#one time one was like “i gotta see what kind of nerd im dealing with here” (affectionately)
jennilah · 10 months
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tsa agents always love my pins
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chihirolovebot · 1 year
okay okay prepare for my ranting but OHHHHHHHHHMYGOD i just love your writing so so much.
no joke . i’ve reread sleep awake probably about 4 times now. it has been on my mind for the past month. send help .
I LOVE LOVE LOVE physicist’s relationship dynamics with the rest of the cast. thank goodness we’re not isolated with kokichi the whole story. ohmygod. i think i’d die.
i feel like . phys could really do with a massive cry in rantaro’s arms. he became a brotherly figure so quickly for them and AUGHHHthey make me so upset. him preventing a meltdown too?? WAAAAAHHH … gotta love him for that. hopefully we’ll get to see more of him in here is where my body lies .
SPEAKING OF THAT. i’m looking forward to seeing the bad endings / alternate universes in it. like … if kirumi killed phys. or korekiyo succeeded in killing phys. or …if kokichi didn’t walk in when gonta attempted to kill phys . ohmygod. phys almost died a lot. i hope we get to see how everyone reacts. ANYWAY i can’t wait to see phys and the others be happy. what the hell. i need this in my life.
back to friendship dynamics….the trio recently formed by BELIEVING in phys??? is just AUGHHHHH SO SO CUTE. THEY HAVE MY HEART. I WANNA GIVE THEM ALL A HUG.
and…with the main man himself …. WOW. just. WOW. their dynamic is everything. they make me wanna cry. they are married. they are divorced. they are nerds. they are losers. they are. my everything. they are
“And yet—this deal he’d made you. That was trust, naked and unmistakable. That was far more than he’d offered anybody else. Everything else aside, Kokichi trusted you. Wasn’t that enough? 
If the small pit in your stomach was anything to go by—no, it wasn’t. And you didn’t know why”
WAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH THEY JUST MAKE ME SICK. SO SICK. i’m really curious how phys will react to kokichi’s plan for *you know what* or that he’ll just keep them in the dark. again. because he knows they wouldn’t let him? I DONT KNOW. whatever it is. i’m not ready for it.
despite the tears that i’m gonna shed in the future ……..IM EXCITED TO SEE THE NEXT CHAPTERS PLAY OUT. im looking forward to the changes you’re gonna make in chapter 6. really curious what that’s gonna be .
you’ve captured kokichi’s character to a tee and i can’t get enough of it i swear .
i love that phys has autism too. like. if it isn’t completely obvious by now. so do i and it’s just. wow. THEY R JUST LIKE ME!!!!
also. i’m very excited to see where you take that persona 5 fic. wink wink.
ur so kind this is like. one of the sweetest asks ive ever received i was pacing all day and im just answering now because i wanted to have the time to write out a thoughtful response because ohhghgh my god u made my absolute week with this thank you SO much my angel !!!!!
starting this story it was so important to me that like . phys has Other Friends. i think i mentioned this before but i think a big part of the story is that Ouma's mindset is wrong and unhealthy which is definitely starting to be examined this late in the story and like. the way he goes about doing stuff is definitely (mostly) well-intentioned but his mindset and philosophies are so Off and Wrong that i think ONLY having his mindset to influence Phys would a) ensure that phys only develops in a way that makes them more like him, which is NOT good because his mindset is wrong and unhealthy, and b) would make them extremely lonely when that isnt what i want the story to be about. if i COULD i would go back and give them some more interaction with momota because he's ouma's foil character, but i like him giving phys advice and phys taking on bits of his philosphy, too. they basically take an amalgamation of their friends' perspectives and learn to have a healthier outlook that way. so yeah . its super important for phys to have friends, especially optimistic ones like momota, kiibo and chabashira .
MY BODY LIES!!!! i haven't forgotten about this, just planning on properly starting it after i finish sleep awake's main story because between that , my p5 fic, and my jojo fic its kind of A Lot. but amami will DEFINITELY be a prominent character in it because i love his and phys's relationship so much. i tried to stretch it as much as possible in the original story before i knew i had to kill him off :(( and YEAH so i think a bad ending will be the first chapter which will probably be if shinguuji succeeded in his murder attempt , mostly focusing on the aftermath and the effect it has on the rest of the characters which . was pretty heavy for a first chapter so i may make it the second instead lmao.
I CANT SAY MUCH ABT FUTURE STUFF but i CAN say that some of ch5 and a fair amount of ch6 will be different and im super excited to show you what i have in store for it !!! the tone i'm going for is bittersweet so . hopefully that tides you over for a bit :3
the new trio... the phys apostles as i'm calling them. they're so silly to me. something about each of them knowing phys in very unique ways . kiibo seeing phys as soon as they woke up and always being the first to believe in them , chabashira seeing phys after they killed shinguuji and being the only person to see that side of them, and saihara being a sort of mirror to phys's grief in the early chapters after they both lost the most important person to them ( at that time ). i thought it made sense that they would all be a little more reluctant to believe that phys had been totally brainwashed because they all have a lot more respect for them than that , and also just . know them better as a person than the others , who are definitely still well-intentioned , just ignorant.
ouma... my little freakweirdo bf . characterising him is such a challenge but im so so happy you enjoy how i've done it !!!! physouma's dynamic is my favourite i've ever written in anything, i think . it's exactly like you said !!! they're constantly on this weird emotional journey where phys is attempting to get closer and ouma is attempting to distance himself but its not working because they both care about each other so much and like. yeah . they make me a bit insane too . writing phys slowly discovering their feelings has been super fun too . i usually dislike the oblivious love interest trope because more often than not it feels like it's played for miscommunication problems BUT i feel like with ouma it only makes sense because like . its impossible to know where you stand with ouma even if he straight-up says 'im in love with you' you'd just be like ?? yeah ok buddy sure. good one . you got me.
autistic phys is so real to me as i obviously also have autism and . i was projecting super hard when i created them teehee. THE PERSONA FIC !!!! i know its been a while since i updated but i AM working on the next chapter its definitely not abandoned :3
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icharchivist · 1 year
andddd I’m back! finished the whole thing. it was very good for sure. felt much quicker mostly bc I was not like. dealing with the culmination of probably over a year of hedging all my bets on hisoka’s identity. since I finished the whole thing I’ll be like. loosely chronological but also jump around as I please lol. considering im six paragraphs deep into a fic i definitely did have some feelings abt this.
anyways. very glad I paused where I did bc the moment I heard some random stranger picking on someone and going pretty boy my reaction went like this:
me: hm… pretty boy? that’s not yuki, is it? he would kill them already.. oh it’s azami!!! Oh my god it’s azami!! ah well then these guys are also dead. isn’t he a yakuza child.
and then azami beat them up :) love that kumon immediately thinks he is the coolest… it’s the juza-fan instinct. also love how when sakyo heard abt a middle schooler beating ppl up he’s immediately like ah fuck it’s the yakuza brat isn’t it. I will take this space to put in all of my azami thoughts before I resume. I was so surprised he showed up this early! then again I was a bit confused bc summer and autumn did their road shows together, and I was like… huh, didn’t spring start with these road shows too… how is autumn gonna begin? but nope surprise!! azami gets integrated here instead. very cool and I thought he and kumon becoming friends was done really naturally? like man who wouldn’t like it if someone was all starry eyed about you lol. especially since azami doesn’t seem. used to that level of appreciation. I, like azami, also thought that he and kumon were the same age lol. I did know azami did makeup but it was still so funny for him to shyly visit summer’s opening night backstage and then immediately be like oh u all look horrendous. let me fix this with the insane amt of makeup stuff I carry around. lovely. so very yuki-esque. also. wow, azami, how come you get to have *two* dads you’re beefing with! (sakyo and the boss) I think I am very sakyo-like tho bc when azami makes his phone calls I’m sitting there like ah… that kids not getting mixed up in a bad crowd, is he? he’s literal yakuza. kiri why are you like this. great voice acting on those calls also, it totally conveys the vibe of like angsty teen who chills out and is very casual around friends. I’m super interested as to who that person on the other end is, seeing as azami says he might reach that guys goal first after talking abt joining mankai… another actor / aspiring actor? haruto? misumis younger bro? who knows. only time will tell ig. was a bit sad abt the fact that azami and kumon didn’t have a cg—I think it would’ve been nice to have one when kumon collapsed into him, or a cg of juza and kumon where he’s picking him up… but there seems to only be 3 cgs per story for act 2. what a shame. well ig that’s what fanart is for lol—gotta brush up (pun intended) on my drawing skills! anyways I’m not super happy with azami’s dad lol. let him do makeup you clod. I always joke that I like characters who others are kind of homophobic to but it’s so true. it’s just actually a sign that they’ve got some Gender™ going on which I like. i hope he gets to play soccer with tasuku i think they'd have a great time actually.
moving back towards chronological events… kumon’s fancy gold keychain! love how muku immediately launches into an explanation abt it lol. “in exchange for making its wielded the strongest of all humans, it sucks their life force. it’s a cursed sword that can kill its owner if used too much!” I immediately read into this the moment muku explained it lol. like muku does not say it out loud and kumon is embarrassed about being a nerd but the moment this showed up i was like "oh. this is absolutely how kumon sees himself. all that pitching skill but theres a curse that prevents him from using it." and like. its never stated out loud during this episode but its absolutely true to me. the scene rly made me think like ah. kumons both naturally funny and adorable? like the noises he makes when hes freaked out there r great. i think hes a guy that is naturally a Bit Much and that translated really well to natsugumi stages. i wanna tackle kumon's condition here since it was brought up... again i knew that he was dealing with some kind of recurring health problems before, but not the specifics! and so learning that he was essentially getting fevers caused by stress was very. too real tbh like i dont want to think abt getting panic attacks during my free time. but. no i thought it was really well handled. like how at first yamaguchi is like. hey. its not like u meant to get sick, right? but then as time goes on you can see how people begin to be like. oh he's doing this on purpose to fuck us over. or theyre like. is ur illness even real. maybe you're just faking because you're an asshole. this is weakling behavior. and you can see how deeply that affects kumon in the way that he talks to and judges himself. in the way that he's got this drive that feels downright desperate--like EVERYTHING is do or die for him, and that is, of course, only going to stress him out more. i really liked that even at the end, past the play's end, he was still running a fever--it was clear that the play had rly been taxing on him and he wasnt like, just magically cured! i thought azami's whole magic brush thing was so cute--like, it was so obvious how better it made kumon feel. to me it felt like the equivalent of like, taking the time to put on really nice clothing and cook something special after a major depressive episode--like, you give yourself a nice treat and it helps you believe in getting better. in the same way, i think azami's makeup worked sort of like a charm on him--it gave him the ability to look like death hadn't warmed over and that like. helped him relax because now the guy in front of the mirror looks like he has the exact amount of energy that he wants to have. but yeah. i thought it was handled really well and i loved how natsugumi were supportive of him. the way kumon wakes up and finds out his fever went down and then when hes going to announce it to misumi he finds everyone sleeping by him... so sweet. again natsugumi was just sooo dearly supportive of kumon and refused to let him back out, it was great. when they all hug him and comfort him on stage... that cg is sooo cute. oh the moment juza approached tsuzuru i immediately knew he was gonna give him kumons backstory lol. like tsuzuru knows people well but not That well. i thought it was nice how the way inoue is was exactly like how real life yamaguchi felt--that he wanted to support him as a battery. tsuzuru precog moment strikes again. also every time he's on that balcony writing i think abt mizuno.
well this is probably a good segue to talk abt the play so i shall do just that. this one is literally a direct parallel to real life events so theres not something like... super interesting i can give as commentary there, lol? but when i first watched the play i was like. tsuzuru... where's the "comedy" in sports comedy? watching the play in the actual chapters tho i definitely saw it--it relied a lot on the quirks of the individual players! and that scene at the end is quite fun ofc. was confused as to why it was like. love. but even the og play has hatsukoi in it. ig its abt them liking their manager? idk it felt a little confused lol. but it was a very nice play in some ways... i am like, a pretty huge sports manga fan ahah, so i definitely saw stuff that was similar. i think i've... read 4 different sports manga abt baseball? daiya no ace, oofuri, cross game, and the one no one will recognize, hybrid berry. kumon would lose it if he ever read oofuri, i think... the main pitcher is an anxious mess who selfishly refuses to give up the mound and he and the catcher have a really interesting relationship. the girl manager that is sad they cant play baseball is absolutely a thing in sports manga. yuki was so great as washiyama. like her pretending to be a guy and subbing in for the catcher worked great since yuki can like. convincingly play both a guy and a girl. also the way washiyama essentially blackmailed people into joining. iconic. the associated song was also cute! i thought it was interesting that tsuzuru wrote yuki's role in specific along with tenma and kumon--i guess it makes sense since that role requires someone to play a female role, but the quirks of the other baseball players--uehara as a shut in with surprising athleticism, ohno as a player scared of the ball, and enomoto as a guy always on his phone--mesh really well with the people who play them, dont they? like, i dont think kazunari or muku could pull off the same sense of athelticism. it was nice, anyways. plus if u reach u can parallel washiyama subbing in for inoue and it hurting her hands with yuki + natsugumi trying to leader substitute in tenma's absence.
worst transition ever? perhaps. but now i get to talk about that bit BECAUSE OH MY GOD, THAT BIT. like icha i'm dearly glad i was not given spoilers but on the other hand i feel like i needed a fucking warning. the PHONE CALL. the PHONE CALL!!!! im going to take a step back and comment on the whole situation actually since i didnt even address tenma's first audition. that whole bit was so good. the way tenma's like heh. i'll handle everything. and like as you pointed out, at that point kumon was gonna join akigumi if he passed the audition! but tenma was like. no hes Mine. i definitely figured the audition was gonna go bad--like, if tenma himself was like "i feel like im not there yet" about his own acting? but the way it was executed was so lovely--i wanted to be like "ah, tenma's come really far, hasn't he?" but i think tenma has always been serious about this part of acting--didn't he join summer troupe in order to challenge himself because he felt like he was deficient? so i actually had to reexamine like. why did i assume tenma would be hugely emotional about missing the role. probably because izumi worried about it? also bc i kept recognizing when they were saying "chance" and since kumon just had a stressful audition chance i was worried tenma was gonna feel a similar pressure and cave. but nah. as strange as it might seem, this was kind of perfectly in character for him, i think... he didn't get the role, and he saw someone absolutely outperform him during auditions, and respected that. if there's one thing tenma's learned from summer troupe it's to acknowledge other people and recognize their strengths. so this was a nice extension of that. so all he does is chill in the theater at midnight and relfect a little on his own performance. it was mature of him. i felt like i could see him blooming. as much as i like to make fun of tenma he's been an actor for quite some time--i bet mankai is one of the places he really gets to act like a kid, yknow? i thought it was nice how suprised everyone in natsugumi was--even if they make fun of him, he sure is their leader who has some pretty great acting skills, huh... anyways. to then see him get an offer, turn it down to focus on the play (bc he loves natsugumi!) and then see yuki get fully outraged at him for doing so! that got me! the "when push comes to shove, you really ARE just a hack, huh?!" escalating into him yelling "we all want to support you, tenma!" like. how many times had yuki said tenma's name ever. also like. the way he indirectly says that he doesn't even mean it when he calls tenma a hack. anyways im glad they resolved it. not used to seeing yuki be so obviously distraught. the gifts were so good too. misumi giving tenma a triangle so he doesn’t. so he. “so you don’t get lonely like you usually do!” im going to wail. and then tenma going “I don’t get lonely” okay liar. but then when tenmas like oh jeez yuki another shopping list? and then receives a baseball keychain… if i was him i wouldve cried immediately. like wow. they rly adore each other and will never admit it ever.
and then seeing tenma in france! Almost getting lost! And carrying around the keychain… and saying “…take care of the troupe while I’m gone, yuki.” oh my god. like i genuinely lost it at this moment. tenma and yuki r roommates and they. They care abt each other. like there’s no explicit communication that tenma is putting his trust in yuki specifically but like. Of course its him. Hes the one that yelled at tenma to go in the first place. Id hedge my bets that natsugumi was planning on talking to tenma anyways (bc they rush in so quick when yuki and tenma start fighting) which if we take that to be true, yuki literally started picking a fight with tenma bc there was literally nothing else he could see himself doing at that moment. And the way that as they’re rotating leader by leader yuki is the one that’s like. Kind of nagging at them—pointing out that kazunari could be more decisive, and telling muku that he should probably give suggestions on fixing things rather than like just saying. “We have problems!” like. It is so deeply obvious to me how aware yuki is of tenma’s presence and how aware he is of him. Not being here. But then when tenma calls him! And yuki’s like. Teasing him being like is this a prank call? But he’s still in the practice room at 10pm, just chilling by himself because he’s thinking about what he can do. to quote from my notes during this scene: “it is genuinely so cute they call—AHHHHH A CG!!!!! A CG!!!!!!!” yeah i lost my fucking mind are u kidding me. of course i did. but yeah tenma checks in on the troupe through yuki and once yuki confirms that tenma’s doing okay, he’s like. we’re fine. focus on your work. and then he says international calls are expensive and hangs right the fuck up. like. if yuki wasn’t feeling guilty abt not having seen any improvements on the play u know he and tenma would chat for longer and yuki would antagonize him into paying his phone bill or something. but yeah the just like. the dynamic here is so good. and once he runs into kumon and figures out what he’s gonna do its so good! I felt like. idk. yuki rly pulled through for this one and it was nice to see tenma come back, pleased as punch, and tell natsugumi they did well. It was rly a breath of relief like ah. the leader approves! and it felt like such a success, that yuki and natsugumi were able to handle it. Idk why the phone call got me so bad. I mean i do know its like. two of my favorite characters but. it was just a kind of very understated moment and like this whole sequence is… what? four chapters? it’s not a long part in the whole episode but it just absolutely got me. its just such like a quiet, kinda subtle moment with a lot of depth. Seeing them call each other from different parts of the world. the way they’re thinking about each other and caring for each other. the way you can see them instinctually trust each other after being at each other's throats at first and bickering all the time even now. Yeah.
speaking of shorter parts i loved kazunari’s little side thing! with him realizing that he sorta wants to do a bunch of stuff. i thought the ultra multi creator / UMVC thing was so funny. but it was real lovely to hear just a very normal parent that obviously adored kazunari exactly as he was. this was also how i first learned kazunari was a traditional japanese painting major. I genuinely had no idea. i do think its funny that his lil sis in a huge tenma fan. i think ive mentioned this before but there is a like noticeable increase in quality of the a3 posters as time goes on which i think is really cool. but wow tenma telling kazunari he has like only shallow friendships is truly so. I love that it stuck with kazunari this long but also tenma would be distraught that he remembered.
okay now time for all of the miscellaneous stuff i forgot to talk abt!
