#quarterly planner
bobbiprintables · 1 month
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Free Printable Quarterly Planner 2024
Download Here
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blackgirlhappyplanner · 2 months
Watch "HOW TO SET SYSTEMS INSTEAD OF GOALS | a system that will change your life" on YouTube
What a great resource. Definitely going to try this.
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biggoalsmallsteps · 4 months
Achieving Big Goals with Small Steps - Goal Planner Book Whether you prefer a goal planner online, a goal planner book, a quarterly goal planner, or a goal-setting notebook, we've got you covered. https://biggoalsmallsteps.com/why-journal/ goal planner online, goal planner book, quarterly goal planner, goal setting notebook
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femmefatalevibe · 11 months
how to be productive when you have nothing to do and no deadlines?
Create simple morning & nighttime routines and stick to them
Find a sleep/wakeup time schedule that works for you and your natural energy cycles
Establish a meal schedule that works well for you (I'm a 3 meals and one snack or 2 meals and 2 snacks person)
Set quarterly goals for yourself (even if they're not career or academically-focused: health-related, skills-based like learning a new language, coding, etc, completing a creative project, etc.)
Plan your week/day ahead of time with all of the projects, tasks, chores, errands, and appointments you have or want to get done (I love the Intelligent Change Productivity Planner!). Write these tasks out for the week on a Sunday afternoon/night and the next day's agenda in the evening/the night before
Give yourself 1-3 main tasks for the day, no matter how big or small (cleaning, reading a chapter of a book, doing a section of an online course, writing a blog article or journal entry, doing laundry, running a specific errand, scheduling/going to an appointment, creating a mood board, project outline, ideas list, etc.)
Break down projects into 30-minute/60-minute tasks. Timeblock tasks or similar activities. Use a countdown timer if it helps you focus or get in the zone
Schedule a small reward for yourself if you finish a task (e.g. doing a face mask after reading a chapter of a book for an assignment or completing a section of a new skills-based course)
Plan some daily movement/exercise into your day like an appointment with yourself. Make it a non-negotiable
Hope this helps xx
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Imagine figuring out when King's birthday is
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That Fall
You: *notices King has it noted in his planner that he had no plans on the afternoon of December 1st* sir, would you like to schedule the quarterly finance meeting on the December first?
King: no, keep that afternoon open please, I'll be taking time off that afternoon.
You: I've worked for you for almost a year, and you've never taken time off. Is there any particular reason why?
King: ... No reason
You: *suspicious* okay.
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A week later
You: *has to pull the past three years worth of King's planners from the archive for actual work but checks December 1st in all the planners and deduces that it must be important to him*, so he always takes that afternoon off
Yamato: *sprawled on top of a desk, eating Cheetos and intentionally get dust on the floor of Kaido's office* hmm yeah, my father will usually give him some sort of gift, and they go out to lunch together. Although few times Father even tried to get him some of the girls from the brothels to entertain him for the night, but the last time was back when I was a kid. I'm pretty sure after his lunch with my father, he holes himself up in his room.
You: oh can't imagine that went over well.
Yamato: HaHa! No, one of the girls got pushy and King had to throw her out of his quarters.
You: it must be his birthday then, King is too much of a duty driven workaholic to take time off for himself for anything.
Yamato: oh my god, maybe, now that I think about it, I don't know his birthday.
You: in that case I need to move around a few of his appointments
Yamato: *crushes a handful of puffy Cheetos and sprinkles it across Kaido's chair* why would you do that?
You: because he works too much, so any chance I can get him to relax I'll take it.
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December 1st
King: when's my appointment with Orochi?
You: Tomorrow
King: You're wrong, check again, I scheduled it for today.
You: I'm not wrong, I moved it two weeks ago to tomorrow. In fact, I moved most of today's appointments to different days. The only thing on your schedule today is Queen's annual service review, torturing a few prisoners, and your lunch with Kaido.
King: oh my, what did I do to deserve such pleasant day?
You: *shrugs* just lucky I guess, it's not like it's your birthday or something. *Squints at King*
King: How'd you know?
You: because only you would need need to wait until your birthday to be able to justify taking time off to yourself. Oh, and remind me which restaurant you are going to with Kaido?
King: His chiefs are making Spicy Udon for us, it's one of my favorites.
You: but not your favorite, which is why I had a crew go out and get a bunch of flying fish to make sashimi for your dinner. It'll be delivered to your rooms at six, and the servants have instructions to deliver it to your door, where they'll ring a bell to announce that it's there, so you don't have to talk to or interact with anyone.
King: I don't deserve you sometimes.
You: I know
King: *ruffles your hair and laughs* you're not supposed to agree with me.
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That evening
You: *knocks on King's bedroom door* Sir, I apologize for interrupting your evening, but I've come to deliver something.
King: *currently doing some self-care, so he's not wearing his mask* ... come in
You: *drags in a bouquet of massive flowers you had the Tontatta's grow, and his present* Alrighty tidy, these are yours, happy birthday
King: If you keep this up you'll spoil me. What flowers are these? I've never seen them before, but they're somehow familiar.
You: That's because they're from atop the Red Line. They're called, Flame Daisies, they were once the symbol of the Lunarian Kingdom. They also remind me of you, and they're good for your skin.
King: *didn't anticipate flowers would open an emotional can of worms*, and what's in the box?
You: just a little something something,
King: *opens it to find boxes filled with paperwork and gives you a confused look*
You: those are the only remaining copies of your Punk Hazard records, to do with as you please.
King: you're kidding
You: nope, I destroyed the others, I even got Vega Punk to delete his mental records of them. Good night King, and happy birthday.
King: now wait a damn minute, you can't make me feel like a weepy little bitch, and then just dip. No, your ass is staying here and drinking with me. You're also getting a few face masks, because your'r skin looks awful, sit your ass down.
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lonestarflight · 4 months
Cancelled Missions: NASA's October 1977 Space Shuttle Flight Itinerary
"Soon after President Richard Nixon gave his blessing to the Space Shuttle Program on January 5, 1972, NASA scheduled its first orbital flight for 1977, then for March 1978. By early 1975, the date had slipped to March 1979. Funding shortfalls were to blame, as were the daunting engineering challenges of developing the world's first reusable orbital spaceship based on 1970s technology. The schedule slip was actually worse than NASA let on: as early as January 32, 1975, an internal NASA document (marked 'sensitive') gave a '90% probability date' for the first Shuttle launch of December 1979.
