#so hes gonna have a meltdown when he finds out and probably when she visits and ill be on shift for that
du-hjarta-skulblaka · 2 months
Hmmggggggg almost got into a full fight with Cunt coworker bc she was totally ignoring one of the kids while also actively making things worse with another
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contentconsumer · 2 years
but you don’t like coffee?
a/n: just something to get me back into writing and rn i’m crushing so hard on steve harrington, maybe a future series? just some fluff lol, not my gif!
word count: 1k(ish)
requested?: no, requests are closed but ships are OPEN
pairing: steve harrington x reader
warnings?: usual stranger things vibes/warnings, steve being wholesome, 
summary: mutual pinning between the scoops ahoy worker and the barista across the food court.
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robin was sick and tired of watching steve stare at the new girl across the mall. ever since you started working at a cafe opposite scoops ahoy in the food court, steve had suddenly taken a new found enthusam for being on the front desk - and robin wasn’t stupid, she had noticed his ‘slightly creepy’ staring at the poor girl who she remembered from their shared timed in high school. what was also creeping robin out was the fact steve was now early to his shifts, steve was many things but early was not one of them. robin’s breaking point was when she picked up on the fact steve had stopped trying to hit on every teenage girl who entered a 5 foot radius. 
on this particular wednesday robin could make out your figure clearing tables, simply minding your own business, with a sigh she turns to face steve who’s eyes are already following you, “why don’t you just talk to her?” “talk to who?” steve tries to play dumb, “the cafe girl you’ve been ooggling for the past 2 weeks” “her name is Y/N” “oh, she has a name!” robin claps her hands sarcastically, “brillant, so enlighten me - why do you know her name?” “because we went to high school with her” steve raises an eyebrow finally taking his gaze of you to stare at robin, “steve, do you really expect me to believe you remember a girl from high school who you probably never spoke to.” “how do you know i never spoke to her?” steve counters “did you ever speak to her?” “no, but-” “there is no but, why do you know her name? oh my god- have you been stalking this poor girl?” “what? NO! i just may have started visiting their cafe everyday before or after my shift” steve admits somewhat sheepishly “so you’re telling me that you’ve spoken to this girl” robin gestures wildly with her hands, “but not asked her out of made a move? thats not very king steve of you” she uses quotation marks with her fingers, “look, i’ve tried but she’s just” steve looks around exasperatedly, “different” robin gasps, “she makes you nervous” “no, i never said that!” “but that’s what it is, isn’t it? isn’t it?” robin repeated over and over poking steve in the side causing steve to lose his temper and bickering to occur, what they don’t realise while caught up in their argument is you walking into the store, in fact neither of them have any clue you’re there until you cough slightly and mumble a very quiet, ‘excuse me’.
the pair in front of you physically jump apart at the sound of your voice, “sorry i um didn’t mean to scare y’all” you cringe, “i was just wondering if you guys had any spare whipped cream we’ve ran out? i know it sounds so stupid but theres this kid at the cafe i work at right now having a full on meltdown because i said i couldn’t put any on his hot chocolate and i swear to god if i have to listen to a 2 year old screech in my fucking ear one more time i’m gonna loose it” you press your lips together offering a smile after your small rant.
for once in her life robin decides to actively help steve out by giving him the chance to reply to you yet after an awkward amount of silence she glances at him out of the corner of her eye to find his cheeks a deep crismon, he is nervous, she thinks before deciding to cut in to help whatever the fuck is going on, “uh yeah we do, i’ll go grab some!” she wanders off leaving you and steve again in silence, slightly cursing him to do something - anything. 
you cannot take much more of steve’s gawking at you, “so how's it going?” you offer a conversation starter, this helps snap steve out of his daze, “uh yeah, it’s um, it’s going - h-h-how are you?” he slightly stumbles over his words and you can see a red creep up his neck, “yeah i’m good” and soon you fall into a small conversation in which you decide to ask, “i was actually wondering if maybe you want-” “i got it!” robin reappears cutting off your almost-date proposal, with a sigh you slap on a smile and take the cream from her, “thanks so much,” you start to back out of the store, “oh and steve? i’ll have your regular ready for you tomorrow” you smile, “you’re a lifesaver” steve calls after you, his mind racing through what just happened and if you were going to ask what he thought you were going to, “your regular?” robin cocks an eyebrow, “black coffee.” steve mumbles, “steve!” robin exclaims “you don’t even like coffee!” “i might” “no you don’t and that’s a fact! once i let you try some of mine to which you said and i quote it tastes like ‘satans asshole’” “well maybe it’s grown on me” “no,” robin tuts “Y/N has grown on you” robin teases, “yeah well you ruined that chance,” steve pouts slightly, “what?” his best friend stares blankly at him, “she was gonna ask me something but you cut her off with your stupid cream!” “she asked for the cream!” “well you couldn’t wait 5 minutes?” steve shrugs with wide eyes waving his arms manically. 
you wander back across the mall, and a sigh escapes your lips once you get back to your cafe, where your friend and co-worker is staring at you with an expectant gaze, “well?” she asks, to which you shake your head, “i didn’t get to ask him, i got interrupted.” “ah too bad kid,” Y/B/F says ruffling, “well there's always tomorrow, when he comes in for his coffee which he throws away after talking to you” “yeah” you giggle, “there’s always tomorrow” “and once he says yes to going out with you please stop staring at him across the food court, you’re making many families and myself uncomfortable with you eye undressing” “hey!” you get defensive “i don’t eye-” “yes, yes you do Y/N” a blush covers your face, “in my defense, i think it’s the hair” this leaves both you and your coworker in an abundance of laughter all while robin and steve are back in another argument, going back and forth about how ‘robin ruined the moment’. 
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You Saved Me - Derek Hale x fem!reader part 5
We back at it again because I love this right now
After smuggling Derek into my room via the window, the interrogation began. He sat in my computer chair, leaning over, resting his arms on his legs.
“Uh, first I want to say thank you for saving me again.” I began. He looked up and nodded. 
“You’re welcome.” 
“And uh, you’re a werewolf.” I said, starting to pace back and forth, “Is Scott a werewolf?” 
“He is.” 
“Did you bite him?” I paused, crossing my arms over my chest. 
“No, I’m an omega. Only Alphas can give people the gift.” He said. You call that a gift? I’d like a receipt.
“Is there a cure?”
“There’s a legend that says if the beta, one of the pack, kills the alpha then he will become human again. But I don’t even know if that’s true.” He explained. That meant Scott’s odds were not looking good and this werewolf thing is permanent. 
“Were you bitten by the alpha?” I asked, sitting down on the edge of my bed. 
“No, I was born with it. My family was a pack. After…” He paused, “After the fire, my older sister became the alpha since she had been trained by my mother to be the new matriarch. I came back here because I hadn’t heard from her. Now we know why.” 
“I’m so sorry.” I looked down at my socks. These questions were making him bring up what must have been incredibly painful memories and bringing up the fresh pain of the murder of his sister. 
“The thing following you in the woods was the new alpha. He killed her for her alpha spark.” 
“Alpha spark?” 
“It can transform a beta, or an omega into an alpha. It’s taken when the alpha is killed by either of those. Or it can be transferred willingly.” This was a little more complicated than I thought. I knew that there were hierarchies in wolves, but who knew it translated to werewolves?
“Why is the alpha coming after me? You said it was following me.” 
He leaned back in the chair, “Well, he’s either looking to eat you. Or he wanted to turn you.” At my shocked expression he added, “Probably the latter. He’s a new alpha so he’s trying to start a pack, probably why he started with Scott. Speaking of, you need to tell him to stop seeing Allison.” 
“Why, what’s wrong with Allison?” 
“Her family are a very old lineage of werewolf hunters.” He said seriously, “Chris Argent and I have an unspoken agreement. No deaths, I don’t end up dead. I can’t say the same for the rest of his family.” He was something in his eyes, a pain that couldn’t be described. 
“I know I said I wanted answers but if its too painful-”
“It’s fine.” He interrupted. I raised my eyebrows at him. 
“Derek, I understand what it’s like to lose your family in one day. It’s the most awful feeling imaginable. Because after the pain is the loneliness. I got lucky that I have Uncle Noah and Stiles. You had your sister and now she’s gone and you’re the only one left.” He chewed the inside of his cheek. 
“It’s not just me. I have an uncle in a vegetative state at Beacon Hills long-term facility. And my sister Cora, I haven’t seen her since the fire. I think she’s gone too, but there’s always the chance that she’s still out there. She just doesn’t want anything to do with me.” He looked down at his hands. He looked so vulnerable right now, something I never expected from him. He had so many walls up. There were still things he was hiding about the Argents, but pushing him now didn’t seem right. 
I gave him a small smile and kneeled down in front of him. Slowly, I reached for his hands, giving him plenty of time to pull away, but he let me touch him. I held his hands in mine, rubbing my thumbs over his knuckles. I titled my head to meet his eyes that he was hiding. 
“Hey, grief is hard. Especially since we lost our families in the same way. Let’s help each other. Would that be okay?” I asked softly. He met my eyes finally, his stern expression was more loose than usual. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. 
“I want to. But I can’t.” 
The sound of the door opened behind us, and queue Stiles meltdown. And with the position I was in, on my knees in front of Derek Hale, maybe it was a little justified. 
“What is going on?” He asked. I quickly got to my feet. 
“Uh, Derek was just leaving. Just a quick little visit.” I took Derek by the arm, brought him out of the chair and ushered him to the window, where he left without another word. 
“WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?” Stiles shouted. 
“Will you keep it down?” I whispered loudly. 
“Oh you can cut the crap, Dad isn’t here. Why the hell is a wanted criminal in my house?!” 
I crossed my arms and shrugged innocently, “We were just talking.” 
“Why was he covered in blood?” He pointed to the dry blood that was on the arm of my chair. I sighed and rubbed my temples. 
“Okay, I’ll tell you. But you have to promise not to tell your dad.” I pleaded. He crossed his arms and looked away from me. 
“As an upstanding citizen of Beacon Hills-”
“You cut the crap, Stiles. You have more priors than he does.” 
“I wasn’t questioned about the murder of my sister.” He shot.
“He was acquitted of all changes due to his alibi.” I shot back.
He grumbled and shook his hands, “Fine, fine. Tell me.” 
“Okay, so, Michael found me in the woods-” 
“Michael-” He started. 
“Hey, no interrupting!” He held his hands up in surrender, motioning for me to go on, “He found me in the woods and was probably going to commit a bunch of unsavory things on me when Derek showed up because the night before when you and Scott were arguing, I went to his house to get some answers of my own, he told me to go home so I did.” I paused and took a drink out of the glass of water on my nightstand, then continued, “Anyway, when Derek showed up he killed Michael because Derek is a werewolf.” I rushed out. 
“A what?!” He shouted. 
“Oh don’t act so surprised, you know Scott is a werewolf.” 
He stepped back, pretending to be shocked, “Scott? A werewolf.” Clearly trying to cover for his friend, but no dice. Stiles was a terrible liar. 
“Derek told me. And he also told me that Allison’s family are werewolf hunters. But I assumed you already knew that because you don’t look surprised at all.” 
“Well, ahhh, her last name does mean silver in French.”  He added. I shook my head, holding my pinkie out. 
“Pinkie swear me you won’t tell Uncle Noah.” He sighed, tapping his foot, “Promise!” He grumbled, throwing his hands up in the air, but eventually he wrapped his pinkie around mine. 
“Fine.” He paused, still holding my pinkie, his grip on my finger tightened, holding me there, “But you have to swear not to get romantically involved!” He pulled his pinkie away. I gasped loudly, staring between my pinkie and his. 
“You can’t do that.” 
He smirked, “I just did.” 
“I am not romantically involved with Derek.” I blushed. 
“Coulda fooled me.” He scoffed. I huffed. 
“Okay, time for you to go. Goodnight Stiles.” I pushed him out the door and slammed it behind me. I leaned against the door and sighed. I wasn’t romantically involved with Derek, we just had a connection. 
Maybe I was romantically involved. But could you blame me, he was my knight in shining armor twice. That was attractive. And he was far from ugly. 
The next morning, I went downstairs and was surprised to see Uncle Noah in the kitchen making breakfast. 
“Morning, I didn’t hear you come in last night.” I said, grabbing a water bottle from the fridge. 
“That’s because,” He yawned, “I came in this morning.” He motioned to the table, “Sit, sit. Let me make you breakfast.” I sat at the table, pulling an apple out of the basket on the table. He placed a plate of eggs and toast in front of me. 
I smiled up at him, “Thanks, Uncle Noah.” He nodded, sitting down with his own plate before eating. The few minutes were in silence, just chewing. I decided I should at least talk, make it seem like I was still scared that Michael would come back. 
“I know you don’t want to bring up work at home, but is there any news on Michael?” He sighed through his nose, swallowing his bite of food. 
“It’s okay. And I wish I had better news, but we still haven’t found anything.” He said. I nodded. 
“It’s okay, I know you’ll find him.” Find his body? Maybe. But he was very much dead. The only thing I’m worried about now in the woods was the alpha werewolf and whether he wanted to make me lunch or one of them. 
I was making my way out to get groceries when I saw Stiles Jeep whipping through the neighborhood. Being curious, I decided to follow, where I was led to Dr. Deaton’s office, the local veterinarian that Scott worked for. 
“Is there a reason you’re driving like a bat outta hell?” I called, seeing Stiles get out. 
“Oh great, you can help me carry him.” Stiles said, opening the back of the Jeep where Derek sat. He was pale, his eyes looked sunken in, and there was blood dripping down his hand. 
“Jesus Christ.” I said, carefully helping Derek out of the Jeep. He grunted while Stiles and I helped him inside after Stiles unlocked the door with the spare key. Scott had gone to go find the bullet so that Derek could cure himself, he would have to steal from Kate Argent.
 We brought him back into the operating area. I’m sure Stiles was chomping at the bit not to say something. Derek explained that he had been on the trail of the alpha when a hunter saw and shot him. 
Stiles looked at his phone then Derek, “Does Northern Blue Monkshood mean anything to you?”
Derek was leaning on the operating table, “It’s a rare form of wolfsbane. He has to bring me the bullet.”
Derek looked from me to Stiles, “Cause I’m gonna die without it.” He said breathlessly. He took his jacket, then his shirt off to reveal the bullet wound in his arm which was bleeding, but the strangest thing was his veins around the wound were purple and crawling up his arm. I guess Monkshood must be deadly to werewolves, but then again, it is wolfsbane. Derek looked manic, he was getting warmer and sweat was dripping off of him in buckets. He looked around and grabbed an amputation saw.  I grabbed a bowl filled with water and grabbed a couple paper towels. I wet the paper towels, and moving to touch his wounded arm, he pulled it away.
“Okay, if the Blue monkshood doesn’t kill you, an infection will. Let me help you.” I narrowed my eyes. He glared, his nostrils flared but he held his arm out. I lightly dabbed at it, careful not to apply too much pressure.
Stiles gagged when he saw it, prompting me to elbow his side, “Okay, you know, that really doesn’t look like anything, some echinacea and a good night’s sleep couldn’t take care of…?”
Derek swallowed thickly, “When the infection reaches my heart, it’ll kill me.”
“Positivity” just isn’t in your vocabulary, is it?”
“Stiles!” I scolded. 
“If he doesn’t get here with the bullet in time– last resort.” Derek grabbed an amputation saw from the table. 
“Which is…?” Stiles asked. 
“You’re gonna cut off my arm.” He rushed his words out, they slightly slurred together. 
“Okay okay.” I grabbed the saw from his grasp and set it back down on a metal tray, “Let’s just be a little optimistic. Scott’s going to be here soon.” He glared at me, causing me to raise my hands in surrender. He grabbed a rubber tourniquet and tied it tightly around his arm with his teeth to stop any further movement. 
Stiles held his arms out, “Oh, my God. What if you bleed to death?”
“It’ll heal if it works.”
“If it works?!” I snapped, not believing that any of this was happening still.
Stiles sight, “Ugh. Look - I don’t know if I can do this.”
“Why not?”
“Well, because of the cutting through the flesh, the sawing of the bone, and especially the blood!”
“You’re not afraid of blood. You don’t faint.” I said, confused. 
“No, but I might at the sight of a chopped - off arm!” 
“All right, fine. How about this? Either you cut off my arm, or I’m gonna cut off your head.” Derek glared. 
“Derek.” I scolded.
Stiles shook his head, “Okay, you know what, I'm so not buying your threats any-” Derek grabbed him by the shirt collar and lifted him up, “Oh, my God. Okay. All right, bought, sold. Totally. I’ll do it. I’ll do it.” Derek dropped him and Stiles looked back at his arm, “What? What are you doing? Holy God, what the hell is that?” His arm was oozing from the wound. 
“It’s my body..” Derek breathed out, “Trying to heal itself.”
“Well, it’s not doing a very good job of it.” Stiles avoided his arm once again.  
Derek grabbed the saw, holding it out to Stiles, “Now. You gotta do it now.”
“Look, honestly, I don’t think I can.”
“Just do it!” He shouted. 
Stiles took the saw, “Oh, my God. Okay, okay. Oh, my God. All right, here we go!” 
“I can’t watch this.” I covered my eyes with one of my hands, the other was on Derek’s uninjured arm. But like an angel’s voice, we heard Scott yelling for Stiles. 
“Scott?” Stiles asked, looking at the frazzled teen who just ran through the clinic.  I uncovered my eyes, still seeing Stiles with the saw pressed to Derek’s arm.
“What the hell are you doing?” Scott asked, exasperated. 
Stiles dropped the saw, “Oh, you just prevented a lifetime of nightmares.” 
Derek stood up more without the help of the table but he was starting to wobble, “Did you get it?”
“What are you gonna do with it?” Stiles asked. 
Derek swallowed thickly, “I’m gonna…I’m gonna…” His eyes fluttered shut, his knees buckled and he fell to the floor. 
“Derek!” I shouted, grabbing his torso before he broke his skull open on the floor. When Derek had dropped, it had knocked the bullet out of Scott’s hand and it had rolled.
“No. No, no, no, no.” Scott pleaded as he watched the bullet roll and fall into the vent in the floor. 
Stiles was down on the floor besides me, “Derek. Derek, come on, wake up.” He was tapping his cheek, “Scott, what the hell are we gonna do?”
“I don’t know! I can’t reach it.” Scott called from across the room.
“He’s not waking up!” Stiles said between his teeth, clearly in panic mode, but I wasn’t any better. I leaned my head down to his chest, trying to hear his heartbeat. 
“His heart beats slowing down!” I called, I grabbed his shoulder, starting to shake him, “Come on, Derek, wake up!”
“Come on.” I heard Scott grunt.
“I think he’s dying. I think he’s dead!” Stiles looking back in Scott’s direction. I started to panic, shaking him harder. I can’t lose him. I can’t. No one else I care about is allowed to die.
“Just hold on! Come on.” Scott let out a restrained yell, then shouted “Oh! I got it! I got it!” 
When Stiles heard that, he pushed me back and bowed his fist, “Please don’t kill me for this.” He swung and connected with Derek’s cheek, “Ugh! Ow! God!” He pulled his hand away, shaking it. Derek gasped and his eyes shot open, I helped Derek to feet and held his waist to steady him.
“Give me…” Scott gave Derek the bullet. He took the bullet between his teeth, and broke it open. He dumped the contents of it on the table. From his back pocket he pulled out a match book, he lit a match and dropped it on the contents. It burned quickly, an eerie blue flame. Once it went out, he pinched some of the ash in his fingers, then stuck his fingers in the wound. I winched and looked away. 
“Ow, God.” Stiles gagged. But we all watched in amazement as the dark veins that had been growing up his arm disappeared. I was finally able to breathe properly, I let out a sigh of relief, back away and leaning against the wall. I placed a hand on my chest, feeling my heart slowly go back into rhythm.
“That - Was - Awesome! Yes!” Stiles cheered, throwing his arms up. 
“Are you okay?” Scott asked.  
Derek grumbled a bit, “Well, except for the agonizing pain.”
“I’m guessing the ability to use sarcasm is a good sign of health.” Stiles smiled, feeling accomplished. He probably just was relieved that he didn’t have to cut anyone’s arm off. 
“Okay, we saved your life, which means you’re gonna leave us alone, you got that? And if you don’t, I’m gonna go back to Allison’s dad, and I’m gonna tell him everything-” Scott started his threat. Which meant that I was severely out of the loop. 
“You’re gonna trust them?” Derek cut him off,  “You think they can help you?”
“Well, why not? They’re a lot freaking nicer than you are.”
 Derek glared at him, the pain was back in his eyes, “I can show you exactly how nice they are.” 
After the excitement was over, I decided to go to the Hale house to talk to Derek privately. I got there before him and waited for him in the driveway. I really shouldn’t have come unannounced. He would probably just tell me to get lost like he usually did. I was pulled out of my thoughts by his black Camaro pulling up beside my car. I got out as he did. Derek still looked pretty rough but his color was coming back to his skin.
“Hey, I just wanted to make sure you were okay.”
“I’m fine.” He said dismissively, walking towards his house. And we were back to this. Even after everything, it’s like our relationship reset itself every time we saw each other. I followed after him, hot on his heels.
“Why do you keep doing this?” I asked, closing the door behind me.
“Doing what?” He took his leather jacket off and hung it up.
“You and I, we talk, we get more comfortable with each other. I think I am finally getting through that shell of yours only for you to make another one.”
Derek turned to face me, “I don’t owe you any explanation. I am fine by myself.”
“No, you’re not.” I came closer to him, my face mere inches from his, “You’re not fine by yourself. I saw how you looked tonight when Scott brought up the Argents. You were hurt, and scared, and angry. You can’t just sit here in this house and pour yourself into finding this alpha, you’re going to kill yourself. You almost died today.”
“He killed my sister! He is killing people and now Kate Argent is back and she doesn’t follow the Code. She will do anything, no matter how awful it is, to murder my kind. She’s the reason my family is gone!” He barked back. I took a deep breath.
“I know you want justice for Laura. I do too. But you can’t do that if you’re dead. Is that what she would want? Her little brother dead trying to get revenge?” Derek avoided my gaze, looking through me more than at me.
“Derek.” I said softly, slowly bringing my hand up to his cheek. He inhaled sharply, becoming stiff under my touch.
I stood on my tiptoes to press my forehead against his and whispered, “This is selfish to say… but I can’t lose you too. I-I thought you were dead. You have to be more careful. Please.” His body became less rigid and he let out a shaky breath. He slowly brought his hand to my waist, the other sliding over my hand that rested on his cheek. In that moment, it felt like the whole universe stopped. It was only me and him. It was like our minds finally connected and our souls touched. There was silence, only the wind blowing softly through the trees. 
“I can’t do this.” He whispered, closing his eyes. 
“You can.” I laced my fingers with his against his cheek, “We can do it together.” 
“I can’t let myself.” He opened his eyes again to meet mine, “When I’m with you I lose focus, you’re all I can think about. I get distracted from what I need to do. So I ignore you, treat us like it's nothing because I can’t open myself up again. Not after… not after what happened.” He was opening up, if not all the way, just a little. Derek had a good point. Finding the alpha and killing him was the only way to get justice for Laura. And if I was distracting him, maybe I should keep my distance. He clearly has been hurt terribly by someone, and hearing him bare his soul made me think about how to make it better. But what was I to do? My demons were killed, Derek deserved to destroy his own. 
“Do you want me to go away?” My words were barely a whisper. 
He licked his lips, “If I was allowed to be selfish, I would never let you go.” I took a deep breath, dreading the fact that I had to leave him. 
“Okay.” I smiled, trying to ignore my burning tear ducts, “I’ll go home. And… I won’t come back unless you want me to.” I reluctantly slipped my hand out of his. But, I need one selfish thing if I was ever going to live with this. I leaned up, pressing a soft kiss to his cheek. I pulled away, feeling his hand fall from my waist. I kept my eyes on the floor as I walked out of the Hale house, got into my car and drove away. 
Read part 6 here!
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glowingspence · 3 years
Extended family
Summary: "What if Cat had Spencer's child and Spencer is left to take care of it? At least he has an old friend to help him.”
Warnings: Past sexual assault, self-harm
Paring: Platonic Moreid
Word count: 1621
Chapter 1:
"Please, please stop crying" Spencer whispers, holding the baby in his arms. He has dark blond hair but brown eyes,dressed in baby clothes that JJ dropped off this afternoon. "Please" Gently he moves his hand to the baby's head while his screams fill the small apartment. "You have everything, there is no need to cry."
He had been crying for the last hours and Spencer is at a loss what to do. He did everything he could think of. It doesn't make sense for him to cry, he shouldn't be crying, he should be sleeping.
They are on the floor, Spencer sitting crossed legged, looking down on him. Cat had named him Theo, Spencer had agreed. She will never be a mother, he figured the least he can do is letting her decide the name of her child.
"You are safe, Theo. You can stop crying." He begs again, tears running down his face. He has read enough studies to know that the baby needs him and that he can't just place him in the crip Rossi had built with Matt this morning.
Why did they leave? Why did they have to go on a case? He doesn't know how to take care of this baby. He hardly ever felt this alone. "Please, stop crying" Spencer sobs. "I can't take it anymore,please."
He had tried so many things, even his own comfort item he had placed on Theo's chest but it hadn't helped.
