#phew this was a lot to type and think about
seikatsu-ga-tsuzuku · 5 months
Do you mind if I ask your top 10 favorite characters (can be male or female) from all of the media that you loved (can be anime/manga, books, movies or tv series)? And why do you love them? Sorry if you've answered this question before.....Thanks...
This is gonna be very hard to decide but I'll try my best. Gonna stick this under a Read More 'cause this shit boutta be long as hell:
1) Neku Sakuraba from The World Ends With You
He's the main character of the story that changed my life. He was very relatable to me at the time I first consumed TWEWY over a decade ago, and even now I still have a lot in common with him. Neku is very important to me because taught me a lot and impacted me in a way that I feel like I'd be a completely different person had I never encountered TWEWY during those formative years.
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2) Kakashi Hatake from Naruto
I don't have some profound reason for Kakashi like I did Neku. But I think he was the very first character I ever became obsessed with or cared about deeper than just liking them because I liked the media they were in. And realistically, what's not to like about him.
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(From here onward the accuracy of the list may dwindle because of the sheer amount of media I've consumed. I'll probably forget someone or important or simply be unable to decide, so take who I choose with a pinch of salt, especially in order. I have many faves and I am only certain about Neku and Kakashi's places on this list).
3) Sophie Hatter from Howl's Moving Castle
Because HMC is my favorite Ghibli movie I may be biased, but I always looked up to Sophie due to her strength and capacity to love free of judgments and despite any ugliness, inside or out. She's pretty, kind, brave, and tough, all the things I wanted to grow up to be as a kid when I first saw HMC.
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4) Shizuku from Whisper of the Heart
Shizuku is one of my favorites for a more specific and personal reason; because we're both writers. I see in her a lot of myself when I was younger and even now. Having the desire to write something you can be proud of and satisfied with, to the point of being hard on yourself and emotional when you fall short of your own expectations. She's a complicated ball of emotions, but she's got tenacity and a love for whimsy that she puts into her writing. I just find her relatable and lovable.
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5) Haruki Nakayama from Given
I just feel a spiritual connection to Haruki. We're kindred spirits, in the way we act, think, view ourselves. How we experience love and the relationship we have to our craft. He really is just like me fr.
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6) The Chocobros from FFXV
Nooow I know this is cheating by including all of them, pero like... Do not separate! No but realistically, I can't choose one of them over the other because I love them all for different reasons, but I'd also be remiss to not add any of them to this list. They all had such an impact on my life, brought me joy during a particularly dark time, and their friendship and bond is something I envy and seek to have for myself someday.
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7) Kotetsu T. Kaburagi from Tiger & Bunny
Would y'all crucify me if I said he's my favorite superhero across all media? I mean it honestly. Kotetsu is the embodiment of what a hero should be, his attitude, morals, and passion for helping others. He's like the perfect protag to me. He gets bonus points for being a goofy dorky single dad who's tryng his best, and is also hot.
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8) Shigeo Kageyama from Mob Psycho 100
Do I even need to explain this one. Mob taught me so much about being kind and forgiving to not only others but yourself. Not many pieces of media have touched me in a way that MP100 has, and Mob fits into a lot of my favorite protag tropes. He's just a simple, sweet darling boy and he's so cherished and important to me.
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9) Yona from Akatsuki no Yona
One of the female protagonists of all time. I love her for many of the same reasons I love Sophie, but she's just 10x more cool. As Spike Spiegel once said, I love a woman who can kick my ass.
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10) My OC Seth Manolis
Now I realize this may be cheating but I couldn't decide on the last character, and I'd argue he technically counts according to your criteria, because he's the protag of two novels I wrote myself. I created Seth when I was 14, writing little "journal entries" about his life on Deviantart back in the day to cope with me starting high school, but over the years his story has evolved into something serious and now I'm writing a whole trilogy about him (on the third book now). He's very important to me because writing his story has got me through a lot in my life, and I put so many pieces of myself into him, although not exactly a self-insert. I can go on all day about Seth, but just know he's my special little blorbo who I don't know what I would've done without. (Art is commissioned from @/bumblevip on IG.)
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💬 and🧁for the beloved Rowan!!! -[Wayfinderships]
He's my favorite kiddo and as I'm sure you've seen through all my long ass f.f13 s/I writings, he has the most lore too! He's my little star <3
💬: what was your child's first word? was it a nickname for you or your f/o or something entirely different?
Rowan's first word was, unsurprisingly, "mama"
Rowan's father was never in the equation. His mom raised him by herself, which is why they're so close. He's an adult (plus 500 years) by the time he meets his father and doesn't feel very connected to him. His mom was the person in his life that was always there and he adores her with all he is.
(Then again, even when he does meet his father after his father comes back to life, it takes him a LONG time to actually refer to him as Dad. He just calls him by name. This man was never around and his mom didn't speak of him too often, so why should he even call him dad, even if they do look so similar?)
So Rowan's first word was him calling out to his mom, the person he values most in his life. Ash had Rowan while in a state of grieving. Her fiancé was dead, so was her best friend, her home planet was gone, everything she knew was gone, and she was all alone. As shown by her journal entries by that time, she wasn't really in a great mental state. I don't think it would be an understatement to say that Rowan is the very reason why she's alive.
Ash had a lot of support during that time, but it wasn't easy. Still, she knew that this kid deserved a decent parent, so she tried her best, even if during that time she was just a shell of who she used to be. We only see her like this in the second novel (Snow comments that the only time he saw her smile was around Rowan).
But in the game? 20 year timeskip, babyyy! That's why Rowan is 19 and Ash is 47. Thank you for giving us a good milf, f.inal f.antasy! The Ash as we know her in-game is kind and sweet, responsible and patient. She kind of becomes everybody's mom.
This goes especially for Noel! A lonely kid who Rowan hates initially. Rowan may or not catch feelings for Noel eventually, but Ash is the mom Noel never had. She is everyone's mom now!
🧁: what's your child's favorite thing in the world? what's their least favorite thing?
As for favorite, it's probably his mom- They're just so close! But if we're talking actual objects, probably oranges or his sword. This kid really likes eating oranges for some reason. I don't like him but he loves them! At least they're good for him? Little Rowan would always ask Mr. Snow to peel his oranges for him and even when Rowan is all grown up and fighting in Yusnaan, Snow still teases and asks if he needs help.
Rowan's sword is very special to him. He grew up around Cocoon soldiers (and his mom, who despise not being a soldier, was very important in the military) so a lot of what he uses to fight is similar to what we see in the first game. His main blade is a modified and simple version of Lightning's first sword. It's pretty much the same thing, but there's no gun aspect to it.
Rowan can shoot fireballs out of his hands, so he thought having a gun would be a little bit unnecessary. Still, his sword reminds him of the people around him and he loves it. He's a very skilled fighter (I mean, of course he is, he grew up surrounded by wild monsters) and his sword has been his best friend through it all!
(When he was younger, the soldiers gave him a gun so he could be like him, but Rowan rejected it, saying that he wanted a sword! Looks like he really is like his dad, huh? Still, Ash freaks out the moment she sees her little kid with a giant weapon! The others get a scolding that day.)
(But also, considering who Ash is and how she's a pretty important person in the lore, she kinda.. you know... invented and wrote most modern-day magic theory? So having who might just be the best mage of their time as a mom means Rowan is really good. A lot of it is just him having inherited her natural affinity for magic, but she also taught him a lot. Ash chuckles and reassures Rowan that it's a long process and it took her weeks to even generate a spark!
... Rowan has fire in his hand in a matter of minutes as a mere child. Fun times.)
Rowan loves his family and the people around him. He fights for them!
... and because it's fun.
As for things he hates, he hates plenty of things! Just like both his mom AND his dad :D!
The obvious answer here would be Noel. He cannot stand Noel. From the moment they meet, they are at odds. They're about the same age, two sword boys, Rowan thinks Noel is an annoying stuck-up hero type (at least Snow is actually cool about it!) and Noel thinks Rowan is a pathetic mama's boy!
However, after a LOT of arguing, they become close friends. Rowan is pretty important in Noel's quest in 13-3. Thing is... Rowan caught feelings along the way. There's AUs where Noel feels the same, AUs where they don't. When they do get together, though, it's at the end of the last game. Making out in a cathedral as the world is literally ending... Pretty romantic, huh?
Rowan also has a bit of a hatred for gods. His mom is Ash, what did you expect? The 13 games are about saying fuck you! to higher power anyway, but his mom is one of the greatest researchers around. Rowan is, at his core, a kid of science. He sees what the gods are doing in 13-3 and he's just so, so upset about it. He thinks it's messed up and honestly hates the state of the world.
He also jokes and says that a plus side of time not moving anymore is that he doesn't have to worry about trimming his bangs-
His journals aren't quite as long and flowery as his mom's (he swears like the soldiers he was raised around, and he also has his mom for a mom, so... yeah.) But I think Rowan is most interesting in the third game since it really solidifies his character arc and it gives him reasons to fight. We see him having fun, but we also see him kicking ass and deciding to take matters into his own hands and spend the last days on this earth the way he wants them to be.
Though he is pretty shaken up at first.
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(A line that Ash repeats time and time again throughout the games is "i hate it when I don't know."
She feels like she has to know everything. That's why she became a researcher in the first place. Her thirst for knowledge is so strong, and Rowan says that iconic line too.)
But most of all, Rowan just hates people who try to take his freedom away. He grew up around open fields, luscious grass, wild animals, huge cliffs... He likes feeling like he can do whatever he wants and can have fun doing it. His dreamworld is extremely simple.
(You'll notice that his dad is there. He doesn't care about his father, but he knows that his mom still loves him. Rowan puts her happiness above his own)
Rowan just wants to have fun with his friends and he wants to beat up whoever tries to stop him. It's as simple as that.
Okay I think that's all I've got for this
But also! I've never really talked about Rowan on this blog!
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He looks like this! Here's the picrew
He has his father's silver hair and Ash's big, brown eyes. The glasses are purely a fashion choice and he doesn't wear them much in the actual game. His side profile resembles his father a lot and he has his strong and sharp features, but he has Ash's smile. Ash has commented that she once tried to count his freckles, but got lost since there were so many.
Pretty cute kid if I do say so myself! (I'm very biased you see)
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jeannineee · 7 months
jeannine i NEED a “what it would be like to date them” with your aot faves 😍😍😍😍
Dating the Attack on Titan Men
author's notes: just some headcanons!! divider credit to @/cafekitsune. ty @cassiefromhell for the help w your man levi. requests are open <3
warnings: includes sfw AND nsfw so minors DNI. slight modern!au vibes at some points?
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Eren Jaeger
It likely goes without saying, but Eren is very protective over you. You are his number one priority, always.
Definitely the jealous type, sometimes to a fault. He knows you can handle your own, but his own insecurity will have him pulling you into his arms, not-so-subtly glaring at whomever you were speaking with until they get the hint.
Steals your hair ties for his own hair. Will also deny stealing said hair ties.
Very physically affectionate. Literally always touching you, be it a hand on your knee, an arm draped around your shoulders.
Since we're on the topic of physical touch being his love language, Eren is v clingy as a result. He's almost always with you, and when he's not, he's regularly checking in on you.
Dirty talk is on a different level. This man is sooo vocal. Tons of praise, with a tiny hint of degradation. ABSOLUTELY talks you through it.
"So good for me, baby. Just like that." "Gonna cum for me? Yeah, that's it." PHEW
Prefers to be dominant. Even if you're riding him, he's still controlling the pace. He loves the glazed-over look in your eyes; the way you go pliant for him.
Tends to be more on the rough side. Lots of biting and marking. Definitely holds your hips and thighs tight enough to bruise.
veryyyyy teasing and unfair. will absolutely edge you till you're crying, and then overstimulate you till you can't think.
he'll let you get your revenge, though, occasionally.
very doting and attentive when it comes to aftercare; a full 180 compared to the way he manhandled you only minutes before.
Jean Kirstein
this man is absolutely whipped for you. has no problem admitting it, either.
he is your number one hypeman. always tells you how much he loves you, how beautiful you are, how pretty your outfit is. he's annoyed your friends about it, too--he just doesn't shut the fuck up about you.
he looooves when you use petnames for him. Babe, baby, honey, sweetheart. He doesn't care. He's a sucker for all of it.
is definitely the type to speak up if you're too shy to do so. waiter put your order in wrong? he's asking them to fix it. someone made a snarky comment at the bar? it'll be their last.
he definitely needs reassurance that you love and want him. he is more insecure than he lets on.
say it with me: pleasure dom.
"just one more, baby. you can do it." and it is never just one more.
praise KING. "such a good girl." "taking me so well." " you look so pretty on your knees for me."
not much of a tease, simply because he can't deny you. the moment you give him those puppy eyes, or a breathy "please" falls from your lips? he's done for.
overstimulation is one of his favorite things. he'll draw orgasm after orgasm from you until you're utterly spent. you're exhausted every time but his aftercare is the best.
LOVES eating you out. Will use any excuse to do so. He'll hold your hands too, if only to keep you from yanking on his hair. (Not that he minds.)
Levi Ackerman
i personally think his love language is acts of service. Levi isn't very touchy. Nor is he the best with words. Instead, he shows his love by doing things for you. Cooking, cleaning, doing anything to help take the weight off of your shoulders.
Also remembers the tiniest details about you. How you like your coffee or tea. Your nighttime ritual to help you sleep. He'll remember the shirt you couldn't take your eyes off of at the store, and then it's suddenly on your bed a few days later.
Levi tends be a worrywart. It's subtle, though. Reprimanding you for forgetting to lock your car. Reminding you to drink water because he doesn't want you to get a headache. Scolding you when you skip breakfast.
Isn't very into PDA. If you're someone who needs touch, he'll at least hold your hand, or keep his hand on the small of your back as the two of you walk.
remember how i said levi memorizes the little things about you? this translates into the bedroom. when the two of you start having sex, he will learn everything that makes you tick.
not much of a talker. groans a lot, but will bury his face in the crook of your neck to try and stifle it.
isn't all that into degradation, but will definitely humiliate you.
"making such a mess, and i've barely touched you." "gonna cum already? that's too bad." "so needy for me, aren't you?"
rough sex when he's jealous or angry? me thinks yes.
gives the best aftercare. will give you a massage and a warm bath. cuddles you till you fall asleep.
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bitterpotionn · 9 months
Johnny Slaughter - Dirt Road
Phew, okay my first ever x reader...ever! I've been so obsessed with Johnny that I had to add my own take on his character. Bear with me, I normally don't do this type of writing. However, I hope to continue to improve. Any feedback or constructive criticism is welcome!
This idea randomly popped into my head and I'm not even sure how to characterize it. A night with Johnny pulled over on the side of an old country road. I experimented with a more hesitant, nervous reader. Again, this is all new to me.
Warnings- Dub-con, unsafe sex, semi-public sex, Johnny's mean, nervous/unsure reader, cunnilingus, focuses more on the reader's inner thoughts, unhealthy dynamics, light slapping, a lot of neck grabbing, Johnny is a litterbug, smoking, name-calling
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Red, orange, and yellow streaked across the sky as the sun set deep into the flat horizon. The dirt road he drove down kicked up dust that swirled in circles, disappearing behind them just as quickly.
