#selene in gemini
yet-another-leo · 2 years
Hi!! What does it mean to have selene asteroid conjunct sun in 4th house gemini? Additional rambling. I love the moon so much (selene-moon lunar deity apparently but I don;t know more about selene) and as you can see my sun in 4th is in moon's place and my natal moon is conj rising in 1st) I'm a very lunarian person. Who to ask this better if not the Sun itself = a Leo sun❤️ Thanks!
The asteroid is based on the goddess Selene who fell in love with Endymion, a mortal. Asteroid Selene (580) is usually used in synastry charts as a soulmate or "reciprocal love" indicator. In birth charts, it can show your soulmate (similar to asteroid alma) and how you behave around your crushes/partners (not too sure about this one).
Gemini Selene in 4H (Conjunct Sun)
🌙 soft and caring personality 🌞 sweet and nurturing vibes 🌙 prone to being taken advantage of 🌞 makes their partner feel like they're at home 🌙 very protective of their loved ones 🌞 might make their partner the center of their universe; makes them feel like a star 🌙 could very proud of their partner 🌞 knows how to fill their partner's emotional needs 🌙 soulmate could be very witty and funny or have gemini/virgo placement/mercury dominance 🌞 soulmate could be very confident and popular or have leo placements/sun dominance 🌙 soulmate makes them feel safe and comforted or have 4H synastry 🌞 they approach their crush only when they sense that their crush could like them back (shyness) 🌙 tries to impress them using humor and wit 🌞 the type to tell their mother/family or anyone they consider family about their partner/crush 🌙 the type to remember little things their partner/crush has told them 🌞 the type to learn and take interest in the things their partner/crush likes to understand them better 🌙 might want a family with their soulmate/partner (the goddess Selene had 50 daughters with Endymion💀)
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mbohjeezart · 18 days
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Hermit a Day May: Day 20, Gem, Personification of Luck!
And here's her full portrait without the text and background:
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occultwaters · 2 months
Astro Observations II
💙 Scandals are always surrounding air placements for some reason.
💜 Moon making aspect to Venus can prefer to be around women. However if it’s harsh, prominent women in their life made have made them feel like they’re not pretty enough.
💙 Capricorn placements/dominant 🤝 prominent bone structure
💜 Sagittarius individuals, especially sun, love their freedom, it’s true. They cannot be tied down.
💙 Neptune in any house can blur boundaries and cause people to feel misunderstood around the elements of that house.
💜 Neptune rules projections too so depending on the aspect and sign people can often project onto these natives.
💙 Air dominance in one’s chart can really indicate someone who is a sapiosexual. This also includes air venus and air mars.
💜 Cardinal energy (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn) is very forward moving, regardless of the sign. These people once set on something, will achieve it. Though they may have different methods of achieving their goals.
💙 Gemini and Pisces, especially Mercury. These people are chameleons. They can switch up and become the people they are communicating with.
💜 Saturn aspecting Mercury, in Gemini or in the 3rd house. Many times these people have been made to feel like their way of communicating or expressing themselves is invalid. However the older they get and the more Saturn matures, the easier it gets.
💙 Aries ascendents can have lighter hair than the rest of their family members.
💜 Aries ascendents also can appear to have full bodies even when they may not be athletic.
💙 Virgo sun individuals can really be perfectionists.
💜 Taurus moon people may have been told they have comfy shoulders or they give great hugs.
💙 Cancer women have this home wrecker title because it’s really easy for them to act like a damsel in distress. People will quickly take their side. Men will want to care for them and potentially give up their lifestyle.
© 2024 occultwaters. All rights reserved.
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d4rkpluto · 2 years
𝔞𝔰𝔱𝔯𝔬𝔩𝔬𝔤𝔶 𝔦𝔫 𝔤𝔯𝔢𝔢𝔨 𝔪𝔶𝔱𝔥𝔬𝔩𝔬𝔤𝔶 𝔭𝔞𝔯𝔱 𝔬𝔫𝔢
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♇ when you link astrology to greek mythology, everything will make much more sense. especially with the characteristics of the signs and the behaviour, you'll find it synchronising with the greek gods and goddesses they're ruled by!
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♂️ i think it is obvious who represents Aries in Greek Lore, and that being Ares the God of War. Ares Roman Counterpart is Mars and Mars being the ruler of Aries is how I made that link of Aries being ruled by Ares [and the obvious identical pronunciation the two share]
♂️ Ares is known for his rage, violent behaviour and his constant need for bloodshed; which Mars the planetary ruler of Aries is known for. Mars being perceived as a malefic planet and it sprouting out malicious behaviour.
♂️ the God of War was also known for his love affair with Aphrodite that was exposed by Hephaestus to the Gods. This could manifest into Aries being known for passion along with it being Ruled by Mars as it rules over strong libido and having a strong libido can cause problems. Like judgement and love affairs which are frowned upon.
♂️ aside from that and back to the obvious point of Aries, as Mars embodies war and war divides people. This could insinuate that Aries/Mars can bring a lot of disagreements wherever it resides in.
♂️ the Greek God Ares was also known for his vengefulness and this could link to those who have aries placements and their irrational behaviour.
♂️ where aries/mars is in your chart shows where you need constant bloodshed, violence or something that gets your adrenaline high. example given someone with aries in the fourth house might like to have a lot of drama going in their home to feel "alive", or people with mars in the fifth house might like to have people fight over them, or like to fight over others. also where aries/mars in your chart shows where there is the most division and disagreement.
♂️ for example, Aries being in the Fourth House could manifest into someone belonging to a family where there is much disagreements, and another example with Mars being in the Fifth House, there could be disagreements with how a certain someone expresses their talents.
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♀️ i dont think much people know that the person who represents Taurus in Greek Lore is Aphrodite the Goddess of Beauty. Her Roman Counterpart being Venus and Venus ruling over Taurus in Astrology.
♀️ Aphrodite being known as the Goddess of Beauty and Love, and Taurus being ruled by the planet of Love and Beauty. it is [sometimes] perceived that Aphrodite has asian origin, originally.
♀️ she is seen as the daughter of Zeus, and was created by the foam of Uranus' testicle after he was castrated by the Sky God, Zeus, [son of Kronos], and when she was born she rose from a shell, a shell could be identified as one of Taurus' symbols.
♀️ Aphrodite personifies charm, sensuality and the ideal of feminine beauty. which Venus is looked at as, the venus planet is sometimes looked at as the wife because Aphrodite was married off to Hephaestus, even when she had no interest in him. so Taurus could symbolise being made to do stuff you dont want to do. Aphrodite then went to have an affair with Ares [which birthed Eros known as cupid].
♀️ the story of Aphrodite and Ares along with them being caught my Hephaestus shows that Taurus people can be disloyal but they'll be caught in the end. though Hephaestus wanted Aphrodite along with Ares to be punished but got made fun of by the other Gods; which insinuates that Taurus placements can get away with things.
♀️ the story of Aphrodite and Adonis could symbolise the unfortunate love Taurus placements have as Adonis was killed during a hunting session.
♀️ Hera was a rival of Aphrodite, [Hera = Juno and Juno rules over Libra] which could show why much Taurus and Libras dont get along that much. Hera didnt like Aphrodite because she was elected as the most beautiful against Athena and Hera, due to the Trojan Shepherd, Paris.
♀️ the apple fruit also symbolises Aphrodite/Venus/Taurus. specifically the Golden apple. in movies we see apple being used in Snow White. as Aphrodite is a vain goddess, she symbolises the mirror which symbolises the female sex. [Mars'/Ares' shield represents the male sex].
♀️ wherever Taurus/Venus is in your chart shows where you are most beautiful at, or the most beautiful thing you produce along with the things you get away with. for example, having Taurus in the fifth house could imply you can produce beautiful kids or creative outlets along with getting away with having many love interests. and having Venus in the 3rd house could indicate you might have very beautiful hand writing and you could get away with stealing.
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☿️ the God that represents Gemini is Hermes, who is known as the messenger of Gods. known as the God with the wing sandals. and could go anywhere that included the ocean and the underworld; which signifies the adaptability of the Gemini sign.
☿️ Hermes is the son of Zeus and Maia and when Hermes was a child, he ventured the World. which could insinuate those with Gemini placements were able to do stuff quicker than those around them when they were young. when Hermes could barely walk he stole Apollo's Ox farm and when Apollo found out that it was baby Hermes that stole his Ox farm they became best friends, specifically as Hermes grew up.
