#randomly staring at each other like 'what the fuck' when a random name appeared
teeto-peteto · 8 months
small extension to the school roadtrip 'let the autocorrect finish the sentence' based on a chat i had with my friends back in highschool. Im going to traslate these, they are originally in spanish but i will not correct the grammar... it's needed to look wonky and nonsensical. everytime i look into this chat i end up wheezing because we were slightly younger but definetly more stupid. DO NOT TAKE ANYTHING SAID SERIOUSLY its literally keyboard gibberish.
sentence base is 'HAHAHA'
Sarah: HAHAHA and me to the best
Illaoi: HAHAHA no what i meant is that i dont explain myself with that i have and i like girls.
Pyke: HAHAHA cool and nobody cares
sentence base is 'Illaoi'
Braum: Illaoi and i good as always as good as good as good as good as good good good good good good good good good
Ahri: Illaoi and to be honest my hair is marbelous right now AHHH hope i die let me know if you have any questions.
sentence base is 'Pyke'
Sarah: Pyke according to what happened that i forgot.
Yasuo: Pyke i adore you so much hope you love me HAHAHAHA so sad.
sentence base is: 'im going to get'
Braum: Im going to get a greeting and a lot of blessings.
Ahri: Im going to get it with Yasuo fuck so good the milk the future of you.
Illaoi: Im going to get the bull and honestly i dont remember much about life.
sentence base is: 'you're touching my'
Pyke: You're touching my balls and im sending the bill that i made the last two times we have been seing each other.
Yasuo: You're touching my piano.
Sarah: You're toching my everything.
sentence base is: 'Maokai' (Originally this had the name of one of our teachers)
Ahri: Maokai come by you're free to come truly marvelous.
Braum: Maokai told me i dont remember.
Yasuo: Maokai and Ivern is salaam Tanzania Thailand and Vietnam.
sentence base is: 'i like potatoes'
Braum: I like potatoes but they didnt tell me they didnt arrive
Pyke: I like potatoes and things i cannot understand.
Illaoi: I like potatoes fried and fruit salad and vegetables and fruit and vegetables and fruit and vegetables and fruit and vegetables and fruit and vegetables and fruit and vegetables and fruit and vegetables and fruit and vegetables and fruit.
sentence base is: 'Rosalía' (i dont listen to her music that much but queen <3) ((Originally we meant the singer but sometimes the keyboard understood Rosalia De Castro, a recognizible poet and writer in spanish history))
Illaoi: Rosalía De Castro told me i dont remember about life.
Yasuo: Rosalía from XXI scared me away from home and i dont kow what a birthday is.
Ahri: Rosalía they told me that she isnt that precious.
sentence base is: 'I got on'
Yasuo: I got on my bed with my acoustic guitar to the disco and i hope she likes Code Lyoko.
Pyke: I got on a locker.
sentence base is: 'Yasuo's ass'
Ahri: Yasuo's ass is the reciever of this message please.
Braum: Yasuo's ass please dont feel bad i love you so so much okay
Sarah: Yasuo's ass because i pretended a lot of things.
sentence base is: 'Hello life'
Ahri: Hello life tell me how's the world i miss you so much my little one you're going on a vacation i miss your stuff and i miss you my love you're the only thing my love i like you so much and i adore you okay
Illaoi: Hello life i've been overthinking in my opinion world is a bit weird but you know i like women and that.
sentence base is an old twitter meme, wich says: Im (Y/N) god/godess of (keyboard predict), bearer of (keyboard predict). Tremble because (keyboard predict).
Ahri: Im Ahri, godess of the Ionian university and bearer of the faculty. Tremble because i'd love to know how to make people not trouble each other.
Braum: Im Braum, god of life and bearer of life. Tremble becuase you should tell me if you forget about the budget.
Illaoi: Im Illaoi, goddess of the rest of men and bearer of the two women. Tremble cause its actually the same without you.
Pyke: Im Pyke, god of the classroom, bearer of the company. Tremble cause i dont care.
Sarah: Im Sarah Fortune, goddess of my bed and bearer of the sunrise. Tremble cause i dont like to go to parties.
Yasuo: Im Yasuo goddess of truth and bearer of universal knowledge. Tremble because i care about my life.
sentence base is 'Braum's first kiss'.
Sarah: Braum first kiss was with everyone in life.
Pyke: Braum's first kiss was affectionate i got it dont worry girl
Ahri: Braum's first kiss was with a friend of his dad.
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audhd-author · 10 months
I definitely have an idea! Lab colleagues obviously in love with each finally confessing their love and making love for the first time
Hey Anon!
Thanks so much for your request, I hope you like it. It was my first time writing for Brucey so I really hope I did him justice.
- Audhd Author
Lab Partner
You can't deny, you've had an attraction to Dr Bruce Banner since the day you first met. What you didn't expect was for him to feel the same way.
2,767 words
NSFW (18+)
Soft sex, marking kink, nail scratching, hickeys, fluffy smut, mentions of disordered eating, creampies, nipple play
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Pen in your hand, you look blankly down at the hastily jotted notes from the meeting this morning with Tony, Fury, Agent Coulson, and Bruce. No matter how hard you try, you just can't find the motivation to keep your head focused. Your mind couldn’t be further from work at the moment as you glance up at Bruce, who’s resting his chin in his hand as he scrolls through blueprints on the latest tech Tony’s introduced to the lab. Letting out a groan, he removes his glasses, rubbing his face in his hands as he stares mindlessly at the screen, your breathing deepening at the sight. Quickly averting your gaze back to the notes, you sigh, randomly colouring in the corner of the paper as you let your thoughts take you anywhere else.
Unfortunately, that anywhere else happened to be on a random beach at sunset with none other than Bruce. His hand reaches up to cup your face as he leans closer to you, lightly brushing his lips against yours. His other hand wraps around your lower back, pulling you closer to him as your hand entangles itself in the back of his hair. Gently pulling your lower lip between his teeth, he extracts a breathless moan from you. “Y/N.” He breathes, breaking the kiss as you gasp for air.
“Y/N.” He repeats, the sunset quickly returning to the lab as you struggle to figure out where reality is. Looking up, a crimson heat spreads across your cheeks as you see Bruce, standing in front of your desk. “Ah, shit sorry, what?” You apologise, struggling to look at him without your heart beating through your chest. “Are you ok? I said your name like 3 times before you even noticed.” Your eyes widen as you try to avoid his gaze, the blush appearing more prominently over your features. “Yeah, sorry. I was lost in thought. What’s up?” You reply as he grins.
“Don’t blame you, these new designs of Tony’s are a lot. Are you hungry? I was thinking of heading out to get something to eat if you wanted to come- my shout.” He asks, as you gratefully nod, realising you actually can’t remember when you last ate. “Yeah, sounds good.” You respond, grabbing your phone from the desk as you stand up for the first time in hours. The moment your weight transfers onto your legs, you have to grasp at the desk for stability as your body sways dangerously, dizziness crowding your head as a hot flush runs through your veins. Bruce’s hand reaches for the small of your back, keeping you stable as his features convey his concern. “Jesus christ, Y/N. When was the last time you ate?” He asks, worry evident in his eyes as he looks at you. You shake your head as you take a deep breath before standing up straighter. “I honestly don’t remember. I can’t eat too early in the morning and I forgot to eat last night.”
“Fucking hell.” He curses under his breath, his hand not leaving your back as he guides you through the lab. The mere touch of his fingers has your body melting as you walk beside him. “As a scientist, you of all people should know the importance of regular nutrition.” He says as the two of you walk down to the underground carpark. "I do. I just don't realise how long it's been since I've eaten sometimes." You admit, sheepishly rubbing the back of your neck as Bruce unlocks his 2012 Acura. Opening the door for you, his hand doesn't leave your back until the last second before he shuts the door, walking around to the driver's side of the car.
"Do you feel like anything or did we just want to drive until we see something?" He asks, turning the key in the ignition as he does. "I honestly don't mind." You hurriedly say, if there was one thing you hated it was making decisions like where to go and what to eat. Simple questions like that when another person is involved, absolutely not. You'd much rather have them choose than choose the outcome yourself. "Alright, well, what do you feel like?"
Damn it, Banner- you. "I'm happy with whatever." You can feel the red hot flush of embarrassment appear over your cheeks as you say this. "Y/N." Bruce says, letting off a singular chuckle. "Bruce." You respond, a slight grin pulling at your lips as you look over at him. "Do we need to add decisions to the list of things you avoid?" He asks and you can't help the chuckle escaping you as he responds. "Only when it involves another person. I'm happy to go along with whatever."
Exhaling deeply, Banner grins as he shakes his head in defeat. "You are a piece of work, Y/N." You find yourself laughing at his words. "Oh always, but you love me for it anyways." You respond, only realising what you said after you said it, a familiar hot blush spreading on your face. "Oh definitely." He grins before dropping his tone out of earshot from you. "How can I not?"
Turning into a small parking lot, a lonesome diner stands at the end. "I come here a lot on my breaks. It's small but the food is delicious." Bruce says, pulling into a parking space near the door. Putting the car in park, he pulls the handbrake as he turns to you. "Right so are you able to get out of the car or do you need help with that?" He laughs, a grin on his face as you send him a feigned look of offence before laughing. "I think I can figure it out." You chuckle, opening the door and stepping out, ready for the light-headed feeling overcoming your head as you shut the door behind you.
Walking inside the quaint little diner, Bruce follows you to a corner booth, sitting opposite you as he passes you the menu from the centrepiece. Your eyes are immediately drawn to the Chicken Bacon burger combo, your stomach rumbling at the sight as your hunger finally begins to catch up to you. A young waiter comes to the table, a friendly smile on his face as he does. "Hey Bruce, what can I get for you today?" Bruce gives him a small smile before responding. "Just the usual thanks Alex." He says before looking over at you. "And a Chicken Bacon Burger combo with coke, thanks." You say, hoping the order isn't too expensive. "Sweet, two chicken bacon burger combos. It'll be ready shortly." Alex says before disappearing into the kitchen.
A silent sigh of relief escapes you upon hearing Bruce got the same as he chuckles at the coincidence. "So what inspired you to get into the sciences?" He asks, trying to spark up conversation. A reminiscent smile pulls at your lips as you respond. "My father. He was an esteemed scientist, like you, he got exposed to gamma radiation, except he didn't survive it. He had pre-existing health issues and the direct contact with the radiation killed him. I was always with him in the lab working with him and the one time I wasn't, he died. I just always sort of blamed myself for it and decided to keep his legacy going." Bruce's face falls further with each sentence, unsure as to how to respond.
"Y/N… I'm so sorry." He says, gently reaching over to squeeze your hand comfortingly. Shaking your head, you give a reassuring smile. "Don't be, he died doing what he loved. Besides, if that accident didn't happen, I probably wouldn't be working as an Avenger, which honestly? The thought of not, is terrifying." Bruce laughs after hearing your response. "Understandable, you're around something so often that it's terrible to imagine not having them- it in your life." He says, a blush appearing over both of your cheeks as the both of you catch his slip-up. "Couldn't have said it better myself." You respond as a chuckle escapes the both of you.
The rest of the day absolutely flew by. Both you and Bruce were in high-spirits for the rest of the day, engaging in playful banter as you worked on the logistics of Tony's new blueprints. Turning the shower off, you pull on a loose V neck T-shirt and a comfy pair of jeans before walking into the lounge, slumping onto the couch in the living room of your quarters in the Avengers facility. Flicking the TV on, you aimlessly scroll through the shared Netflix account, finally deciding on The Hitman's Bodyguard. A knock on the door stops you from relaxing, a soft groan escaping you as you slowly stand up from the couch. Unlocking the door, Bruce stands outside, a sheepish smile on his face. "I hope you don't mind but I brought you some dinner, just to make sure you have something to eat. I can't have my favourite lab partner losing out on nutrition."
A grin pulls at your face, as you pull the door open more, letting Bruce walk in. "You didn't have to." He chuckles at your response. "I know, I wanted to." He replies, as you walk into the kitchen, grabbing a set of utensils each as he pulls out two ramen bowls. "Make yourself at home, did you want a drink or anything?" You call from the other room, as Bruce takes a seat on the couch. "No, I'm ok thanks." He replies as you walk back into the room, taking a seat next to him, folding your knees up as you hand him a fork.
"Thank you. I hadn't even thought about dinner, to be honest I was planning on just watching movies until I pass out from exhaustion like usual." You sheepishly admit as Bruce sends you a look of disapproval. "And a messed up sleep schedule, it's a wonder you even manage to function." He says as you chuckle. "Hey, I can guarantee Tony isn't much better." You grin, pointlessly defending yourself.
"Tony has Pepper. I care about you, I want to make sure that you're ok." Bruce states before taking a bite of his ramen. A familiar heat spreads over your cheeks as you hear his words, choosing to have a mouthful of food before responding. "Is this from a lab partner point of view?" You boldly ask as Bruce pauses, avoiding your gaze. "Decidedly not." He starts, taking a moment before exhaling a shaky breath. "I genuinely care about you, but lately, it seems to be more than just being your lab partner. I like you, in a more than friends way. I understand if you don't and I hope it doesn't ruin our relationship but I can't lie to-." You lean forward, brushing your lips tenderly against his, stopping his panicked rant. Startled, he pauses before leaning towards you, his hand coming up to cup your cheek before breaking the kiss.
A smile pulls at both of your faces as you breathe for air. "I like you too, Bruce." You confirm before he leans forward, pressing his lips more confidently against yours. Tender and sweet, it was everything you imagined it to be. Your heart beats intensely in your chest as his hand comes up to lightly trail over your hip, fingers dancing over your clothed skin. A breathy moan escapes you as he gently nibbles at your lower lip, a groan falling off his lips as he hears you. Ramen abandoned on the coffee table, he pushes you gently backwards, hovering over your body. His hands get more explorational. His fingers lightly dance over the curves of your side, his mouth trailing from your earlobe, down to your collarbone, peppering gentle kisses as he does. Your breathing intensifies, a hot desire burning in your core as he gently bites down on the skin on your shoulder, running his tongue over the teeth indents. "You have no idea how long I've waited for this." He groans, licking up the sensitive skin of your neck as you shiver in pleasure.
"Shall we take this to the bedroom?" He suggests as you nod. Letting you get up, Bruce takes your hand as you lead him into the next room. Turning back to him, you wrap your arms around his neck as his hands grab your hips, pulling your body tight to his as your lips reconnect. Bruce guides you backwards as you feel the edge of the bed behind your legs. He gently pushes you back, crawling over you as you hit the bed. His lips find solace on the skin of your neck, sucking it between his teeth as hues of purple and red blossom behind. His fingers grasp at the hem of your shirt, lifting it up over your head as a groan emits from his throat upon seeing your lack of bra.
His mouth attaches to your nipple, gently sucking it as your back arches towards him. The flattened tip of his tongue gently flicks over the now hardened bud, extracting soft moans from your lips. His knee moves between your legs, pressing against your core. Your heat throbs with desire as he turns his attention to your other nipple, continuing with the same ministrations. His name escapes you in a breathless moan, pleasure throbbing in your core. Hearing his name on your lips extracts a low growl from him as his knee begins grinding over your heat. "Absolutely gorgeous." He murmurs against your skin, the vibrations travelling straight to your core as you feel arousal begin to drip down your thighs.
"Bruce, please I need you." You breathe as he pauses, looking up your body before lunging forward to press his lips firmly against yours. Your hands reach up to undo the white button down he's wearing as he runs his tongue over your lower lip, asking for access which you gladly give him. Shrugging the shirt off his shoulders, his hand reaches down to undo your jeans. Your tongues fight for dominance, working together to extract breathy moans from the both of you. Pulling both your jeans and panties down in one precise movement, a soft groan escapes him upon seeing your body fully exposed to him. Quickly undoing his pants, he positions himself in between your legs as his arms slide under your shoulders. Peppering kisses over your skin, his tip presses at your soaking entrance as your body shivers in pleasure.
Bliss fills your veins as he pushes inside you, a groan falling off his lips as your walls stretch around him. His thrusts are not fast nor slow, his hips setting a perfect pace that sends stars floating through your vision. You can't help the curses falling off your lips in a breathless moan, each buck of his hips makes him rub precisely over your sweet spot, ecstasy flooding your body. Your arms wrap around his back, nails digging into his shoulder as a soft whimper escapes you. "So fucking perfect." He groans against your skin, sucking it between his teeth as his tongue runs over the indents.
You can feel the coil in your stomach tighten with each movement of his hips, Bruce reading your body like his favourite book. Every ministration of his mouth, hands, and hips pushes you closer to the edge, pure bliss filling your veins as your body begins to shake beneath him. His hand reaches down to where your two bodies meet, his fingers expertly dancing over your clit as you fall over the edge. His name escapes you in a pleasured gasp, your back arching closer to him as ecstasy crashes over your body. Stars flood your vision as breathless moans fall off your lips, a hot flush burning through your veins. Bruce shudders above you, his hips stalling before you feel hot ropes of his secretion coating your walls, a low groan escaping him as the two of you gasp for air. He continues to thrust into you, slowly drawing out your highs as your body begins to regain its senses.
Gently brushing his lips over yours, he pulls his softening member from you, his hand coming up to brush strands of fallen hair away from your eyes. "You are better than I ever could've imagined." He murmurs, as the kiss breaks, his forehead resting against yours before you pull him down next to you. His arms instinctively wrap around you as you place another tender kiss to his lips, basking in the warmth of his bare skin against yours.
Definitely not sitting in my car at uni posting this 🤭
Will add Brucey to my masterlist on my break because I don't have time right now 🤣😅
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therealvinelle · 3 years
What do you think the Cullens would do if some person they were talking to, out of nowhere just quite literally exploded in front of, and on them? Kinda like in that movie Spontaneous. Would they lose control and slurp up the mess on the ground, (and themselves) or would their bloodlust be curtailed by shock of wtf just happened?
I'd say something witty about how this is a strange anon to receive, but holy jesus you've sent me down a rabbithole.
Here's a trailer to the movie Spontaneous. It looks amazing. Kevin Feige wishes this had been his plot for Infinity War.
Here's a trailer for the movie Spontaneous Combustion, which I found by accident while searching for your fic. This looks amazing too. Can't believe Marvel didn't buy the rights to this guy.
I'm serious, people, you definitely want to watch these trailers. I just about died laughing.
So, on to your ask.
In the spirit of your ask, which implies a level of randomness, I thought the people blowing up should be random too. So, being in the mood to procrastinate through spending way too much time on tumblr things, I wrote a program that'll generate for me random Twilight characters.
Unsure whether the explosion should kill vampires or not, I generated an answer. The answer is yes, any generated vampire dies.
Without further ado:
Alice watches Vladimir blow up.
Alright, alright.
The first question to be answered here is why Alice is in Vladimir's presence in the first time. In canon they only meet once, at the end of Breaking Dawn.
For the sake of simplicity, we'll have Vladimir blow up then.
The Cullens and the witnesses are all celebrating being alive, when Vladimir suddenly explodes.
For the sake of the ask, Alice is sitting closest to him when this happens and making conversation.
Her first thought is utter shock. Not just that he blew up, but that she didn't see it coming (she wouldn't, because I randomly generated him. No decision was made). Her second thought is horror.
The Cullens just confronted the Volturi, now mere hours afterwards their allies are blowing up.
Holy fuck, Aro has a gifted ace up his sleeve, and he's using it to kill them remotely.
Panic ensues, not just for Alice, but among all the witnesses. Some of them refuse to leave, Bella has to shield those 24/7, though given the belief that her gift is psychic that doesn't make them feel very safe.
The others decide to go after the Volturi and beg for mercy, assuring them they never meant to challenge them.
Aro, of course, is very confused, but agrees. Why, yes, he does have a vampire who blows people up. Yes, yes he does.
Bella watches Aro blow up.
Oh I'm dying laughing at this one. And wishing I'd put this down for Carlisle, that would be even funnier, but alright.
Bella is walking about post-Breaking Dawn, minding her own business, when suddenly Aro appears in front of her. He looks around himself, utterly surprised by his sudden deplacement, and then blows up.
Bella has been living in terror of this man for years.
In Volterra he had his servant torture her and Edward and then made ominious threats, then a few months later the Eclipse disaster unfolded, finally we have Breaking Dawn where he showed up to murder her and everyone she loved.
Her shield may be powerful, but for as long as Aro was alive her family was never truly safe.
His untimely implosion changes all of that.
I imagine after a long moment of incredulity, Bella burns the rubble, just to be sure, then tells her family the joyous news.
Carlisle gives the guy a funeral. It's weird.
Carlisle watches Vassilii blow up.
Close call, due to my not switching out the names we almost had Angela. In which case Carlisle have stood there, covered in blood and in shock for several long seconds, before bringing out the bleach and gasoline for a crime scene clean.
As it is, Carlisle is minding his own business when suddenly an immortal child dressed like a medieval Eastern European appears before him. It says something in a foreign language that might mean "hi", he doesn't know but he says "hi" to it back, then the child blows up.
Carlisle stares at the rubble for a very long time, wondering if he is perhaps losing his mind. If, perhaps, Aro was right about animal blood being a slow suicide, and Carlisle has finally hit the limit for how long a vampire can go on without human blood.
He burns the rubble and prays for the child's soul, as an immortal child is doomed anyway, and keeps his silence about what happened. In part because there's a solid chance this was all in his imagination.
If Aro ever touches his hand again, and sees the immortal child that he burned a thousand years earlier resurrect, travel through time, all in order to blow up in front of Carlisle, he... well there comes a point where you say "nothing to see here" and refuse eye contact with the universe glitching.
Edward watches Randall blow up.
Randall, for the ignorants, is one of Carlisle's friends that came to witness for the Cullens in Breaking Dawn.
Suddenly he appears in front of Edward, says hi and how do you do, and then he blows up.
Edward tells Carlisle, who is saddened by this, and they try to piece the guy together. They fail.
Edward sends a somber thought to this noble man who agreed with Edward that the Cullens are awesome enough to be worth dying for.
Emmett watches Mary blow up.
Emmett will never admit it, but it's the coolest, raddest thing he's ever seen.
Esme watches Eleazar blow up.
Oh boy.
The Cullens are visiting the Denali. Irina has not been dead for long, but given the crystal clear memory of vampires, and the loss they already suffered (Sasha's death traumatized them) it doesn't really matter how long it's been, the Denali are devastated anyway.
The whole coven is as fragile as it can possibly get.
Then, Eleazar goes to join Esme in the kitchen, and explodes all over her and the kitchen.
The remaining Denali and the Cullens are called to the kitchen by the sound of Esme's screaming, and find her in hysterics, surrounded by gray rubble.
The Denali are near catatonic with grief at this point, while cooking has been ruined for Esme. One moment you're making food, the next people are exploding all over your kitchen.
Esme is not okay.
Jasper watches Nahuel blow up.
It's a shameful moment in his life.
But, hybrids are edible.
And that blood was splattered all over him.
Jasper has the worst control fail of his life, worse even than when he failed with Bella because this fail means he can't be around Renesmée anymore.
It's miserable all around.
The one highlight here is that it didn't happen when they were headed to the Volturi trial together.
Rosalie watches Emmett blow up.
Jesus christ, random Twilight character generator, just when I thought you were just going to give me boring results.
Not only does Rosalie lose the love of her life, the guy who kept her together, the one good thing she had going for her who made her life worth living, but he did so right in front of her, blowing up out of nowhere.
There's no explanation to be had, no culprit to be found, no reason for it. She had no goodbye, just as she can have no revenge.
She will never have closure.
Renesmée watches Renée blow up.
We go out on a high note, my god. Well done, generator, I'm laughing.
Renesmée is curious enough about her grandmother to go to Florida. She was going to watch from afar, but finds herself talking to the woman who raised her mother.
It's all going well until Renée suddenly explodes all over Renesmée.
Renesmée's first thought is nothing, she's in shock.
Well, she was controlled as an infant, so I don't think an adult Renesmée would lose it unless under extreme circumstances, like if she encountered a singer.
More, though, Renesmée might have any reasons of her own not to drink human blood, but she has been raised with this being a big no-no.
So she shouldn't.
Is she ever going to get a better chance?
Ethically, she could easily argue this is the right choice. No one will be negatively affected by this, at least not directly.
The human is right there, already dead, and there's no body so while Renesmée does have to clean up the gore. Hell, if she laps up the blood on her clothes and the ground she will be cleaning up. Why waste perfectly good blood?
If Renesmée Cullen is ever going to have human blood, this is it.
It will come down to how much she respects her grandfather, and how important she believes Renée was to Bella.
Bonus, because I'm having way too much fun with this:
Bree watches Atheonodora blow up.
Bree is minding her own business when suddenly a vampire unlike any she has ever seen before, one with hazy eyes and odd skin, appears before her. They stare at each other. Then the woman blows up.
Bree takes this to mean that exploding is apparently something vampires just do sometimes, runs off in a panic and, sobbing, tells Riley.
Riley, having no idea what to make of any of this, tells her it was those evil yellow-eyes with their witchcraft and sorcery.
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bookishofalder · 3 years
Rainy Days
Spencer x Reader
Request: @starwithoutdarkness - Hey! I heard you were looking for requests! Maybe Spencer Reid x reader fake dating fluff? Combined with Request: @paulaern  - Hello!  What about Spencer Reid x reader when they realizes they love each other? Like reader makes something for Spencer and he thinks like "I can't deny anymore, I'm completely and hopeless in love with her" or something like that  (G!neutral if you want)
A/N: Thank you so much for sending in requests! Hope this makes you smile!
Warnings: Swearing, moderate BAU violence, creepy men, fluffiest fluff, intense headache description. Set randomly post prison Reid but Hotch is still there because he should have been! WC-2,488
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Spencer was staring at the geo-profile he had been working on all day, very glad to be inside. The weather in Seattle had stayed consistently rainy for the two days the BAU team had been in town assisting in catching a killer, who had been committing serial robberies/murders with no apparent rhyme or reason. And while Spencer didn’t mind the rain, he did mind loud, busy cities. Combined, they usually led to a headache that would take a day or two to recover.
The door to the conference room he was working alone in burst open and slammed shut so suddenly he nearly jumped out of his skin, turning to see-
Spencer hated it when you appeared without warning, catching him entirely off guard and presenting the risk that you would notice the visible effort it took for him to compose himself around you.
While he’d noticed how beautiful and hilarious and empathetic you were the moment you joined the team, he’d fallen in love with you when you had your first case with them. Spencer had begun to ramble about the specifics of casinos, and how ‘beating the house’ was nearly impossible, when the rest of the team had tuned out. A temporary member, Agent Seaver, had sneered ‘I’m sorry I asked.” Effectively shutting him up. But then you had turned in your seat next to him and, after shooting Seaver a look had asked him to continue. And though he didn’t have that much more to say, and it wasn’t all that interesting, you listened to every single word and thanked him.
It had been years since that had happened, your friendship had blossomed into best friends, something Spencer cherished immensely. This was partly why he shoved his feelings down. The relationship did not need to change for Spencer to remain happy; as long as he got to spend time with you at work, or watch movies and make tent forts in his living room. And visit his mom (who adored you and always gave you book recommendations that you would be sure to read the moment you could), or go to comic conventions and museums...yes, as long as he could always do those things with you, he was happy.
No need to risk changing a perfect thing.
Now though, you were shutting the door and giving him your most panicked look, wide-eyed, with your hair damp from the rain you no doubt had run through to get inside, accounting for your breathlessness. If it weren’t for the worry that had sprung up inside of him upon seeing your expression, he would have fixated on how beautiful you looked at that moment.
“Spencer, you’re my boyfriend.” You whisper yelled at him, quickly stepping closer and setting your bag down on the conference table.
“Wha-“ He began, but you cut him off frantically.
“I’ll explain-just, oh fuck-“
Spencer stood frozen to the spot as the door reopened and one of the senior detectives sauntered in, a friendly smile somewhat overshadowed by the almost predatorial glint in his eyes. You awkwardly stepped closer to Spencer, raising a hand in hello.
“Agent (Y/L/N), great to see you’re back, I was hoping to catch you before the end of the day!” He said merrily, placing two hands on the back of the nearest chair. Something about the way his hands gripped the chair made Spencer feel...on edge.
You gave the fakest little giggle Spencer had ever heard from you, “Oh, nice to see you too Detective! Just had to catch up with Agent Reid here...”
When his eyes moved from you to assess Spencer briefly, he felt a protective force rear up, instincts entirely at alert. Without hesitating, he casually draped an arm over your shoulder, brushing some hair back as he did, and replied, “And you promised we could get some coffee from the Starbucks down the road, hon.”
He enjoyed the way your cheeks flushed and noticed the pulse in your neck pick up. You glanced up at him, trying to look coy but he knew you too well and could see you were partly surprised, and also trying not to laugh.
“Um, of course, I nearly forgot, babe, let’s go in about 5-unless, did you need something specific, Detective?” She broke off to glance back at the now scowling man, who gave an annoyed jerk of his head before stomping back out of the room.
Once the door banged closed behind him, you let out the biggest sigh of relief, raising a hand to your face in dismay.
