#sebastian stan fluf
lokiandbuckysdoll · 2 years
The Dress
Requested By @sarahrogersevans “ I had a smut request with the reader being with both Chris Evans and Sebastian Stan and also fluffing too afterwards with after care 😊xx if that’s an ok one???” 
Paring: Stucky x Reader
Word Count: 1K+ 
Dividers: @firefly-graphics
Warings: SMUT!, Safe Word used!, Aftercare, Fluff! ( i think that's all but let me know if i missed something)
A/n: I do not write RPF! So I made it stucky. i hope you like it.
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The moment you had left the tower for a girls night out with Nat and Wanda,  you knew when you got back you'd be in trouble by your two men.  When you were trying to figure out what to wear for the night, a certain dress in your wardrobe caught your eye.  
 You’d only ever worn this dress for special occasions, it was one of your favorites that Bucky and Steve had gifted you. You loved the silk satin material and the way it fit your figure perfectly while giving a small highlight to your chest area. 
 It also highlighted another asset to your body that Steve and Bucky loved, that's why they bought it for you in the first place. 
Whenever you did get to wear this dress it riled them up, you knew that the second you decided to wear it out tonight. You liked to tease them and get them worked up knowing the consequences that would follow.  
So girls night came and went on, you laughed, had a few drinks and danced. Nat even flirted a little with the bartender to get some free drinks. Overall it was a good girls night out just having fun and catching up with Nat and Wanda.  
As soon as your fun night ended with  the girls and you were back at the tower, that was when the real fun could begin. The elevator in the tower took you directly to your shared apartment floor. 
Right as the elevator came to a stop and the doors opened, Bukcy was quick to pull you out and corner you in the hallway that led to the bedroom.  
“ You're in trouble bunny” Bucky's voice whispers into your ear sending a chill down your spine, he pressed himself up against your backside making your front collide with Steve's broad chest. 
“Wearing this dress knowing what it does to us” his voice had a tone of authority as he lifted one of the dress straps to snap it against your skin. The action immediately making you wet.  
“ Aww stevie look, she's already getting  wet and the fun hasn’t even begun”  Bucky then began to kiss down your neck, his hands slowly moving to untie the back part of the dress. 
The action alone pulled a small moan from between your slightly parted lips, causing Steve to simply smile. His right hand moved to tilt your chin upward  “ You are in for a long night” he whispered as he inched closer to your face, admiring the look on it before placing a kiss to your lips. 
Everything happened in the blink of an eye, one moment you were caught up in a heated kiss with Steve. That you didn't even register that Bucky had  successfully removed your dress. It wasn't until Steve pulled away from the kiss and asked if you were cold he could see your nipples hardened through your bra.  
Next thing you knew you were being carried away to the bedroom. Steve laid you down on the bed and Bucky was all to be quick to help you remove your bra and panites. Just like that the fun began. 
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Steve and Bucky were both giving you punishment and pleasure at the same time. Together they over drove your body into a blissful haze. Pulling you closer and closer to your climax, then quickly stopping their actions on you and leaving you there as they pleasure each other.  
They were very attentive and soon gave you the release you needed and wanted after having you beg for it of course. They didn’t stop there though you were about to have your Third climax of the night when the pleasure became all  too much for you. 
You were currently on top of Bucky as he was thrusting in and out of you at a steady yet fast pace, Steve was behind you doing the same. One pulled out as the other thrusted in creating a rhyme. You were close but you couldn’t take it anymore because your body was getting tired. 
“ I- Stevie, jamie i- I can’t” you moaned breathlessly. Bucky unhooked his hand that was holding yours to examine your face. You locked eyes with him and said the word you thought you never would say. You said your safe word.  Steve and Bucky stop their actions immediately. 
After saying it your orgasm hit you and shocked your whole body. You fell forward shaking in Bucky's arms, not noticing how Steve had already slowly pulled out of you to lay next to you and  Bucky.  
“It’s okay, shh we got you doll” bucky carefully rubbed your back trying to gently calm you down. Steve pushed the hair that stuck your sweaty face back. “ You did so good for us” he cooed, kissing your forehead. You gave him a faint  smile trying to fully understand and comprehend what's happening while in  your orgasmic bliss.  
 Once you were fully calmed down, bucky told you he was going to pull out, you whined at the feeling. “I know,  I’m sorry” he kissed your forehead. You three laid there for a few minutes before Steve asked if you wanted to rest a little more or  have a bath.  
You opted for the bath, they carefully helped you into the water once it was ready. The warmness of the water immediately helps your sore and aching muscles. Steve sat behind you as Bucky sat in front of you.  
Silence filled the bathroom as all three of you just sat there relaxing. It wasn't until you whispered an “I'm sorry” that was barely audible if it weren't for their super soldier hearing. Steve and Bucky  both shared a look with each other, wondering why you would be sorry. 
“ What are you sorry for?” Steve questioned as he wrapped his arms around your middle and placed his chin on your exposed shoulder. You looked up into Bucky’s eyes and grabbed his Vibranium hand  as you spoke. 
“ I don’t know, I just feel like I disappointed you two because I said the safe word”  You quickly looked down in shame, but Bucky was quicker and stopped your movement to lift your chin so you could look at him.  
“ Never feel ashamed or disappointed  that you had to use a safe word during sex. Okay? Do you understand?” His eyes held a serious stare as well as his words, yet his voice came out soft spoken.  
“ Do you want to talk about what made you say it?” he asked, holding your hand  slightly tighter in his grip. You are hesitant to speak but Steve gives your shoulder a kiss as   encouragement. 
“ My body was just getting tired, and I honestly didn’t want to say it in case you’d get mad”  you don't know why but  you felt the need to cry. This time Steve kissed your cheek before he spoke. “ We made a safe word in order for all of us to feel safe with one another. Including you,  it's completely okay that you said it. ” He kissed your cheek again. 
“ We would never get mad at you, your safety is our priority” Bucky gave your hand a gentle kiss. You just hummed in response as you leaned back in Steve's embrace just enjoying the moment. They soon help you clean off and get changed into your sleepwear.    
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Once all three of you are cleaned and  are relaxing in bed, you take their hands and kiss them. “ I love you both so much” you smile. They both wrap their arms around you, Steve moves your head towards him to place a delicate kiss to your lips. Bucky does the same after him. “ we love you too, more than anything” this time you kiss them both. 
You adjust your body to snuggle up with the two loves of your life. Just as you're about to drift off into sleep Bucky speaks. “ Stevie she’s never wearing that dress out again” he smirks knowing you could still hear them. 
“Oh most definitely she's never wearing it again” You playfully elbow Bucky in his stomach and then go to hit Steve in his chest. Both of them fake as if they really got hurt  “ouch!” they say in sync. 
“ Keep talking and you won't see the lingerie set Nat helped  me pick out” you mumble already string to doze off. They both smirk. 
 “Will see about that,” Steve whispered as Him and Bucky both gave you one last kiss to your head before  pulling the covers over all three of you to sleep for the night.
Taglist: @vbecker10 @nana1000night @hannibals-favourite-meal @imyourbratzdoll @springdandelixn @missvelvetsstuff​
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bbgem329 · 10 months
Things Are Never As They Seem… Chapter Twenty Five
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Pairings—Sebastian Stan x Actress!Reader, Sebastian Stan x OFC (PR relationship)
You and Sebastian Stan have been dating privately for over two years. Everything is perfect until he is coerced into a PR relationship when he signed with a new agency to advance his career. Trouble ensues…
MINORS DNI! 18+++. Language. Fluff. HW sucks. SMUT. Oral (female receiving). PIV. Angst a little. Did I miss anything?
Series Masterlist
May 29, 2021
You caught yourself on the edge of the counter, struggling to yank your pants up.
“You okay over there?”
You laughed a little, shaking your head as you finally drew the tight mom jeans over your hips with a subtle shimmy and slipped the button into place.
“I am riding the struggle bus.” You announced, “The test shots ran late, the director is an absolute dick, I’m starving, and on top of all that for some reason I’m spotting which is really odd because I know I’m at least two weeks out from my period.”
Your boyfriend chuckled softly on the other line, “Did you miss a pill?”
“No. I never ever do.” You snatched your phone off the counter, heading in the direction of the trailer bathroom to touch up your makeup and check your hair, “I love that that is what you're focused on.”
“Baby, I’m sorry. I didn’t–”
“No.” You interjected softly, “I was teasing and honestly, I’m feeling a little hangry I mean nothing by it, seriously. I’m the one who's sorry–I’m the one who’s running late.”
He sighed, out of relief or what you weren’t sure, “Don’t even worry about that. I’m just hiding out in a guest room until you get here. And there is plenty of food, they’re getting it all out now.”
“Here. Facetime me.” A second later his facetime request came through, you immediately hit accept and propped your phone up on the counter, “How does this look?” You stepped back and did a little twirl, “What is everyone else wearing?”
Sebastian’s smirk turned flirty as his eyes trailed hungrily over your form, “You look absolutely gorgeous. The way your ass looks in those jeans…” He lifted his arms, making grabby hands at the camera, “I’m in love.”
“Thank you.” You rolled your bottom lip between your teeth, biting back a smile as you ran your fingers through your hair and fluffed your loose curls, “Are you sure the top isn’t too much?”
You fiddled with the little bow at the front of your navy blue, lacy corset top. You were going out tonight with a group of friends for his friend Tommy's birthday. You figured jeans and a nice top with a pair of heels would be good enough but you couldn’t help but feel like the top might be a little much. You’d been waiting forever to wear it and now was your chance. It made you feel sexy and confident and that was something you could use tonight if you were going to deal with Catalina.
“No, sweetheart.” He shook his head, not lifting his gaze from your chest. No doubt admiring the way the top accentuated your breasts. “You look absolutely gorgeous. You will, hands down, be the best dressed. It’s perfect—You’re perfect.”
“Thank you.”
You couldn’t stop blush that rose to the apple of your cheeks, even if your tried. The way he said it—the way he was ogling you so openly, left you no choice but to believe it was true. At times you still didn’t know how to handle the attention or to accept the compliments he gave you, more often than not you found yourself brushing it off and nudging the focus onto him.
“What are you wearing?” You giggled when he rolled his eyes at you. He knew you so well–knew exactly what you were doing, “I think it’s only fair I get a fit check after I gave you one.”
He squinted, lips pressed in a thin line but you didn’t miss the little cork at the corner of his full lips, “A fit check?”
You rolled your eyes playfully, waving your hand at him through the camera, “Just show me your outfit.”
He propped his phone on something and stepped back from the camera. You paused rummaging through your makeup bag to watch him as he, just as you had, did a little twirl for the camera.
It wasn’t even fair how gorgeous he was.
In a simple pair of light wash jeans, t-shirt, and his signature pair of white Nike air forces, he looked like sex on legs. His tattoos had been removed earlier this morning in preparation to reapply fresh ones tomorrow and his hair was pushed back with a pair of raybans.
He looked less like Tommy and more like himself like this.
Exactly how you liked him best.
You were definitely taking advantage of that tonight.
You’d go out and spend your time with your friends but tonight he would be all yours.
“Ughh.” You groaned, letting your head drop into your hands as you leaned over the bathroom counter, “Why are you so sexy?” You jutted your bottom lip out in a pout, “It’s not fair.”
“Now you know how I feel!!” He laughed loudly and warmth spread throughout your chest and belly, “It’s going to be hard to keep my eyes and hands to myself tonight.”
You frowned, a downpour of reality washing over you, “You’re going to have to keep the ruse up for the party?”
Sebastian nodded solemnly, guilt swarming in those cerulean eyes as he picked up the phone and brought it closer to his face, “Not everyone knows there. I’m sorry–”
You held a hand up, shaking your head, “Don’t apologize. It’s alright.” You gave a little shrug of your shoulders before pulling your mascara from your makeup bag, “It’s only for a couple hours. No biggie.”
He sighed softly, “I know but it still sucks. We should be able to enjoy time with our friends without all this PR bullshit.” He waved his hand, eyebrows furrowing and jaw clenching, “Without Catalina fucking with our lives.”
You knew he was right, of course, but you were over letting her control your emotions.
So what if you had to act like you weren’t absolutely in love with Sebastian at the party tonight?
So what if you couldn’t openly hang on him and kiss him?
You would get him all to yourself tonight and for the rest of your life, you were more than sure of that.
Catalina wouldn’t be around forever.
She was temporary.
That relationship was a movie and you too had a part to play.
And you’d play it well.
If only for Sebastian’s sake.
“It’s alright, seriously.” You smiled, one you hoped reassured him, “It’s only for a little bit. She won’t be around forever.”
He was quiet for a moment, studying you carefully through the camera before speaking up, “I love you, you know that?”
“I do.” You grinned, “And did you know I love you too?”
He nodded, a smile growing across his handsome face, “I do.”
“Good, now.” You finished the last of your touch-up and sprayed a little perfume on your neck and wrists, “I’m gonna go. I gotta swing and grab that cake and then I’ll be on my way to you.”
“Okay.” He blew you a kiss, “Drive safe. See you soon.”
“Time me.” And with a wink you ended the call.
As soon as you stepped through the door, you were completely bombarded. You barely had time to blink before your bag and the cake were being pulled from your hands, and then you were being drawn into a million different hugs.
“Wow.” You laughed, finally making it through the warm greetings, “Quite the welcome committee you have.”
“You’re the last to arrive.” Your friend Josie took your hand, leading you in the direction of the kitchen, “Go ahead and make a plate. Everyone else is eating throughout the living room and sunroom.”
“Momma.” A little voice called from the other room, “Momma!”
She rolled her eyes playfully, a big grin splitting across her face, “Duty calls. I’ll save you a seat.”
And with that she left you alone in the kitchen.
You weren’t super close with Josie but you’d been here enough over the last couple years to find your way around her kitchen. You snagged a plate from the cupboard and trailed over to the island like a horse to a carrot. You were starving and there were so many options spread across the counter top, you didn’t even know where to start.
Just as you leaned over to pick out a few taco shells, a pair of arms snaked around your waist and drew you back against a familiar hard body.
“Sebastian.” You chided softly, shivering as he began trailing open mouthed kisses up the side of your neck. You set your plate on the counter and halfheartedly bat his hands away, suddenly feeling weak in the knees, “You can’t just do that. Anyone could walk in…”
“You look so gorgeous, baby.” One more little kiss to the skin beneath your jaw and he was spinning you around, crushing you to his chest. “I missed so much today.”
You giggled, cheeks flaming bright pink. “You saw me this morning.”
Despite knowing you could get caught—knowing the risk, you found yourself wrapping your arms over his shoulders and rolling up on your toes to connect your lips with his for a sweet, drawn out kiss.
He groaned against your lips when your fingers tangled in the hair at the nape of his neck, giving it a deliberate tug.
You tugged again and used his following gasp to your advantage, slipping your tongue into his mouth to tangle with his own. You lost yourself in the kiss, as you always did—pressing your body closer to his, so close you could feel his heart beating against your breast.
“Get a room.”
You jolted back, practically throwing yourself across the room, as far away from Sebastian as you could get in only a few seconds.
You lifted your head to find the birthday boy standing in the entryway, a knowing smirk on his lips.
He strolled further into the room, towards Sebastian. “You’re lucky it was me that walked in.”
“Fuck off.” Your boyfriend laughed, brushing Tommy off when he threw an arm over his shoulder, “I can kiss my girlfriend when I want to.”
“Tell that to that barbie bitch out there.” He nodded his head towards the living room with a chuckle, “She’s telling everyone and anyone who will listen all about how obsessed you are with her and how it was love at first. She’s yammering complete and utter bullshit.”
You watched with a baited breath as Sebastian’s entire body went rigid, “What?”
Tommy shook his head, giving a little shrug of his shoulders as he spooned a bit more rice and beans on his plate, “She’s a real bitch that one. I’ve dealt with her for all of thirty minutes and I already want to bash my head against the wall. I can’t even imagine what it must be like for you.”
“Fuck.” Sebastian groaned, scrubbing a hand down his face, “I’m sorry, baby. I’ve gotta go deal with that.”
He shot you an apologetic smile over his shoulder and disappeared through the door.
Tommy said your name softly, “It’s good to see you. Thanks for coming.”
You smiled, “Of course. Wouldn’t miss it… Though it’s probably going to be a long night.”
“Yeah.” He grinned, pulling you into a half side hug when you came to stand next to him at the island and picked up your discarded plate, “But we’ll make it fun.” He gave your shoulder a little squeeze, eyes flashing with mirth, “Promise.”
You hid your smile behind your glass, watching as Catalina shoved herself away from the table before storming off into the restaurant.
The moment she was out of sight, it was like a weight had been lifted from everyone's shoulders and everyone relaxed.
Finally, you could breathe again.
Catalina had made everyone uncomfortable all night.
When you’d sang Tommy ‘Happy Birthday’, she had loudly and rudely announced her birthday was coming up in the next few days too, and suddenly the cake you’d bought was being held in front of her face and at the end of the song, she was blowing out the candles.
You’d been forced to watch her hang all over your boyfriend at the party and then watch her pout whenever he brushed her off—which meant she was pouting and stomping around throughout the entire event.
It was embarrassing. You’d honestly gotten second hand embarrassment just witnessing her behavior, you couldn’t even imagine what Sebastian must’ve felt all night long.
Some people’s kids. Some people’s kids.
Fortunately, only the close knit group of friends ended up going out on the party bus so Sebastian was free to be around you–to touch you and kiss you as long as you were both careful in public.
You were more than a little relieved that Josie had rented out the back patio of a restaurant to enjoy drinks away from the general public’s watchful eye.
“Sebastian.” You followed the voice to find Tommy lifting his beer from at the end of the table, “I’m so sorry you have to deal with that man.”
Your lover laughed a little, shaking his head, “You should feel sorry for me.” He scrubbed a hand down his face, “She’s much worse. Her behavior tonight was pretty typical—tame.”
“Did she leave for good?” You spoke up, eyes darting from him to the door she stormed through.
He nodded, fingers trailing over the little patch of hair on his chin. Since he didn’t have a beard at the moment, he didn’t have anything else to run his fingers over. “She got an Uber back to the house.”
“Damn.” You tsked softly, “I was hoping she’d go to her cousins again.”
Sebastian stood from his seat across the table, his expression unreadable, and walked around the table before slipping into the empty seat next to you. He took your hand in his, tugging you toward him. You plopped in his lap, his arms looping tightly around you waist to pull you back into his chest.
“Well, hello.” You smiled, turning your head to press your lips to his in a soft, short kiss. “I missed you.”
His eyes twinkled with mirth in the fairy lights hung over your head, a sly smirk tugging at the corner of his pink lips, “I’ve been right here all night.”
You playfully smacked his chest, causing him to laugh, “Shut up, you.” You relaxed back into him, head lolling back against his shoulder. He tightened his arms around you and layed a sweet kiss on your temple, “You know what I mean. It was awful not being able to touch you and–”
“Hang all over me?” Sebastian offered you, smirk growing, “I missed you too.”
“Hey.” You scowled, struggling to fight back a smile, “Don’t act like you don’t love when I hang on you—Don’t act like you don’t hang on me right back.”
