#or ‘I want you to ravage me but we have to do it in secret because reasons!’
wavesoutbeingtossed · 2 months
Is “So High School” the first time she’s written about someone getting her off that doesn’t involve a caveat? 😏
(I mean beyond “tell your friends to get their own house”)
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nillegible · 23 days
(For @ladyteldra, who shoved me into this unexpected rabbit hole, but then stuffed it full of content to make me happy)
No one had noticed during the war, as wars were rather distracting. But it was hard not to notice when they got home.
What was left of home; it was still a work in progress.
At first Jiang Yanli excused it away as the magic of Lotus Pier going awry because of what it had been through, but by the second week of reconstruction she tracked down a copy of the Entail from one of the surviving caches.
It shouldn’t have mattered.
Jiang Cheng was the chosen Sect Heir, their Father had made that clear when Jiang Cheng turned fifteen, and Lotus Pier should know that.
(Except Lotus Pier would have felt Mother, then Father, then Jiang Cheng lose their cores here. It might have thought… Perhaps that would explain why…)
When she gently probes Wei Wuxian for his thoughts on their misbehaving inheritance, his face goes stricken and over the next week he dives into the scrolls himself, more thoroughly than she had.
Jiang Yanli had not meant to distract Wei Wuxian from his own self-loathing and his eerie ghost-brides, but that is what it amounts to, in the end.
“Do you think,” Wei Wuxian says finally, over dinner, eyes red and wild like he’s been drinking (clearly distinct, to her, from the red and wild from raising ghosts), “That when Wen Zhuliu. When he – that it broke what marks you as heir?”
Jinag Cheng stiffens at the reminder, and frowns at their brother. “Would that…? But BSSR fixed it.”
“What if it’s not the same core as before?” asks Wei Wuxian, vehemently. “Doesn’t it” he waves a hand towards their surroundings, “feel like it did when we were younger? Before you came of age?”
That’s exactly what it was, Jiang Yanli realizes. The magic of Lotus Pier felt familiar for all it was acting slantwise; it was exactly how it had been before the heir had been named.
“What does that mean, then?” asks Jiang Cheng, standing up. “I’m not the heir, then?”
“You shouldn’t be the heir,” Wei Wuxian says. “You should be the Sect Leader.”
“You’re saying the Lotus Pier doesn’t want me,” says Jiang Cheng. Jiang Yanli lays a hand on Jiang Cheng’s elbow.
Before she can speak a word, Wei Wuxian says, voice final, “No. I’m saying I think the Lotus Pier thinks you died.”
Their ravaged, gutted home is recovering steadily, with new disciples, new responsibilities, new buildings.
Their new Sect Leader and his right hand aren’t doing so well.
“If it thinks you’ll do better, then fine! Be the sect leader!” Jiang Cheng had yelled at Wei Wuxian one day, terrifying Wei Wuxian who insisted he didn’t have the right nor did he want to, and setting off quite a row (“Oh, so Lotus Pier just isn’t good enough for you, huh? Where DO you want to go then?”). Naturally, that escalated into a more physical fight, and when punches were landed and brothers elbowed in the gut and flipped onto their backs, swords were drawn (“You still won’t use your sword? What if I run you through with mine? Pick up your sword, goddamn you!”) which came to a screeching, horrific halt when Suibian unsheathed for an incensed Jiang Cheng.
Wei Wuxian had a lot to explain.
Jiang Yanli doesn’t think Jiang Cheng will ever forgive Wei Wuxian for this, but she patches them both up as best she can, listens while each rants about the idiocy and foolishness of the other. She talks down one little brother from his stated plan to find Wen Qing and make her switch the cores back, and coaxes the other one to rest with promises that she wouldn’t let Jiang Cheng try something like that while he sleeps (“I promise, you can sleep now, A-Xian, I won’t let him.” “Oh but HE can, HE can decide for me-!”)
“Since we’ve decided not to keep secrets from family,” she tells them, after a week of indulging them both in their childishness, “you should both know. The Jiang family has, now, in the direct line me and Jiang Cheng. And then there’s Wei Wuxian, son of Wei Changze, who was a shu-son of Grandfather’s and, technically, broke the oath he made when he left the sect that he would not have children of his own.”
Their faces, when that finally sinks in, makes her giggle.
[“So you could be Sect Leader, since Lotus Pier would accept you. This explains so much about Mother.”
“I told you that Uncle Jiang wanted it to be you! But…yeah. It really does.”]
[“Wait, so the Waterborne Abyss tried to grab you in Gusu… do you think that it wanted…”
(That particular conversation ended abruptly when the plank Jiang Cheng was standing on crumbles, dumping him into the river below.)]
[“Without Uncle Jiang’s mark on Jiang Cheng showing Lotus Pier who the heir is, I think it’s confused about who to pick,” Wei Wuxian tells them, after more time with scrolls and an unexpected visit to Meishan Yu and Gusu Lan sects. “Should it go with strength, or primogeniture? Dad was older than Uncle Jiang, but Shijie’s older than me. And I don’t have a core – but mine’s not gone, it’s still-”
Wei Wuxian shuts himself up before Jiang Cheng can, that time.]
For some reason, the issue seems to weigh more greatly on her and A-Xian than A-Cheng. Perhaps because even though Lotus Pier had not yet acknowledged Jiang Cheng as Sect Leader, the Jiang Sect had. And Sect-Leaderly duties did not wait on the convenience of an ancient dwelling and what may or may not dwell beneath the watery foundations.
Which is why it’s surprising when it’s Jiang Cheng who finds them the solution.
“Are you sure?” she has to ask him.
“Honestly, I always imagined that when I’m Sect Leader, Wei Wuxian would busy-body his way into doing half my work anyway. The only difference is that you can stay here at Lotus Pier and help instead of marrying out.” The sect leader of a clan could not, after all, marry out.
“You should thank me for getting the engagement called off, then!” says Wei Wuxian. “Can you imagine? If we went through with this, then we’d all be engaged to the peacock.”
“A-Xian,” she chides, and her brother looks at her sheepishly. The grin is more naturally like himself, and not like he’s forcing himself to act like he once did.
“Is that okay with you, A-Jie?” asks Jiang Cheng.
“Yes,” she tells them. She had wanted a husband, children, a family of her own. But asked to make this choice; her sect or herself, her brothers or a family that one day might be. She knew her answer. “When shall we do it?”
In the aftermath, very little changes.
The bemused Jiang disciples are told to address both Young Mistress Jiang and Wei-shixiong as Sect Leader also, which takes them some getting used to, but they adapt soon enough.
The civilians from Yunmeng think it’s splendid, and take great pride in their three Sect Leaders.
The other sects receive a letter informing them that Jiang Yanli, Jiang Wanyin, and Wei Wuxian were ‘…henceforth by mutual agreement, to be recognized as one entity, encompassing legal and spiritual dimensions alike. As leaders of the Jiang sect, they will jointly bear the responsibilities and obligations attached to this esteemed position.’ Naturally this brings about some interested speculation in their allied sects.
[“Are you alright, Wangji? Do not worry, there is no need for you and Xichen to do likewise, it is an old ritual meant to rejoin the branches of a Clan that are at risk of a schism, without the messy business of pruning one side to disallow heirs, or line adoption."]
[“How utterly absurd. That girl, and the Ghost Flute, to be acknowledged as Sect Leader Jiang, when little Jiang Cheng can barely fill the role himself? What is the world coming to. Fetch us some wine, boy.”]
[“No that is not a euphemism for them deciding to have an incestuous polyamorous marriage, Huaisang! It probably has to do with that thing they don’t talk about; though why the Wen were not eaten when they stepped foot in Lotus Pier we’ll never know.”]
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aettuddae · 1 month
high garden academy — chapter 57.
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⟢ synopsis: a new school year begins at the high garden academy boarding school, bringing with it new students, and among them, the new center of attention for the drama-thirsty student body: the hong sisters. eunchae and her mysterious and unsympathetic older sister, daein, who oddly seem uninterested in the secrets, legends, and gossip of their new school. winter, the institution's top student, and karina, the popular girl and promising pianist, never imagined they would end up so closely involved with hong daein.
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[written chapter]
daein opened the door with the "7-A" on it. tired, but with the feeling that she'd had a good day. ready to throw herself on her bed and sink into her pillow until someone, possibly jennie, came to break into her calm and remind her of her responsibilities.
but her plan changed completely when she set foot inside her room and found her mattress covered in clothes, as well as the floor.
with her mood changing drastically and cursing as she surveyed the mess, she went deeper inside only to find the cause of the chaos: karina. the girl was tucked inside the closet going through every corner of it, taking whatever clothes came in front of her eyes, examining them and then tossing them all into the various piles that had been created around her.
taking a better look, the newcomer noticed that even her drawers and suitcase were open and disorganized. there was almost no place in her own dorm that hadn't been ravaged by the pianist.
"what the fuck are you doing?" shrieked daein on the verge of a nervous breakdown.
karina turned around in exaltation due to the sudden company and, noticing daein's frantic state, paused to think about what she should do to avoid earning a parade of shouts and insults. although she was still annoyed with her, she thought the smart thing to do would be to treat her kindly so she wouldn't have to put up with her bitterness.
"aeinie!" she crooned to the accompaniment of jazz hands.
it wasn't her brightest idea. it only caused the biker's pent-up anger to grow and ended with the girl having a hysterical fit due to the mess.
"okay, okay..." the younger girl carefully approached and grabbed her shoulders. "calm down, you're more irritable than usual."
"how do you want me to calm down?" she waved her hands euphorically through the air. "it looks like a fucking hurricane went through my room!"
something flashed through the youngest's mind, causing a giggle to come out from under her breath.
"hurricane karina." she couldn't contain her intrusive thought.
the older one could only stare at her in shock with her mouth hanging open.
"i hope you know i never hated anyone as much as i hate you." she expressed to then bite down hard as she glared at her. the helplessness she felt at that moment had immobilized her and she could only stand there thinking how she was going to have to sort through that whole mess while karina took it as a joke.
"if you keep saying it, maybe it'll start to sound convincing." she made a motion to wink one eye, but it didn't come out the way it should and she ended up closing both of them.
"how come not even winking you can do right?"
"hey," she looked at her defiantly. "it's not a skill i need to survive in the world." she inspected her up and down, noting that her clothes were oddly neat. "where were you?" curiosity distracted her.
"can you tell me why my room is a disaster?" she folded her arms, ignoring karina.
"won't you answer me?" she copied the position.
"with minjeong." she admitted casually, causing the contrarian to roll her eyes. "why are you here?" she repeated.
"i hope you didn't forget that we have a dinner with my parents." she reminded after giving a sigh, adopting an angry attitude.
"yes, i know that." she stated with annoyance. "but i was hoping i'd only have to see you that day."
"i came to pick something for you to wear that day." she explained, turning to inspect her clothes. "you know, because you usually dress like a beggar and would never go out of your way to look presentable for me like you do for your little friend." she pointed her finger at her, highlighting her outfit.
"you could have asked me to pick out something decent instead of coming in and turning my room upside down." daein obfuscated.
"you think i trust you?" she threw her a judgmental look. "but i have amazing news for you." announced excitedly.
"what did you find?" the owner of the room scanned her surroundings trying to find the clothes the other had liked.
"nothing!" she exclaimed. "your fashion sense is completely broken." she added with wry glee in her voice.
"and what's the good news?" she thought for a moment. "i'm not going to have to come to the dinner?" she assumed copying the same ironic tone karina was using.
"no, you're going to have to come with me to the mall." she reported. "and you can't refuse." she spoke quickly as she noticed daein opened her mouth to throw a tantrum.
"when do you want us to do that?" she questioned stressed as she followed karina with her eyes, who was pacing around the place gathering her belongings.
"right now." she said simply.
"what?" daein frowned. "you weren't even thinking of asking me if i'm free?" she took a few steps following her. "don't you think this is all very abrupt?" yu wouldn't say anything back, so she took her arm and tugged on it to turn the girl towards her, bringing their faces relatively close. "karina." she called irritated at her lack of attention.
"are you going to stop whining or do you want me to kiss you to shut you up?" she challenged in a deep, confident voice, her eyes moving from hong's eyes to her lips repeatedly.
"do it if you want, but then don't get mad when i don't act like your lapdog afterwards." she shrugged.
the blackhaired let out a dry, incredulous laugh, with a hint of indignation. she took her eyes off daein while turning away from her, then walked towards the door without saying much, her movements clearly strained by the negative atmosphere that had just been created between them.
"let's go." she commanded walking out of the room.
"is that my hoodie?" hesitated daein from behind inspecting her. "that's my hoodie." she confirmed to herself.
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"and this? do you like it?" karina lifted up a blue garment.
"is that a vest?" she looked at the fabric disapprovingly.
"yes, aein, it's a vest." she affirmed obviously.
"put that away." she ordered, turning back to the clothes she was looking at before.
this was already their fourth store. they had been wandering around the mall for at least two hours, trying to find something they could agree on. after two stores chosen by karina, they entered one that was daein's liking, but found nothing there. although they had some bags with personal purchases, they hadn't decided on anything good for the dinner, and they didn't seem capable of doing so.
everything daein liked, karina hated or didn't find suitable, and vice versa. both were quite irritated by this point and were showing random clothes to each other with no real interest as they had lost all hope and motivation.
"you know what i've been thinking?" the younger one spoke from one side of the rack. "this?" she lifted a ruffled shirt.
"no." she shook her head after looking at it. "so, you know how to think?" she countered from the other side of the same structure.
"you do know i have one of the highest averages at high garden, right?" she raised an eyebrow.
"really?" she questioned uninterestedly. "do you like it?" she showed her a pair of pants, karina shook her head. "if only you talked more about things like that instead of... your boyfriend." she referred to the new information.
"he's not my boyfriend." she hurried to say.
"then why are we doing all this for?" she looked up at her, exhausted.
"because... uh..." she shook her head from side to side stressed. "it's complicated, just keep searching." she indicated, dismissing the topic. "i was thinking we don't know anything about each other."
"thankfully." she chose a suit jacket. "what about this?"
"no." she rejected and lifted a t-shirt, but daein gave her a disliking look. "i mean, we can't pretend to be a couple in front of my parents if we have no idea who we are."
"we know what we need to know." she brushed off while continuing to look for something to buy.
"do you want to know what i know about you?" karina leaned on the top of the counter. "you have a motorcycle, you do drugs, you like soccer." she raised a finger for each fact. "and not to be evident, but that sounds like something no parent wants near their daughter." she put her hands in the air dramatically.
