#otherwise he’s getting a flash one because I know he likes the museum
Me: come on Mason, we’re going shop
Mason: for what?
Me: for school
Mason: but I don’t go to school. Lian does
Me: you’re going to kindergarten next week, we talked about this
Mason: no I go to work with mom. Or I help with the baby
Jason: Monday will be fun
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joelsfavoritegirl · 3 months
more pre-outbreak joel hcs because this man takes up every square inch of my mind<33
. let’s be real he lives for sports, joel is the type of guy to invite tommy and all his friends over js to watch the “big game” (and he’s manning that barbecue 100% and doesn’t let anyone get near it, it’s just him cooking on it and he ends up missing half the game because of it but oh well)
. the driest fucking texter on the face of the earth i swear, his number one response to almost any message you send is just 👍 and then he’s confused later on when you assume that he’s upset
“are you mad at me?”
his head turns to your direction, brows furrowed and raised, “what?”
“are you mad at me?” you repeat, fingers fiddling with the hem of your shirt as you look at him.
he hesitates for a moment, like he’s almost about to ask if you’re mad at him. “no, sweets, i ain’t mad. why would i be mad at you?” he drawls, turning to face you fully.
“cause earlier when i told you i was gonna be home later you just replied with a thumbs up. you didn’t say anything else.”
“oh not this again- “
. WAS THE BIGGEST HISTORY NERD IN SCHOOL, ik that boy knew anything and everything if you asked him. history was the one subject he had straight a’s from no joke. remembers years and numbers like he was born for it, it’s srsly fascinating.
“napoleon bonaparte died which year?” the voice of the host of the game show booms from the tv. your eyes are flickering over the answers on the screen as you look away from your book for a second.
“may 5th, 1821,” joel mutters, his head comfortably settled in your lap as you card your fingers through his hair.
it makes you frown down at him, scoffing softly before you look back at the screen.
“1840,” the contestant replies and the buzzer practically defeans you, indicating that it’s the wrong answer.
“a couple years off there, Roger,” the host chuckles, flashing that unnatural white-teeth smile to the man, “napoleon died on the 5th of may, 1821”
and joel is chuckling in your lap, patting your thigh in victory as he watches your dropped jaw.
“i was a history buff in high school, what can i say?”
. i also feel like joel would’ve actually been a pretty smart kid (we don’t talk about him thinking the rover in the museum in tlou2 was the real one from mars), i also definitely think he went to music high school parallel with normal high school (he was a band kid through and through you can’t convince me otherwise). hardworking, smart, a bit of a goody-two-shoes if you squint, would’ve probably gone off to a decent college/university if it wasn’t for sarah’s appearance (wrap it before you tap it kids!!)
. type of guy to scoff whenever people say their favorite holiday is valentine’s day but you know damn well he’s got it marked on his calendar so he can remember to buy you some nice flowers and take you out to some fancy date (and fuck the shit out of you when you get home but that’s a whole other story). you tease him about it every year but he just brushes it off (his cheeks are red and he has to clear his throat bcs he himself knows it’s true and he’s too much of a gentleman to fully deny it)
literally the loml it’s critical atp<33
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slashthrashandcrash · 14 days
My tire blew out today. The towman, for whatever reason, kept getting my location wrong and the road rangers were my knights in shining honor when they stumbled upon my car on patrol. Then, the tow arrived and was driving after me after they put in the spare tire, calling out that his ride was still free. Now, if this was late at night and the highway was suspiciously empty, which slashers / killers do you think would be after me and how could I fight them off? The tow guy is, of course, no help
This sounds so funny as a time sensitive question like "I'm not saying I am stranded on a desolate road with no help for miles but if I were how could I possibly fend of a serial killer that's banging on my car window? Please respond, asking for a friend."
Danny/Ghostface would certainly be an option if he was already on the move between towns or states, just a nice young man wanting to help get you somewhere safe and accidentally making a few wrong turns...then next thing you know, you're set loose to run free through the woods while he tails you, knife in hand. Your best option is to hope you find the main road before he finds you, but even then you'd have to pray there's even another motorist driving at this hour who'd be willing to stop at your distress. Just because you were stupid enough to get in a car with a stranger doesn't mean they are lmao.
The Sinclair brothers are a classic, of course -- that's kind of their whole schtick is helping out poor stranded motorists, offering to fix up their car while they come on into town for a spell, maybe check out the local wax museum to kill some time. Gotta be honest, your odds probably aren't that great since it's a 3v1...you might just have to grab a tire iron and start swinging if you want a fighting chance.
Michael can drive but he's a fucking menace on the road, he'll be ramming into you and trying to slam you off into a ditch or the median. You need to either outpace him or hopefully lose him with a few sharp turns, otherwise you'll be battered and trapped when he gets a tire to blow out or your transmission to die. Being wounded in a metal cage is the last place you wanna be when he comes stalking over to your wreckage. Although, he might more so be targeting the tow driver behind you, they usually wear those navy coveralls...
And there's a few more typical slashers who have a similar con to the Sinclairs; the Firefly family, the Sawyer family, whatever the cannibal inbred family's name was in The Hills Have Eyes -- these cases? 100% fucked. If you don't floor it and get the hell out of dodge the first second you spot any of 'em on the side of the road, you've practically sealed your fate. And it won't be pretty, or sexy, or fun. For you, anyways.
For a bit of gaslight gatekeep girlboss, Tiffany Valentine. For no reason other than you're practically alone on the quiet roads and she's bored. Just a quick little fender bender and then her nail file across your throat. Frankly, you should be honored to be killed by her, just let it happen, say thank you with your gurgling dying breath. Throwback to Urban Legend, but also Brenda. Who doesn't love a good story about flashing highbeams in the rearview mirror? You're golden if you remember how the legend goes and how the girl survives (even if the killer isn't the one in your backseat), or better yet, just don't flash your lights when you see her driving in the dark in the first place.
Purely DBD killers though, I'd really only pick out Legion, namely because they would have plenty of reasons to target you. They want your car, your money if you have it, and hell, they'll go ahead and take your life while they conveniently have it. The bad news is it's 4v1, the good news is they're all stupid teenagers. You have a 50/50 chance of being able to either outsmart them or just fend them off long enough to escape, but don't be surprised to find 4 different blades in your gut because you refuse to cooperate with their robbery.
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lolottes · 10 months
Justice Poké league
So basically it was a reblog answer but it's LONG and not in the initial sudjet so I'm making it its own post
hum, I already think that some would be evolutions (superman or Oracle) and others not
clark ken - normal -lvlup-> superman steel flying (can return to normal type with the item Glasses)
batman - fighting dark (Infiltrator)
wonder woman - fighting fairy
Flash - normal electric ?
green lantern : then particular case I think that green lantern would be a talent which makes the type psychic with the ring
GL Hal Jordan: flying maiby flying steel -> flying spychic
GL Kyle Rayner: fairy (because Ion is an artist, nothing to do with his sexual orientation -_-)
GL John Stewart: psychic ??? for me architect = wall and it's psychic attacks maybe then he is twice psychic so double stab and resistance and double weakness?
so I don't know him, but I know things, he was accused of terrorism and has an occasional vision of the future, so fire if you want to have a bad sense of humor or dark because his vision reminds me absol soooo GL Simon Braz: Dark
GL Jessica Cruz .... I have NO idea what she was doing as a civilian before being pushed to be a heroine
Martian Manhunter: spychic ghost, why ghost, for the change in density, the invisibility but also because mourning is part of him and his writing
Aquaman: water (dum)
Green Arrow : normal (the pure normal type is legitimate! and is not just lame! please, the 1g meta was dominated by them, they often have a move set diversify and the move set aspect hyper difersify fits like a glove a green arrow) and if you are really anti normal then fighting
Zatanna: psychic (of course)
Constantine: Dark ghost (I mean… cursed and sold his soul + demon blood)
Cyborg electric steel
Shazam electric flying
Blue Beetle electric bug
Dr Fate : ghost phychic or an item that adds the ghost type on a spychic type and spychic otherwise
Booster Gold: Dark (he can go back in time and become thanks to the action of stealing the museum in which he works)
Hawkman flying dark (traitor / double agent)
hawkwoman flying fighting (or steel or electric with his mace)
batgirl: fighting -> Oracle: spychic
plastic man civil dark (voleur) -> hero: ground dark so I know that this choice seems strange BUT! he is a fan of puns and he tries to "bury" his thief reflex / his kleptomania … in addition the plastic is immune to electricity sooo ground
Starfire: fairy / fire all space related pokemon tend to be either phychic or fairy but as flying and psychic are already very representative and that his power comes from his emotions finally
Robin (Dick): flying fairy -> Nightwing: flying dark (with access to electric attacks)
Robin (Dick): flying fairy ->Red X: Dark fairy (so, i like the idea of a pokemon that always changes one of its types to dark as it evolves and that type has different aspects (wrongdoing / obscurity) depending on evolution and it's a different type that gets lost during evolution. Red X and above all a thief and not by real choice at first, I'm not going to dwell too much, but the image of him having his wings clipped is just too lively and poetic to pass up)
Jason préRobin : fighting dark (tire theft) -> Robin (Jason): fighting fairy -die in a fight after gaining a level (so in a trainer fight / serious fight)-> red hood Ghost Dark/Fairy like this one I think I have to explain it: for how it evolves, yep to make it possible only against a trainer who can kill it and after having already fought well, it's original, but given the methods of he evolution introduced in legend is not out of place either. For the ossilation between two types, dark is for rage pits and fairy because its goal is always the revival of the alley of crime, moreover the contrast seems cool to me :3
tim prés robin: Dark -> Robin (Tim) Dark fairy (-> stalker=Dark and so far fairy for all the robins because they supposed to represent hope) -> red robin : ..... dark losing robin's mantle makes him lose the fairy type without preventing him from learning fairy attacks, moreover it's an evolution that has been reversed so … red robin is a mega evolution?
Robin (Damien): Ghost fairy (I hesitated, but I wanted a different type for each robin and the al gull lineage is associated with lazarus and death. As long as he follows the blood heritage mentality he stays in the al gull mentality and therefore the ghost type for me)
Beast boy: normal protéen
Raven: Dark fairy (fairy and not psychic because its powers are dependent on its emotion (like starfire) and the aspect controls darkness and more obvious than the purely magical aspect
hum, I think we've covered this important enough or that I feel comfortable enough to have an opinion.
BUT I would like your opinion on how the DC heroes or characters would be as pokemon.
at firstI also wanted to give them ability and secret Ability but I've been there for hours and my pc has already overheated once ^^'
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svyat0s · 8 months
Art&concept by Ol Albireo Feel free to write your stories and name arts. You also can do not only write, but draw, sing, create music and sculptures, translate into other languages you learn for practicing (and never simplify text when you translate it!). Show us that you did.
Walking along the real
"I feel like I've been dreaming about the light. I feel like I've been here forever, like I've always been here." Radha sighed and popped a breadcrumb into her mouth. "It's always been like this," Alisher said thoughtfully, "the dark side is always around. One step and you're stuck. And it's hard to get to the light side again." "Why? Why is it difficult?" "It's shameful", Alisher smiled. "After being in darkness, to be in the light so shameful that many people choose to stay on the dark side. They start justifying it, praising it even, looking for beauty in it. All because of cowardice." Radha sighed. "It seems that darkness cannot be fought, it absorbs everything, everything." "Darkness absorbs only the false. It can't absorb the real. See," Alisher pointed at the shining spot. "I see it, but it's dark all around. And all these creatures…" Radha shuddered. "Let's sleep, and tomorrow I'll show you something." XXXX Radha opened her eyes and marveled. She was lying in a hammock and above her the blue sky was shining unbearably. It was a bright day all around. Radha realized that she had to close her eyes and wake up from this dream. A wonderful dream. The girl clenched her eyes, inhaled and gathered all her strength to look at the Dark Side. But nothing had changed, the white day still shone in front of her the same way. "Are you awake?" Alisher smiled. "I think I am not, what is it, Alisher?" "It's the real. Want we go for a walk?" "For a walk?" "Yes." "But we have to go to the Abyss of the Doomed. Time is short, said the Guide." "Time here doesn't count. So we can walk." And they walked out of the park into a wide avenue, the likes of which Radha had not seen even at home before she came to the Dark Side. There was a subtle scent of roses and sunshine in the air. The air wanted to… poetically it would be poetic to say drink, but it wanted to be eaten, cut into chunks and eaten. "Oh, I know this bench," Radha pointed out suddenly, "we used to rest on it. Only it was dark. And now…" "Yes, this is that place." Alisher led her to the shore of the turquoise lake, behind which light houses stood, the paths in the park were clean and cozy. It was so calm and good, Alisher was silent, and Radha was grateful to him for that, he led her somewhere, sometimes offered to sit down, looked into the distance and then they walked again. The girl gazed at the bright, strange city. Fountains were running, lights shone behind huge transparent storefronts. "May we go in? Or it's forbidden?" she asked. "Yes, let's go in." They entered the nearest store. And Radha held back a shriek. It was so beautiful inside, like a museum or a palace. "What is it?" "A store" "Why is there so much stuff?" "Because it's the real" "What does that mean, the real?" "I've already explained it. I can't explain otherwise," Alisher shrugged. "The Real is what is made by people for people," Radha repeated quietly. They went into several more buildings, walked along the light-colored streets. And when evening fell, the streetlights and signs flashed, and it was light again. The girl suddenly sighed. "Why is there no one here?" "There is, just not many ones," Alisher objected. Radha and Alisher sat on a concrete ledge and looked at the sunset. The sky played with all colors, evening rays illuminated the buildings, turning it into a bright fairy tale. "Thank you, I don't know what kind of magic it was, but if you hadn't brought me to this magical city, I would have gone crazy here, probably," Radha smiled. Alisher smiled lightly. "We have to go back to the Dark Side, don't we?" Radha sighed. "We're already on the Dark Side. It's just that we've been walking all day only on shards of the real one. That's the only way to keep from going crazy in the darkness," Alisher nodded behind Radha's back. The girl quickly turned around and saw the same shining monument, slightly dispersing the darkness around.
