#sam's funeral ep </3
riverstardis · 1 year
series 33 episode 4:
it's sam's funeral :(
duffy's phone ringing😭
dylan interrupting iain and saying that it's his fault they're all there😬
i still love connie and ethan's weird friendship!!
lmaooo connie says she's put some money behind the bar for after the funeral and ethan's like "that's very generous?" and she goes "well, don't act so surprised" and he looks amused
ruby's working instead of being at the funeral? actually nevermind i suppose she wasn't exactly close to sam was she
aw gem trying to convince iain that dylan was just taking his pain out on him
iain then offers to take gem back to work but she can immediately tell that he just wants to go looking for dylan😭
damn elle looks good
alicia <33333
this guy's reaction to his wife having a miscarriage is to shout "how could you do this to me AGAIN" and run out...... bro what??????
looks like gem wasn't successful in convincing iain not to go to the hospital
ruby <333
lmao this dad telling his son that bullies are just cowards so he should always fight back and david's like "i always ran" and the dad's like "did it get you anywhere?" and david's like "er yeah. a lot further away" sjsjdjsfj
iain confronting dylan and pushes him (both verbally and physically) until he has a go at him "you're an animal. sam deserved so much better than you, and you shouldn't have even been-" and iain punches him and his head hits the bench😭😭 i swear every single time anyone punches someone in this damn show there's always some object that just happens to be placed strategically in the path of their head😭
oooooh yeahhh scibbles time!!!! their banter >>>>>
ethan goes "well, i actually thought that was pretty good teamwork" and alicia goes "ohh you're on my team now are you?" "your team?" "stick with me ethan, you will learn a lot" ethan laughs and goes "right" sjsjdfjf i love themmmm
ethan says "i was wondering, actually, if... are you gonna go to sam's drink later?" and alicia goes "why, do you want a plus one or?" she's still speaking in like a flirty/bantery way but he's like "it wasn't meant to be like that" "i'm only joking" "sorry, i shouldn't have said anything" and she kisses him and then takes his hand and says "thank you" THEM <3333333 ethan looks pleasantly surprised sjsdjsjf
omg the background nurses are at the pub too! i've never noticed them go to the pub before
iain's tribunal went well
so why was sam's funeral only such a tiny part of the episode? we didn't even get to see the paramedics holding their radios up like at jeff's💔 hey at least she actually got an onscreen funeral though, unlike lev, fenisha, and robyn (and noel but i understand there wasn't really anything they could do about that cause of covid)! this was the start of the problems with handling character deaths on the show that i keep going on about! everyone was so mad about this at the time and it has only got worse since, we've just stopped being so surprised about it! i remember someone saying that at least lev and fenisha not getting funerals meant that they couldn't fuck it up like they did with sam and duffy😭
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p-redux · 8 months
You know, I am stunned at the lack of logic and critical thinking in this fandom. It’s like those with extreme opinions have such strong confirmation bias that they can’t get out of their own way. When I read some of these posts on lots of different blogs, I am struck at the logical questions that are never truly answered- well except by ad hominem attacks and logical fallacies and extensive conspiracy theories.
1. Wouldn’t a TV show that’s not on a well-known and popular streaming service love the PR they’d get if their costars were actually in love and in a real life relationship? What value does the production company gain by keeping them hidden for almost 10 years? I can’t logically see that it would bring more profits. So we’re supposed to love a loyal, brave, committed, and family-oriented Jamie, but we need a single, sexy Sam to sell the show?? Cognitive dissonance anyone?
2. Now that it’s well established that Sam and Caitriona essentially ARE Outlander and are EPs, wouldn’t they have the power to say no more if this “ narrative” was true? If they quit, there’s no OL. Couldn’t they refuse to film anything else if they aren’t allowed to tell the truth (if it’s hidden)? It’s interesting that Ron and Terri are married, Maril and Matt have twins together, but S and C were forbidden to be together? I would think that could be a legitimate lawsuit. Didn’t they renegotiate new contracts since the first season?
3. Do people actually believe that Sam and Caitriona are good people, philanthropic people, hard working entrepreneurial people, wonderful human beings but at the same time think that either of them would actually lie about their own children? With Sam’s childhood, people honestly think he would deny his kids AND be away from them for months? That they both would lie and deceive us about her father’s funeral?
4. So it’s been 10 years and NOT ONE person associated with either of them has publicly and clearly stated, with no doubts or other possible connotations, that they are really together? No costars? No personal friends? No teacher of their kids? No hospital personnel where the kids were born? No extras on OL? No crew members- even those that have been gone long enough that any NDA they signed about the production would have expired? No hotel staff where they may have traveled with their kids? No former “fake gfs” who might be pissed? No friends of “ fake gfs” that want to defend their friend and set the record straight? Not one person who has been associated with OL who might just think this is harmful to children? No photos of them with kids in public- clear photos, not reflections or someone in the background that we cannot clearly identify? Not videos where we cannot tell who is actually there? Wouldn’t someone somewhere have gotten a photo of them together as a family? In ten years? Have you P, seen evidence that I haven’t? I have seen nothing but reflections, blurry images, unidentifiable people in the background. Am I missing something?
5. About their chemistry- they aren’t the only actors I have ever seen that have great chemistry but no real romantic relationship. There are lots of them. It’s like people don’t know what actors actually do. So much of chemistry in acting between actors is about trust and respect for the work. Even some of the best chemistry has been between actors who didn’t really like each other in real life, but were able to use their chemistry and their talent to create characters we believed loved each other.
6. Lastly, I can’t wrap my brain around liking and respecting these two actors for their work and for their real lives, while claiming every day they are lying to me.
People see what they want to see or what they need to see to support their position.
Occam’s Razor tells me that the simplest explanation is often the best one.
Hopefully when OL finally ends, these two will get some peace.
Now, watch the “but what about ______? “start.
Bless you Anon for summarizing everything I and countless other SANE fans have been saying in the Outlander fandom for the last 9 years. The thing is...some Extreme Shippers continue to ship for a few reasons. I put them in these categories:
1. OG shippers who have invested SO many YEARS in their SamCait fantasy ship. They want to "save face." It's embarrassing to acknowledge that you were fed and believed a LIE for so long. Their egos can't handle it, so they'd rather double down, and find a way to pretzel their brains around things that are obvious facts to the rest of us. They don't want to feel like they "lost." So, they just keep on denying the TRUTH and the mountains of evidence showing that Sam and Cait are not a couple in real life. The alternative is too painful to them. It's been too much time, too much energy, too much of themselves invested in the ship, and they are missing something in their real lives. The ship fills that void.
2. New fans to Outlander who have recently discovered it. They've gone down the rabbit hole of shipper Tumblr, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter X accounts and they haven't climbed their way out yet to blogs like mine, and other Non-Shippers.
3. The Fake Shippers who pretend to be shippers to MAKE MONEY off those still clinging on to the life boats. There are still bloggers and shipper groups who know they have a captive audience in shippers holding out hope that some of what the original shipper leaders sold them might actually be true. These fake shippers manipulate gifs, pictures, videos, SHOW shippers what they WANT to see. They keep them hanging on with podcasts, magazine, subscriptions. They sell them trips to Scotland, conventions t-shirts, mugs, daily "proof" that Sam and Cait secretly live together with their 5 bairns. And because con artists are experts at conning people, they make everything believable...and some poor souls buy what they're selling. Literally BUY 💵 what they're selling. Sadly, this fandom is filled with a lot of retired women with disposable income, who are lonely or disillusioned with their own lives. And they are easy pickings for the money hungry fake shippers.
So, in summary, the reason there are still some SamCait Shippers is a combination of fake shippers SELLING them the fantasy AND women needing to STILL hold onto the fantasy. With a few actually mentally unwell women thrown in here and there, who have diagnosable mental health issues.
It's actually quite sad. If only they had gotten off the ship with the rest of us years ago, they could have been enjoying celebrating REAL love. Instead, they're on a constantly rocky ship that causes them disappointment more often than not. Here, on terra firma, no one needs Dramamine. It's lovely. Because it's REAL. 💞
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zmediaoutlet · 2 years
happy wincest wednesday💖, today i give you the challenge of naming the 3 episodes that would be the hardest to write first time wincest for. and why. if you feel like explaining.
oooooooooooh coming out swinging with a tough one, okay, I see how we're playing this evening:
well the problem with who I am as a person is that I take anything like that as a Writing Challenge and start going, immediately, well but what if you did x y or z. But I will take it in the spirit meant and also not include any episodes where they're not in the same state or whatever bc that's cheating. So!
8.02 What's Up Tiger Mommy
Why? First of all, ooooh boy this episode. I mean, yeesh. Second: while I think you could go for first time wincest in the previous episode even with the immediate fight that ensues, this where we really start to lean into the episodes where we see how Off the boys are. They're getting along (mostly) in a superficial way but there's a real distance. Sam's defensive; Dean's pissed. At the same time, they're not stressed enough -- for real first time when they aren't in a 'liking each other' period, they need some breaking point moment that makes the transgression feasible. This episode doesn't have it. It does have a whole lot of 'arithmetic is the same thing as intelligence,' though!
