#pregnant with donut excitement
horseisekai · 5 months
Pregnant With Donut Excitement
Good morning, everypony! Whether Hearth's Warming is treating you well or not, we have a cool new episode of We Were Hit By A Horse Truck And Got Isekai'd Into Equestria?
Come appreciate two loafs and get pregnant with donut excitement!
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norrisleclercf1 · 9 months
Lando's Replacement
Pairing: Lando Norris x Reader
Rating: G
Words: 765
Requested: Yes/No
Request: Could you do a mini lando new part where Aiden starts karting and lando is nervous about it thanks love your writing
Warnings: None, just fluff
Mini Lando Series
A/N: Aiden is 8, Caleb is 5 and Daniel is 3
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"I'm not built for this stress, Y/n," Lando whispers, staring at your son Aiden. You can't help but roll your eyes at your husband. After all the years he spent giving you stress, he's the one who can't handle it? Drama queen.
"Really? Now you know how I've felt for the past 15 years." Lando grimaces as Aiden moves around his new kart, bumping his shoulder with yours, ensuring everything is in order. "Daddy? How do I start it?" Lando gives a wobbly smile to his little boy. Except he's not so little anymore.
At 8 years old, Aiden has fallen in love with karting and has spoken about following in his father's footsteps. "Let me show you." Lando straddles the kart and turns the ignition. The kart rumbles and then sputters to life. "Cool!" Aiden yells, not even waiting for Lando to get out of the way before he pops himself into the seat.
"Mommy, look!" Aiden can't hide his excitement while Lando looks down at the kart with horror. "Can't believe my Dad and Mum allowed me to do this." He whispers, grabbing Aiden's own crash helmet. "Lando, he's going to be fine. All he's doing is learning how to drive it, not racing." Covering your husband's shaky hand.
Lando has always been protective, especially of Aiden. After all the trouble you two went to get pregnant, it was hard on Lando to see his firstborn become a person and one that wanted to join karting. "He's safe. You had McLaren build his helmet and the kart. Plus you oversaw all of it. He's safe." Lando nods, stepping back from the kart as Aiden slides the helmet on.
"Well, looks like Lando has got some competition now." You don't even have to turn to know who it was. "Mommy, what's A doing?" Oscar stands next to you, holding your youngest, Daniel, and the hand of your second, Caleb. "A is learning to drive a kart like Daddy used to." Explaining what Aiden was doing to Caleb was hard sometimes because whatever Aiden was doing, Caleb wanted to do it, too.
"Can I join?" Right on time, smiling, you push his curly hair back. "Not yet, you're far too small. When you're 8 and still want to try it, we can." Oscar chuckles, seeing Aiden zip off. "Aiden! Brakes!" Lando yells. You cover your snort, seeing your husband chase after your laughing son. "He'll have grey hairs when this is over." Oscar adjusts little Daniel on his hip.
"Good, it'll humble his ass. He puts me through hell whenever he drives. He'll finally understand why I'm just as exhausted as him by the end of a race." Caleb giggles, wanting to run after his father, but you hold him close. "Lando has been dreading this. When Aiden first asked him, I thought he'd faint." Oscar smiled at his old teammate, having moved to Red Bull after his 4th season, and was in a tight battle with Lando, Charles, and Max for a WDC.
"Mommy, look how fast I'm going!" Aiden yells, hitting the gas and whipping his head back. You wince seeing it, but the rings of Aiden's laughter ease your worries. "Aiden, please!" Lando yells, stopping before you, gasping for air and sweat lining his forehead. "You're getting old." Oscar quips. Lando looks up, glaring at the Aussie. "I'm not old, just aging. Like fine whiskey." Oscar just rolls his eyes. "Your son is doing donuts." Lando takes off again, leaving Caleb cackling, watching his father.
"Maybe we should get Max or Carlos to teach Aiden?" You ask Oscar, but he shakes his head no. "He might be freaking out, but he's loving this. It's a memory they'll both look on fondly." Aiden laughs at the sound of the engine cut off as Lando scoops his oldest up.
The image of them laughing, Lando lecturing him with no anger as Aiden just giggles. "Yes, Daddy," Aiden says, his little body wobbling as his helmet makes him look like a life-size bobblehead. "Did you have fun?" Aiden nods, your fingers working quickly to get the helmet off. "It was so much fun. Daddy said we can return with Uncle Carlos, Max, and Oscar!" Aiden jumps around.
"I would love that." Oscar bends down, ruffling Aiden's hair. "Yes! With you teaching me, I can replace Daddy at McLaren." He laughs, and Lando's eyes budge out. The thought of Aiden driving in F1 was enough to kill him. "Y/n, this payback, isn't it?" He whispers, you just smirk. "Oh, sweet, sweet revenge, darling." Kissing his cheek.
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seeingivy · 9 months
megumi fushiguro x f!reader
content: IMPLIED MANGA SPOILERS, hormonal pregnant reader, dad!megs, gojo being a dad to megumi
an: dad gojo this, dad gojo that. WHAT ABOUT DAD MEGUMI. anyways im sick and I am 90% sure I have covid but alas I spit this out before I study. it's like a reward.
recently, megumi has been letting things happen. 
and by recently, he means two years ago, when his little star boy was born. or even at large, five years ago, when he met you, his sun. an fellow sorcerer who he easily fell for, like it was something inevitable. something necessary, involuntary even - like it was the air he breathed or his heart beating. 
and since then he’s been letting things happen. he’s been letting gojo come around - so that he can spend time with ash. so that ash can have a grandfather, not that megumi would ever say that out loud. 
he lets nobara and yuuji spoil him rotten, lets maki teach him self-defense (which is just swatting at this point), and yuuta explain the rules of chess to him for hours even though ash barely has coordinated motor functions. 
he lets things happen. especially when ash asks him, the pouty face that he’s entirely gotten from you pressed on his face. like today, when he feels a little fist tugging on the end of his shirt. 
“yes, ash?” 
“i want donuts.” 
megumi squints, like he’s questioning him. every bit his son, ash has fully inherited the full breadth of megumi’s dna - dark hair, green eyes. but every one of his expressions, those are all all you. 
“do you want donuts or does mommy want donuts?” 
ash stands there for a few seconds, deep in thought, before answering. 
“sticky wants donuts!” 
megumi sighs, picking him up and dragging him out of the room with him, to find the culprit of this entire plot - you. that deliberation means that ash was trying to remember what it was you had told him. and truly, only you would use his unborn daughter against him. 
he finds you splayed on the couch, a heating pad pressed into the small of your back, as you talk, directed down to your stomach to tsumiki. or sticky, as ash calls her since he can’t pronounce all the syllables just yet. 
“i thought of a name for her.” 
megumi leans against the counter, half turned away from you, where he watches gojo and ash snuggled up on the couch, ash excitedly explaining the plot of his current favorite movie to gojo. gojo’s all too absorbed, though he does get offended every time ash says that elsa is cooler than him. and even more offended that when gojo calls elsa pretty, ash says that elsa would never like him. 
“well. ash is our little star boy. his name is perfect for him. and you’re my blessing so megumi is perfect for you. but our little girl-” 
you reach forward for his hand, placing it on top of your teeny tiny bump, which just started protruding, as you squeeze his hand. 
“she’s precious. she’s our only girl and, and she’s so gentle already. ash was a little heathen, always kicking and excited in there. but she’s so soft, i already know she’s special. she should have a name that reflects that.” 
megumi reaches up, cupping the side of your face, where tears are now sprouting out of your eyes. one of megumi’s favorite things about you being pregnant, besides the disgusting concoctions you eat because of your cravings, is this. your out of whack hormones that have your lip jutting out, that little whiny, cute pout he fell in love with on your face at all times. 
“what’s the name, sweetheart?” 
“tsumiki.” you whispers. 
you look up at his green eyes, wide and filled with an emotion that you can’t quite discern. and you can feel the immediate panic at the reaction and try to backtrack as fast as you can. surely, he’s simmering with rage under there. 
why would you name your daughter after his dead sister? 
“megs. i-i just thought it would be nice because i never got to meet her and i know she was special to you. i’m not saying she’s replacing her, but i just-” 
megumi puts his hand on your mouth, his finger brushing across your soft lips, as he pushes you into his embrace, hugging so hard he’s sure even the baby, tsumiki, must be feeling it. he holds you there for a while, not saying much, as his hands rub into the small of your back. 
and you wait for it, because you know megumi like the back of your hand. touch first, words second. and right on cue, minutes later, you hear it, the soft whisper on your skin that makes your cheeks burn. 
“my tsumiki would have really loved you, you know that?” 
you look up from the conversation you were having with tsumiki - telling her that she always has to side with you and ash instead of megumi - to find him standing there, glaring at you. 
“hello, love of my life.” you say, tapping the spot on the couch next to you. 
megumi takes the seat, trying to hide the smile on his face, as he gives you a suspicious look. he places a kiss to your temple before placing his hand over your bump, something he does every time he walks into the room. it’s his way of saying hello to her. 
“yes, megs?” 
“ash is telling me that sticky wants donuts.” 
“stickyyy does want donuts. and ash does too.” you respond, giving him your best smile. 
“you know, if you want something from me, you don’t have to use my son and my unborn child against me to get it.” 
“how dare you bring tsumiki into this. she wants donuts, that’s why i’m craving them. take it up with her.” 
ash crawls into the space between you two, resting his head in your lap and his legs in megumi’s as he reaches forward to tickle his sides, eliciting a screaming laugh from ash who is begging him to stop. you smack megumi’s hands off, running your hands through ash’s dark black locks as he calms down and looking at megumi. you pinch ash’s side a little, giving him a non-discrete wink. 
“daddy. I really want donuts.” 
“oh im sure you do ash. i’ll go get them” megumi responds, swinging his legs off and standing up. 
“can i come?” ash asks, excitedly wrapping his hands around his knees. 
“buddy. it’s nap time. you have to sleep.” 
ash juts his lower lip out, mustering the frowniest face he can, as his little green eyes look up into megumi’s. and of course, he immediately gives in, because he can never say no to his little star boy. 
“fine. get your shoes.” 
ash turns excitedly to you, giving you a grinning smile. 
“did i do good, mama?” 
“perfect, star boy. just like i taught you.” 
ash excitedly runs off as megumi gives you a soul crushing glare, which you pointedly ignore. the two of them shuffle out of the apartment, the smile spreading across your face as you watch megumi swing ash onto his back to close the door. 
an hour later, megumi walks into his apartment to find you, yuuji, nobara, and gojo on his couch. the three of you are crouched over the table and he can see that your face is all pink, surely from crying. 
ash runs into the apartment, taking turns giving everyone a big hug, before climbing into gojo’s lap, and reaching up to play with gojo’s hair. megumi sets the box of donuts down and takes the seat next to you, wiping the wetness away on your cheek. 
“hi y/n.” he whispers. 
“h-hi megs.” you whisper back, interlocking your hands with his to squish. 
he smiles as he reaches for the box of donuts, equipping you with the maple bar he knows you’ve been craving, as he watches you nearly inhale it in five seconds. 
“god. you’re like a vacuum.” nobara says, a horrified look on her face. 
“s-not me. miki.” you respond, now pounding through your donut. 
“are you really blaming it on your unborn daughter?” nobara asks. 
“she blames everything on her. yesterday, she made me come all the way out here just to hand her the remote because it was too far away. claimed that the baby really wanted to see me at that second.” megumi deadpans, earning laughs from the group of them. 
“she did.” you respond, defensively. 
megumi leans his arm against the back of where you’re sitting, twisting one of your locks of hair in his fingers. he looks over at the table to find an array of colorful ribbons on the table, which he’s sure is the culprit of your crying since the baby section at target always works you up. 
“what’s that?” he asks. 
“nobara and yuuji gifted us a ribbon set for the baby. we can use it when tsumiki’s hair gets long, do little ponytails in her hair and put cute little ribbons in them.” you respond. 
megumi can feel his throat constricting at the thought of it, the wave of emotions that have been resurfacing lately reaching his cheeks. he gives gojo a look and you a kiss on the cheek, before he stands up and heads to the kitchen, focused on brewing a cup of coffee for himself. 
you frown as you watch him walk away, nobara and yuuji halfheartedly asking him if he’s okay as he waves them off. you turn to gojo, giving him an inquisitive look, as gojo places ash in between nobara and yuuji. 
“is he okay?” you whisper. 
“let me talk to him first.” he responds, giving you a reassuring smile.  you watch gojo run off behind him, the two of them leaning against the counter as they talk in hushed voices. 
“it’s the ribbons isn’t it?” gojo asks, watching ash play rock paper scissors with an overly enthusiastic yuuji from afar. 
megumi doesn’t respond, instead focusing on stirring the spoon through the coffee he freshly brewed. 
of course, it’s the ribbons. 
after gojo took tsumiki and megumi in, megumi made it a point to not ask gojo for much. a facet of his childhood stubbornness, of course. though gojo was more than willing to throw his money in any direction, megumi was in no part receptive to that. except in april, when tsumiki’s birthday came around. 
after watching her stare at ribbons in windows as they passed, complimenting strangers on the train on how pretty ribbons looked in ponytails, megumi made it a point that when he could, he would buy them for her. god forbid, she would never get them for herself. 
so he asked gojo, awkwardly knocked on his door well after bedtime and shyly asked. and of course, gojo never disappoints, buying every color, array, fabric of ribbons for tsumiki to wear in her hair to school now. and he watched her do it a hundred times - the satisfied smile she gave herself in the mirror every time it fell perfectly before walking away. 
and the thought of watching his daughter, being the one putting the ribbons in her hair and getting that little smile on her face, is too much for megumi at the current moment. 
“don’t ask dumb questions, gojo.” he responds. 
he turns around to face the same way as gojo now, watching the four of you have the most intense rock paper scissors battle he’s seen yet. granted, you’re all letting ash win but trying to predict his moves gets more difficult as time goes on. 
“did y/n tell you what we’re naming her?” megumi asks. 
“tsumiki.” he responds, not missing the soft smile on gojo’s face. 
gojo smiles, squeezing megumi’s shoulder. one of the nice things about megumi becoming a father is that he finally understands gojo’s frustrations. of what it feels like to see your kids in pain and not being able to do anything about it. 
