#picnic pests
littlepawz · 1 year
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Spring is here and summer is fast approaching with lovely flowers and some scary 6-legged creatures to make your life more interesting. Here is a look  at the ‘yellow stripey things’ to know which ones to guard against. 
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afterglowkatie · 1 month
mini and co | k.c.c.
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kyra cooney-cross x reader | 1.4k | a day off for the found family, the sun finally making an appearance leading to a mini and co family picnic
ˏˋ°•*⁀ this is part of the pair of pests universe. my favourite found family dynamic
‘Shh, you gotta be quiet. We don’t wanna wake Kyra,’ You whispered crouching down next to Harper, smiling at her little laughs. It was a sunny, warmish day which had you all outside at the park soaking in any bit of sun you could get. Mini and Clara talked about a potential picnic that morning, not fully sure of the idea, though they hadn’t counted on the little ears that had been listening in who definitely wouldn’t let go of the idea. Harper insisted she had to individually call you, Kyra and Charli to join them. 
An afternoon of running around playing games trying to wear out the toddler, Kyra had ended up being the one to fall asleep in the sun on the picnic rug. Mini, Clara and Charli in deep conversation paying no mind to you and Harper, you saw this as the perfect opportunity to rope your little shadow into some mischief. The three of you always liked fighting over who was Harper’s favourite, but there wasn’t any doubt that you were her favourite. No matter where you were, she was always next to you. 
‘Shh, be quiet,’ Harper loudly whispered, holding her finger up to her lips. You held back a laugh after seeing how serious she was looking at you and then at Charli who had spotted the two of you creeping up on Kyra, full unscrewed water bottle in your hands. She just smirked, rolling her eyes and continued to keep Mini and Clara distracted by the conversation so they couldn’t interrupt yours and Harper's plans. 
‘Ready Harps?’ You whispered, the little giggles coming from her were all the confirmation you needed. Helping Harper, you both lifted the water bottle above Kyra, giving a silent countdown before tipping the bottles entire contents onto her. Kyra groaned confused as she sat up looking at herself, her clothes wet before waking up enough to hear the laughter coming from you and Harper. The corners of Kyra’s lips started to form into a small smile hearing you laugh, no matter what she always loved the sound. Though she quickly wiped away any evidence of a smile instead shooting a glare towards the two of you who were laughing so hard you struggled to breathe.
‘Oi, you’ll regret that’ Kyra playfully grumbled while playing along. Quickly sitting up enough to reach out and grab you. Kyra’s arms wrapped around your waist pulling you into her.
‘Oh no! Harper, Kyra’s got me, run and save yourself,’ You dramatically yelled out to her, faux struggling against Kyra knowing you could definitely get yourself free if you wanted to, and pointing in a direction which Harper ran off in away from everyone.
‘No Kywa!’ Harper yelled while running off, Mini following closely behind her trying to hold back her own laughter while shaking her head.
‘Ugh Kyra, you’re all wet,’ Your hands went to hers that were locked around your waist, trying to pull them apart so you could at least sit next to her where you also weren’t getting wet. But she just tightened her hold on you, pulling you even closer, smirking while hearing you protest even more until you finally relaxed into her embrace accepting that Kyra wasn’t letting you go any time soon.
‘I wonder who’s fault that is,’ Kyra rasped out almost into your ear, her head leaning against your shoulder, ‘Don’t dish it if you can’t take it,’ Kyra annoyingly pressed an extra sloppy kiss against your cheek knowing that you’d hate it. Screwing up your face at Kyra you wiped it away onto her arm. She feigned offence at your actions, a faux gasp leaving her lips, you just rolled your eyes. 
Looking away from Kyra and back to where Mini was now chasing Harper around the park. You couldn’t deny the way you felt your cheeks heat up when Kyra’s lips found your cheek. It wasn’t an unusual thing to happen, you both often gave each other little kisses on the cheek and forehead. It was the way you showed your affection, despite your friendship being based on teasing, mocking and pranking each other. There were still those soft moments between the pair. The unusual part was how you felt towards it this time. Though Kyra is just your best friend and you wouldn’t have it any other way. There’s a part of you that realises that you don’t have this same internal reaction whenever any of your other close friends show affection towards you. The other part of you, the one that takes over, pushes those thoughts away. For now at least.
‘Who do you think’s gonna win?’ Kyra’s voice pulled you back into reality. You hummed out thinking while watching the scene play out in front of you. It had turned into a game for Harper trying to get away and stay away from her mum for as long as possible.
‘Obviously Harper. You’ve been the one to chase Harps enough that you know Mini is not winning this one,’ Kyra chuckled as did you. You both had been the one chasing after Harper countless times. Toddlers can be fast when they want to be and you both found that out the hard way.
‘You two look quite comfy,’ Charli had moved over to where the two of you were sitting, Clara going to help wrangle the 2 year old. Only then did you notice that Kyra’s grip on you had loosened, definitely enough that if you wanted to move away you could have done so ages ago.
‘Kyra makes a great pillow,’ You laughed out, joking around while leaning your head against Kyra’s shoulder.
‘Oh let me test this out,’ Without warning Charli had laid against Kyra’s side with her head on Kyra’s other shoulder, ‘You’re right. Room for both of us,’ She hummed in agreement. You both laughed while Kyra tried to push Charli off of her.
‘Nah, only for tiny Catley. You get off,’ You rolled your eyes, your unofficial nickname being tiny since you were younger and noticeably shorter than your older sister. That name followed you from even before you were called up for your first seniors camp, so it wasn’t a surprise when you did arrive to everyone calling you tiny or tiny Catley or some variation. 
Your heart always did race a little whenever Kyra chose you over anyone else, even if you thought it didn’t mean anything other than you just being her favourite friend, ‘Aw no fair Kywa, I’m your bestfriend too,’ You couldn’t help the laugh that left your lips and shook your body when you heard Charli’s mocking tone and then saw the pout she threw Kyra’s way.
Though before Kyra could successfully get Charli off of her, she found herself at the bottom of not just two bodies but now three, ‘Cuddle!’ Harper yelled while running full force and jumping on the top of all three of you. You opened your arms letting Harper get comfy, while Charli shot Kyra a look of triumph knowing there was no way Kyra would try anything not while Harper was also a part of the pile on top of her.
You stayed like that until Harper had fallen asleep and Mini decided it was probably time for them to head home. While helping pack everything away you noticed Kyra shiver a little, ‘Ky, come with me,’ You didn’t wait for her to respond before you pulled her away from the group towards your car. No other words said to her before you were shoving your arsenal training jumper over her head, ‘You never know when you need a jumper,’ Answering Kyra’s silent question.
‘In some ways you’re just like your Steph,’ Kyra fiddled with the bottom of your jumper that was now on her body, ‘But you’re obviously better,’
‘You should definitely tell her that I’m the better Catley. Gotta knock Steph down a little,’ You both laughed out before being interrupted and brought back to the world when Mini and co. came over to say goodbye and grab Kyra to take her home, ‘I’ll see you at training Ky,’
‘Yeah see you at training,’ Turning around to follow Mini, Kyra couldn’t help but smile to herself. Playing with the bottom of the jumper that was a little bit too small for her, but that didn’t matter, the fact it was yours and you had given it to her for now was all that mattered to Kyra. It was all she could think about on her way home. You were all she could think about on her way home. 
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missstratford · 9 months
Queen of my heart
A/n: this fic came to my head in the middle of the night lol. And I'm aware that i have a draco fic going on as well 😅😅but I'm unhinged so whatever. 🥲🥲. Also I'm gonna pretend the lil bitch Peter doesn't exists and my babies are away from toxic ppl. 😌😌
Summary: when James begins playing a game of dares with his friends, his task is to make someone fall for him. What happens when this person turns out to be you, who loathes his very existence. This time the line between game and love begin to blur.
