#ok this is literally the last post i need to sleep now.
mylimoji · 2 years
fanon kim practically working as harry's psychologist vs canon kim who sighs and says something along the lines of 'it is what it is' when harry's literally having a mental breakdown. the delusionism...... that man doesn't know how to comfort people, stop making him this 'talking about your feelings' person.
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izzy-b-hands · 4 months
Trying to make my brain do anything today has just been case after case of 'well, half-assed is better than nothing I guess.'
#text post#idk why i have such bad post-survey mental dips every time but I always do#literally last night before end of my shift was like okay brain. it's ok that we aren't working after this. this is fine.#there's another survey in two weeks (for ONCE they told us in advance) and in the in between other things I can do to keep making some mone#and I felt really confident abt that at that point! wish that confidence hadn't been so misplaced bc I did in fact spiral#was actually exhausted enough to just eat shower and sleep after work but the shower was just a big spiral w/crying and scrubbing lmao#whatever. did a mini vid in the new outfit i have for the side job and will do dishes tonight#plus I'll get my shot done bc that's a day late now too#prolific and cloud i got a bit done too and i'll keep checking those thru the night#i actually wanna play gta for a bit & try it with the controller but i feel guilty every time i so much as look at steam so. we'll see#i just need to do something else useful today bc tomorrow will be a full filming day most likely so. gotta make today useful too#I know it must sound like im not really trying to work with my brain on this but i shit u not#this is my brain when im actively employing coping skills and other things to try and counteract the 'work or die' mindset#i dont know how to make it any better and at this point I don't think I can#this was baked into me as a kid lmao bc even playing needed to have a point/story/some goal to achieve#or why the fuck was i playing with my barbies or metal toy cars or dinosaur and horse figurines to begin with#im rambling to put off doing the dishes ignore me lmao
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dontyouworrydaddy · 1 year
First of all, let me tell you about how much I love your blog and your writing style. Your fics quality is top notch and I giggle like an idiot every time I see a new post from you. So, if it's ok with you can you write about our favorite COD men (including daddy Konig and Simon) whose SO keeps getting texts from her asshole ex - some of them begging to take him back and others borderline threatening, like "who's that dude you're dating now? You think you can replace me that easily?" etc. And our boys accidentally see these texts. How would they react to that situation? Thank you so much :)
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𝑦𝑜𝑢’𝑟𝑒 𝑓𝑟𝑒𝑒
Task Force 141 (+König) x fem! reader
You have no idea how much I appreciate these kind words. Like you literally just made me CRY because I‘m so happy to hear that. You guys motivate me to keep writing fr🫶🏻🫶🏻😭 I love you so much and I‘m so thankful to you! 🩷🩷🩷🩷
Also I love the idea oh my god. I can imagine them being super mad at him and be like as soon as she’s sleeping I‘m gonna haunt that mf and be super caring and not leaving your side until you’re okay again. AHHHH I have so many ideas I can’t put them all into words😮‍💨😫😫
I hope you enjoy this fanfic! Thank you again for the kind words, I really do appreciate it❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹
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König found himself in a situation he hadn't anticipated. As he and you went about your daily lives, a series of text messages from your ex started flooding your phone. König couldn't help but catch glimpses of these messages, each one more distressing than the last.
I know you miss me
I still have that red dress from you…
You can stop acting like you don’t need me anymore and just come back ;)
You date insecure guys now? Wow Y/N… I mean I knew I was the best for you but I didn’t expect that low from you
I saw you the other day… You got a lot sexier ;))
I miss you so much baby. I love you…
They were filled with toxic words, attempting to undermine the happiness you had found with König.
Upon stumbling upon these messages, König's usually calm and composed demeanor wavered, replaced by a mix of concern and protectiveness. He couldn't fathom why someone would target you in such a hurtful way and it stirred a fire within him that burned with a fierce determination to shield you from harm.
His grip tightened around his phone as he confronted you, his voice laced with worry. "Schatz, what is this? Who is sending you these messages?" His eyes searched yours, a mix of anger and concern burning in their depths. But he wasn’t angry at you. He was more angry at himself because he feels like he failed as a boyfriend. His only mission is to make you feel comfortable and it feels like he failed at it. Because you didn’t talk to him…
You took a deep breath, realizing that the time had come to open up and share the painful truth. "It's my ex. He's been unable to let go and now he's trying to sabotage our relationship. I've been trying to handle it on my own, but it's becoming overwhelming."
The weight of your words settled between you, the gravity of the situation sinking in. König's protective instincts kicked into high gear as he reached out, pulling you into a comforting embrace. "Liebling" he whispered, his voice filled with determination, "You don't have to face this alone. I'm here for you and together we'll navigate through this storm."
His words were like a balm to your soul, offering solace and reassurance in a world that felt suddenly tumultuous. You found strength in his unwavering support, knowing that you didn't have to battle your ex's toxicity alone.
With each new text that appeared on your phone, König became even more resolved to protect you. He devised a plan to confront your ex, making it clear that his attempts to sow discord and threaten your happiness would not be tolerated.
But König's reaction wasn't solely driven by anger. It was driven by love and a deep understanding of the pain you were experiencing. He knew that these messages were more than just words on a screen…they were emotional daggers that pierced your heart. And he will make sure that your ex will never bother you again. Trust him.
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Simon Riley
In the midst of it all the chaos he‘s been through, there was you, a source of light and solace that gave his dead life light. The two of you navigated the challenges of life together, an unwelcome presence lingered, threatening to disrupt the tranquility you had built.
But you were constantly tormented by text messages from your ex Josh. The messages were a relentless barrage of mixed emotions, ranging from desperate pleas for reconciliation to menacing threats aimed at undermining your newfound happiness. It was a constant reminder of a past you were trying to move beyond. It was always him trying to manipulate you into leaving Simon and go back to him.
One fateful evening, as you lay beside Simon, your phone illuminated with yet another message from your ex. Simon, ever vigilant and protective, caught a glimpse of the text and as soon as he read the words "I still think about you when I’m on my bed alone", anger flashed in his eyes. He knew about your crazy ex.
Concern etched across his face as he realized the torment you had been enduring in silence. You turn your phone around and looked up at Simon. So many emotions were written on his face that made you tear up.
Carefully, Simon pulled you into his arms, offering a comforting embrace. His touch was gentle, his voice soothing as he reassured you that you were safe with him. In that moment, he became your shield, determined to protect you from the darkness that lurked in your past.
As you drifted off to sleep, exhaustion finally claiming you, Simon's heart swelled with a mixture of tenderness and anger. He couldn't bear to see you suffer any longer. Resolute, he rose from the bed, leaving you in peaceful slumber and made his way to confront the source of your personal torture.
Due to his Job, it was easy for him to find out where he was living. And with determination etched upon his features, Simon found himself standing outside your ex's residence. He had no intention of resorting to violence, but his presence alone was enough to unnerve the cowardly individual who had been preying on your vulnerability.
As the door swung open, revealing your ex's face, a mix of surprise and fear washed over him. Before he could utter a single word, Simon's voice rang out with authority. "Leave her alone mate. If you ever come near her again, you'll regret it. And I‘m not a man to play fucking games with"
Josh felt the weight of Simon's unwavering resolve, cowered beneath his gaze. Fear clouded his eyes as he stammered out a half-hearted apology. Without further hesitation, Simon turned on his heel and walked away, leaving your ex to contemplate the consequences of his actions.
Meanwhile, back at home, you stirred awake, finding Simon by your side, his gaze filled with comfort and love. Wordlessly, he climbed back into bed, pulling you close, and kissed your forehead with a mix of gentleness and possessiveness.
"I won't let anyone hurt you," Simon whispered, his voice filled with a fierce protectiveness. "You're safe with me. Always."
In that moment, you knew that Simon was not only your lover but your guardian, a force that would go to any lengths to shield you from harm. And as you drifted back into a peaceful sleep, your heart swelled with gratitude, knowing that you were truly cherished by the man who would stop at nothing to keep you safe.
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John MacTavish
You felt a mixture of frustration and fear as your ex continued to invade your life. The messages ranged from desperate pleas for reconciliation to thinly veiled threats, designed to unsettle and intimidate you. The constant reminders of your past were enough to make anyone's heart race and palms sweat.
One chance. Please baby.
Are you really dating a scottish man? You‘ve sunk so low.
One evening, as you and John were relaxing together, the barrage of texts became too much to bear. With a heavy sigh, you pulled out your phone, revealing the string of toxic messages that had invaded your peaceful sanctuary.
I will have you back, I‘m waiting baby.
John's eyes widened as he read the manipulative words that spilled across the screen. Without hesitation, John wrapped his arms around you, pulling you close. He understood the fear and turmoil that consumed you and he was determined to be your shield, protecting you from the pain of your past. His voice, laced with a mixture of concern and determination, filled the room.
"Baby" John spoke softly, "I won't let him hurt you anymore. You're safe with me, and I'll do whatever it takes to ensure that."
His comforting words and his strong embrace provided a temporary respite from the torment. As exhaustion claimed you, sleep finally descended upon your weary mind and body. Unbeknownst to you, John's resolve had been steeled.
As you slept, John quietly slipped away, his footsteps echoing with purpose as he made his way towards your ex's location. The darkness of the night seemed to amplify the intensity of his emotions. Anger simmered beneath his stoic exterior, a force ready to be unleashed upon the person who had dared to threaten the newfound happiness he shared with you.
John's arrival sent a shockwave through your ex's world. The smug arrogance that had permeated his messages quickly evaporated as he realized the true extent of John's determination. Fear replaced bravado, and he attempted to escape from the formidable soldier who now stood before him.
But there was no escape. John, fueled by a protective instinct, pursued your ex relentlessly, his presence an indomitable force that left no room for evasion. "Text my girl ever again and oh boy you wish your mom never gave birth to you" Cornered and overwhelmed, your ex succumbed to his fear and fled, leaving behind the remnants of a broken ego.
As John returned to your side, a mix of relief and admiration washed over him. The confrontation had served its purpose: to ensure your safety and send a clear message to anyone who dared to threaten your peace of mind.
You awoke to find John by your side, his features softened by the moonlight that filtered through the window. His eyes met yours, filled with a blend of tenderness and determination.
"He won't bother you again," John assured you, his voice unwavering. "I'll always protect you, no matter what."
In that moment, as you gazed into the depths of John's unwavering devotion, you knew that you were not alone. With him by your side, you felt a renewed sense of strength and security.
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John Price
You had tried to move on from the toxic relationship that had left scars on your heart. But your ex refused to let go, bombarding you with text messages that ranged from desperate pleas to borderline threats. Each message chipped away at your sense of peace and security.
One evening, as you sat with John, sharing the burden of your past, a notification flashed across your phone screen. The words that appeared before you were a cruel reminder of the darkness that still lingered.
Who's that dude you're dating now? You think you can replace me that easily?
Your heart sank as you realized John had caught a glimpse of the message. The look in his eyes, a mix of concern and anger, mirrored the tumultuous emotions raging within you.
John's voice was steady, but determination laced his words. "Baby, I can't stand by and let this continue. He needs to understand that his behavior is unacceptable and that he must leave you alone."
A mix of fear and relief washed over you, knowing that John would go to such lengths to protect you. You nodded, your voice barely a whisper. "I want to move on and leave this behind. But it’s getting so difficult" All night he did nothing but hold you as you cried because the memories kept adding up. And John did nothing but kiss and hold you the entire night.
The next morning, as the sun painted the sky with shades of gold, John prepared to leave for what appeared to be a simple grocery shopping.
Time seemed to stretch endlessly as you waited, anxiety and anticipation mingling within you. Hours passed and just when doubt threatened to seep into your thoughts, you heard the familiar sound of John's footsteps approaching the door.
His face bore the signs of a confrontation, his eyes filled with a mix of exhaustion and determination. John took you in his arms, holding you tightly, as if to shield you from the remnants of the past that clung to your spirit.
"He won't bother you again" he whispered, his voice filled with an unyielding resolve. "I made it clear that his actions were unacceptable. He knows the consequences if he dares to cross that line." and you knew that he went over and made it clear to him to never text you ever again.
Tears welled in your eyes, a mix of gratitude and relief streaming down your cheeks. You gazed into John's eyes, overwhelmed by the love and protection he offered so selflessly.
"I don't know how to thank you, John," you whispered, your voice trembling with emotion. "You've given me a sense of safety and peace that I thought I had lost forever."
His grip tightened, his voice a comforting reassurance. "You don't have to thank me, my love. It's what love does. It protects and empowers. I won't let anyone hurt you, not while I'm here."