Frustrated Spencer starts hitting his head against the wall behind him, the screams of the child feel like they are getting louder and louder. Like they burn themselves into his brain and he holds him tight, he doesn't want to hurt him. He won't be like his mother, he will be better but he can't stop this anymore. He can't stop hitting his head because it sends out these little calm rushes through his body for so quick seconds and when he hits fast enough they come again before it hurts.
And then someone takes him out of his hands and there are voices and he can finally move his hands and he starts flapping them, he wants his child back but on the other hand he is finally not feeling his weight on him anymore, he doesn't have the responsibility but the calm only holds for seconds until he panics. What if the neighbors called the police? What if someone takes Theo away and he will get hospitalized like his mom? What if they find out he can't take care of him?
Derek and Savannah had driven down here after JJ called them, telling them what happened with Cat and that Spencer is alone with a child that is the result of probably one of the most traumatizing days of his life.
Derek took the child and handed it to Savannah who started speaking soothing words to him, getting him a pacifier while Derek tries calming Spencer down.
"Watch your head, please" It had been years since he watched a meltdown but he still gets the same nervous pitch in his stomach when he sees Spencer hitting his head against the wall with full force. "You two are safe, it's me, Morgan. Your baby is with Savannah."
He gives him a few moments and then tries getting his attention again. "Spencer, can you hear me?" Disoriented Spencer reaches for him and grabs his shirt when he finds it, pulling at it. "I am here, I am here, kid" He places his hand over Spencer's. "We are gonna help you now okay?"
"Is that his name?"
"Theo, my baby" He brings out and hits his head against the wall a couple of times again. "Mine"
"We are not taking him away? Do you wanna hold him?"
"Okay, you can." Savannah walks over to him with the now quiet baby, placing it in Spencer's arms again.
"You are already a natural at this." She exclaims with a soft smile. "Look at you"
"My baby"
"You have a beautiful boy there." Derek tells him and gently touches the head of the baby. "Look at those cute little cheeks."
"He is very small." Savannah answers. "But that is okay, some babies are smaller than others. We have babies with all kinds of sizes at the hospital."
"Hank was even smaller and he is fine now." Morgan reminds him. "We are gonna take you two with to our home okay?"
"I know, pretty boy. It's your child, nobody is taking it away from you." Derek calms him while Savannah reaches up to his head, wiping the hair back and spending some comfort. "We are gonna take you both okay?"
"Because then we can help you just for now okay? Just to get things settled." Derek explains and knows he is using Spencer's state of irritation and exhaustion from the meltdown to convince him easier.
"You are not my friend anymore, remember?" Offended Spencer turns away shielding the child from Morgan and twitching his head ones so that Savannah let's go of him.
"Why not?"
"Because you left" Spencer states, a tear dropping down on Theos jumper. "Left me alone."
"I know but I am here now."
"Had to do everything alone then."
"I know,kid. That wasn't fair."
"All confusing."
"I know, I can't imagine what you have been through." The first weeks after he left the team he didn't hear anything aside from messages from the them how Hank is doing and how Savannah's recovery is going but then he got a call from Hotch telling him that he has no idea how to help Spencer and that he has no idea what he can do to help him so Morgan came back one time to talk through what he did to accommodate him on cases but when Spencer saw him at the office he started crying so badly when he learned Morgan was just there for a quick visit he promised himself to never do that again and he had hurt Spencer in the progress bad enough for him to never call or text him ever again. "I am gonna take Theo now okay? Can you let Savannah check on your head?"
"Don't wanna go with you"
"It's okay, honey." Savannah assures him, rubbing his back. "We are gonna make you feel at home okay? We have a guest room and a room for Hank we have enough space for both of you. We are just gonna drive over to our home so we can help you and if help means that you don't want Theo with you we can still help you okay? This is okay, whatever you are feeling."
"My baby"
"I know, it's gonna stay your baby. We are just gonna help you, like you helped JJ or like Jessica helped Hotch."
"Don't want to give him away"
"You don't have to, it's your child. I promise we are not taking him away. No one is taking him away." Savannah soothes him and eventually Morgan can take the baby from Spencer. "Okay, can you look at me for a quick second? Just gonna check for any sign that you hurt your head."
"What is Morgan doing with Theo?"
"He is gonna place him into baby carrier so we drive with him." Savannah explains and checks his head being relieved to find no injuries. "I am sure you will want to pack something right?"
"Are we going to drive over now?"
"Yes" Anxious Spencer starts tapping his chest, and looking to the floor. "What do you wanna take?"
"My blanket"
"We can pack that, come on." She holds her hand out for him to take, nodding in Derek's direction to show him that she got this. "Do you have a bag somewhere?" Shyly Spencer points at his go bag from work that Savannah drops onto his bed and takes the old clothes out. "You just tell me what you need for the night, okay? We can always get your other stuff."
"Right here." She pulls it over and folds it so it fits into the bag. "What else?"
"Theo has my stuffed animal. I want it back."
"Doesn't he have his own yet?"
"Okay we can buy one tomorrow what do you think?"
"I am gonna get it for you okay? You don't have to share it."
"Don't want him to break it"
"That's okay" All she has in mind is her husband blaming himself years after his own abuse for it and for it to happen to so many more children. She just wants to make Spencer as soon as possible feel understood and that whatever he is feeling is okay and not something he has to suppress. "Why don't you pack the rest?"
"You are just gonna take me to your place right?"
"Yes we will drive to our house."
"I am gonna hurt you if you try locking me up"
"We are not locking you up." Savannah tries calming him. "I promise you we are just taking you to our home together with Theo."
"If you lock me up I will make sure Cat will come for you-"
"Deep breath. We will not hospitalize you because you had a meltdown. That happens because of your autism which you had your entire life and were perfectly able to handle. We are just helping you with the transition to having to take care of a baby and we will look together for solutions so you are not alone but it's your child, your little baby and you are his father. You decide everything, you always have the last word. We are just here to help you two."
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deeranger · 3 years
Fic Writer Questions!
@oddsocksandstuff tagged me in this, thank you so much, sweetie!  ❤️
 1) How many works do you have on AO3? I’ve got 40 so far (of which 25 are SPN fics). There’s more to come! 
2) What’s your total AO3 word count? 486,667, apparently. That tells me each of my fics has an average wordcount of 12,166.675… Seems about right. I was never any good at keeping things short.
3) How many fandoms have you written for and what are they? Uhh… On AO3 I’ve written for Supernatural, Supernatural RPF, X-men (Cherik) and McFassy (James McAvoy/Michael Fassbender). But I’ve written a lot when I was younger that has never made it online, including NCIS, Pirates of the Caribbean, and lots of weird one-shorts starring everyone from Michael J. Fox to Kevin Sorbo from “Hercules: The Legendary Journeys”. 🤨  
4) What are your top 5 fics by kudos? “A Lesson to be Taught” – an SPN Wincest pwp fic where a dominant Dean fucks (and spanks) Sam and they discover that Dean apparently has a daddy!kink. Comes with a photo manipulation too! There be dick.    
“Taking Game” – a semi-dark medieval Cherik (Charles Xavier/Erik Lehnsherr from X-men) AU. Basically, Charles is a poacher hunting on king Erik’s land to his great dismay. And so, he’s captured and gets the choice between losing his life or serving the king for a bit… Dubcon and smut ensues.   “Only Like This” – a little SPN Wincest dub-con fic about hopelessly pining Dean doping Sam just so he can touch and kiss his oblivious little brother. It’s okay. Sam won’t remember when he comes to.   “It’s Only Carnal” – A dark SPN Wincest noncon fic where soulless!Sam needs to blow off some steam. And when it comes to carnal activities his brother isn’t exactly a novice – so why not use Dean’s body to make them both feel good?   “Demonized” – a long and dark af SPN noncon fic written in collaboration with the awesome @palishere. Sam is captured by some nasty demons who use him to lure in his brother. At first it seems the demonic scumbags are just really perverted and have a weakness for sexual torture, but they turn out to have ulterior motives…  
5) Do you respond to comments, why or why not? Yes, always. I think it can be a bit demotivating for a reader to leave a comment and get zero response – and so, they might not bother to comment on the next fic. At least, that’s how I feel personally. And besides, I really want to let readers know that I appreciate them taking the time and effort to actually tell me what they think.  
6) What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending? Oufff… Seriously? How can I possibly pick just one when 99.8 percent of my fics are not only dark af but have gut-wrenching ambiguous endings as well? I, err… I’m gonna have to think really hard about this one, hold on… *Insert buzzing cicada sound*… Uhh… Well, I guess it might be… “Play or Pay” – a dark female!reader-insert Wincest fic where demon!Dean has you and Sam trapped somewhere underground. Sam ends up being on the receiving end of the demon’s cruelty when he tries to save you. Using Dean’s body the demon ends up raping Sam while the reader tries to escape to get help... There’s a little twist in the end. Loads of dead dove here, including death (not Dean or Sam).     “The Orange Hour” – where undercover inmate!Dean has to rape CO!Sam in order to save both of their lives and get them out of the jail in one piece. It doesn’t go completely as planned. (Comes with an nsfw photo manipulation).  “Demonized” – loads of bottom!Sam torture, full of hurt and absolutely no comfort... It’s just… I dunno, I think I and @palishere had a collective meltdown in the noncon and angst department. Sorrynotsorry.      
8) Do you write crossovers? If so what is the craziest one you’ve written? Nope, I’ve never in my life written a crossover. Usually, I’m too laser-focused on 1 obsession at a time. I can’t multitask, okay?   
9) Have you ever received hate on a fic? Yes, the fandom purity police has visited me on AO3. The usual self-proclaimed know-it-alls vomiting their bullshit all over the comment section about how “problematic” noncon is and how “sick” I must be. I thought about moderating comments for a while, actually – but I just deleted their follow-up comments until they left me alone. 😤
10) Do you write smut? If so what kind? Yes!! Gimme! Usually, I write noncon smut or just good ol’ pwps that feature some sort of dominance. That’s it. That’s my jam. In general, the only smut I don’t write is the cute, fluffy, feel-good, cuddly stuff… My smut’s usually pretty rough and/or some sort of dub/noncon.
11) Have you ever had a fic stolen? Yes. Someone stole “It’s Only Carnal” and posted it as her own on some Portuguese fanfiction site. She even replied to comments, answered questions and talked about how much she loved writing it, etc… Luckily a sweet mutual on Tumblr let me know about it and I reported her for plagiarism. The stolen fic was taken down shortly after and the account deleted. Goddamn thief. 😡  
12) Have you ever had a fic translated? Yes. Honestly, I can’t remember which fic(s). But people have contacted me on AO3 and asked for permission to translate my stuff into Chinese. I have - of course - happily allowed them to. It’s such an awesome compliment to get, I think!  
13) Have you ever co-written a fic before? Yes, 2. “Demonized” and the fluffy Ficfacers prompt fic “The Masks We Wear” starring Sam and Dean taking their pranks a step too far. Basically, the brothers get angry with each other and they need to talk it out… No smut in this one, can you believe it?!! But that was kinda the prompt we received. The prompt was literally: “Sam and fluff”. Anyways, both fics are co-written with the lovely @palishere. You can find her AO3 here. 😊
14) What’s your all time favorite ship? Wincest!!! Definitely. Gimme all the brotherfucking, please. No contest. And coming in on second place I guess there’s Samifer – never paired consensually, though. I just love Lucifer messing with Sam’s head and torturing him in all kinds of cruel ways.    
15) What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will? Oh, that’s a mean question… I have a noncon WIP where Sam and Dean are in prison. I wrote a whole story outline, gathered my own little dictionary of prison slang, etc… But I never made it past page 10 or something. Sam was supposed to get jumped by a gang of inmates and then Dean was supposed to helplessly watch from the sideline, offering to trade places if they’d just leave his little brother alone… And after that it’s all about a mix of healing and vengeance… But the story has been lying on the shelf for more than a year and I doubt I’ll ever continue it. Oh, wait! I almost forgot – I have a long Cherik WIP sequel to “To Have and to Hold”! Just checked, its wordcount is 18,729! Holy crap…. What a waste, huh? But I honestly don’t think I’ll ever finish it, because I’m not into Cherik anymore. That ship has kinda sunk for me…. So, now I’m hyperfixating on Supernatural, yeah?     
16) What are your writing strengths? Description, I think. I just love details and setting the mood. I like to think I’m pretty good at writing in English too even though it isn’t my native language… I wish to be better and expand my vocabulary but I’m doing okay nonetheless.
17) What are your writing weaknesses? Description, I think. Yes, you read correctly. I often describe things TOO much. Sometimes to the extent where the pacing gets so slowed down that I feel like the scene loses its ‘feel’. I don’t know if it’s just in my head, but that’s my major concern about my writing. That and my signature ambiguous endings, lol.
18) What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic? Love it. It can be difficult to pull off, but if you get it right it can be magical. Just don’t overdo it and make sure that the reader can follow. I don’t think I have any fics online where I do it, but I’m not a complete stranger to it either.
19) What was the first fandom you wrote for? Ack, my poor brain trying to go back to when I was friggin’ 13… You know how many years ago that was?! 25!!! Okay!? *Huffs*…. Anyway, I THINK it might’ve been Keanu Reeves’ character in “Johnny Mnemonic”. Or maybe David James Elliott’s character as Harmon Rabb in the early seasons of “JAG”. I dunno. Either way this question makes me feel really old and I don’t appreciate it. Don’t @ me. 😅   
20) What’s your favorite fic you’ve written? That’s probably a tie between “The Orange Hour” and “It’s Only Carnal”. They’ve both got nice pacing and that’s my biggest challenge, I think. Also, I love the whole Morse code thing in “The Orange Hour”. I don’t even know what happened or how I came up with it, but hey, I can surprise myself if I want to, I guess! And of course there’s the smutty noncon and all of the hurt… So, those two fics are my personal faves. 😏  
I’ll tag @jackandthesoulmates, @pinkoptics, @palishere, @wrenseroticlibrary, @decadent-prince, @negans-lucille-tblr, @juinae and @impala-dreamer and everyone else who feels like doing it! Feel free to ignore, of course. 
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pfft-yikes · 4 years
Hey I wanted to say I LOVE your work it's amazing but I was wondering can you make a Shino one I love him (even tho they ruin him in boruto) and can you make it where his s/o already lost her Virginia but he hasn't and he wants to lose it (sorry I am horny bitch :>) it's ok you don't want to do it but again your work is amazing keep it up.
Oh.. thank you!! ^^
Don't worry, if I wasn't a horny bitch myself I wouldn't be thinking about these things all the time;; comrades!!!
This sounds like a fun prompt! not sure how she lost a whole state though
Shino: Pure! "Why? It's Yours." (SFW/NSFW)
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Shino is really used to getting talked over by his more rambunctious friends, so he's a bit quiet
In that sense, it took a while for you to learn how to read him and what he wants
He's only ever unfurled his brows when kissing and hugging you LOL, what an angry looking man
He also exudes scary vibes when he notices other guys checking you out
Every time you visit his place, he makes sure that you get escorted by a few of his scouting beetles
All of these small things you notice are indications of how he feels and what he wants, and it makes you happy to see he cares
But there is something you can't really place
Lately he's been really quiet- even for him- and he seems..distracted you suppose?
He's very blunt, so
"Maybe if I just ask him.."
Shino, on the other hand, had been contemplating this "something" far longer than his s/o had thought
I.. Really want to do it with her.
But I don't want to pressure her into something she doesn't want..
I haven't done it before either, so she might be disappointed or think she'll be dissatisfied.
..I have to bring it up at some point.
All his bugs were nervous for him
The next time you saw him, you decided to muster up the courage to ask if something was wrong
"Has..has something been on your mind lately?"
"Oh..I guess you caught on. It's probably best if we talk about this is private."*
Oh my God, this is it, he's breaking up with me isn't he
Shino has no idea how scary his words were*
Once you two were alone at home, he looked at you
Without thinking you panicked and blurted out
"No, I-"
*Confused swarming*
"I'm not breaking up with you."
"..B-But lately you've been-"
"It's because I get nervous about what I wanted to talk to you about."
"Oh. Then.. What's on your mind?"
You could've sworn you saw some bugs leak out
They were too nervous to stick around
Bastards, leaving me alone like this
"I.. Lately I've been trying to control myself. Every time I kiss you, I want to make it deeper, to make you melt. I want to touch you more, make it known that you're mine. I thought it was selfish, so I tried to restrain myself."
..Did I say too much out of nervousness?
My lovely bugs, please just eat me alive. I'm begging you.*
Although he's embarrassed, he looks like a real fucking G on the outside, straightfaced and everything*
Oh no, she h a t e s me.
"C-Can..we d-do it.?"
..h u h
"Are..you sure? I'm new to this sort of thing, you know."
"That doesn't matter to me. What I care about is that it's w-with you.."
Oh no; she's cute
Don't look at me like that, I'll lose my composure too quickly
"If you're okay with it, then alright."
He took off his coat, and gently pushed you onto the bed
Oh my god, he's fit as fUCK? Like he isn't buff, but he certainly isn't a twig.
He starts kissing you rougher than usual, and starts leaving you hickeys and bites on your neck
He starts trailing down to your torso, giving you light nibbles on your inner thigh
Obviously Shino doesn't talk about sex with anyone, but he certainly fantasizes about what he wants to do to you
Now he can put his thoughts into action
You're right in front of him, after all.
He pulls your legs forward, gripping your thighs tightly
"I've always wondered how sensitive you'd be. I guess I can finally find out?"
He looks you dead in the eye, and lightly licks your slit
He picks up the pace after a while, and starts to suck and lick what seems to be your favorite areas, judging by your moans
He hummed a bit, and noticed that the vibrations of his voice makes you quiver
When you try to pick yourself up to stop him from making you cum, he pushes you back down with a free hand and keeps you there, humming a simple "no" into you.
He felt you tense up while cumming with his tongue. He knew he did a good job when he saw how much of a shaking mess you were.
There's no way in hell that this was his first time doing that, right? ShiT
You look up at him, watching as he licks his lips
"You taste good."
Shino starts getting giddy (unbeknownst to you), and leans on top of you
He lifts your leg and aligns his hips with yours
Feeling his dick rub against your clit >>>>
You feel him slowly push into you, your pussy feeling full
"If you're okay, I'll start moving now."
Fucks you slowly for a good 15 minutes, giving you kisses and hickeys on the leg he's been holding against his chest
Honestly you probably needed that cause he do be kinda big ♪
His dick twitches every time he feels you squeeze
His grunting and groaning: delectable
You called his name under your breath
This may have been a mistake but honestly; we all know it wasn't
He flips you over, raises your hips, and pushes your shoulders down to make a nice arch in your back for him
Then starts slamming into you until you practically forget how to speak correctly
*chefs kiss* m w u a h. Fucking immaculate.
"Say it again. Say my name. Scream it if you have to, I just want to hear it."
He lifts you on top of him so he could see your face while he pumps into you
He absolutely loves it
And the eye contact while you call out for him?
You've already came too many times to count and you're a drooling mess, so your inner whore decided that now is her time:
Without thinking, you beg him to cum inside you
Shino is having a fucking meltdown, his brain broke
This is the first time you've ever heard him cuss:
"F-Fuck. I love you."
Head empty!
A quaking mess with cum dripping out of her
This sight both engraved itself into Shino's memories, and embarrassed the fUcK out of him
His bug babies are so shocked with how this all went down
They'll never unsee what just happened today. N e v e r.
But they will forget, because bug memory. Teehee
The aftercare: god-like
Makes a fuss over how he shouldn't have lost control like that, asks if you want him to cook something for you, let's you wear his glasses
You both fall asleep together, and he holds you without even really realizing he's doing it
Moral of the story: Shino is a Dom, be wary of the quiet man
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ladyreapermc · 4 years
Fic: Eyes Wide Shut (Henry x Reader)
Summary: AU. Working with an investigative journalist like Henry when you had a huge crush on him didn’t leave you with much free time for a social life. That is until you decide to visit a sex club and meet a masked handsome stranger who are more than willing to show you a good time.
Part 2: Undisclosed Desires | Part 3: Beautiful Problems
Author’s notes: I have no idea where this plot bunny came from, but I loved it and it turned into this huge one shot. I was vibing Eyes Wide Shut for the club (no idea why since I hate that movie) and it kinda worked for what I wanted.
Wordcount: 5666
Warnings: smut (powerplay; bondage; praise kink; orgasm denial).
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What are you doing here?
A little voice inside your head asked as watched yourself in the impeccably clean surface of the club’s restroom mirror, your eyes looking wide and afraid, like a dear caught in headlights.
This isn’t you.
The voice continued and you had to take a pause and consider. This whole thing really wasn’t you. The elegant makeup with smoky eyes and dark red lipstick that you only ever wore for formal events; the slip dress that looked more like a camisole than an actual dress, but made you look so alluring in a way that you just weren’t used to.
You felt almost transported to another dimension or maybe having an out of body experience. It was the only thing that could make sense of what you were doing in a sex club when you were the very definition of vanilla. As a matter of fact, you were pretty sure if someone looked up the word in a dictionary, they would find a picture of you.
It just wasn’t your thing. Or at least that was what you always thought. You could never even understand why a person would want to get tied up and spanked during sex. It sounded so uncomfortable and crazy. You were perfectly fine with the traditional things, thank you very much.
You were absolutely sure this wasn’t for you. The only time you let your ex-boyfriend tried anything like it, you two used a blindfold and you ended up panicking and kicking in the balls, which killed mood obviously.
Yet, here you were. Curiosity got the better out of you when your best friend gifted you an invite for your twenty-third birthday. She said it had been a revealing experience for her and that you should try it, especially since she was probably the only person you’ve ever confided about your terrible and inappropriate crush on your boss Henry.
It started when you met the man six months ago when you started working as his personal assistant. It wasn’t as bad as you thought it would be even if sometimes you felt more like a glorified secretary than an actual journalist, but you were learning the ropes with one youngest Pulitzer winners investigative journalists out there so it was worth it.
Besides, Henry was such a great guy that you almost didn’t mind picking up his coffee every morning, because he actually took the time to teach and give you tips. He even let you co-write a couple of less important pieces for the magazine. The only thing he didn’t allow you to do was to come with him when meeting sources. He always said you had to cultivate your own.
That was actually one of the reasons you were here. Not that you thought you would be cultivating many sources in a sex clubs, but because Henry just took off tonight after receiving a text when you two were supposed to be working on his last big story.
He didn’t give you any explanation or justification. Just picked up his things, sending you a quick goodbye over his shoulder before he took off, leaving you alone in the office on a Friday night.  
It was at that moment that you realized how pathetic you were being, pining over your boss who didn’t even notice you and having absolutely no personal life. So, you went home, got dressed and now here you were, inside the club, but hiding in the restroom, not exactly regretting your choice but without knowing how to go forward with it either.
The place was nothing like you expected. You were thinking chains and whips and a whole lot of leather. Instead, it was posh and elegant, everyone dressed in fashionable outfits and wearing masks.
Yours was lying on the sink, looking quite inconspicuous just like the blue bracelet sitting next to it. Ant that was the real reason for your little meltdown. You had already been on edge all the way to the club, but walking in and being asked by the hostess if you were a dom, sub or a switch, made you cheeks scarlet, locked the breath in your throat, and nothing but confusing words spluttered from your mouth.
She had been very kind and understanding, saying it was perfectly fine not knowing and offered you a blue bracelet so you could give it a try being a sub first to see how you would feel. You took it because you had no idea what else to do before scurrying to the restroom where you had been hiding for the last fifteen minutes, trying to work up the courage to actually step into the club and talk to people and see what would happen.
Wasn’t that what Henry always said? Make friends wherever you go; pay attention to everything. You never know when you’re gonna need that tiny bit of information that person let it slip after a drink too much.
Taking yet another deep, calming breath, you brushed off inexistent lint from your dress, adjusting them hem once more, before putting the mask back on and stepping outside. You were going to do this. You came all the way here, might as well have a drink and take a look.
You stepped through the thick, velvet curtains that separated the small reception from the actual club, immediately having your senses overwhelmed by different stimuli. The first thing that you noticed was the soft scent of incense that enveloped the place. It was something slightly familiar, but you couldn’t quite make out its name. Next was the music. You don’t know why you were expecting some kind of heavy metal to be playing but instead, soft jazz worked a background noise.
Then your eyes adjusted to the change of lighting since the main area of the club itself was slightly darker than the reception and you could see people lounging around and tables and couches, talking and laughing, enjoying elegant cocktails, all in masks, all completely ignoring your presence.
For a moment, you stood still, trying to gain your bearings before you finally moved to the bar with slow, hesitant steps, eyes still darting around like part of you expected some old acquaintance to pop up from a corner ready to report your visit to your overly religious grandma. It was ridiculous and you knew, but you couldn’t always help yourself.
Taking a seat on one of the high stools, you ordered a drink and once again turned your focus to the club. If it wasn’t the masks, the place would feel exactly like most high-end nightclubs you had seen, and the thought soothed your nerves a little. What you were expecting? People having sex in front of everyone else? You chuckled at your own silliness, turning back to the bar when the bartender brought over your order.
As you sipped your drink, the stool next to you became occupied by a tall, handsome stranger who ordered a whiskey, before turning his gaze towards you, his bright blue eyes framed by the black mask made your breath catch in your throat and your cheeks to go red as you quickly looked away.
