#some good old fashion brotherly love
standfucker · 5 months
Bestie, hi yes hello.
Zoro Headcanons with an AFAB reader. Meeting and slowly developing feelings for. I will leave it up to you to decide how deep the feelings go, and honestly some good ol' SFW is fine.
I love you >w< 💋
This turned into a small drabble more than headcanons, but I hope you enjoy it nonetheless. These things often have a way of turning into their own little story no matter what I do. Dx
Falling in Love with Zoro
CW: mild gender angst, drinking
You don’t catch feelings when he saves your life. You’re a strong enough fighter that you’ve been in risky combat situations plenty of times; this one doesn’t stand out. You give Zoro your share of booze that night in thanks and don’t think about it again.
You don’t catch feelings when he fights Sanji over acting foolish around you. That happens too often to really stand out anyways.
You don’t even catch feelings the time he grabs you instinctively when a huge wave rolls the Sunny nearly 90 degrees, Zoro keeping you from falling into the sea with a burly arm around your hips. (“Does this mean I get your rum again?” he asks afterward.)
You start to really notice him, however, after the latest stop in a tavern for info. You and Robin split up to probe regulars for information, and a patron makes creepy comments toward you. It shouldn’t bother you. You could kill him with your bare hands, easily. And yet something about the situation makes you freeze up. That’s when Zoro, appearing over your shoulder, calmly and coolly asks, “This guy botherin’ you?” in that deep voice of his. It’s all he says, but the razor sharp, cutting glare he levels on the guy makes him immediately scramble away.
“Thanks,” you say, and keep it at that, even though you’re furious with yourself. How did you let that happen? And how did Zoro know you were struggling? He’s seen you fight. He knows what you’re capable of. You don’t think he sees you as weak–that’s not it. Somehow, he knew you needed help.
You look at Zoro differently after that. You always saw him as kind of a dumb jock, but maybe you weren’t giving him enough credit. Now that you’re watching him more, you notice that he’s far more attentive than you first thought, picking up on little details that could otherwise easily be missed.
Zoro, on his end, notices that you’ve been watching him, ever since that night. He knows something is bothering you, but figures you’ll tell him about it if you need to. He wouldn’t want to offend you by asking. Not that he ever cares about offending people, but…he doesn’t want to offend you. He’s not sure why, but also doesn’t worry about it too much.
So you two go on like that, perusing each other from a distance. Both of you watching and waiting, but for what, you’re not sure. The tavern incident keeps eating at you in the back of your mind. Maybe it was from embarrassment, to be reduced to nothing but your gender in front of a crewmate. Maybe it was good old-fashioned shame. Regardless, you keep a wary eye on the swordsman.
You notice more things. How hard he pushes himself when training. The curves and edges of his muscular body, flexing and shifting beneath scarred skin. How disciplined his work ethic is. How brotherly he is toward Chopper, something that seems to burrow its way into your chest when you witness it–you adore kids, and never realized Zoro could be so…
So soft.
It bothers you. It excites you. It makes your heart pound and your skin warm and it’s distracting. You never cared about these things before. You’re a powerful fighter, not a blushing maiden. What the hell has gotten into you? Maybe that’s why that night at the tavern keeps replaying.
One night, you meet him at the bow of the ship, moonlight sparkling off the edges of the sea waves. He’s nursing an almost-empty mug, but you’ve brought something finer; a bottle of sake and two cups.
“You want to talk,” Zoro says, surprising you again.
“If you don’t mind,” you say.
“Nah.” He tilts his chin at the sake. “How did you get that, anyway? Curly-brow told me he was saving it.”
“By having a pair of tits,” you say dryly, your annoyance with the situation obvious. All you had to do was ask Sanji nicely, and he immediately let you have it.
“Tch.” Zoro clicks his tongue. “He’s disgusting.”
“He means well,” you sigh, opening the sake bottle and handing Zoro one of the cups. Zoro politely holds it out to you with two hands, and you fill it. “I just…I would rather have his respect than his adoration.”
Zoro takes the sake bottle, and you hold your cup out for him to fill. “You’re reading him wrong. He respects you, that much I know. He just also acts like a moron.”
“It doesn’t feel respectful.”
“I’d imagine it wouldn’t.”
You raise your cups to each other in cheers, then drain them. The cool liquor burns pleasantly as it runs down your throat. He lets out a satisfied “Ah,” and wipes his mouth with the back of his hand.
“So, what did you want to talk about?” he asks as he refills both your cups. Despite the question, you get the feeling that he already knows, so you don’t beat around the bush.
“How did you know I needed help?” you finally ask. “That one night, at the Blueberry Hill Tavern.” Zoro raises his cup to you, and you mirror him, then you both down your drinks.
“Easy enough,” he says after swallowing. “You’re normally very animated. I didn’t hear what that guy said, but I’ve never seen you go rigid like that before. Wasn’t hard to figure out.”
You don’t respond right away, avoiding his eye. “...Do you think I’m weak?”
“Huh? No. Wait, is that what this has all been about?” Zoro chuckles. “That’s what’s been bothering you?”
“Not necessarily. I mean, I didn’t think you thought so.”
“Then why ask?”
You refill both your cups. “...I don’t know. I just wanted to be sure. Mostly, I’m…disappointed in myself, I suppose.”
“Don’t be.” He says easily, like it’s no big deal. You stare at him. “I mean, you hesitated, yeah. But it wasn’t on the field of battle, where it really counts. So no harm done.”
You blink. He shrugs. You look down at your sake cup, and down it quickly. The liquor is starting to take effect, relaxing and warming you.
Zoro gulps his down too. “If I wounded your pride somehow, then I apologize.”
“No.” You shake your head. “No, I’m glad you were there. I appreciate what you did. I just need to get over myself.”
“Eh. I think it’s good to have pride. You’re strong, you’ve earned the right.” He refills your cups. “What’s actually tragic is that you’re letting that creep occupy your thoughts. He doesn’t deserve that much, so let it go.”
Again and again, Zoro finds ways to surprise you. You swirl the liquid in your cup, watching it slosh around. He’s right, of course.
“Yeah,” you say, and smile slowly. “Yeah. I’m better than that.”
“Damn right,” Zoro says, and raises his cup to you. “This one’s to us, okay? To warriors.”
“To warriors!” you toast him, then slam back your drink. You grin when you’re done, and Zoro smirks back, pleased that you’re feeling better. Something about his toothy grin makes your head spin, and you’re not sure it’s just the alcohol.
“Thanks for the booze.” Zoro claps a hand on your shoulder, and your cheeks get warm. “I’m glad you talked to me.”
By the time you make it to the bottom of the bottle, you’ve talked into the night, laughing and looking out over the sea, and by then, you’re absolutely certain of one thing.
You’ve caught feelings for Zoro.
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like-a-bantha · 1 year
Summary: Maybe you're not the best at dejarik, but you do know your way around a chess board. In the absence of a board, you'll make due with your imagination. (Alternate title: Two dorks play chess, maybe they’ll kiss?)
Pairing: Tech/Gender Neutral Reader (no Y/N, no descriptions of reader's appearance other than being shorter than Tech)
Rating: G
Warnings: None! Just some brotherly teasing and good old fashioned chess.
Word Count: 2.9k
A/N: This is silly and short and not Busted Hyperdrive (it's coming, I promise!) but I couldn't rest until I got this out of my system. It's my first non-platonic fic so if it sounds a little strange, I offer my sincerest 'my bad's. I'm also not a chess master, so if you're just here for the chess you're probably not gonna dig this. Anyways, I hope you enjoy and feel free to leave some feedback! <3
Read on AO3 | Masterlist
It started a few months back when you all had some downtime at Cid’s. You entered the parlor to find her grumbling to herself as she attempted to fix the dejarik table, now temporarily out of commission after taking one too many frustrated blows. You’d all been off-world when it finally kicked the bucket, but Cid’s grumpy tone while recounting the incident paired with the large dent was all the evidence you needed. The Trandoshan, feeling particularly charitable, offered a small handful of credits if they were able to patch up the abused machine. Taking it as a challenge, Tech finished the repairs within the hour, even going as far as to fix the nasty dent. You and Omega waited patiently for the table to be revived so she could teach you how to play, explaining the rules and pieces over a carton of mantell mix. You nod along, half-understanding how the game works but knowing full well you’re about to make a fool of yourself.
“I am finished.” Tech announces, slipping his tools back into their respective slots on his belt as he stands. He’s nearly knocked over by his little sister in her mad dash to the table, waving you over as if you’re not just a few steps behind her.
Nevertheless, you laugh and pick up the pace, thanking Tech as you take your seat. Omega pushes a few buttons and the table begins humming to life. “Why do I get the feeling you’re not gonna go easy on me?”
Without missing a beat, Tech answers the question for her. “She will not.” He pulls a chair over to the table, knowing exactly what’s about to happen even if Omega denies the claim.
Three games later and both clones are sporting rather smug looks; Omega’s for pride in her strategizing skills, and Tech’s for being right in his claim. Not one to be a sore loser, you thank her as you stand from the table, “That was fun, but I think I’ll stick to the version I played back home. You wanna take over for me, Tech?”
“I wanna hear about your version!” Omega perks up, interested in a variation of her favorite game. You glance over to Tech, who hasn’t taken the now empty seat, his head just barely cocked to the side in question as he wordlessly awaits your explanation. 
You stand, looking between them for a second before returning to your seat, a sigh slipping through your grin. With that, you dive straight into your description of the game, detail matching Omega’s earlier lesson. Both of them listen intently, asking questions that you happily answer. Tech glances down at his datapad every so often, you can’t seem to fight back a smile when you realize he’s been taking notes. Once you finish your explanation he sets it back down on the table while Omega looks at you expectantly, as if waiting for you to pull a full chess set out of thin air to give them both a demonstration.
“That sounds fun! Can we play?” Omega asks, eager to try her hand at a new strategy game.
“If we can find a set, I’d love to! But they’re pretty hard to come by outside of my planet.” You try to put on a hopeful smile, now regretting mentioning it in the first place as her own smile slowly fades. “I mean, technically you don’t need one,” this grabs both of their attention, “but it will be a little tougher.”
“You can play without the board? Or the pieces?” Omega asks, clearly skeptical as you said it was a board game. Tech, on the other hand, seems intrigued.
“Y’know how I said there’s a notation system?”
“Are you suggesting the game can be played verbally?” Tech reaches for his datapad; checking his notes, you figure.
“It’s possible! When the Empire showed up in my city and forced us out we didn’t have time to grab the fun stuff – mostly just, like, food and water.” You almost cringe a little, talking about your past isn’t really your forte. “We got bored, we played in our heads and called out our moves. It took some getting used to, but it’s still fun!”
“You guys wanna give it a go?” Omega seems a little unsure but excited enough to jump into a practice round.
Despite her hesitation, Omega did surprisingly well. She even managed to beat you in the third game. And, unsurprisingly, Tech played like a natural, instantly picking up the game that took you months to master. You managed to beat him in your first game, but the next two were easy wins for him. If you were playing against your friends back home you might’ve gotten a little competitive, but the proud smile that crept onto your face after the first game has yet to fade. Later on, after the rest of the batch returned to the parlor, you sat back and listened to Tech and Omega’s gripping game – too enthralled to tell either of them that it will most likely end in a stalemate.
Hunter took a seat next to you at the bar, when his gaze shifts from Tech and Omega to you with a quirked brow you let out a quiet chuckle. “They’re playing chess.” He huffs, amused as the two of you watch their game in silence.
Soon, it becomes a favorite pastime among the three of you. Omega has tried to get her other brothers to join in to no avail, none of them seem to enjoy it nearly as much as the three of you. After a little digging, Tech finds a slew of archived games from your home planet and studies them intently. Whenever you find yourselves on a supply run off-world, you and Tech volunteer yourselves every time to search for a real set. What started off as a wild porg chase turns into a sort of tradition and, strangely enough, you find yourself looking forward to supply runs.
You’re counting ration bars and bandages after a too-long mission for Cid, most of your stock depleted, while Omega takes another study break to play a few rounds of chess with you. Hunter makes the call to stop on Boonta to refuel and restock, knowing the second you return to Ord Mantell you’ll be sent off on another mission. This time, when the Marauder touches down in a dingy space port, no one bothers asking who will be heading to the market.
