#self help articles
coachkaushal · 1 year
Do you have a fear of success?
Have you heard this famous saying: “If you’re not where you want to be in life it’s because of either of two things: A fear of failure or a fear of success.” I must confess there was a time I thought a fear of success is a ‘good’ problem to have. No? It sounds like you having the necessary talents and abilities to be wildly successful at whatever you want to be successful at but you just…
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kaportka · 5 months
7 Signs You Are Becoming Your Best Self
Heightened Self-Awareness. As you embark on becoming your best self, you start peeling back the layers of the person you thought you were.
You Embrace Change. The unknown is no longer scary. It becomes a representation of the endless possibilities that lie ahead.
You Question the Status Quo. You question the norms, the expectations, and the predefined roles assigned by society.
You Find Strength in Solitude. You realize that solitude is your friend, not something you should run away from.
You Seek Knowledge. You find yourself drawn to books, courses, and experiences that contribute to your intellectual and spiritual growth.
You Cultivate Resilience. Instead of viewing obstacles as insurmountable roadblocks, you see them as opportunities for growth and self-discovery.
Compassion Is Your New Language. You understand that, beneath the surface, everyone is navigating their journey, facing challenges, and seeking a path to fulfilment.
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gale-in-space · 22 days
“Narcissists will butter you up and shower you with compliments in order to lure you in so they can abuse you!!!” No, we heavily compliment people because that’s the kind of stuff we wish people would do to us. I gush over people and try to be specific with my compliments because it's how I want people to treat me. I desperately want to be seen and to feel loved and appreciated the way I try to make others feel. Why is this so hard to understand
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mitskijamie · 11 months
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Jamiegender scholars should we discuss the recurrant emasculation by older men
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arafergirl-artdump · 5 months
(eng/jpn/rus) Starter pack when you discovered you're autistic.
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(Little disclaimer: This was made totally based on my own experience. Also, i mainly write about things related to autistic experience, but it's not exclusive to it. It possibly can help ADHD/ADDers, high sensitive people and everyone who have any relation to some autistic traits)
Hi there! If you are reading this, i can assume you recently discovered you're autistic. Well, it can explains a lot of what happened in your life, but sure you're thinking "what's next? Will it change something in my life?". For this i need to explain what is masking.
From Wikipedia: "In psychology and sociology, masking is the process in which an individual camouflages their natural personality or behavior to conform to social pressures, abuse, or harassment". So, basically, it means you're hiding some traits of you and your personality by (in neurodivergent case) mirroring others. It can start in very young age. I can assume you're older than 8, so you can consider as late-diagnosed, so you probably masked a lot. Later (or even now) you can notice that your behaviour changes: you notice how loud, bright, smelly, ect. things can be, you do more repetative movements (it's called stimming, it can be not only physical. Listening a lot of music can consider stimming too, for example), you maybe start to talking about things you like a lot, like, A LOT. It means you are unmasking, maybe some thing are not so noticable for you, that's fine, every autistic experience is individual. I mean, if you already notice those things, i can advise you some things that helped and still helping me.
Let's start with clothes. Sure you know this feeling when you're in some itchy clothes and it's so itchy you want it to pull off immediately. Well, now you know the reason why you felt it! But where you can buy clothes that will NOT give you this feeling? The only brand that never gave me this sensory hell is UNIQLO, plus their clothes are genderless. But if you can't buy their clothes or prefer other brands for reason, just make sure this piece is have a huge percent of cotton, lien, bamboo or any othere sensory safe fabrics.
So, what about other senses? Well, there's a poll in here that shows that most neurodivergent people are mostly sensitive to noises (of course it's not an offical research, it's just a Tumblr poll). You propably should get some noise-cancelling headphones. Also you can get construction headphones! I actually have ones, it's good for going outside, but isn't if you want to lay down because of how big they are. Well, i recommend get both and use them at the same time. Also you may have problems with lights, so get yourself a good glasses if your eyes will be tired. There's nothing i can recommend for smell and taste, well, you probably already have safe food even if you don't recognise it yet, so find foods that are safe for you.
And not so first need things! They can help you in the future, but some isn't nesecary if you don't have needs i have. So, in short:
weighted blanket - good for sleep or when you're feeling anxious. If you can, buy it, but you can make it by yourself.
fidget toys - good for stimming, but some of them are can be loud, so my ultimate recommendation is Tangle. But only you know what's good for you!
AAC app - good if you don't like use your voice much. Currently i use "Card talk" and it's good for communicating, but there's bugs with created cards' audios, it can become too fast or too slow. You can fix it by closing and opening the app again, but it can be a bit annoying.
I hope it can help you with living your autistic life comfortably! Reminder: it's based on my experience, so i'm sure there's somenthing that bother you less and bothers me a lot. Well, i said everything i wanted to, so have a great day!
(Damn, this post is long)
(PS: "Card Talk" is so buggy i need to make new audio for created cards. If you aren't multilingual as me, better find other apps)
(PPS: I just found one that is good for multilinguals, it's "Cboard"! So if you're talking in more than one language, this app is pretty good!)
