#pilates exercise
trexovablog · 2 months
Pilates Lifestyle: Unifying Intellect, Physique and Soul
In our fast-paced world, finding harmony between mind, body, and spirit is a profound challenge. Pilates exercises are a powerful antidote to the stresses of modern life. The Pilates classes offer more than just a physical workout; they provide a gateway to a holistic lifestyle that nurtures your entire being. Pilates exercise is a transformative practice that has captured the hearts and minds of individuals worldwide, offering a unique fusion of physical, mental and spiritual rejuvenation.
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The Pilates Philosophy
Developed by Joseph Pilates in the early 20th century, the Pilates method is founded on the principle of holistic well-being. It's a philosophy that transcends mere physical exercise, focusing instead on the harmonious development of the entire self. Much like a finely tuned instrument, Pilates aims to bring the body, mind, and spirit into perfect synchronicity.
Strengthening the Mind-Body Connection
At the core of the Pilates lifestyle lies the deep connection between the mind and the body. This intrinsic relationship is cultivated through a series of precise, controlled movements that demand unwavering focus and concentration.
1. Concentration and Focus
Each Pilates exercise is a masterclass in mindfulness, requiring you to tune into your body's subtle movements and sensations. By harnessing your mental focus, you not only enhance the effectiveness of the physical practice but also train your mind to stay present and engaged in the moment.
2. Breath Control
Breath is the foundational element of Pilates, serving as a conduit between the physical and mental realms. Through controlled breathing patterns, practitioners learn to harness the power of their breath, using it as a tool to deepen their movements and cultivate a heightened sense of body awareness.
Sculpting a Strong and Flexible Physique
While the Pilates lifestyle extends far beyond the physical realm, its ability to transform the body is undeniable. By engaging in a comprehensive array of exercises, practitioners can expect to experience a multitude of physical benefits.
1. Core Strength
The cornerstone of Pilates is the development of a strong, stable core. Through a series of targeted exercises, practitioners engage and strengthen the deep abdominal muscles, creating a solid foundation for overall strength, balance and postural alignment.
2. Balanced Muscle Development
Pilates emphasizes the balanced development of all muscle groups, resulting in a streamlined, toned physique. By combining resistance training with stretching and flexibility exercises, practitioners can achieve a harmonious muscular balance, reducing the risk of injury and enhancing overall functional movement.
3. Improved Posture and Alignment
Poor posture is a common affliction in our sedentary lifestyles, leading to a myriad of physical discomforts and potential long-term health issues. Pilates places a strong emphasis on proper body alignment, teaching practitioners to move with grace and fluidity, while simultaneously correcting imbalances and improving overall posture.
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Cultivating Inner Peace and Mindfulness
While the physical benefits of Pilates are undeniable, its true power lies in its ability to nurture the mind and spirit. By fostering a deep connection between the body and the breath, Pilates serves as a gateway to inner peace and mindfulness.
1. Stress Relief
In our fast-paced, high-stress world, finding moments of respite is essential for overall well-being. Pilates offers a sanctuary, a sacred space where practitioners can escape the pressures of daily life and immerse themselves in a peaceful, mindful practice. Through controlled breathing and focused movement, stress and tension melt away, leaving practitioners feeling refreshed and rejuvenated.
2. Heightened Body Awareness
The Pilates lifestyle encourages practitioners to develop a profound understanding and appreciation for their bodies. By tuning into the subtle sensations and movements, individuals can cultivate a heightened sense of body awareness, fostering a deeper connection with their physical selves.
Finding Your Pilates Community
While the journey of Pilates can be undertaken individually, there is immense value in seeking out a supportive community. Searching for "pilates classes near me" and joining the class provides access to expert instruction and encourages a sense of community and shared passion.
The Importance of Qualified Instructors
Pilates is a highly technical practice, and proper guidance from qualified instructors is essential for maximizing its benefits and ensuring safe execution. Experienced instructors can provide personalized instruction, correcting form and tailoring exercises to suit individual needs and goals.
Embracing the Pilates lifestyle is a profound investment in yourself - a commitment to nurturing your physical, mental and spiritual well-being. By dedicating yourself to this holistic practice, you unlock a world of transformative benefits that extend far beyond the realms of mere exercise. Whether you seek improved strength and flexibility, heightened mindfulness, or a deeper connection with your authentic self, the Pilates journey offers a gateway to a more balanced, fulfilling existence. So, take that first step today - seek out "pilates near me" and embark on this life-changing odyssey. The harmonious fusion of intellect, physique, and soul awaits you.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q1: Is Pilates suitable for beginners?
