#queerplatonically non conforming
peculiar-labels · 5 months
Queerplatonically Non-Conforming (QPNC, QPlatoNC)
Under the Non-Conforming Attraction umbrella.
Queerplatonically Non-Conforming refers to those who do not conform to society's queerplatonic lifestyle views. This includes, but isn't limited to:
Aqueerplatonic individuals and those on the aqueerplatonic spectrum.
Those who are queerplatonic-ambivalent, queerplatonic-neutral/queerplatonic-indifferent, queerplatonic-averse, or queerplatonic-repulsed.
When one is disinterested, dislikes, or is repulsed by queerplatonic activities.
Those who are both queerplatonic-repulsed and alloqueerplatonic.
Those with queerplatonic attraction but not doing some or any queerplatonic actions.
Those who do not experience queerplatonic attraction but desire to be in or are in a queerplatonic relationship.
Etc. for anything I may have missed!
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[Image description: a flag with five stripes. The colors in order are pink, gray, white, gray, and salmon pink.]
Flag Meaning:
Pink represents aqp-spec individuals.
Gray represents being in the gray area and non-conformity.
White represents community.
Salmon pink represents alloqueerplatonic individuals.
Feel free to make terms under the non-conforming attraction umbrella, just ping me when you do!
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Communities I want to see represented (more) in media
Agender community
Therians (or just the altherhuman/non-human community in general)
AroAllo people (aromantic allosexual)
A-spec identities that aren't just aromantic and asexual (e.g. demiromantic, greysexual, aroflux, demisexual)
Polyamorous people
Queerplatonic relationships
Religions other than Christianity
Gender-non-conforming trans people
Intersex people (thank you @prudr-ragr077 I was going to add this originally but forgot)
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heartless-aro · 1 year
What is relationship anarchy?
I occasionally see people on here talking about relationship anarchy, but I don’t often see people talk about what that means, so I wanted to explain it for anyone who might not know.
Although relationship anarchy isn’t specifically an “aromantic thing,” the aromantic organization AUREA gives a pretty good definition of what it is. AUREA defines relationship anarchy as “The belief that no kinds of intimate relationships are superior to others, despite some being more highly valued in society. It is usually non-monogamous and is based on the premise that a relationship doesn’t have to conform to socially-prescribed norms. Community interdependence is another important facet of RA (“community not couples”). Opposed to amatonormativity and not specific to aromantics.”
In relationship anarchy, you essentially do away with society’s rules about what your relationships should look like and make your own rules. This means that you don’t compare or rank people/relationships in your life against one another and that you decide how many partners/relationships you want (with the knowledge and consent of all individuals involved), whether that means having no partner, having one partner, or having many partners. It also means that instead of trying to force your relationship to fit neatly into categories of platonic, romantic, sexual, etc., you let your relationship exist as it is, and from there, explicitly communicate with your partner (or each individual partner, if you have more than one) about what you want from your relationship with that person, how you would like to express/explore intimacy with them, etc.
Relationships are often split into categories like platonic, romantic, etc., and from there, societal norms dictate what you can and cannot do in each type of relationship (for example “romantic relationships must involve sex, kissing, cohabitation, and exclusivity/monogamy,” or “in a friendship, you cannot have sex, kiss, live together, raise children, or get married”). Relationship anarchy involves freeing yourself from that and deciding for yourself what will and will not be included in your relationship.
If you have a relationship built off romantic feelings, but you don’t want to kiss your partner, you should ignore the expectation that romantic relationships are “supposed to” involve kissing, and instead clearly communicate with your partner that you don’t want to kiss, and allow yourself to have a romantic relationship without kissing.
Likewise, if you have a relationship based on platonic feelings (e.g., a friendship), and you want to have sex with your partner in that relationship or you want to raise children with them, tell them so and, instead of worrying about whether or not platonic relationships are “supposed to” include these things, allow yourself to have a platonic relationship that involves having sex, or that involves raising children together (so long as your partner consents to this, of course). If you so choose, you can even do away with labels like platonic, romantic, queerplatonic, etc. altogether, rather than try to categorize your feelings or your relationship(s).
Core Beliefs Defining Relationship Anarchy:
So to break down what this really means, I’m going to talk a bit about some of the core tenants that Andie Nordgren, the coiner of the term “relationship anarchy” used to define it. Any direct quotes from this point on will be from an English translation/adaptation of Nordgren’s Swedish language relationship anarchy pamplet “Relationsanarki i 8 punkter,” which was published by Interacting Arts in 2006.
Some core tenants of relationship anarchy are listed and elaborated on below. (Note: There are more than those listed here, since for the purpose of this post I wanted to limit the list to core defining concepts. At the end of the post, I have provided a link to the Andie Nordgren’s full list and explanations, which you can read for more information. )
“Love is abundant, and every relationship is unique” - Love does not have to be limited to one couple. It is possible to love multiple people, and your love for one person does not diminish your love for another. People and relationships in your life should not be ranked or compared with one another; instead, each relationship and person should be cherished individually.