Omega hums in thought, absently fiddling with her datapad as you wait for her next, and most likely last, move. She’s got you cornered, your only possible escape is Kb7 but she’s still got her Queen, and you’re out of pawns to promote. Her eyes light up. “Rook to b3! Checkmate!”
“I forgot about the rook!” You laugh, impressed at how she’s improved. “Good game, Omega, that’s four wins in a row!”
“It’s all about the strategy.” She beams triumphantly.
“Yeah? How about you strategize some homework,” you laugh, standing to leave, “then maybe we can play on a real board later.”
The girl’s laughs are suddenly interrupted by Wrecker’s booming voice calling your name from the cockpit, followed by a loud, “Your boyfriend’s waiting!” You just roll your eyes, Omega tries to suppress a giggle as she puts on her best studious face, her eyes locked on her datapad.
When you pass him on your way out, a barely noticeable blush on your cheeks, Wrecker lets out a barking laugh. You shoot him a look, but this only draws another laugh from the gentle giant. “Keep that up and I’ll make sure to stock up on those blue ration bars you hate.” That does the trick. Letting out a victorious laugh of your own at his silence, you make your way down the ramp where Tech patiently waits. “Ready?”
He clears his throat quietly, storing his datapad before he begins leading the way to the market. “After you.”
“Oh, how kind of you. E4.” You laugh, you two always tend to walk a little slower on supply runs.
“I assumed you would like the advantage after losing our last match.” Tech simply states, his impartial facade cracking when you shoot him an incredulous look. “E6.” His smile is barely visible, but you manage to catch a glimpse before he fixes his gaze on the path ahead. The two of you focused on the game as you navigate the city streets.
“Rook to B5.” You’re about to reach the forty-eighth move of the game with no clear end in sight as you approach the bustling market. “Did you wanna split up? I have to grab rations and stuff for the medkits.”
“Rook to A8.” He pauses for a moment. “I will accompany you.”
“Cool. Rook to D2.” You glance around the market, hiding your grin. You spot a vendor selling rations by the crate, buying wholesale might save you all some trouble. “Let’s check that stall first.”
“Very well. H6.”
You make your way through the crowd, now quickly calling your moves back and forth. Barely ten feet from the stall, you realize stocking up on rations would mean fewer supply runs and your mind starts to race. Suddenly, your pace is even slower than before and you’re losing focus on your mental image of the match. When you make an obviously thoughtless move, losing your knight, Tech stops in his tracks, turning to face you. “Are you alright? That was a terrible move.”
“Huh?” All of your focus has been diverted to quickly concocting an excuse that the genius would find believable. You can’t bring yourself to look away from the vendor’s stall. “Oh, yeah. They- uh, it looks like they only have the blue ones. You guys hate the blue ones, right?”
Tech’s brows furrow behind his yellow-tinted lenses. Maybe he didn’t buy the excuse but it certainly confused him. “I have no preference, nor do the others to my knowledge. Wrecker doesn’t like them, but he will manage.” You can feel his eyes on you, studying you, and you wished he would look literally anywhere else. “You’ve mentioned preferring them, however.”
“Let’s just look around a little more, maybe we can find someplace with more variety.” You turn to walk further into the market but he catches your wrist, his grip is loose but it brings you to a halt.
“Would I be correct in my presumption that you are attempting to under-stock our supplies to continue our regular supply runs?” You’re glad you haven’t turned to face him, your eyes are wide and your cheeks flushed, and he’s still holding onto your wrist as if you’d run away if he let go. You can’t think of anything to say, clearly you’re not great at excuses so you just stand there hoping he’ll just drop it.
You let out a heavy sigh, turning around to just barely face him, avoiding his gaze. “Yeah, Tech. Sorry. I just…” You trail off, maybe now he might let it be, you’ll grab the crate of blue ration bars and be on your way.
“You don’t need to apologize.” His tone softens, you’ve never heard him sound so gentle. Your cheeks feel like they’re burning and he’s still holding onto you. “If we are unable to find a chess set today, I’m positive I can make one to your standards.”
You didn’t realize you were holding your breath until it came out in a choked laugh. The chess set. Right. You make a mental note to not let Wrecker’s teasing get to your head. Cheeks slowly reverting to a normal temperature, you finally turn to face him with a bashful smile and the concern in his eyes begins to dissipate. “Thanks, Tech. That’d be nice.”
He returns your smile. “I will need your input, of course.” His gaze falls a bit and you see a flash of panic in his eyes before he quickly releases his grip on your wrist. Quickly bringing that same hand up to adjust his goggles, he clears his throat, now looking at anything but you. “G5.”
Your head drops with a laugh, nudging him with an elbow as you start towards the stall. “C’mon, let’s go buy a month's supply of ration bars Wrecker will hate.” As the tension fades from your body you find yourself able to focus on the game again.  “Oh, and thanks for the pawn. Rook to H6.”
You were right, wholesale is way cheaper. Much heavier, too. After you find a med supply stall that’s somewhat reasonably priced, Tech offers to take the crate and you hand it over with almost no objection.
“Would you still like to look around for a chess set?” Tech asks, lowering the crate a bit so you can rest your pack on top while you fill it with rolls of bandages and tubes of bacta.
You pause, your hands resting atop the pack that rests atop the crate in Tech’s arms; your brows furrowed in thought, you absently chew on your lip as you consider his question. You look up to find him watching you intently, and, rather than avert your gaze from his, you smile and shake your head. “Nah, I think I’d like one you make much better.”
He opens his mouth as if to say something but seems to decide against it, simply responding with an equally warm smile.
You return your attention to your pack, making sure it’s shut securely before swinging it over an arm as Tech readjusts his grip on the crate. Letting out a content sigh, you both begin making your way out of the market. “Your turn.”
“Ah, yes.” He thinks for a moment, it’s anyone's game now since you came back from your earlier blunder. Waiting until you’ve left the crowded area, he calls his move. “King to F7.”
“Running away from me?” You joke, unable to suppress a giggle when Tech looks at you with mock exasperation. “What? Queen to B7.” He instantly realizes what that move means, but you can’t help but give him a deviously smug smile. “Check.”
“Interesting.” He ponders his next move, absently attempting to adjust his goggles only to realize he’s still holding the crate. You watch on as he shifts it around, trying to balance it enough to free his right hand momentarily.
“Okay, okay, hold on, just… look at me.” You place a hand on his fidgeting arm, all movement coming to a stop. You stand on your tiptoes, reaching up to gently slide his goggles back into place, careful not to touch the lenses. Your breath catches when you make sure you didn’t accidentally leave behind any fingerprints and finally see the intensity in his eyes. He’s completely still, as if he would scare you away with any sudden movement. You can’t help but freeze as well, hands still gently resting on the frame of his goggles. When you wobble a bit on unsteady tiptoes, your fingertips just barely graze his cheekbones and his lips part in a silent gasp and, oh god, now you’re looking at his lips. Eyes, look at his eyes, that’ll help, you think, so you look back to his eyes and catch them flicking back up from your lips, or maybe the ground, maybe he’s just really into dirt these days, and now you’re starting to get dizzy. You retreat rather abruptly, your heels meeting the ground with a quiet thud, one hand resting on his shoulder and the other on his forearm to keep from falling over. After overthinking some more, both hands come to rest unnaturally at your side, wide eyes trying to focus on anything that isn’t him but ultimately failing. His gaze hasn’t left you, his expression unchanged. Deciding you should say anything, literally any words to break this tension that you created, you clear your throat and give a shaky, “Any better?” 
He just stares for a moment. You’ve never seen him this flustered – or flustered at all  – and now you’re really about to panic, your mind playing a loop of oh maker, I broke Tech. You’re about to release a minimum of one hundred apologies when it seems he’s finally returned to his body. “King to G8.” As if nothing happened. As if he can still win after such a pitiful move.
“Oh, Tech, I’m so sorry.” You look up at him, guilt dripping from your words.
He shakes his head, readjusting the crate one last time before finally just setting it on the ground for a moment. “No need to apologize, I have been wondering for some time if my feelings were reciprocated.” When your eyes widen in shock, he decides to clarify. “Romantic feelings. Towards you.”
“No yeah, I got that.” You shake your head, a pleasantly confused smile somewhat replacing the shock on your face.
“You appear to be confused, is my conclusion incorrect?” Now it’s his turn to internally panic, second-guessing himself for what appears to be the first time.
He looks confused when you let out a short, nervous laugh. “No, you’re correct. Romantic feelings are very much reciprocated.” You take a tiny step closer, leaving little room between the two of you, returning to your tiptoes. Tech, ever the genius, takes the hint; first bringing a hand to your waist to steady you before closing the distance, your lips meeting in a sweet kiss as he brings a tentative hand up to gently cup your cheek.
When you finally part, returning to ground level once again though still in his embrace, he cocks his head to the side. “May I ask, then, why did you apologize?”
You laugh, your forehead bumping the chest plate of his armor before once again meeting his gaze. “Rook to C8.” You reach up for the shortest, sweetest peck of a kiss. “Checkmate.”
A/N pt.2: If that wasn't the cheesiest thing I've ever written, I don't know what is - Alexa, play Yuck! by Charli XCX. This was so fun to write! Thank you so much for reading! <3
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angelmichelangelo · 1 year
mutant mayhem headcanons because i am unhinged here we go:
donnie is a late bloomer (an explanation why he’s the only brother that hasn’t had his voice broken yet) and ofc in true brotherly fashion the others absolutely rip into him about it
raph told mikey once as little kids that the reason his head is shaped like a watermelon is becuase splinter dropped him on his head as a baby and mikey cried so hard he threw up
leo and donnie are HUGE anime fans. they LOVE dragon ball z and once splinter found the live action movie dvd in the trash and brought it home as a surprise and leo and donnie had to pretend they liked it so now raph and mikey tease them both and make them watch it with their dad even though it’s SO painful (and ofc splinter is oblivious lol)
raph got his front tooth knocked out after he was certain he could skateboard across a sewer pipe upside down on his hands (he could not)
mikey and donnie prank call random businesses together they find in the yellow pages and are really good at doing voices
raph is a big fan of jackass. and it shows. he often times ropes mikey into whatever stunt he’s trying to replicate
they all have wrestling personas after watching old WWE together. leo is Consequenzes, raph is The Red Fury, donnie is Bone Crusher 2000 and mikey is Captain Die - they picked them when they were like, 9 and there’s no take backs
mikey and raph spray paint the tunnels together and make some pretty decent art. splinter is fine with it as long as they don’t make anything crude, which, as teenage boys, they absolutely do. there’s a tunnel deep in the sewers that just says ‘BOOBS LOL’
mikey is one of those kids that’s amazing at any school subject, he just doesn’t care for learning so he doesn’t apply himself at all
raph is second most smartest next to donnie. he plays chess with donnie, and he says it’s only because nobody else can or will, but he secretly enjoys it
leo is dyslexic as hell. it frustrates him, as a perfectionist, but his brothers often help him when he’s struggling
splinter made them their weapons! but raph went behind his back and sharpened his sais without him knowing (cos a sai is supposed to be blunt but ended up in donnie’s leg somehow in the trailer so. ouch)
mikey and leo both have braces, leo just wears a nighttime retainer. after raph knocked his tooth out, donnie went about bragging that he had the most perfect teeth out of all his brothers
they’re all HoH (cos their turtles and turtles have terrible hearing above water) which is why they constantly talk loudly and over each other and splinter who has great hearing, because he’s a rat, has to put up with this lol. and they don’t know they’re HoH until later on when they’re older and donnie is like “oooohhhh right yeah that makes sense”
donnie has terrible vision, being shortsighted, he’s tried to create contacts for himself in his prescription for fighting convenience but has been pretty hesitate in creating something that goes inside his eyeballs
they made a band together called Chemical Terrapins even though none of them can play instruments but they do have one of those tiny baby toy keyboards that they found in the trash once and they all fought over who was gonna play it.. until they realised their hands were way too big for the keys lol
leo totally chose the name of the band because he’s an emo kid at heart </3
splinter taught them both english and japanese but they’re not entirely fluent
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limetimo · 10 months
RAB FICS I READ (June pt 1)
With a thief to the gallows by zvzam james and regulus conspire to get regulus out, james wants regulus to come too
the golden king by maladaptivewriting my god so good, regulus wakes up in 1991 as an 11 yeard old and wows to protect harry. oh and also he's pretending to be sirius' son from france
this thing was a masterpiece by mraudersmoon wolfstar with background jegulus
Of Lies and Cowards by ItsYlva
I'll keep you safe by Fenrir13 regulus gets chomped by grayback, here comes Werewolf Tutor Moony! This one is SO. GOOD.