In October 1977, Chester Lee, director of Space Transportation System (STS) Operations at NASA Headquarters, distributed the first edition of the STS Flight Assignment Baseline, a launch schedule and payload manifest for the first 16 operational Shuttle missions. The document was in keeping with NASA's stated philosophy that reusable Shuttle Orbiters would fly on-time and often, like a fleet of cargo airplanes. The STS Utilization and Operations Office at NASA's Johnson Space Center (JSC) in Houston had prepared the document, which was meant to be revised quarterly as new customers chose the Space Shuttle as their cheap and reliable ride to space.
The JSC planners assumed that six Orbital Flight Test (OFT) missions would precede the first operational Shuttle flight. The OFT flights would see two-man crews (Commander and Pilot) put Orbiter Vehicle 102 (OV-102) through its paces in low-Earth orbit. The planners did not include the OFT schedule in their document, but the May 30, 1980 launch date for their first operational Shuttle mission suggests that they based their flight schedule on the March 1979 first OFT launch date.
Thirteen of the 16 operational flights would use OV-102 and three would use OV-101. NASA would christen OV-102 Columbia in February 1979, shortly before it rolled out of the Rockwell International plant in Palmdale, California.
As for OV-101, its name was changed from Constitution to Enterprise in mid-1976 at the insistence of Star Trek fans. Enterprise flew in Approach and Landing Test (ALT) flights at Edwards Air Force Base in California beginning on February 15, 1977. ALT flights, which saw the Orbiter carried by and dropped from a modified 747, ended soon after the NASA JSC planners released their document.
The first operational Space Shuttle mission, Flight 7 (May 30 - June 3, 1980), would see Columbia climb to a 225-nautical-mile (n-mi) orbit inclined 28.5° relative to Earth's equator (unless otherwise stated, all orbits are inclined at 28.5°, the latitude of Kennedy Space Center in Florida). The delta-winged Orbiter would carry a three-person crew in its two-deck crew compartment and the bus-sized Long Duration Exposure Facility (LDEF) in its 15-foot-wide, 60-foot-long payload bay.
Columbia would also carry a 'payload of opportunity' - that is, an unspecified payload. The presence of a payload of opportunity meant that the flight had available excess payload weight capacity. Payload mass up would total 27,925 pounds. Payload mass down after the Remote Manipulator System (RMS) arm hoisted LDEF out of Columbia's payload bay and released it into orbit would total 9080 pounds.
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A page from the STS Flight Assignment Baseline document of October 1977 shows payloads and other features of the first five operational Space Shuttle missions plus Flight 12/Flight 12 Alternate
During Flight 8 (July 1-3, 1980), Columbia would orbit 160 n mi above the Earth. Three astronauts would release two satellites and their solid-propellant rocket stages: Tracking and Data Relay Satellite-A (TDRS-A) with a two-stage Interim Upper Stage (IUS) and the Satellite Business Systems-A (SBS-A) commercial communications satellite on a Spinning Solid Upper Stage-Delta-class (SSUS-D).
Prior to release, the crew would spin the SBS-A satellite about its long axis on a turntable to create gyroscopic stability and raise TDRS-A on a tilt-table. After release, their respective solid-propellant stages would propel them to their assigned slots in geostationary orbit (GEO), 19,323 n mi above the equator. Payload mass up would total 51,243 pounds; mass down, 8912 pounds, most of which would comprise reusable restraint and deployment hardware for the satellites.
The TDRS system, which would include three operational satellites and an orbiting spare, was meant to trim costs and improve communications coverage by replacing most of the ground-based Manned Space Flight Network (MSFN). Previous U.S. piloted missions had relied on MSFN ground stations to relay communications to and from the Mission Control Center (MCC) in Houston. Because spacecraft in low-Earth orbit could remain in range of a given ground station for only a few minutes at a time, astronauts were frequently out of contact with the MCC.
On Flight 9 (August 1-6, 1980), Columbia would climb to a 160-n-mi orbit. Three astronauts would deploy GOES-D, a National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) weather satellite, and Anik-C/1, a Canadian communications satellite. Before release, the crew would raise the NOAA satellite and its SSUS-Atlas-class (SSUS-A) rocket stage on the tilt-table and spin up the Anik-C/1-SSUS-D combination on the turntable. In addition to the two named satellites, NASA JSC planners reckoned that Columbia could carry a 14,000-pound payload of opportunity. Payload mass up would total 36,017 pounds; mass down, 21,116 pounds.
Following Flight 9, NASA would withdraw Columbia from service for 12 weeks to permit conversion from OFT configuration to operational configuration. The JSC planners explained that the conversion would be deferred until after Flight 9 to ensure an on-time first operational flight and to save time by combining it with Columbia's preparations for the first Spacelab mission on Flight 11. The switch from OFT to operational configuration would entail removal of Development Flight Instrumentation (sensors for monitoring Orbiter systems and performance); replacement of Commander and Pilot ejection seats on the crew compartment upper deck (the flight deck) with fixed seats; power system upgrades; and installation of an airlock on the crew compartment lower deck (the mid-deck).
Flight 10 (November 14-16, 1980) would be a near-copy of Flight 8. A three-person Columbia crew would deploy TDRS-B/IUS and SBS-B/SSUS-D into a 160-n-mi-high orbit. The rocket stages would then boost the satellites to GEO. Cargo mass up would total 53,744 pounds; mass down, 11,443 pounds.
Flight 11 (December 18-25, 1980) would see the orbital debut of Spacelab. Columbia would orbit Earth 160 n mi high at 57° of inclination. NASA and the multinational European Space Research Organization (ESRO) agreed in August 1973 that Europe should develop and manufacture Spacelab pressurized modules and unpressurized pallets for use in the Space Shuttle Program. Initially dubbed the 'sortie lab,' Spacelab would operate only in the Orbiter payload bay; it was not intended as an independent space station, though many hoped that it would help to demonstrate that an Earth-orbiting station could be useful.
ESRO merged with the European Launcher Development Organization in 1975 to form the European Space Agency (ESA). Columbia's five-person crew for Flight 11 would probably include scientists and at least one astronaut from an ESA member country.
