#we were in a bus roadtrip and we were like
teeto-peteto · 8 months
small extension to the school roadtrip 'let the autocorrect finish the sentence' based on a chat i had with my friends back in highschool. Im going to traslate these, they are originally in spanish but i will not correct the grammar... it's needed to look wonky and nonsensical. everytime i look into this chat i end up wheezing because we were slightly younger but definetly more stupid. DO NOT TAKE ANYTHING SAID SERIOUSLY its literally keyboard gibberish.
sentence base is 'HAHAHA'
Sarah: HAHAHA and me to the best
Illaoi: HAHAHA no what i meant is that i dont explain myself with that i have and i like girls.
Pyke: HAHAHA cool and nobody cares
sentence base is 'Illaoi'
Braum: Illaoi and i good as always as good as good as good as good as good good good good good good good good good
Ahri: Illaoi and to be honest my hair is marbelous right now AHHH hope i die let me know if you have any questions.
sentence base is 'Pyke'
Sarah: Pyke according to what happened that i forgot.
Yasuo: Pyke i adore you so much hope you love me HAHAHAHA so sad.
sentence base is: 'im going to get'
Braum: Im going to get a greeting and a lot of blessings.
Ahri: Im going to get it with Yasuo fuck so good the milk the future of you.
Illaoi: Im going to get the bull and honestly i dont remember much about life.
sentence base is: 'you're touching my'
Pyke: You're touching my balls and im sending the bill that i made the last two times we have been seing each other.
Yasuo: You're touching my piano.
Sarah: You're toching my everything.
sentence base is: 'Maokai' (Originally this had the name of one of our teachers)
Ahri: Maokai come by you're free to come truly marvelous.
Braum: Maokai told me i dont remember.
Yasuo: Maokai and Ivern is salaam Tanzania Thailand and Vietnam.
sentence base is: 'i like potatoes'
Braum: I like potatoes but they didnt tell me they didnt arrive
Pyke: I like potatoes and things i cannot understand.
Illaoi: I like potatoes fried and fruit salad and vegetables and fruit and vegetables and fruit and vegetables and fruit and vegetables and fruit and vegetables and fruit and vegetables and fruit and vegetables and fruit and vegetables and fruit.
sentence base is: 'Rosalía' (i dont listen to her music that much but queen <3) ((Originally we meant the singer but sometimes the keyboard understood Rosalia De Castro, a recognizible poet and writer in spanish history))
Illaoi: Rosalía De Castro told me i dont remember about life.
Yasuo: Rosalía from XXI scared me away from home and i dont kow what a birthday is.
Ahri: Rosalía they told me that she isnt that precious.
sentence base is: 'I got on'
Yasuo: I got on my bed with my acoustic guitar to the disco and i hope she likes Code Lyoko.
Pyke: I got on a locker.
sentence base is: 'Yasuo's ass'
Ahri: Yasuo's ass is the reciever of this message please.
Braum: Yasuo's ass please dont feel bad i love you so so much okay
Sarah: Yasuo's ass because i pretended a lot of things.
sentence base is: 'Hello life'
Ahri: Hello life tell me how's the world i miss you so much my little one you're going on a vacation i miss your stuff and i miss you my love you're the only thing my love i like you so much and i adore you okay
Illaoi: Hello life i've been overthinking in my opinion world is a bit weird but you know i like women and that.
sentence base is an old twitter meme, wich says: Im (Y/N) god/godess of (keyboard predict), bearer of (keyboard predict). Tremble because (keyboard predict).
Ahri: Im Ahri, godess of the Ionian university and bearer of the faculty. Tremble because i'd love to know how to make people not trouble each other.
Braum: Im Braum, god of life and bearer of life. Tremble becuase you should tell me if you forget about the budget.
Illaoi: Im Illaoi, goddess of the rest of men and bearer of the two women. Tremble cause its actually the same without you.
Pyke: Im Pyke, god of the classroom, bearer of the company. Tremble cause i dont care.
Sarah: Im Sarah Fortune, goddess of my bed and bearer of the sunrise. Tremble cause i dont like to go to parties.
Yasuo: Im Yasuo goddess of truth and bearer of universal knowledge. Tremble because i care about my life.
sentence base is 'Braum's first kiss'.
Sarah: Braum first kiss was with everyone in life.
Pyke: Braum's first kiss was affectionate i got it dont worry girl
Ahri: Braum's first kiss was with a friend of his dad.
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stealeroflemons · 1 year
eah characters on road trips because I'm going on a road trip but our RV had a bunch of mold so now we're taking a car instead hahahaha send prayers for my sanity please #23
imagine they're all on a roadtrip in a bus or something idk
Briar is 100% napping half the time no matter how long the trip is
She brings pillows, blankets, and the "super comfy neck pillow" her mom gave her during Thronecoming and headphones
Faybelle is a huge sour candy fan and refuses to share with anyone but Briar (little secret here, Faybelle buys a shit ton of snacks purely for her and Briar to share together)
She also has to sit a certain way so her wings don't get too cramped
Maddie is asking "are we there yet" every twenty minutes, making everyone miserable, until Lizzie makes her drink a sleepy-time tea
Lizzie is playing card games with Kitty when Kitty isn't taking a cat nap
Apple gets major motion sickness (which is weird because she rides a dragon just fine) and always feels bad when people complain about her having her window open
Melody and Sparrow argue over who's music to blast on the bluetooth speaker until everyone agrees on singing whatever's on the radio station to pass time
Hunter and Ashlynn are playing "I spy" with different plant species and Jillian and Nina join in halfway through out of boredom
Ginger bakes everyone treats for the trip and sorts them in little goodie bags with their names on them and almost everyone finds it adorable
Raven is tuning everyone out listening to podcasts about self help and how to deal with social anxiety
Rosabella and Darling sit together and nap on each other's shoulders because they thought it was a great idea to have a movie marathon the night before in their dorm
Daring and Dexter kind of awkwardly sit together, not really knowing if they should talk to each other or just do their separate things
The Wonderlandians will speak in Riddlish to each other and solve puzzles together like they did when they were kids
Cerise and Ramona are itching to get out of the bus the entire trip, complaining that their legs are cramped and that they need to run off some energy
Farrah and Cedar are probably the most tame people the entire trip besides Meeshell and Humphrey
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b0r3dtod3ath · 2 years
Hi, can i request headcannons for Wilbur x reader travelling somewhere? maybe a road trip or something. Thanks!
tyy for the request!! i have actually started writing it way back in july but i haven't opened the draft since!
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-he got so excited when you told him you wanted to go on a trip,
-will hold your hand if you don't like flying, if your ears get blocked while flying he will have some chewing gum and a few hard candies for you to chew on (he has read somewhere it helps),
-he would let you sleep on him on trains/aeroplanes; you would rest your head on him and hes would go on yours,
-also even tho you have your own he will insist on sharing headphones,
-100% will plan everything by himself also will find hidden gems in every city you visit; sure you will see the iconic touristy places but he will have a list of interesting places and funky cafes or restaurants, 
-you are walking thru the old town of the city you are visiting when wilbur suddenly stops “oh wait” he says looking at the random alley “i think i have been here on geoguessr!”,
-while speaking to random people he would refer to you as his wife (at the reception desk, to a waiter or just a random old lady on the bus),
-he’s a geography freak so „fun facts” every 2 minutes: -„oh btw did you know that more chocolate is bought at the brussels airport than anywh..” -“will, were lost, we have to find the gate or we will be late for our flight”,
(extra roadtrip hc):
-you both have decided that every few hours you switch whos driving, but when you are drivin he constantly says “you want me to drive?” you chuckle hearing this for the third time “im good, do you wanna drive?” “i can if you want me to” “naah i will tell you if i want to switch”.
