#spicy writing stuff
the-void-writes · 11 months
grabbing your lover by the shirt or pants, pulling them closer
Thank you so so much for this one! It's taken a long time to get this one to a place where I like it, but it's at least kind of there now. I hope you enjoy this random return of the Villain Winte AU lol
TW: 18+ Only for suggestive content. (It's not overly explicit, but it's their first time.)
Dark Ichor AU - I'll Always Want You
It had been the longest day Dante could ever remember. Chasing off Gazali, dealing with idiotic businessmen, and sorting out his own employees had left him exhausted. Worst of all, he hadn’t seen Will in days. The wretched people of the city had probably scared him into hiding with their horrid words. “Monster,” they called him, like he was no different from the villains he put away for them. He was saving their ungrateful lives, not asking for anything in return, and they never even thanked him. As far as Dante was concerned, no one in the city deserved Will’s help.
Dante stumbled into his suite, only half-awake as he turned on the TV in his room and rummaged through his fridge for some leftovers; a small bit of burnt steak he had gotten on a night out with Will. It hadn’t mattered to Dante that the food was terrible, not when Will had smiled at him so lovingly, so blissfully happy in the company of his own enemy. Gazali may have been the one to suggest all of these little visits, but he hadn’t counted on his prodigy and his enemy falling in love. It was the best accident any of them could have made.
As Dante returned to his bedroom, lightly picking at the burnt food, he turned his attention to the TV. The reporters were gushing over Gazali’s team, and their rescue of the boat out on harbor. Dante shook his head and laughed. Gazali couldn’t be trusted with a bike, let alone a boat. The public was just finding every excuse to not thank Will, the only hero strong enough to lift a boat out of the water in the first place. He must have decided to tag along for one of Gazali’s publicity meetings, and it was a good thing he had, from the looks of the boat that now rested on the shore.
To Dante’s surprise, the cameraman actually focused on Will, who was standing behind the whole team. Gazali brought Will forward so he could speak, and Dante couldn’t help but admire every part of his expression— His eyes shimmering with wonder, his lips twitching nervously, the way he wrinkled his nose at something the reporter said. It pained Dante terribly, knowing how long it had been since he had kissed that adorable man.
“How have things been for you since that fiasco at the charity ball?” the reporter asked.
“Oh, much better,” Will said. “Always busy, I’m sure you’ve seen. I’m just grateful to be a part of it, you know?”
So humble, so calm, even when he had every right to snap at them for daring to imply that the destruction at the ball was his fault. Dante whispered to the screen, as though Will was standing right in front of him.
“How could anyone call you a monster? What danger could they possibly see in you?”
Will suddenly laughed at something the reporter said, and that sweet, wonderful noise made Dante go weak in the knees. All he wanted was to have that beautiful hero in his arms, whispering his name, touching his chest, maybe even using his powers on him… The more he stared at Will’s image, the more he ached for him.
Dante had already excited himself with his thoughts and memories of his partner. Will’s smile, his laugh, his walk, his little dances in the kitchen, every last bit built up inside Dante like a fire as he absent-mindedly stroked his neck. Will would probably combust from embarrassment if he could see the images that flashed in Dante’s mind, which pleased him a little too much. He would have loved to see the look on Will’s face, to prove to him that he could indeed drive someone so unbelievably mad with desire.
“Will, baby—”
His eyes flew open as he turned and found Will on the balcony, staring at him with an obvious tint in his cheeks.
“Did you say my name?”
“Baby— Hey, I—” Dante cleared his throat. “I thought you were at the harbor.”
“They stopped rolling the cameras an hour ago. I tried to duck out early.” Will glanced down. “Did I… interrupt you?”
Neither one of them could look away. Eventually, Dante couldn’t help but laugh, falling back over with the force of it.
“What timing, huh?”
Will struggled to hide his own laugh. “I’m sorry.”
Dante smiled at him. “No, don’t be. I wasn’t doing anything… yet.”
“Wow, okay.” Will chuckled. “You really missed me that much?”
“Of course, I did! I’ve been bored and stressed out of my mind without you here.”
Will approached him and took his hand, doing his best to avoid looking at his pants. “I’m really sorry, Gazali had us doing a lot of prep stuff.”
Dante sat up again. “Here, let me fix all this, and you can tell me all about it.”
He stopped as Will rested his hand on his chest. It felt even better than Dante had envisioned, especially when he traced along his shoulder.
“I really make you feel this way?”
Dante brought Will’s hand to his lips and kissed his palm. “More than you’ll ever know, baby. I adore you”
Will’s deep eyes were glossy with tears. Before either of them knew it, he sat down across Dante’s lap, stroked his cheek, and kissed him gently. His hands ran up and down his chest. Dante tangled his fingers in the collar of Will’s shirt, trying to pull him closer than what was physically possible. After a while, Will pulled away and spoke gently against his lips.
“Can I help you?”
“I mean— It sounds like we’ve both been stressed out. We could use some fun, right?”
Dante grinned. “I don’t think you know how goddamn happy you just made me.”
“I can feel it, don’t worry.”
He snickered as Dante looked down between them.
“Right, sorry.”
“I just can’t believe I make you feel that way.”
“Will…” He kissed his neck softly. “This isn’t even half of what I feel for you.”
“Then please,” Will said, “show me.”
Will was woken up by a gentle hand running through his hair, something he hadn’t felt in years. It was even better than he remembered, to the point where he was scared to open his eyes and find it all a dream. A smile graced his lips as he enjoyed the peace and attention. Then, a low whisper brought him back to the waking world.
“Good morning.”
Such a beautiful voice, like sweet honey in a strong glass of whiskey, that mix of fire and comfort. It sounded like home. Will opened his eyes and found Dante staring down at him, a serene smile resting on his face.
“Hey,” he said.
“Hi,” Will said, so timidly that it made Dante laugh.
“How are you feeling?”
“Any pain? Soreness, your fever— I hope I didn’t overdo anything.”
Everything about the night before clicked back into place. Will turned his head to the intricate embroidery on the sheets, anything to hide how red his cheeks were.
“Oh, not at all,” he said. “You were— wonderful.”
Dante grinned. “So were you.”
“God, I doubt it.”
“Oh, I’m sorry.” He laid back down, propping his head up with his elbow. “I think you need a recap of last night, because you seem to have forgotten how goddamn incredible you were.”
“I mean, if the window was still open, everyone on the street would have heard me yelling your name.”
“Okay, I get it!”
Dante laughed, and Will couldn’t help but laugh with him. He pulled Dante back down for a proper kiss, holding him close to his chest. Dante grinned against his lips.
“Something on your mind?”
“Just stay with me, please.” Will wrapped his arms around his neck. “This is nice.”
Dante leaned down to kiss his chest. “Don’t worry, I’ll stay for as long as you want me, sunshine.”
He smiled as Will held his face, tracing all the edges and stress lines that Dante had once hated. That was before he had someone who would look at him the way Will did, the way an artist looked at their muse. Dante could feel every bit of love that his partner had for him. He was more than just his hero… he was an angel.
“I’ll always want you,” Will said.
Dante rested his head against his shoulder. “Then, I’ll always be with you.”
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me-writes-prompts · 9 months
-:"I am on my knees" When they tease you prompts:-
CW: suggestive
By @me-writes-prompts
"Ohhhh, look who looks like a model today? My one and only girl/boy/lover." (EXCUSE ME???? AHHHHHH)
Their lips stretching into a mischievous smile while they check you out and then lick their lips with that look in their eyes and you know you're fucked(quite literally ;)
"Uh uh, you're not getting any kisses until you behave properly." (okay fineeee!!!!!)
"Hmmm, you like that?"
Them staring at you openly while you blush at their attention and glare at them playfully but they just chuckle and continue their staring(*deep breaths*)
When they whisper in your ears AND NIBBLE A LITTLE WHEN THEY ARE DONE
"Don't move. I want you still."
"Come sit on my lap. Your favorite place, isn't it?" "Shut up."
Those heated make out sessions that have you craving for more but they pull away and put a finger on your lips with a sweet sweet smile and say "I think we should stop now. Yes?" and you just fucking melt on spot like a puddle.
"Please. Stop teasing me." "You need to learn to be better with your words, don't you think? Tell me what you want, [name]." (BACK ARCHED ALREADY)
When they maintain eye contact and come close to your lips and say in a very low voice 'I want you'.
Pulling you closer by your waist but you try to pull away because you want to test them but they tighten their grip and pull you even closer. But then they smile as they let you go and say 'it's fine if you don't want to' and you immediately put their hands back to where they were and say(whine) that you really really want them. (JLSHFSJLSHFHSLFH IM FINE OKAY????)
