#please feel free im really interested how far this extends
autumnfangirler · 7 months
there's something ive noticed while reading the epilogues that i find really interesting. im not sure if this makes sense, but each ranger has a distinct voice that goes with their internal monologue. im going with chen and ortega for my examples since theyre just the easiest to notice but
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with chen, his thought process tends to be more clipped. its more curt and to the point, opting more for shorter, simple sentences
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meanwhile ortegas thoughts tend to be very,,,,i forgot the actual phrase im searching for, but long-winded. thoughts will wander and then get pulled back into focus at very random intervals, sometimes the sentences will be short, sometimes long, and there are a lot of run-ons and tangents as the thoughts crop up
it just adds that much more to their character yk? chen's inner monologue feels blunt and succint. there's no point beating around the bush with him. he feels more careful. and yeah, ofc ortegas thoughts go just as fast as their mouth. there's no time to breathe, things go a million miles a minute for them. looking at their thought process, its really easy to understand how they get so antsy so easily. idk its just. super fun to compare them and see how they think affects their character
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If you’re new to the story, please go check out Book 1 first …
Book 2 Chapter 1 is here …
IMPORTANT:  Please note this story includes content that may be considered mature, such as moderate battle violence, some strong language and occasional mild sexual scenes.
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“It’s definitely his, then?”  Dar reaches out very tentatively from her crouch, which at her height honestly ain’t necessary, but she hunkered down with us all the same, albeit on Zul’s far side, which says enough.  Keeping her distance from me, under the circumstances.  Making a point, anybody can see it.  Extending her index finger, she gingerly gives the hilt of the sword a little tap, and the whole thing wobbles where it’s still jammed in the gouged brick.  It’s really wedged in there, looks like.
“Definitely his, yeah.” In truth, I don’t even need to sniff the blade, even if the dominant scent I’m getting is the oil that’s been used to clean the steel.  The air in this part of the alley’s thick with smells just as I would’ve expected, but the strongest, freshest scent I could pick out of a crowd on a very hot day indeed.  It’s one I know almost as well as those of the two crouched here with me now.
Zul doesn’t say anything as he finally reaches out and gently settles the blade.  He lets his fingers linger for a few moments longer on the hilt, frowning darkly at it, looking like he’s on the verge of violence now.  He’s not, but I know full well he’s a turmoil of emotions inside right now.  Zul knew him best, they were closest out of all of us, least in the beginning.  Before we started training in earnest.
“When’s last time you saw ‘im?”  I ask once the silence grows too much for me.
Darwyn shoots me a warning glare, but I ignore it. I ain’t rising to her bait now any more’n I’ve risen to any of her other shit since we left the Arrowhead.  I got about as much interest in revisiting that pit of shite as I got in asking Big Man for a deep tissue massage.
For his part, Zuldrad just takes his hand away from the hilt at last, his frown deepening further still.  For a moment I think he hasn’t even heard me, but as his jaw works with clear tension he finally turns to me, and with his lenses on now I can’t make out his eyes anymore, but I know he’s giving me a long, cool regard. Finally he lets out a breath that’s mostly a hiss between his sharp teeth, and stands up again.  “Five years now, at least.  Wasn’t a pleasant meeting, either.”
This time Dar’s glare is openly hostile, but I just roll my eyes as I straighten up too.  I know Zul ain’t pissed at me, just at fate for bringing Granzun back into our lives again.  So I just take a breath and wait for him to decide he wants to talk, but for now he clearly prefers to maintain his silence.  He’ll talk about it when it suits him, or when he has to.  Not before.
“All right … how’s that feel?”
Krakka’s low rasp gets my attention at last and I’m reminded of what I found when we first came to this chaotic little corner of the city.  Gael’s still sat back against the wall, but they’re working their right arm now, gripping and flexing their hand, watching the fingers move as they let out a slow breath. Their colour’s already better, still pale but nothing like the stricken, ash-coloured pallor I remember seeing when Tulen ported us in.  The relief in their face is clear, telling me the pain’s gone now, the damage mended, our cleric’s god magic once again doing its trick.  Finally they manage a tight smile, but I can tell how sheepishly embarrassed they’re feeling.
“Thank you.”  they breathe, reaching up with their left hand to press their shoulder while giving it a few little socket-rolls.  It’s taken a while to mend, but bones are like that, they take time for Krakka to fix and they’re tricky, and this was an especially complex joint.  It’s growing dark now, the sky a very deep blue turning to a dark purple that’s starting to show a few stars.  If it weren’t for Tulen those of us without nightvision would be starting to have trouble seeing in here now.
Once Kesla and the remaining few of our group had finally arrived and it looked like we might be here for a little while yet, she worked a little spell, pulling a few little things from her components bag and working a simple sigil in the air.  Then she threw the whole mess together and the glowing symbol turned into an orange-sized globe of bright white light that slowly climbed to a ten foot height above us.  It’s a somewhat odd, uncanny light, picking things out a little too sharp and clear at times for my own tastes, but it’s effective all the same.  It's also the main reason Zul’s kept his lenses on.
Stepping up at last, I offer up my hand as I work to make my face as cool and relaxed as I can, not wanting to let Gael see just how rattled seeing them so hurt got me.  “Need a hand?”
They blink at it for a moment, then up at me, and I can’t help thinking, as I look into those bright blue eyes, that they can see right through me now.  I know they’ve bounced back from what happened to ‘em well enough, but still, there’s been something … I don’t know, a little different in them since.  Subtle, almost small enough to miss entirely, but something all the same.  They ain’t acknowledged it yet, and neither have I. I’m leaving it up to them.  But I been worried about it since, and I’ve tried damn hard to keep that to myself whenever I’m round ‘em. Well enough I forget about it, most times.  But then this shit happens and it’s all come flooding right back again.  Likely it’s written all over my face.
They only watch me for a moment more, but something’s going on behind their eyes that I can’t quite fathom, which surprises me.  Often they can be quite easy for me to read, but not this time.  But they reach up and accept my hand all the same.
Even though they’re taller, they’re no heavier than I am, so I barely even have to lean back to help ‘em pull themselves up. If there’s any strain put on their newly mended shoulder it doesn’t show as they plant their feet at last, breathing a low:  “Thank you, too.”  just for me, which makes me smile again, the first one I managed since this started.
“You’re cool.  Just stop jumping into trouble like this, will you?  I thought you were s’posed to be smarter’n that.”
The look Gael gives me is clearly intended to slice me with their clear indignation, but I just smile right back through, and they can’t hold onto it.  I wasn’t being serious, and they know it.  “You arse.”  they finally growl, giving me a little thump in my own shoulder while they lose the fight to keep their own smile from forming.
“He’s right, though, joke or no.”  Kesla’s at our side now, which surprises me as much as Gael.  The look on her face is mostly reproach, but there’s subtle relief bubbling away underneath it.  She’s glad as I am Gael’s misfortune was something Krakka could fix so easy this time. “You gotta be more careful.”
“Hey, they had a wizard of their own, and she dropped an orc on me.”  Gael’s doing well to stand up to Kesla, especially in the face of that underlying concern that they’ve surely picked up on as well as I have.  “A bloody big one, at that.  I had no way to see that coming, so I had to roll with it, like you taught me.”
Kesla looks them over for a long moment, then finally lets out a deep sigh.  “Yeah, well you got bloody lucky that they clearly weren’t here to kill you.  From what I’ve been able to gather about what happened, those two literally just turned up to cover their own arses.”  She raises her hand and passes what she’s holding to Gael – their sword, which they pause before taking.  “But yeah, I guess maybe you did okay.  Sounds like you handled your shit this time.”
Gael cocks a brow as they turn the weapon round in their hand, giving her a moment’s cool regard before looking at the blade instead. They frown, and when I look down at the length of sharpened steel too I’m a beat or two slow getting what’s stumping me.  “Oh … yeah, I forgot about that.”
“Who was that?”  Kesla wonders as she catches the significance of the small amount of blood striping the blade.  “The orc?”
“No, I didn’t get that lucky.”  Gael keeps the tip pointed up as they start rummaging through their pockets, finally coming up with one of their weird little squares of thin white linen. Something called a handkerchief, I understand the concept but I never seen the point in them myself.  Far as I can work out it’s a privileged person’s thing. In truth I almost never see Gael using one either.  “This was from the other one.”
“The wizard?”  Kesla arches her brows, unable to quite keep the hope out of her voice.
“Ha!”  Gael shakes the fabric open and gently wipes it up and down the edge to remove the worst of the blood.  “That’d be something, wouldn’t it?  No, the other one.  The leader of these idiots.  Some cocky fellow wearing a flashy wolf mask.”
“You fought him?” The accented voice surprises me. It’s soft but a little gritty, a bit like Kesla’s but not quite so deeply husky.  I turn with the others to find the dwarf woman stepping up to us, looking at Gael with a mixture of expectation and subtle frustration. “That bastard was mine.  He ain’t with the dead.  Got away, did he?”
“For now.”  Gael finishes her cleaning and flips her hand over, offering the now heavily stained handkerchief to me.  “But with this, I just might be able to trace him.”
Frowning, I reach out with a little reluctance and extend my claws just enough that I can take hold of the linen without having to handle it too much.  “Charmin’.”
This makes Gael grin wide as she finally sheathes her sword.  “Magic can be messy sometimes, Art.  But there’s a lot of power in blood.  This will be very helpful.”  She plucks the linen cloth from my fingers once again and starts to fold it into a tight little square.  “Hopefully.”
“Why don’t I like the sound o’ that?”  The dwarf’s frown deepens.
“Well, if that wizard is what I think she is, she’ll know pretty much everything I and Tulen do, so she’ll make that connection as soon as she sees that I cut him. We’ve already had a pretty good indication of some of what these people are capable of, what with those lethal tattoos they’ve slapped on all their people.  If they don’t want any of them talking –”
“They’re apt to cut his throat an’ call it survival.” Kesla growls, her own frown as dark as the dwarf woman’s.  “There any way they can just block your trace?”
“Oh yes, of course.”  Gael shrugs.  “If this was our only lead I’d be a little more concerned about it.  But since it isn’t …”  She looks past Kesla now.
The other dwarf’s stood over our one surviving captive now, leaning on one of the biggest warhammers I’ve ever seen in my life, substantial enough to give Bloodmoon trouble in a scrap, I should think.  The look he’s giving the battered young man could be mistaken for boredom, but there’s a steeliness to it that’s impressively intimidating.  Certainly it’s having the desired effect on the boy, who’s sat where he’s been left with his bound hands dangling between his raised kneed, his face slick with sweat but still a good deal healthier than any of the others’.  The goblin’s crouched across from him, his own glare a good deal more blatantly sharp, although I doubt his own face is capable of a great deal of variety.
Big Man stands several paces off, back to the nearer wall, and I don’t think he’s moved since he first took up position there after he arrived.  Not that he needs to, we know he’s fully aware of everything happening within a substantial range of this whole scene.  Yeslee’s camped out at the end of the alley, watching what’s going on in the street beyond, and while I can’t see her past the golem I know she’ll have an arrow nocked even if it ain’t drawn.  Just in case …
“So why ain’t this one dead like the others?”  Kesla strokes her chin, less thoughtful than fretful in this moment if I’m honest.  “We all saw what happens.  Even if they ain’t mortally wounded, they still cark it. What’s so special ‘bout this one?”
“It’s a stumper, I’ll give it that.”  I scratch the back of my head, frowning myself.
“Well I gave him a beating, the same as the others received.”  Gael casts about now as she stuffs the folded cloth into her components bag, frowning too, but I don’t think it’s over the current conundrum.  Finally she snaps her fingers and steps past Kesla, stooping close to the far wall of the alley so she can retrieve her staff from the gutter. She continues to frown as she regards the grime now smeared on the metal shaft.  “Lovely.”
“Maybe they put his on wrong?”  the dwarf woman ventures.
“No, I highly doubt that would be the case.”  Gael shakes another of her handkerchiefs loose and sets about wiping her staff clean, a look of controlled distaste touching her face now.  “As I said, their wizard likely had the same training I did, and what I saw tells me she’s definitely accomplished.  The fact that it has worked on all the others means that she’s clearly very good at her own craft, and since the tattoos themselves are clearly magical in their nature then she was at least partly involved in the creation of each one.  I’m sure she’d check each and every one of them was working before letting it pass, so that sigil will be as primed as the others were.”
“And yet it didn’t go off.”  Kesla breathes out deep through her nose as she regards our prisoner for a long beat.  “Wait. Gael … what was that you said about blood earlier?”
“That I might be able to use it to track the other one down.  Maybe.  But I said don’t bank on it, because they’re perfectly capable of foiling me on that route.”
“No.  Before. The other thing.  About it having power, I think.”
“Oh … yes.  I did.”  They blink, cocking their brow again as they look up from their cleaning.  “It does.  We tend to use blood in many of the most powerful spells we cast, either as a catalyst or a conductor.  Sometimes it’s used to bind the spell to a specific recipient, or we might use our own if we need to seal a pact for a desired effect, or –”
“You didn’t draw his blood, did you?”
Gael looks at her for a long time, their frown deepening again.  Not getting it.  I’ll admit, I’m stumped for a stretch before I make the connection too.  “Well … no, I suppose not.  I was using this, not my sword. I didn’t want to kill him, I thought that was the whole point. After all, we need him alive … oh … oh, now that is clever.  Devious, even.”
“You have to draw blood for the curse to work?”  I look round at all the other bodies.  Every one is bloodied or cleaved in some way.  Gael even cut that other one, apparently, although clearly he was still kicking enough to get away.  And the ones we fought before, up on the rooftops, they were all shot too, or … yeah, that’s right.  I used my darts on that one that Shay saw die.  As for the ones that fell or got thrown off the roofs, they were all broken when they hit the ground.  But not this one.  Gael just beat on him some.  They never broke his skin.  At worse there’s some bruising, maybe a fracture or too, but no bleeding. And that’s the difference.
“Blood is the trigger.” Gael finishes her cleaning at last, then looks down at the handkerchief in her hand.  It’s an unpleasant, grimy mess now.  “Yuck.”  She tosses it away without ceremony.
“Yeah, looks like.”  Kesla puffs her cheeks out, rubbing at the back of her neck as she continues to regard the boy.  “Until they work out we got him, maybe.  Y’know how this spell works, then?”
“Not exactly.  I know a fair few curses, mostly just so I know how to counter them. I’ve never had cause or any inclination to actually use any of them.  But this one … it’s strange magic, different from most. I mean all right, there are some similarities to some of the more potent blood curses, but … it’s strange, nasty stuff, to tell the truth. Almost like –”
“Like something Ashsong would’ve cooked up.”  I beat Kesla to that particular punchline, and she scowls, not from being trounced but simply the implication I’ve just laid bare.  I hate it as much as she does, really.  “You reckon that might’ve been another warlock, then?”
“Gods, I hope not …”  Gael frowns at the ground for a few moments, angrily thoughtful now, gripping their staff tight now as they lean into it.  “No, I don’t think so.  It’s pretty esoteric magic, but there’s nothing inherently eldritch about it. I’d definitely be curious to find out where they found that particular curse.”
“Maybe you’ll get a chance when we catch ‘em.” Kesla brushes her hair back over her head with both hands.  “You said you know how to counter curses.  Reckon you can do this one?”
“In theory, yes.  It’s likely to be tricky, though.”
“I could certainly help with that.”  Tulen surprises us all by speaking up then, I honestly didn’t realise she was there.  When Gael turns to face her they smile fondly, and there’s definitely some small relief in her expression.  “Counter-curses was one of the main requirements in training for my position in the Citadel, since we handle so many dangerous artifacts.”
“Good.  I want to two of you keeping a close eye on our young guest there.  Make sure he stays alive.”  Kesla squares her shoulders as she lays one hand on the hilt of her sword, the other on her corresponding hip.  She regards us all for a moment, particularly lingering on the dwarf woman.  Finally she turns back to Gael, letting out a little sigh as her expression starts to soften. “I’m glad you’re okay.”
“Me too.”  Gael sighs after a moment, seeming a little sheepish now.  Tulen reaches out and wraps her arm around their shoulders, giving them a companionable squeeze.
“So …”  Kesla sighs again, and this one’s a good deal more weary.  Reckon I can commiserate with how she’s feeling, it’s been a bloody long day.  “This was a merry mess, but we finally got a decent result.  I’d call that a win, wouldn’t you?”
“After a fashion.”  the dwarf allows, a little sharp in her delivery now as she largely mirrors Kesla’s stance, looking up at her with a wary frown.  “Still love to know who all you folk are, mind.  I mean, clearly you got a stake in this same as us, but I’d be more comfortable if I knew what it was.”
Kesla shoots me a look, cocking her brow just a little, and I swear there’s just a spark of amusement in her now that I find in myself too.  Letting a crooked half-smile touch her lips that I can’t help mirroring, she extends her hand to her.  “Kesla Shoon. We’re the Creeping Bam, ‘least some of us are.  We’re here taking coin from the Silver Order.  Looking for one o’ their own’s gone missing.”
Looking at the offered hand for a moment, the dwarf woman cocks her head and gives Kesla a cool look-over before reaching out herself to accept it.  The shake looks firm, Kesla’s brow quirking a touch higher at it, and the newcomer holds on for a moment longer as she offers up:  “Thelgaewynn Frostforge.  Afraid we ain’t got a fancy name like you lot, but then we never really had need of one. We tend to go where there’s work, instead of the work coming to us.”
“Well you seem capable enough from what I saw.” Kesla turns to look back at the other two members of their party.  “And your friends?”
“Dumoli Bitterbrow.  As for the goblin, all he’s ever given us of a name is Brung.  Ain’t much for talking, really.”  The way she looks up at Kesla when she says that almost seems like a challenge.
“They don’t tend to be, I found.”  If she notices the implication she doesn’t rise to it. We’ve fought our share of goblins in our time, but only ever in defence of life, our own or others’.  This one seems particularly civilised, but I’d hardly call him an anomaly.  Then she nods to me.  “This is Art of Shadows.”
I’m jolted out of my reverie a little as the dwarf looks my way, giving me as close a once-over with her impressively sharp eyes as she did Kesla before finally offering her hand first so I have to scramble to catch up.  “Um … yeah. Hi.  So … Thelgaewynn?”
“Thel.  Just call me Thel.”  Her grip really is powerful, but I’m not surprised. Dwarves tend to be short, but they’re built for strength, all muscle and stubborn determination, which seems to fit here.  She’s cute, too, maybe a little different to how my taste usually runs, but definitely easy on my eyes.  I try a cocky, charming grin and all I get for it is the slightest quirk of a brow that feels witheringly dismissive.  As she finally lets go I look up at Kesla and see an amused little smile touch her lips, and it’s all I can do to keep from scowling at her.
“And this is our wizard, Gael Foxtail.”
Gael reaches down without needing to be prompted, and Thel takes their hand immediately, giving it what’s clearly a more modest, gentle pump than the one she gave me.  Not afraid to make a point then, this one.  Seems about right.  “Pleased to meet you.”
“So you’re Silver Order, then?”  Thel looks both Gael and Tulen over, as thorough in her regard of them as she’s been with the rest of us.  I’m getting the impression she might be one of the sharpest people in this entire alley right now.
“Tulen is.”  Gael nods to her friend, who blinks at them for a moment before venturing a disarming smile that’s maybe a little too full of sharp teeth to really work.  “I mean, yeah … I am too, but really I’m with the Creeping Bam first.  At least that’s the way I see it.”
“It’s how we see it too.”  I say it as seriously as I can, squaring up a little bit as I speak before realising what I’m doing.  I feel my cheeks start to flush and again I’m thankful I’m covered in fur.  I see Kesla roll her eyes and deal her a cold glare, but Gael’s smiling at me now, their own cheeks colouring a little.
“Tulen Kelsira.”  She holds out her own hand, and it’s clear she’s trying to maintain her smile but it’s starting to turn a bit nervous now, and I don’t blame her. The way Thel looks at everyone’s almost as strong as Yeslee’s glare when she’s proper evaluating something.  “Um … I’m new to the field, really, but yes. I’m very much here representing the Order.”
“Then it’s you we need to be talking to then, I’d say.  A friend told us if we came to the Round we could probably find help from the Order, so we came looking.  Wasn’t really expecting the help to come from fighters, but it’s appreciated all the same.”  Thel regards Tulen for a moment longer, then finally accepts her hand too.
“We’re all here together, really.”  Kesla interjects, folding her arms with a sterner look now.  “The Order hired the Creeping Bam, and Mistress Kelsira here’s mostly just tagging along for Gael’s sake.  We been looking for you, actually.”
Thel’s eyes meet Kesla’s again, narrowing tightly. “Us? What for?  Nobody’s been taking us seriously, ‘cept maybe these arseholes.  Mostly we just come up against a load of dead ends.”
“So have we, but one of ‘em nonetheless pointed us to you.  We heard you been looking for missing folk same as us, and what we just went through proves we’re both after the same bunch o’ bastards.”
Watching her for another thoughtful stretch, Thel finally lets out a deep sigh and twitches her hair from her eyes again as she turns back to her two friends.  “Du, looks like we’re covered.  Seems these are who we been waiting for.”
The other dwarf looks us over now, his goblin friend joining him in a much more discomfiting examination.  “You’re sure about that?  Just because they turned up in the middle of our fight doesn’t automatically mean they’re on our side.”
“These two are Silver Order.  Like Grel said, we should find some.”  Thel cocks her head.  “You’re the expert, Du.  They on the level?”
Dumoli looks at Gael and Tulen with an even more critical eye, which I wouldn’t have thought was quite possible, then simply steps away from his charge, leaving Brung to guard the wounded prisoner on his own. To his credit, the goblin just steps right up to stand right over the boy, that fanged snout barely a foot away from his own as he presses himself right into the wall in nervous surprise.  Those blazing bright yellow eyes are locked on his target now, unblinking as they are unflinching.  I can’t help smiling a little, it’s kind of endearing.  Reckon I get why they’re so comfortable having him round.
Finally stopping just a foot short of me, Dumoli gives the pair one last look-over.  Finally his expression starts to soften again as he lets out a slow breath.  “Yeah, they seem pretty legit to me.  You locals, then?”
“No, Du.  ‘Parently they’re here for the same shit we are, just different day.”  Thel gives Kesla a more complex look. “They’re sellswords, mostly.  Like us.  This one’s proper Order, they hired the Creeping Bam to help find some missing folk.”
“The Creeping Bam?”  Dumoli’s brow cocks and I wait for the incredulity, but it doesn’t come. Instead he regards Kelsa too, critical again, but with a good deal less hostility underlying it now.  “I’ve heard that name a few times recently, actually. Apparently they mostly work the Northern Reaches.  This is a good deal further south for you, I should think.”
“We go where we’re sent, Master Bitterbrow.” Kesla replies, earning a further brow raise at her formal address.  “Besides, Art here’s a native of these climes.  As for our business, well, Gael’s da’s one o’ the missing.”
“That so?”  His critical eye turns from mine to Gael, which is a relief, but only a small one.
Thel’s regarding them again too, but her frown suggests she’s going over things in her head.  “Foxtail … as in Darion Foxtail?”
Now Dumoli’s regard softens a little, although I’m not sure if it’s at the mention of that particular name or the slightly squirmy look that starts to cross Gael’s face as their cheeks flush again.  “Well now that is interesting.”
“All right, so my father’s famous, it’s not such a big deal really.”  Gael waves their hand about dismissively, getting redder still as they’re clearly growing flustered, and I shoot Kesla a look of warning now.  This really ain’t fair, not right now.  Far as I can tell she ignores me.
“Honestly, I think it’s more worrying than interesting, anyway.”  Tulen interjects, clearly siding with me on the matter.  “If someone of Darion’s power and talent can fall foul of these people then it doesn’t bode well for us, surely.”