“not my idea, by the way. all y/n.”
gojo focuses in on you, on how you look over and give megumi a big smile which he returns, before focusing back on ash. 
“i guess these things always have a way of working themselves out, megumi.” 
“what do you mean?” 
gojo inhales, twisting his sunglasses in his fingers before placing them in his pocket. 
“tsumiki always had a way of reading your mind. every time you and i would argue, she was always the one who soothed you down and not me. i-i was never really good at that. and you lost her but you got y/n. and she does it for you now. ash does too. i-it just worked out megs, that’s all.” 
and megumi looks over - at his sun, his star boy, and soon to be the most precious thing he’s ever had. and he knows that gojo is right. That he’s been letting things happen lately, because that insurmountable heaviness that’s been on his chest for years has finally been lifted. that it’s there, but he can breathe through it now. 
not that he would ever tell gojo. he'll just enjoy a donut with his coffee instead. 
taglist: @porridgesblog @k0z3me @kayleegomez @yihona-san06 @bsenpai @sweetenertea @skzismyhome @mykyoon @violetmatcha @rebeccawinters @luna0713hunter @shotenvinsoot @itzmeme @squirrelspoetry
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buckyalpine · 1 year
*Runs and hides from the 1000s of wips while I write this fluffy rogue thought that came into my head*
Bucky being obsessed with your baby bump. 
Imagine being pregnant with Bucky’s lil baby and as much as you absolutely love it, not every day is easy. 
Like today.
You pouted, looking at yourself in the mirror, your slightly rounded belly pushing against your sundress ever so slightly. You brushed your hand over your tummy, not sure if it was your little one growing or the 3 donuts you’d scarfed down making you bigger today. 
Bucky walked in, padding towards you like an excited puppy, his hands immediately coming to wrap around you, loving how soft and sweet you looked carrying his baby. He thought he was in love before but that was nothing compared to now. 
You were genuinely so gorgeous; your skin glowed, your body was driving him feral, your neediness made him weak in the knees. He frowned when he looked down to see your less than happy face, scrutinizing every change your body was going through while your husband was waiting for you to give him attention. 
“Why is my angel grumpy” He whispered against your hairline, peppering kisses across your face while you shrugged, not meeting his eyes. He hummed, noting the way your gaze were still fixated on your body, easily reading your mind. 
“Hmm, is it cause of this little one” His eyes twinkled, dropping to his knees, pressing his forehead against your tummy. “Is my munchkin making you all pouty?” 
You nodded while Bucky lifted your dress, pressing his lips on your bare skin, his hands coming up to your hips so he could pull you closer and smush his face in. You giggled at the feeling of him rubbing his face in, tickling your sensitive skin, 
He becomes a ridiculous menace with your belly. He always has to have a hand on your tummy at all times. Doesn’t matter when or where. As long as he can shove his hand under your shirt and feel your belly, he’s content. 
Move night? Hand on your belly, under your oversized shirt. He’s ready to flip anyone off that tells him he’s doing too much but no one does because the way he dotes on you is too cute. 
Cuddle time? Only if he can be big spoon so he can hold your belly. 
Showering? Obviously, he has to be there. 
Cooking? Both hands are splayed on your tummy while you waddle around the kitchen, telling him he can sit down. So now he’s pouting while still holding your tummy. 
Going for a walk? You have to take breaks so he can feel your perfect baby bump. 
He also never stops talking about it. 
“Isn’t my angel the prettiest?” 
“Yeah, she is-”
“Shut up, only I can say that”
“My baby looks so pretty carrying my baby”
“Can’t wait to get you pregnant again doll”
“Bucky, we haven’t even had our first-”
“Shhh, we’re gonna make an army of baby Buckys”
“If you look this good now, imagine how gorgeous you’d look with twins”
“It’s not like you can decide when twins happen”
“Then we’ll just have to keep trying- (wiggles his eyebrows, stalking over to you with that horny feral look that got you pregnant in the first place)
“What if it’s not twins the next time”
“Then we try again”
“and again”
“and again”
“Bucky, seriously?”
“Were gonna have so many babies” 
“And they will be called Winter’s Children” 
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w2soneshots · 1 month
Can you do a oneshot where Simon is saying it is to easy to be pregnant so he has to wear a fake Belly for 24 hours and they will be filming the howl day beeing pregnant together
Easy -W2S
Words: 0.4k+
Warnings: pregnancy.
In which Harry thinks being pregnant isn’t that hard so you decide to prove him wrong.
a/n: hey babe! I hope you don’t mind but I decided to do this for bog instead of Simon, since I could envision this happening with him more🫶🏼. I loved the video Faith did with Ethan that's similar to this so when I got this request I was quite excited to write it. I hope you enjoy💕
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Liked by faithloisak and 409,163 others
y/username: when he says being pregnant isn't that hard... new video out now🍉🫃🏼
Tagged: @wroetoshaw
taliamar: you look stunning
-> y/username: 💗
y/nfanpage21: oh Harry you donut
-> y/username: 😂🤣
behzingagram: hahaahahah
user71487109: the third pic😭
user17048282: this bout to be hilarious
"So... you don't think it's hard being pregnant?" I reiterated Harry's statement. "Uh well- no. I guess the start wasn't great when you had morning sickness n stuff but now you've got so much energy, no symptoms and your bump isn't even that big." He replied. I raised my eyebrows "ok then." A thought popped into my head. This is gonna to be fun.
Two weeks later I'd secretly brought everything I would need for the video. "Haz!" I shouted through our home "can you come here for a sec!" Seconds later I heard loud footsteps quickly coming down the carpeted stairs. "Everything alright?" He asked, once he was in our kitchen/dining room. "Yup, can you come and film a video with me... please?" He sighed then fixed his hair with his hands "Ok. What video?" I smirked "come sit down and I'll tell you." He sat down on the chair next to me and I switched the camera on. "Ok, so do you remember like... two weeks ago when you said that making a whole human wasn't that hard?" I watched as he got slightly nervous. "Uh yes." He replied. "Well I thought that today you could try it." His brows furrowed "Try what?" "Being pregnant."
"I bought this watermelon and some cling film." Harry sighed "oh nelly." I giggled then passed the melon to him. He held it in place while I used the cling film to attach it to him, over his shirt. "Fuckin hell this thing is heavy." He moaned. "Mhm, I bought the biggest one they had." I hummed. Once I was finished I made him put on and take off shoes, sit down, try to get comfortable, then stand up again, walk up and down the stairs and try to 'take a nap'. "I'm so out of breath." Harry stood bent over with both hands on his knees. While I stood filming him. I was finding it absolutely hilarious, since he'd thought it "wasn't that hard."
I sat in bed between Harry's legs, his hands gently resting on my bump. "Ok I admit it. I was definitely wrong, being pregnant is a lot harder than it looks. I'm sorry." He gently rubbed circles on my clothed skin. "Don't be sorry Haz. I got a great video out of it." He laughed.
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Hard on Myself
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Pairing: EddiexFemReader
Summary: This was a request
Can you make another rockstar!eddie where they just had a baby and the reader goes to one of his shows with the baby to see her daddy and she gets dressed up but reader still has a bit of post partum body and the fan girls see it and shame on her and reader declines eddies touches and works out and later eddie finds out and she breaks down and they make love? :)
18+ only
“Hey, I just got Cadence down to sleep,” Eddie murmured in your ear as he slid up behind you in the hotel room, his hands holding onto your arms. “We should take advantage of the alone time.” Those hands slid down your arms and the minute they touched your waist you shot away from him, like a firework jetting off into the sky. 
“Actually, I was going to go workout,” you offered with a strained smile. 
You had brought the baby to Eddie’s show three nights ago, wanting to surprise him. Stella, Gareth’s girlfriend, had stayed with the baby on the tour bus while you watched the concert. You didn’t want to subject your ten week old’s ears to the deafening music. You had been so excited, putting on a red dress that Eddie had always loved on you. It had been a little tighter than usual and yeah, you had a little pooch in your middle and you had to wear a good bra because breastfeeding was not doing anything great for your boobs, but you’d just had a baby. You decided to wear it anyway, wanting to look perfect for your husband. 
But then the comments began, fangirls all around noticing you, knowing exactly who you were. Considering Rolling Stone had done a feature on the band and their families, with you and Eddie right on the cover, it didn’t surprise you that they recognized you as his wife. What did surprise you was what you heard them saying. You could still hear the razor sharp digs at you now. 
“How long does she think she’s going to keep him around if she doesn’t lose that baby weight?”
“Ugh…how has he not left her yet? She’s delusional if she thinks he’s sticking around.”
“She looks like a whale in that dress. Why would she even think she should wear that?”
“Oh my god, why does she still look pregnant? Didn’t she have that baby weeks ago?”
“Ladies, we need to get backstage. If that’s what he’s coming home to, Eddie will jump at the chance to be with a girl who actually takes care of herself. He deserves so much hotter than lard-ass over there.”
“Damn, has she ever met a donut she didn’t eat?”
Tears stung your eyes but you swallowed hard, forcing them back, refusing to cry in front of Eddie. You couldn’t let him see how much those remarks had hurt. You didn’t want him to feel bad. You had signed on for this life. You had agreed to stick by him as she sought out his rockstar dreams and now that it was happening, you couldn’t do anything to ruin it for him. 
But you couldn’t help wondering if they were right. You knew you should work out, but it was so hard when you barely felt human anymore. Cadence was perfect, but you couldn’t remember the last time you’d had a solid night’s sleep. Your brain felt foggy, everything coated in a mist that made it difficult to know where you were or what you were supposed to be doing at the moment. You were exhausted all the time. You barely had the energy to shower, let alone work out. 
“Sweetheart, didn’t you already work out this morning?” asked Eddie. 
“Yeah, but I feel like getting another one in and the hotel gym is so nice. I don’t have time to do this back home when it’s just me and it feels good. I mean, Cadence is twelve weeks old. I should be getting this baby weight off. The doctor gave me the all clear.”
Eddie stepped into you, resting his hands on his hips, his eyes moving up and down your body, “I don’t see anything that needs fixing. You look perfect.” Those soft, brown eyes searched yours, as if he could see into your mind, what you were thinking. “And princess, if this matters to you, then I will support you but I’m also worried. You worked out three times yesterday and now you’re talking about a second time today. You just had a baby. Don’t overdo it.”
Sighing, you backed away from him, holding your hands in front of you, “Eddie, I’m fine. The doctor said working out was fine. It’s been twelve weeks since I had her. You’re acting like I just gave birth yesterday.”
“I’m not saying you just gave birth yesterday but you’re a brand new mom. Cut yourself some slack. It just seems like you’re suddenly a bit obsessive about working out. I don’t want to find you passed out in the hotel gym.”
“Jesus, Eddie, just let it go. I’m not going to pass out in the gym. Just watch our daughter, something you never have to do since you’re out being a rockstar. I just want a little goddamn time to myself, okay? Is that really too much to ask?”
Eddie’s head reared back in shock, those eyes flashing instantly from soft and warm to hard and disbelieving, “You signed up for this life. You told me you were okay with this when we decided to go for it. I can’t help it that we’re on tour right now. I offered to hire you a nanny to help. I planned more days off in between so I could be home. I suggested the two of you just come on the road with us because you know I hate being away from you.”
“Yeah, because that’s realistic. Let’s take a baby across the country in a bus. Come off it!” you yelled. You knew you weren’t being fair. You knew you were being a bitch but you couldn’t help it. All the hormones, the lack of sleep, the sheer exhaustion in your body, the words of those spiteful girls…it was all catching up to you and he happened to be in your line of sight. “I did sign up for this but it’s fucking hard. You’re not around and you’d think when you are, you could let me have just a little bit of me time! Is that really too much to ask?”
“Baby, I’m not saying that, but why don’t you actually take some time to relax? You could run yourself a bath or go sit by the pool and read a book? I will take care of Cadence all day if you need me to. I miss her. I would love to spend the day with her.”
“I am sure you would love it if I left you alone all day. Then you wouldn’t have to look at me and how disgusting I am now that I’ve bore your fucking child,” you snapped, hearing him yell your name as you charged out of the hotel room and down to the gym. 
The next morning, you were making your way back to your hotel room from the gym again. You had gone twice more yesterday, ignoring Eddie in the process, not wanting to face the reality of what was happening to your marriage, the things you said. It had taken every ounce of your energy to get through your workout and you had grown irrationally angry when your legs shook so bad you couldn’t even do a squat. How out of shape were you? Your body couldn’t even handle the workouts. 
You had showered at the gym, trying to delay the inevitable, knowing Eddie would be awake when you returned. You stood in front of the mirror after your shower, scrutinizing every inch of your body, disgusted with yourself. How had you allowed yourself to get like this? Those girls were right. If Eddie saw you naked now, he’d be repulsed with you. You grabbed the rolls of skin around your middle, pinching them until it hurt, as if you could just pull them off and make them vanish. Tears of revulsion, self-loathing, and despair trailed down your cheeks as you took in the faint stretch marks around your stomach and thighs, the dark circles under your hairs, the wan appearance of the skin on your face. You hated yourself. You hated this body. You were going to lose your husband to someone thinner and prettier than you, someone who did yoga every day and spent hours primping until everything was perfect. You didn’t have time to be perfect. You were too busy trying to figure out how to keep a tiny human alive and happy.
Finally, knowing you couldn’t put it off any longer, you had decided to face the inevitable. Eddie was going to leave you. He would find a replacement for you. And could you blame him? You saw the girls who threw themselves at him night after night. Of course it was only a matter of time…how long could he resist temptation when you were what he had to come home to?
Using your keycard, you opened the hotel door, the soft sound of your husband singing greeting your ears. You dropped your workout bag and peered around the corner to find him swaying in the sitting area, singing sweetly to your daughter. You recognized it. It was ‘All My Love’ by Led Zeppelin, the first song Eddie had danced with you to, out by Lover’s Lake. Just the two of you underneath the moon, those strong arms feeling like the safest place in the world. It was in that moment that you knew he was the only thing you ever wanted in life, that you would do anything to hold onto him forever.
Your heart broke watching him. You knew he adored your daughter. Cadence was his whole world. He would call before shows and ask you to put the phone to her ear so he could talk to her, terrified she would forget the sound of her dad’s voice. Even if he left you, he would never leave her, but that didn’t make the agony any less. 