Flight 12 (January 30 - February 1, 1981), a near-copy of Flights 8 and 10, would see Columbia's three-person crew deploy TDRS-C/IUS and Anik-C/2/SSUS-D into 160-n-mi-high orbit. Payload mass up would total 53,744 pounds; mass down, 11,443 pounds.
JSC planners inserted an optional 'Flight 12 Alternate' (January 30 - February 4, 1981) into their schedule which, if flown, would replace Flight 12. Columbia would orbit 160 n mi above the Earth. Its three-person crew would deploy Anik-C/2 on a SSUS-D stage. The mission's main purpose, however, would be to create a backup launch opportunity for an Intelsat V-class satellite already scheduled for launch on a U.S. Atlas-Centaur or European Ariane I rocket. An SSUS-A stage would boost the Intelsat V from Shuttle orbit to GEO.
NASA JSC assumed that, besides the satellites, stages, and their support hardware, Columbia would for Flight 12 Alternate tote an attached payload of opportunity that would need to operate in space for five days to provide useful data (hence the mission's planned duration). Payload mass up would total 37,067 pounds; mass down, 17,347 pounds.
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Space Shuttle Flights 13 through 18 would include the first orbital mission of the OV-101 Enterprise (Flight 17), during which astronauts would retrieve the LDEF payload deployed during Flight 7.
Flight 13 (March 3-8, 1981) would see three astronauts on board Columbia release NOAA's GOES-E satellite attached to an SSUS-D stage into a 160-n-mi-high orbit. OV-102 would have room for two payloads of opportunity: one attached at the front of the payload bay and one deployed from a turntable aft of the GOES-E/SSUS-D combination. Payload mass up would total 38,549 pounds; mass down, 23,647 pounds.
Flight 14 would last 12 days, making it the longest described in the STS Flight Assignment Baseline document. Scheduled for launch on April 7, 1981, it would carry a 'train' of four unpressurized Spacelab experiment pallets and an 'Igloo,' a small pressurized compartment for pallet support equipment. The Igloo, though pressurized, would not be accessible to the five-person crew. OV-102 would orbit 225 n mi high at an inclination of 57°. Mass up would total 31,833 pounds; mass down, 28,450 pounds.
Flight 15 (May 13-15, 1981) would be a near-copy of Flights 8, 10, and 12. OV-102 would transport to orbit a payload totaling 53,744 pounds; payload mass down would total 11,443 pounds. The JSC planners noted the possibility that none of the potential payloads for Flight 15 — TDRS-D and SBS-C or Anik-C/3 — would need to be launched as early as May 1981. TDRS-D was meant as an orbiting spare; if the first three TDRS operated as planned, its launch could be postponed. Likewise, SBS-C and Anik-C/3 were each a backup for the previously launched satellites in their series.
Flight 16 (June 16-23, 1981) would be a five-person Spacelab pressurized module flight aboard OV-102 in 160-n-mi-high orbit. Payloads of opportunity totaling about 18,000 pounds might accompany the Spacelab module; for planning purposes, a satellite and SSUS-D on a turntable behind the module was assumed. Payload mass up would total 35,676 pounds; mass down, 27,995 pounds.
Flight 17, scheduled for July 16-20, 1981, would see the space debut of Enterprise and the retrieval of the LDEF released during Flight 7. OV-101 would climb to a roughly 200-n-mi-high orbit (LDEF's altitude after 13.5 months of orbital decay would determine the mission's precise altitude).
Before rendezvous with LDEF, Flight 17's three-man crew would release an Intelsat V/SSUS-A and a satellite payload of opportunity. After the satellites were sent on their way, the astronauts would pilot Enterprise to a rendezvous with LDEF, snare it with the RMS, and secure it in the payload bay. Mass up would total 26,564 pounds; mass down, 26,369 pounds.
For Flight 18 (July 29-August 5, 1981), Columbia would carry to a 160-n-mi-high orbit a Spacelab pallet dedicated to materials processing in the vacuum and microgravity of space. The three-person flight might also include the first acknowledged Department of Defense (DOD) payload of the Space Shuttle Program, a U.S. Air Force pallet designated STP-P80-1. JSC called the payload 'Planned' rather than 'Firm' and noted somewhat cryptically that it was the Teal Ruby experiment 'accommodated from OFT [Orbital Flight Test].'
The presence of the Earth-directed Teal Ruby sensor payload would account for Flight 18's planned 57° orbital inclination, which would take it over most of Earth's densely populated areas. Payload mass up might total 32,548 pounds; mass down, 23,827 pounds.
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Space Shuttle Flights 20 through 23 would include the first mission to make use of an OMS kit to increase its orbital altitude (Flight 21), the first European Space Agency-sponsored Spacelab mission (Flight 22), and the launch of the Jupiter Orbiter and Probe spacecraft (Flight 23)
Flight 19 (September 2-9, 1981) would see five Spacelab experiment pallets fill Columbia's payload bay. Five astronauts would operate the experiments, which would emphasize physics and astronomy. The Orbiter would circle Earth in a 216-n-mi-high orbit. Payload mass up would total 29,214 pounds; mass down, 27,522 pounds.
Flight 20 (September 30-October 6, 1981), the second Enterprise mission, would see five astronauts conduct life science and astronomy experiments in a 216-n-mi-high orbit using a Spacelab pressurized module and an unpressurized pallet. JSC planners acknowledged that the mission's down payload mass (34,248 pounds) might be 'excessive,' but noted that their estimate was 'based on preliminary payload data.' Mass up would total 37,065 pounds.
On Flight 21, scheduled for launch on October 14, 1981, Columbia would carry the first Orbital Maneuvering System (OMS) Kit at the aft end of its payload bay. The OMS Kit would carry enough supplemental propellants for the Orbiter's twin rear-mounted OMS engines to perform a velocity change of 500 feet per second. This would enable OV-102 to rendezvous with and retrieve the Solar Maximum Mission (SMM) satellite in a 300-n-mi-high orbit.
Three astronauts would fly the five-day mission, which would attain the highest orbital altitude of any flight in the STS Flight Assignment Baseline document. JSC planners noted that the Multi-mission Modular Spacecraft (MMS) support hardware meant to carry SMM back to Earth could also transport an MMS-type satellite into orbit. Payload mass up would total 37,145 pounds; mass down, 23,433 pounds.
