen passingly in the hallways. 
He bends down to pick it up from the stoned floor but as your fingers brush along the material to retrieve it, he tugs it away from your reach at the last second to bring it out of grabbing distance. Your eyebrows crease in confusion as you watch him hold it above your heads, leveraging the differences in your height with a sly smirk beginning to form on his face.
His unoccupied hand lightly skims against the soft skin of your cheek, uncomfortably foreign fingers tucking away stray locks of hair behind your ear where a white feather lays. “Blonde hair and a hand-me-down quill? You must be a McCormick.”
Your body immediately tenses up at both the unwarranted touch and the mocking words of the taller teen, your hands immediately clenching into tight fists against your sides and your jaw tensing shut. His body slightly bends at the waist as he brings his face closer to yours, watching you the same way adults would look at you and your brothers when they would whisper behind your backs.
As if you were disgusting—like the world wouldn’t notice if a poor kid like you disappeared off of the face of the Earth, like no one would care to look if you went missing or died on the streets from hunger.
Repulsive, the adults would mutter under their breaths whenever you and your siblings would pass by, your heads lowered in shame as you could hear every single word that they thought they’re being discreet with saying.
A bunch of unplanned mistakes, would be nastily spit out.
Dirty kids leeching off of my damn tax money, they’d furiously say.
Overlooking the rigid reaction he evokes, the Gryffindor continues. “So what’s your damage, hm? You a little pussy bitch like your brother Butters? Think I could get you to do my Study of Ancient Runes homework for the rest of the year if I pushed you around enough?”
“Or maybe you’re a raging faggot like Tweek? What, do you like chicks or something?” His friends snicker along at his words as your breathing becomes increasingly erratic from the insults that continue to spill from his vulgar mouth, your eyes seeking out your seated brothers as they watch the scene with similar expressions of anger.
“Oh, I know. You’re a whore, like Kenny.” Your teeth clench violently against one another, your body shaking in unbridled rage but none of your siblings or you could do anything. 
It was one thing to always get into physical fights as kids (Kenny and you were notorious among South Park for swinging your fists when someone so much as opened their mouths wrong). But not when you were all in Hogwarts on scholarships—not when you guys were finally helping your mother with your less than savory financial situation. 
“She must be if she’s not answering!” One of your perpetrator’s lackeys loudly hollers out, eliciting another round of snickers at his instigating.
“I mean, I wouldn’t be surprised—I heard her mom sucks dick for a living.” 
That was the last straw and everyone knew it as the guys collectively winced, their eyes nervously flicking back and forth to look at the expression casted on you and your sibling’s faces. All you could see was red as your hand automatically shoots forward to knock out the smug look sitting on the Gryffindor’s snickering visage, your brothers and friends frantically yelling in the background.
But before your tightly clenched fist could make contact, a larger hand lightly pushes your shoulder back as another person delivers a sucker punch in your place. You don’t have time to move your head to identify the assailant before a body harshly pounces on the teen previously standing in front of you, Stan beginning to deliver swift punches in your defense, one after the other.
Your body begins to shake as Kyle worriedly rushes to mediate the scene, frantically trying to pull the raging Gryffindor off of the quickly bruising teen struggling to fight back on the floor lest someone from administration catches wind of the altercation. You don’t realize that you’re loudly laughing in delight at the scene unfolding before you until Kenny throws an arm around your shoulders, your older brother cackling along and cheering for your boyfriend as the harsh sound of skin against skin pervades the area.
You both lean on each other for support as giggles violently rack the both of your bodies, the volume of your glee steadily increasing when a professor begins to break the one-sided brawl apart and you can see the smattering of bruises beginning to develop on the unknown Gryffindor. At the sound of Stan getting strictly reprimanded, however, your happiness suddenly ceases to a stop as you hurriedly push your way over to your boyfriend when his position on the Quidditch team gets threatened.
“Professor McGonagall! It wasn’t Stan's fault. I threw the first punch and started the fight—Stan only got pulled into this mess when he tried to separate us. I’m the one solely responsible for his injuries, not him. So please, don’t take him off of the team.” You shoot a look of warning to the battered teen when you see his lips slightly part, your wand discreetly making an appearance from underneath the sleeve of your robe to emphasize the consequences of speaking up.
You wince after the last of your words had come out, your eyebrows creasing at the sudden admission. Why the fuck would you take the blame when the whole entire reason you didn’t do it in the first place was to not get in trouble? 
“... Very well. I must say that I’m deeply disappointed at your actions, Miss McCormick. This is very unbecoming of a witch. Please see to it that you attend detention after school for your behavior.” 
A breath of relief exits your mouth when no mention of your scholarship gets brought up, your brothers mirroring your actions as Stan watches you with that foreign expression on his face again.
・ ─ ・ ⋯ ・ ─ ⊹ ♡₊˚๑
“... I don’t think I’m following.”
“What’s there to not follow? You write me 100 lines and then you can leave as soon as you’re done.” 
You can’t help the suspicion that lingers as Professor Umbridge stands behind the chair that you’re currently seated at, having heard the rumors of the aforementioned witch’s ruthlessness among the students. Dread filled your body when you were directed to her sickly pink office as opposed to the usual Detention Chamber, this task seeming too light from the cruel punishments she was often associated with. 
“That’s it..? I don’t have to clean the bedpans at the Hospital Wing or polish the silver in the trophy room?”
“No, dear. Just that.” There’s an artificially polite smile adorning her face as she settles herself behind her desk, her confirmation coated in stiff elegance.
Huh. You just shrugged in response because really, who were you to look a gift horse in the mouth or however that saying goes. Not when a McCormick rarely got the better end of a deal.
Just as you poised your quill in your hand to begin writing on the scroll of parchment paper sitting in front of you, Professor Umbridge interrupts. “Oh, how silly of me! I forgot to mention that it must be written with this.” 
Her worn hands patiently hold out a dark-feathered quill, brief confusion contorting your face at the specifics of this punishment. You notice that you’ve never seen one quite like this before and internally wonder if the reason for that is because it's expensive and your family’s poor—the feather was interestingly long and sharp.
Obediently, you take the proffered writing equipment and switch it with your previous one, touching the roll of paper to begin writing the given phrase: I must not get into fights. But at the very first stroke you make, searing hot pain causes you to drop the quill as a panicked gasp resounds throughout the room.
A quirked eyebrow and an unamused look from Umbridge causes you to quickly scramble for the fallen object, fear consuming your body at the threat of an extension on your punishment or for a worse one to replace it. Picking up where you left off, your teeth grits at the burning feeling that soon returns.
The words that you were writing on the parchment paper appear in a deep crimson ink, each letter appearing on the back of your hand at every stroke you make. Your chest begins to quickly rise and fall as your breathing begins to pick up, the sensation eerily similar to what one would feel if they were to trace a sharp scalpel against your burning flesh.
You watch in horror as every cut that appears gets healed as fast as they come, your skin returning to its smooth state albeit leaving behind a patch of angry red skin. The realization that the vermillion that bleeds from the device was not ink but rather, the blood that got magically siphoned from your hand causes your chest to quickly rise and fall.
Your head begins to get increasingly light as time stretches on, your handwriting slightly illegible from your violently trembling body. Bile threatens to force itself out of your mouth at the excruciating pain as you begin to feel numb to your surroundings, everything feeling distorted, as if you’re underwater and drowning.
It’s a Black Quill, you belatedly acknowledge as the color on your face slightly drains while black dots begin to dance along the peripherals of your vision.
・ ─ ・ ⋯ ・ ─ ⊹ ♡₊˚๑
Quickly slamming the heavy door open, you ignore the excited hollers of your name from the boys leisurely lounging in various positions around Kyle’s dorm room. You clumsily push at their reaching arms and resting limbs but your haste to your destination proves to be futile as you don’t make it to the connected bathroom in time before your hand shoots up, inefficiently blocking the stomach acid that you throw up all over your robe.
Frantic voices and caring hands are quick to rid the soiled fabric over your body, a flurry of people guiding your form into the restroom as you tightly clench your eyes shut. You can feel the pleasant coolness of the tiled floor underneath your body as they direct you to sit in front of the toilet, the soft material of a tissue blotting away the beads of perspiration gathering along your hairline and the bile around your mouth.
“What the fuck happened?!” A voice that you can identify as Kenny roars out, a damp washcloth being placed against your forehead and the edge of a glass of water getting pressed against your lips.
You obediently open your mouth as you greedily chug the liquid, your voice slurring as you reply. “Umbridge. Blood Quill. 100 lines.”
“WHAT?!” Your eldest brother angrily yells, the harsh clattering of metal against the floor making you flinch as he kicks the bathroom’s trash can in his frustration.
“Holy shit,” Even Cartman sounds stunned, disbelief coloring his quiet tone as he stares at the vivid red spreading across your hand.
“No fucking way. 100? As in, one zero zero? What the fuck happened to shining the candelabra or pickling rats’ brains?” Craig, an otherwise permanent resident at the Detention Chamber, mutters in stupefied surprise.
“Black magic?! That’s literally a torture device!” Clyde wails out loud as he squeezes your hand in comfort. You’re not entirely sure if it's for yourself or for the sensitive jock's benefit but you feel grateful at the gesture nonetheless.
“Yeah, it's a pretty outdated method… It’s medieval—she’s fucking cruel.” Kyle grits out, forcing the words out of his mouth as he furrows his eyebrows in concentration. 
The Ravenclaw’s hands are busy moving within the glass enclosure of his potion cabinet, looking for an appropriate brew to help alleviate the pain. Your body shifts as Tweek squeezes his body in between the wall and your slumped form, your brother caging his legs around yours and hugging you to his chest.
You can feel the tremors that reverberate throughout his body, his head burrowed within the safe solace of your neck as his grip borderlines as painful from how tightly he’s holding onto you. It feels slightly uncomfortable when your expanse of skin gets sticky from his warm tears, your hand weakly lifting up to interlock your fingers together in wordless comfort.
A loud thud has you shift your vision to the source, your body too tired to physically move your head. Kenny has Stan harshly pressed up against the wall, his hands turning white from the sheer amount of pressure that he exerts on his grip.
There’s a sneer on his usually laidback face, his voice dangerously quiet as his mouth curves into a threatening snarl. “You were supposed to take that fucking punishment, not N/N.”
“Kenny!” Tolkien yells out in warning, the magnitude of his voice echoing out into the tense bathroom.
“I never fucking trusted you with my sister, Marsh. Who the fuck lets the person that they claim they love so much take the brunt of any situation? All because of your position on the team? What about her position in this fucking school?! Those were your consequences, not hers!” Stan glares back at the seething blonde in front of him, one of his hands wrapped around the wrist keeping him pressed against the wall in an effort to ween off the pressure.
“Ken, stop!” Butters hops up to his feet to intervene but Craig quickly grabs onto the crook of his arm, his ever expressionless face giving him a look that's enough to communicate his warning to stay put.
Your brother laughs when the addressed ravenette doesn’t answer but it's devoid of any amusement, the sharpness of it cruel. He vehemently spits out, “Look at you. You can’t even answer because you know I’m right. I don’t give a fuck if we’re best friends or we grew up with each other, our whole entire life has been built on sacrifices—our mom when she sells her fucking body for us every night just so that we can have something to eat. My siblings and I scavenging through trash at the fucking dumpster until the morning, even with hunger cramps just so that we can find things worth selling even if it meant falling asleep at school. Saving up every single penny we make and find so that we can send Y/N on school trips without us because she’s the youngest and so that she doesn't get bullied for not affording it. If you can’t commit, then fuck off because she doesn’t need someone's half-assed love.”
With one last harsh slam against the wall, Kenny lets go of the hold he has over the Gryffindor before he joins the others on the floor in tending to your fatigue and hurt.
・ ─ ・ ⋯ ・ ─ ⊹ ♡₊˚๑
Students talk to one another as you stare out of the castle’s window, updating each other on their mundane lives despite the fact that they’ve seen each other yesterday. A gentle tug on the fabric covering your elbow interrupts your thoughts, Clyde reaching for your fingers to interlock with his own and pulling your body to the front of the classroom as people begin to gather.
Professor Slughorn stands at his desk, a bubbling cauldron waiting patiently for everyone before he begins fixing the sleeves on his robe. His hands move with a confidence only experience can bring as they take hold of the ladle, stirring the concoction as he begins today’s lecture.
You don’t listen as you hug Clyde and Butters' arms closer to your chest, the both of them on either side of your body as you lean your head against the Gryffindor and mindlessly fiddle with both of their fingers. Someone playfully tugs at your hair and you turn to see Tolkien giving you a playful grin, the Ravenclaw motioning his head towards the professor with a knowing look on his face.
At his prompting, you try to concentrate on the lesson but nothing Slughorn was saying makes any sense so you tune him out again. When he dismisses everyone, Kenny throws an arm over your shoulders as he guides you towards a table and pushes you to a seat so that he can gather the needed ingredients.
At your brother’s absence, Stan takes advantage of the opportunity by taking the empty seat next to yours. You quirk an eyebrow at the ravenette but when he tries to make eye contact with you, you quickly avoid his gaze as you diligently prepare your workspace.
You ignore when Kenny loudly squawks at the scene, the blonde childishly trying to push your boyfriend off of the seat as they become a gaggle of limbs. Hands roughly push at one another’s cheeks and elbows begin to dig at the other’s ribs before rescue comes in the form of a red-headed Ravenclaw, Kyle tugging on the collar of your brother’s robe to effectively choke him as he pulls his protesting body away.
It’s quiet between the two of you as you begin to seamlessly work together, effortlessly cutting, peeling, and crushing ingredients that the Gyffindor slides across the tabletop as he tends to the cauldron. The silence is broken when your partner speaks up, his voice quiet in the otherwise loud classroom.
“I wanted to say that I’m sorry about the other day. Kenny’s right—that should’ve been my punishment, not yours. I shouldn’t have let you take the consequences of my own actions, just because you were willing. I was being a fucking coward because girlfriend or not, you're still my friend despite the years we've spent fighting and the amount of times that we've claimed to hate each other." There’s a remorseful look on the ravenette’s face, his hands tightly clenched around the ladle and an aggravated crease forming in between his eyebrows.
