#so true op let's fuck
punkeropercyjackson · 2 months
If Percy Jackson were a youtuber/streamer,he'd be New York's version of Jerma
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vergess · 1 month
You know the only people more fucking annoying to me than AI bros at this point are anti-AI fuckers.
~Just use picrew like god intended~
Actually! God intended for me to make art however I see fit as an expression of the divine instinct to creation, and your shit ass fucking paper dolls that don't even have amputees and fat people let alone complicated shit like fursonas?
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helianthologies · 13 days
i think part of the reason tbk were so quick to jump on kalina "betraying" cassandra and conspiring against her is probly bc of the ankarna plotline with porter and her other followers betraying her only to kill her but like..... i think the key difference is that porter was just some fucking guy who wanted power and kalina was cassandras Familiar. her most loyal confidante. like im sure kalina DID want power but i think her trying to bring back the nightmare king was more a desperate move to save her goddess. and maybe a misguided idea that shed be "safer" and more able to protect herself from her followers if she was the nightmare king instead. bc it WASNT kalina that killed her! it was the mortals! kalina just followed her where she went!!
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motherednature · 2 years
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        GRAVEL CRUNCHES LOUDLY beneath the ball of her foot as she plants it firmly on the earth, a slate outcropping at the edge of a forest. her gait is light and spry, such a contrary bearing to her seemingly normal posture -- straight-backed, rigid, elegant in a statuesque way, yet painful. but without the prying eyes of strangers, seraphina is as fluid as water. she casts her arms slowly outward as though beginning a dance, and lets her fingers arch as the earth’s true heartbeat weaves through each and every muscle fiber.
          the loose gravel around her begins to tremble, and for a moment it seems the woman is standing front and center for a coming avalanche until her hands slowly begin to close. those pieces of rock suspend themselves in this bent gravity, and they stay there twitching in midair for one long moment before seraphina snatches her hands into sudden fists. and with this same sharp movement, a literal earth-shattering crack punches through the air, and it’s a force so deep that it practically takes the air from her lungs.
           the only reason her grin doesn’t seem to reach her eyes is because they are wide with exhilaration. proverbial paintbrushes in hand, her entire body lurches with the force of her casting, and what had once been a prairie stretching out before her now upends itself with what can only be described as a mountain range being birthed into form.
          perhaps if she were shaping some complex wooded canopy, her body would rise from the ground. but mountains are the spine of the earth. her feet remain firmly planted on this outcropping, her spirit tethered to the bedrock that is the earth’s foundation for all things beautiful. the stone beneath her is grey. but add some iron...and these mountains will be red. each sunrise and each sunset set the sky ablaze with their richness, and as her vision comes to rocky form, she laughs, wondering what people will call this range...!
           she continues her broad brushstrokes of earth and soil, indulging in her freedom that is no longer new but no less valued -- in fact, it is the very reason she keeps herself away from what could be her peers, for she cannot abide any threat to this freedom, not when her body still bears the marks of prison. let them think her a recluse. a mad scientist. a monster. all the better to keep what’s left of her true spirit intact. her body moves in slow, graceful curves and in sharp, jagged angles both, to weave water into existence, to carve secret grottos, to draw trees into the sky, to build homes for new creatures to take root!
          tears gather freely within her iridescent gaze, and thus rain begins to drape its cool grey cloak across the landscape, christening it into being. and with each heaving of her chest, gale force winds push through the cracks of newly broken rock, creating a howling scream that might as well be coming from the woman herself. it is in this new weather pattern, this new ecosystem, that seraphina falls to her knees. trembling not with weakness, but with euphoria, she digs her fingers into fresh soil.
             the artist beholds her canvas. the mother beholds her creation. and she sighs.
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doctortonytchopper · 7 months
Listen ok I know the whole cake island arc is, among other things, about surveillance and being watched, being judged; love that is conditional on being useful and appearing perfect; and the intersection of those, where toxic "love" will spurn you the second you allow yourself to visually appear aberrant and you are always watched and under threat to your life if you're seen being or doing something they don't want you to be or do, whereas real love will delight in your aberration since it's part of you and they love you entirely and unconditionally; and how toxic "family" sees this real love as weak but the reality is that people who have love used against them as a threat and a manipulating puppet string are so so likely to defect if they're shown real love or lie to save themselves and thus you're left with crucial gaps in information. I KNOW that is the point. And it's so beautifully crafted and lovely and there's all this in there about starvation for food and for attention and for love, about pretending you don't know what you're doing when you're hurting someone and are out of your mind and can't even remember doing it (CLASSIC parental abuser shit t m ! ).
However ,
Every time I'm just starting to get a really good hate on someone from big moms family and they have their big monster reveal of having some unusual visual appearence. My brain flatlines and all thoughts are replaced with. Ah. My monster slut wife.......
Oh fuck I'm literally being sanji rn post fucking cancelled
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good lird they did not make a gimmick blog about a real life murder
#someone fucking DIED but whatever who gives a shit it's funny i guess
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🥚 eggvidenced Follow
honestly with how suspicious and confusing everything on the dl-6 case was i wouldn't be surprised if it came out that it was that prosecutor guy tbh
🌟 rockliker270 Follow
date posted: june 23, 2010
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⚖️ courtofpublicopinions Follow
🌟 rockliker270 Follow
ok hear me out. what abt winston payne though
🧊 just--ice Follow
okay now they're just making lawyers up
#also didn't mvk die or something?
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🔥 triedbyfire Follow
why the fuck are you people still posting about the gavinners as if theyre not copaganda. didn't the guitarist get convicted of murder
🎸 guiltiest-lovers837 Follow
so fucking tired of this "um um didn't daryan get convicted of murder" YEAH AND HE'S LITERALLY NOT IN THE FUCKING BAND ANYMORE. dipshit
🔥 triedbyfire Follow
are you gonna address the copaganda thing or
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🌻 attorneybout Follow
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he's so. 😳
📂 trialanderror Follow
why is he defending
📂 trialanderror Follow
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🦈 giantlakemonsters Follow
i just wanna hear about another gourdy sighting thats all
🥜 liberdeez Follow
op. i'm so sorry op. gourdy isn't real you have to let her go. they had a whole trial about it.
🔐 wrightorwrong Follow
hi!! so this isn't actually the case as while gourdy was briefly mentioned in a trial, said trial had nothing to do with whether or not gourdy was "real" per se as much as. well. murder, actually. while gourdy WAS found out to be an inflatable steel samurai this was not brought up in the case at all as the veracity of gourdy wasn't really as relevant as the fact that the witness was looking for gourdy rather than at the murder she claimed to have seen. plus this was also a relatively small part of a MUCH larger trial which for those interested not only solved the dl-6 case but ALSO marked the end of prosecutor von karma's ~40 year long record and the court records are really a fascinating read through!!
🦀 mad_libz_87 Follow
net 0 information post
#thanks again lawblr
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🍒 cherriescoola Follow
btw i was at the park the other day and klavier gavin (of gavinners fame) was there and obv there was a huge crowd but this guy was there with him and at some point he (the other guy) waved to the crowd and someone still screamed like it was klavier??? who was that guy ive never seen him before in my life
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🩸 has-dl6-been-solved-yet Follow
December 28, 2016
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🪙 tellerlikeitis Follow
guys help i'm a bank teller and this guy just introduced himself as robin banks what do i do
🔪 violencekilling Follow
you gotta let him rob you that's the law
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👻 ghostesswiththemostest Follow
look if i ever get convicted of murder im just hiring the lawyer with the coolest sounding name
💼 courtofwaw Follow
bestie if you already got convicted it is Too Late
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📋 lawandwhoreder Follow
guys i know it's real fun to think people just can predict whatever but if you look at the earliest reblogs of that post that "guessed" the true killer in the dl-6 case it was actually a post about how they didn't want to go to the store. clearly edited
#stg nobody bothers to factcheck anything anymore
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🐺 lawnewolf Follow
i am NOT homophobic or whatever the fuck you guys are saying now i just think its weird to write fanfiction about realass people?? go touch grass ffs
🌈 lawsbian Follow
the fun police (this guy) putting me in yaoi court but the lawyers (phoenix witrght and miles edgeworth) just keep trying to make out (real court is like this too btw)
🐺 lawnewolf Follow
#look idc what your enemies to lovers fic bullshit says #they're straight. and more importantly REAL PEOPLE. #there's TENSION because they are in COURT and there are LIVES on the LINE. #not because they wanna fuck. god.