azamis voice is refreshingly lower than I thought it might be? but it fits him. I know he and sakyo r gonna be so fun… sakyo wondering what happened bc azami used to adoringly follow him around was so absolutely real. like oh ur his dad already i see. I also think kumon’s relationship with muku and juza r so interesting… muku knows some stuff, but not everying about kumon. and though kumon so obviously adores his big brother and juza has helped him before, the actual talking they do seems like not much. which felt kinda realistic.azamis voice is refreshingly lower than I thought it might be? but it fits him and i like it. i’m so excited abt his dynamic with sakyo seeing as he used to be rly attached… sakyo and his bos should square off for custody i think it’d be funny. i think its rly funny that yuki refused to play baseball bc he was acting as the manager. the manager plays baseball in one of the scenes its like the whole point. loved the kumon pitching cg. oh tenma was so good during that street act they did tho like. the way his va played that… u can hear him loudly announcing the show and stuff and then his voice immediately drops to this soft whisper to ask if kumons ok. so good. again i rly liked azami and kumon’s relationship… the fact that azami was just gonna fight yamaguchi unprompted was so good? but the way kumon is specifically like. dont injure his arms he needs them for baseball rly shows like. just how much kumon treasures the sport i think. very interested in who would azami not want to see at his worst… could be a throwaway convo lol. but i liked that azami walked him home and stuff. muku pestering yamaguchi into taking his ticket was so. wow. he’s rly gotten brave, hasn’t he? i thought juza and muku were so interesting in how they supported kumon during this bc like. they were both obviously supportive but like didnt solve everything? Which was cool bc they were still good siblings to kumon but kumon’s issues still felt like. understandable and stuff. like juza being harsh in the beginning re: kumon joining made total sense even tho like. clearly it ended up being good for him. gosh when juza and muku tell tenma and izumi everything it is so good to see tenma be like. well. its alright u kept stuff from me. kumon is fully part of natsugumi so we’ll take care of him. i just like seeing him be capable and he was so capable lol. also banri offering to be an understudy instead of juza! very sweet. love that he can only offer by antaognizing juza abt his acting skills. also love banri saying yuki will thrash juza if he acts bad specifically… bc banri and yuki r. friends… i also like that this in specific seems to give juza pause. my “juza is frightened by this middle schooler” hc seems legit. oh and i laughed when juza was like. well we gotta be baseball accurate so i’ll bring the clippers. what is up with hyodos and banris hair for real. hm. i also like how u can see the bookcase in kumon and misumis room has noticeably changed—feels like not just misumi lives there, now.
oh and the cute girls skit. best thing ever. every time they did it, i laughed. so i absolutely get why it cheered kumon up. again summer troupe is clearly so good at this. they should do a play. This had more romcom energy then the baseball play they actually performed. like kumon blushing. into mukumi announcing u look like a dog I used to have!! unmatched. and ofc theres juko. cmon… take one step closer for juza in a dress…
I also loved everyone telling kumon abt the troubles they had. like tenma had to be like. I look very capable now but i actually tanked our first play lmao. also i had trauma abt stage performance. also idk if it was intentional but i love how the dialogue when theyre discussing sardine search is like.
kumon: the cat costumes?
tenma: anyways, the third play—
i think the last thing to discuss is the adlibs probably? the moment he was like concerned abt it i out loud went “fuck the fans” so that shows my position lol. but that for sure is summer troupe’s charm. I liked that in the end kumon’s adlib was just like? it was good. nicely in character. good response to. hang on washimiyas bf is MARRIED? but its not like he totally introduced a wild new direction or anything—the guy who started this was clearly tenma’s adlib as inoue. so i rly liked that it was like. competent but not amazing bc like… i think that would kind of reinforce kumon’s idea that he needs to “measure up” and be perfect. but here he’s just like. good at being part of natsugumi. and that’s all they need! i also know kumon originally wanted to join akigumi and i assume that’s bc he loves juza but i also wonder if some of it is bc akigumi is so clearly and obviously Strong. well. anyways for kumon i think being part of a troupe that makes him laugh is the best, in the end. i did think it was funny when the game went “acting isn’t like baseball. there are no winners and losers,” says a member of the troupe that had a literal competition against another troupe where winning was the most important thing ever.
and that’s all, i think! very good story im sure theres things i missed but. very good.
omg that was quick indeed. bUT HELP as to why you think it went faster. And omg. can't wait to see the fic as well!!
let's GOOO
and HELP. the deadly pretty boy middle schooler squad. gotta love how quickly Kumon found him cool indeed. I also love how quickly and organically they started to get along! Azami really does have a lot of Yuki in his behavior doesn't he. i still love how the make up things ended up being mentioned like "oh i'm NOT letting you leave this backstage without some help. you need it." type. eheh loving the way you look at Azami's set up so far! And you're so right this CG could have been so nice… nerfed by the amount of official CG per chapter :/ looking forward the fanarts coming out of it ;D Azami truly does have some Gender going on and yeah. The dad sure is not being good there. AND! hell yeah for the soccer squad this is what they deserve. Give Tasuku some peace also to know that while his troupe is bad at sports he can make his own team somehow still.
NICE CATCH ON THE KEYCHAIN!!! it really does fit Kumon way too much :sob: Kumon is indeed so likeable like, the actor really does such a nice job at conveying just how open and exhuberant he is, but also just how soft he can be. really funny and adorable like you say, perfect for Summer.
as for Kumon's condition, welcome to the specifics! I also really connected with Kumon on this because oof, chronic illness like that is no joke and especially when it's stuff triggered by stress it's just… it feels never ending bc then you stress about being stressed and it gets worse in worse. And even though it's obviously not his fault, the way other people started to perceive his sickness influenced how he saw himself and it really became even more worse and he became so scared to fail people which just meant more stress, so, more guilt… man his story was so effective it made me feel really emo.
Azami helping him out with the brush was so cute :sob: a little placebo in a sense. I do love how Kumon still was stressed but he managed to push through still. a bit like Tenma was still hella stressed in his first plays but managed to push through enough to now be comfortable about it. Natsugumi meanwhile taking care of him and being so supportive is so sweet :sob: Summer are all genuinely so good, and when you take into account all the problems they had to deal with one another… Tenma's stagefright, Yuki's indecissiveness for the future, Kazunari's anxiety about not being what others people would want out of him, Muku's own insecurities and his own history with "failing" his sportsmates because of health, with also Misumi's big brother's instinct kicking in… everyone had made some little work on their side on their own anxieties that i think they could see a bit of their journey in Kumon and went yeah, we'll take care of him, and it was such a good support for them. and DLKFJDLKF Tsuzuru's powers, all knowing, and when he doesn't know, people will come to him to update his character files. but also mood for the balcony.
DLKFDLKF yeah i feel like, Summer's plots could be seen as "not comedy", but in the end it's all about the banter and the way Summer will improvise stuff with their high energy, they probably have more room to improvise and all. BUT YEAH the love thing always was surprising to me, i guess yeah they're in love with their manager but it doesn't feel like it should be the focus?? or perhaps it's about the love of the game?? Or Tsuzuru should come out already and tell us the romance between Tenma and Kumon's characters was explicitly that this time come O- and omg, really ready for the sports story mood i see. I hope Kumon got to read this manga. perhaps he even recommanded it to Tsuzuru? Yuki's character was so fun and it felt so Yuki, it was so great. But yess the roles were pretty nice.
it's a perfect transition no worries AND HELL YEAH. No warning we get murdered by phonecalls like people who cry over a3. I'm so glad you weren't spoiled considering it was Made Just For You, it was so nice to see it shook you enough to post about it also :'D Everything you say about Tenma's audition is so spots on and so good :sob: he's so good… It's in moment like that that yeah you remember just that he is a professional who can accept things going in one way or another pretty maturely, and no doubt summer did make him even better at that. like yeah he learnt to be more silly and more of a kid with Summer, but it also helps him adding new outlook on his perspective. it's pretty nice. AND GOD YEAH. THAT. YEAH. THE WHOLE SCENE WITH YUKI WAS SO NICE. Tenma loves Natsugumi and Natsugumi loves him back so much the gifts scene was also so damn sweet like. god i love those kids so much.
AND YEAH… YEAH. MAN. Tenma and Yuki did come a very long way but they trust each other so deeply at this point it's just so heartwarming to see. No CG of Kumon and Azami bUT a CG of Tenma and Yuki calling each other! We still come out of here winning!! and yeah i totally understand what you mean about the whole scene and the whole dynamic of this specific arc. I think that approaching their dynamic with physical distance showed just how close they have grown emotionally speaking and it was just. so damn nice to see. It was such a nice arc.
Kazunari's little side thing! yeah it's really nice to see Kazunari just.. want more? I think it also shows he's growing more confident in himself that he just wants to try everything now. His little sis being fan of Tenma is really soft, no wonder Kazunari kept taking pictures of Tenma when they met. And yeah!!! honestly it's like, of course quality gets better as the app grows and everything on a doylist perspective because yeah, the devs get better, they get better fundings, you even see it at times from how prettier the art composition of some of the cards become. But in universe, since the posters are Kazunari's doing, it really also bring home that it's Kazunari!! who's growing as well. It's so nice. but god yeah. i love how things really do have an impact in a3? like conversations from years ago still matter so deeply for the characters. It's so nice.
ooh nice that you like Azami's voice :3c promising set up with his relationship with Sakyo and yeah. Sakyo was already a dad, bless him. The Hyodo/Sakisaka dynamic is indeed pretty interesting, like… yeah they're cousins but that doesn't mean they were that close until they started acting, but now they're all together in this. and yeah makes sense that Juza still was a bit distant in the sense of, he's socially awkward and keeping to himself a lot even regarding his little brother. Yuki refusing to play the baseball game while he gets to play later in the play is indeed pretty funny. Kumon's CG is pretty nice toooo, it shows how serious he is for baseball and still how much of his conflict comes from how serious he is about what he loves. (kinda contrast also how Chikage's solo CG was him with his coin, something that shows the way he deceives people but ultimately that he can't keep fooling Sakuya with and ends up being the cataclyst in staying with Spring bc of the coin toss. Like the solo CG tell us a lot about them and their arc in general). Tenmaaaaa<333 Eguchi Takuya always delivers in term of voice acting, and i love how he looks out for Kumon :sob: AND SO true about the Azami and Kumon's relationship and the way Azami was ready to square up for Kumon. It was so nice to see, they have a nice dynamic. Muku has indeed got very brave!! and even braver when he does thing for other people in general (a continuation both of him standing up for Yuki in the first chapter, and how he went to confront the Ikaruga family for Misumi as well) but yesss their dunamic together was so so nice, they knew some stuff but of course they couldn't solve everything… i think it's like, esp with stress, when family tells you you do well it's just yeah sure, that's what family says. i feel like, with setting up Kumon being so attached to Juza, it was important that his arc ends up being about him looking for something /for himself/ instead, and finding good things outside of him. But yeah Juza was just worried :sob: he just comes off as much roughter in general. aND YEAH…. Tenma immediately enforcing that Kumon is his responsability is soft. AND YEAH THE BANRI SCENE. WAS REALLY CUTE. Hell if Banri actually shows he cares, he needs to be mean to Juza to make it work. think about his reputation smh. BANRI AND YUKI FRIENDSHIP MY BELOVED. And yeah Juza still values Yuki's opinion enough to be frightened. More than by Banri at least lmao. AND DLKFJDKLFJD rip Banri's hair. and yeah sobbs it's so nice.
omg yeah the cute girl skit was really so sweet and funny. It's a recurring thing too like, remember when Muku was stressed out during their first improv with Yuki and Yuki went on with the cute girl thing? Tenma roasted them at that moment bc "all they did is change their pitch a bit", and now they perfected it so well that it's Purely Cheer Up Material… sobs. JUZA IN A DRESS WHEN PLEASE. WHO DO WE HAVE TO BEG.
DLKJFDLKF YEAH it's so nice that they really like, work to make Kumon part of the team? like he gets to know the stuff he missed as well, he's up to date with them all. BUT YEAH the transition for Sardine search is really funny.
BUT YEAAH AAH the adlibs stuff were so nice. I still find that ending so funny, i love how everyone managed to roll with it… and very good observation for why Kumon wanted to join Akigumi. He probably felt like it could help him measure up to the expectations he had put on himself, managing to be cooler and surpassing himself physically considering those were the things he felt he lacked. But in the end he needed just to find his own path and coming to term with what he actually needed. AND LDKJFKDLJFKLFD Kumon: it has no winner or loser! Tsumugi still half reeling from what happened during his first play: :). yeah :) totally :) completely :).
but sobss i'm so glad you liked it!! Summer knew to come after your feelies both reminding you of the growth of your favorite characters and introducing a new cutie to the team. It's honestly so nice, and it was SO nice to read through your thoughts! as always, thank you so so much for sharing!!!
as a reminder, next is the event A Springtime Snooze ! Then you'll be able to read the Autumn Chapter!
Take care! :3c
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spacedikut · 4 years
“i want to love someone and be loved” ; spencer reid - part 2
pairing: spencer reid (criminal minds) x f!reader
summary: spencer decides it’s time to tell you, but he needs some help. 3887 words. part 1
a/n: THIS is the longest fic ive ever written but im actually kinda proud of how it turned out? i hope this is a good sequel :)
Spencer chickens out of telling you the next day.
He avoids you all weekend, actually. You resisted texting him the day after Rossi’s because you assumed he’d be busy – with his big plan involving a girl that isn’t you. You’re not bitter – but Sunday comes around and you message him not long after you wake up and six hours later there’s no response.
Twelve hours later - there’s no response.
Monday, you don’t have time to say hello to anyone – there’s a case waiting for you, somewhere in Florida.
Reid avoids your eyes. His body language tells you something is wrong, so you assume whoever he confessed to didn’t reciprocate (they’re insane) and he’s dealing with it. So you don’t press.
Spencer pretends to sleep the entire jet ride. He’s avoiding everyone, not just you.
He spent the whole weekend beating himself up. He drove to your apartment on Saturday, sat outside for so long a neighbour knocked on his window and asked if he was lost, but couldn’t bring himself to step foot out of his car.
So he locked himself in his room, away from you and your loveliness and away from his phone because he knew you texted him and he knew you’d send some soft message about being there for him if he needs anything and he didn’t need to be reminded of how beautiful and out of reach you are.
Derek seemed to be waiting for him Monday morning, arms crossed as he held a cup of coffee. It was weird seeing him in before Spencer.
“How’d it go?” He immediately asked.
“How’d what go?” Spencer mumbles, flinging his bag on the floor by his desk. He slumps in his seat.
Derek raises a dark eyebrow, “You know what, pretty boy. You had a big thing? Big plan?”
“Didn’t work out.”
It doesn’t take a profiler to realise Spencer is very clearly saying leave me alone. Leave it alone.
Derek isn’t one to leave it alone. Especially when it comes to Spencer.
He sighs and moves a little closer to Spencer’s desk, just in case someone overhears them.
“What happened?”
“That’s exactly it,” Spencer slams open a file, “Nothing happened.”
“And why did nothing happen?”
“Because I’m an idiot that can’t even tell a girl how I feel.”
“Whoa- hey!”
Derek spins Spencer’s chair so they’re face to face. Derek takes one look in Spencer’s eyes and knows what’s going on – he got too into his head and backed out at the last minute.
“You’re not an idiot. Why didn’t you do it?”
Spencer shrugs, “I got to her apartment. I had flowers, too. I don’t know.”
Derek’s evidently concerned – Spencer’s beaten up over this, over whoever this girl is, and he deserves the chance to experience love. Spencer deserves a lot more than he himself thinks he does.
“You seemed really excited, man. You can still do it. Just cause you try once and it doesn’t work out doesn’t mean you can’t ever try again.”
Spencer stares off into the distance, accidentally ignoring Derek as his thoughts slip out of his mouth, “Yeah, it probably wouldn’t have worked anyway – I was stupid to think I could get someone like her.”
“Hey, no.” Derek nudges Spencer’s shoulder so he looks at him again, “Don’t talk like that. You’re one hell of a guy, Reid. All you gotta do is get that confidence that you had Friday night back, and you’re all set. Don’t be so hard on yourself.”
Spencer gives a feeble nod. Derek moves back to his desk, knowing he isn’t convinced, but he isn’t done yet.
Later, in Florida, Spencer’s making a coffee in the precinct’s kitchen after waiting twenty minutes for you to leave. Luck’s on his side, for once, and you’ve been working non-stop with Prentiss going crime scene to crime scene so he hasn’t had to actively avoid you. You smile at him every chance you get, though, and it distracts him.
Someone clears their throat behind him. It’s Penelope, whom Spencer didn’t realise was invited on this case.
She looks guilty. Spencer recognises that face; the face she has when she’s done something she shouldn’t have or knows something she isn’t really supposed to. Given current circumstances, Spencer bets it’s the latter reason.
“Morgan told me something he shouldn’t have.”
He leans against the kitchen counter, stirring his coffee absentmindedly.
“What did he tell you?” He asks, feigning tranquillity. Inside he’s screaming non-stop.
She’s got her hands clasped together in front of her, almost innocently, and fiddles with her fingers, “He told me you needed assistance in the love department.” Before he can object, she continues, “And I am willing to do anything if it means our resident weirdo-slash-genius falls in love and gets to experience some much needed cuteness.”
There’s no point in lying to her. There’s also no point in being mad that Morgan told her about his situation – they’re kind of a package deal. And, who knows, Garcia might be able to help.
“So…” She sways, trying (and failing) to appear nonchalant, “Who’s the lucky lady?”
Spencer shuffles on the spot, scuffing his shoes against the floor. He debates whether he should tell her, since, you know, you’re in the next room over, but Spencer worries that Garcia is so good at her job she’d somehow find out through hacking Spencer’s phone, or maybe somehow hacking his dreams. His subconscious. He’s terrified of Garcia and her abilities.
“You can tell me.” She insists, “I’m much better at keeping secrets than Morgan.”
Spencer turns away from her, she steps closer, and he mumbles your name.
Spencer spins, hands coming up to tell Garcia to shut up and Garcia immediately covers her mouth in both shock and hopefully so she doesn’t shout again.
“Since when?!” She screeches. “How could I not have known?! Oh God, almighty Doctor Reid, I feel like I’ve failed you by not realising earlier.”
Her enthusiasm makes him smile, for the first time in far too long. Garcia has that power – this innate skill to comfort those around her and make them feel special, make them smile when the world feels like its collapsing.
“Let me help!” She requests.
Spencer’s clearly hesitant. He knows it’s a bad idea.
“Please!” She begs, “I just- I have so many ideas of how you can go about this. Let me brainstorm, get back to you, and if I’m too over-the-top you can tell me no and we’ll pretend it never happened!”
He takes a deep breath. Yes, Garcia is the definition of over-the-top, but that’s one of his favourite things about her. It’s your favourite thing, too. And he did tell Morgan he had big plans. Anything involving Garcia is a big plan with big payoff.
“This is between us.”
“I’ll take it to the grave. Unless you realise how amazing my ideas are and use one to tell Y/N how you feel and then years later I get to commend myself during my maid of honour speech at your wedding.”
She looks ecstatic, hands now together under her jaw as her eyes twinkle. Spencer can’t help but laugh at her eagerness.
The next day, the team returns to Quantico after a semi-successful case. The general mood is good and Morgan invites everyone out for drinks – Spencer declines, but you have your first full conversation since last Friday.
“C’mon, Spence,” Your head rests against the jet seat and you blink sleepily at him, “I feel like I haven’t spoken to you for years!”
Spencer gives you a small smile, “I promised my mom I’d call her tonight. Sorry, Y/N.”
You nod in understanding, “Will you tell her I say hi?”
“Of course. She loves you.”
You grin at eachother, immediately lost in your own world. You’ve missed him more than you realised, and you have no idea what’s going through his head, but you’re happy that you’ve had this – a Spencer Reid smile that makes you feel at home and on top of the world simultaneously.
Spencer has to tear his eyes away before he blurts something stupid, like she’s not the only one that loves you.
“Spencer!” Garcia greets, Cheshire cat grin on her face. “I need to see you in my dungeon, please. Immediately.”
Spencer drops the file he’s holding. Unfortunately, Penelope’s request caught the attention of the whole team.