9.13 The Purge
Why? Sam's cruel but he's not cruel, and even at his nadir of self-loathing there's a place beyond which I don't think Dean can go. Sam says some SHIT in this ep and Dean takes it because Dean's been taking these beatings as his due, but that last argument is a full-on evisceration, and for the characters to be in-character I just... can't see them taking that step, not then. Even if you did it where, idk, Dean got super shithoused drunk and decided Sam can't hate me any more than he does, can he? Let's see if he cares if I break this last boundary, I can't see Sam going for it. He'd be more likely to push Dean off in a sad/vaguely pitying way and tell him he was drunk. Up to you if it counts as first time, but there are some times that penises just shouldn't get involved, imo.
12.06 Celebrating the Life of Asa Fox
Why? It could happen immediately before, with Dean's radiating delight about killing Hitler (he killed Hitler! imagine Sam's eyerolling fondness!), and it could happen immediately after with Dean comforting Sam after Lucifer reveals his whole omnicidal maniac plan via Jesse's Girl Guy, but that weird blah of a funeral episode seems like a weird spot for me. First of all, way too many people around who know who they are, and who really know who they are. Plus, even if you want to be generous to the ep, its mood is (necessarily) elegiac and strange. They're seen as legends, not as people. Then of course their mother unfortunately shows, and in all the confusion of saving each other and her there's just no elbow room. And even in the space afterward once they've finally ditched her, after whatever breakfast of bacon and awkwardness, I feel like that space just isn't available. They've been too reminded of the social aspect of who they are and for good first time I feel like you need the isolation provided by a world of two. Get back to your lonely bunker, boys, and boink there.
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sighonaraa · 1 year
Ted Lasso for the fandom asks ❤️
the character i least understand: ooh this is a hard one!! i genuinely feel that most of the characters are so fleshed out and fascinating that i can understand them to some extent. maybe i'll have to go with james tartt sr. bc i have no interest in attempting to understand him.
interactions i enjoyed the most: soooo many!! keeley and rebecca is a perennial fave bc i see so much of my real-life friendships in theirs, and then of course jamie and roy is a genuine delight whether i choose to interpret them platonically or romantically. specific interactions i loved were ted's "be a goldfish" advice to sam, the whole team fixing sam's restaurant, any background jamie & sam moment, the jamie teaching roy to ride a bike scene, the Boot Room Breakdown, and any Team Himbo moment. also jamie and his mum (& simon!) is, probably, one of the unexpected absolute HIGHLIGHTS of season 3. give me more of them now.
the character who scares me the most: james tartt sr. i don't think this needs to be explained. rupert doesn't really scare me, but the general type of person that his character is based on, and how often those people in real life are allowed to get away with the behaviors he exhibits in the show, certainly does.
the character who is mostly like me: oh gosh! this is a tricky one. i think i have a bit of various characters in me -- i am very much like ted in that i use humor/positivity as a shield against, um. worse emotions. i also deeply relate to keeley in regards to her specific brand of agency; she's powerful yet silly and that's so important to me bc that IS me. and then sam, my beloved. i see a lot of my own general outlook on life in him, and i also get him so hard in the scenes where he doesn't handle his emotions too well and just. breaks down. soooo relatable ! (ditto for jamie's boot room breakdown).
hottest looks character: is this a contest? if so, keeley and jamie are WINNING. the competition does not even EXIST.
one thing i dislike about my fave character: jamie my love, the you of s1 will forever and always be a twat. i adore that boy but good god, his early behavior was horrible, particularly towards sam. insert lookhowfartheyvecome.png.
one thing i like about my hated character: technically my most hated character is james tartt sr. but i have nothing good to say about him so. rupert: your darth vader pinterest inspo board will always be fascinating to me.
a quote or scene that haunts me: "jesus. must've been traumatizing." "no, she loved it. oh, for me -- sorry, me, you mean. no. i don't know. i don't remember." // the wembley locker room scene // "thank you. and fuck you." // "you're not lost, my sexy little baby. you just aren't sure what direction you're going in. yet."
a death that left me indifferent: thankfully this is not that kind of show! i guess rebecca's dad's death didn't really affect me bc we didn't ever know him -- but god, rebecca herself destroyed me in that ep.
a character i wish died but didn’t: james tartt sr. i maintain that it would have been fascinating if jamie had received news his dad had died just before they played man city, kicking off his mental spiral bc do i have to plan a funeral for him? does he deserve that? do i deserve that? and essentially grappling with the fact that he isn't sure exactly what he should feel in regards to his father's death. ofc this would have ended with a rejection of the 'forgive him <3' mentality and allowed jamie to fully and truly just. let go of his dad. forever. without guilt. (@ ted lasso writers room: LET ME IN!!! LET ME INNNNN!!!!!!)
my ship that never sailed: honestly? i know this fandom is very tied to its ships, and i get that -- i was truly rooting for keeley and roy to get back together, and i can see the appeal of royjamie or royjamiekeeley. HOWEVER. i am, in the end, grateful that the show prioritized its platonic relationships over its romantic ones. for me, platonic friendships/queerplatonic relationships are never given the attention or respect they deserve and i adore them. they're so much more fascinating to me! i appreciate that the show left most of its romantic/potentially romantic relationships ambiguously defined bc it gives us, as fans, the ability to interpret the characters and their dynamics how we choose.
thank you for the ask! 💗💗💗
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sugdenlovesdingle · 2 years
I read one of your ask saying "his pointless return" about Aaron. It's so sick to see the producers sincerely don't make effort to give a real impact to returning characters even if they don't stay that long. I mean look at Diane. Victoria had 0 reaction to her departure and she didn't even stay for the funerals. We already forgot she was around for a little moment.
Aaron was there only because liv was dying but him knowing the chas's affair with al had even less impact than Belle knowing it. I mean, at least he has to accept his mum is vile but still. I also think him giving the mill to liv and vinny would had as much impact as if he sent them a letter with the papers signed.
Anyway, it's the way it is now. Like you said, at least we still have fics.
Hope you're well today.
yeah Diane coming back for Faith's beach day... like they were friends? They had a few scenes right before she left the first time but they were hardly friends. And like you said - she didn't even stick around for the funeral. If you're coming to see your Very Good Friend because they're dying... you don't want to go to the funeral when they've actually died?
And yeah Aaron had 0 impact on the story. Yeah they got Danny back to cry at Liv dying and then the funeral... but it felt just like they were ticking boxes. Like in his return ep it was like - angry!Aaron, SHE'S MY LITTLE SISTER!Aaron, crying!Aaron. And him finding out about the affair but then just leaving? it's weird. where is the soap drama of a public affair reveal??
Not to mention Tracy. She shows up out of the blue, sleeps with Nate while she's apparently engaged to someone else, decides she wants to get back with Nate but he wants Noami,,, and she leaves again after a .02 second scene with Vanessa.
This whole anniversary month has been so... meh. Faith's beach day and her dying in Cain's arms was good and so was Liv's death, and the funerals without the kerry & chloe nonsense and the chas/al nonsense... but the rest?? Will going from YOU KILLED HARRIET WHO I LOVE YOU MONSTER to Kim *on their wedding day* to "omg i ❤ you 5-eva mrs Taylor overnight - and Kim just going along with it?? Samson being out in a storm for 3 days without food and water, just covered by some leaves.... and he's fine apart from a broken ankle?? Sam getting impaled and up and at it again in a day or 2?? Nate getting trampled by cows and being 100% fine again in a day... how are these producers still employed??
but yes, at least for robron we still have the fics - and on this dooms day anniversary, i'm going to try finish one i've been working on for ages.
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Viking Funeral Review Score
Each Section gets 5 points
A Plot -> Thor’s Funeral (3)
I didn’t really feel much for Thor enough that I thought that Sam/Jay would be wrong to sell his bones.  He was abandoned by his shipmates and that sucks, but they barely know him and they need money to survive.  I just wasn’t all that moved until the end -> where he naturally stayed.
B Plot -> The Election (4)
I loved this plot.  It annoys me a little that as we see later Hetty’s basically all in charge ordering people around, but here she doesn’t think she has the brain to vote?  But I really loved Alberta’s plot of encouraging Hetty to vote as a woman, it was an important point to make and I loved it.  I thought seeing Alberta and Isaac on opposite sides was interesting and I loved the tie in for all of the ghosts.  It lost a point not for Isaac being underhanded (cause that’s politics these days), but because the resolution was No Rep, Everyone continues bugging Sam.  Like, so Sam gets nothing, Again.  Side note, I liked that the ghosts that had their ‘deal requests’ denied were the ones to bug her rather than the ones that got what they wanted.
C Plot -> Flower’s Feelings (1)
It was too soon to be suggesting anyone has feelings for another ghost.  I felt nothing from Flower suddenly confessing, and I might’ve felt something if I knew them better or if they hadn’t taken it back at the end.  What’s the point of the confession?  It just makes it awkward because she “doesn’t wanna be tied down” like they aren’t all bound to the property, come on now.  Plus, we haven’t seen them in a plot together - Flower wasn’t around during the funeral prep, she didn’t comfort him when they wanted to sell the bones.  And they weren’t together in the previous two episodes, either - Flower’s encouraging Trevor not Thor in the pilot and in Ep 2, she’s got a plot with Hetty not Thor.  Maybe if we’d seen them together…
Plots Cohesive -> 4
I took a point away for the fact that the election plot actually isn’t well connected to the rest of the episode.  Literally, it has nothing to do with Thor’s Funeral at all.  However, the other two are related, so that helps.
Funny -> 3
I got a few chuckles.  Feel bad for Jay looking like a dumbass.