Hogwarts Knows Better, Brother Knows Best by ItsYlva hogwarts and regulus prevent sirius suicide
Leaving And Growing Up by Engie_Ivy some fuckery gets explained and wolfstar is good to sail again
You’re Not On Your Own, Kid by rsbarelle
Mauvais jour de cheveux by Xo_flower Minnie McG can't deal with the black brothers' spats today. somebody has to, tho.
and the memories were lost long ago (but at least you have beautiful ghosts) by effing_potato (Kingdom01) ghost regulus helps remus destroy horcruxes, raise harry and clear sirius' name. very good.
Thinking Of You by aithusarosekiller regulus/remus
what is dead may never die by sisyphusss kreacher saves regulus and takes him to wolfstar
It Might Have Been A Nightmare by AQuietThinker sirius finds out about regulus' sacrifice
Nadir by Ceruleanembers regulus refuses to die
The Filth by ScreamingFae roseStarChaserKiller office sexy times
The Gryffindor Sweater by Trex_patronus in the afterlife, everyone makes fun out of REgulus for wearing Sirius' gryffindor sweater to the cave
tell them i was happy (and my heart is broken) by BlueSundayCake regulus dies for a bit but has to deal with the consequences of his own actions. unfair
 Thing Like Stars in the Dark by toliveinthesky reguulus survives the cave but he's pretty chomped on and bedridden on sirus and remus' sofa. and there's also the matter of his muggleborn french girlfriend who just found out he's been using a fake name the whole time...
Good Old-Fashioned Lover Boy by TakeSwimmingLessons pretty much your typical regulus runs away to alphard jegulus ensues fic
Nothing Fades Like the Light by Rollercoasterwords 1980s cowboys zombie outbreak jegulus wolfstar au. the angst is real and so delicious, happy ending.
Ice by soliloquy_dawn too hot for sex jegulily smut
Declared False Start by Wanderingdonut swimmer regulus
Dial Drunk by Wanderingdonut modern times brotherly angst
Maybe This Time (alternatively: once more, with feeling!) by ghostregulusfest, Wanderingdonut this is AMAZEBALLS!!!!! REGULUS BOSSES THE INFERI AND STARTS A TRAVELLING ACTING COMPANY
Pretty boy by soliloquy_dawn jegulus smut ft top reg in skirt
Dance of the Bacchantes by soliloquy_dawn aboverse sexy times
A Life Like This by ImpishTubist sirius, james and remus said bye-bye to the war and lived peacefully ever after. 23 years later they find out that Sirius' parents did the nasty and got him a much much much younger younger brother, who then nearly single-handedly ended the war and now he's here and wants to make friends. age diff Jegulus
Some Things Never Change by JBlackMalfoyRosier PWP sirius/regulus
This Spark Of Black That I Seem To Love by JBlackMalfoyRosier jegulus, rosekiller, starcahserrosekiller, sexy times and also some plot?
Aftercare by JBlackMalfoyRosier Regulus comes home from his top surgery and his bfs make him feel better
What Master Wants by odysseushatepage Kreacher/REgulus crack
Kreacher's glow-up by fr0gfairy1 Kreacher/REgulus crack
Sweet Dreams Are Made of This by Anonymous Kreacher/regulus getting married
Professor Black (WIP) by CLBoden AU where Snape is replaced with REgulus, it changes some things mostly general attitude
birch trees loom by AllLivesMatter CRYING SCREAMING LYING ON THE FLOOR Avengers/HP crossover, from Avengers 1 to Endgame, Refulus is Black Widow, Evan is captain america James is the hulk ect ect, prepate tissues and selfcare supplies before going it ♥♥♥♥♥
in the boughs of the fir-tree by AllLivesMatter more Evan's POV of the above re: his and reg's unfullfilled potential
Hurtin’ by Bunny17 sad jegulus cuddles
Regulus Black's Dating Guide for Beginners by altaiswrites fake-date your crush to real-dating, by Regulus Black, Regulus/Severus
t Runs in the Family by altaiswrites uncle alphard visiting the black brothers
Inescapable, I'm not even gonna try (And if I get burned, at least we were electrified) by RegulusBlackKinnieBecauseITooFearWater remus sirus and james having consensual kinky fun with regulus PWP
beg for divinity (in my breath) by grimstars jegulus PWP
Cruel Winds by BlueSundayCake regulus recruits severus for horcrux hunting
Innocence by SkyFireForever
Crownless King   by SigynNightmare this was a good one
Shattered sanctuary by Coriaria *DE mission goes wrong* Refulus and Severus: well fuck. maybe lily will save our bollocks? I think it was a good one but it's been a month
Brighten the Dark by skeptique for onbeinganangel regulus is bakk and harry has hots for him
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antvnger · 10 months
The Stark Boys & Rhodey pt. 1 /?
When Rhodey started MIT, he wasn’t surprised about kid genius Tony Stark being another student, but he was surprised by how…young the kid looked.
Even though he's about three years younger than Rhodey, he looked young. He looked overwhelmed. Outside of the classroom anyway.
In the classroom, he was either working on his own ideas on paper, jotting a thing or two relevant to the class, or thinking about something completely unrelated to school with glazed eyes.
He was homesick a lot, whether he admitted it or not, and it took some time for the 15 year old to adjust to college life and work load.
Rhodey couldn’t help but like the kid, and he couldn’t help but keep an eye on him.
They become fast friends, of course.
The Starks had moved closer to MIT to keep close to Tony, even though Grandpa Howard gave Charlie a hard time over it, and Tony was quick to invite Rhodey over for dinner one weekend.
And Rhodey learned Howard Stark’s reputation had covered his son and family in a lot of gossip that’s untrue.
This family was an actual family. Sure it had its problems like any other family, but when Rhodey watched them interact, he quickly grew to love this family.
The first time he met Scott was after the eleven year old tackled his brother in a hug.
“Scottie, this is Rhodey. Rhodey, this is my kid brother, Scott.”
Rhodey wasn’t quite prepared to be hit with a hug too, but he honestly enjoyed getting a hug from the bundle of sunshine in a small, scrawny form.
Scott Stark gave really good hugs, and like a loyal friend, Scott waited expectantly by the door every Friday night when Tony and Rhodey came to the house for dinner, ready to trounce on them and hug them.
Rhodey never expected to gain two little brothers when he went to MIT, but here he was.
He enjoyed Friday dinners at the Stark house, so much so that when he went home for a weekend, he invited the Stark boys to go with him and meet his mom and eat some of her home cooking.
Momma Rhodes loved those boys from the start, and she loved how her son loved those boys like brothers.
She quickly accepted them into her family without any hesitation, and she treated them like her own. She checked on them every time she checked on Rhodey.
Momma Rhodes and Maria chatted often, becoming good friends in a very short time as well.
Rhodey helped the boys escape being Starks for a little while. There was no pressure, no high expectations, no fear of consequences if they didn’t meet certain criteria, and whether the boys realized it or not, they could breathe. They weren’t Starks to Rhodey. They were kid brothers he adopted without even realizing it until he was in over his head.
But he wouldn’t want it any other way. He always wanted brothers anyway.
He had a good idea now what big brothers were supposed to do and be, thanks to them. He protected Tony from weirdos who wanted to take advantage of the kid genius at MIT. He protected Scott when the younger brother didn’t know how to adjust to the scene Tony was a part of in school. He was a referee for fights against them when they were just being typical teenage boys, and he was the target of some harmless pranks. And he was his own avenger when he retaliated in big brotherly fashion.
But when December 6 rolled around, he learned he couldn’t protect them from everything…no matter how much he ached to.
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absolutebl · 2 years
Hello there! Hope all is well. So I feel like I’ve run through all the BLs that tickle my fancy, wondering if you have any new suggestions? One of my first BLs was Tharntype which I adore and don’t apologize for. I thought all BLs would be like that, meaning strong chemistry. Boy was I wrong. If the chemistry doesn’t grab me from the start I’m likely to drop. And I don’t just mean physical chemistry, I love a good angsty pining scenario. I just ask for believe ability that the characters are into each other. I’m not at all drawn to bubbly sweet BLs. I’ve watched a few and learned I’d rather not (2gether, light on me, DBK, tonchon, sologui- can’t remember the name, cutie pie, were all DNF). I don’t care for the EarthMix or OffGun pairing. Simply bc they don’t feel believable to me. I know their great friends outside of acting and that’s all I see when their onscreen together, just friends, so I find it difficult to believe in their romance (unpopular opinion I feel that way about MaxTul too. They’re bros and I know it which has kept me from giving MOD a real solid chance. But at this point maybe I should!). I enjoy supernatural/fantasy just not in my BLs. Other BLs I’ve loved: KP, SCOY, my beautiful man, where your eyes linger, tasty Florida, strong berry’s long time no see, strong berry’s first love, love mechanics, we best love, love in the air, OuWen (love is science), bad buddy, Minato coin laundry, just to name a few. I’ve tried some darker stuff to change it up and find something new. Most dark and/or triggering elements don’t bother me as long as I know going into it. I can recognize if something Is too much for me and won’t hate watch. I’ve watched: cornered mouse (liked!), shortest distance trilogy was wild and even though I knew what was coming (bc c’mon the jealous prostitute conveniently wanting to sleep with rival prostitute was a setup for disaster), pornographer, like love (liked!), the Chinese whipping boy master/slave can’t remember the name, innocent, light, addicted… all this to say idk what else I would enjoy that I haven’t already seen. I’ve browsed many of your lists already. I might just be too hard to please and sadly watched all I could watch. Le sigh… on the bright side I am looking forward to between us though! Sorry for the novel!
Okay, lemme tease out your preferences (no shade and no shame allowed here) we like what we like:
Template: Tharntype 
Likes: Strong chemistry. Angsty pining. Characters INTO each other. 
e.g.: KP, SCOY, My Beautiful Man, Where Your Eyes Linger, Tasty Florida, Long Time No See, First Love, Love Mechanics, WBL, Love in the Air, OuWen, Bad Buddy, Minato Coin Laundry, Cornered Mouse, Pornographer, Like Love, Irresistible Love.
Dislikes: Bubbly sweet BLs, PNR, brotherly pair energy 
e.g.: 2gether, Light on Me, DBK, TC, Cutie Pie, EarthMix, OffGun (and likely the rest of the holy trinity), MaxTul 
Ooof, a challenge. You might have seen many of these but I am going to throw a few at you that you didn’t name but I think may be in your wheelhouse: 
His the movie
Just Friends? 
Your Name Engraved Herein 
Red Balloon 
Takumi-kun 2 on 
Gymnasium Baby AKA Taiikukan Baby
Junjou: Pure Heart
Ai no Kotodama 2: Sekai no Hate Made
Love Next Door 1 & 2 
Sweet Student Boy
HIStory 2 both 
What the Duck (BL side) 
Goodbye Mother 
I Told Sunset About You 
Why R U? (SKIP the SaifahZon stuff) 
Siew Sum Noi (it’s very much a pulp tho) 
Made in Rooftop 
Kiss X Kiss X Kiss - Perfect Scandal (the two BL episodes) 
Semantic Error 
Ones that don’t have the physical stuff but do have everything else (?) maybe:
Love Sick
His - Koisuru Tsumori Nante Nakatta
The Boy Foretold by the Stars 
To My Star 
Ocean Likes Me 
Old Fashion Cupcake 
Some of these are pretty darn obscure let me know if you are struggling to track it down and I can link you my last known source. 
And here are two, honestly I just... don’t know but I’d be intersted in your opinion: 
Like in the Movies - it’s been too long since i saw it
Seven Days - it’s my personal mantra that every BL fan should at least try it. It is certainly NOT sweet. 