“What business do you have in the villain’s lair, Reid?” Derek asks. You’ve looked up from your computer, Emily smirking and leaning back in her chair in expectation.
“Important nerd business. Go away.” Garcia says, eyes narrow as she tugs Spencer’s hand. He’s whisked away from any further questioning, leaving the befuddled team behind.
He isn’t sure what to expect when he stumbles into Penelope’s second home, but the display in front of him explains why he overheard a conversation about missing evidence boards earlier. Penelope’s obviously been using the new printer in her cave to her advantage – there’s at least twenty different pictures printed out on one board titled “date ideas”, then the board on the right has a picture of Spencer and you in the centre with a perfectly drawn heart around it. Under and around that is a mixture of love quotes, including song lyrics and quotes directly from romantic movies. He notices “The Parliament of Fowls” on there – Garcia remembers that he mentioned it’s considered the first Valentines poem?
“Whoa,” Is all he can say.
“I know it’s a little intense,” Garcia squirms, “But! I started scrolling through Pinterest and couldn’t stop. I don’t know what came over me, maybe some type of love deity, but I started thinking about you and Y/N in a classic love film in, like, black and white and I…”
She’s out of breath from animatedly explaining.
Spencer laughs through his nose, almost a scoff, but he’s impressed. He shouldn’t have expected anything else from the Penelope Garcia.
As Spencer wanders towards the first board, Garcia follows him like a shadow, “My personal favourite is-“ She points to a picture of chocolate fondue with faceless people in very little clothing, “-this one.”
Spencer awkwardly clears his throat when he begins to think of you and him like that.
“A little much for your declaration of love, though, I get it,” Garcia nods.
He scans the board – heart speeding up when he moves from idea to idea and picturing you and him in each one. He can’t help but think no, that one would be good for our anniversary – ah, she’d love to do that one for her birthday.
“What’re you thinking?” Garcia asks quietly. She knows his brain is whirring like her computer drive, so she approaches him gently.
“This one.” He says. “Where should we do it?”
Garcia grins behind him. The one he’s referring to shows a dinner table set up outside, brown wooded table with white wooden chairs opposite eachother. There’s flowers at the centre, a bottle of wine already poured in each glass in front of a basket of cookies, and the area around is shrouded by shrubbery, fairy lights hanging delicately from every-which-way.
It’s perfect. You love fairy lights, Spencer loves cookies, and the set-up looks private enough for Spencer to feel confident when he empties his heart and soul to you.
“The roof.” Garcia says wistfully.
“We have access to that?”
“Yes.” They both know they don’t. “Leave it to me. Oh… one more thing.” She adds, hesitantly, “Can Morgan help? I’m a lot of things, including emotionally strong and your love guru, but physically I’m gonna need some assistance.”
Spencer doesn’t even need to agree – Morgan’s gonna involve himself no matter what.
Five o’clock is quickly approaching and you’re slumped over your desk, lost in your work. You need to be lost in it, because ever since Garcia released Spencer from her office right after lunch he’s been sneaking glances at you (he’s not sneaky) and has made several attempts to approach you but decided against it, sharply turning and pretending he meant to go another way instead.
You are beyond confused. You assume it’s to do with the girl he’s been trying to get over – you hope he’s been trying to build the confidence to tell you exactly what happened and maybe, you really hope, he’ll invite you over for the weekend so you can slip back into your old routine.
You assume they’re not trying to get your attention, so you don’t move.
You still don’t move.
Your head snaps up to Spencer leaning over the divider between your desks. He looks alarmed – which is odd, given he’s the one who called you – and he opens and closes his mouth a few times before he finally speaks.
“Are you busy tonight?” He sits back and, if he wasn’t so goddamn tall, all you’d be able to see would be his eyes. His added height means you can see his eyes and his nose. You wanna kiss it.
You smile – this is an olive branch, “I am completely available for whatever it is you might need.”
You sound incredibly eager, which you are. You miss him.
His cheeks move upwards, a smile, “Can I talk to you, later, on the roof? Uh-“ He clears his throat, “-I need to tell you something.”
You raise an eyebrow, “You’re not gonna push me off, right?”
“No,” He laughs.
“Promise me.”
Now he guffaws, “I would never, Y/N!”
“Promise me, Reid!”
“Alright, alright! I promise!” He’s jokingly raising his hands in a form of surrender.
You give him another smile and turn back to your work. You feel at ease, now, thinking he’s finally gonna tell you what happened on the weekend – finally you’ll be able to help him and go back to normal.
Spencer, on the other hand, is the exact opposite of ease. He’s about to pour his heart out to you.
He takes a deep breath and looks back to his computer, which is open on a tab titled “How to Tell Someone You Like Them.”
Step 3: Be Confident.
Spencer opens a new tab and searches, “How to be confident.”
Garcia hacks into Spencer’s computer to open a document and type that the roof is ready. She wishes him luck, tells him she loves him, and calls dibs on being the godmother of your future children. As if she doesn’t have enough godchildren as it is.
He clears his throat and your head snaps towards him. You’ve been done for a while, playing Tetris on your phone, waiting for Spencer to take you to the roof where he swears he won’t kill you – you’re not entirely convinced.
“Um-“ He scratches his neck, “You ready to go?”
You nod and give him a weak smile in hopes it gives him some type of reassurance.
“Whatever happened, it’s okay, Spence.”
All he does is nod in return, gathering his coat and bag. He doesn’t really register what you say, or he would’ve been very confused.
You follow him up to the roof. The elevator ride is silent and Spencer is jittery; his hands twitch and tap against his legs, he’s bouncing on his toes and he keeps looking at you through the corner of his eye. You’ve taken several deep breaths to calm your racing heart – you hate heights, and this is the closest you’ve been to Spencer in a week. This will be the longest conversation you’ve had with him in a week, too.
The second the doors open, Spencer leaps in front of you.
You jump back in surprise, “What? Are you okay?”
“I’m fine. Completely fine. Just… when we get there, let me explain first, okay? Before you say anything.” He’s pleading, as if you’ve already told him no. You look at him with furrowed brows and mumble an ‘okay’.
You’re visibly confused as you trek up the flight of stairs to the roof. Spencer pushes open the fire door and the first thing you notice is how bright the roof is – you always assumed it’d be dark, little light, especially at night like this.
There’s fairy lights… everywhere. You’re pretty sure this isn’t the norm for the FBI roof.
Spencer is equally as awed at what he sees before him - it’s exactly the photo he saw in Garcia’s cave brought to life, but he’s too distracted by you to fully appreciate it. You look like a child on Christmas; eyes wide, pupils blown, mouth slightly agape. You’re gorgeous.
“What…is this, Spence?” You wonder, noticing the set table, fingers grazing the roses that sit in a vase in the middle. They’re fresh and smell wonderful.
He stands a little behind you, fiddling with his hands, and clears his throat, “Would you like to take a seat?”
You do. When he finally sits, he pours you a glass of wine and you immediately take an anxious sip. Although Rossi is a big fan of wine, you rarely take interest in it only when Spencer’s involved. You’ve come to associate wine with him – a smile peeks out from your glass as you stare at the man opposite you.
“I need to get something off my chest. But there’s cookies, if you want one,” He picks one up from his plate, breaking it in half and giving it to you. He’s stalling, but you seem to take the bait and bite into it.
“Are these from the bakery two blocks away?”
“Yeah,” He replies, but he isn’t really paying attention. He doesn’t know where to begin.
You wait patiently for him to open up. You’re still unsure of what to make of all of this – the beautiful setting, the wine, the flowers, the lights. God, the lights are dazzling in the Virginia night sky. You need context, and you need it now.
“Sorry, I just…” He trails off, “I need to say what I need to say before I back out again.”
You fold your hands in your lap. You’re ready for whatever’s to come.
“Do you know how long we’ve known eachother?” He asks. His head tilts like a puppy.
“Nearly five years. Our friendaversary is coming up, you know.”
You realise, then, that this must be a celebration for that – that explains the… typically romantic setting. Before you can open your mouth to ask if that what’s this is, Spencer speaks.
“Four years, three-hundred and sixty days. That’s how long we’ve known eachother.”
“If we were dating, we would’ve been my longest relationship the second we passed a year.”
You don’t know why you said it, but it flusters him. He has to pause to take a breath and collect his thoughts.
“I’ve been in love with you for four years and three hundred and fifty-eight days, Y/N.”
It’s silent as you process and he figures out how to continue.
“I knew you were special when you were introduced to us. Hotch already had such a soft spot for you, and you had this way about you that made us all fall in love instantly. I remember Garcia did a background check the second she found out your name and she said you remind her of me and I… that freaked me out, to be honest. I thought you’d try to replace me.” He huffs a laugh, but can’t bring himself to look you in the eye, “I realised I was in love with you when you drunkenly defended me. Do you remember that?” His eyes flicker to yours for half a second – you’re wide-eyed, “You’d known me for two days at that point, but we’d already done a case together so we were celebrating. And these guys at the bar were whispering about me, acting like I couldn’t hear them, and the second you realised what was happening you stood up, stormed towards them and gave them a piece of your mind. It was incredible.
“You barely knew me, at least personally, but you thought so highly of me you scolded a group of drunk bodybuilders without a second thought. You made them apologise – it was hysterical watching someone half their size force them into submission like that – and when you were done you asked if I wanted to leave and go get ice cream. We couldn’t, cause you vomited on the way there, but I knew in that moment I loved you and I feel so hard, so quickly, I didn’t know what to do. And you never… you never indicated you thought of me as anything other than a friend so I didn’t try. Then you dated Greg who, in my opinion, sucked on his best days, and you encouraged me to date Abigail and I…”
He’s run out of breath and of things to say.
“I just love you, Y/N. I’m in love with you.” He adds, “I hope that’s okay.”
He finally looks at you, then. You’re just staring and he panics when he can’t make out what you’re feeling. He’s always been able to read you, you’ve always hated the saying that eyes are the windows to the soul because your eyes are always your tell, but now they’re… glassy.
You’re crying.
“Spencer…” You gasp, throat tight.
“It’s okay.” Spencer gives a tight-lipped smile. He knows what’s coming. He should’ve expected it. He has been expecting it.
“I love you too, Spence.”
Spencer chokes on air. He takes a gulp of wine.
You give him a teary smile in disbelief, “I’ve always loved you, Spence. I thought you knew that – I thought that big brain of yours knew exactly how I felt and… you didn’t do anything about it so I thought you didn’t feel the same. Spencer…”
He slowly moves a hand to place it palm-up on the table. Immediately you place your hand in his, your grip tight as you lovingly stare at him. This feels unreal.
“I’m in love with you too, you idiot.” You half laugh, half cry, “If you’ve really loved me this long, we’ve wasted so much time! God, we’re both idiots.”
Spencer’s crying too, now, and he starts laughing with you.
You’re two idiots in love, sitting opposite eachother on the roof of your place of work in a dream-like surrounding filled with fairy lights and flowers, and you could’ve been doing this for years.
Spencer sniffles, looking at you through his wet eyelashes, “Would you like to be my girlfriend?”
“If I say yes, will I get more dates like this?” You tease.
“Well, Garcia has a whole evidence board of date ideas she stole from Pinterest. We have enough ideas to last a lifetime.” He giggles.
“Penny was in on this?!”
Spencer gives a heh, “This is all thanks to her, so yeah.”
“She’s always had our backs.”
“She’s also now going to be convinced she’s cupid.”
You laugh again, and can’t help yourself when you lean across the table, still gripping Spencer’s hand, and letting your lips fall on his. Spencer leans into you, lips moving against yours as you both try to suppress grins.
You pull back slightly, Spencer’s lips following you, and whisper, “I would love to be your girlfriend.”
He kisses you again. And again. And again, just cause he can.
Big plan, big payoff. You’re worth every little stress and more.
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anotherhellchild · 3 years
more fic recs please!!! i feel like i've read every bakugou fic on ao3 :(((
ohh yess of course!
I actually just posted this before i saw your ask but i’ll add this one again
- Hop to it, hero 
This one’s about baku going to miruko for an internship and he chills and kicks ass with miruko and hawks! so far its very lighthearted and i’d def rec this if u wanna laugh :DD
- Lost In The Darkness
This one’s really long! its 124k and 25 chapters in and still ongoing! but i really really like it!! Quite angsty but also super lighthearted and funny, basically some things go wrong after the league kidnaps baku and then baku and shiggy get stuck together for a while and they kinda gotta not murder each other if they wanna survive. lets just say things get kinda complicated and Stockholm/ lima syndrome may or may not be part of the problem.
(also shiggy and baku are both gamer nerds)
- Scent of the broken written by @katutsukushii
Really good! set in an a/b/o universe (yknow with alpha’s, beta’s and omega’s or something) and i honestly dont really read stuff like that because i dont know a lot about it and therefore im never sure what the hell is going on but yeah! this is really good and also angsty. im very excited to see what happens next tbh but its about an omega katsuki who gets rescued from a Not Good place and then he gets adopted by the erasermic fam (with shinso). Make sure you read the tags if you wanna read this one cause it can be triggering. 
- Blame it on me
Foster care au! Again, baku gets adopted into the erasermic fam! There is angst but also quite a lot of fluff. Also this ones already finished, it has 20 chapters but i do believe its been made into a series and there’s another fic thats just started in that series. 
- Spiteful written by @lawgrain 
omfg this one is sooooo good i love it!! it baku being the beautiful petty bitch he is but its completely justified!!! hatsume helps him too and everyone is being an asshole and its honestly just some prime baku angst!! its so good seriously
- Social media 101
Okay at this point im literally going through my bookmarks and thinking “!!!!!” everytime i find another fic i can’t not add but this is So Good!! It deals with baku and the media and baku is honestly suffering so damn much it brings me pain istg if he doesnt get help soon in this fic i Will riot.
- A soul made of cinders
for my fellow tdbk simps out there. This is just A+
it has angst and two idiot soulmates who can feel each others pain and have been able to feel each others pain throughout their entire lives, both these idiots have shitty parents btw and of course only not-emotionally constipated people would know how to deal with that, unfortunately, the idiots we’re dealing with do not posses the happy childhoods needed for that skill.... what else do you need?
- A trip to remember
Okay im going overboard and I need to stop but i needed to add this one real quick cause guys!!! THIS IS SO GOOD! still ongoing and its been awhile since the author has updated (which isnt a problem of course, im not complaining) BUT ITS SO GOOD!! Some serious bakusquad angst and they are suffering and its straight up not a good time cause theyre kind of maybe dying and we dont know what exactly happened yet but we’re slowly finding out. 
Phew alright i’ll stop now but if anybody reads any of these and they like it then maybe leave the authors a comment? It can seriously make someones day and as a person who writes stuff sometimes too I know its always appreciated so so much! 
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gryphsdeadbones · 4 years
so i got to thinking about when the gordons finally get peeled after rescas 2 and the related thought of how often they wear the HEVs and how nice a damn shower is gonna be, feetman IMMEDIATELY takes off the suit bc he only wears it if he HAS to cuz its not the most comfortable thing, freeman wears it more often than not bc he's cautious but takes as much time as he's comfortable out of it so he doesnt have to wear the metaphorical Weight of it (1/2)
but freemind strikes me as the kind of person to just like, never take off the suit because he's paranoid and basically what this is leading up to is Freemind Touch Starved Moments. feetman gives him a good ol dad smack on the shoulder and freemind's gotta fight off the urge to cry bc thats the most human contact he's had in a long time but like hell is he gonna admit that to anybody, even himself (2/2)
gordons with no hevs... peeled....
on god its like a safety thing as well ;; 
feetman at least has an easier time out of the hev bc his most recent memory after finishing black mesa is chuck e cheese party (yeah...)
despite all the fuckery in black mesa with the science team, he seems the most ‘well-adjusted’ to the era- okay not really. but instead of going into stasis after the tram he gets to (stressfully) party and is held at gunpoint to go to the movie theatre with gman and science team. he still has his hev on, but doesn’t really need it. if he got the chance to shower and change he’d definitely go for it
i like how feetman does use the mark 5 hev in the acab stream! i think the crew have kinda referenced science team with casual wear i dont remember
freeman would definitely have the hev on him at all times. the civvies he wore at the start of city 17 was somewhat comfortable but its useless if he gets shot at
nevermind the fact that none of them have helmets its okay the plot hev will protect them
he’d much rather wear the armor when there’s an active battle going on- i like to think when everything ends well and the resistance crew hang out in white forest he just chucks the armor away when he needs to sleep/rest. 
freeman likes to be comfortable ! he just cant afford it at the moment where everythings going to hell in a handbasket. he really is just a nerd in a hev suit, and given the chance he’d wear like.  a labcoat over his hev suit. just for fun
weird to think about but they all probably have very thin casual clothing (shirt/leggings/etc) under their hev suits. the hev underarmor/body suit goes over it and theres some sciencey stuff to it that makes it bearable 75% of the time
freemind would be... very conscious of being out of the suit for sure ! he also doesn’t like the bright orange ‘shoot me here!’ part of the suit so if the underarmor has just enough protection... he’d definitely wear it under his casual wear
but like hes very conflicted about it- on one hand there might still be trackers. on the other hand theres enough padding on the knees and elbows if he has to run/fight- some cover/armor is better than thin fabric layers
freemind also strikes me as the person who does not like people up in his space more than normal- youd have to be a very, very trusted person to get close, and his general asshole-ness and smug attitude helps keep the distance
but he’s both touch-averse and very touch-starved and it sends a number of mixed signals to his brain- he’d rather not deal with it so he avoids contact as much as possible.
before the resonance cascade he didn’t really care for it. he didnt care for contact with strangers in dates and whatnot and it’s like whatever (he does mind being tazed or maced though)
AFTER the resonance cascade those touch-averse feelings explode off the fucking charts and he’s unsure of how to deal with it. people get too close and he’ll freak out- 
he does sometimes freak out when the other freemen get close but he’s learned he can trust them and doesnt react as badly. its just frustrating for him to manage but theyre all very understanding about it- they all somewhat have the same issue to an extent. and theyre kind of linked in a way (like drift compatibility but not that direct??)
theyve all gotten past how weird it is sometimes because ‘you’re me but also not really?? but you’re also me??’ who give a shit... go hug urself.... self care....sometimes bully urself when its funny and not harmful
they are homies and also possibly dumb roommates to each other
if they all stay together and re-adjust to regular kind of society and not worry about combines and stuff, they can...deal with it. physically and mentally recover a little. relearn to love and trust when theres no fear of getting grievously injured and killed in violent settings
freemind is really hard to get close to and he doesn’t make it easy for himself and whoever’s trying to be genuinely friendly
he has no idea how to deal with affection. hes a very rude guy but he’ll probably cry and never admit that god, he fuckin needs this. human people need hugs to survive. thats facts. he’ll look away from that fact. he does not see it
freeman gives him a kind of mocking-yet-sincere pat on the head and mentally he bursts into tears. ‘what the fuck. fuck off. but also thanks i like this’
im rambling and probably being redundant in some parts but [VAGUE HAND GUESTURES @ FREEMIND ]
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queenlua · 3 years
hey, i started following you recently and ur bio says ur a hacker? any tips on where to start? hacking seems like a v cool/fun way to learn more abt coding and cybersecurity/infrastructure and i'd like to explore it but there's so much on the internet and like, i'm not trying to get into anything illegal. thanks!
huh, an interesting question, ty!
i can give more tailored advice if you hit me up on chat with more specifics on your background/interests.
given what you've written here, though, i'll just assume you don't have any immediate professional aspirations (e.g. you just want to learn some things, and you aren't necessarily trying to get A Cyber Security Job TM within the next three months or w/e), and that you don't know much about any specific programming/computering domain yet.
