brent-toks26 · 1 month
The Weight of Choices
Sanny Brent M. Tawali
Dusty and thick cobwebs hanging at every corner and ceiling of the old abandoned house. It's been a couple decade since an ambitious young man stepped out from it. This grown man went back to where his dreams were motivatedly carved. Roaming around, he saw the old photo albums where his memories were documented. He was finally home with a clone of himself.
It was five o'clock in the morning, Zenny was up to for some coffee. She has an exceptional taste in cooking. While waiting for her husband to come home, he prepared a scrumptious breakfast. The kids will be up soon, and she'll have to get them ready again for school. As a mother of two sons, it keeps her busy in the morning. After school, she fetch them again, an everyday cycle of her life. Edward, her husband, works in a big company at night-shift and it was his sleep time during the day.
They were a lovely couple, contented living a simple life and spend their family time at the gulf on Sundays. One time when the kids were having fun, Zenny noticed her husband's hands shaking in sweat, not knowing he has something heavy to speak out. It was an unpleasant news as the mining company started terminating workers because of the sudden bankrupt and low-grade mineral extracts.
Edward was bothered, what if he could be one of the workers terminated. "What about their studies?" he asked worrily.
His wife responded with a hug and tapped his back, "We can do this". They then decided to take the kids to his hometown in the province. There, at least, the expenses are a lot cheaper than in the city.
Unbothered were the kids, Gavyn, the elder ones was of so much excitement as he can finally spend more time with his grandparents in the province. He loves listening to the stories of Lolo Berto and the eat with the especial dishes of Lola Jovita.
Leaving their life in the city, they went to the province where life was a lot peaceful. However, living there also means working for food, for everything. Julius, the younger brother used to live where everything was handed to him on silver platter. Edward had mixed emotions thinking of his family knowing the fact he might be send off from work anytime. Realizing his mistake that he spent all his money providing the kids as what he always dreamed of, to give his children the ease of life he never experienced growing. He then started saving for contingency. Distant from his family, he endured those heavy times of working to provide for his family. Zenny on the other hand was a good cook and started doing business from making deserts, meryenda, and viands where she sell at the school canteen. It was a hard time for them as couples, being rattled by life. They wanted their kids to finish their studies for their future.
The two siblings had a close bond where one follows anywhere the other goes. Going to school, Gavyn has more advanced mental stability than his brother. He excelled in academics and sports. At a young age, Gavyn was pressured by the expectations of becoming a succesful individual because of his achievements. He was viewed as an intelligent, and responsible child growing up. This broke the brotherly bonding of the two where Julius was often compared to his brother because he was a lot slower, sickly, and avoids doing work.
"Why can't you be like your brother?", said his Aunt Glory. Those were the constant words he often hear at a very young age, even coming from their neighbors.
Gavyn didn't want it happening so he always defends his brother. However, Julius thought of it negatively, then isolated his self and preferred hanging out with his friends. "When can they se me as part of this family?", he uttered as he walk away.
"Pssttt", Zenny called his sons. A sound the two siblings fear of hearing from their mother.
Strict, a single word which literally defines Zenny. A mother of old-fashioned values and ways of disciplining. Gavyn experienced once being punished because of stealing coins from his mother's purse. Angrily, his mother spread the beans on the floor and whipped the poor little boy as he knelt down on the beans with books weighing his wide open arms.
Zenny can hear his agony while pitiful crying "I'm sorry mama, I won't do it again". But for her, one word is enough. A harsh discipline teaching that a small bad act when not corrected could result even worse.
Edward on the other hand was more calm and prefer a heart-to-heart talk in addressing mistakes or unwanted behaviors. He do it in a way that none of the siblings were being tolerated or taken sides. He is more of giving advice and let them realize what they have done.
After several years of staying in the province, a man was seen from afar with heavy baggages. The two siblings rushed to hug their father with wide smiles on their faces.
Julius impatiently asked, "Did you buy some chocolates papa?".
Gavyn helped his father carry his loads. Edward was relieved seing his sons, pretentious of his heavy heart after being send off from work. His wife knowing the situation wrapped her arms tightly around him.
The following day, Edward was out early to visit the field where they used to farm. Lolo Berto was delighted his son was home to offer him a hand in the field. He is adding up ages and ached by his knee because of an injury he neglected in his younger years. Lola Jovita while still strong spends most of her time to her grandchildren. She sends the siblings to school and patiently waits until the classes are done and fetch them home.
Gavyn, became serious of his studies as an appreciation to his parent's hardships. Being the eldest son, he carried the weight on his shoulders. Intrinsically motivating his self, he ignored the numerous criticisms. He etched in his mind his father's emotional words.