Dumoli looks to Thel, and their fresh intrigue seems to sour a little together.  The dwarf woman starts to frown as she flicks her hair out her eyes again, while her companion grimaces.  “Good point. I don’t like that idea any more than you do.”
“It’s a quandary, you’re right there.”  Thel sighs.
“Yeah, well, it’s been a long day, and this is a big mess we’re standing in the middle of.  I don’t wanna push our luck any more’n we can get away with, so …”  Kesla turns to look back towards my fellow Guild members, who are still stood next to the stuck sword.  They don’t look too comfortable being round each other, and a I suspect Dar’s been giving Zul a bit of a rough time about our continued association since this all started earlier today.
Finally Kesla turns back to Gael, who’s leaning into their staff with another tight two-handed grip while they try to avoid everyone’s eyes.  They’re taken a little by surprise when Kesla speaks directly to ‘em.  “You’re all right now, then?”
“What?”  They scrabble for a beat, trying to work out what she means.  “Um … oh, yes.  It’ll serve, I suppose.  I’m a little tired, though.”
“Reckon that makes all of us.”  She reaches out now to give their good shoulder a companionable squeeze, then turns to Tulen.  “I trust you got through to Daste, right?”
Gael’s friend blinks, a little surprised by the sudden swerve in the conversation, but catches up quick enough.  “Oh, yes.  She’s aware now, and I sent your warning along with the message.  She’s being very careful about who she’s sending and who she informs.  Sounds a little overly paranoid, to be honest, but I did as you asked.”
“Let’s just hope I was being paranoid.  Last thing we need is to tip ‘em off any more’n they already are about what went down here.  And I don’t wanna be here any longer, just in case the townsguard suddenly decide to get their act together and follow up on all this noise.  Or worse, if the Terrors stumble on us out here with a load of proper suspicious corpses, ‘specially after dark.”  She turns to me now.  “Your friends on the ball?”
This time it’s my turn to wonder about what she’s driving at, but then I remember.  Nodding, I turn to my former companions again.  “Dar!”
She jumps a little as I clearly snap her out of a fretful reverie, and the glare she casts my way is pure venom.  “What?”
“Don’t gimme that shit.”  I fight the urge to roll my eyes.  “Your little protégé still around?”
Despite my warning, she still gives me another moment’s hard stare for good measure before turning back to whistle down the far end of the alley.  Bare seconds later the diminutive form of the scrawny urchin boy she introduced us to as Joe comes jogging out of the gloom, stopping just short of Dar and giving me essentially the same suspicious look as the first time we saw each other.  He’s around seven or so, filthy and mop-haired and shabby, but already he’s close to her height, which I couldn’t resist giving her a little dig about earlier.
Through the corner of my eye I see Thel shift warily, her hand going back to the axe on her right hip, but she seems to relax a little as she makes the connection.  Clearly coming to the same conclusion the others did when introduced to some of the Guild’s youngest members, those still in training that form our plain sight intelligence network.  I remember those days myself, when we were just starting to learn the ropes, and we spent most of our downtime keeping our eyes open for anything our seniors might be able to use, whether information or opportunity. Looking back I ain’t sure I’m all that fond of ‘em any more.
Dar gives me a look now, cocking her head, and while it’s still mostly contemptuous seems there’s a little curiosity now. Wondering what I want, but she won’t do me the favour of asking straight out so she expects me to just read her meaning. This time I can’t quite help rolling my eyes a touch.  “How’s it looking out there?”
Joe regards me for another beat before turning to Dar, who nods.  Wiping his nose on his sleeve, he turns back to me as he lets out a heavy sigh laden with irritation, then instead of answering directly he leans in to whisper in her ear.
“So far we’re clear.”  She relays it with a voice rife with irritation.  “Guards ain’t come calling yet, but reckon it’s more cuz this weren’t actually all that loud in the end.  Terrors ain’t shown yet, either.  You’re good for now.”
“Fine.  Maybe send Cobb a little request to do a little mop-up, just in case?”
Cocking her head the other way, Dar’s look becomes even more sarcastic now.  “I know how this shit works, fur-brain.  We’re on it already.”
I almost have to bite my tongue to stop the retort that wants to spring back at her, instead counting to ten before I finally plough on.  “Yeah, I get that.  I know how it works too, after all.  Your lad there seen anything else?  Besides us and them and all this shit, anything else at all that looks suspicious. Y’know?”
“How the hell would I know that? That’s one fucking vague-arse question you just asked for after hours in this part of Untermer.”
This time I just give her a glare of equal magnitude to the evil ones she’s been casting, and after a long beat she growls under her breath before turning back to Joe and leaning close to his ear so they can have another whispered little conference.  This one seems to go on for what feels like a minute or more, but I suspect it’s just my continuing irritation at this situation that’s just gnawing on me.  Finally she steps away, patting him on the shoulder, and the boy gives me another icy look before turning and running from the alley again at a much harder pelt than he came in with.
“Oh for the love of … oi!  We weren’t done with –”
“Joe said there’s been nothing suspicious in the area ‘sides what we already know about, Art.  No strangers they can’t account for, nothing out the ordinary.  Just us, and this.  Far as he’s concerned your golem’s the craziest shit he’s seen here all month.”  She cocks her head as she sets her hands on her hips, leaning onto her left foot that way she always did, used to make me crazy.  Tell the truth there’s a little part of me starts waking up again seeing it. Even with that expression she’s wearing. “Less you wanted to ask him something I can’t begin to fathom, we don’t need ‘em any more tonight, do we?”
To be honest, I can’t really fault her logic. I look at her for a moment longer, then tear my eyes away, inwardly chastising myself for even thinking about entertaining any of those thoughts again, and turn back to Kesla.  Looks like she’s just been waiting the whole time, arms folded, her own head cocked, looking down at me with a surprising amount of patience.  “Yeah, reckon that’s that.”
“Good.  I don’t wanna be here anymore, we tempted fate enough already.”  She looks round for a moment longer, but no longer taking in the scene, now more like she’s counting heads of the living.  A little frown touches her brow now.  “Where’s Shay?”
“Oh …”  I turn back to look down to the far end of the alley, past Dar and Zul. Beyond the illumination of the hanging globe, where the shadows are drawn in tight now, but I can still make her out well enough.  Almost all the way at the end, leaning against the wall, looking out into the street beyond.  “She’s down there.  Said she wanted to keep an eye out that way, just in case.”  I lick my lips as I turn back to Kesla, not quite sure how I’m gonna phrase it.  “She … I dunno … reckon something might be off with ‘er.”
Kesla looks past me, all the way to the end, but even if the light overhead wasn’t killing any chance for her own nightvision I doubt she’d be able to see the half-orc now anyway.  Her frown deepens, and there’s concern under it again. “Right … okay, Art, I need you an’ yours to help pack up what you can.  Might as well check the bodies over before we light out, but make sure nothing happens to the live one, okay?”
“Sure thing, boss.  What you gonna be doing?”
For a moment it’s like she’s debating whether to be straight with me or not, but I don’t think that’s it.  Instead she simply gives Gael a little tap on the shoulder, signalling for her to follow, which prompts a slight eyebrow raise but they come along quick enough as she heads past me.  Kesla pauses a little short of Dar and Zul, though, looking down at the sword in the wall for a long moment before turning back to me again.
“By the way, what exactly is the deal with that orc?”
Managing to keep myself from wincing, I just take a deep breath and kick my feet a little, trying to put my best unflustered face on.  It don’t feel too convincing to me.  “Honestly? Tell you ‘bout it later, yeah boss?”
Her look convinces me she sees right through me, but this seems to be good enough for now since she simply nods.  “Sure.  We’ll talk about that once we’re settled.”  Then she gives me a sharp look and I realise there was more to that statement than even I was thinking about, and it looks like she’s ahead of me again.  Ain’t like it’s the first time.
0 notes
albakore · 3 years
Away From Home
Characters: Zhongli, Diluc, Kaeya, Childe, Thoma/Tohma (fem!reader) (fic)
Synopsis: (office!au) Even your boss Zhongli has moments where self control goes out the window to make way for carnal desires.
Warnings: not sfw (18+) reverse harem, (an orgie?), semi public sex again, creampie, oral (giving), petnames (angel, princess, gem), squirting, umm? did i miss anything?, not proofread because im lazy if you catch any errors feel free to shoot me an ask,
A/N: This is a part two to Office Adventures but t's not necessary that you read it before this. I don't know if people were expecting a direct continuation of the last one but I took some creative liberty because I felt like that would be boring and instead created a whole new scenario, I hope you all enjoy it just the same!
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The sexual tension in the office since that (ahem) eventful meeting had been nothing short of palpable, as Lisa had been ever so kind to point out. Even Jean and Eula were starting to grow frustrated with the way Childe and Kaeya made it painstakingly obvious their lust for you, and as you explained to Jean apologetically, they just wouldn't seem to take your request to tone it down seriously. Though you couldn't deny that even you often found your mind wandering as you sat alone in your office, frequently coming to remember the way you wobbled out of the meeting room that day, cunt quivering and leaking cum.
Luck seemed to be on Jean's side however, because this week you found yourself away from the office on an important regional business conference accompanied by none other than the men themselves, leaving her alone in charge of the office for a few days. The adventure of being in a new place was always exciting; there was light in your eyes as your plane touched down just outside the city, the skyline stood shimmering off in the distance. Though, as Diluc so gracefully reminded you, this was not a vacation but a business trip and most of your time would be consumed by meetings and other work-related affairs.
"(Name)!" You heard someone call from behind you. You were walking back to the hotel after another boring day of drifting in and out of meetings with people you hardly knew and topics you hardly cared about.
"Hm?" Your head turned to see three familiar figures waving at you as they approached.
"Care to join us for dinner? It'll be our treat." Childe asked once they had caught up to you, falling into step beside you.
"Where are you guys going?" You asked. You silently took in the appearance of the boys beside you. You hadn't gotten a chance to see them all day since you greeted them at the complimentary hotel breakfast bar this morning, and you had to admit they cleaned up nicely. You admired the three's formal dress, remembering the way Zhongli had specifically lectured them on the importance of appearance at an event like this. You notes Thoma's expensive looking watch and Kaeya's tailored button-up shirt that was, of course, unbuttoned halfway now that the workday was over. Childe had his suit jacket thrown over his shoulder, one hand holding the jacket the other shoved in his pocket.
"Mr. Zhongli found this fancy looking French restaurant a few blocks away, he wanted us to get there before we missed our reservation time." Thoma answered.
"Where is he?" You asked, taking note of his and Diluc's absence from the group.
"He and Diluc got caught up in some last minute business they had to attend to. It's times like these I don't envy the higher up positions of our company's cofounders." Kaeya answered you this time. "No matter how attractive the pay increase may seem, I can only handle so much overtime."
"You can say that again." Childe chuckled in agreeance, "I can't tell you how many times I've left the office only to come back in the morning and find Zhongli still hunched over some paperwork."
"Hey, guys, I think this is the place." Thoma motioned to the building you were approaching, and you immediately realized that 'fancy looking' was an understatement. "Will you be joining us, Lady (Name)?" Thoma questioned, extending his hand as an invitation to you.
"I don't see why not." You flashed him a smile before placing your hand in his, allowing him to tug you along. Kaeya opened the door for you, gesturing to allow you to step inside first. You were awestruck by the inside -- if you thought ‘fancy looking’ was an understatement for the outside, then the inside could be described as nothing short of grandiose. There were round tables covered in white cloth and fancy silverware, a fountain sat in the middle of the room behind the hostess desk and elegant trimmings lining the staircase off on the far side of the room. You quickly quelled your shocked expression as the hostess approached you.
"We have a reservation for six under the name Zhongli." Childe told her. "We'll have two more joining us later."
She checked her ledger and quickly crossed off the name. "Right this way, sir." She said to Childe with a polite smile. She led your group away from the main room, opening the door to a nicely decorated single-table room with a pleasant and romantic vibe, most likely accredited to the soft lighting.
“Thank you.” Childe told her as you four took your seats. One side of the table had booth-style seating and the other side had individual chairs. She closed the door with a click, and before you knew it you were sat in between Kaeya and Childe on the booth side, with Thoma directly across from you. You picked up a menu and began flipping through it to get a feel for what items might interest you. Before long, Childe’s hand had found its way onto your thigh. You looked down at it before looking back at him, a silent prompt for an explanation. “What?” He inquired mischievously, thumb rubbing your skin gently.
You opened your mouth to respond, but before you could your server opened the door with a brief knock. Childe’s hand stayed firmly in place as the server introduced themselves before asking if they could get you guys anything to drink. Thoma and Childe ordered regular fountain drinks, and requested two extra waters be brought out preemptively for Diluc and Zhongli whenever they should arrive.
“Ah yes may I have a glass of your finest red wine.” Kaeya asked with a smile once it came his time to order, earning a look from you. “What? It’s coming out of Diluc’s pocket not mine, might as well make good use of it.”
"And I'll have a..." You started, feeling Childe's hand inch upwards as the servers gaze remained fixed on you. "Just a r-regular glass of water please." You managed to force out while trying to ignore the growing feeling of need that Childe's attention was causing you. You smiled at the server as they stated that they'd be right back with your drinks.
Moments after the server left, Thoma's phone started buzzing. He answered it and paused for a few moments before he stepped away saying something about needing to meet Diluc and Zhongli in the lobby. That left you alone trapped in a booth with two mischievous gazes focused on you. "I must say, (Name)," Childe started, "you look absolutely stunning tonight. You really took Zhongli's 'Dress to Impress' speech to heart it seems." His flirty demeanor was predictable, earning a chuckle and an eye roll from you. His fingers were tracing patterns into the flesh of your inner thigh, head resting in his other hand as he studied you. You felt Kaeya's arm snake around your torso, hand coming to rest on your hip.
"He's right, you should wear this outfit more often." Kaeya whispered into your ear.
“You know, typically you’re supposed to wine and dine me before you-“ A knock resonated from the door, cutting you off and causing Kaeya to pull away from you but neither him nor Childe made any effort to remove their hands from where they were situated. The server entered with the table’s drinks on a tray, dishing them out to their respective spots on the table before asking if anybody was ready to order. Kaeya told them politely that we would wait for the rest of the group to join us first, and with that they turned and exited the room again.
You watched as Kaeya reached for his no doubt expensive wine, taking a sip and letting out a satisfied hum. "This wine is absolutely divine, it's not often I get the chance to indulge in such luxury. Would you like to try some, angel?" Kaeya asked you while his fingertips traced your hips.
"Sure." You hummed back, reaching out to grab the glass but Kaeya stopped your hand. You looked at him quizzically, watching as he dipped two fingers into the glass and let the crimson liquid pool at his fingertips. He brought his fingers to your lips, waiting for you to part them. You did, but only ever so slightly, letting your tongue drag along his slender fingers with a hum of delight as you maintained eye contact with him. Once upon a time you may have been flustered by his actions, but ever since the incident in the meeting room you have become no stranger to these types of occurrences. You pulled away before pressing a kiss to the pads at the tip of his finger.
"Divine indeed, captain." You added teasingly, the nickname a reference to a costume he wore to a halloween party last year that had caught on and stuck around even months after. You watched his unreadable expression closely as you awaited his response. He grabbed your face, tugging you toward him so he could plant a firm kiss on your lips while he caressed your cheek gently. You felt Childe's hand inch upward yet again further and further before finally reaching your clothed sex. Your breath hitched as Kaeya deepened the kiss, Childe rubbing you through thin material at a teasingly slow pace. You shifted your hips, trying to gain more friction from his fingers.
Kaeya pulled back from the kiss to let you catch your breath. "You know, there is one thing that would make this wine taste better." He kissed along your jaw and down your neck, breath fanning your skin as he continued. "If I could pour it over your chest and lick it off of you, slowly, inch by inch while you squirmed under my touch. That would make this experience undeniably perfect." You felt a shiver run down your spine, hand intertwining with his hair. As if working in tandem with Kaeya, Childe took this opportunity to slip his fingers past the barrier of fabric, your slick making his fingers run smoothly over your folds. Your free hand extended over to Childe's lap so you could palm him through his pants, thumb caressing the imprint of his erection. He let a breathy moan right next to your ear, fingers slipping into your heat.
"This is our reserved room, correct?" Zhongli’s voice resonated from just outside the door before the door swung open. He stepped in, followed by Diluc and Thoma. Your eyes met with Zhongli's as you tried futilely to push the lustful duo off of you. You filled with embarrassment when you thought about how sleazy you must look with Kaeya's lips attached to your neck and Childe's fingers squelching in and out of you. "Thoma, switch with (name), please. Evidently these two are incapable of practicing self control."
"W-what?" You protested, stomach sinking at the thought of disappointing your boss.
"Seriously, you two wouldn't know good timing if it hit you in the face. Your hotel rooms are literally a few yards away from each other." Diluc scoffed, tossing his suit coat over the back of his chair before pulling it out and sitting in it.
Childe pulled away from you, frowning at Diluc's words. "If I'm not mistaken, it was you who was moaning her name last night while you were alone in the shower, no?"
"And if I'm not mistaken, I'm still your boss. Watch how you talk to me." Diluc shot back immediately, crossing his arms over his chest. You scooted out of the booth, over Childe's lap, effectively pulling away from the two.
"Sorry.." You fiddled nervously with the hem of your skirt, still trying to recover from the embarrassment.
"You misunderstand me, gem, I'm not upset at you in the slightest." Zhongli smoothed over some of your hair comfortingly. "I specifically had a talk with these two about keeping things professional on this trip. This has nothing to do with you or your actions." You stared at him for a second before nodding. You took your place in between Zhongli and Diluc, directly across from where you had been previously sitting.
"How did your meetings go?" Zhongli asked you, tone much softer than the one he had just taken with Childe and Kaeya.
"They were boring for the most part, I managed to make a few connections though so that's good. What about you?" You responded, tuning out Diluc and Childe's bickering in the background.
"Stressful, I had many presentations to give, and only few bode over well."
"That's just how it goes." Thoma chimed in. "Tomorrow is a new day filled with new opportunity, I'm sure you'll do better."
"Stressful, eh? Fortunately for you, I know of the perfect way to relieve stress." Kaeya, ever the troublemaker, fixed his gaze on you pointedly for a few seconds to allow his point to get across. He just couldn't help himself when the ball was set up fo perfectly for him to spike it. You studied Zhongli's expression, his face remaining stoic as he processed Kaeya's innuendo.
"Unfortunately, the rules I set for you two apply to me as well. It would be wholly unfair to not hold myself to the same standard I hold my staff." Zhongli answered effortlessly. Seems like all these years of press conferences seemed to have really sharped his ability to form charismatic responses. Wait, 'unfortunately'?
"C'mon, Zhongli, (name)'s had eyes for us just as much as we've had eyes for them. You should see the look they get on their face when they're alone in their office." Childe laughed after ending his bickering session with Diluc. Your eyes went wide at that, having whole-heartedly believed you were being careful about when to indulge in your fantasies. "Besides, doesn't fucking them senseless sound like the perfect pick-me-up after a long day of meetings."
Zhongli seemed like he was still struggling to process his comment, resolve chipping with every second. He couldn't deny the nights he spent replaying the image of you bent over that table while he pleasured himself, and tonight was shaping up to be no different -- well, that would have been the case had he not attended this dinner. His eyes shifted over to you, inner turmoil apparent in them. Evidently, your response would be the deciding factor that pushed Zhongli to either side of the fence.
"He's not wrong." You shrugged, offering Zhongli a small smile. It was a simple sentence, only three words and yet… You watched his expression darken in that moment, his half hard erection already apparent in his pants.
"Thoma," you immediately noted the way his voice seemed to have dropped an octave. His gaze never once left yours.
"Yes boss?" Thoma responded almost instantly.
"Lock the door." Zhongli growled. Your heart skipped a beat, you felt heat rush straight to your core. The way Zhongli was looking at you made you feel bare even though not a single article of clothing had been removed from your form, at least not yet.
"The waitress is going to come back to place our order though." Diluc seemed to be the only voice of reason in this scenario. Thoma returned, scooting back into his spot in the booth, forcing Childe to be the one trapped in the middle this time. "That's gonna look awfully suspicious."
"Frankly, I can't seem to bring myself to care about that right now." Zhongli stood from his seat. He turned toward you, motioning for you to stand as well. "We'll tell them I had an important announcement that I didn't want getting interrupted or something." He lifted you at the hips and set you down on the table, placing himself in between your legs and pulling your core to meet his crotch. His lips caught yours, deep and breathtaking, as his hands roamed over your body. He tugged your shirt to untuck it until his fingers came into contact with the hem. He pulled it up, breaking the kiss to allow him to discard your shirt.
You found yourself rocking against him as his lips worked down your neck and chest. A new pair of hands hooked themselves under your bra clasp. You looked back to see Childe's arm extended. He pushed the straps off your arms, allowing the bra to fall away and expose your breasts. The cool air made your nipple perk instantly. You felt Childe's hands tug you down gently, allowing your back to lay against the cool cloth. You looked over to see Diluc's hands full of your table's drinks as he set them off to the side to avoid any accidents. Thoma eagerly took one of your nipples into his mouth while Kaeya's cold hand cupped the other.
Childe scooted the table away from him to provide him with the room to stand up. Your cheeks burned as you found yourself face to face with his still clothed erection. He chuckled at your expression, fingers caressing your cheek. He let his pointer finger trail delicately down your jaw to your chin, and then from your chin down your exposed neck. You shivered slightly at the way it tickled.
You felt someone tug down your skirt and your underwear, cool air rushing over your core. Zhongli had managed to free his member from his pants and was pumping himself outside of your field of vision. His other hand was pressed to your hip. He admired the way your chest heaved. Thoma and Kaeya littered your skin with bite marks and kisses. You watched intently as Childe followed in Zhongli's lead, freeing himself from his pants. Your lips parted slightly in anticipation, breath fanning the tip of Childe's dick with every exhale. Zhongli lined himself up with your entrance, you clenched your fists when you felt his tip push in. He sunk the rest of the way into you, a sigh of relief falling from his lips. He silently thanked Kaeya and Childe for prepping you so well before he had even arrived. Childe repeated this same process with your lips, slowly sinking into your mouth and relishing the feeling of your warm tongue wrapping around him.
The men both started thrusting at the same time but at very different paces. Childe was eager and less restrained, holding you steady while he fucked your face. He was also louder, not seeming to care if the staff or other patrons heard how good you were making him feel. Zhongli on the other hand was slower, drawing all the way out of you before slamming back into you. Though, after a few moments he seemed to compromise with himself and picked up the pace slightly, only drawing partially out of you, but still enough to let you feel his tip hit deep inside of you with each powerful thrust. You felt Diluc's familiar fingers come into contact with your clit, rubbing you in just the right way to make you clench around Zhongli and moan around Childe. Diluc left kisses all over your lower half, his long hair spilling over his shoulder and tickling your stomach.
The lewd sounds of slapping and kissing and sucking were all that could be heard in the room, along with Childe’s occasional unrestrained noises of pleasure. He moaned your name, head thrown back and mouth agape. His cheeks were flushed bright pink, and they only seemed to glow brighter the closer he got to cumming. Childe's pace became sloppy and erratic as he drew near to his own orgasm, thrusts becoming shallow as he chased euphoria. He pulled out right as he hit his high point so he could paint your chest with his cum. He moaned your name particularly loudly as he did, using his own hand to slowly lower himself down from his peak.
Kaeya pulled back and marveled at the marks he left on your skin, the imprints of his teeth visible in several spots. "My turn already?" He hummed, fingers tracing over the splotches and bruises on your skin. "A shame, I wasn't finished with my work of art yet." He stood up nonetheless as Childe fell back on the seat behind him, still trying to catch his breath. Kaeya quickly took his place, much to Thoma's disappointment. Kaeya's signature smirk hadn't left his face once while he admired the way your breasts glistened with a mixture of sweat and cum. He slowly undid the button to his pants, pushing them partially down his legs before moving to his underwear. You swear his cock bounced when it sprang free, tip flushed and absolutely beautiful. It seems this man truly didn't have an ugly bone in his body.