A: Absolutely! Pilates is a highly adaptable practice that can be tailored to suit individuals of all fitness levels and abilities. Qualified instructors will guide you through modifications and progressions, ensuring a safe and effective workout.
Q2: Can Pilates help with injury recovery?
A: Yes, Pilates can be an excellent complement to injury rehabilitation. Its emphasis on controlled movements, core strength, and proper alignment can aid in the healing process and prevent further injuries.
Q3: How often should I practice Pilates?
A: Consistency is key when it comes to Pilates. Most experts recommend practicing 2-3 times per week for optimal results. However, frequency can be adjusted based on individual goals and fitness levels.
Q4: Do I need special equipment for Pilates?
A: While specialized equipment like reformers and Cadillacs are commonly used in Pilates studios, many exercises can be performed with minimal or no equipment, making it accessible for home practice.
Q5: Can Pilates help with weight loss?
A: While Pilates is not primarily a weight-loss exercise, its ability to build lean muscle mass and improve overall body composition can contribute to a healthier weight and a more toned physique when combined with a balanced diet.
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trexova · 9 months
Exploring the World of Pilates: Exercises, Local Pilates Options, and Classes Near You
Pilates is a highly effective and popular exercise method that focuses on strengthening the core muscles, improving flexibility, and enhancing overall body strength. In this blog, we will explore the key aspects of Pilates, including its history, benefits, and various exercises. Additionally, we will discuss how to find Pilates studios and classes near you.
What is Pilates?
Pilates, developed by Joseph Pilates in the early 20th century, is a system of exercises designed to improve physical strength, flexibility, posture, and mental awareness. It emphasizes the importance of a strong core, which is often referred to as the "powerhouse" in Pilates terminology. The exercises in Pilates are performed with controlled movements and a specific focus on breath control and body alignment.
Benefits of Pilates
Core Strength: Pilates is renowned for its ability to strengthen the core muscles. By targeting the muscles in the abdomen, lower back, and pelvis, it helps improve stability and balance.
Flexibility: Pilates incorporates stretching exercises that enhance flexibility, making it easier to perform daily activities and reduce the risk of injury.
Improved Posture: Pilates encourages proper alignment and awareness of body positioning, leading to improved posture and reduced strain on the spine.
Enhanced Body Awareness: Pilates promotes mindfulness of movement, helping individuals connect with their bodies and develop better proprioception.
Full-Body Workout: Pilates engages a wide range of muscle groups, providing a comprehensive workout that contributes to overall body strength.
Stress Reduction: The focus on controlled breathing in Pilates helps reduce stress and promotes relaxation.
Injury Rehabilitation: Many physical therapists incorporate Pilates into rehabilitation programs as it can aid in the recovery from injuries.
Pilates Exercises
Pilates offers a diverse range of exercises, each targeting specific muscle groups and aspects of physical fitness. Here are a few essential Pilates exercises:
The Hundred: This exercise engages the core muscles and promotes cardiovascular fitness. It involves lying on your back, lifting your legs, and pulsing your arms up and down while breathing rhythmically.
The Plank: A classic core-strengthening exercise, the plank is performed by maintaining a push-up position with your arms extended and your body in a straight line.
Leg Circles: Leg circles work on hip mobility and leg strength. While lying on your back, you lift one leg and make circular motions, alternating between clockwise and counterclockwise.
Rolling Like a Ball: This exercise challenges balance and core strength. Sitting on the floor, you tuck your knees to your chest and roll back and forth on your spine.
The Swan Dive: This exercise focuses on back extension and flexibility. You start by lying on your stomach and lifting your upper body while reaching your arms forward.
Single-Leg Stretch: This exercise works the abdominals and hip flexors. While lying on your back, you lift your head and shoulders and alternate between extending and bending one leg at a time.
Finding Pilates Near Me
If you're interested in trying Pilates or looking for Pilates classes near you, there are several ways to locate studios and instructors in your area:
Online Search: A simple online search with the keywords "Pilates near me" can provide you with a list of Pilates studios, instructors, and classes in your vicinity. Make sure to specify your location for more accurate results.