On Flight 22 (November 25 - December 2, 1981), Enterprise might carry an ESA-sponsored Spacelab mission with a five-person crew, a pressurized lab module, and a pallet to a 155-to-177-n-mi orbit inclined at 57°. Payload mass up might total 34,031 pounds; mass down, 32,339 pounds.
During Flight 23 (January 5-6, 1982), the last described in the STS Flight Assignment Baseline document, three astronauts would deploy into a 150-to-160-n-mi-high orbit the Jupiter Orbiter and Probe (JOP) spacecraft on a stack of three IUSs. President Jimmy Carter had requested new-start funds for JOP in his Fiscal Year 1978 NASA budget, which had taken effect on October 1, 1977. Because JOP was so new when they prepared their document, JSC planners declined to estimate up/down payload masses.
Flight 23 formed an anchor point for the Shuttle schedule because JOP had a launch window dictated by the movements of the planets. If the automated explorer did not leave for Jupiter between January 2 and 12, 1982, it would mean a 13-month delay while Earth and Jupiter moved into position for another launch attempt.
Almost nothing in the October 1977 STS Flight Assignment Baseline document occurred as planned. It was not even updated quarterly; no update had been issued as of mid-November 1978, by which time the target launch dates for the first Space Shuttle orbital mission and the first operational Shuttle flight had slipped officially to September 28, 1979 and February 27, 1981, respectively.
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The Space Shuttle Orbiter Columbia lifts off at the start of STS-1.
The first Shuttle flight, designated STS-1, did not in fact lift off until April 12, 1981. As in the STS Flight Assignment Baseline document, OV-102 Columbia performed the OFT missions; OFT concluded, however, after only four flights. After the seven-day STS-4 mission (June 27 - July 4, 1982), President Ronald Reagan declared the Shuttle operational.
The first operational flight, also using Columbia, was STS-5 (November 11-16, 1982). The mission launched SBS-3 and Anik-C/3; because of Shuttle delays, the other SBS and Anik-C satellites planned for Shuttle launch had already reached space atop expendable rockets.
To the chagrin of many Star Trek fans, Enterprise never reached space. NASA decided that it would be less costly to convert Structural Test Article-099 into a flight-worthy Orbiter than to refit Enterprise for spaceflight after the ALT series. OV-099, christened Challenger, first reached space on mission STS-6 (April 4-9, 1983), which saw deployment of the first TDRS satellite.
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NASA put OV-101 Enterprise to work in a variety of tests and rehearsals (such as the 'fit check' shown in the image above), but did not convert it into a spaceflight-worthy Orbiter.
The voluminous Spacelab pressurized module first reached orbit on board Columbia on mission STS-9 (November 28- December 8,1983). The 10-day Spacelab 1 mission included ESA researcher Ulf Merbold and NASA scientist-astronauts Owen Garriott and Robert Parker. Garriott, selected to be an astronaut in 1965, had flown for 59 days on board the Skylab space station in 1973. Parker had been selected in 1967, but STS-9 was his first spaceflight.
The 21,500-pound LDEF reached Earth orbit on board Challenger on STS-41C, the 11th Space Shuttle mission (April 6-13, 1984). During the same mission, astronauts captured, repaired, and released the SMM satellite, which had reached orbit on 14 February 1980 and malfunctioned in January 1981. Challenger reached SMM without an OMS kit; in fact, no OMS kit ever reached space.
STS Flight Assignment Baseline document assumed that 22 Shuttle flights (six OFT and 16 operational) would occur before January 1982. In fact, the 22nd Shuttle flight did not begin until October 1985, when Challenger carried eight astronauts and the West German Spacelab D1 into space (STS-61A, October 30 - November 6, 1985). Three months later (28 January 1986), Challenger was destroyed at the start of STS-51L, the Shuttle Program's 25th mission.
In addition to seven astronauts — NASA's first in-flight fatalities — Challenger took with it TDRS-B, NASA's second TDRS satellite. The Shuttle would not fly again until September 1988 (STS-26, September 29 - October 3, 1988). On that mission, OV-103 Discovery deployed TDRS-C. The TDRS system would not include the three satellites necessary for global coverage until TDRS-D reached orbit on board Discovery on mission STS-29 (13-18 March 1989).
Following the Challenger accident, NASA abandoned — though not without some resistance — the pretense that it operated a fleet of cargo planes. The space agency had at one time aimed for 60 Shuttle flights per year; between 1988 and 2003, the Shuttle Program managed about six per year. The most flights the Shuttle fleet accomplished in a year was nine in 1985.
Shuttle delays meant that JOP, renamed Galileo, missed its early January 1982 launch window. It was eventually rescheduled for May 1986, but the Challenger accident intervened. Galileo finally left Earth orbit on 18 October 1989 following deployment from OV-104 Atlantis during STS-34 (October 18-23, 1989).
Between the time JOP/Galileo received its first funding and the Challenger explosion, NASA, the White House, and Congress had sparred over how the Jupiter spacecraft would depart Earth orbit. Eventually, they settled on the powerful liquid-propellant Centaur-G' rocket stage.
Citing new concern for safety following Challenger, NASA canceled Centaur G'. Galileo had to rely on the less-powerful IUS, which meant that it could not travel directly to Jupiter; it had instead to perform gravity-assist flybys of Venus and Earth to reach its exploration target. Galileo did not reach the Jupiter system until December 1995.
LDEF had been scheduled for retrieval in March 1985, less than a year after deployment, but flight delays and the Challenger accident postponed its return to Earth by nearly six years. On mission STS-32 (January 9-20, 1990), astronauts on board Columbia retrieved LDEF, the orbit of which had decayed to 178 n mi. LDEF remains the largest object ever retrieved in space and returned to Earth.
During reentry at the end of mission STS-107 (16 January-1 February 2003), Columbia broke apart over northeast Texas, killing its international crew of seven astronauts. This precipitated cancellation of the Space Shuttle Program by President George W. Bush, who announced his decision on 14 January 2004.
The end of the Space Shuttle Program was originally scheduled for 2010, immediately following the planned completion of the International Space Station. In the event, STS-135, the final Space Shuttle mission, took place four years ago (July 2011), three months after the 30th anniversary of STS-1. The Orbiter Atlantis lifted off on 8 July with a four-person crew — the smallest since STS-6. It docked with the International Space Station to deliver supplies and spares and landed in Florida 13 days later."