(stuff under cut because long)
first i'd probably just try to pick some interesting problem that you think you can solve with tech. this doesn't need to be a "hacking" project at first; i was just messing around with computers for ages before i did anything involving security/exploitation.
if you don't already know how to program, you should ideally pick a problem you can solve via programming. for instance: i learned a lot back in the 2000s, when play-by-post forum RPGs were in vogue.  see, i'd already been messing around, building my own personal sites, first just with HTML & CSS, and later on with Javascript and PHP.   and i knew the forum software everyone used (InvisionPowerBoard) was written in PHP.  so when one of the admins at my RPG complained that they'd like the ability to set multiple profile pictures, i was like, "hey i'm good at programming, want me to create a mod to do that," and then i just... did. so then they asked me to program more features, and i got all the sexy nerd cred for being Forum Mod Queen, and it was a good time, i learned a lot.
(i also got to be the person who was frantically IMed at 2am because wtf the forum is down and there's an inscrutable error, what do??? basically sysadmining! also, much less sexy! still, i learned a lot!)
the key thing is that it's gotta be a problem that's interesting to you: as much as i love making dorky sites in PHP, half the fun was seeing other people using my stuff, and i think the era of forum-based RPGs has passed. but maybe you can apply some programming talents to something that you are interested in—maybe you want to make a silly Chrome extension to make people laugh, a la Cloud to Butt, or maybe you'd like to make a program that converts pixel art into cross-stitching patterns, maybe you want to just make a cool adventure game on those annoying graphing calculators they make you use in class, or make a script for some online game you play, or make something silly with Arduino (i once made a trash can that rolled toward me when i clapped my hands; it was fun, and way easier than you'd think!), whatever.
i know a lot of hacker-types who got their start doing ROM hacking for video games—replacing the character art or animations or whatever in old NES games. that's probably more relevant than the PHP websites, at least, and is probably a solid place to get started; in my experience those communities tend to be reasonably friendly to questions. pick a small thing you want to do & ask how to do it.
also, a somewhat unconventional path, but—once i knew how to program a bit of Python, i started doing goofy junk, like, "hey can i implemented NamedTuple from scratch,” which tends to lead to Python metaprogramming, which leads to surprising shit like "oh, stack frames are literally just Python objects and you can manually edit them in the interpreter to do deliberately horrendous/silly things, my god this language allows too much reflection and i'm having too much fun"... since Python is a lot of folks' first language these days, i thought i'd point that out, since i think this is a pretty accessible start to thinking about How Programs Actually Work under the hood. allison kaptur has some specific recommendations on how to poke around, if you wanna go that route.
it's reasonably likely you'll end up doing something "hackery" in the natural course of just working on stuff. for instance, while i was working on the IPB forum software mods, i became distressed to learn that everyone was using an INSECURE version of the software! no one was patching their shit!! i yelled at the admins about it, and they were like "well we haven't been hacked yet so it's not a problem," so i uh, decided to demonstrate a proof of concept? i downloaded some sketchy perl script, kicked it until it worked, logged in as the admins, and shitposted a bit before i logged out, y'know, to prove my point.
(they responded by banning me for two weeks, and did not patch their software. which, y'know, rip to them; they got hacked by an unrelated Turkish group two months later, and those dudes just straight-up deleted the whole website. i was a merciful god by comparison!)
anyway, even though downloading a perl script and just pointing it at a website isn't really "hacking" (it's the literal definition of script kiddie, heh)—the point is i was just experimenting a lot and trying a lot of stuff, which meant i was getting comfortable with thinking of software as not just some immutable relic, but something you can touch and prod in unexpected ways.
this dovetails into the next thing, which is like, just learn a lot of stuff. a boring conventional computer science degree will teach you a lot (provided you take it seriously and actually try to learn shit); alternatively, just taking the same classes as a boring conventional computer science degree, via edX or whatever free online thingy, will also teach you a lot. ("contributing to open source" also teaches you a lot but... hngh... is a whole can of worms; send a follow-up ask if you want that rant.)
here's where i should note that "hacking" is an impossibly broad category: the kind of person who knows how to fuck with website authentication tokens is very different than someone who writes a fuzzer, who is often quite different than someone who looks at the bug a fuzzer produces and actually writes a program that can exploit that bug... so what you focus on depends on what you're interested in. i imagine classes with names like "compilers," "operating systems," and "networking" will teach you a lot. but, like, idk, all knowledge is god-breathed and good for teaching. hell, i hear some universities these days have actual computer security classes? that's probably a good thing to look at, just to get a sense of what's out there, if you already know how to program.
also be comfortable with not knowing everything, but also, learn as you go. the bulk of my security knowledge came when i got kinda airdropped into a work team that basically hired me entirely on "potential" (lmao), and uh, prior to joining i only had the faintest idea what a hypervisor was? or the whole protection ring concept? or ioctls or sandboxing or threat models or, fuck, anything? i mostly just pestered people with like 800 questions and slowly built up a knowledge base, and remember being surprised & delighted when i went to a security conference a year later and could follow most of the talks, and when i wound up at a bar with a guy on the xbox security team and we compared our security models a bunch, and so on.  there wasn't a magic moment when i "got it", i was just like, "okay huh this dude says he found a ring-0 exploit... what does that mean... okay i think i got that... why is that a big deal though... better ask somebody.." (also: reading an occasional dead tree book is a good idea. i owe my firstborn to Robert Love's Linux Kernel Development, as outdated as it is, and also O'Reilly's kookaburra book gave me a great overview of web programming back in the day, etc.  you can learn a lot by just clicking around random blogs, but you’ll often end up with a lot of random little facts and no good mental scaffolding for holding it together; often, a decent book will give you that scaffolding.)
(also, it's pretty useful if you can find a knowledgable someone to pepper with random questions as you go. finding someone who will actively mentor you is tricky, but most working computery folks are happy to tell you things like "what you're doing is actually impossible, here's why," or "here's a tutorial someone told me was good for learning how to write a linux kernel module," or "here's my vague understanding of this concept you know nothing about," or "here's how you automate something to click on a link on a webpage," which tends to be handier than just google on its own.)
if you're reading this and you're like "ok cool but where's the part where i'm handed a computer and i gotta break in while going all hacker typer”—that's not the bulk of the work, alas! like, for sure, we do have fun pranking each other by trying dumb ways of stealing each other's passwords or whatever (once i stuck a keylogger in a dude's keyboard, fun times). but a lot of my security jobs have involved stuff like, "stare at this disassembly a long fuckin' time to figure out how the program pointer got all fucked up," or, "write a fuzzer that feeds a lot of randomized input to some C++ program, watch the program crash because C++ is a horrible language for writing software, go fix all the bugs," or "think Really Hard TM about all the settings and doohickeys this OS/GPU/whatever has, think about all the awful things someone could do with it, threat model and sandbox accordingly." occasionally i have done cool proof-of-concept hacks but honestly writing exploits can kinda be tedious, lol, so like, i'm only doing that if it's the only way i can get people to believe that Yes This Is Actually A Problem, Fix Your Code
"lua that's cool and all but i wanted, like, actual links and recommendations and stuff" okay, fair. here's some ideas:
microcorruption: very fun embedded security CTF; teaches you everything you need to know as you're doing it.
cryptopals crypto challenges: very fun little programming exercises that teach you a lot of fundamental cryptography concepts as you're going along! you can do these even as a bit of a n00b; i did them in Python for the lulz
the binary bomb lab is hilariously copied by, like, so many CS programs, lol, but for good reason. it's accessible and fun and is the first time most people get to feel like a real hacker! (requires you know a bit of C beforehand)
ctftime is a good way to see when new CTFs ("capture the flag"s; security-focused competitions) are coming up. or, sometimes CTFs post their source code, so you can continue trying them after the CTF is over. i liked Stripe's CTFs when they were going, because they focused on "web stuff", and "web stuff" was all i really knew at the time. if you're more interested in staring at disassembly, there's CTFs focused on that sort of thing too.
azeria has good ARM assembly & exploitation tutorials
also, like, lots of good talks out there; just watching defcon/cansecwest/etc talks until something piques your interest is very fun. i'd die on a battlefield for any of Christopher Domas's talks, but he assumes a lot of specific x86/OS knowledge, lol, so maybe don’t start with that. oh, Julia Evans's blog is honestly probably pretty good for just learning a lot of stuff and really beginner-friendly?
oh and wrt legality... idk, i haven't addressed it here since it hasn't come up in my own work much, tbh. if you're just getting started you're kind of unlikely to Break The Law without, y'know, realizing maybe you're doing something a bit gray-area? and you can cross that bridge when you come to it? Real Hacking TM is way more of a pain-in-the-ass than doing CTFs and such, and you'll learn way more with the latter, so who cares lol just do the fun thing
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troop52 · 3 years
do u !!! have any character theme songs for the troop boys? Like any songs you think really fits them (and why u think it fits)?
Before I get into it Im going to plug this collaborative Troop Playlist on Spotify, feel free to add onto it!! Continuing with my picks
I think a lot of the songs I associate with The Troop in general are just because I happened to listen to them around the same time I got into the book in the first place (So they could only be tangentially related BUT only if you squint hard) Example: Drunk by The Living Tombstone, cant really tie it into the story but in my mind its linked Some better, more fitting songs under the cut (Side note its LONGGG IM SORRY... Also its all YouTube links because some of these arent on Spotify :'^()
Disclaimer -Like 95% of my choices arent really a "These lyrics match up exactly 1 to 1" but more of an overall "the vibe/general idea its trying to capture lines up" type thing. If that makes sense.
Its Alright by Jack Stauber: Kind of self explanatory, I think its a perfect song for these guys. From "It's alright, I'm here, Everything's alright, Feels weird but calm, I wanna hear It's alright" to the whole sound of it- its all great. Equal parts distressing and sad with an almost eerie calmness to it. Despite it all theyre gonna be alright, right?
The Second Little Piggy by Worthikids: Another one that I think is sort of self explanatory- at least with the chorus. "If my brain turns to mush, If the shit hits the fan, Will you be my friend?" Kind of the falling apart of everything, specifically their relationships, in light of the incident.
Poor George by James Supercave: Another case of "listened to at the same time I read the book" BUT I was actually making a Troop PMV script with that song. I never finished it but maybe Ill revisit it... just for you
Cold Summer by Le Matos ft Computer Magic: I dont even think this takes place in the summer but the VIBES and also it came from Summer of 84, which is another good piece of murder boy media.
Treehouse by Alex G ft Emily Yacina: This is a Eef and Max type of song because they are bffs and thats final. Basic song because Im not creative, but I think its a nice heart to heart theyd have (with Eef doing the talking)
Fifteen Minuets by Nick Krol: On the flipside heres a song that goes with Eef and Maxs friendship fracturing, once again more from Eefs side than Maxs. THE GIRLS ARE FIGHTINGGG
As far as songs for the boys as individuals hmmm thats a good one that I havent thought about as much...
MAX + The Ghosts by The Real Tuesday Weld: That survivors guilt... lyrics arent like a perfect match but I think it gets that sort of hollow feeling across. Hes haunted man... + Final Girl by Electric Youth: Ok its a little funny because har har Final Girl Trope but I mean HE IS ONE. ANd dont look at me its a nice song- "Others were gone, and you kept going on, You know they never really noticed, you were always different, One by one, They're all done, And you're the last one standing" + Going Grazy by Lonesome Wyatt and the Holy Spooks: HONESTLY this could go for all the characters but Im tagging it onto Max because hes the one who has to deal with the aftermath of losing everyone (sorry survivors guilt Max again </3) "Everyone's saying my mind is unsound, 'Cause I always see you when you aren't around" "They're gonna wrap me in a jacket of white, And lock me away in a room without light" is what cements it as a Max song for me
EEF + The Existential Threat by Sparks: Once again starting sad, I link this one specifically to his paranoia about the worms- especially with lines like "Can't they see the existential threat is on its way". Kind of exasperated no one else can see the danger (he thinks) hes in. + Wrecking Ball by Mother Mother: I know I know its basic but I cant help it!!! Eef anger issues arc we are shaking hands me too + Haunted by Laura Les: Eef struggles with people seeing him as "just like his father" and I think we can get some good angst out of this track if we keep that in mind. Especially the back half of the song with lyrics like "Do you think I'm frightening?" and "Mirrors shatter when I'm passing, broken glass and crashing" since he is just a reflection of his dad (to others at least). Also song good.
KENT + Goodbye Mr A by The Hoosiers: Mfw the disillusionment with authority sets in. I think the vibe fits when he had that little epiphany about how adults are fucked- not perfect but it gets the idea across me thinks. + I'm Gonna Win by Rob Cantor: Ties into his need to "win" aka be the best at everything, be in charge, all that jazz! Hell do whatever it takes to be successful, even if it hurts. That was a little emo + Toba the Tura by Forgive Durden ft Chris Conley: Not to be emo again but "They say you're gifted, well I just see a scared kid. They must have flipped it, your skills are latent. O, you snuffed the glow. Replaced it with coals. Threw away the throne... This mess that you've made, it's a six-foot grave. It's a home for your lonesome bones that remain. We'll disappear, but you'll stay here to rot" AND SO ON AND SO FOURTH representing his fall after it was revealed he was sick. He was referred to as "the uncrowned king" and was on top of the world but then POOF that all crumbled and it was made out that he basically deserved what happened to him. It would be fun to make a pmv of him with this song (Simplifying my thoughts a bit because Ive already written a LOT)
NEWT + I Earn My Life by Lemon Demon: Ok a little Kentcore but Im actually having a hard time coming up with songs for Newton so here we are, they can share. Newt existential crisis moment time I guess + Know How by The Crane Wives: POV Newt struggles with going through with the plans he makes to keep everyone safe (stopping Max from touching Kent, going back into the cabin, etc) "I am not brave, I am not brave, I keep my focus on what is safe, You drew a line, made up your mind, And now I'm struggling to realize" And also maybe struggling with his place in the group and as a person in general- all that living through his cousin thing. "I gotta wrap my head around, What my heart is telling me, I've been trying to drown it out, Just because I know what I am, I am supposed to do now, Doesn't mean I know, Doesn't mean I know how" + On The Outside by Oingo Boingo: Idk man. Hes on the outside lookin in!! Loner nerd!! Its ok though, we still love him
SHEL + Bad Blood by Creature Feature: The lyrics speak for themselves: "I can guarantee I will do evil things, The only way that you can stop me now, Is if you put me in the ground, Somewhere I'll never be found" + Frontier Psychologist by The Avalanches: Hinges on the fact that the principal or whoever was like "Your sons a freak" and Shels mom was like "HES PERFECTLY FINE" while Shelley was like dismembering an animal or something + Johnny by American Murder Song: The songs good but theres this ONE LYRIC that sucks so the link provided is an edited version and also a lovely Warriors oc video I think you should all enjoy and support <3 Anyway Shel would be Johnny I could see this song being a scene in the book. Field trip to Shels house and they find his murder garden
If anyone wants more for Im not opposed to making another post :^)
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sjw-publishings · 4 years
Stay Straight Babe
“Im so glad I still have my lovely boyfriend with me during Quarantine, Amirite Cherry?”
“Yeah...hehe, so glad to have Sammie with me too...”
Anton, the Drama Queen laughed with his lesbian shy bookworm bestie as they discussed about theatre and all about. Of course, they would’ve invited their lovers along, but they were too busy being techno geeks and talking computer games in their gaming rooms.
“Did you have lunch yet?”
“Yeah, tried takeout from that famous Chinese restaurant downtown! Was super good!”
“Oh my god! Me too sistah!!!”
A large groan came from their study, where his boyfriend’s currently at. Anton naturally looked concerned for his boyfriend.
“What was that?”
“I don’t know! But something came from Sammie’s room too...”
“Yeah! I gotta check Kenny, Brb!”
Ending the call, Anton left the bedroom, and headed his way outside the study, about to open the door, but then a loud masculine voice rumbled from behind the door.
“Samantha? You’re just such a great fri... girlfriend... eungh so hot...”
Samantha? Who is that....But more importantly, why would his friend...boyfriend be moaning to a lady? Is he...cheating on him? But that can’t be, his geeky nerd cutie is as queer as a three dollar bill! But still, he had to check it out....that deep voice certainly did not sound like a nerd’s...
As Anton walked into the room, his eyes widened at the pile of clothes and tossed garments on the ground. Large XL sandblasted jeans, track pants, sneakers. Tons of sports posters and trophies decorating the shelves, and a large television screen playing the latest soccer match...though for some reason, he vaguely recalled seeing football and baseball at intervals.
But it definitely did not look like a study room...despite him initially thinking that it was. Alongside a couple of dart boards, some sports equipment, and a pool table, seemed like a recreation room...but since when could they afford...
A large moan came from the couch, as Anton came to the front of it, all his eyes focused on was an incredibly muscular asian hunk man-spreading in bliss, dressed in a white tee with an iconic sporting good logo in the front, left hand gripping his cellphone while his right hand dug deep into his clean white boxers. The man panted out of relief, and relaxation, like a weight lifted off his shoulders. Whispering into branded phone with his deep husky, asian tone.
“Stay Straight Babe~”
So hot...NO! Anton get a hold of yourself! Who was this Asian man? Where was his roommate? He had to get questions, even if this...extremely hunky cutie, looked so sexy dazed and looking up.
“What?...Who are you!”
The Asian man snapped out of his trace, eyes opened...but ever so slightly. He was asian after all, but he was chill...in control. Still leaning back on the couch, he looked at Anton, puzzled, before looking down at his exposed boxers and then back at the stranger. His mind cleared up in an instant, forcing out a-
Tumblr media
“Kevin Lang, Fag!”
The man said it, and gave that signature sarcastic response from only a jock bully like him. Smirking condescendingly, he was in charge, and that theatre gay started to tremble.
“Listen Queer, I know you’re thirsty and all for men during this. But some of us got girlfriends who we can’t visit. So stop being a WUSS and deal with it.”
Now this really pissed him, not even caring about the stickiness on his right hand, or that he had a pitched tent. All he knows now is to deal with this gay of a roommate who spied on him and his girlfriend. The tall 6ft 2 jock cornered Anton to the door.
“Go jerk to your boyfriend or something...oh that’s right! Even a FAG like you doesn’t have one!”
Anton was in tears, he remembered the countless dates that he had, alongside the taunts made by this douchebag Kevin who somehow managed to wolf his way into his life throughout college. He had to get out of there..., quickly opening the door and running back to the bedroom, locking it.
“I...I have to call Cherry...”
As he typed for her number, a sudden ringing notification popped up for the name Chelsea. Must be a typo when he was saving Cherry’s contact right? Cause that number definitely was Cherry’s.
“What happened?”
Almost suddenly, his mind shrugged off of whatever his homophobic roommate had said. His best friend was weak right now, he had to help her.
Gripping ahold of the phone, he didn’t notice the warm tanned spot spreading on his palms, down his wrists every second as he held the cellphone.
“Samantha...called me a dyke.”
“You know! My roommate, the one that’s dating yours!”
It made sense now, the two of them bonded over how much they despised their roommates bullying...and the strangeness of how the douchebag jock and queen bee couple somehow always interfered in their respective love lives...
Clutching the phone tighter, his wrists tightened as definition thickened his forearms. Curling his biceps subconsciously, toning strongly till they were the size of baseballs.