Timeline Errors / Plot Holes Visible -> 4
The Plot hole here is that no one ever discovered the bones while they were building the mansion in the first place?  Especially the people settled there before - Sass’ people, the war, or woodstones, no one noticed?   But also, it doesn’t address Thor being bound by the property line and why he’s stuck there when it was an open field.  
No Cringe / the ghosts weren’t extra annoying -> 3
The ghosts were annoying Sam (purpose of the Election plot), but made her and later, Jay look stupid to Mark.  Points taken for that.
Rewatch Enjoyment -> 3
I wasn’t that thrilled the first time, very meh.  It’s still meh now.
Did I enjoy use of certain characters (Trevor) -> 5
He was good all episode.  I really liked the intro to sucked off :)  I thought his support of Thor was good, and enjoyed the fact that he was like “Thor’s a bro” even if there’s that “we can’t abandon him” moment with Pete later.
Overall Enjoyment -> 3
Score: 33/50 D
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sungbeam · 7 months
can i ask what was the inspo behind night terrors? what is from a film/book/etc. btw i absolutely loved the fic <33
hi anonie!! thank u so much for asking and for reading night terrors <3
i think my inspo for the fic actually came from an episode of supernatural 😭😭 i have never watched the show in my life, but i was out eating lunch at a restaurant and they had a vampire ep of supernatural on, and then i went down a rabbit hole of fics cuz ✨sam✨ and i got the idea for the motel scene of night terrors 🤧
but i actually combined a couple old ideas i had too to get the beginning of the plot with the funeral and the premise, but i feel like explaining all that would result in a much longer answer skfbkdnfjf so i won't get into it rn but thanks for asking!!
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urimaginespimp · 3 years
Happiness (This Love pt 7)
Bucky x Reader (elemental witch)
Set during TFATWS (mostly ep 3)
Note: Angsty confrontation ahead, and some references to Mr. Perfectly Fine because its a bop.
previous part
Bucky and Sam were trying to hide it, but they were fascinated with the amount of collectable expensive cars surrounding them, which Zemo claimed to be his.
“I spent years hunting people HYDRA recruited to recreate the serum. Because once it’s out there, someone can recreate an army of people… like the Avengers.” He stated, peeking out from the car where he was slouched down taking stuff, he needs for a trip.
“I ended the Winter Soldier program once before. I have no intention to leave my work unfinished. To do this, we’ll have to scale a ladder of lowlifes.”
“Well, join a party. We’ve already started.”
“First stop is a woman named Selby.” Zemo stated, now walking out with his stuff, before pausing to face the two men’s way again.
“But before that, it would be way safer for us if you get one of your old teammates with us. Preferably the witch.” He explained.
“We haven’t been able to reach Wanda for some time now.” Sam admitted.
“That’s unfortunate to hear, but I meant the one James was so enamored with.” Zemo clarified nonchalantly.
Sam’s lips twitched, trying not to crack a smile as Bucky glared at Zemo.
“We haven’t been in contact with her too.” Bucky answered in a low voice. He was getting irritated at the fact that Zemo even suggested to bring you into this.
“Actually, I have.” Sam spoke up. “But new Asgard is not a drive away.”
“That won’t be a problem.” Zemo grinned as he led them out to his private jet.
The entire way over to New Asgard, Bucky was quiet. He hadn’t told anyone, even his therapist, but the look in your eyes when he outright rejected you back in Tony’s Lake house was the last thing he sees every night before he falls asleep.  The same set of eyes that would’ve loved him for a lifetime.
Would you even be glad to see him? He couldn’t help but feel anxious.
It was already dawn when they arrived at New Asgard. Val greeted them having received a message from Sam as well after Y/N was unresponsive.
“Well, you, I expected.” she nodded at Sam. “Can’t say I’m pleased to see you, Mr. Change of Heart.” She looked at Bucky as if assessing him fully and Sam snorted at what she just called him. “And you I’m unsure of because I’ve never seen you before.” She nodded at Zemo.
“Val, it’s really great to see you, and holy smokes, Asgard looks rich as hell.” Sam was temporarily sidetracked. From what he last heard, New Asgard was a fishing port.
“This isn’t even half of how the old Asgard really was, but this is all actually because of Y/N’s effort.” She answered proudly.
“Where is she, anyway?” Sam asked. Bucky and Zemo simply assumed you were still sleeping given the time. But the light-almost silent steps on the pavement approaching behind them made all three men look behind.
Bucky felt his throat drying up when he saw that it was your form walking towards them. Here you were, lips red, hair even longer, in a small black strap dress, holding your heels on one hand, as you walked home. Your attention was set on your feet, as if they were the most fascinating thing you’ve seen, as they walk bare along the pavement. And he couldn’t help but note that there was a strong energy around you.
“Dude, stop staring. You’re gonna embarrass yourself.” Sam whispered at his side.
His low voice caught your attention, making your head snap to finally look up and slowdown from walking.
Sam was already smiling at you, undoubtedly glad to finally see you again, and you returned the grin. Then beside him, stood the man you’ve been trying to get over all these months.
His hair was shorter, reminding you of the James you’ve met when testing the time portal. Only difference is that while James was eager to talk and see you, this one in front of you wasn’t even looking up.
Looking at the third man with them, you stopped in your tracks.
“Sam, what the hell is this man doing out of prison, and on Asgardian property?” That was the first thing to come out of your mouth. Sam lightly hit Bucky on the arm to explain.
“We need him to help us find this group of super soldiers.” Bucky answered, finally looking up to meet your eyes. Turning your attention to him, he was surprised you didn’t even offer a small smile.
“Wakanda will get word of this, Barnes.” you told him, not breaking eye contact. You were mad. Wakanda owed him nothing yet they took him in and helped him. Now he was saying they not only broke their king’s killer out of prison, but is also working with him.
Behind the three men facing you, Val was standing with her arms crossed on her chest, close to losing it. She mouthed Barnes at you.
You sighed and walked up to Sam, exchanging a hug, a silent conversation of how much you’ve missed each other. Breaking away from him, you started walking past them, ready to get it over with and head to your house.
“What do you want? As you can see, I just got back and I’m in need of rest.” you asked, still walking.
“Look, you can go back to your parties right after, but we really need you for this. Please.” Bucky spoke up once again. Of course, he’d think you were merely partying your way through nights. But you were just too tired, and frankly, you didn’t feel the need to prove anything to him.
Turning to face them again, you were ready to turn them down but Sam was looking at you with the same pleading expression. How could you turn down someone who’s been nothing but nice to you? And you do feel guilty for not checking up on him as frequently as before.
Sighing, you faced Val and gave her a small nod, indicating to her that you were going. She raised her eyebrows in surprise.
“Fine. Just let me get ready.” heading into your home, you took a deep breath. You thought seeing him again would just make you feel like the pathetic, desperate woman you once were, but this time you couldn’t shake the feeling of hostility creeping up your chest every time you met his eyes.
So maybe you do kind of hate him now.
You were across Zemo, catching up on the sleep you’ve missed on his private jet.
Bucky was seated just across from your left, and he couldn’t help but look at your sleeping form. You looked at peace, and it reminded him of the nights you both had in Wakanda where he’d ask you to stay with him after a nightmare, and the rare times when you’d fall back asleep first.
Then something he picked up from the conversation earlier started to cloud his thoughts. You had kept calling him Barnes. He had never heard you call him that until earlier. It sounded so… strange coming from you. It almost made him hate his own last name.
“You know, I’ve always found her of impeccable beauty.” Zemo spoke in a quiet voice to not disrupt your sleep. Bucky clenched his fist while Sam raised a brow at him. “Now, I never said I’m attracted to her. My heart is forever for my family, but I’m not blind.” he clarified, and noted the former winter soldier’s reaction.
“James, judging from your reactions every time I talk about her, I’m guessing you’re very fond of her.” He took a sip of his drink, waiting for a response – one Sam gladly provided.
“Oh yeah, if kissing her, then pushing her away and leaving her after a funeral is what you’d consider being very found, then by all means, Bucky’s crazy for her.” Sam glared at Bucky, making him uncomfortably shift in his seat.
“Now why don’t you tell us about where we’re going?” Sam shifted the conversation.
“I’m sorry. I was just fascinated by this…” He opened a book on his lap. “I don’t know what to call it, but I see Y/N’s name in here, and oh this part seems important… who is Nakajima?” and before Sam knew it, Bucky was up on his seat, with his metal arm on Zemo’s throat.
The act made you stir on your sleep, and sure enough, your eyes fluttered open, only to see Bucky threatening Zemo.
“If you touch that again, I’ll kill you.” He said in a low voice.
“What the hell is happening?” you broke the silence, making everyone turn to you. Bucky finally let him go, and returned to his seat, not looking at you. He felt almost ashamed that you had to see him act that way. He could only hope you hadn’t heard Zemo say your name was on that notebook.
“I understand that list of names. People you’ve wronged as the Winter Soldier.” Zemo stated, but then unexpectedly turned his attention to you. “I just can’t seem to understand why her-”
“Don’t push it.” Bucky cut him off.
“Miss Y/N. If you don’t mind me asking. How did the avengers manage to bring everyone back? We hardly get enough news in prison.” Zemo asked you with genuine interest.
“The simplest answer is through a time machine.”  you nodded at him.
“Well that I know, but how did you know it would work?”
“We had volunteers to test it out. As a matter of fact, I was one.” Sam and Bucky were now looking at you in interest. They didn’t know about this part. “The first one was Clint, and he only had a few minutes to a timeline of his choosing. When that was successful, it was my turn to go and stay a little longer to make sure we wouldn’t experience any complications if we do so.”
