#queerplatonically nonconforming
peculiar-labels · 5 months
Queerplatonically Non-Conforming (QPNC, QPlatoNC)
Under the Non-Conforming Attraction umbrella.
Queerplatonically Non-Conforming refers to those who do not conform to society's queerplatonic lifestyle views. This includes, but isn't limited to:
Aqueerplatonic individuals and those on the aqueerplatonic spectrum.
Those who are queerplatonic-ambivalent, queerplatonic-neutral/queerplatonic-indifferent, queerplatonic-averse, or queerplatonic-repulsed.
When one is disinterested, dislikes, or is repulsed by queerplatonic activities.
Those who are both queerplatonic-repulsed and alloqueerplatonic.
Those with queerplatonic attraction but not doing some or any queerplatonic actions.
Those who do not experience queerplatonic attraction but desire to be in or are in a queerplatonic relationship.
Etc. for anything I may have missed!
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[Image description: a flag with five stripes. The colors in order are pink, gray, white, gray, and salmon pink.]
Flag Meaning:
Pink represents aqp-spec individuals.
Gray represents being in the gray area and non-conformity.
White represents community.
Salmon pink represents alloqueerplatonic individuals.
Feel free to make terms under the non-conforming attraction umbrella, just ping me when you do!
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Honeycomb is ready for pride! ^_^
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mogai-headcanons · 9 days
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icon id: 10 icons in 5 pairs. in each pair, both icons have the listed flags in order in the background and the left icon has an image of the listed character with a white outline and a black shadow. end id.
banner id: a 1500x150 teal banner with the words ‘please read my dni before interacting’ in large white text in the center. end id.
Cappuccino Cookie from Cookie Run: Ovenbreak is an autistic GNC ambiamorous T4T demisensual queerplatonic aroacespec gay transfeminine guy cafeaesic trans man genderqueer turigirl who uses he/him and she/her pronouns, and he's married to Almond and dating Langue de Chat!
Langue de Chat Cookie is an autistic T4T demisensual queerplatonic acespec bi straight transfeminine guy nonbinary guy who uses he/him pronouns!
Almond Cookie is an autistic ambiamorous T4T demisensual queerplatonic demiromantic gay trans man who uses he/him pronouns!
Walnut Cookie is an autistic mspec questioning trans girl who uses she/her pronouns and is experimenting with they/them!
Roguefort Cookie is an autistic GNC butch T4T demisensual queerplatonic objectum aroace gaybian transfemmasc ravencoric nonbinary genderqueer cookie who uses they/them pronouns!
dni link
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if-other-specify · 1 year
Hi, so... I've been thinking a lot lately about labels and tags. cutting up human experience into neat little words that help us find the people and content and help we need. These days we have words for everything — our relationship style, our niche music and fashion taste, our political leanings, our "personality type", obscure subfields within our special interests. We get sold books on the idea that their tropes are aligned with our identity. Most of us see ourselves as whole, singular beings with seven million rigid adjectives to be applied in front of. Most of us, when asked who we are, default to labels we don't actually care for at all — why is it that I tell strangers about my age when they meet me? how is it that I've had friendships where it took me a year to learn that person's name, and yet so many consider knowing someone's name and age to being their acquaintance?
I think there's four purposes to labels.
-> understanding
-> convenience
-> targeting
-> advocacy
I may identify as transgender in the hope of understanding myself and my situation with more clarity, and meeting others who understand me. I may call myself transgender because I desire to use a name that isn't on my birth certificate while giving as little explanation as possible. I may mention my blog is trans-friendly in order to harbour a certain demographic. I may write out to a transgender civil rights organisation in order to help my own and other people's chances of accessing services such as hrt. Are all these exclusionary? Absolutely not. Community building is often a mix of understanding and advocacy, targeting and convenience tend to go hand in hand.