Warnings: none, (but spicy times might be up in the next chaps😋)
Chapter 2
chapter 1:
Your quill scratched desperately against the parchment, filling it with the transfiguration essay due the next day. Your flow was interrupted by obnoxious laughter, for the tenth time. Gritting your teeth, your head snapped in the direction of noise. "They'll probably leave in a couple of minutes.” Andromeda's calm voice did little to settle you. " They've been at it for the last hour An, it's a library for Merlin's sake, how stupi-" Your ranting was cut short by another bout of raucous. That's it. You stood, chair creaking loudly as you did, earning looks from students around you. Before Andromeda could stop you, you strut around the shelves making your way to the gang of boys. Ah Griffyndors, you thought as you spotted the trio. "So Moony said -" You tapped the lad on his shoulders making them turn to you. "Yes?" This one wore glasses, looking confused at your presence. "Can i sit too?" You asked, a sarcastic smile playing on your lips. "What?” the black haired boy pushes his glasses up his nose, forehead scrunching in deeper confusion. " I mean you all seem to be having a lovely picnic so i thought I'd join." You explained, motioning to his two friends. "This is not a picnic. We are in the library. I thought slytherins were dumb but i never thought they were this dumb." His friend spoke. This one, you noticed, had longer hair and an unruly demeanor. Sirius Black, andromeda's relative, you quickly recognized. "Well now that we've established that we are indeed in a library, how about you loathsome pests act like it then?" Your smile dropped, lips thinning into a line. "I'm sorry wha-" Interrupting the boy with glasses you spoke, "Me along with 15 other students have been trying and failing to study thanks to your stupid laughing charade here. So you three better shut it before I call on Madam Pince Or better, I hex you myself." You ended menacingly. "Do you even know who we are?" The same boy from before said, coming to stand in front for you. It took your everything to not whip out your wand. "I honestly don't care even if you happened to be Merlin himself. So take my suggestion and leave." You clenched your jaw, swiftly turning back to your table. "Well she's terrible" She's a Slytherin!” "let's just leave please" You heard them whisper shout as you got back to your seat. "Did you kill them? Do i need to help you hide them?" Andromeda grinned as you picked up your quill. "I let them survive this time." You laughed.
Back in the gryffindor dorm, the marauders along with their friends sat in a circle. "Prongs turn on the damn lights mate" Sirius shouted, his arms going around remus trying to swat James' head. "Padfoot no-ouch- I'm creating the atmosphere mate, please just go with it" James rubbed his head. "Why are we even sitting like this?” Remus asked, eyeing the rest of the boys. "Well," Frank Longbottom smiled, rubbing his palms together, "we've decided to play a little game, just to spice up our fifth year." "My life is spiced up plenty already so, night lads." Sirius began standing up but was pulled down by Avery, "me, frank and adrian have already began playing and it's quite fun to be honest." "Can someone just explain what it is?” Remus interjected, to which Frank flourished a parchment filled with a list. " This is a list of dares which each one of us needs to complete in turns. Points get added to every name based on the success rate of the task. " Frank says, point at the corner of the parchment with names in columns. "And what's the prize? You know, for the one with the highest points in the end." James asks, looking intently at the list. "Generous compensation" Avery grins, "the winner gets to demand anything from the remaining boys for 3 months" He finishes. "How is that of any help?" Remus quizzes. "If you win, you could make sirius do your laundry for 3 months" Frank earns a hit from sirius. "Yeah or make avery do your homework" Adrian adds, laughing. "As much enticing as this sounds, count me out of it" Remus says, as he hears all of them groan in annoyance. "But we are in" James says eagerly as sirius nods. "Alright then boys, first up James." A sinister smile plays on avery's lips.
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happilysmythe · 1 month
❥ 𝙢𝙖𝙧𝙧𝙮 𝙮𝙤𝙪
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trent frederic.
word count: 1.6k
no warnings
"i think i wanna marry you" — bruno mars
A/N: requested by the showstopping @ahockeywrites — a soft trent fic including a picnic and possibly a proposal, so here i am to deliver. thank u pookie and i hope everyone enjoys this short n sweet trent blurb to hold you over! happy reading :)
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Not a day went by where Trent wasn’t heckled by his teammates, formers, buddies, and even family members for how positively whipped he was for you. And although he hated it on the outside, he wasn’t afraid to show it behind closed doors.
The man loved you—he’d never deny that.
You and Trent had been dancing around the idea of marriage for months. You’d been together for almost three years. It was only natural that the subject would eventually come about. The two of you, however, had received a plethora of comments from your peers about it but never discussed it on your own. At least, not nearly to the extent that you needed to.
You finally made the move from St. Louis to Boston nearly a year prior, so it didn’t come as a surprise to you that the other wives and girlfriends began pressing you about it. 
“So you’ve still never once talked about it,” Kiley, your best friend, would say.
And the others would give you mixtures of “Why not?” and “Aren’t you going to?”, usually to no avail.
You’d often mention the interactions to Trent, and he’d typically wave them off, telling you that they were simply being pests. He’d tell you to ignore them. But the last few times you’d mentioned it to him, he’d smile, sometimes letting out a laugh, and even sometimes tell you it was “nice” or “cute”, much to your confusion.
That being said, you really didn’t put as much thought into it as you probably should of.
Because Trent was subtly trying to hint to you that he had other plans; that he might have started to take the girls’ advice.
“How about a picnic?” he suggested, his finger twirling a strand of your hair around as your head comfortably rested in his lap, legs sprawled across the couch cushions. You’d been debating with him on what you wanted to do that night, as he’d just gotten home from a road trip with the team the day prior. “The weather should be nice.”
Your eyes lit up at the idea, teeth on display as you smiled up at him. “That actually sounds great.”
“Well, then.”
“Great. Then it’s settled—we’ll have a picnic,” you sat up, palm flat on the cushion as your arm supported your weight.
“You packing?” he teased.
You rolled your eyes and shook your head, giggling softly as you stood up. “Yes. I am. Because I don’t particularly trust you,” you told him, walking into the kitchen. “But only because of that.”
“Oh, I’m sure,” he shouted from the couch.
You whipped up a few sandwiches and stored them neatly in a basket, followed by the remainder of the strawberries you had in your fridge and a few other snacks. You put some napkins and drinks inside, then folded a blanket over the food and shut the basket, leaving it on the kitchen counter to grab when you left.
Then, you got ready, slipping on a pink and white floral-patterned babydoll dress and sandals. You matched a white bow to the white in the dress and clipped it into your hair, then picked out a few pieces of jewelry to top it off. You’d just gotten your nails done a few days before, courtesy of Kiley, and you decided on a French manicure that ultimately tied the look together, in your not-so-humble opinion.
You waited by the door for Trent, basket in hand as you scrolled through your phone, then looked up when you heard his footsteps coming toward you.
“Wow,” he nodded, stopping in front of you. “Outdid yourself, eh?”
“Well, if I’m going to go on a spring picnic. I might as well look the part, right?” you noted, stepping up to him and planting a kiss on the tip of his nose. “And besides—I don’t think I’ve ever seen you wear a white polo with…Khakis.”
He looked around the room bashfully, a guilty expression lining his face. “Well,” he shrugged, lips pressing into a flat line. “I guess you’re right.”
You giggled and gently kissed him once more, and then the two of you set off.
You decided on a quaint, meadowy area that sat just near a local river, which ultimately was the perfect location for your little outing. He and you sat atop the blanket, basking in the sunlight as you ate. 
“You have chocolate on your face,” you giggled, bringing your thumb up to the corner of his mouth and carefully wiping it. You licked it off and dried your thumb with a napkin, taking notice of how Trent’s eyes seemed to be completely trained on you.
“Nothing, just,” he paused, taking a breath. “You look really pretty.”
A smile spread across your face as your head tilted to the side at the unexpected compliment. “Thank you,” you bashfully replied.
“I think the sun’s about to set,” you noted, wiping your lips with the same napkin and setting it back down on the blanket. He and you finally finished your food, and you turned to face him.