Article by David S. F. Portree: link
source, source
NASA ID: S77-5784, S77-5785, S77-5758
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ros3ybabe · 5 months
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Day 16 - 90 Day Challenge 🎀
I was still in a lot of pain yesterday (Thursday), it was a very odd pain, but I've woken up today (Friday) and it's finally gone! I'm excited because now I can move around without that uncomfortable feeling. I still didn't do much yesterday but I figured it was worth an update, regardless. That's the point of this challenege. Accountability and consistency.
🏋‍♀️ Physical Health
walked to work (~20 min)
scheduled my gym times for today and next week
found out the gym hours for my campus gym for the first part of winter break so I can schedule in gym time for then too
🧠 Mental Health
made myself get up and out of bed after work to curb how I was feeling (felt kinda numb and decided I needed to do something productive about it)
❤️ Emotional Health
therapy appointment! (may have been my last one until january, thank you gobernment for ending my health insurance coverage today)
was honest with my boyfriend about how I was feeling (was super grateful with how he handled it, hes so patient and understanding and kind to me, I'm so happy with my relationship with this man. I love him, so much)
📚 Intellectual Health
completed the respiratory lab report for my Anatomy lab
made a list of things to accomplish Friday morning (at the study room I booked)
filled in my planner with the rest of the assignment I have due
🏘 Adulting
worked a ~4 hour shift (recieved an actual frozen ham as our christmas gift from work)
cooked spaghetti for dinner for myself (needed comfort food)
cleared my old food out of the fridge
got my work schedule for next week figured out (my last week of work before the break, I could cry because I'm not going to see my work bestie until probably march of next year - she's super pregnant and due in the beginning of January)
filled in my budget for November and realized I spent over my means
deleted shopping apps from my phone
made a tentative lost of some goals for 2024 (might post them! thinking of breaking it down into monthly, quarterly, and yearly stuff)
zoom called my loving boyfriend <3
🥰 Self Love/Care
full morning skincare
full night skincare (I love how my face feels and looks after I oil cleanse)
I actually did a good amount of things yesterday, surprising with how much time I spent in bed not feeling like myself. But today is going to be a good day! My goals for today are to have a decent morning routine, finish and submit my final research study paper for my psyc class, attend the make up lab session for anatomy, attend the lan session for my psyc final exam (that's on monday), go to the gym, and make it through my work shift.
til next time lovelies 🩷
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katiuskapino · 4 months
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Unleash your maximum potential with this Notion 12-Week Year Planner – the ultimate tool for achieving your goals and transforming your life.
📅 12-Week Year Concept: Breaking down your year into separate quarters. This planner is your roadmap to achieving your ambitions and avoiding the New Year's resolution trap.
📝 Action Plan: Convert your goals into actionable steps! Stay on track and turn your aspirations into reality.
🔍 Review: Regular reflection is essential for progress. This planner includes dedicated sections for quarterly reviews, helping you celebrate achievements, learn from setbacks, and make informed decisions moving forward.
Download the notion template!
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bunatee · 5 months
Last year I bought a really nice planner that had some goal setting prompts and monthly and quarterly check-ins for those goals.
I am very disappointed to report that it was in fact helpful and appears to have been good for me.
Self Help Industry: 1
Bunatee's Cynicism: 0
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haruharuz · 2 years
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This is absolutely nowhere near done! I’m working so so hard on this haha. You guys have no idea. I’m making a list of a few things that will be included: 
skincare schedule
skincare product list
haircare schedule
haircare product list
maintenance list ( weekly, biweekly, monthly, quarterly)
self care schedule and checklist
work schedule
work income tracker
work regular tracker
work essentials tracker
recipe book
meal planner
“kitchen” section that has
grocery list
running out soon / expiring soon list
weekly food goals
gym and workout tracker and planner
studies tracker and planner
budget planner
savings planner
$10,000 savings checklist
taxes checklist
mental health checklist
mental health journal tracker 
habit tracker
i don’t even think that’s gonna be ALL either. I’m really putting my all into this so it will probably be taking me a while to make sure it’s complete. But holy shit is this a whirwind. I’m just learning how to use notion too.
NOTE: Send me an ask if you want anything at ALL added to this and I’ll do my best 
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bobbiprintables · 6 months
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Free Printable 2024 Quarterly Calendar Planner Pages
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st0rmyskies · 2 years
Rank the bois’ rooms in terms of tidiness 🧹
Time - Who’s surprised? Everything in its place and everything has its place. He keeps meticulous track of his belongings, and believe it or not he does notice when bits of his clothing go missing.
Twilight - He’d be first on the list if not for the curse of being a guy in his early 20s. Listen, sometimes laundry doesn’t make it into the basket after a long night of drinking, or maybe clean clothes sit on his desk for a day or two before they make it into his drawers. In general, though, he’s pretty tidy.
Sky - Similar to Twi, only that his laundry might stay out a day or two more because anytime he’s in his room, man, that bed sure looks comfy…
Warriors - While his clothes, shoes, and accessories are meticulously cared for, he gets points off for all the hair implements and makeup bottles strewn on his dresser and vanity at any given time. Looks like a Sephora bag vomited on his furniture in there.
Four - I’d consider his room Controlled Chaos. While he has lots of Stuff, it’s in boxes and crates and somewhat organized. When he needs something, he knows right where to find it.
Legend/Hyrule - Just a step down from Controlled Chaos, Legend knows where things are in the general vicinity of their room but still needs to do some digging to find them. It’s a huge conglomeration of Legend’s things and Hyrule’s things and Legend’s Business Things (and some of Ravio’s, too). They also share a closet and their two dressers, which gets challenging at times. Hyrule has his one drawer with his scrubs and that’s great, but when he needs casual clothes it’s a bit of a search.
Wild - Our wild child lives off of piles of clothes on the floor, his desk has scattered piles of planners and little notebooks littered with reminders, and it takes no less than five minutes to locate two matching shoes at any given time. And don’t get me started about the crumb collection in his bed.
Wind - Entropy reigns in the third floor goblin’s bedroom. He doesn’t have many lights outside of the glow of his monitors lest he behold his own slovenly living conditions. He empties his bedroom of trash once quarterly, and when he does it’s always three large bags at minimum. How Time allows him to live like this I will never know.