“Where did you go?” Bucky found himself asking, and you turned your attention to him.
“I…” you couldn’t tell them you actually went to his time as a soldier in the camp. “I don’t want to talk about it.” you shut the conversation down and excused yourself to the restroom, leaving them confused.
Opening the door slowly to get out, you paused when you overhear Bucky saying something. “I uh… I went on a date for the first time.” he told in a low voice. You decided to remain behind the slightly ajar door. You hated how it made you feel a little pang in your chest.
He was getting his life back out there while you’ve only managed to only push the hurt deep down instead of addressing and getting rid of them. Maybe once you get back home, you’d give in to Val’s pestering about online dating.
“And?” You heard Sam asked in deadpan tone. It was only followed by silence.
“How about Miss Y/N? You would’ve been perfect together.” Zemo commented.
“Shut Up.” You heard him retort.
“No, let him speak. I mean he has no idea about what happened between you, but I kinda want to hear this.” Sam interjected.
“It’s just that judging by the wandering looks you’re failing miserably to hide, and her being so… uncaring towards you, I could only assume you did something that cost whatever bond you had.” Zemo carried on.
You couldn’t listen to them any longer. You knew what he was going to say next – that he just didn’t feel the same. So you slowly shut the door close again and decided to splash a little bit of water on your face.
When you got back, they were now in entirely different conversation. “Do we want to live in a world full of people like the Red Skull?” you heard Zemo ask, followed by a quick pause. “That is why we’re going to Madripoor.”
“What’s up with Madripoor? You guys talk about it like it’s skull island.” Sam asked confused.
“It’s an island nation in the Indian archipelago. It was a pirate sanctuary back in the 1800s.” Bucky answered him.
“It’s kept it’s lawless ways, but we cannot exactly walk in as ourselves.” Zemo explained further before looking at Bucky. “James, you will have to become someone you claim is gone.”
You could see he was dreading having to do so. And normally you would’ve already assured him that everything was going to be fine, but this time you opted to be silent and look out the window, missing how he and Sam also turned to your attention, surprised of your seemingly lack of concern.
His heart dropped.
You came in Madripoor acting as the Smiling Tiger’s most trusted henchwoman. When he had to act as the Winter Soldier and follow Zemo’s orders to attack, you had to look away, and only hope that he was fine.
You were now in Sharon’s place after she unexpectedly saved your asses while on the run.
“Here. You can use my room to get ready. There’s hot water in the shower and feel free to use anything on my vanity dresser.” She handed you a black jumpsuit similar to what she had on, only that this one didn’t have sleeves like hers.
Taking it from her, you said thank you and turned to where she pointed her room is.
“I suggest going red on the lips.” She added just before you were about to close the door.
“You’ve read my mind, Sharon.” You smirked.
Sam just promised Sharon he was going to try to get her name cleared, when you stepped out of her room and into where they were, now all ready for the auction party.
“You look beautiful, Miss Y/N.” Zemo raised his glass to you.
You rolled your eyes playfully. “Why, thank you punk. Been loving the coat you got on.” Everybody looked great. Bucky was looking dignified in a well pressed suit, and it was taking everything in you to not ogle.
Bucky was gripping the couch hard. How could you converse with Zemo so freely, when you haven’t even uttered a word to him save for a few quick glances. But hew knew Zemo was far from wrong. You were breathtaking.
“Val’s told me you’ve been going out every night. You dance often?” Sam asked you.
Taking your position next to Zemo, you smiled and decided to tell them what you’ve been working on.
“Well since I’ve secured New Asgard’s future already, I’ve devoted my nights to going about the nightlife nearby. Yeah, I dance every now and then, but that’s only when I know the rest of the night will be free of any trouble.”
“What do you mean by trouble?” Bucky couldn’t help but ask.
“Any trouble, really; robberies, killings, but the most common ones are assault. So, I go out dressed just like the others to blend in, but I rarely take part in the partying.” you explained to him.  Sam gave you a smile. He was proud of you.
“Well for the rest of tonight at least, you’ve got nothing to worry about. Go dance.” Sharon smiled at you before getting up to start welcoming guests. “Lay low, blend in, enjoy the party.”
The party was in full swing. You had no idea where the others have gone among the swarm of intoxicated dancing bodies in the room.
“May I get you a drink?” a man asked, appearing in front of you. He was tall, had pretty green eyes, dirty blonde hair, and a charming smile.
“You may… if I get your name first.” You smirked, which he returned.
“I’m James.”
“You’ve got be shitting me.” you found yourself whispering.
“I’m sorry?”
“Any other name I can call you, handsome?” you reached over to act like you were fixing his collar.
“How about Jay?” he smiled at you.
“Jay works just fine.” smirking, you let him lead you to the bar.
Unbeknownst to you, Bucky saw the whole ordeal. He couldn’t make sense of the feelings that kept creeping up on him, but all he knows for now is that he didn’t like what he saw one bit. And with all the smirks that’s graced your lips, he begins to realize he hadn’t seen your usual winning smile.
“Don’t break your teeth with all that clenching, Buck.” Sam was now standing beside him. “Come on, even Zemo’s dancing. What’s gotten that robot brain of yours all mad?” he pat Bucky’s shoulder.
When he was unresponsive, Sam followed the direction where he was glaring at. And sure enough, it was where you and the guy that approached you were standing close to each other, enjoying a drink and conversing.
“Okay, let me ask you something.” Sam started. “Do you, or do you not have feelings for her?”
It took him a while to answer. “I don’t know.” He finally muttered, still glaring your way. “I’m robot brain, remember?”
“Okay, fair enough… But man, you know she would’ve understood if you told her that you want to figure your feelings out first. You didn’t have to be all so casually cruel to her like that. Rhodey said she spent the 5 years during the blip mourning and waiting for you.”
The last part of what Sam just said caught Bucky’s attention.
“What did you just say?” He was caught off guard.
But before Sam could repeat himself, Sharon came with the information they need.
Arriving in Riga Latvia, you got a few cuts and bruises from the fight that ensued while you joined Sharon in keeping an eye out as the guys talked to Nagel. The four of you were now walking to Zemo’s place when you spotted the first bead. You knew whom it belongs to. Glancing Bucky’s way, he was already looking at you. He must have seen it too.
“We’re gonna go on a walk.” He spoke to Sam and Zemo and nodded at you.
“You guys good?” Sam asked in concern.
“Yeah, we’ll see you guys in a bit.” You assured him. Turning away to look for other vibranium beads, it didn’t take long for Bucky to be beside you.
“It was just a matter of time, Barnes.” you said as he picked up another one placed by the corner.
Turning into an empty alley, Bucky called out into the open while holding the bead in between in thumb and index finger. “You dropped something.”
And you felt a presence behind you. Turning around, you smiled at an old friend.
“I��m here for Zemo.”
“He’s a means to an end.” Bucky explained. And you remained by the corner as they conversed.
“Eight hours, White Wolf. Then we come for him.” Ayo stated. Turning to you, she offered a friendly smile. “The princess misses you. She said you’re in need of some…” She glanced Bucky’s way “…comforting.”
“You’ll be expecting a visit from me soon. I’m bringing you and Okoye some Starbucks.” you promised. You’ve been in touch with Shuri through chats, and she knows all about what happened between you and Bucky.
When Ayo left to go back with the other Dora Milaje, it was only you and Bucky left in the Alley.
“Y/N we need to talk.” he said before you could even turn to head back to where Sam and Zemo were.
“Would you stop calling me that?” you could see he was irritated.
“Quit calling me Barnes. You never called me that. It was always Bucky.” He snapped at you. “Call me Bucky.”
You took a deep breath, trying to compose yourself. “I can’t.”
“What do you mean you can’t?” you could hear the frustration in his voice.
“Like you’ve said that day. We can’t start fresh when we’re constantly reminded of something we’re trying to forget. Calling you that would just bring about memories and feelings I’m trying to get rid of.” you answered honestly, looking him in the eye.
Hurt flashed on his eyes from what you’ve just said, but he couldn’t blame you. “Fine. Then call me James.”
You gave him a pained smile. “That won’t do.”
“I actually met James.” you finally told him. Looking at his reaction, one could tell he wasn’t expecting that.
“When I said back in the plane that I volunteered to be the second test subject for the portal, Nat and Steve got me in an old war nurse’s uniform underneath the suit and sent me back to a time where you were just rescued by Steve… and you actually got me to talk to you.” This was the first time you were talking about it. You didn’t even tell Steve what happened on your time there. All he knew was that you met and spent time with Bucky.
“They suggested it because they knew how much I was hurting from losing you. And I came there with the intention to leave with closure. But I ended up promising James I was gonna wait for you.” you tried to blink the tears that was threatening to spill away.
“I’m sorry.” He didn’t know what else to say. He hadn’t even thought about what you had to go through after losing so many people when the blip happened. It was merely a few seconds for him.
“I don’t need your fake niceties. I pulled your body into mine every goddamn night when you had nightmares. I gave you almost two years of my time just helping you get back on your feet. I loved you, and I didn’t expect anything in return. I just wanted to let you know.” You harshly wiped a tear that escaped.
“But then you just had to fucking kiss me and for once, make me think we could be something…” you chuckled bitterly. Bucky remained quiet, just listening to you. “… only to tell me right after it was a fucking mistake and that you want to start fresh alone. How do you think that made me feel?”