In the dark side, AlbireoMKG
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Your song fics are so cute 🥺
Could I get Brooklynn Baby by Lana del Rey with lil Timmy T please
awwww thank you :))
Brooklyn Baby
“timothee! timothee! over here!”
“now give us a smile!”
“who are you wearing”
“turn to the left.”
the cameras flash around you. it’s a world of bright lights and dazzling smiles. unfortunately, it’s not your world. you would prefer to be anywhere where poetry is being yelled and not camera commands. where you can wear feathers in your hair and dance to a record player of jazz.
no, this isn’t your world, but it doesn’t matter. because it’s timmy’s world. and what’s his is yours.
it’s not that you don’t appreciate everything that’s given to you because of “his world.” and you don’t hate everything about it, but this? this you hate. the big events where you function mainly as an accessory. which, is in no part due to timothee’s efforts. he tries so hard to make you fit in, but he untimely can’t control what everyone else is thinking.
you’re well aware that most people don’t think you should be with him.
you, of course, think otherwise. you know your value, why shouldn’t you? your old enough to know that self-doubt won’t get you anywhere. if he’s happy with you, then you’re happy to accept that and move on.
you smile at the cameras, timothee’s hand on your lower back, keeping you close to him. he knows how you don’t like these kinds of things. he does everything he can to make it better. it’s of the reasons you love him.
when you’re quiet, he’s there to stand up and talk. when you’re uncomfortable, he can help you and be perfectly fine. when you’re calm, he’s excited. you balance each other out pretty well.
you walk together into the building. it’s some art museum that some famous person wanted to host a party at. you honestly got lost when he was explaining it, and you don’t care enough to ask again if you end up talking to the host, timothee will tell you.
after an hour, you walk out onto the balcony, fresh night air a breath you haven’t been able to take. timothee is, predictably, right behind you. you turn around to face him, knowing that it could end bad. you took what you could stand of judging stares and “you don’t belong here” eyes. there’s only so much you can ignore.
“i don’t think i can go on like this anymore,” you say with a sigh, leaning against the wall for support. “i’m tired of people comparing me to some perfect partner they have in mind for you. we either need to talk about this, or find some other ride home tonight.”
“if you don’t like that, you can leave. as much as i say i need you, i’ve lived without you for most of my life. i shouldn’t keep having to prove myself to everyone who thinks i’m not good enough, old enough, pretty enough, or smart enough for you.”
“i agree. it’s bullshit. you don’t need to prove yourself to anyone but me, and you’ve already done that a million times over.”
“you’re not mad? i thought that you would think…” you trail off.
“i would think what?” he prompts gently.
“you would think i’m being paranoid or dramatic and that you wouldn’t want to hear me say it out loud. you would be upset that i finally brought up what everyone is thinking about us.”
“do you think so little of me?” he asks, hand cupping your face, earnest eyes staring into yours. “i’m not mad. i honestly believe that we would have to talk about it sooner or later, no matter how unfair it is to you that this is happening in the first place.”
“and as for everyone thinking it,” he continues, “i know that’s not true. a lot of people have been very taken with you.”
“then you’re blinded by love,” you say.
“or maybe you are. you don’t see what other people think of you because it doesn’t matter. it isn’t a bad thing. it’s just who you are. once you have the approval of a lover you don’t need anything else.”
“i think that’s the most true thing anyone has ever said about me. and i’m supposed to be the poetic one,” you joke.
“i dabble,” he says with a smile, pushing a strand of hair away from his face to hide his blush. “don’t worry, i’ll go back to my joking and light-hearted mess when you have your next poetic thought.”
“already have one,” you say, thinking about his smile. “already have thousands.”
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musette22 · 3 years
Local museum volunteer Chris explaining all the items and history facts to teacher Sebastian and his 20 kids on a school trip or to single dad Sebastian and his twins (one who is really into it and ask a lot of "but why?" And the other one who just sticks his fingers up his nose and yawns lmao)
Okay so I was just on a walk and I started thinking about this ask again (I am so so so sorry for how long it took me to reply to this, I suck wow) because I couldn’t get that new pic of Seb looking like a literal DILF out of my head, but I couldn’t remember the specifics so what came out is slightly different from what you suggested but not much – hope you still like it (I personally screamed into my fist multiples times while thinking about this – I’m furious at how cute this little scenario is, thank you so so much for this!)
Disclaimer: I literally wrote this just now so it’s unbeta’d and probably riddled with nonsense, but I hope you guys like nonetheless!  <3
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“Hi, guys! Welcome to the Concord Museum. My name is Chris and I’ll be your guide this afternoon.”
Chris eyes the little family – a father and two young kids – standing in front of him in the entrance hall of the bite-sized museum, then makes a show of looking around the otherwise empty hall. “Seems like it’s a quiet one today, so you’ll have me all to yourself!”
The father smiles, his sparkling, blue-grey eyes crinkling in the corners in a way that Chris shouldn’t be thinking of as ‘adorable’, but does nonetheless.
“Fantastic,” the man says warmly. “It’s nice to meet you, Chris. This is Margot,” – he gestures to the girl of about eight standing next to him – “and this little guy here is David,” he adds, lightly bouncing the three or four-year-old, curly haired boy on his hip. David gives Chris a wide eyed look before promptly burying his face in his father’s neck. “He’s a little shy,” the dad says fondly.
“That’s fine,” Chris tells them. With a smile, he ducks his head to try and catch David’s eye. “You’re not the only one, kiddo. I’m a little shy myself sometimes, you know.”  
“I’m not shy,” Margot pipes up.
“No,” her dad agrees with a chuckle, “you certainly are not.”
Chris turns his eyes back to their father’s face. “And your name..?”
“Oh, I’m sorry,” the man says, “I’m Sebastian.” He holds out his hand for Chris to shake, warm and dry with long, elegant fingers that fit nicely against Chris’s own, studier ones.
Sebastian, Chris thinks. Perfect name for a perfect guy. The term ‘DILF’ flashes unbidden through Chris’s mind – wildly inappropriate, given the circumstances, but oh so accurate. Sebastian has a sweet, charming smile, incredible bone structure, and dark, wavy hair, swept up in a quiff-like style that manages to make him look both sophisticated and a little boyish at the same time. There’s a hint of grey at his temples as well as in his beard that has Chris placing him at maybe two or three years older than himself.
“New York?” Chris guesses, as he reluctantly lets go of Sebastian’s hand.
“That’s right,” Sebastian nods. “Well, formerly, anyway. We just moved to the area, actually.”
“Oh, really? What brought you all the way out here?”
Sebastian runs a hand through his hair; a nervous habit, perhaps. “Oh, um. My ex-wife got a job in Boston last year, and I didn’t want to be too far from her and the kids, so I decided to follow suit. Only moved down here last month. This is my first full weekend with these guys at my new place, so I thought I’d take them out to do something cultural, learn a little about the local history, y’know?”
“Well, we’ve got plenty of that here,” Chris assures him. “In fact,” he adds sheepishly, “that’s kinda all we've got.”
Sebastian laughs, causing Chris’s brain to glitch, which is probably why the next thing that comes out of his mouth is – “Divorce, huh? I’m sorry, that must’ve been tough.”
When Sebastian doesn’t answer straight away, Chris wants to kick himself for running his big, stupid mouth. As usual. “I’m sorry,” he apologizes hastily. “That’s none of my business. Just tryin’ to make small talk, but I always seem to forget I’m really bad at that. Just forget I said anything.”
“No, no, it’s fine,” Sebastian assures him, flashing Chris a quick smile. “Thank you. These things are never easy, but it’s better this way, you know?”
“They’re not fighting or anything,” Margot chimes in again, from a few feet below. “Mommy and daddy only got divorced because mommy’s a girl and daddy likes boys better than girls. Right, daddy?"
Well. Chris tries not to be too obvious about glancing at Sebastian’s face to see his reaction to that bombshell his daughter just dropped, but he’s not sure how well he manages.
Sebastian closes his eyes for a moment as if praying for strength. “That's right, sweetheart,” he says with a grimace. “But I'm sure Chris doesn't need to hear about all that."
Chris begs to differ – he’s actually extremely interested in hearing about all this, but before he has a chance to say anything in reply, Margot squares her jaw and crosses her football jersey-clad arms.
“Why not?” she asks defiantly. “There’s nothing wrong with that. Some girls just like girls and some boys like boys, it’s totally normal. It’s not prola- probu –" She sighs in frustration, looking up at her dad, who’s watching her with something like pride on his handsome face.
“Yeah,” Margot concurs, “not probametic.”  
Chris hums in agreement. “It’s not, you’re absolutely right. I’ll tell you what,” he tells her conspiratorially, “I happen to like boys better, too.”
Margot’s eyebrows shoot up in surprise. “You do?”
“I do.”
Suddenly, Margot’s little face lights up, her shrewd eyes flitting to her dad’s face for a second, then back to Chris. “Do you like my dad?”
“Margot,” Sebastian cuts in, a hint of exasperation in his tone. “That’s enough, honey.” When he tuns back to Chris to give him an apologetic look, Chris can’t help but notice the slight blush coloring his cheeks. “I’m sorry about that. She’s gotten it into her head that she needs to find me the perfect man ASAP, or I’ll waste away or something.”
Chris laughs, throwing back his head in genuine mirth. “Don’t worry about it. It’s fine,” he assures them, then claps his hands together to change the precarious subject. “So, who’s ready to learn a little bit about what living in Concord was like over a hundred years ago?”
Chris always enjoys volunteering at the museum – it’s nice to give something back to the community that’s been his home for his entire life, and to chat to visitors from all over who have come to visit the land of Little Women, among other things – but what Chris likes best is when he gets to show kids around the place. Some of them need to be won over (after all, a dusty old museum isn’t quite as exciting as a trip to Disney World), but others are instantly captivated by the strange objects and old-timey atmosphere – Sebastian’s kids, fortunately, seem to fall in the latter category.
There’s one room in particular that’s an invariably a favorite with kids – the one that houses the old children’s toys. Trains, dolls and dollhouses, most of them made from wood, all arranged in a colorful parade, with a few screens set up in front of the glass display cases on which kids can watch animations of the toys being used. To Chris’s delight, Margot and David are both immediately taken with the display, David pressing his nose against the glass while Margot fires off question after question that Chris answers patiently and to the best of his ability.
“You sure know a lot about them,” Sebastian remarks, not without a hint of admiration, once Chris has finished explaining the mechanics of the miniature train set.
“Ah.” Chris rubs the back of his neck. “Yeah, I guess you could say I’m something of a toy enthusiast myself. I’ve actually got a carpentry workshop – that’s my real job,” he explains. “I’m just a volunteer here – and I dabble in some toy making sometimes, too.”
Sebastian’s eyes widen. “You’re kidding. I used to want to be a toy maker when I was a kid, you know,” he says wistfully. “Probably just saw Pinocchio one too many times, but it just seemed like the best job in the world to me, at the time.”
“It kinda is,” Chris grins at Sebastian, getting lost in his dancing grey eyes for a moment. “So what did you end up doing for a living, if you don’t mind me asking?”
“I’m a journalist. I love it, don’t get me wrong. It’s enriching, challenging. But there’s just something about working with your hands, creating something tangible, something useful…”
“Yeah, I know what you mean,” Chris nods. He bites his lip, hesitating for just a moment before deciding to bite the bullet. “Hey, I don’t know if you guys have plans after this, but my shift ends in a few minutes. I live pretty close, maybe a ten minute drive – if you want, I could show you my workshop? Maybe the kids can try out some of the things I’ve been working on, see if they’re actually any fun to play with?”
There’s an excited collective gasp from the kids, both of them immediately turning big, hopeful eyes on their father. “Oh, daddy,” Margot pleads, tugging on his sleeve. “Can we go see the workshop, pleaaase?”  
Chris tries to ignore the way his stomach drops when Sebastian visibly hesitates.
“I don’t know, guys.” Sebastian looks back at Chris. “I don't want to intrude. It’s almost dinner time on a Saturday. I’m sure you’ve got plans, maybe with your partner..?”
Oh, Chris thinks, chest expanding with hope. He shakes his head. “No partner,” he says, holding Sebastian’s gaze. “Just a dog.”
“A dog?” Margot squeals. “Oh my god, daddy, he’s got a dog. We have to go.”
Sebastian chuckles, rolling his eyes. "They've been hounding me about a dog for months, excuse the pun. I want one too, but I'm just not sure I'm home enough.”
Chris nods sympathetically. “Yeah, it can be tricky if you work full-time, but there’s usually a solution for this kind of thing, in my experience.”
“What’s your dog’s name?” Margot interrupts, bouncing excitedly on the balls of her feet.
“He’s called Dodger,” Chris tells her, unable to keep the pride out of his voice as he talks about his beloved, four legged-rescue.
From Sebastian’s other side, a small voice suddenly joins in. “Like the one from Oliver?” asks David. His big, brown eyes are wide as he stares up at Chris.
“That’s right,” Chris confirms, dropping to his haunches to level the playing field a little. “Exactly like the one from Oliver. You like that movie, huh?”
David nods, looping one arm around one of his dad’s long legs while clearly fighting the urge to hide behind him completely. “It’s my favorite,” he mutters, then quickly sticks his thumb in his mouth to signal the end of the conversation.
“Really?” Chris asks, beaming at him. “It’s my favorite, too!”
David actually smiles at that, doing an excited little wiggle on the spot. “Daddy, can we go see Dodger, please?” he asks his dad, not bothering to remove his thumb from his mouth.
From his spot on the floor, Chris looks up Sebastian too, probably looking just as hopeful as the kids are – maybe even more so.
Smiling, Sebastian shakes his head. “Sure, buddy,” he laughs, ruffling David’s hair. “How could I resist all these cute little faces, huh?”