"i only know you have money and you like to adopt creatures to take care of." she leaned her weight on the wood just like the opposite.
"see? we don't seem like girlfriends." she stated matter of factly.
"because we're not." she countered.
"but we have to pretend we are." repeated, then continued looking at clothes, switching to the furniture behind her, turning her back to the biker. "is there anything you want to know about me?"
"no." she honestly clarified without changing her position.
"how charming." she picked up a shirt and walked over to daein, taking her by the arm to pull her towards her and make her stand properly to put the garment on her chest so she could have an idea of how it would look. "do you like this?"
"why do you want to dress me like a christian peasant?" she frowned.
"do you even know my name?" she continued inspecting.
"ka... tarina?"
"katarina is my baptismal name." she explained. "my name is yu jimin." she added.
"jimin." she let out a short laugh. "jimin makes you sound tiny."
"daein makes you sound like a boy." she pointed her finger accusingly at her.
"what do you say?" she displayed another pair of pants without paying her attention.
"they're fine." she agreed after scanning them.
"i can't believe we just settled on something." she hung the chosen clothes on her forearm. "is there anything else you want me to know about you?"
"i don't know." she turned on her heels and leaned her back against a shelf. "my favorite color is blue, i'm an aries, i like dinosaurs, i play the piano." she began listing all the things that came to her mind.
"i already know you play the piano." she mentioned, distracted with a pile of jackets.
"how do you know i play the piano?" she asked bewildered.
"i saw you the other day with your... situationship." she recalled. "besides, you had already told me."
"did i?"
"yes, in one of our first chats." whenever daein spoke, she did so without any emotion.
"and you remember?"
"why wouldn't i?" she disregarded.
"i was just saying..." she murmured, turning back towards the furniture. "tell me something about yourself."
"about me?" she fell silent. "i like this shirt, do you?"
"why do you want to go have dinner with my parents looking like bob the builder?" she examined the loose checkered shirt daein had in her hands.
"something about me." she sighed, drained, and put down what she was holding. "my favorite color is red."
"is that all?" she stared at her in disbelief.
"what else do you want me to say?" she returned eye contact, without much interest.
"is there anything you really care about?" she asked desperately due to the lack of knowledge she had about the other.
"the reds." she stated with certainty.
"i can't believe you." she left her head fall defeated. "you're a dude." karina theatrically brought her hand to her forehead.
"i didn't judge you because you like dinosaurs." she reproached.
"dinosaurs are awesome." defended. "let's see, why do you like that team so much?"
"because it's mom's favorite." told naturally.
"see?" she exclaimed. "there's something you care about, your mother!" pointed out cheerfully.
"my mother died." she diverted her focus to continue looking for something they both liked.
"just kidding."
"who the hell jokes about their mother dying!?" she voiced disturbed.
"i do."
"god, what about your father?" she resumed the conversation.
"next question." she evaded with a noticeable hint of annoyance.
"well, now i know three more things about you: your favorite color is red, you have a terrible sense of humor and you have daddy issues." she teased.
"yu jimin." daein gave her a questioning look.
"i see you learned my name." joked the youngest.
"i don't know." the biker took a moment to choose what to say. "another thing that matters to me could be..." she pondered. "eunchae."
"it must be hard for you to be on bad terms with her." she assumed, changing her voice tone to a more serious one, empathizing with her.
"it's my fault, so..." she swept.
"but you still have the right to feel sad." reassured.
"i guess." she let out in a whisper, mixed with the breath she apparently had been holding for a while, and her eyes wandered as she thought. it was clear the subject affected her.
"do you need a hug?" she extended her limbs, offering comfort.
"stay away from me." she became agitated at the mere idea of receiving the pianist's touch, quickly changing the atmosphere from a melancholic to a brutal one.
"aeinie..." she took a step towards her.
"yu jimin, don't come any closer." she abruptly moved away.
"aeinie." jimin kept walking quickly towards her.
"enough!" hong began to run through the store so she wouldn't be caught.
"come here." she lunged to chase her.
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writingoddess1125 · 7 months
In Another Life
Depression Time!!
Trafalgar Law x FemReader
Sadness, Angst, Death. And More Saddness!
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Support me on Ko-Fi! Gotta survive to write more!
Wrote this while watching a movie- can probably guess the movie..
'Law! You have to promise me, when we get married we get a kitten' You giggled at your long term . The two of you holding hands as you walked through the meadows next to the secret base.
Law bristled at your words, remembering his own parents and the happiness they shared- but also the heartache he experienced thinking of them. The two of you looking to each other-
'Why do you say that?'
'Cause kittens are cute?- especially ones with gray fur and blue eyes' He cut you off with an annoyed scoff.
'No the marriage thing? Why would you think I'd marry you!?' His words harsh and rude which made you flinch.
'Law.. We aren't long for this world- we have already spent most of our lives together then seperate.. I'd want to spend the rest of it with you' You said so softly, confuses by his tone. Law yanking his hand away from you in false anger.
'Then I shouldn't waste my time in doing something stupid like marriage' He said annoyed. Your eyes filling up with tears, you didn't say a word. Instead walking away from him- he didn't stop you. Assuming you had just went to clear your mind from the harsh reality- but he didn't expect you to never return at all...
He should have know... he should have truly heard her words when she said she waan't long for this world...
That had been years ago.. he hadn't heard or seen (Y/N) since. Truthfully he regretted that so much- his world ever darker since that day.
At night he would wince when he thought back on his words before sleep- his dreams filled with the life he should have had with her if he wasn't so angry at the world.
It had been a few days ago however when he'd gotten a letter- recognizing your handwriting so well. But he never could have even guessed the words on those pages- asking to see him again before (Y/N) passed... a illness no one could treat claiming her life and taking her away soon.
Running to her home, he went to the hospital she was in- entering the room with a heavy heart knowing what was on the other side.
Law had always been a man of few words, but as he stood by (Y/N)'s side one final time, a thousand emotions wrestled within his heart. Her form weakened by the ravages of time, lay in a bed adorned with soft blankets that him and others had brought for her, her frail hand clasped in Law's strong grip.
"I wish we had more time," Law murmured, his voice heavy with regret.
(Y/N) smiled weakly, her eyes shimmering with love as the light began to fade from them. "We've had a lifetime of memories, Law. I am grateful for the time we've shared."
Her words struck Law like a blade to the chest, as he struggled to hold back the tears threatening to spill. His hardened exterior cracked, and vulnerability seeped through the cracks.
"I often dreamed of a life together, you know," Law confessed, his voice barely above a whisper. "A quiet house by the sea, with our children running through the sand. We would sit on the porch, holding hands and watching the sunset."
Her expression softened with reminiscence, her voice a gentle melody. "That sounds like a beautiful lofe, Law. A life filled with love and peace."
Law's grip on (Y/N)'s hand tightened, as if trying to hold onto the fleeting moments they had left. "I would have given anything to make that dream a reality. To protect you, to see you smile every day."
(Y/N) lifted her free hand and gently caressed Law's cheek. "You have already given me so much, Law. The love you have shown me is more than I could have ever asked for."
Tears rolled down Law's face, his breathing uneven as he held back sobs. "If you'd had told me- I could have save you! protect you from the cruelty of this world. But..."
Her touch provided a soothing balm to Law's tortured soul. "You gave me a life filled with adventure, love, and purpose. Our time together has been a gift, Law.. even if it had to end like this."
Law lowered his head- sitting next to her as his tears started to drip onto the bed, his shoulders shaking with silent sobs. (Y/N) despite her weakened state, gathered her strength and pulled Law into a tender embrace. They held each other, the weight of their emotions filling the room like an unspoken song.
As the sun began to set, its warm glow bathing the room in a golden light, Law whispered his final words into her ear. "I will carry your love within me until my last breath, and beyond. You have forever changed me, and our love will have another day."
(Y/N)'s touch grew feeble, her breathing shallow. She mustered the strength to raise her gaze to meet Law's tear-stained eyes. "Thank you for loving me, Law. I will always be with you, in your heart."
With those tender words, (Y/N) slipped away, leaving Law alone in a world forever altered. He held her lifeless hand, his despair mingling with the emptiness in his chest as loud desperate cries ripped through his soul.
Law sat in the inn, staring at the empty bottles infront of him- his chest feeling hallow and full of regret. Part of him wanting to walk into the sea and return to his love.. see her smiling face one last time-
Rolling himself up from his seat, he stumbled out of the bar- the alcohol making his brain fuzzy and uneven as he was met with the cold night air. His mind drifting to the sea... maybe he would see (Y/N) on the other side- his family.. love out that fantasy the two of you had always wished for.. one that he was too stupid to realize was more important than anything else-
As he walked down to the peir, his mind only of his regrets in life.
He looked out on the ocean, his legs felt like they were lead and he wanted to jump in and let the Goddess claim him- till the sound of his name drew him back. Looking to see a man in a suit rushing to him with a box and crate in tow.
"You there! Are you Trafalgar Law?"
"Yeah what's it to you?" Law grumbled-
"Ah Sir. Im Wallace J, Lawyer for (Y/N)- You were listened in ger will fkr everhthing including her home but (Y/N) had left some items that needed to be personally handed to you- oh and this" The man said calmly as he gestured to the crate.
Law looked confused by this and nodded, taking the box and opening it. There his heart broke for a second time that day- there was several letters, with his name on it- he knew (Y/N) hand writing too well to say these were from anyone else.. paired with the dried flower ring he had made her years ago when the two of them were children, with other sentimentalthings from his childhood. The lawyer holding out a letter that had been separated from the box. The doctor quickly taking it and reading it-
My Darling Law
As I write this letter, I want my time with you in this world has come to an end. But i want you to know that my love for you is unwavering, and my deepest wish is for your happiness. Life is a journey filled with twists and turns, and in those moments when I may not be by your side, I implore you to seek joy and love.
Find someone who fills your soul, someone who understands and cherishes the beautiful person you are. Embrace love, laughter, and companionship with another. Life is too short to settle for anything less than genuine happiness.
Remember, your life is precious and unique, and your happiness is what I want the most for you.
So while I can't be there to be on that journey, I still want you to walk thay path. I know you are hurt, and im sorry i was the one who caused it.. but I hope this little guy can give you just a bit of love to you while you find your way.
I love you Law, to the end of the stars and back.
Forever yours, (Y/N)
The doctor gave a breathy sigh as a sob threated to spill from him. Setting the box down as he looked to the crate, Opening it slowly and tears rolled down at the sight.
A gray kitten with sleepy blue eyes mewed at him- Law reaching forward and picking up the little thing. Remembering the words when the two of shared long ago.
'When we get married- you better get me a kitten. One with gray fur and blue eyes'
The lawyer watching in empathy, watching the man before him crumble and fall to his knees as he held the kitten in his arms.
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TW: smut. Girl x girl. Language. 
SUMMARY: Cheating on your boyfriends with each other. 
could you please do a sarah cameron x fem!pogue!reader smut imagine where they've been hooking up for a while behind their bf's backs? ( sarah is dating Topper and reader is dating either JJ or Pope ) and they knows it wrong, but they can't help it. 
To anyone who saw you, you were the closest of friends. Sharing everything from clothes to secrets. She was the dutiful girlfriend to Topper as the expected blossoming relationship between Kooks as you were to JJ. But once alone, you were the epitome of forbidden in every sense. 
"Sarah!" You gasped. "We have to stop..." Her fingers made perfect circles over your clit through your suit. Despite the objection, your palms rested on the bed behind you and you rode against her hand as she watched you find pleasure in her touch. 
"You want me to stop?" 
"No..." You groaned as she moved faster. 
"You're soaking through your suit for me..."
"Faster?" You nodded, clutching her wrist. "I wanted to make you come right out there...the way you were looking at me..."
"We can't..."
"But you want to..." You bobbed your head in desperate agreement. "You're already so close..."
"Shit, Sarah...I wanna feel you..."
"Like last time?" You nodded as she was quick to chuckle and remove her own swim bottoms as you mirrored her actions. 
"This is so wrong..." You moaned as she began to rock against you, a vibrator set against the two of you as you both rode into it from this angle. Her feet planted beside your elbows as yours sat the same, looks of pleasure cast on both of your faces as you took turns at each other's breasts. 
"Then why are you so wet? I can feel you dripping down our little toy..." She teased you. 
"Because I can't stop..."
"Me neither...I think about you when Top goes down on me like you do...it's the only way I can come..." She confessed as you thrust harder. "YES!" She moaned aloud as your eyes flashed to the door. 
"I imagine you when JJ fingers me..." Her fingers brushed over your clit as your mouth pulled to a large O.
"I love watching you feel good...I love that it's because of me..." You threw the toy down on the bed and kissed her. Your tongue ravaging her mouth as you continued to rock your naked pussy against her own. 
"You imagine me?" You asked as you teased her lower lips. "Maybe you shouldn't have to..."  You moved between her legs, using the vibrator between your own, as you made good on your words. She weaved her fingers carefully through your hair, pulling when you made her close. 
"I love how you edge me..." She breathed while relaxing the recent arch of her back. 
"Yeah?" You pulled the vibrator from your thighs and brought it to her clit. 
"You like that, Sarah?" She began shaking biting her bottom lip, as you increased the speed. 
"Come for me...I love watching you come..." 
"Sit on my face...I wanna make you come too..." You obeyed, taking your position as she pulled you wide. 
"Fuck!" You belted before feasting between her legs. Every slip of your tongue rivaled her own as some sort of sexual chicken to see who could come first. Her hips began to buck first as you moaned louder. 
"You're gonna make me come!" She warned. "It's gonna be-" She silenced to this as you pulled her against your face. 
"Yeeeesss!" You hissed to the arrival of your own orgasm. But as she was coming down, from hers, she pressed the vibrator to your clit s you jolted to your back. Her pussy resting on the other side of the bulbous head. 
"Again....I need more..." 
"Fuck, Sarah..." 
"Yes...YES!" Her beautiful face crafted in perfect pleasure as you were quick to fall apart for her again. The mix of cum staining the vibrator as you pulled her down for a soft kiss. 
"We have to stop..." You explained before she nodded. 
"I know..." But as you looked at each other, you wanted more. She shared this, climbing beneath you as you played with her breasts. 
"But I can't stop..."
"Then don't..." You moaned as you slipped two fingers inside of her. Finding her ready for yet another orgasm. One you were all too happy to offer.