☿️ it was Hermes that gave Apollo the Lyre and Apollo gave Hermes the caduceus which is perceived to be used for medicine, trading, liars, thieves, eloquence, negotiation, alchemy and vision. with the caduceus, Hermes guided the dead to the underworld, [specifically Hades], and due to this, Hermes became a main God. this could imply that Gemini\3H placements could find it easy to speak with the dead, or with spirits etc. [along with Mercury dominants].
☿️ Hermes guided many people in Greek/Roman stories, like Perseus on his mission to murder Medusa and guided Demeter to Persephone. there are many statues of Hermes; which could signify that people with many Gemini placements could be worshiped and admired a lot.
☿️ Hermes also fought giants, rescued Ares and once freed Zeus which caused him to become one of Zeus' favourite children, alongside with Athena. Also had a child with Aphrodite; Hermes is known to be double natured, as he symbolised the body of the feminine and the masculine along with the characteristics. could indicate that those with Gemini/3h placements could be the favourite child most of the time.
☿️ he had a large vigorous figure which was worshipped along, especially by the athletes of antiquity. was seen as a comical God but people barely wanted to see him angry. especially when Zeus and Hera were about to marry, Hermes' role was to deliver invitations, the lazy Nymph Chelone didnt attend the wedding due to her laziness and Zeus put the blame on Hermes which caused Hermes to turn Chelone into a turtle.
☿️ where gemini/mercury is in your chart could show you where you steal the most; for example those with gemini in the 7th house could steal people's romantic partners. or having mercury in the 2h could indicate that this person stole assets of others before. however it could also show you where you are best at guiding others, so mercury in 2h could guide others with finances and gemini in the 7h could be a really good lawyer. i also see that where gemini/mercury in your chart can tell you how you can get angry, individuals with gemini in the seventh house can get angry when they see injustice, and people with mercury in the second house can get angry when their stuff is being touched or can get angry if anyone messes with their family.
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☾ as Cancer is ruled by the Moon, and there are many Moon Goddesses in Greek Mythology, the main one is still Selene. the woman who wears the shape of a crescent as a head-dress. and the crescent moon being one of Cancer's symbols.
☾ Selene is the Titan Goddess of the Moon, and has two siblings, Helios and Eos. is the child of Theia and Hyperion. Selene has the power give sleep, light and the night. she also has control over time and like the Moon itself, Selene is ever-changing. suggests the reason why many people think those with Cancer placements are fake.
☾ she fell in love with a mortal shepherd, Endymion and bore his fifty daughters. implies of the fertile nature of Moon dominant people or Cancer dominant people. Selene visited Endymion a lot during the night and fell in love with the human shepherd so much that she couldnt bear the thought of Endymion dying. so without his consent, she put him in an eternal sleep which caused him to remain young. this could imply that Cancer/Moon dominant people are selfish, but majority of the times, their motives aren't bad.
☾ though the spell came with a cost, Endymion was given the choice of when he would die. however, he chose eternal sleep, but he didnt enjoy the youth it granted him. the man was kept in a Cave on Mount Latmus in Caria, Selene proceeded on visiting him every night.
☾ during their nightly encounters, they created Narcissus, the man who was infatuated with his own beauty. Selene was also seduced by the God Pan, who gave her a gift of a White Horse, sometimes it is depicted as a pair of White Oxen.
☾ she also bore several daughters with Zeus.
☾ the woman is known to not have her own temple, as she is seen everywhere as being the Moon.
☾ where cancer/moon is in your chart shows where you could be the most selfish at. along with showing you what thing you could produce countless of times [as Selene is known to be someone who could bear a lot of children; for example, having cancer in the eighth house shows that someone could be the most selfish when it comes to finances or secrets. or they can produce a lot of money and could even have physical pleasure a lot. on the other hand, if someone had moon in the eleventh, indicates that they are selfish when it comes to their friends, could not want to share their friends with other people, on the other hand, could have a lot of friends!
☾ we could also note that where cancer/moon is in your chart is where you're always changing! individuals with cancer in the eighth house can always have emotions that are changing, almost unpredictable, and those with moon in the eleventh might always change friendship groups.
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☼ with Leo being ruled by the Sun, it'll be clear that Greek Lore God that will rule over this sign will be Helios. who is normally woken up by the rooster so he can begin his journey whilst riding a chariot of fire.
☼ he starts his journey from the palace in the east to the western ocean where he sits himself in the ocean. and when it becomes Night he returns to the east with a golden boat made by Hephaestus.
☼ his journey signifies him having a privileged view of the whole world around him, due to the fact of him being informed of everything that happens during the daylight. for example, he witnessed Hades kidnap Persephone and witnessed Aphrodite's affair with Ares.
☼ on the other hand, Helios has been outshined by another Solar Deity known as Apollo. who ended up replacing Helios in many of his own stories. this could indicate that Leo placements can get replaced or outshined.
☼ however, was paid homage by a Scientist who gave one of the elements in the periodic table the name Helium. even though Helios has been upstaged by Apollo; Helios still shines in the Heavens, [the Sun], portraying the strength of the Ancient Titan.
☼ where leo/sun in your chart shows where you know everything about, where you are privileged, what you can be outshined on but where/how you will always be remembered or paid homage. for example, someone with leo in the ninth house could know much about the world, the law and its philosophies, can have privilege of knowledge, but can be outshined by someone who has more information than them. but will still be paid homage by what knowledge they brought to the table. or someone with sun in the second house could know much about money, food, aesthetic and sensuality. can be money privileged, but can be upstaged by someone who could be more sensual or "richer" than them. but will be paid homage due to what kind of style they have shown to the crowds, their sense of fashion etc.
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☿️ moving onto Virgo, which is ruled by Ceres in Astrology, [Ceres is the Roman Equivalent to Demeter], Demeter was apart of the first Generation of the Olympian Gods, which this could indicate where you are first at. Demeter was perceived as one of the kindest and benevolent Goddesses beside Hestia.
☿️ the ear of wheat being one of Demeter's symbols, the Goddess was normally worshipped by farmers and has a child known as Pluto who was the God of Abundance; which shows that whatever Virgo creates will give them abundance, which is spoken in the majestic virgo.
☿️ was once chased by Poseidon who wanted to be with her, Demeter then turned herself into a mare to get away from him which caused him to turn himself in a stallion and took possession over the Goddess which created the infamous black horse Arion along with Dysphonia the Goddess of Winter.
☿️ the infamous descendant of Demeter being Persephone, the daughter of her and Zeus and is Demeter's favourite daughter. who then is abducted by Hades which caused Demeter to wander the world searching for her daughter which has then caused her to neglect her task of a Goddess.
☿️ where virgo, ceres and asteroid demeter is [1108] shows what you will neglect when searching for what is yours. could also indicate what kind of people will stop at nothing to get you, and the things you make that can give you abundance.
☿️ example given, having virgo/demeter in the ninth house could imply that you could neglect your studies, or even your morals when it comes to getting what you want. or if your ceres is in the seventh house you could neglect your bond or people you have connections with.
☿️ on one hand, having virgo/demeter in your ninth house could show that a lot of teachers, or people who are supposed to guide you might've harassed you a lot. even foreign people, the law or your in-laws. if you had ceres in your seventh house, even your partners could've harassed you a lot, the general public, open-enemies and so on.
☿️ on the other hand, with virgo/demeter in your ninth house, it could show your sharing your original knowledge, your wisdom can give you much abundance. even screen-writing; having ceres in your seventh house can imply you getting into a relationship could give you abundance, along with creating contracts.
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swirl-pop · 1 year
my star twinkle plushies!
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a-d-nox · 6 months
greek asteroid observations (part 4)
these observations are completely hypothetical. they are based on my (and the those closest to me's) experiences with each aspect/placement! please don't take everything i say as predestined, astrology is possible outcomes not guaranteed ones. this is just a starting place for when examining singular objects in an entire galaxy (these are not the only asteroids in affect for you). take what resonates and leave what doesn't!