Spencer hadn’t removed his arm yet, “I’m assuming I just helped you avoid being asked out, but why-?”
“Uhg, Spencer, I’ve already turned him down TWICE since we’ve arrived! He’s literally the kind of dude who doesn’t take no for an answer unless another man has some fucking misogynistic claim over the woman!” You exclaimed, before moving to stand right in front of Spencer and lean just your head to his chest, staring down at the floor, “I hate everything.”
Spencer laughed, patting your back softly, but internally making note that he wouldn’t be letting you go anywhere alone for the rest of this case-that detective gave him the creeps. And while you were beyond capable of protecting yourself, he just knew he wouldn’t be able to focus on anything if he thought you could be hurt.
“Well, just so we’re clear I would never want to be called ‘babe’ in a relationship.” He joked and the desired effect was his immediate reward when you lifted your head and giggled-your genuine, beautiful little giggle-and then grinned.
“Spencer, you called me ‘hon’ like we were 70.”
Spencer considered a moment, “We could be, you’ll be Gladys and I’ll be-“
“Winston!” You supplied eagerly, and he frowned at you, trying not to laugh.
“It’s really very dignified, the kind of name where people call you ‘sir’.” You replied cheekily, and while Spencer grinned, a part of him felt a swoop of pleasure when your lips formed the word ‘sir’.
He decided very quickly that he liked the idea of you calling him that. And then, just as swiftly dismissed that train of thought and chastised himself.
As you both stood together and laughed, the door swung open and Hotch and the team followed him in, all in various stages of the results of exposure to the rain, looking equally grim. Spencer and you abruptly stopped when you saw their expressions and launched back into work mode seamlessly.
Two days later, the team was closing in on the unsub and everyone was on high alert. Taking the profile and applying it to the geo-profile he had been working on, Spencer had narrowed down this grubby old apartment that sat above a nightclub as the most likely spot the unsub was staying at. Of course, they were arriving at night which meant the club was busy and loud, people lined up out the doors waiting for their chance to enter, pay too much for a drink and grind their bodies against strangers.
Spencer’s headache from the unforgiving rain was thrumming now with the music that seemed entirely unencumbered by the walls of the stairwell, the team slowly climbing. It was bad enough that his eyes narrowed somewhat, but he didn’t lose focus.
You were behind him, watching his six as Hotch and Morgan approached the door ahead and prepared to breach. Spencer slipped a hand behind his back and, on cue, you’re pinky wrapped with his. A brief promise to each other, ‘I’ve got you.’.
They had anticipated violence and heavy arms, so when their announcement was met with silence and the door was kicked open, the tactical response was to secure positions and carefully proceed. Agents and SWAT members lined the building and were, at that moment, securing the club below to ensure the unsub couldn’t flee into a room full of potential hostages.
Spencer and you were the third pair to enter, quickly moving ahead of the others to secure more rooms, eyes peeled for movement. The floor was covered in litter and random spots of dirt and dried substances. It smelled like body odour and axe body spray-which immediately went to Spencer’s headache and caused it to throb in protest.
You had shouted right as Spencer noticed the movement from a back room down the hall, as the unsub leaned out and, not abiding by the command, opened fire. Spencer grabbed you and swung you both behind the wall of the kitchen, out of the line of fire while he shouted the unsubs location.
You recovered quickly, dropping to the ground and leaning out to return fire as Hotch and Morgan ran across to the living room to join the battle. It only took a few moments after that before Morgan managed to get a shot to the suspect's shoulder and he fell with a cry of anguish.
You popped up from the ground, watching as Prentiss and Rossi moved forward to secure the man, and barked into your radio for medics to come in.
Spencer, meanwhile, was reeling. When the shots in the room had all joined together in a cacophony, sound and noise piercing his skull, it had converted to pain and panic in his skull, overwhelming him. He had used his own body to shield yours when he pulled you with him into the wall, and the caution he took with you meant he hadn’t caught himself carefully enough, his head bouncing lightly off of the stone wall.
Which, on a normal day would have simply been annoying. But today, with a headache so severe he was beginning to get spots in his vision, it was detrimental. The scene was secure, so he allowed his eyes to shut, a meagre reprieve but at least it was something, at least he didn’t have to see the beams from the flashlights or the pulsing of the neon signs outside of the windows...
“Winston, take my hand.” Your voice was so, so soft. Spencer let his mouth open slightly, a small rush of air all he managed, trying to say ‘I can’t-it hurts, make it stop’ but you grasped his hand tightly and pulled and he followed, his other hand reaching and grabbing that back of your vest, he let you lead him.
He knew from the reduced foot traffic of agents and crime scene workers that you were taking the rear exit, a stairwell that was narrower than the main. He peeked through his lashes to take the stairs, and then suddenly, the cool night air hit him and the door was closing behind you both.
You kept walking with purpose, leading Spencer further away from the loud building. The rain spattered his face but with each step the noise reduced and after a short walk it became relatively quiet.
“Sit.” You murmured, halting. Spencer opened his eyes and saw that you had led him to the farthest spot in the parking lot from the building, where trees lined the lot along a community park that was probably utilized by vagrants and drug dealers more than families. But there was a bench, and you were waiting for him to take a seat. You had pulled out a compact, expandable emergency rain shield from one of the pockets on your FBI utility belt and tossed it on the bench, protecting you both from soaking your underwear.
Spencer sat, setting his elbows on his legs and leaning forward with his hands pressed to his face. He took deep, steadying breaths as you joined him, your hand on the back of his neck. At first, he thought you were just resting it there because his FBI vest would have prevented him from feeling your hand on his back, however, a moment later it was joined by your other hand and a very cold object.
Resisting the urge to pull away, he gasped at the contact, “What-?”
“On-the-go cold compress, Doctor.” You explained, leaving it in place and then rummaging again. Spencer wanted to look but the compress, combined with the quiet, was already doing wonders. He continued to take deep breaths.
“When you’re ready, try this.” You said softly, pressing something to his hand. Opening his eyes, he saw a mini flask that had his name written on the side.
He turned his head slowly so as not to move the compress and met your eyes, which were assessing him with concern. “(Y/N), when did we start drinking on the job?”
You giggled quietly, “It’s just water mixed with this like, vitamin powder that’s supposed to be good for rehydrating you quickly. I did some research on how to help headaches like yours on the go, just in case, and I made this ‘Spencer’ care bag.” You rambled a little when he didn’t reply.
Spencer looked back at the flask and opened it, quickly downing the contents. It tasted pretty fruity and he realized he was thirsty, this taking the edge off.
“Is it okay?” You asked. Spencer raised his head and met your eyes, searching them.
He was overwhelmed, the headache already fading, in its place an intensely warm feeling building inside of him as he considered the time and effort you had taken to care for him. He hadn’t asked you, or hinted, you had just taken it on to find a way to help him and you were right there when he needed you the most.
You had always been there when he needed you. When he had been shot protecting Blake, when he struggled to care for his mother, when he had gone to prison, when he was freed, you were there.
The words tumbled out, unable to be contained a second longer.
“I am hopelessly in love with you.”
Your mouth opened and closed in surprise, taken entirely off guard. Though he worried what you would say, he couldn’t deny the relief he felt having finally said it out loud. He watched patiently as your mind processed his confession, holding his breath.
“I-Spencer,” And then suddenly your lips were pressing into his and the pain from his headache ceased entirely. Spencer was consumed by the feel of you against him, of your hands holding his face and the hum of content you gave when he returned your passion, dropping his flask and sliding his hands up your neck, gripping tenderly.
After what could have been hours, weeks, or years, you both broke apart, pulling back just enough to make eye contact without your eyes crossing. Neither of you let go, your breath puffing out in wisps in the cold night air.
“I love you too,” You breathed, “I could grow old with you, Winston.”
Spencer laughed, relief and happiness swooping through him at your words, “Gladys, I couldn’t imagine anything more perfect.”
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You grinned back at Spencer, and then he kissed you again.
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princehrry-writings · 3 years
Y/n's a witch and Harry's her soulmate
lanfvksbkvjbs I hope you guys like it because I poured my whole soul into this!!!! I wanted it to be over 10k but I felt like I was just dragging it on and the ending isn't great but it's ok.
I switch between present and past tense without meaning too- oops :)
wordcount: 9911
warnings: uhhh, swearing, google translated latin :) catcalling and unwanted male attention (with a bad witch moment... see what i did there😏), a little bit of violence, very lightly edited lmao
She didn’t quite understand what was going on. Was this another witch? No, she would have felt that energy differently. So he had to be a mortal. But why did it feel like she had just been set on fire in the best way possible.
“Thank you…” He muttered, eyes glazed over. “M’Harry, by the way.”
What a magical name, she thought.
Harry walks into Y/n’s shop one day, sees the brooms sweeping by themselves and gets a little curious.
“Althea, get your claws out of there. You’re gonna get hair in the muffins!” Y/n shrieked, quickly shooing the troublesome feline away from the open bowl of batter sat atop the counter. The cat just meowed at her, unbothered by her person's shrieking. Thea was quite the diva. She couldn’t give a flying fuck even if she tried.
“Oh Stars, look what you’ve done!” Y/n continued, cleaning up the trail of paw prints left in the flour on the table. “How many times do I have to tell you to stay out of the kitchen when I’m baking Thea! Why don’t you ever listen!”
Y/n has been a little strung up lately. That’s probably the understatement of the century. Maybe if she hadn’t been put in charge of the shop for the first time by herself while her mother went to gather supplies and place orders for said shop, she wouldn’t be so stressed. She’s only 22 years into her eternal lifetime. She’s yet to learn the virtue of patience, her mind never ceasing to run with ideas and thoughts and feelings.
Her mother always griped about how she needed to take a deep breath and let go of the tension in her shoulders because now that she had stopped ageing- she had all the time in the world (literally) to do everything she was worried about. Y/n would argue that she’s not worried so much as eager. She’s just very excitable.
“Why do I even bother yelling at you anymore.” Y/n grumbled, flicking her wrist in the direction of the broom closet. The broom and dustpan came floating out and got to work sweeping up the bits of flower seeds and petals that had dropped off the table instead of into the mortar like she had planned.
Y/n’s never been known for her cleanliness.
Out of the blue, the hair on the back of her neck and arms stood at full attention, a warm shiver shooting down her spine. What the hell? She thought to herself. Thea didn’t seem bothered by whatever energy was coming closer so she knew it wasn’t any danger, but it was something. Y/n flicked her wrist once more, quickly sending the broom away and going to hide behind a wall where whoever this was couldn’t see her.
The little bells above the door chimed, alerting anyone inside that someone had just arrived. In walked, who Y/n thought to be, the most beautiful boy she thinks she’s ever seen. Chestnut curls shielded by a knit beanie, sea glass eyes, broad shoulders, a kind smile on his face. He looked as ethereal as she was.
She felt the earth shift under her feet, her heart speeding up slightly in his presence. He was magnificent, she thought. The shiver she felt was steadfast and unchanging, finding a home in the goosebumps covering her whole body. She had never felt like this before.
The witch watched from behind the wall as the man gazed about the shop, his hands rested behind his back. In a pair of black jeans with a rip in the knee and a white tee shirt with a cardigan thrown over it, he shuffled about.
Y/n took a deep breath, collecting herself before making her presence known. She walked out from behind the wall, stepping behind the main checkout counter and clearing her throat lightly.
“Welcome in! I’m Y/n, let me know if you need any help!” She said, trying not to cringe at how scripted that sounded.
His head popped up, eyes connecting with hers and that’s when they both felt the energy in the room grow. Thea came sauntering out of the kitchen area in the back, Y/n made a mental note to check the muffin batter for cat hair later, no doubt at the electrical charge of the room.
She didn’t quite understand what was going on. Was this another witch? No, she would have felt that energy differently. So he had to be a mortal. But why did it feel like she had just been set on fire in the best way possible.
“Thank you…” He muttered, eyes glazed over. “M’Harry, by the way.”
What a magical name, she thought.
There was a pause, where neither of them wanted to move, in fear of this moment passing and never getting to feel like this ever again.
It felt like having a picnic on a warm summer day, where it’s not too hot but just right. It felt like the first breath of fresh Spring air, like hearing a baby giggle. She felt fuzzy and warm. Like she was wrapped in a hug. Y/n felt… peaceful. She felt all of her anxiety about the shop melt away, as if it had never been there.
Harry smiled at her, a pink tinge coating his skin, and pulled his eyes away (he didn’t want to make her uncomfortable by staring), continuing on with his peruse of the shop. He had no idea why he was here, truly. Didn’t realize where he was until he pushed through the door. He doesn’t even know what any of this stuff is, he’s just looking so it seems like he knows what he’s doing.
He felt something brush his ankle, looking down and seeing a fluffy snow white cat with striking green eyes (just like his!), and cooed at her.
“Is it alright if I pet her?” He asked, looking back up at Y/n. He would take any chance he got to look at her. She was the most beautiful girl he’d ever seen. With her shiny hair and kind eyes, a smile that made you want to hug her. She looked so welcoming. He felt… oddly peaceful.
“Yeah of course! She’s my little attention whore, aren’t you Thea?” Y/n giggled and Harry thought his heart would stop right there. Her little giggle was the most glorious sound he’d ever heard, he decided.
She got up from her little stool behind the counter and floated over to him, using her cat as an excuse to get closer. She just couldn’t figure out why she had such a pull to him. It didn’t make sense to her. Maybe he was a witch and was just masking his energy really well, maybe he was some sort of other creature, or maybe… no, that can’t be it.
Maybe… he’s her Flame. Her Twin Flame… Her Soulmate.
No. There’s no way. It’s so rare for witches to find their flames. And especially at such a young age. Y/n’s parents didn’t find each other for almost 75 years, and here she is at just 22, stumbling upon some magical happenstance where her Flame just saunters into her family’s shop.
Harry scratched behind Thea’s ear, a motor-like pur erupting from her little belly. She nuzzled into his touch, and then sprung up onto his shoulder from the table, startling the man. Y/n giggled at the look on his face, reaching up to scratch just above Thea’s tail, her favorite spot.
“She does that when she likes someone.” Y/n explained. A blush appeared on his face at this.
She likes him.
“So was there anything in particular you were looking for?” Y/n continued, hoping to make more conversation with him. Her fingers are buzzing, wanting to reach out and hold his hand or touch his arm, anyway she can get her hands on him really, but she knows that would be inappropriate so she refrains (however difficult it may be).
Harry was in the same boat. He felt the need to wrap her up in his embrace and never let her go. It was the strangest thing he thinks he’s ever felt.
“Honestly, no. I don’t really know what any of this stuff is… I didn’t even realize when I walked in but I didn’t want to look like a psycho just walking in and out of shops randomly.” A shy smile displays on his features.
Y/n chuckled. This furthers her hunch that he is, in fact, her Flame. Getting a random urge to come in here could only mean that the invisible string tying them together was leading him to her. Pulling them closer and closer everyday until this very moment, when they were fated to meet. Written in the stars to know each other, whether that be for love or friendship only time would tell.
She really hopes it’s love.
“Ok… We’re kind of just a general shop. We carry crystals, herbs, spices, oils, candles, and my mother does a lot of crafts, so we sell those here too.” Y/n went on to explain, Harry’s eyes flitted around to all the things she mentioned. He saw glittering crystals, by themselves but also made into jewelry like rings and necklaces, he saw bundles of different flowers and vials of liquids he assumed were the oils she mentioned.
“What is all this stuff for?” He questioned. He had never heard of anyone suddenly needing Oxeye Daisies or black onyx crystals, but he’d never been one to judge.
Y/n paused, thinking of the best way to explain everything. Practising “witchcraft” wasn’t an unusual topic to humans, but they didn’t know that witches with magic that was (semi-inaccurately) portrayed in movies and tv shows actually existed.
“Uhm, anything in the shop can be used for a number of things. Apothecary, gardening, herbal remedies, manifestation.” She explained. He nodded along with her words, doing his best to focus on what she was saying rather than just her. His body was tingling the closer she stood. He never wanted this feeling to go away.
Whatever this feeling was.
Harry looked around, his sights landing on a shelf full of colorful candles. His eyes lit up, trotting over to them, picking up one that was a light lavender color. He didn’t know he was drawn to this one in particular, but something had pulled him to grab it. Something was telling him to buy it, bring it home, and burn it on his bedside table, right next to his head every night.
It was Y/n’s favorite color.
The girl's cheeks burnt when she realized this was the one he had picked out. The occurrence might seem random to anyone passing by, anyone who didn’t know two halves of a soul had just been reunited with one another after being apart for however many years. But Y/n knew, and hopefully Harry would know soon.
She didn’t want to scare him though. He would think she was crazy. Imagine a random stranger that you’ve never seen before in your entire life tells you that you’re meant to spend the rest of your life together. He would run away screaming.
So she has to start slow.
“Think I might get a few candles…” Harry trails off, looking around at all the different shapes and sizes of colored wax sitting before him. Y/n smiles at this and nods, letting him know she’ll be at the counter if he needs anything.
Please need something, she hopes to herself.
He didn’t end up needing anything, but he ended up purchasing 3 candles, all of them being that same lavender color.
* .
. * .
It was a few weeks later when Y/n felt a familiar tingle run down her spine. Harry must be near, she thought.
She had spent the last fortnight and then some moping about the shop and her flat, hoping her Flame would turn up again. Her mother, Asteria, had been ecstatic when she heard that her daughter had found her Flame, and empathised with her pain, understanding that he was a mortal and it was difficult to form bonds with them quickly. The woman always found it interesting how the most indefinite creatures took the longest to form their bonds. But then she remembered they had no knowledge of Twin Souls and often settled for one not fated to them.
“Mama, he’s close. I can feel him!” Y/n cried, tidying her appearance in the reflection of the window. She hopes to the Stars that he’s coming to see her and not just passing through.
Waving away the brooms fluttering around the shop, she busies herself restocking shelves. Asteria had just finished a new batch of candles that needed shelving. The mother had been trying new recipes lately and was excited to see how they would fare.
Y/n almost misses the little chime of the bells signaling that someone has just entered. If it weren’t for the energy in the room skyrocketing and all the hair in her body standing at attention, she wouldn’t have noticed it at all. Turning, her gaze falls upon a familiar set of sea glass eyes and chestnut curls that have enchanted her mind every passing second since the first time they met. She tried her damndest to hide her grin, but had to turn away so he wouldn’t be able to see it.
Harry looked around the shop before his gaze fell upon the girl he hadn’t stopped dreaming about since he last was here. There she stood, back turned to him, with her shiny hair and adorable outfit. In a lavender colored sundress, hair pulled back by a white scarf, she fussed about the candle shelf that Harry had searched the last time he came.
Everytime he burned that candle, he thought of the way her eyes sparkled when she talked about the different items in the shop and how she smiled at him when he asked her a question.
Harry had never been one to jump into things quickly. He was the kind of guy that liked to get a feel for a situation before he really dived into it. But there was something about this girl that made him want to jump in head first, fearless. He hadn’t stopped thinking about her, daydreaming about little scenarios that he wished would happen between them.
He knows he sounds crazy, but he has a crush on her. And he’d only met her once! That is so not like him at all.
Y/n turned once again, sure that she had calmed the burning in her cheeks, greeting Harry as if she hadn’t thought of him in weeks.
“Welcome in,” she says, wondering if it would be weird to him if she remembered who he was, she decided she doesn’t care, “Oh, hi Harry!”
“Hello Y/n!” He smiles. Y/n felt her heart stutter in her chest when her name fell from his lips. As if she was floating (she had to check to make sure she actually wasn’t), she followed the sound of his voice, going to stand before him. Her first instinct was to hug him, and she was very sad that she had to stop herself.
“What brings you back?” She asked, itching to reach out and hold his hand. His gaze flits around for a few seconds before landing back on her face, a rose tint now on his cheeks.
“I- uh, I don’t really know. I just felt like I needed to come back…” He stuttered. A smile graced her lips, causing an identical one to grow on his own. Asteria watched from behind the counter, beaming at the couple.
“Y/n dear, who’s this?” The witch called. Y/n snapped out of her love-drunk haze, looking to her mother.
“Mama, this is Harry. He came in a few weeks ago while you were away.” She answered, giving her a look that said “please don’t say anything.” Asteria had a tendency to butt into her daughter's life, and Y/n needed to figure this out on her own.
Thea came flouncing out from whichever corner she had burrowed herself into and nosed at Harry’s feet before launching herself onto Y/n’s shoulder and staring at Harry from her new height advantage.
“Well look at you Thea, sittin’ all pretty up there!” Harry reached out to scratch behind her ears. Thea began purring loudly, louder than she did when Y/n petted her (Y/n did her best not to roll her eyes at her attention whore cat). The one thing the girl loved about this was now she had a reason to step closer to the boy before her. He smelled like citrus and woods, with a hint of weed (she’s not judging, she just wouldn’t peg him for a stoner so it’s a little surprising). She let it take over her senses until all she could think about was HaryHaryHary, having to stop herself from purring just like the cat.
“Well, whatever led you back here, it’s nice to see you again!” She blushed, deciding to let her affection for him shine through lightly. Y/n realized she didn’t really want to waste time dancing around mortal niceties. She didn’t want to scare him off but she wouldn’t feign disinterest. The witch wanted to make it clear she was smitten with him. So this was her way of starting slow, letting her blushes be seen, maybe resting a gentle hand on his bicep if he says something that makes her laugh, letting her longing gazes be caught before she looks away.
Like she said before, she’s going to start slow.
“I am too…” Harry wondered if maybe she felt the things he was feeling too. If she couldn’t stop thinking about him the way he couldn’t stop thinking about her. He wondered if it would be weird to ask her out. See if she wanted to get dinner with him, or have a picnic in a park on a sunny afternoon while he stared, as uncreepily as he could, at her bright smile and star-stricken eyes.
Very quickly, like it almost didn’t happen, Y/n saw a blush pink haze surrounding the boy. He was feeling love. The heat in her cheeks rose, fluttering of her heart increasing.
Now she knew for sure, he was her soulmate for love- not friendship. Thank the Stars!
* .
. * .
The next few weeks, Harry would come in every few days just to see Y/n. After realizing that she might be feeling the way he was, he wanted to make it clear to her that he was smitten. So he’d come in after he got done with whatever he’d been doing that day, bring her flowers or a blue-raspberry red bull italian soda (he saw her drinking one one day when he came by) and they would talk and sometimes he’d bring food if it was late and they would eat at the counter in the back kitchen. It became a routine, and he started showing up almost everyday. On slower days, she would close up early, so as not to have a single distraction from her Flame.
The two would talk about the most obscure things, not giving a rat if others heard them cackling at each other's jokes and misspeakings (Y/n stumbled over her words quite a bit when she was tired, he came to realize. He thought it was adorable).
In return for the beautiful flowers and the delicious drinks he’d bring her, Y/n would give him little spell jars or charmed items to make his life easier. He didn’t know they were spelled or charmed, but he thought it was cute how she gave him a lavender colored pen and told him he would think of her every time he wrote anything down (she had charmed it to always spell things correctly) or a little jar filled with lavender and chamomile buds, a few drops of lavender oil and a small amethyst crystal sealed in white wax to help quell the anxiety he’d been feeling with his job lately.
He appreciated them more than any material thing she could have purchased for him. He liked that she wanted him to think about her or that she wanted to do away with his ailments. He came in with a cold once and she spent the better part of an hour fussing over him, telling him all these little tricks to clear his sinuses and giving him different blends of herbs and spices that should clear this up in no time! He thought she was very adorable, worrying over a little cold and wanting to make him better.
Harry found that each time he left her, the force that pulled him to her grew stronger. He wanted to be in her presence more and more every time he walked out the door of the shop. The boy still didn’t really understand what it was about her, but he’s long since stopped asking questions and was just rolling with the punches.
Speaking of things Y/n did that Harry thought was cute- the things she said enamoured him, rendered him so speechless sometimes all he could do was sit there and look at her, (ironically) wondering what magical force brought her to him. He had no idea that the Universe herself was the one who chose his favorite girl.
“Oh Stars Thea! Get out of the nettle! It makes you sneeze, silly cat!”
“Stars forbid you ever listen to me, mother.”
“Althea Rose get your furry ass away from that hot wax before I feed you to the hellhounds!”
He loved how she was always saying Stars where he would normally say Jesus Christ. He never was one to be into religion but it was just something people around him said.
As the weeks went by, they began to sit closer and closer to each other. What started as across the table from one another, began to turn into her at the head and him on the corner next to her, then both of them sitting on one side but a bit of space between them, and then side by side, thighs touching, on the bench seat. Eventually, Y/n would lay one of her legs over his and he would rest his hand innocently on her skin, his thumb absentmindedly brushing back and forth, tapping his fingers to an imaginary beat as she told him a story about a kooky customer that came in.
That was another thing he loved that she said a lot: kooky.
Their goodbyes had grown more and more affectionate over time as well. From a little wave and a shy smile to a little hug, to a bear hug with a kiss on the temple from Harry.
Things were moving very swimmingly. Y/n was happy with the progress the two had made in getting to know each other. She had learned that he worked at a marketing firm but his passion was music, that he was in a band when he was in high school, and he’s from a village in Manchester.
Harry learned that Y/n has a degree in herbology and really likes the woods, and the show The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina (despite the inaccurate depiction of witches, she thinks the characters are pretty).
Y/n has been trying to figure out the best way to tell Harry about her… lifestyle. It’s going to be a big shift in his reality and she worries that she’s going to overwhelm him. Her parents didn’t have this problem because they were both witches, but she had been fated to a mortal, which she’s not complaining about because loves Harry and all his human afflictions (loves!), but it’s quite a task keeping him in the dark until she’s ready to shed light on everything.
Especially on a day like today.
Her mother is out again, leaving her in charge of the store, again! And as previously mentioned, Y/n gets a little strung up when she’s left in charge. She’s forgetful, her mind flying all over the place. Her messiness gets worse, leaving different things all over the place (she somehow left a grimoire in the refrigerator at home), losing things… Basically, Y/n’s not doing so hot at the moment.
A busy spell had just finished, she had like 7 different customers in at once, all of them needing her for different things and all the chamomile and lavender oil rubbed behind her ear in the world couldn’t calm the anxiety flowing through her at the moment. She’d been so strung up that she hadn’t noticed the warm golden shiver running down her spine or all the hair on her body raising to attention or the jingle of the bells on the door when Harry walked in.
Walked in to see… the brooms sweeping up by themselves? And different pots and pans flying back into place… with no one carrying them. And Y/n muttering words he didn’t understand while her fingers wiggled, making the pestle inside what he learned to be called a mortar, moving by itself.
To say the least, Harry was very confused. And a little scared. Was he dreaming? Did today even happen? Was he still at home lying in bed?
The only thing that makes him realize he’s not is the shriek Y/n let’s out when she sees him standing frozen in the doorway, eyebrows pulled together in confusion (and a little bit of terror), mouth agape like he wanted to say something but didn’t know where to start. All at once, every moving item ceased and dropped, including the pots and pans which made a very loud noise, scaring Thea so much that she did the loud “meow!” that you only hear cats do in movies, and Y/n let out a quiet“Shit!”
“Harry…” She muttered, standing up slowly and treading towards him.
“Um… Y/n. What- what the fuck… was all of that?” He stuttered, and she continued to walk to him.
“Love, why don’t we go sit down and I’ll explain everything to you!” Y/n said slowly. She had taken to calling him Love lately, not being able to stop herself. They had yet to really “confess their feelings” to the other, but it was like a silent thing that no one said but they both just knew. So the name didn’t surprise him. Actually in the midst of all this craziness (and how his whole world had just seemed to be flipped in a matter of 5 seconds) he was clinging to the familiarity of the pet name.
He nodded, his eyes glazing over as he tried to wrap his head around what he was seeing. Y/n waved her wrist, everything that had dropped seeming to come to life again and be put back into their rightful places. Harry stared in amazement. Seeing it for the second time really drove the nail into the coffin that holy shit this is really happening…
They sat down side by side on the bench where they normally did but Y/n didn’t put her leg over his like they had grown used to. She missed the contact but figured a little space while she explained everything would be best for her Flame. Harry didn’t agree and tugged her closer to him. She didn’t fight it.
“Ok,” She sighed, cracking her knuckles as she took a deep breath, “Harry… my darling Harry. I need you to keep an open mind while I tell you all of this ok? It’s gonna be a lot for you to take in and I don’t want you to get a headache.” He nodded, and she took his hands in her own, running her thumb over his palm and channeling positive energy between the two of them. She saw Harry relax a little, letting her know it worked. He was ready (as ready as he could be) to hear what she had to say.
“Love, I’m a witch.” She says, letting it sink in for a moment. Harry doesn’t say anything for a moment. Y/n wonders if he’s even breathing. The strong pulse thumping in his wrist is a steady reminder that he’s ok, just shocked. (Very, very shocked).
“I come from a very long line of very powerful witches. I have magic, kind of like you see in movies and tv shows except I don’t worship the devil or eat children. None of us do. We’re usually very gentle creatures, unless we’re put in danger. Witches don’t use magic to hurt others, quite the opposite actually.”