“First time?” his voice was deep and smooth with a hint of an accent that couldn’t quite place because he was obviously working on disguising it.
“That obvious?” you asked with a nervous chuckle, glancing his way. His dark hair was neatly combed, but a couple of stubborn curls made themselves known and for some reason, you felt itchy to smooth them back in place.
“A little,” he replied with a soft smile, taking a sip of his whiskey and as the cuff of his grey blazer pulled back with the motion, you saw the red bracelet on his wrist. “We’re all nervous on your first visit, but this is a great place to… explore.”
All you managed was a small hum of understanding, shifting your attention back to your drink, swirling your straw because you didn’t know what to do or think. Was he just making small talk? Was he hinting something? If this was a regular club you’d know, but here the rules were different.
“You come here often?” you asked and rolled your eyes at yourself, at your awful small talk. “Sorry, that was terrible.”
“It’s fine,” he assured with a gorgeous smile as he leaned against the bar, looking at you. “Only when I have a date,” he said, glancing at his watch, before letting out a sigh. “But after 40 minutes one must recognize when they’ve been stood up.”
“I’m sorry,” you said with a small, sympathetic smile. Even if he was wearing a mask, you could tell he was a handsome man and you couldn’t understand who would stand him up.  
“And how about you? What brings you here?”
“Curiosity. A friend of mine gave me an invite,” you admitted in a low voice as you surveyed the room once more. “It’s not what I was expecting.”
“Not enough chains and whips?” he asked in a teasing tone and strangely enough it didn’t embarrass you. You chuckled in response.  
“Something like that.”
“They keep those in the private suites,” he explained, finishing his drink. “Would you like to see one?” You stared at him with wide eyes at the offer. “Don’t worry. You can just take a look. No need to stay.”
You took a moment to consider his offer. Were you really going into a dark room with a complete stranger? Were you crazy? Still, you were curious to see what it looked like and he didn’t seem dangerous. Even if he was tall and built like a brick wall.
You should be more afraid of this; instead, you were just excited about the prospect. Adrenaline rushed through your veins; your heart beat wildly in your chest. You licked your lips and met his eyes, trying to gauge if he might be a crazy psycho underneath the suave demeanor.
“Alright,” you finally declared, swallowing the rest of your drink in one go, the alcohol burning down your throat.
This is crazy.
That same voice in your head cautioned, but you ignored it. You came all the way here, the least you could do was take a look. And if he turned out to be a creep, you could always scream. There were plenty of security guards standing inconspicuously around the room.
Taking the arm he offered you, you let him guide you through the maze of tables and couches to the back of the club, where another red velvet curtain covered a passageway. He pushed it aside, letting you step in first, before following behind, one large hand on the small of your back as the two of you crossed the corridor full of doors. He led you to one of the last doors on the left, pulling it open for you and letting you step in first.
It looked like a regular hotel room, with a big bed in the center, a small sitting area to the side with black credence where a small bar sat. At the foot of the bed there was a large wooden chest the looked almost ominous and stood out against the rest of the décor. Same with the two large and shiny hooks hanging from the ceiling.
“Kind of anticlimactic, huh?” he commented, attracting your attention and you noticed he stood to the side, letting the door wide open.
“A bit, yes,” you agreed, looking around again. Were you really about to do what you were thinking about doing it? “Aren’t you going to close the door?”
Apparently yes.
“Do you want me to?”
“Yes,” you breathed out, your voice a little shaky as you looked at him.
He watched you as if to make sure you really meant it, before slowly closing the door behind himself and stepping further into the room. He shrugged off his blazer and set it on the couch’s arm, letting you see a little more of him.
He had such broad shoulders that stretched his black dress shirt in just the right way. The first two buttons of the shirt were open, revealing just a bit of his strong chest and dark hair. Even though you were never much interested in hairy guys, the sight of it was very appealing.
Swallowing the lump of nervousness, you moved to the bar and poured a generous amount of whiskey in two crystal tumblers, offering him one before consuming yours in one go, wincing at the way it burned your throat. You weren’t a big fan of hard liquor like this but you needed some liquid courage if you were really going forward with this.
You reached for the bottle again, ready to pour yourself another shot when he laid a heavy, but surprising soothing hand on your wrist, making you pause.
“I’m not doing this if you’re drunk,” he warned, his blue eyes meeting yours.
Gently prying your fingers away from the bottle, he held your hand and led you to the couch, taking a seat on the armchair, leaving a considerable space between the two of you, but his whole body was tilted towards yours and you could feel his gaze, heavy and intense over you.
“So how this works?” you asked, fidgeting with the hem of your dress. “How do I call you? I don’t know your name.”
“We don’t usually use names here,” he explained, his lips tilting in a small smile. “How do you want to call me?”
You paused for a second, looking him from head to toe. There was a word on the tip of your tongue. Something you only ever used with Henry, but it seemed fitting for this. For him.
“Boss,” you finally breathed out and his eyes widened slightly as he licked his lips and shifted in his seat. That was how you knew it affected him. That he liked and you had to smile. It was rewarding to see him not so composed for once. “Is that ok?”
“Yes,” he answered, his voice a little huskier than before. “Perfectly fine.” He took a sip of his whiskey before setting the tumbler on the table. “Do you know what you’re interested in trying?”
You had no idea where to begin. You were curious of course, but the thought of actually doing anything was still stunning you.
“How about what you don’t want to try at all?” he asked, probably picking up on your hesitation.
“No pain,” you hurried to say. It was one of the things you were absolutely sure of it. “Or sharp objects.”
“They don’t allow those here,” he assured leaning forward, elbows on his knees. “And I’m not interested in that either. Anything else?”
You thought back on what you knew about this sort of thing, which granted wasn’t much, but it should give you at least a direction on what you wanted and how.
“No spanking,” you declared after another moment and you saw him still, glass to his lips. “Is that a problem?”
“No,” he replied, draining his drink. “But when done right, it can be quite pleasurable.” His statement made you pause in consideration. “A conversation for another time, perhaps?”
“What makes you think there’s gonna be another time?” you challenged, eyebrow arched, and he grinned.
“I just have a feeling.”
The two of you talked for a while longer, discussing your limits, negotiating a few points, setting up safe words and gestures and slowly you began to relax a little more, feel more comfortable with him and with what you were planning to do. Despite being a complete stranger, you felt a certain familiarity with him, which definitely helped with your nerves.
“So, when do we start?” you finally asked.
“Are you sure?” he asked giving a long, piercing look and you just nodded, swallowing hard at the intensity of those blue eyes. “Then come here.”
You stood up feeling your knees wobbly; your heart hammering against your chest. You were really doing this. You must have lost your mind.
He looked you up from head to toe, his gaze hungry as he leaned back on his chair, legs spread and you couldn’t help but glance down at his lap, at the prominent bulge on his pants, wondering what it looked like. What it would feel like.
He offered you a hand, guiding you onto his lap, straddling one his strong thighs and the pressure against your center made you whimper, which you quickly silenced by pressing your lips together, giving him a shy glance.
“Don’t do that,” he asked. Well no. It was a command. His voice turning lower and harder and it set your nerves on fire. “I want to hear you. Every little moan, whine and cry,” he said against your ear and you shuddered, excitement coursing through your veins and heightening your senses.
“Try that again,” he said, one finger on your chin, giving you a hard stare and once again you swallowed hard as you lowered your gaze.
“I’m sorry, boss.”
“Good girl,” he whispered, and the words seemed to go straight to your core, making you gasp and shift on his leg, rubbing yourself against him. He smirked. “You liked it when praise you, baby?”
Your voice was once again locked in your throat and you couldn’t bring yourself to say anything, just nod and wonder if you have ever been this aroused this quickly before.
“Well, all you have to do is be a good girl and behave for me and you’ll hear a lot of it,” he said, one hand holding your hips still since you’ve been rocking against his thigh without noticing. “But if you disobey me, I’ll have to punish you and neither of us wants that.”
“No, boss.” You shook your head quickly and he smiled once again. You were getting addicted to it. It was gorgeous and made your knees weak. “I’ll behave. I promise.”
“Good. Then stay still,” he ordered, pushing your hair to one side, exposing your neck and shoulder. “And let me hear you.”
His lips brushed against your neck, right below your ear and you shuddered, your hands fisting his shirt as he explored your skin with his mouth, soft, wet kisses all over neck and shoulder. His tongue and teeth teasing you; finding every sensitive spot that made you shudder and moan as heat pooled between your legs.
He held the thin straps of your dress between his fingers, giving you a quick look, seeking permission. You just nodded already missing his mouth as he pushed them down your arms, exposing your bare breasts to his hungry gaze and even hungrier lips. He kissed and nipped and licked every inch of the skin of your breasts before flickering his tongue over your nipple and making you buckle.
“Stay still, baby,” he asked once again, tilting his head to look up at you. “Otherwise I’m gonna have to tie you.”
The prospect shouldn’t be that arousing. As a matter of fact, before you walked in here, you never considered bondage as an option, but here you were aching for it.
“Sorry, boss,” you said, your voice low and desperate and you leaned back, giving him more room to explore.
He noticed, of course, his smirk growing as his mouth returned to you; his lips closing around a nipple, sucking and licking it while he teased the other with his rough thumb. You struggled to keep yourself still as pleasure built inside you, your walls clenching around nothing, your clit throbbing, begging to be touched in anyway.
“Oh fuck!” you whined, one hand coming to his hair, taking a handful of his curls and he let out a grunt that sounded almost like a warning. “Please, boss. I need…”
“What, darling?” he looked up again, pressing one final kiss to your left breast before his lips moved to the right one. “What do you need?”
Embarrassment made the words die in your lips. You had never begged for it before. Actually, most of the time you had to ask guys to slow down and there he was, taking his sweet time and driving you crazy in the process.
“Can’t say it?” he asked with a smirk. “Then maybe you shouldn’t be doing it.”
He returned to his task, driving you crazy with his mouth; his fingers drawing lazy patterns on the inside of your thighs, touch featherlight and just increasing the temptation because all you wanted was for his fingers to move higher, touch you where you needed him the most.
As he bunched your skirt around your waist, exposing your white lace lingerie, you thought you’d finally have him. Finally, get some sweet release. Especially with the way, his digits ran over the edge of your panties, so, so close, but they moved away again, and he chuckled at the little whine you let out.
All your senses seemed to be in haywire from pleasure; your head was foggy and dazed; expectation made you follow every single one of his movements, desperate to feel him; to know which pleasure spot he would shower with attention this time around.
Goosebumps raised on your skin and you could feel perspiration starting to form as your body’s temperature rose along with your arousal. It made your mask stick to your forehead almost uncomfortably and you wanted to rip it off your face.
He pulled back once more making you whimpered at the loss of his lips and he chuckled once again, giving you a look.
“You know what you have to do,” he said nudging you to stand up and pulling the dress from your body, throwing to the side before his eyes shifted back to you, devouring your body. “Come.”
Taking your hand, he led you to bed and gestured to you make yourself comfortable while he slowly undressed before you, unbuttoning his shirts so slowly, revealing tantalizing skin inch by inch. You couldn’t take your eyes away, your breath coming in short pants. He was unbelievably gorgeous; built like a Greek God.
He let the shirt fall to the ground, before kicking his shoes and socks and finally undoing his belt and pants, pushing them down and off. You bit your lips in expectation, desperately to see him fully naked as his thumbs hooked over the edge of his black boxers. You could see the shape of his cock pressing against the fabric and all you wanted was to see it fully, have it on your hands; in your mouth; inside you.
“Are you ready to tell me what you want?” he asked and once again the words wouldn’t come. “Then maybe I should leave these on,” he declared, taking his hands away and you whimpered and pouted as he chuckled and crawled on top of you.
For the first time that night his lips found yours, kissing you softly; tongue exploring your mouth, tangling with yours as he settled between your legs, holding most of his weight on his elbows.
“Come on, baby,” he whispered, voice husky and throaty, mouthing the line of your jaw, making you arch your neck, giving him more room. “Just ask for it. We both want it. You don’t get to come until you ask me for it.”
All you managed in reply was a desperate little whine as once again his lips traveled down your body, setting it ablaze with arousal and want and you were so soaked your panties were starting to get uncomfortable. It was a relief when he finally pulled them off you before he spread your knees and just looked at you.
“You’re so beautiful,” he said before kissing your inner thigh, coming dangerously close to your cunt, but never quite there.
You were shaking with desire, one hand fisting the sheets, the other gripped his hair, tugging him to where you wanted him, but he pulled away, making a disappointed sound on the back of his throat.
“What did I tell you?” he asked with a smirk as he got up and moved to the wooden chest. Your heart thundered in your chest as he pulled it open and taking out a long strip of black silky rope. “Keep still or I’ll have to tie you.” You eyed the rope nervously, chewing on your bottom lip. “Do you wanna use your safeword?”
“No, boss,” you replied after a long moment. You wanted this. Every inch of your body begged for it. “No safeword.” You raised your arms above your head, hands coming to the headboard.
“Good girl,” he praised again with a smile; delft fingers tying your wrists together before his attention came back to you. “Ok?”
“Yes, boss.”
“Good.” He kissed you again; an obvious reward for accepting your fate so easily.
You should be terrified. He was a complete stranger and he could do whatever he wanted to you. You were at his mercy with only his promise to stop if it got too much. This was dangerous and you should be panicking, but all you felt was excitement and arousal. You wanted this more than you wanted anything else in the bedroom before.
“Boss?” you called, voice soft, hesitant and he looked at you, his eyes curious, full of expectation.
“Fuck me, please.” You could feel your cheeks burning and you couldn’t hold his gaze. Here you were, stripped naked and tied to a bed, but it was those words that made you blush.
“Of course, baby,” he said, kissing you again. Yet another reward and you took it desperately, wanting everything he was willing to give you. “You’ve been such a good girl. You deserve it.”
This time, when he moved down your body, kissing and nipping and licking, making anticipation build deep inside you, making that wet heat coil tight in your lower belly, you knew you would finally have some release.
At the first touch of his tongue against your folds, you buckled your hips, a dragged-out moan came out of your mouth as you gripped the headboard. He held you still with one hand, licking and tasting and teasing you, before he sucked your clit between his lips and you cried out, your body quaking with need and he barely did anything.
“Please, boss,” you begged in a whine.
“Not yet. We’ve only just begun,” he replied, mouth returning to work.
He alternated flickering his tongue against your clit, with sucking kisses that left you moaning and shaking, your wetness slicking your thighs as you tried to roll your hips closer, trying to ease some of the maddening pleasure inside you that made your cunt clench around nothing.
“Oh please, please,” you begged again, desperate and needy.
He finally pushed one thick finger inside you, and you cried out as he immediately found that spot inside you that made you see stars; rubbing it over and over it until you were gasping and panting, babbling pleas and promises to be such a good girl for him if he would only let you come.
Finally, you felt his finger moving and you thought he would give you the release your craved for. Instead, he pulled out completely and you let out a loud keening whine, tears gathering on the corner of your eyes from need and frustration.
“Shush now, baby,” he cooed, petting your hair gently and kissing your forehead. “We’re almost there. Can you hang on a little longer for me?”
“Yes, boss.” Your voice was weak, shaky. You were panting like you ran a marathon and you had never felt this high-strung before, but the thought of saying no to him was the farthest thing from your mind.
“Such a good girl for me,” he said with a smile, finally taking off his boxers and freeing his cock, giving you a moment to admire it.
You had a feeling he was big, but it was even better than you imagined, and you wanted in your mouth. Desperately.  
“Not tonight,” he replied, and you realized you said it aloud, your mind too foggy to stop your thoughts from coming to your mouth. “But I want that too.”
You watched as he reached into the bedside table, picking up a condom and rolling it on himself, stroking his cock a couple of times, grunting low in his throat and you whined again because you wanted to do that. You want to touch him. Feel him.
His large hands took hold of your legs, bringing them to his shoulders as he knelt before you, lining himself with your entrance, his head teasing your slit and making you throw your head back and groan.
“Is this what you want, baby?”
“Yes!” you all but screamed, trying to move, but this position left you with very little leverage. “Yes! Please! I want it! Please, boss.”
He grinned at you and finally pushed inside and this time you shouted, the pleasure almost too overwhelming with the way he filled and stretched you, rubbing at all the right spots. He bent closer, catching your lips in a dirty kiss while you acclimated to the intrusion, his thumb working magic on your clit and you didn’t know how it was possible for you to be this close already. Then again, you had been teetering the edge of it for so long with his teasing that it really only took a nudge now.
“Ready?” he asked against your lips and all you could manage of a nod.
He finally started to move, pulling all the way out before pushing inside again, slow and steady, letting you adjust to him, before speeding up his thrusts as he increased pressure on your clit and laved your neck and chest with bite and kisses, sucking on the spot just below your ear that had you weak and struggle against your retrains as your first orgasm washed over you, making you gasp and shake.
He fucked you through it, a smug grin making its way into his lips as your body quaked and quivered, his movements getting that tension deep inside you to start to build up again. It was so overwhelming you couldn’t think, you couldn’t focus on anything except beg incoherently for it. A flow of confused pleas spilling from your lips as he fucked you, his pace increasing, his hips slapping against you, filling the room with the sound of skin hitting wetly against skin, and your moans.
“Look at me, baby,” he asked in between pants, his thumb brushing against the edge of your mask. “I’m gonna take this off. This time I wanna look at you when you come.”
You nodded, too far gone to care. You could only focus on yourself and how close you were again. You barely felt him sneaking one hand behind your head, undoing to knot that held the mask in place, before pulling it off.
“Fuck!” he whispered, his blue eyes widening behind his own mask as he looked at you. You saw something changing in him seconds before his mouth crashed on yours and you could almost taste his own desperation and he fucked you with abandon, his thumb swirling your clit. “Come for me, baby.”
His words snapped something inside you, making pleasure crash over you again and your entire body felt alight as you came, crying out a name you shouldn’t be saying here.
“HENRY!” you shouted, body shaking and trembling, walls tightening around him and he moaned your name against your neck, thrusting through his own release.
You two lied there, sweaty, tired and out of breath, bodies pressed together as your heartrates returned to normal along with your breathing and your ability to think.
Two things registered on your mind then: you shouted out your boss’ name when you came. And this man who was supposed to be a stranger called out yours.
“You know my name,” you declared, fighting off the haze of pleasure so you could focus on him. “How do you know my name?”
You felt him sighing heavily against your neck before he raised himself and looked at you. Without saying a word, he untied you, rubbing your wrists soothingly.
“Does it hurt?” he asked, helping you sit up. You shook your head, still watching him with a frown.
“You didn’t answer my question.”
“I know,” he said, once again sighing. “I promised I didn’t know. Not until your mask was off.”
Before you could ask him what he was talking about, he took off his own mask and you stared stunned and mortified because it was him. It was Henry.
The man you’ve been fantasizing about for half a year. The reason you wanted to call the supposed stranger boss in the first place. The man you called out the name when you came.
“Fuck!” you whispered, all the afterglow from the mind-blowing orgasms you just had completely forgotten. You just wanted the ground to open and swallow you whole.
“Look, I know. Of all the places in the world…” Henry let out a small, humorless chuckle. “I didn’t even know you saw me like that.”
He tried to move closer to you, but the motion made him aware of the mess he was about to make on the bed with the condom coming off from his now softening cock.
“Give me a sec and we’ll talk about this, ok?”
You waited until he was inside the bathroom to jump off the bed, pulling on your dress and all but running out of the room, putting on your heels as you went. You couldn’t stay. You couldn’t even look at him. Talk about this? It was unthinkable. You just needed to get as far away from Henry; as far away from this damned place as you could.
You should’ve listened to yourself. You knew this wouldn’t end up well. Were you really surprised it turned into this train wreck?
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pikapals16 · 3 years
Just When It Gets Better, It Gets Worse (not finished)
tw: non-con, abuse, self-harm, sensory overload/panic attack, suicide attempt (these were planned tw's so not all of them are in this draft, but just to be safe)
A summer day spent at the mall with her visiting family should've been fun. It probably would've, excluding her past and her parents' denial that anything of any sort happened.
This isn't the case if you couldn't tell.
Kat's family was walking through the mall center when a group of people catches her eye. It's not like this group came together, they're all gathered up and definitely staring at something. Normally Kat would just walk on pass, but the sound of distress convinces them to sneak into the crowd.
After scooting to a place where she can observe, they see the subject of curiosity is a girl, about her age, and who's clearly in a sort of panic attack. Her hands are clamped and pulling at her hair, her body rocking back and forth.
The girl in pink watches as someone tries to approach her before someone else yelling back.
"Don't get close! She's probably one of those weirdos with autism." Kat pushes down their anger at the offhand comment. This girl doesn't deserve that, she's already in distress. Kat looks around for anyone the girl could've come with, as it is very unlikely that she'd have come alone
She sees two men, mid to late fourties, frantically looking around for something, which puts them as the most likely possibility. They consider going up to them to inform them of the situation, but she figures they already know, explaining the distressed look on the their faces (and assuming that they are who this girl arrived with).
Kat digs inside of her bag, looking for something that might help ground the panicking girl. Nothing that'd be remotely helpful, and she never brings their stress ball or fidget cube with their parents around. Something about disbelief in non-physical diseases, but she'd rather not risk it.
What they do take out though, is one of those toy rings with googly eyes. To be frank, Kat isn't sure why she has the old toy in her bag, but perhaps it will help the girl calm down? It's not like they have anything else to use.
Slowly, Kat slips closer to the girl, choosing to ignore any comments made, and sits in front of her, making sure to maintain distance to not make her feel uncomfortable.
Admittedly, they haven't been in a situation even remotely similar, but they've read some articles that give her an idea of what to do. The rest, she's just winging it.
Slipping the ring onto her finger, Kat raises their hand.
"Hi, I'm Mr. Goggles." Kat opens and closes her hand to imply that it's the one speaking. As it does, Kat can see the girl look up in curiosity. They guess that it seems to be working. "What's your name?"
Kat cringes a bit, this girl is probably a college student, she doesn't need to be dumbed down.
"C-Cathy." Cathy's eyes seem to light up at the character. Although her hands haven't moved from their position, they've stopped pulling, and her rocking looks like it's slowing down. Kat smiles at her, hoping she recognizes it.
She takes the ring off of her finger, and holds it out in their palm, offering it to her.
"You can have it." They say just loud enough for Cathy to hear. The latter looks at her in confusion. Why would the pretty girl be giving this to her of all people? She doesn't even know her. "It's okay, really."
At this point, Cathy's hand have since released from her head as she contemplates this. Hesitantly, she reaches out, causing Kat to scoot forward so she can hand it to her.
Cathy curiously spins and shakes the toy before putting the ring on her finger, like the pretty girl had. She opens and closes her hand, and her heart seems to flutter--at both the shaking sound of the googly eyes, and the little character that appears on her hand.
Kat smiles when they hear quiet coos coming from Cathy's mouth. What she did seemed to work, and she's calmed down.
Speaking of which, they should probably go and find their parents before she gets punished. Again. Yet, there's something that draws her towards this...stranger. She can rule out love, as she identifies as demisexual, but they're tempted to stay here in their little bubble.
Without any outside influence, just them-
"Oh my god, thank you." The two middle-aged men briskly walk over, one of them kneeling to communicate with Cathy through what looks to be sign language, and the other turning his attention to Kat.
Feelings and memories are shoved down into the archives of Kat's mind. She doesn't need or want to remember, and this guy shouldn’t have to worry over another panic attack.
”Thank you so much for calming her down. My husband and I really appreciate it. Not many people have enough patience to deal with our daughter’s autism.” The thought of these two men being married and raising a child calms some of Kat’s nerves, but just some.
”You’re welcome. Does she go to school here?” Kat curses at themself for asking that, but surprisingly the question isn’t taken a wrong way.
“No, we’re just visiting friends.” The other husband mentions as he helps Cathy up. “But thank you for being so kind. It’s rare that people listen.” Oh. Kat would know that firsthand. The countless times it’s happened.
“Yes, for sure.” Is what she settles with. They don’t need to know. “I should get going though. Wish you all the best!” With the goodbye, Kat runs off to find their family, praying they didn’t notice her absence.
But of course, they did, and while she’s being scolded at, Kat lets her thoughts take over for a bit. It’s not like it’d end any differently. It’s always the same punishment and Kat hates it each time.
They’ve felt nothing for the past couple of years but today just seemed to be different. An unlikely meeting, yet Cathy seemed to have an effect on them. And they only met for a couple of minutes if anything.
They don’t know why she’s putting so much thought into this.
What are the odds of them meeting again anyway?
Kat walks up to their meeting spot for lunch. She doesn’t have friends, acquaintances really, but they eat with them to trick themselves into thinking they are her friends. That she’s not completely alone. To distract herself from other things.
Right before they sit, Kat sees someone else, seated by themselves. People walk past without so much as a second glance, and Kat can’t take their eyes of them. They have brown curly hair, and they’re wearing a blue hoodie, which in itself is a bit odd for August.
Kat fiddles with their pink crop top. She sees herself in this mystery person. The emptiness and loneliness. Perhaps if they help the other, maybe they’ll feel less damaged as well.
”Do any of you recognize them?” Most of them don’t, but someone claims to have seen her in their creative writing class, and another claims that she has ASD. “I’m gonna go talk to her.”
The girl in pink sees the strange looks from their lunch mates, but like she’s done before, it goes ignored.