“You wanna watch it?” he asked.
You nodded in response and he moved the basket to the side, lying on his back and extending his arm out. You nuzzled into him, resting your head on his shoulder, and he wrapped his arm around your waist, letting his hand rest flat on your hip.
You sighed gently, letting your eyes close for just a moment as you relaxed into him. There you sat for the next ten minutes, the two of you not speaking a word as you watched the sunset hit its peak. It was then that he finally spoke, catching your attention immediately.
“Hey,” he cooed, looking down as you sat up slightly and turned to face him.
“You mind if we stand up for a second?”
“Sure,” you shrugged, then rose to your feet, looking up at him as he stood in front of you. “What is it?”
He took your hands in his, rubbing the backs gently with his thumbs, then took a deep breath.
“Remember the first time you told me about the girls teasing you?”
“Sort of,” you replied confusedly. “Why?”
“You remember what I said?”
“To ignore them?”
“Yeah. And I kept telling you that; that it was stupid, or that they were just being annoying,” he started softly. “But even if they were being completely out of line doing it, they were right. They just didn’t know that I already had my own plans.”
You tilted your head, brows furrowing together as you tried to make sense of what he was saying.
“I’d already made my choice, but I kept shrugging you off because I was scared.” He cleared his throat. “Anyway, what I’m getting at is…I should’ve done this a long time ago.” 
Then it started to come to you, everything slowly beginning to piece itself together in your head. For the past few weeks, you’d received less heckling from Kiley and the others. Of course, you didn’t think anything of it before. Then, she took you to get your nails done out of the blue. And later that day, she took you shopping for the exact dress you were wearing. Because she knew.
And when Trent got down on one knee, you knew, too.
You gasped quietly as he reached into his pocket and pulled out a small, velvet box, holding it with one hand, the other still holding one of yours.
“I bought this a month after you moved in,” he finally spoke, holding it up. “I’ve just been trying to figure out when and how to do this.”
“Oh—oh my god.”
He took another deep, long breath. “I love you. So much. And there’s nobody I’d rather spend the rest of my life with. So…” He spoke your name softly, prying the box open with his hand to reveal the diamond ring inside.
“Will you marry me?”
Tears pricked at your eyes, your free hand covering your mouth as you finally processed it all. He was doing exactly what you thought he wasn’t going to do anytime soon. And only a few moments passed before you were nodding your head sharply as your hand fell down to your side.
“Yes,” you replied with conviction.
So he took the ring from its resting place and raised your hand, slipping it snugly onto your finger, marveling at how perfectly it fit for just a moment. He tossed the box to the ground and slowly stood up, thumb brushing over the ring on your finger as he held it between you.
You quickly threw your arms around his neck and kissed him. He quickly reciprocated, hoisting you up and holding you tight as your legs wrapped around his waist.
The warm hue of the falling sunset illuminated your surroundings, the scene topped off by the faint noise of crickets as he and you shared one of the most intimate moments of your lives. And he couldn’t have planned it out more perfectly.
A small tear ran down your cheek as you pulled away, smiling gently as you looked down at him. He quickly leaned up and kissed it away. Affection laced his expression when he pulled back to look up at you, unable to contain his smile as he felt the cold surface of your ring grazing the skin on the back of his neck.
“I love you, T,” you whispered to him.
“I love you, too,” he echoed softly, hand brushing a strand of hair behind your ear just before adding,
“Mrs. Frederic.”
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evolutionsvoid · 1 year
“First, have you ever heard of smaragdine tree wasps? Probably not, but you do know them. Most folk just yell WASP when they see them then fight or flight the situation. No one really bothers to learn their name, which is a real shame, but that’s not the point. One name I do know you know is the brimble tree. How could you not? I mean, who hasn’t enjoyed some brimbleberries or made some delicious brimbleberry jam? It’s a classic! A staple! Well, it turns out that the smaragdine tree wasp is a pollinator for the brimble tree. In fact, it is the only pollinator. The only insect that does the deed that lets us all have some wonderful brimbleberries. And we aren’t the only ones! Plenty of other species partake in the crop, be it bird, mammal or bug. Some insect species lay their eggs only on brimble leaves, and plenty of arboreal critters make their nests amongst the branches. Those berries and those trees are vital to a lot of creatures, which makes the smaragdine tree wasp so important. But yet, nobody thinks twice about them when they are swatting them with a newspaper or spraying their nests with poison. Just thought of as a pest or a threat, to the point where nobody notices them when they are gone.
If you were to ask anyone about the dying wasps, they would probably be thrilled. One less menace to your outdoor picnics, one less pest to spray for. But the brimble trees care, and so does everything that relies on those trees. No one thinks a little bug like that makes a difference but it sure does! With them gone from all the pesticides and such, we would soon be seeing the effects of their absence. No pollinator means no brimbleberries, which means no food for the woodland critters and no new brimble trees. And what will that lead to? What other species will lose their homes and food sources? Who else will fall once the brimble trees come tumbling down? Listen, your honor, I never thought in my life I would become a necromancer, but-”  
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worldwidewebzy · 5 months
Pest LOVES taxidermy, especially rouge taxidermy. Its a special interest of theirs and they've even tried some of it themselves. He's pretty good at it!!
Poob also likes taxidermy!! Though the specific process you have to do makes poob very squeamish and sick and icky,, (that being said poob IS NOT a uwu soft enby bean, they could kick ur ass lmao)
Poobians as a whole, are the embodiments of joy, happiness, and FUN!!!!!! They thrive off envoirments with high morale and general good vibes. Their population dwindles when said elements are scarce. If a poobian's mental health is hurt in anyway, that poobian's mental health will directly correspond to their physical health, causing the poobian to fall ill.
If a poobian falls to much into their pit of despair, they can "metamorphize" into a party pooper. Party poopers are the antithesis to poobians, thriving off of despair, sadness, and turmoil. Party poopers aren't inherently evil, but their nihilistic and melancholic nature can cause party pooper communities to be.. Not the healthiest space for anybody to be in.
Party poopers can remorph themselves into a poobian, but that requires extensive mental health intervention for that to happen. Depending on how much despair is in a party pooper, recovery can take as long as years.
To avoid this, poobians are a very social species. Full of many support systems ready to help any poobian! Though unfortunately, toxic positivity has been prevalent in some poobian societies. And there's a silent, but all to painful ableism riddled in poobian society as a whole.
Every poobian smells like their favorite food!
Pest has an EXTREMELY hard time empathizing, thanks to her undiagnosed aspd, npd, and autism. They also have an hard time realizing the concept of consequence and law. (this is pretty much canon expect for the autism part iirc but yeagh)
Gnarpy has IBS. Xe seem like a IBS girlie (gender neutral) to me do yuo understand
Poob HATES gender reveal parties with a passion.
mannequin mark and wallter... Do you hear me..
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Gregoriah basks in light like a lizard
OK split pilby YURI SWAGGERR!!!
HOLY SHIT you guys have no idea how cornily, unconditionally, atrociously lovesick pilby is for split and i mean it
This dude's catapiller antennae form into hearts just thinking about split, absolutely cartoonishly in love with her.
They like having silly picnics where they eat apples and bananas (pilby looooves apples) go bird watching and just have a gay ol' time...
When they were first starting to know eachother pilby wrote """"anonymous""""" love letters to split, the letters in question were painfully obviously writen by them and it made split laugh and giggle. She didnt tell pilby that she knew they wrote those letters until after pilby confessed their love to them. That made pilby all bright red it was adorable
The confession in question was pilby performing a musical number about all the stored feelings they've been hiding for split all told through song and... It didn't go how pilby wanted to and kind of failed, but split still was genuinely blown away by it. She cheered pilby up when they commented how "bad" it was and kissed them on the forehead....... <33
Infected has a friend thats minecraft youtuber and yes they have a dubstep channel intro for it yknow the ones..
