#some boys said this was the most fun they had playing basketball ever and that was cute
Got roped into a student vs. staff basketball game and
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klmp11s · 2 months
There’s never enough male reader content so thank you 🙏
Could I request first years realizing they have a crush on a guy for the first time (you) and how they go about that 💙
I LOVE U I had so much fun writing this 🙏🙏(English is not my first language, sorry for any mistakes)
Characters: Ace Trappola, Deuce Spade, Jack Howl, Epel Felmier, Sebek Zigvolt; (Mention of Rook, Vil, Lilia, Malleus) Warning: male!reader
Summary: first years realizing they have a crush on a guy for the first time (you) and how they go about that.
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Ace Trappola
Like, he doesn't have time for romance, you know? He is busy studying and in general he is a free guy. NO YOU DIDN'T SEE HE STARING AT YOU THE WHOLE LESSON, THAT'S A LIE
He won’t understand until the very end that his feelings for you are not platonic at all.
Is he holding you by the shoulders? Well, yes, we are friends. Is he constantly in your personal space? Pfft, what's wrong with that?
Does he have a disgusted look on his face when unfamiliar students approach you? He doesn’t know them, what if they’re bad?
This man will literally always be with you, no matter when or where.
Are you going to lunch? Is he with you. Do you need to go to the library to do homework? He will complain, but at the same time he never left behind you while you were walking.
You're the first person he always invites to his basketball game.
Like, you know, he can play and the moment he hears how you support his team and himself, his desire to win increases three times.
He finally understands his feelings after other people pointed out your closeness with him several times. His reaction is “of course we are close, we are best friends” and at the moment he literally “..we are close 🫢😶😳”
Now the troublemaker begins to notice that everything connected with you is important to him
The gears in his field are like this 🔁  and he understands that the desire to be close, hug, kiss, hold, make you smile are not platonic feelings at all.
I also think that for some time he will not understand how much he liked the guy, but as soon as he remembers your image, all questions from his head will disappear and he will curse your too beautiful face, magnificent eyes, your- AHEM
At first he doesn’t know what to do with it at all. Because 1. You are his best friend 2. He is your best friend 3. What if you don't like boys??? The boy is literally broken
Despite this, he becomes completely shameless. Teases, flirts and speaks with the simplest possible hints. Forgive him, the boy is trying to get you to react and understand whether you like him
Most likely, HE will be waiting for recognition. (He's too afraid that you don't like him and it will ruin your friendship)
He is the type that will look at you with puppy dog ​​eyes and when you remark, he will immediately begin to turn the arrow on you. “I am NOT staring. And you? You miss my face so much that you’re staring at me, huh? Don't say a word about his red face, the boy is literally dying inside for being burned so stupidly
Be patient, because if you confess to him, his ego will grow to incredible proportions and he will be the most smug guy ever (you literally can just kiss him on the cheek and he'll die)
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Deuce Spade
HE IS SO CUTE, he also didn’t notice for a long time that he feels different with you
Like: “yes, I want to spend more time with him, I look at him often, and suggest we study together. Is there something wrong?"
He's the kind of guy who will randomly look at you and literally be like: Deuce.exe doesn't answer. You 100% caught this look on yourself. You could even stare back for a while until Deuce realized it and turned his head away at the speed of light.
He thanks the seven because you never talk about it
He would rather die than answer the questions “why are you staring?” YOU DEFINITELY SAID ONCE SOMETHING LIKE “do you like what you see?” the boy couldn't speak or look at you for a couple of weeks.
He also 100% told his mom about you when he called her and she could also tease him, because he didn’t even notice what exactly he was talking about you and then he just sat there with a red face looking at the floor
I think he realized his feelings at the moment when you were in your dorm and in silence doing your own thing. Have you heard that people become 100% more handsome when they go about their business with complete confidence and skill? Exactly this moment.
The boy literally didn’t take his eyes off you and didn’t say a word while he looked at you. Do you have to be so charming?
Please don't ask why he's red, he 's ready to get up and run away right now.
From that moment on, he understands that his heart beating too quickly and the desire to be closer are not platonic.
HE CALLS MOM IMMEDIATELY (if the time is not later) he absolutely does not know what to do in this situation. Fortunately, his mother calms him down and says that he should confess to you. I think this conversation took a couple of hours, but after that he confidently decided that he would look after you so that you would like him.
Absolutely the behavior of a handsome prince, holds the door for you, compliments you (even if he is absolutely red), tries to invite you more often to spend time together, etc.
He might even invite you to his home for the holidays to introduce you to his mother 💔
He is the type who would rather admit his feelings rather than wait for recognition. He wants the moment to be perfect and you like it and remember it
He tried so hard that he most likely asked third-year students for advice
They jokingly now call him lover boy.
But after confessing, he becomes the happiest guy. He can finally hold your hand, hug you in front of strangers AND KISS YOU OKAY HE'S IN HEAVEN
The most in love and happy because now he has the best guy in the world.
He definitely invited you to his home, only as HIS BOYFRIEND
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Jack Howl
Love is not for him. He's a lone wolf. Stop looking at his tail, which only affects you if you're nearby.
Okay, okay, listen, he constantly stands next to you, sits together, his ears twitch only if you speak. He literally has a radar on you.
Listens to everything you say, goes with you everywhere if you ask.
He doesn't say a word to you if you take his arm
This is the usual behavior of close friends, what's wrong with it?
He definitely realized his feelings almost immediately. But most likely this was influenced by the moment when you asked to touch his ears and he agreed without thinking.
His brain is literally like "yes"...Wait WHAT
Okay now you have a gloomy tsundere wolf
You are literally the most handsome, interesting man he has seen in his life, you know?
He didn't talk about it anymore and he prayed that you wouldn't start this conversation.
He definitely told his cacti about you, with that stupid loving smile, but as soon as he noticed it he immediately became like: 😳😤
He definitely suggested playing sports together a couple of times (the boy just wants to spend time together doing what he loves 🙏 . Yes, you can consider it a date because he won't say it)
Now in the company he is not at all against anything from your side. Hug him? Hmm. hold his hand? Hmm. Put your hand on his thigh? He died
I'm sure that at such moments his tail hit your legs or back a couple of times
Courtship? DEFINED
If you put your head on his shoulder while talking to other people, he will become a statue, as long as you don't remove it.
Courtship among wolves is more tactile, so he tries to be as close to you physically as possible.
He confesses first. Most likely, he will organize a date where it is just the two of you, and he will be able to calmly talk about his feelings.
He is so glad that now he can kiss you, hug you, hold your hand, bite you AND RUSH HIS HEAD ON YOU.
You and he definitely became the parents of his cacti
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Epel felmier
Absolutely not. He doesn't like a man, IT'S NOT MASCULINE
The boy just doesn't know what to do
You literally evoke the strongest emotions in him and he always feels dizzy and has butterflies in his stomach when you are around.
Like, have you seen yourself?? You are so cool, smart, interesting, handsome-
Boy in Denial #2
He loves you, yes, you are his FRIEND, it’s normal to love friends, isn’t it?? He can't come to terms
He tries to pretend that his cheeks are not burning while you are sitting close together or leaning on him.
He realized and accepted his feelings at the sleepover at your dorm. The vibe of calm conversations, your calm voice, relaxed look and that stupidly beautiful smile destroyed his denial.
Congratulations, you now have a protector and a prince trying to impress you.
He will literally protect your pride, even in minor situations. Did they answer you rudely/hit you with a shoulder? He's ready to punch someone in the face
The moments when you two just communicate become the most pleasant for him. Do you and the person you like spend time together, alone? He will move mountains for this
He will definitely confess first, because that’s what real men do!
(Still trying to impress you)
He definitely had help from Rook and Vil with his confession. Like, no, EPEL, you are not going to confess your love to the man of your dreams in THIS
This is most likely why he was late, but I swear he RUNNED TO YOU AS FAST AS HE COULD
He literally blurts out a confession and stands completely red for a couple of seconds while you smile. (you won’t say that you already knew, right?)
Good good now you have a wonderful strong, brave and caring guy who will do anything for you that you ask.
Your dates are in Harveston because he doesn't want to kiss his man somewhere where Rook or Vil can see him
(He will still kiss you wherever he can)
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Sebek Zigvolt
Lmao are you Malleus?
I'm surprised that you're so gorgeous that you can not only make friends but also make Sebek fall in love with you
Boy in Denial #3
I'm pretty sure he realized his feelings when he started thinking about chas more often than Malleus.
Like, yes, you are a good friend, smart, strong, he respects you, but something more? “best friends?” HE THOUGHT IT WAS JUST PLATONIC LOVE
At one point, Lilia began to tease him about your friendship with him.
Sebek died at this moment
Like, he’s a strong knight, a protector, sits completely red while they hint at his feelings for you
Okay, okay, maybe he likes you, but he has better things to do!! He is a knight and must protect Malleus! (He goes for a walk with you on the grounds of your dorm because you are bored)
Do you think that because he is in love with you, you are automatically protected from his screams? LMAO JUST THE OPPOSITE
He really tries not to scream in front of you, but he does a VERY bad job. Forgive him, you cause too many emotions for him to think adequately and behave calmly
IF YOU DECIDE TO FLIRT OR TEASE he will literally explode like your eardrums. This boy is in a panic and doesn’t know what to do or say, please let him go and let him and let him scream into the pillow, he won’t withstand such pressure
He will come to Lilia for advice. From this moment on, he will begin to care for you. You can literally lie on him and all he will do is tell you not to do that 🙄  (He is ready not to move if you feel comfortable)
If you hugged him from the front, he might rub his head against you a couple of times, but if you even said a word about it, the only thing you would hear was screams
Just let the boy rest and spend time with you, he tries to do it carefully and respectfully
His date organized the entire dorm. LITERALLY everyone was sure that he would return back with his boyfriend. Also, everything happened somewhere in a quiet place because he could not stand it if at such an important moment someone disturbed him.
HE GLOWS if you reciprocate his feelings. He is happy that now he can show love to you and not hide it.
100% took you after to Diasomnia.
Lilia didn't stop teasing YOU BOTH, now he has another son~
The characters do not belong to me, they belong to their rightful owners, please do not edit, translate, repost my works on other platforms, also without my permission and @
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hellfireclubmember · 2 years
Pretty Girl
a/n: Okay, I haven't written a legit fanfic in years so I'm so nervous publishing this. Any feedback would be appreciated. Also I was thinking of making a part 2, lmk if any one would like me to
warnings: none, just fluff, maybe annoying mutual pining. also probably a few mistakes. I didn't thoroughly proof read this
word count: 1.9k
summary: Dustin can't stop talking about the sub he got to fill in for Lucas, making Steve want to smash his head into a wall. That is, of course, until he sees you.
disclaimer: reader is 18 and a senior in high school
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Steve was losing his mind. He loved Dustin Henderson as if he were his little brother, but he might just strangle him at this very moment. First, he would not stop talking about Eddie ‘the freak’ Munson and now he won’t shut up about the substitute they had to bring into their little nerd club to play their little nerd game.