But I think we need to be aware of why we are using the words that we are. If I am calling myself "gay" for convenience, when what I actually mean is a smorgasbord of attraction, experience, blurry lines between friendship and romance, the degree to which I fulfill stereotypes about certain sexualities, and the degree to which other labels are normalized and familiar to the person I'm addressing... then maybe I should just say guys are hot.
I wanna write more about this stuff on the blog. Expect posts about gender and sexuality, aesthetics, disorders, musicians, faith, relationship structures, giftedness, and more. If I am tempted to mark the "Other" option in a survey about it, then it'll probably end up on this blog.
Until then, what's one label that actually helped you in your life? what about it was helpful?
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punkeropercyjackson · 4 months
Children's media can absolutely and does radicalize kids when written correctly,it's just that shitty bigoted adults in fandoms deliberately misenterpret their messages and trick them into believing they're canon and that's how we got here.Bleach had Ichigo be a goth punk dude who's a fantastic older brother and choose his female love interest because she's his best friend and he finds her weirdgirlness to be enchanting which is good rep for us because being punk is about nonconformity and so is the fact that he never joined the military system his species was largely a part of because he didn't give two shits about them but over half the fandom is convinced the mangaka is a 'sellout' and 'pandering' for not making him essentially a paranormal cop for the sake of pairing him up with the fem mc that he has a familial and queerplatonic relathionship with as confirmed by the aformentioned mangaka
Pjo had Percy hate the gods as much as Luke does and act on it too but directly TO them instead of grooming younger halfbloods to work for him as soldiers and in fact he basically adopted every one of them he came across as his siblings and pseudo-kids and this is explicitly framed as why he's a hero and Luke's evil but you see nonstop erasure of his anti-corruption and anti-authority mentality and direct action despite being his core character traits to make him more palpable as an 'average fantasy protagonist' when the point of him is that he's not normal in any way
The Owl House had 3/5 of it's mcs be poc with the two white ones being an autistic and ocd lesbian and the other a disabled boy with zero conventionally physical traits that're never made out to be ugly and the protag is an inmigrant afrolatina girl while the big villain is a puritan colonizer and every single ship on the show is queer including the m/f one and the token white boy has almost all the important characters to his arc being black and the only one who isn't is a fat asian girl who's also disabled but the HUGE amount of positive rep in the show is deliberately taken out of context for bad faith critisism by a bunch of 20/30/even 40 year olds who've never written actual good stories themselves and this includes them adoring and gushing over the colonizer guy while dismissing the poc and women in the cast as irrelevant
Across the Spiderverse had an EXTREMELY black in every way character literally named SpiderPUNK who makes his beliefs clear in every single one of his lines and isn't all talk for a single second but he's reduced down to 'annoying edgy older brother figure' and made to listen to Taylor Swift and go to Hot Topic and called 'obviously a skater boy' and every other poser punk trope in the books
Atla had Aang and Katara be a gnc boy of a lesser known type of asian race and Katara a brownskin native girl that reclaims femininity for herself with their character drives being to save the world with Zuko's arc hammering it in again and again that while he always had good in him,he WAS evil,he DOES have a lot of bad traits and that made him do a lot of bad things and THAT'S why he needed a redemption arc to be a hero but Aang gets called racist for following the buddhist belief that in-universe he was sole remaining follower of that killing humans is bad,Katara gets adultified and stripped of her actual personality to make her just 'hashtag relatable teen gurl' and Zuko gets infantalized and upholded as the least problematic character in the whole show
And my last and not quite like the rest example is Harry Potter,including the spinoffs and fanon.Everything in it is neoliberal bs and the fandom just made it worse-Oh,the house that's a metaphor for fascism and white supremacy legacies?They're just misunderstood little babies and every minority-coded🥺The lower class family who canonically were Jkr's best attempt at good people that still flopped?Awful homophobic bastards😡All the female characters?Perfect slay 'You can't sit with us' girlboss,precious little baby angel who can't tie her shoes without her reverse harem's help or manipulative self-obsessed hyperfemme pick me,those are the only three categories they can ever fall in.Marauder's Era not only existing but being very,VERY popular is nothing but whiteness-What is there for you to be attached to there exactly?With the canon cast i can least see why you'd have nostalgia but M Era is literally nothing.You just CHOOSE to pick a franchise that's violently bigoted towards basically everyone and who's creator actively influences and helps caused that hurt irl oppressed groups instead of making ocs since you're already building them from scratch anyway
It's not the fault of actual good creators and especially not kids in fandom that grown ass bootlickers couldn't accept that their precious 'escapist comfort media' isn't apolitical at all instead of absorving it's messages like they should have since they have no care for other people despite insisting how kind and unproblematic they are
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transsidesweek · 11 months
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Here are the prompts for TSW 2023! Feel free to use one prompt a day, combine prompts, or completely ignore them. Be creative and have fun!