TAGLIST: @rafesmoon @maybankslover @puzziepoppin @gillybear17 @onclouds999 @penny4yourthoughts @magnificantmermaid @pickingviolets @lovedetlost @trikigirl271 @maybankslover @slut4tangerine @slvtherinseeker @bluesongbird @slut-era @ailee-celeste @camilynn @sweetestdesire @jjmaybanksangel @phildunphyisadilf
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latristereina · 3 months
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“Her mouth was sweet and he gently pulled her down on the bed. She closed her eyes, waiting for him to make love to her and Michael felt an enormous happiness. He had spent the war years fighting in the Pacific, and on those bloody islands he had dreamed of a girl like Kay Adams. Of a beauty like hers. A fair and fragile body, milky-skinned and electrified by passion.”
“He was surprised to find himself so secretive with Kay. He loved her, he trusted her, but he would never tell her anything about his father or the Family. She was an outsider.”
“Michael often thought of Kay, of her smile, her body, and always felt a twinge of conscience at leaving her so brutally without a word of farewell.”
“…it was nothing like the love he’d had for Kay, a love based as much on her sweetness, her intelligence and the polarity of the fair and dark.”
“Kay was silent for a long time. ‘Why do you want me to marry you after never calling me all these months? Am I so good in bed?’ Michael nodded gravely. ‘Sure,’ he said. ‘But I’m getting it for nothing so why should I marry you for that?’”
‘You are the only person I felt any affection for, that I care about.’
“But Kay was grateful. She knew that Michael had done it against all his own inclinations. Had done it because she had asked him to, and that she was the only person in the world who could make him act against his own nature.”
“Kay put her hand on Hagen’s arm. ‘He didn’t order you to tell me all the other things?’ Hagen hesitated a moment as if debating whether to tell her a final truth. ‘You still don’t understand,’ he said. ‘If you told Michael what I’ve told you today, I’m a dead man.’ He paused again. ‘You and the children are the only people on this earth he couldn’t harm.’”
- Mario Puzo, “The Godfather”
“Michael loved her when he met her and he loved her throughout his life and he loves her to this day, even though their relationship was surrounded by a lie. He not only loves her, he admires her.”
- Al Pacino, (x)
“And consequently, as we see him even in his commendatory finery receiving the highest award the Vatican can bestow he…his face is a mirror of his soul that’s ravaged and sickly and very very heartbroken because what he values the most is the thing that he has lost… but he has his children, and his children at this point, I would think to Michael mean everything, his daughter and his son.”
“Although to me, what is about to happen here is the beginning of rebuilding of what really means most to him…I have no doubt that Michael despite the limitations of his Sicilian-American upbringing and how men were supposed to be, how women were supposed to be and wives were supposed to be, he really loved Kay, much as Diane and Al really love each other or loved each other or probably will always love each other… I felt we were dealing with real things in the context of this romantic novel.”
- Francis Ford Coppola’s DVD commentary, (x)
“He would do it for his children, this boy and this girl that was all he had left of his marriage with Kay, which obviously meant a lot to him but which she basically pulled the plug on. She was not going to be married to a man who murdered people and stuff.”
“I saw what Michael had, and thereby understood what he had lost. He loved Kay, you know. Kay represented to him this dream that one day he would be out of it. He would have achieved the goal, which was to one day be totally legitimate. He had promised her that he would do that and somehow he was not quite able to just pull it off.”
- Francis Ford Coppola, (x)
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rosyjn · 10 months
Girl, can you write dilf Jake sully taking care of an insolent RDA humam woman until she confess what he wants.
Like during the battle of the second movie (Neteyam didn't die)
They capture a woman thanks to Spider.
She refuses to talk, so Jake has to take things into his on hands and make her talk.
I want this man to make her feel so pleasured that she talk no stop.
And then after he gave her something like her 5 orgasm (she told him everything at this point) he leave her breathless on the floor, ready to tell Neytiri and the others (not the kids obly) everything.
(In this pls let's fake that both Jake and Neytiri have an open union)
alr here we go MDNI SMUTTT
warning overstim ROUGH ASS SEGGS btw
“Oh fuck! Fuck!” you’re practically screaming, head pressed into the floor. Your skin glistens with sweat and your legs shake but he shows no mercy. He just keeps pounding into you over and over again, roughly bottoming out at your cervix and then groaning. “Please please please! That’s all!” you yelp.
“I don’t believe you,” he grunts, smacking your ass before his large fingers travel to your clit. The added stimulation makes you unevenly squirt, wetting the floor. The tingle makes you back arch and your tight pussy clenches around his girth. You can hardly speak anymore. You’ve spilled out everything you know. Every single detail has been cried out by now. Every question has been answered.
“I swear! I promise!” you whine inbetween thrusts, your body shaking with each one. Your clit is swelled and sensitive by now, the walls of your cunt are desperately sucking Jake in. He doesn’t stop. You’re writhing and sobbing with pleasure, not being able to distinguish if you’re in pain or not. It doesn���t stop him. He ruts over and over into your sore pussy.
“I don’t think you’re telling the truth, want Neytiri here?” he teases.
“Please, no sir!” you cry, knowing that if his wife joins, you might pass out from the pleasure. “I’ve- told you everything I know- promise!” you grab into the floor, feeling another orgasm coming.
“You think I’m torturing you, hm? You don’t even know what I could do to you if I wanted,” he says, reaching around and pinching your clit. You jump at the mix of pain and pleasure. Jake holds you in place, knowing you couldn’t escape his grasp even if your life depended on it. He ruthlessly fucks you, and you swear you can see stars. Tears roll down your cheeks into the floor. “Coming again? Fuck, how many times has it been now?” he degrades you.
“So many! Please, it’s been so many…” you mewl, thinking that you might just pop. Jake might just thrust straight into your womb. He speeds up, rushing the arrival of your orgasm until you scream and arch your back.
“Tight little pussy clamping around me,” he mutters, slapping your ass again. A mixture of his cum and your slick coat his balls. It drips down your thigh and shines off your vulva. “Think you deserve to stop now? Think you’ve told me everything?” he asks. You are almost unable to respond, fucked dumb. You have been at it with him for hours, just getting ravaged. You had been spread like an eagle just spilling words and RDA secrets until your throat grew sore from the speaking and moaning. Jake would fuck your mouth roughly right after, just to make sure.
“Y-ye-yes… yes s-sir,” you whisper, barely breathing and just trembling. He has to perk his ears up to hear you, and then he pulls out. You gasp, your walls clenching closed again and making a squelching noise while all your juices drip down. Jake pants, sitting back and watching his load. Your arched back relaxes, and you fall limp onto the floor, still shaking and crying.
“Ready to fess up to everyone?” he crouches over to look at your face. You desperately nod, needing a minute to catch your breath. He pats your back when he sees your response.“Alright, see you in a minute,” he gets up off the floor, grabbing your clothes and throwing them in your direction before tying his loincloth and leaving the tent.
it’s really short sorry!
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sweetaliencheeks · 1 year
THE ONE WHERE THEY’RE BEAUTIFUL Rocket had developed a habit to point out things that remind him of you.
THE ONE WHERE THEY EAT CEREAL Rocket felt lonely and woke you up to have a midnight snack.
THE ONE WHERE SHE HELPS Definitely not a qualified nurse, but love can heal, too.
THE ONES THAT ARE SILENT 1 & 2 Sometimes words aren’t necessary.
THE ONE WHERE SHE DANCES Got some units to spare?
There’s an unexpected package at your door.
THE ONE WHERE SHE GETS OLDER Honestly, I just hate my birthday.
THE ONE WHERE SHE FALLS IN LOVE Sometimes you can just pinpoint the right moment.
THE ONE WHERE HE’S BABY I mean, that was literally the only option.
THE ONLY ONE WHERE HE’S TALL Please, I don’t know exactly what this is but I was force fed Tall Girl and thought this was a good idea… Also, kinda naughty.
THE ONE WHERE THEY CUDDLE Sometimes all you need is the right person to bring out the best in you.
THE ONE WHERE THEY GET ENGAGED Honestly, the plan wasn’t bad, but you had to have sausage fingers, didn’t you?
THE ONE WHERE THEY RUN AWAY Based off of a weird dream I had, gotta love a Runaway Bride moment…
THE ONE WHERE HE COMES BACK Slightly angst, I guess. But always with a sweet ending.
THE ONE WHERE THEY SHARE A BED Obviously a mandatory fic, and also a self explanatory one.
THE ONE WHERE HE TELLS HER Alcohol makes you say things you don’t wanna say, and do things you don’t wanna do. Like betting with Ravagers!
THE ONE WHERE HE’S COLD I know that global warming is fucked up, but how cold can it be during summer?
THE ONE WHERE THEY MEET Needed to write something that took place during those five years. Those were lonely times, we could all use a drinking buddy…
THE ONE AT THE MARRIAGE Admit it, we’re all suckers for the “I’m going to my best friend’s wedding to watch him marry somebody else while being hopelessly in love with him” trope. And come on, who doesn’t love a wedding?
THE ONE WHERE HE KNOCKS Post GOTG3. had many complaints about crying. But happy tears only!
Julia Roberts would be so jealous…
After you’ve died, any moment is good.
What song are you?
THE ONE WHERE HE BETS Peter bet he could get a secret out of you, and he’s very bad at keeping secrets.
THE ONE WHERE THEY’RE USELESS Just a little everyday struggle when your friends aren’t that good with feelings.
THE ONE WHERE THEY COMMUNICATE Maybe next time try to be a little bit more literal…
So I followed the advice of my lovely readers and finally got around to do a masterlist so it’s easier to find everything! Let me know if I forgot anything. I was actually surprised by how many fics I have written over the years, and I want to say how grateful I am for your support and kind words 🤍
Also, I want to precise that although some of the titles contain the pronouns “she/her”, the fics are mostly gender neutral. I’ll get around to fix the titles eventually!
Keep rocking you beautiful space babies
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chrollohearttags · 1 year
peppermint kisses • r. braun
in which Reiner decides he wants to have his gift a little early after a Christmas Eve party.
themes: !black fem reader, (plus size coded) dom reiner, light bondage, dirty talk, drunk sex, pet names, fingering, spit play, back shots, mating press, squirting, choking, spanking, him turning the reader into a Twinkie, orgasm denial 😵‍💫 and other themes so minors do not interact!
📝: this is also half self ship as well because I’m down egregious. also, merry Christmas, my loves!
wc: 2.9k
Christmas Eve: a time of merriment and cheer for all of those that celebrate the joyous holiday. A time for families, friends and community to come together and exchange gifts, enjoy delicious treats and enjoy one another’s company.
and for others? it gave them an excuse to engage in something a little more than Secret Santa’s and slicing fruitcake..but rather something a bit more..salacious.
“mmmhm! Reiner, damn baby…can we even get in the door? You’re about to rip my clothes off!”
your plea fell mostly on deaf ears at the moment, due in part to the fact that the man you were speaking to was far too infatuated with the rest of your body to focus on what was coming from your mouth. Lips tracing up your neck and collarbone, big hands running up the curvature of your body; gripping the plumpness of your ass in his wide palms, followed by faint grunts into your ear.
truthfully, it was a little unbecoming of your husband’s character. A man who was normally the quietest in the room regardless of his staggering size had now relinquished that and was ravaging (y/n) with the sloppiest of kisses and heaviest of slaps to your backside. “Sorry, baby, but I’ve gotta have you..don’t even think about keeping it from me right now.”
and you most certainly didn’t attest his advancements so the second the door came to a close, the two of you became entangled in a very heated make-out session right there against it. your hands reaching up to his chiseled cheeks to cup them as his tongue slithered between your lips, filling both of your mouths with a mixture of soft moans and exchanged vodka infused saliva.
but what had caused this sudden shift in him? the simple answer was a holiday party at a friend’s place just down the street. Filled with lots of fun, food and more alcohol than what should have been allowed..Reiner just so happened to partake a little too hard in the latter. It was very seldom that he drank so naturally, it made him pretty tipsy..you didn’t know it’d turn him to such a fiend though! Especially when he saw you dancing on one of your mutual lady friends like an absolute slut.
twerking and bouncing that ass on her and grinding your bodies together..you had to pay for getting him all worked up!
however, you had no complaints with the results as he was currently snaking those fingers across your crushed red velvet corset with the fur trim and working to unfasten the clasps, but when that became too much of a hassle, he’d simply tug it down to reveal your supple breasts; those perky brown nipples already stiff for him when he took them between his fingertips.
“What do you say we get Christmas started early, princess? I mean, the only thing I want is righttt here and I’m a little impatient..”
the low growl of his voice was followed by his hands trailing south to your leggings and finding home in the seat of your panties..that silky heat and plumpness of those fat pussy lips, practically swallowing the thin g-string trying to conceal them. Immediately, you’d find yourself melting as those digits circulating your swollen clit. Tossing your head back, you’d release a high pitched wail that only further fueled his freakiness.
“..and you’re so fucking wet, babydoll. Yeah, I’m definitely gonna pound this little pussy tonight…” his sentence trailing once more as he pinned you to that metal panel with a hand to your throat. Meanwhile, his opposite set of digits had made their way inside of you, causing you to rut and practically fuck yourself on his fingers. It was pitiful how desperate and needy you had become that quickly. But he was more than happy to help satisfy those needs.
his eyes suddenly met your own that had stretched wide open due to the stimulation of his pumping. “F-fuck! That feels so good! Baby, please..” your cries bringing a smirk to his face and he’d speed up his movements; alternating and twisting them around inside of you to drum out more of that silky fluid. All while you clawed for his covered cock, trying to pull it out. “Please what? You better tell me what’s on that pretty little mind of yours.”
it was then that you realized that liquor had him acting brand new but you liked this new side of him!..so aggressive and sexy. (Y/N) on the other hand had become a babbling, drooling mess; seconds from squirting on those sunken digits. But before you could have the chance to answer or your orgasm, he’d make the decision himself. He was far too impulsive and aroused to play around with you!..that much apparent by that growing bulge in his crotch.
snatching those fingers from your aching cunt, Reiner made haste in ridding you of those bottoms, tearing them off and ripping them in two on the floor. He needed nothing in his way right now but he did have a use for them.
“matter of fact..I’ve got a better idea. Come here..” In what seemed like a blur you had gone from straddling his fingers to being rough housed and led over to the couch by a guiding grip on the back of your neck. It was there that he’d toss you to the sofa, pinning your legs as far as they would go..as he undressed, you’d watch eagerly, chewing on your nail and stroking your clit.
wide open with slick coating that mound..it was almost too much for him to handle. “You look so cute..playing with that fat little pussy for me, baby. Stay just like that for a minute..” instructing whilst he peeled those clothes from his muscular body. He really was the sexiest man you had ever laid eyes on and didn’t help when he reached for his thick length and stroked it, causing your hole to spasm on air.