“Love and respect instead of entitlement” - Each relationship in your life should be based off a respect for your partner’s independence and autonomy. Rather than expecting your partner to conform to what you want or what is socially expected of them, you should respect their boundaries/personal beliefs and “let loved ones choose paths that keep their integrity intact, without letting this mean a crisis for the relationship.”
“Find your core set of relationship values” - Figure out how you want to be treated, what your boundaries are, how you want your relationships to work, what your expectations are in a relationship, and what sort of people you want in your life. “Find your core set of values and use it for all relationships. Don’t make special rules and exceptions as a way to show people you love them ‘for real.’” Although all relationships will look a bit different, you should have certain basic boundaries, expectations, etc. that you apply to all relationships (For example, if you have certain boundaries that you would not allow a close friend to cross, you should expect a romantic partner to respect those same boundaries).
“Build for the lovely unexpected” - Let yourself and your relationships be spontaneous. Rather than worrying about what you “should” do, focus on what you actually want to do. “Organize based on a wish to meet and explore each other - not on duties and demands and disappointment when they are not met.”
“Change through communication” - If you want to do something in your relationship that deviates from social norms, you should communicate about this explicitly and outright. Say what you think and feel and ask your partner(s) about stuff.
“Customize your commitments” - “Relationship anarchy is not about never committing to anything - it’s about designing your own commitments with the people around you, and freeing them from norms dictating that certain types of commitments are a requirement for love to be real, or that some commitments like raising children or moving in together have to be driven by certain kinds of feelings. Start from scratch and be explicit about what kind of commitments you want to make with other people!”
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alexiguessss · 2 days
Joker Out/Käärijä Pride Project
Hi everyone, hereby are the 30 writing and 30 art prompts for Joker Out pride.
First, some clarifications:
-These prompts are not Joker Out/Käärijä themed, meaning that it is completely possible to use these with any other characters as well, which is perfectly fine.
-The writing prompts can be used as alternative art prompts, and the other way around. Its also perfectly fine to come up with alternative prompts.
-All ideas using these prompts are allowed. For example, just posting a song link for the prompt is very much fine, the same goes for pictures, a single word, a conversation, whatever. I'd love for anyone to participate in any way they want. This also definitely includes doing 1 or 2 random days or mixing and matching prompts together.
-Please tag any posts using these prompts with the tag #JO Pride Project
-For the art prompts, the idea is to use the colours of the flag in the art, but please be creative, anything's fine
Then, the prompts.
Writing Prompts: 1. First crush 2. Internalised queerphobia 3. First kiss 4. Queer people exist?! 5. Queerphobia from others 6. Asexual negotiations  7. Gender exists?! 8. First relationship 9. Overwhelmed by labels 10. Queerplatonic Relationship  11. Genderfluid discussions 12. First time wearing a skirt/dress 13. Cottagecore lesbians 14. First time wearing makeup  15. Aphobia/amatonormativity 16. Coming out as a trans man 17. Coming out with a relationship 18. Clothes shopping 19. Watching a queer film 20. Coming out as intersex 21. Polyamorous negotiations 22. Experimenting with pronouns/neopronouns 23. Drag show/Gay bar 24. Research on queer history 25. Coming out to the world 26. Gender dysphoria 27. Future/growing old 28. Gender Euphoria/Queer euphoria 29. Pride event 30. Acceptance
The Art prompts:
1. Bisexual 2. Gay men 3. Pansexual 4. Queer 5. Bigender 6. Asexual (Meaning only Asexual, not aroace) 7. Omnisexual 8. Polysexual 9. Unlabeled 10. Aromantic (Meaning only Aromanic, not aroace) 11. Genderfluid 12. Transgender 13. Lesbian 14. Agender 15. Aroace 16. Genderqueer 17. Abrosexual 18. Demi-girl 19. Graysexual 20. Intersex 21. Polyamorous 22. Demi-boy 23. Achillean 24. Neutrois 25. Grayromantic 26. Xenogender 27. Androgynous 28. Sapphic 29. Gender non-conforming 30. Progress pride flag
Have fun, and Good Luck!!!
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sweet-cuddlebug · 3 months
My Personal Headcanons for the 13 Cards Characters - Jacks
(Below the cut there will be a description/explanation of the referenced terms/flags. If the information is incorrect or slightly wrong, please let me know so I can edit it.)
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• Gabriel
Queer: term used to describe or define a gender identity that is different from cisgender. It is used by many people who feel that their identity is outside the traditional gender binary (man/woman) of our society. They may be non-binary, gender non-conforming, agender, pangender, genderfluid, or another gender identity.
Unlabeled: unlabeled sexuality is the term used to describe a person who does not identify with a particular sexual orientation. This could be because they don't feel that any of the existing labels fit them, or it could be because they simply don't feel the need to label themselves at all.
Autism: formally called autism spectrum disorder (ASD) or autism spectrum condition (ASC), is a neurodevelopmental disorder marked by deficits in reciprocal social communication and the presence of restricted and repetitive patterns of behavior.
Dyslexia: previously known as word blindness, is a learning disability that affects either reading or writing. Different people are affected to different degrees. Problems may include difficulties in spelling words, reading quickly, writing words, "sounding out" words in the head, pronouncing words when reading aloud and understanding what one reads.