Gnarpy's form is a facade, like how invader zim has a human disguise. It acts like a shield, keeping gnarpy's (surprisingly frail) true form safe in a non gnarpian envoirment. It's designed to be conventionally "cute" to ward off suspicion, and increase trustworthyness.
Gnarpian govermentals are planning on making upgraded versions of these facades. Making them more unassuming. They're even planning "human" looking facades. It's fucking scary
mannequin mark and wallter make lampert together like constructed a child. Building blueprints AAAAAA!!!!!!!!!! hashtag yaoi swagger
Miche is also swagapino and black as a people SWAG
Also miche isn't actually a cat he's very much like... Hes cat adjacent but his fangs are like the whiskers if a cat fish LIKE
The elevator has existed for as long as existence itself. Nobody runs it as the elevator itself is technically an living organism
Bive exists in quantum super position. She simultaneously exists in both FNARB, and the funny maze, it's only until a player enters either floor is where she stop existing in this superposition. Kinda like Schrödinger's cat. Schrödinger's conspiracy theorist
Bive is built like she was designed by dr suess
Unlike a red teddy, reddy is very much full of love :)
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pieroulette · 1 year
you can decide if this one is a request or just an ask, how would andteam react if they got caught by police? either being suspect for your disappearance, fought people that made them jealous, etc! i might be a good idea to not include the younger members...
- yandere anon
author"s note.. I'll take this as a yandere request then!
warning.. yandere behaviours 💁‍♀️
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Being the sweet soft boy everyone rooted for, of course no one would suspects him for being the culprit of the case that has been circulating around the town—but when one evidence pointed right at his face, with that sugary smile never ceasing to exist, everyone has a change of heart.
That leads the boy himself to snickered behind the smiley deception as he was encaged within the officers' dead grip arms. It was a waste of time truly. He was dead sure he took all the appropriate and effective measures, that not a pair of eyes are presented. Looks like he'll need to play another cat and mouse game again.
Lapping his lower lip with his tongue, does he starts trembling as his orbs flooded with tears. "What have I done, Sir?!"
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An eerie air engulfed the presence of Fuma himself as he stood behind a man who don't know his place, trying to flirt with you. Truly horrendous as after a long month of putting you down, another uninvited guest has to come out—a pest it is, and ruin a perfect outing day, a perfect picnic, a perfect moment of his.
"Young sir, perhaps it would be best if you could leave?"
Of course, the pest itself would throw a fit of rage much to Fuma's displeasure, still he would simply keep his air-headed demeanour—leaning closer as he spew out threats. Nonetheless, how truly futile it was considering how his vision were consumed with crimson hues after his eyes landed on the pest's dirty touch on your skin.
Fuma didn't want to take this too far, but how could he? He needs to teach the pest a lesson, which got him into the officer's den much to his annoyance. But due to his well composed manners, the aura enveloping his form—the officers find it difficult to place the blame on him.
"So, how long would it take, sir? If I could, I would cooperate as much as you please but.." Fuma sighed dejectedly, "I couldn't bear to leave my pitiful wife all by her own."
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Not gonna lie, being arrested wasn't that a huge deal for Nicholas as he got a long list of criminal record stacked up behind him. However it wasn't supposed to irk him this much, considering how his veins spewed out his neck and his dark grey orbs rattled in immense glitch as he observes you from behind the bars.
Your supposedly kind best friend, a male that is—caressing your arms in attempts to comfort your weeping form after Nicholas, himself—confronted you before your house. Confronted might be an underestimation, more like assault, that is.
Therefore, it leads Nicholas behind the bars as you and your bestfriend filed a restraining case against him.
"Restraining case?" He muttered to himself after the officer informed him. The boy's head hanging low, his bangs covering his menacing orbs as the corners of his chapped lips pulled up—exposing his teeth, akin to a starving predator. "Oh dear, what would that even do?"
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Getting arrested wasn't part of EJ's plan, after all. Not when he intended to surprise you with bouquet of stewed cherry roses as it was Valentine's Day and simply wishes to spend his precious time with his darling. It was all due to his miscalculation that he accidentally found you on the couch with a man he wasn't familiar with. But was familiarity even the question when the girl he adores was right here, not on his arms but on a bastard?
It ended on a horrendous note, to say the least. However the officers were skeptical over who started the fight considering the scattering amount of wounds on a particular someone, EJ, himself.
EJ held the need to snicker, only flooding his orbs with glistened tears as he gained the sympathy of you and the officers, mumbling things like. "I j-just came to visit (Name)! I didn't knew he would—"
Of course, the so called friend of his darling protests back, the corners of his lips dripping with blood—astounded by the horrendous lies EJ emitted.
But EJ couldn't care any less, a single wrong step due to miscalculation are a rare occurrence for him but it would never be repeated twice. He was immensely pleased, to say the least, since he could turn over the tide by having you—his darling, to side with him and snap the friendship ties with the bastard he loathes. "S-sir, it hurts.."
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「 talesofyuan on tumblr 2023 」 all rights reserved. do not copy or post without permission.
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cryptids-of-spielzeit · 3 months
The Package
Ages ago, the town of Spielzeit was just another vehicle to sell Playtime Co. products, but after a few shady deals and fights with the corporate heads, the town separated itself from the company, and through years of work, the town, and the people within, have no idea what Playtime even is. Except for one.
Angelo Floros was a security guard at Playtime for around a decade, being let go in 1994 due to a run in he had with one Leith Pierre. Let's just say they never got along. After being let go, he stumbled upon Spielzeit, where he was offered the position of park ranger. He took it almost immediately, familiarity with what lies in the job and all.
He was quite happy that everyone didn't know a single thing about that company. For that decade all he saw were those grinning faces, the cheery voices...and the secrets behind them that the company never dared to reveal to anyone. Yes, Angelo was happy. All he had to deal with here were the occaisional complaints about raccoons or, in the worst cases, illegal hunters. Until tonight.
It was the 10th of August, 1995. It wasn't a very busy day, made things simple for Angelo. Only thing he really had to do that day was patrol the picnic area, making sure no pests got in the way of families trying to enjoy their day. Angelo was in his cabin, his tiny television playing reruns of the Dick van Dyke show and the Three Stooges. This was the life, kicking back, watching some good TV while eating some of the best croissants the local bakery had to offer. But he heard...something at the door.
It wasn't a knock, more like a very light scrape or rubbing. Must be a raccoon or fox. He opened up to shoo whatever was outside, but he didn't find any sort of pest. Instead, there was a package. No address, no sign of who the sender could be, just a message, written crudely in red crayon.
"Keep her safe"
Angelo had a sinking feeling. He pretty much knew what was inside the package. But, the thing is, she was nice. One of the nicest he'd ever met, in fact. And if she's here, miles away from the factory, then what happened? He opened the package, and his suspicions were correct. It was a little red case, a glass window showcasing a doll with a blue dress, pale skin, and the reddest hair one could imagine.
He slowly opened the box. She opened her eyes, Angelo was unfazed.
"Hi, Poppy."
(Thanks to @screamsofanoutlawbrain for the idea!)
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ask-wren-zhang · 8 months
Shrub Club: episode 3
As promised, she has come bearing snacks and beverages. Or rather, she insists on helping with the garnishes and a few ‘taste tests’, while a few mutual friends of Deek carry out most of the work, such as setting up the small catering station and serving platters, adjusting the centrepieces and the food presentation. The house elves take great pride in their culinary magic, and Wren is left mesmerised by it every time without fail. A miniature picnic table is finely set with a tea kettle and a jar of syrup, accompanied by trays of fruits, cheese and seasonal fare. The main menu consists of Butterbeer and a blueberry pie, big enough to satisfy a party of four. Wren did hear @justaskmagnoliaellistor enjoys all things blueberries.
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She takes a slice and nibbles on it, scanning the area; the location is near perfection, with ample sunlight, good drainage and accessibility to the Herbology greenhouses, though the lack of proximity to water sources she finds mildly worrying.