He takes a moment to gather his thoughts before he adds: "And I really do care about you so I apologize if my actions stated the opposite because it was never my intention to make you think otherwise. That was a really shitty thing to do so I promise that I'll do my best to prevent something like that from ever happening again if you forgive me. I'm sorry, N/N.”
“It’s okay. I was the one who took the initiative to take the blame. You never told me to or forced me into anything that I didn't want to do. I know how much Quidditch means to you so I appreciate the apology. I’m grateful that you did that in my defense—I know that your intentions weren’t harmful so thank you.” Your voice is just as low when you pour the correct amount of loose pearl dust into your concoction, the Gryffindor only able to hear it from your close proximity with one another.
“Yeah, but… Quidditch means a lot to you, too.” He watches as you carefully strip the sharp thorns off of the roses that you had to peel, taking extra precaution to not get nicked on the skin.
You shrug, “I mean, yeah. But that’s only because of my scholarship.”
“That’s more important than my own reason for not wanting to get into trouble,” He stresses.
“… You can’t just compare struggles, Marsh. If it hurts, then it hurts—regardless of what it is. I don’t think it's right to undermine someone else's pain just because you don’t deem it as bad as something else. And who’s to judge what is? You had your reasons and I had mine. Invalidating another person’s feelings isn’t right in any capacity because there's a reason why they’re experiencing those emotions in the first place.”
When you look up from the bubbling cauldron, you pause in your note taking when you see that foreign expression on his face, again. The one you’ve been seeing on the ravenette more recently—where his eyes become soft around the edges and his lips are slightly parted, as if in astonishment. 
But before you can delve deeper into your thoughts, your nose begins to involuntarily wrinkle in disgust. “Fuck! How much cologne did you put on this morning? Did you skip taking a shower and think drowning yourself in it would be a better solution?!”
Your hand exaggeratedly pinches your nose shut, a glare adorning your face at the overwhelming fragrance that you know Stan likes to use. You don’t notice that your exclamation has garnered the attention of the students in the room, conversations coming to an abrupt stop at the debacle you’re unknowingly making.
The Gyffindor is confused as he rushes to defend himself, “What the fuck are you talking about? I didn’t put shit on because I accidentally fell asleep at Kyle’s from studying all night and was in a rush to get ready. I didn’t have any damn time!” 
He angrily continues at your baseless accusations, his arms crossed over his chest. “It's not like you’re one to even talk, McCormick. I think you left an unwrapped lollipop in your robe to melt or something—the sweetness is fucking nauseating. You better clean that shit out before ants—”
“Are you two fucking idiots?” Cartman interrupts the ravenette’s tangent, his stubby hands tucked under his chin as he props his elbows on the tabletop of your table with a face of amusement. You knew that if Slughorn allowed food into the room, the larger teen would’ve been eating popcorn right about now.
“What the fuck are you talking about now, fatass?”
“For once, fat boy is right. Have you been paying attention to anything other than each other? For instance, the potion we’re making today?” There’s a teasing lilt slightly coloring Craig’s usually monotonous voice, a knowing smirk adorning his face that is suspiciously identical to the ones of the other listening students.
There’s stifled snickering as you whip your head back in your haste to look at your mixture, color draining from your face when you take note of its distinctive mother-of-pearl sheen and the spirals of steam that rises from the potion. 
No. No, no, no.
Your hands clumsily reach out for Tweek's open textbook, pulling it painstakingly slow towards your body to avoid reading the words that you feared were written on the page.
Amortentia, it mockingly confirms. 
The most powerful love potion in the world. The one that had a different aroma for everyone who smelled it, reminding each person of the things that they found most attractive, even if the person did not acknowledge or was unaware of their fondness for the object of their affection themselves.
And you had unknowingly admitted to catching the familiar whiff of Stan Marsh from the mixture.
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borathae · 9 months
I am suffering reading this fic. Why did you make taehyung so hot in sanguis duology. Holy crap he is the definition of sex. I want him to do unspeakable things to me. Tell me why I dreamt of him last night sitting in my room on my desk chair watching me touch myself ALL BECAUSE I read an mv chapter like 3x over and over.
I want him so bad arrrrggggghhh I want to imagine him asking oc to put on a show for him while he watches and doesn't touch her (the dream ended when he came closer to me 😭😭😭😭)
I love Tae stans. You guys are always so unhinged and feral. istfg stan Tae stans for clearer skin
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I want him so bad arrrrggggghhh I want to imagine him asking oc to put on a show for him while he watches and doesn't touch her (the dream ended when he came closer to me 😭😭😭😭)
YES CONFIRMED this is canon 100% yes. YES FNADSNFNAYES
this is so him coded this is legit so him like omfg he'd like wear a suit, but without the jacket. yk? all button up, tight slacks and a corset vest to reall accentuate his figure and he'd sit on his expensive, antique armchair by the end of the bed watching her touch herself. maybe okay listen, unhinged thought, what if he casually sips on some blood out of a crystal glass as he watches her? and his big, elegant hand keeps palming his huge bulge, rubbing and squeezing himself as low rumbles of agreement and pleasure fill the air? next to purred praises "keep touching yourself sweetest, just like this. you're pleasing me like such a good girl when you keep touching yourself" and "you're so beautiful my darling. look at your wet cunt, how I ache for a taste. no no don't whine, just keep playing with yourself. that's my good girl". what then?? mhmh? what thenafndsnf???
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B99 Obsessive Rewatch Season Two
rewatching B99 and taking notes. also, sometimes i get ideas of stuff i wanna see played out more, so i post them as prompts and link them here. spoilers for all of season two.
Jake as an italian mobster kinda
Is this the first holt&jake hug we’ve seen?? Rayray doesnt even flinch so cute
Jake’s rapidfire recap : fixed a boxing match / smoked a whole cigar w/o vomitting / was in a room w/ 10 Sals
Jake lies to amy about liking her
Jake has “lady hands”
Holt says he’s seen MOVIES PLURAL
Awesome begins with an O, JP 2013 probably
“i am feeling trepidation at the prospect of a parentless existence” = baby holt’s parents had a thing when he was 7
Weirdest thing in the whole episode is mobster jake being beaten by a cop on mob turf and none of his mobster buddies helping out
Baby holt snuck into daddy holt’s office to check out his collection of antique globes = daddy holt issues ref above
Proud daddy holt. Forgot to note if it happened in s1 so we’ll consider this the beginning
Jake unlies to amy about liking her
Gina and boyle shag again
Terry’s getting snipped and gina is way creepy
Boyle has a sister (probs castle girl) that we never mention again?
Wunch appearance and holt is a dramatic shit i love him
Wunch&holt : wunch shot holt, holt tried to get her fired, wunch destroyed holts file while UC, holt embarrassed wunch in front of derrick jeater who??
Amy’s fierce when someone’s fucking with her career we stan
Charles has seen the little mermaid
Holt’s a great amy dad cause both of them are ambitious nerds
Jimmy jabs est.2008
Jake knows rosa’s friend katie (and s1 amy’s friend kylie – how the fuck)
Lots of parallels to FRIENDS. Accidental sex tape, two guys accidentally nap together, probs other stuff, where’s the downstairs officers brooming the ceiling?
Squad screams like maniacs in the bullpen and random background people literally dont even care – ie this is such a habit people are over it
Bomb suits kinda look like minions or is it just me
Hitchcock is evil – do we think he’s related to gina or what?
Amy wins
Halloween heist
Holt is a master jake player, all rejoice
Holt says watch from kevdad & kevdad dead
I want ginas jacket
Jake has cousins ie jake has aunties??
Trust levels off the charts. Leaping at terry, telling holt the truth and asking amy for help. Okay so that’s only jake but still
Wunch is evil
My man holt is sooo tense, how long do we bet till he blows up?
Amy is giving toddler mom vibes rn somebody give her a margarita
>> amy has to babysit some random kid and realises he’s identical to jake in behaviour
Im gonna need baby terry being a disco champion thing
>>Omg!! Holt caught the disco killer, maybe disco killer killed disco nerds, ie holt saved terry’s life!
Lmao kev passive agressive is my life
Holt is a regular holmes wtf
How did jake get guest pjs, im sensing a food/drink related accident which makes twice this episode with amy’s car
Holt&jake teaming up is my fave thing ever
Terry at a soccer game for his kids would be terrifying
I’m in love with jake’s “why am i an idiot” face
Amy goes to holt screeching “captain” like he’s her dad, i need an amy prequel series, i love her
Rosa’s really backhanded at compliments it’s awesome
So cops hate lawyers and firepeople?? Who are they buddies with? (except for the criminals eh)
Whats a pow wow?
Is this a “season’s main human-mess that needs holt guidance” thing? First was jake, this feels like amy’s
When did holt get stabbed IN THE NECK??
gina get off on chaos like a demon she’s evil
precinct lockdown ep – all of those people are terrible and i hate them
why does terry’s wife not care about her brother being a dick?
Terry and amy waterboard themselves for some reason
So cops hate mailpeople too
Forgot holt had a gambling addiction
Coping stuff : holt workouts / terry self torture wtf? / gina meditation
Jake&rosa friendship is great
Holt wants bland ugly food, like how picky can you get
How is jake inviting teddy to come a proof of teddy being romantic?
Note to self : never go to a themed hotel they’re haunted
“pb&js are so simple a child could make them” makes me see neglected baby holt making himself food as best he could >> tie in with no dad baby holt thingy
Rosa got possessed by the devil
Lessons : CB > RH cooking stuff (epic fail)
Wheres the award for the most awkward double date ever?
Doug judy’s back
Jake has no ability to hold grudges?
Doug judy’s got real nice teeth
Amy stand up to holt, holt likes
I’m not interested in the whole boyle/linetti storylines :/
Holt took all night to think of an insult for wunch but burns people left and right no problem >> my boy doesn’t actually hate her?? Omg is this some weird non-sexual game they play? Gross
Amy&rosa in a car for four hours? I need to see it
“uncle ray” talks about work so much even his NEPHEW knows who’s who. 1) was kev not there, because no cop talk policy 2) was he EFFUSIVE??
Most of what i’ve learnt from this watching session today is that i’m real hungry why do they keep eating
You know what’s inconspicuous? Two guys sitting in front of windows with massive cameras. Totes invisible
Jake&charles have a roomie breakdown, gina&amy have an existential crisis, terry is a mom and rosa&holt are ...there
Man i do NOT want to shag in my boss’ house, i mean rosa’s got her own flat, cmon
Kev making bacon smiles on his pancakes totes goes into my kev&holt get baby martin for holidays headcanon (see season one obsessive rewatch)
“this isn’t my first rodeo” jake abt dealing w/ scully >> fits into baby jake shadowing scully for junior cops thingy (also in s1 obsessive rewatch)
“brothers fight but they’re always there for each other” says the only child (fun fact, only jake and gina are only kids (except for maybe terry cause i can’t remember))
I love the amy drunkenness scale
A fondue stick in a fanny pack sounds like a disaster waiting to happen
Beachhouse w/ the boss episode
Amy&gina&terry get paired up lots
Why didn’t they turn the holt party into a movie night??
Au where boyle is a seduction coach
Gina turned not-evil for a second
Amy’s def of partner : bounce ideas, eat street meat & stake out, burnt coffee
Jake hasnt been to the dentist in seven years (at this point i’m thinking he was kidnapped and doesnt remember his season one dentist trip)
“it’s payback time” to the drug dealer who killed all of jake’s family
Gina’s got two grandmas
Charles want to have a bowling business
How do terry’s biceps have their own biceps???
Holt likes the name todd, didnt he have an ex called todd?
Isn’t yahooanswers dead? How does jake know stuff now?
If s1 is parenting Jake and teaching Amy independence, is s2 about parenting Amy and bonding with Rosa through evil humour?
Jake tells terry he loves sofia??
Rosa’s enemy marker-hoarder carla biancci in 2nd grade turned bully till grad
Jake tells sofia he loves her
Gina being a dick after saying something true – a trend?
Charles’ dad was a florist and now i want a classic flower shop romance
Sofia breaks up ouchhh
Eww gross wunch kissed holt i need brainbleach
Charles doesnt think his dad loves him?
Rosa’s parents are “smiley morons & hug freaks”. Did not seem like it in the coming out episode?
Second massive cop lasertag game thingy
Holt confused face implies he never saw titanic
Note to self try to make a blondie sometime
Holt apologises the next day for trying to disqualify gina from pers.test >> did kevin tell him his type didn’t fit him?
Gina thinks holt flirts with her so she’s a wunch but on their side?
“if u love s/o u’ll remember what they look like” but KEVIN HAS A PORTRAIT MATE
Oh this is the “i’m sorry you weRE STABBED” episode
I want marvin the geriatric bank robber to be buddies with gina??
Im lowkey upset that kevs buddies with gina tho, he’s not evil enough
Ray talks about jake to random waitresses and his painting teacher
Okay i get it, amy and charles are too simpy, rosa’s too unhinged, we don’t talk about hitchcock and scully, terry’s got his own shit, so that only leaves gina and jake and it cannot be jake, so. Yeah okay gina and kev are buddies
Ray called jake a genius just cause he heard him practice his holt impression, how cute
Jake’s a creepy girl stalker?? Poor jenny gildenhorn
Rosa has a grandad
Amy plays french horn
Jake answers amy’s proposal with “yes a thousands times yes”
Dickhead peralta shows up, i hate him :(
Holt’s “unsolvable” riddle “There are 12 men on an island. 11 weigh exactly the same amount, but one of them is slightly lighter or heavier. You must figure out which. The island has no escapes, but there is a seesaw. The exciting catch? You can only use it three times.”