Fitness Apps: Many fitness apps and websites offer tools to find nearby Pilates classes and instructors. They often include reviews and ratings to help you choose the right option.
Social Media: Check out social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram. Many Pilates instructors and studios use these platforms to promote their services and share class schedules.
Ask for Recommendations: Seek recommendations from friends, family, or coworkers who may have experience with Pilates. Personal referrals can be valuable in finding a trusted instructor or studio.
Local Gym or Fitness Center: Many gyms and fitness centers offer Pilates classes as part of their group fitness programs. Inquire with your local gym about Pilates offerings.
Pilates Classes Near Me
Once you've identified Pilates classes near you, it's essential to consider a few factors before enrolling:
Instructor Qualifications: Ensure that the instructor is certified in Pilates and has relevant experience. A qualified instructor can provide safe and effective guidance.
Class Type: Pilates classes vary in intensity and focus. Some may emphasize mat-based exercises, while others incorporate specialized equipment like reformers or Cadillacs. Choose a class that aligns with your fitness goals and preferences.
Class Schedule: Check if the class schedule fits your availability. Consistency is key to reaping the benefits of Pilates.
Class Size: Smaller class sizes often allow for more personalized attention from the instructor, which can be beneficial, especially for beginners.
Studio Atmosphere: Visit the studio or class location to get a sense of the atmosphere and the equipment available. A comfortable and inviting environment can enhance your Pilates experience.
Pilates is a versatile and effective exercise method that offers numerous physical and mental benefits. Whether you're looking to strengthen your core, improve flexibility, or simply enhance your overall fitness, Pilates can be a valuable addition to your workout routine. By using the keywords "Pilates near me" and "Pilates classes near me," you can easily locate instructors and studios in your area, making it convenient to start your Pilates journey. So, don't hesitate to explore this fantastic exercise system and experience the positive changes it can bring to your life.
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realpilatesonline · 1 year
Each Pilates exercise requires proper form and technique to be performed correctly. For example, to perform the Hundred, one should lie on their back with their knees bent and feet on the floor. They should raise their head and shoulders off the floor and extend their arms forward, moving them up and down while inhaling and exhaling. To perform the Plank, one should start with their hands and knees on the floor, step back to a push-up position, engage their core, and hold for 30 seconds.
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robertasgym · 2 years
Today, our workout video will help you reduce belly fats with pilates exercises compiled in this 20-min core workout video. 
These exercises will really work your muscles and make you sweat thus helping with belly fat loss. If you really want to make this workout effective for you, you have to make sure to exercise everyday. This video is a daily workout video so it would be more effective if done everyday. 
You should be able to see changes in 3-4 weeks depending of course on your current weight, age, gender, on how hard you train, and if you have any health conditions that will hinder weight loss. 
Good luck and let's begin!❤️💪
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memoriesndew · 3 months
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things I do as someone who has a short attention span
🩰 — identifying distractions: I try to recognize which distractions are likely to divert my focus away from the activity at hand (when I do home workout videos I get distracted by YouTube shorts - now I put off my internet connection when I’m about to workout).
🩰 — counting on my fingers: personally when I count on my fingers it kind of sends a signal to my brain to lead me back to what I was doing, I think it is a habit that just randomly began and now it has helped me alone
🩰 — when I get distracted while using my phone: for Instance I'm meant to update my notion for the night and go back to bed but I open Pinterest and get distracted what I do is go back to my homepage and just pause and then I scroll through some apps to give my brain the signal that I'm looking for something and it automatically leads me back to what u was doing
🩰— when I have to do a lot: but my mind keeps rambling and I keep getting distracted, what I do is write down whatever is on my mind. I have a small notebook on my bedside table, and when this happens, I pick that note up and write down what is on my mind. You can also just get a rambling journal; it's almost the same, It helps a lot. 
🩰 — minimize distractions: I take active measures to reduce distractions, this could include turning off notifications on my phone or computer, dismissing tabs or applications, or locating a quiet location in which to concentrate. when I get distracted on my phone and I remember I need to do something the best thing to do is just shut my phone down until you're done with your tasks
if you were able to pick up a few things that could help you that’s awesome - something I said here might seem small but they definitely help me a whole lot that’s all for today bye my dew drops !!