• Félix
Aroace: it means that the person does not feel sexual or romantic attraction. Those on the arroace spectrum may still feel other types of attraction, whether queerplatonic, platonic, or sensual.
BPD: Borderline personality disorder is a mental health disorder that impacts the way you think and feel about yourself and others, causing problems in functioning normally in everyday life. It includes self-image problems, difficulty managing emotions and behavior, and a pattern of unstable relationships.
• Varu/Waru
Demiromantic: describes people who do not experience romantic attraction until they have formed a deep emotional connection with someone, according to the most common definition. Other definitions of this romantic orientation are only experiencing limited romantic attraction, or falling somewhere on a spectrum between aromantic and romantic; the latter definition overlaps with one for grayromantic.
Gay: Used to describe men and women attracted to the same sex, though lesbian is the more common term for women. Preferred over homosexual except in clinical contexts or references to sexual activity.
ADHD: Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder. It is frequently diagnosed in childhood and usually persists into adulthood. It is characterized by inattention (failures in the regulation of attention, moderate to severe distractibility, periods of short or excessive attention), hyperactivity (mainly mental restlessness, not in all subtypes) and impulsive behavior (emotional instability and impulsive behaviors, including motor restlessness) that produces problems in multiple areas of functioning, hindering social, emotional and cognitive development.
• Zontik
Bisexual: this term is used to describe a person who experiences emotional, romantic and/or sexual attractions to, or engages in romantic or sexual relationships with, more than one sex or gender.
Demisexual: refers to people who only feel sexual attraction towards someone with whom an emotional bond has previously been established. Demisexual people do not feel sexual attraction without that prior intimacy and emotional connection.
Anxiety (disorder): Anxiety is a feeling of fear, dread, and uneasiness. It might cause you to sweat, feel restless and tense, and have a rapid heartbeat. It can be a normal reaction to stress. The anxiety may give you a boost of energy or help you focus. But for people with anxiety disorders, the fear is not temporary and can be overwhelming. Anxiety disorders are conditions in which you have anxiety that does not go away and can get worse over time. The symptoms can interfere with daily activities such as job performance, schoolwork, and relationships.
This post is intended to share PERSONAL headcanons, it is NOT intended to invalidate other people's ideas/theories or claim that these are correct/better. If you don't like this content you can ignore it or block me.
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queerjaneweek · 11 months
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I am here to announce the inaugural Queer Jane Week!
It is an entire week to showcase your 2SLGBTQA+ headcanons about the one and only Jane Crocker. There are seven days with themes for you to create art, fanfics, edits, etc.
It takes place between July 30th - August 5th.
The specifics are listed under the read more:
July 30th: Pride: Display Jane’s pride through the flags, symbols and colours of your headcanons.
July 31st: Hobbies and Interests: Showcase Jane’s likes, interests and hobbies through a queer lens. Baking a rainbow cake? Dressing as an inscrutable French detective? Something to do with pranks, comedy, Problem Sleuth or even Pony Pals!
August 1st: Family: Jane with Dad, Jade, John/June and/or Jake. Sharing in their pride or supporting one another. No incest/ectocest.
August 2nd: Ship or No Ship: Romantic, queerplatonic, platonic or Jane proudly declaring being aro and/or ace.
August 3rd: Wildcard Day: Anything involving Jane Crocker being queer.
August 4th: Alternate Universe: Any AU you desire, whilst still showcasing Jane’s queerness. Kidswap, speciesswap, crossover, whatever.
August 5th: That’s So Gender (or not): Any delightful gender headcanons, from agender, to transfem, to transmasc, to xenogender, unlabelled to gender non conforming, showcase your headcanon, or perhaps one you hadn’t thought of before or see rarely.
Tag your posts with #queerjaneweek or #queerjaneweek2023
EDIT: You can also include Nanna Egbert and Nannasprite!
Here's the link to the mobile about.
Here's the link to the desktop about.