Remember to use the tag "TransSidesWeek2023" and tag @transsidesweek !
Day 1 - September 11th: Pink / Blue / White
Day 2 - September 12th: Childhood / Memories
Day 3 - September 13th: No Changes
Day 4 - September 14th: Unconventionality
Day 5 - September 15th: Trans Love / T4T
Day 6 - September 16th: Family & Community
Day 7 - September 17th: Free Day (Optional: first flag / euphoria / hopes and dreams)
Under cut are explanations of the prompts, incase you're confused. Don't hesitate to send me an ask if you're still lost!
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Day 1: Pink / Blue / White
Reusing last year's prompt! These are the transgender flag colours and you can view this prompt however you want. Use it as a colour palette in your art; use them in relation to the characters' name(s), pronouns, or gender; or ETC.
Day 2: Childhood / Memories
Self-explanatory. Could be a character realising they were "obviously trans" since they were a child, remembering their first pride or first time coming out, or ETC.
Day 3: No Changes
This day is for all who do not go on horomones, get surgery, change their pronouns or name, change their presentation, and/or whatever else. You don't have to do that, specifically, of course. You could also view this as "no changes" in friend groups or family dynamics after coming out as trans, trying to explain to a younger family member that you are the same person with "no changes", or anything else. Get creative!
Day 4: Unconventionality
This day is for xenogenders, neopronouns, multiple or no names/pronouns, gender nonconformity, using "conflicting" labels, and/or any other "unconventional" ways to be trans in societal standards.
Day 5: Trans Love / T4T
This prompt could be viewed romantically with trans partner(s), platonically with trans friend(s), with trans family member(s), queerplatonic, and ETC.
Day 6: Family & Community
Self-explanatory. Could be blood-related family, adopted family, or chosen/found family.
Day 7: Free Day
This is a free day! Do whatever you want on this day. Reuse a prompt from earlier in the week, use one of the optional prompts, use prompts from last year, or don't use any prompts.
Optional prompts: first flag / euphoria / hopes and dreams
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variant-archive · 6 months
I think it would be cool to have terms for ppl who use relationship terms (like friend, boyfriend, wife etc) in an attraction nonconforming way. As, in my case, I'm aroapl but describe some people in my life as friends and I have a (queerplatonic) boyfriend.
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sh4rksp34r3 · 17 days
Ok I had a real actual question
How do qprs work compared to normal relationships? And how do you ask someone if they want to be in one?
So QPRs are really just nonconforming or different platonic relationships, thus the label queerplatonic. It really all depends on the person for how you define it.
A lot of people, however, seem to prefer defining it as a more committed platonic relationship with the same commitment and similar but not the same or as much expectations as a romantic relationship without the romance.
It can be confusing but it really all depends on the person.
For example, in the two QPRs I've been in, it was because I felt that our relationship was different or deserved a label other than friendship, but I didn't want to label it as or want a romantic relationship.
Hope this helps!!
