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Chloe: There was also a whole war about someone who stole someone else's eraser. Also pretty weird. I don't remember being this weird in high school.
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Rich: I wore them until sophomore year, ‘cause I felt self-conscious or whatever the fuck. And even after that shit, I still didn’t wear them for a while. Probably out spite. But Michael helped me with the whole rocking nerdiness thing. Heh- he says I look cute with them.
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Michael: Their names are Jackie and Adrian. Jackie is full of sass. She’s a junior and plays in percussion in the band—she’s always mocking me in class. I have signed her card. Richie definitely doesn’t help with her temper, and vice versa. Adrian’s pretty different though. They’re definitely way quieter around everyone else, but they speak up more around us or their friends. They have a succulent collection in the downstairs bathroom. Hell, they’re just a complete plant nerd and I’m here for it.
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Brooke: Chrissy likes showing her kids in theater. Also Dustin always tells me that cats are better—they haven’t told me to stop sending photos though. So I won’t. >:)
(Note: I’m going to be redrawing the asks I got on Amino since I don’t have any here yet.)
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Character Intro
(Btw, this is kind of a weird mix between my old style and my new style, bc I traced the over and improved the art I did here. I did draw Dustin differently, though. Bc I didn’t really do them [nb hc] justice the first time around)
Note: this will be updated as needed
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-Teaches various areas of science and is pretty much the IT guy
-VERY anxious when it comes to labs
-Just anxious in general
-He gets made fun of a lot, but Brooke (whose class is next door) sticks up for him whenever the kids are being rowdy about it
-Tired all the fucking time
-Likes teaching biology the best
-Always wears a lab coat because he’s a nerd
-Students compare him to Dr. Doof for it
-Is very concerned for the band kids
-Avoids the art and ELA classrooms
-Watches Netflix during breaks
-Drinks coffee black, to which Christine likes to reference TGWDLM every now and then in the morning
-Sometimes will mix energy drinks into it if he needs to be productive
-Definitely not used to being “Mr. Heere,” hence why he insists on Mr. Jeremy
-Doesn’t get along with Dustin
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-So many musical references
-Always wears a locket that her dads gave her for college graduation
-Tries to be nice to but doesn’t like the students who join just for the credits, the ones who clearly have no interest and don’t make much of an effort
-She vents to Michael about this
-Has to talk kids out of buying SQUIPs
-Fiercely defends Jeremy whenever he’s made fun of
-Can and will spontaneously burst into song. Theater kids would probably join in
-A lot more low-key when she’s counseling
-Knows piano
-Has to keep students (and Rich) away from said piano
-Used to be hurt whenever the kids made fun of the way she acted, but she quickly learned to deal with it and move on
-Notorious for good hugs, and will immediately be defended if some guy tries to take advantage of that
-One of the Goranski kids is in theater (they love it), which makes for interesting conversations all around
-Has cried at a few performances
-Has cried at a few actual shows, too, when she was proud of her kids
-Friendly rivals with Michael
-Quietly ships some of her students
-Often has to work with Jake, which she doesn’t mind, really
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-Absolutely will not take ANY shit. Especially regarding homophobia. He has had to hold himself back from beating up idiots, so he doesn’t lose his job. Or his temper
-He’s hard to be taken seriously at first glance, what with his height and nerdy attire
-Has a secret love of physics
-The only decent fucking coach he knows
-Understands that people have different physical capabilities, and actively does activities for the betterment and health of his students
-Takes mental health into consideration
-Has intervened for a few kids who had a rough home life
-Doesn’t segregate activities by gender and instead lets the students pick their own groups (he rounds up and works with the few who don’t have friends)
-Gets taunted over the fact that fire drills scare the shit out of him
-If you quote almost any song by Fall Out Boy, Panic! at the Disco, or Bo Burnham, he will GUARANTEED answer (if there’s not a higher-up nearby)
-Likes playing the Harry Potter theme and Welcome to the Black Parade on the pianos in both the band and theater rooms
-Really fucking scary when he wants to be
-Gets out the  f l o o r  s c o o t e r s  every other Friday and enjoys watching the students be absolute dipshits about them
-At school dances, he likes to show off his ballroom dancing. A lot of kids ask him to teach them, which he does
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-Called “Mr. Michael” by most students because 1) he doesn’t give a shit 2) people confuse him and Rich
-The nerdiest teacher you will ever meet
-Has a lightsaber baton that Rich found online and just had to get. Plus a little Eevee metronome
-Has a daughter in the band; they get into a lot of fake arguments and embarrass each other all too often
-Always asks Jeremy for astronomy trivia, which he then info-dumps onto Rich and Christine
-Is fine with Jake, Dustin, or Brooke jokingly flirting with Rich, but gets uncomfortable and defensive when it’s Chloe
-Suggests mostly meme and video game songs but goes with less modern pieces for bigger performances
