#bill watches this morning
losersclublol · 2 years
“oh but staph why do you insist on making the losers from the uk?”
i- i just idk, is. i’m not sure
i h- i just. i couldn’t say
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evildilf2 · 5 months
Watching it chapter 2. What the hell is this 😭
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candyheartedchy · 1 year
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I keep thinking of Ford’s first interaction with my sona would pretty much be like that one scene of Batman confronting Harley about the Joker.
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shinobicyrus · 1 year
Florida’s House of Representatives passed a bill Wednesday that would let the state take transgender minors away from their families if they are receiving gender-affirming care.
The measure passed by a vote of 82–31. A previous version of the bill passed the Senate earlier this month by a vote of 27–12, and the amended version now goes back to the other chamber for a final vote. Governor Ron DeSantis has previously expressed support for the bill and will likely sign it into law if it passes.
Pride Parades in Florida are being cancelled. The ‘Don’t Say Gay’ law has been expanded to encompass all of K-12 education, abandoning its flimsy “it’s just protecting kindergartners!” pretext.
New bills are being passed to punish private businesses for having gender-inclusive bathrooms, remove trans healthcare from Medicare, and bring criminal charges for medical providers that give gender-affirming care. Now this travesty of a bill on the fast-track to becoming law will empower the state to tear kids away from their supportive families.
This is evil. I do not use this word lightly, but when the state is twisting the very serious legal definitions of harm and abuse in order to kidnap trans children from their loving families - or to remove children from their trans parents - more subdued language is dishonest. 
Burn Florida to the fucking ground. 
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antisociallilbrat · 1 year
I have a whole Au where El gets adopted by the Denbroughs after Georgie's death and I am not sane about it.
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meirimerens · 1 year
if you don't think peter's trans why you draw him that way? no judging just curious
i don't know if you're new to the concept of commissions (which there is nothing wrong with if you're unfamiliar with it btw i'm not being snarky here)/new here but people pay me to draw things sometimes, including that time petr (you can see i've @'ed the person who paid me for this, because they wanted to see it, and i was happy to deliver. hell yeah bro). i'm often commissioned to draw ships i don't personally care about, people's headcanons that i'm not particularly invested in, or even OCs that i know nothing about because it's a transaction in which i'm paid and they receive a piece of art that they like and are happy with [HOPEFULLY.] and i'm happy that they are happy wit it. i have my limits on what i'll draw but trans headcanons are like. not something i'm gonna refuse to draw LOL ("i think kylie's new legs are SO fun" voice) i think they are SO fun i love seeing people indulge. also i'm kind of a fan of making money.
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piplupod · 9 months
i feel like i have to catch my breath as if i just ran for my life. i feel like i just had a bad(?) drug trip, whatever the drug is that makes u feel like ur a crayon in a factory (cannot remember which substance that is rn). i feel like I've got whiplash. i feel like i have to go lie down and stare at the ceiling for several hours.
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swede1952 · 9 months
Good morning. 🏖️🩴☕
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15 September 2023
My wife and I drove to Alexandria, Louisiana yesterday and had lunch at a fancy. restaurant with tables and everything. :) While we were there, my wife did some shopping at Burlington's, a store that challenges my sanity. So, I dropped her off and went to Books-a-Million. I picked up the latest Stephen King book, " Holly." When we got home our water was off, it is again this morning.
We never really think about the convenience of running water in our homes until the water stops running. My wife and I usually keep plenty of drinking water around. The biggest problem is that the bathrooms stop working.
"The way we live in the West we live like kings. People moan about this and that in Britain, but we have running water, electricity, security and a rule of law and so many people in the world don't have these". - Bill Bailey
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I Am Superwoman: My Job is Never Done! 