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⚡︎ 9h morpheus (4197) people should be psychology or english majors
⚡︎ morpheus (4197) aspecting venus, mars, and/or pluto people tend to have very erotic dreams
⚡︎ morpheus (4197) negatively aspecting jupiter people tend to have restless sleep
⚡︎ 5h nemesis (128) and/or aspecting the 5h ruler people tend to be vengeful lovers
⚡︎ 9h nereus (4660) people could be wonderful in law oriented studies because they are often very diplomatic and fair
⚡︎ nyx (3908) aspecting sun, moon, asc, and/or mc are wildly seen as a maternal figure and/or being a mother is an important facet to who they are this lifetime
⚡︎ 8h nyx (3908), aspecting the 8h ruler, mars, pluto, asc, and/or mc people have a very intimidating energy
⚡︎ 5h pan (4450) people often have a lot of romantic anxiety especially when it comes to their appearance and their sexual abilities - whether those anxieties are warranted or not depends on the aspects made to pan
⚡︎ gemini (3°, 15°, 27°) pan (4450) people can be very good at music
⚡︎ 5h persephone (399) people are frequently fantasized over by prospective lovers
⚡︎ 11h poseidon (4341 / h47) people are often thought of last by their friends
⚡︎ 4h priapus (h22) people tend to have better romantic relationships than their parents did
⚡︎ priapus (h22) retrograde people often know their ancestry and origin story very well
⚡︎ prometheus (1809) retrograde people don't often change in appearance
⚡︎ prometheus (1809) positive aspecting uranus people are very selfless and often concerned themselves with society's welfare
⚡︎ prometheus (1809) negatively aspecting mars and/or pluto people often feel tormented in life
⚡︎ 4h psyche (16) people blindly trust their family members when they shouldn't
⚡︎ people are often jealous of a gemini (3°, 15°, 27°) or aquarius (11°, 23°) psyche (16) person's intelligence
⚡︎ pisces (12°, 24°) psyche (16) and/or negative aspecting neptune people are often manipulated by others, while a scorpio (8°, 20°) psyche (16) will manipulate others
⚡︎ 5h rhea (577) and/or positively aspecting moon people are super fertile
⚡︎ selene (580) aspecting moon people are very feminine looking
⚡︎ scorpio (8°, 20°) selene (580) people often seem like they are doing something covert
⚡︎ selene (580) negatively aspecting mars and/or pluto people lack control of their sexuality
⚡︎ 1h themis (24) people are often treated like everyone's rock
⚡︎ themis (24) retrograde people aren't the type to dish out corporal punishments
⚡︎ 5h typhon (42355) people tend to scare their romantic prospects away
⚡︎ zeus (5731 / h42) positively aspecting mars typically indicates having a very active sex life
⚡︎ 11h zeus (5731 / h42) people are often in charge of any group they find themselves in
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heartfullofleeches · 1 year
What (some of) my ocs put you as in their phone:
Liu/Lucille (butcher/cannibal Yan): "Bambi" or "Belle/Beauty" The latter related to one of their favorite movies as a kind. If she could love her beast, you'll do the same won't you?
C.C/Saffron (Yan incubus): "Bae <3" with a string heart and flower emojis after. Will just as quickly change it to "Lil' bitch" if you ignore him long enough
Amyas (Yan cupid): "Answer immediately"
Baron (Yan demon): "MJNW" He's trying to spell mine, but his fingers are too fucking fat to hit the right keys
Maddox (Yan reaper): "Them"/the gendered variant. Simple, to the point - brings a smile to their face everytime they see it on the screen.
Alasdair (Yan Angel): "My light" Bro lights up a whole room with those eyes, but pop off king
V (incel Yan): "Kitten"
Miller (streamer Yan): "P1"
Erin (Yan Bully): "Pain in my ass" when you first give it to him. "Everything" after he finally let's his heart bleed.
Theodore (Teacher Yan): "Dear" for you, but he asks you put him in your phone as "Teddy"
Devlin (immortal Yan): "Boo (at night I think of you...)" His favorite song from that time period and what he plays outside your window.
Silas (immortal Yan): "THE LOVE OF YOUR LIFE DUMBASS" He sends a lot of "prank texts" to people and almost send you a five paragraph long threat when it was meant for your boss.
Selene (Yandere housewife): "Sweetheart, My One/My Only" She gets so embarrassed when you find out.
Orion (Yandere Devil): "Prized Jewel"
Gemini/Gemini (Twin Devils in one body): "Our Missing Piece" They change it constantly, but that's what it's been for the longest
Daina (Yan Final Girl): "Rid3 or Di3"
Dea (Worshiper God): "My Universe." Stuff like that seems so small to them, but it just feels right.
Cherry, Clementine, Lemon (Yandere robots): "Master" Cherry and Lemon put hearts at the end, Clementine puts a sword
Lime (Yan cat hybrid bot): "Owner~" with a tongue emoji at the end
D.kay (Yan Murderbot): "SUNNI" (sunny) or just a long string of those heart eyed emojis
Milk Tea (Yan cow hybrid): Pet
Eggnog (Yan cow hybrid): "Bunny or J.J" The name of the rabbit plush they own as a child. Without it they aren't sure they'd be alive today. The same goes for you.
Root beer Milk (Yan cow hybrid): "Partner in Crime"
Bluebird (Former Darling Yan): "Saving Grace" or your name with a key emoji at the end.
Gus (Clown Yan): "Cutie Pie"
(And that's it for now. If there are any characters you'd like to see just lemme know and I might do a part two)
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namesforwriters · 9 months
Mythology Inspired Names: Ancient Greek (masc)
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Achilles ~ Greek, meaning "grief," "distress," "he who has people in distress."
One of the most famous of all Greek heroes, Achilles famously gained invulnerability as a baby which aided him as an incredible warrior. Achilles slew Hector in the Trojan War as revenge for killing his lover, Patroclus, but Achilles' rage was so strong the gods intervened, and Achilles was killed by an arrow to his one weak spot, his heel. pronunciation: ah-kill-eez
Adonis ~ Greek, meaning "lord."
Considered an ideal of male beauty in classical antiquity, Adonis achieved immortality after being killed by a wild boar in a hunting trip. His blood mingled with the tears of Aphrodite, who wept over him, from which a red flower grew. Sometimes an anemone flower, other times a red rose. pronunciation: ah-don-is
Aion ~ Greek, potentially meaning "path."
In Greek mythology, Aion was a minor deity and the god of cyclical time; the passing of the year, the zodiac, the recurrance of eternal time. He was later associated with mystery religions. pronunciation: ai-on (I-on)
Apollo ~ Greek, meaning "to destroy," "redemption."
Apollo is one of the twelve Olympians and is the god of archery, the sun, prophecy, music, healing, disease, light, and poetry. Twin to Artemis, Apollo is also well-known for experiencing tragedy in love. pronunciation: ah-pahl-low
Ares ~ Greek, meaning "bane," "warlike," "ruin."
Another of the twelve Olympian gods, Ares is the god of war and courage. He is the patron of the Amazons, and is known for both incredible violence and savagery as well as valor and honor. His most famous lover is Aphrodite. pronunciation: air-eez
Argo ~ Greek, meaning "swift."
Argo was the name of a ship from Greek mythology. It was the name of the ship Jason sailed on during his quest to retrive the Golden Fleece. pronunciation: ar-go
Atlas ~ Greek, meaning "enduring," "to hold."
Atlas is a Titan associated with celestial spheres and the creation of astronomy. After the war between the gods and Titans, Atlas was punished and condemned to hold the weight of the sky for eternity. pronunciation: at-les, at-lahs
Castor ~ Greek, meaning "beaver."
Castor and his twin, Pollux, are the half-brother children of Leda, a Spartan queen. Castor was born to a mortal father, while Zeus fathered the divine Pollux as a swan. Castor, along with Pollux, was transformed into a constellation named Gemini, meaning "twins." pronunciation: kas-ter
Damon ~ Greek, meaning "one who tames."
Damon is a mortal man from Greek mythology who, along with Pythias, is shown to be an ideal of friendship. When Pythias is accused of plotting against the tyrannical king, Dionysus I, Pythias asked for the chance to get his affairs in order. Dionysus I agreed, as long as Damon stayed behind as a hostage. If Pythias didn't return, Damon would be killed in his stead. Pythias returned, and Dionysus I released them both, impressed by their bond. pronunciation: day-men
Eros ~ Greek, meaning "desire," "love."
In some myths, Eros is a primordial god. In others, he is the son of Aphrodite and Ares. In all, he is the god of love, desire, lust, and sex. He is better known by his roman name "Cupid." He is usually depicted with wings and a bow and arrow. pronunciation: air-ohs, air-os
Hades ~ Greek, meaning "the unseen one."
