#oikawa sings in spanish
iwaoiness · 9 months
When Tooru likes Rosalía
Iwaizumi never thought it possible that anything could oust empanadas from the number 1 spot in Oikawa's TOP10 things I like most about Argentina.
Until Rosalia and her album El Mal Querer arrived during Tooru's second year in the Latin country.
Ever since he became obsessed whit her, there was no video call where Oikawa did not hum or sing a song. With the endearing accent that persisted in his Spanish, he sang voy a salir pa la calle, con la manita los aro’ brillando, en mi piel los corale’, me protejan, me salven, me iluminen, me guarden while he prepared to go out after Hajime helped him choose an outfit.
And also me da miedo cuando sales, sonriendo pa’ la calle, porque todos pueden ver, los hoyuelitos que te salen, like that day when he missed Iwa-chan so much that he couldn't disguise it and Jacob (Hajime's roommate and friend) uploaded a story to Instagram where Iwaizumi was laughing (so handsome, so ethereal) with naturalness and happiness and sweetness and with those tender dimples on his cheeks.
And de las luces sale un ángel que cayó, tiene una marca en el alma, pero ella no se la vio while preparing dinner following Iwaizumi's instructions via the video call
And when Oikawa was feeling playful, lying face down on the bed, with the laptop in front of him, he sang di mi nombre, pon tu cuerpo contra el mío, y que lo malo sea bueno e impuro lo bendecí’o, ya me abrazas sobre tu cuerpo, en la esquina de tu cama, and he enjoyed watching Hajime covered his face with his hands, his ears reddened and muttered curses in English because after so long, he understood Spanish too well.
Then, four years later, when Oikawa was giving up all hope of Rosalía releasing a new album, Motomami appeared, and Iwaizumi still remembers with a shudder Tooru's intense scream when it was released.
Now, with no trace of his accent, in fluent, melodious Spanish, Oikawa sang yo soy muy mía, yo me transformo, una mariposa, yo me transformo, makeup de drag queen, yo me transformo, lluvia de estrellas, yo me transformo as he swayed his hips and made his favourite smoothies in the kitchen of the new flat where he finally lived with Iwaizumi.
And there was one day when, while Hajime was talking to Kageyama on the phone about his hesitation to do a deodorant commercial, Oikawa sang out loud es mala amante la fama y no va a quererte de verdad, es demasia’o traicionera, y como ella viene, se te va to tease him a bit (just for old times' sake, not because he wanted to really annoy Tobio for interrupting them in their daily cuddling session).
And then he sang pa’ ti naki, chicken teriyaki, tu gata quiere maki, mi gata en Kawasaki as he and Iwa-chan walked to their favourite restaurant in Tokyo and Hajime, against his will, ended up humming the catchy fucking tune.
He also sang yo no soy y ni voy a ser tu bizcochito, pero tengo to’ lo que tiene delito, que me pongan en el sol, que me derrito as he went through his nightly skincare routine, with the song playing on his phone and Hajime by his side, brushing his teeth while looking at him in amusement through the reflection of the mirror.
And there was a time when Tooru not only sang baby, no me llame’ que yo estoy ocupá’ olvidando tus male’, ya decidí que esta noche se sale, con toda’ mis motomami’, con toda’ mis gyale’, but also joined the trend on TikTok (dragging Hajime of course). Both learned the choreography, recorded the video one Sunday morning and, in less than three hours, got more than 1M likes, 90k comments (20 of them from an excited Hinata), several calls from family and friends, a duo of Mattsun and Makki with their TikTok where both laughed trying to imitate them and Suna re-uploading the video on his social networks with the thumbs-up emoji.
And then came the RR album with Beso which Tooru had on loop for weeks, although Hajime didn't really mind, because the melody was soft (nothing to do with Chiken Teriyaki) and he loved it when Oikawa sang ya yo necesito otro beso, uno de esos que tú me da’, estar lejos de ti es el infierno, estar cerca de ti es mi paz as he wrapped his arms around Iwa-chan, smiled tenderly and looked at him lovingly before kissing him.
Although, when it was discovered that Rauw hurt Rosalía and they broke up, Oikawa (after venting his anger towards the male singer on his social networks) banned the album because in this house we don't tolerate infidels, Iwa-chan and replaced the RR album with the single LLYLM, with that fragment that Oikawa liked a lot and, during an April night, curled up on the small sofa on the balcony under the dark blanket of the sky, Hajime sang to him, low and soft, with an accent in his Spanish ay dame esa pulsera de flores, me la pondré en la muñeca, cuando despierte, así yo lo sabré, así yo lo sabré, yo sabré que fue real, será mi totem, lo sabes tú y nadie más.
But, instead of a flower bracelet, Iwaizumi carefully slipped a gold wedding ring onto Oikawa's ring finger and he, when noticed it, lifted his head from Hajime's chest, blinking in perplexity when he saw the jewel wrapped perfectly around his finger.
Is this...?
He shot his gaze towards Iwaizumi with a whirlwind of dizzying emotions swirling in his chest, where his heart was pounding so hard it could shatter ribs and pierce skin.
Hajime looked back at him, his olive green eyes shining with happiness in its purest state, and he widened his smile, that smile that expresses so much and brings out his dimples.
"Will you marry me, Tooru?" he asked him softly in Spanish, his voice trembling lightly, charged with the same emotions that stirred the setter.
Oikawa opened and closed his mouth, but the words caught in his throat, his lower lip began to tremble, his eyes to mist over before tears began to overflow and his cheks and nose began to blush. Tooru only managed to sob before he threw himself on top of him completely, hiding his face in Hajime’s shoulder, wrapping his arms tightly around his neck and sliding his legs on either side of his hips. Iwaizumi’s strong arms immediately wrapped around Oikawa, aligning their hearts in that hug, bringing him the warmth, comfort, and security that Tooru grew up with.
Hajime was Tooru’s home that always kept its doors open for him.
"If I'd known you were going to propose I would have taught you Taylor Swift's discography." He whispered when finally found his voice and Hajime let out a wet laugh, his hand never having stopped stroking Oikawa’s back while the other still clutched at his waist.
"So that's a yes?" he asked and Oikawa sniffled, lifting his head to look him in the eye.
He smiled, with that cute curve to his lips that forced his eyes to narrow like half-moons and his reddened nose to wrinkle tenderly.
"As Rosalia sang at an awards ceremony" Tooru cleared his throat and Hajime laughed again before his boyfriend (now fiancé and forever his soulmate) cradled his face in his soft hands, his thumbs caressing his cheeks as their eyes met again "Si me das a elegir, entre tú y la gloria, pa’ que hable la historia de mí, por los siglos, ay amor" He inclined his head, nuzzling his nose with Iwaizumi's, who narrowed his eyes, lowering his gaze to those glossy lips that curved upwards "I'm staying with you" He finished in Japanese and Hajime mirrored his smile before their mouths melted into a kiss charged with all the love they had sown since they were two years old.
The same love that today, at the age of 29, blossoms like every spring in an explosion of colours and shapes.
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forusomimiya · 1 year
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Masterlist by forusomimiya ღ
Hii ✨ I finally had some time to write my own masterlist with all my works, as many of you were asking me to do it. I will be updating the list with each new work I publish, so, for the new followers, you will always be able to see the old works without having to go through all my profile. 🏐 𝙃𝘼𝙄𝙆𝙔𝙐𝙐 🏐 (male x male) ↴ 🌼Headcanons/Scenarios/AU´s: • (Ushisaku)
• (SakuAtsu) ↴ ➝ 1 ➝ 2 ➝ 3 (ft. SunaOsa) ➝ Driver License 🚘 ➝ 5 ➝ Friends w/ Benefits 👨🏼‍🤝‍👨🏻 ➝ 6 ➝ 7 • (SunaOsa) ↴ ➝ My "good" boy
• (HQ guys with 🐱 pt.1) • (HQ guys with 🐱 pt.2) 🏐 𝙃𝘼𝙄𝙆𝙔𝙐𝙐 🏐 (x reader) ↴ 🌼Male x Reader: ღ (ATSUMU) ➝ Atsumu as a bf ➝ 3 drinks for 3 things about you ➝ Sing them to me ღ (BOKUTO) ➝ First time? ➝ Birthday Boy ღ (IWAIZUMI) ➝ Iwaizumi as a bf ღ (OIKAWA) ➝ Tooru being spanish ➝ Thigh riding ღ (OSAMU) ➝ Osamu as a bf ➝ Big boy with big arms ღ (SAKUSA) ➝ Sakusa as a bf ➝ 🎱 ➝ Fantasies ➝ Virgin! Sakusa ღ (SUNA) ➝ Workout pt.1 ➝ Workout pt.2 ➝ Rintarou Suna`s secret ➝ Summer taste ➝ Suna likes to... ➝ 📱 ➝ He likes them 🍒 ➝ Sex tape ➝ Smoker! Suna ➝ Virgin! Suna pt.1 ➝ Virgin! Suna pt.2 ➝ Hello chat! This is my bf ➝ 🚬 ღ (USHIJIMA) -1- -2- 🌼Poly w/ Reader: • (ATSUOI x reader) • (BOKUROO x reader) • (IWAOI x reader) • (SAKUATSU x reader) • (USHIIWA x reader)
• (SUNAOSA x reader) ↴ ➝ Among foxes ➝ Both? Both. ➝ A stranger in a fox mask
• (MSBY4 x reader) ↴ ➝ Brasil! Hinata ➝ Four´s a crowd
• (SAKUSUNA x reader) ↴
➝ Don’t play with us
🌼Multi (Kita, Akaashi, Hakuba Gao, Tobio, Mattsun and more…): • (HAIKYUU! TEXTS 💬 pt.1) • (HAIKYUU! TEXTS 💬 pt.2) • (HQ BOYS BEING PERVERTED 🤫) • (WHO HQ GUYS LIKES TO BE HUMILIATED VS. LIKES TO HUMILIATE) • (HQ CAPTAINS REACTING TO YOU WALKING SEMI-NAKED WITH HIS TEAM JERSEY) Part 1 Multi -1- Multi -6- Multi -2- Multi -7- Multi -3- Multi -8- Multi -4- Multi -9- Multi -5- Multi -10-
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flyingwargle · 2 months
iwaizumi stands in front of his mirror, phone in one hand, the other running through his hair. he has his notes open, english words typed across the screen. he knows what each word means, how they're spelled, how they sound. when it comes to speaking, however...