“Y/N I’m sorry. Please let me make it up to you.” He started to walk towards you, and stopped when he was only one to two steps away.
“I fucking hate you, Barnes.” You found yourself saying unexpectedly, wounding him further inside. But then you shook your head. “No, I didn’t mean that. I’m sorry, I can’t think straight through all of my fury.”
“It’s okay. I wouldn’t blame you if you do.”
You took a deep breath, realization hitting you. “You know what, I don’t think I could make this all go away by making you a villain. I’m still hurting, yes. But I guess it’s the price I pay for being delusional for what, seven years? I could’ve stopped at one. And now I’m just trying to face reinvention.”
“I didn’t realize -” you cut him off for once.
“I heard you went out on a date for the first time. I’m proud of you.” You genuinely smiled at him. “And I realized that I want to seek happiness too.” There was a glint of relief in your eyes, maybe from finally letting it all out.
For the first time since seeing each other again, Bucky saw the old you come into the picture – soft, caring eyes, and an infectious smile with a hint of mischief behind them.
And for the very first time, the feelings that kept creeping inside him every time you were around had made themselves known.
So imagine his horror when he heard the next thing you said paired with a gentle smile.
“I’m letting you go, Bucky.”
He was in deep trouble.
tags: @eternalharry @iheartsebandchris @lizzarooni @the-ayo-lit @tanyaherondale @knowyourworth-sellyoursoul @eliwinchester-barnes
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americachavez · 3 years
top ten jacting joices
I know everyone always goes for the hide the boner shuffle after cas cleans up so that’s a given. also AGAIN disclaimer I am still (STILL) only on season 10 and I haven’t watched s1-3 in over ten years so this is going to be based only on my extremely faulty memory but here we go
season 2 ep 11: the face he makes after sam says he’s overcompensating and that’s why people think they’re gay. not a look of disgust or an eyeroll it’s more of an awkward “hits too close to the truth to play it off” moment???? this was SEASON 2 babey and jackles didn’t even know gay people EXISTED at this point WHAT ENERGIES WAS HE CHANNELING
season 5 ep 8: when dean sees dr. sexy. freakass. oh bonus the little callback in season 14 ep 12 when cas dresses up as a doctor. FREAKASS.
season 7 ep 2: keeping the trench coat. jensen ackles PLEASE how DOES YOUR MIND WORK
season 7 ep 17: big eyes lip wobble, AFTER reworking the reunion to be less gay. like....buddy. pal. hombre. do you even know what you look like here
season 8 ep 13: bumping into the table and getting flustered when aaron flirts with dean. where do I even start. I am a bisexual woman and I wouldn’t have played that scene as gay as that, good GRIEF
season 9 ep 6: literally EVERYYYY FACE HE MAKES. the longing stare and fidgeting with his phone as cas bags groceries. the manic excited faces while talking to cas in the gas station. thee LOOK from the car when dean drops cas off in the morning. but gotta go with the classic...the face when cas is unbuttoning his shirt. WHAT am I looking at here, jensen ross.
season 12 ep 10: it’s subtle but that little fist clench he does after patting cas on the shoulder. what the fuck was that
season 13 ep 1: lol the funeral pyre scene. oh also the pause he does while in the process of wrapping cas’ body like the horror of what he’s doing fully overwhelms him and he can’t continue. jacting. joices.
season 15 ep 9: that fuuuckkinnngg face he makes when cas tells dean he doesn’t have to say it because he heard his prayer. WHAT DOES THIS MEAN JENSEN ROSS. WHAT DOES THIS MEAN
season 15 ep 19: yeah I know I’m not including anything from ep 18 but the little gay SPRINT he does up the stairs when he gets the call from lucifer pretending to be cas. if not reciprocated why sprint
in conclusion I’m praying for this man to get more botox so he can no longer terrorize me with Jacting
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fucktheroyals · 4 years
You know after reading and reading and reading peoples theories and the meta from before the spn finale aired and the meta writers reactions to the finale I think I have a theory of my own. We don't have any answers tho, so this is pure speculation. If you wanna add something to support or discredit any of this that's cool but there's too many things floating around. Know I dont have proof for this conclusion at all. A lot of what I say is just guesses based on previous facts.
This all came together in my head when I realized how much this finale REEKS of the original producers and who the show was originally for. It REEKS of Robert Singer. Like if the execs started saying they didn't want it, Robert Singer was the one pushing that the story was about the brothers. That kinda thing.
Then, I was thinking of the problems in this episode and it struck me these are all of Supernatural biggest issues and to be honest all of it feels completely deliberate.
Take the sexism for example, Supernatural in it's later seasons largely out grew this, we have Jody, Rowena, Donna, Charlie, Mary, Claire (and even a wayward sisters pilot with MORE women/girls) all making regular appearances. They're mainly good characters and mostly aren't there to hurt our boys. Rowena, of course, is the one outlier being very about herself but it's clear she still cares for them, I mean its part of her development. But they're all real, with character flaws just like everyone else. (And we have Death too and she was POC 😭 THANK GOD)
Now look at the earlier half of Spn, we have Ellen and Jo, who's appearances were far in between. There's Bela in season 3, recurring for quite a bit (5 eps), but she is a character that is only there for herself, definitely not found family (unlike Ellen & Jo), and she's got more episodes in season 3 than Ellen and Jo in season 2 who aren't seen again til season 5. The "fans" send in hate mail after hate mail to try to get these characters off, and eventually they are. Then there's Ruby who's character stayed for a whole two seasons and was a largely recurring character. Why does she get to say so long? She's a plot device. She's supposed to be there to betray Sam. She has to stay (plus Jared obviously likes her). But she's not just a character the writers like writing about. Same with Lilith. Obviously not as recurring but still a plot device. Did they get hate mail tho? You can bet on it. Why? because tHeY'rE gOnNa PuSh ThE bOyS (Dean and Sam) aPaRt ThE sHoW iS aBoUt ThE bOyS oNlY. Without even thinking about the hate mail, just notice how large the difference is from how women are seen in the earlier seasons to the later seasons. Misha got tons of hate mail too for being a character that could split up the boys (probably only being allowed to say because he a man, thanks sexist producers and execs).
Only after Castiel was killed off and then Castiel fans successfully (thank you guys) got him back on the show did the hate mail largely simmer, which means female character's were allowed to stay! Which has lead us to a show with a good amount of female characters. But can you imagine having to kill characters off time and time again because people keep complaining that the show is "only about the boys." Fun times really.
So now we get to this final and we see sexism. But it wasn't just the plain old regular sexism you find in the earlier days of spn. Because now, there ARE women to talk about, talk to. But this episode was DESOLATE women wise, unless they were used for plot (which is also sexist!). Small scenes, they're barely there. Women gets her tongue cut out. Random women from s1 gets killed. Sam doesn't SPEAK of Eileen. Nothing. No mention of any female characters from the boys mouths unless they were from/in this episode itself. That's WIERD. I know we've all said it. But that goes beyond forgetting about characters. I mean its SAM'S GIRLFRIEND for Christ's sake. There is NO REASON they couldn't have said Eileen's name. Notice how Sam's wife is just... faceless. This is literally an age old sexist trope. Like... one of the things about bringing Mary back to life for s12+ is that it takes this trope... of basically a generic mother, and gives her life and feelings, whether you like them or not, they're real feelings. They said Mary isn't just a mom she's a person. Mary's existence in the later half of spn is to fix this kind of female tropes that fall upon her character, to not let these her stay a 2 dimensional character. They said we should know she's more than just the mom who tried to save her kid. Do that is the exact opposite of Sam getting a nameless, faceless wife. The sexism of the old spn wasn't just brought back, it was completely amplified. It wasn't just accidental or some exec "fixing" the story it was DELIBRATE. Whoever wrote that, didn't do ALL OF THAT by accident. Because an exec or a producer who doesn't see the flaws in old supernatural isn't going to write it that deliberately.
Let's bring it back to s10 when Charlie was killed (singer was mainly to blame). Dead in the bathtub, age old classic of burying ur gays. If you were here you know people never let Supernatural live that down. THEY KNOW what bury ur gays means. Hell, Robbie Thompson left because of Charlie's death and you think the writers don't know what it means? I mean both Bobo Berens (especially) and Steve Yockey's careers are centered around LGBT+ storytelling and you think they don't know? They know. They know.
And Dean wasn't just apart of the bury your gays trope, it is so far BEYOND that. Dean being killed on a rusty nail/screw, the tongues ripped out, things that seemed to be meant for other people. Jensen's acting in the last two episodes was giving us "DEAN RECIPROCATES" but no one ever actually saying it. I think it's clear that Dean was killed for being Bi. They didn't address it for a reason, they just silenced him. His narrative was supposed to be about letting him be HIM for the first time, to say what his feelings are instead of having them miscommunicated, and instead of doing that, they just silenced him. And the more we look at this scene the more horrific it gets. The more it's a complete slap in the face and it's supposed to be. Some guy who knows nothing about the LGBT can't write a scene this horrific.
Some guy who knows nothing about Dean couldn't write a scene that deconstructs all of Dean's character development and gives Dean his worst nightmare. I MEAN DEAN WANTED TO LIVE HIS LIFE! THEY DIDNT HIDE THAT JOB APPLICATION (or whatever job related thing that was) IN THERE FOR SHITS AND GIGGLES THEY WANT YOU TO KNOW THIS IS THE ABSOLUTE WORST SITUATION. Dean isn't Barney from HIMYM. If you watched HIMYM then you'll know Barney went from being a stereotypical ladies man and treating women terribly to being in love with a women and treating her right and working hard for it. The last episode of HIMYM (why its so bad) Barney's character development is thrown out and he's back to being a stereotypical ladies man. You don't need to know Barney's character very much to do that.