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Kyle Garrick
You stood there, reading the text messages that illuminated your phone screen, each word like a dagger to your heart. The messages from your ex, filled with desperation and anger were a painful reminder of a past you desperately wanted to forget. His words were like poison, seeping into your thoughts and threatening to unravel the happiness you had found with Kyle. The man you want to share your life with.
Just as you were about to put your phone away, hoping to bury the unsettling messages deep within your mind, you heard a gasp from behind you. Turning, you saw Kyle, his eyes fixated on the screen, his face a mix of concern and anger.
"Love?" he murmured, his voice laced with sympathy and a fire burning within, "I didn't realize you were going through this. I'm so sorry."
Tears welled up in your eyes as you looked at him, the pain of the messages threatening to overwhelm you. But Kyle, ever the steadfast protector, closed the distance between you, wrapping his strong arms around you in a comforting embrace.
His words, infused with a fierce protectiveness, resonated within you. As he held you close, you felt a sense of safety and reassurance wash over you, erasing the fear and uncertainty that had plagued your heart.
Days passed and Kyle prepared for his next mission, a dangerous assignment that would take him away from you for a while. But before he left, he made a promise to himself, and to you. He would confront your ex, ensuring that he never dared to disturb your peace again.
As he set out on his mission, he carried with him the weight of your trust and the burning desire to protect you from harm. And when the time came, bruised and battered, he sought out your ex, determined to make him understand the consequences of his actions.
Face to face, Kyle confronted the man who had caused you so much pain, his eyes ablaze with an unwavering resolve. Your ex, taken aback by the sight of Kyle's injuries, cowered before him, realizing the severity of his actions. He pleaded for mercy, promising to leave you alone for good.
Kyle’s voice filled with an authority that brooked no argument, made it clear that any further harassment or threat would be met with severe consequences.
When he finally returned home, weary but determined, you met him at the door. The weight of the past seemed to dissolve as he enveloped you in his arms, the warmth of his embrace erasing the remnants of fear and doubt. In that moment, you knew that together, you could face anything.
After seeing him all bruised up but with a smile on his face, you couldn’t help but jump into his arms. In his embrace, you found healing. The scars of the past fading into insignificance compared to the love that bloomed between you. Together, you would face the challenges that lay ahead, fortified by the strength of your bond and the knowledge that no matter what, you were not alone.
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cieloclercs · 9 months
Eternal life
Oscar piastri x russian figure skater
the ice queen — oscar piastri
pairing. oscar piastri x russian figure skater!reader
face claim. alina zagitova
warnings. swearing, google translate russian (im sorry), look guys i know the winter olympics were last year but for the sake of this they’re this year ok ?? 🙏 i used pictures from oscar’s sprint podium in spa for singaore (which obviously isn’t accurate plz overlook it hehe)
author’s note. hello anon! i hope you enjoy this, sorry it took so long ❤️
requests are still open for my 1k event! send something in if you’d like <3
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liked by oscarpiastri and 76,264 others
yourusername swipe for a fail 🥴
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yourfriend1 pleased to announce i got said fail on video ☺️
yourusername if you ever show that to anyone i’ll smother you in your sleep.
yourfriend1 wow 😃
yourfriend2 i feel like one of those aesthetic skater pinterest girls in the second picture
yourusername we definitely pulled off the pinterest girlie vibes 👍👍
yourcoach очень продуктивная сессия! 👍 / very productive session !
yourusername я знаю точно 😃 / i know right
username yourcoach i’m sensing some sarcasm 🤔
username no shit sherlock 🙄
username girllll are you competing at the winter olympics ?? i won’t take no for an answer btw you better be there. 🔪
yourusername in that case yes !!! 😀
username olympic champion 🔜
yourusername 😉
username hold up what’s oscar doing here? 🤨
username who tf is oscar
username oscar piastri, he’s a formula 1 driver for mclaren
username and he’s lurking in MY WIFE’S likes?? get tf out of here he drives cars in circles for a living 😭😭
username can you blame him tho y/n’s this total badass skating GODDESS and he’s just a silly little aussie like ofc he’s infatuated with her 😒😒😒
username guys all he did was like her post no need to create an entire backstory out of it 😭 they’re both highly successful sportspeople so they probably just mix in the same circles from time to time 🤷‍♀️
username boo you’re ruining my fun 🙄
username word on the street is oscar’s liking this girlie’s post 🤔🤔 now i just have to figure out who she is 😃
username girl u can’t be serious 😭
username how do u not know who y/n is are you living under a rock
username no?? should i know who she is?? 😭
username erm YES
username i simultaneously love and hate how this oscar dude has liked ONE y/n post and suddenly all the f1 fangirls have appeared 😭 go find a hobby plz i beg you x
username jokes on you, stalking potentially new f1 wags IS our hobby
username that’s quite possibly the saddest thing i’ve ever read
username babe what are they gonna do 😭 she’s y/n y/l/n she has like universal immunity from haters lol
username you’re clearly not an f1 fan and it SHOWS 😭😭
username sweetie i’ve watched the f1 girlies single handedly DESTROY relationships do not underestimate them
username ^^ does anyone know if they’re being dramatic or not??
username long-time f1 fan here !! trust me, they’re not.
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liked by yourusername and 23,815 others
oscarpiastri Ready to shine in Singapore 🇸🇬🤩
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username podium loading…
username i’ve got £50 riding on you getting a podium don’t let me down 💪💪
username so this is oscar piastri… 🤨
username uh oh the skater girls have arrived 😨
username *y/n girls
username no one gets into y/n’s inner circle without our approval first 🤭
username and you called US sad 😭
username how the fuck is this guy expecting to be able to pull a queen like y/n 😭😭
username seriously he looks so silly 🥴
username guys he only liked her post they probably don’t even know each other 🙄 stop making drama out of nothing jeez
username yikes someone sounds jealous…
username he looks goofy, next please 😒
yourfriend1 literally what i said smh
username girl 😭
username i hate to break it to you oscar, the y/n girls are never going to accept you x
username yeah sorry babe, you’re just not worthy of our ice queen 😘
username the way y/n’s literally a thousand leagues above him 😔😔 the pain of being a badass bitch 🥲
username y’all are crazy what 😭
username imagine thinking THIS GUY stands a chance with the hottest woman alive and future olympic champion 😭😭 i’d be so embarrassed 😭
username he looks like a capybara tf
username lmao if y/n and oscar ever do end up dating he’s not going to live this down 😭
landonorris oscarpiastri since when did you become enemy number 1 to the ice skating community
oscarpiastri 🤷‍♀️
username LANDO OH MY GOD 😭
username poor oscar getting dragged by the most intense fandom on earth 😭
yourusername 🧡
oscarpiastri 😊👑
username no.
username this can’t be happening
username oscarpiastri LEAVE MY WIFE ALONE BITCH 🤺🤺
username y/n you’ve just made everything so much worse 😭
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oscarpiastri cute cap, where’d you get it?
↳ yourusername this weird australian guy gave it to me. idk i would have preferred a number 4 🤷‍♀️
↳ oscarpiastri you sure? i heard number 81’s the favourite for a podium this week 😏
↳ yourusername we’ll see 🙃
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liked by yourusername and 50,367 others
oscarpiastri First ever F1 podium 🧡 Let’s keep them coming 😉
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username my driver 🧡🫶
username LEGEND 🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺
landonorris congrats mate! the extra motivation did you some good 😉
oscarpiastri it sure did :)
username excuse me? 🤨
username lando. what do u know.
username i bet this has something to do with y/n
username girl bffr 🙄
username LANDO I JUST WANNA TALK (tell me what u know rn.) 🔫🔫
mclaren Doing us proud 🥹🧡
*oscarpiastri liked this comment
username best rookie since hamilton button >>>
*liked by yourusername and 5,217 others
carlitosalcarazz Congratulations, amigo! 😁
oscarpiastri Thanks mate! 😊😊
username the y/n girlies have been real quiet so far 🤨
username they’re finally realising oscar isn’t just some nobody 😭
username he might not be a nobody but one podium still doesn’t make him good enough 🥰
username y’all are psycho i swear 😭
yourfriend1 ok maybeee he’s not that bad 🙄🙄
*yourusername liked this comment
username omg the y/f/n seal of approval ??? ITS HAPPENING
username calm down nothing’s happened yet 😭 as far as we know they’re not even friends lmao let alone dating
username girl did you even see y/n’s story she was literally in the mclaren garage repping oscar’s merch 😭😭
yourusername incredible 🧡
oscarpiastri Thank you for your support today 🧡 Hope you liked the cap 😊
username wait hold on a second OSCAR GAVE HER THAT CAP???
username oh they DEFINITELY into each other 😏
username oscar’s such a simp oh my god she turns up to one race and he’s giving her his merch 😭😭 what a dork
username i mean it’s y/n y/l/n can you blame him 🤷‍♀️
username i fear we’ve lost her y/n nation 😔
username as much as it pains me to say it i think you might be right 🥲
username i just can’t believe we’ve lost her to a guy who drives in circles for a living 🙄
username doesn’t y/n skate in circles? the shade works both ways honey 😚
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liked by oscarpiastri and 90,712 others
yourusername thank you for having me mclaren 🥰 and congratulations to oscarpiastri on your first f1 podium !! i had a blast 🧡🧡
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mclaren Glad to have you on board, champ 🧡 See you again soon 😉
*yourusername liked this comment
landonorris you do know oscar’s not the only mclaren driver right 😃
yourusername the only mclaren driver with a podium this week though 🙃
oscarpiastri Thank you Y/N 😊🧡
yourusername 🫶
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months later…
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landonorris ice queen? 🤨
↳ oscarpiastri of course
↳ landonorris simp.
oscarpiastri ouch ☹️
↳ yourusername just telling you what you need to hear, babe ☺️
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liked by oscarpiastri and 112,678 others
yourusername олимпийский чемпион! после стольких лет упорной работы я не могу поверить, что эта мечта наконец-то осуществилась 🥹 я хочу поблагодарить многих людей, которые помогли мне достичь этого: моего тренера, моих товарищей по команде, мою семью. я бы не справилась без каждого из вас! 🤍
olympic champion! after all the years of hard work, i can’t believe this dream has finally come true 🥹 there are so many people i want to thank for helping me get to this point: my coach, my teammates, my family. i couldn’t have done this without any of you! 🤍
i also want to thank my boyfriend and number one supporter oscarpiastri for putting up with me these last few months of prep 😭 i don’t know what i would have done without you 🥹 love you baby ❤️
oscarpiastri congratulations, my love 🩷 i’m so proud of you 😘
yourusername 💗💗
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danikamariewrites · 10 months
Hey loveeee ! How are you ??
I wanted to say first that, girl, i love your writing, liké every single time i see one of your posts, i have this stupid big smile on my mouth !!
Could i ask please please please some azriel x short reader headcannon ??
Bye !! ❤️
Azriel x short!reader headcanons
A/n: Hi anon! You’re too sweet that made me so happy I hope you like this 🥹
Warnings: some smutty thoughts so 18+ pls
Az thought your height was one of the most adorable things about you
You barely come up to his chest
He literally looks at you with heart eyes
Acts like your personal bodyguard whenever you got out
You had wandered off to the bar by yourself once at Rita’s without telling anyone
Azriel’s sense we’re heightened when he noticed you were gone
He went full spymaster mode when he couldn’t find you in the crowd
When he sent his shadows out people started to panic a little
When Az found you he was so relieved he hugged you so tight to his chest, “I’m never taking eyes off you again.”
Now he has a shadow that follows you all the time now
You didn’t have the arm strength to climb things when you couldn’t reach high shelves so the shadow became your little pet, getting things for you and making sure you were ok 24/7
When he takes you flying for the first time you were a little scared
What if he dropped you? Or what if you slipped through his arms?
“Baby I promise I won’t drop you. I’ll hold on to you extra tight, promise.”
Az holds you tight when he isn’t flying
He loves just picky you up, you laugh and cling to him
Az’s favorite way to just casually pick you up is with one arm like around your thigh so your basically sitting on his arm. You rest your head on his shoulder and kiss his neck which makes him blush
Az loves that you’re not afraid to get close to him
When you first started courting each other he was afraid to get close to you. He was scared that he would hurt you and when he told you that you said, “I’m not afraid of you Az. Just because I’m short doesn’t mean I’m some delicate thing.”
You loved stealing Az’s clothes
His hoodies were so long on you, they’re your favorite to lounge or sleep in especially if he’s away
The first time you wore his hoodie and sweatpants he laughed at how big they were on you
His bed is huge!