he takes a breath and stares at his reflection with the same intensity as preparing for a jump serve. with a quick glance at his phone, he quirks his lips into a smile and speaks in english. "hi, my name is iwaizumi haji- wait." he frowns. given name first. he tries again. "hi, my name is hajime iwaizumi. it's nice to meet you."
the words feel awkward on his tongue. his vowels are too exaggerated, words slurred together. he clears his throat. "hi." his voice rises in pitch. "my name is hajime. it's nice to meet you." ugh. it's obvious that english isn't his mother tongue, but he sounds like he's barely spoken it, which isn't wrong, but that's not the impression that he wants to give, especially in america.
iwaizumi falls onto his bed with a groan. going to school overseas remained a dream until he decided to make it a reality during his second year of high school. aside from classroom learning, he attended a weekly english class, but stopped to focus on volleyball after losing the inter-high prelims. now that their last chance has come and passed, it's about time that he picked up where he left off.
and damn does it sound like he lost all his progress from before.
his other skills are solid. listening - he's been watching american shows with subtitles since middle school. writing - he's been translating his homework as practice since the start of high school, along with the comics that he started reading. speaking, however, is a different beast because of how few opportunities he has to practice.
he scrolls through his notes, where he's saved other phrases that he'll need for university life. is this the right classroom? do you know where the washroom is? can you please repeat that? he even has volleyball-related terminology, just in case he decides to try out for the team.
but something tells him that he'll be busy enough, especially with the language barrirer.
his phone buzzes with notifications, but he dismisses them and stands back up. facing the mirror, he takes in a breath. "good afternoon." draw out the vowels longer. pronounce the Rs clearer. "nice weather today." he has no idea when he'll use that, but it's good to have, anyway. he scrolls to practice other phrases. "excuse me, do you know where this classroom is?"
his arm falls to his side as he stares at himself. heat rushes to his cheeks, and he grits his teeth, tosses his phone aside. he practically yells at his reflection. "hello! my name is hajime! i'm from japan! it's nice to meet you!"
that's when his bedroom door opens and a sing-song reply in english responds to him. "it's nice to meet you too!"
"jesus christ!" iwaizumi jumps, glaring at oikawa, who shows himself in. "how did you get in here?"
oikawa gives him a look. "i've had a key to your house since kindergarten. did all that english make you forget?"
"no, i...why are you here?"
"mattsun asked if we wanted to join him and makki for ramen. you didn't reply, so i came over to ask."
iwaizumi deflates, falling onto his bed. "no, thanks. my mom is making dinner."
oikawa sits beside him. "okay, i'll let him know we'll come next time."
"...what do you mean 'we'?"
"you clearly need me to help you practice your english! your accent is awful, iwa-chan."
he grits his teeth. while he'd score higher on written and listening tests, oikawa passed the oral exams with flying colors. "aren't you going to argentina? don't you need spanish instead?"
"english is the language of the world. i'll need it eventually." oikawa waves a flippant hand. "besides, how much spanish do you know? exactly." he smirks at iwaizumi's silence. "so, let's stick with english."
"okay." iwaizumi fiddles with the edge of his blanket, suddenly shy. they'd spoken in english to each other before, but there would always be a topic and vocabulary to use. the real world has no such parameters, no limits as to what can be said or how. "what...what should we talk about?"
"anything." oikawa shrugs. "just like how we always talk, but in english." he switches gears, as seamless as his tosses. "what's your mom making for dinner?"
"she's...making curry," iwaizumi answers slowly. he can envision all the words in his mind, knows how to arrange them into sentences, but when he speaks, they become wobbly, hesitant. "her vegetable curry is pretty good."
"i know, right? i love how it's both sweet and spicy. my mom would never put apples in her curry." oikawa falls onto the bed, and iwaizumi joins him, both of them staring at the ceiling. "do you think you'll play volleyball in america?"
"i want to, but don't know if i can."
"why not?"
he gestures at himself. "i'm not tall enough. the other guys will probably be better than me. i'll be busy trying to understand my homework."
"you understand more english than me. i think you'll be fine. you can tell them you were the ace in high school!"
“that isn’t a term americans know, idiot.”
“wow, you know how to swear?”
“you’d be surprised, shittykawa.”
“mean! iwa-chan, that’s mean!”
he chuckles. “i picked it up from all those shows we watched.”
“oh, yeah. i forgot about them.” oikawa has a smile on his face. “you wanted this for a long time, huh?”
“yeah. i guess i did.”
they keep the conversation going, all the way until iwaizumi’s mom returns home and shouts for him to help. “coming!” he calls back, jaw snapping shut when he realizes he said it in english. oikawa gives him a look as he remains still, shocked. “oh.”
“see?” oikawa prods him, switching back to japanese. “you’ll be fine. your accent is still terrible, though.”
“shut up.” iwaizumi shoves him before he rises to his feet. he catches his eye in the mirror, watches his friend grumble and stand behind him. oikawa looks up at his voice. “let’s do it again tomorrow?”
“sure. we can even rope in mattsun and makki.”
“they’re so bad at english.” iwaizumi chuckles, remembering how they complained about the exams last term. he pushes the door open, gestures for oikawa to follow. “thanks. for helping, i mean.”
“any time, iwa-chan.”
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kuroosdarling · 2 years
Oikawa, Sakusa, Hirugami and Suna because pretty boys simp for a pretty girl (also I think you’d look SO good by their side). Suna and Sakusa are more quiet and reserved about their pining for you so you might not notice, but Hirugami would ask you on a date like a gentlemen. Oikawa…the menace he is…would be so flamboyant about how he asks you out. Huge signs, him with a speaker and microphone outside your house singing you Spanish love songs. PLS lmao
you really gonna come in here and put oikawa FIRST. HFKSJS LMAO- NOT HIM SERENADING ME. i would simply close the window and pout. (bc i secretly would like it) omg ur spoiling me rn with the other 3 hehe i def wouldn’t notice if they were pining after me bc im a big dumdum but HIRUGAMI<33 I LOVE HIM FJDKDJ so precious !! he’d easily win my heart<3
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bvjis · 3 years
Telepatía by Kali Uchis has been on my mind since yesterday. Esa canción yo se la dedicó a mi amor, Tōru Oikawa 😌
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chaoticevilorange · 2 years
hello !!! is it alright if i make a request of the captains dating a colombian s/o or just an hispanic partner, like how would they react to them speaking spanish, cooking and even dancing. thank you !!
*pisada seria* gotchu corazón 😎✨💖💖💖 gonna make short drabbles for each~
Haikyuu captains x reader
Colombian or hispanic s/o short drabbles
Daichi Sawamura
He heard you speaking Spanish through the phone, since he couldn't figure out which language was, he kinda stared you a while
Completely froze when you catch him staring at you
That's how you meet, now you both are dating and he often tells you he likes your voice and accent when you speak in spanish
When you started to date he didn't thought was possible to get so flustered watching someone dance, because when you started to grind your body against his (dancing reguetón) he was a blushing mess
Blushes furiously when you call him "mí tomate" [my 🍅] because he knows what you meant
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Oikawa Tōru
He wants to travel to South America after highschool, when he found out you were a spanish speaker he wouldn't leave you alone
After he begged you to teach him, your friends practically pushed you to accept and now you're dating
He asked you to give him a Spanish pet name, feels extra special when you use it, specially in front of his team
Likes to call you "corazón" [heart]
When you cook he always ask for desserts because he has a sweet tooth
When you both are dancing and singing he likes to hold you, tries to sing along with you but gets distracted because he likes to kiss you between words
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Ushijima Wakatoshi
The first time he heard you speaking Spanish was a curse word because Satori accidentally landed a solid hit in the back of your head
Ushijima rushed towards you concerned and curious, tried to repeat 'hijo de p*ta' to ask you what it meant
After learning about your country, found himself allured by your voice, so he asked you out on a date
Now you're dating his favourite secret activity is to listening to you when you talk in spanish, thinks is soothing
This boy is not very good at dancing, but when he watches you dance he can't help but tell you how beautiful and sexy you're making you very flustered
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Kuroo Tetsurō
Soon as he knew he was falling for you, this guy research Spanish pet names for you
So yeah, you knew almost instantly you had to date this dork
Loves to dance with you, thinks most of the songs you listen sound romantic
When you're cooking steals a few bites because thinks your cooking is divine
Prepare to be simped everytime you speak in spanish over the phone, he doesn't think he could ever get tired of how beautiful you sound
When he found out what meant when you called him 'amor' [love] he was over the moon
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Bokuto Kōtaro
Bby owl bumped into you making you fall backwards, when he hears you saying 'pend*jo' [meaning dumbass, stupid or idiot Iwa would love it]
He beams asking you what language it was, how cool it sounded, how pretty you are and how badly he wants to be your friend :')
Took you over 2 months into your relationship to tell him that was actually a bad word and what meant, but he understands because he knows he's a large guy
Loves when you cook something from your hometown and how your hips sway while you sing in spanish
Asked Akaashi for help to find the perfect pet name for you in Spanish, now he likes to call you 'conejita/o' [little bunny]
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Kita Shinsuke
Polite and reserved boy listened you singing in Spanish and was instantly attracted to you
Thinks is such a beautiful and soothing language even if you're yelling at your phone because a member of your family made you furious
When he tried your cooking he wanted to know everything about your hometown
Learned the lyrics of your favourite song and the meaning to sing along with you
He decided to learn Spanish and you both have a little game, everytime he pronounce a word incorrectly he won't be getting kisses he hates it but wants to learn
This boy actually writes love notes in spanish
Calls you 'gatito/a' [kitten] because he likes seeing you blush furiously
Thanks for reading 🐨✨💖 by the way, I know we all have different terms of endearment and pet names so I tried to write the common ones
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kiyoors · 2 years
oikawa’s let his hair grow out a little longer.
he’s a little taller, and he seems to fill out his shirts a little better now, too.
he’s humming softly to the little bundle in his hands; it’s a spanish melody you had heard him softly sing to you once, one night, long ago.
he holds the baby so tenderly, with his palm cupping her head as he smooths a thumb over her scalp while his other hand holds the length of her little body. the glow of the morning light makes his hair a couple of shades lighter, his skin golden, his features soft. gentle as the early sun.