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pilatescentre · 2 years
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A stable core is a standpoint for limb flexibility and resistance to build up body balance. So, by attending the Core Fitness Pilates class, you can gain the confidence to hold yourself strong.
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witchybitchypeachy · 10 months
Glow Up Tips
retinol, every night. start with a gentle one. I find the resurfacing retinol from Cerave very good. been using for 2 months and I never wear foundation anymore.
cut out carbs and fried foods and sugar.
protein dense diet.
drink lots of water and try to reduce alcohol consumption.
talk daily walks, for an hour or more.
take Vitamin D supplements and Magnesium.
deep core exercises and Pilates
Olaplex and K18 used together if you have damaged hair. MAGIC
glycolic acid on your heels and calluses
glycolic acid on your armpits once a week instead of deodorant.
hand lotion whenever you wash your hands.
Biafine on super dry skin.
dead sea clay mask once a week to purify.
monthly massages
keep nails and toenails clean and shaped.
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prettieinpink · 6 months
Hi lanny! Could you provide a guide on how to get into working out? 💗💖
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hi lele 💝☀️ hope this guide helps you w your journey!!
The first step to working out is setting goals related to exercise, not physical appearance. Avoid things like fat loss, muscle gain, smaller waist, bigger glutes and so on. 
While you can make this a separate goal, the reason why I don’t want you to associate it with exercise is that we then allow the way our body looks to dictate whether we believe the exercise we’re doing is good enough. 
Exercise and body aesthetics are two different things. Exercise is a means of nourishing our body, soul and mind, while body aesthetics is how ‘good’ our body looks. 
On that topic, I want you to stop focusing on your physical appearance when starting to exercise and I want you to start implementing a new mindset shift about your body. Instead of seeing your body as something to look at, appreciate it for what it can do. 
For example, your hands create meals, hug your loved ones and help you with essential tasks. Your legs help you to get around, especially to your favourite places. Your stomach helps with digesting all the yummy food you eat. 
Some goal ideas:
Lift 15kg+ 
Be able to do a plank for more than 5 minutes
Learn how to do a push-up
Be able to run on the treadmill for 30 minutes 
Gain more stamina and exercise for longer 
Moving on, set a time each day in which you prioritise exercise. This can be for however long you want and the times can vary daily. 
So, during this period, you are not allowed to do anything else other than exercise. It doesn’t even have to be a specific exercise either, if you’re feeling lazy and laps walking around the house is what feels best, do it. 
However, avoid obsessing over working out and losing yourself to exercise. This kills motivation, in exercise starts to feel like another obligation in the day and not a privilege. 
Now, you have to choose what exercise is right for you. I don’t believe you’re limited to one exercise, if you want you can have more than 1. 
Gym – Perfect for a mix of strength and cardio, however not the best option if you want to exercise for free.
Yoga – Tones muscles while also being a mindful experience. Low low-impact, but recommend doing it after cardio. 
Cycling – Tones the legs and the glutes, but cycling may not be the best idea depending on where you live. 
running/jogging – Strengthens muscles and bones, however, if you don’t have flat areas, may not be the best idea. 
Pilates – Improves flexibility and tone, while still being low impact (still may be challenging).
Weightlifting – Makes you stronger and boosts your metabolism, best done at the gym. 
There are plenty of ways to exercise that I haven’t mentioned here, but these are just ideas so you can research the ones that suit you best.
I recommend talking to a doctor if you haven’t done exercise in a long time, as that can open up the possibility of injury. 
Then, once we have our goals, times and what we’re doing, we need to exercise. Implementing exercise in your life is best done slowly. 
Start with simple, and smaller versions of workouts, even if you think you can do more. Do this for about a week, then try to extend yourself with something harder. If it is too hard, don’t be afraid to go back a step. 
Make it fun, create a motivating exercise playlist or watch your favourite TV show while doing it. 
However, the main thing about exercising is that every day you are not always going to feel like it, but that is when we have to discipline ourselves, talk to the mirror and say; ‘Me exercising is a privilege, I get to nourish my body because I love and respect it so much’. 
This was the best way I disciplined myself into working out. Treating it like a privilege and something that is very benefical, rather than a painstakingly challenging activity.
Or, instead, you can visualise what you would look and feel like if you continue like this for the next 5 years.