She laid her head against the seatbelt dispenser, looking out of the rolled-down window. His old white truck hummed as they drove farther and farther out of town. She counted each passing house, fantasizing about the lives of the people who lived in them. What did they do? How many people live there? Do they have kids? What-
"Darlin'" a deep voice cut through her hazy thoughts.
She turned her head to the man driving the old white truck. His right hand was gripping the steering wheel with a bit too much force, while his left lay loosely on top of the stick shift. He was smirking, like usual. He reminded her of a wolf like he could eat her up at any second.
"Are you alright?" his accent thick, the words lazily slipped from his lips.
"Yeah…I was just thinking" she said, turning back to the open window. Allowing the cool wind to hit her face.
He frowned once she looked away, rolling his eyes a bit. His left hand moved from the shift to her thigh, giving it a firm squeeze.
She didn't look at him after that, getting lost again in her wishful thinking. Counting each house one by one by one.
She gasped slightly opening her eyes, the sky was dark and she could hear the crickets and frogs chirping. She must have fallen asleep. They were stopped on the side of the road. She could only see vast fields that stopped at the dark tree line. The only light was from the moon and the dull headlights of the truck.
She turned toward the driver's seat. He was out of the car, leaning against the closed driver-side door.
"Johnny…" she said quietly. She knew he couldn't hear her, she almost didn't want him to. But nonetheless, she opened the passenger side door and walked around the truck to stand next to him. He was smoking a cigarette, Marlboro Reds, his favorite.
"What are you doin? Why'd we stop?" she asked looking up at him. He was so tall, that sometimes she felt like she had to crane her neck just to look into his eyes.
He looked down at her and smirked. "Just stopped for a smoke. Got tired of drivin'" he said, grabbing her waist to pull her into his side. He blew the smoke in her direction.
Coughing, she nuzzled into his side, shielding her face from the smoke. She always hated the smell of cigarettes. Recently, though, they were almost a comforting smell. It clung to her clothes, hair, skin, a small reminder of him.
He leaned against his truck, his head tilted up towards the sky. He stared at the stars, expressionless.
"So…how far are we from your family's house?" she asked, breaking the steady silence, craning her head up to look at his face. She held the hand that was gripping her waist, rubbing small circles into his rough skin.
He hesitated. Something he never does, she even took notice. After a long pause, he grunted. "I dunno, maybe another day's drive?"
She didn't pry after that, she didn't want to make him upset. His family was seemingly a very touchy subject, despite him bringing up the idea of taking her there to meet them.
After a while, he threw the butt of his cigarette on the ground stepping on it. He looked down at her, she was still nestled into his side, her eyes now closed.
He chuckled a bit and grabbed her waist leaning her against the driver's side door. Her eyes flew open. "Now hun, I don't think it's fair I'm drivin' all this way and you get to sleep" He hummed out, leaving a trail of kisses down her neck.
"H-hey! I offered to drive you said no" she pouted, wrapping her arms around his waist, pulling him closer to her.
"I can't trust you driving my truck." He scoffed looking down at her. He moved his finger under her chin, pushing it up so she was staring directly at him. "You're just a dumb little girl huh?" He chuckled. A wolf smirk adorned his lips. His words were always laced with degradation. Like he got off on hurting her feelings.
She gave him a pout and stared at him. She was always starstruck at his sharp features. So classically handsome. He reminded her of James Dean. She loved watching those old movies with her dad back home. What was her dad up to? She made a mental note to call him once they arrived at Johnny's home.
He must have noticed her drifting off, he gave her cheek a rough pat. "Focus darlin', I'm not done with you just yet." His hand drifted under her white tank top, his hands stopped just below her breasts.
"Jo-Johnny…" she stuttered out, shivering from his cold hands. "N-not here… It's dark. What if someone sees…" her voice was laced with nervousness.
He scoffed and pulled his hands away. "You're no fun. C'mon…we can go back in the truck, no one will see I promise" He opened the door and lifted her into the truck, so she was sitting with her legs dangling off the seat, facing the outside. His hands were on either side of her, caging her in. She was now looking down at him.
She bit down on her lip slightly, nervous playing with her hands in her lap. She looked into the darkness behind him. Nothing but a cornfield.
He scoffed a bit and played with the buttons of her shorts. "How bout this…" he stopped, smirking up at her before he continued "I'll be a gentleman and help you out first huh?" his calloused hands yanked down her shorts, his arms hooking underneath her knees pulling her closer to him.
She gasped a bit and grabbed onto his shoulders for support. Her eyes were blown wide, and she frantically looked around, worried about someone seeing her in such a vulnerable position.
He grins widely at her nervous state. "You're too cute" he said mockingly as he leaned down, kissing the inside of her thighs. His hand traveled up to her soaking cunt. He gave it a firm slap before looking up at her face.
Her eyes screwed shut as she began breathing heavily. She felt a warm pulsing in her lower belly. "Now look at that…" Johnny gave a low whistle looking at her wet cunt. "Soakin' wet and I barely even touched you" his words were harsh and mocking. He gave her a long lick up her weeping slit.
She gasped, her back arching into him. "F-fuck…m-more…" she whined out, her hands finding their way into his thick hair. His eyes narrowed and he looked up at her pulling away. He grabbed her neck and glared at her, first warning. "Is that any way to ask me, hun?" He smirked at her "Beg nicely, slut"
"J-Johnny please…" her words trailed off, her eyes tearing up in embarrassment, She felt his grip tighten around her neck. "Please! Please…I'll be good!" He hummed slightly, seemingly satisfied with her half-attempt at begging. He began licking and sucking on her swollen clit. Keeping her steady by gripping her thighs.
She cried out as his tongue traveled into her. Her eyes shifted down to him, his face buried in between her thighs, his eyes shut as he worked her. He was eating her with such force. He hummed a bit as he plunged his tongue deeper into her, creating a vibration that made her shake.
He looked up at her, her eyes were shut again. He reached a hand up and grabbed her throat, all while his face was buried in her cunt. Her eyes shot open. She noticed his glare and her breathing hitched. Second warning. "Eyes on me" he said, his voice muffled.
His frantic sucking and licking continued once her eyes were fully locked on him. He reached his hand down and slipped two fingers into her. He curled them up into her rapidly. She felt a blazing sensation in her lower stomach, and her legs began to shake at the sudden entrance. "I…I'm gonna cum!" she moaned out loudly and flew a hand over her mouth in an attempt to quiet her moans. He let out a muffled chuckle as he felt her come undone in his mouth.
He slowly pulled back. His mouth and chin glistened from her arousal. She stared at him and let out a breathy laugh, her eyes hazy and unfocused. He looked so handsome like that. He stared back at her and grabbed her neck, pulling her in for a rough kiss. She could taste herself on his tongue.
He broke the kiss and gripped her chin "What do you say darlin'" His smirk was wide. "Thank you" she breathed out, laying back, trying to catch her breath.
Johnny grabbed her waist and set her back into the passenger seat. He climbed into the truck and shut the door. She panted and laid against the window staring up at the stars. Her mind felt misty.
Johnny stared at her and rubbed the bulge in his tight jeans. He hardly ever worried about just her pleasure. He always needed something in return. He grabbed her thigh "Aren't you forgettin' something doll?" he said leaning back, his hand fiddling with his belt, trying to undo it. She stared out the window, ignoring him. She couldn't look away from the millions of stars lighting up the night sky.
He scoffed a bit and grabbed her neck, yanking her towards him, into his lap. "I'm gettin' tired of you not listenin' to me" he growled out pulling out his throbbing cock, final warning. He set her in his lap and glared at her. She gasped, staring at him, her eyes wide with fear. "I'm…I'm sorry-"
"Show me that you're sorry" he stroked himself a couple of times before easing her down on his cock. Her eyes widened at the feeling of him filling her so suddenly. He didn't let her adjust, he just began thrusting up into her, while gripping her neck. Keeping her in place.
She held onto his shoulders, her head kept hitting the top of the truck as he thrust into her. She whined out and tried to move her head into the crook of his neck but he stopped her. "Nooo you're gonna look at me while I fuck you, slut" he snapped pushing her head back.
Her head hit the roof, over and over again. Each thrust burned. She stared at him, his eyes were so dark, she could barely even see him due to the darkness of the surrounding country road. She knew he was smirking, getting off on her discomfort. She was lucky he even decided to pleasure her first, she should be grateful, right?
“Fuckkk” he groaned out lowly as he continued his brutal thrusts into her. “You’re my good girl huh?” His hands traveled to her face, pulling her down to kiss him roughly. She whined a bit at this but kissed him back anyway. The stretch of his cock was becoming too much to bear. She prayed he would finish soon.
She found herself focusing on the scar that ran down his face, subtle but there. It was a way she feigned eye contact with him, she found that keeping unbreaking eye contact with him was almost impossible. His thrusts became jagged and sloppy. A small moan escaped his lips that he quickly covered with a loud chuckle. “I’m gonna fill you up real good darlin’”
Despite the intense burning, she felt herself coming close to the edge as well. She was able to sneak down a hand to rub her clit, Johnny was too worried about himself to stimulate her like that. “Please…please…” she begged, tears streaming down her face. She didn’t know if she was begging to finish or for him to stop.
With a loud groan, Johnny thrust back up into her one more time, releasing his hot load deep inside her sore cunt. She let out a loud moan as she came undone as well, shivering at the feeling of him filling her up. She collapsed into his chest, the top of her head aching.
He let out a laugh before setting her beside him, he cleaned himself off with some napkins from the glove department, tossing them carelessly out the window.
She shook as she looked out the window again, looking up at the stars again. 1…2…3… she counted, trying to distract herself from the sickly feeling of his cum dripping out of her. Without another word from him, she felt the soft rumble of the truck as he started it back up. Continuing, farther and farther out of town.
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shadowdaddies · 8 months
what do you think about cassian with a mate that used to get bullied before they met, And one day they’re at ritas and she sees her old bullies and she freezes up. He notices and reader explains what happened, her bullies walk up to reader and act all friendly bc of cassian, they wanna be in the army or something so they act nice but cassian beats them up instead, and takes her home UGHH THE ANGSTT AND COMFORT AND FLUFF👀🤍
Phew, I have a few angst requests in the works that I've needed some time to get in the right headspace to write. Thank you anon for sending in this ask, please enjoy Cassian being both therapist and mama bear
Cassian x Reader (angst to comfort/fluff)
Warnings: implied violence, mentions of bullying, lil bit of suggestiveness
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You were resting your head on Cassian’s shoulder, holding onto his bicep with one hand while sipping on your drink with the other. You had your eyes closed as you enjoyed the music at Rita’s, basking in the peace of the evening you were spending with Cassian. You recognized the band starting to play a song you loved, and you began singing along. As you opened your eyes to turn to Cassian who was also singing along, your heart dropped into your stomach. 
You froze, fight or flight mode taking over as you saw two familiar faces you’d prayed to the Mother you’d never see again, over by the bar. You quickly turned away, looking towards the ground as your shoulders curled inward. Cassian immediately caught on that something was wrong, gently rubbing your arm as he asked, “honey, what is going on? Are you alright?” You couldn’t help your reaction to his touch, instinctively shaking him off as the room felt like it was closing in on you. You couldn’t breathe as you started sweating, unable to lift your gaze from your shoes. You struggled to whisper to him, “I can’t be here. I need to go outside now,” before standing up and bolting out the door, Cassian following right behind you. 
Once you got outside in the fresh air, you felt like you could breathe again. Pacing back and forth, you racked your brain for what you must have done in another lifetime to deserve seeing those two males here, in a place that was supposed to be a refuge for you. Cassian watched you, wide-eyed, as he observed this side of you he had never seen before. He didn’t want to touch you without your permission after how spooked you were in Rita’s, so he cautiously whispered, “angel, is there anything I can do?”
Cassian’s uncharacteristically timid question was enough to snap you out of your thought spiral, as you couldn’t help but giggle seeing the feared Lord of Bloodshed shifting on his feet as he tried to determine the best way to support you. Your heart softened as you took in the concerned expression on his face. You held his hands in yours as you took a deep breath, and tried your best to explain what was happening. “Those two males who arrived at the bar right before we left, they bullied me for a lot of my childhood. They are the reason for so many of my insecurities, Cass, and I thought I had moved past it. But seeing them in there... It brought all of those emotions back. I haven’t gotten any better. They still have power over me and I hate it.” All of your pent-up emotions poured out of you as the tears again threatened to spill. 
Cassian took one of his hands from yours and brought it to cup your cheek. He looked into your eyes, and spoke with an unquestionable certainty, “You are beautiful. You are kind. You are loved. You are the most incredible person I have met in my life, and I can assure you that whatever problem they may have or had with you, came from their own faults and insecurities. Those males are not the type of people whose opinions we should value. Do you truly care what they think of you?”
You were taken aback by the question. You never considered if you even cared what they thought about you, and you felt the burden lift off your chest as you realized that you didn’t care. Why should you care what such hateful people think? You wouldn’t care about their opinions on anything else, so why about yourself? You shook your head as you took a deep breath. “No Cass, you’re right. I am above them.” Cassian smiled, “it’s normal to still be hurt by what they did. But you have grown, and continued to be kind, and that is how you have won.” He leaned down to press a kiss to your forehead before leaning back to look at you with a cocked eyebrow, “I can kick their asses for you, though.” You laughed, shaking your head as you took Cassian’s hand, walking home. “As much as I would love that, they’re not worth it.” 
Almost as soon as the words were out of your mouth, you heard your name being called from behind you. You froze for only a moment before regaining your composure as you turned to see your former bullies approaching you. “It’s so good to see you! How are you?” They bombarded you with questions, acting as though they didn’t make your life a living Hel for years. You squeezed Cassian’s hand, both for support and to keep him from lunging at the males. One of them looked down at your joined hands with Cassian before they turned their attention to him. You seethed with rage as they flattered Cassian, asking him about joining the army and his connections in Illyria. Of course, they were so shameless as to use you to meet Cassian.
Cassian gave them curt answers until they asked about how they could join under his command. You were shocked to see Cassian smile as he invited them to the training ring the next day for testing to enlist. You abruptly dismissed yourself from the conversation, turning to continue your way back home when Cassian caught up with you. “What are you thinking, Cass?” you practically yelled at him. “Why would you want them as soldiers?” He smirked at you. “I didn’t invite them to enlist. I invited them to test.”
Late the next morning, you made your way downstairs to the dining room to grab some breakfast, when Azriel and Cassian walked through the door. You looked at their hands to see bloodied knuckles and you chuckled, “you two have some fun sparring this morning?” Azriel gave Cassian a sidelong glance as Cass winked at you. “Not sparring. There was testing this morning, remember?” Your jaw dropped, realizing the cause for their bloodied hands. “You two fought them?!” Azriel scoffed, “I don’t think you can call it that. Neither of them landed a hit.” 
You laughed as you grabbed a rag to clean Cassian’s hands. “You shouldn’t have done that,” you attempted to scold him through your bright smile. He laughed, tucking your hair behind your ear. “I don’t think you need to worry about them bothering you anytime soon, honey.” 
You pulled him by his hand, making your way up the stairs to your bathroom. “What do you say I finish cleaning you up in the bath, General?”