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adhbombus · 1 year
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I uhhh drew all of them, and made them all queer. They're all asexual btw. More under the cut
Edit: also most of them are polyamorous now lmao
8-Ball - Aromantic Panagender Any/None
Bracelety - Homoaesthetic Sapphic She/Her
David - Nameself It/David
Dora - Non-Binary Lesbian She/It
Firey Jr. - Transfeminine Lesbian She/Her
Liy - Abromantic She/Her
Match - Transfeminine Polyamorous Lesbian Demigirl She/It/Ze
Pencil - Polyamorous Transmasculine Lesbian She/Co
Roboty - Orchidromantic Gendervoid He/ Ey
Stapy - Heteroflexible Transmasculine He/Him
Have Cots
Balloony - Biromantic He/Him
Bubble - Polyamorous Transneutral Xenic Lesbian She/Voi
Gelatin - Aromantic Lovequeer Slimesilly (coined by me, a combo of sillygender and googeneder) He/Squish
Leafy - Panromantic She/Her
Lollipop - Transfeminine Lovequeer She/They
Ruby - Polyamorous Lesbian She/Her
Teardrop - Cassromantic Lovequeer Quiogirl She/Shem
Barf Bag - Transneutral Lesbian She/Her
Coiny - Polyamorous Biromantic Transmasculine He/Him
Donut - Biromantic He/Him
Gatey - Transfeminine Lesbian She/Her
Needle - Lesbian She/Her
Pin - Polyamorous Transfeminine Biromantic Demigirl She/Her
Saw - Tomboy Lesbian She/Her
The Strongest Team on Earth
Basketball - Transfeminine Aromantic She/Her
Bell - Platoniromantic Lesbian She/Her
Eggy - Panromantic She/Her
Foldy - Homoflexible - She/Her
Grassy - Child He/Grassy
Robot Flower - Moongender Sapphic She/It/Lun
Snowball - Polyamorous Achillean He/Him
Death P.A.C.T. Again
Black Hole - Polyamorous Panromantic Neutrois He/It
Fanny - Transmasculine Polyamorous Agender Lesbian She/Her
Lightning - Transmasculine Ambiamorous Aegoromantic He/They
Marker - Agender Panaesthetic Oriented Aroace - He/She/It
Pie - Polyamorous Cassromantic Cassgender - She/He
Remote - Lovequeer Polyamorous Queerplatonic Abromantic Librafeminine She/He/It
Tree - Demiromantic Polyamorous He/Fall
Have Nots
Blocky - Polyamorous Gay Bear He/Him
Firey - Biromantic Polyamorous He/Him
Flower - Ambiamorous Lesbian She/Her
Loser - Non-Binary Companionate He/She
Spongey - Aromantic Panalterous He/Him
Taco - Transfeminine Lesbian She/Her
Woody - Non-Binary Uranian He/It
Just Not
Bomby - Paramasculine Librafeminine Panromantic She/He
Book - Agender Biromantic Polyamorous She/Her
Cake - Transmasculine Gender Non Conforming Femboy Vincian He/Him
Naily - Sapphic Catgender Paragirl She/Nya
Nickel - Aromantic Genderfluid He/Any
Pillow - Lunarian Lesbian She/Thon
Price Tag - Catgender Non-Binary Trixic They/Nya
The S!
Bottle - Polyamorous Omniromantic She/Her
Clock - Non-Binary Transfeminine Trixic He/Him
Cloudy - Transmasculine Oriented Aroace Magpiehoarder
Ice Cube - Polyamorous Poyromantic She/Her
Rocky - Child He/It
Winner - Agender Neptunic They/Them
Yellow Face - Omniromantic Non-Binary He/It
Are You Okay?
Eraser - Polyamorous Homoromantic He/Him
Fries - Quioromantic Queerplatonic - He/They
Golf Ball - Transfeminine Biromantic She/Her
Pen - Polyamorous Transmasculine Uranic - He/Him
Puffball - Queerplatonic Librafeminine - She/They/It
Tennis Ball - Transneutral Biromantic He/Him
TV - Aromantic Agender He/It
Hosts (and Profiley)
Announcer - Genderless Aromantic Bootian - He/Him
Four - Agender Googender Polyromantic - He/They/It
Profile Picture - Non-Binary Queerplatonic Polyromantic They/Them
Purple Face - Anattractional Specrum Hazardgender Cringecoric He/It
Two - Neurocollector Questioning They/She(?)
X - Non-Binary Autigender Genderfluffy Demiromantic He/They/She
The Bg color for the las one is taken from the last scene we have with the four bfb hosts (x is in the stinger but yk what i mean) the color us the same as the wooden boards on the "next season???" sign
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losergendered · 2 months
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ID: a set of 4 images in 2 pairs. each has one image of the listed danganronpa character, with a white outline in front of their corresponding flags, and a second image which is a blank flag splice. END ID
Kii-bo from Danganronpa is a genderwired, robogender, machinegender, angelboy, angelthing, angelgender, agender, boything, chevron queer, boyfake, gender non conforming, nonhuman, demihuman, transspecies, pronoun non conforming, transcis, soft butch, lesboy, bipan, pansensual, queerplatonic, bigender, altersex, transsexual, sapphillean robotkin who uses hy/beep/bap/wire/tech/05/01/error/.txt/.web/.com/saer pronouns and has brain fog, BIID, gender dysphoria, species dysphoria, narcolepsy, hypermobility, chronic pain and uses both forearm crutches and a wheel chair!
Nagito Komeada is a luckgender, genderqueer, nonbinary, transneumasc, enbyfuck, boygirlthing, guygirl, genderdigital/virtual, boyflux, xipboy, xip, genderfuckoff, sapphillean, FtM, aphrofluid, aphroflux, intersex, interboy, bi4bi, bi straight, kenochoric, forestcoric, foxgender, foxboy, straight FtM, gungender, lesboy, turigirl who uses he/luck/draw/clover/plant/day/forget/syn pronouns and has leukemia, amnesia, BIID, atypical dysphoria, OSDD 1-a, BPD, DPD, NPD, PPD, chronic pain and uses forearm crutches and a cane!
They are queerplatonic partners!
For rarepair anon!