"Hi." The girl on the bench looks up at the new voice. "Can I eat lunch with you?" The brunette scoots over and pats the empty space for her to sit. As Kat sits down, the other can't seem to take her eyes off her. She's pretty.....and someone she hasn't gotten the chance to thank yet.
Quickly the girl in blue digs through her bag, looking for a certain item that a certain someone had given her on a certain summer day at the mall. She shakes the rings back and forth to get the pretty girl's attention.
"Oh. Wait." Kat takes a better look at the girl she's sitting next to. No wonder she felt familiar. "We met over the summer. Cathy, right?" Cathy nods, smile growing on her face. "Well, I never told you my name, so I guess I'll do that now. Hi, I'm Kat. She/they pronouns."
"She/her." Cathy points to herself as she speaks, to make sure that Kat didn't think that Cathy didn't support their pronouns. "And thank you." Kat tilts their head in confusion. "For Mr. Goggles and helping me during my meltdown. You kinda saw me at my worst."
"Oh um, it's nothing." Lie. "Hold on, I thought you were just visiting?" ..Not a complete lie, she put some pieces together.
"My dad got a job here and my pop didn't want to be more than an hour away from me because....you know." Cathy realizes she's been stimming, but doesn't stop her actions, rather glancing at Kat to see her reaction. Nothing. Kat's eyes never leave Cathy's, well really her head since the latter isn't a fan of direct eye contact.
And that's another thing. Kat doesn't force eye contact like the other's experienced so many times before. Cathy's met very few people who are similar, and she holds them all close to her heart.
The two talk for a little longer before departing for their separate classes. 'Two' honestly refers to Kat leading the conversation and Cathy commenting when prompted, but neither really care. They make sure to exchange numbers, but little did they know how much they would end up depending on each other.
She was minding her own business, honest. Cathy was never one to go into crowded places alone, for obvious reasons, but this is the easiest and closest place for her to meet with her new friend.
The ever so increasing volume of the area starts to bother the blue girl, so she takes out her headphones, blocking out most of the noise. She checks her watch again. Kat’s still not here?
Her initial thought is that Kat blew her off, but they’ve made it very clear that she’d never do something like that, not without explanation. To steer her thoughts away from becoming too overwhelming, Cathy plays with her fidget cube inside her pocket.
It’s never completely gone, but Cathy’s certainly learned how to handle her ASD better. Or at least, so that she can prevent any public outbreaks.
Unlike some people who just haven’t grown up from high school behavior yet. This particular guy thinks it's funny to copy her very subtle stimming. Just your typical jackass.
"Dude stop, she hasn't done anything to you." And that, would be the arrival of her friend. Kat turns to Cathy, tilting their head in the direction of her dorm, and the pair starts walking away. "He didn't make you uncomfortable, did he?"
Cathy shakes her head, and the two walk in silence. The silence isn't all that bad or foreign, but rather a comfort to the two. Of course, until the unsuspected thunder. Seriously, they don't know why they bother listening to the weather reports at this point.
In instinct, Cathy takes off her jacket and wraps it around Kat before pulling the both of them into the dorms.
"Cathy, you can stop running, we're inside now." Cathy doesn't stop. She doesn't want anyone else to see what she's done. No one's seen it. Not even her parents. She keeps her same pace until she's navigated the halls to Kat's dorm.
Only then does she let go.
And she immediately regrets it.
"Cathy...." Without the long sleeves as a cover, Cathy's scars are exposed. Even as she tries to hide it with her hands, they're still visible. She does nothing except curl in on herself, soft noises coming from her mouth. Kat does nothing except open the door, trying their best not to stare so hard.
Thank goodness her roommate is out of town, that would've made for some awkward conversation. Kat and Cathy walk in, the latter with a brisk pace, the former with a moment of hesitation.
"You did that yourself, didn't you?"
and that's where i gave up, basically, where i was going with this was that cathy opens up about the self-harm, then kat opens up about her trauma yea, they're friends! cathy is a year older than kat, so she graduates and although they still talk, it's not as often as kat would like. long story short, kat starts to feel lonely and depressed again, and they feel so disconnected from the world that she kills herself by overdose. little does she know that cathy and her friends were just on their way to surprise them, but see kat just in time for it to happen. cathy runs up, and begs kat to stay with her (the others are calling an ambulance) and kat's like "shit no, wait, you're here" then black out.
whether or not kat survives is up to interpretation! or....would've been hehe. idk, i'm kinda rambling now, but yea here's an abandoned oneshot
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lesbianrobin · 4 years
If the Party and teen team had children, how do you think they would be as parents? I found hilarious that Mike becomes a sleepy Ted, or Nancy a Karen, or Billy takes a 180º degree turn and becomes a good father...
tbh i cannot really imagine any of the Party as parents bc in my mind they are babies... i think theoretically like they'd probably all be pretty good parents because they're more familiar than most with what it's like to be a kid and feel like you're on your own and your parents don't understand what you're going through. like i think they'd look back on their own childhoods and all the shit they went through and be like damn i can't be hands-off and leave them to handle things alone but i also can't be a controlling asshole! so i think they'd all be pretty good at it if they chose to be parents. dustin would be the most stereotypical dorky dad in the universe.
i think nancy would be a very hard mother to get along with/handle tbh unless she did a Lot of growing in her 20s/30s before having children. like she would love her kids and try her best and she'd absolutely do anything for them! ...but i don't think she really has the patience to deal with little kids and she seems like the type to set really high standards for older kids to live up to. i think she'd be the type of parent who's like a good provider and who encourages you to be your best but is pretty emotionally distant because of their own unresolved trauma and who doesn't really understand you. like i think if nancy was your mom you would have an incredibly fraught relationship until you reached adulthood and then you would start to really understand her more as a person and get along with her once you weren't living under the same roof. i don't know if she would really choose to have children though? i think there's a good chance that after everything she's been through, watching barb's parents mourn, nancy would feel like the world is too fucked and scary to bring children into it, plus she seems like she'd prefer to focus on a career and if she continues down the path of investigative journalism that might conflict a lot depending on how intense her work gets. maybe she could like foster teenagers or something once she was in her 40s or so? i think she might be good at that. also she'd be a milf and her kids would get constantly bombarded with "i'll fuck your mom" talk.
i think if robin had kids she would be a Cool Mom like she's gay so she's automatically cool for that alone but she also seems like. like she's the Fun Parent who's a little dorky and kind of sucks at discipline and maybe lets her kids get away with more than they should but she's also the mom that like all of her kids' friends go to when they can't talk to their own parents because they know robin will be nice and not make them feel bad about whatever it is. however i do also think she forces her kids to be involved with At Least One Extracurricular at all times and she probably like teaches them basic spanish and french and shit and sometimes she'll just talk to them in another language and be all disappointed and sad when they don't know what the fuck she's saying. she 100% knows that her teenage kids get tipsy when they visit uncle steve and she pretends like she has no clue because they listen to steve when he teaches them how to party safely and they won't listen if they know she's endorsing it because she's their mom and she's lame.
i think jonathan would debate a lot over having kids bc of his Familial Trauma but ultimately i do think he'd want to whether he was like Having kids or adopting or whatever. he's just a family kind of person yknow? i think he'd be a good dad although he might sometimes try too hard and have trouble like letting his kids work out their issues for themselves without intervening. like i think when his kids got to be 12-15 there would be a lot of arguments where they'd be like can you get off my dick and jonathan would be like please i just love you and worry about you and would like to know about every single problem you've ever had <3 because he would be SO conscious of not acting like his own father. however i do think (based off how he talks with will) that he would be able to like work through it and have honest conversations with his kids whenever shit did arise. also his kids would grow up watching like Classic Cinema and they'd show up to sixth grade like wow y'all have never watched the godfather? losers.
as joe keery put it i think steve would definitely be a better dad than his dad is to him! obviously steve would be an awesome dad like i genuinely think that shit is like his calling in life. like i think he'd gladly be a stay at home dad and he would be very dorky and fun and maybe a little too lax on discipline and he'd LIVE for reading to his kids and watching kiddie movies with them and having nerf wars and shit. i think he'd have a really hard time when his kids got older and he'd be very very sad whenever they wanted to hang out with their friends instead of him but robin would be like hey dumbass you're their dad they love you but you're their DAD and steve would be like shit yeah you're right :/ and deal with it (after having a midlife crisis meltdown). he would maybe be anxious about and a little strict on like drugs/alcohol/sex stuff bc of his own history but i do think he'd still be like a "you can have a glass of wine with dinner on holidays also i'm gonna tell you how condoms work and let you know that you can always ask me about anything you need" type of parent because he just doesn't want to be the way his dad was. ultimately i think he'd be good at it and his kids would love him a lot but they would also think he was like the dorkiest lamest man alive and they would be FLOORED that their friends find him cool and fun and attractive.
i can't really see kali ever wanting to have kids aaand fortunately b*lly died before we had to worry about it <3
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yikesharringrove · 4 years
I'm loving Mango! I actually had a idea of someone they know (maybe Carol? Or Jon? or any of the kids, etc go wild tbh) is under a lot of pressure, maybe blatant sexism "just because they care" for them to have a pup? And its causing a lot of strain and they come to Steve and billy for help and they're just immediately supportive! Like having a kid is HARD even one like Mango, they're still valid if they dont want kids, it's their life. Esp cuz both boys know what it's like to be a unwanted kid
Part 19
Mina was at the door, trying to reach for the doorknob and let in their guests.
“Watch out Mango.” She moved to allow Steve to open the door.
Tommy and Carol were in San Diego for the week, came to visit some of Tommy’s family, and check in on Steve, Billy, and Mina for a few days.
They settled down in the living area, Mina playing on the floor. She had given Tommy a stuffed bear and Carol a blue blanket, had taken to giving all of their guests their own little item.
“I haven’t seen her in so long. She’s like a whole person now.” She was playing with a few Barbie dolls, loved playing with their long hair. Steve kept his at his shoulders these days, it helped her with tantrums when she could run chubby fingers through them.
Her hair grew so fast, was halfway down her back. Steve would do it immaculately every morning before she went to preschool for a few hours.
“God I know. It feels like I’ve blinked and now she’s fully grown. She’s going to preschool for three hours in the morning, just to get her used to school and other kids and stuff.” That had been a big decision. Steve usually spent time with her on the weekdays, didn’t want to have her school taking up their time together. But then Billy brought up socialization, that going to school would be good for her, and Steve could not say no.
“What are you two getting up to these days? You old and boring yet?” Tommy smirked at them.
“Oh, yeah we are. Steve got his GED and his working the desk part time at an animal shelter. I found a garage here and am going to school and stuff. What’s good back in Chicago?”
They had moved just after Mina was born, both going to school in the city.
“Just school and shit. Well, and this.” Carol held out her hand, had a simple diamond ring on her left forefinger. “We bonded in September, and we’re getting married in April! We’re gonna have a big wedding in Hawkins!” Steve made an excited noise, standing up to hug Carol tightly.
“I think we have champagne in the fridge...” Billy was digging through, found a bottle that was probably as old Mina. He popped it, made her shriek at the noise, climb up into Steve’s lap.
They sat together for the evening, talking and laughing. Billy excused himself to put Mina to bed, had to spend about ten minutes chasing her around, fully naked while he sighed a lot, trying to shove her into pajamas. Steve just laughed from the couch.
“So, listen. With getting married and bonding and everything, we’re getting, I don’t know, like a lot of pressure to have pup.” Billy joined them on the couch, Mina asleep in her bed. “And we’ve talked, and, neither of us really want to have one.” Tommy looked sheepish as he spoke. “You’re the only people our age we know with a pup, and just wanted to, pick your brains I guess.”
“Look, I love Mango, and wouldn’t change our life for the fucking world at this point, but kids are hard. I mean, she’s overall pretty good, but she has her moments.”
“Oh, those first few months when she would just cry, and I thought maybe she was in pain or something, and would just have meltdowns alongside her.”
“I must’ve come home to find Steve crying on the floor, saying that he’s a bad father at least three times a week for the first two months. I love the garbage out of her, put it’s a lot of work.”
“Well, and although she was definitely an accident, we both knew we wanted to have kids at some point. We made it work because we wanted to. If you don’t want to, don’t do it. We were both unwanted kids, and it fucking sucked.”
“You’re good people, if you had one, you’d learn to love it, by why bother. If you’re happy just the two of you, be happy. Tell everyone else to fuck off.”
“Mina is my favorite thing on this planet, but she stresses me the fuck out sometimes. It’s all worth it, because I’ve wanted pups since I was one, but it may not all be worth it to you, and that’s fine. Maybe later you both decided you do  want pups, maybe you don’t. Either way, it’s up to you.”
“Sorry, do you love Mina more than you love me?” Steve turned to Billy, raising an eyebrow.
“She lived inside of me for nine months. Of course I love her more than you.” Billy threw his head back and laughed.
“Honestly, Tommy was worried you two would try and talk us into having a pup.”
“Well, it’s like Stevie said, we both know what it’s like to grow up with parents that didn’t want you. It really fucked us up. I’m not saying you two would become abusive, if you did have an accident pup, but trying to have a pup because it’s what you’re supposed to do, isn’t the right way to do it.”
“That makes a lot of sense.” Tommy sat back. “It’s really nice to hear that from people that have one.”
“Plus, kids make you boring as fuck. We go to bed at like, nine thirty.” Steve laughed, slapping Billy’s chest.
Carol and Tommy went back to their hotel just after midnight, had helped Steve and Billy clean up the hors d'oeuvres they had put out.
“I’m glad they’re being thoughtful about this, not just throwing caution to the wind and having a pup.” Steve was standing in the doorway to their bathroom, was putting moisturizer on his face.
“It was kinda funny when they said they didn’t want pups. Could you actually imagine those two as parents? Not saying we’re perfect, or anything, but just like, imagine.” Steve crawled into bed, shoving his way into Billy’s space.
“Remember when we talked about having another one, eventually?” Billy’s heart began to thud in his chest.
“Yeah...” Steve was quiet for a moment.
“I’m pregnant again.”
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quickspinner · 4 years
Motorcycle Fairy Part 2
Part 1 | Part 3
I was planning on just a two part story, but it’s gonna be three. Motorcycle Fairy isn’t on AO3 yet, I’ll post it as a chapter of I’ll Never Not Know You when all the parts are complete. 
It was a really nice day, Luka reflected as he sat on the bench outside of the shop, playing his guitar. The remains of his lunch sat beside him. He let his eyes fall closed, lost in the music, enjoying the breeze that ruffled his hair. 
Luka jumped slightly, the song cutting off inelegantly. He looked up and saw Marinette standing there with her hands over her mouth and an expression of horror. “I’m so sorry,” she gasped. “I just—we were listening and it was so pretty, and then I saw your face and I was surprised—I didn’t mean to interrupt you!”
“Marinette!” Luka scrambled to his feet and shrugged out of the strap of his guitar. “Hey, how’ve you been? Oh, uh, don’t worry about it, I’m just on my break and I was just messing around, you really didn’t interrupt anything.”
She relaxed a little, her shoulders coming down from her ears and her hands coming down from her mouth, and his attention was much too focused on that mouth when she spoke again. “It sounded great, though, what you were playing.”
“Well...thanks,” he grinned, moving his gaze quickly back up to her eyes. “Glad to see you back. I saw the helmet on your Instagram, by the way, it looked sick.”
“I’m surprised you remember me,” Marinette hunched her shoulders slightly again. She had on shorts today, pink with a white flowy top, and her hair done in pigtails, like in the picture she’d shown him, only longer. 
“Of course, your art was really fantastic,” Luka said, not even really knowing what he was saying. “I really wanted to see the finished picture so I’ve been following your Instagram, and you had a lot of cool stuff on there, so...yeah, I remembered.” God, just kill him. 
“Ah, yes, my little Marinetta is so talented,” said the older woman standing beside her, putting her hands on Marinette’s shoulders and squeezing. “The new helmet was a lovely surprise.” 
Marinette beamed up at her. “Luka, this is my grandmother Gina Dupain. Grandma, this is Luka, he’s the one who helped me out last time.”
“Pleasure to meet you, Mme Dupain,” Luka offered his hand.
“Call me Gina,” the grey haired woman smiled, shaking it. “Well, we won’t disturb your break, my dear, we just came to do a little shopping. I am taking my little Marinetta to Le Mans with me.” Gina put her arm around Marinette’s shoulders and smiled at her affectionately. “We need to get her some equipment so that my fairy will be safe and comfortable for the ride.”
“I’m actually just about due back, so let me clean up here and I’ll meet you inside.” Luka smiled at Marinette, trying to pretend his heart wasn’t trying its best to escape his chest. “We’ll get you all set.” 
The ladies went inside and Luka scrambled to clean up the rest of his lunch quickly. He zipped up his guitar, reminding himself to breathe. He was at work and there was no way he was going to let the butterflies in his stomach keep him from doing his job. He rubbed his hands on his jeans, blowing out a slightly frustrated breath. Sure she was cute and sweet and talented and he’d maybe been nursing a small (maybe not so small anymore) crush since she came in the first time and maybe he’d daydreamed once or twice about what he’d do or say if she ever came in again, but this was his job and this was real life and Michel trusted him to not screw this up, so he was going to go in there and at least pretend that he had himself together. 
She was the same girl who had knocked over his displays and chattered nervously the last time she was here. Before he knew that in addition to being cute and sweet, she was a video game champion, a creative genius who rubbed elbows with rock stars, and a savvy marketer for her fashion business. On top of that she still made time to decorate cookies with her dad, promote her friends’ accomplishments, and plant trees for community projects.
Not that he’d been stalking her social media or anything. He just...followed her. And noticed when she put up new things. She was just so interesting and her projects were amazing...
Luka shook his head at himself and picked up his guitar. Okay. I can get through this without sounding like a stalker or a perv.
Michel was already talking to Gina when Luka made it inside. “—and my Marinetta says your boy was so kind to help her last time,” Gina was saying. “And that you had a bigger stock of materials for women than the other shops she visited.”
“Yes ma’am,” Michel nodded with grave politeness. “It’s certainly our goal to make sure we have everything our customers need—all our customers.”
“I will have to let my club know about this place,” Gina remarked. 
“And with those words, your grandma just won Michel’s heart forever,” Luka leaned over Marinette’s shoulder to murmur. She giggled, and he grinned. “I’ll be right back, just let me drop my guitar in the back.” 
“Take your time,” she said, reaching up to pat his shoulder. “We’re not in a hurry.” 
Luka blushed all the way to the back, and felt like a fool for it. Thankfully Jean was nowhere in sight. Luka suspected Michel had sent him on break as soon as the women walked in. He stashed his guitar and practically jogged back to the front of the store. 
“Okay, I’m all yours,” he said, hopefully not too breathlessly, and wanted to kick himself. “What can I help you find?” he tried instead.
“Oh, um…” Marinette glanced at Gina, but she was still talking to Michel. “Um, well I have a helmet, but Grandma said I needed riding boots? And glasses. And a jacket with padding?”
“Okay, we can do that,” Luka smiled. “Boots are probably easiest, we only have a few kinds for women, so there’s not as much to pick from. We have about eight thousand different kinds of glasses,” he rolled his eyes but grinned back at her when she giggled. “Should we wait for Gina, or…”
Marinette shook her head. “It’s fine, she’ll come find us. She’s very chatty, so she might be a while.” 
“Okay, then, right this way,” he touched her arm with the tips of his fingers and indicated the direction with his other hand. “So, Le Mans, huh?”
“Yes, Grandma’s club is racing and she said she has to—how did she put it—” Marinette put her nose in the air and said in an affected Italian accent, “Nonna Gina will teach these young idiots why they should respect their elders!” 
Luka laughed a little harder than he should have as he gestured toward the shelf with their display models. “So your choices are a little limited, like I said, but you can go with the ankle boot or the taller ones, that’ll probably come up to about—” He looked down at her legs and then paused and ripped his gaze away. “Um, a little below the knee? Maybe a little higher on you because you’re—”
“Short?” Marinette finished with a giggle. 
“Yeah,” Luka grinned sheepishly. “Sorry.”
“Don’t be, it’s a fact,” Marinette shrugged. “I’ve accepted it. I’m taller than my mom, at least, but on the height front it looks like the Cheng blood won out over the Dupain.” She grinned.
“They do look a bit of an odd couple,” Luka chuckled. “Adorable though. I saw them on your Insta too. It looked like there was a lot of love there.”
Marinette’s grin widened. “There really is. So do you have a recommendation?”
“I like the taller boots when I ride,” Luka shrugged, “More protection is always good, plus you’re less likely to accidentally burn yourself on the exhaust.” 
“Ooh, good point,” Marinete said, wincing in a way that made Luka think she had experience with that hazard. 
“Oh, we do have one mid-calf model, that’s new,” Luka pointed to it. “Some women prefer to wear the men’s boots, so we have more options in those, but to be honest I don’t think they’re going to come small enough for you.” 
They discussed it a little further, and then Marinette picked out a couple of options. She took a pair of socks—knee socks, as it turned out—out of her purse and Luka made the mistake of watching her pull them on and up her leg. Marinette flashed him a smile in the middle of his internal meltdown that didn’t help at all. 
Even worse, the stiff new leather gave her some trouble and Luka had to get down on one knee to help her get the boots on, trying desperately not to touch her any more than necessary. “Thanks,” she sighed when her foot was finally in the first one. He helped her get the second option on her other foot, and held her hand to steady her as she walked back and forth with them, a little wobbly as one had a thicker heel than the other. She picked one and then he had to help her get the wrong one off (professional, he promised Michel he’d be professional) and put on the mate of the one she’d picked. Marinette walked carefully back and forth in them and Luka folded his arms, bringing one hand up over his mouth and praying he wasn’t too obvious. 
“What do you think?” Marinette asked, turning to look at the boot in the mirror. It was nearly knee-high on her as he predicted, a black harness boot with pink hardware all the way up one side for lacing and a rugged rather than decorative sole and heel. It had enough height in the heel for her to ride comfortably, but not enough to cause her any trouble.  
I think you’re going to be so hot all geared up, Luka groaned in his head. “I think you’ll need to wear them for a bit and break them in, but other than that—are they comfortable? Because they look great on you.” That wasn’t too much, right? Still professional.  
“They feel pretty good,” she said thoughtfully. “The size feels right. They’re a little stiff, but they don’t rub anywhere weird.”
Luka was saved from having to reply to that by Gina descending on them. She made Marinette walk in them again, cooed over her “fairy” until Marinette was red-faced and Luka was trying not to laugh at her. “You can keep them on while we find the rest of your gear if you want,” Luka suggested. “That way you can walk around in them a bit, make sure they’re still comfortable.” Marinette gave him an excited smile and did a little eager bounce and Luka maybe died just a little bit. 
It actually didn’t take too long for Marinette to pick a pair of glasses; she went straight for a chrome and pink pair with rhinestones along the top and mirrored lenses, and she looked so adorable with them and so pleased with herself that Luka couldn’t help his grin. While Gina teased her about her pink addiction, Luka slipped away into the racks and came back with a mesh padded jacket that had pink panels with reflective piping in the front and back and down the arms. Marinette squealed and nearly hugged him as Gina laughed. Marinette put on the jacket and zipped it up. Gina checked the padding placement with the air of experience, and asked Luka for the next size down. He brought it and this time Gina nodded in satisfaction.
Nearly vibrating with excitement, Marinette put on her new glasses and checked herself out in the mirror. “How do I look?” she giggled, turning toward him. With her pink shorts and pigtails she looked more like a poster model than an actual biker, but even so— 
“You look amazing,” he told her, maybe more honestly than he should have. “Would you mind if I took your picture for our social media page?” He looked at Gina. “I’m sure Michel told you we’re looking to expand our female clientele.” 
“It is Marinetta’s decision,” Gina said with an indifferent shrug, “I have no objections if she does not.” 
With Marinette’s permission, he took her picture and then a picture of her and Gina together. 
“You’re adorable,” he chuckled absently as he posted the pictures. 
“Adorable?” Marinette repeated, deflating slightly, and Luka flushed. He hadn’t meant to say that out loud. So much for professional, although...that didn’t seem to be what was bothering her. As cute as she was she probably got that all the time, he realized, glancing at her pouting face. Adorable probably wasn’t what a lady wanted to hear when she was decked out in motorcycle gear for the first time. 
Luka glanced at her and then at Gina, who had gotten distracted again. Then he leaned over slightly to look pointedly at Marinette’s new boots, hugging the curve of her calf. He met Marinette’s eyes.
“I’m working,” he told her, lowering his voice a little, “So I’m just going to say the gear suits you. But...change the hair and get some skinny jeans and I guarantee everybody else will use a different word.” He grinned at her and went back to his phone and Marinette giggled, blushing. 
“You can go ahead and tag me,” Marinette said, tipping her glasses up and peeking over—or rather around—his shoulder. “Grandma too.” She dictated Gina’s handle and then pulled out her own phone. “That should help get people from Grandma’s club to check it out. Will you take a selfie with me for mine?” 
Luka was more than willing to put his face next to hers and smile as she flashed her peace sign at the camera. 
“All right, let’s check you out—get you checked out,” Luka corrected quickly, shaking his head. “Unless there was anything else you needed?”  
“Um, I don’t think so,” Marinette said, sounding both thoughtful and maybe a little disappointed. Or maybe that was just him. 