“Yeah Kevin was such a douche, had to defend myself from him tryin’ to whoop me...”
“Yeah, had to backflip and dodge Samantha’s attacks. Didn’t feel good knowing she still holds a grudge about me being a dyke.”
Heh, he knew his best friend could handle herself. She was still a cheerleader in training, but could whoop Samantha’s arrogant butt anytime. Must also be her half asian genetics like his.
Sitting up straighter, Aiton’s broad shoulders filled out his sweater, which almost ripped if it was not for that white stain sealing up the cracks. That white stain...which came from Kevin...right? Was there a stain?
The white coloration spread all across the attire, shrinking up the sleeves to simply resting just below his shoulders, accentuating his large biceps which he proudly admired. Alongside his large back which occupied his entire bed...wait, didn’t he?
Taking a closer look at his bedroom...wait, looking DOWN at his bedroom. He was on the upper bed of a double decker, with training equipment at the side and a couple of sports memorabilia which looked reminiscent of the recreational room.
Yeah of course that douchebag Kevin had to have most of the room with his crap...though it was not all bad. He worked out quite often during his spare time...outside of that artsy degree he had no idea why he took...did he take an artsy degree? He shrugged, doesn’t matter, he worked out.
Anyways it showed, leaning back and taking full charge of the entire bed. At least he was the alpha HERE! Listening to what his best friend spoke...though she was mostly talking about drama with her roommate, not the kind of thing he was interested in.
But he always liked her voice...
“At least...I think I like girls? But that was an accident! I don’t like Samantha!”
Aiton nodded, unsure of what to say, but felt...pretty cool about it. Crossing his legs, as he saw those large trunks that trained...almost like for years. They which reached the end of the bedside, as those khakis lengthened and stretched into XL sweatpants...gotta snatch that back his junk from Kevin later, but not now. He was cool, now. Kicking off his large trainers which went-
As they hit the floor, wiggling his size 12 feet beneath those white socks. Kevin could insult him all he wants later, it was his room too. The fledgeling Jock can say whatever he wants to anybody, and he says-
“You were like ‘I think I like girls’, sounded pretty dyke to me.”
Aiton smirked, teasing the cheerleader from across the phone. He always liked doing that, he was in charge after all.
He knew how icky the two cheerleaders felt towards homosexuals...but then again, wasn’t he a bit rude towards them as well? Not as bad as Kevin but an occasional joke here and there meant nothing right?
“Who you callin’ dyke, Fag?”
“Who you callin’ Fag, Dyke?”
Okay...maybe he didn’t like being called Fag either. But it was just insults between him, Cherlse, and Kevin and Samantha. Anyone else and they answer TO HIS FISTS....except maybe ladies...especially hot babes.
He began to palm himself, and as he kneaded his hard rocket, he sneered in disgust over a rainbow wristband on his wrist. He blinked, in its faggy place was a white sports watch. His rocket doubled up in size, while darkening in tan, its always time to be a Jerk, just like his Bro Kevin.
“You know i get weak when you use my own words~”
Cherlsea opened up her phone webcam, and Aidon did the same. Both smirking at the other. The Jock knew it was always ladies first, but he was a Jerk so-
“Oh damn...she’s hot!”
“Of course I am, do I still look pretty dyke to you~?”
Watching her seductively pose on her bed, it felt like ages since he had seen a woman like that! In that revealing tank and double Ds he could just!
Squeezing his own chest, feeling rock solid muscle layering his nipples, pectorals filling his sports shirt massively like the man he was. Feeling those abdominals as a well deserved 6 pack emerged from years of crunches.
“So hawt~”
“Course you aren’t hunky~you are so hawt, ooooooaaaaah!”
The Queen Bee’s second in command had let out her mating’s call, the asian babe was too much for the Douchebag Jock’s right hand man, and vice versa. As their desires linked up, with the help of a fortune cookie they ate prior, they were about to finally be set into motion.
Each of them felt a tight stinging to their holes simultaneously. As the Asian Jock’s butt hole tightened, the Cheerleader’s lady hole expanded. Like a trade of preferences, but that is not all.
As testosterone pumped in the man, churning larger sacks, as he watched his babe’s hair lengthen, his shrunk, and BUZZED off the sides and back, leaving a stylish gelled top, maintained with a pair of shavers, scissors, and his Bro. Not actually brothers, but they were asian , jocks, and total jerks. Wouldn’t be surprised if they were related.
Speaking of Asian, his tan had bathed his facial features alongside the rest of his body. Cleansing the GAY away from him as his jaw hardened into a fierce square. His lips snarled in momentary disgust, before his raising his cheeks, as that scowl shifted to an arrogant smirk as he watched his girlfriend do the same.
His brows complimented his prominent features, as they frowned, closing his eyes as his girlfriend’s moan was too much to bear...he needed RELEASE! RELEASE!
Aidan Long expelled a thick goo from below, as his eyes gave way to a thin fierce asian dark brown. Staring into the ceiling in a haze...before the sounds of his lover’s panting sent him back to reality.
“Man...that feels good, but still miss our hot damn ‘Dragon and Empress’ sessions before all this happened.”
“Yeah totally...stuck with bestie the whole day is fun and all but...she and your douche roommate keep doing it all day.”
“Caught him jerkin’ off too jus now...”
“Whaaaaaat! Omg same, saw Samantha doing that too!”
“Course...nothin’ beats my empress...”
“Same for you too...my long muscular dragon.”
Almost instantly, the doors slammed open. Of course, Kevin had the spare keys to the bedroom too, and he was sneering right at the door.
The two jocks laughed arrogantly, before sneering at each other. The two of them were thirsty, and they understood and respected that.
“Ohhh almost forgot, mwah mwah mwah!”
“Mwah mwah mwah back to you GAY!”
Kevin left the room, most likely going to order more of that Chinese take out or something. Doesn’t matter to Aidan though...he was friends with the man, but he wasn’t INTO INTO him.
“I swear this stay at home thing is turning me gay...”
“Oh there’s nothing wrong with some bonding sessions. Me and Samantha are pointing each other’s nails later on, and that isn’t DYKE!”
“Yeah, should probably binge watch soccer with that douche. Felt like We haven’t did a sports marathon in ages!...No homo of course.”
The two of them chatted for a while more, loving the company of the other intimately as they teased one another like the lovers they are.
But they eventually have to go to other stuff. And by stuff he wants to do, is CHILL.
“Love you hunky, talk to you l8r!”
The Jock simply posed to the camera,and spoke.
“Stay Straight Babe”
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sugarkinky · 4 years
Gamers gotta game
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Pairing: Gamer!jungkook x Nerd!Reader x Fuckboy!Jimin Genre: Future smut, fluff and angst (the holy package). Warnings: None in this part, actually.
A/N: This is my very first fic posted on here, please give me any kind of feedback you feel I might need. Not edited v. 
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*gif not mine*
7:34 am
You was almost late when you jumped out of bed and made it to the bathroom, your first class starts at 8:15 and you still had to walk for 20 minutes to get there. This left you with an empty stomach and a lack of caffeine for the rest of the morning, the class itself wasn't bad but you couldn't pay much attention to Mr. Patrick talking about some impossible function. After what felt like days, you were finally lunching with your friends on the cafeteria.
"Y/N, how could you forget my skirt?" Kenny said with her puppy eyes. You promised her you would borrow her some clothes that your mom insisted on buying for the sake of you "going out more".
"Sorry K, can't you pick it up tomorrow?" Your month were already full of sandwich.
"I guess it will do... Are you sure you won't come tomorrow?"
"Yeah, I'm not the frat party type, you know it" And specifically not this one, the Beta Tau Sigma were a fucking no-no for you after your first party with them on freshmen year. This guys are just crazy and loud as fuck.
Since it was a Friday, you made plans to watch some documentaries and order pizza with some wine. It was just perfect. 
Well, almost perfect if it wasn’t for the hungover from the cheap wine the day after. This was a typical Saturday afternoon, Kenny knocked at your door to hang out with you and you guys chatted about school stuff and about her crush that is supposed to be at the party. 
“What if he is already with other random girl and I don’t even know?” You stared at Kenny’s eyes with a scowl in your face. 
“What makes you think like that?”
“I don’t know, Jin is a very popular guy and older than us, from what I know he has no reason to tell me the truth.”
“So he has no reason to lie to you as well, dummy.”
And the afternoon passed like that, Kenny was already at the door when you shout to her:
“Get home safe bitch!“
“And you stay safe in yours sweetheart!“
(1:23)Kbae: bich, wasuuuuupp
The sudden noise scared you but you got up from the couch to go catch your phone in the kitchen table. 
(1:24)You: Are you ok?
Kbae: I thik I lost m cell 
You: No, you didn’t
It was a little late for you to deal with drunk Kenny but a side of you were worried that she wasn’t home yet.
You: Where are you?
Kbae: Im los at the bathroom 
You: Your bathroom?
Kbae: nooo im PRTYING LOL
Ok, now you are officially worried she’s going to get her head in the toilet at any moment.
You: Is anyone with you??
Kbae: no that bitc left m
So you remembered that Lisa, Kenny’s friend was there. You try to reach her with no success. You can’t believe she’s getting you out of the comfort of your couch because of her low alcohol tolerance, that dumb bitch…
You: Don’t move a single bone, I’m coming and you will pay me for this later.
The uber was almost there when you received the reply.
(1:50)Kbae: bt I hve no mony
The BTS house wasn´t that far from your place, but it was enough time for you to start regretting your decision. The single thought of a place full of people and loud noise was making you really anxious. When the Uber arrived you took at least 5 minutes getting out of the car, you knew something bad was going to happen with the bad luck you had.
The entrance had just two guys that, from what you guess, should be the security or something like that. You go straight to the door but you fail on not getting attention from the two.
“Hey, do we know you?” The blond guy ask you just when you were getting in.
“Probably not, I’m not the party type. Just here to pick up my friend.”
The blond guy look to the other that seem a little waisted.
“Yeah? What’s her name?” The waisted one shout at you.
They look at each other with a little surprise and the blond one say:
“The last time I saw her she was upstairs, are you sure she asked you here?”
“Hyung, let her in, I know her.” The voice comes from inside and you recognize it from your Contemporary Literature class, It’s Namjoon. You never thought he was into frat parties…
“Hi Y/N, I’m sorry for Yoongi and Hoseok here. They are just making sure you aren’t someone from a rival frat or something.” I laugh at the thought of it.
“It’s okay, have you seen Kenny?” You say as a proof of what he’s saying, Namjoon and Kenny are in the same major and maybe he would know where her dumb ass is.
“Not really”
When you get upstairs looking for her you see something you were afraid of seeing, but you know it was inevitable since it was a BTS party. Your ex, well not really an ex since you never had an actual relationship – what actually made the things worse. Jimin was a typical fuckboy but a smartass one for your bad luck, he was almost better than you in your classes and sweet with you. You didn’t know his fame back then and that led into you falling for someone who just saw you as a fuckbuddy. Since you never told him your real feelings, he never knew the reason for your sudden distance, he probably thought you got tired of him and with time he didn’t reach you anymore. And for it not being awkward, you made sure you didn’t took any classes with him this semester.
There you were standing in front of him kissing someone against the wall, you were just frozen in place when you remembered why you was there: Kenny. You almost run to a corridor that had a door with “WC” wrote on it.
But Kenny wasn’t there, actually there was another couple making out, which made you blush and say a lot of apologies after you saw the face of the guy: Jin. You closed the door and rested at a nearest wall, this night is getting worse and worse.
Ok, just breathe. If she’s not there, where?
You started calling her but she stopped answering you since you got there. You tried Lisa but with no success. So you decided to look downstairs but just when you’re reaching the stairs you collided with someone and thanks to your bad luck it was Jimin, of course.
“Hum… Hi.”  
“What are you doing here?”
“Oh, she made you come.”
“Yeah, you can say that.”
“Well, do you want some vodka? I know you’re not a big fan of beer.”
“Actually someone is waiting for me, sorry have to go” And you run to the closest door praying for it to be open and for the first time that night things worked out and you got no problem getting in. There was a guy in a computer in the room it took him just a few seconds to notice you.
“Hey! Don’t you know how to read? There is a sign at door saying DO NOT ENTER THIS ROOM you…” and the man sited before you turned his chair to see you.
“I’m sorry, can I hide here for a little?” He was shocked to see that you weren’t, first thing, trying to find a spot to make out – since you were alone – and second, drunk.
With a sad smile he said “Some weirdo is following you?”
I felt bad for lying but it was almost it wasn’t it?
“No problem, you can lay on the bed for a while.”
The room was not that big but it had two single beds and a study space with the most expensive-looking computer you’ve ever seen. When you sat on the bed, the guy returned to do something on the pc and put his headphones on again. When you got to see what he was doing you notice he was playing some game, who plays games on a party? Weird. Not that you were in a less awkward position.
“HYUNG, can’t you see the MAP?”
You were startled with the sudden shout and nearly jumped on the bed, then he turned to you and said:
“I’m sorry I didn’t mean to scare you.”
You just nodded and he returned to talk with someone on the game. So you remembered about the Kenny matter, where did this bitch went? You got your phone and text her like crazy, called Lisa and finally you got an idea: her roommate. You call Jisoo and she picks up rather quickly.
“Hello?” Her voice seemed a little sleepy, you must had woke her up.
“Hi, it’s Y/N. I’m sorry for waking you up but I’m trying to find Kenny. Did she go home?”
“Oh, yeah. She arrived here about 20 minutes ago, super wasted and crying. Did something happen?”
Oh, no. Seokjin.
“I don’t really know, but thanks for answering me this late.”
“It’s nothing, any time.”
“Well, good night.”
“Good night.”
Finally, the nightmare is over. Well not really over, you have to get out of this hell before that. So, you get up and go to the door, not really wanting to bother the man on his game. But he heard your steps and turned to you.
“Are you going?”
“Yeah, I’ll try to get home.” And you go back to your way.
You look at him and he seems a little self-conscious with what he has to say.
“I can take you to the door so you won’t get into trouble with the guy again.” He says that with a hand on the back of his neck. You feel bad for telling him a lie and make him worry about you, he seems nice.
“Ahm, I don’t think its that of a big deal. I don’t want to bother you any more that I already had.”
“It’s no trouble at all, actually I had delivered food and it should be in the way right now.”
“Okay then.” And you two go downstairs to reach the door as you’re praying you won’t see Jimin in the way there. When you got in the balcony you called an Uber and a strange silence got to the both of you.
“Ah.. I didn’t actually got your name.”
“It’s Jungkook, and yours?”
“I’m Y/N, thanks for letting me hide on your room.”
“Oh, it’s nothing.”
And the silence came again…
“Ahm… Is it your first party here? I don’t remember you from before.”
“Well, I’m not much of a party goer kind of girl.” He laugh at that and your face turned into a frown.
“I’m not laughing at you, I don’t like parties that much too as you could see.” You smile at that, yeah playing games wasn’t much of a party activity.
“Why do you live on a frat then?”
“That’s what I ask myself every day.”
That’s when your car arrived and both of you said your goodbyes.
(3:36) Jimin: Hey, missed seeing you.
 A/N: Thanks for reading, I’ll try to do part two if this one succeed. Send me a message I’d love that.  
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tillmays · 4 years
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They didn't notice when the last two weeks with Riley flew away... The last mission together, as a team, as a family. Matty called everyone to the war room. Riley was zoned out and for some reason was really nervous.
Matty- well before we start, let's make the best of it today. Riley, show me how hard can you go.
Bozer- wait ... what?! We still have a week left?!
Riley- that was a week ago.
Mac- it can't be I thought the same thing. bozer made a calendar about it.
desi- he made that thing THIS week.
Riley- it's okay boz, but today isn't my last day, don't worry.
Bozer- oh thank god because that means we still have time to make a Farewell party!
Matty- let the partying for later we have work to do.
But in fact Riley was lying Matty and her knew that was the last time within two months they were going to see each other. Matty sends them to a mission where the team faces an entire army. when they help an American reporter escape across the border from a South American dictatorship. They completed the mission in full success. 3 hours later they are back at the phoenix. They were all sweaty and covered in dirt and Matty was already waiting for them at the lab, she was looking for some dresses.
Mac- hey Matty.. We are here what's going on?
Matty- something surged. I need...
Riley- what?!  But we just got here.
Matty stared at her in a way saying to shut up. — I NEED to you guys go to this event.
Mac- Matty, I get that something surged, but we just fought an entire army in another country in the other extreme of this continent.
Matty- well I get you're tired but need to do your job and stop complaining Blondie.
Riley- can we shower first?
Matty- later.
Bozer- and where are we going?
Matty- It's a big event, you're going to the mansion of this Director, producer, I don't remember his name. , but he produced...what is that movie of the weird alien and the kid that flies into the moon?
Bozer and Mac got excited they jumped out of joy cause they knew who she was talking. — OH MY GOD it's Steven Spielberg!! *They said at the same time.*
Bozer- he's one of my favorites from my childhood oh god if I was making movies right now...and the movie is ET by the way.
Desi- how old are you? Jesus.
Matty- well but its fine since y'all are too tired to go.
Mac and Bozer- no it's fine we can do it.
Matty- well apparently your hero likes to make it big but hastily and very private. He's celebrating the premiere of his new project at his house. It's a big party it will have a red carpet and please, behave. Don't you dare to embarrass me, and if you try to make a move to meet him I will kill you. Your job is to get back a microfilm.
Riley- I microfilm? All this for a microfilm?!
Matty- it's not just that, someone is going to trade it at the event. There is something important in that, that the bad guys can't have.
Riley- can we shower now?
Matty raised her arm pointing towards the door.
At the party.
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Mac was wearing his classic black suit. Bozer was wearing a dark blue suit. Desi was wearing this gorgeous light blue metallic dress. With clear heels, she was wearing a bun and a light makeup. And our girl Riley, she was breaking necks that night. She was wearing this black and red dress, black heels and her box braids.
Riley and bozer walked together thru the red carpet. while Desi an Mac did the same. they are in.
Bozer- uh this is exciting. 
Desi- someone's not sleeping tonight.
Riley- let him enjoy this.
Bozer- yeah.. it's not everyday you are this close to meet one of your heroes.
Riley and Bozer were on this mission together. They were walking around until Bozer got distracted. He went to talk to some men, he knew they were producers and other writers, Bozer was in his element. Riley was at the bar behind him, listening to how well he thrived in that environment. Riley used his phone to hack into the cameras and see what was going on in the other rooms.
Desi- Has anyone seen anything?
Riley, well, nothing here. Unless you count all the attention Bozer gets, nothing.
Mac- me neither, I don't think something's wrong here.
Desi- I think the same. * said as Mac walked towards her, and she gave him his drink *
This man went to the bar and saw Riley all alone, he thought of saying hi.
Riley was playing with her drink, she was bored, she felt like she was wasting time, she felt stuck, she felt lost, she felt ... nothing ... and everything at the same time. ”why im here, we will finish this in a couple of hours..*she looked at the clock counting the last hours before she left to her undercover job, she saw Bozer behind her* i bet they aren't even going to miss me* but in that moment someone saved her from her own thoughts 
Man- didn't your mom told you that you shouldn't play with your food?
Riley made no move, showed no sign of interest.
Riley- well, if you pay more attention, you'll see that this is not food.
Man- your right. *Riley kept playing with her glass of whiskey and keeping her eyes down on the table as he sat next to her * so who your with?
Riley- excuse me. *she was giving him the back looking to the other way, but keeping her head slightly in his direction. Bozer was paying attention of what was going on behind him*
Man- I mean, what production are you with on the movie? Or something?