Okay, I suppose I should get back to work now. 
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brent-toks26 · 29 days
The Weight of Choices
Sanny Brent M. Tawali
Dusty and thick cobwebs hanging at every corner and ceiling of the old abandoned house. It's been a couple decade since an ambitious young man stepped out from it. This grown man went back to where his dreams were motivatedly carved. Roaming around, he saw the old photo albums where his memories were documented. He was finally home with a clone of himself.
It was five o'clock in the morning, Zenny was up to for some coffee. She has an exceptional taste in cooking. While waiting for her husband to come home, he prepared a scrumptious breakfast. The kids will be up soon, and she'll have to get them ready again for school. As a mother of two sons, it keeps her busy in the morning. After school, she fetch them again, an everyday cycle of her life. Edward, her husband, works in a big company at night-shift and it was his sleep time during the day.
They were a lovely couple, contented living a simple life and spend their family time at the gulf on Sundays. One time when the kids were having fun, Zenny noticed her husband's hands shaking in sweat, not knowing he has something heavy to speak out. It was an unpleasant news as the mining company started terminating workers because of the sudden bankrupt and low-grade mineral extracts.
Edward was bothered, what if he could be one of the workers terminated. "What about their studies?" he asked worrily.
His wife responded with a hug and tapped his back, "We can do this". They then decided to take the kids to his hometown in the province. There, at least, the expenses are a lot cheaper than in the city.
Unbothered were the kids, Gavyn, the elder ones was of so much excitement as he can finally spend more time with his grandparents in the province. He loves listening to the stories of Lolo Berto and the eat with the especial dishes of Lola Jovita.
Leaving their life in the city, they went to the province where life was a lot peaceful. However, living there also means working for food, for everything. Julius, the younger brother used to live where everything was handed to him on silver platter. Edward had mixed emotions thinking of his family knowing the fact he might be send off from work anytime. Realizing his mistake that he spent all his money providing the kids as what he always dreamed of, to give his children the ease of life he never experienced growing. He then started saving for contingency. Distant from his family, he endured those heavy times of working to provide for his family. Zenny on the other hand was a good cook and started doing business from making deserts, meryenda, and viands where she sell at the school canteen. It was a hard time for them as couples, being rattled by life. They wanted their kids to finish their studies for their future.
The two siblings had a close bond where one follows anywhere the other goes. Going to school, Gavyn has more advanced mental stability than his brother. He excelled in academics and sports. At a young age, Gavyn was pressured by the expectations of becoming a succesful individual because of his achievements. He was viewed as an intelligent, and responsible child growing up. This broke the brotherly bonding of the two where Julius was often compared to his brother because he was a lot slower, sickly, and avoids doing work.
"Why can't you be like your brother?", said his Aunt Glory. Those were the constant words he often hear at a very young age, even coming from their neighbors.
Gavyn didn't want it happening so he always defends his brother. However, Julius thought of it negatively, then isolated his self and preferred hanging out with his friends. "When can they se me as part of this family?", he uttered as he walk away.
"Pssttt", Zenny called his sons. A sound the two siblings fear of hearing from their mother.
Strict, a single word which literally defines Zenny. A mother of old-fashioned values and ways of disciplining. Gavyn experienced once being punished because of stealing coins from his mother's purse. Angrily, his mother spread the beans on the floor and whipped the poor little boy as he knelt down on the beans with books weighing his wide open arms.
Zenny can hear his agony while pitiful crying "I'm sorry mama, I won't do it again". But for her, one word is enough. A harsh discipline teaching that a small bad act when not corrected could result even worse.
Edward on the other hand was more calm and prefer a heart-to-heart talk in addressing mistakes or unwanted behaviors. He do it in a way that none of the siblings were being tolerated or taken sides. He is more of giving advice and let them realize what they have done.
After several years of staying in the province, a man was seen from afar with heavy baggages. The two siblings rushed to hug their father with wide smiles on their faces.
Julius impatiently asked, "Did you buy some chocolates papa?".
Gavyn helped his father carry his loads. Edward was relieved seing his sons, pretentious of his heavy heart after being send off from work. His wife knowing the situation wrapped her arms tightly around him.
The following day, Edward was out early to visit the field where they used to farm. Lolo Berto was delighted his son was home to offer him a hand in the field. He is adding up ages and ached by his knee because of an injury he neglected in his younger years. Lola Jovita while still strong spends most of her time to her grandchildren. She sends the siblings to school and patiently waits until the classes are done and fetch them home.
Gavyn, became serious of his studies as an appreciation to his parent's hardships. Being the eldest son, he carried the weight on his shoulders. Intrinsically motivating his self, he ignored the numerous criticisms. He etched in his mind his father's emotional words.
"You have seen how we lived my son and I'm proud of you. You're better than me, than what I ever expected. Go live your life", Edward spoke deeply as he prepare his son's belongings for his study.
Miles away from his family, Gavyn did all the ways he can to ease the burden of his parents in his studies. He thought studying would be just books and pen, but mistakenly, he realized it's not about the subjects that make's it hard. It's actually learning to recognize the reality of life in it. Above all his achievements, he was mute until he met a girl who opened an ear to his struggles.
He met this girl, a cousin of his buddy in the air force whom he was blinded by her genuine beauty. A conservative woman of dignity, he felt attachment to Krystyn. They became doves who flew the same to a higher ground untill all is well.
In the garden where the flowers decorated the isle, everything felt unimaginable. At last Gavyn freezed out the trash conversations in his head. He vowed his love to the woman who stayed throughout the course of finding his self, Krystyn.
"Let us welcome our guest speaker for today's event", the master of ceremony announced. Claps and cheers filled the atmosphere. With the three star patch on the shoulder of his uniform, he stood in front confidently and humbled the expectators with his experience in life.
Remembering some of these events in his life, Gavyn shakingly impeding his emotions, let his eyes shed tears. He never thought of going this far thinking how he struggled taking all the steps in his journey.
With utmost gratitude to his parents he dedicated all his work to them. Sharing his blessings, he founded a house for the aged people. Done with all his hardwork, this project is a reminds him of his parents.
At some point, Gavyn was regretful how he lived his life.
"I owe you my life but forgive me when you felt left behind. I was never busy all along, I just didn't understand how I was destined to this", he sobs blaming himself while talking to his parents.
His life in the air force was never easy. Holding on to his father's dream, he had the most critical decision in his life. To pursue his father's dream and his future, or leave all behind and dig him out six feet below.
Gavyn endured all the guilt and emotional turmoil. While sharing this story to his son, he hugged his wife and son and spoke, "No matter how life put us through, Family first".
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crossover-enthusiast · 9 months
Robert eventually leaves to go and get some snacks for Ross and Kevin, which leaves Ross and Kevin alone together. Though as they sit alone, Ross begins to slowly mention how grateful he is that Robert at least seems somewhat happy. Ross speaks of how he didn't really think Robert would be happy on today of all days considering what was going to come, but because of Kevin, Robert was somewhat happy. So he thanks Kevin for it. And suggests possibly the idea of Robert being happy because it was like with Kevin, Radford was still here.
Whenever Robert comes back, Kevin thinks that Robert must be happy because he might be filling in a position that Radford used to fill. Kevin doesn't seem to mind the idea of spending time with Robert. After all, he is a really good kid. And deep down, Kevin likes making kids happy. Unconsciously while they're about to play another round, Kevin even ruffles Robert's hair in a rough but brotherly fashion.
It eventually gets to the point where after a few more rounds of playing games, Kevin eventually leaves. With a few parting words to both Robert, Ross, and the family themselves, he leaves. But his thoughts are only of Robert. Kevin doesn't seem to mind the idea of being a substitute for Radford, even if he never could be him. But at the thought of Radford, he becomes sad again.
The next day, Kevin happens to be walking to the grocery store to get some things for himself, though as he does, he passes an arcade. And once he does pass the arcade, he sees.. Robert standing outside of it. Recognizing it as him, Kevin shouts a greeting to Robert from where he's standing. Noticing him, Robert greets Kevin back.
After a few more words of euphoric politeness, Robert explains that he kinda ran out of tickets to play more games. So as much as he didn't want to, he was probably about to head back home. As much as Robert is trying to smile, Kevin can tell he's at least minorly upset about it. So wanting to make the kid happy, he decides that with the small and casual amount of money he has, he'll buy Robert some more tickets. Robert tries to deny this, but Kevin insists.
Dropping his grocery bags, Kevin heads inside and purchases more tickets for Robert. He hands them to Robert. And Robert basically gives the happiest grin Kevin had ever seen him give. He doesn't exactly just wanna leave ao abruptly though, so he decides to accompany Robert as he plays the arcade games.
This goes on for a few minutes. Kevin follows Robert around, and has a good old time cheering Robert on as he manages to get a few high scores in some games. At some point, Robert even offers for Kevin to play a game instead of himself, and despite his hesitance, Kevin does so. With enough encouragement from his new little brother figure, Kevin manages to actually beat the game.
(Stopping so ya can read)
OH my god this is so sweet actually dskjnkjnf
I love them,,,,
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thegravityblog · 1 year
Wednesday: Work, Visvim: The urge to splurge, a friend returned - 07/06/23
Again, a banger day. Dexa now has a wallet connectivity function, which means that when you purchase a ticket on chain, you have to login with your crypto wallet like Metamask, Coinbase Wallet etc. So now, if you go to dexa and select an upcoming event which is Blockmeet’s Chandigarh Web3 Meetup 2, you’ll be able to login via your wallet and then mint a ticket. This event is free.  After that I worked on the data structure for the AI Therapist and went deep into lexical structures, expressions and operators and arrays. Then had a meeting with another prospective client for my hedge fund and I think he’s gonna sign up for it. He’ll call me tomorrow with his fund allocation structures and we’re good to go. Mom made delicious Idli Sambhar, a lip smacking South Indian dish that the whole India loves, so I had brunch today. Then worked on the financial model of Vertex Pharmaceuticals (VRTX), analysis pending. Then in the evening, one of my friend who was in the rehab for 6 months called me up that he has just arrived at the Mohali Railway Station and I went to see him. But, I don’t think he has gotten over it, but as a friend I want to help him and listened to him, what he had to say. He called 2 more friends of his, whom I knew too, but I didn’t like it. He is again mixing with the wrong crowd. But as I work closely with people who want to come clean, my priority is to counsel them on it. The ultimate decision is always made by them only, I did my best now let’s see. I am not gonna meet him again, but help him over the phone simply because if I don’t get an assured vibe from a person’s circumstances, I avoid now. My life is a lovely sail at the moment and I really don’t want to spoil it. I have major responsibilities on my head, and I am not gonna risk them for anything. He was a close friend of mine, and as a friendly and brotherly gesture, I played my role today but if a person doesn’t want to change, but he did promise he won’t repeat the same old mistakes, I simply withdraw. I’ll stay in touch but I am not gonna play with fire anymore. I counsel a lot of people even from NA (Narcotics Anonymous) at their online meetups. I want all the troubled souls to get rid of addictions and lead a better life with their best potential. 
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Coming to my urge to splurge, I spent near about Rs 79,321.00 today. I always wanted to wear Visvim, which a designer Japanese-American streetwear brand by Hiroki Nakamura. My love for Visvim goes back to all the way back in 2020, when I first found that John Mayer is a Visvim geek. He also wears brands like Fear of God, Acronym and Kapital. He is an inspiration and role model to me, and since I found out about his fashion (And I am gonna link his GQ article below, where I found about his fashion) I promised myself that one day I will wear this brand. When I checked their products in 2020, I didn’t knew they were so expensive. But if I want something I’ll have it. This trait comes as a blessing and a curse to me. And now, when I have started to make some serious money, my CA allowed me that I can shop upto Rs. 1Lakh for now, hence I ended up buying another pair of Visvim Gray FKT Sneakers and a couple of jeans, shirts and T-shirts and accessories, totaling upto the amount I have mentioned above. So this was my birthday present to myself. A couple of says ago I also bought my first pair of Visvim Mom-Hi Folk Boot from an eBay auction that I won for $283.00. Soon, I am going to attack on Acronym and Fear of god. What I always wanted to wear, now I can and it definitely makes me happy. No show off, nothing just happy for myself that I can now fulfill my desires. In the myntra lot  have also ordered a shirt for my dad and a kurti for my mum. They’ve done a lot for me, and my plan is to constantly spoil them with presents all the time.  Back home, had dinner and now wrapping up some work related to my hedge fund (listening to lectures and market updates) and a lil bit of stuff on the programming end. That’s all for the day, gratitude! Tomorrow evening I have my therapy session and I am wholeheartedly looking forward to it. Seee yaaa! John Mayer’s Greatest Fits (GQ Article explaining his fashion sense in detail) - https://www.gq.com/story/john-mayer-greatest-fits
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'Hello life ruiner' 'oh calm down that was years ago and your life doesn't look that ruined to me' for Lucien and Eris?
ok so sorry this took me so long but here it is. I kind of went for a Damon/Stefan Esque vibe so hope you enjoy
A knock on the door had eris up from bed too early.