“Well don’t keep me waiting too long…I need all that dick.”
Reiner returning shortly thereafter. In his hand, he brandished both those ripped tights..along with something he snagged from the nearby coffee table. “Don’t worry, cupcake. Hold your hands out and open your mouth..got a little something for you.” immediately doing as you were told, you’d soon have your wrists bound by that material. He’d then lean forward, closing the gap between your bodies as he spat into your mouth before swiftly placing a single candy cane between (y/n)’s teeth as a makeshift gag.
he just knew you were confused by that gesture but he decided to give his explanation whilst tapping his tip against that slit..teasing his shaft over your folds. “Now…you’re gonna hold that candy cane between your teeth while I make you cream on daddy’s dick. You can scream, moan..hell, even cry but if I hear a crunch, see that candy break or it falls out of your mouth for any reason..you’re not allowed to come. Understand?”
his message was received loud and clear but just how in the actual hell were you supposed to do that?! It was nearly an impossible challenge but one you had no say in the matter and with it settled; sealing the deal with a head nod, he’d take that as the cue to shove that massive cock inside of you. Quick to calm you with a gentle brushes to your cheek whilst he fed you slow thrusts.
the distress was written all over your face because it wouldn’t be long before you’d be feeling those strokes in the pit of your stomach and it’d be all but inevitable to crack that candy cane! Not to mention being unable to push him away..so you’d lie there, heels dangling over his shoulders and thighs jiggling with each one.
“You look so pretty taking this dick, baby..such a good girl.” coaching you through it with that deep, gravelly voice; your tightness sucking him in.His pale shaft and pink tip only able to fit halfway but white cream slathered all over it as a result of his pumping..even watching as he coaxed out an entire stream of it that leaked to your puckering asshole. All of it was truly a sight to see. Eventually, he’d burrow over your entire body, folding those jiggling thighs up to place you into somewhat of a mating press.
his heavy balls colliding with the thickness of your ass and the sounds of clapping flesh resonated throughout the room..along with his loud grunts and your muffled moans. “Oh fuck….” Mumbling through lightly clenched jaws. Your eyes shutting and legs shaking fiercely but you refused to break that candy because one thing you knew was that he would not go back on his word or show mercy when he got like this.
flailing those tied hands around, grasping at the back of the sofa, (y/n) clawed at the cushion as some form of support while those deep strokes finally reached the entirety of your swelling sex. He couldn’t believe how fast you were able to open up; those plump pussy lips eating his cock up once it was buried to your hilt. But what truly made you melt were the glares and constant commands being spewed from his mouth. “Ooh fuck…that’s right. Let daddy have it, baby. Hold still and let me fuck that tight pussy..”
Reiner knew just how close you were by the way it was spasming around his base..as if you didn’t want him to pull out. So he wouldn’t…and just to make things a bit more intense and difficult, he’d bring his thumb pad to your very sensitive clit and began stroking it gently; slicking it with another string of saliva in the process. Honestly, it was all he needed to send you over the edge as you let out a loud cry; white toes curling in those shoes on your feet.
reaching up, he’d tug them off, let them tumble to the floor and in one final act to either comfort or completely break you, he’d bring your soft instep to his lips and place a plethora of kisses on it as he fed you rhythmic strokes..faint splashes began to formulate against his chiseled v-line and you’d begin squirming, trying to scoot away from him but he’d slap your little mound because of it; laughing at the sheer desperation on your face. “No cheating..I know you want to come, princess but not yet..so don’t try to run from me again.”
just for you little spat of insubordination, he’d start pounding once more to the point that he was damn near on the couch himself and covering your entire body. “Daddy, please!” Crying out through your makeshift muzzle, barely coherent, yet all that he wanted to was keep stuffing you full of dick. “You better use those fucking words if you want something. Tell me..” his aggression had escalated into full blown bullying you at this point but it couldn’t be helped in all honesty. He was enjoying himself way too much.
“What is it? Do you need to come that badly?..can’t I have this pussy a little bit longer..or do you want me to come?” all of it a mere taunt to your resolve and how weak it was. You always did come too quick and any other time, it’d work to your advantage but now..you had no choice but to hold it in. “If you want my nut, you better squeeze this dick. That shit better grip me so tight..that I never want to pull out..that’s if you can, princess.”
and as it stood, you wouldn’t have a snowball’s chance in hell of doing so without forcing your own climax. Still, you had to try and seconds later, you were clamping around his thick cock; akin to that of a kegel and held that position, crying until you felt two heavy pulses inside of you. “Oh my—shit!” And only seconds after that, Reiner would double over, eyes bulging from his skull as he made good on his word and dumped every ounce of his seed into your womb.
a loud grunt followed by sucking his teeth as those heavy balls became depleted of all his nut and entered your womb. It was practically spilling out by the time he finished. “Fuuuuck! That’s my good girl..you did exactly as I asked. And look at that, still holding that candy cane.”
spent but not out for the count, Reiner would brush your forehead with one hand whilst placing a knee into the couch cushion by your side and sinking his other set of fingers into your sore, abused cunt. You were looking down at his forearm, normally blocked by the view of your cute, chubby tummy he loved so much. But you could spot his knuckles working around that hole and feel them even more intensely. So much so, you were jolting around as he drummed out yours next.
“..so now I guess it’s your turn. Squirt on my fingers, babe. Come for me..right fucking now and don’t make me say it again.”
that certain grimace in his voice that drove you crazy. Being manhandled like this was going to make it hard to behave from now on. You’d provoke him more often if this was the result. However, as he drummed out those dripping fluids..splattering them everywhere, he’d snatch that candy from your mouth and that tie from your wrists to listen to those loud, earth shattering moans.
“Ahhh! Fuck, fuck! I’m coming..so fucking hard!” Loving every second of those beautiful waterworks. It was only after you finished that he’d retract those fingers and dangle them above your newly freed mouth, letting your sweet juices drip onto your tongue. “I know and I’m so proud of you..but we’re not done.” Feeding you a faint tap to the cheek before ushering you onto your knees.
he wanted to fuck you from the back now and he didn’t even give you time to get well adjusted before your husband was tugging you by your hips to his pelvis. He’d give you only a few slaps to your slit with that heavy appendage when he felt you grasping for it on your own. “Well put it in yourself then..I don’t mind.” Loving your initiative and as your smaller hands clutched his shaft, you’d glide the tip to your hole; those thick lips splaying and splitting open at his reentrance.
“Matter of fact, show me some of those moves from earlier…do it with this dick inside ya’..dance for me, princess.” Demanding that you bounce those heavy cheeks buck against him as your entrance swallowed it whole. “Mmm..yeah. Like that. Make that ass bounce and fuck me back.” It was always something about back shots..causing him to lose his composure with you. Sounds of smacking flesh arose yet again and (y/n) decided to take a glance back to look at your aftermath.
“Like this, daddy? Am I doing a good job?” The faux innocence in your voice was making him feral and when you’d twerk and wind with his cock still nestled deep, Reiner had to toss his head back and let you take the reigns. “Oh, it’s fucking amazing, sweetheart…best damn pussy in the world.”
by this time, his vulnerability was apparent by his whiny voice and it seemed that he wasn’t going last long this way either. With your juicy ass colliding with his chiseled and and v-line, it was too much of a sight to bare. You always had this effect on him but he wouldn’t change it for a thing. Eventually, he’d raise his leg to the sofa for more leverage and ended up burrowed over you yet again. Straight beating your shit up without even breaking stride.
“Ah, fuck! Gonna make me come twice inside of that tight pussy..filling you up like the little cumslut you are.” His hands crossed around the small of your back, guiding you at his leisure while he bucked his hips.
and not before long, you’d feel those all too familiar pulses inside of you, in addition to his voice cracking and becoming high pitched. He couldn’t take staring into your eyes so Reiner pushed your head down as you took his dick like a champ. “Take it..take this fucking nut, princess. Let me fuck a baby into you. Please!..”
he had grown down right desperate but luckily for him, it worked in his favor and you’d reach between your thighs to stroke your bud, encouraging him to come one last time, promising to do it with him simultaneously. “Ready?” “Yes!”
on the silent three count, both of your bodies instantly froze before collapsing into complete ecstasy. Riding out those orgasms on one another; melding as one. You, showering him with sticky secretions and him pumping you full of his warm, white semen that created an absolute gorgeous mess..of loud screams and squelching.
neither of you could take another second once you came down to revel in the afterglow but as a final gesture to soothe and thank you for allowing him to do such a thing, Reiner placed a trail of kisses up the curvature of your spine. And that seemed to be all he needed because he had now himself into sobriety!
coming to his senses, he too would fall onto the couch and drag you into a tight embrace along with him.
“Merry Christmas, princess. Hope I didn’t act too crazy.”
to which you’d giggle and bop his nose with your fingers.
“Yeah, but after that..I think I can let it slide.”
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lowcosmic · 6 months
its me again! i feel like calling myself wet dream kokichi anon would be awkward so my sign off is 💫 from now on!
can i request vampire kokichi feeding on reader? suggestive but no smut.
reader is used to it. but to make things interesting, he makes it a little spicy this time. also some fluff at the end (kokichi teasing reader for their reactions). thank youuu <3
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—— lovebites . ; kokichi ouma
“ it was like a masochist’s dream — a line of blood running down your skin , only for kokichi to lap it all up. ”
— 𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲 : vampire kokichi feeding on his favorite life source.
— 𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞 : fluff
— 𝐜𝐰 : some suggestive hints & mentions of blood
— 𝐚/𝐧 : eeeEEEEEEE oh btw i ain’t a vampire connoisseur so don’t attack me pls
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“ y’know , if you keep taking my blood , someday i’ll end up looking like a prune. ” you informed kokichi as he stared at you with a form of puppy eyes.
“ you woooon’t , i promise!! ” kokichi latched onto your arm. “ i marked you , remember? that’s basically a signed contract saying that unless i die , you can’t die because you’re my number one life support!! jeez , how many times do i have to tell you this?! ”
it was true. once you’d found out his secret , you’d let him feed off you without the marking or “ contract, ” as he’d like to call it. then , your health started deteriorating , leading him to tell you about how he could still have you and keep you alive at the same time.
and so , you let him permanently mark you — it hurt like heck since it’d been engraved into your skin , but you were all for not dying by his sharp fangs.
so you couldn’t die unless he died. then you’d become mortal again and go on to live normally. you were stuck with him , wether you liked it or not.
you could definitely feel pain , though. you always felt a slight pinch every time kokichi's teeth broke through , but he’d always physically comfort you and make sure you’re okay.
and soon enough , you got used to it . it started becoming sort of alluring.
“ fine , fine. go ahead. ” you pulled him in , feeling his mouth hover over your soft , enticing flesh. the smell was almost enough for kokichi to ravage you fully , but lucky for you , he had self control. only took what he needed , never too gluttonous.
“ hey , hey. i was thinking we could do something … a bit different this time. ” he whispered in your ear , a bit sultry.
“ what do y —? ”
“ just something to … excite this more. we’re dating after all! and couples have fun with each other , right?? ”
“ what … did you have in mind? ”
you felt him lick at your skin.
“ koki — ?! ” he cut you off by smashing his lips onto yours , muffling a small yelp from you. he swiftly pinned you to the nearby wall , licking your bottom lip seductively. you moved your hand to grip at the back of his hair. you pulled him in closer.
he pushed his tongue against your lips, taking your other hand and squeezing it. he then pinned that to the wall as well, forcing his tongue in your mouth.
you could practically smell the aggressiveness on him , his rough handling making you wonder if he’d wanted this for a while now.
meanwhile , kokichi was going crazy over your scent. over the proximity. over you. he wanted to just mark you over and over again with no stopping, sinking his fangs in your neck to show everyone else that you were taken.
he lowered his head to your jaw , softly nipping there before going to your neck.
he immediately bit down , sinking his teeth in to replenish his thirst. you tasted so wonderful to him , better than the blood of his enemies or any animal organism.
he sucked on the spot to numb it a bit , saving you little from the incoming sharp shot of pain — his tongue making sure it turned into a better feeling.
it was like a masochist’s dream — a line of blood running down your skin , only for kokichi to lap it all up. he kissed the wound before moving to another spot , repeating the procedure.
indents of his teeth were left in your flesh , your fluids daring to come out under kokichi’s watchful eye.
“ k - kokichi … sheesh , my whole neck’s going to — ” you stuttered out.
“ shh , don’t worry — i'll help disinfect and bandage these later.~ ” he said back.
kissing the identical blotch , he made a few others down the line of the front side of your throat.
you were used to his love markings ; but usually they were light and not too deep into your skin. but this time, they were set deep enough for you to feel the carvings without touching them — his signs of affection.
he made sure not to leave any excess blood after adding a couple more marks on , running off suddenly to go get the “ feeding session first aid kit ”.
you stood there against the wall , breathing heavily from the session. heck , what noises were you making during that?
he came back a few moments later , taking out the ointment and the roll and unraveling it to go around your neck.
leaving a big smooch on your lips, he hugged you tightly for a brief moment.
“ i heard a moan!!~ ” he smugly teased.
“ your ears are broken!!! ” you shouted back.
“ my ears are NEVER wrong! come ooooon , just admiiiit it!! you liked it! you liked it , you liked it , you liked it!!! ”
“ … whatever. ” you looked away , flustered and not meeting his perked up eyes.
“ heyyy!!!! don’t look away from me , (s/o)!! ” kokichi pouted , wrapping his arms around your neck to try to get you to turn your head.
eventually , you gave in and looked at his curly hair tips. kokichi stared at you innocently , as if he wasn’t responsible for your newly wrapped neck and aching muscles.
kissing your jawline delicately , he uttered a thank you.
how could someone so devious be so sweet at the same time?
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please don’t repost , translate , or claim my works as your own.
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snailsgarden · 6 months
If the requests are open and your in a mood for Adventure Time,can you make a Prismo x reader? Hcs,Drabbles or oneshots whatever floats your boat,but...
Like if you watched or remember the end of the "Jake The Dog" ep where Jake said he gotta get Prismo a girlfriend? I was wondering if it's possible if you want to make like Jake being the wingman on helping reader and Prismo together? have a good day and stay healthy!
★ playing matchmaker :D
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summary: jake gets prismo a partner. sorta.
cw: friends to lovers, relationships, you send a kiss to a wall, loser prismo 🤕, reader isn't shy, food and eating, icalled jake a starving dog as a metaphor.
