#red carpet pics with all of them again
charmac · 5 months
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Rob, Charlie, and Glenn are all presenting awards at the 2023(4) Emmys on Monday!?
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Hi! If requests are still open, can I request for a Reader who like prince charming in manga or manhwa? Like the reader is such a gentleman(or gentlewoman), treat the TWST guy like a princess, and even when the TWST guys fall the reader just caught them and say "are you ok, princess?"or something similar? For self-aware!Au and Leona/Malleus/Vil if possible? Thank you! Please take time to rest and feel free to delete it if it broke the rule or you are not comfortable making it! 😊
Self-aware au
I do not take any responsibility for you reading this no matter which age group you are from!
WARNING: Yandere themes, neglect, family problems, stalking, taking photos without consent, invasion of privacy, violence, unhealthy relationships
Leona Kingscholar/Vil Schoenheit/Malleus Draconia-Player is like prince charming
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Imagine this: Leona tripping over air, a most heinous thing hiding in plain sight, and then suddenly something catches him
If it weren't for your face being so famous he would have thought you were a student from RSA
“Are you alright?” Yeah, I think he is. Other than the fact that he stares at you like the red dot of a laser pointer is on your forehead, he is fine
What he didn't know though was how everyone else in the hallway was just staring at the two of you. Could be the stars and flowers surrounding you two but what do I know?
If Leona wasn't such a loner then he would have started a fan club or something like that
But since he can't he is more on the “silent screeching teenager on the inside” trip
Like, my man is hiding behind corners, snapping pics, trying to smell the slightest bit of your perfume
Ok, maybe he is a bit more intense than an entire fan club usually is but he is just trying to figure out more about his prince char- *ahem* you
And we wouldn't be talking about Leona if there wouldn't be the tiniest bit of that, you know, manipulating others
Ruggie once more gets a chance to make others have “accidents” but if it would be too obvious why he orders him to do that then he can also take care of it himself
You know, roughing up a few students who came too close to you. That kind of stuff
But oh, how much he wishes that you would pay most of your attention on him
Leoan might not seem like it but all the years of neglect back home had made him crave it
So he gifts you a lot of things
From simple things for everyday use to luxurious accessories
But why won't you accept them? Do you dislike him that much? What else does he need to do? Tell him. Tell him!
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Dramatic violin chorus, Vil falling backwards from the stairs, heels caught in the carpet, one last desperate look into the air before a chorus of opera singers screams in despair to add even more dramatic flair to the situation
And then, nothing. A soft cello plays a soft tune as arms close around his waist, stars sparkling in Vils eyes as his gaze falls upon his savior
Birds are singing and warm sunlight falls upon the duo... until the two Pomefiore students who carried a mirror start to move again making the reflecting light which fell on the two of you break away once more
Five meters away Epel just stares at you two with an expression that can only be described as “Ugh”
Rook stops the music which played in the background, the piece surprisingly supportive of the situation
As if the moment needed even the slightest bit more to seem like an abridged version of a Disney film you even asked Vil if he was alright
One second later and Epel asked himself what the heck Disney is
But congrats, you have now what Vil would call “a troublesome fan”
Oh no, Vil wouldn't buy merch of you or something like that. He has an even better collection
If you were to push his clothing in his closet to the side you would see its wooden back littered with photos of you
Some are a few selfies the two of you had snapped together (it was just a nice memory. He totally didn't mean to use it in any creepy means) and other photos you were not aware of
Some of them are taken disturbingly in private moments like when you were cooking and somewhere buried even deeper is even one when you were starting to change your clothing...
Vil also starts to hog all your time
No more eating lunch with a group of students you deemed your friends. Oh no, now it's Vil, Epel and ,if our local harassments of overgrown house cats has behaved well, even Rook
Although Vil doesn't trust Rook 100% when something is about you. The queen knows after all that the hunter has his own sights on you and is more than ready to snatch you up at any moment
Should you try to distance yourself though I recommend wearing long sleeves, otherwise the desperate clawing of nails that are way too sharp will rip your skin to shreds, a desperate fan of yours hanging just as desperate as the fairest Queen was on her beauty on your arm
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Do you hear that too? What you don't? Did I imagine the wedding bells just now?
When Malleus fell from his broom, most ungraceful, he was surprised when you suddenly caught him (although this tiny bit of hight wouldn't be able to harm him)
Even after he reassured you that he was more than just alright you still insisted to bring him to the school nurse just to be sure and even then you still treated him like he was something easily broken
Is... Is this how normal people feel when someone takes care of them?
The poor school nurse was almost screeching in fear when Malleus suddenly made a sound akin to purring
The situation is kinda as if the prince who fought against Maleficent suddenly apologized after striking her, making sure that she got better and then proposing to her
Ok, maybe he imagined the last part but he is just a lovesick fire spewing lizard in human form. Let him have his fantasies!
Malleus isn't your ordinary Fae though. Oh no. You are courted by royalty here but given his rather... unhealthy interest in you I am not sure if you could consider this a win or a loss
Gold, rubies, diamonds and much, much more is at your disposal. Don't tell anybody. Otherwise there will be break-ins
At this point it's a normal occurrence to see a scene from those clichè romance novels acted out in the hallways of NRC
But since Malleus has “Fae-prince-who-can-end-your-life-with-the-snap-of-a-finger” privileges no one dares to say anything
Malleus wouldn't be a good dragon if he weren't even the lighter bit hoarding
Only that it isn't just “a bit” but rather “hoards all the time” when something concerns you
And suddenly eh invites you to visit the Valley of Thorns
“Visit” haha, funny
Have you heard? There are rumors of Briar Valley soon having a second future ruler. Huh? Who? I don't know? But aren't you close to Malleus? Maybe he knows something
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ingravinoveritas · 3 months
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So I just wanna ask u just does this look like a real happy healthy relationship and in love with each or just put on for show for the fans and why do I feel like she making it all about her again and reminded everyone who she with it feels micheal was forced in the pictures taking with her the red carpet photo she looked bored and annoyed cos michael not paying any attention he just look miserable but I bet if it was David standing there instead of anna his face would be beaming like the one Georgia posted of them 4 together micheal face is electric and see how he lean toward David that best friend goals and I just love seeing them together cos that when he at his most happiness place
Also I find it strange that Anna was left out in staged scene but David wife gerogia made appearance doesn't that strike u as odd and gerogia brought the plus one date a girl could have and it wasnt anna yet they call each other wife clearly not as close etc then David and Michael are it seems.
And did u notice in the scene with David and Tom hiddleson about the dog sitter initially could present as benign and then he and the dog get up to all kinds of hijinks and ultimately disrupt stuffy old Michael sheen boring life but for the better like why put that in the script maybe his life with anna is boring and only staying cos he feels he needs too for the young children what do u think of all this
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From @amata-haan along with a screenshot of the group photo:
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(Grouping all of these together since it seems we've got a bit to talk about here.)
So, the biggest point of discussion seems to be the group pic that Georgia posted, and I will put up a larger size of that for us to discuss:
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When I saw that Georgia had posted this in an Insta story, of course my first thought was "Finally a picture of Michael and David together!" I think that was what we were all hoping for all night, to where it was almost glaring that we hadn't gotten one when the event ended (until Georgia's post, that is).
The second thing that came to mind is what you alluded to @moriarty-sisters, about this being a near repeat of what we've seen a few times before (first at the NTAs in 2021, and then the group photo Georgia posted on Michael's birthday, that appears to have been taken after Michael went to see Macbeth):
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Every time, Georgia is on the right. Every time, she and Anna have the same tight smiles while Michael and David have huge grins on their faces. At this point, it feels intentional, because twice might be a coincidence, but three times is a plan. There are slight differences to the vibes in each picture--although Georgia looks like she knows a secret and Michael and David look like a very happy couple in every one of them--but last night's group pic was...something.
Which takes me to your comment @phantomstars24 about how Michael is holding AL. I was under the impression that he had his hand on her waist, but if he is touching her breast, I'm perplexed at that being her reaction. She looks stiff and like a deer caught in the headlights, and regardless of where Michael's hand is, it doesn't seem like that's a great way to look when your own boyfriend is touching you. Adding to the strange optics is the fact that Michael is actually leaning toward David in the picture and away from her. It looks like his arm/shoulder is pressing into David and there isn't a millimeter of space between them, yet he seems to be a mile away from Anna despite having an arm around her.
(And none of this is even touching on Georgia using the theme song from Friends in the Insta story for the group pic, which she had to know we would all notice...)
So yes, a lot of thoughts on the group pic, but overall delighted to see Michael and David looking so happy next to each other. Especially Michael, in stark contrast to how he looked in some of the other pictures.
Speaking of which...I briefly talked about Michael and AL at the BAFTAs yesterday here and here, so I will try not to repeat myself too much in this part of my answer. But what I think we are seeing is two things: Anna's fantasy of what she thinks her and Michael's relationship is, and the reality of what we saw at the BAFTAs.
I think in AL's mind, she and Michael were like Georgia and David. But if we are going to say that Georgia and David were very loving and sweet together on the red carpet yesterday--which they absolutely were, with the kiss they shared and David comforting Georgia when she was experiencing anxiety--then there is no way you can look at the pictures of Michael and Anna and see the same thing. Even without bringing GT/DT into it, there is a massive, marked difference between pictures of Michael with AL vs. pictures of him with literally anyone else (such as this pic with Hannah Waddingham).
Looking at Anna's pictures that she posted, every one of them seems to be about ownership, right down to the Insta story with the #mine hashtag (which again seems to be her copying Georgia, also on the night of an award ceremony). The vibe that I got was of a teenager who'd won a date with her favorite celebrity and took him to the prom. Ultimately, though, she looked out of place, and he looked uncomfortable with her, both of which are a remarkable feat after five years of a relationship.
The pictures also repeated themes we've seen before (AL has previously posted a picture of her kissing Michael's cheek where he looks equally withdrawn; the photo in the car on the way to the event is a copy of pictures Georgia has posted of her and David in the car on the way to events) and speak to that idea of pushing a certain narrative, despite neither one of them appearing to sell it very well.