Since he has the biggest wingspan he needs the biggest bed
Az liked his space. The first time you slept over he was amazed at how much room you took up
You move around a lot in your sleep and at one point in the night you were sideways with your legs on his stomach
Hours later Az was still up and you had moved closer to him. He let out an annoyed huff, but that’s when you moved one last time
You wrapped your arms around him and laid your head on his chest. Az had froze bc he was so overwhelmed at the intimacy of being this close to someone
Relaxing he wrapped his arms around you and kissed your head whispering ‘good night’
Of all things that woke you up! You lifted your head to look at him, realizing you were on top of him, “Sorry Az I can get off” “No,” he cuts you off, “I like this.” You gave him a sleepy smile laying back down and immediately went back to sleep
Az stayed up for a little while longer watching you sleep and playing with your hair
You like to stand on chairs or tables so you can be taller than him
When you are “taller” you like to hug Az to your chest like he does with you and pulling him in for a kiss
Az loves kissing the top of your head, forehead, and the tip of your nose. You always blush if he does all 3, and when he does all 3 he whispers, “absolutely precious.” It makes you feel special
Az wraps a wing around you when you sit on the couch and read together
You always end up falling asleep, he’s just so warm and his wings are so comfy
NSFW from here (18+ only)
Like Cassian, Az absolutely has a size kink but it started when you two started dating
When he towers over you looking down at you with his eyes full lust, backing you against a wall he’s instantly hard (and your soaked bc he looks like a dark god)
You love when he wraps his hand around your throat bc it fits your whole neck (your fav necklace)
Az loves that he can manhandle you and put you in any position he wants while he fucks you
When you ride him he’s still in charge
He holds onto your waist and bounces you up and down on his cock
“That’s it baby, I got you.” “Such a perfect little doll for me.” “Yeah, you like it when I use you like this huh?”
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bigfatbimbo · 1 month
he exclusively wears satin pajamas. i don't even know why i believe thsi but i just know im right. either that or he just sleeps in boxers easy access and is very clingy when he sleeps w u. vox is always complaining that he's too cold as an excuse to snuggle, even tho he knows you'd say yes if he asked but he doesn't want to bruise his ego
while i dont think he needs to sleep much, i do think vox needs to sleep (charge???) occasionally and im thinking ab how his partner is probably the only person he trusts enough to let them see his sleeping form. he can not STAND vulnerability and would rather die than let anyone else know he has any weaknesses, but when it comes to you? well, he's more than happy to lay down w u after a long day and just hold you close. he's also ok with being both the big and little spoon!
gosh theres sm sleeping hcs
HES ABSOLUTELY THE TYPE TO DANCE W U IN THE KITCHEN!!!!! vox would be v corny about it too, in the privacy of ur own home he would just love twirling you about to some old tune from the 60's. this especially applies to housewife!vox
he really likes matching outfits w u, especially for fancy events!!!! vox would absolutely ADORE couples outfits don't even try to deny it. if u two aren't the most glamorous couple at any social gathering then you CLEARLY aren't trying hard enough
vox loves ur laugh, and will wake you up by ticking you just so he gets to hear your giggles in the morning! he'd never admit it tho, he claims its just to "be annoying"
AHSGGSGZG rose your fluff headcanons literally make me ascend like i’m dead right now and this makes me so 🤭🤭 I have 0% brain power so lemme just breeze through my thoughts: The Vox being ‘too cold’ thing is so real like bffr little man just say you want to be held, also he either wears expensive incredibly comfortable breathy satin pajamas WITH THE SLEEPING CAP or those cartoony boxers with the hearts (either way Vox, your old man is showing), he absolutely does the dancing in the kitchen thing that’s so him oh my god, especially with the housewife Vox thing and when he does it it’s COMPLETELY unprompted and yes it does pull you away from every task you were doing, the last thing is just cute though like ☹️ that’s so adorable.
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celluloidbroomcloset · 7 months
A good bit has been made of Ed saying that "last night was a mistake" and I get the sense that a lot of people are interpreting things through a lens that he means they shouldn't have slept together, they should have waited, Stede was pushing things too far too fast, etc. So I want to go into some detail on why I don't agree with that, and what I think is happening in the aftermath of Calypso's Birthday, as well as in the love scene itself.
(This is kinda long, because I am not witty and cannot be brief. These are just my thoughts, so of course I'm not trying to tell anyone how to understand what happens in these scenes.)
Them having sex and what happens after is very much related to the things that they've both gone through, and especially Ed's fears and trauma after his depressive spiral. When we first meet Ed in Season 1, he's already borderline suicidal. Stede gives him a new view of life by showing him things that he's never seen before, and emotions he's never experienced before. He falls in love and anchors himself to Stede. Then his anchor breaks and lets him float off. He's alone and heartbroken and quite literally goes insane with grief and self-loathing (spurred on by Izzy) on a ship filled with people and things that keep reminding him of how he wasn't enough.
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In Season 2, he knows that if he goes back to being Blackbeard, again, after everything, he might very well never be able to come back. He's still terrified of Stede abandoning him, and I think the fact that he did consent to the sex, that he did want to have sex, that he did feel loved and desired and happy, is a huge part of that. He says it was a mistake because he wanted it so much and got exactly what he wanted and is afraid that, again, he's going to lose the person who made him feel like he was enough. So he's doing exactly what Stede says he's doing - panicking and trying to run this time, so that he's not the one who gets hurt again. That's not the same as truly regretting the night before; it actually says that them sleeping together meant so much that it's frightened him because now he stands to lose even more. (If losing Stede once ripped him apart, after they had just barely kissed and admitted they care for each other, what would losing Stede now do to him?)
Should they have waited? Doesn't really matter. They didn't. Are they overwhelmed with emotion? Well, yeah. There have been other posts floating around discussing the relationship between sex and death and the concept of funeral sex, which are quite accurate IMO.
But...I'd say the moment when Stede first grabs Ed at the door is the "overwhelmed with emotion" part. Remember that Stede has killed before, accidentally, and is absolutely wracked with guilt by it. The guilt is also associated with Ed and with his masculinity/sexuality - "you defile beautiful things" - and Ned's words earlier poked those wounds. The last thing that Ed said to Stede before he killed Ned was not to do it because "you can't come back from that." So Stede does what he did before - he runs and hides. But he's not alone anymore. Ed shows up. He's not angry, he's not rejecting Stede or lecturing Stede; nothing has fundamentally changed in their relationship because Stede killed Ned. He's there to say, "Hey, it's OK, it's hard, I know, I've been there." Stede is overwhelmed with emotion - guilt at what he's done and all its associations with his past, fear that he's ruined something in his relationship (defiled a beautiful thing), uncertainty about what this means about him as a person. And there's Ed, standing there and saying "Are you OK?" Nothing has been defiled.
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It's not Ed who crosses the threshold - maybe Stede needs his space and really doesn't need his sympathy right now, so he waits there and doesn't invade the space - but Stede who grabs him and drags him across. That's the impulsive moment, not the sex. Ed is surprised by it, as we can see on his face, and Stede is in pain and almost crying. He seems incapable of speech at that moment, which says a lot about his state of mind since this is a man who cannot shut up. He's not behaving rationally or thinking things through deliberately; he's coming apart and Ed's there and Ed holds him together.
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Now, the next cut could've been to Stede throwing Ed down on the bed or kissing him aggressively (as, indeed, has happened in plenty of shows and films with these kinds of scenes). But that's not what happens. The next cut is to the end of the impulsive moment, Stede backing Ed up against the wall. Then there's a pause. Both of them are recalibrating. Stede in fact keeps his distance (wish we could actually see their expressions up close), and he waits. He's done something he likely shouldn't have in grabbing Ed; he's stopping himself from doing anything else he shouldn't. He's making a choice and it's an important one, just like when he stopped the kiss when Ed told him to, when he stopped saying "I love you" because Ed couldn't hear it, or when he asked if it was OK to hold Ed's hand. He didn't do anything wrong in being impulsive, and he's waiting for his partner to help him know what to do next.
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Could Ed say no at that point? Yes, absolutely, and we know from the moonlight scene that Stede would not try to go farther. Would Ed say no at that point, with the knowledge of how much this man needs him? Yes, I think he would. I don't think this is a case of Ed going "well, he needs this, so I'll sleep with him." That interpretation I think undermines Ed's autonomy and misunderstands his character - he's not going to do something that he doesn't want to, not even for Stede, and he's not going to damage their relationship by having their first time be a result of pity or sympathy. It's going to be about mutual desire, or it's not going to happen at all.
That pause is where they look at each other (again, wish we could see expressions better) and Ed nods. And even then, when Stede leans in to kiss him, it's not Stede who increases the intensity. I think we could even read this as Stede not consciously planning for the kiss to lead to sex. It's Ed who grabs Stede, pulls him up against him, lets his body support Stede's, who's practically collapsing. It's Ed who snatches Stede's waist and wraps his arm around his shoulders and caresses his neck.
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I think it's really important that Ed is the one who ups the intensity. His actions are pretty much the definition of enthusiastic consent. That's needed for the scene, just like all the other scenes where Stede stops when Ed tells him to. It's Ed who wanted to take it slow and so now his choice to go ahead is necessary. There's no indication that this is rushed or only a result of passion and pain.
The next scene, Stede is closing the curtains, and he's shirtless, but Ed is still mostly dressed (and no, that is not the face of a man having second thoughts or being pressured into sex. That's the face of a man who's so in love he can't see anything but fireworks). What's happening is very deliberate on both their parts, and the entire scene is a culmination of their desires and - very importantly - their love for each other. It's not Stede needing comfort or validation and Ed rewarding him with sex. It's them both needing, wanting, and loving each other.
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It's really tempting to make this all more angst-y than it is, especially with Ed's later "last night was a mistake!" But once more, this silly gay pirate show gets at something that a lot of less silly films and TV shows don't - that human relationships are messy and complex, and messiness and complexity are not inherently Problematic. Just human.
Tl;dr: seems like neither of them regretted having sex, and not just because it was definitely good sex.
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espinosaurusrexex · 1 year
Heyy could you maybe do the verbal fight with bucky from the bingo thing if it isn’t finished yet? love what you write btw <3
Thank you! Also to everyone that helped with their amazing ideas. I couldn’t decide which one to write... I will definitely take another prompt from this post (you can view it as a WIP list lmao)
I had to go with the most detailed one this time because my head is literally blank. Thank you @winterarmyy 💕
Verbal Fight (Bingo Game)
BuckyBarnes x Reader
word count: 1.6k
warnings: fluff, misunderstandings, and Bucky’s sad internal monologue
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Bucky’s eyes jolted open when Natasha and you laughed on the sofa next to him. He had been up for 36 hours now. But he wanted to spend time with his girl after the mission - a mission which left him with little to no sleep on top of physical exhaustion. 
His arm was resting on the couch behind you, fingers grazing your shoulder ever so slightly. It was enough to send him into a drowsy state. But as much as whatever he was doing right now neared sleep more than anything had done in the past day, he needed to go to bed. Preferably with you, cuddled up under the warm blanket, the smell of your hair in his nose and your soft body pressed into his. Bucky felt all warm just thinking about it and it plastered a small smile on his face.
“I think I'm going to hit the hay,” he said as he stood from the sofa, and waited once he had done so. 
“Ok,” you answered before your eyes wandered to him, an asking eyebrow urging him to talk again. “Anything else?”
His eyebrows raised before his hand reached out to you, a silent plea from him to just take it and follow him. You didn’t always go to bed together, but he liked to believe that you enjoyed it just as much whenever you got the chance to. “Aren’t you gonna join me?”
Your features softened once his request had passed, but you shook your head slightly. “You go ahead, I’ll be right behind ya.” And then you were back to giggling with Natasha. 
Bucky’s smile fell. He just wanted his girl in his arms and finally some sleep. Was that so too much to ask? But he didn’t want to sound desperate either. 
“Geez, clingy much Barnes?” Nat laughed before you agreed with a giggly “I know, right?” And then started whispering something with her. 
Bucky’s shoulders slumped, his heart seemingly doing the same. He just liked being with you. Especially after a mission or when he didn’t get to talk to you much. Was that clingy? Bucky thought it was normal to miss the people he cared about. You always told him you missed him when either of you was away. But apparently, he was a little too much. You had spent the entire evening together after all. 
A hoarse ‘okay’ drowned in the giggles in front of him before Bucky turned and headed to his room. How could he not have noticed that he trapped you with his presence? How long had you felt that way? All the questions were eating Bucky up inside. He couldn’t not bother, but he was hoping that his exhaustion would take care of it for now - let him sleep and forget about his racing mind. 
Unfortunately, Bucky’s wishes remained unheard. He wasn’t sleeping. It had been 43 minutes since he tried. He knew, because every time he opened his eyes in hopes of having dreamt his newest dilemma, the watch hand of the clock on his nightstand had barely moved.