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aropride · 1 year
i love you aromantics i love you genderfluid people i love you pansexuals i love you pangender people i love you asexuals i love you polyamorous people i love you queerplatonic relationships i love you nondysphoric trans people i love you bi lesbians i love you she/her gays i love you gender nonconformity i appreciate you loveless aros i love you neopronoun and nounself pronoun users i love you forever and ever amen
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deltarune-au-domain · 2 years
So what kind of characters could Honeycomb be shipped with if any
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Shipping ain't really the first thing that comes to mind when I make my characters. But if you want to ship Honeycomb with someone or make someone to ship xem with, than an AU version of Cap'n or Berdly should work.
Note that Honeycomb is Demiaroace and by their standards, they'd have to be at least good friends with the person before there's attraction. Queerplatonic relationships and poly relationships aren't out of the question either.
Also she's around cannon Ralsei's age (whatever that may be) and feels no attraction towards humans.
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I've actually been meaning to update Honeycomb's labels, as I've learned some new terms that better fit him.
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iloveyouemanuelmarco · 3 months
Hey, my name is Emanuel or Marco and thank you for stopping by to visit my official Tumblr Blog or something like that. Lmfao currently I am a 16 year old[mostly-digital]artist and animator who is multifandom but mostly draws fictional gay thick or big-booty buff men in a 2000s anime/manga inspired artstyle which sometimes leans on the "kawaii" or moe side and other times is somewhat based off of edgy amature art stuff from the older side of the internet[Think of the super cringeworthy stuff you'd find on NewGrounds, YouTube or DeviantArt back somewhere around 2007]. When I draw different stuff related to my interests, it may get on the side of edgelord content such as gore/blood/guts/violence/weapons[Fictional NSFL btw], creepy/horror related content, suggestive or NSFW[Not really]self-indulgent stuff, maybe venting if I feel ready to be open like that sometimes I guess it depends and OTPs along with OCxCanon content and crackshipping. If you're uncomfortable with any of that then please for your own saftey leave my page and take care of yourself thank you♡. I don't know what other stuff to put here other than I've recently started working on my idea for a Five Night's At Freddy's self-insert alternate universe fanmade-webcomic and a Saga Of The Dead/Road Of The Dead fanmade comic game continuation due to it being an on and off hyperfixation and special interest of mine roflmao.
To get more into about who I am as a person without accidentally violating my own privacy and saftey, I am a somewhat gender-nonconforming or genderfluid/bigender??(Idfk, man)bisexual aceflux FtM/transgender man who uses both he/she pronouns but please don't use they on me thx. While I am apart of the LGBTQIA+ communtiy on the interwebs I am also a professionally dxed autistic and ADHDer who may get distracted irl and go afk somewhat so if I suddenly disappear for a couple days or something on other social media platforms I hopefully haven't been murdered/j(Please use tone tags with me if asked since I do have a hard time reading social norms irl okay thank you). I want to try a polyamrous or queerplatonic relationship with other people in the future but not now obviously since I still need to work on being better when it comes to the mental health department lol xD(I am stone faced as I am typing lol). I am a white-latine person who is making an attempt to learn more about his culture and to understand more of the language but sometimes I may struggle due to cognitive difficulties so please keep that in mind and be patient with me...My DMs are open 24/7 in looking for new mutuals on here but I may be somewhat vulgar or off putting under my overly-cautious mom-friend nature once you get to know me. That being said don't be afraid to tell me if I am making you uncomfortable in any sort of way due to that or if I'm accidentally supporting someone or something problematic in nature ok? Good.
To keep in mind of what I am gonna post on here, it's probably very stereotypically fanboyish or some sort of dumbassery depending on the context but then again it's my page so Idfc :]. Main fandoms are mostly hyperfixations or special interests of some sort such as Undertale/Deltarue including AUs, Five Night's At Freddy's(Both the canon and sometimes the OG 2014 Rebornica nightguards au) and the Saga Of The Dead or specifically for me the Road Of The Dead 2010 Newgrounds flash games by EvilDogGames and SickDeathFiend(one of my more obscure??obsessions). Other things related to cartoons and videogames I really find comfort in are My Little Pony:Friendship Is Magic, Minecraft? Roblox, YouTubers, Vocaloid/Utaloid related content, Spider-Man: Across The Spiderverse, EddsWorld, Invader Zim, Pokémon, Postal, Hatred, Team Fortress 2 and admittedly some Friday Night Funkin'(I know it's dumb sorry about that). There's definitely more but I can't really list them all rn so yeah that's about it for this section...