Jakes allergic to bees and dickhead knows about it
I’d go on a sudoku cruise too amy
Honestly this riddles fucking easy im so angry
Amy’s right tho, you do 6v6, one side’s heavier, then you divide that one 3v3, one side’s heavier, you do 1v1 and either they’re equal and the last one’s the heaviest or one of them’s already the heaviest
I cannot tell you how infuriated i get everytime im reminded of dickhead peralta’s later character arc.
s/o framing jake as druggie
spoiler its sofias druggie bossman
holt : “sarcasm the cowards lie” ouch
oh yeah also terry and holt missed ginas dance thing and shes upset
and also charles gotta work with the two giant babies
Jakes unhealthy obsession with his job episode 40 of 40
Rosa&holt scheming to avoid personal chats, relatable
Rosas dads a teacher, two sisters
Jake and amy have a crush on the same guy till the guy likes amy and jake likes amy more
Terrys looking into a new job and boyle gina holt get weird about it
Jakes on a treasure hunt, terry’s looking into a school for his kids again?
Holt v wunch 1946th time
The velvet thunder is probs thor’s more dramatic second cousin
Wunch got holt transfered sad face
Rosa’s bday
Wunch being incredibly sexual-harrassy again
Rosa likes gilmore girls
Weird sex thing from wunch again geez
Rayray does the robot yay. Dude was there a cancel-scare?
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zurcurxo · 2 years
IT Girls in Austen’s Emma
Urban dictionary: “The "It Girl" is the girl that EVERYONE wants to be. She has everything that you want so you tend to envy her. She does all the things that you can't do so you grow to hate her. Being an "It Girl" is having the latest sh**s, (the best clothing and always stays fly) and the prettiest face. Her attitude can be f**ked up or perfect like her looks. Her presence is always appreciated, ALL the guys Want her and ALL the girls want to be her!”
The “IT” Girls: Emma, Harriet, and Jane in 2022
Fashion nowadays is somewhat strange. We stan clothing from the eras before us. Take the current wave of “Y2K Fashion,” where we take the fashion of the early 2000s (that we once made fun of) and style it to be fun & fresh. Believe it or not, the outfits of these women on the left have begun to inspire us.
This all leads to adventures like “thrifting-” where most clothing that catches the eye feels a little older. If it was new, there’d be less of an appeal (or at least I say so). 
When reading Emma for a second time, I could not help but to think about the film Clueless. With this film in mind, I thought a lot about the fashion it shows and how each character is portrayed through their clothing styles. This led me to wonder… What would Austen’s characters wear in 2022? Keep in mind, I am no fashion expert and these are all purely opinionated.
Emma Woodhouse: https://www.pinterest.com/zurcur/the-emma-woodhouse/
When thinking about Emma, it shocked me just how many modern day heroines that a lot of us grew up with are just like her. It makes me wonder if they were all somehow made in the image of Emma Woodhouse. Emma, as a character, is headstrong, independent, and fearless- just like the women I grew up watching on television, that is why I have made her 2022 outfit inspo in their image. A few examples include Blair Waldorf and Serena Vanderwoodsen of Gossip Girl, Carrie Bradshaw of The Carrie Diaries and Sex in the City, the entire squad of Mean Girls, and of course Cher of Clueless. I designed Emma’s modern day style in the image of these influential (and iconic female characters of my upbringing. For reference, top left is Blair and Serena, top right is Carrie Bradshaw, bottom right are the women from Clueless and Mean Girls. 💋💋💋
 So, back to Emma. I tried my best to read her vibes through the lenses of 2022 when reading about her. I believe that today, Emma would fall under the “preppy” modern fashion category. This “preppy” style falls in between the totally classy plaid of Cher, Blair, and Serena and the sexier and in your face fashion of the Mean Girls and Carrie Bradshaw. In fact, I may even call it the perfect blend. 
Please DO NOT confuse Emma's preppy style with the other version of preppy fashion. Emma Woodhouse would not put this on: 
Now, I don’t shame the stylistic choices of my fellow ladies… in fact I own a few fits like these,  but Emma does. And these are crimes in her eyes. She would make you her next project. 
Harriet Smith: https://www.pinterest.com/zurcur/harriet-smith/
Harriet can be a bit complicated. She’s not a little shirt little skirt type like Emma, but she’s more of a big pant big shirt girl. 
Maybe even a little shirt big pant on occasion. Harriet is a fun & loving character. However, as displayed in how easily the popular Emma was able to change Harriet’s viewpoints on things (like loving Robert Martin), Harriet follows the trends of those around her. This being said, she falls under the Y2K Streetwear category. This style consists of graphic tees, any jean but a skinny jean (God forbid), chunky & colorful & beaded jewelry, maybe a nice hair clip or antique hat and closed toe shoes at all costs. Harriet isn’t your typical Y2K girl because she wouldn’t wear a pink crop top, a fluffy jacket, a mini-skirt, or anything of that sort. To clear things up further, Harriet would be more of a Rihanna Y2K rather than a Britney Y2K. 
Harriet’s modern Y2k Streetwear style is reminiscent of Tai’s style in Clueless. The vibes remain the same. Without Emma’s slightly misguided guidance, Harriet is what you may call a cool girl. She minds her business and takes dope pics- a very uncontroversial girl. 
Jane Fairfax: https://www.pinterest.com/zurcur/jane-fairfax
Lastly, we have Miss Jane Farifax, lover of Frank, an accomplished and classy queen. She radiates a simple yet pretty sort of vibe. Jane is calm, reserved, and peaceful- her 2022 style reflects such traits. She’d wear earthy toned clothing and stray from a regular jean. She is not quite grungecore- I would place her in the “cottagecore” fashion style. Cottagecore is the modern rendition of what my parents call “boho” or “hippie.” It is a bit more girly and is centered around the earthy tones pictured and flowery patterns. Jane probably has my favorite fashion style. The absolute opposite of Emma but in the best way possible. 
IT Girl Glossary
Preppy: Inspired by the wealthy classes before us, just not as official. The modern preppy style has been credited to fictional characters like Blair Waldorf… a true legend and the epitome of peppy. Her style has been reimagined to the plaid prep style Gen Z takes on today.
 “The appeal of preppy fashion is that it looks clean, intentionally styled and- above all- is not swayed by fleeting trend cycles. Preppy fashion is its own genre of classic, so by wearing it, you are, too. One of the best parts about classic pieces is seeing how every generation chooses to style them.” (www.stylecaster.com)
Y2K x Streetwear: “Every few years, our fashion trends get a ‘blast from the past’ where some of our favorite items from decades ago make a resurgence in stores, streetwear, and popular fashion. The current Y2K fashion trend is just that- a reappearance of clothing and aesthetic trends from the late 90s and the year 2000.” (www.collegefashion.net)
This definitely is a style that I wish I could rock, but can’t because I’m not that cool. Anyways, a lot of the time the clothing we see in Y2K Streetwear styled to be more feminine comes from the “men’s” section of clothing stores. Looks better restyled anyways! The style includes a lot of oversized clothing and pieces that may seem more masculine- thereby the clothing type isn’t made for the feminine style very often, and if it is it’s probably cropped or way too tight or cut with a deep v-neck because for some reason that’s the only thing people think we want.
Cottagecore: Honestly, people have just begun putting words in front of “core” to describe new fashion styles: grungecore, cottagecore, fairycore… the list goes on. Cottage core feels the most similar to and symbolic of Austen’s time. The regency era fashion of those who weren’t quite of the higher class but weren’t dirt poor- much like Jane. This fashion has just been changed to be more fashionable in our eyes- but you can definitely see the influence. 
“Cottagecore is a fashion aesthetic popularized by teenagers and young adults celebrating an idealized rural life. It was developed throughout the 2010s and was first named cottagecore on Tumblr in 2018.” (www.wikipedia.com)
Thrifting: A wild goose chase that young adults like to go on for clothes that feel vintage and fun. Can either go really well or absolutely terrible.  
Little shirt/skirt vs Big shirt/pant: I don’t know how to describe this. If you know you know
IT Girl: Inspired by Megan the Stallion Check 0:46: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=77ZCb8tILCw
“Sorry H**s hate me cause I’m the It Girl…” 
0 notes
buttercupsbitch · 2 years
im finally watching under the red hood (ik a jason stan who hasnt seen it, blasaphemous) and holy shit. Ive got so much to say abt this.
Firstly, the line "tell the big man i said hello" is both horrible and amazing. Joker planted the bomb. he knew jason was not leaving that place. He was telling jason to say hi to god.
on that note, joker comparing him to dick? awful. not only did bruce do it, but others too?
dick/nightwing is so funny??? i love it honestly
the idea that joker was innocent before batman caused his insanity just adds a whole new layer to jason using the name, red hood. both of his biggest regrets under the same name? 10/10
batman beating joker to the point hes in a body cast for six months over jason?? good. shouldve killed him.
dick being shocked that bruce thanked him is very sad??
i love little jason and his quips. its so cute and totally doesnt make me wonder if he was doing all the showy flips and lines to mimic dick bc he thinks thats the robin bruce wants
the way bruce puts the pieces together, i lowkey hope it hurt him to even think about it
jason said "these hands rated pg-17. gotta be an adult"
JASON SAYING "YOU HEARD WRONG" abt them saying he uses his power to kill for money bc REALLY HES PROTECTING KIDS
"What took you so long?" "Shut up and fight"
"I missed watching you work" man was not even trying to hide his identity was he
He pushed him out of the fucking way.
"be glad i only killed one" yessir. god i adore it here.
i love jensen ackles all the time but him as my favorite adoptive trauma buddy is the best thing ever. the quips yall.
maybe its my trauma but i like that bruce is blaming himself.
the amount of fucks that joker had in black mask scene is hilarious and very relatable. "not these guys. cause well. theyre kinda dead"
ive been saying ra's wrong. i thought it was pronounced Rays not raysh.
im glad that ra's feels bad. good. fuck you too.
also 10/10 for Talia. bc shes hot af in this movie, would watch anything that had her starring in this art style.
jason absolutely going ham on the league after they resurrect him is very on brand honestly.
"his life and his death are my greatest failures" good. feel bad you shit show. on that note, when he says life, im assuming he meant the way he treated him not yk actually regretting his life.
my partner. 10/10 my soldier 0/10
"MOTORCYLE FETISH" i love that so much. never heard anything better.
jason is legitimately so smart ok. the whole plan.
what is joker's obsession with slumber parties?
"something you helped make" i love it so much.
i hate that he was right that bruce would come save joker.
"crap." the deadman expression ik that man was wearing under that awful mask.
"what bothers you more? that your greatest failure has returned from the grave?" he thinks that he is the greatest failure when really its his death. awful.
"antiquated sense of morality" agreed. fuck him.
"i thought id be the last person you would let him hurt." how much more can you hurt me?
i hate that the reasoning behind keeping joker alive is actually just his own moral dilemma, no matter how much he says it isnt.
jason just wanted bruce to pick him one time. that was it.
becoming a child soldier was the best day of his life. let that sink in.
why do we never get to see adult jason's face? unfair.
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orangeoctopi7 · 2 years
You Don’t Have to be Psychic to Know Where This is Going
@stanuary week 1 is brothers, and I’ve seen a few fics featuring Shermie as the older brother. And if you’ve read my other fic, A Tale of Two Secrets, you know I have my own opinions on this headcanon. 
Add to that the fact that I just became an aunt last weekend, so I’ve got babies on the mind. Hence, I came up with this fic about when Shermie was born. 
(The part where they’re driving to the hospital I SWEAR is based on a fan comic I saw years ago, but I can’t seem to find it now. If any of you know the comic I’m thinking of, please send me a link so I can credit it!)
“If you leave tonight, I don’t gotta be psychic to tell ya that baby’s comin’ as soon as you’re more than an hour away!”
“Caryn, don’t be unreasonable! He’s not due for another week!”
Stanley Pines was upstairs in his bedroom, trying to relax. His brother was sitting at the desk in their bedroom, scribbling away at something, but he periodically glanced towards the floor, whenever the volume of their parents’ argument peaked.
They’d been debating all day. There was an expert in large antique furniture and timepieces visiting from England who had expressed interest in some stuff from the pawn shop. The only problem was, the guy was staying all the way out in Harlem, and he was leaving this weekend. Filbrick feared if he didn’t sell to this guy now, he’d never be able to find another buyer who was willing to pay so much for these pieces that took up a ton of space in the shop.
He’d been trying to convince Caryn to let him take a day to bring the things to this expert and close the deal for days now, but she was adamant that the moment Filbrick left, she’d go into labor.
“The twins were three whole weeks early!”
“That’s ‘cuz they’re twins! Multiples always come early!”
“I’m tellin’ you, Fil, it’s Murphy’s Law, you leave, and that baby’s coming!”
“All the more reason for me to go then! You can get it over with!”
“And just how am I supposed to get to the hospital?” Caryn scoffed.
“The boys both have their driver’s permits.” Filbrick grunted.
“Yeah, their permits! Not their licenses!” 
At this, Ford finally put down his pencil and cast a perturbed glance over his shoulder at Stan. Stan himself looked a bit like a deer caught in the headlights.
Why did the walls in this place have to be so thin?
“Heh, dad’s right, what are the odds that the baby’ll be born while he’s gone?” Stan chuckled nervously.
“Mathematically, low.” Ford answered. “Although Ma has a good point about Murphy’s Law…”
The twins held their breath as the argument finally simmered down. They could no longer hear their parents’ words through the floorboards. But now that the discussion possibly involved him, Stan was suddenly curious to know what they had to say. He quietly pushed the door open and snuck toward the kitchen. Ford followed.
“...should be back early tomorrow morning. I’ll give you the hotel’s number, you can call there if anything happens.”
“Oh believe me, I will.”
“The hospital’s not that far. Even those two knuckleheads could drive there.”
“Yeah, yeah, I know, Stanley’s a good driver, we’ll be fine.”
Filbrick grunted. “Guess I better let them know I’m goin’.” He opened the kitchen door, and the two brothers fell to the floor. They’d been leaning against it in order to hear the conversation better. “Why am I not surprised?” The old man huffed.