There’s a chorus of cheers from the kids that gives Chris a much-needed moment to recover from the euphoria of hearing Sebastian call him cute. Well, sort of.
“Alright,” Chris says, getting to his feet again. “I’ll just go grab my things. Meet you guys in the parking lot?”
“Sounds good.”
Chris nods and is about to head in the direction of the staff room, when Sebastian halts him with a hand on his arm. Chris stops in his tracks, swallowing as he tears his gaze away from Sebastian’s elegant hand on his bicep, back to his face.
“Thank you,” Sebastian says, giving him a look from under his eyelashes that can only be described as coy. “I really appreciate this, you know.”
Holding Sebastian’s gaze, Chris lifts a hand to cover Sebastian’s with his own, giving it a quick squeeze. “It’s my pleasure,” he replies honestly. “Trust me.”
Smiling, Sebastian bites his lip, no doubt noticing the way Chris’s eyes flicker down to his mouth when he does. “I do.”
Chris’s foolishly romantic heart can’t help but skip a beat.
“See,” Margot says suddenly from beside them, breaking the moment and sounding awfully smug about it, too. “Not prolametic at all.”
Chris barks out a laugh while Sebastian covers his eyes with his hand. “Whatever you do, never have kids.”  
“Oh, I dunno,” Chris chuckles, giving Margot a wink and David’s hair a quick ruffle. “I kinda like yours.”
Sebastian clears his throat. “Alright, guys. Let’s go find your jackets and we’ll go see what Chris has in store for us, huh?”
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kythed · 4 years
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haikyuu!! + where they take you on your first date
yes, i have a soft spot for akaashi, how could you tell?
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sugawara koushi: one of those clay painting places. he tries to paint your face on a mug-- it ends up looking like a purposefully offensive caricature, but you appreciate the gesture.
azumane asahi: takes you thrifting because he thought it would be aesthetic. the only clothing you two buy is a set of XXL galaxy cat t-shirts.
nishinoya yuu: chuck-e-cheese.
hinata shouyo: an action movie. he won’t stop chattering and making side comments the entire time, but it’s kinda cute. tries to pull the classic yawn-over-the-shoulder move and accidentally spills his popcorn on your lap.
kageyama tobio: invites you to watch one of his volleyball games. it’s not your ideal first date, but the rare smile he flashes you when his team wins makes up for it. he is incredibly sweaty when you go out to eat afterwards, though.
sawamura daichi: a bowling alley. he’s a shit bowler but pretends to be an expert just so he can get close and “teach” you the proper form. he also really likes the overly greasy bowling alley pizza for some reason.
tanaka ryunosuke: italian restaurant. he pronounces gnocchi like “guh-no-chee” and pitches a fit when they don’t offer bottomless breadsticks like olive garden does. before leaving, you slip the poor waitress an extra five for the inconvenience.
yamaguchi tadashi: a butterfly garden. coincidentally finds out he has a deathly phobia of flying insects that same day. you don’t end up staying very long.
tsukishima kei: a natural history museum, but not in a cute way-- you just tail him for three hours while he silently stares at fossils and refuses to hold your hand.
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kozume kenma: a duck pond near his house. he thought it’d be nice to feed them stale bread, but it turns out there are only very large, very angry geese there. you watch in horror as the largest one chases him around the block.
haiba lev: an amusement park. brags that he never gets sick on roller coasters before vomiting on your favorite sneakers after the first ride. it’s up to you whether or not he gets a second date.
kuroo tetsurou: finesses his way into the country club without paying. you two obnoxiously cannonball into the pool and eat too many free nuts until the concierge chases you out.
yaku morisuke: the skate park. he doesn’t actually know how to skate so he sits on the board and hangs on for dear life while you push him down the ramp as hard as you can. you can honestly say it’s one of the best first dates you’ve ever been on.
inuoka sou: ikea, mostly to purchase matching ikea bucket hats. also forces you to take a picture of him in the kitchen section for flexing purposes.
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ushijima wakatoshi: a book store. he’s not much of a reader but he thinks the way you open every book just to inhale that new book scent is funny. buys you five hardcovers and refuses to be paid back.
tendou satori: an open house for a multi-million dollar villa. you pretend to be wealthy newlyweds and eat the complimentary charcuterie while chatting up a real estate agent. halfway through the conversation he switches to a british accent and blows your cover.
semi eita: takes you to a ballroom dancing class in the park. all the other students are elderly couples that smile warmly and “aww” when he dips you. he may or may not drop you on purpose at some point.
tsutomu goshiki: the animal shelter. he’s allergic to dogs and has a runny nose the entire time but muscles through because he likes how excited you get to pet them.
shirabu kenjirou: mini-golfing, but he swings like it’s regular golf. ends up launching a ball into one of the little windmills’ blades and breaking it. he subsequently gets banned for life so you win by default.
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aoba johsai
oikawa tooru: a cafe. orders straight black coffee to prove his maturity. you can see him grimace with every bitter swallow so you mercifully trade your maple latte.
iwaizumi hajime: the beach. is it just so he can show off his glorious, glorious pecs? maybe. but you’re not complaining.
hanamaki takahiro: costco. you play hide and seek in between the aisles and get free samples. he accidentally startles a small child into tears after lodging himself in between two bags of rice to hide.
matsukawa issei: hiking. you two get lost on the way down and end up having to call the forest service to get rescued by rangers.
kunimi akira: the backseat of his car (it’s an SUV).
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miya atsumu: an arcade. does that thing with the ticket wheel where he lifts up the cover and stops it on the 1000 ticket slot. is also surprisingly adept at skee-ball.
miya osamu: tells you to get dressed for a fancy dinner. when he picks you up you find out “fancy dinner” in osamu language means two pbj’s on a picnic blanket in the park and a game of cards.
kita shinsuke: the planetarium. he’s fascinated with the stars and pays more attention to them than he does to you, but it’s cute how wide his eyes get when the entire milky way comes into view.
suna rintarou: a wendy’s drive-thru, and you’re not even mad about it— he somehow manages to make a frosty and fries seem classy.
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akaashi keiji: the aquarium. he has an endearing fixation on the hermit crabs and unsuccessfully tries to hide his excitement when the tour guide lets him hold one on his palm. you now have a picture of him smiling at the crab as your lock screen.
bokuto koutarou: a hedge maze. it takes you two hours to escape, and you only manage to get out because he kicks a hole in one of the hedges and crawls through.
konoha akinori: the farmer’s market. purposely buys way too many bananas as an excuse for asking you over tomorrow to help him make banana bread.
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date tech
futakuchi kenji: tries to seem sophisticated by taking you to see a foreign film. it ends up being so raunchy that he can’t even look you in the eye when the credits roll.
koganegawa kanji: axe throwing. is incredibly embarrassed when you manage to hit the target and he can’t. claims he’s just “going easy” on you but his scowl says otherwise.
aone takanobu: tandem bike riding. his greek god quads provide more than enough horsepower, so you can just sit back and relax.
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terushima yuuji: a lookout. it’s too cloudy to see the city lights so you have a contest to see who can spit the farthest over the edge.
sakusa kiyoomi: invites you over for dinner and a puzzle-- he’s more comfortable in his own home. the atmosphere is almost relaxing, and dare I say… romantic? he does get frustrated when you keep trying to fit edge pieces in the center, though.
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rivers-rambles21 · 3 years
The one with the surprise
Part 5 of The one where Bucky has a cute neigbour series!
Pairing: Bucky Barnes X Reader (f)
Summary | Reader and Bucky become friends after he saves her from  a creep in their apartment building. Each chapter explores a different  point in their friendship - very slow burn!
Warnings | 18+ only, Smut in later chapters (this is a slow burn), swearing, unprotected sex, oral sex, cockwarming (later chapters)
Will include elements of TFATWS in later chapters
Chapter 5 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 1 | Masterlist
“C’mon, where are you taking me doll?”
Bucky trailed behind you, his feet dragging as he continued to moan about your late night adventure. You’d lured him out with a promise of pizza but as you exited the train in Queens, his mood had turned sour. 
“Not much further, I promise” You waited for him to catch up and looped your arm through his. “Have I ever steered you wrong?” 
“Pineapple on pizza comes to mind” He muttered, eyes darting around the quiet street.
With a sigh you dug into your purse and retrieved your secret weapon “I’ll give you these if you stop whining” You shook the bag of cashews you’d picked up from the store in front of his face before swiftly moving it from his grasp. “Nope! Hey!” Bucky had made a grab for the bag but you’d quickly anticipated his move and spun on the spot, taking it out of reach. 
As you turned, Bucky’s arm moved with you, pulling him into your back as you bent over in an attempt to stop him from getting his snack.
You laughed as he snaked his arm around your side, pulling you flush against him as he tried to take the bag from you, his fingers brushing your sides in an attempt to tickle you. 
With a jolt, your ass pressed back into him in a vain attempt to free yourself from his grasp. You both stilled as your behind pressed into his crotch, acutely aware of just what you were feeling. Bucky was the first to act and swiftly removed his arms from around you, glancing around in embarrassment. 
Standing straight, you adjusted your dress which had become dislodged. “Shall we?” You asked, trying to act as though nothing happened. 
“Yep.” He responded, a bit too quickly. 
To try and ease the tension, you ripped open the bag of nuts. “Here” You threw one toward him which he caught with his mouth effortlessly. “Thanks doll” 
You smiled back and looped your arm back into his, directing him down the road. 
A few minutes later you arrived at your destination and you held your breath as you both looked up at the building. 
“What do you think?” 
Bucky simply glanced down and smiled at you, his white teeth catching the light from the street lights. 
“This is one of the very few perks I get with my job, I figured who better to enjoy it with?”
“How do we get in?” Bucky asked, pulling you towards the doors at the front. 
“Security will let us in, they’ll be doing the odd patrol as standard but apart from that, we’ll have the place to ourselves” 
“Y/n… this is incredible” 
“Yeah well… I knew you wouldn’t come here because of the crowds and I didn’t want you to miss out.”
You’d brought him to the New York Hall of Science in Queens way past closing time. After dedicating to a ridiculous amount of unpaid overtime, your boss had finally relented and given you access to the contacts who ran the museum. Using your company's connections, you’d manage to swindle full exclusive access to the museum for the entire night. 
Over the past few months you’d picked up on Bucky’s interests, one of them being technology. Despite spending most of the last 70 years in a big freezer, he loved technology of the modern age, often speaking of the projects Shuri was working on in Wakanda.
You spent the next hour or so strolling around the many exhibits, reading up on each subject and interacting with the activities throughout the building. Bucky didn’t know where to look next, each section of the museum peaking his interest more and more. 
“Okay so I may have one more surprise for you” You confessed as you gently steered him towards the theatre.
Bucky remained silent as he felt himself become overwhelmed. He was genuinely touched by the thought you’d put into the entire evening, slightly bewildered why you even bothered with him in the first place. He knew he could be hard work, he often spent days being a miserable bastard, responding with only sarcasm. Yet you stuck around and got to know him and his quirks. Heck the two of you had gotten that close you knew how he’d been eager to pay a visit to the museum but hadn’t due to the worry of being recognised.
He’d now stopped kidding himself and accepted he felt something more than friendship for you. At first he brushed his feelings off as purely physical as afterall it had been over 70 years since he’d been with a woman and he’s not blind. Everything you did drove him insane. It took all his self control to stop himself from kissing you senseless every time you hung out. 
The closer you both got, the deeper he fell for you. He tried his best to find fault with you but he came up short every time. 
He loved how easy you were to talk to, how you never pushed him too far or tried to change him into something he’s not. He loved how selfless you were, always thinking of others before yourself. He also loved how thoughtful you were, constantly coming up with plans or ideas on what you both could do so he wasn’t cooped up in his apartment all day. 
Bucky had fallen hard.
“Now we do have other options if you’re not feeling it but I thought we could watch the original Dracula!” 
Bucky couldn’t hold back his smile as you looked up at him with excitement etched across your face. All he wanted to do was kiss you. 
“So what do you think?” You asked, waiting for his response. 
“I think you’re incredible.” You beamed up at him and led him into the quiet theatre which was housed within the museum. 
“Grab a seat and I’ll be right back” 
Bucky nodded in response and picked one of the seats in the middle of the empty theatre, pulling his phone out as he did. He flicked through some of the pictures you had both taken throughout the evening, landing on the one of you both in the space exhibit. He’d bent down to your level for the photo to be taken, your arms not quite long enough to get you both in frame otherwise. You’d flashed a smile for the photo, leaning back into him, pressing your face against his as he did his best to pose for the photo. It had been a long time that he’d had a photo taken that wasn’t linked to a crime. Smiling to himself, he updated his settings and set it to his background. 
The lights then dimmed and the screen changed as the movie began. A moment later the door swung open and closed as you entered the theatre, your shoes stomping down the isles as you raced over to Bucky, eager to get there before the film started.
“I remember seeing this when it first came out.” Bucky confessed, a small smile gracing his face as he recalled the memory. “Me and Steve snuck in shortly after it started, we were too broke and young to get in on our own. He was so worried we’d get caught he spent the entire movie watching the door.” 
You laughed along with him, struggling to imagine the Captain America you’d seen on the news sneaking into a movie theatre. Reaching into your bag, you pulled out the blanket you had brought with you and covered you both in it, sinking into the warmth it gave as the movie began.
Although it was a horror, you both couldn't help but laugh at some of the scenes, special effects had come a long way since the 30’s. 
The evening had gone exactly as planned. You’d wanted to do something special for Bucky for a while, knowing he didn’t venture out much due to the large crowds making him a bit uneasy.
Your friends at work had teased you about it after they heard the hoops you had jumped through to pull the entire thing off; knowing you wouldn’t put in so much effort for someone you regarded as just a friend. 
You’d wanted your relationship with Bucky to develop into something more for a while now; you couldn’t deny the attraction you had with him and the bond that had developed. Deep down though, you knew he had a lot going on that he needed to work through and you didn’t want to get in the way of that. You heard his tortured screams on a night as the nightmares took a hold of him. You never brought it up but you saw how it affected him. The dark circles under his eyes were always a dead give away.