Never an Olympian, but an incredibly powerful, major god nonetheless, Hades is King of the Underworld and lord of the dead. He is usually depicted with a helm, a two-pronged spear, and his three-headed hound Cerberus. pronunciation: hey-deez
Hector ~ Greek, meaning "to hold," "holding fast."
Hector was the strongest warrior in Troy and fought in and led armies in the Trojan War. Despite his skill in war, Hector was described as "peace-hearted." He was eventually slain by Achilles. pronunciation: hek-ter
Helios ~ Greek, meaning "sun," "warming."
In the Ancient Greek faith, Helios is the original god of the sun and brother to Selene, goddess of the moon. He is largely identified with, and later seemingly replaced with Apollo. His Roman counterpart is Sol. pronunciation: hee-lee-ohs, hee-lee-os
Hermes ~ Greek, meaning "stone heap."
Best known as the herald and messenger of the gods, Hermes is one of the twelve Olympians. He is also the god of travelers, merchants, thieves, messengers, mischief, athletes, and speed. pronunciation: her-meez
Homer ~ Greek, meaning "security."
The name of the famous Greek poet who credited as the author of both The Iliad and The Odyssey, which tell of the Trojan War and the ten-year journey of Odysseus back to his home in Ithaca after the fall of Troy. pronunciation: ho-mer
Hyacinthus ~ Greek, meaning "hyacinth."
Hyacinthus was the son of the muse Clio. He was gentle and clever and loved by both Apollo and the god of the west wind, Zephyrus, who accidentally killed Hyacinthus out of jealousy. Apollo wept for him and created a flower to memorialize his lost love. pronunciation: hi-ah-sin-this, hi-ah-sin-thus
Icarus ~ Greek, meaning "follower."
Icarus is best known for his death. Icarus was the son of Daedalus, a master craftsman and architect of the Labyrinth, in which they both had been trapped by King Minos. To escape, they both strapped wings made from feathers and wax to themselves. They escaped, but Icarus flew too high, and the wax melted in the heat of the sun, resulting in Icarus' fall and death. pronunciation: ih-cah-ris
Jason ~ Greek, meaning "healer."
Descended from Hermes, Jason was the leader of the Argonauts and a hero famous for finding the Golden Fleece. Originally married to Medea, Jason later left her, losing the favor of the goddess Hera. Jason's successes would eventually lead to the establishment of Rome. pronunciation: jay-sen
Leander ~ Greek, meaning "lion man."
Leander was a mortal man from Abydos who fell for Hero, a priestess of Aphrodite, from across the strait. Every night, Leander would swim across the strait to be with her, and Hero would illuminate the top of her tower so he knew the one. One winter, a wind blew out the light, and he died. Hero threw herself off the tower to join him. pronunciation: lee-an-der
Minos ~ Greek, meaning "king."
The King of Crete and a prideful man, Minos was the son of Zeus. After his wife gave birth to a man-bull hybrid, Minos had the Labyrinth built in which he could hide the Minotaur. Every nine years he sent seven boys and seven girls into it to be eaten by the monster. He became a judge of the dead in the Underworld after his death. pronunciation: mine-ohs
Notus ~ Greek, meaning "south."
Notus is the god of the southern wind. Largely associated with heat, but also the coming of rain and mist, his brothers are Boreas, Zephyrus, and Eurus. pronunciation: no-tus, no-tos
Orion ~ Greek, "rising in the sky," "dawning."
In Greek mythology, Orion was a great, giant hunter who earned the favor of Artemis. In some myths, he is killed by Artemis as well. In others, he is killed by a giant scorpion. Either way, his story ends in death and he is transformed into a constellation. pronunciation: oh-rye-en
Orpheus ~ Greek, meaning "orphan," "best voice."
Orpheus was a Greek hero who helped Jason on his quest for the Golden Fleece. Following the quest, Orpheus journeyed to the Underworld to recover his love wife, Eurydice. Orpheus was an amazing musician. pronunciation: or-phee-us
Perseus ~ Greek, meaning "to destroy"
The Greek hero Perseus is most famous for his defeat of the gorgon Medusa, by decapitating her. Also famous for slaying the sea monster Cetus, Perseus was the son of Zeus and would go on to establish Mycenae. pronunciation: per-see-us
Pollux ~ Greek, meaning "very sweet."
Pollux was born to the Spartan queen Leda and Zeus disguised as a swan. His half-brother and twin Castor was born mortal, while Pollux was born divine. Pollux asked Zeus to share his immortality with Castor after he was fatally wounded, and the two were transformed into the Gemini constellation. pronunciation: pah-lux
Prometheus ~ Greek, meaning "forethought."
The myth of Prometheus describes him as the gifter of fire. Despite orders from Zeus, Prometheus gave the gift of fire to humanity and is the father of technology, civilization, and knowledge. Zeus punished him to be bound to a rock, and every day an eagle would peck out and eat his liver. pronunciation: pro-mee-thee-us
Proteus ~ Greek, meaning "first," "firstborn," "versatile."
Dubbed the "Old Man of the Sea" by the poet Homer, Proteus was an elusive and prophetic sea god. Proteus would only answer the questions of those who managed to capture him. pronunciation: pro-tee-us
Styx ~ Greek, meaning "shuddering."
Styx is the name of one of the rivers in the Underworld. To cross it is to cross into the Underworld. Styx is also the name upon which the gods swear their most solemn oaths. Styx is gender-neutral. pronunciation: stix
Theseus ~ Greek, meaning "to set," "institution."
A great hero, Theseus was also a king of Athens. Most well-known for killing the Minotaur, Theseus married the Cretan princess Phaedra after abandoning Ariadne. pronunciation: thee-see-us
Titan ~ Greek, meaning "defender."
The Titans were a generation of divine beings born to Gaia and Uranus, the primordial deities of earth and sky. Predecessors to the gods, the most famous Titan was the trecherous Kronos, lord of time. pronunciation: tie-ten
Triton ~ Greek, meaning "sea god."
Triton was the divine son of the Olympian Poseidon and his queen Amphitrite. Largely functioning as his father's messenger, Triton is usually depicted as a merman. pronunciation: try-ton
Troy ~ Greek, meaning "water," "soldier."
Troy was a great city located in modern-day Turkey and the site of the mythological Trojan War, fought between the Greek forces under Agamemnon of Mycenae and the Trojan forces under Priam of Troy. The Greek gods were also divided during the war. pronunciation: troi
Typhon ~ Greek, meaning "child of Titans."
One of the most deadly, dangerous monsters in all Greek mythology, Typhon was a giant who attempted to overthrow Zeus and the gods. Many of Greek mythologies monsters were born to him and his wife Echidna. pronunciation: tie-phon
Zeus ~ Greek, meaning "sky father."
Lord of the skies and king of the gods, Zeus is the chief of the Olympians. His wife is Hera and his brothers are Poseidon and Hades. Zeus is the father of many other Olympians and gods, as well as some of the most famous Greek heroes, including Perseus and Heracles. pronunciation: zoos
Zephyrus ~ Greek, meaning "westerly wind."
Zephryus is one of the four wind gods and lord of the western wind. Known for being gentle and bringing about the flowers of springtime, Zephyrus fell in love with Hyacinthus and accidentally killed him out of jealousy when Hyacinthus spent more time with Apollo. pronunciation: zeh-ph-er-us
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These name lists are intended to help writers and artists. There is no expectation of credit, and these lists aren't meant to be the end-all be-all lists of possible names. There are millions out there, and this is just for fun!
If you have a suggestion for a name list, or want to see something specific, feel free to submit a request!
And if you see something that is wrong (a pronunciation, a meaning, an origin), again, feel free to let me know!