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🔮 inhighspirits Follow
why dont they just ask the spirit mediums to ask the victims who killed them this law shit is easy
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💞 lawveyourself Follow
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seriously i cant believe they gave this guy a law degree
💞 lawveyourself Follow
what do you mean evidence fraud
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🎧 instrumentalillness Follow
fuck you *unguilties your love*
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🎀 copiicat Follow
perjury isnt illegal btw in fact if youre one of tge witnesses youre legally required to lie on the stand. thats why everyone does it. trust me
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osaemu · 7 months
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.ೃ࿐ streamer!au: the user "gojoslittleslut" tries to make a move on your boyfriend, but she doesn't stand a chance
contents: fem!reader. it's not too serious, nobody gets angry/jealous (except the comments lol). if u haven't already read the other streamer!gojo works u probably should so u understand the dynamic between satoru and his commenters !
author's note: reader is actually a mature person who doesn't pick fights with random ppl on the internet and i think we should all be more like her ꨄ︎
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satoru leans back in his chair, idly chatting with people who pop up in his comments after he finishes his last round of the co-op game. his viewers are eager to chat, and some even shoot money satoru's way to draw his attention. whenever someone donates money, he gives them a quick shoutout and has a small back-and-forth with them, and he does that for everyone.
that is, until a user with a questionable username donates to his stream.
gojoslittleslut has donated $100.00!
gojoslittleslut: notice me pls
"shit, a hundred dollars?" satoru says, raising his eyebrows in mild surprise. "thanks, gojoslittl— oh, fuck, what is that?"
you look up from your laptop and see the way your boyfriend's cheeks have gone bright red. satoru laughs a bit nervously, so you get up and walk over, making sure to stay out of sight of the camera. you sit on satoru's desk beside his computer and peer at his screen curiously.
gojoslittleslut: im ur number one fan~
satoru's eyes flicker to yours for a second before he looks back at his monitor. "ah, well, thanks for the donation!" he replies, completely ignoring the user's advances.
suguru-geto: he has a gf ...
gojoslittleslut: yeah
gojoslittleslut: me
you cover your mouth to suppress a giggle, scrunching up your nose at satoru to let him know that you really weren't taking it too seriously. after all, it's just some random person on the internet—they don't stand a chance with your boyfriend. 
satoru reaches over and takes your hand, twining his fingers with yours off-camera. he ignores the sudden burst of comments that litter the corner of his screen, instead watching you intently. in response, you roll your eyes playfully and blow him a kiss, snickering when satoru pretends to faint.
eventually, he turns back to his screen, cerulean eyes doing a quick once-over of his new comments.
toji-fushiguro: ill take his gf any day
inumaki: we know gtfo
gojoslittleslut: toji i get gojo and u take his girl. deal?
toji-fushiguro: bet
"alright guys, settle down," satoru huffs, rolling his eyes. "for the record, i still have a girlfriend and i don't plan on changing that anytime soon," he clarifies, addressing the current feud going on in his comments. 
satoru's a good streamer—he does his best to keep things cordial and lighthearted with his audience, but he also knows his limits. one of his limits involves people trying to separate you and him, his one true pairing (of course satoru's otp is his own relationship).
your boyfriend leans closer to the screen and scowls good-naturedly, holding up the hand still wrapped around yours. "this isn't gonna change, so don't even think about it!"
satoru says his goodbyes and then ends the stream, turning to you with a sigh. "how down bad do you have to be to name yourself 'gojo's little slut?'" he grumbles, clicking through his stream analytics and finding the user. he opens gojoslittleslut's profile and studies it for a moment before hovering his mouse over the block button.
he leans back in his chair and tilting his chin up at you. "she just gave me a hundred dollars, so i kinda feel bad about blocking her," satoru muses, tapping his foot on the floor. he looks up at where you still sit on his desk, twirling a strand of hair around your finger. "c'mere," he mumbles, slipping his hands around your waist and hoisting you into his lap with a soft grunt.
satoru rests his chin on your shoulder and nudges his face into your neck, breath tickling your skin. "you know that i'm all yours, right?"
"of course i do," you murmur, settling into his arms. he's warm and comfortable, like always. satoru smiles warmly and kisses the side of your face, letting his lips linger.
"good. 'cause no fan account's ever gonna change that."
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rileyslibrary · 1 year
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Synopsis: A new lieutenant comes to your base—a hot one. Ghost isn’t happy.
Relationship: Simon “Ghost” Riley x F!Reader
Word Count: 1,334
I haven’t thought of a title, so I’m replacing it with a picture of Ghost’s expression that perfectly captures the fic’s concept. Let me know if you think of one.
Platonic fluff, duh.
Warning: Lots of swearing ahead of you, British slang as well. Told you, he’s not happy.
UPDATE: there’s a Part 2 now. Things get messy.
Want more?
The rumour mill went into overdrive as soon as the ‘new guy’ arrived at the military base that morning. A former special ops legend with impressive credentials; what’s not to love?
But it wasn’t just his military skills that had everyone talking; it was also his appearance. Rumours of his Adonis-like looks had spread throughout the base, and everyone was dying to catch a glimpse of him. Even the mess hall was dominated by talk of his stunning looks.
What did you think of him? Well, you prefer to take such things with a grain of salt and not put too much stock in them. After all, beauty is a matter of personal preference, and no single definition applies to everyone. So you wanted to evaluate things for yourself.
Okay, fine. Yes, the rumours were true—the guy is exactly as they described him.
The new lieutenant stands tall and proud in front of the line you’ve all formed, his wavy hair coiffed into a deep side part with a thick fringe swooping over one eye. His chiselled jawline is accentuated by a short, perfectly groomed beard, and he gives everyone a brilliant smile as if he’s auditioning for a toothpaste commercial. His voice is booming and almost comically enthusiastic as if he were trying to engage a class of children. He gives orders by pointing at soldiers with gun fingers and winking, causing some of you to stifle giggles.
“All right, soldiers, pay attention!” he says, clapping his hands like a cheerleader. “Today’s tasks are routine: cleaning, organizing, equipment repair, and inventory taking. And, hey, if we pull this off, I’ll buy everyone a round at the local pub! How does that sound?”
Some of the soldiers exchange skeptical glances, wondering if this guy is for real.
But Ghost? Oh. My. God.
Ghost’s agitation becomes too hard to hide as the new lieutenant speaks. He shifts his weight from one foot to the other, moving frantically as if eager to be anywhere but here. His eyes keep rolling back as though they’re searching for some leftover patience in the depths of his skull. You keep staring at his crossed arms. They’re so stiff that his muscles must ache from the effort. It’s as if he’s trying to keep them in place, so he doesn’t unleash them and back-slap the hot lieutenant’s pretty face. That, or he’ll let out a primal scream any second now.
“Y/N,” he turns to face you, and you stand at attention, “you’re on border patrol with me today-”
“Y/N is staying with me at the office today,” Ghost opposes him. “There’s a lot of paperwork that needs to be done.”
“Can’t you get someone else to fill out the paperwork?” the man asks, shooting Ghost a wink and a grin.
“Can’t you get someone else to help you with border patrol?” Ghost winks back at him and turns to face you. “Y/N, on your feet, c’mon,” he says, walking towards the building.
You exchange glances with the new lieutenant and shrug. This is too awkward.
“WHENEVER YOU’RE READY, SOLDIER,” Ghost commands, and you dash towards him, brushing past the new lieutenant, who also happens to smell amazing. Of course, he does.
“What the fuck is wrong with you today, Lt.?” You whisper as you run behind him, “where’s the camaraderie we discussed during yesterday’s briefing?”
Ghost shoots you a glare over his shoulder. “Just trying to keep my paperwork safe,” he mutters.
“What’ll happen to the damn paperw-” you proceed to ask, but then evaluate his words; you’re the paperwork.
At the office…
He’s reticent as he sits on his desk—not like he’s a social butterfly any other day, but today, he seems angry. Almost hostile. His eyebrows are tied together, his restless leg syndrome is back, and he takes too many cigarette breaks compared to what you’re used to. He answers your questions with one-word statements when—and if—he acknowledges your presence. Yesses and nos are all you’ve been getting since you entered the office, with the occasional “tsk” he might utter while he looks at his papers.