He was constantly bothered by the ways he could change his behavior. The last thing he wanted was to annoy you. But it was hard. He enjoyed your presence so much. It was new for him to feel this attached to a person, and because it felt so nice for a change, he pursued it in all the ways he could. 
It was about time it came to bite him in the ass now. Because in his experience, good things never lasted long, not for Bucky anyway. Hell, he was surprised the last four months of your relationship had gone so well. He was bound to mess up - it was in his nature...
The door to his room opened, but Bucky stayed in his position on the bed. His back turned to you, and his face pressed into the pillow frustratedly, we waited for you to just get ready and sleep. He told himself it was so he could be alone with his thoughts again, when really, he just didn’t know what to do - he needed to give you space.
Though Bucky should have known, you weren’t one to ignore an issue - and you always knew when there was one. 
The bed dipped but he didn’t move. Your hand reached out to him but he didn’t move. You attempted to turn him to you and he shook your hand off. 
“What’s wrong, Buck?” No response. It would only make it worse. 
“Come on, talk to me.” You touched his arm again and Bucky finally sat up and turned to you, eyebrows scrunched, breaths heavy. 
“There’s nothing to talk about.” There was no way to navigate this. Even if Bucky were able to steer this conversation toward the revelatory outcome he wanted, he had no clue how to do it. It was better to just get space - give you space. 
But you wouldn’t budge. You scooched closer to him on the bed, halting when Bucky flinched back. When he caught your eyes then, he found hurt and confusion turning your features. It made his chest sting, his hand clammy.
“You were fine just then. What happened?” Another attempt to reach out to him but he reacted the same. You averted your eyes, picking on the covers. “You know you can tell me anything right? I’m here if you need me-“
“Well, I don’t need you.” The words tasted bitter on his tongue. But how else could he tell you that he was anything but clingy? 
“You don’t mean that.”
“How would you know what I mean?!” He snapped, his effort to stay calm breaking like a dried stick between his fingers. “I feel like I don’t even know you! You don’t even want to spend time with me.”
But he didn’t miss the fire light up in your eyes at his last words and it sent a shiver through him. “Well, it’s hard when you pull yourself out of every social interaction to ever exist!” You moved away from him and he felt a pull at his heart. 
“Maybe I wouldn’t do it if you would actually pay attention to me for once!” Bucky didn’t know where that came from. There was frustration and confusion, and hurt all mixing in his brain, making it hard to distinguish intrusive from rational thoughts.
“Oh, so this is my fault?” You huffed.
“Or maybe I’m just fucking broken. Is that what you’re trying to say?! In this case, I don’t even know why you keep up with me.”
“If I’m so broken why don’t you just get back to having fun with everyone else on the team and just leave me be? That’s what you do best, right? Be social! Show me how it’s done because I can’t do it. Ever!” Bucky caught a tear falling from your cheek. No. Nonono. This had not been his intention. Shit.
The room fell silent and Bucky took a deep breath. He was just angry at himself. Angry that he was incapable of connecting with people. Angry that he upset you by being clingy once he found the one person he could attach himself to.
“Alright stop it!” Another tear spilled from your eyes but something inside him was still not finished.
“Why? Is it making you uncomfortable to hear the truth?” He hadn’t intended to say it, but his mouth just opened and did. Stupid fucking mouth.
“Bucky!” He flinched once you raised your voice. You had never done it at him. Neither of you had ever fought with each other in fact. “Where the hell is this coming from?” Now your tone was softer and Bucky could feel his heart pumping blood through his body again. Yeah... where the hell was this coming from?
Bucky fumbled with the blanket. He didn’t even notice he was crying until a fat hot tear landed on the covers. He felt you shuffle closer again, relieved that he hadn’t scared you off entirely.
“Do you really think you’re broken?” You spoke so carefully, as if he were to break at any second. And honestly, that might have happened.
“It feels that way too often for it not to be true..,” he whispered ashamed. 
“Baby,” You reached out again and this time, he allowed it, needing your touch more than ever before. You pulled him into your chest, your arms encasing him as he slumped against your frame - finally exhaling, relaxing, and falling into your embrace. “Everyone feels like this from time to time. You don’t have to always be happy and confident to be normal or okay.”
Your soothing voice traveled through his exhausted haze, tears still falling from his eyes. "But it feels like I get stuck in my sorrow.”
“That is normal. I have those days, too. Nat has them, Steve does too.”
Bucky moved to look up at you, a silent request for confirmation in his stare, but this time, he felt, you understood. You probably always had.
“It’s true, babe.” Your body rocked softly and it soothed Bucky further into your soft chest. He felt the tension draining from his body, the sleeplessness replacing it in every inch of him.
“Please, talk to me when you feel like this again. I can help you. I want to help you.”
“Thank you.” He smiled weakly. How could he have ever thought you would neglect him? It was stupid, just as stupid as that attempt of his to give you more space.
“Not for this, Bucky.” You kissed his forehead, ultimately lulling Bucky into his well-deserved sleep - with a calm mind, and the promise to never let his insecurities get the better of him again. 
Reblogs help writers out so much! If you liked it, please share! 🥰
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f10werfae · 2 years
Cavill Clan
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pairing: Husband!Henry x Primary Teacher!Reader
Summary: fans react to Henry's announcement that not only has he gotten married during lockdown, but there is a new addition to the Cavill Clan...a daughter (Requested by @beck07990)
Requests are open/Likes, Comments and Re-blogs are appreciated♥️
Henry Cavill Masterlist Full Masterlist Taglist Form
@/purpleraingal: Ok but that video of Y/n teaching her five year old students over zoom is the cutest thing, I heard she personally went and left care packages at their door during the pandemic full of books and pens etc
>> @/therurbulentlion: She brought Henry in during her online PE lessons so he could teach the kids rugby, they loved learning from superman
@/pinkframer: I hate it here, just saw Henry's announcement on his insta of him and Y/n kissing at their beach wedding. Did you know they had their own secret last vows, ones they only said to each after everyone left. Only found out because Y/n said it in an interview, soso cute!
>> @/tswifters: Bro Y/n said in a recent zoom interview that because of covid they couldn’t have a honeymoon, so Henry turned their backyard into a resort with massage tables etc
>>> @/blanketcase: No wonder she’s preggo, there was fucking massage tables AND NO DOUBT LUBE
@/britishteacupxo: Y/n’s maternity photos are so beautiful, that one photo of Henry on his knees cupping her stomach is so cute, I swear I could see the imprint of the baby’s foot on her stomach on one of the pics
@/firaffeking: Let’s just appreciate Y/n blessing us with the video of Henry painting the nursery shirtless in cargo work pants, that man is a literal beautiful dilf now. Life’s good.
@/wonderwomf: Their nursery is fantasy based, why am I not surprised with all of Henry’s gamer clubs😭 I just know that kid is gonna grow up into being a cosplayer at some point
@/basketturb: Omg that video of Henry sleeping with Charlotte on his chest, while they’re both in her crib makes me so soft. Apparently there’s been times when Y/n has had to squirt her breastmilk at him to wake up😭😭 He calls them her “supersoakers”
@/HenryCavill: Breastmilk doesn’t taste like actual milk. Betrayed.
>> @Samclaflin: hold on mate how’d you find that out
>>> @/Y/nCavill: How’d ya think 😌
@/burterflu: Baby Charlotte literally has one springed curl on her head and it’s so freaking adorable, its just boings up and down when I saw it on their newest interview
@/haushejus: Y/n is officially back onto zoom teaching and shes so precious, she asked each and every kid how they were doing and offered her own personal time to talk to them individually if they needed extra help with their work packets
@/user8273838: Henry taking care of Charlotte while Y/n is working has to be the funniest things, according to Y/n he had Charlotte handing him the pieces to the PC he was building. Each time he handed her something he said, “Thank you Lottie”
@/delicatepetals: Y/n and Henry are such good parents, they are so hands on and openly affectionate with their daughter it’s so heartwarming
@/softfeatherlad: I hate it here. Y/n is so gorgeous and Charlotte is quite literally her double, although Lottie definitely got Henry’s cleft chin and dark curly hair
@/supermansdog8: When Y/n posted the baby camera video of Lottie getting up at 2AM with her blankie to go sleep with Kal on the couch, with her using him as a pillow and he just kept licking her hands as kisses
>> @/legendary89: Did you see the video of the timelapse of baby Lottie sleeping in their bed. That little girl has more moves than a ninja, she went from being in Henry's arms to sitting right on his head😭 I swear at one point she just latched herself to nurse on Y/n's boob under her shirt😭 That girl is crazy jus like her dad no doubt
Taglist Tags (Form is up there^^): @beck07990
@fdl305 @princess-paramour @stormcloudss @uwiuwi @marvelgurl @taramaria @mysticfalls01 @kebabgirl67 @madebylilly @dumb-fawkin-bitch @vrittivsanghavi @kimhtoo17 @thereisa8ella @pandaxnienke
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pasta-in-the-pudding · 10 months
I absolutely love Toby and I’ve recently discovered your account and I ADORE the way you write him. That last post was fuckin amazing btw, if it’s not too big of a deal, may I please get some headcanons of Toby being clingy with a reader who’s equally as clingy/affectionate? Like cuddling and following eachother around wherever the other goes. Toby is just so AGHHSHDDH I LOVE HIM
Aww im so glad you liked my last post!
Thank you so much for requesting!!
Clingy!Toby x Clingy!Reader
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Toby had a rough childhood, that's no secret
And as a direct result of that, he craves both physical and emotional intimacy
And now that he has you, all of those needs that he couldn't fill before, are constantly being met and more
When he wakes up, you are there, either acting as his pillow and playing with his hair, or tucked under his arms, with him holding you close
When he's working, you are there, helping him with his tasks and chores, sneaking kisses along the way
And when he goes to sleep, you are there, looking up at him happily, maybe pressing some soft kisses to his lips before closing your eyes and dosing off
It's one of the things he prides himself on, that no matter what, you are always there
You make him so happy, and he is certain that no one else has ever felt this good before
You follow each other around like lovesick puppies
It's quite cute, honestly
You could be watching tv when toby will get up to get a snack, and you will follow suite
Or if you decide to go out (for food, feneral shopping, etc) toby will be not far behind, asking you to wait for him as he ties his laces
Of course, there is space given (although, bery rarely do either of you want space)
If you wanted to just go out and hangout with some friends for a night, toby would betotally ok with that
But when you get home, be prepared to never escape the kisses
He'll kiss you on your face, ears, hands, arms, neck
Anywhere he can get his lips, really
Cuddling normally consists of Toby laying on you in some way, but if you wanted to lay on him instead, or maybe be in some sort of "neutral" position, he'd love that just as much
But if you are ok with him laying on you, boy be prepared
His favorites are: 1) laying on your stomach, his arms wrapped around your hips and your fingers in his hair, or maybe even rubbing his back
2) laying between your legs, playing on his nintendo 3ds or scrolling on his phone, with at least one of your hands on his shoulder so he can kiss you as he pleases
3) laying on your chest and listening to your heartbeat, he especially likes if you play with his hair in this position, as it never fails to lull him into sleep
What's yours, is his
And what's his, is yours
If your around his size (or even bigger than him he doesnt care) he will absolutely steal your clothes
His favorites to steal are tee shirts, because he can wear them wherever, whenever
Also, if he's put in a situation where he can't sleep with you (for example, an overnight mission) he would pull out one of your tee shirts (yes, he always has one on him) and wraps it around whatever he sleeps on, so that he can still feel some semblance of sleeping with you
You are the only person allowed to touch his snack stash as well
His only condition is that whenever you want something, you owe him a kiss
Which of course, is something you are happy to do
Most times you will sneak up to him, whispering a "boo" in his ear, and wrapping him in a hug from behind
He smiles, and kisses your nose, and in turn, you kiss his cheek and wave the bag of snacks in front of him
"Wanna go snuggle?" You ask him in a soft whisper, giving soft kisses to his shoulder
He nods with a "mm-hmm" and the two of you go up to his room, getting comfy in his blanket and scooching in close together
Toby would literally move mountains if you wanted him to
All you have to do is ask <33
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would you ever consider translating sasara and rosho’s new duet? i’m sure it would be a real undertaking what with all the manzai, but i’ve always loved your style of localizing jokes! hope you’re having a great day!
You're very kind. Just for you, anon, I'll brave the horror of Dotsuhon lyrics translation. Under a cut for length. This post is so long Tumblr won't save all of it, so it'll have to be done in two goes.