Riley- no, I'm just ... here you know. With one of “the productions” *she imitates him as if to imply that she was not going to say anything *
Man- oh I get it, I just wanted to know if you wanted
Riley- no uh
Man, but what if we could?
Riley- never gonna happen.
Man- Damn, are you psychic or just not interested?
Riley- no, I'm just busy.
Man- and what's keeping you so busy and alone in this beautiful party? *Riley turned around but didn't expect to see that. It was Chris Evans. She was amazed, but she was good with hiding her face expressions but for a second she was melting inside*
Riley- Well “Mr. Want to know it all”, I'm not alone, but I wish I was right now.
Chris- oh I see you keep it real.
Riley- mm I try.
Chris- you want to come with me, let me introduce you to some friends.
Riley thought it was a good idea. Might help to start moving around and cover more time, and see who had the microfilm.
Riley- you know what? Okay, hey Boz come on!. *She called to Bozer without taking her eyes off of his, they caught him off guard, and he said*
Chris- oh well I, I mean, I thought-
Riley- what?
Chris looked at her feeling somehow, he knew she was a big deal  and that dress wasn't helping.
Chris- uh no, it's just that, * put a hand in his pocket * I mean, I thought it was just the two of us.
Riley- well, you were wrong, move it Bozer. * Bozer turns around*
Bozer- oh my god!! It's Chris Evans !! Oh! Man I love your job and your last movie .. Man you kill it!
Chris- thank you man, apparently it seems that, today only one person likes me. *said while looking at Riley *
Chris- well come on.
Riley, Bozer and Chris hit it off at the other room, they were having such a good time, she almost forgot she was working.
At the projection Room.
Desi- hey so what's your thing with the alien movies?
Mac- it's not a thing, but Stevens work has changed the way movies are made now, and you can't deny he's good at his work.
Desi- so you're that kind of nerd.
Mac- good news for you, I get that a lot.
They laughed and kept talking. Riley saw them from the other room. But why she was checking up on them, she didn't care what they were talking, or why Mac was smiling that way, she didn't care. Well that was that she was telling herself.
Chris- so you want to head it off?
Riley- yeah I don't know.
Chris- oh come on, live a little.
Riley- let me check something with my friends first.
Chris- fine, but you better hurry. Some friends are bringing old microfilms to choose and watch an old movie.
Riley- they bring what? *Riley senses were alert and tried to get information about it*
Chris- yeah they are putting old movies at my place later.
Riley- well wait for me ok.
Chris- I knew you were gonna say yes. We live in 5.
Riley and Bozer went running back to Mac and Desi*
Bozer- dude where are they?
Riley- I don't know let me check my phone and see what I got on the cameras. Look they are close to the entrance, lets go.
They found them and they formed a little circle.
Bozer- we have to go.
Mac- why?
Desi- what did you do?
Mac- please tell me you weren't looking for Mr Spielberg?
Bozer- what?! No! Why y'all always think it's me!
Riley- guys!, pay attention. The microfilm isn't here.
Mac- what do you mean that the microfilm isn't here?
Riley- Chris friends are going to have a little screening at his place. And he told me that they are bringing some microfilms.
Mac- so they used this party to hide the real one.
Desi- but that makes no sense.
Bozer- just like this whole day girl.
In that moment someone crashed the party. They heard when the tires of a car screeched and everybody outside the red carpet started to run and scream. The gunshots started and the 4 of them looked at the door.
Riley- everyone outside in 3 ok.
Desi-  count on it.
Bozer and Mac helped everyone to run to the other side to escape. They went to the second floor to see if someone was there but no one was up there. They were walking back downstairs went they popped in to the star of the night.
Mac and Bozer got froze.
Steven S- oh guys are people up there? we gotta get everyone safe! Are you ok?
Mac and Bozer couldn't believe what was happening, but they snapped out of it.
Mac- yeah we're good, everybody it's outside. 
Steven S- well come on!
Bozer- I know this isn't the right time but sir I love your work I'm your fan!
Steve S- oh thank you son.
They were outside and they met with the girls.
Mac- hey you ok?
Desi- yeah we are good and you guys? *she got closer to mac, Riley looked what was going on, but she just frowned. Bozer and Mac walked a side and Mr Spielberg was behind them.
Riley- oh my god! I guess you are more than fine. haha
SS- oh this young man's help me get out.
Riley- yeah the safety of others is their top priority. *she winked*
SS- you two are to lucky ladies.
Desi and Riley just laughed.
Man- oh Steven where have you been? 
The guys were more the surprised.
SS- oh Bruce calm down, I'm fine.
Bozer- you're... you're.
Mac- Bruce Willis. Hi nice to meet you.
Bruce- hi nice to meet you all. Steven what the hell it's going on man??
SS- Bruce I want to introduce you to these young mans who helped me get out of that chaos.
Bruce-  uh they remind me of the goonies.
Bozer- the goonies??
Bruce- yeah.. you have that vibe of that kid, the chubby one. *everyone laughed* 
Mac- no we actually are more of the die hard type.
Bruce- oh really, i dig it.
SS- you can't see it even when you have it in front of your face they clearly are like the A- team.
Bruce- what? youre out of your mind. they are more of a... * they kept discussing while walking away.*
Bozer- wow they are like a Mac and Jack uh.
Riley- uhh Jack isn't going to believe this.
Desi- don't worry he can watch Die Hard anytime he want.
Riley- hahaha, i really miss him. *Bozer put his hand on Rileys shoulder.* 
Desi received a phone call. she looks at her phone. -its Matty.
Bozer- do not answer that, we better move now.
Riley- i will go find Chris.
Mac thinking “ why? we can just track his phone and find the place” but as always he didn't said something. 
Mac- i will go with Desi we will meet you there.
Mac just raised his eyebrows making a little smirk. Just trying to see her reaction. he make that Jack Daltons face when is trying to be provoke someone and put them on their nerves. 
Riley turned around and stared at him frowning her face. while saying to herself “dude what” she thought. while her mind was spinning like crazy wondering what was that. he was just saying it or he was trying to play mind games. 
This is the hair i picked for Riley for this one. wait for the second part :) ;)
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mattygraygubler · 4 years
new girl 1 (spencer reid fic)
hi babies. so excited for this new fic. thanks for reading <3 
find my masterlist here, send me an ask to be added to this tag list or to request something, and find my read rec account here
word count: 5.1k 
warnings: smutty smut smut
AN: you can tell pretty easily that im totally projecting what i want my life to be like onto the reader, which i have a tendency to do. anyway here's some smut, and a little introduction to the story, which im super excited for. if ONE PERSON sends me an ask saying they want another chapter ill post it. 
I was the youngest partner at my firm to pass the bar exam at the ripe age of 20 years old. My friends all made fun of me, as back then I wasn’t old enough to go out to celebrate passing the bar.
Working for Henley & Associates was a blessing I loved. Being a criminal defense lawyer was amazing. Defending criminals sounds awful, but Henley & Associates did a massive amount of pro bono work, which is what drew me to the firm. Yes, I had to represent some awful people that were clearly guilty, but I also got to represent people who needed me, who were innocent and needed an amazing defense lawyer in their corner (one they couldn’t afford). But after years with the firm, I was beginning to get tired.
It started when I was 22 and first joined the firm. As a bright newcomer, I was given easy cases others didn’t want. I didn’t care, I was just ecstatic to be working in a world-renounced firm, and getting to do pro bono cases. Getting to help people made up for the times I had to defend people I didn’t think deserved to be defended. The rich ones. The Jeffrey Epsteins and OJs of the world.
And then, after a few years, right when I made partner, things changed. I got the cases that no one wanted. The worst, and richest, criminals. I was told it was because I was the best, that they requested me, but quickly I got tired. I was no longer doing pro bono cases; I was stuck defending awful people who I felt deserved to be in jail.
So at the age of 25, I secretly completed two doctorates, one in psychology, one in criminology, and by the time I was 27, I was ready to leave Henley and Associates.
Erin Strauss was a bitch if I ever met one, but I had tremendous respect for the woman. After just one interview she told me she would be more than happy to explore placing me on any team I wanted.
And I knew exactly which one I wanted: the BAU.
“But what if she doesn’t like us??” Penelope whined as she sat on Derek’s desk.
“Baby girl stop freaking out. Hotch says if she’s a bad fit, she doesn’t have to stay.”
“I don’t know about that.” JJ said joining the conversation in the bullpen.
“What do you mean?” Spencer asked.
“They refuse to tell anyone her name, but apparently she’s kind of a big deal. Strauss offered her a position in any department she wanted, and she wants us.” JJ replied.
“So you mean even if she’s horrible and awful and terrible she’s gonna stay on the team?”
“Penelope, she isn’t going to be any of those things.” Derek replied.
“Who is this lady if Strauss is literally giving her free reign over the FBI?” Emily asked.
“I have no idea, like I said, they’ve kept things extremely confidential. Rossi let it slip that all the interviews took place at night in undisclosed locations so her current employers wouldn’t find out she was leaving.” JJ said.
“What, is she some sort of celebrity?” Pen asked.
“What kind of celebrity becomes an FBI profiler?” Spencer asked.
“God, I wish I had something, a description, a name.” Penelope said. “I hate not knowing things, especially about my team.”
“I believe you mean my team, Garcia.” Hotch said as he walked into the bullpen. “Conference room, we’ve got to wrap up the Baltimore strangler case before we leave for the weekend.”
“Ok, it’s my big night I am NOT letting myself be privy to this kind of behavior!” I said with a laugh. It was my big night, and me and my closest friends were out at our favorite bar celebrating. It was a Friday night, so it was busy and the smell of alcohol and sweat filled the air.
“You are completely going to let yourself be privy to this behavior.” Jenna said with a push on my shoulder. Our favorite waitress came over with some shots “on the house” she said, thanks to my new job.
Yes, we were in our mid-20s, but that didn’t mean we didn’t still act like kids sometimes.
“Oh my LORD, do you see him?” Isabelle asked. I turned my attention to the door, where a group of people were walking in. The one at the front of the group was tall and bald, with chocolate skin and a dazzling smile.
“Dibs.” Katie said immediately.
“Hey!” I exclaimed. “If anyone should get dibs on the hottest guy in this bar, it’s me.” “I’ll made you a deal.” Katie said with a mischievous smirk. I knew what that look meant, and I hated it.
“Alright, what’s the deal.” I asked.
“You manage to get the moody nerd he’s with to smile, and I’ll give you my dibs.”
“What moody nerd?” I asked. I was too focused on the gorgeous man we originally saw to notice the rest of his group, which I now scanned. He was accompanied by three attractive women and another man. Actually, man may not be the right word.
“Oh my god, Katie, he doesn’t even look old enough to be in this bar!” I said.
“To be fair, neither do you.” Jenna said with a smirk. She was right, I did look much younger than I am. “C’mon, Y/N/N, he’s such a cutie. You could totally boss him around.” My friends all laughed at Jenna’s quip.
“Okay, deal. I gotta wait for my opportunity, though.” I said. We resumed our drinking and laughing at our high table, but I kept my eyes on the other group across the room. None of them seemed to be aware of the world around them, they were having just as much fun as everyone else in the bar.
Except the moody nerd. He looked like I felt when I was the only woman at the gym: scared, uncomfortable, defensive, and out of my element. How the HELL am I supposed to make this weirdo smile? Finally, after who knows how long (drinking really changes time, doesn’t it?) I saw my opportunity. The tall nerd stood up from the table and starting collecting empty glasses, clearly about to go to the bar for a refill.
“Brb-“ I said suddenly and walked briskly to the bar, hoping to beat him there. We arrived at the same time, and I purposefully stood at the opposite side of the bar so if he looked across he would see me.  
“Y/N, gorgeous, what can I get you?” Hank asked with a charming grin.
“You already know, Hank.” I said and returned the smile. “And whatever the tall guy over there is having.” I replied.
“The one with the curly hair?” I nodded, and Hank replied with a chuckle. “He’s not normally the type of guy you pick up…”
“I’m aware. In order to steal dibs from Katie on the gorgeous man he came with, first I have to make that weirdo smile.” Hank just laughed and shook his head as he walked away to get the drinks.
He brought me mine and I began to move the straw around in a circle. I was aware of everything happening around me, but I pretended to be engrossed in my drink. I felt a man come up behind me and I silently thanked God. This was exactly what I needed.
“Hey sexy, how are you doing tonight?” The man slurred. I turned to him and smiled, leaning in and portraying positive body language that indicated that I was interested in this new suitor. I could feel the other man’s eyes on me, no doubt Hank had just given him the drink I paid for and pointed me out.
Only for this frat man to come up and speak to me. Once I knew the cute nerd was watching me, I changed my body language. This new guy was clearly a retired frat boy who was way too drunk to make any sense. He started to move closer and I didn’t have to pretend I was uncomfortable.
Hank came over and accidentally spilled on the guy, causing him to get angry and huff away. I thanked him, going back to my drink when I felt a new presence beside me.
“Uhm…” The person said and cleared their voice. “Th-thank you for the drink, I really appreciate it.” I looked up at him and smiled.
From afar, he does seem to be a bit of a moody, skinny nerd. But up close, I couldn’t deny how attractive he was. He was at least 6’ tall, and at 5’4” I was immediately turned on by his slightly dominating presence. He was well dressed, had a jawline that could cut me, and hair messy but in a purposeful way. It was curly and framed his face and I felt myself imagine running my fingers through it.
Maybe I had too much to drink.
“I’m Y/N,” I said and smiled.
“Spencer.” He replied with a nod.
“Do you like to dance, Spencer?” I asked. I think I already knew the answer.
“Uhm, actually, I’m not all that--“ I laughed, cutting him off.
“I guess I should’ve phrased that differently.” I said. “Dance with me, Spencer.” I pulled him onto the dance floor and could tell he was mortified. I took his hands in mine and placed them on my hips and I started to move back and forth in time to the music. I saw him look at his feet, but pretty soon he was loosening up and moving more easily.
“So, uhm, what do you do?” He asked, trying to keep the conversation going despite the loud music. I moved my body closer to him, pressing myself against him and leaning up to whisper in his ear, a trick I know turned on nearly every guy on the planet.
“You don’t care what I do, and I don’t care what you do. In fact, I don’t even want to know your last name.” He froze and stopped moving, but I moved my hand to the back of his neck, getting more leverage.
“You wanna know what I do know, Spencer?” I saw him gulp and nod and I moved closer so he could still feel my hot breath on his neck.
“I know that you’ve been trying to hide the fact that I turn you on. I know that the second I pulled you onto this dance floor you noticed I wasn’t wearing panties. And I know the second I walk out of this bar, you’re gonna follow me, and we’re gonna have an unforgettable night.” I pulled away and looked at the stunned look on his face.
I grinned and turned around, walking back to my table, leaving him standing alone on the dance floor, surrounded by sweaty, writhing bodies.
“You can keep your dibs, Katie.” I said when I got back to my table. My friends laughed and whooped as I grabbed my phone and wallet and walked to the door. “See you guys tomorrow!”
Spencer quickly dodged and weaved his way through the crowd.
“Uhm, Morgan, can I talk to you?” He asked quickly. Morgan realized something was wrong and stood up as Spencer pulled him to the side. “A beautiful woman asked me to go home with her.” He said. Derek just laughed, realizing that nothing was actually wrong with Spencer.
“Alright, good for you kid!” He said and punched Spencer on the shoulder.
“I think I’m gonna go with her.” Reid responded.
“Good!” Morgan said. Spencer saw Y/N pass their table and was relieved that Garcia, Emily, and JJ didn’t notice her.
“There she goes now.” Spencer said and watched as Y/N approached the door. Derek turned, but was only able to see her hips sway as she walked.
“Damn.” He said. “If her front is at hot as her back, I’ll fight you for her.” He said with a laugh. Spencer just looked terrified. “Reid, I’m kidding. Go get her!”  
I began to walk down the DC street when I heard footsteps jog to catch up to me. I knew I must’ve been drunker than I realized, as it was hard to walk in a straight line and I wasn’t cold in the October breeze.
Spencer fell into step and walked next to me.
“I live right up here,” I said, pointing to the apartment building on the corner. It truly was a blessing living a block away from such a great bar. He nodded, and I could tell he was nervous as he kept fidgeting.
We approached my building and it wasn’t long before I was unlocking the door and tossing my keys on the counter.
“Alexa, weekend night lights on please.” Immediately the LED lights that were strung around my apartment turned on, on a low, soft orange color. “Make yourself at home.” I said and walked into the kitchen to grab a bottle of wine and two glasses.
I came back to the living room to find Spencer squatting/kneeling next to my record player, picking an old Al Green album and putting it on.
“Good choice,” I replied as I poured the wine. He came over and I handed him a glass. Without my heels, our height difference was even more noticeable.
“Drink up,” I said with a wink. “You are much more sober than I am, and clearly that needs to change.”
“Is that so?” Spencer replied as he took a sip. “And why are you trying to get me drunk?”
“Alcohol raises the levels of GABA, which is a chemical neurotransmitter in our brain. It’s obvious I make you nervous, the more you drink, the more your blood pressure and heart rate come down and dopamine levels go up, physically making you less nervous.” I said.
My eyes widened the second I realized I had just had what my friends referred to as an “Y/N moment”.
“Sorry, I just… Can we forget I didn’t just ruin the mood with some stupid science facts.” I said, my hands shaking a bit. I was used to guys being intimidated by my intelligence, and this guy was cute. I didn’t wanna lose what could be a great night.
Immediately the dynamic between us changed. I was used to being the dominant one, but now that I was embarrassed, I no longer had the upper hand. My rambling seemed to cause a change in Spencer. He seemed to stand up straighter, his hands weren’t shaking, and his jawline was hard and sexy.
“So tell me this then.” Spencer said and took a step closer, lowering the distance between us. “Since you’re drinking too, should I assume that I make you nervous as well?”
This man was completely different than the one I had met in the bar. His voice was lowered and raspy, his eyes staring into mine, not bothering to break eye contact. I was shocked at the difference. Already turned on by him before, this change just made things even hotter.
“Uhm…” I said, putting down my wine glass to avoid looking at or answering him.
He took my chin in his hands, forcing my head up to look at him. “I do make you nervous, don’t I, Y/N?” He asked in that low, sexy voice.
“Uhm-“ “Uhm isn’t an answer.” He said forcefully. “What do you want?” He asked.
“Y/N, look at me.” He said, moving his body as close as he could without pressing it against me and putting his large hands on the side of my waist.
He leaned down to whisper in my ear, “What do you want?” I looked up at him, eyes wide.
“You.” I breathed out, barely a whisper. That was all it took. Spencer quickly moved his hands from my waist to behind my thighs, picking me up and slamming my back against the wall. He connected our lips, moving in a quick dance. I felt like I was inhaling him, his scent, the way his mouth tasted, the way his hands moved on my body.
He moved to kiss my neck, sucking and biting and making his way toward my chest as I gasped. “Bedroom,” I said. “Please.” Pleading was apparently a turn on for Spencer, as he continued to pick me up, holding my body against him as he found his way into the bedroom.
He tossed me onto the bed, and I grabbed the remote for the LED lights, turning them onto a dark red. Spencer climbed on top of me, connecting our lips once more. He started to push my dress up and I could tell immediately what he wanted. I tried to pull his shirt off, but couldn’t focus enough to get it off. I whimpered and my head fell back as he ran a hand from my knee up my thigh, stopping right before he got where I wanted him.