“Okay, well follow me and I’ll get everything rung up,” Luka said, tipping his head toward the counter. “You want me to package it up or do you want to wear it out?”
“I can do that?” Marinette asked, eyes wide.
Luka shrugged and smiled. “It’s all yours once it’s paid for, so why not?” 
Marinette leaned her elbows on the counter, admiring her purchases. 
“So,” Luka said, glancing at her as he started going through the pile. “I gotta ask, what’s it like working for Jagged Stone?”
Marinette’s head shot up and a blush bloomed on her face. “How did you—oh, right, I gave you my—so you saw the—um, yeah.” She laughed awkwardly, reaching up to fidget with one pigtail. “It’s, um...it’s an experience?”
“High maintenance?” Luka grinned.
“So high maintenance,” Marinette groaned. “Oh, it’s embarrassing to admit it, but my first try bombed completely. It’s a long story but I basically got assigned to be his gopher for the day and he was bound and determined that he wanted those glasses and nothing I could find was good enough and so finally I was like forget it, he’s impossible I’m just going to make them myself and...and…” She spread her hands. 
“And now you’re friends with a rock star,” Luka laughed. “That’s awesome, Marinette.” He shook his head. “You must be incredibly patient as well as talented.”
“Oh...I…” She looked down at the counter, tracing a line of the grain with her finger. “I’m just...I like people. I like making people happy. I guess I’m a people pleaser.” 
“You say it like it’s a bad thing,” Luka commented as Gina came up to the counter. 
“Well, sometimes—“ Marinette cut off and bit her lip and looked at the total on Luka’s screen. “Grandma, are you sure—” 
“Hush, Marinetta,” was all Gina said, and Marinette just sighed with a fond smile. 
“Thank you, Grandma.” 
Luka gave Gina her receipt, and she immediately went back to whatever debate she’d been having with Michel. Luka looked at Marinette. “Well, you want to wear it?” 
Marinette nodded eagerly and Luka chuckled, pulling out his pocket knife. He cut the tags off of the jacket and Marinette slipped it back on and zipped it up. Then she pressed her lips together for a moment before reaching up to pull her pigtails out. She retied her hair in a low ponytail over one shoulder instead as Luka cut the tags off her glasses and peeled away the protective plastic. “Better?” she asked. She took the glasses Luka handed her and slid them on. 
“Well—” Luka glanced over at Gina and Michel, and leaned over, settling his elbows on the counter and speaking low. “I’m still working, but...ask any guy on the street and I think you’re going to get the answer you’re looking for.” He winked at her and Marinette grinned, looking pleased as she tilted the glasses up onto her head. 
“So I’m guessing you’re not racing,” Luka said, straightening up and sweeping the tags into the trash. He came around the counter and crouched next to her to cut the tags off of the boots she was still wearing. 
“No, definitely not,” Marinette laughed. “I’m just going to cheer Grandma on. And, you know, get out in the fresh air, have some fun. The races are open to the public,” Marinette added brightly as Luka straightened up and folded his knife. “It’s a big fundraiser and recruitment event for them actually, so it’s kind of a big party. I’m sure there will be plenty for me to do. Have you ever been there? To the track I mean?”
“The Bugatti Circuit? Yeah, a couple times for different things,” Luka replied, tucking the knife back in his pocket and leaning one elbow on the counter.  “It’s a cool place, I’ve stayed at the campground nearby a few times. Great place to see some really cool bikes and cars, if you’re into that kind of thing. Most people who come to stay there are there for the tracks so they all have crazy machines.”
“Oh, that’s good to know,” Marinette exclaimed. “I don’t know much about cars but I bet I could get some amazing inspiration there.” She pouted a little. “I kind of wish my friends were going,” she whispered, glancing back to where Gina and Michel were chatting. “Grandma will be in the races and I’ll be stuck on my own. It’d be nice to be there with someone, especially someone who knew their way around.” Her eyes widened slightly and she blushed as she added in a rush, “I’m good at making friends though, I’ll find someone to hang out with.”
“No doubt,” Luka said, glancing over at Gina with a slight frown. He was sure Marinette wouldn’t lack for company and the idea of her being on her own made his big brother bone itch. So he told himself, anyway. “Just be safe, okay? You never know who’s going to show up at an event like that. People get a little bit of alcohol in them and they start acting stupid.” 
“I’m a good judge of character,” Marinette smiled. “I know how to stay out of trouble. Besides, I may be adorable,” she rolled her eyes. “But I’m not helpless.” 
You’re a snack and guys are going to be lining up like there’s only one vending machine, Luka thought grimly, but he kept his pleasant expression. “Well, is there anything else I can do for you, Marinette? It looks like you’re all set.” He put one hand on the boot box that now carried her street shoes and slid it closer to her.
“Oh,” Marinette blinked, like she’d forgotten why she was there. “Oh, no, I think that’s everything. I, um...thanks, Luka.” She picked up the box slowly, and her blue eyes were soft when she looked up at him. “Really, thank you. I was super nervous about coming to a place like this last time and you really made it easy, and today too, and I just...I’m grateful.”
Luka could feel his cheeks reddening. “I didn’t do anything special,” he shrugged, “A customer’s a customer, right? That’s Michel’s policy.” She made an affirmative noise and looked down and Luka knew he couldn’t just leave it at that. “But...I’m really glad I met you, Marinette. You’re a cool person. Maybe I’ll see you again sometime, just...around or whatever.” 
His eyes skimmed over Marinette’s head as he resisted the urge to ruffle his hair, and found Gina watching him with slightly narrowed eyes. Luka didn’t react outwardly; he wasn’t doing anything wrong and he didn’t care if she knew he thought Marinette was cute. Really, he’d managed to get out of this encounter so far without embarrassing himself too badly or letting Michel down too much, so he was counting it a win. He forced himself to look back at Marinette though and smile.
“Maybe I will see you around sometime,” Marinette said, suddenly not quite meeting his eyes either, and Luka’s pulse spiked. “Like you said, you never know who might show up at an event, right? Who knows, maybe I’ll be going to more events now that I’m all geared up for it.” She grinned and put her glasses back on. They did nothing to hide her suddenly flaming blush. “Well...bye Luka. Thanks again!” 
She nearly tripped in her sudden hurry to get out of the shop. Laughing, Gina caught her arm and said something quietly to her before glancing back at Luka and sending one more smile and a “Ciao, dear!” at Michel.
“What did I tell you?” Michel said with satisfaction. “Good customer service is never wasted.”
“Yeah,” Luka said with a smiling sigh. “You told me.” Man, what he wouldn’t give to be in Le Mans next weekend. 
It’d be nice to be there with someone, especially someone who knew their way around.
No...no, he couldn’t. That was crazy. No way she’d meant it the way he suddenly wanted to hear it. 
Like you said, you never know who might show up at an event, right?
Luka shook his head and went back to work. No. No way. He wasn’t that lucky. He’d really look like a stalker if he showed up in Le Mans, two hours away, on a couple of vague hints that he was probably reading too much into.
The next time he had a quiet moment, Luka pulled up Marinette’s Instagram. There was the selfie of the two of them together. The caption read, Gearing up for the trip to Le Mans next weekend! Had a great experience at Michel’s Motor Gear. The owner Michel is awesome and Luka took great care of me! Super patient, very professional, and soooo nice! AND he plays awesome guitar! #great shop #great service #great guy 
Luka put his head down in his arms on the counter and whined. He was doomed. Worse, he wasn’t going to be able wipe the dumb grin off his face for hours.
He was still grinning stupidly at the picture when Michel walked by. 
“Boss,” Luka said absently, not looking up from his phone. “Can I have Saturday off?”
Michel saw the picture in his hand and frowned. “I don’t think I approve of dating customers.”
“Fair,” Luka agreed, the dopey grin not budging a millimeter. “I quit.”
Michel stood stunned for a moment and then sighed. “Of course. I forgot for a moment you’re Anarka’s boy.” He chewed his mustache for a moment. “Ah, you don’t have to quit. I was watching, I know you’ve acted like a pro. As long as you ask her out on your own time, got it?”
“Yeah. So, Saturday? I’m thinking about a day trip to Le Mans.”
Michel sighed. “Fine, take the weekend. Get it out of your system before Monday.”
Luka snorted softly. “No promises.”
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linkispink1995 · 4 years
Better Together (11) When the tears have dried
Series Masterlist 
A/N: let me know if you'd like to be added to the tag list , please do not plagiarize my work. Stay safe and feedback is apricated , Thanks - Meg
Also I have  group chat for this series where we can talk about the series , and ya’ll can give me feedback on what you wanna see , there’ll be voting and Q and A’s so let me know if you’d like an invite
Chapter Warnings :Language , Angst , mentions of smut/skinny dipping and lots of drama 
I was sitting on the bed drying the rest of my tears that had fallen  , Steve had only left moments ago but I still felt the sting of are confrontation was still present. I didn't know what to do , should I go after him , should I give him some space I didn't know what to do but all I did know is I hurt Steve and I was alone and after what I had done I knew it was what I deserved . Not only did I hurt Steve but I hurt Jackson too and he didn't deserve it he deserved better they both did , I wiped my tears before walking out of the bedroom and entering the kitchen to go through the draws to find Polly's phone number to her house he had to have it written down somewhere I mean- shit why would he have to have his sisters phone number written down it was his sister for god sakes. I slammed the drawer and walked back down the hallway to get my coat before I heard the phone ring in the kitchen , I quickly ran back into the kitchen hoping it was Steve calling , I picked up the phone and spoke into it saying "hello" the voice on the other side responded saying "hey Y/n it's Jonathan" I sighed saying "hi Jonathan". He responded saying "is everything okay" I nodded saying "yeah it's fine" Jonathan spoke again saying "so uh I'm in town visiting mom and I was wondering if you wanted to meet at Benny's for breakfast tomorrow" I nodded again saying "yeah that sounds good". Jonathan responded saying "so is it just gonna be you or is Jackson coming too" I sighed saying "uh no actually it'll just be me" Jonathan spoke saying "are you sure everything is okay" I responded saying "yeah I'm sure I'm just a bit tired". He spoke saying "oh okay well then I'll see you tomorrow does ten sound good" I nodded saying "yeah ten sounds great I'll see you then" after getting off the phone with Jonathan I put the phone on back onto the reciever before Katie walked into the kitchen saying "hey" I responded saying "hi" she spoke again saying "is everything okay" I sighed before she added "where's Steve" I sighed again saying "he's at his sisters" Katie nodded before opening the freezer and grabbing a carton of ice cream. I spoke saying "Katie I think uh I think were over" she shrugged as she walked over and grabbed a spoon before I added "Steve and I it's over I think after what I did today he's done and honestly if he did the same to me I'd want to be done with him" Katie spoke saying "what did you do". I sighed saying "Katie I've been a bitch to him all day" she sighed saying "so look at your sixteenth birthday he was a asshole to you that day so their you go payback". I shook my head saying "Katie I don't do payback okay I'm just afraid we'll never have those good times again".
I was folding a pair of jeans up before walking over to the suitcase that I had opened on my bed , I placed the jeans in the suitcase before Jackson tottered in my room , it was a almost a week after Christmas and Jackson who was almost two was still carrying around the stuffed Elmo he had gotten when Steve and I had taken him to the mall to see Santa which of course was a miniature disaster since the minute he sat on Santa's lap Jackson had a major meltdown. Jackson walked over before motioning me to pick him up , I pulled Jackson in my arms before I put him on my bed before saying "are you ready to go see Nanny" he nodded before beginning to roll around on the part of my bed that wasn't taken up by the suitcase , I was packing since Jackson and I were going to be going to Indianapolis with Steve to visit his grandmother or whom Jackson called Nanny. I was pretty excited about the trip , I was a little nervous about the long car ride since Jackson was going through a small phase of not liking to be in his car seat for too long but I knew he'd be excited since Steve and I had planned this trip and we knew it would great and it was always nice to see Nanny. I had finished packing the suitcase when Jackson began to giggle I shrugged that off and went to began to zip up the suitcase when I felt a pair of arms lift me I gasped before knowing it was Steve , he put me down as Jackson began to laugh even more before Steve scoped him up and tickled him before saying "are you ready to go see Nanny" Jackson nodded before saying "Steve" Steve sighed before saying "yes Jackson" Jackson spoke again saying "we go see Nanny now" Steve nodded saying.  "We can go as soon as mommy is done overpacking" I sighed before saying "oh really overpacking , says the guy who on the last trip we went only brought his toothbrush and a pair of jeans". Steve rolled his eyes saying "oh okay missy and who was it that forgot to bring Jackson's pajama's and he had to end up sleeping in an old t-shirt" I chuckled before Jackson spoke up again saying "mama Elmo go see Nanny" I nodded saying "yes baby we can bring Elmo to Nanny's house" Jackson clapped his hands which was something new he was doing anytime he was happy or excited. I finished zipping up the suitcase before I spoke saying "okay are you ready to go to Nanny's" Jackson nodded as I picked him up and walked out of the bedroom with Steve in tow.
It was an hour into what is most of the time a three and a half hour car ride and Jackson was still asleep after he had a small meltdown shortly after getting in the car he fell fast asleep. I was a bit surprised since Jackson wasn't a fan of being in the car so long or taking naps but then again Jackson was a pretty relaxed baby well now a toddler , the sound of his light snores were disturbed when Steve spoke up saying "are you excited" I nodded before he added "I told Nan that we'd be their by dinner" I responded saying "he'll probably be up soon so we should probably stop at some point and get lunch". Steve spoke saying "yeah uh just tell me when you wanna stop" I nodded again before saying "hey thanks for inviting us" he responded saying "yeah of course I mean you guys are family I mean honestly she probably wants to see the two of you more then she wants to see me" I chuckled before he added "you should probably close your eyes for a bit before he wakes up" I responded saying "that's probably a good idea since the last time I took a nap I probably pregnant with him" Steve chuckled before I closed my eyes trying to catch a moments rest before we stopped for lunch.
My eyes began to open when I started to hear Jackson babbling in the backseat of the car , my cheeks went red as I realized that I had drool on my cheek. I quickly wiped it up before I saw that the jacket Steve was wearing early was now on my lap "you uh looked cold" Steve said before I realized that the car was stopped. I looked to see we were in front of a small restaurant that looked to be attached to a small gift shop , Steve spoke again saying "uh I thought you'd be hungry" I finally spoke saying "that uh that sounds good" he nodded before getting out of the car before walking over and opening the door for me I thanked him before getting out of the car and walked over to open the backseat only for Steve to speak up saying "I got it" I stood back and leaned against the car before Steve got Jackson out of the backseat. Jackson yawned a few times before he reached his arms out to me , Steve kissed his cheek before handing Jackson to me before we walked into the small restaurant.
Steve , Jackson and I were sitting in the booth after we had just ordered out food , Jackson was sitting between Steve and I and was trying to stand up and get to absolutely anything on the table. He spoke saying "mama I have num nums" I responded saying "yes baby were gonna get something to eat okay" he nodded before he leaned his head on Steve's shoulder and let out another yawn. Steve spoke saying "hey uh how's your new job" I responded saying "good it's good uh I've been their for a few weeks now it's good but it's only part time since I'm still in school" he nodded saying "that's good uh so what is it that you do again" I spoke saying. "I am uh salesman for publications I answer phone calls from writers or companies that are trying to get a book or a story published and sometimes I get copies sent to me and I have to proof read them the company really small it's uh just a start up so there's not very many people there". Steve nodded saying "that's uh that's really uh interesting" the waitress brought over are food before Steve spoke again saying "so how is he I haven't uh seen him since Christmas I mean he looks like a whole other person" I chuckled saying "well he's starting to get a little attitude I uh I had to put him in timeout yesterday but then again I probably shouldn't have left him with a box of crayons and expect him to not color on the coffee table , I mean I feel bad that your parents bought the table and I was being stupid and-" Steve cut me off saying. "Y/n your not stupid okay I'm the idiot that treated you that way I mean who does that who does those things who leaves , who treats someone they love that way". I responded saying "Steve maybe were both idiots okay lets just move past that and enjoy are trip" he nodded before Jackson spoke up saying "mama I have ice cream now" I responded saying "no baby we can't it's too cold" Jackson huffed before starting to throw a fit. Steve stood up before picking Jackson up and began to walk around the restaurant with Jackson , I felt bad that Steve felt guilty I mean for the longest time I was mad at Steve about what he had done but the fact that he had grown as a person and changed and began to be their more and more and I could tell that Jackson and I were both happy to have him back in our lives , a moment or so later Steve walked back to the table with Jackson who had the biggest smile on his face which is when I realized Steve must've walked into the gift shop and bought him a small stuffed teddy bear with a blue bow on it , he placed him back in the booth before Jackson climbed into my arms and spoke saying "mama I got a bear" I nodded saying "I see that did daddy buy you that" Jackson responded saying "no not daddy Steve" I sighed before Steve took the seat next to me as I spoke saying "I'm sorry I try telling him but-" Steve cut me off saying "it's okay Y/n he's okay he'll say it when he'll say it". I nodded before Jackson leaned over and grabbed the coloring sheet from Steve and spoke saying "no no Steve" I spoke saying "Jackson you need to be nice to daddy" Jackson sighed before Steve spoke up saying "here why don't you come color with daddy while mommy finishes her lunch" Jackson nodded before Steve pulled him onto his lap before I quietly pulled out my camera out of my bag out and captured the moment between the two people I loved most.
Steve had just pulled into his Grandmother's driveway , after lunch the three of us sat in the booth for a few hours and lost track of time before one of the waitresses walked over and told us the restaurant was closing. By the time we got to Nanny's it was eleven at night and beyond past Jackson's bedtime and I couldn't remember the last time I had stayed up past nine o'clock. I pulled a very sleepy Jackson out of his car seat before Steve spoke saying ""you can go inside , I'll get the bags" I nodded saying "it's pretty late Steve do you think she's still up". Steve chuckled saying "are you kidding me Nanny's the biggest night owl , where do you think I get it from" I nodded before I walked up to the house as Jackson was letting out a few yawns . I knocked on the doors a few times before the door opened with Nanny on the other side. she spoke saying "oh finally I thought you kids got lost" I shook my head before she added "well come in I don't want you turning into ice pops". I walked into the house when I began to hear the sound of Nanny's dog Buffy begin to bark causing Jackson to speak up saying "puppy" I nodded before Nanny gestured to take Jackson. I handed Jackson to her before he spoke again saying  "baby" he then gestured toward the picture on the coffee table , Nanny spoke saying "you know who that is" Jackson shook his head before she added. "That is your daddy when he was a baby" Jackson snuggled to the crook of Nanny's neck before the front door opened and closed. Nanny spoke saying "Steven wipe your feet , you better not bring any of that dirty snow in my house" I could hear Steve sigh before Nanny looked and me and spoke saying "I swear he and his father both never could remember to wipe their shoes off but that's not the only thing they forgot to do" I nodded as Steve walked into the living room. He spoke saying " hi Nanny" she responded saying "hi Steven how's school going" I nodded saying "It's going fine thank you" Nanny responded saying "and how's basketball going" Steve frowned saying "uh good uh well not good cause I got kicked off the team". Nanny sighed before I spoke saying "I didn't know that" Steve responded saying "yeah uh I had a feeling it was coming since I kept getting benched but uh they gave the spot to someone else" I frowned before Nanny spoke again saying "now Steven I have some Christmas presents for you kids so once you get settled you can open them" Steve responded saying "Nanny it's Eleven o'clock" she spoke saying "oh is it really then I'm sorry I must've lost track of time talking to Robert" Steve responded saying "who's Robert" Nanny shook her head saying "don't worry about that , So Y/n-" Steve cut Nanny off saying "Nanny do you have a boyfriend" Nanny rolled her eyes before saying "Steven go get the bags while I get Y/n and the baby settled" Steve walked out of the living room before Nanny spoke saying "come on let's get you settled" Nanny walked down the hall as I followed her as well as Buffy. She opened the door to the guest bedroom before she spoke saying "there are fresh towels in the bathroom , is it too cold in here for you I can turn on the heat , I don't want you two to get chilly" I responded saying "It's great Nanny thank you" Nanny spoke saying "sweetheart were family you can call me Lucille" I nodded before she added "oh goodness he's gotten so big I can't believe my great grandbaby is going to be two ,  I mean I can't imagine how you feel I mean I remember when Steven's father was this age and mean by then I was pregnant with my second". I nodded before Nanny spoke again saying "do you think your going to have anymore kids" I shrugged saying "oh I uh don't know I mean I thought I would but I think I'm done , I wouldn't be opposed to more but I'm good with just Jackson for now" she nodded before their was a knock on the door. I turned to see Steve standing their with the suitcase , Nanny spoke saying "I'll let you two get settled , Steven and I need to speak" I nodded before Nanny handed Jackson to me and walked out of the guest bedroom.
Steve's P.O.V
I walked into the living room before taking a seat on the couch next to Buffy and placed my feet on the coffee table before I heard Nanny speak. "Steven get your dirty shoes off my coffee table" I sighed before she added "what is wrong with you" I sighed again saying "Nanny my feet are off the coffee table I-" she cut me off saying "Steven the two of you were like water and oil seriously what is wrong with you , I mean I've probably have gotten more action then-" I cut Nanny off saying "Nanny what do you want me to do , I can't just go and crawl in bed with her and spoon her that's weird". Nanny shook her head saying "oh please you watched her give birth there is nothing you can do that's weird" I stayed quiet since I wasn't their when Jackson was born , I instead ran out of the room like a coward. Nanny spoke up saying "Steven you were their when she gave birth weren't you" I sighed before Nanny added "are you kidding me for god sakes you and your father are the biggest chickens I've ever met , do you know that when your sister was born I had to be in the room holding your mothers hand cause he was in the waiting room puking his guts out". I frowned before Nanny added "well then I hope you like sleeping on the floor cause theirs's only one guest bedroom and your girl is in their" I rolled my eyes saying "what about the couch" Nanny responded saying "no I'm expecting a very important phone call" I sighed saying "really and important phone call at almost midnight is that from your boyfriend" Nanny rolled her eyes saying "ask me again and you'll sleep in your car" I sighed again before walking down the hallway to check on Y/n and Jackson.
I knocked on the bedroom door before hearing a voice say "come in" I opened the door to see Y/n holding Jackson , she spoke again saying "do you mind getting him in his pajamas" I nodded before she walked over and handed Jackson to me , Y/n then stepped in the bathroom while I got Jackson's pajamas on him. After I had gotten Jackson in his pajamas I heard the bathroom door creek open a bit , I looked up before Y/n popped her head out of the door saying "uh do you mind stepping out for a minute" I shook my head before walking out of the bedroom.
Y/n's P.O.V I walked out of the bathroom before going over to the suitcase to grab my pajamas before realizing that I had forgotten something I realized I brought no diapers for Jackson. I sighed before putting back on the clothes I wore earlier , after I was redressed I scooped Jackson in my arms before opening the bedroom door to see Steve standing in the hallway , he spoke saying. "Is everything okay" I sighed saying "you don't get to laugh but I didn't bring him any Diapers" Steve nodded saying "oh so you forgot something" I rolled my eyes before he added "that's fine we can run out real quick" I responded saying "do you mind holding him for a second I gotta grab my bag-" Steve cut me off saying "no don't worry about it I'll pay" I sighed saying "Steve I-" he again cut me off saying. "Y/n it's just a pack of diapers it's no big deal" I nodded before walking down the hall with Steve , we entered the living room to see Nanny sitting on the couch talking on the phone. She put the phone down on her shoulder before saying "is something wrong" I shook my head saying "we just need to run out and grab a pack of diapers" Nanny responded saying "oh do you want me to watch the baby" I shook my head again saying "no we'll just-" Nanny cut me off saying "oh nonsense I'll watch the baby you two kids go out" I responded saying "oh no your busy-" Nanny cut me off saying "it's no big deal I call Rob- I mean my friend later you two kids go out and enjoy yourselves". Steve spoke up saying "Nanny it's not-" this time Nanny cut Steve off saying "Steven just go now please" Steve sighed saying "we'll be back in ten minutes" Nanny responded saying "oh take your time" Steve rolled his eyes before we walked out of the house.
Ten minutes later Steve and I were in his car still driving around trying to look for someplace that was still opened so late in the night , we drove before seeing a twenty four hour convenient store. Steve pulled into the parking lot before we both stepped out of the car and walked into the store , I walked down an isle to grab a pack of diapers only to turn around and see that Steve wasn't their. I sighed before walking around the small store looking for him only to find him with a small shopping basket with a few items in it , I walked up to him before saying "I thought we came here to buy diapers" he shook his head saying "oh I just picked up a few necessities" I chuckled saying. "So ice cream , sour cream and onion chips and pop tarts are necessities" he nodded saying "yes besides Nanny doesn't have any of this stuff" I sighed before he added "are you ready" I nodded before we walked up to the register to check out.
As the cashier began to scan the items she gave Steve and I a funny look before finally saying "is this you first" I furrowed my brows before she added "are you pregnant with your first" my jaw feel before she spoke again saying "oh I assumed with the food and the diapers that you were". I silently shook my head before feeling extremely embarrassed especially since that all happened in front of Steve , after paying for the items Steve and I silently walked back to his car and got in. We began to drive home back to Nanny's or so I thought. I spoke up saying "Steve where are we going" Steve responded saying "I uh wanted to show you something" I nodded before Steve continued driving.