"Your hands are beautiful." You say as you take their hands in yours and smile softly. They raise their eyebrows and smirk, "Yeah, they are useful too. For many things apparently." AND YOU START TO BLUSH FURIOUSLY!!!!👀
Trailing kisses down your neck and then stopping to ask you if they can leave markssss????? ARE YOU KIDDING ME.
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lyneira · 1 year
-> random, smutty headcanons of the hsr men that have been plaguing my mind
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fem!reader x gepard, jing yuan, dan heng, sampo
cw: body worship, cunnilingus, tiddy sucking, 69, praise kink, penetration, implied creampie
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I see Gepard being into body worship 'cause heck, he would kiss the ground you walk on in general. This dude would be such a devoted lover.
During love making, he would be so slow and careful with you, especially if it was your first time with him.
He'd leave kisses all over your body, and would stop at your most sensitive spots to give them the extra affection that they deserved.
Fondling your breasts, he'd lean down to circle his tongue around one of the buds, before puckering his lips to suck on it. And as he sucked, he'd softly moan, muttering how soft they were.
Then, trailing a line of kisses down your stomach and down to your heat, he'll place a quick kiss to your clit before sliding his tongue up and down your folds and finally inserting the wet muscle into your hole.
He'd most definitely take a lot of time down there too, taking the time savor your flavor and letting his lips become accustomed to the shape of your lower ones. Look down at his face and see how flushed his cheeks would be, hot from the heat and hot from the drunkeness he has from your pussy, humming with delight and slurring out multiple, "you taste so good's"
He too, would especially be diligent with observing each of your own reactions you had to his touch, his kisses, his tongue, and to his thrusts that would caress your walls and deeply kiss your core with each stroke.
To any sharp gasp, furrow of your brows, or any cry that you'd let out, he'd immediately pause his motions and ask if you were okay. The last thing he would ever want to do in such a vulnerable and intimate activity would be to hurt you.
Let's be honest, with the way he would be touching and fucking you slowly and gently, none of your reactions would be derived from any real pain. So you must assure him they were simply from the pleasure he was giving you.
Encourage him not to hold back, and assure him that it's okay. You'll say the safeword if you truly are in pain anyway.
And lord when he no longer restricts himself from all of the love he wants to give you at last, you'll feel it.
His motions will become much quicker, and much eager. He's sure to shake the bed a lot with all the speed and pressure he's thrusting into you, lol.
Prior to this, he had never been really vocal about his carnal desires. He'd probably think that they were improper and might give you the impression that he was a lech.
Yet, now that you've given him reassurance, he'll be comfortable enough to let you know all of the numerous positions he wants to make love to you in; how he wants to feel the weight of your legs hanging over his shoulders, wanting to feel the way you squeeze around him so tightly, and feel the way you'd release yourself all over him.
With all of the various ways a person can show love to another, his desire is to try and do all of them. He love you that much and wants to make sure you know it.
On that note, I also see him as the type to chant multiple, "I love you's", when he's close to cumming. And if he can, he'd hold you tightly, needing to feel you in his arms as he finally releases.
I'd also like to add that he probably has a praise kink. Idk, I just feel it in my bones. To show him appreciation for what he does and how good he's doing would make him so happy, both inside and outside of the bedroom.
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'Kay I honestly don't know much about him (as I still haven't gotten too far into the story) but I think he'd be the type to enjoy having you do most of the work in bed...at first
He'll enjoy you sucking him off and riding him while he simply lays back, eyes half-lidded, wrapped up in pleasure, and letting out occasional, guttural groans
But the moment you feel your legs giving out from bouncing on his cock for so long, he will be there to take over. His hands will immediately be at your hips, and he'll lean over to your ear, whispering lowly, "You did well, darling... allow me to take care of the rest". He'll have a smile on his face as he ponders over what he has in store for you.
And before you can move or say a word, he'll then continue to thrust up into you while slamming your hips down at the same time so that his cock penetrates the deepest part of your core.
You'll let out a sharp gasp and would instinctively grab hold of his shoulders as it felt like he was splitting you open with each thrust
He'll continue to fuck you with that sheer amount of force, that your body eventually gives in and he's fucking you as if you were a ragdoll.
Anyway, I think he'd be a big fan of 69, with him lying down and you on top of him. Whatever your weight is, it won't matter. He'll be able hold you up while eating you out and relishing the way you'd suck his dick.
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He looks like the type that is determined to make you cry and whimper during the act, but in actuality, I think he'll be crying and whimpering by the end of it too LOL
During sex, he'll like to taunt you by denying you your orgasm, often pleasuring you with his tongue and quickly pulling it back when he knows you're close.
He will be borderline humiliating you, saying things like, "Aw, can't take it anymore? Does my little slut want to cum? Well, you'll have to beg for it, sweetie" while massaging your inner thighs, knowing how it gets you even more worked up
But don't worry, you'll have your chance for revenge when you're riding him. Simply insert the tip of his cock inside of you, and sure, slide up and down it a bit, but nothing more. The way your walls squeeze him so deliciously will make him try to thrust up as he'd need more stimulation, but don't allow him to. That's when you'll be able to make him beg as well
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Love-making with Dan Heng would be special. Rarely is he ever so willing to be vulnerable like this, giving both of yourselves to each other, both body and soul, but you are so dear to him that he feels safe to do so.
I think sex wouldn't be iniated by carnal desire alone (at least on his part) but would mostly be initiated by his emotional needs, particularly when he needed your comfort, your touch, and your essence; or when he fears of losing you, his desperation will settle in and give him the need to hold you protectively to him; and other than that, like anyone else, he'll do it when words can no longer express how much he loves and adores you.
And depending on which reason, his touches can range from being gentle and soft, to being desperate and needy.
Either way, what will never change is his praises and words of assurance to you. He'll always make sure to tell you how good you feel, how well you're taking him, and how beautiful you are.
He'll tell you all this as he fucks you, and most importantly, he'll ask you if you understand how precious you are to him.
And if you couldn't answer quickly even after all the love he's given you and had thrusted into you, even to the point of overflowing, then he wouldn't stop until he made sure you understood it, continuing on, no matter how long it would take
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a/n: It's clear to see that my favorite is Gepard, haha
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lezbianchae · 9 months
When I say it’s okay.
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Momo G!P x (fem reader)
Momo (reader as Nayeons Little sister) sneak fucking you at a sleep over.
Warnings: G!P, breeding k!nk, Exhibitionism
1.4K words
Momo had always had the hots for you. It was really hard to hide your relationship with momo in front of the other members, especially your big sister Nayeon. Nayeon would be extremely protective over you, I mean you were technically her baby, she’d hurt anyone who’d want to hurt you. She never found it suspicious how close you were with momo, Nayeon was just as close with Momo, so she just assumed it just because you 2 were siblings, and that she had a soft spot for you. Was she wrong, Momo just really wanted to screw you and wanted you to herself.
Nayeon had invited you over for Twice’s sleep over. It’s a thing the girls do where after every tour they spend time with each other and spend the night at someone’s dorm. This year the sleep over was at Nayeon and Momo’s dorm. Since Nayeon new how much you liked seeing Momo and how you were clingy towards her, she decided to have you over, all the members were okay with it Since you’re Nayeons little sis, you might as well be Twice’s too.
As you arrived to Nayeon and Momo dorm, you could already hear the conversations, and the movements happening in the room along with the smell of fried foods. You knocked on the door hearing footsteps coming towards it, as you’re greeted by a lovely bubbly face, Sana.
“Y/N! Come in! Come in!” She grabbed your arm and pulled you in with excitement. You almost tripped due to the sudden pull. You enter as you take off your shoes in the front of the door.
You see your Older sister, and the other members doing all sorts of things, Jeongyeon, Jihyo , Momo and Nayeon playing what ever competitive game on the switch, playing on the TV. Tzuyu and Dahyun trying to bake some sort of pastry (it smelt burnt…) and Mina and Chaeyoung watching Tzuyu and Dahyun probably burning down the kitchen. As Nayeon noticed you enter she had pause the game, causing the other girls to groan after the sudden stop. But had quickly changed their mood after your unnies saw you.
“Y/n! Y/n! You’re here!” Nayeon greeted, kissing your cheek while rubbing your head, causing your hair to be messy as you try to push off your older sister. Momo quickly dropped her control after seeing you, and had walked over eagerly but to wanting to seem desperate at the same time. She’s been dying to see you, she hasn’t seen you since part 2 of the tour stared.
“Y/n..” her eye sparked, she gave you a hug, while getting a whiff of your hair she always liked the way you smelt.
“Hi momoring.” You say as you held her hand, caressing her knuckles. She gave a soft smile, as you blushed and looked down at your socks.