And for our bonus round…
Champion would rank even above Time in terms of how orderly and neat his room is. He makes his bed with military precision each morning, and the folds in his clothes are tightly creased before they get put away.
Dark ranks just above Wind, if only because you can see parts of his floor. God that bathroom though, woof.
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biggoalsmallsteps · 4 months
Your Goal Planner Book Source | Big Goal Small Step Journal
Big Goal Small Step Journal, is your trusted destination for goal planner book. Discover our mission, values & the perfect tool to help you achieve your dreams.
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here's a fact. hating someone is exhausting. [part 1]
I had started working on this back in September for Rowaelin Month 2021, but I have reworked it into a full length 10.6k story split into 4 parts! This is based off the prompt: "You’re my work rival and we’re stuck in an elevator" and it's a Hating Game AU. Since everything is written already, I'll post the 3 over the next two weeks.
I'm tagging a few people that showed interest in the original so please let me know if you would like me to not tag you!! (and if someone comes across this and wants me to tag them!)
Word Count: 2534 Content warning: explicit language Read on AO3
Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
It was a race, and they were tied for first place.
Then again, there weren’t any other competitors besides the two of them.
Aelin glanced at the clock and silently cursed, realizing that there wasn’t much time left until the working day was done. She desperately needed to finish this data analysis report for her boss to look over first thing Monday morning. The only caveat to this was that Rowan Whitethorn was also there until the last possible minute, finishing his analysis report on a different department’s data collection.
If he weren’t sitting directly across from her and constantly in her direct line of sight, it wouldn’t have been such a problem, but when she looked up to see his annoyingly handsome face with his gorgeous green eyes and infuriatingly beautiful tattoo creeping out of his shirt’s collar, Aelin was just pissed off that he was such a dick. 
Yes, she wanted to lick the black swirls that were only seen when he opened the top two or three buttons of his button-up shirt — usually towards the end of the working day—, but he was still a dick. 
Ever since Rowan had joined the company, his insane work ethic (that rivaled hers, honestly) and the fact that he had also begun to compete with her for the same CCO promotion had Aelin understandably frustrated, and it seemed that Rowan was frustrated as well. 
In her defense, she was trying to be nice on his first day working at their support-based tech company, and instead, he had taken one look at the Starbucks coffee that she had left on his desk across from hers and thrown it out . Immediately he was an asshole in Aelin’s eyes because who the fuck throws out free Starbucks? That shit was expensive.
And then Rowan had the audacity to look at her position title and compare it to the work she was doing. She was doing everything from organizing meetings between team leads, collecting and compiling monthly, quarterly, and yearly reports from the different departments, and constantly working on business strategies. On top of that, she literally was the CEO’s assistant, updating her planner, taking calls, and doing all her documentation. Rowan saw the disconnect and immediately assumed that she wasn’t qualified for her job.
Why would you join a tech company without knowing anything about tech?
She knew she was more qualified than the work she was doing for Manon Blackbeak, the CEO of the company, but what the fuck was she supposed to do? Quit the job that she had been at for the last seven years of her life? She gave her entire heart and soul to helping build the company up from nothing but a group of twenty employees to a company that now had over one hundred employees. Aelin had been interning as the original assistant’s assistant, and when he left, she joined on as Manon’s assistant. 
The growth of the company was why Rowan, someone who had a master’s in something with data compared to hers in business analytics, was required. They needed someone to be able to compile the huge amount of data that Aelin simply couldn’t. The growth also brought about the CCO position. And that was why she desperately wanted promotion — besides the fact that she'd be his boss.
However, despite the trash that Rowan had proven himself to be by blocking himself off with those stupid walls and stupid remarks, Aelin was nothing but professional, so she never acted on her annoyance with him until the small passive-aggressive and sarcastic comments shared between them turned the silent feud not-so-silent. Soon enough, the entire office knew that Aelin Galathynius and Rowan Whitethorn hated each other and could not work together.
Of course, that just forced their boss to work together often on data analysis projects, but they got their shit done. Somehow.
And now here they were, both working till the last possible second of the working day to show off their dedication to their jobs in order to somehow get the upper hand compared to the other. Everyone else had slowly begun to leave already, the office emptying out early especially with it being a Friday afternoon(even their boss had left), but this was an important report. With being promoted to the position of chief communications officer, that would mean that they were the other’s boss, and Aelin wasn’t sure she’d be able to handle Rowan as her boss. She liked her job; she enjoyed working with the numbers and making graphs and analyzing these numbers, but she also knew that he would somehow make her working life hell.
Besides, it wasn’t like Rowan probably wanted to be working here, anyway. He was probably rebelling against his rich family, trying to do something that they would hate to see
Her fingers flew across the keyboard, and with every glance at the clock and at Rowan, her fingers slowly began to cramp as she desperately tried to get that last sentence in so she could proofread it over quickly. She stretched her neck, pulling her head down slightly at each side to make sure she felt that pain as she pulled at the muscles. 
Damn it, she needed a massage. Or just some really good sex. Either would work but the massage seemed more likely now.
“How are you still writing, Aelin Galathynius?” she heard Rowan taunt, and she rolled her eyes as she finished typing out her last thought. “You seem to be losing your touch.”
“Screw off, Rowan Whitethorn,” she growled, hitting enter and then saving the document — four times but who’s counting — before turning to look at his smug face. She interlaced her hands and set them down flat on her desk in front of the keyboard. “Maybe you finished earlier because you didn’t have nearly as much detail as I do. It’s always quality over how fast something can get done, anyway.”
Rowan raised an eyebrow, and she wanted to punch him. It would ruin his pretty face, but it would feel really fucking good. 
“Hmm, that wouldn’t make a difference if Manon can’t look at the document Monday morning, now, would it?”
“Who said anything about her not having it done by Monday morning?” she asked, her eyes scanning the document over for any typos and coherency issues. 
“Such arrogance.”
Her eyes flickered back up to him, and she sent him a saccharine smile. “It’s called confidence, Rowan. Maybe you’d attract more girls if you had any of that,” she replied sweetly. It was a blatant lie, though. He had enough confidence in himself that she was attracted to him. Not that she’d ever, ever, make that obvious to him.
