bluemoondust · 2 years
this is just a slight ramble i wrote down earlier but i hope you enjoy :') i really am looking forward to ur take on him later! - spit
Hassel can't help how strongly he feels towards everything. In his art and his love for music, in his joys to be teaching, this is seen as a positive thing- It's passion, and dedication. Some of the aspects are a little less positive, like his tendency to cry, or ramble, or angry outbursts- Hassel is simply a man of emotional extremes. When he loves, that's no different.
For Hassel, there's no crush, there's no liking, there's no yearning-- To him, it's all the strongest, deepest form of love. He doesn't have to think about it at all. You become his number one, his muse, and all of his sketchbooks and all of his pieces of canvas and blocks of marble or clay all become dedicated to you. The songs he writes bear your name, and he finds connections to you in every piece of art he lays his eyes on.
He's also terribly, terribly jealous, seemingly lit up by the slightest spark- But he's also just as easily overjoyed and placid by the slightest hint of affection coming from you, his dearly beloved muse <3
It's good to be passionate about the things you enjoy and dedicate your time and effort into such things! This is the type of thinking that Hassel follows and I absolutely agree that he pours everything he has when it comes to his darling.
The whole aspect of him expressing his emotions at a full 100% (sometimes even higher) is extremely interesting. He always believed that expressing to your fullest is something healthy (though some would argue it should be to some degree) and wants you to be fully expressive/honest as well. Sometimes it comes off as very encouraging, other times you feel... Overwhelmed.
The man is extremely open with you, so much so that I feel like you would be able to tell right off the bat that he's infatuated with you. Whether you accept his affections or not is up to you... But, you know, bare in mind what may happen if you just reject him.
Thank you for the food, fam (ღ˘ω˘ღ) (also, a bit of rambling in the tags)
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everythinkaloud · 2 years
The bigger the worry, the more (unnecessary) action people tend to take
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vilea777 · 3 months
sorry i overreacted i had no idea everything would be fine
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roninkairi · 1 year
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You can only reblog this today.*
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aesrot · 1 year
shout out to people who's family isnt entirely bad or entirely good, but something in between and you dont know how to feel about them. you feel angry but you also feel guilty, because you know they genuinely love and care about you, but sometimes they show it in a way you know its not okay. your feelings are valid, your anger and sadness and grief are valid, and you dont have to prove this to no one. bigger shout out to those with memory issues who know something isnt right but can't recall all of the bad events, only the feelings, which only increases the guilt.
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puppetmaster13u · 25 days
Y'know sometimes I wonder what Ras reaction was to the Justice League. Like he practically offered Bruce the chance to be one of his generals, straight up offered for him to be his heir, and was turned down.
Do you think he's offended. Because oh, so his organization isn't good enough, but that merry band of idiots is?!
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asavt · 2 months
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Once upon a time a small rat walked into my web...
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ispyspookymansion · 3 months
blocking anyone who is annoying on here to preemptively deny them access to my beautiful posts like saint peter at the gates of heaven
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bbbbbbbbatman · 4 months
Clark wakes up one day and his throat hurts and he can't breath through his nose and he's all hot and feverish and he just feels bad. So he shows up at the manor sniffling with watery eyes like "Bruce I think I'm dying :'("
And Bruce is trying to stay calm but internally he's panicking a bit bc it's Superman, Superman doesn't get sick and Clark's not the type to over exaggerate his condition so if he thinks it's bad it must be.
So they go to the watchtower and contact the Lantern Corps and they send over a doctor. Clark is ready for the worst but after a brief examination that doctor's like "oh yeah, it's space flu" really casually
"Space flu?"
"Yeah, I mean it's not the thing humans get but it's pretty similar. You probably got it from that alien invasion last week. It'll suck but just rest and drink lots of fluids and you should be fine in a week."
Clark is embarrassed at his overreaction and wants to go home to mope but Bruce forces him to stay at the manor until he gets better so he can make sure someone is actually taking care of Clark.
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FNAF Baby just wanted to be friends with Abby..
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tizeline · 11 months
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Part 2!
Can’t get over the fact that we all keep calling him ”Peepaw Leo” even tho the poor guy JUST got into his 40s
Also don’t ask me what a skincare routine would even look like for a human-turtle mutant hybrid I have no idea
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thankstothe · 3 months
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The most suspicious man alive offers you a cup of coffee, do you accept?
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neurotypical people will be like "yeah loud noises bother me too" and meanwhile i once had to sit in a closet clutching a pillow sob-rocking for 2.5 hours because a fire alarm went off for a few seconds
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4gifs · 4 months
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Cat vs hanger
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toughbunnyforever · 1 year
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can't take him anywhere
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”im gay” “im straight” okay?? im taking action?? im gaining traction?? no more distractions?? im done relaxing?? i am the chemical reaction
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