-he will definitely make a collaborative playlist on spotify for your roadtrip.
my masterlist :)
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xoxoemynn · 2 months
8, 14, and 64!! (If any of these have been picked then pick the ones you want to be asked :) )
YAY thank you, friend!! I've answered a couple of these so I'll pick some fun ones for you. 💕
10. Cltr+f "blinks" on your WIP & copy paste the first sentence/paragraph that comes up Ed blinks and rapidly scrolls up and down the page. That can’t be it. A studio doesn’t just fucking cancel someone that successful. Ed had reviewed all the film grosses, both domestic and international; the numbers were there. And Ed saw the way the man danced; Stede was a phenomenon on his feet. And HB Low just let him fucking get away? Were they absolutely insane?
14. how do you write emotional scenes? Do you ever feel what the characters feel? Do you draw from personal experiences? I rely a lot on music to get me in the right headspace. My go-to song, because I feel it gets into ALL the big Ed/Stede emotions for nearly every situation, is The Story. I will literally listen to every version I have on it on loop for however long it takes while thinking about whatever situation the characters are in and then go. I do sometimes draw from personal experience, but alas, I haven't had a Great Big Love like Ed and Stede, so when it calls for that, it's mostly just the power of imagination.
11. Link your three five favorite fics right now I haven't had as much time as I'd like to be reading, but a few that are lingering on my brain right now!
2 Fluff 2 Furrious by @monksofthescrew: the sequel to the PHENOMENAL Fluff. Summary: In which Ed and Stede and their (!) ten (!!) dogs take an unhinged and perhaps ill-advised roadtrip in a dog bus. It's cute. It's emotional. It's Ed and Stede stupidly in love with SO MANY CUTE DOGS. And it's an absolutely impeccable Ed voice. WIP, just one chapter for now, but I've read the next and it's SO GOOD.
Moment of Truth by @trans-top-stede and karawrites: It's the most gloriously frustrating time loop; set during 2x06, Ed and Stede can't come until they learn how to fucking TALK TO EACH OTHER!!!!! I'm a few chapters behind and I am very excited to catch up this weekend, but oh my god, the EMOTIONS and the SEX it's all so good.
The Incident at Direfold Manor by @helloimjennsco: GOOD SPOOKY HORROR. It's the kind of uncomfortable feeling, something lurking in the shadows watching you vibe and it's SO UNSETTLING I LOVE IT AND AM SO CURIOUS TO SEE WHERE IT GOES. Still a WIP, and this is one I'm REALLY glad to be reading as it posts because the twisty turnies are so tasty.
The Tolling Bells by @edsbacktattoo: Recently completed, absolutely gorgeous fic with a unique premise that feels all the more poignant after the cancellation. I just keep thinking about how there is NO POSSIBLE UNIVERSE THAT EXISTS, real or fictional, where Ed and Stede DON'T find each other and fall in love, and how lucky we are to get to witness that. Good shit.
I Spit on Your Grave by @epersonae: A complete one shot! I have accepted this fic as canon now. The conversation Ed and Stede have is one I was really craving in S2, and this version of it scratches that itch perfectly. And because it's epersonae, you know it's some really beautiful, emotional, evocative writing.
Get to know the fic writer ask game!
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bimb0fy · 1 year
If you're willing to take freddy requests could you do some headcannons/blurbs on what its like to travel with him? Like plane, subway, car rides etc. Also preferably from the first movie if thats alright :)
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bros terrified of planes, and i mean terrified, like would rather kill himself then ride a plane.
He read a blog about the dangers of planes and has been terrified of them ever since.
He read it when he was 8.
You once had a Europe trip and the destination was at France, so obviously you were excited to go to France with Freddy. He was so anxious and nervous my god.
He kept shaking and hyperventilating. You had to hug and comfort him just so he would get on the plane, and the whole ride, oh my god, he was sooooo anxious.
"Hey! Excuse me miss! But we're are the nearest exits?" "Hey! Excuse me sir! But if the plane crashes, are there enough parachutes for everyone here?"
"Babe, the seatbelt won't close." "Babe, it isn't tight enough!"
"AH!" "It's just some turbulence Fredbear." "OH MY GOD WE'RE GONNA DIE!"
After a while he just passes out. It's literally impossible to wake him up, and he was so nervous so he's deep asleep. He's so cute tho. He's snoring and mumbling he whole time.
After a while, he wakes up, only to find you reading a book, or drawing or watching a movie on the built in Tv. He then starts to panic again then stops when you hold his hand. You had one of these headphone adapters and decided to watch a comedy movie to pass the time.
Once the plane lands, he does not, i repeat, does not leave your side as an apology, since your first stop is Paris, he takes you to the Effiel Tower, and you have a picnic under the stars. He also managed to convince his roommate to sleepover at someone else's room for the night. (for cuddles and movies obvi, bros 15 what were u expecting 🤨)
bros a huge germaphobe, he never takes the subway since its too dirty and digusting.
Once you took the subway since you had missed the bus to the mall, and you wanted to go on a shopping spree with him. He refused to sit, or let you sit, on the subway benches as you wait for the subway. You started complaining so he literally CLEANED the bench THEN placed his jacket on their so you would sit on the 'bench of grossness.'
Once the subway appeared, he hated it. So many people in a little space, and he was pretty sure he say a drunk man hurl over the seat he was in. He stood up, but refused the hold the pole and handles, but got too scared and just held it with his sleave.
"Yeah, I'm gonna sit down." "YOU ARE A DISGRACE TO SOCIETY!" "MY LEGS HURT!" "I won't let you sit on the bringer of sicknesses, I shall sacrifice my Jacket once more." "I RIDE THE SUBWAY HOME EVERYDAY?!" "YOU MONSTER! HOW COULD YOU DO THAT TO YOURSELF?!"
Bro surprisingly LOVES roadtrips. He brings a bag full of Comics, has his laptop, phone and tablet fully charged, with a powerbank and so many snacks, 2 bags full. He has all his favorite, and your favorite movies downloaded, he also has movies hes been wanting to watch and movies you've been wanting to watch. He watches horror movies and superhero movies the whole time, all of it.
If you ever get bored or want to sleep, he volunteers to be your pillow, matress or blanket. He. Does. Not. Care. What you want, you get.
Will literally yell at anyone who wakes you up if your asleep, or bothers you. He. Does. Not. Care. He could be yelling at his own mother. He simply doesn't give a damn.
If you just wanted to talk or listen to music while reading, he was okay with it, in fact, bro would take one of your headphones and read along with you. Like i said. He. Does. Not. Care.
"Hey babe? Do you think a shark can jump up this high and bite my head off?" "Y/N NO! WE DO NOT GO BESIDE THE LEDGES LOVE!"
He can not sleep at all. He gets to sea sick and throws up 24/7.
HE HATES SEAFOOD ASWELL. He complains about the food everytime you go to eat something.
"Hey babe? Do you think we're gonna be the Jack and rose of this ship. I'd glady take rose because i'm not swimming in freezing water to get frostbite, like if it happens I do not care, I'm not drowning, you are."