Notes about style: No attempt to preserve rhyme or rhythm. Likewise, no attempt to match the vocal tone/line delivery/line length of the voice actors. (Ie, I'm not writing subtitles, so it might sound odd if you try to listen to the song at the same time as reading this.) The primary focus is on written tone, including wordplay, so strict adherence to literal meaning is not observed. In particular, since this is supposed to sound like a (radio?) comedy sketch, I'm trying to write it with the generally jocular tone such a performance would have in English. Some notes on jokes to follow for those curious. Sasara and Roshou: Hey, folks! Sasara: You're listening to the one and only Dotsuitare Hompo from Osaka. Roshou: Thanks for having us tonight! Sasara: We're Sasara Nurude and... Roshou: ...Roshou Tsutstujimori. Sasara: We usually have a third guy with us, our older buddy Rei Amayado, but he wasn't able to make it for some reason or another. So, you're stuck with the two of us today. Roshou: Sorry, sorry, and thanks again for having us. Sasara: Anyway, things sure are tough out there these days, huh? Roshou: You're telling me. Sasara: So I'd like to get on the mic and say a couple of jokes, cheer folks up a little bit in this whole mess. Roshou: You? You're the biggest mess there is. [1] But you're right. All anyone needs is a good, hot meal and a couple of laughs, and they're set. Sasara: Yeah! A good, hot banquet or three and a personal comedian. All a person needs in life! Roshou: A tad more expensive than I'd intended, but sure. Sasara: And then if you get a good night's sleep with a warm futon riiiight on the floor, then you're in heaven! Roshou: Wait, hold on. You'll catch a cold sleeping like that! You need a quilt or something at least. Sasara: But then what if I overheat? I'd rather quilt while I'm in bed. Roshou: ...Wait, you messed that up. It's supposed to be "quilt while I'm ah--" whatever, let's move on. [2] [Chorus] Sasara and Roshou: We'll keep our chins up and get through this bad time. And we'll set the whole city laughing until even Tsuutenkaku cracks up. [3] Sasara: Don't worry, everybody. I know things are pretty turbulent right now, but it won't last forever. And hey, at least the state of the world right now is like okonomiyaki, and we all know how much I love that! [4] Roshou: In what sense? Sasara: It keeps getting flipped upside down! [5] Roshou: Oh my god, Sasara. Well, at times like this, it never hurts to have seafood... Sasara: I see food, I eat it! Roshou: ...or anything fried... Sasara: After all this chaos, I know I'm fried. Roshou: ...not to mention smothered in sauce. Sasara: You getting saucy with me, mister? [6] But now you're talking my language! And also, the other day I sewed a--wait, did someone say soda? [7] Roshou: Yes, yes, we all know you love cream soda, but you don't need to bring it into every conversation! Sasara: OK(nomiyaki), that's fair. [8] Roshou: Same goes for okonomiyaki! Sasara: Geez, Roshou, what's your problem? Work with me here; commit to the bit. Roshou: Bit of what? [9] Sasara: The routine! That's my motto: always commit to the bit. Roshou: Well, maybe you'd finally get somewhere in life if you tried committing to the whole thing. [10] Sasara: Hey, low blow. We don't all come with your level of ginger. Roshou: No, but you know what does? Okonomiyaki! [11]
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ristoranteivorykeys · 7 months
graduation [octazinelle: high tide fic submission]
in the few months they have before getting ready to leave for internship, floyd and jade go through the turbulence that future uncertainties bring: where will they go, what will they do, but most importantly... what will happen to their relationship with azul?
ft. floyd leech, jade leech, and azul ashengrotto
╰┈➤ 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐬: hello hello!! i participated in a zine titled octazinelle: high tide! you can find the full zine through here~ this was a very fun project and i'm so excited to post the fic i wrote for you guys ^^ i really care about this fic so much, so there will be additional notes that i will leave somewhere :3c don't worry, they won't be hard to find fufufu
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“Floyd Leech.”
Said student is just climbing down the steps of the lecture room when he hears his name being called in an austere manner. Any remaining students in the classroom cast Floyd that ‘oh boy’ look as they leave the room. Floyd looks to the teacher’s table where Professor Trein stares at him sternly. He returns the stare with a miffed look, but he approaches the professor nonetheless.
“This is the second time this week that I have caught you sleeping in my class,” Trein rebukes. “This may be your last semester in Night Raven College before you go on your internship, but that doesn’t mean that you can be negligent in my class.”
“Uh huh.”
“Don’t give me that attitude, Leech. I do not want to give any penalties so late into the semester, but if I catch you sleeping one more time, I will. Do I make myself clear, Leech?”
“Yes, sir.” 
“You may now go.” 
Floyd steps out of the classroom with the same expression as he wore when getting called out. Damn Professor Red Squid, if you don’t wanna give detention, then just don’t, he thinks to himself. Meh, oh well. I don’t feel hungry at all, should I even go to the canteen? But where do I even wanna go? Everywhere’s so noisy. 
He walks for a bit, hands in his pockets.
Ah wait. 
There’s the supplies arriving today for Mostro Lounge. 
Floyd barely notices his frown growing ever so slightly deeper, but students walking along the same path as him instinctively step aside. Nobody in their right mind would dare interrupt a disgruntled Leech twin. 
I’m not going to help out with those. Azul can suffer with those all he wants.
“Floyd! There you are!” 
Floyd stops in his tracks. He does not look at the classmate who briskly walks up to him, but he already feels the annoyance rushing to his head. 
“Floyd, we got a paper due in two days,” the classmate yells. “We just need your part, and we'll be done! When are you gonna send it in the gc?”
“Go away.”
“Hah? Don’t give me that!” The groupmate’s voice raises in anger. “We have a literal group paper to submit, and we just need your part so that we can submit it earlier!”
Floyd faces him finally, but this time, his eyes are dilated, teeth are displayed, and brows are furrowed. An all-too familiar menacing expression. “I said go away.”
“Eep!” The classmate takes a step back, expression immediately shifting to fear for his life. “O-ok ok! Just- just submit before the 11:59 deadline in two days! That’s all I needed to say, ok!”
And right after, the student runs away.
Floyd huffs. He has now made up his mind on where to go. 
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Jade is wiping the sweat off of his face in the locker rooms when one of his Octavinelle classmates approaches him. “Hey, Azul’s calling for you,” he says. “He’s by the gates right now.”
“Oh?” Jade looks up in confusion. “I thought Floyd was supposed to be with him right now.”
“Well, he’s not there now,” the classmate replies while scratching his head. “They need more backup and Azul’s calling for you.” 
“Ah, I see.” He smiles. “I shall be there, then.”
The classmate leaves the locker rooms, leaving Jade all by himself. The rest of the class has already left, eager for lunch. 
Jade slows down in cleaning himself up.
Azul’s name brings back a rip that’s been tearing at his heart. It burns in the way that electricity probably burns, maybe to a lesser degree: his body stops working the way it usually does, and his chest still reels from a shock of pain. It’s not physical by any means, though by the Sea Witch, he wishes it was. It would have been so much easier to deal with. He’d be shipped to the best hospital, all bills easily paid for, and he’d be recovering well back in Octavinelle. Or if he dies, then that is that. No more pain to feel.
No, it’s a harder kind of pain. It’s the kind of pain that makes him want to tear flesh and bone with teeth and claws, the kind of hurt that urges him to destroy a ship, the kind of ache that makes him want to burn his already burning eyes. It’s the kind of pain that won’t go away even if he does all three.
Jade breathes in. Hold it. Breathe out. Breathe in. Hold. Breathe out. Breathe in… breathe out…
He cannot afford to lose himself now, whether by wrath or by tears. 
He packs his bags, changes back to his uniform, and leaves the lockers. His light footsteps are overshadowed by the sounds of enthusiastic jogs to the cafeteria in the corridors. Jade takes a moment to breathe in the afternoon sunny air, letting out a bit more of his worries out of his lungs before he walks down the stairs and through Main Street. 
And soon, he finds himself nearing the tall gates of the school, where a group of students are gathered around large boxes. 
It annoys Jade that the gleam of silver hair stirs mixed emotions. On one hand, his troubles are dashed completely from seeing the very person he keeps close. On the other hand, it is the same person who’s making him go through hell.
He swiftly shifts his focus to the situation in front of him. Some of the other boxes should have been on the way to the Mostro Lounge by this time, yet there are still several of them that the other Octavinelle students have to carry. It isn’t surprising—after all, they decided to upgrade a few things, in preparation for the next dorm leader. Supplies that a simple run to Sam’s shop won’t cover, no matter how much he claims to have it all in stock. 
“Be extra careful with that. That tableware costs us quite a fortune.” Standing by the boxes with a clipboard resting on his arm, Azul watches his dorm mates as he writes notes on the clipboard. He has his dorm leader facade on, serious and stern, but even from a distance, Jade can see his slightly nervous gaze towards the supplies. 
As another pair leaves with a heavy box, Azul looks at them before his eyes fall on him. “Jade, good you made it on time.”
“Hello, Azul,” Jade greets. “I thought that Floyd was supposed to help with the supplies.”
“Well, he’s not here now,” Azul answers, frowning from annoyance. “I was wondering if you had any idea as to where he is right now.”
“I don’t. His history class should have ended 10 minutes ago.” 
“Hmph, nevermind. We need to get all of this into the lounge.” He gestures to the boxes. “All the boxes are complete, and we’ll do a final count of all the supplies once everything has been moved there.”
“I see.” Jade nods. “Will you need me to assist you?”
“No, you may enjoy your lunch break after helping us move these boxes,” Azul answers. “I’ll be making my next successor do that. It’s a part of his learning, after all.” 
“Ah. I see.” 
It annoys him to feel that same shock of hurt returning to his chest. 
A bemused look crosses Azul’s face. “Does that offend you,” he teases. “I never took you for one to be tilted by that.”
Jade blinks. “Why Azul, whatever makes you think I’d be offended over that?” He smiles, with a bit more effort than he’s used to. “You must be imagining things from how little rest you have in passing on your position to the little siren.”
“You exaggerate.” He keeps his clipboard and pen into his bag. “We need to move. Jade, carry that box over there.” He points to one of the smaller boxes, marked with the word FRAGILE, and picks up another box. 
And wordlessly, Jade follows, carrying a box that must contain brand new tea sets. New tea sets that remind him that a new dorm leader and manager of the Mostro Lounge will take over. 
That his term and Azul’s will end because they’ll move up to 4th year and go their separate ways. 
Jade resists the urge to break them. He’ll carry these then find Floyd. 
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Back at home, the schools of fish would band together, staying close until Floyd swam past them, splitting their perfect formation. Together, apart. Together, apart. 
Together. Apart.
Separation was not new to Floyd at all. In an “eat or be eaten” world, fish and merfolk alike live with the thought that the people closest to them may be gone the next day. Floyd has hunted before, has fought before. He’s even the one who said goodbye to his parents when leaving for Night Raven College.
But he said goodbye with the promise of seeing them again after school is done. 
He stares down at the river that runs below the bridge. This spot is rarely ever frequented by students at lunchtime, if only because everyone else is either eating in the canteen, having meetings, or just being with friends, and the bridge is on the other path away from the Hall of Mirrors. Besides Octavinelle, it feels the closest to home on this campus: here, he can watch the current flow, and the fish that live below its clean stream. 
Home, huh? Floyd wonders if home will still feel like home once he returns from Night Raven College. 
It will be the same dark passageways and bioluminescent lights, the same faces but all grown up. Except that he isn’t a child that can pick fights with anyone and nab their scales as a prize, he is to be stuck with running the family business of making deals, expanding connections, beating up people who betray their trust. Pretty much like what he already does with Azul now. 
Except that the boss that would stand with him and Jade is not Azul at all. 
The fish in the river swim with no obstacle in their path. They may split apart to avoid the occasional rock, but they would be together again. Together, apart. Together. In the small space that they share, there is no vast ocean that opens up new paths for them to split ways. Not until they swim down the cliff and into the open sea. 
Floyd has never envied river dwellers until now. 
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Jade walks behind Azul going to Mostro Lounge. It’s something of a routine that started in Night Raven College. When Azul walks, he and Floyd follow him from behind. He doesn’t remember how or when it started. Probably started to make Azul’s image look powerful: he is in the front, wearing a coat that imposes authority, and Jade and Floyd standing at the back makes him look almost impossible to touch. 
Regardless of the hows or the whys, it’s a position that has always given him comfort. From behind, Jade can watch Azul. He can see if Azul is pleased with something by the bounce in his step, or if he’s pissed by the clack of his heels. And from the front, Azul can’t read Jade since he’s always looking forward, and that lets Jade startle him with a random brutal teasing remark. 
Right now, though, he wishes to not look at Azul. 
Azul appears to be beaming, and Jade knows exactly why. He’s found the perfect successor for not only leadership of Octavinelle but also manager for his prized restaurant. He’s gotten accepted in all the places he applied for his internship. 