“Mhmm.” He buried his face in your neck, pressing little kisses to the skin beneath your jaw, his hands trailing up down your side, squeezing your hips, “Do you want to get out of here?”
You felt heat creep up your cheek, your panties growing wetter and wetter with every touch and soft kiss to your skin, “Yeah. Take me home, handsome.”
Not even twenty minutes later you found yourself standing only in your little, lace panties at the edge of the bed. Nothing more than a trembling, needy puddle at that moment.
You wanted it so bad. Needed him so badly.
A groan rumbled through Sebastian’s chest before he buried his face in the crook of your neck, rutting his throbbing bulge harder into your ass. His hands trailed up your trembling body to grope your breasts, pausing every so often to pinch and twist your pebbled buds between his expert fingers.
“Please.” You whimpered, hips rocking desperately into his, the needy ache in your core almost unbearable. All thoughts vanished from your head, replaced by an instantaneous urgency to be filled. “Please, Sebastian.”
“It’s okay, baby.” He shushed you softly, planting one last little kiss to your flushed cheek before he stepped back. “I’m trying to take my time with you.”
A pitiful whine slipped from your bitten lips before you even had the chance to stop it. The sudden loss of his firm, warm body and the friction of his covered cock, sent you spiraling so fast you nearly cried.
Sebastian didn’t give you the opportunity to protest. A blinked and you found yourself pinned across the bed, your bare breast pressed to the cool sheets, hips digging harshly into the bottom bed frame, and your toes just barely skimming the floor.
“Just relax, honey.” He cooed, breath fanning against your lower back as his fingers hooked on the band of your panties, tugging them sensually down your legs as he dropped to his knees behind you. “I want dessert first.”
A strangled moan tore through your chest when his teeth sunk harshly into your left ass cheek and as if they had a mind of their own, your hips jolted back into his face, a fresh wave of slick dripping from your aching core and down the insides of your thighs.
You cried out when a loud smack echoed throughout the quiet room, followed by a pleasant sting radiating across the right side of your plushy behind.
Sebastian tutted softly to himself, both hands skimming up the sides of your thigh, holding you still as he dipped forward to plant a kiss on the reddening skin. “That wasn’t very nice, pretty girl… Almost knocked my teeth.”
You swallowed thickly, tilting your head to the side until your cheek rested against the bed, willing yourself to relax and surrender to his complete control. “I-,” You couldn’t see him but from the heat in his tone and way he was kneading the plush of your ass he was strung out and moments away from losing his composure. “I’m sorry.”
An amused hum rumbled up from his chest, thick fingers sliding up to dig harshly into your cheeks, pulling the jiggly flesh apart to expose your slick and shiny core to his hungry eyes, “Jesus Christ.” He gave a little delightful laugh, hot breath fanning across your cunt, causing you to clench around nothing and soft whine to tumble from your bitten lip, “You’re fucking soaked, sweetheart.”
You give a little wiggle of your hips, a futile attempt to tempt him as a wave of heat crawled up your neck and settled over the apples of your cheeks. You felt so vulnerable in that moment, in the best kind of way.
He saw you.
He always did.
And he liked it too. If the way he was on his knees for you, panting like that, fingers gripping you like you were moments away from disappearing before his very eyes, was any indication.
“Mmm.” Your core tightened in anticipation as his hot breath fanned over your wet folds, closer now, and his fingers slipped down to pull your puffy lips apart further, “Gorgeous.” He cooed softly, dipping down to press a light kiss to your clit. “Look at this perfect little pussy.”
“S-Sebastian!” You gasped out, spine arching as he planted an open mouth kiss to your swollen bud before his tongue darted out to lick a long strip up your slit. “Oh, God.” Your eyes rolled back in your head, hands scrambling for purchase in the comforter beneath you as he lapped at your slick, dragging the warm, wet muscle down to flick over your sensitive nub. “Please.”
An appreciative groan rumbled against you and molten heat tore through you, settling deep in your naval as he got to work, sucking your swollen clit into his hot, wet mouth.
“Oh.” Your hips rocked back against his face when his tongue slipped up to poke at your weeping hole, thrusting it shallowy into your velvety walls. “God—fuck. Don’t stop. Please, don’t stop.”
Sebastian moaned into you, large hands snapping up to grasp your hips, rolling you over his face and you got with the program pretty damn quick, one hand reaching back to tangle in his tousled hair as you rutted your hip back against his face.
You nearly sobbed when his tongue slipped out, returning to flick your clit, tracing intricate patterns over the swollen nerve as a finger skimmed down from your hip to circle your little hole.
“Yes. Yes. Yes.” You chanted out, slick body sliding across the cool marble with every desperate grind of your hips. “Please. Give it to me. Oh, please.”
“I love it when you beg.” Sebastian mumbled against you before his warm, wet mouth wrapped around your clit, giving it a messy and salacious kiss as he thrust two thick fingers into your pulsing hole.
“‘You’re gonna make me cum.” You gasped out, thighs beginning to tremble as the coil tightened in your naval and your vision began to swim. “Oh. Oh, god.” And then he crooked his fingers, brushing the pads of them perfectly against the spongy spot inside you. “Haah…Fuck…. Right there, Oh! Right there!”
He doubled his efforts, fingers working quicker over your g-spot, mouth sucking harder on your pulsing bud. Sebastian was always a messy eater but nothing could have ever prepared for the sounds he made as he feasted on you and how they echoed through the spacious room.
“Want you to cum on my face.” He grunted, hot tongue darting out to lick languidly and lap at your swollen bud. “Make a mess, baby. Can you do that for me? Can you cum on my tongue and fingers?”
“Yes, God, yes.”
“That’s it. Good girl.” He added another finger, thrusting them rapidly in and out of your velvety walls, curling them with each pass over that special spot. “Give it to me, gorgeous.” He panted out, voice low and thick with desperation.
Sebastian’s lips wrapped around your clit again, giving it a harsh suck as he shook his head from side to side and you shattered.
A sound you’d never made before—something between a wail and a groan, tore through your chest and the coil snapped. Your entire body tightened around his fingers, vision swarming and ears ringing as you sagged bonelessly against the bed.
He worked you through it, slipping his fingers out as his tongue dipped down to lap at the creamy slick gushing from your pulsing core, his thumb rubbing expanding circles on your oversensitive bud to prolong your mind shattering release.
“God damn, baby.” He laughed, giving your ass a delightful little smack as he rose to his feet and draped himself over your damp back, littering kisses along the side of your face and down your neck. “You did so fucking good, gorgeous.”
You mumbled incoherently, head still fuzzy and your heart thumping rapidly in your chest as you struggled to catch your breath and gather your bearings.
“The way you were humping my face—Fuck… Just about came in my pants.” He buried his face in the crook of your neck, sucking and licking at the skin there as he rolled his hips against yours. “God, do you have any idea what you do to me?”
You moaned softly in response, one hand flying back to grasp his hip, tugging at the band of his black briefs as you pressed your ass harder against his covered length.
“I gotta fuck you, baby.” He groaned, one hand swiftly drew the fabric down his thighs, freeing his thick, leaking length. “Need to be inside you so bad.”
“Fuck me.” Your plea turned into a gasp, shaking body jolting forward as he skimmed the fat of his cock through your slit, coating himself in your slick. “Please. Oh, god.”
Sebastian didn't give you any warning, grasping your hips and yanking you back as he thrust forward, burying himself fully in your warm, wet cunt, splitting you open.
You cried out, hands scrambling for purchase as your vision swam. No matter how well he prepped and stretched you beforehand, you wouldn’t ever get used to the size of him.
“Fuckkkk.” He breathed out, fingers biting harshly into the flesh of your hips as the front of his hips met the smooth skin of your ass. “Need a minute. Holy fuck.”
You wiggled impatiently, a pathetic whine spilling from your swollen lips as you struggled to fuck yourself back on his cock. Your toes were off the ground and you had nothing to steady yourself, he was in complete control.
“Impatient little thing, aren’t ya?” He chuckled, one hand remained on your hip as his other danced up your spine, leaving goosebumps in his wake. He pressed down on your upper back, forcing you harder into the sheets. “Don’t worry, baby. I’ll take care of ya.”
Your wailing moan pierced through the air when his hips snapped forward again, cock sinking up to the hilt. He sets a brutal pace, fucking you hard and fast, his heavy balls tapping your swollen clit with every deep, deliberate thrust.
“So fucking tight.” He grit out, fingers biting painfully into your hips as he pushed and pulled you with every purposeful flex of his hips, cock pistoning in and out of your warm, wet channel. “Feels so good, baby. This pretty pussy was made for me.”
Your slick, limp body slid further across the bed with every punishing thrust, incomprehensible babbles and whines spilling from your lips as your lover lost himself in your pulsing cunt.
“Who’s making you feel good?” Sebastian leaned forward to wrap an arm around your middle, angling your hips higher and you cried out, the fat head of his cock bumping the spot that made stars burst behind your eyes with every thrust. “Who’s pussy is this? Hmm?”
When you didn’t respond, he pressed his chest to your back, keeping the steady, brutal rhythm of his thrusts as his free hand slid up to wrap around your throat, “Answer me.” His lips skimmed across your upper back, pausing to sink his teeth into the smooth skin of your shoulders, his pace never faltering, “Tell me your mine. Tell me.”
“I’m yours.” You mewled out, eyes rolling back into your head as your pleasure began to crest, thighs trembling and cunt tightening around his twitching cock in waves. “I’m yours. Gonna cum. You’re gonna make me cum.”
“That’s right.” He panted out, burying his face in the crook of his neck, his entire large body covering your much smaller one as he picked up the pace, thrusts growing erotic and sloppy. “Cum for me. Need you to cum with me.”
He sounded just as wrecked, if not more so, as you were and the sight of him alone when you stole a peek at him over your shoulder, was enough to send your barreling over the edge.
His brows were furrowed in concentration, head hanging, jaw slack, and eyes clenched shut as his entire body rolled over yours. His hair was flying in every which direction, his skin was shimmering with a thin layer of sweat in the dim light, and you swore you’d never see anything more beautiful than him in that moment as he completely lost himself in the pleasure only you could provide.
A hoarse cry was his only warning before your body convulsed beneath his as you came again, walls clenching so tightly you milked him of his own orgasm. One hand held your hip in a bruising grip, the other tightening around your throat as he flexed his hips forward one last time, pressing his cock as deep as possible before emptying himself in your cunt with a breathless shout of your name.
“Fuck.” He croaked out before collapsing on you, his entire body weight pressing you harder into the pleasantly soft bed, softening cock still buried in your twitching core as you both took a minute to compose yourselves.
“Yeah.” You laughed a little, body completely boneless beneath his and your legs shaking a little, “Holy.”
“Give me a minute.” He choked out, burying his face in your back, “I’ll be ready to go again.”
You giggled breathlessly, deliberately clenching around his softened length just to hear him groan, “You better, Stan. I’m not through with you yet.”
@justlovelifeblog @inlovewith3 @buckybarnesandmarvel @sleutherclaw @snugglingbucky @perlaluna @littlewhiterose
@idontwannagomrstarkk @abihaaa14 @eclecticpatrolroadlawyer @sebsgirl71479 @getofffmydick @eccentricnos @barnesml @aira1995 @sweetwritingfanficfriend @dhoruwolfie @unaxv @nerdytif
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tuiccim · 2 months
📣 Hey! Hey! Here we go!
Is there a fic you posted that you wish had gotten a bit more attention? Share the fic, please. ❤️
Thanks so much for asking, Navy! I'm gonna throw out a few series that haven't gotten as much attention as others.
Solace- This started as a one shot and grew. It's angsty AF but also fun and funny. It features Bucky Barnes, Brian Falsworth, a love triangle, lots of feels, and even more shenanigans.
A Scarred Enigma- I know this is not as popular because it's an OC but I love the character development in it. It has Bucky Barnes, fears, feels, and goes out with a bang.
The Taming of the Sheriff- Last but not least, I love this absolutely unhinged story. Written with my friend, @weekendgothgirl and featuring our love for a Villain Reader who is a baddie with bloodlust and the psychotic relationship she pulls Lee Bodecker (played by Sebastian Stan in The Devil All the Time) into. It's full of fun!
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siriustaylorsversion · 4 months
actor/singer fics
requests are open!!
sebastian stan
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infatuated pt.1 infatuated pt.2 summary- (faceclaim -> taylor swift) reader is a singer and an actor. what it is like to shoot a movie with seb and fall in love.
taylor swift
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she has always owned my heart she has always owned my heart pt.2 she has always owned my heart pt.3 (also called isolation blues) she has always owned my heart pt.4 (also called nevermind) summary- (faceclaim -> selena gomez)basically the friendship of taylena but if it had grown to become more. the release of midnights for the reader. (requested) pt.2 -> the eras tour with taylor and everyone just freaking out.. LOTS OF FLUF pt.3 -> just a lot of fluff and taylor missing the reader pt.4 -> engagement rumours and them finally turning true
louis partridge
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my london boy summary- reader (faceclaim-> olivia rodrigo) in london, singer and part of enola holmes.
lavender haze summary- reader being known as a psycho serial dater, like taylor and people asking louis about that but him not caring. the reader is a new charecter in enola holmes 2 and they made their relationship public recently. it's basically all of rep combined with the few lyrics of lavender haze that highlight a few moments that you share privately.
timothee chalamet
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sweet nothing - smau from celebrity crushes to lovers (face claim -> gigi hadid)
gracie abrams
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obsessed summary- both the reader and gracie being big fans of each other and crushing over each other... they meet at the eras tour and then fall in love! making music about each other and basically being obsessed with each other in the best way. (requested)
go cry about it summary- a friends to lovers with gracie abrams (smau) (requested)
sadie sink
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daylight summary- just a bunch of fluff, social media (a bit) and a bunch of sweet nothings.
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sebstanaddict · 5 months
Too Good To Be True
Sebastian Stan x Reader Story
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Summary: A romantic comedy story where Sebastian Stan falls in love with reader but she is not who he thinks she is.
Against all odds, reader and Sebastian's girlfriend survived the first day of switching bodies. They finally found the reason of their switch and hoped to switch back soon. But something unexpected happened, forcing them to stay switched for longer than they like.
Pairings : Sebastian Stan x Female!Reader
Chapters : 11/20 (Might add more)
Chapter List >
Warning : slight cursing
Word count : 6.2k words
This story is inspired loosely by Sebastian's love life so it will have characters from his real life but I will not name their real names. I will only use Sebastian's real name in the story.
Chapter 11 - Spellbound
13320 Mulholland Drive, Los Angeles, California - Monday, July 10th 2023 - 6.00 am
Sunlight streamed through the curtains in the master bedroom of a castle-like house at Mulholland Drive. The light fell on a sleeping form of a girl on a sofa. The girl slept on her stomach, her cheeks planted on the sofa. She stirred as the sunlight hit her eyes and turned her body around only to find herself falling over the sofa and down onto the floor.
“Ouch!” She exclaimed out loud as her bottom hit the floor.
She immediately sat up and cursed under her breath.
“You're so pathetic.” The voice of another girl drawled from behind the sofa.
Y/n looked up and felt her heart jump as she saw her body sitting on the bed. She thought that maybe she and Aurora would somehow switch bodies again overnight, but apparently that didn't happen. Looking at her own face staring at her like she was dirt in her shoes felt eerie and weird. She sighed and decided to ignore Aurora's comment then slowly stood up.
Aurora had refused to sleep in Y/n's room in the back of the kitchen. Seeing how there were only the two of them in the house every night, they, well more like Aurora, decided that she should still sleep in her own room. But she allowed Y/n to sleep in the same room in case they overslept and Rosa and Gabriella came before Aurora had the chance to sneak into Y/n's room. So there she was that night, sleeping on Aurora's couch. There was no way they were going to sleep in the same bed. Both had agreed on it. So, being the nice girl that she was, Y/n took the couch.
“I'm going to take a shower now. Then you should too. We're leaving at 8.” Aurora commanded as she stood up.
“Yes Miss Watson.” She nodded and sighed.
Aurora went to the adjacent bathroom in the room. She also had refused to use the small bathroom next to Y/n's room and decided to use the bathroom in her own room instead. So they had to take turns to take a shower.
Y/n decided to make up Aurora's bed as she waited. Her hand fluffed up the pillows and tidied up the sheets while her mind went to yesterday.
Amore's marketing manager had shared the list of vendors they used during the gala. They managed to find out that the vendor that provided the herbal potions was called Spellbound Herb. The contact person was a woman named Isadora Vespera, who, Y/n suspected, was the gypsy woman she met. The list included a contact number and address. They had tried contacting the woman through the contact number but the number was out of reach. So they decided to visit the address provided on the list that morning.
Then her mind went to dinner last night with Sebastian and Aurora. It was awkward because both she and Aurora tried not to talk too much for fear that Sebastian would grow more suspicious of them. Seeing how they both stayed quiet most of the time, Sebastian ended up not talking much either and once they all finished their food they immediately went back home. She was rather disappointed at how it turned out but she knew with Aurora around there was no way she could actually talk much with Sebastian.
She finished making up the bed and decided to choose the clothes for her to wear. She hoped she could choose something less tight and revealing like the dress she wore to the audition yesterday. Despite having Aurora's perfect body, she still wasn't comfortable enough to show off her body. She was used to wear clothes that were more modest.
She flipped through dresses, blouses and skirts in the closet, hoping to find jeans or any kind of pants to wear, but Aurora had mostly feminine style clothing. She finally found a pair of jeans at the very back of the closet and a light blue short sleeved cotton shirt. Satisfied with what she found, she brought them both out of the closet.
“Y/n! What are you doing?!” Aurora yelled and she jumped in surprise.
Aurora had just come out of the bathroom. A towel around her body and another around her head in a turban.
“I'm sorry Miss Watson, I was just picking some clothes to wear today.” She said as she showed the jeans and shirt in her hands.
Aurora walked closer to her and as soon as she saw the clothes in her hands she shook her head.
“You are not wearing those! I have a ton of other more stylish clothes to wear and you chose these? I knew you don't have a good sense of style at all.” Aurora mocked her and her heart stung as she heard it.
“I just don't want to wear anything too revealing.” She protested.
“You have my perfect body now. There's no use covering them up! You need to dress like me!” Aurora protested as she snatched the jeans and shirt from her hands and brought them back into the closet.
Aurora rummaged through the closet and finally produced a mini yellow floral dress with spaghetti straps.
“Here, wear this!” Aurora brandished the dress into her hands and she didn't have a choice but to accept. Aurora then went back into the closet and started rummaging in it again.
“What are you doing?” She asked, her eyebrows raised.
“Looking for something for me.. well.. for you.. to wear. You know I inspected your clothes yesterday when you were knocked out. I found nothing that looks good except the blouse I wore yesterday.” Aurora replied and her heart stung again.
“Just don't make me wear anything too revealing.” She pleaded.
“I won't. With a body like yours I would want to cover it up too.” Aurora commented. She wasn't sure whether to be glad or offended with Aurora's remarks. She shook her head and decided to just ignore it and take a shower.