The rest of the afternoon was filled with laughs, eating, playing Mario party on Mina’s switch. You were starting to get scared of Jihyo since she kept losing so much to which is quite rare to see. The other members were starting to fear her as well..
As everyone slowly felt tired, they all agreed that it was best they that they would get ready to sleep, and go out for breakfast tomorrow.
Nayeon and Jeongyeon helped set up the blankets, everyone will be sleeping in the living room. As everyone else got ready for bed, and you were getting ready bushing your teeth in the bathroom, a knock on the bathroom door was herd.
“Y/n..? It’s me Momo. Can I come in?”
“Yeah, that’s okay!” You shout.
Momo walked in, closing the door behind her, running into you and giving you a proper hug, leading her mouth on the crook of your neck, kissing it. Giving it a few nibbles.
“M-momoring…” you let out a few small grunts, Momo pulling off of you to look down at you. “I missed you so much y/n… not being able to see you has drove me crazy… I need you more then anything right now..” She tried to kiss you but stopped her before she could.
“M-momoring.. we can’t right now.. my sister is right outside! I don’t wanna risk it. I can’t risk..not being able to see you..can we do this when we’re more in private…? Please..?” Momo frowned. She needed you badly. But also wanted to respect you and your wishes. Even if she was desperate. As much as she needed you, you were right.
“Fine.. but can you at least sleep with me..? I’d like to hold you.” You gave in a thought.
“O-okay.. I mean it won’t look too weird right?” Momo pecked your cheek. “Yeah.” you continued to bush your teeth and Momo left to get a spot for the 2 of you.
“Alright girls! I Hope you Found a spot to sleep on tonight. Rest well.” Jihyo shouted, she turned off the lights. As you were crawling your way over to Momo’s spot, Nayeon gave a look to you, you ignored hoping it wasn’t a bad thing you were sleeping with Momo. Momo made room for you, you layed next to her. As you turn to your back, Momo spooning you as she put on the covers on top of both of you. You pressed your butt against Momo. It was already enough you were torturing her like this. Your sent, your body right pressed up against hers. It was driving her crazy, she couldn’t help but grind against your butt.
You noticed the sudden movement. Momo grinding a bit deeper. Her cock poking you.
“Momoring, what are you doing!” You whispered.
“I’m sorry Y/n I really can’t fucking help myself anymore. I really need you, right now. Please…” she was begging.
You felt bad for having her in this state, she needed some relief. You nodded, allowing her to use her to use you.
She grasped on your pajama pants, pulling them down, leaving you in your panties. She pulled her pajama pants and boxers. She slides herself between your thighs.
“F-fuck..” Momo quietly groans into your neck, she starts rubbing herself back and forth between your legs, she sucks on your neck to keep herself quiet. You held yourself still as Momo was grinding her cock on your clothed cunt, you can feel yourself getting wetter by the second.
“Y-y/n I’m so close..take of your panties… please.. I need to be in you so so bad.” You obeyed her immediately, sliding them off, allowing her to enter you. Momo sliding one of her hands in her shirt, groping your bare small breast and pinching your nipple.
Momo inserts herself in you slowly, She has you a whimpering mess, taking in the feeling of your walls closing around her cock. “F-fuck..you’re so warm.. you’re gonna make me cum by this alone..fuck..”
“M-momoring.. start moving..hhgh..” you moaned, which only cause Momo to get crazier. She started fucking you slowly to avoid any skin slapping noises, as you kept whimpering, gripping her hand tightly as a desperation to keep quiet, Momo stoped. “Shhh.. be a good girl and keep quiet for me okay? Can you do that for m-mommy?”
“Y-yes..” you said quietly. “That’s it, that’s my girl.” The praise had you crazy , you started moving by yourself,Momo moving the same pace.
As Momo went faster, it became so much harder to be able to keep quiet. Momo kissed your shoulder and neck, as she came close. “Please let me get you pregnant, fuck.. have my kids y/n please.” You nod violently, allowing her to finish in you, pumping her load in you having you to moan in the pillow. And there Momo was, practically breeding her best friends little sister.
After calming down from your high, Momo kissed your face frantically, her cock buried deep in you, while giving you pecks on the cheek.
“Y/n you did so good for me.. I’m so proud, I hope you’re pregnant with our kids and we’ll be happy mommies together. I love you so much baby.” All you could do was nod, you were so tried from Momo fucking you so all you did was kiss her hand, as momo wrapped her arm around around you. Sleeping while being connected with Momo.
˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
The next morning you two cleaned up, and after you and momo got out of the bathroom, Nayeon stared at you 2, in her big sister stance. She was especially staring hard Momo. She knew what Momo did and it was gonna be a rough morning.
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princesspsalot · 25 days
Imagining him catching me masturbating. I’m laid on the bed with a little vibe on my clit, replaying everything he’s ever done to me in my head, I don’t even notice when he walks in at first, I’m too immersed in it. It’s only when he speaks that I realise he’s stood in the doorframe watching me…
“Aw, is that the best you got? That little thing?”
He then goes to the toy box and starts pulling out ropes, wands, plugs, vibes and impact play toys, the lot.
“See - this is much better, you can take so much more than that little one, don’t you think?”
Suddenly I have a wand strapped to me and a dildo plugging my dripping hole. His fun hasn’t even started yet, this is nothing.
Out come the handcuffs, instructed to keep them above my head or the spreader bar will come out. Then he puts nipple clamps on me, he really is dressing up his favourite toy. Cant forget the blindfold of course, what’s stimulation play without it?
Next come the spike roller and ice cubes… dragging the ice cubes around my body with his tongue. I can feel his breath tickling me as he dances around my body. Once I’m nice and cold, the spikey roller comes out. He’s using more pressure than usual, it feels so good I can’t help but whimper and wriggle around in pleasure.
He takes the dildo out and starts teasing me with his fingers. Only slightly putting them in, leaving them there waiting for me to beg like a good little slut.
“Please Sir, I’ve wanted you in me all day, please fuck me”
“Oh princess, you didn’t think I would give in like that do you? You’re to use for my pleasure, not yours, this is punishment not a reward - you didn’t ask if you could touch yourself”
“I’m sorry Sir, I won’t do it again without your permission, I promise, please - pleaseee fuck me”
His fingers go all the way in, thrusting in and out of me, the wand on the highest level. He puts his hand on my neck “take it then, but you can’t cum yet”. I’m already on the edge, I’m trying my best to keep it in but I can’t control myself, my senses are heightened and he feels so good.
“I said you can’t cum yet”
He takes his fingers out and shoves them down my throat, demanding that I clean up my mess.
“This is a punishment remember, guess I’ll have to go harder on you”
He drags me up, puts me on the end of the bed with my head hanging over the edge. “Open your mouth like a good whore”
Then he face fucks me until I’m nearly passed out and shoves me back on the bed and turns the wand back up to max. The dildo goes back in me to keep me plugged.
“Are you going to listen to me this time?”
“Yes Sir”
My pussy is dripping, my face is covered in spit. Im still blindfolded and the overstimulation is becoming more and more apparent. His hands are dancing over my body, groping my tits, scratching down my thighs and squeezing anywhere he pleases.
“Please fuck me Sir, I promise I won’t cum again until you say I can”
“You’re such a desperate little whore”
He ignores my pleads and keeps toying with the intensity of the wand, edging me over and over.
He takes the dildo out again and puts his tip at my hole, teasing the edge of it.
“Is this what you want princess?”
“Yes Sir, more than anything, please please fuck me, I need you inside of me”
“Such a shame” - he puts his tip in, listening to my whimpers and whines. He does one hard thrust and then turns everything off…
“Only good girls get what they ask for”
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ukit4m4 · 5 months
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★┆ “Bi-Han is definitely the type of guys that doesn't go only for 1 round.“
- Warning(s) : full NSFW short fic, multiple rounds, a bit of struggling, br33ding for a couple times, SLOWBURN NSFW, fingering. THIS ISN'T R///PE. HIS WIFE IS JUST ULTRA SENSITIVE PLZ DON'T CANCEL ME GRAHHH🙏🏻🙏🏻
- Writer's note : I'm having so much husband!bihan brainrot bare with me also it's my first time writing a long fic so erm yea ignore typos. reblogs are very appreciated!!! Core means the thing between your legs. your welcome.
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Bi-Han enters their shared room, noticing that his wife isn't in there, and the bathroom's water running. She's probably taking her usual random night shower. Bi-Han sighs, and goes to takes his gears off. He'd place them on the table, and his wife walks out of the bathroom, a bit startled of his presence.