To kill Dean during a hunt his father never finished, to not have anyone at his funeral, to have Dean die young like his life didn't matter. Those are Dean's worst fears and you'd only truly know that if you watched the gin episode in s3, where they are basically laid out for you. You HAVE to know Dean's character to tear him apart like this.
This episode took all the core elements of the show and did a complete 180° the name of the episode itself is "Carry on" and Dean and Sam very much did not carry on. Sam grieving his entire life so that he good get to heaven and see Dean again. Dean being ready to live his life, despite the enormous pitfalls and learning to love himself only to be killed. "Family don't end with blood." Um.... it did in that episode either literally with Dean's death or you know BECAUSE NONE OF THEIR FOUND FAMILY WAS THERE. Not Jack, Not Cas, Not Eileen, Not Donna, Not Charlie, Not Jody, Not Claire... on and on we go. No one was there, nobody was even mentioned. Dean's funeral, no one even called that we know of. It was just Sam and Dean. Sam and Dean. And Bobby. Don't forget Bobby. But yeah Sam and Dean.
That's what the show is about right, the brothers.
Except it's not anymore. It hasn't been for years.
Cas not being there was deafening but it brought us to a major point. Becky. Becky's telling us about the terrible ending.
And many of us are wondering why would they literally tell us this is the worst ending and then... make it the ending.
Now before we move on, it very apparent many of you think Dabb doesn't ship Deancas. And Dabb doesn't care about the characters.
Say what you will about any plot holes in his writing, the point he is VERY GOOD at writing the characters, and giving us good ones.
Why do we know Dabb ships Deancas? (ill say when its cowrote, other wise its not) cowrote ep 8.02 - purgatory "I prayed to you, Cas, every night" "Cas, Buddy, I need you." "I have a price on my head, and I've been trying to stay one step ahead of them, to – to keep them away from you." 8.08 Hunteri Heroici - Cas helps them hunt! 😊❤ Dean & Cas have a serious convo about why Cas doesn't want to see/go to heaven. 8.22 Dean's mad at Cas. Sam's explanation of why Dean should be easy on Cas: "It's Cas." Dean then points out how he'd knife anybody else if they did what Cas did. 9.10 - Cas comforts Dean when Dean can't take seeing Sam (Gadreel) being tortured anymore. Also tons of Cas. 9.20 (bloodlines) - Canonical couple parallel "I was there, where were you" 9.22 The angels make Cas choose between them and killing Dean and he "gave up an entire army for one guy" 10.09 Claire's reintroduction. Cas heavy ep. DeanCas date. 10.22 THE PRISONER - u know the ep where Dean beats the shit out of Cas but loves him enough to not kill him.
We COULD keep going but I think I've made my point. If Robert Singer is the guy that is like "the show is about Sam and Dean only" Andrew Dabb is the DeanCas shipper. And you could even say a Cas stan.
Notice! How in s13 for SEVEN episodes we have a story that revolves around Dean's grief about losing Cas. Notice! How often the stories in all these seasons have a focus on their relationship. THAT is Andrew Dabb. If it weren't for him doing that, we wouldn't be able to easily say after Dean's lack of a response to Cas' confession, that Dean reciprocates.
To me, when I was (binge) watching s12 for the first time, I thought damn this is really got a lot of DeanCas. So I went to look at who was in charge, who was writing. I saw Andrew Dabb, associated him with Deancas episodes, saw all the new writers, Bobo, and then I saw that Yockey is known for same sex stories and it clicked. Dabb assembled a team to give us Destiel. THAT WAS IN SEASON 12!!!!!!!!
The amount of people saying he's homophobic flabbergast me. Open your eyes! That isn't what's going on.
Imagine making a show and trying to right all the wrongs of Supernatural. Imagine trying to write the greatest love story ever told and you have the entire season planned out for it to end off beautifully, it may possibly be your greatest achievement when it's done and then boom. someone comes in and tells you you aren't allowed to make Dean bi or make destiel endgame, after he was most probably already given the go ahead.
Sure. You could imply he's bi or into cas still in a way. Still make nice-ish ending. just give everyone what the kinda want.
Or you could scrap the last season, nothing close to a canonical bisexual Dean Winchester or Deancas endgame in site. People can be done with it be happy with the show, continue to live their lives in ignorance as to how close they were to Canon destiel.
OR you can lead everyone to the very closest you can get them to what you were aiming for and then show everyone the ugly truth and reality. Light it all on fire. Burn the show to the ground in your wake. Try your darnedest to making these people's (the people saying no) pockets suffer. Show us, the audience, what happened. Show us what this show really is.
I've seen people talk about the ending being changed during covid but I dont think that happened. I think what happened was Dabb already had this season planned out before it even started. Obviously the details were wobbly but it was all lead up to this ending. Destiel endgame, Canon Bisexual Dean, whatever it was. They were ready to write the greatest love story ever told and then someone shut it down.
Imagine the pain that must have caused them to be told no when they already said yes. They must have been so excited to give this to us.
I think someone (some producers) told him what this show is "really" about. The brothers. Can you imagine, after being told no, some kinda bullshit like this is said to you: "Why aren't you bringing it back to the brothers, Andrew? that's what the shows about. What with all this homosexual stuff, you know the audience won't like that. Not really." Imagine the original producers pushing this kind of view on you. "You know when we started it was Sam and Dean. It should end with Sam and Dean." That kinda sounds like someone huh? huh.
So why give us a nice acceptable finale, when you can take every problem Supernatural's had either up front or behind the scenes and create a finale so incredibly bad that people don't want to watch it anymore.
Someone made a good point about how Sam was originally supposed to be the main focus (this isn't to put any hate on Sam or Jared). Dean and Sam are the main characters but Sam was supposed to be the focus and for Dean to have become the focus, must have annoyed the producers because... well here we are. They wouldn't listen to Jensen. The producers liked this ending. Jensen's opinion didn't matter to them.
In some ways, if this is really what happened, it can be seen as childish from Dabb. To hurt all of us like that. Yes, he's hurting the producers, the execs, the cw. But to hurt us? Yeah it stings.
But in other ways, if this is really what happened, this is Dabb showing us the muck and gunk under the shiny surface. The hate for Misha. The hidden hate for Jensen. The underlying sexism. The underlying homophobia. The people REALLY in charge don't care about us, they just want our money. He needed to open our eyes and free us, at least free the people that he was writing for. The people he sees that care about this show.
This is the ending the powers that be wanted and its a big fuck you for a reason. I dont think this is Dabb spitting in our faces for loving this show, I think this is him trying to get revenge for us.
But from here, you can see it how u want it. If this is really what happened, I'm not in charge of your emotions, if you wanna be mad be mad if you wanna be grateful be grateful. And you don't have to believe me either I said this is speculation.
Also, as for all of the rumors like there being shots to the confession scene that we didn't see, which Jensen himself implied, I think that might have been a last ditch effort to canonized DeanCas but obviously it was cut. Like the name change was pretty clear. As for Misha possibly having shot some stuff for 20 I dont know what to tell you. If it's true I dont know where the blame would lie.
I do think however, that if all this was the case, the writers were prepared to become villians here. I mean they told us the writers were villians with Chuck right? So. Who knows what went down so they could give us such a vile ending. It could've been the producers or the writers, who truly knows. I do think tho that people we "trust" did some pretty shitty things to push the narrative in certain directions so now one would see this as the actual ending that was coming.
So again do with my SPECULATION what you will. This was in no way meant to put Dabb on a pedestal or anything. Just meant to give a bit of perspective.
(Also Jensen didn't unfollow Dabb recently he was already unfollowed for years)
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lizzybizzyzzz · 3 years
before tfatws caatws I had always thought of bucky as touch adverse/ sensitive and was even planning on adding it into the fics I was planning when the series began, but it’s incredibly interesting that he is the exact opposite. it’s almost like he indulges touch, he gives and receive it so freely for a man that was stripped of his bodily autonomy.
I rewatched catfa for a character study and bucky doesn’t actually touch steve too many times in the movie but his introductory scene is one of them.
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steve & bucky also hug twice after this, but beside that they don’t really touch each other which is why I believed bucky wasn’t really a touchy person.
I am very glad to have been proven wrong. bucky doesn’t interact with too many other characters (that we saw) besides steve, sam, the wakandans, and the main characters of tfatws.
sam and bucky touch a lot throughout their show. in every episode that they are in together there is some significant moment where they are touching that can be used as analysis.
sam on the other hand interacted with more characters (sarah & his nephews, natasha, rhodey, steve, bucky, main tfatws characters) but does not initiate his own touch with them. this could be due to just lack of his screen time in previous movies but he, steve and natasha had the time and it wasn’t taken. which means it is not a significant enough part of his character to add like it is to bucky’s. sam and steve shake hands probably twice but that’s all the physically contact sam has, and one he didn’t even initiate.
the only time he does is to bucky, at tony stark’s funeral.