“Please,” I breathed, tugged on his shirt. He got up from on top of me to kneel and pulled his shirt off in one quick, sexy motion. He pulled my dress up further over my head and I was acutely aware of the fact that I was completely naked and Spencer was staring at my body.
“Holy fuck,” he said under his breath, staring at me like a starving man stares at a delicious meal. I wanted him to ravish me, and I could tell that’s exactly what he wanted.
“Spencer,” I whined as his hands started to move slowly up and down my thighs. “Please,” I begged. His eyes were dark, and we didn’t break eye contact as he shifted positions so his face was right in front of my dripping pussy. I could feel his hot breath and I squirmed, grabbing at any part of him I could reach, trying to get him to touch me in any way.
“Someone’s eager,” he said. He finally broke eye contact, now staring at my pussy. He moved closer and slowly put his tongue on me, moving slowly up and down my slit, barely touching me. It was enough for me to whine again, and close my eyes instinctively.
I grabbed his hair, trying to pull his face closer to me. I squirmed, but he continued to tease me, barely letting his tongue touch me.
“Please Spencer please,” I begged and pulled his hair harder. He kept his tongue barely touching me, but grabbed my wrists with his strong hands. He placed them on the bed beside me, allowing me to grab onto the sheets beneath us.
He spread my legs and knees so I was fully exposed to him. He was no longer teasing me with his tongue, but staring at my pussy again.
“If you move your hands or your legs, I’m gonna stop and start over. Understood?” He said. I nodded.
“I can’t hear you.” He said.
“Yes, I understand.” I breathed out. He gave me a smirk and didn’t break eye contact as he connected his tongue with my throbbing pussy. Immediately I moaned and couldn’t help but move one of my hands, grabbing out for him.
He pulled away. I whimpered once again.
“What did I tell you?” Spencer growled and put my hand back. “Don’t. Move.” He went back to eating me out, starting slow and focusing on swirling and sucking on my clit. I started breathing heavily, in total bliss. Never did I expect this man to have such an amazing tongue. He started to go faster and my legs started to snap shut.
Spencer stopped again, fixed my legs, and started from the beginning, slowly licking my pussy. I squirmed and bucked my hips, doing anything I could to get more connection from him on me.
He continued this pattern, edging me with just his tongue, starting over every time I moved too much.
“Please, Spencer, please.” I said. “More.” I felt him grin against my pussy.
“What was that?” he asked, pulling away slightly.
“More, Spencer, I need more, please.” He continued to eat me out, faster and faster, my head falling back onto the pillow. I got closer and closer to the edge when I felt him slowly insert one long finger into me, sliding it slowly in and out as he continued to eat me out. I gasped and couldn’t help but reach out for him.
“Uh uh uh,” he said and shook his head. “Do you like being a bad girl? Do you like being teased?” He asked. He was no longer eating me out, but I felt his finger slowly curl inside me, eliciting a moan from my mouth.
“Please Spencer,” I said quietly. “I’m so close to the edge, please, can I please cum?” He gave me another devilish grin. He slid another finger into me, which I guess was his answer.
His tongue was still swirling on my clit as his two fingers began to curl inside me. I tried to keep my legs and arms where he wanted them, but I could feel my entire body shaking from the orgasm I was about to have.
Right as I was about to tumble over the edge, I gasped as Spencer pulled out his fingers and backed his face away. I whimpered once again.
“Baby,” I said and pulled him up to me so I could kiss him. “That’s not fair.” I whined with a smirk.
He was still wearing his pants, and I could see his erection pushing again the fabric. “You like teasing me?” I asked and kissed his neck. He groaned in response, turning me on even more.
“I could’ve made you cum ten times by now,” he growled in my ear.
“Then why didn’t you?” I asked between kisses down his jawline.
“I think you already know the answer.” He said with a smirk, his brown curls falling into his face.
“Spencer,” I whispered in his ear. “Flip us over.”
Spencer obviously didn’t need to be told twice. Immediately his arms were around me and flipped us over so he was on his back and I was lying on top of him.
I knelt on the bed and drunkenly fumbled with the belt buckle on his pants. I could feel his chest shake with quiet laughter as I struggled with his belt.
“You’re not as dominant as you pretend you are,” Spencer commented and grabbed my hands and pulled me up to kiss him. I ran my hands down his chest back to the pants that were now gone. I pulled off his boxers, revealed an erection I was not expecting.
Spencer was hung.
He saw my eyes widen and I felt him chuckle again.
“See something you like?” He asked me. I slowly squinted at him, a playful smirk on my lips.
“Maybe…” I said. I grabbed his dick in one hand, wiping the precum down his shaft and putting just the tip in my mouth. I began to swirl my tongue, not moving my hands.
“Fuck, Y/N,” Spencer said and started to pull my hair. I whimpered and started to suck harder, my hand and mouth moving on their own.
I’ve given head plenty of times before, but watching Spencer’s naked frame get so much pleasure from something I was doing… He looked like a Greek statue, so chiseled and pristine, but powerful. Powerful was not what I thought when I first met him.
I continued to stare at him every chance I got, sucking and moving my tongue trying to find what brought him the most pleasure. A string of cusses left his mouth and his grip on my hair tightened.
“Fuck, Y/N, I’m gonna cum,” he said. I slowed down my movements, eventually ending the way I started, sucking and swirling on the tip, teasing him the way he teased me.
“Did you… Did you just edge me?” Spencer asked, his eyes staring into mine. I smirked, my eyes glinting as I winked at him.
“You pushed me to the edge nearly seven times. I felt like I needed to return the favor.” “Get over here,” he said and sat up, pulling me on him so I was straddling him. “Ride me, baby girl.” I began to kiss his neck as his teased me by rubbing his cock up and down my folds. I bit his neck right as he put his dick all the way in, bucking up his hips to meet me. I gasped, moaning in pleasure.
“Oh fuck Spence,” I said, not even realizing I had called him by a nickname. He played with my nipples in his fingers as he kissed me, my hands looped around his neck to give me leverage as I moved up and down.
Because of the edging, it didn’t take long for us to reach the edge, thankfully together.
“FUCK, Spencer, right there, please, please,” I said as his dick repeatedly hit my g-spot, making me cum. My juices dripped down his cock as he continued to slam into me. My entire body was shaking with pleasure as Spencer fucked me through my orgasm, his occurring almost immediately after as my pussy tightened around him from my orgasm.
He continued to thrust slowly as we came down, eventually collapsing beside one another, out of breath and tingling from the massive orgasms.
It was just a few minutes when I got up from my bed. I wasn’t ashamed of being naked. I found Spencer’s clothes on the floor and tossed them to him. He was sitting on my bed naked, leaning against the headboard with his hands interlaced behind his head, his muscles flexing ever so slightly and accidentally.
I wanted to ride him again, but I knew it was late and I had to be up early on Saturdays.
“I’m going in the shower.” I said curtly, not bothering to look at him as I walked to the bathroom. When I got to the doorway, I turned back to look at him.
“When I get out, you better be gone. Don’t leave any personal contact info, I’ll burn it. Oh, and there are cameras hidden all over the apartment so don’t even try to rob me.” I shut the bathroom door, loud enough to make a point, but not a slam.
What kind of person has cameras all over her apartment? Spencer asked himself.
As he pulled on his clothes, he looked around at the bedroom, taking into stock the different possessions, still ever the profiler, even intoxicated. He was finding it hard to focus, he normally barely drank, but somehow this bubbling, impulsive, beautiful girl had not only managed to get him drunk, she managed to get him into bed, which was a massively impressive feat.
Spencer heard the shower turning off, muttered ‘shit’ under his breath and began to walk to the door, making sure he had his wallet, keys, and phone.
The second he got outside, he called an uber (as the metro was no longer operating it was so late). Once he got in the car, he dialed up Derek, knowing that he was probably just finished with a similar night, aka his regular Friday routine.
“Morgan,” Reid said, still out of breath.
“Woah kid, what’d you do, run a marathon?” “Morgan, this girl… She’s amazing.” “Amazing? Damn you really haven’t gotten laid in a while.”
“No, Derek, I’m serious.” Spencer said. “She had a worn out copy of ‘Brave New World’ on her bedside table—”
“Reid, talk slower.” Derek said. “You’re still drunk and I can’t understand you.”
“Sorry,” Spencer said.
“So when are you seeing her again?” Derek asked.
“I’m not.” “You’re NOT?” Derek said, raising his voice.
“She didn’t want to. She didn’t tell me her last name, her age, what she did for a living. All I got was a first name.” “Which is?” Derek asked.
“I kinda wanna keep it a secret. Tonight was amazing and… I don’t want to tamper with the memory by sharing all the details. Does that even make sense?” Spencer asked. Derek laughed, confirming he understood.
“Reid, you’re a profiler. You were in this girls apartment, and in this girl, for hours.” Spencer coughed when he heard the ‘inside this girl’ quip, but Derek just continued. “You must’ve seen something that could help you find her.” “I kinda don’t want to.”
“Why not?”
“Tonight, she just seemed like… The perfect woman. I know that sounds stupid but that’s how it felt. Maybe it’s just me not getting laid in a while, like you said.” “Well, good job on your first one night stand, pretty boy!” “Hey!” Spencer said. “How’d you know it was my first one night stand?” “I’m a profiler, too, kid. I’m going to bed, see you Monday.”
“See you.” Spencer said and hung up the phone right as the uber pulled in front of his apartment building.
He took off his clothes once more, collapsing on his bed in just his boxers. It was rare that the team got a full weekend off, and Spencer wanted to take advantage of it.
He spent all of Saturday in bed, reading, using his eidetic memory of Friday night’s events as he pleasured himself. His thoughts came back to the girl over and over, the way her body felt, her soft skin, the way her hair tickled him as she kissed his neck.
And when he had finished, his memory brought up other tiny details he didn’t think he remembered. Spencer’s unconscious mind had managed to soak up more information than he thought, and he spent Saturday night dreaming not only of the girl’s body, but of everything else he learned about her as well.
Every time he closed his eyes he saw her smiling face from the bar, the first time she smiled at him.
Sunday morning Spencer was sober enough to put together more details. He remembered the bottle of wine they drank, and remembered the movies in her cabinet. One French filmed piqued his interest as he was hurriedly leaving, it was a movie he hadn’t seen before.
He rented it, spending a lazy Sunday alone on his couch, snacking and watching every movie from her shelf that he hadn’t seen.
Monday morning came too fast for the team. They had a whole weekend off, of course they took full advantage of it, walking into the conference room like zombies holding coffee.
“She’s coming today,” Garcia said, reminding everyone. Of course they already remembered.
“Baby girl, relax, I’m sure she’s great.” Derek responded, holding her hand comfortingly.
“Look alive, people,” Hotch said as he walked in the room. “We’ve got our new member joining us today, JJ, what’ve we got?” JJ began to explain the new case, and immediately thoughts of the new girl left the minds of the team. Until there was a curt knock on the door.
“Come in,” Hotch said. Strauss opened the door, stepping inside.
“BAU,” Strauss said. “Meet your new member, Y/N Y/L/N.”
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simptasia · 4 years
there are lots of couples in lost (and i adore most of them), so why am i so fixated on daniel/charlotte? they’re not one of the prominent pairings and they're technically not even a couple, they’re love interests who had potential
well im gonna make a list about it. this isn’t me feeling the need to justify myself or being self conscious. legit, nobody’s ever asked. which is surprising but nice. people just let me roll however i want. i just like making lists. and i like dan/char. like, a lot. a lot more than the source material kinda deserves
i love daniel faraday. i fucking adore daniel faraday
i love charlotte lewis... welllll okay i love the concept of charlotte. she sadly was under utilized as a character (and bex was wasted as an actress, which is sad cuz she’s really great). like, when talking about char, the word “implied” comes up a lot. so i like the idea of char. the vision i have of her in my head. legit a lot of char to me is fanon, exaggeration of canon, and some projecting of myself and bits of her actress  not entirely an oc, i’m working with her as a base. which is: beautiful scientist lady in love with daniel faraday. thats more than enough for me to work with!
nerds in love. nerds in love! media has soaked us with that stupid “all nerds are virgins” trope that ppl don’t realise something very important: NERDS LOVE NERDS AND BANG NERDS AND MAKE BABY NERDS
gentle soft spoken not physically inclined boy + loud outspoken adventurous girl pairing. it’s about the contrast
gorgeous lady in wuv with and attracted to the scrawny nerdy guy pleases me. i mean, this trope but not played for like, laughs or whatever. and if you think char ain’t attracted to dan, well you haven’t looked at her face around him as much as i have. but to be fair, nobody has. anyways check out the scene of them meeting again in limbo for good smitten faces
by the time we meet them they’re already in love, like we didn’t see them meet or fall in love, their time on the boat, i REALLY wish we did but writer’s strike so NONETHELESS, i can use my imagination
they’re very protective of each other, i love that kinda thing
they’re very affectionate. lotsa touching each other. these two touching each other so often you’d swear they’re an Official Couple already
the trope of Everybody Realises They’re Into Each Other Except For Each Other. and like, they both love each other but don’t think it’d be reciprocated. please note that charlotte was genuinely fucking surprised that dan loves her. and that FASCINATES me
jeremy davies and rebecca mader are great actors and they just have chemistry. like, this shouldn’t work, the writers honestly didn’t give dan/char the attention they needed/deserved, but for what little we get of them, it still does work. and i gotta put that down to the actors. and props to bex, again, because she was given very little to work with
on the note of jer and bex, i have crushes on them and well, that fucking helps, don’t it. dan and char are beautiful and i [heart eyes]
they’re just really sweet together?? and they respect each other too. like they don’t talk down to each other. i feel like the world puts them in their slots: nutcase and bitch (ableism and sexism, basically), and treats them accordingly. but they'd never treat each other that way. they look out for each other. they enjoy being around each other! and they look at each other like the other is the most precious being on earth
and yeah i’ve just gotten in the habit of making headcanons and meta and imagining these two (and miles), like it’s really really easy and enjoyable
and really, having fun, that's what shipping is for. including shipping an underdeveloped side not-yet-couple from a show that ended ten years ago. other lost ships have waaay more to work with, way more to talk about but i dunno, i just like default to these two (and dan/char/miles) a lot. maybe cuz it’s easy to digest? because there’s not a lot in canon? that plus all the time i said above. sometimes i do feel weird that i talk about these two as much as i do, because the meanie in my head is like “What’s The Big Deal?” but ya know what? i’m having fun. and also: why not!
also there's angst. i forget to mention the angst. lost was kind enough to give me tragedy AND a way for them to live happily ever after!
there’s a bunch of little details about them that i could go on about (and likely have) but basically they’re cute nerds in love that would die for each other and if given the chance, would make a wonderful couple
epilogue: why do i add miles to this too?
because i fucking can
so basically
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katedoesfics · 4 years
Lacuna | Chapter 11
To Kahli’s relief, Sam was the only one in the Civil Corps building that evening. Sam looked up excitedly when Kahli entered, and she jumped to her feet, punching a fist into her palm.
“Alright!” she exclaimed. “Let’s kick some ass, shall we?”
Kahli saluted her playfully. “I’m ready. Show me your moves.”
“First thing’s first,” Sam started. “If you wanna be a good fighter, ya gotta learn all about the proper stance. It’s all about balance. You stay in balance, and you already have an edge.” As she spoke, Sam demonstrated, standing with her feet apart, knees bent, and her fists up. She hopped to the left, then to the right, and back and forth. “You can dodge and move all around your enemies without losing a beat! Once you perfect that, I’ll teach you how to throw a couple of good punches. We’ll work in a few kicks, and then get into some real sparring.” She threw a few punches out before her, then kicked her leg around, returning back into her proper stance.
Kahli frowned. “I thought we were gonna play with swords.”
Sam grinned and straightened. “We’ll get there. You gotta learn the basics first.” She pulled her gaze away and hesitated. “And admittedly, I’m not exactly the best swordsman. Don’t get me wrong, I can do what I need to do, but it’s not exactly my forte.” She spoke quickly to reassure Kahli, brightening slightly. “But, ask anyone! Ya gotta know the basics first. And Django is pretty good with a sword. Once you graduate from my lessons, you can get him to show you how to use a sword.”
“Alright,” Kahli said. “I trust ya.”
Sam smiled. “Good. With both of our skills, we’ll make you the best damn fighter Portia has ever seen! You’ll be a Civil Corps officer in no time!”
“Let’s see if I can survive these robots, first,” Kahli said.
Kahli spent the following weeks training with Sam. Spring warmed into summer, and Kahli already noticed herself getting stronger and more agile. And when she wasn’t training with sam, she was gathering materials in the mines and exploring Portia. She began work on the dee-dee transports, and with Emily’s help, she even began construction on a barn, eager to fill her property with cows and sheep - and someday - a horse.
She mostly admired the horses from afar, occasionally coming to the paddock fence to offer them handfuls of grass or apples and carrots. One horse in particular caught her eye; a white mare that often came to her when she sat on the fence to offer her treats.
When the barn was finally ready, she made her way to MaDonald’s to arrange the purchase of two cows and five sheep. She was counting out the gols she had saved as McDonald chatted on about the quality milk his cows produced.
“I’ve noticed you eyeing the horses, too,” he said to Kahli. He grinned at her when she handed him her money. “Ever ridden before?”
Kahli shook her head. “I’ve always wanted to learn. But there weren’t exactly a lot of horses in Barnarock.”
McDonald nodded. “Tell ya what,” he said. “I’ve got a busted barn out there that needs fixing. If you can give me a hand, I’ll give you lessons. And maybe I’ll give ya the friends and family discount on Star over there.”
Kahli looked over her shoulder to the white mare he pointed to.
“She’s a fast one, though,” he warned her. “But I see you’ve both taken to one another. I think I could part with her if she goes to you.”
Kahli met his gaze and smiled. “You got yourself a deal.”
After bringing the two cows back to their new home - and going back for the five sheep - Kahli set to work, spending the rest of the day fixing the barn for McDonald. By the evening, she had finished, and she stepped back to admire her work.
“You don’t mess around,” McDonald said as he approached her. He looked over the barn and nodded in approval. “Well, then, a deal’s a deal, hm? I’m sure you’re pretty busy these days, but I’ll l give you lessons whenever you’d like.”
She did have a pretty full schedule. She had just finished her training with Sam, which she did three nights a week, and she would be training with Django. She spent most of those days working on commissions, and the days in between gathering materials and crafting in the workshop. But she was eager to keep busy. For the first time since she arrived, she didn’t think about her father. She didn’t think about her feelings of abandonment or hopelessness. She didn’t doubt her worth as a builder any longer. For the first time in a long time, she was starting to feel like she had found a purpose. She wasn’t just some girl with nothing in her life. She had friends, she had a social life, and things were starting to feel right in the world.
“I think I can manage two days a week,” Kahli said.
McDonald laughed. “Ambitious. Alright, Kahli; I think I can make that work. I’ll see you tomorrow morning for your first lesson, then.”
Her first lesson with Django was that afternoon, and Kahli met him just outside of the plaza.
“Sam tells me you’re a natural,” Django said. He handed her a wooden practice sword. “She filled me in on what she’s been teaching you. I’d say you’re off to a good start. Itching to be a part of the Civil Corps?”
“Just trying not to get my ass kicked by more bandirats,” Kahli said.
Django laughed. “Well, that’s a good goal to have, too. Never know where they might show up, especially if you’re gonna be ruin diving like you have been. Those places are filled with all kinds of nasties. Good to be prepared. Show me what you know so far.”