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mysoullanguage · 2 years
#0001 what each element represents on the body
air — THE MIND, our thinking, how we communicate
air rules the mind, the process in which we analyse and take in information. air is a highly curious element and concerns itself with new information and education. being a light-hearted sign, they revolve around anything that is new and trendy, as well as anything historic or archaic
an air sign’s rule of living is to never settle, or to settle as little as possible. the mind is as broad as the universe; you cannot pin something as big as it. air signs live in constant curiosity and wanderlust. they have a passion for communication, exchange, networking. expressing their need to exchange information is vital to these people because they are naturally nervous/anxious
i noticed with a lot of airy people (/air dominant) they may suffer from adhd/dyslexia or some communicative issue. their nervousness is magnified and they seem to respond to social cues and the environment much more openly. they find it hard to shut out the outside world. stuttering is common, especially if saturn is in one of them (or in virgo — though this is the only exception)
the lungs with which we inhale is symbolic to the outside world we conform or grow beyond. air signs have a natural connection to birds and the sky; if selene is in gemini, especially, there is an attraction or fascination with birds and/or flight. the way in which the sun turns at different angles and produces new sunsets and sunrises is as reflective of an air sign’s colourful spirit
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fire — THE SOUL, our impulses, our soul desires
our soul is what powers us through any situation; our impulses, our intuition, and our “inner-voice” is all relevant to a fire sign. fire is what rules it all; our inner guidance, our youth, what we feed our soul. fire signs live off their soul burnings and live according to their soul desires. they are not one to conform to the physical world but instead reflect their soul needs through manipulating the physical realm and achieving what they want
fire signs live loudly; they live as big as their soul needs to live. they are spiritual people, especially when they are a sagittarius or are born on a sagittarius decan. they have traditional values, a high sense of right and wrong, and are typically mature people. but the inner-child that lives within them lives creatively. spontaneity, freedom, and independence is what a fire sign constantly searches for. they don’t live through materials or tangibility, but through faith, hope, and destiny
a fire sign lives openly and honestly. they are drawn to difference and strangeness; new cultures and ways of living are what draws these people towards new experience. the way in which other people may eat or spend their day and the way it all differs to their own, is hugely fascinating. the way in which a person may express their spirituality, is also hugely fascinating
I noticed a lot of fire signs are much more sexual in nature than a lot of other signs, though I think it’s all reflective of the soul, than a need to physically touch someone. our soul experiences magick and revitalisation through sex and sexual energy. this doesn’t have to be expressed through sex but largely is. aries, on one hand, may be a largely physical and sexual sign, as they seem to lack the emotional depth with those they have sex with. leo and sagittarius, on the other hand, seem to experience sex and relationships on a much grander scale, although this depends on their spiritual awareness and connection in general
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earth — THE BODY, our physical temple, our diet
earth signs are the body, the physical temple in which our soul, heart, and mind resides in. it is the physical, tangible element to all our spiritual senses. the essence in which we feel emotionally and physically, is down to our body. our sensitive soul’s impulses travel through the nerves of our skin, and that is achievable through this element. our physical body is what differentiates us from others; our appearance, our size, height, and other features that ensure our uniqueness, while also being a vessel for our spirits
they live through a principal to live and to achieve; materials, possessions, and family are important to all earth signs. these signs feel a deep connection to the earth. they are rooted in the earth’s magnetism, mystery, and broadness. the mountains in which the earth surrounds us with, the water in which the sky reflects itself off, and the animals which feed off earth, all fascinate earth signs. their diligence and hard-working ethic is original to their desire of coming to earth to live and to protect. their predictability and laid-back form of living is only true to their grounded and stable nature
it’s important for these signs to feed their bodies with a healthy, non-gmo diet. heavy earth placements, I have noticed, are prone to obesity, especially if jupiter resides on the asc., or anywhere near earth placements. there is a heavy need to indulge the self with food and “nurturance”, although what tends to happen is that they over-feed themselves in an attempt to “take care of the self.” eating a diet that focuses on vegetables and fruit is important
earth loves tenderly, with each sense fully acknowledged. these people experience life through touch, smell, sight, hearing. their bodies are so attuned to the earth’s vibration it’s hard to shut off the natural magnetism their physical body has to the dirt, water, and flowers of the earth. they are gentle in nature, as a result, and need a lot of physical stimulation to keep themselves and their bodies happy
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water — THE HEART, our emotions, our psyche
water is the heart of it all, the way in which we connect with others, and how we establish meaningful relations with others. without emotion and depth, there is only physicality and void. without a true connection to something or someone, we are living meaninglessly. the depth at which our blood travels and the sorrows and love it may carry with it, is all water. our psyche experiences growth through wisdom and love, rather than vanity and money
water is our emotional health, expression, and what fulfils us as human beings. our need for loneliness or our need for friends and personal relationships, is down to water. the height at which we experience joys and the volume at which we cry, is down to water. a water sign that has heavy earth placements will be extremely reflective in how they feel; a water sign with fire placements, on the other hand, will struggle with keeping their anger in. rage and temperance come with water. our form of vulnerability and what we are letting known to others is relevant to our emotional needs and wants, as well as personal boundaries
family and children are a natural extension of our heart’s love. to birth a child or to mother someone that is close to you, is second nature to water signs and our hearts. we wish for someone to grow under our care, to be nurtured by us, to know they have our support. I noticed there is a deep need for people to know their availability for others. water signs tend to put themselves into other people’s lives for the sole reason of service and mothering them. they need to “baby” or mother someone and for them to know they are there, they are available, and they are ready to help
sensitivity and generosity are poignant observations. water signs feel things on a massively personal level. they may become defensive if their feelings are hurt but, for the most part, suck it up. their need for solitude and reflection is great and, if a person has heavy water placements, may find themselves with a small social circle, if any at all. they tend to live a “lone-wolf” lifestyle. any social interactions they do have, are usually short-lived. they need a lot of time to recharge and to reconnect with themselves. heightened sensitivity towards others means they are a sponge for other people’s issues, problems, and energy. thus, it’s easy for these people to mirror others, without really realising it
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lillysilvermoon · 8 months
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Messages for Eclipse Season
Please read the description below!!
Hi guys! 👋 I know, has been too long, but uni is taken all my energy 🥲 BUT, I had to come here to give yall this message, will be quick (at least that's what they told me lol) but important. I'll say this right away: Aries, libra, Pisces and scorpio probably will feel with more intensity this eclipse and its effects).
Now, this is super unusual but for each pile Selene, Nyx and Hades have a message, I don't know which one will be but it's a message from them related to the eclipse, I've never done this before so I hope yall liked and this reaches everyone who the message is meant for. Shall we?
Pile 1
Messenger: Selene, Goddess of the Moon
Change is on the way and yall need to prepare for this, for what I see here either you are in a hard moment right now (eight or Swords) feeling like you have no choice, helpless or after the eclipse this is how you will feel for some reason (probably the changes that will occurs) but don't worry, you can't see the bigger picture but this is for your own good, it will teach you a lesson. After this you can expect to be much more empowered, strong and independent (or this is what this change want you to learn in order to receive what you want, because right there is a lesson you need to learn). After the storm there ir always a rainbow, a new beginning and can be romantic (ace of cups almost always is about romantic beginnings) or just related to a new beginning emotionally.
Also, if you are working on something, congratulations!!! All your efforts will be paying off, probably dome kind of collab will come for you and will be a very successful project. (P.S: this is specific I guess but: no more fights, you will be in peace soon, no fights, no stress, this domestic related I think.)
Signs: books, Aries, Gemini, days 7, 12 and 8, Saturn.
Pile 2
Messenger: Hades, God of the Dead and King of the Underworld
This eclipse will bring you financial changes, I think actually just a confirmation lmao all of you already know how well succeed you will be. Well, this is your confirmation: you >will< be succeed, very succeed. If you made a spell with Him or have petitioned to Him in financial matters, yes, He will help you. You can 100% expect some improvement in your business life, career, good opportunity for investments and all thing related to gain money. But, for some of you, and this is a small portion, you need to take better care of your shadow self, learn more about you shadow is necessary and very important and He want you to give this more attention - He is being very serious... it's actually very important, no jokes - and your emotions in general, please make some effort to know yourself better, know how to regulate your emotions, you needed it.
"You are doing great, stop overstress yourself thinking everyone is mad at you, they aren't! And you think I am you can just ask you know" (Pile 2 can we be friends please???? You&me = twins I'm the same 🤡)
Signs: 66, 99, 5, Jupiter, scorpio, Taurus, Capricorn and Sagittarius, rivers and water places are important (not astrological speaking, real life).