"Oh, Bi-Han. You're home early," She says. Bi-Han didn't meet her gaze, already knowing she's only covered in her shower towel. "Hn," Bi-Han huffs, and took off his uniform, revealing his under dark blue shirt. His wife shrugs, already used to his dismissal. She then goes to her closet to pick a pajama.
Bi-Han looks into his mirror, which shows a reflection of himself and his wife, behind him, at her closet, searching for an outfit. His jaw clenched, seeing how the towel wraps around her small waist. Her hair is slightly damp, probably because she took some time drying it in the bathroom. Bi-Han could feel the painful stiffness against his pants' fabric.
Bi-Han then turns around, walking up to his wife. "Y/N." He called out. His wife turns around. "Huh?" Bi-Han then reach out, turning her around and straight up kissing her. His wife's eyes widened, not used to this.. kind of gesture. Bi-Han deepened the kiss, one of his hand on her waist, another on her hip.
Bi-Han then breaks the kiss, trailing his lips to her neck, a sensitive spot, that is. His wife whimpers lowly, hand rested on his back. "Wha-" She was about to ask a question when Bi-Han cuts it off. "No questions. I just want you for the night, wife." Bi-Han says sternly.
With a swift motion, Bi-Han would take off the towel off his wife's body, revealing her whole body for his eyes only. "Relax," Bi-Han says, noticing her squirms. She's probably nervous. "I am." She replied. Bi-Han kissed her again, pressing his body against her so that she could feel his hardness.
His hand from her waist leaves the spot, then trails down to her core. He then started to rub her clit surprisingly gently. She gasps, squirming even more. "B- Bi-Han-" She mumble, while one of his finger made it's way inside her slowly. "Sshhh,.." Bi-Han coo, his eyes focused on her core.
His finger that's inside his wife is cold, making her squirms even more against the wall. He then starts stroking her walls, making her whimper softly. His hand on her hip moves, pushing her head gently to his chest so that her whimper is slightly muffled. Her back arches, and he added another finger. His pace fastens, making her melt into him.
"Let it go. Cum for me," He commanded. After a few hard and fast thrust, the damp broke, and she reached her climax, shuddering slightly. Bi-Han's fingers slowed, but didn't stop. After he prolongs her climax as long as possible, he finally stops and slowly pulls out. He pulled his wife away, and kissed her deeply. "Good girl." He murmurs against her lip.
Suddenly, Bi-Han picked her up, and brought her to the bed. He placed her head against the pillow, and he looms above her. "You're mine, and I'll take you anytime and anywhere I want too," Bi-Han whispers against her ears as he continues kissing her jaw and his hands roams around her body. Bi-Han then unzips his pants, pulling it off. He then pulls his shirt off.
Oh shit, he's big. Her wife let out a half-whimper half gasp, squirming in place. "What?" Bi-Han raised an eyebrow, positioning himself between her legs. "W- Will it even fit..?" His wife asked nervously. Bi-Han groans lowly, kissing the crook of her neck. "Of course it will. I'll make it fit," He smirks against her skin. He leaned forward, kissing her once again as he eased himself inside her slowly.
She gasp into the kiss, and his tip gave her cervix a little kiss. Her legs jolts. Bi-Han breaks the kiss. "You're alright." It's not a question, but a statement. He then starts moving. Her legs are pulled over by his hands, making it easier for him to thrust into her. "A- Ahn.. sl- slow down, Bi- Bi-Han-.." She pleaded between moans. He heard it, but instead, his pace quickens.
To add more flavors, his head leans down, catching one of her nipple into his mouth. His tounge would swirl around it, making her gasp and shudders even more. He left the nipple with a pop, quickening his pace once again. "You're mine, aren't you? I'll make you really really mine tonight," He'd murmur, she reached her climax once again, and her walls clinches around him.
He smirked when he felt and heard her gasp, his climax following behind too. Finally, he'd bury himself deep inside her, grinding against her as he let himself go deep into her. She could feel the warmness(?) inside her. She pants, thinking that Bi-Han is already satisfied. She already hit climax twice, so her core is really sensitive.
Bi-Han's breath also turns slightly ragged, and he also seems flustered. But, he made no move of pulling out. "You're mine now. There's a piece of me inside you, forever." Bi-Han says. He then kissed her, suddenly starts to move again. His wife gasps into the kiss, her legs jolting slightly. She squirms, back arching and all. "Relax." He commands.
"Ng- Ngh..~ Bi- Bi-Han- I can't-.." She mumble against his lips. Bi-Han pulled away, but didn't stop. "Yes, you can." He says, quickening his pace. His finger then goes to one of her nipple again, pinching and playing with it surprisingly gently. His wife moaned sweetly, music to his ears. She felt so good, too good. Oh, god. She never thought her possesive, cold and arrogant husband could make her feel like this.
"I- I'm— cumming..!" She moaned. "Go on." Bi-Han replied. His fingers left her nipple, then goes to her clit, rubbing it again. As if adding oil to the fire, she reached her climax once again. Her insides clinches around him, and his pace quickens that ever. He then leans forward, kissing her as he came inside her again, flooding her walls. It dripped around him and into the sheets.
He broke the kiss, smirking smugly. "There you go." He says. His wife pants, face flushed than ever. "Are you alright?" He asked. She nodded. "Mhm.." He pulled out, softening already. He then rolled over to her side, and pulled her close. "Rest, then." He commanded. Her breath calms down so did she, and she nuzzles into his chest.
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findafight · 1 year
Kinda want to write a one-sided ronance post S4 au (within a fix it obvs) where the older teens start actually hanging out and Stobin (eventually + Vickie)confuse literally everyone. They greet each other with cheek kisses, call each other babe (or "Stevie Baby". Listen. Robin calls him bud or buddy or bub or bubba or babe and it's like why so many B's?? Argyle is vibing with it though and joins the bud train) and one time at two in the morning had a coordinated ramble about the names of the cats they will eventually get. (Sassafras, moonshine, and Garborator)
Nancy and Steve haven't really talked about anything, other than Steve saying "hey. I'm sorry if whatever I said weirded you out. I was definitely a bit delirious and Robin and Eddie AND Dustin were all making comments about winning you back or whatever which is stupid, you made it clear where you stood with me. Which wasn't with me. That's fine. and like. Okay yeah when we were together I'd daydream about you being beside me in the motorhome but thats-- it was a daydream. I was sort of thinking I was gonna die and. I wanted to share a little dream that made me happy. And then got everything confused in my head and made it weird and I'm sorry. what I'm trying to say is I'm sorry for being weird and making things uncomfortable. I'm over you. I loved you then, and you were my first real love, and maybe if things were different I could love you like that again but. But neither of us want that or the same things out of life. And we'd crash and burn again. Plus you and Jonathan are together which is a non-starter. Cannot believe I forgot that when it was happening. Jesus. So. Yeah. Sorry for being not a great friend and hitting on you in the Upside Down." And Nancy had nodded and told him not to worry about it. He had been sort of bleeding out and planning on going back into the upside down. They could both be normal about it.
Sometimes Nancy and Robin try to have "girl time" at Nancy's suggestion because they're the only girls in the older group (sometimes. But Robin is not going to let that slip out) but it's awkward without a buffer. Robin is too nervous and rambles and Nancy is too annoyed by it. But they do get on well in group settings, and Steve and Argyle are actually the keenest to smooth over any awkwardness.
Robin laughs more with the group, and grins at Steve and smirks at Eddie and has a sharp tongue Nancy can admire. She's more comfortable with Steve around, insisting he sit beside her or on the ground in front of her so she can play with his hair. (And Nancy is shocked the first time she sees it, because Steve was notoriously protective of his "best feature", but she'd asked and he'd hummed quietly as she takes her fingers through his hair and put tiny, lopsided braids in it.) It's nice to see Robin less jumpy, and wonders what it would take to see more of the side of her Nancy only sees when Steve's around. She just wants to get closer to Robin. Wants a friend.
And somehow, beyond Nancy's notice, Steve and Robin's friend Vickie slowly joins the group. She wasn't involved at all in the spring, but has been hanging around Family Video and a movie night or two often enough that when she settles more permanently in the group it isn't a very big surprise. Eddie and Argyle welcome her in with open arms, Jonathan is only his normal amount of weary of new people, and obviously Robin and Steve are excited for their friends to be friends.
But it just doesn't sit right with Nancy. She can't pinpoint why, it just doesn't. When she sees Robin and Vickie giggling together, or having some back and forth banter that seems to feed into both of them smiling, or Steve throwing his arm over her shoulder, or Vickie leaning into Robin's space as they talk. She always sits beside Robin, Steve on the other, with Eddie beside him. It's usually a tight fit for whatever couch they're on, but the four seem happy as clams to not have any personal space. Once Argyle decided to lay across all their laps, and they just...let him. Finangled themselves so everyone was mostly comfortable.