Conjuring her notebook, in which having already briefed a list of magical elements she’d planned to incorporate, involving enchanted soil, lighting, and now adding irrigation enchantments, if applicable.
Wren scarfs down the slice of pie and marvells as arrays of wood and stone diligently slot themselves together like an intricate puzzle - the greenhouse already looks half finished, and the construction carries on swimmingly. Turns out @demetrius-haggarty is much more adept at spellcasting than he realises.
She sits back, her lap balancing her sketchpad, and worries if her efforts may be too ambitious. Bits of charcoal and worn pencils rattling as she unfurls each page. Colours bloom like stains on oil paint, edges of her vision sharpened, details now finer.
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Wren wants to plant a tree in the middle, Hawthorne (hehe), to grow wild and deep, belonging to no one but the soil beneath the ground base, and the dappled sky above. A dome is to be put in place, and it will be sheltering an even bigger world, with every unused space, they will fill with their own touches, the turning of seasons itself. The Extension Charm should do the trick.
Just as she scouts for any availability for walkways, or even additional features like seating areas or ponds. One minor detail sticks out regarding the layout of the greenhouse's dimensions: there is no glass.
“Well, that just won’t do. I wonder what are the chances of a glassmaking charm?” Wren ponders aloud, wondering if it’d be easier to up and transfigure a pile of sand into glass instead. That said, it wouldn’t hurt to try. She taps her chin, and looks out towards the lake, where the narrow, gently sloping land lies along its edge, an idea begins to surface. She wonders if @theodoradevlin would be willing for an experiment.
Her eyes flash with inspiration, it is brief. “What’s between beach sand and lake sand anyways?”
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Wren’s notebook:
Climate control charms with heating, cooling, and humidity control to ensure optimal growing conditions.
Research and select plants that thrive in the chosen environment. Incorporate a mix of exotic, rare, and unique species, if one wishes. (Want to plant a pumpkin patch albeit unsure if Maggie would like that.)
Integrate both natural and artificial lighting to mimic day-night cycles, ensuring the plants receive adequate light.
Implement protective charms to keep magical plants safe from pests and potential intruders. Magical wards or enchantments can be used for additional security.
Maintenance Plan: a regular upkeep schedule for watering, fertilising, and pruning plants.
Decoration: sculptures, fountains, or artwork (?) a butterfly garden perhaps.
Ensure that safety measures are in place, such as emergency exits. Must include protective gear e.g. earmuffs or dragonhide gloves, to protect both the greenhouse and its occupants.
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nenelonomh · 1 month
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day 10/100 ~ 100 days of productivity
: ̗̀➛ changed bedsheets, vacuumed bedroom
: ̗̀➛ dancing around for my physical activity today! super fun way to do active recovery (and i stretched as always)
: ̗̀➛ went out for a lil lunch picnic with a friend
: ̗̀➛ finished and submitted my sehs data analysis task
: ̗̀➛ worked on pest analysis for business
: ̗̀➛ my friend lottie told me this today: life is like chess. sometimes you have to sacrifice pieces to win the game. we were talking about lost friends
habit tracking:
morning stretch study time daily physical activity practice a hobby
(images are from pinterest)
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afterglowkatie · 1 month
pair of pests universe
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kyra cooney-cross x catley!reader | 11k | reader is Steph's younger sister and Kyra's best friend (and eventually something more)
‘ #fic: pair of pests ‘ for all asks/thoughts etc for this universe or here is the link :)
pair of pests [1.1k] - you and kyra should never be trusted together alone without supervision, especially when alcohol and a marker are involved
mini and co [1.4k] - a day off for the found family, the sun finally making an appearance leading to a mini and co family picnic
'i love you' [3.8k] - 5 times someone else realises kyra's feelings for you and the one time kyra realises (or 5 times someone catches Kyra looking at you)
back to where it began [2k] - a look back into yours and kyra's first matildas camp, the place where it all began
lost [2.7k] - after a few days of feeling lost, confused and being distracted at training, kyra decides to confide in lia about her feelings for you
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randomwriteronline · 5 months
Pohatu was not here.
Kopaka registered the thought in an objective manner, not angry nor relieved, and kept laying down in the half miserable little cave in Ko-Metru which might as well have been his sad attempt at a den.
Misfortunes and blessings always come in groups of six; so of course six Visorak had stubbornly remained in Metru Nui even a thousand years after being told to scram, one for each of its sections, and of course each Toa Nuva (Takanuva notwithstanding, furtunately) had gotten bitten by one of the disgusting little pests while exploring the desolate city that felt so incredibly unnatural compared to the island paradise they had just left, and of course the Hordika venom had ensnared them all in an iron fist and mutated them into six new unwanted flavors of monstrous Rahi-adjacent beings.
Sure, they weren't alone in this hellish situation: there were the Matoran, and the Turaga, and the Rahaga, and Keetongu. Technically speaking, this should have been a non-issue, and it shouldn't have been taking so long to be rectified - it was just a matter of wrangling the Nuva up all together, making them hold hands, slapping the majestic Rahi in their circle of friendship, and boom. Problem solved. No more Hordika. But things could never simple, and this time the new complications were caused by the very simple fact that the venom had that annoying effect of adding on top of the already horrendous packaging of the new forms a nice complementary picnic basket of inane oddities and instincts that had immediately taken over the Toa's lives and made them even harder to handle than they already were.
It is one thing to deal with a bunch of seven-foot-tall children who came out of their canisters full of elemental powers, a lot of fighting experience, and no knowledge of the world whatsoever. It's even more of a hassle to look after those same barely matured kids after they've promptly gotten even more power, instantly had it stripped away, regained it, gotten the tar beaten out of them by snakes in gundam suits, and gained a brand new even taller baby brother. All things considered, the former Toa Metru and their villages had done egregiously already.
But to deal with semi-feral Toa was a new can of beans entirely.
Not that the interested specimens were having an easier time wrangling themselves - by all means, they were failing at that rather spectacularly: Gali had begun voicing her displeasure with her brothers in more assertive manners, which would have been very healthy if she also hadn't fallen into a habit of roaring them into submission and smacking them around like Kohlii balls if they were too stubborn for her opinion; Tahu had put Ta-Metru under a protective seige of one, essentially, yelling at his siblings to piss off when he saw them come too close and whining inconsolably when his cries and growls frightened the Matoran away from him as he tried to groom them clean almost obsessively; it had taken roughly two days to find Lewa after he'd mutated, plus one and a half to catch him, the other half to convince him not to start another round of Tag across the Metru and another good dozen hours to make him promise to engage in less expansive games before they had to do all that again, because keeping him put did not work; a group of Matoran was now glued to Onua to keep him company and give him little safe excavation tasks so he would not dig directly through the Archives' floors and into the deepest pits of the world, because the last time he absentmindedly started doing that he almost collapsed half of Onu-Metru and thank the Great Spirit Taipu had managed to drag him back up or they might have lost him forever to the depths; and Kopaka, of course, had gotten an enormous anxiety attack due to his horrifying appearance and had decided that the only way to handle this was to disappear into the mountains for an indeterminate amount of time, possibly forever, avoiding any and all contact with civilization before either his looks scared someone to death or he was laughed at into his grave.
Pohatu was fine. Because of course, Pohatu was fine. He'd gotten the sensory overload of a lifetime for all of ten minutes, and then he'd gotten immediately over it and taken it all in stride. As Pohatu does.
He'd very quickly acclimated to his new body, senses, instincts, and secret languages, and since there was technically nothing wrong with him he had been allowed to leave his Metru and try to help out his siblings regain their minds from the intensity of their uncontrollable Hordika moods. His intervention had generally proven irreplaceable in those terms: just by splaying himself on the ground he was able to calm his brothers and sister's boiling rage, he could coax them into playing or stopping almost on command, and thanks to the way he angled his body at every step his mere presence soothed them into a more agreeable state. He'd even managed to find Kopaka and be admitted into his sad little recluse home, bringing him toys or food or water and tending to his needs - including his fears and his desire for privacy from wayward Matoran who tried to seek him out, reassuring them that their Toa was just fine and they needn't worry about a thing.