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"i need to get this guy a partner or sum."
said jake, when he left the time cube.
as you and jake headed to the treehouse (you left your bag there, you needed to grab it before BMO looked through your stuff)
"just set him up with someone?"
you'd suggest.
"the issue is, i have no one to".
he replied.
"hum.. i can do the job."
you nodded to yourself.
"you'll help me find someone?!"
the dog beamed happily, tail wagging.
"i can be his date."
"DUUUDEE, you're into prismo?? i mean, uhh, yall match n stuff, but WHAT??"
you guys, the three of you, were good friends.
you'd usually spend time together, prismo would present his new pickle recipes to you and jake, to which you'd give your opinion on while jake absolutely ravaged all the remaining ones like a starving dog having it's first meal in days. (he'd just ate)
then you'd continue your day, playing card games, watching something on prismo's tv..
just three (or four, when finn joined in) friends hanging out.
"can you not shout it out loud for the world to hear??", you whisper-yell at Jake.
"yeah, yeah. im super secretive, you know it"
he isn't. you're sure he's gonna tell at least five people the moment you're away.
but u decide on trusting him, and letting him setup the date between you and prismo.
a few days pass, and before you know, prismo had sent you a note,
"hey! how 'bout we hang out tonite?",
how could you refuse him?
so you took a shower, dressed up, and went to the time cube.
as you got there, you couldn't help but notice the following scenery:
first, a table. in the middle of the cube, a table with scented candles, your favorite scent.
a chair, only one, prismo himself didn't need it.
the lights were dimly lit. weird.
"wishmaster?", you called out.
and there he was.
the figure of his curly hair looked slicked back, mostly on Jake's advice, and you were all for it.
i mean, yeah.. slicked back hair is ugly, but you like him. and he tried.
"hey. sit, wont you?"
you heard music in the background.
is that-
is it Jake's viola.
you bite back a scoff, impressed at how terrible-in-a-good-way he was at matchmaking.
"so, whachu been up to?', you asked prismo.
"work. tv.." he looked shy as he replied, chuckle at the end of his sentence as he was a bit ashamed.
you walked up closer, sat on the chair as you rested your elbow on the table, prismo's figure being across from you.
"that's nice."
talk goes, talk comes, and it's noticeable how much he complimented you during that afternoon.
from saying your outfit looks good to saying you look good.
and you'd smile. that pretty smile he just loved seeing on your perfect lips.
all he wanted was to take up a human form and just smooch.
and he'd ask you to be his, right then and there.
but he didn't even know how you felt.
and you knew how he felt, because the room reeked of your favorite scent, and it had such a romantic atmosphere, music playing in the background, and it'd remind you of those times where jake would partner up finn and some girl he'd fallen for.
which made you imagine prismo struggling to learn his advice, and it made you smile more.
would it be wrong to just.. wish for him to become your boyfriend?
you decide on ignoring that thought.
as your little date continued on, casual conversation as always, prismo became more and more nervous.
how he'd stutter and look to the side as he spoke..
"and what's with the new hairstyle?" you smiled as you asked.
"just.. changing things every once in a while. what'd you think?" the male almost died when you pointed it out, it being just another reason for how nervous he was, unsure if you'd even look his way in any kind of light, let alone thinking he looked good.
"its nice." you chuckle.
"so.. are you.. single?"
the way you looked at him, confused, made him want to immediately back away.
"yeah. you know that."
"right... haha.."
it's awkward, and he doesn't know what to say.
"hm.. so... would you go on a date with me sometime?"
and it's then that he knows how you feel about him, because you wouldn't put it so nicely if you didn't like him back.
then he'd get a little more confident, the conversation would flow better on.
by some time, you got straight to the point before he could - he was winding it so much
"you like me, right?", you said it jn a way you could change the direction quickly if he'd say no.
only if, because as soon as you say it, he goes
"of course i do!"
"you're amazing and who wouldn't be happy just to have you around.."
he was cute, but also sounded a bit desesperate as he spoke
"we could be together. if you want"
and honestly? he couldn't be happier to hear that.
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issie-https · 1 year
A-Z Headcanons
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Axl Rose X Reader Headcanons
A/n: Heyyyy! First HC had to be the A-Z one(duh). Hope you enjoy xoxo
Word count: 1069(lol)
Warnings: SMUT, swearing😋
A - Aftercare (what they're like after sex)
To be honest, he's not an angel when it comes to aftercare but he's not against it. You wanna cuddle? Sure! Wanna shower or have a bath? Fine. But he's not gonna go over the top with it if we're being real.
B - Body Part (their favorite body part of theirs and their partner's)
Axl's favourite part of himself is his hair or his hips. Have you seen that man shake it like Shakira?! Like, wow! And for his hair, my little strawberry blonde princess adores his hair.
His favourite part of you is your legs. Idk why but I feel like that man would love to see you walk around in short dresses and heels just to see your legs. He also probs loves being in between them😋
C - Cum (anything to do with cum)
DIRTAY MAN! Will cum anywhere on your body and say sum like, "you look like a fucking work of art". Look, cum is a sign of a good orgasm and he likes to make you (and himself) feel GOOOOOD.
D - Dirty Secret (a dirty secret of theirs)
That man has thought about fucking you in every position possible, on every piece of furniture at all times. He wants it all. Missionary on the floor, doggy on the bed, oral on the counter, 69 on the couch. Whatever you can do, he fucking WILL.
E - Experience (how experienced are they)
Very. Nothing more, just very. Sex machine if you will.
F - Favorite Position (self explanatory)
Doggy. Cannot convince me otherwise. He loves pounding into you from behind, slapping ass all day and watching yours and his cum drip down your thighs.
G - Goofy (are they more silly or serious in the moment)
He takes sex very seriously but if youse are both drunk, giggles will be let out at the sloppiness and the fact that on the way to the bedroom, you almost killed each other falling down the stairs.
H - Hair (how well groomed are they)
He trims but doesn't remove. He defo has a slight 80's bush going on but he keeps it clean. No bad smells here. And yes, carpet matches the drapes, maybe a tad darker.
I - Intimacy (how are they during the moment, romantic aspect)
Everyday sex isn't the most romantic thing ever but if it's a special occasion or you want it to be, he can be the most romantic love maker E.V.E.R.!!!
J - Jack Off (masturbation headcanon)
I can see him being into you watching him wank or vise versa but he won't do it unironically. Possibly into phone sex...🫣
K - Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Exhibitionism, slapping, dirty talk, voyeurism, etc. . He likes to show people how good he makes you feel whether it be one of the guys or public sex, he adores it.
L - Location (favorite place to do the do)
As stated above, public, against windows, on worktops, backstage. Wherever he can dick you down, he will.
M - Motivation (what gets them going)
You in general. That man sees you as sex on legs. You wear a certain outfit, boner. You look at him a certain way, boner. You breathe, boner. He worships you in a way.
N - NO (something they won't do, turn offs)
Piss play. Whether it be one of you pissing in or on the other or something like that, he won't do it. He won't judge you but he won't want to do it.
O - Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skills)
WELCOME TO THE JUNGLE. This man goes f e r a l if he is nose deep in your pussy or if he's balls-deep in your throat. Absolute god with his tongue, like H E L L O?!?!
P - Pace (are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual)
Speedy gonzales. Rough in a caring way, if that makes sense. He loves to ravage you. However, if it's baby making sex(because we all know this man was made to be a daddy), sweet and sensual Axl comes out and is caring and slow for Jesus.
Q - Quickie (their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex)
50/50. If it's before a show, it gets his adrenaline going and he calls you his lucky charm. But if he doesn't have to, he won't.
R - Risk (are they game to experiment)
Yeah, I'd say so. But nothing too dangerous like carving names into each other.
S - Stamina (how many rounds can they go for)
I'd say he has pretty high stamina but nothing unmanageable. He can go for 2-4 rounds before he calls it quits for the night(or until nighttime🫣).
T - Toy (do they own toys? Do they use them?)
Hear me out, butt plugs for you, vibrators, handcuffs(probably fluffy leopard ones💀), blindfolds and ropes. He doesn't use them every time but like once or twice a month, he treats himself to a play date😉.
U - Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Tease of the century award goes to...
Axl Rose!
You laugh a little too hard with Duff and he edges you like a madman. He loves leaving you until your legs are shaking, tears have ruined your make up and your just babbling for him to let you cum.
V - Volume (how loud are they)
I WANNA HEAR YOU SCREAM. We've all heard him sing, he is louddddd! Loves to make you scream. He moans, grunts, etc etc until he's lost his voice. Loves making you do the same thing.
W - Wild Card (get a random headcanon)
This man loves to make you squirt. Like, this man lives for it. The harder the orgasm, the more you squirt, the harder he gets.
X - X-Ray (let's see what's going on in those pants)
Not massive, let's be honest. But he's also not tiny. I'm saying 5-7 inches, slight curve to the right. But he knows how to use it, ya know.
Y - Yearning (how high is their sex drive)
Forny hucker. Fuck, horny fucker. This man is hard almost all the time. He's constantly begging for you to suck him or fuck him and if not, he's wanking to your nudes he keeps on Polaroids.
Z - ZZZ (how quickly do they fall asleep afterwards)
You defo fall asleep first but like 20 minutes after you, he's snoring louder than he sings.
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popculturebuffet · 2 months
Batmarch: The Secret Origin of Batman's Trophys (Comission for WeirdKev27)
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Hello all you happy people and welcome back to Batmarch, or celebrations of all things that go bump in the dark knight
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Today we've got a special treat... and i'm not just talking the nice art Kev had comissioned! Looks really good and I really appcirated it. Thank you KEv and thank you Alan Patreon. It was a nice suprise gift.
As for what this is about, this was a fantastic idea Kev cooked up: the batcave is one of the coolest hero bases in all of fiction. The layout is never 100% consitant across media but your usually guaranteed a batmobile, a big ass computer at the center, water falls, and over time a display for various costumes from past sidekicks, alternate outfits etc.
What really spruces the place up are three distinct decorations that we almost always see in the comics and ocasionally in other media, if not live action since these bitches would be expensive to make: A giant dinosaur, a big ole penny, and a giant playing card of a joker. These three are staples of the bat cave, to the point when the original was caved in during the earthquakes that ravaged gotham in the build up to no man's land, Bruce made a point of fishing them out for the new cave he built after that traumatic year.
Yet most of us.... have no idea where he got these wonderful toys. Even I didn't. The Joker Card comes from an obvious grinning source, but what CASE did it come from? Where did he get that dinosaur? What was someone using that giant Penny for? It's a question i've asked once or twice but never looked into. Kevin did though, and while the through and lovely DC wiki helped him find each one, he went the extra mile, asking for a review. And I was entirely on board with this comission as I just.. never had those answers and I doubt i'm the only one whose wondered what the context for these things were. So today we're looking at three disntinct golden age batman stories, at a time when goofy nonsense reigned supreme, logic was optional, and weird shit like this was just another day in the batcave. IN other words, this is going to be a LOT of fun so join me under the cut as we look at gambling themed death traps, penny obessed gangsters and batman being hunted by the most dangerous game: mechanical dinosaurs.
The Giant Joker Playing Card:
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(from Batman #44)
I love these old titles, such flair and cheese. It's incredible.
Anyways this one starts because Joker decides to hit an off the books casnio after his win. Luckily for them, he just wants to play which feels entirely like a joker move: instead of robbing an easy target that can't call the cops and that the mafia presumibly running it would be stupid to retaliate on, he decides "fuck it let's try this whole gambling thing men, sounds like a hoot and a half".
And sure enough.. it goes really well. He spends what's implied to be the whole night just winning and winning until he cleans house. This being the joker this gambling bug can only end one way
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I just.. love everything about this. Joker just had fun at a casnio and turned it into a death trap. It's such a brilliant setup.. and one that while nicely goofy, is also well done: it fits the joker's unpredictablity to just go a gamblin and it fits him just as much to turn a new hobby into a death trap. I also love Lewis' reaction calling it SUPERGAMBLING., like he's some gambling expert and most dangerous game shit is a type of gambling.. which given we're in the dc universe, you probably DO need a name for this kind of thing in the crime world.
So he set shte perfect trap: he has a random balding middle aged man tell the two he has info on a recent raidum theft, raidum a hospital badly needs. To save the presumed orphans about to die without eating their radium, Batman and Robin go to a sketchy island with one house perched on a hill
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The World's Greatest Detective.. sees NOTHING wrong with this and goes ahead and gets caught in the most devious trap imaginable.
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Several head injuries later, our heroes wake and joker reveals the radium theives, who he captured for this scheme but have kept the radium's location to themselves. This is by deisgn: the joker wants the two and their "radium screts" as the ante here, along with Robin to make sure Batman does this. Batman repedately states "I don't gamble' as if logic suddenly works on the clown man who set up a gambling death trap, so Joker reveals if Batman won't play his three supergambling games, he'll just kill the hostages. Batman reluctantly agrees,
Game 1 is super pinball.
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But when Batman proves to be an expert at the snes Joker goes with plan b.. his giant pinball table of death. Sorry his giant SUPER pinball table of death.
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As you can see the same joker face from the card is here and you see it all over his lable. it seemed to be Joker's logo back the. I love this whole setup and mostly show it not only because it' sdope but because those pins must've been what bumpers were. I also had no idea PInball used to be a gambling thing. Makes sense, it's just fun to find out.
The game goes well mostly though one of the guys nearly slams into a pin. Thankfully Robin is an expert gymnist and batman smartly saved laucnhing robin till the last minute and Dick's able to save the goon.
Game two is super rolling some dice, which apparently used to land on numbers. This yugioh style death game involves our bait being tied to polls on three of the numbers. If Batman guesses wrong, someone dies. Or maybe not since the board is pretty damn big. Not every death trap can be super murder pinball. Batman spots some mud on the dice though and correctly guesses they'll pivot. This is the weakest of the death traps here, a bit convolunted, not really guranteed to be as deadly. I know the chance of nothing happening is part of it.. but with pinball there's really almost no chance you won't hit the bumpers. Here it feels like pure luck or simple cheating that both dice flew at the joker.
Next game and the one that introduces our prop, though the dice apparently are also in the cave sometimes which I love. The game is a game of cards.. batman has to correctly guess which face matches the door Robin and the hostage goons are in or they'll choke to death on the deadly gas released inside.. and naturally he figures out it's the Joker card. It's too joker not to work.
Turns out though, naturally the joker isn't playing fair both having a final one on one game ofr him and Batman and having his goon go to get robin behind the joker card door... and Robin dispatches him hilaroiusly and awesomely
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With that the hostages are free and the final death game begins. A giant super roulette wheel with both batman and joker getting in a slot. looser gets crushed alive. It's an awesome finale, and it fits joker to put himself at risk: after all he risks his life all the time why wouldn't he for such a fun gag?