When it comes to music, my taste is pretty diverse though I do have some obviously favourite genres but I am always looking to expand my horizons and more. Bands such as Green Day, Three Days Grace, SlipKnot, Korn, My Chemical Romance, System Of A Down, Linkin Park, Falling In Reverse(I am a Ronnie Radke hater though, so far he seems like another douchebag asshole), Asking Alexandria, Sleeping With Sirens, Sum-41, Pierce The Veil,, Black Veil Brides, Falling In Reverse, Set It Off, Get Scared and Bring Me The Horizon just to name a few. Though if you want my preferred genres when picking stuff I guess that would include stuff like Nightcore(not technically a genre but shut up please/lh), Rock, Pop-Punk, Trace, Emo, Techno, Happy Hardcore, Classical, maybe Lofi and I wanna get more into Rap or Hip Hop but specifically Drill. 80s and 90s stuff is cool too, it really just depends on what I find on the internet :D.
General hobbies include reading, writing which includes imaginative stories and poetry, drawing(duh), singing, dancing, helping to bake with others, cosplay or just dressing up in cute outfits at tbh, watching anime, reading manga, playing videogames, collecting figurines sometimes, roleplaying, cleaning/organization, studying earth and animal science related topics, watching cute animal videos on the interwebs, memes that suit my broken sense of humor, spending time with relatives and caring for irls who I hang out with, listening to music(who doesn't??), visual novels, robotics in fiction and irl, subcultures that were prevalent in the 2000s such as the type of fashion style you'd find on Myspace scene or emo kids, anything kawaii/cute or edgy and dark, taking naps, snuggling with my stuffed animals, learning instruments and just enjoying nature scenery on days when I am more avaliable irl. I also want to travel the world or something similar when I finally can and to learn how to code so I can program my own videogame ideas but baby steps T-T.
Do not follow or interact with me in a free-form and casual manner if you are a proshitter/profiction/comshipper, fujoshit/fudanshit or himejoshi/himedanshi, are a lolicon/shotacon of any sort, are a transmedicalist/radfem, anti-neopronouns/anti-xenogenders/anti-therian/anti-furry/anti-alterhuman/anti-fictionkin/anti-otherkin or anti objectum(I don't understand or identify with these things but as long as they're not hurting anyone I support and don't find any problems with it), are a radinclus/"radqueer"/"TransID"/support trans racial idiots or mspec "lesbians", support AI Generated "Art" and NFTs or CryptoCurrency, is bodily under 13, are pro-para, are in pro-£D or pro-$H spaces, are a MAP/P£do, Z0o or Necro(Please go to jail:3), support DreamWasTaken or the Dream Team, support endogenic "systems" or fakeclaim random people without proof because they're cringe(Genuine mental illness fakers dni you suck and I pray no one with actual tourettes, DID/OSDD or autism cross paths with you for their sake. Lmfao stfu and gtfo). Also it should be obvious but anyone who's LGBTQIA-phobic, racist, xenophobic, ableist, misogynistic, islamaphobic, antisemetic, ableist, fatphobic or supports hateful and degenerate shit or problematic creators get out now before I block you<3.
Random thing that's not as important but Jeremy/Scout, John Creaseman, Postal Dude, William Afton/Dave Miller/Springtrap, Micheal Afton, Henry Emily, Vincent Bishop and me are in a complex polyam relationship so haters dni uwu(Please help me I wanted to die writing that emoticon *barf*). But seriously I know it's weird but they all are sort of comfort characters to me in some way shape or form so it's ok if you don't like some of them but please don't complain if you dislike them. I'll respect your opinion and you'll respect mine like civilized "adults"☆.
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swordofazrael1992 · 6 months
🏳️‍🌈 jean paul valley!!!!!!!!!!!!