Despite wanting to take a shower quickly she couldn't help but study her face and body again, feeling both, in awe and jealous at the same time. Realizing that this might be the last time she would be in Aurora's perfect body, she took the time washing her face and body, enjoying having slim thighs and being able to see her waist.
When she finally got out of the bathroom Aurora was nowhere in sight. It was already half past seven. She assumed Aurora must have gone downstairs and went to her room or the kitchen so Rosa and Gabriella wouldn't be suspicious.
Aurora left a pair of sandals for her to wear and left some instructions on the dresser on how she should style her hair and put on her makeup. She sighed as she read it. Yup, Aurora really was a perfectionist.
She brushed her hair and styled her hair as close to Aurora's instructions as she could. Then she put the makeup on, following Aurora's instructions. She looked at herself in the mirror once she was finished, not feeling entirely happy with what she saw. Aurora had instructed her to wear thick makeup and dark red lipstick. She preferred to use light makeup and light pink or coral lipstick, definitely not dark red lipstick. She sighed as she stood up from the stool in front of the dresser and went downstairs.
When she arrived downstairs Aurora was in the main kitchen. She sat at a circular table by the window, drinking what seemed to be a glass of green smoothie. She wore a short sleeved dark blue dress, something that was definitely not hers. Rosa was in there as well in front of the sink, washing a blender. Neither saw her when she came in.
“Good morning, Rosa.” She greeted and walked towards Rosa. Rosa visibly jumped and turned to look at her in confusion.
“Oh, good morning Miss Watson. I.. I didn't notice you coming in.” Rosa stammered.
“Yeah, it's okay. What did you just make?” She asked, glancing at the blender in Rosa's hand.
“Oh! I was just making your usual green smoothie Miss Watson. I made extra and gave them to Y/n. I hope you don't mind.” Rosa replied, looking at her with a slight fear in her eyes.
“Oh yeah. I don't mind. Thank you Rosa.” She smiled and Rosa slowly smiled back with a slight confusion on her face.
“What do you think of it, Y/n? Is it good?” Y/n asked, turning to Aurora.
“Yes, Aurora.. I mean.. Miss Watson. It's good. Here, this is yours.” Aurora said, gesturing towards another glass full of the green smoothie in front of her.
She took a seat in front of Aurora and took a sip. It wasn't exactly her taste. She would rather have a glass of iced matcha latte. They were both green but tasted so different.
“It's good isn't it?” Aurora asked, giving her a haughty look.
“Umm.. yeah.” She swallowed hard.
“Anyway, I think we should immediately go once we finish the smoothie. I have a photoshoot for AquaChic this afternoon. We don't have much time to find that gypsy woman.” Aurora said in a low voice only Y/n could hear.
“Oh, right. Photoshoot huh?” She said, feeling dread in her stomach.
“Yeah, they have a new line of bikinis and swimsuits I have to model.” Aurora explained.
Her eyes widened at that. She was sure she couldn't model regular clothes let alone bikinis and swimsuits! She would just freeze on the spot.
“Don't worry. I'm not gonna let you do the shoot. I don't want you to embarrass me. I'm sure once we meet that gypsy woman we can switch back and you won't have to do the photoshoot.” Aurora said and she breathed a sigh of relief.
“Alright, are you done?” Aurora asked as she finished her smoothie.
“Yeah, I'm done.” She replied. She only managed to finish half a glass. She felt like she was going to throw up if she was forced to finish the rest.
“Finish it or you won't have enough energy until lunch.” Aurora reprimanded her.
“I can't. Could we just drop by somewhere and get a donut or something?” She pleaded, scrunching her nose in dislike as she glanced at the glass of smoothie in front of her.
“Are you crazy? A donut would ruin all the diet and hard work I have put in my body!” Aurora yelled.
“Y/n? Miss Watson? Is everything okay?” Rosa asked, glancing at them with her eyebrows furrowed from the main kitchen island where she was busy preparing for lunch.
“Oh yes, Rosa. Everything is fine. Don't worry. Y/n just got a little anxious over something I asked her to do.” Y/n quickly explained, giving Rosa a smile.
“Yeah, everything is fine, Rosa.” Aurora added.
“Okay.” Rosa nodded, raising her eyebrows a little and she turned her attention back on the vegetables she was cutting.
“Now finish this and let's go. No more excuses.” Aurora hissed and she sighed in defeat.
Spellbound Herb, Micheltorena St, Silver Lake, LA, California - Monday, July 10th 2023 - 8.30 am
The Spellbound Herb store was located in the Silver Lake area in East LA. It was about 15 miles away from Aurora's house. The area was a hip and trendy neighborhood, home to a diverse and eclectic community. It was no surprise that a business like Spellbound Herb would find its home there.
They passed the 101 highway and took a left turn on Silver Lake Blvd. Then Nelson took a sharp left turn, taking them to Sunset Blvd, the street where one could find trendy cafes and unique boutiques. They headed towards the northwest of it where it met Santa Monica Blvd. But that day they didn't get that far. Spellbound Herb was located at the corner of Micheltorena St, about midway from where Nelson took the sharp left turn and Santa Monica Blvd.
Nelson stopped the car at the corner of Micheltorena St and turned around to face them.
“Here we are Miss Watson, Micheltorena St.” Nelson said, gesturing his hand towards the outside.
“Thanks Nelson.” She smiled and Nelson raised his eyebrows.
“Uh.. you're welcome, Miss Watson.” He smiled back awkwardly.
“Come on.” Aurora opened the door and she nodded. They quickly got out of the car before Nelson could say anything else.
“You need to stop thanking people. It's annoying. And it's not what I usually do. You're making people confused.” Aurora protested as soon as they walked away from the car.
“It's called manners, Aurora. There's no harm in showing gratitude to other people. In fact, it can make your life easier.” She defended herself.
“No, having money can make life easier.” Aurora huffed.
“Well.. you got that right.” She sighed as she was suddenly reminded that she was officially poor.
“Hmm.. Spellbound Herb.” Aurora muttered as they continued to walk, passing two interesting boutiques.
“Aha! Here it is!” Aurora said excitedly.
They stopped in front of a purple two story building with golden awning, a gilded glass door and a large gilded window. Her eyes scanned the store. Spellbound Herb was written on the awning, the large window, the door and right above the awning in a stylish and magical cursive writing. Behind the glass window she could see a display showing the many different herbal potions bottled up in small colorful glass vials. Then her eyes stopped on a paper taped on the glass door. Her heart dropped to her stomach as she read the announcement taped on the front door.
“Temporarily Closed for 3 months until October 2023”
“What the f**k!” Aurora cursed. Her hand hit the front door in frustration.
“Now what?!” Aurora turned around and slumped on the steps in front of the store. Her hands held the sides of her head as she looked down, a frown on her face.
They finally found the reason why the gypsy woman's number couldn’t be reached and now they were stuck in each other’s body.. for three months..
The realization dawned on her and she couldn’t help but smiled a little. She was excited that she could at least experience having everything in the world for three months and not being stuck as her ugly unlucky self for a while.
“Why are you smiling?” Aurora looked up at her, her lips curled.
“I wasn’t!” She immediately removed the smile on her face and sat next to Aurora.
“I saw it. I’m sure you’re thrilled that you get to be me for the next three months while I’m stuck being you.” Aurora sneered.
“Umm.. “ She trailed, not sure how to respond.
“Anyone would be thrilled to be me. I won’t blame you for that. I mean.. I have everything a girl could ever want.” Aurora stated.
Except a good heart. She thought internally and rolled her eyes.
“Which is why I can’t let this happen much longer! We are going to find this woman now! I’m not waiting for her to come back in three months!” Aurora announced and stood up abruptly, startling her.
“How do you think we’re going to find her?” She asked as she stood up, her eyebrows furrowed.
“Let’s ask around. Maybe other store owners around here have her personal number.” Aurora suggested and she started to walk to a boutique next to it. She didn’t have a choice but to follow her.
Unfortunately the boutique next to it was still closed and the one next to it was too. They had come too early. Both boutiques weren't going to open until 12 pm.
“Now what?” She asked as they stopped in front of one of the closed boutiques.
“Well, the photoshoot for AquaChic is scheduled at 2 this afternoon at my house. I need to be there before that for preparation. My team and AquaChic people are coming at 12.” Aurora explained.
“Well, you have to cancel it then. There's no way we can switch back before that with the gypsy woman gone.” She stated.
“Yeah, I know. Let me just contact my agent and ask her to cancel.” Aurora said as she pulled out her cellphone from her purse.
She nodded, then went away from Aurora and back to the front of Spellbound Herb, hoping to find out some kind of clue on how to find the woman.
She stood in front of the door and looked inside. The inside of the store was dark but she could make out some racks inside with rows and rows of herbal potions as well as two tables with chairs surrounding them. She looked at the door again and realized underneath the store name was written in small letters an Instagram account name.
A light bulb seemed to light up in her head and she immediately pulled out her cellphone and opened Instagram and searched for the store's name. When the store's name popped up she immediately tapped on it and the store's profile came up. She immediately tapped the message button and sent a short message to the store telling them she needed urgent help. Just when she was finished sending the message Aurora walked towards her with a frown on her face.
“My agent won't let me cancel.” Aurora complained.
“What!? Why?” She asked, her heart plummeted.
“It’s too late for a cancellation, they are already preparing for the shoot. My agent said they could charge us instead if I don't show up. The only way I could cancel is if I got hospitalized or something.” Aurora shrugged.
“But.. You can't let me do the photoshoot, Miss Watson! I know nothing about modeling! I.. I can't! I would just freeze on the spot!” She pleaded.
“Why are you so pathetic? Modeling is easy! You just have to show off your beauty and your body. It's not rocket science.”
“Well.. I.. “ She stammered, her mind already imagining the shame and embarrassment she would feel wearing only a bikini in front of strangers.
“I'll teach you. Come on, let's go back home and I'll give you a crash course in modeling. I'm not letting you do the photoshoot without preparation and embarrass me.” Aurora said and she flipped her hair and turned around back towards the car.
She sighed as she reluctantly followed Aurora back to the car, dread in the pit of her stomach.
13320 Mulholland Drive, Los Angeles, California - Monday, July 10th 2023 - 1.30 pm
“Aurora, dear, what is it with you today? You look so tense. Relax!” Jenny, her hairstylist commented as she styled her hair for the photoshoot.
Once she and Aurora got back to Aurora's castle she was immediately given a crash course in modeling. She tried to absorb everything Aurora told her but when it came time to practice them, she found she wasn't really good at it.
“You're too tense. Relax your jaw, relax your face. Don't furrow your eyebrows like that.” Aurora had commanded earlier.
“But don't give that look either! You look like you're stoned.” Aurora had protested earlier.
By the time Aurora's stylist, hair stylist and AquaChic's crew came, she was still not performing as well as Aurora wanted but they had no time to continue the practice.
“I'm sorry, I'm just nervous.” She said to Jenny as she took a deep breath and tried hard to relax.
“Nervous? That's new. You know you have nothing to worry about, Aurora. Just do what you usually do.” Jenny said as she combed her long blonde hair.
“Yeah. I'll try.” She said, grimacing.
Half an hour later she stood by the pool in the backyard, wearing a golden one piece swimsuit with a matching abstract patterned sarong around her waist. She looked around and started to panic as she saw everyone staring at her while she just stood there motionless.
“Aurora, move! Do something!” Lance, AquaChic's creative director shouted from where he was standing next to the photographer.
“Okay!” She shouted back, her voice shook a little as she started to make some poses.
“You're too tense! Relax!” Lance shouted again at her as she tried to awkwardly make some poses.
Several moments later Lance stopped the shoot and walked over to her.
“Aurora, is there something wrong?” Lance asked, staring at her with his eyebrows furrowed.
“Umm.. no.. not at all. Everything is fine.” She chuckled nervously.
“Then why do you act like you're a deer that has just been hit by a car's headlight?”
“I.. umm.. “ She trailed.
“Excuse me, Lance. I'm sorry. She just had a rough morning.” Aurora suddenly stood next to them.
“Family problem, you know.” Aurora continued, making Lance raise his eyebrows.
“Well, you better get yourself together, Aurora. We have no time to waste. We're on a tight schedule.” Lance turned to her and scolded her.
“Yes, of course. I'm really sorry.” She nodded.
Lance sighed then turned around, leaving her alone with Aurora.
“Y/n. Don't ruin this for me! Try harder!” Aurora hissed.
“Okay.. okay.” She replied and took a deep breath.
It took her a while but she finally figured out how to make better poses. She decided to treat the photoshoot as if she was an actress that had a role as a model. She detached herself from the fact she was now Aurora and was a model and decided to take on a different persona. Once she was able to think of it as an acting job, she found it much easier to do the photoshoot.
“Okay, good. That's it. Put your chin up a little more Aurora. Yes. But relax those lips and don't pout.” Lance shouted at her.
There were a total of three one piece swimsuits and three bikinis she had to model. The first time she slipped on one of the bikinis she couldn't help but feel uncomfortable. It was even more uncomfortable when a person from AquaChic started slathering her body with some kind of lotion and started covering the stretch marks on her thighs with some kind of concealer.
“Is this really necessary?” She asked, her eyes widened as she looked at the person who was applying the concealer on her thighs.
“Well.. d'uh! The camera can capture a single spot on your skin Aurora. This is absolutely necessary.” The person replied.
She couldn't help but feel slightly annoyed. Here she was, having what she thought was the closest body anyone could ever have to a Barbie doll and yet people are still fussing over the stretchmarks on her thighs. It was unbelievable.
The afternoon felt so long to her but she was finally doing the shoot for the last bikini several hours later. For the last one she was instructed to lie on top of a floating bed in the pool. She was quite nervous as she slowly climbed onto the floating bed.
“Don't make sudden moves, Aurora. Just relax and lie down and you won't fall.” Lance told her and she nodded.
Once she was fully lying down on the bed, people from AquaChic slowly pushed her towards the middle of the pool and finally stopped, leaving her alone in the middle of the pool.
“Okay, Aurora! Raise your left hand up and put it gently on the bed. Put your right hand over your stomach and act like you're seeing your boyfriend and you're trying to tease him into joining you in the pool!” Lance shouted and for a second she froze as she tried to process what Lance was asking her to do.
“Okay, that's great!” Lance shouted when she finally made the look he was asking her to give and she smiled.
Just then in the corner of her eyes she saw a familiar figure. It was Sebastian!
Sebastian stood next to Y/n in the distance and looked at her. He smiled at her and waved his hand. She smiled back and waved her hand and shifted her body a little. The act ruined her balance on the floating bed and she ended up falling into the pool!
“Aurora!” Lance shouted and she immediately swam up to the surface and towards the edge of the pool. She felt her cheeks warm as she looked up and saw everyone staring at her.
Aurora was looking at her with a death stare while Sebastian tried to hide a smile as she glanced at him.
“Are you okay?” A person from AquaChic came towards her and extended his hand.
“I.. I'm fine. I'm sorry.” She stammered as she took the person's hand and slowly got out of the pool.
“I'm sorry I ruined everything.” She said, her voice shook as Lance stood in front of her.
“It's okay. I think it's probably time to shoot you in a wet condition.” Lance stated and she raised her eyebrows.
For the next hour she did something she never thought she was capable of doing. Lance asked her to pose in the pool with only half of her body showing above the pool. Her hair was left wet and her make up was touched up with waterproof make up.
“Okay, open your mouth a little. Give me a sultry look!” Lance shouted.
She tried to do just that and glanced at Sebastian who was still watching her from a distance. Her heart skipped a beat as they made eye contact and she could see him looking at her with a slight desire in his face. Then the next moment he blinked and shook his head then turned his attention to the real Aurora next to him.
She couldn't help but feel her heart dropped to her stomach as she noticed his behavior. She wondered why he kept doing that. As if he didn't want to feel like he was mesmerized by Aurora. And it wasn't the first time she caught him doing that. She wondered what was actually going on between him and Aurora and contemplated on asking Aurora about it.
Throughout the shoot she couldn't focus much as she kept glancing at Sebastian who was chatting with Aurora. Sebastian told Aurora something and Aurora smiled wide then suddenly jumped and hugged him, startling both of them. Aurora then started to jump up and down in delight making Sebastian laugh and it made her even more curious.
“Aurora! Where are you?! You're losing your focus! Look at the camera!” Lance scolded her and she blinked.
“I'm sorry.” She said and Lance just shook his head then turned his attention to the monitor in front of him.
She felt the shoot was never ending as Lance continued to shout instructions at her. Just as she felt like she was going to collapse, Lance shouted “Okay, I think we have enough. It's a wrap!”
She breathed a sigh of relief and slowly got out of the pool.
“Thank you Lance.” She said as she stopped in front of him and smiled.
Lance raised his eyebrows and just nodded, making her realize that thanking people really didn't seem to be something Aurora did often.
Just then Aurora came towards her with a towel in her hand and a huge smile on her face. Sebastian trailed along behind her.
“Here's your towel, Aurora.” Aurora said, giving the towel to her.
“Th...” She stopped as she remembered Aurora scolding her for thanking people too much.
She decided to just nod and started to dry her body and finally put the towel around her. She looked up just as she saw Sebastian staring at her body but then he blinked and quickly shook his head.
“Aurora, Sebastian has something he needs to tell you.” Aurora said as soon as she was done, smiling wide at her.
“Oh, okay. What is it, Seb?” She asked, feeling glad that she remembered to call him by his nickname.
“You got the part.” Sebastian smiled at her.
“What?!” Her eyes widened and she felt her heart soared in her chest.
“You got the part of Celeste, like I knew you would.” Sebastian continued and smiled again at her, making butterflies fly around in her stomach.
“Really?!” She exclaimed out loud.
“Yup.” He nodded.
“Oh my God! I got the part?! Thank you so much, Sebastian! I mean.. Seb!” She said quickly as she extended her hand to his and shook it, making Sebastian's eyebrows raised.
“No need to thank me. You did great. If it weren't for your great acting you wouldn't have passed it even if you're.. umm.. connected to me. Maya is very protective of this project and wants the best people in it.” Sebastian explained and released his hand from her.
She felt her heart soar even more as she digested the news.
She was finally cast in something! She was officially an actress!
“Let's go celebrate!” Aurora shouted, making them laugh.
“Yeah, we should celebrate. You guys want to go somewhere to celebrate?” Sebastian asked.
“Let's go to Venice beach!” Aurora exclaimed out loud.
“Uh.. sure. What do you think, Aurora?” Sebastian turned to her.
“Venice beach? Sure.” She nodded.
“Good.” Sebastian smiled at her again and she couldn't help but feel the butterflies flying around in her stomach again.
She continued to walk towards Aurora's room to change out of the bikini, feeling like she was in cloud nine, but suddenly the realization dawned in her that yes, she finally got cast in something but not in her own body. Even though Sebastian told her she got the part because of her great acting, she couldn't help but think that her acting alone wasn't enough. The fact she didn't pass the audition when she was in her own body proved that. No matter what people say, physical appearance mattered and that thought made her sad.
The smile on her face was immediately gone when she realized it, replaced by a frown.
“Are you okay?” Sebastian's voice traveled to her ears.
She jumped a little then looked to the side and looked up to see Sebastian staring at her with his eyebrows knitted together. She didn't realize that he was walking next to her.