“Hey, there you are,” he whispered as he caught sight of you standing there. 
Walking over to the bassinet, he gently laid Cadence down. Moving to you, he took your hands in his, gesturing with his head to follow him into the bedroom. You swallowed the hard knot of emotion that was strangling you and followed him. Eddie sat down on the bed, patting the spot next to him. Your body tensed, everything in your wanting to run, to flee what was coming, but you fought against it, joining him, your eyes focused on the floor. 
“Princess, what is going on?” he asked, his hand covering yours, that calloused thumb gently running along your skin. In spite of yourself, your body immediately responded to his touch, your tense muscles relaxing. “You are obsessively working out and I can’t figure out if it’s because you want to or it’s a way to avoid me.”
“I’m not…” you began, but you knew it was a lie. You were avoiding him because you were terrified of what was going to happen. If you weren’t with him, he couldn’t tell you he was leaving you. “I don’t know. Maybe I am avoiding you.”
“But why?” he urged. “Sweetheart, I’ve missed you so much. I hate being away from you and Cadence. I understand your reasoning for not bringing her on tour, but if we’re only going to be able to have a few days every few weeks, then we should be making the most of our time together. All I want is to curl up with you and her and soak in every single second so it can hopefully be enough to get me to the next time. I don’t know why you don’t want that. Are you…baby, are you unhappy with me?”
“No! I love you!” you exclaimed, shaking your head. You couldn’t do it anymore. Your head dropped forward as your body shook with sobs, all of the ugly things you’d feared, you’d been told, you’d been telling yourself just crashing down on you. 
“Oh princess,” Eddie breathed, gathering you in his arms. 
He laid back, gently guiding you with him and just held onto you as your entire body released everything that you had been caging, as the dam you’d built broke and the exhaustion, grief, and fear just came flowing out in torrents of pain. You gripped his shirt in your hands, soaking the fabric with your tears, relishing the comfort only he could ever provide you. 
“Sweetheart, tell me what’s going on, please?” he implored, his fingers tenderly kneading the flesh of your back. “I hate seeing you like this. Let me help you.”
“I…I…” you gasped. Pausing, you took slow, small breaths to try to calm yourself so you could speak. “Girls at your show, they were saying stuff. How long did I think I could keep you? What was I doing wearing that dress when I looked like a whale? Why did I still look pregnant? Why wasn’t I taking care of myself? I just…”
“What?” Eddie’s head jerked back, his eyes gazing into yours with genuine shock. “Fuck those girls. Who the hell do they think they are talking about my wife, talking about anyone, that way?”
“But it’s true!” you argued, pulling out of his embrace and sitting up. “Look at me! I can’t compare to all those groupies that hang around with their toned stomachs, tight asses, and tits that actually sit where they should without a bra. I’m a goddamn mess! I wanted to work out because…I don’t know. I wanted to be good enough for you, sexy enough for you…so you wouldn’t leave me for one of them.”
“Sweetheart,” Eddie crooned, sitting up next to you. His thumb and forefinger gripped your chin, turning your face to his. “I am not going anywhere, ever. I love you. You. And yes, I think you’re beautiful and gorgeous and so damn sexy, but it’s so much bigger than that. What we have is so much deeper than that. You don’t have to do a fucking thing to be good enough for me. You’re more than enough. In fact, you’re too damn good for me. I sit back every day and wonder how I got to be the lucky bastard you chose.”
Tears pooled in your eyes again at his words as you took in this beautiful man who had your whole heart and had since junior year of high school. All these years later, and he still had the ability to take your breath away, to cause you to lose your train of thought, to completely knock you off your feet. He had no idea how goddamn perfect he was. 
“I love you, princess, just you,” he whispered, his hand cradling your cheek, his lips so close you could feel the warmth of his breath passing over your skin. “I am never going anywhere.”
Then his lips were on yours, soft and warm, sending shocks of pleasure straight through you. His tongue slid along your lips, parting them so he could explore your mouth. You released a quiet whimper, fingers tangling in his hair, your entire body recognizing him, remembering how much it enjoyed the feel of his mouth and hands. 
You gripped the hem of his shirt, pulling it over his head. Your hands roamed along the familiar territory of his skin; his chest, his stomach; that little line of hair that led temptingly to what you desired most. You ran your fingers up his back, across his shoulder blades, relishing every single inch of him that you’d missed so much these last months. His fingers grabbed your shirt and shocked you back to reality. Your hands shot out, covering his and pulling them back.
“What?” he asked, pausing the kiss to look at you, concern apparent in that lovely face. “What’s wrong?”
“N…nothing,” you managed, shaking your head. 
Eddie’s head tilted slightly and you could see it in his eyes. He didn’t believe you. He stood from the bed, taking your hand and pulling you up. Those eyes bore into yours, ensuring you everything would be okay as he reached for your shirt again. You fought the urge to stop him as he slowly pulled it over your head. Turning you around, he pressed his chest to your back so you were both facing the floor to ceiling mirror in the bedroom. You cringed, closing your eyes at the sight, attempting to cover your midriff with your arms. 
“No, don’t do that,” he whispered in your ear, his hands covering yours and gently pulling them away. “Open your eyes, princess. Trust me.” Uncertainly, you obeyed, opening your eyes, but keeping them on him. “Look at yourself. You are a goddamn goddess and this stomach…” His hands splayed over your skin and you glanced at the mirror, meeting his eyes in it. “This stomach is beautiful. It grew our daughter. It nourished and protected her for nine months. It gave me Cadence. There is not a single part of you that isn’t absolutely perfect to me.”
“Eddie, but I'm not…” 
“Shh,” Eddie soothed, cutting you off. His tongue darted out, slipping along the side of your neck and you gasped, heading falling back against him. “Let me worship you like the goddess you are.”
His lips pressed against the skin of your neck, your shoulder. When his teeth joined in, nibbling the tender flesh between your neck and shoulder, you thought your legs would give out from under you. His fingers expertly released the clasp of your bra and it guided it down your arms until it fell to the floor. As his mouth continued torturing you with nips, licks, and kisses, his hands cupped your breasts, not squeezing, just holding them, being tender in knowing how sore they could be from breastfeeding. 
“You are gorgeous,” he whispered, his hand sliding down your stomach, slipping under your sweats and panties. A low groan fell from his lips when his fingers found your heat. “Fuck. You’re already so wet. I’ve missed you…I’ve missed this, so fucking much.”
He moved around to the front of you, guiding you back on the bed so your legs were dangling off the side. His hands pulled your sweats and panties off in one smooth movement and he threw them across the room. Kneeling down in front of you, he hitched your legs over his shoulders, putting you on full display for him. 
“I love you,” he growled, lips pressing along your inner thighs. “I love every goddamn inch of this body. I am going to show you just how much.”
Then his tongue ran through your folds, from your entrance to your clit and back again. You keened, back arching at the contact, the touch your body had been craving for weeks. Eddie’s hands gripped your thighs, fingers digging into the flesh as he expertly worked his tongue over you. Fuck, the things this man could do. It was like your body had forgotten, had fallen into a deep coma, and suddenly with one touch it was brought to life again. 
“Eddie…shit…” you panted, all concerns about your body and how it looked vanished from your mind as he sent you skyrocketing to the edge of oblivion. “Oh baby, yes…right there. Oh fuck, don’t stop.”
“Didn’t plan on it, princess,” he growled as you gripped his hair tightly in your fingers, grinding yourself against his face. He moaned against you and the feeling of it sent shockwaves of pleasure through you. 
Just when you thought this moment couldn’t be any better, Eddie plunged two fingers into you, adeptly twisting them so they instantly hit that pleasure button within you. Fingers grasping the sheets, you screeched, arching up off the bed. 
“Shh, sweetheart,” he chuckled, lapping circles around your clit, “don’t want to ruin our fun by waking up Cadence.”
You nodded, biting down on your bottom lip. Fuck, it was so hard to control your volume when he was so expertly sending you towards orgasm. You felt it coming as your stomach knotted, your legs quivered, muscles tensing. You tightened your thighs around his head, biting down on your knuckles as your hips rocked against him desperately. 
“That’s it sweetheart. Let it all go. You deserve this,” he urged, before sucking your clit between his lips like it was a hard candy. 
Your eyes rolled into your head as you bit down so hard on your knuckles that you broke the skin, pathetic whimpers and moans releasing from your body, sounds you couldn’t even describe if you tried. A half squeak, half shriek exploded from you as your orgasm came crashing like a tidal wave. You gripped Eddie’s hair with one hand, holding his face against you as you rode it out. 
Slowly coming down, he pressed a kiss to your center that had you whimpering before those lips began tracing along every inch of your body, not a single bit of skin left untouched. He kissed the tops of your feet, your skins, your knees, your thighs, your stomach, your breasts, your neck, before finally making his way back to your lips. You were a gasping, writhing mess beneath him, his mouth already setting a new fire ablaze in you before the first had completely extinguished.
“Goddamn, you are exquisite,” he said, running the back of his hand along your cheek. “You are so fucking perfect.” His arms wrapped around you, flipping you both so you were on top of him. “I want you to ride me, princess. I want to watch you, every single inch of you.”
“Eddie…” you began to protest but he pressed his finger against your lips, raising his eyebrows. 
“Uh-uh,” he insisted, shaking his head. “No more negative talk about yourself. No more mean thoughts about yourself. You are a knockout. You are strong. You are bad-ass. You are a mother. You are perfect and you are mine. I love every single inch of you and I want to see every single inch of you. Get out of your head and just be here with me, princess.”
You swallowed hard, nodding. You could do this. You wanted to do this. You wanted to let it all go, all the toxic shit that had been poisoning your mind and heart, and just be with him. Undoing his pants, Eddie lifted his hips, and you helped him pull them off. You placed one knee on either side of his hips as he held his cock in his hand and guided it within you. You lowered your hips until they were flush against his and you both groaned at the feel of him buried within you, something you’d both been craving for too damn long. 
“Jesus,” he hissed, his hands resting on your hips. “I’ve missed being inside you. You were fucking made for me, do you know that?”
You nodded, slowly rocking your hips forward and backward, causing him to hit that delicious spot all over again. You bit your lip, reminding yourself that you had to control your volume, something the two of you had never had to worry about before. Eddie’s hands slid up, gripping the sides of your waist and you paused, but only for a moment, before continuing to move against him. He loved you. He wanted you. You had to stop obsessing and just be in the moment with this beautiful man, this man you adored more than anything on this planet, Cadence excluded of course.
Your head fell back, hair draping down your back as you lost yourself in the sensation of the two of you becoming one, the two of you connected in a way you hadn’t been in too long. This right here, this had always been perfection with Eddie. You’d heard other girls talk about how the sex fizzled out, wasn’t as exciting, but seven years later, nothing about her desire for him had languished, it had only intensified. Seeing him as a father had just made him even more sexy. Seeing how much he loved your daughter was the greatest aphrodisiac. It had only been medical necessity and then your own insecurities that had hindered it, but right now, you were remembering all of the reasons you needed to let it go. You begin moving your hips in a circular motion and Eddie gasped at the new sensation.
“Fuck baby, that’s so good,” he murmured, eyes devouring you. One of his hands glided along your stomach, in between your breasts, resting on your throat. “You look like goddamn Sune right now, goddess of love and light…just fucking gorgeous.”
If you weren’t lost in the throes of pleasure, you would have laughed. Of course he would compare you to a DnD character. Damn, you loved that the nerd you fell in love with was still in there. He hadn’t lost himself to the fame and celebrity that came with his rockstar lifestyle. At his core, he was still just your Eddie. 
“Come here,” he urged, hands wrapping around you and pulling you down to his chest, crushing you against him as close as he could. He began to thrust his hips upward and you bit down on the flesh of his shoulder to keep from screaming in pleasure. He growled against your ear, one hand cradling your head, the other around your back. “Fuck baby, I am so close.”
“Me too…I…Eddie!” you screamed, gripping his shoulders for dear life as he plunged into you again and again, your orgasm shuddering through you. As your walls pulled tightly around him, he wasn’t long to follow, gripping you to him as he held himself within you, filling you with his release. 
You felt when his muscles relaxed, his body going slack beneath you. Eddie continued to hold you to him, moaning softly with gratification as he kissed your forehead, your nose, your lips. You looked up to see him looking at you, a sleep, satisfied smile on his lips. Your hand came up to rest on his cheek as you tucked yourself against him, burrowing into your own personal safe space.
“Jesus…” he muttered with a low chuckle. “That was goddamn amazing. I love you so fucking much.”
“I love you,” you stated, kissing his chest. “I’m so sorry I’ve been so distant during this trip. I’ve missed you so damn much and I feel like I’ve wasted our time together.”
“So, don’t go,” Eddie insisted. “What’s the rush? You can stay as long as you want.” You opened your mouth but he stopped you. “Look, I know the road is not a normal life for a baby. I’m aware of that. I get all your reasons but we’re not normal, sweetheart. We’re far from it. We have plenty of people on this tour to help. I miss you and Cadence so much. When you’re not with me, there’s just this hole…I’m not complete when you’re not here. I’m not happy. I’m not myself. Everyone notices it. Just, promise me you’ll think about it, okay?”
“There’s nothing to think about,” you said and his face fell, all hope vanishing instantly. Reaching out, you took his face in his hands, bringing his eyes back to yours. “There’s nothing to think about because I was already going to say that I think we should try it. I miss you too. I am miserable without you and Cadence needs her daddy. I knew what I was signing up for when I agreed to this and I am willing to give it a try.”
Eddie’s entire face lit up, those sweet simple appearing in his cheeks, his eyes like melted chocolate, so soft and warm as he pressed his lips to yours for a deep, gentle kiss.
“Yeah? You’re going to come on the road with me?”
“Baby, I would go anywhere with you. You’re my home, not some walls and a roof, just you,” you replied. 
“You have no idea how happy you…”
You were cut off as the sound of Cadence’s cries shattered the quiet of the hotel room. Sighing, you went to get up but Eddie stopped you, gently pushing you back to the bed.
“I’ve got her. There’s still bottles you pumped in the fridge. You get some sleep.” Leaning over, he kissed your forehead. “Let me do my job. And hey, I have to thank my daughter. At least she let her dad finish before interrupting.”