To that end, and to your comments @lepqueen and @turquoisedata, I would agree with you that it looks like AL is trying to mark her territory. The problem is that Michael had more chemistry just talking with David in that opening BAFTAs sketch than he did with Anna the entire night, and she was frequently left looking like she had no idea what she was doing or why she was there. Another example of this is an Insta story she posted earlier today that again demonstrated her main interest in the relationship:
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What's particularly noteworthy is the follow up Insta story on the right, which I couldn't believe she actually posted. I think that if you are fine and happy with the narrative you've put out, you are not going to be bothered by or salty about a comment like that, and AL clearly was. And all of this then casts at least some doubt that the pictures she posted are really telling the whole story. Just a recap of what we do know about last night (and if I am forgetting anything, someone please let me know):
- Anna was the only principal member of the cast who was not in the Staged-themed opening sketch, despite being in all three seasons of the show. - Anna was not seated next to Michael during the in person part of the opening sketch, despite there being no reason the producers couldn't have put her next to him even as a seat filler. - Georgia brought her friend Daisy Aitkens as a +1 and sat with her instead of Anna, leaving us with the above picture of AL sitting alone and staring straight ahead while in the background of a Michael J. Fox picture (that she is acting like is a picture of her with him, instead of her photobombing a picture of MJF with his wife). - During the show, the camera repeatedly cut to Michael in the audience when there was no reason to do so, but did not show Anna on camera once.
So yes, I think that if last night at the BAFTAs was somehow AL's attempt to mark her territory/assert her place in the UK acting industry, it did not seem to go over well. I think David and Georgia's relationship and Michael and David's relationship emerged even stronger than before, and unfortunately AL and Michael's relationship did not and does not compare.
My apologies for rambling on, as I never intended for this to get so long. As I've said before, this is all just my opinion, and I know I could be completely wrong, so I'm glad as always to hear from my followers with your thoughts. Thanks for writing in! x
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nightgoodomens · 10 days
Hi, I follow your blog only recently and I find it very interesting. Thank you for your work and the information you give us. I've tried to reconstruct the facts you're talking about, but I can't quite understand what happened to the Oliviers in detail. Can you explain it better? If you have the time and desire, of course. Thank you!
Hi! Thank you so much!
So everything that happened around Oliviers was a lot of PR panic.
This is going to be LONG:
DT with family went to Cali for three weeks. That’s where all the weird far away pap shots and hidden videos were taken by GT. And the miserable pic of DT on the boat at Disneyland. If this was meant to prove that they’re *happily married* then it went down like a lead balloon. DT has never been this done before.
MS with family were sent to Disneyland at the same time, just a different one, and AL started her sudden “we are HAPPY!!!!!” attack - the thing about AL is that she always busts herself before anyone even says anything, excuses stuff before anyone blinks - so we were ready for something to go down because there was a sudden push from PR to show both families separate and “happy” (fucking idiots sent both to Disneyland though lmao).
And then we found out why.
Assembly was released, where Michael looked like he wanted to die as he was pushed, for the first time, to talk about AL. Well. It didn’t go great. He focused on the age difference and basically made it sound like they fucked up and had to make it work. The word “happy” was pushed in his mouth so he said it. Which linked us to AL’s “happy!!!!” theme and made sense of why she pushed it - PR knew MS wasn’t convincing especially since… automatically Michael switched the conversation to David. Again. And again. And again. And brightened up like a sunshine the second he did.
After that, a blind was released, talking about how the women are trying to sell a perfect Disney image while the men look happier when together or talking about each other. Blinds usually end up with huge damage control so all the drama was making sense.
AL lost her mind, she was suddenly shoving the relationship into everyone’s faces, answering fans about old photos, fighting with those who didn’t agree, fighting with Swedish media(!). It was embarrassing. MS as you can guess wasn’t involved at all. She was basically screaming on socials how they’re totally happy - because she said so.
DT and family came back from Cali. GT lost her mind too, suddenly doubling on her nastiness towards DT, to the point of promoting articles that were calling his expressions deranged and continuously crapping on the good articles. It was like she was taking all her frustration out on him publicly.
Then Oliviers happened.
The men didn’t meet on the red carpet. David was suddenly highly photographed sharing a hug with another man, of course not MS, this one was kept far away from him. The hug was photographed from every side, with all agents around them, and promoted on social media as bromance within three seconds. Damn not even antis bought this bullshit. David wanted to turn and go back but he was stopped and ushered inside, and there is a photo of him and GT sitting inside when it’s practically empty… with the agent talking to them.
MS arrived with AL after, her in a wannabe bride dress, him looking ready to slap some bitch.
At the end of the night there is a selfie GT posted of her and DT, there is also one of him with a fan - he looks unwell on both.
The ladies made the whole thing about themselves. GT called DT a loser. The next day, women angrily posted a group pic because fans reminded them that they’re here for the men.
A blurry video was released. Four of them standing together, DT pointing at MS, GT slapping her hand at him making his head snap towards her. MS looked aggravated.
GT’s nastiness continued online.
DT disappeared right after Oliviers. On his birthday, she posted a cold story with an old pic, which she followed with wishing another actress a happy birthday and saying she’s the fav tv wife for him, which was… questionable because her role was a toxic social media obsessed wife and his character was miserable in that movie. And funnily he said he related to this role a lot. She also added to not tell MS.
Well, the response came quick. A pic popped up on AL’s instagram wishing David a happy birthday and calling him Michael’s husband. The picture included Michael standing between cardboard cut outs of David and GT. And AL was holding a sign saying “winner” (not a loser).
Michael was seen prancing back to NT after that. He added a romantic song “Alone Together” to his playlist that day.
He also started missing stage door.
GT hasn’t posted anything suggesting any Birthday celebrations.
David remained nowhere to be seen. Michael suddenly stopped doing Nye too. They both disappeared.
A week later they re appeared together. At National Theatre.
DT took a pic with MS poster. Called himself a fanboy. Used a very telling song. Posted on GT insta. AL (Michael) reposted it saying “the best group pic we’ve ever taken ❤️”. Quite a dig at the shitshow of Oliviers and ladies withholding that group pic as the men came back with a bang. To me, they rebelled and that’s why they both disappeared until they could come back together, triumphant. GT is allowed barely any content of DT since and everything seems very calculated. AL is acting very reserved too. The ladies are mostly ignoring each other now.
And ever since the NT come back, both men have been more open about each other than ever before. DT talking about MS being in his life now, wearing matching bracelets, wanting to do GO until he dies… MS excluded AL from his interviews and podcasts entirely and talks about DT like everyone knows they’re together already. DT walks around NT wanting to be spotted, keeps on taking pics with all the posters. They’ve never been this free.
In my opinion, when PR tried to shove them in a closet, they disappeared because they rebelled. And triumphant came back together after negotiations that it seems they have won. And things have been very different and better for the men ever since.
Now these are my opinions so of course please feel free to look at these events and make your own judgment.
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gucciwins · 1 year
worth the risk 
Y/N attends the Golden Globes and has lots of questions to answer
word count: 2738
a/n: hola amores!!!!! this series has been so much fun to write! happy reading. let me know what you want to see next :D
part one // part two 
“You know what to say when they ask,” Bee reminds you as you sit in your makeup chair, letting the glam team do their job. You’re going for an elegant but simple look that the cameras will be able to capture. You loved wearing bold red lipstick, but for tonight you were doing a pink shade, a touch darker than your natural lip color, to allow the jewelry you are wearing tonight to speak for you on the carpet.
“Yup,” you frown at the mirror where you can see Bee taping away on her iPhone. “I will tell them I let him take me to his house and have his way with me.”
“Y/N!” Bee hisses. “Be serious.”
You’re fed up with all this information for one meeting with Harry. It started as a date, but you doubt anything more will come of it now due to all this unnecessary drama. There hasn’t been a chance for you or Harry to talk about what you’re both looking for in a relationship or if you were interested in seeing each other again.
“Yes, I know.” You take a sip of your chamomile tea, trying to relax. “I’ll say we had coffee, and he’s even nicer in person.”
Bee sets her phone down, able to pick up on your bitterness. “If you had let me know you were going to meet him, we could have prevented this.”
You don’t regret meeting Harry because you got to spend a carefree afternoon with him. It did lead to unprecedented changes in your plans. You think back to sitting in an office instead of Harry’s house for dinner like you had planned.
The office was cold, and the tension in the room was high. Harry sat to your left, and Bee and Jeff, your managers in front of you, stern looks on both their faces. It reminded you of when your parents sat you down and gave you an hour lecture about sneaking out. The talk was so boring you never snuck out again.
“There are pap pics of you everywhere,” Jeff informs you.
It is evident to you where this conversation is headed.
You feel yourself shrink into your chair. This is not something you had planned. Neither did Harry. After your “date,” you planned to meet the following day at five pm, where Harry would have food waiting, and you’d arrive with store-bought wine. You were driving to his house when you got the call. Harry was quick to inform you he had an urgent meeting to attend, and you shared that you did as well. The dots clicked much faster than you liked.
Bee explained that there was no way to stop the photos from going out. This was simply a warning to them to prepare statements if necessary.
“We’ll cut Y/N’s trip short, get her back to America,” Bee tells Jeff as if you weren’t even there able to make a choice for yourself.
“Hey, I’m supposed to visit my sister and my nephew,” you argue.
Bee sighs, knowing you’re right. You haven’t been able to visit them, and it’s all you talked about on your flight. “Call her and ask her to see you tomorrow. You’re coming back in February.”
Bee dismissed your concerns, but you were thankful for the extra day. Jeff pulled out a tablet to show you the photos. There is nothing scandalous. It’s you and Harry facing each other with similar smiles. The last photo is the one that you know is the one that caused all this ruckus. Harry is photographed kissing your cheek. It’s friendly. Nothing to signify more happened or that it was a date. It was simply two friends getting coffee.
“Are you putting out a statement?” Harry asks.
“No, Harry. What for?” Jeff deadpans.
You see Harry frown, but he doesn’t fight his manager because this is Harry’s MO, ignore and move on. You’re not used to this. Sure, you’ve had articles written about you, but you have always been the sole focus, not you being linked to Harry Styles.
“Does Harry have anything to announce? Take away the focus from the photos when they drop.” Bee is always ten steps ahead, and here is another time.
“We have yet to announce his LA opening act,” Jeff offers. He looks towards Harry, who sits there pensive. Harry looks like he would rather be anywhere else than here.
“Wet Leg would be a good distraction,” Harry tells Jeff shrugging as if he’s used to all this fuss.
You were taking this too personally. Harry didn't owe you anything. He didn’t have to say he was simply having coffee with a friend. You were not allowed to say a word because you were insignificant compared to Harry’s world and fame.  
It did not feel nice, and you were ready to return to your hotel.
“Y/N has the Golden Globes press in a few days. We’ll officially blacklist his name.”
You sit there, letting Bee take control of your life. You had forgotten this part of fame. You knew it was too soon for you and Harry to be protecting each other. You went on one date. There was not enough time for feelings to grow, but you did wish things were different because you’re certain after today’s fiascos, you’d no longer be hearing from Harry.
Bee bid her goodbyes as she took a phone call, and you took that as your cue to leave. You wished both men well and hurried into the elevator, eager to get out of the building and hopefully never return.
“Y/N, wait.” A body slips through the elevator doors, and you’re startled to see Harry.