“Are you kidding me?” his lover asked. Their time together was rare as they were typically both occupied during this time of day, setting aside a few hours a week to make time for each other.
“I’m sorry love, I’ll be back to bed soon, and” eris smirked. “We’ll finish what we started.”
“I’m holding you to that.”
“I’m counting on it” Eris quickly put a shirt on and walked to the door and peered through the hole. You have got to be fucking kidding me. Eris took a deep breath and opened the door.
“Hello, life ruiner.”
Lucien gave the appearance of looking around. “Oh calm down, that was years ago and your life doesn’t look that ruined to me”
“Yes well, when you left my reputation shattered with my father's blood on my hands it took half a century to get back to a fraction of where I was.”
“So dramatic and we both know that that was only partly my fault.” When Eris didn’t respond, Lucien filled the silence. “Half a century? Huh, has it really been that long?” god his brother was infuriating, it took all of eris’s self-control not to smack him across his face.
“I actually believe it’s been about 75 years.” Eris turned around to face the voice. “Hello, Lucien.”
Lucien looked amused. “Hello Azriel.”
“That mate of yours making you lose track of time?” Azriel chuckled as Lucien tensed.
“Elain is doing well thank you for asking, I see you and my brother have remained close throughout the years.”
“Extremely and thoroughly” eris provided, enjoying the way Lucien shifted uncomfortably. “And as fun, as this little visit was, I have more important” Lucien's eyes flicked to Azriel. “Things to do.”
“Can’t get rid of me that fast brother, I was instructed to reconcile with you or sleep outside.”
“That bad? Seems to be a regular occurrence for you.”
“There’s that sense of humor I missed so much,” Lucien drawled. “So will you have a drink with me?”
“No.” Eris began to shut the door before Azriel stopped him.
“Sorry, can we just have a minute please?”
Lucien appeared grateful. “Of course.”
Eris turned to Azriel, “he destroyed my life, I am not going to have a drink with him.”
“Sweetie, it’s been almost a century and it was mostly beron’s fault.”
“Keyword being almost. Check back in 25”
“Minutes?” Azriel asked hopefully.
“Years.” Eris was about to walk away when Azriel stopped him gently grabbing his arm.
“Eris.” He turned to face him, Eris's gaze softening.
“Please, if not for him then for me, have a drink with your brother and maybe there will be some rewards after.” Eris hated when he got like that, everything about his resolve crumbled and all he wanted was to melt into his hard chest.
“Fine,” he grumbled. “But those rewards better be nothing short of spectacular.”
It was Azriel's turn to smirk. “Oh, they will be.” He turned, dropping Eris’s arm, and walked back to his bedroom on silent feet, fading into the shadows. He looked like a god and Eris had to force himself to turn away. He opened the door once more to find his half-brother standing against the side of his house in a nonchalant manner, pretending he hadn’t been listening.
He shot Lucien a look. “Not a word.”
“Wouldn’t dream of it.”
“There are rules.”
“The control freak strikes again.” Eris shot him another look. “Ok ok, what are they?”
“You get 1 hour, and the words Mom, dad, hellion, Gwyn and our dead brothers do not come up.”
“No family, got it.” he held his hand out, eris knew he expected him to ask where they were going so he didn’t. Instead, he took his hand as Lucien winnowed them away.
A second later Eris opened his eyes immediately recognizing the stuffy summer court. It reeked of joy and pleasantries Eris did not want to participate in. They walked in silence into the town square to whatever trashy bar or club Lucien was taking him to. Suddenly he stopped in front of what appeared to be a lingerie store.
“Need some new panties brother?” He ignored him instead walking inside and whispering something to the cashier, something even his fae ears couldn’t pick up. The cashier flashed them a sly smile and walked to a rack of clothes. She snapped her fingers and a door appeared, Lucien turned to Eris and although this was unexpected, he kept his features completely neutral. Alright, at least he’s trying to make this interesting. He followed him through the door and down the stairs to a dark room lit with neon lights. The room was large and filled with high fae and faeries alike.
“It’s a chain, across all 7 courts, called the underground beluga.” Lucien provided even though Eris had pointedly not asked.
“Inconspicuous.” He chuckled at that. They went up to the bar and sat down.
“Bourbon please” and at the same Lucien said “a round of shots.”
The waiter looked confused, “So which is it, bourbon or shots?”
“We’ll have both.” Answered Eris to both the waiter and Lucien’s delight.
“I like your style.” responded the waiter.
Lucien clapped him on the back and pushed him to sit down. “As do I.”
Drink after drink came and just 1 had turned into 5, 7, maybe 10? It was hard to keep track. It started off tense but by drink 3 Eris and Lucien had dissolved into jokes and memories. Reminiscing the good, eluding the bad. They spoke of their childhood and when they had been close. He did well with avoiding the topic of family.
Eris was drunk as fuck. His mind was hazy and his vision blurred but he was sure that it was his name being called up to the stage. “Eris vanserra you’re up for karaoke, it was requested by a member in this club, that would like to remain anonymous, for you to sing don’t stop believin by journey to the middle.” He blinked twice and turned around to face his brother. The sly fox was smirking.
“Oh, you little shit.”
He took a sip from his bourbon, “I have no idea what you mean”
The host's voice came again “Eris, come on lad you’re not above karaoke get your ass up here.”
“You heard the man.”
And then the cheering began. “ER-IS ER-IS ER-IS”
“Come on brother, give the crowd what they want.” but eris had a better idea.
“Alright,” He paused, smirking, “brother.” Eris pressed his hand on Lucien's shoulder and winnowed them both to the stage. “This performance will now be a duet,” he announced to the crowd, causing an epidemic of cheering. Lucien’s cheeks flushed a deep crimson, one not too different from the color of his hair. The music began and the lyrics to the song appeared in the air. Well this was happening, eris thought, might as well lean into it.
He gripped the microphone in one hand, letting the alcohol take over, and belted. “JUST A SMALL TOWN GIRL.” he winked at a seraphim, walking to the center of the stage. “LIVIN IN A LO-NELY WORLDD. SHE TOOK THE MIDNIGHT TRAIN GOIN AN-Y-WHERE.”
Eris looked to Lucien, enjoying the shock on his face, he gave him a look as if to say, your move brother.
Lucien cracked his neck, ran a hand through his hair and took the microphone in both hands. “JUST A CITY BOY. BORN AND RAISED IN SOUTH DESTROITTT.” with each word, his voice became more and more confident. “HE TOOK THE MIDNIGHT TRAIN GOIN AN-Y-WHERE”
He joined Eris in the middle of the stage and they sang together. “STRANGERS, WAITIN. UP AND DOWN THE BOULEVARD. THEIR SHADOWS.” With the snap of Eris's fingers, their shadows reflected on the curtain began to dance on their own and he lit everything up in a heatless flame. “SEARCHIN IN THE NIGHTTT. STREETLIGHTS, PEOPLE. LIVIN JUST TO FIND EMOTION.” Eris and Lucien looked to each other and then at the crowd that was going crazy. “HIDIN, SOMEWHERE IN THE NIGHTTTT.”
In reality, they were sweaty, off-tune, drunk idiots doing karaoke. But to Eris in his drunken stupor, thought they were gods on that stage. Leaving every emotion he had felt in his almost 600 years with don’t stop believin. He was on a high and could not be brought down no matter what. Up on that stage with his brother, he was invincible.
They sang at least 4 more songs, each one more insane than the last. They drank and joked until the sun came up. And though Eris had nowhere near forgiven his brother, maybe just maybe he had taken a step in the right direction.
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I hate how they try to make Boruto and Kawaki’s bond similar to Naruto and Sasuke. Their bond is not even the same. I also hate how Boruto tries to copy other ships from Naruto e.g. Boruto and Sarada/Narusasu or Narusaku, Boruto and Sumire/ Naruto and Hinata, Kawaki and Sarada/Sasusaku etc. Boruto is just the bad copy of Naruto. They are not even original.
But what to expect from a series that is not even written by the original author. They can say that Kishi works on it but it is bullshit. Reading Boruto you cannot find Kishi's style of storytelling and writing. He may approve things but that's all. He probably doesn't even read this manga. He is the person that contradicts himself many times in interviews so I don't believe that he works on Boruto. Studio does this copying because they want to satisfy shippers and cover some things. Boruto and Kwaki's bond is not like Sasuke and Naruto’s but they try to portray it in this friendly-brotherly way because they want to cover Sasuke and Naruto's relationship that has romantic undertones (luckily they do it really badly). They just do it in favor of canon ships to make them more valid and believe me NH and SS need this because they don't have any good content. They copy dynamic from other Naruto ships to make certain shippers happy and also they can't come up with sth better. Borusara doesn't even look like Narusasu, it more resembles Narusaku. Boruto is similar to Naruto and Sarada wants to rule him similarly like Sakura. Also I don't really like Sarada's behaviour towards Boruto like for example grab him by the collar. It is totally Sakura's behaviour. Borusumi is really boring and exactly the same like Naruhina. Boruto doesn't see her as romantic interest but she has a crush on him. Kawasara is not as bad as Sasusaku but Kawaki can tell not nice things to Sarada and Sarada is the same. People just ship them because he is their dream bad boy like Sasuke and Sarada is Sakura's child. Copy after copy. Boruto is just old fashioned. Naruto has also some old fashioned elements for example everyone is happy at the end even enemies, everyone's dreams become true at the end, there is always this hot guy that main girl ends up with, the main hero is stalked by some girl who will later be his wife. It is predictable but it was sth normal in the 2000s. Boruto shouldn't do that because we have different times and these predictable things are going out of fashion. This is also the reason why Boruto is not even that popular. It so much predictable that I can even bet that Boruto will end up with Sarada, everyone will be happy at the end and their dreams will come ture and Kawaki will come back from the darkness. Shonen in my opinion is old fashioned only Kishi was the first one who expanded on such beautiful themes like love, friendship, sacrifice etc. Boruto as you said is just a bad copy that is not even original and was created to make more money from shippers’ pockets.
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icyymocha · 3 years
Somewhat brotherly love?
Warnings: None 
Pairings: Jason x GN! Reader ft. Mentioned Dick, Tim, Duke, and Damian
Summary: Y/n tries to make Jason admit that he cares about his brothers, Jason tries to deny it with causal tones
Word Count: 843
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“You know for a person who acts like an asshole, quiet and has sometimes rude manners, you’re awe fully chaotic when it comes to showing your brothers how much you love them, even when you try to be subtle about it.” Y/n grinned when they entered the room seeing Jason cleaning. The raven-haired man looked like he was in thought while he used a cloth to clean his weapons. His feet were on the table as he leaned back into his chair, feeling relaxed for the first time in forever. There were many weapons that lay on his desk arranging from knives to guns to explosives.
“And what makes you say that doll?” Jason turns around and swiftly punctuates a code, the cool steel of a vault opening. Grabbing each weapon in its rightful place, he made sure they are securely put in place along with the safety kit.
“Well, for one thing, you managed to help Damian get away from the ticking bomb near one of Gotham City’s most dangerous neighborhoods, and even then, you even helped patch his wounds for him.” His ears perked at the sound of his lover chuckling at the memory. If it weren’t for them, Jason would’ve gotten a few stab wounds from Damian’s katana in the bat cave when he tried to help the demon child with his wounds and injuries.
“‘S nothing,” Jason mumbled. Shrugging off the somewhat brotherly act of love between him and ‘demon child’ as Jason likes to call for Damian.