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budbuddnbuddy · 5 months
Little obey me headcanons (pt4)
A/N: This probably like the second longest series of writing I’ve done fanfic wise. Lol anyway same stuff is here. Headcaons and world building, maybe once I get everything done with the masterlist I’ll show you guys my MC’s (yes I have 2 MC’s in the same verse) but I’m still not sure. Let me know what y’all think. Happy new year!!!
Everyone is super nosy about your life in the human world, some are more obvious and pushy then others but regardless they still want to know about every detail of your life, what kind of job do you have? What’s your family like? Do you live in acountryside or in City? Where’s your workplace? What’s your address? What’s your full legal name? What’s your blood type? Do you own any pets! Tell them all about it.
The Devildom and the Celestial realm have small populations. Devildom:50 million+ Celestial realm:45 million+ mainly because lots of people would rather not have kids because it would probably get in the way of what they were doing in their lives currently however it’s not uncommon to see families out and about. Nobles are the main ones who have families in the devildom.
Do you think that like a week after Diavolo was born his father did that lion king thing that Royal family does whenever they have another kid? Just basically raising him up for everyone to see? 💀
As I’ve said before Mammon has a great ass, you can’t help but grab it anytime you can, just coming up behind him and grabbing his cheek. It mainly happens in your room, both of y’all are laying in your bed with him on top of you resting his head on your chest and you’ll just unconsciously reach down and give it a squeeze. He used to loudly whine about it but he secretly loves it lmao.
When it comes to relationships and Virginity, I feel like I have a pretty decent grasp on who’s had what and who hasn’t.
Relationship+Experience: Lucifer Mammon Asmodeus Barbatos Solomon
Relationship+Virgin: Beelzebub Satan
No Relationship+ Experience: Belphegor only like twice though cuz I fucking hate him [affectionate]
Neither: Leviathan, Diavolo
Diavolo kin’s Pops from regular show unironically.
If you ever heard about the Mariko Aoki phenomenon good but if not it’s basically the need to take a crap in bookstores however if you leave before you do then the feeling goes away. Whenever you go into Satan’s room you automatically get the urge to take a shit, you haven’t told him about it the confused look on his face is too funny. 💀
Speaking of Poop. If any of the brothers can’t get into the bathrooms available on their floor/rooms they’ll come down to your room and ask if they can use your bathroom which you used to be fine with AT FIRST however you eventually banned them from coming into your bathroom because Beel took a massive shit in your toilet and it stunk up your bathroom for DAYS and Lemme tell ya, handling demon shits from GROWN ASS MEN are not for the weak.
“Phew…Thanks for letting me use your bathroom, MC.”
“No problem Beel I-“ *Turns into fucking dust*
Okay that’s not what happened but you did pass out. Beelzebub did say sorry and bought you a cupcake as compensation so I guess it’s okay for now, still not allowed to use your bathroom though.
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kitthepurplepotato · 3 months
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Chapter 18 - What’s on Izuku’s mind?
Summary: Izuku’s friends freak out over his weird behavior. When the boys go after him, Izuku’s secret gets revealed.
Warnings: Swear words, suggestive thoughts, quite a lot of talk about condoms. 😂 16+ for safety.
First Chapter Master List
“I’m quite sure you don’t need 15 protein shake powders for 5 days, Y/N.” Katsuki appears behind you with an incredulous look on his face. You were so deep in your thoughts you somehow put the whole shelf into your cart while you only need one. Great. “What’s strong, Sweets?”
Wow, that name sounds absolutely wrong from his mouth but you decide not to comment on that. He didn’t mean any harm with it. He never does.
“I said something in the plane that made him sad. But then he looked okay, but…” You mumble, trying your best not to cry in the middle of the grocery store. Katsuki sighs.
“But you are scared he was faking it and he’s crying in a corner right now.” Katsuki finishes your sentence. You turn around to look at him properly, and for your surprise, he looks just as concerned as you. “My fucking argument with the bird boy didn’t help either, so don’t worry, it’s not just your fault.”
“That doesn’t make me feel less stressed, Katsuki.” You retort with a sharp gaze.
“I know, but I also don’t want you to think everything is your fault. Because it’s not.” Katsuki bites his bottom lip with a frown on his face.
“Is this about Izuku?” Rody decides to join the conversation, his voice mild and careful.
He’s really trying, bless him.
“He’s been acting weird and left to look around alone instead of being with us. Usually, when he feels… down… he does that. Runs away like an injured cat ready to die.” Katsuki takes a deep breath, also doing his best to not start another quarrel with the brown haired man.
You can’t believe how much these two love Izuku. The fact that they are trying this hard right now speaks more than thousands of words ever could. He’s so lucky to have them.
“I can send a message in the city group chat about him. There are no secrets in this place, they’ll find him in a few minutes.” Rody is about to type a message on his phone, but Katsuki takes it away from him.
“Do you want to freak the shit out of him birdface… I mean Rody?!”
“Okay, that was a stupid idea.” Rody admits sheepishly. “Maybe you should go after him? You are his best friend after all.”
Instead of answer, Katsuki just gives the guy his phone back and looks at you with a worried expression.
“Keep an eye on Ei for me, make sure he only gets what he can carry to the top of the mountain. He’s also on a diet. If you see chocolate, explode it.” You can’t help but giggle at that. Whoever said Katsuki is an aggressive person is an absolute idiot. He makes his way towards the exit and looks back with a sharp gaze. “The fuck are you waiting for, foreigner, come on.”
Rody looks so surprised his jaw is about to hit the floor and you are not far away from doing the same. Wow. Just wow.
“I’m… coming?” Rody is frozen in one place, not sure if it’s safe for him to step closer or if this is a prank and he’s about to die.
“Are you?” Katsuki teases and no one gets offended this time. Phew.
“I am!”
“So what’s the plan?” Rody mutters to Katsuki, while he trails after him like a lost puppy. Katsuki can’t help but roll his eyes.
“We don’t need a plan. We find him and ask him what’s wrong. If he doesn’t answer, you leave and I’ll torture him until he does.”
Fuck, Izuku has been Katsuki’s best friend - he has two best friends, shut the fuck up - for fucking decades but this new, emotional instability is freaking the shit out of him, to be absolutely honest. He would lie if he would say Izuku hasn’t been… like this before, because he was, around the time he broke up with that shitty ass bitch, but back then, it was easy to see the reasons why he was acting the way he was while right now, Katsuki is a little bit confused.
Izuku never wavered when it came to hero work. Every time he fell on his face, he stood up and tried again. Then if he fell again, even if there was blood trailing down his forehead, he picked himself up once again and tried over and over until he got it right. Hell, the guy broke every single fucking bone in his body daily, just to be able to get better at using his quirk. Then after the war, when they were both broken down and banned from doing hero work or going back to school, he still studied, he still did his best every single day, not even worried about what the future holds for them. He never gave up, he never even thought about giving up or about the dangers of the job, he always went head first into the task and grinded until he got what he wanted.
This Izuku… is new to him. This Izuku isn’t sure about his future anymore and that’s the part Katsuki is freaking out about. He doesn’t know this Izuku. Doesn’t know that to say to him, how to ignite that flame once again and hell, Katsuki isn’t even sure what the fuck would he do if he would be in Izuku’s place right now. Obviously, none of them are in the business for the ranks anymore, that game stopped being fun once they reached the top and realized how much responsibly the title comes with. But Katsuki can understand how heartbreaking it can be to loose something you worked so hard for in a blink of an eye. Izuku is probably in shock right now, trying his best to comprehend the situation and that’s why he’s acting so strangely. He probably lost countless hours of sleep to the worry he feels every day, the worry that with him out of the picture the world will crumble, that innocent people will die if he’s not there on the battlefield and even though he has no reason to feel responsible for something he can’t control, it still eats him alive from the inside unknowingly, because that’s how Izuku is - Instead of enjoying the free time and all the love he gets from the fans, from his friends, from his family and mostly, from his girlfriend, he can’t help but dwell on the what ifs. It’s stupid, really, but Katsuki can’t lie and say he wouldn’t do the same in this situation. Even the most hard-headed person would crumble under such pressure. Hell, he would be fairing much worse, he would have burned the whole world down out of spite in Deku’s place. That guy is so fucking strong, what the fuck.
“You are muttering like Izuku.” Rody smiles at him with a knowing look on his face.
“Fuck off, I still hate you.”
That question made Katsuki jump out of his skin. Because honestly, why?
“Why do YOU hate me?” Katsuki retorts instead, giving himself enough time to think about his own answer.
“I don’t hate you, Bakugou, but I also can’t just let the past go.” Rody mutters. “I know I wasn’t there but… Izuku told me about how you treated him in middle school. And before you yell at me, I know you’ve changed. But the way you talk about me, the way you treat me reminds me of those stories. Reminds me of your despicable old self and I want to smack you in the face for it.”
Katsuki only gawks at the man right next to him.
“You can’t just throw that into my face, man!” He laughs, absolutely gobsmacked. “Fair play bitch, but you know jack shit about me!”
“I know, sorry.” Rody laughs back, followed by a dramatic sigh.
“Don’t be fucking sorry, it makes sense. And to answer your question I hate you because you managed to be friends with Deku in one fucking day while I couldn’t fucking get myself to say a single nice word to him but secretly wanted to be friends again. I was fucking jealous of you, you dick. You and your fucking sad background story and your cute fucking pink bird. Fuck you.”
Rody almost trips over a stone from how much he’s laughing right now. “Stop fucking laughing! It’s not funny! You traumatized me! Hugging him and shit like you knew each other for fucking ages!” He retorts but he can’t hide the smile on his face.
Katsuki sees a green blob through the window, in one of the small stores in this area. By the look of it, Izuku is hyperfocused on a box of…
“Are you fucking kidding’ me?” Katsuki mutters, his face full of incredulity.
“What… oh my god…”
It takes the two men several minutes before they can stop laughing. Then they enter the store.
“Welcome!” A lovely voice greets the green haired hero when he opens the door to the tiny cosmetic shop down the road.
Izuku is on a mission. Probably on the most important mission in his whole life and he’s been through a lot of shit.
If he messes this up, everything is over. He’s been waiting for this moment for so long and he’s at his limits; if he can’t have this one thing as soon as possible, the whole world will crumble. He’s been hyper fixating on this thing for ages. His therapist told him several times to just do it, it’s not something he’s not capable of in this state, so he has to let his ridiculously high expectations go and just let it happen naturally. He needs to stop thinking about it and just… do it. But he can’t just do it, can he? He needs to think about safety. Protection. He needs to make sure his Sweet Pea doesn’t hate this new side of him. He needs to make sure he has everything to be able to finish this mission successfully.
Hence why he entered this store. A cosmetic store/pharmacy.
Today, Izuku will purchase some… condoms.
He makes a beeline towards the sexual health isle. Then he freezes.
There are so many choices. Too many. He doesn’t understand why do people need so many. He doesn’t mean to brag but he never had to have a ribbed condom to make the other feel great. Isn’t sex all about finding out what your partner likes? What’s the point if you don’t put any work in it? It’s Izuku’s favorite part! The analyzing! Even though he feels weirdly reluctant about penetration when it comes to his sweet pea, to be absolutely honest. She’s so pure, so kind, so lovely. Izuku just want to please her without doing any damage. Not like having sex is damaging but… ahh, it’s hard to explain.
“Hello, sir, are you looking for something specific today?” The lovely customer adviser asks and that’s all Izuku needs to start muttering out all his thoughts.
“I’m here to buy some condoms but I haven’t used one in a while and there are so many options and I don’t really understand the need to have so many and I’m also terrified I’ll buy the wrong one and I’m not sure what’s trendy or what not or if it even matters, but what if it does and I choose the wrong one and what if she has one she prefers and I didn’t even ask? I should have brought her over but I wanted it to be a surprise and I didn’t want her to feel like she needs to uhm… you know… so I just wanted to have it around, just in case… I think I’m freaking out.”
Izuku knows he should be offended for being laughed at by the customer adviser but she looks so entertained he can’t tell her off for it. As we all know, Izuku likes to please.
“Well, I definitely didn’t think when I woke up today that I’ll be helping Japan’s number one hero choosing condoms but I’m glad I didn’t call in sick today.” Izuku feels mortified. He really didn’t think about his fame when he started babbling about his sexual life. He wants the earth to swallow him whole or just run out of the store but he really needs to buy at least one box today, otherwise he’ll be trapped in the mountains with the girl of his dreams for 5 days, surrounded by things that will definitely remind him of… well… that… and he can’t do that anymore.
“Well, do you know if she’s allergic to latex?”
Izuku freaks out once again.
“No, I don’t, oh my god, what do I do now?!”
“Calm down, we have latex free options so maybe take on of those just in case, this brand here is the most loved one.” The lady pops the box into his basket before he can freak out over it. “Now if it comes to the trends… I would go for something simple as you don’t know what your lady prefers yet. This one here is our bestseller, it has a texture that feels like skin, so it feels more natural. We have normal and extra large I’ll leave you to decide which one you want to go with.”
Izuku feels too awkward to actually choose so he just pops both versions into his basket.
Here’s the thing… he has no idea if it’s something that came with his inherited quirk or not but when he hit his growth spurt… his third leg grew as well. He only had one girlfriend and he tries to forget everything about her but he clearly remembers her saying that his size is uhm… respectable. He’s not sure what that exactly means so… yeah. He’s quite sure he used normal sized condoms before and while they are a little bit uncomfortable, it was okay. But maybe he just needs to try a different size.
Okay, Izuku. Focus.
“Do I need… uhm… lube?” Izuku mutters our loudly and for his surprise he doesn’t get laughed at this time; the lady looks at him, her eyes moving from his face to his legs and she… gulps. Izuku’s whole face becomes as red as a fresh strawberry from his garden.
“I don’t think so, but buy one just in case.” The lady blushes and stares out of the window, probably mortified by her own reaction.
“Why are they so many options.” Izuku whimpers as he looks at the massive selection. There are so many flavors and so many brands and… why do you even need them to be flavored…
Izuku, for the love of god, do not think about it. Do not go there. You know why they are flavored.
“I’ll… get the one that says natural. I think.” Izuku pops the lube into his basket with a blush on his face and that’s when the door opens.
“You motherfucker! We thought you are depressed!” Katsuki yells loudly, making the lady jump.
“Ahh, hi Catherine! I hope he didn’t say anything weird to you!” Rody puts his palm on the customer advisor’s shoulder.
“No, he just told me how much he loves his girlfriend, that’s all.” The lady winks and Izuku wants to disappear once again.
“Kacchan, are these okay?” Izuku shows his basket to his best friend, probably looking like a kid showing off his freshly caught beetles.
“How many times do you want to fornicate a day, Deku?” Kacchan asks the million dollar question as he looks at the three boxes in his basket.
“They are different, Kacchan. I couldn’t pick.”
“Well, first of all…” Kacchan takes the normal sized box out of his basket and puts it back on the shelf. “Don’t look at me like that, we’ve changed in front of each other quite a few times you know. I’m not saying the other won’t fit but this will be more comfortable.”
“Thank you, Kacchan!” Izuku stares at his best friend with eyes full of wonder. Kacchan blushes.