"You have seen how we lived my son and I'm proud of you. You're better than me, than what I ever expected. Go live your life", Edward spoke deeply as he prepare his son's belongings for his study.
Miles away from his family, Gavyn did all the ways he can to ease the burden of his parents in his studies. He thought studying would be just books and pen, but mistakenly, he realized it's not about the subjects that make's it hard. It's actually learning to recognize the reality of life in it. Above all his achievements, he was mute until he met a girl who opened an ear to his struggles.
He met this girl, a cousin of his buddy in the air force whom he was blinded by her genuine beauty. A conservative woman of dignity, he felt attachment to Krystyn. They became doves who flew the same to a higher ground untill all is well.
In the garden where the flowers decorated the isle, everything felt unimaginable. At last Gavyn freezed out the trash conversations in his head. He vowed his love to the woman who stayed throughout the course of finding his self, Krystyn.
"Let us welcome our guest speaker for today's event", the master of ceremony announced. Claps and cheers filled the atmosphere. With the three star patch on the shoulder of his uniform, he stood in front confidently and humbled the expectators with his experience in life.
Remembering some of these events in his life, Gavyn shakingly impeding his emotions, let his eyes shed tears. He never thought of going this far thinking how he struggled taking all the steps in his journey.
With utmost gratitude to his parents he dedicated all his work to them. Sharing his blessings, he founded a house for the aged people. Done with all his hardwork, this project is a reminds him of his parents.
At some point, Gavyn was regretful how he lived his life.
"I owe you my life but forgive me when you felt left behind. I was never busy all along, I just didn't understand how I was destined to this", he sobs blaming himself while talking to his parents.
His life in the air force was never easy. Holding on to his father's dream, he had the most critical decision in his life. To pursue his father's dream and his future, or leave all behind and dig him out six feet below.
Gavyn endured all the guilt and emotional turmoil. While sharing this story to his son, he hugged his wife and son and spoke, "No matter how life put us through, Family first".
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brent-toks26 · 1 month
"Let Me Live My Life"
Sanny Brent M. Tawali
In a far flung village was a small family of mute individuals. Communication was hard as talking to the leaves of the trees. All are silent when the night comes. A typical peaceful home yet cold and deafening silence. Ramon, the eldest son of Joaquin and Maria, lived his life used to hearing tons of compliments for his achievements, perseverance, and intelligence in his studies. A role model looked up by his younger brother, friends, and relatives.
With no one around, Ramon talks to his mind, "I can't just stay in a life like this". While looking at himself in front of the mirror, he asked again, "What have you become?". It was an emotional moment for him, asking for a companion when it was clear no one would. It was dark out there, but to ease up, he brought a stool at the yard. Sat there staring at the wide open universe, he can see the dim, wanning moon. Appearing hopeless, he ignored the moon and insisted talking to the stars. "Can you atleast show me a map on where I am supposed to walk through?" he said desperately and patiently waited for a response. A moment later, the stars seemed to lighten up, "There are so many ways you can walk through, but I just can't show you exactly. You just have to know what you really want", the stars answered echoing. Ramon was confused and wanted to ask more. "But what if...", before Ramon barely finished asking, the clouds covered the stars. Left there hanging, he sighed deeply.
Ramon, had visions in his younger years of becoming a generous wealthy young man. But living in his situation feels like impossible to become as what he dream of. Cold winds blew as the night gets deeper, but numb was Ramon to entertain it. The winds directed north and seemed to have something to mean. He curiously asked the wind where does it want to take him. The wind responded, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to bother you. I'm going north to visit my loved ones". Ramon quickly responded and begged to go with it. The wind was hesitant but noticed Ramon's eagerness to come along. "I can't take you there, you're heavy for me to carry. Maybe next time when you can lift your feet to take a step", the wind answered sorrily. With a heavy heart, a tear rushed down from his eyes. In frustration, he shouted, "How long more would I take to depart this road to nowhere? What else have I not done for them to satisfy?". Dark clouds overspread the sky, thunder starts rolling as the lightning flash bright and furious. Ramon sobs as the heavy rain falls when a mysterious voice came out of nowhere, "What took you so long to speak it out?", it says. He had nothing in his tongue to speak but only tears racing with the rain.
It was cold, dark, and wet, but no one ever called him to go inside. Regardless, he stood firm in the pouring rain. Ramon thought of himself at last, felt his nerves, gained consciousness and asks himself, "Whose life am I living?". Realizing the years he spent in this world, for once he thought of how it felt like to be happy. Puppet, is what he described himself, pressured by the imperceptive eyes and opaque minds. The world was enormous for an individual but he was restricted by a fence of expectations. He then decided to unload his bag. As the rain calms, Ramon felt relief and drew a smile carved deeply into his face. He tightens his fist and said to himself, "Let me live my life".
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