(He's lying he would gladly sacrifice himself without thought just for you)
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haledamage · 1 year
Nora Gray - playlist
Eleanor's playlist already has 22 songs on it, so it's probably time to share it 😁 Nora is, as always, my MC from Fernweh Saga by @lacunafiction 💖
track list (plus lyrics) under the cut:
Southern Comfort - Larkin Poe [Roadtrip] Blacktop, down in the ditches / Hitching a ride back to where I'm from / Catching secondhand smoke or a greyhound bus / Pretty or not, baby, here I come / I had high hopes, it was all downhill / Life flying by, like I was standing still / I’m a little nobody from the middle of nowhere / Gotta get home, I know I will
In The Woods Somewhere - Hozier [???] I clutched my life / And wished it kept / My dearest love, I'm not done yet / How many years / I know I'll bear / I found something in the woods somewhere
Trouble Finds You - Juliet Simms [???] Tonight darkness finds you / Right behind you / Say your prayers / Tonight trouble finds you / It's inside you / Say your prayers tonight
California King - Larkin Poe [???] I've got a funny feelin' / Somethin' that I missed or misread / My feet are on the ceilin' / Runnin', but I can't get ahead / I've got a funny feelin' / Honey, is it all in my head?
Take The Journey - Molly Tuttle [Fernweh] Skies are falling all around you / Who will protect you from your deepest fears? / Take the hand of the one besides you / Let the fire guide you 'til the path is clear / Take the journey / No matter where it starts or where it ends / Take the journey / Someday you'll make it back home again
Round Here - Counting Crows [Fernweh] 'Round here, we're carving out our names / 'Round here, we all look the same / 'Round here, we talk just like lions / But we sacrifice like lambs / 'Round here, she's slipping through my hands
Hard Learned - Tyler Bryant & the Shakedown [Nora] And all I know has been / Hard learned / The scars I wear, you can best believe I earned / Hard learned / Say a prayer for me cause the devil don't seem concerned
Dead Weight - PVRIS [Nora] If I start cracking at the center, all this goes away / I'm staying numb to my feelings, dodge 'em like novocaine / My back is breaking from taking all of this dead weight / All give, no take / Do you even notice / How easy you got this? / Taking wings off a goddess / If I'm being honest
everything i wanted - Billie Eilish [Nora] I tried to scream / But my head was underwater / They called me weak / Like I'm not just somebody's daughter / It could've been a nightmare / But it felt like they were right there / And it feels like yesterday was a year ago / But I don't wanna let anybody know / 'Cause everybody wants something from me now / And I don't wanna let 'em down
Somewhere Only We Know - Keane [Nora] I came across a fallen tree / I felt the branches of it looking at me / Is this the place we used to love? / Is this the place that I've been dreaming of?
You and I - PVRIS [🤍 - General Romance] I know it's warmer where you are / And it's safer by your side / But right now I can't be what you want / Just give it time / And if you and I / Can make it through the night / And if you and I / Can keep our love alive, we'll fight
Crash and Burn - Savage Garden [🤍 - General Romance] I know you feel like the walls are closing in on you / It's hard to find relief and people can be so cold / When darkness is upon your door / And you feel like you can't take anymore / Let me be the one you call
Break In - Halestorm ft. Amy Lee [🧡 - Becca] You are the only one / The only one that sees me / Trusts me and believes me / You are the only one / The only one that knows me / And in the dark you show me / Yeah, it's perfectly reckless / Damn, you leave me defenseless / So break in
Dressed In Black - Sia [🧡 - Becca] I thought life passed me by / Missed my tears, ignored my cries / Life had broken my heart, my spirit / And then you crossed my path / You quelled my fears, you made me laugh / Then you covered my heart in kisses
As It Was - Hozier [💙 - Silas] There is a roadway, muddy and foxgloved / Never I'd had life enough / My heart is screaming out / And in a few days I would be there, love / Whatever here that's left of me is yours just as it was / Just as it was, baby / Before the otherness came / And I knew its name / The love, the dark, the light, the flame
I Should Go - Levi Kreis [💙 - Silas] And your company was just the thing I needed tonight / Somehow I feel I should apologize / Cuz I'm just a little shaken / By what's going on inside / I should go / Before my will gets any weaker / And my eyes begin to linger / Longer than they should / I should go / Before I lose my sense of reason / And this hour holds more meaning / Than it ever could
Broken - Seether ft. Amy Lee [💚 - James] I keep your photograph, and I know it serves me well / I want to hold you high and steal your pain / 'Cause I'm broken when I'm lonesome / And I don't feel right when you've gone away / You've gone away / You don't feel me here anymore
This Town - Niall Horan [💚 - James] And I want to tell you everything / The words I never got to say the first time around / And I remember everything / From when we were the children playing in this fairground / Wish I was there with you now
Move Like U Stole It - ZZ Ward [🖤 - Reese] Whoa, the world ain't ending, but it might as well be / Whoa, I'll rock you like the sea / Buildings ain't crumblin', but they might as well be / Whoa, so let's not think and just / Move like you stole it / Make your move on me
If You’re Gone - Matchbox Twenty [🖤 - Reese] I bet you're hard to get over / I bet the room just won't shine / I bet my hands I can stay here / And I bet you need more than you mind / And I think you're so mean, I think we should try / I think I could need, this in my life / I think I'm just scared that I know too much / I can't relate and that's a problem I'm feelin' / If you're gone
Power Over Me - Dermot Kennedy [💜 - Reese/James] So we hide away and never tell / You decide if darkness knows you well / That lesson of love, all that it was / I need you to see / You've got that power over me, my my / Everything I hold dear resides in those eyes
Here Is Gone - Goo Goo Dolls [💜 - Reese/James] And I want to get free / Talk to me / I can feel you falling / And I wanted to be / All you need / Somehow here is gone / And I don't need the fallout / Of all the past that's in between us
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tiny-tigers · 1 year
*Knuckles cracks* You know it well, it is about time I open up about Newcastle trip it's only been 4 weeks and I have already lost the notion of time.
Hey yet again it is long storytime so I understand if you don't read it all. Apologizes. (But you have insisted for it so at least my turn to make the story worth it and long enough !)
For my beloved  : ♡ @koloha12 @saintsnlancs @lxndonorris @lukadreaming @ledemidouverture @mironovgraphy ♡
Since it was decided (N had agreed to go to Newcastle mostly on my impulse but refused to drive if snow wanted to invite herself to the party) , parking was booked so we had time to relax on thursday. It's without knowing me and my mad mind who involved N in a mental research for a trumpet toy around all the town and second hand shops.
Why trumpet you may ask? Aled Walters introduced a "trumpet dance" and you can see that dance performed by Jack at the end of the Premiership 2022 final and  the one braincell club using that emoji 🎺 all around so I thought it would be a cute gift: fatal error.
Empty handed and hopeless even after tasting the absolute best chaï latte of my life but mostly without gifts for Jack we headed home. I wanted with all my heart to continue my tradition it might sound ridiculous to you and maybe it is because even I doubted of Jack liking the presents. Nonetheless I am the autoproclamed "giftbags girl" you know and  I didn't wanted to bring him nothing when he brings me everything by his only sunny presence.
As I told the man himself in a card and in a better formulation : he gave me friends / new horizons / new goals / he makes me want to live my life to the fullest and he made the impossible possible / because of him I can believe this world is magical and it is the biggest present he could give me : make me fall back in love with life.
So, giftbag ! Obsessed with making something proper I watched too many tutos to make a trumpet out of paper without any gluepen and settled to attempt a bass (because our man used to play bass) in origami. Failed- tried so hard I didn't slept my night and I still currently need to buy a new notebook to N. I was in my bed very upset at 4 am with my skills in origami and scared not to wake up on friday at 6 am but I surprisingly did.