“Oh! Yeah! I'm fine.” She smiled.
“Good. I would have thought you would jump up and down like Y/n did.” He chuckled. “She seemed much more enthusiastic about this than you are.”
“Oh, yeah. She could be like a child that way. You know. I mean.. not that I'm not excited and happy about it. I am. It’s just.. it hasn't sunk in yet, probably.. I mean.. it's been a long day.” She trailed, hoping what she said made sense.
“I see.” Sebastian nodded. “You did great, by the way. At the shoot. I.. umm.. you looked good.” He said, his cheeks reddened a little.
“Oh, yeah. Thank you.” She smiled, feeling her cheeks burn.
“Anyway, I better change so we can go.” She said as they finally arrived at the stairs.
“Yeah, I'll wait down here.” Sebastian nodded.
“Okay.” She smiled and he smiled back, making butterflies fly around in her stomach again.
She finally turned around and went upstairs while he turned towards the living room.
“Y/n..” Aurora suddenly appeared next to her and whispered.
“What?” She asked as she continued to climb up the stairs.
“We need to get back to Silver Lake and find that gypsy woman. If we don't switch back soon, we would still be stuck in each other's body throughout the whole filming of Pumping Black. I can't have that!” Aurora hissed as they finally arrived in her room.
“Yeah, but you suggested for us to celebrate!” She protested as she opened the door into Aurora's room.
“Yeah, I know. But we can still go back to Silver Lake after we go to Venice beach.” Aurora continued.
“Fine.” She sighed.
“One more thing. We need to agree on some of the things we say and do around other people so they won't be suspicious of us.  And we also need to figure out the whole cellphone thing. My agent noticed I sounded different. We can't still keep our own cellphones and talk to people as each other.” Aurora explained as she sat on the bed.
“Yeah. Can I change first then we talk about it? I'm dripping wet!” She protested.
“Okay. Sure. By the way, you sound more like me by the minute. That's good.” Aurora nodded and she rolled her eyes then turned around to go to the bathroom.
“Wait!” Aurora jumped off the bed and quickly went to the closet and started picking out clothes. Moments later she gave her a floral light pink short sleeved summer dress with a plunging v neck line along with a clean underpants.
“Wear this without a bra.” Aurora commanded.
“What?! No way.” She shook her head.
“A bra would ruin the look. Just do it!” Aurora insisted and she took a deep breath.
“Fine.” She grabbed the dress then walked towards the bathroom.
What a wild day indeed. She thought as she stripped off the bikini in the bathroom and dried her body with the towel.
Never in a million years did she think she would ever model bikinis and swimsuits and then get cast as Sebastian Stan's girlfriend in a movie!  All in one day!
Granted, she got them all because she was in Aurora's body, which was something that still made her somewhat sad. But she finally decided that she should enjoy it while it lasted. And she should enjoy it even more with the gypsy woman gone. She was sure it would take a while for them to finally find the woman. So she should be happy being in Aurora's body for the time being.
When she got out of the bathroom Aurora was sitting on the bed, her cellphone in hand.
“So, I think I've figured it out.” Aurora said, looking up at her.
“Figured out what?” She asked as she walked towards the dresser.
She looked at herself in the mirror and felt weird not wearing a bra, but Aurora was right, it did look good. She reached out to grab some cotton balls and makeup cleaner on the dresser and started to clean her face.
“About our cellphones.” Aurora said.
“Okay. What about them?” She asked.
“We should still keep our own cellphones with us, no need to switch them. But we should agree never to make or accept any voice or video calls. If anyone contacts us, we just reply with a text. If the person insists on talking with us, then we ask the other to accept the call. Got it?” Aurora explained.
“Okay.” She nodded. “Speaking of cellphones. I found Spellbound Herb’s Instagram account and sent a message to them earlier.”
“What?! Why didn't you tell me before?” Aurora protested, her eyes widened.
“Well, I was distracted with you giving me a crash course in modeling and then the photoshoot happened. It flew out of my mind.” She shrugged.
“Did they reply back?” Aurora asked eagerly.
“I haven't checked yet. Hold on.” She said as she stood up and went to pick up her cellphone from her purse.
“No, they haven't even read it yet.” She said after she opened her Instagram and Aurora's face fell.
“Oh, well, just keep checking back. They might respond soon. But we still need to go back to Silver Lake and ask around.” Aurora said.
“Yeah, okay.” She nodded as she returned her cellphone back to her purse and went back to cleaning her face.
“By the way, I think we can talk about other details later. Seb is waiting.” Aurora stood up.
“Right. Okay.” She said as she swept the last of the eyeliner from her eyes.
“There.” She said, smiling as she put down a cotton ball she used to clean her face onto the dresser. She felt much better wearing no makeup.
“You're not going out without makeup on.” Aurora protested as she stood up and started putting on makeup on her face.
She sighed and stayed quiet as she let Aurora do what she wanted to her face.
“There. You're all set.” Aurora smiled several minutes later and put away the blush she just applied on her cheekbones.
“Okay. Thanks.” She said as she looked at herself in the mirror.
Once again she wasn't entirely satisfied with how she looked. Just like before, Aurora chose to put thick makeup on her face and dark red lipstick on her lips, but of course she was powerless to change that.
“You need to stop..” Aurora started to say.
“Thanking people?” She finished.
“Yes! For starters, don't do that.” Aurora reminded her.
“Alright, alright.” She shrugged. "And you need to be less bossy. I mean, I'm the one who should boss you around.” She continued with a glint in her eyes.
Aurora took a deep breath. “Fine. But just don't overdo it!”
“Yeah, of course. I just don't want people to become too suspicious of us.” She said even though deep down she contemplated on overdoing it a little just to see how Aurora would cope.
“Okay. If you overdo it, there will be hell to pay. Got that?!” Aurora warned her and she just nodded.
They finally left Aurora's room that afternoon with different hopes in their minds. She hoped they wouldn't find that gypsy woman too soon. She was starting to have fun being in Aurora's body, but of course Aurora wanted the opposite.
This time it seemed the universe finally took her side and gave her what she wanted, for once in her life.
Taglist @dhoruwolfie
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johnkrrasinski · 3 years
𝙞𝙣𝙫𝙞𝙨𝙞𝙗𝙡𝙚 𝙨𝙩𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙜
Chapter 3: chains around my demons
full masterlist // series masterlist // commission open // support my work
Pairings: bucky barnes x reader
Word Count: 1,798
Summary: blessed with telepathic abilities since birth, you were captured by HYDRA and turned into one of their weapons to kill. after the blip, you were pardoned by the government and you were obliged to check up with dr. raynor everyday which you had no clue would lead you to the one soul you’d been waiting for.
Warnings: SMUT!! (18+) angst, mentions of anxiety, nightmares, murders.
A/N: this series is dedicated to the lovely @ohmickeyhenry who commissioned this story and developed the concept. thank you for trusting me with your story. i sincerely hope you like it.
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The next day, you packed up your bags and were ready to leave. You were waiting on Sam to arrive at Wakanda with the quinjet so he could fly you and Bucky back to the compound. You were a little bummed about leaving Wakanda, it had been a therapeutic experience for you and Bucky to be here. The thought of living the domestic life, in a beautiful place like Wakanda that is far away from the bustling city of New York was enticing. Sometimes you’d look at Bucky just walking around in his shirt and sweatpants doing the most mundane things instead of getting prepared for another mission and you’d think “I could get used to this.”
You thanked T’Challa, Shuri, Queen Ramonda and the Dola Milaje for everything they had done before you bid your farewell. You promised to stay in contact with Shuri and the Dora Milaje but it was still hard to leave them, they were truly the best people you had ever met. They reminded you of everything HYDRA was not. You could see why Bucky always spoke so highly of them.
Later that night, you had the compound all to yourself. Tony was having a date night with Pepper, Natasha was on a mission to Hungary, Sam was visiting his sister in Louisiana and Rhodey was dealing with some air force matters. As much as you loved the Avengers, you were grateful for this moment alone with Bucky.
The dimmed lights in the kitchen where you and Bucky just had dinner gave him an idea, “doll, get up…”
She did as he told even though she had no clue what he was planning, “for what, Bucky?”
He didn’t answer her but rather, he commanded FRIDAY to play a song called Put Your Heart on My Shoulder by Paul Anka. “Let’s dance, doll.”
He put his flesh hand on your waist and took your left hand with his vibranium arm, “I haven’t danced in ages, Buck.”
“Me neither, doll, but we’ll learn from each other,” he smiled affectionately at you.
It started off slow and you kept your eyes on each other, saying things that words can’t illustrate. It’s love, the realization of how fortunate you both were to have found each other. “I wish we could stay like this forever,” you uttered softly as you fiddled with his dog tags.
“Me too, doll. But we got each other now, I won’t let anything keep me away from you for too long.”
There was a brief silence. “Do you remember the last time you danced like this?”
“1945, Stark Expo, before I was shipped out to England. Her name was Connie and I took Steve with me because I wanted to spend it with him on my last night. I set him up with Connie’s friend but the punk just left to try to enlist in the army.”
Steve. You’d heard about him from Natasha and Tony. No one outside of the Avengers really knew where he was but you knew that he went back in time. That’s all you knew about it. You had also learned about his and Bucky’s friendship and how they really went all the way back. You were often curious about his ‘disappearance’ however you didn’t wanna pry or made Bucky feel worse. Losing a friend was always hard, let alone someone who was his only connection to his past, the life that he knew before he was forced to live out those violent years. You’d heard from Sam about how Steve was the only reason why Bucky stayed alive and how he had thought about committing suicide before. Now that he was gone, Sam often feared that Bucky would snap and give in to it but he always tried to be there for him. You were just glad that Bucky had Sam even before you were around.
“Do you… miss Steve?” you hesitantly asked as you rested your head on his chest.
“All the time,” He confessed. You were a tad relieved that Bucky wanted to open up about him to you. “He was the only family I got left, and when he went back, I felt empty. I was just lucky that Sam didn’t give up on me… And that, I met you.”
You smiled, you lifted your head to look at him. “You’re never gonna lose me. Not again,” you touched his face and he kissed you. It was soft, nothing like the kiss on your last night in Wakanda, but you could feel him pouring all the emotions and gratitude he had for you and you did just the same.
He lifted you as you wrapped his legs around his waist, still maintaining that kiss. Bucky carried you onto the dining table where you just had your dinner and he laid you there as he trailed to your throat and all the way down to your body which was now half-exposed after he lifted the hem of your shirt up until your breasts were revealed.
You weren’t wearing any bra so it was easier for him to access your nipples, he sucked on the right one as his flesh hand made its way down to your pants, unbuttoning it, and he inserted his fingers to find your clit, rubbing it in circles, making you even wetter every second. You shut your eyes, letting him have his way with your body.
His fingers and his tongue worked so magically that within seconds, he had you close to orgasm. “Bucky, so close…” You could feel his smirk against your nipple and he rubbed you faster. You moaned his name as you released all over his digits, soaking them up and he lifted his head to look into your eyes as he sucked your juices all over his hand like a fucking ice cream.
“You taste like heaven, sweetheart.” The sight of Bucky staring intensely at you as he sucked on his fingers that were drenched by your cum was euphoric, like watching a live homemade porn video. Bucky took off his sweatpants and his shirt, discarding them on the floor. Seeing him shirtless never ceased to mesmerize you, his body was a work of art. He’d told you one night that it took him a while to accept the scars on his body, let alone the bionic arm that felt nothing like a human but you told him that you loved every inch of it and if you could, you’d worship it forever.
Bucky then lifted the shirt that was still rumpled on your chest, up to your wrists, where he used it as a makeshift knot, keeping your hands above your head, “stay there, understand?”
“Yes, sergeant.” You had no idea what sparked that nickname, but from the way he grinned, he sure loved it and if he loved it, then you were sure to use that in future steamy sessions.
“Sergeant, huh? You’re in big trouble, darling.” Bucky tore your damp panties and you gasped, not expecting him to be so aggressive… Not that you were complaining though. “Bucky…”
“Shh, let me take care of you, baby.” He kissed you ferociously, with his tongue completely dominating your mouth. Without any warning, his middle finger intruded your body… But it was an entirely different feeling from the last time he did that to you because he was using his vibranium arm and the sensation instantly took over your body, running in your veins like that serum in his blood.
“Oh God, Buck…” You whined as you looked down to where his finger was moving in and out of you at a slow pace.
“Does it feel good?” He asked as he kept looking at your face, searching for any signs of discomfort but with each motion, you only seemed to enjoy it.
“Yes, it feels fucking amazing… Don’t stop, please.”
He began to move his digits faster, and when your wails grew louder, he inserted another finger and you arched your back. “Fuck, oh God…” Bucky curled his fingers to brush your sweet spot, pushing you to the edge and you cum for the second time all over his vibranium hand.
“You’re so hot when you cum,” he whispered in a gravelly low voice that could weaken any woman in the knees. He pulled his fingers out of you and he used your juices to stroke his member to make it easier to slide into you.
Bucky lifted your legs onto his shoulders and he lined his cock to your entrance, slowly as he felt your walls fluttered around him. “Fuck, you’re so tight.” Bucky began moving, he was taking his time with your body, wanting to feel every inch of you and you of him, and you whimpered with every thrust. He felt so heavy between your hips that you could feel your orgasm approaching fast, even with the languid pace.
“I’m not gonna last long…” You said in between whimpers.
“I know, doll. Just let go when you’re ready, okay?” He began to speed up, his grunts and the sound of your skin slapping was obscene, making you nearly forget you were fucking in the place where the Avengers would feast (if they found out what you did on this table, Tony would hire a cleaning service company to scrub the entire surface thrice.)
The coil in your lower abdomen tightened and you knew you were seconds away from rupturing. A few more thrusts and you hit your peak. Bucky kept holding your hips tightly and he continued to pound into you, prolonging your orgasm as he chased his own climax. Your body trembled from the aftershocks but from the way Bucky was impaling you, you could feel a fourth orgasm coming and you didn’t know if you could take it anymore.
He felt you squeezing his cock once again and you both came together, pleasure washed over both of you. He shot his load inside you, painting your walls white. A few more shallow thrusts to blow every drop he had left within him. He stayed inside you as he hid his face between your neck and your shoulder, the warmth of his body on top of you was comforting despite the sweat all over your body.
Bucky lifted his head to look at you and sweep the strands of hair sticking on your forehead, “you okay?” he panted. You could only respond by nodding, not moving because of the weight of him still between your legs and how completely spent you were.
Once he had regained his composure, he retreated himself out of you and he carried you in bridal style to your room, wanting nothing else than to take care of you with a hot bath and forehead kisses under the duvet.
tags; @ohmickeyhenry @suitofvibraniumarmor @themaddies-obx @themaddies-obx @beminetokeep @bluemoon-icecream @bluemoon-icecream @harprs @thefridgeismybestie @abitofeverythingg @wolfonthemoonwatchestvshows @julimelodi @bookscoffeandotherstuff @tanyaherondale @artisancowbells @ferxaniti @intothesoul @hallecarey1 @buckybarnesplumwhore @thefallenbibliophilequote @andiyholly @emizla @capxwinter @jevans2 @alwaysreadingimagineschick @swtltlmrvlgrl @extremelyblackandwhite
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subwaysurf45 · 3 years
Winter Makes Ice (Ep.6)
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Summary:  you’re captured after a brawl at the Avengers building, Bucky and others must save you before Hydra makes a new Winter Soldier out of you, Bucky has given up that title.
Words: 3k.
Episode: six
Warnings: angst, crying
Masterlist! Winter Makes Ice Episode: Five
Time: 10:11pm
Date: October 4th, 2024
Bucky finally left your medical room after everyone cleared out. His heart rate was way too fast for his liking and he knew he needed a second, this issue wouldn’t be fixed overnight and he knew what was coming. As he walked to your shared room everyone looked at him, there was no real reason but they watched anyway. The feeling burned into his back, the hair on the back of his neck stood at attention until he turned the corner. 
The moment he walked in and shut the door, Bucky threw himself back against it for support. His eyes squeezed so tight it burned and his chest moved rapidly with his breathes. Knees bent and he was curled up on the floor, though no one was in the room to see him he still covered his face as he cried, he was still getting used to being able to show himself crying. Little pleads to no one came out as whimpers as Bucky struggled to catch his breath, he was rocking back and forth but not really getting anywhere. 
“Please…let her be okay…” he cried to the ceiling. 
All Bucky could see was the way your face fell and your body became rigid at the sound of a command, you were such a carefree spirit that seeing you fight back against your own mind when following rules hurt Bucky. He’d never seen anything like this when he was at Hydra, he was used to the brainwashing and the large machines but Hydra got so good they could fit years of tourture into a little syringe. Bucky was either kept in a cell or put under ice, he couldn’t image what it was like to be suspended by your neck for hours on end; medical staff said the bruising indicate a total of over twenty four hours suspended. 
Part of him, selfishly, wanted you to keep thinking that it was still only one day since you were kidnapped, he didn’t want you to remember what had happened to you. It was selfish and, to him, unethical to wish someone to forget a new main point in their life but he wanted you to be somewhat okay. But since you were disoriented now he knew that meant it would all come back slowly, most likely over nightmares and triggers. Simply from the way he saw your face fill with sadness when he’d wake you up in the middle of the night to tell you he had a nightmare, Bucky knew he’d be destroyed if he ever saw you deal with a nightmare, getting triggered and nightmares were the one thing Bucky never wished on his worst enemy, they were unbearable. 
He needed to make the room feel safe, you’d probably stay in here for a while and slowly get used to the rest of the compound. Bucky changed the sheets and got you comfy clothes ready on the bed, it was one of his old sweaters and some loose shorts. He got the bathroom tidy because he’d get you in the shower whenever you’d wake up and come to the room, your hair care bottles were full and didn’t need to be tipped upside down. 
Near the end of his cleaning session he found a polaroid on your side of the dresser, it was one Wanda took on movie night. You had just labeled yourself a couple and told the rest of the team so the both of you had begun to show a little more PDA, Bucky remembered he was still hesitant but you’d warmed up to the idea. You’d kiss him on the cheek as you walked past him in the kitchen and pull him in for a hug whenever, you were a sucker for PDA and it always made you so flustered when Bucky would kiss the top of your head. You’d lose control and just cover your face to try and hide the smile, you’d feel the blush even if you couldn’t see it. Bucky would always try and see your face, he’d pull at your hands and coo softly to see his ‘pretty girl’ which would make you a goner. So when Wanda held her polaroid camera in front of you two Bucky knew he wanted to do something special, as she counted down Bucky got ready for his little surprise. As she hit one Bucky turned his head and kissed you cheek, holding his lips there to make sure it got in the photo. 
When the photo developed you swooned over it, your face was completely shocked, the camera caught your mouth hung wide open and your eyes wide. Bucky just smiled with a little pride as he watched you run your finger over the picture in love, when you tucked it in your phone case for now Bucky kissed the top of your head and turned back to the movie. 
Bucky placed the picture back on the dresser before getting the door because there was a knock that kicked him out of the memory. He opened it to see Steve with you in a wheelchair, you looked stressed until you saw Bucky. 