“… she’s just so cool! She had no idea how to play, Mike and I gave her a quick lesson before the session and then she goes and lands a crit hit on the most powerful dark wizard of all time!” Dustin was so impressed he couldn’t see that Steve wasn’t even really paying attention anymore, choosing to stack the new releases in alphabetical order instead. “She’s so pretty too” Dustin sighed “and nice.”
“Is Dustin still talking about that girl he forced to play Dungeons and Dragons?” In walked Robin from the back room. She sat down behind the counter. “Hasn’t stopped.” Were the first words Steve had said in the last twelve minutes.
“I did not force her!”
Dustin had found you sitting alone at the very back of the library whilst writing an essay for your English class. You were one of the maybe four students that were in there. Most of your peers excited for the basketball game that day after school. Dustin had realized he had seen you before and almost all the times he had seen you, you were alone. The boy figured asking you would be a win-win; this way you could maybe gain some more friends and he wouldn’t have to die. He rushed towards you, rambling about hellfire and getting his ass kicked by Eddie before he knew it you were agreeing to help. In all honesty, it wasn’t very easy for you to agree. Your stomach twisting at the thought of being in a room full of people you didn’t know but saying no to this boy somehow seemed worse; like killing a unicorn or something.
After agreeing, Mike and Dustin sat with you in the library and helped you create a character sheet, explaining the basics of DND in the short period of time before the session. You were never really expecting to have fun. In fact, you were fully expecting for your character to die immediately. When she didn’t you started to pay more attention. The excitement around you fueling your own. It was nice to be a part of something, surrounded by people that loved something so much made you feel warm and happy. You had never felt so at ease, comfortable doing something out of your comfort zone.
“Yeah? So, cornering (y/n) in the school library the way Steve does every female customer was the ethical thing to do?” Robin said.
“Dude! I don’t corner anyone.” Steve looked up indignantly from the VHS tapes at Robin.
Robin rolled her eyes and continued her scolding. “You know she was gonna say yes, she’s the nicest person I know. I don’t think I’ve ever heard her say the word no.”
Steve was listening to them argue about whether Dustin dragged you to the nerd meeting or not when he heard the door to the video store open. His eyes landed on you walking through the door. The prettiest girl he’s ever seen walking into the fluorescent lit store. Lips parted as you tried catching your breath from the bike ride there. Steve felt like he forgot how to act like a human being, not even being able to execute his usual greeting or offer a charming smile. He watched you look around the store. Pretty eyes scanning until they landed on something behind Steve. You raised your hand to give a small wave. A wave he almost returned had Dustin not spoken up.
“(y/n). hey!” Dustin said as he walked over to the front of the register, right beside Steve. He had his eyes fixed on you, stare unwavering as you made your way toward Dustin and himself. Your eyes flicked over to Steve, acknowledging him with the cutest smile he had ever seen. Steve was never this awestruck by something as simple as a smile but he wished he could tattoo your smile to the inside of his eyelids so he could never forget it.
“Hi (y/n).” Robin was the next person to greet you.
“Hi Robin, I didn’t know you worked here.” He finally heard you speak and Steve never thought a voice could be so sweet.
“You know me, never one to brag.” A small giggle escaped your lips and if he thought your voice was sweet your laugh was like cotton candy; soft and pillowy. He couldn’t help but want to make you laugh for the rest of his life. Robin watched Steve look at you with the dumbest look she’s ever seen on his face, which is saying a lot. She genuinely had to bite back a laugh. “You know the hair, right?” Robin nodded her head towards Steve. That was his queue he had to get rid of the heart eyes and turn on the charm. You looked up at him which is when it finally clicked. He recognized you from his time at Hawkins High. Remembered you walking the halls alone with your head down most of the time. He never thought too much about you back then, which right now he regretted greatly, distracted with his douchebag friends and his relationship with Nancy to ever really notice most people.
“Yeah, I remember Steve.” You nodded your head. “Hello.” The hint of another smile on your lips. He so desperately had to hold himself back from hugging you. He wanted to be close to you, to hold you. Steve really didn’t understand what had gotten over him. Sure, he had liked girls before but being this whipped so immediately was definitely new to him.
“Hi, sweetheart.” He tried licking moisture back onto his lips, but his mouth was dry. He leaned back onto the counter and smiled. Trying his best to be as smooth as possible. He didn’t want to look at Robin or Dustin, mostly because that meant having to look away from you but also because he knew the look on their faces right now would be one of disgust.
The skin on your face started feeling incredibly warm. You had never spoken to Steve when he was in school, to be fair you hadn’t spoken to many people but speaking to King Steve seemed an impossible task. He was like art at the museums you liked to frequent, beautiful but untouchable.  
Dustin removed his gaze from Steve whilst shaking his head and placed it back on you. “What are you doing here?” He asked. Right, you came here for something. What was that something? The brief interaction with Steve was enough to make you slightly lightheaded. You started nipping at the inside of cheek, rummaging through your head.
“Oh, I accidentally took your DND notebook yesterday. It said return if found and then your address was inside, which by the way I think is an awful idea. There are weird people out there, Dustin. You have to be more careful.” Steve and Dustin making eye contact, both thinking about the irony of telling Dustin to be safe. You reached for his notebook inside your messenger bag. “When I got to your house your mom said you might be here.” You took a few steps, offering him his journal. Now close enough to be able to smell Steve’s cologne, your gaze drifted for a second up to his face and he was looking down at you. The second your eyes met, he smiled, making you look away abruptly. He was making you way more nervous than usual. Your hands were getting clammy, and your breath was a little shaky. Steve Harrington was so beautiful. You always knew this but you had never had the honor of being this close to him.
“Dude, this is like the second time you’ve saved my life!” Dustin grabbed the notebook with a wide smile. You let out a small laugh. This kid’s smile was infectious, no matter the situation, if Dustin smiled you smiled. Those are the rules.
“Trying my best.” You closed your bag whilst taking a few steps back. Trying to make some distance between you and Steve, hoping to any God he couldn’t see your shaky hands. “Right. I’ll just get going then.” As the words left your mouth Steve started to panic. He can’t just let you leave. He had only said two words to you. His brain going on over drive trying to think of ways to get you to stay even a little longer. He looked outside at your bike and then at the dark clouds in the sky. It was definitely going to start raining soon.
“Wait!” He said this a little louder than anticipated. He cleared his throat as you turned your head to look at him. He smiled softly as he looks at your eyes again. He thinks he could look at your eyes all day. “You just got here; you should hang around with us. It’s for sure going to start raining soon. I can’t let a pretty girl get caught riding her bike in the rain.” Dustin snickered and Steve elbowed his shoulder immediately to get him to shut up. The taller boy watched as your eyes widened slightly at the use of the word pretty. You were so cute it was driving him crazy.
“Yeah, dingus is right. You should stay, besides tonight’s movie night. You can join us at Steve’s house. We’re gonna pig out on junk and watch horror movies. Steve is going to drive us all home after, he’s our trusty chauffeur.” Steve looked at Robin as she spoke, and he swears he could’ve planted a kiss on her forehead right then and there. Robin looked at him for a second with a small smirk on her face.
You fiddled with the strap of your bag as you thought about it. It would really suck to be caught in the rain, besides this could be fun right? You said yes to DND and that was fun. Doing things you wouldn’t normally do seemed to be working for you so why stop now? Of course, this had nothing to do with the way your heart raced when Steve looked at you or the way you really wanted to be in his presence longer or how pink and shiny his lips looked or how you wondered what his hand would feel like holding your hand.
“I would really like that.” You smiled at Robin and then turned to look at Steve. “If that’s okay with all of you.” This was directed more at Steve than it was to Dustin. There was a moment of silence as Steve stared at your pretty face, a smile adorning his features making him look like a lovesick puppy. It was Dustin’s turn to elbow the idiot to his left. That was enough to break the trance.
“Of course it’s okay with us. Right Dustin?” He glared at the boy that just assaulted him.
Dustin nodded his head. “It’d be an honor to have you at our movie night, (y/n).” Steve reached over to pat his younger friend on the shoulder.
“It’s set then.” He said, more excited for it to reach closing time than he has ever been.
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softtdaisy · 2 years
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DESCRIPTION I when you need a fake-boyfriend to prove your parents wrong, you thought that eddie could be the perfect candidate for this role
PAIRING I eddie munson × fem!reader
A/N I can you tell I'm still obsessed with stranger things? I had this idea during the weekend and couldn't stop thinking about it until I write it. I hope you will enjoy it 🤍 (i'm reposting this because tumblr messed with my original post for some reason???)
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“I need your help, Munson”
“Well, I can tell.”
It was probably the worst idea you ever had. But from the moment your eyes landed on him in the cafeteria, your mind couldn’t focus on anything else. The more the minutes were passing, the more you convinced yourself that was it. Eddie Munson was the man that could shut your parents’ mouth.
So, when he got up and went to the men’s restroom, you followed him and lock up yourself with him in the cubicle. This explained why you were pressed against his chest. Something that didn’t seem to bother him that much compared to you.
Not that you had preconceptions about Eddie, contrary to most of your friends. You couldn’t care less about his reputation or what he’s supposedly doing. You didn’t understand how some people could be so criticizing about what this boy might like when they all have weird passion. But you would rather not say anything, it was your last year of high school. And you didn’t want to ruin everything for a boy you never talked to outside classes.
Until today.
“You’re free on Friday?” You looked up at Eddie. If he already had a smirk on his face, it kept growing when you talked. You knew from the moment you said it how your words could be interpreted. It was a good idea, it was a good idea… You kept repeating yourself. You had to connived yourself that you weren’t making a mistake. Otherwise, you would be run away already.
“You’re asking me on a date? That’s absolutely adorable!” how a man that was rumored to play with the devil could have such cute facial expressions? You hit his arm that he left up to put his hand on his heart, as if your proposition meant the world to him. “No. I need you to meet my parents.” You said, which made him laugh. And you hit his arm again. You needed him to be serious about that.
“Isn’t that a little early in our relationship?”
You were reading to shut him up and explained the situation when you heard the door opening. You immediately panicked and climbed on the toilet seat, putting both your hands on Eddie’s shoulder to maintain yourself up. Why the hell did you chose the restroom? Eddie looked at you before laughing hard at the situation. “Oh, right. What is the cheerleader team going to think if they learn its top cheerleader is hiding here with the Devil’s son?” you hated how you were giving him the perfect opportunity to make fun of you.
“Shut. Up.” You mumbled, skinning your fingers on his shoulders. He grimaced and waited patiently until the last student left the restroom. “So? What do you need me for? I don’t have all day love.” He put his hands on your waist and lifted you up to help you put your feet back on the ground. You ignored the shivers you got when you felt his cold silver rings against the thin fabric of your cheerleader suit. It was almost like Eddie was touching your skin. But you guessed you had to get used to it considering your plan…
“My parents are blaming me for Dean’s infidelity.” you didn’t bother explaining the situation to Eddie. The whole school was talking about your break-up these past weeks. You and Dean were the stereotypical basketball player – cheerleader couple. You were together for a few months until he decided the grass was greener on the other side and cheating on you with your teammate. Typical high school story. “They say I didn’t treat him right and that I will never find anybody else as good as him, bla-bla-bla.”