“Pass me the stapler.” He commands.
“Magic word, Ghost.”
“Pass me the fucking stapler, please.”
You slide the stapler over to his desk. “You’re rude today, Mr Riley.” You comment, turning your focus back to the laptop’s screen.
He doesn’t reply in the form of words. Instead, his feelings manifest themselves by aggressively stapling the papers together.
“Perhaps you’d like me to ask for the stapler by winking at you?” He finally mutters under his breath.
“Like the guy that came in today?” You scoff.
Oh, you have his full, undivided attention now. He turns his chair towards you and leans his weight on his thighs as if you’re about to tell the most exciting story.
“What do you think of him?” He asks.
You flick your wrist dismissively. “I don’t know him well enough to form an opinion. I prefer to reserve judgment until I get to know someone.” You give him a pointed look, hoping to convey your message without having to spell it out for him.
“He’s a fucking bellend, I’ll tell you that much.” He mumbles in response. Guess the message got lost in transit.
“Come on, man!” You shout and punch your fist on the table, “it’s obvious that he’s got you rattled.”
“He’s not rattling me!” Ghost protests, but his defensive tone betrays him.
“Sure, he’s not,” you reply sarcastically, “that’s why you’ve been chain-smoking and stapling papers like you’re trying to murder them.”
Ghost lets out a deep sigh and rubs his temples.
“Is it his looks?” you ask.
“No, it’s not his looks,” Ghost rolls his eyes, “I’m much better looking than him, that’s for sure.”
“Are you...I don’t know, intimidated, maybe?” You shrug, “because you’re worried he might take your place as the top dog around here?”
He looks at you incredulously. “What are you talking about? I’m not worried about that.”
“Sure, you’re not,” you smirk. “That’s why you’ve been acting like a total jerk all day.”
He looks up and sighs. The poor man looks like he desperately needs an ego boost. Beneath Ghost’s tough facade there’s Simon, after all. And Simon is a human being with the same insecurities and worries as everyone else.
“In any case,” you say, trying to comfort him, “nobody takes such douchebags seriously in the army. And I get it; the guy’s trying to make a good impression and all, but, my God, he needs to chill with all the...” you start winking and pointing gun fingers left and right.
He’s so happy he lets out a sharp chuckle. “He’s a fucking nobhead, isn’t he?” He asks, “trying to take charge and acting like he knows everything.”
“Indeed,” you reassure him, “and that cologne, I almost fainted as I passed him; how could you stand beside him for so long?”
“Don’t ask.” He shakes his head.
You reach over and give his arm a squeeze. “Don’t worry about it, Ghost. You’re the most respected operator here,” you say, giving him a small smile, “just do me a favour and give the guy a chance; he has so much to learn from you.”
He nods. “I wanted to neck slap him so hard,” he mumbles, “knock his pretty white teeth out.”
“Which are fake, by the way.”
“Are they?” He asks, shocked.
“100%.” You reply with conviction as if you are the guy’s dentist.
“I knew it.” He yells, slaps his hand on his thigh, and turns his chair back to his desk.
You look at him from the corner of your eye. He seems much more relaxed now. Hopefully, he takes your advice to heart and proceeds with the same resilience and leadership he does on the battlefield. Or, maybe, you temporarily diffused a potential conflict, and the captain will have to get involved pretty soon. Who knows. At least he feels confident in himself now, and the guy’s teeth will live to see another day.
Part 2 ->
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misslovasstuff · 25 days
Op!men seeing you hurt
sanji x reader, zoro x reader
The only occasion when he calls you by your name and not one of his words of endearment
With the speed of light, he rushes when he hears you’ve been shot in your leg.
He’s panicked but tries to keep his cool
“Show me please, - Sanji touches your thigh gently, touching the end of your dress to pull it up but you stop his hand. - Y/n?”
“I’m fine… it’s nothing.” - you claim, trying not to let your expression give away your pain.
Sanji stared at you, clenching his jaw as he shakes his head, anger building up. Who even dares to hurt you this way?
“Please, let me see. - he notices the worry on your face and tries to lighten up the situation. - What, are you shy? Love, it was only yesterday when you had my head pressed in between. Now…”
Your cheeks blush, looking away and getting somewhat a sense of relief seeing him smile, although you know deep down it was forced to reassure you.
Sanji raises your dress up, noticing your wound on your thigh. His eyes widen and he curses.
“Damnit!… - he caresses the unwounded area of your thigh as he looks at your eyes. - It must hurt a lot, right? Let’s take you to Chopper!”
Sanji picks you up and you put your hands around him, head resting on his chest.
“I’m really sorry, Sanji. I didn’t mean to be a bother for you.”
“Don’t be ridiculous. - he says sharply. - If you wanna feel sorry about something, feel sorry for the bastards that did this to you and that have to deal with me. I’m gonna give them ten times more of the pain you’re feeling now, love.”
“I am in no pain when I’m with you.” - your voice gentle and soft and words so genuine and selfless make Sanji feel even more at fault for letting you get hurt. But his heart starts beating faster and he can’t deny it as your hand rests on his chest.
“I won’t let you get hurt ever again. I promise.” - Sanji kisses your forehead, flames of anger extinguished by your gentle love only to burn brighter than ever after he leaves you at Chopper’s care, kissing the palm of your hand and finishing the business he has with the ignorants who dared to touch his woman.
“Are you ok?! Oi, answer me!” - Zoro shakes your body, noticing a lack of reaction.
“…who did this… - he whispers, putting strands of hair behind your ear. - Please answer me, baby. Open your eyes… please…”
He’d never beg for anything, but now more than ever, Zoro felt most helpless. Hi strength could not help, nor his swordsmanship or any other asset he deemed as important.
He had his lover layed on the ground and hurt, and he wasn’t there to protect, to defend, to lay down his life for you.
“fucking hell… - he cusses, grip on his sword tightening. - … why didn’t you call for me?!”
Zoro takes your body, pulling you close to his embrace as his forehead meets yours.
“How can the world hurt such a soul like yours… tell me… open your eyes and scold me as always… please, love…” - his voice has a distinctive desperate tone, jaw clenched that relaxes when he feels his clothes pulled.
You reach your hand to the nape of his shirt, opening your eyes and giggling slightly at his widen gaze.
“You’re so silly, you know?” - and there, you scold him. But instead of having a counter argument, Zoro hugs you tightly, pecking your lips before asking many questions.
“Are you in much pain? Are you feeling fine? Which bastard did this to you, give me his name cause I swear to-
“Relax, - you breathe heavily but still manage to relax your fuming boyfriend. - the fight is over isn’t it? Let’s just go back to the sunny.”
Zoro sighs, scanning your face before saying:
“I could have not handled a second more in this world without you. I’m so glad you’re okay.”
It’s true, although your vision a bit blurry, you can feel his voice shaking and his tight grip on your arms as he holds you, perhaps to convince himself that you’re here with him, and you’re alive.
“Then I’ll make sure to love you for a lifetime, Zoro.”
This man doesn’t usually shed tears but, his eyes get a bit watery as he presses his lips against yours, then shaking his head and sighing in relief.
“Ok enough kissing now, let’s get you treated.”
“You’re the one kissing me, idiot!”
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chrollohearttags · 8 months
kinktober day five
character: multiple (written with some of my fav, big dick slanging demons in mind: tengen, taiju, takita, zoro, draken, gojo, ony, etc.)
kink: size kink
show: multiple (JJK, Demon Slayer, OP, AOT, TR, etc.)
word count: less than 1K idk
content + themes: squirting, heavy drinking, dirty talk, subby reader (described as plus sized), daddy’s used, slaps the reader like once, choking, halloween themed (they’re in costumes), missionary
── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.─── ── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* : ── ・ 。゚☆:
“..nngh! Daddy..okayyy, fuck! It hurts..”