“Let’s go fucker, your girlfriend is fucking worried. Also, buy something else so you can say that’s what you wondered off for, if you don’t want to tell her about the condoms.”
“You are a genius!”
Katsuki only rolls his eyes at that.
Izuku gets Sweet Pea’s favorite perfume without even thinking about it; she’s been out of it for several days now but she said it’s too expensive for her budget, so needless to say, Izuku buys three of them. He also gets some chocolate from the counter and a cute pin with the Island’s name for everyone. He puts the condoms into the secret compartment of his backpack while he puts the rest on the top.
“Your secret is safe, buddy!” Rody winks as they make their way out of the store. Izuku thanks the lady once again for all her help and she asks for a selfie. Izuku complies.
“Yeah, don’t worry, birdface and I will make sure no one bothers you two when you are in your cabin.” Katsuki grins as he pulls Izuku closer by putting his arm around his shoulders.
“Yup. We are friends now.” Rody does the same from the other side and Izuku is sure they look like three drunken blokes right now but he’s so happy he doesn’t even bother about how they look.
“We are fucking not.” Katsuki grumbles, but he doesn’t say a single word when Pino sits on his shoulder, and that says a lot.
Life is great. Life is amazing. He doesn’t remember the last time he’s been so happy and nothing can fuck up his perfect mood, not even the dread he feels when he thinks about the future because right now, in this moment, he is the happiest nerd in the whole world.
“Izu!” You jump into your boyfriend’s arms just as he comes into your view. Honestly, this man will be the death of you one day. “Are you okay?!”
“Sweets, I just wanted to buy something. I’m sorry if it came off like I’m running away, trust me, all I want is to be with you and my friends. I’m so excited to go up, I’ve been sitting on my bum for so long, I can’t wait to get in shape here.” Izuku giggles and you feel a sudden urge to touch his bum to make sure it’s still in shape… khm. Sorry. Nevermind.
“Yeah, Japan can’t loose it’s number one juicy ass. That would be more devastating than a world war in this day and age.” Rody adds cheekily and both of your faces blush.
“Rody, please…” Izuku mutters, clearly uncomfortable with the sudden attention.
“Okay, can you guys stop talking about my boyfriend’s ass? That ass is mine. So back off!”
You can’t believe you said that, but you felt like it would make the group laugh, so… yeah.
What you did not expect was Izuku looking at you with half lidded eyes, clearly enjoying YOUR attention; he creeps closer, his lips right by the cusps of your ear as he whispers. “I didn’t realize you like it this much.” And hell if it doesn’t go straight to your… well… uhm. There.
“Izuku. For the love of god. Behave yourself.”
“I’m so sorry, I…” Izuku starts to stutter as he comes back to his senses. “Uhm, I don’t know why I did that, I just…”
“Shut up and starts going up that hill.” You spank that famous ass three times to make him move. Izuku’s facial expression changes between “I’ll devour you right here right now” and “omg everyone is watching me I’m scared” as he leads the way towards the cabins. It’s extremely hilarious.
“Wow, that tension was something else.” Tamaki gossips with Mirio who only laughs at the comment.
“I mean, there is something extremely romantic about making love in a cabin.” Mirio admits with a sigh.
“Great, I guess this is what you get for coming to a trip as the only single person in the group.” Kyouka moans as she follows the crowd.
“You can hang out in our cabin, Kyouka!” Kaminari perks up right away, probably excited to have someone to talk to because Shinsou is clearly not in the mood for a friendly banter right now, god knows why.
“We are all going to have a grill party this evening in OUR cabin, so keep it on your pants for now.” Katsuki declares. “Ei got all the meat possible so let’s go up because it’s fucking heavy.”
“I’ve got the booze!” Kirishima grins. “It’s also heavy!” He says but he doesn’t look bothered by it at all.
“Come on guys, if I’m not the last one up there, you all suck!” Izuku yells from the top of his lungs with a massive smirk on his face. Needless to say that comment makes the whole gang perk up.
“Oh boy, I’ll be the first!” Kaminari yells back, already running ahead of the team.
“Oi, not on my watch, Pikachu!” Katsuki is the next one to start sprinting then everyone starts running like maniacs except Kyouka, who decides to stay with you, walking in a normal pace.
“He looks excited.” Kyouka smiles at you as he looks at Izuku running with Katsuki, borrowing some help from black whip when the “road” is too steep.
“I really hope he enjoys himself.” You say dreamily and Kyouka gives you a shit eating grin.
“Not unless he can see you, so move your legs, bitch, we need to catch up!” She pulls you forward aggressively, almost making you fall.
“Hey!” You laugh, but you start running anyway; with so many heroes around, you are quite sure someone will catch you if you fall.
… Next Chapter!
Potato ramble:
- If you read the last chapter of my Kirishima fic you already now but if not… I’m not sure if I’ll be able to post as frequently or at all. I’m going through a tough time and it greatly affects my writing, especially this story, to be honest, so if I don’t post for a while, I’m sorry. I don’t really want to get into details for now as it would make it way too real and right now I’m trying to just ignore it and keep going, but… if it escalates, I’ll let you know. Please be patient with me. I’m doing my best. Also, if you see me post other stuff but not this one it’s probably because I have a bunch of chapters already written for everything but this one. I’m not neglecting this story I’m just… done.
- Now let’s talk about this chapter and leave the angst behind 😂
- I absolutely love this new unhinged version of Deku. He’s slowly starting to be himself and I’m so proud of him I want to cry. He’s not shy anymore, he knows what he wants and he also knows he’s loved for who he is and not for the facade he usually shows to the people around him and damn, that’s a character development!
- I hope you laughed when you realized what Izuku’s problem was. I definitely laughed my ass of while writing this chapter, especially when I was writing the beginning with the drama while knowing what the real “problem” is 😂
- Oh, also! You can support me with a “coffee” if you would like! It won’t help my mental issues but it helps me pay rent and buy more figurines for comfort so yeah. I’m just throwing this out there just in case. 😂
- Tell me your thoughts! Send me a comment! Distract me! Please and thank you! 😂
@garfieldthomas @porusuniverse @stickygumchewer @sixxze @mily-moo @aei-sedai-moiraine @aymasakusa @katsuari @kenzie-deadly @shiviwrites07 @lukerycyja-reblogs @cloroxisadelectabletreat @coffeent @kisskissshutmydoor @bobcar1 @yazminetrahan @cringefan @ronimacaroni77 @themultifandomgirl @dangerousluv1 @emperatris-rinaka @shotos-angelic-whore @angelsdemonsmonsters @norvacaine @rei165 @unofficialmuilover @yao-ai @happydragonfrog @eeerreehhh @vinivave
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gayuu-the-necromancer · 4 months
Ikevil Male Leads in a Job interview
WARNING: This is a joke, please don't act like this in your actual interview!
Interviewer: "Tell me about yourself."
Liam: "My name is Liam Evans. I'm a stage actor for the past X no. of years and also works as assassin behind the scenes. I was forcefully put into a mental hospital at a very young age after I was accused of killing my parents and my butler and also burning my family mansion. Due to this, I get frequent episodes where I go completely crazy and do things out of curiosity."
Interviewer: *WTF!!?*
Interviewer: "What are your strengths and weakness?"
William: "Well...I can give orders to people and force them to do whatever I want by just looking into their eyes."
Interviewer: ".........Are you implying that you possess, leadership skills?"
William: "I won't necessary call it a leadership skill because I love seeing people being free and being the master of their own actions."
Interviewer: "..........."
Interviewer: "..........O-Okay, then what are your weaknesses?"
William: "Strawberries."
Interviewer: "........."
William: "....fufu....I'm sorry, that's the only thing I can't share?"
Interviewer: "So Mr Harrison, why do want this job?"
Harrison: "Honestly, I just wanna a job because I want to avoid going to home because there is this annoying old man in house who constantly gives me tasks in the name of Queen Victoria."
Interviewer: "....Was it supposed to be a joke?"
Harrison: "You tell me. Am I lying or saying the true?" *takes out his strawberry milk can*
Interviewer: ".........."
Interviewer: "So Mr. Greetia, how do you put an elephant inside a refrigerator?"
Elbert: "..............Does putting an elephant inside...makes it beautiful?"
Interviewer: "Excuse me?"
Elbert: "I have preserved many animal skins before.......but never an elephant. .....Do you think an elephant is beautiful...?"
Interviewer: "..........Ha?"
Interviewer: "Can you work under pressure?"
Alphonse: "Of course. Not only working under pressure, I can also help others in my team to work effectively."
Interviewer: "Oh, how?"
Alphonse: "I can give them blissful dreams to help them relieve their stress."
Interviewer: "B-Blissful dreams...?"
Alphonse: "Want to find out? *removes his gloves* Let's have fun together, shall we?"
Interviewer: "NO!" *runs away*
Interviewer: "Can you tell me about a time you had to deal with an unsatisfied customer?"
Roger: "As a part of my job, I do encounter various types of patients. But there is this one bastard who is always ungrateful. He's my regular customer and always comes to me for check up and no matter how much I work hard to treat his injuries and lung problems, this son of bitch calls me a quack and then smokes right in front of me! After I treated his lungs! Seeing him makes me wanna pull out my gun, shoved it his mouth and shoot him. But I have to control myself because I'm a doctor."
Interviewer: ".............."
Roger: "Your heart rate is fast....are you okay?"
Interviewer: "So tell me why you quit your last job?"
Ellis: "Well....I was doing a contract job with my previous employer. But no matter how much I tried, I just couldn't make my boss happy."
Interviewer: ".....................Huh?"
Interviewer: "E-Excuse me...what kind of job were you doing before?"
Ellis: "I was working in a trading company as my boss's assistant and carry out whatever orders my boss gives me. It could range from simple collections to straight up assassination and cleaning up. But no matter how much I worked hard, my efforts couldn't bear a fruit. I couldn't make my boss happy....*sad face*
Intervierwer: "E....Erm...."
Ellis: "Will you give me a job here? I promise I'll make you the happiest person in this entire world." *smiles*
Interviewer: *runs away feeling embarrassed*
Ellis: "Did I make them sad too?" *sad face*
Interviewer: "Phew....that was a lot...In my entire career, I have never interviewed a bunch of weirdos....*sighs* please call the next---"
Interviewer: "WHAT THE HELL!? Was that a gunshot!?"
*Door opens*
CEO: "Please! please help me! He's after my life!"
Jude: "Where's that bastard who stole my money? You think you can steal my money and get away huh? Now how should I punish you?"
CEO: "Mr. Jude....please...I'm sorry...I just wanted to start my own company..."
Jude: "If you wanted to start your own company, you should have done it with your own money, you jackass. *lights his cigarette while standing in front of the 'no smoking' sign board* Tch....Usually, I would let Ellis handle these kinds of errands, but now I have to do it myself."
Interviewer: (Wait....so this guy was Ellis's...previous boss)
Jude: *Shots the CEO in the head*
Jude: "Now I'm taking over your company. Since it's technically build from my money" *laughs manically*
Interviewer: *faints*
Jude: "Hm? *looks at the fainted interviewer* What the?"
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thecampjuicebox · 6 months
Can I ask for how the Baldur's Gate 3 origin companions would react to Tav willingly taking a near fatal hit to save their life when they had only just recently met and then carrying on like they didn't just almost die to save the life a total stranger (even being confused why anyone would make a big deal about it if confronted)?
Yes absolutely! I'll keep these relatively short and sweet in the interest of time (and space). ✨
The vampire spawn would certainly be perplexed by the way Tav would so willingly take a hit for him. No one has ever done something nice for him on purpose, let alone out of the kindness of their heart. He'd feel like it was transactional. Maybe he should take a hit or two for them now. And their confusion at his question of "why" would perplex him even further. "You could have died, you idiot. What do you mean you're confused? You're a strange one."
I think Karlach's response would be very similar to when Wyll stuck his neck out for her to Mizora. Just purely grateful. She'd very willingly throw herself in front of an enemy to return the favor, or rush to Tav's side to smack some baddies if they needed the help. The Tiefling is so kind on her own, I just know she'd appreciate some kindness being shown to her, regardless of the circumstances. When Tav shows confusion toward Karlach asking why they'd get so close to death for her, Karlach would simply reply with a "Thank you, Soldier. It means a lot."
As the Blade of Frontiers, I know Wyll is used to taking the brunt of the fight head on. But when Tav jumps in front of him, phew. I think it would be quite a bit for him to process. The hero becomes the damsel, and suddenly, he doesn't know how to act. He'd be grateful, of course. Maybe even a little apologetic for making such a grave error during a fight. I don't think he'd ask why Tav did it because he fully understands the desire to help others, but he'd be sure to express his gratitude nonetheless.
Shadowheart is such a headstrong and secretive character with an underlying softness so her reaction to Tav putting themselves in immediate danger for her could cause a whole mix of reactions. Of course she'd be thankful, and probably react the same as when Tav saved her from the pod on the Nautiloid. However, mixed in there, I think would be a sense of guilt. Like Shar would be disappointed in her for some reason. And there would lie the dilemma of "Do I thank this person, or do I brush it off because I didn't ask for their help in the first place?" The question of "why" would absolutely cross her mind, but I think she'd avoid asking to preserve her pride.
I just know Lae'Zel would almost be annoyed that Tav would jump to protect her. There's no way an istik like Tav would want to help her, right? It would confuse her, for sure, as I don't think she'd initially think to do the same for Tav. Not that Lae'Zel isn't capable of caring for people, but in the beginning, she's definitely a self preservation type. She'd absolutely insult Tav for their recklessness and the fact that they got themselves THAT hurt in the first place.
Ah yes, Gale the loverboy. Tav throwing themselves in front of a blade for Gale would start the downhill spiral of Gale falling for them. He does mention at some point that he loves the way Tav looks in battle, and he's incredibly drawn to their musk and the blood on their clothes. So of course he'd be hella horny for Tav after they take a hit or two for him. And of course he'd do the same in return if it meant making Tav happy. He's the sweetest. Wouldn't even question why Tav helped him, but he'd give them a billion and one thanks for it.
Halsin's whole thing is helping people, so it would come to no surprise to him when Tav jumps to his rescue. Not that he expects it from people, but he hopes people would do for him what he'd do for them. He's another one that would start to fall for Tav for that exact reason. Their selflessness, their strength, their willingness to provide aid. He'd give so much thanks, mostly in the form of big bear hugs. Wouldn't question their intentions, would just appreciate the thought of him.
Minthara can be an absolute bully at first. She'd absolutely criticize Tav's approach to the situation. "Well if you didn't leave your left flank open, you wouldn't have gotten hit there." and things of that nature. She'd thank Tav purely to save time arguing the logistics of why it was stupid of them to come to her aid in the first place, when she CLEARLY had it under control (She absolutely did not). She'd have a very similar reaction to Astarion when questioning Tav about why they'd assist her, thinking Tav is an absolute idiot.
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intuitivesef · 1 year
A message from your future lover ☆
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Pick a card reading
Don't second guess yourself when choosing a card. Trust your intuition.
Take what resonates, leave what doesn't.
Moodboard. Dividers.
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Pile 1:
Hello my love,
This will be a rather short message because I’d rather speak to you in front of me but without a further ado.