“do you want to hold her?” he asks you. his eyes meeting yours before shifting to look at the closed door of the room behind you.
maybe, in another universe, he wouldn’t have to ask. he’d give you the child to hold, and then move behind you to hold you both, swaying to a song only his heart hears.
you nod. it takes a couple of seconds before you can find your voice, “yeah, of course”
he hands you the baby, not needing to tell you how to hold her. he’ll always trust you.
“i’ll be right back,” he whispers. moreso the the small baby in your arms rather than yourself. but you close your eyes and pretend he’s whispering to your ear.
i love you, you want to say.
maybe you do say it, under your breath and once he’s out of earshot, as you look down at the little girl you’re holding: she’s a perfect mix of oikawa and his wife.
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lovely-renard · 2 years
♡ Oikawa as a boyfriend ♡
Oikawa who knows Disney songs by heart and insists on singing duos with you when you watch the movies.
Oikawa who doesn't care if he makes a fool of himself as long as it makes you smile or laugh. Anything for your happinness.
Oikawa who enjoys gossiping about everyone with you, be it theneighboor, the cashier at the grocery store or your co-worker. He's way too invested for a grown man.
Oikawa who's your biggest hypeman when you post a picture on your social medias. He's always the first one to comment, spamming random emojis affiliated with hearts and writes something along the lines "YOU'RE SO GORGEOUS I FORGOT HOW TO BREATH" (yes, all in caps)
Oikawa who wakes up five minutes earlier than he needs to just to admire you before starting his day.
Oikawa who flirts with you in Spanish to make you blush (it never fails, his accent is just too freaking sexy).
Oikawa who calls you "mi amor" "mi vida" and "mi princessa" while looking at you with stars in his eyes.
Oikawa who takes you for a night stroll on the beach, admiring you while you're soaking in the sunset.
Oikawa who is forever grateful that you let him live his dreams but even more for the fact you choose to come with him to another country, leaving behind family and friends.
Oikawa who lets you know his gratitude daily, be it with loving touches, comforting words or kind gestures. He won't let you question his love, never.
Oikawa who fells comfortable enough with you to let his walls crumbles and shows himself fully. He's no longer the great he used to be or the hard-working setter he is right now, just a man who, sometimes, feels insecure and needs comfort.
Oikawa who can't stop talking about you to every one who is willing to listen. You're just a too big part of his life, how could he not tells how much you mean to him?
Oikawa who swears he has to buy you a ring when he sees you at (almost) every of his matches. He dedicates all his wins to you and always runs to you after to claim his win in the form of a deep kiss.
Serie masterlist ♡
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baby-bear10 · 3 years
Fun things from my Haikyuu 2020 Lockdown fic "Destination Permanent Vacation" that just make sense: (warning, spoilers ahead)
1) Oikawa and Hinata gossiping about Iwaizumi and Kageyama in Spanish incase someone overhears them (Hinata learnt Spanish and Portuguese)
2) That one scene where Sakuatsu shower together for convenience but then it happens again once they start dating and Sakusa doesn't try and stand on the opposite side of the shower because the whole point of a shower is to clean so he doesn't have to worry about germs and Atsumu loves it because Sakusa helps him with his lotions and covers his eyes for him when he gets the shampoo out and basically it's like one of the few occasions that Sakusa actually shows affection for his boyfriend.
3) The star patterned canopy over Iwaoi's four poster bed to calm Oikawa down so he doesn't get nightmares (there's leds in it as well so it twinkles)
4) Suga and Yaku dad-dancing in the kitchen to 80s music
5) Them also acting like ott European mum stereotypes. "food! he needs food!" "do you need money?" "go outside! get sunlight!" "i baked this just for you!" "come, help me bake!" "how are you, my child!" "my mother's recipe!" (i have a European mum btw) *walks around the house eating tomatoes with salt* "do you want prunes?" "my mum used to make-"
6) Oikawa and Kenma becoming besties because Oikawa's jet lagged and Kenma's nocturnal and their platonic love language is roasting the shit out of each other and calling each other out on cap
7) All of the pro players practise together and Iwaizumi is brutal with training but afterwards he pampers the heck out of Oikawa and lets him stop for a break as soon as his knee starts hurting
8) Daisuga are cringey domestic parents I do not take criticism
9) Suga does online zoom lessons so Daichi builds him a work zone in their room
10) The entire pretty setter squad refer to Iwaizumi's exgirlfriend as a puta
11) When Iwaizumi dumps her for being toxic, Makki and Mattsun get out a Bluetooth speaker and a phone and play Toxic by Britney Spears and it's so funny that Iwa aint even mad tho
12) Iwa follows it up by calling the ex a puta
13) Iwa trauma-proofed the room that he shares with Kawa.
14) Iwa kisses the homies Oikawa goodnight
15) Terushima feels lonely because people only ever want to date him for his looks
16) Kyoutani struggles with social cues
17) Yaku calls Oikawa 'Mr Whinypants' until chapter 12 when he finds out about Oikawa's past and feels bad for him and starts being nicer
18) Because of Oikawa's past, he's selectively mute and really struggles to talk after an attack. Being mute really annoys him so he usually cuddles up to someone he deems safe until he feels better.
19) Because of how long Oikawa spent in Argentina, he struggles more with Japanese than Spanish when he gets his ability to speak back.
20) Iwaizumi makes Little Mermaid references to cheer Oikawa up when he's struggling with his mutism
21) Suga catches on and sings under the sea but it sounds like... well we've seen the internet.
23) Lev calls Yaku lyubimyy which is a Russian term of endearment that means turtledove and it annoys Yaku to no end until they clear up what happened in Moscow
24) All of the bilingual people call Kenma kitten because they don't think he'll know but he catches on and claims he hates it but actually he loves it
25) Kenma's afab genderfluid
26) Kenma has an iron deficiency and the team parents baby the heck out of him over it
arts27) Kuroo and Kenma have the biggest room so they can both have computer set-ups in there.
28) Sometimes, if Kenma's sleeping during the day, Kuroo will work on his laptop instead of a computer so he can stay next to him because Kenma likes holding Kuroo's hand in his sleep.
29) Hinata and Kageyama sleep with a pillow wall but they always manage to wake up curled together anyway
30) Tsukishima and Yamaguchi do their working from home sitting up on their bed side by side and they take it in turns to get snack and drink refills.
31) Osamu gets annoyed at the fact that the team mums seem to be doing all of the cooking so he sets a stupidly early alarm so he can go down to the kitchen and cook and Suna helps him so Suga and Daichi just walk into the kitchen one morning and omg why is the oven on- Oh hi. Suga just laughs at the confusion and tells Osamu about the "staff kitchen" that have because it's such a big house so Osamu gets his own kitchen and ends up setting up an Onigiri Miya home base and the driveway is constantly filled with delivery drivers doing deliveroos and uber eats.
32) After chapter 12, Tendou opens up to Oikawa about their similar experiences in private but Ushiwaka overhears and he approaches Tendou afterwards and offers to help him with it like Iwaizumi does for Oikawa.
33) Makki dyes Kyoutani's hair bright pink to force him into talking to Terushima
34) Kenma refuses to call him Mad Dog
35) Kuroo realised years ago that Kenma likes it when he babies them so he constantly calls them cute nicknames like Prince and Princess and talks to them like a child and Kenma secretly loves it
36) Daichi and Sugawara jokingly act like a 50's married couple from an old film and some people think it's weird and toxic but it's not actually serious and both of them enjoy it so where's the harm?
37) Kenma can't get changed in front of other people (not even Kuroo)
38) Kuroo gives Kenma "platonic" forehead kisses when they're panicky or struggling with their anxiety.
39) Iwaizumi knows a little bit of Spanish. He knows the basics (introductions, greetings, colours, numbers, days of the week) and how to flirt with Oikawa. He calls him princesa and mi amor and it drives Oikawa crazy.
40) The team moms also know how much Kenma likes childish things and they take it in turns to sit with them and watch Disney films.
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liaarchived · 3 years
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Synopsis: Oikawa comes home for the first time in a year during his holiday break. Living in Argentina has its draw backs, like not being able to be with his best friend and long time crush. What happens when he stays at your place and gets caught?
Pairing: Post-Timeskip!Oikawa x Reader (GN with a vagina)
Warnings: 18+, Smut, Masturbation, Oral (Reader giving & Receiving), fingering, penetration, unprotected sex (pls wrap it before you tap it), Praise kink, degradation, a breeding kink if you squint
Genre: Smut with slight plot, mutual pining, friends to lovers
A/N: Hiya! I've missed making posts so much. this is the first post of many to come because I'm officially back! And what better way to celebrate that than with some pretty setter smut? I hope you guys enjoy and I'm so happy to be getting back to posting :)) <33
Spanish Terms Used in This Fic (Disclaimer: I am not a native Spanish speaker. I grew up around the language to to being latina but I am not bilingual. Further more the Spanish I grew up with was Spanish used in Mexico. I tried my best to make the terms I used an accurate portrayal of the Spanish used in Argentina.)
Mi querid@ (o/a = @) : My Dear
Si: Yes
Dulzura: Sweetness
Buenas Noches: Good Night
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It had been 13 months. 13 months without seeing your best friend. You’ve been studying at Tokyo University, now in your last year, while your best friend was scouted right out of high school to play for a volleyball team in Argentina. Of course the two of you facetimed and even had group video chats with your other best friend, Iwaizumi, who was studying abroad in the states. But finally you were getting a break and Oikawa was coming back home for the holidays. Iwaizumi wanted to come home but couldn’t get a flight in on the same day as Oikawa. Iwa still had almost a week out of Oikawa to come back. You were bummed that you wouldn’t be getting as much time with Iwaizumi, but you were also secretly excited to get some alone time with Oikawa.