Perhaps he was almost a little too comfortable in this situation. Almost like this entire ordeal had given him a new role among their group, their pack - that of the peace-keeper, of the calming presence, the one who keeps everybody happy and at ease for the sake of themselves and those around them - which nobody else had been able to fill, thus easing his nagging worries about what exactly he brought of worth to the team. Maybe this was how the Hordika venom was trying to corrupt him, promising a shield from his anxieties in exchange for his and his siblings' real natures.
Kopaka pawed at the ground and furrowed his expression. His mind felt too disgruntled and heavy for these thoughts.
His entire being had been feeling too disgruntled and heavy for anything in the past few days. It was like having a weird itch in a point of the back that is just unreachable without putting yourself in an awkward position that is just as if not even more uncomfortable. Standing up was a chore, and while moving around did help it wouldn't stop the annoying sensation from sitting all over him with a light but maddeningly ever shifting weight; so he generally preferred to lounge around lazily as he allowed the days to pass him by, looking like the spit image of depression. Not that he was depressed in truth, he felt anything but - he was just... Fatigued. Lethargic. Uninterested. Maybe just too busy trying to shake off that bothersome feeling to focus on anything else around him. He had responded so differently to so many different stimuli already, he reasoned, so who was to say this couldn't have had something to do with the climate, then? If that was the case, he hated that. How dare this new form make him so tired and devoid of energy in his preferred environment and weather. He wasn't going to look for a hotter place to stay at, that was certain: the Hordika could be as miserable as it wanted here in the snow, but the Toa refused to be made miserable by migrating to any of the other Metrus.
While he'd been stuck in this funk, Pohatu had been stuck at his side. He hadn't seemed too worried about his condition, but he definitely wasn't too keen on it either: he was always gently coaxing him into at least some activity every day, usually through some of the puzzle toys that Onewa would carve for him and that he placed with Kopaka's reach, not forcing him to engage with them but offering him some low effort entertainment nonetheless, or simply sitting or laying by his side to nap with him if he really couldn't stomach to move at all. He had decided to handle the hunting for him as well, as he was clearly too distracted by his inexplicable condition to fetch food properly. It was logical to imagine that he was off getting breakfast for the both of them right now.
How nice he was, Pohatu. Nice and reliable. A real sweetheart, when he put himself to it.
Normally, when the Rahi instincts within him stirred and dropped their muddled thoughts into his mind, Kopaka snarled and shook his head in an attempt at getting them out of himself; he was his own master, thank you very much, and he did not need nor let alone want some incorporeal semi-voice to tell him what to think or do or feel.
In this case, however, he didn't fight back against them. Why should he? They were right. Pohatu was nice, reliable, and a sweetheart. Those were simple objective facts he had known and been keenly aware of for months by now - nothing less, nothing more. Even an idiot would have come to the exact same conclusions, because they were true. The mere fact that the Toa of Stone had thought of seeking him out to check on him in the first place and then decided on sticking around in a relatively unobtrusive and pleasant manner upon seeing his sorry state spoke volumes of his kindness and patience already. None of their other siblings would have managed to stand him like that, especially in their current situation.
Yes, Pohatu was so kind, the beast within him nodded as it began kneading at the ground: a very kind, very good being. He was open and friendly, so willing to listen even when he got bored, terribly stubborn and yet also fast, strong, protective, steady - maybe his quick thinking got the best of his common sense and he was not too smart at times, but that wasn't anything Kopaka couldn't fix. He had proved himself to be a great provider in times of need, and awfully loyal to boot - so many chances to desert him in favor of someone else, someone more agreeable, more fun, more pleasant, like he was, and yet it was always the Toa of Ice he was drawn to the most... He was so good at handling smaller beings as well, taking care not to frighten them too much if unnecessary: when Matoro had come around looking for Kopaka on Nuju's behalf, Pohatu had taken it upon himself to greet the Matoran in his peer's stead, carefully posing himself to appear as inoffensive as possible so that the little hunter would not react violently against him. He had even helped Matoro on his hunt, and made sure to secure him on Kopaka's back so that he would have a safe trip back to the slowly rebuilding Metru while he carried enough food for all of the villagers waiting - even allowing them to actually bask in their Toa's presence for a few minutes before his anxiety demanded kicking and screaming to be whisked as far away from people as possible again, yet another wish fulfilled by his Stone peer's unmatched affability reassuring Turaga and Matoran alike that he'd look after him. A kind heart in a powerful body; yes, his instincts purred again, making his entire frame stretch out across the ground with a sudden rise of delight, Pohatu really was a great candidate, and Kopaka was so caught up in the satisfaction of that assertion that he didn't even stop to wonder what that meant.
He pulled himself to his feet, feeling reinvigorated all of a sudden. His joints popped with a pleasant feeling, and a strange antsy excitement coursed through them in careful jolts: he began pacing around the cave restlessly, almost trotting, his previously stifling itch turning into a soft energy that pervaded his entire frame. His stomach shifted a little with a low rumbling growl and his mouth started to salivate: he probably must have been hungry, though he didn't quite feel like eating yet, either. Strange. No matter. A great candidate, his instincts kept repeating, a perfect candidate, and despite not knowing what exactly the phrase referenced he couldn't help but agree wholly, feeling more and more energized.
If Pohatu had said he didn't miss his normal body, that would have been a plain lie - but he had to admit, readjusting his teeth's grip around the poor no longer breathing thing that had the unfortunate duty of being his and Kopaka's breakfast today, that wading through the snow on four legs was much easier that on two. It still wasn't ideal by all means, what with the wet feeling it left on him and having to trudge through it because he couldn't help but sink in the freezing cold stuff; however, he'd take the mild discomfort over nearly falling face first in the white cover at every other step.
His back wagged a little. What was he excited about, he wondered briefly, interrogating his rumbling instincts? The speedier travel, the food in his mouth, or the fact that he was almost at his destination? The Rahi in his chest made him jump into a few piles of snow for the fun of it: a bit of all of that, he assumed in the end, plus the hopes that Kopaka would be awake enough to eat with him. The Toa of Ice had been woefully under the weather recently, laying around most if the time, not even wanting to go out hunting. He wasn't big on playing, Pohatu had realized very quickly - or at least not on the sort of roughhousing that their other siblings enjoyed destressing through from time to time, which made sense considering his character. No, he had much more fun tracking down scents and footprints, stalking little beasts with his light paws barely pressing dents onto the snow as he almost slid across it only to suddenly jump high!, and lodge his snout into the candid mound so hard that his spine bent from the momentum and sent him sprawling on the ground, tiny unmoving prey proudly secured in his jaws so tight that it probably hadn't even realized what had happened. He was a joy to watch, frankly, so graceful and goofy and happy - it made Pohatu almost whimper ruefully at his inability to emulate him: they could have had fun racing each other after ice lizards, or maybe one could have hidden in the snow and the other would have had to track him down and pounce him, or even just going off to find food together... Kopaka's sudden melancholy had managed to keep him even from his preferred source of fun, and if it kept going on like this the Toa of Stone was going to start seriously worrying for him.
It wasn't anything to be scared of, his instincts soothed him once again: it was a normal if fragile state for his peer to be in, just passing a little slow. His mere presence was helping, he was certain of it - he just had to wait for the right signal. After that, everything would have gone right back to how it always had been without a hitch. In the meantime all he had to do was take good care of him and make sure his needs were met.