You rolled your eyes and missed Eddie’s concerned expression. Sure, he wasn’t an expert on how a parents/children relationship was supposed to work but he knew it wasn’t sane for you to be treated like this. What kind of parents consider their cheated daughter to be guilty of her partner seeing elsewhere?
You shared most of your classes with Eddie. He noticed you were kinda off these days but he just assumed it was the whole story playing on your mind. He had no idea you had no rest at home. He could understand why you seemed so tired of life. Like he was.
“I want you to come home with me. They think I won’t ever get another guy like Dean? Good, I don’t want one. I’ll show them I can get whoever I want, either they like or not. I’m not going to date boys they like, I’ll be dating boys I like.” You didn’t know if Eddie heard what you just said. He just crossed his arms around his chest, putting his collar a little downer which gave you glimpse of his tattoo. You wished your ex had tattoos too, it was so hot.
“Fine. I’ll do it.” He simply said before opening the door and leaving you alone. That was not the reaction you excepted. You thought he would made fun of you, asked for something in exchange or whatever. Not…leaving you alone like this? It took you a few seconds to realize what just happened. Eddie agreed to play that silly game.
When you left the restroom, you met some of Dean’s teammate. Of course. “Oh, looks like [y/n] has found someone’s dick to suck.” You lift your middle finger before joining your next class immediately. Maybe you should pretend to be dating Eddie’s here, that would shut their mouth too.
When you told your parents that your new boyfriend was coming on Friday’s night, they laughed. “He probably just wants to taste what his teammate had.” They said. “He must feel pity for you.” They thought. You really had to fight to not say anything about Eddie. They were so ready to see a doppelgänger of Dean, they were going to be surprised.
6:50 p.m. Eddie was going to arrive in any minutes now. You were waiting on the porch to not miss his arrive. You wanted to be sure he didn’t plan on fucking this up. Your head was down while you were playing with your necklace when you heard a car parked in front of your house. And when Eddie got out of it, you knew you made the right choice to ask him out of anybody.
He looked just like he did today in class: with his long sleeves Hellfire Club shirt and his sleeveless jean jacket. You were sad you couldn’t see his tattoos, but you knew Eddie usually rolled his sleeves up. You couldn’t wait for that moment. His hair was absolutely perfect. For a few seconds, you were breathless to see him there, looking like that. No school, nothing, just you two.
Eddie approached and took your hand in his. “Milady,” he said kissing your hand. You rolled your eyes, more from shyness than boredom. “Where are the monsters?” he then asked, still holding your hands. You loved the feelings of his rings against your skin. It felt like Eddie was entering your whole body. And for a second, you imagined how it would be like if he actually did.
“Inside.” You suddenly say, your voice getting higher from the sudden realization you were daydreaming about your fake boyfriend.
From the moment you opened the door and noticed your parents’ expression, you knew it was going to be a long, long evening.
But from the way Eddie pressed your hand, you knew you weren’t alone in this.
Two hours later, you were sitting in your backyard, on your swing seat. This couldn’t have been worse. Your dad kept repeating that Eddie wasn’t worthy of his daughter and even less to be in his house, that it would be the only time this “son of Satan” would be sitting in his living room. Of course, Eddie laughed at this and said that he would say hello to his dad from yours. He laughed less when your dad started saying that it was sad that he was the only type of guy you could ever had since you weren’t capable of keeping good one by your side. When your fake boyfriend defended you, you appreciated it. How ironic it was that the only person showing you love in this house was the boy that you weren’t even dating.
Of course, your mother wasn’t much nicer with him. She had this way of saying thing lower because she was talking to you but loud enough for the whole room to hear. So yes, Eddie did hear all the criticism she made about his look. “His hair is way too long, you’re sure he doesn’t have louses?” no, mom Eddie is taking care of himself, probably even more than you do. “He looks messy, did he wash his clothes?” I think so, mom, why wouldn’t he? And it went on and on all the night to the point you couldn’t take it anymore.
You’ve been sitting alone for a good five minutes when the door opened. You didn’t even bother to look up. Eddie probably left when you did, which was the best decision for his own sanity. It was probably one of your parents coming to tell you how disappointing they were in you choosing such a…right, a loser that’s what they called him earlier.
It wasn’t until he sat next to you that you recognize Eddie’s perfume. “I might be called the devil’s son, that doesn’t mean you had the right to leave him alone in Hell.” You could tell he was joking, but you didn’t have the heart to do so anymore.
You sighed and put your head on his shoulder. “I’m sorry for this. It was a shitty idea. I shouldn’t have brag you into this.” Eddie put his arm around you, and you shivered when he gave you a small kiss on the hair. He’s been so affectionate the whole night, you discovered a new Eddie that you liked more than you thought.
“Nah, it’s ok. It was quite fun to see their expression when we explained how we fell deeply and madly in love with each other.” He was being nice by saying we. He was clearly the one talking for you. He invented a whole story about you that you almost felt for it. You wished it was true.
In only one night, Eddie showed you more affection and interest than Dean ever did in months.
“I know.” You smiled, a little thinking about it. “But still, it wasn’t nice from me to treat you like a toy.” You looked up at him. He had such a peaceful expression, one that was pretty rare. Eddie mostly looked concerned or excited.  Not calm like this.
“I didn’t feel like your toy.” He slowly brought a hand to your face and put a strand of hair behind your ear. “Maybe we can even try to make this real.”
You didn’t know what to say. Did Eddie Munson just asked you to go on a real date with him? Was he sincere? Was this real? He laughed at your expression, even if deep down he was just as stressed as you were by this.
Once again, Eddie was going to stand up and leave you to think about that. It was clearly his thing to put a thought in your head and leave you with it.
But right when he started to sit up, he grabbed your face. He gave you less than a second to understand what was happening before putting his lips on yours. You didn’t except that. Nor did you except his fingers brushing your cheek slowly. Or your hand going on his neck naturally. It felt good. For a few seconds, your life felt peaceful and normal.
When he stopped kissing you, Eddie winked at you. “Your parents were looking.” He whispered. You nodded. Of course, they were, that’s the only reasonable explanation for this.
But after a few steps away, Eddie looked back at you. “And maybe I wanted to convince you that I can be a good real boyfriend, not just a good fake one.”  You rolled your eyes, again.
By dating Eddie, you would probably gain a headache from rolling your eyes that much. But maybe that was the price to pay to feel these wonderful lips on top of yours again.
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follow @softtdaisywords​ to know when new stories are released 🤍
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st4rwon · 1 year
for the 300 event:
glue song x jeongin 💕💕
glue song
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jeongin x reader
contains: lots and lots of fluff, light angst, friends to lovers
word count: 1k
a/n: ty so much for the request, this was extremely fun to write! sorry for how long it took i’ve had a lot going on TT hope you enjoy <33
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you and jeongin have been by each other's sides since you were in diapers. you don’t think you've ever been apart from him; he was always there for you, during your greatest successes and your failures. the two of you had a special bond, something you have never felt and would never feel with anyone else.
though sometimes you wished that wasn’t the case.
you loved jeongin with your entire heart, and you know he did too; the only difference is that your love was romantic while his was platonic. but how could you stop yourself from having feelings for him? he was the funniest, kindest, and most understanding person you had ever met. but you could never dream of doing anything that would harm the friendship you had with him, so you kept your lips shut.
it was a typical friday afternoon. you and jeongin typically went to a cafe together before heading to your favorite local arcade. you both ordered your usual before sitting down at a small table by the window.
"so anything interesting happen this week?" jeongin asked, tapping his fingers on the table while waiting for your drinks to arrive.
"hm nothing much really, just the usual," you answered, trying to recall anything from your week, but the only thing you could think about was the way that the sunlight landed on jeongin’s frame perfectly.
"what about you?" "well you know that one guy i’m partnered with?" you nodded, remembering his complaints to you "well he finally decided to put in some effort towards the project, but i’m still pissed. i mean, he could’ve put some work in during the start." jeongin huffed. "well at least the project is over now, and i doubt your ever gonna see him again" you said, trying to brighten his mood. "yeah you’re right" he replied, smiling back. you always knew how to make jeongin feel better. he thought about the stressful nights where he would rant to you for hours about how upset he was, but you were always there to comfort him through it all. though you weren’t aware of it, jeongin loved you the same way you did. he had been in love with you for a while, but he only realized it recently.
the worker placed the drinks on the table, snapping jeongin out of his thoughts. he said a quick thank you to the server, pulled your drink towards him, and took a sip. "i still don’t get why you buy this drink; it tastes gross" you giggled at the look of disgust on the boy’s face. "then why do you have to take a sip every time i get it?" "i don’t know, maybe one day it’ll taste good" he answered, but he knew that the words that were coming out of his mouth were false, jeongin knew that the only reason he would even put that concoction drink near his mouth was because he loved to see the smile on your face, followed by the laughs about the expression he made.
after finishing your drinks, the two of you headed to the arcade, which was conveniently just a 3 minute walk away.
once you got there, you got a card and started playing. first,  you started with basketball (where you brutally defeated jeongin), followed by some space invaders.
"jeongin what are you doing? THERE IS ONE AT THE BOTTOM!" you said, frantically trying to kill it, but it was too late. "funny how we’ve been trying to do this for years but have never been able to beat this level" jeongin chuckled.
though the communication between the two of you was great, two-player games were never something you could both do together.
you took turns picking out games to play until both of you wanted to take a break, so you both found a table to sit at.
you thought about all the days you had spent here, it brought you so much joy. "kinda random, but i really enjoy spending time with you" you said, looking up at jeongin, he moved his hands across the table, placing them over yours. "i do too, even if you suck at games" he replied, earning him a playful slap on the side. "though in all honesty, i don’t know what i would do without you, without us. what we have is really special to me" he said, making your cheeks hurt from smiling so much.
"gosh i love you so much innie" it took him a minute to process your words, there’s no way you meant it in the way he hoped you did.
"do you love me the way i love you?" he mumbled, "what?" you questioned. did you hear that right? "oh uh, never mind" he dismissed "jeongin, do you like me?" you said, tilting your head a bit, "yeah… i do. but if you don’t reciprocate my feelings that fine, i’m sorry if i ruined our relationship-" "innie shut up for two seconds" his eyes opened wide "i like you too stupid, clearly we were both too dumb to see it" you laughed as he shoved you
"you made me so scared" he frowned, you got up from your seat and walked around the table over to him, slowly moving your face towards him before finally placing your lips over his. the kiss was short but sweet, you pulled away and saw the grin on jeongin’s face, "that make you feel better?" you questioned teasingly, "hmm i don’t know" he pondered "i think your gonna have to do it again" jeongin smirked "already hooked on my kisses?" "i missed out on years of kisses, you’re gonna have to make it up now" you giggled at his response, "we’re literally in public you baby, i’ll give you kisses some other time" but before you could pull him to get up so you could both play some more games, jeongin turned you towards him and cupped your face, giving you a small peck before getting up to go find some games to play. "ooh this one looks fun!" he pointed out, still wearing a smirk on his face. you laughed and headed over to where he was.
if you were to be stuck with anyone, you would always choose jeongin.