You felt Zhongli slowly coming undone inside you too, his cock twitching more and more every time he pushed himself into your smooth walls, even more so whenever Diluc's added stimulation made you clench around him. You felt yourself rock against his fingers, your own climax on the horizon. Zhongli gave one final thrust into you before you felt him spill his hot seed into you, his fingers digging into your hips in an attempt to ground himself. You moaned at the feeling of your walls being coated white. Kaeya took this as an opportunity to muffle you with his cock. He stuffed your mouth full of him, watching in a sort of satisfied sadistic fashion as you choked slightly on his length.
Zhongli pulled out of you after he finished cumming, panting heavily. You whined around Kaeya's cock at the loss of contact, hole clenching desperately around nothing. You squirmed your hips and mewled, hoping someone would get your wordless plea for some form of stimulation. Diluc, ever so observant, was the first one to pick up on your discomfort. "Aw, does my little princess want to be filled up again?" He asked tauntingly. "Do you want my cock inside of you?" His fingers continued to push you toward your orgasm. He chuckled at the way you jerked your hips into his touch, whines becoming louder still even with your mouth full of Kaeya's erection. As he felt your body start to tense, he withdrew his hand from your clit before you could cum. You pressed your thighs together while a groan left your lips, feeling frustrated tears well up in your eyes.
Diluc switched spots with Zhongli and unzipped his pants loud enough to get the anticipation in your stomach building rapidly. You heard fabric bunching and shuffling, and in turn took advantage of the adrenaline rush you were getting to eagerly please Kaeya. You hollowed your cheeks and allowed your tongue to work over him, lewd sucking noises escaping your lips. Kaeya groaned in response, his grip on your head tightening still as he bucked his hips into you frantically. You felt Zhongli's rough hands run over the skin of your breasts, centering on the nipples. You felt him wipe some of Childe's cum off you, and moments later the feeling of his fingers got replaced with his tongue as he sucked slightly on the soft flesh.
You sucked in a sharp breath when you felt Diluc's tip at your entrance, face contorting as you prepared for him to stretch you out just like Zhongli had. You paused as he pushed in -- not all the way, just an inch or so -- to truly revel in the feeling the he was providing you. He sunk in a little bit more to let you get used to the feeling of him in your tight sex, he was a little more girthy than Zhongli. Finally, he pushed into you until he bottomed out, filling your cunt to the brim with his member. A quiet groan escaping his lips; you would give anything to see the blissful look on his face right now.
You squirmed as he started to move. He went slowly at first, letting himself become coated in your slick to make his job easier. He took a few moments to find a good rhythm, one that was much different from Zhongli's. He was steady and consistent, pulling out an inch or two only to push back into you. He lifted one of your legs to give him a better angle, you let out a muffled moan as his tip kissed your sweet spot. Kaeya groaned again at the vibration of your voice. You felt Kaeya’s thumb press slightly against the center of your throat where he could feel himself thrusting in and out of you. You swallowed around him as he gave his last few thrusts before he was sent over the edge, cumming in spurts over your tongue. He let out a long moan that you wanted to keep on repeat forever.
You caught sight of Thoma eagerly awaiting his chance to feel your mouth around him. Kaeya pulled out slowly, stepping to the side (albeit a little bit grudgingly) to let Thoma have his turn. Thoma has already freed himself, precum leaking from the tip. He seemed a little nervous as he found himself finally aligned with your awaiting mouth. “Are you sure this is alright?” He asked, closely watching your face for signs of discomfort. His gentleness was refreshing after the way Kaeya and Childe so unceremoniously face-fucked you.
You giggled, kissing his tip causing his ears to flush red. “Mhm, of course. You’re so good for me~” His eyes went wide at your praise. You let your mouth hang open as an invitation for him to enter you, a high pitched whine escaping him almost immediately after sinking into you. He cupped your head gently, pulling out of you slowly before pushing back into you, truly appreciating the stimulation you were giving him.
Kaeya truly could never sit still with an opportunity so grand in front of him. His fingers found their way to toy with your clit, his cold fingers making you squirm under his touch. Childe, who was still on the couch, had gotten hard again and was pumping himself as he watch you slowly get your holes stuff full of cum. You moaned as Diluc’s dick hit your sweet spot again and again, Kaeya’s cold fingers causing your head to spin. You could feel your orgasm coming fast, and it felt like it was going to be an intense one. You arched your back off the table, whines becoming increasingly more frequent the more pressure built up. Diluc also seemed to be nearing his release, you could always tell by the way he moaned your name. A few more thrusts into you was all it took for you to come undone. You cried out, thighs quivering as you squirted all over Kaeya’s fingers and Diluc’s cock alike. Diluc followed a few seconds after, burying himself inside of you as he came hard, eyes intently watching the sight of you during and after your orgasm.
Thoma’s cock twitched as he watched you make a mess over Diluc’s cock, his breathy moans of your name getting louder and louder. He knew it wouldn’t take long for him to finish, not with the way your tongue traced his veins and your hand assisting him with whatever he couldn’t fit in your mouth. You felt the knot come undone and Thoma’s sweet cum flooded your mouth. He pulled out, gently wiping the spit from your face.
The room was filled with nothing but the sound of heavy breathing as everyone came down from their highs. Zhongli was even nice enough to grab your water from where Diluc had set them off to the side and offer you some as he dabbed away some of your sweat with a napkin. Diluc finally pulled his now softened member out of you, admiring the way your cum-filled hole leaked. He had to fight the urge to fuck every last drop back into you.
A knock resonated from the door, causing everyone in the room to freeze. “Um, sorry to interrupt,” the servers voice sounded meekly from outside the door, “you guys reservation time is up…” You cringed at the idea of having to walk back to your hotel room in this state, legs still wobbly and cum all over you.
“I supposed to ‘important announcement’ excuse won’t work now..” If you didn’t know any better, you’d say Zhongli sounded amused. “No need to fret, I’ll just pay them a generous tip to overlook this little.. endeavor.”
“You mean I’ll pay the tip.” Diluc cut in flatly. You all were lucky the company had the money to be avoiding scandals like this or else you’d all be done for. Maybe he could convince you to, uh, thank him for it later…
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words-for-holland · 3 years
Pairing: Tom Holland x Reader
Summary: Tom and Y/N decide to work in the same room together. The problem...both of them get easily distracted and a whole lotta fluff comes with it.
A/N: Whoa its been awhile but here we are again! Thank you for 1,000+ followers it means the world! Surprises to come 😉
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“Hello beautiful.” Tom greets Y/N with a cheeky smile on his face. He quickly pecks her soft cheek as he places his laptop across from his lovely girlfriend, who was currently focused on her work.
She takes a second to look up, returning his smile with a soft one. “Hey, good looking. What’s up?”
“Nothing really. Is it okay if I work here with you? I just want to be close to my girl.”Tom pouts.
Y/N’s heart could burst at the sight and reason he gave. An inaudible “aw” prolonging through her mind...until she quickly realized that there could be some complications with this as a slight frown starts to replace her dimpled smile. “Wait...are you sure?”, she asks. “Dont you have press interviews that require absolute silence? I doubt any of you will want to hear the constant typing in the background.”
“Yeah, your typing is horrendous with those lead heavy fingertips of yours.” Tom teases.
“Well these lead heavy fingertips aren’t leaving anytime soon, so youre probably better off working elsewhere.” She suggests, pointing off to the distance. Tom groans at the idea, using his one hand to put her finger down. He engulfs hers with his, lacing her fingers and holding on tightly.
“Noooo. Dont wanna be anywhere else. Please darling? ” He pouts once more.
She giggles at his plea, rolling her eyes. “Course you can, bubz.” Tom excitedly scoots his chair in as he rubs his hands together to prep for the work to come.
And work they did...for at least 10 minutes. Tom was getting antsy as he read through his next script. Occasionally his eyes would roll to the left, and observe Y/N as she continued to read through an article on her screen. Not that Tom didnt find his own work fun but he always found watching Y/N do her thing just a bit more interesting.
He hadn’t realized himself, but his body start to shift and lean more towards her. His arm extending to wrap her in, as it glided up and down in a steady motion. His thumb doodling hearts on her shoulder. Tom could tell it had an effect on Y/N, discreetly smirking to himself as he heard her audible shakey sigh.
He wanted to see what else could make her sigh like that, so instead of his thumb he used pointer and middle finger, running them up and down her shoulder. Tom could see the smile creeping on Y/N’s face and her little head shake. She knew what he was up to and yet, Y/N still wanted him to think that he was not gonna get her that easily. But God was it hard. Every touch felt like tiny fireworks against her skin, goosebumps forming all over her body with every touch. She to stay strong. No distractions.
Tom eyes perked up, at the action. He must go further, he thinks. Tom starts to trace his nose from her shoulder to her neck, leaving kisses at her jawline. “C’mon darling. Think its time for a break.”, he whispers in her ear.
She turns her head towards him as she smiles, leaving a quick kiss on Tom’s lips. “Its only been ten minutes.” She laughs. “Five if you want to count the distractions.”
He backs up, pretending to look appalled. “How dare you. I’ve been a good lad focusing on my script for the whole ten minutes.”
A playful glare formed on Y/N’s soft face which ultimately ended her up with a fit of giggles. She couldnt take him seriously, but then again she never did with anything. Tom has always said if they were kidnapped by a pair of robbers, her first reaction would be to laugh. As the laughter died down, Y/N paid her attention back to the screen which had been inactive during the playful banter and continued to type out those set of documents that she had been meaning to get to.
Tom on the other hand was still reading through his script, taking mental notes on how he was going to approach his character. This time he was completely engrossed in his work. His eyes moving left to right with every line he took in. Until...he felt something ticking his lower calves. Tom knew it was Y/N’s foot, by the way it brushed just as he had done with his hand on her shoulder. The movements never stopped, her legs now curling around his own. Y/N was trying to getting back at him, but one thing she always forgot was that Tom always wins.
Naturally he had to the same, and what once became a playful game of footsie, now ended up with Tom shifting Y/N to sit on his lap. Her legs now wrapped around his waist and his hands holding onto her hips. Both of them connecting their soft lips, feeling every spark and essence of love. He looked up at Y/N with admiration, thinking how lucky he is to have her in his life. Yeah Covid sucked for the most part and limited their ability to even do anything exciting outside, but it gave them the opportunity to be with each other far more than they could have on a normal day. On a normal day, Tom would be jumping around country to country while Y/N would be home miles and miles away from him. Course, nothings changed with jumping from country to country, but Tom gets to bring Y/N with him now and thats all that mattered to them.
But work never stopped them from keeping busy. Just as their kisses were getting more heated, and their hands tangling each others hair both their alarms went off. The couple stopped their antics as they leaned their heads back, groaning in synchronization.
“Ughh. Thats my cue. I have to prep for an interview.” He mumbles as he nuzzles into Y/N’s neck.
“I know. I have to get ready for another business meeting. Whoo.” she speaks in a sarcastic manner, dropping her head.
“What time?” He asked pressing a kiss to the shell of her ear.
“Mm...3. Why?”
Tom plays with the strands of her soft hair. “Was wondering if you’ll stay with me through mine and Ill stay with you through yours.”
“As much fun as that would be. I dont think were allowed to —“
“Im not saying we have to be on camera for each others meeting. But if one of us will be off camera itll be all right.” He plans, still looking at his girl with pleading eyes. Y/N’s mouth twitches to the left, her eyes furrowed with suspicion.
“You’re doing it again.” Tom states, a small chuckle escaping his lips.
“Doing what?”
“You’re making that face again.”
Her expression quickly changes to confusion, not entirely sure of what Tom was noticing that she didnt about her own face. “What face?”, she asks.
“The one where you twitch your lips and make your eyes look angry. You only do it when youre indecisive about something. Its bloody adorable.”
Y/N snorts at his comment, and tries to get off to give him time to prepare, only to be stopped by his hands pushing her back down on his lap.
“I was serious about wanting to stay with my girl the whole day while doing work. Please?” He pleads again, this time bringing out the puppy face. “I’ll be good and do the dishes tonight.”
To be fair, Y/N knew she was always gonna say yes to Tom. Its pretty hard to deny her dorky boyfriend when hes asking so sweetly and just wants to spend the day together. More so, if the roles were switched, she would have done the same thing. “Go get changed movie star, before youre late for your interview.” She murmurs to him, kissing his cheek before she scrambles of his lap to sit across from him.
Tom whoops with victory as he runs out the room quickly changing into his shirt, fixing his hair, and adding glasses for that sophisticated touch. Sure he wanted to look his best for the Cherry Press, but he made sure his outfit was something Y/N would very much adore as well.
“How do I look?” Tom asked coming out of their shared bedroom.
Y/N looks up from her computer, and smiles widely. “Handsome as always.” She couldnt take her eyes off of him, admiring every detail of the clothing and how it perfectly complimented Tom’s feature. She eyed him from top to bottom, until she noticed something. “Uhh..honey....you’re not wearing any pants.” She asked a bit confused. Her eyes engrossed in the muscles of his thighs and the fit of his Calvin Klein boxers.
Tom smirks at her. “Its uncomfortable wearing pants. Besides no one will see...except you.” He teases, gently lifting her head up so that her eyes meets his. “Eyes up here love.”
“Youre something else.” She laughs, feeling the heat rise in her cheeks. “Well...least we know who wears the pants in the relationship.”
Tom laughs loudly at her comment. He hooks the waistband of Y/N’s sweatpants and snaps them back to further prove her point. “That was a good one. Ill give you that.” Tom and Y/N high five each other, and then it was press time.
Y/N kept quiet and tried her best to minimize the typing unless it was really needed. Seeing Tom talk about his work and dedication was something that she had always admired about him. He loved his job and everyone can see that. Occasionally they’d steal glances from each other, smiling and holding each others hand under table so that no one could see. But it was just one of those moments that Tom and Y/N couldnt help themselves too. Two hours passed and Tom was free.
“You did so well.” Y/N praised Tom and awarded him with a quick kiss. “I love it when you talk about your passion.”
“Thanks. I love that you were there with me to sit through it all.” He smiles. “I believe its your turn now. It’s almost 3.”
Y/N frowns, knowing shed have to dread through hers. Instead of getting to talk about her passions, itd all be about business, business, business. “Ugh. Do I have to?”she groans.
“Come on now. Dont be like that, you’re gonna be fine. Ill be here with you the whole time.” Tom reassures her with kisses all over her face.
“No distractions?” She asks.
“No distractions.”
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onceattwice · 4 years
TWICE Reaction: Wisdom Teeth
REQUEST: can i request twice’s s/o getting their wisdom tooth out and being all cute and crazy not knowing what she is doing.
TAGS: Fluff
NOTES: This was really fun to write on! To whomever requested this one: thank you and sorry this took so long to get out!
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Nayeon sat in the waiting room, idly flipping through a couple of magazines. Every so often, she would check her watch, internally counting down the minutes before she could see you again. You should be finished at five o’clock. Of course, she’d come thirty minutes early just in case, since she was your ride home. 
She stifled a laugh as soon as she saw that Dr. Choi had rolled you out of the surgery room. You looked like you were blackout drunk. “Y/N is still a little hazy from the laughing gas but they should be good to go in a couple of minutes. We suggest you keep them here until the laughing gas leaves their system completely.” She nodded quickly, affirming that you would indeed be staying here. 
“I brought some energy drinks for her but I’d rather not have her spill it all over my car,” Nayeon joked lightly with the surgeon. He chuckled in agreement but quickly excused himself, claiming that he had another appointment to attend to. She politely waved him goodbye. As soon as she had heard the light click of the closed door, she turned around so she could take a proper look at you.
You had your eyes closed, and although it looked like you were sleeping, she wasn’t entirely sure that was the case. Logically, she knew that you were fine and that the doctors here at ‘Kim & Turne’ were Korea’s top-notch oral surgeons. However, that didn’t prevent the small pinch of panic from flowing through her system. She stomped down the impulse to call Dr. Choi back into the room, and instead opted for sitting down in the small metal fold-able chair beside you. 
As soon as she had sat down, you suddenly sprung up like a maniac. Nayeon screamed out in surprise, her arms flailing beside her. “Y/N! What is wrong with you?!”
“Woogly boogly my booty,” you answered with a stern and serious expression. Nayeon sat in complete shock and disbelief. Suddenly, she exploded in laughter. 
“What in the world are you talking about?” Instinctively, she reached for her camera. From the many years of living with Jeongyeon and Momo, she’s learned to just go with the flow and capture whatever you were saying so that she could use it as blackmail later down the road. Nayeon was a little sad that she wasn’t able to capture your first line, but at least now she’d be able to record the rest of it.
“You’re really pretty, are you dating anybody?” Your words were slurred together, almost as if you were a foreigner to the language. Swaying side to side, she noticed that you were starting to interest in your arms. 
“Unfortunately, yes.” 
“Are you dating my arms? My arms look pretty gnarly, I should’ve known it was a bad idea to make them my wingmen.” 
She cackled at your response. Although she very much did enjoy your arms—as being wrapped around them was one of her favourite nighttime activities—she would not go as far as to say that she was dating your arms.
“Nope, not your arms. I found something much better.” She zoomed in to your gaping mouth. Your eyes were a little unfocused, but she found hints of disappointment and disbelief within them. 
“How cold of you, you’re hurting their feelings! So cold, to break up with them right in front of me. So cold.” You wrapped your arms around yourself, mumbling nonsense in an attempt to comfort them. 
“I think you’d be glad to know that you’re actually dating me,” she chuckled in amusement. You were being so ridiculous at the moment, but she also found your actions to be quite endearing. 
“Oh great, I’m a homewrecker!” You broke free from your arms, extending them as far out in front of you as possible. Nayeon expertly dodged them. Again, years of training from avoiding Sana’s grabby hands. However, Nayeon didn’t have much experience when it came to you crying. Thus, she was absolutely bewildered when you looked up and you had tears streaming down your face. 
“My arms have always been there for me. I can’t believe I just betrayed them like that! What kind of human am I?” Wailing in despair, you slumped back down onto the medical bed. Nayeon just stood there, not knowing what to do. Honestly, she found the entire conversation to be quite entertaining, but now that you were crying, she had no idea what to make of the situation.
“There, there,” she awkwardly patted your back, in the hopes that you would stop crying. At this point, she still had her camera pointed towards you, expecting you to surprise her with another one of your mood swings. But instead, you just lied there with your eyes closed. 
Shaking her head in disbelief, but with a hint of fondness, she tilted the camera towards herself and said to the lenses, “You are never going on laughing gas again.” 
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Jeongyeon was fully aware of the effects of nitrous oxide, aka laughing gas. That’s why she’s currently seated in the waiting room with a professional Canon EOS RP camera. She tried to convince Jihyo to be her “light person”, but unfortunately she declined, claiming that she was not going to get wrapped up in her shenanigans again. 
Your relationship with Jeongyeon was quite a silly one. Neither of you were scared to make a fool of yourselves. Therefore, this lead to the creation of an album titled “HAHA”. It was filled to the brim with silly video clips of both of you. Admittedly, it wasn’t a very original name. However, in one of the earliest clips, Jeongyeon produced her signature ‘haha’ laugh. Except she then proceeded to choke on her rice cake. 
She was cleaning her lens when the doctor informed her that you would be stationed at one of the private waiting rooms. They claimed you were being a little too energetic and proposed that she stayed there with you until the gas left your system entirely. She readily agreed and happily made her way to the room. 
Jeongyeon had seen her fair share of laughing gas videos online, most of which consisted of hysterical laughing, inappropriate questions, and overall confusion. However, she was not expecting to see you flopping around on the medical bed in complete tears. She faintly debated filming you just because you looked like a fish on land, but ultimately decided that’d be a little mean.
Your eyes were bloodshot and you had small drops of snot leaking out of your nose. She immediately ran over to you, leaving her equipment by the door. “What’s wrong?”
“My legs are gone! They cut them off!” You were hiccuping and furiously wiping away at your traitorous tears. 
“No, they’re not.” Jeongyeon deadpanned. 
“Well then explain why I can’t walk!” You wailed as you sniffled angrily. Truthfully, Jeongyeon thought you looked like a small baby. In a way, it was kind of cute how upset you were. She sighed and tilted her head at you. 
“Yes, you can. You just haven’t tried yet.” This seemed to provoke you even further. 
“Yes, I have! Look.” You proceeded to throw yourself on the ground. She gasped in shock, scared that you might have hurt yourself. Before she could even process the situation, you began to flop around. Jeongyeon bent down and placed her hands on your arms in an attempt to try and calm you down.
“For the love of all that is holy, please stop moving.” She laughed as she tried to control your relentless squirming. Too busy enjoying the scene, she completely forgot about her camera. You were pouting, desperately trying to escape her hold. 
Soon after, the sound of the door opening resonated throughout the room. Jeongyeon looked up to see a young lady enter the room. She was wearing scrubs and introduced herself. After hearing a lot of commotion from outside, she just wanted to come and check-in with you guys. 
Before your girlfriend could reply, you looked up at the nurse, eyes crazed, and shouted, “Look! I’m as useless as Magikarp now. I’m a Magikarp! Mag-i-karp!” 
There was a small pause. Suddenly, Jeongyeon and the nurse both burst out laughing. Both of them were so caught off guard by your sudden exclamation. Tears began to spring up in Jeongyeon’s eyes as she doubled over in laughter. Gosh, you were just too darn adorable. Right this moment, she decided that she was going to keep you forever. 
The nurse propped her arms on a nearby counter in an attempt to stabilize herself before she collapsed in laughter. “Please tell me you got that on camera.” 
“Oh shoot!”      
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Momo was already seated in the private patient waiting room. The doctors informed her that you would be wheeled into the room after the surgery and that she could either take you straight home or wait for the laughing gas to wear off. She decided that she would be taking you home straight away as you would likely be more comfortable there. 
You got wheeled into the room looking absolutely dazed. Momo thought it was quite funny that you were sat in a wheelchair. She quickly thanked the assistant, grabbed the chair handles, and prepared to push you out of that center. However, before she could move, a plethora of incoherent mumbling flowed out of your mouth. 
“Hm?” She bent down in an attempt to try and hear you better. Leaning over your shoulder, her eyes trained on your mouth as she tried to piece together what you were mumbling.
“I said I want kisses.” You turned your head up slightly, pouting as you tried to catch Momo’s lips in yours. 
Momo’s face immediately flushed as she swiftly backed away. She stood up, back straight as a board, and pointedly avoided the assistant’s stare. A boisterous laugh echoed through the room. 
“I’ll leave you guys alone.” The click of a closed-door helped to indicate to Momo that the assistant had left the room. 
“I-I’m not too sure that’s a good idea. You just finished your surgery after all.” 
A sharp whine escaped your throat and you begin to thrash around in your chair. Momo’s eyes widened in surprise as she tried to stabilize the chair. But to her dismay, her hands fumbled and the wheelchair completely tipped over with you in it. Various pitched squeaks escaped her throat as she desperately ran over to check your body for injuries. 
There you lied, completely motionless but still laughing like a maniac. Crouching down, she lightly scolded you for acting so carelessly. However, you just opened your arms up wide and tried to pull her into a hug. Momo was so caught off guard that before she knew it, she was lying on the ground with your arms wrapped around her torso. Her cheeks were stained red with embarrassment as you rocked her back and forth. 
“I caught my prize,” you whispered into her ear, causing Momo to become flustered for a different reason. 
“Oh yeah?” She patted your head, deciding to play along with you for now. However, she was only met with silence. Confused, she pulled away slightly so that she could look into your eyes. She doesn’t quite know what she was expecting but she definitely wasn’t expecting to see you looking back at her with the softest gaze ever. Speckles of love splashed across your irises, making Momo’s heart flutter uncharacteristically.