Although your body craved something more with him, you were content on leaving things how they were. You genuinely enjoyed spending time with him and wouldn’t risk losing it.
It was the early morning when you both left the museum, having thoroughly enjoyed yourselves. Due to the late hour you agreed on hailing a taxi and sat in comfortable silence on the journey home as you struggled to keep your eyes open. Begrudgingly you watched as Bucky paid the driver as you reached your apartment building and accepted his hand as he helped you out of the cab. 
“Thank you for tonight” 
“Don’t mention it” You replied as you entered the empty elevator, pressing the button for your floor. 
“The last person who did anything like that for me was Steve” He confessed as he rubbed the gold markings on his vibranium hand, not quite knowing what to do with himself.
“You’re making me blush Serg” The nickname slipped out without you realising and you glanced a peak over at the man beside you. 
He simply shook his head, grinning to himself as he followed you out of the elevator. 
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angstsfordays · 3 years
Beautiful Pain (5)
Chapter Five- Think About Us
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Enhanced! Reader
Summary: Post-Blip, you started to feel lost when most of the Avengers team are gone. Coping with your loss, you still find hope in the connection with your remaining friends. However, it is not easy as everyone is trying to figure their lives after the Blip.
Having a long history with Bucky ever since you both saved each other from Hydra, you were still glad you had Bucky after all this time. However, as you try to give Bucky space to find himself after being pardoned for his past, you start to wonder if you should ever cross the line of friendship before it’s too late.
That thought might have to be put on hold though, when you, Sam and Bucky find yourselves having to deal with threats that continue to rise in a post-Blip world.
Chapter synopsis: Feeling lucky to have met Sharon in Madripoor, she could be your lead to find out the origins of the new super serums. Meanwhile, your one-sided love for Bucky might turn out otherwise.
Warnings: Awkward run-ins. Sexual tension, perhaps? A slow slow burn. Violence. A few bad words.
Word count: 4.3k
Notes: Hi everyone! Ever since I started this series, I gained a great number of followers and I am so thankful for everyone who did so! I am really glad you have been enjoying this series so far! 😆
Please let me know what you think of the story, I really appreciate it! 😘
The tag list is still open! Let me know if you want to join with a message or comment in the chapters!
Previous: Prologue | Chapter One | Chapter Two | Chapter Three | Chapter Four
Sharon brought you back to her place and you were amazed at how high end it was. The residential place had armed security and as you entered the building, you realised that there was a gallery within it filled with stolen original artworks.
Sharon explained how she had to chose to make the most of her new life. Even she was a fugitive of the states, she made sure she put her skills to use so that she could enjoy a comfortable life.
You were in awe at her resilience. Sam in an innocent moment, couldn’t believe that all the artworks in Sharon’s gallery were the real deal and Bucky informed that the museums were all holding fakes.
Letting you know that she’s hosting clients in an hour, she ushered all of you to go get changed. Sharon told you to choose anything from her personal wardrobe and offered you to use the bathroom.
Giving your thanks, she left you to your own. You immediately took off your heels and pulled the strings that held your dress together. Taking advantage of her bathroom products, you wiped off your makeup and allowed yourself a refreshing quick shower.
Once the last bit of bubbles was washed off your body, you towelled yourself off and put on a fresh set of underwear. As you were about to reach for the hairdryer, you suddenly heard the jolt of the door and you turned to see Bucky entering the same bathroom.
It was a brief second of exchange before you turned your back on him while he exited and close the door behind him.
“Oh shoot, sorry- I didn’t know-” Bucky stuttered as he struggled to find the right words. You felt your cheeks turning hot but tried to stay cool.
“It’s okay, don’t need to worry.” As you were met with silence, you couldn’t help but wince at the awkward moment and hoped to make it go away.
“Are you urgent?” You added on to see if he would respond. His next words brought you relief as you thought he would have just walked off without notice.
“Oh no, it’s fine. I can wait.” You thought that you didn’t want to make him wait and quickly rushed to wear the oversized white blouse and light flared denim that Sharon passed to you.
You quickly proceeded to open the door to find Bucky standing awkwardly with his hands behind and his head looking down on the floor. You saw he had picked out a black ensemble- a black blazer, black shirt, black pants and black shoes.
He looked so good you wanted to melt into a puddle.
When he heard the doors opened, he immediately raised his head to meet your eyes. You tried to give a reassuring smile to ease the atmosphere and told him that he could use the bathroom first. You could dry your hair later.
“I swear I didn’t see anything, I mean I did for a second but that was it.” Bucky tried to explain himself. He hated how he was suddenly being weird around you.
Maybe he was acting because this was the first time he has even remotely seen a woman like that after years of HYDRA’s brainwashing and being on the run. But then again, he had seen all those bikini pictures of women on dating apps and while it was bizarre to him, it didn’t faze him in the way it just did with you.
In all his years that Bucky had known you, that was probably the first time he has actually seen you in such an intimate image. What was up with tonight and why was he suddenly feeling so much about you?
“It’s fine, Buck! It’s not like you are a pervert or something.” Trying to crack a joke so that Bucky could relax, you saw the side of his mouth quirk up in agreement before he stepped into the bathroom.
You entered the room last seeing everyone was already gathering and talking. Greeted by the sight of Zemo pouring himself a drink and Sam putting on a shirt, your eyes moved to where Sharon joined Bucky on the couch.
You managed to catch the last bit of conversation where Sharon was shading Bucky in regard to the topic of John Walker. Sharon warned of potentially crossing paths with the power broker as you all wanted to find more leads on Nagel.
Sam tried to convince her to help and promised to clear her name. As she poured herself a drink, you could tell from Sharon’s expression that she was not buying it. Her walls were up after the last incident and she wasn’t sure if she could trust you all anymore.
Sam pressed on but Sharon refused to be pitied. He then made it a deal and she relented. Sharon mentioned how her clients were well-connected and she would see if she could get anything useful from the party.
Looking at you stand uncomfortably at the corner, she came up to you and squeezed your shoulder to comfort you.
“I’m sorry I didn’t keep in touch all this while. There’s no excuse.”
“It’s fine, you were dragged into it pretty much like I was.” Sam gave a surprising look at how Sharon was fine with your apology.
Noticing it, Sharon then explained that she had a softer spot for you since you were friends and you had stuck your neck out for her on several occasions during your S.H.I.E.L.D days.
She was willing to overlook it compared to her almost non-existent history with Sam.
“I’m surprised you kept your secret from me, I thought we were friends after all.” You knew she was referring to your powers. Nervously licking your lips, you responded.
“I’m sorry. It was Director Fury’s order.” The guilt seeped in.
“And you actually revealed it for the first time publicly for him?” Without mentioning his name, Bucky knew Sharon was referring to him. He looked over to see you giving a nervous and awkward smile. While curious to know what you would say, Bucky just looked somewhere else pretending to be unbothered.
“There’s a lot more to it, Sharon. I wish I could tell you more.”
“He’s really something, huh?” Sharon said before sipping her drink. You actually knew what to say but held back especially since Sam and Zemo were in the room.
More importantly, Bucky was there. Sensing your hesitance and noticing your fleeting glance over at Bucky, Sharon had a hunch but she was more than aware to not harp on it.
Giving an awkward laugh, you tucked a strand of loose hair behind your ear. You looked into her eyes in a quiet exchange and she returned you a brief smile before telling everyone to lay low and enjoy the party.
The music was bouncing off the speakers wildly and the flashing lights in the club caused to squint your eyes a bit. Sharon was already working while the rest of you figured how you would exactly blend in.
Zemo was already working his way onto the dance floor and you were flabbergasted at the mere sight of him starting to bust out some moves to the music. You could see Sam being approached by some people and beginning to make small talk.
Turning your head to find Bucky, you realised you had lost sight of him in the crowd. You weren’t exactly in a party mood seeing you’re all alone and opted to head to the bar.
Before taking another step, you heard someone calling for you.
“Hey.” Spinning your head to the source of the voice, you were met with the vision of a tall and handsome man with a boyish smile. You were taken aback by his request to dance and you thought you probably looked like an idiot turning your head to look for your help.
When you face the guy once more, he had an earnest look that was waiting for your answer. Giving him another quick glance up and down, you didn’t think of him to be a sleazy dude. He kind of looked alright but you were wondering that if he were to be in Madripoor, could he even be up to any good?
“You’re really beautiful and I just wanted to dance.” He added on in hopes that you would agree.
Seeing how you were taking a long time to respond, the man reached out to grab your hand and pulled you closer to him. He respectfully kept you at a distance and did not immediately press himself against you.
Blinking like a deer in headlights, you took a sharp intake as he spun you to press your back against his front and placed his hands on your waist. Leading you to dance, you could feel him swaying side to side and guiding you to follow the same. You weren’t sure where to even put your hands and started cracking your knuckles in nervousness.
You bit your lip as you thought about how you should get yourself out of this. The man seemed nice enough but you weren’t into him. You are an agent and someone with superpowers, you should be able to get out of this mess.
Waiting for the right timing to tell him that you didn’t want to continue this, a cold hand reached out to grab yours and firmly pull you out of the man’s grip on you. Your eyes met with a familiar chest and in the next moment, a warm hand rested on your back.
Titling your head up, piercing cerulean orbs met yours and you heaved a sigh of relief at the recognition of the owner with the beautiful eyes.
“Sorry I’m late, doll.” His voice was reverberating all the way from his chest. Your eyes shied away to meet his once more before you peered over your shoulder at the embarrassed man.
“Hey man, I didn’t know. She didn’t say anything.” The man raised his hands in surrender but Bucky was not pleased with his explanation.
“If she didn’t say anything, it is not consent.” Bucky shot back with a death stare. You swore Bucky could add staring onto his list of super abilities as it always seemed to make people tremble in fear, save for Sam.
When the man was gone, Bucky apologised before letting you go. Instant disappointment washed over you as you had secretly hoped to be held by him longer. Bucky cleared his throat and tried to look somewhere far as he didn’t know what to say next in this situation.
You were overwhelmed with emotions and thought that it was now or never.
“Do you wanna dance?” You looked up to see Bucky looking back at you with wide eyes. You instantly regretted ever asking the question and quickly turned yourself away before he could even say anything.
Bucky’s hand shot out to grab yours to stop you from moving and the two of you exchanged in a silent moment before he spoke.
“I don’t really know how to dance to this. Music was different back in the day. The dance is also uh- different-” You knew Bucky was referring to the exceedingly intimate dancing of people that were surrounding you.
It was the norm but you would never see yourself doing that. The only time where you would actually let loose and dance that provocatively was in good fun with your girlfriends or gathered a stroke of courage with hard liquor.
“We don’t need to follow them. We can dance by our own rules.” Hands reaching out to hold his, you moved them to the rhythm to allow him to feel the music. You then lift your right and his left hand in the air before you twirled yourself.
Bucky’s lips moved up into a brief smile as you led the dance with confidence. The two of you were in your own bubble, uncaring of your surroundings. Seeing Bucky loosened up a little more, you picked up the confidence to groove your hips to the music. Recognising the song, you sang it enthusiastically and lost yourself in the lyrics.
This was probably the first time you had the chance to visibly relax from the aftermath of the last fight and the grief of your loss. Bucky couldn’t hold back his grin when he saw how you looked so carefree. He knew that even though you looked cheerful most of the time, he could always sense a tinge of sadness behind those eyes.
The next song was familiar to you as it was a favourite of yours. It was a popular Latin pop song and it easily invites one to dance their heart out.
Wrapping your hands behind his neck, you motioned him to follow you in slightly swaying to the music. The song sang of two people who were attracted to each other and you couldn’t help but wished it was fitting for this context.
Believing that your attraction to Bucky was only one-sided, you took this chance to be able to ever have such intimacy with him. As you sang the song, you playfully made up such actions to the lyrics that came off flirtatious. You believed Bucky was playing along with you in the moment but that was where you thought wrong.
Listening to the lyrics of the song, Bucky’s ear turned red at what the song was about. Seeing how you were acting, he thought that you were just feeling out the song but Bucky felt otherwise. When the beat dropped, Bucky made a sudden move to pull closer by the waist.
Lowering his head nearer to yours, your breath hitched at the sudden turn of events. You didn’t think one dance with Bucky would turn out like this. One of your hands slid from the back of his to hold his jaw. Your thumb stroked his light beard and you realised your noses were almost brushing.
What was going on? Could Bucky also feel the same way or was he too caught up in the moment. Both of your hands slid down to smooth the lapels of his jacket before resting on his broad chest. Your eyes averted away due to the intensity of his brooding stare but Bucky took this chance to bring his hand to tilt your head back to face him straight on.
“Bucky-” Whispering his name to get his attention, you didn’t know the effect it had on him as his attention went to your lips tinted with a balm. Were your lips always this alluring? He suddenly really wanted a taste to find out.
Bucky slanted his head to an angle before lowering his lips. You took a deep breath and closed your eyes as you anticipated what was about to happen.
“Hey guys, Sharon got a lead!” Sam’s voice broke you out of your trance and you snapped your eyes open. Without looking at Bucky, you quickly turned to see Sam making his way through the crowd to find the two of you.
“Here!” You piped up before making quick steps to the man, leaving a bewildered and disappointed super-soldier behind. Sam pointed to you where Sharon was and when he turned back to see Bucky, he was confused as to why Bucky was staring at him like he wanted him dead.
Nagel’s hideout was speculated to be amongst the shipping containers. Sharon warned you that the longer you stayed in Madripoor, the lesser chances you had of leaving with the bounty on all of you.
She passed you in-ear comms before giving you the container number. Before she walked away, you stopped her in her tracks.
“Would you be alright? I could come with you instead.” You added that the three men should be good on their own but Sharon insisted that she would be fine on her own. She wished you good luck before leaving you all.