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please don’t spam like posts, repost, translate, or use my work without my permission. all work is fictional and only used for entertainment purposes. © azurez 2023
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latelyanobsession · 2 years
Phantom Driver
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summary the hawkins high tigers have lost the ‘85 basketball championship game and billy is not the most gracious of losers. all talk at an after game party, he may have pissed off the wrong people. suspicions run high when he finds your car run off the road two nights later…
warnings angst, billy shooting his mouth off..., use of a derogatory term, mah good man steve, billy being an unhinged gremlin, abduction, violence, fight scene, the tiniest bit of fluff
word count 2,773
note this is in fulfillment of a reader’s request. but i also heavily leaned into a college story that my mother once told me, because the more i kept reading over the request the more it made me think of some of the elements in her college story.... i had too much fun with this. the prompt - “Hi friend!!  Could I request something where the reader is supposed to meet up with Billy Hargrove (they're in a relationship) but she doesn't ever show up so he asks to use the diner phone (or wherever would have a phone, up to you) and calls her house to see what happened but her parent (preferably the dad) says she left a while ago. So he gets back in his car and drives the route she would've had to take to get there and he finds her car crashed and totaled on the side of the road.  Up to you how it goes from there.  Sorry it's kind of long but ty!!”
As always any feedback is much appreciated. Thanks for reading!
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He knocked back another drink, the music thrumming in the background as the teens around him partied.
Lighting up a cigarette, he impatiently snapped the lighter shut.
“Hey man...” a broad shouldered boy said, walking up and offering his hand.
“That was a good game.”
Billy didn’t take it. Instead taking a long pull from his cig and slowly exhaling out smoke in the boy’s face.
“You too...” Billy said with false civility, a tight-lipped smile on his face.
Tonight had been the ‘85 Championship game. It was make or break. The Tigers had been so damn close...
In the last two minutes of the final quarter, the Tigers were up by 15. Only to have Eric, Tiger number 30, deliver a set of free throws on a silver platter to the Arcana Bobcats. 
There went 4 points.
It was all downhill from there. Billy screaming at his teammate, ready to smack him upside the head.
Another foul to the Tigers for traveling. A missed three-pointer, stolen.
A slam dunk, two more steals, and a buzzer beater later.... The Indiana 3A Athletics Conference had a new champ. 
And it wasn’t the Tigers.
It had been at least a couple hours since the blow had been dealt and he was still seething.
Hanging back along the edges of the interschool mixer being held at some yuppy’s house in the town to celebrate, Billy was licking his wounds.
“Hey bro...” the kid coughed, waving through the smoke, “the fuck is your damage?”
Billy smiled darkly, his tongue darting out to play.
A hand clamped down sharply on his shoulder, reigning him in.
“Hey. He means nothin’ by it.” Steve Harrington answered, stepping up to defuse the situation.
“Get yer paws offa me Harrington”, Billy said dangerously, trying to shrug out of his teammate’s hold.
Rounding on him, Steve looked him dead on. “Don’t go starting trouble....”
Billy huffed out an amused laugh.
“Why? They’re jus’ a bunch of stupid townies!” he said rather loud and boldly.
People’s heads were turning in their direction. The captain of Arcana’s team cocked his head threateningly in their direction.
“What’d you just say, worm?!” he smashed his beer bottle to the concrete.
Billy’s eyes were lighting up in wicked delight, Steve jumping in between as more of the Tigers came out of the woodwork to intervene.
The Arcana boys were rolling up their sleeves.
“I think you’ve just outstayed your welcome.” the captain stated menacingly.
Billy held his ground as Steve and another teammate tugged at him futilely.
“Billy...” Steve pled, his voice dropping just above a whisper, “you think Y/N is gonna be happy to get wind of this?”
Billy’s expression softened for a fraction of a second, locking eyes with Steve. Narrowing, before fixing back on the rival team.
He shrugged nonchalantly. 
“Whatever. I’ve seen enough of this shit-hole town ta last me...” he took one last puff, flicking his cigarette. Hitting the Arcana captain square in the chest with it.
The Bobcats scrambling to hold their leader back as Billy smugly shoved his hands in his pockets, walking off with the Tigers.
“This isn’t over punk!” he yelled, Billy waving him off.
“Come out with me tonight...” Billy breathed, pulling you flush to his chest. Prying you away from your locker.
“I can’t”, you giggled, burying an elbow in his ribs, “...it’s a school night.”
“You missed my game...” he added pointedly, sending heavy lidded puppy-eyes in your direction.
Turning in his hold, you sighed. “Billy that is not fair...” you had been away at your own debate tournament a couple nights ago.
If you hadn’t, you would have been there, like always. In the front row.
He leaned in closer. “C’mon, we can head up Route 26 to that little spot you like...” his lips ghosting over your neck up to your ear.
“And then maybe that spot I like....?” he growled, fingers dancing up your hips.
Heat was settling into your face. You swatted him playfully.
“Alright fine.” you rolled your eyes, “just lemme clear it with the ‘rents.”
A triumphant smile swelled his features, bolstering his ego.
He quickly ducked in to steal a kiss before the bell rang.
“I’ll call you when I get home!” you called after him.
He winked, pursing his lips in a mock kiss, walking into his next class.
You shook your head, heading in your own direction.
You were excited, and would tell your parents anything to get out of the house tonight if you had to.
Your spot all started with a small diner 25 miles east of town, that Billy had dragged you to on a long drive one Sunday afternoon.
The place looked horrendous. Like something you’d immediately catch an illness from just by entering the premises. 
An absolute dive. But the food was amazing.
On your way back into town that night you had convinced Billy to take a sharp right down a blind utility road to go see the stars, paired with a bit of stargazing in the backseat...
To both your surprise, you had found an untouched freshwater creek framed with trees and a breathtaking view of the night sky.
This. This was your spot.
“I’ll meet you there...” you smiled over the phone.
“Ya just want me to pick up yer usual?” he asked.
“Mhmm,” you nodded, “Oh. And Billy?”
“You won’t be needing your trunks...” you flirted. 
A low moan rumbled through the line.
“Yer killin’ me baby.” he rasped.
You giggled. “I’m heading out. See ya soon.”
You both said your goodbyes and hung up.
Packing up your bag you grabbed a set of towels from the hall linen closet, heading into your bedroom.
Habitually you threw open your top dresser drawer to grab your swimsuit. But reminded yourself.
I won’t be needing it tonight.
You shut the drawer, grabbing a few more items before heading downstairs.
“Mom, Dad! I’m headin’ out!” you shouted over your shoulder, opening the front door, keys in hand.
“Home by 9!” your father called.
“2!” you yelled playfully.
“Midnight!” he stuck his head around the kitchen wall. He pointed two fingers to his eyes and back at you.
“No later kiddo.”
You smiled. “Right!” Shutting the door and heading to your car.
Flicking his wrist, Billy looked at his watch. It had been nearly an hour and a half.
Waiting in the diner parking lot, he burned his way through a couple cigarettes as he waited on you to show.
His brow furrowed as he plucked the Marlboro from his lips, exhaling.
You should have been here by now.
Tossing down his smoke, he ground it out heading back inside.
Leaning over the counter he smiled sweetly at the older waitress.
“Hey Donna...” he drawled, “Ya gotta phone I can use?”
“Payphone’s round back sweetie” she spoke in a gravelly tone, a thumb over her shoulder.
“Thanks.” he tapped the counter.
Picking up the handset, he slipped some change into the machine and dialed your home phone.
It rang a couple of times before it was picked up, “Y/L/N residence.” your father answered.
“Hey Mr. Y/L/N, it’s Billy... is Y/N still there?” he inquired.
“Hello Billy my boy! How’s it goin’?” the warmth in your father’s tone apparent.
“-’M fine. She there?”
“No. No... she left to go to that restaurant you guys like a fair bit ago...” he sniffed, scratching his mustache in thought.
“Is anything wrong Billy?” your father pressed.
A pause. 
“No. I don’t think so... she’s probably just stopped to pick up a movie or somethin’...” Billy reasoned.
“Alright Billy... you let me know if anything’s goin’ on. You kids keep outta trouble now. Have a good’un.” Your father hung up.
He hung up the receiver, his nerves clawing at his insides.
Where were you?
Maybe you had headed out to the creek ahead of him?
Sliding into the driver’s seat, he started the engine, turning up the headlights.
Anxiety was buzzing through him, his fingertips tingling.
You had to be at the creek.
Pulling onto the highway he headed back in that direction.
About five miles down the road he hit the brakes. Putting the camaro into reverse.
A deep black set of skidmarks were burned into the blacktop, veering to the right off the road and into a thicket of woods.
A heavy chill ran up the length of his spine as he stopped the car and quieted the engine.
There was debris strewn all over the road. Shards of orange plastic from a busted out tail light. Fractured pieces of a bumper. Autoglass glittering in the dark.
His eyes followed the scene with trepidation.
Looking to deep gauges in the dirt picking up where the road met the shoulder.
There was a light down in the brush, a loud spitting noise rising up from below.
He rushed towards it. Panic whipping his thoughts into a frenzy.
It was your car. 
The steel blue ‘80 Chevy Chevette crashed against a large oak.
The radiator hissing angrily, steam pouring out in front of the headlights.
The windshield was smashed, and the airbags had deployed. Blood smeared across the fabric on the steering wheel. 
You were bleeding.
Billy cried out your name wildly. The distress heavy in his voice, as he searched the wreckage.
The driver’s door had been pried open. The seat belt dangling loose out the door. There were heavy drag marks in the grass.
One of your shoes sat alone, a few feet from the crash. Your favorite zip-up hoodie torn and thrown by the wayside.
“Y/N?!” he called out, his chest felt heavy and fit to burst.
Where were you?
Picking up your things and grabbing your bag out of the trunk, Billy hurried back to the camaro.
His eyes darting across the empty road in a panic.
Then it clicked.
“This isn’t over punk!”... the words burst through his head like a white hot streak of lightning.
It was the only thing that made sense.
In this collection of small towns where everybody knew everything about everyone... 
Why else would there be any other explanation for you to be run off the road and dragged from your car?
He licked his lips nervously, hands white-knuckling the wheel.
He turned the key, the engine roaring to life. Foot flat to the accelerator as he whipped the camaro around heading north to Arcana High.
A pair of large hands gruffly shoved you into a chair.
You tried to rise up only to be pinned down. Another body binding your wrists behind you. Taping your legs to the chair.
A tall boy with cold blue eyes moved in front of you.
“Wasn’t riding in a trunk enough for ya to get tha picture?” he snarled, directing two other boys to make sure you were fastened down tight.
You spat on him, chest heaving in anger.
Looking at his shirt where it landed, he raised an eyebrow, smiling darkly.
“I see why he likes you...” he grabbed your face cruelly.
“Now listen up and listen good, buttercup.” his grip tightening, making your jaw ache.