Usually I would give you gifts or kisses instead of writing something down. I’m very quiet but you seem to understand me rather well which was very creepy when we first met. I don’t get that type of understanding and I would presume you understand I can be a misfit. Yes, I am an outcast that apparently found a boyfriend/girlfriend. I appreciate the gesture of you loving me. Thank you very much. It means to me than you will ever know and because I don’t express it well but know I do try to express it but you do understand it well so I don’t worry that much. Um, personally I’m not sure how to express myself that well so this truly sounds like a boring essay, so again I truly apologize for that…I am not THAT formal but my typing seems so. Think of me like Castiel from Supernatural. Have you seen it? I do enjoy the characters quite well. Anyways, when you do read this, I hope you have an excellent day at your work/school/etc. and know that I care for you and love you.
Take care.
If you want to give tips, click this link. Thank you in advanced. -sef.
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Pile 2:
It’s been awhile!!! I miss you sweet cheeks, I really do. I miss your laugh and your smile and the way you caress my cheeks. Gah! It makes my heart swirl around like those ice cream machines and then beat fast like those musical box with those puppet and then Boom! Out comes the puppet and it gives you a jump scare! Just like that! But this is a good scare, you know? I like this scare because I know I’m always safe with you and I got nothing to worry about. Just with you I’m always safe which is funny to me because I thought you were so scary when we first meet but nope, I was so incredibly wrong, you’re like an angel in disguise! The perfect angel in disguise, excuse me. How could I forget how absolutely perfect you are to me. Now, don’t tell me no one is perfect, don’t wanna hear that crap coming from your mouth. You know imma be honest honest here.. I mean I am being honest but this is like—it’s like from my heart scared honest you know? I hate when you’re insecure with me because it hurts me when you say lies about yourself that you believe is true but it’s not. Like I’m gonna compliment you like no tomorrow. Don’t get me wrong but it’s just hurts me you know? It hurts because sometimes I feel like you don’t trust my compliments and it just hurts me like a lot. You know? Sigh, sorry you know it’s kind of awkward for me to say but it’s how my heart feels. You know baby, I just hope you understand how much I love ya and how much I crave ya and those kisses you give me…mm mm, can’t get enough out of that. Phew.. it makes me go mad like da joker actually. But I ain’t toxic like the joker, don’t think me like dat, you know?
Your boo
If you want to give tips, click this link. Thank you in advanced. -sef.
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Pile 3:
Lately I’ve been struggling to love myself so our time when we fall for each other or meet will be long. I’m sorry but I’m very insecure right now and I don’t want you to deal with that so I’m just working on myself. I’ve been watching a lot of sad videos too because I think it makes me feel better because I thought it was a comfort, that I’m not alone but I’m starting to think it makes me feel worse. And I also listen to sad music so maybe that’s also a bad combination but I’m just…really…depressed…um yeah. So I just have to fix that and when I get better then I promise we can meet each other. Anyways, I hope I can make you the happiest and most loved person and just see a smile appear on those beautiful and gorgeous/handsome lips of yours.
Take care, bye and love you
If you want to give tips, click this link. Thank you in advanced. -sef.
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a-d-nox · 8 months
pac/pap (creature feature: werewolf): what hidden truth does the moonlight illuminate? where do you lack control? where are you in transition?
welcome to my october pac/pap creature feature series - instead of having a single pac/ pap this month, there will be five! every monday (at 5p / 17:00 EST) this october, a new creature will be coming out to play as the sun begins to set earlier and earlier... keep an out; you never know what is lurking in the darkness..
today's creature is the werewolf: song queued: "she wolf" by shakira! when was the next full moon again? phew a few weeks to go... half man, half beast, the werewolf is - according to lore - forced to transform on every full moon. the once civilized man loses control of his body and senses.
take what resonates leave what doesn't - nothing is 100% for you because these aren't personalized so please no angry comments or dms about what i am saying not being a good fit for you or that you "don't claim" just keep scrolling if that is the case. be kind, self reflect, and have fun.
last pac/pap: creature feature: the beholder - what do you see that no else does? what aren't you hearing?
want a personal reading? click here to check out my reading. options and prices!
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pile one
the truth is that you must share your ideas more actively - you need confidence that matches your passion. you can trust that you will be accepted for your ideas - and if not where you first attempt to be so, you will find yourself in a more accepting place the next attempt. if you keep doubting your abilities, you might just find that you can't grow like you hope/dream to. so the spotlight (moonlight) is on you - share what you want to / are passionate about right now.
oof you are really trying to control a lot right now. things aren't going as you expected, huh? you can't control that something is close to the end of its cycle. it's okay that you are going to miss that something - know that you should be celebrating instead. celebrate your wins. you have done so much! new things are just around the corner.
a power transition in your life is underway. you are being given a chance to lead and prove your strength. make sure that you are leading from a place of wanting to see others succeed instead of one where you are asserting your power over others. you can't just be thinking about yourself right now, remember that "with power comes responsibility" - it's not just about you anymore it's about those around you too.
pile two
your disconnection for others and your beliefs seems to be in the spotlight right now. you might be feeling hopeless and alone in your situation right now - it's time to reconnect and recharge. a cleansing is needed - do not lose faith, you are right were you are supposed to be, despite how painful this moment may be. let the glimmering moonlight be a sign that healing is ahead - better days are coming.
i feel like your schedule right now is unsustainable - you are stretched too thin and juggling too much all at once. you might have too many school/work responsibilities considering your personal ones. this is all making you feel emotionally drained (have you stress cried recently - i feel like you might have). you should know that you are currently "leveling up"; anytime you level up in life, this type of challenge to your routine occurs. do things in moderation and ask for help if you need it (there is no shame in reaching out for help).
an opportunity has arisen recently that is going to change your world - likely in a monetary way. there is a new beginning on the horizon. you are getting even closer to the life that you have been dreaming of - prosperity is in your future, it is written in the stars. you are cultivating abundance for yourself and i couldn't be more proud. you have unlimited potential - keep it up.
pile three
new moon energy. there are a lot of things that you are hiding, you are also likely refusing to acknowledge the truth, and you are refusing to look at things deeply (which can be good (you're not reading too heavily into things) and it can be bad (you might not be "reading the fine print")). you aren't listening to your intuition like you should be - stop deceiving yourself. trust that you are capable and you are worthy of so much more than you are currently doing / have.
right now a relationship of yours is extremely out of balance (someone is doing all the work in the relationship or someone is extremely co-dependent in the relationship). it is not good to rely too heavily on a partner to fulfill your needs. your expectations might be unrealistic which causes you to feel even more out of control. look inward so you can better find the source of your disharmony.
i feel like you reading that last paragraph has your wheels turning - the transition ahead of you has to do with your relationships. you are noticing that there is a imbalance in what you are giving versus what you are receiving. i know that receiving things makes you feel weird (you feel unworthy/undeserving), but get use to it - haha! stop feeling obligated to give back equal to what you have received - things are being given of their own volition, no one expects you to give back what you were gifted. simply remember that kindness breeds kindness - the more comfortable you become with receiving, the more you will gain.
want a personal werewolf reading? tip 4.99 USD with the comment "werewolf" and i will privately get back to you with what hidden truth the moonlight illuminates for you, where you lack control, AND where you are in transition!
other then that, thank you for reading! don't forget to comment down below which monster you believe is coming to join us next monday?
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spooo00oky · 7 months
Siren’s Spell
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Chapter Four
Paring: siren!Wooyoung x reader
Genre: fantasy, eventual smut, romance, fluff
Word Count: 6k+
Warnings: swearing, suggestive themes, Thalassophobia, cliff hanger! (again I’m sorry I can’t help it)
Author’s note: SURPRISE!!! I’m so sorry for the wait on this chapter, my life got unexpectedly busy with a change in jobs on top of my other job as well as doing a bridal party’s makeup. Phew! This chapter also had a good chunk deleted so this is as much as I could salvage in order to surprise you all with my original update plan. It’s going to be shorter than what it normally is but it’s a good one I promise! I hope you all enjoy this update and as always please consider reblogging my works and let me know what you all think! I hope you all have fun this holiday season and be sure to not get sick!
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Wooyoung’s Current became a regular appearance at the den. Whether it was a singular member or all of them, they would drop in for a visit whenever either Wooyoung or I were home. Their presences surely livened the place up, and it truly did start to feel like a home the more they came around. Wooyoung seemed happy with the change of atmosphere as well, a seemingly permanent smile on his face whenever I’d catch his gaze from across the room. Maybe he was also happy to see his mate and his friends getting along so well. 
Seonghwa came around more often than not to the point where Wooyoung made the comment that he might as well have his own room here. I didn’t mind the frequency of his visits. Yeosang and Seonghwa were quickly becoming close friends of mine. Seonghwa would ask me many questions about fashion and Yeosang would ask me his own array of questions. It was a give and take relationship between us and it gave me something to do while I was home. Wooyoung tended to whine when my attention was away from him for too long, but I knew he didn’t truly mind that much. I could feel the contentment rumbling through him at seeing me laughing and smiling. Plus he was easily appeased with my head resting on his shoulder, despite his friends’ teasing remarks. 
Though I loved to see them all, it wasn’t quite the same as being with my own friends. Wooyoung seemed to pick up on my change in mood one day and asked me about it. Despite my assurances that I was fine, he was persistent that he knew what was wrong. 
“My friends and I would get together a lot at my apartment and now we can’t really do that anymore. I love having your friends here, but I wish I could still have that with my friends I guess. It isn’t like they can come here whenever they want, with the water pressure and all,” I explained. 
Wooyoung frowned. “Do you wish the den was on the surface like your old home was?” 
I had quickly shaken my head when he said that, knowing that if I wanted it he would move everything up to the surface without a second thought. Yeosang had explained that while sirens could shift to walk on land they couldn’t stay up there forever. They had to return to the water eventually. If Wooyoung moved the den to the surface, he would only get to enjoy a few hours of our home before having to return to the water. He would be the one that was unhappy even if he said otherwise. I could live without seeing my friends outside of work if it meant that he didn’t have to be miserable. 
“I’m happy with it here. It’s just going to take some getting used to, that’s it.” 
Wooyoung thankfully didn’t press the issue more but it clearly didn’t sit well with him because a week later I had walked into our bedroom to see him tapping away on my phone. His eyebrows were scrunched up in confusion before he looked up at my entrance and tried to hide it behind his back. He tried to deny it when I asked him about it, pulling me down onto the bed and into his arms to try and distract me from it. I had pushed him off slightly to reach and grab it before his hands could stop me, and I was greeted with my text messages pulled up and a greeting typed into the search bar. I gave Wooyoung a questioning look and he gave me a sheepish one back. 
“I don’t know how to work it.” 
I couldn’t stop the laughter that bubbled out of me and it made him groan and hide his face in the pillow. “Why can’t you land dwellers use sprites like everyone else does?” 
“Because we don't, that's an outdated form of communication, Wooyoung,” I told him with a smile. “Plus sprites don’t like us much and half of the letters we’d ask them to deliver would disappear entirely.” 
“Sprites are always nice to me.”
“You’re a siren. You have the power to make them obey even if they didn’t want to so they were probably intimidated by you. Plus sprites are part of the sea kingdom, they’d be willing to help you more than a surface dweller any day.” I purposely left out the part that sprites were notorious flirts and every siren I’ve met so far has been beautiful. Pretty privilege was definitely a thing when it came to sprites. 
“What were you trying to do anyway?” 
Wooyoung’s ears tinted pink before he pulled his face away from the pillow and I saw that his cheeks were the same shade. “You still seemed upset that you couldn’t see your friends as much, so I was going to invite them all out along with my friends to dinner. It wouldn’t be a permanent solution, but I thought it would be something.”
That was the first instance of when I felt like I could kiss him. The feeling had hit me so hard that I had to check that I wasn’t leaning forward to do so. I mentally shook myself, blaming the bond between us for the sudden urge to do so. I couldn’t stop the wide smile from spreading across my face however, and I did lean forward to give him a hug in gratitude. He immediately accepted it, pulling me in even closer with a smile. 
“I appreciate it, but you don’t have to if you don’t want to. Would your Current even want to meet my friends?” 
“I’ve already discussed it with them and they want to. Some more than others of course,” he added in. “I was more worried about your friends refusing because I didn’t make the best first impression.”
I felt my heart swell as I pulled away enough to look him in the eye. It was hard to think of what I wanted to say, too many thoughts running through my mind. One of the most prevalent being that I think Wooyoung was making me fall in love with him and fast, and the other being that I really wanted to kiss him. I ignored the second thought and settled on pulling my phone out again and sending out a message to my friends for dinner with everyone. I felt Wooyoung’s gaze on my movements and I went slowly enough so he could see how to do it in case he needed to know for future events. 
A week later we were all gathering for dinner, the Current certainly standing out among the crowd. They had eyes on them since they entered the restaurant but they didn’t pay any attention to it, focusing on my friends who were trying to start a conversation with them. San and Mingi thankfully acted friendlier with Wooyoung unlike their first introduction. They were a little tense when they greeted him but slowly relaxed as Wooyoung began to crack jokes with his friends. Wooyoung wasn’t even using his ability but he was warming everyone up to one another. It was mesmerizing to see how easy it was for him, and as we settled down for dinner I felt my body relax. The Current and my friends got along like they’ve known each other for years. I was so worried that dinner would be awkward but I realized that I had nothing to worry about. 
“Are any of you coming to the fashion show?” Mingi asked the table. 
Seonghwa immediately perked up, a bright smile lighting up his face. “Wooyoung and I are coming.” Even a blind man could see how excited he was. 
“Would this be your first one?” San asked as he sipped from his glass. 
“It would. Y/n told me that I would enjoy it.” 
San grinned at me. “Are you going to introduce him to Hongjoong?” 
“That’s the plan,” I told San with a smile. 
San smiled at Seonghwa. “Mingi and I will make sure you have fun. Y/n’s cousin Hongjoong is coming as well, so you’ll really like it. He owns his own label so he’ll be another person you can talk to about these things.” 
San and Seonghwa started chatting about the upcoming show and I was so lost in watching everyone else around us I nearly jumped when Wooyoung spoke into my ear. “You should eat more.” 
I glanced down at my barely eaten plate of food. My appetite hasn’t been the best lately and I knew it was because of the upcoming show. My nerves were getting the best of me, this happened every time. “I’m not that hungry.” 
Wooyoung narrowed his eyes. “You’ve barely eaten anything the past two days. You need to eat more.” 
“I‘ll eat something later if I’m hungry. I promise.”
He wasn’t having it and he picked up my fork and scooped up some food. “Open.”
“Wooyoung, no. We’re in front of our friends.” 
“They can watch, I don’t care. You need to eat.” 
I blushed as my mind instantly went into the gutter. “Wooyoung please.” 
“Say ‘ah’.”
“Glad to see he’s making you eat. You do this every show we have a show,” Mingi said with a smile as I opened my mouth. Wooyoung had a small smile on his face as he fed me a forkful of food before he was scooping up more. 
“You’re supposed to be on my side,” I whined as I took the bite he offered me and chewed. 
“Not on this one. You lose weight every show we have because you nearly stop eating. Someone has to make sure you do.” 
It was a losing fight, so I let Wooyoung feed me a few more bites before I held up a hand and took the fork from him. He raised a brow but relaxed when he saw that I was feeding myself now instead. I could hear the soft purr coming from his chest and I rolled my eyes with a smile. 