You laughed, burrowing down in the bed as you watched him pull on some sweats and head out of the room. This was going to be good. Everything was going to be okay. You knew if anyone could make this work, it was the two of you.
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gingiesworld · 7 months
Fatal Attraction
Chapter Two
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Pairings: Wanda Maximoff x GN! Reader/Wanda Maximoff x Jarvis Stark
Warnings: Angst. Fluff.
Taglist : @natashamaximoff-69 @canvascoloredin @wizardofstories @louxbloom @wandanats-goodgirl @the-ox-fan20 @ladyqueenxoxo @aemilia19 @wandaromamoff69 @mfd-101 @dorabledewdroop @marvelogic
Wanda was excited to start her first day at Oscorp, of course she never told Jarvis where she was working. Oscorp and Stark Industries are the biggest rivals in the USA, both companies sell high tech software and Oscorp also sell pharmaceuticals and weapons, something which Tony had stopped Stark Industries manufacturing. So Stark had lost a lot of investors due to lack of materials.
"Why are you up so early?" Jarvis asked his wife as she sat at the table, a cup of coffee in one hand and a slice of toast in the other.
"I have my first day today." She told him as she put the cup down, gathering her things.
"What time will you be home?" He questioned as she raised her brow. "I just want to know if I should expect dinner or not when I walk through the door."
"Seriously?" She scoffed as he gazed at her. "I am not a little housewife. It is not my job to mother you!" She left the toast and coffee on the table as she grabbed her purse, heading straight to the door. "Don't expect me to cook dinner for you tonight." She told him before she slammed the door behind her. Heading straight into the cold city air as she walked to Oscorp. Making her way up to the top floor after retrieving her I.D. badge.
"Wanda, good morning." Jean greeted her as she entered the office.
"Good morning. How are you and the little one?" She asked her as Jean smiled, resting her hand on her stomach.
"We are both great." She answered before Y/N walked in, three cups and a bag of donuts.
"Green tea for Jean, coffee for me and coffee for Wanda." They handed them the cups before placing the donuts on the desk. "And breakfast." The two women thanked them before Jean handed them a file.
"You have a meeting with Dr Stacy about the new antibiotic." Jean told them as they nodded.
"Would you spend this week showing Wanda how everything is done here?" They asked her. "I want her to know everything before you leave but if she doesn't get everything, I will always help if you need me." They told the two who just nodded. Wanda watched as they disappeared down the hall and towards the elevator.
"They don't really get a moment." Jean told Wanda who nodded, grabbing a seat beside the pregnant woman. "You seemed to be upset when you came in." Jean observed as Wanda shook her head.
"Just marital problems." Wanda shrugged as Jean looked at her shocked.
"But you're so young." She whispered as Wanda chuckled.
"We have been together forever." Wanda told her, soon interrupted by the phone ringing, watching as Jean showed her how to get into Y/N's schedule. Wanda was shocked at how many meetings they had in a day, and what time they actually finished work.
"They also never really rest." Jean told her.
"I can see." Wanda nodded as she swallowed.
"You won't be staying that long unless they need you for an emergency." Jean told her. "But the overtime is generous." The two had gone on with Jean showing Wanda how to use the company software and how to make the changes as Y/N headed towards the labs.
"So, how far along is the process?" They asked her as she looked up from her tablet.
"It is almost done, we just need to start trials soon." Gwen started. "It is supposed to be stronger than your average oral antibiotic, tackling the source of the infection. We have tried it on a test dummy but we won't get sufficient results until we open up for human trials."
"Get the FDA to sign off on the trials first." They told her as she handed them another file.
"We have also had to adjust the formula of the tranquilizers." She informed them. "The old formula was." She made a face. "It was too potent."
"Just keep me informed, inform the FDA and get that approval." They told her before they walked away with the new files in their hands. Once Y/N had made it back to the office, they spotted both Jean and Wanda chatting comfortably. "Ms Maximoff, a word please." They held the office door open for her which she had quickly moved inside. "Please, have a seat." Wanda was quick to follow their order as they placed the files down in their growing pile. "I assume that Jean has shown you most of the database."
"Yes." Wanda answered as Y/N smiled at her.
"Wanda." They stood up from their seat and looked out of the window for a brief moment before continuing. "I had to do some of my own research and it seems that your husband is none other than the son of Anthony Stark."
"I can explain." She tried, thinking she was going to lose her job.
"I know you can." They gave her a smile. "But I also have another contract for you to sign. It protects the assets of Oscorp and its investors." They reached inside their draw for a binded contract. "It pretty much states that you cannot speak of anything that happens inside of this building, or you will be facing a lawsuit." Wanda nodded in understanding, of course she hated the idea of lying to her husband but she needed to earn her way, not like anyone would understand. She held out her hand for a pen which they handed her one from their pen pot. "Just a quick question darling." They asked as they took the contract. "Why do you want to work if being Jarvis Stark's wife provides for you?"
"I want to be able to earn my own money." She told them honestly. "I don't want to be known as Jarvis Stark's pretty little wife."
"Then why did you marry him?" They questioned as she bit the inside of her cheek. A small smirk formed on their face before they smiled guiltily at her. "My apologies, it isn't my place."
"I love him." She told them, her eye contact never faltering. "I have loved him since the moment he asked me out, as nervous as he was for being the infamous Tony Stark's son. He was the complete opposite to his father, he was sweet and loyal, kind and caring."
"You said that as in the past tense." They told her. "So, you don't think he is the same man you fell in love with?"
"Are you my shrink?" Wanda questioned with a raised brow, making Y/N chuckle lightly before leaning on the desk before her.
"I just want the best for my employees Wanda." They told her, nothing but genuine affirmation of the words laced their tone. "I know the people outside of this company think I am heartless. A power hungry being but I only want what's right for every one who works for Oscorp, that is what Norman taught me before he left me as the sole successor of his company." Wanda listened as they spoke. "The company is as strong as the people who run it. I just keep everything in order, it's the employees who keep Oscorp running, their ideas, their knowledge, their creations keep Oscorp from going underground."
"I can say that I was one of those people." Wanda whispered as Y/N laughed a little.
"Wanda, you are now one of the people who keep Oscorp running too. You keep me on schedule and arrange the appointments for the investors." They rested their hand on her shoulder. "So I only have your best interests at heart." With that they grabbed their next file before heading to the door with Wanda following. "Just know you can always come to me." With that they opened the door for her before heading to Jean.
"Mr Fisk is downstairs." She informed them.
"Why don't you both order lunch? Take a break." They suggested, before they headed to the elevator, leaving Wanda pondering their last conversation.
"What is the deal with them and Norman?" Wanda asked Jean who shook her head.
"That is not my place to tell." She told her. "I only knew because I was Norman's assistant before Y/N took over."
"So you've been here longer?" She questioned as Jean shook her head.
"No, Y/N was always here, shadowing him, learning how to run the company. They even helped with the Glider Project." Jean told her. "Of course it failed, an accident happened and well, Norman scrapped it."
Wanda was most certainly drawn into the mystery that is Y/N Y/L/N.
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abiiors · 8 months
long drive 🧁 // matty healy x reader
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promptober '23 - day 4
a/n: seriously, there's less cheese in a quattro formaggi pizza. if you're an og, there's an easter egg in there for you 🤭 cw: none, just fluff wc: 1k
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five hours. that’s how long it’s been since matty has seen her smile. five hours that she’s gone without laughing at his jokes or giggling at memes on her phone or even smiling when someone complimented her on her dress. 
he doesn’t know what went wrong. she was fine when they woke up, happy and smiling when she got dressed for the day, excited to spend time with him in the studio. all they did was stop at their usual cafe for some coffee and donuts. and she has been moody ever since. 
and yes he’s worried. especially when he sees her stroking her rounded stomach and frowning. 
“darling,” matty approaches her cautiously. “something wrong? you look a bit upset.” he waits for a response. something, anything. but all he gets is a moody shrug. 
“do you feel sick? just moody? i–i know being pregnant isn’t easy but—”
“it’s nothing, matty,” she sighs deeply and goes back to her laptop doing whatever she was doing before. the frown doesn’t budge and so matty isn’t satisfied. 
“it’s not nothing,” he smooths a hand down her stomach, feeling tiny flutters of the baby’s movements. “you were fine this morning. you were fine till we stopped for coffee… i–have i said something? done something wrong?” 
he’s sure his frown matches hers now. the guilt creeps in at the thought of having said something that might have upset her. to his horror, her bottom lip starts wobbling. 
“no… no you haven’t,” she reassures quickly, voice thick with tears. “it’s stupid. it’s fine, i’ll get over it.”
“it’s not stupid.” matty moves closer, wiping some of the fallen tears away with his thumb. “come on. tell me what’s wrong.”
she sniffles again and shuts her laptop, setting it aside. matty watches her closely for any signs of discomfort or pain. for anything that might give him a clue.
“you know leah?” she asks unsurely.
“our barista?”
“mm-hmm,” she nods quickly. “well, she makes these amazing pumpkin cakes when autumn starts, and well… i have really been craving one all morning. since last night really…” 
she pauses to take a shaky breath, hiccuping slightly. matty is even more confused than before. 
“i was going to get a slice when we stopped for coffee. we haven’t been there in so long, i thought i’d say hi too…” 
matty nods patiently, letting her work through the story and get to the root of the problem. 
“leah’s moved away,” she sniffles. “they don’t make those pumpkin cakes anymore.”
for a moment he’s speechless, simply trying to process it and her eyes widen. 
“you think it’s stupid!” she wails, “it’s hormones, i can’t control them—”
“hey, hey, hey, no!” he scrambles to get closer to her, to wipe away more tears that threaten to spill. his mind works faster than it ever has trying to come with some solution to this problem, even if it’s stupid. 
“did they tell you where she went?”
she nods again, lip trembling once more and matty’s stomach sinks. please don’t let it be out of the country, he chants mentally over and over again, desperate for an answer. 
“i looked it up,” she sniffles, pointing to the laptop, “it’s an hour and a half away.”
to her, that’s an outrageous distance to travel for one slice of cake, to him it’s a fucking blessing. 
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“i am the pregnant one,” she laughs through the tears just as they’re setting off fifteen minutes later. “i should be the one with insane ideas, not you!”
matty tuts in the driver’s seat, more focused on reversing the car safely (and yeah, okay, also doing the arm behind the seat thing that she loves so much). it’s only when he sees her smile that his heart stops hammering in his chest. once they’re safely on the road, his hand drifts to her stomach, rubbing lightly. 
“it’s my baby too,” he chastises playfully, “i get to spoil her however i want.”
next to him she shrugs. the movement makes the sun catch in her hair, reflecting the gorgeous hues. his heart thuds in his chest for an entirely different reason now—because he can’t stop stealing glances at her even when he’s busy driving. can’t stop looking at the way the reds and oranges outside compliment her outfit so well or how the october sun makes her eyes shine. 
as soon as they reach the new cafe, she’s out the door and running towards the entrance before he’s even found a parking spot. matty laughs to himself, shaking his head fondly. it takes him another minute but he follows her inside just in time to watch leah cooing over his wife’s belly. matty walks up to them, placing a hand on the small of her back and greets the barista with a nod. 
“we,” he gestures towards the wife and the bump, “missed your pumpkin cakes tremendously.” then he moves away giggling when she tries to smack him. “seriously,” he stage whispers, “it was dire, leah, there were tears.”
leah laughs shaking her head. “the fact that you drove almost two hours…”
she moves behind the counter again, finally taking out a slice and setting it on a plate. matty swears he can hear her gasp next to him. 
he looks at her again when he feels a tug on his jacket, about to panic when he sees her lip wobble slightly but she gives him a watery smile. 
“you’re the best,” she stands on her toes, pressing a kiss on the corner of his mouth. “thank you.”
he melts into her then, letting her give him a proper kiss that tastes just as sweet as the pumpkin cakes they’re about to have. and she indulges him, all the way until leah appears in front of them, two plates in hand. and matty is promptly forgotten in favour of the cake. 
he doesn’t mind though, he knows the two hours are nothing. for her, he’d probably go to the ends of the earth.
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lemme know what you think <33
taglist: @scooby-doodoo, @partoftheairforce, @justgoatsbreakinghearts0855@beachesgetpeaches, @you-muppet, @mcabister, @alexmarie29, @at-her-very-foreign, @hfkait, @squishysoupy@sierraeslaprincesa@harrie-fic-center @alien-girl-violet@thereisaplaceintheheart @kennedy-brooke @lolidontknowanymore @theoriginalwhatsername@celestcies@sugarkane1001 @ari-turner @thewaywewereinsaigon @daphnesutton @beliefandsayingsomething @ros3chu
add yourself to the taglist
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Ducan "Donut" Vizla🍩
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Disclaimer: stories are fictitious and should not be taken literally, the behavior is entirely imaginative and the content may be inappropriate
Updated & repaired: 16/07/2023 (if a story won't load or something else, please message me and let me know)
Fluff🌺  Angst 🌩️ Smut❤️‍🔥
5 Types Of Kisses🌺
Speak In Flowers 🌺 Flowers speak their own words and show their actions. And your man loves to speak it out loud.
Visiting Your Hometown 🌺 how would your boy act when you drag him along to your hometown
Helping You To Accept Your Stretch Marks 🌺your boy helps you accept your beautiful stretch marks as they are...pure perfection
Explaining To Your Man Kdramas🌺I (V) wrote small drabbles that paired my favorite men and dramas that I absolutely love
Dating A Tattoo Artist 🌺 being a tattoo artist and your boyfriend being part of it
When Tough Times Occur 🌺Life itself can be a pain and with its obstacles, it can seem impossible to overcome it but that’s what makes us stronger as people.
Someone Rubs You The Wrong Way With... 🌺 how would your man protect you when someone doesn’t mind your business
Having A Shower ❤️‍🔥having a shower with your man sounds like heaven right?!
One Thing He Loves About You (Physically Or Mentally)🌺 the title spoils the ending a bit
No Nut November ❤️‍🔥in the glory of No Nut November, you make a bet with your liver saying if they fail you cuff them and use them to your liking but if you lose they get to fulfil one of their fantasies. And you are keen on it to make them lose, by any means.
My Saviour 🌺protective! Duncan Vizla? Maybe they capture her and he’s ready to wreak havoc upon them? Hurt/comfort with a bit of makeup smut?