Nancy figures she is uncomfortable with it because she hasn't ever had a close friend since Barb, and was possibly hoping she could be close to Robin along those lines. So seeing her so close with the others and mildly uncomfortable around her hurt, and seeing her and Steve incorporate someone unversed in the Upside Down into their little trauma club also hurt. Because what did Vickie have that Nancy didn't? That made Steve and Robin and now Eddie stick to her like glue? That made them want her there when she didn't know anything about what they'd been through and could probably never understand?
What made Vickie Summers so special that she's taken what should have been Nancy's place beside her friends? Because that's what really bothered her. It wasn't that Vickie didn't know, it's that Nancy felt she took her place. That Nancy wanted to be where Vickie was, and she didn't know how to ask for it. Asking, trying to talk about how Steve and Robin had bonded so well after Starcourt while she ignored them and then how they bonded with and absorbed Eddie halfway into their bizarre dynamic after vecna, would feel too much like begging or admitting that she isn't quite sure how to make friends.
Nancy is jealous. Jealous that she isn't friends like Vickie and Eddie and Steve and Robin are. That she isn't the one making Robin smile and giggle so cutely. So. She tries harder. Tries to be the friend that Robin and Eddie and even Steve deserve. She tries not to be annoyed by Robin rambling (it really isn't that bad, just. Not relevant. She likes heading Robin's voice, but thinks she could really work on having a filter.), or the way Steve always asks clarifying questions when he should really have known better, or Eddie talking half in different character voices. She thinks it's getting better, her relationship with them. But, still, Vickie is always there, glued to Robin's side almost as much as Steve is, and that always annoys Nancy. Niggles at her brain, that she doesn't deserve to be there because she didn't know what Robin had lived through and fought. Nancy did.
Eventually, Nancy figures out that she wants more from Robin. Doesn't want to be a friend she smiles at occasionally, wants to be the reason she smiles all the time. And that's terrifying. Because Nancy had never considered liking girls, never thought liking girls was a thing she could do. It was something other women did, not Nancy. She liked boys and always had, but. But maybe she always liked girls...too. maybe it wasn't something she that was one or the other. Being different in a town like Hawkins puts a target on your back, being queer in a town like Hawkins even moreso.
She's leaving Hawkins in the fall. But she thinks she wants someone to come home to. She wants Robin to come home to. Robin and Steve seem to be okay with it, from what she can glean of some veiled comments they've made that she's only caught now she's looking for them. They've made some remarks around the kids that make it seem like they'd be safe to come to, no matter what. And sometimes, some of the comments Robin makes about actresses seem a little...well. admiring.
They probably, hopefully, wouldn't hate her for this. And now Nancy and Robin have a friendship, she thinks she can. It's early July, and Nancy is going to ask Robin out.
She gets her alone, bites her lip, and asks Robin in no uncertain terms to go out on a date with her. Robin stares, mouth agape.
"oh," she says.
Nancy smiles, a little. "Yeah. So. What do you say?"
Robin blinks, and takes a shuddering breath. "Oh my god. I. Nancy I'm really flattered but I'm no-i dont- uhg. I'm dating someone." she groans, rubbing her hands over her face.
And oh. Nancy read the situation wrong "oh. Steve. It's fine! You don't like girls, thats--thats totally fine! Id just, um. That is,-"
Robin waves her hands. "No, no! I'm not dating Steve! You clocked me correctly. Definitely gay! Don't worry about that! Hah."
Something in Nancy twists. "Oh?"
"yeah. Yep. Not only am I a lesbian in a small town, I'm a lesbian in a small town that somehow also has a girlfriend." Robin says the word dreamily. Like she still can't believe it. Nancy's brain fills with static. She was too late. Too caught up with how she missed so many chances in the past, that she missed her chance now.
But Robin keeps talking. "And, like. Even if I didn't, I don't think it would have worked between us anyways. Too different, y'know?"
Robin gestures with her hands between them. "Well, like. I like being your friend. But, I mean, I wouldn't date you?"
"why not?"
Blinking, Robin tilts her head. "Because of Steve?"
Something bubbles hot in Nancy. "What the fuck does Steve have to do with wether or not we would date?"
"Nancy. Steve's my best friend." As though that explains anything.
"yes? And?"
Robin looks uncomfortable, shifting sideways. "listen, Nancy. You're a good friend. And I've just rejected you. Maybe we should just. Ah. Leave this? I'm really sorry. I'll give you some space, just find me when you're ready?"
"no. What do you mean that we couldn't date because Steve is your best friend? Why would that have any effect on how you date?"
"it doesn't! Not really! Just. Nancy, you broke his heart. His soft, squishy heart! You kinda sorta cheated on him-details very unclear-and then just. Moved on. Pretended like nothing happened. I couldn't do that to Steve. Dating a friend's ex is a bad move. Dating an ex that broke a friend's heart is just cruel." She sighs. Looks sad. As though she isn't the one rejecting Nancy and tearing her apart for how a relationship ended almost two years ago. What did that matter, now? "You're my friend, Nancy. I like you! But even if Steve has moved on, forgiven and forgotten, and if things were a bit different given his full support for us dating if that's what I wanted, I think I'll always remember how he-- how much it hurt him."
"I'm. Nancy I'm really sorry. I know how scary it is to put yourself out there, especially like this. It's not fair. I'm just sorry. But. It was true. Steve's the most important person to me. I couldn't ever hurt him. Not like that. Not even if he said he was fine with it."
Nancy stands and walks away. She doesn't cry until she locks her bedroom door.
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The Top Gun squad and their favorite sex positions:
MINORS DNI. 18+ content w/ links to visuals. NSFW.
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Don’t click the hyperlinks if you don’t want visuals
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Bob: Outdoors. This man is an adrenaline junkie or he wouldn’t be flying around in jets. Position doesn't matter too much to him, but Bob loves having sex with you outdoors, especially on the deck at your cabin where you can both shout as loud as you want into the woods.
Coyote: Girl on top. He wants it hard and fast and likes when you’re controlling that. Javy wants to spank you and tell you that you take him so well while you bounce on top of him.
Fanboy: Girl on top. But sensual. He loves being able to look in your eyes and caress your breasts while you slowly ride him. Mickey is all about connecting with you and making love over just fucking.
Hangman: Reverse Cowgirl. Firstly, that man has a southern drawl that sneaks out so you know he likes cowgirls. Secondly, I really just think Jake is an ass man.
Payback: Spread Eagle. He loves getting as deep as he possibly can and spreading your legs out helps him do that. Reuben just wants to assure you’re both feeling good while he buries himself in you.
Phoenix: Cunnilingus. Nat doesn’t care how it happens, she just wants her tongue buried in you until you’re screaming her name. She prefers you sitting on her face, but she’s not complaining about other options.
Rooster: Doggy Style. Bradley loves being behind you. He’ll bend you over whatever surface he can or get you face down on the bed for a good fuck and some spanking. He enjoys the feeling of being over you controlling your orgasm.
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eros-ghoulette · 21 days
Look at that
Alpha wants to get up before sunrise. Omega is having none of it.(Alpha is a good boy)
Characters: Alpha, Omega Word count: 590
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Alpha wasn’t much of a cuddler, or at least that’s what he told most people. A few knew that it wasn’t true. It just took some time until the tall fire ghoul was comfortable enough to cuddle with someone. And he would never be the one to ask for that type of affection, even though he craved it deep down.
Omega turned around with a growl forming in the depths of his chest, the yawn following immediately; it was too early to wake up. And he would still be asleep if it wasn’t for Alpha, who was wicked enough to leave his bed before sunrise. Their retirements had been months ago, but the guitarist still had a completely messed up sleeping schedule.
“Don’t ya’ dare,” the quint mumbled and scratched his belly, watching Alpha with half-closed eyes. His sleepy brain focused on the small paunch the other had grown over the past months, and it would be a lie to say it didn’t suit him. He looked healthier now, much healthier. And the way his shirts wrapped around the fat of his belly, how it wobbled a bit when he laughed - Omega wanted nothing more than to bite him there, to sink his teeth in it, not enough to break the skin, but to mark that gut.
He earned himself a mocking snort and a raised eyebrow. “What?”
“C’mere,” Omega ordered, holding his arms up. But the other could only chuckle at the weak attempt to get him back to bed.
“Cuddle your pillow, Megs,” he answered with that dumb grin of his.
The expression on Omega’s face could be described as a pout, and it only made Alpha laugh more. That was until Omega used his secret weapon, the one thing that always worked on the tall ghoul.