It was very, very important, to show he could look after him so well; the Toa of Ice needed to be assured of that as much as possible, lest he found him unsuitable in the end. The beast within made his stomach clench at that discomforting thought, no doubt just as worried about losing such a close friend as Pohatu himself was. Felling his anxieties mount over his spine, the Toa breathed through his occupied teeth and calmed himself: there was no need to worry about such unlikely things, he reasoned, when Kopaka's body language had been consistently hollering with delight whenever the other so much as caught a glimpse or whiff of him. He had cuddled him out of his worst moments and offered him all of his support, and right now he had some fresh breakfast in his mouth just for him - or mostly for him, if he wasn't hungry enough or instead felt inclined to share. Pohatu could admit that hope was mostly gluttony, as he'd had quite a few snacks of his own already while stalking down a good enough prey for his friend, but still, eating together did always feel nicer than doing so all alone... But that wasn't important: the sight of the entrance brough him back to the present.
He readjusted his grip on the meal again and slipped into the cave, easily making his way into the innermost chamber. To his delighted surprise, Kopaka was up and about, looking much more energetic than he had in the past few days: he threaded across the ground restlessly as if looking for something, although his snout was not grazing the ground following a track and his stance was very different from the one he adopted when out hunting. He made a few quick turns, joints essentially sparking with energy, aching for something indeterminate. His curious, quiet enthusiasm stirred a satisfied excitement in Pohatu's chest, the source and meaning of it unknown; the Toa of Stone decided to make himself known by throwing the prey a little further in front of himself (just in case the other didn't feel like fake-battling for it for fun) and letting a long shudder cross his body to shove off any snow on it and make a curious yet mostly indiscreet noise which would have surely gotten the other Toa's attention. As predicted, Kopaka turned to look at him; Pohatu noted with no shortage of curiosity that his eyes were unusually clear.
He pointed with his snout to the breakfast he'd caught for his friend, wiggling with pride just a little bit. And yet, despite the rumble in his gut certainly pointing towards his hunger, the Toa of Ice did not even look at the tasty morsel but instead kept his gaze fixed onto his peer with a sort of twinkle in their light blue color, a quiet wordless excitement that made Pohatu's back straighten a little by reflex. Still in perfect silence, Kopaka trotted over to him until their noses grazed one another as though to sniff him - which made it all the more surprising when instead he ducked his head under the other's jaw and leaned heavily against him, rubbing between the crook of his neck and chin. Before the Toa of Stone could fully grasp the motion his friend had already slid his entire body against that spot, the bumpy spine massaging his tough skull from underneath it before slinking away once more, putting a little distance between them but immediately turning to look at him with that same strange gaze while Pohatu stumbled a little in an attempt to follow along so that the velvety feeling would continue. It struck him only then: Kopaka smelled really, really good.
Did he want to play? Kopaka never wanted to play. Not roughhousing. But something in the way he posed himself before him was very deliberately making him want to flatten to the ground and jump him, roll with him, push him, cling to him. His eyes frantically looked all over him, trying to decode his physical language and coming up with blanks - he seemed to be nudging him closer to something, but what? He'd never seen his siblings speak like that. His confusion was slowly overwhelmed by another feeling, one he couldn't put a word to - his instincts were clearly familiar with it though, seeing as they were singing along with it, exalted, delighted, bursting with joy: their reasonings weren't fully comprehensible (many of them weren't) but amidst the confusion clouding his mind he still understood the enthusiasm coursing through him, and that this was fine, this was great! He had done everything just right! Kopaka was over the stars about the careful and attentive way he'd been treated, and now he was inviting him! Waiting for him! All he had to do was follow his lead!
The Toa of Ice watched him intently. He trotted closer once again to repeat the motion: something in Pohatu's chest jumped as he felt those hips rub against his chin, and one of his legs rushed above and over them, to trap him - which caused Kopaka to swiftly slink away again, widening the gap between them with a sudden stiffness.
Right, right - this was Kopaka's game, under Kopaka's rules.
The Toa of Stone flattened to the ground sheepishly, asking for forgiveness with wide guilty eyes. He hadn't meant to do anything wrong, he'd just gotten a bit too excited... Could he really blame him? No, he read in the smooth tilt of his peer's head, he really couldn't, not when they both had that confused antsyness animating them. Another chance, just one, alright? But be careful this time. Just follow my lead, the cadence of his steps said as he approached him for the third time while his new tantalizing smell bloomed from him so magnificently that it almost made his peer shake, and wait until the right time. I'll show you. You will? I will. You promise? I promise.
Pohatu held himself very still as their snouts almost touched. On his best behaviour, wasn't he? Kopaka's throat rumbled, pleased and amused; his nose dug into the crook of the other's neck playfully, to make him squirm a little and ease him up. No need for all that formality - just pay close attention. His head slid under the Toa's chin, rubbing against it as he slid forward, and soon his skull was replaced by his neck, then his shoulders, then his back, his waist, his hips... Just as his tailbone was about to break contact, something snapped for the both of them: Pohatu shifted in an almost liquid manner until he was essentially laying on him, legs aligned with his own, chest and stomach pressed against his spine; Kopaka wriggled beneath his weight until he deemed himself comfortable enough, and his entire upper body went down placidly, laying on the comfortably cold ground while a sweet nose rubbed his nape affectionately and tickled it by sniffing.
A sudden pressure caused them to pause for the fraction of a second, confused. But their insticts purred loudly in tandem, the vibrations rattling through them so comforting and soothing, reassuring them it was alright, reassuring them everything was just fine and normal and good, everything was going perfectly, and they were doing so very good; so the Toa were gently sat back down once again and simply watched, curious, a little excited even, as the Hordika resumed to move in perfect synchrony, filling a void they didn't even know was there with a comfortable warmth.
The sensation was so good that they didn't even register anything else they might have been doing. The rest of the world didn't exist: there was just comfortable weight, their bodies' shapes fitting together like puzzle pieces, a gentle ondulating rhythm, and purring.
So much delightful and delighted purring.
All of a sudden the pressure increased again, much more forceful: Kopaka grumbled and squirmed at that, stopping his intense kneading as discomfort slithered into his mind. Pohatu was quick to nuzzle the side of his head in order to soothe him, promising it wasn't anything to be concerned about - but he too could feel it, some kind of uncomfortable opposition that kept him from going forward. He just needed a moment, a very quick moment, and if he could relax for just a second, if he could help him... They slipped closer against each other in unison, growling quietly to get rid of the foreign sensations together, and the action produced a welcome feeling, like sort sort of tactile equivalent of the onomatopoeia 'pop', dissolving both the pressure and the unpleasantness back into their rumbling enjoyment with a pair of long sighs.
The strain of getting through that moment had worn them out completely. They laid down on each other, not moving a single inch, eyes closed and breathing even; their paws rested close while they absentmindedly rubbed cheek to cheek, exchanging every now and then little licks to comfort each other without any real purpose, and their instincts continued to purr intensely, praising perfectly satisfied their performance.
They prattled on within their chests and minds about things that the two Toa couldn't hope to comprehend nor really wanted to try decoding at the moment, tired as they were.
Pohatu reached out enough to pull his morning haul a little closer: Kopaka nibbled on it without even prying an eye open, just thankful for the offered breakfast. They shared it like that, one laying over the other, buzzing with quiet affectionate rumbles between bites, wondering lazily what all of this had been about. By the time they were picking off the last morsels from the protodermis bones they'd each individually come to the conclusion not to think about any of this too much. The Toa of Ice was clearly feeling much better anyways, and his peer didn't seem to have caught whatever had been plaguing him during their strange game - so all in all, everything was back to normal.
It wasn't like this once in a lifetime happenstance was going to have any long standing repercussions in the future anyways...
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thatanimewriter · 2 years
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➳ request: Ok, so like I see your cute bird x bnha boys and raise you s/o not telling anyone they can turn into a bird and absolutely terrorizing anyone and everyone. Like oh you want to go for a drive? Too bad theres bird shit in a smiley face on the drivers side window. Like amajiki's s/o terrorizing mirio for no reason at all.