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arthur-r · 2 years
okay hi it’s been 24 hours since surgery so i think the anesthesia is officially all gone, hi everybody i don’t have a tumor anymore which is the best thing that’s happened to me in like a month. and i’m not supposed to go out and work or anything for 3 to 5 days which means i’m basically just hanging out
#yesterday was terrifying oh my friggin god i had an iv and everything and doctors treating me like a little kid#and i’m pretty sure the anesthesia was in the thing they gave me to breathe even though they said it was gonna be in the iv because it didnt#start working until i breathed it in which means the doctors lied and i don’t like it when doctors lie and it felt like my heart was stopped#but i guess it started back up after i fell asleep but it was terrifying while it lasted but that was just a couple seconds#and then i spilled my guts to the nurse after and i’m just really hoping it doesn’t cause me troubles someday cause i’m not sure what i said#except for the stuff that i wrote down right after which included something about getting married which i don’t think i want to do i just#have been watching a lot of married at first sight with my mom and i’ll blame it on that#and also apparently i kept asking her if her job is good and suggesting i should do her job because it seemed super fun#which. anesthetic nurse?? clearly not for me if i have any of my wits about me at all#anyway i’m back now and probably good but still not allowed to drive and stuff so sorry if i end up being ridiculous again#but yeah hi good morning my parents have not been leaving each other alone it’s been at least an hour of shouting per day the past#three or four consecutive days at least. i think more than that cause there have been really early mornings consistently that wake me up#so i’ve just been trying to power through that and it gets extra hard when i hadn’t had surgery yet and always thinking about it#although now i had my surgery yet and i’m just thinking about medical bills and how the guy called it unusual and now that he removed the#tumor he’s sending it to the lab to be investigated and what if it wasn’t benign or what if it’s gonna be chronic or what if so many things#and so it’s not really done hanging over my head. especially with this zig zag scar that might never leave#in other news my mom took me thrifting on thursday to make up for being heading into surgery and i got some red corduroy pants#which are similar to my orange red jeans except for they aren’t tiny and hard to feel good about my weight in#which is nothing about actual weight because at this point i am so comfortable with any type of weight for myself and of course others#it’s just that self consciousness is stored in wearing too tight clothes and knowing everyone around you thinks you look ridiculous#anyway just bought red pants that fit me better than my other ones ever had. and now i can maybe sell some of my blue jeans i can’t do those#i only wear grey and red and tan jeans and my one pair of yellow joggers no matter how hard i try i can’t deal with the blue ones#so having another pair of red stuff will do really well for me i think. but now i’m hyper focusing on those jeans to stop thinking about the#other stuff going on in my life. and i’m sorry shdhdf the point is i’m here now and probably good as far as cognizance goes#i feel like if i’m able to think of the word cognizance off the top of my head i must be good. so yeah hi!!!!#it’s good to be here. i’m sure i’ll delete this later. ask me to tag this there’s so much stuff going on in it cause i’m just talking#hospital tw#surgery tw#weight discussion
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expectopaatronum · 7 months
how do i get someone to decorate my house to look like one in a hallmark christmas movie ????
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silhouettecrow · 7 months
365 Days of Writing Prompts: Day 304
Adjective: Delicious
Noun: Scream
Definitions for those who need/want them:
Delicious: highly pleasant to the taste; delightful
Scream: a long, loud, piercing cry expressing extreme emotion or pain; a high-pitched cry made by an animal; a loud, piercing sound; (informal) an irresistibly funny person, thing, or situation
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swankpalanquin · 7 months
did nothing productive the last two days, so now tomorrow i have to do everything lol
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thetimelordbatgirl · 9 months
Only in my flat is it considered a war crime to ask my mom to let me finish my show when she wants the music channel.
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ffsg0jo · 1 month
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boynextdoor! choso who you've had a mini crush on ever since you saw him move in with his two brothers yuuji and sukuna. yuuji is the 5-year-old who is just the sweetest ray of sunshine, and sukuna (kuna) is the grumpy undergrad whose name you only know because of yuuji's incessant need for 'uppies'. you don't know much about choso, though, except that he's the eldest, is always working to pay for the bills/rent, and is scarcely home.
boynextdoor! choso, who invites you over for dinner a couple of days after moving in to get to know you a little better and introduce him and his family. you notice the lack of parents, but you don’t say anything or bring it to attention, seeing first-hand how hard choso works as you help him with all the dishes he cooked, and as sukuna sets the table. immediately, yuuji is smitten by you (and you, him) constantly trying to get your attention and talking to you about his new friend called gumi, your shared neighbour's son. choso watches you with yuuji in your arms while you're animatedly talking to his baby brother. the genuine interest you show in what yuuji says makes his heart pitter patter.
(sukuna is quiet throughout the whole affair, only speaking when spoken to and even then keeping it prompt, but he notices the way choso looks at you when you're not watching and vice versa. you’re kind, polite, and seemingly loving. you could be good for his older brother; he thinks to himself.)
boynextdoor! choso, who knocked on your door and asked if you wanted him to take the trash outside your door to the big bins since he's throwing out his own as well on the second week they moved in. your face heated up, and you swooned at his thoughtfulness as you shyly nodded, adding if it's not too much trouble for him. ever since then, he's assumed the role of taking out your trash, making sure to dispose of all the rubbish in the appropriate bins. does it make him a little late to work? yes. but the look on your face when he first asked was worth it.
boynextdoor! choso, who secretly tries to find excuses to see you more and more often in his busy schedule. he caught a glimpse of you through your window when first moving in, and he can't get enough of you ever since. whether it's bringing round some 'extra' cookies, he's baked for sukuna and yuuji or asking if you'd like to join them for dinner again. you've never really taken him up on that offer, though, worried about intruding, and he's almost on the verge of begging you, insisting you could never.