You were set to pick up Oikawa at Haneda Airport. It was currently 1 in the morning and you’re dressed in a soft tank, some oversized lounge sweats, an oversized zip up hoodie and some sneakers. You thought about looking a little nicer to greet Oikawa but ultimately thought against it considering it would be a little suspicious of you to be dolled up at 1 in the morning. You figured Oikawa would also look dressed down since he was getting off of a 26 hour flight. So it was safe to just go in lounge wear for this ungodly hour.
You swipe your keys laying on the ledge by your front door and make your way out of the apartment complex and to the parking garage. The drive to the airport is a short one. You follow directions to make sure you get to the correct terminal. The moment you get out of your car to search for your best friend, your phone begins to ring, signaling an incoming call. You don’t bother looking to see who’s on the caller ID because you know there’s only one person that would be calling you at this time.
“Ru~” You excitedly sing, letting a soft smile creep onto your face.
“Yn.” Oikawa breathes out your name and it sends a shock throughout your body. “I just got off the plane. Waiting for my luggage at station 3B. Are you almost here?”
As Oikawa was speaking you had made your way to the luggage claim and had now spotted a familiar brunette figure. You make it a few meters away from your oldest friend before stopping and lowering your phone from your ear. “Why don’tcha turn around and find out for yourself, Mr. International.”
You let out a giggle when Oikawa promptly swivels his body to whip around and face you, phone still pressed against his ear. He turns his head to look at his screen then back to you. He presses the red button to end the call and takes a wide stride towards you and in an instant he’s standing right in front of you with an intensity in his eyes you aren’t quite familiar with. Tooru scoops you into his arms without a second thought and lifts you up into an embrace, nuzzling his head into the nook of your neck.
You let out a surprised yelp and Oikawa chuckles in pure contentment, beyond elated to have you in his arms once again. “There 's mi querid@. I missed ya, bub.”
“Tooru was that Spanish?” You gasp but can feel the warmth in your face rising in temperature at the change in dialect.
Oikawa chuckles again as he finally lets you down. “Sí, of course it was. I’ve lived in Argentina for 4 years now. I’m quite familiar with the native tongue.”
“You’re showin’ off, Tooru.” You whine and let a pout settle onto your face .
Oikawa wants to giggle like a little school girl at how absolutely adorable you look right now. He’s missed you so much, more than he probably should admit. But he knew you were finishing school up and finally he could be selfish and ask you to be his. Both of you were very oblivious of the other's feelings and it was a thorn in the side of the one person who knew that you both harbored feelings for the other, Iwaizumi. He spent late nights speaking with the two of you one on one, listening to ramblings about how great the other was. As much as he wished he could tell the both of you he knew you each had your very similar reasons not to.
Luckily for Iwaizumi, Oikawa had finally accepted that it was time. So they both came up with a little plan. The athlete would get an extra 6 days alone with you before Iwaizumi came back to Japan and if Oikawa still hadn’t told you then the first thing to come out of Iwaizumi’s mouth when you pick him up is going to be a confession on Oikawa’s behalf. Tooru was determined to be the one to tell you. Letting his pride get in the way, Tooru didn’t want to waste any time. But he also didn’t want to just spring it on you, so he was going to wait until the morning at least. That way if you rejected him he would only have to suffer through an extremely awkward car ride home instead of a whole morning.
“Am not- Oh my luggage.” The man reaches for a large light blue suitcase and a duffel bag of the same color. You notice that they both have the Argentina’s national team’s logo on them and your eyes widen.
“Tooru… Did you- Oh my god did you get the spot?” Your mouth hangs open slightly.
Oikawa blushes, he wanted to wait to tell you but guessed now was as good of a time as ever. “Yeah, I did. They offered me the setter position on the national team.”
“Why the hell didn’t you tell me? That’s so great, congratulations!” You practically squeal out and without thinking jump into the man’s muscular frame, causing him to drop his bags in order to catch you.
You both laugh in joy as Tooru twirls you around a couple rotations before gently setting you back down. “Gracias, mi querid@. We can have a celebratory drink when we get back to your place.”
“Ru, it’s like 1:30 in the morning.” You chuckle.
Oikawa picks his bags back up and it’s then that you actually take in the man’s appearance. He looked tired. His hair was flatter than usual and his skin didn’t have it’s normal glow. But his clothes are what stuck out to you. He was wearing some tan slacks that fell just above his ankles, he had a long sleeve cream colored Henley shirt tucked into his pants, which were being held up by a brown leather belt, he had a dark grey coat on and brown loafers on to match his belt. He looked good, tired, but very well put together. You swear at yourself. You knew you should have worn at least some damn jeans. You probably looked homeless next to this god of a man.
You’re brought out of your thoughts by the click of Oikawa’s tongue. “Ah but it’s actually 1:30 in the afternoon Argentina time.”
You roll your eyes at the mischievous smile that slowly forms on Tooru’s angelic features. “Ru, you look like shit. You need sleep and so do I. My last final was early this morning. I need sleep. Now is that everything?”
Oikawa pouts at you. “Ouch. That was kinda rude. I don’t look that bad. But I guess I could use some rest. Sleeping on a plane just isn’t the same. I have everything I need. Ready when you are, Dulzura.”
You motion for the brunette to follow you. The two of you make it to your car and Oikawa insists on putting the luggage in the trunk without your help. You roll your eyes at his pride but ultimately let him because you were tired. You both climb into the vehicle and make idle chat as you make the quick drive back to your apartment. When you park, Oikawa grabs just his duffel bag and explains that everything he needs for the night is in it. After locking your car you head to your apartment. Upon entering, you drop your keys in the same place you swiped them from earlier and wait for Oikawa to enter so you can close and lock the door behind him.
This wasn’t Oikawa’s first time in the small apartment you were renting while in school. He had stayed over plenty of time during trips he had made for breaks. He was familiar with where everything was and he knew you well enough to know the second he looked at your pull out futon in the living room it would be set up as a bed for him for the night. Oikawa is always a little disappointed at the sight. He would love to be able to cuddle with you in your bed like the two of you did in high school but he knew you couldn’t. You were adults now and that would be inappropriate.
“I made the futon for you. You remember where everything is?” You yawn as you shimmy out of the sweater.
“Yeah. I’m good. You need to go to bed, Dulzura?”
You nod your head and rub your eyes, almost resembling a child. “Yeah. I’m pretty beat. We’ll have a celebratory brunch tomorrow. Sounds good?”
You smile sleepily up at the tall man and he nods his head. “Buenas Noches.”
You hum. “Happy to have you home. Good night, Ru.” You offer a quick hug to Tooru before making your way to bed.
Oikawa is left to himself feeling some type of way about your words and what he plans on confessing to you in the morning. He also can’t help the way he felt when he saw you pull your sweater off only to be wearing a tank top that left very little to the imagination. Oikawa knew he shouldn’t, but he couldn’t help himself. He was frustrated, and had been for over a year now.
It’s about 2 hours after getting back from the airport when you wake up completely parched. Your throat was uncommonly dry and you felt like you had just stuck a handful of cotton in it. You reach for your water bottle only to come out empty handed. You were so tired when you went to bed you forgot to fill up your water canteen. You groan at the thought of having to get up but the discomfort of being dehydrated overpowers that dread.
You shuffle out of bed, making sure to be quiet, not wanting to wake up Tooru. You make it halfway down the hallway only to be halted by a strange noise. You tiptoe closer and that’s when you hear it clearly. A deep and low moan followed by a string of curses. The previous squelching noise continues and your tired brain finally catches up.
Was Oikawa… He was jerking himself off right now. Your face turns bright red at the notion and something in the pit of your stomach ignites, like a fire is being lit inside you. You quietly slap a hand over your mouth to cover a whimper that escapes your lips. Your eyes widen but after a few moments you calm down. It seems as though Oikawa hadn’t heard the noise. His soft groans and pants are a clear sign that he was far too preoccupied to notice the small noise.
You take a deep breath, you know you shouldn’t, but you walk to the end of the hallway and peer around the corner. The sight you're met with is unfairly gorgeous. Oikawa is laying on top of the blankets on the futon, boxer-briefs pushed down just under his ass wrapped around his thighs, legs spread and his fist is wrapped around his impressively sized cock. You can feel the drool starting to pool in your mouth, no longer feeling the need to retrieve a glass of water. Oikawa’s dick is both long and girthy with just the right amount of bulging veins, the tip is flushed in the prettiest shade of pinkish red and there’s precum slowly leaking from his slit.
You lick your lips wondering what he tastes like. What you would give to have his hands buried in your hair and shoving you down on his cock only to make you gag when his length continuously hits the back of your throat. You start to feel a wetness pool in your underwear, rubbing your thighs together in hope to relieve the ache that has been caused by Tooru’s display. Your eyes move from Oikawa’s cock to his face and it’s contorted in the most beautiful way. His brow is scrunched up and eyes drooped close. Oikawa has a pout set on his parted lips which continuously puffs out groans and curses. His face is flushed and hair a perfect mess. It’s taking all of you to not interrupt and help yourself to your best friend's cock.
But just as you’ve convinced yourself you are staying put Oikawa let’s out another moan but this time it’s in the form of your name. “Mmmmm fuck- Yn…” Your breath hitches and the friction your thighs are making is no longer enough for you. Without even thinking you round the corner and sneak over to the futon.
Oikawa barely registers the dip in the futon from your weight. He only comes to when your colder palms come in contact with his heated thighs. The shock of sudden foreign contact causes Oikawa to gasp and groan, finding pleasure even in the smallest things at this point. You lock onto a hooded gaze and all Oikawa can muster is, “Yn…” He doesn’t even try to sound guilty.
You can’t help yourself. You lower the athletes undergarments down his legs before removing them completely. You take your place between Tooru’s long and tan legs. His hand is still wrapped around his cock but it had been still while he was preoccupied by watching you in awe. Tooru never thought he would be placed in this situation. You were all he ever thought about when getting off. This very scenario running through his lust filled mind over and over. But never in a million years did he really think that his best friend would so willingly submit to their lust like this.