He has a shy look, and you know this is awful for both of you. You had been lost in your own thoughts that you didn’t see how this affected him or how often he must do this with his team to protect his image but mostly his privacy.  
“I’m sorry,” he apologizes. You shake your head to stop him, but he keeps going. “You’re getting the brunt of everything being in interviews and red carpets while I can hide at home.”
He has a point.
“It’ll be fine,” you brush him off, pressing the first floor of the elevator. “Well, I hope,” you joke.
Harry clears his throat, “I was looking forward to this evening.”
You feel your face flush, not having expected to hear him say that. “Really?”
“Mhm…I-I really enjoy your company,’ he whispers in a low voice, careful to keep his focus on you.
You nod, “ditto.”
Harry hears the ding of the elevator, and as he waits for the doors to open, he does something that could get both of them into deeper water, but he doesn’t seem to care. “W-would you still want to come over?”
You turn to look at him, “didn’t we just get told not to see or speak about each other.”
Harry shrugs, “I was never one for following the rules.”
You sigh in disbelief.
“Plus,” he adds on. “What they don’t know won’t hurt them?”
At that moment, you decided that Harry was worth the risk.
Red carpets were overwhelming, and you were looking forward to reaching the end and allowing yourself to have endless drinks of champagne, but before all of that, there were interviews to get through. You were dressed in a glamorous black and white gown by Carolina Herrera with Tiffany & Co. jewels with Christian Louboutin heels. You were going for an old Hollywood look, and your team helped you deliver. Dani, your stylist, knew it would be a stunner on the carpet.
The carpet was full of artists you loved and admired. Your co-stars would stop you for a chat and have you pose for a few photos. It was the most fun complimenting others on their look of the night, but it was mostly amazing to talk about the shows and movies that were being honored tonight.
The first interview went smoothly. It was simple questions of who you were wearing and what was in your bag kind of interview. You knew if the others continued like this, you would be fine.  
Maeve, your wonderful assistant, you’d go as far as to call her a close friend now led you to the next interviewer. Reece was someone you immediately felt at ease with for some reason. You had heard about how they began their career on social media and grew it to what it was today, being able to interview on red carpets and work behind the scenes of different productions. He was courteous in greeting you and complimenting your outfit, and you did the same in return.
Reece smiled at the camera before turning his attention back to you. “Alright, I’m going to ask you Globe related questions.”
“Sounds perfect,” you place your hands over your stomach, making sure your shoulders are pushed back and that you’re camera ready even though you know the camera has been recording from the moment you made it to his side.
“Are there any shows or movies from this past year that were your favorites?” Reece asks.
“Besides my two shows,” you tease. “Abbot Elementary and The Bear were my standouts. For movies, it’s clearly Everything Everywhere All At Once and The Fabelmans,” you gush. The answer was one you did not have to think about. You’ve been doing your best to keep up with all the new movies and shows released last year.
“You have amazing taste,” Reece tells you. He continues on to the following questions. “Any world that has been in movies or shows in the past year that you would actually live to live in?”
You laugh, “too easy I would love to be neighbors with Selena Gomez, also known as Mabel in New York. I’d be such a big fan of the podcast.”
“That would be fun, even with all the murders,” he comments.
It’s easy to settle your nerves in front of a camera, but you’re itching to answer the last few questions. “Is there a favorite line reading you've loved?”
This one comes to you quickly. “Ah, it has to be Angela Bassett “I am Queen of the most powerful nation in the world! And my entire family is gone! Have I not given everything?””
Reece places a hand over his heart. “Hits too close to home. Thank you, Y/N.”
“Of course, Reece. Have a nice evening.”
He shakes your hand but holds it for a second. “Sorry, one last question, please.”
You decided to indulge him and gesture for him to go on.
“One last question then, favorite spiderman?”
You fake a gasp. “Stop, how dare you. I love all three of them. All are so special.” You mean honestly.  “But Andrew holds a special place in my heart. He’s my best friend. Sorry to Tommy and Tobie.” Andrew is someone you met during a film festival, and you instantly clicked. He’s that older brother you always wanted, and now he’s someone you go to when you need support when the industry can get too much.  
“Well, Y/N have a wonderful evening,” Reece bids you goodbye, and off you go.
“You too, Reece.” You mean it genuinely. “It was a pleasure speaking with you.”
Maeve assures you it went well and gestures for you to keep walking. You stop for more photos and are on your way to your next interview when you run into Jennifer Coolidge. She wraps you in a big hug and poses with you for everyone screaming her name. She sends you off with a kiss and a promise to see you inside. Tyler James William is someone you approach because you’d never forgive yourself if you didn’t. You stand in the middle of the carpet, gushing over each other, and it isn’t until you’re both being ushered away that he promises to get in touch soon.
Jean Smart, your co-star in Hacks screams as soon as she sees you. Jean is your favorite person, and you’re quick to let her sweep you away. It’s easy to get lost in conversation, forgetting where you are, and she promises to see you inside soon, seeing as you’re seatmates. It’s an honor to be nominated for such a prestigious award, but you already know there is no award going home with you today, and that’s okay because your time will come.
You’re guided to one final interview with the one and only Amelia Dimz.
“Hi, Y/N, how are you?” She greets with a red carpet smile.
“Good, thank you very much.” You take a second to look her over, and you know you have to say something because she looks absolutely smashing. “Can I say you look stunning?”
Amelia laughs, slapping you, lighting with her cards. “Stop, or I’m going to have you take me on a date.”
You shrug, “I would not mind at all.”
“I have invited you to eat some chicken with me,” she tells you accusingly.
“Have received no such news. We’ll be in touch,” you promise, making sure to give Maeve a look to look into the chicken shop date for when you’re in London in February.  
“Alright, alright. What’s your dating advice for me?” Amelia asks, patiently waiting for your response.
You think it over for a second, look at the camera, then back to Amelia. “Date me,” you say with a smile.
“Oh,” Amelia blushes, losing her train of thought for a second.
“Back to your question,” you tell her, giving her a minute to compose herself. “Put yourself first. Anyone would be lucky to have you.”
She thanked you, her cheeks flushed but continued on. “Do you have any fashion advice?”
You rock on your heels and shrug. “Be comfortable.”
“Right, thank you, Y/N.” She leans in to give you a hug. “One final question,” she whispers. She is giving you the option to say no.
You know what she wants to ask and fuck it, you find yourself nodding yes. Bee has always said she loves a good headline on nights like tonight.
“You were seen out getting coffee recently with a certain English man,” Amelia is careful not to mention his name, but everyone will be able to connect the dots rather quickly. “Do you consider coffee with someone a date, or is that too casual?”
You can answer this one of two ways. There is Bee’s answer where you’re vague, or you can do it your way and create a bit of fun for fans at home and yourself.
“Depends on the company, absolutely.” You share, you’re biting back a grin making sure not to look over at Maeve, who looks ready to drag you away. “If it’s an English man asking you for coffee, it’s absolutely a date.”
Amelia turns to the camera and shakes her head laughing. “Well, there you have it.”
You flash the camera with a big smile and wink. “Bye, Amelia, hope to see you soon.”
You breeze through the last bit of the carpet, waving at the final cameras as you reach the safe space where your every move is no longer being followed. Maeve grumbles how Bee will have both your heads, but you’re having too much fun to care. Maeve hands you your phone, telling you it has been buzzing for a while.
You ignore messages from Bee and your sister and go straight to the newest message from your contact, Harry, with a purple heart. He thought you should give him a fake name, but you’d never because you know your phone's privacy is entirely yours.
Harry 💜
You look gorgeous.
I’m really jealous of everyone seeing you in that dress in person.
I hope you enjoy your night.
I know you must be getting date offers left and right please reject them.
I’ll be in LA in a few weeks.
Dinner and wine at my house when I arrive?
You laugh because Harry is smooth. After dinner at his house, you both decided to take back a bit of control in your life and would continue to see each other behind closed doors. This was just Harry confirming the plans you had set in London.
It’s a date.
Not all secrets were bad, especially ones that were as pretty as Harry.
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sgiandubh · 1 month
Anon rebelde.
A Cait le ha costado pero ha aprendido como intentar hacer creíble su relación con Tony aunque el sigue tan poco colaborativo como se ve en el vídeo de IFTA
No hay llegada a los premios porque la ultima vez, el papel de guardabrigo de Tony a la salida del coche de Cait quedó bien patente y ese paso atrás como buen asistente ha quedado para la historia.
No hay desfile en la Red Carpet con Tony porque la velocidad de Cait para alejarse de el saben que es carne de gifs.
Las manos de Tony debajo de la mesa porque sus últimos aplausos denotaban un cierto manierismo muy poco varonil.
Cait radiante, esperando el barrido de la cámara, mientras Tony parece ajeno a lo que sucede alrededor con una sonrisa que podríamos describir como una mueca.
En resumen, la enésima puesta en escena del circo Tait. Si aún hay alguien que compre entradas para ese espectáculo es su problema, no el nuestro.
Dear, dear Anon Rebelde,
¡Te extrañé! Bienvenida de nuevo, en uno de los momentos más bajos que parece que nos gustan con tanto masoquismo, de este lado de la valla. Pero primero, la traducción:
'It did cost Cait, but she learned how to try and make her relationship to Tony look credible, even if he still doesn't seem willing to collaborate, as the IFTA clip shows us.
There is no arrival at the awards because last year, Tony's role as coat handler when leaving Cait's car was blatantly obvious and that relegation to good assistant went on record.
There is no parade on the Red Carpet with Tony because of Cait's haste in getting away from him. They know it's gif material.
Tony's hands are under the table because last year's applause denoted a certain, very unmanly, mannerism.
Cait beams, waiting for the camera to pan, while Tony seems oblivious to what is happening around him, with a smile that could rather be described as a grimace.
In short, the umpteenth staging of the Tait circus. If there is still someone who buys tickets for that show, it is their problem, not ours.'
I overall agree, as always, with your very balanced evaluation of the current state of play. But I also think tickets for that particular show will always be a hot sale in this fandom, either because it will be just up some people's alley (Mordor - I am amazed at the stupidity of their discussing the concept and some of them never heard of Tolkien: mind boggles), or because of the collective trauma/Stockholm syndrome many of us, here, still display. What I mean by that is very simple: for eight years now, we, shippers have been hostages of that Narrative and when something happens along those lines, we will surely react, giving all its toxicity renewed space and airtime. I am not judging anybody, here, because this is only human (and to many, the trauma is palpable) and there is nothing to judge. This is, however, a well-known group behavior dynamic that never fails to deliver. What she did was simply to double down on her PDA. But the experiment failed, because even five years after that Remarkable Week-end, the man still can't be arsed to show any organic enthusiasm or even involvement in his whereabouts. Cue in the SC nostalgia pic galore on shipping blogs and I have to say I am not really a fan: it just fuels that disco inferno cycle and exposes us to the same old, vile criticism, when the core of the shipping belief system is to be found elsewhere. Again, not judging anyone, just trying to understand behavior patterns, here.