“Yeah.” You smiled dopily at her. 
“And what’s the prize?” She whispered seductively into your ear, relaxing a little in your arms. If you were going to be so cute and cuddly, then she was going to enjoy it while it lasted. ‘Thank god we’re still in the post-surgery private room,’ Momo briefly thought. 
“A big fried rice cake,” You replied, squeezing her even tighter in your grasp. 
“Big?” Momo squeaked indignantly. That was not what she thought you were going to say. 
“Indeedly so!” 
“You’re sooo sleeping on the couch tonight!” 
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Sana drove over to the building at which you were currently undergoing surgery for your wisdom teeth. In theory, she would arrive right when you finished. She was your ride home since you wouldn’t be able to drive home yourself. 
When she arrived at the clinic, they immediately directed her into a small white room after she checked in with the receptionist. After closing the heavy wooden door behind her, she quickly scanned the room for you whilst also taking note of the slick interior design. 
There you were, situated on one of their hospital beds with a nurse gently holding your arm. She was mumbling something that Sana couldn’t quite make out, but it seemed to relax you. She huffed, a little annoyed because the nurse was a little too close for her liking. Clearing her throat with a sharp ‘ahem’, Sana stood by the front of the door, staring at the woman expectantly. The nurse quickly acknowledged Sana’s presence and politely stepped away from you.
After she explained that the gas would leave your system soon, she left the room in a hurry. Grateful for the privacy that the room allowed the two of you to have, she quickly stomped on over to you and started to inspect your face. There was slight bruising in your cheeks but nothing to be concerned about. 
However, what was concerning was the fact that you had tears streaming down your cheeks. You looked up at her with a small pout and glistening eyes. She furrowed her brows in confusion and instantly situated herself in the remaining space on the bed. “What’s wrong?”
“My dog is dead,” you mumbled dejectedly, voice filled to the brim with pain and sorrow. Sana, however, could only chuckle in amusement. She had no clue what you were going on about. 
“Honey, you don’t have a dog.” She rubbed your back comfortingly, hoping to calm you down a little. Your only response was a cry of despair. 
“Well, I don’t anymore! It’s dead!” You buried your face into her neck, weeping miserably. You clung onto her white shirt, soaking her shoulder with your heartfelt tears. 
Sana thought you were being extremely adorable. She softened a little at how much you cared about your supposed ‘dead dog’. Honestly, it was a true reflection of how much of a loving and emotional person you were. She wrapped her arms around your torso and lightly rocked you back and forth. She never really knew how to comfort you with words when you were crying, but she was a master at physical contact. 
Your sniffles resonated throughout the room, but you were finally starting to calm down a little. Sana’s hand cupped your cheek, bringing it away from her neck. You let out a small whine in protest but she just rolled her eyes. Giving you a quick peck on your forehead, she wiped away the remainders of your tears. 
If Sana were, to be honest though, this whole situation was more than a little amusing to her. You didn’t even like dogs, you much preferred cats. She genuinely had no idea where you got your ‘dog’ from. She booped your nose lightly and giggled playfully when your eyes suddenly went hazy and unfocused. 
Maybe she could have a little fun with this. Deciding to indulge your laughing gas antics, she softly asked, “What was your dog’s name?” 
Once again, a couple of tears welled up in your eyes. When you jutted out your bottom lip, Sana, in turn, cooed at how adorably soft you looked. She reckoned she looked much of the same whenever she was around you though. Her love for you goes beyond plain-
“Her name was Sana.”
You got pushed off of the bed. 
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She double-checked her bag before getting a manager to drive her over to the clinic. Jihyo didn’t trust herself to drive the car as she knew she would likely be spending the entire ride taking care of you. Thus, she got a manager to come with so that they could drive on the way home. 
When she arrived, she immediately got led to the room that you were staying in. After your two-hour wisdom teeth surgery, they had placed you in a private post-surgery room with an assistant to watch over you until your girlfriend arrived. When she entered the room, the assistant left. On his way out, he reminded Jihyo to sign some papers at the front desk before leaving. Jihyo agreed readily to his request.
As soon as he was gone, she ran over to your side. “How are you feeling?”
“Like a hamburger on crack,” you replied groggily. Jihyo raised an eyebrow in confusion. Had the laughing gas not left your system yet?
“Do you think you can stand?” She placed a hand on your elbow, gently tugging it. This prompted you to slowly stand up.
“Do you think my legs ever get sad?” You whispered dejectedly as you directed a small pout towards Jihyo. She led you away from the bed, carefully thinking of a response in the meantime. 
“No, I don’t think they do sweetie.” 
“They carry me everywhere but I’ve never carried them!” You reasoned with Jihyo, panic flooding into your eyes at the thought. Bewildered, Jihyo looked back at you. She opened her mouth to tell you to stop being so ridiculous, but to her surprise, tears were falling from your eyes. Your bottom lip trembled as you anxiously played with your fingers. 
“I’m a terrible human.” 
“I don’t think it’s physically possible to...carry your legs.” Jihyo giggled, a little amused by your antics. 
“I’ll never know until I try.” Your girlfriend let out a high pitched yelp as she watched you drop yourself onto the floor. In a desperate attempt to try and carry your legs, you hugged them close to your chest and started to shake your bum on the floor. 
Jihyo laughed as a constipated look overtook your features. You were slowly scooching forward on the clinic’s dirty marble floor. 
“Dear god this is embarrassing,” she grinned as Jihyo pulled out her iPhone. A true testimony to her impeccable idol skills, she somehow managed to capture some flattering angles—as flattering as one could look wiggling on the floor—of you. She quickly sent the 30-second clip to the TWICE group chat, thoroughly enjoying your small lapse of judgement due to the gas. 
A couple of minutes later, although you were still a little woozy from the laughing gas, you did seem to be thinking a little clearer. The hazy look disappeared from your eyes as they did a small scan of the room. 
“Why am I on the floor?” You asked Jihyo confused. All you got was a cheeky wink as laughter carried throughout the room. 
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To be quite honest, Mina was a little terrified. She’s never taken care of someone post-surgery before and she was more than a little anxious that she wouldn’t do a good job. She had done plenty of research beforehand of all the foods you could and couldn’t have, as well as some special aftercare techniques to ensure you wouldn’t get an infection. By all means, she was completely prepared. However, she didn’t feel as though she was. 
Mina had definitely seen her fair share of laugh gas videos online so she kind of knew what to expect. But when you got wheeled into the room, looking as hammered as can be, Mina began to freak out. The nurse quickly reassured her that yes, that was normal and that no, you would not look like that forever. She let out a sigh of relief. Truth be told, she much preferred your original face.  
When the assistant left the room, Mina sat patiently, waiting for you to say something weird. She reasoned that she just had to let you do whatever you wanted to do and that there was no real way for her to stop you. She just prayed you wouldn’t reveal anything too...scandalous about your relationship. You also did not need to air out any dirty laundry either.
However, to her immense surprise, you just sat there staring at her with a look of wonder. “Y/N?” She whispered cautiously, careful not to set you off on a tangent although realistically she understood that that is not how laughing gas works.
“Can we cuddle? I miss you.” You responded in a tone that was just as gentle as the one Mina had used. She blinked twice, a little confused, but ultimately decided to grant your wishes. You rarely ever asked for physical affection, not to mention in such a careful and fragile voice. 
She climbed onto the clinic bed, careful to not rock it too much. You didn’t seem to mind too much though as you hastily, and quite clumsily, made room for her to sit. As soon as she got herself situated on the bed, you wrapped your arms around her torso in a huge bear hug and pulled her down into a lying position. 
A small puff of air escaped her lips due to her surprise but she quickly grew comfortable as the familiar scent of your laundry detergent filled her senses. From there on, you didn’t say much. You would periodically shift a little, burying your face into her neck, but aside from that, you didn’t say a thing.
A nice peaceful calm settled in the air. Mina let out a sigh of relief, secretly glad that she didn’t have to take care of a crazed version of you. 
“I love you.” Your words were muffled against her sweater, but the meaning was not lost on Mina. She cooed slightly at how adorable you were being. You guys rarely said those three words, only saving them for special occasions. That way, it made them sound even more meaningful than usual. 
She let out a small breathless chuckle, her cheeks red at the implication of your words. “I love you too.” 
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Did she look like a tourist with that huge camera bag swung across her chest? Yes. Did she look ridiculous? Also yes. As soon as Dahyun had arrived at the clinic, she requested to have a private post-surgery room. Of course, they complied with her wishes. After all, she was Kim Dahyun of Twice. 
She had managed to drag one of the managers into the room with her. The manager was in charge of setting up the lights as she positioned the camera. Her experience of being an idol was coming into handy. Dahyun knew just how to get the perfect angle so that you would still look pretty, even if you were acting absolutely ridiculous. 
A knock on the door shook Dahyun out of her concentrated stupor. “Please come in!” 
When the employees helped you into the room, they were surprised to see such a professional set up. They were also surprised to see the manager sitting in the corner, panting from exhaustion. Dahyun shot them a disarming smile. Confused and slightly scared, they gently led you to the clinic bed before swiftly exiting the room. 
Dahyun clapped her hands together in excitement. Now comes the fun part! However, much to her dismay, all you did was lie on the bed with your eyes closed. You weren’t acting like those people that she saw on YouTube. Dahyun pouted, a little disappointed that you were taking a big nap. At least you looked kind of cute with that big bandage wrapped around your head. 
She smiled lovingly, albeit a bit defeated, and began to dismantle her camera and lights. Just as she turned off the camera, she heard you let out a small groan of pain. Her head snapped in your direction. 
“Are you okay, Y/N?” 
You groaned again in response. Dahyun carefully set her camera on the ground before approaching you. When she arrived beside you, she noticed that you were holding your leg. Pain crossed your features as you mumbled a bunch of nonsensical phrases. 
“What’s wrong?” Panic flowed through her veins as she desperately searched your body for wounds. Had the surgeons messed up? Before she could come to a conclusion, you suddenly shot up, completely dismissing your previous leg pain. Dahyun yelped as she jumped back in surprise. You stared at her, a serious expression crossing your features. 
“I have the sexiest legs in this entire universe.”
Dahyun blinked twice.
“My legs are sexier than Momos. My legs are so hot they could fry perfect sunny side eggs.” You then proceeded to place your index finger on your thigh as you made an unnaturally loud-sounding sizzle, all while looking very constipated. 
Dahyun let out a boisterous laugh, completely caught off guard by your actions. She could even hear the manager laughing along with her. 
“Yes, your legs are very hot,” She placated. However, instead of calming down like she thought you would, you began to pout even more. Crossing your arms around your chest, you turned yourself away from her. 
“I bet you think Momo’s legs are hotter.” 
My god, you were adorable. Dahyun stifled a laugh by cupping her hands around her mouth. “Sure sounds like someone’s jealous.”
“Of those dumbbell looking legs? Never.” You snorted, a little offended that she would ever insinuate otherwise. Dahyun let out a very amused laugh. 
She was definitely going to tell Momo you said that. 
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Was she going to take advantage of your laughing gas situation? Yes. Was she going to paint your face and then take photos for blackmail? Also yes. 
Chaeyoung happily collected her various brushes, as well as her colourful palette of paints, and gently placed them in an art bag. Soon, she would be departing from the dorms and on her way to the clinic. To her calculations, she should arrive as soon as you finished your wisdom teeth surgery. 
“Maybe I could paint Y/N as Mona Lisa.” She adopted a thoughtful expression but quickly tossed that particular idea in the trash can. “Nah, I like the clown idea better.” 
When she arrived, she noticed that she was receiving quite a few odd looks from the receptionists. Chaeyoung looked down at her bulging black bag. Now that she took a proper look at it, it did kind of look like a body bag. She rubbed the back of her neck awkwardly. “Ah, just some outfits for my next photo-shoot,” She said. You know, like an absolute liar.
They nodded understandingly and seemed to quickly forget about her presence as they went back to work. Soon after, Chaeyoung was directed into a small white room with waxed wooden floors. They told her to wait here as they went to grab you. She bounced in her seat in excitement, mentally preparing herself to make you the prettiest clown in the entire universe. 
You got wheeled in on a white bed, seemingly asleep. Chaeyoung grinned evilly as soon as the assistant had left the room. “Attack!” She screamed her battle cry before whipping out her brushes. 
She made quick work of the paint, mixing various colours expertly to get just the right shade of red. Truth be told, she was a little skeptical as to why you were not waking up. However, she got so caught up in her work, she quickly forgot about it. 
A couple of minutes in, she had already successfully, although a little messily, painted the white around your eyes and lips. She also managed to finish the red nose and cheeks. All in all, she was pretty proud of herself. In-between sessions, she would take photos of you from various angles. When she took a quick step back, she realized you looked absolutely comical. 
Laughing in amusement, she decided to stop there and just let you wake up naturally. Washing her brushes in the nearby sink, she eyed you carefully, excited to see what you would do after you woke up. 
When you eventually did wake up, you stared at her groggily, confusion contorting your facial features. Chaeyoung stifled a laugh. The clown makeup was truly spectacular. Dare she say it was her best work yet. 
It was time for the reveal. Chaeyoung opened her phone camera and directed it to your face. At first, you were extremely surprised by the sight. However, you didn’t say anything. You just touched your face gently, pinching and stretching your skin. She chuckled at how adorably confused you looked. 
“I guess the laughing gas still hasn’t left your system yet,” Chaeyoung deducted. 
“Chae?” You mumbled, a little disoriented. She hummed playfully, happily awaiting for your response. She desperately wanted to hear your thoughts. You looked up at her in amazement, eyes full of wonder. “The plastic surgery was a complete success. I look gorgeous.” 
Chaeyoung doubled over in laughter, hitting her head on the bed in the process. 
Sure, she later ended up in the ER, diagnosed with a slight concussion. And on top of that, after the laughing gas left your system and you realized what Chaeyoung had done, you started to ignore her, despite her best efforts to cheer you up. 
However, it was all worth it in the end because she really did get some amazing blackmail photos. 
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Tzuyu, despite her member’s constant reassurance, was still a little scared about having to take care of you. She’s never had any of her friends or family members have surgery. And the time that Jihyo had received her knee surgery, Tzuyu wasn’t even around her. Jihyo had stayed home with her parents, absent from all of their scheduled activities. 
She nervously played with her fingers, patiently awaiting your arrival. When you finally did arrive in the post-surgery room, she was so stunned by the immediate bruising of your cheeks, she had barely paid any attention to what the assistant had told her. 
When she realized that she had zoned out, she sheepishly asked the employee to repeat it. They smiled kindly before quickly giving her a small summary of what they said before leaving the room. 
According to the assistant, you were to stay there until all of the laughing gas had left your system. You might say or do weird things, but that was all normal. Tzuyu pulled out her phone and quickly set her timer for ten minutes. That should be enough time for the effects to wear off. She sat ramrod straight, a little awkward and unsure of what to do next.
However, when you groaned in apparent pain, she immediately rushed to your side. “Are you okay? Where does it hurt?” She grabbed your hands, hoping some physical contact would help comfort you. 
“My tummy.” That was not the answer she was expecting. 
“Your stomach?” She asked bewildered. You just had a wisdom teeth surgery, there was absolutely no reason for your stomach to be hurting. She patted your stomach lightly whilst staring at your face, trying to pinpoint where exactly the pain was coming from. 
Another small groan left your throat as she apparently touched a sore spot just above your belly button. Tzuyu was definitely panicking by now. Her eyes shot back and forth as she scanned the rest of your body. What had they done to you?
“You fill my tummy with butterflies.” You grinned cheekily at her, any supposed pain was quickly forgotten. She gaped at your words, unsure of what to say. Tzuyu’s cheeks lit up like a Christmas tree, the redness quickly reaching the tips of your ears. There was no reason to be so nervous, she reasoned with herself.
Dear god, you were being adorable. Even under the influence of laughing gas, you were still a smooth talker. She giggled as the sudden invasive feeling of being a high school student with a crush filled her system. She felt oddly flattered and more than little flustered. Her eyes softened as her entire body relaxed. 
However, your expression quickly suddenly turned serious. “I’d appreciate it if you could stop though. I need that room for food.” 
Tzuyu burst out in laughter, completely caught off guard by your sudden change in demeanour. Yup, there was no reason to be nervous after all. 
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patriotsnet · 3 years
What Percentage Of Republicans Are On Welfare
New Post has been published on https://www.patriotsnet.com/what-percentage-of-republicans-are-on-welfare/
What Percentage Of Republicans Are On Welfare
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Democrats Return The Favor: Republicans Uninformed Or Self
Republican States Are Mostly on Welfare
The 429 Democratic voters in our sample returned the favor and raised many of the same themes. Democrats inferred that Republicans must be VERY ill-informed, or that Fox news told me to vote for Republicans.;;Or that Republicans are uneducated and misguided people guided by what the media is feeding them.
Many also attributed votes to individual self-interest whereas GOP voters feel Democrats want free stuff, many Democrats believe Republicans think that I got mine and dont want the libs to take it away, or that some day I will be rich and then I can get the benefits that rich people get now.
Many used the question to express their anger and outrage at the other side.;;Rather than really try to take the position of their opponents, they said things like, I like a dictatorial system of Government, Im a racist, I hate non-whites.;
Average Spending Of Welfare Recipients
Compared to the average American household, welfare recipients spend far less money on all food consumption, including dining out, in a year. As families with welfare assistance spend half as much on average in one year than families without it do, there are some large differences in budgeting. Families receiving welfare assistance spent half the amount of families not receiving welfare assistance in 2018.
The Gop Push To Cut Unemployment Benefits Is The Welfare Argument All Over Again
The White House is on the defensive over accusations from Republicans that expanded federal unemployment benefits, which were extended through Sept. 6 as part of Bidens $1.9 trillion coronavirus relief package, are too generous. The GOP argument is that people receiving the $300 weekly benefit have little incentive to return to work. The criticism from Republicans has gotten louder in the wake of a disappointing jobs report.
Its an argument that echoes similar claims conservatives have been making about government assistance programs for decades that people are taking advantage of the system in ways that allow them to collect checks while sitting back and relaxing.
As Washington pays workers a bonus to stay unemployed, virtually everyone discussed very real concerns about their difficulties in finding workers, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell said Monday. Almost every employer I spoke with specifically mentioned the extra-generous jobless benefits as a key force holding back our recovery.
But Democrats counter that millions of Americans need that money to get by. More than 20 million jobs were lost in the early months of the pandemic; 10 million American workers are currently unemployed, the Labor Department says.
Democrats say the sudden demand for more workers from businesses is outpacing the number of workers that can get back into those jobs, especially since many schools arent fully open, and many workers cant afford child care.
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The Politics And Demographics Of Food Stamp Recipients
Democrats are about twice as likely as Republicans to have received food stamps at some point in their livesa participation gap that echoes the deep partisan divide in the U.S. House of Representatives, which on Thursday produced a farm bill that did not include funding for the food stamp program.
Overall, a Pew Research Center survey conducted late last year found that about one-in-five Americans has participated in the food stamp program, formally known as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program. About a quarter lives in a household with a current or former food stamp recipient.
Of these, about one-in-five of Democrats say they had received food stamps compared with 10% of Republicans. About 17% of political independents say they have received food stamps.
The share of food stamp beneficiaries swells even further when respondents are asked if someone else living in their household had ever received food stamps. According to the survey, about three in ten Democrats and about half as many Republicans say they or someone in their household has benefitted from the food stamp program.
But when the political lens shifts from partisanship to ideology, the participation gap vanishes. Self-described political conservatives were no more likely than liberals or moderates to have received food stamps , according to the survey.
Among whites, the gender-race gap is smaller. Still, white women are about twice as likely as white men to receive food stamp assistance .
How Democrats And Republicans Differ On Matters Of Wealth And Equality
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A protester wears a T-shirt in support of Bernie Sanders, an independent from Vermont who is part of … a group of Democrats looking to beat Trump in 2020. Photographer: John Taggart/Bloomberg
If youre a rich Democrat, you wake up each day with self-loathing, wondering how you can make the world more egalitarian. Please tax me more, you say to your elected officials. Until then, the next thing you do is call your financial advisor to inquire about tax shelters.
If youre a poor Republican, however, you have more in common with the Democratic Party than the traditional Wall Street, big business base of the Republican Party, according to a survey by the Voter Study Group, a two-year-old consortium made up of academics and think tank scholars from across the political spectrum. That means the mostly conservative American Enterprise Institute and Cato were also on board with professors from Stanford and Georgetown universities when conducting this study, released this month.
The fact that lower-income Republicans, largely known as the basket of deplorables, support more social spending and taxing the rich was a key takeaway from this years report, says Lee Drutman, senior fellow on the political reform program at New America, a Washington D.C.-based think tank.
Across party lines, only 37% of respondents said they supported government getting active in reducing differences in income, close to the 39% who opposed it outright. Some 24% had no opinion on the subject.
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Bases Of Republicans Antidemocratic Attitudes
shows how Republicans antidemocratic responses in the January 2020 survey were related to education, political interest, and locale. These relationships provide only modest support for the hypothesis that allegiance to democratic values is a product of political activity, involvement and articulateness, as McClosky had it . Although people with postgraduate education were clearly less likely than those with less education to endorse violations of democratic norms, the overall relationship between education and antidemocratic sentiments is rather weak. Similarly, people in big cities were only about 5% less likely than those in rural areas to endorse norm violations, while people who said they followed politics most of the time were about 7% more likely to do so than those who said they followed politics hardly at all. Given the distributions of these social characteristics in the Republican sample, the most typical antidemocrats were not men and women whose lives are circumscribed by apathy, ignorance, provincialism and social or physical distance from the centers of intellectual activity , but suburbanites with some college education and a healthy interest in politics.
Social bases of Republicans antidemocratic attitudes.
Key indicators of latent dimensions
Political bases of Republicans antidemocratic attitudes
Translation of ethnic antagonism into antidemocratic attitudes in Republican subgroups
Welfare Accounts For 10% Of The Federal Budget
Many Republicans claim that social services expenditures are crippling the federal budget, but these programs accounted for just 10% of federal spending in 2015.
Of the $3.7 trillion the U.S. government spent that year, the largest expenditures were Social Security , health care , and defense and security , according to the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities .
Several safety net programs are included in the 10% spent on social services:
Supplemental Security Income , which provides cash support to the elderly and disabled poor
Assistance with home energy bills
Programs that provide help to abused and neglected children
In addition, programs that primarily help the middle class, namely the Earned Income Tax Credit and the Child Tax Credit, are included in the 10%.
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At Least 60 Afghans And 13 Us Service Members Killed By Suicide Bombers And Gunmen Outside Kabul Airport: Us Officials
Two suicide bombers and gunmen attacked crowds of Afghans flocking to Kabul’s airport Thursday, transforming a scene of desperation into one of horror in the waning days of an airlift for those fleeing the Taliban takeover. At least 60 Afghans and 13 U.S. troops were killed, Afghan and U.S. officials said.
Welfare Spending By President And Congress From 1959 To 2014
Republicans’ Facts About Welfare Are “Not Factually True”
America faces many problems today. The current economic recovery has been the slowest since the Great Depression, the national debt has surpassed $18 trillion, and the federal government continues to spend more than it collects. While its not unusual, unethical, or unconstitutional for the federal government to operate with deficits at times, the question is why does Washington continue to overspend? Is there a legitimate reason or is it neo-politics? In this article, well take a look at spending on welfare programs during each presidents term from J.F.K. to Obama. Well also look at the party in control of Congress. Which one was the biggest spender as it pertains to welfare programs?
The Dark Side of Social Benefits
Politicians love to sing their own praises and for a very good reason. Otto von Bismarck, the first Chancellor of Germany, made an astute political observation in the 1880s when he stated, A man who has a pension for his old age is much easier to deal with than a man without that prospect. Bismarck openly acknowledged that this was a state-socialist idea and went on to say, Whoever embraces this idea will come to power. Thus, the strategy of using legislation to gain votes was forever embedded in the political landscape.
