#spiritual hustle
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Make your moves in silence. Your results will speak for themselves.
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destunkn · 11 months
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(via "1 | Oscar Wilde Quotes | 190708" Framed Art Print for Sale by valourine | Redbubble)
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theperfectquestion · 5 months
It's a shame that Catholicism is so dead set against reincarnation because they could have some real fun with it.
For starters, you could do more with the saints. Like, a priest could declare that a lay Catholic with a particular ailment or bad situation is a reincarnation of a saint who experienced something more or less similar to them. Say they have shooting pains after a knee surgery - well, sounds like you might have been Saint Sebastian, who got shot with a lot of arrows once but he got over it. And yes, I know lots of people have neuropathic pain like this but there's nothing in the role book that says that they couldn't all have been Saint Sebastian in a former incarnation. Saint souls are very powerful and can split or reproduce by binary fission, use your imagination. In fact, go and seek out those other people whose priests have identified as Saint Sebastians, that sounds like a ready-made support group, you're welcome.
But that's not even the best part - you can go all out with this and say that the reason that Jesus is so important is because EVERYONE ALIVE TODAY is a reincarnation of his soul - the biggest, juiciest, most divisible soul of all. So all that Catholic stuff about suffering and sacrifice and whatnot is a logical consequence of being a reincarnation of Jesus Christ himself. Feeling hard done by? That's you getting ghost memories of being on the cross, whipped by centurions, etc. We've all been there, because we've all had our go on the Jesus ride. If you're not a Catholic for some reason that's probably because you're still in the queue to be Jesus. Once you've been Jesus once or twice then you'll get it 👍
Listen, if any bishops or cardinals or other criminals are reading this, I'm pretty cheap to hire. I've got a lot of ideas like this ready to go. DMs are open.
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aligning with the feeling of your desires
It’s about emotional congruence—matching your feelings with your desires to invite them into reality. The process isn't about wishful thinking; it’s strategic. It involves daily affirmations, visualizations, and gratitude practices that elevate your mood to match the vibration of what you want.
This isn’t just about getting things; it’s about cultivating an attitude that draws experiences and relationships to you. It’s cute to talk about "vibes," but there’s a genuine power in maintaining a high vibrational state.
Positive emotions are a magnet for more positivity.
It's not about the hustle; it’s about the harmonic dance with the universe. Try it. Live it. And watch the transformation unfold.
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void-thegod · 9 months
it is very odd to me how materialistic people can be
and I mean those on "I think I am better than you" shit
like there are people that honesty think there is something WRONG with you bc your home isn't guest ready or bc you don't have nice things
but the same people don't bat an eye about toxic relationships?
normies will think it is weird to be loved starved but normal to be an apathetic asshole
like ok.
i would rather cringe myself to death than be whatever flavor of dystopian human is coming about.
the worst part? a lot of people like this think they're spiritual or stoic. and it's just like
NO .
you're doing the same sad fucked shit that's been done for thousands of years now. what the absolute fuck?
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euphoriaspov · 10 months
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let me do your readinggss! 🎀 half off for more than one’ ✨
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outlanderalien · 1 year
Me: hmm. I would like to explore this philosophy that centers on love and community :)
Every YouTube video on that philosophy ever: 10 WAYS YOU CAN MAXIMISE YOUR BUSINESS USING THIS PHILOSOPHY!
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babythegod · 1 year
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When I was a teenager I took my mom’s whole bottle of Xanax a couple of weeks before my 19th birthday because I wanted to die. Plain and simple. I. Needed. To. Die…I still remember watching myself do it, like from a bird-eyes view. Dissociated. I blacked in &out of consciousness for 48hours &spent 4 days in a mental facility. 11 years later, family matters are way worse now to the point I’ve cut off all contact. I’ve gotten much stronger and I’m so thankful to be here because The Most High put something great inside of my soul. In 2020, I felt hopeless &plotted on death again. Christ met me at my lowest &The Holy Spirit made itself known to me. God showed me my true power &worth. I promise to make You proud for saving me. You are my everything. I realize now that I’ve never been alone. The stone the builders refused will be the key cornerstone. 👑
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kajmasterclass · 9 months
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merbabylvr · 11 months
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valourine · 1 year
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(via "71 | Fyodor Dostoevsky Quotes | 190801" Framed Art Print for Sale by valourine | Redbubble)
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jboulevard · 1 year
Excited for feb 22. Check the link to know why
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destunkn · 1 year
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(via "2 | Oscar Wilde Quotes | 190708" Framed Art Print for Sale by valourine | Redbubble)
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Let’s talk about: How hustle culture is poisoning your spiritual prowess
I’ve said before you came to earth to work and yes that’s true, but that’s not the only reason you came to earth. Life is about finding balance and today we’re gonna talk about a toxic trope in spirituality that I hate.