“Oh? Then how about that one time where you helped Tim with his science project and his ‘friends’ who were supposed to help him were actually lazy asses? Y’know, when you stepped up and begin beating and threatening to scare them away in the hallways at Tim’s school?” Jason rolled his eyes at the so-called friends Tim used to have. He should’ve told that nerd to not befriend them in the first place, it was a good thing Tim was smart enough to reject them the last time they wanted to use him.
“Yes but anyone who has a brain would’ve stepped up and talked some sense into those douchebags,” Jason grumbled. He stood up to open one of the locked closets behind him, with quick movements, Jason opens the closet to find some of his more favorite weaponry to use in any situation. His favorite, the .45 firearms.
While walking behind Jason’s working station, you wrapped your arms around his waist. Jason stiffed at the innocent hug but melted in your touch. The young man placed his firearms back into the sealed closet before turning around and hugging you.
“Hmm, then what about Duke then? When he first came as a support for Batman, or that time where you helped him get used to being in the bat family?” Nuzzling your face into Jason’s chest, Jason scoffed as you grinned at the man in your arms.
“And if I remember correctly, you showed him the ways of ‘The Old Fashion way of Jason’ of the time you decided to help Dick with Duke’s training?” Jason grabbed your hands that fit like a missing puzzle piece in his, caressing it.
“It was nothing. He was a newbie to this whole superhero thing,” Jason grumbled, looking away. You didn’t need to know that the Arkham Knight is flustered. You imagined that the tip of his ears turned pink at your words.
“Okay….Then perhaps this would make you admit that you actually care about your brothers Jay.”
“Remembered when Dick came to visit the Manor when he was off duties at the tower of Teen Titans?”
“It was very simple yet it held so much meaning to Dick ever since you came to visit him on his birthday and gift him a little present.
I should’ve recorded the funny scene with the two eldest brothers not admitting they care for each other. H—hey! Don’t glare at me, you know I’m right!—you couldn’t even look at Dick or anyone else after that brotherly moment!”
If anything Jason is stubborn as a bull. He knows, you know, what you said was true. Even though Jason has a rough past that made him built a thick wall around his fragile heart, he could never fully hate on his brothers. After all those fights, those tears, the laughs, Jason loves them all wholeheartedly. Even when there are some times where all of them, if not most of them, are a pain in the ass.
“I guess…I admit I do somewhat care for them—“
“Suuureeee. You somewhat care for them,” you smirked up at him. Jason gave you a hearty glare.
“Shut up, they’re still a pain in my ass doll,” Jason sighs as he hugs you just a little bit tighter. You giggled. It was enough for you to take that as an answer out of him. Maybe just maybe, he’ll admit it on his own in the future, but for now, Jason is comfortable letting his not so subtle subtle acts of care for his brothers.
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adrianasunderworld · 2 years
I crave some brotherly shenanigans, so have some Diluc and Kaeya headcanons.
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We all know how much Kaeya loves summer. Soaking up the sun, sandcastles, swimming and all that fun stuff. In contrast, Diluc loves winter. As a kid he loved snowmen, curling up with books in a pillowfort in front of the fireplace, drinking hot coco. Crepus would take the boys ice skating every year.
They were both a nightmare to deal with on road trips, especially when they were very little. Despite Crepus best attempts to pack up all sorts of toys and activities to do, even the most well behaved siblings can only sit in a carriage for so long before boredom takes hold. Kaeya would always go, "I'm not touching you" "yes you are!" Or Diluc would start throwing toys to make some terrible game of catch. They had to make a lot of stops for them to get that energy out.
Despite how rich they were, Crepus wanted them to have good work ethic, so he had weekly chores for them to do. Mostly things like keeping their rooms tidy so the maids have less to do when they deep clean. Help count the wine stock. Go to springvale to pick up meat for dinner. Sweeping the stairs. Etc. Kaeya preferred doing the ones where was with people more. Like going to shops or helping the maids, mostly because he always overheard the juicy stories. Meanwhile Diluc liked the more outdoorsy chores, like picking grapes and fixing stuff. He was a very hands on kid.
Kaeya is the younger of the two, but he hit that growth spurt first when they were around 12/13. And loved to tease Diluc about how he's the big brother now.
They would sneak down to the kitchen at night for snacks all the time.
Diluc was still pretty young when he got his vision. Of course the first thing they did was see what they could set on fire. Kaeya suggested trying to defeat the cryo slimes that were always down by the river. That didn't work. They were chased all the way into the mansion with singed grass in their wake.
Kaeya has always been the more fashionable of the two. In their teens, Diluc asked Kaeya to help him figure out what looked good on him.
Plenty of staff members had children of their own, some even lived on the winery grounds in the staff lodgings. The brothers were friends with all the kids around their age and every other week was some sort of slumber party.
Diluc was excited to have another kid in the house with him when Crepus first took Kaeya in. He did his best to make the boy feel welcome, from sharing all this toys and reading his books with him. Even introducing him to all the other kids.
They started sword fighting lessons as kids. Crepus hired the best instructor available in Mondstadt for his boys. And what do these two do on the first day with the wooden practice swords? Beat the shit out of each other. The instructor had their work cut out for them.
Even in adulthood with their strained relationship, they never actually try to cut contact with each other. Neither one of them is ready for that. After all, they are each others only family left.
They still gift each other on their birthdays. Diluc usually let's Kaeya drink for free, or gets him something practical. Kaeya will get Diluc something like an accessory he knows Diluc would like but likely wouldn't buy for himself.
Kaeya likes to mess with Diluc by telling Donna when he's working the bar, with a subtle hint of what color and fragrance he likes. Then laughs from the sidelines as he watches Diluc try to politely avoid her.
Despite all of their fighting, if there is a common goal or enemy, watch out. If you have ever seen Lucifer, the scene where "I know who did this." "I'll drive." That vibe.
All their old toys and games are still in the winery packed away. It is a common thing to argue about. "Diluc I want my trading cards back." "First of all, they are our cards, second if you want them so bad come get them." "Excuse you, who put in the work to collect them?" "Not you, that's for sure." They can go on for hours on that alone.
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husbandohunter · 3 years
Hello may I request albedo x shy reader where albedo and reader has feelings for each other but reader is too introverted to do anything and albedo doesn't want to tell as he thinks he scares her as reader always gets red and is stuttering when he talks to her. Klee finds out about this and makes it her mission to get albedo and reader together.
Klee gets albedo to play hide and seek with her and invites reader to play together with her. Albedo is counting down while klee and reader hides. Klee and reader hides in a location that klee always hides in so albedo would find them quickly. While they're hiding where albedo is within hearing distance, klee ask reader about whether she has feelings for albedo or not. Reader then admits to having feelings for albedo and makes klee promise not to to tell him. Albedo having heard all this comes behind reader and says why not, proceeds to bring reader to a private location and tells reader his feelings.
If this is too detailed a shy reader x albedo headcanon is enough.
I Found You [Albedo x Shy!Reader]
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Synopsis: For someone as meek and reserved as you, love with Albedo was a game of hide and seek...literally!
Genres: Fluff
(A/n): Ahhh what a cute idea, don’t be afraid to be detailed at all! I love hearing people’s ideas. Buuut kinda went overboard with this one since I am in the narrative mood, hope you don’t mind >//< Word count_2.3k
Albedo wonders if he had done something wrong?
Three weeks, four days, sixteen minutes and twenty five seconds. To this moment he had counted down every tick of the clock since the day you began avoiding him. That's how he sees it at least. You weren't always deliberately doing this on purpose, as Lisa's personal helper, there were times when you were given a chance to converse with the Chief Alchemist after dropping off the books he requested for research purposes. Albedo would ask how your day went, trying to find out if you wanted to take a short break and drink some of the tea Noelle had prepared for him. Your response was a modest one but he didn't mind, he eventually came to enjoy your tranquil prescence after a long day of work. 
But something changed. Those moments where you came in during your free time have gradually faded to nothing more than swift bows and small greets coming from the door. Every attempt he made to invite you for another tea session you left as quickly as you entered. At first he dismissed these moments, thinking that you were probably too busy with no time to stop by. Albedo was a busy person himself, though, that didn't prevent him from noticing your odd behaviour whenever he saw you in the hallway. Just as he was about to call your name, you avert your eyes and take a sharp turn until you were out of sight, leaving him perplexed and alone. The alchemist couldn't help feel neglected. Compared to everyone else, he was the only one you couldn't approach with ease. It bothered him immensely.
Did he accidentally say something to upset you? Albedo was well aware of his straightforward attitude which might have caused a negative affect on your contrasting, rather delicate personality. But he always felt that he had taken great consideration on how to approach you. Or what if it was the time when he happened to eat the last bite of Noelle's shortcakes? Remembering the afternoon you sat in his office, he recalls that there were exactly five instead of four treats left on the plate. Little by little, they began to disappear, you only ate two while he devoured three. Was this the reason why? No, that can't be it. You were the one who offered and refusing would only be impolite. Unless you felt pressured to do so when he told you that he was very fond of sweets….
Albedo heaves his shoulders and lets out a breathly sigh. He became very melancholy since then, staring out the window from the second floor when there were still unread research reports lying on his desk. His mind was so cluttered that he couldn't bring himself to focus these days. How troublesome. If only he were more adept with the ways of socializing, only then he can figure out what triggers you to be so nervous around him, why you tend to shrink when he gazes into your eyes and how is it that he feels so bitter when seeing you act the complete opposite with someone else.
"Big brother?" asked Klee. She hops off her stool before throwing the box of crayons to the side. The young girl prances her way to where Albedo stood and tugs on the hem of his coat, "Is there something wrong? Why are you sad?"
"Klee," Albedo turns his head in reponse. A pair of oversized cherry orbs looks at him with concern while the girl's bangs falls sideways to frame her petite face. He felt the white fabric crinkling within her grip as she signals him to come down. Placing one knee on the floor, Albedo gently smiled, speaking in his soft and brotherly tone, "Don't worry, I'm fine. Have you finished your drawing?"
"Mhm, almost done!" She throws her hands up and cheers, "But can you help me with the backgrounds? Klee doesn't know how to colour them."
"I don't see why not," agreed the alchemist, "Come, I'll teach you."
Just when Albedo was leading Klee back to the little space he set up for her, a knock was heard on the door. He ushers her to stay put and Klee tries to peer over his shoulder to see who the visitor was. When she recognized you standing at the frame, her smile grew wide in excitement.
It's big sister (Y/n)! Did she come here to play with us too? Oh please please please!
"(Y/n), you're here," Albedo couldn't help the apparent surprise on his face, "What brings you? Is there something I can help you with?"
"Ah sorry to bother, I-I have the documents you requested from the library!" You nervously handed him the folder.
Huh? Klee brings a finger to her chin, That's wierd...Why does she look so scared?
"Thank you (Y/n)," Albedo slips them out of your trembling grasp in the same fashion he would handle old relics on the verge of breaking. It was so long since you last visited him and he didn't want to startle you, "I appreciate you for bringing them here."
You shook your head in response, "It's nothing much…"
There it was again. You were avoiding to look at him in the eye. At this rate the next thing to occur would be you taking your leave and he didn't want that. Not when he finally gets the chance to fix his mistakes. Using his calculative mind, Albedo tries to formulate the best approach to soothe your worries. He thought of the first step, something that would make you more comfortable. Perhaps he could try smiling? Yes, that could do it. They always seem to have positive affects.
He calls you. The sound of your name on his lips brings you out of your frenzy state and you subconciously lifted your gaze, daring to take a small peek over his countenance. 
"I'm very glad to see you again, truly."
You froze into place. Your brain stops working and the whole world comes to a halt. It was the sight held in front of you that stole every last breath away leaving you with nothing but butterflies fluttering about. They spread their wings, voraciously swarming from the pit of your stomach, desperate to burst along with the pounding of your heart. Never in your life have you witnessed or even fathomed the idea of how Albedo would look if he smiled but here you were, mesmerized and captivated like a butterfly entranced by the flower's glow.  It blooms. So brilliantly that you couldn't stop yourself from being drawn. Eyes you fought so hard to tear away from, sparkled just for you, crinkling from the impact of his evergrowing smile. It was the feeling that made you fall for him. The same feeling that pushes you to run somewhere far far away, knowing if you flew too close, the outcome would risk everything you were trying to protect. 