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officialfitness2024 · 1 month
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Look Good Feel Good
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trexova · 2 years
How To Find The Best Pilates Classes Near You
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Pilates is a great way to get in shape, improve your flexibility, and reduce stress. But with so many different types of classes available, it can be hard to know where to start.
Here are a few tips to help you find the best Pilates classes near you:
1. Check out online reviews
2. Talk to friends and family
3. Ask your doctor or another healthcare provider
4. Try a few different studios or gyms
5. Find a class that fits your schedule and budget
With a little bit of research, you should be able to find the perfect Pilates class for you.
Pilates is a great way to exercise and strengthen your body. But with so many classes and instructors out there, it can be tough to know where to start.
Here are a few tips on how to find the best Pilates classes near you:
1. Check out online directories. Several online directories list Pilates classes in your area. This is a great way to get an overview of what’s available and find classes that are close to you.
2. Read online reviews. Once you’ve found a few classes that look promising, check out online reviews to see what other people have to say about them. This can be a great way to get an unbiased opinion about a class or instructor.
3. Ask around. If you know someone who takes Pilates classes.
- Contact a Pilates studio. Many Pilates studios offer classes for all levels of fitness, so you should be able to find one.
In conclusion, finding the best Pilates classes near you can be a challenge. There are a few ways to go about it, but the best way is to contact us. We can help you find the best Pilates classes in your area and help you get started on your fitness journey.
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youremyheaven · 21 days
female (yin)-centric exercises and movement practices
i am personally all for the burgeoning popularity of somatics and i think the rise of pilates is wonderful.
for a long time, "exercise" meant hitting the gym and painfully enduring sessions that felt like physical torture. unless you're a high performance athlete, i dont really see the merit in resistance training tbh. obviously everybody has different tastes and preferences and some people probably find somatics and pilates too boring and slow and want something more high intensity which is 👍🏼
however, for many of us who struggle to keep up with these and repeatedly admonish ourselves for being "lazy" due to our inability to thrive or be consistent or enjoy these workouts, there are manyyyy other forms of practices that are wonderful and fun to do and are perhaps better suited for our bodies, temperaments, lifestyles etc
first of all, the concept of "exercise" has become synonymous with either losing weight or making gains. we are told that we have to "exercise" to stay fit. but exercise can mean manyyy different things, its not just cardio and weights. and this means a lot of people think if you're not trying to gain or lose anything, you dont "need" to "exercise".
but this is not true, i think "movement" is a better word and everybody regardless of their weight, age, gender or whatever else needs to move their bodies. we were not meant to just sit, stand and lay down, we need to move. not to serve some moral purpose of "fitness" (another flawed concept) but because its spiritually, physically and emotionally bad for us to not move. we feel more alive when we move. our culture has become so dopamine fried, sex addicted, toxic eating and drug abusing in large part because our lifestyles are so sedentary and we crave stimulation. we wouldnt depend on external substances to feel "alive" if we felt that aliveness within us every day.
you dont need to "exercise" but you def need to move!!! when we dont, we feel lethargic, stagnant, our joints (from years of inactivity) become more sensitive, our body hurts, our immunity suffers and aging can bring aches of all kinds but this does not have to be anybody's reality. we change this!!
you're not lazy for not exercising, if you liked how doing an activity made you feel, you would do it all the time. dont punish yourself!!!
i personally think strength training works for many people. this can mean, swimming, cycling, hiking, dancing, pilates, yoga, barre etc
now about somatic movement practices,
somatics is all about the mind-body connection and intentional movement. pilates (which was basically developed from yoga) and yoga are examples of somatic practice
but there are other methods as well:
Alexander method
Feldenkrais method
Laban movement analysis
Fascia training (myofascial release)
and somatic practices also include things like progressive muscle relaxation, emotional freedom technique, body scanning etc
i know it can all be a little overwhelming but tbh there is a lot of overlap between all of these practices so dont feel like you're missing out by not trying them all,, stick to what feels right for you and focus on that.