A few minutes later Steve spoke saying "okay close you eyes" I rolled my eyes before closing them , I didn't know how much time had passed before Steve spoke again saying "okay I'll come around and get you , keep your eyes shut" I sighed before feeling the car stop , I heard the passenger door open before he added "okay reach out your hand" I held my hand out before Steve took it. I couldn't remember the last time I walked hand and hand with Steve but I missed it , a moment later we stopped walking before Steve spoke saying "okay open them" I opened my eyes before taking in the view which was a lake with a patch of greenery in front of a lake with a small waterfall. I gasped before saying "it's beautiful" he nodded before saying "we uh used to out here all the time when I was a kid , it was weird cause no matter how cold it got , no mater if their was snow on the ground the lake never froze over"  I nodded before he added "I knew I wanted to show it to you when Jackson and I were in the gift shop and I saw that stuffed bear , when I uh was seven my dad , Polly and I came out here and went for a hike and uh we forgot to put our lunch away and when we came back their were two bear cubs eating our leftovers". I chuckled before leaning my head on Steve shoulder before saying "it's amazing , it's really amazing" Steve responded saying "wanna have a picnic" I took Steve's hand to look at his watch before saying "at one thirty in the morning there wouldn't be anyone else I'd rather have a picnic with then you" he chuckled before he walked back to the car.
Steve and I were laying on the hood of the car looking at the stars , I couldn't help but think about how it felt so much like the old days . I also could help but feel a tad bit excited when I felt Steve reach for my hand , I felt like I could just stay here forever in this moment in time. "Y/n did you hear me" Steve said , I shook my head before he added "I said do you wanna go swimming" I chuckled saying "ha very funny" Steve furrowed his brows saying "what's funny" I responded saying "you are ,  seriously you wanna go swimming" he nodded before I added "in December , in the middle of nowhere without a bathing suit you want to go swimming" he nodded again before I spoke saying "have fun". he laughed saying "oh come on you have to go with me" I shook my head saying "no way your crazy" Steve responded saying. "Y/n come on what happened to your sense of adventure , come on please just do this with me" I rolled my eyes saying "no way I mean if I was considering it , which I'm not we don't even have our swimsuits" Steve nodded saying "true but uh their is the good old fashioned skinny dipping" I rolled my eyes again saying. "Oh you've got to be kidding me really that's wow that's you know I'm-" Steve cut me off saying "Jesus Yl/n I didn't think you'd get all flustered at that suggestion". I rolled my eyes saying "I'm not getting flustered I'm just I uh no I'm not doing it I-" Steve cut me off saying "oh wait a second were you considering it" I shook my head as he added "oh no your were I know that face you were thinking about it" I shook my head again saying "I was not that is ridiculous it's too cold out to be doing that" Steve sighed saying "oh your so lame Yl/n" I rolled my eyes before he added "okay last call are you going" I shook my head before saying "no thank you I don't wanna freeze" Steve sighed saying "well you snooze you loose , and I swear that water may look cold but it warm I promise" I shook my head again before he added "great then you can hold my clothes" I shook my head before Steve got up from the car and began to peel off his shirt. Oh god this had to be a dream- I mean I don't dream about things like this but there's no way this was seriously happening. Ex boyfriends and girlfriends don't go skinny dipping together especially in the middle of winter on- "are you coming in" I looked up to realize Steve was already in the water. I shook my head before he  responded saying "you know your so boring" I rolled my eyes saying "uh huh I not going sorry not after last time" He chuckled saying "please I'll be you best friend and  I promise those brats won't come back and steal are clothes". I scoffed before getting off the car and peeling off my coat before saying "look away" he nodded before turning in the other direction. I dipped my toe in the water before realizing that maybe Steve was right the water was surprisingly warm for December-
~~~~~~~~~~ "Wait a minute you did not , did not go skinny dipping with Steve" I sighed saying "Helen would you let me finish telling the story please" she chuckled before adding "Y/n I mean why would you do that it's cold out , it's the middle of nowhere and I mean it's Steve why would you do that". I shrugged saying "I don't know it was just different and I haven't really done anything like that , anything-" Helen cut me off saying "stupid you haven't done anything stupid". I scoffed saying "it's not stupid if you were their you would've done that" she shook her head saying "with Steve absolutely not" I sighed saying "I meant you would've done that with someone you care about". Helen shook her had saying "oh my god , oh my god your still in love with him" I sighed again saying "no I-" she cut me off saying "yes you are oh my god it's clear as day your still in love with him" I huffed saying "okay Helen can I finish my story" she nodded saying "yes just can we skip over the stuff that happened in the water please were close but were not that close and I don't feel like losing my lunch". ~~~~~~~~~~ Steve and I had just finished drying off before he spoke saying "we uh should probably get back" I nodded silently since after we had gotten out of the water we hadn't said a single word to each other. It was awkward , defiantly awkward I mean I imagine it would be awkward for anyone to see their ex without any clothes on. After getting out clothes back on we got back in the car before I starting thinking about how the second we got out of the water that Steve had towels. I mean why would he have towels in his car in December I mean he didn't plan on any of that happening did he. As Steve began to drive away I spoke saying "so uh do you mind if I ask where you got the ideas to keep those towels in your car". Steve shrugged saying "I uh guess I just had them in my car from during the summer , I mean we went to the pool a lot" I responded saying "yeah but we mostly went to the pool at your house" Steve sighed before saying "right  yeah uh but-" I cut Steve off saying "Steve did you plan us going there" he sighed again saying "yes but before you get mad I didn't plan it that way-" I cut Steve off again saying "I cannot believe you , you know what I actually can god that is something you'd do and uh fell for it I fell right for it". Steve shook his head saying "Y/n I didn't plan on it happening tonight , I was planning on us coming up during the summer okay-" I cut Steve off saying "oh bullshit Steve you totally planned on this god I just you know what I hope you got a good look cause you'll never see that again" Steve responded saying "Y/n your not listening to me okay I didn't plan that I mean I did but that was just random I swear to god that I had planned this for the summer and we were going to go as a family". I shook my head saying "were not a family Steve okay you made that choice and it's too late were not a family and were never going to be" Steve frowned before pulling into the driveway before he spoke saying "you uh can go inside I'll be their in a minute" I grabbed the bag from the convenient store before walking in the house leaving Steve.
Steve's P.O.V Bullshit , I swear that word would haunt me for the rest of my life every time I heard it I felt like I instantly went back to that stupid Halloween party and I could hear Nancy repeat the words to me. Tonight was stupid I should've waited till summer like I planned but I just got excited , excited about showing the person I cared most for my favorite place but I messed up. I walked into Nanny's house before hearing her speak saying "you blew it Steve" I sighed saying "that's not news" she responded saying "do you wanna talk about it or do you wanna go apologize". I sighed saying "what's the point she's still mad at me she'll always be mad at me" I walked over to the couch before collapsing on it before Nanny spoke again saying "you know a long time ago your father did the same thing , your mom and his got into some dumb fight and your dad sat on that couch and cried like a baby and you know what I did. I told him to get off his ass , dry his eyes and go back to his girl and nine months later you were here so your welcome for that". I rolled my eyes before she spoke again saying "hey when you go home you cannot tell your father about Robert okay you know how sensitive he gets" I nodded before saying "do you miss him grandpa" she nodded saying "I do and if he was here he'd probably smack you on the back of the head and tell you to grow a pair" I scoffed before she added "go tell her your sorry I'm sure you screwed up- you know what go get Y/n I wanna talk to her" I nodded before I stood up saying "did he uh go down for you okay" she responded saying. "He did , she did a really good job with him your pretty damn lucky you got the perfect kid I mean you were a mess you must've been glued to your mothers hip till you were five god you were so ridiculous and don't even get me started on the blanket nonsense" I rolled my eyes before walking down the hall. I knocked on the bedroom door before the door opened reveling Y/n on the other side she spoke saying. "What do you want" I responded saying "Nanny wants to talk to you and I want you to know I'm sorry about tonight that was stupid I'm sorry" she ignored my words before walking past me down the hall.
Y/n's P.O.V I walked into the living room to see Nanny sitting in the chair across from the couch , I don't know why I was nervous I mean I had talked to Nanny before but never alone until now. She spoke saying "sit dear I think we should talk" I took the seat on the couch before she spoke again saying "I just want to apologize" I responded saying "for what Nanny you've been great" she sighed saying "I invited Steve to come up during the summer , he wanted to plan it out so I helped him and last minute something came up and I had to cancel on him. Steven was crushed he really wanted to bring you up two up here , he wanted to take you two to the zoo and all over. He planned on taking you to the spot for the afternoon just the three of you , he planned a lunch and everything he was pretty upset when I told him we had to cancel since he had already packed the car and I felt pretty bad since I cancel for a very selfish reason. I have been seeing someone and uh I didn't want John finding out because of how close he was with his father when Steve passed I think John took it the hardest". I furrowed my brows trying to take in what Nanny had said before she added "oh Steve didn't tell you , Steve's named after his grandfather he uh got sick when Jenifer was pregnant with Steve he uh got sick and uh he fought hard so he could be their for when those kids grew up. He wanted nothing more then to see Steve become a father and have a son of his own to have those moments with him and when I was with Jackson tonight I swear to god he had the same sparkle in his eyes that Steven had , the same sparkle I'd never thought I'd be able to see again. My god you and that baby are the best thing that's happened to this family if it wasn't for you and Jackson this family would've probabaly gone to shit but that's besides the point. I'm not telling you that Steve and you should get back together I'm telling you to never lose the idea of it happen you can't lose that love you can't forget you can't pretend it never happened because it gave you that baby that wonderful sweet miracle baby. So just don't ever lose it don't ever think it won't happen cause you never know I mean I thought I was going to spend the rest of my life with my life with husband and his damn heart gave out on him. so please just promise me you will always keep your heart open". I felt tears prick my eyes at Nanny's words , I couldn't possible imagine the heart ache she's had to endure and I didn't ever want to feel that pain and I didn't wish it upon anyone. I wiped my eyes and nodded before Nanny spoke again saying "my god look at the time god I'm sorry I didn't mean to be all sappy" I responded saying "no it's okay it I uh I'm sorry about all-" she cut me off saying "oh honey don't I've heard it all before but it's uh getting late we uh should go to bed we can talk about this in the morning" I nodded before saying goodnight to Nanny.
I walked into the bedroom before seeing Jackson and Steve snuggle together on the bed , I sighed before walking into the bathroom and changing in some pajama's. After I had gotten changed I walked back into the bedroom to see that they were still asleep and now snoring almost as if it were in unison , I pulled the covers back before crawling into bed with them before placing a kiss on Steve's cheek before saying "I love you".
******Flashback Over******
I got out of bed since I knew soon I'd have to leave for breakfast with Jonathan , I wiped my tears before walking over and grabbing clothes to wear. I peeled off Steve's sweater that I had wore to bed so I could have something similar too him even though nothing could replace Steve really being there. After I had gotten dressed I walked into the bathroom to clean off my dried up mascara and the smudged lipstick I had put on for the party last night , it was odd being alone. It was the first time I had been alone since Steve and I had gotten back together , if Steve wasn't their I would at least have Jackson but not having either of them hurt worst. I walked out of the bathroom before making myself look somewhat presentable and look like I had gotten more then a few hours of sleep , I walked into the kitchen and grabbed a glass of water when I noticed the sticky note attached to the fridge I pulled it off the fridge before reading it.
Went out with mom, be back later. -Katie
I sighed before I walked into living room only to be mocked by Steve's birthday present that I had left on the coffee table , I ignored it and tried my best not to cry when I saw it before grabbing my coat out of the coat closet , I then grabbed my bag before walking out of the apartment and headed to Benny's.
I pulled into the Benny's parking lot before putting on the fakest smile I could , I then grabbed my bag and walked into the diner. It had been a while since just Jonathan and I had hung out since after Jonathan had graduated he moved to New York , Jackson and I visited him quite a few times but it had been a while. I walked into Benny's and began to walk to the booth Jonathan and I always sat in , before Jackson was born Jonathan and I would always meet at Benny's on Saturday mornings for breakfast and even after Jackson was born we would still meet but I always would bring Jackson which Jonathan of course didn't mind. I saw Jonathan sitting at the booth alone or so I thought , I noticed Jonathan was laughing and that's when I realized Jonathan wasn't alone , Nancy was their too. I at first thought that maybe Jonathan forgot about our plans or that I maybe dreamt the past few days , if I did then this was one awful nightmare and I wanted to wake up and have Steve their with me. Jonathan looked up and waved to me before I swallowed the lump that had formed in my throat before walking over to him. I had meet Nancy only a few times but just in passing either when she was with Steve or during the few times I had babysat her younger brother so I had a bad feeling this would be awkward. I took the seat across from Nancy and Jonathan , I gave a fake smile trying my best to be polite and also since I didn't know what to say to Jonathan since last night on the phone it was supposed to be just us like the old times. It was awkward almost as awkward as when I had to speak to Nancy when her and Steve were together- oh god did she know that Steve and I were back together my thoughts were then interrupted when I noticed something sparkly and shinny on Nancy's ring finger , it was an engagement ring which could only mean her and Jonathan were engaged.
The three of us sat in silence except for when we ordered are food , after the waitress took are order and silence resumed Nancy decided to break the silence by saying. "So uh how are you-" she didn't know my name not until Jonathan mumbled "Y/n" under his breath. Nancy spoke again saying " oh right Y/n" she said before adding "what uh have you been up to" I responded saying "nothing much" Nancy nodded saying "are you still single" I shook my head saying "no uh I have a boyfriend" Nancy responded saying "who" I sighed saying "Steve". Nancy had a confused look on her face before saying "oh Steve Lewis he's nice I uh think I had him in my homeroom" I sighed again saying "oh no um Steve Harrington" Nancy's face went blank before the waitress brought over are food. After I thanked her the silence returned , I picked around the food on my plate since I hadn't had an apatite since last night.
A few minutes of eating in awkward silence Nancy excused herself and left Jonathan and I alone , I spoke saying "hey Jonathan" he nodded before I added "can I ask you something" he nodded again as I spoke saying "why the hell didn't' you tell me". Jonathan responded saying "oh about Nancy" I nodded before he continued saying "I thought you'd be cool with it" I nodded again saying. "I am but last night on the phone it was just going to be us , you know like old times" Jonathan responded saying "yeah but I assumed you'd bring Jackson like you always do" I sighed saying "Jonathan I-" he cut me off saying "Y/n it's not like the old times okay , I'm sorry but it won't ever be like that again okay" I rolled my eyes before saying "did uh you visit your mom yet" he shook his head saying "no , why did something happen" I shook my head saying "uh I'll let her tell you" Jonathan sighed before I grabbed some money out of my bag and placed it on the table since I was so peeved that Jonathan tainted our tradition , I spoke saying. "This uh should cover for my food , congratulations by the way" he scoffed before I grabbed my bag and walked out of Benny's.
Steve's P.O.V
I was awoken when I felt someone shake my arm , I sighed and wiped the sleep out of my eyes before a voice spoke. "Steve come on get up" it was Polly , I sighed again before she added "come on okay I know your all pissed cause of your birthday but come on get over it". I grabbed the pillow beside me and tossed at my sister , she then huffed and walked out of the room before a moment later I felt a weight on me. I opened my eyes before seeing Jackson all cuddled to me. I spoke saying "good morning" he responded saying "daddy can we do something today" I sat up before rubbing the sleep out of my eyes and spoke saying "sure buddy what do you wanna do" Jackson responded saying "can we go out for breakfast" I nodded saying "do you wanna go to Benny's" Jackson nodded saying "can we go with mommy or are you still mad at her" I sighed saying "Jackson I'm not mad at mommy but I was thinking maybe just you and I could go out and do something , you know when was the last time you and I got to go out and do something just the two of us and you know what think of it as an extra birthday present". Jackson frowned before saying "you didn't like my card" I shook my head saying "no I did , daddy loved your card it was my favorite gift" he nodded before I spoke saying "okay go tell aunt Polly and I'll be out in five minutes" Jackson nodded again before running out of the room.
After I had gotten ready I walked out of the bedroom before hearing the front door open and close , I walked into the living room to see my mom standing their she then walked over to me and pulled me into a hug before saying. "How are you holding up sweetie" I sighed saying "I'm fine mom" she responded saying "are you sure , I don't want this to cause you to spiral or go on one of you outburst" I sighed saying "I'm sure mom". Polly spoke up saying "I invited mom to go out to breakfast" I responded saying "but I didn't invite you" Polly rolled her eyes saying "too bad I invited myself and your buying" I sighed before we left for Benny's.
We walked into Benny's before taking a seat in a booth before Jackson spoke up saying "daddy when can we go see mommy" I shrugged saying "I'm uh not sure buddy". He frowned saying "well did mommy say sorry yet" I nodded saying "yes she-" Jackson cut me off saying "then why are you still mad". I huffed saying "Jackson I already told you I'm not mad at mommy" Jackson frowned again before mom spoke up saying "how about we don't bug daddy about that" Jackson sighed saying "I was just asking a question and mommy was right he is grumpy" I huffed before the waitress came over to take our orders. After she took our orders Mom spoke saying "you know when she comes back I think I'll order a milkshake I can't remember the last time I had a chocolate shake from Benny's". Polly chuckled saying "your going to have a milkshake for breakfast" mom nodded before she added "don't you think that's-"Polly was cut off by Jackson saying "daddy can I go talk to uncle Jonathan" I shrugged before he pointed to a booth and who of course was sitting their but Jonathan and Nancy. I shook my head saying "not right now" he sighed saying "why not" I responded saying "I don't wanna bother them" Jackson spoke again saying "daddy who is uncle Jonathan with" I shrugged before he added "do you know her". I shook my head again before Polly spoke saying "isn't that Nancy" I shrugged saying "I don't know I wasn't paying attention" Polly rolled her eyes saying "that's weird I don't remember Nancy wearing glasses" I shook my head saying "what are you talking about no she doesn't" Polly huffed saying "oh so maybe you were paying attention idiot". Mom spoke saying "Polly watch your language infront of your nephew" Polly rolled her eyes before saying "you know mom babying Steve is one thing but babying Jackson is a whole other thing in itself" Mom shook her head before saying "so Steven your father is off today so I was going to take Jackson home with me so he can see him" I responded saying "that's fine mom" she nodded before saying "I mean you could come with us too I mean I wouldn't mind you staying with us" I shook my head saying "I'm good" she nodded again before Polly spoke up saying "okay how long is this whatever you wanna call it between you and Y/n going cause David's supposed to be back in a week and I don't want my mopey and annoying little brother around when he does" I rolled my eyes before mom spoke up again saying "Polly you need to learn to have patience I swear since the moment you were born their hasn't been a patient bone in your body" Polly scoffed saying "oh please mother I've been dealing with him for twenty three years I deserve a break besides isn't she at your apartment I mean why don't you just kick her out". Mom gasped saying "Polly how could you say that" she rolled her eyes before I responded saying "I would never do that and besides it's not just her it's Katie and Oliver" Mom responded saying "I thought his name was Patrick" Polly shook her head saying "no Patrick is Ollie's deadbeat father" Mom sighed saying "well I didn't know Kathrine had a baby when did that happen" Polly responded saying "neither did I until I ran into her and Donna at the mall which reminds me I have to go visit Donna later she had her baby early this morning" Mom spoke saying "I didn't know Donna was pregnant either , you kids need to start telling me things more often" Polly rolled her eyes before a voice spoke "Steve" I then turned to see who else but Nancy. Polly and Moms jaw feel before she added "it's uh been a while" she wasn't lying it had been a while , a little over four years. I nodded silently before she spoke again saying "well uh I don't wanna bother I just wanted to say hi" I silently waved before she walked away from the table only for Polly to break out into a fit of laughter , mom sighed saying "oh Polly your a mess" Polly continued to laugh before the waitress brought over are food.
Y/n's P.O.V
I walked into the apartment before walking into the Livingroom to see Katie putting Ollie in his car seat. She spoke saying "So uh how was your breakfast" I shrugged before saying "where did you go this morning" she responded saying "oh I went over to see mom and dad and uh dad let me know about your little meltdown at the station" I rolled my eyes before she added. "Also while you were gone uncle Jim called wanting to know if you were still going to come over and hang out with the kids" I sighed since I completely forgot about that until Katie had just brought it up. I spoke saying "where are you off to now" Katie responded saying "the hospital , Donna had the baby this morning" my jaw fell before she added "do you want to come" I responded saying "uh sure I guess" Katie nodded saying "good you can drive , I was up half the night with Ollie and I'm exhausted" I nodded before Katie and I left for the hospital.
Katie and I had arrived at the hospital and were walking to the room Donna was in before she spoke saying "I think the last time I was at a hospital Ollie was born , how about you". I responded saying "the last time I was here Jackson was getting his appendix out" Katie furrowed her brows saying "you never told me about that" . I sighed saying "it's a long story" we got to the hospital room before Katie lightly knocked on the door before opening it , on the other side was Donna who was sitting up in the hospital bed holding of course the baby , Danica was right next to Donna leaning her head on Donna's shoulder. Donna spoke saying "hi guys" Katie responded saying "how is she" Donna responded saying "good everything good" I spoke saying "I thought you weren't due till next month" Donna shrugged saying "I guess she decided to surprise up , where's uh Jackson and Steve" I ignored her question before Katie spoke saying "oh that's not important , what's important it how does Danica feel about having to share a birthday with her baby sister" Donna sighed saying "she was a little upset at first but I think she's doing much better , hey Dani why don't you tell them what baby sister's name is" Danica nodded saying "my sisters name is Delilah" Katie responded saying "oh and do you like baby Delilah" Danica nodded before Donna spoke saying "do you wanna hold her Y/n" I nodded silently before Donna added "are you okay I mean somethings off with you". I responded saying "I'm fine Donna just uh a little tired I guess". I nodded again before taking the baby from Donna , if I was being honest I missed this being able to hold a baby. Jackson was almost seven and the only time he ever wanted to be cuddled with or held was when he didn't feel good and before Jackson I wasn't a fan of cuddling but the first time I held my precious baby boy and got to cuddle him changed my mind and I absolutely loved to cuddle with him. It was sad to see him grow up but at the same time it was exciting to see him grown and learn and become his own person with his own personality , likes and dislikes but then their was still this sadness that I was losing my baby boy and I didn't think I was ready for that. "You know" Katie said before adding "Y/n's thinking about having another baby" I sighed since after Steve and I's argument I was pretty sure there was no chance at us being able to have another baby but after what I had done to Steve I didn't deserve it. I didn't deserve another baby with his laugh or his smile , I didn't deserve one with his freckles or his nose and his beautiful brown eyes I feel in love with all those years ago. I shook my head saying "I uh actually don't think that's going to be happening" Donna responded saying "are you sure I mean I never thought I would either but now I can't imagine life without Delilah" I nodded saying "yeah but I uh think I'm good with just one" Katie scoffed saying "what happened and please don't say it's because of that stupid fight". Donna spoke again saying "what fight" Katie huffed saying "oh yesterday was Steve's birthday-" Donna cut Katie off saying "oh listen I wanted to talk to you about that Y/n I'm sorry we didn't show up it's just I was starting to feel contractions and I didn't know if they were real ones or Braxton hicks" I nodded before Katie added.  "Anyways so it was Steve's birthday and Y/n was being all moody and her and Steve had a stupid fight and she's now upset because she thinks they've broken up". Oh shit I didn't think of that , were Steve and I broken up I mean are fight was pretty big but it wasn't break up worthy was it I mean if Steve had done to me what I did I knew I'd probably break up with him so were we still together.
Steve's P.O.V
It was a few hours after Jackson went home with my mom and I was honestly pretty lonely without him , I mean sure I had my sister but I didn't remember the last time I hung out with just my sister. "So" Polly said before adding "I uh wanted to say I'm sorry about what I said earlier" I responded saying "it's fine I'm over it" she huffed saying "well it doesn't look like your over it". Before I could say anything else the doorbell rang , Polly stood up before walking out of the room a moment or so later I heard my sister scream causing me to get up from the couch to walk into the entryway only to see my sister standing their with her boyfriend David. I sighed before walking back into the Livingroom to take my place back on the couch next to Buster , I sat their for a few moments before Polly and David returned to the living room. Polly was about to speak again before she was interrupted this time by the phone ringing she sighed before walking out of the living room leaving me and David alone. David spoke saying "uh hey man there's uh something I've been wanting to talk to you about" oh god I really didn't hope this is what my mom was talking about yesterday. David spoke again saying "uh so your sister and I have been together for a while and uh I've been trying to talk to your dad but he's been ignoring me and kinda hiding from me but I was wondering if I could have your permission to ask your sister to marry me". Oh god why , why did he have to ask me I mean why do I care I mean I do sorta care but with everything going on this just hurt and I know David had no clue what was going on but it still hurt. I responded saying "yeah I guess so sure" he nodded before I heard Polly call for me , I walked into the kitchen before she put the phone down and her shoulder and spoke saying "it's Y/n do you wanna talk to her" I shook my head knowing I wasn't ready to talk to her yet Polly sighed saying "well what do I do she sounds pretty upset" I responded saying "I don't know just tell her I'm not here or something".