"(Y/n)?" The alchemist tilts his head in confusion. He noticed the redness seeping into your features and immediately brings a glove hand to press against your forehead, "Your temperature is rising. Are you feeling sick? You should have told me earlier."
"I can't…" 
"Hm? Why not?"
"Ah I just remembered there's something I need to do!" Taking a step back you gave him a stiff bow, "Good luck in your research Sir Albedo!"
Given no chance to reply, Albedo watched you dash away before disappearing around the corners. He could only stare blankly at the empty space in front of him before dropping his arm back to his side, contemplating; where did I go wrong?
"Does that mean (Y/n) doesn't want to play with us?" Klee said dissapointedly.
"…I suppose."
"Big brother?" Upon hearing Albedo sigh, Klee finally figured out what caused him to falter these days. Perhaps not entirely being the small child she was but there were enough clues to let her know that the relationship between you and Albedo was somewhat strained. To Klee, she saw you both as the bestest friends! And it was only natural that friends play together right?
"Eh? You want me to play hide and seek?"
The Spark knight nods heavily as she grinned up at you, "Uh huh, and with big brother!"
"Klee, don't force her if she doesn't want to, it'll be fine with just the two of us," Albedo scolded lightly and folds his arms over his chest.
She only returns him a pout, "But it's fun with more people!"
"It's okay Sir Albedo, I don't mind," you chimed in at last. You were just taking a stroll near Starfell Lake after you finished organizing the bookshelves in Lisa's stead (as always, she naps while you worked away). All of a sudden, Klee waves over from the otherside and proceeds to drag you into a friendly game for little kids. You weren't sure why she seemed so desperate but…
"Yay!" While jumping side to side, the girl did a little mini dance while waving her arms in the air, "You're the best (Y/n)!"
It was hard to refuse someone as cute as Klee.
"So for the first round, big brother is going to be the one who counts to twenty while you and I go hide so he can never ever find us," Klee informs enthusiastically. 
"Alright, that shouldn't be a problem," said Albedo.
You followed suit with a giggle, "But considering it's you Albedo, I don't think twenty seconds is enough."
He quirks an eyebrow, shocked from the way you referred to him.
"Ah, I-"
"Let's go!" Klee interrupts which you were thankful for, "And no peeking!"
Turning to face the Statue of Seven, Albedo counts down monotonously while you and Klee scrambled for an ideal hiding place. This was not the first time you indulged in one of her many activities, in the past it had almost become part of your daily routine to assist the alchemist in entertaining his little sister. Even Klee was capable to be the seeker for several rounds and Albedo would lead you to a spot nearby yet discreet, just the right amount of difficulty for her to handle.
He wouldn't think of this area again, would he?"
Eeek! Better hide.
You hopped into the crevice formed between the mountain rocks and crouched down, huddling your knees together against your chest to blend with the shadows. You let out a soft sigh, pleased that you were able to make it in time.
"Wow big sis, I didn't know you would be here too."
The screech nearly escapes when you were startled by a pair of ruby eyes gleaming at you innocently. Klee signals you to stay quiet and you nodded, bringing down the hand that you used to cover your mouth. From a distance you spotted the chief alchemist shifting his footsteps against the grass, though he was far enough on the otherside to not notice you and Klee together in the same room. You beamed softly. He was purposely holding back.
"Pssst! Big sis?" Klee whisper-shouted, "Are you angry at big brother?"
You returned a curious glance, slightly taken aback by the outlandish statement she made, "No of course not. How could I?"
(If anything, it was the contrary).
"Then why are you always running away from him? You guys used to be really good friends, Klee misses you and big brother misses you that's why...that's why he's always sad when you're gone.
"Oh...I-I had no idea..." feelings of guilt begin to emerge when you realized what your action seemed from a different prespective. You were so caught up with being cautious that it prevented you from seeing how Albedo would react on the recieving end. Without knowing, your true colours began to reveal themselves as you could no longer stand the thought of making Klee (making him) upset, "I'm sorry, I'm just not good with words."
The little girl cocks her head to the side.
"Ever since I was little, I never found it easy to make friends. Until now when I finally became Lisa's assistance, I still can't approach other people and they tend to shy away from me since I am...difficult to hold a conversation with..."
Hugging your knees even closer, a fond expression graces your features, "But Albedo was kind to me. He was patient when I didn't know what to say. Whenever I made a mistake, he would always be there to teach me the correct steps. I have alot to thank him for."
"I think it's also on of the reason why I fell for him too. But I will never have the courage to say it. I don't want to ruin the friendship we have so I chose to keep it to myself. Though, I guess it only made things worse. So promise me that you won't say anything okay? I'll apologize to him later."
Klee did not respond. She only stares past your shoulder and you immediately spun around to see Albedo standing at the entrace with an expression equivalently shocked as yours.
"I...I-" you stammered. The embarassment was so unbearable to the point that tears began to form at the corner of your eyes.
"Wait, don't cry. There's no need to because-"
You thrusted your way past him before he could finish his sentence, sprinting to the distance while yelling, "I'M SORRRYYYYYYYYYYY!"
"Wait!" The alchemist chases shortly after, "Come back!"
You groaned at the pain throbbing against your skull as you pushed yourself upright. A fallen branch, it was. One you didn't catch before tripping over your steps and tumbling down the hill while landing harshly on the sensitive pad of your elbow. The surroundings seemed unfamiliar to your memory since you never travelled too far from Mondstadt, your vision was filled with nothing but the endless columns of trees and bushes nearby. There were no signs of anyone else within the area.
"I'm lost," you announced in a defeated tone. Something cold taps against the tip of your nose and you realized that the clouds have already gathered over your head, violently spilling the rain down to where you sat. You crawled to a dry space where the tree branches were thick enough to keep the water out. You stayed there, waiting. But waiting for what?
"I can't go back," you meekly say, "I can't see him."
The air was cold and you shiver in response. You hated how much of a coward you could be sometimes. You were always so weak, never having the strength to be courageous for once. Albedo was a beautiful man, he was smart and he was popular, he was everything you're not. There's no way that he'd return your feelings.
"I found you."
Why did he come back?
"Thank goodness you're alright. Are you hurt?" Albedo lowers himself to meet your level. Up close you could see the strands sticking from the side of his golden head and the residues that marred his features. Still, he looked beautiful. Your heart soars from the intense gaze he kept on you, drawing lower until he caught the scrape at the side of your arm. Albedo pulls it forward so that he could examine them at nearer proximity, "Hmm this doesn't look so good. We should head back so I can treat your wounds immediately. Can you stand?"
You nodded. 
"Good. Here, take my hand," he offers his gloved fingers and pulls you up to your feet. You could tell that he was trying to be gentle from the way he adjusted his stance so you wouldn't wobble. Kind. He was so kind.
"Why did you come for me?" You started, "I don't understand."
Albedo frowned. There it was again, the expression he hated. The one where you wouldn't look at him in the eye.
"I just don't want to-"
He didn't even bother with what you wanted to tell him. Instead, Albedo removes his coat almost within an instead and threw it around your shoulders. He wraps you gently, making sure that the rain didn't touch your bare shoulders before bring his arms around your figure and trapping you in his embrace. You could feel his fingers raking against the strands of your hair as your vision was blocked by the star on his neck. A little voice thanked the archons for this particular position, for two reasons in fact. The first being that he wouldn't be able to see your expression, knowing you must've looked as if you ate a bowl of raw Juyeun chilis. The second reason, well, you were simply overjoyed. 
"Do you understand now?" 
Closing your eyes, you succumbed to the grasp of your beloved, "Yes, I do."
"You won't run away?"
His tone was almost a plead. You reassured him by moving your head to the crook of his neck, how foolish for you to assume all this time, "I won't, don't worry."
"Are you sure?"
"I promise."
"Good," Albedo's eyes soften in response as he pulls alway to see your face, "I love you too (Y/n)."
Alas the butterfly and the flower finally united as one. Like nectar, he was sweet. How bold of him. It seems that not only was he able to steal your heart but your first kiss as well.
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jennana501 · 4 years
A Case for Rexsoka
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I’ve been around the block when it comes to ships. I’ve seen people obsess over them, and I too have been driven mad by obsession. I was a hardcore original avatar fan and I was OBSESSED with shipping Toph and Sokka together. Any time they so much as made an interaction I over analyzed it and picked it apart looking for clues that somehow would prove that my hunches were correct. It was because I related with both characters, and I loved their chemistry. I wanted them to have a romantic relationship because it would feel like some sort of personal validation.
I’m an adult now and nothing has changed. But it has been a while since I’ve desperately shipped two characters together that are not obviously romantically involved with one another, or who could be romantic behind the scenes or beyond the story shown.
Until Rex and Ahsoka.
And I’ve seen people be adamantly against it. 
“No no no it’s just a brother/sister relationship.” 
“No it’s gross she is a child”.
And of course being disagreed with on the internet can drive a person crazy, and instead of individually arguing with dozens of people online, I’m making this post once and for all to explain why I think Rex and Ahsoka have romantic feelings for each other. Especially Rex.
The argument I’ve seen, that their deep passion, commitment, love, admiration, and respect for one another (which are all so obvious you’d have to be...silly to not see it) are felt in a platonic fashion. Which, for the first 6 seasons and 8 episodes, I would totally agree.
But then Ahsoka comes back. And let’s face it. She is a woman. Age wise, she’s around 17, but everything from the maturity of her Lekku (which weirdly don’t get all that longer, especially compared to other Tagrutan women) to her poise and confidence, to her prowess as a warrior, a user of the force, and her ability to command soldiers as well as control her emotions points to her being an adult woman. She’s no Snips anymore; she’s no child. She’s grown up. And how her peers react to her illustrates how they now view her as an adult.
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First there is Obi-wan. Obi-wan has always been a mentor to her, a sort of second Master. Obi-wan never hesitated to guide and Ahsoka or offer his council. He is proud of her when she succeeds, and will admonish her when she makes mistakes. When she returns and he sees her as a woman, he changes the way he treats her. He acknowledges her maturity by addressing her as an equal. He doesn’t admonish her. Instead he discusses with her, challenging her ideas and letting her offer an argument for them instead of putting them down and telling her how she should think or act. He also comes to her in his time of need, trusting her to help him with Anakin.
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Then there is Anakin. We all know of Anisoka shippers, and they are perfectly able to ship and enjoy said ship, but we can all acknowledge that it is a crack pairing with no basis in the canon. Anakin portrays the perfect kind of brotherly love. He is excited to see Ahsoka, and is stunned by her unexpected reappearance. Things are harder for Anakin because he is used to their fun banter and sibling-like companionship. He’s constantly shut down with her business like manner and he struggles with coming to terms with the fact that she isn’t a little kid sister anymore. She is an adult with a mission and a plan. When he looks at her, he is endearing. He loves her. Admires her. And he can’t wait to pick up where they left off. There’s joy and adoration in his face. He is proud of her and what she has become, but he also feels alienated and even hurt because of how her adulthood has changed their dynamic.
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Then there is Rex. When he first sees her, he wants nothing more than to reassure her that she still belongs. The clones had accepted her into their family. As far as they were concerned, she was one of them. When he looks at her for the first time, he’s beaming with the same adoration as he had had for her before, but also with a solemn awe at what she has become and what she has grown into. He welcomes her back into his life without hesitation.
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But then there is a moment things shift so drastically that I paused the show and re-watched it half a dozen times. We all know it and love it. This face he gives Ahsoka. The Look.
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What we see here is something we have never, EVER seen in Rex for 7 whole seasons. And it is my opinion that this is the first time Rex has been able to feel and express that he is attracted to Ahsoka. In other words, Rex has a sexual awakening.
Up until this point, Rex has been a sexless character. Nothing he does is flirtatious, sexy, or at all suggestive that he has those feelings inside him at all. Every sexual being has a moment where they are first animalistically drawn to another being. Characters who have already had this moment are easy to pick out. Obi wan. Anakin. Ventress. These characters have already experienced their sexual awakening. Ahsoka has too. Lux was her first object of attraction.