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phtalogreenpoison · 10 months
(My personal) MBS Queer (or not!) Headcanons
Milligan - he is bisexual babeyy, loves his late wife and moocho
Number Two - somewhere between lesbian and pan, she is also trans
Mr. Benedict - ace king!!!! my beloved. I think I thought he had a qpr with phil noland at some point when i was younger, though I didn't have the words for it at that point in my life. he just loves his found family a lot.
Rhonda - pansexual!! she loves her husband a lot!
Kate - bi, she only realizes she's not a lesbian because she has a crush on Sticky or Reynie, possibly also gender non-conforming/genderqueer
Reynie - bi, realizes bc of a crush on Sticky
Sticky - bi, realizes bc of a first girlfriend and a crush on Reynie
Constance - by riddle of ages, she's starting to get the inkling that she is aroace!!! she just likes poetry and her friends and family (sometimes)
Ledroptha Curtain - aroace mf
S.Q. Pedalian - ace!!!
Jackson and Jillson - queerplatonic besties, unlabeled
Miss Perumal - aroace leaning towards sapphic, thinks number two and mrs. plugg are kinda neat
Mr. and Mrs. Washington - straight af!
Martina Crowe - bisexuallllll
Phil Noland - leaning towards mlm, but has had a wife at some point in his life, a mystery
Cannonball - aro king!
Moocho Brazos - he's gay and in love with milligan btw
Mrs. Plugg - a butch lesbian who is very in love with her wife
McCracken - repressed gay and mad about it
Crawlings - queer, idk how or why, but he's still a loser
Garrote, Sharpe, Bludgins, the Hertz? Heinz? brothers - they are all very straight
Violet Hopefield - bi or pan, happy to drift along in the wind, possibly also agender
John Cole - straight! and he's happily married!
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northlight14 · 7 months
The mystery grandchild
(Tw: mentions of homophobia and transphobia)
I am what my nana describes as “the mystery grandchild”.
The grandchild no one on her branch of the family knows about, aside from my dad
An inevitable consequence of living several hours away from each other
With the once in a blue moon visit
And the yearly 5 minute phone call to fill in the gaps.
With every character defining moment missed
And every word left unsaid
My life becomes a puzzle with large chunks missing.
I keep the pieces of me close to my chest
Think over each one with careful consideration before placing it before you
Keeping my punk music and smudged eyeliner tucked into my pocket
Scrubbing violently at my eyes before we meet.
I present to you my enjoyment of musicals,
But refrain from my interest in true crime.
And I smile as I tell you how I love to write
But don’t dare mention the messages of my work
And the passion for politics and the deep emotions that fuel it.
I give you enough puzzle pieces to fill the border of my puzzle
But never enough to give it any true meaning
I love you nana,
But you will never get to truly love me.
You claim I am a mystery, and oh how right you were!
You don’t even know my real name.
From being transmasc and genderqueer,
Aromantic and asexual,
Trixic oriented and ambiamourous,
I’m queer in ways they haven’t even invented yet!
A walking pride flag
Colourful and loud and proud
Both to those I trust and to passers by on the street who see my pins.
Pins that you, along with my labels, will never get to see.
Instead I keep them locked away, hidden and out of sight
On the top shelf too high for you to reach
I protect it from you and your scorn.
I rationalise it, I hear so little from you as it is
You not knowing doesn’t make much of a difference
So I’ll keep cringing at a name that now sounds alien
And smirk to myself as you ask if I have a boyfriend
I’d rather do that than become nothing but family gossip.
And the small “oh” you let out at the brief mention of lgbt rights
And yours, and other family members complaints when my aunt came out as a trans woman
Solidified that choice.
You want to know me before you go
But I’m sorry, I do not trust you with who I am
Little effort has been made on either side
And it’s something I don’t fault you for.
But when people ask me how I could consider cutting someone off so easily
I have to ask
Is it really cutting someone off
When you never truly knew each other in the first place?
Trans masc- someone who is afab but gender aligns with masculinity
Genderqueer- someone who’s gender doesn’t conform with the typical gender binary (can be seen as another term for non-binary)
Aromantic- doesn’t experience romantic attraction
Asexual- doesn’t experience sexual attraction
Oriented aro/ace- an aromantic and asexual person who still feels other types of attraction (i.e aesthetic or queerplatonic) strong and often enough for it to have its own label
Trixic- a non-binary person who likes women/non men
Ambiamourous- is comfortable being in a monogamous or polyamorous relationship
Thank you for reading!