Y/n's P.O.V
"I'm sorry Y/n but Steve's not here" Polly said before I felt more tears fall down my cheeks. I spoke saying "could you uh tell him to give me a call when he gets back" Polly responded saying "sure I'll let him know" I wiped my tears before saying my goodbyes to Polly. I hung up the phone and walked back to the bedroom before continuing to cry , I don't know what hurt worse knowing I hurt Steve or hearing that he didn't wanna talk to me. I knew he was their , I heard him  tell Polly to tell me he wasn't their and after how I treated him I deserved it. I changed into some more comfortable clothes so I could try to take a small nap before going over to Joyce's since I was afraid I was getting to tired. I began to look around for a warm sweater of Steve's I could wear before hearing a knock on the bedroom door , I spoke saying "come in" before drying more of my tears. Katie walked in with a box in her arms before saying "your still upset huh" I nodded before she walked over and put the box on the bed before saying  "you know he's not innocent he's done his fair share of things" I side before she added "now I don't want you t get angry but I lost one of Ollie's sock and when I looked under the bed in the other room I found this" she then gestured to the box before she continued "now I know your hurt but if you saw what was in here I think you'd get over it" I walked over thinking maybe it was the box that had all the letters in it I had written to Steve over the years or maybe it was the box filled with all the pictures that we had yet to put up in the apartment. I opened the box to see it was filled with what appeared to be magazines , I pulled one of the magazines out of the box to see it wasn't just a magazine but a dirty one. I could feel the color out of my face flush before I dropped it back in the box , I thought all the air had left my lungs. I spoke saying "how the hell is that supposed to make me feel better that's-" she cut me off saying "heartbreaking isn't it , it hurts when you realize that he doesn't care about you , that your not the only women in his life I mean this is the same guy who cheated on you when you were pregnant and your going to stay with him. Y/n what if you for some stupid reason decide to have another baby huh what if he does it again , what if he cheats on you again with someone you knew-" I cut her off saying "it was never with someone I knew-" Katie cut me off saying "it was Matt's sister didn't you know her and think about it if he cheats on you again he wouldn't be hurting just you , he'd also hurt Jackson I mean if your willing to put Jackson in that situation then your a terrible person and an awful mother". I felt even more tears prick my eyes before Katie added. "I huh I just don't want you to get hurt okay I want you to realize their are other people out their besides Steve" I scoffed saying "I know that I-" Katie cut me off saying "no you don't , you don't know so what you slept with Stewart a few times who doesn't sleep with their best friend once or twice it's no big deal but actually try to date someone". I rolled my eyes saying "I've tried dating okay , I've been on dates , I've had a boyfriend and it didn't work okay I need him , I need Steve" Katie sighed saying "you know I used to really respect you for doing it on your own and being a single mom but the fact that you just run back to him whenever you need affection is ridiculous , he dumps a girl and the next day he's in bed with you it's ridiculous". My jaw feel before Katie added "oh you didn't think mom told me about that Alison girl , I mean have you thought about what's gonna happen when she shows up with that baby" I responded saying "she wasn't pregnant Katie she made it up". Katie scoffed saying "so you don't think there's someone else out their with his kid I mean seriously he's sleep with everyone I'm sure he's got another kid out their hell he's probably got a few out their and the fact you considering having another one with him is ridiculous". I shook my head saying "no I'm not letting you do this okay , your not taking this away from me" Katie scoffed saying "take what away- oh god your already pregnant aren't you god that's why you've been all moody and that's why you haven't been drinking lately. Y/n why am I not surprised with you I mean is that what that was out their what were you gonna call him and tell him and expect him to come back to you I hate to break it to you but that's not how it goes if it did Patrick would still be around". I sighed before realizing what's been infront of me this whole time , Katie was hurt I didn't know if she was hurt by seeing Steve and I together or hurt that she had to go through what I went through. I knew her pain , I knew what it felt like to have the father of my child not be around and feeling angry at them yet feeling sad that they were missing their child's life. I then realized that Katie was stalling me on purpose last night and I knew why because if I wasn't their she'd be alone and I knew when I was in that position that loneliness was the worst part of it all. I sighed before pulling my sister in a hug before saying "I'm sorry" she responded saying "I'm sorry too I just I just don't want you getting hurt but I shouldn't have snapped and I shouldn't have eavesdropped or snopped or hogged you last night , this stupid fight you two are having is all my fault". I shook my head saying "no it's not it's my fault god I mean why do sisters always have to fight" she shook her head saying "I don't know but let's not do it anymore". I nodded before she added "so what can I do to help this whole situation" I responded saying "well I'll try calling again when I get back" Katie shook her head saying "no I'll go watch the kids and you go to him" I sighed saying "I can't" Katie responded saying "why not". I frowned saying "he isn't going to want to see me and besides I don't really know what to say" Katie responded saying "start with sorry and if he doesn't want to see you too bad" I shook my head saying "you know I'll go over their tomorrow I haven't seen the kids in a while". Katie responded saying  "are you sure" I nodded before she added "okay then so before you go you should probably try and figure out what your going to say" I nodded before Katie and walked out of the bedroom.
Steve's P.O.V "your going to call her or I will" Polly said before I sighed saying "I'm not talking to her" Polly shook her head saying "that's too bad okay I'm not babying you like mom okay your a grown man act like one". I rolled my eyes before David spoke saying " okay I'm still confused on what's going on" Polly sighed saying "my idiot brother is all pissed because Y/n didn't show up to his stupid birthday party yesterday". David nodded before I spoke up saying "that's not just it okay ever since Katie's been their she's been hogging Y/n and I'm not mad because it's me she's ignoring she's ignoring Jackson too and he doesn't deserve that". Polly scoffed saying "oh I'm sorry the guy who abandoned that kid for a year but only used him when it made him look good is gonna tell me what he needs". I responded saying "he doesn't deserve that he deserves better" Polly shook her head saying "well she's his mom you can't do that you can't take him away from her" I sighed saying "I'm not trying to take him away from her I'm trying to give him a break and let him not have to sit their and have her ignore him I mean I don't know if I even want to have another kid with her". Polly put her hands in her head before saying "she's pregnant oh you idiot why would you-" I cut her off saying "she's not okay it's just we've been talking about it and now I don't even know if that's what I want I mean I'd like to marry her before doing that so we could maybe do something in the correct order but her dad shut me down twice". Polly sighed saying "oh uh didn't know you two were ever gonna do that" I nodded saying "yeah I mean I've wanted to marry her since I was five" Polly chuckled saying "I forgot about that" David spoke up saying "forgot about what" Polly responded saying. "This one came home from the first day of kindergarten  talking all about this girl and how she was the love of his life and he was going to marry her someday but didn't she' push you" I nodded saying "yeah but I was kinda asking for I kinda used to pick on Y/n a lot" Polly responded saying "I didn't know that" I nodded saying "yeah uh I stole on of her crayons in kindergarten and in uh second grade I cheated off her spelling test oh and in uh third grade I uh paint in her shoes". Polly shook her head saying "you two have a really weird way of showing affection to one another" I nodded before she added "okay so have you tried talking to her mom , I mean maybe her dad said no because of last time". David spoke up again saying "what do you mean last time" Polly huffed saying "will you keep up Steve and Y/n were engaged when she was pregnant with Jackson which in my opinion made no sense because you'd have to wait two years but that's fine I mean I don't even know why it was broken off". I responded saying "Y/n broke it off cause I started spiraling again" Polly sighed saying "well before you do ask her you should probably quit drinking cause you can't slip up like you did last time". I sighed saying "it was one beer and it was my birthday and I was having a pretty hard day okay get off my back" Polly responded saying "excuses , excuses Steve okay one beer leads to two and two leads to thee and before you know it your beyond wasted you've got to stop okay it's not healthy" I rolled my eyes before saying "I have control okay" Polly scoffed saying "oh so the guy who cheated on his pregnant girlfriend now claims he has self control , where was self control when you hooked up with Heather or Lizzy or Ally or whatever the hell Matt's sisters name is where's your self control their". I stood up from the table before saying "I'm not doing this with you , I'm leaving" Polly scoffed saying "oh run away like you always do , you ran from Y/n now your running from here no ones surprised by you anymore Steve" I grabbed my bag before Buster and I left Polly's.
Y/n's P.O.V I stood in front of my uncle Jim's house he had bought a few years ago after he for some unknown reason moved out of my great grandfathers cabin he had been living in with his daughter El. I was pretty close with El , when my uncle first adopted her she was very quiet and a bit shy but over time she opened up a bit more and was super sweet. At first when Uncle Jim adopted El he wanted to be quiet about it , I never knew why but I figured it was none of my business but over time El became like a little sister to me and I missed hanging out with her. When Jackson was two I spent most of that summer spending time with El but as she got older and started going to school and I got a more stable job we only spent birthdays and holidays together. I knocked on the door before waiting for a response , I knew that after this was over I would go home , get some rest and go see Steve tomorrow and apologize. I knew he needed his space and I was starting to feel more hopeful and that somehow this could all work out and Steve and I would be fine and I was trying to stay hopeful so I wouldn't think about what could happen if this didn't work out. The door opened revealing Joyce on the other side , she spoke saying "oh hi Y/n , come in" I walked into the house before she added "how are you" I responded saying "good". She sighed saying "really are you sure" I nodded saying "I'm fine" Joyce spoke again saying "listen hon I didn't see you at the party last night did something happen" I shook my head before hearing Uncle Jim talking to someone in the other room "I said no , your not going over and seeing him" I walked into the Livingroom with Joyce to see that Uncle Jim and El were appearing to have some type of argument. El responded saying "but-" Uncle Jim cut her off saying "no I said no your staying here do you understand that" Joyce spoke saying "Jim are you ready" Uncle Jim nodded before walking over to me saying "be careful of her she's uh been sneaking out" I nodded before El spoke up saying "I can hear you" Uncle Jim walked out of the living room before Joyce spoke saying "okay so Will is over at Lucas's , El has a history project she's working on and we should be home by ten" I nodded before saying "did you see Jonathan yet" Joyce furrowed her brows before saying "oh no dear he'll be her tomorrow he called this morning to tell me he was swamped at work". Oh my god Jonathan lied , he lied to Joyce and I couldn't believe it I felt bad but I nodded before Jim walked back in saying "uh Y/n do you mind kinda scaring her with I don't know like a story where maybe you second guessed having Jackson cause-"Joyce cut uncle Jim off saying "Jim don't say that" he responded saying "well Joyce she won't listen to me so maybe she'll-" Joyce cut him off saying "Jim enough" Uncle Jim walked out of the room before saying "I'm sorry about him he's just very overprotective of her after everything that happened with Sara" I nodded before saying "her birthday's tomorrow" she responded saying "I think that's why it's been really hard for him" I nodded before she added "so uh we should be back around ten you kids have fun and El listen to Y/n please" El and I both nodded before Joyce and Uncle Jim walked out the door.
Steve's P.O.V I knocked on the front door of my parents house , I couldn't believe it I was a grown man and I was on my parents front steps drying off tears. Before the front door opened reveling my mother on the other side , she spoke saying "hi honey this is a nice surprise" I sighed before she added "did you and your sister get into a fight" I nodded silently before mom gestured for me to come into the house. Mom spoke again saying "have you had dinner yet" I shook my head before mom sighed saying "well put your bag down and let's eat , uh you'll have to stay on the couch Nanny's in town" I nodded before walking into the dinning room to see just dad sitting at the table he spoke saying. "so did you piss your sister off" I rolled my eyes before saying "where's Jackson" mom responded saying "he's down the street at Peter's he should be back soon" I nodded before mom added "sit down dinners almost ready" before I could say anything else another voice spoke "oh hello Steven" I sighed saying "hi Nanny" she spoke again saying "did you have a good birthday". Mom shook her head before Nanny added "where's Y/n" Dad spoke up saying "mother leave him alone-" Nanny cut dad off saying "John Michael Harrington I asked a question , where is Y/n" I responded saying "she's at home I guess" Nanny furrowed her brows before saying "you guess" I nodded before the doorbell rang , Dad spoke saying "that must be Jackson I'll be right back" Nanny sat down as dad left the room. Nanny spoke saying "is everything okay Jennifer" mom nodded silently before Nanny added "are you sure I mean it's unlike you to not have a glass of wine in your hand so I assumed you weren't feeling well". Mom responded saying "Lucille- I mean Mrs. Harrington how long did you say you were staying" Nanny sighed saying "well I was thinking maybe till new years or at least until you drove me nuts" Mom rolled her eyes before Nanny added "so am I going to see my granddaughter while I'm here" Mom responded saying "I don't know , what happened Steve" I sighed saying "David showed up that's what happened" Nanny shrugged saying "who is that" Mom responded saying "oh that would be Polly's on and off again boyfriend" Nanny nodded saying "and what does he do" Mom responded saying. "Military , he's uh oh god Steve what is he again" I spoke saying "he's in the Navy" Nanny nodded again saying "does he comes from a good family Jennifer". Mom responded saying "the Henderson's are good , poor kid his father passed away what five years ago I think" Nanny sighed saying "Jesus Jennifer your memory is terrible you need to start writing these things down , so when is Polly finished with law school" Mom responded saying "she graduates next spring" Nanny nodded before Jackson ran into the dinning room. He imminently ran into my moms arms before he looked at me and spoke saying "why are you here" mom gasped saying "Jackson you be nice to daddy" Jackson responded saying "is he still pouting" mom responded saying "Jackson go give dad a hug and a kiss and go sit down" Jackson got up before walking over and giving me the most half-assed hug I've ever gotten and I've gotten some pretty shitty hugs before. Mom stood up before dad spoke saying "sit down Jenifer I'll get it" mom sighed before following dad to the kitchen "Steven" nana said before adding "what is going on with her , did I miss something" I shrugged before Mom and Dad walked back into the dinning room with dinner.
Y/n's P.O.V
I was sitting on the couch with El , Joyce and Jim had been gone for an hour and I felt bad saying it but I was bored. I mean usually El was bright and bubbly and was talking a million miles a minute but all of the sudden she's quiet and more focused on the tv. I spoke saying "so how's school" she nodded saying "good" another one word answer which is what I got when earlier I asked how she was. I sighed before she spoke again saying "Jonathan's here in Hawkins" I responded saying "how did you-" she cut me off saying "I just know" I nodded before she added "I feel bad for Joyce she doesn't deserve it" I nodded again before saying. "Is everything okay with us El I mean your usually more talkative , I mean are you sure everything's okay I mean you can tell me anything". El frowned saying "it's just I don't wanna hurt your feelings talking about School stuff or parties or prom cause-" I cut her off saying "because I didn't get any of that , El your not hurting my feelings I'm happy for you I want to hear all about it" Before El could responded the front door open and shut. I looked at the clock since it was too early for Joyce and Jim to be home  a moment or so later Will , Lucas and Max. Before I could say hello Lucas spoke saying "oh it's just you" I responded saying "yeah is-" Will cut me off saying "oh we just thought that Jackson would be here too" I shook my head before Max spoke saying "well we miss him and were sorry we didn't show up last night" I nodded saying "it's okay and he misses you guys too he talks about you guys all the time" they nodded before Lucas spoke saying "Christmas breaks coming up we'll try to see him then" I nodded again before Will spoke up saying "are they still broken up" I shrugged before he added "El and Mike". My jaw feel before turning to El and saying "you and Mike broke up" she shrugged before Max spoke saying "your already back together aren't you" El silently nodded before I spoke saying "do you kids wanna stay , I mean I haven't seen you guys since summer" they nodded before sitting with El and I. It was weird it felt like yesterday they were kids and now they were seniors in high school I mean if they were getting older that meant so was Jackson and I defiantly knew I wasn't ready for that.
It was the following morning after watching El and I had just knocked on the Harrington's front door , I knew what I needed to do I needed to apologize and I did feel awful that Mrs. Harrington threw the party and that I didn't show up and I felt even more terrible about hurting Steve. The door opened revealing Jackson on the other side , he jumped into my arms before I spoke saying "Hi sweet pea I missed you , oh mommy missed you so much". Before Jackson could respond I hear Mrs. Harrington say "Jackson we do not open the door I told you to wait for- oh it's you" I responded saying "Hi Jen-" she cut me off saying "It's Mrs. Harrington". Oh shit Mrs. Harrington must've not been happy with me if she wasn't allowing me to call her by her first name but then again if some girl hurt my son I'd probably be cold to her , oh god the idea of that happening makes me wanna sob. I looked at Jackson saying "why don't you get your things so we can go home" he nodded before running off before I looked at Mrs. Harrington saying. "I uh was just coming to apologize about last night I'm sorry that was unacceptable and completely rude of me and I'm sure the party was amazing". She nodded saying "oh the party was great except for poor Steve who just sat there and waited and waited for you to show up , if you weren't my grandson's mother I'd slam this door right in your face". I nodded saying "and it's probably what I deserve" she responded saying "your goddamn right" Jackson ran back before Mrs. Harrington pecked his cheek before saying goodbye to Jackson.
I walked through the front door with Jackson , I felt a little better having my sweet pea with me but it still wasn't the same I missed Steve. I walked into the Livingroom where Jackson had ran into and sat on the couch , I spoke saying "I missed you sweet pea" Jackson nodded silently. He hadn't said a single word to me since I had picked him up , he was probably mad at me sure he was six and didn't probably fully understand what was going on but he did know that I hurt Steve. I took the seat next to Jackson before saying "you miss daddy don't you" he nodded silently again before I got an idea , I walked down the hall before walking into my bedroom and grabbing a box out of the closet before walking back out into the Livingroom. I spoke saying "you know when I miss daddy I look through this box" I put the box down on the floor before moving the coffee table since I knew their was a lot in this box and I would need a lot of space. Jackson stood up and walked over before taking the seat next to me , I opened the box before pulling out the shoebox that was on top of everything else. I opened it before pulling out pictures , Jackson gasped before taking one of the pictures out of my hand saying "mommy look" he pointed to the picture before he added "where's the scar on your foot" I shrugged saying "I guess that was before that happened" he nodded before picking up another picture saying "mommy is this when it happened" I responded saying "when what happened baby" he sighed saying "daddy told me you stepped on a shell at the lake is this when it happened" I took the picture from him before seeing that it in fact was that trip to the lake it also happened to be the trip where Jackson was conceived. I nodded saying "yep that was it" Jackson then added "daddy also said you cried a lot" I scoffed saying "oh really did you know on daddy and I's second date he got stung by a bee and he cried about for an hour" he chuckled before I continued to look through the pictures with Jackson. I stood up saying "I'm gonna make popcorn does that sound good" he ignored me before continuing to look through the pictures. After the popcorn was popped I sat back down before Jackson handed me another picture he spoke saying "mommy do you see that" I nodded saying "I do , I see the most cutest baby I've ever seen" he sighed saying "mommy were matching that's really embarrassing". I chuckled saying "okay that was an accident I was running late and I grabbed the first thing and ran out the door , it just happened to look a lot like I was wearing" he sighed again before picking another picture saying "mommy what is this" I looked at the picture and responded saying "that was your second Halloween you were cookie monster that year , you absolutely loved sesame street and you used to drive daddy and I crazy with it but you were so adorable". he huffed before I picked one of the pictures up in the pile and spoke saying "do you know who this is" he shrugged saying "this is daddy when he was your age" Jackson nodded before I looked at the picture and spoke again saying "you know you look just like him" Jackson shook his head before I added "yes you do , you have that smile and those freckles and of course those beautiful eyes" Jackson responded saying "mommy why does daddy have my blankie" I chuckled saying "oh sweet pea that used to be daddy's blankie when you were growing in my tummy daddy gave this to you he wanted you to have this". Jackson responded saying "really" I nodded before he looked in the box before saying "what's this" he then handed me what looked to be the remains of a crayon , I then noticed my last name was written on it. That's when I realized this was the crayon Steve stole from me in kindergarten , I knew it was mine because my mom put Jeffrey , Katie and I's names on everything at that age. I couldn't believe it that he had keep it and seeing that made me miss him much more , I sighed saying "it's just uh it's a long story" Jackson nodded before digging in the box more and pulling a paper out before saying. "Mama look" I took the paper from him before seeing it was his birth certificate. I spoke saying "when a baby is born the hospital gives this to the mommy and daddy , see me and daddy's name is on it" he nodded before saying "wait daddy's middle name is Michael too" I nodded before he added "that's my middle name". I responded saying "yep it's also papa's and his dad's" Jackson responded saying "where does papa's daddy live" I frowned saying "oh baby he got sick when daddy was little so he's not here anymore" he responded saying "like aunt Paige's and uncle Matt's mommy" I nodded saying "but you know what I know their watching over you I know their your guardian angels" he snuggled his head in the crook of my neck before looking at my necklace saying "mommy why don't you have a letter for daddy" I shrugged saying "what do you mean sweet pea" he responded saying "you have a J for Jackson but you don't have a letter for daddy" I nodded saying. "Do you think I need one" he nodded before he spoke again saying "why are you wearing daddy's shirt" I shrugged before realizing that I was in fact was wearing one of Steve's shirts. I picked up another stack of photos ,  photos of when Jackson and I were in the hospital after he was born three weeks premature and after I caught pneumonia Jackson and I were in the hospital for quite some time. I choose to never look at these pictures because I didn't want to remember the pain or the hurt or the frustration I had felt during that time but of course Steve wanted the pictures to one day show Jackson how far he's come and how strong I was and I now regret all those times I was cold to Steve about it cause when I looked at those pictures it showed how I made it through. It shows how far Jackson and I have come, Jackson spoke saying "who is that mommy" I responded saying "that's you sweet pea" he shrugged saying "but why am I so small" I responded again saying. "Well you were uh a month early" Jackson responded saying "why" I shrugged saying "I uh I guess you were ready to see the world" he nodded saying "was I okay" I nodded saying "yep you had to spend a little time in the hospital-" Jackson cut me off saying "why". I responded saying "oh uh you were just so little that they had to make sure everything was okay" he responded saying "was I" I nodded saying "yep everything was perfect" Jackson nodded before I continued to look through the pictures before I had another idea. I walked into the hallway and opened the hall closet before pulling out a box I had seen a few days ago full of empty  picture frames I walked back out before pulling out the picture frames and filling them with pictures. "Okay" I said before adding "can you hand me another picture" Jackson nodded before handing me a picture , I looked to see it was one from when Steve and I graduated high school. After I filled the frames Jackson spoke saying "mommy" I nodded before he added "yesterday I saw uncle Jonathan" I responded saying "where did you see him sweet pea" Jackson responded saying "at Benny's with somebody else" I nodded before saying "who took you to Benny's" Jackson spoke saying. "I went with Mimi , Daddy and Aunt Polly but mommy he was with someone but it wasn't aunt Lizzy" I sighed since I know he was talking about Jonathan's ex girlfriend Liz or who Jackson called Aunt Lizzy. Jackson spoke again saying "mommy do you know who it was" before I could respond saying "I think she knew daddy but daddy didn't say anything" I responded saying. "Well uh that was Nancy her and uh uncle Jonathan are gonna get married" Jackson nodded saying "what about Aunt Lizzy" I sighed saying "well Aunt Lizzy and Uncle Jonathan broke up their not together anymore". Jackson responded saying "are you and daddy broken up" I shook my head before pulling Jackson on my lap and wiping his tears that were beginning to fall before saying "no were not broken up it's just daddy and I had- well what I did yesterday wasn't very nice to daddy". Jackson responded saying "but didn't you say that daddy wasn't very nice a long time ago" I sighed saying "you know just because someone isn't nice to you that doesn't mean you don't need to be nice to them but what I did wasn't very nice". Jackson nodded saying "when is daddy going to come home" I shrugged before saying "you know what tomorrow I'll pick you up from school and we can go surprise daddy at work how does that sound" Jackson nodded before I wiped another tear off his cheek.
Steve's P.O.V "Steven you have to get out of this bed let's go wake up it's almost noon" Mom said before adding "Steven Michael Harrington out of this bed right now". I rolled over before saying "just leave me alone" Mom scoffed saying "no I will not come downstairs your father and I want to talk to you about something" I sighed before saying "no I'm going out , you want me to get up I'll get up and go out" Mom shook her saying "oh no you won't I'm not letting you go down that path-" I cut mom off saying "mom I'm going out with Jackson okay I just want to spend some time with my son". Mom sighed saying "uh that is uh well that won't happen Y/n just picked him up" I huffed before putting my head back on the pillow as she added "honey I'm sorry-" I cut mom off saying "it's fine mom I just wanna be alone".
The Following Day
I was sitting at my desk at work , it was Monday and I was still trying to figure out what exactly I was going to say to Y/n. I mean I didn't know if we were still together or not but I knew I should probably stop dodging her I mean she still is Jackson's mother and someone I care deeply about. My thoughts were interrupted by hearing the phone on my desk ring , I picked it up before saying "hello this is Harrington family insurance how may I help you" the voice on the other line spoke saying "hi this is Shelly at Hawkins memorial Hospital is Steve Harrington their". I responded saying "this is Steve Harrington" she responded saying "I'm calling in regards to a patient who was just admitted , do you happen to know a Y/n Yl/n" I responded saying "yes did something happen" she responded saying "their was just a minor car accident Y/n's fine she'll be able to go home tomorrow I just need you to come down here and sign some paperwork for her". I spoke saying "I'm sorry can you slow down what's happened" she responded saying "Y/n's been is a car accident"......