“Come on… Be a good boy,” he mumbled, not able to get the sleep out of his voice. It still had the reaction he wanted; he could practically hear the other's heartbeat quicken, saw the faint blush on his face. He opened his arms again, and this time Alpha came back and placed himself on Omega.
“Fuck you,” he muttered in Omega’s ear, but his scent betrayed him; pure contentment.
“Love you too, big boy,” Omega answered, eyes closed again. He could feel Alpha heating up, felt him wiggle a bit, and opened his eyes to see the deep colour of his face. It took the quint a minute to process what could have been the reason for that reaction, but when he finally did, a smirk appeared on his lips.
“Look at that,” he said, snapping his tongue, but the fondness in his voice clear. “Seems like I’ve found something new you like, hmm? Big boy?”
The fire ghoul hid his face as best as he could but nodded against Omega’s shoulder; maybe even a tad embarrassed.
“Well, my good boy gained some weight, didn’t he?” the other continued, one hand travelling down Alpha’s side, pinching his fat. The quint giggled as Alpha flinched a bit. “He looks really damn handsome, and he feels really good on me…”
He left one hand at the other's side, sneaking under his shirt, to hold him close there, fingers tracing the soft skin. Holding him there, Alphas weight pressing him in the mattress. 
“Will you cuddle with me now without complaining, hmm? Will you, big boy?”
Alpha’s heart was beating way too fast, his face heating up more and more.
“Yeah,” he mumbled and earned himself another quiet chuckle.
“That’s my good boy." ______________
I hate my writing tbh, but ughhhh... i died every time i wrote good boy. Praise me too, please. I promise i'm a good boy
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headingalaxys-spicy · 3 months
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I sometimes casually cosplay while I write.
Two latest pieces coming soon. One is an ask the other has a working title of : Become my Doll a Yandere England x Reader piece that I’m trying to make as a oneshot.
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the-void-writes · 4 months
(Rio x one of his lovers!!)
Okay sorry, this one’s kind of cheating because it’s short. I just wanted to test Jasio a bit before I really dove into them because I’m trying to make them a bit more interesting lol.
TW: Suggestive Content (not descriptive nsfw, but it’s there)
Freaks Of Preston - Sorry
“I’m still mad at you.”
Rio couldn’t help but grin. “Are you?”
“Yes, you daft brute. You’re not invincible, you can’t just walk into open gunfire— especially after I tell you not to.”
“It looked badass, didn’t it?”
Jason crossed his arms. “That’s not the point. You care so little about yourself that you think it’s funny, but it’s not. I could lose you one day, Rio.”
Rio was going to make another joke, until he saw the misty look in Jason’s eyes. His blessed heart was so big, Rio thought. He reached across the couch and squeezed his hand lightly.
“I’m sorry, Jay. I’ll listen to you, I promise.”
Jason sighed. “Do you really mean that?”
He jumped as Rio kissed his neck. His breath sent chills across his skin.
“I mean it, Jay. I can prove it to you right now, if you want.”
“Are you seriously flirting your way out of this?”
“I can’t help it, you’re cute when you’re mad. Your eyes get big and your cheeks puff out a bit.”
Jason shook his head, trying and failing to hold back a laugh. “You’re unbelievable.”
“Do you want me to stop?”
Rio bit his shoulder, smiling smugly to himself as Jason gasped and pulled him closer.
“No, I don’t.”
“That’s what I thought.”
His lips traveled up and down his neck, drawing sweet little sighs from Jason as he sank down onto the couch. Finally, he grabbed the collar of Rio’s shirt and kissed him hungrily.
“Still mad?” Rio whispered.
“Shut up.”
Rio laughed and kissed him again, growing more and more excited. They never came out of their apartment for the rest of the day. As they clung to each other, desperately kissing and touching and sighing into each other’s ears, Rio felt more than tempted to put himself in danger again. The payoff was far too enticing.
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bapple117 · 15 days
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HIYA! I'm bapple hehe ~ welcome to my page!
I'm a queer & neurodivergent hobgoblin who writes stories, doodles things and spends too much time talking about cartoon men on discord & social media. You can find all my things below! 💜
🍎 AO3 (All my fanfic stuff) (most is 18+)
🍎 Twit - My Spotify Playlists - Discord Server
🍎 Velvette Slang Masterlist Writing Guide - A humble guide to British / South London slang for fellow writers, from a British person with love x
~ all my main tags are tagged below, sometimes they don't work great on the filtering so I'm sorry >.> ~
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lyneira · 1 year
random spicy headcanons featuring haganezuka, rengoku, tengen, sanemi, giyuu, and gyomei!
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fem!reader x rengoku, tengen, giyuu, gyomei, sanemi, haganezuka (separate)
cw: penetration, oral, praise kink, breeding kink, body worship, mentions of kama sutra positions
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RENGOKU (continued, check out my first post!)
Fucks fast, and like I said in my initial post about him, he'd enjoy a position where he's firmly grounded in order to fuck you at the speed he desires. Therefore, he'd likely prefer to be standing up as he thrusts into you. Maybe having you on the edge of the bed in mating press as he stands, hovering over you as his cock slams into your core repeatedly. Or he might fuck you up against the wall, holding onto your thighs wrapped around him as you'd cling to him for dear life. Not only does he have incredible speed, but he also has the stamina to match it. Everything that he'd do would be overwhelming.
eager as heck, if you even mention anything relating to having sex or mention even the subtlest innuendo, he'll be stripping off his clothes and will be pouncing on you immediately the moment you two were finally alone. And when he'd pull down his pants, you'd see that his cock would be proudly shot up, hard with precum staining his tip. He'd been holding in his arousal for you this entire time and would be making you responsible for it.
If you asked him to be slow, he would go slow...initially. It's until he's swept up in the ecstasy of your cunt squeezing around him and sucking him in that he'd begin to both quicken his pace and bury himself inside of you even deeper.
The faster he thrusts, the more he would run his mouth and babble on like, "haa, you feel so good! so good..!! I think I'm gonna cum...ah-! Cum with me, y/n..! I wanna feel you release around me...!" and before you can say a word, he'll let his seed spill into your core, letting out a choked moan as he does so. Although he pauses for a second to catch his breath from his high, he wouldn't waste any more time before continuing to thrust into you, ensuring that his wish be granted. And so it would when he he reaches down to rub circles on your clit and hits your sweet spot. With the spasming of your walls, you'd finally let you're own juices envelop him, and he'd smile at the sound of each wet, sloppy smack that occured as he slowly dragged his cock in and out of you. "Ahaha...there we go...that's a good girl"
he'll always be honest with you, even if it might sound a little graphic. He might tell you something like, "be prepared for what's coming later. I'm gonna fuck you 'til the morning comes" and none of it would be an exaggeration. He will be fucking you until the sun rises. He's not one to say things just for show. Anything that he says is a promise to you. So when he also says that he'll make you cum over and over again, you will be coming over and over again. And if he says that you'll be having his babies, you will be carrying his children soon enough.
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would totally manhandle you and would do you in the freakiest positions that would test the flexibility of both you and him, as well as strength. With his physique and physical prowess, putting you in any kind of position would be so easy for him. Whether he'd have known the positions in the kama sutra or not, he would've already tried them out with you. 69, Lotus position, Plough position, Hero position, Star position, Frog position- you name it. This man is kinky as he is flashy.
Tengen's a total dom, but I think he'd have times where he'd enjoy laying back and letting you do most of the work. Therefore, unlike Kyojuro, he'd probably enjoy having sex sitting down or laying down. Probably would enjoy you riding him with you straddled on his lap, in a cowgirl or reverse cowgirl position. And he wouldn't mind you sitting down either... particularly on his face. Don't you dare try to hold back by simply hovering your pussy over his lips, he wants you to truly sit and feel all of your weight pressing down on him. That way, he could give your lower lips the deepest kisses, as well as the most passionate french kisses, delving his tongue deeper into you. He'd enjoy watching the exasperated and blissful look on your face as he pleasured you from below, widening his smile into your cunt
He'd punish you if you were ever being naughty or difficult, and would do so by edging you, and then overstimulating you. Again, he'd observe your face, waiting until your brows furrowed and your mouth went agape as he was fucking you into your next high. Yet, before you could ever reach it, he'd quickly pull out, letting your walls clench over nothing. Despite your pouts and glances of frustration at him, he'd do this multiple times until he can no longer resist your adorable expressions. So when he finally lets you orgasm, seeing the blush spread on your cheeks and cloudy look of lust shroud over your half-lidded eyes, he can't help but continue to fuck you. Then those hazy eyes of yours would soon be flooded by tears, overwhelmed by the stimulation he would be giving you.
would probably enjoy fucking you doggy style too though, so that he could slap your ass easily.