Batman's able to get the wheel to turn fairly and then escape it, leading to a chase. THe Radium Theives agree to give themselves and the radium up but there's still the matter of the joker and we get a short but neat final chase as Joker uses the dice against the heroes then jumps off a cliff, gambling his life one last time.. and rightfully batman isn't betting on the joker having died.
Gamble With Doom is an excellent story. While the trophy we get out of it is only in it briefly the story itself is pure fun. It has some fun dated elements like Bruce's opinon gambling is EVILLLL and the old fashioned designs on the traps, but it's pure fun. The traps are clever, the tension palpable and the climax great. The gambling motif's really fit the joker and it adds up to an all time great joker story with a suprise impact. The Trophy Itslef. is barely in it but Robin DID break a guy's face with it so i'll say it was still cave worthy.
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(From World's Finest #30)
The Penny Plunderer is a name I had heard but had no real context for. I assumed he was some goofy silver age villian with pennies for eyes who drove around chucking pennies at everyone.
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I am an artiste.
Instead it's just a guy in a suit. He has the backstory of any good golden or silver age villian to justify his gimmick
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I love.. everything about this backstory. It reads like if a writer was given the thought exercise "Make the pettiest batman villian origin you can find.". I mean other villians gimmicks make sense: Poison Ivy was a botonist, Mr Freeze had a horrible accident, the penguin was born looking like a penguin with a lot of money, the Joker fell into a vat of chemicals and came out a clwon, the riddler liked puzzles.
Here Joe just... got screwed over by pennies a lot. Even funnier is that the last one has nothing to do with pennies. Like.. even if it'd had nickels he'd still be arrested.
So Joe vows since pennies runied his life, he'l lbecome the penny! Sadly this does not mean him dressing up like a giant penny with a cane and top hat.. nad now I can't show you it that last drawing put me too far behind and... oh fuck it.
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Instead he just wears a suit but makes his gimmick pennies. Commit to the bit man. I do get it as some golden age villians were just guy in a suit, even Joker and Penguin technically counts but one is a clown and the other is a rich penguin man. They have mor ethan just "suit and a vendetta against pennies that somehowturns into stockholm syndrome.
So the penny plunderer begins his reign of terror, setting up a penny arcade as a front, and cashing in a roll of pennies in the most diabolical scheme ever devised by man.
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A true criminal mastermind.
Batman picks up on this pattern because it's what he does and finds his next case, a coin and stamp exibiton with a rare one cent stamp. It's here we meet the reason we're here: the giant penny!
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Yeah to my shock the penny had NOTHING to do with the penny plunderer other than being at the site of one of his robberies. He prefered just.. chucking pennies at people.. which is awesome and a truly great tactic only topped by Batman's use of said giant penny
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I adore the fact that this iconic artifact is there not because it was seized from the villians or a police options.. but because, presumibly, Bruce thought this penny he found was kick ass and bought it off it's actual owner.
Most of the theives escape but they find one willing to squeal. Unfortunatley he dies for his hubris
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Yup bet you weren't expecting the penny guy to kill someone and to see his corpse weren't you but here you are. Also batman is apparently a cop now. George Lopez tried to warn us...
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But we didn't listen! We didn't listen!
A fight breaks out at the gambling parlour and we get two of the best moments in batman history that much like the blue beetle film, ar ehighly underated.
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I just.. I get the sense that is how batman ALWAYS plays pinball. Just judo kicks it every time even as bruce wayne. Both bruce wayne and batman have been banned from so many arcades.. often the same ones. Perks of having a secret identity. We then get coyne once again THROWING pennies at someone and it working. I don't know why he hasn't been brought back with the telkeentic ability to contorl pennies. Give him a copper helmet and a proper costume and oh dammit..
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Then Joe knocks batman out iwth his one weakness: a roll of pennies. He's trapped them in the parlor for your standard batman death trap, having removed their belts and ripped out the phone lines as usual. He then throws them a few pennies when then prove to be a mistake as it's time for SCIENCE WITH DR. BATMAN, who uses one old penny, copper, and one new penny, zinc to make a battery. Good thing jimmy didn't wish it away THIS week.
The cops arrive to free one of hteir own and batman finds a clue once the parlor is cleared of gas. Turns out Coyne was catering a penny slot party for a rich billinoare's houseboat, and naturally their filled with gas. I swear it's always gas with these golden age villians. Get another knockout device fellas.
With that our final chase enses as Batman and robin chase Coyne and while he nearly bests them with a good game of 1940's donkey kong
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He's foiled by his own gimmick: he has only pennies but the pay telephone.. dosen't.. take 5 seperate pennies for some reason? the hell? I get payphones not taking pennies once they went up to a quarter but come the fuck on 1940's payed telephones. he's foiled.. and sentenced to death.
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Yes folks that's the cannoical till some lucky fellow brings him back fate of the penny plunderer: PUT TO DEATH.
This story is as you can tell nonsense that's only gotten more hilarious with the passage of time and I loved every page on it and on getting the panels for this review, I only found MORE hilaroius nonsense to laugh at. We have a story where a guy with a penny gimmick smacks batman with a roll of pennies, trips robin with more, kills a man without pennies, is foiled by pennies yet somehow dosen't actually use the giant penny that's the only reason people know he exists. It's beautiful bollocks and worth your time.
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(From Batman #35)
As I hope you are, this issue had me hooked from the first panel: Batman vs dinosaurs being forced to fashion a bow and arrow for some reason. Yes... fuck. Yes. Also nice of bruce to eat Ollie's lunch.
Okay so this story starts, as many real life stories do, with a billionare having a zany idea; Mr. Hart is a man who puts on shows: ice follies, aqua carnival, 40's razzle dazzle type stuff. For his latest idea though he's going above and beyond: a DINOSAUR ISLAND. With mechancail dinosaurs and cavemen who throw giant sponges at you. Thankfully spongebob wasn't born yet but his great great grandpappys quarepants did the honors. Honorable old fool.
To ramp up the insanity, Mr Hart is inviting a club of big game hunters to eat mammoth steak with batman.
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If that weren't enough, and in any other golden age story it might be... our heroes get CHALLENGED at dinner by one of the rich assholes. Yeah turns out rich assholes who hunt innocent animals for sport and eat reheated mammoth aren't the most stable indviduals and Mr. Breech scoofs at the fact Mr. Hart says Man is the most dangerous game. He's hunted man, they went down like cowards. COWARDS. He feels Batman couldn't hut a dinosaur without his gadgets, and certainly not his bare hands... even though as this issue with prove and has already shown early man had tools.
To prove his point he challenges batman to a fucking challenge: survive on Dinosaur Island: no utility belt, no vehicles. If the dinosaurs touch him he looses. Mr Breech will man the controls. Honestly i'm convinced Breech knew hart well enough to know he'd both agree to this for the publiclity and why he'd invite batman and robin and just wants to play iwth giant mechanical dinosaurs and also batman. Which granted if I were invited to this sort of thing i'd also want to chase batman with mechanical dinosaurs for fun, who wouldn't, so I totally get it and respect the game.
Hart is on board, offering 5000 to the winner's charity and Batman is like "Why the bat-fuck not. Let's go".
Now you might suspect Breech's real motive is trying to kill batman. I mean you have a setup where batman will be without his weapons, the plausable deniablity of a machine malfunction and a secluded island with 24 hours to kill the batman. And you'd shockingly be wrong. Breech really just wants to prove dinosaurs are the most dangerous game so when that Jurassic Park he's working on opens no one will object to him hunting them for sport.
But his plans are foiled by Chase, anothe rich knob who wants to kill batman and robin to, as he says later form a "crime combine". So he wants a bunch of middle aged guys drinking beers to yell at him for not training the joker on tackling well enough. I see.. well played.
So the game is afoot and our heroes take a bit to catch up, first brushing off a real rock among the sponge rocks as a mistake. Theis ends when a Triceratops to trismash them into a tree. Batman calls for a war council on a nearbye island but naturally THAT'S NO ISLAND
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Batman fought a mechanical fucking seamonster. That.. that's cannon. To almost every batman timeline. God bless you Golden Age, god, bless, youuuu. Also i'd be stupid if I didn't say that Tally Ho, Batman! is one of the greatest phrases in batman history up there with "I Am the night" , "I'm batman" and "Something something joker's boner".
So now the games for their lives, Batman and Robin don't have to play fair and start fashioning bows, arrows and knives out of mechanical dinosaur bones. You know.. sometimes this job can be draining: 2-3 reviews a week, many a plan having to be delayed due to a review taking longer than expected.. but then you get a review where Batman and robin have to outrun a manical billinoare who hyjacked dinosaurs from a diffrnet billionare who was having a charity dinosaur hunt with batman and robin using a third billionare's dinosaur, while fashoining weapons from mechanical dinosaur corpses and fashion a kite from a mechanical ptreadon and remember why you love reviewing stuff so mucH: sharinng a good story with the world and finding a good one or two yourself while your at it. And thanks to Kev i've found three truly wonderful, truly bonkers batman stories, with this one being the easy winner. It's both a decent enough concept for the time and hilariously insane.
And I ddin't make up the kite thing: when, after a night of survivial, Robin brings up the batplane, Batman has an idea: since the flying dinosaurs are on a programmed pattren rather than directly controled, they can use them to make themselves a kite yor style.
So to win the day Batman has a plan: he uses himself as bait since Robin's the more agile of the two, and has robin CATAPULT HIMSELF into the air after chase, who is riding on t-rex back with an army of dinosaurs.. and how does he defeat chase' smighty dino army?
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It's both genuinely clever and wonderfully bonkers: Robin defeats an evil billionare RIDING a mechanical t-rex.. with water balloons.
Also props to this story: in the previous two the trophy was impressive.. but it was taken from what felt like a minor point in the story: the card flip game was fun as was batman slammin ga door on a guy, but it's sandwitched between far more elaborate death traps, while the penny, again awesome, wasn't even something the penny plunderer used. Batman just bought it off some offscreen character to relive fond memoreies of crushign some crimianls alive with it. Here the main villian ROAD IN on the thing. Granted he still had to likely buy it off his actual owner, but this time at least a criminal actually used it as a murder weapon. I can see Batman wanting this thing for his cave.
Batman chases chase over the now still dinosaurs and punches the guy out. With this Batman's saved the day AND won the bet. 5000 for batmobiles for kids, donate your batmobile today!
As for chase...
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With that our story and this trilogy comes to an end.. and as I said, it's great. check out all three of these issues their a lot of fun. Next time dc puts some up for sale I may have to get some 40's batman, this stuff is golden.
Thanks for reading
To conclude batman month: Wait'll you get a load of this
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dross-the-fish · 11 months
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The Creature stood, towering over him at a greater height than any man, living or undead, Watson had previously encountered. He was a fearsome looking brute, hulking and draped in furs with a tangled curtain of ink-black hair obscuring his face. The great head perched on top of his broad shoulders was angled in a watchful tilt, like a bird of prey glowering down at a mouse. It did not help that his yellow eyes were unblinking and so piercing they seemed almost to glow. A gap in his ratty furs exposed a translucent patch of skin on the Creature’s chest that showed the occasional twitch of his red-brown muscles and pulsing veins beneath, the only visible proof of life from a body that was otherwise inhumanly still. The monstrosity spoke: “Why do you entice me to abandon my solitude? If you have come to hunt me trickery is ill-advised. I’ll wager I am more cunning than you have anticipated and ten-fold as strong. Begone or I will bury you among those other enemies that have tried their hand at my destruction and failed!” His voice boomed across the quiet tundra like thunder and Watson, though not a cowardly man by any means, could not help himself but to take a retreating step back from the force of it. Seeing the older man falter Quincey tensed and raised his rifle but before he could take aim Watson caught his eye and shook his head, gesturing for him to hold his fire. He squared his shoulders and moved closer to the Frankenstein monster.
“We don’t mean any harm!” He held up his hands to the creature in a pacifying gesture, “We were hoping that you could help us,” he came to a halt only a few paces away. Close enough to the Creature that the party could not safely shoot without the risk of hitting Watson in the crossfire. The gesture was not lost on the monster and his black lips lifted in a bemused and half-mad smile, “What is this tactic then? Be wary! If you come closer you will be within arm’s reach and your fellows shan’t save you if I wish to set my hand upon your throat.” Rather than frighten him the creature’s warnings emboldened Watson to step closer. He came to rest a foot away and gazed cooly into the being’s eyes, “I suspect, that if you truly wanted to kill me you would have already tried to do so. You’ve been watching us for days, you could have picked us off any time you wanted but you didn’t. You must have realized from the start that we were following you but you haven’t tried to confront us until now,” he may not have had Holmes’s powers of deduction but Watson had learned how to observe the mannerisms people over the years and, undead or not, the pattern of the Creature’s behavior was not that of a beast or monster. It was the cautious and measured reaction of a man. Watson had seen it many times over the years, in criminals who were fearful of the punishment of the law yet weary of hiding. He recognized well the ravages of isolation and guilt on the Creature’s face and he was wagering that if he could just show the Creature that there was no threat, the party could gain their ally. The monster hesitated; his face contorted, on the cusp of violence or tears, Watson was uncertain which, but caution had already been discarded and he was unwilling to waste his opening, “I think, and if I am mistaken, we will leave you in peace, but perhaps you're tired of living in exile here in this frozen wasteland. Would you at least be willing to sit and hear out our proposal?” he asked, “Surely you cannot decline a polite invitation to a warm fire and a cup of hot tea!”