“Ah, ah…I don’t wanna here that now. Take it..take this dick like you said you would earlier.”
if there was ever a time in your life that the sentiment of “eating your words” had stood true, then it was this moment right here..somehow, your seemingly normal night of partying and dancing with friends at a fun Halloween party had quickly turned into you being drilled into your plush mattress and your legs pinned back behind your ears! Truthfully, it wasn’t the first time you’d landed yourself in this type of predicament and most certainly wouldn’t be the last but there was a certain intensity about your man that you couldn’t quite pinpoint…perhaps it was your constant misconduct. Being a brat and defying him when he told you you’d had one too many. Insisting you were fine and snatching away. Or maybe even shaking your ass on another man in an attempt to make him jealous. Whatever the root cause, you were certainly regretting your poor decision!
“ ‘S too much…goddamn..so fucking big.”
instead of chopping it up with your girls or taking pictures in those matching Spider-Man and Spider-girl fits, the crotch area had been torn to shreds and his hand was cradling your throat with a vice grip. Your entire lower half was trembling in immense pleasure; sticky from the constant stimulation that tight little pussy being pounded into oblivion. Cream dripping all down the sides of your plush, mocha colored thighs..such a perfect contrast. Clutching your own legs, you’d claw those long acrylics into your skin as those brown eyes rolled to the back of your skull; your body jolted around by those deep, unrelenting strokes. Although you two fucked like animals, it never made it any easier to adjust to how massive he was. Even after trying his damndest to train that body of yours, you could never take him past the halfway point. That thick girth, mushroom tip swollen from the repetitive prodding and those big, round balls smacking against your clit. It felt amazing but it was always a challenge. Releasing a series of whiny and shrill cries, you’d attempt to paw at his shredded six pack but to no avail, you couldn’t keep him out of you. The collision of your flesh filling the room alongside his deep voice, taunting you endlessly..it certainly didn’t help when his larger frame towered over you as well. Regardless of you being a bit bigger than the average woman, he handled you as if you weighed nothing more than that of a feather. Picking you up and thrashing you around at his leisure..it was so hot!
“Talk your shit now, baby. C’mon. Talk that shit with my dick inside of you.”
giving you another reminder not to try him with his thumb circling your clit. His hands soon made place on your pudgy little tummy, which he used to reign you in. His thrusts because faster by the second and you were coming unglued even quicker, quivering and quaking, he’d soon bog all of his weight down on your frame, truly honing in on your sweet spot. He was ensuring you had nowhere to run..it wasn’t long before that tight cunt was squeezing him with all your might and letting those first few inches stretch you open, just enough to get exactly what he wanted. “Come..” his only command and you’d follow shortly thereafter with a giant stream of spraying juices that coated his pecs and abs. A show that didn’t halt for almost an entire minute!…leaving you completely paralyzed with pleasure. Smacking your thigh, your boyfriend cackled in the most maniacal manner as he watched you writhe underneath him. Offering only more snarky remarks rather than solace.
“Next time, don’t get cute and make a scene in front of your little friends..you’re not in charge here, remember that.”
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xxlovelynovaxx · 4 months
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Hm, that's funny, because higher voter turnout has occurred in every election that a democratic president has won since 1980, and notably Reagan and Bush JR were both elected during SIGNIFICANTLY lower voter turnout years. Sometimes it's as little as a difference of two percent of the population, but that's still roughly six and a half MILLION people.
So yes, your vote DOES matter, and I'll remind you that we have actual hard evidence of people trying to discourage voter turnout on tumblr in order to influence election results in the direction of fascism.
I don't think that is what OP is doing. I think they're a depressed doomer who is reactionarily trying to make others feel as hopeless as they do to feel less alone.
I'll also say: collective anarchist action is effective. The jab at "oh, if we could do anything, we would be," totally ignores the leaps and strides we've made precisely due to protests, strikes, and smaller community action.
Whether we're talking about the progress we've made on climate change, the multiple large strikes that were won last year alone, or even just stuff like vulnerable community members surviving another year due to communities coming together to provide meals, housing, and mutual aid... all of that matters.
Pretending it doesn't, or that it hasn't happened, unintentionally hinders the anarchist cause at best. Doomerism is a cancer within leftist communities that left unchecked will effectively kill our communities. And like I said, I don't THINK this is a psy-op, but I'd suggest that if you wanna do the feds' work for them it's kinda pathetic that you're not even getting paid for it.
I understand voting feeling hopeless. Truly I do. I'm a plural mad queer crip and am fighting multiple structural institutions actively and passively trying to kill me on several different fronts.
I'd still rather have a part content to ignore and occasionally give lip service to my existence than one that actively has plans to kill and subjugate myself and my entire communities. So I'll fucking vote.
(And y'know, let's work on getting ranked choice ballots in the meantime. Because polls of people's actual goddamn opinions show we have a lot more allies than your hopelessness is telling you we do, even if many of them still need handheld into true leftism.)
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visenyaism · 8 months
🤲 fleabottomtop Follow
“queen rhaenyra is like maegor with tits” okay and i’d fuck him too what about it
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🐦‍⬛ raventr33 Follow
DNI if you support the usurper!!!!!!!!
🐎 brackennation
💯 peakesweep Follow
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❤️‍🔥 harrenwhore
y’all apparently @ muchandmore, like the tumblr witch who got caught stealing bones from the harrenhal graveyard for “protection charms” last year, keeps getting spotted on dragonback with PRINCE AEMOND ONE-EYE????
🎀 realms-delight Follow
like the k*nslaying war criminal???? isn’t he missing in the riverlands right now
🔮 muchandmore
not to those who know how to truly see the way…
🏵️ riverscrossing Follow
@ muchandmore y’all burned down my house yesterday. i hate this fucking website
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🍒 rhaenyrathecool Follow
“but his old tweets said-“ look at prince daemon and tell me he can’t reclaim. come on now
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🍄 mushroomed Follow
yoooooo streets are saying princess rhaenyra is using your tax money to have 80 person orgies every night
🦚 motheralicent Follow
is this true????? unfollow me if you support this wh0re
🌟 savvysab Follow
hey op where are the orgies. the ones with queen rhaenyra where are those happening. so i know how to avoid them because they’re a sin. if i wanted to not be involved in that where would i not go specifically
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🌷maidens-smile Follow
it literally says in the seven pointed star that b*stards are inherently sinful and base??? i don’t know why we’re trusting them with dragons now let alone the throne
🌊 spicetowngirl-deactivated1326953
hey just because someone’s parents aren’t married doesn’t mean they can’t be loyal and true!!!! prince jacaerys is a bastard and he’s doing a great job leading the war effort!
👑king-viserys-bot Follow
@ staff seize them and take their tongue🫵
[beep boop! i look for examples of the highest of treasons, questioning the paternity of mine own grandsons, the princes jacaerys, lucerys, and joffrey velaryon. if you think I’m doing a good job, tell me here!]
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🏅 tequilasunfyre Follow
i might get high in my tower but call me a targaryen the way i stay in bread
💥 sheepherder Follow
the targ taxes are literally the reason why we DONT have any bread you dumbfuck lizard loyalist. suggest everyone block and unfollow i don’t want to see this child murder apologist on my dash again
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🌖 crownbandz Follow
march back to KL boring as hell AND this edible ain’t shit
🌖 crownbandz Follow
why are the trees…..howling
🌖 crownbandz Follow
who the fuck is cregan stark
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🪲 teamgreenies Follow
guys i’m starting to think some of you don’t really care that much about andal succession law and actually just don’t like women???? this isn’t who we are
🐎 brackennation
💯 peakesweep Follow
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triclitch · 9 months
Gojo isn't dead. Or we'll he's not gonna be dead.
1 Because in his fight with Toji, he stated that the only reason Toji didn't kill him was because he didn't cut of his head.
2 his head isn't cut off, he's just cut in half and as seen he can regrow limps. (Also, if he can't regrow it, I imagine Shoko can kinda put it back together. And as long as Gojo has enough curse energy. He can flow that shit back into his lower half like blood to make it usable. (Daddy needs his gun people)
3 Gojo also said bye to his dead friends, which tells me that he probably has something up his sleeve.
And when he said he enjoyed the fight.
I think that is him excepting he lost. But not died.
Also the rebirth flowers.
I think the flowers play a huge role, Gojo may not come back stronger but as Geto asked, is he satoru gojo because he's the strongest or is he the strongest because he is satoru gojo.
And I think he is going to realize who Satoru Gojo is without keeping the title 'the strongest'
4 sukuna said don't let me down. And how he will remember Gojo forever.