“See, he's right there, don’t worry.” Steve said before wheeling you in and handing you over to Bucky, “she’s really jumpy and thinks everything is fake, anything is going to freak her out.” Steve whispered in the exchange, Bucky looked at you with a nod, you didn’t hear them. After a hug, Steve left, the door to your room closed so softly no noise came out. 
“Hey, pretty girl,” Bucky waked around so he could kneel in front of you, “what’s going on?” you still looked like a deer in headlights.
“I don't- I’m still- I can’t really-” your hand came to touch your neck, a something to soothe yourself. 
“Sh-sh-sh, it’s okay, don’t freak out,” Bucky hushed before wheeling you into the bathroom, “we’re gonna give you a shower and then cuddle for a bit- or do you want food first?” Bucky leaned over to make eye contact with you, he fished for a granola bar in his back pocket and pulled it out. 
“I could eat,” you nodded and looked forward again, “I-I haven’t eaten in...ten days…” you muttered and rubbed your hand up and down your forearm. 
“You know what day it is?” Bucky asked and got a hum in response, he came around and sat on the toilet to match your level. “You need help eating?” Bucky asked so softly, his voice went up a few octaves. 
“I-y-yeah, I think I do…'msorry…” Your eyes became a little glossy. 
“Don’t worry,” Bucky hushed and quickly opened the snack, “I’m gonna be here for you all the time, and I want to be, okay?” He held out the bar for you to bite, you barely got any but it was still enough to make you feel sick. 
“All I’ve had is fluid food, I can’t stomach this,” you rested a bruised hand on your stomach. Bucky nodded and tried to get you to eat a little more, it worked until you were dry heaving over the toilet that Bucky was sitting on. As Bucky took off your hospital robe as you told him the bits you remembered from your captivity, parts had come back when you were sedated but there were still major gaps in your story. 
The water was running and both of you waited for it to warm up, “wanna join?” You asked as Bucky stood in his normal clothes, grey sweatpants and a navy blue shirt. 
“You sure?” He asked cautiously, “I’m gonna wash your hair and all that, but I can do that from outside the shower if you want some space.” Bucky eased, but when you nodded he got undressed as well. 
You stepped in first and almost collapsed at how calming it felt, the water pellets massaging your sore back and legs. Bucky let you hold his shoulders as you just swayed back and forth to let the water hit everywhere on your backside, he would kiss the back of your hand from time to time to let you know he was here because your eyes were closed. You tilted your head all the way back so the water hit your face, eyes squinted for a second before getting used to it. 
Bucky just took in that you were home, he’d spent all his time going from place to place in order to find you, he didn’t give himself time to breathe in between each trip. Bucky knew he would’ve felt guilty if he gave one day to rest during the mission to find you, he would have blamed everything on himself. Even though he still does blame it on himself Bucky knows he never gave up during those times which meant he could’ve found you sooner; that was a hard pill to swallow. 
The shower floor was beginning to turn dark red, the mud and blood were swirling together which made a very stark contrast between it and the while tile floor. It was a shower with a door but the panel was frosted, it made it seem like this was the only thing happening in the world right then. Time seemed to stop when he was in here with you, you’d taken showers together before but not for the same reason, Bucky never thought he’d have to deal with this. There wasn’t a light in the shower itself so the only light came through the frost panel, it was darker than normal and it seemed you both liked it. It was more intimate, Bucky didn’t even realize he was edging closer to you. His hand found its way to your hips and that did startle you, you squeezed his shoulders and kept your head tilted back to the showerhead. 
“I love you,” Bucky whispered, his fingers linking as he wrapped his arms all the way around you. He was met with your eyes as you looked down, now the water was hitting the back of your head. “Thank you for not dying, I-I don’t know what I would do without you.” He reached up to cup your cheek. 
Your lip quivered as you studied the man before you, he seemed freaked out that you were crying. “Do you remember the night I got taken?” your voice was thick with tears, “you yelled you loved me and I said-” you gasped as you tried to take a breath in, Bucky quickly eased you to a normal breathing rate, “I said I’d tell you I love you after all this would be done, I said we’d be okay…” you looked off to the tiled wall to try and hide your tears, “I never said I love you, I never got the chance, and I’m so sorry-!” You lunged forward with a yell-like sob, your arms wrapping around his neck as you cried hard into him. Little sounds were coming from you as you tried to talk but the lack of air and control you had over yourself didn’t let you form a syllable. Your back ridged outward as your dirty nails clawed at his back, trying to get closer even though you were already as close as possible. “I remembered it when I woke up, I needed to find you to tell you, I needed-I need-”
“It’s okay,” Bucky whispered through your slightly wet and clumpy hair, his hand cupping the back of your head which made your hair more tangled. “I always know you love me, It’s okay.” His other hand rubbed hard against your back, almost trying to push everything out of you, it wasn’t aggressive but rather soothing. “And you're right, we are going to be okay, doll.” His lips ghosted against the shell of your ear. 
You pulled your chest away, your eyes looking between his, “I’m not okay,” you cried, “how can I be? I’m missing part of my nose!” you screamed, your voice cracked as the bruise shifted on your neck. 
“It will grow back, it will be okay,” he looked down to your nose, it wasn’t sliced at the bridge but rather the bulb, it was all cartilage and if it didn’t grow back then it would be an easy job to fix. 
He stood there with you as you cried on his shoulder, he was silently thanking Tony for the great facility because anywhere else would have left them with cold water at that this point. Though your knees were shaking and buckling he held your body weight and kept you up so you, every so often he’d whisper something in your ear but for the most part he let you cry it all out. You’d do this to him so many times, you had told him once when Bucky was crying over a very scary mission that ‘you shouldn’t stop someone from crying when they’re upset like you wouldn’t stop someone from laughing when they're happy’. You needed to let go of those emotions at that time and Bucky learned to be okay with that. 
Soon enough he was scrubbing deep into your hair as he talked about all the things he could think of to keep your mind off the elephant in the room, he’d focus on your hair but then quickly look at your face to make sure you were okay. Sometimes he’d catch you looking and quickly plant a kiss on your forehead. His fingers tangled in your hair and the suds fell down the side of your face, none got in your eyes because they had fluttered shut from the relaxation. 
The water shut off and Bucky helped you dry off, he was gentle with the towel as he rubbed all around your body, when he dried himself he’d go hard and really uncoordinated but with you he treated you like glass. You were swaddled in your comfy clothes and Bucky stood beside you as you put on some moisturizer, he’d look between your reflection and you to make sure nothing was going wrong, a hand hovered over your back just to be safe. 
“You wanna try eating?” He asked softly before kissing your temple.
You just nodded, your head stayed tilted down as you followed him out of the bathroom. Bucky didn’t think people would be in the kitchen and they weren’t. As Bucky made you a sandwich Nat had walked in just to say hi and to tell you she was so happy you came back, Nat placed a little kiss on the crown of your head; that was unheard of from her. 
Sam made an appearance, his eyes were misty and his nose was a little red. “I’m sorry I wasn’t there to help, Fury needed help with another mission but it ended up falling through and- I’m just really sorry I couldn’t be there for you, honestly.” Sam rubbed your back as you nodded. 
“It’s okay, I forgive you, I was never really mad.” You shrugged and Sam gave one last farewell before heading into his room for the night. 
As you ate your food, Bruce came into the kitchen. Bucky just wanted you to have some space but was shocked when Banner called for him. “Barnes,” Bruce’s voice startled you a bit. 
Bucky followed Bruce around the hall so you were out of earshot. “I know a way to get this serum out of her,” was what he started with. Bucky just looked at him like he was crazy, “we tested her blood and it seemed her body is rejecting a bit, it hasn’t really connected like the super soldier serum has with you and Steve, these are completely different compounds in her case.” Bruce leaned over to make sure she wasn’t listening, “my lab is making an antidote that will be given to her once in pill form, she’ll be down for a day but the antidote will fight off this serum,” Banner smiled. 
“What are the risks?” Bucky whispered even though you weren’t listening. 
“A really intense cold, and maybe...y’know...it might not work, that’s a thing.” Bruce shrugged, “but it will work, I’m very confident.” Bruce looked off to the side, “oh!” something had popped into his mind, “I can also get her nose filled, while she was sedated we looked and because her body is fighting against the serum we found the decaying has slowed.” 
Bucky took a deep breath before nodding, “run it by her tomorrow, she needs some time.” the two of them shook hands and went their separate ways, Bucky made his way back to the kitchen counter to see a sandwich with three bites taken out of it. “How are we doing over here?” Bucky's hand felt along your back as he sat down. 
“I can’t finish it, I’m sorry,” You said softly, you pushed the plate towards him. 
“That’s alright, let’s go to bed, yeah?” Bucky eased you up and walked you to the bedroom again. 
It took a while to get you rested but once your breath steadied Bucky shifted and put your head on his bare chest, he just wanted to watch you for a bit. As much as he wanted to give you space he couldn’t imagine leaving your side for a second, he knew it might bug you but he didn’t care. You were his girl and needed to help you when you were down, he was going to pull your weight when you couldn’t because he couldn’t count how many times you’d done it for him. 
A tear rolled down his cheek and he rubbed his back, “I’m so sorry,” he whispered, “I should have done better, I shouldn’t have run out when you told me to, I should have stayed and fought all of them when they attacked, I-I,” he pulled his breath back to make sure he wasn’t waking you up, “I’m the reason this happened, and I’ll do better,” he kissed the top of your head, his eyes squeezed so tight some tears managed to get out, “I promise.”
Winter Makes Ice tag list: @small-death-and-codeine​ @commonintrest​ @buckyys-doll​  @lil-baby-nor @wafflesncream​
let me know if you want a tag!!!
I’ve never hit a milestone on here before but I want to know what you want to see for some type of 100 follower oneshot, I’m down for anything. If you want to send a prompt or idea just put it here or send it as an ask or direct message me, anything works. 
Thank you for being here, thank you for reading. There will probably be two or three more episodes so look out for that!
-Rambo <3
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jobean12-blog · 4 years
Top Shelf: Chapter 7- Love Lines & Soul Finds
Pairing: Bucky x reader (Bookstore/bartender AU)
Word Count: 2,966
Summary: You and Bucky go on your first date, make some plans and share much more than just your time. 
Author’s Note: So, I’ve been thinking about this story a lot lately and I realize that it really is just a love story. There is nothing new or revolutionary about it, just two people falling in love in my favorite city. I know it’s slow moving but I’m so thankful for those of you that have been reading and sticking with me. I really appreciate it because believe me I have read and continue to read some really fucking incredible series out there that were and are so exciting and amazing in every way. People are so damn talented! Thank you again! Also, Gallow Green, Attaboy (the bar Bucky works at) and Harbs are all real places in NYC that I’ve been too and I can’t wait to go again ❤ Thank you all for reading, all my love❤❤❤
Warnings: fluff, super corny sweet Bucky, first date excitement, tiny angst (super tiny), Bucky to the rescue, implied sexy times, lots of kisses as usual :) 
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Previous Chapters 
Chapter 1: Enchantment 
Chapter 2: Cookie Crumble
Chapter 3: Sweet Anticipation
Chapter 4: Read Between the Limes
Chapter 5: Secrets on the Shelf
Chapter 6: Love Between the Covers
The rest of your day goes by quickly. Nat comes over to help you pick out your date night outfit as you both gush over your evenings “Do you think it’s bad that I can’t wait to see him again and I just saw him a few hours ago?” you ask, chewing on your bottom lip as you stare at her. With a scoff she throws a new dress at you, “try this on and stop it. You’re obviously head over heels for him and from what you tell me and what I saw he feels the same. Enjoy yourself.”
You shimmy into the dress, pulling at the hem and waist before twirling to face Nat, “yes?” She claps her hands and gives you thumbs up, “perfect, you look amazing.” Once your hair and makeup are finished you text Bucky to let him know you’ll be leaving soon. Nat walks out with you and you each hail a cab. “Have fun with Sam tonight!” you chime, giving her a wink. She rolls her eyes but can’t hide her smile, “thanks, I know he’s going to be working at the bar but I’m just excited to hang out again.” Pulling her in for a hug you tell her, “I so get it.”
When you reach the bookshop, you hop out of the cab, thanking and tipping the driver and all but skipping to the door. The bell chimes when you walk in, your eyes searching the front of the store for Bucky. He’s no where to be seen so you head to the reading nook at the back, your eyes lighting up when you find a single rose laying on the cushion with a note attached. “I’m still wearing the smile you gave me.”
“Oh Bucky,” you say into the silence, bringing the flower up to your nose. You hear his footsteps approach and turn to see him walking down the aisle toward you. You launch yourself into his arms, rose in hand and kiss him. “Thank you, thank you, it’s so beautiful.” “Not as beautiful as you. You look incredible, he states, kissing you again, this time letting his hands wander over your waist and hips. Any other words you had planned to say are silenced by his mouth on yours, the kiss quickly heating up.
He pulls away to breathe, his fingers twirling into your hair. “What time are out reservations?” you ask, failing to hide the want in your voice. “In like 20 minutes,” he pouts, “and it’s so nice out I figured we could walk there since it’s close.” Brushing your lips to his you ask, “does that mean we need to leave now?” Bucky gives you a small nod and squeezes your hand. “Ok. I’ve really been looking forward to this, so we better leave now before we don’t,” you say with a wink.
“I have too, let’s go!” Bucky agrees with one last kiss. The two of you walk hand in hand down the street, the city alive with the excitement over the change in weather, summer on the way. “I love this city,” you whisper into the wind, smiling at Bucky. “Me too, y/n. Even more so now,” he adds, watching you dip your head with a blush. He stops you in the middle of the street, pulling you in a for a sweet kiss, “mmmm definitely like it more now.”
He starts walking again, bringing your hand up to his lips as you practically float next to him. “Here we are,” he says, motioning to a sweet little spot tucked away in Chelsea. “I’ve never been here before!” you say with excitement. “Just wait until you see the outdoor seating in the back.” Smiling like an idiot you greet the hostess and follow her to the back, your breath catching as you take in the intimate seating area surrounded beautiful greenery and soft lighting. “Here are your menus, your waiter will be with you right away, welcome to Gallow Green.”
“Oh, Bucky! It’s so perfect!” you quietly squeal, looking around. “I had a feeling you would love it here, I’m glad it was a surprise, I was worried you might have been before.” Shaking your head, no you reach out to grab his hand, “thank you. This is already the best first date I’ve ever had.” Bucky’s smile widens and his eyes crinkle and you fall a little harder, hoping you don’t have actual hearts in your eyes.
“I’m so glad, doll. I know we did things a little backwards, but I want you to know I intended to take you out properly and all.” Instead of blushing at his own implication he says it with confidence, his eyes darkening as you hum and brush your foot up his leg. “Oh, it was worth it,” you assure him. Letting out a low growl only you can hear, he replies, “so worth it.”
The waiter comes over and neither of you notice until he clears his throat and smiles, asking if you would like drinks and to hear the specials. You order some drinks and Bucky recommends some appetizers. The conversation flows as easily as ever, Bucky asking you questions about your childhood and telling you more about his and the adventures with his grandparents. You learn that he spent many of his younger years with them, the bond they have extremely special and strong.
“So, I’m named after him, my mother knew it would make him so happy. Everyone calls me Bucky instead of James so no one gets confused, but I think we could have handled it.” He laughs, clearly caught up in a memory. You don’t push, giving his hand a reassuring squeeze while you give him the moment. “Grandpa would have loved you, you know,” he says, voice strained with emotion. Before you can answer he continues, “and grandma won’t stop asking when you’re coming over for dinner.”
You get up, Bucky’s brows furrowing in confusion until you circle your arm around his neck and sit in his lap, kissing him firmly before whispering in his ear, “thank you.” He hums against your lips, securing you against his chest as you two continue to whisper to each other, drawing the eyes of the other patrons.
Noticing the waiter approaching with your tray of food you reluctantly get up and sit back in your seat, Bucky’s eyes twinkling with amusement as the waiter smiles at you both. “Enjoy your meal, if you need anything just let me know.” Thanking him you dig in, tasting everything and loving it! “The food is so good!” you say through a mouthful. Bucky gives you a wink, taking a forkful off his plate and holding it up to you, “here, try this.” He brings the fork to your mouth, gently feeding you the bite, his eyes bright as he watches you chew. “WOW,” is all you manage to say.
The rest of dinner is a whirlwind of delicious food, perfect conversation, and soft touches. When you leave the restaurant Bucky throws his arm around your shoulder and pulls you close to his side, “want to have some really amazing dessert before heading back? I know a great place nearby.” You smile up at him, crooking your finger so he leans down for a kiss. “I bet I know where you’re going to take me,” you say against his mouth.
“Try me,” he counters, nuzzling his nose to yours. “HARBS!” you shout, maybe a little too loudly but you don’t really care. “OK FINE, you’re right!” he says, with a playful roll of his eyes.  You come to a dead stop, standing still on the sidewalk, and looking at Bucky wide eyed. “Bucky, what am I going to get?!?! A slice of the Queen of cake or one of the Strawberry cake!?!?! I can’t eat two, they are huge!”
It takes Bucky a moment to realize you’ve stopped walking because you’re unsure of what slice of cake to get at Harbs. He laughs, jogging back to you and snaking his arm around your waist, “how about we get a slice of each and we can share them, this way you can have both!” Giggling into his neck you say, “oh yea, that makes sense.” He brushes his fingers along your jaw, gently drawing your eyes to his, “it does, doesn’t it.”
You smile up at him for the 100th time that evening and Bucky can feel those familiar words pile up, settling right on the tip of his tongue, both weightless and heavy. He recognizes the look in your eyes because it’s reflected in his own and before he can think on it any more he opens his mouth only to be interrupted by a loud, “hey asshole, watch where you’re goin’, can’t ya see I’m walking here.”
Bucky instinctively wraps his arms around you and blocks your body with his which makes you laugh into his shoulder. “I thought you grew up in this city, Bucky? Aren’t you used to this crap?” you ask him, eyes alight with laughter. His shoulders drop and he lets out a breath, “I did! I am, I was just…distracted,” he says, a light blush tinting his cheeks.
“He did kind of ruin our moment, huh?” Standing on your toes you leave a trail of kisses along his neck and jaw, effectively changing the mood. “Ready for some dessert?” you say before kissing his lips.  “Like hell I am, maybe we should get it to go?” Twirling and pulling him by the hand you look over your shoulder with a sly smile, “I thought you’d never ask.”
The next day…
Monday morning hits you like a ton of bricks, the lack of sleep and previous nights fun catching up to you. Bucky left early, allowing you time to get ready for work and time for him to get home before opening the store. Even with the heaviness of the day you feel like you’re floating on air, your thoughts never far from Bucky and the perfect weekend you had.
“Nat, I swear. It was the perfect date. I feel like this can’t be real.” You walk and talk, making your way toward the building. “He’s too good to be true!” Nat chuckles in your ear, “I know what you mean, but he’s very real.” With a dreamy sigh you nod in agreement even though she can’t see you. “I bet you look like one of those walking hearts for eyes emoji’s right now,” she laughs, never one to stop teasing you. “Whatever, Nat! You’re gonna be right where I am before you know it. I can tell you really like Sam.” She doesn’t deny it, but you can feel her smile through the phone. “Whatever you say, y/n. Have a good day.”