➳ character/s: midoriya izuku, bakugou katsuki, todoroki shouto, togata mirio, amajiki tamaki, shinsou hitoshi
➳ warnings: swearing
➳ notes: thank you for the requesttt, i love chaotic s/o’s that are absolute fucking MENACES. as always, reader still has the wings and stuffff but these are mostly discussing the one incident in which they found out
𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐫𝐮𝐥𝐞𝐬 + 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭  
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honestly, he thought you were pretty chill
assumed you were one of the more cute and quaint bird people
but he soon found out this was not true.
he tried to use black ink and a brush to do some arty things
we love a creative boi
and then he comes back to these little bird footprints all over the page with your initials in the bottom corner
but he was so confused
because you’re not a bird??
but he hears you in the bathroom
so he comes in after knocking
and sees you sitting on the edge of the bathtub
aggressively scrubbing your feet of ink
‘that painting was almost finished.’
you didn’t feel bad after he told you that actually
‘i finished it though.’
he couldn’t deny that one
so he kinda just lets you be a pest in bird form
he got you to help out with his quirk book though
he had suspicions 
because if he’s sometimes shitty to you
SURELY you’re the same to him
he was correct
because he left the house for a solid 10 minutes
and he comes back to tons of your feathers on his bed
and you’re nowhere to be found
so he thinks you’ve been fucking kidnapped or something
and is very frantically searching for you
you have giant wings
it shouldn’t be this hard to find you
but then he hears some flapping above his head
and when he looks up
something wet lands on his forehead
pausing for a bit
he reaches up to wipe it off
and sees this bird has shit on his face
and that moment overrode the fact that you can turn into a bird
also very unassuming
he liked playing with your wings
cuddling on the couch
but he tugged on one of your feathers too hard one time
so he went on a walk through the park
saw a bird with the same colours as your wings
held out a finger for it to land on
surprisingly, it does
and he brings it closer to his face
he inspects you for a bit
but is soon met with a bitch slap from the bird’s wing
and some white powdery stuff floats in the air for a bit
he just stares at you
very unimpressed
and then you reached into your wing
picked a feather out
spat it in his face and flew away
he understood after that.
he hoped you were gonna be like this
he needs fun
and he really wanted you to be chaotic for SPICE
he was at a picnic with tamaki and nejire
and a bird that reminded the others of you landed on the edge of the picnic blanket
nejire asked if the bird reminded him of you
he looks at it and the bird makes eye contact with him
and then he fucking says
‘nah, it looks cooler than they would be if they were ever a bird’
which then caused you to fly over to him
shove your head into his pocket to get his house keys
and fly away
when he gets home, he calls you
and is actually cacking himself laughing
tells you the whole story
and then you’re like
‘yeah, laugh it up, bitch. you’re not getting your keys back.’
he ended up stealing them back and had then started a prank war with you
the poor boy
he doesn’t deserve this
but he can admit it’s funny-
he saw you (as a bird) on his windowsill
thought you were just some random bird
and started talking to you
then he goes to pet your head
and the closer his finger gets
the narrower your eyes become
until finally
you bite his finger
and in his attempt to pull his hand away, you’re flapping your wings to tug his finger back
when he stopped trying
you lost your grip
flew too far 
and tumbled out of the window
he paused for a bit and then you came back up, as a human
and he felt really bad for almost killing you via falling out of a window but it’s fine-
he hates you
not really, but he hates you >:((
give the boy a break
he was cuddling with you once
fell asleep
classic shinsou move
and when he woke up
you were poofed
you’d disappeared
he went to sit up and felt weight in his hair
then something yanked it
and then BIT HIS EAR
he swats you off 
grabs you by the torso
glares at this bird because what the fuck
but after he lets you go and you’ve come back as a human, you go
‘damn, that was kinda hot.’
‘get the fuck out-’
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eggopath · 1 month
Messing With Your Partner (1415 words) by Eggopath Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: 3rd Life | Last Life SMP Series Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Martyn Littlewood | InTheLittleWood/Rendog Characters: Rendog (Video Blogging RPF), Martyn Littlewood | InTheLittleWood Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Coffee Shops & Cafés, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Wolf Hybrid Rendog (Video Blogging RPF), Baking, Treebark Week (Video Blogging RPF), Martyn is a little pest Series: Part 3 of Treebark Coffee Shop Au, Part 6 of Eggo's Treebark 2024 :D Summary:
[[Day Six: Picnic/Garden/Strawberries]]
Ren decides to go visit Martyn while they both have the day off. While he wanted to help out, they both ended up messing with each other for the rest of the afternoon. Even when Ren was doing something sweet for Martyn when trying to resolve their shanagains.
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Spring Fever
Request: I wish Steve would take his reader out for a beautiful picnic on a meadow, pamper her, reading to her, giving her soft kisses on her cheek. To sum it up make her feel like a princess or a character out of a Jane Austin book 😌 from anon +"Putting my hands around your neck makes me feel like I'm holding the whole world in my hands." from @oliviahiddleston10
Warnings: this is a dark drabble and will include elements such as noncon, age gap, choking. Not all elements are explicitly flagged, proceed at your own risk.
Note on Sleepover Drabbles: keep in mind that these drabbles may not align with the overall storyline of the Campus AU as they will focus on matching characterisation to given requests.
I would truly appreciate any thoughts and reblogs on these drabbles in spirit of the sleepover. Hope you are having a wonderful weekend and thank you for joining me!
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Spring is long-awaited. A shred of brightness after a long sombre winter. A season of fear and isolation, dimmed by the presence of one man, still a mystery, and ever a menace.
“Who is he?” Flora’s question rings in your ears. You never have an answer for her, you tell her not to worry. She has her own pest, her own tormentor. She’s stronger than you though.
You cross your legs on the blanket as Steve sorts through the open basket of goodies. His favours never come without expense. He will want something from you, not that it’s hard to guess, that his desires ever differ from his stifling suffocation of your will and body.
Everything about you has become his. The dress you wear is one he chose for you. The memory of the dressing room, the quaking anxiety as he waited outside, the humiliation as you emerged, presenting yourself like some prize to him.
Who is he? You know what he is but you still know very little of the man. 
He sets out the plates and the cutlery, you watch him, twiddling your fingers nervously. When’s the last time you sat still? The fidgeting is so habitual you barely even notice. But they do; Flora, Cookie, Muse…
Don’t worry, you tell them, it’s just school. You’re a bad liar.
“What’s the matter, baby?” Steve asks as he unwraps a sandwich and places it on your plate.
“Nothing,” another fib. “It’s so nice out.”
“Pretty, like you,” he’s never short of compliments but they feel rotten. They remind you of how he fooled you, how you feel for his sweet words that first night. And those meaner words that keep you under his thumb.
“Thank you, Stevie,” he likes it when you call him that. Only you. It keeps him calm.
He continues to set out the picnic. You wait patiently, not much of an appetite as you peer around at the budding flowers and inhale the scent of the bloom. 
You wince as he moves towards you. You bite down and keep from cowering as he sits against you, his arm around your back as he clings to you. He’s looking at you, you face him, shy beneath your lashes. You see the lines at the corner of his eyes, the soft curved wrinkle by his lips, the crease in his forehead. He makes you feel small, young, and stupid.
He leans in and his lips meet yours. His hand brushes up the front of your dress and he tickles your throat, the tenderness of bruises thrumming at his touch. He parts as he breathes you out.
"Putting my hands around your neck makes me feel like I'm holding the whole world in my hands,” he frames your throat with the vee of his thumb and index, “do you understand. You are my world.”
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rgr-pop · 6 months
let’s see if we can identify a bug from my memory ??? it was on my work desk so i want to make sure it’s not a library pest
- it looked to me like an outdoor bug for whatever reason like it had “on your arm at a picnic” vibes not “eating your carpet” vibes
- small round body maybe kind of teardrop shaped with a lighter spot, in my memory kind of like a popcorn seed. much smaller than that but long legs and feelers that were very light and had kind of a daddy long legs vibe. including legs maybe just larger than a popcorn seed
- i googled “small round bug long legs” (no good results)
- i went to grab it and it ran away and was very surprisingly fast on its feet
my memory is fading…
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