Sukuna the king of curses, should know about reverse curse technique. And I think it's known that Gojo was holding back due to sukuna being Megumi. (As stated in previous chapters.)
So while they were fighting fighting. Gojo) wasn't going all out.
And as seen through Sukuna's thoughts he does respect gojo.
So knowing this, even though Sukuna can't be trusted! I do think he holds strong loyalty for people who impress him.
(Uraume and now also gojo)
So I think he knows gojo will likely heal.
Now! DO I think gojo will remain a sorcerer? No!
Here's why.
I saw on a stream that while reverse CT flows through the brain, CE generates in the stomach and if that's true. Then that means Gojos MAIN source of CE is well... gone .
BUT!!Like Maki and Toji's weapons, we know things that allow others to see and interact with curse energy are imbued with it.
Like Maki's glasses. 👀👀(see where I'm going.)
Curse energy can be transfered and held.
The six eyes allow Gojo to see curse energy mainly the flow. Therefore the six eyes , must be a sort of pseudo generator of CE. That's why people can't just redirect curse energy to their eyes to be able to be on a six eyes user's level.
So having to use his last and only intact source of generating curse energy, Gojo will use reversal technique to heal himself. But end up leaving himself without six eyes and likely without curse energy like Toji.(the outfit has to mean something other then being Megumi's dads.)
Because although he can heal using six eyes it won't be actually healing from the root so once that input of curse energy is gone there will be no more.
Other theories.
1. We didn't resolve anything with kenjaku, and while sukuna is a villain, I don't think he was the main one. (Cuz how the fuck is Yuji gonna best this man if bro can cut through the world..like wtf Gege you killed gojo just to make another OP character concept qhehe)
So either 1. Kenjaku fucks shit up for everyone, either takes out Kuna, and by this time a healed Go jo jumps in the frey but since he had to literally reconstruct half his body, he will be severely weakened and due to this.
Personally I'd like to see him and sukuna fight side by side, both going all out. And if they lose they die together.
Because I feel if they weren't on opposing sides they'd actually get along.
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it was about the coffee
edit 24/11: rip miracle blocker theory, my love
but possibly not the way we thought it was. this is going to sound so convoluted but bear with me here (and big thanks to the anon that precipitated this theory, and major apologies that writing this theory is only going to delay my answer to your ask even further💕)
a major plot-point for me in s2 was this bad boy:
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which i think we can safely say is a very op power for demons to possess for it not to come up again later on in the show? it's almost like a parallel to the book of life on that front - which is mentioned in the bookshop in ep6, but we've all agreed is pretty much going to be a major chekhov's gun in s3, right? well, what about the miracle blocker?
why wouldn't shax think of getting one either from furfur or from beelzebub when storming the bookshop? well, could be that shax didn't think of it. true - but i do wonder if something iffy was in fact going on in ep5/ep6 showdown, right up into the Final Fifteen.
let's start here: aziraphale has got some reality-bending bullshit going on, which i think is possibly just naturally emanating from aziraphale himself (im not wholly convinced it's entirely in-character for him to purposefully fuck with people's heads and autonomy) and perhaps the dancing/outfits/emotions etc is just the image he wanted for the dance, and his magic (?) essentially made it happen, so much so that he was potentially taken in by it too... hence why he was so readily resistant to crowley's pleas to listen to him about the danger? idk, getting sidetracked.
but anyway, then the demons come, and we see the below where... randomly, aziraphale's miracles/magic doesn't work. and there's no given reason for it:
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soon after this, aziraphale opens the portal; one thing on reflection? that portal opens damn fucking fast. sure, the peril is high, certainly higher than s1 when he had to pray and practically beg to speak to someone... but if the portal is more or less for metatron's direct use, and the metatron is so damn busy, being the voice of god... why would he be sat there waiting for a call?
s1, the time between aziraphale starting to pray/dial 9-1-heaven, and the portal opening (excluding where he shouts to shadwell that the shop is closed) is just over 31 seconds. s2, from "hello, is there anybody there" to portal opening is just over 5. a very short cut-down for a retired, traitorous angel, regardless of whether they're under attack (which, tbh, would be in heaven's interests, right? for aziraphale to get Got?). the explanation for that can only be, in my book, that metatron has been watching... and possibly has been since the first time the portal opened.
anyway, we then move on to metatron arriving at the bookshop, and offering aziraphale the coffee. others have reported a miracle chime, and tbh i too can hear at least a faint, high strong, that sounds out of place in the ambient sound of the scene. video below, where ive marked out where i can hear it:
we know that aziraphale doesn't drink coffee. tea, hot chocolate, wine... but he's never, as far as we've seen, canonically drunk coffee. he must have tried it at some point, crowley likes it/drinks it, so why wouldn't aziraphale have tried it at some point? well, i think he probably has, and didn't like it. i think he tried to change it, in front of the metatron, so he could take a sip and not be offensive. but... it doesn't work. aziraphale's reaction is awkward. and metatron's reaction is smug. i think metatron has a miracle blocker.
aziraphale is not stupid. i think he knows possibly from that moment, or very soon after, that metatron has been up to something. i think he knows that metatron might have eyes and ears everywhere. i think aziraphale has worked out that metatron is not in fact A Nice Old Man, and knows it right through until he gets in the lift (which im going to talk about more in the aforementioned anon ask). i don't think aziraphale has been overtly threatened, because the metatron has worked so hard in this scene to be non-threatening. but he has underestimated how smart aziraphale actually is.
making the offer to reform heaven appeals to aziraphale, there is no doubt on that. and aziraphale is desperate for crowley to be with him - not only on the layer of wanting to be together, or another layer of crowley deserving to have heaven make amends to him, or even the layer wanting to protect crowley under his status as supreme archangel... but because if aziraphale walks away, without crowley, crowley has nowhere safe to go. the bookshop has been compromised, and it is no longer safe. metatron with his almond syrup has Eyes and Ears everywhere. when crowley refuses, aziraphale has to get to heaven, and to metatron, before they get to him.
i do completely believe that aziraphale wants to help heaven, and possibly seek any way in which he can return it to what he thinks or believes was god's original purpose for it - to return or make it into the place that was always meant to stand for good and justice and love. but i also believe that now, more than ever, aziraphale teeters on the edge of giving heaven a chance - or being burnt to ashes, literally or figuratively. idk about you, but i have a gut feeling on what option he, in this moment, would be inclined to take.
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weemssapphic · 3 months
Lipstick Stains - Pt. 20
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Larissa Weems x fem!reader
words: ~ 3.2k | ao3 link in title
Whatever Larissa had been expecting from that evening, this certainly wasn’t it. She’d have cooked for you, perhaps suggested watching a movie which would likely have been abandoned in favor of making love and staying up talking for hours until falling asleep in each other’s arms. She hadn’t expected you to storm out of her office in tears after accusing her (rightfully so) of lying to you. And she certainly hadn’t expected to raise her voice at you - she could still feel her words scratching at her throat, and it made her feel sick to her stomach.
She was frozen in place, standing alone in the middle of her office, her mind reeling. Yes, she’d lied to you - but she was protecting you. 
No. That wasn’t true. 
She was protecting herself. She was too busy guarding her own heart from potential rejection, rather than trusting you and the relationship she’d built with you. She knew this but, fuck, was it hard to shake the grip the past had on her, even now.
And you - you were probably halfway back to your car by this point. 
No. No, no, no. You couldn’t drive home alone, not when the hyde was out there, not when you’d already gotten so close to being attacked this afternoon - you certainly wouldn’t be so lucky twice. 
Larissa’s legs began to move before her mind even registered what she was doing. She didn’t know what she was going to say to you, from the sound of it you probably wouldn’t want to see her, but she had to stop you from leaving. She was out of her office and down the hall in record time, rushing towards the staircase with her pulse pounding in her ears and praying she wasn’t too late. 
Reaching the landing of the staircase, her body collided with something solid - her arms shot out instinctively as she worried she’d just body slammed a student in her haste to find you. A sigh of relief escaped her lips when she looked down to find that it was your eyes looking up at her - your big, beautiful, sad eyes. 