N agreed to let me one more chance to do a giftbag and let me 30 min in a supermarket where I bought stuffs to create a decent giftbag out of the blue. I had scissors and tape some paper sheets and pens from N's house to make the magic happened but mostly to add labels to the items.
Yes and so we headed to our Roadtrip to Newcastle at around 10 am and I miraculously took only 1h to finish the giftbag composed of :
•a card with the origami in it because I always write to him.
• pre match treats : gums 3* packs (for anxiety)
• post match treats : cream eggS 4*+ mignonettes of alcohol 3*
•mug with written "I am the boss" and a label saying : "Freddie will make you his best flat whites in it" - (our man likes coffee ok?)
• a little hotwheels tractortruck labelled "Because you couldn't ride a real one this summer" - homesickness we never know.
* T a d a a a ! * (Yes I was proud, it might look like nothing but all was on reflexion and 21£ nonetheless)
I need to specify we had a costa break 30 min away from Newcastle ground because it Will be mentioned later. DO NOT ON ANY PRETEXTS DRINK A LARGE CAPPUCCINO BEFORE A MATCH. NEVER. DON'T.  BAD IDEA!
During the journey we encountered a massive rainbow once the rain ceased and it was announciating that good day.We were confronted to Newcastle parking shortly after and N was hella proud of her driving and to end up next to tigers bus. I didn't let her the time to say weewee break and wanted to enter ground before the end of warm up. We passed sucessfully security check with the guard extatic at my cream eggs for Jack calling him lucky boy.
And then... I discovered my favorite ground ! Oh mymy !
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It was wow. Magical. The light. The closeness to players 😱. I had never seen that ! The moon and the sun compared to AJ Bell ! Better than Welford Road , very friendly ambiance. Cosy, warm very far from gloomy and spectral aways days we see on telly. I was so positively surprised! So many good points that might be terrible points on other weather conditions but for my part : the open field and ground is spectacular.  I have very bad sight and could see so so Well  players AND actions. SO much space ! The Welford road terrace but ten times better.
Obviously I think the weather helped because I can't imagine when it rains but you must attest it for yourself because it is very different to see images of that ground and the reality. I always thought it was mourn, grey, full of grumpy northeners, no charms, no ambiance and well I am just actually describing the AJ Bell !?
The music choice was immaculate, the sun was on point, vision of the ground 10/10, the screen = close to you big enough perfect angle, closeness to players 11/10 would not recommend when a wild box kick of JvP appears on your head but otherwise great, toilet very clean but super tiny but eh that's life,  very easy to circulate around the ground I didn't had to climb over Steve Borthwick to reach my side of the ground : very satisfying.
Even without my glasses I could see them it is really a big plus , the big minus is that I am everywhere on that damn replay (yes mom it is me on the english Tv)
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Grateful I was to be there warming up my skeleton while the boys were cracking their articulations. I must admit I had not the heart to take any pictures at the time because I was in awe. I could hear them, feel the wind when they were running smell their cbd menthol oil they are sponsored by and that they apply on their bodies. I was watching jack and fred doing their routine that I know by heart now and really couldnt take any pictures without being seen. So it was a bit intimidating to feel like I was taking photographs of human zoo, it made me kind of wondering what I acutally wanted to picture.
N rejoined me just before the warm up end and we were both extatic about the sun light. I shouted at Jack's name on the screen when they announced team, we had clapping time for that poor girl that passed away recently then game time. The new romance between Charlie's ankle and Radwan started, adam dragged the poor sod on the floor like a rake lifting one of his leg and just draaaaaging him out of the way like a carrot plant. I am not sure it is even allowed but it was wild to attest for sure and poor shocked Charlie insulted Radwan of savage animal. I didn't repeated my 2nd experience with Sale at Welford road I have learned since then not to disturb jack when he is on pitch...So when he just ran 2 cm from us I stayed quiet as a koi fish and followed only his melodic assured voice shouting to the players behind him : " Come on lads keep the good energy" he was on fire and I might have watched more the outside lines than the pitch itself and missed some actions as the yellow on Freddie !?... I was distracted.
First half looked already pretty bad and a certain scrum half was part time doing his exos part time shouting from the left corner of the pitch as a mental.
The try before the end of second half completely has made him lost his temper. Firstly he did shoot violently on a barrier and on his way to reach the changing room he just hit one of the premiership blue pole so bad it almost fell off. I so much wanted to climb that barrier and reach out to him giving him a pet talk and patpat. All the shenanigans about tigers try then not try... I couldn't bear and sorry Charlie but I had something more urgent to do than to see your conversion because remember that huge cappuccino ? YES I WANTED TO PEE SO BAD I LEFT BEFORE CHARLIE's CONVERSION AND PAUSE SORRY I AM A BAD FAN. Sorry to talk on a raw tone but I never needed and peed so much in my entire life that I would have peed on Jack for sure perhaps to mark my territory I don't know but no way I would have waited second half. If it can avoid any accidents to you in the future I am all in : avoid Costa maxi beverage big time before match.
Second half it went so downhill but light had changed and it was very pretty with sunset colors ! I can tell you he was fulming furious on the side chewing a lot and anxious pinch 👌 he had so little time on pitch to do anything.
Let me also introduce you why Cameron Henderson is a SWEETHEART ♡. He was doing rounds around the pitch and looking like us at the screen so he was always a bit around us or with the boys warming up and at one moment he litteraly stopped by my side looked at the bag , read the scripture, we saw him being very content and appreciative like mmmh mmh he stopped litteraly for that like 😊mmh APPROVED and then continued his walk hahahaha it was SO SWEET and N and I we looked at him like 👀 ? What do you think cam... I am✔by Cam the homie😎
N can tell you it was very sweet and funny how his expression changed !!
It was miserable for our side a bit less than sale game tho because it was astonishingly good rugby from Newcastle that day. It was a well deserved win for them and ambiance increased, so good fun and noises, I was so pleased for Moroni's try and Carreras was amazing !!! I had a very good time honnestly even with such an awful loss it was difficult not to be pleased for what Newcastle had built that day everyone can recognize that. Jack was sooo pissed untying his fingers's bandages and had a little walk to calm himself, they all stayed a bit on pitch but the last one to go back to the tunnel was DK doing pics near the terrace. We saw Radwan having his interview and we had another toilet round for N this time and the queue was so huge I completely panicked. I lost it , I was so pissed I didn't tried to call jack while he was still on the pitch.
But on the other hand I had the remains of our good moment at sale in mind and I was a bit stressed to go back to memory lane of welford road the second. I didn't wanted to messed up the good memories in my brain of that 3rd time to switch it with a bad moment ( honnestly just AVOID the jack when he is pissed second advice ! He isn't kidding when he says he is a grump and bad loser) ....
So I Waited, waited, waited again just to have N out of the restrooms. Obviously we had a second problem yes the car was parked near Leicester team bus but it didn't Said where the exit of the changing room was ??? We were walking around and waiting a bit with Newcastle fellows, I had some courage and asked them if we were in the right place ?
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Let me tell you Newcastle's accent is something ! But it was a lovely family who even helped me not to miss Jack ! ♡ Newcastle I love you dearly. Very easy to find the good spot to wait players even if you don't know the ground magic plus !!
And now voorpret begins
The bus mooved and basically some Newcastle players were coming out one way and leicester both ways. The bus was basically blocking the way making possible for players to shortcut or do big turn the rest was the parking lot so people were also getting out by car.