“Wooyoung can be a little rough around the edges but he has the best intentions,” Yunho commented as he chuckled at our antics. “Sorry if he’s upset you both in the past with his mouth.” 
San laughed. “It was a misunderstanding. Mingi and I are protective of our y/n and after hearing how they came to be, we might’ve overreacted. It’s all water under the bridge now though.” 
Wooyoung seemed to settle at that and gave San and Mingi a grateful smile. My own smile mirrored his as we eased back into conversation, all tension gone now.
We stayed at dinner for much longer than intended and it was late when we finally parted ways. I followed the sirens back to the docks and they quickly jumped in before resurfacing momentarily to say their goodbyes. Yeosang promised to come and visit me soon, as did Jongho and I waved as they ducked beneath the water. 
Wooyoung jumped in and slapped his now wet clothes onto the dock and began to fold them up as I sat on the edge. I waited until he finished before I lowered myself into the water. Wooyoung was quick to pull me in close. Even though it wasn’t as bad anymore, my heart did leap into my throat whenever I hopped in. It didn’t help that the water was freezing at this time of night. 
“Hold your breath,” Wooyoung murmured and I took a deep breath before I felt the water move over my head and I knew we were moving. 
The trip was just as quick as it always is, and in no time at all we were resurfacing in the den. I could tell there was a change occurring in me because I wasn’t nearly out of breath as I usually was from the trip. I could’ve been under for a few more minutes before needing air. 
I crawled up onto the ledge and watched as Wooyoung hopped up as well. I quickly turned around as he began to stand up straight, remembering that he was naked. “I’ll go put your clothes in the bathroom to dry out,” I called over my shoulder as I walked away with pink cheeks. His laughter followed after me as I retreated to the bathroom and hung up the clothes.
I wasted no time in undressing and hopping into the pool, my muscles relaxing as the warmth eased all tension from my body. It did nothing to ease the ball of nerves in my chest. I sighed and sunk into the water until only the top half of my head stuck out. 
I knew what was happening. It was all I could think about anymore, and I wanted to put all of the blame on the bond but I was slowly but surely falling for Wooyoung. Did I find him attractive when I first met him? Of course. Were romantic feelings developing more now that we were living together? Definitely. Were things moving too fast though? Was all of this normal for a bonded pair? My only experience outside of human relationships was Logan and that wasn’t much of a pleasant experience. 
I shook away those thoughts. Yeosang said that feelings developing was normal over time, and that I would experience some changes. But Wooyoung was a good male, he had charm, a good heart and an infectious laugh. It was hard not to love him, bond or not. 
So why did the thought of letting go and falling for him completely make me beyond nervous? 
“You’re going to experience some changes, but growing gills isn’t one of them.” I jumped at the sudden sound of Wooyoung’s voice. I turned to see him leaning against the doorway in only a pair of sweatpants with a smug smirk on his face. “You should probably get out of the water before you start to get pruny.” He chuckled as I scowled at him before he left. 
Once I was sure he was gone I dunked my head beneath the water and groaned. Maybe him knowing exactly what he did to me was part of why I felt so nervous. 
Feeling a little better once I was clean and changed into comfy clothes I made my way back into the room. Wooyoung was already in bed and smirked when I crawled in next to him, but he didn’t say anything if he could smell my emotions. I was grateful when he motioned with his hand and the wall sconces turned dark, plunging us into darkness. 
It was silent, the only sounds in the room were our breaths and the sounds from outside echoing in. After a while I had thought that Wooyoung had just fallen asleep and I shut my eyes to try and do the same but his voice had me opening them again. 
“Why are you so afraid of the water?” 
This was a question I was expecting to come up eventually. I’m a little surprised it didn’t come up sooner.
“I nearly drowned in a frozen lake when I was a child,” I told him softly, almost afraid that if I spoke too loudly it would ruin the moment. “Hongjoong had to drag me out.”
Wooyoung was quiet. I waited for his next words, wishing I could see his expression just to get a glimpse of what he was thinking. Could he see me? I never thought to ask, but it would make sense if he could with it being so dark in the river. I fixed my expression into a more neutral one. 
“That’s a pretty good reason to be afraid of it. I thought it was because you didn’t know how to swim. I was going to go and get you a life vest and teach you.”
I snorted and lightly smacked his chest, making him chuckle as well. “I appreciate the thought but I’m actually a pretty good swimmer. I made sure I was in case something like that happened again.” 
“You’re missing out on learning from a pro.” 
I rolled my eyes. “You are built to be in the water. Me? Not so much.” 
Wooyoung went quiet again, and I began to worry if I had somehow upset him by refusing his swimming lessons. His voice was much quieter when he spoke next. “Are you sure you’re fine with being down here? We can move to the surface, I wouldn’t mind it. I’d have to ask for your help with finding a place up there though.”
I leaned up onto my arms, hoping I was looking at his face in the darkness. He didn’t laugh so I’ll take it as I’m doing a good enough job. “Where did this come from? I told you I was happy being where we are now.” 
“I could smell your anxiety when you were in the bathroom. I assumed it was everything finally catching up with you.” 
I sighed and rested my head against his chest. My cheeks began to burn as I began to think of ways to explain this to him. 
“It’s not that, I promise.” 
He was quiet, waiting patiently for me to continue and I internally groaned. 
“It’s just that I’m nervous about if we’re moving too fast and maybe I’m worried about what others will think. I’m also worried that my feelings for you are ingenuine and it’s only the bond that’s making me feel these things,” I struggled to get out. “It has nothing to do with where the den is.”
Wooyoung took in my words quietly, waiting patiently for me to get everything out that I wanted to say. Once I was finished he began to soothingly run his thumb up and down my arm until there were goosebumps forming on my skin. He was processing everything I confessed and I gave him time to do so. 
“You should stop worrying your pretty little head about what others think.” I opened my mouth to snap something back but his next words had my cheeks burning and left me sputtering. “By siren standards we’re taking things at a snail’s pace. I should’ve already marked you and started a family with you if we were moving at the normal pace. The only opinions that matter are yours and my own, and I’m happy with the way things are now, so don’t worry about that.” 
He did have a point.
“Also, the bond can’t make you feel things that you don’t already feel. It only intensifies them over time.” He paused as if something just occurred to him and I was about to ask when he was suddenly pinning me to the mattress beneath us. A squeak left me at the sudden motion before his lips were at my ear, his breath tickling me. “Which means you were attracted to me from the very beginning weren’t you.” 
My eyes widened in shock and I knew he was grinning, knowing he had me right where he wanted me. My tongue was tied as I felt his lips graze my cheek, my heart hammering in my chest. My mind had been turned to mush in the matter of seconds. A part of me wanted to deny it just to spite him, but what was the point? He knew I would be lying. And maybe this could also be a conscious step forward with coming to terms with my feelings for Wooyoung. 
“And what if I was?” I asked, deciding to be bold instead. 
His chest rumbled against mine and I felt him pull away just enough to look at me. The lights dimly lit themselves again, just enough for me to make out Wooyoung’s expression above me. My breath hitched at the raw yearning I saw in his hooded gaze. It was a look I had yet to see on him before, much less be on the receiving end of it. 
A grin slowly tugged his lips upwards, no doubt in regards to my reaction. He was going to hold this over my head for a week. I already knew it. “I’d say that I was attracted to you as soon as I laid my eyes upon you, and that it really pissed me off to see you with another guy you obviously had no interest in.”
My heart fluttered in my chest at his confession, and warmth spread through me like a fire. My mouth opened and closed for a moment as I struggled to think of a response; as I struggled to even process what I was feeling and what I wanted right now. His presence was dizzying, my mind fuzzy. His fingers trailing up and down my sides didn’t help, it only distracted my thoughts and jumbled them even more. 
Finally I managed to settle on one thought that was circling in my mind, and I had a feeling it was shared with him as well. 
“Kiss me.” 
The movement of his hands paused momentarily as the grin on his face grew. I could practically hear the “I told you you’d beg for me to kiss you” in his mind but thankfully he didn’t voice it. Instead he leaned in closer so his breath fanned over my face. “Are you sure?” 
My lips curled up into a smile and I rested my hands on his shoulders. I rubbed my thumbs across the smooth skin there in reassuring circles. 
“I’m sure Wooyoung. Please, kiss me.” 
He didn’t waste another moment as his lips connected with mine, a content sigh slipping from him as we melted into the kiss.  Despite the slow pace it was dizzying, and nearly stole my breath. My hands found their way into his hair as his tongue teasingly traced along my bottom lip. I granted him access as my fingers played with his hair, holding him even closer to me as the kiss deepened. My mind was so swept up in the kiss that I didn’t even realize Wooyoung was purring until we pulled apart for air. 
I couldn’t stop the breathless giggle that bubbled out of me as we pulled apart, the vibrations from his chest still being felt. He let out his own chuckle before pressing a kiss to my forehead and lying down beside me. He pulled me on top of him in the same movement and I didn’t even try to remove myself from my new spot, instead cuddling into Wooyoung’s warmth. 
“I’ve been wanting to do that for awhile now,” he said softly, the lights turning off once again. His hands trailed lightly up and down my back and I hummed.
“So have I.” 
Finally it was the day of the fashion show. To say I was nervous was an understatement. Wooyoung knew it as well, his nose would subtly scrunch up whenever he was near me, smelling my anxiousness. No matter what I did to ease my nerves I couldn’t completely shake them. He did try his best to help me, going as far as making me my favorite breakfast and rubbing circles into my tense shoulders and doing things to try and make me laugh. I could see the tension leave his own shoulders when I laughed at something he had said, and I doubled down on trying to relax when I realized that Wooyoung was worried. I appreciated the effort, and once this day had passed I’d find a way to make it up to him. 
I distracted myself by helping Wooyoung with his outfit for as long as I could. Despite how put together he usually looked he was struggling with what to wear for the show. Part of me thinks that Wooyoung did it on purpose because when I went to help him with his shirt he snuck in a kiss on my forehead. His laughter sounded out above me and I hid my face in his chest. 
Seonghwa arrived some time after that and I was delighted to see that he didn’t need help with his outfit, looking handsome in a velvet suit. I said as much and heard Wooyoung grumbled something unintelligible as he moved past me to get ready to leave. Seonghwa gave me a pleased smile despite Wooyoung’s pouting and thanked me. 
“You look lovely tonight as well,” Seonghwa said as he followed me towards the exit, where Wooyoung was already waiting. 
I thanked him as I sat on the ledge of the pool and slowly lowered myself right into Wooyoung’s waiting arms. I took a deep breath and we dove beneath the water and began to head to the surface.
Minutes later our heads broke the surface of the water and I quickly pulled myself over the edge of the dock. I took in a deep breath of fresh air as I waited for the males to shift and put their pants back on. Thankfully no one was really paying attention to us as they walked the busy streets, most of the attention was drawn to a new street performer that had set themselves up on the sidewalk. From the small sparks and streamers flying through the air and the delighted cries coming from the nearby children it sounded like it was a good show. It might’ve been a wizard if they were able to put on such a display. 
Finally the males made their way onto the dock, fully dressed now. Seonghwa’s eyes shone with pure excitement and it was hard to not be affected by it. Wooyoung came to my side and with a wave of his hand the both of us were completely dry. Seonghwa rolled his eyes and waved his hand, removing the water from his person as well. “You could’ve extended the service to me as well, you know.” 
“My mate takes priority,” Wooyoung said and dodged the hand that reached out to grab him. 
I rolled my eyes at their antics, a smile on my face before I began to head towards the venue. The males were quick to fall into step beside me, Wooyoung’s arm snaking around my waist. I caught Seonghwa’s eye at the action and we shared a smile. He has also been a great help with accepting the bond and offering advice when asked, and the happiness he felt for us shown in the smile he sent our way. 
The venue was buzzing with excitement upon arrival. Not many of the guests had arrived yet as we were early to help with preparations, but the staff of the label and additional help were seen bustling about. I easily spotted San and Mingi at the far side of the room and made my way over there, hanging onto the two males with me so I wouldn’t lose them. 
My friends looked like they were in a tense conversation before they spotted me. They broke out in smiles at my entrance and pulled me into quick hugs. “You’re just in time. Bell was about to start doing a toast with everyone and was wondering where you all were,” San told us. 
“There’s nothing for us to help out with?” Seonghwa asked, having been prepared to be hands-on with the setting up part of the show. 
Mingi shook his head. “Nope. Belle hired additional help with setting up and everything’s run smoothly. There hasn’t been a misstep with anything and everyone has been on time. I think this has been the easiest show we’ve had yet.”
“Don’t say that yet the show hasn’t even started,” I pointed out with a smile. “You’ll end up jinxing us if you keep saying things like that.” 
“I’m sure they’ll love it all,” Wooyoung said, giving my side an affectionate squeeze. 
I opened my mouth to thank him but was cut off by a squeal of excitement and Belle suddenly appearing in front of me. “You’re all here! I’ve been looking for you, here, have a drink for a toast,” she said and with a snap of her fingers a floating tray full of flutes of champagne appeared before us. We all grabbed our glasses and watched as Belle called out to gather everyone’s attention before standing in the center of the room. She smiled once everyone had quieted down before raising her glass in the air. 
“I’m not one for drawn out speeches, so I’ll make this quick,” she started. “I want to say thank you to everyone that has made tonight happen. Thank you to all of you who have worked tirelessly the weeks leading up to this to make sure everything runs smoothly and that everything was planned properly. Today wouldn’t have started off as well as it did if it wasn’t for you.” Her eyes roamed until they had gone over every one of her office staff members, sending a warm smile our way. “I also wanted to thank my team for working hard for months leading up to today. I know how stressful things can get working in this industry and I thank you all for pushing through and seeing it to the end. I know it’ll all pay off in the end.” 
She raised her glass in the air and we mirrored her reactions. “To everyone here, thank you!” 
The room erupted into echoing sentiments as we all took a drink from our glasses. With the preparations done and the only thing left to do is wait for the rest of the guests to arrive, conversations started up as the people mingled with each other. Seonghwa began talking with Mingi and San, asking questions that my friends readily answered. I was happy to see them getting along so well, but it still didn’t make the feeling in my belly disappear. 
I turned to look at Wooyoung. His gaze met mine and he burst into laughter. “I can see the panic in your eyes. They’re going to love your designs, you don’t need to worry.” 
“I know but I can’t help it. I always get nervous like this before a show. No matter how hard I work on something I can’t help but feel that it’s just not enough,” I explained. 
He looked towards our friends before he guided me away from the crowd and into a more secluded corner. I didn’t fight it as he shielded me away from any wandering eyes with his body, looking down at me with concern in his gaze. “Why do you think your designs aren’t good enough?” 
“Well I feel like a few of them might be similar to another designer’s ideas, so I feel like they can be repetitive.” 
Wooyoung thought about it for a moment. “Have you thought about seeing your designs from an audience member’s point of view?”
My brows scrunched in confusion. “What do you mean?”
“Well everyone has their own take on things and has their own unique way of doing things. The way you design clothes is not and will not be the same way another designer does it,” he explained. “People in your audience love your designs for the way you do them because it’s your spin on something, if that makes sense.” 