“So… you cast spells and stuff?” He asks quietly. She breathes a laugh through her nose, nodding her head, continuing to channel him by rubbing her thumbs over his palms.
“I do, that’s what you saw me doing at the counter. I was actually strengthening the anti-anxiety jar I gave you a few weeks ago, because you told me you had a big project coming up and I didn’t want you to get too stressed out.” The girl said.
Harry couldn’t really focus on one thing for too long, letting his gaze flit around the kitchen area. He felt oddly… calm.
“Why do I feel so calm right now? I feel like I should be freaking out a little bit more than I am…” He voiced, finally looking into her eyes.
“I’m channeling you… look.” She said, pointing her gaze to their hands. He sees her thumbs rubbing gentle circles into his palms and looks back into her eyes.
“You’re casting a spell on me right now?” Harry wonders out loud.
“Channeling isn’t necessarily a spell, I’m just focusing and directing positive energy onto you right now, to help keep you calm. Like I said, I don’t want you to get a headache or pass out on me. I can stop if you want me to though!” She added quickly at the end but he shook his head.
“No, don’t stop…” He almost cried, pulling her closer to him.
“Ok, I won’t. It’s ok!” She shushed him, letting one of her hands float to his cheek, brushing over his cheek bone and pushing a fallen curl out of his eyes, before her hand found his again.
“Was it a spell that made me want to come in here that first day?”
“No baby, that’s actually a little different. This might be a little much so you gotta bear with me ok?” She explained and he nodded, heaving out a heavy breath.
A beat of silence passes and Y/n lets her eyes lock with his.
“We’re Twin Flames… or what you would know as Soulmates. We were fated to be together. That’s why you felt a pull to come in here. We were… destined… to meet each other.”
Harry doesn’t say anything and Y/n feels like her heart is about to beat out of her chest. She knew he was going to find out someday, but really didn’t expect that day to be this one. This crazy long day where everything had seemed to just bubble over and explode. She should have known something was going to happen when this morning, the flame on the candle she had lit for Harry on her altar was taller than it ever had been. She had written it off to him just thinking about her or something (if this was the case, it would be to the ceiling all day everyday because he never stops thinking about her), but she should have known. And now, here she was, terrified that Harry was going to walk away from her. She would understand if he did, it’s a lot to take in, and having your whole world flipped on its head is a bit much.
It would still break her heart though.
“So… this is normal?” Harry broke his silence.
“Is what normal?”
“That I want to be around you all the time? That I think about you all the time? What I’m feeling is normal?”
Y/n’s face softens. He’s so cute, she thinks. She could just wrap him up in a little bow and keep him all to herself for the rest of time.
“Yes, baby. It’s normal! I’ve been feeling the same things as you ever since we first met!” Harry’s mind is a little clearer now, so he picks up on the new pet name. Baby. He likes it, he decides.
“You feel this way too?” He looks like a little puppy right now, Y/n could just cry. She nodded her head, scooting impossibly closer to him, practically sitting in his lap. It seemed now that he was even calmer than he had been before, even without her channeling. She stopped for a second to test his reaction and he was ok. He didn’t tense up, eyes didn’t well in tears, didn’t lose consciousness. So she moved her hands to cup his cheeks now, feeling him lean into her touch.
“You’ve been the only thing on my mind since before you even walked through the door that first day. You’re in my dreams every night, I see you every time I close my eyes, I’m completely taken with everything you do.” Y/n confesses, feeling a weight lift off her chest.
“I know it seems fast to you, as a mortal. Your kind usually takes this kind of thing slowly, really learns a person before you become vulnerable. Out of fear for being judged or whatever it might be, but I would never judge you. I want you to know it’s ok to let your guard down with me. Whatever you're comfortable with! I don’t want to overwhelm you in any way, and I know all of this is so so much to take in. I just want what’s best for you, my Love.”
It’s not lost on Harry that she adds my before Love. He feels his heart flutter.
“I’m taken with everything you do too. Absolutely everything.” He whispers, if he speaks too loudly the moment might be lost.
They stare into each other's eyes, feeling the energy in the room grow. Flames from the lit candles around the room grow tenfold, reflecting the rising energy. Harry has half a mind to break his gaze from the girl before him, seeing the tall flames before bringing his eyes back to hers. He sees her gaze drop to his lips repeatedly. He doesn’t think she even realizes that she’s leaning in to him, but he’s not going to stop her.
When she’s so close he can feel her breath fanning over his face, she pauses, looking back up to his eyes, silently asking for permission. With her hands still cupping his cheeks gently, she closes the distance between them, pressing her lips delicately to his. Harry places his hands in two places: her waist and her neck. He pulls her in closer, pressing their lips together more firmly. A wildfire spreads from head to toe on both of them. It seems as though time has paused for this very moment, and again the earth shifts. A piece of the universe has just been restored, two halves of a soul reunited.
Harry’s fingertips send sparks flowing down her spine, she hums against his lips. The kiss is simple, just two people getting to know each other, learning the other's body, but it’s long. It’s not just one peck. Harry presses his lips against hers multiple times, slotting her bottom between both of his.
When Y/n pulls back to catch her breath, Harry chases after her, not ready to end this moment yet. She chuckles and grants him a few more kisses until she really is about to pass out because she needs to breathe. Pushing him gently, she breaks the kiss and rests her forehead against his, keeping her eyes closed.
She so badly wants to let the three words sitting on the tip of her tongue go, but doesn’t want to overwhelm him with too much all at once.
“Do you feel that?” He whispers, pulling her to sit astride his lap. She moves pliantly, letting him take control of the situation.
The air feels charged, thick, like it should be hard to breath but it flows, smooth as water, into their lungs.
Y/n’s head feels heavy, like she’s high on every drug there ever was, her mind fuzzy, unable to think outside of this moment. Outside of this little wrinkle in time where Harry is the only other thing that exists.
“Yeah,” She whispers back, reconnecting their lips, slotting them together over and over until their lips are puffy and red. Harry slides his hands around her waist, wrapping his arms around her, pulling her flush against him, not even a slip of paper would fit.
Pulling away, Harry heaves in a deep breath, squeezing Y/n’s hips.
“I’ve been wanting to do that for so long…” He says, nudging his nose against hers. She smiles, letting his affections wash over her, warming her eternal soul.
“This doesn’t freak you out?”
“Oh, I’m so freaked out but I'm kind of just going with it, living in the ambiguity and all that shit.” He heaves a laugh through his nose, pressing kisses to her cheek and down her neck, smoothing his hands up and down her back.
This was the best possible outcome of the situation, if Y/n had to be honest. It could have gone so many ways. Harry being freaked out but rolling with it… she’ll take it.
“How about we make dinner and you can ask me any questions you have?” She suggested and he nodded.
So they did just that. But Y/n closed the shop early and they went back to her place. Hand in hand they walked the few blocks, side glaces of reassurance and little squeezes of the hand, letting the other know they were there, and they weren’t going anywhere, with Thea in her little travel backpack (that she was absolutely in love with surprisingly).
They came upon an unsuspecting alleyway. Harry thought they were just passing through as a shortcut but Y/n stopped walking in the middle of a blank brick wall and muttered a few words she didn’t understand while waving her hands. He started to realize maybe this wasn’t just a shortcut.
Before his eyes, a door appeared. His brows shot up in surprise (he’s gonna get worry lines on his forehead if he doesn’t stop doing that, he realizes). Y/n looked over her shoulder at him, trying to hide a smirk but the look on his face was too good.
“Pretty wicked huh?” Harry didn't say anything, just chuckled and nodded, following her when she opened the door and a set of stairs appeared. Walking up the dimly lit hallway, they come to another door with the cheeky The Witch Is In sign.
“Cute.” Harry smirks at her and she laughs, opening it and letting him walk through first.
“Make yourself at home! I’ve got records on the shelf over there, you can pick one if you want. I’m just gonna feed Thea and get her all settled and we can get to making dinner.” Y/n explained. Harry ventured off into her living room, seeing the shelf she was talking about and browsing through. There were many different artists from Fleetwood Mac to Taylor Swift to Weezer. He picks out Hozier's self-titled album and puts it on, the beginning of Take Me To Church crackling through the speakers.
“Good choice,” He hears from behind him and smiles, turning around to see the girl he was apparently destined to spend the rest of his life with standing before him.
“Jackie and Wilson has been stuck in my head the last few days so,” He said, sauntering over to her and snaking his arms around her waist.
Taking a look around, he sees many different trinkets and items similar to what was in the shop. A lot of jars filled with different things, candles of all different colors, crystals, a broom (he didn’t realize witches actually had brooms but ok), among other things that he didn’t know the purpose of.
“Wait… how are there windows in here? I didn’t see any outside.” He asked, pulling back from the hug and looking at her.
“Well, there aren’t any windows in the alley. But there’s also a glamour spell on this building so nobody can see my apartment. That’s why you can’t see the door until I do the little thing you saw me do.” She answered. A sheepish smile broke onto his face.
“Oh,” he said and she laughed from her chest, petting a few fallen curls back from his forehead. She could get used to this, she thinks as she stares into his eyes, green as the forest and wide with wonder at everything he’s discovered today.
Who knew the girl he was falling in love with would be a witch… with actual powers.
* .
. * .
“Wait so, if no one can see your front door… how do you get mail?” Harry asked, reaching around Y/n for the salt.
“At the shop,”
“Oh,” He says. She laughs, kissing his cheek and continuing on cutting up veggies for the salad they're making.
“Have you always been able to do magic or was it something you grew into?” Y/n thought back to when she was little, remembering how she struggled to harness her powers for a few years before she started getting the hang of things.
“I always had powers, but imagic isn’t something you just wake up and know how to do so it took a while for me to really settle into and control. Magic is a skill, same as reading and writing, so I had to be taught and I had to work on it. Does that make sense?” She pauses while she explains, looking into his eyes. Harry nods, but his light hearted curious expression turns into one of embarrassment and she doesn’t understand why.
A rosy red color surrounds him, telling her he was feeling… embarrassed? Why did he feel embarrassed?
“Baby? What’s going through your head?” She asks, wanting to help him feel better.
She doesn’t like when he’s feeling anything other than happy!
“I just… I feel like I’m asking you so many questions about all of this stuff and it’s just tough to wrap my head around I guess.” She puts the knife down and sets her hand on his wrist, stopping from what he’s doing. She places her other hand on his shoulder, coaxing him to face her.
“Harry, this is a lot to take in, yeah? It’s not something you can just find out and move on from. It’s gonna take time to process. You’re gonna feel a lot of emotions, and that’s ok! I would be worried if you weren’t feeling a little off, as much as I hate that you’re not feeling 100%.”
She places a series of gentle pecks on his lips, doing her best to soothe him in any way.
“Ask all the questions you want! You don’t have to worry about being judged or saying something wrong, you have a right to be curious.” She feels him relax in her hold which in turn makes her relax.
“Thank you for being patient with me,”
He’ll get used to this, he thinks. He’ll get used to the fact that real witches actually exist, he’ll start to understand the words she mutters when she waves her hands, he’ll get it eventually. But right now, he doesn’t really get it, he’s not really used to it. But she’s worth it. She’s worth more than everything.
“I think you’re the one thing I know how to be patient with,” Again, she wants to mutter those three words on the tip of her tongue, but he’s already been through so much today, she doesn’t want to overwhelm him any more than he already is. So she’ll wait, because one day (hopefully soon) he’ll be ready to hear them.
“Can you do a spell? I kind of want to see how they work…” Harry asks after a moment of them just enjoying the silence that only really comes when two people understand each other.
She chuckles and nods, telling him she will show him a few spells after dinner. He agrees and they go back to making their meal, dancing around each other and laughing just like they always did and it felt good. Felt like this would be ok. Y/n was still scared because he could still decide to leave, that this was too much for him. That she was too much for him.
But for right now, things were ok.
* .
. * .
“Amoris et lux sum ego ipse, et carorum beatum facere potest, per potentiam solem et lunam, ut superius, et inferius.”
(I am love and light, I bring happiness to myself and my loved ones, By the power of the sun and moon, as above, so below)
Harry doesn’t think he’s ever heard anything weirder in his life...and his college roommate freshman year was a conspiracy theorist.
As Y/n spoke the words, she stirred a brew of tea infused with different herbs clockwise. He watched from beside her as she did this, his hand placed on her thigh so that his energy could be used in the spell along with hers.
Before she said the spell, she told him to set an intention and he had no idea what that was so she did a little lesson after reassuring him that his question was valid. (He’s still feeling insecure about not understanding anything she was talking about.) She told him to “close your eyes, take a deep breath, and clear your mind. Think of something you want in life that isn’t material.”
His immediate thought was that he wanted to spread kindness and love in the world (Y/n did her best not to tear up at her Flame’s pure intentions) so she nodded, telling him to think about that and only that, and set her intentions to the same thing so the spell would work. Mixing lavender, rose petals, and chamomile in a large mug, she pours in hot water to steep the herbs and, as previously mentioned, stirs it clockwise (something about clockwise being for manifestation), , rubs her palms together and snaps her fingers, and snuffs out the candles she had lit.
When all is said and finished, Y/n pulls Harry into a sweet kiss, and then has him take a sip of the tea telling him be careful my Love, it’s still hot. He kisses her back, taking a sip of the tea (he’d never been one for lavender things but this was actually really good. He wonders if it has anything to do with the fact that Y/n made it).
“So we just drink this and then what?” He asks, handing her the mug.
“We sacrifice an animal,” She says, not skipping a beat and taking her sip. Harry chokes on his spit, gasping for a breath of air before the girl bursts into a fit of giggles.
“I’m just kidding, baby. That’s it. That’s the whole spell. You just have to honestly believe it for it to work.” She says and he heaves a sigh of relief.
“Don’t joke like that!” He whines, more giggles escaping from Y/n’s throat.
“I’m sorry bub, I won’t do that anymore.” She says, still fighting off laughs. They continue to sip the tea, Y/n telling Harry about different things she did during the day.
Harry looked upon her as if she hung the moon just for him, and was telling him all about how she did it. Without even realizing it, he started to feel warmer and like a buzz was coursing through his veins.
“I feel weird…”
“What do you mean you mean you feel weird?” She voiced, pressing the back of her hand to his forehead and then feeling his pulse. Both were normal.
“I feel warm and like I’m buzzing… Kind of like I’m high…” He explained and she nodded her head, a small sigh of relief escaping her.
“That’s the spell working baby. You’re ok!”
“Oh, ok. It just worried me a little,”
“You’re ok! I want you to tell me when something worries you or feels different or off.” She says, and places a hand on his thigh. Harry agrees and they continue with their conversation.
When they both took their last sips on the tea, they cuddled up on the couch, an incense stick and candle lit on the coffee table.
Y/n sat, manipulating the smoke and flame simultaneously while Harry watched with a wide eyed gaze. She had explained how this was something he would be able to learn if he wanted to, and that she had been practicing for years to be able to do both things at the same time.
“I started when I was… I want to say 5. It’s a simple skill that promotes concentration. You have to stay extremely focused to even manipulate one element at a time. It’s only been these last few years that I’ve been able to concentrate enough to do both.” She explained, taking a break. As much as she loved showing Harry all these different things, it took a lot of energy out of her and it had already been a dreadfully long day.
“How about we go to sleep and I’ll show you more tomorrow? I’m pooped!” Harry hums an agreement, lifting his head from her lap and letting her lead the way to her bedroom.
Light lavender walls adorned with shelves full of plants and different nicknacks, and a desk with more candles, herbs, and other eclectic items sat atop it.
“What is all of this?” He sifts through all the things on the desk, not touching as Y/n had explained to him at some point today, I know you don’t have any ill intent, but a lot of this stuff absorbs other people's energy which can mess up what I use it for, so look and don’t touch. If you want a closer look, I’ll pick it up. There are different colored stones of varied shapes and sizes and many candles. One in particular catches his eyes. A green one with a very tall flame with something carved into the side of it. “What’s up with this green candle?”
“This is my altar, and the green candle is the one I have lit for you. I’m assuming that because you’re here, it’s going a little crazy. Nothing to be afraid of! I’m actually going to put it out since you’re here with me.” She explained quickly, reaching towards the flame with her finger and snuffing it out.
“Wait, you had a candle lit for me?” His eyes rounded, a shy smile coming onto his lips. An identical smile graced her features as she turned to look at him.
“Yeah, I’ve had one lit for you since the day we met. I made a sigil and carved it into the side and keep it lit day and night as an extra layer of protection for you.” She explained. Harry felt his heart melt at this.
She couldn’t get any cuter, he thinks.
A candle lit for him… to keep him safe. That’s adorable.
He leans in and places a gentle kiss on her lips, brushing the little hairs away from her face.
Y/n led him further into her room where her ensuite bathroom was, giving him a tooth brush and letting him know he could shower if he wanted to. When he came back into the room after getting ready, Y/n laid out on the bed in a sports bra and shorts. He just wore his boxers.
Climbing into bed next to her, she cuddled up to him right away, his arm finding a home around her body and her head laid on his chest, listening to his heart beat.
“Been dreaming about this moment my whole life,” Y/n mumbled, cheek smushed against his skin, making her look all cute and cuddly. Harry had to hold back a coo at the sentiment.
“Me too Moppet, me too,” He sighed, and they both drifted off into warm, fluffy, dream-like states, wrapped in the safety of each other's arms.
* .
. * .
Walking down the street at night isn’t the best idea for normal women, Y/n had learned over her 22 years of life. But Y/n is not a normal woman. She’s a witch.
And while most women carry their keys between their knuckles and have tasers or pepper spray or mace at the ready, Y/n didn’t really need that. This was one of the only instances where she would use her magic to harm anyone. Like she’d said before- only when she’s put in danger (or someone else around her is put in danger).
So when a prick who reeks of whiskey starts tailing her, she waits for him to take the first blow. Waits for him to get a little too close, so she can turn around and unleash her wrath on him. All the while making it seem like it’s not her doing. Like causing a brink to fall off the roof above her and hit him in the head. She wouldn’t actually do that but a witch could dream.
No, she’ll trip him up without turning around and if he still insists on gaining her attention, she’ll spin around quick, flick her wrist and send him into an unconscious daze and let him sleep off his inebriation on the lovely warmth of the concrete sidewalk.
That’s exactly what she does.
“Hey sweetheart, where you goin’?” He slurs, beginning his trek behind her. She’s unresponsive which leads him to believe she’s playing hard to get because his fragile little man ego can’t fathom that a woman would ignore his attention.
“Oh c’mon baby don’t be like that!” He speeds up, already wobbling but this only serves to make him clumsier.
She does her thing, flicking her wrist in his direction (discreetly) so he trips, but this doesn’t stall him. He reaches out, effectively grabbing her arm. She whips around to face him, cheeks growing red hot with anger. Ripping her arm out of his grasp and twisting his arm around, she gets close to his face.
“Touch me again, I fucking dare you!” She snarls, doesn’t even realize her grip is burning into his flesh- her magic gets a little crazy when she’s mad. Releasing him (tossing his arm away from her in a rough manner), she flicks her wrist once again and mutters a quick “et obliviscere somnum*”, watching him fall to the ground, unconscious. She looked around to see if anyone was watching the scene go down but no one was sober enough to pay attention to some drunk bloke harassing a young woman.
*(forget and sleep)
She shakes off her frustration as she comes to a stop in front of an unfamiliar building. Where her Flame lives.
She had agreed to let him make her dinner at his house, so she packed an overnight back and made her way further into town. He had given her an address and while, yes she did use it, she also let their bond lead her to him. She just kind of knew where to go, it seemed. Harry had expressed that he felt something similar the first time he went into the shop, though he didn’t understand why he wanted to walk in- just felt like he had to.
Making her way up the stairs, she let’s Harry know she’s there, beginning to feel the familiar tingle rush down her spine. She hadn’t seen him for a week and a half since he's been busy with a project at work- a client wasn’t happy with all the work he and a coworker had done so they had to quickly re-do an entire proposal to meet the client's deadline. Needless to say- the little anti-anxiety jar she made him was coming in real handy lately. Y/n had also had him put citrine and amethyst points on his desk while he worked to help him focus and stay calm so he didn’t stress too badly.
She always had a little something to make his life easier, whether it be a stone, or a jar of different things (a spell jar, he’d learned), or whatever it may be- she always had something to help.
When she made it to his floor, he was standing there waiting for her with open arms. She ran to him, jumping into his arms and holding onto him tight.
“I missed you, my wild girl,” He muttered into her neck, spinning her around. Her face flushed without fail, her arms wrapping tighter around him.
“Missed you most,” She sighed, nuzzling into him.
“Don’t think that’s possible.”
She hummed in disagreement while he walked them inside, Y/n still wrapped around him like a koala bear. His house smelled of peach and mango. It’s sweet- just like him. The thought made her smile.
Giving him a big smacking kiss on the cheek, she pulls back to have a look at his face, seeing he’s smiling like an idiot. It warms her heart to see him smile, butterflies breaking out of their cocoons and fluttering about her tummy.
“What’re you smiling for?” She voices, giggling at him.
“M’ happy you’re here,” He sighed, “Don’t like not seeing you.”
“I don’t like not seeing you either,” She frowned, petting his wild curls back and placing little pecks all around his face.
His cheeks flushed at her affection.
Harry set Y/n down on the kitchen counter, standing in between her legs, hands resting on her hips. Leaning forward, he pressed his lips to hers lightly, before slotting them together, fully indulging himself in his girl. She responds immediately, letting her hands rest around his neck.
She will never not be amazed by how soft his lips are. Kissing him feels like floating through clouds, like laying down in bed after a long day on your feet. Kissing him is like the first breath of warm summer air after the longest winter. Kissing him feels like coming home.
Y/n’s heartbeat picks up as the kiss becomes more needy, leaning into him further. Harry pulls her closer, his hands ghosting up the bare skin under her shirt and fiddling with the band of the bralette she’s wearing. A gasp escapes her lips when he pulled the fabric up, letting it snap back to her skin causing a smirk to grow on his face- struggling to keep up with her lips.
He kisses her breathless before pulling away, watching as her eyes flutter open and she heaves air into her lungs, her cheeks flushed and supple.
“Don’t want the food to burn,” He smirks again, hands falling away from her body, moving the pots and pans on the stove around to the counter so he could plate their dinner.
“Asshole,” He hears her mutter.
Harry could get used to this, having Y/n around. Being able to come home to her, make them dinner, make out in the kitchen, fall asleep together. He can’t believe he ever thought he loved anyone before she came along. There was just no way. Y/n came into his life and took over every aspect and now he couldn’t imagine a world without her in it. He hopes to the Stars he doesn’t have to.
Yeah, she’s got him praying to the stars now.
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cowboy-eddie · 3 years
Tumblr Exclusive: Hen, Eddie and Get to Know You
It hits Hen at 1am in the morning, randomly, laying next to Karen, that she wouldn’t rely on Eddie to save her life. Not because he isn’t reliable, not because he isn’t skilled, but just because... she doesn’t know him very well. Sure, their kids have play dates and they work together in the field sometimes on medical cases, but other than that what does she know about him, and what does he know about her?
Rolling on to her side, away from Karen so she doesn’t wake her, she shoots a text to Chim because he’s probably the only person she could talk to about this.
Hen: what’s Eddie’s favourite colour?
Chim: what the fuck kinda question is that?
Chim: and it’s 1am
Chim: ask Buck
But that’s just the thing; Hen doesn’t want to ask Buck and dismiss it. She wants to know for herself. Endeavouring to ask him the next time he’s on shift, she put her phone down and rolled over. As sleep came to her, she tried to think about what she wanted to ask Eddie. Maybe he had a favourite TV show, or a favourite sport. Did Buck mention baseball? He definitely mentioned baseball...
“Hey, Eddie, what’s your favourite colour?”
His brows furrowed in confusion as he put down his fork.
“My favourite... colour?”
Everyone else was suddenly intrigued too, Chim leaning over to Buck who turned to whisper back.
“Well, yeah. I know Buck’s is red, Chim thinks it’s stupid to have a favourite colour, and Bobby-“
“-leave Bobby out of this conversation,” Bobby said, mid-mouthful of pancake. Eddie shrugged.
“I dunno... I don’t have one, I guess. Christopher’s is green, so... green?”
“Dude, it’s blue. You literally always gravitate toward blue,” Buck said and Eddie cocked an eyebrow at him.
“Okay, so I guess it’s blue.”
“What about your favourite sport? Is it baseball?”
“No, Hen, he’s a Hockey guy.”
Buck butted in again and Bobby was suddenly interested. Glancing between Hen and Eddie, he cocked an eyebrow.
“Why the interrogation, Hen?”
“I just... feel like I don’t know Eddie very well.”
“Yeah, well, the feeling’s mutual,” he huffed, clearly uncomfortable with being questioned, and Hen immediately back off.
“I’m sorry, Eddie, I didn’t mean to-“
“-no, it’s... it’s fine.”
And they leave it at that, Bobby frowning at Hen as if to say “did you break him?” Before turning back to his pancakes.
Later, on a call, Hen watched Eddie roll out a hose. He was methodical and efficient, but his knee on his left side was a little weak and if he leaned on that side he almost missed his step. Buck, of course, was glued to his side as usual and seemed to be working the hose as well, or maybe flirting. Whatever.
“Hen. Put Eddie down.”
Hen turned toward Chim and he took the blood pressure cuff off his patient, patting his shoulder.
“Looks good. Probably just a panic-induced reaction. I do want to get you to hospital just in case.”
“Yes sir.”
The guy let Chim lie him on the gurney inside the ambulance and shut the door. Chimney, hands on his hips, cocked an eyebrow.
“Why the sudden obsession with Eddie? You in love with him?”
“I’m married, to a woman, with two beautiful children. Or did you forget, Chimney?”
“My bad. But seriously, you need to stop staring at him. You’re gonna make him take stress leave.”
“I told you! I feel like I don’t know him. How stupid is that; this guy is one of our best and I feel like I barely know him past Christopher.”
Chimney shrugged.
“It’s always been you and me, Buck and Eddie, and Bobby. It’s just the way things worked out.”
“I can still talk to Buck, though, and ask him how therapy’s going, ask him personal things. Can you imagine what would happen if I asked Eddie something like that?”
“Oh, I can, and I can tell you right now it would not end well. How about we stop staring him down, and take this poor guy to the hospital before he thinks we forgot?”
Hen climbed into the ambulance, radioing into dispatch to alert the hospital they were on their way there.
“Hey, Eddie, what happened to your knee? If you don’t mind me asking?”
Eddie sighed, putting down the clipboard he’d just pried off Buck.
“I dislocated it a few years ago. Went to physical therapy and everything but it never quite bounced back.”
“Oh, okay. Thanks for telling me.”
Hen went to walk away, when Eddie called out.
“Hey, Hen- what’s your mom’s name?”
And Hen smiled. Of course Eddie got it.
“It’s Antonia- Toni, if you want to be on her good side.”
“I better stick with Toni then.”
He disappeared into the locker room then, and Hen blinked before heading back upstairs.
It carried on like this for the rest of shift- Hen would ask Eddie a random question, and then an hour or so later he would approach with one of his own. It got to the point that they were asking about each other’s families as well now; Hen knew Eddie had sisters, but she hadn’t known he was the youngest of the three of them. Eddie was aware Hen didn’t have siblings, but he had no idea her father abandoned her so young. She finds out his favourite food is his grandmother’s Tamales, and he discovered that she loved cheeseburgers but only when Buck orders them, because he always remembers to double the ketchup.
Meanwhile, the other three watched this go on between calls. Buck crossed his arms, but he wasn’t pissed- if anything he was pleased.
“Fucking finally,” he murmured, Chim and Bobby looking to him with confusion. Buck shrugged.
“I always felt like those two just didn’t quite click, not in a mean way or anything, but more along the lines of no shared interests.”
“They’re bonding over their love of hockey I think,” Chim said, watching over the rail into the truck bays. Bobby just shrugged.
“As long as they’re getting along. It’s good to see Eddie opening up a little.”
“Amen,” Chim and Buck said simultaneously. The alarm began blaring and everyone leapt into action.
“Hey, Hen, can I ask you something?”
“If it’s my favourite cheese, you can bribe me easily with Brie,” Hen joked, head in the ambulance as she restocked it. Eddie shifted.
“No, it’s a little more, uh- why today?”
“What do you mean- oh. Oh!”
Hen stopped throwing things in the cupboards, taking a seat on the edge of the ambulance. Eddie sat too and she realised he was trying to trust her.
“Well, it’s kind of- kind of stupid, actually. I was lying in bed and it was 1am and apparently I was kind of delirious, because I- for half a second... I felt like I couldn’t trust you with my life.”
Eddie’s face hardened, walls going up, but Hen darted to grab his arm.
“I was wrong! I was wrong. You’re a skilled firefighter, and you’re unstoppable on scene, but I just- I felt like I didn’t know you very well. I decided to change that. I wanted to change that.”
His face screwed up, like he’d eaten something bad, before he shrugged.
And that was it. Off he went, probably to find Buck. Those two were inseparable in the best of times, let alone when either of them were feeling vulnerable.