Plus, I am really sorry, but he has been looking all sorts of terrible for quite a while, now. Blaming the camera angle (cortisone bloating) or the lighting systems is as mendacious and idiotic as the people circulating it. This kind of free propaganda is also known by all the interested parties and it also never fails to deliver, for many reasons it would be useless to further analyze.
Looking forward to read your witty take on things next time, darling. Siempre un placer leerte, corazon.
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misunhye · 5 months
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i forgot to add a psd and im not redoing it
okay so such a fun but also messy ass time… like it was fun at first and then it got messy
first off, the camerawork during sos … a whole ass mess.
yes she did in fact go shade sbs on bbl after she did not gaf especially after learning that ten fucking fell?? yeah she was pissed
she had fun spending time with all the nct members though
she enjoyed aespa, txt, enhypen, skz and the boyz’ performances thoroughly AS USUAL! those are her bffies even if she … doesnt talk a lot to them😭
aespa’s performance … she screamed so loud it shocked hendery who was right next to her lmao
she had a surprise solo stage hehe
she performed gashina right before sos and istj
now … gashina performance was WILD. screams at every second constantly like
the chemistry in the choreography between her and the first male dancer … whew
nctzens went WILD im telling u
dalbits went crazy i think ive chosen dalbit for her fandom name ill explain in this ask i still have to answer
they were jealous as fuck😭😭 but also so hyped cause they know she enjoys doing sensual/mature dances
nct tho … they were shocked after cause not even they knew the details of her solo stage 😭😭
like theyve seen her dance covers sure thats one thing but IN FRONT OF OTHER IDOLS???? girl… who u dancing like that for misun: myself
u can bet ur ass 127 were like WTFFFF ur a child to her after they all got backstage
while the boys did their little dances she went to go quickly change skfjdjd she’s never changed so quickly in her entire life
she was so excited for nctzens to see sos live but when watching the stage back she was so disappointed lmao (us too, girl)
AND THEN! bad news and atittude. she loves those songs sm and the choreos ( nct female unit songs )
somehow at the ending stage jaemin got hold of a rudolph nose and made her put it on ??? atp she doesnt even bother asking lmfao
god bless when nct ALL did the fucking ring around the posie thing she was so EMBARRASSED hiding her face and everything
she walked away and pretended like she didnt know them with nct xs 😭😭
who i still havent posted sorry will be done soon
small interaction between her and txt! mc yeonjun and mc misun meeting once again even tho they see each other like every day lmao
fans got pics of her and karina meeting and karina putting the nose on lets not address the elephant in the room rn its called fan service
she did a tiktok with winter and karina for jingle bell rock. karina and winter did attitude since they’ve already done bad news
myzens that all was for u btw
also did watch it trend with sunwoo and eric yup who in return did bad news with her
did sweet venom with enhypen’s heeseung and jungwon she loves that song they did bad news too
siren with shotaro too for the millionth time and talk saxy with wonbin she also loves those songs they did attitude!
she also did lalalala with felix with him slaying bad news as usual
both a very fun and messy time
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sirenlulls · 1 year
ARABELLA → e. hewson
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pairing — elijah hewson x famous!fem!reader
summary —every popular man needs an even more popular girlfriend and rn that's you babe xx
written for this request
wraps her lips round the mexican coke, makes you wish that you were the bottle
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you're such a fan fav.
like whenever you're at inhaler gigs they're almost more excited to take pictures with you than with the band
if you work in the limelight as well (singer, model, actress, etc) his fanbase is your fanbase.
pictures of you and elijah (and just you) are very common profile pics for inhaler twt and tiktok
he's very aware that he's the arm candy in the relationship
he can't complain tho, he gets it
obsessed bf, pretty gf dynamic
goes without saying that you've got more than a few songs written about you
if you're irish (self projecting) you would be freaking out with him and the lads over them playing in slane (and for opening hslot ofc)
in famous!reader headcanons i always see "his insta is a fanpage for you" and i raise you one, your insta is a fanpage for HIM!!
litch whenever an album drops, it's on the story and in a post. they announced tour dates? posted. they're opening for someone? posted. they fall asleep on your couch after a show? posted. you see a cute fan edit? saved, commented, and posted.
you're visibly down bad for him
BUT DONT WORRY hes visibly down bad for you too
if you're a singer, people are getting videos of him with the biggest heart eyes chilling in the vip section
if you're an actress, pictures of him staring at you on the red carpet or during interviews haunt the rockstar gf pinterest girlies
if you're a model you better believe that there has never been a show of yours when everyone can see him smiling in the front row
your little fanboy <3
forehead kisses for the win!!!
AND AND AND!!!!!! a hand on the small of your back at all times
definitely does the thumb thing when you're holding hands
he follows the sidewalk rule like it's a law
tells u abt the time he got abducted by aliens to help u sleep xx
he doesn't really fuck with spooning but will always rest easier if your head is on his chest and his arm is around you
i feel like if you're a very excitable person (self projecting again) he's such a listener
like you could be rambling about the most random thing in the world, and he'll just sit there nodding with a cute little smile on his face
he'd be great to gossip with, i think, but that might just be the irish in him
it's pretty much mandatory that you get on well with the rest of the bad bcs if you're not busy yourself, eli is dragging you on tour with them
if you were in the industry longer than them i feel like you'd all have some really good chats
like giving them advice on how to deal with anxiety and helping them through any doubts or fears they have
they all appreciate having you around even if ye take the piss out of each other 24/7
it's loving banter <3
you'd get mentioned in interviews a few times
never by name tho
because eli's so private and doesn't want to end up with the bands success being attributed to you he'd never be like "oh, y/n said this, y/n said that"
instead he'd be like "oh, yeah my girlfriend's been here before so she's been telling us where to go and all"
if the others ever brought you up it'd be to take the piss out of eli
"yeah his girlfriend had to drag him out the bus this morning" "he wouldn't shut up till we brought his girlfriend over" stuff like that
you and eli would have some proper deep chats i feel
he trusts you so much
each others ride or dies fr
fans hope you get married
he does too
overall, any comment section under a pic of the two of you is filled with people crediting ye for their bisexuality xx
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icallhimjoey · 5 months
so apparently there are some rumers, that joe is dating a girl called kate and that they revealed their realiationship at bfi. I mean I dont care who he is dating, as long he is happy, so am I. But where do those rumers come from?? There is literly no information, just those people saying that they are dating and sending hate mails to kate…
okay, FINE, im going to get into this, tell you all i know, and then that can be it for the questions i keep getting about this, because it really is neverending (and insanely annoying to me) so, lets go
kate is a writer/director who works with/for 'film hub north/bfi network/rianne pictures' as stated in her instagram bio, lives up north near newcastle and is gorgeous
at the london film festival this year she has gone to see hoard
she posted a pic to her insta stories of the Q&A after hoard from her seat in the cinema (like so many other fans did too) and said some nice words about luna and she tagged some people
one of the producers reposted the story into their stories which i think is how people "found" her
kate had a pic taken on one of the bfi red carpets (by herself) AND had a pic taken in a large group, one of who was lorn (lauren quinn - no relation - this is not about her, but people draw conclusions about this too)
just a couple weeks before, joe made a playlist on his spotify account called "Kate's" with two songs in
so, some girls went 1 + 1 = this is a relationship
kate has red hair and is literally stunning, so they're saying "she's his type, must be true"
kate got messages/insta comments asking about it, she posted a story to her insta that said something along the lines of "this is silly please stop this is my professional account i should be able to post what i want without being harassed i have body dysmorphia pls leave me alone"
went private and then public again shortly after
when i say that there's been 0 actual proof that these two people even know each other, i truly mean that there's 0 proof that these two people know each other at all
if we're just looking at the facts: she's a fan
the end
every time people have been trying to link them up, joe's been pictured/filmed to be by himself
couple weeks ago, kate posted stories to her instagram of her being in malta and, presumably, people started asking questions, because she very quickly went private and deleted the insta stories
she went public again shortly after, and the day that joe was pictured doing a lil food shop in his local tesco's, kate posted a mirror selfie in a lift and behind her, there's an arm in the frame - now, imo, not even close enough to touch her bum, but people went BLACK COAT, THAT'S JOE AND HE'S TOUCHING HER ASS
big sigh
what kate is NOT doing is coming out and denying anything, which is a choice
she doesnt have to do shit, she doesnt owe anyone anything, but to hit the snooze button and ignore everything is definitely a choice
in turn, some girls are taking the no-denying as proof of it being real and have made twitter and tiktok accounts and KEEP FUCKING SENDING ME QUESTIONS THAT KEEP PUSHING THIS TO BE THE TRUTH (they are not nice about it either)
i have yet to see any truth to any of these rumours - to me it feels like a lot of stories being pulled from thin air that some girls find extremely entertaining
i do not
i have no interest in this
don't get me wrong - joe'd be lucky to date someone as pretty as kate, she seems lovely, but i am going to need some actual proof before i just go with whatever some people are trying to sell to me as the truth
please do not reach out to me on anon about this
if you have anything you want to discuss with me, please find me in the tumblr chat messages
thanks <3
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a-magical-evening · 1 month
I was thinking about my ask about Matt and Trey hugging and it kinda does seem like Matt is deliberately avoiding hugging Trey. This is just a guess, I don't really have any info to support this hypothesis. But maybe Trey doesn't like hugging people in general?? Has he hugged someone else before?? I really don't know.
There's a huge chance I'm wrong but maybe Trey doesn't like being hugged so Matt is just respecting his personal space?? It would honestly give more context why Matt gave Trey an air hug instead of walking up to him and hugging him. The hug from Baseketball could be an exception and just him acting. But in social situations he doesn't like it.
I donno do you think this theory has any truth to it?
Ooh, hello again 😊 That’s an interesting theory, and it’s had me pondering all morning! (No worries RE: guessing, providing evidence. It’s fun to think about these things, and look for patterns, especially when we recognise that it’s all speculation.)
First, I’m not sure if Matt’s deliberately avoiding hugging Trey, though I must admit it does appear that way, and if the reason is he’s respecting Trey’s boundaries, I’m totally on board with that. However, there may not have been many opportunities for a genuine hug between them to be captured on film.
A few things come to mind that might contribute to not having visuals of M&T hugs:
Men often aren’t huggers 🤷‍♀️ That could be a sweeping statement, skewed through my cultural lens as a Brit, but at least in my experience, guys don’t hug that much.