Her body moved on its own, relief flooding her senses as she wrapped her arms around you without a second thought, burying her nose in your hair and pulling you close. You didn’t hug her back, you simply stood there with your arms dangling limply by your sides, but that was enough for her at the moment - it was enough that you were safe, that you were here and not in your car, in the middle of the woods, turning into easy prey.
“I’m so sorry, darling,” she whispered into your hair. “You have every right to be angry with me but, please, at least let me drive you home.”
“It’s fine, don’t bother,” you mumbled, your voice muffled by Larissa’s chest. She pulled back a bit to allow you to speak. “I’m still fucking pissed but that thing will kill us both. I’ll sleep on the couch.”
Larissa bit her tongue - like hell she’d let you sleep on the couch, but that was a discussion for later. With a curt nod, she took a step back and gestured up the stairs, allowing you to lead the way back up to her office. 
She closed and locked the door behind you, leaning back against it and watching in defeat as you picked up your bag and made your way towards her quarters without sparing her another glance, hesitating at the door. “I’m gonna go brush my teeth.” Your voice was monotone, only a hint of anger seeping into your tone.
“Darling, it’s only 7 pm…” Larissa felt her stomach sink at the realization of just how upset, how disappointed you truly were. “Would you like to eat something first?”
“Not hungry.”
With that, you disappeared into her quarters.
Larissa returned to her desk, her stomach churning. You’d been upset with her before, but not this upset. Not slamming doors or sleeping on couches upset. But then again back then it had been about Larissa keeping secrets from you, and now she’d done it again - she really hadn’t changed, had she? She tried to give you space, opening her emails and working through them - though she didn’t get very far. With a heavy sigh, she leaned back in her chair and resigned herself to her thoughts.
The more she thought about telling you the truth, the more foolish she felt. She’d been unfair to you - all you’d asked for was honesty and trust. You’d supported her time and time again, given her no indication you wouldn’t be able to handle the truth - yet she’d kept it from you anyway. 
She snapped her laptop shut, feeling as though her worry had aged her about 10 years in the past few hours as she made her way to her quarters, pausing at the door to listen intently for signs that you were awake before slipping inside and toeing her heels off in case you were already sleeping. 
Larissa startled at the sound of your voice, pressing her hand to her chest in surprise. She turned to find you lying on the couch, curled up on your side under a fluffy, forest green blanket with your face shrouded in darkness, the only light coming from a lamp in the corner of the room. 
“Hello,” she whispered. “May I join you?”
After staring at her intently for a moment, you nodded. Larissa walked over to the couch and sat by your feet, clasping her hands together on her lap. 
“I’m sorry.” Her own voice sounded foreign to her ears as she stared down at her lap, wringing her hands. “It was wrong of me to lie to you. And to raise my voice at you… I should never have done that.”
The silence that met her words was deafening, and Larissa could feel her heart hammering wildly as she waited for you to say something, anything. 
“Then why did you do it?” You sounded defeated - it broke Larissa’s heart.
“I was - I am - afraid.”
“Of what?”
Larissa opened her mouth to speak, but the damn words didn’t want to come out - she was starting to feel ridiculous. Why couldn’t she just talk to you? 
“Of losing everything… Nevermore, you...” Her voice was barely above a whisper, as though she hoped you wouldn’t hear her. 
“So you thought lying to me would help?”
The accusing edge to your voice cut deep - Larissa couldn’t help but feel frustrated, and she couldn’t help the way this frustration seeped into her tone. “It’s an outcast behind the attacks.”
“So,” Larissa sighed. “I don’t want you to think that all outcasts are… dangerous monsters.” Even as she said the words she felt a bit silly, but now they were out there and she couldn’t take them back.
You sat up, shrugging the blanket off your torso and pulling your knees up to your chest, hugging them close to your body and cocking your head as you stared at Larissa. She found herself averting her gaze, afraid of what she’d see in your expression if she dared look. 
“Why would I ever think that?”
“That’s certainly what everyone else in Jericho would think… Nevermore would be closed for good, no one in this town would ever look at outcasts the same way again.”
“Since when am I like everyone else in Jericho? What is this really about?”
Larissa risked a glance in your direction - your brows were scrunched up in confusion, your lips curled into a frown. She felt nauseous, the words tumbling out before she could stop them. “I don’t want you to think I’m dangerous.” 
Before she could register what was happening, your arms were wrapped around her torso from the side and your face was buried in her hair. Whatever reaction she was expecting, a bone-crushing hug was not it, and she could feel her face grow hot with shame. She turned away from you, her teeth sinking into her lower lip to stop it from quivering.
“Riss… please believe me when I say I could never think of you as dangerous. I know that the hyde isn’t representative of all outcasts, let alone of you.” You pulled back to cup her cheek, urging her to turn her head and look at you. After a moment’s resistance, Larissa gave in and met your gaze, immediately hit with a wave of emotion at the worry swimming in your eyes.
“I love you,” she whispered, unsure of what else to say as her eyes danced between your own.
“I love you more,” you whispered back, capturing Larissa’s lips in a soft kiss. She whimpered against your lips, immediately feeling comforted by the simple, intimate gesture. 
“I don’t think that’s possible,” she mumbled, before hesitantly deepening the kiss. Your fingers found their way into Larissa’s updo, holding her in place as your tongue flicked against hers - the fact that you were so willing to kiss her back calmed her racing heart some, making her think everything would be okay.
When you pulled back, Larissa felt herself blush. “I feel a bit foolish,” she admitted quietly. 
“Good, you should,” you deadpanned. The shapeshifter’s blush deepened and she looked up in shock, relieved when she saw your lips quirk up at the corners. “Did you really think I’d be scared of you?”
“There’s more to it than that, darling.” Larissa sighed. “Normies have been wary of outcasts for years. Even the most accepting normies have their limits, and, when they’re afraid, people tend to lump all outcasts together. It wouldn’t be the first time. I thought the issue would be solved by now… I thought I could protect you, and everything would be alright.”
“It will be alright,” you countered. “But you keeping secrets hurts us both… I’m a big girl, Larissa, I’ll be fine. I really do love you, I just need you to trust me.”
“I do trust you,” she said immediately. She meant it, she really did trust you with her entire being. “Can you still trust me?”
Larissa was afraid of your answer - it took all of her willpower not to avoid your gaze as she waited for you to speak, and she felt an overwhelming sense of relief at your reply.
“Yeah. I do trust you, Larissa.”
Larissa managed to convince you to eat ‘dinner’ with her - neither of you were particularly hungry so you sat side by side on the kitchen counter, eating cereal as you told her about your encounter with the hyde. Just hearing about how close you’d come to a certain death filled Larissa’s entire being with dread. 
“You know, it was weird,” you said with a mouthful of cereal. “When it ran away, it didn’t look like it was chasing something… more like it was running towards something but like… not in a predator-y way, you know?”
Larissa’s appetite was quickly fading and she set her half-full bowl aside. She placed her hand on your thigh, her thumb rubbing circles against the fabric of your trousers - though whether she was trying to soothe you with the action, or herself, she wasn’t sure. Perhaps both. “Did you see anything?”
“Sort of?” You furrowed your brows, chewing at your bottom lip as you seemed briefly lost in your memories. “There was someone there for sure. I… I don’t remember, it was raining so hard…”
In an instant Larissa slipped from the counter and stepped between your legs - whatever happened, it was over, and you were here and miraculously okay and, even more miraculously, you weren’t angry anymore. So Larissa just took your bowl from you and set it aside to wrap her arms around you, instantly feeling comforted when your legs wound around her waist.
“I’m just glad you’re alright,” she whispered, resting her forehead against yours. “I can’t lose you.”
Larissa felt soft lips melt into her own, and she lifted you off the counter and held you close to her. “Would you do me the honor of joining me in bed tonight?” she mumbled against your lips.
“Yeah,” you giggled. “Your couch isn’t very comfortable.”
Laughing, Larissa’s lips found yours again, and she blindly carried you out of the kitchen and into the bedroom, depositing you gently onto the bed and climbing on top of you. “I’ll be right back, I just have to get ready for bed,” she whispered against your lips, giving them a quick peck before pulling away and heading quickly to the bathroom to remove her makeup and get changed. 