Ending your call, you head into work, seeing that Bucky had sent you a text while you were talking to Nat. ‘Miss you already, doll❤ .’ You crash your phone to your chest, stopping dead in your tracks and doing a small happy dance. “Happy Monday to you too,” your coworker laughs, “someone must have had a good weekend.” You smile brightly and say, “something like that,” before walking to your desk.
You don’t get to see Bucky the for the next couple of days, work, errands, and life in general keeping you busy. He texts you every morning when he first wakes up and you two are in touch throughout the day. By the time Thursday rolls around you’re sick of work and decide you’re going to cut out early and visit him at the bookshop.
When you walk in you notice he’s speaking to someone, but you can’t quite see who it is behind his large frame. Your footsteps alert them both and Bucky turns to you, his face lighting up as he jogs over and crushes you to his chest. “Hi,” he whispers into your hair. “I’m gonna kiss you now even though my grandma is watching, I’ve been waiting all week!” You don’t get a chance to argue, his lips crashing to yours in a light but sweet kiss.
He grudgingly pulls away and walks you over to his grandma, her happiness at seeing you nearly mirroring his. “So good to see you again, y/n,” she says as she gives you a hug. “It’s lovely to see you too Betty!” With a twinkle in her eye she looks you both over, “Bucky and I were just talking about you, weren’t we? When are you available to come over for dinner?” Leaning into Bucky, you say, “what about Sunday?” “That sounds perfect and would you bring some of those delicious cookies you made?” Bucky agrees, “oh yes! And you should probably make an extra batch just for me!” Poking his side, you happily say “yes,” giving Betty one more hug as she explains she must leave so she isn’t late for her mahjong game.
As soon as his grandma is out of sight Bucky pulls you into the small room behind the counter, backing you against the wall, “I really hope we don’t get any customers.” You dip your fingers into his jeans and pull his body flush to yours, kissing him soundly. Your make out session is interrupted by the chime of the bell over the door, the loud chatter of a group of people cutting through the moment. “Shit, shit, shit,” Bucky whines.
Plastering on his best sales smile he walks out and greets the customers, quickly pointing them in the right direction. “Let me know if you need anything else.” You sneak out from behind the counter and pretend as if you’re searching for a book. “Excuse me sir, could you help me find something.” Bucky’s eyes darken as he stalks toward you. “Did you just call me sir?” he all but growls into your ear. You give his hair a little tug, a cheeky grin on your face as you say, “maybe I did.”
Right before he gets the chance to steal a few more kisses the people emerge from the aisle, books in hand. “I guess I have to go check them out,” he sighs, giving you a quick peck before doing just that. He finishes up, glancing at his watch, “we close in a half hour then I have a shift at the bar.” You wrap your arms around his neck, “are you working this weekend too?” He runs his hands over your ass and gives it a light squeeze, “Friday and Saturday again.”
“Well, maybe I’ll just have to come hang out at the bar. You know keep you company while you work. I could bring Nat; she’ll want to see Sam I’m sure.” Bucky kisses you, “that sounds,” another kiss, “perfect,” more kisses. “Mmm great, I’ll see you tomorrow night then.” After a few more heated moments you part, Bucky walking you out and waiting while you grab a cab.
No sooner does your ass hit the seat of the car that your phone pings, ‘can’t wait until tomorrow night😍.’ Your bubbly laugh is uncontrollable as you text him back, ‘me either,’ quickly opening Nat’s message and asking her if she wants to go to the bar with you.
Friday night…
“What do you think Nat?” you ask, as usual looking to her for advice on your outfit. “I love it and the color is amazing on you.” Touching up your lip gloss you smile at her in the mirror’s reflection, grabbing your bag with a “let’s go!”
The bar is packed and you text Bucky to let him know you’re there. In less than a minute, Sam is outside, greeting Nat with a sweet kiss and giving you a hug, “come on ladies, right this way.” Nat looks back at you and mouths, “nice,” as you move past the line.
As soon as you walk in you search for Bucky. You don’t see him behind the bar but continue following Sam to the other end, two open bar stools waiting for you. “Bucky’s grabbing something from the back but I can get you started,” Sam says smoothly. Nat tells him to make whatever he thinks you’ll like and Sam grins, kissing her cheek before moving behind the bar.
While you wait for your drinks and Bucky you and Nat gush over how cute Sam is. “Omg, I’m so excited. He seems so nice. And he has a great ass,” you laugh watching as Nat enthusiastically agrees. Just as you’re about to say something about Bucky a warm arm slides around your shoulders. The hairs on your arm stand up but not for a good reason as you turn your head and come face to face with a man you have never seen before.
“Can I help you,” you ask, tone unfriendly as you move out from under his arm. “Can I buy you a drink beautiful,” he asks, stepping into your personal space. “NO, thank you,” you say firmly, once again moving away from him. “Aw come on baby, you can’t tell me you didn’t come here looking for a good time tonight.” Your nose wrinkles in disgust, your mouth opening to tell him off.
“Hey buddy, didn’t you hear her when she said no thank you.” Now that’s a voice you recognize, spinning to see Bucky standing right behind you, his arms folded over his chest and his jaw clenched. “Who asked you, asshole,” the guy shoots back, clearly not taking a hint. “My boyfriend did, actually,” you say, wrapping your arms around Bucky’s middle and glaring at the guy. The guy scoffs, rolling his eyes and walking off while mumbling under his breath. You look up at Bucky, his eyes soft as he asks, “did you just call me your boyfriend?”
@aesthetical-bucky @buckys-broody-muffin @bugsbucky @book-dragon-13 @devynsdiary @eurynome827 @hiddles-rose @hailmary-yramliah @ikaris-whore @itsunclebucky @jhangelface0523 @jewelofwinter @jewels2876 @loricameback @littledarlinhavefaithinme @littleredstarfish @mushyjellybeans @marvelgirl7 @metal-armed-cuddly-dork @marvelandotherfandomimagines @nano--raptor @randomfandompenguin @nerdypinupcrystal @scarletsoldierrr @sallycanwait68 @softpeachbarnes @the-wayward-robot @when-the-hell-is-bucky @flyawaybaybay @throwmyheartawayagain​ @amandatar-06​ @nd1998sc​ @captainchrisstan​ @vherriepie​ @godofplumsandthunder​ @fire-flv​ @jamesbarnesappreciationclub​ @irishflutiegirl​ @rinthehufflepuff​ @moonybarnes​ @nordlysinthewoods​ @hawksmagnolia​
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daydreaming-nerd · 4 years
Moon River (Bucky Barnes x Reader)
Summary: Bucky has a nightmare and the reader hears him and comes to take care of him the only way she can think of.
Warnings: Nightmare, bucky has a panic attack, shy bucky, friends to lovers, tooth rotting fluff, like guys the end is so fluffy I can’t let me tell you this a feel good story. 
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an: here’s an old draft I’ve been saving for a rainy day. It’s inspired by Moon River from Breakfast at Tiffany’s! Here’s the inspo for this whole fic. 
It was just another night at the tower. My bare feet padded across the cold hardwood floor towards the kitchen to fill up my water cup. As I was waiting for my glass to fill I looked out at the city lights. Most people prefer mountains and valleys but I’ve always preferred the twinkling lights on the black sky. 
As if on queue I heard a scream coming from one of the rooms. A scream that was so loud I could feel it go through my ears and down my spine causing my body to shudder.
I ran as fast as I could towards the rooms. It didn’t take me long to realize it was coming from Bucky’s room. When I threw open the door I expected at least a dozen intruders and one very injured Bucky, but instead I found him thrashing around in his bed screaming so loud his throat must feel like sand paper. 
I ran over to him and immediately tried to wake him up.
“Bucky! Bucky wake up!” I screamed shaking his shoulders. “BUCKY WAKE UP ITS JUST A DREAM!” I yelled at the top of my lungs.
All of the sudden he woke up and before I could even ask him if he was okay he started to panic. Shaking and crying he latched onto me burying his head in my chest. His rapid breaths hitting the neckline of my tank top. 
I would be completely lying if it said I knew exactly what to do in this situation. I had never talked to Bucky before now. If it wasn’t for my close friendship with Steve I’m sure he wouldn’t even know my name. Never the less we were practically strangers, yet here he sat clinging to me like I was the first human he had seen in ten years. I thought hard and fast about what always relaxes me. I started by lying down on my back so he was lying on top of me. Immediately after my brain ran to a song from my favorite move and I figured there was no way I could make it any worse. As I begun to sing I ran my hand up and down his back in a soothing manner. 
Moon river, wider than a mile
I'm crossing you in style some day.
Oh, dream maker, you heart breaker
Wherever you're goin', I'm goin' your way
Two drifters, off to see the world
There's such a lot of world to see.
We're after the same rainbow's end, waitin' 'round the bend
My huckleberry friend, moon river, and me...
Almost as soon as it had all started it ended. Bucky sat fast asleep on top of me and I didn’t dare move. I would get up earlier in the morning to avoid the awkwardness. 
When I woke up the next morning I totally missed my mark. I sat in an empty bed where Bucky used to be. I sighed and walked out into the kitchen. There he was at the stove making scrambled eggs. My favorite mug was sitting on the counter filled with coffee. 
“Hi” Bucky said shyly turning around to put his eggs on a plate.
“Hi,” I said back. 
“I uh- I made you some coffee,” he said nodding towards my mug immediately casting his head down as if I were about to disapprove of the gesture.
“Thank you,” I said sitting down with it.
A silence ensued. Both of us knew what had happened last night but neither of us wanted to say anything. I wanted to tell him it was okay and that my heart went out to him. That he could always come to me. But the fact that we were still technically strangers silenced me. 
“I’m sorry,” he said.
“Don’t be it happens to everyone,” I said.
“Not as frequently though,” he said sadly.
“Well don’t be ashamed, I know you don’t really know me but I’m always here for you if you need it,” 
“Thank you,” he said with a small smile.
I have to admit part of me hoped he would want to see me again.
The next time I heard from Bucky Barnes was when I got back from my run to find pink peonies sitting on my nightstand with a note scribbled in his handwriting.
I’m sorry again...thank you y/n.
I immediately changed and walked to the gym where I saw him training before I left. He has just finished up and was leaving.
“Thank you for the flowers,” I said.
“Oh-oh you’re welcome,” he said bashfully a red tint coming to his cheeks.
“I had to know,” I started “How did you know pink peonies were my favorite?” 
“I uh- I asked Steve,” He said scratching the back of his neck “Sorry thats probably really creepy” he added embarrassed. 
“No it’s not creepy, it’s sweet,” I said with a smile before walking towards the showers.
“Hey y/n can I ask you something?” Bucky said.
“Yes of course,”
“What was that song last night?” He said
“It’s called Moon River, it’s from my favorite movie Breakfast At Tiffany’s” I replied.
“Moon river,” he repeated to himself “I’ll remember that” he said walking towards his room.
I didn’t hear from Bucky for three days after that. I had assumed that all was well until one night I was woken up by F.R.I.D.A.Y around 4am 
“Miss l/n, it appears Mr. Barnes is in a high amount of distress. He is requesting your presence in his room.” 
I threw off my covers and ran straight to his room. When I got there I expected to see him in the middle of another bad dream but instead he just sat straight up on his bed still semi tucked into the covers wearing only an old pair of sweats. He let out a sniffle and when I sat down next to him I could tell that he had not slept since the last time I spoke to him. 
I reached my hand out to cup his face and he leaned into my touch and looked at me with the saddest eyes in the world. I got up and sat on his lap and pulled him into my chest thinking I could hug all the sad out of him. 
“What happened?” I asked running a hand through his hair.
“I thought I could just listen to the song and it would put me to sleep that way I wouldn’t bother you. But it’s not the same if you don’t sing it to me,” He said wrapping his arms around me to keep me put. 
“Come here,” I said lying down just like I did the first night and began singing to him.
When I was sure he was sound asleep I tried to wiggle out of his grasp so he could sleep more soundly. I almost succeeded when I felt Bucky stir.
“Please don’t go,” he said half asleep.
If there was one thing I couldn’t say no to it was Bucky Barnes.
So I climbed back into his bed and he instantly wrapped his arm around me only to rip it away.
“What’s wrong Buck?” I said.
“My metal arm. I don’t wanna hurt you,” he said sadly already turning around to face away from me.
“You won’t hurt me Buck I promise,” I said grabbing his metal arm and pulling him towards me again. 
He didn’t protest he just rolled back over and wrapped his metal arm around me. The vibranium was cold but I didn’t mind because it reminded me that Bucky was with me. 
I woke up the next morning with the light of the sun on my face. I could hear Bucky’s steady breathing behind me. I peaked behind me to find he was still asleep.
I started getting out of bed only to have his hand clench around my waist. I giggled to myself and slowly pried his hand off getting out of bed. I stopped to look at him. He was so peaceful, this way despite the small look of disapproval that had subconsciously took over his face when I wiggled away from his grasp. I tip toed into the kitchen to start making breakfast. 
I was on my last Mickey Mouse shaped pancake when I heard a familiar voice.
“I feel like I should be the one making you breakfast,” Bucky said walking towards the plate of bacon next to me and the stove. 
“You had a rough night last night, and besides I felt like making Mickey pancakes,” I replied.
I put a plate together and handed it to him.
“Thanks doll,” he said blushing.
He sat down at the counter and all of the sudden the name he had just given me had sunk in leaving butterflies in my stomach.
“Doll?” I questioned.
“I’m uh... I’m sorry it slipped,” He said getting flustered. 
“Don’t be sorry I liked it,” I smiled setting down my plate across from his. 
I started eating a piece of bacon and then he got his courage to speak again.
“This is really good,” he started “Thank you again”
“Don’t mention it, I’d never pass up the opportunity to make Mickey pancakes. Disney is kinda my thing,” 
“I remember when Snow White came out, Bambi too. I always liked Bambi better.” he said before taking another bite.
“Bambi is one of my favorite’s as well. You know when you go to an art gallery and look at a painting and try to imagine the world inside of it and the story inside that world? That’s what I think watching Bambi is like.” I said.
“I never thought of it like that,” he said.
We both shoved another enormous bite on our mouths
“You know, I’ve never actually seen Breakfast At Tiffany’s,” he confessed.  
“It’s an older movie, not as old as you, but old” I joked.
“Ouch,” he smiled.
“Don’t worry Barnes, you look pretty good for an old man,” I said with a wink putting my plate in the sink and walking towards my room. “8 o’clock tonight” 
“8 o’clock tonight for what?” he asked.
“Watching Breakfast At Tiffany’s of course!”
From that night forward I had fallen head over heels for the soldier. Something about him just pulled me in and made me feel safe, made me feel like I had come home after being gone for years. We did everything together but Bucky was still shy with me at times. Never really opening up just always there beside me. The team made fun of him calling him my shadow. I never faulted him for it though. He might’ve been the one to always come find me and ask me what I was up to but in reality I was the one always hoping he would. Most nights he could make it through without needing me to save him from a nightmare but whenever he did I was always there to sing Moon River to him.
Two months passed and another one of my birthdays had arrived faster than I wanted it to. I was never a fan of birthdays. For me the whole experience was terribly awkward. Which would explain as to why I never let the team know. 
I had gone most of the day being able to avoid everyone just in case, but I knew at some point a certain soldier would be knocking at my door and honestly I didn’t mind.
When that quiet little knock finally did come though I told him to come in. He walked in holding a box wrapped in yesterdays newspaper.
“Happy Birthday doll,” he said  sitting down on the bed next to me handing me the box.
“Oh Bucky you shouldn’t have” I said giving him a hug. 
“Natasha said I should’ve used prettier wrapping paper but I didn’t even know how to wrap a present let alone how to make it pretty and I really hope that’s okay-” he rambled.
“shhhh Bucky I love it already,” I said starting to tear the newspaper off. 
Once I got all the paper off I opened the package and inside was a silver box shaped like a heart. 
“Oh Bucky it’s-”
“I wanted to give you something from Tiffany but I couldn’t afford it,”He said sadly. “So I did the next best thing,” he said insinuating for me to open the box.
I lifted the silver lid and music started to play. It was a music box, a music box that played Moon River. The inside of the lid was engraved, it said ‘For my best girl’ 
Tears started to fill my eyes. I couldn’t believe how beautiful it was.
“What is it doll? Do you not like it?” Bucky said anxiously.
“In all my years, no ones ever given me such a beautiful and thoughtful gift. Bucky I absolutely love it,” I said letting a few tears fall down my face. 
“y/n, I love you,” He blurted out.
“Bucky I-” 
“Wait that’s not on my script,” he started “y/n I love you. I love how you can never make regular pancakes because you think it’s a waste of batter to not make them look like Mickey Mouse. I love how you make me feel like I’m the only person in the world. I love how I miss you even when you’re just down the hall. I love how you help me understand technology without being condescending. I love how soft your skin is and how you always smell like vanilla and strawberries. I love how calm your voice is and how beautiful you look when the sunrises and you’re still asleep. I love how you always feel like home to me even when I haven’t felt that feeling since 1945. I love how two months ago when you heard me screaming you came in and took care of me even though you didn’t even know me. And I just- I love you! And I know I don’t deserve you and I know you must think I’m a fool, but I couldn’t hold it in any longer.” he said.
“Bucky, I love you too.” I smiled
“You do?” he asked stunned at my response. 
“Of course I do! How could I not?” I laughed 
“You’re not just saying this to make me happy right?”
“No Bucky I really do love you,” I beamed.
“Can I kiss you?” He asked.
“You better!”
Without another word he grabbed the back of my neck and connected our lips. It was everything I ever wanted it to be. He was soft and gentle, every word he said to me came to life in that kiss as his lips moved against mine. Before things got too heated we pulled apart.
“You’re mine?” He said pressing his forehead to mine smiling. 
“All yours Barnes,” I said sealing my promise with a kiss.
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go-river-flows · 4 years
Only for a moment
Sebastian Stan x reader
I was so damn nervous, I’ve never met a celebrity before and I could see my friend, River, who was a volunteer egging me on and giving me a thumbs up. Why did she have to be so convincing. I mentally cursed her as she gave a sly smile before mouthing “he’s coming” which made me even more nervous.
River had given me her money as well so that she could also get an autograph, she was still on her shift so she couldn’t just abandon her post and get it herself. I was seething; I wasn’t angry that I was about to meet my idol but that I have to wait in line which makes me even more nervous and the anticipation was killing me, and I feel like I’m about to have a panic attack.      “He’s gonna be here in one minute,” I heard from behind me. River.      “I am gonna kill you…why-”      “Everyone, have your money ready to hand to the staff, and no pushing,” River announced, people who had been sitting on the floor stood up and prepared their money, scooting in closer. She gave a cheeky smirk and gave directions.
I could see him from where I was standing and I got even more nervous.      “Oh my god, oh my god…” I could hear the girl in front of me mumble, you and me, both sister.