The next call they were on, Chim was tied down with a patient and Hen could tell she needed help. She turned her head, about to yell when she felt Eddie appeared behind her like he’d known and she grinned at him.
“Grab the stethoscope.”
“Got it.”
And they worked in unison. For the first time she felt like he had her back and she had his. They smiled at each other, focusing on helping their patient. When the patient had been loaded into the ambulance, Eddie cleared his throat and looked to Hen.
“Hey, uh, I think we know each other better than we think.”
“I think you should go and kiss Buck, but I hope to god you already know that.”
“Oh my god, Hen,” Eddie choked, but he was laughing so Hen figured he wasn’t pissed and about to close off to her. Nudging his shoulder, she gestured to their patient.
“Ride with me? I might need you to stay in the back.”
“Sure thing.”
Hen turned and yelled to Chim that she had to get to the hospital and he went to climb into the ambulance when Eddie beat him and Chim pouted. Buck appeared beside him, a frown on his face.
“Did they just-“
“Eddie stole my best friend,” Chim huffed. Buck snorted.
“If it makes you feel any better, Hen stole my boyfriend.”
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starshipsofstarlord · 3 years
Online dating
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darcy lewis x reader / masterlist
summary; darcy decides to try a dating app, least to say, the guy isn’t anything like his picture. and thus she ditches him, and finds someone else in a hot second / warnings; the oc guys in this fic are dicks, homophobia, darcy being bae, swearing, mentions of sex and cheating, mentions of joy x reader.
he was a polar opposite to what he had portrayed his online self to be, screw the internet! this date was truly tragic, darcy had plenty of things that she could be better using her time for, rather than sitting opposite this oaf, that was licking his unappealing lips, and staring at the waitress when he thought that she didn’t notice.
“huh?” the scientific doctor pulled her phone out, ushering a puzzled expression on her face as she stared at the blank screen. she of course recognised that no one was making any attempts to contact her, but he didn’t know that. “one second.” she held her finger up, bringing the phone to her ear as she blabbered into the speaker that was inherently catching nothing that she was saying.
“slow down jane.” darcy falsely ushered, using her hands to exaggerate the conversation in her head. she put the phone down, a facade of panic elaborating behind her spectacle adorned eyes as she grabbed her belongings in a frenzy, standing upright and out of her seat. “im so sorry, my friend has just hit some guy with her car and she needs some moral support. tonight is going to have to be cut extremely short.”
short was a relief, but the hopeful expression on this dude’s face wasn’t. perhaps it was cruel to leave this guy hanging, and well, she couldn’t blame him for wanting more, she sent him an awkward smile as he began to speak. “we should do this again some time - properly.” darcy wasn’t dumb, she noticed how his eyes sped to the side as the curvy waitress walked by.
“sure...” no, definitely not. darcy was well aware that she was wasting her time with this moron, she didn’t need a man, let alone a dweeb of one. a quick wave was all she bade him as she exited the coffee shop, only to become engrossed in a scene erupting on the local streets. there was a woman, flinging shirts, and a bra within the bundle that looked as though it was not her size, what was she thinking, clearly it wasn’t, at said example of figurative masculinity.
“screw you durkus!” any guy named ‘durkus’ was basically a label confirming that he was a dick. “i don’t need you, nor the next man! i am a well established woman who has done more for this country than you could ever know, you’re dust beneath my feet, a pathetic layer of residue that i want nothing more to brush off.” perhaps she was being harsh, but it sounded like he deserved it.
from the red lipstick, that the woman was not at all sporting, from the random bra that she had flung at her partner, it was a safe bet to assume that he had cheated on her. darcy plodded closer, listening whimsically in, and realising that her life was pretty calm, there were no longer asguardians or dark elves infiltrating her life, nor the work that she had attained to field in.
she had only recently earned herself the title of doctor, and it was frustrating that people would assume that she opted for a profession in a hospital room, or they would forget the professional endorsement all together, and address her as ‘miss lewis’. she was no one’s puppet, she had scaled herself up the ladder of her career to be where she was now, but another thing that she was alongside such a wave of potential was a feminist.
this dick was shouting in the streets, calling her inexplicable names such as a ‘whore’, and a ‘two faced bitch’. having the ability to hear the insults brew anger in her stomach, she couldn’t just stand there. “what are you going to do, turn into a complete lesbian?” now that was the last straw, it had darcy marching over, and promptly she shoved the guy, making him drop all the items that were grasped in the basket of his arms.
a flabbergasted ‘huh’ was riveted from him, and it made darcy smirk as she attuned his attention towards her; the stranger that had gotten involved in his public display of disrespect and homophobia. “how about you watch your damned mouth before i make sure you can’t open it again. and whilst you’re at it, get some new shirts, you’re not a model, unless you’re the kind that are put on prison pamphlets.”
“who the fuck are you?” he spat his saliva on the ground by darcy’s feet, establishing her with the information that her first impression of this dick had been correct. women just knew with this kind of thing, they could sense trouble from a mile away. “you know what, keep that crazy bitch. maybe you can help her store her katanas, and go on double dates with danny rand and his plus one. rather you than me.”
“don’t ask.” the woman shook her head, tired of the drama that durkus always seemed to bring. she had enough trouble, involving work and extracurricular night time activities, without him adding to them. darcy presented her with a sweet smile, picking up the box of random bits and bobs that was on the floor. “that’s just work stuff, i’m moving offices and as i came to collect some things from our apartment, and i found him- well let’s just say he wasn’t alone.”
“that was pretty easy to pick up on. how’d you not realise that you were dating a total sleaze?” she was blunt with her enquiry, though the woman shrugged, a guilty expression cowering upon your features, like an ashamed shadow. a small, attractive smile graced her lips, secrets hidden beneath the span of the expression.
“oh, i knew. i just had to pretend to be happy, so that my ex, or well now, my other ex joy would stop chastising me, claiming that i haven’t got over her. she’s so up her own ass sometimes and it drives me- shit, i’m sorry, you don’t know me, nor do you need to hear about my problems.” the y/h/c haired woman shook her head, stretching her hand out to miss lewis. “i’m y/n, thanks a bunch for helping me out back there.”
darcy accepted her handshake, completing the action as she smiled. “i’m darcy.” this woman didn’t need to know about her doctor title, in fact, darcy was keen on knowing everything about her instead. “so’d how you meet him?” referring to the person that had most recently became y/n’s ex. y/n was relieved that darcy had shown up, she was sure she’d have used her martial art training for more than composition; she’d have kicked durkus’ flat ass.
“on a dating app.” it was a normal answer, she wouldn’t share the intel that before that she had saved his ass whilst wearing a black hood, stopping him from getting mugged in the dead of night. perhaps she should have saved someone else that particular late evening. darcy couldn’t help but let a small laugh out, finding both their circumstances quite amusing. she was sure a similar situation would have unfolded if she had decided to regularly see the date that she ditched.
“online dating man, it sucks, am i right?” it had quite the reputation, for the two of them especially. “maybe we should just date each other.” she joked, though she was being partially serious. it felt right, they had bumped randomly into one another’s faulted situations on the same day, it almost felt like fate, though that subject was too cheesy to say aloud.
“well doctor lewis, i would not at all mind going on a date with you.” darcy frowned at the title that she had been called, pointing at the side of the woman’s jacket, that had a recyclable label stuck upon the material. “so you majored in science, if i am correct?” finally, someone got it! she could get used to that.
y/n did not appear as a deity nor a creature from another realm, she was normal. or so as far as the eye could tell, in fact, she did not suspect a thing from this woman, much less to be a defender of the earth that worked in a small and less know league than the avengers, yet still roamed the us to protect its people.
darcy though had won this battle for her though, giving her a moment of peace from fighting, and had idly sent durkus on his route far away. y/n could get used to not being the hero all the time, more so if this doctor was her knight in shining armour.
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itsthestutterforme · 3 years
Nephilim 1/2 (Supernatural)
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Characters: Michael!Dean x reader
Summary: Michael has a run in with Y/N and was drawn to her. He held her captive and she slowly started to succumb to his charms. //SMUT WARNING. 18+ ONLY.
Since I backed out of my contract, I've been looking over my shoulder. They wanted me to kill an entire family, children included. I faked their deaths but my employers will find out eventually, and they will come after me. I was glancing over my shoulder when I run into a firm chest.
I don't bother looking him in the face but when I try to go around him, he gets in my way. "What, no apology?" "I don't have time for politeness." He gets in my way again and I send him a death glare. A glare that works for me a lot of the time, but instead of a normal surrending behavior, his eyes glow a light blue.
My heart bangs against my chest but I won't give him the satisfaction of my fear. "Move," "And what if I don't?" He asks, his voice deep and rough. "Then I'll make you move," I threaten. He chuckles wryly before stepping closer to me, his cologne was intoxicating. "The gall of you." A smile tugs at his smooth, plump lips and he snaps his fingers.
The next thing I knew, we weren't on the busy sidewalk of Chicago anymore. We were a luxoriois hotel room. "What the hell?" "My name is Michael, and you are my new toy." "Excuse me? I'm no one's fucking toy," I snap. "What's your name?" "None of your damn business," I say as I advance towards the door.
In the blink of an eye, he is in front of me. He grabs my arm and shoves me into the door. A soft grunt leaves my lips as my back comes into contact with the door. "You have fire. That'll pass in a few days." He states. "Bite me," "Alright." He pulls off my jacket and rips open my shirt. He bit down on my shoulder hard enough to break skin.
I yell out in pain and he presses a kiss on the wound. I punch him across the face, but his face barely moves. I felt a pop in my wrist and cradle it in pain. "You're fucking insane," "Oh honey, you have no idea,"
It's been five days since this sicko held me captive. I've been under worse conditions. At least he feeds me, lets me shower and buys me random things like dresses, silk robes, jewelry, perfumes. He has a sugar daddy feel, but I refuse to give him any sugar. Although I have been tempted, he is a very attractive man.
I don't even know if he's a man at all. Men don't have eyes that glow angelic blue or randomly appear places. And they definitely aren't as strong as Michael.
"Good evening, baby," he says, pulling me out of thoughts. He walks into the hotel room with his hands full of Victoria Secret bags. "Those aren't what I think they are," "Lingerie, yes. We are going have very intimate sex tonight."
"Uh, no we're not," "Yes we are," "I will find a way to hurt you, and I'm going to make you beg for me to stop." "Oh, baby." He sets the Victoria Secret bag on the ground and slowly walked me into the night stand.
He places a hand on either side of me and boxed me in so close that I could taste his cologne. "The only one that's going to begging tonight, is you."
A breath hitches in my throat as his warm, calloused hands touch my skin. "Take your shower and put this on." He turns his body to grab a bag and his neck looked so tempting to me. He hands me a bag and I take it from his hands. "What if I don't?" He lifts my chin up with the knuckle of his forefinger.
He turns his wrist and grabs my neck to pull me closer him. A series of shaky breaths leave my lips as his lips were inches near mine. "You will," he says before pulling away and I look at him. He takes off his black top coat and rolls up his sleeves. He nudges his head to the bathroom and I hesitantly comply.
I close the door behind me and take out the lingerie from the bag. It was white lace two piece with silk stitches along the ends of the cloth. There was Gucci Guilty set of perfume, lotion and body wash. I'm at a disadvantage here because I'm starting to like Michael. I like how hard he works to get what he wants, in this case, it's me.
I like how he can trap the snark words in my throat with just a look. And especially those damn hands. He could choke the life out of me and I would say thank you. But this would be the perfect time to make a run for it. Just when he thinks that I'm starting to break, I sneak out and disappear.
I turn on the shower and strip off my clothes. I step under the flaming hot water and sigh deeply at the hard water pressure massaging my bag. I imagine myself shaking under his touch and his hands running every crevice of my body.
"Fuck," I say when I feel myself getting slick. I wash entire body three times and by the end, my hair was dampening from the steam of the shower. I step out of the shower and dry myself before rubbing lotion on my body. I put on the lingerie and stare at myself in the mirror. I look different than before. I have a different glow that I can't seem to put my fingers on.
I spray the perfume on my neck, thighs, knees and wrists and release a small huff before opening the door. There Michael was, sitting on the edge of the bed, waiting still in his suit minus the top coat. He leans back on his hands and cocks his head to the side as his eyes rake my body.
"Come closer," he commands. I walk over to him and straddle his waist. He grunts when I settle myself on top of his crotch. He hums into my neck and inhales my scent. "Why me? Why did you choose me instead of someone else?" I ask. He shushes me as his lips ghost over the crook of my neck.
Growing impatient, I push on his shoulders and he lands on his back. "Careful, kitten," he warns. I press my lips to his and tug on his bottom lip but he holds my face in his hands. His tongue invades my mouth and I graciously accept. He traps my tongue between his tongue and his teeth. He bit down and I moan into his mouth.
His hands trail down my chest and squeezes my breasts in his hands for a moment. He unclips my bra and tosses it on the ground in one swift motion. He flips us so he was straddling my hips and his eyes are fixated on my breasts. He takes on in each hand and swirls the sensitive numbs with the pads of his thumbs.
My back arches against the bed. "Ah, look how responsive you are, baby," he mumbled into my chest before taking a nipple into his mouth as he fondled with the other. My legs tense and a soft moan left my lips. I lift his head from my breasts and kiss him warmly. His hands slid down my stomach and tucked his finger under the band of my underwear.
"Yes, please," I whisper and he stops his movements. He chuckles before saying, "I knew you would beg." He rubbed my clit between his forefinger and his thumb, making my body jolt.
He continue to suck on my breast and press harder into my clit with his thumb. A knot was tightening in my stomach and when our eyes locked for the first time that night, it sent me over the edge.
My body went ridged as I ride out my high. He shoved two fingers into me and curled them hard. The words fuck and shit became my next chant when his fingers pumped in and out of me. He continued his pace and kissed down my neck. He sucked on the base of my neck and I curl my head backwards as I move my hips against his fingers.
"Uh uh, you're not finishing that easy." He gives me a quick peck for before delicately taking my underwear off. I give him a weird look, confused at where the sense of delicacy came from. "Patience is a virtue, baby." His words vibrate my chest and he licks his lips as he pries my legs open.
"Damn, baby, you're soaked." He places soft pecks down my thighs and to my feet. "M-Michael please," "Where do you want me, kitten?" "Fuck me with your tongue."
Seconds later, he laps my folds with his tongue and uses the tip of his tongue to fondle with my clit. Airy moans leave my mouth and I have a white knuckle grip the sheets.
He goes deeper but drags his tongue every time his tongue comes back out. My legs were searing in pain from how tight I was clenching them. He lifts the hood up by pushing some of the skin back and sucked harshly on it.
I whimper loudly and walls convulses around his tongue but he continues. "Wait, Michael, I--". He curls his two fingers and darts his tongue in and out of me at a fast pace.
My body randomly spasms under his touch and it wasn't much longer under my third orgasm. My vision went black for a moment and I say, "Michael, I can't do thi- I can't-".
I attempt to close my legs to give myself a break but he pries them back open. The sensitive bud hurts to move, let alone touch. Tears start to build up in my eyes and my fourth orgasm came hit me like a tractior trailer.
"Attagirl." He comes up from between my legs with my juices dropping from the peach fuzzed chin. His hazel green eyes twinkle with amusement as he meets my sleepy gaze.
He reaches over to the night stand and grabs a hankerchief to wipe my juices off of his face. My eyes were like canvils, making it impossible to stay awake.
He stands from the bed and takes off his dress shirt. I hum when my eyes land on his goregously sculpted chest. He unbuckles his pants and drops them to the floor, revealing his black, Calvin Klein boxers. His bulge was on the verge of ripping through its clothed prison.
"It's okay, baby, just sit in my lap like a good girl." He sits down with his back leaning against the headboard. "I can barely move." He holds the side of my face and I feel a burning sensation on my cheek. "Ouch, what the hell?" I snap at him and notice that I felt a lot better than before.
"Now turn around and put your ass in the air," he commands. I go on my hands and knees and face my ass towards him. He rubs the curves of my ass and slowly moves me backwards. I gasp with I feel the tip of his dick slide into my pussy. I kick off with my heels and sit completely on him.
He moans in my ear when I clench around him. I rest my head against his shoulder and he fondles with my breast while I slowly rock back and forth against him.
I switch from rocking to bouncing and just when I feel his dick twitch, I stop my movements. Bouncing on something so big is tiring. I let out a loud huff and his hand reaches up to grab my throat roughly.
He wraps his free arm around my torso to hold me in place. He rams into me so hard I could barely form words. I reach down and rub my clit until I reached my climax. He tightens his grip on my throat as his thrusts became sloppy. I clench my walls around him and he releases himself inside of me.
We stay in our positions for a moment before I fall over to my side. "You did amazing, baby," he says before giving me a warm kiss. "I think we'll enjoy the rest of our time together as parents," he adds. "Wait, what?"
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You Broke Me First (C.H)
Pairing: former FWB!Calum X Reader
Requested: Yes!
Summary: Based on the song “You Broke Me First” by Tate McRae. You are trying to forget about the man who broke your heart, so it’s a surprise when his name appears on your phone again.
Warnings: Angst af. Language. Mild Smut. Mentions of Alcohol and cheating. Probably one or two grammar mistakes (English is not my first language, I’m sorry)
Word count: 5K
Author’s Note: Requested by the lovely @thebasicbitch-things ✨ I loved writing this piece, maybe because I love the song so much, so thank you for requesting it and I hope I made it justice 💕. Feedback, reblogs and comments are always welcome and appreciated it! You can read my other works HERE. Happy reading! 🦋
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@thebasicbitch-things : Can you write a Calum imagine based off the song You Broke me first by Tate McRae?? Like I’m just in a weeping mood. Thank you xxx
Maybe you don't like talking too much about yourself
But you shoulda told me that you were thinkin' 'bout someone else
You're drunk at a party or maybe it's just that your car broke down
Your phone's been off for a couple months, so you're calling me now
The liquid burns your throat, but you don’t really feel it anymore. When the heat starts spreading around the rest of your body is when you know you need another one. And another one. And another one. Anything to keep him from your mind.
It’s ironic how the memory of him still lingers on, even more with every drink you drown. Well, it’s not so ironic as it is shitty. But it’s at times like this, when you’re at a random club in the middle of the night surrounded by strangers trying to create stories of their own while all you want to do is forget, that the only thing your mind can focus on is him.
A year ago:
“Babe?” You heard his voice as he exited the bathroom. Still shirtless and with his boxers on, hanging loosely “Are you okay?”
You sat down on the bed, your naked skin barely covered by the messy sheets “Mhmm” you mumbled, still zooned out in your own thoughts and worries as you saw Calum grab his shirt and jeans from the floor.
It was always the same. He would call or text, you would meet with any excuse, hang out for a while before moving to the bedroom. The same old story of friends who fuck each other, with the same old ending every night: you in your bed watching him get dressed and close the door on his way out.
“Do you really have to leave?” You asked, already knowing the answer.
“I have to”
“No, you don’t have to”
You hated that condescending tone. Not only that, but you hated yourself, too. You and this whole messy situation you got yourself into. You didn’t know how bad of an idea it was to accept his proposal of friends with benefits when you already had feelings for him. But who could say no to Calum Hood? Especially with the hopes of becoming something more along the way.
At the beginning it was all you could dream of. The night seemed endless when he hold you close to him, breathing the same air as your bodies collided with each other, creating messes as you explored every inch of skin you had to offer, seeing stars explode with every right touch, hearing each other’s names like prayers coming from your parting lips. It was almost like you couldn’t get enough, almost.
“What? God, Calum, would it kill you to stay the night just once? Would it ruin your reputation of a heartthrob batchellor?”
“What has gotten into you?” He asked in confusion at your sudden outburst “You know the rules of this”
“Oh, the rules. Fuck them”
The rules were simple: Never overstaying, no exclusivity, don’t let others find out, never do anything public… but most importantly: Never fall in love. You had agree to that once, but most certainly broken almost every rule. You’ve fallen in love with him.
“It hurts, Calum” You said with glossy eyes “It hurts when you leave, and I- I can’t watch you do that anymore”
Calum’s eyes soften a bit. Debating whether or not he should stay. But after a pleading “Please” from your lips he caved in, laying down on the bed next to you, pulling you closer to him.
You smiled, allowing yourself to drift away in dreams and hopes of him laying next to you for the rest of your lives. Little did you know that those dreams were to be crushed next morning when you find an empty bed and a note with a little ‘sorry’ scribbled on it.
That was the first nights of many where he would lay down with you. Sometimes he would stay till morning and share a cup of coffee with you at breakfast. Other times he would disappear as a ghost in the middle of the night, only leaving the marks on your body as proof of his presence. It hurted, but at least you didn’t watch him walk away. You never watched as he did.
Took a while, was in denial when I first heard
That you moved on quicker than I could've ever, you know that hurt
Swear for a while I would stare at my phone just to see your name
But now that it's there, I don't really know what to say
You feel your friend’s grasp on your arm as they drag you down to the dance floor. Pulling you away from your own pity party as you watch how they sway to the beat of a song you’ve never heard of, soon joining them with the alcohol in your veins rushing towards your brain and taking control of your every move. ‘Tonight is not about Calum’ you tell yourself as you let the music take you away, already feeling the effects of the one too many shots you did earlier. But some things are easier said than done.
It’s funny, how after so many months of not seeing each other you can still feel him in your skin. You memorized the way his hands wrapped around your waist and the smell of his cologne. You could still feel his breath on your neck, the burning kisses he used to leave and the whispers that got lost inside a dream. Even now that you are dancing along to an ear shattering beat, the rhythm of your heart still beats and longs for him.
You can feel yourself in the dire need of another drink, desperate to push those memories away and cleanse yourself from his touch once and for all. You don’t care how many nights it would take, how many people or how many hangovers. You are determined to get that boy out of your system, where he won’t hurt you anymore.
“Y/N!” Your friend yells over the music, gesturing towards your hand “Your phone is glowing!”
You bring your phone to your face, trying to focus on the image that’s plastered across the screen. A name pops up, a name you haven’t seen in so long.
Muttering an “Oh fuck” you press ‘decline’ over and over again, until Calum stopped calling.
Seven months ago:
It’s been two weeks since you last heard from him. It’s been two weeks since he left you alone in a fuzz. It’s been two weeks since he slammed the door and he still hasn’t called.
Maybe he was right and you fucked everything up. But you were sure of your words, you know there’s truth to them, so you stan by them. He will soon realize his mistake, he has to. He wouldn’t leave you like that, would he? He must know he hurt you, he must. The words he said… they are like tattoos on your mind, they don’t seem to fade with time. But you knew it wasn’t entirely your fault. You were as guilty as he was.
For the past two weeks you’ve been glued to your screen, hoping for his name to appear. Taping your screen randomly to see if you’ve gotten a text or a call or a dm or even a fucking email. But nothing ever came.
It wasn’t until you were scrolling down Twitter that you saw it.
It was a paparazzi photo, he was wearing a classic tee and the sweatpants you once told him were your favorite on him. His hair was longer, or at least it seemed like it, his eyes avoiding the cameras as he walked through the busy streets of LA as he normally would. The only difference is the hand that was holding his.
A lump formed in your throat as you opened the tweet to find a thread of even more pictures of him with the mysterious person, grabbing them by the waist and smiling as they came closer. The paparazzi seemed to catch every single intimate moment he was able to show in public, much more than he ever showed you when you were both out and sober, at least. But Calum seemed happy, and that hurt you the most.
A thousand questions ran through your head as you ignored the happy tweets from fans celebrating that his favorite band member finally got a significant other. How long has this been going on? Did he ever tell you about it? You never claim exclusivity, so it could’ve had happen when you were still ‘together’, meaning he choose them. He left you and chose them, replacing you and everything you didn’t get to have without even saying goodbye.
Swallowing the bitterness of the memory with a shot of tequila, you press decline once again and order another drink. What would you say to him anyway? Would you curse him? Would you kiss him? Would he even apologize or pretend that it never happened? The truth is, you don’t even want to know.
You catch some flirty eyes from across the bar, but you ignore them as you try to collect your thoughts on this whole situation, and besides, don’t need another heartbreak at the moment.
“That guy hasn’t taken his eyes off you since he came in” Said the bartender, pouring you another drink.
You lift your gaze towards ’pretty eyes’ over the bar, but he already seemed to have lost interest in you as his eyes scattered all over the room, looking for another person to spend his time with.
“Doesn’t seem like it” You nod toward the other end of the bar.
“What? No, not him. Him!”
They point behind you and you turn around quickly, a pretty bad idea considering how drunk you are at the moment. But wasted or not, you would recognize those eyes anywhere.
Calum is standing in the middle of a sea of people, but his eyes are solemnly focusing on you as he raises his phone to his ear, raising his eyebrows as he hears the dial tone. Almost immediately, your phone starts ringing next to you with the all too familiar name popping out again.
Without breaking eye contact, you press decline once again, standing up quickly as you start to walk up to the nearest exit, trying to get away from him as fast as you could. ‘Tonight is not about Calum’ you told yourself earlier that night, and yet there he was, pushing his way through a drunk crowd to get towards you.
“Y/N!” You hear him call, but you are not stopping. You don’t need this confrontation right now. You don’t want to see him or talk to him. You want to forget him and everything you ever did.
Feeling like your chest is going to explode at any second, you accelerated your pace, not caring how many people you have to push to get to the door as long as he doesn’t find you. Your legs, however, had other plans as they give out due to the mix dizziness and adrenaline you were feeling, just mere meters from the exit. You curse your past self for having so many drinks as you try to get up. But, soon enough, you feel an arm rounding around your waist and pulling you to your feet.
After almost eight months you find yourself reflected in those eyes again. The same eyes that made you feel butterflies in your stomach everytime he looked your way. You couldn’t help but get drawn into them, remembering that the last time you saw them they replaced the desire with anger, shaking you to your core.
He was saying something, you were sure of it because his mouth is moving “What?!”
“I said, Why aren’t you answering your phone?!” He yelled over the music. Your drunk mind can’t decide if you want to slap him or kiss him or cry right there on the spot.
“That’s none of your business! Now please let go of me, I want to go home”
You push yourself away from his grasp “Y/N, please I need to ta-“ He interrupted himself as he watched you almost trip over your own feet again, clearly too drunk to stand straight. In a matter of seconds, he was by your side again, this time pulling your arm over his shoulders so you could lay on him “Wha- How many drinks did you have?”
“As many as I needed” You scoffed, trying to pull away, but his grip on your waist was stronger.
“For what?! Drown yourself?”
“I needed to forget you” Calum clenches his jaw, feeling like his heart was shattered into a million pieces “But that’s clearly not working, given that you are here. Would you please let me go?”
“Y/N you are too drunk to function,”
“Am not!”
“Please, let me take you home. I need to talk to you”
“Leave me alone, Calum. I don’t need you and I most definitely don’t want to talk to you”
You turn your face to him. It has been a long time since you last saw him. He has more curls now, and a little five o’clock shadow, but his yes,,, oh, his eyes. The time stops, or at least it feels like it, it was almost like the first time you saw them, magnetic and filled with something you couldn’t decipher, but now they had something different. They were hurting, pleading, almost begging you for something you didn’t quite understand at the moment, but you know you couldn’t say no to those eyes, at least not here and not in your condition.
So after making sure you could stand properly, you caved “Fine”
I know you, you're like this
When shit don't go your way you needed me to fix it
And like me, I did
But I ran out of every reason
The car ride was as silent as a tomb. The sounds of the city night and the flashing of streetlights were your only source of distraction. You looked through the window, not wanting to make any eye contact with the man that broke your heart. He, however, was anxious for you to spare a glance towards him. Calum’s fingers taped the steering wheel nervously, he wanted to fill the silence with something, anything. But his words came short as he realized that you weren’t the person he knew, you were a stranger sitting in his car. The clothes you were wearing, the state of drunkenness you were in, the anger behind your eyes and words, and the fact that you couldn’t even stan him touching you… that was not the Y/N he knew.
Once you reached the house, you didn���t even wait for him to turn the car off as you practically jumped out of the seat and went to open the door. Calum quickly following you, half of him afraid that you might hurt yourself, the other half afraid that you would lock him out.
He let out a breath of relief as you let him in. Remembering the last time he was here.
Seven and a half months ago:
It was a normal afternoon for the two of you. Things were going well, Calum started to be more open towards you, spending the night, cuddling and hanging out more without the promise of sleeping together afterwards and you loved it. You were having fun as well, you would walk Duke together or cook dinner or just exist together by watching a movie or listening to his favorite songs that you “absolutely needed to hear” And today was no different as you cuddled with him watching one of Netflix’s crappy teenage movies. Things were going well, or so you thought.
You were straddling him, lips melting together as the movie was long forgotten. His hands were cupping your ass, setting a slow pace with your hips as you grinded on him. You whole body was on fire, ready to burst when his lips made their way down your neck, leaving marks that you would later trace with your fingers as you try to hide them.
“Calum,” You moaned softly as he found your sweet spot under your ear, sucking and biting it like only he knew how. Your hands flew to the back of his head, fingers lost in his hair, tugging it lightly every time he met your hips with a dry thrust.