Pile 3
Messenger: Nyx, Goddess of the night
Either you are facing some challenges in work or personal life or just in life in general, but you are being assertive and determined, or this is what the Eclipse Season will bring to you. Just know that you have the energy to endure it and you WILL succeed, be sure of this and never ever doubt yourself again, you will learn to be more independent and stand up for yourself, communicate your boundaries clearly and base your decisions less in your emotions and more in facts. If you have faced all of this the Eclipse you bring you to calmer waters and reach the end of a very difficult period (in this case this is the change the eclipse your bring, honestly? I fell like this pile is very 50/50 with half in the first case and the other half in this one). A lot of you is feeling down and deflated after going through this tough time, she asks yall (from both situations) to stay in tune with your intuition, your inner guidance because doing this yall will be victorious.
Signs: Pisces, taurus, Gemini and Aquarius, 12, 8, 5, 4, Pluto, Saturn, mountains.
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ome-magical-ramblings · 2 months
Chaldean Oracle Verse 147, Gate of Man and Gate of Immortals, Cancer/Capricorn, and Daniel.
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If you speak to me often, you will perceive everything in lion-form. For neither does the curved mass of heaven appear then nor do the stars shine. The light of the moon is hidden, and the earth is not firmly secured, but everything is seen by flashes of lightning.
If you often invoke me all things will appear to you to be a lion. For neither will the convex bulk of heaven then be visible; the stars will not shine; the light of the moon will be concealed; the earth will not stand firm; but all things will be seen in thunder.
Disclaimer: This post is part of my original line of posts of my own blog where I...you guessed I ramble about stuff even if I am wrong because why not. Take it with a grain of salt AND if you actually know what the verse actually mean and want to correct me please go ahead.
In the sixth hour you have the form of a lion; your name is ΒΑΙ ΣΟΛΒΑΙ (BAI SOLBAI), the ruler of time.
"the light of the moon is hidden" reference to Cancer.
Summer tropic is in Cancer, and the winter tropic in Capricorn. And since Cancer is nearest to us, it is very properly attributed to the Moon, which is the nearest of all the heavenly bodies to the earth. But as the southern pole, by its great distance, is invisible to us, hence Capricorn is attributed to Kronos (Saturn)
in On the Cave of the Nymphs by Porphyry:
Homer was not satisfied with saying that it had two gates, but adds that one of the gates was turned towards the north, but the other which was more divine, to the south. He also says that the northern gate was pervious to descent, but does not indicate whether this was also the case with the southern gate. For of this, he only says, "It is inaccessible to men, but it is the path of the immortals
You can kinda see the similar gnosis/insight people have to associate Helios with Hecate in that sense if you attribute this oracle line to Hecate like Psellus did.
Porphyry clearly states that the signs from Cancer to Capricorn, which constitute the descent of a soul into a body, are situated in the following order: and the first of these is Leo, which is the house of Helios (the Sun); afterwards Virgo, which is the house of Hermes (Mercury); Libra, the house of Aphrodite (Venus); Scorpius, of Ares (Mars); Sagittarius, of Zeus (Jupiter); and Capricornus, of Kronos (Saturn). “But from Capricorn,” he adds, the ascent is naturally “in an inverse order.” That is, in an inverse order on the opposing curve of the wheel of the zodiac. Aquarius is attributed to Kronos; Pisces, to Zeus; Aries, to Ares; Taurus, to Aphrodite; Gemini, to Hermes; and in the last place Cancer to the Selene (the Moon), only upon the soul’s descent into a body is the sun’s sign (Leo) encountered. This is basically the whole dichotomy of Metatron and Sandalphon, because you get that similar connection between Malkuth/Kether and Enoch/Elijah, what I see personally is this hinting toward merkavah and Hekhalot literature where you descened to the chariot/merkavah. In a way I can definitely say the hints are astrologically coded but the practice itself isn't astrological strictly.
the whole descent into mysteries is in that verse, the curved mass of heaven nor do star shine IS THE LITERAL HEAVEN if you scry them or work through the gates of merkavah. The light of the moon is hidden and earth is not secured because you're reaching a place that's not "here" in the objective sense of the world, everything is seen by flashes of lighting is very apt way to describe how you actually see stuff there! almost very reminiscent of dreamy visions where everything is remembered haphazardly !
In summary the astrological hints are just symbolic not practically invalid but not restrictive into it, since the sun/lion-form is the first thing that come after Saturn in descent and last thing before Moon then you can see the hint THERE. It's not lion, but the sun which when it shine so brightly it will hide the rays of the moon, you can see that the sun is both what we can fall into and we can rise through.
I definitely felt very excited to share my hot take about this oracle line, because it is rather very related to some other blogs that I did work with. Now...dare I say that these lion forms is what Daniel saw in the pit when he got thrown? notice how Daniel immediately start having visions after the lion pits from Daniel 6 to 7, it is an immediate jump.
Daniel in the Lion's Den c1615 Peter Paul Rubens
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My top 12 favorite female Ducktales character part 1
12- Selene = Cancer ♋
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11- Gandra Dee = Libra ♎
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10- Magica De spell = Gemini ♊
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9- Violet Saberwing = Capricorn ♑
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8- Daisy Duck = Virgo ♍
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7- May Duck = Aquarius ♒
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neptunianmars · 2 years
which Greco-Roman deity you should work with according to your birth chart indications
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this is very very interpretive. working with deities is not really a pick-and-choose kind of deal, however, i personally believe that with certain placements in the chart you might feel drawn to certain deities. again, this is interpretive and please work with whatever deity you feel called to regardless! i am going to cover the main 12 and just a few others. if you have a request for a deity not listed please reach out! list of asteroid numbers to look up on your chart: 1, 2, 3, 4, 26, H41, 46, 78, 100, 103, 105, 399, 580, 895, 1108, 1862, 1388, 2063, 2212, 3671, 4341, 5731, 69230
houses: 1H, 6H, 9H, 11H, or 12H
Jupiter or Zeus asteroid (5731)
Jupiter conjunct, trine, or sextile Zeus
Jupiter or Zeus conjunct, trine, sextile, square, or opposite Neptune, Poseidon, Pluto, or Hades
Jupiter or Zeus conjunct, trine, or sextile Saturn
9H stellium/placements
Sagittarius stellium/placements
air stellium/placements
air Jupiter
houses: 1H, 6H, 8H, 9H, or 12H
Juno asteroid (3) or Hera (103) asteroid
Juno conjunct, trine, or sextile Hera
Hera or Juno conjunct, trine, or sextile Jupiter or Zeus
3H stellium/placements
8H stellium/placements
houses: 1H, 6H, 9H, or 12H
Neptune or Poseidon asteroid (4341)
Neptune conjunct, trine, or sextile Poseidon
Neptune or Poseidon conjunct, trine, sextile, square, or opposite Jupiter, Zeus, Pluto, or Hades
4H, 9H, or 12H stellium/placements
water stellium/placements
water Mars
houses: 1H, 3H, 6H, 8H, 9H, or 12H
Ceres asteroid (1) or Demeter asteroid (1108)
Ceres or Demeter conjunct, trine, or sextile Proserpina or Persephone
Ceres or Demeter conjunct, trine, sextile, square, or opposite Pluto or Hades
3H or 8H stellium/placements
Taurus or Scorpio stellium/placements
houses: 1H, 6H, 8H, 9H, or 12H
Proserpina asteroid (26) or Persephone asteroid (399)
Proserpina conjunct, trine, or sextile Persephone
Proserpina or Persephone conjunct, trine, or sextile Ceres or Demeter
Proserpina or Persephone conjunct, trine, sextile, square, or opposite Pluto or Hades
3H or 8H stellium/placements
Taurus or Scorpio stellium/placements
houses: in 1H, 5H, 6H, 9H, or 12H