Taking Off Their S/O's Makeup 🌺 (Could you do Duncan vizla,the joker and whoever else you’d like.)taking off their s/o makeup after they come from a nightout because they are to drunk to do it themselves 💛
Stressed Student 🌺 can I request Duncan Vizla, the Joker, Victor Creed and what would they do if they see their s/o down because they're stressed due exams?
You Are My Protector 🌺 do you think he’d appreciate someone being gentle with him and spoiling him with compliments? I just imagine him getting a praise kink whenever his woman kisses his scars 😚💗
Worship Me 🌺 What about Duncan doing some exhausting teasing foreplay the whole day before having sex?😍😍
Kicking in the process... 🌺 Duncan Vizla x Pregnant Reader
October Drive ❤️‍🔥I think daddy Duncan deserves some smut, would you be an angel you are and write something, maybe some August heat car ride or smth!
Telling Him You Are A Virgin ❤️‍🔥 Ok here me out 😂 virgin X Duncan, she constantly flirts with him but doesn’t want a one night stand with him. It shocks him when she says she’s a virgin and only does long term
White Shorts VS. Duncan Vizla ❤️‍🔥Innocent girl + short shorts = very pent up Duncan = very rough sex
Period Sex ❤️‍🔥What do you think about Duncan smut while his girl is on period? I bet he's up to this shit👀👀
Duncan Pleaser ❤️‍🔥 Omg give us more swearing daddy Duncan pleasing his woman😍😍
Outdoor Quickie ❤️‍🔥hi there! I've come up with the idea for Duncan smut, IDK if you like it, but I give it a try🔞🔞how bout some outdoor quickie in winter? IDK if it's even possible in real life, but still! I very much appreciate all your imagines! you're doing great👍👍
Christmas Decorations 🌺 now here’s a little concept (you don’t have to write I just want to share lol) She is super excited for Christmas like REALLY excited she’s all over the house with decorations and at first when she asks him to help her he says no but I mean he can’t say no to her puppy eyes so he caves and they spend the whole afternoon decorating the house ✨💜✨💜✨
I Ain't No Snitch 🌺❤️‍🔥 can you imagine if one day she is kidnapped in order to get to Duncan so he has to find her and everything and when he finds her she’s all scared and crying so he gets all soft and protective 😭😭😭😭😭😭
No Bra ❤️‍🔥 some good old Duncan Vizla smut
Nightly Adventures ❤️‍🔥Lemme ask for some duncan vizla smut, daddy kink, dirty talk and pure filth? I feel like the character is underrated and has lots of potential!
Jingle My Balls ❤️‍🔥 How about some good ol' sexy time with Duncan Vizla! Ohhhhh maybe a holiday theme?? Like the reader wore idk a santa dress/elf dress and Duncan decides to jingle their bells??? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ya catchin my drift chief?? Im sorry this was cheesy
Daddy Kink Headcanon ❤️‍🔥 I was wondering if u could possibly do some Duncan Vizla with daddy kink (smut) headcaons plz it’s ok if u can’t tho 👌
Wedding Risks ❤️‍🔥 may i ask for more of it, maybe some inappropriate place/timing smut or public place or as you wish, cause it gives life :3
Brave 🌩️🌺 I have a request for Duncan! Maybe one of his old enemies gets ahold of his SO and uses her to lure him into a trap and all the angst but with a happy ending! I love your writing so much!! 💕💕💕
Departure ❤️‍🔥How bout some age gap angsty smutty fic w\Duncan Vizla? Like grey hair and wrinkles and stuff, cause kinks are kinks, you know🔥🔥🔥
First Timers ❤️‍🔥 May I request some Duncan smut, like first meeting him\first date stuff... like why wait for 2nd date when you're all head over heels :3
The Right Way To Wake Up ❤️‍🔥 How about some middle of the night/early morning wake up sex w/Mr Duncan Vizla💦💦
Road Trip ❤️‍🔥what about some road/car sex with Duncan?
Foreplay ❤️‍🔥May I request some NSFW Duncan headcanons like putting a condom on/undressing/arousing words, etc., stuff like that!
Mustache Ride I feel like Duncan's mustache gently massaging skin\clit while giving oral must be headcanon😍😍
Girl 🌺 What Would Duncan Vizla Think of having a chubby girlfriend?
Hand+Job ❤️‍🔥May I ask for Duncan receiving handjob or smth without penetration😍😍
Kisses Of Jealously ❤️‍🔥Thank you for all the Duncan fics, they are perfect😍 Let me request some steamy period smut with Duncan
Bathtub Mishaps ❤️‍🔥May I request some bathroom/bathtub Duncan Vizla smut? It should we very wet out there if you know what i mean💦💦
Leading Praise❤️‍🔥
Sinful Words What would you say about Duncan being daddy he is and talking dirty with his lover😈😈
Duncan Going To Town❤️‍🔥
NSFW Alphabet (VER 1)❤️‍🔥
NSFW Alphabet (VER2)❤️‍🔥
First Time Having Sex❤️‍🔥
Nightly Adventures ❤️‍🔥Lemme ask for some Duncan Vizla smut, daddy kink, dirty talk and pure filth? I feel like the character is underrated and has lots of potential!
Little Miss ❤️‍🔥
Fitting Punishment ❤️‍🔥
Comparisons ❤️‍🔥
Chubby!SO 🌺What Would Duncan Vizla Think of having a chubby girlfriend?
Hands To Kiss🌺
Mother, Meet Duncan Vizla 🌺your mom meets your boyfriend
Jealousy Makes Him Silent 🌺
Duncan Saving You🌺
Duncan Learning Your Native Language🌺
Mornings With Duncan Vizla🌺
Making Out ❤️‍🔥
Dating Duncan Vizla🌺
First BJ❤️‍🔥
Tease ❤️‍🔥
Over The Edge ❤️‍🔥
Breathe 🌺Song fic- Breathe by Mako
Professor Vizla (Professor!AU)❤️‍🔥Could you write a professor Duncan Vizla x reader smut... ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) And there is an age gap between them... Something like that... 🙈🙈🙈
Sins Of Ours (Priest!AU)❤️‍🔥 For Anon who requested it: I hope you like it, I have seen the trailer you suggested but I just changed the name because I’m a lazy bitch and haven’t found the name of the character Mads played so I changed it to Duncan. I hope that’s okay. 
Duncan Seeing You After A Long Time🌩️
Seeing Duncan’s Old Videos Of Him🌺
Waking Up Next To Duncan Vizla🌺
Duncan Coming To Your Home Needing Help🌺
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emmyfairy · 11 months
Kandomere Wants a baby
kandomere has a realization as he watches you
a/n: alright friends Kandomere was the poll winner! this was inspired by real life events haha (sans the elf sadly) I hope you all enjoy, please like/ reblog if you do and my ask box is always open even just to say hi!
trigger warning: this fic discusses pregnancy!
gif not mine
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It was late, the sun had long since set, but work is work, and so Agent Kandomere of the Magic Task Force arrived home late.
You couldn't fault him really, especially since this time he had sent a text message letting you know that a case had sprung up. You, as his lovely significant other, had taken the chance to make a nice dinner instead of being angry. 
As long as he came home in one piece you were happy.
You had prepared quite the spread, hearty pasta, bread, and an abundance of side dishes, knowing your man would be ravenous after such a taxing day.
Once Kandomere had finally gotten home, his face held a deep exhaustion, and annoyance, both of which disappeared as he wrapped his arms around you and saw the full table. The man had thanked you profusely for such a lovely dinner, before, during, and after finishing his two plates.
You brushed off his offer at doing the dishes, instead setting him on his nice chair in the living room with a glass of bourbon.
You could feel his eyes on you as you washed up at the sink, his chair positioned so the two of you could converse, discussing the idiots he had to deal with at work, Montehugh’s latest hobby update (apparently he is making donuts), and all the things you had gotten up to today.
Kandomere sat, sipping at his glass, his gaze heavy on you as he studied your form a bit more intensely than usual. From this angle he had a beautiful side view of you, watching your hips sway as you scrubbed the dishes. You had enjoyed the dinner as much as he did, and because of this the black slip dress you wore, which flattered your figure very well may he add, was clinging a bit tighter to the bloated tummy you were sporting. 
He knew you didn't care, bloating is a normal part of the digestive process, and he sure as hell didn't mind, in fact he loved it. He always enjoyed your soft bits, loving how they made you you and he showed his appreciation of them on the daily (if you know what I mean wink wink).
So as he watched you in the kitchen, his mind slipped into thoughts of other reasons your stomach could be poking out more, the way the dress was falling, made you look ethereal, made him think how perfect you would look pregnant.
In the past, the thought of his partner being pregnant would have made the elf balk, sick at the thought of such responsibility and never liking anyone enough to even consider such an atrocity. 
Now though, with you? The thought… it actually pleased him. Instead of adversity filling his stomach he felt excitement, the soft brushes of butterfly wings cluing the man into the fact that his feelings on the subject have changed drastically.
Suddenly he realized how much he actually wanted this. Wanted the future he had always sworn off, a house, a marriage license, and some kids. Kandomere was always someone who had feared domesticity, feared intimacy, but something has completely changed his view on it.
He simply loved you, so much to the point where he suddenly understood everyone who gave him a look when he stated how much he didn't want a family, he understands now because he finally has the person he wants it with.
His person.
Kandomere was so lost in his thoughts that he didn't notice the water shut off, or you turning to him, toweling off your hands and mouth poised to ask him if he wanted to go get ice cream. When your gaze fell onto him you noticed his far off look, and the fact that his eyes were planted directly where your ass was.
Sighing and giving up, you threw the damp towel at him, hitting him squarely in the face, fabric hanging over blue hair and gray eyes. 
“Hey what the hell.”
His big hands reached up to yank the towel off of his head, glaring at you until he saw your smirk, knowing somehow he had embarrassed himself.
And yet, the man who would normally care so much about this fact, didn't care, because he didn't need to be bothered feeling embarrassed with you. 
You quirked your eyebrow up, closing the distance between the two of you, arms reaching towards him,
“What’s on your mind boy blue?”
Your hands rested on his shoulders, his wrapping around your waist, conveniently putting his face just about in line with the object of his thoughts. 
“Hmmm, just thinking about something.” 
“Clearly.”  You scoff.
Still, he remained oddly silent, gaze set on you, it worried you a bit.
“You sure you're alright?”
It took him a moment to answer, 
“Yeah, just…”
He didn't go on, seeming as though he was afraid to admit what was on his mind, unlike his usual bluntness. 
Your hand left his shoulder, tucking some hair behind his pointed ear, and laying against his cheek, ushering his eyeline towards yours. 
“Tell me baby.”
And frankly he’d give you anything you could ever want, so who was he, a mere elf, to hold the truth from you. 
“I want a baby.”
Now that threw you to the left field.
Your mind raced a mile a minute, not sure where to stop or what to say to the man holding you.
He let you take your time, knowing he just left quite the impact on you.
It was a very sudden confession from the man you knew to normally sneer at the sight of strollers in the street, but you couldn't help but feel a warmth blossom in you. Kandomere wanted a baby? With you?
You knew he loved you, but this, this, would be the biggest commitment the man could ever make. All of this thinking never included a doubt that you wanted this as well. You wanted to have a baby, to have his baby, more than anything. But before that…
You looked back down to the man sitting in front of you, the yearning and vulnerability in his eyes almost enough to make you cry,
“Well, guess you're gonna have to marry me then huh?”
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um… so I literally just binged read all your Vash fics. Planning on watching the anime on Saturday.
but I’m even tho I’m a newcomer……
can I get a Vash x Reader, where maybe homeboy gets her pregnant.
he’s already taking over my life…
A/N: so I'm not typically comfortable with writing this kind of thing, but for specifically you, (and Vash) just this once, I'll indulge a pregnancy fic request. It gave me a chance to think about things I don't want to write in the future. It's my fault for not putting it in my pinned post. I will say this was one of the cutest things I've written in Vash's pov, and probably how I would react if I got told I was gonna be a dad. I do appreciate getting out of my comfort zone sometimes. ^-^
On the lighter notes, I'm so excited for you to be joining the Trigun cult we've amassed on Tumblr! Give the manga a read too if you can! Don't worry about being a newcomer. I've only been in this fandom for a year. (Where has he been all my life?) It's never too late to start a new series!!! If you want someone to gush about the series with, hit me up!
I've only had Vash for a year, and in my head we've already been married for 10. xD
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I carried a box of donuts, sandwiches, and a couple of sodas towards City Hall, where she worked. She, My Lovely Mayfly, worked there as a volunteer coordinator. I decided to surprise her with lunch. She always works herself too hard, and sometimes forgets to eat. I entered the main lobby, quickly finding the office she worked in. It was empty. I came in early enough where she wouldn't have gone to lunch with anyone else. The hairs on my neck stood on end as I thought of the worst. Making my way back to the front desk, I asked the receptionist where she was.
"Oh, She went out for a bit. She said she had a doctor's appointment. Said she'd hopefully be back by lunch." The receptionist took a sip of his coffee. A doctor's appointment? She hadn't said anything about an appointment this week. Before I could make my way back to her office to wait, a chime of the front door revealed someone entering City Hall. I turned around to see her, My Mayfly. She almost seemed troubled, looking at the ground, not quite noticing me yet.
"Hey, Mayfly!" I cheerily greeted her as always. She seemed to stiffen up, but was immediately happy to see me.
"H-hey, Angel. Is everything okay?"
"Yeah, I brought us some lunch! How was your appointment?" She stiffened up again at this.
"Why don't we eat lunch!" She seemed to panic as she dragged me into her office, shutting the door, almost too quickly. She leaned against the door with a sigh. She was acting strange, well, more so than usual.
"Mayfly, is something wrong?" I let my voice drop to a concerned tone. Her breath hitched, and the facade of being around other people faded. Her face was almost… scared. Vulnerable, Worry, such things I never wanted to see on her face.
"Do you remember when I said sometime last week that I was feeling kinda funny?"
"Y-yeah, I thought it was the burger from the bar."