The line was going down quickly and by the time I knew it I was next.      “I have money for two,” I explained to the staff member, he nodded and I picked out two images from the different piles of photos of Sebastian, passing it to the staff and he passed it on. I looked up to see Sebastian looking right at me and smile before signing the two images, I couldn’t help but look at his hand as he signed them, just missing what he said.      “Sorry? I blanked,” I glanced up, locking eyes with him.      “I asked “for a friend?”,” Sebastian chuckled.
 I couldn’t help but blush and stammered out “Um yeah, she’s a volunteer, just over there,” I turned to point River out. River was directing someone forward who seemed to causing her trouble, she turned to our direction, smiled and rubbed the back of her neck and gave a little nervous wave. I turned back to see Sebastian return a small wave as he handed me the images.      “Nice meeting you.”      “Thank you,” I thanked as I left. I approached River with a glare and handed her the signed image, she pulled a tight lipped smile and gave me quick hug.      “Thank you boo, I’ll see you at 5,” she pat my shoulder. I shook my head in annoyance as I left.
I met up with River in front of the pub that we were supposed to meet at.
    “After you left to do whatever it is that you do, I was guiding the line to the last people who were there and closed up the line, and I was called over by Callum, that member of staff and he asked me to help count up the money. Sebastian was still there, we were just talking then he asked for your’s and my names, picked up two photos and signed them with our names on them,” she pulled out the two images and handed one to me, He even wrote messages. Free of charge.”
to (Y/N)
Sorry? I blanked.
I couldn’t help but smile. In fact, I couldn’t stop smiling for the rest of the evening, I didn’t even hear what River said next (“Mine was “Your friend’s hot”, what was your message?”).
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buckysgoldenheart · 5 years
Zero Days Since Our Last Disaster: Part 6
Summary: What happens when the guy you slept with two nights ago shows up where you least expect?
Words: 1384
Warnings: Probably cursing; eventual smut I’m sure; questionable overall writing decisions.
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Part 6:
The Next Day
“Pietro, please,” You begged, “please tell me you did not invite him here.”
Pietro placed a hand on your shoulder and thinned his lips. “Of course, I didn’t, Y/N. Not a chance in hell I would do that to you. He was already at the airport when he called me to let me know he was in town and asked for a ride.”
You sighed, your shoulders dropping as you exhaled. “And where is he now?” You asked, looking around Pietro and Wanda’s apartment. You felt like, at any moment, Jake would pop out and shock you into an early grave; one that you actually might welcome after seeing him for the first time since he crushed you into bits and pieces.
“He said he was going to meet up with an old friend for lunch and go see a movie. Shouldn’t be back for at least and hr.”
“Ok.” You nodded. “Do you mind if I use the restroom? I really need to splash my face with some water.
Wanda stepped forward and rubbed your back soothingly. “Of course, Sweetie. Just breathe.” Yea, you hadn’t been very good at that the last few days.
You were in the bathroom for all of five minutes and somehow that was just enough time for the devil to make his entrance. Drying your face, you heard voices trying to whisper through the thin walls.
“You need to leave,” you heard Wanda quietly threaten. “Now.”
Then the voice you tried to block from your mind for the past year rang in your ears. Your face paled in the full-length mirror before you. “What the fuck, guys. What is going on?”
“You were supposed to be out for longer.”
“Well, I’m not. Can I go to my room and change now?” Jake huffed, annoyed, as his footsteps started to thump down the hall, closer and closer to passing the bathroom you were in. But then they stopped. You were inches apart with only a door between you and you held a hand over your mouth to muffle your breathing in case he could hear, but then you remembered, the light was on and the water was running in the sink.
You couldn’t see, but Jake turned back to Pietro and Wanda with a curious look. “Is someone here?”
“N-No.” Wanda tried, but you knew she did not succeed in fooling him, and you yelped behind your hand when the doorknob began to twist and jiggle. Thank God you had locked it, but that didn’t stop the loud banging on the door that followed.
“Open up, Y/N!” Shit, you thought.
“Jake, stop!” Pietro yelled.
“Fuck off, Piet. Mind you own business. Y/N! Come out, now!”
He would not go away, that you knew. He was too stubborn. And though you didn’t feel much courage, you managed to reach a shaky hand out and turn the lock, but the second he heard the click, Jake burst into the bathroom, angry and red-faced. “There you are.”
He took a deep breath, running his fingers through the same light brown locks you used to. “Long time no see, baby.”
“Just sit down, Y/N!”
“No!” You ripped your hand from Jake’s and tried to step away, but failed, tripping on the corner of the carpet. Jake grabbed you before you fell on your ass and pulled you close. “Get off!”
“Sit down!”
You pushed away from him and, to your surprise, he let go. “No!”
“Y/N,” You heard Pietro start. His voice was the calmest of all, watching, with his sister to his left, his friends and the chaos between them. “Maybe you should just—”
“Pietro!” Wanda yelled, turning to her brother with a slap on the shoulder.
“Can I just talk to you for one second? Alone?” Pietro’s blue eyes pleaded.
You looked at your blond friend and relented with a huff. “Fine,” You said, then followed him to his bedroom, leaving Jake with a furious, glaring Wanda.
“You should listen to him.”
“Pietro, no. It’s Jake for God’s sake, why would I?”
Pietro put his hands on your upper arms and held your gaze. “Because, then it will be over with. Done. Finished. No more. That’s what you want, isn’t it? Him gone. Then, you can finally put this all behind you and start fresh,” He paused, “maybe with this Bucky guy.”
“Bucky?” Your eyes blew wide at the name falling from Pietro’s lips. “Wanda told you?”
He chuckled. “You’re seriously asking that? Just trust me. Wanda and I won’t let him hurt you again. Be brave…for yourself.”
You sat there on your friends’ blue leather couch, arms crossed, and eyes fixated on the orange, chevron-patterned rug. Jake’s words were fading in and out; you only processed a second of what he would say before it became too much and your brain started to fuzz.
“…She was a total bitch, babe...
“…I shouldn’t have left you…
“…was total commitment phobe, you know me…
“…I’m different…”
“…I can love you this time around…”
Those last words were the ones to snap you out of the haze. This time around. “What?” You finally looked at him. “This time around?”
“And what about last time?”
Jake groaned and rubbed his face. “Look, Y/N—”
“You told me you loved me.”
“What the fuck!” You yelled, standing and shoving him in the chest until he stumbled. “What the actual fuck, Jake!”
“You told me you loved me first, what the fuck was I supposed to say?” He yelled back; his arms wide in question.
“Not that! Not if you didn’t.”
Jake was stunned silent for the first time in your presence, but long enough for you to turn for the door. “I’m done.”
“Tell Wanda and Pietro I left. And do not try to contact me ever again!”
The phone rang and rang in your ear as you stood outside the front of the apartment building and you practically jumped out of your skin waiting for him to pick up. Finally, he did, on the last ring.
Immediately, his voice soothed you. You stopped fidgeting in place and took the first deep breath since you left Wanda and Pietro’s. Then, you broke and sobbed. “Bucky…”
“Where are you? I’m coming. Just tell me where you are and stay put.”
You told Bucky you were at the nearest empty coffee shop, then quickly rushed to it. You sat in the corner, staring at your coffee so deeply that you missed Bucky run past the front door to the shop then quickly back track.
Your eyes shot up when the little bell dinged, and Bucky hurried to you. When he reached you, pulled you up and into his arms, you cried again, this time into his shoulder, just after you spent the better portion of a half hour trying to compose yourself.
He stoked your hair as you tucked your face into the crook of his neck to inhale his scent. “C’mon, sweetheart. Wanna come to my place?”
You only nodded.
“So, this was what you had to deal with?” Bucky asked as he handed you a cup of your favorite brand of coffee that he just happened to favor himself. He sat beside you and rubbed one of the legs you had tucked up into yourself. “Did you not think I would understand?”
“I don’t know. I wasn’t sure.”
Bucky untucked your legs and swung them over this lap, stroking along your thigh. It felt good, you realized; his comforting touch. “I’ve had a bad ex or two. And you shouldn’t feel bad about him leaving you like a coward. That’s the worst decision he could have made.”
You smiled slightly and took a sip.
“Can I ask, though?” For the first time, Bucky looked away and focused on his hands on your skin. “Do you want to get back together with him?”
Quickly, you sat further up at the unexpected question. “Bucky, no. No way.” You slipped your legs off him and crawled closer until you could turn his face to yours. His eyes were sad again, not seeming to believe you; the bright blue a bit dull, which you hated. “I swear, Bucky,” You said firmly.
He inhaled, exhaled, nodded and smiled.
Then, you kissed him.
tags: @dugan365 @moonlightimagination @pietrotheavenger @marvel-fanfiction @agentsinstorybrooke @dani-si @wintersoldier98 @then-there-was-me-emily @prxttybirdz @xceafh @jazzwoman897 @fandoms-who @meganwinchester1999 @ufffg @debra77 @rebelliouscat @anise-d-castle6 @projectxhappiness @buckybarnesappreciationsociety @lowkeysebby @stringgeek13 @notmyfault404 @jjamesbbarness @stangirl4eva @guera31 @sophiatomlinson23 @thisismysecrethappyplace @hiddles-rose @mywinterwolf @picapicapicassobaby @lokilvrr 
@wordacadabra @alexaduke @the-nargles-made-me-do-it @jhangelface0523 @hadesgirl1015 @the-wayward-robot @just-add-butter @yourpotatotwiceremooved @courtmr @purrrcrastination 
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evanstanwrites · 5 years
pairing: Clay Appuzzo X OFC (Kelly)
A/N: this fluffy fic was requested by @bucky-barnes-protecter 
A/N: co writer: @pawfect-melody
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It was Kelly's first day at Goldie's, the goal was to be singing there but she had to prove herself first. So she started out as a waitress, serving and cleaning the tables by day. She didn't really like it but she wanted to sing so badly. Once the doors of Goldie's closed she didn't care and she sang while she swept the floor of the stage, thinking that nobody could hear her. Most of her coworkers were working in the backroom or those who where cleaning with her were wearing headphones.
Her coworkers didn’t really care what she was doing, they minded their own business or just rudely ignored her. She had left her hometown to for the opportunity to work here and maybe later sing, it was her big dream to finally be able and sing on stage for people. she had left her friends and family for this but now she was wondering if the lonely feeling was worth it.
Days went by without something special happening till one day a not so unknown stranger entered Goldie's. 
Everyone knew his name, knew what he looked like and that he was one of the best comedians to grace the earth. 
Clay Appuzzo.
She saw him the moment he stepped a foot through the door, he was gorgeous and she was captivated by him the moment his soft eyes met hers. His sparkling blue eyes held hers till he found a spot to sit at one of the tables closest to the exit. It was one of her tables. So she picked up her rag and made her way over to his table. She quickly cleaned his table before standing tall, give him one of her biggest smiles and started to talk: 
"good afternoon and welcome to Goldie's, what can I get you Sir?" 
“just a beer sweetheart.” he said with a sweet smile
Kelly gives a soft giggle at his use of a pet name as she fixes her glasses on top of her nose. She was enthralled by him already.
“one beer coming right up.” she said trying not to show she was blushing and made her way back to the bar to put up his order. 
“Clay’s watching you.” Peter one of the bartenders said.
she looked over her shoulder but failed at doing it discreetly, Clay was indeed watching her and once he saw her looking back at him he gave her a small wave. 
little did she know he was also captivated with her maybe even more. he wanted to get to know her, to know everything there was to know about her. maybe it was the way she looked, shoulder length brown hair with purple strands in it, blue eyes behind glasses and soft thick thighs or the way she smiled at him. he didn’t know but what he did know was that he suddenly had a reason to come down here more.
Clay comes back to Goldie’s almost every day during Kelly’s shift, sits at one of her tables and watches her work for the rest of the night. 
they didn’t talk much but he felt like he already knew her. he knows she left her hometown, friends and family to work and sing here, he also knew she didn’t really get along with her coworkers. He fell for her and was sure he was head over heels for her. but he never acted on his feelings for her, he didn’t know how she felt and he wasn’t ready to be rejected by her. so he kept quiet and kept admiring her from afar.
things had also changed for Kelly, one night while cleaning with her usual singing her boss stood there watching and listening.
“You have a good voice girl, I can see now I should have allowed you to sing from the start. you’ll sing the pre comedian show from now on.” he said as a matter of factly and walked back into his office without even waiting for a response from her. 
the comedian show was always the biggest event of the week so the bar was always packed that day. Singing for the preshow was an amazing opportunity. 
She finally got what she wanted, she was finally singing on the stage of Goldie’s with a big audience. but there was one thing missing, she still felt an emptiness deep inside her heart, Clay. 
Clay hasn’t shown up at Goldie’s for a little over a week. she missed him, his smile, his laugh, the way he talked and listened to her. 
she needed him here, it was her first night singing and she wanted to share this experience with him, she wanted him to help calm her nerves. in one of their short talks he told her he was always nervous before a gig. but she had to focus on something different so she wouldn’t fuck up. She took a deep breath in and out before she walked out on the stage, everyone was quiet and looking at her making her even more nervous. She didn’t have time to act on it because the music to her song had already started.
Can anybody hear me
Or am I talking to myself
My mind is running empty
In the search for someone else
Who doesn't look right through me
Clay walked inside of Goldie’s after almost a week not showing up, he was avoiding this place, avoiding Kelly. he was afraid that the moment he would see her he would just blurt out that he  was in love with her so he chickened out and took the cowards way. Now coming back to Goldie’s he was sure, he was going to tell her how he felt. once he was inside he was met with an angel like voice, Kelly’s voice. she was finally up on that stage like she wanted. seeing her up there he felt like he was falling even more in love with her. but she looked sad and when he listened closely to her song he could feel it, she really felt lonely.
I'm deafened by the silence
Is it something that I've done
I know that there are millions
I can't be the only one who's so disconnected
It's so different in my head
Can anybody tell me why
I'm lonely like a satellite?
It felt amazing standing on stage, yes everyone was still looking at her but this time it was with a different look on their face. they enjoyed it, they enjoyed her singing. 
maybe over time she could fill the emptiness in her heart like this, if she really tried her best. maybe she could get over Clay, because she lost almost all hope in seeing him again..
So tonight I'm calling all astronauts
All the lonely people that the world forgot
If you hear my voice, come pick me up
Are you out there?
'Cause you're all I've got
Kelly hadn’t fully ended her sentence when she felt arms wrapping around her. she wanted to scream but before she could she heard a familiar voice whisper in her ear:
“I’m here sweetheart, you’re not alone. you got me if you’ll have me?”
knowing who’s voice it was she turned around in the embrace and finally after more than a whole week she looked back into those sparkling blue eyes.
“Clay? you’re back?” she whispered
“I’m sorry sweetheart, I was scared.”
“of what? you can tell me anything.” she said placing one of her hands on his cheek. that was all the encouragement he needed to close the gap between them and finally kiss her forgetting about the audience they had that all stood applauding them.
Please don’t forget to like, comment or reblog
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not-sebastian-stan · 6 years
Bucky Barnes:
I’m here ANGST? A reader is a person that hydra used to calm the winter soldier was uncontrollable. And now that are about to be reunited.
Pinned against the wall ANGST! Bucky comes home to the most heartbreaking thing he could imagine like his nightmares just came true. Not only does he find his wife dead, but he also goes to watch the tape of his wife being murdered.
Project 107 After hydra let you go because you got useless he comes to finish his mission. But who is he? Why do you know him? Why is he in your nightmares?
Ramen FLUFF Bucky and the reader are both chefs of different restaurants. But they meet each other at 3 am at the ramen section in the grocery store.
Stuck in the middle ANGST? FLUFF part 2 FLUFF Everytime that Bucky gets frozen he sees her. The love of his life. But will he ever find her outside of their little world?
Birthday Boy FLUFF ALL OVER Bucky comes into the bar where the reader is working for his birthday. And he won’t leave until she promises that she will go to Mac Donalds with him.
Being Bucky’s girlfriend in the 1940′s would include FLUFF
Moving ANGST? You come to your neighbour's room every night to help him with his nightmares until he shuts you out.
Bootylicious FLUFF The friendship between the Reader and Bucky is filled with flirting and compliments. But what happens when Bucky decides that just being friends is not enough for him?
Sebastian Stan:
Christmas Tree FLUFF The reader is Sebastian’s roommate. And surprises him when he comes home on Christmas
Blind date FLUFF Your friend Chris sets you and an unknown man up for a blind date. Will he be an asshole like the other 86,6% of people on blind dates or does he belong in the 13,4% of people that aren’t assholes?
My King part 1 FLUFF part 2 FLUFF ANGST? King Chris gives the reader, his personal servant, away to King Sebastian. For multiple reasons. DISCONTINUED
Dating Sebastian Stan would include FLUFF
Coffee for ‘ Hottie ‘? FLUFF Reader works in a coffee shop. KInd of a boring job, but she loves it! Then, when a handsome man asks for some coffee, her thoughts about his looks get up public.
Soulmates FLUFF (soulmate AU) You have been on 26 dates, and still, you haven’t found your soulmate. Maybe you will find him in a corner of the street or in a restaurant or maybe covered in soup.
Sugardaddy MASTERLIST FLUFF You work in the office for Sebastian Stan, a millionaire with an enormous company. But because of his work, he doesn't have much time for relationships. That is until he gives you an offer you can’t resist.
Being his costar would include FLUFF?
Box trick FLUFF! Sebastian gives you a gift. Not just any gift, but a box. He pulls the most childlike joke by putting smaller boxes in bigger boxes. BUt your gift is not what you thought that it would be
When I grow up FLUFF?The reader is a pop star that sings in a club. Little does she know that an old friend is there listening to her.
Pizza party MAXIMUM FLUFF  The reader and Sebastian used to be friends in middle school, but high school tore them apart. But that doesn’t stop them from throwing a pizza party with Chris.
I missed you ANGST? FLUFF Jefferson has enough of the stupid spell and decides to take matters into his own hands.
Alice FLUFF?The reader is Jefferson’ maiden. She, Jefferson and Regina go to wonderland to get Regina’s father but their adventure ends in a quick goodbye.
TJ Hammond
Bedbound ANGST After the reader got the news that her best friend, the one and only TJ Hammond, attempted suicide again she rushes to the hospital. She and TJ talk and well.....( Alternate ending included )
Lance Tucker
Daily Book FLUFF The reader owns a bookstore and Lance is one of her daily clients. He comes in every day to read something and buy something. And today is no exception.
Third Place FLUFF Lance has always tried to get the reader, his sister, to try gymnastics. Yet he is still surprised when she competes in her first competition. 
Delayed FLUFF Your flight has been cancelled. It’s late, too late for a hotel. And you sure as hell don’t want to sleep on one of the crappy benches at the airport. So you decide to grab a coffee, only to run into the god of gymnastics himself.
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hollandroos · 7 years
My Different - Bucky Barnes
Summary: Bucky calls the reader to get Pizza at 2am, why? because he can.
A/N: Not requested, I just had the idea for this drabble
Words: Around 530
Type: Fluff (I guess? haha)
“So, why exactly did you want to get pizza at 2am?” You say
You wipe your hands on the greasy napkin, the taste of the delicious Italian meal still lingering on your tongue.