“Prince Charming is gonna come runnin’ for ya...” he wrenched your face close, “and when he does... We’ve got a lil’ surprise for him.”
“But until then...” he waved his friends in closer, “lets hear what kind of pretty noises that mouth can make.”
Without warning he sunk his fist into your stomach.
A large guttural cry falling from your lips.
“Whoo!” he proclaimed in wild excitement.
“Might just have to steal you away after this...” he taunted.
He brought down another blow, causing you to scream. Tears rolling down your cheeks, as his friends watched in glee.
Flying into the rival school parking lot, the camaro came to a screeching halt.
There was only one other car there.
The lights were on in the gym.
Rushing from the car, Billy ran towards it. Not considering how much danger he himself might be in.
He was scared. Angry. Furious. And terrified.
That something horrible had happened to you all because of him. What if this time he couldn’t fix it?
He didn’t want to think about that.
He picked up his pace, tearing open the doors and dashing inside.
He stopped short, his breath catching in his throat.
There you were in the center of the court. Bound up with duct tape, blood staining your clothes. Your body slumped over. You were passed out.
Billy yelled your name, about to run to you when his steps faltered.
Hands wrapped around his arms, throwing him to the ground, knocking the wind from his lungs.
Blue eyes grabbed Billy by the shirt and shoving him against the folded bleachers.
“Hello worm.” 
Billy struggled against his hold, his feet scraping to touch the floor.
“What did you do to her?!” Billy roared, thrashing about.
“Nothin’.... “ the captain of the Bobcats tutted, “compared with what I’m about to do to you.”
He cold-cocked Billy straight to the face, dropping his grip to wind back for another.
Finding his feet, Billy wrapped himself around the boy’s torso and shoved with all his might, knocking him off balance.
Throwing a quick set of jabs, Billy sent him reeling on his heels, as the boy shook his head, bringing up his fists to correct.
The boy swung, hitting Billy square in the chest. As Billy heaved, gritting his teeth he wound his fists tight in the boy’s shirt. 
Tilting his head back, Billy rammed forward. Headbutting him. Sending his opponent to the floor.
“That bastard’s crazy!” one of his lackeys shouted.
Billy let out a feral cry, the anger and excitement coming to a deadly head.
Winding his grip around the boy’s shoulders he lifted him only to slam him back to the floor. The captain’s blue eyes shooting wide in surprise, blooding sputtering from his mouth.
Tilting him up by the collar, Billy dropped his shoulder back. His fist clenched in a final coup de grace, when a soft sound broke his concentration.
“Billy don’t.” 
His grip wavered. The Bobcats captain sliding to the floor with a heavy thud.
Looking up he saw your tear-stained face watching him. Your whole frame shaking, straining against your bonds.
“Billy please....” you pleaded, “it’s not worth it.”
He ran to you. 
“Hey! Hey!.... Ya okay?! Baby talk ta me?!” he begged, cupping your face in his hands.
Your face was bloodied. 
You had a long gash above your right eyebrow from the car wreck, a bloodied nose, and a fat lip. Deep bruises were blooming across your cheek and jawline.
And those were just the things he could see. The rage was boiling up again.
“I’m okay.” you smiled weakly.
“He’s dead!” Billy declared turning on his heels at your protests only to hear a pair of clicks.
“Hey man...” one of the friends was nervously approaching their captain, “this ain’t worth that kinda trouble.”
The captain raised the revolver level with Billy’s chest, pulling back the hammer.
Another click.
He threw up a hand, warding them off.
“No! No!... This worm needs to learn some respect!” he spat, fingering the trigger.
Billy stood stalk still. His eyes darting from the gun to you.
How could he have ever let something like this happen to you?
“Davis. C’mon man. Put that thing away. Let’s just go home....” the second friend implored.
The Bobcats captain. Davis. Looked to his friends. Then he looked to you and Billy.
The gun went off.
The shot echoing deafeningly in the empty gym.
Billy jolted at the sound thinking for sure that he’d been hit.
You screamed, watching him fold to the floor thinking the worst possible thing had happened.
Davis looked horrified. His arm going limp, as his friends rushed him.
“We have to get outta here!” they insisted, “Davis! We gotta go!”
He continued to stand there for a moment watching it unfold, before tucking the gun in his pants. Running out the door with his friends.
You were sobbing uncontrollably, fighting feverishly against your bindings, finally pulling a hand free.
Ripping loose, you collapsed next to Billy.
“You dumb idiot!” you wept.
He rolled over, blinking at you with wide eyes.
“Baby I’m fine.” he pulled up his shirt, “Nothin...”
Davis had fired blanks at you.
“You dumb. Idiot!” you raged, wrapping your arms around him.
He laughed, pulling you into his lap.
“Does that mean you love me?” he wondered, tucking a hair behind your ear.
Big crocodile tears were rolling down your cheeks.
“Yes” you sniffled, “Don’t push it!”
He pulled you in for a soft kiss.
“I won’t.” he smiled.
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nyanloane · 5 months
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Nacho!! ★
I remade his ref 2 days ago! My goober evolved so much :-)
More info about him below ↴
Nicknames / Referred as : Chips boy, Cheesy superhero, Chipster
Gender : Male
Age range : 20s
Birthday : March 9th
🇫🇷 headcanon voice : Ramzy Bedia (Rapido from Ratz)
Nacho is the delivery guy of Peppino and the main rival of The Noise.
He is a playful, energized dude, generally outgoing and kind, probably the most fun person you’ll ever meet!
He goes super fast with his rollers and might act as a superhero sometimes, he also looks like one too ☆.
He is generally nice, and frank; he is not the type to lie (unless it would be for his own safety…). He still likes being provoking, teasing others, especially towards his enemies, he doesn’t waste the eventual fun!
He is also used to often drink orange juice, like, a lot of it. might be the reason why he is so energized heh?
And because of how energized he is, he can’t stay still for a second! (or at least it’s pretty hard).
Our dear hero isn't only able to make deliveries for Peppino, but also a pretty good dancer, (maybe even singer?? ✨)! He usually moves a lot and would usually twist a lot if he does a pre-existing dance, he puts his own touch into it! He seems to share some in common with the Italian man too ★.
Not only that, he is pretty good at playing basketball or any kind of sports in general. This helped him to make more precise shots if he had to throw something that requires that (on an enemy for example). It seems Nacho also has a good strength, he can lift pretty heavy things! (Even Peppino, crazy right-)
The Chipster is also used of doing pretty acrobatic moves while running, it can be pretty impressive to see him jumping around everywhere…
Outside of work, Nacho likes to spend time playing videogames, or going to arcades, it's more fun with friends! he would probably beat you on DDR haha
He also enjoys going to the cinema, always with some popcorn ☆.
Nacho is also mostly a joyful guy, filled with joy and excitement ★. He is always hyper-vitamined, cannot take a break and needs to move and do something constantly! No wonder why he gathered multiple skills and hobbies to stretch that endless stamina he contains.
Nonetheless, he can still sometimes be moody due to being upset or too tired (if he didn’t sleep well for example). In this state he wouldn’t like things he would usually do...
Nacho also likes having some attention or just showing off in general ☆. He is flexing!!
He takes a lot of care about his appearance (hair included), he is a superhero after all!
It's not hard to flatter him and he would appreciate compliments and support quite a lot ☆.
Nacho also does not really care much about money, he is even the opposite of greedy : he loves gifting, sharing to others despite not being *extremely* rich, a generous lad! ★
And just like most superheroes, no one knows what Nacho looks like without his mask nor his true identity (is Nacho his real name??).
He said that he decided to look like this to make him look "swag and mysterious".
Nacho also likes to dress differently from time to time, but he will remain keeping his mask and sometimes his gloves too while doing so.
⚡️Relations with…
💢 The Noise
Nacho and him are main rivals. They hate each other, and cannot stand each other for a minute. They would usually fight a lot, but they sometimes enjoy themselves on rare occasions, even helping the other at times but it’s not common.
It seems they know each other before the events of Pizza Tower.
Nacho doesn’t entirely hate him, but The Noise is not in the same way and wants him gone...
💖 Noisette
Him and Noisette are good friends! They share quite a lot in common, sharing the same interests like stuff with wheels ☆.
He sometimes likes to help her out with her café just to give his help.
We could see them as besties! But this friendship doesn’t make The Noise really happy about it as you may have guessed… He can be jealous, and even feel humiliated seeing his rival hanging out with his girlfriend.
Nacho sometimes needs to be sneaky while trying to chat with Noisette, her boyfriend always has an eye on him.
He also always gives a tip whenever he comes to see her!
🍝 Peppino
Speaking of his relation with Peppino, they're on good terms, and could even consider them as good pals now.
He first met him by hearing Peppino needing some help with his pizzeria, and Nacho took the opportunity to be his delivery man. At that time Peppino wasn’t really benefiting that much, but Nacho insisted on being hired him. Seems like he wasn’t really looking for money for this job. Peppino was pretty skeptical at first, not knowing Nacho at all but ended up accepting.
As time passed, Nacho was able to impress the Italian man by showing how fast he was with his job, always asking when the next order is coming! He is very motivated. After after a while, Nacho could gain some money with tips, and since he is fast for delivering the boxes, people were usually generous with him, wanted to see him delivering them!
Though, I wonder if one of them got unsatisfied with the order to come too fast heh…
When they are off work, they sometimes spend time together to have fun ☆.
⭐️ Vigilante
They're both good cheesy friendos. Despite not spending a lot of time together, they still enjoy the time they spend when they do!
🍕 Pizzaface
(If they ever encounter)
Nacho and him are both true enemies. They both despise each other a lot, but they somehow can be cool but only in a comical way.
Pizzaface would messes a lot if Nacho was seen in the tower, Nacho does not hesitate a second to mock him or make him look like a fool!
Pizzaface doesn't want to deal with another speedy guy after all, and even more annoying.
⚙️ Nabot
Nacho and them are meant to be enemies. Nacho personally has nothing against Nabot but sees them more as a goofy robot who wants to defeat him. He is not worried about it though, he even takes it easy and prefers to tease them ☆.
❤️ Pepperoncino
Nacho only met him once. All he knows about Pepper' is that he was Peppino's mentor and that he is "a nice pizza".
⚡️Likes :
Reading comics, watching movies & cartoons, collecting things he finds ‘cool’
He is very passionate about superheroes, he would discuss about them for countless hours
Helping others and giving things
Orange juice, one brand in particular 🍊
Mint flavor!
The color orange 🟠 obviously it's his fav color haha
Being complimented ✨
Dancing, music that kicks and is funky!! ♪
Playing videogames
Noisette, they're besties :)
He can be a sweet tooth at times 🍭
Ice creams, especially banana split and Sunday :p
Butterscotch popcorn 🍿
⚡️Dislikes :
The Noise >:( (grrr)
Being bothered when he is moody
Overly complicated things : can be either discussion or instructions. He would end up not caring listening
The color green 🟢, especially on him
Whenever we mess with their friends
Anything that is ‘dirty’
⚡️Fun & Facts :
Nacho is very expressive even though he would usually put his "serious face" by default
He can speak Spanish, but it not confirmed he has any kind of latino nationality
It sometimes happens that he can become drunk by drinking too much orange juice (based on a true story)
It is said that he may have wanted to be a delivery man to have some visibility this way…
He is bad at math.