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possumsarenice · 9 months
Daycare Attendant/Reader x Your Turn To Die AU because apparently I’m not alone. Floormaster Sun and Moon AU ft. Participant YN
!!CW!!Mentions of death, cult corporations, indoctrination, and all around bad stuff™️
Sun and Moon are Floormasters and YN is someone working for Asu-Naro (or maybe Fazbear’s?) and is involved with the game. YN is very close with the two Floormaster dolls, you can decide if it’s platonic, queerplatonic, or romantic. I’m gonna go with romantic in my ver because I’m a simp. Sun and Moon are very, very loyal to the company. The company is a cult after all. YN on the other hand, isn’t as on board with everything. Especially the death game. Eventually, they run away from the company like Kai. Sun and Moon feel very betrayed by this as, again, they literally worship Asu-naro/Fazbear like a god. Eventually, the death game starts and YN gets dragged in as a participant, but not a candidate. But unlike Kai, YN survives the first main game without getting fully caught. The idea of them having worked with the kidnappers is bought up during the main game, but it’s not confirmed. They go to floor two with the rest of the survivors, where Sun and Moon are (they share the same floor like Ranger and Safalin. Same floor actually, but with a more “kiddie/playground” vibe). Sun, Moon, and YN meet again, but it’s not exactly nice for anyone involved. Sun and Moon obviously have a history with YN which conforms that YN was with the kidnappers, but at the same time strongly implies to the rest of the survivors that they left them. I haven’t really thought past this more but that’s the base idea
The personalities for this AU: Note: all of them are A Little Fucked Up Actually
Sun (fruit punch theme): Sun acts very polite and playful to the participants (besides YN). He calmly explains what they need to do, calls them cute little nicknames, welcomes them warmly, and gives them advice for how to progress the game while doing silly little children’s games and activities in his free time. But, while his silly fun and games persona seems genuine, there are a few things… off about his “kindness”. For one, even when a participant was injured, he didn’t show them the medical office. He didn’t even acknowledge it existed. He doesn’t really do anything for the participants outside of his words, even when it’s supposed to be his job. And his advice is always pointing the participants towards how the game is supposed to be played, as the kidnappers intended. Eventually, (maybe during the final attraction) it’s revealed that his nice behavior was purely Sun’s business professionalism. A customer service face, kinda. In reality, he is very sadistic. Secretly enjoying the participants’ suffering as they die one by one. This was programmed into him by the kidnappers after YN left so he wouldn’t any treacherous ideas of his own, alongside a artificial increase in the belief in the death game’s cause. It’s meant to have the same vibe/sympathy points as Ranger being a dick because all his positive emotions weren’t added in. Before this reprogramming, he was genuinely really nice and probably would’ve gotten close to the participants. While he wouldn’t betray the organization, he’d help the participants as much as he could without breaking any rules. He probably would’ve played non-death games with anyone who wanted to. But now… he’s not the same loving soul. Moon never says it but he misses the old Sun, so, so much. He would go through the whole death game himself if it meant he could get the old Sun back. But back on topic. Basically, Sun looks like the Safalin, but he’s secretly the Rio Ranger/Lizer.
Moon (fruit salad theme): Moon is your typical gremlin and acts very cruel towards the participants verbally. Calling the participants brats, threatening to “punish” them for breaking even the smallest of rules, making jabs constantly, and making them do embarrassing things to get any info out of him. He’s especially cruel to YN. However, like Sun, things are not as they seem. It was Moon who introduced the participants to the medical office. He’s actually the one to treat the participants’ wounds. His jabs are never “too far.” He’d tease someone for doing bad at an attraction, but wouldn’t do something like talk about Joe to Sara. It’s revealed (before Sun’s whole deal is revealed) that Moon, unlike most of the Floormasters, actually has the ability to genuinely care about the participants. And he knows that. And he’s absolutely terrified of it. It’s understandable though, because he’s literally supposed to make sure these innocent(?) people kill each other. They are guaranteed to die. He really, really doesn’t want the hurt of seeing them go. So he does his best to keep a wall of hostility between him and them so he won’t be hurt. He’s especially mean to YN because he still cares about them, and they aren’t a candidate. This isn’t a “bullying you because I have a crush on you” thing, instead it’s basically him trying to force himself to hate YN because “they are a traitor who will die for their actions.”
YN: YN has mastered the art of looking like just some guy when they are actually a very particular guy. They look and act like a relatively normal person, if a bit quirky and extra nervous at times. They don’t stand out from the rest of the cast in any way a first glance. They have a job at a daycare, and tend to put themself into dangerous situations first. If this were an actual game (and not an AU) players just would’ve assumed they did this because of some parental instincts they got from their job and not because they already know what’s planned and the layout of the area. All that is to say YN at first comes off as a typical nervous mother hen (gender neutral). But in reality, they are trained spy for Asu-naro/Fazbear who specializes in psychoanalysis. They’re only nervous at the moment because they know the company is doing everything in its power to kill them. They put themself in danger because they are a little bit responsible for everyone being here, as they watched the candidates for the company before they left. Their true personality is a bit cold, but loyal and determined. However, as loyal as they are to their loved ones, their morals come first. And while they wouldn’t change their decision to leave, it came at a great sacrifice
Also, the Glamrocks are also Floormasters, but things work a little differently then in the game. I haven’t really gotten their personalities yet but here are their themes and roles. YN knew them but was more so acquaintances with them
Gregory is the only human Floormaster, and the only one without a food/drink theme. He’s a type of Floormaster I made up. He plays a very minor role and doesn’t interact with them much, but follows the participants throughout the game from floor to floor. He’s there to make sure the Floormaster of the floor he’s on is doing their job. He can be found pretty much everywhere outside of main games if you look hard enough. He was basically abandoned by every human in his life and as a result hates humanity. Freddy took him in though, and while he doesn’t like the rest of the the Floormasters, he loves his dad (even if he’s has a few moral screws loose) and is really only doing this for his dad. But again, he hates other humans so this isn’t all for his dad.