OH I AMM. BITING i will talk abt this topic FOREVER
jpv’s gender is truly girlfag to me. and imo her breaking away from the order of st dumas and her + azrael deciding to use their abilities to protect and save can be a trans narrative—EVERY prior azrael in their lineage was male, and every prior azrael was a weapon used by the order to deliver vengeance. and of course there’s the obvious gendered implications of those two paths (being merciful and protective as “feminine” and then aggressive and vengeful as “masculine”) that i think are SO interesting to explore. at the same time though i don’t think her gender identity lacks masculine facets, or is completely separate (or even separate at all) from masculinity. and this of course adds nuance to the prior conversation: azrael is now the angel of mercy, but that doesn’t mean they’ve completely divorced themselves from the concept of vengeance. that long ass ramble is to say: i see jpv as bigender, preferring a more gender nonconforming presentation and also identifying with transfeminine identity. i do also tend to say that i think she uses she/he pronouns, but most of the time im talking about her i end up using she/her
and for sexual identity: girlfag also, obviously, applies here. i’ve never been able to recognize her on-panel attraction to women as genuine or even present. it really feels like how i (boydyke) would look at men as a “i want to be them” and everyone around me interpreted as “i want to be with them” to the point that i assumed that’s what it was as well. admittedly, this is probably influenced by the fact that the first thing i ever read of her WAY before i became obsessed with her was tynion’s TEC comics, and she and luke are very 🏳️‍🌈 in that, but i also should mention that her and luke’s relationship is the only one of hers i’ve ever been able to interpret as romantic.
and thus i have recently been toying around with her being somewhere on the ace/aro spectrum, although im not 100% sure where. the majority of her expressed attraction has, as previously mentioned, felt very surface level to me, while SO MANY of her most important relationships have been platonic. i’ve also been thinking about the idea of her and luke as platonic/queerplatonic, and i think exploring some of her other relationships as queerplatonic could be SO interesting. like qpr jpv and babs???? i need to eat them
in summary: girlfag, transfeminine, aspec
and then there’s ALSO azrael ofc. i see him as genderless but not in an identifying as agender way more of like a. never occurred to him to have a gender and he’s so genderless that identifying with a gender identity term doesn’t fit for him. like “what’s your gender” “i am the angel of vengeance” “okay but what’s in your pants” “i have a flaming sword” “is that a euphemism” “*pulls out actual flaming sword* no”. i mostly use he/him for azrael because i genuinely just think it doesn’t occur to him to use other pronouns, and if someone were to bring it up he’d just see no reason to try and change. not in a denial way i just think he’s genuinely like. transcended the need for pronoun changes. although i do occasionally fuck with the idea of him using hy/hym pronouns. his gender makes sense to me but i cannot explain it. and then similarly i can’t explain his sexual/romantic orientations he is just. i think he’s similar to jpv in that the majority of his meaningful connections and relationships are platonic but i think (for example, if jpv was with luke romantically) he could end up building a connection with a partner that wasn’t strictly platonic. whether that would become romantic i can’t currently say because i haven’t fleshed out my jpv and azzy ace/aro spec headcanons. although at the end of the day i just don’t really think labels are super important to az? like he’s just kinda *waves hand* there. although i DO think identity is important to him. that might seem contradictory to what i’ve said previously in this ramble but i think that while he doesn’t identify with labels i do think he identifies as like. being other than what the order of st dumas would force him into being and being other than what the world would force him into being. azrael as a character, especially recently, is about forging your own path and that you are more than what people might force you to be and i think he would find comfort (or at least vindication) in the fact that there are these core parts of himself that are so incongruous with what would be expected of him, yknow? like as previously discussed with the concept of azrael being forcibly masculine, and him (not just jpv) being able to move past that and both define what being azrael means to him and define what gender means to him. overall i have a lot of thoughts on azzy but i haven’t been able to solidify them and Decide on them the way i have jpv which is something i must change immediately