I think matt scott was the first to come back out of the changing rooms and for an obscure reason joe heyes was still on pitch running. Then the tigers cubs, sam edwards - archie vanes etc... it was so funny because like always this anticipation is contagious you've got a warm ball in your stomach and everyone whisper names at the glimpse of the players they are seeing. Tommy Reffell was playing with a little boy in the courtyard near one side of the pitch and some players were called way before the trepassing sign by people so I guess it could be staff members or acquintances. Compared to Sale there was almost no one. And few for newcastle players!!! And theeeeen... Freddie appeared... He was so huge and cute with his little hood he looked a bit poorly with his hands full of asian food box which was getting cooler and cooler. We litteraly thought he would go directly to the bus but nooo he lovingly answered to everyone and was chatting a bit with the Leicester contingent. N whispered to me it was the moment if I wanted to get Fred now or never you know ?
I was so very much conflicted inside because I didn't wanted to miss Jack but on the other side it would have been the 3rd time I just turned my back to him...Time for a change I carefully jumped water puddles to come closer to him with the sketchbook open and one pen in my hand litterally doing that face and with the lowest voice I said : Fred ?
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And yes I am totally aware I do look like Gollum on second picture to let him give me my pen back
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Anyways he said yes ? And I just gave him my pen and whispered something like canyousignitformepleaze
He said oh Wow that's some pretty amazing drawing you have there ! I said thank you so much it is very kind of you he said No seriously it's really good.
I said actually I have a friend who is from Japan and is a fan of you and she couldn't be there but she is coming just to see you for the six nations
He was interested but had that embarrassed laugh we know him for, half-flustered half-happy answering:
oh wow nice ! I said yeah I hope she could see you there Me too. Me too.
I have to admit I was so touched by his kind tone and distracted but mostly because I had a "new achievement unlocked- mission complete" alert in my head ..... That I forgot to say thank you and bye and it is N who said it for both of us before I jumped of another rain puddle to hunt the jack.
We saw Ollie coming for the bus, no one actually tried to stop him. He said hello and entered bus with his food to join Fredda who had to climb inside the bus at one point after talking to everyone.
And then petty me will serve you the DK the dickhead story , we were waiting for about 30 min ? When it happened.
Well...have to say when you see at least one member of the OBC you KNOW the rest of the clique isn't too far behind and we KNEW jack always takes forever in the shower he is always last to enter changing room and last one to left them. First jack was out before DK but someone asked him something so while DK was at last finishing with what he had to do in that famous courtyard where Tommy was , he suddenly happened to go out before Jack.
I was litteraly waiting in the middle of the way , there was some space and people around me but I was in the middle of that emptied parking lot so you will have to pass across me one way or another to get out of that gate to reach for that bus but the area was clear so you could see people from a far.
Anyways... there was still room to mind your own business and enter the bus incognito like Fred and Nic Dolly tried to do with their hoods on. This is important because our man dkhead has chosen delibarately to slowed down and not really deviated from his path, we locked eyes from afar because I was looking at Jack arriving he judged me from head to toes as I was carrying that huge JvP's giftbag. Looked at me smirked with a contemptuous sneer just rolled eyes and went away and I looked at him like 🤷‍♀️when he did that like ...I litteraly said "Yeah?" And he went back in the bus 🙄 ..dkhead. Super funny to make fun out of a fan and even if it is to joke at his friend because I am sure there was good banter in that bus after like DON'T do that in front of me when I am about to see him I litterally EXCUSED myself to bring him gift because of you.
On to Jack now so... I came a bit ahead and I said while walking : "Jack very sorry I know you had a long day but I promise it is the last one before a long time" He stopped and said "that's alright no worries thank you" *hugkiss*
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I asked him if he could sign me the drawings and he said YYyess I was holding the notebook and he was holding it as Well so we touched fingers yeah yeah yeah 😭🧠💥 take that DK ok he is very dumb tho because he asked where to sign when there was a whole page to do it and Fredda understood the concept 5/5 directly when he was mmmhmmh where do I sign ?? 😰😱.
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After it I said I have one last question for you he was like yeah? (👁👃🏻👁)👂🏻? And I Said : I have noticed the SSS on your wristband is it actually for your mom? And he said with that HEAVY norfolk accent with a little laugh and smile "ah Nah nahNooo it's not for mom it is for my RrrugBae" I was shoked picachu a bit and he was about to leave and say bye because he was also saying thanks to N as he recognized her as Well as me but I wanted to know so I said : yeah ok but what is it for then exactely what does it stands for the SSS ? (I AM STUBBORN ok?) And he was a bit relucant shy almost at first like do I share it to her or No
but then he was like Well🤗 : S*** /S**** /S***** , I Said Ooooh thanks ! And we said bye thank you!.
He signed some stuffs tried to escape quickly because he went to hug wiggy who wasn't coming with them but tommy reffell called him back Jackyy ! Oi JACKY !!! Because that little boy he was playing with since the beginning was being overpassed by Jack so he came back but he went in bus after and we were already gone ! On any cases it could beat the sale match enconter and our talk but it was cool interraction I was happy for the SSS question and the signature and he was still grumpy but I made him laugh so 😊 and this time his accent was SO HEAVY it was a pleasure for ears this time for sure !!!!!! When sale was very visual.
Went back home and tadaaa ♡ / the end. Thank you for the read and the wait ...
...and yeah N heard the SSS and I told @hold-to-love because I was so happy to have some news from her that I dropped it but I think I Will keep it with me as he shared it to me a bit as a secret and it is very precious info to me ♡ it is stupid but only 4 people Including jack knows what it means so let's keep it that way Shall we ??? I KNOW IT IS SILLY but he trusted me on that one and I felt blessed he dropped it like Well "ok it is the ladygiftbag fan let her have that jack " ...😂 even if I guess aaaalooootof scrum halves have that same sss now that I know what it means Well... 🤷‍♀️ I keept it preciously. I hope you don't mind..
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likegoldintheair · 4 months
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sometimes your valentine is a close friend, sometimes it's a stranger on the bus, sometimes it's a secret admirer, and sometimes a secret admirer is your wooden front door cut from a tree grown by an acorn that floated across to america from greece that is actually a dryad because a god decided to fuck the hole in an oak so now it's a sentient door to your home whose wood gets harder than it already is when you peep thru its hole and comes to you in a dream to tell you that you MUST ABSOLUTELY MUST polish its knob ASAP so that it can become the demigod he was always meant to BE and protect you from your creepy landlord so for the love of goD TELL HIM HE'S A GOOD DOOR and start knocking on his wood before iT'S TOO LATE!!!!
so in summation:
i just want you to know that i saw this immediately when you sent me it this morning and i wanted to wait to post it until more people were online because if i have to suffer through a completely UNHINGED valentine's card like this then so does all my mutuals love that for them truly
also you're absolutely insane i love you so much thank you for making me this card (& making me even more afraid of doors bless) and for being such a lovely, warm, kind presence in my life forever grateful that we bonded over roadtrips all those months ago <3
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evieismol · 1 year
Roadtrips, portals, and other things (like being 3 inches tall)
A short gt one shot I wrote based on a dream I had.
Word count: 700 words
Alana had had quite a few weird days in her life. There was the time she’d found out her ex boyfriend was cheating on her, with her friend Delaney’s coworker, at said coworker’s baby shower. Tthe time she and Delaney had missed their bus and ended up hitchhiking several hours with a former cult member. The time Delaney had invited a random twitch streamer to join them on spring break.