Oikawa always imagined you as the kind of person that would make someone work for it and normally you were, but Oikawa was different. You had been waiting for him for almost 6 years. Enough was enough. The second he moaned out your name, you were absolute putty in his hands. You were his. Anything he desired, you were ready to oblige. And Oikawa certainly wasn’t going to argue with your decision.
You don’t give yourself time to think about what you’re really doing. If you do, you know you’ll second guess yourself. So you hastily cover what you can of Oikawa’s hand that’s still firmly wrapped around his member and guide his actions. “Were you thinkin’ about me, Ru? What were you imagining, huh? My hand? Or my mouth? Or maybe even my pussy, hmm?”
Oikawa whimpers at the sinister lilt in your voice. Almost teasing, but also genuinely curious. “Everything. I was thinking about all of you, Dulzura. You’re so enticing, how could I not?”
“Is that so?” You feel yourself blush at the compliment but refuse to let yourself get flustered. You watch as more precum spills from the man’s tip and your mouth waters. You want a taste, wanna know what he tastes like. So you force both yourself and Oikawa to pull away from his length which urges a gargled sound deep in Tooru’s chest.
“What… W-why’d ya st-“ The brunette is cut off by your tongue licking a stripe from the base of his cock to the tip. His sentence ends in a groan. You smile to yourself before taking the head of his length into your mouth and circling just that part with your tongue.
You had always, shamelessly, wondered whether Oikawa was vocal or not when it came to sex. He was a naturally vocal person in any other setting so you sorta hoped that also applied to the bedroom. And, boy, you were not left disappointed when a string of curses and various praises fell out of Tooru’s mouth as you took in more of his length into your warm mouth.
“Holy shit, baby. Feels so good- You’re so good. Fuck yeah take it all in. Suck me off like the good little slut I know you are.” Oikawa moans in between every other word and his panting makes his voice haughty. You moan at the athlete’s praise and the vibration goes straight to Oikawa’s dick and that’s when he loses himself in your performance.
Oikawa’s hands instinctively perch themselves at the crown of your head and push you further onto his member until you're gagging at the base, nose pressed against his pelvis. Tears prickle at the corner of your eyes and spill as you gag again. Your mouth fills with spit as you salivate uncontrollably due to Oikawa’s dick hitting the back of your throat. Just as you can’t take it anymore, the man pulls you almost all the way off just to thrust himself back into your mouth. He sets a pace for himself and mercilessly fucks your mouth.
“Jesus Christ. Your mouth is fucking perfect, Dove. So fucking warm and wet. You’re such a good little whore. Such a pretty little thing, letting me use you for my pleasure. Fuck look at you. Bet your underwear is already soaked just from sucking me off.” Tooru tugs you off his cock and you let go with a pop. “Wanna find out how wet that pretty cunt of yours is. Bet you taste divine, Sweetness. Can I have a taste, please?”
You smile sweetly at Oikawa’s words while wiping some drool that had escaped from the corner of your mouth. “Tooru, if you don’t eat me out right now I might go insane. Please, please… Want your tongue on my clit, licking me up and slipping into my pussy~”
Oikawa’s demeanor darkens at the dirty words flowing from your mouth. He growls and pounces on you. Pinning you to the pulled out futon. He sloppily smashes his lips to yours in a bruising kiss. You moan, pleasantly surprised by the sudden ferocity and roughness of Oikawa’s actions. Ever the opportunist, he seizes the moment and slides his tongue into your mouth, entangling it with yours. After a few minutes you break off for air but Oikawa continues his assault by trailing kisses down your jaw and bites down on your jugular before sucking and licking the spot to sooth it. He mimics these actions a few more times in various areas between your neck and nipples.
When he gets to the aroused buds he wastes no. Time in licking both then taking one into his mouth repeating his previous actions and then rolling the other in between his pointer finger and thumb. After he’s pleased with his work on the first nipple he switches and works on the other with his mouth.
Oikawa is only satisfied when you’re squirming and pleading with him. “Ru~” You gasp as he blows on the already erect bud. “Please. I need you. Need you to give some attention to my clit please. Need you so bad.”
Tooru chuckles but removes himself from your nipples and continues down your body. More marks are left in his wake but you could care less in this moment. Finally, Oikawa’s face is hovering just a few centimeters away from where you need him most. As expected, your underwear are darkened, glistening from your juices. Oikawa can’t help but lick his lips. Your scent is addicting and the man makes quick work of stripping you of your underwear. You were fully exposed to him now, just as he was to you.
Oikawa delves right in. He runs his tongue up and down the length of your pussy and then sets his focus on your clit. You moan and twitch in pleasure. Your mind goes foggy with lust. Tooru knew exactly what he was doing and how to do it. Your body had a mind of its own and you couldn’t keep your hips still. They were bucking uncontrollably and you feel a large and warm hand press down on your lower abdomen to keep you still. The brunette detaches himself from your clit to give you a sly smirk.
“Be a good little one for me and stay still, okay, Sweetness?” You let out a whimper while nodding your head. Oikawa is pleased with your reply and goes back to licking and sucking onto your clit. A few moments pass and you feel something prodding at your entrance. “Gonna add a finger, Dove. That alright?”
Yes, please, yes~” You moan and Oikawa doesn’t hesitate to steadily sink a finger inside of you. With his mouth on your clit and now a finger added, moving inside of you, you’re quickly brought to the edge. You throw your head back and pant loudly.
“Fuck, Ru. Holy- ‘M gonna cum. Gonna cum, please~”
Tooru chuckles against your clit eliciting a scream out of your throat from the vibrations, his finger starts to work on you faster and you’re driven right off the edge. Your toes curl and back arches off the futon. Your hands fly to Oikawa’s hair and tug. He keeps his pace until you’re panting again, pulling at his hair, trying to get him off of you due to sensitivity. The athlete slowly pulls away from you and sits up while licking his lips and fingers like he just ate the most delicious dessert. To him, of course, he had. You were the sweetest thing he had ever tasted and he already wanted more. But that would have to wait for another time. Right now he wanted to properly fuck you then have you fall asleep in his arms.
Oikawa climbs up to hover above your lips and molds his mouth to yours. You can taste yourself and moan at the thought. Oikawa moves his mouth against yours with ease. His tongue enters your mouth again for a few moments before he pulls away and rests his forehead against yours.
“Can you walk? Or do you need me to carry you?” You’re asked seemingly out of the blue.
You blink a few times before registering his words and responding. “Where are we going?”
“Your room. I’m not having sex with you on this futon, Sweetness. At least not tonight. You deserve a proper fuck.” Despite his crude words, Oikawa sends you a dazzling smile. You feel yourself begin to burn at his expression, a sudden need consuming you. You make grabby hands at the man you’ve been quietly in love with for years as a signal to carry you. He obliges. You're placed in his arms in a bridal style. He gives you a tender kiss, this one being much different than the previously heated and needy kisses. He manages his way to your room without difficulty and gently tosses you onto your bed. Neither one of you moves for a few moments. Tooru takes this chance to admire every beautiful inch of your body. He doesn’t know if he’ll get this chance so he tries to sear the image of your exposed body to his brain. He’s committing this image of you to memory. Every curve, dip, stretch mark, scar, and dimple on your glowing skin. He wouldn’t let himself forget any of it, especially if you decide this is the only time he will ever be allowed to touch you in such a way.
Oikawa forces the lump in his throat down at the thought of never being able to have you in such an intimate way again. He couldn’t fathom it. You allowed him to get a taste and now he was utterly addicted.
Tooru is pulled away from his thoughts by a quiet but prominent whine slipping from your lips. “Tooru. Please. “
Oikawa is quick to attend to you. His body moves to hover over yours. His head dips to bring you into another heated kiss while his right hand trails down your body and pushes against your clit before dragging to your cunt to make sure you’re still wet. To Oikawa’s delight, you’re still sufficiently soaked enough to take his cock. You gasp into the kiss at his actions.
Oikawa pulls away once more. “You ready for me, Sweetness?”
“Yes. Oh god- please, Tooru. Want you to fill me up with your cock. Want it to split me open. Please, please, please~” You’re babbling is absolutely endearing to the Great King. Who is he to deny such a nicely asked request.
You feel something nudge at your entrance and you squeal in anticipation. Oikawa brings his lips to yours as he finally sinks his length into your warm and soft cunt. You both groan into the kiss and your mind goes reeling at the delicious stretching sensation Oikawa’s dick is providing. His actions are slow. Oikawa doesn’t want to hurt you or make you feel uncomfortable. He wants this to feel equally, if not better, for you as it does for him.
When Tooru finally bottoms out, you can feel him prodding your cervix. The mixture of pleasure and pain completely engulfed your senses but you still needed more. He needed to move.
“Let me-“ You cut off Tooru, not even registering that he had begun to speak.
“Tooru please. Want you to move- need you to move. Please fuck me, please.” You pant out.
“Of course, Sweetness. I’ve got you.” Tooru pulls back almost completely sliding out of you only to swiftly slam back into you. You scream at the intense pleasure of him stretching you mixed with the slight pain brought by his tip pushing aggressively at your cervix.
Oikawa groans at the feeling of you not being able to completely take him all in. It makes him go feral. His hips pick up their pace and he’s slamming in and out of you with such intensity. You let out whimpers that quickly transition to screams of pleasure. You’ve never been fucked like this before. Oikawa’s pelvis is providing a pressure to your clit that mixed with the feelings brought by him moving inside of you. Everything was sensitive from your previous orgasm but in the best way possible.
Your body’s senses only heightened when Oikawa took hold of your legs and stretched them so your knees met your shoulders. Oikawa was now fucking you in a mating press and he was hitting deeper parts of your insides.
“Fuck, yn. You feel so damn good. Your slutty little hole is so tight but keeps sucking me in. Doesn’t wanna let me go. You’re so good, Sweetness. Feel so fucking amazing.” Oikawa vocalizes his thoughts, consumed by lust and you.
Oikawa keeps talking but you can’t bring yourself to pay attention, your own mind muddled with desire and pleasure. Devoured by Oikawa. You were his and all his now. There was no doubt about it. Even before this you were his but now, you were just as hooked on him as he was you. The way his lips meld perfectly with yours, the way he praises you, the way his body seems to know all of your body’s ticks.