“Not like you go out on many dates either,” he countered. 
Aelin saved the file yet again after another read through, and she sent it to the printer, and she stood up, walking to the printer. Rowan stood and followed her.
She leaned against the whirring printer as she watched the pages come out on the tray. “How do you know I don’t have one tonight?” 
“I think you’d be bragging about it much more if you did,” Rowan answered, mirroring her stance against the empty wall space next to the printer.
Aelin tilted her head as she ran her eyes over him. It was unfair how hot he looked in a white button-up collared shirt, with the sleeves rolled up, and gray slacks, but it wasn’t like she was unaware that she looked hot today as well. It was a navy long sleeved dress with a gold belt cinching around her waist and a V-neck that went deep enough to barely be considered professional. She’d caught Rowan staring at the swell of her breasts that peaked out more than once throughout the day, and she’d be lying if she said it didn’t make her feel incredibly good that he wanted her. 
It was only right considering how many sex dreams she’d had with him being the main face that appeared. 
“I don’t need to brag about my dates,” she said, turning to pick up her papers and stapling them. “I think my clothes are enough of an indication.”
Aelin saw his eyes roam over her yet again, lingering on the V-neck, before snapping back to her face. “I suppose so. I’ve seen you look like a nun, so this is definitely something special.”
“Aw,” she cooed as he came to stand right in front of her. “You like it. Now, if you’d kindly get out of my way, I have something to submit before I leave.”
He took a single step to the left, and she walked by him, her arm brushing his, and she went into Manon’s office to leave her report on her desk. Rowan followed in a minute later with his own report, and he walked out first. 
The two of them began cleaning up their desks for the weekend, and she put on a new layer of her lipstick. The entire day had caused the color to fade a bit, and she wasn’t lying when she had a date. She looked down at her watch and walked over to the elevator, aware that Rowan was walking mere steps behind her, and Aelin swore she could feel the heat emanating from his body. 
She wanted to wrap herself up in it, and she was a dumbass for even thinking that. Her body was a traitorous bitch.
Waiting for the elevator took a bit, and Rowan waited with her the entire time, silently standing next to her. The elevator dinged, announcing its arrival, and they both got on, still in utter silence until there was a loud clanging sound as the elevator jerked only a floor down from where they had gotten on. Aelin lost her balance as she let out a cry of surprise, tumbling into Rowan’s side. She heard Rowan curse before he grabbed onto her waist to steady her with the other hand braced on the side of the elevator, and the lights within had turned off before turning to a soft blinking red.
“What’s going on?” she asked, pushing herself away from him, ignoring the thoughts of how good the weight of his arm around her body had felt. Rowan moved to press a button on the elevator before they both realized that the building had lost power, effectively trapping them in the elevator.
“Shit,” he cursed again, “we’re stuck.” 
Aelin pressed the emergency speaking button, “Hello? Is anyone there? We’re stuck in the elevator.”
The speaker crackled to life immediately afterwards, with someone asking if they were okay and how many people were in the elevator before saying that the firefighters were on their way, but it would take at least half an hour.
“Well, this is fantastic,” Aelin sighed, leaning against the wall. 
“Too bad you’re missing out on your date,” Rowan said. 
“Yeah, well at least you get to grace yourself in my presence for a bit longer.”
“As if I need more of you in my life.”
Aelin scoffed. “People could always use more of me in their lives. You wouldn’t be having nearly as much fun at work without me.”
“Without you? You can’t deal with half the tech problems we get if it weren’t for me. How did you even get anything done without me?”
“Perfectly fine, Rowan, trust me.” In their heated conversation, she hadn’t realized when she’d moved away from the wall and instead was so close to Rowan that she could feel his body heat. His hand snaked around her waist and pulled her snug against his body, and her hands landed on his firm chest.
“I don’t believe you,” he whispered.
Aelin smiled, “I don’t care.”
She wasn’t sure if she had moved first or he had, but the next thing she knew, her arms were around his neck and both his hands were on her waist as their lips moved in tandem. 
He was intoxicating as his lips devoured hers, and her brain spun as her body heated up in his hold. 
Holy fucking shit, Rowan was an amazing kisser.
She leaned up on her toes to get better access to his lips, and he leaned down even further. She couldn’t breathe, but she didn’t care. Who needed air when he was kissing her like that ? It wasn’t possible for her to want to keep doing this with a man she hated, but her body didn’t care about that. Her body wanted Rowan’s hands all over her. Her body wanted him to slam her against the wall, hard enough that all she could feel was his body against hers. 
He must’ve read her thoughts somehow because mere seconds later, he shoved her up against the wall of the elevator, the railing biting into her back, and she let out a gasp against his lips. He took advantage of her open mouth to push his tongue into her mouth, licking and sucking and biting. Aelin’s head was spinning, and she just pushed herself closer to him, hands going from his neck to his hair, tugging and scratching at his scalp for more, more, more . Her breasts were pressed up against his chest, and she felt his hands starting to creep up from her waist to press against the skin that was exposed by her dress.
Unable to breath, Aelin broke away from him and let her head fall back as Rowan started leaving open-mouthed kisses against her neck.
“What are we doing?” she spoke around her moans as he sucked at her pulse point. 
“I don’t know,” he hissed, shoving a knee between her legs the best he could with her dress in the way. 
Fortunately (or unfortunately), the shock of the added pressure just in the right spot caused her brain to restart, and Aelin pushed away from him, her chest heaving as she tried to calm her breathing. Rowan’s hair was messy beyond belief, and she didn’t even remember doing that. Aelin bit her bottom lip as her eyes focused on his swollen red lips, and she resisted the urge to capture those lips for another searing kiss. 
As the two looked at each other in silence, there wasn’t anything for them to say. She knew Rowan felt the same as she did. This was a mistake. An insanely amazing mistake, but a mistake regardless.
“This was a one-time thing,” she breathed, and he nodded, his eyes still burning into her, making her feel uncomfortably warm. She tried to pat down her hair, but her hands were shaking. The fire that had been ignited in her lower stomach wasn’t going anywhere anytime soon, and she was seriously considering a one-night stand instead of the massage. 
Just as she was about to do something stupid, like ask him to have sex with her once , the elevator jerked slightly yet again as the speaker turned on again. “Good news, the power’s back, so everything’s fine. 