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oatbugs · 10 months
and also just adding onto that, the recent wave of like armchair diagnosing ppl as npd is sooo annoying. Like its actually a serious condition, you CANNOT diagnose someone as npd with just one story or interaction. Sometimes ppl are not "narcissistic", they're just assholes? It feels like every second story i hear, there's ppl going "thats a narcissistic trait yk :/" and its like just bc its a narcissistic trait doesnt mean they have npd??
yes defintely !! it's so so harmful and i have not seen any other disorder (except maybe aspd?) get as much demonisation and hate as npd has and it is genuinely so heartbreaking bc it is a serious dissociative disorder that does Not inherently make anyone a bad person and yet !! like the term "narcissistic abuse" and also ppl just generally equating [mostly covert] abuse w narcissism is so immensely Harmful .
anyway i think we should bring back calling people mean, assholes, rude, gaslighters, abusers, etc instead of being like "my mother was a narc abuser so all ppl w npd are abusers and will never change!" etc etc bc it does 3 horrible things:
1) implies all people with npd are abusers
2) implies people with npd are not capable of self-improvement just like any other human being
3) offloads the horrible actions of abusers onto a disorder, thereby taking away the responsibility they had/choices they made in the situation and instead blames the (completely inaccurate + harmful!!) perceived invariability/ubiquitous evil of npd symptoms/traits .
"how to spot a narcissist" babe are we birdwatching now for ppl with a dissociative disorder or...???
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rapidhighway · 1 year
girl help im ashamed of every idea i have
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65binary · 6 months
not to pop culture post but theres a reason that the taylor swift brazil tragedy isnt getting nearly as much coverage as the astroworld tragedy did. and i dont think a lot of yall are ready to admit it's demographic
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hairtusk · 9 months
if i had a massive amount of inherited wealth that was mine alone, i'd become a stay-at-home-mother in a heartbeat tbh
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fanvoidkeith · 2 months
been reading some articles about hidden requests and this describes my frustration with my parents (besides their toxic behaviors) to a tee. literally i'll be like BE STRAIGHTFOWARD WITH ME. BE HONEST. JUST TELL ME THE CRAP I NEED TO KNOW. and they'll respond to me the vaguest goddamn request/phrase i've ever heard and then get upset when i didn't understand what the hell they wanted from me
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redpapercraness · 7 months
I’ve been in a weird purgatory state for the better part of a year where my entire day is contained within my four bedroom walls and the kitchen (occasionally). I never leave the house anymore and my constant routine is just switching between five apps just looking for an ounce of entertainment. All this to say I ordered some yarn and knitting needles + a crochet hook to try and get a hobby that isn’t entirely on a screen lmao
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coachkaushal · 7 months
Meaning and Importance of the Third Eye Chakra- Ajna Chakra- Part-1
While a balanced third eye chakra can lend the individual a strong 'sixth sense' so to speak that gives them an inherent knack of judging people and situations accurately, a blocked or closed third eye chakra can cause the individual to appear quite 'naïv
Mantra: ‘Om’ (Pronounced ‘Ohm’)2. Location: Between the eyebrows.3. Color: Indigo4. Position: Perpendicular to the Earth/ Parallel to the Spine5. Rotation: Parallel to the spine6. Corresponding Planetary energy: Sun&Moon7. Corresponding Number: 1&28. Corresponding Mudra: Gyana Mudra The Third Eye Chakra is related to focus, concentration and ‘manifesting your reality’. Throughout cultures the…
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tabellae-rex-in-sui · 2 years
I'm unreasonably obsessed with grown adults who don't have the mental stability for social media but use it anyway and use it wayyy too much. Like I want papers written on them. I want psychological research papers on the 40 year old with presumably a job and family who argues with 22 year olds online like their lives depend on it until it works them into a depression
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artists-ache · 1 year
✨ Articles I’ve Written ✨
On transness
On privilege
On radical feminism
On the animal food industry
On overconsumption
On accessibility
On drug addiction
On my own mental illnesses and how/why I kept myself alive
✨ Articles with By My Side Mental Health Support ✨
Unseen factors that affect mental health
The importance of self-care
Ways to ask for help
Affirmations for body neutrality
Sadness vs. depression
Coping with sadness & depression (video version)
Worry vs. anxiety
Coping with worry & anxiety (video version)
When indifference becomes apathy
When irritability becomes anger
Schizophrenia (video version)
Tourette’s (video version)
PMDD (video version)
Cluster A PD’s
Cluster B PD’s
Cluster C PD’s
Altered mental states (video version)
How trauma affects the brain (video version)
How trauma affects the body (video version)
Trauma treatments (video version)
Trauma recovery
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thewannabewriter9 · 3 months
Success is decided by certain key factors.
Read Here:
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erabundus · 1 year
i  feel  like  the  biggest  plot  twist  is  that  ren's  hypothetical  search  history  would  be  quite tame  —  but  he  still  guards  it  just  as  fiercely  as  he  would  if  it  weren't  because  he  doesn't  want  anyone  to  know  he  spends  his  time  googling  recipes  for  comfort  food  and  embroidery  patterns.
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