Welfare Spending
Lets take a thorough look at federal welfare spending from 1959 through 2013. The following graph includes spending for two data points:
Democrats in control: 13.7%
Republicans in control: 3.5%
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What Is Governments Role In Caring For The Most Needy
Nearly six-in-ten Americans say government has a responsibility to take care of those who cannot take care of themselves. Do these views vary depending on whether the respondent has personally benefited from a government entitlement program?
These data suggest the answer is a qualified yes. Overall, those who have received benefits from at least one of the six major programs are somewhat more likely than those who havent to say government is responsible for caring for those who cannot help themselves .
When the analysis focuses just on just the respondents who have received benefits from at least one of the four programs that target the needy, the gap between entitlement recipients and other adults increases to eight percentage points .
Some larger differences in attitudes toward governments role emerge when the results are broken down by specific program, though in every case majorities of both recipients and non-recipients affirmed that government has the obligation to help those most in need.
For example, nearly three-quarters of those who ever received welfare benefits say government has a duty to care for those who cannot care for themselves. In contrast, less than six-in-ten of those who have never been on welfare agree.
Similar double-digit gaps surface between non-recipients and those who ever received food stamps and Medicaid .
How Come We Are Red And Blue Instead Of Purple
Republicans to live outside of urban areas, while Democrats tend to prefer living inside of urban areas.
Rural areas are almost exclusively Republican well strong urban areas are almost exclusively democratic.
Republicans also tend to stress traditional family values, which may be why only 1 out of 4 GLBTQI individuals identify with the GOP.
63% of people who earn more than $200k per year vote for Republicans, while 63% of people who earn less than $15k per year vote for Democrats.
64% of Americans believe that labor unions are necessary to protect working people, but only 43% of GOP identified votes view labor unions in a favorable way.
The economics of the United States seem to have greatly influenced how people identify themselves when it comes to their preferred political party. People who are concerned about their quality of life and have a fair amount of money tend to vote Republican. Those who have fallen on hard times or work in union related jobs tend to vote for Democrats. From 2003 to today, almost all of demographic gaps have been shifting so that Republicans and Democrats are supported equally. The only true difference is on the extremes of the income scale. The one unique fact about Democrats is that they are as bothered by their standard of living as Republicans tend to be.
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States Have Shifted To The Right
Democrats are floating a plan to tax stock buybacks.
Even excluding health insurance which some experts argue should not count people in this patch of Appalachia draw between a fifth and a third of their income from the public purse.
Perhaps the politics of welfare is changing up to a point. Democrats made big gains this year in elections for the House and several statehouses, running largely on the promise that they would protect the most recent addition to the safety net: the Affordable Care Act, including the expansion of Medicaid in many states. But championing the safety net does not necessarily resonate in the places that most need it.
Take Daniel Lewis, who crashed his car into a coal truck 15 years ago, breaking his neck and suffering a blood clot in his brain when he was only 21. He is grateful for the $1,600 a month his family gets from disability insurance; for his Medicaid benefits; for the food stamps he shares with his wife and two children.
Every need I have has been met, Mr. Lewis told me. He disagrees with the governors proposal to demand that Medicaid recipients get a job. And yet, in 2016, he voted for Mr. Trump. It was the lesser of two evils, he said.
About 13 percent of Harlans residents are receiving disability benefits. More than 10,000 get food stamps. But in 2015 almost two-thirds voted for Mr. Bevin. In 2016 almost 9 out of 10 chose Mr. Trump.
Program Goals And Demographics
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Larger group differences emerge when the results are broken down by age and income levelsdifferences that are often directly related to the goals of specific benefits programs.
For example, adults 65 and older are nearly three times as likely to have received an entitlement benefit during their lives as those adults under the age of 30 . Thats not surprising, since nearly nine-in-ten older adults have received Social Security and78% have gotten Medicare benefits. Both programs were specifically created for seniors with age requirements that limit participation by younger adults.
Similarly, Americans with family incomes of less than $30,000 a year are significantly more likely as those with family incomes of $100,000 or more to have gotten entitlement help from the government . Again, this difference is not surprising, as assisting the poor is the primary objective of such financial means-tested programs as food stamps, welfare assistance and Medicaid.
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Which Party Are You
The average Republican is 50, while the average Democrat is 47.
55% of married women will vote Republican.
GOP candidates earn 59 percent of all Protestant votes, 67 percent of all white Protestant votes, 52 percent of the Catholic vote, making them a Christian majority party.
Only 1 out of 4 Jewish voters will support Republicans.
If you are white and have a college education, there is a 20% greater chance that you will be a Republican instead of a Democrat.
American Republicans have been found to be among the most generous people on earth, and not just financially. Republicans also provide more volunteer hours and donate blood more frequently.
Here is what we really come to when it comes to political party demographics. It doesnt matter if youre a Republican or a Democrat. What matters is that everyone is able to take advantage of the diversity that makes the United States so unique. Instead of trying to prove one way is the only correct path, both parties coming together to work together could create some amazing changes for the modern world. Until we learn to compromise, however, the demographic trends will continue to equalize and polarize until only gridlock remains. If that happens, then nothing will ever get done and each party will blame the other.
Taking The Perspective Of Others Proved To Be Really Hard
The divide in the United States is wide, and one indication of that is how difficult our question proved for many thoughtful citizens. A 77-year-old Republican woman from Pennsylvania was typical of the voters who struggled with this question, telling us, This is really hard for me to even try to think like a devilcrat!, I am sorry but I in all honesty cannot answer this question. I cannot even wrap my mind around any reason they would be good for this country.
Similarly, a 53-year-old Republican from Virginia said, I honestly cannot even pretend to be a Democrat and try to come up with anything positive at all, but, I guess they would vote Democrat because they are illegal immigrants and they are promised many benefits to voting for that party. Also, just to follow what others are doing. And third would be just because they hate Trump so much. The picture she paints of the typical Democratic voter being an immigrant, who goes along with their party or simply hates Trump will seem like a strange caricature to most Democratic voters. But her answer seems to lack the animus of many.;;
Democrats struggled just as much as Republicans. A 33-year-old woman from California told said, i really am going to have a hard time doing this but then offered that Republicans are morally right as in values, going to protect us from terrorest and immigrants, going to create jobs.
Recommended Reading: Did Trump Say Republicans Were Dumb
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kpopchangedme · 5 years
Folks & Hooligans | Im Jaebum
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The best festivals are always the ones where folks dress like royalty and princes go rogue...
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Protagonist: Im Jaebum & You 
Word Count: 2.2k (got carried away, oops!)
Genre: SFW - Romance - Royalty - [Drabble 2k]
Prompt: “People are staring”
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GOT7 | M.list
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A girl like you can only wear so much crinoline fabric before she starts losing her damn mind...
There’s something about all those champagne flutes being refilled every time they’re emptied, that orchestra never missing a single beat, the candelabras all lit at once above the palace’ ballroom… Magic is in the air. It’s in each bubble reaching the surface of the effervescent liquid in your glass, it’s in the luxurious sounds coming from your heavy gown every move you make. It is addictive. The Festival of Masks is supposed to feel exactly like this every year, but you wouldn’t know since it’s the first time you are free from kitchen duties.
“Milady,” Your old friend Wonpil pulls you out of your reverie by theatrically bowing down in front of you. He’s wearing a fancy black costume and a silvery mask covers his features entirely, but you still identify his familiar clumsiness. “Good evening to you.”
“Likewise,” playing the part, you extend your gloved hand and he hurries to kiss it, “I don’t believe we’ve met before. I’m afraid the pleasure is all mine, Sir.” Wonpil smiles squarely at the joke, blushing under his mask. He runs his fingers on the rich fabric of his extravagant waistcoat nervously.
“It’s me, Miss y/n,” Leaning into your ear, he whispers in fake secrecy, “the royal coachman.”
“Oh!” Fanning your masked face, you pretend to be embarrassed by the confusion and his smile widens, “You looked so fancy, I thought you were one of the princes!”
“You’re the biggest transformation...” Wonpil shakes his head, glancing around at the crowd of dancers enjoying the masquerade. “You look enchanting!”
“This dress is slightly different than what I usually wear, I must admit.”
“Well, today we can be whatever we want, that’s the whole point.” The young man runs a hand through his pulled back dark hair, eyeing a petite woman leaning over the buffet. You’ve lost his interest. “Do you think that could be Dahyun?”
You follow his gaze, “Oh, I think it might-” But already he’s gone, and you roll your eyes back, irked but unsurprised by his lack of consideration. He’s always been like that ever since you were children, never paying attention long enough to notice you’d enjoy if he did. “Enchanting my arse.”
“Fret not, I assure you it is lovely from here,” Someone rudely chimes in from behind you and your sip of champagne goes down the wrong pipe.
“I beg your pardon?” You’re coughing to recover as you turn to face the masked stranger, eyes teary and throat on fire.
“Your arse, Miss,” He says without any shame, now standing in front of you. Even upset and after many years, you recognise him right away. In his gorgeous crimson suit, it’d be foolish to mistake him for anyone else and he isn’t the kind of man a gal easily forgets.
“Oh…” You exhale, startled, and his teasing smile stretches dangerously under his golden intricate mask. That perfect mischievous toothy grin everyone knows so well within the palace walls.
“Oh?” The first-born prince Im Jaebum, mimics back and you courtesy awkwardly. “Not quite the reaction I was hoping for, Miss.”
You’re about to excuse yourself when you remember he has no idea who he’s teasing this time. As a teenager, he was known as quite the troublemaker by the servants, and you also had the misfortune of getting caught once or twice in his shenanigans. Instead of avoiding him like you should, you decide to tease back a little. It’s not like he’ll recognise someone like you. He just got back after 3 years of guiding the army on the front lines. He was sent there by the High King in the hopes of ‘taming’ his defiant nature.
“Were you hoping to offend me?” You boldly grin as you speak and the rebellious prince leans in, interested. “This is what masquerades are for, afterall...” He doesn’t seem to notice and follows when you step back. You have to press yourself against the nearest pillar to stay at an appropriate distance.
“What is the point of all this fuss, Miss? I’m afraid I’ve missed festivities for so long I can’t quite remember...” His eyes unmistakably dip on the front of your dress, right where your breasts are exposed, constricted by the corset you aren’t used to wear. You would roll your eyes if you weren’t trying to keep a cool exterior. Miss. So you were right, there’s no way the prince would recognise kitchen staff like you, much less after his years away. “I beg you, kiss and tell,” he insists with a smirk.
“W-Well, folks masquerade as royals...” Your breath catches when his dark gaze finally climbs back to yours, “so... Princes behave as hooligans.” You hold your breath; you just called a royal out for his improper conduct.
“Really Miss?” The prince only smirks, not looking insulted at all. “Do you truly believe the festival is why...” Without warning, his palm finds the pillar next to your head and his left hand grabs a curl that has escaped your bun. He leans above you, caging you against the marble until there’s almost no space left between your bodies. “.... I feel like misbehaving...”
Prince Jaebum toys with your hair and you stand there, completely frozen by the intimate gesture. He bites his lips, looking down at you and obviously enjoying your uneasiness. He is infamous for his charm and wit, dangerous character traits you’ve been warned about by other women for years. Now you’re beginning to see why. Your palms are sweaty, and you swear your bodice is getting tighter by the seconds. From this close, it doesn’t seem like time in the army did his playful character any good.
“People are staring…” You manage to mutter in a daze.
“Let them.” Although the prince doesn’t move, his dark irises slide to the corner of his eyes to glance at the busy crowd. It feels like the entire kingdom is in this ballroom. “I assure you... I would take offense if they were looking anywhere else but at you, Miss.” He says this easily, with all the confidence in the world, and your heart skips a beat.
Your little gasp at his shameless compliment makes his lips curl upwards, pleased. “Your Royal Highness...” You whisper in awe, trying to get yourself together again. You miss how quickly that smile falls from his face when you use his rank.
In a heartbeat you are both gone from the publicness of the ballroom. The unruly prince’s hand is wrapped around your wrist, pulling you through a warren of familiar stone corridors. You surprise yourself by following obediently, it’s like you don’t know any better. You’re excited and curious, a part of you wanting to know exactly where this momentary noble disguise can take you. He finally stops when you reach an alcove in the empty west wing of the palace, far away from the festivities. The prince sighs, untying the black ribbon holding his mask in place. You stare in awe at his handsome face, only now fully realising the predicament you’re in. He looks way manlier than the last time you’ve seen him and then again, you have never stood this close. Seeing as you don’t do the same, he rolls his eyes, raising his arms to get rid of your mask himself. Refusing to reveal your identity, you step back until you’re caught against a stone wall again. He can’t find out who you are, especially since you’ve called him out for his inappropriate behaviour. If he recognised you, you would probably lose your job. His brows raise in annoyance, but he lets his arms fall to his sides aimlessly.
“Folks masquerade as royals for one night, Sir. Anonymity is a given.”  
Prince Jaebum chuckles at your explanation, shaking his head slightly. He takes a step closer, way too close for appropriate etiquette, and you must tilt your head to keep looking at him.
“Then perhaps you should’ve known better than to follow a one-night hooligan down here...” Your lips part, about to say something witty back, but he runs his finger along your jawline, making you forget everything. “Mr. Kim was right, you are absolutely enchanting tonight...” Complimenting you once more, the prince drops his head. He’s so close you can feel the warmth coming from his body even through your layers of formal clothing. His breath is on your neck making you shiver, and shut both eyes, overwhelmed. “Do you want to hear a secret, Miss?” His lips brush your ear and you grip his waistcoat to stay up, the gesture causing him to chuckle again.
“Y-Yes?” That’s it. You’ve lost your mind. Here you are clinging to one of the princes, the heir to the throne of them all! The magic from tonight has really made you into someone else.
He blinks, merriment giving way to an odd seriousness, “I find you look even better in your kitchen’ uniform...”
“You…” So he did recognise you! He watches you struggle with this confession through his eyelashes, still holding your neck with one of his hands. “You are making fun of me, Sir.”
“If only I was!” The prince laughs at that, thumb stocking your jaw. “One would have to be blind to overlook you...”
Again, instead of doing the right thing, you simply falter at his compliment. “Your Royal Highness…”
He sighs, closing both eyes briefly. “I’m a hooligan remember, address me by my name.”
“Oh,” your eyes round in amazement, “I c-couldn’t, Sir!”
“May I call you y/n?” Prince Jaebum tries your name and the simple sound of it coming from his mouth makes something stir in your stomach. You nod slightly, like under a spell. He doesn’t seem half as rude from up close. “May I take off your mask, y/n?” You nod once more, but already he’s pulling at the ribbons, untying the bow holding it in place. He removes your mask delicately, watching as you drop your chin to the ground to avoid his scrutiny, his grin widens. “And may I kiss you?”
You gasp in consternation at this request, and suddenly look up. “Why?”
The prince raises a brow in incredulity; “Isn’t this what troublemakers do, alone in the dark with the festival’s most beautiful woman?”
“Oh, you’re only teasing me again, Sir!” He laughs at your retort, tilting your head back with a hand while the other finds a spot between your hips on your back.
“I promise I’m not, y/n…”  You shiver at the touch and he must notice because his eyes drop to your mouth. “And it is just Jaebum for tonight...”
“Jaebum,” you murmur despite yourself and he smiles, flashing his pearly white teeth. You’ve already gone this far. Might as well transgress all rules, the magic of the masquerade only lasts for one night. “Are you going to kiss me now, Jaebum?”
Before you can even acknowledge what you just dared to ask, the prince presses his lips on yours. The embrace is soft and brief, barely there before it’s gone, and you heave when he pulls back. This is going to hurt when reality hits, but you don’t care. After assessing your reaction, Jaebum is kissing you again. This time with more urgency and hunger than you can handle. Your knees betray you, but he keeps you up with his body thanks to the wall, careful not to crush you. His mouth teases yours skillfully, forcing you to give back just as much. Your hands slide to his shoulders and hair, messing up his neat presentation but his do the same, and none of you seems to mind. Jaebum nibbles at your lower lip, requesting access to your mouth and you comply, unable to resist him any longer.
He could make you agree to anything tonight and although he seems well aware of this power, he’s the one who pulls back. The prince presses his forehead to yours, breathing heavily. You stay like that for infinity, in silence since you can’t form a coherent sentence and he seems similarly affected.
Jaebum sighs, “I believe you were really really wrong earlier.” Suddenly apprehensive, you open your eyes to find him gazing at you heavily. “I don’t think the masquerade has anything to do with my behaviour at all.” You can’t help your uncomfortable laugh and he nudges his nose against yours, palm rubbing small circles on your lower back to reassure you. “I’m being serious, we have a problem...” His hand presses you into him and you link your arms behind his neck to keep close. Again, you’ve totally lost it.
“What is it?” You’re pretty sure you will be having bigger problems than him when you wake up tomorrow. It’s not like you’ll be able to move on from the prince easily.
“I’m not a one-night hooligan,” he whispers, a smile in his voice, “I must have been born for this.”
“What do you m-” Jaebum pecks your lips and rolls his eyes back, effectively shutting you up.
“I plan on misbehaving very often from now on,” he bites his swollen lips, observing your reaction. There’s a hint of worry in his eyes. “That is... Only if you’ll have me, Miss y/n…”
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GOT7 | M.list
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171 notes · View notes
meet me in the tree house
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Moodboard made by @snowflakeu25
BTS au-imagine
Yoongi x Reader Y/N
fluff, romance
Word Count: 3.5K
A/N: This was a request from @snowflakeu25 💜
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Three knocks on his studio door.
A gruff voice, muffled by the walls enters your ears and you twist the knob and push into the room with your hip since your other hand is preoccupied carrying a shallow box of takeout containers. A boy sits in a computer chair facing a mountain of recording equipment. Speakers jut from the two corners of the ceiling. Three large monitors sit atop the mountain, an expanse of panels, keyboards, knobs and sliders filling the valley below. At the sound of you entering the room, he turns around, his mouth twitching into a quick smirk before his eyes fall to the food in your hands.
“Hey,” you say.
“Hey,” Yoongi replies spinning around fully to face the coffee table as you set the box down on its surface.
“Working hard?” you ask and take a seat on the leather couch that sits adjacent to him.
Yoongi stretches, arching his back and raising his arms in the air with a groan. “Always,” he says. “Chinese?”
“You know it.”
The two of you are quiet for a while as you work at getting all of the take out containers open and onto the coffee table. Then you pass him a pair of chopsticks before taking your own pair and grabbing the closest container. You’ve watched Yoongi become a big time producer, his songs winning award after award. You’ve seen him on tv, standing on stages, making speeches, wearing designer clothes and being adored by people that don’t know him.
Yet every Wednesday, you come to Bighit, the security guard giving you a smile and a nod of recognition and you take the elevator up to the fourth floor, carrying take out, walk down that hallway lined with albums that have gone gold and platinum before reaching the studio. And there you find him, in his baggy sweats and baggy shirt, sometimes a beanie to keep his hair out of his eyes and he’d turn and greet you with that same tired smile. He’s never treated you different. He’s never let the fame get to him. Probably because he knows how far of a fall it would be back to the bottom where he started if he were to let it all go to his head.
You moved to the city not long after Yoongi got the job at Bighit. The two of you have been best friends since you were in fourth grade, when he moved into the house next door to yours. He had a tree house in his backyard that you had been eying for a while and when his mom had forced him to come over and ask you to play, you’d been ecstatic to finally be able to see the inside of it. It was as cool as you’d thought it would be, and that was where you’d spend a lot of late nights during the summer.
As you got older, the tree house transformed from a playhouse to a safe house. If your parents were fighting or lashing out at you, you’d send a quick text to him asking him to meet you there. And by the time you climbed up the rope ladder, the hatch would already be open and Yoongi would be waiting for you, his ears open to listen or his arms open to hold you, whichever you needed. Usually, it was both.
Once he moved away after college, there wasn’t much left for you in your small town, so you followed him, getting a job in the city and hanging out whenever he was free. Which wasn’t as often lately.
“So what have you been working on?” you ask before shoving a piece of orange chicken into your mouth.
Yoongi perks up, swallowing his mouthful of food before spinning to face his desk again. “Tell me what you think of this. Then with a couple clicks of his mouse and a press of a button on one of his keyboards, the room fills with music.
You close your eyes so you’re not distracted by anything and listen to the steady rhythm as it builds. After a few measures, Yoongi’s familiar voice starts in, delivering the deep lyrics he’s become so well-known for. You can feel the smile spreading your mouth as you listen, your head automatically bobbing to the beat. You’re really enjoying the song when suddenly it cuts off and you open your eyes to find Yoongi looking at you, his hand poised on his keyboard. You frown.
“What did you stop it for?”
“I just wanted to give you a sneak peek. You can’t hear the whole song until the mixtape is done.”
“Mixtape?” you ask as your smile returns.
Yoongi smiles back and looks down at his hands shyly. “By the way, I’m making a mixtape.
You let out an excited squeal, reaching out to hit his arm over and over, his smile growing bigger with every hit. “Are you serious?” you finally ask when he’s rolled out of your reach. “You’ve been wanting to do a mixtape forever!”
“Yeah,” he chuckles and scratches the back of his neck. “Yeah, I’ve finally gotten some time to work on it so I’ve been kind of messing around, writing some stuff.”
You pick up the container of pork fried rice, poking at it as you shake your head. “I’m really excited for you, Yoongi. It’s going to be amazing.”
“I hope.”
“It will be,” you say. “You’re crazy talented.”
Just then you feel your phone vibrate in your back pocket and when you reach for it and look at the screen, you can’t help but smile. The room is silent as you type a response to the message you received.
“Who has the audacity to interrupt our Wednesday night dinner?” Yoongi asks jokingly as he wheels back over and swipes a container off of the coffee table.
You send the message and set your phone onto the table before taking another bite of rice. “Just a guy I’ve been talking to,” you say. “Sorry.”
Yoongi blinks, obviously caught off guard by your response. “Oh, no, it’s okay. I didn’t know you were talking to someone.”
“Yeah,” you say with a shy smile. “I met him at a party last weekend and, I don’t know. We got to talking and now we’ve been texting each other a bit.”
Yoonig lets out a grunt, suddenly very interested in the container he’s holding.
“I don’t know,” you say again. “I think I’m finally in a place to start wanting to date again…you know, after everything that happened with—”
“Y/N,” Yoongi says cutting you off. “It’s okay. You don’t have to talk about him. I’m glad you’re able to move on now. I’m happy for you.”
You tilt your head as you study your best friend. His words sound genuine but the sentiment doesn’t seem to reach his eyes. “Thanks,” you utter. You hear your phone vibrate against the coffee table and you watch as Yoongi’s gaze falls to it for a split second before focusing back on poking his chopstick into his food.
Y/N: So Chinese again tonight or something different?
Yoongi: Ive got a lot of work to do tonight. I dont think I can hang out.
Y/N: Oh ok. See u next week then?
Yoongi: Sure.
Y/N: Hey, did u want to go out tonight instead of me bringing something? Theres a new ramen place I wanted to try.
Yoongi: cant hang out tonight. Busy.
Y/N: …ok. Next week then? I miss u.
Yoongi: Sure.
Y/N: ok. Im kidnapping u tmrrw night. I kno u dont rlly like going anywhere on Wednesday nights since u hav to work but we havnt hung out in like 3 weeks and I want to take u to see this new horror movie with me. And I kno that telling u Im kidnapping u kind of negates the whole “kidnapping” thing but I kno u dont like surprises.
Yoongi: cant.
Yoongi: Sorry. I have to work.
Y/N: man…ur working a lot lately, arnt u?
Yoongi: its my job, Y/N. Maybe next week.
Y/N: Next week Im going to be back home to visit some family.
Yoongi: oh ok.