He is very secured about his secret identity that the only way to see his true self would be after wedding (if it ever happens) "You might see my face after our wedding."
Nacho doesn't mind crossdressing!
His design was first inspired by the supervillain Electro (Marvel), one of his powers he can obtain is also taken from this character!
The main inspirations for Nacho are : Bugs Bunny, Superheroes (like Batman), Sonic, Rapido (from Ratz), ROBIN IS A COINCIDENCE
His english voice would be similar to Sonic.
Copy pasta from his TH profile.
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itstimetodrew · 7 months
Deep dive into a very minor, very niche Spider-Man topic time!
The subject…WHO IS THAT WOMAN??? 🤨
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It’s not crucial to the plot, and it’s not a mind-blowing theory, I just like gathering up little background details and connecting them. :)
DISCLAIMER: While obviously the Spider-Man movies are inspired by and based on the comics, I treat the movies as their own thing because tbh...I am not reading all that. It’s Movie Universe Time!
So indeed the 2002 Spider-Man movie does have a lot of cool tidbits that give extra information on characters. Sometimes it’s very subtle, sometimes it’s more overt! So we begin our journey to discover the Mystery Woman here:
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95% of the words are actual Character Lore(!), with only the last paragraph copy-pasted, but Today's Focus is one particular section at the bottom of the 2nd column:
"His personal life has not been nearly as successful as his business life. Married only once, to the artist Caroline Mulder, he was divorced after ten years of what was said to have been a singularly strained and unhappy [...]"
3 whole pieces of Mystery Woman information! Her name is Caroline Mulder, an artist ("the artist" implies she's well-known at least in NYC), and they were married for 10 years before divorcing. That gives the portraits in the mansion more context, very likely that Caroline painted them.
Caroline’s impact on the story is also stated by an executive producer in a behind the scenes book when discussing how characters are developed:
"Here's a man raising his son alone—there must be a tragic story with his wife. She must have left him! Does Harry remind him of her? Does he love his boy or hate him?"
Harry does have an interest in art like his mom. In Spider-Man 3 we see him painting a still life in his spare time, after post-traumatic amnesia ironically leaves him happier than ever before. He's forgotten many details of the negative things in his life and instead enjoys reliving childhood activities and memories. It's possible painting was a passion of his when he was younger, similar to how he discusses writing a play for MJ and playing basketball with Peter during high school, but gradually became disconnected from or was pressured to drop.
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Knowing the marriage lasted for 10 years helps narrow down a few things, like that the divorce probably wasn't recent. But that’s assuming he was born during the time they were married, meaning Harry could have been 10 at most. Whether Caroline is still alive also isn't clear-cut...in the movie, at least. In the novelization for the 3rd movie, Peter confirms Harry is an orphan after Norman dies. The novelizations and movie details don't always line up 1:1, so it's left open imo. I feel like the paper would have mentioned her passing if she had died but...choose your own route of angst! (And wow would that add a whole new layer of awful to Norman’s misogynistic “advice” about women to Harry if he’s shit-talking his dead ex-wife.)
If Caroline is alive that opens a new batch of questions about where she went. Do they have any sort of shared custody situation? Doubtful, as Caroline seems to be totally cut out of the picture and only exists in the story via possessions. But if the marriage ended bitterly, and some years ago, why is her art and her collections present at all? Her portrait makes sense to keep, as it's revealed in the sequel to be the cover for a hidden safe.
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(That's another fun symbol, hiding treasures behind a loved one's image. A place for safety and precious things, hidden from public view.) Other pieces of art seen around the house raise more questions about sentimentality. If Norman hated any reminder of his ex-wife, why keep her work? Why keep it for so long and have it displayed prominently?
I will not let this derail into A Norman Post (it would not end I could not stop) SO my personal take is that it’s probably a mixture of some longing for the past, but mostly spite. Keeping the art is a reminder that while he lost her, he also won. What was hers is now his (son included). Which may factor into why we don’t see Caroline involved with the family at all. Either she didn’t want to be, or she was prevented from doing so. Honestly it would not be surprising to cut all ties, as I do not think many would want to test their luck in a legal battle against a vindictive person who holds a massive amount of money and potential life-ruining influence.
I could also talk about Harry forever but in short I think these details make him more interesting. It's another angle as to why he seems so conflicted and avoidant about family issues, to the point he physically distances himself from them whenever possible. He might have had a strong connection with his mother, but it likely wasn't something he could talk about without Norman taking it as a personal betrayal. Still, he's surrounded by memories of her and keeps his own mementos nearby.
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^ There's a photo of her in the apartment he and Peter share, the same image as the portrait (on the middle shelf to the left 🔍). Interestingly, like the portraits, the photos of his parents are kept apart. But here his mom is given more focus on a higher shelf.
Despite the work that went into backstory creation, multiple photographs, and a painted portrait, I haven’t been able to find who "played" the role of Caroline. It would be neat! But it’s also just cool to see how background details offer glimpses of a larger story if you want to look for them. :)
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pixeldistractions · 27 days
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After his climbing for the day, Jordan went to his favorite spot to take a rest. It wasn’t the first time he’d sat here so quiet and still beneath this tree that people didn’t even notice him. It was especially awkward when couples started making out in the nearby hot springs, and he just had to sit through it because it would be even more awkward to get up and leave.
But Jordan didn’t hold that against them. Everybody had to live a little.
This time, it was just Jack. “Wow, what a view. Oh, hey, Jordan! Can I join?”
“Sure,” Jordan said.
Jack seemed like a decent guy, so it wasn’t fair to hold his talents against him. It only just occurred to Jordan that a healthier choice might be to ditch the jealousy altogether and ask for some pointers.
The two of them had quite a lot in common. Jack had two boys and a little girl. He loved being in nature and he was the leader for his kids’ scouting group. He played basketball in high school. He was decent at it, but definitely not good enough to go pro. He’d tried plenty of sports in his life, but he never guessed that this one would be his true calling. Rock climbing? Who would have thought?
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“Man, you gotta tell me how you climb like that,” Jordan said.
“Oh. Well, my dad, I guess,” Jack said. “He was a climber. Or, he wanted to be. He had all these books and he was always watching videos about it. I’ll bring the books in next time, you can borrow them. It was all he ever talked about. He climbed some in gyms, but he never got to do this.”
“Sorry for your loss,” Jordan said. “Uh, your wife told me. Maybe I wasn’t supposed to know.”
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Jack nodded, not surprised. “It’s okay. Everyone knew him around here, everyone knows. It’s why I’m here, really. One of the last things he said to me was, ‘Do what really matters. Do it now, not later. You never know when your time will run out.’ Not that I’m dying or anything. But I guess that’s the point. You never know.”
“That sounds wise. I can’t remember the last thing my dad said to me,” Jordan said. It had been years, almost a decade now, but sometimes, in the most random of moments, the loss hit him fresh. “Sorry, that was too heavy.”
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“No, it’s alright,” Jack said. “How long ago?”
“Almost seven years.”
“Damn, you were just a kid. That’s too soon.”
Put that way, it hit harder. Jordan hadn’t thought of himself as a kid when it happened, but all these years later, he could see how fresh and hopeless he had been then. Still was, maybe. He sure wasn’t done with his dad when he passed. He needed so much more.
“But it’s never long enough,” Jack added. “I’m lucky I had my dad for as long as I did, but it’s never long enough. You can borrow my dad’s wisdom if you want.”
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“Thanks. I’ll keep it in mind,” Jordan said. “So you’re probably going to summit in January?”
“Ha, that would be fun. But no. Nessa said no.”
“She did? Why?”
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“She doesn’t trust it. She thinks it’s beginner’s luck, better safe than sorry. Fair enough, I don’t need to rush and leave my wife a widow and my kids without a dad. Right?”
“Yeah, for sure,” Jordan agreed.
“I’ll summit next year with you.”
“But I’m still going on the trip this winter, to support the team. I’m bringing the family, taking the kids sledding in Japan. Are you coming?”
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“My kids would love that, but that’s a little rich for me right now. I need to put my deposit towards the spring training session. Next year for sure. I’ll start saving now, take my kids sledding in Japan. Sounds wild.”
Colette wouldn’t even let the boys come to Nevada; what were the chances she’d ever let him take them to Japan? It seemed so far out of reach. But maybe. He wanted to believe.
“Who’s got the meat?!” Tyler whooped from the picnic area, so loud the whole park probably heard it. The air smelled of chargrilled burger and sounded like community.
“Better go grab those burgers before they’re gone,” Jack said, so the two of them got up and rejoined their team.
— from “boxes and squares #4.3: then fall in love” (2/5)
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thenhlteaissuperhot · 11 months
Karel Vejmelka interview - "Coming out is still taboo in ice hockey."
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Three weeks ago, Karel Vejmelka - the number one goalie of the Arizona Coyotes - did an interview in Czech and I thought that some of the stuff he said there was interesting or funny enough to deserve to be translated and put out on here:
How popular is ice hockey in Arizona? Is it the sport number one there?
Oh, absolutely not. Not many people come to the games, it's like the fifth or sixth most popular sport there. The first is of course baseball, American football, basketball... No one really wants to come to an ice rink. Unfortunately, hockey hasn't found its place there. People have a different mentality. ...In every sport in the US, you see fans who are binge-eating hotdogs, fries and not really watching the game. Sports are a show for them, people go there to have fun not to watch the sport itself. It is actually funny to watch them sometimes when I am not just playing, look into the stands and see what they are doing there, you know, pizza falling under their legs and so on. After the game it is always an absolute mess in the stands.
What about some entry rituals when you come there (to Arizona) as the new guy, do you have to do something, some task or challenge?
We had karaoke there, you had to pick a song to sing and it was funny because we were just going from the teambuilding in a coach and I had to go to the front of it where the microphone was and sing a song. I chose Sweet Caroline and said to myself that it is the smallest evil. But the boys helped me, they sang along, though I still had to suffer through it.
Do you pay some fines, for late arrivals, first zero in the net?
Yes, we do. We have a price list for the different fines. I paid 1000 dollars for the first zero, that was the biggest so far. I told them back then that they should be the one paying me for catching all the shots. It accumulates over time for the big end-of-the-season dinner.
You have been in the net several times when the team played against Connor McDavid (Edmonton), is he for you as a goalie something unique?
He is unique in a way that you can't guess what he's gonna do. In the case of some other players, I more or less assume where are they going to shoot or skate, but in Connor's case, you can't guess anything because he is so fast and has such skilled hands that he always does something different. He is on a completely different level than everyone else.
Can you smoke as players, do chewing tobacco, that's popular among the players, no?
You shouldn't be smoking. Tobacco is like a substitute for that, personally, I don't do it, but most of the other guys do. We have a lot of doping tests throughout the season, this year we had one already during pre-season. In the beginning, we go together as a team and during the season, they can randomly choose like ten guys. I have been chosen like that as well quite a few times actually.