The Creature threw back his terrible head and let out a harsh, barking, laugh that rattled in hideous peals from his sewn throat, “Shall we be civil then? Do you invite me to break bread with you at your merry campfire and you’ll speak to me as though I am human? As though I am not a damned and miserable wretch? I know you have my maker’s journal and no doubt you want me to decipher the secrets within. Let me dash your hopes. If you wish to replicate the process of my animation it is lost. Victor burnt those pages to ash and his secrets died with him,” at the name of his creator the laughter cut off with an anguished sob, matted locks of hair clinging to cheeks wet with more than melted snow, “Do not offer me comforts, there is no greater cruelty you can do me now than to instill in me false hopes and give empty kindness. Leave this barren rock and leave me to my purgatory where I can no longer harm mankind, nor it harm me.” As the monster began to turn away Watson reached forward and laid a firm hand on his arm, “I will not!” he insisted, “Even if you cannot help us, I see no reason you should stay here. You may not be doing any harm but you’re not atoning either. You’ve been here for 100 years and you’ve done nothing with that time except haunt this blasted rock like a ghost and scare away ships! I insist that you sit with us, hear us out, and if you still feel like you want to spend the rest of your days rotting away here at the north pole then so be it. We won’t force you to come with us!” The Creature growled in warning but Watson was resolute and he pushed on “I want you to think on it, you may not be doing evil here but what good are you bringing into the world?”
the Creature froze, shocked at his boldness, “Do you believe it? After reading the journal, do you believe goodness is still in my capacity?” his voice had taken a desperate edge and Watson knew his instincts had been correct. “Yes,” he said insistently, holding the Creature’s gaze, “I have seen the most unrepentant monsters pull themselves from the brink and lead good, honest lives. I’ve seen men do the right thing even as the world was against them and we’re offering you a chance to do the same. You likely won’t get another, so I’ll ask you again,” he tightened his grip on the creature’s arm, “Will you sit and hear us out?”
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96percentdone · 6 months
It is deeply frustrating to me that it is a relatively common opinion that Amame murdering Uru was a moral good because it was "justice", and she "stopped Uru." To be clear, they're right that he needed to be stopped. His plan was evil, whether he has the sanity to parse that or not (and he demonstrably does not), but I think that's entirely beyond the point of the claims about the morality of Amame's actions. Whether or not Uru was in the wrong (he was by every possible metric) is not a worthwhile question to ask when it comes to evaluating what justice is.
First, and I cannot emphasize this enough, Amame literally didn't stop him. She just objectively didn't! Yes, he died, but the present day half of the plot plays out fucking anyway because it turns out the genocidal maniac had contingency plans to carry out his scheme! His guys do it for him! He says in his own tapes he planned for this just in case! Is that stopping him? The Nirvana Initiative gets as far as the genocide missile launching before his plan is actually ended. I cannot stress this enough; ya boi straight up almost won at KILLING EVERYONE posthumously. Sorry, but the in universe team "Amame did nothing wrong" is like suffering terminal hindsight bias, which is hilarious, because all of them were literally there when Uru almost killed everyone on the earth from beyond the grave.
Moreover, because Amame (and Gen who is helping her) spend that entire period of time trying to keep the murder a secret, she ends up actively getting in the way of stopping his plan until on the day of the initiative she finally steps forward because she can't take the pressure and the guilt any longer. She keeps critical information about the exact problem they are dealing with--like the fact that the guy they're looking for is fucking dead--a secret on purpose! Whether or not the police would have gotten anywhere faster if he lived is irrelevant; her actions for what actually happened made things worse. And there's a good reason for this! It's the same reason she is utterly ravaged by guilt for her own actions, despite how hard she tries to convince herself and the world she has no regrets: murder is always wrong, and Amame wanted revenge.
Revenge murder really isn't this incredible healing force people can hype it up to be in their heads. Amame says she went because she wanted to hear what he had to say. She wanted closure. Now of course he's severely out of his mind and everything he said in that moment pissed her off, understandable, and she'd have to wait like 100 years for him to maybe parse he was wrong, so okay, but did the revenge work? "I'm going to make you suffer the same pain..." She waits for him to be conscious when she kills him, she is explicitly out to make him hurt, but like...was it actually effective? No, lmao. The funny thing is, that first line we see of that flashback where she kills him is Uru referencing his own torture: "Yes, this world is an imperfect one. I was put through much hardship." At this point, even if he didn't tell her the details, we the players know he was held prisoner in a cell for over two decades and had his organs harvested so frequently anesthetics stopped working on him. We are being deliberately reminded of this fact so that when Amame says her classic one-liner, we'll know it was for nothing.
Revenge isn't justice. You can convince yourself that it will be satisfying, it's what he deserves, it's what you deserve to do, but what's left when it's over? What did you really gain? Amame didn't gain anything. This didn't heal her at all. She still mourns her father the same, only now she has to deal with new, worse problems of her own making. She spends the last of her free days catatonic from fear and guilt, she hates that she betrayed Shouma and Gen and her actions will force her to leave them, because she lost sight of what matters most in the name of punishment. It will never matter that Uru was wrong. Amame killed Uru for the same reasons he killed her father, and Horadori, and Jin; how could she ever be right? The fallout of her actions on her own psyche and on the world at large is the greatest proof of that.
If your definition of justice is just "we destroyed the bad guy most responsible for the problem" your definition of justice is worthless. The world is not meaningfully made better by punishing wrongdoers, but by healing the social and political ills that lead to their creation and that ravage to the victims they left behind.
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idyllic-ghost · 2 years
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title: Make Me pairing: sangyeon x afab!reader genre: smut, fluff, established relationship warnings: sadism/masochism, sir kink, spanking, candle(??) kink, oral (f receiving), brat taming, praise, edging, name calling, unprotected sex (... i forgot to write it in again - but still, be safe), also slight pregnancy scare at the end but not really, also a bit of aftercare talk bc it's important synopsis: you keep thinking back to that one night when sangyeon had been a bit rough with you, and you desperately try to make it happen again wordcount: 5.1k rating: 18+
request: for scorpio we have sangyeon bc uhm yeah :D key-points: scary hot, carnal, hiding their true desire, but you see moments of it, brat taming, dancing/stripping, last time he almost let loose, you want to see it again, you tease him and he gives in and you don’t regret it one bit
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✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
It had been in the back of your mind for days now. Ever since it happened, you couldn't think of anything else whenever you looked at him. Something in you had changed since that day; you desperately needed to see that side of Sangyeon again. You had teased him for an entire day, truly without knowing it. There was something about your legs in that pretty dress of yours that drove him insane. That and the constant touching, sweet kisses, and whenever you had leaned in by his ear and whispered something, lead him to ravage you that night. It had started out as a cute museum date, to an exhibit you had been very excited to see, but you couldn't remember a thing about it because of what happened afterward.
Sangyeon had his moments in the bedroom when he would do or say something completely out of character with his usually kind demeanor. It was never anything big. Sometimes it'd just be dirty talk, other times he would slap your ass if he was taking you from behind before gently massaging the burning skin. Over time you got pretty aware of his domineering attitude, it shined through even during moments outside the bedroom. For example, if you were ever annoying him, usually on purpose, he would give you a stern look that made you stop immediately. It was becoming painfully obvious that the sweet man you had started dating, had a domineering side to him.
But the time that changed the way you looked at him was completely different. After getting back from the museum, he dragged you to the bedroom. He had muttered out a safeword in your ear, "cherry", before ripping off your clothes. With a smile on his face, he watched you squirm under him as he edged you until you were begging to cum.
The next day you asked about it. He was in the kitchen making breakfast, only wearing pajama pants. When his back was turned to you, you could see the scratch marks you had left with your nails. Sangyeon seemed pleased with himself. He was even humming a happy little tune as he made his coffee. But as soon as you asked him about the night before, his face turned red and he could only mumble some bullshit excuse. Because of this, you didn't even dare ask him to try it again. To you, it seemed like a mistake on his part - something he didn't want to repeat. But you wanted, no needed, to experience that again.
A plan was set in place. The day you were at the museum you had riled him up somehow, now you just had to figure out why. He was pretty secretive, and you clearly couldn't just ask him, you had to do some research. For a few days, you would dress up nicer than usual and see what his reaction was to what you were wearing. You were basically having a little fashion show for him each morning, asking what he thought of your outfit. Sangyeon only seemed amused, and never question your intentions. He enjoyed seeing you come out of the bathroom each morning, with a pretty outfit on and a shy smile, asking what he thought. He'd ask you to twirl around, give you his answer, and you mentally noted his reaction.
You found out what you needed to know after a few days. So, one day, when neither of you had anything to do, you asked if he would want to go out for a drive.
"Sure, I'm just going to finish this episode," he said without looking away from the screen.
You were kind of disappointed when he hadn't looked up. The cute floral-print dress you were wearing was new, and something that was seemingly just his taste. It was simple - white with small red roses, and some lace at the edges - but it was just perfect. You had noticed the love-struck look in his eyes whenever you'd put on a sundress, and the way he would ask you to come back to bed if it was on the shorter side.
In the bedroom you had put many candles, ready for you to light to set the mood as soon as you got home. While in there, you grabbed one of his zip-up hoodies to bring with you, Sangyeon always seemed to be particularly delighted when you would wear his clothes. As you walked past him on the couch, the episode he was on was about to roll the credits. You told him you were going out to the car, and when you got there you put the hoodie in the backseat of his car before he could see.
"Why are you so dressed up?" Sangyeon asked with a warm smile.
He embraced you as soon as he saw you standing by the car. You gave him an innocent smile, saying something about just wanting to look pretty for the date, before getting into the car.
When in the car, you cranked up the AC immediately. It was hot outside, so it wasn't weird for you to want it on, but soon after you started getting goosebumps. Sangyeon was focused on driving, but his attention shifted when you started reaching for the shirt in the backseat. Your bare legs rubbed together, and he got the urge to put his hand on your thigh but decided against it. At his lack of action, you pushed forward a bit more. Your chest was pressed up against his bicep, and your hardened nipples were rubbing against his skin. He was suddenly made painfully aware of the fact that you weren't wearing a bra under the dress. Before he could do or say anything about it, you pulled back. Sangyeon was about to put his hand on your thigh when you put his hoodie over your legs, covering up the view he had been ogling at before.
"Are you cold?" he asked as he anxiously thrummed his fingers against the steering wheel.
"Just a little bit." You shrugged, pretending like you had no idea what you were doing to him. "It's alright, though. We can keep the AC on."
Sangyeon pursed his lips and took a deep breath, bringing his attention back to the road. The city was bustling with people, but you couldn't bring yourself to stop looking at his furrowed brow. You were already getting on his nerves. People usually didn't like being annoying, but there was something so thrilling about provoking him.
The rest of the early afternoon was spent driving around the city. You stopped by a café, where you insisted that you should pay for the coffee since he had paid for the date before. While ordering, Sangyeon sat down at one of the tables, and you were being a bit too friendly with the barista. It was only because he was watching. So you giggled and brushed your hair behind your ear, putting on a show for Sangyeon. When you got to the table his ears were as red as tomatoes and he had a sour look on his face. You sat down in front of him and leaned forward, exposing your cleavage to him with an innocent smile.
"Is everything okay, baby?" you asked and leaned your chin in your palm.
He opened his mouth to say something but shut it immediately. While still looking like a pure angel, your foot was brushing up against his leg. Sangyeon gave you a look that you could only assume was a combination of flustered and confused. It looked like he was about to comment on it, but the barista came with your drinks and interrupted him. You thanked the worker sweetly and then turned back to Sangyeon to start a new conversation about the good coffee they have at the café.
The date continued, and you asked Sangyeon to go shopping. Of course, he pointed out that you had already recently bought clothes. But you brushed it off saying that you just needed new underwear. You made him follow you around the store while you picked up the sexiest lingerie you could find to show him. He was trying to be supportive, he really was, but it was impossible when you kept holding up the pieces and asking him if it'd look good on you - basically inviting him to picture you half naked.
"You can't do this online?" He cleared his throat.
"I like to look at them in person first, just to see if they're what I actually want." You turned to him with a mischievous smile. "They need to be perfect, I'm going to wear them for you after all."
His eyes widened and you continued to look through the clothing items. There was a sheer and lacy slip dress hanging beside you. As soon as you saw it you picked it up.
"Would you like me to wear this for you, sir?" you asked, recalling what he had asked you to call him by that night.
"Y/N, what do you think you're doing?" he asked sternly.
Your bottom lip slipped between your teeth as you looked around. The store was already pretty empty, but the section you were in was even more secluded. You got closer to him, pretending to brush something off his shirt before you looked up at him with doe eyes - keeping your hand on his chest.
"I'm just trying to be nice." You smiled. "What? Don't you like the dress? Or would you just prefer me being completely naked, sir?"
Before you could even process what was happening, he had grabbed your wrist and pulled it away from him. There was a new look in his eyes, and you absolutely loved it.
"If you're going to act like a brat, I'll treat you like a fucking brat," he muttered. "Go get in the car, I'll buy this for you."
"Even when you're trying to be intimidating you're still treating me so well." You giggled, handing the dress to him to purchase for you.
"Don't push it." He took the dress from you, still holding your gaze with a fiery passion.
"Thank you, sir," you hummed and pressed a kiss to his cheek before walking out of the store.
The drive home was quick and short. Neither of you bothered with small talk. Your hands were gripping the bag with your dress tightly, trying to conceal your excitement. When you reached the apartment, Sangyeon didn't get out.
"I'll give you five minutes to go up, put that thing on, and get on the bed." He looked over at you. "If I come up there and you haven't done what I ask, I'll just have to punish you even more."
You nodded and stepped out of the car, bag still in hand. Before you could close the car door, Sangyeon stopped you with a suddenly much sweeter look in his eye.
"Safeword is still cherry, okay baby?" he said.
"Got it." You grinned and closed the door.
As soon as you got into the apartment you basically ripped your clothes off and put on the sheer slip. The lace accentuated your bust, as well as lining the bottom of the dress which ended right below your ass. The pink lacy underwear you had on fit perfectly with the white fabric of the dress. You didn't waste much time in front of the mirror and instead got to light the candles in the room. A part of you thought it was a bit silly, but you had committed to it so it was happening. The candles were lit and the lights were turned off. Just then, you heard the front door click open, then shut and lock. With a squeal of delight, you climbed onto the fluffy sheets of the bed and made yourself comfortable.
"I'm ready for you baby," you spoke as you heard him approach the door.
"I thought we agreed it was sir from now on." Sangyeon walked through the door as he was pulling his belt out of the belt loops on his pants. "Sit against the headboard for me, love."
Without hesitation, you got up and leaned your back against the headboard. Sangyeon sat down on the side of the bed, gently caressing your calf. His eyes never met yours, but a small smile played on his lips. You could tell he was thinking about what to do next. But thinking wasn't enough for you. He needed to do something and he needed to do it now.
"I'm basically half naked in bed for you and all you do is touch my leg?" You huffed and crossed your arms over your chest.
He paused, his hand stopping any movements. The look he gave you made you shiver. Eyes as dark as coal and glimmering with, what you could only assume, images of the many different things he could do to you. He licked his lips and looked back at your leg, his hand began to move again - up, up, up.
"You just keep surprising me..." He sighed. "I was going to go easy on you, you know. Maybe you need a stronger punishment if you're going to keep talking like that."