Y/N: Whatever, Yoongi. If u dont want to hang out anymor, just say it.
Y/N: Or dont. Whatever.
Yoongi: hey
Yoongi: Y/N
Yoongi: I know ur mad at me but please respond.
Yoongi: Y/N I was just being an idiot.
Yoongi: Y/N
Yoongi: Please talk to me.
Yoongi: look, I kno ur reading my texts and I kno u probably wont respond but if u end up seeing this, please meet me in the tree house in like twenty minutes. Alright? Thats where Ill be. I need to talk to u.
“The tree house?” you utter as you re-read his last text. As in the one at his parent’s house? The one that’s over an hour away from the city the two of you live in now?
You’re at a family dinner at the moment but you’ve all already eaten and now your parents are just talking to your aunt and uncle and though you’re a bit reluctant to actually meet up with Yoongi (since you’re still pretty pissed at him for ditching you for the past three weeks) he’s the perfect excuse for you to duck out early. And you do just that, saying goodnight to your extended family before telling your parents that you have to run but you’ll see them back at home later. Then you head out before anyone can argue.
It’s about a thirty minute drive from the restaurant back to your house. You can’t even bring yourself to pretend to feel bad for making him wait those ten extra minutes wondering if you’re even going to show up. It serves him right. The two of you have been best friends for as long as you can remember and have been doing Wednesday night dinner together ever since he got the job at Bighit. After all this, he decides he’s too busy to hang out? He’s never been too busy. Has the fame finally gotten to his head?
A terrible thought occurs to you as you pull into the driveway at your childhood home. What if he wants to meet you to break things off? To tell you that he doesn’t have time for friends anymore. That you shouldn’t come around anymore because it’s interfering with his work. That he’s outgrown you.
With an angry jerk of the stick shift, you jam your car into park and turn off the engine, yanking the key out. You can already feel yourself getting worked up as you slam the door and stomp across the yard to Yoongi’s house. When you get through the gate and enter the backyard, your eyes trail up to the tree house where it resides in the tall maple in the middle of the lawn. The sun is almost all the way set and the sky is already turning a medium shade of blue. It’s getting dark fast and you can see golden light filtering out of the windows in the tree house. He’s there. Good.
You take a deep breath then make your way up the rope ladder. This was a lot easier when you were younger, and smaller, and you can’t help but wonder how much longer this rope will even hold. With that thought, you scurry up the last few rungs, hoping the whole time that it won’t snap on you. Then, when you poke your head up through the hole, your eyes fall on Yoongi.
He’s laying on his back, hands on his stomach and his eyes fixed on the ceiling. At the sound of your arrival, he turns his head, his gaze locking with yours.
He sits up quickly. “I thought you weren’t going to come.”
You back away from the hole in the floor until your spine rests against the wall. “I wasn’t going to but it was an excuse to duck out of dinner early.” You cross your arms. “What are you even doing here, Yoongi?”
Your best friend gets to his feet. “I wanted to talk to you about…everything.”
Yoongi sighs, bringing up a hand to scratch behind his ear. A nervous tick you’ve always thought was a bit endearing. “I guess I just got kind of…jealous.”
You stand there against the wall blinking for several seconds, not really sure if you heard him right. “Jealous,” you finally say. Yoongi nods. Your brow furrows and you let out a humorless laugh. “I’m sorry, Mr. Big-shot producer, what the heck would you be jealous of?”
As if on cue, your phone chimes in your pocket and Yoongi’s eyes fall to the outline of it against your thigh. You’ve still been talking to that other guy from several weeks ago and now it kind of dawns on you, just what Yoongi is jealous of. The two of you lock eyes again.
The apples of his cheeks dust a light pink, contrasting against his pale mint hair and he shifts on his feet. “No, it’s stupid. I shouldn’t have been like that. Not when I’ve never even told you how I feel. I just wanted you to meet me here so I could tell you that I’m sorry and I want to keep doing our Wednesday night thing and you can text that guy all you want. And I know you don’t need my permission but I’m just letting you know that I won’t be a jerk about this. And I won’t start acting all weird. Date him. Marry him. I’ll still be your best friend as long as you want me to be. And if you don’t, I understand that too because what kind of person freezes their best friend out over another guy? You’re more important to me than that and…Y/N?”
His words finally trail off when he looks up and realizes you’ve been standing there gaping at him the whole time. Your heart is in your stomach and your breaths have become shallow. Are you having a panic attack? Here? In Yoongi’s tree house? In front of Yoongi?
“Y/N?” he asks again.
“What did you say?” you utter.
“What did you say?” you ask louder. “Just now. What did you say?”
Yoongi fumbles with his hands for a second, running his fingers through his hair and switching his weight to his other foot again. “Uh…that you’re my best friend?”
“Before that.”
“I’m sorry?”
“Before that.”
“I was being stupid?”
“After that.”
Yoongi bites his bottom lip, the pink in his cheeks becoming darker. “…that I haven’t told you how I feel?”
“Yeah,” you say. “How do you feel, Yoongi?”
“I feel like…” he takes a tentative step toward you, keeping his eyes locked on yours even as the blush spreads down to his neck. “…like I’ve been in love with my best friend for the past five years.” He takes another step toward you. The tree house isn’t very big so even after just these two steps, there’s only about a foot of space between you now. “How do you feel, Y/N?” he asks, his voice much lower than it was before. You peer up at him, heat creeping up your own neck to settle on your cheeks.
“I…uh…I—” your phone chimes in your pocket again and Yoongi sucks in a sharp breath. “Give me two seconds,” you whisper then pull your phone out of your pocket with trembling fingers and check the screen. Yoongi leans in a bit to peek too. “It’s my mom,” you say and you hear him chuckle under his breath. “She wants to know if I want them to pick up ice cream on their way back.”
“Do you?” he asks leaning in more, his dark eyes now drilling into yours. You’d back up if you could but you’re already pressed against the wall.
“Do I what?” you ask him.
He hesitates for just a moment, a smile quirking the corner of his mouth. “Want ice cream?”
You both know that’s not the question he’s really asking and for a split second, your eyes dart down to his lips. You pull your own into your mouth as you try to conjure up the words. You’re already a flustered mess with this boy so close to you, looking at you the way he is, his body heat radiating across the small space between you.
“Of course I want ice cream. I frikin’ love ice cream.”
The tension in the small space seems to burst as Yoongi falls forward, his head landing on your shoulder and laughter bubbling up out of him. You can’t help but laugh too as you feel his shoulders shake against yours and then he’s wrapping his arms around your waist to keep either of you from tumbling to the floor. The room is filled with your giggling and tears have sprung to your eyes and finally, once the muscles in both of your stomachs are good and sore, he lifts his head back up.
The laughter dies down as the two of you lock eyes again. You watch with bated breath as he reaches up to brush the hair back from your forehead, his fingers sliding down the side of your face and lingering on your jaw. “Can I kiss you, Y/N?” he utters.
You don’t even hesitate to nod before he closes the small gap, his lips moulding to yours along with the rest of his body. His one hand tightens on your waist and the other slides to the back of your neck and then he’s tilting his head to kiss you deeper. Of course, then your phone chimes AGAIN causing him to jump back with a small gasp.
“Sorry,” you mumble, your head swimming as you look down at your phone still in your hand. You look back up at Yoongi again. “Flavor?”
Yoongi stands there breathing hard for a second, staring at you as he processes your question. His tongue flicks out of his mouth for just a second. “Chocolate,” he finally says breathlessly.
You type the word as fast as you can, getting frustrated when you keep screwing up, before hitting send and dropping your phone onto the rug. Then you reach out to grasp Yoongi by the shoulders, pulling him to you once again.
“Just listen to this one,” Yoongi says as he pulls you back down into his lap.
The computer chair creaks under the weight of the two of you and you grip the arms to keep from toppling over. “Yoongi, I have to go. I have to get up early for work tomorrow.”
“Just this last one,” he says and slides the headphones back onto your ears. You’ve tried taking them off for the last five songs but every time you do, he wants you to listen to just one more. This is the last one, I promise.
“Yoongi, you’re really making me seem like a jerk of a girlfriend that doesn’t want to listen to your music.”
“But you do want to listen to my music, right?”
You smile and reach up to touch your palm to his cheek. “Of course, I do,” you say. Yoongi’s mouth lifts into a gummy smile as he nuzzles your hand. “You know I’m your biggest fan.”
“I know,” he says with a contented sigh.
He’s too perfect for his own good. So talented and so soft lately. Yoongi has always been more on the reserved side. Never cold but a bit closed off, even to you. But ever since the two of you talked—if you can even call it that—in the tree house, everything has changed. He’s revealed a different side of himself to you. A softer side. A happier side. You can hear it in his music, too. How happy he’s become.
“Alright,” you say. “Just one more.”
Yoongi claps excitedly before pressing a button on his keyboard and then settling back in under you, wrapping his arms around your waist and resting his cheek against your arm. He loves watching your expression as you listen to his music. Loves seeing how it affects you, loves seeing the uncensored reaction. He knows you’ll always be honest with him, because you want him to give his best. Besides his colleagues, you’re the only one who’s opinion he trusts.
As you listen, Yoongi starts playing with your fingers, pressing the pads of his own against yours so you mirror his movements, and then when he glances at the screen and sees that the song is almost over, he slides his fingers through the gaps between yours and locks your hand in his. You knew he wouldn’t let you go after this song.
You shake your head until the headphones slip from your ears. “Yoongi,” you say.
“Just one more,” he says quickly and releases one of your hands to pull the headphones back up.
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kemuele · 5 years
LFRP Elouan Sauveterre | Crystal Server
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THE BASICS ––– –– –
Occupation: Paladin/Sword for hire, budding 
Hobbies: Reading, star-gazing, talking, and sightseeing as a whole.
Race: Elezen Wildwood
Sexuality: Pansexual
Relationship Status: Single
Languages: Eorzean/Common
Alignment: Lawful Good
Color-Wheel: Golden Yellow-Dark Brown
PERSONAL ––– –– –
Alias: Kemuel, Elouan
Residence: Gridania
Place of Work: Anywhere; most recently lingering around Ishgard and Albantha’s Spine
Birthplace: The Black Shroud
Fears: Being forgotten, loyalty used against him, all efforts for naught.
Height: 6′10″
Build: Toned, defined muscles.
Age: 34
Gender: Male
Skin tone: Tan
Eye color: Dark Brown, Umber in hue. Flecks of gold can be seen when his eyes are captured in the right lighting, as if sunlight were filtering through dense woodlands.
Hair color: Dark Brown with lighter highlights
Body Mods: Golden clasp on left ear, resembling a fair majority of other Elezens. 
Distinguishing Marks: Scar on left cheek that extends from jaw to orbital socket. It’s from one of his initial matches in the Coliseum, the first step to his journey as a successful Paladin. Miscellaneous scars, some deeper than others, spread around his body. There is one, long and jagged scar that runs from right shoulder blade down to mid-back. The scar tissue is dark and still smarts from time to time. 
Common Accessories: Circlet/crown, earrings, necklaces, and bracelets. Elouan’s accessories are not flashy as a whole, but there are times where he will dawn more ornate jewelry to better suite an occasion. 
Walk: Smooth, consistent gait that can appear elegant with his Elezen anatomy at hand.
Voice: Typically reserved in tone with a slightly deep sound to it. Consonants tend to be softer on the tongue unless emotionally charged/invested in the topic at hand. A sweet undertone is carried through his words when relaxed or idyllic. 
Tics or Mannerisms: Combs fingers through his hair, rubs index and thumb over his ear clasp, or paces around when overworked about something.
Smell: Fresh soil after the rain, cool summer breeze in the forest or fields.
Posture: Straight and erect for the most part, with shoulders rolled back and chest out. There are times where he will slack in this regard, often a result of negative feelings or general exhaustion.
Disabilities: None
Partner: None
Parents: Margeaux and Anatole Sauveterre
Siblings: None
Children: None
Extended Family: None
Pets: Chocobo chick, as well as his Chocobo mount named Soliel
Other: A handful of friends due to his traveling ways, but none too deep.
Extroverted / In Between / Introverted
Disorganized / In Between / Organized
Close Minded / In Between / Open Minded
Calm / In Between / Anxious
Disagreeable / In Between / Agreeable
Cautious / In Between / Reckless
Patient / In Between / Impatient
Outspoken / In Between / Reserved
Leader / In Between / Follower
Empathetic / In Between / Apathetic
Optimistic / In Between / Pessimistic
Traditional / In Between / Modern
Hard-working / In Between / Lazy
Cultured / In Between / Uncultured
Loyal / In Between / Disloyal
Faithful / In Between / Unfaithful
Addictive / In Between / Nonaddictive
 RP HOOKS ––– –– –
Odd One Out Rumor had it that a tall man in armor arrived to the area, yet none of the locals are quite sure of his intentions. A handful have deemed the paladin helpful and good, but what of the others? Some digging may be sought after.
Burning the Midnight Oil After long days on the road, traveling through vast lands and city-states alike, the best way to wind down is to read a good book at a tavern. Elouan is the man to sit near the back with his book in hand and drink on the table, listening to conversations of fellow patrons to pass the time. It might be good for him to have a talk of his own, with a fellow adventurer or town native perhaps.
The Errand Boy Elouan wasn’t always a strong and readied Paladin. In his formative years, the wildwood was an errand boy for Gridanian businesses and Soldiers alike, never straying too far from the city-state’s gaze in his endeavors. Even as a Gladiator, still in the initial stages of training, he resumed his courier ways during quick spells in his homeland. An odd amount of supplies have a name addressed that skips the elezen’s mind. Just who might the delivery be for, this time?
LOOKING FOR ––– –– –
Friendships! I’m looking to get Elouan established with other characters/WoL’s. The Elezen doesn’t quite have a social network, and to expand upon that would be delightful!
Romantic Interests Friendships are delightful and nice to have to further establish a character, yet romance offers things of the more sappy/love-influenced aspects. If there is a way we can set something up, or lead a relationship from acquaintances to lovers, I’m down for it!
Friendly People Your character can be a stick in the mud or just a jerk and I’d still be happy to find some interaction with them. I find the most fun to be had is with friendly people beyond the character. We don’t even have to rp all the time/most of the time; finding someone to chat and plot with is great!
ABOUT THE MUN ––– –– –
Who I am: Hobbied artist and roleplayer that is now a full time uni student (21 y/o). I’m pretty much a chill person and enjoy talking about characters or anything miscellaneous!
Server: Diabolos, Crystal Data Server
Time Zone: PST/PDT (GMT-8)
Availability: It’s pretty much guaranteed early on the weekends or midday during the weekday. However, I can often be seen online later times such as 10pm (1am EST) or so. 
Writing Style: I haven’t roleplayed on Final Fantasy, nor any MMORPG, for the matter, but my standard length is often detailed multi para. I enjoy elaborating and providing details in situations, particularly things that can further the plot or hone in on my character’s disposition and inner thoughts. Depending on what we’re doing and how much involvement there is, my posts can vary from three/four sentences or more, such as eight plus.
Platforms: In game, Discord, and Tumblr! This blog has a final fantasy verse so we can utilize that for threads/rps.
 Restrictions ––– –– –
ERP is really a no, unless I get to know you and can properly establish something. I’m pretty comfortable with fade to black or simply skipping to the end result.
Not a fan of one liners or posts riddled with errors, unless there is a reason. Namely if English is your second language or you have some kind of learning/comprehension condition that makes such things harder for you. I’m patient, so feel free to let me know what’s going on! 
No underage erotic/sexual themes, at all. Not comfortable with it in spite of this being fiction. 
Not much of a fan for rape/overtly gory scenes. Let’s just not go down that road, please! 
Contact: Hop into my IMs if interested! Or, feel free to contact me via discord (nugget#2305)
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soobinpls · 5 years
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hey again im a dummy sorry
I literally could NOT think of a title im sorry here's a good ole roommate au though
request: HHhHhHhh u write so well I'm crying :(( jshsd can I get a roommate!au with jae from day6 ? with a possible fluff at the end ? eye emoji ? sjdshd tysm !! -anon
word count: 5137 she's a doozy
a/n: I must have gotten this request like... a year and a half ago at least anon if you’re seeing this I apologize but I've finally done it!!! hope u all enjoy the workings of my crackhead brain
right-o lets get to it
okay so when you moved out of your dorms after graduation you weren’t expecting it to be this God Damn Expensive
on top of buying groceries and affording your tiny ass one bedroom a girlie was struggling
so !! you decided to look into finding a roommate
obviously not to move in with you…. there’s only one bedroom okay
but like searching for an open spot with someone
you found a few that seemed nice but were all wayyyyyyy too far from your job like you would be losing money paying so much in transportation
finally you stumbled across the most cursed roommate flyer ever
but it was in a super convenient location !! so you read it anyways
it was written in GREEN and PURPLE comic sans and there were multiple pictures of chickens and cheesy memes randomly placed around the text in the middle
which by the way was a list of 7 bullet points that said this:
1:my name is jae
2:i am broke
3:i have an extra room waiting for /YOU/
4:i am in a band and will write a song about you if that’s what it takes
5:i am unreasonably good at untangling headphones and i will untangle things for you
6:i have a pet cat and if you don’t like that walk away from this flyer immediately
and then at the bottom was an octopus who’s 8 legs had his contact information on it and they were cut so you could just pull off a slip
if you were an ordinary person you would not have taken one
lucky us !!!! you’re just crazy
and you take one of the god damn octopus legs
you are understandably the only person who has taken one so far
you giggle to yourself at your own SHEER STUPIDITY and then send a text to the number
you: hi !! i saw ur ad abt looking for a roommate and i’m interested! my name is y/n and i’m still in college so u don’t have to worry about me being like . crazy im just stressed
chicken guy??: oh my god really it’s been a month since i put up that poster!! also mood
you: you put up …. only one poster …… and it was that ……
chicken guy??: it worked for u didn’t it
you: . touché
chicken guy??: anyways you can come by later today and check it out if you’d like? i swear i’m not crazy either but feel free to bring a friend if you’re worried for safety reasons or whatever
you: nah i prefer to live life on The Edge plus none of my friends would be helpful in a life threatening situation
chicken guy??: i don’t know u but i’m already worried for u pls get here soon
hehehe u liked this guy
he was funny if anything
and you tended to find all the weirdos of society and befriend them so it was safe to assume he was no different than your usual crowd
true to your word you go to the address he sent you alone later that afternoon and cheerily knock on the door
while you wait for him to answer you survey the outside
it’s honestly ….. kind of a cluttered mess but in a cute way
like some sort of kleptomaniac crow somehow got an apartment and displayed all of the strange things it found
except it’s all music related
there is a jar that is filled to the BRIM with guitar picks.
who needs that many guitar picks
“me, i do”
you squeak and turn around and go
and the tall thin man in the door just nods
“i knew what you were thinking”
“...that’s fair”
and then he seems to remember what exactly is going on and extends one long fingered hand for a shake
“hi! you must be y/n :)) i’m jae”
you take his hand …. that shits warm
how long have you been outside that your hand is so cold when you touch him you SHIVER
he’s like oh my god come in please you’re shivering jesus christ
and you just smile and tell him it’s nice to meet him !!! what a positive polly
you come in and are pleasantly surprised that the inside has just as much personality as the poster !!
and thankfully less green and purple and ….. comic sans
you are immediately greeted by the largest tabby cat you’ve ever seen
“ah that’s my big boy mister crackers”
“his name … is mister crackers”
“love it. tell me more”
he smiles so BIG and WIDE when you say that you think you’re looking at the sun
as he explains more things about the apartment and points at things here and there you half listen and half just. watch him
you didn’t know what to expect from that as but it’s fair to say you lucked out as far as possible roommates go
he was tall and had shiny dark hair and glasses that made his cute little eyes even littler
and he was in a BAND that is so cool
plus he’s like …. pretty or smth
you’re gnna have to share a bathroom with him which is … scary but you looked in there and it looks clean at least
also there’s some candles in there
……. he definitely takes candlelit baths like a widow just returning from her rich husbands funeral after he left her everything in the will
he seems nice and funny and you appear to have a similar sense of humor …. you’re in
you’re about to tell him you’ll think about it so that you don’t come off as too excited
but then change your mind and jump up and down and tell him you’re IN and you’ll help cover the rent and cook sometimes and bake him cookies and
he stops you after cookies with a hand over your mouth
“you are perfect. please move in immediately”
you smile under his hand and hope he can’t feel your cheeks getting absolutely BLAZING hot
(he 100% can)
((and he thinks it’s really CUTE))
you grab the hand that’s over your mouth and give it a shake and tell him in a southern accent that it’s a deal pardner and he SNORTS
it was cute
you move in as quickly as possible and his band mates come over to help you move everything !!
you’re high key embarrassed to let all these literally gorgeous men into your tiny little apartment and touch all your stuff
but after talking to each of them for like 5 seconds you quickly see they’re all a bunch of nerds and you would trust them with your life
wonpil loses his MIND when he sees your little plushy collection on your bed he thinks you’re the cutest person on the whole planet
he tells jae that’s he’s the luckiest man on earth when he thinks you’re not listening
you ARE though and you stop what you’re doing to give him a big ol hug and tell him he’s an angel
sungjin disapproves of how you’ve been living and asks if you’ve been eating enough and then turns on jae with a finger like U BETTER FEED HER
brian is so intimidatingly beautiful you can’t look him in the eye until you’re all eating ramen and you watch him choke to near death and then immediately go make himself another cup
dowoon looked lost and you immediately took him under your wing and you’ve been babying him ever since
you made jae take the box full of your plates and mugs and such bc it was too heavy for your Little Angel
“please y/n i am literally the strongest of all of us let me carry things. jae is going to keel over and die”
“nonsense !!! you’re a growing boy you need rest”
“please i literally punched a HOLE in a WALL on ACCIDENT and jae has a grass allergy i promise i will be fine”
regardless of the absolute struggle it was to coordinate everyone and get all your stuff to jae’s you are FINALLY moved in
your room is obviously not the master but you weren’t gonna be like Sorry Jae I Need The Master Bedroom Move Out Xoxo
it’s cute and you brought your own furniture and some posters and decor that you had all over your old apartment
basically you just condensed it all into one room
and the boys gave you a housewarming present and it was just a picture of them performing with you badly photoshopped next to jae playing the triangle
it wasn’t even framed they just taped it to the wall
after all the moving in the boys leave you and jae to settle in but the moving was TIRING so
you’re already asleep on the couch
jae just shakes his head and covers you with one of his large sweatshirts because for some reason he only owns one blanket and it’s on his bed and he doesn’t know where yours are
he’s literally HELPLESS
you wake up with a dry mouth at 3 in the morning and smile at jaes sweater barely covering your curled up body
you hold it up and it says “i like ugly” in tiny font .
this boy is perfect
you put it on and climb in your actual bed and decide to make him breakfast tomorrow for being such an angel
you set an ALARM that’s commitment if i’ve ever seen it
you make him pancakes and and coffee and when he comes out wearing a sweatshirt similar to the one you’re wearing and the rattiest sweatpants you’ve ever seen he doesn’t even notice anything at first
nd then he rubs his eyes and just stares
“y/n i’m gonna cry i haven’t had breakfast since 2008”
you laugh and launch yourself at him because he’s That cute
“you’re so cute thank you for letting me be your roommate !!!!”
he ruffles your hair and then sets his chin on top of your head
“thanks for breakfast, sunshine. even if this is also as early as i’ve been awake since 2008”
you pinch his side at that and then go to serve him a heaping pile of pancakes bc he’s skinny and he needs it
“alright noodle eat up!!”
“did you just call me noodle?”
“yes, look at yourself”
“.. that’s fair”
you guys chat over breakfast and thank GOD it’s a sunday and neither of you have shit to do
other than laundry
you force yourself not to mom him when he just puts it all in one machine and sets it on cold and leaves .
it hurts tho
instead of being productive while you wait you have multiple staring contests
jae keeps accusing you of saying he blinked when he didn’t
“i didn’t blink my eyes just look like that !!!! they are small and asian are you racist or something??”