He groaned, drunk to sounds you were making. He loved the effect he had on you, almost as much as the effect you had on him. It was addictive, dangerous. He knows he shouldn’t play with fire, but what a lovely way to burn it was.
You moaned again when you felt his teeth grazing your jaw, finding their way to your lips again. The rolling of your hips was faster, more desperate than before, the friction was almost unbearable. You needed him with a passion “C-Calum…”
“Tell me what you want, baby” He said with a raspy voice, breathing onto your neck “Tell me what you want and I’ll give it to you”
You shuddered at his words, getting dizzy with his touch, his soft groans and his eyes filled with lust, looking straight into your soul, burning like the sun.
You grabbed his head by the sides, pulling him closer until your foreheads pressed together “You” you whispered loud enough for him to hear “I want all of you, Calum”
A couple of hours passed and you were still laying on the sofa, cuddled against the naked chest of the bassist. His fingers were caressing your sides as both of your breathings became even, coming out of your highs.
You felt infinite in his arms, safe and wanted. You wanted this to last forever, to have him only for yourself and be his everything. You craved for more intimate looks, for innocent touches while in public, you wanted to show the world how in love you were with this man that has, not only conquered your heart, but also your soul. You loved him, and you hope with your whole heart that he loves you too.
“What’s on your mind?” He asked, drawing circles down your arm.
You debated on whether to tell him the truth or not. You knew Calum had always denied himself the possibility of love, stating time and again that he doesn’t really believe in it. But you’ve seen a change in him for the last few months you were together. He was more caring, more attentive, staying longer than he should and being there for you when you needed, not only for a quick fuck anymore. Maybe the chances of him loving you back were not as low as you thought.
“I meant what I said earlier, you know?” You ventured, lifting your gaze to meet his. He gave you a quizzical look, not really sure of what you were referring to “I do want all of you, Calum”
He smiled “You have me now”
“Yeah,,, but that’s not what I meant”
Taking a brave step, you pushed yourself forward and kissed him. You were done hiding the feelings you’ve been accumulating over the years, ready to let yourself go and drown on him. Only him.
Calum, however, was taken by surprise. Pulling himself from you.
“I thought we agree on not to catch feelings for each other” He said coldly. Already sitting up and looking across the room for his clothes.
You sat and watched as he got up from his spot on the couch and started to dress as fast as he could.
“We agreed, Y/N. We said no string attached. Goddammit, everything was going so well, but you had to fuck it up, didn’t you?”
His words hit you like a ton of bricks. Shattering you completely from the inside. You tried to collect your thoughts as the tears threatened to come out, but Calum kept going.
“What the hell were you thinking? What were you expecting? Huh?”
“It’s not my fault that I love you” Your voice sounded broken, weak, and you hated that. How could he be so angry? What gave him the right when you were the one who was hurting?
“Well, it’s not mine either! Is it?” Calum said with exasperation, putting on his shirt.
“I thought-“
“What? That I loved you? Y/N, I don’t love anyone! You knew that when we started this!”
“And what am I to you then?!” You matched his tone of voice, tears were already spilling down your face but you didn’t care. You were fuming “What am I, Calum? A friend? A good fuck? Huh? Was I just a toy that you could play with every time you felt needy? Have you ever thought of me as something more?”
Calum’s stare was cold as ice. He was standing in the middle of the living room, clenching his fists to either side of his body until his knuckles became white. You, on the other hand, were sitting on the couch, crying. But your eyes burned with anger as you saw how carelessly he was invalidating your feelings, throwing everything away just because he couldn’t admit his own. A silent war was being fought between the two of you, both of you so scared but with nothing left to lose.
It seemed like ages had passed before Calum spoke again, grabbing his jacket and heading towards the door.
“Was there ever something more?”
You kept staring at the nothing he left behind, the last thing you heard was the slamming of your front door, leaving you alone and completely heartbroken.
Calum followed you into the kitchen, completely avoiding the living room where he last saw you, where he left you. He felt weirdly unwelcomed as you poured yourself a glass of water without even offering one to him, maybe he was.
You drink your water slowly, thinking that that will give you time to think on what to say to him. Maybe he would start talking soon, but the only thing he does is stare at you from the other side of the kitchen island. “How did you know where I was?” You asked.
“Your friend’s stories. You may have blocked me from yours, but they haven’t”
Then, silence came over you again. It was almost like he was waiting for you to say something, just like you always did. You played this game before, you are not going to cave. You are not going to give him the satisfaction of controlling the situation here.
“I need to talk to you” He finally said, letting his shoulders relax for a bit.
“You keep saying that. But you sure haven’t done a lot of talking”
The tension in the room was so thick that it could easily be cut by a knife. You always wondered what you would say to him, what would you feel the next time you saw him and, right now, you felt like there was nothing more to say. He had no right appearing into your life again, not when you were picking yourself together after he shattered you.
“Y/N, I’m so sorry”
“For what, exactly?” The venom in your voice was palpable, Calum knew this was not going to be easy for him “For leaving me here alone and then got yourself another person to play the ‘couple’ part? For practically calling me a whore? Or for giving me shit because of what I felt for you, knowing damn well you felt the same?”
You tilted your head, waiting for his answer, but it seems you left him speechless. Good.
Calum ran his hand through his curls, staring at the floor then back at you “I fucked up”
“That much is true”
“I’m serious, Y/N” He started walking towards you “I’m sorry for everything, you are right. You always are. I just- I didn’t know what to do! I panicked and-“
“And that’s your excuse of why you ran away instead of facing the problem?”
“I was scared! Okay? Is that what you wanted to hear?” Calum raised his voice. He was now standing a couple of feet in front of you, so close and yet so far away from you “Y/N, I was so fucking scared. You know that I’ve never had a committed relationship before, that I never let things get too far but with you.. God, I never felt the same with anyone like that before not after you. And then you said all of those things and I- Hearing you say that you love me was too much, I couldn’t process it and instead of saying something coherent I just lashed out on you and you didn’t deserve that. I’m sorry”
Calum took a step forward, softly grabbing your hand and intertwining his fingers with yours. He took your silence as his cue to continue.
“You were always there for me, every time I needed you were there. No questions asked, no judging, not waiting for something in return. Always making me laugh, supporting me and letting me take a break from the messy life I have. You were the best thing in my life and I took you for granted. I hate that it has taken me this long to realize that, but I just miss you, Y/N. I miss us, so much that you can’t imagine how much it hurts. I need you with me, please let’s just go back to where we started. Or we can start over, whatever you want! But, please, baby, please don’t leave me”
And just before you know it, Calum cupped your cheek with his free hand and brought your face closer to him, crashing his lips into yours. You responded almost immediately by parting your lips and granting him more access, getting completely lost inside the kiss.
For a moment it felt like the old times, he tastes just like you remember and his touch stills makes your skin erupt with goosebumps. For years you’ve been waiting for this, for him to feel the same about you and love you without any fears or doubts, claiming that he was yours and you were his. You wanted this for so long… but why does it feel so bad?
Gathering all the courage you could manage, you push Calum away from you.
“S-stop!” You said, trembling “Stop, this isn’t right”
He gave you a confused look as he took a step back “Y/N-“
“What about your partner? Calum, did you at least break up with them before you came to find me?” The way he looked at the floor gave you all the answers you needed. You raised your hand to your forehead, suppressing the urge to cry or laugh at his antics “Oh my God”
“I was going to! I swear I just-“ He failed to find an excuse “Things were doing awful between us lately, Y/N. You have to understand, I-“
“What?!” You spat “that you had to make sure I was on board with all of this?! I am not a consolation prize, Calum. I am not a second choice!”
“Baby, I know. I-“
“Don’t call me that!”
Calum took another step back, he has never seen you so angry before.
“How dare you? How. Dare. You, Calum. Coming here after eight months! saying all that shit about how much I mean to you when it’s just bullshit”
“Y/N, it’s not-“
“I’m not fucking finish” You say raising a hand to silence him “Could you tell me, where'd you get the nerve? I don’t get a single text or call or fucking smoke signal from you for eight months, knowing how I felt about you, and now suddenly you're asking for it back? Saying that you miss all that we had? We had nothing, Calum. We were nothing more than just a fuck around, you said it yourself, didn’t you? There was no ‘us’ for you to miss. You made damn sure of that. You don’t miss me, not really. You miss how I made you feel. How easy it was for me to be there for you every time you called, well, I’m tired of fixing all your problems, I ran out of every reason to do it.
And I was so stupid, you know? For believing just for a second that this could actually mean something when it never meant something to you in the first place! Did you even think about how I would feel about all of this? Of course not! Why would you? After all, I’m just Y/N! The one who always gets stepped on, why should my feelings matter? If I’m always going to be there for you and everything you ask for. Well, fuck that!”
“Y/N..” Calum tried to intervene, but you couldn’t hear him.
“You want to know what I did after you left? I cried myself to sleep for weeks, reliving every moment we had, every word you said just before you left. Waiting by the phone for hours just to see if you’d call. I couldn’t sleep, I couldn’t eat, I was the living incarnation of death because I realized I lived just for you. Well, not anymore. You said you were hurting, you have no idea what I went through so, I’m sorry, but I don't really care how bad it hurts. I’m done. We are done”
You walk by him and towards the front door, opening it as an invitation for him to leave. Calum, however, remained standing in your kitchen, staring at you with glossy eyes.
“Baby, please don’t do this” He said with a trembling voice “I don’t know what to do without you I’m- I’m broken”
You were still standing by the door. Unmoving and without an inch of sympathy for the man crying in front of you.
“You broke me first, Calum. But I’m all glued back together now, and I did it by myself. Hope one day you could learn to do that too”
And, for the first time in months, you saw him leave.
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13uswntimagines · 4 years
Stay Out of This OK? (Mal x Baby!Reader)
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Request: Sequal to Better Luck Next Time where the team tries to help Baby!Reader get with Mal. 
Authors Note: so this was super fun to write with @literaryhedgehog​. It’s in the same 3 times they didn’t and 1 they did of the other one we did! I hope you enjoy and hit me up with questions or if you just wanna say Hi!
Team bonding was supposed to be fun. It was supposed to be an activity that everyone would enjoy. Instead, it had turned into a board game massacre. There weren’t enough Monopoly pieces for everyone to play, so the team got split up into pairs. “Randomly assigned” pairs. (Though you would bet your signed Mia Hamm jersey that there was nothing random about you being paired with Mal).
“I told you I need to play the shoe! It’s my lucky piece!” Emily yelled, literally trying to pull the shoe piece from your hand. 
“Chill Emily, it’s just a game,” Lindsey glared from beside her. This whole thing wasn’t even about the game, it was about getting you to talk to your crush. (Which the team was determined to get you to admit your feelings too).
“More like a crushing commentary on how consumerism works…” You mumbled with an eye roll. You fucking hated this game. The only upside was that you got to cuddle with your favorite forward. 
“Well yes, that is literally what the game is supposed to be about, but we’re here trying to have fun.” Christen eyed you as she added a hotel to Baltic Avenue. You rolled your eyes. 
“Yeah babe, just have fun with it,” Mal nudged you, causing your lips to tick up lightly. 
“Mal called Y/n babe,” Emily squealed, instantly being shushed by the flares of your teammates. The plan was to get the two Preath children together, and with your skittish and shy nature, they had to be subtle about it as to not scare you off. 
It seems to be working as you were cuddled into the older girl’s side, your chin resting comfortably on her shoulder. 
“ Maybe you should blow on the dice, Y/N.” Kelley mentioned in a forcefully offhand manner, “You know, for good luck.”
“Actually, I think it might be luckier if you just roll, you’ve been getting higher numbers anyway,” Mal said kissing your cheek and handing the dice to you, while covertly shooting Kelley a look that screamed ‘please shut up’. The team may have had good intentions, but their plans never seemed to work out well, and she really liked you. 
You forcefully threw the dice on the board, tired of the near-constant teasing from the team. Too forcefully. One of them bounced through the center, ricocheted off the hat on Electric company and flew off the table into Lindsey’s lap. The other took out the house at Park place before Christen stopped it. 
Everyone looked down at the numbers. Snake eyes, that moved you right onto the words “Go to Jail.” The room burst into laughter, and your cheeks tinted a deep shade of red. 
“I think I’m done for tonight, sorry Mal,” You said gulping, untangling yourself from the woman, and rushing to stand up. 
“No babe, you don’t have to go!” She called out, standing up as if to stop you as you made your way to the door. This had been going so well until the girls started teasing you. 
“I’ll see you in practice tomorrow,” you said, smiling quickly. You closed the door behind you then opened it again quickly, just long enough to call out “Next time, we’re playing cards against humanity.”
Mal glared at the other girls as Emily moved your piece into the game’s jail. “I love you guys, but just stay out of this, ok?”
“Sure, sure. Of course.” The other women said halfheartedly, giving Mal no reassurance whatsoever. The two of you would be so good together, they just couldn’t help themselves from meddling. 
“Okay we’re doing drills in teams of two today,” Carlie called shaking a hat with pieces of paper in it. She was in charge of the forwards and middies workouts for the day, and while you were ecstatic to get to work with one of your idols, you were also wary of your teammates and their desire to embarrass you in front of your crush. But the team captain wouldn’t get involved, would she? Carlie was like too old and too serious for the team's shenanigans right?
One by one Carlie drew a slip out and called out the names written on the paper. She paused for a second before she read your name, pairing you with Mal. 
You furrowed your eyebrows. Why were you paired with another forward? Was Vlatko going to try putting you or Mal in midfield? That didn’t make sense, you were both strikers and damn good ones at that. 
“Don’t look so excited now,” Mal joked as she approached you, eyeing your frown carefully. 
“I am excited, just nervous, and a little tired. 8 am workouts aren’t really my thing. Also, Captain hasn’t said what we’re doing yet, and I will mutiny if we have to do burpees.” You grumbled, shooting Mal a sheepish smile. 
“I don’t think you’re alone in that… I think we’re just doing some crossing drills,” Mal re
“Okay, everyone has your teammate? Great.” Carlie tossed the hat into a bag she had stowed under the bench. “Today we’re doing timed crossing drills. Focus on accuracy, but the team to finish the fastest gets to go in early and losers have to do 5 laps. Lindsey and Rose, you’re up.”
There were many things you enjoyed in life. The smell of rain, the feeling of warm sand on your toes, and Mal running chasing a ball down the pitch were 3 at the top of your list. Her control over the ball was amazing and the ease upon which she weaved between defenders was too enticing to not stare at it. One second you had been running down the field, pointedly not looking at Mal, the next you had tripped over your own feet, and nearly face-planted in the dirt by the goalpost. 
“Whoa there kiddo,” Tobin grunted as she caught you, an easy smirk planted on her face. She had seen where your eyes were but didn’t feel the need to tease you about it. 
“Thanks, Tobs,” You mumbled, your cheeks dusting a light shade of pink. She patted your shoulder, giving it a reassuring squeeze. She opened her mouth to say something but was rudely interrupted.
“Hey, y/n don’t fall for Mal too hard,” Emily called with a giggle from across the field. And you felt your cheeks get even hotter. You shook your head and headed back towards Carlie. 
“Hey, stay out of this!” Mal said firmly, punching Emily on the shoulder as she ran off to chase you. 
“Whatever you say, kid,” Emily smirked back, shrinking only at Tobin’s glare. The thing that Toby understood was that you and Mal would get together when the two of you were ready. It didn’t do anyone any good to meddle in it. 
“Sorry, no room,” Ashlyn said her mouth twitching as she saw you look over the available bus seats. Or more specifically all the unavailable bus seats, since every single normally empty seat had suddenly been filled. Team members who were normally bus buddies had simultaneously decided today that they were going to split up over two rows, and several duffel bags had mysteriously appeared to fill up the rest of the empty rows. 
“Why is Alex in my normal seat?” You asked, glancing at the place that had become yours, feeling your anxiety rising. 
“Captain's orders,” Alex shrugged, fighting to keep her face neutral. If you and Mal weren’t going to buck up and ask each other out, then the team was just going to conveniently keep putting the two of you together. 
“Just sit with Mal,” Carlie waved you off, barely looking up from her phone. You didn’t move, too busy calculating the probability that the seat change was going to cause some disastrous event. You had heard the stories, and you knew the risk. But how were you supposed to tell Carlie that you were sure that if you sat in the wrong seat you were going to curse the whole team? 
Just then Mal climbed onto the bus and froze. Oh, this was ridiculous. 
“Right, well since we’ve decided this match doesn’t matter,” Mal said, pushing lightly past you to get to the seat where Kelley was sitting alone, “I’ll just sit here where I can actually hear the speaker system.”
“Alex isn’t going to like this,”
“Then Alex can sit here herself,” Mal said, dramatically lowering her bag towards the seat next to Kelley.
“What about Alex,” Alex started, turning towards the commotion, her eyes zeroing in on Mal who held her bag an inch above the seat, as though daring Alex to come prevent her from setting it down. “No. no one sits with Kelley but me,” She growled, shoving past you to get to her spot. 
Mal smirked, already walking down the aisle towards her own seat. Her eyes softened as she watched your face light up now that your usual seat was empty, smiling when you relaxed into the foam. She turned around to walk down the aisle, and leaned over to hiss at Carlie, Kelley, Alex, and Ashlyn as she passed “I told you to stay out of this.”
“Are you sure this is a good idea?” You asked as Mal dragged you down the dark street. It was nearly midnight, and she had decided that it was the perfect time to go and get a snack. 
“Well, officially we are supposed to be getting extra protein in our diets for this week of practice. Technically peanut butter milkshakes have protein!” She smiled dopily at you, pulling you towards the brightly lit building in the distance. 
“But it’s midnight, and if Chris or Tobs find out, they’re going to kill us,” You whined, dragging your feet as you approached the diner. How she knew it would be open, you had no idea. You still stood by your point that wandering around this late was a bad idea. But you would go anywhere with Mal. 
“Which is exactly why we left at midnight. Chris is definitely asleep by now, and Tobin is probably too wrapped up in a painting to notice anything else,” Mal bit her lip and looked back at you. “And there are some things worth dying for. Like chocolate peanut butter milkshakes.”
“As long as you’re paying,” You grumbled, playfully tugging at her hand. 
“That would make it a date then wouldn’t it?” Mal asked with a smirk, and your steps faltered. There was no way Mal wanted to date you right? She couldn’t feel the same way you did. 
“Do you want it to be a date?” You asked softly, freezing on the spot, the ground suddenly the most interesting thing on the planet. 
Mal stopped moving and looked back at you. Her brown eyes glinted in the light of the streetlamp, as she tucked a lock of hair behind her ear. “Yes. Of course, I do. But if that bothers you it’s-”
“I would love to go on a date with you,” You interrupted her, your eyes wide. 
“Yeah?” She asked hesitantly, afraid to scare you off. 
“Absolutely. I would have asked, but I didn’t think you felt the same,” You nodded firmly. Your eyebrows suddenly furrowed. “Is this why Kelley told me to just get my shit together and grow a pair?”
That had been a very strange and scary conversation considering Kelley wouldn’t tell you what the two of you were talking about. You had been so freaked out that you only talked to Tobin, Christen, and Mal for like a week because you were afraid of saying the wrong thing. It was also why Tobin had decided to be a defender for a day and tackle Kelley every chance she got. 
Mal laughed, “That’s not even the half of it. I’m surprised you didn’t notice, I practically had to   too ‘stay out of it’ on their foreheads, they kept meddling so much. Now come on, those milkshakes won’t drink themselves. I’ll get you extra sprinkles on yours!” 
In the end, you didn’t need the team's help. You and Mal had gotten together in your own way, in your own time, and you wouldn’t have had it any other way. 
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nyxxon · 3 years
Borderland (Midoriya, Todoroki, Bakugou)
(A/N: Alice in Borderland AU one-shot with our 3 favorite boys [few others who just, oof] and reader because a friend live-streamed it on Discord and I actually liked it even though it was a live-action by Netflix, nonetheless, lol.
This basically follows the first episode with similar dialogue that has been tweaked with some additions per character I used—you basically replace Shibuki. It's also a bit longer than I usually make my one-shots.)
You didn't know how it happened . . .
     One minute you were at home in your room as you finished an essay for your English college class—your family downstairs. The next, it had suddenly gone dark while the power suddenly shut off.
     You had muttered a string of curse words as you called down to your mom and dad frustratedly; however, there had been no answer as you called them repeatedly.
     In great reluctance, you had started down the stairs—it dark and oddly quiet. Once you had made it down the stairs, you called out to them once again—having had been greeted by silence once again.
     Slowly, you had begun on your way to the kitchen, looking in the living room to be sure neither were there though it was obvious they weren't.
     When you had peeked into the kitchen, you were only greeted with the deafening silence and emptiness that had been accompanying the entire house at that point.
     Sooner or later after constant searching and calling out verbally, you had tried the next big thing: calling them on your phone. However, your phone had refused to work.
     But something had felt off about the whole situation.
     Though at the time, you didn't know just how right you were . . .
     During the first few hours, you had left your home—only bringing a jacket and a backpack—because of the feeling. It hadn't taken you long to figure out the emptiness of the whole city of Musutafu.
     It was like everything had stopped.
     It had been suspiciously quiet as well.
     All the cars had been at a standstill—some in the middle of the road and odd places that'd be much safer if they hadn't been—no bustling of the normal city life . . .
     Just nothing.
     That had been three days ago, however.
     You somewhat understood your situation albeit still rather confused at the same time. But you knew that in order to leave this place, you had to play the games that were randomly set up and also random.
     But there was a gruesome catch to them all: there was no guarantee you'd make it out alive through any of them . . .
     The first few days had been rough, you'd admit even though you had only played one game at this point.
     The first game you had played had been one you had to board a train. There had been two other people who were already waiting at the game site at the time—a midget male with balls-like dark purple hair and another male with blonde hair with a lightning bolt in it with phones in their hands.
     They looked about your age, you were unsure nor cared to find out at the time since it had been unimportant information. You had asked them what was going on though they had no idea aside from some building lighting up and ushering them into this area—similar to what had happened to you.
     But they had said you apparently needed to grab a phone on the table that had been beside you that also had three gas masks and nine cylinders of what you had figured to be full of air sitting near it.
     When you had grabbed the phone, it instantly turned on with the words "Facial Recognition" on the screen with a load bar that soon disappeared before a female AI voice spoke saying “ Game difficulty, two of hearts. ”
     You had been confused and asked them what this meant but they just shrugged in response while saying they had no clue either and that their own phones had said something similar. You had also asked about the other two items but they also hadn't known anything about them either.
     They had eventually introduced themselves to you as Kaminari and Mineta—the blonde had been Kaminari and the purple haired one had been Mineta. In turn, you had also introduced yourself as a courtesy.
    However, any more communication between you and the group had been quickly dispersed as the phones suddenly had booted back up, the female AI voice sounding once again as it had said the "game" was about to begin in thirty seconds and to head to the tracks.
     The three of you had looked at each other before slowly complying and making it to the tracks. Once you had, the phone AI voice had resounded giving you a rundown of what was required.
     The requirements were to board multiple trains and to successfully make it to the last one—the fourth one. It sounded relatively easy when you had heard it described to you from the AI voice.
     That was until it had said the end part:
     “ One of the four cargo trains that would come for you to ride would have poisonous gas in them. There are three gas masks and nine cylinders of air beside the table that are required to pass. Each person gets three, use them wisely. ”
     In shorter terms:
          • If you are able to get through all four carriages, Game Clear.
          • One of the four rooms is filled with a lethal poisonous gas. If you open the door and breathe in this gas, it is Game over.
     The game was basic but with a horrible twist.
     In the end, you had made it—somehow.
     But Kaminari and Mineta . . .
     They hadn't . . .
     By the end of the game, you had gotten a three-day visa pass which was basically that you were free from having to participate in games for that amount of time. However, if you didn't play a game once the time was up . . .
     Well . . .
     You'd die.
     So here you were now heading to the next game. You had no idea what it'd be, nor did you want to know . . . but you had no choice unless you wanted to die—at least with no chance of avoidance as doing a game would give.
     You slowly made your way into the tall building, passing a car and a lot of lighted things on the wall as you followed the arrows to the next gaming area while gripping the straps of your backpack. But as you near the corner at the last arrow, you could hear hushed talking coming from nearby—no doubt in the next game area.
     Once you had made it to the corner, you peeked behind it as you spotted three males. One had ash blonde hair, another toe toned of white on his left and crimson on his right, while the final one had dark green hair. They all looked to be your age, maybe younger or older by a year or two at most.
     "What the hell is this fucking shit?!" You watched as the ash blonde practically snarled at the phone in his hand.
     "It'd be a phone. I'm sure you've seen plenty of those before though." The dual haired male stated bluntly.
     This caused the ash blonde to whip around and face the other male, "That's not what I fucking meant, you half-and-half bastard."
     Half-and-half bastard? What an odd name. Though you were sure that wasn't the dual haired male's real name, it sounded like a nickname of sorts and you were sure it was.
     "C-Calm down Kacchan . . ." The green haired male began to wave his hands in the air as he looked at the ash blonde, "If . . . if we're calm, m-maybe we can figure this o-out."
     This caused the ash blonde to glare over at him, "Shut the fuck up, Deku!"
     "He's right . . ." The dual haired male came in.
     As you continued to peek behind the corner as they continued to bicker amongst one another, it was quite obvious this group of males were new.
     Boy, were they in for a surprise.
     You frowned, but that also meant you were stuck with them. Unless you found another game to partake in . . . but you were running low in time and there was no telling when another game would pop up before your visa expired.
     Things weren't looking too hot for you. But there wasn't much you could do. It wasn't like you could really pick and choose your "teammates" for the games that popped up.
     With a reluctant sigh, you soon popped out from behind the corner as you headed towards the group of bickering males—mostly the one dubbed "Kacchan." It didn't take long for the green haired male to take notice of you, his eyes widening as you neared them.
     "Uh . . ." He shakily pointed to your form.
     This caused the other two males to stop as they looked in your direction, watching as you passed the red sensor and headed straight to the phones. You picked it up and it instantly turned on, showing the all too familiar words "Facial Recognition" and the loading bar before popping up a card.
     “ Game difficulty, three of clubs. ”
     A bead of sweat appeared on your cheek as you tightened the grip of your bag strap. This was really going to be "fun."
     "W-Who are you?" You heard the meek voice of the green haired make ask.
     You hummed as you turned to face all three of the males who were staring at you, the ash blonde more so glaring. As you studied them for a moment, you saw no harm in telling them your name."(Last Name) (First Name)."
     The green haired male instantly perked up, "I-I'm Midoriya Izuku."
     "I'm Todoroki Shouto." The dual haired male said directly after.
     The ash blonde studied you for a moment, looking you up and down skeptically, "Bakugou Katsuki."
     It seemed "Kacchan" was just a nickname.
     Midoriya began to shit in place, "Uhm . . . w-what is this..?"
     "A game." You simply replied.
     "Where is everyone?" Todoroki asked.
     You shrugged, "I'm unsure."
     "This is fucking bullshit." Bakugou grumbled, "I don't want to play any fucking game." He began to stomp towards the red sensor.
     Midoriya's eyes widened, "K-Kacchan, wait!"
     You quickly gripped Bakugou's arm, causing him to jerk back.
     "What the hell?!" He glared over at you.
     You didn't falter at his hard stare, "I wouldn't do that if I were you."
      He narrowed his eyes, "Huh?! What the fuck do you mean?"
     Sighing, you let go of his arm as you searched for something. Your eyes soon landed on an old name tag that had probably been left from previous competitors. You wasted no time in grabbing it before instantly throwing it past the censor.
     Just as you did that, a laser popped up and instantly shot through the old name tag, causing all three of the males' eyes to widen—especially Bakugou's as he backtracked a bit.
     "What the fuck."
     Todoroki blinked, "What was that..?"
     "W-Was that a . . . a laser?!" Midoriya's eyes began to tremor.
     You looked at them, "Once you cross the borderline, you can never return. You have no choice but to participate in the game."
     "You've gotta be fuckin' shitting me." Bakugou frowned, a bead of sweat on his cheek as he continued to stare at the old name tag.
     "Oh!" A random voice started causing you all to look up from the name card and at the periwinkle haired girl who had just appeared from the corner as she soon began to walk towards you all, "I'm so relieved! I thought I'd never find anyone here. I'm Hadou Nejire, It's so nice to finally see actual breathing humans!"
     "W-Wait, Hadou!" Midoriya outcasted his hand to stop her, but it was too late.
     She passed the censor just as he had said those words of warning, giving you all a confused look from the odd expressions you all were giving her.
     You frowned, "You shouldn't have done that."
     Then again, if she hadn't . . . she'd probably die.
     "Fucking idiot." Bakugou grumbled under his breath though anyone could hear it.
     She blinked, "Huh?
     You sighed, as you outcasted a phone you had grabbed. She continued to blink down at it before slowly taking it from you—it doing the basic start-up before a dinging sound soon echoed throughout the room.
     “ Registration closed. The game will now commence. ” The female AI started.