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touch is their love language together. while bucky’s is act of service + touch I believe that sam’s is words of affirmation + quality time (I could go deeper into this if people want headcanon style).
here are what I think the most important touching scenes per episode are and what gives this away most:
ep 2:
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ep. 3:
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ep. 4:
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ep. 5:
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ep. 6:
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honorable mention:
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samwontshare · 3 years
Okay so I rewatched parts of Endgame to write a Sambucky fic. I haven’t seen this movie since the theaters and then S8 ep 3 Game of Thrones destroyed my life.
-The fact that The Snap took Hawkeye’s entire family way outsides the odds proves how much the universe just hates Hawkeye.
-I forgot how much I fucking love Nebula. I want more Nebula and Rhodey. Bucky and Nebula would get on, too. Disabled superheroes club unite.
-I did like the beginning of Endgame. Everyone was just so wrecked and they played it so well. Thanos living his best life in his cottage. That was great.
-I still genuinely do not understand why Steve looks at Peggy’s picture when he’s talking about bringing everyone back from the Snap because he ‘doesn’t know what he’ll do otherwise.’ Like does she represent everyone he’s lost, like Sam and Bucky, his closest connections that are actually dead from the Snap? It doesn’t make sense.
-Is that Steve running a support group because he asked himself, “What would Sam do?”
-This was actually the best scene dealing w the fallout of the Snap. The MCU was definitely not ready to address the full scope of what The Blip means and you see that lack of follow through in every movie/series post Endgame.
-Steve Rogers: “You gotta move on.” UNLESS
-“...Thanos should’ve killed all of us.” I think this is the reason Steve goes back in time, honestly. The Snap just broke him. Without Sam and Bucky, with the enormity of this failure, Steve just lost his ability to cope. Steve has always needed someone to save him from himself but they’re gone. Even though they get most people back, they still lost Tony and Nat and 5 years. Steve can’t win. And Steve Rogers cannot cope with losing. So he rewrites a history where he wins. I don’t even think it’s about not being able to get over Peggy (though they did try to shoehorn that in hard), it was about Steve needing to be in control of his life again.
-It’s one of those situations where I can understand the character’s individual choice, but from a storytelling and narrative perspective, it doesn’t make sense with the story they were telling in the Captain America movies and it’s deeply unsatisfying and confusing. It leaves so many questions and potential consequences. I wasn’t even in this fandom at the time and had zero opinions on any ships, and I was like “this makes no sense.” It still doesn’t. But you know what good for Steggy shippers, ya’ll really won. Stucky fandom, as someone who had to watch Game of Thrones S8 wreck my fandom life, I feel you. My deepest sympathies.
Anyway I skipped to the end after the support group scene. Dammit here we go:
Had to watch the final battle. Cause I had to hear Sam say on your left.
I still lowkey ship Tony/Strange
What you don’t see in the finale battle is where Sam and Bucky keep saving each other. That happened.
The backflips they had to go through to explain why Carol Danvers doesn’t end this movie in 5 minutes. Lol
Tony Stark takes no prisoners. RIP coerced alien soldiers. I have a hard time believing they couldn’t have saved Tony between a portal to Wakanda and magic but fine heroic moving death it is.
Sam didn’t have to go that hard and put a hand on Bucky’s shoulder. But he did.
Okay the finale scene with Sam, Steve and Bucky. The whole reason I watched this lol. So it looks like they’re at the wreck of the Avengers compound. It’s unclear how much time passes between final battle, funeral, old man Steve and the stones. I still theorize Sam and Bucky get arrested after this because they’re fugitives and need to be pardoned.
It’s clear Steve told Bucky and fans were right about this for ages, but why not tell Sam??????? Like seriously wtf??? Couldn’t have said HEY Sam any interest in becoming the new Captain America??? 😂
That last look Steve shares with Bucky; right in my fucking heart.
So when Steve leaves he has no shield because it was destroyed by Thanos. When Steve comes back, he brings a shield to Sam. This seems to confirm the separate branch theory. The shield Sam has comes from a different timeline. Which means Steve came from a different timeline, maybe using the same tech. So it’s possible he rescued Bucky from HYDRA and he, Peggy and Bucky lived a great polyamorous life in that verse. Aw.
But that begs the question of how Steve got the shield in a different timeline. Like WHAT. Did he go find it in the Arctic? Did he convince Wakanda to make another one somehow? Like wtf? Again this ending makes no sense.
Poor Sam. He seriously has to deal with one last mindfuck, losing his best friend that he gave up everything for, and Sam being stalwart and true, just rolls with it. At least Bucky knew. Bucky had the chance to go back with Steve (but for a million reasons Bucky could never go back, that’s what this fic is going to be about lol). But Sam is just left to deal with one more loss.
Can we talk about how Bucky 100% supported Sam getting the shield from the start. Bucky was READY for Cap Sam Wilson. Bucky was like nope this shit is written.
You can see that imposter syndrome revving up to 1000% on Sam’s face. And he turns to Bucky for confirmation this is really happening.
I think this also explains why Bucky is so defensive about the shield. It really is the only thing left of his past. It’s his only tie to the Howling Commandos, to Steve, to the person he was before HYDRA took everything. And the only hope he has in staying behind is the certainty that Sam will be Cap, and that’s the hope that makes him stay. The thin vague tie to Sam and the possibility of their future. So for Sam to reject the shield, oof, I bet that felt like a rejection of Bucky himself. Because Bucky stays for Sam.
(None of this explains why Bucky then ghosts Sam. That is the biggest mystery but there are many delicious possibilities. It’s also possible that Bucky didn’t really ghost Sam - we know his flip phone is just something he has for show. He could be talking to Sam on his smart phone. And they had another falling out.)
Dear God the emotion in Sam’s face as he processes that he’s being given the shield. Cue existential crisis!!!!!
And on to TFATWS.
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buckybarnesj · 3 years
BUCKY BARNES’ HOTTEST MOMENTS - which have not made the list
as promised i’m posting the suggestions which i haven’t included in the countdown due to the amount only. in the end i did a little bit more than half for the series so below the readmore you can find 51 moments
feel free to send in a request for any of the below or if you have any other idea you’d like me to create - i’ll be doing these after my vacation 
so without further ado, the rest of the BBHM
55. Winter Soldier being wiped in CATWS 39/161 votes 56. Winter Soldier pulls Steve out of the water in CATWS 39/161 votes 57. Kicking a Flagsmasher and saying 'Stay there' in EP 4 TFATWS 39/161 votes 58. Bucky snarling at John Walker in EP 5 TFATWS 39/161 votes 59. Bucky + Rocket Racoon in Infinity War 39/161 votes 60. Bucky and Sam having staring contests in TFATWS  39/161 votes 61. Bucky using the tablet to mess with senator Atwood in EP 1 TFATWS 37/161 votes 62. Bucky apologizing to Sam about the shield in EP 5 TFATWS 37/161 votes 63. Bucky during Sam's speech in EP 6 TFATWS 37/161 votes 64. Winter Soldier protecting Karpov from the other winter soldiers in CACW 36/161 votes 65. Bucky manhandling the scientist in EP 3 TFATWS 36/161 votes 66. Flashback to Wakanda and attaining his freedom of the trigger words in EP 4 TFATWS 36/161 votes 67. Bucky running out of bullets and screaming in EP 3 TFATWS 35/161 votes 68. Bucky escaping his apartment building and fighting the Black Panther in CACW 34/161 votes 69. Bucky's portal entrance in Endgame 34/161 votes 70. Bucky hanging on the truck and screaming at Sam in EP 2 TFATWS 33/161 votes 71. Buying plums in Bucharest in CACW 32/161 votes 72. Who the hell is Bucky' in CATWS 32/161 votes 73. The Big Three argument with Sam in EP 2 TFATWS 32/161 votes 74. Bucky using John as a baseball bat and swinging him at the shield in EP 5 TFATWS 32/161 votes 75. Bucky 'It's a great app' in EP 6 TFAWS 32/161 votes 76. Walking out of his hut aka the Jesus moment in Black Panther 31/161 votes 77. Getting kicked out of the truck by Karli and swearing in EP 2 TFATWS 31/161 votes 78. Facing Zemo in the prison in EP 3 TFATWS 31/161 votes 79. Bucky's arm falls off then he reattaches it in EP 4 TFATWS 31/161 votes 80. Bucky refusing to leave Steve in the HYDRA facility, shouting 'No, not without you' in CATFA 30/161 votes 81. Winter Soldier squares off Steve on the helicarrier in CATWS 30/161 votes 82. Bucky standing over Sam and John after the fight in EP 5 TFATWS 30/161 votes 83. Flashback of the Winter Soldier activated by Karpov in CACW 29/161 votes 84. Bucky saving Steve from the bully in the alley in CATFA 29/161 votes 85. Winter Soldier sitting in the dark kitchen with Pierce in CATWS 29/161 votes 86. Bucky hugs Steve 'Don't do anything stupid until i get back' in CATFA 25/161 votes 87. Bucky confessing to Yori in EP 6 TFATWS 25/161 votes 88. Bucky on the phone with Karli in EP 6 TFATWS 25/161 votes 89. Bucky saving Yori in the alley in EP 1 TFATWS 24/161 votes 90. Bucky on a date with Leah - EP 1 TFATWS 23/161 votes 91. Helping Sam and Sharon out of the burning lab in EP 3 TFATWS 23/161 votes 92. Bucky being rescued by Steve in the HYDRA facility and saying 'I thought you were smaller' in CATFA 22/161 votes 93. In the therapy session in EP 1 TFATWS 22/161 votes 94. Punching a Flagsmaher and saying 'You're welcome' to Sam in EP 4 TFATWS 22/161 votes 95. Bucky looking at Yori and Leah through the diner's window in EP 6 TFATWS 22/161 votes 96. Flashback to young Bucky with slicked back hair in CATWS 20/161 votes 97. In the bar trying to flirt with Peggy (and Steve) in CATFA 18/161 votes 98. Bucky watching John Walker on TV in EP 2 TFATWS 18/161 votes 99. Bucky on the date with two girls before he ships out in CATFA 17/161 votes 100. Bucky at Tony's funeral in Endgame 17/161 votes 101. Bucky convinced by Sam to stay with them in EP 5 TFATWS 17/161 votes 102. Bucky and Sam fight Spiderman in CACW 16/161 votes 103. Bucky and Sam watching Steve kiss Sharon in CACW 10/161 votes 104. Going back to cryo in CACW 6/161 votes 105. Bucky 'She's not gonna listen' about Sharon in EP 6 TFAWS 6/161 votes
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cultfaction · 3 years
Preview: Ghosts Ep. 3: Viking Funeral
Preview: Ghosts Ep. 3: Viking Funeral
In Ghosts Ep. 3: Viking Funeral, Thorfinn’s bones are discovered on the Woodstone property, so he asks Sam to conduct the traditional Viking funeral he’s always wanted. However, Sam and Jay are torn when they learn that the bones could be sold to a museum for a lot of much-needed cash. Also, the ghosts conduct an election for a “ghost representative” to bring issues to Sam, on GHOSTS, Thursday,…
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Falcon & The Winter Soldier | Episode 2.5: Struggle (Part 3)
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Chapter link: https://www.wattpad.com/848387334?utm_source=ios&utm_medium=link&utm_content=share_reading&wp_page=reading_part_end&wp_uname=TheWinterWidow77&wp_originator=3gJrnAqM2JiFIt2JqaME8YN88BtBBOHyHBt9d%2F8nNztEjOlYmrUngPlQaq%2FlyITAyZVSPP8LdlLLZJTCLbfjmio4QnrKQctjTsQyJfn3eGF67M07M%2BloTSO%2BGg0EcsF2
S2 Timeline of Events (So Far)
Confused about which scene happens before another scene or which scene happens after another?  Then read on.  This is a timeline for scenes in Season 2 of my FATWS series.  Not only does this help me organize my story, but I think it will help you as well.  Not all scenes will be shown here.  They will only be one that are at least the next day after a scene.  If you're ever confused about any part or aspect of my story please feel free to ask.