You’re brought back to reality by the feeling at the pit of your abdomen. Like the fire in you is ready to explode. You were close and by the irregularity of Oikawa’s movements you could tell he was too.
Your nails dig into the skin of Oikawa’s back and you drag them down screaming Tooru’s name. He growls in your ear, his breath hot and staggered. “You gonna come, little one? Gonna squeeze and cream all over my cock. Be a good little slut for me and cum for me. Cum for me, Sweetness.”
Oikawa straightens slightly to allow himself access to rub circles on your clit and it does you in. You’re writhing underneath Oikawa as you scream out in ecstasy. “Fuck! Tooru ‘m gonna cum, ‘m gonna- oh my- ‘m cummin’!” You shout out a moan and your walls spasm and contract around Oikawa’s dick. The fluttering of your own orgasm almost immediately sets Oikawa off.
His voice is desperate. “Fuck- I’m so close. Where do you want me to cum, Sweetness?”
“Inside me, please, Tooru. Want you to fill me up with your cum~” Oikawa growls and curses at your words while promptly spilling his seed into your already dripping cunt. You feel the hot spurts shoot out of Tooru’s pulsating cock and sigh at the sensation.
Oikawa lowers your legs back onto the bed and slumps down onto your body. He’s careful not to let himself slip out of you just yet, simply enjoying your warmth. His head lays on your tummy and he wraps his arms around your waist. You hum in appreciation of Oikawa’s gentle and warm embrace. Your body is spent and you can feel yourself drifting quickly. A few minutes pass by and you’re struggling to stay conscious but you're brought back by the feeling of Oikawa moving and letting himself fall out of you. You whimper at the loss of his presence inside of you, suddenly feeling extremely empty.
“I’m sorry, Sweetness, but you gotta go to the bathroom before I let you go to sleep. C’mon, I’ll carry ya there.” Oikawa bends down and scoops you into his arms. Carrying you bridal-style to the bathroom, he kicks the toilet cover up and gingerly sets you on the toilet before murmuring about getting some clothes.
When you’re done, Oikawa is back and unsurprisingly has a t-shirt and some underwear for you to put on. He helps of course, but at this point you’re alert enough to do it on your own, you just liked the way it felt when Tooru made skin to skin contact with your body. It was soothing.
When you’re successfully clothed you stand on your own, legs only slightly shaky from your previous activities with Oikawa. “You thirsty? I can grab you some water.”
“I can get it myself, Ru. But thank you.” You chuckle and make your way past the wall of a man but he’s quick to snatch your waist and toss you over his shoulder.
“Nope. Not letting you wobble around like that.” He says over your loud and surprised squeal.
“Ru~” You whine. “I wanna snack too though. ‘M hungry.” Luckily it doesn’t look like the built man is going to drop you off at your room, instead he brings you with him to the Kitchen and plops you on the counter while he gets you a glass of water. Oikawa rummages through your pantry and huffs after a few minutes.
“Sweetness, how’re you supposed to have a snack when you don’t have anything to eat?” A brown brow is raised at you and causes a flustered feeling to bubble up inside of you.
“Right. I forgot tomorrow was grocery day.” You pout. “Damn. I was really hoping to have something to eat. Could use it.”
As if to prove your point, your stomach lets out an embarrassingly loud growl. Tooru chuckles at your body’s persistence and sighs. “Well you’re lucky you live in the city. I’m sure we can find somewhere that delivers. How’s that sound? My treat of course.”
“Sounds amazing. Thank you, Tooru.” You give the man a kiss on his cheek, but before you can pull back he steals a kiss from you, momentarily melding his lips with yours. When he pulls back there’s a goofy and genuine smile plastered on his face.
Oikawa searches for places that will still deliver at this time and is lucky enough to find a couple places to choose from. When the food arrives you two spend the remainder of the night cuddled up watching a movie. As the two of you sit on your balcony, draped with 3 blankets, watching the sunrise, Oikawa takes the opportunity to ask you to be his. You easily accept with glee and share a kiss under the rising sun.
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ᴄᴜᴛᴇ & ʜᴏᴛ ᴛʜɪɴɢꜱ ʜᴇ ᴅᴏᴇꜱ
Feat:- Birthday boy Oikawa Tooru and you!
Genre:- Fluff , mentions of pet names and lil bit suggestive (mentions of shirtless Oiks and make out)
A/n:- Happiest birthday to my favorite boy<3
@oikadori this one is for you 😏🙈
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𝐂𝐮𝐭𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 𝐡𝐞 𝐝𝐨𝐞𝐬:-
Has your scrunchie on his wrists and kisses it whenever he has match.
Before entering the stadium will kiss your cheeks and would boop his nose on yours. Claiming that it’s lucky for him.
Would twirl you around whenever you talk animatedly about the things you love.
Impromptu dates with him are the best! Bored of cuddling on the couch here take his car keys and go for a long drive. Are you hungry at midnight? Would take you to the fast food place where they have old jukebox playing some soft music.
Would dance with you and kiss you in the middle of an open field.
Wouldn’t care if the paparazzi are clicking pictures of you guys when he is kissing you. As you are his number one supporter and he likes to show you off.
Will always wink at your direction whenever he watches you sitting in the bleachers wearing his jersey.
Likes it when you tiptoe and try kissing his lips but he sways them away from you.
Likes to see your flustered form whenever he places you hair behind your ear.
Would blow raspberries on your stomach when you are feeling down.
He likes to kiss you behind your ear whenever you are working. Would kiss your knuckles whenever you are nervous.
Would stroke your hair gently and place feather light kisses on your face , which always tickles you but you never complain.
𝐇𝐨𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 𝐡𝐞 𝐝𝐨𝐞𝐬:-
Oh boy,
He places his hand on the small of your back to guide you whenever you are walking in a crowded area.
would always hug you from behind when you clean up some shelves or are just cooking.
when kissing you would always place his two fingers under your chin lifting your face towards him.
loves to wear bracelets and rings (especially the black colored ones)
whenever he pulls away from kissing would bite your bottom lip .
can sing Spanish songs well.
while driving will always keep his hand on the steering wheel and other on your thigh , squeezing it whenever he can.
When you are busy talking to your friend on call he would whisper in your ear making you shiver and he smirks.
Whenever you guys go for clubbing wears a shirt with his two buttons open .
likes to tease you a lot.
if a guy looks towards you he’d pull you closer to himself and will kiss you hard mouthing mine .
sends you shirtless selfies when he changes out of his casual clothes to his practice clothes.
has a habit of having coffee in his balcony shirtless observing his neighbor hood ( you always throw his shirt on his face asking him to wear something)
Calls you by the Spanish terms of endearment which always makes you flustered.
will pull you closer while making out that leaves you breathless.
always climbs on top of you while cuddling nuzzling his head on you chest . (Wait this one was cute 😅)
  ♥Happiest birthday Oikawa♥
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Thank you for reading . I hope you like it <3
Reblogs are highly appreciated <3
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rintaroll · 3 years
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— moving in with oikawa tooru may have been the best decision you’ve ever made.
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⊱┊pairing. oikawa tooru x gn!reader ⊱┊tags. domestic fluff, they’re engaged! slight timeskip spoilers and one suggestive mention if you squint ⊱┊wc. 0.6k ⊱┊note. it’s highly recommended that you listen to tú - maye while you read this (available at the bottom of this post)! and am i saying oikawa accidentally speaks spanish when he’s talking dirty? yes <3
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it's scorching hot.
sweat is making oikawa's fringe stick to the tanned skin of his forehead, and his old high school t-shirt is clinging onto every ridge and curve of his broad back. you try not to spare him a glance when he sets yet another cardboard box down in the middle of your empty living room, but the ripples of muscles underneath his sweat sheen skin are making it hard for you to tear your eyes away.
"like the view?" his voice has a teasing lilt to it, and he takes it a step further by tugging on his shirt to wipe his face, revealing the lower half of his toned abdomen.
you roll your eyes, thanking the skies above that you have the summer heat to blame for the heat rising up your neck. "drink this." you shove the glass of cold water in his direction, to which he accepted without resistance.
the almost-silent atmosphere is short-lived as oikawa's playlist moves along its queue. the drone of cicadas from the opened window is drowned by the tune blaring through your bluetooth speakers—the first thing you unpacked from one of the many boxes littering your new shared apartment. 
you gasp softly when you recognize the familiar melody. "i love this song."
"i know." your eyes flit to his exposed skin again when he wipes his lips with his shirt. your fiancé was smirking when your gaze lands back on his face. "you sent it to me when you were still in japan."
"i'm surprised you remember." you miss the exaggerated expression on his face when you close your eyes for a quick second.
oikawa watches you closely as the song brings you back to when you and oikawa were eighteen thousand kilometers apart. your relationship used to rely solely on video calls and messages that were hours apart. but he was patient, and when you finally decided on moving to argentina to be with him, he has been deemed the happiest man alive. or so he said (with a dramatic whine and a wide grin as he picks you up at the airport).
setting his hands on your hips, he sways your bodies to the rhythm of the song. "that seemed like such a long time ago." you open your eyes and rest your hands on his shoulders. your skins stick to each other and his hot breath fans your face, but the warmth becomes less unbearable when you're in his arms.
he hums, resting his forehead on yours.
you exhale a breath you didn't know you were holding in. this feels right.
"para qué correr si no hay apuro? si es que cada vez que estamos juntos, el tiempo se detiene y desapareces." he sings, and it's not the voice he uses during karaoke nights with the rest of the aoba johsai graduates. it's the voice he uses during drives to supermarkets, when you're in the passenger seat and his hand is on your thigh. (why run if there is no rush? if every time we're together, time stops and disappears.)
"the lyrics are really pretty," he comments. you can almost hear the 'just like you' lingering at the tip of his tongue, but he holds off.
"oh?" you'll admit, you haven't fully grasped the language yet, but you're getting there. it hasn't been easy, but you learned through new acquaintances and oikawa's slip-ups during the restless nights where he holds you in between his arms.
he nods, opening his mouth to sing the rest of the song. "y tú me das todo lo demás, yo quiero estar donde tú estás." (and you give me everything else, i want to be where you are.)
his gaze is locked on you.