Freddy is an Ice Cream Sandwich. He’s also a type I made up that only shows up during main games. Like Gregory, he goes from floor to floor but can only be seen due main games along side the floor’s Floormaster(s). He’s treated like the mascot of the death game. He isn’t statistic or anything, but he does believe in the idea behind us so he doesn’t see anything wrong with anything going on
the rest are basically the same as their Afton-virus infected counterparts but more coherent and less feral
Monty is sour/green apple lollipops
Chica is bubble gum
Roxy is some alcoholic drink
DJMM is Caesar Salad
not sure which floor to place them on because, well there aren’t enough for all of them really
I’ll probably go onto this more but this post is long enough as it is
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isobug · 2 years
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Monoaffectionate Flag
Monoaffection is having or wanting a non-romantic intimate relationship with exclusively one other person. It is an alternative to monoamory that is used most often by aromantics and aro-specs.
Monoaffectionate can be used both as a description of a non-romantic intimate relationship with with exclusively one other person and as description of people who desire such relationships.
Monoaffectionate relationships are based on tertiary attractions, such as intimate platonic, queerplatonic, and alterous relationships. Monoaffectionate people can have any orientation, however many are aromantic.
The flag's format is based off of the Polyaffectionate/Polyaffection flag as they are both -affectionate terms. The colors are inspired by the mono-, monoqueerplatonic/monosexual, monoamorous, and aromantic flags. The Mu symbol is taken from the monoamory flag(s).
Could possibly be considered a conformant term as it's a mono- label and one does not need to be Aro to use it (though that group is the most likely to use the label) @conformant-archive
Made by request for Anon
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As someone who is aspec myself, I love the idea of aroacespec Ford within the context of billford. *Especially* Ford grappling with a lifetime of bafflement about romantic and sexual attraction, and then feeling *some* kind of powerful emotion about Bill and getting excited about it like "this is it! This is the attraction thing that everyone always talks about! I'm finally experiencing it for someone, I'm doing 'humaning' correctly!!!" and maybe he's correctly identified it, or maybe its something else, such as queerplatonic attraction, or scientific fascination, but either way, feeling something like this for someone for the first time that feels more genuine than any of his attempts to feel heteronormative love in the past for an *eldritch god* is a whole other thing for him to grapple with, like, the internal confusion of "Why am I feeling this for the first time for a non-human entity? Does that cancel out the increased normalcy of me feeling This Kind of Love? Does it outweigh feeling Love and make me even weirder??"
And maybe, with any luck, this could end with Ford realizing that it *doesn't matter* what kind of love and/or affection and interest he and Bill have towards eachother, and it doesn't matter how much he conforms to society's ideals for what a human being "should be like." It doesn't *have* to be romantic for them to want to be together from now til the end of time. And even if sometimes their relationship might seem like it crosses into romantic and/or sexual territory, *they're* the ones who get to define it, and the multiverse is the limit. They don't *need* to confine the way they see their love for eachother to the human definitions and expectations for how people should feel and act within a long term relationship. And if humanity thinks that makes Ford less human, well, he doesn't fucking care, because what has the seemingly-always-just-out-of-reach ideal of "being human" that society has pushed upon him ever done for him except make him feel intensely isolated and unworthy? It doesn't matter if society hands him the title of "human" that they've cruelly dangled over his head his whole life or not. He is living the life he wants to lead, in the company of the person he cares for most, and that is all that truly matters.
#aroace billford#not gonna say anything either way on bill's sexuality because im very hesitant to call the nonhuman evil guy aro and/or ace.#and bills sexuality doesnt matter here. you dont need to define it in order to say 'bill enjoys spending time with ford'#ford really truly Does Not Care if bill is 'capable of love' or whatever amatonormative society is so obsessed with#Why Does It Matter if Bill is 'capable of love.' Why Does It Feel Like That's Sometimes Brought Up As Proof That He Is 'More Evil'#the fucked up things that bill Does are what make him evil in canon. not whatever people think he can or cant feel.#it feels like throwing ford under the bus when people say 'bill isnt capable of love' tbh#because wondering if oneself is 'capable of love' in the amatonormative sense is Such an Aspec experience#and tbh? having an intimate relationship with a being that isnt sure if he's capable of love sounds great!#ford can be with bill without worrying if he's loving bill 'the right way' or 'enough for bill to be happy' or whatever#he can just Be. and he can trust that bill is perfectly okay with literally any reasons ford has for wanting to be wifh him#he doesnt have to try and pinpoint what kind of feelings he has for bill because it doesnt matter to bill#and that is Such a Relief for ford#of course all of this is ignoring the fact that bill was only ever using ford as a tool to get what he wants#but im talking about prebetrayal fords perspective! these are his thoughts based on the info he had at the time!#its still very meaningful for ford! bill betrayed him but that doesnt erase the way ford felt prebetrayal#someone turning out to be a liar doesnt completely undo the things they made you realize about yourself while you were together#which also REALLY complicates fords feelings post betrayal. he cant COMPLETELY dismiss everything.#otherwise he would be dismissing the good realizations he had about himself too.#original post#tags essay#long post#kinda
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headbuds · 2 years
We just finished the whole LGBTQ flag merge game, and it was surprisingly helpful! So we wanted to make a collection of all the flags/terms in it (so far.)