The times we get to see M&T are often red carpets, appearances, interviews, documentaries, etc., and those aren’t really conducive to hugging. They wouldn’t hug in greeting, for example, if they’d already hung out backstage or spent the whole day together already. Those types of hugs all probably occur “off camera.”
We’ve got pics of them (most likely) drunk hugging/grabbing each other, so it’s not something they won’t do, but that could further support that hugging doesn’t really come up that often for them in their public appearances.
That being said, other forms of physical touch don’t seem to be off the table for them. As I mentioned in the hug post, they often rest their head on or put their arms around each other, which might contradict the theory that Trey doesn't like being touched.
Related: @behind-the-blow pointed out a moment (that I can't find right now, argh!!) in which Matt touches Trey’s arm as they’re walking onstage to accept an award. It might've been awkward if they’d walked up there and just hugged each other, but Matt's touch conveyed so much while also taking into account that they’re stood before a massive audience.
I feel it’s worth considering too how M&T get physically close with others (besides their partners and children, where hugs are probably a given.) John Stamos immediately comes to mind! I know next to nothing about this man, but he seems to exhibit some sort of gravitational pull that makes Matt and Trey more open to physical proximity. Perhaps that’s just how John is, so it rubs off on those around him. That gives weight to your theory that Trey might not like hugging in general, if it takes someone who's openly tactile to get him into that mindset.
I mean, look at this guy’s power!
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There’s also this lovely pic of Trey with Andrew Rannells that lives in my head rent free.
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It reminds me so much of how Trey cuddles up to Matt in some pictures. It’s physically quite intimate, but again, perhaps not as much as a hug is.
Again, I’ve rambled on 😅, but I definitely think there could be truth in your theory. I could also believe Matt isn’t into hugging, Trey isn’t, or neither of them are, or it's simply not something they’re comfortable doing in public, or it just doesn't come up very often. Either way, it'd make my life if we did get footage of them hugging!!! I've got my fingers crossed we'll get something like that in the upcoming Casa Bonita documentary!! 🕯️🕯️🕯️
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httpknjoon · 1 year
drama, drama, drama | ksj
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plot | Being the two of the biggest celebrities in Hollywood, rumors are always unavoidable. Eyes and cameras were always pointed at you and everything you will do can be used to form some new type of ✨drama✨.
words | 2605
genres | humor/crack, tiny angst, tiny fluff, actors!au
pairing | actor!jin x famous!reader
note | usernames used in the fic are all fictional. set in the last months of 2022 to 2023. the series is coming to an end! I'm actually surprised y'all voted for drama in the poll haha. this is basically the summary of all the big events that happened between the a-listers from the last months of 2022 to 2023. let me know your thoughts! enjoy reading.
main masterlist | drabble series
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@/YNUpdates: Y/N receives her third BAFTA nomination for From The Other Side.
Grand award season began in November. A lot of acting nominations were being released to the public. It includes nominations for prestigious acting awards such as Academy Awards, British Academy Film Awards, and the Golden Globe Awards. Due to your great performance in your co-produced film, From The Other Side, you were nominated for Best Actress in countless award ceremonies, alongside other big actresses of 2022 such as Michelle Yeoh, Cate Blanchett, and Viola Davis. You were the youngest nominee for the Best Actress category.
@/loveyn: y/n getting the recognition she deserves <3
@/francheskatpurrs: can’t wait for her red carpet looks!
replying to @/francheskatpurrs:
- @/girlslikewho: i just know she will serve
You posted an Instagram Story on your account. After the announcement of nominees for the Academy Awards, you updated your fans with a picture of you in a fuzzy purple cardigan, tucked in your jeans. You were happily holding a big bouquet of flowers in what seemed like your spacious backyard. You didn’t caption it with anything, just four white emojis.
@/mintchoco: i’m crying the drought is over we’re getting a whole body pic now
@/sendmylove: y/n looking gorg in the simplest fit
@/l0nelyppl:  omg is she finally coming back?????
@/sunshineyn: babe wake up y/n posted new photos
Your fans were delighted to see you doing well during your hiatus. For months since your break, you were just teasing them with goofy selfies and Francheskat pictures. But now that you posted a new picture, they are filled with excitement and hope that you will be back attending public events again. Including the award ceremonies for 2023.
As usual, talks about your personal life are always present. Particularly, your love life since your always-rumored lover was then spotted out with a model a couple of times  No matter how long you stay private during your break, your face still managed to be on the covers of lousy gossip magazines. You don’t waste your time reading or even touching those. But you still come across them through social media. 
For fans, there are commonly two types of them. One who always believes in every good and bad article they see. And there’s the other who can read between the lines of these articles and fact-check to see if they are reading a piece of true news or just some dumb gossip. Still, they cannot help but to react every report that may concern you or Jin. So, when a certain article with photos dropped on the last week of November.
Lee Sung Kyung and Jeong Joon Hyung Step Out in Italy for Dinner
The glamorous models were seen kissing during dinner in Italy a month after the Chanel ambassador sparked dating rumors with actor JIN.
@/PopCrave: Lee Sung Kyung posted selfies with her boyfriend, Jeong Joon Hyung on her Instagram.
@/jinhourly: I KNEW IT
@/hubbyseokjinnie: y’all threw jin under the bus when lsk is really just his friend
Your shared fandom with Jin took that news as a sign that such a crazy season won’t happen again. It was like a rainbow after months of rain. Their hope heightens even though they don’t really get much content from you two. 
Then, December came. People waited if you were going to post something for Jin’s birthday as you accidentally made it a tradition. Last year, you didn’t post something but later revealed that you two were together in Seoul. And now that more chaotic things happened, everyone is waiting if you’re gonna do something.  Then, just in the last hour of the particular day, you finally shared something.
@/PopCrave: Today, Y/N posted a picture of her cat, Francheskat wearing a little party hat. With the caption, “party cat”. 
It wasn’t much but your fans ate it up. They were happy just by that image. You didn’t tag the birthday boy himself, Jin, or even Since your comments were turned off, your friend didn’t get a chance to express themselves in your post. 
@/rareyn: omg she continued the tradition 
@/JINYN: i’ll take this as a win 😌😌
@/miamorjin: y’all should check donny’s stories on ig rn
Your common friend, Donny, posted what seemed to be a soundless clip in his Instagram story. The camera was zooming in on Jin who was falling asleep as he sat on a sofa. His head slowly turned down as he swayed mindlessly, seemingly falling asleep. The clip ended when an arm reached for him. Happy birthday, bro! Donny captioned on the top center of the video. On the bottom right, he left a little note: get more sleep, sleepyhead 😴🐻
It was a cute video and birthday greeting. But something else caught the attention of everyone.
@/bluemoon04: that floral wallpaper in the background iykyk 😉😉😉😉
@/gingerly3848523: that’s yn, right? that’s her!
Replying to @/gingerly3848523
- @/C0RNELIA: i think so bc that sleeve!!!!
@/ynjinhearts: bro prolly muted the clip to hide any noise then that purple cardigan gave it away 😭😭
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Aaron Taylor-Johnson Replaces JIN in the upcoming film, Fade Into You
The actor left due to scheduling conflicts
A24’s Fade Into You movie now has Aaron Taylor-Johnson co-star with Zendaya. Taylor-Johnson replaced Jin two months after the latter was confirmed to be cast in the said movie. His publicist explained that ‘The Grand Budapest Hotel’ actor left due to scheduling conflicts.
Just in the last year of October, JIN confirmed to star in two movie productions. The first was Fade Into You and the second was Phoebe Waller-Bridge’s directorial debut movie which remained untitled for now. It is still unknown if the actor will still pursue the latter.
This romance-drama film would have been Jin’s first movie project for 2023. It is expected to start production in February. The announcement was a surprise as it was already reported that the actor already flew to San Francisco, California to film. Just a day before announcing his sudden exit.
Nonetheless, director Kathryn Williams cleared out any upcoming rumors by sharing a statement. Which, she states: 
Our lead actor, Jin, was respectful and kind enough to apologize personally to everyone on the crew for the hassle. He had his reasons and we understood it. We don’t tolerate any sort of rumors being made. That so, we wished Jin well in his future endeavors. Also, we are happy and thrilled to welcome Aaron Taylor-Johnson to our project.
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The new year of 2023 just came and three days into the said year, articles about Jin leaving a project headlined the showbiz news. Admittedly, his fans were surprised. But on the other side of the coin, your shared supporters with him were all taken back to the happening from the prior year. It was like grey skies were starting to form and tower over their heads again.
@/zendayafp: would have been fun to see z and jin together for a project 🙁
Replying to @/zendayafp
- @/seokjinroyalty:  i wish they would get to work soon!! 
@/cinderellastreet: oh god i think i’m getting flashbacks
@/ynjinly: if you survived this fandom last year, you’ll be fine xx
@/loveynjin: then next thing u know he’ll be posting cat pics for the next months
Replying to @/loveynjin
- @/idkanym0re: HE DON’T EVEN LIKE CATS 💀💀💀
– @/SEOKJINSKIM: he’ll probably post francheskat too 🤡
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Awarding season came. Much to your fans’ dismay, you haven’t attended any award shows from January to February. You snatched a few awards from different award shows, including BAFTA around the third week of February. Your movie director accepted it for you and read the short speech you sent her through text message.
Emerald stood in front of the mic, holding your award as her other hand scrolled through her phone screen, “I would like to thank the British Academy for this award. It was an honor to be nominated next to these amazing actresses. These ladies and their works were all amazing and wonderful. And to our lovely director, Emerald Fennel, thank you for trusting me with your art. You are brilliant and a sister to me. I love you with all of my heart. Thank you to everyone who worked hard in making the film oh-so-beautiful…. Em, I don’t know why you’re making me send you an acceptance speech two hours before the ceremony… It makes me feel delusional, honestly. LOL… Anyway… Whatever the result is, tell Brendan Fraser I love him ever since I watched him when I was five.”
The camera panned to the actor, who smiled and placed a hand on his chest before mouthing thank you. Your fans congratulate you through Twitter and silently hoped you will post something on Instagram since you’ve been pretty inactive again. Your last update was during Valentine’s day. Where you posted a picture of a picnic basket on green grass.
@/YNUpdates: Y/N won her first Best Actress from BAFTA, sixteen years after winning best supporting actress from the British Academy.
But Jin did an update on his Instagram before February ends, which was somehow rare since he normally just reposts pictures and stories his friends tagged him in. But just days after BAFTA, he posted a certain photo that might have caused a ruckus online.
@/loveynjin: I KNEW IT
@/ME0WFRNCHSKT: omg is he catsitting her
@/JINUpdates: Jin posted a new Instagram story with Francheskat. [insert photos]
It was a selfie of Jin holding Francheskat, who was happier than the pictures you share online. He captioned: with my best friend 😺
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The last prestigious award shows that your fans are wishing you will make an appearance at is the Oscars. And it happened in March. Almost forty-five minutes into the red carpet event, a lot of celebrities had already arrived in their glamorous gowns and suits. Your fans are starting to lose hope when you posted through your social media account…
haha this is fun, you captioned.