As the four of you entered the container, you weren’t sure if you were in the right place. Zemo managed to find the handle of the door and looked back at all of you.
Sam and Bucky readied themselves with guns while you nervously fidgeted with your hands. As Bucky walked up to you, he gave you a longing stare but you quickly averted your eyes away.
Your mind was still reeling from what happened at the club last night and you couldn’t believe that things went that far. Was it real or was it just a dream? You shook your head to snap you out of your thought as you refocus on the mission at hand.
Sam and Bucky both took the lead while you were pacing side by side with Zemo. You looked to see him with a sudden solemn expression as you continued to make your way forward.
As the music started playing from a speaker somewhere, the sight that greeted you showed that the inside of this container was refurbished to be some sort of lab.
Venturing inwards, you saw a man who you presumed to be Dr Nagel. Zemo turned off the record player and Sam called for the doctor.
The doctor though frightened, was still relatively calm at the sight of all four of you in his supposed hidden lab. Despite the intrusion, Dr Nagel was indifferent and asked for everyone to leave. While he made his way, his feet stopped at the sight of Bucky.
Sam suggested he better speak of what he knew about the super-soldier serums but Nagel seemed defiant. He even asked for a counter-proposal to make him talk.
That’s when you heard Sharon speaking in the comms about approaching company. Time was pressing and you were frustrated at the doctor’s refusal to speak. Bucky took the rougher approach and immediately went to sit Nagel down while pointing a gun directly at his head.
You sighed in exasperation when Sharon spoke in your comms once more to inform you that every bounty hunter in Madripoor had known of your location and was coming to get all of you.
Nagel feared Bucky the most, knowing what he was actually capable of all. He began to share how he worked for HYDRA then the CIA. He managed to get his hands on an American test subject with semi-stable traces of the super-soldier serum.
You closed your eyes wearily as you knew who he was referring to. Nagel then went on to talk about how he managed to recreate the serum after much hard work and referred to himself as a god.
His project was paused when he was snapped. However, when he came back, he sought refuge here in Madripoor. The power broker was very eager to fund his work. He had made exactly twenty vials of the serum but they were all stolen by Karli Morgenthau.
He remarked that Karli had contacted him to seek help for someone, Donya Madani who was diagnosed with tuberculosis. This was definitely a clue to help you all step in the right direction.
“Y/N L/N.” The sudden call of your name had you meet eyes with Nagel. You didn’t expect him to look at you with a leering smile that managed to creep you out. All the men were curious why he had suddenly called for you.
“I read your leaked files. You are the only one of your kind. Perhaps, the only one who managed to surface from the shadows.” Nagel’s words only served to confused everyone before he continued.
“I am a believer of Science, but when there has been little research, you can’t help to turn to stories. You are human yet you are not. How on earth are you able to gain superpowers without any experimentation done on you?” You realised this was why Director Fury had you hidden all this while cause he knew that people like Nagel would love to get his hands on you.
“It would be an honour for me to able to find out what courses through your veins and make you so powerful. Perhaps, if I am able to provide such privileges to those who were willing to pay for it, I will be unstoppable.”
Talking like a mad man, you shook your head in disbelief at what he was implying. The fact he wanted to treat you like a test subject for his personal science project. Bucky clutched the gun in his hands harder while you went forward to grab Nagel’s collars.
Your hands glowed brightly, threatening to burn Nagel. He was a crossed between looking fearful and fascinated at the same time.
“You bastard-”
“Guys, we’re seriously out of time here!” Sharon busted through the doors right at this moment. Your hands on Nagel slackened as you turned towards Sharon. Before you knew it, a gunshot was fired and Sam had Zemo backed up to the wall.
Nagel fell flat on the floor with a bullet lodged right at where his heart would be.
The breaking of windows came before the flames burst through the room. Everyone went to hide from the blast while you stretched your hands to use your powers to subdue it. While the impact was reduced, everyone still fell back on the floor from the shock.
Bucky who managed to recover faster went to help everyone up and you pulled them to their feet. All of you managed to make your way to the exit.
Even in the smoke, you could make out the shadows of the bounty hunters who were preparing a shootout. Bucky tried to lead but Sam already went ahead. You rolled your eyes at the fact that they couldn’t work together for once.
All three of your friends started to fight back with the onslaught of people after your lives. As you faced your palms out on standby, Sam reminded you to not use your powers.
“Do we look like we have the privilege to do that now?” You retorted before sending blasts consecutively to know each hunter down like a domino.
As you knocked out each person, you could hear arguing at the back from Sam and Bucky. You had it and you shot a huge blast that reminiscing of a torch blower before you sharply turn back at the two bickering children.
“For the love of god, if you two don’t stop this, I will burn your tongues off.” You said it like you mean it before the two men zipped shut.
A sudden burst of flames took your attention next and you hold up your hands to build a barrier to protect your friends. All of your attention was directed to Zemo appearing out of nowhere and taking out people easily.
You all decided to escape from your hiding spot and find somewhere safe. Your group were met with a couple more bounty hunters which Bucky easily took care of. All of you retreated to a container before Bucky burst out of the other end.
Zemo came and pulled up with a car with a cheeky smile. Was this man the same one from before?
Sam gave him shit for pulling the stunt on Nagel and claimed that he would send him back to jail. However, Bucky intervened and reasoned that you all still needed Zemo to find Karli. Getting into the car before Sam, you were surprised to hear Sharon wouldn’t be joining you. She held Sam to the promise of a pardon and you stretched your hands to squeeze hers affectionately.
“Take care.” You bided her farewell before she did the same.
“You, okay?” Bucky checked in with Sam as he finally took a breather after making a call. You sat beside Bucky as he cleaned out the dirt and blood from his vibranium arm.
There was a lot to process from what happened in Madripoor. Learning about what Sharon had to go through and how Nagel was a mad scientist who did not have respect for human beings.
“Are you okay?” Bucky turned to you next. He was worried for you when he saw how you were with Nagel. Your rage was clear as day when you heard how the doctor spoke of you like you were some work of scientific wonder to be poked and prodded.
He could only imagine how upsetting it was for you like how it unsettled him to have you being talked about in that manner. You gave his vibranium hand a light squeeze before leaning your head on his shoulder for comfort.
“I will be okay.” You sighed before closing your eyes to rest. Bucky held your hands and laid them on his leg as he saw you trying to relax from all the events that had happened earlier. He decided to let you have your peace.
You could hear your boys started talking properly for once without arguing about Steve’s shield. It seemed like everything had been a mess. Sam went on to say that he should have it destroyed while Bucky countered that the shield was important to many people including himself.
He vowed to make sure he takes it back from Walker cause it sure plain as hell that he was not suited to be your new Captain. Sam managed to find out who Donya Madani was and informed that she had passed away.
Feeling the other end of the seat sinking, you figure Zemo had taken that spot. He remarked that he had a place that you all could go in regard to Donya’s last location and requested a change of course.
Bucky looked down to see you already laying still, probably getting a quick shut-eye. Catching Sam’s glance down at your tangled hands, Bucky looked away to seem apathetic where in reality, his heart was racing wildly as he hears the soft breathing that soon came out of your lips.
Tag list: @tanyaherondale @spookycereal-s @cataves @archaeoheart @conflicted-noxsirius
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kim-taehung · 3 years
revelation - first arrival
byun baekhyun x reader (has a vagina)
smut, established relationship, 2k words
almost getting caught is the fun part. part one of a trilogy that chronicles y/n and baekhyun's growing discovery of the pleasures of...public pleasure.
ft. ceo! baekhyun
warnings: public (semi-public?) sex, fingering
a/n: i'm going straight to hell for this one, and it isn't even that dirty
pt. (ii) pt. (iii)
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it happens for the first time at an auction. one of those fancy black tie events, where the bidding begins high enough to rent a fully furnished two bedroom and the items would look out of place anywhere other than a museum.
rich people.
but you're anything but present, shifting in your seat, waiting for the event to finish so you can get out of your outrageously expensive heels, when you feel baekhyun's hand on your knee.
it's romantic at first, it truly is. he's had at least a finger on you the entire night, offering a hand to help you out of the limo so you don't trip, warm palm settled on the small of your back as he introduces you to his colleagues, fingers brushing smoothly across your shoulders as he helps you out of your coat so he can hand it over at the coat room, thigh pressed against yours as you two wait in line side by side to get his paddle.
but now, as his fingers trace up the fabric of your dress, just stopping short of mid-thigh, where your knee-length dress has ridden up, you know it's different.
you've only been dating a short while. but you've had sex enough times to know when he's getting restless. and when you had seen his expression as you stepped out of the bathroom in the outfit he had gifted you, given him a twirl as his eyes raked down your body and he slowly bit his lower lip, you knew that it'd be a miracle if you got through the night without that restlessness making an appearance.
all traces of boredom leave your body as his fingers move a couple of millimetres higher.
on stage, the auctioneer is calling out a new item and in the ensuing excitement, you dare to turn your head and look at the man next to you.
leaned back against the chair, his crisp suit across broad shoulders and his gelled back hair cut an imposing figure. elegant fingers curl around the stem of his champagne glass, paddle left forgotten with a derisive sort of carelessness on the satin clothed table. he makes no pretense of engagement, looking absently around with a vague sort of interest at the two bidders who are facing off for a 17th century, gold gilded vase.
but under the table, his pinky finger begins to tap, as if itching to go higher, waiting for your go ahead.
you watch his neck move as he swallows, his eyebrow arched perfectly in an arrogant expression that you know is effective in dissuading all the 'boring, entitled, snobbish assholes' from attempting to engage in mindless conversation with him. (his words.)
his finger is still tapping, and you've gotten entirely too comfortable with the sensation of his large palm sat warm on your lap, but you know there's no way you'll be able to keep your composure if he goes any further.
slowly, gently cupping your hand around his, you move it in the opposite direction in which it was steadily going.
he shows no resistance, easily letting you guide him back to your knee. but once you stop moving, he bends his head toward yours.
far enough to convince any onlookers of innocence, but close enough for you to feel the heat of his body and the whisper of his breath against the shell of your ear, he whispers, even as his palm flexes gently right above your knee, squeezing the flesh of your thigh.
"are you scared of getting caught?"
you feel a shiver run down your spine at his low tone, but what really surprises you is how affected you are by what he says.
surrounding crowd and bright lights be damned, you turn toward him with a shaky smile that doesn't quite reach your eyes. there's challenge in his eyes, and a smirk waiting right behind his conceited façade, you can tell. loathe as you are to admit it, it seals the deal.
with a deep breath, you slowly unwrap your fingers from around his hand, once again facing the front. you're glad for the position of the table you're sat on, wall directly behind the two of you with the stage diagonally in front.
you steal another glance at him out of the corner of your eye, and catch a flash of his insofar hidden cocky smirk that he hides with another sip of champagne.
around you, the bidding has begun for a basquiat.
under the table, his hand has restarted its journey upward.
this time, he takes the hem of your dress with him, the tips of his appendages grazing your rapidly pimpling skin, leaving a freezing fire in their wake.
you've become completely focused on their path and the growing wetness between your legs, that you nearly don't notice when a steward stops right in front of your table.
baekhyun's hand stills, but remains firmly attached, now just a few inches away from the top of your thighs, exhileratingly close to your core.
you clear your throat and offer a small smile to the new arrival, trying not to resent him and rationalising that he's just here to do his job. he moves next to baekhyun and ducks low to whisper, "sir, the item you had requested to be notified about is next. lot 48."
baekhyun nods in thanks, waits until the man walks away, and covers the last stretch of your thigh in the next ten seconds.
you try not to seem hassled as you watch him turn back around, nonchalant as ever even as he fiddles with the bottom of your underwear, just to the side of where you've been steadily needing him more and more.
"baek," you hiss, holding in a gasp as he pulls the bottom elastic band of your underwear before letting it snap back against your skin at the top of your thighs. "you have to bid."
both of you look at the auctioneer finishing up with lot 47, watch as the next item, an 18th century stradivarius violin, is brought in and placed on the stand, wait as he describes the instrument. and the entire time, baekhyun is moving closer and closer to the heat in between your legs.
and right when bidding opens, he ducks towards you once again, drops a chaste kiss against your cheek that could be interpreted as romantic by anybody watching, and whispers, "i only need one hand to make you come."
the next second, his paddle is in the air, and his palm is cupping your pussy through the wet fabric of your underwear.
“mr. byun, opening the bidding,” the auctioneer calls, gavel held in his hand as his eyes rove around the room, proceeding to call out the four others interested in the item in quick succession.
mr. byun, you wrily think, taking a sip of champagne to compose yourself, opening my legs.
his hand is warm against you, but stilled in their position, tip of his middle finger directly atop your clit. you hope nobody is looking at you too closely, because you're sure that with even just a little scrutiny, people will be able to make out the fakeness of your smile and the calculatedly slow measure of your inhales.
with bated breath, you await his next move.