     "Game..?" Hadou mumbled as she stared down at the phone.
     “ Game, dead or alive. Difficulty, three of clubs. ”
     "Three of . . . of clubs..?" Midoriya mumbled.
     A bead of sweat appeared on Todoroki's cheek, "What does that mean..?"
     “ Rule: select the correct door within the stipulated time. ”
     Bakugou scrunched up his nose, "The fuck?"
     “ Clear conditions: leave the building within the time limit. ”
     As the AI finished saying this, an elevator door dinged. This caused everyone in the room to averted their attention behind them as you all stared at the opening elevator, the word start written on the back wall.
     Not hesitating, you quickly walked towards and inside of the elevator as you refaced the others who had confused looks on their faces "You'll die if you keep spacing out."
     They all looked at each other aside from Hadou who quickly trudged inside though in an almost giddily manner.
     "We probably should listen to her . . ." Todoroki muttered as he glanced back to you.
     In reluctance after a few more glances among themselves, the three males all followed suit as they entered the elevator with you and Hadou. Right as Midoriya entered, the elevator closed as it began sending you all to the top floor it seemed.
     After a few seconds, the door soon opened again—revealing a square room with black and white checkered floors—your phones instantly dinged once more.
     “ The time limit for this room is two minutes. ” Right as the AI said that, a timer popped up on the phone as it began counting down the minutes.
     You all slowly shuffled out of the elevator silently, taking notice of the two doors with two different pictures on them: one with a cute anime angel girl, the words "live" above it, and another that was black with a skull, the words "die" above it.
     "What's this..?" Todoroki broke the silence.
     You looked at the cute anime angel poster, "Live: to live . . ." You then looked at the skull poster, "Die: or to die."
     "Tch." Bakugou began to wander around towards the two doors, Todoroki followed along silently.
     Midoriya swallowed as he did the same, "I-Is this really a g-game..? Maybe . . . maybe this is just an event o-or something."
     "Ooh, an event?" Hadou clasped her hands together as she looked around the room in an almost excited manner.
     “ One minute remaining. ”
     Once all the males made it to the "die" door, Todoroki spoke, "Midoriya."
     "Huh?" Midoriya looked at him.
     "Do you have any idea of which one it could be?" Todoroki started making his way towards the "live" door.
     "I wouldn't choose the skeleton one!" Hadou interrupted.
     "Shut the hell up, airhead." Bakugou growled at the girl who didn't seem phased by his words at all.
     "You're sure a rude one!"
     "W-What will happen if we . . . we choose the wrong one?" Midoriya mumbled as he looked back at the rest of you.
     You began to eye the two doors as a heavy silence came over the small group. You could feel your heart practically pounding in your chest and pondered the answer.
     There was a fifty-fifty chance in this case scenario. But there was really no logical way to know which door was actually the correct one . . .
     Actually, there was a way.
     You gripped the straps of your bag, "The answer is 'live'." You muttered as everyone looked at you, "Open the door that says 'live'."
     "How the fuck do you know?" Bakugou gave you a skeptical look.
     You looked down and away from his gaze, "Because it's obviously the 'live' door . . ."
     Hadou began to sniff the air as she looked around the room, "Hey, do you guys smell something?" This caused everyone to look at her before gazing around the room yourselves.
     Midoriya soon gasped, "L-Look down!"
     With that, everyone did as he had said, all looking down and seeing the smoke beginning to form up from the tiles of the floor.
     "Fire?" Todoroki started as everyone began to move away from the smoke and began to cough as it got worse and worse.
     “ Thirty seconds remaining. ”
     "The answer is 'live'!" You stated again through coughs, "Open the door!"
     "Open it yourself, you bitch!" Bakugou managed to cough out.
     "What w-will happens when the time runs out?" Midoriya coughed out.
     "We . . . we have no time!" You continued to cough.
     Todoroki looked over at you, "Why do you think that's the answer?"
     "Clearly, we can't choose 'die' can we?" You stated.
     “ Twenty seconds remaining. ”
     "I-I can't stand this smoke anymore!" Hadou whimpered as she passed you all and started towards the 'live' door.
     She quickly began to fumble with the knob before opening it and hurriedly making her way inside; however, once she passed the doorframe, a laser shot out—instantly percent through her. And just like that, she fell to the ground, her body limp and unmoving as the door slammed back shut
     Everyone stood frozen, eyes wide as they just stared at the now-closed door where the girl had gone through.
     Midoriya's eyes tremored, "Did . . . did she . . ." But he couldn't finish the sentence, he didn't want to.
     “ Twenty seconds remaining. ”
     Hearing this, you quickly snapped your head towards the door labeled "die." It had to be that one . . . there was no other to choose from. Not wasting any time, you quickly raced towards it, opening it, and making your way inside—the other three looking at you while they remained where they were at. As expected, no laser did shoot through you.
     “Five–Four–Three . . .”
     Quick glances amongst themselves, they all raced through the door as well as the counter started counting down the seconds. Once it hit one and everyone had managed to get inside, a large fire exploded in the room right as Midoriya had closed the door.
     “ The time limit for this room is one minute and fifty seconds. ” The AI stated once the door had shut.
     You glanced around, it was a similar room to the one you had been in only seconds before. Two doors read the same above them, "live" and "die".
     "She . . . she really died." Midoriya muttered.
     "You were the one who killed that girl." Todoroki bluntly stated as he looked in your direction, a slight glare.
     You just looked at him, emotionless, "You survived because of me, right?"
     Bakugou suddenly grabbed your shoulder roughly, "You little bi–"
     "If you guys keep doing what you did in the room before, you'll die just like her." You muttered.
     His grip tightened on your shoulder momentarily before he let go of you, "Damn it!"
     "What d-do . . . do we do now..?" Midoriya mumbled as he eyed both the doors, "D-Do we choose 'die' here, too..?"
     "Since we chose 'die' last time, shouldn't it be 'live'?" Todoroki offered his suggestion.
     "It can't fucking be 'die' twice in a fucking row!" Bakugou narrowed his eyes at him.
     "It was just a suggestion." Todoroki muttered.
     "But . . . but it is hard to choose 'die' . . ." Midoriya pondered.
     "I'm sure this is a game for us to choose a sacrifice within the time limit." You came in.
     "Sacrifice?" Todoroki repeated the word.
     "There's probably no meaning to the doors." You stated, "It's probably about who's going to be the first to open it. Basically, they're telling us to choose one person in the allotted time."
     Todoroki's eyes narrowed at you, "Like you sacrificed that girl . . ."
     "Why don't you open the damn door then, huh?" Bakugou glared at you, "If you're so fucking high and mighty."
     You glanced at the doors then back to him, "I believe I'm the best suited to survive out of all of you."
     "Huh?" Bakugou suddenly grabbed hold of you and slammed you against the wall rather roughly as he growled at you, "What the fuck did you just say?!"
     If this game didn't kill you, you had a feeling he just might do the job . . . that is if he ended up surviving himself.
     "K-Kacchan!" Midoriya reached out for him though didn't dare get much closer with the look Bakugou gave him.
     Thankfully the AI sounded, “ One minute remaining. ”
     "N-No ones going to open the door at this rate . . ." Midoriya mumbled as he looked between the two doors.
     "So we're all just gonna die from the fucking fire?!" Bakugou looked back at him, his grip loosening a bit but it remained.
     "Then why don't you open it?" You directed the words to him, "Why ask anyone when you can do it yourself?" But as you said this, smoke began to form—coughing beginning to slowly ensue between the group.
     Though Midoriya soon clenched his fists, "I-I'll open."
     This caused everyone to look in his direction with wide eyes, aside from you, upon the unexpected proclamation. Admittedly you were a bit shocked as well given the personality he had shown so far, but you weren't complaining either. As long as it wasn't you opening the door, it didn't matter . . .
     Everyone—unmoving—watched as Midoriya slowly began his way towards the "live" door.
     "The fuck, Deku?!" Bakugou came in but kept his hold on you.
     Midoriya ignored them, obviously trembling, as he eyed the two doors back and forth before heading towards the one that read "die" on top of it.
     "Midoriya, don't be provoked by her." Todoroki warned.
     Midoriya slowly and shakily reached for the handle, gripping it but not opening it as he just stood frozen in his spot—staring down at it.
     “ Thirty seconds remaining. ”
     "Midoriya!" Todoroki shouted right as the male was about to open the door.
     However, Midoriya didn't move and continued to shake in his spot. But his hand soon fell limply to his side as he just stared down at the handle before dropping to his knees.
     He couldn't do it.
     "See." You started, "You can't open it, you'd've even sacrificed that girl, too."
     "Shut the hell up!" Bakugou roughly pushed you against the wall as he let you go.
     “ Twenty seconds remaining. ”
     "I'll fucking do it." Bakugou soon growled as he walked towards the door with '"live" above it.
     Todoroki's eyes widened slightly, "Bakugou–"
     "He has bad fucking luck anyway."
     Midoriya looked back at his friend as he stopped in front of the "live" door, "K-Kacchan . . ."
     "We'll take fucking turns." Bskugou muttered as he stared down at the door handle—his hand hovering over—before looking over at you, "You'll be next."
     “ Ten seconds. ”
     He looked back at the door.
     "Kacchan . . ."
     Taking in a deep breath and swallowing, his hand hovered over the door handle for a few more seconds before quickly opening it and dashing through.
     "Kacchan!" Midoriya quickly scrambled up but stopped upon realizing his friend had successfully passed through.
     Bakugou let out a sigh of relief as he realized he had passed through the door, unharmed, too. It seemed he had made the right call in the end.
     “ Five–Four–Three . . .”
     Once the second countdown started, the rest of you quickly started towards the door. And like the last time, once you had passed the frame upon the last second, a fire exploded in the room right as you shut the door this time.
     “ The time limit for the room, one minute forty seconds. ”
     Midoriya looked at his phone as the counter began, "The time l-limit is shortening each time."
     Bakugou looked over at you, "Now you get the next fucking door." He soon got up from his spot as he trudged over to you, grabbing your arm rather roughly as he started to drag you to one of the doors, "I'll choose the damn door."
     Your eyes widened, "H-Hey!"
     He instantly slammed you against the door with the anime angel, "Live."
     But you didn't budge as you just glared at him from against the door which didn't bode well with him it seemed as he was getting frustrated—though that seemed to be a natural occurrence with him anyway given from what you had seen thus far.
     "Open it, damnit!"
     Your brows began to twitch, "No . . ."
     "Bakugou, calm down," Todoroki muttered from the other side.
     "Don't tell me to fucking calm down, half-and-half!" He glared over at him.
     Todoroki sighed as he glanced over at Midoriya who had been silent this whole time, deep in thought while sitting on the ground, "Do you have any ideas, Midoriya..?"
     This snapped him away from his thoughts, "Ideas..?"
     Todoroki made his way towards him, "You always say there's a solution for every problem."
      "Uh, w-well yes, bu-but this isn't a game . . ."
     "You're always solving things that seem impossible, you have to have an idea." Todoroki states.
     "But . . . but this is no game." Midoriya's lips began to quiver as he looked down at the phone in his hand, "It's all about l-luck."
     “ One minute remaining. ”
     "Come on, think Midoriya." Todoroki urged, "There had to be a hint somewhere . . ."
     "A hint . . ." Midoriya's muttered as he began to search his mind for something and as he did this, smoke began to come up from the floor—signaling time was growing short. He began to look all around the room, every square inch. His eyes began to widen, "Oh . . ."
     This caused everyone to look at him.
     "What is it?" Todoroki asked.
     "Wait a minute . . ." Midoriya soon got up from the floor.
     “ Thirty seconds remaining. ”
     He walked towards the middle of the room, "BMW 523rd."
     Bakugou's eyes narrowed at him, "The fuck are you spouting on about?"
     "I-It was a BMW 523rd." Midoriya repeated.
     "What are you implying?" Todoroki asked.
     Midoriya looked down at his hand, "It's . . . it's 'die'."
     "How do you know..?" You blinked at him.
     “ Ten seconds remaining. ”
     "There's . . . there's no time." Midoriya muttered, "I-I'll open the door." With that, he quickly headed to the door he had mentioned.
     "Midoriya, a-are you sure..?" A bead of sweat appeared on Todoroki's cheek as he quickly headed to where the other male was.
     Midoriya squeezed his eyes shut as he gripped the handle of the door, "P-Please . . ." With those words, He quickly opened the door, stumbling through.
     No death laser.
     “ Five–Four–Three . . . ”
     Not wasting any more time, everyone else entered soon after him, Bakugou being the one to shut the door this time as a loud sound erupted behind it—no doubt the fore that had been making a presence every time time would run out.
     “ The time limit for this room is one minute and thirty seconds. ”
     "Do you know which it is now?" Todoroki questioned as he watched Midoriya become frantic as he looked around the room,
     "The . . . the BMW 523rd is four meters and ninety-four centimeters . . . there was one parked outside." Midoriya started.
     "What the hell does that have to do with anything?" Bakugou narrowed his eyes over at the other male.
The remainder of the story because of cut off:
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diaryofabeautyfiend · 3 years
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Small Time Witch (23)
Main Street is lined with cute little bars and restaurants. On most nights they were pleasantly crowded. You and Loki would frequent such establishments and you had gotten to know some of their patrons. After the snap, some of the little bars were shuttered. The ones that were still open were far less lively. People would gather to commiserate, to cry. Mostly people were tired of drinking alone.
At least twice a week you would ride your bike to Captain Kidd’s Inn and drain half a bottle of Jameson with the bar tender Jason. He lost his wife in the snap. You would usually stay until last call which happened to be whenever Jason felt like closing up. He would offer to take you home and you’d usually end up fucking.
There was absolutely nothing behind it. The two of you just needed to feel. Some nights it would be quick and dirty then he’d leave. Neither of you would say a word. Most of the time you didn’t even get undressed. On some occasions you would drink more then pass out in bed together.
You didn’t sleep in the master bedroom with him. You stayed in Thor’s massive bed where the two of you could sleep as far apart as possible. It was nice to feel the mattress sag with his weight. Occasionally you would sleep on his chest when you really needed it. He never pushed you away. Sometimes he would rest on your stomach and cry silently in the dark.
Anytime he spent the night, you dreamt of Loki. The first time it happened he didn’t say anything. He just looked displeased. When it happened more frequently he began to make comments. He mentioned how you stunk of whiskey or how he hated seeing you with another man. You never answered him. It was just a dream.
After the tenth time you decided to bite back. “You’re dead. You left me. You don’t have the right to be angry at me. Piss off, ghost.”
It took him a while but he finally summoned enough power to manifest a spectral version of himself. When Jason left Loki appeared. It was only for a moment. You didn’t trust your eyes. You threw back some water and headache medicine and retired to the couch.
A few days later you noticed the bedroom door was open. You only ever went in there to grab new clothes. You didn’t shower in your bathroom and you never disturbed the bed. When you left the room you always locked the door. When you went to close it you swore you saw him sitting in your chair in your reading nook. You felt too ashamed to go to the bar after that.
Jason texted to see if you would be around. You thought about ignoring him but couldn’t bring yourself to do it. You just said you needed some alone time. He said he’d be by later to check on you.
That’s what people did now. They checked on each other. At around 12:30 there was a knock on your door. It wasn’t Jason on the other end. It was Hilde.
You were pretty certain no one called her by her name. Everyone just called her Valkyrie. You were the only person who bothered to ask what it was. Thor randomly sent her to check on you. He couldn’t bear to look at you after the final failed attempt to right this tragedy. She didn’t mind driving out. It was a welcome escape for her from New Asgard.
It started with her bringing you food (which you didn’t need) then morphed into good friends drinking and laughing. She was the only one who made you laugh these days. Then it turned into sloppy drunken make out sessions to full on fucking.
You loved fucking her. She was soft and always smelled divine like salty sea air. She was an absolute wizard with her tongue and fingers. She taught you how to eat her pussy. You were an excellent student.
You stepped aside and let her in without a word. You pulled her to you by her belt and swallowed her tongue. She was always so hungry for you her Kærasta. From the little Norwegian Loki had taught you, you knew that meant girlfriend. Though you never put a label on it you supposed you were.
“You smell like the bartender” she said breathless.
“Sorry. Come shower with me. I’ll get rid of him” you smiled against her neck.
You pulled her towards the hall bathroom. Though not nearly as big as the master, Loki had to make sure Thor could fit comfortably in the shower. It was more than enough room for the two of you.
“Don’t you have a big bathtub in your bedroom?” You froze.
“Yeah. I don’t use it.”
“Can we tonight? I need to relax.”
“I haven’t since...Loki and I....”
“Sssshhh, Elskan. We don’t have to. I just thought it would be nice.” She slipped her hand into the waistband of your leggings and was pleased to find no panties underneath. You braced against the wall as she expertly teased your clit.
“I guess it wouldn’t hurt” you whispered.
“That’s my good girl.”
You rinsed a layer or two of dust out of the tub and fished a new sponge out of the cabinet. She undressed and pinned up her hair. Once the tub was filled, she slid into the spot that Loki usually occupied.
The tub was wide enough for her to spread her legs. You sat facing her and she pulled you in so your cunts were pressed up against each other.
You kissed again pressing as hard into her body as you could. She held you with one hand and tweaked your nipple with the other. Before long the pressure was too great and you had to move. You rode each other into your first of many climaxes that night.
You spent the rest of your bath soaping each other’s bodies and she washed your hair. When you got out you slicked each other with one of your oils and she braided your hair. The whole thing was so intimate. You loved pampering each other. Clearly you both needed the attention.
She pulled you onto the bed and felt your body hesitate. “Do you want to go to another room?”
“No. It’s ok. I just haven’t slept in this bed in ages.”
Her face split into a smile that was so sinful a fresh burst of wetness trickled out of your snatch. “Oh, Kærasta. You think daddy would drive all this way at this time of night to sleep?” She grabbed one of your nipples between her teeth and shook your breast like a dog. You giggled for the first time in forever. That’s when your water glass flew onto the floor and shattered.
“Shit. I wasn’t even near it.” You crawled across the bed to get to the door. You came rushing back in with a broom. She moved to help you, “No. Stay on the bed. I’ve got it. I guess he didn’t like that.”
“He who?” She looked around the room suspiciously.
“This is going to sound silly but, I think Loki visits. I know. I should seek help.”
“I wouldn’t exactly be surprised. It would piss him off royally to know that I was bedding his wife. We never really got along.” Her laugh was carefree and melodic. You were visibly upset. “Hey, Y/N. I’ll stop. I’ll hold you all night if you want. But, I think you need. A. Release.” She kissed her way down the column of your neck. You melted in her palm.
“I need both.” She laid you down on the bed and spread your legs. She licked her way up her thigh to your dripping pussy and slowly dipped in her tongue into your folds.
“You’re always so wet for me, Kærasta. Do you like it when daddy licks your pretty pussy?”
“Mmmm. Yes, daddy. I want your fist.”
“What my good girl wants, my good girl gets.” She massaged your opening with her thumbs inserting them and pulling you apart gently. She coaxed the muscles helping you relax. She flattened her tongue and pulsed it gently. The sensation was overwhelming. She eased in three fingers helping you to stretch more. You arched your back off the mattress.
“Fuck. Daddy that feels so good. I need more.” She buried her hand up to her wrist. It burned but it felt exquisite. You fucked back into her face and came harder than you had in a long time.
“I want to make you cum. Sit on my face” you said as she plunged her tongue back into your mouth.
You pulled her on top of you and hooked your arms around her to pull her thighs taught. You pulled her down and licked slowly around the opening then plunged in your tongue. She gasped and grabbed on to the headboard. You made slow concentric circles around her clit. Every now and then you’d suck a little making sure to get the hood too. Two fingers fucked deep into her cunt carefully manipulating the soft spongy button inside. You picked up the pace building a rhythm that had her moaning and cursing. You moaned back to encourage her. When her thighs started to shake you pulled her down harder so she could fuck your face bathing you in her juices.
You licked her until she relaxed. She slid off of you and down to the bed. You wiped your faces on a towel and wrapped your body around hers. For once you were able to make her relax and feel like a precious little spoon. She hummed and smiled in her sleep.
As you drifted off you felt Loki looming around you. You held Hilde tighter hoping the feeling would go away. It only grew stronger. Unable to rest you slid your arm from under her and went to the kitchen for tea. When you heard Loki’s voice you nearly dropped your cup.
“My lord! You don’t need to scare me like that! Am I dreaming again?”
He was sitting at the kitchen table staring at you longingly. He wished you could sit on his lap and kiss him until the steam came screaming from the kettle. It was an act that you preformed so many times that it seemed trivial. Nothing seems trivial anymore. “No. You are very much awake. Is this what you do now? You bring random people into our bed? Drink every night until you pass out?”
“Oh calm down. It’s Valkyrie. I like her. She makes me feel something. I mostly don’t feel anything like I’m not here.”
“Yes, I’m sure she’s thoroughly amused that she makes you scream her name in our marital bed.” He spat the words at you. All of the joy snapped from your face. It hurt him to see it.
Over the last few weeks he watched you split more and more as you straddled the world of the living and the world of the dead. He was doing no better. Hel was pushing him to make a decision whether he would ask you to join him or use your magic to separate from him. As much as he wanted to be with you, it wasn’t your time. To him you barely had the chance to live. You deserved to have babies and grow old with someone. He was doing the exact thing he promised he wouldn’t. He was selfishly keeping you all to himself. This night he decided to tell you about the spell.
“I’ve been thinking and I may know a way to fix all of this. There is a healer in New Asgard who trained under my mother. She is familiar with Freyr’s magic.”
“I know. Hilde told me about her. We’ve already come up with the spell.”
“Then why haven’t you done it?”
“Because when I do your magic will fade from the house, the grounds, our rings...me. I’m not ready to let you go.”
“I am not ready either but I think it’s time, Pet. We can’t go on this way. You feel empty because part of you is literally dead. I hate that I’m doing this to you:”
“I’m not ready. I’m still trying to figure out a way to bring you back.”
He sighed heavily, “I’m not coming back this time, Y/N. You know in your heart that I’m not. You need to move on. I want you to love and have children and grow old. We’ll be together again.”
You were completely offended. The girl you were when you met your husband was not the woman you were now. You were unbridled and a force magically. He helped you to become this woman. How could you put all of that away now just to have a white picket life?
Maybe another lifetime ago you wanted kids and barbecues in the back yard. This you wanted passion and madness. He was the Clyde to your Bonnie and his outlaw heart was yours forever. But, if he wanted to be free of you, that’s what he’d get.
He saw the fire burning in your eyes. He longed to know what you were thinking. You were seething but shook it off, gave him a sweet smile and said, “You’re right. I’ll go back to see the healer with Hilde tomorrow. I’m glad we had this talk.”
“You look angry. Please don’t be angry. I love you so much. I don’t want you to die, Y/n. I’m sorry I’m gone but you’ve barely lived. Please understand this. Can you say it back?” He was desperate to touch you, to connect one more time. “Norns, wife! Will you look at me and say you love me too?! Please!”
Your voice was cold and unfeeling, “I’m not your wife. I’m your widow. Goodbye, Loki.”
You didn’t look back to see if he left. Your heart felt like it was plunged into ice. You strode back into your bedroom and used your magic to fling open his closet doors and dresser drawers. You put all of his clothes into a pile. Hilde woke up to the sound and shook the last tendrils of sleep from her head.
“Kærasta, what are you doing?” She got out of bed and threw on a tshirt. You wouldn’t look at her. She followed you and the bundle of clothes down the hall to the yard where you set them. A fireball grew in your hands and you sent it sailing into the clothes. They went up with a whoosh. She wrapped her arms around your waist and watched with you until it burned out.
“Want to tell me what that was about?” she said against the shell of your ear.
“I think my dead husband just broke up with me.” You both laughed but your laughter faded into sobs.
“Come on. Let’s go back to bed.” She held your hand all the way down the hall. You both stripped and got back under the covers. She kissed your cheeks then your eyelids then your forehead. You finally fell asleep nestled into her body.
You felt Loki’s sadness all night. He looked on from your reading loft watching your chest rise and fall, your body being comforted by someone else. If his heart was beating he thought it may have stopped the moment you left the kitchen. It was evident by the way your mood so easily shifted that you needed to be released from this burden.
Loki returned back to the underworld feeling more conflicted than he did earlier in the evening. His daughter was waiting for him eager to hear his thoughts on the matter at hand.
“Welcome home, Father.” She kissed his cheek and ushered him into a soft chair.
“It seems my darling wife is angry with me. Am I wrong? Should I have done things differently?”
Hel thought for several minutes opening her mouth to speak occasionally but closing it just as quick. “Shouldn’t she have chosen her fate, Daddy Dearest?” she cocked her head to the side awaiting his answer.
“Perhaps. It would have been the wrong decision.”
“How do you know? Why are you so afraid of her being here? Am I not a hospitable hostess?”
“Of course you are, my baby. I’m afraid...”he hesitated to say out loud what he feared the moment you put on those infernal rings. “I’m afraid she’ll regret being with only me for all eternity.”
“Pity you never got the chance to know what she actually wanted. When the ritual is performed tomorrow, I’ll give you a moment to touch her warm skin before you are split from each other. Savor it, Father.”
You woke up feeling uneasy and unsure of yourself. Anytime you felt this way you called Steve. He had a knack for talking you off the proverbial ledge. You explained the conversation and how angry you were.
“If he gave you a choice, would you choose to put on that ring or live? You already wrote the spell right?”
“I had it as a back up in case I couldn’t bring him back.”
“So in both instances, you chose to live which is exactly what he is asking you to do. It seems like you’re not conflicted at all, my dear. Sounds like you are angry that you don’t have him anymore. You’re allowed to be angry, Y/N. I certainly am.”
You were quiet. You hadn’t thought about it that way. “Why do you always know what to say?”
He chuckled, “I know how that brain of yours works. Can I come with you? I’ll drive you back.”
You didn’t know how you would be after but knew you didn’t want to be alone. Hilde couldn’t stay away for too long. “I would love it if you came.”
Steve arrived in under an hour. This was his first time meeting Hilde. When he extended his hand she pulled him in for a hug. She smelled like you all warm and spicy. He didn’t ask but judging by her constant touching, he could imagine.
The drive up was quiet. Hilde kept a protective hand on your thigh the entire way there. When you first started hanging out you made her a playlist of your favorite Midgardian pop songs. You made her a new one every time she came to visit. The one she had blaring on the radio was your road trip mix. She sang at an obnoxious volume trying to get you to sing along. When “Shut Up and Drive” popped on you couldn’t help but laugh. You sang at the top of your lungs right back at her. For someone so ancient she certainly had the spirit of a twenty something woman.
When you arrived in New Asgard Thor met you with the healer. Maja was an old careworn. Her eyes were soft and knowing. She took you by the hand and lead you into her space. Thor was noticeably silent as she explained the task at hand. When she asked for your wedding rings Thor asked everyone to leave for a moment.
“I don’t think I have to ask how you are feeling, sister. I’m sure it’s the same way I feel. Hopeless.”
“I’m beyond that now. I’ve tried everything, Thor. I can’t bring him back.”
He sniffled and turned away from you so you couldn’t see him cry, “He’s the last of my family, Y/N. This just feels so...permanent.”
You wrapped your arms around his waist. He hugged you back and you both cried.
“What a sorry pair you two make.” Loki appeared in the room solid but glowing. You reached out your hand and he took it kissing his way up your arm.
“What? What is this, Brother?”
“Your niece sends her love. In a cruel twist of fate, the spell is only truly successful if both of the souls are near each other. The rings are a fine substitute but my darling daughter thought she would gift her new mother with one more moment.”
You felt like all the air was sucked out of you. He ran his hands over your skin trying to etch your warmth and softness onto his soul. He spoke to Thor but never took his eyes off of yours. Thor squeezed his little brother with all of his might. Loki never let your hand go.
When Maja and the others came back into the room they didn’t exactly look shocked but they were confused. Maja promised to explain later.
She had the two of you join hands just as before and you each held your rings. She spoke a language you didn’t understand and once again came the golden light. This time it receded from the two of you rather than the Yggdrasil. You began to feel him fading from you and you broke down. He pulled you towards his body and held you with all his might.
Once the ritual was almost completed Maja spoke to the two of you directly. “Once I say this last part, your soul will not be able to sustain itself here on Midgard. If there is anything left to say, now is the time.”
You looked into his eyes and cleared your throat, “You talked so much about how you were never enough. Not to your people your father or even your brother. You should know you are everything to me. All I can hope is that I’ve been enough for you. I will never stop fighting for us, Lok. In this life or the next, we will be together again. I swear it.”
He didn’t have a speech for you. No pearls of wisdom to send you off into the rest of your life. He held your face in his hands and kissed you for the last time. This was not a kiss of arousal but of love and the feverish need to consume you. His mouth tasted salty. You weren’t sure if was your tears or his. The two of you embraced while Maja continued. He pressed his lips to your ear and whispered “I love you” over and over again. Your cries were too loud to hear the final words. You felt the last shreds of him falling from your fingertips. On a breath of air he was gone.