“shut UP i won >:((((“
after the laundry is done you go your separate ways and jae heads out to band practice and it’s your very first time …
alone in your own apartment
naturally you take off your pants and dance around for at least 10 minutes
you didn’t even realize that since your roommate is a dude you can’t just ….. not wear pants
a travesty !!!
honestly let him try to stop you from going braless though. let him try.
you laze around and try to get caught up on your favorite shows and organize your room and then it gets late and you decide you’re going to make a MEAL for dinner
like a WHOLE . MEAL.
we’re going all out
you tie your hair up and put on your cooking sweater which is just a disgusting old sweatshirt covered with stains that hangs almost to the middle of your thighs
everyone needs one
next step is MUSIC because if you cook without it you just feel sad
we’re pulling out the oldies mix that’s right
i’m talking ELO, reo speedwagon, the doobie brothers we’re getting DOWN !!!!!
perhaps we’ll sprinkle some queen in there in honor of the movie that just came out
regardless you’re head banging while you chop vegetables
extremely unsafe but entirely necessary
jae comes home in the middle of your dramatic rendition of bohemian rhapsody where you attempt to sing every single part including the operatic harmonies
you are literally on your knees singing dramatically when the door opens and he comes out of the foyer to see YOU on the FLOOR wearing NO PANTS and singing QUEEN
you may just be ……. the most perfect woman he’s ever met in his life
he joins you because what the fuck else is he supposed to do
he comes in on the high GALILEO and then air guitars THE FUCK out of the next part while you literally thrash
i’m telling you it was one of the most taxing things you’ve ever done
you finish out the song and then fist bump for respect
“something smells good but also something smells burning”
and you scream because OH NO THE GARLIC BREAD
((it’s not even that burnt jae is just weird about smells …… grass allergy headass))
after the fake crisis is averted you finish up and the both of you FEAST while watching cheesy christmas movies and booing at love
you’re both . that bitter huh
also want to note that at some point you discreetly put sleep shorts on so you could pretend you hadn’t been pantless and possibly flashing your day of the week underwear to your roommate of like 36 hours
and when you’re literally seconds away from sleep jae boops you on the nose
like . kinda hard
“hey go to sleep this couch is not comfortable i promise”
“shut up you’re BONEY everything is uncomfortable for you”
“okay now you’re just being mean get your ass in bed”
“sorryyy :((((“
“yea yea go away weirdo”
you tell him goodnight and hug him extra tight in apology and he pats your head so like. all is forgiven hehe
that night when you flop in bed and wrap yourself around one of your pillows you’re pretty damn pleased with your roommate choice
time skip you and jae have almost 0 boundaries other than the necessary ones that keep you Platonic Friends and not Married Couple
which is basically just any affection beyond hugs nd the occasional snuggle
you heard me
the boys are in your apartment . all the time
literally all the time
and wonpil drunk cries to your stuffed animals about never finding love
PLEASE someone save him please
nights like those you and jae go full parent mode because everyone’s drunk so sungjin can’t do it himself
he’s too busy literally breakdancing in your living room
he moved the coffee table out of the way and everything
after everyone is put in beds (dowoon gets to deal with wonpil‘s cry snuggling … sorry)
you and jae always collapse on the couch actually exhausted because you both have weak cardiovascular health and you just carried four full grown men
you end up leaned up against each other for support and then sagging until one of you falls over onto their back and the other just follows
it varies which one of you ends up the big spoon and it’s so CUTE when you do
you think jae pushes you over a little because he likes it too but he would rather die than admit he likes being snuggled so
you’ll fall over onto your back and jae will pretend to be surprised but then wriggle up your body until he’s half on top of you and half on the side with his head resting just under your chin
his hair is FLUFFY and it TICKLES you so you have to move it so you can sleep !
that’s what you tell yourself when you comb his hair down with your fingers
you pretend not to hear him sigh and feel it against the skin of your neck
you also pretend he hasn’t wrapped both arms around your rib cage like a vice and is not letting go anytime soon
cutie :(
he tucks his forehead into your neck and you physically feel his whole body relax and wow . so this is what peace is like
of course it lasts for 5 whole seconds before wonpil let’s out an actual wail and dowoon is urgently whispering shut the fuck up PLEASE SHUT UP
jae snorts against your neck and gives a minute shake of his head, splaying his hand across your ribs and tugging you farther into his hold
first of all. that ticKLES and it takes every shred of self control not to squirm
second: at this point he’s practically trying to fuse your bodies together really you cannot physically get closer than you are
you’re absolutely enjoying it though so you wrap your arms around him and settle in with one leg flopped over his and a blanket you pulled off the floor haphazardly thrown over the two of you
he’s such a SNUGGLE BUG you can barely believe it
he just loves to pretend he’s some angsty lonely dude who plays guitar and SKATEBOARDS like the giant cliche he is
when actually he is a Big Baby
he texts you to calculate the tip for him whenever he’s out to eat with the boys because he “swore off math in 2014”
he asks you if his outfits are okay nd he always looks like an old man but you still tell him it’s good
you think so at least <33
you can read each other so well it’s scary
you’ll walk in the living room and jae will be like NOPE i’m leaving
and you’re like what :(((((((
and he’s like i just KNOW you’re about to yell about random shit we both personally have no control over and it gives me ~anxiety~
“okay well i was just gonna say that global warming is a real proble-“
(he thinks global warming is real he just. doesn’t want to talk abt it bc he knows you will Never Shut Up once you start)
you hand him coffee on his way out in the mornings when you know he has a long day ahead and he pats you on the head in thanks every time
jae cooks for you too !!! we love equality
he sticks to pretty simple stuff but he was living alone for a while so he had to know at least a little so he could like. survive
and believe it or not the both of you are not always sunshine and daffodils
when you’re upset he always knows and makes sure to be there if you need anything but basically just leave you alone
he has a tendency to misread the situation and think it’s still cool for him to joke around but you are Actually Angry
and it’s gotten him into lots of trouble so instead he is supportive from afar and does his best to be not offensive
when he’s upset he’s usually super mopey and writes sad song lyrics all day
you forcefully drag him out of his room to make sure he eats and do your best to cheer him up by whatever means necessary
you’ve embarrassed yourself just to hear that laugh of his
the one where he opens his mouth really wide and gasps a little and his eyes squeeze shut
……… fuckin cute
anyways you guys are just dating already but don’t even realize
until one of your coworkers asks you to come out after work and you say no
and it’d be Friendly and Normal if you did it because you promised jae you would cook that night
or you had made plans with him or something
but you were just uncomfortable doing any of that kind of stuff with some Not Jae guy
and after that your eyes are ~wide open~ sister
you find yourself giggling a little too long when he jokes around with you
you can’t help it okay his presence is like a RUSH of serotonin
and imagining yourself doing couple things with jae
turning your usual dinner outings into dates in your head where he holds your hand as he drives and sits next to you in the booth so he can sling a long arm around your shoulders
you let yourself become the slightest bit more affectionate
tucking yourself under his chin every night before you split to your separate rooms
tugging on his hand to get his attention and then playing with his long fingers
you know he notices because god damn how could he not notice ??
he has literally bad vision but he can read the signs
This Ain’t His First Rodeo
he is hesitant to become involved with someone he depends on so much
the age old dilemma of wanting someone but then being afraid to lose them because of it
he wouldn’t admit it but you were quite literally the light of his life
he had been so lonely in his apartment before, living off of instant ramen simply because he didn’t want to cook anything and holing up in his room writing about loneliness and being lost
then you showed up with your bright eyes and took every weird quirk of his in stride and nagged him about eating better and washing his clothes “properly”
(he thinks when you say “properly” you just mean your own way but that’s besides the point)
he even liked when you would take his glasses and wear them and do terrible impressions of him because you looked so CUTE in them
he thinks you’d look cute in all of his belongings but again
are the both of you ready to cross that line?
of course u are lol what else am i supposed to write about
fourth wall break: over
okay so wonpil keeps coming over when he knows jae is gone to try to convince you that the two of you are in love and should get married and have little mini jaes and whatnot
you inform him that he’s CRAZY and that jae thinks of you as a roommate and friend and that’s IT
and as much as you want to think you’re denying wonpil because you’re embarrassed you’re starting to actually believe it
he’s never shown any sort of real interest in you that is out of the realm of Friendly Roommates
and yeah sometimes you guys snuggle but wonpil is literally wrapped around your right arm at this very second so . not valid
wonpil is basically BEGGING at this point for you to see what he sees
which is jae actually being sickeningly in love with you
even if you did believe him at all …. that’s an exaggeration and you both know it
“y/n he’s writing a SONG. about YOU. that boy love loves you. big time”
“people write songs for their friends all the time”
“not jae !! he’s never written a song that hasn’t been about love or loss, you choose which one you’ll be”
“oh shit that was deep”
“i know right? can you believe i came up with that on the spot? wig.”
and then you smack him for being a fckin twitter stan and continue with your argument
jae walks in just as it starts to get physical
wonpil is latched onto your leg as you squirm and wiggle around trying to throw the LEECH off your leg
jae detaches him with a well placed finger between his ribs that makes him squeal Very Loudly and let go
unfortunately you had been leaning all your weight to one side to counteract wonpil and when he let go you went careening sideways
jae just barely grabbed your wrist and yanked you back up
and then you stumbled into him and he stumbles and you both almost fall before getting your shit together
you’re standing pressed together with his feet spread apart so that you’re a little bit closer to his height as you latch onto his shoulders for balance
one of his arms slides around your middle to hold you against him while he used the other to make sure his guitar case doesn’t just fall off his shoulder
wonpil is on the ground holding his rib cage and fake crying when jae goes
“enough wonpil i could hear you yelling like a block away what is going on here???”
you peep out a nothing !!! at the same time wonpil yells
“i’m trying to convince y/n of TRUE LOVE that’s what”
“oh …. y/n is in love?”
“y/n is in DENIAL”
you plead with him to stop please wonpil
and he is relentlessly ranting about how you refuse to “see the light” and how happy you could be
jae sees that this is actually upsetting you from your flushed cheeks and furrowed eyebrows and the way you clutch the hem of his sweatshirt
“alright that’s enough. wonpil go home you lovesick fool”
wonpil trudges out and gives you a sneaky kiss on the cheek
jae has to hold you back when you lunge after him
after you’ve calmed down he slowly slides his arm from being wrapped around your middle to just barely brushing your back
you didn’t mean to get so worked up but like . wonpil is good at that okay
and he was basically going to out you to jae ????:??:!:?:$,&3!:8;
that’s a stressful event
you feel your breathing even out and you sigh in frustration
“i’m sorry y/n, he does that sometimes :/“
“it’s fine it was just . a lot”
you stand in silence for a good minute when jae drops his hand from your back and ducks his chin
“was he…. telling the truth?”
and you want to die because wonpil wasn’t even there and you’re still getting outed !!!!
“which part?”
“the part where you’re in love with someone”
“i wouldn’t say ….. love”
and this is just painful so you take a deep breath and just
“okay listen i really really get it if you don’t return the feelings and it’s fine i just … please don’t kick me out i really love living here and all your band members coming over and i even love wonpil !!!! even though he’s a little crazy !!! and i love your fat cat mr.crackers and dancing around to old green day and watching shitty romance movies just to make fun of them and i just don’t want this to end!! we can forget it ever happened and i swear i’ll just. get over it or something and i-“
“okay don’t get too hasty about forgetting it i haven’t even said anything yet”
you stare at him wide eyed
“i’m sorry . what.”
“i can’t believe it took wonpil bodily attacking you for you to say that”
and then he drops his guitar with a thud and steps into your space to slide a warm hand around the nape of your neck
he pulls you closer and stops when your noses brush
“is this okay?” he whispers
“why are you whispering?” you whisper back
“shut up” he breathes right back
he smiles and then tugs you forward and tilts his head down to plant his lips on yours
he’s soft and tentative and pulls away after just a few seconds to press kisses to your cheeks and the tip of your nose
“if it’s worth anything i like you too,”
“are you kidding me that’s worth EVERYTHING ???”
and then you pounce on him and bury your face into the dip of his shoulder because you can’t reach his neck
damn skyscraper
he stumbles at first but then smiles down at your flushed face absolutely squished against his bony chest
he thinks it’s cute though and cranes his neck down to lay his cheek across the top of your head and loop his arms around you
dating jae is even better than you thought it would be !!!
wonpil wasn’t lying when he said jae was writing a song for you and when he plays it for you and sings so sweetly you cry your fckin eyes out
and he’s laughing and pulling you in to situate you on his lap with his guitar long forgotten leaning against the couch and asking you when you became such a softie
you look up at him with tears in your eyelashes and love in your eyes and he positively melts
he kisses your forehead and ruffles your hair and calls you kid like he didn’t just profess his undying love for you through song like the cliche he is
the two of you spend the whole night wrapped up in each other, expressing all the affection you’d missed out on in the last few weeks
you hadn’t realized how…. touchy jae is until now
he can barely function without his good morning kiss
“y/n i am a weak, weak man pls give me a kiss or else i won’t make it through the day,”
..you also hadn’t realized he was this dramatic lmao
the boys supremely unsurprised when they burst into your apartment to find you straddling jae with your fingers in his hair
i’m telling you they don’t even PAUSE in their steps they just look at you and acknowledge it
and then brian just …. takes a seat next to you guys and is like
“are y’all done i wanna watch this redbox movie and return it tonight before i gotta pay for another day”
you’re both cherry red in the face and untangle yourselves in astonishment at his casual tone
dowoon is rummaging around in your fridge and calls out from the kitchen that the two of you were the most obvious people on the planet and that the rest of the band was in the same boat as wonpil they just weren’t absolute psychos
wonpil: this is true but i resent that
all of you settle back into a comfortable dynamic
you’re super happy that your relationship with jae didn’t make anything weird
it probably helped that the very first night that jae mentioned in passing that you were cute and the band had never let it go since
it also probably helped when wonpil pointed out your actual literal heart eyes the first time you saw jae
……………. they were just waiting for it to happen tbh
nowadays you spend your mornings parting ways with a kiss and your evenings snuggled up together on the couch exchanging eskimo kisses and sweet nothings and you couldn’t be happier
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rapturcd · 5 years
- DISCLAIMER: This blog is SUPER glitchy for me. Why? Who can say other than this place is a hellsite. I might at some point have to try out moving to a new account depending on how bad it gets. I have a lot of issues with my notifications and follower count, so there might be a very good chance I might miss something or miss you following me, though I do try to check where Tumblr will actually allow me. If that’s the case, please don’t be afraid to send me a nudge through IMs! 
- I’m on the fence as to whether I’ll include other non-Bioshock related verses.  Considering the rpc for the game is nearly non-existent on here, probably be the smarter choice, but currently, it’s a no. Nick’s story is so heavily intertwined with that of the first two Bioshock games, I cant picture his character being in other verses and it having as much impact.  This could change in the future or if something is heavily plotted out.  Overall if you want to interact, it will have to be within the world of Rapture.  But - you are more than welcome to hmu or approach me with something if you have an idea.
- Reblog memes and the like from the source please. My notifications are already wonky
- I will NOT interact with blogs that use youtubers, social media influencers, or anime / drawn characters for their Fcs. Nothing against you, it’s just not my thing.
- I will BLOCK personal blogs that reblog or follow, as I like to keep interactions here between fellow rp mutuals.
- As stated this blog is SELECTIVE, meaning i will only write with mutuals. if i dont follow back there’s genuinely no hard feelings, I just get very overwhelmed with an overly busy dash and need to be a bit selective to prevent my anxiety from going nuts. you’re more than welcome to unfollow. though its very much a mutual thing; if you want to interact but dont follow me, chances are I’ll say no as I take following as a sign of interest. I may take a while to follow back as my notifications on here are the worst. If I don’t follow back within a weeks time, feel free to unfollow.
S M U T:
-  While I, and my muse, are of age, I’m not entirely comfortable writing smut unless it’s with a mun 1.) I know well and 2.) Is of age. Nick lies more on the romantic spectrum than outright sexual. So for the most part any if it all suggestive scenes will lead to a fade to black.
T R I G G E R S:
- The world of Bioshock is horrific and in many ways gross, and Nicks story is no cake walk. There will be mentions, and maybe the occasional image, of : Blood, Violence , Medical related subjects, Imprisonment,   Torture, Needles / Injections , Mutation , Mental Illness , Child Abuse , Terrorism , & Riots / Civil War. I will ABSOLUTELY tag NSFW material  and triggers where applicable, though if you would like me to tag something specific to your needs or if there’s something I missed, don’t hesitate to let me know and I will do so right away!
M U N:
- I write under the alias Nox! ( She/Her ) and I am of age.
- i am a-okay with questions, especially about my muse! if you have any about anything at all i will be more than happy to answer them the best i can! Also totally fine with random IMs even if we havent talked before so hmu.
- usually, i dont drop threads, but if for whatever the reason i do, i will always let you know beforehand and would hope that courtesy would extend to me as well if you decide to drop one.
- if you want to turn a meme or ask into a thread, I’d prefer to be asked before hand. simply because sometimes its nice to have memes just be memes for the fun of it you get me.
R E S P O N S E  T I M E / A C T I V I T Y:
- As it is i have a hard time keeping muse, just the way i am sadly. i know this is something a lot of people, myself included, can find frustrating (especially when you’re really into a thread) but a fair amount of the time i may take a while to respond. as much as i love this, aside from being a hobby, i have a chronic illness that makes me exhausted most days or just not in the mood to write and not in any kind of state to type out a response you lovely people would deserve. though i will always try to quickly reply when i can.
M E M E S:
- Yes. please. send as many as you want, as often as you want. Even if we haven’t interacted, you’re free to send one my way; They can be a great place to start things off.
P O S T  L E N G T H:
- You don’t have to match my length in posts! sometimes i can write far too much when i get really into writing (and alternatively not write enough), so don’t feel obligated or pressured to follow suit by any means! whatever you are comfortable with is totally okay! it’s not a contest, this is all for fun.
G R A P H I C S  /  C R E D I T:
- all icons and graphics are created by me unless stated otherwise
- psd (heavily edited) originally by kingsleigh
- icon border ( edited) originally by jaynedits
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twitchesandstitches · 5 years
Aradia’s Playful Ghost Rampage
It was that time of year again, the very favorite-est season of Aradia Megido, Burgundy Goddess of Death and Secrets, and a prime time for giving mortals a healthy bit of a fright.
Even in the distant eons as a mortal herself, before she and her friends had ascended to divinity and reshaped the cosmos into a more pleasing design, she had loved the fall. Small wonder that when they had worked into localized religious variants of their creations to make holidays that pleased them, Aradia had chosen to invest into many cultures a sense of liminal time for the fall; an idea that it was when the lands of the dead and the living touched again. And others just found that time of year kind of ominous, which suited her fine!
Aradia had something of a tradition. Every year, on this time, if there was nothing else for her to occupy herself with, she would descend to the mortal world with as little power as she could use in order to actually fit near them, and give them the best scare she could!
Sometimes, the others joined her, but not this year. At least, not yet. Aradia left the halls of the gods, knowing that Terezi Pyrope, the top goddess and leader of them all, was giving her a grin and totally having Karkat watch the proceedings. That just encouraged Aradia to smile, and decide to put on the best show she could, off the top of her head.
She seemed to disappear to them. She simply willed herself to dissipate into the multiverse, and focus her essence to her target: a city on a nice little world in one of the less excitable universes, in an mild cross-section of the multiverse. At least, the bits of it suitable for mortal life! She had a hard time going to the immortal realms, owing to her connection to death and time (which were not things that most immortals really understood or experienced) but she would get there eventually and surprise them good. And perhaps seek out all their interesting secrets. But that was for another time.
Universes rippled and politely shifted away as Aradia descended from the divine plane that she and the other divinities occupied when not incarnated on the mortal realm somewhere. She was pretty good at working out how to keep her divine power without having to incubate it as a regular mortal for a few dozen years or so, but with her etheric mass as big as a couple universes, there was a lot of Aradia to push on down.
She compromised, leaving the vast majority of her power behind, to draw her back when she had her fun. It was so tiring to do that she almost free fell, out of control, with most of her just flying away.
Oh no, I lost too much! She realized as she became minuscule, shrinking away to a tiny microscopic fraction of her true glory. She was dwindling,, becoming so tiny, so… helpless… She tried to muster her courage, and not think about it too much. It would only be for a short while, of course! That made her feel a bit better, and it helped to suddenly be oriented properly by her arrival in the world.
She estimated herself to be at less than five percent of her usual power. The shrunk down, hands off version of her she became in the mortal world, anyway; she’d never been this tiny, not since before she ascended to godhood. She scowled, not liking this massive reduction; still, it was only for a short time. She put a lot of effort into these pranks, after all. Still… Vriska would tease her about it, she knew it, and she’d have to make her pay somehow.
Even down to a tiny fraction of her power, her mere presence did things to the world. A wave of ghostly pressure raced out, making leaves fall and grass move without wind, windows rattle and doors open and close all on their own. It set up, in every part of this world, a perfect spooky ambience!
Aradia didn’t do that deliberately but she certainly didn’t mind. And she might have claimed otherwise later on.
Upon the little world she chose to mess with, here and now, the epicenter of her shockwave as she entered local reality came from a city, ordinary in all respects, and they soon found their view of the sky blocked. Far above them, the sky darkened, and for a moment they wondered if clouds had twisted up to block out the sun. It grew darker still, taking on solid form, and they saw something vast, too big to be properly seen. A vast curvature, rising from somewhere just out of view, looming high over everything, something massive and blunt extending over and pointing right down at them.
Translucency faded away. What seemed to them a vast pillar became solid and moved, rising up… up. Moving with a terrible ponderousness, as inevitable as the movement of continents, and the people below saw the vastness behind it, the same deep dark color of an adult troll’s skin, and there were more pillars behind it, folded up organically, and as it moved above them, they realized, with a shock, that it was a massive hand.
And with a marvelous sense of drama, there came the rest of Aradia Megido.
Her face appeared before them, looking as large as the moon; for all they knew, it might have been bigger. (It wasn’t, not now.) Broad and cute and beautifully alien. Her massive, brown-red lips were quirked into an impish smile, and beside her vast cloud of hair and the imposingly huge spiked ram-horns curling behind her head, they could make out nothing else. They could barely see her at all; she was so large that they were but barely perceptible specks to her, and only her divine senses permitted her to make them out at all.
The whole city stopped, and for miles around, entire countries halted too, and to a soul every single person gaped at the terrifying scale of the troll goddess descending upon them.
Aradia said nothing, just smirking. She waggled her finger teasingly, floating above the ground and slowly lowering her hand just like a mean child about to do something awful to an anthill. And as she lowered her hand, everyone had a sobering thought mingled with sudden horror; they were the ant.
Aradia let them hold that thought, savoring the tension rising up below her. She let it build, and build, just like a balloon floating up.
Yes. That’s it. ...Here I come.
Once again, her finger waved above the city, and then she thrust it down the vast hoof-like nail extending from it as broad across as the entire city. There should have been a vast dust cloud as her hand struck, sinking down and into the earth, and nothing could have withstood the impact of something so massive and so strong.
Below her, everything was complete chaos; cars ran desperately, people fled in terror, many people built up pillow forts in their fear and hid beneath the blankets, and the finger deliberately lowered, into the city, down to her knuckle-
By this point, miles of pitch-dark flesh moving through buildings and people without so much as disturbing a mote of dust. She was phasing through the concrete and steel and plastic compounds, and all the living things within, seemingly as immaterial as the air.
Over the course of a few minutes, people slowed. They stopped running, came to a stop and looked at once another with mounting expressions of embarrassment, mortification and even glowering anger. Cars stopped, people climbing out and poking at her hand and staring when they just moved through it. Even some bugs did that very thing, flying about and trying to avoid the teasing wall.