I am not sure whether you have noticed it, but a few months back a lot of people were discussing the coming out of the soccer player Jakub Jankto, it was a huge thing cause no other player on the national team has ever done so. I have never noticed this happening in hockey, is it still taboo to announce that you are a homosexual because it is this sort of masculine sport?
I think so. Not everyone can realize and admit it even within themselves, let alone publically announce it like this. He (Jakub Jankto) is amazing that he had done so, I believe it must have helped him a ton. I personally have a positive attitude towards this, why shouldn't one come out, why should they hide when sooner or later it (the truth) will surface anyway? ... However, there are those "funny remarks" when someone is for example shaving their legs, we do joke about that in the locker room.
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kitnita · 7 months
Talk Hockey To Me
(tag game)
tagged by @eliooliver83 @oetter & @txstars!! mwah thank you!!!
1. The thing that got you hooked on hockey
i am a lifelong member of the 'being insane about sports' club in that i still have a poster of my baseball team's 2005 roster hanging over my bed & used to get SO pissed in middle school when boys in my class had incorrect college basketball opinions. but hockey was just? never on my radar?? due to the south texas of it all. then i went to college for broadcast in new york state & made friends with some guys majoring in sports broadcast and was like wait ....... there's a sport they talk about that i can't talk about (i loved knowing more about sports than boys so this was a serious blow) (football doesnt count i decided when i was a kid that i didn't care about football therefore its not real) & a friend of mine with whom i watched the world series was like no i've got you i can get you into hockey. i realize now she just wanted an excuse to proselytize about the new york islanders.
but anyway yeah!! i stuck with being fond of them because of her & then added the stars because as a Texan i had to root for them & also tyler seguin hooked me. i was a casual fan until there were absolutely No Sports in 2020 & i accidentally stumbled upon hockeyblr just in time to get hyper mega insane about hockey before the bubble playoffs.
2. Your first ever fandom friend
like any normal well adjusted person i feel weird calling someone my friend even if we're friendly because what if they don't actually like me (again this is normal & well adjusted behavior) that said tanya txstars was the first hashtag mutual i had in starsblr whomst i feel like i talked to via the tags!!
3. The jersey you would most like to own
wait have i ever mentioned that i own a mooterus jersey. it was like eighty dollars off depop because its a) womens cut & b) a size small which means that while it does technically fit, my tits stop it from looking like, you know, a jersey should look on the human body. so i'd love one that i can wear without feeling ridiculous!! through logan stankoven all things are possible!!! i'm generally a jersey thrifter so i do love the $16 tyler jersey i found but im sure one day ill bite the bullet and buy a non-secondhand otter jersey.
4. YOUR player (you only get ONE so choose wisely)
unfortunately goalies are inherently endearing & then on top of that he's also insane in the most confounding way possible so jake oettinger is My Guy whether he likes it or not
5. A pairing that deserves more fic
as someone who has written just over half of the robotter fic out there in the world: please put more robotter fic out there in the world. also i think robo & otter both deserve to fuck otter's goalie partner. also also it's not technically a pairing but i think we as a people need to embrace delly's clear & evident love for throuples and start sticking him in other peoples relationships. it's what he would want <3
6. Your favourite on-ice moment
jason robertson laying flat on his back on the ice after finishing his first career hat trick lives in my head rent free btw. if you even care. it just plays on a fucking loop up there. also the the dellymiro delly's first goal celly. also also that time those flames fans tried to actually curse jake midgame. like on the one hand what the fuck but on the other hand i actually admire that kind of dedication yk
link someone else's art/fic/etc that you love & think everyone should check out
i'm still foaming at the mouth over @txstars's rule 63 robotter fic!! also i think it's clear what robo ship i've dedicated myself to but everyone in the roboroope trenches is soooo impressive to me. i see the vision. @winningmachine's stats guy robo fic is a foundational text. thank you @starscelly for also giffing insane random things during games. there's so many other fun people in starsblr specifically & hockeyblr generally but see above re: being normal and well adjusted so You Know Who You Are & also I Love Your Work
link something you made & are proud of & want people to see
my magnum opus ............ the robotter primer. linking anything else feels weird BUT please enjoy my unhinged labor of love. i saw someone mentioned it to that gay hockey tournament blog but didnt want to link it?? please link it places. put how unhinged i was/am about them on blast.
tagging @coffeehound91 @moregraceful @hintzy!!! & also idk who has and hasn't been tagged so if you see this & would like to do it please do & feel free to tag me as the person who tagged you because i am a certified nosy bitch & love seeing other people talk about themselves <3
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the-naughty-diary · 1 year
What was left of freshman year I hooked up with my buddy and his friends whenever we had a chance, which was really fun! When freshman summer came around I spent much of my time over my friends house while his parents were working. At this point my buddy wasn’t really looking for girls because he had me and he pretty much treated me like his girl. He would buy me all sorts of sexy panties and sexy outfits for me to wear for him, it was really fun. That summer his buddies I would hookup with brought around their friends from other schools and most of their friends at one time or another tasted my pussy. By the time sophomore year came around it seemed like everyone at school knew what I was into and even some people of other nearby schools.
The first week of school I went to the showers after playing basketball and had one of the guys tap my booty and say “good game”. I was confused because I didn’t know this guy very much because he was a senior. I turned around smiled and said thanks. I finished up and went to the lockers to get dressed and when I was almost done he comes in and sits next to me. He makes some small talk then he says “during summer break I heard people talk about you”. I stayed silent and he continued “I know what you like and it’s cool” he said nobody should mess with me because of it and if someone did to let him know. I was shocked to hear something like that from him who I barely knew. I thanked him for being supportive and then he offered to give me a ride home. I accepted and he continued to tell me I should be myself and if I wanted to dress a different way I should and he was just all for it. I know what you are thinking but he never tried anything nor did we ever hookup, he was just really cool and wanted me feel comfortable with who I was because he had a younger brother who liked boys. After that day I dressed like I always did but always wore panties, usually thongs. I didn’t mind the looks in the locker rooms and the things people would say. Sophomore year I met so many boys!
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final-girl96 · 2 years
Chapter Three Hawkins High
Steve dropped me and Robin off at school before heading back home to get ready for work. "Are you ever going to tell him about Eddie?" I looked at her like she just asked the stupidest question in the world, which she did. "No. Absolutely not. Or at least not yet. You know how Steve is when guys get even a few feet near me. He goes into overprotective big brother mode. I can't have him killing my boyfriend." Robin laughed and shook her head. We walked into the school and went straight for our lockers. We were lucky enough to be close to each other. Only a few lockers apart.
"He's going to find out at some point," she said. I put the books I had taken home back in my locker. "How? He's clueless. Me and Eddie have been dating for almost two years, Rob. And Steve was still here when we started dating and didn't even notice! He's an idiot," I said. Arms wrapped around me from behind making me jump a little. "Who's an idiot?" Eddie asked, kissing my cheek. "Steve," Robin told him. "Hmm. Harrington is indeed an idiot," he said. "Hey!" He laughed, "sorry Big Harrington is an idiot. Little Harrington is adorable." I hit his chest lightly, chuckling. "You two are disgustingly cute," Robin said and walked away.
"I have something for you," Eddie said. "Really. And what would that be?" I asked. He twirled his finger, "turn around." I bit my bottom lip and turned around so my back was facing him. I felt him drape something over my neck, moving my hair out of the way. When he was done I looked down to see a ring hanging off a chain. I spun around to see his favorite ring missing from his finger. "Eddie, this is your favorite ring. I can't…" his index finger came to rest over my lips to hush me. "You can and you will. You're always playing with it. Like literally all the time. It's also my mark," he said, winking.
Classes seemed to go on forever. But it was finally time for lunch. When I walked into the cafeteria I saw that the table where the hellfire club sits was full. Eddie sitting at the head of the table. Jeff and Gareth one either side of him. I smiled when Eddie looked over and caught my eye. I started to head over there when Andy, one of the basketball players and Jason Carver's friends, stepped in front of me. "Hey, YN, why don't you come sit beside me. You know where you belong."
My face scrunched in disgust. Andy was a class A asshole. He had been 9n the team with Steve before he graduated. "No thanks. I'm allergic to douchebags with small dicks. And that table would most definitely kill me." His jaw tensed, hands balled into fist by his side. "What would your brother, former King of Hawkins, think of his sister dating Eddie "the freak" Munson?" He asked, getting close to my face. "He'd like it better than me hanging around a bunch of small minded pencil dicks." I smiled and walked away and straight to Eddie. He pushed back his chair a little and pulled me into his lap. "What was that about?" He asked. Everyone at the table was looking at me. "Just Andy being a dick like always. Acting as if my brother was actually friends with them." His arm snaked around my waist and then started talking about the hellfire meeting tonight. "Are you going to be there, yn?" Dustin asked. "Maybe. I have to talk to Robin about covering for me at work," I said. "You could just tell Steve you and Eddie are dating," Mike said. I rolled my eyes, "look I'll tell Steve when I'm sure he has a level head and is distracted by something else."
“Can you cover for me at work? Pleeease!” I was begging Robin to cover for me at the video store. “Tell Steve I had to stay after school for a project or something.” She closed her locker with a sigh but nodded. “Fine. I’ll cover this one time. Have fun with your boy toy,” she said. I hugged her before she walked down the hall to the double doors that let outside. I met up with Eddie at his van. We were going to go back to his place. The meeting wouldn't be until a little later tonight. "Hello, Beautiful," he said, leaning down a little to kiss me. He opened the passenger door and I got up into his van. He was quick to run around the other side and get in, starting the van and pulling out of the school's parking lot.
"So I take it Buckley covered for you," he said, as we made our way down the road towards the trailer park. "Yes. She's going to tell Steve I needed to stay after school for a project or whatever." He reached over to grab my hand and bring it up to his lips and left a kiss on my knuckles. When we got to his trailer he pulled in, got out, ran around the front of the van and opened my door. We walked up the steps and he unlocked the door, opening it and letting me go in first. Wayan worked late so he was already gone. "Wanna order pizza, baby?" Eddie asked, setting his keys on the counter. "Yeah that sounds good." He picked up the phone and called the pizza place, ordering a large pizza for us.
We were back in Eddie’s bedroom. He was sitting on the edge of the bed, guitar in his hands. I lay on my stomach, my math book opened in front of me. Eddie set his precious guitar down and shut my book. “Hey, I was doing homework,” I said. He took the math book and my notebook and set it on the floor on top of my bag. “That’s so boring,” he said, flipping me onto my back. "Hi," he whispered. I chuckled, "hi," I whispered back. "Have I told you how beautiful you are?" He asked. Biting my bottom lip I nodded. "Only like a hundred times a day." He hummed, "what about how much I love you?" Again I nodded, "only like a trillion times a day."
"Well, that's not an even amount. Guess I'm gonna have to up my game on how many times I remind you how beautiful you are." I rolled my eyes, "shut up. You're so cheesy, Eddie Munson." There was a knock on the door and Eddie groaned and stood up. "Pizza is here. What a cock block!" He yelled. "Eddie!" He smiled and ran down the hall to answer the door. I got up and walked after him. He was closing the door and sitting the pizza on the counter when I came out. "M'lady," he said, bowing at the waist. "What a dork," I laughed, grabbing a couple plates. "Mm. But I'm your dork." He winked.