Minutes later she slipped into bed beside you, turning onto her side - you were already facing her, and you reached out to tuck a strand of hair behind her ear. Larissa took hold of your wrist before you could lower your hand and brought it to her lips, pressing them to the base of your palm. Her eyes fluttered shut as she used the moment to ground herself again, your soft skin against her lips calming her nerves better than anything else ever had.
Opening her eyes and letting go of your wrist, she reached out to stroke your cheek, grazing her fingers against your cheekbone and your jaw before trailing them down to your shoulder, playing with your hair - her gaze following her fingers as the gears in her mind turned. You were silent as you watched her, not moving a muscle, giving her time to put her fears into words.
“Darling…” Larissa began, twisting a strand of your hair between her fingers. “Do you remember when you asked me if our hypothetical child would be a shapeshifter?”
She glanced at your face just in time to see a blush rise to your cheeks - Larissa felt her heart leap into her throat. 
“Yeah… why?”
The shapeshifter hesitated for a moment, nibbling at her bottom lip with her teeth as her anxiety rose. “What would you think of that?”
“Hmm…” You tightened your grip around Larissa’s waist, looking dreamily up at her - it made her cheeks grow warm. “I would think both of you would have a very unfair advantage and I’d definitely be the boring mom.”
Your reaction surprised Larissa and she let out a chuckle in response. “No, I mean it,” she whispered, trying not to let her imagination get ahead of her.
You raised your eyebrow. “What am I supposed to think of that?” Larissa opened her mouth to respond, quickly closing it again when she didn’t know what to say - so you pressed on. “Rissa, is this about you being a shapeshifter? I don’t care what you are, I love you.”
“Even if I do terrible things?” she muttered bitterly, unable to meet your gaze. “Wednesday’s told you what I’ve done.”
She felt your hand take hold of her own, and her gaze dropped to your fingers as they wiggled their way between hers.
“I don’t think protecting your school and your students makes you a terrible person.” Your voice was low and gentle, and Larissa wanted so badly to believe your words. “The world isn’t always black and white. There are shades of gray.”
Larissa swallowed thickly, nodding absently and scooting closer in order to nuzzle her face into the crook of your neck. She didn’t care much whether or not most people thought she was a good person - she was used to facing prejudice and opposition from all sides, she wouldn’t have gotten into her position as principal if she wasn’t able to shrug it off. 
But when it came to you, she suddenly found herself caring a great deal about the things she was usually so unbothered by. She truly did care what you thought about her and her actions - she wanted you to understand her, not judge her as so many others had. Part of her knew you wouldn’t, though that part was quickly and often drowned out by the little voice inside her head, trying desperately to protect what was left of her inner child. 
“Hey, what’s wrong?” Your voice broke the silence, Larissa could feel it vibrate against her cheek as she burrowed into you. She pulled back with a sigh, resting her forehead against yours and cupping the back of your neck. 
“Shapeshifting is a rare ability - there’s not nearly enough education on the subject even at Nevermore, I’m afraid, and not many people know a shapeshifter personally. It leads to a lot of prejudice even within the outcast community. Many shapeshifters are accused of deception and manipulation throughout their entire lives. I… don’t want you to think that’s all I use my ability for. I don’t want to be that person, not to you.”
“I know you’re not,” you reassured her - though she was so in her own head that your words did little to assuage her worries, until you propped yourself up on your elbow and cupped her cheek, holding her gaze. “I told you that I trust you and I mean it. I hate that you’ve experienced prejudice because of who you are but I’m the last person who’d judge you for that. And our children being shapeshifters isn’t a worry that’s even crossed my mind,” you added with a smirk.
Our children - Larissa’s breathing stuttered audibly in her chest.
The first time you’d mentioned the possibility of having a child with her, Larissa figured the question was a natural follow-up to the fear of getting knocked up, pillow talk without any real meaning.
The second time the topic of children was brought up, Larissa had been too in her own head to probe you for your opinion on the subject, had felt too vulnerable to open a discussion. 
This time, you mentioned it so casually and assuredly that Larissa wasn’t sure what to make of it. She knew she wanted children, but what she’d told you was true - by this age, she’d resigned herself to the fact that her students were as much as she would get. Before you, she’d assumed any partner she might have would be around her age as well and uninterested in starting a family so late in life.
“Our children?” she whispered, her heartbeat in her throat as her eyes danced between your own. “Is… that something you’d want? With me?”
“Yeah… I mean, if that’s even something you’d want with me…” Your cheeks flushed and you bit your lip - the fact that Larissa didn’t think you had anything at all to be nervous about only made it cuter to her.
“I… think I would,” she murmured, a blush of her own adorning her cheeks as the gears in her mind turned. “Perhaps that is something we should discuss at some point then…”
The way your lips quirked up into a bright smile and your blush deepened did nothing to calm Larissa’s racing heart - quite the contrary. She swallowed thickly. “But today was a long day, maybe we should get some sleep…”
Your arms enveloped Larissa in a hug, allowing her a brief reprieve from the eye contact to calm her sudden butterflies. 
“Sleep sounds good,” you murmured with a smile, briefly breaking the hug to lean over and flick off the lamp on the nightstand, blanketing the room in darkness. You settled back against the pillows, pulling Larissa with you - she rested her head on your chest, your heartbeat steady and strong in her ear as her eyes fluttered shut. “Sleep well, Riss,” you whispered against the crown of her head, bringing a soft smile to her face.
“Sleep well, love,” she whispered back.
Taglist: @littledollll @nlr-33 @mysaviorfalsegod @imlike-so-gaydude @rainbow-hedgehog @enchantressb @alder-saan @autumn-leaves-chasing-breeze @amateurwritescm @brienneswife @principal-weems09 @messynessi @larissaoftarthweems @anti-bright-places @lvinhs @catechristiesstuff @ladyzmilf002 @milfsloverblog @opheliauniverse @orangeisnttheonlyfruit @im-a-carnivorous-plant @alexusonfire @bigolgay @kimiinou @wastdstime @scream-queenlover @imprincipalweemspet @justcallmelittleone @willowshadenox @milfsloverblog @leftoverenvy @yahaqueen @peggycarter3 @lilfartbox1 @makemyworldworthliving @crow-raven-crow @mosscoveredcrucifix @opalthefrog @barbarasstar @giogwensversion
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graymanshoots · 3 months
FWB!Ghost x GN Reader x pastHookup!Konig
Tags: Hookup,semi public sex, regret, angst, yelling, ginger konig, konig doesn't wear his mask constantly like ghost (Only on the field), vulnerability , crying, arguments,no beta we die like men
Part: 1 - 2
A/n: I finally finished this on two days of no sleep and a missing beta reader. Hope guys enjoy the tad bit of spice at the beginning and as needed 18+.
Seeing the head of ginger hair standing out not only cause of its color but because it belonged to the tallest person in the room, filled your stomach with stones.
The memory of the familiar face shot through your mind like a bolt of lighting igniting your nerves as you tensed next to your teammates.
You were all shipped up and sent to a warehouse a couple of weeks after finding out you’d be working with kortac.
Having arrived days before they had you were granted time to stop for a drink with johnny and kyle. Price didnt join claiming he wanted to be prepared and if price isn't coming neither did ghost much to your benefit.
Maybe if he had come you would be piss drunk with the team probably getting dragged back to the warehouse by the man himself, instead you were barely tipsy with your cheek pressed into the leather seating of a stranger's car.
His broad chest rubbing against your back with each harsh thrust, the car surely visibly shaking on the outside.
You dont even have to guess how fucked you would be if he remembered you and decided to ope his mouth.
You cross your arms over your chest and lean against one of the metal support beams that the building had an abundance of.
Despite your wishful thinking the red headed man's eyes fell on you and you knew he knew.
You were quick to notice the slight quirk in his lip before going stoned face once more.
He introduced himself as “konig” before introducing the rest of his team, his eyes occasionally flicking over to you.
“Fuck sake, this guys huge.” Kyle whispered to you coming around to your side.
Kyle had no idea how true his words were, the phantom feeling of being filled by Konig's thick cock.
You nod in acknowledgement to what Kyle says letting out a sigh, “Laswell described him as a battering ram, yeah” you say.
You don't fail to notice the way Konig eyes you up every chance he gets like he had done in the bar nights prior. When you saw him in the bar he was far more blatant with his staring, his interest apparent as he shifted his stance debating on whether to approach you or not.