"seven million, ms. hyejin placing her bid at seven million. do i see a seven point five?"
baekhyun's lazy tone as he drawls, "seven point five," diametrically contrasts with the sudden pressure of his middle finger against your clit. he doesn't even move it. just presses, and lets you squirm.
so that's how it's going to be.
you know when to expect the next move now. but it doesn't make it any less frustratingly exciting.
this time, right before he puts his paddle up for nine million, his index finger joins in on the fun. as he speaks, awe-inspiring disinterest in his voice even when he bids enough money to cover the life insurance of ten people, your now swollen clit is pinched.
you can't hold in the squeak slash moan you let out, your legs instinctively clamping on his wrist, not letting it move. at this point, you're so wet that you could probably pour the champagne that you're periodically sipping into your underwear and there'd be no difference.
he doesn't wait for the next bid to execute his subsequent move.
with a soft, barely-there chuckle, as the attention of the room moves to the only other person who hasn't dropped out of the bidding, he begins to stroke your clit.
not the quick, hard and rough rubbing that you need to get off, and you so very badly want to get off now; but little, feather-like strokes up and down that make you shiver in need, even though you can feel a trail of sweat now running down the side of your neck.
through your now glassy eyes, you can faintly make out the skepticism on ms. hyejin's face as she bids nine point five million, knowing that baekhyun's next quote is going to be the last.
just as you debate moving your hips so you can get some more friction from his stroking finger, with the sole purpose of getting off before this ends, he ducks his head toward you, ceasing all coherent thought.
this time, he's closer than he's ever come the entire night, lips brushing against your ear. your soft whine as he suddenly stills his hand is stopped in its tracks as he whispers, "try not to be too obvious when you come. unless you want to get caught."
and just like that, like the sound of the auctioneer banging the gavel on wood is a pistol shooting before the start of a race, he begins to rub.
your eyes very nearly roll into your head; but you're forced to keep on a proud smile as baekhyun nods at the people congratulating him for acquiring the most expensive thing in the catalogue, all the while his finger bringing you closer and closer.
distantly, you're so very glad for the auctioneer and his too loud voice as he calls out the next item, diverting any attention that might have otherwise been on you.
you bury your head in the crook of his neck when your orgasm hits, your thighs clamping shut as you try not to shake too much, tiny whimpers muffled by the material of his suit.
for his part, he does admirably well pretending that he didn't just make his girlfriend come by fingering her under the table at a high-profile auction, while also bidding and acquiring a ten million dollar violin.
all in a day's work.
he works you through the tiny tremors, slowing down his finger before gently pulling his arm out, other hand stroking your hair as you sigh softly and slump against his shoulder.
you can feel the smile on his lips as he kisses you on the forehead, letting you catch your breath, but the moment you make to move, he's speaking in a low growl.
"let's get out of here."
the look in his eyes leaves no doubt as to why he wants to get out of here, and you'd be a fool to say no. the fire he had taken so long to stoke and fan has only dimmed slightly, and a surreptitious look down at his lap confirms that he's just as affected.
adjusting your underwear and pulling your dress down, you take his held out hand.
it's sticky.
he gives you a wicked grin, flashing into startling presence as you feel yourself getting turned on again at the realisation, before he stands up, and helps you out of the chair.
you only stumble slightly, but gather your wits about you as baekhyun leads the way out of the room, skirting the wall and nodding at the steward who opens the door.
his hand flexes around yours, the only indication of his impatience; although, you're pleased to note a slight furrow of his eyebrows that wasn't there previously.
the corridor is deserted, and you half-expect the fucking to happen then and there, but baekhyun is famous man. and famously private. even for your newly adventurous libido, an area this exposed and open is too much too fast.
which is why the two of you end up in the men's room that's tucked away at the end of the corridor.
the look of victory on his face when he looks at you after locking the door sends a thrill down your spine and leaves you, somehow, wetter than earlier.
"there could still be cameras," you warn softly, even as your traitorous arms reach forward, grabbing at the lapels of his suit and helping him shuck it off.
the last thing you hear before his lips crash into yours, your fingers tangling in his hair as he undoes his belt, fire blazing in his eyes, is, "i don't care."
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robthomissed · 3 years
Hidden Gems
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This is half fic and half love letter to the Art Museum honestly. I adore that place and I got this idea stuck in my head one day. I haven't written anything in a while so I apologize for how rough it might be. Also yes I took the time to link the art I referenced, I am that much of a nerd.
You love going to the Art Museum and have often gone alone because it was just a nice way to relax. Robby is dumbfounded that you go by yourself even after you have taken him there once and shown him all of your favorite pieces. You explain that you love putting your earbuds in, turning on soft music, and just walking around quietly for a few hours. The next time you say you are going to the museum without him he says “No, I’m coming.”
You smile and try to explain “I just kinda want to have some time in my own head for a bit. We can watch a movie when I get home”
Robby thinks it over for a second before perking up like a lightbulb went off in his head. “Well how about I come and we start your museum playlist at the same time and just walk around by ourselves but still together kinda. If that makes sense?”
And honestly yeah it was just what you needed. You were free to move around however you wanted and Robby did the same but you would catch glimpses of him through doorways or just watch him admire one of the artworks when he thought you were in another room. There was something very comforting about knowing he was just around.
You thought back to how excited you had been to show him the Art Museum when you first got together and how you were also slightly disappointed that none of the other guys on the team had really been either. Maybe you could talk to the other girls and set up a group trip. But did you really want to risk subjecting the other visitors to what DP was like when he got bored and was finding ways to entertain himself? I mean he had barely made it through all the speeches at the ring ceremony.
It had been a rainy and grey afternoon when you had first taken Robby to the museum. It was one of his last off days before the season but the weather had put a damper on your original plan of a picnic on Art Hill. But you assured him the day wasn’t wasted and that there was plenty to see inside the massive stone building that held one of St. Louis’ greatest gems.
The look on his face when he saw how big Water Lilies actually is was priceless. He just wanted to stand there and look at it for a while which you were more than happy to oblige since it was one of your favorites anyways.
It took a little more selling on your part to get him interested in the modern and abstract stuff but he enjoyed watching how you got absorbed into the art around you. He took the opportunity to get some pictures of you since you pretty much never let him take them otherwise. You only found out about them a couple weeks later when you happened to see that his lock screen was a picture of you backlit by the led light installation. You honestly couldn’t figure out how he had gotten that angle without you noticing. He did get pretty excited about the burnt and broken violin encased in plastic so that was a small victory.
Your favorite moment might have been when a museum employee had yelled at him for getting too close to the statues because he was absolutely mesmerized by the folds in the fabric. He simply couldn’t understand how the artist had managed to make the stone look like transparent cloth.
The room you let him explore on his own was the section with all the Egyptian artifacts and the mummy. You wanted absolutely nothing to do with that but Robby got right down next to it looking back at you in the doorway saying “Babe can you believe this?! Look, you can see their hair and everything!” It was admittedly cute to see him so excited but also you will never understand how he got that close. You thought nothing would top it until you mentioned the sword room and he just looked at you with wide eyes and made you take him there immediately. He kept taking pictures to send to Rou and Sammy which apparently piqued their interest enough that they invited themselves on your next museum date.
There had been a more sullen moment when he had seen what was admittedly one of your favorite pieces in the whole museum, Despair by Auguste Rodin. Robby just kinda stopped and stared at it with a look on his face that was hard to decipher until he said “Yeah dude, I know how you feel.” He said it so softly, almost like it was just between him and the man collapsed in agony. Then the image of him crumpled on the ice in Boston flashed in your mind and you thought you maybe understood what he meant. You hadn’t known him then but knowing him now you can only imagine how much pain he had been in while recovering from his concussion and how lonely that experience must have been. You grabbed his hand and squeezed gently as you pulled him away and over to another of your favorite paintings.
Robby called you a dork when you got really excited about the collection of mid-century modern furniture stashed away in the basement but there is just something about their design that makes you love them. But he had admitted that the little room tucked away in the corner of the basement with a glass roof and the soft leather couch was the perfect spot to just sit and listen to the rain.
You must have been standing there a long time lost in thought because you let out a yell that was slightly too loud for a museum when someone came up behind you and put a hand on your shoulder. Thankfully, when you turned around to see who it was you saw Robby with his hand covering his mouth trying to keep his laughing to a more acceptable volume. How had he gotten behind you anyway?
“I think you zoned out again babe. That, or that blank wall is a whole new level of abstract art that I don’t understand.”
You laughed and pressed your face into his shoulder to try and hide the blush that was starting to color your face.
Robby just put his arm around you and started pulling you towards the stairs “Come on I heard someone mention the cafe downstairs is open again and I want coffee”
And who were you to deny him when he knew you always wanted coffee and fancy pastries.
A couple hours later you could tell that Robby had reached his limit and was ready to go home so you told him to go out and get the car while you looked at one last thing. When you walked down the front steps of the museum on the way to meet him you stopped in your tracks when you saw Robby standing under the statue of King Louis IX. The sunset behind him was gorgeous. He was gorgeous. You had always loved St. Louis but now sharing it with Robby and watching him exist in places you knew like the back of your hand brought the city to life in ways you had never imagined. You couldn’t wait to show Robby the next hidden gem so that he could fall in love with the city just like you had fallen in love with him.
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prettyboy-asmo · 4 years
Aquarium Date
Pairing: Diavolo/Reader(Gender Neutral reader)
Pure fluff/attempt at humor- SFW
Summary: Diavolo asks about your favorite things to do in the human realm, and you tell him about aquariums. He decides you should go to one together.
Huge thank you to @jugodeflores for motivating/ encouraging me to write this and also beta reading for me!
“MC,” You look up Diavolo from your D.D.D, wondering when he’d stopped doing his own paperwork. Instead, his gold eyes focused on you as he propped his chin on his hand, “What’s your favorite thing to do in the human realm?” 
“Well, I guess it depends,” You tell him, smiling a little as he listens to you speak with intense curiosity, “Do you mean day to day, or special occasions?” 
“Special occasions?” He questions, leaning forward in his seat now.
“Yeah, Like vacations, day trips, or dates and stuff.” 
“I’m interested in special occasions,” He answers. 
“Okay, Well, I never really went on vacations or traveled much,” Which in a way, is what had prompted you to sign and mail the mysterious exchange forms that had found their way in your mail one day, “But I liked taking trips to the cities I lived near, just to explore and find new places and stuff. There were a couple of water parks around, and some carnivals during the summer, along with an amusement park a few hours away, a few museums too. I think my top favorite was the aquarium though, alone or for a date.” 
You watch the Prince tilt his head slightly, his expression urging you to continue. “There’s just something about the experience that never gets old for me. Seeing all the different creatures that I wouldn’t see otherwise, and it’s more than just looking at fish too, sometimes they have live feedings for certain animals, and the one I went to had penguins and sea otters and A jellyfish tank. I could watch the moon jellies for hours. And there’s information on everything housed in there, so you can learn about them while you observe them. I went for a field trip in second grade and I fell in love with it.” 
“That does seem like it would be an entertaining experience.” he grins warmly at you, “Let’s go to one.” 
You blink at him, processing his words, “Huh?” 
“Let’s go to a human realm aquarium. I want to experience one with you.”  You feel your face flush when he laughs, “I’ll make all the necessary arrangements.” He already looks so excited that you can feel your heart melt. It’s not like you’d have said no in the first place, but you nod your agreement anyways. 
So a week later you’re visiting the human realm, Your hand gripping Diavolo’s as the Demon Prince led you along to the aquarium he’d chosen to visit. It wasn’t very often you got to see him in casual clothes, So while he was focused on your destination you took some time to admire the way he looked in the dark red button down and black slacks. It was kind of unfair, really, how good he looked. 
Soon, though, you had reached the doors and Diavolo was paying the entry fees, taking a map and leading you into the building farther before stopping and turning to you, “What should we do first?” 
“Well,” you pondered, glancing at the pamphlet he held out to you, “There’s a show with the dolphins in two hours if you’re interested in that. Until then, we can start here and work our way through the building, unless there’s something you want to see right now.” 
Diavolo shook his head, “I want to see it all.” and with that he sets off again, his enthusiasm drawing a laugh from you as he leads you in the direction of the exhibits. His eyes light up as you walk into what you note is supposed to be an exhibit on the Amazon, and the look of wonder that graces his features is something you want to commit to memory for the rest of your life. 
You move along the tanks, and he leans in close to each one. Sometimes, you’re able to point out a specific fish and give a few facts about them, and sometimes you read him the trivia posted around the exhibit.
“It kind of reminds me of Leviathan,” Diavolo says suddenly, prompting you to turn from the sign of facts about Piranhas you’d been reading. You can’t help the laugh that you let out when you see he’s observing a rainbow boa that’s draped lazily on one of the many large branches in its enclosure. The pattern along its body does indeed remind you of Leviathan’s demon form. You don’t have time to respond as Diavolo takes out his D.D.D, double checks the flash is off and snaps a picture. 
You try to peer over his shoulder to see what he’s doing, but with a grin he finishes typing and turns the phone toward you. The Picture of the snake is there, soft iridescent sheen on it’s skin visible along with the pattern, under it is a short message that simply reads, Is this you? And you can only imagine how Levi will react when he opens that message. The thought is amusing but it quickly drifts to the back of your mind as Diavolo starts moving toward another enclosure, attention captured by something there. 
You follow him through the rest of this exhibit, letting him lead you around the rooms and take as much time to observe everything he wants. You’re glad he’s so tall, otherwise you might be afraid you’d lose him in the crowd with how suddenly he seems to take off to other exhibits when something catches his eye. The interest and child-like excitement that continues to shine through him rubs off on you, and soon enough your hands are intertwined once again as he pulls you gently along. You make it through a freshwater fish exhibit before you decide it’s time to head to the show. 
As you’re heading there you pass a group of young children clearly on a field trip, and apparently heading to the same show you are. A few of them stare at you- or, more accurately, Diavolo. One of them whispers to their friend, a not so quiet- “He’s really tall, like, as tall as a superhero!” You feel the soft chuckle Diavolo lets out, biting back your own laugh. Diavolo though turns back slightly, sending a wink at the pair before guiding you to your seats for the show. 
Now, instead of his grip on your hand he wraps his arm around you, pulling you flush against his side. It causes a slight blush to dust your cheeks, but you lean into his side anyways, enjoying the closeness of the moment. “Are you enjoying your day so far?” he asks as people continue to find seats, shuffling around and settling while waiting for the show to begin. 
“I’m having a lot of fun,” you tell him honestly, your own smile bright, but your conversation is cut short by the show beginning. You both give it your attention, though every so often, after a dolphin performs a particularly impressive trick or amusing maneuver, you glance at the demon beside you to see his reactions. Each time he laughs in delight you can feel it move through him, and you can feel the way his arm tenses around you during tricks, can see the awe in his eyes when the trainers explain some of the mannerisms of the animals, the relationships they form with one another, and efforts to help the earth’s environments to help the natural habitats of the animals. 