“Hey dad!” Stan waved cheekily from the floor. “You wanted to talk to us?”
“Well, as you no doubt already know, I’m leaving to do some business tonight. But your Ma’s convinced that baby is coming tonight. So if anything happens, you’re in charge of driving her to the hospital. Think you can do that without screwing it up?”
“Yes sir!” The twins affirmed in unison.
* * * 
The boys and their mother decided to sit and watch some TV to take their minds off things. The three of them were too high-strung to concentrate on anything else.
They watched the news, game shows, late night talk shows, until it was past midnight.
Just when they were finally starting to let themselves relax, it happened.
They were watching some obscure foreign film in badly dubbed English when Caryn squirmed in her seat and groaned in pain.
“...Please tell me you’re not having contractions.” Ford pleaded.
“I’m not havin’ contractions.” She replied through clenched teeth. 
The brothers shared an alarmed glance. Sometimes it really sucked having a pathological liar for a mother.
“But, uh, it could be false labor!” Stan insisted nervously. “That’s a thing, right?” 
Ford nodded. He’d probably read through more books on pregnancy than either of his parents at this point. 
But after another few minutes, Caryn’s discomfort was only growing worse. Finally, she let out a cry.
“Boys, I don’t think this is false labor!”
Now in full panic mode, the brothers helped her off the couch and down the stairs to the street, where a beat-up old jalopy was parked on the curb.
“Stanley should drive, he’s a better driver.” Caryn insisted as they helped her into the back seat.
“Ma, I can drive just as well--” Ford argued.
“Pch, yeah, says the guy who was distracted by ‘an unusual flock of birds’ and nearly ran up onto the sidewalk last week.” Stan scoffed.
“At least I don’t park on the wrong side of the road!”
“It’s a freakin’ alley way, why would anyone care!?”
“WOULD YOU TWO SHUT UP AND DRIVE!?” Caryn screamed, throwing the keys at Stan. He sheepishly started the car, while Ford climbed in the back with their mother.
Luckily, it was mostly a straight shot to the hospital from their home, but there were a few red lights in between. Stan tried to strike a balance between driving fast and driving cautiously. Things would only get more dire if they were pulled over, or worse, in a wreck.
Meanwhile, Ford did his best to comfort their mother as they sped along, wracking his mind to remember all the things he’d read in the pregnancy books he’d checked out from the library. He reminded her to breathe and offered her his hand to hold. She squeezed it so tightly, he was certain she’d break a few bones.
They were stopped at a red light when Ford noticed the back seat was slightly damp. His eyes expanded to saucers when he looked and saw his mother’s dress was wet along the seat.
“Stan, step on it!”
“It’s a red light, genius.”
“My water just broke.” Caryn said with a forced calm voice.
Stan gulped. “Road safety laws, prepare to be ignored!”
With just barely a glance to make sure he wasn’t going to cause an accident, Stan slammed on the gas. Several cars honked loudly at him, but luckily he was able to swerve around all of them, and the lack of squealing brakes behind him told him that no one had been hurt.
Stanley weaved in and out of traffic with finesse that would make any Southern Californian proud. Within a minute of Caryn’s water breaking, they were pulling up to the Emergency Entrance. A nurse came out the door and helped Caryn inside. The two brothers stood at the entrance awkwardly.
“Do, uh, do we go in?” Stan asked.
“Well, someone should go with her.” Ford said. “But someone’s also got to call dad.”
Stan grimaced. “Yeah, I’ll go in with Ma. You call Dad.”
Ford gulped. He was not looking forward to that conversation.
Stan dashed after the quickly retreating figures of his mother and the growing gaggle of CNMs.
“Who’re you?” One of the nurses asked.
“He’s the father.” Caryn said with a smirk.
“MOM!” Stan protested, his face turning red. “M-my dad’s outta town on business.”
“He picked a heck of a time to be outta town.” The nurse shook her head. “How old are you?”
The nurse grimaced. “Believe it or not, I’ve seen younger fathers than you in here. You’ll do fine.”
“Uh, what!?” Stan asked, his voice cracking. “What’m I supposed to do?”
“The same stuff the father would do if he were here.”
Stan paled. Maybe he should have been the one to call dad. Ford was the one who had read all those pregnancy books!
“Don’t worry, sweetie.” Caryn reassured him with a pat on the head as she was assisted into a labor bed. “This isn’t gonna be nearly as hard as when I had you an’ your brother.”
“Oh, twins?” One of the other nurses asked.
“Yeah. Almost full term, too.” Caryn nodded.
“Oh yes, this will be much easier.”
“‘Course, that was 15 years ago.”
“Look, I’m sorry, but I am way outta my depth here.” Stan threw his hands up. “Are you sure you haven’t got like, I dunno, a doctor or someone who can do… whatever it is that the father usually does?”
“Oh, yeah, sure, and you can deliver the baby.” One of the nurses rolled her eyes.
“What d’you do for, y’know, single moms?”
“One of us would assist.” The first nurse informed him. “But it’s really better if all of the medical staff is able to focus on the delivery.”
“... OK… OK…” Stan took a few deep breaths, trying vainly to calm his nerves. “So what do I gotta do? Tell her to push?”
“Just hold on tight, sweetieEEEEEEEK!” Caryn’s reassurance cut off into a shriek of pain. Stan quickly took her left hand in his own. She squeezed so hard he was sure she would cut off the circulation.
“What do I do!?” Stan asked all the nurses, at a loss.
“Just comfort her!” The second nurse said, as though it was obvious.
“Uh, you’re gonna be fine, Ma! It’s all gonna be over soon!”
“That makes it sound like I’m gonna die!” Caryn shouted.
“OK, keep bickering, that’ll help take her mind off of the pain.” The third nurse nodded, pulling up Caryn’s dress to have better access to the birth canal.
“Oh Moses!” Stan quickly turned in the opposite direction before he could see anything.
“Can we get a screen in here?” The fourth nurse asked. A CNA who’d been hovering at the door hurried off to grab one.
“How long until Dr. Marshall arrives?” The first nurse asked.
“He said he’d be about 15 minutes.” The third nurse answered.
“I gotta do this for 15 more minutes!?” Stan asked incredulously.
“Ha.” The second nurse barked a humorless laugh. “Try four hours.”
Stan nearly fainted then and there.
* * *
Thankfully, Ford came back from calling their father about ten minutes later, and they were able to trade off periodically. Ford theoretically knew more about what was happening after reading all those books from the library, but in practice, telling his mother “The bones in your pelvis are shifting in order to allow the baby to pass through, that’s why it hurts so much!” did nothing to help her. Thankfully, Caryn loudly complaining that they were terrible at this seemed to help on some level.
Between their unsuccessful attempts to soothe their mother, Ford explained that Filbrick was on his way, but it was at least a 2 and a half hour drive.
“Well, she’s at a whole inch already.” The doctor, who had arrived just a few minutes ago said. “I think the baby will be crowning by then.”
Stan looked to his brother for a translation.
“That’s the term for when the baby’s head pushes out of the cervix.” Ford explained.
“Sorry I asked.” Stan grimaced.
* * *
The boys weren’t exactly surprised when Filbrick showed up about 15 minutes earlier than he’d said he would. The man was no stranger to speeding. They were also somewhat vindicated when, after he took their place at her side, their mother shouted that he was even worse at the whole comforting thing than they were.
With their father there, the two boys finally felt free to step away for a while. They immediately made a b-line for the restrooms before crashing on a couple of chairs in the waiting room. 
Stan had no idea how much later it was when someone shook him awake. Sunlight shone through the skylight above him, so it had to be quite a while. 
“Hey,” The CNA who had woken him said, “Your mom wants to know if you want to come hold the baby.”
“Geez, how long was I out?” Stan asked, standing and trying to stretch away the crick in his back. In the chair beside him, Ford blearily stirred awake.
The CNA just shrugged and led them back to a new room, where their mom was recovering. Caryn was more frazzled and tired looking than Stan had ever seen her, but she looked happy as could be, holding the baby. Even Filbrick, standing in the corner, gave a small smile and nodded down at the baby, which Stan was pretty sure was the closest his old man ever got to showing a positive emotion. 
After washing their hands thoroughly, they were each given a turn to hold the new baby. Ford got to go first, because he was “oldest”. Stan pouted as he watched.
It was clear that Ford was fascinated with the tiny form in his arms. He carefully traced his fingers over the tiny head and arms, and he looked like he was about to tear up when he got to the miniscule hands. All the while, he softly muttered facts about how fast the baby would grow, and how his brain would continue to develop, as though he were reciting a lullaby. 
Finally, Stan got his turn. He gently took the baby in his arms, careful to support the head in the crook of his arm. He was so soft, and warm, and tiny, and light! Stan was suddenly very aware of how fragile the little boy in his arms was.
“Hey there, squirt.” Stan said softly, his voice cracking. He looked over at his mother. “What’re you gonna name him?”
“Well, we’ve already got two ‘S’ names,” She said, throwing an annoyed glance at her husband, “So I was thinking Sherman. Shermie for short.”
“Heh, I like that. Shermie.” Stan looked back down at the baby in his arms. “Shermie. How ya doin’, Shermie?”
Shermie started crying, almost as if in reply. Stan quickly handed him back to his mother, panic apparent in his wide eyes.
“Oh, don’t worry,” His mother reassured him. “He’s just fussy. It’s been a tiring night for both of us, huh?” She cooed to her youngest child. “You’re gonna see some things when you grow up, aren’t ya? Things I couldn’t even imagine. Visit some crazy places and times.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Filbrick asked.
“I dunno. When the Sight takes me, I don’t always understand what I See.” She replied haughtily.
The other three men in the room rolled their eyes. Sometimes Caryn just randomly decided to slip into her psychic act. 
“She said basically the same thing when you two were born.” Filbrick grunted in annoyance. 
None of them could have known how right she was.
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werewolf-witchboy · 3 years
Tokoyami Fumikage X Male Reader
Being A Witch Boy And Dating Tokoyami
WARNINGS: none uwu
Being a witch has nothing to do with your quirk, you just like practicing the dark arts and witchy things.
I'm not going to mention what your quirk is, so you can imagine that you have whatever quirk you want, or you can imagine yourself as someone without a quirk.
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💀 Tokoyami had been fascinated with your hobby of witchcraft ever since he met you. He was most fascinated with the fact that your actual quirk has nothing to do with how your witchcraft works.
🕯 He had already thought you were cute before, and he had been in that time of his life where he was starting to question his sexuality a little- but after you showed him your witchy interests, he fell hard for you.
💀 He may be a dark and edgy birb boi, but he's also quite shy and awkward. He probably would have never confronted you about his crush if you hadn't told him your feelings for him first.
🕯 When y'all started dating, literally everyone was like "FINALLY!!" cuz it was super obvious that the two of you were meant for each other.
💀 When it comes to what type of witch you are, i'd say you're a witch of all traits.
-You love dark and spooky things, but you also love pastel colors and nature.
-Your room in the class 1A dorm is most likely full of plants, candels, a variety of antiques and trinkets, and shit that you can't buy at stores until it's around Halloween time.
🕯 Tokoyami likes to ask many questions about all of the different types of things you do, and he actually pays attention and is super interested. You'll even teach him some new things, and show him how to do them himself.
💀 You love Dark Shadow as much as you love Tokoyami himself. Though they're both very different in personality, you find them both charming and adorable (despite them both saying they're not "adorable," they're dark and spoopy lmao).
🕯 He also loves your animal familiar.
-Your familiar rarely comes out of your bedroom. Since you're dating Tokoyami, you allow him in your room (which means a lot more than he probably thinks it does, cuz spaces where witches do their magic and recharging are very sacred to them) so he gets to see your familiar quite often.
💀 It's rare for familiars to show affection to anyone that isn't their bonded witch, but your familiar absolutely loves Tokoyami.
-They'll hop onto his lap immediately as soon as he sits down in your room.
🕯 Both you and Tokoyami thrive in the darkness, so there are often times where you both hang around in your dimly lit room cuddled up together just talking all day (or even sometimes laying there in comfortable silence).
-You'll be in there together for so long that all of your friends will start questioning where you're both at, and not even realize that you're just in your room.
💀 He obviously likes you a whole lot, but he's super bad at saying it with words. He's just shy and bashful. BUT THEN DARK SHADOW EXPOSES HIM LMAO-
-You'll be standing there looking super cute, and Tokoyami will just stare at you and want to say something so badly. Then Dark Shadow appears and is all like "wOw yOu'Re sUpEr hOt" and Tokoyami just dies right there in the very spot he's standing cuz he can't believe that just happened.
🕯 That's another thing- Tokoyami stares at you a LOT. He even did it before y'all started dating, but now he doesn't even try to hide it.
-You barely noticed at first, but once you started noticing how often you catch him staring at you, you can't help but tease him a little.
-You'll stare at him back, directly in the eyes, and he'll get super flustered and embarrassed.
-Then to calm him down and make him feel less embarrassed, you'll giggle at his flustered-ness and give him a lil beak kiss...which just makes him even more flustered.
💀 He's definitely the type who wants to be a total romantic, and speak all poem-like to you, and shower you with praises, ect. BUT he gets so flustered when it comes to affection, and second-guesses himself when it comes to his ideas of showing affection.
-He's scared of coming off too strong, or seeming to clingy, or even not doing enough, so he never really gets the chance to act out any of how he wants to show affection- and to top it all off he can't help but be absolutely smitten every time you give him affection of any sort, and he'll not know how to react to it.
🕯 You never call him out on his shyness or how he reacts to your affection, you're not offended with any way he reacts to you. You think it's super cute how innocent he seems when it comes to all of this, and of course you encourage any time he gets a little bit of confidence to hold your hand or compliment you (without the help of Dark Shadow lol).
💀 His feathers get all ruffled when he's flustered, and OMFG it's too cute. 🥺😭
🕯 Something that he loves so much is when you borrow his clothes. Because for him, it's kind of a way to show affection towards you without being super direct about it.