I think he wouldn't mind public sex? The thrill of possibly getting caught would entice him. With that risk of getting caught, he'd be teasing bastard for sure, and a cocky one too. He'd be the type to hush you when your moans were growing in volume, "Quiet now, darling... you wouldn't want anyone to hear you now, would you?", all while having the biggest smirk on his face. And the most irritating thing about all of this is that the truth is he would definitely want someone to hear how good he was fucking you, and you know it.
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Look, I know Haganezuka can have a rough and aggressive streak with his temper, but I think he'd have the capacity to be just as tender.
Okay, this is gonna be a weird analogy but hear me out: If he loves you enough, he'd treat you the same way he'd treat his swords-- with extreme care. So much that I see him being into body worship, trailing kisses up and down your body, and muttering his adoration of you against your skin. He'll be passionate about you and it'll show in the way he holds your body so delicately, afraid of giving you the slightest scratch.
And with that kind of passion for you, it'd feel like heaven to him when he's finally able to thrust it all into you, all of his love and admiration.
On the other hand, I don't think he'd mind it at all if you left scratches and bite marks on him during the act. In fact he'd love it if you did. Just as he receives scars and callouses as a result from smithing the toughest blades, he'd view the marks you'd give him as a testament to how well he was fucking you. He would bean with pride at the sight of it.
This is kinda weird, but I'd see him putting up windchimes in the bedroom as to soothe him and assist him in being more gentle whenever his temper is raging. He knows how big he is and how he could get carried away in the heat of the moment, letting all his frustrations out on you, so he'd try, to the best of his ability, to be more soft. The last thing he'd want is for you to get hurt, after all, and if that means having to set up windchimes around the room, so be it.
also, he'd be the type to growl when he's balls-deep inside of you and you're squeezing around him so tightly. I just know it.
The persistence and determination of this man would be off the charts. He's not stopping until he's fucked you right; that means he isn't stopping unless your body was trembling and spasming underneath him, overwhelmed by the intense pleasure he was giving you. Feeling the way your thighs would shake at the sides of his head and feeling the way you would jerk your hips into his mouth as he ate you out, would please him so much.
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My initial thought for Sanemi would be that he's a mean dom, but I honestly feel like he could be a soft/service dom too. This man is just a big tsundere
I think he'd totally start off sex like, "Ha! You're such a dirty whore. If you want my cock so much, then beg for it" but as he's fucking you, he'd whisper, under gritted teeth, nearly reaching his climax, "I love you so fucking much...cum with me, yeah? come on, I've got you"
Like, he puts up a rough and intimidating front, but would totally melt in your arms if you gave yourself to him and took care of him.
cradle his head as he sucks on your tiddies, he'd be drunk on your milk and would smother his face in between them. He also wants to take care of you, so he'd probably finger you as he sucked upon your breasts, giving you stimulation in both erogenous areas. And when you release, he'll pull them out to lick off your nectar stained on his thick fingers, and would give you a kiss, allowing you to get a taste of yourself
Most of all, Sanemi always wants to protect you. He'd probably cling to your waist tightly as he fucked you. While his embrace might give you a sense of security, it would also do the same for him. You were here in his arms, safe and sound, where nothing could ever harm you; that all what matters to him
Call out his name in bed, it would delight him tremendously. Hearing you scream for him would not only swell his pride, but more importantly, it would make him feel needed. So when you call out his name, of course, he'll be there for you, and would tend to your needs.
Screaming his name as he further buried himself inside you, he'd lowly groan into your ear, "I'm here, pretty girl...and I'm gonna make you cum all over me. I know you'll love that"
I'll probably write mean dom Sanemi in another post, stay tuned LOL
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he will be the most gentle with you. He's so afraid of hurting you, but still wants to pleasure you.
Your pleasure is his pleasure, so when he hears your sweet sighs and moans, it would all shoot straight down to his cock
Therefore, in that case, he'd likely have you take the reins more often when it comes to sex. He'd enjoy you riding him, hitching his breath when you first gently insert the tip into your cunt, getting used to his girth, before letting yourself sink down on him to take a little bit more of his length, which was already stretching you out like crazy. He'll let you take your time putting it inside, and when your walls have adjusted and his length is able to slide in and out with ease, he'll begin thrusting up into you himself. As you begin to tire out and he's reaching his own high, he'll instinctively take hold of your hips and bounce you on his cock with his own strength. So even if your legs give out and you go limp, he'll still be fucking you.
Your jaw will most definitely hurt after sucking him off, because everything about him is HUGE
He'd be perceptive in bed, listening closely to your breathing, your heartbeat, to your moans and cries, taking note of which motions bring you pain or pleasure, and he'll make love to you accordingly. Despite observing all of these things, he'd still make sure to verbally ask you if you were okay.
Even though he aims to be gentle, he isn't opposed to bringing you to your limits during sex. He wouldn't want neither of you to miss out on the euphoria that the act of making love has to offer due to fear. He wants to make love to you wholeheartedly. Thus, he'll often grasp your hand firmly to reassure you when he was splitting you open and after you both reach your highs, he'll softly caress your cheek and press a deep kiss to your temple, telling you how good you've done
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not very vocal, the most he'll do is grunt or groan.
Rather, he communicates a lot more through his eyes (if you've watched the demon slayer ova, you'll know what I'm talking about). He believes that "the eyes are the windows into a person's heart", so he would always seek your gaze as he makes love to you, wanting to know how you're feeling, how much you're enjoying it, and in his gaze, you'd find such admiration looking back at you. His eyes would always be seeking your permission before proceeding
hence, he'd prefer positions in which he can face you (so missionary, cowgirl, mating press, all that jazz)
he'd fall for you all over again if you would tell him what you love about him or praised him in general during sex because he cares about what you think of him. Heck, if you just said that he feel so good, then that's enough to make him bust a nut lol
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a/n: I honestly did giyuu a little dirty by not giving him as many hcs, I'll probably continue his in another post lol
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sunasite · 1 year
cw: you give atsumu a handjob, but as friends.....maybe
wc: 653
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imagine being going to school with atsumu and you've never had your first kiss.
you're both nearing graduation, and in a few months, you'll be off to college, while he's doing his own volleyball thing. you're in no way disliked in your year, in fact, most people would say they're fond of you. they're comfortable calling you a friend, whether they mean it sincerely or not, but it seemed that's all you ever will be to them.
you're in your last year of high school, and you've never been in a relationship, which in turn means you've never had your first kiss. the dreams of those rom-coms you've seen as a child (and continue to watch to this day) coming to life were all thrown out the window. you thought you've accepted that fact long ago, but two of your closest friends getting into relationships at the same time helped you realize that no, maybe you aren't truly satisfied with how you spent your free time in high school.
instead of being a shut-in, and playing video games all day long, you could have been out and about socializing, and perhaps catching someone's attention (you could have been sitting in a café looking pretty, and drinking a nice, warm cup of coffee, as the cute barista your age comes up to you and tells you shyly that he's interested. but reality isn't that kind.). that certainly sounds more appealing than hitting platinum in your godforsaken video game. being a hopeless romantic and being perpetually single do not go well together— you've learned that the hard way.
most people have silently agreed that they probably will never see each other again, save for the ones coincidentally going to the same colleges. and atsumu, being the silly little guy he is, asked you for one thing before he leaves: a kiss.
"i'm only joking if you want me to be joking," he said, somehow maintaining a calm front. a sheepish smile made its way onto his face, "but if you're down for it, then i'm being entirely serious."
and in your desperation, you said yes. might as well get your first kiss out of the way, right? better now than never, and better him than anyone else. you were comfortable with each other, and you've known him long enough, so why not?
somehow, that ended up with you both agreeing to something... more intimate than a simple goodbye kiss. no, you were not sleeping with him. you think you'll give that chance to your first partner. it's important to know your value, after all.
now, your first kiss was long gone and you've lost count with how many you've exchanged. you're comfortable above him, as he sits upright against the headboard. atsumu's hand guides yours as you pump his cock at a slower pace, wanting to drag it out for a little while, neither of you willing to give in so soon. as your thumb glides over his tip, he lets out a sharp gasp.
"yeah, just like that," he mumbled into your mouth, small whimpers occasionally escaping him. you answer him with a greedy kiss, eager to feel his tongue against yours. his large hand leaves its hold on yours, generously letting you tighten your grip on him, moving quicker than before.
"ah, please... fuck," his eyebrows are knit together, eyes meeting yours as you pull away from the heated kiss, a thin string of spit connecting you. atsumu's eyes are hazy as he looks up at you, his tongue lolling out slightly. his bleach blonde hair is a proper mess, sticking out in every other way. you hear his breathing stutter, accompanying a deep red painting itself on his face.
it's a positively erotic sight, you think, and you need more.
this may not have been the most romantic way to have your first kiss, but it's definitely one to remember.