"Well, it wasn't the burger, I guess…"
"You didn't get sick, did you? You're not dying are you?" I began to worry. Humans didn't live too long on this planet. Taking a chance with her as my partner was a struggle for me. I often distance myself from others where I can, even though it doesn't ease the pain when they die. We had spoken on this topic a few times when I tried to deny her advances, even though every fiber of my being wanted her. What if she really was dying? I couldn't take her with me as I continued to run from bounty hunters and the like.
"Vash." My name leaving her lips broke my panic, and I hadn't even noticed she had taken my hands, "I'm not dying. I…." She took a deep breath, "I'm pregnant."
"P-pregnant." I repeated back to her, "wh…what?" My face relaxed from panic to surprise as my gaze drifted to her hips, "I.. I didn't think that was even possible." A wave of emotion was flowing through me all at once. How was my DNA compatible with human DNA? How was I supposed to keep the two of them safe? Raising a child on the run? What if Knives targeted them? What if I died before I could see the kid go to school? Or get married? Oh, Rem, help me. What if they died young? What if I lost Mayfly during the birthing process? What if I lost both of them?
My body moved on its own as I leaned down to press a kiss to her lips. I rested one hand on her back, the other rested on her cheek. I allowed my mind to clear as I lost myself in her kiss.
I whispered her name when I parted from her lips. Holding her chin to keep intimate eye contact.
"I love you. Let's have a family together." I found myself laughing a little bit as a smile came across my face. The laughter spread as I pressed more little kisses to her lips, "I'm gonna be a dad." I toyed with the idea of teaching the little sprout how to color, ride a Tomas, reading them bedtime stories, falling asleep with them cradled into my chest on our ragged couch, and even teaching them good morals if I could help it.
"I'll keep you both safe. I promise."
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punk4ndisorderly · 1 year
light on
The one where Y/N is the daughter of a legendary Team USA coach and used to attend the development program with the boys. 8 years after they last saw each other in person, a reunion brings Jack and Y/N back into each other’s lives... and hearts.
if you keep the light on, i'll keep the light on
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XVIII XIX - signed, sealed, delivered (i'm yours) XX
“So… We’re not telling them?” Jack inquired, resting his chin on Y/N's shoulder while she typed a text to her ex-husband.
“No, not yet… I mean, Lily said she had exciting news to share over dinner tonight and I don’t think we should take the spotlight away from her…” the doctor spoke, placing her phone on her back pocket, turning around and holding his face in her hands, reaching for his lips on her tippy toes and planting a small kiss there.
“What could be more exciting for them than for us to announce we’ve decided to give us a chance?” he wondered, wrapping his arms around her waist while her hands moved to play with the hair at the nape of his neck.
“Lily's pregnant.” Y/N replied, smiling as she waited for his response.
His eyes went wide as his mouth formed an O shape.
“I mean, Alex hasn’t told me anything.” she quickly reiterated, placing a loose strand of hair behind her ear, avoiding his intense gaze. “But I just know…”
“Is that so?” Jack smirked.
“Well, you can definitely tell once you’ve been there yourself, you know?” she explained, leaning against the kitchen counter, bringing him closer to her by holding on to the hem of his t-shirt.
The Devils' player placed himself in between her legs, lifting her in his arms to get her to sit up on the marble slate. Y/N gasped almost inaudibly, surprised by his sudden ease and boldness around her.
“I’m listening…” he whispered near her ear, kissing the soft skin just below her earlobe, taking note of how his touch raised goosebumps all over her skin.
“Well, for starters, her nose is slightly swollen. Don’t laugh! It’s a thing!” the coach's daughter scolded as Jack snorted over her statement about their friend’s girlfriend's nose. “The other day, while they were at my place, she went to the bathroom six times in an hour and ate like four donuts. She never eats more than two donuts. It’s public knowledge. She’s been touching her stomach non-stop without even noticing it. Alex won’t leave her side and spent the wedding moping around… Now she wants to announce something over dinner before they head back to LA for her rehearsals… It all adds up.”
Jack stared at her, completely in awe of her beauty, even after they were up all night talking and kissing and ended up falling asleep next to each other on the floor of his living room. Her hair was now tied into what looked like a mix between a bun and a low ponytail, a few strands tucked behind her tiny ears. Alina’s big, make-up-free eyes showed him just how tired but oh so very happy she was. Dear god, she looked perfect. And she was his to keep.
“You do have a point…” he snapped himself back to reality, once again establishing intense eye contact with her before attacking her face with small, sloppy kisses. “But I guess we’ll know for sure tonight.” the brunette man added in between pecks.
Y/N leaned her head back, allowing him to move to the skin on her neck and rejoicing over how good it felt to be kissed there. She hadn’t been touched like that in what felt like forever. The petite woman placed her hands on his shoulders, pulling him as close to her as she could.
The Devils' player held on to the back of her neck, inhaling the scent of her perfume, one that would not simply fade away. It appeared that she was still using the same fragrance she did back in high school. It was her perfume. Her scent. And he couldn’t get enough of it.
“Rowdy…” she moaned softly, in order to get his attention.
“Mmm…” he replied absentmindedly, not breaking the contact between his lips and her neck.
“Kiss me.”
“I am kissing you…” he chuckled, a crooked smile making its way into his face as he pulled away from Y/N's neck so he could look at her face.
How can her presence be this inebriating?
“I mean, on the lips…” Y/N rephrased her sentence, blushing.
“Oh. Right. I can do that.”
The doctor smiled wickedly, getting a hold of his dark hair once again and bringing his face closer to hers.
And, just like that, their lips were connected into a passionate kiss. Y/N went all out, deepening it and forgetting to breathe until Jack pulled away to get some air himself. It didn’t take her long to whimper at the loss of physical contact, making the raven-haired man groan at how hot that sounded and the thought of what could eventually ensue. He went back in, making her smile into the kiss. Jack leaned over her body, making her lie down on the dark counter, her legs tightly wrapped around his waist.
Suddenly, a loud ringtone echoed through the apartment, both being caught off-guard by it.
“Jesus Christ.” Y/N let out, still trying to catch her breath.
Jack laughed loudly, his face red and his hair disheveled as he pulled away from her and helped her up.
“It’s probably Z being annoying. Let me just get my phone, or else he won’t stop.”
“Worst case scenario?”
“He’ll show up and ask if I’m acting like a little bitch because you stood me up and proceed to tell me there are plenty of fish in the sea. And then see you. And probably make a video and create a group chat so he can expose us to all of our friends.”
“Very Trevor Zegras of him, yes.” Y/N mocked in a sing-song voice, earning a hearty laugh from her... boyfriend?
Jack moved to the living room, finding his phone under the couch, stopping himself from picking up the call as he saw the painting she had gifted him the night before resting on his couch.
“It’s not my best, I know…”
Her voice came from the hall, where she currently stood, looking tinier than usual. He knew what she was doing. She was making herself look small.
Y/N's insecurities were not new to anyone who hung out with her for long enough. The self-deprecating jokes, the self-belittling comments. She didn’t like to be the center of attention, much to her friends’ dismay. It was kind of contradicting: she was a scholar and she loved to help others, but she wasn’t comfortable when the spotlight was shining directly down on her. She could never let herself believe for a second she was more than what she appeared to be. He knew it got worse once he started dating Charlie.
God, that feels like a lifetime ago.
Charlie made Y/N believe she was only as beautiful or as smart or as talented as he said she could be. He fed off her pre-existing insecurities and made sure he amplified them so he could have her wrapped around his finger. It was a cruel game and, to her friends, is seemed as if she shrunk herself one more inch to fit into her ex-husband’s standards, she’d disappear. If only they had realized earlier on that the façade Charlie constructed so they looked like they were a perfectly functional team was a dirty lie. But Y/N Y/L/N was one hell of an actress. And she was holding on to her marriage for dear life because, after all, who else would love her despite her flaws? She was way too flawed, way to fragile. Or so she thought. When Cole caught her sobbing uncontrollably holding on to her chest in Joey's bedroom on the exact day she turned twenty-six, he gave her an ultimatum: either she broke it off or she’d fade away and her daughter would never have the mother she desperately needed. And that’s when it clicked. Her motherly instinct kicked in, she asked for a divorce and never looked back. Of course, Jack had to learn all of this from Trevor, because, for some reason, the couple started not showing up to events whenever he was attending.
“Don’t do that.” the brunette man muttered.
“Question your talent. This is incredible, babe… And it has such an important meaning to both of us. You’re so brave and creative. Who else would do this? Show up at a guy’s apartment with a painting with an entire backstory and kiss him while he’s basically begging her to consider dating him and trying to keep tears from falling from his eyes?”
She chuckled lightly, her eyes moving to the painting as she padded to his side.
“No one. That’s who. You’re the only one who could make my heart go like this – “ he stopped, reaching for her hand and placing it right over his beating heart.”- whenever you come near me. Whenever you look at me. Whenever you smile. Whenever you laugh or scrunch up your nose. Ever since the reunion this little fella has been thumping so hard inside my ribcage, I feel like I’m a walking imminent heart attack. No one – and I mean no one – has ever had this kind of hold over me. You have bewitched me, body and soul."
And I love, I love, I love you. . Mr. Darcy’s next line popped up in his head, but he chose to leave it unspoken.
“I never wish to be parted from you from this day on.” Y/N completed his thought, gazing at him adoringly, a tender smile playing on her lips.
Jack's phone rang once again, bursting their bubble. He glanced at the mobile device that rested on his left hand, immediately recognizing Trevor's picture on the screen.
“Speak of the devil.” the Devils' player pointed to their friend’s name on his phone.
“You have a gift.” the doctor quipped, shrugging.
“I have a very annoying friend.” he retorted, pressing the green button and moving his index finger to his lips so Y/N would not make a sound once he put him on speaker. “Hey, what’s up?”
“What’s up ?” his friend screeched from the other side of the line. “Y/N called me asking me for your address and you stopped replying while we were live texting the game last night so… I connected the dots, Hughesy.”
“You haven’t connected the –“
“I have connected the dots. I assume she’s still there, hu? She didn’t want to tell me what she was going to do, but you can do it for her. I’m not a snitch, I’ve got you covered.”
“I mean if it had been Alex, I would understand. Like, he can’t keep a secret to save his life. Or Lily's. Or the baby’s. Poor –“
“Woah, woah, baby?” Jack interrupted Trevor, surprised he of all people knew what was happening in Lily and Alex's lives.
Y/N's head shot up at the mention of the word baby.
“Shit, I promised Alex I wouldn’t say a word.”
Jack heard a sound that could only possibly be Trevor slapping his own forehead, bursting into laughter as his friend muttered a muffled Ow! and Y/N tried her best to keep a straight face.
“And Alex's the blabbermouth, hu?”
“Shut up, Hughes. We all know you wouldn’t last a day with a secret like this to keep. I’ve known since the reunion. Ha!”
“I saw Alex crying while looking at a sonogram in the bathroom. It was weird.”
“God, he's done for.”
“You tell me... But enough of that, Jacko!Stop trying to distract me: did Y/N come over or not?”
Jack looked at Y/N with a huge smile on his face, while she proceeded to put her hand over her mouth.
“Sorry, buddy…”
“She didn’t come over. Haven’t seen her since the wedding. You know, the whole kissing incident.” he shrugged, acting as if his friend could actually see him.
“Shit, why did she ask me for your address then? She sounded really desperate.”
The brunette man raised his eyebrows, facing the petite woman as she rolled her eyes.
“Must’ve wanted to send me my sweater. I never got it back.” he shot her a pointed look, as if he was jokingly asking her to return it, to which she responded by sticking her tongue out.
That’s a no, then.
“Oh, right. Good, that color didn’t really suit your skin tone anyway.”
As the two best friends continued talking about Y/N and how she was definitely not at Jack's, the doctor moved to scan through his living room, her eyes immediately landing on a very old-looking box that sat on the shelf a few inches above her head and that she could only assume had been there since the very beginning of time. She was drawn to it like a moth to a flame. Obviously, she didn’t want to snoop, but she was wondering what secrets it kept inside.
Y/N tried distracting herself from the mysterious box by looking at the pictures the Devils' player had framed and placed on said shelf, some of them with his parents, some of them with friends, one with the team from Plymouth, very similar to the one she had posted on her Instagram not that long ago. Y/N wanted to take a closer look at it, so she tried getting it from in between the other frames without knocking them all down. As much as she wanted it to turn out that way, she wasn’t so lucky.
Finally snatching it from the place where it rested, the frames that were on its left started to fall down, startling both Y/N and Jack. Panicking, she did her best to pick them all up and restoring them to their original places, inadvertently elbowing the box she so desperately wanted to know the contents of, making it land on the hardwood floor right by her feet, its contents practically flying out of it.
“What’s that noise?” Trevor inquired, oblivious to the pandemonium in his friend’s living room.
“I think it’s the neighbor’s cat, must’ve come in through the window again. Look, I’ll call you back later, alright?”
“Yeah, sure… Cat whisperer. Love you. Call me!” his friend quipped, hanging up.
Y/N was already on the floor when he got to her, frantically trying to gather as many items as she could while apologizing profusely.
“I’m so sorry, I shouldn’t have been prying and moving stuff around. I just wanted to check out the picture of us you had up there and it all went fucking domino effect on me. I’m sorry, I – are these cassette tapes?" she stopped rambling as soon as she realized what exactly she was holding in her hands. There were dozens of them scattered around her.
Jack smiled softly and nodded, gathering up a couple of them and placing them back in the box where they belonged.
“God, these look old! Are they collectibles?”
“Have I ruined them? You won’t be able to listen to them anymore, will you?”
“Oh my god, I’m so sorry. Just give me the names and I’ll try to find more. Unless…”
“They had sentimental value? Were they your granddad’s? I’m so –“
“Y/N Y/L/N, will you let me talk?”
The doctor shut up, pleading eyes speaking when her mouth couldn’t. She signaled with her head for him to carry on, holding on to one of the cassette tapes in particular, she didn’t even know why.
“They’re empty... I mean, they can’t really be played…but they do have something inside…” he rambled, his cheeks flushing to a deep shade of pink.
Her eyes scanned through his face. To say the finding was leaving her itching for more information was an understatement. She had always been way too curious for her own good.
“What’s inside?” Y/N asked, coyly.
“Well, they're like journal entries…” he reluctantly admitted, eyeing the cassette tape she was holding in her dainty fingers.