-So him being like "you're cold? here, wear my sweatshirt" translates to "TAKE EVERYTHING FROM ME, KEEP IT FOREVER, I LOVE YOU FJSKDJFHR-"
💀 Don't come @ me- Tokoyami listens to death metal, but he'd totally vibe with something like kpop if you introduced him to it.
-He's definitely a Loona stan.
🕯 Highkey though, now that I think of it- he probably also listens to Joji and Billie Eilish.
-Like, really moody sad boi hours indie music.
-He'd have Will He playing in his headphones, and he'd be all edgy and in his feelings, but he'd also be doing something like baking cookies at the same time lmfao.
-He'd have a playlist named "songs to cry to," but he'd be listening to it while knitting sweaters for puppies or something.
💀 No, you didn't ask me what kind of music that I think Tokoyami listens to, but you got it anyway. Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.
🕯 If he's at a store, and sees something kinda spooky looking that makes him think of you, he'd quickly get it and think all day of giving it to you, and he'd want to watch you add it to your collection of lil trinkets and antiques.
-....But he'd chicken out so hard I stg.
-This poor baby would rehearse how he'd give it to you in his head over and over again, and then when the time comes to give it to you, he'd get suddenly so tongue-tied and worried if you'd actually like it or not.
-But, of course, you love whatever he gets you every time. Your always super surprised when he gets you something, cuz it's not your birthday or any special day, and you never expect gifts from people.
-Every time you accept a gift from him, you always want to squeal, tackle him, and shower him with kisses- but you resist doing so with all of your being, cuz you know he'd malfunction.
-Instead you very profoundly thank him many times, and give him one especially loving kiss.
-Seeing your extra surprised and happy reaction always relieves him so much, and it makes him want to do it all over again and gift you a whole shop full of trinkets. His lack of hundreds of dollars is the only thing that stops him.
💀 You're the type of person who wears a lot of black, and scatters bright colors here and there within your look. Your style ranges from goth to pastel e-boy.
🕯 You don't like to change other people's styles or tell other people what to wear, but every once in a while, Tokoyami expresses an interest in dressing like you- which you go NUTS over.
-You'll let him borrow your pastel sweaters, and he'll let you put bright colored hairclips in his feathers.
-He now even owns some pastel colored clothing of his own, that you either gifted him or he secretly bought himself at some point.
💀 He used to be shy about changing up his style every once in a while at first. Whenever you'd take pictures of him wearing bright clothes, he'd softly ask you not to show them to any of the others.
-Eventually he became confident enough to go out in public those rare days he'd wear bright colors, and everyone is always super supportive of the different style.
🕯 He had never been in a relationship with another guy before he started dating you.
-He started questioning his sexuality around the time he started high school, but it was never a priority at first because he was more focused on working hard to get into U.A. and thinking about his future being a hero.
-aNd tHeN hE mEt yOu, and now we're here lol.
-ANYWAYS, y'all go to pride parades together.
-Something he isn't shy about is his sexuality, cuz as soon as he realized how he felt about you, he was all in and that was that.
-Y'all go all out for parades with face and body paint, and shirts with your flags on them, and even sometimes bringing signs and flags to hold up and wave around.
-Some of your friends will come with the two of you, whether they're there because they're also lgbtq+ or just because they support it.
-It's the most social the two of you are the entire year, cuz your both introverted lil emos that don't really talk to many people outside of class 1A.
💀 So yeah- I think Tokoyami is highly underrated and I'm extremely soft for him. He's an emo birb boi, what is not to love.
-I believe in emo birb boi supremacy.
-Rise all Tokoyami stans, we shall take over the entire anime world someday.
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Just a Normal Day
A short drabble about sea grunks having an average adventure, written in honor of their birthday.
Even before they got attacked by the Cthulhu beast, it had been a pretty average morning on the sea for the Pines twins.
Wake up at the crack of dawn (Ford) or closer to late morning (Stan); eat breakfast; reset the spell to ward off the vengeful leprechauns who might still be after them for stealing their treasure in case they’d figured out they were chasing a decoy trail by now; do a little late morning fishing, while keeping an eye out for that golden fish Stan was sure he’d seen swimming under their boat last week, and which he was hoping laid golden fish eggs or something; finally notice what time it was (Stan) and head inside to make lunch.
Just another normal day.
Stan was examining their supplies, trying to decide if it was worth breaking out some of the canned hamburger meat and throwing together sloppy Joes instead of making them eat fish again, when he was knocked skiwampus by the boat being yanked to a halt; as he struggled to regain his balance by grabbing onto the table, a vicious, blood-curdling roar came rumbling through the air from outside.
Stan sighed, and wondered if the kraken was back. In one swift motion he grabbed the spare harpoon they had hanging over the door, and stepped out to see if Ford needed help dealing with it.
It wasn’t the kraken.
It still looked like some kinda big octopus monster, though, with a mass of writhing tentacles where its face should be, and a bulbous head in the back just like an octopus body. The rest of it, at least as far as the torso, was kinda like a human’s but a little bigger (about the size of a baby whale), with slimy-looking green-brown skin and a pair of big, wrinkled, wet wings sticking out of its back. Whatever this thing was, it had grabbed onto the back of their boat, and was looming menacingly over Ford as Stan stepped outside.
“...and you are now my prisoners!” he bellowed, as his piercing golden eyes landed on Stan. “Surrender your weapons now, puny mortals, and I might be merciful!!!!”
“Yeesh, did we trespass on his territory or something?” Stan asked, leaning on the harpoon.
Ford shrugged with one shoulder, since he was trying to write in his journal at the same time. “He didn’t really say; he just jumped onboard and started threatening me.”
“Huh.” Stan looked up at the beast. “You the lord of this part of the ocean or whatever?”
The beast blinked-which looked pretty weird, his eyelids went sideways instead of up and down like humans-before nodding vigorously. “Yes! I am the lord of this part of the ocean, and you must surrender to me now, or else suffer my wrath!!!!” He slammed a fist down against the side of the boat, making it rock up and down so hard he had to scrabble to keep his balance. Stan coughed into his fist to hold back a snicker.
Ford tilted his head. “I could have sworn this was still the primary territory of the Manatee-Merfolk Alliance. Are you sure you haven’t made some kind of mistake?”
“What part of prisoners did you not understand?!” the beast demanded, spreading out his wings and shaking them as his tentacles writhed angrily. “Give up your weapons, now-all of them!!!!”
“...You sure you want that? It’s kind of gonna take awhile-”
“NOW, or I crush your boat in my mighty fist!!!!”
Stan glanced at Ford, who rolled his eyes and nodded. With a small sigh, they began disarming themselves.
...A minute passed and they were still at it.
Ford’s pile of weapons was almost as tall as he was, mostly consisting of long-range weapons like guns, but with a few vials of poisons and some handcuffs thrown into the mix.
Stan’s pile was more proportionate, but the number of places that weapons were produced from (including a smoke bomb that he’d somehow managed to keep tucked under his beanie) was frighteningly impressive.
The monster watched their progress with increasingly wide eyes; finally, as Stan produced another set of brass knuckles out of a secret pocket sewn onto the inside of his coat, he spluttered, “...Where were you keeping those?”
Stan just grinned shamelessly. “Trust me, sunshine, you don’t wanna know.”
“Okay, I think that’s everything,” Ford said at last, indicating the pile of weaponry.
“Yeah, well, I’m still workin’, gimme a minute.” Stan produced a switchblade, and tossed it onto his pile. Then, in a brief sleight of hand, he snatched another one from the pile and pretended to draw it out of his coat to toss it on next. “Hey, tentacles-face-ya think you could bring us back by Wednesday? We got a Zoom appointment ta keep, and our niece and nephew hate it when we’re late.” Another sleight of hand allowed him to scoop up another weapon.
“That’s not how this-now see here!” The monster drew himself up to his full height, nearly falling backwards off the boat. “You guys-you puny mortals are my prisoners! And as such, you need to understand that this is not a joking matter! I could squash you both like sea slugs if I wished! I’m all-powerful, an eons-old abomination whose very name would send you into madness if spoken aloud! So you better start quaking in fear and begging for mercy like proper captives!!!!”
Stan looked at Ford. “Sounds like we’re his first.” He looked back at the monster. “You’re doin’ great, buddy-good job on the whole threatening schtick.” He offered a thumbs-up, while using the other hand to snag another weapon that he pretended to produce from another hiding spot.
Ford winked at him, and looked back at their ‘captor.’ “Is this some sort of coming-of-age ritual for your species?” He produced his journal again, pen poised. “Very clever move, by the way, threatening our boat to get us to disarm ourselves. In the future, though, I would suggest that you try taking one of us hostage first, in order to create maximum-”
The monster abruptly started pounding his fists against the side of the boat, nearly tipping it over before instead pitching him all the way onto the deck. “YOU’RE NOT SUPPOSED TO BE LIKE THIS! YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO-I’M YOUR-IT’S NOT FAIR-!”
It took Stan a moment to realize that the angry noises leaving his mouth (?) were accompanied by the sound of frustrated sobs.
He hissed through his teeth, and shot Ford a guilty look.
“...Oh boy. Looks like we got a little one here.”
Stan crossed the boat and crouched down in front of the weeping monster, putting a hand on his back and rubbing the spot right between his wings.
“Deep breaths, in and out. You’re not gonna get anything done like this, so just take a bit ta calm down, okay?”
The monster hiccuped and coughed, shrinking in on himself in a way that was painfully familiar to both of them.
Ford knelt down at his other side. “Maybe if you tell us why this is so important to you, we can provide some assistance?”
The monster shook his head and buried his head in his arms. “I just wanted-hic-to show my friends I could catch the Pines twins all by myself,” he croaked.
The two old men looked at each other in a mixture of surprise and slight alarm. “...You know who we are?”
That was finally enough to get him to sit up, wiping his eyes with his tentacles. “You kidding? Every creature of the seas knows who you are! You’re the guys who beat up krakens and steal gold from leprechauns and then you and your boat vanish without a trace! You’re the coolest cryptids ever!”
It took both of them a moment to digest that. By the time they did, though, they were grinning in equal delight.
“We’re cryptids?!” Ford asked, eyes practically brimming over with overjoyed tears.
“Yeah! And people at school were sayin’ you’re just a myth, but I knew you were real cuz my uncle saw your ship up in the Arctic last winter, and I was gonna capture you and bring you to class to show everyone how wrong they were and then I’d be famous and they’d stop calling me a weird runt all the time!” After a second his wings drooped, and he stared miserably down at the deck. “...Guess it was pretty dumb of me to think I could catch you all by myself.”
Stan put a hand on his shoulder. “...Kid...as much as we wanna help, we can’t just be your prisoners. We got our own lives ta get back to.”
“Plus, neither of us is able to breathe underwater,” Ford added.
The monster sighed, and pulled a strip of kelp from around his neck, turning one of the leaves until it was facing him. He squirted a stream of black ink from one of his tentacles, and dipped the tip of another one into the ink and used it to trace something that looked like a bunch of gobbledygook to Stan onto the leaf. “Humans...don’t...breathe...underwater.”
Awww...he’s a super nerd, just like Ford and Dipper!
That gave Stan an idea.
“Hey.” He nudged the monster. “What about a picture of us instead? Along with genuine proof of a close encounter?”
The monster’s head jerked up. “A picture?! Like with one of those weird magic boxes you humans carry around sometimes?!”
“That’s the one.” Stan grinned. He looked at Ford and jerked his head towards the cabin; his brother took the hint and headed for it, returning with an antique Polaroid camera that Ford had been experimenting on, but still took good pictures.
The monster’s tentacles began writhing around his face like they’d come to life, and he let out a high-pitched squeal of excitement.
“This is the greatest day of my life!!!!”
It took a bit of staging and directing and trying out different angles, but eventually they produced a set of photos that appeared to be of an eldritch abomination in training being attacked by, and bravely fighting off, the ferocious monster hunter Pines twins (hopefully nobody would think to ask how and why the monster had managed to get these pictures taken).
Then, while Stan took them into the cabin and soaked them in a special substance Ford had invented that would render them waterproof, Ford sat on the prow next to the young cryptid enthusiast and offered tips on future hunting adventures, comparing notes with him on some of the creatures they’d both seen. He also (with permission) took a few samples from the monster, including a long strip of skin (“Make it look like a wound I got in the fight! Man, this is gonna be so cool, Yog-Sothoth is gonna eat his heart out! Possibly literally!”) and some of the ink from his tentacles.
When Stan came back with the photos, he also handed over one of his spare brass knuckles that had lost a corner. “Have another souvenir, kid.”
The monster’s tentacles lashed out and wrapped around their faces in what felt like a really weird version of a hug before pulling away, leaving them covered in some of the slimy stuff they were coated in.
“Thank you so much! I really really hope the leprechauns don’t catch you-if they come this way I’ll make sure to eat some of them so they won’t!” He waved at them joyfully as he dived back into the ocean and disappeared.
After a moment Stan wiped his face on his coat sleeve.
“...Well, that happened.”
He turned away and began gathering up his weapons.
“Such a strange mixture of childlike innocence and barbarity,” Ford mused as he pulled out a jar and gathered the slime into it for yet another sample. “His culture must be fascinating-I almost wish he would have taken us with him so I could have seen it.”
“You would’ve drowned before you could gather any data.”
“...You don’t know that.”
“He literally didn’t know that humans can’t breathe underwater, Sixer. Not gonna happen.”
He ignored Ford’s sulking and kept cleaning, while musing to himself over the possible monetary opportunities being a couple of cryptids could bring...
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pollylynn · 3 years
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Title: Oldfangled
WC: 1000
Episode: The Blue Butterfly (4 x 14)
She thinks it’s funny when he gets swept up in the romance of a bygone era. Nowadays she thinks it’s funny, and she’s aware that’s funny in and of itself. Back when he was pitching time-traveling killers and dragging her out of bed to traipse through Prohibition-Era secret tunnels, she mostly found it annoying.