The idea is, if anyone gets curious about a term, we tell them it's definition.
If any term is offensive in any way, please let us know; we are listing off the app.
The list is in the order on the app, so if it's a bit confusing, blame it on the app.
Oriented aroace
Gender non-conforming
Two-spirit (can't answer about this; not apart of culture)
Hijra (same case as two-spirit due to it's origin.)
Heteroromantic Bisexual
Heteroromantic Gay/Homosexual
Homoromantic Bisexual
Homoromantic asexual/gay ace
Heterosexual homoromantic
Heterosexual biromantic
Asexual biromantic/ bi ace
Homosexual biromantic
Bisexual panromantic
Multiromantic/ m-spec (romantic attraction)
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shenny100 · 2 years
Done (listed in order of posting): pride, lesbian, bisexual, gay(vincian), pansexual, transgender, nonbinary, genderfluid, ace, aro, aroace, genderqueer, demisexual, greysexual, polyamorous, omnisexual, oriented aroace, agender, demigirl, demiboy, demigender, toric, trixic (no shield), enbian, polysexual, intersex, demiagender, demiandrogyne, librafem, aroallo, libramasc, alterous attraction, lithosexual, demiromantic, greyromantic, transmasc, transfemme, transneutral, queerplatonic attraction, unlabeled, neopronouns, xenogender, apothisexual, apothiromantic, archaeopronouns, aplatonic, sapphic, ambiamorous, aplaroace, apothiplatonic, greyplatonic, aplatonicflux, demiplatonic, aplspike, voidpunk, bigender, aceflux, aroflux, acespike, arospike, cupiosexual, cupioromantic, abrosexual, angled aroace, alloace, lithromantic, homoromantic, biromantic, panromantic, omniromantic, bidemigender, demifluid, neptunic, androsexual, androromantic, gynesexual, gyneromantic, achillean, demialterous, orchidsexual, orchidromantic, bi-lesbian, bi-gay, androgyne, neutrois, pangender, genderflux, girlflux, boyflux, quoiromantic, quoisexual, quoigender, polygender, polyerosous, aqueerplatonic, libragender, libranonbinary, librafluid, greygender, catgender, cassgender, acemid, aromid, aymid, demiflux, cetrosexual, cetroromantic, neoboy, neogirl, paragender, paraboy, paragirl, asensual, gender non-conforming, genderfaun, genderfae, genderflor, greysensual, demixenogender, polyaffectionate, non-partnering, gendervoid, transwoman, transman, general system flag, traumagenic system flag, endogenic system flag, adexsexual, adexromantic, reciprosexual, reciproromantic, fictosexual, fictoromantic, duraromantic, femproche, homproche, neuproche, aboy, agirl, viramoric, feminamoric, ceteramoric, termcollector, genderfloretten, genderflorent, creepergender, demiqueerplatonic, greyqueerplatonic, mspec gay, mspec lesbian, alt trans masc flag, trigender, maverique, abinary, tertiary attraction, abigender, two-spirit, nebularomantic, ally, neurogenic system, median system, uranic, aro-spec, agnoromantic, agnosexual, autosexual, autoromantic, autorose, nebulasexual, tomboy, femboy, oobleck system, protogenic system, mixed origins system, aporagender, saturnic, pluralflux system, abroromantic, queer, asenflux, afamilial
To do:
Designs that haven't been designed yet that I want to design:
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losergendered · 7 months
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ID: a set of7 images in one row of 3 and 2 pairs. each has one image of the listed character with a white outline in front of a flag splice of the listed identities. between sci-twi and defoko is a blank splice, and minori has two versions, one with her old portrait and one with her new portrait. END ID
Defoko from UTAU, Sci-Twi from My Little Pony: Equestria Girls, Webby from Ducktales (2017), Dragonair from Pokemon, and Minori Hanasato from Project Sekai are all aroace, aplatonic, aroallo, alloace, anattractional, queerplatonic, omniaspec, angled aroace, oriented aroace, polyamorous, lesbian, hetero, veldian, vincian, polysexual, pansexual, bisexual, omnisexual bihet lesbistraight, gaybian, lesboy, turigirl/veldigirl, fictosexual, fictoromantic, myrromantic, myrsexual demirose hyperrose rosboy azurgirl butch trans cusper enby genderhoarder xenohoarder oxigender magicalgirlgender dollgender idolgender catgender foxgender gender-non-conforming genderqueer plural traumagenic polygenic endogenic fictionkin otherkin nonhuman voidpunk faequeer autistics who have OCD, PTSD, ADHD, BPD, NPD, HPD, DPD, AvPD, ASPD, and DID and are physically disabled and permasleepy!
For showgirl anon!
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