I gazed up at him in wonder for a moment before breaking out in a warm smile. The weight in my belly had all but disappeared after his words sunk in, and I felt more than heard his purr when he smelled the difference in my scent. “See? There’s nothing to be stressed about. They’re going to love a design because it’s your unique way of designing something.” He gently smiled before pulling me in for a hug. 
I buried my head into his chest with a sigh. I felt most of the tension leave my body after that, and I relaxed into the embrace.
“And if they don’t like what you have to offer I’ll eat them.”
I lightly swatted his back at that causing him to laugh. He rubbed a soothing hand up and down my back to further ease any tension away before we pulled apart slightly at the sound of someone clearing their throat. 
“You lovebirds need to get a room next time.” I heard Mingi say, laughter in his voice as we looked to see who was trying to get our attention. His smile widened when I rolled my eyes before he half turned to motion behind him. “There’s someone here to see you.” 
My gaze went behind him and I gasped when I saw who was standing there. 
“Hongjoong!” I squealed in excitement as I ran into his open arms. 
He laughed as I pulled him into a tight hug, his familiar warmth surrounding me. “Nice to see you too, y/n. I’ve missed you so much.” 
I pulled away with a smile up at him, noting the high end fashionable outfit he wore. “I’ve missed you too, I’m so happy you could make it today!” 
“I wouldn’t miss it for the world. You’ll have to introduce me to whoever you were hugging a minute ago, but that can wait until after I introduce you to someone special,” he said and turned to someone I hadn’t noticed standing behind him before. She was a beautiful brunette, but not dizzyingly like Wooyoung or Seonghwa were. She was prettier than any normal person, so she definitely wasn’t human. Maybe she was a vampire? 
I was about to reach out to introduce myself when Seonghwa caught my eye, and I realized that he was watching the woman before me like a hawk. His gaze didn’t waver from her, and his stance was tense. He looked like he was ready to jump in between us, to attack her or to shield me, I wasn't sure. I looked back at the woman and realized she  hadn't even looked at me, her gaze focused behind me. I turned to see Wooyoung rooted to his spot, glaring at the woman. I hadn’t seen him this upset since that day with San and Mingi, and even then he didn’t look as hostile as he did now. 
“Maggiore, I’d like you to meet my cousin y/n. Y/n this is my girlfriend Maggiore. She’s a fan of your work so I thought I’d bring her with me today for you both to meet,” Hongjoong introduced us and it was like the spell was broken. 
Her cold expression broke and she smiled warmly at me, holding out her hand for me to shake. “‘It’s a pleasure to meet you. Hongjoong talks about you a lot so I just had to meet you!” 
She took my hand and shook it and I saw Seonghwa flinch, like it was taking everything in him to not separate the two of us. If Seonghwa was reacting like this I could only imagine how Wooyoung was fairing behind me. Just who was this woman before me that made both males react so tensely? 
I winced as her grip tightened on my hand momentarily and I looked up to see her eyes not even on me but on someone behind me. I didn’t dare look behind me at Wooyoung, instead I glanced towards Hongjoong for any possible answers but he had been swept up in conversation with Mingi and San some feet away from us. 
“You need to leave.” 
I turned to look back at the woman who had yet to release the death grip she had on my hand. Her expression was menacing as she glared at me. She seemed to be waiting for something to happen, and I raised a brow at her. “Excuse me?” 
That seemed to be the wrong answer because her eyes widened in pure rage and she took a step closer to me, her aura turning threatening. I bit my lip to hold back the cry of pain as I felt her grip on my hand tighten. Any more and she was going to break it. “I said leave.” 
There it was. It was there, trailing after the last syllable of each word she said. There was power behind her words, interwoven in the smoothness of her voice. A power that I felt roll off of me like water droplets on a window. Siren. My eyes widened and I looked back at Wooyoung to see his face scrunched in fury as he stormed over to us. By the time I looked back to Maggiore, Seonghwa had already pulled her away from me and was leading her away from Wooyoung and I. “You’ve got a lot of nerve for pulling a stunt like this.” I heard Seonghwa mutter to the woman as he casually led her away.  If I hadn’t heard his harsh words I would’ve thought they were old friends catching up; keeping up pretenses for the sake of everyone present. 
“Are you alright?” Wooyoung asked, gingerly taking my hand in his. He frowned when he saw the flesh there was already beginning to bruise. “I’m so sorry about this, I never thought she’d make an appearance here today of all days.” 
“Who even is she?” She was a siren, that I already gathered from the way she tried to compel me to leave and it didn’t work. I remember Wooyoung mentioning before that a siren’s powers won’t work on me anymore now that I was bonded to him. 
He sighed, looking down at me with a mixture of concern and sadness. I hated seeing him like this. “That is Maggiore, my ex.” 
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prince-liest · 10 days
Dr Prince! You have very effectively infected my brainslug with ‘Lady’s First’ (fire name, btw. the meaning hit me in the face when typing this and you would only know when checking the spelling) I can’t stop thinking about it.
Sorry beforehand, this may bully your inbox with a wall of text.
There are so many things I want to write and analyse about this, but right now I’d like to focus on Vox:
(also: feel free to ignore this if my insane ramblings go off the rails, lol, they tend to do that)
So I find it fascinating how both of them interact in this. Clearly they were talking about emotional and personal things way more than male Alastor. It’s very hard for me to put into words, not gonna lie. Vox, I feel like, has experienced a very different kind of ‘hell-socialisation’ in this version. Since it’s not ‘my gender is eldritch monster’ Alastor he’s looked up to but Alastor the woman who also happens to be the mighty Radio Demon, things turned out very different. 
We can all agree that friendships between men and friendships between men and women are different. We can’t forget that Vox is also playing a role here. His presentation is carefully crafted to be the ‘man’s man’. He is all ‘I’m going to present as toxic masculine as I have learned men to be during my lifetime’ -> probably very much imitating the way that his boss used to present. Because that’s what a man does, of course(lol)! The competitive edge, so to say, is missing that would be present between ‘old-boy’ male friends. This is laced with the fact that Vox is also queer as Hell and not immune to his own upbringing. So he was able to clock Alastor’s insecurity IMMEDIATELY and tried his best to dispel them (even though it was for different reasons than one might think initially). Because he’s probably been subject to the same thing when he was alive. (Again, ignore if I’m being stupid about this, it’s just my own interpretation and I’m INSANE)
Also it kinda feels like talking about feelings is something that comes more naturally to Vox and thus, things like him being transgender and them having talked about his vast collection of dildos beforehand is interesting but I also can’t quite put my finger on WHY, exactly. Is it because a male Alastor would have absolutely snooped around Vox’s room as well, taken note of the dildos and just not given a shit? I don’t know! And Vox being so soft and considerate throughout the whole thing hit me in the face out of left field, not gonna lie.
Now, coming over to Alastor for a moment. You can almost see the gears turning in her head that led to this decision. All the little hints beforehand and the interactions throughout. As you said: socialisation as a woman dictated to her that if she wants to have a meaningful friendship with a man, it is expected of her to give herself over. She clearly likes Vox enough but I think there are also other layers to this. There is also that “choosing a partner” vibe. She is just as curious and wanting to try things as her male counterpart. She also already knew she probably wouldn’t enjoy sex but she’s not above trying it out nevertheless -> combining all the things: Vox being a friend that is near and dear to her heart that she also doesn't feel ‘weaker’ to, if that makes sense. Vox can’t ‘take’ her power or perceived status away the same way a non-Overlord would in this scenario. I interpret/project a lot of “men sleeping around are heroes, women sleeping around are sluts” into this. Then there is Vox being trans and having had very similar socialisations during his lifetime. It almost created a safe space for Alastor. If it was going to be ANY man she was ever going to try this with, it would be Vox. (Of course that notion of ‘safety’ is a very flimsy and badly worded descriptor that goes out the window the second we bring hypnosis and the fact that they are DEMONS in HELL into the mix but I’m very bad at describing my thoughts in this otherwise) 
Phew. ok, so that was so many words to say: I love this stuff! 
Now I wish that it was a series but my brain already can’t comprehend how this masterpiece even saw the light of day so….
Thank you so much for this!
HENCHY THIS ASK WAS SO LOVELY <3 No apologies, I love long comments (though for continuous conversations I tend to start putting things under a cut, haha).
I think you're very on-point with a lot of this, especially with Vox feeling like a safe enough option that Alastor was able to get far enough as to try this in the first place. And it's not just because she thinks Vox understands where she's coming from, having experienced life "as a woman" (in Alastor's eyes, though that's not precisely actually true to the trans experience), but also because they're from similar enough time periods that she thinks Vox has a proper understanding of how things should be. Vox in this fic has been historically actively more respectful to Alastor in a very gendered way because he's socially canny enough to pick up on the fact that Alastor expects him to be, and he cares enough about what she thinks of him to continue behaving that way even decades after they met when it's not actually the 1950s anymore.
Chivalry is dead, but they're both in hell with it!
And talking about his feelings comes more naturally to Vox in this fic because he's talking about them to a woman rather than another man, so a lot of society's "men shouldn't have soft squishy feelings (unless it's to their mother or female significant other)" bullshit doesn't register, especially to a guy who, y'know, has a vested interest in performing masculinity "correctly." If that makes sense! >:D
Anyway, thank you so much! I didn't expect the sheer amount of interest and positive response that this fic would garner and it has brought me a lot of joy. I'm really happy that you enjoyed it!
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myobsessionsspace · 7 months
Jungkook’s BE-hind Story
Though filmed in 2021, I find it still relevant.
It’s a really good watch for those that may not have seen this, or may have but have forgotten about it.
His thoughts on songs with no relation to him personally.
His music process, how he can do songs within a day or work on a song over and over, delete and never release.
Watch full video here
🐰“From now on, although songs with sincerity is also important, but…there are so many different types of people, who think differently and come from different backgrounds.
I want to become an artist who can create various different stories by creating imaginary scenarios and situations and coming up with imaginary characters.
That’s my ultimate motive.”
🐿️ “It’s very unique. I usually find it much easier to write about my own experiences, but what you’re trying to do is putting yourself in an imaginary scenario, which is actually very difficult.”
🐰 “Right, it’s difficult. So, although it’s very difficult, like how I want to try new things but unable to express it right now. If I keep doing it I’ll get accustomed to it, so I should keep challenging myself.”
🐿️ “I think it’s wonderful and I believe all challenges are good. I hope you could try out as much as possible”
Weverse Live
July 2023
What really stuck out to me:
🐰“but there's still this idea called image. And many people love that. Let's say that people love it, and so I keep following only that path. In that case, what is it that I can change? With my own hands? When this is my own life. I've gotta be the one to make change, you know. I have to tell the people who love me "this is how I am," and I have to-- not coerce them, but I have to make it so that they can accept/recognize me.”
When will he be allowed to control his image? When will he be allowed to not fit the idea that has been created by fans from content that doesn’t reflect his stage in life anymore? When can he expand on that image, add dimension, flaws, normal human traits to it?
🐰“I mean, like, there are so many things. How should I say it, so... Even if I were to figure out [the audience's] needs and satisfy those... Would ARMYS and I be truly happy? Till the end. When there's nothing that changes.”
You can’t please everyone all of the time. To please the majority he has to sacrifice himself? His change from the image people hold of him can never be? Who is that fair to? Is it fair to him? Is it fair to the fans who want to love him for him?
🐰“Ok, if I'm being honest: that's right, before, I used to have a lot of fears, including fear of trying something new. And I used to not really feel up to doing things that are new. But this is something that you guys created for me as well. It is from you all. Because I gained so much courage from you guys. Truly. (drinks water)
& I said this in a recent live, too. Asking why you guys give your support and love to me. Because even back then, I didn't know the answer, which is why I kept asking again and again. But now, I don't want to show that vulnerable side of me to you guys. I gained confidence, and using this as a foundation, I want to keep building myself.”
Army time and time again showed him they loved all of him and trusts what he wants to do, so they gave him the confidence to try new things.
Trusting that he wants to do it and he’s spoken before about the want for these types of songs, these challenges.
They aren’t army’s challenges but his challenges.
I don’t know about you, but being a singer from a 7 piece group who for years has worked with the same people in their mother tongue, to now work with an array of people from a different country, to sing a full album in a different language and do each song with different musical genres, phew! I’m tired just *thinking about it*!
Watch the whole weverse live
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Out November 3rd 2023!
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galaxy-stardust · 12 days
Jakes view
Part 1
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Alright, I contacted the group.
Thomas already contacted the number which was send to him.
I will give the number access to the chats now and will contact it afterwards.
I should make it short. A video call he smiles, knowing how impressive his skills can be.
Let's save the number first. Maybe I will know the name after saving it and I can take a look at the profile picture. I'm really curious who might be behind the number.
*typing in number*
Hmm... female a smile rushes his face
Beautiful name and.... what a beautiful women.
That's what you call a blessing in disguise.
He realizes that he is litarally staring at the picture and shakes his head.
Ok, the chat between Jessica and Dan is over. My turn.
How do I start. What about a simple *typing*
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She doesn't know what I mean, damn my bad he rolls his eyes and starts typing again
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She likes it. His heart makes a jump but in the same moment he forces hisself for not beeing this emotional.
Ok, time to cut it short.
He makes sure that his hoodie is hiding his face and starts the video call.
He ends the call with the words "trust me".
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Phew, ok let's see what she thinks about all of it.
She trusts me he thinks a bit surprised very good! I knew the video call was a good idea. She's interesting... his thoughts wander but no time for it yet.
I will introduce her what to do. She has access to the cloud already.
Ok, done. And now, just to make it clear because all of this is very important *typing*
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And.. offline.
He leans back. Happy with his work so far.
He takes another quick look at MC's profile picture  Beautiful girl he smiles while he is reading the chats between the group and MC and tries to find helping clues.
After a while a message from MC pops up.
He sits up straight.
Her first found in the cloud. That was quick but unfortunately not usefull. Nevertheless.
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She is quick-witted. I like that.
Good, she knows what to do. Let's go on.
Wait, what? She wants to talk to me? Why? She thinks I'm interesting. He feels that he's blushing.
What does she wants to know? I will not tell her a thing about me...it's too risky...not now. Ok...
She wants to know which program I use to hack? Clever. He smiles.
I have to make sure, that hiding my identidy has the highest priority.
Great, she understands.
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In the moment he sends the message he bites his bottom lip.
Damn, that sounded a bit hard. I didn't mean it like that.
Why she wants me to choose a topic now? My last smalltalk is definetely too long ago.
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Seriously Jake? You can't think of anything better? He shakes his head.
MC, I'm sorry that my words come out so hard and distanced. I really want to talk to you. You're so interesting as well and I already feel a connection between us but I can't open up to you. We don't have time for that.
So many thoughts crossing his mind but he has to protect his identidy. He must save the distance between them. It's too dangerous for him. And also for her.
Ok, second try.
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Well, not much better as the first question. But enough smalltalk for now. There's a lot of work to do. For both of us.
If I wonder who you are MC? Of course I do.
Alright, I will lock out. Otherwise I'll probably end up telling her my name or worse...
He leans back, streches.
Ok girl, good luck. He smiles and starts working.