Or it seemed . . . proper to find it annoying back then. It seemed wise at the time. But they’re kind of not doing proper, lately. They’re kind of not doing wise, and that’s more than a little hair-raising, so she keeps charming out of the corner of her eye. She pointedly ignores adorable when that stomps right up to tap her on the shoulder. She goes with funny. It’s funny that he’s so easily caught up in the past, given that he is, in his habits, his purchases, his oooh! shiny! mindset, very much caught up in the not-too-distant future.
He has a new phone every week, it seems, and exactly one of those is attributable to a bank robber stomping on it. He openly scorns her not just for the fact that her phone is antiquated, as he likes to put it, but for how few bells and whistles it has. He snatches it up regularly so he can point and laugh at how many of her apps are out of date, how many everybody’s got it apps she doesn’t even have.
In her idle moments, she still sometimes thinks back to her short stint as his houseguest and the bewildering array of kitchen gadgets tucked away in every drawer, every cupboard in his kitchen. He is an aficionado of high-tech pens and magnetic belt buckles. He sports a parade of paradoxically analog watches that all look like the come from the Maxwell Smart collection.
He is very much in love with anything cutting edge, anything futuristic. But right now, he’s in love with the past, too. He’s waxing rhapsodic about the music-saturated walls of the Pennybaker Club. He’s making off with leather-bound diaries and scamming her into listening as he reads aloud from it, as he—no doubt—embellishes on the fly, and he very definitely delights in leaving her hanging on the fate of Vera and Joe and the location of the damned secret safe.
She wants to challenge him on it. She wants to ask him what he’d do if he couldn’t invest in a new damned laptop almost as often as he invests in a new damned phone. She wants to taunt him about where he’d actually be in life if he’d had to bang out out his pot boilers on a manual typewriter. She really wants to ask him—even though she’s fully aware that it could wind up stranding her in an Enthusiastic Castle conversation for days—what he’d be willing to give up to travel back to the days when a grown man could write the phrase pitching woo, even in the privacy of his own diary, and not have someone arrest him for crimes against the English language. She wants to make him choose—then or now Castle, you can’t have both . . .
But she’s enjoying herself. She’s enjoying him enjoying all of this, so she settles for being amused. She settles for, every once in a while, gently reminding him how uncharacteristically indulgent she’s being, and for less gently reminding him that the romance of a bygone era has never once solved a crime.
Except the romance of this bygone era keeps stubbornly . . . at least contributing to the solving of a crime. He takes a deep dive into the diary’s provenance, and she thinks the time for amusement might be over. She’s on the verge of delivering the five more minutes, then it’s bedtime news when Ryan sidles in with the shocking ballistics match that ties Stan’s murder to a 65-year-old double murder—the murder of Joe and Vera, it seems, and she thinks, sadly, that will surely take the bloom off the bygone rose.
But he’s committed. He’s devastated, too. She sees his off-hand crazy kids remark for what it is—a not particularly convincing cover for a genuine sense of loss. Because he believes that Joe was in love with Vera five days into even knowing she existed. He doesn’t—for one second—wonder if Vera, who just happens to know where the secret safe is, is all-too-likely a femme fatale who sees in Joe an opportunity to walk away from Dempsey with a million bucks around her neck.
The romance is real for him, even when he’s fervently hoping they can slap the cuffs on Belasco and park his smug face behind bars. Even then, he holds on to a what really happened scenario for Joe and Vera. He waves away the obvious story—the one that pushes the I told you so button in her own head, because so much of the inside of her own head is convinced crushing disappointment is what happens when you let yourself get swept up in the romance of anything.
But the universe is on his side. There’s a tense and terrible stretch when it seems like Joe and Vera might be the bad guys—they might have killed Stan to protect their secrets, and they might have killed God knows who all those years ago. But it doesn’t turn out that way.
It turns out that Joe was in love with Vera, five days in, and Vera might have had the makings of a femme fatale once upon a time, but the love of a good man more than reformed her. She looks at him looking at Joe and Vera, still lost in one another’s eyes after all these years, and she doesn’t have to ask what he’d give up for the romance of a bygone era. She doesn’t have to ask what he would choose—then or now . . .
She doesn’t have to ask.
A/N: Castle's old softy fuzzy feelings have no morphousness.
images via homeofthenutty
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obeymeluv · 4 years
The Bros Visit the Human World
You bring the bros to the human world for a little get-away and they develop some interesting habits.
He’s the restless one that doesn’t sleep well. It takes a night or two to get comfortable and sleep normally.
Lucifer will probably be the first one up. Not only out of habit, but you’re in the human world so he’ll see the sun again
Being away from Diavolo and the responsibilities actually makes him seem like a stranger. Everyone forgets who he is outside of that because he’s so dedicated.
If you’re around a lot of nature, he’ll just casually stroll around. Almost like he’s forgotten what grass, trees, and flowers look like. He loves to spend time in the sun and just breathe the air.
Have pets? He’s partial to cats and well-behaved dogs.
Surprisingly, he’ll be the type to chase birds off of anything half-wounded or put birds back into their nests
At some point you’ll find him on the roof, wings out and sunning
Take him to livestock stores or somewhere like Tractor Supply Co. and he’ll be super tempted to smuggle a baby chick out in his pocket.
Loathes most human TV. Can’t bring himself to be interested until you bust out bible-history related documentaries. If he finds one he’ll take control of the TV, watch it all, and rip it to pieces.
Kind of develops a complex about it. “What would these humans know?! They’ve only been around for, what, forty years? Try five thousand!”
Take him by the coffee shops or smoothie shops to try decadent treats! He secretly likes them!
Sleeps easier than Lucifer but has a tough time because the noises are different
If you have an open field or bigger back yard, his favorite thing to do is stand there and watch birds come to him. It surprises him that he can summon more than crows
Boy will definitely throw on a sunhat (or some cool glasses) and ask you what you feed birds around your place. Stands out in your yard throwing bird seed like the birds are starving and he’s got a million bags.
The type to fight squirrels and chase them out of your yard or away from feeders because “It’s not FOR you!”
If you live somewhere more laid-back he’ll feel very restless. He’s drawn to bigger, busier places.
IMMEDIATELY asks you about restaurants and things to do (”What’cha got? What’s good? Anything fun around here?”)
Gets super frustrated by shows like Storage Wars but it eerily good at appraising the value of stuff at a glance. Often guesses the real value of the objects
Show him Antique Roadshow. He’ll LOSE. HIS. SHIT.
He’ll ask to go by places like pawn shops and jewelers to just look at the different things humans trade or want to save up for. Can probably get discounts on the stuff.
Bring this guy when shopping for jewelry. He has an innate gift for appraising and can see flaws. He knows when you’re being played.
Want to be a little mean? Get those chocolate treasure chest coins and give one to Beel first. Mammon might just have a heart attack.
Definitely goes on a rant about how making chocolate money is wrong. (”Why make a currency you can’t spend?!”)
Make the visit special by getting some type of matching jewelry--earrings, rings, necklaces--and he’ll wear it around.
Take him by pet stores where they’ll let the birds out of cages, he’ll make kissy noises and love on all of them. Will definitely try to smuggle one out.
He’ll spend whole days in parks when he realizes you can park it on a bench and feed birds. Birds that don’t always get food!
Don’t show him water fountains. He doesn’t get the concept of people tossing coins in and will definitely try to take them by posing as a cleaner or something
Taking him by a museum is a 50/50 gamble. He’s genuinely interested in the displays and setup but might try to steal something   
Do you have a way to watch The Road to El Dorado? Show it to Mammon. He’ll love it.
Unless you live by some cute cafes, comic book stores, or video game retailers he probably won’t do much on his visit
Do you have a pool? He changed his mind. Might gripe about the chlorine messing with his skin though.
If you only have access to a community pool he refuses to do anything with it
Take him to the beach if you live near one. He’ll ALWAYS go for ocean water!
Because the Devildom is the Devildom, I bet they don’t have Ghibli movies. Maybe they have knock-offs, or they’re considered rare because they’re human world related, but have a Ghibli marathon with him! He’ll love it! It won’t be Ruri-chan levels of love, but he’ll stan and want to buy some stuff
Can you make boba tea at home or swing by a coffee shop that makes a close substitute? Take him! He’ll like it! Levi may complain about it not being authentic but he’ll secretly appreciate it
He likes savory food and junk food so take him by a dollar store and get some cheap chips and sodas. It’ll be interesting to try. Maybe he can make a Deviltube video about trying human food!
Levi also strikes me as someone who would like nachos, so maybe grab him some nachos!
Do they know about the Doritos and Mountain Dew thing in the Devildom? He might want those. (”Look, I’m like the human gamers!”)
Levi runs a little colder than his brothers (by Devildom standards) so take him around to feel on blankets and maybe get one to take back to the Devildom.
Has a great love for books (obviously) and a great disdain for Devildom bookstores that charge an arm and a leg for human finds. TAKE HIM BY BOOKSTORES AND LET HIM LIVE IN HIS NATURAL ENVIRONMENT!
The type to bring an extra suitcase just for books
Is actually quite a homebody because he has no connections in the human world (besides you), so he’s fine to sit and read his new finds.
Do you have books at home? What are your favorites? He’ll read them, too, while he’s here
Show him some kind of crime channel or crime YouTuber and he’s 100% obsessed. Binges them like Netflix
Will wave you over and demand you sit, tangling your legs together as you lean back and speculate on who the murder is and what happens since most of those TV episodes are an hour long
Loves anything psychological-based. Wants to understand why people do things and how they work. Show things like Criminal Minds and Mind Games. He’ll be SUPER interested.
Do you have cats? You’ll see Satan whispering them and holding them against his shoulder. He’s in love and might be planning to steal your cat.
Taking him by animal shelters makes him a little sad but he’ll be glad to play with all the cats at one time.
Don’t tell him that, to most humans, Lucifer and Satan are the same figure in the Bible. He just might lose his shit.
Does your town have history/mystery tours? Take him! It’s a two-in-one and he loves it! History and culture, mystery and crime!
Show Satan Cinderella. He’ll get the BIGGEST laugh out of the cat being called Lucifer.
Like Mammon, will ask you about aesthetic places and things to do
In a rare moment of not hating Mammon, the two will gossip at the jewelry stores and be really critical. Mammon stops Asmo from making bad purchases
Show him around some makeup stores! He’d LOVE to see human products!
If you take him by ANY store with clothes, he will look, pick, feel, analyze, and try things on for the hell of it. It will be an all-day thing
Human fashion takes off more than he expected on the Devilgram, so he’ll buy a few things.
When he realizes makeup stores give free makeovers, he’ll use that to his advantage. Especially by charming people
Goes on a small kick of charming people to get what he wants because Lucifer only ever told him he couldn’t do it to YOU. It’s a new level of fawning and attention and he eats it up
If he sees a cute Starbucks drink on TV, he wants it.
If you show him Pinterest or Instagram, he’s glued to a device and saving things.
By the time everyone goes back to the Devildom he has a tiny notebook full of ideas and details--ways to recreate it in the Devildom
Gets several modeling offers and you (or one of the bros) has to pull him away, It’s not happening.
Unexpectedly into unboxing videos and calligraphy. Lives for pretty hand writing and is fascinated by bullet journaling even though he’s too lazy to maintain one
Show him soap operas/dramas and celebrity entertainment channels. He won’t know what to believe.
If he sees shows like Jerry Springer, Maury, Jeremy Kyle, or Judge Judy he live-streams them like ‘can you believe what crazy things happen in the human world?!’
The dollar store is his heaven! ALL THIS FOOD FOR A DOLLAR?!
I personally think that human food is less calorically dense so he’ll need to eat a lot. Take him by fast food places that have cheap dollar menus or five dollar deals
If you go to a restaurant with a ‘finish in ‘x’ amount of a minutes and it’s free!’ do it. He’ll set a record
Beel learns about all you can eat buffets and gives you puppy eyes until you take him to one. At least you’ll get your money’s worth!
Don’t take him by a real grocery store. He’ll bankrupt you. Or eat all the free samples.
He’s interested in cooking shows but if he watches them you’ll have to clean up a lot of drool, give him something to eat while he’s watching, or stop him from absently grabbing the closest thing and trying to eat it
Is super into renovation shows and technical shows where people work with their hands. It’s like sports of the mind.
Not as interested in watching American football because he’ll critique it too much. Any other sport, he’ll find it interesting and want to know how it works.
Show him old Olympic footage. He’s surprised at the variety of sports and will watch the whole thing
Will also enjoy Ghibli movies. How do they make food look like that?!
This boy is a Disney princess in a demon body. If he sees any critters while he’s out and about (ANY), he’ll want to try and feed it or pet it
Bugs are drawn to him. He especially likes caterpillars and butterflies.
Beel likes to hunt for ladybugs.
Likes to “donate” to ant hills and watch them work,
Likes to watch nature documentaries about different animals
If you take him to the zoo, he’ll marvel at the different animals. Wants to wrestle a tiger and the bigger animals to see if he’ll win. It looks “fun.”
When he hears about mattress stores, that’s his thing. That’s what he wants you to do together. Belphie will literally lay on as many mattresses as possible and judge them
He may not have a hard time sleeping as long as he has his favorite pillow, but, for kicks, show him ASMR. Beel’s not the only one who drools!
Will definitely fall asleep outside in the sun. Any place is a good place for a nap, and to look up and see clouds is special
Spend a night outside under the human sky. It’s constellations and things he only ever gets to see in the star room
Will watch just about anything on TV. He’ll say he doesn’t have a preference but he likes those happy, soft movies that have gentle endings where everything turns out okay. Actually cries a little.
If he learns what Snorlax is from Pokemon, he’ll want one. A big Snorlax plushy to cuddle and sleep on/with!
If he hears the word “demon” uttered on TV he’s instantly hooked. What stupid thing do these humans think? THAT’S their version of a demon?!
Can you take him to see real cows? He’d really like that.
The type to make flower chains in the grass because he’s bored. Gives his first one to Beel and falls asleep before he can make another one.
Loves milkshakes unironically. Will slink out of bed and come along on any errands/brother outings if he can get one out of you.