He’s gotten accepted already into the university that he aims to go to.
Jade vividly remembers the way Azul grinned from ear to ear when he received the email. He remembers the audible, “Yes! Yes, I got in!” that almost sounded teary-eyed. He remembers Floyd saying that they should celebrate over some drinks. He remembers smiling to the best of his abilities while saying congratulations for being accepted. 
That was two weeks ago. He’s said many fake things in his life, and he would never say sorry for them. But until now, the heartless congratulations weighs heavily in his conscience. 
It’s simple, really: Azul has been working hard all his life to achieve his dreams. And Jade was there to witness the journey, from the ideas to the headaches to the defeats to the victories. It’s a huge milestone for Azul to get to stay on land and study in a place where he feels he will thrive. So it’s unfair really, to not be able to celebrate such an achievement happily. 
And yet, Jade can’t bring himself to. 
Their relationship started as something transactional. Tweels keep his secrets, Azul lets them in his plans. Tweels support him, Azul entertains them. And if Azul fails to entertain, then they will drop him like plastic to the chute. There and done. That’s supposed to be their relationship. 
So why then does it hurt to hear that Azul got accepted? Why does it hurt to think about how in a few months, he won’t see Azul as much as the present? Why does it hurt to think about the uncertainty of when they will see each other again? 
“Jade, you can put down the box over there.”
Jade blinks. He’s at Mostro Lounge. Has he been so deep in thought that he didn’t realize when he arrived?
Schooling his expression, he puts down the box on the counter that Azul gestures to, unaware of the concerned expression on Azul’s face. 
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Floyd doesn’t know when he started staring into nothingness to gaze at memories, but he’s now seeing the stone stage from middle school, where his younger self is playing drums to his brother’s bass and someone’s piano. 
He remembers, he was getting irritated with the piano melody, and at the time he couldn’t pinpoint why, except that it lacked something. Now that he thinks about it, it’s because that pianist’s playing had no life. No vigor, no passion, just technique that wouldn’t get anyone dancing. “Next,” he had said and stopped playing. The pianist was protesting. Floyd forgot what he said, just that he protested that he wasn’t done playing, but he didn’t care enough to hear about it.
“Everyone sucks, Jade,” he threw his sticks to the ground. “No one’s good enough to be part of our band. Let’s just go.” And he and Jade—who was bigger than him at the time—left the small auditorium of their school. And it’s a blur, Floyd doesn’t remember why he and Jade didn’t go home right away, but he remembers very well the syncopated melodies coming from the piano they forgot to close. 
And he remembers the gasp he made, the way his heart was stirred from how alive the music sounded. 
And he remembers how quickly he swam back inside to see who’s playing, and his wide-eyed gaze when he spotted the familiar octopus.
“Hey hey, that was so cool,” he said to the flustered Azul. “Play some more, play some more!” 
“Huh? No way, I have to go soon!”
But he didn’t let him go. He insisted he play the piano as he picked up his sticks and played a beat. “Come on, just one song! Then you can go!”
And he started his beat. And when it was just him for a long moment, Floyd had wondered if Azul left. But the sound of an E minor reached his ears, and the next moment, Azul’s playing was matching to the beat of the drums. And his music had heart. It had spirit, it had technique, it had passion. 
And the best part? Azul matched his rhythm when nobody else did. 
“I knew I’d find you here, Floyd.”
Eyes turning away from his reflection in the water, Floyd looks up to the face that he’s known since birth. Jade, impeccably presentable despite having PE class earlier, walks towards Floyd, leaning on the railing of the bridge he stands on. But he does not go near him. 
“What do you want,” Floyd asks. 
“We had a new batch of supplies arrive at the Lounge today,” Jade answers. “You were supposed to help out with the unpacking.”
He only answers with a curt hum before turning back to the water below. 
He hears a sigh. And footsteps approaching.
“You’re thinking about last last week, aren’t you?”
Floyd turns again to Jade. He’s by the bridge railing now, same side as him, but he continues to keep a respectable distance. Jade doesn’t look at him directly either, his gaze directed at the horizon ahead of them. 
He’s thinking about it too.
“Yeah, you could say that,” he answers. “It’s just, really ass, y’know?”
Floyd believes that in spite of their identical genetics, they are two people with different identities, dreams, and beliefs. And don’t get him wrong, it is a lot better that way to have individuality. But deep down, there is a comfort knowing that Jade probably feels the same feeling that leaves Floyd dizzy with frustration, that binds his chest with a mix of anger and sadness. And Sea Witch knows, Floyd needs that comfort now. 
“‘Ass’, you say,” Jade repeats. “Tell me about it.” 
A beat of silence passes between them. 
“It’s just that. It takes half a fish brain to know that Azul’s got grand plans after graduation. Get into the best business school, build his own corporation, build another company, and a third company. And I’ve known this for Sea Witch knows how long, and it was all fine, I didn’t care that much, but then…”
“...But then the letter came in.” Jade fills in. 
“Yeah,” Floyd emphatically answers. “That damned acceptance letter from whosit business university came in. Like, I don’t know why, but it just made everything feel… real. That Azul’s really gonna go somewhere else. And I hate that it’s been hitting me like this for the last two weeks. I can’t focus well, I’m pissed off, Trein’s told me off about sleeping. It’s so ass.”
The silent air between the twins weighs heavier. Floyd’s eyes briefly look at the fish in the river again—the damned fish that he wants to throw a rock at so they separate too—before he turns to Jade. “How ‘bout you? Was it also the letter?”
Jade doesn’t answer right away. Floyd understands; in moments like these, Jade hesitates to speak his mind, even to him. It’s part of their nature to be cowardly, after all, just that Jade exhibits it more between the two of them. 
“... Somehow, yes, but if I were to think about it… it’s actually been a while now,” he finally answers.
“Eh? Really?”
“I knew down the line that there would be farewells to be made,” Jade says. “Like you said, Azul has already made plans for himself, and he invests in those plans, years in advance. But there’s always that part of me that wonders… if there’s space for us in those plans.” 
Floyd finds himself inhaling sharply at those words. 
“I see his goals coming to fruition, and it pains me to say that I can’t even properly support him. The letter, the new supplies, the little siren he’s going to appoint… they’re all reminders that it will all change.” Jade smiles, but in pain. “Azul won’t be the dorm leader, I won’t be the vice leader, and we won’t do the things we used to do. And we won’t see each other until perhaps the next VDC. And when we graduate… would he call an end to our agreements? Would we grow so busy that we become strangers again? We would always say that our relationship is merely transactional and that we would leave him if we get bored, but…”
Jade stops, and the air weighs even heavier. Floyd feels taken back to the first day on land, when breathing with lungs felt heavy and difficult. 
Suddenly, Jade laughs. “What clownfish have we become?”
Floyd too joins his twin in mirth. “Can’t help it, Azul makes me feel understood.”
He raises a brow. “Is it gonna be about the first time you played together with him?”
“I mean, it’s how it started,” he answers. He doesn’t realize the small smile that settles on his face as he remembers once more. “Like, back then, everyone just kinda avoided, y’know? And that’s fine, at least, I thought it was. ‘Twas fun and all to be intimidating. But no matter what I’d do, Azul always matches me. He knows exactly what to play to my rhythm. And even in how we work, he knows what’s the stuff I’d like to do or the stuff I’d do well in. It just feels nice.”
It feels too nice. 
Too nice that if it disappears, it will leave his heart bound tightly by melancholy. 
“…Hey, I can’t be the only sappy one here.” Floyd eyes Jade. “C’mon Jade, share too what’s made you appreciate Azul.”
“I already shared a lot earlier,” Jade says defensively.
“Heyyy, be fair at least. I know you have your own thing.”
“What else is there to say? You already said everything.”
“Liar. I know how you started reading your books more after meeting him.” 
“So? Those were lessons that we had to learn as well.”
“Uh huh sure. Then explain why you’ve only gotten better in everything you do after meeting Azul.”
Jade glares at him. 
Floyd grins in response. “Gotcha.”
A beat of silence, then Jade sighs. “If he makes you feel understood, then he makes me feel capable.”
“How so?”
“One reason.” He puts up one free hand, with one finger up. “He’s demanding.”
Floyd chuckles. “That’s an understatement.”
“You’re right.” Jade grins, teeth flashing. “He’s exigent. Making us run around the school to do 5 things at once, on top of schoolwork. Even before NRC, he was just like that. I assumed he was insane. Until now, I still think he’s insane.”
“You say that, but you don’t look like you’re complaining at all.”
“Because thanks to that, I wasn’t pretending to be good at something anymore.” His next smile is closed. Softer. “I went from barely comprehending a textbook and barely lifting a seashell with my magic to understanding contract language and unlocking my unique ability. He made me do things, and I planned to just make someone else do it and pretend it was me.” 
“Ohhh.” Floyd’s eyes widened with remembrance. “And then he caught you.”
“Yes.” Jade shakes his head at the thought. “And I was expecting him to laugh at me, but he didn’t. All he did was sigh and teach me. Magic, studies, law, something about the way he taught those things clicked something in me. And even the things that he didn’t teach but always talked about, like culinary and how people behave, I was able to absorb things and got better. Dare I say,” a smirk forms on his face, “I’m better than Azul in some things.”
“Like flight class.” Floyd grins.
“Like flight class,” Jade repeats smugly. 
And they stop talking. Jade turns his gaze to the distant horizon, looking at something farther than the blue of the sky. Meanwhile, Floyd glances back at the river. He understands that Jade is done talking personal. But it’s fine for him. He can almost hear the unspoken thoughts. Once Azul leaves, who’s going to be the pianist in their little band that makes their every day exciting? Once Azul leaves, who’s going to tell them that they can do it? 
Once Azul leaves, who’s going to understand them?
“So this is where you two are.”
Simultaneously, Floyd and Jade whip their heads around. Floyd swears his heart almost leapt to his chest when he saw those familiar blue eyes. 
One hand in his pocket, Azul stands on the threshold of the bridge. He and Jade fully turn around as he walks towards them until he’s directly in front of both of them. 
“Hello, Azul,” Jade greets, like the conversation a while ago never happened. “How was teaching your next successor what he has to do?”
“Went well,” he answers. “His prior experiences already reassure me, but he’s also demonstrated that he knows what he’s doing. Currently, he and our other dorm mates are taking care of the supplies.”
“Weird that you’re not being so strict, considering how much you value your restaurant,” Floyd comments. “You’re not even gonna be there to make sure nothing’s going wrong?”
“I trust that things are going well with my new successor in charge. I’ve taught him very well enough,” Azul says. “But more importantly… I have matters to discuss with the both of you.”
He turns his head to look at Jade. “Jade, you’ve been out of focus lately. Just a while ago, when you were bringing the box of teacups to the lounge, you were so deep in thought, you didn’t look like you were aware of where you were going. And even during work hours, you haven’t been as sharp as you usually are. A few professors have commented on your slouched posture as well.”
Jade’s eyes widen in surprise. 
“And Floyd.” Azul turns to look at Floyd. “Professors have reported to me that you’ve either been asleep during lectures or interrupting class with an outburst. You’ve also been moodier than usual, and it shows in your cooking and your behavior. I’ve heard a few students rant about you in group projects.”
Floyd briefly remembers the group mate that approached him earlier. 
“So what are you getting at exactly, Azul,” Jade asks. “Even we have our off days as well.”
Azul casts him a pointed look. “Off days for two weeks straight.” 
He receives no quip in reply. 
He crosses his arms. “Jade, Floyd.” His neutral serious tone changes. It quivers slightly. He’s worried. “I know you two well enough that there’s something going on. Is there something that happened?”
Floyd looks away. Jade does as well.
Floyd hates the concern in his tone. It makes him want to break. It makes him want to be upfront about his feelings and how it’s been bothering him. 
But how can someone like him really tell someone like Azul that you’re afraid to lose him somehow? How can he retract all the times he said that their relationship is all transaction and no emotional connection? How do you even start bearing something so vulnerable? 
They must be the same questions that Jade is grappling with now. Jade, who’s usually good at worming his way out of any conversation, has nothing to say to leave this topic. 
Azul sighs, breaking the long silence. “Is this something that has to do with me?”
The twins stiffen. 
Floyd can feel Azul’s gaze towards him. 
A tense moment passes. 
“... I had a feeling.”
He finally looks at him but in confusion. Jade is also facing him with wide eyes. 
Azul exhales through his nose. “You don’t have to tell me anything about what you’re feeling right now. If at all.” He turns around, preparing to leave. His head is bowed down, not letting either twin see his expression. “But I just want to let you know, I’m always here if you need me. Not just for this, but for anything, even if in the future.”