Delaney was generally the common denominator when it came to weird events, actually. Alana had come to accept that about her friend years ago. At the very least, it made for some good stories (and a panic attack or two). Still, this day took the cake even by normal Delaney standards.
When Alana had gotten a call from her college friend two weeks ago asking if she wanted to go on a roadtrip to Washington State, she’d happily accepted. Her remote job meant she didn’t have to worry about taking days off to travel. And life had been beginning to feel a bit boring lately. She’d thought a weeklong trip to the gorgeous Pacific Northwest was the perfect way to liven things up a bit - plus whatever hijinks Delaney ended up pulling them into.
What she hadn’t thought was that she’d find herself standing in a field of grass far taller than she was, staring up at their now giant former friend who apparently wasn’t human, next to a tropical beach on an island that wasn’t supposed to exist.
Yeah, this one definitely takes the cake, Alana thought.
“Are you freaking out? Don’t freak out,” Theo said, crouching down to be closer to their height. He still towered over them. When he’d said they’d be three inches tall after going through the portal, she hadn’t really conceptualized just how big everything - and everyone - else would seem in comparison.
“Just-just a little,” Alana managed. She took a deep breath that was meant to be calming, looking around at her new surroundings. Where cars, skyscrapers, and the perpetual gloom of Seattle had sat moments before, an entirely different scene now lay. The field they were in stopped abruptly at a cliff, and beyond that, a thin, sandy beach, dotted by palm trees. The sun was starting to dip below the horizon, painting the sky in pastel hues. Behind her, there was what looked to be the start of a suburban neighborhood. If suburban neighborhoods were usually full of tropical plants, free of cars, and composed of nearly endless varieties of architecture making up the houses as opposed to cookie cutter buildings.
“Well, I guess that’s to be expected,” Theo replied.
“A kiddy pool. That’s a strange place for a portal,” Delaney said casually. She was taking this all pretty well, it seemed.
“Precisely,” Theo replied. It was then that another individual fell into the field, appearing from seemingly thin air just as they had.
“Jack. Took you long enough,” Theo said. Jack was a friend of Theo’s, and by that Alana meant, also not human. She and Delaney had only met the man a few hours prior, but Theo said he’d known him for several years and they could trust him.
Hopefully we can trust Theo, Alana thought. Earlier that morning, when Delaney mentioned meeting up with their old friend, she never would have questioned whether or not she could trust him. The three of them had been pretty close in college, and it was only time and distance that had resulted in them drifting apart. At one point she’d even thought she knew about everything going on in his life. That was decidedly not the case.
“I was making sure no one was watching,” Jack said, drawing himself to his feet and dusting himself off. “So, how long do you think they’ll have to stay here.”
“Couple days, maybe,” Theo said. “Until that detective gets bored.”
Right. As if everything else that had happened hadn’t been enough, there was that. The fact that Delaney and Alana had ended up right in the middle of a black market antiques investigation. Something they had absolutely no involvement in, but Theo apparently did.
God, I really know how to pick friends, Alana thought.
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yougotanasianf · 1 year
{I smiled across the table at Mike when he enthusiastically agreed to the chocolate chip pancakes selection for our shared breakfast. Of course Mike was getting his own choice of side dish, while I was obviously getting an extra large helping of crispy bacon to go with mine, but regardless, it felt like old times that the two of us were sharing a meal together again. Even better though that the meal didn't have anything to do with the words, "chicken feet" in it, cause if I never saw chicken feet again, it would still be too soon for me. Anyway, that was a bit of a touchy subject for us, considering chicken feet served its part in breaking Mike and I up. Recalling Mike recommending us going to "Asian Couple Counseling" due to my constant complaining about our every meal involving chicken feet. All in all Mike deciding I was a terrible Asian, because I seemed to be against everything Asian's typically liked. Of course we got beyond all of that, and in the end, it was distance that broke us up. Still, I was happiest if the topic of chicken feet remained off the table for us. I silently considered as Mike responded about his showcase. I felt relieved hearing him tell me he would want me there. That was a relief, since I knew that could have gone either way} No, I'll be there. And you know, it's not far from prom, so what if I take a bus here for your showcase, and then we can drive back to Lima together for prom preparations and stuff? {I suggested. Not knowing if Mike would want to be in a car with me for that long, but hey, if we were going to consider the chance of "us" again, down the line, then we would need to work through some of the communication boundaries and walls we currently have between us, in lieu of our time apart and lack of any and all conversation. At least that's my take on it though} I mean, we don't have to though. It's just an idea. The roadtrip could be fun, right?
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mywifeleftme · 7 months
212: Blaze Foley // Live at the Austin Outhouse
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Live at the Austin Outhouse Blaze Foley 1999, Lost Art (Bandcamp)
I wept over Blaze Foley’s grave. I didn’t expect to. I was visiting Austin at the beginning of a roadtrip, and my friend asked if there were anything around the city I wanted to see before we set off west toward Big Bend and the Rio Grande. It occurred to me that maybe Townes Van Zandt might be buried somewhere in the area, and I thought it’d be nice to go say my respects. It turned out that Townes rests in Tennessee, but the subject of doomed country singers and their graves brought to mind a story I’d heard about Townes and his friend Blaze, how after Blaze was murdered in 1989 Townes had had him temporarily exhumed in order to get at the front pocket of the suit he’d been buried, where there was a pawn shop ticket for a guitar the dead man had hocked shortly before his passing. I figured I wouldn’t mind seeing the place, so we drove down to the little green cemetery in Manchaca where his small stone faces a pasture of grazing longhorn cattle looking like myths or advertisements, and then I sat there and cried. I cried over the magpie offerings on the stone, earrings and poker chits and an empty beer can (literal trash elsewhere, but respectful in this context and careful placement); I cried at the big cows; I cried over the inscription of Blaze’s face and a guitar with the titles of his best-loved songs; I cried because I was hungover, and because I had done a bunch of fucked up things in the preceding years, and I was so full of shame, overwhelmed by the weight of amends; and I cried because this man had been fucked up and he was dead and people still loved him. I guess at the time I needed a sentimental image of a damaged man who does right more than I’d known. And so, the tears came.
My Blaze fandom has always centered on Live at the Austin Outhouse, the low-slung 1988 two-night stand recorded barely a month before his death that first saw wide release (in excerpted form) on CD in 1999. (The full four-hour-long tapes just hit streaming platforms this year.) Foley’s discography is brief, and all of it worth the listen, but he was never in better voice, or more warmly recorded, than he was at the Outhouse. If you’ve heard Van Zandt’s Live at the Old Quarter, Houston, Texas, the experience is similar: amid clanking bottles and bar chatter, the most desolate, acoustic songs of yearning sit side by side with wry character sketches and a helping of the dumbest, most adorable stage patter yet recorded. The predominantly solo album is a showcase for Blaze’s remarkable abilities as a country blues picker, and that unmistakable worn, lorn baritone of his.