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princesspsalot · 25 days
I was in the bath and he came in and admired my soapy wet body.
I could see his biker forming so I looked up at him with tongue out. He smirked and shoved my face into his crotch.
Soon enough my face was being fucked like his personal glory hole. Little did I know he was doing it to tease me, not please himself. He knows how much I love to be used.
Then as I look up at him, his tip on my tongue, fuck me eyes in full swing he starts backing away but I follow his cock with my mouth because it’s all I want.
Such a cum thirsty little whore.
He puts his thumb on my tongue and slides it all the way down my throat until I’m gagging.
“You look so pretty like that”.
He comes back, pushing my head all the way down on his cock and thrusts again, again and again. Getting harder each time. He’s got the back of my head in his hands so I can’t even pull up for air this time.
Still blissfully unaware he’s using me to tease me I sit there happily being face fucked, becoming cock drunk. When he sees my eyes glaze over with thirst he stops and leaves.
Then I spend the rest of my bath thinking about how good his cock feels in my throat, that’s where it belongs.
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Hello and welcome to another installment of mossy being horny on main. Tonights programme? Gimmeee. The reactions of Zoya,maybe Shalom and your boy Lyney at the sight of their s/o dressed in an oversized band tshirt and an oversized band tshirt
Note: This is supposed to say "an oversized band tshirt and nothing underneath" ;)
Fandoms: Path to Nowhere, Genshin Impact Characters: Zoya (PtN), Shalom (PtN), Lyney (GI) Warnings: NSFW, Minors beware! Slight Spoilers for Shalom's story. Mentions of: pegging, slight choking, Domme Zoya, teasing, oral (gn), penetration (gn), semi-submissive Lyney,
Oh boy. Ohhhhh boy.
Instant turn on. She drops whatever she's doing - literally, if necessary, she doesn't care what breaks so long as she gets to break you.
For a long moment, she just stares. Appreciates the way the oversized shirt falls just past the curve of your ass, how something so baggy somehow accentuates the shape of your body so nicely. It's practically lingerie, watching you wear something like that.
And if you just so happen to bend over within her line of sight, or reach for something off a high shelf and cause your shirt to ride up, revealing that there's nothing underneath... good lord, it's almost embarrassing how turned on she is.
She's sweeping you off your feet and carrying you to the nearest flat surface, be it the bed, couch, or even a chair or the dinner table. She is not a patient woman. She will have you, and she will have you now.
She leaves your side only long enough to fetch her strap-on, and then she's bending you over whatever object it is that she's chosen for today's session. Normally, she holds your hips while she does this, but today she grips the sides of your shirt, allowing it to choke you slightly - or more than slightly, if you're into that - as she gives it to you hard and rough, relishing in every little gasp and moan and cry that leaves your pretty mouth.
She's not gonna stop until you come at least three times, and then she's helping move your spent body into a sitting or lying position so you can give her some pleasure, too. If you're too drained to manage that, then she'll just get herself off to the sight of you looking like such a mess while you watch <3
Oh my. When you walk in wearing that, she's practically drooling over you just from the first glimpse. Whatever she's busy with is immediately tomorrow's problem. It doesn't matter anymore. Nothing matters but you.
Shalom still isn't very used to her newfound emotions - much less being able to feel and show them freely - and lust is one of the ones she struggles with the most. The burning-hot desire she feels is all-consuming and difficult to keep contained.
She seems to glitch at first. You turn around after a while of innocently pretending to do something else, only to find her staring at you, her eyes dark with lust. You can't tell from the way she's sitting, but she's got her thighs squeezed together in a subconscious effort to relieve her growing need.
You pretend to knock a pen off a nearby table and bend to retrieve it, flaunting your bare skin, and that snaps her out of it. She's out of the chair in a flash, crossing the room with long strides accentuated by the steady click of her shoes on the tile floor. She's by your side in mere moments, just as you straighten up. The pen falls from your grasp as she pulls you close and kisses you, one of her hands sliding beneath your shirt and caressing your body.
"You don't know what you do to me when you dress like that, my dear," she whispers when you break away for air, her lips brushing yours before she kisses her way down your jaw to your collarbone.
She soon grows bored of just kissing you, however, and leads you back to the desk where she's been working. She shoves her paperwork to the side - incredibly uncharacteristic for Shalom, but it shows just how needy she is. And then she's pushing your shirt up to your hips and instructing you to sit on the desk.
When you obey her, she's pulling up her chair, pushing your legs apart as she begins to taste your thighs, slowly working her way up, closer and closer to where you need her touch the most. She takes her sweet time, but once she gives you what you want, ohh is it worth it. Her mouth is incredible, and she puts that quick tongue of hers to good use, teasing and edging you until you feel like you're going to lose your mind.
When she finally lets you go over the edge and you come on her tongue, it's one of the best orgasms you've ever experienced. Your fingernails dig into the underside of her desk so hard you leave permanent crescent-shaped marks there, and occasionally Shalom will run her fingertip across them and think of this. You really should wear that shirt more often.
For Lyney, let's say that it's not an oversized band t-shirt you're wearing... no, you're wearing a long white button-up shirt. Ideally, it's one of his, perhaps even the one he was wearing yesterday. It still smells like him, which is an immediate turn on for you, but as for our dear magician...
He's oblivious at first. You'll walk in the kitchen and greet him, and he'll give you a good morning kiss and say whatever poetic thoughts pop into his mind first, and then he turns to get more coffee.
And then he freezes mid-stride, and you can practically see the gears turning in his head, processing everything. After several long seconds, he spins around, lavender eyes wide as they meet yours and then flick downwards, taking in your attire as his mouth goes dry.
It's incredibly attractive watching him get turned on. His eyes darken with lust, pupils dilating almost like a cat's, his breathing starts to get heavier, and that blush you adore so much begins to appear on his cheeks - soon it will spread to his ears and begin creeping down onto his chest, too.
"Oh-ho, what's this?" He asks, trying to salvage the situation, trying to pretend his brain hasn't been turned to mush with a single glance. You cheerfully reply that it's nothing much - well, that much is true, but only in a literal sense- and you turn to go about your day, intending to grab something off a bottom shelf just to give him a little peek beneath the shirt.
You don't get a chance, however. He's behind you as though by magic, his arms snaking around your waist as he hugs you tightly against his chest, and oh- he's already hard. "Ma cherie, just what do you- ahh-" You cut him off by wiggling your hips, rubbing against the growing bulge in his pants. He nuzzles his face against your neck, pressing feather-light kisses there, and you can feel his hot breath against your skin. "Not fair," he mumbles between kisses. "You know I can't think straight when you do that..."
He spins you around, taking another long look at you. You look incredible in just his shirt, and he can't resist you any longer - he's pushing you against the nearest wall, his mouth on your neck and hands all over your body. He mumbles praises against your skin, trying his best to still be suave and poetic even when all he can think about is you.
The makeout session lasts for as long as both of you can stand it, both of you quickly growing more and more needy. Soon Lyney is grinding against your hip, and you eventually have to push him off - he's so drunk on you that you know he'd keep going until he came in his pants without even realizing it, but you want more.
You lead him over to the nearest couch and he follows close behind you, eager to obey - and also to get another look at the way he can just barely glimpse your upper thighs beneath the shirt. His pants hit the floor almost immediately, and he breathes a sigh of relief at the freedom, then bites his lip to choke back a moan as you run your hand across his length.
He's pushed down into the couch, and he looks up at you with that delightful lustdrunk look you've come to anticipate. His face is flushed and he looks oh so eager as he reaches for you, gripping the front of the shirt and pulling you down to kiss him again.
You waste no time climbing into his lap and sinking down on him. He feels so good inside of you, but what you feel can't compare to what you see and hear - the low whine that escapes his throat, the way his head falls back momentarily as you sink lower until he's fully sheathed within you.
It's hot and passionate as the two of you get tangled up together, bodies pressed so close there's no space left between you. Despite his desperation, Lyney controls himself, doing everything within his power to make you feel good, to make you whine his name. You, on the other hand, want nothing more than to hear his voice hitch as he moans, and you don't stop until he's practically unable to string a sentence together without whimpering or moaning your name.
Once you finally go over the edge, the way you cry out his name, throbbing around him, he can't hold it back a second longer - he bites your shoulder as his orgasm washes over him, muffling the noises he makes as he nearly blacks out from the intense pleasure. When he comes down, he's trembling in your arms while you stroke his hair, telling him how incredible he is, and he's never felt better.
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