“Oh my god, are you saying that I, Y/N Y/L/N, am in possession, at this very moment, of a Jack Hughes original handwritten journal page? That’s it, I’m taking all of these and making a shitload of money selling them on Ebay or something.”
Jack chuckled softly, taking the old, dusty item from her hands and opening it. Out came a neatly folded small sheet of paper that he proceeded to carefully unfold and hand back to her so she could read what was written on it.
She smirked at him, playfully, raising her eyebrow.
“Just read it, doofus.”
Y/N swatted his arm, padding to his couch and sitting down, scanning through the handwritten scribbles that looked like they were at the very least, a few years old. Meanwhile, he got up, picking up a couple of items that rested a few feet away from them and returning them to their rightful place. After a couple of minutes, and having read it over and over again, she raised her head, a quizzical expression plastered on her face.
“Oh, wow. You wrote this?” the young woman inquired, intrigued by the entry that was apparently named Sun.
“Hmm…Yeah… Every single one of these – “ he started, pointing to the pile of cassettes that were now all over his floor. “ – are ripped pages from the journal the team's psychologist made me write back in camp.”
“Dude, are you kidding me? This is so beautifully written. You’re sitting on a pile of gold. Why isn’t your agent making you release this in a memoir or something? People would go nuts over all of this, I’m sure.”
“Well, I never really shared them with anyone before… hence the weird hiding place… Z knows I used to write a lot back in the day and has been looking for them for years but I hid them in the only place he will never look for them: an old box filled with dusty cassette tapes…He’s highly allergic to dust and steers clear of anything that might trigger an incessant sneeze fest.” Jack confessed, scratching the back of his head. “I wrote them all in high school and a couple of years into my pro career, I guess.” he chuckled, looking away as her wondering eyes found his.
“Oh? I didn’t know you had a muse in high school… You’re full of surprises, aren’t you Jack Hughes?” Y/N teased, rising from her spot on the floor, leaving the tiny piece of paper on the coffee table as she approached the raven-haired man and wrapped her arms around his neck. “Do I know her?”
He bit down on his bottom lip, looking at her and placing his large hands on her lean waist.
“Come on, Hughes, you’re killing me here! You must’ve had it really bad if you wrote these many entries about that person… I mean, are they all about her?”
Jack simply nodded. They were all about the same subject. Always about the same bubbly, kind, beautiful girl he spent most of his days with. The Devils' player remembered writing every single one of those pages, each word and each feeling engraved into his mind. Thoughts of the sleepless nights, stressing about his future, eased out by the sound of music and the thoughts that wouldn’t leave his mind until he penned them down and proceeded to hide them on that box came flooding in and he couldn’t help but lean down and peck her lips.
“Mmm…” she hummed softly, breaking the delicious contact between them. “Oh no, buddy, don’t think you’ll get out of this one that easily…” Y/N warned, now resting her hands on his chest so he couldn’t get any closer to her. “I enjoy our spontaneous kissing as much as you do but I am really curious about this mystery girl. Was it Zoe? She was really cute!” the beautiful woman stopped to analyze his reaction. “No? Oh. My. God. Was it Lily? It was, wasn’t it? Is this why you refuse to show this to anyone? It’s a huge bro code infraction, I know…but still, Lily and Alex have been dating for years and have a kid on the way, so I really don’t think this would have a significant impact on –“
She was interrupted by his lips crashing into hers once again, stopping her in the midst of her rambling. The coach's daughter gasped, surprised at first, but eventually melted into his arms. He really was a great kisser. After a few seconds, he pulled away, leaning his forehead against hers as she looked up at him all doe-eyed and woozy.
“It was you.” he murmured, almost inaudibly.
“What?” she mumbled, still feeling like she was walking on clouds.
“It was you, Y/N. The girl I wrote all these entries about. Y/N Y/L/N. The dream girl.”
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astra-galaxie · 29 days
hi i know i already asked for one of them before but ★☆✿♡♥☮▼ൠ for karen and frank cus i LOVE ur hcs sm i swearrr <333 thank you :D
No worries! You can ask for whoever you want when I’m doing headcanon prompts, even if I’ve done them before with past ones!🙂
Happy to hear you love my HCs! Hopefully, you’ll love these as much as the last ones!
★ - sad headcanon
After she and Frank divorced, Karen kept her engagement and wedding rings in a special jewelry box. She had considered getting rid of them, but even in the middle of her grief and sadness, she couldn’t bear to part with them. But she also couldn't bring herself to continue wearing them, so she got a small jewelry box for them. And if that jewelry box happened to be turtle-themed because it reminded her of Frank and his love of turtles, well, that’s just a coincidence…
☆ - happy headcanon
When Karen finds out she is pregnant, both times, she tells Frank by getting him a donut with the word “Daddy!” frosted on it. The first time, Frank thought it was Karen trying to be kinky or something, but when he realized what it actually meant, he was overjoyed! The second time, he immediately knew what the donut meant when he saw the word and wasted no time proclaiming his excitement.
Donuts are a little inside joke the couple has. Karen kept teasing Frank that he would be eating a lot of donuts after he graduated from the police academy, and she buys some occasionally for them to share. While Frank doesn’t eat a stereotypical amount of donuts, he enjoys the joke he shares with Karen and later gets to share with their daughters.
♥ - family headcanon
Karen has always wanted to have kids and start a family of her own. But she hated how people expected it from her just because she was a woman. She had boyfriends in the past who expected her to become a stay-at-home mom, but Karen didn’t want to give up her career, at least not permanently. That’s one thing she loves most about Frank; he never once suggested that she quit her job to raise their kids after she found out she was pregnant. He knows how smart she is and the good work she is doing at Meteor Systems. Just because they hadn’t kids didn’t seem like a reason to him for her to give that all up!
Even when Karen decided to put her career on pause for a few years to focus on her family, Frank suggested she consider working from home if she wanted to spend more time with their daughters. Caring for two babies/toddlers while also working was challenging, but Karen and Frank found resources to make her life easier. And Frank always offered to watch the girls when he wasn’t working so that Karen could take a break or catch up on her work.
☮ - friendship headcanon
Karen is a loyal friend who will always have her friends’ backs when they need her. Whether good or bad, Karen will always be there for her friends. She’s helped her friends through failed relationships and hyped them up when they got promoted. She doesn't put her friends down and always tries to keep their confidence high.
And if you hurt one of her friends, you better watch your back! Karen is resourceful and will use her connections to avenge her friend. She once made several fake ads and put a friend’s cheating ex’s phone number on them so that people would constantly be calling them about things for sale, from cookies to cars! The calls got so bad the ex needed to get a new number and never found out that Karen was the one who got them bombarded by people all across Pacific Bay.
▼ - childhood headcanon
As a child, Karen loved fairy tales and dressing up as her favourite princesses. Eventually, she outgrew this obsession, but the stories she read as a child always held a special place in her heart. When her daughters were born, fairytales were the first stories she read to them before bed. Even if she was an adult, that didn’t mean she couldn't play dolls with her daughters or dress up with them to recreate scenes from their books. It was extra fun because Frank liked to play along with them and call Karen his queen while she would tease him, saying he was her knight in shining armour (or a Hawaiian shirt!).
ൠ - random headcanon
She’s run a marathon before. While she wasn’t the winner or even in the top ten, seeing the pride and happiness on Frank’s face as she crossed the finish line made Karen feel like she was on top of the world.
★ - sad headcanon
When Frank found out Daisy was in a coma due to meningitis, he was beyond devastated. He already lost one daughter, and he couldn't believe he was going to lose his other one before he had the chance to reconnect with her. When Karen brought him to Daisy’s hospital room for the first time, he had to force himself into the room to see her. It was heartbreaking to see his little girl hooked up to the life support machine, and it felt like he was in Laura’s hospital room, watching her die all over again. But this time, it was Daisy who he was losing.
Unable to help his daughter, Frank would visit Daisy and talk to her as she slept. Most of the time, Karen would be with him for support, but when she had to work on her heist plans, it would just be the father and daughter for a while. During these visits, Frank would bring Daisy’s favourite storybook, The Glass Princess, and read it to her. Sometimes, he would pretend that he was reading it to her so that she would fall asleep and that in the morning, Daisy would wake up, and he could tell her how much he loved her. But no matter how many times he read the fairytale, this was a curse Daisy would never wake up from…
☆ - happy headcanon
Frank's turtle, Duke, was a rescue from a case he worked on. The PBPD had arrested an animal poacher in Bayou Blue, and Duke was one of the animals they saved. Frank instantly fell in love with the turtle and adopted him as soon as the Veterinarian gave him the go-ahead. He loves his little buddy and learned everything about turtles to keep Duke safe, happy and healthy. This led to some teasing from his coworkers and an ever-growing collection of turtle-themed gifts from friends and family. Still, Frank secretly enjoys them, even if he’ll roll his eyes and grumble at receiving another turtle-themed Hawaiian shirt.
(His favourite gift was from Harvey Fitchner. It was a set of matching Hawaiian shirts, one for Frank and one for Duke.)
♥ - family headcanon
Frank was nervous about becoming a dad for the first time. He was scared that he would mess things up and his kids would hate him. He read parenting books, asked other fathers for advice, and even attended classes with Karen. But nothing could calm his nerves as he worried about being a horrible father before he was even officially one. Karen tried to help him see that he would be a good father but even her encouragement didn’t do much to reassure him.
But when Laura was born, and he held her for the first time, Frank realized that nothing would truly prepare him for this new chapter of his life. Sure, he could get advice and read books, but those people and authors didn’t know Laura and who she would be. Maybe he would mess up sometimes but what’s life without a little mess? This baby, who was only a few hours old, was already smiling at him like he had hung the stars in the sky, and she didn’t even know him! Frank knows he’ll make mistakes, but as he rocked Laura to sleep for the first time, he vowed to learn from every mistake he made so that he would become the father she (and later Daisy) deserved.
☮ - friendship headcanon
Like Karen, Frank is a loyal friend. However, one of his faults is that he doesn’t have the best memory and tends to forget things like birthdays and anniversaries… But that doesn’t mean he’ll forget when a friend invites him over to watch a game or out for drinks! He always tries to attend important things in his friends' lives, like weddings, birthday pirates (even if he has to scramble for a last-minute gift), or special celebrations. And if he can’t make it, he’ll be sure to message his friend(s) to apologize and let them know he’ll be at the next get-together.
▼ - childhood headcanon
Frank was one of the kids who liked to play rough with others, though he could be gentle when he wanted to be. When playing, he and his friends gave each other countless cuts, bruises, and scratches, but no injury was intentional. But they did tone down the roughhousing when one of them accidentally fell out of a tree and broke their arm. After that, the kids were more mindful of the dangers their games could cause.
ൠ - random headcanon
Once, he tried making whiskey himself. The results were… Bad, to put it nicely. While you could technically consume it, you would immediately spit it out. And if you managed to swallow, you would probably throw up or find yourself on the toilet shortly thereafter!
(Frank was banned from making homemade alcohol of any kind after this attempt.)
Given their nature, I combined a couple of prompts. I hope it's alright that I did a couple at two for the price of one!
Karen and Frank:
✿ - Sex headcanon
Frank and Karen have always had a good sex life. It was built on consent and learning each other's preferences so that both would be pleasured. They can have their kinky moments, but they always ensure the other is comfortable with trying something new. They have safewords for these types of times and always honour the promise to stop when a safeword is spoken. They also had some embarrassing moments when trying out a new position or kink, but like all of their intimate times, it stays between them.
♡ - romantic headcanon
Frank proposed to Karen after recreating their first date. He took her to the restaurant where they had eaten, and they ordered their favourite food plus dessert. He changed it up a little by taking her to Paradise City so they could visit their favourite casino to gamble a little. Frank loves watching Karen clean house at the poker table, and after cashing out their winnings, Frank brings her to watch a fireworks show. As the explosions of light lit up the sky, Frank got down on one knee behind Karen, calling her name as he took out the ring.
Karen was shocked when she saw him on his knee and holding a beautiful ring. Before asking the burning question, Frank poured his love out to Karen, telling her how much she meant to him and how better his life had been since she came into it. He told her of the future he wanted to have with her, from the house they always dreamed of having to the beautiful children they would raise. When he finally asked if she would marry him, Karen said yes through tears of joy. As the couple kissed and Frank slipped the ring on Karen’s finger, the last firework shot into the sky: a bright red heart.
(Frank had a friend who worked on the show who owed him a favour.)
And there are my headcanons for Karen and Frank! Thanks for the request, Fluffy! Enjoy my latest contribution to KarenXFrank!
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densi-mber · 6 months
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A/N: Happy first day of Densimber to you all! As always, we begin with decoration day. Thanks to @mashmaiden for collaborating on this story.
Traditions Come and Go
“Baby, I told you I could get that,” Deeks said, hurrying towards Kensi as she toted a storage container of Christmas decorations through the house.
“It’s not that heavy,” Kensi insisted, shifting the box out of his reach as he attempted to take it. “You’ve been doing everything around here for weeks. Or at least attempting to. I can manage this.”
“I don’t want you to strain yourself.”
“Baby, I appreciate that, but just because I’m pregnant—”
“32 weeks pregnant,” Deeks interjected smoothly. Kensi sighed, accepting his point.
“Yes, I am. I can also squat with a 15 pound dumbbell in each hand,” she reminded him gently. “I don’t think this is going to strain me.”
“Ok, touché.” Deeks grinned self-deprecatingly. “Sorry.”
“It’s ok, I know you mean well.” She stretched to lean over the container and kiss him. “And who knows, in a couple weeks, I might change my mind and want you to do everything.”
“You just say the word,” he said, stealing another kiss.
Rosa arrived home just as they were unwrapping the now dozens of decorations they’d collected over the years. An entire bin is dedicated to various ornaments Roberta had passed down.
“Oh, I’m glad I didn’t miss everything,” Rosa sighed, hurrying to set her backpack and shoes to the side. She’d woken up early to pick out a tree with Kensi and Deeks before heading out for classes.
“Like we’d start without you,” Deeks scoffed. He patted the spot on the couch next to him. “Grab a seat and start unwrapping.”
“What is this?” Rosa asked, grimacing at a freshly revealed horse with pink hair and an oddly creepy expression.
“Grandma Deeks’ idea of a joke.”