It was a thirty-second black and white clip of you playing the piano. Ironically, you were playing Kitty Kallen’s old jazz song, It’s Been A Long Long Time. You were obviously at home, wearing a large sweatshirt with a claw clip on your hair to keep them together.
@/YNUpdates: Y/N confirms absence at the Oscars as she posted a new clip on Instagram.
You didn’t win the award but your fans still poured you with congratulatory messages. Due to Jin’s last post, they were still confused about the relationship between you two. Some just accepted the fact that you and Jin are maybe just friends or you will never confirm anything.
On the other hand, the media managed to create more rumors even though both you and Jin never went out in the public separately or together. You still haven’t done anything that might allude to your comeback and Jin… there are murmurs going around the fandom that he will probably leave his other project with Phoebe Waller-Bridge as the said film is not having any process. His last public appearance was sometime in May. It was an event for the debut of his new series on HBO. He made an appearance on the red carpet but was seen to leave earlier than others. He didn’t go to the after-party with his co-stars.
Rumors about you usually revolve around your possible romantic relationships, pregnancy, or anything that they will notice about your body or face. And now, with the press collecting every information they can get about you and Jin. You have something new to add to your list of gossip.
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Hollywood A-Listers: YN and JIN rumored to be back together?
After months of rumored breakup, YN and Jin are allegedly back together. Various sources have shared their reasons to believe so.
“He has been trying to get her back after the whole chaos with Sungkyung.” a source claims. 
Last October 2022, Jin was spotted on a couple of dates with model Lee Sungkyung during New York Fashion Week. The two later denied the romantic relationship going on between them through a shared statement by their publicists. They claim:
“Due to the number of malicious comments and articles the two celebrities have been getting, we would like to publicize that JIN and Sung Kyung are only friends. They have known each other since childhood as JIN spent his early years back in Seoul, South Korea, where he met Sung Kyung as his kindergarten classmate.”
The Chanel ambassador was later revealed to be in a relationship with another model, Jeong Joon Hyung. The attention was all panned back to JIN and YN as fans hoped for an update between the two. 
A source that is close to the actress tipped, “YN has been really away from everyone she knows for a while. It was like she is isolating herself. She is focusing more on her wellbeing than surrounding herself with people she learned that used her for their own advantage.”
YN was on hiatus for any activities since March 2022. Still, the actress welcomed the year with success as she received awards and nominations for her performance in last year’s critical-acclaimed, From The Other Side. 
“Jin wanted to focus on improving his relationship with YN. That’s why he recently left a good project. She made him choose between her and his career.”
Insiders claimed that due to the events last year, YN was allegedly having trust issues with the actor. Although the two had been very lowkey with their rumored relationship, fans have pointed out that the a-listers have set their eyes on each other since the filming of their first movie, Cornelia Street. The rumors build up over the years and it includes YN and Jin moving in together in a house somewhere in Connecticut just before the 2020 pandemic strikes. None of these were ever confirmed. 
E!News has reached out to YN’s and JIN’s reps for comment.
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The articles all used the same “pieces of evidence” to prove their claim. The Instagram stories, Jin’s leave in Fade Into You, and more paparazzi photos of him since they cannot really get photos of you since paparazzi assume you are always at home back in California. Surprisingly, the fans didn’t make a big buzz about it as they were already connecting the dots since your hiatus.
@/jamaisvu: atp the press are stealing our theories 🤨
@/ynthecatlady: can we copyright @/bluemoon04’s thread of proofs??? jkjk
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The articles all used the same “pieces of evidence” to prove their claim. The Instagram stories, Jin’s leave in Fade Into You, and more paparazzi photos of him since they cannot really get photos of you since paparazzi assume you are always at home back in California. Surprisingly, the fans didn’t make a big buzz about it as they were already connecting the dots since your hiatus.
@/jamaisvu: atp the press are stealing our theories 🤨
@/ynthecatlady: can we copyright @/bluemoon04’s thread of proofs??? jkjk
Just a few days later, after the getting-back-together articles floated over the waters of the internet, one of the past guest appearances you did with Jin during promotions for Maybe Yes, Maybe No earned attention. Someone posted an excerpt of the video where you and Jin play burning question with Ellen.
Ellen’s voice was heard as the camera focused on you and Jin sitting next to each other with buzzers in front of you two, “Finish the phrase “the way to my heart is…..”
“Is… through loving my cat as much as they love me,” you answered first, making the audience react with a soft aww.
Jin then replied, “Is through kindness and generosity… not just to me but to everyone in their surroundings.”
“On a scale of 1-10, how good are you at keeping secrets?” the host asked almost immediately after you two buzzed.
“Nine,” Jin replied.
“Ten. We’re actors. We lie for a living!” you exclaimed, making everyone in the studio laugh.
You two pressed the buzzers again. And now, to the part that made this whole clip viral on the internet again:
“Do you believe in second chances?”
Your leading man nods, “Yeah.”
“I… don’t know,” you replied, seemingly unsure as you pursed your lips. “For now, maybe no.”
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a/n: asks are open for questions and bets!!
taglist rules
@jub-jub @yoontaethings @kissme-ornot @sleepy-daydreams @veronawrites @cuteipat @ratherbefangirling @babystarcandy-gcf @akirawhore @alpacaparkaseok @rjsmochii @lovesickbangtan @rapmonie2047 @btsiguess-kpop @angelarin @walkinganxiety0 @bloopkook @yoooonie @amara-mars @firesighgirl @zwiehe @hiii-priestess @lojocas @juju-227592 @singukieee @eshtravagent @canarystwin @petalsofink
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elvenbeard · 11 months
Somewhere in Manila, 2078
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“It is pretty nice here,” V said, and Kerry put his arm around him, pulling him a bit closer as he turned his head to look at him.
“C’mon, just ‘pretty nice’?” he asked grinning.
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“Okay, it’s beautiful, breathtaking, astounding!” V said and Kerry chuckled, “You weren’t exaggerating.”
“And this is just the hotel! Wait ‘til you see the city. And the beaches! But we gotta drive a little to get to the better ones. Nothin’ beats the one in Tangalan anyway, but that’ll have to wait 'til next week…”
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Kerry went on rambling about all they had planned, everything he wanted to show V, parties and events they could go to, the secret spots only he and maybe a handful of other people knew. Some of it all sounded quite adventurous, and V still struggled to imagine Kerry clambering through the jungle to get to some of these extra special hidden gems. But his excitement was downright infectious. Truly just adorable. V was relieved to see Kerry so genuinely happy again, too, the stress of the last weeks really had been weighing him down. Getting ready for this trip in the background had been his sole motivator for staying on top of the mountain of promo events for his album.
Just three more interviews before we can get on the plane. Just this one photoshoot, and then I can finally start packing my stuff. That one private show, that one industry party, that one red carpet, and then Lee can kiss my ass and we’ll fuck off across the Pacific.
Being here now finally, chilling at the hotel bar and recovering from the long flight, still felt somewhat surreal.
“… - and we really gotta go to Quinta Market later. Gonna cure your resentment to street food there once and for all.”
Kerry took a sip of his drink, then looked back at V, who had been watching him the whole time, a little tired and absentmindedly, but full of affection.
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“What?” he asked, frowning slightly, but kept up his smile, the silver lines around his eyes and down his cheeks sparkling in the setting sun.
“Nothin’,” V said, “I’m happy you’re happy to be back here, is all.”
Kerry leaned over and gave him a quick kiss.
“I’m happy you’re here with me,” he said, “That’s all that matters.”
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AAAAHHH. A little bit of behind the scenes rambling here!!!
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I didn't forget to take a pic of my setup at least this time XD I set this up at Denny's pool (free of concrete thankfully), because there is little distracting Night City scenery in the background that would destroy the illusion of this not being Night City xD But admittedly, the setup was a little rushed bc I just wanted to do some fluffy pics. I could actually spend hours setting up my scenes with all the awesome props I keep discovering o.o
Also: I had Kerry's summer vibes outfit ready since early June, but just didn't get around to doing anything with it until two weeks ago, AND THEN I didn't have time to edit the pics because other stuff kept grabbing my attention instead xD
But there is more to come, I have a whole lot more summer pics ready, all incredibly fluffy... because I need some fluff and knowing they have this in their future waiting for them, while on the side I'm writing the most angsty fic with constant dread and setbacks and death looming on the horizon, you know XD
Dad Shirts by @pinkyjulien 💛 I love them so much, I want Kerry's shirt for myself irl, it's my fave of the tropical recolors, the colors and pattern are so nice... and suit him so well imo!!
Also this is totally the follow up to the road trip pics I posted last week. They drove to L.A., spent a day or two there, and then hopped on the plane to Manila xD
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ingravinoveritas · 4 months
Have you noticed it’s been radio silence from Anna lately? It’s weird that she hasn’t posted anything since Georgias post about her nail salon trip. And now with the recent photos of her and Michael on the red carpet with her trying and failing to smile only able to come out with a grimace
Hi there! I did see Georgia's Insta story about the trip to the nail salon, yes (though I thought it was interesting that Anna was so far in the background that you wouldn't know she was in the picture if Georgia hadn't tagged her).
As for the new red carpet pics, it does appear that Michael and AL are at the BAFTAs today, which you would think would be something she would post about, given that they walked the red carpet, but she hasn't yet (which is not to say that she won't post something later this evening, though).
Looking at the pictures from the red carpet (and the video, which is somehow even more cringey), I just...I'm once again at a loss...
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Michael looks handsome, no question. I love that he's got on a tux for the occasion, and that we can still see the little grey curl in his hair. I also think it's interesting that Anna wore pink, which I have a feeling she did in the hope that there would be more "She's Barbie and he's just Ken" comments on social media, as there were so many of after the Pride of Britain event.
But everything else about this is so awkward that it's nearly painful to look at. I know red carpets are not always an easy thing to do, especially when you have photographers shouting at you, but Anna here looks some combination of bored and smug, and Michael looks so much like he is just trying to get through it.
What struck me in particular is his smile in the second picture, as it looks noticeably more like a grimace than anything else. He also does not seem to be smiling with his eyes in either picture, which we know is what Michael does when he is genuinely smiling. And his and AL's palpable discomfort is unfortunately made more obvious by the contrast between their pictures and the pictures of David/Georgia on the red carpet:
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David and Georgia look like unit, like a couple who complement each other and fit together, to where you can see the warm energy and affection between them. And all of that is just entirely, starkly absent from the pictures of Michael and Anna. More so, even, when you consider how different his smile looks when he stops to take pictures with the fans.