Steve held you as you sank down to the floor. Thor and Hilde sat down with you. The three of them held you and cried along with you but all for very different reasons. Your rings, now unremarkable clippings of the Yggdrasil tumbled from your hand. Steve picked them up and put them in his pocket.
You didn’t stay around much longer. Thor retreated back home. You made him promise to come visit even though he would never step foot in your house again.
Hilde kissed you and said she would be back soon. “You will call me tonight and at least ten times a day until I see you again, Kærasta. Say yes.”
“Yes, I will. Thank you for being there today.” You offered her a weak smile and she kissed you again. You grabbed Steve’s hand and held it all the way home.
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og-danny-dorito · 4 years
Hancock SFW Headcanons To Satiate My Undying Thirst for This Raisin
this is dedicated to all of my 12 year old monster/humanoid obsessions, and to the ones which may follow such as this mans, John Hancock, the mayor of Goodneighbor. because I'll be damned if I see a ghoul and don't become immediately attracted to them. also these weren't requested, but @thatwolfnamednyla​ seemed interested so i'll tag them (i can remove the tag too if you want me to, just let me know).
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S F W :
- ok so, I’m gonna start off with physical headcanons because it’s easier for me to base everything off of that 
- since most of the heights in the game are the same and they don’t really give any actual canon heights for them, I’d say that he’s about 5”5 because I love the imagine of a short man with a knife. like-
- yeah he’s definitely powerful and strong willed and mental the opposite of a short baby man, but like can you just imagine some dude walking up to you and having to look up at you because he’s small? Especially a high af ghoul man small boy? an artistic virtue
- that, and he’s generally the most crackhead out of all the companions 
- like he’s the guy to go to if you’re itching to bust out some chems and go shoot at random shit in the middle of the night cause he’s just that kinda dude 
- he lives for the thrill of things, and so obviously someone equally as crackhead as he is would fit him perfectly, but for the sake of actual relationship building I’d say that he’s better fit with a rational crackhead 
- like yeah, going out and getting yourself fucked up is great, but like not to the point of getting yourself so fucked up beyond repair, yknow? someone who takes a second and a half to think his crazy ass ideas through and THEN do it with him is the best person for the job as his metaphorical babysitter 
- and he really likes to be taken care of because he’s a sucker for that shit. I would say that he has a daddy/mommy kink but like these aren’t nsfw and so I’m not gonna bust out that nasty shit just yet 
- that said, being his partner doesn’t have very specific guidelines. being pansexual AND polyamorous allows him to love freely as he was genetically destined to anyway 
- seriously, he’s attracted to you if you say something nice to him and show a little bit of interest that’s just how it is. he doesnt really think of appearances unless he's only out for dick
- he doesn’t really have a specific type either??? but he finds timid and nervous people so fucking cute. like,,, if you keep apologizing because of small things he’ll ruffle your hair and start calling you ‘kid’ and ‘sweetie’ cause honestly it’s just so sweet to see you get all nervous and shy 
- it literally makes him want to fistfight someone in an abandoned parking lot for you and he can't help his protectionist ways
- like he likes to be taken care of yeah, but he ends up setting y’all in the ‘give some get some’ scenario where it’s more of a partnership 
- jokingly calls you ‘smoothskin’ even if your skin isn’t smooth like you’re scarred or something. it cracks him up because he does it in a smoker voice too but he already sounds like a smoker so he ends up coughing a little bit after in between laughs 
- biggest goofball on the planet 
- will literally play pranks on you because he finds it funny, like using makeshift pre-war whoopee cushion and shit like that. will also 100% love it if you prank him back. he doesn’t take much seriously and so any form of mild joking makes him genuinely happy 
- if you’re inclined to more permanent relationships however, this could become an issue. not the whole whoopee cushion thing the seriousness thing
- just because he does sleep with other people and lowkey tell you all the time about how “That raider was packin, and I don’t mean to be a whore but honestly like if he wanted some he could get some.”, it doesn’t mean he doesn’t love you. it’s just that it’s normal for him to be attracted to other people at the same time. it can be more than one person at once, which can sometimes be a problem if more traditional people not cool with it 
- confronting him about it either to confirm it negatively or positively depends on your preference. he didn’t really think of this as permanent in the first place, more of a friends with benefits situation where you also benefit each other with extreme emotional support, and so you wanting to make it serious will trigger his fear of commitment 
- therefore, if you’re not okay with it he may have a hard time adapting, but if he’s really grown on you then he can try to be better about it. he won’t make the one he loves uncomfortable without their permission, but he’ll try his best to explain it (the best that he can doesn't necessarily that he’ll do it well though) 
- if you’re alright with it then he will most likely bring up the topic of either threesomes/poly-somes and/or adding someone else to your romantic stuff or something like that if either of areyou is interested. communication is key in this sort of thing, and so he’ll almost always go to you before like trying to initiate anything with someone after talking with them and you about the situation 
- oh did I mention fear of commitment? Cause I’m about to get real angsty 
- MAN does he have an issue with it. not only that, but the reason he doesn’t really view this thing as permanent is because he’s fairly certain he’ll outlive you. he's terrified of loosing you one day and then not knowing what the he'll to do with himself for the rest of his life. he’s scared of being tied down it totally goes against his whole thing of freedom, and since he’s already conflicted about anarchy and order he literally avoids thinking about settling down with anyone or anything 
- he’s holding onto a past that brought him joy then, but could ruin him now. and the best way to deal with that is to try to get through it as best as you can and leave the past behind, but he still finds himself reminiscing about things that could’ve happened 
- it keeps him up sometimes, thinking about it. he’ll lay flat on his back in bed, staring at the ceiling for hours at a time just... thinking. and only when he’s lightly pressed about it will he say something, and even then it seems more like he’s struggling to find the words. It’s weird how he can talk to goodneighbor’s citizens like it’s nothing, but talking about himself gets him all choked up 
- he would very much like it if you just like, kissed his face or hold his hand sometimes. to him it speaks more than a thousand words, and if he’s really having a hard time it means everything for you to be there for him 
- that, and with the fact that you’re his best friend means that you’re his ride or die partner in crime 
- just sitting around and doing chems with you and getting all philosophical or doing dumb shit is pretty much all he needs to be satisfied with you, and he really likes hearing you talk about pre-war society 
- whether your views are negative or positive, he likes hearing about the way things used to work. he likes your stories about how you grew up and how you came to be who you are today, and a lot of the time he finds himself asking you about something he doesn’t know because you’re technically the ultimate source of knowledge on that stiff by this point 
- you’d have to assure him that you didn’t know everything and no, you had no idea what year that random object he found was made, but he likes it anyway. you pique his interest, and just sharing a few mindset traits with you makes him feel much more secure and like you’ve got something that matters to the both of you 
- that, and he thinks you’re the coolest motherfucker on the planet 
- he’d probably be more attracted to free spirits, those who hold a strong moral code and defend it like it’s their lifeline. obviously he has a wide range of romantic and causal interest guidelines, but that’s the key point there. Someone who stands for what they believe in and protects those around them 
- and NOW for my favorite part, miscellaneous headcanons ; 
he’s probably the most openly sexual out of all the companions besides Gage, but tbh gage isn't down to walk naked through commonwealth and he is so obviously he’s the most freaky 
he’s more himbo oriented, although with this chart done originally by @cockneydio​
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I can tell you that he’s this 👌 close to being a feral himbo and is probably turned on by danger so you can already tell what kinda bitch he is 
he likes to give you his jacket when you’re cold or he just feels like it and it usually smells like cigarettes and gunpowder 
thinks that pastel colors and soft clothes are kind of cute on people for some reason 
is a sucker for pda, might die if you kiss on his neck or tell him he looks nice that day while you’re in public. Also super into just randomly slapping your ass because he finds it hilarious (slapping his ass in turn earns you a flirty comment and a mildly turned on raisin man) 
loves receiving gifts from you and equally as much giving them, which is commonly just cool little things he’s found and thought you would like 
makes cheesy pick up lines all the time and you can’t change my mind 
would die for pet names, given or received. like yes call him “honey” and “sugar” he will MELT he's just a big nerd
he's kinda self conscious about himself around you, but likes phsycial contact too much to deny himself of it so he's literally always attached to you and/or on top of you if he can help it
- hancock isn’t feral, but he sure does act like it sometimes. what he needs is someone who can balance him out and give him the space when he needs it, and who genuinely cares about he people around them regardless of who or what they are. just being there for him on the bad days means the world to him, and he wouldn’t give what y'all have up for all the caps and chems in the world
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lady-of-endless · 5 years
Quit smiling at me (Trevor Belmont x Reader)
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The relevance of thinking about something for an unnecessarily long time was and still is a mystery. From his mindset and previous experience, it was all just a waste of time that slowed him down, as useless as a blunt blade. The only exception was when he was thinking about his family. What happens with a family name when its members are gone except for one becomes a reason to fall into deep thinking from time to time. Does that name become a burden or an honor? When Trevor Belmont was thinking about his family he was only remembering the past and nothing else. His chest and back were marked by the family crest on his old shirt, a distinctive symbol that meant danger for some or salvation for others. He would never give up on that emblem even if it was capable to start random fights in darkened taverns of this place.
Wallachia was a damned land that offered both beauty and madness. With large tree trunks more than inviting for you to rest against, shadows that caress your face when the sun rays are too harsh, gentle wind that plays with your hair. Far away from the city, where the taverns are, it is much quieter, Trevor had to admit it. There was only one problem that was keeping him away from enjoying everything, only one dense cloud on his sky. As days went by, Trevor could always escape rapidly from that pointless state of mind that would cage him into his own thoughts either with alcohol, either with sleep or snapping his whip in the face of some disturbing looking beasts. All of these solutions, and he could not to use any of them now, knowing very well how none would work. Along the wonders of Wallachia, he found you, the source of those vexing feelings.
In the forest, sitting on the ground with his back against a tree trunk, Trevor took his time to sort things out alone or just bottle everything up if nothing worked. Today he was the day in which he will put an end to that overthinking, motivated enough not to leave that place until all those useless emotions were gone. Those were feelings he wanted to call unwanted even if it was difficult when those were bringing comfort, warmth and other things he lacked since he started traveling alone. You were exactly what he needed without him accepting this for even one second. Trevor thought how he was fine even before you, without those emotions and without your care and soft voice when you called his name. Focusing on what he had to do started to get harder during the day and night when thoughts about having you for himself appeared randomly in his mind.
He had to put this to an end today.
Spacing out with his eyes fixated somewhere in the distance, Trevor caught a glimpse of someone approaching him and almost groaned because of the identity of that someone. Instinctively, the man touched his empty flask and cursed. It was a shame how things where not like this from the start. The feelings he was fighting with grew stronger and inescapable in time when you helped him heal his injuries after some fights, when you napped together accidentally, when you planned attacks or drunken nights. With each step, your lips curved into a smile when you saw him, making Trevor ask himself why were you always so damn glad to see a disaster of a man like him. His head turned away.
“What do you think about some company?” You asked instead of greeting him, eyeing the spot next to him.
“A nap would’ve been better.” He responded crossing his arms in front of his chest and shrugging as a reaction to your voice. “But do what you want.” Trevor sighed when he could not decline your wish.
It was such an irony, to try to get rid of some emotions and exactly during the process, the source of it all sits down next to him. That cloud from his mind was looking heavier and now he was on the point to get caught in the rain of his own reasons of denial.
As no one dared to say anything, not even a usual bad joke, you looked over at him, not denying the worry for a second. Worry for him was not the only feeling you did not deny, unlike Trevor. You knew how you were feeling about him but decided to take things slow, sensing how he had something else more troublesome on his mind. Little did you know.
His attention could not be fooled but his understanding was something else. Confusion flowed through Trevor when he knew that your eyes were on him. If only he could give up on being stubborn and ask what were you looking at and why were you wasting your time with him even if he was also unsure about wanted to know or not.
Your company is something he never asked for and never thought it would grow on him so much. Every person who stayed got tired of him at some point and then left him out of something more than just plain annoyance and frustration. He would say that a lot of time passed since you two met so how come was not his behavior enough for you to leave his side? Even if the answer was unknown, Trevor did not want to stop something that offered him a well state of being, but he still did not want to recognize that fact as a truth.
From the first time you saw him, you had a feeling that you will always have to take a good look at his details. That was what you were doing now. Rough stubble but soft lips, blue calm eyes but a sharp scar traveling down over his left cheek, broad shoulders weighed down by a white colored, shabby, but comfortable fur. His hair was messy and somehow different today.
“Your hair looks weird.” You blurted out, squint-eyed trying to find out why but praying that he will not get the idea that you were staring.
“Haven't washed it.” Trevor simply stated in a flat voice wishing that his apparent lack of will to continue the discussion is going to make you leave as fast as you appeared.
The solution to his problem was just on the tip of his tongue but stubbornness and denial ran into the whole Belmont bloodline.
“Well, there’s a rivulet over there.” You said, pointing to somewhere in the distance, having something in mind. “Come on, I'll help you. What do you think?” You asked giving his shoulder a slight push to provoke him.
The constant desire to help him drove Trevor insane. From always being alone to always being helped when needed without him having to ask was still a divergence between the life he used to have and the one he has now.
“I bet that you can't handle it without getting your clothes wet.” Trevor said in response, raising one eyebrow.
“Why don't we try and see?” You went on with the teasing if he was the one to start it.
A long sigh was his first answer, followed by eye-rolling.
“You're a mess.” He said getting up from his spot as a pointless complaint.
“Your hair is.” You responded before starting to walk next to him.
Happily, in a short time you found a wooded bucket from a little cottage that looked abandoned. Coming back with the tool, you could see Trevor throwing rocks in the water, one by one, increasingly harder while sitting on the ground, waiting, his fur was off from his shoulders. You could tell that there was something on his mind that troubled him but knowing his ways of handling it, you decided that it will help more to distract him.
Once you appeared in his eyesight, Trevor stopped and watched your moves. Maybe the way to escape those thoughts of him will come if he took a better look at you.
Carefully stepping closer to the rivulet, you lowered yourself closer to the surface of the water, under his gaze. His eyes moved lazily over your body and how it moved when some skin was exposed in the process of lifting up parts of your clothing so that those would not get wet. The want for you to move slower made him clench his jaw. At that point in his haze, Trevor thought how if you caught him staring, he couldn't care less, not regretting anything. Finally, the thing that made him snap out of it was the sight of that bucket from your hands. Now your intention was clear, and he was not in for it anymore.
“Fuck no.” Trevor said watching you fill the bucket with water, only realizing what he accepted earlier almost mindlessly. You started laughing at his reaction and that froze Trevor once again. The bliss that sound offered him was able to both please and annoy him, being more capable to make him feel dizzy than any drop of alcohol. That thought made him stop in his tracks and forget for some seconds about everything around.
Those were precious seconds in which the bucket was emptied over his head.
Now his hair was wet and all over his face that was rarely as stoic as it was in this moment. Frustration came back like a wave when Trevor remembered how even if he wanted he could not get fully or seriously upset with you.
“I fell into a disastrous ruse.” He mumbled getting the hair away from his face.
“Don't get that grumpy, get ready for a second one instead.” You said smirking and feeling more motivated because of his reactions.
“Like I'm going to let you do that one more time.” Trevor said while getting up from the ground, drenched in water. “I think you have to cool off a bit.” He said at the sight of your smirk.
Without any rush, he stepped closer to you with a sudden illusion of composure on his face. As his chest touched yours, your smirk faded away gradually, and he tilted his head interested in what you were going to say next, from this position.
“Trevor, you’re standing a little too close to me...” There was a warning in your tone while starting to back away. Tricking you to maintain eye contact, he took the bucket from your hands and threw it away without even looking where it landed in the back. “Fine, fine, I give up, but don’t expect me to apologize.” You started to stutter while Trevor started to step even closer, pushing you closer to the water without even touching you.
“Mhm, whatever.” He said as your hands tried to push his chest away. “You had too much fun, I won’t go easy on you.” Trevor whispered into your ear after catching your wrists.
With an even faster move you did not expect, your feet lost the contact with the ground and your hands clung to his shirt instinctively, pulling his body along with yours.
You both closed your eyes in that short fall.
When you opened your eyes, exhaling sharply, your attention fell upon only one thing from above you. Indecision was creeping in when you tried to understand what was icier in that moment, the temperature of the water or the blue from his eyes that were wide open.
The water was not that deep, reaching only your temples as you were on your back. It was cold but the complaint immediately disappeared when you realized that Trevor was not just on top of you. His left arm was around your  body, protecting your back from falling right on some large stones and his right hand was giving him stability, stuck on the rocky bottom next to your face. Some drops of water that were desperately sliding to the ends of his hair fell on the base of your neck, your face was dewy, your lips parted, and your cheeks turned scarlet. Trevor had no idea on what to focus first, starting to blush as well.
A shiver ran through your body warming you up at the sight of him blushing. From the position you both were now, you were forced to look in each other’s eyes. Trevor’s eyes were half lidded and lost in the details of your face, a sight you never thought you will be lucky enough to see. Feeling his breath on your wet skin was also not helping you.
“Let's get out of this water already, Belmont.” You said rapidly trying to sound serious and not flustered, moving to get out of the water and out of his embrace.
This was not the usual Trevor who tried to annoy you with little things, smiling proudly when an exasperated sigh escaped your lips. Now it was the hushed version of him, trying to get something that was bottled up for a long time out, while looking at you.
“Wait.” He stopped you while he shut his eyes tightly, trying to focus on the sound of the rivulet one more time to ask his logic if letting it all out was the right thing to do. A droplet of water slid down his temple when he frowned.
“I'm cold, Trevor.” You said in a soft-spoken voice, clinging to his shoulders, sticking his wet shirt to his skin making your touch feel more prominent to him and making him feel you closer. That was the last drop, the single gesture that was able to make the decision for him.
“And I'm tired of holding it all in.” He finally said it, mirroring your complaining in his own way. You opened your mouth to protest but Trevor was fast once again. “Listen, I want you. But not just in the way you would think I do. All I know is that I want to have you closer to me.” The last few days were a hassle, a headache, and a mess for him, not being sure of how to handle it. You were always there and made things better for him, and he should have admitted that and not getting as drunk as he could to try to forget about his feelings.
“Is it my turn now or is there more that you want to say?” You whispered lifting your face closer to his, curious and already greedy for more of his words.
Trevor swallowed hard when his attention naturally fell on your lips. Taking a second to check if that cloud is disappearing along with the fog from his mind, his face got closer as well, chuckling in a low tone.
“Don't get ahead of yourself.” He murmured against your lips before pressing his lips against yours.
Unfortunately, the kiss was shorter than expected. He started the kiss before letting you really give an answer and as fast as that thought struck Trevor’s mind, he rapidly broke the kiss to catch a glimpse of your reaction in order to read your answer.
Your pupils were dilated, your breathing got deeper and more irregular and so everything was clear from him.
He looked into your eyes, sticking his forehead before jumping in another kiss, only hungrier for your lips and your taste.
Even if the water ran cold against your skin, Trevor's body that was also against you was warm enough to help. The relief the kiss offered him made him greedy with each move of your lips and it could be felt and heard by you because of his groans.
“If letting you wash my hair ended up like this, I wonder what will happen if I’ll let you wash my shirt.” He said after the kiss, voice sounding hoarse.
“Says the one who’s panting.” You tried to think of a better comeback but failed finding one.
After saying that, he helped you get up. Trevor felt you trembling in his arms and as much as he wanted to joke around and ask you if he is the one that is making you shiver, he had to take care of you not to get too cold. When you were both out from the water, Trevor lifted his fur from the ground and threw it over your shoulders without saying or expecting anything in return.
Looking from the corner of his eye, glancing casually at how you looked, he smirked to himself. That fur of his being impregnated with your scent was quite a pleasurable idea.
“Let's not tell Alucard and Sypha about this.” He said, crossing his arms in front of his chest but still being red in the face.
“You mean about us or about what happened?” Asking in a fake seriousness, you moved your shoulders under his fur.
“Both.” He said putting an arm around your shoulders pulling you closer to him lazily. “Let’s confuse them.”
“Agreed.” You decided while both of you started to laugh at the idea.
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kathyprior4200 · 4 years
Helluva Hotel/Hazbin Boss (Parody)
HELLUVA HOTEL (PILOT) October 82, 9102
 Starring the incredible talents of Wat-is Dis, Irma Imp, Johnny Hazbin and Red Doe 666.
 In HELL, Imps are the lowest of the low in society, but what happens when one starts a hotel and recreation business? This happens!
 Follow Blitzo (the “o” is silent) as he pursues his seemingly impossible goal to help demons peacefully express themselves to reduce the mockery of lower class sinners…plus the exterminations of fellow demons by Exterminators and a rival Heaven group. After a yearly extermination and having his previous office set on fire, Blitzo opens a hotel complete with an office for himself. He hopes that patients will become better individuals, grow to appreciate the imps and support Blitzo’s love of musicals and murder. While most of Hell mocks his goals and dreams, his father and his fellow employee Moxxie mocks it doubly so. Moxxie’s wife, erotic dancer and test subject Millie stick by their sides. When a grumpy Hellhound entity known as “Moonlight Howl” Loona reluctantly reaches out to Blitzo to help in his endeavors, his crazy dream is given a chance to become reality.
    HAZBIN BOSS (PILOT) November 52, 9102
 Starring the incredible talents of Blonde Disney Princess In Inferno, SJW Aggressor Moth, Porny Horny Spider Boi, Diabolic Deer Daddy, Gambling Grumpy Cat and Maid of DisHonorly Lust.
 Follow Charlie, the princess of Hell as she attempts to run a hybrid rehabilitation/killing residence in a very competitive market and careless chaotic society. She is the head of D.E.M.O.N. (Denizens End Misery Or Not) in correlation to I.M.P. (Immediate Murder Professionals)
 She has help from her weapons specialist Vaggie, her powerhouse Angel Dust and torturer/receptionist Alastor. With the help of an ancient book obtained by one of the rich Eldritch family members, they manage to make their work possible by killing humans at the requests of their demon clients, sending them to the Magne Hotel to be tortured, redeemed or be stimulated by endless entertainment. They also attempt to survive each other while trying to keep their business afloat.
 But a rival company exists as well in correlation to C.H.E.R.U.B (Cherish Human Existence Revive U Back): A.N.G.E.L. (All Nobody’s Get Extended Life) a.k.a. they reincarnate people so they have a chance to life their human lives, worship God, and not have to endure the forced rehab program.
   The scene opened up with “Red Doe 666 Presents…” as shadow curtains opened…
 Against a white background designed with eyes, a shadowy figure of Blitzo was seen riding a horse with horns and a spiked tail.
 Blitzo was heard singing:
 “Here I am…this is me.
There’s nowhere else in Hell I’d rather be
Here I am…what am I to do?
I hope someday I can make my dreams come true
It’s a new world, it’s a new start
Alive with the screaming and the fresh hearts
It’s a new day, it’s a new plan
And it’s waiting for me
Here I am”
 A shadowy pentagram glowed and the camera moved down, showing shadowy figures of humans being killed by the three imps with weapons.
A shadow figure of Blitzo looked up at the princess and Lucifer, his face downcast. He wished for a better life, but Lucifer looked down on him as common dirt. Blitzo then turned to the right and encountered a silhouette of his father and mother. Blitzo appeared to try and reason with them, but they both pointed in the other direction. Blitzo sadly turned around, his parents not listening to him.
 The city spun within a glowing white pentagram as white angels holding spears surrounded it. Imp City appeared to be burning as shadows of other denizens turned their backs on it.
 “Why have I always been a failure?
What can they reason be?
Why don’t they see they can’t take me?
Why don’t they know I long to be free?”
 Blitzo stood small and downcast under a towering horned silhouette of his imp father, Donner, yellow critical eyes glowing. Black tendrils made the screen go black. A spinning globe appeared with white eyes blinking at it. Silhouettes of Exterminators later posed with swords and bloodstained bodies around them. Each of them had an x over their right eyes and creepy grins on their faces.
 The next scenes showed Imp City in disrepair, weapons and bodies littering the streets. The Pentagram moon stood out in the crimson sky. Homeless demons sat in despair under ripped cardboard boxes, with “Satan Bless,” signs around them. One old store read: “Tricksters and Trades,” another said “Pimp Imps: Strip Club.” The most prominent building was metallic with black and white stripped horns extending out for decoration.
 Blitzo slowly walked out from the building onto a balcony. He leaned on a railing, briefly brushing his hand against his face. He was wearing his usual tattered navy blue work suit with orange pink buttons and a red undershirt with a pink straw pin with a face on it. He was also wearing silver cowboy boots.
 Blitzo picked up a trumpet and blew a bugle sound, the notes echoing throughout the area, signaling that it was safe for the other imps to come out. The imps opened their windows and peered out from behind alleyways. Blitzo stared at his phone and the clock tower in the live video on it read “365 days until next cleanse.”
 The title then appeared: “Welcome to the Helluva Hotel.”
 A car barreled through an open portal and ran over a poor imp before screeching to a stop. A red imp with wild black hair stepped out, a bloodstained knife sheathed at her side.
 “Wow that was some kill, thank for the backup sweetie,” said a male imp, Crosser. Both of them had just finished killing their target via a runaway chase. Crosser had dreamed of crossing over to the human world, and had wanted to run the human man over after the man had killed one of his sinner friends.
 Millie shut the door, wearing her usual black tank top, torn black pants and black collar around her neck. Her horns were shirt and black with small white stripes on them.
 “Yeah, listen, I don’t want to let word out that I’ve been helping random clients with unusual requests for their targets. It was just a quick cash grab, you got it?”
 She smiled with large doe eyes.
 “Whatever you say, slut,” Crosser remarked with a laugh that followed.
 “Wow how rude can you be?” she exclaimed. She leaned in dangerously close. “Let me know who you find something better to call me, you scrawny runty pack of bird shit. Tell the boys at the club I said hi.” She blew him a kiss before stepping back. He grumbled and drove away before his car crashed with a sideways flip.
 Millie strolled along the sidewalk and grabbed someone else’s stick of rotten candy.
 “Hey!” the imp yelled as Millie ran off with a giggle. “You snooze you lose, sucker!”
 She couldn’t wait to tell Blitzo of her successful day.
   Later, Moxxie and Stolas were busy helping Blitzo prepare for his big speech. Moxxie was straightening up his navy blue jacket, while Stolas was massaging his horns. They were in Stolas’ room and the meeting would take place in front of the palace.
 “Do you remember what to say, sir?” Moxxie asked Blitzo.
 Blitzo smiled and stood up straight. “Yes, let’s do this!”
 Stolas smiled as well, wiggling his eyebrows. “Just look at me if you’re nervous.”
 “Come on guys, I know what to say!” Blitzo exclaimed. “I just feel like we need to…I don’t know, make things sound more exciting…”
 He randomly played with bobble-heads of Moxxie and Millie before tossing them aside. Then he gasped, getting an idea.
 “What if I…”
 “Sing a song about it?” Moxxie asked with a huff of annoyance.
 “Exactly Moxxie! Now you’re starting to get the hang of things around here!”
 Stolas playfully poked Blitzo’s face, while Blitzo and Moxxie responded with grimaces.
 “Please don’t sing,” Moxxie chided to his boss. “This is serious.”
 “Well you know…” Blitzo said, climbing on top of Stolas’ dresser, knocking things down, “I do find I’m better at expressing my goals through song!”
 “Blitzy, stop knocking over my belongings!” Stolas puffed up his feathers in anger.
 Moxxie glared at Blitzo as he walked over. “Life isn’t a musical, sir. Even if it were, yours would be so atrocious, not even Vox would allow it on that unwatched channel!”
 “Then I’ll just have to use more of your salaries to release a better jingle,” Blitzo responded with a glare and sneer. He reached over for his plastic cup of iced coffee and downed several gulps of the light brown and white liquid. He sighed in content after he finished. Stolas made a disgusted face as some splashes of the drink spilled onto the floor.
 “I’d be more than happy to watch it,” Stolas replied to him. “In fact, I could watch you all day in any form…”
 “Oh please,” Blitzo scoffed at Stolas. “Get over that one time thing already. My credibility is at risk of being lost here!”
 Moxxie folded his arms and opened his mouth in frustration. “Your credibility? What about I.M.P.? You’re just making it look like a fucking joke!” He took a breath and pinched his nose briefly. “We are still a company, even if…things have changed a bit…”
 None of them could forget when someone “accidentally” set their office on fire, and had to start over with several tasks.
 Blitzo grinned and pulled out a piece of paper. “Oh, I have these other ideas of what to say. The highlighted bits are the best parts.”
 Moxxie took the paper, and scanned it in disbelief. “It’s all highlighted. Are these drawings?”
 “Yep!” Blitzo affirmed, pointing to the paper. On it were several drawings of horses of different sizes, colored in with brown, gray, white and black crayons. The drawings looked like those that a child would do. Beside the horses were several names labeled for each one: Thumbtack, Bottlecap, Stapler, Live Wire and Toothpick. The list read: I.M.P. History, Why Blitz Is The Best, Jingle Suggestions, and Ending Song. At the bottom was a crude drawing of Blitzo on a stage, dancing with Moxxie, Millie, and Loona as dead humans with xs on their eyes and tongues out piled up around them. Nearby, imps and demons tossed them money and flowers.