Pallas asteroid (2)
Pallas conjunct, trine, or sextile Mars
3H or 5H stellium/placements
Sagittarius stellium/placements
air stellium/placements
air Mars
houses: 1H, 5H, 6H, 9H, or 12H
Sun or Apollo asteroid (1862)
Sun conjunct, trine, or sextile Apollo
Sun or Apollo conjunct, trine, or sextile Jupiter, Zeus, Diana, or Artemis
5H or 9H stellium/placements
fire stellium/placements
houses: 1H, 3H, 6H, 9H, or 12H
Moon, Diana asteroid (78), or Artemis asteroid (105)
Moon or Diana conjunct, trine, or sextile Artemis
Moon, Diana, or Artemis conjunct, trine, or sextile Jupiter, Zeus, Apollo, Hekate, or Selene
3H, 4H, 12H stellium/placements
earth Moon
houses: 1H, 6H, 9H, or 12H
Mars conjunct, trine, or sextile Venus or Aphrodite
9H stellium/placements
Aries stellium/placements
fire stellium/placements
fire Mars
houses: 1H, 3H, 5H, 6H, 9H, or 12H
Venus or Aphrodite asteroid (1388)
Venus conjunct, trine, or sextile Aphrodite
Venus or Aphrodite conjunct, trine, or sextile Mars, Saturn, or Uranus
3H, 5H, or 7H stellium/placements
Taurus or Libra stellium/placements
water stellium/placements
houses: 1H, 5H, 6H, 9H, 11H, or 12H
Hephaistos asteroid (2212)
Hephaistos conjunct, trine, sextile, square, or opposite Juno, Hera, Venus, or Aphrodite
9H or 11H stellium/placements
Aquarius stellium/placements
fire stellium/placements
houses: 1H, 3H, 6H, 8H, 9H, or 12H
Mercury or Hermes asteroid (69230)
Mercury conjunct, trine, or sextile Hermes
Mercury or Hermes conjunct, trine, or sextile Jupiter or Zeus
3H or 9H stellium/placements
Gemini or Virgo stellium/placements
air stellium/placements
air Mercury
houses: 1H, 3H, 4H, 6H, 9H, or 12H
Vesta asteroid (4) or Hestia asteroid (46)
Vesta conjunct, trine, or sextile Hestia
3H or 4H stellium/placements
fire stellium/placements
houses: 1H, 6H, 8H, 9H, or 12H
Pluto or Hades (H41)
Pluto conjunct, trine, or sextile Hades
Pluto or Hades conjunct, trine, sextile, square, or opposite Jupiter, Zeus, Neptune, Poseidon, Ceres, Demeter, Proserpina, or Persephone
8H or 9H stellium/placements
houses: 1H, 5H, 6H, 9H, or 12H
Bacchus asteroid (2063) or Dionysus asteroid (3671)
Bacchus conjunct, trine, or sextile Dionysus
5H or 9H stellium/placements
houses: 1H, 3H, 6H, 8H, 9H, or 12H
Moon or Hekate asteroid (100)
Moon or Hekate conjunct, trine, or sextile Diana, Artemis, Selene, Proserpina, or Persephone
3H or 8H stellium/placements
Scorpio stellium/placements
earth Moon
houses: 1H, 3H, 6H, 9H, or 12H
Moon or Selene asteroid (580)
Moon conjunct, trine, or sextile Selene
Moon or Selene conjunct, trine, or sextile Sun, Helio, Diana, Artemis, or Hekate
3H or 12H stellium/placements
Scorpio stellium/placements
water Moon
houses: 1H, 6H, 9H, or 12H
Sun or Helio asteroid (895)
Sun conjunct, trine, or sextile Helio
Sun or Helio conjunct trine, or sextile Moon or Selene
9H stellium/placements
Leo stellium/placements
fire stellium/placements
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gifmourningu · 9 months
Star Twinkle Precure watch guide
A list of episodes that let you know which episodes are less interesting and skippable.
I have to say this season was overall very engaging compared to most other Precure seasons; as a result there's not going to be a lot of skips here. The main issue with this season is episode 36, which I'll discuss under the read more (will contain spoilers).
Plot is bolded. Recommended filler (character development or background -oriented) is italicized. Skippable episodes grouped in block quote.
1 — Cure Star
2 — Cure Milky
3 — Taurus Pen (+ Hikaru/Lala development)
4 — Cure Soleil
5 — Cure Selene
6 — Leo Pen (Lala focus)
7 — Repairing Spaceship 
8 — Libra Pen (Elena & Prunce focus)
9 — Capricorn Pen (Madoka focus)
10 — Villain powerup (Hikaru focus)
11 — New Finisher (Hikaru focus)
12 — The girls make a movie (Lala/Hikaru focus + Comedic)
13 — Lala goes to school (Lala focus, also good context for the next ep)
14 — Scorpio Pen (Elena focus) 
15 — Capricorn Pen + Blue Cat Entrance (Madoka focus)
16 — Madoka’s Archery Finals (Madoka focus) This episode isn’t bad but basically rehashes the same lesson in episode 9 that shows Madoka embracing her friends as her support. Don't worry, she gets a really good episode later.
17 — Virgo Pen (Yuni focus)
18 — Hikaru’s mom the mangaka (Hikaru focus)
19 — Gemini Pen & Planet Rainbow (Yuni focus)
20 — Cure Cosmo
21 — Cure Cosmo part 2 & Aries Pen 
22 — Tanabata & Hikaru’s dad (Hikaru focus)
23 — Fuwa Panic (Yuni + Elena focus)
24 — Aquarius Pen (Madoka + Yuni focus)
25 — Festivities (Yuni + Lala focus)
26 — Pajama Party in Space 
27 — Water Planet (Yuni + Ayewan focus)
28 — Fixing the Rocket (Elena/Madoka focus)
29 — Cancer Pen part 1 (Lala + Madoka focus)
30 — Cancer Pen part 2 (Lala focus)
31 — Pisces Pen (Hikaru focus)
32 — New Finisher
33 — Fuwa wants to be useful 
34 — Elena guides a cactus alien (Elena focus)
35 — Student Council Election (Hikaru focus)
36 — “But Stealing Is Always Bad Even When You Were Stolen From First :(” (Yuni focus) This episode is. Oof. I disagree very much with the politics of it. Check the read more for spoilers and discussion.
37 — Costume Party (Kappard + Lala focus)
38 — Cosmo Twinkle Imagination (Yuni + Ayewan focus)
39 — English Speech Contest (Elena + Tenjo focus)
40 — Milky Twinkle Imagination (Lala + Kappard focus)
41 — Selene Twinkle Imagination (Madoka focus)
42 — Soleil Twinkle Imagination leadup (Elena + Tenjo focus)
43 — Soleil Twinkle Imagination (Elena + Tenjo focus)
44 — Christmas (Covers Elena’s decision for her future + cool fight in the sky)
45 — Star Twinkle Imagination (Hikaru focus)
46 ~ 49 — Finale
Below is reasons for my issues with ep 36: ↓
So this episode unfortunately falls into the pitfalls of false equivalency that we often see in media, namely the idea that if you do something against your oppressors you're as bad as they are. The other issue is that Yuni's whole situation tracks very closely as a metaphor for indigenous survival against colonialism and genocide, which makes this episode even worse. To top it off, we also have a cop character who wants to capture her that is basically posed as morally good because "stealing is bad" is their overall message.
"Stealing is bad" is a moral that you would expect to find in a kid's show for sure, but when paired with the history of genocide it translates terribly.
Recall that:
Yuni's original culture is the only one inhabiting her home planet, which they came to after being chased away from other planets. In other words, they are historically a persecuted minority.
Yuni is the only current survivor of genocide against her planet by colonial forces Notraider (who specifically say they want to take over all planets and milk them for their resources).
The Notraiders (through Ayewan) then stole all of her culture's artifacts and then put them on the black market
The black market is run by the Mafia
Auctions are held for the equivalent of billions of dollars (juu oku in yen), and there are billionaires. Which implies space capitalism and the plundering of other planets in general. Billionaires do not exist without the mass accumulation of wealth, and there are slums mentioned which Yuni donates to.
Yuni's culture's items have been stolen from her people and sold against their will. Yet, for some reason, if she's to steal them back, that's just as bad as the original plundering of her planet. This is simply false equivalence. Hikaru insists that she needs to ask for her items nicely back from the mafia, of all things (if they're the mafia they're in the business of killing people for money. Hikaru, hello?). To further this kids' moral, Yuni is reduced to begging for her culture's item back from the mafia boss, even promising to pay for it. Why should she have to pay for something that he shouldn't even own to begin with? It's just disrespectful on all levels.
Meanwhile, Hikaru, who lives in Japan, is part of a colonialist legacy herself who have similarly stolen land from indigenous people as well as their artifacts. All over the world, in the United States, and in Japan, governments in power have plundered indigenous graves for cultural remains and items and have not returned them despite repeated petitioning from said indigenous groups. Basically, asking nicely in the real world takes forever and forces indigenous groups to jump through 239480 hoops, all the while subjecting them to continuous destruction of their heritage. Yet the violence of them being taken in the first place is never questioned; it is accepted, while indigenous groups are demonized for standing up, trying to protect their lands.