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juneviews · 4 years
my thoughts on gmmtv 2021
I am an emotional wreck... I genuinely feel like I have aged 10 years in two hours lmao. so to try & make some sense of it all I thought I’d sort my thoughts with y’all:
not me: do I need to say anything to y’all?? like I’m not gonna go into a rant bc I think y’all already know how I’m feeling. a gang series??? with offgun still being a ship??? with off & mond aka my two favorite men on earth??? with first kanaphan whom I adore? with gawin caskey whom I love??? THAT FUCKING ICONIC KISS PUT IN THE FUCKING TRAILER????? I legit hyperventilated for ten minutes after the trailer, cried twice rewatching it... how am I supposed to live, guys? like please tell me I’d love to know. this series could be mediocre as hell (it won’t) & I’ll still love it. I have ascended to heaven & it’s gonna take me a while to realize that this is happening
bad buddy: at first I thought this would be a bromance that looked super gay, but.................... nah it’s actually a romcom :’( this looks ADORABLE & it’s ticking ALL of my boxes. ohm pawat bl icon as always & nanon acting icon?? like those two are some of the best thai actors & they’re friends irl... I believe this is gonna be magnificent & I’m a mess!!!
fish upon the sky: this looks so fucking cute. I’ve actually always wanted to see a bl where two guys fight over someone only to fall in love themselves... that’s a really cute concept & even though I only know one of the main leads it’s by the writer of theory of love & 2gether (btw I didn’t know those two were written by the same person omg) so it cannot NOT be good.
enchanté: hum... they really decided to make a bl around the french language.................... and I’m supposed not to feel attacked? this is the gay secret seven except he’s actually gonna end up with the guy I want him to, aka his best friend (it’s really obvious.) I can’t wait to cringe at their bad french pronounciation but swoon at the friends to lovers trope :)))
the player: this looks like the continuation of friend zone in terms of messiness & I am HERE for it. the cast is lovely as hell, everyone is gonna hook up with everyone (fulfilling my dream of a gmmtv orgy ;)) & there’s gonna be an out bisexual character. how could I not stan? also foei & mek are the most unexpected ship ever lol, and namtan & chimon looked so good it shook me to my core. also kudos for tay & joss being reunited in a series!
never too late: this looks very good & I like the whole cast! I think it’s gonna be just the type of stories I love so I’m really excited about it!
mama gogo: this looks really fucking dumb but it has so many actors I love including my sweethearts drake, earth & gunsmile. I genuinely have love for everyone in this cast & this looks like a fun comedy with some romantic elements & I’m here for it. though they could’ve added my man mond to the cast he’s used to playing strippers lmao
baker boys: this looks really cute??? apparently it’s a remake of antique bakery which I didn’t like as a movie (bc I expected a bl & that’s actually not the center of the story) but again I like the whole cast & it looks good so I’m gonna watch it!
46 days: this looks dumb & basic af but you already know I’m gonna be watching this. the cast is amazing (I didn’t know mike & ciize were there too!) & of course I will watch my man off in every role he has, especially when his pairing is mild <3
drag I love you: this looks a mess but I’m in love with joss wayar & also the rest of the cast is great. I actually got really excited at first bc I thought it would be a trans love story but now I’m not sure bc there is the trope of the cis sister who takes the place of her transgender one. I don’t have huge expectations but I’ll give it a try.
boys over flowers: the trailer looks good but it doesn’t seem like my cup of tea. I probably won’t watch it live as it airs but if it gets a lot positive reception I might binge it a few months later
an eye for an eye: not watching this. it has lakorn vibes & krist so nope
mr. lipstick: too basic & boring, sorry :’)
step darling: again lakorns vibes & I’m already gonna be staring at joss wayar’s beauty in other series so I think I can pass this one
the war of flowers: what kind of joy would I get from women fighting for dumbass reasons? not watching
irresistable: didn’t even watch the trailer lol, not watching
conclusion: it’s kinda sad that there is not a straight romance that really excites me for 2021, I feel like gmmtv really put all of their efforts in the bls which I can understand but also I would’ve liked an iconic straight romcom as well. as for the a tale of thousand stars & girl 2k trailers that weren’t released during this event like I thought they would, I was pretty disappointed. then I realized that it must mean they’re gonna star airing VERY soon as gmmtv releases trailers one or two weeks before a show starts airing so they probably didn’t want to release them too early when they’re gonna be released so soon anyway. so my theory is that they’re gonna be the first shows of 2021 to start airing & the trailers will be released in early january :) these were my thoughts, tell me yours down below!
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fiddlepickdouglas · 3 years
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Viva Las Vegas, Pt. 13 - Sketch/Ache
Summary: Sunset Curve Alive AU, Willex, so close yet so far, 3k
@trevor-wilson-covington is the bestie who makes these lovely edits, we stan supportive friends
WARNINGS: death mention
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10, Part 11, Part 12
October already? Looking at the work schedule posted on the wall, Willie ran a hand through his hair. The time really was just passing him by, huh? Another day over, he grabbed his skateboard and strapped on his helmet.
“Hey, Willie?” His manager, Kyle, called after him before he got through the back door.
“Yeah, man?” Willie turned to answer him.
“This Saturday we need some extra hands while we’ve got a group performing. Could you be there?”
“Totally, man,” he said, smiling with assurance before heading out into the street. Los Angeles was fresher than Vegas, at least for him. He loved the breeze from the ocean that swept in every evening and being near the water in general. There was so much more to do, as well, and he didn’t think he’d ever exhaust that list. Just the number of places to skate was constantly growing, without mentioning the rest. Of course, he had been hoping to do some of them with Alex by now, but that was easier said than done. Sunset Curve didn’t seem to be doing too many shows at the moment, and that was all he really had to track him with.
Stopping at an antiquated apartment building, he headed down a stairway into the basement and burst through the door.
“Guess who’s home!” he cried. Sheldon came pattering over with his ever-cheerful prrrp and rubbed against his leg. Kneeling to pet him, Willie chuckled. “Aww, I’m happy to see you, too.”
He immediately went over to the cat’s bowl and poured some food in, listening to Sheldon purr loudly as he ate his dinner. Willie grabbed some food for himself to snack on as he sat at his desk and looked at the unfinished drawing that had been left there early that morning. He’d begun covering his walls in sketches again, and this time he didn’t have to be afraid of everything being torn away. In fact, Willie couldn’t even believe he had convinced himself that his life was fine when staying with Caleb.
Things had changed entirely. Since his brief adventure out in the desert, Willie was fully independent. He owed most of it to Bessie, still, and he thought of that woman every day. She hadn’t left him any way to contact her, otherwise he’d want to send her a thank you card at least once a week. It even overshadowed the fact that he’d actually ridden in a plane with Harrison Ford.
Willie remembered how incredibly short the flight had been in comparison to the rest of his journey. Bessie had donated an old cat carrier that they strapped into the cabin for Sheldon while Willie joined Harrison in the cockpit. It was nothing like watching the man fly the Millenium Falcon, except that it felt like they had gone into lightspeed and landed not too long after taking off. 
“You should be proud,” Harrison had told him. “You didn’t get sick.”
It had taken Willie until after they landed at the Santa Monica Airport to realize that he’d hardly spoken a word because he kept looking at him in pure shock at the reality of the man. His embarrassment must have appeared obvious, because Harrison Ford leaned down to look him in the eye.
“I’ve seen it a million times, don’t worry about it.” There was something sage about the resting expression on his face.
Chuckling in a flustered manner, Willie tried to think of the best way to thank him.
“Well, that was...that was really amazing, Mr., um...Mr. Ford. Thank you.”
The old actor smirked a little. Willie had seen a handful of actors come through the diner in Vegas before (at least, he’d been told they were famous, since he didn’t recognize most of them), and none of them were nearly as friendly.
“Willie, right?” Harrison had asked. It was enough to get him starstruck all over again, but he managed to nod. “Well, since I’ll never see you again, I’ll give you some advice.”
Willie listened intently.
“If you believe something is worth it, don’t quit. From what I already know about you, it doesn’t look like you do, so I have an extra piece of advice for you: planning and preparation is everything.”
Thinking back to when Bessie had scolded him about not riding the bus, Willie cowered inwardly. He couldn’t imagine how stupid he had sounded then.
“Do you know where you’re headed, kid? I can call a cab to take you anywhere you need.”
“How come you’re so nice?” Willie blurted. He hadn’t meant to.
Harrison Ford bowed his head, still smirking, and looked back up.
“I was twice your age before I really got anywhere. Now I’m just an old man who still does the job. Doesn’t mean I’m always nice, but sometimes….” He shrugged and gave him a wink.
Nodding, Willie had thanked him again. Harrison Ford held out a hand, which he shook with great enthusiasm before accepting the offer for the cab and saying goodbye. When he’d asked to go to the Hollywood Walk of Fame, the cab driver had looked at him in confusion.
“You do?” the guy asked. Seeing the definitive nod from Willie in the back seat, he just looked resigned. “Okay.”
Shortly after being dropped off, Willie had realized why the cab driver had responded that way. Standing before Grauman’s Chinese Theater, the street was just another place covered in gum, surrounded by people dressed as other celebrities. He saw other people taking pictures with them, and saw that the ones all dressed up were being paid. Some young woman dressed as Marilyn Monroe was doing her best to catch his interest with a flirty pose and a wink. Awkwardly smiling, Willie turned away and went to explore that area of the city. It was a good thing he hadn’t owned a camera then.
Now, he had decided to get a cheap one, just to capture anything he found interesting when he saw it. He’d accumulated a handful of things in the past few months: the basement apartment, a mattress, his writing desk and chair, and his job at the record-store-slash-cafe, among other things. The fridge had already been in the room, which was a nice perk. It was cool enough that the owner of the building had been willing to rent to him even though he was still underage. Working at the record store was much better than both the diner and the hotel, although his hopes of having Alex or his friends chance to stop in were dwindling some.
For now, it was much like before he’d left Vegas, only without Caleb’s dark shadow constantly looming over him and a few more memories restored. And, of course, he could keep Sheldon with him. It was strange how meeting Alex and being at the Pearl already felt like a dream. Willie often had the thought that maybe he should move on and start planning out whatever he wanted now. Maybe Alex had just been the catalyst to get him out of a bad position and help him move forward.
Staring down presently at the drawing on his desk, Willie sighed. Alex’s smiling face (what he could remember of it) beamed up from the page. Sure, he could tell himself to be over it, but was he really? Sheldon began running about the apartment like he was being chased by an invisible foe, creating a distraction from Willie’s thoughts. After a while, he went to bed and lay awake replaying in his mind the last few moments he’d actually seen Alex. It was still so vivid. If it was no longer important, why could he recall it so well?
He watched as Alex stood up and held out a hand toward him. Taking it, he was impressed by the strength with which he was lifted off the surface of the observation deck. His mind returned to earlier that day when the situation had been reversed, and he wondered if Alex had felt the same exhilaration from that moment of closeness. He already missed the feeling of Alex’s fingers through his hair. Gaining his balance, he let go of Alex’s hand and a nervous giggle escaped as a bout of giddiness came over him. 
“You alright there?” Alex teased, grinning.
Shaking his head, almost to clear it like an Etch-A-Sketch, Willie grinned back.
“I’m having a good time,” he told him.
The warm smile that spread across Alex’s face and the way his eyes lit up deserved to be captured forever. Willie was sure he could fill a thousand pages of sketches, even if they were all of that one expression.
“Me, too,” Alex said, eyes wandering all over Willie’s face.
Before Willie could blush too hard, he picked up his skateboard.
“I know some shortcuts that’ll get us back to the hotel pretty quickly,” he started, pressing the button for the elevator. He didn’t want to go back so fast, but he had to remember his early work day in the morning. Caleb always had some sort of laundry list on the days he didn’t immediately go in to work at the diner.
“You’ve been a good tour guide so far,” Alex said as they stepped into the elevator.
Casting a wistful look back at the splendid view of Las Vegas, Willie watched the doors shut. Once they got out to the street again, Willie looked up at the hat sitting on Alex’s head. Impulsively, he lifted it up and put it on backwards, grinning at Alex.
“How does it look?” he asked, wiggling his eyebrows.
Alex’s jaw hung open for a moment, his nervous smile betraying him.
“It looks good,” he said in a breathless manner. It was such a cute expression, Willie wished he could make it happen again.
Alex was wishing right then that he could keep a picture of Willie with the hat on. He usually didn’t let people just steal it off his head, but when the result was that handsome he wasn’t going to complain. He’d wait until they had reached the hotel to ask for it back.
“So,” Willie started saying. “Back to L.A. in the morning, huh?”
Ah yes, the feeling of being crushed by reality. Alex bowed his head. He wasn’t excited to address it.
“Uh, yeah,” he sighed. “You know, when I got here I was hoping to just get the gig over with and leave, but that...I kind of forgot about that.”
He glanced up at Willie, not sure how much he should go into detail about why he changed his tune.
“But then you met Sheldon and he was the coolest cat ever, right?” Willie teased.
A chuckle of genuine entertainment escaped his throat. Did Willie know how charming he was? Alex wished he knew how to tell him.
“Yep, it was definitely the cat,” he responded. “Although the owner isn’t too bad, either.”
He got a casual shrug in return.
“Well, I know I’m busy, but I could call you,” Willie offered.
Fear pinched everything in Alex’s chest. It almost made him stop in his tracks.
“God, I - ” he started awkwardly, forcing his body to keep moving. “I can’t. I seriously wish I could, but that’s just...not possible.”
He already hated the words the moment they’d been spoken. His parents suspected enough things about him and his activity with the guys in his band, but they would make his reality pure hell if they ever picked up the phone from a guy they’d never met who had shown as much interest in him as Willie. While he felt fine being open just about anywhere else, at home was where he remained most guarded.
Willie was looking at him with slight disappointment.
“That’s too bad, I guess,” he said. “At least I know I won’t be going anywhere for a while, so you know where to find me.”