-May 12, 1986: Sharon is born (Ep. 2.4)
-1991: Johann & Pierce talk (Ep. 2.4)
-2004: Sharon (18) joins SHIELD (Ep. 2.3)
-2013: Nat and Sharon talk (Ep. 2.1)
-2015: Nat and Sam talk (Ep. 2.1)
-Late Nov 2023: Faustus revived Grant Ward (Ep. 2.1)
-Jan 3rd, 2024: Sam, Bucky, & Sharon head off to NJ (Ep. 2.1)
-Jan 4th: The team goes to Avengers HQ ruin site (Ep. 2.1)
-Jan 5th: The team goes to Wakanda (Ep. 2.1)
-Jan 15th: Bucky makes a move on Sharon (Ep. 2.1)
-Jan 16th: Sam has a call with Julio about missions (Ep. 2.1)
-Jan 18th-Mar 10th: the team goes through a slew of missions and rallies (Ep. 2.1)
-April 17th: Bucky & Sharon bang (Ep. 2.2)
-April 18th: Sam and the team decide to help Wanda (Ep. 2.2)
-April 20th: The team flies to Sokovia (Ep. 2.2)
-April 23rd: The team finds Wanda (Ep. 2.2)
-April 24th: Isiah Bradley meets Sam (Ep. 2.2)
-April 25th: Sam announces he won't take any serum on news (Ep. 2.2)
-April 26th: Kate accepted into the team (Ep. 2.2)
-April 30th: The team goes on a mission that goes wrong (Ep. 2.2)
-May 2nd: Faustus & Ward talk (Ep. 2.3)
-Sept: Sharon helps move into Kate's condo (Ep. 2.4)
-Oct 4th: Bucky & Sharon shower together (Ep. 2.3)
-Oct 5th: Faustus gives Ward a perfected serum (Ep. 2.3)
-Oct 19th: Ward steals John's body and kidnaps Sharon (Ep. 2.3)
-Nov 17th: The team watches the news of Faustus' killers and their murders (Ep. 2.3)
-Just after: Harrison & Amanda watch the news about Steve, etc (Ep. 2.4)
-Nov 24th: Steve's funeral (Ep. 2.3)
-Dec 2nd: Bucky argues with Sharon's mom (Ep. 2.4)
-Dec 3rd: Kate mourns Shar; goes with Sam (Ep. 2.4)
-Dec 6th: The Team with Lemar goes to get Sharon & John (Ep. 2.4)
-Dec 13th: Sam calls Lemar (Ep. 2.4)
-Dec 15th: Sharon & John have nightmares (Ep. 2.5)
-Dec 17th: John breaks into lab to steal back his suit and shield (Ep. 2.5)
-Dec 18th: Sam, Kate, Bucky, and Sharon go out and talk (Ep. 2.5)
-Dec 19th: Team goes to Wakanda to talk to Zemo (Ep. 2.5)
-Dec 21st: John joins an underground fight club for money (Ep. 2.5)
-Dec 22nd: Shuri works on Bucky (Ep. 2.5)
-Dec 23rd: Bucky & Sharon go out (Ep. 2.5)
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loptrcoptr · 3 years
Yknow, season 3 of bsg was not as messy as I expected.
spoilers, etc.
I super did not expect four episodes of love rectangle bullshit to be the alluded to big-cringe-point of the season, because what writers in their right minds would lean so hard into that??? damn, I almost quit after the eye of Jupiter two-parter, ugh. There is a reason television shows dangle romance in front of viewers like a cat toy and yank it away constantly. It’s because the promise of what could be is exciting, and making that exciting thing a part of every episode completely nullifies the excitement. That whole four episode shitshow was just miserable to watch, I’m not sure what part of the clusterfuck was supposed to be enjoyable to any viewer.
The character writing has been patchy since season two, so it’s not like that was new. I think it was just easier to focus in on in this season because they kept timing things so poorly too, revealing plot holes, which reveals weaknesses in the characters as people and firmly yeets them back into the “two dimensional” category. For instance, if they just hadn’t mentioned the love rectangle crap for four episodes after Unfinished Business, no one would’ve bailed on the show out of misery, I imagine. They dug in when they should’ve backed off. If they had sprinkled some more angst in after a sizeable break, the average viewer would have dealt with it much better. Also? Kara’s “death” and the subsequent lack of a grieving-themed episode, they totally showed their hand on that one. By rushing through it–no funeral, no one crying but Bill, just Lee looking sad and Sam being drunk– they made it painfully obvious that she wasn’t dead. If they had just “killed” her a few episodes earlier, dragged the viewer through a sad aftermath episode, and then moved forward, it would’ve stuck! They clearly either a) didn’t have any clue how they were gonna finish the season, or b) they did but couldn’t figure out how to get there until the last ten or so episodes, because they had a lot of chances for really solid foreshadowing that they absolutely ignored, or just didn’t know enough about at the time to be able to factor them in. (The final four out of five. They could’ve been setting up for that since new caprica, throwing in weird details, things they know, etc. but no! And why four at once, that’s so stupid, it should’ve been three so they still had two surprises left that they could work out later!! The only hints at those four were planned to be Cylons since the beginning of the season, that I can think of, are maybe that Tigh fought off Bulldog fairly easily, and Galen beat the shit out of Bill in the ring and also did better after the airlock disaster than Cally did. But they sure didn’t have the group planned out in season two, because in season two Anders was briefly dying of pneumonia, which is not very Strong Cylon Type of him.)
So it all felt half-baked, most of the time, which lets you, the audience, hone in on the things that don’t track. Like.... Seelix going from determined executioner to friendly local ray of sunshine. Bill thinking Lee would throw Saul under a bus just because Bill’s lawyer father was kind of an asshole and of Lee is interested in law, so now he must be a cunt too. Laura throwing dissenters in jail for protesting poor working conditions when she herself is as staunchly pro-union as they come. Bill threatening to have Cally murdered just because she helped Galen organize a strike. Lee ruining his relationship with Laura just because some lawyer he met is charismatic. The list goes on.
Case in point, I think, that proves how little consideration for each character’s motivations went into this season: Kara’s reason for promising to be with Lee and then asking Sam to marry her a few hours later is never given. The show spends a ridiculous amount of time focusing on this “plot twist”, but never, ever gives a reason for why it happened at all. How can they expect the audience to both engage with this storyline and ignore the fact that there’s no motivation for it? Why would they treat their audience like morons who haven’t been paying attention? This was the Big Drama for the whole first half of the season (ugh, gag me) and the powers that be don’t seem to have invested any time or effort into the whole debacle at all. Maybe they’ll come up with the rationale for Kara’s decision in the next season, but they sure don’t have it figured out as of the last ep of season three. (And, actually, it seems implied in the finale of season two [when Tigh tells Kara “that was a long time ago, people change”] that something else went down, I mean unless Lee or Kara told no one else in the fleet... but told Tigh?)
I mean I guess any season that begins with a fat suit, sham marriages, and a time jump was bound to be a little messy.
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