Honestly, this episode was really bad. Its only saving grace is that Yuni says she won't stop traveling to get her items back, though it's unclear if she's planning to ask for them "nicely" back every time. Frankly, she should be allowed to steal them back. The billionaires who paid millions of dollars for the artifacts won't miss the money — the dragon guy sure didn't. Yuni is literally Robin Hood, and she doesn't even amass her own wealth; she takes back her cultural items and donates anything else she takes from rich people to the poor. I'm sorry, but this isn't even morally grey. She's doing everything right. The dog cop character is convinced Yuni needs to be locked up... why? Is this really the best use of the interstellar police forces' time rather than fighting than the Notraiders? It's not like any of them showed up to investigate what happened to Yuni's planet afterwards. She has literally gotten nothing from them and is being demonized for crimes against the market.
Anyway, given that it's a kid's show, at least Yuni's people are restored in the end, and by Ayewan herself as a form of a reparations. Since Ayewan undid everything she did (this would be impossible in real life) and worked to help Yuni's people afterwards, the rest of the Yuni / Ayewan plot gets a pass in my mind (even though that also runs on false equivalence). It's really just this one episode that is a mess because it refuses to deal with the structural oppression that exists and that Yuni is fighting against.
It's a shame, really, since otherwise Star Twinkle is a very solid show whose themes of embracing individuality and difference between people is incredibly powerful. Hikaru herself is great in every other episode other than this one, and wonderfully neurodivergent. So anyway, here's your warning for episode 36. Recommended skip if you don't want to spend your time fuming.
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lorabeyc · 1 year
Selena Thatcher, My OC 🌊🌊
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Selena Maeve Thatcher (or Just Selena) 
First Name: Selena
Last name: Thatcher ( Her Earth family name) 
Name Origins: Greek Origin, Goddess Of the moon, From Selene Goddess of moon 🌕
Date of birth: 15 June 
Age: 38 Y.O
Gender: Female 
Siblings: Morgana (younger sister) 
Sexuality: Heterosexual. 
Zodiac: Gemini. 
Species: Embophidian, Hydromancer. 
Skin colour: Medium
Body type: Slim woman, Slender too. 
Phobias: Thanatophobia (fear of losing someone you care about) 
FOMO: Fear of missing out.
Ambiguphobia: fear of being misunderstood. 
Arachnophobia: Fear of spiders. 
Fear of Water being polluted or dirty. 
Thalassophile: lover of the sea. 
Aquaphilia: Lover of water 
Lover of quietness (sadly that has no term) 
Lover of Aquariums. 
Lover of sea-creatures. 
Caeruleaphile: lover of blue colour. 
Porphyrophile: lover of purple colour. 
Hair colour: Pink.
Eye colour: deep Blue.
Current location: Moirvdonne, UK.  
Face claims: Noami Scott.
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VA: Esmé Bianco, (The VA of Eclipsta in svfoe)
Alignment: Good.
Status: Alive.
Moirvdonne Police, Sheriff. 
Wartb Gang. 
playing chess set
watching TV
reading a book.
Mediating in water.
Casual clothes, Grunge too. 
Water aesthetics, sea aesthetics, and such.
Fighting crimes.
Helping others.
Healing others.
Stand and fight for justice. 
Friends and family.
Water, everything that is water-form.
Loving, compassionate, Understanding, and helpful if others need her. 
Loves  to play Video games with Selviya.
Loves to Learn Magic with Aliyaa. 
Glamours gowns.
Glamours tiaras. 
Sushi, Pesto Pasta.
Using religion for one’s profit. 
Bad manners.
Hates Slither to the core.
Hates autumn. 
Her friends and loved ones getting harmed or killed.
When someone is rude.
using magic for evil purposes.
She is quick to anger and she hates it. 
Hates bobba tea, don’t ask her why. 🤫
Speed: 9.5/10.
Agility: 10/10.
Intelligence: 9/10.
Strength: 10/10.
Stamina 9/10.
Stealth: 10/10.
Cooperation: 10/10.
Durability: 10/10.
Flexibility: 10/10.
Reflexes: 10/10.
Instincts: 10/10.
Kung Lao (Alive).
Thomas Lao Older son (Alive).
Layla Lao's second child (Alive).
Friends and Allies:
Aliyaa Aepel @aliyaaaepel3
Selviya Levsloky @aliyaaaepel3
Scylla Aepel @aliyaaaepel3
Arouj Roman @aliyaaaepel3
Hadi Aepel @aliyaaaepel3
Derek Monrik @aliyaaaepel3
Eveie Al’shayle. @aliyaaaepel3
Layla Buyunii. @aliyaaaepel3
Sailor Mona. @monapome
Jayce Nilson @kyd35
Sphinx. @aliyaaaepel3
Sarah @alexapenz
Heynois. @aliyaaaepel3
Mila. @mollyb9
Molly. @melissalix
Lana. @noelle9
Eliena De Vil. @lisadelise
William Mo’lain (Mayor of Moirvdonne) 
Cecila Smith. 
Anthony Mccbride. 
Cassie Cage.
Johnny Cage.
Sonya blade.
Jacqui Briggs.
Jax Briggs.
Kuai Liang.
Kung Lao (Husband). 
Liu Kang.
Takeda Takahashi
Hydro (Malibu Comic Character 😭) 
Not Friends or enemies: 
Scorpion/ Hanzo Hasashi.
Kung Jin.
The Oshh-tek Guards
The Kahn-Guards. 
Rain (Arch-enemy, In MK)
Silther (Arch-enemy, In Moirvdonne)
Shao Kahn
Kotal Kahn
Erron Black
Shang Tsung
In relationship with Kung Lao. 
Status: Married to Kung Lao (Canon, Because I Said So 🫸) 
Wave manipulation.
Water manipulation. 
Water generation. 
Water detection.
Water purification. 
Whirlpool generation. 
Water absorption.
Can control Water and Sea, If she is angry the sea is becoming rough and angry too like her. 
She caused a horrible Tsunami once because she was angry and she is still regretting this. 
Levitation, (Can fly only in her magical girl form) 
She can easily heal people, any type of illness, and damage. 
She is very skilled in Muay Thai and Judo. 
Has magical girl abilities
She is a very strong and skilled Hydromancer, that’s why Rain is after her. 
Create whips out of the water and they are dangerously sharp. 
Creates Storm blades too.
magical girl outfit:
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Selena is nice to people who are nice to her, she helps anyone in need, she is generous, and kind, she is very monstrous when it comes to fighting, she is humble, loving, and understanding of others, she is a stylish woman, she likes etiquette too. And a huge consumer of coffee ☕️. 
Finally, it took from me forever to finish this! That’s all of Selena Thatcher 🌊
@aliyaaaepel3 @lisadelise @melissalix @alexapenz @noelle9 @loryeenb @monapome @florafoom @kyd35 @kuaifan
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micrathene-w · 11 months
When Last We Left...
the Armstrong household of the Lunar Zodiac Challenge:
Aries (Arianrhod), Taurus (Phoebe), and Gemini (Luna) daughters:
Young Adults
All tasks completed, and moved out
All three married; Ari and Luna each have one child
Cancer daughter Mahina:
Teen, nearing Young Adult
High School A Student
Has reached Adept level as a Spellcaster, and knows 5 of 9 Practical Magic spells
2 Milestones from completing Lady of the Knits
Just made the first romantic steps with her possible boyfriend (Must marry and have 2 children of her own)
Leo daughter Selene:
Newly a teen
High School B student, in the Acting Club (must reach Level 8 in the Acting career)
Started working on her Charisma skill
Neophyte Spellcaster, has learned 1 of 8 Untamed spells
Virgo daughter Elatha:
Child, nearing Teen
Grade School A Student
Completed both the Mental and Creative childhood aspirations
Will need the Rite of Ascension on her Teen birthday to become a 'Caster (Must max Programming and Logic skills, and Mischief magic)
Libra daughter Ala:
Toddler, nearing child
Fully potty trained, maxed Imagination, and at Level 4 of the other toddler skills
Matriarch Diana:  ...is kind of at loose ends for the moment. She gets a temporary reprieve from Zodiac-making because we need the remaining household slots for Mahina’s partner and children.
Just a quick reminder: Text in italics is my shorthand for Diana As Narrator :)
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