“Great, thanks,” Rowan responded, his voice husky and low, and once they had arrived at the ground floor, Aelin resisted the urge to grab him again.
That could not happen again.
@morganofthewildfire @fireheartwhitethorn4ever @story-scribbler @swankii-art-teacher @larisssss @thegreyj @vasudharaghavan @aelinchocolatelover @tomtenadia @live-the-fangirl-life
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Imagine you and King leaving cute little notes around for each other
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You: *Going on vacation, so you leave notes around for King reminding him of important tasks while he picks up the slack. However, you feel bad leaving only notes that boss him around, so you leave a few notes that are compliments and words of encouragement.*
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Hours after you leave
King: *finds the first note in his planner that says, "good luck with the meeting, wish I was there to shit talk on Queen with you"* What am I going to do with them?
Kaido: *sees him staring at a post-it note and grinning* what cha got there?
King: Nothing important *carefully tucks the note back in his planner* now let's please continue this meeting.
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As the two weeks of your vacation go by
King: *Puts all the notes he finds in a box to keep them safe*
The beast pirates: *have all noticed that King keeps finding post-it notes, and doesn't burn the like he usually does once with messages/ They also find him rereading them when he thinks no one is looking.*
Kaido: King won't tell even me what's on those notes.
Queen: (y/n) probably left them for him, but I was under the impression that while their relationship is cordial, it's strictly professional.
Jack: Me too.
Maria: *leaning in the crook of Kaido's arm, and hums* I know that look, and it looks like King might have caught feelings.
Kaido: holy shit, really?
Maria: It looks that way.
Jack: It could also be that (y/n) left notes with mean things about Queen.
Kaido, Maria, and Queen: ohhh, that could be it too
Who's Who: it's a cherished Beast pirates pastime.
Everyone in the room: *bobs their head in agreement*
Queen: why are you all so mean to me, what did I do?
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The day after you return.
You: *looking you're about to fall asleep at your desk*
King: everything alright?
You: yeah, just tired, I guess I'm a bit boat-lagged, because I didn't sleep a wink last night. I might take a break and go for a short walk to wake myself up.
King: How about you take this work request to the maintenance unit instead of wasting your break?
You: Gladly
King: I have a meeting with Kaido in ten minutes, so I won't be here when you get back.
You: got it *takes the packet and leaves*
King: * sends for an order to the kitchens to make you some snacks and have them delivered to his office. He then leaves a note for you on your desk and leaves for his meeting*
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When you get back
You: *spots the bright blue post-it note on your desk, and reads it out loud* I have no work for you while I'm at my meeting, please use this time to relax. I had the kitchen make (favorite snack) to restore your energy, it should get there soon. -King
Servant: *knocks on the door* King-sama, we have the food you ordered.
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At the meeting
King: *finds yet another note from you in the quarterly finance report folder*
Ulti: Yoink! *Snatches the note out of King's hand before he can even read it and runs for it*
King: You little shit! Get back here! *Gives chase, only to find Who's Who yanking it out of her clutches*
Who's Who: So this is the kind of stuff that has been on these notes, "You're doing a good job, keep it up." Looks like you owe Maria fifty thousand berries now Sasaki, it does appear King has fallen for that little secretary of his.
Sasaki: ach! It's got a little heart and everything, fucking disgusting. I'm disappointed in you King, and I already had no respect for you.
King: the feeling is mutual, believe me.
One of the cat lady twins: oh my, even (y/n)'s handwriting is cute.
Who's who: *notes the King didn't refute the accusation that he has feelings for you* Really it looks messy to me?
King: I think it's childish myself, and not in the quaint way. Now give it back, (y/n) seems to write these for herself.
Sasaki: sure they do.
King: *kicks Who's Who in the gut, making him drop the note. Which he picks up and leaves*
Bao Huang: *pops out of the ceiling* I've seen the planer that they keep for you, the post-it notes are new. Kaido's dying to know what's on them too.
King: I know the notes are for me, and I'll tell him about it later. Since you're here, how is (y/n)?
Bao Huang: hmmmm?....they're curled up on the couch in your office, and it looks like they're asleep.
King: Did they get the snacks I had brought to the office?
Bao Huang: yes, there is a tray from the kitchens on their desk with empty plates.
King: Thank you, *reads the note from you as he walks away* Why are they so fucking cute?
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badbitchfiles · 2 years
Vibes for the Rest of the Year
Getting My Finances Together:
Rebuilding my savings
Stack my bills account
Paying down (and keeping down) the credit cards
Probably open some more savings accounts lol (I need one for my car care/maintenance & some sinking funds for other stuff)
*Added 9/17*: Get a whole new job; the one I'm at now is okay in terms of the work, but it doesn't pay nearly enough and the paltry ass raise I just got was wiped out by a reduction in hours (but the favorites got an increase in hours). Plus the management is incompetent, sneaky and doesn't value the employees that aren't favorites. I'll stay there long enough to line something else up (or get through school, whichever comes first) and then I'm gone.
Self Care:
Being consistent with skin & body care routine
Daily Meditation (turning on my Slow Morning timer before I go to bed)
Daily Journaling
Daily Vitamins
Investing in weekly solo dates & monthly/quarterly facials*
Monthly pedicures
Get back in the gym**
intuitive eating with a focus on veg & leafy greens
I plan on relaunching The "WTF" Planner with the new year but I also plan on starting software developer/engineer school in October BUT I'm considering looking into UX design as a backup, hopefully that doesn't involve coding lol
I can take my time creating content for WTF Planner as I've rebranded/redesigned everything so I'll need to make updated graphics for everything. I also want to make seasonal designs to sell them as limited edition products (Christmas, spring, summer, Halloween, maybe a juneteenth and new years edition?)
Also finish putting together my other two brands (a cousin brand to the "wtf" Planner and another one that I've been holding onto for a while but now I potentially have a way to launch it the way I want
*I want to take myself out every Friday (barring my coworkers & I going out). I've created a list in my phone of the different cuisines/restaurants I want to try and where I can get them. I've also priced out different spas and their products.
**I've selected two gyms; one is close to my job but has locations near-ish my house and near one of the markets I go to. The other is near the apartment I picked out (the apartment has a gym on-site, but I love this one) and it's all inclusive with a focus on weights which I definitely want to get into.
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