#scary insects
littlepawz · 1 year
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Spring is here and summer is fast approaching with lovely flowers and some scary 6-legged creatures to make your life more interesting. Here is a look  at the ‘yellow stripey things’ to know which ones to guard against. 
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lunasloveisgood · 1 month
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Euspinolia militaris - a wingless wasp, it has sometimes been referred to by the name panda ant.
via wikipedia
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roobiedo · 2 months
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Made this for the Solarpunk Aesthetic Week server in a sudden creative fever, so I guess I'll post it here too hh
A relative of mine knows someone who teaches kids, so I'm gonna suggest this as an art project for them! The idea is that students could each make/decorate their own shelf, then put them together to form a hive, which could function as mini lockers in their classrooms. Then, by the end of the school year or something, they could either take their own little shelf home (or exchange them with their peers?), or recycle them into materials for the next class! Hopefully it'll teach them about pollinators too 🐝
Idk how doable this project is really, and its scary to imagine one of my silly designs could actually become something tangible irl. But even so, I'm still excited to try 🥰 (And if anyone else attempts this too, please let me know!!!)
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skulllesbian · 2 months
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went to my uni's biology department for the first time yesterday and im soooo in love
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king-crawler · 18 days
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Behold unfinished king candybug side profile sketch
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sonyshock · 3 months
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Do you ever just- Social media  + Commissions  + PAPERCUT
Posted using PostyBirb
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lunarin64art · 11 months
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✨🌱🌷~They Have Lice~🌷🌱✨
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geosesarma · 11 months
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Flies love to pose Mydas clavatus and Stichopogon trifasciatus, an enormous, wasp-mimicking mydid and a tiny, lithe robberfly Middlesex/Monmouth County, NJ, 07/23
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tootditoot · 23 hours
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Can't find a magnifying glass to look at insects yet. I did have a moth fly directly at my face tho
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lodium · 22 days
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I need to confess that actually I'm a bit afraid of real mantises. And this is based on how I've encountered just the one in my life with which I was fighting for the balcony and which turned out to be smarter than I thought. They're cool but also I didn't want to hurt it accidentally or get it flying into my face
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bawlawr · 1 year
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something something bugs when you lift up a rock.
going forward I might start adding pupils to my bug designs cause some expressions just aren't the same without them. In universe though, they just have normal compound eyes
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The spooky atmosphere of
The Abominable Dr. Phibes (1971) dir. Robert Fuest
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futurebird · 2 years
The fly that tricks ants and who never grows up.
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Imagine you run a nursery. You & your sisters care for many helpless babies. One day you notice a baby is... different. It never grows up. It's not a baby ant! It's an adult phorid fly! A fly without legs, or wings! Can you spot the fake? Can you spot the fake? (Image source)
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This ant is not carrying a larvae but one of the phorid flies. She found it and is taking it to the nursery where it "belongs" We don't know the whole life cycle of this sneaky parasitic insect yet. It was only discovered in 1995 and there is much more research to be done!
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Vestigipoda sp. trick army ants into taking care of them.
I cannot stress how WIERD it is that an *adult* fly is totally immobile & looks like a larvae of another species. (army ants in this case)
Under a microscope you can see the fly-like features of Vestigipoda's face. Incredible becoming totally "helpless" is such an effective adaptation. I really want to know what the entire life cycle is like. How do they mate? What are they like when they are maggots? Are they disappointed to be a maggot and pupate only to be a larvae?
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(Listen, creepy fly... at least you don't need to do anything to find food. The ants clean you and take care of everything. )
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geekygoo · 2 months
WISH! (Not the Disney film...)
I guess it's about time I introduced you to a little someone...
This is Wish, my Don't Starve Together OC!
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"The Fragile"
Master of disguise
Drawn to music
Can eat monster meat
Is her own tool, but cracks under pressure
At one point in time, Wish resided in Hamlet, where she was meticulously crafted by the Mants as the centerpiece of a giant music box-- a peace offering to the Pigs. The queen cherished this doll so much that, on a particularly ethereal night, she wished the mantis would come to life and dance with her. However, her wish would be granted at the worst of times; the ballerina gained consciousness in the ballroom, where she was met first with loud music and cheerful faces and then with equal parts amazement and terror as she freed herself from the confines of her stand. All this immediate overstimulation led to her fleeing the Palace. One stumble over the edge of Hamlet later, and she landed in the Constant, where she lies now, learning about the joys of nature and being alive-- beyond being able to consume bugs.
Fun facts:
Wish's favorite food is monster lasagna.
Her voice sounds like a glockenspiel in a higher octave.
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irbcallmefynn · 7 months
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Waughh this bedpost is also an ART!
Had this idea right after getting out of the shower and I knew I needed to draw it. Have a funky bug that turns you into a pooltoy! x3
Tried to be at least a little realistic with how it works, but also I don't know how anything works so this is probably insane. But that's fine because a beetle that turns you into a pooltoy is insane to begin with.
Look my vocabulary is needlessly large and I like using big words so any chance to use extravagant wording will be seized.
Transcript under cut because it's probably too long for alt text
Pool Beetle (Piscīna mordere) Often found in dark, warm areas by bodies of water. Pool sheds and Pool chests are common nesting spots. They are territorial, and will bite if disturbed. Their bite, if not treated within a few hours, will eventually lead to the growth of a hard, white tumor. Often described as "reminiscent of a pooltoy valve". A Pool Beetle infection site will spread outward over several days. Infected skin will acquire a rubbery texture, and often take on a bright color. Scientists are unsure of the purpose of this. Perhaps to serve as a warning to others of the victim's species. Other symptoms of Pool Beetle infections include feelings of lightheadedness, loss of appetite, lockjaw, loss of mobility, hydrophilia, and (in rare cases), protrusions resembling animal-like features. These include tails, horns, snouts, wings, and prominent ears. Though the symptoms are not inherently fatal, should they go untreated for approximately 30 days, further symptoms are likely to develop. These symptoms include loss of cognitive function, loss of bone muscle and fat density, and loss of vocalization. For all intents and purposes, the victim is rendered near identical to the common inflatable pooltoy. Scientists are still debating the evolutionary advantage to the Pool Beetle's defense. If you suspect you have been bit by a Pool Beetle, don't wait. Contact your local hospital immediately!
This informational flyer is brought to you by Squeak Quarentine Unit EPSILON ALTO K
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