"amor, eres tú." (love, it's you.)
he's the happiest man alive, he thinks.
"ninguno como tú." (none like you.)
you kiss him.
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cheezritsu · 4 years
Haikyuu Couple Aesthetics
Daichi Sawamura: good luck charms, front row seats at his games, the mature couple; “mom and dad” of the friend group; saying “goodnight” to one another on your doorstep, sentimental captions on their instagram posts, eating dinner and talking about your day like you’re already married; making plans for the future with one another involved; impressing one another’s parents; the thrill of doing everything together; being each others emergency contact; sleeping so well because your love is reliable and stable. You two are the timeless high school sweethearts, making the unattainable look so easy.
Sugawara Koushi: cafe dates, doting words, “sweetheart” and “darling,” laughing just from looking at one another. The secretly chaotic couple, perfectly curated dates, being approved by all his friends, soft, sweet pecks; random flower bouquets on your doorstep; kissing away your tears; hugs warmer than fresh baked cookies, grading student papers over dinner, smiley face post-it notes in your bento boxes, farmers market dates, always, always knowing each other’s favorite things; thoughtful gifts, mistakenly being called “Sugawara-san” before you’re married, shy smiles, kissing his beauty mark, a relationship as easy as the breeze. You two are like bees and flowers, working in tandem to create something natural and sweet.    
Nishinoya Yuu: cutting class to hang out in the hallways, popsicles melting in the summer heat, tongues dyed red and blue from convenience store slushies, dinner dates with no leftovers, neon colored band-aids, learning to hop a fence, scuffed sneakers, bruised arms. The lawless couple, squad posing in couple pictures, matching dyed streaks, sneaking out past midnight, pulling pranks, sitting on the swingset in the middle of the night, counting the stars over head. Adoring stares, “I’m so proud of you!”, kissing his bruises, screaming out the window of your car on a road trip. Traveling the world together, video messages, blowing kisses to each other, saying “I missed you!” after one day apart. You two are twin stars, constantly orbiting each other and burning brighter, together.
Tanaka Ryuunoske: shaving his head, mini skirts, being Saeko’s favorite, troublesome trio antics, late night food runs, horror movie marathons, couple gym workouts. The unexpected couple; getting compliments from the eldery on how cute you two are, flipping off his teammates while you kiss in front of them, excessive worrying, scaring off any boys that look at your wrong, the “Will Smith gesturing to his Wife” meme; thinking you’re too good for this world, calling each other “bro” romantically, kissing him after winning games, placing a beanie over his head in the winter, taking unflattering photos of one another with the most sincere captions. You two are the moth and the flame, drawn together by an inexplicable pull. 
Tsukishima Kei: Wool overcoats, headphone splitters, dogeared textbook pages, study dates, strawberry desserts, “This song reminded me of you.” The better than you couple, wearing his t-shirt to sleep, borrowing each others sweaters, kissing his bruised fingers, hiding in his jackets, going to the same university, softly singing in long car rides, always slightly touching one another, quick, secret kisses, height difference jokes, moon-centric nicknames (“moonbeam,” or “moonshine”) trying on his glasses, mirror selfies,sharing record collections, concert dates; weekend dinners at Tsukishima’s childhood house, being adorded by his teammates, dinosaur themed gifts as a joke, Studio Ghibli movie marathons, listen parties as dates, opening up to one another, “quit staring at me” “but I love you;” him constantly smiling when you’re next to him and denying it ever happened. Sharing insults as a love language, being soft when the time comes, humming into his hair as you fall asleep together. You two are a sweet, slow ballad; a duet between lovers in perfect harmony. 
Akaashi Keiji: library dates, meet cutes, book recommendations, fancy dinner dates, proofreading each other’s work, cuffed trousers, trench coats, french perfume, dainty jewellery, knuckle kisses, the academic couple; good grades, pet names, longing glances, visiting each other’s jobs, sharing clothing, reading books over his shoulders, cocooning in linen blankets, the scent of fresh laundry and lavender, running your hand through one another’s hair, smoothing wrinkles out of his works shirts, working around each other in the bathroom in the morning; matching schedules, museum dates, “you’re the Romeo to my Juliet.” “please don’t die for me.” Literature references, letting Bokuto third wheel, being the smartest couple in the room, massaging one another’s shoulders after long days, words of affirmation, sitting on top of his desk, smiling as he edits another page; “are you coming to bed?” ‘quick, secret smiles. You two are matching portraits in a museum, your love equally as timeless and beautiful. 
Oikawa Tooru: alien bandaids, golden hour selfies, matching skin care routines, wrapping his bandages, phone calls to remind him of things, leaning his head on your shoulder, the king and queen couple; listening to each others insecurities, being his biggest cheerleader, holding your face like it’s the whole world, helping him learn spanish, constantly bragging about one another, stupid nicknames in each other’s phones,  “~Iwa-chan!~”, the Seijoh team rolling their eyes at your PDA, threats from Iwaizumi, making promises you intend to keep, being his rock, letting him cry if he needs to, petty rants, keeping nail files in your purse, knowing the real him, framed couple pictures, teasing him with the team; “I have faith in you;” being there when each other needs it. You two are beloved monarchs, ruling your domain hand in hand with benevolent smiles. 
Kuroo Tetsuro: matching leather jackets, red lipstick kisses, theater hopping, chemistry puns, trying (and failing) to get rid of his bed head, constantly handsy, late night drives, cram sessions, lipstick smudges on his neck, “I’m always this kind,” Yamamoto crying in the distance, “Kenma, love us!”, being double trouble, the power couple; better grades together, singing off key, ugly couple photos, sleeping on the train, awful, cackling laughter, adored by his grandparents, stroking your hair as you fall asleep curled onto a too small couch; making it work no matter what, your eyes shining with pride at all his games. Being on the same wavelength, adoring stares while brushing your teeth, kissing him by his tie, making out in the back of taxis, pulling him into a well needed hug without thinking, playing with your food, whispering ‘I love you’ into the crown of your head. You two are immortal lovers, reunited in this life, and all those after. 
Osamu Miya: late night diner runs, lazy mornings in, being business partners, staying up late drafting new menu items, slow dancing in the kitchen, all you can eat buffets, roses before every date, subtle pda; the domestic couple; matching outfits, holding hands with intertwined fingers, clutching your chests with heavy laughter from each other’s jokes, eating half each other’s plates on dinner dates; devouring ice cream by the tub while bingeing television shows, treating grocery store runs like dates, falling asleep to his heartbeat, comfortable silences, long talks while washing dishes, baking cookies at ungodly hours, hanging onto one another’s arms, sneaking away from parties to be alone, tracing patterns on one another’s skin, whispering “I love you” when the other isn’t listening, temple kisses, side hugs, growing into one another, cooking food as a love language, having immense pride for the one another. You two are best friends, falling in love with each other over and over again every day.
Atsumu Miya: neon colored lights reflecting off his hair, open mouthed kisses, toothy smirks, house parties, being one another’s arm candy, diamonds glinting under flashing lights, breathlessness, wandering hands, showering together, black lingerie, superfluous travelling, first class seating, poorly concealed hickies, clinking champagne glasses, “That’s my girl/boy!” wearing his track jacket, selfies in expensive hotels; the celebrity couple, “I don’t speak broke,” shiny engagement rings, paparazzi photos, explicit pictures, red sports cars, winks meant only for you, hands on your waist, matching manicures, tipsy kisses, flaunting cash, making out on kiss cams, holding ring covered hands, never being alone; cheesy romantic texts, only having eyes for one another. You two are wrapped around each other’s fingers tighter than a bandaid, and that’s how you like it. 
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evermorehaikyuu · 3 years
Heyo! I have a suggestion that’s a little bit more of a request really but, it’s a totally ridiculous request anyways. But I was wondering( hoping really) if you could possibly write some HQ boys with a Latina! reader ?? I’ve seen a lot of things with other races, but reality is not a lot of representation with the Hispanic community. ( it would mean the world, even if you think it’s not great 😊) So feel free to ignore my crazy suggestion and have a good day!
Oh, this is great! I haven’t seen a lot of this, so yes, I’d be glad to do so! I’ll be doing Tsukishima, Oikawa, Kuroo, Osamu and Bokuto!
Tsukishima Kei
Tsukishima likes your culture a lot, so much of it definitely isn’t within his comfort zone when it comes to certain things and yet he doesn’t mind if it’s you because it makes you happy and over time, he grows to love it too
After you make him listen to some songs in Spanish and even make him food, he finds himself wanting more of everything
His playlist is full of Spanish songs now and he learns the meaning to the words after finding some of the beautiful-sounding songs
The only times he’ll genuinely be soft with you is when you two are cuddling while listening to your shared playlist and a slow song comes on
He’ll start humming along with it and stroking your hair and before you know it, you’re asleep
It’s those songs that constantly remind him of you, therefore he’ll make a playlist that reminds him of you
Honestly, he just loves you for who you are 
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Kuroo Tetsurou
ADORES you so much and your culture is everything to him because there are so many exciting things about it
You’re always teaching him new things and he asks you to teach him Spanish too
Now that’s where stuff gets good: you two could be talking bad about someone and that person will never know because it’s a completely different language
But also it’s bad because sometimes Kuroo wants to talk to Kenma and there’s a specific thing that he wants to talk about and he can’t find the word for it; Kenma doesn’t know Spanish whatsoever so now you have a struggling Kuroo and a Kenma that’s so confused and tired of Kuroo
He also loves it because in case someone’s gossiping in Spanish, he can eavesdrop and they won’t be able to tell that he knows what they’re saying (they’ll probably talk about Kuroo’s hair and he’s so offended)
But in short, Kuroo is thankful for you being in his life and bringing something new for him that he’ll definitely keep forever
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Oikawa Tooru
This man has learned so many dances and songs because of you and you’ll probably find him singing and humming them to himself from time to time
In fact, sometimes he’ll go ahead and sing a love song in perfect Spanish to you (yes, he listened to the song many times just so he could sing it to you)
Oikawa has picked up on you cursing in Spanish and now uses it frequently; by that, it means that he’ll find Kageyama for the sole fact of cursing him out in a language that he can’t understand
Watching movies in Spanish with him because some things are definitely funnier in Spanish and he understands it all, so now you’re both struggling while trying not to laugh
The food. The food is everything to him and there’s this type of sweet bread with milk pudding inside that he LOVES to death and now he wants more of it
Oikawa loves you and the culture you have, it’s so amazing to him
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Osamu Miya
Make him food and he's already whipped for you because damn, you get to eat such amazing food constantly?