We ate the pizza then Eddie grabbed his binder that had all his DnD stuff in it. "Shall we?" He said, holding the door open for me. I walked down the steps and Eddie shut and locked the door before we got in the van and made our way to the school. They held their campaigns in the drama room. If I'm honest I don't know a thing about DnD. I've watched them play lots of times but still can never figure it out. Eddie even tried to teach me but got frustrated when I still couldn't get it. So I just go every once in a while to watch and be a supportive girlfriend. My life was massively different before I started dating Eddie. I was popular and a cheerleader. I was only popular though because Steve "The Hair" Harrington, King of Hawkins High, is my brother. He was on the basketball team and I was a cheerleader. I mostly gave us something to do after school instead of going home to an empty house.
Things didn't only change after I started dating Eddie. It was also the fact that Steve and I got caught up in helping Jonathan and Nancy back in eight-three when Jonathan's little brother, Will, went missing. Then again in eight-four when Dustin roped us in to help him find his "pet" demogorgon, Dart. Then just recently with Starcourt Mall, the Russians, and the Mindflayer. All of that made me realize that the friends I had weren't friends, they were more acquaintances, people I talked to at school and sometimes after.
When we got to the school Eddie was ever the gentleman and opened my door before we walked to the doors. Everyone was already there waiting for us. I sat beside Eddie and watched as he started off the campaign. There was a lot of yelling and shouts of excitement as the game went on. I had no idea what was happening. It made me happy to see Eddie and everyone else happy. When it was done Eddie drove me home. He didn’t pull into the driveway since Steve’s car was right out front but he dropped me off at the end of it and walked me halfway to the door. He waited like always until I was inside before run back to his van and going home himself.
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victorluvsalice · 2 months
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-->And then heard a weird musical sting, and looked over at Smiler to realize they were absolutely Hysterical from all this fun. AKA, one good giggle fit away from death. D: I quickly got them away from the games to chat with Victor, who laid a Heat Of The Moment kiss on them as a distraction. XD Once they’d gotten their flirt on a bit, I had Smiler go calm themselves down in the bathroom mirrors (never mind they have no reflection to do so) -- once they were safely just Very Inspired, I then let them hop on the DDR machine while Victor shot some hoops at the basketball machine. As my game threw out ANOTHER barista-related error. *grumbles* I don’t know if that’s the game, one of my mods, or what, but seems I’m gonna have to be careful playing for a while...
-->And then I looked at the date timer, saw that they only had thirty minutes left, and was like “crap, forget the games, finish socializing, do more cute things together!” XD Fortunately they were more than amenable to kissing and flirting some more, and the date ended with them having reached Gold level as well, yay! Not like I need those VIP buckets, but fuck it, we can recycle them or something. I just wanted my boy and my enby to have a good time.
-->With that date done, it was time to send the pair home, where I found Alice, still in werewolf form, sitting on the couch watching some classic Sims TV. Which gave me an idea – VICTOR had already fulfilled the “watch Romantic TV” tradition I slapped on the holiday a while back, but Alice and Smiler hadn’t. And despite the fact it was past midnight, the holiday wasn’t quite over yet (they don’t end until 2 AM the next morning). So I had Alice turn off the classics, let out a somber howl to keep her Fury down, change back into her human form, then put on the Romance channel before sending Victor and Smiler over to join her on the couch. Holiday ended with the three of them hanging out for a while, watching goofy medical dramas and doing a little bit of flirting, before Smiler got up and left Alice and Victor to it while they made a drink over at their bar in the party barn. XD At least they all had an extremely successful Love Day!
*whew* Yeah, that was a bit more chaotic than I wanted – at least for Victor and Alice, at any rate! Seriously – I can get that the problems with them getting their food was because the cafe’s probably a little too small and was built with form over function in mind, but the FUCK was with townies just randomly flirting with Alice?! Like I said, that didn’t happen on Victor and Smiler’s date – everyone just left them alone! Does Alice have some sort of setting on her that makes townies think it’s okay to get up close and personal on her, because I have GOT to turn that off if so. Talk about the most unAlice thing ever... But at least I got my two good dates in the end. Next time, we wrap up in-game spring with another trip to Van Liddelton Groceries! The gang filled the shelves, and now we have to empty them. See you then!
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autisticmao · 6 months
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GENRE: neutral - angst
FEATURED: trickstar, ritsu, 2wink, sc
PROMPT: it was just a normal day for isara, nothing new ever happens
It was just like any other day, with fastening the knot of the tie to his best ability of making it feel comfortable under the white collar of his polo-shirt. He placed his favourite gifted clip through his hair to keep his long fringe out of his sight and grab his shoulder bag off its hook on the wall to swing over his right shoulder as Isara checked over his shoes, making sure they're on tight and leaves the dorm room.
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He waved to anyone he came across whilst walking down the few set of stairs. Smiling and laughing and making as many jokes as he always did, letting Ritsu and the Aoi twins hang off his shoulders and back whilst he made himself some quick breakfast before leaving the dormitory, whilst reminding a few of the others about what time it was as they lounged about in the front room. Their groans and whines always made him chuckle in cheeky amusement of their realisations.
With how the other members of Trickstar always find ways to bump into Isara along their walk to the main school building. Isara ranted on about his manga to Makoto and then getting excited as the said blond boy talks about his games in response, and Subaru and Hokuto were bantering beside him until Hokuto gave Subaru a shiny penny to hush his words for some peace and quiet. Hokuto always asking how Isara was during class hours because they don't share a classroom together. Subaru would then talk about his daily activities of what he wishes he could do with the whole unit.
The way that Isara would soon depart from the rest of Trickstar and head to the student council office, thinking that day would be any different from the last, but it never was. Tori always seemed to have the energy to throw a fit with Yuzuru trying to calm him down, and Eichi watching the two in quiet amusement whilst Keito walked upto Isara every time once the door opened, ready to greet the other and to assign him his weekly tasks.
Although every day was definitely different, it always felt as if time had stopped inside of Isara. Isara finds himself climbing over himself every day, doing the same actions like snow piling in a harsh blizzard of December.
The days always ticked the same seconds of the hours. Teachers ranted on during ordinary lessons. Koga tended to sneak off with Isara during the first break time they got to practice guitar lessons with one another. Younger students asked Isara questions about what it was like to be an idol of the music industry, sometimes the questions would get too much and he'd be pulled away by Ritsu who would then let Isara sit with the rest of Knights with him until Hokuto rang him on phone about it being time for some practice whether for singing or dancing or because Anzu had a new outfit set out for him, the ideas changed frequently.
Even during the after-school clubs as he stood around in the hall and played basketball with Midori, Subaru, Chiaki, and a few other students. One moment he's playing and having fun and helping some of the other members on how to handle the ball, then the next Midori would be calling for Isara's help as Subaru and Chiaki took the hour of the basketball club to argue with one another about constant issues that never seemed to end until the duo realise just how upset they've made Isara and repeatedly apologise to him for it.
The hours would then come to an end as Isara would already have made his ways back to his dorm room. Rarely, his dorm mates would be around. Kuro would remind Isara to take some medicine for his health reasons, Shu would ask for his opinions on a creation he's making, and Sena would constantly ask for Makoto. But most of the time... Isara was alone in the dorm room.
He took those lonely hours to melt into his own mattress and release the cries that nobody ever heard, to let the stress out with his many thoughts. Gripping at his until-then loose hair from anger.
Panic attacks would always be caused. Isara always screamed and pleaded for help, shouting until he's caused himself to run dry of energy and fall asleep to nothingness, drowning always in nightmares.
The darkness that falls always reminds Isara of how lonely he would always be.
And then... the day would repeat again tomorrow with nothing ever changing.
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tenacityreturns · 1 year
as he’s still not entirely familiar with the area, most of kise’s outings consist of being dragged around by kagami, maybe about four pitstops to see something new, and a trip back to kagami’s trusty court for a one on one. today is not any more different than the last time they were out, nor will it be any more different than the next time in the way of knowing that this is now their routine and kise’s far from complaining. “ prepare to lose, taiga, ” kise warns as he spots the hoop in the distance.
not to be dramatic, but is this the most fun he's ever had in all of his life? he doesn't have any sentimentality about which city he regards as home. l.a. is where he grew up, so being back here is excellent (with the sun, the friends, the memories), but tokyo had earnt its place in his heart over the last year and a bit. so he doesn't think it's that he's back in l.a. that makes him feel this way. he's pretty sure it's not just that he's been playing heaps of basketball, either, because when has he gone a summer without it?
he's trying not to think too much about the fact that the reason he is so happy all the time lately is that he's been with kise. that's not it, until kise's got work and he's got to go and amuse himself somewhere else. it's not the reason kagami feels so warm and contented, until the sun gives way to clouds and he still feels just as exuberant. that's just not it until they're still up talking at 3am for no fucking reason, sitting shoulder to shoulder as they scroll through reels and tiktoks and vine compilations, and kise feels closer to him than anyone else had ever been. he's not the basketball prodigy or the international supermodel, he's just kise. he's funny and complicated and annoying and intelligent and kagami hopes this summer lasts forever. each time he finds himself daydreaming about getting back to practise with the guys, it's weighted down with the realisation that they'll be back in japan at two different schools, with all of those people around. he doesn't know how to explain it, but it's just not the same.
it'll all be different when they get back to japan, won't it? he's dreading that. with his hands in his pockets, jaw jutting with his slight pout, he's thinking about why it has to be. okay, sure, they go to different schools. whatever. but they don't live that far away so technically kise could come round whenever he wanted to or was free. ah, he's actually such a busy guy. kagami didn't realise before just how much effort goes into being a model until he's had front row seats. but that's cool. whenever he wants to come round, he can. but kagami doesn't want nijimura to say anything. he probably won't, because there is nothing to say, but still. then there's kuroko. would he think it's weird if kagami's been hanging out with kise this much? and let alone the rest of the seirin guys! kise's really cool, actually, so...? ugh! why is he over thinking this? why can't he get out of his head about it? his eyes settle on the basketball spinning atop his finger in his view. hell, when had he started spinning that? it's like interacting with basketball in one shape or another is just natural. like a lot of things. liiikeee wanting to spend time with people he likes to have around?
kise says something.
"huh?" he replies. then he thinks about what was said, and very quickly afterwards, properly replies. "oh, you wish, pretty boy." kagami stops spinning the basketball and starts dribbling it alongside, picking up the step. he turns around so he's walking backwards, still bouncing the ball around his feet. he had been about to deliver some more, scathing trash talk, but there's just something about how the sun falls on kise that makes him glow, and how his name had sounded in kise's voice. ah, he's getting a stitch! wait, no he isn't, it's tight in his chest. not painful, though, and it leaves him feeling light as a feather. kagami's smile bubbles into laughter and he spins on his heels, breaking into a run. "your ass is mine, ryouta."
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