-He recognizes almost every meme that the band kids play. Everything from Meglovania, to the Deafault Dance, to Snow Halation, to the PornHub opener. And he vibes with most of it
-Pretty chill but is serious about what he does
-Captain of the Lego robotics team
-Plays trumpet, trombone, and drums for the most part
-Also knows guitar but no there’s no strings in band so he sometimes plays it during robotics meets. Also to serenade Rich or annoy Jeremy
-Has had to shut down multiple SQUIP networks among the students, and keeps a good stock of Mountain Dew Red to be absolutely prepared
-The band goes fucking nuts every time he walks in with hickeys on his neck. He doesn’t bother to hide them. And there’s literally never just one
-Has a wide collection of both chokers and bracelets
-Nerdy shit everywhere in the band room
-Gets to use the science room for robotics and often talks to Jeremy while he’s still there
-Has fanboyed to the students before, about many different things
-Likes to playfully poke fun at Jeremy and Christine in different ways
-Smokes with Dustin when they both catch a break at the same time
-Pride flags in the band room
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-Kind of a klutz but he loves his students
-Subconsciously makes a few kids more comfortable due to his more scattered speech pattern, a lot of uhs and similar placeholders
-Helps Rich out with a few of the athletic teams
-Ends up substituting for Jenna the most
-Another reputable source for hugs
-Very intimidating when he needs to be. And in general, but he’s easy to warm up to
-Almost every jacket he owns has pins and buttons on them
-Gets made fun of or trash talked by students the least. Not only because he’s likable, but, again, intimidating
-Helps around the school as much as he can
-Doesn’t have the best self-control regarding his temper but never lets it out on students. 
-Maybe the arrogant asshats tho
-Big on athletics but isn’t qualified to do anything with that professionally
-Rich is still trying to help him through college alcoholism
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-Honestly kind of a shitty teacher, but she’s nice and always has prizes for good kids
-Pretty much teaches for a few minutes, leaves the work for her students, and then retreats to her desk to scroll through her phone and drink Starbucks
-Scopes out students’ social media accounts for drama but never likes/comments (she knows better)
-Ships some students but isn’t the most subtle about it
-Talks to Christine about it
-Sorta just there for the paycheck. Plus her high school buddies are there so why not
-Helps Chloe grade essays
-Writes in her free time
-Extremely good at arguing/debate but usually doesn’t with people like Chloe or Brooke
-Info-dumps theories and story ideas to Jeremy and Brooke
-Goes to the Goranskis for health advice
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-Has essential oils and candles around her class
-Almost always as her hair in a bun, but she lets it out typically at the end of the day or at home
-Airdrops dog pictures to people when they look like they’re having a bad day, including teachers (at the beginning of the year, she asks everyone in a survey if they’re okay with it. some people aren’t big on the dogs, though. so she has folders for cats, turtles, mice, etc. She sends frogs to Dustin, for example)
-Has the best candy out of all the teachers (which Michael ends up stealing), plus alternatives for those who don’t like candy
-Has a bird in her classroom. It’s not hers though. It’s Rich’s
-Fucking loves using dry erase markers
-Semi-chill, semi-not. Can be petty at times
-Gets rumors and drama about the students from Jenna
-Keeps an eye on the kids that stay in the shadows and tries to talk to them
-Always has good food for lunch, and will occasionally share with her students
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-Definitely the hot teacher. She’s been asked about “extra credit” numerous times. Will go off on any students who do ask
-Gets really pissed when someone’s being stubborn
-Has made some kids cry for various reasons
-Her lipstick and nail polish colors are literally a mystery because she refuses to say. And high schoolers being high schoolers, they turn it into a big theory
-Tries to be nice but sometimes, she’s just fucking done with the world and needs to be a drama queen
-Vents about a lot of pointless stuff to Dustin, who doesn’t really listen too intently to what she says
-Unironically uses a Hydroflask and gets made fun of for it
-Hates the kids that are like “uM AcTuAlLy” while she’s teaching
-Kind of a flirt (with adults)
-Has some outfits that are questionable regarding the dress code
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-High half of the time
-Best with acrylics and metalworking; can’t use clay to save their life
-Definitely makes more abstract pieces
-Super chill
-Although picky about it, they do deal weed to some students. Nothing more though (they care about the safety of their students)
-They’re happy for Christine and Jeremy but doesn’t exactly like Jeremy. They doesn’t say anything, though. Because their cousin is happy and all
-Likes checking out the graffiti around the school
-Involved in multiple pranks
-Jokingly argues with Michael and Christine about visual arts vs. performing arts
-Thinks Rich and Jake are hot but doesn’t say anything genuine, other than jokingly flirting
-Likes drawing sea creatures the best
-Loves cats and frogs
-Listens to the Misfits podcast during class, when everyone’s working
-The Heeres’ adopted kid (to be clear, the Goranskis also adopted, but that should be a given), Brie, kid is in their class. She calls them Oggy (non-binary alternative to uncle/aunt) Dust, though they’re not really Christine’s sibling
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