Kahli was feeling confident in her skills, but she should have known better than to think she would be able to break through Django’s defenses. It didn’t take long before he had kicked her legs out from under her and she lay groaning on the ground. Django looked over her and grinned.
“Never underestimate your opponent,” he said. He reached an arm out and helped Kahli to her feet, and she dusted herself off.
“But Sam wasn’t wrong,” Django continued. “You’ve got a solid basis under your belt. Throwing a sword into the mix will be a challenge, but I think you’re up for it. Shall we?”
Django showed her how to hold the sword, how to balance with the sword in her hands, and how to swing it around her and at her opponents. She wouldn’t learn it all in a day, but she was eager to practice and learn everything she could. For once, she had something to be proud of, and she wanted to chase that high.
“And then I punched those damn rats! It was totally insane! You missed out, Arlo!”
“You didn’t miss anything,” Remington said.
“You’ve dealt with bandirats before,” Arlo said over his shoulder to Sam.
“Yeah, but these guys weren’t like the others,” Sam said. She patted her horse’s neck as they rode along the coast. “In fact, I’m quite sure they’re similar to the bunch Kahli ran into a while back.”
Arlo glanced over his shoulder. “She’s not trying to take on more of them, is she?”
Sam grinned and waved a hand at him. “Please,” she started. “Those things don’t stand a chance against her. I may have been showing her a thing or two. She’s gotta learn to fend for herself, yanno.”
Arlo sneered at Sam. “You’ve been what?”
Sam rolled her eyes. “Come on, man, don’t be such a nerd. What’s wrong with teaching her to defend herself?”
“It encourages reckless behavior,” Arlo said.
“Right. Because she’s totally reckless.”
“Little bit.”
“She didn’t exactly expect to run into those bandirats,” Sam pointed out. “Besides. Who knows what else she might run into.”
“Nothing unless she goes somewhere she doesn’t belong.”
“Stop being so lame,” Sam said. “Believe it or not, she’s not helpless.” She brightened and stood in her stirrups. “Look. See? What I tell ya! Even Django is helping!”
Arlo followed Sam’s gaze, just barely making out Django and Kahli on top of the hill, swords in hand. They were sparring, and to his surprise, Kahli seemed to be holding her own against Django.
“Are you coming?” Sam called to him
He hadn’t even realized his horse had stopped. Sam and Remington were ahead of him, and they were stopped, watching him expectantly. Arlo kicked his horse forward, catching up to them.
Sam grinned. “Impressed, hm? Afraid she’ll show you up?”
“No,” Arlo said simply. In fact, it only worried him. Bandirats were moving in closer to town. Old robots were coming to life in the ruins. Something wasn’t right; the last few weeks proved that. Their patrols had nearly doubled and they had to fight off more hoards of monsters than usual. The last thing he needed was to have more work for himself. What other trouble could she possibly get into?
The next morning, Kahli found herself at McDonald’s farm. McDonald stood beside a chestnut gelding, and he smiled at Kahli as she approached.
“Ready for your first lesson?” he asked.
“Galloping off into the sunset?” Kahli said with a grin, and McDonald laughed.
“Heavens, no,” he said. “You won’t be doing any galloping until you learn how to saddle the damn thing, first.” He picked up the saddle from the paddock fence and demonstrated to Kahli how to tack the horse.
“You put this blanket on first so the saddle doesn’t give the horse sores. Then you place the saddle like so. Right here, see? The horn goes right at the withers. And the girth comes around here, right behind the legs. You might have to cinch it a couple times to make sure the saddle is secure, otherwise ya gonna fall right under ‘im!”
Kahli watched closely, and when McDonald took it all off to let her try, she did exactly as he told her. When the saddle was secured, McDonald moved to show her how to bridle the horse, and once more, Kahli copied his instructions, taking the bridle off and putting it back onto the horse.
When the horse was tacked up, Kahli mounted the horse, listening and watching as McDonald instructed how to get the horse to move.
“A light tap with your heels here will tell the horse to move forward. You hold the reins in this hand. Yes, just like that. And you move your hand over here to tell the horse to go left, and here to go right. See how the rein touches the horse’s neck? That’s what it responds to.”
Kahli did as she was told, and when she moved the reins, the horse stepped to the left, then to the right. When she tapped with her heels, the horse started to walk forward and a lazy pace.
“Good,” McDonald said. “Now, test your brakes. To get ‘im to stop, you gotta pull back slightly on the reins. Not too hard, now. Good. And release. Always release when you get what you’ve asked for. If you keep pulling back, the horse will back up. Yes, just like that. Careful you don’t keep hitting him with your heels; that tells him to go faster. The key is to have steady hands and steady legs. Signal with your heels only when you want to go faster. Now sit up straight. Shoulders back and look ahead. There ya go.”
Kahli walked the horse around the paddock for a while, turning this way and that, stopping and backing up, quickly getting used to the horse’s movements. She listened when McDonald corrected her posture, straightening in the saddle and making sure to keep her hands steady and her feet from kicking the horse’s sides.
The lessons went on like this for the first couple weeks as she learned to keep her balance in the saddle, and soon, she was trotting circles around the paddock, and then cantering. And when McDonald felt confident in her abilities, he introduced her to Star.
“Really get to know each other first,” he said. “See if you’re a good match in the saddle, too. If you can handle her - she is a bit of a spitfire - I’ll let you buy her.”
Anxious to make the horse her own, Kahli spent as much time as she could at the barn, grooming and feeding Star, then riding around the farm. As sweet as she was on the ground, McDonald was right; she had a mind of her own once Kahli sat in the saddle. And though the horse couldn’t speak to her, Kahli swore she could tell just what the mare was thinking when her ears pinned back and she lurched forward, clearly testing the new rider on her back.
But Kahli found herself enjoying the mare’s spunky personality, and it wasn’t long before the two came to an understanding. Star had become familiar with Kahli as her rider, and though she still didn’t hesitate to give her opinion, she learned to trust in Kahli, becoming more responsive to her rider, and soon, they were bonded to one another.
Kahli had to take on extra commissions, working twice as hard as she had done over the spring, but on a particularly hot, summer day, Kahli found herself counting out her gols to McDonald, finalizing her purchase of Star.
McDonald smiled up at Kahli. “I think you two are a good match,” he said. “I’m glad I didn’t ship her off to someone else. Seems like you were made for one another, hm? She’ll take good care of ya, I know it.”
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onceuponanaromantic · 4 years
Featuring: powerful badass gay sorceress, very Bi swan queen, bby swans who ship them to hell and back, and an entitled prince who gets smacked in the face at the climax by a horde of swans
(a ramble of an idea that started as messages from me to @a-blue-hoodie. not very coherent)
- the events of the ballet still start the same Prince is still an asshole Odette is looking for a way to break the curse put on her by von rothbart
- But here we also see Odile in the background
- Odile is of course.... a powerful sorceress and daughter of evil sorcerer dude
- But of course being daughter of evil sorcerer dude means that... the sorcerer only sees u as a tool to use to seduce whoever Odette manages to get to fall in love
- And to do household chores and like lesser basically
- Odile’s basically surrounded by ladies all the time and her dad doesn’t even entertain the possibility of like her not being straight so.
- I mean the only thing women are useful for is seduction and caregiving obviously
- And for being unfaithful to men apparently so that’s why they’ve been turned into swans
- Odile is very gay for the swan queen Odette
- She’s also very ignored by her dad and has become a pretty powerful sorceress but she’s a girl right so obv she can’t be like smart or anything acc to her dad
- So Odette is tryna get a dude to fall in love with her like the average girl cursed by an evil wizard do.
- Well average straight girl except Odette is kind of Bi for goth swan sorceress Odile
- But she’s a girl so obv that can’t be used to break the spell (/s)
- Actually she also hasn’t figured out that her feelings for Odile are not. Very straight feelings but hey. Girls gotta have her sexuality crisis
- So odette still meets the Prince who falls in love with her and she’s like okay cool! I can break the spell I have a Dude here this is True Love
- And odile who has never really expected odette to love her back is like ‘........I’m sad but good for u I guess’ with a healthy (not) dose of pining and bittersweet
- So the other swans are like... on one hand this might break the curse on the other hand, odile! And on the third and heretofore unnoticed hand, the Prince is kind of an entitled asshole to odette
- But odette needs to get to the palace right for the prince’s wife-picking ceremony so obviously the person she asks for help is like. Odile.
- Odile, who is a Good Friend, helps her and so as swans they all make their way to the palace even tho like obviously odile’s heart is like
- Dying inside
- Disaster gay odile is really sad just saying
- Anyway on the journey like odette realised that odile is a Very Good Friend who she thinks about kissing sometimes and has not-very-straight thoughts about
- But of course that’s Normal right everyone thinks their friends are very clever and very interesting and fun and also very strong and kind and maybe kissing her would be nice and
- Ok I’m imagining one of the younger swans odette confides to is like ‘... sounds like u have a crush on odile to me’
- And like just before they get to the palace like st one point lime odile falls asleep in odette’s lap and odette is like ‘.....WAIT SHIT IM BI’
- And then by then the journey ends right and they reach the palace only for odile’s dad to be an Asshole as he do
- So odile tells him ‘no I’m not doing that to odette’ and he gets all pissed and uses magic to force her
- odette comes in and sees the prince staring at odile and believing that odile is odette and she’s like. Oh.
- But it turns out that she’s more jealous of the Prince which causes a bi crisis along with yknow the other thing with the fact that obviously the Prince isn’t faithful
- the curse strikes and the Prince is all like ‘oshit’ and odile rips herself away as soon as she can break the enchantment that she’s been picking at the entire time
- And odette is like flying away and so they arrive at the lake and odile flies after her in black swan form
- And the other swans fly aft them of course like ey. EH WAIT MUMS COME BACK
- Becos obviously the other swans figured out that odile loves odette back and lime oh come on seriously. THERES A SOLUTION U DISASTER QUEERS
- and then they come in in time to see odile cradling odette and admitting that she’s in love with odette as she dies and that she’s been in love with odette for like years.
- while trying to break the spell using that loophole that technically it didn’t have to be a guy who loved odette
- And guess what
- The other swans help and
- Odile succeeds just as the Prince comes running and all aggressive galloping and loud declarations of love
- And Gallantry*
- So like the Prince comes in just in time to see odette in odile’s arms
- And obviously he’s like EVIL SORCERESS MUST KILL
- And the swans get in between them as he draws his sword and charges at her
- And he can’t get at odile becos the swans keep smacking his head and arms and legs
- So that there’s a lot of chaos
- See when a horde of swans descend on u it’s not fun
- And then to make things worse the sorcerer comes like ‘I TRACKED U HERE LET ME REJOICE IN UR SORROW’
- And odile is just like so tired at this point that she goes like ‘fuck off dad’
- And then like banished him becos
- She’s too tired to remember that she’s not allowed and can’t do that
- Becos actually the only thing really preventing her was she thought she couldn’t and her dad made her so hurt
- So she like thought she cldnt cos she cldnt when she was younger like
- Yknow that thing with like the elephants like if u tie them up Becos they’re young they don’t realise they can like actually do shit to break the ropes later
- But anyway so she banishes her dad and the Prince is being set upon by like a horde of angry swans who’s like ‘DONT FUCK UP OUR SHIP GETTING TO THIS STAGE TOOK EFFORT’
- Becos seriously odette and odile are like the mums of the swans the mums are FINALLY getting together come ON ASSHOLE UR NOT STOPPING THIS SHIT
- but anyway so it’s at this point that odette wakes up and she’s confused of course Becos she’s like
- Wait I thought I got cheated on last minute with my crush?
- And then she sees odile crying and she’s like
- Wait. What?
- And odile is like looking at her like she can’t believe it and is like ‘wait it worked? It worked!’
- And odette is just ‘wait. I just remember u saying u loved me or sth??’ And odile’s. ‘Yes I love u?? I love u for like years already??’ And odette’s like
- But obviously she’s just apparently been revived from the dead and she’s not just gonna question after like getting over shock so she just kisses odile
- Who’s so surprised that she falls over in a flailing black skirt and all
- And at this point the swans all leave off the Prince by being transformed back to human and are all cheering and catcalling
- and the Prince is like what the fuck and odile is like ‘MY CRUSH LIKES ME BACK IM TOO HAPPY TO DEAL WITH YOU NOW GET OUT’ and the Prince is just
- Pushed out of the area by her magic
- Helped of course by several swan maidens who think that he shld be really gotten rid off
- Also the Prince is really entitled like ‘I’m ur one true love! How dare u! She must have enchanted u!’ And the swans are like ‘yeah fuck off shoo’
- So the Prince is shoved back to his castle by force
- And the swans get their swan queen mum who’s happy to feed them and like mum and deal with estate issues and all and like powerful goth sorceress mum who’s powerful as shit and smart and also a hell of a nerd
- And who occasionally gets requested by like various groups of people who are honestly happier to deal with her than her dad
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quoth-the-sparrow · 5 years
A Sanders Sides One-Shot
Warnings: Food mention, Sympathetic Deceit (if I need to add anything please let me know)
Pairings: Logicality and Anaroceit (aka Roman x Virgil x Deceit)
Description: Based off a one word prompt given to me by @dutifullystrangekingdom and an anon!
Word Count: 941
A/N: This can also be found on ao3 here
Patton sat on his living room floor, surrounded by scraps and strips of wrapping paper. He huffed out a sigh of irritation as he cut a new piece off in hopes that this attempt would finally be the one. He knew unwrapping and re-wrapping the box was a waste but it had to look perfect. Unfortunately, nothing he had done so far looked good enough.
After the seventh time, he decided to give up and put the gift inside what he'd bought as a backup, which was a galaxy printed gift bag with a silver ribbon to tie the handles together.
"Finally," Patton muttered under his breath as he flopped onto the floor. He felt drained from all the stress he'd been dealing with lately, but today was a rare day off. And he had plans to spend it with his best friend who he may or may not totally have a crush on.
He meant to lay there on the floor until he had to get up and shower, but his phone chimed. He rolled over onto his stomach and reached for his phone, grabbing it from the coffee table. It was a message from the aptly named Gay Panic group chat.
Danger Noodle: Hey Patton
Danger Noodle: Just wanted to check up on you
Fall Out Gay: Yea how r u holding up
Prince Charming: Padre, my dear, you simply must flirt with Logan tonight!!!
Pawton: I'm feeling nervous but I have Logan's present all wrapped up~ Flirt? I don't know if I can do that...
Fall Out Gay: I know its scary but u got this
Pawton: Maybe? I mean what if Logan doesn't feel the same way about me?
Danger Noodle: Oh yes, someone who is constantly trying to impress you and is always looking around for you and asking about you isn't into you at all
Fall Out Gay: Cmon D dont b so sarcastic
Danger Noodle: Sarcastic? Me? Never
Prince Charming: Okay, you two edgelords, that's enough! Padre, Logan is definitely, totally, completely head over heels for you! You're so cute; who wouldn't be?! ;)
Pawton: Dee, you jokester, you~ And okay, I can do this, maybe, hopefully~ It's already almost 4pm, I should probably go shower?
Prince Charming: Good idea! Have fun on your date ;) I'm expecting you to provide all the details when you get back!
Fall Out Gay: Only if u want 2 Pat
Danger Noodle: You've really nothing to worry about
Danger Noodle: Have fun, and my advice? Wear that baby blue mini skirt of yours
Danger Noodle: Nerd boi will love it
Pawton: Oh, um... with my fishnets or knee high socks?
Prince Charming: The fishnets!!! Ooh want me to come over and do your makeup? Just say the word and I'll be there!
Pawton: No that's okay, I think I got it~ Thank you all so much! I'm gonna go get ready now, see y'all tomorrow for movie night?
Fall Out Gay: U bet
Danger Noodle: Yes, I'll bring the pizzas this time if Roman can bring dessert
Prince Charming: Honey, I am the dessert ;)
Fall Out Gay: ...ur ridiculous bring cookies
Prince Charming: Ridiculously attractive, I think you mean! But yes, of course, cookies it is!
Patton chuckled at his friends' antics and left them to it while he went to get ready
***Later that evening***
Pawton: Is anyone on?
Prince Charming: Yes!!! How did it go did you two kiss tell me everything!!!!
Fall Out Gay: Whoa Princey chill dude
Danger Noodle: I don't think our dear royal knows the meaning of the word
Fall Out Gay: ur rite
Prince Charming: Offended Princey Noises
Pawton: :D It went way better than I thought it would! Logan loved his jellyfish plushie I got him! He even liked that it was pink, which I didn't expect either?! So I'm really glad I went with that instead of the green one~ Dee, Roman, you were both so right, he likes me too!
Danger Noodle: Told you so, darling
Fall Out Gay: Im happy 4 u Pat
Prince Charming: Did he say anything about that smokin' outfit of yours?!
Pawton: Oh, um, aaahhhh~ I think he really did like it? He was blushing when he saw me so I'm assuming he liked it? We held hands! We haven't kissed yet but we have a date planned for Sunday afternoon! We're going to the aquarium across town~
Fall Out Gay: Thats gr8 Pat u 2 r cute 2gether
Danger Noodle: Honestly it's about time you two clueless disaster gays got together
Danger Noodle: It was obvious Logan had a thing for you the moment he laid his blue eyes on you, darling
Prince Charming: You two are absolutely adorable together! I'm so happy it turned out so well, I knew it would! Oooh does this mean we can all go out on dates together? It would be fun to go bowling or to an amusement park together!
Pawton: That would be fun! I'll mention it to Logan and see what he thinks but I'm all for it if it means I get to spend time with everyone I love!
Fall Out Gay: Not 2 b a hypocrite but thats gay
Danger Noodle: Uh yeah I sure hope it is
Pawton: xD You two are hilarious!
Fall Out Gay: I aim 2 please but i gotta get some sleep so good nite
Danger Noodle: Good idea; besides I think Remy is in need of makeup tips and wants to video chat
Danger Noodle: See you all tomorrow evening for movie night
Prince Charming: Good night my loves!
Pawton: Good night! Can't wait for tomorrow~
A/N 2: I hope you all enjoyed that! This is the first time I’ve ever really written in this format so if you’d like to see more of this kind of writing from me, let me know! Please re-blog and let me know your thoughts; I love hearing from y’all! Also: i’m cutting down my taglist since it’s kinda gotten out of hand and a lot of people on it are inactive so if you’d like to be tagged let me know! I also post all my writing to ao3 at Storytelling_Sparrow
Taglist: @ironwoman359 @today-only-happens-once @lala-the-rebel @galaxywitchwolf13 @virgil-in-a-necktie @areyousirius-noheisdead @princeyssash @virgil-has-a-houseplant @randomslasher @i-sold-my-soul-to-thefandom @madly-handsome @milomeepit @princelogical @icecoldparadise @anxie-teaa @vblood13 @the-better-bard @ahoardofsides @silversmith-91 @fandomsofrandom @hissesssss @hamilin-manuel-miranda @phlying-squirrel @creativenostalgiastuff @hghrules @grey-lysander @reba-andthesides @cloudxaffections @iwritegayshit @xxladystarlightxx @i-am-absolute-fandom-trash @poisonedapples @romanamongthestars @queen-of-all-things-snuggly @irrelevantbutfabulous @purple---skye @ab-artist @ninjago2020 @anuninspiredpoet @eggheadinthemaking @theresneverenoughfandoms @obsessedfanofmanythings @chemically-imbalanced-romance @finger-gunsss @potterhead2468 @tired-fanboy @gemini-the-kitsune-rp @magicallygrimmwiccan
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