After the show, you end up at the touch pools- something that sets off a whole new level of excitement in Diavolo. He’s extremely careful when he reaches in, fingers gently grazing the creatures sitting in the shallow water. “It’s fascinating,” the Anemone his hand brushed against swayed gently with the movement of the water. 
“You don’t expect them to feel so...squishy, right?” 
You go through a few more exhibits after that, and you even manage to sneak a few photos of Diavolo, your favorite being the one where he’s nearly leaning against the glass of the beluga whale enclosure, one of the creatures on the other side  staring right back at him, the delighted expression on Diavolo’s face is priceless. You also manage to send it to Lucifer, knowing he’d appreciate it as much as you do.  A while later, Diavolo takes your hand in his again. 
 “The Aquarium is hosting a jellyfish exhibit for a limited time,” he says, leading you along to a staircase that has another attendant standing at the top, “I got us the passes because you said you liked them.” He hands the attendant the passes, who nods as you continue on down the staircase. Even in the dimmer light as you reach the bottom you can see the faint tinge of pink on his face. 
“You didn’t have to do that,” you squeeze his hand, smiling up at him, “but thank you, I love it.” 
The pace you took around the exhibit was slower now, moving along the dim rooms and taking minutes at a time to watch the strange creatures drift through the lit tanks. It’s quieter here than the rest of the aquarium, and less crowded, probably due to the fact that it required additional passes- but it feels almost serene, despite the low chatter of the other guests roaming the rooms. 
“I believe I understand what you meant when you said you could watch them for hours,” Divaolo says next to you, his golden eyes are tracking the movement of the Jellies, his features bathed in the blue glow of the tank’s lighting- it makes everything feel softer somehow, the way his lips are curved into a smile, how his hair falls just slightly into his eyes, even his gaze. 
When he turns to you there’s something else in his eyes that makes your face heat up. “They really are beautiful,” he says, and you realize he’s leaning in closer, as he continues, “Almost as beautiful as you,” he finishes, and even though there’s sincerity in his voice- even though you know he doesn’t lie- you have to fight the urge to roll your eyes. 
“That’s...so cheesy.” you say, but you can feel your own grin on your face, your hand squeezes his tighter, and you lean up, almost completely on your toes to meet him in a soft, quick kiss. “Thank you for this,” you say earnestly, “I’m happy we got to come here together.” 
“As am I. I should thank you for putting up with me dragging you around all the exhibits, I’m sure you are used to a more relaxed atmosphere than that.” 
“I think it’s cute.” You answer, satisfaction washing over you at the blush that covers his face, “I like how excited you are. It means I can tell you’re having a good time.” 
He chuckled slightly, “I would say any time spent with you is good.” 
The two of you lingered in the Jellyfish exhibit for a while, silently admiring the displays. 
When you finally emerge you have to blink at the sudden increase in light, but Diavolo is already leading you along again. “I was told that these sort of trips aren’t complete without a visit to the gift shop.”  
“I guess that is kinda true,” you admit, following him into the shop. Immediately, something catches your eye. “Dia, look!” You hold up an almost perfectly round stuffed seal in your hands, squeezing it’s soft sides slightly, “It’s so cute!” It’s little flippers dangle slightly as Diavolo looks at it- and you- with unveiled amusement, “Feel it!” 
He takes it from your hands, squeezing it slightly. “It is incredibly soft,” he turns it over in his hands, squishing it again, “Do you want one?” 
“Wait- really?” 
“Why would I ask If I didn’t really want to know?” 
“I do like it,” you admit- “Reminds me of you, in a way.” 
Diavolo looks at the Seal’s face, then back to you, “It reminds you...of me?”
“Nice to hug. Cute.” 
“Is that so?” Diavolo’s cheeks are flushed pink again, and even though your own face feels warm you can’t help but admire the ability to make the Prince of the Devildom blush. He tucks the seal under his arm without saying anything else- and then it seems that a display of t-shirts catches his eye. “All proceeds go to charity. MC, do you know this charity?”
You glance at the sign. “I do! It’s a good one, they support a lot of rescue habitats and environmental efforts- and they actually use their money for what they say they do, unlike some.” 
Divaolo’s eyes shine as he takes in the shirts, Colorful cartoon fish decorate the fabric, and bold, bright letters declaring “Don’t be Shellfish, Protect our Oceans,” are written on the front. He moves to the display, rifling through the shirts before pulling out three different sizes. 
"One for Lucifer as well!" 
You laugh out loud at the mental image of Lucifer wearing the shirt and nod, "Good idea."  Diavolo wanders around the shop a bit more, when another stuffed animal catches your eye. A beluga whale. Your mind flashes back to the delight on his face when you’d snapped that picture of him and the whale earlier that day. You pick the stuffed beluga up, it’s large and, to your delight, is just as soft as it looks. You glance over at Diavolo and see that he’s distracted by a book display, so as stealthy as you can you make your way to the cashier with the whale. 
You pay, thanking the cashier, then make your way to the door before calling out, “I’ll be waiting outside, Dia!”  
It’s not long after he exits the gift shop with a curious expression, multiple bags gripped in one hand and the seal tucked back under his arm. “MC?” 
You hold the whale out to him, “I thought you’d like this,” you say, pleased by the fondness obvious in his expression, he frees the seal under his arm, handing it to you and taking the gift. 
“I adore it. Is this why you left before me?” 
You grin, squeezing the seal with one arm and linking your free hand with his, “I wanted it to be a surprise, as well as a thank you for all of this.” 
You feel like you’re half asleep when you get back to the Devildom, eyes drooping and legs slightly aching from all the walking you’d done that day. You eat dinner with Diavolo, and then you insist on joining him in his study when he says he has some paperwork to finish before he goes to bed. 
You’re curled up in one of the armchairs, the stuffed seal Diavolo bought you under your head like a pillow as you watch him do paperwork. You feel your eyes droop, slower to open them each time. Eventually you decide it’s easier to give into sleep, figuring Diavolo could wake you before he went to bed for the night. 
“Dia,” You mumble, waiting for him to look up from whatever paperwork he was pouring over now, “Thank you for today. I love you.” 
He smiles softly back at you, “I love you, sweetheart.” You give him one last smile before curling up tighter and letting yourself fall asleep. 
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elizabethemerald · 3 years
Jim is Honest; Chap 8
Barbara was enjoying one of her rare days off, her feet up on the coffee table. After treating Jim’s injuries last night, she had written him a doctor’s note to excuse him from any physical activities. He still wanted to go to school, saying he didn’t want to miss any more rehearsals than necessary. 
She had preemptively taken the day off from work in case his injuries were so severe he needed additional care. She was honestly surprised to see how well he was already healing. It seemed whatever magic was inherent in his amulet it did more than protect him from harm. Still she had the day off and was for once spending it trying to relax. She still had numerous concerns about her son and the war he had found himself embroiled in, but at least for the time there wasn’t anything specific she could do. 
That was until she heard a knock at the door. It was a little surprising, she had very few friends, and even fewer who would invite themselves over without a word. She knew Jim and Toby were at school, and Nana was in the park playing chess with a few other retirees. She rose and cautiously approached the door. 
“Ah, Dr. Lake. Its good to see you again. I was wondering if I could have a word?” The short, well dressed Asian woman at her door said, emerald eyes gleaming. 
Ms. Nomura. Curator for the Arcadia Oaks museum. Secret changeling spy who had fought her son, just a few days ago. Barbara swallowed, forcing herself to maintain an outward appearance of calm. 
Why was Ms. Nomura here? Had she come to kill her? Was she waiting to attack Jim? He would be home in less than an hour. But what if she wasn’t? Could this be her chance to offer her hand to someone on the opposite side of the war her son had found himself in? She forced a smile on her face. 
“Ms. Nomura, correct? Please come in, you can call me Barbara if you like.”
She hesitated only a moment before ushering the other woman in. She noticed the rapid way Nomura swept her eyes around the room, taking in every detail. If she had been one of her patients at the clinic she would have sworn it was a sign of abuse. She wasn’t so sure now. She felt like she was a rabbit caught in the sight of a fox, though even this rabbit had teeth if need be. 
“Thank you Barbara. You can call me Zelda, you’ve enjoyed the exhibits I’ve curated often enough. You’re practically a regular at the museum.”
Barbara guided Zelda to the table. 
“Oh I didn’t know I had stood out in the crowd so much. Would you like some tea?”
“Yes please.” Zelda smiled while Barbara began preparing the tea. “I don’t know that you’ve stood out, so much as I’ve been keen to notice. You always wear such elegant attire when you visit my halls.”
Barbara couldn’t help but blush at the compliment. Though Zelda was laying the flattery on a little thick. She wondered if the changelings were all trained in honey traps, or if it were just the ones she interacted with. She had fallen for sweet words once. She had no intention of doing so again. 
Zelda helped carry the two cups over the table once Barbara was finished making them. Barbara quickly ordered her thoughts. She needed to find out exactly why the changeling was here. She needed to find whether she was a threat to JIm’s life. If she was, then she would not be allowed to leave. 
“Zelda I know you’re here because of Jim.”
Her words immediately set Zelda back on her back foot. Barbara watched as she tried to reorder her expression. So far all she had seen was surprise, no aggression, but she needed to dig deeper. 
“I wanted to apologize on his behalf before he gets home.” Barbara said. “He acted in a foolish and impulsive manner. I’m sorry he startled you and put your life at risk.”
“Thank you Barbara.” Despite her words, Barbara could tell Zelda was shaken. What she was apologizing for was different then the official police report. “I just hoped he learned his lesson.”
“Oh he learned quite a bit from that night. Did you know he said he broke in because he was afraid for your life? You can’t fault Jim too much, he thought you were in danger.”
Nomura again startled, again quickly hid it. “That is very kind of him. I am more than capable of taking care of myself.” 
“I’m sure you are.” Barbara smiled and put her hand on Zelda’s. Honeypots worked both ways. “You’re very strong. Do you have much experience with martial arts? I studied Krav Maga myself, I don’t want to be a push over you understand.”
“Yes I do. And yes I have.”
Time for vulnerability. Barbara had Zelda unsteadied in this conversation. She pulled down the neckline of her shirt, showing off a half moon scar on her shoulder. Their cups of tea sat abandoned on the table.
“My ex husband, James.” She said referring to the scar. “After he left us, I said I wouldn’t be a victim again. No matter how much he had wanted to treat me like his slave.”
Zelda’s eyes blazed with fury. And hidden behind that fury was a recognition. In herself Zelda saw a reflection of what Barbara had gone through. Her arm moved on its own accord to her opposite elbow. As if her arm had been broken before and still hurt her. 
Barbara continued on before Zelda had a chance to say anything. 
“I always tried to raise my son with those same ideals. Never to be a victim, but always to offer his hand to those who are hurting. Human or otherwise.”
She immediately regretted the last words. They were too obvious, playing her hand too quickly. Zelda stood, knocking her chair back as she rose to her feet, her eyes flicking side to side as she began drawing rapid fire connections. 
“You- You know- You know about me-”
With the worst possible timing, the front door opened in that moment. Drawing both of their attentions to Jim stepping inside. All three froze. Jim’s face contorted with rage. Barbara knew how this must look to him. The woman he knew was a changeling standing over his mother, in his house. 
“Jim, this is Ms. Nomura, from the museum. We were just talking.” Barbara said quickly, her voice higher than normal. “This might be a good time for you to apologize, and offer her your hand.”
He looked at her, consternation on his face, then stepped toward Zelda, his hand held awkwardly out in front of him. He was a smart boy, and he understood what she was saying. Barbara picked up her long cooled tea and took a hasty sip, trying to calm her nerves.
“Barbara no!” Zelda shouted, reaching out a hand to stop her, never mind the tea had already passed her lips.
Her vision immediately darkened as her head felt unbearably heavy. With a thump her head hit the table, the last thing she could see was a flash of blue light, followed by a flash of green.
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fastestloseralive · 3 years
Honestly Wally seeing random futures/universes would make his calmness over the failsafe incident more…sad? I guess in a meta way cause if the speed force puts him through so many what if’s anyway, what’s one more? And Dinah calls him out on it like “okay, what are you not telling me maybe isn’t important but what aren’t you telling Barry.” And the camera pans up to see that ghost or that memory of a speedster who might be him someday and Wally’s like “no idea what your talking about, I’m an open book.”
oh you’re righttttt. but also like okay. what this entire thing hinges on is that wally usually doesn’t remember any of those speed force dreams or whatever but sometimes he Sees Things and it’s a whole mess, and he denies magic is real because otherwise he has to admit he might have gotten more than just superspeed when he got struck by lightning and that’s scary. especially because he was a kid at the time. He was eleven and he was getting weird little visions and dreams and that didn’t make sense, he never read about that at the Flash Museum. So he just goes about his days living life like there isn’t some, thing out there making him weird. And eventually he tells Barry about it but in my head they don’t like really understand the speed force that much just yet, and they don’t talk about it outside the Flashfam cause it’s too hard to explain and there’s like… as far as the world knows, they’re just metas. Barry doesn’t want the world to know he’s more powerful than even Superman, cause you know, what if he gets mind controlled? And that extends to Wally and Jay and every other speedster out there and it’s just, you know, it’s irrelevant. But Wally’s special and if he runs too fast as a kid it could kill him, and then he breaks through the wall and there’s nothing holding him back, he’s faster than Barry! But then he almost runs straight into the speed force and it scares him and so they lie and say he’s got a top speed cause running too fast is dangerous.