in (outer world) presentation i’d say that azzy is also gender non-conforming but in a far more fashionable way than jean paul. azrael would be coordinating like runway ready looks while jpv has the worst fashion sense imaginable which is so funny to me. also i think azrael would be absolutely CRACKED at makeup don’t ask me why i just think he’s very good at it
LONG ASS POST OVER. i’m less insane now
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mogai-headcanons · 10 months
Airi Momoi from Project SEKAI is a gender nonconformity pronoun nonconforming femme bi lesboy idolgender trans boy who uses she/her pronouns exclusively. She has ADHD and dyslexia
Airi is dating Shizuku Hinomori, an autistic straight (transhet) idolgender trans girl who uses she/her pronouns exclusively. She has dyscalculia and social anxiety
Airi is close with the other two members of MORE MORE JUMP!, Minori Hanasato and Haruka Kiritani
Minori is an autistic idolcute idolgender VOCALOIDgender pupcute angeligender pan lesbian who uses she/star pronouns. Star has ADHD, dyspraxia, generalized anxiety, and cyclothymia
Haruka is a bluegender idolgender acespec bi lesbian gendercollector who collects penguin-themed genders and uses she/her and any penguin-themed neopronouns including 🐧/🐧s. Pengu has EDNOS, depression, OCD, PTSD, and generalized anxiety
Airi is also in a queerplatonic relationship with Ena Shinonome, an aroallo drawgender lesbian (aurora flag please?) who uses she/her pronouns but doesn't mind others being used. She has BPD, HPD, and OCD
Ena is in a wavership with Kanade Yoisaki, an autistic gendervague aspec brownitian who uses they/she pronouns. Kanade has PTSD, OCD, OCPD, social anxiety, depression, hikikomori syndrome, EDNOS, and chronic migraines
(If you want, I can clean up the card art transparents so you can have a little more art variety for ProSeka requests)
Shoot I just sent in a Project SEKAI request (Airi was the first character listed, Kanade was the last), can I add lazuligender to both Haruka and Kanade?
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randomhatthief · 10 months
in regards to that post I just reblogged b/c I love being angry about this shit
basically two new people joined my main friend group and proceeded to make asses of themselves for the next two years before we cut contact with them both but this story is about CHARLEY
He's trans and we all had a lot of open conversation about gender nonconformity and sexuality and all the usual topics for a group of queer people but explain to me why, when I started sharing my own experiences and relating to nonconformity specifically through the lens of Being a Woman these two people specifically would giggle and call me an egg - a word I had never heard. So Charley explains it to me and I explain that I'm not an egg, just a nuanced woman.
Now tell me why they kept joking about it. And tell me why neither of them could wrap their minds around my lifelong friendship with my bestie being a normal friendship and not something queerplatonic or just trying to keep searching for labels (and MICROlabels) and sending me wikia pages of highly specific terms that they thought might fit, only for me to keep saying "nah, those don't fit either man"
anyway I'm gonna stop before I get too up in the bushes but these two were WILD to try to be friends with and it's really peaceful without them.
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hellofroggg · 2 years
The only “real people can’t queerbait” posts I have seen have only defended people who “seem queer” on the basis that “they’re actually closeted”. But honestly? We need to start acknowledging that straight people can’t queerbait either. 
Just as there is no benchmark for queerness, there should also be none for straightness. If you want to live in a world where your identity has no bearing on people’s expectations of of you; there people don’t just impose an identity on you because of how you talk or how you dress or how you show affection, then *you* have to stop imposing identities on others. Straight people have the right to express themselves in ways that don’t conform to stereotypical ‘straight’ expression, they have the right to dress in a gender-nonconforming way, and they have the right to express affection towards their friends without having an identity pushed onto them. Straight people also reserve the right to have ‘ambiguous’ or queerplatonic relationships without everybody who’s anybody deciding “actually, your relationship is romantic”. 
Everyone, regardless of identity, reserves the right to label themselves and their relationships however they want.
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Self exploration
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