Though Foley lacked Van Zandt’s overtly poetic predilections (e.g. “Lungs”; “Silver Ships of Andilar”), at his best he was Townes’ equal as a romantic and his better as a wit. For my taste, there isn’t a more genuinely moving love song than “Oooh Love,” a song that sounds like an old junkyard dog surprised to find himself being stroked after years in the rain. There’s brilliance in the slow reveal of its opening verse, his lover complimenting this big hairy man on his “pretty blue eyes” rather than the reverse:
Blue eyes She said pretty blue eyes Said I had pretty blue eyes See me again She wants to See me again She's such a pleasant surprise
It puts the masculine speaker immediately in an unfamiliar, vulnerable position, the one feeling the wonder of being unexpectedly chosen. On the other side, there’s “Officer Norris.” Foley does the best job anybody’s done of lambasting the cops since Kristofferson’s “Best of All Possible Worlds,” dressing down the titular officer for everything from cribbing free coffee cakes to chasing after married women to being abandoned by his mother because he was an unlikable baby. Blaze gives us “If I Could Only Fly” too, a quintessential (and rendingly) sad country song, and “Christian Lady Talking on the Bus,” a wholly unsentimental look at faith and self-delusion. And above all, there’s “Clay Pigeons,” a song of disappointment and humour and endurance and crooked optimism that strikes something true in me like almost no other song has. As someone who’s started over quite a few times at this point, it’s become an anthem, and more than anything else, it’s why I convinced my pal to take me out there south of Austin to pay my respects in person. Music has never fixed anybody, but it can bring who you are into focus. Lord knows I needed that.
A note on the versions of this recording
Blaze played nearly 30 songs over the course of his two nights at the Outhouse. I’ve been going through the full tapes today (which contain at least as much audio of the Duct Tape Messiah goofing with his friends in the crowd as it does music). While of the original cassette that was passed around Blaze’s friends and fans in the late ‘80s contained 21 tracks, it’s now clear how much my sense of Austin Outhouse as an “album” comes from the work Lost Art Records did when they put out their condensed 12-song CD edition. Lost Art left in a smattering of the choicer bits of Blaze’s rambles and winnowed the tracklist down, turning what could’ve been a double-live record (or a for-true-maniacs boxed set) into a digestible introduction to the man’s work. In order to keep things on one disc, the 2020 vinyl issue (also from Lost Art) leaves out what stage patter had remained, which makes it a smoother repeat listen for those already well-familiar with Blaze’s bits. Still, the CD/streaming version remains definitive for me because it was how I “met” the man.
All that said, the chance to hear versions of other Foley classics recorded in the same space as the familiar cuts is a thrill. If you’re already a fan, I strongly encourage you to try out the live versions of the two studio cuts from the original, and takes on “Springtime in Uganda,” “Long Time,” “Oval Room,” “Someday” and many more. Be forewarned though; it is beyond eerie hearing Blaze talk with obvious affection about (and even do an impression of) his friend Concho January, the elderly pensioner whose son Carey would shoot Foley dead just a few weeks later. By Concho’s own courtroom testimony, the burly country singer died trying to prevent Carey from yet again robbing the old man of a welfare cheque. It was a squalid, hero’s death, and he deserved better.
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nuinindia2023 · 10 months
Day 26: #roadtrip
Welcome back everyone! For those of you who read yesterday’s blog post, Snehaa and I decided to switch it up a little. Not only was she busy documenting our day for the blog, but she also was busy taking over the Northeastern Instagram page. And I’m not talking about the Northeastern GEO page. I mean the actual official Northeastern Instagram page. Like the one with 109k followers. She did an amazing job by the way- go Snehaa!
Anyway, here we are. A new day, a new blog post. Today’s itinerary was pretty simple. 4 hour bus ride to Agra, Taj Mahal, 4 hour bus ride to Delhi. #roadtrip Yes, you did the math correctly, that is approximately 8 hours on the bus (not including bus traffic!) and we made it out alive. However, I will say those 8 hours felt like an eternity. To show you what our journey looked like here is a screenshot of Apple Maps (not showing the traffic that we did unfortunately hit)
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The morning started out in high spirits. Well, as high as they could be for that early 7am departure from the Lemon Tree hotel in Jaipur. Most people took the first hour or so to sleep, and by the time we started unopening the packed breakfast, we were all awake and ready to see the Taj. (Compliments to the wonderful hotel staff who packaged up some breakfast foods for us to eat on the bus!) Please enjoy the photo of Scott dancing along to some song playing in his earbuds. Pictured below is also a photo of us enjoying some toast before the bus left.
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Olivia and I also had purchased some fun snacks for this bus ride and filmed a few fun taste test videos. Here is a fun screenshot I took from when we tried the Spanish Tomato Tango Lays chip and were cheers-ing. We even got Prof. Duane to try it with us.
While I will not be putting those on this blog post, please note that we enjoyed most of the snacks we tried and it was a good way to pass the time. We took a quick pit stop to use the restroom and quickly browse the souvenir store, and then were on our merry way to Agra.
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As soon as we stepped off the bus the hawkers sprang into action and throwing necklaces, magnets, and key chains in our faces, but no one stopped to buy. At least not right then. A short golf cart ride later and we were at the East Entrance to get a quick lesson on the Taj’s history. Fun fact: it took 22 years to build and there are 22 white domes that make up the Taj. One for each year it took to build! I'm not going to lie, pictures do not do it justice, but nonetheless, please enjoy.
We also learned that the inscription highlighted in one of those pictures is an optical illusion. The writing at the top is written bigger, but because of the longer distance from the viewer, it appears to be the same size as the text at eye-level!
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Let’s just say that it’s one of the seven wonders for a reason. It’s absolutely breathtaking, and we were lucky because the crowds didn’t seem too bad. We stopped at several stops to take individual photos, as well as a group shot. The photographer that took some of our photos was very keen on getting everyone one to do one of his guided poses.
I thought about putting in some of those individual photos here, but for all you parents out there- I decided to not spoil the surprise. Ask your kids for their photos! For now, just enjoy a few of the smaller group shots we took :)
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By the time most of the Instagram-worthy photos were taken, we were starting to get pretty hot and ready to move on to see the inside. Once we got inside the mausoleum, we weren’t allowed to take any photos. There was a security guard who had a whistle at the ready to tell off any visitors for taking photos. So, in the meantime, please enjoy this photo I got online that shows that the the beautiful inside looked like (below; left)
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Once we finished walking our little circle around the tombs, we were ready to wrap this tour up. Like I said, the Taj is absolutely beautiful, but at that point, we were all ready to get out of the heat and continue along on our journey. So we made our way to the exit, stopped to purchase any desired photographs from the photographer, got swarmed by hawkers again, and then finally got on the bus.
We stopped at a McDonalds for a to-go lunch to eat as we continued to drive the 4 hours to Delhi. I’m not entirely sure if the drive was closer to 5 hours or not, but it certainly felt like it. With a full day of traveling, we were all glad to see the sign for the Eros Hotel. For dinner, some people ordered take-out, while a group went to a local food court down the street that Teddy found. (Giving credit where credit is due) We ate at a Pan-Asian restaurant and then briefly scoped out the scene for a potential spot to hang out at tomorrow night. Stay tuned to find out if we actually end up going back to there or not. Well that’s it for me. We’ll see you all tomorrow!
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fabbyf1 · 1 year
ok i'll try to make this as brief as possible: i was halfway through a 6-hour-long roadtrip and about to go to sleep, when i saw the post in here and i just had to read it in that moment, and kate, bestie, you and the team behind this universe (betas, blogs, etc), knocked it out of the park. i was literally smiling the whole damn time, all other passengers that were awake must have though i was insane bc there i was in a dark bus with my phone's brightness up to a minimum to read in fucking peace. BESTIE BESTIE YOU ARE A GIFT TO THE WRITING AND LESTAPPIE COMMUNITY. like, this max and this charles are so beloved to me now i want to bubble-wrap them and keep them safe from the world. also, the level of filth i read and that i'm slowly becoming more and more comfortable with.. THIS IS ALL YOU LMFAO. this universe is seriously so dear to my heart, i'm re-reading all three in one go as we speak lol. please don't ever stop writing bc you are immensely talented, thank you for sharing it with the world <3
ps. can't wait for part 4 and for these himbos to realize all the Feelings™ they're catching.