yin yoga and restorative yoga (very similar but also different) are also helpful
the reason i put "female centric" in the title is bc i feel like the world of diet and exercise is dominated by a masculine worldview of doing things the hard way/aggressive way and by acting with resistance/restraint instead of a more open/whole approach and valuing "slow" progress over quick and easy ones. the reason why ppl hit the gym make quick progress and then relapse is bc its genuinely difficult to put up with a gym routine for most people who aren't physically immune to pain. movement does not have to "hurt", be "draining" or a proof of your willpower as a human being. its fun, easy, natural, fulfilling and a part of life<333 you can proceed more slowly and make progress over time but tbh you'll be lost in the flow so you wont bother checking to see if you have and life is long so there's no rush!! what we gain slowly will last us forever!! bc we alter our body's alignment and our own relationship with it + our lifestyle/routine to truly embody it instead of a "crash and burn" style that leads to burnout.
remember, the river wears out the rocks not through force but simply by flowing<3
anybody can do these exercises btw, not just women lol
if you have doubts or questions, feel free to ask me <333
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immortal-lov3r · 5 months
self care ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚
what exactly is self care?
self care: the practice of taking an active role in protecting one's own well-being and happiness, in particular during periods of stress. (googles version)
self care: self care is something that originates with you, makes you feel better and spiritually brings you closer to yourself. (my version)
self care could be a way of making yourself feel better, starting new habits, setting a new goal, and learning to love yourself. self care should be originated by you, not someone or something you see online. "the answer to your problem is never going to be someone else telling you what to do" - Dr Pooja Lakshmin, The real self care.
ideas of what to do for self care:
daily movement- going on a walk, doing some exercise, pilates, yoga are all great ways to boost moods and keep you productive.
meditation- meditation is a great way of embracing your inner self and keeping calm.
start a journal and journal everyday- journalism is a great way to achieve goals, reduce stress, and overall become a better version of yourself. ( i can give journal prompts is wanted ⊹˚. ♡)
read a good book!- i know this might sound a little nerdy or boring but reading is a great way to bust boredom and learn new things ( i can give book recommendation for different topics ⊹˚. ♡)
give yourself a positive affirmation everyday- this will improve your positive thoughts and self esteem.
do a face mask- find one for your skin type and put it on, they feel so nice and refreshing!
remember: "the answer to your problem is never going to be someone else telling you what to do"
thats all for now, thank you for reading!
-sophie xoxo
if you would like any requests put them in my ask me anything <3
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pilatescentre · 2 years
The Edinburgh Pilates Centre is Edinburgh's top Pilates studio. We provide a variety of classes for people of all ages and ability levels, ranging from beginner to pro.
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chichiscloset · 1 year
The 3 Best Pilates Exercises: For a toned body
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This exercise is a Pilates classic. It takes strength, flexibility, balance, and control to perform it. And it’s not an exercise you want to miss out on if you’re in the business of performing Pilates for core strength. So, how do you do it?
Start by lying on your back.
Perform a simple ab curl. At the same time, lift your head up and off the ground.
Also, at the same time (this is where coordination and balance come into play), bring your knees slightly back, so they bend over the top of your hips. 
As your upper body rises, straighten your legs at a 45-degree angle.
Reach your arms straight up toward your feet.
It should look like a ‘V’ shape at this point.
Aim to hold this shape for about 5 breaths. 
Then, slowly roll back into the starting position.
Want to engage almost all your core muscles in one Pilates move? The criss-cross beats out all exercises! When it comes to Pilates for core strength. It’s a tough one! And if you’re new to Pilates or exercise in general, it may pay to hold off on this one – at least until you gain a bit more core strength. How do you do it?
Lie face up on a mat or a comfortable surface. 
Place both hands behind your head with your elbows wide. 
Curl your head slightly up.
Bend your right leg and bring your left elbow almost to touch your right knee.
At the same time, extend your left leg.
Then, switch sides – bringing your right elbow to your left knee while extending your right leg straight.
Continue to alternate sides for 10-20 repetitions.
There are many more exercises in Pilates for core strength.
3.Plank Leg Lift
This core exercise targets your abdominals and your glutes. It also requires the use of stabilizer muscles throughout the back and the shoulders. It’s your basic plank with a twist. Here’s how you do it:
Begin in a high plank. Your hands should be right below your shoulders and your body should form a straight line from your head to your toes. 
Make sure your hips don’t sag! Keep your abdominals engaged.
Squeeze your glutes, and lift one leg straight back.
Lower your leg and alternate sides.
Perform about 10-20 reps.
All exercises listed above, are easy to do in the comfort of your own home. You can watch this youtube video, for further guidance.
Hope you ladies loved this post!
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