Floyd’s breath hitches.
“Do you… really mean that?” Jade asks, almost meekly.
Azul looks at Jade in puzzlement. “Why wouldn’t I? You two have been with me for all these years, even in my weakest hours. It’s not like I’m going to leave you even after we graduate.”
“Really,” Floyd asks. “Even when you get really busy with university and we’re running our family business?”
“Well, I won’t deny that we will be busy,” he answers. “But I’m not letting go of you two just because of that. You know me too well, after all. And you’ve supported me all these years, it would be embarrassing to leave that unpaid.”
“You mean that?”
“Have I ever broken a promise? If you want, I can even put that on a contract and have you sign it.”
In one single breath, the binding sadness and worry that tightened Floyd’s chest leaves. 
Without thinking, he moves towards Azul and wraps his arms around his slim frame. He ignores the surprised gasp as he buries his face on his shoulder. His breathing feels lighter than it has ever been the past two weeks. 
He feels Jade joining in, hugging Azul from the other side and burying his face on the other shoulder. His breathing sounds even to any person, but to Floyd, he can hear a slight quiver, like Jade is trying to hold back tears. 
“Is… is this what it’s been all about, all this time,” Azul finally asks. His hands move to pat their heads, a motion that always comforted the twins. “You two are strange for worrying about this type of thing.” 
Despite his words, Floyd can hear the smile in Azul’s voice.
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dreamofjoys · 2 years
Hi! If the requests are still avable, can I ask for Malleus x f!MC who remain forgotten by the dorm leaders on a road trip, at a gas station on the way to idk amusement park or Disney land or a beach, In which it turns out into a makeout. Idk Something like this: Azul:.... I feel like we forgot something
Kalim: Can I speak now?
Leona: If you gonna ask are we there yet for the HUNDRED TIM-
Kalim: You guys forgot Malleus and MC at the last gas station
All dorm leaders :.....
Malleus and MC makeout at the back of the gas station
If you want to do it, or you can just ignore it if you don't like it. I thought it would be funny. Btw its my first time I ask you a request, and I really like your posts, all of them! 😍🥰🥺👏🙏
a/n: anon we need more people like you 😍 this is so FUNNY I CANT OWBOWBWOWW I chose disneyland park for the trip. and this is au, malleus and mc has a crush on each other, but has yet to confess until they got dumped alone in the gas station. this got extremely long, smut is at the bottom.
I changed dormleader to housewarden
how the trip to disneyland came about
it was definitely NOT crowley’s idea, there’s no way that bird man will allow a group of students to go on a vacation (he needs y’all to stay nice and quiet in nrc to handle the problems while hes the one sneaking out for vacation)
it was kalim who proposed to hold a vacation trip to disneyland park with just the housewardens, including you; i mean think about it, you are technically a house warden too. except your members is just grim and a few dead people aka ghost
and how could that bird man decline kalim? hes literally the son of THE ASIM family, who has donated tons of money to school
crowley could only seal his lips shut, give a stamp of approval to the vacation trip, that is fully funded by kalim’s family
someone needs to smack crowley on the face lol how could you not sponsor your own students-
anyways, all housewardens (including you and yes malleus) were invited to this trip
how the housewardens prepare themself for the trip
riddle: he reads every single rule that is stated by disneyland park. had them memorised in his brain. definitely ready to collar anyone who breaks any rule (thought im not sure if he is strong enough to collar another housewarden. hes probably the most junior in this trip, even azul has.. some more patience than him i guess). he packs a few essentials like water bottle and wallet.
leona: ok look, he doesn’t want to go at first. disneyland park? he thinks that it’s a children thing. he ain’t gonna be a little cub running around, trying out different type of rides. that’s more like a cheka thing. he ain’t cheka, hes a big and strong man- ends up agreeing to go after being persuaded by kalim many many times. his plan is just to sleep through the car ride, go there and eat some meat, and sleep in the car again until he reaches back to nrc. probably doesn’t really pack anything. would just bring himself there lol
azul: like riddle, he reads every rule there, except he is a little more…. business like. he search up on what’s the trend there in disneyland. how are they fairing in their business? at which season do they earn the most money? definitely research all of that. also for the ticket entrance, is kalim really sponsoring it? will double and triple confirm to make sure that he isn’t getting scammed lol. he definitely packs a camera and a notebook so that he can take pictures of the park, and note down any important information that can help mostro lounge.
kalim: this boy is excited. he was the one planning the trip after all, thinking that it would be a nice vacation after dealing with numerous overblots. will eagerly tell his family about it, which means= his dad hiring a private car for all 8 people, ensuring good security in the park, making sure all rides and food are available. i think he will pack some cameras too, just to take pictures for memories. won’t bring any money, cause all he needa say is “just bill it to the asim family!”
vil: a vacation? he thinks is nice to finally relax from his workload. like riddle and azul, he will do some research beforehand to understand more about disneyland park. what are the things that he should look out for? a must go to place? how are the people like there? if vil lives in modern au, i can promise you that he is the type to get vaccination 2 weeks before his trip just so that he wouldn’t catch any viral infection. he packs everything nicely. sunblock, moisturiser, body mist, wet tissue paper, perfume, you name it. he has everything in that small little bag of his.
idia: instantly rejected the idea. he doesn’t want to hang out with normies. doesn’t want to socialise with anyone. he just wants to stay in his room and play with his game. ortho tried to convince him to go, but idia was too stubborn, viewing the whole trip pointless. it wasn’t until ortho pulled out his trump card, pulling his teary eyes out as he sobbed, saying that he just wants the best for his big brother. idia panics, but his decision is still the same. ortho starts crying and wailing, and that’s when idia gave in, finally saying yes to the trip. he brings his phone only, and a big ass jacket to cover and disguise himself; not like anyone will recognise him anyway.
malleus: when he received the invitation, he was happy, elated, delighted, and whatever words that could describe his mood. he consults lilia on what he should do during the vacation. should he tell them some old stories? play some pranks like how lilia did? lilia laughs and tell malleus to act normal and just enjoy the trip. but most importantly, malleus was looking forward since you were going too! he sees it as a chance to get closer to you, with 6 extra people. also doesn’t pack anything, he can get anything with a snap of his fingers.
during the road trip
a typical problem that happens during the road trip, gas running low in the car
the driver decided to stop at a gas station to refill up the gas
the 8 of you decided to step out of the car, stretch some muscles and breathe in some fresh air
leona was actually grumbling about how they could have used the dark mirror to teleport to disneyland instantly
please tell him that is no fun teleporting when you can just sit back and admire the view
you and malleus decided to go to the convenience store at the gas station to grab some ice cream (a/n: all gas stations in my country has a convenience store; like a 7-11 lmao and then you can pay your bills there too but idk about other countries)
but thennnnn the both of you forgot to inform the rest that you and malleus were queueing up to pay for the ice cream, the driver only paid for the bills for gas, failing to notice you and malleus in the queue
and soooo the rest of the housewardens + driver left the gas station without you and malleus 💀
literally no one noticed until the ride was already 30mins in, halfway reaching disneyland park
kalim during the ride: are we reaching soon?
driver: not yet
leona: *groans, trying to sleep*
azul: *frowning cause he feels like something is missing*
idia: *couldnt care less*
vil: *admiring the scenery, but also feels that something is off*
riddle: *trying to get leona and idia to sit up straight and not slouch*
the first one to break the silence was azul
azul: i feel like we are missing something
kalim: are-
leona: stfu and stop asking if we are reaching soon!
kalim: aren’t we missing out malleus and mc at the gas station?
riddle gasps, leona sighs really loud, azul nervously pushing up his spectacles, vil drops his mirror while idia simply ascended to heaven.
they just left the crown prince of briar valley in the middle of nowhere, with a magic less human. sebek is about to scream at them.
poor driver was sweating profusely, literally drives back to the gas station in full speed as the housewardens beg him to hurry the fuck up. they don’t want to face the consequence of dumping a prince alone. technically not since mc is there.
back at the gas station
“they left without us.” malleus said as you whipped your head towards the area where the rest of the housewardens was supposed to be, except is empty.
“im going to call them!” you took out your phone, scrolling through your contacts and looking for idia’s number. how could they forgot about you and malleus?! you found idia’s number and was about to call him until malleus stopped you from doing so.
“before that, mc, can i tell you something?”
“i like you.”
du-DUN DUN the malleus fucking draconia, also known as your crush, has finally confessed! your face heats up at the sudden confession, because damn, it caught you off guard, and you didn’t expect him to reciprocate your feelings.
“i like you too,malleus.” malleus grins, happy that you feel the same way.
“so what do we do now?”
“we can make out.” it was just a joke from malleus, or so you thought.
because moments later, he brought you to the back of the gas station, starts lifting up your skirt and rubs on your cloth cunt. you stifled back a moan, feeling embarrassed and unsure if the both of you should be doing this in public. but malleus assures you that is okay, he wouldn’t let anyone see you like this, is a sight reserve for him only. so when he ask if he could take things further, you nodded your head and said yes.
he pulls your panties aside, pushing a finger in as you moaned, feeling that foreign finger inside you. malleus gets you nice and wet first, making sure that he has stretch you enough with just his finger before unzipping his pants, freeing his cock to insert it into you.
he lifts you up and pressed you against the wall in a mating press position. when he finally bottoms out, he groans at the feeling of your gummy walls spasming around him. everytime you clench on him, he could feel his head getting dizzy, feeling how unbelievably tight and comfy you are.
you covered your mouth, suppressing your moans as malleus thrust into you slowly. the vein that decorates his cock brush onto your walls, stimulating and turning you on more, letting you feel just exactly how big malleus is. with how slow and sensual the thrust is, you were sure that malleus was just trying to mould your pussy into the shape of his cock, making sure that it only accommodates him, making sure that your pussy won’t forget how his cock makes you feel.
“fa-faster..” you begged malleus, and he complies to it, increasing his pace, making sure that his balls slams onto you before pulling out and abruptly pushing himself into you to feel your walls again.
it wasn’t long before you orgasmed, your fluids drenching his cock and pants wet again. malleus only hums, amused that he was able to get such a reaction out from your body. he wonders if he could do it again? sadly, malleus knows that the other housewardens are coming back to get the both of you, so he snap his fingers, drying up the mess that the both of you had made while he dresses you up, making sure that you are comfortable.
“does it hurt?” malleus asked you as you leaned your head against his chest. “a little.” you did felt… pain from the stretch at first but you couldn’t deny that it was amazing.
“im sorry, i will be more gentle next time.” malleus apologised, pressing a kiss on your cheek as you giggled. “does this mean that we are official?” “yeah.” you cheered, peppering kisses over malleus’s face while telling him how much you like him. oh dear, i guess someone is really excited to date THE malleus draconia.
malleus felt really happy. today was a good day, he can feel it. he gets to fuck the love of his life and is invited to a vacation. seriously, nothing can get better than this.
anyway a few minutes later, the housewardens arrived, looking for both you and malleus. the both of you were waiting at the entrance of the gas station patiently, so when you spotted the familiar car, you waved at them.
the car stops in front of you and malleus as the automatic door opens. when you and malleus step inside of the car, leona growls and glares at the both of you.
“seriously? that’s what you have been doing while the rest of us were panicking?”
the rest of the housewardens were confused at leona’s statement. you blushed while malleus only smirks. looks like that’s something that only the 3 of you would know.
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dmercer91 · 1 year
ebug's sister, dm91
part one / part two /part three / part four / part five / part six /
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liked by dawson1417, lhughes_06, and 6,213 others
blakefriarr_: my brothers an ebug, episode five!
i think ni saw me in the stands before the game started, cause he didn’t ONCE look in my direction and i had to scavenge the broadcast after the game to find an image of him under duress. it’s cute that you thought i wouldn’t find a way, though, worlds sluttiest captain™️
i added a photo of jack to this one since i flat out refused to add him to mine and quinnys groupchat, so we settled on this. for those of you this may negatively affect, i promise it’s a one time thing <3
the next two are both of dawson, since 1. he got a goal!! but second and most importantly, he’s got such a pretty smile and i think it needed to be broadcasted to all of you lovely people seeing this
then we have a goalie hug! i would like to point out that in the five games i’ve seen this season, they’ve won every time i was there. i’m the good luck charm. not even maybe. i am telling you it’s me
last, cause i want to rub it in jj’s face that i have a sweet, attentive guy that he doesn’t know the name of, is a message from my boy!! (he still hasn’t asked me to be his girl, so he’s not TECHNICALLY my boy, but shhhh we’ll ignore it)
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jj.friar31: does this guy of yours know about your strange love for dawson mercer
→ blakefriarr_: i would say he's aware
lhughes_06: I RANK HIGHER THAN JACK!?!?!?