Taglist @queenofthehairharrington @charmed-asylum @disneyprincessbuffyannesummers @nxncywheeler @evemarie05 @khiaraaa-in-spacee @art-flirt @harringtown @wolfish-willow 
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So as a follow up seeing as I've had a couple of people like and reblog my Douxie is jaskier and yennefers kid post. I have since then come up with an elaborate au because I've been rewatching/finishing once upon a time. I see my own original headcanon and raise myself. Douxie is Hope. As Regina said she refused to believe there wouldn't be more adventures. And battles of course. So what I'm saying is something happened to threaten everyone and little Hope was at the center of things much in the same way Emma was once. So Emma and Hook have to send her away as it seems to be that family's unfortunate curse. Hope ends up in Camelot and adopted by some people who find her wrapped in a blanket (which is Emma's old baby blanket but with new added embroidery that makes it now say "Emma's little Hope") and well. That sounds good so they keep the name but as Hope gets older it becomes apparent she is not a little girl. He is in fact very adamant he is a boy. And being good parents that's that. Hope is a name that is no longer used and what started as a nickname play on words becomes his new name. When Douxie is around 10 or so his family dies. And thus on his own and eventually he meets Archie and then eventually Merlin. Who figures out Douxie is trans relatively fast and scolds him for his binding and offers to help. The spell that would later be altered to turn Jim half troll in its more or less original form. Allows Douxie to transition entirely by way of magic and Douxie never looks back. But he still keeps that baby blanket because it's less about his dead name and more about the mother he must have had. Emma. Who very much must have loved him and had not wanted to give him up if the blanket and it's very affectionate embroidery is to go by. Or the fact that his name was apparently Hope because that sounds meaningful and deliberate.
Now I do have some convoluted time travel/world hopping that once upon a time is known for so that Douxie absolutely gets stuck in storybrook right around the time just before season 2s plot where Emma and Snow get portaled to the enchanted forest. So he gets to meet her and. Coincidence. Her name is Emma. But takes until they are gone to find out for sure she's his mom. Because he's helping David clean some in the apartment and finds the blanket Emma has and oh God that's my mom moment. But he doesn't say anything to David. Or anyone else. Because well. He's been in the past once he knows messing with timelines is bad. Then Emma and Snow come back. And shortly after Hook. And welp. "Why does he sound like me? Oh I don't like that". Because he very much does not like Hook and takes some getting used to. He's still very in the I don't like him camp by the time the charmings leave to go rescue Henry but at least he's helping. Though Douxie stays behind. Offers to help get the bean crop back up. "I don't have an adopted sister who's a literal nature goddess and not pick up on things. I can get the crops back up and running in no time" but pull Emma aside long enough to confess to her but tells her as little as possible that he barely knows himself and basically makes a plea. That even if Emma wants to keep him. Even if they think they can preemptively find a way to stop the evil that makes them send him away in the first place. Don't. He has a good life. And he doesn't want that to all go away. And that maybe someday when that evil is defeated they can find a way back to each other but not by keeping him. Annnnd well. The whole "I don't know who my dad is. But. I have the worst inkling and I'm not gonna say it but. I really hope not" cue what's not more than many a year or two later for him but is a few years after they send him away as a baby that Emma finds a way to Arcadia and welp. News. They defeated the thing. And. Well obviously she knows who his dad is. And when he finds out it was Hook he has a meltdown. "I'm the son of captain hook what the hell kind of life" "well you're also the grandson of snow white and prince charming so there's that"
Now. I'm gonna say. In this. Which takes place what would be several years after the movie. I do have Douxie and Jim together and look. There was a whole conversation with a friend about how there'd be teasing and jabs at one another over who outranks who. Because Jim now has Excalibur so in theory. He's king. But Douxie says that's not fair he's only king by some supposed legend but he's genuinely the grandson of snow white so he's technically a prince by birth. Regina and the others may or may not offer Jim a place in their realm to rule since well. King. And Excalibur. (Once they get over the whole trigger that the name Excalibur would probably give Emma and Hook) doubt Jim would take it. But you know they all have to constantly visit back and forth. Toby would be impossible to be around when he first goes to the enchanted forest because of course he would be freaking out and spazzing. And "Jim! Your boyfriend is a prince!!" But yes. Shenanigans. Douxie getting to bond with Hook now that Hook isn't the sort of person he was when they met last. Douxie appreciates this and there may or may not be the realization that when the spell that let Douxie transition did its work it took into account subconsciously certain things within his own memory and dna in which the reason he sounds like he does. Is because it was his memory deep down matching the sound of his own father's voice that he couldn't consciously remember. Because you know Hook totally sang baby Douxie to sleep. And his subconscious latched onto that. So there you go. Some of my crossover headcanons.
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hotchocolatewriting · 4 years
Hi! I love your writing so much! I was wondering whether you could write another of your fabulous pieces about an autistic villain who's been rejected by society until a hero learns to help them, if you're comfortable with it? (Please don't think this is in any way hate towards the autistic community, I'm autistic myself but I find it much easier to sympathise with the villain). Thank you in advance, and I hope you have an amazing life!!
Sooo… this was a really hard one for me. A lot of my friends are autistic and I’m autistic myself. I find it really hard to see what makes someone autistic, because I don’t see that they behave different. I wanted to show how autism can be, but because it was so hard to discribe I made villain a little bit stereotype autistic. Not everyone with autism is the same as villain is, there are so many different types of autism! I hope I didn’t make anyone angry by using the stereotype form, because I know it can be a little annoying sometimes. That’s why I’m saying, there are many other types, I only didn’t know how to write someone like me or my friends with autism (because I don’t see the differense). I’m sorry it took me so long to write this, but I hope you still like it! If not, I would like to try again :) (probably gonna try that once, because it would be a really good practice). Enjoy :)
It was the umpteenth time that the guards put villain in the isolation cell. Hero sighed, they had never heard a villain that misbehaved like this. The guards were getting desperate and asked hero to take villain back. To lock them up somewhere else. They didn’t know what to do with a villain that kept fighting, that kept screaming and had tantrums every hour. Besides they refused to do what they had to do. They acted like a child sometimes. Angry, meltdowns and they seemed often confused. Most of the time they wanted to be alone, to lock themselves up in their cell. Sometimes they refused to eat, to come out and do what they had to do.
Hero peeked through the hole in the door. Villain sat on the ground in the corner, completely alone. Their head rested against the wall and their eyes were closed. They seemed quite at peace, but with villain you never knew. One thing needed to go wrong or different and they became really angry for no reason at all.
Hero opened the door and entered the cell. Villain stopped moving their right feet, which they had been moving the whole time hero watched them, but stayed where they were with their eyes still closed. “I’m fine here, you don’t have to take me back to that stupid cell.” Hero raised an eyebrow. Who would like to sit in an empty cell like this? “Didn’t you hear me? You can leave.” Hero didn’t move and villain opened their eyes to look at hero. They didn’t seem to recognise them.
“You don’t get to play the boss in prison, you know that, right villain?” Villain’s eyes flickered with rigorization. They looked away. Hero came closer and crouched down in front of them.“Why are you here again?” Hero asked slowly. Villain shrugged.“I don’t know,” they said.“You don’t know? You attacked a guard, you raged and destroyed prison properties.” “They shouldn’t change everything the whole time. They told me the routines and I followed them, but then that guard said I needed to do something else and I told him that that wasn’t what I was told before and that I needed to do my job and not do something else. And I cleaned the whole cell and suddenly they pulled everything of my desk and bed and threw it on the ground. Or when they said there was diner at six, but I had to wait until seven. That wasn’t the normal routine. And on Mondays there is always extra time outside, but this Monday it was suddenly different. And then there is all that noise everywhere that’s driving me crazy and it’s cold. I just told them what they told me, but that made them angry. The guard said I needed to sleep, but the lights go off at eleven and I can’t sleep with the lights on so I said I wouldn’t sleep and then he became angry with me, but what he said didn’t make sense at all. Nothing here makes sense!” Villain shouted and even with their powers dimmed, hero saw the sparks coming of them.
“Villain calm down.” “I am completely calm,” villain snarled. They still didn’t look at hero. Hero tried to move into their sight, but villain seemed like they were looking just beside hero, like something there was even more interesting.“Villain, look at me.” That wasn’t the right thing to say, because the power around villain became even more aggressive.“No,” villain said. Hero grabbed their cheek to make villain look at them. Villain kept their eyes down, they seemed uncomfortable and hero let them go.
“Villain, please, look at me. It’s hard to talk like this.” The sparks calmed down, but villain still looked at the ground before them instead of at hero. Their face suddenly seemed like they could start to cry at any moment.“I’d rather not do that.” Villain started to play with their shirt. “Am I that ugly?” hero joked. “Did I say that?” villain asked surprised. They kept quiet for a moment. “No, you’re not. It’s just.. I find it hard to look people in the eye. Especially when it’s for a longer time, like in a longer conversation. It just makes me uncomfortable. I don’t really know where to look, or when or how long. That’s also why I don’t remember people by their face most of the time. It’s not like I’m not listening… It’s just harder to listen when I’m forced to look at someone. When it feels like you look at me with laser eyes.” Hero raised an eyebrow. They heard that before, but not from villain.
“Why is it harder to listen when you need to look at me?” Villain laughed scornfully as if they just remembered something.“I tried to look people in the eye when they talked to me, because they became angry with me when I didn’t and I hate it when people are angry with me. But I tried to look one of my teachers in the eye, but it was so hard. She was talking to me, but I couldn’t follow what she was saying, because at the same time I was fighting my own reflexes to look away or at the ground. I narrowed my eyes, so I could still look at her when she was talking, but then she became angry, because I looked at her arrogantly. I didn’t even know I was doing that. I just tried to show her that I was listening.” Hero nodded.
“Can you talk to someone in here? Other prisoners? A guard? Do you have any friends that come to visit?” Villain shook their head, they seemed confused.“What are you doing here hero? Come to the point.” “I want to know why you misbehave so much here.” “I’m not misbehaving! I just don’t know what the guards want, I don’t get it. It isn’t my fault!” The sparks came back around villain. Hero took a little more distance.
“Easy, I’m not saying it’s your fault. I just want to help you.” Villain shook their head.“I heard that before, people always say that. But in the end I’m always alone and hurt. No-one likes me. For some reason I annoy people or they laugh at me. I don’t have any friends, never had one. And no, I haven’t talked to other prisoners, because I don’t want to come out of my cell. The guards forced me, but I’m not good at making friends and I hate small talk. So I just sat alone at a table, waiting for the guards to let me go back.” Villain’s eyes filled with tears. “I don’t know what to do, I’m so tired and I don’t know what they want from me. I just want to be left alone. I don’t want all those people around me.” Hero smiled at them. They could help villain with that. At least they thought.
“There is one thing I didn’t tell you.” Villain’s head peaked up, but they still didn’t look directly at hero. “What?” “The guards asked me to take you back, because they can’t handle you. I can let you stay in my base, give you your own place, a few things to do. A place where things don’t change all the time and I wouldn’t just mess up your room. Would you like that?” “Is it quiet? Can I decide when the lights go off?” Hero nodded. “And if there is anything that is bothering you, just tell me. I know some people can really easily be overwhelmed by stimulus.” Villain smiled and nodded. “Yes, I am. Mostly with noises and touch. How did you know?” “My siblings are just like you. I recognise them in the things you told me. It’s okay, I will help you. So get to your feet, you can come with me.”
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welcometotheocverse · 3 years
Who would be friends with - Regina Gilmore, Grace Kim, and Richie Gilmore? 🥺
Regina Gilmore
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Elliot would be friends with her I think, he might be a bit nervous because of his and Emily’s relationship ( Emily often very obviously prefers Rory because El sides with his mom and disapproves of how they treat her especially in s1) but once he figures out she’s nice and especially  because Friday Night Dinners give him hella anxiety he’d see her as a friend and family and probably bond with her pretty fast. I can see him lighting up when he sees her and forming a bond with her like he does with @randomestfandoms-ocs ‘s Sophie. Especially because they both go to Chilton. El would also be super supportive of her dating Grace ( since he and Lane are pretty close he’d probably know Grace too) and she’d probably be one of the first people he comes out to. 
Kit is also good at charming people and getting along with them ( he takes after his mamma) and would be pretty psyched he has an aunt that’s also his age. He isn’t thrilled about being at Chilton or the Friday Night Dinners ( he’s not academic like Rory so he has uh...less Emily And Richard Aprove..ness ( Kit: yeah that’s a thing now) ) but he’d love Regina and getting to see her. I can see them becoming friends.
Hope would  adore her and also since I get the feeling your Emily and Richard are nicer and we would merge verses in an xover I think it would actually lead to her reconnecting with  her parents sooner ;A;. ( in her canon it kind of ...yoyos as she’s mainly there to call them out on how they treat Lorelai) She’d very much try her best to get along with them for Hope as she does for Lorelai and Rory and be super supportive of her baby sister like if anyone looks crooked at her she’ll bring a house down on them omg. Also they have similar tastes from having grown up in the Gilmore household. Also the Power they would have together omg im here for it.
Amelia would like her because she’s family and Amelia’s a pretty kind kid. I can see her keeping in contact with Regina even as her own relationship with her grandparents is a bit on the rocks at times ( the wedding episode’s...gonna be rough for her) and she would be so interested in getting to know her and think she’s p awsome. She’d also support her and Grace and probably squeal when they get together. ( because it means Regina would be around stars hollow more often and she loves her and Grace and they’re happy ) 
Noah because he’s a good boyfriend to Rory and would get to know her family. Noah’s a pretty chill dude so he gets along with people easily and they both have hearts of gold. He would also know Grace since he goes to Stars Hollow High and would be happy for them. I’m not sure if he goes to Yale yet but I do know he visits Rory there and of course eventually  fall for Logan so I can see them being in the same circles at times and keeping in contact.
Grace Kim
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Elliot!: Elliot is close to Lane and would definitely be friends with Grace too. He might actually be closer to her than Lane because his whole thing is he feels isolated being one of the few not-straight ppl he knows of in Stars Hollow and he’d definitely be supportive of her dating Regina and be there to make sure she knows her happiness matters if Mama Kim doesn’t approve. 
Kit like Elliot would have grown up with her and gets along with Lane so he’d be friends with Grace too! They could bond over going heart eyes for Hartford socialites lol ( Regina for Grace and Tristan for Kit) and Kit would be supportive of her writing like a lot and sibling adopt her like he does Lane.
Lily since she grew up with Rory and Lane would know Grace and be friends with her. She’s a bit prickly but she’s incredibly ride or die and since they would have met as kids, Grace would pretty much be in her circle and have seen her when she was less so. 
Amelia would be friends with her since she considers Lane family and would think her writing is so cool. She’d be super supportive of her dating Regina since  she’d see her as family already. Also Amelia likes songwriting so I can see them bonding over that.
Noah since he goes to Stars Hollow High and would be in Rory’s ( and Lane’s) orbit. They don’t have too many interests in common but I still think they’d still be friends. 
Richie Gilmore
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Elliot! Listen I’ve thought about them being brothers a lot and it’d be so stinking cute. El is younger by a few minutes but they confide in each other and El would actually come around to support his decision to date Paris because yeah she’s mean to him and Brad but “you’re my brother Rich of course I want you to be happy.” El also has a pretty bitter view of Cristopher despite him being a soft aro ace fluff so they could bond over that. Also they both love Andrew’s bookstore and are into STEM careers. 
Kit would get along with him and support his as he does Rory. Kit’s a bit chaotic so I feel like who’s older wouldn’t matter lol but they’re brothers and Kit would be very ride or die for Richie. 
Lily since she grew up around Rory would see Richie as a sibling too. He’d be one of the few people she opens up to and would absolutely love him. Especially because he learns to cook from Sookie I can see them hanging out and bonding. He’ be one of the few people she isn’t angry/defensive around and they could bond over how much they hate their fathers. 
Sophia: Since she runs away from Harford around season 1 I can see her bonding with Richie. She had a pretty lonely childhood and had no siblings ( I mean Lorelai but hella distant for obvious reasons) and she bonds pretty quickly with Rory in her own canon. She’d probably be a bit jealous that her parents like him and Rory so much when her own relationship is strained with them but over all she’d see him as family. And she very much wants family. 
Noah because  he’s a good boyfriend to Rory Noah would make it a point to get to know Richie and I can see them getting along tbh. Noah’s a pretty chill dude and he needs friends who don’t really know him as “the Doose kid that had a meltdown” thanks to the town humor mill lol. They could be soft disaster boys together ;A;
Henry would love him as we’ve said before these two would wind up adopting each other. He ends up loving going to Andrew’s bookstore when he settles into the town so I can see them finding each other there and Henry just lighting up at seeing Richie. 
Hope would love him like she does Lorelai and Rory and be very much “if anyone so much as looks as this kid crooked I will end them.” She’d make it a point to encourage his dreams and ask about how he’s doing. 
Amelia would adore her big brother to pieces, thought she’d be able to pick up on his feelings about her being Luke’s bio kid. As far as she’s concerned he and Rory are his siblings no question. She also would admire the fact that he tells Lorelai and Luke to get it together because boy howdy do the arguments between those two give her whiplash sometimes. 
Here’s the Gilmore Girls Masterlist!
Send me one of your ocs and I’ll tell you which of mine would be friends with them
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hazza-bear-care · 4 years
Babie Crue (10)
A/N: WOW!! Ten parts already! Thank you guys for all the love and support!
Description: Vince doesn't remember what happened... or at least ALL of what happened. Cam and Doc visit him in prison to fill him in.
Warnings: Cussing, vivid descriptions of a car crash
A/N: HEY! I have no idea how prison worked in the 80s so bear with me. Also, this entire chapter will be in Vince’s point of view, which is gonna be new, and it’s gonna go back a few chapters to the crash. Let me know if this is something you want me to try in the future.
*Vince’s POV*
The sound of sirens filled the air. I pulled my head up from the steering wheel, an intense throbbing making me wince. 
“Hey! That was a fucking close one, mate,” Razzle spoke from my lap. I looked down and sighed, thankful he wasn’t hurt.
“What? Where are we?” I asked as I tried to take in my surroundings. I have no idea where Cam went, but if Razzle’s okay, she should be too. 
“It’s Christmas! Look at all the lights.” My eyebrows scrunched together, but what Razzle said made sense: red and blue lights decorated the sky. 
“Oh, yeah. Look at the lights man. What do you want for Christmas, Raz?” He never responded. I started screaming for help; Razzle was hurt for fuck’s sake! I tried finding Cam again, realizing that she couldn’t have gone far if she was hurt too. 
Think Vince. She was sitting on Razzle’s lap... 
I looked over to the passenger side of my car, but all I saw was Cam’s waist and bloody legs. The windshield was shattered, glass covering the dash. Through the cracked glass, I could see Cam’s upper half: tour t-shirt ripped to shreds, blood flowing down her arms and face, green eyes wide open in shock. 
“Fuck! HEY! HELP! My friends are hurt, man. Razzle, wake up. We have to help Cam.” 
When I woke up again, I had no idea where I was. It was loud though, and wherever I was was very uncomfortable. I sat up with a groan as someone entered the room. 
“Vince Neil?” 
“Yeah. Who’s asking?” I bark back at the voice.
“I’m Chief Franklin Williams. Do you know where you are?” 
“No, fucker, I don’t. Do you know who I am? I’m the fucking lead singer of Motley Crue, asshole.”
“Well, fucker, you’re in jail. You’ve been arrested for vehicular manslaughter and drunk driving. You are accused of killing one Nicholas “Razzle” Dingley and critically injuring three other people. You will testify in a trial amongst your peers, those of whom will decide if you are innocent or guilty. Do you have anything you would like to say?” 
“Who were the three other people involved?” Please don’t say Cam. Tommy will murder me in my sleep. 
“Two teenagers and a Jane Doe. As far as we know, they haven’t died yet. Your manager and I will discuss the details. I suggest you sleep.. or try to at least.” And with that, I was left to my own thoughts.
“What were you thinking, Vince? You killed someone! You could have killed more!” 
“Where’s Cam? Why hasn’t she seen me yet?” I asked, ignoring Doc’s harsh words for the umpteenth time. 
“Do you know anything that happened, Vince? Cam is in the fucking hospital you dipshit! Tommy is having a meltdown everyday because of you!” 
“Oh fuck.” I’m so dead.
“‘Oh fuck’ is right. You better pray that this didn’t just end your run with Motley. There isn’t another Vince Neil, and there’s no Motley without you.” Doc sighed.
“Can’t you do something, Doc?”
“I’m fucking trying, Vince. But this is a pretty big hole you dug yourself into.” I buried my fingers in my hair, wishing I could just rewind and not kill or hurt anyone I cared about. Those kids didn’t deserve getting injured at my hand either. 
“When’s the trial?”
“We’re figuring that out. I’m trying to make it happen sooner rather than later, but they might not be so forgiving.” I nodded and sighed, trusting that Doc knew what he was doing.
“Vincent Neil Wharton, I sentence you to 30 days in federal prison for the murder of Razzle Dingley and the critical endangerment of two teenagers and your friend, Cameo Angela Thomas. After serving your sentence, you will be expected to complete 200 hours of community service. You will also be fined $2.6 million in restitution to the victims of the crash and their families. Court is dismissed.” No one came to my trial except for the families of the two teens and Doc. None of my friends were there to see me off to prison. No one cared. Nikki, Mick, fucking Tommy... I was alone. I was escorted from the courtroom and slammed into the back of a cop car, the flashing of cameras and yelling of reporters ringing in my ears. I had done a lot of stupid shit in my life, but this; killing Razzle, hurting Cam, was probably the worst thing I had ever done.
“Neil! You have some visitors!”  a cop yelled at me through the bars of my cell. I stood from me bed and faced the wall, a shiver running down my spine at the feeling of cold handcuffs wrapping tightly around my wrists. I kept my head down as I was lead through hallway after hallway, kissing sounds and ‘Hey pretty boy’ echoing around me. I was shoved through a door and forced into a chair, my handcuffs being removed temporarily. 
“Bring them in,” The cop muttered. 
“Vinny?” My head shot up, shocked that Cam was actually standing (as well as she could) in front of me. She wobbled in on crutches, one leg in a cast accompanying another on her arm. Bruises and cuts littered her arms and face, a gnarly scar full of stitches on her cheek. My knees almost buckled when I saw her.
“Cam! Oh God I’m glad you’re okay. Are you okay? How do you feel? Fuck, sweets, I’m so sorry.” I wrapped my arms around her as best as I could, careful not to hurt her too much. 
“Vinny I’m glad you’re okay, too. I heard about what happened and I knew I had to come see you. I’m okay, I feel fine. I get a little light headed at random times of the day, but I’m good. Antibiotics for everything you can’t see, stitches across my stomach, but I’m up and moving so no one is really complaining.” I helped her sit down in a chair across from me, making sure she could still grab her crutches if she needed to for any reason. 
“Who else is here? Mick? Tommy?” Cam shook her head and my shoulders fell. 
“Tommy doesn’t want to see you right now, and tried to prevent me from coming. Mick.. is Mick. He’ll talk to you when he wants to. Nikki has been incommunicado; hard to track down, but when he’s found, he’s just out of it and we don’t know why. Doc is here, but only because Tommy wanted him to come in case....” Cam trailed off, her cast becoming the most interesting thing in the world. 
“In case of what, Cam?”
“In case you try to take your anger out on me..” My heart shattered.
“You know I would never intentionally hurt you, right?”
“Of course I know that, Vinny. I’m not mad at you for what happened. I don’t even want your money. I actually tried to reject it, but the court told me I had to take it. They did say I could do whatever I wanted with it once I had it, though. You’re like a brother to me, Vince. I’m gonna stick by your side through everything, even if the guys turn their backs on you.” I had to cover my eyes in a futile attempt to hide my tears. I heard Cam’s chair scrape across the floor and her arms wrapped around me. I pushed away from the table and pulled her into my lap, burying my face in her shoulder, my sobs echoing around the room. 
“I’m so sorry Cammy. I’m so, so, so, sorry.” Her slim fingers raked through my hair, her lips meeting my temple in a friendly kiss. 
“Shh, Vince. I’m here. I’ll always be here.” Cam just held me as I cried, looking like the hot mess I was. I wrapped my arms impossibly tighter around my friend, fearful that she would fade away into nothing. She almost died because of me. Grace would have been left without her mom, Tommy would have murdered me. But Cam was here. She was still alive and as well as she could be, and she was sitting on my lap comforting me. 
“I’m so glad you’re here, Cam. You’re all I have right now.”
“Vince, you know that isn’t true. You have Tommy, Mick, and Nikki. Doc is here and will be until you’re out of here. You have Sharice and your baby, who I know will be in good hands based on what I’ve seen between you and Gracie.” I smiled and looked up at Cam, a soft smile gracing her lips as she uses her thumb to wipe my tears away. 
“Then how come no one else is here..?” Cam sighed, wrapping her hands around my neck. 
“I don’t know, Vinny. They’ll come see you when they’re ready.” I squeezed her hips lightly, still trying to keep her in my grasp.
“How do you know?” Once again, Cam sighed. 
“I don’t. You’ll just have to take my word for it, Vinny.” It was my turn to sigh. At least I had Cam with me right now. 
A/N: WOOHOO ten parts done! I really hope you guys like this chapter! Love you!
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