“I need to have a reason to wanna go out at early hours of the morning with only the most beautiful woman in the Avengers tower?” Bucky smirks
“Always the charmer, Barnes” You take a mouthful of your soda which seemed to be the only thing keeping you wide awake right now, that and Bucky’s seductive smile.
Over the last few months you and Bucky had become close, not as close as Bucky and Steve (of course) and nothing more than friends either.
You weren't an Avenger, simply a receptionist at the tower. It started with Bucky coming in looking for Steve then him paying a few, flirty visits to see you, using the excuse that he was ‘lost’ or ‘forgot something’.
Tony, your boss had even told you that he’d asked about you.
After a coffee date or two and a Harry Potter marathon you two were friends, that friendship had now escalated to 2 am pizza meetups.
“I’ve been here a few times at night, it’s much nicer” He started “Notice how it’s just silent? There's no one complaining that they’re going to be late to their next meeting or kids crying because they got the wrong toy in their kids meal” He smiles lightly at the last part.
When Bucky stopped talking you listened carefully, noticing the only sound was the sizzling of the deep fryer and an old 90’s song playing on low. But besides from that it was completely silent.
You were so use to the constant sound of a car tooting or tens of civilians passing at a time that you hadn’t even noticed.
“It’s nice, it’s different” You reply, picking up your next slice of pizza
“Different is good though right?” You notice Bucky's metal fingers curling in and out, it was a nervous habit of his that you’d noticed over the last few weeks. Oh how badly you wanted just to reach out and wrap your hand around his.
“Well it depends. You have bad different, like your pet dying” Unfortunate “Then there’s good different, like this”
More examples of different could be the hell Bucky and the other Avengers on the daily, bad different.
Bucky puts his head down, his hair covers parts of his eyes and you can’t help but wonder if he could get anymore attractive. The light from the old, vintage pizza shop made it look as if he was glowing, even in his grey sweatpants and black shirt.
You didn’t look any fancier, rocking a pair of yoga pants and an oversized sweater.
“What about meeting someone that makes you a better person?” Bucky asked
“Good different” You say, knowing full well that right in front of you was sitting the man who made going to work everyday a joy, trying new coffee flavours (some that you hated) an adventure and getting up at 2 in the morning worth it.
“Well you Y/N /Y/M/N, are my good different”
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itsallyscorner · 3 years
hey. can u do part 2 to the’ Being a High School Student on A Marvel Set’? :)
Period Buddies
Pairing: platonic!Sebastian Stan x teen!reader, platonic!Anthony Mackie x teen!reader
Summary: I’m currently on my period so I wrote this to help me cope:) Basically Anthony and Seb being the biggest and supportive guys to you during your period:)
Warnings: Umm not much, some mentions of blood and periods.
Hello my love!💞 Thank you for the request! I was actually planning on making another ‘High School student’ fic with the Marvel cast, so I decided to use that idea for this request! I hope you like it🥰 Also sorry I haven’t uploaded a fic in a while; I was lacking motivation to write and school was pretty hectic😭 Thank you for your patience my loves x
fluturaș - little butterfly
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✧───── ・ 。゚★: *. ☽.* :★. ─────✧
You were laid out along your couch in your trailer, a fluffy Sherpa blanket wrapped around you and your head resting atop two soft pillows. You were laid on your stomach, the pressure of the couch slightly helping with the stinging pain in your lower abdomen. Your geography teacher was teaching via Zoom, though your laptop was on the coffee table that was inches away from you; knowing you weren’t feeling your best, you’ve decided to stay on the couch for school and moved the table closer to the couch so everything was within your reach. You had been lazily taking notes—or attempting to with the remaining energy you could muster up.
You had been surprised by the devil himself when you woke up earlier today at around six in the morning. You knew your monthly was coming; with the constant cravings, body aches, and the newly developed pimple gracing your face, your period was around the corner. And you were right, a dark red stain was splotched onto your white floral bedsheets when you woke up today. What a way to start the morning.
Yes, no woman ever felt their best during their period. You were always bloated, hungry, and blood was constantly flowing out of you, yet you were still expected to show up to both work and school. Not to mention, the pain you were currently enduring was making it really difficult for you to to focus on anything. Your teacher’s voice seemed to fade into the background as your body was blinded with the stabbing pain in your lower abdomen. You may have been overreacting, but everything just hurt.
Geography was your midway class, meaning that you were halfway through your school day. Which also meant that you were soon to be called to set. You had a lunch break and some time to do your homework, but either way you still had to get to set. Usually you’d be antsy to get the school day over with, practically buzzing to get to get into your costume and do some stunts with your two favorite guys on set. Although today was different, the thought of heading to set and being active felt dreadful. You just wanted to curl up into a ball, snuggle into your Sherpa blanket, and take a well deserved nap.
Your teacher’s voice was interrupted by a knock on your door. Already knowing who it was, you let out a faint “come in” to the two men outside your trailer. A second passes before your trailer’s door slowly opens and Anthony’s head pops from behind it. His sparkling yet dark brown eyes and toothy grin etched onto his friendly features. Sebastian pops up behind him, an equally wide smile on his face as he wiggled a white take away box in the air.
“What’s up buttercup.” They cheerfully greet you.
Though both of the men’s smiles drop once they see you bundled up on the couch. Anthony fully enters your trailer, Sebastian following suit. Approaching your little set up, Anthony glances at your laptop.
“Isn’t your camera on? Did your teacher allow you to attend school like this?” He asks you. He knew you were a responsible kid and had no troubles keeping up with your education. But that’s the thing, you were still a kid. Having kids of his own, he knew how unmotivated children can get in the middle of the school year and the laziness that came along with it. Seeing you lounging on the couch while your teacher was lecturing was just a bit concerning for him.
You stiffly nod, “My camera’s off. I just don’t feel good.”
The last sentence catches both of the grown men’s attention. Sebastian rounds the corner of the coffee table and hovers over you, observing your face. He softly places the back of his hand onto your forehead, checking for any alarming warmth.
“You’re a bit warm, but it’s probably because of the blanket.” He mutters, choosing to sit on the arm rest of the couch. “You alright, fluturaș?” He looks down at you in concern, lips tilting down into a small frown.
Anthony had settled beside your feet, one of his arms using your ankles as an arm rest. Strangely enough his arm brought you comfort instead of adding to the ache in your legs.
“I’m just—I’m on my period.” You mumbled in response. You wait for the awkward tension to build but it never came. You glance at the two men and see the realization settle in them.
“And I have really bad cramps at the moment, that it’s just hard to do anything. So I decided to stay on the couch today.” You explain with a slight shrug. They didn’t understand the pain you were going through, but they understood what you meant. While the both of them had female friends and what not, they were somewhat aware of what you were going through.
Anthony claps his hands to his thighs, “Alright, it’s ok to give yourself some rest. You just relax and listen to whatever your teacher’s going on about.” He motions to your laptop and continues, “Is there anything we can do to help you?”
While taking down notes, you momentarily glance at them, “No it’s fine, you guys already brought me food. Thanks, by the way.”
They didn’t want to leave you alone, you were clearly not feeling well and they both wanted to do something. They couldn’t do anything about the pain from your menstrual cycle, but they can help distract you from the pain.
“No, we’re gonna help you. Have you eaten ever since breakfast? I’ll spoon feed you if I have to.” Sebastian insists. You thought he was joking, but when you looked at his face he was serious.
“I had a brownie��wait, aren’t you guys supposed to be filming?” You question the both of them.
“Something went wrong on set so now we have a few hours or something till they figure it out.” Anthony answers, scrolling through his phone. He abruptly stands up to his feet and heads towards the door. You and Seb send him a questioning look.
“I’ll be back.” With that he pulls your door open and jogs out, leaving you and Sebastian in your trailer. You decide to tune back into your class, resuming to take down notes from the slides your teacher shared. Suddenly, a large hand gets in the way of your notebook.
“Gimme that.” Sebastian takes the pencil and notebook from you, placing them on his lap and staring at your screen. His eyes scan the PowerPoint, looking for the part you left off on. He hums when he finds it and began to write the notes himself.
“What are you doing?” You raise a brow at him, scanning his appearance. He was dressed in Bucky’s clothes, minus the black and gold ‘metal’ arm. He was still sat on the arm rest, slightly slouching so he could bend down to use his lap as a table.
“I’m doing your notes for you.” He answers nonchalantly. He motions to the white take away box on your coffee table, “Eat your lunch, I got this.”
You hesitate to sit up, feeling bad that Sebastian was doing your notes. Though, he did insist on doing it and you weren’t feeling your best. After an internal argument with yourself, you decided to let it slide and let Sebastian do your notes. Besides, he looked like he was enjoying taking notes on agriculture regions and the different types of farming.
“Are you sure, Seb?” You ask him again, slowly sitting up on the couch. He responds with a distracted ‘mhm’, his eyes focused on your notebook and his tongue sticking out in concentration. You quietly thank him and get up to use the bathroom.
While you were gone doing your business, Anthony had entered your trailer again. This time he had a plate full of brownies, a medium sized cup of ice cream from the vending machine, and one of those red hot water bottles in his arms.
“Where’s the kid?” He balances the things in his arms while carefully placing the plate of brownies onto your coffee table. Anthony locates your mini fridge and stores the ice cream in the freezer.
“Bathroom.” Sebastian acknowledged, still focused on writing the notes correctly in your notebook. He made sure to write neatly and copy the way you organized your notes. Saving you the hassle of missing out on important parts of the lesson and from decoding his personally sloppy writing.
Anthony empties his pockets to reveal more of your favorite snacks from crafties and the vending machine. “So...what are you doing?”
“I’m in geography class.” Anthony snorts at his friend before taking a look at your laptop screen, “And what are y’all learning in geography class?”
“Pastoral nomadism.” Seb bluntly answers. With his arms now free of the items he brought, Anthony decided to tidy up your couch. He folded your blanket neatly, fluffed your pillows, and made space for Seb to actually sit on the couch.
“What the hell is pastoral nomadism?” Anthony thought out loud.
“It’s when people travel from place to place with domesticated animals. It’s usually practiced in dry land climates.” Sebastian explains, eyes never faltering from the screen or your notebook. Anthony let’s out a sound of approval at Seb’s explanation. When he was done cleaning up your couch, he took the white take away box and headed to your kitchen. Emptying the contents of the container onto one of your plates, heating the food up for you.
You walk into the kitchen section of your trailer, shutting the bathroom door behind you. A delicious aroma lingers in the air, your nose picks up on the smell, sending it straight to your stomach. In response, your stomach lets out a low growl, making Anthony snicker at you.
“I’m heating up the food.” Anthony mentions as you pass by him. You thank him with a small smile as he gently nudges his shoulder against yours.
“Want me to make tea or something? I heard it helps reduce the cramps.” You raise a brow at him amusingly, “Where’d you hear that?”
“I read it on Google. You know, research, gotta make sure our girl’s comfortable.” He proudly tells you. Your heart warms at the fact that both him and Seb were willingly helping you while you were in pain. The microwave dings catching both yours and Anthony’s attention.
As he gingerly takes the plate out he asks you, “You wanna eat at the table or the couch.”
“The couch, I still wanna listen in on the lesson.” For a moment you forgot that you were supposed to still be at school, taking notes, and listening to your teacher teach the lesson. You enter the living room and sit next to Seb, who’s hand was digging into your pencil case.
“Want me to take over?”
“Nah, I got it, I’m too invested to stop. Which one?” He held up three of your highlighters, one was light blue, another was a peachy pink, and the other was a typical yellow highlighter. You grin, picking the peachy pink one. He tosses the other two back into your pencil case and uncaps the highlighter. While your teacher wraps up class, he began to highlight the new terms from today’s class.
“Here ya go.” Anthony sang; grabbing a pillow, placing it onto your lap, and carefully setting the plate of chicken teriyaki fried rice on top of it. You happily thank him and began to dig in. He slumps onto the couch beside you, “Tell me if you need anything else. I’ve got ice cream in the freezer, brownies, a hot water bottle, and a whole box of tea.” He throws his arm around your shoulder, letting it rest against the back of the couch.
You pause your eating, pouting at the two men beside you, “You guys really don’t have to do this. But I appreciate it so much, thank you.”
Seb looks at you over his shoulder, sending you a sweet smile, “Anything to make you happy, fluturaș.”
Anthony squeezes your shoulder, “Anytime munchkin, starting today till you’re not a ketchup packet anymore, Seb and I’ll be your period buddies.”
You snort shaking your head at him, “Again, I appreciate it Ant, but please don’t call yourselves period buddies.”
“What’s wrong with period buddies? You’re on your period and we’re all a bunch of buddies. It makes perfect sense!” Anthony reasoned defensively. Seb looks at the both of you over his shoulder again, “I like period buddies.”
“See! Thank you.” You playfully rolled your eyes at the two. “Fine, period buddies it is.”
Your geography teacher wraps the lesson up and ends the Zoom call. Seb shuts your notebook and puts it to the side. Clapping his hands, he asks you, “Alright, what class do we have next?”
“Calculus.” You smirk, followed by the groans of Anthony and Sebastian filling your trailer.
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new years’ day | rockstar! sebastian stan
pairing: rockstar!sebastian stan x writer!reader
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i want your midnights but i’ll be cleaning up bottles with you on new years’ day
There’s always this odd moment between an engagement and the wedding itself. Some call it bliss and some say it’s where you decide if a couple is going to last indeed. Y/N had to agree with the latter, after all, her whole relationship with her now fiancé had blossomed during a national tour inside a tour bus filled with all the disruptions that could happened. Now was much different, they were living together in her New York apartment, things were much more stable, much more mundane if one could call mundane being engaged to one of the modern rock gods. Things had gone smoothly with him spending the holidays with her family and now both of them hosting a New Years’ Eve party for both their friends. 
She didn’t know all his friends, she knew his bandmates and their wives but no one outside that bubble and he barely knew any of hers. It wasn’t both of them were uncomfortable with introducing one another to each of their friend groups but they were from different groups. She hardly guessed her friend group would be interested in him and vice versa; or at least interested enough to ask him question other than those asked by gossip columns.
Nevertheless, she was intent on ensuring everything would go by smoothly and that everyone had a good time. She’d bought every type of alcohol anyone would like followed by different types of savoury and sweet snacks all displayed in the living room in several bottles. She’d even decided to buy some cheap plastic glass looking champagne flutes. It looked pretty enough to be in the front page of Good Housekeeping and now she was busy fluffing the pillows on the couch while the Roomba was moving around vacuuming the floor. 
    - Bunny, what are you doing? - Sebastian emerged from the office, shirtless and seemingly awake from a nap. She didn’t hear him with the vacuuming noise, so he made his way up to her, wrapping his arms around her. - Stop fluffing the pillows, you did it this morning. 
    - What’s your war on shirts? - she turned around, her hand against his naked chest. 
   - You turned the heating way too much, bunny. - he buried his face in her neck, kissing the skin he found there. - You should be naked as well. 
   - Sebastian, you promised. - she pointed her finger at him, breaking free from his hold. 
   - Remind me what promise it was again. - he followed her, taking her hand in his to caress her engagement band with his thumb. 
   - You said you’d be on your best behaviour and you definitely would not try to jump my bones every time. 
   - I don’t believe I used the��“jump my bones” expression, bunny. Sounds suspicious to me. 
   - Please. 
   - You’re too nervous. - he urged her to seat on the couch. - It will be alright, bunny. My friends will love you, you’re very cute and if your friends don’t like me then that’s fine.
   - No, it’s not fine.
   - I really only care about what you think, bunny. - he leaned down to kiss her, which he’d rather spend the whole night doing rather than having a party with his and her friends. He’d had enough parties. - Besides, I only said yes to this party so I can kiss you at midnight and everyone can see it.
   - It’ll be okay, right?
   - ‘Course it will.
He eventually did put a shirt on, joining her in the living room to receive the first batch of guests who arrived. However, as soon as the guests came in, the two of them were being pulled in opposite directions. Her friends were curious about her engagement ring, looking at it and questioning about her relationship and early engagement while his friends were pretty much congratulating him on a woman they still hadn’t said a single word to. 
The party sure was happening with everyone having drinks and food while hounding each of the host. Her friends were googling wedding dresses and talking her ears about marrying the infamous rockstar. It didn’t sit well on them and while they voice their concerns, she was staring at the clock, counting the minutes and the seconds until midnight. Suddenly, the clock struck dangerously close to the number 12 and everyone who were talking her ears off were now looking for the champagne and finding their partners. She was quick on her shoes, moving through the crowd as she searched for her fiancé.
   - Sebastian? - people were shouting out the countdown as she moved through all the people. She couldn’t believe she was gonna go into the new year without him.
The countdown decreased, people going through all the number until 6 as she realised she was doomed, stuck in the middle of people she knew and didn’t know. That was until someone grabbed her arm, pulling her through the crowd and having her flush against their chest.
   - Hey bunny. - she looked up to see her future husband, smiling with that douchey smile she loved so much. She wrapped her arms around him, head against his chest as they shouted through the numbers. 
The guests all shouted Happy New Year, popping champagne bottles but the two of them were too busy kissing. His hands held her waist flush to him until the two stopped kissing to look into each other’s eyes. Fuck those fireworks, he thought to himself as he noticed how bright and sparkly her eyes were. He kissed her forehead, holding her against his side as he was passed a champagne glass.
   - Happy New Year, bunny. 
   - Happy New Year, Sebastian. I love you. 
The party continued on for what felt like two hours until everyone was gone and the two of them were asleep on the couch. The daylight of the first day of the year, a new fresh start, illuminated the living room. There was glitter on the floor, empty bottles and glasses all over the tables and floors along with food crumbles. It looked like a complete mess but the two of them didn’t care as they woke up and realised the two of them were still together, looking at each other. 
   - I found something in common with both our friends. - he said in still sleep filled voice. 
   - And what is that?
   - They’re messy. 
   - That they are. - she propped herself on top of him. - It went ... sort of well?
   - My friends think you’re hot and that I should put a baby in you so you won’t leave me.
   - My friends think you worship Satan. - she laughed before looking around the room. - I think we should clean these up before it smells like one of your dressing rooms.
   - You’re so mean to me. - he watched as she got up to grab some black bags from the kitchen. - If you don’t watch, it may just start turning me on.
   - Everything I do seems to turn you on.
   - That’s true, bunny. You are just very, very hot. 
She laughed to herself as she started to clean up the bottles. He got up from the couch to join her, grabbing some of the bottles and throwing it onto the black bag and mopping some of the spills. God knows if she saw her wood stained, she would lose it and he would have to track down who made her sad. In a matter of a minutes, there were black bags by the door and the living room was back to looking like it always did except for the smell of alcohol. Sebastian hugged her from the behind, kissing her neck before swaying his hips to some songs muffled by their walls coming from the outside. She smiled like a idiot to herself, leaning her head against his shoulder.
  - That’s another brand new year to spend with you. 
  - I know. - she held his hand in hers. - I love you, Sebastian. I really do.
  - I know, baby. - he turned her around. - I hope I spend another year with you and another one until I die. 
  - You sure are a person of maximums, aren’t you?
  - I am, bunny. Which is why I think we should celebrate the new year by taking a shower.
  - Just a shower? 
  - It’s never just a shower, bunny.
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