Those are my thoughts on Michael and AL on the BAFTAs red carpet, at any rate. I know I could be completely off the mark, so I'm glad as always to hear from other folks in the comments. Thanks for writing in! x
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nightgoodomens · 2 months
You know what suddenly occurred to me? So we all know Michael has a move for red carpet pics that he has learned from David Frost. We saw the extreme version of it with David at NTAs,how he whispered stuff to him to make him feel comfortable and then burst out laughing which made David chuckle as well, he made David's whole mood lighter and less tense, even for his solo ones, hence those brilliant pics. ( I think DT nicked this from him, he showed a similar thing with GT's PR at BAFTAs.) He also did a milder version of this in The Way Premium with his cast members. ( Again, he did this in short clips of photoshoots for Radio 2.) What gets to me is how seems to forget his tricks around AL. She always looks tense and super uncomfortable with cameras( despite pursuing a modelling career.) on red carpet with her, Michael suddenly stiffens and looks drained out of his usual playfulness and charm, which is very OOC for him. He is not only refusing to play along, but also actively showing resistance towards her to the point that you can't tell it's the same person with her. I can't imagine how disappointed he must have been for his "fans" to ignore his efforts and stick to their fairytales.
Yep, I’ve noticed that too. It’s just yet another thing he does for other people but it’s missing for AL.
I am going to take it to a very basic level. Story time!
My friend had a boyfriend who was doing exactly what MS does - showing his unhappiness, taking miserable selfies, finding reasons to be anywhere but alone with her, not helping, being dismissive…
Everyone could see there was something wrong.
Soon enough he got busted that he had someone on the side. He simply wanted her to break up with him because then he wouldn’t be the ass so he acted his worst to make her snap.
I still have him on socials. You wouldn’t believe it… but he’s the most attentive, sweetest thing with that girl he had on the side that’s now… married to him. He spent years with my friend never popping the question, but got married within a year to the other one.
From my general knowledge regarding relationships and… life 😂 my loose guess is that Michael is hoping she’d let him go. Because if she does, situation with kids will be easier. Because she was meant to, hence the whole PR so she’d get the modelling job and the PR that clearly ended with BAFTAs from which she was excluded - she was meant to be gone by then but started suddenly clinging openly to MS instead because the job never happened. Or maybe she’s just for show so he can keep on talking about his real partner and about how hot he is, and brilliant, and how he sets him on fire fairly regularly, and how he’s in love and loves him… without a problem, because his fans will always say haha well it’s obviously a joke because he has a girlfriend.
A cover wouldn’t surprise me, hoping she’d drop him wouldn’t surprise me. Them just having simply a bit of a shite relationship wouldn’t surprise me. Heck knows. But we know how MS acts with people he adores. Just look at him and DT.
A happy man doesn’t act like he does with his official partner.
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toms-cherry-trees · 1 year
Withered || Arthur Shelby x Reader
Summary: You have given all the love you have, but love needs to be cared for to bloom
Word Count: 3390
Warnings: Angst, mentions of murder, blood, drug usage and alcoholism
Author’s note: My submission for K’s lovely celebration “Tales From The Flower Garden” with the prompt “You thought I was a savable man” Again CONGRATULATIONS MY SWEET MUNCHKIN K FOR YOUR MILESTONE YOU DESERVE THEM ALL and I put up so much of me for this to makeup for my failure for your last celebration that I even put together some pics to make it more in theme. Love ya lots darling!
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The loose petals heaped around your feet upon the wooden floors. Pink, peach, pure white and cream. You had been toiling over that floral arrangement for hours, but your tenseness and your wandering thoughts had robbed you of your concentration, jittering hands having reduced the soft buds to denuded and wilted stems. Behind you, the antique grandfather clock’s bells chimed, taunting you with the unforgiving pass of time, which seemed to move twice as fast that night. The black carved hands marked midnight on the golden clock face. Arthur had promised to be home in time for dinner.
The table remained set in the dining room, the fine silverware and dishware all laid out, perfectly polished, awaiting for those who would not sit at the table that night. The candles had melted halfway through before you had the heart to blow them out. A crystal vase held a marvellous bouquet of your best roses, red and white in full bloom. A red petal had come loose and laid over the white tablecloth like a blotch of spilled blood. 
The housekeeper came to you at least five times, inquiring how much longer the cook should wait to warm up the plates and prepare the rest of the dishes. You kept dragging on what you already knew until a quarter past ten, when you instructed her to bring you a cup of tea and some biscuits only, and to have the staff dine on everything that had been prepared already. At least the food would not go to waste.
You continued to fiddle unceasingly with the weakened stems, hoping that arranging them in a certain way would hide the ruin of the flowers, perfection on the outside to hide the ruin behind. But it was a hopeless cause, and no amount of skill or attention could undo the disaster. 
In a rapture of frustration you smacked the vase violently, as if that piece of green tinted porcelain had become the source of all your discontent. The ornament crashed down obstreperously, sending sharp shards and greenery in every direction of your sitting room. The fury morphed into panic, and you quickly swept the evidence of your riotous act behind the drapes; much like you swept your woes under the carpet to be hidden until you forcibly stumbled upon them again, having blissfully forgotten their existence when not faced with them. 
That fleeting but fierce outburst helped decompress your anger like steam escaping from a teapot, leaving you empty and strangely deflated. All energies left you abruptly, and your legs threatened to buckle under the weight of your body and your worries. You slumped backwards, half sitting, half crashing into a nearby armchair. Your tired eyes went over the spilled water staining the floorboards white, the astray pieces of vase and leaves you had not picked up, and the dent left in the wood by the crashing porcelain. Slowly, gradually like a withering carnation, your body began to slouch, until your elbows rested on your knees and your chin buried in your chest, face hidden in your trembling hands, muffling a saddening mixture of sobs and heavy sighs. 
The clock in the corner chimed again. 
You did not move until a familiar sound snapped you out of your trance. Wheels on the gravel of the driveway, and the steady rumbling of a car engine. The mess of your hair, the wrinkles in your dress, your sweaty neck and the painful stiffness of your joints were compelling proof that you had fallen asleep in the chair. The sky outside had faded from a pitch black to a dark and stormy grey, uncommon but not impossible in those early days of spring. Birds chirped outside, the chickens and roosters cackled in their pens behind the house, and the dogs howled and jumped about to welcome your husband home. A house full of life, while you felt just like a hollow carcass. 
The front door creaked open. Normally you would be quick on your feet to greet Arthur home with a kiss on the cheek, while he would circle your waist with his slender arm and pepper your face with kisses, tickling you with his brush moustache and making you giggle like a schoolgirl in love for the first time. You’d take his coat and cap while he asked about your day, and you would fill him in with small talk about the farm, your painting and drawing and the latest tales from your two young children, William and Helene, with a third one due to join the family in the summer. Arthur would compliment the beauty and the aroma of the new floral arrangements you had crafted to decorate the various rooms of your home, even though he did not understand one bit what he talked about, but he knew how much the simple praises filled your heart. And all would be well.
But things had changed and so had you.
Arthur tried to enter the house silently, as if by making no noise he would just easily slip by and you would miraculously forget yet another broken promise. You peered around the corner in time to see him tiptoeing around the creaking boards, shoes in hand and drenched in what you presumed to be blood from head to toe. Perhaps you should have been worried, and in another time you would have been anyway, but you knew better; that blood belonged to others. Others he had slain with his own hand in the night he promised to be home early for dinner. 
Soon his eyes found you, standing in the foyer all dishevelled, eyes dulled by exhaustion and the corners of your lips downturned by disappointment. Your silent presence surprised him enough for him to drop his shoes, back straightening tight like a low rank soldier facing his war general. He wrung his cap in his hands nervously, his moustache quivering with the anxious flitter of his lips as he mumbled a hundred different apologies so fast and so quietly that it sounded like a low humming, words tumbling over each other as he tried to find the right thing to say to excuse the inexcusable. At last he fell silent, head dropped low, ears braced and heart clenched in anticipation of the impending arrival of your wrath upon him, raining like hellfire, a penance he knew he deserved for his transgression.
But the words never came.
The seconds passed and silence reigned the scene, broken only by the ticking of the clock and the whistle of the breeze entering through the ajar door. After an unbearable pause, Arthur looked up just enough to examine your expression, almost expecting you to be branding a fire poker, arm raised to strike. But the scene before him turned out to be much worse, and he wished he had not looked.
You looked so broken. So defeated. Your shoulders slumped, eyes reddened, aged decades in hours by worry and anger and sadness. Arthur hated your unhappiness more than anything in this world, yet he continues to be the source of all your grievances, then become racked by guilt, apologise and make half hearted promises of improvement that inevitably end broken, only to repeat the cycle over and over again.
Your husband stepped tentatively, forward, a hand raised as if to touch you, but halfway deciding not to push his luck and letting it fall to his side “Poppy” He murmurs, using his favourite pet name for you in honour of your favourite flower. You can hear the edge of regret in his voice, matched by the sorrowful expression upon his face. But you cannot swallow your rightful feelings to coddle his own.
“Save it” You waved your hand in exasperation, moving past him and out the door, not allowing him a chance to stop you.
Your wandering steps took you to your flower garden. In the first months of your marriage, when the future looked rose tinted and joyful and every day felt like a new honeymoon, Arthur had the best gardeners and flower experts come to your newly purchased estate to plant it for you and teach you how to care best for each individual breed, all of that just to celebrate your first month of union. Roses, poppies, carnations, lilies of the valley and forget-me-nots composed the rows of fragrant flower beds, their perfume mixing in the air with the scent of damp earth and grass. 
In the warmer months the garden filled with life, bees and butterflies fluttering about the vibrant buds, drinking the sweet nectar while your children admired them with wide eyed wonder. You loved to have picnics there, all the family lounging in an old blanket with a basket prepared by your loving hands with everyone’s favourite snacks. Arthur loved to lay his head in your lap during your pregnancies, his cheek pressed against the rounded bump and whispering hushed promises to the baby against your skin, never letting you in on the details of those secret conversations. The world looked so vibrant and lively, all filled with brightness and hopefulness and happiness; sheer, untrammelled happiness. 
But now grey skies hovered above you, the insects had hidden and the joy had passed. The world felt veiled in grey, dull and lifeless; even your cherished flowers having lost their shine. You walked through the rows of greenery, pulling your cardigan closer to your frame. A gelid drizzle began to fall, but you felt such cold from within that the droplets on your skin went unnoticed. The breeze grew stronger, loosened flower petals drifting across the ground and being swept away, some weakened flower stems snapping and falling at your feet. If left to the elements and not nurtured properly, the flowers withered and died. 
Just like love.