“She said it was a family heirloom,” Kensi added.
“I don’t remember seeing it last year.” Rosa turned the ornament from side to side, seeming caught between interest and mild disgust.
“Yeah, that’s because we usually never, ever take it out,” Deeks explained. He took it from Rosa, tucking it back in with the rest of the unwanted and boring ornaments. “I’m thinking maybe this year it should meet with an unfortunate and tragic end. Do you think a fiery death is plausible?”
“Or we could just pass it on to our beloved oldest child,” Kensi suggested with mock innocence. “Keep the tradition going.”
“Oh, no thank you,” Rosa said quickly, raising her hands as she chuckled nervously. “I’m good. Though I wouldn’t say no to that aqua one over there.”
“That’s one of my—mmm.” Stopping mid-thought, Kensi rubbed a hand over her lower ribs, wincing for a few seconds.
“Was it croissant or donut this time?” Deeks asked.
“Donut, I think,” Kensi replied, arching her back. “I swear these kids are practicing for a soccer match with how much they kick.”
“Are you ok?” Rosa checked.
“Yeah, they’re getting stronger, but I’m fine. I guess they just wanted to join in on the fun.”
“But maybe hang out for a couple more weeks,” Deeks suggested, resting his hand over Kensi’s stomach.
“So, do you want to put the outside decorations up when we’re done here?” Rosa asked once they had lights strung around the tree.
“Actually, since things are going to be extra crazy this year with all the baby prep, we decided to just decorate inside this year,” Deeks explained.
“But you love Decoration Day.” While initially bemused by Deeks’ excitement last year on December 1st, Rosa had quickly been caught up in the general festivities and greatly enjoyed the entire premise.
“I do, but it’s only one year.” Deeks couldn’t deny he was a little disappointed at the thought of missing out on one of their traditions. He knew they’d barely notice though as everything picked up in the next few weeks.
“You know I’d help,” Rosa offered. “I can hold the ladder and even go on the roof if you want.”
“I really appreciate that, Rosalind, but you have your classes and finals to study for. It’ll be ok.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah. It’s not the first time it’s happened,” Kensi said. “The year we moved here, we were so busy packing and going to showings that we never got around to it.”
“Next year we’ll just have to do something extraordinary to make up for it,” Deeks suggested.
“Now, that worries me a little bit.” Not sounding worried in the least, Kensi pushed herself off the couch.
“Where are you going?”
“To get those Christmas cookies you guys made,” Kensi replied. “You should never decorate on an empty stomach.”
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themultifandomgal · 1 year
Antonio- Children’s Questions
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"Miss YLN when will you leave?" Asks one of my pupils Ebony
"Not until we have summer break. You'll be moving teachers then anyway" I tell my class who are very intrigued with me being pregnant now that my bump has popped
"Will you come back?" Asks another one of my pupils Jackson
"Yes, not straight away but I will come back to teach" the bell then rings signalling lunch time "ok after lunch we have a guest coming in to talk to us to help with our topic, people who help us. Now off you all go" just as all the children run out I see Antonio walking into my classroom "your a bit early" I ask moving over to him
"Thought I would surprise you with lunch"
"Thank you" I kiss his cheek "I can't say I have very comfortable chairs though, well other than mine" I gesture to my swivel chair
"I'll make do" Antonio leads me over to my desk and helps me sit down on my chair while he leans on my desk getting out the packed food he has brought with him.
Before we know it, lunch is over and my class come running through the door. Antonio and I stand up properly
"Miss YLN is this the guest?" Ebony asks
"Yes. Go and sit down" I chuckle at the children eagerness "ok 1, 2, 3, listen to me" I call out and my class goes silent "this is Detective Dawson he is here to talk to you all about police work for our people who help us topic" one of my pupils raises her hand "yes Ella"
"Is Detective Dawson your friend"
"He is yes"
"No that's her boyfriend. Me and mummy saw them shopping and they were holding hands"
"Thank you Jackson" I raise my eyebrows at the young boy
"Miss YLN does Detective Dawson know your brother. He's a detective"
"Yes they do know each other. Now enough with personal questions, let's listen to Detective Dawson" I give Antonio a small nod and go sit down in my chair at my desk.
Over the next hour or so Antonio talks to all of the children about being a policeman and what he does in his job. The children absolutely loved it and actually asked him questions that are to do with his job
"Ok can we say thank you to detective Dawson please"
"Thank you Detective Dawson" all of the children say in a sing song way
“Your very welcome” Antonio smiles at everyone
“Right everyone head outside for recess” I say getting up from my swivel chair. The children all run out screaming
“Your class are fantastic”
“They are. Although they like to know about my personal life” I chuckle
“I can see, but I remember how exciting it was when you find out your teachers name let alone a nothing else”
“That’s true” are you heading back to the station?” I asks
“No I’m done for the day now. So what would my lovely girlfriend like for her tea?”
“Hmm I’m kinda in the mood for empanadas?”
“Empanadas it is. I’ll go to the shops on the way home”
“And donuts?”
“And donuts” Antonio chuckles
“Thank you. I’ll walk you out” I start walking out of my class room. I walk him out of the school and head back to my classroom ready to get on with my next lesson
“Miss YLN?” I hear a little voice. I turn around and see Ella
“Yes sweetheart”
“When you have your baby will you leave them with Detective Dawson? like my mummy did with me?” My heart practically breaks hearing this
“No sweetheart. My baby will have me and their daddy to help look after them”
“Why did my mummy leave me?”
“Come here” I take her hand and guide her to my chair. I sit down on my chair and pat my lap for Ella “I wish I knew, but your daddy loves you enough for 2 people”
“I wish mummy loved me”
“I know you do” I give her a big cuddle “now would you like to help me set up for our science lesson?”
“Yes please” she gets up from my lap. I get up after her and then feel arms around me “thank you miss YLN”
I get home still thinking about little Ella. Of course I had to speak to Ella’s dad. I walk through the door and smell Antonio’s cooking. I walk into the kitchen
“Hey” I sadly say
“You ok?”
“Yeah it’s just, one of the kids in my class asked me if I would give my baby up after they’re born because that’s what her mum did. Just made me a little upset”
“Come here” Antoni opens up his arms
“Im sure she has a fantastic dad who loves her”
“She does”
“I love you”
“I love you too” I lean up and give Antonio a kiss.
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mpregandproud · 1 year
Isaac (Part 2)
[Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3] [Part 4] [Part 5] [Part 6] [Part 7] [Part 8] [Part 9]
How do you tell the person you've just started dating that you're expecting his child? It's the question that has been bothering me since I left the doctor's office. So many emotions in such a short time. I was hoping to be a father sometime in my life, but with Sandra. Since I started dating Isaac I discarded that option, I don't know why I did it. Prejudice, for sure, I come from a traditional family and two men being fathers together was not usual. I thought I would have to adopt or use a surrogate to be a dad in the future. And it turns out that I am finally one of those few men who can get pregnant and as luck would have it, I am expecting Isaac's child.
I needed to clear my head before I got home, so I didn't go back by bus, I decided to take a walk around town until I got to Isaac's apartment. I stopped at a shop window, my reflection in the glass already showed a belly that a few months ago was not there. My breakup with Sandra resulted in my anxiety about food. In just a couple of weeks I put on 50 pounds, I look like a cow. I've always been a glutton. It was the reason I started playing soccer, to stay in shape. Since I stopped playing soccer I had lost muscle, but I never put on as much weight as I did in those days. I lost some weight these last few weeks, but the belly was still there. It wasn't very big, because I'm a big man, but it definitely showed. As I looked at myself in the window I put my hands on my belly and rubbed it. I didn't look too bad, I even looked sexy. I better get used to it because this little one is only going to get bigger.
I arrived home two hours later, on the way I stopped to buy some donuts and eat them in the park in the sun. Was it the first craving? Isaac arrives home at 20:00 from the university where he is a literature professor. I prepared a special dinner, decorated the table for the occasion and dressed more elegant than usual.
When Isaac arrived he greeted me with a romantic kiss and a hug. When he saw the beautifully decorated table he asked me if we were celebrating something and I told him I had a surprise for him.
"Honey, as you know, today I had an appointment at the doctor's because of my belly, which was harder than usual. He said there's nothing wrong with me" I said and Isaac made a relieved face, he held my hands to reassure me. "The thing is... it turns out... I'm pregnant... I'm expecting your child", as I told him about it his face drew an expression of greater surprise. I haven't known Isaac for a long time and I wasn't able to interpret what he was thinking at that very moment.
There was an eternal silence. It would barely last a few seconds, but for me it was the longest moment of my life. Isaac grabbed me again with his big, warm hands. At that moment a sense of peace washed over me. "It's all right. I'm not going to lie to you if I tell you that I didn't expect to be a dad so young, but I think you're the father I always dreamed of for my children. I love you so much, Daniel," he said, looking into my eyes with emotion. After that, we kissed passionately.
"According to what he told me, I'm a one month pregnant, so if I do the math, it had to be the first time we slept together. It's one of the few times we've fucked without a condom, so it has to be from that day. I have no doubt," I said. Actually, this detail didn't matter anymore. I could see Isaac's excitement overflowing. His eyes were shining like never before. I don't think anyone had ever looked at me with as much love and admiration as he did at that moment.
The following weeks were complicated. I kept having morning sickness. My appetite grew and I regained the weight I had managed to lose since I started dating Isaac. My doubts about my body returned, but he made sure to remind me that he met me with a belly and that it was one of the parts of my body he liked the most. In fact, whenever he had the chance he would show it to me. I worked part-time as an IT guy and the rest of the day I spent walking, eating and resting until Isaac came home in the evening. Since we found out we were going to be parents our sexual activity has multiplied. From what they say, pregnant women enjoy sex more in the final months, but my body is already enjoying it from the beginning.
By the time I was two months pregnant, I weighed 230 pounds. For someone who for many years had been under 170 pounds, it was a major change. Most of my clothes no longer fit. Actually, they hadn't fit for months, although I didn't want to admit it. With the belly I gained after the separation, all my shirts were tight. And now my pants started to fit tight too. I had to buy a lot of new clothes in very large sizes so that they would fit me for a longer period of time. With the new clothes I could look like I wasn't pregnant, just a little chubbier than usual.
We decided not to tell our friends and family until I had a new ultrasound and they checked to make sure everything was perfect. We both wanted to share the news with our loved ones, especially with Isaac's friends, with whom we met almost every day. With them I felt very supported and understood from the first day. They made me feel like one of the group of friends, even before Isaac and I started dating. I had more in common with them than I did with my high school or college friends. I would even hang out with Bruce, Ken, Tom and Justin when Isaac was at home preparing for his classes. They had become my family.
The day of the ultrasound came. I left work and headed to the hospital. I was excited, eager to find out if everything was going well. The bus arrived, I entered the hospital and stood in the waiting room. Isaac was already arriving, he had taken his car from the university and in a few minutes he would be with me to go in for the ultrasound together.
As I waited, a woman with a huge belly sat next to me, she must be about to give birth. I looked up and saw it was Sandra, and she looked very sad. "Hello, Sandra, it's been a long time, how are you doing" I asked her. Deep down I would have preferred that meeting not to have taken place. She burst into tears without answering me.
When the crying passed, she looked at me and said, "I missed you Dan. Everything was easier with you. But look at me, about to give birth, abandoned by Peter and without a job. I've screwed it all up." I didn't think her life was so bad, why would Peter leave her? "I see you're doing better, you're glowing. Your cousin told me that after our breakup you had a hard time and put on a lot of weight, but now you had met someone and were very happy. I imagine that if you are in this clinic it will be because you are going to be a father. Congratulations," she told me in a reproachful tone.
"That's right, I'm going to be a dad in about seven months. There's still a long way to go, but I'm very excited," I told her. I knew those words didn't help to lighten the mood, but inside I was so happy since I knew I was pregnant that I didn't care about anything else. Just then Isaac came into the waiting room and kissed me before sitting down next to me. "Sandra, this is Isaac, my boyfriend. Isaac, this is Sandra, my ex-wife," I introduced them. Isaac offered his hand in greeting, but Sandra remained disgruntled.
"Your boyfriend? Are you gay? Did you use a surrogate to become parents?" Sandra asked. Isaac and I looked at each other and couldn't help but smile. "Yes, we're boyfriends. I met him at soccer few weeks after our divorce and, although it took us a while to become boyfriends, I think I fell in love with him from that day on," I said looking Isaac in the eye, even though I was responding to Sandra. "No, we didn't resort to a surrogate," Isaac said putting his hand on my belly and rubbing it, while looking at me and winking. That gesture didn't help with Sandra, but it came naturally to Isaac.
"Wait, what, you got pregnant?" said Sandra in surprise. "That's right, I happen to be unknowingly one of the few men in the world who can get pregnant. It wasn't a wanted thing, but we're so happy to be able to be dads," I told her. She gasped. It was normal, the man she had been married to for three years was standing in front of her with a boyfriend and announcing that he was expecting a child. At that moment we were called to the office. Isaac and I got up immediately and I said goodbye to Sandra. Isaac approached her and invited her to come to our house for dinner that night to continue getting to know each other and talk. Although I didn't really feel like being with Sandra, this kind of gesture is what made me fall in love with Isaac. She, to my surprise, gladly accepted the invitation. It was the first moment that day that I really saw her happy.
I lay down on the table and the doctor started the ultrasound. He said he could feel my belly a little bigger and firmer than last time, that was a good sign. Isaac didn't stop holding my hand at any time, he was so excited about this pregnancy. The doctor confirmed my suspicions, there was more than one baby. "Congratulations to both of you, you are expecting triplets." Three babies? I thought it would be two, three is a lot. My face was terrified. If expecting one child already scared me, and the thought of two terrified me, three made me panic. At that moment I thought about how much I was going to get fat, how it would change my life to have three babies to support. A feeling of responsibility and fear at the same time.
I looked at Isaac and he was ecstatic, the sparkle in his eyes was bigger than ever. "Oh, how wonderful my love, we are going to be daddies to three beautiful babies. I love you so much," he said and kissed me immediately. As it always happens to me, his kisses give me peace, all my doubts and fears disappeared instantly. This man has the ability to make me feel in seventh heaven. I was carrying three children of the man I love, what could be better than that.
To be continued...
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