I'm SOBBING. THIS WAS SO NICE. Thank you so much. This totally made my day.
"BESTIE BESTIE YOU ARE A GIFT TO THE WRITING AND LESTAPPIE COMMUNITY. " I am literally crying, why are you so nice to meeeee 😭😭😭
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happi-tree · 1 year
5, 7, 12, 17 for the music ask! <3
Cal!!! Hi, lovebird! Hope you're doing well, and happy Easter to you if you celebrate (happy Sunday if not!) ❤️❤️❤️
5. A song that needs to be played LOUD
Listen. If a song has lyrics like "I've got a heart that wants to vandalize / and run away from you for good! / You don't love me like you should, / you don't love me like you / love me like you should!" it NEEDS to be blasted. And that's not even factoring in all the electric guitar and drums. It's a prime song to shout along with :D
7. A song to drive to
The title really says it all, doesn't it? REALLY fun if you're roadtripping with a friend who also happens to be into pjo, but also a blast to sing along to on your own! Many quotable lines from this one as well, and really just gets you in the traveling mood :]c
12:A song from your preteen years
This one. This song. Makes me feel sooooooo incredibly nostalgic. Bus ride home staple for baby Happi (often when sharing earbuds with her seat partner, who introduced her to it 🥰). It sounds like how golden hour in mid-autumn feels, if that makes any sense whatsoever. Very good shit thank you Coldplay <3
17:A song that would sing a duet with on karaoke
So I diiiiiid already answer this one, but here's another one I'd sing (and if I were able to choose a duet partner for this, it would definitely be my sister bc we were both obsessed with this song at one point). Is it extremely cheesy and corny? Yes. But it's fun, and when it's for karaoke, that's what matters imo!
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2wards-travelling · 1 year
Well into our Peru roadtrip. Currently getting ready for an overnight bus journey to Arequipa. we started with a whistle stop tour of Lima City centre, before heading to the coastal town of Paracas. Yesterday we visited an oasis in the desert called Huacachin. Not exactly picture postcard like the brochure. Surrounded by massive sandunes,but we didnt have time for sandboarding or dune buggies, but I have now made a mental note never to try climbing dunes in 32 degree heat. Next stop Nazca lines observation deck, really, it was just a steel tower on the pan american highway. I think I maybe losing my fear of heights. Unfortunately the guide assured me the lines weren't created by aliens, so a nbit disappointing in that respect. The ones we saw were relatively small, about 100m by 50m but an experience all the same. Ann however took a flight over the vast majority of the lines. ( videos to follow ) I declined because I think I would have seen my breakfast again as the single engine prop plane dived and banked over the lines. I remained at the airport, watching a promotional video on loop, it was the first thing I had watched in Englush for 21 days, however I had to endure it 3 times before Ann landed. At least I am well versed in Nazca history. We have also seen a Nazca cemetery with 2000 year old mummies. Quite interesting but once you've seen one mummy you have seem them all. There is a pool at this hotel and air conditioning, so things are looking up. I did have to buy a new pair of swim shorts from a street stall. I was offered laughable fake Nike and adidas but eventually settled for a non branded XL pair with an inner mesh XS for keeping my privates in check and producing a soprano voice. Off now to buy some provisions for the overnight bus ride.As usual photos to follow, but firtunately not of me in my new swim shorts.
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the-pjo-analyst · 2 years
Chapter 10 -  I Ruin a Perfectly Good Bus
Theme of the day: Foresight
Foresight can basically have two meanings: prudence or provision for the future, and being able to see the future. There was a bit of both in this chapter!
We get a look into what the trio packs for their quest, including items that Chiron/CHB provides. They get useful provisions like ambrosia and nectar for wounds, mortal cash and drachmas for all their regular and godly transactions. Percy has very few possessions with him at the camp, as was already mentioned when he moved to cabin 3, so he just has basic essentials. Annabeth has a cool hat and a wicked dagger, but also a book bc a girl’s gotta stay entertained somehow while stuck traveling with two boys across the country lol. Grover has his items to disguise himself as human, a reed pipe for his goat magic except he only knows two (2) songs, and lots of snacks for the long roadtrip. Although most of all this gets destroyed at the end of the chapter sjdkfhs. But just when you think Percy is going out their weaponless, he receives good old Riptide! Whoever enchanted her must’ve been like there’s a kid who’ll use this in the future who can’t keep pens on him for the life of him and they’re probably the realist person in this series. Did Percy a solid lol.
The Hermes shoes Luke gives to Percy, at face value, is foresight on Luke’s part. Seemingly, he wants them to help Percy in someway on his quest. I completely forgot about the shoes tbh, but they’re an important part of the plot later on lol, and a clue to who the traitor is. Because they’re programed to drag the wearer into Tartarus when they enter the underworld and deliver certain godly attributes to a certain Titan. So ig the shoes are Luke’s foresight, just not in the way we might initially expect. Although he definitely didn’t have the foresight that Percy wouldn’t be the one wearing the shoes lmao. Should’ve thought about how a son of Poseidon can’t take to the skies! I wonder if Luke’s awkwardness in wishing Percy good luck was bc he knew that he shouldn’t care, but did anyway. I’m not a Luke apologist in anyway, but he’s such a complicated character that he’s fascinating to analyze lol. And the way Percy admires him!! It’s so cute. Makes the betrayal so much more tragic ;A;
There’s lots of foreshadowing this chapter. Besides the shoes, Kronos is mentioned, Medusa is indirectly referenced, the hints with the Furies saying where is it, and Prometheus is also mentioned although he’s not officially introduced until book 5. I’ll even include the tourist that takes a picture of crazed Percy fleeing the bus in the list too lol. There might be others I missed.
Backtracking a little, I know Grover meant well when talking about Sally, but I wouldn’t tell someone that they should be grateful when a decision or action results in abuse in some way. Like yes, Sally having the foresight in keeping Percy around someone that could mask his demigod smell was a good thing in the long run, but they both suffered from it. I don’t blame Sally at all, because all she wanted was for her son to survive. And who knows what she herself had to deal with when Percy wasn’t around. Maybe he was around for the worse parts and it’s just not narrated. Maybe it wasn’t the best decision per se, but the other options were either Percy dying or Percy growing up without a father and a mother, so 🤷🏾‍♀️ Can you imagine how he would’ve felt if Sally just left him at camp as a small child. Like they still could’ve kept in contact but Percy probably wouldn’t feel good about it. We might’ve gotten a different story if that was the turn of events. There would be no blue in Percy’s life! Like.... what would Percy be without his obsession for the color blue??
Anywho, it’s late and I’m ranting 😂 I’ll end it with a pondering over what exactly Chiron heard in these prophecies he keeps mentioning 🤨
Small things:
I’ll never get over when we found out Riptide is a girl and the Sword of Summer proceeded to flirt with her lolol
I can’t tell whether Argus is winking at Percy for his pizza joke or charmed by the preteen flirting lol. The very first Percabeth shipper xD
Have I mentioned I love their banter lol
Once more, we get a glimpse into Percy’s extreme loyalty. He can never leave a friend behind 🥺
I had a realization that Hilary Duff’s “So Yesterday” only came out a few years before TLT did and I don’t think I fully comprehended how old this book is until now sjdfhskjdf
Previous: Chapter 9 - I Am Offered a Quest
Next: Chapter 11 - We Visit the Garden Gnome Emporium
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