“GOTCHA!” Aradia boomed, drawing her hand back. In an instant, she moved away from the city, floating back, back, going high up into the air. She giggled again, far away that they could make her out. A broad burgandyblood troll woman floating up, her belly heavy and helping to support breasts massive even for notoriously buxom trolls, her hips wider even than her shoulders and her backside projecting out like a very impressive shelf. Thick seemed a poor word to describe her.
She grinned again, making finger guns at the city. “I got you good,” she said, winking to show no harm meant, and she flew away into the Earth, to find another city to mess with.
This time, she was gonna pretend to boob slam them. And then maybe the next one, she’d pretend she was going to swallow the whole city whole!
She giggled, just thinking about it. Distantly, Aradia’s friends watched her through divine perceptions, and there was a gloomy scowl from Karkat Vantas, the Red God of Bonds and Friendship. “Do you think we should… I don’t know, get her to quit that?”
Terezi Pyrope, the true goddess in charge of the new cosmology, Teal Goddess of Justice and Motherhood (as her extremely gravid frame made very clear), placed a claw to her lips. She grinned fiendishly. “I say we join her!”
“Yeah, okay, good ol’ mortal freak out. I’ll get the googly eye masks.”
“Sweet! ...Those are scary, right?”
“Fuck if I know, probably.”
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searching for a roommate: maybe also love
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gif originally posted by marksseunie
soulmates!au  (part 1/?)
genre: lots of angsttttt
pairing: Mark x OC
inspired by prompt: (i’ll add the link of the list when i find it)
8. “You’re so fucking hot when you’re mad.”
100. ”You’re my soulmate?!”
note: i haven’t proofread this im sorry. another part is coming soooooon. forreal though. 
they say that your soulmate and you sometimes have the same birthmark on your body or some inscription just appears onto your skin one day; the exact same as your soulmate. but i’m convinced that soulmates don’t have to romantic. they really don’t. i think my friend ray is my soulmate. he’s funny and so smart. he’s also so gay. like makes out with his boyfriend in front of me; hinting that i should leave our apartment. he can literally read my mind; how could that be? we’ve been friends for years. we’ve been through everything.
when he’d come out to me the day we’d both come back to our hometown after a semester at our separate universities; we spent the night crying; him at being free and me because he was finally feeling like himself. he’s seen me through every speed bump in my life and still loves me. so like? isn’t that what soulmates are??
i tread quietly into our shared apartment; hoping that ray and his boyfriend (ed) are asleep or at least out of the living room. yeah, so we’re in a big city now but the rent is crazy; despite somewhat promising careers; we can’t afford an apartment without each other.  
letting out a sigh of relief, i put my bag down onto the couch. the apartment’s empty like they hadn’t just wordlessly told me to get the fuck out of here two hours ago. i’d gone to a local coffee shop; to get some writing done. (im a journalist but what i really want to do is write a goddamn book; about anything that makes me heart ring)
the next morning, i wake up to an empty apartment again; strange. assuming that ray’s slept over at ed’s place, i start my morning routine; a quick workout and heading into the shower. i’m not called in today so i can actually have breakfast today. normally, i’d be out the door at 5:30am for the 7am news or outdoor braving the weather to prove to the entire city; that YES it is bad out there; please stay at home.
i’m in the middle of humming to myself as i clean the apartment. although we’re not that messy, we could be cleaner. i hear the keys jingle at the door and look up expectedly to see ray, of course. “hey!” i greet; pausing the music on the speakers from my phone.
“hey…” closing the door behind him, he puts the keys down by the table at the door. lips pressing into a thin line, he walks up behind the couch.  
uh oh. this is trouble. i let go of the broom and watch him; waiting for him to say something. only the couch between us; shaking my head slightly at him to say hellooo? speak now
“ed and i were talking last night …”
“just talking?” i raise an eyebrow and he chuckles softly but continues
“we were talking. and it was like really romantic.” he pauses and looks at me again; trying to read my face i know it. but i dont know what he wants to see because I'm just listening to him intently. “we’ve been together for almost a year now, arista.”
is this going where i think this is going? i wanna be happy for ray. i really do. but my breath gets caught up in my throat. like i can barely get another breath in. so he’s moving out. and i’m going to be alone.
his brows are furrowed now, reading my face. “ari, please.” he pouts, coming over to me; pulling me into him. “look, we want to move in together.” he finally says it but he already knows i know. “and we don’t have a definite date, alright? there’s no way i’m going to just leave you.” i nod and pull away; trying to not look so pathetic.
“it’s fine.” it’s not. i nod but i know he knows i'm not. but if i say i’m fine maybe he’ll feel less guilty.
ed is ray’s soulmate. they both have the same birthmark on their left arm right below their elbow and to further confirm it, they also have another shared inscription on the crook of their necks; just a number; 15. ed’d been wearing a number 15 jersey when ray saw him at our local coffee shop. ed’d played lacrosse at uni so he still wears it when he’s feeling not so good. that day he’d been getting coffee after binge-drinking the night before over an ex. it’s like meant to be. i remember ed pausing as he entered the shop with me. like he could just sense his soulmate was there.  
to be fair, he and i also shared a birthmark. on the bottom of our feet, it’s shaped like a heart but it’s faded more and more as the years went by. but it doesn’t bother us. we’re best friends till we get to the other side of life; really. so i really believe soulmates aren’t just romantic.
“guys, this is it.” i announce, coming out my room with my laptop in my arms. “this city is full of creeps and i’ll never find a roommate.” i hear the two of them sort of pause their conversation and chuckle at me. plopping down between ed and ray on the couch. “look at this!” i gesture to my screen. i’d posted an online listing about a roommate but so far, everyone i’ve contacted have been dodgy. they didn’t want to give their job descriptions or thought i was being distrustful when i suggested an interview.
“you’ll find someone.” ed tried comforting me awkwardly; patting my back as ray rested his head on my shoulder.
god i wish i could be mad at the two of them. how dare they be so in love!! they were being awfully nice about only moving in till i found a new roommate.
it’s fucking storming outside. the wind is crazy. and now i have to act like i didn’t just spend 20 hours straight writing up an article and head out to report the fucking weather.
it’s 4am when i get the call. i’d only gone to sleep 2 hours ago. begrudgingly i leave the comfort of my bed and start getting dressed.
it’s 5:30 when me and the camera crew are at the ferry pier; where the wind is the strongest and most obvious.
“you look like absolute hell.” i hear one of the cameraperson comment about me. we’ve worked together for years now so we have some rapport and honestly, i don’t disagree. i still scoff and raise my finger at him.
they’re putting some make up on me inside the van now. i even have to change inside this tiny van so it’s just me and the mary; one of the crew. she helps out with everything behind-the-scenes.
“hey hey hey, what’s that?” she quickly points down as i sit topless with only my bra on. i look down to myself; seeing as her finger’s pointing on the top of left boob.
“what?” i say and look closer; she does too. “what is it?”
“is that a mark?”
“i’ve never seen that.” i comment quietly.
“it’s shaped like a heart.” mary comments and smiles too cutely at me; teasing me. “it’s a soulmate thing!!” she finally exclaims as it registers to her the same moment it registers to me.
is this a soulmate mark?
i don’t really think about the mark again. i have a lot on my plate. a job and searching for a roommate that isn’t going to kill me in this big city.
but one night, we’re letting loose. one of my friends grace is hosting a big party. she’s dating his hotshot up-and-coming stylist-turned-model guy who goes by the name bambam. immediately, i hear the dude’s name and i’m intrigued. i get my hottest (and probably sluttiest) ensemble and head to the club they’re holding the party. i can’t remember what the party’s for but i remember being invited so i go with ray and ed.
the club exudes really expensive and mysterious vibes. god i cannot even imagine the price of these drinks. thank god we’re here for a party. i note to myself. through the sea of people, i make it to grace. she has a gorgeous figure beside her, who i assume is bambam. we hug briefly before she introduces us to him.
ray, ed and i share pleasantries with the couple and they gesture over to another private area. ooooh so this is where it gets interesting. the private area  i see a booth and vaguely recognise the faces and head over. i finally recognise jackson and jaebum. i know through mutual friends and we have spent a couple of wasted nights so.
“arista!” jackson shouts and we hug each other tightly. “god where have you been?” he asks, looking at me after pulling away. he gives a little nod to ray and ed too; giving lil bro hugs.
“i’ve been busy with work.” i finally say, still kind of hovering over the round booth; making my way to jaebum while ray and ed sit beside jackson. jaebum and i hug briefly and he gives me this look. “what?” i say as he moves a little and lets me sit inside the booth on his other side just between him and jackson; while the other is occupied by a face i don’t recognise.
“you act like we don’t have jobs.” he teases with a little smirk. i smack him and click my tongue. “but seriously, where have you been?”
“well, ray’s leaving me.” i announce dramatically and all eyes land on him. “i’ve been trying to look for a roommate who’s not going to kill me or grope me.” i explain and the rest of the table laughs a little. suddenly my eyes land on a few faces i’ve never seen. “i’m sorry we’re being rude.” i say. “i’m grace’s friend, arista.” i extend my hand over to the guy on jaebum’s other side.
“mark.” he speaks and his voice sounds smooth. like really smooooth. strong but also soft? i try not to show that i’m into his voice and look over to see another girl beside him.
“jennie.” she smiles at me and my breath is taken away. she’s beautiful. both mark and her. actually everyone on this table except me. thank god my outfit looks hot and is compensating for my lack of actual natural beauty.
“you are gorgeous.” i blurt out, kind of losing myself in her eyes. wow. girls are amazing. “sorry.” i say almost immediately and jennie smiles shyly but something about her aura tells me she’s confident. like she’s kind of a force to be reckon with.
“is this why all the blind dates haven’t worked out?” jackson finally says. “we’ve been setting you up with guys.” he nudges me, laughing.
“they don’t work out because you set me up with guys who are exactly like you and it makes me think of you.” i roll my eyes, sipping his drink.
“you think of jackson on your dates?” jennie teases now. “maybe you two should…” she adds with a few blinks, smiling mischievously.
everyone at the table groans except mark and jennie. the two of us look at us with amusement and i notice mark finally smile a little wider. our eyes meet and i feel my heart stop but look away.
“jennie, don’t get us started.” ray finally says. “these two…”
“let’s not talk about this before i’m at least 20% tipsy.” i run my fingers through my hair; already having a hard time having to explain what weird things jackson and i have done.
we’ve never dated. i’ve literally had a crush on jaebum since the three of us started partying together. jackson’s been nothing to kind to me. everyone thinks he’s this joker who’s wild and just funny. he is wild and funny but he’s a hard-worker and so compassionate about people in his life. he took me home when i saw jaebum hook up with girls on our many nights of partying. and people just didn’t believe that we didn’t fuck. so it was just easier to not deny or really say why we always end up together after a night of drinking.
after a couple of hours later?? time is an illusion i don’t even know but grace and bambam finally join us. (probably having entertained the other 100 of their guests) we’re all a couple of rounds in with our drinks when they do join us. i’m being a little too giggly now. but i can’t control it.
“as the only people in a serious committed relationship,” ray pauses and looks at grace. “no offence.” he continues. “ray and i have decide we will not participating in this round of dare or dare.” the whole table groans at them feigning annoyance.
grace whines a little but the two of them stand firm. they leave for the dance floor; giggly too. they’re totally go bang somewhere, i acknowledge in my head. but i guess i said it out loud because everyone’s laughing.
“alright alright alright.” bambam finally says as he and grace take up where ray and ed had been sitting. “let’s get started.”
i think it’s form of ptsd because i’ve completely blacked out what happened last night. after ed and ray left. i don’t remember a single thing. but i’m home. thank god. i'm still in my clothes from last night. this navy sparkly body-hugging dress seems ridiculous now as the daylight seeps through my curtains.
what the fuck happened i wonder as my head’s pounding. i walk out to see jackson and ray at our breakfast bar.
“well good morning drama queen.” ray greets with an amused expression; seeing me walk out my room and jackson also turns his head to see me.
“oh no what did i do.” i'm limping.
“what didn’t you do?” jackson teases as he chews.
“seriously tell me.” i nod, with my head down, looking at the kitchen counter.
“i dare you to kiss the person who you want the most. at. this. table.” jennie yells through the music to me. my heart’s beating fast. a dare’s a dare. the drinks help me brave this. i turn to face jaebum who’s just watching like the rest at the table; amused. then i look around the table like i’m thinking about it. but i already know i want to kiss jaebum. my eyes go to stranger mark. his lips are pursed as he watches me a little too intensely. even in my inebriated state i know mark’s intensely looking at me. i wonder if it’s because i feel spellbound whenever i look at him.
“hurry!!!” bambam yells and I'm pulled back into the game.
grace and jackson throw me a knowing look. but they know I'm a bit too prideful to lose the game. so i face jaebum again and pull him by his shirt collar. i want to kiss him so bad. i look at him and his eyes widen a little and his usual smirk is misplaced from his face. then i let go.
“i give up.” i shrug. this is the first time i’ve given up on a dare. i’ve possibly made an acquaintance bust in their pants by riding their thigh but kissing jaebum? i can’t do that. when you forfeit a dare, you’re out of the game. something in me snaps and i get teary eyed and leave the table, pushing past jaebum and mark. this is so so soso embarrassing.
i avoid the booth for the rest of the night. jackson and grace find me in the toilet sobbing. why am i even crying? god.
“did you see his fucking face?” i say through my tears. “like me wanting to kiss him was so absurd and bizarre.”
“babe, no.” grace hugs me. “he was just surprised. ‘cause you and jackson are so tight.”
“yeah, grace’s right.” jackson croaks and pats my head. “c’mon, you don’t wanna waste your night in here.” he says and that makes me smile.
i’m drunker than i’d been an hour ago. i'm in the middle of dance floor now with ray and ed; the losers of the dare and dare. although i feel a pair of hands on me, i just keep dancing. i kind of want it to stay. i just want to not remember that jaebum doesn’t like me and will never see me that way.
the next thing i know, i’m being scolded by jaebum outside the club. after he’s pulled me out the toilet after seeing me in a very compromising position.
“arista, could you try to be more responsible?” he says with exasperation. “you don’t even know that guy. what’s going on with you tonight?” he softens at the last part.
“i am responsible!” i whine, pushing him. “people hook up at clubs all the time.” i yell. “i’ve seen you do it! right in front of me a hundred times.” i’m yelling but my voice cracks at the last time.
“people do it. i do it. but you don’t do it, arista. i know you.”
“what the fuck do you know?” i push past him, annoyed. i can’t even gage how angry he is because of how intoxicated i am.
“arista, you’re not going back in. i’m taking you home.”
“look, i’m going to screw that guy’s brains out then we can go.” i say mindlessly. god drunk arista is that bitch.
jaebum grips onto my wrist. “arista.” his voice is low, trying to hold in his anger.
i jerk my head around to see him. his nostrils are flaring a bit i remember thinking he looked beautiful. his hair’s a bit of a mess after a long night. his chin’s pointing out now; he’s mad. even drunk me knows that’s a sign on his face of anger boiling. but i can’t help it. i giggle.
“you’re so fucking hot when you’re mad.” my voice comes out differently. but i feel a small smile on my face. my hands want to touch his face but he’s holding one of my hands already.
he drops my hand and looks at me incredulously. he wants to laugh. “god, you are so drunk.” he still doesn’t believe that i like him. just because i'm drunk.
ray comes out the club just in time. before i can fuck the situation up even more. “it’s okay jae, i can handle this drama queen.” he breathes with an easy smile; like i hadn’t just been pouring my feelings to him.
ray and jackson console me rest of the day. so my life’s kind of messy now. at least i have a job i love. i spend the entire day ignoring my phone. if i was a mess like that in real life i don’t even want to see who i texted what to.
it’s a couple of nights later. i’m finally home from work. the apartment’s empty and i anticipate that this is how it’s going to be the rest of my life. eventually, i’ll make ray move out (even though he says he will wait for me to find a roommate but it’s been a month of searching and still nada) and i’ll live alone being broke because this apartment is too expensive but also too comfortable to leave.
when the door bell rings, i’m in the kitchen cooking, stretching my neck to watch the tv from there. who is that? i try to remember if i’d ordered anything recently. and as i look out the peep hole, i'm startled.
it’s mark.
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farfarbetterdream · 6 years
another tag game!
I was tagged by: @absentmindeduniverse. I enjoy seeing you on my dash and reglogging (probably too much) from you!
rules: answer these 85 statements about yourself, then tag 20 people. 
damn that’s a lot of statements. and a lot of people to tag...
1. drink - water. before that, coffee. 2. phone call - skype call with my parents 3. text message - a friend about her afternoon plans 4. song you listened to - Astronaut by Gregory Alan Isakov 5. time you cried - a week ago
6. dated someone twice? - no. never even dated anyone once. 7. kissed someone and regretted it -  never kissed anyone besides a dare when i was 10 that barely counts, so... 8. been cheated on - again, never been in a relationship so no. 9. lost someone special - romantically, no. family, yes. 10. been depressed - not sure 11. gotten drunk and thrown up - ok yes BUT iblamethecheapalcoholnottheamoutidrank
fave colours
12. forest green 13. a nice warm neutral tan/beige 14. deep blue
in the last year have you…
15. made new friends - yeah! 16. fallen out of love - would have to fall in love first 17. laughed until you cried - all the fucking time 18. found out someone was talking about you - nope 19. met someone who changed you - not really 20. found out who your friends are - yeah i guess? 21. kissed someone on your facebook friends list - wow this thing is just trying to rub it in my face that i’ve never been kissed, isn’t it :/
22. how many of your facebook friends do you know irl - pretty sure all of them. or at least used to know irl.
23. do you have any pets -  black standard poodle named Tikva. his name means hope in hebrew, because we got him right before the 2008 election and Obama’s slogan was hope!
24. do you want to change your name - when i was a lot younger i used to consider changing to the normal american pronunciation of hannah instead of the hebrew pronunciation. now i like it.
25. what did you do for your last birthday - it was my 21st so even though i’m abroad and could already drink, I went out and celebrated by going to a few bars and pubs.
26. what time did you wake up today - 4 AM when my noisy flatmate came in >:( then again at 8.
27. what were you doing at midnight last night - zzzzzzzzzzzz
28. what is something you cant wait for - getting to travel around the Scottish Highlands and do a bunch of hiking over spring break!
idk why there’s no 29...
30. what are you listening to right now - not currently listening to any music but in general i’ve been listening to dermot kennedy a lot recently
31. have you ever talked to a person named tom - my best friend in preschool was named tom. then we didn’t see each other for six years. then we went to the same middle school and was a dick to me. probably because he wanted to be part of the cool crowd and i was decidedly not cool 32. something that’s getting on your nerves - my flatmate constantly being so fucking loud and waking me up all the time 33. most visited website - my university email 34. hair colour - brown 35. long or short hair - currently just past shoulder length but that’s longer than i usually like it 36. do you have a crush on someone - maybe. i had a crush on a guy last year for a while. haven’t seen him in forever but also haven’t gotten any new crushes. if i saw him again i think i’d probably still have a crush on him tbh. good thing he’s graduating so i’ll probably never see ihm again :/ 37. what do you like about yourself - honestly? most of the time nothing. 38. want any piercings? - i have one lobe piercing and one cartilage piercing in each ear, but I want more. probably won’t get it though since my ears don’t heal very well from them. 39. blood type - O negative. universal donor, woo woo. 40. nicknames - hannahleh and pumpkin by my parents
41. relationship status - unfortunately single
42. zodiac - Aquarius 43. pronouns - she/her 44. fave tv shows - Black Sails, The 100, and Doctor Who. Also Game of Thrones, Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries, Wynonna Earp, The X-Files, and countless others. 45. tattoos -  no but i kind of want want 46. right or left handed - right handed 47. ever had surgery - i had my wisdom teeth removed, but that’s it. 48. piercings - two on each ear 49. sport - i run and work out for exercise and recreation, but have never done any sports. i enjoy watching basketball occasionally  50. vacation - i like going places with beautiful nature to hike in or lots of historic sites to visit. technically you could say that i’m on an extended vacation right now since i’m studying abroad in scotland. last vacation was to Italy, next one is to the Highlands (unless it decides to snow). 51. trainers - such a weird word. yeah i wear them a lot because i run/work out and also they’re so comfortable to walk around in
more general 
52. eating - does this mean what i’m eating right now??? if so then nothing. at tortellini, spinach, chicken, and a sweet potato about 2 hours ago. about to go eat some chocolate fudge ice cream.
53. drinking - water. i constantly sip water.
54. i’m about to watch - nothing. i’m about to go eat dessert, take a shower, and then do homework.
55. waiting for - the results of the two essays i’ve turned in so far this semester, spring break, and The 100 season 5 premier
56. want - fresh baked cake or cookies, to see my family and my dog, warm weather, to fall in love, to figure out what i want to do with my life 57. get married - definitely, but not anytime in the near future.
58. career - currently a student, don’t really know what i want my career to be in. probably something related to sustainability, environmental education, climate change, cultural heritage protection, or museums. something that helps the world.
which is better
59. hugs or kisses - hugs 60. lips or eyes - i’m assuming all of these are about what we prefer/care more about in a romantic partner. eyes maybe? 61. shorter or taller - kinda have a thing for really tall boys. 62. older or younger - definitely older. 63. nice arms or stomach - holy fuck nice arms do something to me. 64. hookup or relationship - relationship. zero interest in hookups.  65. troublemaker or hesitant - hesitant. that’s my middle name. jk it’s leah. but i would actually say that being hesitant is one of my worst character traits.
have you ever
66. kissed a stranger - we’ve already established here that i have kissed no one. 67. drank hard liquor - i tried rum once when i was like 12 because we found it in a cabinet in our house and i wanted to be like a pirate. pretty sure my dad laughed at me when i choked on it. also done shots of hard liquor. 68. lost glasses - occasionally but only for very brief periods of time. sometimes i’ll take them off at home and forget where i left them in the house. 69. turned someone down - yes 70. sex on first date - no 71. broken someones heart - no but then again i’m usually clueless/oblivious so idk. maybe disappointed people briefly but not broken their heart. 72. had your heart broken - no  73. been arrested - naw 74. cried when someone died -yeah 75. fallen for a friend - i got a crush on a guy i was friends with freshman year of high school. 
do you believe in
76. yourself - rarely 77. miracles - no 78. love at first sight - i don’t think so. attraction, yes. love, no. 79. santa claus - jewish, so no. 80. kiss on a first date - please someone take me on a first date and kiss me. 81. angels - no
82. best friend’s name - i’m don’t really think i have a best friend. i have a number of close friends but i’m not good at opening up to people the way i think best friend connotes. but probably my oldest closest friend has the same name as me. 83. eye colour - green 84. fave movie - The Princess Bride even though I always get annoyed by how little Buttercup does. Crossing Delancey is my favorite rom com because it’s hilarious and sweet and super jewish. Also Romancing the Stone because it’s an adventure rom com. The Pride and Prejudice with Keira Knightley is gorgeous. Also always a sucker for the first three Pirates of the Caribbean movies, and the Lord of the Rings movies. 85. fave actor - Tom Hanks because he’s an amazing actor, I’ve liked him in everything I’ve seen him in, and he’s just a precious human being.
tagging a combination of people i know irl and mutuals that I’ve mostly never talked to because i’m super awkward, you can do this if you want, or feel free to ignore it: @the-sadpotato, @ryostrenchcoat, @pinevillagegirl, @ineedpeetalikehekneadsbread, @hufflepuffhermione, @dweebshark, @kleinundasinine, @im-wallpapering-my-locker, @captain-fflewddurfflam, @thedarrparrot, @theavathedork, @geese-juggler, @addyleeliu, @bellarkeaddict, @thren0dy, @veganmewsings, @mistamie
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