 Blitzo’s eyes were shining in wonder. “See! That’s the ultimate goal! Everyone’s happy and appreciating us. And we still get to kill to our hearts’ content.”  
 “It’s not that simple, sir!” Moxxie groaned with a face-palm. “Just follow the talking points we went over.” He grabbed hold of Blitzo’s collar. “And Do. Not. Sing.”
 “Whatever,” Blitzo said as he shoved Moxxie off him. “If not that, then I can always do my improv skills.”
 Blitzo saluted and walked out of the room, while the others followed. They were soon outside the palace near a round table where several owls had tea one time. There was a camera crew and several imps taking pictures. Blitzo took his seat in a chair, while Stolas stood regally nearby. Millie grinned and gave Blitzo a thumbs up. Loona slouched in a chair and shot avatars of Moxxie and Husk in an app game on her phone.
 “Hi I’m Blitzo,” said the imp to a wealthy demon with white tentacle hair, gray-green skin and a pink dress with fur and matching heels. Her gray skinned brother wore a green suit and a green top hat decorated with living yellow eyes and teeth around the brim.
 “Helsa Von Eldritch,” she deadpanned. “I’d say it’s a pleasure to meet you but that’d be a lie. You can put your hand away. I don’t touch imps and sinners. I have standards.”
 Blitzo withdrew his hand. “How’s that working out for you, Hel?”
 “Be glad that I’m letting you live after you so rudely forgot to address me as Lady Helsa Von Eldritch,” She fluffed her hair. “My time is money and no one really wants you here. You’re only here because Charlie forgot to show up for Hell’s Royal Vogue fashion segment. One that features me as the favorite, obviously.”
 Nearby were magazines that showed Sevaithan, Helsa, Octavia and Charlie wearing fancy clothing while their faces were obscured under wide brimmed hats. Seviathan wore his usual green top hat with eyes on it and fancy green suit. Octavia wore a dress of black, Helsa’s was pink and Charlie’s was apple red in the pictures.
 “But…” Blitzo began, before Helsa cut him off.
  “So don’t get cocky with me clown or I’ll fucking strangle you.” She bared her sharp teeth as Blitzo silently gulped. Helsa sat down in her seat, painting her sharp nails.
 “And I thought that bratty kid was a piece of shit,” Blitzo thought to himself.
 Blitzo spotted Stolas’ daughter Octavia with her mother sitting in high throne-like chairs at an adjacent table.
 “How’s it going, Via?” Blitzo called.
 “Good until you showed up,” she replied in a British accent.
 “Oh!” Stolas added. “We should all go on a family trip to Loo Loo Land sometime! I’ll bring some balloons and popcorn if you want.”
 “That place reeks of corporate shame,” Octavia scoffed in her seat. “It’s just a rip off of Loo Loo World, anyway. Besides, I would much rather hang out with Helsa than die of embarrassment again.”
 “So…you friends with her or not?” Blitzo asked in confusion.
 Octavia rolled her eyes and retorted. “You and my father still a thing?”
 “Blitzo,” warned the white owl queen Melodia, mentioning to the waiting crew.
Blitzo took his seat near Helsa and Seviathan, the two wealthy Eldritch siblings.
 “Right,” Blitzo said, straightening his clothes and looking at the cameras.
 “Hi, I’m Blitzo, the “o” is silent and I’m the founder of I.M.P. Are you a piece of…”
 Moxxie shook his head and mouthed, “Not an ad.”
 Blitzo took a deep breath, his smile fading a little. “As most of you know, I was born here in Hell, and growing up, I’ve always tried to see the good in everything around me. Hell is my home and…”
 A stray feather floated in front of Blitzo’s nose, causing the imp to sneeze.
 “…some you are my clients, so I suppose I should try to be more concerned about you. We just went through another Extermination.”
 Millie gave him two thumbs up.
 Blitzo continued. “We’ve lost so many souls, including homeless people, and it breaks my heart to see other imps and hellhounds being slaughtered every year. Same goes for sinners. I mean, they brought it on themselves mostly, but then again, if there were no demons around, then there would be no business for me to run.”
 Sudden anger sparked in his golden eyes. “In our society, imps are not even given a chance!”
 He pounded his fist on the table, spilling his coffee drink all over his jacket. He swore and tried to lick some of it off. Stolas arrived and quickly wiped the stains off as much as he could. Blitzo brushed the owl prince away before continuing.
 “Imps are the lowest of the low? Why is that? Because we’re somehow poorer than sinners? We’re lesser in numbers so imps and hellhounds can be called to service by random strangers anytime they wish? How are imps somehow lower than sinners, who are supposedly lower than the elite hellborn? I mean, imps are born in Hell…shouldn’t we get the proper treatment we deserve? I’m the founder of the most well-known company in Imp City, along with access to the human world, no less! That should definitely count for something! I cannot stand idly by while the place I live is subject to such judgement and death.”
 Blitzo continued… “So, I’ve been thinking…isn’t there a better way to hinder ignorance, and in my case, hinder the lower ratings for my company? Isn’t there a more alternative way to change clients and souls through…recreation? Well I think yes, and that is what my project aims to achieve! Ladies and gentlemen, I’m expanding on my company and making…a conjoint hotel to encourage self-expression and I.M.P. appreciation!”
 Blitzo spread out his arms at the table. He then muttered nervously at the confused faces. “You know…cause when demons learn to appreciate us more and be somewhat nicer…we won’t have to worry about those blasted Cherubs or the angels coming after us…”
 “Angels?” laughed an imp as he watched Blitzo on TV. “Is that imp for real? Oh he’s nuts!”
 Blitzo went on…”and those who come and cheer for me at my musicals will receive a 15% discount the next time they need my gang to kill people! Yay!”
 “Stupid clown,” mocked an imp before Millie punched the cameraman right in the face, sending him off the stool.
 Blitzo looked around in concern. “Look, I know that each and every one of you has something good inside you. I know you do.”
 Then he smirked, getting an idea. “Maybe I’m not getting through to you…”
 He mentioned to his black haired imp sisters Tilla and Barbie Wire, who suddenly walked in view of the camera, wearing black and pink circus outfits.
 Moxxie face-palmed with an “oh no.”
 Blitzo began his song while standing on the table…
 “I have a dream, I’m here to tell
About a wonderful new I.M.P. hotel
Yes it’s one of a kind
Right here in Hell
Catering to bloodthirsty clientele”
 Blitzo’s sisters provided harmonizing vocals.
 “When you want somebody gone
And you don’t wanna wait too long
Call the Immediate Murder Professionals
Your vengeance gone wrong?
Are you looking for a song?
At my new hotel, we won’t do you wrong
 I.M.P. just wait and see
Embrace you inner demons and live free
But we expect, to treat us with respect
Or we’ll have to break your neck
 Yes it’s hard to learn to be good
But to escape stressful lives, you know you would
Give us some green and don’t be mean
This’ll be greatest show you’ve ever seeeeeen!
 Don’t feel blue
We provide service to you
There’s no room for inner strife
When we could have a better life
 There will be no more loss
And there will be no more schemes
Just horsey-horse nuzzles and iced coffee dreams
And traveling a better way
You’ll be like “Yay!”
Once you check in with meeee
 We do or job so well
Cause we come straight up from Hell
We make your troubles go away
And you can find a place to stay
Via the Immediate Murder Professionals
Kids die for Freeeee!”
 Blitzo and his sisters ended with poses on the table.
 One demon with one eye said “Wow! That was shit!”
 Everyone except Blitzo, Tilla, Barbie Wire, Moxxie, Loona, Millie, and Stolas burst into laughter. Blitzo buried his face in his hands on the table, while Millie fired her gun at the crew. Moxxie booed at Blitzo.
 Helsa Von Eldrich sneered at the imp, her brother next to her.
 “What in the Nine Circles of Hell makes you think people would give two shits about becoming a better person? You have no proof that this experiment even works. You want people to be good and pay attention to your measly company just…because?”
 “Well,” Blitzo argued, “I have an employee already who’s dedicated to my cause.”
 “And who might that be?”
 “Oh just someone named…Millie. Oh and we also have a new guest coming as well…Mimzy!”
 Seviathan glanced over and asked, “The flapper girl?” He had previously dated Charlie but would occasionally mess and flirt with sinner girls to mess with them. Mimzy’s fame had appealed to him.
 “You fucking would, Sevia!” Helsa bared her teeth. “Anyway, I bet that girl wouldn’t bat an eye to your company unless you had a million souls.”
 “Admit it, Blitzo,” added Sevia. “You and your gang of imps are dead to us and to Hell. How does it feel being a total failure?”
 The sibling snobs cackled at a hurt Blitzo.
 “Yeah, well how does it feel that your ex loves a sinner over you, huh? Bastard bitch?!”
 Sevia and Blitzo managed to yell and land a few punches before they were forcefully separated via Stolas’ bird guards. The meeting ended abruptly on the spot. Blitzo and his companions felt dejected on their way back to the office. Stolas had generously given Blitzo some money to add another connecting hotel building with rows of rooms, a stage and a bar.
 The three imps arrived at their building and after filling out some paperwork, they met in a lobby of the separate building. There were pictures along the walls of the I.M.P. members. Blitzo posing with his sisters after performing at a circus. Blitzo holding a puppy Loona lovingly. Moxxie and Millie in wedding attire, the couple gazing lovingly at each other. Millie and Moxxie sitting with a large Apple mascot for Loo Loo Land, Moxxie crying in fear and discomfort.
 Millie walked over to the fridge and pulled out a box of popsicles. She happily sucked and ate a black raspberry one.
 “You know you might as well get more food for this place,” Millie mentioned to Blitzo. “To feed all the wayward souls in this place.” She giggled and added, “I can help organize the car wash while you search the fridge for spoiled butter!”
 Blitzo just sat dejectedly on a wooden crate of booze. Millie considered comforting him, but Moxxie gave her a look and shook his head. Millie sighed and followed her husband to let Blitzo be alone. Blitzo stepped outside and called a familiar person on his hell phone. The label read “Stolas, a.k.a. One Night Stand Bird Dick.”
 “Hey Stolas, it’s me.”
 “Hello Blitzy, how may I entertain you tonight?”
 “No you really don’t have to.”
 “Perhaps a show that can make up for today’s broadcast?”
 “Yeah about that, I…don’t think I’m making a difference. I mean, I’m lucky to be alive after the Extermination but, everyone thought my plan was stupid.”
 “Perhaps unusual,” Stolas mentioned. “Redeeming and trying to change demons is like trying to freeze Hell’s fires. It’s just not possible.”
 “Not that I want to do it completely…but if things keep going wrong, I’ll lose my company and maybe even my families’ lives from those in Heaven.”
 Stolas squawked with laughter. “Don’t tell me you’re scared of those flying cherubs and sheep?”
“Fuck that! Those dancing revivers are annoying pieces of shit trying to interfere with my hard work.”
 “How about this way, C.H.E.R.U.B. or whatever those things are, revive humans so you have more humans to kill later on!”
 “But having to kill the same people again and again? How boring is that! I.M.P. needs more variety, less repetition. Thumbtack, my horse, agrees.”
 “Didn’t you tell me about how you killed that bratty kid twice?”
 “It was Moxxie and then me but that’s not the point. If this company goes out of business, then I’ll never get the chance to live my musical theater dreams.”
 “Don’t be sad, Blitzy,” said Stolas. “You have your associates and you also have me. I’ll make sure no one messes around with you.”
 “I think my dad was…right about me…”
 “You’re no failure Blitzy. He can hardly call himself a father to you. And if he ever tries to make you lonely and bring you down because of your goals…”
 Stolas then ranted on with a series of curses and a lot of cringe-worthy sentences. Blitzo laughed nervously.
 “If this is your way of trying to get into bed then I ain’t having it.”
 “No, not this time.”
 “Okay then. Thanks for the advice.”
 “Good bye.”
 Blitzo hung up by tapping on the phone screen. He wiped tears from his eyes as he headed back inside. He leaned against the door, eyes closed, frustrated and fatigued.  
  Just then, he heard a knock on the door. One loud knock that made it sound like someone had decided to punch the door. A smile grew on Blitzo’s face as he opened the door.
 There stood Loona in her usual gray tank top with a black downward pentagram design below her neck. Her pants with a moon on it wore torn and she wore no shoes. Her eyes flared red, her red tongue just visible among her sharp teeth.
 Blitzo beamed. “Loo…”
 Loona slammed the door hard. Blitzo opened it.
 Loona slammed it again.
 Blitzo eagerly turned to Moxxie. “Hey Moxxie!”
“What?!” asked the agitated imp.
 “Loony is at the door!”
 “What?!” Moxxie asked. “Oh?” asked Millie.
 Blitzo was cheered up. “What should I do?”
 “Don’t let her in!” Moxxie spat.
 Blitzo waltzed right to the door and opened it.
 “May I rant now?” asked the hellhound.
 “You may,” Blitzo responded.
 Loona stomped inside. “The nerve of you guys to just leave me behind like that. I mean, did you want me to sit through another segment of royalty bitching about their outfits. When my punk clothing is superior anyway. Man Blitzo, I haven’t seen anything so embarrassing since you decided to give me spiders and sleep with that privileged asshole. Heh, you were kinda pathetic.”
 She had her sharp black claws out, and her breath smelled of alcohol.
 Moxxie pointed a gun at her. “Stop right there! I know that look and I’m not gonna let you hurt anyone else here, you lunatic emo meth addicted bitch!”
 Loona just lowered the gun with her fingers. “If I wanted to hurt anyone here, I would’ve done so already.”
 She growled and bared her fangs. “Ya know, I came because…I was thinking of helping.”
 Blitzo looked confused. “Say what?”
 “I wanna help you run this place. Why not, nothing else to do.” She scoffed. “Though Blitzo, your plans are ridiculous as always.”
 “Why do you still have her around?” Moxxie shook his head. “She hardly answers the bone phone and has skipped work too many times to count!”
 “Don’t talk about her like that, she’s fine. Sometimes she has what some people would call…ruff days.”
 Loona flipped the bird before searching the fridge. “Any avocado salads here?”
 “No. I already ate mine early thanks to you eating mine last time.”
 “Nobody claimed it and besides, people like you don’t need lunch.”
 “Alright,” said Blitzo. “I’ll be happy to have you help. Just…don’t fly off the handle or get into any trouble.”
 “Fair enough, whatever.”
 The hellhound looked around. “Any hotel visitors around here?”
 Millie mentioned to a chubby short blonde haired woman reading a magazine and humming a tune. “Just Mimzy.”
 “You’re never fully dressed without a smile,” she sang.
 “Meh. Not enough. Hey Millie, any extra things you can do?”
 Millie grinned. I can snuggle you and give you kisses.”
 “Ha! No.”
 “Your loss.”
 Loona sighed. “Hang on, I’ll be right back. I can sniff you a few people who might be helpful.
 About fifteen minutes later, she came holding a squirming blue anglerfish demon in her paw. He was wearing a gray lab coat, yellow goggles and a hanging light from his small top hat.
 “This little amphibian is Baxter,” Lonna said, dropping him.
 “I-I’m Baxter,” the fish stammered. “That mutt over there just tracked me down, right when I was about to gather my ingredients for my next p-project. It’s a top secret formula that I m-must complete.” He raced around to grab more beakers, vials and a burner nearby. “It’s been a w-while since I’ve seen new people. And I don’t want to see any more. No, no, no, stay back! Back off I say!” He pointed a white shrink ray at anyone who came too close.  “If you’ll e-excuse me, I must get back to work!”
 Several moments later, not too far from headquarters, a white and red hellhound was strolling along listening to rock music on 90s headphones.  “Why am I even here?” she thought. “I can’t believe that I’m stuck in this vast scary place.” Music and a tough front hid the insecurity underneath. She received a tap on the shoulder.
 “The hell? The fuck is this?” She turned around and spotted Loona. “You!” she broke into a large toothed grin. She wore black leather, metal rings on her pointed ears and a spiked collar. Her shirt was pink red with a white skull on it. Porn magazines lined her pockets.
 “Crymini,” Loona greeted, hiding a small smile.
 “So glad to see you again, Loona,” Crymini replied. “Anything on your mind? What shall we do? Go for a drink? Vandalize a building after a smoke? Or we could chew on some bones of demons…they’re my favorite snack!”
 “I wish,” Loona rolled her eyes at the more hyper hound. “I feel somewhat obligated to help Blitzo and company recruit more people to help promote I.M.P.”
 “I think I saw commercials of it,” Crymini mentioned. “That imp killing company?”
 Loona nodded.
 “Wait…you work there too?”
“Pretty much. A receptionist. Filled to the brim with paperwork, calling clients and annoying fellow employees.”
 “Your condition still there?” Crymini asked.
 “Syphilis can go fuck itself.”
 “I wish it would for your sake and mine as well.”
 “One wouldn’t say being in a rock band is much easier, but it’s still pretty fun.”
 “I’ve seen you play guitar and sing. Pretty good I must say.”
 “Thanks! I’ll be performing at a concert later this week. Will you be there?”
 “Sure,” she replied with a shrug.
 “Let’s go to your headquarters then!”
 Blitzo, Moxxie, Millie, Loona, Stolas, Mimzy, Baxter and Crymini were soon together at the building.
 “Anyone want some booze and fresh meat?” Loona asked.
 Everyone nodded in agreement.  
 Not too far away, concealed in bushes, a figure was watching them with orange eyes. Roo, the kangaroo Australian demon. She had white skin, wild aburn hair and wore orange. A large wide brimmed dark hat concealed her face in shadow. A parasitic creature slithered from her mouth, its body covered with white spikes and eyes.
  She bared her sharp teeth, blood and liquid dropping from her mouth. One thought emitted from her head, the parasite in sync with her thoughts.
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xellshun · 4 years
So here’s a little something I like to talk about from time to time. For starters, I am a sociopath, if you don’t know what that is then look it up if you want because it’s a lot to explain. But let’s just say this means I’m incapable of feeling things like empathy, remorse, guilt, and shame.
So with the fact that I am emotionally and mentally colder than normal people, that doesn’t mean I don’t feel other negative feelings. With that being said I have gone through my fair share of drug and alcohol abuse and over the years there was one drug that just seemed to solve everything that my disorder couldn’t. For some, it’s meth, for others, it’s pain pills, and for some, it’s alcohol. I’ve tried basically everything, I’ve even tried drugs that don’t have names yet. But there was one drug that just stood out from the rest.
The drug has many names and terms associated with it - Tripple C’s, Robo Tripping, The Poor Man’s PCP, and so on... But for me, I stuck with the simple name - DXM.
Before I share my story I do NOT condone the use of this substance and will encourage anyone reading this to steer clear of it. The purpose of this is just to share my story.
I won’t ramble on about when my abuse started or why I began abusing it. This is more focused on the experience itself. SO! DXM stands for dextromethorphan. What is it? Easy, it’s cough medicine. Yeah, childish right? Well for me it didn’t matter and what makes this drug so dangerous is the fact that you can buy it anywhere without a script, it’s extremely cheap, it’s not illegal, and doesn’t show up in drug tests...
I won’t go about giving details about the unique routine I perfected over the years to get high off of this drug because I don’t want anyone reading this to copy it and end up fucking killing themselves or anyone else. Not that I give a shit but I won’t have that coming back on me. I will also not be mentioning dosage amounts, what brands I used, where exactly to get them, or how much this stuff costs. But what I will go into detail about is the high itself, what I felt, and what it was like. And if, for some reason, YOU decide to try this shit. Do it at your own risk. I used my own body as a test rat before I figured out exactly how to achieve my desired high without causing myself or others harm and I’m fucking LUCKY for that...
So let’s begin:
Stage one - The preparation dosage. I would always start out by eating a well balanced meal, making sure I had a means of getting fresh water, accessibility to a bathroom in case I got sick, a way of calling for help if needed, and I always made sure to seclude myself. I would then begin dosing up. Taking so many at a time on a strict schedule over the course of 30 minutes. After that I would wait for the first plateau of the high to take hold. The first stage is pretty mild. The first effects you’ll feel are a mild form of numbness throughout your body, your lips will begin to tingle, your vision will begin to become slightly blurred, and you’ll feel an overall sense of euphoric calmness. Once this stage was finished I would proceed with the next. But This stage was a must. Taking more than what my routine called for too quickly would cause me to get sick which would ruin the high. The goal of this stage was to push my body far enough under the influence that my stomach would then be unable to feel the fact that I was overdosing on a substance it would recognize as poison.
Stage two - The waves of calmness. Over the next hour or so I would slowly begin taking waves of this medicine in quantities that amount to half, equal to, or times 1 and 1/2 as much as the first dosage. How I felt as each wave kicked in would determine how much I would take on the next. This would be enough to take me to a level of intoxication between the second and third plateau of the high in a couple hours with the climax of the high hitting around hour 3. At this level I would feel a physical numbness in my skin equal to what you would feel on a high dose of pain pills. At this stage I would also experience my favorite part, the emotional and mental numbness. It wouldn’t matter how I was feeling before I would get high, it would feel as if every negative feeling inside my heart and mind would just slowly fade. Just imagine in. Imagine that no matter what discomfort you are feeling. This high will make it all go away, leaving you in a state of harmony... Along with that, this is the point where visual and auditory hallucinations begin to kick in. They were never anything scarry, nightmarish, or anything that would cause me to go out and randomly attack someone because I though they were lizard people. No, hallucinations are actually very timid and for me, amusing. I remember a time I was outside at 2am having a smoke, I looked off into the distant fields near the park and track just beyond my yard. And I remember seeing fireworks flying into the air just passed the tree line about 200 yards away. They didn’t look like normal fireworks and there was no sound. If you’ve ever watched the first Lord of The Rings movie where Gandalf is shooting off fireworks in the shire, it was similar to that, they looked like they were alive. A lot of my hallucinations were filled with lights that appeared without a source, they would dance and zip around the room like bugs and would even form the shapes of tiny people who would wave at me. Another common hallucination is what I like to call “sand people.” It’s where I would stare into space and right before my eyes, particles and clumps of colored sand would appear in front of me. They would move around slowly forming all kinds of shapes. If I wanted them to vanish I would just shake my head and let them reappear. So at this point, the high was overall very calming, there was no pain, no fear, no stress, no anxiety, no depression, no sadness... It was just pure... Peace... For each person I imagine the things you see and hear will be different, but these are just examples of the “pros” of the high for me.
Stage three - Beyond the safe zone. As you can probably guess, there is a fourth plateau. This level of the high is where it can become frightening and possibly even life threatening. BUT I’ve gone to and far beyond this level. There were only a handful of times where I considered calling an ambulence but never did. Not because I wanted to die, but because I was in such a messed up state of mind I just said “fuck it.” Anyways, so during these days where I decided to send my soul to a parallel universe I was, thankfully, alone because at this point the side effects become so intense that it’s impossible to hide the fact that you are CLEARLY fucked up on something. During the second and third plateau you’ll start to experience dificulties walking and talking, much like you would with alcohol but it is slightly different. Anyways, at and beyond the fourth plateau these side effects become very strong. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had to slowly crawl to the bathroom because I couldn’t walk. Not only do you become very physically impaired but at this point you will begin to loose your grip on reality. The hallucinations will become so powerful that you will experience temporary fits of delirium and psychosis. Yes, I’m serious.. For me it was like having a messed up dream that made no sense but I was wide awake and watching it play before my eyes but I was also inside the dream outside my own body... This made everything very confusing and often times I would also go through moments where my brain would race so fast that I couldn’t focus on anything... Literally. I called this side effect “The Haze.” Things would only get worse too. Slowly I would start to feel my bodily functions just... Turn off... Like I was breathing and alive but only with the most basic functions. I called this stage “Zombie Mode” because it was pretty much a mode where the lights are on upstairs but no ones home. Ready for the frightening side effects? Yeah, haven’t got there yet... Imagine you get your body and mind so far under the influence of this drug that one of your eyes LITERALLY AND ACTUALLY shuts off temporarily. Yes, this is a very real side effect that I have witnessed, temporary fucking blindness... Oh, how about uncontrollable muscle spasms that are so random and strong that it literally feels like invisible people are grabbing you and shaking your limbs? Or how about if every time you try to move, your muscles are so disfunctional that it actually feels like you have dead meat inside of you, just sitting there, weighing you down. Not only this but the hallucinations can, at this point, become nightmarish. For me, I was so used to it that I always just closed my eyes, covered my ears and would tell myself “It’s just the drugs, it’s just the drugs, it’s not real, don’t freak out, just let it wear off!” And I can’t even begin to tell you how confused and delusional you become at this point. At this stage it becomes a battle of mind over matter. So unless your pretty fearless like me, this stage might cause real harm... So yeah, it kind of feels like your body is slowly shutting down and dieing underneath you without the pain or suffering. It’s a side effect called “Ego Death.” The only GOOD part about this stage is that the physical, emotional, and mental numbess are still present and very strong. So a lot of times I was still very unmoved by what was happening to my body. This is a level I do not like to go to because of the negative side effects. The small amount of times that I did reach this point was for one simple reason, I was just too high to know any better before hand and took too much too fast. Oh and guess what else? You can’t have sex on this drug. Men can’t achieve erections, women can’t get wet, and neither can reach orgasm. At least not without the help of other drugs. So don’t plan on fuckin’ while you trip out on this shit... And let’s not forget the come down!... It’s not that bad, haha. There’s no hangover waiting for you after the come down too. The come down is just very slow, you’ll feel your bodily functions start to turn back on, things will become more clear, the feeling in your skin will come back in the form of a tingling feeling, your inner organs will start to become warm (yes you can feel it). You’ll have waves of what feels like...(How do I describe this)... Ever seen the Poltergiest movies? I think it’s one of those... A scene where someone is pulled from the fucking ghost dimension from a portal covered in fucking slime? Yeah, kind of feels like that. I call it the “Rebirth” stage. And yes, you will sweat out layers of the drug. It will be a cold and abnormally thick sweat though... Hence the slime reference. BUT at the end of the road, no hang over, no headaches, no upset stomach, you just... Go back to normal. Often times I go into a deep sleep for 12 hours and wake up feeling at 120%. So I guess you could say the come down could be both negative and positive? Depending on your opinion? For me the come down was very soothing so I never hated it..
So that’s just a glimpse into what I was going through for what was about 4 years. Those four years happening during the development of my disorder, ASPD, as well.
So why did I do it? Besides the fact that it was readily available, cheap, legal, and untraceable.... It was the mental and emotional numbness that I fell in love with... It’s not that the drug was bringing me any one type of feeling... It was the drug taking all my feelings away and allowing an overwhelming sense of peace and calmness over take me. It was my escape from reality. My way out. It was like mentally getting into a rocket ship and just blasting off into space on an adventure in my head. In fact, often times I would simply follow my own rules, get high, sit myself down in front of my TV and play video games. I would get immersed in the games and forget about the struggles of real life...
Oh and just another fair warning for you all. Do not, I repeat, DO NOT EVER mix this shit with ANY other substance, especially alcohol!! I promise you it will end badly, trust me, I would know...
So what the fuck does this have to do with my disorder and the fact that I’m a sociopath? It was just another way of completing myself. I already have a lack of many emotions due to my disorder, so for me, it was finishing myself off. Making myself completely void of any and all emotion.
Do I think this drug had any kind of effect on making my disorder worse?.. It’s possible. But their were many factors that caused my disorder to get worse over the course of the last 7 years since it started to develope. So it’s hard to tell.
Do I think this drug has caused any permanent damage to me in any way? That I’m not so sure about either. I’ve done my own research on this drug and there just isn’t alot of solid information on it because this isn’t a drug that is commonly brought up when you think of individuals suffering from substance abuse. It’s just not up there on the high ranks along side substances like opiates, stimulants, and alcohol.
So what kind of drug is DXM anyways? It’s what’s known as a dissociative anesthetic hallucinogen and is commonly compared to hard drugs such as PCP and Acid. Does this mean when you take cold medicine you could get high on accident? No. At proper dosages cold medicine acts as a cough supressent. You have to overdose greatly in order for it to act as a hallucinogen.
Am I still currently using this drug? Yes, but very rarely. I only use it when I know 100% I can do it safely, without being noticed, without hurting myself or anyone else. And since I am currently on probation with just one month left and also attending counseling... Well let’s just say I keep this shit strictly to myself and do it very secretly. The last thing I want is to end up back in jail. So don’t be concerned, you don’t have to worry about the possibility of a sociopathic guy running around town high off his ass in the middle of the night... Do I want to stop? Yeah of course. Relying on a fucking drug to feel “okay” kind of fucking sucks. Will I stop? I don’t know... Only time will tell...
So.. Is it addictive? Yes and no. Not in the same way that heroin and meth are. You won’t get withdrawal symptoms after coming off of it...
It’s more of an addiction to the “lack there of” when it comes to your emotions and mentality...
It doesn’t give you what you want, it takes away what you don’t want...
And for me, during my darkest hours of life, that is exactly what I crave...
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