→ blakefriarr_: unfortunately you are very adoptable
→ lhughes_06: you're like eight months older than me
→ blakefriarr_: ok?
_quinnhughes: hey guy who won't be named where jj can see, if you're reading this, please ask her out before i go crazy
→ blakefriarr_: you said i could talk to you anytime :(
→ _quinnhughes: of course you can, sweetheart. that doesn't mean i wont go nuts
→ blakefriarr_: awh huggy you're willing to go nuts for me?
→ _quinnhughes: unfortunately i'm not immune to whatever it is you have going on in that head of yours
jesperbratt: i can't believe you just called nico a slut
→ blakefriarr_: believe it, bratter.
nicohischier: ... sluttiest?
→ blakefriarr_: what other word can be used to describe what it is when you flip your hair around with a bloody mouth and call people fucking pussies
→ nicohischier: i was hoping those clips would stay off your radar
→ blakefriarr_: that's impossible i see everything
adamfantilli: wasn't expecting him to be such a softy
→ lhughes_06: now what is this supposed to mean
→ blakefriarr_: rookie how did you manage it's been literally three days
→ lhughes_06: IS HE IN THE GROUPCHAT?????? BLAKE??
→ blakefriarr_: don't be so dramatic moose
→ lhughes_06: quinn?? what do you have to say for yourself?
→ _quinnhughes: she asked very nicely idk what you wanted me to do
→ blakefriarr_: 'i'm adding adam fuckface' 'cool lmao' there was no resistance and by definition i don't think i was being nice
→ _quinnhughes: why do i put up with this
→ adamfantilli: i feel so honoured you didn't even ask properly
→ blakefriarr_: whatever. love u, rookie
→ adamfantilli: love u, coach
→ lhughes_06: i'm killing you both and not in your sleep you deserve to know it was me
→ blakefriarr_: well now you can do it in our sleeps cause you just.. told us? that it would be you?
dougieham: i would like to formally apologize for my comment on your most recent post. i was out of line and i should not have spilled very highly classified of information about the groupchat. i hope my apology finds you well.
→ blakefriarr_: you're forgiven, but you're on probation
→ dougieham: quinn is that good enough
→ _quinnhughes: probably idk
dawson1417: i have a pretty smile? blushing
→ blakefriarr_: you're welcome, loser <3
→ dawson1417: that guy of yours ask you out yet?
→ blakefriarr_: he has.
→ dawson1417: yeah?
→ blakefriarr_: only to an event, though. hoping he'll man up n kiss me
→ dawson1417: best of luck, then <3
jackhughes: least favourite?? what did i do to deserve this
→ blakefriarr_: you are just incredibly underwhelming i'm sorry. be glad you got your picture in the post that is ALL i agreed to.
→ jackhughes: and quinn isn't??
→ blakefriarr_: do not diss quinn i will take your head of and put it over my fireplace
jj.friar31: ok so from what i'm compiling here i think it's either quinn or.. adam fantilli????? somehow?? when did that even happen how do you keep pulling this off
→ blakefriarr_: ok first of all if you think i would ever allow someone i'm romantically involved with to call me coach you need a lobotomy
→ blakefriarr_: second of all you are so dumb it's actually become fascinating. NEITHER OF THOSE PEOPLE LIVE IN JERSEY?? you think quinn hughes found the time in his nhl player schedule to fly down here and bring me home from work?
→ jj.friar31: oh right
→ jj.friar31: ignore me i've compiled nothing.
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onboardsorasora · 7 months
I was re reading that Drabble of Maxiel’s Baby and I don’t about you but I think Noah should have a sibiling hahaha
Oh Bestie you just know the words to derail my brain don't you?? Of course I couldn't just....not think about it lol I banged this one out, I have not reread it so I hope its ok lmao
This is set in the universe of this birthday party and this drabble
Daniel had giggled when he pressed ‘post’ on the photoset, the picture of him napping front and centre. He hadn’t been joking when he said Vegas was exhausting– the completely odd hours, the long wait during free practices. It had been a lot of events crammed into a very short space of time. 
Daniel had just thought he was being old and cranky with how tired he was. He’d declined every invite to go party, kissed Max’s pouting lips and sagged with relief in their hotel suite. It wasn’t until he saw the videos of Lewis and Fernando having a blast that he thought maybe he shouldn’t have been as tired as he was. 
It didn’t too matter– he’d been delirious that one Friday and when Pyry had suggested power naps to combat the exhaustion, Daniel had happily closed his eyes and slipped his head on Blake’s unwilling shoulder.
Now as the fireworks went off in Abu Dhabi to usher in the end of the season, Daniel idly knew Max was on his way from one media pen to another– doing double duty as race winner and champ. Daniel would wait for him in their room. Once he finished his commitments here at the track, he’d collect Noah from Geri (no doubt his presence was already triggering the ole ‘we should have another’ conversation between the Horners). And then they would go to take a nap in the big bed while they waited for Papa.
Or that would be the plan, if he could ever stop puking his intestines up.
He’d been in there for just under fifteen minutes already. Because that's about as long as the fireworks show in AD normally lasts. Blake was outside the door, he’d knocked a few times and Daniel had answered with groans. He knew if he didn’t answer with human words soon, Blake was going to call Max. 
When he felt vaguely human again– this took give or take another ten minutes– Daniel flushed the toilet and rinsed his mouth out in the sink. He felt rung out, even more dehydrated than at the end of the race. His face was pale and splotchy, yeah he looked sick as fuck. There would be no hiding it. 
With a shaking hand, he unlocked the door. Blake stood by, along with Pyry and Franz. The three of them looked alarmed at his pallor. There was a flurry of movement and before Daniel knew it, he was in his driver’s room and a nurse was taking his blood pressure. 
“Guys, I’m fine. Probably like just a bit dehydrated or something.” Daniel mumbled, they were being complete mother hens and they needed to quit before someone got the dumb idea of pulling Max from his media commitments.
“Nah mate, this is more than just dehydration.” Blake mumbled, he looked as worried as when Daniel had broken his hand. Of course, this wasn’t anything like that.
“You’ve been really tired lately–” Pyry started.
“Yeah– Vegas was shit. Everyone was tired.” Daniel cut in.
“But you were like….way more tired.” Blake mumbled, Daniel rolled his eyes. “Danny, you were napping everywhere. Like literally everyone has pictures of you sleeping. It's like ‘where's lando’ all over again.” Blake threw his arms up in exasperation.
“I’m fine.” Daniel insisted. “Maybe my iron’s low or something.”
They all bickered (much to Franz’s amusement) and pretty much ignored the nurse as she jotted down his vitals and then started scrolling through an ipad.
“Daniel, you gave your updated blood sample this weekend, correct?” The nurse asked and Daniel nodded, eyes wide from being cut off from whatever childish retort he was going to give Blake. He had stopped by the medical bay Thursday morning like they had asked. He’d given a new sample in Austin, when they cleared him to race. But in Vegas, Blake had received an email asking for a new sample. They didn’t think anything of it, this happened all the time. 
The nurse scrolled on her ipad again and bit her lip, before looking at all the people in the room staring back at her. 
“Was there something wrong with that sample too?” Daniel asked, trying to lead her into telling them what she found. Her reaction wasn’t good. It wasn't bad but it wasn't good either.
“Uhm, maybe some privacy?” She asked, her voice tight.
“No it's fine” he sighed, they’d all hear about it– whatever it is. Blake was his manager, Pyry was his interim trainer. Franz was his boss, well ex boss. All people who needed to know details about his health and wellbeing.
“Well, um.” She bit her lip and seemed very uncomfortable. Daniel sighed, preparing for the worst. “Congratulations? You're pregnant.” the nurse winced awkwardly. Daniel’s eyes widened comically. Blake’s mouth dropped open.
“Oh shit!”
All eyes turned to the door to see Max’s surprised form with his arm up poised to knock on the door. His wide blue eyes found Daniel’s and the largest grin cracked open his face. Franz clapped Max on the shoulder and ushered the poor nurse out of the room. Pyry shuffled Blake out and closed the door behind them.
“Noah’s gonna be a big brother?” Max whispered and Daniel smiled wetly. Max sat on the couch beside him and collected Daniel into his arms. 
“I’m pregnant?” Daniel whispered in awe as bits and pieces of the last few weeks started to make sense. “I guess I should lay off the red bulls for now, huh?”
“Yeah. We, of course, don’t want the baby coming out with fucking wings as advertised.” Max giggled and Daniel snorted into his shoulder. Daniel clung to him a bit longer before easing back and staring into wet blue eyes.
“You’re gonna be a Papa again.”
Max surged forward and kissed him. He was so happy.
Of course, this changed a lot of things. There were many contracts that now needed to be broken, many clauses rewritten. A new baby changed so many things. But that was for the future; the Max and Daniel of tomorrow. 
For now, they were going to bask in the knowledge that they were expecting. Then they would go into the garage where, no doubt, all of Alpha Tauri already know– because Franz was a huge gossip queen. And then after accepting all of their congratulations, they would go to the Red Bull garage where, of course, Helmut has already told Christian and all the guys there because Hemult was nothing if not Franz’s partner in crime.
Tonight they will enjoy it. They will take their son home and cuddle him in bed. Tomorrow they can start the planning. 
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jerzwriter · 8 months
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Thank you to @kyra75 for the suggestion: Ethan, Kaycee, tissues from this ask. I'm not even giving the speech about it being over 100 words anymore. lol I hope you enjoy this!
Book: Open Heart (Post-Series) Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Kaycee MacClennan) Rating: Teen Words: 530 Summary: Ethan has a mancold. (That's all you need to know. lol) A/N: Participating in @choicesoctober - partners and @choicesprompts Flufftober - forehead kiss
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Kaycee grabbed her purse and took a final look at herself in the hallway mirror. Already behind schedule, her hand was nearly on the front door when Ethan called out from the bedroom. Rushing down the halls in her high heels, she was nearly out of breath when she reached him.  
“Hey!” she breathed. “You OK? You need something?”
“Yes. I needed you to wake me,” he said as he stepped out of bed. But as soon as he was on his feet, dizziness seized him, and he nearly tumbled to the floor.
“Ethan!” Kaycee yelled. “Get into bed right now! There’s no way you’re going to work today!”
“Why? I’m not... I’m not... I’m nahhhh....ahhhhh-chhhhooo.” He sneezed so loud that the sparrow perched on their windowsill took off for the heavens. But he remained adamant. “I’m not sick!”
Kaycee shook her head, arms crossed defiantly in front of her chest. “You know, when they said doctors make the worst patients, you were exactly who they had in mind.”
“But I’m not....”
Kaycee smiled smugly when he couldn’t complete his sentence. Sneezing once, then twice... they just kept coming. Walking toward him with a box of tissues, she teased.
“Yep. You’re the picture of health."
“This is ridiculous,” he complained, crawling back into bed. “I never get sick!”
“Honey, everyone gets sick sometimes. Now, you’re staying home and getting some rest today! Trust me, Edenbrook will still be standing when you return.”
“Yeah, and I can work on cases from home.”
“Really?” she asked. “Do I need to call Tobias and tell him I’m taking the day off, too... to babysit?”
“No,” Ethan sighed. “If you leave Tobias alone to run things, Edenbrook may not be standing when we return.”  
“You can’t stop yourself, even when you’re sick,” she laughed.
“Hey, if I praised Carrick’s abilities, I’d tell you to consider calling a priest for last rites.”
“Ethan, you’re an atheist,” she smirked, pulling the blankets over him.
“Do you need anything before I go?”
“A hug?”
“A hug..." she cringed. "I'd love to, but... cooties.”
“Cooties?” he asked with a raised brow.
“Yes, cooties.”
“This is what happens when I marry someone who went to Perelman instead of Hopkins,” he smiled.
“Oh really? Keep this up, and maybe your second wife will be from Hopkins. But trust me, she’d never make you as happy as me.”
“You can say that again.”
“She’d never make you as happy as me.”
“I didn’t mean literally,” he groaned.
Kaycee leaned over and placed a kiss on his forehead. “I’ll tell you what. I’ll run home on my lunch break to check in on you, OK?”
“You don’t have to...”
“No, I insist. You’re the only patient I’ll make house calls for.”
“And you know,” he winked, “if I’m feeling better....”
“Oh no!” she replied, rushing away from him. “No way, because...”
“Cooties,” they said in unison.
Ethan’s heavy eyelids began to shut, and he was already sleeping when Kaycee turned out the lights. She looked at her watch; she could just make it to work on time, but her mind was already on her break, eager to give her favorite patient a house call.
@choicesficwriterscreations @openheartfanfics
Tagging others separately.
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