Human Being not Human Doing
Maybe you’ve heard this phrase? We are not only here to do but also to be. Many of us in the western rat race are taught to find our worth in production and accomplishment but the truth spirit wants us to discover is that our worth is in being not doing. There’s this concept in working out called active recovery and it’s when you view rest as what it truly is, healing and healing isn’t not doing anything, it’s actively rebuilding and allowing you to do more in the future. You do active recovery by doing low intensity exercise like walking. As a person you also need active recovery from the stress of existence, so taking things at a slower pace that’s less strenuous.
Some of us live our lives on sprint mode and then cry to spirit about why we have shin splints and sore muscles. It’s like did you warm up, did you stretch, did you build up your muscles, did you actively recover and take your rest days? No you just kept sprinting despite all the indications you were injuring yourself? Cool. Well all we can do now is force your leg to break so you can’t go on this way (this is what I call being yanked).
Wait but isn’t it called doing your spiritual work?
It is isn’t it? Wonder who came up with that? We need to as people disconnect the concepts of work and effort. Who told you you need to be working all the time? Effort is allowed to wane and increase. To me, work indicates something you’re obligated to do at a steady pace, whereas effort connotes something you put energy into. If you’ve put in a lot of effort, it’s normal to be tired or for it to lessen. Work so many of us tie with careers, where there are no ebbs and flows just a constituent need to do, sometimes for the sake of doing. Doing a thing to say we did a thing. I think when you reframe the idea from work to effort you can also take away shame from when you don’t have the energy to put effort towards something. So much magic is discovered in the in between, between thinking and doing, between wanting and having. What if your spiritual work is learning how to be?
- allow yourself time to literally do nothing, find peace in doing nothing. At first it may feel strange and all you can do is notice what is coming up for you and question it.
- look at your relationship with work and money, a lot of this addiction to overwork comes from looking to prove your worth through external pursuits.
- consider what addiction to work or overwork keeps you from doing in your life, what areas are suffering and imagine what you would do instead
As this year comes to a close, evaluating goals for the New Year can be an important way to continue to progress. I think looking at your wounding around productivity and the need to always be busy is valuable. A lot of us use work as an excuse to abandon ourselves. In 2023, how will you come back home to yourself and heal your self abandonment?
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sagewordstarot · 2 years
Going full wizzywig
Hi. This is just a quick follow up to yesterday’s late night post about the NEW CrystalCast reading. I only recently came up with the idea for this part crystal, part runestone, all scrying, pure intuition, just for fun, look at the week ahead reading. You can see the whole post and watch the video of the actual crystal cast HERE (there is a link in show description for podcast folks) I hope…
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All right, so here’s the deal… I have been newly inspired because I am following along @gingiber ‘s Artist’s Side Hustle mini course and I am putting myself out there!!! I have always wanted to be an independent artist and make an income off of my artwork. ♥️ I have small, itty-bittt baby steps in action right now, and my first step is this: put any of my old art pieces out there to sell on my Etsy ( link in bio, winky face 😉) and to also promote it on my Instagram! So here’s the first one! This a print of a mixed media painting I did awhile back, made with colored pencils, gold and black ink and edited digitally to make the colors POP! I am selling it for $6.00 on my Etsy page along with some other original paintings!!! Thank you my friends and that is all!!! 🙏🏽 🙏🏽🙏🏽
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