Rubbing the sweat built from nervousness off his palms and onto the tight cargo pants he wore he finally came over when the boys were getting another round of drinks to approach you.
The conversation between you two was short as you both seemed to have the same goal in mind: get laid.
After Simon you hadn't slept with anyone else but it was a welcomed gift to feel wanted again.
Konig was definitely someone you found attractive, you wouldn't have had breathy moans pulled from your throat in the back of his car if he wasn't.
But he wasn't simon.
A small piece of you felt guilty while the rest was saying fuck it, ghost ditched you not the other way around.
You mentally return to the conversation when you hear your name being said, you realize price is introducing the team and you give a small acknowledgement, your fingers twitching at your hip.
“Oh, I’m familiar.” König responds to your introduction with quick ease causing your teammates eyes to fall on you. Johnny gave you a knowing look of mischief, his bright blues having seen you with the man before you disappeared from the group.
“Just a brief meeting in a bar, unfortunately I did not stay long enough to meet the rest of you.” He clarifies noticing your subtle glare.
The encounter was anything but brief, you thought to yourself as the conversation was then drawn off of you.
It’s wasn’t until later that you bumped into the behemoth of a man.
“You were so vocal a few nights ago now you walk around quiet as a mouse.” He comments a smirk playing on his uncovered lips.
“You pester all your random hookups?” You retort your lips stretching into a thin line as you looked up at him.
“Just the ones I have to work with, mein Freundin.“ he chuckles ignoring your unamused expression.
“Well if that’s all I’ll be going.” You sigh not wanting to get involved any further.
But as you pass his hand grips your wrist and suddenly your back in front of him with his other hand at your chin.
He forces your head to the side and a smirk comes to his lips as he looks at the newly exposed skin .
“So schön, sie sind wie eine Blume .” And then he’s gone and already halfway down the hallway by the time you gather yourself.
Ghost walking down the opposite side of the hallway having seen the interaction from a distance. His eyes arrow on you and then the retreating redhead.
You let out a huff of frustration when you see him and reluctantly start walking in his direction.
“You two seem close, got anything you want to share?” He questioned you his tone accusatory. After weeks of barely speaking to you he breaks the silence to ask about a personal situation.
“It doesn’t concern you lieutenant.” Your quick to respond but he doesn’t want to take that answer.
“It’s concerns me when it’s involves an enemy and You.” He grumbled crossing his arms over his chest.
“Why do I concern you Ghost? I’m just someone you used to use so fuck off cause I already know what your thinking.” The words come out harsher and more bitter than what you intended. Your frustration and resentment to the man you wish you didn’t love coming out almost full force.
Ghost stiffened at your words, his jaw and fists clenching as you brushed past him.
Once he could no longer hear your steps his entire body deflated his shoulders feeling heavy with shame.
He was being unfair to you and he hated himself for it but he felt so selfishly it was hard to stop.
Ghost adjusted his mask and shook off the guilty feeling that loomed over him before continuing down his path.
You could feel your skin buzzing with irritation, your palms stinging from being squeezed into tight fists. Why did he have to make everything in your life harder every time?
No matter how many steps you take away, ghost manages to still be right on your tail. You found yourself spacing for the rest of the day until your sat across from the same person you didn't want to see again that day.
Ghost sat across from you staring you down as you ate the unappetizing food served in mess.
His gaze was unrelenting; he looked as if he was aching to say something but stopped himself instead opting to tap his finger on the edge of his empty plate idley.
“Y’think Lt’s mad at ye?” Johnny questions quietly from his place beside you. You narrow your eyes at the sergeant, “Why would he be?”
Johnny had this look on his face like he did something he wasn't supposed to as he clicked his teeth and shifted awkwardly in his seat.
“He asked aboot whit we were up to at the pub, an i think i might ‘ave talked ye into some trouble.” he confessed glancing over at simon who was still boring holes into the side of your head.
You didn't have time to retaliate against your teammate for his loose lips before simon was standing from his seat arms crossed. “We need to talk, now.” His tone was sharp, his words spoken in that usual gruff manchester accent.
You sucked your teeth and agreed not wanting to make a scene in the mess hall, mentally you vowed to eventually get johnny back for damning you.
After leaving mess ghost lead you to an unoccupied meeting room shutting the door behind the both of you.
“Looks like you got a type.” Ghost started leaning against the door with his arms crossed.
“Don’t fucking start with me ghost, what i do outside of work is none of your damn business.” you hiss plopping down on one of the many chairs in the room.
“Don't tell me it's not my business when you have a drawer of shit at my apartment.” he retorted, his eyes narrowing on you. His body was tense and his shoulders squared like he needed to move but wouldn't allow himself to.
You could feel your eyes burn as your frustration grew, your fists clenching and unclenching.
“You can throw all the shit away, i don't even know why you still even have it.” you mutter looking down at ghost’s shoes avoiding his glare.
“I kept them because i ca-” you cut ghost off before he could say anymore, “Dont you dare fucking do that to me simon!” you snap meeting his glare with glazed eyes.
Standing from the seat you approached Simon's further tensing figure. “You're a jackass, Simon, y’know why? Because i told you how i fucking felt and you fucking left. Now im living my adult life and you want to act like im your fucking girlfriend or something, let me move on!” you were borderline shouting the frustration bleeding out of your eyes and into your voice.
Simon couldnt hold your gaze anymore he couldn't stand that look in your eyes or the dampness of your cheeks. He could feel the words crawling into the back of his throat but none of them were the right thing.
What could he say to fix this, what could he do when your fury spoke so loudly that he wanted to shrink away.
“I…” he took a breath “Im sorry” his arms hung loosely by his side, fingers tapping rapidly at his palm.
“Sorry doesnt change the fact that you left, then treated me like nothing, and ar now trying to grill me about my sex life when you removed yourself from all of my personal life.”
You wiped your face as your tone came down, the short burst of aggression dying down with it.
“I'm tired simon, I devoted so much to you for so long for it all to end because you cant figure yourself out.” You bring your eye’s down to the ground again before back up at simon.
“You’ve had years of us playing this cat and mouse game, if your still confused, if your still unsure, if you don't want…” Your eyebrows pinch together as you clench your jaw.
“If you don't want me, then why are you here? Why are we even having this conversation if your actions speak your truth, because that's all I have to go off of?” Your question struck Simon and his breath caught in his throat.
He rubbed his face over the mask, the feeling of the fabric suddenly becoming so suffocating.
The rough material rubbed uncomfortably on his skin as he pulled it off his chapped lips parting for a heavy breath.
He disheveled with his messy blonde hair and eye bags that seemed deeper than usual.
“You’ve ruined everything for me…” he starts your eyebrows furrowing at his words.
“Everything in my life is so fucking mixed with yours and i can let it go. I thought avoiding you would help make you leave every piece of my being but it just made it worse. You know what happened to my family, and i dont want to use that as an excuse but im fucking terrified of seeing you in my nightmares.” Simon's lips are drawn into a thin line and his body slumps into the wall, his shoulders dropping.
“I know im an arse and big fucking mess and selfish as all hell, but i feel different for you and i dont know what to do with it.” his shaky hands clasped together in front of him.
“You have no idea how many times we’ve been together and i just wanted to have all of you, how many futures that have lingered in my mind over our years together. I want you for the rest of my life but I don't know how long that life will even be.” simon looks to you with a tired sigh.
You feel frozen in your spot the bitterness and frustration in your chest deflating into an equal exhaustion.
“Where do we go from here simon? I love you and I've loved you for over a decade but I can't keep going if you’re going to take years to tell me what you want.” You say stuffing your hands into your pockets unsure what to do with them.
“I like who i am around you, and i dont want to loose one of the only good things left in my life cause im being fucking daft. Am I too late?” his tone was soft almost a whisper. It felt so uncharacteristic for a man like simon ‘ghost’ riley to say something like this, to speak so softly and seem so nervous. You almost felt unsure about how genuine his words were but his glazed eyes had crushed your doubt.
Bringing your hands from your pockets you hesitantly grabbed simons hands before pulling them around you. He immediately melted into the hug, his hands gripping at you as if you'd disappear if he didn't hold you so tightly.
You could feel his relief as you held onto him his shaky breath evening out and his muscles going almost lax.
“We can try again.”
[Good ending] :)
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