boynextdoor! choso who bakes the best cookies and muffins. you're half convinced he's lying to you, and he's just bought them from the local bakery. but you've seen the evidence through the window directly opposite yours, with little yuuji chasing both of his brothers round the kitchen with tiny fistfuls of flour. it's the first time you've seen choso smile so brightly, and something in your heart melts. even sukuna is tame and soft in the presence of his older brother, you've noted.
boynextdoor! choso whose brothers notice the badly hidden crush he has on the cutie next door. (yes, it's gotten so obvious that even little yuuji recognises the fact that big bro really wants to be your friend). he works so hard for them, and he deserves happiness, so it's in his best interest when both knuckleheads (mainly sukuna) put their heads together and start plotting and devising a plan to try and get you both together. they've seen the longing in both of your eyes and are sure it'll work.
boynextdoor! choso who knocks on your door at 4 something am in the morning whilst you're half asleep asking if you could babysit yuuji. his shift starts two hours, and he needs to leave in one, and sukuna is nowhere to be seen. he's so apologetic, and he promises to make it up to you however you want. you see the bags under his eyes and the heart-breaking frown on his face, and you immediately agree. yuuji's a delight anyway, and you'd be more than happy to.
(yuuji is gently woken up by his big bro before he leaves, who explains what's happened. he smiles a wide, sleepy smile and is excited to spend time with you, ready to set his and sukubros plan into motion. but first, he needs another nap and some cuddles.)
(choso is forever grateful for the angel of a brother yuuji is. it balances out sukuna for sure.)
boynextdoor! choso, who seems to talk about you a lot, and how beautiful you are. at least according to yuuji. yuuji says sometimes big bro sees you outside from the kitchen window whilst he's cooking and looks at you with a smile. a smile yuuji's only seen him give to two other people, but other big bro said that choso wants to crush you? he doesn't understand why because you're really lovely to yuuji and to everyone in general and you play with him and let him take pictures on your phone and secretly let him have his dessert with his meal. anyways if big bro tries to crush you, don't worry, you've got yuuji to protect you!
(his words make you blush at the implication as you realise what yuuji means.)
boynextdoor! choso who comes back from his long shift to you and yuuji napping on his couch. he’s exhausted, but the sight of you two together warms his heart, and he suddenly finds himself with bucketloads of energy. he gets started on making dinner for you all whilst you’re napping, and he hopes that you’ll stay this time. halfway through prepping, he hears a door open and a worse for wear sukuna stumbles in with a hard look on his face. quietly, sukuna joins his brother, muttering a small apology and washing his hands before taking over on chopping the onions. the two cook in silence, knowing that sukuna would open up when he’s ready.
boynextdoor! choso who gently nudges you awake when they’re finished cooking. at first, you think you’re dreaming with an angelic looking choso hovering above you. but then you cringe, feeling the drool on your cheek, wiping it away quickly, praying choso never noticed. (he most definitely did, but he found it incredibly endearing). he thanks you profusely and insists on you joining them for dinner. you’re glad you did because there’s just something so sweet about the three brothers interacting with each other. even sukuna lightly jokes around and teases little yuuji at the dinner table, trying to get him to eat all his veggies.
boynextdoor! choso, who keeps trying to pay you for looking after yuuji when you’re about to leave. you refuse knowing that his family needs it more, plus you’re more than happy to look after yuuji, he’s an angel. choso still insists, adamant on paying you and only shuts up when you tell choso to take you out on date instead, emboldened by everything yuuji’s told you. choso short circuits, blushing furiously. he nods, unable to form words, and stutters out an ‘i’ll text you’. you turn around and leave, and choso is still rooted to the spot, replaying your words in his head. it’s only when he’s giggling and kicking his legs in bed that he suddenly realises he doesn’t have your number. oh well, it’s just another excuse to see you then.
(sukuna witnesses the whole thing and is lowkey mad because he spent all that time planning and plotting for no reason. he hears choso’s giggles through the thin walls, though, and fights back a smile. to hell with his plans.)
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© ffsg0jo 2024 — do not plagiarise, repost, modify, or translate any of my work, in any way shape or form; i will piss in your cereal if you do. all work belongs to me and me only.
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satanfemme · 1 year
this legislative session, 12 anti-trans bills were introduced in virginia. 3 were intended to ban trans healthcare, 4 were forced-outing bills, and 5 would have banned trans people from sports. these are the same kinds of bills we've been watching pop up country-wide. but as of this morning (2/16/23) all 12 were defeated. it's obviously the bare minimum to ask for from a government, but it should still be celebrated. so many of us in virginia have been holding our breaths for weeks, and the relief we felt today was notable.
things feel grim right now, but there are still people out here fighting tooth and nail to keep our family safe, and we are loved, so there's your good news for the day
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