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megistusdiary · 2 years
I’m not sure if you’ve written for Xiao yet… but I’m always curious of how people interpret his.. libido to say the least, considering he’s an adeptus and doesn’t feel emotion the same way humans do.
Maybe a shy Xiao were he’s not really sure HOW to ask reader to sleep with him so he tries to give “subtle” hint but they really aren’t as subtle as he thinks.
BTW I love your writing ahhhh
(Can I claim an emoji.. idk how that works tbh I never leave asks so if I can… could I be like, 🥀 anon?? Thanks!!! 💜)
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hi there! of course you can be 🥀 anon, welcome to my page :D i'm also very happy you like my writing ♡♡♡ tysm for reading
also i have actually only written two pieces for xiao which are as follows:
1) jealous dom xiao
2) consensual somno with dom xiao
i like to think that xiao doesn't know much about sex except that when done between a male and female, you can create another human sometimes
he doesn't really understand the love-making part of intercourse, so i have an idea of who he would try to ask lol
honestly this has a lot of plot. i have been writing so much these past few days, phew! when i have the time, i am a writing machine haha
warnings: switch!xiao and switch!fem anatomy/pronouns reader
nervous xiao, handjob (xiao receiving), lots of touching/making out lol, first-time sex for both of you :) , lube, fingering/penetration (reader receiving), soft ♡, kissing, baizhu is here but just as a side character because i ♡ him
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the leather-bound book sat heavy on your desk in xiao's memory, unable to remove itself from his thoughts.
slightly worn around the edges and held closely to your face while you read it, lips thoroughly bitten. you seemed to think you were so sly when you hid that book behind you whenever he mentioned it.
so it was unusual that he had found it on your desk, for once unguarded by your form. xiao innocently opened the unlabeled cover to see what you had been reading so intently this week.
barely a few sentences in to the page, he immediately realized this was some type of erotic book. he was unfamiliar with some of these terms, purely from a lack of knowledge of human intimacies.
when he finally reached the end of the page, he snapped out of his trance, slamming the book shut with so much force it scattered the pages of your report to the floor.
never had the yaksha been more thoroughly embarrassed, cheeks stained red as he clutched his head.
he knew humans were odd, but he had never seen such a crude book. he never pegged you for the type to be interested in such things. how could one want to read about the act of producing a child?
perhaps that's how xiao ended up seeking out a personal consultation with the popular pharmacist from bubu pharmacy.
as uncomfortable as it was, the doctor was happy to make his acquaintance, keeping an even-toned expression when he welcomed the yaksha in after hours.
"i understand these concepts might be unfamiliar to you, though i mean no disrespect. these types of things are different from public displays of affection, and they aren't so easily written in literature."
xiao begged to differ based upon that book you left out so haphazardly on your desk for anyone to see.
he allowed the doctor to explain things in the most scientific way possible, trying to remain calm and collected until the yaksha suddenly held up a hand to stop him.
"i...appreciate your effort, but i already understand the act of procreation. i just don't..comprehend why humans seem to enjoy it so much."
baizhu paused, determining the best way to answer the question before he finally understood why xiao really wanted to see him. "i see. you're asking about why lovers like it so much." baizhu barely stifled a chuckle. "to be honest, it's been a while since i have done that myself, but it isn't so much about the act itself."
"how so?"
"it's about being vulnerable with someone. allowing them to see all of you while you see all of them. it's hard to let ourselves be open with everyone, especially if we have a particularly traumatic past. it can lead to becoming guarded." xiao frowned at this. "but, when you're with someone special, a normally uncomfortable situation becomes tender. intercourse becomes love-making." baizhu scratched the back of his neck, wondering if any of this was even sticking. "ah, i'm sorry if-"
xiao abruptly stood, silencing the doctor. "no need to apologize. i understand now. thank you for your time, doctor."
"oh, before you go-" baizhu stood up slower than xiao, reaching behind the counter to collect a small brown bag. "it might not be my place, but i always see mr. zhongli from the wangsheng funeral parlor here collecting peculiarly strong medicine for someone in liyue. it might be presumptuous of me, but, here." he held the bag out towards xiao. "it'll save mr. zhongli a trip here."
xiao gingerly took the bag, holding it in one palm before practically vanishing before baizhu's eyes. the pharmacist smiled to himself, shaking his head before locking up the pharmacy doors and heading home.
it had been a few days since then, and after continuous thinking, he finally decided it was the right time to ask you to do this with him.
you seemed to thoroughly enjoy that book, so surely, it would be even better to experience the real thing, no?
although, xiao had no idea how to bring this to your attention without sounding crude. why was he so nervous about something so simple? he was a yaksha. why were trivial human matters frightening to him?
when you finally came home that evening, you were surprised to see xiao waiting for you, standing in the doorway at attention, watching you almost drop your bag.
"oh, xiao-" you held a hand over your heart, laughing to yourself. "you scared me a little there."
you walked past him, opting to unpack your bag as xiao focused his steel gaze upon your form. "i don't know if you're hungry or not, but i brought your favorite." you turned, holding the container of almond tofu with a big grin.
you expected to see the usual hint of a smile on his own lips, though he seemed to remain neutral as you frowned slightly. "hey, is something wrong?" you started to feel concerned, worried you had upset the yaksha.
xiao clenched his fists as he huffed. "it's nothing. i appreciate the gesture."
you deflated a bit, causing xiao to feel that slight burn in his chest. guilt, he assumed. "alright, sure. i'll leave it here for you." you set the container back on the counter, rubbing your eyes as you put the rest of your things away.
xiao could take it no longer, wishing desperately to get this idea out of his head. "i read your book." he softly blurted out as you slowly turned towards him on your heels.
"what book-"
"the book."
"oh..." you fell silent, face feeling hot as you coughed. "well, i am, uh, sorry for traumatizing you with that, so...yeah." you averted your eyes, screaming at yourself inside your head. how could you forget to put that book back under your pillow? xiao was definitely going to disappear forever now. well done.
"do you want to try...that."
your eyes practically popped out from your skull, covering your mouth. "try what now?"
"intercourse. with- me."
xiao's face was as red as a tomato as you stared at him shocked. "i knew this was a foolish idea, i apologize for offending you. this is an insult to-"
"no!" you yelled out, moving your hands to his shoulders. "no, no, no you're misunderstanding!" you shook your head. "xiao, do you really mean it? you'd try it? with me?"
xiao nodded once, surprised by your overdramatic reaction. was it really as good as baizhu explained it to be?
he also wondered if his karmic debt would weigh too heavily on you for a moment before you gasped, shaking his shoulders with your excited gestures.
"oh, xiao, i...i wanted to ask you for a really long time. i just- i thought you'd never want to. and i never wanted to make you feel uncomfortable." you explained as xiao finally understood.
so you did want to create a child with him? to be honest, he wasn't quite sure if it was even possible, though he had heard stories of half adeptus children in liyue, namely that very popular lawyer woman.
"i'm willing to try." xiao nodded. he allowed you to excitedly lead him to the bedroom, stumbling over your own feet as you pulled him to the bed.
"there's really no need to be nervous." you told him sweetly, cradling his face between your palms as he willed himself to relax.
you were correct, and he hated to admit that a human was more wise than him.
you slowly leaned forward. "is this okay?" you questioned, noses nearly touching as he nodded, staying still and allowing you to approach him. you carefully pressed your lips to his, rubbing your thumbs across his cheekbones as you smiled into his mouth.
xiao's eyes fluttered shut as he allowed you to guide him, keeping his hands at his sides, awkwardly clutching at the blankets. you gently pulled away, feeling him lean forward to chase your lips before catching himself and opening his eyes.
you reached towards his hands now, holding them gently and placing them on your waist as you climbed into his lap. "there, that's better." you commented, kissing him deeper, swiping your tongue across the seam of his lips.
shockingly, xiao seemed to understand this gesture, parting his lips and allowing you to slide your tongue into his mouth. he seemed to find this sensation odd, gripping your hips a little tighter when you shifted against him.
he felt warm when you moved over his hips, pressing your weight down onto him as he groaned, feeling the strange sensations.
you smirked, grinding down against him as he leaned away, panting with spit-slicked lips as you held onto his shoulders tighter. "does that feel good?" you asked as his eyes closed once more, eyebrows furrowing. you giggled a little before stopping, hips growing tired before you suddenly let out a soft moan when xiao started moving your hips for you.
it was easy to forget his inhuman strength when he looked so soft. his grip was tight as he moved you at his leisure, inexperienced yet curious.
"have you- done this before?" you asked him, feeling warmth building in your core as xiao shook his head.
"never." he answered before pulling you against him once more, trembling a bit. "have you?" from the way you spoke and read it so freely, he was shocked to see you shyly shake your head.
"no...i was waiting for the right person." you admitted sheepishly. "i wanted it to be special." you smiled up at him, kissing his cheek.
xiao realized you were talking about him, making it feel like he had crystalflies in his stomach.
"here, i want to try something." you moved off his lap, opting to tug at the waistband of his pants. "we both take off some clothes so it isn't as awkward, okay?"
xiao was perplexed when he watched you shyly pull of your jacket. "i assumed it was normal to strip during this act. is it not natural?"
"being nude. why would you be uncomfortable with the idea?"
you paused, mouth opening and closing as you tried to think of an excuse. in that time, xiao took it upon himself to fully strip. "i have no shame in this form. i took it many years ago in honor of my savior. it is something of pride and loyalty. your form is to be respected." xiao reminded you as your eyes widened.
"well...okay." you took a deep breath, removing the rest of your clothing to match xiao as he carefully folded the fabric, placing it on the chair near the bed. "come here." you gestured as he moved towards you. "lean against the headboard."
xiao did as you commanded, feeling your gaze burn against his skin when you trailed your eyes down his body. you stopped just above his groin, feeling embarrassed as you leaned forward.
"oh! i almost forgot, i actually had something, well uh...just in case." you laughed nervously, reaching over to your nightstand, pulling out a small bottle of liquid.
"what is that?"
"it's supposed to make it easier by making your skin more slippery." you explained, uncapping the bottle to pour some on your fingers. "it'll feel much better with this. or so i've heard."
"from who?"
you ignored xiao's huff, carefully tracing a finger along his shaft as his hips jumped. "sensitive." you smiled, feeling his thighs go tense as you swirled your finger around the tip, playing with the slit as his cock slowly grew harder, leaning up against his stomach.
you moved your hand around him, carefully stroking in a gentle motion as he let out a groan from the slick sounds of your hand on his skin. "it...feels good, but strange-" xiao's hands clenched on the sheets as you moved your hand up and down, using the other hand to play with his heavy balls as he gasped.
as expected, he didn't last long, reaching his first orgasm quickly, coming all over your hand and his stomach, feeling sticky on your fingers as you gently eased him through his orgasm. he relaxed against the headboard, watching as you smiled to yourself.
the expression slowly faded when you realized he was still hard...?
"what- xiao, that's...weird? that's not supposed to happen."
xiao looked perplexed. "i thought humans are capable of enduring multiple orgasms."
"i mean, yeah, with breaks- they don't just keep going-" xiao cut you off by pulling you towards him, pressing your body to his.
"what do i do to return this favor?"
"well, i guess the equivalent would be fingering me? i'm not really sure about that though because-!" xiao reached his hand down to press against your wet cunt, feeling your hips jump against his touch. "xiao, hold on, i'm sensitive-"
he pressed his free hand against your fingers, collecting the leftover lube to press against your cunt, rolling his fingers over the skin messily. "xiao, there's a specific way to do it." your cheeks burned. "i'll show you." with one hand, you gripped his shoulder, the other reaching down to wrap around his wrist, feeling around for your clit until you positioned his finger pads just right.
"oh- there." you sighed, moving his fingers in circles as you moved your hips to match the motion.
"is this...adequate?"
"very," you laughed breathlessly. "but, i need you to do something else for me too."
"before we try to put your...you know in me, i need to be, how should i say this, stretched out? they say it really hurts the first time...and i guess i'm just a little nervous because-"
"i promise i won't let anything hurt you." you were taken aback by xiao's sudden oath, looking deep into your eyes as your lips parted. "tell me what i need to do."
you carefully moved his hand down towards your hole, allowing him to feel for himself. "here?" he asked.
"yeah, just press in but be gentle, please." you whimpered as he dipped the tip of his index finger in, gently pushing as you shifted uncomfortably. "feels weird."
xiao stayed silent, eyebrows furrowed by the strange texture around his finger. it was tight, yet soft, wet, and warm as you sucked the digit in. he stuck another next to it, feeling you grip his shoulder tightly, hand falling from his wrist as you dug your nails into his bicep. "archons-"
he continued to push the digits in and out, sometimes moving his fingers a bit. he recalled baizhu explaining some of this. he called it 'fingering' or something along the lines. a fitting name indeed.
eventually you stopped him, gesturing for him to remove his fingers as he frowned. "is something wrong?"
"no, no, i just- i think i'm ready." you took a deep breath as he nodded.
he positioned his tip at your entrance, watching you worry your lip between your teeth as you felt it slowly enter you, tensing your body as he hissed.
"don't do that-" he groaned, grabbing your hips. "relax your muscles, it's too...tight."
you tried to relax, eyes tearing up slightly. it was not as excruciating as you expected, though the stretch did burn, and once you finally got through the hard part, xiao paused.
he allowed you to lean on him, taking shallow breaths as he smoothed a hand down your back. baizhu told him to be patient. he explained you would need time to adjust, that it could be painful taking something in your body this way.
xiao was glad he listened, finally feeling your heartbeat slow as he gently soothed you, albeit stiffly.
"are you okay?" he asked, feeling you nod against his shoulder. he carefully moved his hips experimentally, feeling you clutch your arms around his neck for stability, still pressed to his chest as he hummed, picking up the pace gradually.
you allowed him to buck into you at different angles, feeling him shiver as you kissed at his neck, humming into his skin.
"ah-" you suddenly arched when he hit your g-spot unexpectedly, eyes closing as xiao looked concerned. "that was- good, that was a good spot and-"
he pressed into it again, maintaining the angle of his hips as you trembled. "no, no, i'm gonna come if you keep doing that, xiao." you panicked, though he paid no mind, hearing going static as he continued to fuck up into you. "xiao-" you whined as he held you close to him.
he felt your soft breaths on his skin, hair tickling his neck as you suddenly jolted. "oh- i'm close, i'm really close, xiao, xiao-" you moaned lowly, desperately holding back.
"why are you afraid to experience orgasm?" xiao asked, breaking you from your stupor.
"you...i need to keep up with you, xiao. if i- fuck, if i come now...you won't get to and i-"
"i don't mind." xiao admitted, focusing on the feeling of you squeezing around him. "i wanted to know what this was like. i didn't understand why humans were so fond of such things."
he reached down with a hand, sliding it down your stomach to press into your clit as you gasped. how did he remember where-
right. yaksha.
he had you trembling against him, orgasm washing over you as you went slack, leaning onto him and crying out his name as he shuddered, leaning back as you continued to squeeze him oh so tightly.
you felt blissed out as you slowly regained your senses, vision coming back to you as you smiled up at him.
your body still felt tingly, limbs numb as he slowly slid out of you. xiao could tell you were out of it, eyes hazy as he leaned down to kiss your head tenderly.
perhaps human intimacies weren't all completely useless.
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