He’ll probably ask if you’ve written down recipes or something and you just pull out the recipebook that’s been passed down by your family members
Osamu tries to create a replica of it and it comes out so good, it’s a little piece of home
He likes the slower Spanish songs rather than the upbeat ones because the slower ones just feel more like him
The meanings are always something he’ll search up and before long, he’s speaking a bit of Spanish
You better believe he uses that to his advantage and now cursing out Atsumu in another language, which makes Atsumu go “what the hell are you saying!?”
It gives him more satisfaction than anything (yeah, he’ll probably talk bad about him with you in a different language so that Atsumu doesn’t catch on)
He loves you for who you are and everything about you 
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Bokuto Koutarou
He lives for the food, literally, make him food and he’ll go insane because to be perfectly honest, that’s now his favorite food
Bokuto likes the music a lot too because it’s so upbeat and it’s so him, he adores it (you’ll catch him dancing to it from time to time and he does want you to join him so please do join him)
Another thing that Bokuto likes is watching soccer games with you because once you explain what’s going on to him, the rules and so on so forth, he knows which team to root for
You two are usually screaming when cheering on your teams and once your team wins, you are both jumping up and down hugging each other
Bokuto truly adores you and your culture, it brings him so much joy to his life
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chaeiimimi · 3 years
14 𝖍𝖊𝖑𝖑𝖔 𝖇𝖆𝖇𝖞
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Summary: you weren’t really sure how it happened, but an average student who wore glasses and spent all her extra time on bookstores and library managed to date your school’s volleyball club setter. On your 3rd year of law school, your ten years anniversary to be exact, he went home from Argentina and it was a week before he was going back, he broke up with you with the reason of he can't handle long-distance relationship anymore despite being at it for two years. You didn’t cry, you stood there as he was sobbing in front of you, you held his face in your palms and offered him a gentle smile, gentle enough to let him know you’ll support him and will always be watching him, together with the child in your stomach right now, but he doesn’t need to know that.
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Oikawa's press conference broke the internet, who could've thought that the kind, lovely and innocent Sato Himari wasn't who she seemed to be?
The internet was quick to switch sides, of course some of Himari's avid fans were still on her side and were still pushing the fact that Oikawa was the father of the child and Y/n manipulated Oikawa to do the press conference, but the majority was on y/n's side
The night after the conference, there was a huge celebration at your house, since you and Himari decided to cook up a huge feast, Oikawa's teammates from Argentina stopped by and visited your home and had a few drinks, Iwaizumi, Akira and the Seijoh Volleyball team of your batch was also there
The night was filled with a lot of tone-deaf singing from Akira, Iwaizumi trying to save his girlfriend from embarassment and misserably failing, Kindaichi having to vomit every few minutes but still decided to drink more, the twins being passed around because people can't get enough of their cuteness until Haruto just fell asleep on Kunimi's lap and Hayato fell asleep on one of Oikawa's teammates lap, Maki and Issei slow dancing to Akira singing "Hello" by Adelle which was very off key, Oikawa taking a picture of them with his left hand while his right is securly wrapped around your waist, Oikawa's argentinian teammates speaking in spanish while Oikawa translates for the team and vice versa to his Japanese friends
It was indeed a fun time, it felt like your head was lifted from underwater, you can breath again, the heavy burden you've been carrying for the past few months evaporated into thin air
A week after that, you were able to file a case against Himari, although you didn't want to do it in the first place because she was still your cousin and she's also pregnant, but you were also a mother and you were only trying to save your kids and your family on what she can do in the future
It was also later on found out that she was mentally unstable and needed therapy before having her baby
Everything seems to be falling in place, and it was a week before Oikawa had to leave for Argentina to begin a new season
You laid in your bed face to face, his hot breath fanning your forehead while you nuzzle into his chest
"bubs?" he calls
"i'm going back to Argentina next week"
"yeah, I know you're gonna do well this season"
"for sure, I have to make you and the twins proud"
You chuckled
"win or lose, we're still proud of you Tooru"
He smiles as he pulls you closer
"I know this might be too fast, and I know it still hasn't been long since we got together, god this is the lamest way to say it, but, will you move with me? To Argentina"
You feel his breath hitch and his heartbeat quicken, was he nervous?
You looked up at him and smiled
"we'll follow you anywhere babe"
And just like that, the day after Oikawa was helping you pack your things, he also insists on only bringing your clothes and not empty out the whole house since he still plans on staying here during off seasons, which was why, unbeknownst to your knowledge, he bought the house
A week later, you flew to Argentina to start a new life with Oikawa and your sons
"papa rapido!" Hayato exclaims while clutching the bag filled with baby bottles
"Mama are you okay?" Haruto calmy rubs your back and stomach as you were sweating buckets and breathing deeply, a puddle of water in front of the chair you were sitting on
The twins are now six years old and grew up to be fine boys
You were now expecting your third baby and your first daughter, but you didn't expect to give birth to her in Japan, you travelled here during mid-pregnancy and Oikawa had a long off-season, but you weren't due in like a week or two and you were planning on returning to Argentina tomorrow
Looks like that's going to have to wait
Your husband came out of your room, multiple bags hung in his body, his lips were trembling and his hand clutching his phone was shaking
"y-yeah yeah l-let me call an a-ambulance"
He shakingly dials a number
It rings three times before somebody picks up
"hello pizza delivery how may I help you sir?"
What the fuck?
"did you just dial a pizza place while your wife is in labor?"
The twins looks at the door and cheered "Seijoh Uncles!" synchronised like they were looking at their saving grace
Lo and behold it was indeed the Seijon ex-volleyball team, right there to save the day
Maki and Watari took the bags hanging on Oikawa's body
"carry your wife to the van"
Oikawa mindlessly nods and carries you in bridal style to Issei's van, which by the way had a huge fucking funeral home logo on it
But it didn't matter to Oikawa, what mattered was to get his wife to deliver their baby girl safely
And soon a whole ass volleyball team except for Iwaizumi, a shouting pregnant woman and two hyperactive twins were able to fit in the funeral home van
Thank god it wasn't traffic 'cause you ain't never seen a funeral home van travel so fast it was practically flying
Your arrival caused a huge commotion, imagine fully grown men, stepping out of a funeral home vam, screaming "help she's giving birth!", two identical boys screaming "our sister is coming!" and a very pale husband who was carrying his pregnant wife with wobbly knees
What added even more to the commotion was an arrival of another van, it was black with a huge MSBY sign to it
It revealed a Bokuto in a maskot costume without the head, Akaashi holding his-well the maskot's hand, Atsumu and Hinata practically screaming "this is an emergency! A baby is about to come out of her!", Sakusa who was clutching all the baby bags looking very embarassed at his teammates while Iwaizumi was there, his trainer clothes crumpled, his hair dishevelled and carrying Akira who was practically going hysterical
The medical staffs were flabbergasted at the sight of a lot of tall, muscular man in the ER, they immediately led the two husbands to the place their wives on the bed and rolled them over to the same delivery room since there wasn't any vacant one
"hey Iwa, I don't mind if my daughter falls in love with your son"
Oikawa says out of nowhere, their screaming wives in the background
"shut up shittykawa...I don't mind either"
"IWAIZUMI YOU MOTHERFUCKER I'M NEVER GOING TO HAVE SEX WITH YOU EVER AGAIN AHHHHH" Akira was having it worst since it was her first time
Oikawa was pale, because of the nervous and the fact that you were squeezing his hand so tightly it felt like it was going to break
While Iwaizumi was taking Akira's tugs, kisses, and curses like a champ
After a lot of abuse for Iwaizumi and Oikawa, they finally heard theur babies' cries which made it all worth it
Oikawa takes a look at your daughtee, his eyes watered as he cuts the umbilical cord
He went to you and peppered your sweaty and unconscious face with kisses
"thank you bubs, thank you for making me the happiest man on earth now"
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I may or may not be posting special chapters. Anywayssssss~ i just got home from a fam reunion and I'm finally updating this BHSHSHSHS, i love you guys so much, thank you to all those who read this until the end😭💖 sending virtual hugs and kithes😘 and remember to stay happy, healthy and safe babeesss💗💓
@heiressofdexter @artsamber @seashellmichellee @meri-soni-meri-tamanna @misssugarless @minnieminnie00-got7  @karakento @maizumis @torus-wiife @fiaesco @stormcastello @tintina365 @sakusasimpbot   @falconfeather23435 ​ @jojowantstocry @pluviophilefangirl ​ @qualitygiantshoepsychic
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tender-rosiey · 3 years
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Ahem, it’s Oikawa simping time because yeah this is me.
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Just being married to Oikawa in Argentina and him always coming back from to training demanding a hug and if he doesn’t get it then he gets all pouty and won’t stop poking you until he gets a cuddling session to make up for it.
Just Oikawa kissing your hand whenever you cook something for him or take care of the kids and saying with the most sincere and soft voice “thank you.”
Just Oikawa dancing with you on your anniversary with candles scattered around the room as he sings in Spanish with his arm wrapped around your waist security.
Just Oikawa calling you “mi amor.” and every sweet nickname he knows.
Just you and Oikawa showering together and him gently kissing your neck and complimenting every part of your body and specially those parts you are insecure about.
Just chilling with Oikawa and your kids watching movies together as they lay between your arms as you two sneak a kiss from behind only to hear “ew cooties!”
Just Oikawa burying his face in your tummy and complaining about how he messed up in practice only to go to sleep when you run your fingers in his hair.
Just Oikawa kissing your engagement ring before playing any of his games and always showing off how you are his amazing wife “yeah Y/N is wonderful and she truly is a blessing to come home to.”
Just Oikawa 😔
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copyright © 2020 tender-rosiey
do not copy or plagiarize or you will be reported
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