On one of the bushes, a flower stood out to you. A perfect pearly white rose in full bloom, rows upon rows of soft petals spread open and exuding a sweet aroma. The beads of water gathering on the folds gave it a special shimmer, as if dotted by little crystals. You reached to pluck it, but a thorn dug into your thumb, drawing a gasp from your lips. When you raised your hand to inspect the damage, a blood drop fell on the flower, the pureness of the white ruined by the crimson liquid. The contrast between your blood and the flower gave you a strange feeling, like an unexplainable tightening in your heart.
A pair of slender hands brushed down your shoulders, sliding over them a thick coat and pulling it close to your frame. It smelled of Arthur’s cologne, and you instinctively snuggled on it, feeling the softness of the fabric against your cheek.
“I hope this is not the blood soaked one you came home in” Your murmured, not turning to face him, instead focused on the bloodied rose.
“No…I grabbed one from the closet in the entrance” You heard the hesitance in his voice “You should go back inside… it’s getting cold and the baby…maybe get to bed with some tea and…” Even without seeing, you knew he was rubbing the back of his head, his face tense in concentration as he tried to read your temper and avoid screwing it up further. But things had already hit rock bottom on your side, so he could only go lower by bringing a shovel.
“I’m fine here” You snapped, arms crossed over your chest, your hands tucked under your armpits to warm your stiffened fingers “I need to be alone”
“Love, think of the baby” Arthur tried to gently guide you away from the flowers, but that gentle and caring touch of his riled you up like a bull before the red cloth. You turned around with such violence he stumbled backwards, appalled by the outburst of his usually sweet and amenable wife.
“I said I want to be alone. I need to be alone to think. Think of why I keep giving you second chances, over and over and over again, when I know you will stomp on them!” Your voice rose several octaves, your outraged words booming throughout the gardens and above the rustle of the wind “One night. Just one night I needed you to stay true to your word. But of course I am met with only disappointment. I always come in second place. We are always an afterthought”
His eyebrows knitted together in a furrow as he stepped forward, his gloved hands cupping your cheeks. You didn’t push away, but your eyes never met his “That is not true. It is not. You are my life, the kids and you are all I have, but Tommy…”
Tommy. Of course. What else could be the reason? Tommy never liked you much, thinking you did nothing more than lead Arthur astray from the family, keeping him tamed and calm when he needed him volatile and angry. But again, Tommy rarely liked anyone other than himself, so you never took the aversion to heart.
“You placed your brother on a pedestal so high that he stands even above the stars, and in your adoration for him you have become blind to the world around you. You would dig out the very Earth and catch rain with your hands for him, but would you do the same for me? Would you break a promise to Tommy to honour one made to me?” You did not need a reply, but you needed your husband to question himself on that. And the silence that followed gave you the answer you needed. 
“Do you know what day it was yesterday?” The tone in your voice had changed. The words held not only anger, but hurt. The bitter kind of hurt of a person with no tears left to cry, but with their heart still tightened in a painful coil. A tired pain which has been drawn out too long, which no longer burns but a sting remains everlasting, always nagging in the back and unable to be soothed.
“Friday?” He asked sheepishly
“It was our fifth wedding anniversary. Five years in which you’ve carried that golden band on your finger. In which I’ve given you my heart, my body, all have and I am. I have given you two children and another on the way. And you couldn’t give me one day of your life to celebrate with me”
A gelid silence lingered between you two. You saw the gears slowly turning in Arthur’s brain, his face drooping and eyes widening as the realisation slowly began to sink in. You noticed him silently counting with his fingers, going back and forth on months and days; but truth be told, you doubted he could even recall the year of the wedding had you not reminded him of the pass of time.
“Poppy” He attempted again, hands in your elbows to pull you close to him “I am so sorry, my love. I thought it was today and-”
“Oh please Arthur! After five years you should know me better than to think I would swallow such a lie” An humourless laugh escaped your lips “But again, what more can I expect from you?”
You saw how your jabs hurt him, and deep down you wanted him to be hurt. You wanted him to feel even a fraction of the grief you carried perpetually upon your soul. To understand what it felt when the person who held your heart dropped it and stomped on it with their heel until only dust remained.
You turned away from him, noticing how the breeze had become howling wind, and the gentle drizzle had thickened into a spring rain, the water droplets slipping past the wide collar of the coat and running down the curve of your spine. You crossed your arms over your chest, hands resting upon your shoulders. One might think it a simple gesture to keep yourself warm, but you actually just tried to keep yourself whole.
“You used to buy me flowers” Your eyes closed, evocating in your mind sweet memories of better times to help you steady your heart “You would come home with these massive bouquets and I could barely see your face behind it. They were so colourful and vibrant, and I would take so much care in arranging them in that Japanese vase we got for our wedding. And every time a petal fell off I would press it to dry and then store it. I have the first roses you gave me in a crystal pyx in my vanity. I had the flowers from my bridal bouquet dry pressed and framed. All little mementos of the happiest days of my life” The longing was palpable in your voice, your head tilted to lay on your shoulder as you saw those memories playing behind your eyelids like a movie
But soon those flashbacks faded, and the sweetness turned to bitter bile in your throat “I thought things would be alright. I thought that together, things would improve. You always said you wanted to be a better man, and I hoped I could turn you into one. For some months I thought I did” Your throat tightened and you swallowed the lump down to continue “But every time things seemed better, they ended worse than before. It is always one step forward and three back with you” You dabbed at your hot tears furiously, but they kept mixing on your skin with the freezing rain.
“When I married you, I never thought I would find myself dragging you to the bathtub to wash you clean of your own vomit and spilled gin. That I would have to learn every trick in the book to get blood off your shirts so the maids wouldn’t see them. That I could not let my own children run free around their home until I have made sure you didn’t left your guns or your fucking cocaine laying around”
You heard a thud behind you. Arthur had dropped to his knees, clinging to your skirts like a repentant sinner faced with the Doomsday.
“I can change. I will. This is the last time I fail you” Long fingers tugged on your clothes, like a scared child seeking comfort in his mother. Every fibre of your being urged you to pull him to his feet and embrace him, cradle him into you and promise him that everything would be well in the end. But you couldn’t, because not even you knew if things would ever be well again. Or if you wanted them to.
He noticed the little effect his words had on you, and redoubled his efforts “I-I…I will throw away the whiskey, and the snow and the opium and everything. I will never kill again, never carry a gun with me” His grip on you tightened, arms around your hips with his forehead pressed to your lower back. You felt his sobs against your body, the way he snuggled into you for warmth. In another time, the action would have moved you. But your heart had frozen, immune to hollow words and feeble promises.
“No, Arthur” The impassiveness of your tone caught him off guard, his grip faltering on you “I have given you all I had. I have bled myself dry to keep you afloat. But I can’t anymore. I cannot go on like this for the rest of my days” Your eyes fluttered open, teardrops beading in your lashes like crystals. “I used to think you could be saved”
“You thought I was a savable man” He fell back on the ground, his hold loosening until his arms fell limp at his sides. Your body felt cold without his touch, but even colder with it.
“Yes” You breathed out quietly
“But you don’t think I am no more”
Your eyes fixed again on the bloodied rose. The crimson had dried on the petal, leaving a stain that the pouring failed to wash off. The weight of the water forced the petals down, until they began to split and reveal the very centre of the flower, leaving it exposed to the elements. Some petals drifted in the wind, one by one, disappearing into the storm, until only the red one remained. But that one, too, eventually fell off at your feet, and then the rose was no more.
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bookishtheaterlover7 · 6 months
Albitch Ring Rant Post Part 2
Since I'm in a bad mood for whatever fucking reason, also Tumblr won't let me post Princess's ask, that's an actual cold hard truth, Imma do this instead 😁
And we already sound crazy already. So, let's drag this pretentious slut again, shall we..? Oh, and special thanks to 👸 for being bored, and once again bringing me stuff to fucking destroy this bitch with 🫶
So, remember when the timeline they made didn't make sense? Yeah, it'll continue to do so. Because her fan page posted this, four days ago.
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Now, I don't really care what this bitch does, as long as she doesn't make Chris look bad, in which case... LEMME AT HER!!! But if this is July 2020... Chris ain't there with her at all. Considering he was with Lily James in London! Remember that? Seemed like forever ago 😅
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So, if they're claiming something about the timeline in July 2020... They're fucking lying 🙄 again
Let's travel a little forward in time to yesterday 😁
So, we all saw Albitch rocking the dullest and most cheap ass ring you've ever seen, right? It gets worse much worse.
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Justin LD(lyme diseased) posted a shit ton of pics with Albitch. And that ring honestly looks even duller and pathetic in those, more than anything.
And we all know Albitch and Chris have zero chemistry whatsoever, props goes to the top comment on the post because it's so true, and sparked my belief that the bitch is sleeping with Justin 🤭
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And I honestly agree with the commenter at the top. They do look good together.
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They both look equally perfectly AWFUL on the red carpet 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
WTF is with the head tilt?! It stopped being cute 3000 articles ago, Albitch! And this isn't a prom! Why do those two look like they're taking prom pics?!
And bonus, if you look at this photo of LD story, Albitch looks like a horror movie ghost who does the jumpscares
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I see no difference 🤭🫣
Let's go back to the ring.
Someone posted on here a few weeks to months ago, that Chris was engaged during August...
See the problem with that timeline is that Albitch posted more pics with LD, and she was most definitely not wearing a ring then 👀
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Jump back to the present.
Imma go back to her solo pics again. We've all seen them, no need to reiterate, see the thing is, for some reason, another fan page of hers got a more HD and clear photo of the ring...
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How in the hell did they get that?! But not her Agency 👀
This is the part where I call two rings, and she used Photoshop again!
And can y'all stop saying that her ring is gold, it clearly fucking isn't!!! Unless y'all are colorblind that's white gold or silver!
Now, as for the two rings the one in the picture we saw is definitely not that one.
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That ring still looks silver or white gold, but has a round stone with nothing surrounding it, and is dull compared to everything else she's wearing. Meanwhile the new pic, square stone, with stones on the band...
This is where I call BULLSHIT
Those two pictures look as different as Chris does in the Lisbon old-new photos! So, in conclusion, somebody photoshopped it in, and chose a completely different equally cheap ring, and made it shiny 😒
Seriously, this is getting tired, and I'm sorry but Albitch and her entourage of wannabe influencers should just quit.
No one will believe her because she's been lying from the get go. Aside from that, if she and Chris are real, it means she's been openly cheating on him since before they were ever official. And Chris flirts with women, and tells the whole world he's single, and looking for a serious partner.
Again, at this point, Dodger and the kids are the only innocents. Who need to be protected from all this. Because another bomb will drop, and we will lose more of the Fandom than we did when NYCC happened. 😞
Albitch Ring Rant Post Part 1
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