But Rex has never had this moment. Until this reaction.
I know some of you might be thinking “but Ahsoka gives a very similar look to Anakin, does that mean she is sexually attracted to HIM?” It’s a very good point. Ahsoka and Anakin share some cheeky playful looks during “Old Friends Not Forgotten”. We see many characters give similar looks to other characters, but does this mean it means the same thing as when Rex does it? The short answer is no.
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When animators design a character, they establish the “range of emotion” for that character. You can easily see this when you look back at how many times you see Rex break from his stoic, captain’s face. He rarely laughs, smiles, or emotes in any way. This is why when we see him emote it is exciting to us as an audience. A character like Ahsoka or Anakin commonly show a wide variety of expressions. Ahsoka is much more likely to give a cheeky look than Rex is. So “the look” for Rex, means a lot more when he is doing than it does when another character does it, say Fives or even Obi-Wan.
Which means the writers are trying to tell us something about this moment. 
This moment has changed Rex’s and Ahsoka’s relationship. 
Now does this mean that they are going to go bang each other immediately? Does this mean the second they are alone after “Victory and Death” they start an intense, sexual relationship? Of course not. That’s not what this ship is about at this time. But the reason many of us ship it is because suddenly they don’t feel like brother and sister anymore. It isn’t entirely platonic. And the show does a good job to further emphasize this as they come closer and closer both emotionally, and physically during the finale.
Blocking is a huge factor in visual storytelling. During the finale, Rex and Ahsoka are blocked in a way that makes them as close as physically possible on the screen. This communicates to the audience that they are closer now than they have ever been. As Jedi and Clone Trooper. As friends, and as companions, their bond forged in the fires of war, struggling to find meaning in life as soldiers.
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In contrast, look how Ahsoka and Anakin are blocked in their scenes. There is nearly always a gap between them, illustrating that they are distanced from each other emotionally. Rex is even visually inserted into the gap between them in several instances. Anakin and Ahsoka are growing apart, but she and Rex are growing closer.
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We get to experience Rex and Ahsoka engaging in actions and conversations that we had rarely seen before. From casual banter, to moments of intense intimacy, to emotional peaks, Rex and Ahsoka interact more in these four episodes than in the previous six seasons. Part of this is because their maturity gap has closed. Ahsoka is finally Rex’s equal in experience and maturity. It is also in part because it is a unique dynamic. No Obi-wan. No Anakin. Rex and Ahsoka are equal leaders of the 332nd. There’s also the fact that they are put into life threatening situations and have no one else but each other.
But there is that “look” that is given at the beginning of all this that suggests something else, that as their bond undoubtedly becomes strong as beskar, there is an element of it that takes their relationship from the platonic to the romantic.
I feel every detail, moment, and piece of dialogue in the finale tells the story of this bond. 
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Many instances of their strong emotional bond have been spread throughout the internet, with most ready to acknowledge that they have a connection unlike any other, one that may even be described as a “force” connection. These last four episodes are so exciting because we see two friends reunited, but then we get to watch as their relationship transforms.
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Even disregarding their implied attraction to each other physically, they dive into each other and hold on tight. Ahsoka shares deep personal worries with Rex, and Rex and her are shown opening up to each other in ways they have never opened up before.
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We were all floored and dumbfounded at scenes such as these that show these characters at their most vulnerable. But they decide to be vulnerable together. Is it because they are all that is left of their 501st family? It part, this is definitely true. But by being this vulnerable they transform their relationship into something very different from what they had before. It will never be the same again, and it will be near impossible to back out of the emotional intimacy that these two have participated in. Once you have formed that kind of an attachment with someone, there is no going back, and as is seen in rebels, these two maintain that strong connection even after years of being apart.
This goes beyond their sexual desires or needs. They’ve forged a bond that cannot be broken. They have shared minds, shared pain and agony that only the other can understand. They’ve been isolated from the world, and all they have left is each other.
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And at the end of the series, when we have Rex and Ahsoka broken, their world flip upside down and everything they ever valued or cared about lies in ruins before them, the idea that they still have each other is that beautiful seed of hope Star Wars is so good at preserving. Those of us who believe that their relationship could be romantic want good things for Rex and Ahsoka. We want them to have that love and share it with each other. Maybe only for a few moments, but having known it would be better than both of them living and dying without having that experience. 
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When we see the two in Rebels, for me it confirms that these two love each other deeply. But their lives can never be lived in a normal fashion. They cannot even be together as partners in life. The Empire has stolen this from them. The tragedy of this ship is that it can never be the way we want it to be. Rex will age and die long before Ahsoka is even halfway through her own life. They cannot live with one another. They cannot wake each morning with each other, at least not at the point we see them in rebels. 
But they continue to love each other. Even over distance, even knowing that mortality will claim them with only a fraction of the memories that they deserve with one another. 
So please, the next time you see some art or a fic, or a post like this, think of what I had to say. Rexsoka is about two adults, their lives destroyed at the hands of Sidious, but in defiance they still forge a bond that he could never break or take from them. And that to me is beautiful and something to celebrate.
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Side note: I spent a ton of time making gifs but they never would work and so I had to use screenshots instead :(
EDIT: At the request of the OG poster of a few gifs, I have replaced them have also made some grammatical changes. 
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spookybreadstick · 3 years
Here is something soft & sweet, as a humble apology for my prolonged absence... hope you all like it! <3 <3 <3
💞 Happiest Memories of the Pastas 💞
🍬 LJ’s happiest memory is playing with Isaac, once upon a time, before everything went south. LJ has sort of forgotten this memory, it was so long ago after all and it's a bit painful to look back on, but he does remember how it made him feel. Which is, very good and full of purpose. After all, this was what he was intended for. To be a friend to children, specifically Isaac.
🤍 EJ doesn't have very many happy memories. He supposes that his happiest memory was when he patched Toby up after a mission where he got hurt. Toby's a very chipper patient (he can't feel pain after all, and it wasn't a terrible injury either, so he was in a good mood) and he chatted away while EJ fixed him up. After EJ announced that Toby was all set to go, Toby had said, "Thanks, EJ! You're the best!" before he left the little 'infirmary.' It isn't much, but it made EJ feel very happy. He feels pretty lousy most days, about what he is, what he does, how he has to hurt people, but actually helping somebody was a nice change of pace. It made him feel more connected to his old self, and it makes him feel actually human. It's also just nice to feel appreciated as well, and it really just made EJ's day (Toby has no idea how much what he said meant to EJ).
🎮 BEN's happiest memory comes from a night he spent with Jeff, having a sleepover. In life, BEN didn't have any friends, much less any that would invite him to sleep over or even want to sleep over at his house. Here though, Jeff had become a great friend of his very quickly (and shortly after this incident, they truly became best friends). One day, they had a great time hanging out with each other and gaming. Jeff always said the funniest things to make BEN laugh, and he even laughed at BEN's jokes too! All was going great, although it was late at night by now. BEN had thought that Jeff would head back to his room, but instead he casually asked if he could just crash in BEN's room. BEN tried not to let it show, lest he look stupid, but he was ecstatic! He now had a great friend, who he just had a great time with, who actually wanted to continue hanging out and actually sleep over in the same room! He couldn't believe his luck, and he of course quickly agreed to this plan. That night, the two boys stayed up late, talking, laughing, and gaming. It was the night that really cemented the start of their best friendship.
🔪 Jeff's happiest memory comes from a time where he and Liu were very little. A time before the differences between the two brothers became more apparent, a time before their parents started to treat them differently, a time before the family fell into a cycle of toxicity, abuse, and neglect. A time before Jeff was subjected to the bullying and mistreatment that shaped him into who he is today. This was a time when Jeff was still just a little boy, wide eyed and cautiously optimistic about the world. It was right after his fifth birthday, and during an absolutely gorgeous day. It was a day that the two brothers played outside until the sun went down, and their mother called them in for dinner (featuring a favorite dish of theirs). They laughed and rough-housed and played for hours on end together, just the two of them in their own little world of brotherly love. In fact, right before their mother called them inside, the two had been laying on the grass together, side by side on their backs, when Liu had simply sighed happily and said that he was glad to have Jeff as his older brother. That had made little-Jeff feel incredibly good about himself, and he had responded that, while Liu was lucky to have Jeff as an older brother (oh, Jeff, he never did change, did he?), Jeff was glad that Liu was his little brother, too. It was a happy day for both boys, indeed.
🧣 Liu's happiest memory comes from a time where he and Jeff were young, probably about eight and seven, and their parents had left them alone for a whole weekend for the first time. He remembered feeling scared, because what if a burglar broke in the house? But Jeff had reassured him that nothing was going to happen to him, not while he was around to protect him. He even brought out a baseball bat to ensure Liu's safety, and that did make him feel better, knowing that he had a protective older brother in the house with him. That first night, they ordered pizza (feeling very grown-up) and watched movies late into the night. Liu remembers how excited he felt when Jeff told him not to worry about a bedtime, because they were the grown-ups in the house now, and grown-ups don't have bedtimes. The rest of the weekend passed by in a similarly fun fashion, and Liu looks back on this first weekend of freedom and fun with great fondness. Sully does not have any happy memories to speak of, sadly.
🖤 Jane's happiest memory is from one night that she won an award at her school, for her excellent grades, and her parents were so incredibly proud of her. Jane had felt quite accomplished, and her mother had even took her out shopping for a new dress for the occasion (she would have to walk across a stage to accept her academic award). After she received her award, the girl that she had a crush on at the time came up to her to congratulate her on the award, and to compliment her on her looks. Jane's parents then took lots of pictures with their daughter, took her out for a nice dinner, and kept telling her how proud they were of her. This was shortly after she came out to them as a lesbian as well, and it made her feel all the more validated that her parents not only accepted her for who she was, but also still loved her just the same and were very proud of her for her achievements.
⏰ Clockwork, sadly, does not have very many happy memories. In fact, the only happy memory that she has that really sticks out to her is the one week she spent in foster care, before being returned to her birth parents to suffer more abuse. That week she spent out of that house of abuse, and in the caring hands of her foster parents, was the best time she had in her whole childhood and probably whole life at this point.
💄Nina's happiest memory comes from a daddy-daughter dance that she attended with her father once. She doesn't remember too much about it honestly, it's more of just a happy, nostalgic feeling for her. She remembers getting dressed up happily in her best dress, and having a great time with her father. She especially liked that she could fit in with the other girls too, despite not having a mother (she often felt left out of a lot of mother-daughter activities, but here was an activity made exclusively for her and her father!) She remembers feeling very grown-up, as her father had allowed her to put on a bit of makeup at the age of around nine or ten, and she was also allowed to wear her mother's prized pearl necklace for the night, which made her feel connected to her mother and also like a bit of a movie star.
🧵Happy memories are not in his vocabulary, I'm afraid.
🎨 Helen's happiest memory comes from every time he's ever spent "in the zone" while painting, drawing, or otherwise creating art. It's not a one-time thing, it's an accumulation of happiness for him.
🎭 Tim's happiest memory comes from a night that he and Brian got high off of some stolen weed. They snuck out onto the roof of the mansion, and talked late into the night. He forgot about all his responsibilities and burdens for a night, and he felt like he could just truly be.
❓ Brian's happiest memory was a nice afternoon that he spent with Masky & Toby. It was nothing special, just a simple day of fishing and having a picnic lunch. He felt very connected to his two proxy partners, and it filled him with joy to see Tim so relaxed and Toby having some fun.
🪓 Toby's happiest memory was one of the last days he spent with Lyra. He doesn't remember too much of it, a lot of his trauma surrounding Lyra and her death has made him block it out, so it's more of a happy feeling than anything else. It does bring him comfort during hard times, and from what he does remember of it, it was a great day that he spent with his sister and it's precious to him now.
🧸 Sally's happiest memory was the day that Slender asked her if she'd like to be adopted by him. The two had spent a wonderful day together, and it was the cherry on top for him to ask her gently if she'd like to become his officially adopted daughter through a ceremony.
🌲 Slender's happiest memory was the day he decided to 'officially' adopt Sally as his, meaning that they performed a little ceremony at the mansion that "crowned" Slender as "the King of the Mansion"/Sally's father and "crowned" Sally as "the Princess of the Mansion" and Slender's daughter
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