It was the only consolation they could afford. Alex wanted to make plans right then and there.
“And what would we do if I did find you?” he asked, knowing he was prodding for signs that he wasn’t the only one with hopes. He tried to relax his stride to appear more casual.
“Lots of possibilities,” Willie told him. “I haven’t shown you my favorite museum, or seen you skate - ”
“Just putting it out there,” Alex interrupted, raising a hand. “I cannot skate.”
Willie blew a raspberry. “Maybe not now, man, but you will by the time I’m finished with you.”
The way he wiggled his eyebrows made Alex think of something much different than riding a skateboard. He cleared his throat nervously as he looked up at the street they were on. The hotel was already a block away.
“Whoa, how’d we get here so fast?” he wondered.
“I know my shortcuts,” Willie said proudly.
Unfortunately, he did. Alex wanted more time to figure out a way to see Willie in the future. There had to be a possibility in the future. His long legs could only go so slowly, however, and soon they were stopped outside the hotel doors.
“Are you gonna make it home okay?” Alex asked. “Wherever that is?”
“I’ll be fine,” Willie shrugged plainly. “It’s not too far.”
For a minute, they stood in awkward silence. Alex could feel his entire body burning to make some gesture that left Willie with the right impression. What would be too forward? A hug? A kiss on the cheek? He’d already checked off holding him and running his hand through Willie’s hair, so he wasn’t going to simply send him off with a hand wave or something.
“Maybe I’ll see you tomorrow before you guys go?” Willie said, smirking optimistically.
“Yeah, maybe,” Alex said, trying to return a smile with the same optimism.
“Oh,” Willie sputtered. He took off the hat and tried to place it back onto Alex’s head properly. It didn’t work, but Alex simply adjusted it into its comfortable backward position. His fingers twitched under the temptation to touch Willie’s hair again.
“One of these days…” he muttered.
“Hm?” Willie perked up curiously.
Oh, no, he’d said it out loud. Damn. There was no way he couldn’t follow up.
“Uh...one of these days I’ll be around here again,” he said, nodding to reassure himself. “I’ll come looking for you.”
Willie could only look up at him and smile.
“I…” Alex began to scratch the back of his neck, but forced his hand down into his pocket. It had to be said. “I definitely like you.”
He watched Willie’s face morph from surprise into a smile, and finally his trademark eyebrow raise.
“So do I,” Willie said, biting his lip.
They both giggled, now that their feelings were out there in the open. It only made Alex ache more to stay. Willie placed a hand on his shoulder.
“You take care, Alex,” he told him.
He nodded. “And you be safe, Willie.”
He got one more glance into those gorgeous brown eyes, longing to toss in a line and anchor himself in them. The dim lights from the street played off of the natural glimmer that was always present.
Feeling Willie’s hand slide off his shoulder and down his arm, Alex could’ve sworn there was a tiny squeeze he received at the end of his fingers before Willie let go and got onto his skateboard. He watched him leave until eventually he was staring out into the darkness all alone. Reluctantly, he headed back up to the hotel room.
Alex was lying awake in his bed, silent tears falling down his cheeks at the bitter memory. His last words to Willie had been powerless to protect him. What sort of sick and twisted universe would let that happen? He knew he had no control over those circumstances, but he still felt that if anyone died in a fire, it should be him. Willie had been too wonderful to deserve it.
Turning to his side, he still hated the sobs that wracked through his whole body months later. Most people would deem it pathetic to hurt this much over someone he’d barely known. It was strange, but it felt almost undeserved, like mourning as he did wasn’t allowed. What about the people that Willie had spent time with every day? How could Alex begin to fathom their pain? To them, his sorrow would appear as empty as if he were crying over Freddie Mercury. This hurt far more than when he’d cried over Freddie.
It didn’t help that he couldn’t tell his family. The guys had been okay at letting Alex have his space, but his parents kept making comments about his sudden upset over everything. They would only see death as something bittersweet, a “better place” to go for people who were doing the right things. Of course he was terrified of death - he wasn’t exactly considered worthy of anything good, by their standards. That only made the loss of Willie that much worse. He hadn’t bothered to explain himself to Abbey. He couldn’t put that emotional burden on her.
Before he could let his mind wander further into the dark, Alex tried to find something else for his brain to put on cycle. Oddly enough, it went back to singing for Julie’s mom at the hospital. The words immediately began to repeat in his mind: we all live in a yellow submarine…. It wasn’t a song that he truly loved, but it was catchy. It was the one Willie had suggested they do. Alex remembered how he’d imagined everyone in that room in their own world together, safe and free from worldly cares. Somewhere full of color and warmth and people could be happy as they were.
That’s all he truly wanted. Maybe he would have that with the band, and maybe he’d get away from his parents and finally be free from all of their pressure, and maybe one day he’d recover and find a guy like Willie again. He wasn’t sure what he really believed just yet, but there had to be something good worth holding onto. If it was just some stupid world where he and his friends lived in a yellow submarine, so be it.
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canary3d-obsessed · 4 years
Lost Tomb Lewks, Part 4
(Masterpost) (Other Canary Amusements)
Warning: vague Spoilers for Season 1 of The Lost Tomb Reboot
Look 17 is this gorgeous knife. 
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I’m not a “knives are sexy” person, or I should say, I never WAS a “knives are sexy” person before.
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I do have a strong affection for my Alaskan ulu kitchen knife, which is a godsend for anyone who is arthritic (me) or who is an upper-limb amputee (my family member) or is hemiplegic (different family member), but that’s as much attention as I’ve ever paid to a knife. 
Until now:
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(*whisper* lick it)
This is a kukri, a traditional knife of the Gurkha people in Nepal and India. It’s similar to a machete but it has a downward-curving blade, which means you can slash downward forcefully without bending your wrist. It’s excellent for cracking crustacean shells heavy chopping, as well as combat. Wikipedia doesn’t know why there are notches near the base of the blade but sure does have some theories. 
The handle looks to be a mix of metal and ivory. Hopefully antique ivory, or ivory from a properly-compensated voluntary donor. [That is a joke, the ivory trade is bad, don’t kill elephants, etc.] The case is topstitched leather with snaps to keep the knife from escaping.  Did OP just spend an hour learning too much about knives? She did. Does this mean she’s going to also make an effort to learn something about watches, a critically overlooked area of her menswear commentary? It does not. 
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Look 18 is a classic explorer’s rig that looks like it came out of the Banana Republic catalog back in 1987 when the name “Banana Republic” still kind of suited the clothes sold there. (Google it and be startled) This look features dark brown trousers that are comfortably loose but still well-fitted and flattering. The shirt is two warm tans--a dark one for most parts, and a lighter one through the chest and inner arms. This gives it a nice depth and keeps it from looking bland. This outfit also features Wu Xie’s watch, which...is round? and tells time.
(more after the cut!)
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This look features the first of many, many, many times that a character will shine a flashlight directly into the camera. Which makes it painful to watch the show on my tablet in the dark when my bedmate is asleep. Knock it off, characters!
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Side Note: Wu Xie’s room has some good features. He’s got a giant bulletin board holding framed photos of all the adventures in which he was played by a different actor. This makes it easy to move his photo collection when his uncle decides to be a dick about the rent. 
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Wu Xie’s bed is big and comfy-looking, with a variety of patterns and textures; appropriate for a person who’s planning on dying, or having an increasingly complicated love life, or both. This bed has room for a 100-year-old boyfriend, a 20-year-old girlfriend, and a thousand-year-old crustacean-brained princess, as long as everyone’s friendly. 
It also has a padded headboard, which is so important when you are dating a paper-mache person with a fragile head. This padded headboard also has curved head/neck support things that look just the right size for a person to grab onto with both hands and hold on for dear life. It looks antique, which means Wu Xie bought it for the aesthetic value and definitely not for fucking, right? Definitely not. For fucking. 
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Wu Xie tops off Look 18 with the handsome swamp green coat from their recent tomb adventure, now completely unmuddy thanks to the world’s greatest dry cleaner, and with a strappy, practical backpack.
This warm-toned outfit and the buttery colors of the room are perfect for having an intimate, deeply truthful conversation...
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....in which you gently crush your dear one’s heart into powder.
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Look 19 is Xiao Ge’s blue hoodie and black pants combo, which we finally get to see in the full light of day. 
The hood is good for hiding in when you want to cry. 
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This hoodie looks black in low light, but is actually navy blue with black piping, placket, and zipper. 
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The ensemble features black trousers with an eye-catching vertical silver-toned zipper on the front pockets. Black boots and black tactical gloves round out the look.
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Side note: each of the Iron Triangle guys has his own backpack style. Wu Xie’s is an olive green expedition pack. Pangzi’s is two-tone canvas and leather. 
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Xiao Ge’s is black tech fabric, and features a chest strap to keep it from shifting around when he is kicking asses. The black straps coordinates well with the black piping on his hoodie. 
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This outfit is a good one to wear while you exchange tender gazes of pure unconditional love with the guy who is crushing your heart into powder. 
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I don’t need to look at Pangzi I know what Pangzi looks like and anyway I glanced at him already today.
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Did OP slow these gifs way down purely to keep from giving anybody eye strain? She did. OP is considerate of your eyes. Speaking of eyes, awww. Xiao Ge sure is bros with Wu Xie, you guys. 
Look 20: Liu Sang! Liu Sang! Liu Sang!
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Actor Liu Chang, a man who can wear literally anything and make it look fucking amazing, makes his entry onto the scene in a good, but understated, suit. 
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Most of the suit is a charcoal grey, but it has a single light grey lapel and pocket flap, to keep things interesting. He’s wearing it with black Oxford shoes that have a small red, white, & blue tab poking out the back. So he’s dressed conservatively, but with a bit of flair. 
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He’s accessorized the look with perfectly fine, but not very interesting, black wirefame glasses that he’ll replace with cooler ones after some time underground. He’s got a cartilage piercing in his left ear with a flat black oblong earring. Because of his extreme hearing, he’s wearing noise-cancelling earphones. 
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This look says, “normalize the use of adaptive tech.” These are probably - in real life - not as effective as the larger over-ear headphones a lot of noise-sensitive people use, but their sleekness and elegance match the rest of Liu Sang’s accessories and clothing. 
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Because of his noise sensitivity, Liu Sang pukes as soon as he gets out into the crowded street. He vomits neatly into a drain, however, in the way of someone who’s used to managing this symptom and isn’t going to let it spoil his outfit. We stan a neuroatypical king. 
More Lewks coming soon!
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chim-aera · 4 years
❈ fluffy keigo headcanons ❈
just some soft birb boy because i’ve been feeling a bit under the weather ^^
✧ so, first things first. head pats. not sure why i stan this, but i almost know for a fact that this poor bird is touch-starved and would absolutely love head pats.
✧  he’s a very sentimental person, i believe, and if you manage to actually show him real affection, unlike the certain a**holes in the commission, he’ll basically be a golden retriever. golden retriever bird? hm...
✧  homecooked meals. just, he’ll get so excited and his lil’ wings will flap if you go out of your way to cook him something, even if it’s terrible and you can’t cook (join the club, XD) it’s the thought that counts. he’ll even love it if you just order his favorite food from that chicken place we all know he adores. 
✧  singing or humming, if you would sing or hum softly to this man he will melt. period. he enjoys humming himself, but if you did it to him, let’s just say his wings get puffy and he’s putty in your hands. 
✧  i see keigo loving hugs, especially the sleepy sorts where you just bury your head in his chest. ahhh he’s dying inside. he also has a thing for oversized hoodies on his s/o, ESPECIALLY if it’s one of his. i mean, he sees you sulk around the house early in the morning in pajama bottoms, fuzzy socks, and his coat because you’re cold. he’s g o n e. 
✧  if he’s had a bad day he’ll just fall into your lap on the couch and stay there for a while. if you try to get up to do something you can expect sad lil’ bird noises. but if you take the opportunity to stroke his wings (gently of course) or play with his hair. yeah, he’s melting again. 
✧  i see this dude loving shiny things, so if you just randomly find / buy odd shiny objects like antique jewelry or weird odds and ends, he’s loving it.
✧ surprise hug tackles. i mean, he loves jumping out of nowhere grabbing you, picking you up and just squeezing you in the biggest bear hug. blame it on his animal instincts or something. but he’ll probably scare the living heck out of you. i mean you’re walking down the dark hall and WHAM you’re suddenly being forcefully hugged by a winged hero.
✧  but if you chose to suddenly decided to jump out at him at home, it’ll be raining feathers because he’s gonna get terrified and fluff his wings out to make himself seem bigger. it’s not that he’s easily scared, but it’s because when he’s home with you, he’s off guard. so you can expect him to be pretty irked at you afterwards. 
✧  soft boi
✧  i don’t see him being very pushy or aggressive, even if you’re into that. sure he’s a clingy pain in the butt but he respects you very much, and just will pretty much shower you in affection. 
✧  he loves kissing and hugging you, especially peppering your face in sweet kisses, and picking you up and just carrying you around like an accessory 
✧  flying with you is just *cheff’s kiss* to him, but if you don’t like heights, he won’t force you to fly with you, if you do anyways, you can bet he’ll have the tightest grip on you and will constantly reassure you so you don’t get nervous. 
✧  best boy for anxiety or stress, since he personally battles with anxiety and other mental issues he knows exactly how it feels and will hug you, give you confirmations, give you space, or anything you need, 
✧  he a total goofball when it’s just the two of you. i mean, dancing in your pjs around the kitchen, eating cold take-out at midnight, watching the stars from the roof, karaoke, and he’ll even let you paint his nails.
✧  he also LOVES doing your make-up or brushing your hair, especially if you’ve got fluffy hair, he just adores it
✧  if you’re ever feeling insecure or ugly, this guy is not gonna take it. he will stop you, kiss you, and let you tell him how you’re feeling. he will then counter every insecurity with a kiss and ways of how much he loves every thing about you, even if you see them as flaws. biggest hype man.
✧  best birb man, i mean come on, this guy is just  💛
i love him sm 
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