You didn't respond, only scoffed and looked away from him. Sangyeon put his hand on your thigh, grabbing it tight as he pulled you toward him.
"You're going to get on my lap, and I'm going to spank you," he said plainly. "I think fifteen should be enough for you to learn your lesson."
He manhandled you to lay across his lap, giving you little to say about the matter. A quick and hard slap landed on your ass, and you gasped in surprise. Sangyeon's hand carefully rubbed over the blossoming skin.
"Baby, I need you to count each one. Can you do that for me?" he asked. "Or are you still going to act like a brat?"
"I can count," you spat out.
"Good girl," he praised but then grabbed your jaw tightly to turn your face to him. "But you forgot something."
"I can count, sir," you muttered.
"Since you're being so good for me now, I'll count the first slap into your punishment." He grinned and let go of your jaw.
"Thank you, sir.", you muttered.
A hard slap, as quick as lightning, fell down on you again. A whimper escaped your lips, followed by a slurred "two". He hit you again and again on the same spot until you were drooling. And as you counted to eleven, his fingers started trailing down to your already soaked cunt. Your panties had been thrown to the side by slap seven, leaving nothing between his fingers and where you needed them most. Sangyeon cooed as he spread your slick around with his middle and ring finger, prodding at your entrance. You whined out, wriggling your hips in the air to try to make him do something.
"Do you want my fingers inside you?" he asked with faux sympathy laced in his voice. "Are you feeling a bit needy, baby?"
"Yes, sir." You sighed as his fingers slowly started pushing inside of you. "... want your fingers so bad, sir."
"We still have four spanks left, honey," he said as he started pumping his fingers in and out of you. "Can you keep track of them even when I'm fucking you?"
"Yes, please, I need it..." you whimpered.
He didn't answer, he only kept pumping his finger inside of you. The room was filling up with the sloppy sounds of your wet pussy and your whimpering. And then, with his other hand, he slapped you again.
"Twelve...", you stammered out.
He sped up the pace of his fingers and slapped you again.
"Thir... teen.", you gritted out between moans, "Oh my god, that feels so good- please don't stop!"
Sangyeon heard your plea and continued, curling his fingers inside you to hit your g-spot. Then another spank.
"Fourteen!", you gasped, "Fuck! I think I'm gonna cum..."
Yet another slap. You were drooling. You barely knew that he had just slapped you - you said nothing. Sangyeon pulled his fingers out of you. A string of curses and whines fell from your lips until Sangyeon grabbed your jaw again.
"Open your fucking mouth.", he spat.
You opened your mouth and he shoved the fingers that had been inside you before beyond your lips. A few muffled moans poured from your tongue as you tasted yourself.
"You forgot this was a punishment, hm?" he said. "You were so close, baby... you just got too greedy. Now we're going to have to do this all over again, do you hear me?"
You hummed and nodded the best you could, still sucking on his fingers. He pulled his hand away from you, and your lips let go of his digits with a pop.
"Count again," he said and landed another slap on your reddened ass.
The belt that Sangyeon had worn all day was tied around your wrists and stuck on the headboard. You couldn't move your arms at all. Sangyeon's head was between your thighs, eating you out like he had been starved for days. You didn't know for how long you had been there, but you were painfully aware that he hadn't made you cum once. As you approached your orgasm for the fifth time your legs started to shake and your thighs tried to close around your boyfriend's head. He immediately pulled away from you and slapped the inside of your thigh.
"I told you to tell me if you were about to cum," he said.
His face was wet and shiny from your juices, his pupils blown out completely. There was something fiery in his eyes, something that told you that you would be here for much longer.
"I'm sorry..." you whined and wriggled your hips. "Please... need to cum..."
"You should have thought about that before teasing me all day," he said and started rubbing your clit with his fingers. "Or flirt with that barista - do you think he could make you feel this way? Do you think he could make you beg like this?"
"No sir..." You moaned as his pace increased. "I'm sorry."
"Are you sorry for being a brat or because you can't cum?" he hummed and brought his lips down to your pussy again.
"Ah! I'm sorry for being a brat!" You gasped from the overstimulation as he sucked your clit between his lips. "I'll be a good girl- I'll be your good girl, please I need to cum..."
"How many times do you want to cum, princess?" he stopped touching you completely, taking away whatever remnant of an orgasm that was in you.
"As many as you want! Please just touch me!" you sobbed and tried to grind your hips up.
Tears rolled down your cheeks out of frustration. He reached up and wiped one of them away with the fingers he had used to rub your clit. He brought them to your mouth and pushed his fingers past your lips again.
"Don't cry, baby," he cooed as you sucked on his digits. "You'll get what you want."
"Thank you, sir..." you mumbled as he bent down to your core again.
But then his eyes flickered to something beside you. The bedside table. You looked over at whatever could be taking his attention away from you. A candle. Your eyes widened as he reached for it and blew out the light. You started whining again, trying to get his attention by restraining against your handmade cuffs.
"Stop squirming," he said and smiled. "You'll get what you want... I'm just going to try something new first."
You watched as he inspected the melted wax, and you knew what he was about to do. To your own surprise, it sent a wave of heat down to your core. A moan escaped your lips as he started tipping the jar, anticipating what would happen next.
"Do you want this?" he asked and you nodded.
The jar tipped over, just enough for a few drops to spill on your stomach. A burning sensation hit your skin and you let out a whimper.
"More," you breathed out.
"More?" he asked with a big grin.
"Please, sir." You nodded.
He dripped more wax onto your body. Strings of red wax coated your stomach and chest. Each hit of the wax made you whimper and squirm. It was only a light pain, tickling something within you that you didn't realize was there. It only burnt you for a moment, then it settled into a hardened form over your skin - leaving a slightly stinging but warm sensation. But it didn't make you forget about the ache between your legs.
"I want to cum," you said as he pulled back the jar again.
His big hands grazed your stomach, where the wax had now dried up. Some of it peeled off as he brushed his fingers against it. A mesmerizing look was sparkling in his eyes. The sound of you straining against your handcuffs brought him back to now.
"Do you deserve it?" he asked, his voice laced with admiration.
"I've been good." You nodded.
Sangyeon hummed, seemingly out of it since he had poured the wax on you. His eyes were big, and he was trying to hold back his smile by biting his bottom lip. A giggle fell from your lips, gaining his attention again. The cute smile on your lips contrasted with the mascara running down your cheeks and the completely fucked-out look in your eyes. Sangyeon put back the candle, and you watched as the muscles stretched with his movements. He stifled a laugh before he bent down in front of your core again.
"Yeah, you've been so good," he said and pressed a few reassuring kisses to your thighs.
The warm feeling of his tongue on you blessed you once again. You took a deep breath and relaxed, letting him do whatever he wanted to you. As you looked down at him, you met his eyes. The same wicked look from before was back, and it made you tense up in anticipation. His strong arms were wrapped around your legs, holding you in place no matter how hard you tried to move. You could nothing but accept the pleasure he was giving you. And as you came, you almost screamed out his name. Even with his arms wrapped around you, you couldn't stop shaking. Your eyes rolled back into your head and you saw stars. He kept his tongue on you, letting you ride out your high. With a clouded mind, all you could think of was the pleasure, and you didn't even realize you were repeating "thank you's" over and over again.
"Come back down for me, love." Sangyeon's hand rubbed your stomach gently, bringing you back to reality.
A laugh bubbled up from the pit of your stomach. You threw your head back and sighed, barely noticing when Sangyeon took your still cuffed hands off the headboard.
"Can you take another one?" he asked as he flipped you to sit on top of him.
A whine escaped your lips as his hard cock brushed against your sensitive clit when he sat you down on his lap. You leaned your head into the crook of his neck, nodding against his skin.
"I need words, baby." He patted your back.
"I can take more, sir." You breathed out.
"So good for me." He pressed a kiss to your lips. "Are you gonna ride me, hm?"
You hummed and put your cuffed hands on his chest. With your puppy-dog eyes gazing oh so lovingly at him, he couldn't deny you anything. Sangyeon reached for your wrists and loosened the belt enough for you to slip your hands out. The skin was slightly bruised around your wrists, and Sangyeon immediately pressed a few kisses to your wrists and hands. A sigh of relief left your lips, catching his attention.
"Are you ready?" he asked as he put your hands on his shoulder.
"Yeah." You moaned when he dragged his head along your folds.
The room filled with groans as you sank down onto his hard length. Sangyeons hands were on your hips, guiding them to grind down on him. There was no way you could move by yourself, not after what you had just done. As your nails dug into his shoulders, he built up a rhythm of thrusting up into you. It was slow and intimate.
"I'll take care of you, just relax for me, honey," he hummed in your ear. "Let go for me."
Whatever control you had left in you was lost as you slumped against him. Sangyeon put your back down on the bed carefully, so that he could thrust into you easily. Sweat was coating his forehead as he leaned over you, his arms on either side of your head. With a weak hand, you brushed out the hair from his eyes and let your fingers run through his locks. Feeling his skin against your hands again felt like drinking a cold glass of water on a hot summer day. You couldn't say a word. Gasps and whimpers poured out of you as Sangyeon continued his slow pace. It was torturous.
"You feel so good around me..." He sighed and leaned his head into the crook of your neck, kissing the sweaty skin there.
This wasn't enough. You needed more. But as soon as you started grinding your hips up to meet his, just to speed things up a little bit, he stopped completely.
"Already getting greedy again?" he huffed and rested his forehead on yours. "You were being so good to me before, but now you can't even wait a few seconds? Here I thought you had learned your lesson."
The corners of your mouth lifted up into a toothy grin, which you could only assume looked absolutely insane. You were really starting to enjoy teasing him.
"I need more," you whispered, your voice hoarse from how loud you had been just a few moments ago.
"Yeah? Want me to fuck you until you can't walk?" he asked and you nodded. "Then you better shut your mouth and take my cock like a good girl."
His thrusts became erratic, hitting just the right spots with each quick and hard move. Your moans grew louder, and his head fell down right by your ear where he let out the lewdest whines and groans you had ever heard from him. With each jab, you felt like your body was on fire. As you neared your second orgasm, your nails dug into his back.
"I'm... about to cum," you panted out.
"Cum all over my cock like the good little slut you are," he murmured in your ear.
At his taunting command, you reached your climax. With you clenching around him, he couldn't hold it for much longer. In the heat of the moment, he came inside of you and fell down on the bed. His chest heaved as he threw his head back beside you, coming down from his own high. You felt like you were flying, a lazy smile painted on your lips as you turned to him.
"Was that okay?" he asked and wrapped his arms around you "I wasn't too rough?"
"It was great..." You sighed and cupped his face in your palm. "I didn't even know I could feel like that... I'm glad I started teasing you."
"I am too, to be honest with you." He smiled. "But we should still talk about what happened."
"Soon..." you hushed him. "I just want to lay here for a while..."
"Whatever you want, princess," he said, back to his normal sweet self.
Sangyeon closed his eyes. You studied his face closely as you started to calm down. As you came to, you realized that he hadn't pulled out in time - or at all.
"Sangyeon..." you whispered, "Did you not pull out?"
His previously closed eyes shot open, fear painted all over his face. He looked down at you and started swearing. You put your hand on his, surprised to see that he seemed even more worried than you.
"It's okay, I can go get plan B," you said.
"No, I'll go get it for you... shit, I'm so sorry." He groaned. "You know what? I'll go draw you a bath and then I'll uh... I'll go get one of those pills for you..."
"Thank you," you said.
Sangyeon carried you to the bathroom and drew you a bath to just the right temperature. As soon as he had made sure you were comfortable and had all you needed, he kissed you goodbye and practically ran out of the apartment to go get your pill.
When he got back you had already gotten out of the tub and wrapped up in a towel. When his eyes landed on you, he felt instantly calmer. He looked like a mess, his clothes hastily put on and his hair standing in all kinds of ways. You smiled at him as he rushed toward you.
"Hi." He breathed out. "I got you the pill... and a pregnancy test just in case."
"Thank you..." You chuckled and accepted the plastic bag.
He paused to look at you, his smile growing at the sight of you. Just like the first time you kissed, you felt butterflies swarm your stomach. You loved him. You really really loved him.
"Did the uh... did the wax leave a mark or anything?" he asked.
"It's a bit red at some places..." You shrugged. "I think it's a bit nice, actually."
He let out a breathy laugh, surprised that you had managed to hide this side of you from him for so long. You looked into the bag and took out the pill.
"I just want you to know" He grabbed your hand. "I didn't freak out because I don't want to have a baby with you, alright?"
"Well, yeah... I didn't think that. It was just a pregnancy scare."
"Right, right..." He nodded. "I just didn't want you to worry about it because I really love you... a lot. And I'm not opposed to a baby, in the future at least."
"Do you want to have this conversation right now?" you asked with a playful smile.
"Not really, no..." he admitted.
The way his personality just switched from domineering to sweet made your heart flutter. He was nervous and it showed - he was just a mess. But he was your mess.
"Well, thank you for assuring me," you said and leaned toward him to kiss his cheek. "I'm going to go take this now."
When you came back to the bedroom Sangyeon was already under the duvet. A pile of clothes was on the end of the bed, waiting for you. Your boyfriend gave you a soft smile and pulled aside the covers for you to get in. After thanking him and putting on your clothes, you crawled into bed beside him. The sheets were new, and you relished in the feeling against your skin.
"Should we talk about what happened now?" He turned to you.
"I guess we should." You nodded. "... I really liked it."
"That's it?" He chuckled.
"Well... what else do you want to know?"
"Maybe why you did it?" he asked and pulled you a bit closer. "I wasn't expecting you to act like that."
"I was curious.", you admitted, "Ever since after our museum date... I just didn't know that you could act like that and I wanted to see it again."
"And you liked the outcome?" he asked and you nodded. "And the candle thing wasn't too much?"
"Honestly? I think there could have been more of that." You giggled. "It was really nice."
"I was a bit worried you'd be freaked out about it," he said. "... I really liked it too."
"I could tell." You pressed a kiss to his lips. "If you're interested... I saw an ad for candles that turn into a lotion when you rub it into the skin."
His eyebrows raised slightly and his eyes shifted away from you, picturing it in front of him. When his eyes met yours again he pulled you in even closer, your chests touching. He placed a few chaste kisses on your cheek.
"So you want to do this again?" he muttered against your skin, his lips trailing down your neck.
"Of course." You breathed out. "Can we?"
Sangyeon pulled away from you to look you in your eyes, the familiar look from before hidden deep in his gaze.
"Only if you can be a good girl for me," he whispered.
"I can't make any promises," you taunted, pressing another kiss on his lips.
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