Anyway, like, I promise this is relevant to the ask because what it comes down to is that Wally’s not the person he makes Kid Flash out to be, which… in my head explains why Wally in YJ isn’t a 100% match to Wally in the comics. We don’t see that much of Wally at home and even when he’s unmasked around the team, I think he’s still got the KF persona going on and you know. You wear a mask, you can be whoever you want. But anyway. He talks to Dinah after failsafe and she goes on about how he’s in denial and Wally’s just tuning her out because he’s seen his own death before, he’s gotten to the edge of the speed force and he’s seen too much, and it’s just a lot and she has no clue just how in denial he can be you know. He just has seen so much already and gosh I love this au
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fought on your side long before you were born
Fandom: Kamen Rider, Batman, Kamen Rider W Characters: Hongo Takeshi, Tachibana Tobei, Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson, Hidari Shoutaro, Philip, Damian Wayne Song: "Father to Son," Queen (playlist here)
Tachibana’s got a shop now, something he can use to support his family now that he isn’t traveling, and the first thing that greets Takeshi as he walks in is the thick smell of motor oil. There’s a bike in pieces at one end of the shop floor around which several young men are clustered, arguing cheerfully. Another young man is sitting in a corner near them, inexplicably playing acoustic guitar and responding briefly whenever he’s addressed. It’s new, but it feels like home, and Takeshi can feel his shoulders instinctively relaxing.
“Hongo!” Tachibana himself emerges from the shop office, beaming. “When’d you get back to Japan?”
“Just now, I came right here.”
“Damn right you did.” There’s some hugging and back-slapping and general affectionate ribbing, and then Tachibana says, “So what do you think? Nice place, right?”
“It’s wonderful. How’s your son?”
“Healthy as a horse, running me and Mari ragged.” Tachibana gestures to the huddle of young men at the other end of the room. “Plenty of help around here, though.”
Takeshi grins. “I can see that. Who’s the one with the guitar?”
“Oh, him? American kid. Funny story, really, I’m closing up one day when this young guy just materializes—no, not literally, he’s just real quiet—and asks, am I Tachibana Tobei? Only Dr. Jin in Madrid says I’m the best in the world and will I teach him about motorcycles! And he hands me a letter of introduction from Keisuke!” Tachibana sounds like he’s holding back laughter. “So he’s renting our spare room at the house and working here for a few months. Quick study, too. Shiro taught him guitar, he’s in town for a bit and they hit it off. Here, come on, I’ll introduce you to everyone.”
They head over to the disassembled motorcycle, and the young men fall all over themselves to be introduced, which Takeshi bears with good cheer. They’re young, of course they’re enthusiasts.
The American boy is last, and Takeshi is shocked to realize that he is a boy, no more than eighteen or nineteen, a pale youth with blue eyes and a lonely look that reminds Takeshi of Shiro. No wonder they get along. He sets his guitar aside and bows, stiff and solemn, and says, “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Hongo. Mr. Tachibana talks about you a lot.”
“That I do! Hongo, this is Bruce Wayne, he’s the summer guest I was telling you about.”
“Good to meet you, Wayne. Your accent is excellent.” The boy’s got a firm handshake. “What brings you to Japan?”
“Study, sir,” but the boy’s tone says that’s not all of it. “I’m trying to learn all I can. Maybe I could ask you a few things later, if you don’t mind.”
Takeshi blinks. “Not sure what you’d want to ask, but I don’t see why not.”
He eats dinner at Tachibana’s house that evening, because of course Tachibana isn’t going to let him get away unfed his first night back in town. Mari greets him at the door, Joji in her arms, beaming.
He’s intially surprised to see that the American boy is there too, until he remembers, of course he is—Wayne’s renting the spare room. And he’s barely noticeable for most of the meal, silent, although he’s clearly listening to everything that’s said. After dinner he also helps Mari with the dishes, entirely unprompted, which Takeshi approves of, and then spends some time gently entertaining the toddler.
Later, Tachibana and Mari step away for a moment to get their son to bed, and Takeshi looks at the silent young man sitting in the corner and says, “So. Wayne.”
“Yes, Mr. Hongo?”
“You said you had something you wanted to ask me, and we’ve got a few minutes now. What can I help you with?”
Wayne remains quiet for a long moment, and then fixes those piercing eyes on Takeshi and says, “Mr. Tachibana says you’re the strongest person he knows. What does it mean to be strong?”
Not what Takeshi had been expecting. Granted, what he wasexpecting, he doesn’t know, but…not that. He thinks about it, frowning. “I’d say…kindness.”
Wayne’s forehead wrinkles. “What do you mean?”
“Look, Wayne, you can get as powerful as you want in life, but it’s only strength if you can use it to be kind. Otherwise it’s just tyranny.” Takeshi leans forward and holds out his hand, as if to shake. “Anyone, any fool on Earth can take their hand and make it into a fist. To reach out to someone when they need help, that’s strength.”
Slow nodding, and Wayne reaches out to him in return, clasps his hand for a brief moment, and says, “Thank you. That’s a valuable insight.”
Takeshi nods. “Ask Tachibana that question, too, and Shiro. It’s a good thing to ask. Tells you a lot about the person answering.” He considers it for a moment. “Of course, there will always be some people you won’t be able to help, we share this world with monsters. But you must always try to be kind. That’s strength.”
Bruce checks his watch as he walks up to the restaurant, satisfied to be a precise fifteen minutes early, and then looks up and is surprised to realize that for once Dick’s beaten him there. Not only is he there, too, he’s talking to someone Bruce doesn’t recognize.
The stranger seems to be about Dick’s own age, a man in a black fedora and slightly old-fashioned dress clothes from a minor Japanese fashion label. His tone suggests an awkward tourist, but his stance says he’s a fighter, and the way he watches his surroundings indicates that he’s memorizing as many details as possible. He’s got a guidebook in one hand, and a notebook sticking out of his pocket, and he’s speaking Japanese, which is not one of Dick’s stronger languages. Bruce steps forward, thinking he might need to translate, but Dick replies to the other man in English, which is met with a thoughtful nod. So—they’re about the same level in each other’s languages. Better at hearing than speaking. Convenient for them.
“—so if you’re looking for something in his field, the natural history museum is great. If you want somewhere more romantic,though, the Thorndike is amazing, and there’s this restaurant right near it, I forget the name—oh, hey, Bruce! You’re here! What’s the name of that restaurant across the street from the Thorndike Museum?”
“San Sebastian Jatetxe.”
“That’s the one! Thank you!” Dick beams at him, then turns to his companion. “I’ll write it down for you.”
“<Thank you, I’d appreciate that.>”
“Of course! This is my foster father, by the way, Shoutaro-san.Bruce Wayne. Bruce, this is Shoutaro Hidari, he’s visting Gotham for a couple of weeks.” To Shoutaro again, “Bruce’s Japanese is much better than mine.”
Bruce nods. “<What brings you to Gotham, Mr. Hidari?>”
Shoutaro relaxes visibly at the question; it’s likely the only new voice he’s heard speaking his mother tongue in days. “<My partner is attending a conference here, so we decided we’d make it a vacation.>”
“<Aha. Curators and archivists?>”
“<How did you guess?>”
“<A friend of Dick’s and mine is also attending, she mentioned that international registrations are up significantly this year.>” Bruce pauses. “<If you’re looking for date spots, the Thorndike is excellent, as Dick said, but the Botanical Gardens are also very nice this time of year.>”
Shoutaro blushes warmly. “<Thank you very much for the recommendation.>”
He doesn’t think much more about Dick’s tourist friend until that night, when he and Damian are out on patrol. It’s a quiet night, so they’re stopping a mugging as gently as possible when the mugger—a repeat offender and sometime informant, Bruce makes a note to check in on him at home out of suit—says, “So, uh, Bats. Who’s the new guy?”
Bruce frowns. No one new should be operating here.“Which one?”
“You know, the bug guy. My buddy texted about him, said he was speaking some other language. Well, he said it was a bug ninja who spoke Japanese, but he watches a lotta anime and he gets real excited, so I ain’t sure he’s right.”
“A bug. What color?”
“Oh, it changes, it’s cool as hell.” He shows Bruce and Damian a picture on his phone. “He a friend’a yours?”
“Yes. He’s visiting.” Bruce peers at the photo and then hands his informant two hundred dollars. “Buy dinner and go home, Nathan. Tell your aunt I say hello.”
“Yo, sure thing. Thanks, Bats!”
They’ve only been searching a few minutes when their earpieces crackle and Babs says, “Roof of GPL Central Branch. Someone I don’t recognize, they just took out some Joker goons who were robbing a jewelry store at the corner of High and 26th. Dick’s on his way too.”
They touch down at one end of the Gotham Public Library’s roof as Dick’s landing at the other and survey their guest, who’s looking between the three of them with something that’s likely surprise, although given that their face is entirely concealed it’s not certain. The insectoid red eyes and sharp antennae on the helmet and the white scarf drifting in the air from the back of the right shoulder send a shock of recognition down Bruce’s spine. He considers speaking first, but then nods to Dick instead. For better or for worse, Dick is good at putting people at ease.
“Hi there.” Dick waves to the stranger, tone cheery but guarded. “We haven’t seen you around before, mind telling us what you’re doing in Gotham?”
The stranger cocks their head to the left for a moment before saying, haltingly, “We. Ah. We are…tourists? We did not mean to…um…” The left eye of the helmet flashes as they’re speaking. A beat, and then the righteye begins to flash, and they say, in an entirely different voice that’s noticeably accented but much more fluent, “I’ll handle this part if you don’t mind, partner. Good evening, we’re Kamen Rider W. Our apologies, we didn’t mean to intrude on your territory. Are we addressing the famed Batman and his companions?”
Bruce says, slowly, “That’s correct. You’re a Rider?”
“Oh, you’re familiar with the term! That’s wonderful. Yes, that’s correct. We’ve been in operation as such since late 2008, although of course primarily in Japan.”
“Tt.” Damian scowls. “<If you mostly work in Japan, what are you doing running around here?>”
The left eye on the helmet begins to flash again as W responds in the first voice, in Japanese now. “<It wasn’t exactly the plan, a man in clown makeup waved a gun at me and tried to take my wallet and once I’d knocked him out I noticed that there were about five more clowns breaking into a jewelry store down the street. I couldn’t just leave them to it.>”
Dick is also frowning now. “I—have we met before? I recognize your voice. The, uh, left-hand one.”
“<I don’t think so?>” says the left-hand voice, and then the right-hand one breaks in with, “Actually, based on his memory of your speech patterns, I believe you and my partner met earlier today, you recommended a couple of date locations and a Basque restaurant I’m eager to visit.”
Bruce can see Dick’s eyes going wide from halfway across the roof. He’s visibly biting back the urge to address their guest by name, which would be discourteous, to say the least, with everyone in costume, so Bruce cuts in with, “Is my understanding correct that we’re speaking to two people currently?”
“That’s correct!” says the right-hand voice, sounding delighted. “We two are a single Kamen Rider.”
Dick blinks. “Is this like a Firestorm thing? Are you fused?”
“Not unlike, but no. My physical body is currently unconscious in our hotel room, which is certainly much more comfortable than some of the other places in which I’ve passed out. Although as my partner wasoriginally going out to get us something to eat when he was accosted, I ambecoming concerned about my caloric intake.” And the left-hand voice says, “<Yeah, I was thinking I’d be able to get us something decent at the Seven-Eleven, but the ones here are different from the ones at home.>”
“I think,” Bruce says, “this conversation would be better continued elsewhere.”
Twenty minutes later they’re all out of suit and seated around a table at an all-night diner, and Shoutaro’s partner, introduced only as Philip, is inspecting the menu with interest. “This is intimidatingly lengthy, do you have recommendations?”
Dick grins. “Get one of the meat-lovers omelettes. And then if you still have room get some baklava, the owner’s mother makes it and it’s amazing.”
Bruce, meanwhile, is turning Shoutaro’s business card over in his hands. “<You’re a detective?>”
“<I am! Mostly lost pets and infidelity, but sometimes there’s an interesting case. Philip works with me, although he’s pretty busy with the museum nowadays.>”
“<I’ve heard of the Fuuto Museum, they hosted an intriguing exhibit on Mesopotamian artifacts last year.>”
“<You heard about Nitoh’s exhibit here? That’s amazing, I’ll have to let him know.>”
“<Please tell him I was very impressed with his thesis.>”
Damian’s been scowling silently into his milkshake, but suddenly he slaps the table and everyone jumps. “I knew I recognized that name!” Then, to Shoutaro, “<I read your novel.>”
“<I—you did? Really? It hasn’t had any translations, how did you hear about it?>”
“<My, uh.>” Damian shifts awkwardly. “<My mother gave it to me, I like detective stories. I enjoyed it. Although that copy was lost.>”
“<Oh, I’ll send you a new one if you like, I don’t imagine it’d be easy to get here.>”
The waitress comes by, and her eyebrows slowly rise as everyone orders, presumably at the quantity of food on request. When she’s left again, Philip turns to Bruce and says, brightly, “I also take it that you’re the sponsor Ms. Gordon mentioned, we had a very stimulating chat at the conference earlier today.”
“Somehow I’m not surprised to hear that you met her.”
“Coincidence and fate figure largely in our lives, Mr. Wayne.” Philip smiles like a cat; it’s oddly charming. “We’re superheroes, after all. Here,” to Damian, “Dick mentioned to me that you like animals, would you like to see a picture of my cat? He used to be a supervillain.”
After they consume a truly astonishing amount of diner food it’s time to part ways, and Bruce shakes hands with Shoutaro and Philip and says, “<It was good to meet you both.>”
Philip beams. “<Likewise, thank you, it’s been a pleasure. And I’m looking forward to seeing more of Gotham.>”
Shoutaro looks up at him for a moment. “<It’s been good talking to you, Mr. Wayne. You…remind me of someone I used to know.>”
“<I could say the same of the two of you.>” Bruce turns to go, but then turns back. “<I have one last question for both of you.>”
They nod, precisely in sync, and Philip says, “<Yes?>”
“<What does it mean to be strong?>”
Silence for a moment, Shoutaro and Philip glancing at each other while Dick and Damian wait in puzzled silence, and then Shoutaro says, “<Kindness,>” and Philip says, “<Love.>” Another shared glance before Shoutaro continues. “<Anyone can hurt someone else. Helping them, that’s strength.>”
Bruce nods. “<Somehow that’s what I knew you’d say.>”
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